437 - 442

Chapter 437: Weal and Woe

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The voice was full of arrogance. It reminded Zhang Tie of those noble playboys in Blackhot City.

Soon after he finished his words, his cavalry had already rushed in front of the fleet and stopped over 10 m away. Zhang Tie saw no awe and hatred but mixed moods from the faces of those fleet members. Given this point, Zhang Tie knew that the relationship between the Grey Eagle Tribe and those cavalries was not tense.

The senior who was with O'Laura slightly lowered his body to greet him.

Most of the cavalries were riding a beast which was similar to the iron-horn beast of Norman Empire and rhinoceros, except for the one in the middle of the cavalries which looked pretty fierce and tall. It was about 2 m in height while a 1 m-long sharp sword-shaped tusk stretched out of its mouth. Its silver-grey silver had a eccentric texture of metal. Its gold eyes made people very repressive. The other beasts stayed away from it on purpose.

Sitting on the fierce beast was a tall man who was about 28 years old. The man looked complacent. Given his look, he should have a great fighting strength.

What caught Zhang Tie's attraction was that the most of the beasts were carrying a container. Each container contained a row of javelins. When in Kurgan Village, Zhang Tie knew that most fighters in Ice and Snow Wildness used javelins as a throwing weapon. However, at the sight of so many people carrying so many javelins for the first time, Zhang Tie became curious.

As a poor slave, Zhang Tie didn't speak; instead, he just stayed behind the crowd and observed what these guys wanted to do.

"Nurdo, what are you doing in the Grey Eagle Tribe?" O'Laura stared at those cavalries icily and asked straightforwardly.

"I have something to talk with you!" Nurdo replied casually.

"Talk about what?"


"I was told that the pioneers discovered an urban relic before catastrophe in the Haidela Glacier Crack. Pieces of star of god might also be discovered over there. Now, pioneers and powerhouses are heading for Haidela Glacier Crack from all directions for wealth. My darling cousin, facing such attractive wealth in front of our door, don't you have any plan?"

"I know very well about the real fighting strength of the Grey Eagle Tribe. We only do what we are able to do. If you want to find someone as your cannon fodder, you are finding the wrong person!" O'Laura sneered.

"Hold on, O'Laura..." Riding on the fierce beast, the man slightly straightened up and leaned forward while fixing his eyes on O'Laura, "Of course, it's impossible for us to strive for the pieces of star of god. When sword-sage-leveled powerhouses participate in it, it's nothing to do with us. However, do you know that something in the urban relics might be out of your imagination. Now that the relics were discovered in Ice and Snow Wildness, they should not be taken away by those pioneers from outside. Except for your Grey Eagle Tribe, all the other tribes in the south have already been prepared to organize people to take a look downside there. As your cousin, I'm especially here to notice you in case that you miss the opportunity!"

Hearing these words, O'Laura became silent...

Hearing that, Zhang Tie was also curious inside. He had not imagined that the discovery of the urban relics in Haidela Glacier Crack had gradually become such a hot topic. Even tribes here intended to take measures about it. However, relics were nothing but some antiques being buried under earth; especially the relics before catastrophe which was only less than 1000 years ago. People could find nothing valuable but some scrap metals in the relics.

"O'Laura, if you want to participate in it, don't forget to take your bear-killing fighters to the estuary of Fitjar River 2 days later. As grey eagle tribe is a eagle-level tribe in the south of ice and snow wildness, you'd better not degrade your grey eagle tribe. If it turns into a grey mice tribe, it would be a laughing stock, hahahaha..." With arrogant laughter's, Nurdo flashed away with his cavalry.

After standing there quietly for a few seconds, O'Laura waved her hand, "Go back to tribe..."


It was only less than 2 km away from here to the grey eagle tribe. After a short while, the fleet had already arrived at the outside of the tribe.

This tribe was much larger than that of Kurgan village. However, there was no difference between the 2 villages on buildings, almost all of which were low cabins, except for a few tall and stony buildings. Based on the number and density of buildings, Zhang Tie estimated that this tribe contained about 30,000 to 50,000 villagers.

Seeing the fleet coming back, many kids ran out of the tribe to chase the fleet out of excitement.

"There's salt, I see it!"

"There's sugar, they're in the boxes!"

The kids screamed excitedly, especially after some guys of the fleet sprayed two hands of sugars towards them, they became more jubilant.

At this moment, O'Laura was like a super star. Walking in front of the fleet, she was greeted by others as she waved her hands towards those villagers.

Zhang Tie followed the fleet as he observed the surrounding environment. Many villagers were breeding husbandries, most of which were moose, sheep, etc..

There were some simple processing workshops in the tribe, the most remarkable ones were processing Buckthorn wine. Zhang Tie had smelt the fragrance from afar. The ironware processing workshops were smoking heavily, causing tinkles. Some semi-finished sabers, swords, javelins and some daily products were hanging over the walls outside the ironware workshops.

Zhang Tie saw many women tanning hides, binding the well-tanned hides and piling them in the courtyard at the height of 2 m. After a glance, Zhang Tie almost sprung up, as he found that those hides were rightly of huge wolves. With off-white furs, they were bigger than common wolves.

If not so many people near him, Zhang Tie almost burst out laughing. The hides of huge wolves indicated that they could hunt huge wolves not far from here. "This means my huge-wolf seven-strength fruits are not far from me!"

"I was told that an animal tide broke out here, are there any huge wolves here?" Zhang Tie asked Setton casually.

"Hmm, there're so many huge wolves. However, we've been used to it. The tribe is safe. The priest of our tribe had implemented a bloody seal around the tribe. Therefore, huge wolves will not break in the tribe. Our grey eagle tribe has been living here for hundreds of years, we've long known how to deal with these beasts. Animal tide of huge wolves breaks out in every few years which would provide us extra gains. In the daytime, fighters in the tribe will take young men to hunt huge wolves; in this way, we can make money and practice them!", Setton didn't know why Zhang Tie asked him that; therefore, he didn't take any precautions about Zhang Tie and told him about the details.

"I heard the dialogue between that man and O'Laura, it seems that O'Laura is very influential in grey eagle tribe!"

"O'Laura's mom is the priest of grey eagle tribe; her father is the head of the tribe. O'Laura is doomed to be the head of our tribe. This tribe belongs to her. You tell me whether she's influential or not?" Setton muffled.

"Ah?" hearing this answer, Zhang Tie was really startled. He had not imagined that the woman in mask had such an influential position, "If so, why does she become a bounty hunter? This profession is very dangerous. Do her parents allow her to risk that?"

"Her parents have passed away..." Setton lowered his voice at once. He glanced at Zhang Tie with experienced and sympathetic eyes, "Human will always have to do something that they dislike, especially someone on the special position. Previously, when O'Laura's parents were alive, she was a naive, beautiful little girl. She didn't even kill an insect. I gifted her a rabbit when she was young, and when the rabbit died, she cried for 2 days..."

After thinking for a short while, Zhang Tie had realized what a woman, the successor of the tribe would face after losing her greatest dependence. It was like a kid who suddenly inherited a great sum of properties would always be robbed by some relatives. They might have already met one just now.

In a split second, Zhang Tie started to sympathize O'Laura.

"What about you? What's your position in the tribe?"

"I'm her head guard!" Setton replied. Hearing this answer, Zhang Tie finally understood why Setton became that nervous when he controlled O'Laura at that moment.

"Do you really want O'Laura to be the head of the tribe?"

"That's the meaning of my life. If not, I should have been dead 2 decades ago!" Setton explained.

Zhang Tie rolled his eyes, "If so, we need to discuss about it!"

"Don't play any tricks!" Setton looked around and warned Zhang Tie in a low voice.

"Actually, I know that you and O'Laura are not bad guys!" Zhang Tie also lowered his voice, "If not because of the misunderstanding, I might not pose any threat to you. From the beginning, I didn't mean to offend you. Conversely, I really like to help my friends. Of course, not in the current status and condition..." Zhang Tie said as he raised his hands, showing the restrictive rings over his wrists to Setton.

"I will tell O'Laura about that!" Setton muffled. After that, he didn't speak to Zhang Tie anymore.

Zhang Tie nodded. He would like to try every possible way to change his current situation unless despair. Zhang Tie was not telling a lie just now. If it was advantageous to the cooperation between the two parties, the misunderstanding between him and O'Laura could really be dissolved.

After walking hundreds of meters in the tribe, Zhang Tie saw the tallest and most magnificent stony building in the center square of the tribe. It was built on a soil platform. Certainly, compared to those buildings in Yiyang City or Stars Viewing City, this building was shorter.

When the fleet was close to that place, 3 seniors walked out of the building at the same time. The one on the left was holding an odd-looking crutch with snow-white hair and beard. Although it was still a distance away from him, the moment Zhang Tie caught sight of that senior, he had a great sense of familiarity. Needless to say, Zhang Tie knew whom he was——senior Merkel, the priest of grey eagle tribe.

At the sight of Zhang Tie, senior Merkel triggered those bone-exploding needles right away. Zhang Tie immediately felt painful all over. Thankfully, the pains relieved right now, making Zhang Tie's heart pounded at once.

Senior Merkel was accompanied by two more people. Although Zhang Tie didn't know about the other 2 people, he was sure they were also seniors of the tribe.

The fleet just parked in front of the soil platform.

O'Laura walked towards those 3 seniors directly. When she arrived there, she talked something to them. After that, the 3 seniors walked into that building. However, Zhang Tie felt that Merkel glanced at him before turning around.

Seeing people coming here to count and remove items off the vehicles, Setton took Zhang Tie away from here. After walking for a short distance, they arrived in front of a small cabin.


"You live here temporarily. Don't expect to escape. You can not bear the effect of bone-exploding needles. Do not take that as a joke at the risk of your life! At night, someone will send you food!" After saying that, Setton had one people keep an eye on Zhang Tie outside the cabin before leaving.

Watching this simple cabin and that young man who was standing outside the door, Zhang Tie became quiet. He then sat down on the wooden plate with crossing legs as he injected some spiritual energy into Castle of Black Iron.

"Heller, can you hear me?"

"Castle lord, Heller is waiting for your order at any time!"

"Do you know what I'm thinking about?"

"As long as castle lord enters Castle of Black Iron, I can help you take off the restrictive rings at once. However, there's a bit problem with the bone-exploding needles..."

Zhang Tie's heart pounded hearing Heller's reply.

"What's the matter with the bone-exploding needles?"

"You have to clean it off by yourself!"

"By myself? How can I clean it off?"

"Haven't you tried it just now?"

Zhang Tie thought about it for a short while, "Do you mean that I can clean off the bone-exploding needles after running my battle Qi?"

"You got it. Bone-exploding needles is a secret method used by priests in Ice and Snow Wildness. Those being planted into your body are not real needle-sized metal objects but an energy formed by priests' special battle Qi at the cost of their spiritual energy and cultivation. Essentially, the bone-exploding needles are a dynamic energy that could be controlled by human. When they bring you sharp pains and harms, they would decrease at the same time!"

"You mean each time I run my battle Qi I would be able to decrease the energy of the bone-exploding needles while being attacked by them?"

"Yes, when they hurt you, they weaken their own energy at the same time!"

"If bone-exploding needles could be cleaned off so easily, how could the priests in Ice and Snow Wildness control people by them? Won't each one clean it off by bearing the pains?" Zhang Tie hit the point. Now that this weapon could be dissolved so easily, it would be useless.

"Theoretically, it's true. However, people can not easily clean it off. Each time bone-exploding needles attacked a person, it would bring a sharp pain to him; although its energy declines, it won't weaken the pain. Am I clear? If each person could feel the same sharp pain when cleaning off the bone-exploding needles, how many times can he bear it? 1 times, 10 times or 100 times? As human, one prefers to stay far away from the same sharp pain!"

"You mean, the mechanism of action of the bone-exploding needles is like a erecting cone-shaped container, which is full of water. And I connect water faucet to its bottom; each time I turn on the water faucet, I would have water flow out constantly. However, its flow remains unchanged. Although the water inside the container gradually decreases, I don't know when all the water flow out until the last moment!"

"Correct. Before all the water run out of the cone-shaped container, as long as you adjust the water faucet to a certain position, you will get constantly same pain. Additionally, I believe that those people being controlled by the bone-exploding needles might not know that they were consuming the energy of bone-exploding needles when they ran their battle Qi's. Being controlled by this secret skill, one would not see any hope of freedom! Even the priest who implements this secret skill might not know that the energy of bone-exploding needles could be consumed in this way."

"Will it harm my body?"

"This is the second point I want to say. After eating so many iron-body fruits, you can bear the great harm of bone-exploding needles. Additionally, with preliminary recovery body, you can recover quickly. Therefore, you might be able to dissolve the bone-exploding needles!"

"What about commoners?"

"Based on commoners' endurance capacity and recovery ability, 99% of them could not clean off the energy of bone-exploding needles as the accumulative effects of the bone-exploding needles could easily kill him by consuming all of one's essential Qi. O'Laura is right. Besides the priest himself, nobody else could clean off bone-exploding needles!"

Zhang Tie let out a deep sigh as he felt being free once again, "How long can I clean off these bone-exploding needles?"

"Based on your current maximal endurance ability, it will take you 5 days to clean them off, 5 times a day, 20 minutes per time. But I need to warn you that the priest could sense it the moment you completely clean off the bone-exploding needles!"

"If I escape now, will the bone-exploding needles take effect and kill me right away?"

"Yes, they will!"

"What if I could run far away?"

"It's the same outcome. This weapon is like a remote-sensing crystal and electro-magnetic wave. Like many twins could sense each other's poor condition no matter how far they are from each other, as long as it is in the same space with you, its sensing distance will remain unchanged.

"Whether I could be easily killed by that old man if he wants?" Zhang Tie asked out of his concern. If it was true, it was nothing different than being waiting for death.

"Not as worse as you imagine. It takes some time to trigger their energy. Actually, it's not as sharp as real explosions. It takes 40-60 seconds to release its energy sharply. By then, you can enter Castle of Black Iron. After that, the space barrier could cut off that one's sense and manipulation to the bone-exploding needles!''

Hearing this explanation, Zhang Tie finally let out a sigh. "If it truly comes to that worse situation, I have to clean off the bone-exploding needles in Castle of Black Iron before coming out. Hopefully, it doesn't come to that step. If not, since coming out of Castle of Black Iron, I have to change my look and leave Ice and Snow Wildness at once in case of potential dangers. I've not imagined to encounter so many troubles for seven-strength fruits."

Knowing what Zhang Tie was thinking, after talking with him for a while, Heller finally gave Zhang Tie a surprise.

"Don't worry, Castle Lord, actually, you will have some benefits from these bone-exploding needles."

"Benefits? What benefits?"

"When you will consume the energy of bone-exploding needles, you will be bearing the attacks of bone-exploding needles. In this course, the growth of iron-body fruits will be accelerated. I've calculated that if Castle Lord could completely clean off those bone-exploding needles, you could obtain at least 3 iron-body fruits as a payment!"

"3 iron-body fruits?" after being stunned for a short while, Zhang Tie burst out into laughter...

"There's another good news."

"What good news?"

"We've got the 1st mutated and evolved Buckthorn seed!"

Chapter 438: Oh, I See

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

A wholly-new Buckthorn seed came into being in Castle of Black Iron!

This was the best news that Zhang Tie had ever heard in this period.

"What's the difference between the new Buckthorn seed and that of before?" Zhang Tie asked Heller in mind.

"New Buckthorn seed's adaptability to environment is 27% greater than that of the old ones. They have a greater viability. They could live in colder and dryer regions. Actually, the new seed could survive all the regions in Ice and Snow Wilderness whereas old Buckthorn seed could not."

"Besides, new Buckthorn seed could increase the fertility of soil by 12%. Soil with the new Buckthorn seed has higher activity. As a wholly-new species, new Buckthorn seed is different from the old one in many aspects. The size of new Buckthorn seed is 15%-20% bigger than that of the old one. Additionally, it tastes better; additionally, a new Buckthorn tree's output is 8%-14% higher than that of the old Buckthorn tree. What's more is that new Buckthorn seeds and tree leaves contain some aura values!"

"New Buckthorn seeds and tree leaves contain some aura values?" Zhang Tie became slightly stunned.

"Right, original Buckthorn seeds and tree leaves contain few aura values; however, the aura values in new Buckthorn seeds and tree leaves has increased by over 300%!"

"How long do I need to wait until Castle of Black Iron provides these new Buckthorn seeds to me?"

"At least 1 month. By then, Castle of Black Iron could provide Castle Lord with about 15 kg of new Buckthorn seeds. From then on, the provision will remain unchanged in each month!"

"As most of the land in Castle of Black Iron has been used, there's few vacant land available. If we want more new Buckthorn seeds from Castle of Black Iron, we have to expand the arable land in it. Therefore, we need a great quantity of energy storage!"

Zhang Tie had not imagined that he finally came back to this problem, which was really annoying——no matter how many things he moved inside, he still could not cater to its demand.

"Do you have any good suggestions to solve this problem?"

"Unless Castle Lord returns back to the sea!"

"You mean this is the only method to increase the basic energy storage of Castle of Black Iron?"

"It depends on your personal ability. If you are able to lift a mountain, just drop it into the Pool of Chaos!"

"Alright, I will deal with this problem later. I'm already very happy to have obtained new Buckthorn seeds. I've got a lot of problems to deal with." thinking about this, Zhang Tie gradually recovered his composure.

"What's the name of the new Buckthorn seed?"

"It's waiting for you to name it!"

"Now that it appears in this age, just call it black-iron Buckthorn as a souvenir."


After communicating with Heller, Zhang Tie started to consider about the current problem in the small cabin.

He could not consider other problems; but he had to clean off the bone-exploding needles as fast as possible as its threat to him was like worms gnawing his bones. It seemed that he had 2 methods to eliminate the threat of bone-exploding needles.

"The 1st method is that I have to seek a chance to escape right away. If I leave the grey eagle tribe, I have to find a remote place and enter Castle of Black Iron. After that, it will take me a few days to remove the threat. Although this method was feasible but the moment the senior of the grey eagle tribe sensed that the bone-exploding needles disappeared in my body, he would find the secret of Castle of Black Iron. If this secret is exposed, whether there will be consecutive bigger troubles, whether could I still stay in Ice and Snow Wilderness to continue the plan to improve my fighting strength."

"The 2nd method is that I will continue to stay here. I will keep consuming the energy of bone-exploding needles in my body until there was only few left. By then, even though the bone-exploding needles are activated by the senior, they will not threaten my safety anymore. After that, I could take the remaining ineffective bone-exploding needles as a cover so that I could collect 9 huge-wolf seven-strength fruits. Soon after I reach my target, I will return to Blackhot City."

"The benefit of the second method is remarkable. However, as a slave in grey eagle tribe, I might not be able to move freely here. Therefore, I need to make a good plan for that."

When Zhang Tie was racking his mind, he saw a young man standing still just outside the door. After that, he revealed a smile. "As I'm new here, I'd better figure out the situation."

Zhang Tie got off the bed. The moment he opened the door, he saw the young man's head who was staring at Zhang Tie full of alert while putting his hand on the handle of the saber.

"You can not escape from here. Go back!" the young man told Zhang Tie with a cold face.

"Easy, buddy, I'm just taking a fresh breath; it's a bit stuffy inside!" Zhang Tie told a lie as he returned into the room.

Seeing Zhang Tie moving back, the young man moved his hand off the handle of the saber.

Zhang Tie then sat on the stool against the door. After that, he put his hand inside his pocket and took out 2 gold coins from Castle of Black Iron at once.

He started to flip the 2 gold coins. Soon after the 2 colliding gold coins caused several crispy sounds did that young man turn around once again. At the sight of the 2 brilliant golden coins in Zhang Tie's hands, he forcefully swallowed his saliva as his eyes gleamed.

What did Crell say? Gold coins could turn demons into donkeys who only knew about pulling the milestone for grounding grains. Even demons could not stand the allure of gold coins, not to mention mortals. Perhaps someone truly didn't like money, but there was few such people. At least from the look of this young man, he was a member of the mortals. He had not been as noble as treating money as feces.

"It's really boring to stay here alone. If you talk with me, you will have 1 of the 2 gold coins, how about that?" Zhang Tie started to allure him.

"Do not dream that I can let you go!" the young man became very alert. Although with eyes fixed on the 2 gold coins, he was still sensible.

"Look, how dare I escape. I'm just chatting with you. I swear to not walk out of this door!"

"Don't expect to get the secret of grey eagle tribe from me either!" the young man waved his head once again.

"You're wrong. I'm not a mole or detective. You don't need to tell me any secret. You just talk to me about the information that each villager knows. Look, I'm neither a subversive nor saboteur; otherwise, Setton would not allow me to keep my gold coins. Am I right?" Zhang Tie revealed an innocent smile.

"Is that...true? Only by chatting with you can I obtain 1 gold coin..." the young man became excited right away.

"Of course, O'Laura is too poor. She lost her parents 2 decades ago. If not Setton and senior Merkel, I don't even know how can she survive so many schemes!" Zhang Tie sighed like he knew well about the situation of grey eagle tribe, "Look, I just want to chat with someone!"

Zhang Tie's words dispelled the young man's final concern. In the next half an hour, Zhang Tie almost knew everything that he wanted to know from the young man. As a result, the details of the whole grey eagle tribe started to become clear in Zhang Tie's mind.

Before eight, O'Laura was living like a princess in the grey eagle tribe. She was very beautiful. What was more important is that she had showed an extremely high talent in cultivation since she started to learn how to walk. She was identified as a cultivation talent who would not appear in the grey eagle tribe for 100 years by the priest in the tribe. Her father was the head of the tribe while her mother was the most beautiful woman in the tribe. At that time, someone said that her mother was not only the most beautiful woman in the grey eagle tribe, but also the most beautiful one across Ice and Snow Wilderness.

Born in such a family, O'Laura should have lived a dreamlike life; however, the reality was cruel. When her mother's beautiful look became increasingly well-known in the south of Ice and Snow Wilderness, troubles arrived. A group of bandits which was influential across the south prairie of Ice and Snow Wilderness fixed their eyes on her mother. When O'Laura's parents made a cruise with a few fighters, they were raided by those bandits. As a result, O'Laura's mother was robbed away.

What was worse, O'Laura's father died in the raid. O'Laura's mother chose to commit suicide in order to resist those bandits's offense. From then on, O'Laura's life completely changed. Although those bandits were finally swept by the allied tribes in the south of Ice and Snow Wilderness, O'Laura couldn't return to her previous life anymore.

After the death of O'Laura's father, the other 2 seniors of the tribe who were docile previously started to have evil thoughts. After taking the power of the tribe, they didn't want to give it back to a girl. Additionally, many people were casting grey eyes on the fertile land of grey eagle tribe. They wanted take down the grey eagle tribe by controlling O'Laura.

Therefore, as was imagined, O'Laura was facing a pretty great stress in daily life.

Not to mention those outside the tribe, even Juventus and Ollier in the grey eagle tribe were definitely the biggest obstacle in O'Laura's way to take the power of the tribe. Now, Juventus was the financial minister of the tribe while Ollier controlled over 2/3 of the total armed forces of the tribe with the help of his sons and his trusted followers.

With the support of Setton and senior Merkel, although O'Laura was the official successor of grey eagle tribe, her force was limited.

Although there was a conflict between Juventus and Ollier, they had reached a tacit agreement on dealing with O'Laura and preventing O'Laura from taking the power of grey eagle tribe. Not only providing even 1 copper coin to O'Laura, Juventus even always asked a lot of money from her at the excuse of many improper reasons. Therefore, it became harder for O'Laura to establish her force and majesty in grey eagle tribe. Therefore, O'Laura chose to be a bounty hunter. On one hand, it indicated that she had a great fighting strength; on the other hand, she had no other choices. She had to make money.

Although Juventus was treating O'Laura by not providing her with money but still saved her face to a certain degree; however, Ollier was almost shameless.

Ollier always declared to the outside that the only condition for O'Laura to take the power of the tribe was that she had to marry one of his son. Only by this could the grey eagle tribe not be annexed by other tribes.

After knowing the details, Zhang Tie finally understood why Setton told him to not reveal the message that senior Merkel helped him and O'Laura to deal with him. If not, it would be a great strike to O'Laura's dignity in the grey eagle tribe.

How come a woman being captured was qualified to be the head of a tribe? Zhang Tie understood the situation of O'Laura now. "I'm really a freak, maybe I'm the first one to defeat O'Laura since she became a bounty hunter!"

"Actually, for O'Laura, the safest way was to directly kill me on that night after I was controlled by that senior Merkel. After that, she could even take my head for bounty. However, she didn't do that. She kept me alive." Zhang Tie felt mixed moods immediately.

After learning that, Zhang Tie couldn't forget the scene when the slender woman hugged her knees alone in the carriage.


2 hours later, someone brought Zhang Tie with his supper. It was just a brown bread, fresh water and a cup of Buckthorn wine. When Zhang Tie was having them, he heard a noisy sound outside the cabin.

"What are you here for?" the young man asked.

"At the order of senior Ollier, we're here to execute the criminal that was brought back by O'Laura!" another arrogant voice sounded.

"None of you is allowed in!" the young man replied furiously at once.

What a pity! Zhang Tie heard a sneer, "Break in..."

Chapter 439: Being Bloody or Not

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Hearing the sounds outside the door, Zhang Tie figured out 2 things right away. "Firstly, the news that I am in the grey eagle tribe had been spread; secondly, the other 2 seniors of the grey eagle tribe seem reluctant to let me survive here given that they want to ruin O'Laura's dignity or kill her possible helper in the future."

"Setton and O'Laura might not know what's happening here. These b*stards want to make it a vested fact before arguing it with O'laura. No matter what, I'm just a criminal, an outsider. O'Laura would not reach a deadlock with the other 2 seniors because of me. Therefore, they're not afraid of killing me first."

Hearing the sounds outside, an icy light flashed across Zhang Tie's eyes; for these b*stards who wanted to kill him, Zhang Tie didn't pity them at all.

"You're seeking for death!"

After the mutter, Zhang Tie bottomed up the remaining Buckthorn wine.

Only after a few seconds, the young man was down to the ground.

"Setton would not forgive you..." the young man still exclaimed.

"Clog his mouth!"


The moment the young man's voice disappeared, the door of the cabin boomed open by feet...

At the same time, Zhang Tie lifted the solid-wood table of over 200 kg in weight by the hands and threw it towards the door forcefully like patting a fly...

Being influenced by the restrictive rings, one could not run his Qi and blood rapidly or move quickly. Also being influenced by the bone-exploding needles, one could not run his battle Qi; if it was anyone else then after being influenced by the 2 restrictive weapons, they could only have 20% of their overall fighting strength left.

However, Zhang Tie was different. Even though he could not run iron-blood battle qi, he had eaten a lot of seven-strength fruits, which granted him with brutal strength. Although the running speed of Qi and blood in his body had slowed down, Zhang Tie could still keep running dozens of km like a wild wolf without affecting his heart rates. The strenuous exercises of commoners were as easy as taking a walk in the courtyard for Zhang Tie. He could still exert 60-70% of his overall brutal strength; therefore, Zhang Tie was not afraid of the coming battle at all.

Additionally, his battle awareness would not decline due to the existence of restrictive rings and the bone-exploding needles.

The one who broke in first was miserable at once.

Before that one saw clearly the inside of the room, he had been pounded by a table which was longer than 2 m and wider than 1 m. Hearing a wuthering sound, he intended to resist it by hand, then...

Then...it came to an end...

With the terrifying sound of broken bones, the first one sprouted out fresh blood from his ears, eyes, nose and mouth like a tomato being struck by baseball. Meanwhile, he was sent flying back with a faster speed like a cannonball being launched.

A series of shrill cries sounded outside the door...

Zhang Tie patted his hands before moving the thick, heavy solid-wood table back to the original position. After that, he slowly walked out of the cabin and looked at what was going on outside.

7-8 people were lying on the ground in a row of over 20 m from the door to the outside, some of which had been unconscious while the rest were groaning on ground.

Additionally, 10 more people were scattering nearby with weapons in hands. They all looked flurried.

The young man's mouth was clogged by cloth; meanwhile, he had been bound by rope. Lying on the ground, he was staring at Zhang Tie with widening eyes like watching a monster.

At the sight of such a scene, Zhang Tie revealed a cold smile. Crossing his arms, he glanced over those men, "Who wanted to kill me just now?"

"Kill him!" a man holding a broad axe screamed with red eyes. Receiving this order, the other men roared and rushed towards Zhang Tie. Meanwhile, the man with the broad axe emitted a battle-Qi totem of huge-centipede and joined the battle.

At this moment, Zhang Tie charged out like a leopard and thrust into one's chest like how a bear hit a tree.

The opponent's chest sunk instantly as he was sent flying back in the air while spurting fresh blood.

At the same time, another one hacked his machete towards Zhang Tie. Seeing it, Zhang Tie slightly moved his body to dodge it away. After that, he stretched out his hand and gripped the man's wrist before waving that man for a circle like waving a straw...

As a result, 2 more people were sent flying backwards. At the same time, 5 more weapons fell on that poor man. The guy with the broad axe even directly chopped off one of that man's leg...

"Ah..." the poor man uttered shrill cries. Zhang Tie then loosed his grip and sent him flying backwards at once. As a result, he hit another man before flying together with that man 10 m away after running down the wooden fence of the courtyard.

When the poor man flew away, his machete fell into Zhang Tie's hand. Almost at the same time, Zhang Tie raised his machete to crash the LV 7 fighter's broad axe. The moment the collision happened, the parts between the opponent's thumbs and index fingers had been split, causing fresh blood flowing out. He could not hold fast the 40-50 kg broad axe anymore; instead, the axe flew out of his hands. Meanwhile, he was quaked 2 m away by the huge strength from Zhang Tie's machete.

Another 2 swords and sabers carried towards Zhang Tie at the same time. With a sharp sweep, Zhang Tie directly broke the blades of the 2 weapons. With another sweep, he sent 2 heads flying in the air...


In the stony building on the soil platform in the central plaza of grey eagle tribe, O'Laura was communicating with the 3 seniors. At this moment, a person trotted in and whispered at O'Laura's ears before leaving quickly.

"Senior Ollier, why are you doing this?" the moment O'Laura heard the report, she had stood up and smacked onto the wooden table, breaking it at once. She was so furious that she even started to quiver, "I caught Peter. He's my captive and my personal property. How can you send your men to execute him without my consent?"

"Are your sure..." Ollier smirked. He directly ignored O'Laura's fury. He picked his ear with a finger before blowing off the earwax. After that he explained briefly, "Probably my men misunderstood my order. I was told that Peter was a wanted criminal. He's very dangerous. I'm afraid that if he escapes, he might bring dangers to the tribe; therefore, I let Coca to take some men to assist the guard. I will punish Coca when he comes back. How silly he is!"

After saying this, Ollier glanced at the other senior at the table.

"I was told that Peter's head was worth 5000 gold coins. Although this was a misunderstanding, it's not bad to kill him. I suggest to punish him to guard the pasture for 1 month. With 5000 gold coins, our grey eagle tribe could easily tide over this winter! We can store a lot of things!" Another old guy narrowed his eyes, "O'Laura, I've not imagined that you could lose your temper towards the senior of our tribe for an outsider. Do you think that the murderer being wanted by Eschyle City is more important than the well-being of tens of thousands people in the grey eagle tribe? How do you think, senior Merkel?"

Holding a walking stick, senior Merkel was expressionless, "As we are in grey eagle tribe, of course, the well-being of our clansmen counts the most. As the only successor of grey eagle tribe, the whole tribe is O'Laura's home. I think O'Laura knows it clearly without having to be warned by senior Juventus. I think that all the clansmen know clearly what O'Laura has done for the tribe over these years. Nobody would doubt about O'Laura's affection for the grey eagle tribe!"

Listening to senior Merkel's words, Juventus smirked. After glancing at Ollier, he also became quiet.

After glancing at Juventus and Ollier, O'Laura turned around and left the room immediately.

"Let's take a look over there. If O'Laura becomes too impulsive that she punishes Coca for a criminal, it would be bad..." Ollier stood up and followed O'Laura out of the room. He knew that Coca's group could not defeat O'Laura. As O'Laura is furious at the moment, he had to help Coca, "heh heh heh..."

After exchanging glances with each other, Juventus and Ollier also followed O'Laura out of the room.


In less than 3 minutes, Zhang Tie had almost killed all the opponents outside the cabin. The courtyard was covered with blood, broken limbs and heads. Over 10 people's corpses were scattering everywhere.

The LV 7 fighter was lying on the ground. With pale face, he looked pretty embarrassed. His clothes was covered with blood stains while his right hand was lost. Stepping on his chest, Zhang Tie was going to chop off his head...

"Stop..." a furious voice drifted over there. Zhang Tie then stopped his movement. After raising his head, Zhang Tie saw a lot of people trotting towards him.

Those in the middle of them were O'Laura and the 3 seniors of grey eagle tribe. At the sight of the current scene, besides O'Laura whose look was hidden behind the mask, all the others were shocked.

The one who stopped Zhang Tie looked especially bad. It looked like that he wanted to eat Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie remembered this long-face old guy as it was the very guy who glanced at him many more times when he left the fleet.

"Old man, who are you?" Zhang Tie squinted at that man.

"Audacious, I'm Ollier, the senior of grey eagle tribe...how dare you kill people in the grey eagle tribe. Let him go right now!" The old man pointed at Zhang Tie with quivering fingers.

"Ollier, who's Ollier?" Under the gaze of those people, Zhang Tie's voice was so loud that it could even be heard by people hundreds meters away. Zhang Tie pretended to rack his mind before finally waving his head, "I've stayed so long in Ice and Snow Wildness, but I've not heard about you at all. Are you a fake senior of the grey eagle tribe?"

"Audacious, this is the senior of our tribe!" hearing Zhang Tie's doubt, another one beside Ollier stood out and screamed right away.

"No way. I've only heard about a senior called Juventus in the grey eagle tribe in Eschyle City. He's well-known. I've not heard anyone called Ollier at all!" Zhang Tie replied loudly.

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, Juventus became a bit amazed as he peeped at Ollier who was so furious that even his face had turned purple. Juventus then asked Zhang Tie, "You've heard about me?"

"Are you senior Juventus of the grey eagle tribe?"

"Yup!" Juventus became a bit satisfied. He had not imagined that Zhang Tie knew about his name.

"No way!" Zhang Tie waved his head, "How come you're senior Juventus..."

"B*stard, I'm the real senior Juventus!"

"Even a barber in Eschyle City knows that the richest man in the south of Ice and Snow Wildness is senior Juventus of the grey eagle tribe. I was told that Juventus was very good at putting the tribe's wealth into his own pocket. His bank account in Eschyle had millions of gold coins. As a senior guest of bank, how come you look so poor. You're even less valuable than 1 gold coin!"

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, Juventus' face turned red at once. He pointed at Zhang Tie with one finger, "You...you are talking nonsense!"

"Easy, I've not finished that. Don't be that flurried. Of course, senior Juventus' wealth is far more than that. I was told that he had many valuable mansions in Eschyle City. You have a lot of mistresses over there. They've delivered a lot of babies for you. You even have secret shares in some business groups in Eschyle City. They say that those business groups monopolize almost all the businesses of the grey eagle tribe. As the richest man in the south of Ice and Snow Wildness based on a small grey eagle tribe, senior Juventus is really the idol of many people!"

Zhang Tie's words were too lethal that even a greater part of people in the grey eagle tribe had heard about that.

"Who incites you to slander me?" listening to the whispers and feeling the weird eyes, Juventus asked loudly. He wanted to save his image as fast as possible by transferring others attraction.

Pitifully, he encountered Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie's words were more terrifying than his fighting strength when in need.

"Incite?" Zhang Tie's voice was full of amazement, "Last year, senior Juventus' love child in Eschyle City was abducted by those in demon snake island. Those people in demon snake island blackmailed him 300,000 gold coins. Juventus instantly drew 300,000 gold coins out of the bank. Finally, this event was spread to Ewentra Archipelago. In some circle of Eschyle City, everybody knew it. It was round-table warrior Dawson who abducted his son. That guy even declared everywhere that it was too easy to rob senior Juventus of the grey eagle tribe. If you don't believe in me, you can ask Dawson, the round-table warrior of demon snake island. If I was telling a lie, I swear to be chased by demon snake island such as Dawson..."

Seeing Ollier glanced curiously, Juventus almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Zhang Tie's story was really attractive. Even though the audience didn't believe in it, they would doubt Juventus at least. Zhang Tie was sure that the guy who monopolized the fiscal affairs of grey eagle tribe for dozens of years must have dirty points. If this old guy was innocent, he should have supported O'Laura to take the power; instead of holding her back. He didn't care how much did this old guy have. He only needed to cloud the water.

O'Laura stared at Zhang Tie with gleaming eyes. Perhaps only she could identify whether Zhang Tie was talking the truth or not. Although she knew that Zhang Tie was fabricating a lie, O'Laura felt that he was talking the truth. Additionally, seeing Juventus' bad-look face, O'Laura felt carefree inside...

"Senior Juventus, is he telling true?" O'Laura asked icily in front of the public.

"He's definitely talking nonsense!" Remarkably Juventus became completely flurried at this moment. He lost all of his majesty. He was glaring at Zhang Tie, "This person is a wanted criminal, how can you believe in his words?"

"It's very easy to test whether I'm telling true or not. As long as senior Juventus writes a letter, attaches your personal seal on it, has people carry it to the banks of Eschyle City and bring back the printed list of your account items, everything will be clear. Dare you do that, senior Juventus? Won't you tell us that you've not deposited a cent outside?"

"B*stard, it's not a criminal's turn to talk rubbish here!" senior Juventus was so furious that he almost could not utter a word.

"Of course, it's not an outsider's turn to talk rubbish about the grey eagle tribe. Because the affairs in grey eagle tribe have long been controlled by you, senior Juventus!" Zhang Tie continued, "I also heard that since the abduction event, senior Juventus had established a relationship with demon snake island and became their friend. Many outsiders said that senior Juventus wanted to purchase demon snake island's trust so as to clean off his obstacles in the grey eagle tribe based on the power of demon snake island. I was told that even your youngest love son had turned 13 years old. It seems that he will get married in a couple of years..."

"It's enough!" O'Laura stopped Zhang Tie in time, "Senior Juventus is not that kind of a person. Don't disturb our judgment by what you heard outside..." after saying this, O'Laura stared at Ollier who was thinking deeply with twinkling eyes, "Senior Ollier, you said it was a misunderstanding; but it's aroused by your men, will we just call it an end?"

If it was not told by Zhang Tie, it might not have such a remarkable effect. However, as O'Laura's captive, he didn't even have freedom of action. Being opposite to O'Laura, he was an objective "third party". Therefore, his words were more confusing. Additionally, this scene was not arranged by O'Laura; it was absolute an "accident". Furthermore, Zhang Tie's contents were too reasonable; at least nobody could find any loophole from it.

After glancing over Zhang Tie, O'Laura, senior Merkel, Juventus and Ollier finally moved away his eyes, "Hmm...alright!"

Receiving Ollier's reply, Zhang Tie smirked as he dropped off his machete and walked towards O'Laura. Before moving his feet away from that man's chest, Zhang Tie slightly increased his strength on feet and sunk that man's chest.

At the sight of Ollier and his followers' furious eyes, Zhang Tie smirked, "I'm sorry. I've not imagined that this guy was so weak. With restrictive rings, I could not control my strength well. Therefore, I stamped him to death, hope you don't mind!"

Not until then did everybody recall that Zhang Tie was still wearing restrictive rings. He has such a great fighting strength with restrictive rings. What if he didn't wear them? Watching the corpses all over the ground, many people felt shivers inside. This was a squad led by a LV 7 bear-killing fighter, 4 of which were fighters above LV 6. However, he killed them all in a few minutes. What a freak...

At this moment, they seemed having no desire to communicate any more. After exchanging glances with each other, they all left, leaving someone cleaning up the battle field...

Among them, only senior Juventus seemingly wanted to tear Zhang Tie into pieces.

Although it seemed coming to an end, everybody knew that it was just a beginning.


As the door of the cabin had been broken, it was messy all over there. Zhang Tie could not stay there any more. Therefore, Zhang Tie followed O'Laura to a new place.

Although the new place was still a cabin, it was much more beautiful and spacious than the previous one. Some female servants were serving in the new room.

O'Laura waved her hands to let those female servants leave.

Zhang Tie looked around here before staring at O'Laura who was silent and sighed, "It seems that you're really difficult here. According to your words, I'm your personal property at least. But others wanted to kill me without even your consent. They were evidently showing off their force to you. Even I could not stand it anymore. Don't stay still, open those rings over my wrists and neck. Do you still think that these things could bring you safety?"

Although O'Laura's look was still hidden behind the mask, after hesitating for a few seconds, she finally took out the key and opened the restrictive rings for Zhang Tie.

With those rings, he felt very inconvenient and uncomfortable. By contrast, after taking them off, Zhang Tie rubbed his wrists and neck as he felt free now, he became freer in fighting others.

"Perhaps we need to talk about the cooperation carefully."

"What can you give me?" O'Laura's voice had become a bit hoarse.

"What do you need most?" Zhang Tie asked.

"Money!" O'Laura answered straightforwardly.

Zhang Tie knew that she was talking true. With money, O'Laura could raise and enlarge her army and establish relationships with others so as to weaken the control of Juventus and Ollier and gain a greater right of speech. Finally, she could take back the power of grey eagle tribe. In this age, unless one's personal fighting strength was able to crack down everything, one needed money.

"I have a lot of money, given my belongings, you know that I don't lack money!" Zhang Tie put it straightforwardly, "However, my money doesn't come out of the air. I can provide you with money, but you have to show me your value!"

"Value? Isn't it enough to keep you alive?" O'Laura threatened.

"O'Laura, honestly, if I truly died in the grey eagle tribe, I'm sure that the whole tribe will be swept for my death. Soon, your tribe will be cleaned overnight. Nobody will survive, even a chick or dog! Do you really treat me as a monkey coming out of the stone? Do you really think that I have no friends and relatives?" staring at O'Laura, Zhang Tie replied. He was not threatening O'Laura; he meant it. Although it was only a short contact between him and his master, Zhang Tie knew it clearly that based on the personality of his Zhao Yuan, his master, if he sensed that his only apprentice was killed by the grey eagle tribe in Ice and Snow Wildness, he would definitely destroy the grey eagle tribe. This time, O'Laura took away his soul crystal through which Zhao Yuan could sense Zhang Tie's location. If Zhao Yuan wanted to revenge, he only needed to find the soul crystal. No matter being involved could escape.

O'Laura became silent. She truly wouldn't believe it if Zhang Tie told her that he had no background, he studied the fighting skills himself while all the valuable items were picked in the wild.

"What's your opinion about value?"

"I don't need any privilege of your tribe or need you to do anything that you think unacceptable. You only need to take my money as a commercial investment or loan for pure economic benefits!" Zhang Tie replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you only need me to believe in that you can pay me my cost and interests!"

"That's it?" O'Laura winked.

"Hmm, that's it!"

"What about you? What do you want to do?"

"What I want to do might be very strange in your eyes."

"What's that?"

"To maintain the balance of the mother nature!" a solemn expression appeared on Zhang Tie's face. Zhang Tie raised his head, "I forgot to tell you that I'm actually a devoted follower of school of patron! I can sacrifice everything for my dream..."

O'Laura watched Zhang Tie carefully as she wanted to know whether Zhang Tie was joking or not. She wanted to know whether Zhang Tie was a hidden lunatic...


In the midnight, senior Juventus left Ollier's home with some followers after a half hour's talk. Juventus sensed something special in Ollier's eyes although the latter swore that he wouldn't believe in a criminal's gibberish.

When he left Ollier's home, senior Juventus was filled with bitterness. Because Ollier treated him much kinder tonight than usual, Juventus felt being estranged to a certain degree.

Sometimes, it was not always good for familiar people to be polite to each other suddenly.

On the way back, noticing that some clansmen were peeping at him with weird eyes, senior Juventus held fast his fists.

After returning to his residence, senior Juventus let everybody leave. He then came to his prayer room. After opening a hidden shelf on the wall of the prayer room, senior Juventus took out of his writing instrument and started to write a letter rapidly...


10 minutes later, an owl flapped its wings from Juventus's home and disappeared in the nightscape rapidly...


"Senior, soon after Juventus returned home, he had sent his owl flying out. The owl flew very fast. As it was near Juventus' home, we didn't shoot it off..." a man reported to Ollier.

"As I've imagined, there are truly some problems with the old guy. I was almost cheated by him. How he has pretended to be docile before..." Ollier sneered...

Chapter 440: The Heroic Feeling

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Honestly, Zhang Tie didn't care about how many secrets did Juventus have outside the tribe at all.

Neither did he care about who would take the power of grey eagle tribe in the future. At that moment, he clouded the water to only live a bit more comfortable; perhaps, there was another reason for that, which Zhang Tie would not admit——actually he sympathized O'Laura to a certain degree.

Zhang Tie was not actually very justified; however, he really could not stand the 2 old d**chebags bullying a woman.

Zhang Tie didn't care about how O'Laura and the other people in grey eagle tribe defined his current status, O'Laura's personal property, captive or slave. For Zhang Tie, these things were nothing different than a temporary nickname or appellation. They were meaningless.

In Zhang Tie's mind, the grey eagle tribe was just a small courier station. He knew that he would soon leave here.

Until this moment, the tour to Ice and Snow Wildness was like a fantastic adventure and travel for Zhang Tie. At that moment, Zhang Tie's ambition started to grow in this land although he always maintained a relaxed mentality.

After what happened last day, the relationship between Zhang Tie and O'Laura further developed. They were neither like friends nor enemies. "Out of blows friendship grows".

Although they had already known each other a little but they still wanted to learn more about each other.

Although O'Laura took off Zhang Tie's restrictive rings, she still didn't mention about the restrictive rings, neither did Zhang Tie mention it. Both of them knew that their relationship was far from being established.

Zhang Tie asked O'Laura to return his equipment so that he could at least protect himself. After thinking for a while, O'Laura returned the pair of dark tore gloves to him. As for his other weapons, O'Laura said it depended on Zhang Tie's sincerity.

Of course, Zhang Tie was not an idiot. He would not take out those gold coins out of air. Even though he could, he wouldn't give them to O'Laura. Before cleaning off the threat of bone-exploding needles and gaining the equal right of say, if Zhang Tie took out such a great amount of money, he was definitely seeking for death.

Thankfully, O'Laura seemed being not in hurry to gain something from Zhang Tie. She was putting all her efforts on that urban relics in Haidela Glacier Crack. O'Laura had already decided to take some people of the grey eagle tribe to attend the gathering of southern tribes at the estuary of Fitjar in a couple of days. She planned to share some benefits in the secret relics. No matter what, the other 3 seniors of grey eagle tribe agreed with this decision.

The moment Setton returned to the grey eagle tribe, he left right away. He was there to inquire the news about this gathering and the relics. When Setton returned to the grey eagle tribe to see O'Laura, it was already past midnight. When he was told about what happened after he left the tribe, he became extremely infuriated, dumbfounded and finally burst out laughing.

"O'Laura, Peter is fiercer than lions in fight and is smarter than foxes. If he's on our side, he can help you to take the power of grey eagle tribe!"

O'Laura then briefly told Setton about what Zhang Tie had told her and their current relationship.

"I feel that this brat has a deep background. Few people would have such great fighting strength and carry so many rune and elite equipment at such a young age even in those bigger tribes in Ice and Snow Wildness. If he doesn't have any special background, it would be a marvel. He probably be an elite disciple of a big clan on the continent who comes out to cultivate himself. Therefore, he was not afraid of offending those in demon snake island. I heard that many elite disciples of those big clans on continent complied with this rule before growing up. Their achievements and performances in the survival training would determine their positions in their clans in the future!" That brat might be here for a survival training!"

"I also think so!" O'Laura nodded, "He's not too bad, he's too smart. But I don't even know which of his words were true!"

"Isn't it good? He's been in the grey eagle tribe for 1 day, yet he's already made the 2 old d**chebags too embarrassed. If he could stay here for some time, O'Laura, perhaps you might be not that tired!"

"What do you want to express, Setton?" O'Laura slightly frowned as she noticed that Setton was implying something.

"Look, as a toyboy, that brat has a great fighting strength and high intelligence. He also has a good family background. What's more, he's not gotten married yet. I've not met such a proper person at all. If you marry him, all the problems would be solved. Additionally, his clan would not move in Ice and Snow Wildness. Even though you marry him, you can still keep the power of grey eagle tribe. That guy can live here..." Setton ticked off the benefits that could be brought by Zhang Tie.

"Setton..." O'Laura screamed after being stunned for a while...

After realizing that O'Laura would lose her temper, Setton had long slipped outside the room, exposing a head outside the door-frame, "O'Laura, I mean it. You'd better consider it well. Based on my experience, such a guy is definitely a shopping-rush good in Ice and Snow Wildness. If you want that, you have to do that as soon as possible. Then what has done cannot be undone..."

In response to him, O'Laura smashed a bottle...


Zhang Tie had a good sleep last night.

Since he left Kurgan Village, it was Zhang Tie's 2nd time to sleep on bed. Although it was only a plank bed being paved with a straw mattress and a hide, it was still much more comfortable than sleeping on the ground.

Knowing that nobody would dare to cause him trouble after the fierce battle in the daytime, Zhang Tie slept pretty well over night.

On the 2nd day, when Zhang Tie was woken up by his biological clock, it was still dark outside.

After getting up, Zhang Tie firstly stretched his limbs in the narrow room. Then, he sat back on the bed with crossing legs and activated the trouble-reappearance situation where he met the huge deep-sea monster on the sea...

Only after 10 minutes, Zhang Tie's forehead had started to ooze sweat. After a few minutes, Zhang Tie's body quivered for a short while. He then opened his eyes as he started to look around this small room with a frightening look. Closely after that, he panted heavily. Although it only took him a few minutes, Zhang Tie was killed by that huge deep-sea monster once again.

This time, Zhang Tie was "killed" in a very miserable way. As he could not use his battle Qi, he could only cause some fetal wounds on the huge and terrifying monster. Finally, he was rolled by that monster's tentacle. After getting crushed most of his bones were broken, Zhang Tie was then put into the monster's mouth...

In the previous fights with that huge deep-sea monster, Zhang Tie didn't try to escape. Because he found that the huge deep-sea monster could only move 30% faster than the Polar Light which meant that It could not match him on moving speed at all. If he just escaped, it was nothing different than wasting his spiritual energy in the trouble-reappearance situation.

After being killed by the huge deep-sea monster, Zhang Tie changed a trouble-reappearance situation. This time, he chose the valley where he killed those demon rats. What appeared in the valley were not only demon rats, but also numerous wild wolves and iron-teeth hyenas. Zhang Tie was surrounded by thousands of wild beasts who were glaring at him with hateful eyes at the same time. The moment Zhang Tie appeared in the valley, he had seen those wild beasts charging at him like surging waves...

Those wild beasts knew how to coordinate with each other this time. Agile demon rats were hiding behind wild wolves and iron-teeth hyenas. They especially attacked the parts below Zhang Tie's knees...while wild wolves who were responsible for attracting Zhang Tie's attention always jumped high to bite Zhang Tie's neck and head...iron-teeth hyenas would not loose their grips the moment they bit Zhang Tie, even if it was his clothes and trousers...

He was pursuing for the maximal lethality and the greatest dodging speed and efficiency in the biggest space in the fight with the huge deep-sea monster just now, but this time he had to pay attention to the delicate secrets on fighting skills and movements in narrow space.

Since Zhang Tie killed the real huge deep-sea monster, he would practice hard at least twice in the above 2 different trouble-reappearance situations everyday so as to reach the 2 ultimate effects...

30 minutes later, oozing all over his forehead, Zhang Tie opened his eyes once again. He slightly waved his head as the king demon rat finally found a chance to revenge him this time...

In the next 50 minutes, Zhang Tie got off his bed. Standing on the ground, he started to consume the energy of the bone-exploding needles by running his iron-blood battle Qi twice, 20 minutes per time with only a 10-minutes break between them.

In the course of running his iron-blood battle Qi, Zhang Tie suffered an extremely physical pain. Meanwhile his blood vessels, Meridian and veins twisted under his skin; his muscles also quivered every now and then and turned as compact as iron and steel; big sweat drops oozed and rolled down like rains...

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Tie remained silence...

After running his iron-blood battle Qi twice, Zhang Tie opened his eyes. At this time, he felt his feet faint while the ground in front of his feet had been covered with sweat. It seemed like that the roof was leaking rain.

Zhang Tie could only stand separately at most 5 times per day. It was already his physical limit to run battle Qi twice consecutively. If he ran one more time, he would collapse, which meant that his self-protection mechanism would start to run. Simply, he would pass out. Honestly, Zhang Tie didn't want to be seen passing out in the room.

After resting for 10 minutes, when his vitality recovered a bit, Zhang Tie looked outside and found that the day had just broken.

Being naked, Zhang Tie came to the courtyard. He then lifted barrels of water from the well before taking a shower.

3 minutes later, Zhang Tie finished his shower. At this moment, he heard footsteps from behind.

He turned around and found it was Setton.

"Hehe, what a nice body, young man!"

Touching his beard, Setton watched Zhang Tie's naked body with a curious look. He looked like considering something.

At the sight of Setton, Zhang Tie who had intended to take two more barrels of water suddenly felt his asshole tightening as his body was covered with goosebumps. He then hurriedly put on his clothes.

In this course, Setton fixed his eyes on Zhang Tie, which made Zhang Tie more tense.

"Erm...so early, what's up?" Zhang Tie forcefully swallowed his saliva.

"O'Laura asked whether you would like to take a look at the animal tide of the huge wolves today?"

"Ah, great!"

"Let's go then."

"What? Doesn't O'Laura go there?" Zhang Tie asked curiously as he remembered that O'Laura wanted to go there together with him.

"O'Laura doesn't feel good today. Additionally, she has to deal with some things in the tribe. Therefore, she could not accompany you there!"

Actually, Setton didn't know why either. After saying that she didn't want to go out together with Zhang Tie this early morning, O'Laura could only dispatch Setton to do that on behalf of her.



Setton had prepared it very well while the 2 tall beasts with stirrups had been waiting outside the courtyard.

The 2 beasts were those that Zhang Tie had seen the last day which looked like rhinoceros and iron-horn beasts. Such beasts seemed common in Ice and Snow Wildness. Zhang Tie walked around the 2 beasts for a circle as he looked at them carefully. The 2 beasts became impatient as they snorted and paced on the ground.

"What are they?"

"LV 1 rhino-horses. They're bad tempered. Can you ride them?"

"I've not even started the horsemanship lesson, one of the 6 compulsory courses in Hidden Dragon Palace. You tell me whether can I ride or not?" Zhang Tie retorted him inside although he answered, "I can have a try..."

Setton didn't speak as he directly rode on a rhino-horse on his side.

After seeing Setton's movements, Zhang Tie stood in front of his rhino-horse. Staring at its eyes, he started to touch its head with hand.

Although the rhino-horse was a bit whiny and pacing on the ground, it gradually calmed down. It started to sniff Zhang Tie and rub Zhang Tie's arms with its neck.

Setton watched that with a dumbfounded look. Although O'Laura told him that Zhang Tie was an animal controller, he didn't believe in her; however, at this moment, he believed in that. It was his first time to see a person being intimate to a rhino-horse in the tribe.

At the sight of the look of Setton, Zhang Tie revealed a smile. "It's just because of the All-Spirits Pagoda" Zhang Tie thought inside. However, he felt a bit pitiful. If he could enter the 2nd storey, he could form another great wild seal. If so, he could have a rhino-horse as his pet. If that really happened, I'm afraid that Setton might be more amazed.

"Hmm, as the All-Spirits Pagoda has endless fantastic functions. It seems that I have to enter the 2nd storey as soon as possible. I really want to try my soul-based incarnation."

Thinking this, Zhang Tie rode on the rhino-horse like Setton.

Setton shook his rein to make his rhino-horse trot. Zhang Tie imitated him and followed up...

When they left the grey eagle tribe, they encountered a great number of cavalries who were also leaving the village.

"You're Peter?" at the sight of Zhang Tie, those cavalries immediately stopped. Their equipment was simple, only few people wore metal armor. Most of them only wore simple leather armors and held average sabers and swords. Some of them carried javelins; however, they were all very strong. Riding hundreds of rhino-horses, they looked pretty powerful.

After a glance, Zhang Tie found the one who asked him was over 30 years old. He was strong whose look was similar to Ollier whom he saw last day. Given his look, Zhang Tie understood his status at once. This guy must be Ollier's son.

"Right. I'm Peter. What's up?" Zhang Tie asked as he and Setton stopped at the same time. After glancing over these cavalries, Zhang Tie yawned with a casual look.

Setton didn't speak; instead, he just watched these cavalries and Zhang Tie with slightly narrowed eyes.

After glancing at Setton, the one continued to ask Zhang Tie with a cold voice, "Did you kill Coca?"

"I don't know who's Coca. But I truly killed some guys who wanted to kill me yesterday. If you want to revenge for him, you can come for a duel with me at any time. I'm always waiting. But I have to warn you that if I'm really infuriated, I will not care who's your dad. In 10 movements, I will chop off your head!" Staring at that guy, Zhang Tie said casually. Zhang Tie felt that this guy was at most LV 8 or LV 9. Even if Zhang Tie didn't run his battle Qi, he could also kill him easily.

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, all the cavalries became restless. Many of them even drew out of their weapons at once as they swore loudly.

"Sh*t up!" Zhang Tie roared as he released the invisible killing Qi that he had formed by numerous puppets' fresh blood in Heavens Cold City. Soon after the killing Qi was released, the rhino-horses in the opposite were frightened as they started to move backwards. As a result, hundreds of cavalries were in a chaos at once. Many cavalries even fell down the rhino-horses. Even Setton's beast on Zhang Tie's side was greatly frightened as it kept moving backwards. It took Setton a lot of strength to rest it.

"What a heavy killing Qi!" many people were stunned inside. If not having experienced countless corpses and blood, he could not have such a heavy killing Qi. Although one's killing Qi was not directly related to one's level, it could well reflect one's real fighting strength and battle experiences.

"Salem, do you have to bully a stranger outside your home with these fighters of grey eagle tribe everyday to survive yourself?"

Closely after Setton's words, that guy's face turned worse; however, this served as an excuse to him. After glancing at Zhang Tie and Setton, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go..."

Receiving the order, all the cavalries left with Salem, causing a booming sound.

Seeing them off, Zhang Tie turned around and smiled at Setton, "Did you worry that I would kill them all?"

"Will you?" Setton asked.

"I'm not a murderer. I'm not here for killing people. Generally, I will not kill people unless my life is threatened!"

After considering Zhang Tie's words for a short while, Setton finally let out a sigh, "Let's go!"

They then moved forward.

"Setton, can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead!"

"Although Ollier has a lot of followers, few of them is above LV 10. Juventus is just a fat worm. Actually, if you, O'Laura and senior Merkel could join hands, you could definitely kill Juventus and Ollier. After that, O'Laura will take the power of grey eagle tribe. Why do you keep them alive?"

"Ollier and Juventus' clans are influential in the grey eagle tribe. Their powers are deep-rooted. If we determined to clean them, the grey eagle tribe would suffer a great loss. It might even split up. By then, the grey eagle tribe will not exist anymore. None of us would like to accept such a result, me, O'Laura or senior Merkel. Therefore, we try our best to avoid that!" Setton muffled.

"Therefore, the 2 old d**chebags just do whatever they want in the grey eagle tribe while you could only keep a relative balance with them?"

Hearing Setton's explanation, Zhang Tie directly showed the white of his eyes "they are definitely sparing the rat to save the dishes." LV 10 fighters were not cheap cabbages. Zhang Tie estimated that there were only 3 or 4 LV 10 powerhouses in the whole grey eagle tribe. Based on the scale of population of the grey eagle tribe, it was already a high proportion. O'Laura had been on an advantageous position, yet she was still afraid of taking the power. Zhang Tie couldn't understand it. If it was him, he would directly kill them instead of wasting time on the 2 old d**chebags, even if the power of grey eagle tribe was sharply weakened. In the worst scenario, they could establish the tribe from the beginning instead of being restricted and set up by those people.

"What would you do if it was you?" Setton asked Zhang Tie.

"Of course, I will kill all the b*stards. If they want to die, let them die!" Zhang Tie replied immediately.


Soon after they left the tribe, they heard a sound from the sky. Zhang Tie raised his head and saw a white owl flying towards him. Zhang Tie raised his arm to let the owl rest on it.

"Ha...ha..." Zhang Tie burst out laughing as it was his first pet.

After resting on Zhang Tie's arm for a second, the white owl flew away once again as Zhang Tie delivered a order to it——follow me to search huge wolf packs in the Ice and Snow Wildness.


Rhino-horses moved faster than common horses. At the beginning, Zhang Tie was unfamiliar with riding it; however, after the rhino-horse started to run at full speed, Zhang Tie finally mastered the skills to gallop his rhino-horse in the wildness; namely balance, rhythm and coordination.

He had to keep balance by foot and adapt to the rise and fall of the rhino-horse; the most important was the coordination between him and his rhino-horse.

Because of the All-Spirits Pagoda, Zhang Tie clearly understood how could he make the rhino-horse feel comfortable and free.

After a short adjustment, Zhang Tie had been able to drive the rhino-horse. In less than half an hour, he had been able to gallop his rhino-horse neck and neck with Setton.

To tell truth, it was Zhang Tie' first time to ride a beast since he was born. It was completely different from driving a car or running. When the rhino-horse tided over the river or jumped over high obstacles in gallop, Zhang Tie felt very thrilled like being a hero. Zhang Tie finally knew why real men or brave warriors liked to drive beasts...


Guided by Setton, they drove their rhino-horses over 3 hours. After being over 300 km away from the grey eagle tribe, they finally arrived at a lakeside.

"This is snow wolf lake. Most of huge wolves stay in 25 km around this place. Not only huge wolves, even many other animals in the neighborhood like to drink water here. Therefore, huge wolves could easily hunt preys here. When there's no animal tide, this place would be a nice pasture. Each year..."

Before Setton finished his words, he had found Zhang Tie jumped off his rhino-horse and rushed towards the lakeside 100 m away. Some huge wolves which were obviously larger than common wild wolves were drinking water over there...

At the sight of those huge wolves, Zhang Tie felt like seeing his huge wolf seven-strength fruits. It made him more thrilled than seeing a pile of gold coins.

A huge wolf's strength was far greater than that of a common wolf, a demon rat or an iron-teeth hyena. Of course, Zhang Tie was very excited at the sight of them.

"With 9 huge wolf seven-strength fruits, I will be able to break 4-time the speed of sonic speed. Even my explosive strength would reach a terrifying level. By then, even without running battle Qi, I would also be able to conquer all the average fighters."

"If one exerts his strength to the utmost, he would be close to the most powerful one. I really dream about that day..."

Huge wolves moved very swiftly. At the sight of Zhang Tie rushing towards them, some huge wolves revealed their canines as they darted towards Zhang Tie.

At this moment, Zhang Tie's heroic feeling and growing ambition broke the depressive resentment at once and turned into a spring-thunder like roar.


The tranquil lake quaked, causing micro waves. Along with this roar, Zhang Tie jumped up and punched his fist while breaking the air. Meanwhile, the 4 wild huge wolves became blood drops and fine fleshes as they sprayed over the ground in a wink...

At the sight of Zhang Tie's punch, even Setton changed his face from afar. Setton didn't know what Zhang Tie roared just now, but he felt that Zhang Tie's fighting strength instantly intensified after that roar. Zhang Tie was very overwhelming. Given Zhang Tie's fierce punch, Setton even doubted that the bone-exploding needles in Zhang Tie's body did work at all. Given such a shocking effect, Setton was clear that Zhang Tie had a terrifying strength.

"Does he hate huge wolves or he's a devoted disciple of school of patron?'

Setton became perplexed at once. A powerhouse traveled so far to kill some worthless huge wolves? Only lunatics would be that ludicrous.


Zhang Tie wandered nearby the snow wolf lake for about 1 day. With the help of his owl, his hunting efficiency greatly increased. In only 1 day, Zhang Tie killed 117 wild huge wolves.

This number of wild huge wolves meant 2 huge wolf seven-strength fruits. "What a big harvest!"

Finally, being urged by Setton, Zhang Tie felt reluctant to leave snow wolf lake.

Zhang Tie even wanted to escape away and freely hunt huge wolves for a few more days here. However, after considering the situation of grey eagle tribe, he left and finally gave up this idea.

"Patience is virtue!" Zhang Tie told himself.

Setton's words further confirmed Zhang Tie's mind.

"O'Laura will take the fighters of grey eagle tribe to converge with other tribes at the tributary of Fitjar River. We will talk about how to march towards the urban relics. The tributary of Fitjar is also the heavily-stricken area of wild huge wolves."

Chapter 441: The Team

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The estuary of Fitjar was more than 400 km away from the grey eagle tribe...

When the day broke, Zhang Tie set out with the team of grey eagle tribe. After 6-7 hours of travel, they finally arrived at the estuary of Fitjar at about 14:00.

The estuary of Fitjar was in the northwest of grey eagle tribe while the snow wolf lake was in the northeast of grey eagle tribe. Estuary of Fitjar was about 500 away from snow wolf lake.

This time, Zhang Tie really enjoyed riding a rhino-horse for a long distance as a cavalry. After over 400 kms of coordination, he further improved his equestrian skill. He could drive rhino-horse purely by his feet instead of having to draw the rein by hand.

For any cavalry, it was the first step to have fighting strength by setting free their hands.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that he could practice riding skills, one of the six compulsory courses in Hidden Dragon Palace through this travel in Ice and Snow Wildness. Therefore, he felt very good. Zhang Tie knew that horsemanship course in Hidden Dragon Palace could not be passed so easily. In Hidden Dragon Palace, horsemanship must include many fighting skills, riding movements and standard training of cavalries. However, Zhang Tie didn't need to learn all of them in such a short period. He didn't think that he could not drive a rhino-horse well as the only successor of the Great Wild Sect...

Therefore, Zhang Tie kept galloping his rhino-horse! For others, this was a rapid march; however, for Zhang Tie, it was almost like a tour.

After running his battle Qi for 5-6 times during the past 2 days and this early morning, Zhang Tie had almost consumed 1/3 of the bone-exploding needles in his body. It would take him 3-4 days more to completely clean off the bone-exploding needles. Therefore, Zhang Tie was not concerned about them at all.

Additionally, Zhang Tie estimated that he could have 1 more iron-body fruit to eat after 2 days of painstaking consumption of the energy of bone-exploding needles. Wherever he was, Zhang Tie was always sunny like how he was in the iron-thorn fighting club in Blackhot City as a flesh bag. As long as he changed his mind, everything would change.

Zhang Tie rode his rhino-horse back and forth joyfully as he stretched out his arms like a bird. At the sight of his movements, 2 people in the grey eagle tribe gritted their teeth.

The 1st one was O'Laura. She wondered how come a guy who had almost lost his freedom after being planted with the bone-exploding needles became so happy. Since that night when she heard Setton's suggestion, she had been very unpleasant the moment she saw Zhang Tie in recent days.

"Did you just hunt wild huge wolves last night?" Riding on a snowwhite rhino-horse, O'Laura asked Setton while gritting her teeth. Based on her terribly precise intuition as a woman, O'Laura would never believe in Zhang Tie's reason no matter how devoted he looked.

"This guy was really doing nothing else but hunting wild huge wolves!" Setton lowered his voice. At this moment, even Setton began to admire about Zhang Tie's broad mind, "Actually, this guy is really talented at learning horsemanship. Very few people could reach his level only after 2 days of practice." Setton owed all these to Zhang Tie's "secret background" and the influence of Zhang Tie's family education. "Perhaps Peter has ridden horse or something before; therefore, he could adapt to rhino-horse so fast. If Peter could ride any beast in the childhood, he must have a good family. However, Setton would be the last person who believed that Zhang Tie was riding a transformed mini tricycle to carry goods when he was a child."

"This guy is too smart. I always feel that he's cheating us. Don't be cheated by his look!" O'Laura warned Setton.

Scratching his head, Setton smirked as he glanced at O'Laura's rhino-horse, "Speaking of the look, have you found that the color of your rhino-horse is completely as same as his owl? They really match with each other. But I remember that you always ride black rhino-horse..."

Soon after saying that, Setton had kicked his rhino-horse and rushed ahead before O'Laura lost her temper.

O'Laura didn't lose her temper; instead, she became stunned for a short while...


Another one who gritted his teeth among the team of grey eagle tribe was Salem who was provoking Zhang Tie outside the tribe last day.

Salem was the eldest son of senior Ollier and the head of the largest armed force in grey eagle tribe. Among all the sons of Ollier, Salem's fighting strength was the highest as a LV 9 fighter.

Without war mobilization, the grey eagle tribe contained more than 900 professional fighters who were the most powerful military forces in the tribe. 600 of them were led by Salem while only 300 fighters were under the leadership of Setton, being loyal to O'Laura.

Of course, fighters had to eat. Given the population size and economic strength of the grey eagle tribe, it was already a bit difficult to maintain the regular fighting strength of 900 fighters.

As professional fighters didn't attend productive labor of the tribe, they could not bring a single cent to the tribe; additionally, their weapons, armors, daily training and supplies were definitely not a small expenditure. Especially in Ice and Snow Wildness, each fighter should be matched with a rhino-horse so as to form mechanomotive force. In this way, it required at least 50 gold coins to maintain an average fighter's one year's expenditure. This meant tens of thousands of gold coins per year. For smaller tribes like the grey eagle tribe which had no powerful economic pillar, it was indeed a huge expenditure.

Because of the same reason, O'Laura needed money urgently. With money, she could train powerful fighters. With more fighters, she could take the power of the tribe without having to arouse a bloody war. In the tribe, the number of fighters represented the number of families. The more fighters you had, the more families would support you and the more influential you would be in the tribe.

This time, O'Laura took 400 fighters, 200 of them were hers, 200 of them were Salem's. O'Laura was the head of this team while Salem was the vice head. The reason that senior Ollier supported O'Laura to take so many people out of the grey eagle tribe to gather at the estuary of Fitjar was that he wanted half of the achievements...

Chapter 442: The Mermaid

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Senior Ollier's request was indeed a bit excessive, because everybody knew that O'Laura's team was far more powerful than the fighters led by his son because of the existence of O'Laura and Setton. However, O'Laura still agreed with the request. This made Zhang Tie a bit puzzled. According to Setton's explanation, O'Laura did this to avoid the grey eagle tribe from being sneered as lacking cohesive force.

After knowing that, Zhang Tie became speechless.

On the way, Zhang Tie encountered many pioneers, who were heading for the estuary of Fitjar in a group of three or four. These pioneers were coming from Sciatta. Among them, some pioneers drove traffic tools drawn by moose; some directly walked on foot.

When they caught sight of the cavalries, almost all the pioneers became a bit tense. Many of them even directly escaped towards other directions in case of encountering the cavalries of the grey eagle tribe.

In wild, if the head of the team of cavalries was brutal, he might kill all the pioneers. Nobody would like to revenge for these poor pioneers at all. Therefore, these weak pioneers were a bit afraid at the sight of so many cavalries.

Watching Zhang Tie galloping his rhino-horse jubilantly, many people disliked him. However, nobody uttered a voice. As long as they wanted to stir up trouble, they would recall how Coca and his men died that day.


The estuary of Fitjar was in a open plain area. Some rivers converged here and finally flew into a huge glacier crack...

When they were miles away from the estuary of Fitjar, Zhang Tie had already heard a huge thunder-like boom from afar. Hearing it, everybody sped up while screaming.

The cavalries in the team who hefted the banner of the grey eagle tribe became more spirited. They raised high their big banners and rushed ahead.

The estuary of Fitjar ahead of Zhang Tie was so boisterous that it was completely out of his expectation. Zhang Tie looked ahead and saw the continuous camps and different banners that flew in the air above the center of each camp. Those camps could be clearly identified. It looked absolutely like arranging arms and embattling.

Based on the quantity of camps, tens of thousands of fighters were gathering here.

In the central part of those camps, Zhang Tie saw a bear totem of a camp which occupied the biggest area. That banner was outstanding.

At the sight of that banner, Zhang Tie had known that some big tribes had attended this gathering.

"Wild bear tribe!" Setton remarkably frowned and became amazed as he caught sight of that banner in the central area.

"What? Is that tribe special?" Zhang Tie asked Setton out of curiosity.

"All the members of this tribe are lunatics. They can do whatever they want. You'd better not stir up them!" Setton warned Zhang Tie, "It's your great honor if you can be their friend; however, if they treat you as their enemy, you'd better pray to have a disgraceful death. If those lunatics want to kill you, they can chase you for decades endlessly. 3 decades ago, a powerhouse coming from the continent stirred up with the wild bear tribe. Therefore, the wild bear tribe dispatched people to chase after him for more than 2 decades, even though that guy escaped away from Ice and Snow Wildness. In over 2 decades, wild bear tribe lost over 2000 people; however, finally, they brought back that guy's head. It was told that the guy was not killed by wild bear tribe, but was driven mad by wild bear tribe endlessly and finally committed suicide! "

Zhang Tie widely opened his mouth, "F*ck, how come they dispatched so many fighters to chase an enemy for decades at the cost of thousands of people? These guys are really stubborn."

A lunatic was already terrifying; however, a tribe full of lunatics like wild bear tribe was more terrifying!

Zhang Tie put Setton's words in mind deeply. Meanwhile, he warned him to not stir up with lunatics like them.

When the grey eagle tribe arrived there, they were stationed on a 20-m wide riverside where they started to set fire to cook grains. Everybody only took 2 dried fruits. Therefore, they didn't have to worry about food at the present.

As a member of the grey eagle tribe, Zhang Tie also started to build his individual tent. According to Zhang Tie's customs, he built his tent close to the riverside so that when necessary he could roll into the river. The river was very clean. Although Zhang Tie had not tried its depth, he could not see its bottom directly. But, it was okay for him to escape at critical moment.

The moment the grey eagle tribe settled down, someone had visited their camp to invite O'Laura to discuss about something in the commander's tent of the wild bear tribe. Without saying anything, O'Laura directly went there with Setton and Salem.

As it was nothing to do with Zhang Tie, he was pleased to be free.

It was the hottest period in the afternoon. The sun was hanging above head while the river was sparkling. Many fighters from different camps were taking bath and cleansing their rhino-horses in the river. After building his individual tent, Zhang Tie came across a thought. He then took off his clothes except his shorts and walked out of his tent. Without warming up his body, he directly dived into the river.

When he entered the river, Zhang Tie swam with his head above water for a while, pretending to take a bath. However, when he was a short distance away from the camp area of the grey eagle tribe and found that nobody cared about his movement, Zhang Tie smirked as he buried his head into the water. He started to dive towards the upper reach. At the beginning, he would control his diving speed under water; however, after swimming a few minutes when he was gradually far away from the camps, Zhang Tie sped up.

Remembering Setton said this area was the heavily-stricken area of wild huge wolves, Zhang Tie just wanted to try his fortune and explore the way over there.

This river was deeper than 10 m. It flew slowly while the bottom was covered with stones and few aquatic plants. As the lower reach of this river was the convergence of three rivers and a waterfall, Zhang Tie could only dive towards the upper reach.

Although the bone-exploding needles curbed his battle Qi, they didn't restrict his spiritual energy. Therefore, Zhang Tie could still open the teleportation channel on his hands at the bottom of the river to absorb water into Castle of Black Iron, in such way he could still adjust his moving speed and become as flexible as a big fish.

Only after 20 minutes, Zhang Tie had been about 30 km away from the camp area of the grey eagle tribe.

Although Zhang Tie was here for wild huge wolves, he found a mermaid ahead of a huge wolf.

Zhang Tie swam so fast under water with a good vision. When he saw someone else swimming in front of him, Zhang Tie slowed down immediately.

That was a graceful female who was naked in water. From the angle of Zhang Tie, he could rightly see her breathtaking snowwhite thighs and beautiful black hair.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that he could encounter someone swimming here after being so far away from the camp area. Therefore, he stayed at the bottom, being over 30 m away from that figure. He was thinking about the next plan.

"If I pass by her from the bottom as fast as possible...I'm sure I will be discovered. Besides exposing my super great diving ability, I might even be taken as a lady-killer!"

"If I come out of water and reveal the identity of the woman that wants to hunt huge wolves, nobody would believe in that, unless they're an idiot."

"If I turn back and go ashore to another place, it might be a bit troublesome. But she's just a swimming woman. Nothing to be afraid of."

Because of a strong self-esteem, Zhang Tie denied the 3rd plan at once.

"Then, hold on here for a few minutes. I will pass by when she goes ashore..."

"Hmm, this idea sounds great."

Zhang Tie then waited under water as he enjoyed the naked woman swimming in water.

"Honestly, her figure is pretty good. Each of her movement is sexy."

Zhang Tie smirked inside...

However, only after enjoying the scene for 2 minutes, Zhang Tie felt his heart pacing immediately as he rolled towards one side as fast as a lightning bolt in water.

Meanwhile, a steel short javelin was thrown downside from outside, which directly inserted into those broken stones where Zhang Tie was standing on just now.

"Someone is down side there!" Someone shouted...

Hearing this sound, the figure who was swimming in water hurriedly swam towards the riverside. Meanwhile, 4 people jumped in water, causing the sound of "Puff" while arousing some sprays. Holding weapons, they swam towards Zhang Tie.

The 4 women were all good at diving. The moment they entered river, they had surrounded Zhang Tie.

At this time, another short javelin was thrown towards Zhang Tie from riverside. However, Zhang Tie dodged away from it too. At the sight of the 4 women diving towards him, Zhang Tie knew that if he didn't go ashore at this moment, he had to kill them in water. Otherwise, he had to expose his diving ability.

Seeing the 1st woman stabbing towards him, Zhang Tie stretched out his hand to knock at her wrist before grabbing away her saber. Under her screams, Zhang Tie swam to her side. Embracing her waist, he drew her wrist as he exerted his strength and threw the woman onto the riverside immediately.

Although these women had great fighting strength and good diving abilities, they were still sharply dwarfed by Zhang Tie in all aspects.

Only after 10 seconds, the 4 women had been disarmed by Zhang Tie and thrown back onto the riverside.

None of the 4 women were injured. When they were thrown onto the riverside, Zhang Tie heard sounds of amazement from the riverside. It seemed that they had not imagined that someone could throw them back on riverside. If not with great diving ability and strength, one could never do that.

After a loud order "stop", they stopped throwing javelins in water. Knowing that they had understood his intention, Zhang Tie finally exposed his head out of water before going ashore rapidly.

Dozens of women were glaring at him with sharp killing intents. They all drew their saber out of their sheaths while raising their eyebrows. Some of them were holding javelins and crossbows.

Given Zhang Tie's look, he was just a 17-18 year old teenager. Without weapons, he looked handsome while his wet hair fell naturally. Many women were startled about what they saw. As a result, many of them lowered their weapons.

In most girls' eyes, those younger handsome men were always not too bad.

Almost all the women were elder than Zhang Tie. Even the youngest one was a bit elder than 20. After glancing over these women, Zhang Tie knew that he must have encountered an influential woman. Their cordon was very long along the riverside; however, they couldn't imagine that he reached here in water from dozens of km away. Additionally, as he was at the bottom of river, he could not see those people on the riverside; therefore, such a misunderstanding was aroused.

"Dear sisters. It must be a misunderstanding. As I was diving here from the lower reach, I didn't know that you've surrounded this place. Look, I've been out of river now. Please, don't point your weapons at me anymore; otherwise, others would think that I'm doing something bad here!''

Perhaps because of Zhang Tie's sincere smile, many women exchanged glances with each other before further lowering their weapons towards Zhang Tie.

"Didn't you do anything bad?" A tall woman with long legs walked towards him from behind the crowd, water drops on her hair. However, she had already put on her handsome purple leather armor. At the sight of her black hair and long legs, Zhang Tie finally knew whom she was.

The woman was over 20 or 30 years old; with a pair of blue eyes, plumpy lips and straight and raised nose, she was full of feminine charm. She looked like a well-ripe honey peach which, with a bite, could spray sweet juice. However, that purple leather armor reminded Zhang Tie that she was not a vase which could only be used for admiration.

"Truly not!" seeing her walking towards him, Zhang Tie revealed a smile, "When I found that you were swimming in front of me, it was rude to directly swim across you in case of misunderstanding. It was timid to swim back; therefore, I just stayed there and planned to swim across there after you went ashore. I've not imagined that you could find me!"

"What did you see?" with a solemn face, the woman stared at Zhang Tie with her beautiful eyes.

There was a second that Zhang Tie wanted to say that he didn't see anything; however, he forcefully swallowed it back. Zhang Tie recalled First Lieutenant Freo. If Freo encountered such a sexy woman, he would have started to seduce her. Freo insisted that real men should be straightforward and dauntless.

"Your legs are beautiful and white. Flowing over the glittering water, your black hair was like a black lotus flower!"

"Black lotus flower!" The woman carefully tasted Zhang Tie's words before revealing a smile, "If you said you didn't see anything, it indicated that you were hypocritical; soon after you said that, I would have them kill you. If my naked body was spotted by such a person, I would feel as disgusting as eating a fly. But now, I changed my mind. Your answer satisfies me very much. Even though my naked body was spotted by you, I would not feel bad. Women indeed show their bodies and looks to men. Otherwise, they would not treasure themselves so much. Am I right?"

Zhang Tie had not imagined that this woman was so open minded, "You're right. There's an old saying in Eastern Continent, "A woman would make herself up for her beloved man while a fighter would sacrifice himself for the woman who knows him best!"

Actually the original old saying was "A woman would make herself up for her beloved man while a fighter would sacrifice himself for the one who knows him best!" Of course the one who knew the fighter best was not definitely a woman. In most cases, it was a man. However, at this critical moment, Zhang Tie changed the one into the woman.

It was really out of Zhang Tie's imagination that after hearing his explanation, not only that woman in purple leather armor, even the other women's eyes gleamed. Many of them completely loosed their grips of weapons.

"Young man, may I know your name?" the woman walked towards Zhang Tie with a tender voice. Meanwhile, she waved her hand towards her back, asking all the women to put down their weapons.

"I'm Peter, what about you?"

"Do you want to know my name?"

"Of course!"

"I'm Sabrina!" the women walked towards him while swaying her slim body like a hot purple flame, "Did you come here from the camp area in the lower reach?"

"Yup, I'm from grey eagle tribe!"

"What a coincidence! I'm also from over there. Compared to that place which was full of smelly men. This place is a bit tranquil. However, I encountered you!" the woman staring at Zhang Tie with her beautiful eyes in an interested manner, making Zhang Tie's heart palpitate.

"Erm, I want to dive for a bit longer, can I leave now?"

"Go ahead, nobody would trouble you!" the woman smiled.

"Okay, see you then!" Zhang Tie burst out laughing as he waved his hands towards them. After that, he turned around and dove into the river once again. He knew that those people on riverside were watching him; therefore, he dove forward in a speed which could be accepted by those people.

"Young lady..." a woman appeared in front of Sabrina.

"Don't worry. I knew he was not telling a lie from his eyes. Additionally, I didn't sense his animosity. Let's go back. It's really pleasant to chat with such a fresh and sincere handsome boy!"

They then left...

Zhang Tie didn't know that when those women left, the news that his head was worth 5000 gold coins had been spread in the gathering center of tribes by someone. After hearing this news, many people's eyes started to radiate greedy green lights.