197 - 202

Chapter 197: A Mad Youthhood

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

Zhang Tie couldn't even believe that his sex happiness would arrive so fast. From today onward, for the next seven days, he almost didn't leave the apartment at all. Each day, fresh, delicate, and charming faces would appear in his room, 7-8 at least, 10-odd at most. They came and left in batches.

Zhang Tie felt that he was a gardener and a wolf king. In the valley, while the pack of wolves were howling towards the moon, he was standing on the high platform and occupied all the female wolves of the entire valley.

Angel, Susan, Fiona, Sharapova, Helena, Doris, Anna, Ijssel, Garbo, Jennifer, Issabel, Julia, Lucy, Mary, Barbara, Caroline, Wendy, Lily...

Eighty two girls of Rose Association came here in batches. During these days, under Zhang Tie's watering, they all turned from girls into women. There were a couple of days during this period that Zhang Tie didn't even wear clothes for the whole day. Besides going to the toilet, each second was spent convincing, convincing, and constantly convincing...

The bedding and bed sheets in Zhang Tie's bedroom would be changed each day.

During these days, each day, he would feel like he was in paradise. This small apartment was simply his palace. The Rose Association composed of beautiful girls from those female middle schools in Blackhot City really helped him experience the feeling of being a king this week.

On the third day since this king's travel started, Angel and the other three girls became the first batch of devoted customers in his palace. After that, there were more and more devoted customers who started to come together with those fresh faces. The ways that those girls of the Rose Association used to please Zhang Tie really broadened his vision.

He was extremely favored by these girls. Even the exclusive skills of Sharapova and Susan, who used them on Zhang Tie on the first day, were soon learned by a great number of girls. On the fourth day, in the bathroom, Zhang Tie broke his record���over twelve small golden fish swam across him at the same time.

In the beginning, Zhang Tie felt that he was a gardener, but later on, he felt that he was a traveler who was feeding pigeons in the square. Pigeons liked the traveler who had endless food and that food itself sprayed by the traveler.

Girls were both fresh flowers and pigeons!

Girls who were new here were fresh flowers while those who came here for the second time became pigeons.

The fresh flowers were very coy, needing him to water them, while pigeons were very brave, not afraid of being sprayed, instead, they kept uttering 'gu gu'. After that, they would fly up and down beside him by fluttering their wings, opening their mouths to chase after him, wanting him to feed them more food.

This was an extremely absurd, charming, and mad week of only happiness which Zhang Tie would never forget for the rest of his life.

Many girls were absolutely convinced by Zhang Tie and started to crazily worship him. This was an original worship related to reproduction. The powerful men would all receive this worship.

For some reason, Zhang Tie really didn't feel tired. At most in several minutes, his mummy would be grim once again and start to water flowers everywhere or feed the pigeons which chased after him until they were full enough and lay on the ground, unable to jump anymore.

Among the girls of Rose Association, Zhang Tie had a wholly new name or nickname—Lord Magic Beast.

Not Knight but a Lord, Lord Magic Beast. If the Lord that he named himself in the Castle of Black Iron was not included, this would be the first time for Zhang Tie to be called Lord - Lord Magic Beast. Although only being called this on the bed, Zhang Tie was still exceptionally satisfied.

The first girl that called Zhang Tie Lord Magic Beast was Hiltina, who could be seen as Zhang Tie's first worshiper. It would take others at least two days to turn from fresh flowers to pigeons, however, Hiltina, after being in a coma for several times after the first day, had already become the very pigeon that chased after Zhang Tie most closely.

Because of Hiltina, Zhang Tie's palace became more dissolute in an all round manner. Usually, what one girl did successfully would soon be imitated by the other girls, who could even make some innovations.

Hiltina stuck even more to Zhang Tie than Pandora.

Never underestimate woman's braveness and creativity - this was what Zhang Tie had concluded in these days.

However, happy times would always come to an end.


Today, Zhang Tie's mom who had not seen her youngest son for more than one week felt bored and came to the apartment on Avenue Monet.

In the recent days, Zhang Tie's mom had heard some more gossip about him. People said that her son was assassinated at school, poisoned, and almost died. Everybody said so. Therefore, she became dubious. Recalling the scene of him outside the home, she realized that he didn't even get off the car. Besides, his voice and expression hadn't seemed right. She then became worried about him again.

Because of Kalur's war affair, the atmosphere in Blackhot City was a bit tense. Missing her son so much, Zhang Tie's mom firstly went to the battalion headquarters of Iron-Blood Camp to ask about him. After learning that he was recuperating these couple of days, she hurriedly rushed into the hospital only to get the answer that he had left. Therefore, she rushed to Avenue Monet.

In the eyes of Zhang Tie's mom, now that he was neither in the military camp nor at home, he must be hiding in here.

Previously, Zhang Tie had given a copy of the keys for this apartment building to his parents. Therefore, his mom could easily open the gate of the apartment building and start walking closer.

Before opening the door of the residence, she was still worried about Zhang Tie's wounds. If her son was really recuperating in his residence, what should she do then? As it was such a critical event for the Zhang family, he shouldn't lie to his parents. Should she blame him for not telling her about that?

After hesitating for quite awhile, she finally opened the door of Zhang Tie's residence. Before opening it, two scenes had flashed across her mind: one was that Zhang Tie was not in the apartment but hiding somewhere else—if so, she decided to ferociously beat him up when she saw him next time,—and the other one was of Zhang Tie lying alone in the room—if so, she would comfort him first before sending him back home. After he was well recovered, she would deal with him about this.

Even though she had imagined tens of thousands of scenes in her mind, she could never imagine what was going on with her son...

There was a fountain in the city square of Blackhot City, On the fountain there was a sculpture—a nude 8-9 old boy supporting his waist with two hands and having a pee with his hand holding his d*ck in an arrogant way. The water was flowing out of that boy's d*ck and falling into the pond below. There were some more sculptures in the pond—a shoal of golden-threadfin breams who were opening their mouths towards the water flowing out of the boy's d*ck.

The sculptures of this fountain were delicate, beautiful, and poetic. They were also featuring childish and fairytale things, and were one of the landmarks of Blackhot City. Many people liked to take photos of the fountain. Certainly, at the sight of such a cute boy, even if nude, nobody would connect it to any embarrassing scene. Because children were always naive and innocent.

When Zhang Tie's mom opened the door, it was like she saw the live version of the sculptures in the fountain on the city square of Blackhot City.

Zhang Tie was standing in the middle of the parlor just like the nude boy-sculpture . With the exception of his silly and obscene smile, and being surrounded by a great number of girls, he looked almost the same as that boy sculpture from feet to his head, with hands supporting his waist.

It was all messy in the apartment. Over ten girls were disorderly lying in the room in a raptured way, messiness both on and off their bodies. The clutter stretched from the parlor to Zhang Tie's bedroom. Girls' clothes, underwear, skirts, and dresses were thrown everywhere. The entire room was like a dressing room in the back of the theater of Blackhot City that had been swept by bandits.


Zhang Tie's mom stood there for as long as five minutes, dumbfounded. After affirming that what she saw was not her hallucination, she screamed loudly, which startled everyone in the room.

While busy feeding a pigeon, Zhang Tie turned his head. When he saw his mom watching him with wide-open eyes, because of shock and provocation, his d*ck almost became impotent.

Quivering all over, Zhang Tie immediately turned pale. He then covered his lower abdomen using his hand and squatted down. Embarrassed, he asked, "Mom, why are you here?"

The girls who had turned into small golden fish hurriedly fetched their clothes, causing a great chaos in the apartment.

The present scene was really too embarrassing to see for parents. Zhang Tie's mom closed her eyes and walked out of the gate to wait...

Not until more than ten minutes later did girls, who were now well dressed, rapidly left the apartment building, heads lowered.

Some girls weren't even able to walk, so they were supported on their away by others.

At the beginning, when the first two girls left, Zhang Tie's mom was very irritated inside. However, after the number grew to six, she became worried about Zhang Tie. When it became nine, she became surprised. Then she saw more walking out and became shocked. With several more, even she didn't know how she felt.

The rich lecherous look was still on the girls' eyebrows. As a woman who had experienced love affairs, Zhang Tie's mom certainly could notice that. As a mother, even with her eyes closed, she could still smell her son's odor from those girls only with a single sniff.

In total, 17 girls left Zhang Tie's apartment. Counting them, Zhang Tie's mom became a bit numb. Was this her natural son? How could he be so great?

Not until 20 minutes later did Zhang Tie put on his clothes and walk out of the apartment, head lowered. He opened the gate of the apartment building and found his mom standing outside. Then, he silently moved over there and smiled brightly.


She turned back and stared at him with a strict expression.

At this moment, Zhang Tie's face looked white and red with firm and bright eyes, shiny pitch-black hair, healthy and plump lips. He looked very energetic and excellent, as good as a fresh steamed bun that had been just made, far different from being sick, fatigued, and weak. Without being able to find any fault in him, his mom finally flicked his forehead fiercely with her finger. After that, she turned and left.

Knowing that mom was not that angry any more, Zhang Tie hurriedly smiled even brighter.

After his mom's check-up, his mad life finally came to an end. When he came back home in the afternoon, certainly he was interrogated by his family members. Of course, they just pretended to blame him. After Zhang Tie lowered his head and promised that he would never do this again later on, they let him go. As his parents felt too embarrassed to ask much, they didn't continue; no matter what, the boy didn't suffer a loss in this event.

While back home, Zhang Tie went back to his attic where he entered the Castle of Black Iron and took out 4000 gold coins. He then put the gold coins into the handbag and left them under the bed.

He then silently told his elder brother Zhang Yang that he had left something under the bed in the attic for him and told him to take it out alone in the evening...

Finally, Zhang Tie ate supper and left under his mom's repetitive advises and grumbles.


Zhang Tie had indulged in the crazily happy times during the past several days, so he hadn't seen sunlight during this period. He was like a human-shaped steam engine which only knew ignition and filling in water as he kept making piston movements from the morning to the evening. He hadn't walked out of the gate of the apartment building for many days. So now, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere in Blackhot City seemed have become more tense.

The most obvious was that there were more military cars running on the avenues of Blackhot City. The faces of the patrolling soldiers looked more solemn. The military vehicles that were pulling various military materials out of the railway station passed by the water-logged road and sprayed water from the puddles so high that passers-by had to pay attention to avoid them. Even Zhang Tie's dark red military pants were sprayed with some gray mud stains.

Walking on the avenues of Blackhot City, Zhang Tie breathed the air after rain which contained a wisp of the coldness of autumn. He gradually struggled out of the mountains of butts and seas of female flesh and started to recover composure.

As he was busy being a gardener these days, he had not finished a lot of things: the movable houses in the Castle of Black Iron had not been assembled, the new yeast fluid had not been fabricated, the bastard Samira was still free out there, he hadn't gone to the Iron-Thorns Fighting Club, or seen the old hag Mary.

There were many things that had to be solved before he left Blackhot City.


When Zhang Tie was walking on the avenue, a car parked over ten meters ahead him. A brat with smooth and shiny hair stretched out his head from the window. Slightly hesitant, he was thought about whether to greet Zhang Tie or not.

Before the brat could open his mouth, Zhang Tie shook his hands towards him, "Come on, baby!"

Benet then revealed a smile as he pushed open the door and got off the car, followed by a muscled bodyguard. Being somewhat alert, the bodyguard stared at Zhang Tie; his military uniform had an extremely great deterrent force in Blackhot City.

At the sight of the dark red military uniform of the Norman Empire, commoners had to be careful. It was said that because the Gregory family had offended a second lieutenant in this military uniform, it was almost exterminated. In the end, Gregory family had paid a lot to deal with this event.

So now, which rich person in Blackhot City would dare to be arrogant before the Iron-Blood Army of Norman Empire?

"Zhang Tie!"

Walking towards him, Benet seemed to be a bit nervous. He had also heard about Zhang Tie's affair and knew that he was not the flesh-bag that was used to be beaten up anymore. After learning of what had happened between him and Zhang Tie, Benet's family had already considered how to relieve the relationship between the two of them.

Although others didn't know which second lieutenant of the Nroman Empire the Gregory family had offended, Benet knew it very well. Compared to Gregory family, Benet's family was much poorer. Therefore, they did not have enough money to offend Zhang Tie.

From the moment Blackhot City was incorporated into the territory of Norman Empire, Zhang Tie was the only native commoner who joined the army of the Norman Empire and became a military officer. In the circle of Blackhot City, Zhang Tie was even more well-known than he could imagine.

This explained why the smart girls of Rose Association had poured into Zhang Tie's apartment like how moths flew towards fire. Many smart ones among the girls knew it much clearer than Zhang Tie how important he was at this moment. In the eyes of Angel and some other innocent girls, the sense of crisis deep in their hearts told them that he might not even be able to protect himself in the coming battlefield. However, those smart and realistic girls of Rose Association who were more politically savvy than Zhang Tie saw a handsome military officer who had a bright future with a powerful military background of the Norman Empire and could even influence the vicissitudes of the rich families in Blackhot City.

It was just rolling on bed sheets. If they could sleep with such a man and form a kind karma with him, there might be some good legends about them in the future. Why not? This was how many girls of Rose Association truly thought.

"Your hairstyle is really bad, mosquitoes would slip down on it!"

After Zhang Tie casually commented about Benet's hairstyle, Benet immediately became relaxed. He found that Zhang Tie was still the same as before, and they were not estranged at all.

"I don't feel it's good either, but my mom told me this would look more solemn. With this look, I will not be treated as a kid by touching my head anymore. It's good for me since I'll be taking over the Benet family in the future!"

Benet revealed a smile.

"You have a wise mother. She's right!" Zhang Tie smiled. "Well, where are you going, Mr. Benet?"

Benet felt very happy to talk with Zhang Tie as his words were not as boring as ones of those big figure beside him who would always give him a lesson or show an obsequious expression. In Benet's eyes, Zhang Tie was like his friend, a friend that could ignore his status and respect him.

"I will go to the Iron-Thorns Fighting Club!"

"Can I take a ride then? I also want to have a look inside the Club. Manager Hance invited me to have a look there when I was free!"

"Fine, my honor!"

Zhang Tie then got into Benet's car. Only after a short while, they had already arrived at the Iron-Thorns Fighting Club...

What Zhang Tie didn't know was that after they entered the fighting club, the car that drove Benet here was not parked in the parking lot but drove back to Benet's home at a much faster speed. That home was a castle-like manor in the south of Blackhot City.


In a spacious and luxurious study room in the manor, Benet's bodyguard and driver were reporting to a woman.

"Mrs, young master encountered Zhang Tie on the way to the fighting club. Zhang Tie took a ride there..."

"Tell me all the details about the encounter!"

An emotionless yet attractive female voice drifted through the room.

Chapter 198: Back in the Fighting Club

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

The Iron-Thorns Fighting Club remained unchanged, at least from outside.

Unlike last time when he had walked in carefully, uncertain of himself, this time, he directly entered it from the VIP tunnel of the parking lot of the fighting club before taking the VIP elevator and reached the VIP service area on the first floor of the fighting club.

Previously, Zhang Tie didn't even have the qualifications to enter the VIP area at all.

While Benet was changing his clothes in the VIP area on the first floor, Zhang Tie walked out of the room and prepared to greet manager Hance.

No matter what, now that he had promised manager Hance to be the counselor of the fighting club and had come here, he should go greet him, if purely for a good reputation. Although it was just a reputation, the compensation paid by the fighting club was true. Twenty gold coins a week was definitely a high compensation in Blackhot City. According to Zhang Tie's acknowledge, only those top traders of bulk commodity exchanges or managers of business groups in Blackhot City might get such high compensation.

Twenty gold coins a week meant at least 1000 gold coins a year. This was a huge amount of money.

The business in the fighting club was so good that it was almost out of Zhang Tie's imagination. It seemed even more boisterous than when he had worked here before. After the Blackhot City encountered a huge change, it seemed that more people had become clear-minded and started to realize how important fighting strength was.

In this age, money was both a strength and a power, however, only fighting strength was the true strength and true power. Although money could usually turn into fighting strength, the latter could become money at any time. Over the past month, what Andaman Alliance had encountered had fully portrayed this point.

Andaman Alliance, the alliance of cities full of business atmosphere could never match Norman Empire's custom for worshiping fighting strength. Soon after the Blackhot City became a LV 4 city in the administrative region of Brunswick Province under the jurisdiction of the governor of the Northern Border Army of the Norman Empire, people soon experienced this difference and rapidly adapted to the new model.

In the strictly hierarchical system of the Norman Empire, owning powerful fighting strength was definitely a shortcut towards heaven. Additionally, Zhang Tie became the representative for stepping onto this shortcut in Blackhot City.

On the way from the VIP service area to manager Hance's office, he encountered several friends in the fighting club. They all knew Zhang Tie's current status, which was far more noble than before, especially after seeing his handsome military uniform; they all treated him one hundred times better than before.

Those brilliant smiles and considerate greetings and sincerity really made Zhang Tie comfortable and brought him a cool sense of returning to the hometown as a rich and well-known person.

After refusing several familiar workers' sincere guidance, Zhang Tie directly came to manager Hance's office, the door of which was half open. Although he could directly push in, he still behaved politely by standing outside the door and knocking on it.

His mom had taught him to not lose ambition when in trouble and politeness in success. Zhang Tie usually bore it in mind and warned himself.

"Come in!" Manager Hance's voice drifted from inside.

Hearing his voice, Zhang Tie pushed in.

It seemed some people in his office were talking about something with manager Hance. Hearing someone pushing in, they all turned their heads and stared at Zhang Tie. Manager Hance seemed to not have imagined that Zhang Tie could come to the fighting club at this moment, neither did other people who were talking with manager him could have imagined that the incomer was a military officer of the Norman Empire. Therefore, they all became slightly dumbfounded.

Manager Hance was the first ti recognise Zhang Tie, and his fat body instantly stood up from the chair behind the desk at an unprecedentedly fast speed. He then strode towards Zhang Tie. Pulling his hands, manager Hance told the others with a proud look, "Do you believe that this is Zhang Tie, the most excellent youth in Blackhot City. The senior counselor of the Iron-Thorns Fighting Club and second lieutenant of the Iron-Blood Camp of No. 39 Division of the Norman Empire.

"The genius among millions of people in Blackhot City who has mastered Iron-Blood Fist Skill, the secret imperial knowledge of the Norman Empire at the age of 15. Before becoming our counselor, he was our member. He always accepted the strictest tests in our fighting club. If you don't believe me, you can ask him. Which fighting club among those across Blackhot City could cultivate such a talent. If you choose Iron-Thorns Fighting Club, we will never let you down! Our objective is to let you feel that each coin that you spend here is worth it..."

Hearing manager Hance's words, Zhang Tie's face blushed.

The people sitting in the office seemed to be from the same family: a forty-old man dressed in extravagant clothes with an out-thrust big belly, a noble woman adorned with many jewels and pearls, her eyes very discerning, and two 10-year-old boys with blonde hair, twins.

Listening to manager Hance's introduction, all family members cast their eyes onto Zhang Tie. So he also gave a smile and nodded his head to show his respect to them.

"Can he teach our little Victor and little Peter about the secret imperial fighting skills of the Norman Empire?" The lady dressed like a noblewoman, uttered the words that almost choked Zhang Tie and manager Hance. "Once he teaches our little Victor and little Peter about the secret imperial knowledge of the Norman Empire and allow our babies to become military officers of the Norman Empire when they grow up, letting our family members become soldiers of the Norman Empire, we will pay for that, regardless of the amount of gold coins. Right, darling!"

Feeling embarrassed, the man coughed twice, seemingly also realizing that his woman was too rash. The woman seemed not to understand what Iron-Blood Fist Skill was. In contrast, the man seemed to know a bit more. Therefore, he looked a bit embarrassed by what his woman thought about the secret imperial knowledge of the Norman Empire. In her eyes, the Iron-Blood Fist Skill was just like a cheap cabbage on the roadside of the market that could be authorized for dispatch.

Inviting Zhang Tie to take a seat for a second, manager Hance returned to his chair. "Mrs, your requirement is too special. There's only one place across the Blackson Human Clan Corridor where one could barely meet your requirement!"

"Where, can you tell me?"

The woman became interested in that.

"I'm afraid that only half of the imperial members of the Norman Empire could meet your requirement!"

After hearing that even imperial members of the Norman Empire could only meet half of her requirement, the woman became quiet, fixing her widely opened eyes on manager Hance.

Shrugging his shoulders, manager Hance said, "Here, I could only promise you we will give your babies the best training and treatment. We will not let you pay for it in vain. If they can perform well in the future, they may be able to accept the guidance of a senior of our fighting club and witness what is Iron-Blood Fist Skill."

Seeing his short-sighted woman wanting to say something else, that man hurriedly opened his mouth to stop her further talk before the military officer of the Norman Empire. "Manager Hance, that's a deal, we're very satisfied with everything here and have determined to send our kids here for training!"


Manager Hance saw off this family to the door of his office and let a person guide them to deal with the membership formalities. When the man left, Hance nodded towards Zhang Tie with a wisp of apology, wanting to say something. Seeing his slight apology and carefulness, Zhang Tie, who was sitting on the sofa, shook his head, expressing his forgiveness.

It was not good to treat Iron-Blood Fist Skill as a cheap cabbage that could be exchanged with several gold coins before a military officer of the Norman Empire. That man hurriedly took his woman away in case she would say something else that might get them in trouble.


"For families like theirs which became rich by digging mines, the most adorable thing is their gold coins. The most boring thing is also their gold coins!"

Returning to the side of his office, manager Hance opened a cigar box that was put on his desk and made a pose to share one with Zhang Tie, asking whether he needed one. Zhang Tie shook his head, so manager Hance enjoyed it by himself.

"Business here seemes not bad!" Zhang Tie revealed a smile. "Much better than before!"

"Rules in Blackhot City have changed. Therefore, everybody else needed to change as well. In the Norman Empire, the supreme status of a businessman is soldier, while soldiers who have fighting contributions can be then promoted to the meritorious clan, ot even noble clan. After becoming a meritorious clan or a noble clan, if you can marry an imperial girl, you may be able to join the company of the imperial clan. In the recent days, the best seller in the bookstores here was "The Charter of Orders" which introduced the hierarchical system of the Norman Empire..."

Sucking a mouth of the burning cigar, manager Hance said, "I heard the Military Administration of Blackhot City has already sarted counting and dividing social classes for people from all walks of life across Blackhot City. Once this work is completed, the Blackhot City will officially end military control and enter the ruling system of the Norman Empire.

"As for guys like me who only know how to make money, if we could submit tax a bit more frequently so that we could reach a certain amount or directly bring a huge amount of donation to the empire in the future, we can reluctantly be promoted to the soldier class.

"Without being a soldier, according to the rules of the Norman Empire, I would be forbidden to even take a private car out in the future, instead, I could only take a carriage. Besides, the color and the adornments of the carriage should not be golden, red, white, or black.

"The quantity of horses used to pull the carriage should not be more than two. I could not use above LV 2 mutated horses, other magical beasts, or other thoroughbred horses regulated by the Norman Empire that can only be used by meritorious clan and other classes above meritorious clan. There are also regulations on the size of the carriage.

"Oh, I almost forgot it, I would be forbidden to smoke cigars in the public, instead, I could only smoke it at home or in the office..." Manager Hance then sighed with a dejected expression. "The good days of the new rich in Blackhot City will soon come to an end!"

Seeing manager Hance's sorrowful face, at first Zhang Tie intended to express his sympathy about him, however, after thinking that there would be more guys who "could only do small businesses", who, in Zerom's words, could only sit in small carriages with weird colors and run across Blackhot City, Zhang Tie couldn't take it and burst out laughing loudly. From another perspective, the hierarchical system of the Norman Empire was also lovely.

"Horseshit and horse fart don't smell good!" Zhang Tie burst out laughing loudly as he mocked.

Taking the cigar, manager Hance became dumbfounded before burst out laughing too.

"You are free today?"

"I'm here to look around and get the salary. By the way, the military uniform's largest benefit is to show off my power and prestige and satisfy my vanity!" Zhang Tie replied honestly.

Manager Hance laughed out louder, feeling that Zhang Tie was very interesting. He felt very relaxed and happy talking with him. "Fine, you're our logo, many people are here for you. I will prepare money for you and pay you a year's salary. You go out to show off your power and prestige first, I'll give you your money when you leave!"

"That's fine!"

Saying this, Zhang Tie stood up.

"Which do you want, gold notes or gold coins!" manager Hance asked.

"Gold coins! I like that heavy feeling of gold coins in hand!"

"The same for me!"

Manager Hance smiled once again.


Walking out of manager Hance's office, Zhang Tie came directly to the VIP area and started to enjoy the VIP treatment in the fighting club. As he had said he was leaving for greetings, Benet was still waiting for him here.

"Fetch me those female assistants here, I want to choose one!"

After entering the VIP area, Zhang Tie directly ordered the service manager of this area. Receiving his order, the service manager left.

Seemingly knowing what Zhang Tie wanted to do, Benet opened his mouth and wanted to say something; however, he didn't uttered it. Mary was just a common female assistant in the fighting club. After Zhang Tie left, Benet in the end didn't convince Mary to become his woman. Additionally, after knowing what happened between him and Zhang Tie, his mom had already strictly warned him to not get along with Mary anymore. In Benet's mom's words, foolish and self-important women like Mary could only bring disasters to men beside them.

After a while, dozens of young beauties arrived at the VIP area. They started to tempt Zhang Tie with their eyes.

Mary was also among them. Zhang Tie immediately caught sight of her. Meanwhile, she also caught sight of him. Although there were many legends about Zhang Tie, the moment she saw him, Mary's face turned pale and her whole body quivered.

Pointing at Mary, Zhang Tie didn't speak, but revealed a smile. Everybody realized that he was gazing at Mary, so the surrounding female assistants also cast their eyes onto her too.

Under the complex, jealous, or gloating eyes, Mary walked out of the crowd, quivering all over.

"That's her, I want Mary!" An abrupt voice drifted from the side with a rich, aggressive atmosphere.

Zhang Tie turned back and saw a familiar brat who was walking here accompanied by two bodyguards. The moment he walked over, he raised his eyebrows towards Zhang Tie in a defiant manner. However, at the sight of Zhang Tie's military uniform, one of the two bodyguards hurriedly changed his face and lowered his head to whisper to the brat. Unexpectedly, he was ferociously glared at by the brat.

"Shut up!"

After watching the defiant brat for a while, Zhang Tie finally recognized who he was—the brat who had kicked him so abruptly and ferociously that he had passed out the first time he came to the fighting club. His name might have been Gregory...

Chapter 199: After Visiting the Fighting Club

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

Realizing the atmosphere here was not right, the manager of the VIP area hurriedly rushed over.

"Young master Gregory, if you need a female assistant, we'll arrange one for you after a while!"

"After a while? Aren't they standing here? Besides, I've just chosen one!" the brat said with an emotionless expression.

"Another guest is choosing right now!" the manager of the VIP area explained.

"Never mind, I only choose Mary. Besides, I've not heard that anyone else had chosen her. According to the rules of the fighting club, I can choose anyone as long as she wasn't chosen yet. What's wrong with you?"

With an expression of an adult, the stuffy brat even started to scold him. "Don't tell me that Mary has been chosen by others. With so many people here, did anyone hear Mary's name or see someone choose her? I'm the first one who called her name, therefore, she's mine!"

The manager of the VIP area was so heavily choked by the words that he couldn't even utter a word.

Since the brat walked in, Zhang Tie had been watching him. He was curious why such an innocent guy would still offend him on this trivial matter even if the Gregory family had already reconciled with him?

He was really confused.

"Is your family name Gregory?" Zhang Tie asked.

"Of course!"

The brat proudly raised his head and continued to stare at Zhang Tie in an aggressive way.

"Gregory family of Blackhot City?"

The brat gave a cold harrumph.

"Do you know who I am?"

Zhang Tie pointed at his own nose.

"I know!" The brat revealed a sinister smile. "More than two months ago, you were the lowest-level flesh-bag who couldn't even stand ten seconds in front of me and passed out after my first kick. Hahahaha..."

The brat purposely said it loudly, making Zhang Tie lose a lot of face. When the brat burst out laughing loudly, the two bodyguards beside him nervously stared at Zhang Ti since both of them were LV 6 black-spider warriors, and they knew that Zhang Tie could immediately kill a black-spider warrior even when heavily wounded. Noticing that Zhang Tie had narrowed his eyes at Gregory, the two bodyguards felt nervous and walked one step forward, wishing to protect their charge.

Zhang Tie didn't move, just smiled.

"Your family name is Gregory, which surname grants you a lot of privileges in the fighting club. Additionally, because of your surname, you're qualified to stand here and talk so much with me. As there are so many people at your age in Blackhot City, but I'm afraid that nobody else dares to talk so much in front of a military officer of the Norman Empire, can I ask you a question?"


"I know you rich kids are always early, so I want to ask whether you are here to talk about this on behalf of your family?"

Zhang Tie smiled, and the surrounding atmosphere seemed to freeze over.

At first the brat wanted to reply "Of course!", but before he could exclaim it, an unknown sense of danger immediately made his heart pound. He swallowed his words back.

"Of... course not, even if you are a military officer of the Norman Empire, don't you let others talk? I'm also a member of the Norman Empire, or do you wear this military uniform to scare the citizens? Which rule of the Norman Empire forbids me from talking with you? Which sentence I said just now was fake? Did I slander you? Isn't it that I chose Mary as my female assistant before you? Don't I have the right to do that, or does the Iron-Thorns Fighting Club need to succumb to a second lieutenant of the Norman Empire?"

Seeing Zhang Tie becoming dumbfounded, the brat became pleased with himself.

This time, even manager Hance was shocked and rushed over. Seeing him standing outside the door of the VIP area, Zhang Tie revealed a smile.

"Of course you have the right. What you said was right. I'm just a counselor of the fighting club and truly have no reason to quarrel with customers. You are very welcome to stay here!" After saying this, Zhang Tie glanced at Mary. "Mary, as young master Gregory wants you to be his assistant, you then should serve him well, go with him!"

Thus, Gregory happily took Mary away, and the atmosphere in the VIP service area also gradually eased off.

After hurriedly arriving here, the manager looked deeply at Zhang Tie, then left too.

After seeing Zhang Tie lose the verbal duel, Benet seemed being much unhappier than Zhang Tie himself.

"Why do you compromise with him? Gregory was over excessive just now. Obviously you chose Mary first, yet he grabbed her away and even offended you with aggressive words. Why not beat him up?" Benet asked Zhang Tie out of fury.

"Would you wrestle with a boar in the wallow?" Zhang Tie asked Benet.

Benet shook his head.

"Why do you want me to argue with an idiot who only knows how to show off his glibness in speech? If you wrestle with a boar, you will be very dirty and as foolish as him whether you end up the winner or the loser.

After seriously thinking about it for awhile, Benet seemed understand it a bit.

"If you want to deal with a boar in the wallow, you might need a long spear or crossbow and bolts, but to deal with such a idiot who only knows how to show off his glibness in speech or wits, you don't even need to do anything as his foolishness is already enough to kill himself!"

"What do you mean?"

Benet became a bit confused.

"What's his rank on succeeding the heritage of Gregory family?"

"Below 40, this one comes from the branch of Gregory family!"

A brat coming from the branch of Gregory family. Zhang Tie shook his head.

"Just wait, this is the last time for this poor brat to be here in the Iron-Thorns Fighting Club!"

Zhang Tie had already understood a bit what of what that brat was thinking about. When people who lived like kings since they were young found those whom they looked down upon before—ones that would pass out after a casual kick, not even qualified to be flesh-bags—suddenly having changed in status and making their family suffer a miserable loss, what would they feel about such people?

This feeling would be very complicated. If one couldn't face squarely the fact and would still treat the other as that humble flesh-bag who had been casually trampled on by you and could only make 80 copper coins an hour, you might do silly things like what Gregory did today.


After such an incident, Zhang Tie had no mood to continue staying in the fighting club, besides, what had happened just now had also scared Mary graetly. He felt it unnecessary to care about the small conflict anymore. So Zhang Tie bade farewell to Benet and got his one year's salary—over 1000 gold coins that weighed over 20 kgs—from the manager in Hance's office, then left the Iron-Thorns Fighting Club.

Avenue Bright was still luxurious. Even now, when the business here were doing much worse compared to before, the stores on both sides of Avenue Bright were still selling the best items in the Blackhot City.

After leaving the fighting club, Zhang Tie walked for over ten minutes down this avenue until he arrived before a jewelry store.

All the items inside were radiating with golden and dazzling lights. A few clerks were standing behind the counter. Zhang Tie saw seven or eight jewelry craftsmen still working behind a glass partition past the counter.

Besides selling jewelries, this store could also do customization and processing of gems. Based on the girls' of the Rose Association words, this was the best jewelry store in Blackhot City.

Zhang Tie's military uniform won him warm welcome the moment he entered the store.

He carefully browsed throug the wares inside. There are so many items in the store that they almost dazzled him. Soon, a set of golden jewelry entered his vision, the theme of which was a rose. It was very delicate and beautiful, and consister of a ring, bracelet, a pair of earrings, and a necklace. In Blackhot City, if any family wanted to marry their daughter, they could choose this set of jewelry as a very graceful dowry...

"Give me this set of jewelry!"


Very happy, the clerk immediately took out of that set of jewelry that was put on the green velvet in a tray.

After a careful look, Zhang Tie was very satisfied with it.

"What's its price?" Zhang Tie asked.

"Wait a moment please! This set can be sold in parts or as a set. I will calculate it for you. The ring weighs 13.6 g, bracelet 78.8 g, necklace 31.5 g, pair of earrings 144.9 g, plus our processing fee, which leaves it at 8 gold coins and 38 silver coins..."

Eight gold coins weighed 200 g, 38 silver coins were equivalent to 9.5 g of gold content. Zhang Tie then immediately calculated the premium of this set of gold jewelry - 44.5%. This was truly the best jewelry store in Blackhot City as the price was a bit higher here. The premium in other jewelry stores would usually not surpass 30%, yet the number was close to 50% here. However, judging from the delicate workmanship, Zhang Tie felt it was very proper. It was most important that someone would like this.

"Can you carve words on it?"

"Of course, we can both carve words on the ring and the bracelet. We can carve out whatever you want to tell your beloved one for free!" With a pair of sharp eyes, at the sight of Zhang Tie's age and look, the clerk immediately knew whom Zhang Tie was presenting the jewelry to. "Do you plan to gift this to your beloved one?"

Zhang Tie smiled and nodded in a bashful way.

"If you want to gift this to your beloved one, this set of jewelry will definitely accompany her for the rest of her life. After carving her name or what do you want to say to her on it, it would be very romantic!" Seeing a great chance for this deal, the clerk felt much better and became more enthusiastic about Zhang Tie. "Do you want it?"

"Of course!"

"If so, we can gift you a delicate packing case and a fresh rose." The clerk also smiled. "Your beloved girl will definitely love it!"

"I think so!" Zhang Tie smirked. Give me 82 sets like this!"

"What?" The clerk could almost not believe his ears. With eyes widely opened, he stared at Zhang Tie. "Pardon?"

"I said, I want 82 sets like this!" Zhang Tie repeated.

This time the clerk's eyes filled with doubts and vigilance. Eight two sets of such expensive jewelry? He felt that Zhang Tie was a liar in the military uniform of the Norman Empire.

In the end, the boss with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses came out himself. Zhang Tie was then invited into a lounge behind the counter of the jewelry store...

"You mean you want 82 sets like this one?"

The boss of the jewelry store carefully asked as he had long gotten used to eliminating disasters that dealt with large sums. Although soldiers of the Norman Empire enjoyed a very good reputation, there were always some worms. Businessmen were most of these barbarous soldiers.


"By cash or..."

"By cash!" Zhang Tie put the handbag that contained over 1000 gold coins on the tea table, causing a sound of 'pa'. After that, he opened the handbag by pulling the zipper and the brilliant golden light.

"As we have not enough inventory to proceed right away, it may take me a bit longer to prepare for it!"

Seeing the cash, the boss immediately let out a sigh as he felt cold sweat covering his whole back.

"How many days do you need?"

"Three days!"

"Okay, no problem, I can pay you first. I will come back for the jewelry three days later!" Zhang Tie replied generously. In Blackhot City, he really wasn't afraid of being cheated now.


Ten minutes later, he left the jewelry store with only a bit more than 200 gold coins in his handbag. He had just spent the biggest amount of money ever since he was born.

When the boss counted the gold coins, he didn't sweat, but at the sight of the list of names which Zhang Tie had requested him to carve out on the jewelry sets, he was instantly drenched.

"To my beloved baby Angel——Zhang Tie"

"To my beloved baby Susan——Zhang Tie"

"To my beloved baby Fiona——Zhang Tie"

"To my beloved baby Sharapova——Zhang Tie"

"To my beloved baby Victoria——Zhang Tie"

"To my beloved baby Jennifer——Zhang Tie"

"To my beloved baby Hiltina——Zhang Tie"

"To my beloved baby Helena——Zhang Tie"


There were 82 babies on 82 sets of jewelry... Besides, Zhang Tie had chosen three unique rings inlaid with huge and exquisite gemstones on each of them, requesting the jewelry store to carve words on them too.

One was a black-sealed ring for Pandora. Zhang Tie felt that a black stone would match her a lot. He also asked them to carve a sentence on the back of the ring, "I know you love me in your special way, I love you too——Zhang Tie"

The second was a ruby-inlaid ring for Beverly. That ruby on the ring reminded Zhang Tie of Beverly's passionate short hair and beautiful look. The sentenced carved on the back of her ring ring read, "I know, you are as beautiful and innocent as a ruby——Zhang Tie"

The last sapphire-inlaid ring was for Alice. In Zhang Tie's eyes, the tears that Alice had dropped on the bed that day were sapphires. Therefore, he thought for quite a while before asked them to carve a sentence on the back of it that said, "Wish you'll be happier than a sea——Zhang Tie!"

A man who could spend over 800 gold coins in a jewelry store was not a god as other peole had done it before. However, a man who could buy jewelry for 85 beloved girls at once was definitely a god. Therefore, when Zhang Tie left, not only the boss, but also all the workers who were busy working stopped what they were doing and saw him off out the gate like seeing off a god.

After leaving the jewelry store, Zhang Tie went to a women garment store...

Chapter 200: Thank You, But I Hate You

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

The moment Zhang Tie walked out through the gate of the jewelry store, he let out a deep breath without knowing the reason for it. Besides the sprayed liquid, this was the best item that he could give them, since he might soon go to the battlefield and could not be sure that he'll manage to survive there.

If he was killed, this jewelry will work as the memory for those adorable girls. As their first man who indulged with them in pleasure for one week, he should leave something to them. Maybe he could not treat them all like how he treated Pandora and Beverly, but he could at least give them the best he could give.

Those sets of jewelry that Zhang Tie had chosen were very heavy. There was also another reason for him to do this besides them serving as a memory of him—when in emergency, that jewelry could also be sold to save them.

After leaving the jewelry store, Zhang Tie went to a women's underclothes store on Avenue Bright. The underclothes sold here were of the best brands in Blackhot City. Previously, he didn't know which brand was best, but now he had learnt from the girls of the Rose Association that the most favorite female underclothes brand in Blackhot City was Mrs. Diss.

At the sight of such a handsome military officer of the Norman Empire, the beautiful female clerks inside the store all surrounded him out of curiosity.

"Give me a piece of paper and a pen, then prepare what I will write down!"

They had never imagined that such a handsome military officer of the Norman Empire might want a piece of paper and a pen. Under suspicion, one clerk presented him with what he asked for.


When Zhang Tie left the store, he became a god again. All the clerks in the underwear store saw him off out the gate. Although men who could buy underclothes for women were not gods, a man who could buy 85 sets of underclothes at once and able to tell the size and style of each woman's underclothes was definitely a god.

For the first time, Zhang Tie applied his improved memory after the upsurge of his spiritual energy in this place.

The 85 sets of underclothes cost Zhang Tie over 30 gold coins in total. Some sizes and styles were in short, so he would have to come here to get them three days later. Although it was not a great consumption for Zhang Tie, he just wanted to tell those girls who had brought him great happiness that he had borne each one of them in his mind, including their looks and their figures, because they had given him the most important thing they had.


After leaving the underclothes shop, Zhang Tie came to a boutique gift shop and a fresh flower shop. After spending 20 more gold coins there, he finally arranged everything so he could leave Blackhot City.

From this evening onward, the "great thing" that a young military officer of the Norman Empire had done in the three stores on Avenue Bright became legends which were always mentioned by the clerks in the three stores to their customers even a few years later.


After dealing with these things, Zhang Tie suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Walking through the streets of Blackhot City alone, Zhang Tie thought about Samira.

It was time to deal with that shameless villain. However, the grudge between Samira and him was private. Therefore, he could not find the evidence of Samira's fault on a greater event. Additionally, Samira had found a strong backer - Alchemist Abyan. This made it more difficult for Zhang Tie to deal with him. Even if the ruler of Blackhot City changed, that alchemist called Abyan still enjoyed a far greater status than him, a trivial second lieutenant of the Norman Empire.

If he wanted to deal with Samira, he should not involve that backer. Therefore, he needed to make a good plan...

Without killing Samira, who had offended him and set him up several times, Zhang Tie didn't feel comfortable leaving Blackhot City. If he left that villain who was as vicious as a snake and as crafty as a fox alive in this world, it would be a risk for his family members and himself.

Zhang Tie was determined to kill Samira before he left Blackhot City. It was his first decision to kill a person ever since he was born.


He had spent too mcuh time in the three stores. When he walked back to the apartment on Avenue Monet, it was already so late that few pedestrians were still on the road, leaving lamps radiating faint lights in pitch-dark night.

There was already a vehicle and a person waiting outside the gate of Zhang Tie's apartment.

It was a 60-odd man in black swallowtail suit, whose hair was fully gray. Although having stood outside the gate of Zhang Tie's apartment for a long time, he still behaved perfectly.

"I'm Pavano, the butler of Gregory family. On behalf of the Gregory family, I'm very sorry for what happened in the Iron-Thorns Fighting Club today. That innocent kid will not appear there ever again. Here is the sincerity of Gregory family. Hopefully, you'll like it!"

The 60-odd man with pale hair flicked his hand towards his car. Then Mary, who was dressed well, got off the vehicle and came in front of Zhang Tie. She looked more beautiful but paler as well.

At this time, she wore a beautiful and expensive evening dress adorned with crystals that could only be worn when women attended banquets. She seemed like a gift that had been well decorated. However, her look was of one going to the gibbets.

The old man cast a warm eye at Mary, who immediately quivered all over.

"Please... please f*ck me!"

It was really hard to say such a filthy sentence, especially for a girl. After saying this sentence, Mary started crying—this was an 'appointment' that had been made between Zhang Tie and Mary at the beginning.

As for Gregory family, they had 1000 methods to make common girls like Mary to succumb. Zhang Tie had long predicted that. Therefore, he was not surprised by it at all.

Smiling, he told the butler of Gregory family, "I will not care about what happened in the Iron-Thorns Fighting Club today. It was just mischief of a kid..."

"Wish you have a good night!"

After making an elegant bow to Zhang Tie, Pavano left.

This was how big families behaved, Zhang Tie mumbled with a sigh inside.

Facing Zhang Tie alone, not knowing whether it was because of cold or fear, Mary started to shiver all over.

After casting a glance at her, Zhang Tie pulled out a key to open the gate of the apartment building. Mary then also lowered her head and followed him in.

Zhang Tie's residence was filled with a strange smell. The moment Mary entered, she smelled a weird odor, and her face turned paler. That odor was like the smell of blood near the gibbet for her.

Zhang Tie also smelled it. While staying in the residence for the past days, he did not sense it, but now, after going out for a round and coming back, he realized that the whole residence was filled with a lascivious smell.

After entering the parlor, Mary became stiff all over. Hearing the sound of Zhang Tie closing the door, she got scared and quivered once again.

Zhang Tie didn't care about her, neither did he talk to her. Instead, he just did things alone. After taking off his clothes in the bedroom, he went to the washroom to take a bath. It took him ten minutes to finish it. Then he walked out of the washroom in a pair of boxer shorts and bare feet while wiping off the water droplets off his face.

During this period, Mary, in her evening dress, just stood stiffly and nervously in the parlor with alluring shoulders. She slightly quivered.

Zhang Tie took a small cup of fruit liqueur from the gradevin in the parlor before walking over and giving it to her.

"Drink it, you may warm up a bit!"

Mary seemed yo listen to his words for after taking the cup with two hands, she raised up her head and drunk all the liquor, almost choking on it. She then started to cough.

"Take a seat!"

Zhang Tie pointed at the sofa. Mary then sat down there stiffly while bean-sized tears dropped down her brittle looking face. At the beginning, she had never imagined this situation. Even several hours before when she was grabbed away from Zhang Tie by the young master of Gregory family, he was still slightly pleasant.

However, Gregory family's changed attitude towards her made her wake up and understand how innocent she had been. In the eyes of those families of Blackhot City, women like her were nothing different from commodities displayed in the counters of stores on Avenue Bright. For Gregory family, she was even a cheap commodity that nobody would want even with a discount, an item produced by a small plant or a small workshop that was not even qualified to be displayed in official sites.

What happened tonight awakened Mary from her nice dream and made her realize the cruelty of reality.

Zhang Tie found that he really could not stand crying women. Seeing her poor look, his misunderstanding with her due to his personal feelings and vanity quickly dissipated.

After having indulged with the girls of the Rose Association for one week, Zhang Tie found that he had grown a bit more mature, as he seemed to be more compromising to women. Many times he would think about the problem from point of view of the women.

After fully releasing his desires that had been accumulated for many years on a group of girls, he found that many thorny edges inside of him seemed to have been polished by the endless piston movements. Women's tender figures and bodily fluids that he had exchanged with them seemed to also make his inner heart more comfortable.

Several months ago, he was just a miserable ugly duckling. As for Mary who usually looked at those beautiful swans and felt qualified to be one of them, at that time, Zhang Tie truly had nothing to make her respect him by lowering her status to satisfy his dream of sleeping with a beauty.

In the rude mockery of Donder, the badass, "Did you have a big d*ck or what?"

"I also made mistakes in the fighting club, hmm, I was a bit rude to you at that time, so I'll apologize to you about that. Through this incident, we're even!"

Dropping tears, Mary raised her head. She then looked at Zhang Tie with eyes wide-open. When she thought that she would drop into hell, she heard his apology.

Sitting on the opposite sofa, Zhang Tie just gazed at her without teasing.

After taking off the military uniform, he looked just like an innocent youth or a lackey of a gangster.

"You mean... we're even?" Mary asked out of suspicion.

"Yes, I don't know what the Gregory family told you and what trade has been made between you and them, it seemed that you only need to stay here for one night. If it was true, you just do that and leave the next morning. There are two guestrooms over there, you can choose one at your will. I've already told manager Hance, so that they won't find you trouble in the future, so you're free as usual from tomorrow onward..."

"Don... don't... don't you want me?"

Mary was shocked, then changed her wording to express her thought.

Scratching his head, Zhang Tie replied, "Isn't it interesting to do that on the base of our mutual willingness? I feel that the two of us are not on the same page, and I don't like to force others to do anything, neither do I like women feeling sorrow and weeping because of me. Do you want me to want you?"

"Of course not!" Mary instantly denied as her face slightly blushed.

"That's it, go to sleep then. I'm a bit tired these days, so I'll also go to bed now. I won't chat with you anymore! When you go back to your room, remember to turn off the light in the parlor..."

After saying this, Zhang Tie stood up and yawned, then returned to his own bedroom. He habitually locked the door from inside by pressing the button.

Despite hearing the sound of Zhang Tie pressing the button in his bedroom, Mary sat in the parlor for quite awhile. After that, she lowered her head down and looked at her infinitely beautiful figure and the extravagant evening dress. She should have let out a deep breath, however, she didn't know why but she felt dejected...

After eight days' fight, Zhang Tie finally could have a good sleep.

Tonight, he felt that sometimes it was also very comfortable for a man to sleep alone.

On the second day, when Zhang Tie woke up, Mary had already left. He did not know when she'd done that, but he didn't care about it at all. Though on the mirror in the parlor, he saw a line left by that woman using her lipstick.

——Thank you! But I hate you!

"F*ck, is the woman sick?"

Zhang Tie swore inside. He could never understand why that woman would still hate him when he had been so kind to her. F*ck!

After leaving this incident alone, Zhang Tie came into the study room and entered the underground hidden room.


Over ten minutes later, he walked out of that underground bar in Avenue Monet in a new set of clothes and a new face. After passing by a short half a block, he got on a trolleybus that went towards the southern downtown. Half an hour later, he appeared in the animal trading market in the south of Blackhot City. Standing on the hill, he looked at that beautiful and magnificent castle-like manor of Master Abyan, which was located beside the lake in the distance.

Zhang Tie spent two silver coins to get news about Samira from a local snake of the market.

In these couple of days, Samira had come to the animal trading market to purchase golden uangs at a very low price. It seemed that Master Abyan wanted to use these mutated golden uangs to make some medicament...

Chapter 201: Revenge

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

Recently, the animal trading market in the south of Blackhot City had become more boisterous. Compared to before when only the places which sold pets were lively, nowadays, the horse trading area became more bustling as many people in Blackhot City started to consider their private carriages. Besides, the Norman Empire's hierarchical system became increasingly more accepted and started to influence people's daily lives from all aspects.

In this animal trading market, recently a news spread that the horse trading area would be separated from the animal trading market. This was because someone waned to invest into a bigger and more senior horse trading market to satisfy the demands of some people in Blackhot City in the future.

In the Norman Empire, with the exception of army and public traffic, only soldiers could be allowed to use private vehicles in public areas. As many rich people and businessmen in Blackhot City were only commoners, once the military control came to an end, they could only put away their private cars at home.

Some were sorrowful and sighed while stud-farm bosses and farmers who bred a bit some horses in the surrounding farms all looked very satisfied.

There were several stud-farms in Blackhot City, which all had a booming business these days. At the same time, those farmers who knew how to breed horses, drive carriages, and take care of horses became in demand. This meant that many farmers who could only do farm work in the farmland would get an opportunity to work downtown.

If those rich commoners who could only have carriages wanted to have a carriage, they had to hire at least two workers, one driver, and one hostler. Besides, they had to buy at least two strong horses and customize a carriage that met the requirements of the Norman Empire. Additionally, they had to build a horse stable at home and spend money on taking care of the horses everyday.

Driving a carriage is more complicated than driving a car. Therefore, many people who prepared to change their method of transportation became resentful. However, even if they were unwilling, they could only do it as they dared not show their dissatisfaction at all.

That indicated just how strict the hierarchical system of the Norman Empire was. Even all the businessmen in the entire Norman Empire dared not oppose it, not to mention some independent businessmen. So even if there were people who were dissatisfied with this change in Blackhot City, more people were happy about it. Actually, the amount of the latter far surpassed that of the former.

If you wanted to use a private car, the solution was simple and transparent. Once you made enough contributions to the Norman Empire and became a soldier, you might have a chance to get a private car. If a businessman wanted to be a soldier of the Norman Empire, even the lowest rank—parasol-leaf soldier—the lowest threshold would also take you at least 1600 gold coins' taxation or donation.

The soldiers of the Norman Empire were divided into seven ranks. The lowest rank was parasol-leaf soldier, above which were respectively oak-leaf soldier, maple-leaf soldier, pine-needle soldier, and three senior soldier ranks—lilac soldier, rosebush soldier, and rose soldier. Each soldier rank enjoyed different rights on all aspects.

The oak leaves on Zhang Tie's military officer certificate indicated that he was in the oak-leaf rank, which brought him a treatment of a second lieutenant. In the Norman Empire, soldiers who sacrificed themselves for their country could always win more respect than those who only donated gold coins.

If a businessman who had become a parasol-leaf soldier, the lowest soldier rank, through legal taxation or donation wanted to be further promoted, besides several times higher taxation and donations, he had to meet several stricter requirements. For instance, he should not have a criminal record; additionally, he had to be a model of high morality in the society; he should be enthusiastic about doing social benefit activities and be generous in helping others.

After reaching these rigidly quantitative requirements, he should also collect the signatures of at least 300 commoners of the Norman Empire and pass the investigation of the Imperial Order Investigation Committee before became an oak-leaf soldier.

Oak-leaf soldiers had more rights than parasol-leaf soldiers.

The lowest-level officials of the Norman Empire would be chosen at least from oak-leaf soldiers or direct-line descendants of families composed of oak-leaf soldiers. Commoners and parasol-leaf soldiers were not qualified to be officials of the Norman Empire.

The hierarchical system was a set of rigid fundamental laws for ruling a country. Through hundreds of years' practice, this foundation of the Norman Empire was becoming more powerful and firm.

The book "The Charter of Orders" was published by the Imperial Order Investigation Committee of the Norman Empire which was the legal document on introducing the ruling foundation of the Norman Empire. This book was most discussed in Blackhot City these days as it had become the bestseller in bookstores.

Sitting before his own stall, Zhang Tie heard some guys who were also selling items nearby discussing this hottest topic. After it came the speculations about the escalating friction and battles between the Norman Empire and Sun Dynasty in Kalur region.

From those guys' discussion, Zhang Tie learned that it was the seven families of the Coal, Iron, and Steal Federation who had coordinated with the Norman Empire to realize a "peaceful liberation" of Blackhot City. As a reward, the clan elders of the seven families would be rewarded the status of rosebush soldiers of the Norman Empire.

As for Zhang Tie himself, because he had formed the Iron-Blood hidden strength, he was recruited by Colonel Leibniz to join the Iron-Blood Camp and luckily became one of the first eight natives who were rewarded with soldier rank in Blackhot City during the military control period. Although he was only a low-rank oak-leaf soldier, it was already great enough.

On the carpet before Zhang Tie were several bamboo cages which contained golden uangs. He had bought them from some kids in the early morning when he came here. There were more than 30 uangs, which had cost Zhang Tie 12 silver coins.

Golden uang was a very cute beetle. Male uangs had a huge horn on their heads, which made them adorable. Zhang Tie had also caught two in a tree he used to play when he was young. This kind of beetle was not expensive. However, it was not easy to catch a live one. It would take you some time to catch them. Those 11-12 old kids living in the farms outside Blackhot City were very excited about catching them as a part-time job.

Zhang Tie sat in front of his stall with his eyes on the uangs in the cages before him while waiting for the arrival of Samira, that bastard.

This time, Zhang Tie looked like a 20-odd pioneer in common clothes which looked a bit old. Besides them, he wore a summer hat and was leaning lazily against a banyan tree with a grass stem in his mouth. At the sight of him, people would know that he was just a sorehead.


At noon, Samira finally arrived, followed by two tough bodyguards.

Samira circled around the market with only over 30 golden uangs collected. This quantity could not meet today's mission, so he became a bit anxious. Each time he would get benefits from buying these live creatures. Once he could accomplish the task, Master Abyan would not mind giving him a bit of reward. However, if he could not accomplish the task, he was not brave enough to face Master Abyan's fury. What Samira feared most was to make Master Abyan think he was useless and start to become dissatisfied with him.

While his anxiousness continued to grow, he caught sight of that 20-odd youth—Zhang Tie's disguise—and the golden uangs that were put in a bamboo cage on the ground.

When he arrived in front of Zhang Tie, he didn't even ask him about the price before ordering a tough guy to take that cage containing uangs and throw the beetles into a larger cage in that tough man's hand.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Tie asked in a low-pitch voice with a furious expression, spitting off his grass stem.

"I want all of your golden uangs!"

Casting a glance at Zhang Tie's clothes, Samira showed a contemptuous expression.

"You want to take it away without even asking the price?" Zhang Tie asked.

"Ha!" Samira gave a cold harrumph and stared at Zhang Tie like seeing a rustic. "Are you here for the first time? Don't you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are, if you want my commodities, you have to pay!"

"Of course I will pay!"

Saying this, Samira took out several silver coins from the inside of his coat and threw them to Zhang Tie. After that, he turned back and walked away, followed by two tough guys.

Only after a few steps, Zhang Tie had already caught up with them. "You only paid me eight silver coins, that's not enough. My golden uangs deserve at least 16 silver coins..."

Hearing this, Samira and the two tough men turned back at the same time.

"Brat, I've given you face and you should take it. Only I am collecting golden uangs in Blackhot City. Only kids would play with these animals, I've already given you face by paying you eight silver coins!"

Samira's face instantly became solemn.

Zhang Tie threw the eight silver coins back to Samira. "Here are your silver coins, give me back my golden uangs, 23 in total, I will not sell them!"

Samira didn't catch Zhang Tie's silver coins but cast a glance at a tough guy beside him. When Zhang Tie stretched out his hand to grab that cage in Samira's cage, the tough men directly pushed him several steps back, forcing him down on the ground.

"Brat, if you keep being this stupid, I will beat you up. Hurriedly take the silver coins and roll out of here!" Samira swore. After that, he turned back and left while the two tough men gesticulated with their fists at Zhang Tie.

Seeing the argument, many people moved close to Zhang Tie.

"Brat, never mind it, those people are collecting uangs for Master Abyan. You can not offend him. Take the silver coins from the ground and leave as soon as possible!" some kind-heart man started to persuade him.

Dumbfounded, Zhang Tie sat on the ground for a while, seemingly having been greatly wronged. After that, he suddenly shouted loudly and jumped up from the ground. He then chased after Samira. On the way there, he pulled out of a shiny dagger from inside his coat which really scared the surrounding people. They had never imagined that Zhang Tie was that righteous.

What happened next was too fast.

The moment Samira heard Zhang Tie's shout did he saw Zhang Tie rushing towards him with a dagger in hand. In a split second, Zhang Tie thrust his dagger directly into Samira's heart. Afterwards, he grabbed his cage and escaped immediately...

Not until Zhang Tie was more than ten meters away did the two muscled men following Samira understand what had happened. At the sight of Samira's fallen body in this quick manner, they immediately rushed after Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie kept running towards a hill in the south of Blackhot City. He ran so fast that after chasing him for less than 50 m. , the two tough men, running with gritted teeth, saw his shadow far off in the distance, which then quickly disappeared in the woods...

The two tough men also entered the woods and searched for quite awhile, but were not able to find even a hair of Zhang Tie. They could only dejectedly return to that place where Samira had been assassinated. After such a long period, Samira no longer had any signs of life on him.

When they rushed off to chase after Zhang Tie, the onlookers immediately left, not even casting a second glance at Samira who was lying on the ground.

Everybody felt that he had deserved that. Seeing the two tough guys coming backwith disgruntled looks, many people in the market even became happy.

"Samira that bastard should have long died!"

"That's it, that Chinese youth runs so fast and has such a righteous morality..."

"I heard that none of the Chinese of the Norman Empire are easily offended."

"Of course, some bastards would behave better than that!"

Among all the onlookers in the market, only a local snake's face turned pale when he caught sight of the dead Samira lying on the ground. From the onlookers' discussions, he already knew that the one who had killed Samira was the very Chinese youth who had asked him where Samira was in the morning by paying him several silver coins. However, at this moment, he would never admit that someone had asked him about Samira's whereabouts.

'This was just a fight arisen from an unfair deal. That's it! I haven't seen that Chinese youth before, never have seen him before! It's so pathetic to see such a murder in this market!' That man told him himself this twice inside.

Soon, a sheriff came to the market to investigate the present scene. He recorded the cause of Samira's death and how the murder had happened. Murder was a great case. It took the sheriff over one hour to finish this. Finally, he let the two muscled men carry away Samira' body.

According to witnesses' descriptions, the murderer was a 20-odd Chinese pioneer. Nobody knew his name, where he came from, where he lived, or whether he had some partners or friends. From the descriptions of the onlookers, even that killer's look became weird.

Additionally, the moment that killer murdered Samira, he ran away. Nobody knew whether he would come back to Blackhot City or not. For such a case, nobody would be interested in investigating it. Actually, they didn't even have time to search for him in the wild. At most, the sheriffs would warn their counterparts in Blackhot City to pay attention to whether there were 20-odd Chinese pioneers who met these descriptions.

Soon after Samira's body was carried back into the luxurious castle-like manor beside the Lvyin Lake, Master Abyan, who enjoyed a great reputation in Blackhot City, learned that Samira was killed...

Chapter 202: Master Abyan

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

As the only gray-robe alchemist in a small area like Blackhot City, of course Master Abyan was qualified to be called a master.

Being different from the senile image that many people had about masters, although Master Abyan was over 50 years old, because of good maintenance, he looked much younger than his real age. With a 30-odd man's look, Master Abyan featured the charms of a mature man.

Younger appearance seemed to be a common feature among alchemists. All them tended to look much younger than their real age.

Master Abyan was such a person who would be recognized as an alchemist the moment you saw him.

A 50-odd gray-robe alchemist was already excellent achievement although not a genius in the world of alchemists. Similar to the hierarchical system of the Norman Empire, alchemists also had many ranks like herbal medicine apprentice, knapsack physician, suspended-gourd alchemist, girdling alchemist, and gray-robe alchemist.

Master Abyan was on the brilliant fifth stage in the alchemists' world. Although there were many more brilliant stages after the fifth stage, this status was already enough for him to obtain the respect and good treatment from the rulers of any country across Blackson Human Clan Corridor.

In Alchemists' world, everything could only be accumulated through time and experience. There was no shortcut to success in the alchemists' world. Additionally, because all alchemists could live longer than commoners, a 50-odd alchemist was like a 20-odd fighter who was rightly in his heyday with a bright future.

In the castle-style manor of Master Abyan, he would most commonly stay in two places: one was his pharmacy, and the other was his medical pills room.

These days, Master Abyan spent most of his time in his medical pills room as he was trying his best in studying a magical medicament that could help him rise to the next stage. It was a LV 4 magical medicament - primary strength medicament.

Based on his abilities as a gray-robe alchemist, he didn't dream about making such a great medicament at once, but a further study of it had benefited him a lot. He was ready to climb to the peak step by step. His status as a gray-robe alchemist and his deep relationships that had been built in the past years made his influence deep rooted in Blackhot City. However, if he could make further progress, his influence would not be limited to the Blackhot City but spread to the entire Brunswick Province of the Norman Empire. This would be of great help to his further plans.

Master Abyan was bored by making low-level medicaments in a remote area like Blackhot City all day long so as to get acquainted with those rustic land owners who only knew how to get gold coins by digging mines and make woman pregnant.

Because of a reason that he would not expose to anyone, Master Abyan felt that his physical strength was increasing right now along with his spirit. This brought him great confidence to challenge a higher and more brilliant stage in the alchemists' world.

The direction he chose to study and break through was primary strength medicament, the most attractive medicament among those of LV 4.

As a gray-robe alchemist, Master Abyan had mastered many secret knowledge systems that could only be known by alchemists. Therefore, he knew many secrets that other commoners didn't know, including the secret of the attractive 'primary strength medicament', which was related to golden uangs. This was alchemists' secret knowledge.

Common uangs could only lift objects that were more than 1200 times heavier than its own weight at most, however, after mutation, they could lift objects that were more than 1800 times heavier than their own weight. They were well-known kings of strength among the mother nature's creations.

Even before the catastrophe when human beings' science and technology were very developed and some crazy guys even clamored to enter the universe, people could only decipher less than 3% of their own genes.

However, the 3% of human genes that had been deciphered were over 95% similar to that of uangs and over 99% similar to that of other mammals. This knowledge had been grasped by people before the catastrophe. Today, this knowledge was still of great use to alchemists.

The alleged 'primary strength medicament' was a kind of medice that contained a certain strength from uangs' genes that granted uangs great strength. It could also work a bit on human body by activating a small part of some human genes which were related to strength, which drove people mad.

It didn't increase people's physical strength by over 1000 times; that would be too crazy and could only be made by god. If a vial of primary strength medicament made by alchemists could allow a person to increase his lifting strength by 3-5 times that of his own strength, namely adding 300-400 kgs' strength, and help the person ratain it for several hours, that would already be enough to drive people mad.

'Primary strength medicament' was very expensive which also drove people very mad. However, the most critical materials required by this kind of medicament were only those common golden uangs, a mutated beetle that could be seen everywhere. Although common uangs could also be used to make this kind of medicament, that could only be done by alchemists of higher rank.

As an alchemist who was expecting a further promotion, Master Abyan had a greater chance to succeed by using mutated golden uangs to study the 'primary strength medicament'.

These days, Master Abyan had used up hundreds of golden uangs in his medical pills room. Those uangs had struggled and disappeared in weird bubbling liquids of different colors.

Today, Master Abyan made some interesting experiments in his medical pills room and gained a further understanding on how to make 'Primary strength medicament'. This made him very happy.

However, Master Abyan started to become gloomy when he heard that there was no more golden uangs in the medical pills room.

"Are you saying that Samira who was responsible for collecting golden uangs for me was murdered? Are you saying that there's no golden uangs for my experiments anymore?" Master Abyan asked with an emotionless face, looking at a terrified steward of his castle.

The steward's face immediately turned pale and he almost lowered his head to the ground. "After learning of this news, I've dispatched three groups of people to collect golden uangs in emergency. I'm sure they will soon come back!"

After closing his eyes for several seconds, Master Abyan opened his eyes.

"Is that killer a Chinese youth called Zhang Tie?"

"No, I heard it was a 20-odd Chinese youth!"

"Did anyone know him?"


"Was this 20-odd Chinese youth acting alone? Was he a strange face in Blackhot City? Had he appeared in the animal trading area before?" Master Abyan asked.


The steward looked at Master Abyan with a pair of amazed eyes, expressing great awe to this man.

Seeing the steward's eyes, Master Abyan revealed a wisp of smile on his lip corner. "Do you think it's very difficult for a person to change his face?"

"Do I need to report this to colonel Leibniz with a letter signed by you?" the steward asked, his voice lowered.

"No need, I will not care whether Samira died or not. Even if the killer was Zhang Tie, as he has considered to change his look before dealing with his personal grudge with Samira, it means that he doesn't want to offend me. No need to find more trouble. Arrange a new manager for purchasing medicinal materials for me!"

After saying this, Master Abyan slightly flicked his hands towards the steward. For Master Abyan, this was just a trivial thing and it was unnecessary for him to take revenge for a small figure like Samira.

The steward then received the order.

"I don't want to be interrupted!" Master Abyan said.

"As you wish, I will make so, but Ms. Gina who wants to buy youth water had been here waiting for you for half an hour in the parlor. She was invited by the young miss from Gregory family. Will you go to the parlor or..."

"If so, no need to be that complicated, I can also gain tranquility in the parlor!"

"Yes sir!"


Under the guidance castle's steward, Master Abyan went to the parlor in the side hall of the second floor after a short while. After opening the gate for Master Abyan, the steward then closed it respectfully and exited.

In a baroque skirt, a beautiful 30-odd woman was lazily sitting on the sofa. She was holding a white folding fan while a great part of her plump breasts exposed. Her figure was enchanting, while her skin was as white as snow.

"Do you want to buy youth water?" Master Abyan asked as he walked over to her.

"Yes, the young Ms of Gregory introduced me to here. She says you have a very special youth water which can be directly injected into women's bodies. Besides keeping beauty, it can also cure loneliness!" Ms Gina said, face blushed. Afterwards, she sat up slightly straighter, exposing the curves of her breasts in a more perfect way.

Master Abyan revealed a smile while his eyes radiated shiny lights. "Then please stand up, I will inject the youth water for you now!"

Ms Gina stood up from the sofa.

"Beautiful Ms, please turn back and lie down on the sofa with your hands supporting your body. Meanwhile, remember to raise you butt, this pose should not be difficult for you!"

Ms Gina then obediently turned back and made the pose; it was an very alluring pose for any man.

"The first time I inject youth water for you might make you uncomfortable. It might be a bit painful! Afterwards, when you get used to it, you might want an injection or two every week!"

"The young Ms of Gregory family said that your injector is very huge!" Ms. Gina gasped out.

"Yes, Ms, you will soon enjoy it! Please take off your skirt. Yea, like this, hmm, show me your butt. There's another obstacle on you. If you can take off your sling underwear or push it away and show me the place where I need to inject you, I would be very happy to do that! This would help me inject youth water into your body in a much smoother way."

Master Abyan had already pulled away his robe and taken out his grim and huge injector that was used to inject youth water.

Ms. Gina did it according to Master Abyan's requirements. When she took off her underwear and touched that huge and hard injector of Master Abyan behind her, she exclaimed immediately. She had seen so many injectors, however, that was definitely the biggest one that she had seen. She would not even be able to hold it with one hand. Such a huge injector might be more suitable to a mare.

"Ms, the injector is ready!" Master Abyan had already put it next to the place where he wanted to inject the youth water in. He started to slightly rub it on the place. Ms Gina felt so stimulated that she started to quiver all over. "When the needle of the injector enters your body, you might feel a bit painful the first time. When I inject it for you, please don't struggle or move. Can I press your waist with one of my hands? I know, as a medic, if I touch your beautiful body without your prior consent, it will be impolite and a bit profane to you!"

"Fine!" Ms Gina panted.

Receiving her consent, Master Abyan placed his powerful left hand on the hipbone of Ms Gina's waist.

"Ms, if you are ready, please treat yourself as a rutting female dog and bark twice when I can inject it for you. During the process , if it is too painful, you can also bark twice. This way, you can feel less scared. I will also make it less painful by pushing in the injector a bit slower and gentler. I've already checked it just now. If you want to be cured, you have to receive injections in two places. During the first time, I can tap your potential while the second time, I will complete the real deep treatment for you..." Master Abyan righteously said.

"Woof... woof...", Ms Gina, who looked very noble, barked twice, face blushed. It was then soon followed by a distant and sharp bark.

In the next hour, the barks drifted in the parlor one after another at different rhythms.

The moment Master Abyan pushed in the injector, he raised his head and looked at the ceiling. He didn't focus on Ms Gina who was quivering all over and could not even stand steadily, instead, he was gazing at a grain on the ceiling, seemingly wanting to see through the ceiling of the parlor.

At this moment, Master Abyan was very tranquil inside as he was seriously thinking about something...

Could a person really be able to resist the toxicity of Blue Frost after being struck by a lightning bolt...

Could a person, really, easily form Iron-Blood hidden strength after being struck by a lightning bolt...

That person was really more interesting than golden uangs...


At such a solemn and critical moment, if Zhang Tie knew that Master Abyan was still silently thinking of him, he would have definitely been left dumb while cramping and spitting white foam. He might have even crashed himself into the wall, losing his mind.

Thankfully, Zhang Tie didn't know...