191 - 196

Chapter 191: Sharwin's Home Affairs

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

Sharwin's family members didn't live very well. His family didn't share any warmth with him. Given this, people could judge it from those broken armor and sword how his family members had prepared for him to attend the survival training.

Sharwin was also very frugal at school. Zhang Tie had also heard that Sharwin was doing part-time jobs outside to subsidy his family members. However, he had never heard that Sharwin's parents had given him a copper coin for pocket money.

In the survival training, when the members of Hit-Plane Brotherhood discussed beating Sharwin's father up for his mistreatment, they were stopped by Sharwin himself.

Later on, Zhang Tie learned that Sharwin's home situation was somewhat complex. Sharwin had lost his biological father when he was young. His mom then married his current stepfather and gave birth to two younger brothers. As his family's economic condition was not good, his stepfather was a hard*ss, so it could be imagined how hard Sharwin had to live.

Zhang Tie didn't consider that only after several days since their return, Sharwin's home would encountered a great accident.

Last night, as Sharwin's hard*ss stepfather started beating his mom at home due to a trivial thing, although having suffered for so long, Sharwin finally couldn't stand it. He started to quarrel with that man. That man then lifted a bench and started to attack Sharwin. Zhang Tie's friend had no other way but to escape by running around the room. In an emergency, he had grabbed a fruit knife from the table and thrust into that man's thigh.

Seeing that man getting thrust and falling to the ground, Sharwin, whose head was still bleeding, rushed out and didn't return home last night. However, that bastard was shouting everywhere that he would go to the Military Administration to appeal for an attempted murder.

Once this crime was testified, Sharwin would be punished by a death sentence according to the law of the Norman Empire.

Doug lived not far from Sharwin, but not until last night when he went visit Sharwin's home to find him did he learn of what had happened through Sharwin's mom. She was sitting at home, very anxious about what would happen next.

That hard*ss stepfather was still determined to kill Sharwin this time as he kept screaming in the neighborhood that he would appeal for the murder attempt to the Military Administration...

After finding this out, Doug hurriedly went to Barley last night. They then thought of the other members of the Hit-Plane Brotherhood for the first time, but knowing that Zhang Tie was still in recuperation, they didn't come for him last night.

However, after searching the whole night, they didn't find Sharwin. Yet his bastard stepfather was still screaming everywhere about his plans to appeal to the Military Administration. And since they didn't know how to deal with it, Barley and Doug finally came here to Zhang Tie.

"Where is Leit and the other brothers?"

After entering the lobby of the apartment, Zhang Tie hurriedly put on his clothes as he asked Barley.

"Leit and the other bros are still looking for Sharwin. Doug and I are here to inform you. We wanted to know whether you have any method to deal with this!"

"What about Sharwin's stepfather, where's he?"

"After being bandaged in the hospital, he has already returned home!"

"I know what to do!"

Saying this, Zhang Tie rapidly and carefully put on his second lieutenant's military uniform.

At the beginning, Barley and Doug didn't notice that Zhang Tie's wounds had fully recovered. However, seeing Zhang Tie move so quickly and not like one who's been wounded, they gradually became startled.

"Have your wounds recovered?"

Barley popped out his eyes.

"Yes, they've recovered yesterday, but keep it a secret for me!" Seeing Barley and Doug's surprised eyes which contained other speculations, Zhang Tie hurriedly added, "Grandma Teresa cured it with esoteric medicine. No matter how perverted my physique is, I could never recover so fast myself!"

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, Barley and Doug exchanged glances with each other before letting out a breath. If lightning strike could really lead to such a marvelous self-curing effect, allowing people to recover from such heavy wounds in only two days, Barley and Doug would probably want to have a try as well.

Zhang Tie was simply another pride of the Seventh National Male Middle School of Blackhot City after Li Shizhen. Almost everybody was talking about his story, especially those animals from all the other male schools that had graduated the same year as him. The event where he could insta-kill a LV 6 black spider man during an assassination that day was even described as a legend.

At the fastest speed, Zhang Tie finished cleaning himself and putting on his clothes. The moment he wanted to leave with the car's key in hand, he stopped. His car was parked under the tree outside the apartment, which although could be easily driven, would take at least half an hour to start since he would need to heat up the boiler.

"How did you come here?"

"Of course by running! Since it's still early, the public buses aren't driving around yet! We've run for over an hour!"

"Can you continue to run?"

Doug and Barley patted their chests!

"Well then, we will go to Sharwin's home and solve Sharwin's hard*ss stepfather!"

"Do you mean you want to kill that bastard?"

Doug was really startled, while Barley showed the whites of his eyes. With such a stupid guy as his brother, even Barley felt shamed by it.

Zhang Tie felt both angry and amused. "I'm a regular officer of the Norman Empire instead of a bandit and robber like Red-scarf burglars. I mean we will deal with the event that Sharwin's stepfather wants to appeal to the Military Administration. In the military uniform of the Norman Empire, although I cannot be a tyrant in the Blackhot City, I can at least frighten people!"

Scratching his head, Doug smirked. "Pity, actually, if we could actually kill that hard*ss, I would feel much easier!"

Barley could stand it no more and smacked Doug on his head with his hand.

After leaving Zhang Tie's apartment, the three of them started to run past the avenues of Blackhot City, as if they were jogging.

Seeing a young military officer of the Norman Empire jogging with two people in the early morning, many people became curious. On the way, Zhang Tie, Barley and Doug were stopped by patrolling soldiers of No. 39 Division at least three times. Each time they were stopped, after glancing over Zhang Tie, those patrolling soldiers would ask him whether he needed help or not.


Although Zhang Tie tried to control his running speed to be slow, Barley and Doug were already sweating all over.

After jogging for twenty minutes, they finally got on a trolley bus and arrived at Sharwin's home one hour later.

Compared to Zhang Tie's home, Sharwin's was in a worse economic condition. His house was in the residential area called 'brick building' since the entire residential quarter looked like it was combined of four standing bricks.

Besides the middleground of the area, the rest of the places were dark and narrow. The aisles and passages were piled with all sorts of sundry and waste. The walls on all sides were scrawled with various doodles and words, pasted with illegal ads by old and ugly prostitutes and road marks for guiding pimps.

This was the true slums of Blackhot City where people doing the cheapest labor lived.

When Zhang Tie, Barley, and Doug arrived, most of people in this slum had just gotten up. Many were lazily queuing up outside the public toilet in the mezzanine.

Zhang Tie's arrival aroused a slight turmoil. The moment they saw him, many people who were going to leave hurriedly returned home and closed the door. If any of their kids were outside, they would hug them and take them back home, then stare at this military officer through the cracks in their door and window frames with their eyes wide-open, wanting to know what this military officer of the Norman Empire was here for.

In the past month, some tramps and jobless people, as well as some low-level gangs in the slum, wanted to make some money when the Blackhot City was changing its ruler. In the end, all of their bodies were hung on the gibbets as specimen for a long time. Those soldiers of the Norman Empire in dark red military uniforms usually came here to catch and kill someone. Therefore, the residents here had formed an instinctive fear of the dark red military uniform.

When Barley and Doug came before a room No.816 on the side of floor 8 of this 'brick building', Zhang Tie exchanged glances with Barley and Doug, and the latter two nodded.

Currently, the room was still filled with a man's furious screams and a woman's weeps.

Zhang Tie raised his hand and lightly knocked on the door.

A 11-12 kid with a fat face opened the door. At the sight of Zhang Tie standing outside, he was so scared that he even began to quiver all over.

Zhang Tie pushed open the door and saw another 8-9 kid beside that 11-12 one. They looked a bit like Sharwin, but not as comely. Thinking of Sharwin's thin figure and the two rude, fat kids, Zhang Tie immediately understood their status—Sharwin's two younger brothers who had the same mother but different father.

Zhang Tie looked at the two boys, but he neither liked nor disliked them. Since they opened the door, he walked in and went directly towards the room where the man's growls and the woman's weeps drifted from.


"Please don't appeal to the ministry. He didn't mean it yesterday. If you do this, he will surely die. Do you really want to see him die? He's called you dad for more than ten years..."

The woman in the room wept as she begged the man.

"You dare to beg for my forgiveness! Do you know what he wanted to do yesterday? Do you understand what that bastard had really wanted to do? He wanted to kill me with a knife! He's not my son, just your and your dead former husband's bastard..." the man growled in the room.

"No, not like that. He just had no way out because you wanted to beat him bloody! He just took the knife to poke you! It was just a small wound..."

'Pah!', a loud slapping sound stopped the woman's argument.

"A small wound, do you know how painful this father's thigh is? You still dare to ask for my forgiveness! Well, I know your former dead husband has left a deposit for you and that bastard before he died. You must have hidden that deposit receipt. If you take it out, I will not appeal then..."

"There's nothing left! Really! All the money at home has been used up by you to sleep with the women outside. Where do you want me to find the deposit..."

That woman burst out laughing loudly.

"If you don't take it out, just wait for your son to be caught and hung dead in the gibbets!" the man started to viciously threat.

"Please, I really have no money left..."

"With no money, you want to save that bastard? Heh... heh... just wait to collect his corpse. That bastard with tender skin and flesh will definitely look good when he's hung dead..."

Hearing those words, Zhang Tie couldn't stand it any longer. Infuriated, he kicked open the door of the room and quickly picked up that man by his neck, then ferociously slapped his face more than ten times in a breath.

Chapter 192: Growing up in Suffering

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

After being ferociously slapped over ten times, that man in the room almost passed out, his mouth full of blood. The woman next to him had become dumbfounded. At this time, Barley and Doug rushed in.

After ferociously slapping the man, Zhang Tie pushed him onto the ground, causing this man to scream. However, when he clearly saw Zhang Tie's second lieutenant military uniform, he instantly stopped screaming as if someone choked him. With eyes full of fear fixed on Zhang Tie, he was confused as to why this military officer of the Norman Empire had broken into his house.

Since Barley and Doug knew Sharwin's mom, they came to whisper to her. After a concerned look at Zhang Tie, she then nodded, walking out of the room while cleaning her tears.

Doug then closed the door behind her.

Sharwin's hard*ss stepfather was over 50 years old, half bald. As a rude and wretched guy, he didn't even shave himself. The moment one looked at his eyes as furtive as those of a rat, one would like to beat him up ferociously.

Lying on the ground, at the sight of the three young men who were surrounding him with malicious intentions, that guy cried in fear at once.

"You... what do you want... Doug, Barley, I know you... what do you want to do?"

"F*ck you!"

Irritated, Doug directly kicked his lower abdomen. Lying on the ground, the man shrieked painfully once again.

Their hearts filled with rage, Barley and Doug had both heard that man's words. They simply couldn't believe there was such a scumbag in the world. He couldn't even match a beast. They couldn't imagine how Sharwin had lived in this home for this long.

Barley and Doug then beat him up for the second time until this man could only wail on the ground.

"I... I'll appeal to the Military Administration of Blackhot City!"

The man kept repeating it while wailing.

Hearing this, Zhang Tie smiled at him.

"Barley and Doug, stop, if you keep beating him in this way, he will be dead. For scumbags and insurgents like him who have malicious intents toward the Norman Empire and dare to attack aa military officer of the Norman Empire, it is all too easy to end up dead. I want to see how he is hung in the gibbet. It must look good!"

Looking at Zhang Tie in fear, that man asked, "What... what did you say?"

Zhang Tie ignored him, instead looking at Barley. "Have you heard how this man swore at the Norman Empire and the Iron-Horn Army just now?"

Based on the tacit understanding between brothers, the moment he heard Zhang Tie's words, Barley knew what he wanted them to do.

"This man cursed the Norman Empire, saying its citizens are bastards. He also said that all the members of the Iron-Horn Army should be hung!"

The moment Barley opened his mouth he added a death penalty to this man. After saying that, he slightly touched Doug, who was dumbfounded, using his elbow. The last member present then responded at once and hurriedly nodded.

"Yes, yes, I also heard him saying that!"

Zhang Tie sighed. "Alas, previously I came here to chat with my classmate; I had not imagined that I would find a person who was so hostile to the Norman Empire. As a military officer of the Norman Empire, I rushed into this room, but this man started to attack me once he caught sight of me. I had no other choice but to beat him up!"

"I... did I?"

As he lay on the ground, that man's face had turned pale.

Squatting down before him, under Barley's and Doug's eyes, Zhang Tie picked up one of his hands and used it to pat his own chest like how he might pat a mosquito before letting go of it and standing up.

After that, Zhang Tie asked Barley, "Have you seen this man attack me?"

"Yes, we saw him give you a punch!" Barley instantly answered.

"If so, I will keep an eye on him in case he escapes. You two go outside to fetch a team of patrolling soldiers of the Norman Empire. Just tell them that I've caught an insurgent who's hostile to the Norman Empire. Lead them to catch him here!"

After saying this, Zhang Tie pulled out his military officer's certificate from his pocket and said, "Take this, at the sight of it, those soldiers will definitely follow you here. If this kind of hostile person isn't hung to death, Blackhot City won't be peaceful! Additionally, this guy dared to attack a military officer of the Norman Empire. He really commits the most heinous crimes..."

When Barley took that military officer's certificate from Zhang Tie's hand, the man lying on the ground completely collapsed. By then, no mater how foolish he was, he would know that they were determined to play him to death. For a small figure living at the bottom of Blackhot City like Sharwin's stepfather, if they wanted to kill him using the military uniforms, it was as easy as stomping a bug to death. Even if Zhang Tie killed him now, nobody would said no.

What made this man still confused though was why would a young Norman Empire's military officer suddenly break into his home when he had not offended any people of the Norman Empire, let alone any military officers.

Seeing Barley leaving after taking Zhang Tie's certificate, that man made all the effort to hug Barley's thigh. Heh cried loudly, "Barley... Barley... spare my life please. I know that I'm wrong. But I'm Sharwin's father. Do you really want to kill your friend's father? I'm just a poor guy and a small figure. Please let me go. I can do whatever you want me to do..."

Seeing this man kneeling down and hugging Barley's thigh, even Zhang Tie became sad for Sharwin. For such a hard*ss as his stepfather, it was even better to dig a pit and directly bury him inside.

At this moment, Barley really wanted to kill him. How could his brother have such a scumbag stepfather. It was really a shame! Barley looked at Zhang Tie, who sighed and shook his head.

Zhang Tie couldn't stand that coward look anymore. So he picked that man's collar and lifted him up like a broken bag before throwing him onto the bed.

With his terrified eyes fixed on Zhang Tie, the man shrunk to a corner of the bed.

"Do you know who I am?"

The man shook his head.

"I'm Zhang Tie, a military officer of the Iron-Blood Camp of No. 39 Division of the Iron-Horn Army. I'm Sharwin's brother. I heard you wanted to kill Sharwin. So here I am. I want to see who dares to mistreat my brother that way!"

That man stared at Zhang Tie like seeing a ghost as he had not imagined that Sharwin, who could only succumb to his beatings and swearing at home, had such a brother.

"I... I..."

Looking at Zhang Tie's icy eyes, that man couldn't even utter a word.

"Do you know why you are still alive now?"

The man swallowed his saliva as he kept shaking his head.

"I left you alive because of Sharwin, do you understand? No matter what, no matter how a scumbag like you deserves to die, you're Sharwin's stepfather. So I let you live. If you lose this status of his stepfather, I will hardly let you alive, am I clear?"

The man nodded.

"Are you still preparing to appeal to the Military Administration because of what Sharwin did?"

The man nodded. Soon after, he found it was not right, therefore, he hurriedly shook his head.


When Zhang Tie, Barley, and Doug walked out of the messy and narrow room, they saw Sharwin's mother hugging two kids outside the door, watching them. Living tough as part of the bottom class in the past years, Sharwin's mom looked aged and haggard despite not being that old. There was even an obvious bruise and a palm mark on her face.

Looking at the messy arrangement of Sharwin's home and the wooden door that had been broken by him, Zhang Tie sighed inside as he took out five gold coins from his pocket and stealthily foisted them into the hands of Sharwin's mom.


When Zhang Tie, Barley, and Doug left this 'bricks building', Sharwin's mom caught up with them with tears filling their eyes. "If you see Sharwin, tell him to not let him worry about me. I cannot separate from this home anymore. I feel sorry for him, for being unable to give him a warm home. In the past years, he's paid too much for this home and suffered a lot. Please, tell him not to come back anymore. He's already grown up and has the right to pursue his own life..."

"We've not found Sharwin yet!"

Barley scratched his head.

"I know where he is. Barley, when you see him, please give this to him. This is what his real father had left to him. He will understand it!"

Saying this, Sharwin's mom tore off the lower hem of her gown, and from the cotton cloth inside, pulled out a golden ring with the abbreviation of Sharwin's family name carved on it; the ring was not delicate.


Not until afternoon did Barley, Doug, Zhang Tie, Leit, Hista, and Bagdad found Sharwin.

He wasn't downtown, but in a cemetery outside the city. He sat before his dad's graveyard the whole last night. Seeing their arrival, Sharwin raised his head with tear stains on his face and forced a smile for them.

Everybody felt Sharwin had become much mature over the night!

Pain was the catalyzer that drove men to become mature!


For the whole day, Zhang Tie and the other members of the Hit-Plane Brotherhood stayed together. After dinner, they drunk in the chartered room from to laty evening. Not until they all became dead drunk did they leave.

After putting on his real father's ring, Sharwin told them that he would not go back home from now on. He needed to work outside to survive by himself. When he made enough money, he would get his mom out of that place.

As for all sorts of offers to help from his brothers, Sharwin refused them all. He said if he got accustomed to his brothers' help now, he was afraid that they might not be brothers anymore from then on. Afterwards, Sharwin cried. Everybody else kept silent. They then started to drink again.

The weapons brought back by them from the survival training had been sold by Barley. The total amount of compensation was less than eight gold coins. The last month, the prices of various common weapons in Blackhot City had dropped. They didn't understand why that would be so when the holy war was coming.

Except for Zhang Tie who had figured out the reason—one of the signs of the coming chaotic world was that those common weapons used to kill people started to be cheaper while the prices of high-end materials like crystals or grains that could allow people to survive greatly surged up. So did the prices of advanced weapons.

Zhang Tie told them that he might soon leave Blackhot City and go to fight in Kalur.

Facing the booming huge wheels of the age, all of them became silent, empty inside. So they continued to drink and talk about what had happened at school, Miss Daina, the tree house in the survival training, that lightning bolt which had struck Zhang Tie, and what others would do if they died in the future...

When they talked about Miss Daina, Zhang Tie told them that he was the only one among them who had not 'hit the plane' towards Miss Daina. Nobody else believed that!

The youths then laughed and played before crying loudly.

While they were highly spirited, Zhang Tie's second lieutenant military uniform was stripped off him by the others, including his pants. The other animals started to strip off their own clothes and put on that second lieutenant military uniform one by one so as to feel its domineering influence.

Finally, lewd Hista jumped onto the table in that second lieutenant's military uniform and started to imitate those coquettish women who gave strip shows by twisting his butt, which made everybody else vomit.


Not knowing whether he benefited from the small tree, when he departed from them, Zhang Tie was still dizzy, however, several minutes later, he felt himself sweating the alcohol off. He then instantly became clear-minded.

This time, the Blackhot City was illuminated by roadside lamps.

After becoming clear-minded, Zhang Tie almost immediately figured out what Alice desired and worried about. Sharwin's event had shown him what a bad family meant. Alice's tears and sadness in her eye corners reappeared in his mind.

Before he could recover his composure, he found that he was already standing on the stairs of Alice's home.

There were still lights in her house. Zhang Tie could faintly hear Alice talking with her mom.

Standing there, next to Alice's home for almost an hour, Zhang Tie recalled every moment since he had met her.

When Alice did not mind him, they could stay with each other without any considerations, but once she started to truly care for him, she chose to leave.

Caring or not determined utterly different attitudes.

Sometimes, the alleged life was that motherf*cking!

Several times Zhang Tie thought to knock at the door of Alice's home, but he resisted it. He didn't know what he could say to her at this moment and what kind of commitment he could make. He didn't want to hurt her, just like how Alice had preferred to stay alone in case of hurting him even a bit...

Alice was actually a good girl!

Zhang Tie finally chose to turn away and leave!


On the way back, he found that Blackhot City tonight was more solemn than before as there were obviously greater number of patrolling soldiers on the avenues. When he passed near the railway station, a great batch of military vehicles and ambulances drove out of the station in each direction of Blackhot City.

At first, he was confused about that, but when he passed by a hospital, he found many military vehicles and ambulances parked outside the entrance while more and more wounded soldiers were carried off and sent into the hospital.

Zhang Tie then walked closer.


Seeing Zhang Tie draw close, a soldier stopped him. Not until Zhang Tie had walked under the lamp lights did the soldiers get a clear look of his military uniform and hurriedly gave a salute to him.

A first class sergeant with a small team of soldiers was dispatched here to preserve the security.

"First class sergeant, where did these wounded soldiers come from?"

"They're from Kalur. The front-line troops are encountering greater conflicts with Brilliant Feathers these days. The quantity of wounded brothers has started to increase. As the front-line field hospitals can no longer hold them all, we have to carry those most heavily wounded brothers to the rear areas by trains so that they can receive medical treatment and recuperate..."


Hearing the latest news, Zhang Tie's heart pounded slightly. It seemed that Kalur's situation deteriorated faster than he had imagined. Norman Empire and Sun Dynasty were both skirmishing more frequently in Kalur's region, which meant that the Iron-Blood Camp might have to leave Blackhot City and drive towards Kalur as soon as possible.

As Zhang Tie was not a war maniac, this was not good news for him. The rapid deterioration of the situation brought an increasingly greater sense of urgency to him.

With a heavy mood, Zhang Tie returned to his apartment in Avenue Monet. A wagon was parked outside the gate of the apartment. Horse-driven vehicles were people's favorite traffic tools in this world. Compared to steam-driven cars, sometimes horse-driven vehicles were much more convenient to use. Additionally, they were the most commonly seen vehicle in Blackhot City, so Zhang Tie didn't notice it at all.

But the moment Zhang Tie pulled out his key and prepared to open the gate, the four girls Angel, Sharapova, Susan, and Fiona, whom he had met in the hospital, got off the carriage.

The four of them looked pretty beautiful today, all wearing thick amices. Zhang Tie couldn't see what were under the amices, but he could at least see their delicate hairstyles and dressed looks.

The moment the four girls got off the carriage, it drove away. Turning back his head, that driver glared at Zhang Tie with admiration.

"Are you here for me?" Zhang Tie asked after seeing the four girls standing before him as he felt that they had been waiting here for him for a long time .

"We've been waiting for you for two hours. As a gentleman, don't you plan to invite us in?" Angel, the on with blonde hair, said in an alluring tone.

Forcing a smile, Zhang Tie scratched his head and entered the apartment, followed by the four girls.

Chapter 193: Tempted by Beauties

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

The special fragrance of the four girls was drifting in the air, containing the breath of youth and health. Although it could also be smelt on Alice, Beverly, and Pandora, it was very light on them. Each time he smelt this odor, Zhang Tie would feel his blood start boiling up, like a knee jerk. This was especially so after playing the game of mummy and small golden fish with Pandora and Beverly. Now he found that he had become more sensitive to women.

Zhang Tie didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but when he was standing outside the open gate of the apartment building to invite the girls in, they all touched his body with their owns while passing by him. Especially that girl named Fiona with a well-toned ass under her skirt. When she was passing by, she pushed against his lower abdomen.

Being pushed, Zhang Tie's mummy instantly became grim.

Zhang Tie took a deep breath and smelt the faint fragrance from their bodies. For a hot-blooded boy, this smell was irresistible, just like how female wolves became attractive to rutting male wolves. It seemed that these goblins knew well how to lure a man.

Zhang Tie gently stroked his jaw while closing the gate of the apartment building. Trying to move his eyes away from the girls' butts, he led them inside and opened his own residence in floor 1.

When Zhang Tie closed the door of his residence once again, he abruptly thought back to the scene of when he took Alice, Beverly, and Pandora here. Since the curtains inside were tightly closed, an ambiguous atmosphere rose up in the room again.

'Will something happen today?'

Zhang Tie felt strange since the relationship between these girls and him was different from his relationship with Alice, Beverly, and Pandora. Right now, he couldn't bear his longing for Alice and became faintly vacant.

He ignited the lamps in the room, opened the steaming heat units, and pulled open the curtains.

After the room became bright, he turned back and found that the girls had already taken off their amices and fixed their eyes on him, smiling.

Under the amices were four different beautiful skirts with low-cut dress, half-cut dress, or a deep-v collar. They all wore nice ball gowns like attending a party. The four pairs of snow-white plump balls were looming in the dresses. The four girls were standing gracefully straight, like displaying their figures.

After a single glance over the four exotic girls, Zhang Tie was dizzy.

His mummy became really restless this time.

'Calm, you have to be calm!' Zhang Tie told himself.

Looking at Zhang Tie's dull eyes, the girls all giggled inwardly.

"How about that, are we beautiful? Which are more beautiful, us or Alice, Beverly, and Pandora?"

When Angel asked her question, they all moved from their original positions, displaying cute or attractive poses and winking their beautiful eyes towards Zhang Tie.

In a split second, Zhang Tie felt his blood pressure surge up. He coughed twice before moving his eyes away from these girls. "Hmm... take a seat here, I will go get some drinks for you!"

After exchanging glances with each other, the four girls all revealed smiled before gracefully sitting on the sofa in the parlor, waiting for Zhang Tie to bring them drinks.

There was a gradevin in the parlor with the glasses inside left by Donder. Zhang Tie hurriedly searched inside it. He took a bottle of brandy, however, after thinking about it twice, he put it down. After excluding spirits that would easily cause people to become giddy, Zhang Tie found a bottle of delicious fruit wine. He poured it into four glasses and carried them over to the room where he put them on the tea table next to the sofa.


Angel lowered her body and took a glass of wine, exposing her nice figure to Zhang Tie.

When Angel lowered her body, Zhang Tie, who sat opposite the girls, stared at her breasts involuntarily. Seeing the nice scene, he became restless.

Only after a small sip of the wine, the four girls felt Zhang Tie's consideration. This wine tasted nice and had a low alcohol content. After drinking it, one might feel warm all over.

After a single sip, the girls all felt very warm and comfortable. Soon after that, the chilliness of waiting for almost two hours in the wagon outside was driven off them.

This was a powerful man who had a great future and was very considerate to girls!

This was how the girls of Rose Association evaluated Zhang Tie. After a sip, the girls' faces had flushed slightly, making them more adorable. They then exchanged glances that could only be understood by themselves. Although they had already mustered up their determination when they arrived here, at this time, they reconfirmed their decisions because of Zhang Tie's consideration and carefulness.

Drinking wine, the girls exchanged glances with each other. It seemed the room was filled with a thin rose-colored ambiguous atmosphere. Sitting on the sofa beside the girls, Zhang Tie felt restless, as if he was sitting on needles.

"You take a seat first, as I've drunk a lot today and feel sticky all over, I will take a bath..."

Seeing the girls' eyes becoming as blurred as water ripples, Zhang Tie hurriedly stood up and left the parlor with the excuse of taking a bath.

Taking note of Zhang Tie escaping the parlor in such an awkward way, the girls all giggled.

"Angel, I heard it is very painful the first time, isn't it?" Fiona, that sexy young mature lady lowered her voice and asked Angel. She was slightly nervous. "I've read the notebooks and guidance left by former graduates of Rose Association. It said that when girls did this with men for the first time, they would feel very painful and would bleed a lot..."

"It's okay, Fiona, I will be the first. You just help me from the side. It will soon come to an end. Do you remember what the book 'Guidance on How to Guide a Man' writes? When we do this for the first time, if we have enough foreplay, we might not feel very painful. Additionally, we have four people which means we can share the pain..."

Face flushed, blonde Angel added, "Seniors said that once we do this, we will feel much better doing this again. We women are nature-born rulers in the bed. We should not fear him in the bed. Whores outside can easily deal even with dozens of men a day. We are not whores, therefore, it's enough for us to deal with him, even for the first time..."

"I heard some men will have a lot of weird requirements in the bed..." Susan, the one with a nice watermelon-seed shaped face and a pair of enchanting eyes, lowered her voice. "I don't know whether you've made enough preparations..."

The one with a sexy mouth and a figure more on the plump side Sharapova smiled. "Don't worry, Susan. Haven't you seen it, Zhang Tie is still a boy, I'm sure he will not be that mad!"

"What if he will?"

The other girls cast their curious eyes on Sharapova at the same time.

"I've practiced at home alone for a long time. If he wants to act recklessly with me, I will not fear that..."

Sharapova just revealed a mysterious smile before moving closer to the other girls and whispering to them. After a slight amazement, the other girls all chuckled...


After being drenched in completely icy water, Zhang Tie's boiling head and that grim mummy which couldn't wait to have a great fight outside gradually recovered its composure.

Over ten minutes later, after taking the bath, Zhang Tie put on a clean set of clothes and reappeared in the parlor.

By now, the girls had already lazily leaned against the sofa. Fiona even had taken off her leather shoes and sat on the sofa with bent legs, showing a small part of her thigh. The wine that Zhang Tie had brought for them had been drunk up. Their flushed faces were the color of roses. At the same time, their watery eyes were narrowing like a pond of spring water.

Zhang Tie had no idea what these girls had mumbled about while he was taking the bath, but when he reappeared in the parlor, he felt that these girls who had looked bashful just now became brave and provocative in his eyes. Additionally, the curtain that he had pulled open was closed once again.

The moment Zhang Tie sat down on the sofa, before he could open his mouth, Angel and Fiona had already swam close to him like two snakes...


The moment Zhang Tie opened his mouth, Angel's glowing face moved closer to him. She sat on his thigh, and her small golden fish with the fragrance of fruit wine instantly swam into his mouth. At the same time, he felt itchy on his left ear. It was Fiona, that young mature woman, who had already pasted her scorching face onto his. Her small golden fish then immediately drilled into his ear.

After that, Susan also sat closer to him and started to bite his other ear.

All in a split second, being stimulated, Zhang Tie was so excited that he almost died. However, this was not the most fatal move. When he had just struggled out of Angel's mouth, his whole body suddenly quivered as Sharapova, who was more piquant and brave, had put her hand into his night-robe...

Facing such a great temptation, for a moment, Zhang Tie almost gave up and took a cool enjoyment of the feeling, however, in the end, he kept his unwavering bottom line and took Angel off his thigh, then leaned to one side to set his ears free from Fiona's and Susan's small golden fish.

Sharapova's small golden fish, however, almost killed him. As he took a deep breath, he patted her lowering head, indicating her to stop. However, Sharapova was still shaking her head in a piquant way. Withher hair moving, the small golden fish in the fishbowl started to swim more forcefully. Finally, Zhang Tie had to use his hand to move Sharapova's head away and push this woman onto the opposite sofa before liberating himself.

Only after one minute, the five people in the room were heavily flushed. All of them were slumping against the sofa's back, gasping heavily.

"Listen..." With a blushed face, Zhang Tie panted twice. " We cannot do this!"

"We've already told our family members that we won't come home tonight..." Angel moved closer to Zhang Tie once again. Catching his hand, she put it between her exposed breasts. "We four all belong to you tonight. You can do whatever you want to us!"

Seeing Fiona and Susan wanting to lure him in once again as well, Zhang Tie picked himself up from the sofa and pressed the four women back down, forcing them to sit well. After that, he walked towards another sofa and sat down there.

"Listen, I'm afraid that I can't be the Guardian Knight of your Rose Association!"

After Zhang Tie's words, all the four girls became quiet.

Chapter 194: I Don't Cheat Women

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

"Why?" Angel sat up straight. "Why not be the Guardian Knight of Rose Association? Is it because of Pandora, Alice, and Beverly?"

The other three girls also stared at Zhang Tie with wide-open eyes.

Zhang Tie shook his head.

"Aren't we beautiful enough? But I don't think we're worse than Alice and Beverly!" Susan doubted.

"No, you are all very beautiful, you're the most beautiful girls that I've ever met!"

"Since you fell in love with a girl, you will only choose to stay with her without even looking at the other girls?" Fiona asked, head inclined.

"No, I don't think so; actually, I will love many women and will have a lot of fantasies!" Zhang Tie honestly replied.

"Then tell us why." Sharapova who had been as enthusiastic as fire became infuriated as she picked herself up from the sofa with an icy expression. "Do you dislike that we'e not pure physically? Before now, we've not even been touched by any man. When I was at home, I only used bananas to practice how to please men. Do you want to see how pure our bodies are? Let's show him, Fiona, Angel, he's already treated us as whores. Then, we should show this man how pure our bodies are..."

Saying this, Sharapova undid the buckles on the back of her skirt using her own hands. Her actions were closely followed by her golden skirt sliding off to the ground. The other three girls also imitated her and started to slide off their skirts one after another. In a split second, four youthful and perfect female figures with only underwear and corsages appeared in front of Zhang Tie.

Sharapova kept on until nothing was left on her. She then turned around before Zhang Tie and sat back onto the sofa, naked. After that, she displayed her most secret place to Zhang Tie in a gesture which might make others too ashamed.

Zhang Tie was really startled by this scene. He had not imagined that the girls of Rose Association would also care about their reputation so much.

"Come on, check whether our virgin crowns are still there or not and see whether we are whores or not!" Sharapova shouted out in agitation with her red eyes fixed on Zhang Tie, tears filling her eyes. Her tears were swelling over her eye sockets like a dam that was about to break at any time.

At this moment, all the other three girls imitated Sharapova one by one. After undressing all of their clothes, they all leaned against the sofa's back and displayed their rose-like virginity to Zhang Tie in a gesture that would make other girls too ashamed.

As this was Zhang Tie's first time meeting this kind of scene, he became bewildered. Previously, he had heard that these non-Chinese girls were very adventurous and enthusiastic. Now, he finally witnessed it...

"Come on, go test whether I'm a whore..."

Urging in a crying voice, Sharapova started to drop pearl-like tears.

All the four girls started to drop tears as they threw off their self-respect after having boldly served a man their virginity, only to be doubted about its existence The man even disdained to f*ck them. This was a huge shock to the girls. Under such a great shock, shame or not was not important at all.

"It's not what you think, you don't need to display your virginity to me in this way!"

Zhang Tie picked himself up and walked over there. He carefully wiped off the tears from Sharapova's face and helped her sit up normally, telling her to not keep that embarassing pose anymore.

Then he did the same to Angel sitting beside Sharapova.

Followed by Fiona and Susan.

Seeing them acting this way, not knowing the reason, Zhang Tie felt pained inside.

After doing this, Zhang Tie picked up their underwear and corsages from the ground and walked over. Without a word, he knelt down on one knee and lifted up Sharapova's leg. After slightly kissing her nice shin, he helped her put on her underwear and the corsage.

To be honest, although the atmosphere was hot just now, at this moment, Zhang Tie was putting on close-fitting clothes for the girls. Unavoidably, he sometimes touched sensitive places. However, he looked very calm and didn't have profane thoughts at all.

Each girl was an angel. Zhang Tie felt it was too cruel and unnecessary to have several angels display their virginity in front of him in this way.

At this moment, the girls in the room were like wooden models that were used to display clothes in a couture. Zhang Tie slightly kissed their shins, clumsily lifted them from the sofa and gently helped them put on their underwear and the corsages.

He acted both gently and delicately with a pious attitude. Although he did the most intimate thing for the girls, and they didn't cover their private body parts at all, Zhang Tie's eyes were filled with pity instead of love, desire, or greed.

His pious kisses on their clean shins made every girl tremble, especially when he knelt down on one knee in front of them to put on underwear for them. It made them feel cherished and loved. The girls burst into tears once again, but they were different tears from those last time.

After Zhang Tie lifted Fiona from the sofa, helped her stand up, and put on that black lace corsage for this sexy girl who looked like a young mature lady, she forcefully hugged Zhang Tie. At the same time, she quivered all over and dropped tears, which made Zhang Tie fail to buckle up the back of her corsage several times.

"Dear, don't move!" Zhang Tie slightly patted Fiona's perfectly round butt. "Woooh, it's bigger than I've imagined. You're really a beautiful young lady!"

Like being drowned in the river, Fiona tightly hugged Zhang Tie as if hugging a floating log. Her tears poured out, even making Zhang Tie's night robe wet.

"Why? Tell me why?"

Angel raised her tearful eyes and stared at Zhang Tie.

"Because I will soon leave Blackhot City. The Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire is having more and more skirmishes with the Brilliant Feathers in Kalur region, making the situation escalate over there. Probably in two weeks, I will leave Blackhot City and attend to the war in Kalur region. Once I go to the battlefield, I won't be sure whether I'll be able to survive or not, let alone make any promises to you!"

Zhang Tie lightly patted the girls' butts.

"Do you know what kind of people I hate most? It's those bastards that would escape soon after they sleep with girl, having lured her in with a glib tongue. Those bastards are ten thousand times more immoral than those who run away after eating dinner in a hotel or those who leave with goods without paying in the stores.

"I know what privileges and obligations your Guardian Knight would have. I didn't mean to look down upon you. I also cannot wait to sleep with you. Thinking of that alone, I will wake up with laughter even in the dream.

"However, I cannot do that. I should not cheat you saying I can protect you as your Guardian Knight without even knowing whether I can come back from the battlefield after I leave Blackhot City. I cannot just leave after playing you by just saying sorry. If I did so, I would despise myself. My principle is that I can cheat everyone except for the women I sleep with.

"If I cheat a women I've slept with, I will feel very shameless, useless, and not qualified to be a man. Can you understand it?"

"You're a real knight!" Sharapova muttered, hugging Zhang Tie from his back.

"No, I'm not a knight. You just want to exchange for my promise with what can be carried out with your most precious thing. But I'm just a poor guy who has not what you want!" Zhang Tie mocked himself with a smile. "Well, don't hug me anymore. Fiona, put on your skirt. I will make some more fruit wine for you to warm you up! If you push me like this for a longer time, I'm afraid that you will suffer a great loss!"

The girls wiped off their tears and exchanged glances with each other. They then all burst into laughter before loosening their hands that were hugging Zhang Tie. Only Fiona was acting like a spoiled child.

"No, as you have taken off my skirt, you also need to put it on for me!"


Several minutes later, drinking fruit wine again, the five people were sitting comfortably on the sofa in the parlor once again. This time, Zhang Tie sat alone on one side while the four girls sat on the opposite side, having recovered their composure.

After realizing this women-favored fruit wine tasted nice, Zhang Tie also made a glass of it for himself.

"Do you feel we women from Rose Association are very realistic?"

Angel glanced at Zhang Tie who was sitting on the opposite with enchanting eyes. This time, she lacked the alluring expression but had a more amorous feeling to her.

"Of course, you almost made me die just now, like having tasted viagra. Hearing that I won't protect you as I have to go to the battlefield, you then became goddesses and sit far away from me. I cannot even take advantage of you..."

Taking the glass, Zhang Tie sighed. "When you posed, showing your virginity like what Sharapova had done, I should have made the decision and tried one by another. Additionally, I can also tell you, if other girls of Rose Association want to certify their virginity with this weird method, just come for me. I will definitely help them test that for free. After that, I can give them a certificate of virginity, which will date the time until which they were still virgins, etc..."

After Zhang Tie's words, the four girls all chuckled.

After what had happened just now, Zhang Tie found the estrangement between him and the girls become less. So hearing his words, they threw four bolsters at him almost at the same time, which almost spilled over the wine in Zhang Tie's glass.

He burst out laughing. For some reason if he had encountered this event two days ago, he would have looked down upon those women. However, after experiencing what had happened in Sharwin's home, Zhang Tie found that women were too weak in this age.

If not being realistic, these women wouldn't even be able to protect themselves whatsoever. It was not wrong for women to be a bit realistic. What was wrong was that there were too many hard*ss men in this age and human's living environment was also becoming tougher.

"You bastard, we were almost cheated by you!"

With faces turning red, the four girls pretended to glare at Zhang Tie.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm the victim, right? When I walked out of the washroom, before I could tell you the truth, I was almost raped by you four..."

"You took advantage of us, yet you want to be innocent. You know this is the first time for all of us..."

Somewhat bashful, Sharapova threw another bolster towards Zhang Tie.

"You wouldn't have suffered a loss either, I'm a virgin too!"

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, all the girls cast their dubious eyes on him.

"Don't cheat us anymore. Don't tell us Pandora, Alice, and Beverly have not been here before. I've already smelt the odor of other women in this room!"

Fiona winkled her nose.

After drinking the fruit wine, Zhang Tie picked himself up in a sad way. He then tore off his upper garment and just wore a pair of pajamas trousers while repeating the bashful gesture made by the four girls just recently.

"Come on, have a try if you want to know..."

He even imitated the crying tone of Sharapova.

Seeing this, the girls almost burst out into tears.

Emboldened, Sharapova engulfed the rest of the wine and directly rushed towards Zhang Tie...

Chapter 195: Able to Stand It and Not

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

Seeing Sharapova rushing towards him with a flushed face, Zhang Tie was really startled. He hurriedly wanted to sit up, but Sharapova charged directly at him and forced him to lie on the sofa. Being a bit wild, Sharapova quickly bit Zhang Tie's nude chest.

He instantly shrieked loudly.

After his miserable scream, Sharapova had already moved on to his lips and started kissing him once again. The raptured taste of the small golden fish that Zhang Tie had enjoyed before swam in again. Tempted by her actions, Zhang Tie also hugged Sharapova and started to roll with her on the sofa.

Zhang Tie felt that he really had the potential to be a lascivious guy. Under the gazes of the other three girls, he didn't even feel shameless to hug and kiss Sharapova on the sofa at all, rather feeling extremely excited.

Like this, the two rolled on the sofa for about five minutes. Not only Zhang Tie, even the three girls on the side gasped in the end.

This was a long and hot kiss. When Sharapova moved her lips away from Zhang Tie's, emboldened, she intended to directly pull off his pants. Realizing that if she kept going with this, he would not be able to stand it any longer, Zhang Tie hurriedly grabbed her wrist and shook his head. If they went on like this, Zhang Tie felt that his previous words would be ineffective.

Heavily panting, Sharapova felt Zhang Tie's hands were as unwavering as a mountain. So she bit her lower lip and looked at him. "Did you treat Alice, Pandora, and Beverly the same way as me?"

"No, of course not!"

Zhang Tie sat straight up as he found that Sharapova was half-kneeling, half-sitting on his lower abdomen in a very ambiguous pose. As long as he lowered his head, his face would almost be buried in her plump breasts.

He patted Sharapova's butt, telling her to get off him. However, Sharapova firmly kept shaking her head. "Why not me! Alice, Beverly, and Pandora can do that, so can I!"

"Because I was not only exchanging bodily fluids with them but also emotions. Everything between them and I happened naturally! Additionally, if we did this here, for some reason, I'd feel guilty..."

"Sharapova, it's enough, stop..." Angel who sat on the other sofa also uttered.

After gnashing her teeth and staring at Zhang Tie with a complicated expression for awhile, Sharapova felt reluctant to get off him.

'I was not only exchanging bodily fluids with them but also emotions'—the four girls tasted Zhang Tie's words at the same time.

Sharapova's eyes made Zhang Tie's heart pound. So he stood up from the sofa, looking at that teeth mark Sharapova left on his chest. He then put on his clothes and looked at the four beautiful girls in the room.

"Aren't you going back home?"

"It's so late and no vehicles are outside. How can you have the heart to drive us out at this time?"

Pouting, Fiona looked at Zhang Tie with a pitiful expression. For some reason, the moment he saw this young mature lady, he would feel that she was acting in a pettishly charming manner.

The atmosphere in the apartment now was becoming a bit dangerous as the girls were talking with him more casually, while their eyes made his heart pound. Zhang Tie felt that it was time to end this.

"Well, I have two extra bedrooms. You four can sleep in them, two per room. But you have to go back home tomorrow!"

"What? Aren't we going to sleep in the same room with you?" goblin Susan exclaimed as she stared at Zhang Tie in a coquettish way.

Staring at the four girls who looked like a section of bamboo that could be peeled off at any time, Zhang Tie forcefully swallowed his saliva.

"Of course not, I will sleep in a bedroom by myself! It's late now and I'm a bit tired. You should also go for a rest!"

After saying this, Zhang Tie guided the four girls to the two bedrooms and arranged two quilts for them before escaping into his own bedroom like a refugee. Closing his door, he instantly threw himself on the bed and covered his head using his hands before falling asleep.

Seeing Zhang Tie's awkward escape, all the girls revealed smiles after exchanging glances.

"Which one do you think is more reliable: a man who would like to exchange both bodily fluids and emotions with you, or a man who's thinking about exchanging other things when he's exchanging bodily fluids with you?" Angel asked while glancing over the other girls.

"What do you want to say, Angel?"

Throwing herself on the soft bed, Susan supported her delicate jaw.

"I mean, maybe we've made a mistake when we came here today. This man is different from those guys that our seniors had encountered. Therefore, the seniors' experiences are not applicable to this man. I finally understand why Pandora, Alice, and Beverly could fall in love with him at the same time!"

Angel sighed. Thinking back to how she got acquainted with Zhang Tie, she sighed again. At that time, she was too arrogant and superficial, therefore, she missed the most excellent man among the peers in Blackhot City. If that day she had been as adorable as today, she could definitely be the most admirable one among all the girls in Blackhot City. Thinking back to the scene when she collected pine cones with Zhang Tie, Angel smiled inside.


At midnight, rolling thunders drifted over and a sudden heavy rain covered the entire Blackhot City.

Zhang Tie rolled here and there in his room, unable to fall asleep. The enchanting faces of Pandora, Alice, Beverly, and Miss Daina flashed across his mind one by another. Recalling what had happened between him and the three girls in this room that day, the 15-year youth felt his blood boiling up and became pretty hot.

What was more, Zhang Tie's bed had been covered with the body odor of Alice, Beverly, and Pandora. Lying here, his nose was heavily stimulated by the faint fragrance on the bedding left by the girls, and he felt like he was burning all over his body.

Seemingly protesting that Zhang Tie had let go some yummy flesh, even though he was now lying alone on the bed, his mummy was still grim like a tough man.

It was asking Zhang Tie, "Why? Why? Why did you pull me out of the warm fishbowl. Didn't you know I was very thrilled at that time? You selfish guy. Don't you know how I've lived alone for the past 15 years? Others could hit the plane, yet this father was standing everyday, which could even make my tadpoles into frogs. You treated me like this when Alice came here last time, you did the same to me today too. Is there any personal grudge between you and me? They're just in your neighborhood, what are you waiting for!"

"Shut up!" Zhang Tie swore inside out of boredom.

Hearing the heavy rain outside, he became even more upset. Rolling on the bed here and there for quite a while, Zhang Tie climbed off the bed and rushed into the washroom where he took a cold bath.

Icy water changed into water mist when it dropped onto Zhang Tie's hot body. After the second cold bath, Zhang Tie felt much better. Standing before the mirror in the washroom, he saw a completely boiled shrimp, since his whole skin was already red and hot, stimulated by the boiling Qi and blood in his body.

Finally, Zhang Tie started practising Lying-Tiger Move in his own room. However, Lying-Tiger Move couldn't help him recover his composure. After practicing it for over ten minutes, Zhang Tie screamed out loudly and jumped onto the bed. Using two pillows to cover his head, he started to sleep once again.

After a while, being still awake, Zhang Tie heard slight footsteps from outside. Soon after, someone was pushing the door of Zhang Tie's bedroom. After realizing the door was locked from inside, the person knocked on it; without receiving any response, she knocked at the door once again after several seconds.

For some reason, although Zhang Tie couldn't see through the door, he knew it was Sharapova who was standing outside. Thinking of her enchanting lips, Zhang Tie jumped off the bed and rushed into the washroom once again for the third cold bath.

After standing outside for a while, the girl finally left.

From midnight to daybreak, Zhang Tie's bedroom was knocked on by three more people. Each time someone did this, he would know who the person was. It was Fiona after Sharapova, while Susan was the last one.

Zhang Tie then rushed into the washroom time and time again. With the help of cold water, he calm down again and again. Although he had lain on the bed, Zhang Tie hadn't fallen asleep last night at all. Feeling muddle-headed, he held it for almost the whole night. Not until the day almost broke did he have a nap.


The next morning, it was still raining outside, and the heavy downpour was only becoming heavier. After waking up, Zhang Tie went to the washroom and looked at his embarrassed look in the mirror. With red eyes which radiated with green light, he was panting with his nostrils flared like a wild wolf that had been thrown into a cage for several years after being fed with philter.

After cleansing himself, Zhang Tie opened the door of his bedroom. When he came to the parlor, he found the four girls already up and well dressed, sitting in the sofa. Seeing him walking out, the girls immediately turned their heads and fixed their eyes on him. Zhang Tie's red eyes instantly amused Angel, while the other three girls showed their whites to him with haunting eyes. Zhang Tie seemed to hear them swear—you deserve it.

Angel glanced over Zhang Tie and the other girls before casting an ambiguous look at him.

Zhang Tie remembered Donder's words—after serving in the army for three years, even sows could match Diaochan [1]. Zhang Tie didn't understand it at that time, however, after one night's torture, he finally understood.

This morning, these four girls became tens of times more charming than they were last night. They were so beautiful that it could not even be portrayed in words. Their snow white skin, beautiful eyes, lips, breasts, slim waists, and raised buttocks were so attractive.

"Didn't you... leave?"

After utering these words, Zhang Tie felt that his throat was a bit hoarse, like burning up. Although he said that, Zhang Tie couldn't stop glancing over their breasts with his blue eyes.

"It's raining so heavily outside, where do you want us to go?"

Angel glanced at Zhang Tie with dissatisfaction.

"It's really like exchanging bodily fluids between the heavens and the land. The sound 'Pa pa' of thunder is really like the crashing sound between a man and a woman..." With wide-open eyes, Fiona stared at Zhang Tie in an innocent way. "Do you want us to be sprayed wet with so much bodily fluid?"

"Hearing Fiona's explanation, I also realize that..."—Angel cast her coquettish eyes at Zhang Tie—"I don't know whether someone can have so much bodily fluid as to insist on spraying the whole day!"

"Rain is drinkable, I heard bodily fluid is also drinkable, they really look similar!"

Susan licked her sexy lips.

Being seduced by the girls, Zhang Tie almost charged at them that same instant.

Seeing his breathing growing gradually heavier as well as the increasingly more vigorous green lights in his eyes, the girls all burst out laughing, their bodies quivering.

Zhang Tie's eyes were instantly seized by the shaking meatballs in their dresses.

The atmosphere in the parlor became ambiguous once again.

Fiona and the other three girls started to seduce Zhang Tie by their moves and words. He couldn't stand it any more and wanted to go back to his bedroom, but if he did that, he would be defeated by these women. Thus, he could only continue to stand it in the parlor.

The girls' topics became more and more limitless. They started to talk about private things among girls. Only after staying in the parlor for a short while, Zhang Tie felt that he had stayed there as long as a whole year.

When he felt that he needed to take another cold bath, the doorbell rang. Hearing this, Zhang Tie instantly sprung up from the sofa and rushed to open the door in an unprecedentedly fast speed.

When he opened the gate of the apartment building, he saw Beverly and Pandora standing outside in a coquettish way under umbrellas. He almost burst into tears. The saving-fire angels finally arrived.

After Beverly and Pandora put away their umbrellas and cleaned off the water drops on their boots by stomping on the ground, they found that Zhang Tie had already opened the gate. Without even saying a word, he hurriedly hugged them while bringing them into the room, one in each hand. They could only let out soft cries of astonishment.

Pandora and Beverly both sensed Zhang Tie's urgency and glow, and felt a bit weird about that. When he dragged them inside, past the parlor, they saw Angel and the other three girls.

"Why are they here?" Beverly asked out of curiosity.

"Come to my room, I will explain it to you!"

Zhang Tie hurriedly raced through the parlor.


After bringing Pandora and Beverly back to his room, Zhang Tie threw them directly onto the bed and stripped off their clothes and pants immediately. Under their screams of astonishment, he instantly charged at them.


Angel sighed and picked herself up from the sofa, intending to help Zhang Tie close the gate of the apartment building.

When she returned to the parlor, some weird voices were already drifting over from his room.

The next hour was like revenge to the four girls sitting in the parlor as various sounds, including the heavy 'pa pa' sound, the continual groans and gasps of Pandora and Beverly, and mice squeaks of the bedstead, were drifting over from Zhang Tie's room, making their faces grow red.

The rain outside seemed to not be easing off, however, the rain in Zhang Tie's bedroom was becoming heavier.

When the four girls couldn't stand it to sit elegantly on the sofa anymore, Zhang Tie's bedroom's door was pushed open from inside. Hearing this, the four girls turned their heads at the same time and caught sight of Beverly, whose hair was messy, half of the body exposed, and who was blushing heavily, from inside the room.

Beverly's head and upper body were exposed. At this moment, Beverly was still wearing her corsage. From this, they could see how rash the man was.

While panting heavily, Beverly talked to the girls sitting in the parlor, "Who of you... would like to exchange bodily fluids and emotions with this man... we can... cannot stand it any more..."

After saying this, Beverly, who was standing in the doorway, immediately stooped down and held the door open with her two hands.

As to what was happening in the room, none of the girls in the parlor could see, but under their gazes, Beverly's every inch of skin outside the door started to quiver like how lemna minor is patted by sea waves.

It was still booming inside the room.

Only after a few minutes, Beverly, who had almost lost her consciousness, couldn't keep that standing pose anymore. She started to kneel down with her face on the floor. She was so weak that she even lied down on the thick and soft carpet inside the room. Behind the wall where nobody else could see, the fierce crashing was still making waves on Beverly's body...

After another a few minutes, Beverly, who had almost passed out at the door of the room, was hugged by two weird hands. She looked like she was being pulled inside by a man-eating beast. Gradually, beautiful Beverly disappeared from the door.

At this time, the four girls couldn't sit anymore.

Sharapova stood up and walked towards Zhang Tie's bedroom. The moment she moved close to the door, that pair of weird hands stretched out of the room once again and hugged her. Sharapova disappeared too, closely followed by a scream of astonishment...

In the thunders now were Sharapova's screams and weeps...

Twenty minutes later, Fiona walked in...

Twenty more minutes later, Susan entered...

After one hour, Angel sighed as she slid off her clothes and walked in...

When she bit her lip and came inside Zhang Tie's bedroom with hands covering her breasts, what she saw made her legs go soft. She almost fell down to the ground...

The room was in a mess. Beverly was lying on the bed, while Pandora lay next to her covered with bodily fluids all over. With only the strength to pant, Susan's one foot was put on the bed while half of a quilt was strewn under her body lying on the carpet. With her eyes narrowed, she had her cherry mouth half-open while her body and face were covered with lecherous sweat stains, because of which, her hair was pasted onto her face.

In contrast, the goblin Fiona was lying on the bed like a puppy. Swinging her hair freely, she had started to rave, whereas that man was still revealing an obscene smile on his face, seemingly enjoying convincing Fiona very much.

At this time, Sharapova was using a very astonishing skill that could not even be described by words to stimulate that man who was sprinting on Fiona...

Walking inside, Angel closed her eyes and hugged Zhang Tie...

[1] Diaochan is one of the ancient four Chinese beauties who was born in Shannxi Province.

Chapter 196: An Industrious Gardener

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

For the whole day, Zhang Tie felt like an industrious gardener who held a hoe in one hand while holding a kettle to water flowers on the other hand. He was industriously looking after a beautiful garden. When he noticed which patch of land in the garden was becoming hard, he would take the hoe there to loosen soil before watering it using his pot.

There were six beautiful flowers in the garden, and he was the owner of these fresh flowers.

Each gardener was clumsy in the beginning. So was Zhang Tie. Pandora was his first teacher, then Beverly. The two girls taught him how to reclaim the hard land and water the coquettish flowers.

Zhang Tie learned very fast, even mastered the skills without being taught later on. He used all the skills told by that lewd guy Hista.

Seeing the pot make all the buds of fresh flowers wet and beautiful like having been baptized by morning dew, Zhang Tie was very happy.

He affirmed that this was the happiest thing in the world.

Zhang Tie liked to see how his bodily fluids poured into the girls' bodies and flowed out from their insides, since this brought him a cool sense of conquest.

Hista said that the capacity of the pot used to water flowers was limited. Average men could only water 3-5 times a day, however Zhang Tie felt that there was an endless life spring in his pot that would never dry up.

This was probably because he had eaten nine Wild Wolves' Seven-strength Fruits which had granted him the full strength of nine wild wolves, including all their abilities. And it was said that when wild wolves were in estrus, they could keep doing that thing many times a month without knowing what fatigue was.

Like today, even Zhang Tie himself couldn't remember how many times he had used his Mr. Mummy to water the flowers, maybe over 20 times. Take the fresh flower Sharapova for an instance, this woman's small golden fish brought Zhang Tie a great surprise as it usually liked to drill into the place which was out of Zhang Tie's imagination. Being extremely stimulated, he had to water her more times.

Speaking of Fiona, he really liked to see this young mature lady's mad look, while as for Angel, who was always lofty, Zhang Tie was fascinated by her weak and imploring looks when in pain.

Seeing those fresh flowers being watered with his own dew, a sense of satisfaction and achievement that Zhang Tie had not experienced before rose up inside him.

He was very, very happy! Any man would be very happy at this moment!

He brought all the fresh flowers back onto the bed in a row and covered them with a quilt, After that, he fetched a chair and sat on it beside the bed. Supporting his jaw with his hand, Zhang Tie enjoyed seeing them fall asleep with dew. Each of them had their special beauty. They were all his angels.

'I wonder what it would feel if he could water Miss Daina, Miss Qili, and that aunt nurse in the hospital.' Zhang Tie couldn't resist imaging it. As a result, his mummy, which had achieved a great victory, instantly raised up once again. 'That might be another beauty.'

The torture of last night had long eased off by now. If Pandora and Beverly didn't care about how many women he would have, if Angel and the other three girls of Rose Association didn't care about the false name of Guardian Knight and only wanted a carnival with him, why did he have to care about that? Would any man feel unhappy to have more women?

Zhang Tie kept calmly watching those women sleeping for half an hour.

Sharapova the tallest, the plumpest, and the healthiest one woke up first. After that, she rose slightly from her side of the bed and looked at Zhang Tie, who was sitting on the chair beside the bed, with narrowed eyes.

Zhang Tie then walked over to her and ducked down, giving a slight kiss on her wet and shiny forehead.

"Have a good rest, when you wake up, I'll make some yummy food for you!"

Because of great fatigue, Sharapova closed her eyes and fell asleep once again.

Seeing someone waking up, Zhang Tie didn't wait anymore. After a glance over the beautiful scene on the bed, he hurriedly put on his clothes and left the bedroom.

It was still pouring heavily outside.

After putting on clothes, Zhang Tie quickly grabbed an umbrella and left the apartment building. He soon disappeared in the rain. After half an hour, he ran back in again with several big bags of ingredients and other items. He then became busy in the kitchen.

Donder said that after making love for the first time, women needed to mend their Qi and blood. Therefore, based on his memory, Zhang Tie brought back a pile of items and started to prepare supper for the women in his bedroom.

As it was not his first time cooking dinner, Zhang Tie busily worked in the kitchen with great care. After a short while, the whole room was filled with the aroma of chicken soup.


After the women woke up, it was already late night. Zhang Tie lighted candles in the dining room and tried to make the atmosphere as romantic as he imagined in his mind.

Once they woke up, the women started to take baths and put on clothes. After that, they moved slowly and weirdly and appeared in the dining room, frowning.

Zhang Tie was moving here and there in the kitchen, while the women all watched him very seriously. At this moment, he was like an average youth who was doing housework, however, who knew that this man was actually a human-shaped magic beast.

Next to the table in the dining room, attracted by Zhang Tie's food and dishes, the women who had not eaten for a whole day instantly moved all of their fingers and started to eat. As Chinese food was well known all over the world, even if Zhang Tie had only learned a bit how to cook from his mom at home, his careful work could still conquer the women.

Fiona stealthily scooped a small spoon of chicken soup which was stewed with ginseng, red beans, and two more medicinal materials. After blowing on it and silently sipping, she immediately widely opened her eyes from surprise.

"It tastes really good! It's much yummier than the things he forced us to drink at daytime!" brainless Fiona, who had a huge breasts, said it straightforwardly.

"Fiona, shut up, can you not mention what happened at daytime while we're eating!"

Angel became irritated and glared at Fiona, while all the others did the same, even Pandora and Beverly became bashful.

"You also drank it. Why glare at me!" Fiona whispered while Susan silently kicked her underneath the table.

"Susan, why did you kick me! You drunk most, even twice. One of them should have been Sharapova's, yet you drunk it too. You little bitch licked everything..."

"Fiona..!" Susan shrieked.

Fiona stuck her tongue out and didn't say anything more.

At this time, Zhang Tie carried in a small pot of steaming food out of the kitchen. The food's weird aroma immediately attracted the girls' attention.

"What's inside the pot?"

The moment Pandora opened her mouth, she had scattered the embarrassed atmosphere at the table.

"The soup of donkey hide's gelatin stewed with red jujubes, this is a very good food to Chinese women..." Saying this, Zhang Tie picked up the small bowls from the table and filled one for each of them. "After drinking it, you will know its advantages. This is from the second pot as I burnt the first one..."

"Donkey hide's gelatin, is that a medicinal material?" Sharapova asked.

"Hmm, I went out and bought them back when you fell asleep!"

Hearing Zhang Tie's explanation, the girls felt warm inside and cast milder eyes at Zhang Tie.

After filling the bowls for them, Zhang Tie stared at the girls with hopeful eyes. "Have a try!"

After cooling down the soup of donkey hide's gelatin stewed with red jujubes in their bowls by blowing, they drunk it one after another. The soup tasted sweet yet a bit weird. However, after drinking it for a short while, a warm sense rose up from their insides which felt very comfortable. Even the discomforts of their bodies had greatly eased off.

During this meal, the girls learnt more about Zhang Tie...

After the supper, he hurriedly cleaned the bowls and chopsticks in the kitchen while the girls all returned to the parlor.


There, Pandora talked with Angel.

"Bring here all the women of your Rose Association!" Pandora told Angel. "I feel that he'll like that!"

"He will leave in a few days. Don't you and Beverly know about it?" Angel asked Pandora.

"I know, yesterday many wounded soldiers were carried back from Kalur, filling all the hospitals in Blackhot City in just one day. Now, everybody in Blackhot City knows that the Norman Empire and Sun Dynasty will fight in Kalur. The Iron-Blood Camp where Zhang Tie serves might be the first to drive to Kalur!"

"So now that you know that, do you think the other girls of Rose Association will still come?"

"Why not?" Pandora stared at Angel. "If he can come back alive, he will definitely have a bright future. This man is your favorite, the one who can give you a sense of safety and let you feel admired. Isn't it the life philosophy of Rose Association to struggle to encounter such a man, occupy a place in his life, and leave your marks there, even if only for a short period?

"If he cannot come back, as he's your first man, don't you want him to make him happy before he leaves Blackhot City? Why not treat him as a kid and satisfy him with all the happiness he wants? How many men who can stew a soup of donkey hide's gelatin stewed with red jujubes for you after f*cking you can you meet in the rest of your life?

Angel became quiet.

"Beverly and I will not leave tonight. We will accompany him here and await your news. As you came here yesterday, I know that many girls of Rose Association have prepared to come here today. When boys tried to turn themselves into men before the survival training, girls try to turn themselves into women after the survival training.

"Whether he will come back or not, it would be much more interesting to choose such a brilliant man to turn you into a woman than choosing other men. Additionally, this investment will not be fully ineffective as it might bring you a huge return in the future. You should know that a man who really knows how to treasure a woman and prefers to take a cold bath many times like last night instead of opening the door of his bedroom is much more reliable than one who has the name of a Guardian Knight.

"He only needs simple and innocent happiness. So does he love and treat women in a simple and innocent way. If he cannot do it, he will leave himself. Like how he treated Alice and you when you wanted to sacrifice yourselves last night, when we stay with him, we only need to show ourselves in a simple and innocent way. Aren't you happy to be with him? Tell them what a man Zhang Tie is and leave them the choice to come here or not..."

Angel was then absolutely convinced.


After supper, she, Fiona, Susan, and Sharapova all left.

After sending them away, Zhang Tie returned to his apartment and lay on a sofa. Hugging Pandora and Beverly, he started together with them to read a book "A Journey to the Eastern Continent" that he had pulled out from Donder's bookcase.

The heating units in the room had been turned on and the whole parlor became as warm as spring.

Since they knew that Zhang Tie would soon go to the battlefield, Pandora and Beverly simply became as adorable and well-behaved as cats in front of him.

The book was written in Chinese. Zhang Tie knew that the two girls didn't know its characters, so he interpreted them for them while he read it.

The Eastern Continent portrayed in the book was a world that Zhang Tie had never imagined before. Over there, human scientific civilization represented by steam had already reached its peak. Pre-historical civilizations unearthed from underground world were as resplendent as stars. Sects in the Eastern Continent that had existed for tens of thousands of years were both mysterious and powerful. Those powerful people who had learned numerous mysterious knowledges were as many as the sands in the river.

"In many cities of the Eastern Continent, the sky was covered with airboats and aeroships. In one place, all the territory of a nation was only a huge tree that reached into the clouds. In the Eastern Continent, Chinese didn't call themselves the Chinese clan; the name was usually used by foreigners. Instead, all the Chinese there called themselves the Immortal clan!

"This was because Chinese believed that they were blood-tied descendants of long gone ancient gods and the incarnation of the great truth of the universe. All the blood flowing in their bodies was not mortal, but immortal. Defeating demons and bringing human beings back under the glorious light of gods was the only reason for them to drop from their galaxy onto this star and this continent..."

Zhang Tie was really hooked by that travelogue. How confident and proud could that clan be to call itself immortal!

When Zhang Tie was interpreting the travelogue, Pandora and Beverly lay on his chest, listening attentively. The two women didn't seem too interested in the content on the travelogue. Feeling bored, they undid the buttons of Zhang Tie's shirt and started to suck his nipples using their small golden fish.

Zhang Tie's blood started to boil once again. Throwing the book away, he turned his body and charged at Beverly and Pandora with his eyes glaring at the two kitties.

"Can you even take it anymore?"

"We cannot and need to have a rest. But those who can will soon arrive!" Pandora said with coquettish eyes while swimming her small golden fish over Zhang Tie's chest.

"Who's coming?"

Zhang Tie became curious. Didn't Angel just leave?

"The other women of Rose Association!"

"What for?"

Zhang Tie became dumbfounded.

"To let you turn them into women," Beverly replied in a tender voice. "Wouldn't you enjoy watering those beautiful fresh flowers?'

"Haven't I told Angel I will leave soon? I cannot be their Guardian Knight!"

"What if they didn't care about that and only wanted you to be their first man? Girls of the Rose Association choose their men in the survival training. After the survival training, they will let those men turn them into women. The more excellent the men are, the more girls would like them. Have you heard of Li Shizhen at your school? He had picked the crowns of all the members of the Rose Association! Woudn't you like that?"

Knowing the behavior styles of the girls in the Rose Association, Zhang Tie burst out laughing loudly.

" Only idiots would not like that!"

At this very moment, the doorbell of the room rang...

"Here are our doers!"

Pandora sat up from the sofa and revealed a smile at Zhang Tie. She whispered something to him, and his eyes immediately popped out. Pandora ran off to open the door. Half a minute later, she brought in eight girls of the Rose Association wearing amices.

"Well, it's your turn now. Pandora and I are really tired today and need to take a rest..."

Beverly winked at the eight girls before pulling Pandora into another bedroom, leaving the parlor to Zhang Tie and the eight new girls.

After exchanging glances with each other, the eight girls slid off their amices at the same time... revealing their young bodies, beautiful dresses, and faces...

Zhang Tie felt slightly dizzy...

"I'm Helena, I simply want to do it today..."

A beautiful girl with brownish-red wavy hair walked towards Zhang Tie, giving him a smile before lowering her head and starting a hot kiss with him.

More and more girls walked towards him...

The entire apartment became unprecedentedly amorous once again...