431 - 436

Chapter 431: A Trouble from a Familiar Person

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After digesting 7 seven-strength fruits of iron-teeth hyenas, a fruit of brilliance and a fruit of judgment, Zhang Tie came out of the Castle of Black Iron on the 7th day.

Seven-strength fruit of iron-teeth hyena was the most powerful seven-strength fruit that Zhang Tie had ever eaten. As a fruit of LV 1 living being, the total of its seven strengths were far more than that of wild-wolf seven-strength fruit and demon-rat seven-strength fruit. After completely digesting the 7 seven-strength fruits of iron-teeth hyenas, Zhang Tie felt that his explosiveness increased by more than 40%.

This was a huge, terrifying progress. Precisely, he could throw his javelin at a speed of 1024 m/s, which was 3 times more than the speed of sound transmission in the air, instead of 728 m/s, which was only greater than 2 times the speed of sound transmission in the air. Its maximal effective lethal range also surpassed 1000 m.

According to Heller, unless some top strong fighters who had special abilities, with such a high sound transmission speed Zhang Tie could absolutely stifle more than 98% of 4-star or 5-star strong fighters within 100-200 m.

From then on, most of the strong fighters could not pose any threat to Zhang Tie. For Zhang Tie, he could kill almost any strong fighters by throwing out his javelins. Zhang Tie asked himself, "If I met that animal controller at this moment, I would have ended the battle after throwing out only 1-3 javelins."

"That person might be able to dodge away from my first javelin; however, the consecutive javelins could easily penetrate through him. I can keep throwing javelins towards him endlessly; however, can he keeping moving at that high speed? Of course, he cannot. Because it is absolutely out of the ability of a strong fighter."

Zhang Tie knew that it was a very terrifying ability. After the combination of this ancestral bloodline and seven-strength fruits, his precise throwing ability had already evolved into a terrifying and effective lethal skill.

What was the cost of a javelin? What was the cost of cultivating a LV 10 strong fighter? After realizing the difference, Zhang Tie knew how terrifying and powerful was his throwing skill.

This throwing skill reminded Zhang Tie of the thermal weapons before catastrophe which were featured by extremely high speed and precision, such as a sniper rifle. Zhang Tie felt like carrying a sniper rifle.

Before catastrophe, after a short-term training, a teenager would be able to kill many powerful people with those thermal weapons. So was Zhang Tie.

Perhaps in close battle, because of low level and weaker battle Qi, Zhang Tie might not be able to defeat some LV 10 strong fighters; like how a LV 10 strong fighter boomed Zhang Tie with his battle Qi in the air, as long as the distance was proper, Zhang Tie would be able to throw out his javelins and ended the battle right away. There was no such a regulation that javelins could not be used to counterattack while only allowing LV 10 strong fighters to boom him with battle Qi in the distance!

Zhang Tie knew it well that if he wanted to be powerful, he didn't have to do a good job on all aspects; instead, he needed to gradually improve his advantage until it was above that of everybody else. When he reached that level, he could even defeat 10000 enemies himself. Regardless of any powerhouse, even the legendary knight could be killed by throwing one javelin. If so, Zhang Tie would truly succeed.

Besides the greater strength brought by the 7 seven-strength fruits of iron-teeth hyenas, Zhang Tie obtained a new skill from the fruit of judgment——Hiding skill.

The preliminary hiding effect could weaken Zhang Tie's Qi field by 1 energy level. With this skill, Zhang Tie could hide himself in front of powerhouses. Being similar to the tactic——disguising oneself as a pig to eat tiger, he could always hide his real fighting strength so as to not arouse others' attention.

This effect would last 6 hours. When using it, Zhang Tie's overall fighting strength would not weaken. According to Heller, after using this hiding rune effect in Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie felt like a senior warrior between LV 4 and LV 5 in the eyes of those powerhouses who had sharp insights.

Zhang Tie was very satisfied with this hiding skill. By now, Zhang Tie had already eaten 3 fruits of judgment and obtained three basic skills——attack, escape and hide. Therefore, Zhang Tie fully expected what other effects could the next fruit of judgment bring him.

The latest fruit of brilliance contained all the spiritual energy of Dawson and that secret animal controller. Soon after eating this fruit, Zhang Tie's spiritual energy had soared to 160 times of his original base. What a harvest!

Given the harvest, Zhang Tie had one question.

Previously, Zhang Tie felt that his growing spiritual energy seemingly reached a critical point. He felt that he could soon break that invisible ceiling after increasing his spiritual energy a bit. However, although he had increased his spiritual energy a lot during this period, especially in this couple of days, he could still not break that invisible obstacle. Therefore, Zhang Tie started to be perplexed about it.

Remarkably, he could not purely break that obstacle by increasing his spiritual energy. Zhang Tie wondered why would he have that obstacle, whether because each one would have such an obstacle when their spiritual energy reached a certain degree or his level was not high enough. He didn't know what was behind that obstacle. On the way of individual cultivation, nobody would tell him why, including Heller. Although Heller could tell him the weight and size of each dust in Castle of Black Iron, he could not help Zhang Tie cultivate.

"Cultivation is the most important life experience. In the course of cultivation, each question is actually involved with numerous possibilities and results, which determine different choices as a part of casual chain. It guides you about the meaning of your life. If I tell you the answer, I'm actually determining your life's direction and kill all the other possibilities. If so, you will lose your freedom to make choice. This goes against the objective and meaning of my existence! If you've determined your life's direction, I can be your good helper; yet I cannot determine your life's direction!" Heller told Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie understood it. Therefore, he was not concerned about this question anymore. Given Zhang Tie's personality, if he could not find the answer, he would not waste time in seeking for the answer; instead, he owed this question to his low level.

However, the benefit of his soaring spiritual energy was remarkable.

In Zhang Tie's mind, the golden swirl of spiritual energy had further expanded. It was like the swirling galaxy in the sky. In the center of that swirl of spiritual energy were the 3 secret god's runes that Zhang Tie had obtained. Below the swirl of spiritual energy was the all-spirits pagoda.

In these days, Zhang Tie had formed the last 2 Wild Seals on the 1st storey of the all-spirits pagoda. Zhang Tie chose a "Summon" and a "Amulet". According to the standards of Great Wild Sect, Zhang Tie was already an indoor pupil of Great Wild Sect and was qualified to tell the outsiders that he was an animal controller.

The only difference between Zhang Tie and the animal controllers with the lowest rank was that Zhang Tie had no pet.

Previously, Zhang Tie wanted to try the effect of LV 0 soul-based animal controlling skill; however, after thinking about the warning of that skeleton in the mountain cave, Zhang Tie decided to try it when he would reach the 2nd storey of the all-spirits pagoda.

After forming the last 2 seals on the 1st storey, Zhang Tie changed his clothes and left Castle of Black Iron.

Zhang Tie carried a leather container over his waist which contained 20 palm bolts. Although these palm bolts were a bit weaker than that of javelins and crossbows, Zhang Tie could still use them to easily kill a 2-star strong fighter and many opponents below this rank within 200 m.

Besides that container of palm bolts, Zhang Tie still held the 2 common short javelins.

From then on, Zhang Tie had made a decision, "I will never expose my javelin throwing ability unless critical moment. The alleged trump card should be amazing. I cannot carry javelins and wander everywhere everyday to let everybody know that I could easily kill a strong fighter; otherwise, if my opponent dispatches a fighting master or a great fighting master to kill me, it will be a tragedy! Even the sun would take a rest in the evening to keep long life, not to mention me."

A LV 7 fighter could easily kill a great batch of LV 10 strong fighters. What an amazing news! If it was spread out, Zhang Tie was not sure whether someone who disliked him would dispatch a powerhouse to kill him or not.

When Zhang Tie left Castle of Black Iron, he felt as refreshing as obtaining a new life. However, after being vigorous and ambitious for only 2 seconds, Zhang Tie had turned gloomy in the narrow mountain cave.

Arriving at the entrance of the mountain cave, Zhang Tie squatted to check the small pebbles and the dust on the ground.

His natural trace system had been completely destroyed by others. It indicated that someone had arrived here in these days.

"Is that a coincidence?" Zhang Tie asked himself before carefully observing the inside of the mountain cave. As there was no trace of fire, weeds or sleeping bags inside, Zhang Tie knew that the newcomers didn't stay here too long.

Of course, the newcomers might not sleep inside the cave at all. For many powerhouses, this was probable. They only needed to enter meditation and cultivate themselves over night. However, if they sat here for a long time, due to the long-term contact between their legs, butts and the ground, they would leave some traces. Pitifully, Zhang Tie found no clues in such a narrow space.

"In the wild, it was least possible if a person followed me in the mountain cave."

"Am I spotted by someone?" the moment this thought flashed across Zhang Tie's mind, Zhang Tie became gloomy at once.

"Damn it!" Zhang Tie swore in a low voice. "Haven't I killed that b*stard from Demon Snake Island? Even though they dispatched some more here, it shouldn't be that quick. Additionally, how could those newcomers find me so precisely?"

"Are they partners of that animal controller?"

An icy light flashed across Zhang Tie's eyes. Zhang Tie thought a while before putting on the pair of dark tore gloves. Besides defending the battle Qi, this pair of gloves could also make Zhang Tie's hands more flexible...

After observing the situation outside the mountain cave carefully, Zhang Tie confirmed that no ambush was outside; therefore, he left the mountain cave quickly and sped up towards southwest.

Only after half an hour, in the valley 40 km away from that mountain cave, Zhang Tie finally knew who was chasing him.

Soon after Zhang Tie entered the valley, he had felt the finger ring of awareness on his hand warming up, which indicated that he was followed by someone. Heart racing, Zhang Tie stopped his foot right away.

The moment Zhang Tie stopped, he had seen 2 people standing 200 m away in the front and in the back of him respectively. They blocked his way.

Their Qi fields were very powerful, at least much more powerful than that of Dawson. The one in front of Zhang Tie wore a grim bronze mask. At the sight of this, Zhang Tie's heart slightly pounded before he let out a sigh. Knowing that they were not fighting masters or great fighting masters, Zhang Tie became confident.

"What do you want? Robbery?" asking this in a muffling sound, Zhang Tie instantly held fast his javelin, intending to defend.

"You're Peter Hamplester?" the man in front of Zhang Tie asked.

That man's question aroused Zhang Tie's whims at once. Zhang Tie then nodded, "Right, I'm Peter Hamplester!"

"We're wild reward hunters employed by Eschyle City. Your head is worth 5000 gold coins; therefore, we reserve it!"

Hearing this, Zhang Tie became dumbfounded. Realizing the man was going to launch an attack, Zhang Tie hurriedly exclaimed, "Wait, I know I killed a person in Eschyle City and was wanted; but isn't it 1000 gold coins? Additionally, they don't want my life on the order for arrest. How come it becomes 5000 gold coins?"

"No more disguise!" the female with mask opened her mouth which startled Zhang Tie, "You killed 2 wild reward hunters who was going to arrest you on Grey Hill cruelly. Have you forgotten about that? Because of this event, the reward rose to 5000 gold coins!"

"What? I killed 2 wild reward hunters who came for me? No way! Besides you two, I've not met any other reward hunters since I came to Grey Hill!" Zhang Tie explained seriously, "It must be a mistake!"

"Mistake?" The female in mask sneered as he watched Zhang Tie's gloves, "We've checked the reward hunters' bodies. Previously, I was curious about those wounds, at the sight of your gloves, I finally understood. You son of b*tch. Do you feel very cool by digging out others' hearts using your claws? Today, I will show you the color of your heart."

The moment Zhang Tie heard this, he understood it right away. "Those 2 hunters must have met Dawson on Grey Hill and were killed by the latter. That b*stard left me a big trouble even after death."

With a whim of killing the 2 reward hunters, Zhang Tie denied it at once as he recalled Crell's warning, our bear tribes are not easily provoked. "There are also many powerhouses here. Based on my current fighting strength, I'm not qualified to fight bear tribes. Although I can kill the 2 people, what then? Will the reward rise to 50000 gold coins? Then, 2 more powerful reward hunters will come for me, or I will escape away from Ice and Snow Wildness as the scapegoat for Demon Snake Island?

"What to do? The b*stard Dawson has been dead and already became the sh*t of those beasts on Grey Hill. I have no witness to clarify myself at all."

Various whims flashed across Zhang Tie's mind. However, Zhang Tie couldn't find a solution at all.


"Humph, you have no excuse, right?" the female's voice became merciless, "Then, go to hell!"

After saying this, the female rushed in front of Zhang Tie right away. At the same time, she clapped her hands, releasing a pair of palm-sized silver battle Qi towards Zhang Tie from over 10 m away...

Chapter 432: Subduing the Opponents

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

People always had to face many things that they disliked, such as this time.

At this moment, Zhang Tie was like a dog, who wanted to bite a hedgehog but didn't know where to start.

"Close fights doesn't work, especially when the opponents want to kill me. It's not good to be surrounded by two LV 10 strong fighters; otherwise, I might lose my life."

"I should not kill them, either. Unless I don't want to stay in Ice and Snow Wildness anymore; otherwise, after killing these 2 wild reward hunters, I have to escape far away. But I don't want to die here. It's not worthwhile."

In a wink, the silver battle Qi had almost reached in front of Zhang Tie's chest. Zhang Tie made the decision right away.

"End it as fast as possible!"

What made Zhang Tie a bit reassured was that the man behind him didn't rush towards him together with that female in mask; instead, he just moved closer on one side.

"Perhaps, in that man's eyes, the female is enough to deal with me."

"This is a chance. I have to grasp it."

Zhang Tie roared as he activated a rapid moving rune at once; meanwhile, he poked his short javelins towards that silver palm-sized battle Qi ferociously. Zhang Tie only used 30% of his full strength. The moment he touched the battle Qi, Zhang Tie had been forced back like how a common LV 8 or LV 9 powerhouse was struck back by a battle Qi in the distance. Being shocked by that powerful battle Qi, Zhang Tie's javelins flew backwards in the air; meanwhile, Zhang Tie was boomed and sent flying back in the air by that silver battle Qi...

With the inertia, Zhang Tie seemed wanting to escape as he was accelerating backwards.

Realizing that Zhang Tie was going to escape, the man behind Zhang Tie adjusted his location while that female responded with a cold harrumph, "Do you think that you can escape away?"

Zhang Tie's performance was completely within the 2 peoples imagination. Therefore, they didn't feel strange about this. According to the judgment of the police station in Eschyle City from all aspects, Zhang Tie might be LV 9. If the two hunters fought Zhang Tie at the same time, they could definitely kill him.

Therefore, the two people were very confident that they didn't believe that Zhang Tie could play any tricks in front of them successfully.

However, Zhang Tie was not like any murderer that they had ever faced before.

When the female sped up towards Zhang Tie, the latter changed his movements at once. Zhang Tie instantly accelerated forward instead of backward. In a split second, the effect of the "One Step, One Scenery" situation was reflected by Zhang Tie.

Move backward or forward, each movement was a different scenery!

Feel free to move forward or backward!

Zhang Tie forcefully thrust against the ground as a stone was broken instantly. After that, he started to dart towards that female ferociously like a powerful bolt. He moved even faster and fiercer than that female in a mask.

Neither of the 2 hunters had found that Zhang Tie was doing a fake movement just now. Zhang Tie did that to draw that female closer.

Seeing Zhang Tie's completely different performance, that man who was watching and blocking Zhang Tie's way behind him turned his face, "O'Laura, watch out!"

Almost at the same time, that man darted towards Zhang Tie.

However, as that man was 50 m away from Zhang Tie and that woman, the moment he started to move his foot, he had seen Zhang Tie colliding with that woman.

Zhang Tie was indeed too close to that woman. Additionally, they were speeding up towards each other. Therefore, the distance of 10-20 m was too short.

The moment Zhang Tie moved, he had already arrived in front of that woman in mask.

The woman didn't move backwards; instead, she boomed towards Zhang Tie's chest with icy eyes. Zhang Tie didn't move backwards either. He roared as he put forward one hand and broke her battle-Qi boom with his dark tore gloves. Meanwhile, he was 1 m away from that woman and started a real bloody close battle.

In such a short distance, Zhang Tie's javelin was useless, so was that woman's air-born battle Qi attack. Therefore, they could only attack each other by hands and feet. In such a case, the air-bore battle-Qi attack that couldn't be mastered until LV 10, became useless at once.

In this situation, they were matching nothing else but their physical quality, fighting skills and fighting wills.

Common LV 9 fighters could never match LV 10 strong fighters in such a case as they were widely different in all aspects, such as physical strength and responsive speed, except for Zhang Tie.

After eating so many seven-strength fruits and activating the rapid moving skill, Zhang Tie had obtained a blessing on swiftness and flexibility; his physical strength had completely surpassed that of a LV 10 strong fighter, so was his responsive speed. Plus the super powerful effect of iron-blood battle Qi and that pair of dark tore gloves, the gap between Zhang Tie and that woman on power of battle Qi due to different levels was narrowed.

After the gap on aspects were offset, the two parties broke even. In less than 1 second, they had boomed more than 10 times by fists, palms and knees, causing consecutive muffles.

The woman in mask was vicious. Even then, that woman was still not flurried at all. Each of her movement was ferocious. She kept attacking Zhang Tie's eyes, throat, heart and crotch.

Zhang Tie sneered. Because he had cultivated himself in trouble-reappearance situations at the cost of too many lives and had obtained many bloody experiences, he had tempered each movement of iron-blood fist pretty well and could use each movement very briefly. As for close battle, although Zhang Tie was not sure whether he could defeat a fighting master or a great fighting master, he didn't fear about any strong fighters at all.

As for the strong fighters that he had met, Zhang Tie really didn't think that they could match his close fighting skills. Compared to common fighters below LV 9, strong fighters' physical qualities were improved in all aspects. Besides, strong fighters could release air-borne battle-Qi attack. However, air-borne battle-Qi attack could be ignored in a long distance or a very short distance.

The woman's movements were very vicious and sharp. Of course, Zhang Tie would not pity her at such a critical moment. Otherwise, he was seeking for death.

That man also arrived beside them in a wink. He wanted to join the battle. As a man, he should do that. However, at that moment, the man found that he couldn't make it.

The reason was simple. No matter how that woman moved, Zhang Tie still kept her between him and that man. If he dared to launch the attack, he would hurt his partner at first.

At this moment, Zhang Tie was like a shadow while that woman was a pole in the darkness and that man was the fire. He didn't want to burn the pole as there was always a shadow between the fire and the pole.

The 3 people were all moving fast. The man was point A, the woman was point B. No matter how they moved, Zhang Tie would always stay on the extension line of straight line AB, preventing that man from joining the battle.

Each step forward or backward was a scenery.

At the beginning, Zhang Tie only blocked that man by staying at the relatively safe location; gradually, he enlightened the effect of "one step, one scenery" in this battle. He had a subtle feeling as he isolated that man as easy as moving his limbs.

The moment Zhang Tie moved, he would keep his opponents still.

His shadow moved with his body while his body moved with his heart. He might have seen through all the rules in the universe...

Zhang Tie seemed enlightening something in such a case. The 2 reward hunters completely changed their faces as they had not imagined that Zhang Tie could change a 2-1 battle into a 1-1 battle. How come such a powerful murderer only values 5000 gold coins?

"Damn it! Why did they tell us that this guy was LV 9 at the most?"

The man had tried 2 times to join the battle; however, considering that woman's safety, he failed as his forehead was oozing sweat all over. He realized that Zhang Tie's fighting skills in close battle were even better than O'Laura. Additionally, Zhang Tie had a very terrifying strength; plus that pair of weird gloves. O'Laura was not in the advantageous position after several times of close booms.

Finally, the battle came to an end with O'Laura's muffle as Zhang Tie pinched her neck fast by one hand...

Chapter 433: Hostage

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Let her go..." that man roared with a flushed as he wanted to charge at Zhang Tie. However, Zhang Tie slightly used his strength, causing that woman faintly groan. Hearing this, the man instantly stopped.

One's neck is the most fragile part. For commoners, when their necks were pinched, they might feel breathless; however, for powerhouses who cultivated battle Qi's, as long as fragile parts such as main arteries and central nerve vertebrae on their necks were pinched by others, they would be killed or lose their abilities to move or resist.

Neither did that man nor that woman imagine that result. In their opinions, the police station in Eschyle City made a fatal mistake on the intelligence that they provided to them. They made a major mistake on the level and real fighting strength of Peter. In their eyes, Zhang Tie was at least above LV 10 although he didn't reveal his battle Qi. To deal with such a sharp powerhouse, more powerful reward hunters were required.

"Se...tton...don't care about me, kill...him!" Although her neck was firmly pinched by Zhang Tie's hand, restricting her central nerve, she still raised her head as she squeezed out words through her teeths.

Not until then did Zhang Tie know that man's name. Zhang Tie then glanced at that woman. Although her face was hidden, her neck was elegant and slender with smooth skin. She must look beautiful. Being sharply compared to that pair of grim, dark tore gloves, Zhang Tie had an odd and cruel aesthetic feeling on her slender neck.

However, Zhang Tie had no time to appreciate beauty. Just now, he was almost killed by that woman for many times. If not having eaten a lot of iron-body fruits, his head might have been chopped off.

Zhang Tie felt that he was like a negative character in knight novels. Only those negative characters would abduct women. But, if Setton and this woman didn't overreact at the beginning, I might have already escaped away, instead of staying here to play such a negative character.

Hearing the woman still urging to kill him at this moment, Zhang Tie directly punched her lower abdomen brutally, making her lower her body immediately.

Treat enemies mercilessly, men or women. This was what Donder had taught Zhang Tie.

"B*stard, stop, what're you doing? I'll kill you..." Setton roared on one side like a furious bull as his eyes turned red.

At the sight of that man's excited look, Zhang Tie wandered about the relationship between the man and the woman, a couple or siblings. "Why are they so nervous?"

"As a scapegoat, I don't feel very good. You'd better not stimulate me!" Zhang Tie sneered towards Setton and that woman, "What did you say? You want to kill me? Okay, come on!"

Setton truly wanted to pounce at Zhang Tie; however, after glancing at that woman, he became timid. Therefore, he could only pant heavily several meters away while glaring at Zhang Tie.

"If you let her go, we promise to not chase you anymore!"

Zhang Tie burst out into laughter, "Do you think that I'm that silly to trust a reward hunters' words? Don't be that naive!"

"What do you want?" Setton became a bit calm.

Hearing this question, Zhang Tie nodded inside, "This Setton is not silly; at least he knows I will not kill this woman right now; he knows I have demand." The moment Zhang Tie wanted to reply, he heard the voice of the female who had just recovered from that punch.

"Setton, don't...believe in him, kill...him!" when the woman could breath smoothly, she started to whine once again. Additionally, she was glaring at Zhang Tie with a pair of hateful eyes, "I...I will kill you...you cannot escape...you b*stard!"

"Shut up, your life is in my hand. As long as I'm unhappy, I can kill you right now. Do you really think that I dare not to kill you?" Zhang Tie watched that woman carefully as he pretended to be very ferocious and gloomy.

"Ju...just...kill me. As you are in...ice and snow wildness, you cannot...escape" the woman urged.

"This woman was really strong-minded. Perhaps only such kind of woman could be a reward hunter. Given her voice, she was not too old; however, as she is LV 10, she must be unusual. Perhaps she had a deep background. Similarly, those women above LV 10 in Huaiyuan Palace were all came from Huaiyuan Palace or were closely related to Huaiyuan Palace. Such a figure could barely come out of an average family. Besides talent and great efforts, a person also required resources before becoming a powerhouse. In Huaiyuan Prefecture, it's not easy for a woman to reach above LV 10 with the resources of Huaiyuan Palace, not to mention those in the wild place like Ice and Snow Wildness. Even a man could hardly reach LV 10, not to mention a woman."

Considering for a short while, Zhang Tie got some ideas.

Seeing Zhang Tie becoming silent, the woman screamed, which was very jarring.

"Setton, kill...him!"

Of course that man didn't dare to move. However, Zhang Tie became furious at once. He drew out his dagger from his waist. Under the frightening look of Setton and that woman's scream, Zhang Tie skimmed over that woman's hair, causing a part of it fall down the ground.

"D*mn it. From now on, if you dare to speak without my consent, this father will draw a wound for each sentence on your face. If you don't believe me, let's watch it! Women is not allowed to interrupt men's talk!" Zhang Tie said ferociously as he directly drew his dagger on the metal mask twice.

Hearing the jarring frictions between the sharp blade and the metal mask, the woman indeed shut up.

That b*stard Donder is right. Although some women were not afraid of death, none of them could accept their face bing ruined. Even a very ugly woman would not like to be uglier.

The whole world became quiet.

Zhang Tie watched that man called Setton, "D*mn it, I almost forgot what I wanted to say after being interrupted by this woman!"

"I ask you what do you want?" Setton remarkably tried to control his anger.

"Oh, I get it!" Zhang Tie smirked weirdly, which even caused goosebumps all over him, "I want you to go back to Eschyle City to revoke my arrest order. After that, bring me the exemption document for this woman!"

"That's impossible!" Setton refused it right now.

Zhang Tie continued to skim his dagger on the woman's metal mask as he sneered, "There might be something impossible in this world, except for that revoking the arrest order of me! As long as it was done by people, it could be corrected!"

"Exemption is not that easy. Since the founding of Eschyle City, there's no exemption of arrest order at all. All the fugitives were finally caught or killed; only few of them had escaped away." Setton waved his head.

"The wanted circular was a mistake at the beginning. I truly have killed someone in Eschyle City. However, that man was a lackey of demon snake island. As I displeased demon snake island, I was chased by them. They wanted to kill me; I was doing that to defend myself. After killing that lackey, I was chased by Dawson, a round-table warrior from demon snake island. This pair of dark tore gloves belonged to him. After killing him several days ago, I took it. According to your description, the one who killed the previous 2 reward hunters with gloves must be Dawson. It's nothing to do with me!"

Hearing Zhang Tie's explanation, the man changed his look.

"Do you have any evidence?"

"It's not difficult to find the evidence. That person being killed by me in Eschyle City was not coming out of air. If you survey that man's background, you will know his real status. I believe that Eschyle City could figure it out. As for the news about Dawson, the round-table warrior of demon snake island and this pair of black tore gloves, I think more people should have heard about them. You will know that I am telling the true after a simple investigation. Additionally, I met a wild patron of school of patron when I killed Dawson. He's Crell. He could tell you that I killed Dawson and got his gloves! He's heading for north to survey the animal tide of demon rats!"

Zhang Tie knew that the relationship between school of patron and bear tribes in Ice and Snow Wildness was harmonious. Because it was only an affidavit as a witness, it would not bring Crell any trouble. Therefore, Zhang Tie let them ask Crell. By contrast, Zhang Tie was in a big trouble; he needed help from Crell.

Hearing Zhang Tie's explanation, Setton truly became silent as Zhang Tie had imagined.

"Now that you didn't do it, you can let go O'Laura first!"

"I'm sorry, I'm talking about the condition with you. I don't fully trust you by releasing my hostage! Right a few minutes ago, you two even wanted to kill me. I don't know whether you are thinking about killing me now too. However, I would not test your credibility at the risk of my life. If you want me to set her free, you have to give me the exemption document..." Zhang Tie waved his head as he urged.

"You can go to Eschyle City with us to clarify what happened!"

"It's you who made the mistake. My time is very precious. I have no time to buy menu for your mistake at the cost of my time and my spiritual energy. Additionally, if I go back to Eschyle City at this moment, am I seeking for death? How come you 2 reward hunters protect me. My head values 5000 gold coins. You know that people could kill others even for 5 gold coins, not to mention 5000 gold coins!"

"What if I don't agree?" Setton narrowed his eyes right away.

"If not, I will kill this woman right now. After that, I will fight you. Perhaps, I can kill you. If so, you will see my name on the wanted circulars list in Eschyle City. Actually, I can leave Ice and Snow Wildness as I don't have any concerns here!" Zhang Tie's answer shattered Setton's last illusion. Setton was clear that all those who could reach such a high level in fighting skills were firm-minded. Those like Peter had been used to wander across the world. If he was Zhang Tie, he would also do the same as Zhang Tie. Nobody would like to be killed by others in such a case.

"Well, I promise you. But how do you protect O'Laura's safety?" Setton glanced at O'Laura.

"I can not protect her safety. But truly you have no other choices..." Zhang Tie glanced over that woman who wanted to kill him with a furious and hateful look before waving his head, "This woman has no plumpy butts or breasts. She doesn't look like a woman at all. I'm not interested in her either. As long as she doesn't threaten my life, I will not touch her!"

"Okay, I will go to Eschyle City right away. Hopefully, you can remember your words; otherwise, you will be regretful!" after glancing at Zhang Tie, Setton turned around and intended to leave.

"Hold on!" Zhang Tie stopped him as he pointed at that restrictive necklace over Setton's waist which was almost the symbol of reward hunters, "Give that thing to me, I cannot catch her all day long!"

Setton directly threw off the restrictive necklace before darting away...

Chapter 434: Zhang Tie's Pet

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie watched Setton disappearing in the far. After that, he turned around and watched this woman.

The woman was still glaring at him; however, considering Zhang Tie's previous threat, she finally became quiet.

Zhang Tie stood there still; however, he didn't let the woman go. He kept this movement for 1 minute, 2 minutes to even about 10 minutes with a smile.

At this moment, Zhang Tie heard a roar from afar while Setton reappeared in the distance.

"Peter, you b*stard..."

"Remember, if you dare to play tricks on me, I will draw a wound on this woman's face!" Zhang Tie shouted towards him.

After losing his complaint towards Zhang Tie, Setton left once again. Zhang Tie knew that Setton truly left this time.

"How do you know that Setton didn't leave?" Being still caught, that woman gleamed her eyes behind her mask finally couldn't help but ask Zhang Tie.

"To be honest, I don't know about it either. I was just having a try. No matter what, I won't lose anything!" Zhang Tie shrugged casually.

Hearing this, the woman grit her teeth.

In the next few seconds, Zhang Tie caught that woman's neck with one hand while putting that restrictive rings over the woman's neck and wrists by another hand.

Restrictive necklace was a very senior metal restrictive tool. Although it seemed simple, it had a great power. As a combination of shackle and rune equipment, it could not be afforded by common policemen. However, for these senior reward hunters, they always carried this regular equipment with them so that they could bring their targets back alive. Holding the restrictive rings, Zhang Tie smiled. Because the restrictive rings were made by Huaiyuan Palace, they were priceless. Zhang Tie had seen it in Hidden Dragon Island. It was really out of his imagination that he could apply it now.

The moment the restrictive rings were put on one's neck and wrist, its effect would combine with that of the rune effect on it. In this way, it could restrict one's movement and suppress one's fighting strength.

When being put on the restrictive rings, the woman started to struggle forcefully. However, Zhang Tie didn't care about that. He put them all on her neck and wrists brutally, causing some cracking sounds. After that, he drew the knob key out of the restrictive rings and started to grope blindly over that woman's body.

"What are you doing...argh!" The woman turned anxious as she screamed, thinking that Zhang Tie wanted to offend her.

"Of course I'm searching over your body. I don't want to be set up by your secret weapons. Considering that you're a captive, I have to search over your body before leaving!"

Zhang Tie didn't care about her response. He drew a dagger out of her waist. After that, he found a storage sac which contained various items, including another key of the restrictive rings. Of course Zhang Tie took away all of them.

Zhang Tie searched very carefully. After groping her waist, he started to grope her butts and thighs under her screams.

That woman was absolutely a female tiger. Seeing Zhang Tie squatting down to touch her thighs, she instantly raised her knee to attack Zhang Tie's face.

After wearing the restrictive rings, this woman's fighting strength declined sharply. Her current fighting strength was only between LV 5 and LV 6. Seeing the woman's movement, Zhang Tie directly bumped against it with his elbow.

This time, the woman felt a pain. With a muffle, she almost felt down the ground.

Zhang Tie groped very fast and carefully. After colliding with that woman, he continued to grope from the woman's thighs to her insteps before moving upwards until her breast. Although Zhang Tie didn't mean to offend the woman, he had searched every place on her body, including her sensitive parts.

The woman slightly shook out of tension or fury; especially when Zhang Tie reached her breast, she became stiff all over at once.

Her clothes felt good. Although feeling a bit stimulative, Zhang Tie was not too selfish. After groping it over swiftly, Zhang Tie stopped. Realizing that he was just searching a person, the woman slightly recovered her composure. At least she didn't scream anymore. However, before Zhang Tie wanted to take off her mask, she screamed once again.

"If you dare to take off my mask, I swear to kill you no matter where you are!"

Seeing her firm will, Zhang Tie became stunned and he stopped. After glancing at that mask twice, he muttered, "Maybe she looks too ugly. Therefore she was afraid of exposing her real look to the public. Hmm, it's indeed possible. Those beautiful women always couldn't wait to show their looks to the public. If she hides her look, considering that no lethal weapon would be buried in the mask, it indicates that she has physical or mental problems more or less."

"Well, given that you're a woman, I will not take off your mask. Just take it as my special treatment. I will not offend you. After my wanted circular was exempted, I will let you go. Whereas, I have to warn you, if you want to play any tricks, I will not treat you that politely anymore!" Zhang Tie became serious.


Zhang Tie then collected his two short javelins and left this valley with her.

Zhang Tie urged her to go southwest with him. Although she was unwilling to do that, the woman still followed Zhang Tie towards southwest.

Given her face, Zhang Tie didn't pull that alloy chain of the restrictive rings. If he pulled that chain, it was like pulling an indocile criminal. That woman also knew that Zhang Tie had left her with self-esteem. Therefore, she basically coordinated with Zhang Tie's plan no matter how hateful her eyes were.

After leaving the valley for a few kilometers at a medium speed, Zhang Tie forcefully scratched his head, "We cannot move at such a low speed. If I keep running at a cruising speed, I can run at least 400-500 km per day; but if I run at a high speed, I can move farther and arrive at the south region of Ice and Snow Wildness in a couple of days; however, with this woman, my moving speed was greatly slowed."

Although the restrictive rings sealed the woman's abilities to a certain degree and stopped her from moving her Qi and body's blood fast, she didn't completely lose her ability to move. Zhang Tie wondered how fast could she run.

"How fast can you run now?" Zhang Tie asked that woman.

"How fast do you want?"

"As I want to reach the south of Ice and Snow Wildness, at this speed, it would take us months to go there. Therefore, I want to speed up!"

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, the woman gleamed her eyes, "Do you mean the Haidela Glacier Crack?"

"Right!" Zhang Tie was not afraid of telling her about his destiny; neither was he concerned about her tricks.

The woman slowed her tongue, "As long as you take off my restrictive rings, I can run as fast as you can!"

"You really take me as an idiot?" Zhang Tie sneered, "You know that's impossible as I'm not that silly. I know it restricts your abilities to a certain degree, but you could still match a LV 6 fighter. Additionally, you have not lost your resistance and basic physical strength! Therefore, I want to play a game with you!"

"What game?"

Zhang Tie revealed a evil smile. Glancing at her purple hair, Zhang Tie replied, "This game is called haircut. I will guide you in front. If you fall behind over 30 m from me, I will cut a lock of hair off your head until it's bald..."

Zhang Tie explained as he licked his lips in a very abnormal way. Meanwhile, his eyes became gleaming, "I like woman's bald head the most. Women with bald heads are very sexy. The round, smooth head is like a extra large breast; especially when their hair dropping off one lock after another. It was like how lovers drop tears. Heard that many women would like to have their hair cut for their favorite men. Heh...heh..." Zhang Tie revealed a strange smile, "If you slow me down, you have to compensate me for that!"

"Ah!" the woman screamed, "Stay away from me, you pervert!"

"It depends on your performance!"

After saying this, Zhang Tie started to run. The woman hurriedly followed him up. Zhang Tie was satisfied with such a game. However, he didn't notice the bright light that flashed across the woman's eyes after he turned around and started to run.

After cutting off her hair twice, Zhang Tie finally figured out her maximal moving speed. It was about 30 km to 35 km per hour. Although it was a bit slower, Zhang Tie was basically satisfied with it.

Certainly, it was basically a joke for the woman to raid or escape.


Most of the paths were in woods. As they moved towards southwest, they saw more and more woods.

At dusk, they ran over 200 km. Finally, they found a small cabin at the foot of a mountain. At the sight of that cabin, Zhang Tie ran over there.

It seemed to be a temporary building made by neighboring hunters or lumbermen. Although it was not good, at least it was firm and could provide as a shelter. Some timber piers and a Chinese fireplace were in the middle of the cabin. Around the fireplace were some charred stones.

The floor was covered with a thick layer of dust. It seemed that it had not been visited for a long time. After a glance, Zhang Tie decided to take a rest here tonight.

"We will live here tonight!" Zhang Tie told her.

Although her face was hidden, but running after Zhang Tie for a whole day, her breast started to rise and fall. Remarkably, she was a bit tired. However, she didn't say it because of a strong self-esteem.

"I want to have a pee!" after a while, the woman finally posed it.

Zhang Tie smirked as he pointed at a bush over there, "You can go there; I promise to not peep it. You'd better clap your hands or sing a song, keeping the silent gap less than 10 seconds. Of course, you can attempt to escape; but I will catch you, and I will let you know the feeling of having a bald head!"

With a mask, the woman glared at Zhang Tie as she replied with a cold harrumph. After that, she walked towards that nearby bush. After watching her entering the bush, Zhang Tie indeed could hear her clapping her hands.

After looking around, Zhang Tie smirked as he moved behind the cabin. In a wink, he took out some flesh of a dead demon rat from the underground iced cave of Castle of Black Iron.

If it had been stored in other iced places for a long time, it must be hard now. However, the iced cave in Castle of Black iron had been modified by Heller. The moisture and temperature inside the cave both reached the optimal critical points. Additionally, after consuming some aura values, this flesh would be as fresh as those having just been stored inside the iced cave.

The flesh of demon rat was still fresh. Zhang Tie washed it in a rivulet beside him. After that, he penetrated them with 2 sharp-pointed stick before taking them into the cabin. Zhang Tie then cleaved a small wood pier in the cabin and burned them in the fireplace.

The clapping sound behind the bush didn't stop. Zhang Tie understood that women were always troublesome. When she entered the cabin, she noticed the fire in the fireplace. Meanwhile, the flames were licking the demon-rat flesh on the 2 sticks in Zhang Tie's hands.

Although the flesh was not well cooked, it had already diffused aroma.

"Here is your supper!" Zhang Tie gave a kebab to her. Without any hesitation, the woman took it and continued to roast the demon-rat flesh on the opposite of Zhang Tie.

"Demon-rat flesh?" after roasting it for a few seconds, the woman sniffed twice behind the mask and identified the flesh on the stick at once.

"Heh, heh, what a sharp nose!" Zhang Tie smiled.

The woman gazed at Zhang Tie for a few seconds seriously, "Demon rats barely move outside alone; they only come out in the deep night. How did you get this?"

Hearing the woman's question, Zhang Tie became faintly alert. He had not imagined that this woman was that deliberate. However, Zhang Tie still pretended to be cynical, "I forgot to tell you. Actually, I'm also a powerful animal controller!"

Hearing Zhang Tie's explanation, the woman responded with a cold harrumph. Remarkably, she didn't believe in Zhang Tie at all. Zhang Tie didn't explain anymore; he only replied with a smirk.

"O'Laura, can you talk about you reward hunters? This profession sounds interesting!"

"It's nothing to talk about. We are paid to kill people!" the woman replied in a gloomy voice directly. It seemed that she had already frowned her forehead behind the mask, "I have to warn you, although I'm in your hand. As we are not familiar with each other, please don't call my name!"

After being refused, Zhang Tie rubbed his nose. As he had a thick hide, he was not embarrassed about that; instead he felt interesting, "Alright, I will not call you O'Laura. But I have to call you something. Especially gentlemen like me should not always call you "hi, there". I don't want to be that rude. Which one do you think is better, beauty or iron-face sister?"

After saying this, Zhang Tie watched that woman clutching that stick fast. Meanwhile, her breast rose and fell. After glaring at Zhang Tie, she turned over her head and became silent.

Although this beauty was terrifying when she lost her temper, Zhang Tie found that she was actually very cute.

"Now that you don't make any choice, I will help you choose. Given that you'd like to wear this mask and behave even more ferocious and cooler than men, I will call you iron-face younger sister!"

She didn't respond to Zhang Tie...

"Can you tell me something about Ice and Snow Wildness?"

She still didn't respond to Zhang Tie...

"Tell me about your childhood! When did you start to wear this mask?"

The woman remained silence...

"Are you not satisfied with iron-face younger sister? I understand it. I'm afraid that you're older than me, it's not proper to call you younger sister. But it sounds good..."

The woman's breasts slowly started to rise and fall...


After a few minutes...

"Can I ask you a question? Do you wash your face with this mask?"

"Shut up!" the woman finally lost her temper while she stabbed that kebab towards Zhang Tie's chest fiercely. Zhang Tie burst out laughing as he moved backwards to dodge away.


After supper, the moon had already hung over the sky. Watching the increasingly darker sky, the woman leaned against the door-frame as she narrowed her eyes with a dubious look. Zhang Tie was kneeling down the ground outside the door with one knee in a pious way and muttering the prayers of school of patron.

However, Zhang Tie was activating the Great Wild Seal in Section "Summon" on the 1st storey of the All-Spirits Pagoda and pressed it into the mother land in front of him according to the steps in "Great Wild Sutra".

Mysteriously, when Zhang Tie pressed the Great Wild Seal into the mother land, he felt that it sunk in the ground like a stone was thrown into the pond, arousing ripples.

After a short while, In the woman's amazing eyes, a pair of green spotlights appeared in the bush. When they moved closer, O'Laura found that was a common wild wolf. It came in front of the cabin and stood there still, keeping its eyes on Zhang Tie...

Closely after the wild wolf, some more animals arrived, such as snakes, hedgehogs, pangolins, boars and leopard cats, causing low friction sounds. All the animals were standing quietly around the cabin and watching Zhang Tie.

Seeing more and more animals around the cabin, the woman in mask gradually showed a shocking look...

Zhang Tie was also shocked by this as he forcefully swallowed his saliva. He had not imagined that a great wild seal of section "Summon" was that effective. It had summoned so many LV 0 living beings.

With a series of sounds of flapping wings, a snow-white owl flew over here and fell on the roof of the cabin.

Zhang Tie really wondered what other animals will arrive if he kept waiting there. At the sight of that owl, Zhang Tie's eyes gleamed. While slightly raising his arm, Zhang Tie sent an order in his mind. Receiving his order, the owl flew off the roof of the cabin and fell on Zhang Tie's arm...

Zhang Tie activated the great wild seal in the section "drive" of the All-Spirits Pagoda once again, making it brighten up. When he fondled the owl, he pressed the great wild seal onto this owl. In a split second, Zhang Tie felt being connected to the owl spiritually.

"Is this my first pet?" Zhang Tie became very thrilled inside although his look remained unchanged. Although he used 2 great wild seals on the 1st storey of all-spirits pagoda, Zhang Tie didn't feel pitiful about that; instead, he became pretty thrilled, "What a great Great Wild Sutra!"

"Go! Go to the breast of the mother of land!" facing the woman, Zhang Tie ordered those animals in a benign tongue. Of course, actually, he was just delivering an order from inside. Hearing his order, all the animals ran away at once.

Except for that snow-white owl, who was revolving and rubbing its head on Zhang Tie's arm in a very intimate way.

"Keep an eye on this woman for me. If she escapes in the midnight, don't forget to remind me about that. If someone else is coming, remind me too!" After saying that, Zhang Tie raised his arm, sending the snow-white owl flying in the air. However, it didn't fly far away; instead, it just rested on a big tree 20 m away from the cabin. After that, it kept gazing at that woman with its gleaming eyes.

The woman was completely stunned. Watching Zhang Tie, she asked in an unbelievable tone, "Are you really an animal controller?"

"I promise I'm real. How about the orthodox animal controlling skill of school of patron?" Zhang Tie revealed a smile, exposing his admirable white teeth...

Glancing at that owl, the woman became silent at once. With gleaming eyes, she was thinking about something...

Chapter 435: A Dangerous Night

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

On the 3rd evening, a snow-white owl flew around a small town Sciatta over 300 km away in the west of Eschyle City for a circle before flying towards a hill in the northeast of the small town.

The owl moved very fast. After a short while, it was already over 20 km away from the small town and disappeared in the woods. It finally fell on a person's arm.

Although owls were intellectual but they can never match humans. Therefore, they could not communicate with humans like how people communicate with each other. Even now, it could only communicate with Zhang Tie by flapping its wings.

Zhang Tie told it how to transfer information by flapping its wings. If someone was in front, the owl would raise its left wing; if it saw a building in front, it would raise its right wing. However, the well-behaved owl consecutively flapped its wings this time, which only carried one meaning.

——There were so many people and buildings in front...

Zhang Tie gained this message from the owl.

"Go, take a rest and eat something. Come back at night!" Zhang Tie raised his hand to drive the owl away.

After that, Zhang Tie took out a pioneering map and a compass. He started to study the map carefully.

"No need to check it anymore. It's town Sciatta in front. We've already arrived in the south region of Ice and Snow Wildness. If you walk towards west from here, you will see the Haidela Glacier Crack!" after being captured 3 days, the woman in mask finally opened her mouth as icily as before.

After putting away his map and compass, Zhang Tie watched this woman as he scratched his head, "I'm afraid that Setton has dropped you. How come there's no message in 3 days? I saw you leaving many marks on the way here. Will he find us?"

Even Zhang Tie started to be perplexed. He was here for huge-wolf seven-strength fruits; instead of taking this weird woman to travel here. In the past days, the woman's look reminded Zhang Tie of being caught sight of running out of home without pulling on the zipper of the trousers by aunts in the neighborhoods. He didn't feel right, but he didn't know why.

Perhaps, this woman was too docile these days, which made Zhang Tie feel wrong.

Hearing Zhang Tie's questions, the woman behind the mask only responded with a cold harrumph.

As it was still early, Zhang Tie walked another 40 km towards west with that woman. Before dusk, they finally found a proper place to rest on the hillside.

He couldn't go to Sciatta together with this woman. This place was very close to Eschyle City. It was even already in the territory of Eschyle City. As this woman's mask and the restrictive rings were too eye-catching, Zhang Tie was afraid of having a big trouble if he was recognized to have captured a reward hunter.

Additionally, the road was gradually becoming populated. In less than 10 miles, They almost encountered several batches of pioneers.

Although they had awaited here for some time, Zhang Tie found that an increasing number of pioneers were pouring into Sciatta. Almost everybody was heading for the Haidela Glacier Crack. Zhang Tie wondered whether there were some new discoveries in the urban relics over there.

Standing on the hillside, Zhang Tie watched the vast field for a while before turned around, "We'll rest here tonight!"


They ate roasted potatoes in the evening. Last day, Zhang Tie found some wild potatoes; therefore, he took some as today's grains.

In Ice and Snow Wildness, potatoes, which had an extremely strong adaptability, was a staple of the residents here. Additionally, cold-resistant wheat was also a grain here. The 2 crops were grown around many villages.

It gradually turned dark. Being reflected by the flames, Zhang Tie's face constantly loomed.

At the sight of a brook and a pond behind the mountain rocks, the woman insisted on taking a bath over there. Therefore, Zhang Tie let her go. Certainly, even if she was taking a bath, she still had to wear the restrictive rings. No matter what, the restrictive rings didn't influence her movement.

It took at least half an hour to roast potatoes, which could only be warmed up under ashes. While roasting it, Zhang Tie was thinking about his plan.

"If everything went well, after forming another 9 huge-wolf seven-strength fruits, I will return to Blackhot City to visit old friends such as Barley, Doug and those girls of Rose Association. If they like, I will pick them up and their family members and carry them to Jinwu Castle firstly. As for where they would go in the future, it's their choices. As the 3rd holy war between humans and demons was going to break out, Blackhot City was not a safe place.

For those girls of Rose Association, besides the gift that Zhang Tie presented them before leaving, he left nothing else to them. Although it was a bit ludicrous while being driven by sexual desire at that moment, without having to consider about the result, Zhang Tie was a bit sorry and concerned about those girls. No matter what, he was their first boyfriend.

When he recalled Blackhot City, Zhang Tie couldn't help remembering Miss Diana. Curiously, this time, he only missed her, instead of dreaming about the sophisticated, evil moments with her.

Zhang Tie knew that he had grown up and finally walked out of the shadow of Miss Diana. The one who helped him grow up was another woman with cyan eyes. Zhang Tie fulfilled a ludicrous dream with her.

That woman knew that he had known whom she was. Zhang Tie also knew who was that woman. However, they both pretended that they knew nothing about the opponent's real status. By keeping this as a secret, they made it very interesting.

Ms. Olina's face was looming in Zhang Tie's mind like a waving fire.

"No matter what, the most important thing at the present is huge-wolf seven-strength fruit. However, if Setton doesn't show up, should I have to take that woman to travel around the wild?" Zhang Tie finally realized that the woman was like a princess. He could not kill her, beat her or leave her alone. Additionally, Zhang Tie had to provide her with food and drinks all day long.

As the old Chinese saying went, "Time reveals a man's heart". Perhaps he really could not treat the woman too viciously. His fake look as an evil person had been completely identified by that woman in less than 2 days. Therefore, the woman became increasingly bold. She even posed to take a bath herself. A man and a woman were in the wild while the woman was the man's captive. What did this mean? It was simply a defiance to the man.

"D*mn it. How low is the efficiency of Eschyle City. It's just an exemption order. How come it is still not solved until now!" Zhang Tie muttered as he turned over the potatoes under the ashes.

Right then, he heard a furious reproach, "Piss off...". It was the woman's voice. Zhang Tie immediately rushed over there with 2 short javelins.

When he arrived at the riverside, Zhang Tie saw 3 male pioneers. They were smirking. The woman's clothes were piling on the stone. One of them even took up a black underwear of the woman obscenely and sniffed it, "How fragrant!" after saying this, the 3 men burst out laughing at the same time.

The woman was squatting in the brook while the flow had just covered her neck. Zhang Tie didn't know whether the 3 guys had seen her look or not. Actually, when Zhang Tie arrived here, he had seen her mask back on her face.

The woman was trembling in water. According to Zhang Tie's acknowledgement about that woman, he knew that was not due to fear, but fury.

"You 3, slap your own faces twice before rolling out of here!" at the sight of the situation here, Zhang Tie had already known what happened. The 3 pioneers passed by the riverside by accident or perhaps they were here to drink some water after hearing the water flow sound. However, they saw O'Laura taking bath in the brook.

The 3 pioneers were at their 30s or 40s. Given their looks, Zhang Tie knew that they were living poor. Although they were rude and obscene at the sight of a woman taking bath by accident, Zhang Tie didn't think that they should be killed because of this. Therefore, Zhang Tie planed to save their lives.

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, although being in water, the woman still glared at Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie's intention was good; however, not everything in the world developed according to one's intention.

Seeing Zhang Tie running towards them, the 3 pioneers became slightly astonished as they prepared to defend. However, when they saw Zhang Tie's look clearly, they exchanged glances with each other before bursting out into laughter at the same time. They became relaxed right away.

Zhang Tie was like a 16-17 year old boy with some fine hair over his lips. In the wild, Zhang Tie's look was very tender! According to common sense, those who look tender always had poor fighting strength.

"Brat, you're really a playboy! Take a woman to play in the wild. Hah! judging from your tender skin and flesh, you really are hardcore. You put restrictive rings on such a enchanting beauty?" a taller one walked one step closer to Zhang Tie as he pointed at Zhang Tie with one finger in a contemptuous tone.

"Bolatti, I'm afraid that this brat is a young master of a rich family. He's here to play with his female servant! These rich babies must have been fed up with common women; they want different. I was told that these guys like to play rabbits, cats, dogs..." another pioneer added on one side as he narrowed his eyes and started to glance over Zhang Tie with weird, gleaming eyes.

"What rabbits, Ali, that's Bunny Girl. Average ones only require 10 silver coins; better ones require 20 silver coins. I've seen them in the inn of Kordy City. Amazingly, we have such a good fortune today..." another guy smirked.

The 3 guys exchanged their glances before revealing sinister smiles. A guy sent an order with his eyes. Receiving his order, the other 2 gradually left and started to surround Zhang Tie.

Hearing this, Zhang Tie was silent. However, the woman in water was so furious that she even trembled all over. Zhang Tie could even sense the fiery-eyes behind the mask.

Considering their looks, Zhang Tie realized that this event could not be easily solved today. As there were various pioneers, some of them could be Zhang Tie's friends such as Sam and Gerri whom Zhang Tie encountered on the Polar Light. Of course, there were also some craps and b*stards, such as the 3 guys in front of him. The moment they saw this woman taking bath here, they had remarkably revealed their evil nature. The existence of such pioneers ruined the image of all the pioneers in someone's eyes to a certain degree. In someone's eyes, pioneers were all bandits, thieves and refugees. Pioneers were completely forbidden in some countries and cities on Waii Sub-Continent...

Zhang Tie waved his head as he slowly walked towards that tallest pioneer with his short javelins, "Now that you offend me, don't blame me then."

"Brat, if you're smart, you'd better..."

The moment that man finished his words, he had seen Zhang Tie stabbed his short javelin into his mouth and made it come out from the back of his head.

Zhang Tie moved as swiftly as lightning bolt. When he drew his short javelin out of that man's mouth, he saw the man standing still.

Seeing the most powerful one among them could not even insist on 1 second, the remaining 2 pioneers's legs paralyzed right away as they even started to pee. Realizing that they encountered a powerhouse, one of them became weak and knelt down the ground at once...

Before that last one moved 5 steps away, Zhang Tie instantly moved close to his back. Raising his short javelin, he immediately penetrated through that man's head with it.

When the 2nd one fell down the ground, the 1st one also fell down.

Zhang Tie then came to the front of the pioneer who was kneeling down the ground...

"Forgive me, forgive me please. I swear to not do that later..." that man kept kowtowing like pounding garlic into pulp. He dared not to raise his head at all. He was so scared that he even started to drop tears and run nose.

Standing in front of that man, Zhang Tie hesitated. Considering that this guy was as timid as a rabbit, Zhang Tie planned to let him go.

However, at this moment, Zhang Tie heard the sound of water and a series of rapid rubbing sounds; however, he didn't turn around. A shadow with full killing intent had already arrived behind Zhang Tie. She picked up a pioneer's weapon before walking towards that guy kneeling down the ground. With a sharp slash, she chopped his head off. Zhang Tie hurriedly dodged one step aside in case of being sprayed by guy's fresh blood.

"Bang", the woman in mask dropped off her saber as she glared at Zhang Tie with fierce eyes. Meanwhile, she squeezed out some words, "None of your men were good things!"

"F*ck!" being involved out of no reason, Zhang Tie rubbed his face with a vacant look, "I didn't peek at you."

Before leaving her, Zhang Tie looked back. He found that the woman had already thrown her black underwear into the brook. Besides, 3 corpses were lying here. Given their looks, Zhang Tie knew that they only had a couple of gold coins at the most; therefore, he didn't feel like searching the booty at all. Waving his head, he returned to his fireplace.

Sitting beside the fireplace, the woman became silent. Seeing Zhang Tie walking towards her, she turned around and peered at Zhang Tie with a different look than that before.

"Why didn't you kill them at the beginning?"

"What if they saw you by accident? I think they didn't deserve death! I don't think that you will kill anybody who peek at you by accident!" Replying her, Zhang Tie walked back to his position. Meanwhile, he poked his short javelins into the mud, causing a sound of "Puff" and continued to roast his potatoes.

"I will kill anyone who see my naked body!" the woman answered seriously.

"What are you talking about, it's not big!" Zhang Tie muttered.

"What?" the woman raised her voice greatly as she became furious like a hedgehog who erected its spikes at once.

Zhang Tie also became irritated as he glared at her, "F*ck, this father means you have no good figure, plumpy butts or breasts. The 3 guys were idiots. As you also came to this world with naked butts, are you going to kill the doctor and the midwife?"

Panting heavily, the woman glared at Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie glared at her too. When he thought that she was going to fight him, Zhang Tie found her gradually recovered her composure.

"I start to believe that you didn't kill the 2 wild bounty hunters!"

"Glad that you know it. If not being a scapegoat, nobody would like to stay with you all day long, except for idiots!"

The woman wanted to lose her temper again. After taking deep breaths several times, Zhang Tie found that the woman started to move the roasted potatoes in the ashes.

"What's going on? She's changed her mind?" Zhang Tie was a bit amazed as he became alert right away...


In the time after midnight, mist started to drift over the mountain. At the beginning, Zhang Tie didn't care about that. However, when he found something was wrong, Zhang Tie could not be able to move anymore. Although he struggled, he realized that his spiritual energy had been frozen by the weird mist. However, the woman who slept in the mountain cave was standing on his side. Along with that woman was a man with long beard, who was not Setton!

"Senior!" the woman lowered her head and greeted him.

"Is that him?"

"Yes! This man is a bit useful. He's an animal controller. Additionally, he was polite to me these days. I suggest to keep him alive!"

Closely after the woman's words, Zhang Tie felt a headache as he lost his consciousness...

Chapter 436: The Grey Eagle Tribe

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When Zhang Tie recovered his consciousness, he felt his head being cracked while his body was under a huge rock which weighed as heavy as 5000 kg.

He also recovered his memory. Zhang Tie knew that he was in others' hand. As for the weird mist, Zhang Tie was still confused about it even now.

He had recovered his spiritual energy. After sensing it, Zhang Tie finally let out a sigh. As long as his spiritual energy was normal, he could protect himself at the critical moment.

At this moment, Zhang Tie heard a creaky sound. Meanwhile, his body was quivering. Therefore, Zhang Tie opened his eyes at once.

Zhang Tie saw a low, grayish black car roof which was covered with animal's hide and that woman in mask. The woman was sitting in the carriage with her back against him. She was crunching her legs and hugging her knees. Along with the carriage, she also quivered.

The moment Zhang Tie saw her, Zhang Tie felt that she was weak.

It seemed that the woman felt Zhang Tie's gaze. She turned around and stared at Zhang Tie.

Before Zhang Tie said anything, the woman had hurriedly adjusted herself to cross her legs once again.

"You woke up several hours earlier than what I expected!" The woman's voice was as icy as before.

"Well, actually, I think it's still too late. I don't even know when you started your plan!" Zhang Tie forced a bitter smile. The moment he wanted to pick himself up, he found one more thing over his neck and his writs——the restrictive rings. Additionally, all of his items had been plundered, including his dark tore gloves, purse, 2 rune rings and a double-carp swords.

"What a quick retribution! I've just confiscated her items several days ago, now it's my turn."

Zhang Tie struggled to sit up in the carriage; leaning against the wall, he panted heavily.

The moment he sat up, Zhang Tie's mind became clear. Although he still felt like getting up on the second day after being drunk, he knew that his basic moving ability was not weakened.

Zhang Tie saw the woman playing his "finger ring of eagle's eye" while his "finger ring of awareness" had been put on her left hand's middle finger.

The woman was staring at Zhang Tie with her gleaming eyes in a slightly joking and cool way.

The woman's eyes made Zhang Tie very uncomfortable. Therefore, Zhang Tie also prepared to make her uncomfortable, "If you put on my ring on your middle finger, it means that you're falling in love with me. I don't remember having agreed to accept you as my wife. My wife has to have a hot figure!"

Close after Zhang Tie's joke, he had known the outcome of teasing the woman. The woman stretched out her hand and punched onto Zhang Tie's lower abdomen at once. With a creaky sound, Zhang Tie had a churning stomach, causing him cough loudly.

Hearing this, Setton pulled open the curtain. As the carriage was heavily quaking just now, Setton thought something happened in the carriage; therefore, he checked it. At the sight of Zhang Tie's poor look, he understood it right away.

"O'Laura, we're 10 km away from the tribe!" after reminding O'Laura, Setton put down the curtain.

Because of the great strike-resistance ability brought by iron-body fruits, Zhang Tie recovered only after a few seconds. He then gradually straightened up. "This woman was too vicious. That punch almost turned over my intestines. F*ck!"

"We're on even this time!" the woman said icily.

"On even?" this reminded Zhang Tie of the punch that he gave to that woman several days ago. "She still kept it in mind?"

Zhang Tie had a new recognition on women's narrow-mindedness.

"Alright, we're on even!" after taking deep breaths, he straightened up, "Can you tell me what happened? I want to know how I lost it!"

"What do you want to know?"

"All of it!"

"Setton didn't go back to Eschyle City; instead, he returned to the tribe. It's senior Merkel who helped us. He's also the priest of our tribe!"

"Tribe?" Zhang Tie widened his eyes.

"Of course, most of the bounty hunters above LV 10 in Eschyle City were powerhouses from surrounding tribes. After accepting the requests of the police station in Eschyle City, we will assist Eschyle City to chase those criminals in Ice and Snow Wildness for rewards. This is our benefit from Eschyle City."

Zhang Tie finally knew his mistake. He was overconfident that he ignored an important message which looked trivial——the background of the senior bounty hunters in Eschyle City.

In Zhang Tie's eyes, now that these bounty hunters were dispatched by Eschyle City, of course they were under the jurisdiction of Eschyle City. However, actually, the backgrounds of these bounty hunters were more sophisticated. Although there were some bounty hunters in Eschyle City, the surrounding tribes around Eschyle City also had bounty hunters. Precisely, these bounty hunters from surrounding tribes were not completely affiliated to Eschyle City; instead, their relationship was more like a collaboration.

If he had long known about the background of this woman and Setton, Zhang Tie would never have been that silly to send Setton to Eschyle City for the exemption of his wanted circular. The reason was only a matter of fact. In these people's eyes, it was just a matter of dignity, the dignity of their tribe.

A tribe which collaborated with Eschyle City dispatched bounty hunters to chase the escaped criminal; however, they were controlled by that criminal. Of course that bounty hunter was shameless to ask for exempting the criminal's wanted circular back in Eschyle City. If so, he would have been drowned by tribesman's saliva.

"Therefore, Setton did not go to Eschyle City at all. After realizing that he and this woman could not deal with me, Setton returned to his tribe to seek for relief force. However, I was still waiting for his news about the exemption of the wanted circular like a fool." Zhang Tie regretted.

"Where is your tribe?"

"It's in your target, the grey tribe in the south of Ice and Snow Wildness!" Zhang Tie could feel the sinister smile of the woman behind her mask.

"It turns out that I was entering her nest together with this woman."

Zhang Tie patted his forehead with a speechless and painful look, "If Donder knew that I could do such a silly thing, I'm sure he would jump and swear me 3 hours without repeating a sentence."

"This indicated the importance of the details. Because of the negligence of a detailed message, I deteriorate to others' prisoner. What an influential lesson and a high price!"

Zhang Tie sighed. He knew that it was his fault. "I'm really stupid!"

"What do you want to do with me now? If you want money, just let me go. I will give you 5000 gold coins as a payment..." Zhang Tie knew that human's greed was bottomless. Even though he could give them 50,000 gold coins at once, he would still be asked for more.

"I know that you're rich. You had 3 rune equipments and a non-rune elite equipment. Although I've been a bounty hunter for so many years, it's my first time to encounter such a rich man!" The woman sneered, "Do you think that you can buy everything with money? Or do you think I'm an idiot? Although our tribe is poor, I've seen 5000 gold coins. But you're much more valuable than 5000 gold coins!"

"Speaking of my items that you've collected..."

"Mine!" O'Laura in mask interrupted Zhang Tie before he finished his words. After that, he directly put the finger ring of eagle's eye on the other hand before delcaring it righteously, "From now on, all of your belongings, including you are my personal properties. Do you know what is personal property? It means that from now on you are my slave according to the regulations of ice and snow wildness!"

"Slave? F*ck!"

Zhang Tie was so infuriated that he was almost driven mad, "I can give your my belongings, but you should know that I'm wronged. I've not killed those 2 bounty hunters at all!"

"I know that you're wronged. But so what? Am I obliged to clarify it for you? Who're you?" O'Laura raised her face and stared at Zhang Tie proudly, "Don't forget that, you're still wanted now. You should appreciate me as I've not chopped off your head and go for the reward in Eschyle City. If you met another bounty hunter, you've already been a corpse. Do you think that you can still talk with me like this?"

"What do you want?" Zhang Tie asked in a low voice.

"It's very simple. From now on, you should listen to my words and serve me. If you satisfy me one day, you might have your freedom back!"

Zhang Tie slightly narrowed his eyes...

"Never think about escaping, as senior Merkel has already planted a bone-exploding needles in your body. If you escape, you will explode. Don't blame me for not having warned you by then!" this woman seemed knowing what Zhang Tie was thinking about.

"Bone-exploding needles?" Zhang Tie was startled. He then checked his body carefully and found nothing was improper.

"You can try to run your battle Qi and check its effect."

Zhang Tie then tried to run his battle Qi; in a split second, he felt a sharp pain on all the joints and bones; meanwhile, he started to ooze big sweat drops over his forehead...

At this moment, Zhang Tie found that something weird was in his body. They felt like needles while lurking near his joints and bones. If not running his battle Qi, he would not find them at all. However, the moment he ran his battle Qi, he had driven them to swim all over his body. As a result, they stabbed into his bones, causing a sharp pain...

Because of the sharp pain, Zhang Tie panted heavily while widely opening his mouth. Although it was a transient period, Zhang Tie felt unbearable as being stabbed with over 10 nails.

"This is the unique skill of the priests in Ice and Snow Wildness. Only the performer could relieve it. As long as you don't run your battle Qi or escape, it would be okay. However, if you want to escape, the bone-exploding needles would lose its control and explode in your body. You are doomed to die then!" O'Laura said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Tie completely gave up his mind."Restrictive rings plus bone-exploding needles. D*mn it! Am I that dangerous?"

Zhang Tie didn't know that in O'Laura's eyes, he definitely was the most dangerous person among all those O'Laura had met. Even facing a LV 10 strong fighter, O'Laura had not been that careful. Even the senior of her tribe could still not implement bone-exploding needles easily. However, O'Laura thought it was very necessary to implement it on Zhang Tie.


They arrived at their tribe in less than 1 hour after a 10-odd km travel.

When the vehicle parked, O'Laura pulled open the curtain of the carriage and jumped off firstly, followed by Zhang Tie.

The moment Zhang Tie got off the car, he had been pressed by Setton on his shoulders.

"Brat, if you want to survive a few days more, you'd better forget what happened that night. No matter who ask you about that, you only need to tell them you are caught by O'Laura. Besides me, you've seen nobody else. Am I clear? If I heard any rumors in the tribe, I will chop off your head..." Setton whispered to Zhang Tie. After the warning, he forcefully pinched Zhang Tie's shoulders.

"It seemed that Setton and O'Laura didn't want others to know that I was caught by the senior of their tribe." Zhang Tie understood it right away. However, he still had some doubts and was confused about the reason.

Although he was under their control, Zhang Tie was clear that he didn't need to suffer any loss for the alleged dignity.

"I'm clear!" Zhang Tie also replied in a low voice.

"O'Laura is not as bad as you've imagined. As you're smart, as long as you are not excessive, perhaps you will gain your freedom after some time!" Setton left a hope to Zhang Tie.

"May I know about my status..."

"Hasn't O'Laura told you about that?" You're her personal property. Precisely, you're her slave. This is the only status for those criminals being caught and kept alive!"

"D*mn it. I'm really a slave!" Zhang Tie swore inside with a bad look.

"Don't worry. Besides O'Laura, you don't have to follow the orders of anyone else!" Setton patted Zhang Tie's shoulders as he comforted him, "Follow me, we're entering the Grey Eagle Tribe. We have to walk on foot!"


Since he walked out of the back of the carriage, Zhang Tie finally saw the overall look of the vehicle which he was in. It was a simple animal drawn vehicle. The animal was like a yak, but bigger than yak. Besides, its horns were like that of deer's as they were fork-shaped.

"This is moose, which only lives in Ice and Snow Wildness. It's docile and features a strong resistance. However, it cannot move fast. After eating one meal, it could walk 2 days without rest and sleep. It's the best animal-drawn vehicle in Ice and Snow Wildness!" Noticing that Zhang Tie glanced at that animal several times, Setton explained to him.

Zhang Tie's vehicle was followed by a fleet of over 30 moose-drawn cars, which carried various items. After a glance, Zhang Tie found that the most of them were daily necessities. On a crate in the front, Zhang Tie saw the symbol of table salt. Besides, Zhang Tie saw clothes on other vehicles. Even a lot of items were piled on the top of the vehicle which Zhang Tie was in.

It was a wild-like prairie in the surroundings. The path in front was a small gentle slope, which was covered with vigorous weeds. There was a trace left by vehicles in the middle of the muddy path. All the people of the fleet got off their vehicles from here. They started to push their vehicles. However, given their looks, they were very happy and energetic.

At this moment, O'Laura was ahead of the fleet. She was communicating with a senior.

Seeing them working so hard, Zhang Tie felt a bit embarrassed to walk with his arms crossed. Therefore, he also put his hands on the back of the animal-drawn vehicle which he was in just now and started to push it.

As the carriage of this vehicle was empty, the moose could easily draw the vehicle onto the top of the hill; therefore, Zhang Tie didn't use too much strength at all.

When he was on the top of the hill, he caught sight of a tribe in Ice and Snow Wildness which occupied about 1 square km and was covered with cooking smokes.

At the sight of the fleet, a long clarion sounded in the troop. Meanwhile, a squad of cavalries rushed towards them as they yelled.

Zhang Tie only put his eyes on that tribe and the cavalries for a short while before moving his eyes onto those huge canyons in the plain not far from here. Each of those cracks would be as wide as miles. They were like wrinkles on the face of the mother of land as they extended to the distance...

"Haidela Glacier Crack?" Zhang Tie finally knew where he was. He became spirited at once.

Those cavalries arrived in front of the fleet in a wink. When they were about 50 m away from the fleet, one of them screamed, "O'Laura, my dear cousin. I was told that you went out for business. I wonder whether you could help your Grey Eagle Tribe tide over this winter with the reward. Why do you work so hard? As long as you open your mouth, you can dispatch your men to carry away whatever is in the warehouse of my tribe..."