547 - 554

Chapter 547: Encountering an Old Friend

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When Zhang Tie and the three women caught sight of Jinwu Castle, it was a bit later than 3 pm. It was the most boisterous time in Hidden Dragon Island, especially in Jinwu Castle.

At the foot of Yunju Mountain, the road from Jinwu Castle to White Dragon Town was crowded with sorts of peddles on both sides. The entire road was crowded with people. The closer it was to Jinwu Castle, the more people there would be and the more advanced the commodities would be.

Zhang Tie remembered that the land covering hundreds of thousands of square meters being close to Jinwu Castle was bald when he left Hidden Dragon Island previously. However, it was now covered with buildings, hotels, shops, workshops and markets with unified styles, just like a downtown in the city.

Jinwu Castle was located in the center of those buildings like landmark. What surrounded Jinwu Castle was a beautiful fountain square.

If not the two brilliant words 'Jinwu Castle', Zhang Tie even dared not believe that this was the exact place he had been familiar with.

"Wow, I've not imagined that there's such a beautiful place in Hidden Dragon Island. I thought this was the wilderness where fighters would cultivate." Fiona exclaimed at the sight of all of this.

The three women were always living in downtown, where they could touch beautiful clothes, cosmetics, yummy food and daily commodities. However, the sorts of medicament, medicine, potions, armors, weapons, special ornaments, survival tools and items that were made of special body parts of underground demon beasts widely broaden their vision, making them feel like entering another world.

All the three women became thrilled.

At the sight of this, Zhang Tie didn't enter Jinwu Castle; instead, he just wandered through those shops and booths outside Jinwu Castle with the three women.

"Argh, what's this?" Beverly saw a string of brilliant necklace with decorative patterns as her eyes glittered at once. Fiona and Linda also stopped to look at it.

"Lady, you really have a good taste. This is the fire-dragon crystal necklace that we've just polished. It must fit you very well!" a female clerk of 16-17 years old hurriedly walked here and introduced it to the three women.

When that female clerk walked over here, Zhang Tie threw a glance at her. Her age and personality immediately reminded Zhang Tie of those junior sister apprentices who worked in Zhixing Department.

The female clerk also glanced at Zhang Tie, a 16-17 year old teenager who was embracing three foreign beauties. Additionally, Fiona, Beverly and Linda didn't look like fighters who came here for promoting their fighting skills. Very few commoners dared to come here for a travel.

After sleeping in Castle of Black Iron for three years, Zhang Tie's look remained unchanged. However, Fiona, Beverly and Linda looked maturer. Therefore, Zhang Tie looked too young compared to the three beauties on his sides. He was completely like their younger brother. Linda could even be Zhang Tie's aunt. However, all the three women behaved like Zhang Tie's lovers, creating a powerful qi field for Zhang Tie.

"Argh, what's fire-dragon crystal?" Although the three women could speak Chinese very fluently after staying in Huaiyuan Prefecture for three years, they were still strange about some special terms.

Before that female clerk opened her mouth, Zhang Tie had already walked to their side and started to explain it to them with a smile, "This fire-dragon crystal is just a crystal formed by a special species in larva after condensation in the underground world. It's not very precious; however, the LV 8 king snake had always engulfed it. After a long time, it became fire-dragon crystal in the king snake's stomach, which is precious."

"Why would the snake engulf it?" Linda asked out of curiosity.

"King snake is a cold-blooded demon beast. Like other snakes on the ground which could drill out of dark place for sunshine so as to supply heat with them. As king snake could not get sunshine in the underground world, it would engulf this crystal. It's said that this crystal would make king snake feel warm like basking in the sun. While some people said that king snake used crystal to gather energy as a form of cultivation. After hunting the king snake, people would obtain this crystal from its stomach. With this crystal, you would feel calm. After wearing it, you would feel cool in the daytime and warm in the evening. After sensing the qi of this crystal, those insects on the ground dared not to touch the wearer at all!"

"Wow. Is it something in the body of the king snake? Why is it called dragon?"

Zhang Tie smiled, "This is a traditional Chinese culture. Some times, snake is called small dragon in Chinese. In Chinese legends, dragon could be evolved from snake!"

The three women became clear at once. Watching the three women's looks, Zhang Tie knew that they like it. Therefore, without asking the price, Zhang Tie directly told the clerk, "I want three top-class fire-dragon necklaces. Don't take out of the necklaces in the counter. I know that you always keep the good fire-dragon crystal necklaces for the insiders!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, that clerk threw another amazing glance at him before turning around to the inside of the counter and whispering something to another clerk in the shop. After that, she walked in and took out of a tray with three bloody, brilliant fire-dragon necklaces on it in half a minute.

Compared to those fire-dragon crystal necklaces in the counter, the new fire-dragon crystal necklaces looked much more advanced.

Zhang Tie directly picked up the fire-dragon crystal necklaces for the three women and then asked, "How much?"

"200 gold coins for each, 600 gold coins in total!"

Zhang Tie put his hand into his pocket and took out a gold note that was worth 1000 gold coins in Golden Roc Bank and passed it to the clerk.

That clerk carefully took over the gold note as she said, "Please wait for a second!"


The clerk then asked another little girl to invite someone to authenticate the gold note from outside.

Linda, Beverly and Fiona then watched the other items in the store.

After waiting for less than 1 minute, a 30-year old man walked in. After taking over the gold note, he carefully authenticated it before nodding towards the clerk. After that, he exchanged ten gold notes for her, 100 gold coins for each before leaving.

The clerk then gave Zhang Tie four gold notes, 100 gold coins for each, which was the minimal par value of gold note. Soon after Zhang Tie took the gold notes and walked out of the store with the 3 women did they encounter a woman outside the door.

"Argh, younger sister Guo, what a coincidence..." Zhang Tie blinked his eyes as he greeted that woman.

"Zhang Tie!" Guo Miaolu widely opened her eyes like seeing ghosts in the daytime.

"Hahahaha, long time no see. Junior sister Guo, you look more beautiful!"

Guo Miaolu was much taller and more plumper than that four years ago. In beautiful black female warrior's uniform, she had short hair, lifted breasts, slim waist and long legs. She looked healthy and shrewd. Guo Miaolu was the head of a group of girls four years ago; now, she looked more like an able woman, which was far from that innocent look when she was in Zhixing Department.

"Is that you?" at the sight of Zhang Tie, Guo Miaolu was really shocked, especially by the same look and his bad smile. She then stretched out her hand and pinched Zhang Tie's face.

Zhang Tie didn't move.

"Haha, long time no see, you became much bolder. Previously, you even did not dare to touch me. Now, you dare to pinch my face. Are you falling in love with me?"

Guo Miaolu blushed at once as she hurriedly drew her hand back. She finally confirmed that he was Zhang Tie, the one who disappeared three years ago. She wanted to say something; however, after noticing the three beauties beside Zhang Tie, she swallowed what she wanted to say about the gossips and changed it right away, "D**chebag, you're still so nasty!"

Zhang Tie waved his hand, "Well, I know you all want to beat me. Just keep this chance until this evening. Sorry to trouble you, junior sister Guo, you can call all those who want to beat me in Hidden Dragon Palace. I'm waiting for you in Jinwu Castle tonight!"

"You want me to do that for you? Why not call them yourself?" Guo Miaolu glared at Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie rubbed his nose with an embarrassed look, "Erm...I will tell you in the evening. In one word, I will not enter Hidden Dragon Palace now! I have to enter Jinwu Castle and have them prepare it for you..."

"Okay then!"

Zhang Tie then waved his hand towards her before taking Linda, Beverly and Fiona away. Before Fiona left, she even looked back at Guo Miaolu.

Chapter 548: My Castle

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After Zhang Tie left with Beverly, Fiona and Linda, that clerk who sold them fire-dragon crystal necklaces greeted Guo Miaolu sweetly, "Senior sister apprentice Guo!"

"Hmm, junior sister Song, why were they here?" Guo Miaolu watched Zhang Tie's back with a sophisticated look.

"That man bought one top-quality fire-dragon crystal necklace for each of the three women..."

After hearing that, Guo Miaolu forced a bitter smile.

"Aww, senior sister Guo, you called that man senior brother apprentice. Is he from Hidden Dragon Palace? But I've not seen him before!"

"Of course you've not seen him. That asshole has left Hidden Dragon Palace for almost 4 years!" Guo Miaolu replied with a complex look.

"Argh, no way! Given his look, he's just 16-17 years old like me. Did he join Hidden Dragon Island at the age of 12? That sounds great. He should be very famous in Hidden Dragon Palace!"

"Humph, that guy does not look old at all!" Guo Miaolu said as she touched her own face, "Didn't you always want to see the top one on the Hidden Dragon Wealth List? You saw him!"

"Argh, it's him..." junior sister apprentice Song's eyes soon glittered, "He's too great. I've not imagined that the senior brother is so young and so handsome..."

"Hmm, junior sister Song, you've forgotten one point. This guy is the most lascivious one in the world! You junior sisters have to take care of yourself in case of being cheated by this guy's look. Do you know how many girlfriends does he have?" Guo Miaolu asked full of fury.


"More than 40. This guy is the idol of many people in the Hidden Dragon Palace!"

"Wow!" the junior sister apprentice exclaimed as she kept watching towards the leaving direction of Zhang Tie with a curious look...


Zhang Tie walked towards Jinwu Castle together with Linda, Beverly and Fiona.

"Is that beautiful Chinese girl your junior sister apprentice?" Fiona asked Zhang Tie in a low voice.

"Hmm! She's a junior sister apprentice that I met here before!" Zhang Tie nodded.

"Your junior sister apprentice really has a nice figure. She's also beautiful and special!" Fiona continued. At the same time, she silently drew a circle in Zhang Tie's palm as she whispered to Zhang Tie, "Have you f*cked her, like how you did to those girls of Rose Association?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Tie blushed as he glared at Fiona, "Am I that kind of a person? Am I just a lady killer in your eyes? Do you think that I have to make love with all the beautiful women around me?"

"Why don't you ask Beverly and Linda whether you're a lady killer or not?" Fiona urged.

"What do you think?" Zhang Tie then watched Beverly and Linda.

After exchanging glances with each other, Beverly and Linda giggled and replied in unison, "Yes!"

Zhang Tie stared at them with his widely opened eyes before bursting out into laughter...

After passing by the suspension bridge and entering Jinwu Castle, Zhang Tie found the barbican of Jinwu Castle which was more boisterous. Additionally, the commodities being sold in the barbican were more advanced. The rows of stores in the barbican made it as prosperous as the Bright Avenue in Blackhot City. What Zhang Tie conceived about Jinwu Castle had completely become a reality.

"Castle Lord..." a loud voice sounded in front of Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie looked front and found Runo, the captain of the guards of Jinwu Castle was looking at him with a thrilled look.

Runo was tall and wearing a set of excellent full-body armor while a double-hand long sword was hanging over his waist. He looked very dignified. After a few years, this Spirit soldier had become far from slave and grown more confident and powerful.

After feeling Runo's qi, Zhang Tie revealed a smile, "Fine, you're already a LV 6 fighter now. I'm very happy to have you with me!"

According to the appointment between Zhang Tie and those Spirit soldiers, as long as these people reached LV 6 in Jinwu Castle, they could have their freedom back. Additionally, Zhang Tie would present them 200 gold coins. Runo was a free man for sure at this moment. Compared to the amazing promotion speed from LV 2 to LV 6 in 4 years, Zhang Tie became more reassured about Runo's choice.

"Welcome back, Castle Lord!" under the leadership of Runo, a team of patrol guards knelt down in front of Zhang Tie on their knees and waited for Zhang Tie's return.

At the sight of this, all the onlookers watched Zhang Tie with an amazing look. As a result, this place became quiet at once. They had not imagined that Zhang Tie was the castle lord of Jinwu Castle.


Zhang Tie's return aroused a great shock in Jinwu Castle at once. Since Zhang Tie entered the internal castle of Jinwu Castle being escorted by a team of Spirit guards, the entire castle had become boisterous.

The moment Zhang Tie entered the castle, a humpbacked old man had already rushed in front of Zhang Tie in a nimble way and kissed Zhang Tie's shoes, "Thank god, you're back, my lord. I knew that you would come back safe and sound..."

Zhang Tie almost forgot about this humpbacked old man. It was the scar on his face that reminded Zhang Tie of him. He was that miserable, poor old slave. He looked much better now.

"Get up. As you're old. Don't show such a great etiquette to me from now on!" Zhang Tie replied in a tender voice as he lifted up the old man, "Are you used to staying here these years?"

"Yes, yes; thanks to your mercy. I could have food and drinks here everyday. I could even have new clothes to wear. I'm so glad to be a watchdog for you..." as he said this, the old man started to drop off tears.

Zhang Tie was also a bit moved as he didn't know what to say. Instead, he just patted the old man's shoulder before entering with Linda, Beverly and Fiona.

In the hall of the internal castle, the moment Zhang Tie sat in the main seat, those people whom Zhang Tie kept in Jinwu Castle at the beginning, the two female stewards dispatched to Jinwu Castle by Zhang Yang and Hillman and Figo whom were just sent to Jinwu Castle a few days ago hurriedly came here to greet Zhang Tie. The etiquettes that they executed were solemn as those chancellors welcomed their lord back from the battle field. Zhang Tie received them one batch after another. After encouraging them and acknowledging about the current situation of Jinwu Castle, he dispatched some missions to them, and let them leave.

Until now did Linda, Beverly and Fiona on Zhang Tie's side know that Zhang Tie have a private castle. Before they arrived at Hidden Dragon Island, Zhang Tie just told them that he wanted to take them to travel two days in Hidden Dragon Island and show them how he cultivated in the clan at the beginning. He didn't tell them that he had such a magnificent castle and so many subordinates and servants here.

Watching Zhang Tie sitting in the chair and receiving those people calmly and confidently, the three women's eyes glittered. Such a man was indeed attractive to women. Additionally, he could give them a strong sense of safety and an unspoken pride or vanity.

Jinwu Castle had changed a lot in the past 4 years.

Most of the Spirit guards had become LV 4 or 5 warriors. Runo and another guard called Buffet had promoted to LV 6 successfully. Runo might be promoted to LV 7 this year.

Because of the cozy living environment in Jinwu Castle, those female slaves from Varner Empire had changed completely. They all had good looks before; but after 4 years, Zhang Tie could not even recognize them.

At this moment, the internal castle of Jinwu Castle had already become a country full of 20-30 beauties.

When Sonia who looked like a noble beauty and the other 52 women stood in front of Zhang Tie, even Zhang Tie felt stressed about their plump breasts and butts and their increasingly hot eyes. Zhang Tie then introduced his female servants to Linda, Beverly and Fiona.

"The three women would be your female master from then on. You should follow what they order. Am I clear?"

"Clear!" those 50-odd women glanced at Linda, Beverly and Fiona before moving their eyes away. In front of those women, Linda, Beverly and Fiona were sitting elegantly as they raised high their breasts.

"Hmm, prepare a night banquet for me at the roof of the castle like how I held last time!" Zhang Tie told Sonia, "I have friends here tonight!"

"Fine, master, what else can I do for you!"

"Nothing more, you can leave!"

"Yes, sir!"

After those female servants left, seeing nobody entering anymore, Fiona started to lean against Zhang Tie as she pouted, "You're not a lady killer? I've not imagined that you have so many more women here besides those girls of Rose Association!"

Zhang Tie pinched her petite face as he replied, "They were female slaves from Varner Empire that I bought in Stars Viewing City. What are you thinking about? From then on, you three will be their female masters, how could you envy your servants?"

"Female slaves from Varner Empire? I've not imagined that they could be so beautiful. They look more like those women who'd like to wander in Bright Avenue in Blackhot City..." Fiona blinked her eyes. She had heard about female slaves from Varner Empire, "You mean they were virgins when you bought them?"

"Hmm...erm, should be, but I've not checked that!" Zhang Tie bought them in the price of virgins. However, Zhang Tie felt bashful to check them. Therefore, he was not sure about that. As most female slaves didn't have a good experience, Zhang Tie didn't know what other troubles had met them. However, according to Davinci, the slave trading agent, those slave traders had a good reputation.

Noticing that Fiona was rolling her eyes once again, Zhang Tie patted her elastic butts, "Don't think too much about that. As we've been on the sea for the whole day, you might be tired. You can take some rest first. I will introduce my friends to you in the evening!"


Watching the three women leaving out of here under the guidance of a female servant, Zhang Tie started to meditate while sitting in the chair. At this moment, the scene that an old grandma and a little girl raising a brand and wishing to sell themselves reappeared in his mind, making him upset.

After thinking about for over 10 minutes on the chair, Zhang Tie finally made a decision. After gritting his teeth, he took up an iron bell and rang it. Iron bell's sound was muffled while copper bell's sound was silvery which was always used as a musical instrument. Iron bell was used to call people who were waiting to serve him outside the hall in the castle.

A guard entered the hall and bowed towards Zhang Tie.

"What can I do for you, my majesty!"

"Go to Stars Viewing City and bring Davinci here!"

"Yes, sir..." the guard then left.

Chapter 549: One Night Dance

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When Zhang Tie met his old friends in the same party in the same place, he finally knew that men were no more the same ones.

How a lot of teenagers and partners celebrated party here last time was still deeply imprinted in Zhang Tie's mind. Zhang Tie had not imagined that it was already impossible for him to gather those people only after 4 years.

"Yang Yuankang, Zhu Wenqiang had been promoted to LV 9 last year. After completing the cultivation in Hidden Dragon Palace, they were recruited by the Clan and had long left Hidden Dragon Island. Senior sisters Gu Caiyun and Ma Aiyun also left Hidden Dragon Island in the latter half of the last year after completing the cultivation in Hidden Dragon Palace. It's said that these senior sisters have been dispatched to the Eastern Continent. Before leaving Hidden Dragon Island, senior sister Gu even came here for you. She wanted to have a talk with you; however, as nobody knew where you were, she could only give it up!"

"What about Zhang Keliang, Zhang Yunfei, Wei Wu and Zhang Hongsheng? They should not have reached LV 9 yet. Are they also going to leave Hidden Dragon Island?"

"They're already LV 8. After accepting the missions dispatched by Hidden Dragon Palace, they are cracking down demon disasters on the Waii Sub-Continent with other corps in Jinyun Country. Besides those who have completed the cultivation in Hidden Dragon Palace, most of the male clan apprentices above LV 7 have participated in cracking down demon disasters. They are directly cultivating themselves on the battle field; therefore, they could barely come back one time a year. The ones left in Hidden Dragon Island are mostly female apprentices below LV 9 like us!" Guo Miaolu put it straight.

Zhang Tie glanced at those girls at present. Those coy junior sister apprentices had grown into beautiful young ladies. At this moment, Zhang Tie found one person less. There should be 12 junior sister apprentices here.

"Where's junior sister apprentice Zhang Ya?" Zhang Tie asked.

After hearing Zhang Tie's question, all the girls looked gloomy.

"Junior sister apprentice Zhang Ya met an accident when she gathered soul fire in the underground world at LV 7. After chopping a huge centipede into two halves, junior sister apprentice Zhang Ya thought that the huge centipede had died. However, it sudden sprung up. Junior sister apprentice Zhang Ya then..." when Lv Shasha explained it, she started to drop off tears together with the other girls.

Zhang Tie's heart raced, "What an adorable and coy petite girl! When she smiled, she had two beautiful dimples on her face. What a pity..."

Without saying anything, Zhang Tie directly forced the lid of a jar of liquor to pop out of the jar by forcefully patting the jar. Closely after that, he raised his head and bottomed it up...

This evening, Zhang Tie was drunk, so were those girls. As nobody knew when could they gather here like this the next time or whether all of them could come here by then...

Guo Miaolu stumbled towards Zhang Tie with blushed face. She forcefully patted on Zhang Tie's shoulder as she put her arm over Zhang Tie's neck. After that, she pushed Fiona aside from Zhang Tie's chest before sitting on Zhang Tie's thigh.

"Junior...junior brother apprentice Zhang Tie...you...they...all say...you...you have a lot of women...you tell me...whe...whether our junior sister apprentices are...are your women..." Guo Miaolu stammered.

"O...of course...you...you're all my women...for the rest of your lives..." Zhang Tie stared at Guo Miaolu with drunk eyes.

"You...you...asshole..." Guo Miaolu swore before bursting out into laughter, "You gifted...your women fire-dragon crystal necklaces...do you know...that you...have a share with that store...you gifted your women with those items...then what...what do you...gift us..."

Zhang Tie became a bit dizzy, "I...will also gift you fire-dragon crystal...necklace..."

"No..." Guo Miaolu shook her head...

"I present Jinwu Castle...to you...all of it..."

"Junior sisters...do you want that..." Guo Miaolu turned around and shouted towards the other girls.

"No...you have to...gift us...unique things..." the girls jeered.

"Right, if you gift us with the same item...we will not take it..."

"You have...to gift...unique items..."

"I will gift myself to...to you..." Zhang Tie burst out into laughter...

"No...who cares about you lady killer..." Du Yuhan started to cry.

"Yeah, who cares about you lady killer..." Qu Liangying, who sat on Du Yuhan's side also cried. These two girls were the most drunk tonight.

"Gift us...what others could not...take away forever!" Zhang Wanjun shouted...

"Now that junior sisters...don't like items...this senior brother will...will perform a set of fist for you!" after saying this, Zhang Tie stumbled to the open land from the back of the table. He then gradually stood steadily.

A generous qi upsurged in Zhang Tie's chest. With the drunk feeling, Zhang Tie felt a bit sad as he remembered the strange song that Donder usually sang when he was drunk. Each time Donder sang it, he would burst out into tears. Zhang Tie suddenly felt like singing it loudly...

"Gloomy, my departed friend! Long distance between Qin state and Wu; 1000 km between Yan state and Zhao state; We depart when spring moss appear; we depart when autumn wind blow..."

In the strange song, a fiery-blood banner surged into the sky like a milky way and reached over 200 m in height. In the battle-qi totem, a huge king snake swam like a furious dragon started to hover above the entire Jinwu Castle...

Zhang Tie boomed his unrivaled iron-blood fist, which looked like brilliant flower of life...

"Thus vagrants are miserable; wuthering wind, exotic clouds; boat at the riverside, vehicles beside mountain road; how could I leave? how could horse stop neighing; covering the gold cup, who would like to drink? putting aside the zither, my tears wet the horizontal bar of vehicle. Friends at home lying on bed, feeling like losing something..."

In the song, Zhang Tie's fists swayed the girls' hair and skirts with a strong wind...

At this moment, from the bartizan of Jinwu Castle to White Dragon Town and Hidden Dragon Palace, numerous people raised their heads and watched the huge king snake that was swimming like a huge dragon above Jinwu Castle. Everybody was shocked and fascinated by the iron-blood battle qi, which rolled the west wind...

"The sunshine gradually fade away from the wall, the moonlight gradually spray over the corridor. Red orchid is holding the autumn dew; green catalpa is covered with frost. Entering the old rooms, I half close the door and touch the brilliant bed; a grief rose; vagrants stop in his dream, imagining about the souls swaying behind him."

With the great force of Iron-Blood Fist, the water in the pool on the rooftop of the castle rose and flew towards the skyline like a reversed waterfall. After spraying over the pool, it jumped up once again. Water drops turned into fog, causing a dreamland over the rooftop of Jinwu Castle.

"Thus departure feels different in different situations. Tall, handsome horse matches silver-inlaid saddle; red vehicle matches colorfully-painted wheels; I build a tent outside the gate of capital and bid a farewell to my old friends in Golden Valley Park. Strings of harp, flute and drum produce music; sad songs of Yan State and Zhao State make beauties weep; pearls and jades are brilliant in the late autumn; silks and brocades are fascinating in the early spring. Being shocked by the song, horses raise their heads and chew; fish jumped out of the deep water. When in departure, with tears in eyes, I feel lonely and gloomy."

By then, Zhang Tie's Iron-Blood Fist suddenly changed its feature as the wind of his fist contained the sound of zither and drum. It sounded like thousands of pearls falling into the jade plate. Sometimes, it was like horse's neigh; sometimes, it was like fish swimming freely in the abyss. The wind along with his fist blew over their faces which felt like desolate wind in autumn. All the girls were fascinated by that...

"There are swordsmen who feel shameful about having not appreciated their masters and young righteous men who targeted their masters, such as Nie Zheng assassinated Xia Lei, the prime minister of Han State, Yu Rang intended to assassinate Zhao Xiangzi in the toilet of the imperial palace, Zhuan Zhu assassinated the emperor of Wu State, Jing Ke assassinated the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. All of them abandoned the warmth of their mother and wife. They left their homeland and bid farewell to their family members. Before leaving, they wiped off their tears and blood and gazed at each other. After riding on the battle horse, they didn't look back anymore, leaving dust on the way. They paid gratitude to their masters at the cost of their own lives. When bells rang, cowards turned faces while their parents and wives wailed to death."

Zhang Tie jumped in the air while he released his golden-carp sword and silver-carp sword from his waist. He released sword qi for over 100 times and punched 100 times at the same time. The sword qi surged towards the sky. Zhang Tie's fist intention incarnated into the shape of dragon while the golden and silver carps flew out of his sword qi vividly and reached the skyline directly. Under the shiny skyline, they danced with the king snake. Dotted by red, golden and silver, the stars in the sky were even dwarfed. It was absolutely a legendary scene...

Watching this, a 50-year old wrinkled man widely opened his mouth as the bowl of night snacklate fell on the ground, causing a "cracking" sound.

Many people in the inn raised their heads and watched the direction of Jinwu Castle silently.

"...the frost in the deep autumn is like pearls; the bright moon in the autumn night is like jade chip; the bright moonlight and the pearl-like frost, come and go. After departure, I miss you so much.

Therefore, although the departing parties and reasons are uncertain, I will always be sad about that. Being upset, I lose my awareness and suffer a great trauma and shock mentally and spiritually. Although there are marvelous poems of Wang Bao and Yang Xiong and the profound narrations of Yan An and Xu Le; although there are many handsome people in the examination hall and numerous talented people in the national library whose poems are known as having a powerful qi surging into the heavens like that of Sima Xiangru, whose texts are known as profound and extensive like that of Zou Shi, who could describe the scene of departure!"

After the song, the sword qi disappeared, the fist intention was buried and the dancing king snake remained dormant as Zhang Tie's figure reappeared in the water curtain. The water curtain turned into water drops once again and fell onto the girls' faces and skirts.

Zhang Tie then stared at his double-carp swords and forced the two thin sword blades out. He then forcefully collided the golden carp sword with the silver carp sword, breaking them into pieces at once.

"Does this set of fist position...look good...I've broken my double-carp swords...especially...for you...the gift that I present to you...could not be grabbed away by...anyone else"

All the junior sister apprentices of Zhang Tie had burst out into tears...

After asking this, Zhang Tie laughed as he lay down, facing the sky at once. With an exclamation, Linda, Beverly, Fiona who had long recovered her consciousness and all of Zhang Tie's junior sister apprentices surged up towards him immediately.

After checking him carefully, Guo Miaolu wiped off her tears. Looking at Zhang Tie who was leaning against her breasts, she smiled at the other sisters,"Senior brother apprentice...is just drunk...he's fallen asleep!"

That night, Zhang Tie's dance became legendary.


At the peak of the mountain where Hidden Dragon Palace rested, a group of elites who were holding a meeting in Heavens Breaking Pavilion were also gazing at that marvelous scene in Jinwu Castle. Until the marvelous scene disappeared did everyone become speechless.

"The one who could break the heavens is not here, isn't it hilarious for us to break heavens here? I will leave Hidden Dragon Island for the theater of operations in Qilan State tonight. I hope to further improve my cultivation. See you..." after a long sigh, a youth crossed his hands towards his partners before directly jumping off the Heavens Breaking Pavilion.

"See you next year then, hope you'll be alive then! after saying this, another youth also jumped off the Heavens Breaking Pavilion.

In a wink, all the elites of Hidden Dragon Palace had left. Before the final one left, he stared at the three words "Heavens Breaking Pavilion" and frowned. He then jumped up and punched that board into pieces. Closely after that, he left without looking back——from today on, there's Heavens Breaking Department in Hidden Dragon Palace; yet no Heavens Breaking Pavilion in the Heavens Breaking Department...

Chapter 550: Arrangements

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When Zhang woke up late the next morning, he felt spirited all over and was in his best state. After one night, Zhang Tie had a better recognition of fighting skills. He suddenly felt that he could apply Iron-Blood Fist, swordsmanship and his battle qi as well as the 'One Step, One Scene' smoothly. That one night dance was Zhang Tie's best performance since he was born.

When Zhang Tie woke up, he found that he was resting his head on Linda's plump and snow-white thigh. Linda was massaging his dimples kindly by hands. The fragrance of the plant essential oil in her hands smelt very comfortable. Seeing Zhang Tie opening his eyes, Linda stopped.

"Ah, you woke up..."

"Where are Fiona and Beverly?" after looking around, Zhang Tie found nobody else in the bedroom, including Fiona.

"Fiona said she wanted to see how those female servants worked in the castle. She went with Beverly!"

Zhang Tie smiled. As Fiona and Beverly had not lived in the castle before, it was normal for them to be curious about that. To the final analysis, they were still childish.

Zhang Tie and Linda then got up. After pulling the rope of the bell in the room, after a few seconds, the female servants had entered with Zhang Tie's clothes and cleansing tools one after another.

In only 5-6 minutes, Zhang Tie had already cleansed himself and dressed well. Noticing those women glancing at his thing, Zhang Tie blushed although being shameless. Whispering something to Linda, he hurriedly left the bedroom.

After coming to the outside, Zhang Tie let out a deep sigh inside.

"Where are my junior sister apprentices?" Zhang Tie asked Sonia who followed him.

"Those guests have left this early morning. You were still sleeping at that moment, your excellency!" the servant of Jinwu Castle answered while her blush did not completely fade away.

Zhang Tie drew in a long breath as he didn't know when would they gather again. However, that was how life went. Banquets would always come to an end. After acknowledging his friends' information, Zhang Tie had solved half of his concerns in Hidden Dragon Island. After lighting the soul fire of bloody scorpion as a LV 9 fighter, Zhang Tie would leave out of here.

"There's one more thing!"


"Many people wanted to see you outside the Jinwu Castle this early morning, my lord!" Sonia reported.

Zhang Tie knew these people must be attracted by the fist position that he performed last night. Zhang Tie really had no time to care about these people. Whether they were here for fame or benefit or out of pure curiosity, Zhang Tie didn't plan to waste time on them.

Additionally, Zhang Tie didn't know whether there were killers of Three-Eye Association among those people. If Three-Eye Association intended to deal with him by arranging moles in Hidden Dragon Island, they might want to slip in Jinwu Castle by this chance. It was unnecessary for him to find trouble for himself.

"I will not see any of them!" Zhang Tie ordered as he walked, "Oh, I have sent someone to bring Davinci here from Stars Viewing City yesterday, has he arrived here?"

"Yes, he has. He's waiting for you, castle lord!"

"Let him wait for me in the lobby!"

"As you will!"


In a few minutes, Davinci, whom Zhang Tie met a few years ago, stood in front of Zhang Tie politely. He even did not dare to look at other women in the castle. Since he entered the lobby, he had been gazing at his feet.

"Take a seat!" Zhang Tie pointed at a chair on his side. Davinci then sat down carefully.

Zhang Tie put it straightforwardly, "I want you to give me a favor."

"Argh, it's my pleasure...just let me know your demand!" Davinci picked himself up in a flurried manner before sitting down hurriedly.

"How's the slave trade in Stars Viewing City?"

"Alas, just so so. After the holy war broke out, human life had become worthless. Not only Stars Viewing City, even the slave trade across the entire Waii Sub-Continent could hardly sustain. Honestly, I've not had a business for a long time!" Davinci replied with a bitter look.

"I have a business for you!" Zhang Tie directly passed an envelope and 5 gold notes to Davinci, each note was worth 10,000 gold coins. At the sight of the par value of the gold notes, Davinci's face started to cramp as his eyes turned bloody. He started to pant like an old ox. In a split second, a powerful qi aroused from him.

"What...what do you want me to do?"

"I have a friend. He wants me to transport some slaves to Ice and Snow Wilderness for him!"

"Are you kidding me?" Davinci watched Zhang Tie with an amazed look, "So many people are striving for a stock certificate of Ice and Snow Wilderness. This year, each share of stock delivered by the tribal axis of Ice and Snow Wilderness has reached 100 gold coins. Even so, you could barely get one. Many rich people could not get one, not to mention those worthless slaves!"

"Mind your own business. You only need to bring those people, who wish to be slaves and seek shelter in Ice and Snow Wilderness. These 50,000 gold coins are your budget!"

"I want to help you, but I cannot make that without the admittance certificate of Ice and Snow Wilderness..." Davinci forcefully swallowed his saliva while gazing at the gold notes; he decisively shook his head, "As to those ferries which want to steal in Ice and Snow Wilderness, even though they have arrived at Eschyle City, all the passengers have to pass the check there. Only those who have admittance certificates are allowed to land in Ice and Snow Wilderness. Those having no admittance certificates would have to go back where they came from!"

Zhang Tie smiled as he pointed at that sealed envelope, "My friend handed this letter to me. You only need to have your man hand this letter to the ruler of Eschyle City. They will take over those slaves."

"Ah, does that work?" Davinci watched Zhang Tie with an unbelievable look.

"My friend has a great power in Ice and Snow Wilderness. Don't worry about that. As long as you could deal with it well, I promise you will have a bright future. Gold coins will not tell a lie, right? It's unnecessary for me to play a joke with you with 50,000 gold coins!"

Davinci finally made his decision as he gritted his teeth, "Fine, I will do that!"

"I have to warn you. Those who would like to be slaves are poor. Many of them are orphans and lonely old women. Don't play tricks with me. Just bring those people to Ice and Snow Wilderness safe and sound. If you don't understand this point, I'm sure that as long as I hear some bad news about you, you won't try how I review my wrongdoings. Am I clear?"

Davinci quivered all over before nodding solemnly, "Don't worry. I'm clear. I won't do that stupid thing!"

"That's what I want. I will have someone accompany you there as your bodyguards and assistants..." after saying that, Zhang Tie sent someone to bring here Hillman, Figo, Michael and the 'manager' and told them about their job.

As it was their first time to serve Zhang Tie, they all treated it as a test of their loyalty; therefore, they all agreed instantly...


Closely after that, they left Jinwu Castle. Seeing them off, Zhang Tie sat still for a short while before telling the other servants that he wanted to enter meditation in the backroom. After that, he entered the basement of Jinwu Castle.


After changing a look in 20 minutes, Zhang Tie walked out of a private residence in White Dragon Town and rapidly surged towards the Dragon Cave...

After 7 hours, Zhang Tie finally caught sight of a LV 9 bloody scorpion which was higher than 10 m in the deep underground space of Dragon Cave. The bloody scorpion walked towards him like a mountain. Zhang Tie responded with a smile...

When Zhang Tie walked out of the basement of Jinwu Castle in the evening, nobody knew that Zhang Tie had become an official LV 9 fighter. After being lit by the soul-fire of the LV 9 bloody scorpion, Zhang Tie's iron-blood battle qi gradually improved qualitatively. Zhang Tie tried the trouble-reappearance situation of the shadow demon backroom once again. With the help of the LV 9 iron-blood battle qi, he survived 6 seconds under the attack of the shadow demon for the first time. 6,6,10——the latest data of Zhang Tie's fighting force.

The biggest problem facing Zhang Tie now was how to promote to LV 10. As long as he reached LV 10, he would be able to release his battle qi through the air. As a result, he could kill his enemy using his iron-blood fist over 10 m away. By then, he would reveal the real power of iron-blood fist which was the secret knowledge of the imperial household of Norman Empire.

At dinner, Zhang Tie fetched all the female servants. After that, he took out a contract and handed it to Sonia.

"Sonia, given what you've done for Jinwu Castle and your loyalty to me these years, you're free now. If you wish to stay in Jinwu Castle and serve me loyally, you will become my home chancellor and enjoy the treatment of home chancellor. Do you like to stay?"

Being thrilled, Sonia took that contract as her eyes turned wet at once. She stammered, "I...I wish to stay and serve you, my lord!"

All the other female servants watched Sonia with an admirable look. This contract brought hope to all the female servants.

That was what Zhang Tie pursued. Zhang Tie pointed at Linda, Beverly and Fiona and told those female servants, "After a few days, you will follow them to the Eastern Continent. From then on, the three women will be your masters. I will hand your contracts to them. They will control your fate, am I clear?"

All the female servants nodded as they showed their etiquette to Linda, Beverly and Fiona solemnly.

After the female servants left, Zhang Tie called in the team of Spirit soldiers and introduced their female masters to them.

The last one entering was Paul, the candidate muling of Sun Dynasty, who was almost the most humble person in Jinwu Castle. Although he was low-key, he also showed his loyalty to Zhang Tie in his own way. Zhang Tie also paid him for his loyalty——several years ago, when those girls of Rose Association and those brothers of God Blessing Brotherhood returned to Huaiyuan Prefecture before the holy war broke out, Zhang Tie fulfilled his promise. He told his elder brother to dispatch someone to kill that head muling named Keehn who had killed all the family members of Paul in Sun Dynasty.

From then on, Paul sincerely accomplished the task of setting free sand-scale fish requested by Zhang Tie in Jinwu Castle everyday. It seemed that he treated this as his only task and work in the world.

When Zhang Tie came back yesterday, Paul was not back from the wharf yet. Therefore, it was Zhang Tie's first time to meet Paul in the past 4 years. The fruit of redemption on the small tree in Castle of Black Iron witnessed this man's diligent work everyday.

When Zhang Tie met Paul once again, he was a bit shocked by Paul's qi. This slave looked more tranquil and profound. Average people could not observe that except Zhang Tie.

"Have you broken through it?" Zhang Tie asked with a slightly amazed look.

"Yes, my lord. Watching those maritime lives returning to the ocean freely and happily everyday, I feel very tranquil and comfortable inside. Therefore, I have finally broken through!" Paul's calm face slightly revealed a bit excitement. As he replied, he knelt down in front of Zhang Tie and touched the ground with his forehead, his shoulders and his knees, which was the highest etiquette that followers used in front of their leaders of the school God of Brilliance, "Thank you, you're my lord of brilliance. It's you who had wiped off hatred from my heart and silently pointed out a bright road towards sacredness for me. Please allow me to follow you and be loyal to you. It's my great honor to be your home chancellor, even servants!"

Zhang Tie opened his mouth as he had not imagined that this man could make the breakthrough in cultivation only by watching sand-scale fish returning to the ocean. After a short while, Zhang Tie finally asked him, "What's your rank now?"

"According to the standards of the school of the God of Brilliance, I'm a 5-star battle priest now!"

"5-star battle priest?"

"Hmm, my fighting strength is equal to that of a LV 9 fighter!"

"F*ck" Zhang Tie almost shouted out. "This guy was just a candidate muling of the school of God of Brilliance over one decade ago. Such a breakthrough must be a result of long-time accumulation. But it's too weird to make breakthrough in this pattern. Is there any secret inside?" as Zhang Tie thought about it, he gradually recovered his composure. He glanced at Paul and finally nodded, "From today on, you will be my home chancellor. When I'm not in the castle, you should serve them; this is Linda, this is Beverly, this is Fiona!"

Paul then gave his salute to Linda, Beverly and Fiona respectively...


On the next day, after arranging the affairs in Hidden Dragon Island, Zhang Tie returned to Yiyang City with Linda, Beverly and Fiona by airship.

As he had finished what he wanted to do, he would prepare for returning to the Selnes Theater of Operations...

Zhang Tie sensed that he could find a chance to breakthrough LV 10 in Selnes Theater of Operations...

Chapter 551: The Idiots

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

A huge fury-level battle airship parked in front of Zhang Tie. Raising his head, Zhang Tie watched his own airship calmly while being thrilled inside.

Zhang Yang and Zhang Tie were reviewing this new battle airship which had just been transported out of Zhang's airship factory and over 130 volunteers who were employed to manipulate the airship.

These volunteers were very experienced in manipulating airships. They escaped from those regions which had been destroyed by demons to Huaiyuan Prefecture. Although having sold their airships, they still had a tough life in Huaiyuan Prefecture. The demon disasters had destroyed their homeland along with everything in it. The advertisement that people were recruited to crack down demons attracted a great number of volunteers who would like to go to Selnes Theater of Operations. After a round of selection, over 130 people of them were employed.

Zhang Tie watched these volunteers calmly. Zhang Yang had already have them put on a set of blue airship uniform. Although they didn't look handsome, Zhang Tie could sense their decisiveness and morale, which was rightly what Zhang Tie required.

The airship was matched with various weapons and gliders. Before leaving the factory, this airship had already passed strict tests and commissioning. Therefore, after taking a visit in the airship, Zhang Tie got off the airship and stood in front of these volunteers.

"I'm Zhang Tie, the coxswain of this airship. This is my elder brother. You must have seen him. My elder brother had also told you about me. Perhaps some of you might have some questions, such as "Does this idiot and playboy really spend hundreds of thousands of gold coins to buy the best battle airship only to seek for death or show off in Selnes Theater of Operations?"

Hearing Zhang Tie's question, many people of those volunteers exchanged glances with each other as what Zhang Tie said was really what they thought. Actually, at the sight of this 'coxswain', many of them even became a bit disappointed. Zhang Tie's age didn't fit this trip in their mind.

Zhang Tie knew that he had to build enough authority in front of these people if he wanted them to follow his order. Otherwise, if these people didn't follow his order in the theater of operations, it would be a big problem.

"Firstly, I want to say. I'm not a playboy. I'm 20 years old. Five years ago, I served in the Iron-Blood Camp of Iron-Horn Corps of Norman Empire, during which period, I was promoted to the first lieutenant and was awarded the Iron-Blood Medal. Do you know the condition to have an Iron-Blood Medal in Iron-Blood Camp?"

Hearing Zhang Tie's self-introduction, many people responded with an amazing look as they didn't believe in Zhang Tie's experience.

"Honestly, all the people that you have killed and will kill on the battlefield for the rest of your lives might not match me. This was the reason that I was awarded the Iron-Blood Medal. Later on, after leaving Iron-Horn Corps, I returned to Jinyun Country, where I experienced the event in Heavens Cold City. participated in the raid of Heavens Cold City organized by Huaiyuan Palace. This action directly detonated the demon disaster in Heavens Cold City. The heads of demonized puppets that I chopped off was also more than the total of what you've chopped off. Half a month ago, when I returned from Selnes Theater of Operations, I also swept a squad of demon corps. Therefore, don't treat me as a playboy. I'm not traveling to make money in Selnes Theater of Operations; instead, I'm going to fight demons there."

Listening to Zhang Tie's introduction, those people started to look Zhang Tie respectfully instead of doubting him. Zhang Tie's experience and his meritorious deeds were both admirable.

"Am I silly? Honestly, I am. I have a chance to leave here as soon as possible for the Eastern Continent; however, I refused it. I have to stay for some reasons. Therefore, it seems that I'm silly in others' eyes. Because of this reason, I even lost my opportunity to participate in the battle in Selnes Theater of Operations as an official soldier of Huaiyuan Palace. That's why I employ you to fight demons together with me!" Zhang Tie smiled, "In my opinion, you're also a group of idiots who're going to seek for death in Selnes Theater of Operations. You have your reasons and I have my reason. There we go!"

All the volunteers burst out into laughter.

"Look, that's all about me. You can ask me if you have any questions!"

"Sir, can you tell me why do you choose Selnes Theater of Operations?" a 30-year old guy raised his hand as he asked Zhang Tie.

"If others wanted to know the reason, I would tell them that I did that for the bright future of humans. However, as it is asked by you, I have two reasons. First, I hate demons very much. Each one who had witnessed the disasters caused by demons would hate demons. Second, my beloved woman is in Selnes Theater of Operations. She has a lot of pursuers. I have made a bet with her pursuers. If I could kill more wing demons than any one of them, they would give up her. Therefore, in one word, I'm going to Selnes Theater of Operation for killing demons and pursuing my beloved woman!"

Closely after Zhang Tie's words, some guys whistled. Zhang Tie's reasons were not only convincing but resonating.

"Sir, what kind of squad of demon corps have you killed?"

"A squad of LV 9 iron-armored demons. You don't need to doubt that. When you arrive at Selnes Theater of Operations, you can easily see my performance!"

"Are we going to fight iron-armored demons?"

"If we meet them, we will beat them ferociously. However, our main target is not those iron-armored demons on the ground but those wing demons in the air. In Selnes Theater of Operations, wing demons are called airship killer. Therefore, this task would be very dangerous. If our airship was struck down by wing demons and fell onto the battlefield, none of you could survive. Therefore, you'd better think about it carefully. You can still leave now. When the airship set off next morning, we will have to execute military rules in the airship. If anyone of you wants to leave at that time, I will chop off his head!"

"F*ck them!" a bearded uncle swore as he took out a small stoup and drunk a mouth of alcohol, "Sir, I'm Peter; just hand the engine room of the airship to me. If there's any problem with the engine room, just chop off my head!"

"Fine, is there any other problem?"

"Sir, our airship doesn't have a name yet!"

"Haha, now that we're all idiots, just call it the Idiots!"

"The Idiots?" all the volunteers exchanged glances with each other.

"We Chinese usually say that idiots always have their happiness. I feel it's a very auspicious name..." Zhang Tie smiled, "I hope all of you could survive till the end!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's explanation, everybody nodded.

With no more problems, Zhang Tie then delivered his first order, "You can go take a look in the airship and prepare for your job. We will set off at 8 am next morning. See you tomorrow!"

After giving a salute to Zhang Tie, those volunteers left.


Outside the gate of a hospital in Yiyang City, Zhang Tie sat in his vehicle and watched Miss Daina throwing herself into the arms of a 40-year old handsome gentleman in doctor's uniform who was walking out of the hospital while lifting an insulated lunch box with a happy look...

Miss Daina was going to get married in the next month. They had already taken wedding photos two days ago. The man named James. He's a doctor in this hospital. He had a good family background and a good moral quality without any bad habit;

"Is this the happiness wanted by Miss Daina?" at the sight of this, Zhang Tie had a complex mood, "Well, wish you happiness!" Zhang Tie said inside.

Before Zhang Tie's family members left here, Zhang Tie would send his elder brother to ask Miss Daina's opinion. If they also wanted to leave, Zhang Yang would take them away. If they didn't want to leave, Zhang Yang would present them a lot of money as a reward for teaching his sons and daughter. He would also introduce some friends to Miss Daina and her husband.

"See you, dear Miss Daina!"

Noticing that Miss Daina was glancing at this direction, Zhang Tie drew in a deep breath before telling the driver, "Let's go..."

The black vehicle then set off...

"Daina, what's up?" that man asked her when Miss Daina turned around and saw the vehicle off.

"That might be Zhang Tie in the vehicle" Miss Daina's mood became a bit complex; however, she responded with a smile, "Nothing!"


After that, Zhang Tie returned home and had a dinner with his family members. After knowing that Zhang Tie was going back to the Selnes Theater of Operations, his parents' eyes turned red. His mom started to drop tears in the meal. Linda, Beverly and Fiona also wept.

This supper might be the last meal that Zhang Tie had with his family members in Waii Sub-Continent. After Zhang Tie returned to the Selnes Theater of Operations, the people here would soon move to the Eastern Continent.

"Dad and mom, don't worry about me. I will be okay. I can get in touch with my elder brother at any time now. When I finish my task over there, I will come for you in the Eastern Continent!" Zhang Tie forced a smile as he actually didn't know when he would see his parents next time...

Chapter 552: A Disappeared Empire

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Hearing the knocks, Zhang Tie stopped his cultivation of the Great Wilderness Sutra and opened the door of the captain's room. A crew member was standing outside the door.

"Captain, the first mate told me to let you know that we're arriving at Oris, the capital of the Holy Golden Orchid Empire!"

"Aww, fine, I will go to the command module right now!"

The crew member gave a salute to Zhang Tie before leaving. Zhang Tie straightened his clothes before putting on his hat and walking towards the command module.

At this moment, Zhang Tie was wearing a set of dark green military uniform which fit that of militia of Jinyun Country. If not the symbol of captain on his chest, nobody would believe that he was the captain of the awe-inspiring fury-level battle airship.

The captain's bedroom was the best in the airship, which was close to the command module. After passing through the spacious tunnel which was available to three people at the same time in the middle of the fury-level airship and walking down a small part of stairs, Zhang Tie entered the command module.

"At 13:58, on April 7th, the captain enters the command module and takes over the command of the airship!"

Seeing Zhang Tie entering, the first mate who was standing on the position of the captain beside the helmsman shouted loudly. At this moment, besides those volunteers who didn't put on military uniforms, everything ran in the state of a formal expedition. They followed strict manipulation procedures and regulations. Closely after the first mate finished his words, the second mate marked on the flight log.

Those in the command module gave a salute to Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie gave a salute back to them. After that, he walked onto the command position which was 3 stages higher than the ground of the command module. Holding the rail around the command position, Zhang Tie lowered his head and looked at the land below the airship.

There was a very senior imaging lens which covered about 1 square meters on the command position. It was used to look down. This device was like a huge ground telescope. Through the application of the principle of optics, the captain could see clearly the situation on the land below the airship the moment he lowered his head. He could also adjust the angle and the size of the image in the imaging lens.

At this moment, the airship was above over 2000 m. Through the bird-view imaging lens, Zhang Tie could see clearly everything on the ground. Zhang Tie didn't know how did the capital of Holy Golden Orchid Empire look before; however, at this moment, most of the capital had turned into ruins, which was more miserable than the situation in Blackhot City.

After the holy war broke out 3 months ago, Oris had been struck by demon disaster. The Holy Golden Orchid Empire which was almost destroyed by Haiger VII collapsed completely in this demon disaster.

Even before the Holy Golden Orchid Empire completely collapsed, Haiger VII had delivered an absurd order——to dissolve the entire empire and summon those chancellors who were still loyal to him to follow him to a new world and build a new country full of 'light and love'. After delivering that decree, the entire imperial household of the Holy Golden Orchid Empire disappeared.

Therefore, it's hard to say whether the Holy Golden Orchid Empire died in the hands of demons or the hands of Haiger VII. When the holy war broke out, whether it was lucky or not for those countrymen to have such a bizarre empire. After the entire imperial household of the Holy Golden Orchid Empire disappeared, all the people in the city had lost their morale. Most of them had already escaped away like that absurd emperor before the demonized puppet corps arrived at Oris.

Those who hated Haiger VII the most were not those countrymen who had been tortured so much by that emperor and completely lost their confidence; but those 'able youths' who had dreamed to be the emperor's son-in-law and princes of the Holy Golden Orchid Empire at the cost of 200 gold coins or more.

Although nobody calculated how many of those 'able youths' were there, as diplomats of the Holy Golden Orchid Empire had made advertisement in countries across Blackson Humans Corridor, it was estimated that at least tens of thousands of people had applied for being the emperor's son-in-law, including Zhang Tie.

The total of the application fee of tens of thousands of people was not a small amount of money. Additionally, it was said that the registration fee was divided into different ranks. Different ranks matched different treatments. 200 gold coins were relatively affordable for those small figures who dreamed to be big figures; it was said that some application fee paid by rich clan and new startups in the Waii Sub-Continent for being the emperor's son-in-law was as high as hundreds of thousands of gold coins, by which they could enjoy more special treatments.

Therefore, nobody knew how much had Haiger VII actually taken away in the name of choosing his son-in-law.

After the entire imperial households of the Holy Golden Orchid Empire disappeared, some people said that Haiger VII was the biggest liar in the history of Blackson Humans Corridor. He completed the largest-scale robbery in the history of Blackson Humans Corridor before the arrival of the holy war.

More 'able youths' could only reap what they had sown. According to the bilateral agreement, this time, it was truly nothing to do with Haiger VII.

Zhang Tie also paid 200 gold coins in the embassy of Jinyun Country of the Holy Golden Orchid Empire which was like an illegal agent. He even sighed an agreement. In the beginning, he didn't pay attention to that; however, when he took it out and read it carefully a couple of days ago, he finally found that line of words which were as tiny as ant legs in an inconspicuous place of that agreement.

—��When being influenced by force majeure like war and natural disasters, the Holy Golden Orchid Empire's imperial household is entitled to extend, terminate or abandon its fulfillment of this agreement. The loss caused by such force majeure would be sustained by the applicant. The application fee will not be returned in such case. The Holy Golden Orchid Empire and its imperial household will not shoulder any responsibilities for such loss.

——Note: the force majeure in the contract includes but not limited to those listed in the attachment. The final power of interpretation belongs to the Holy Golden Orchid Empire.

Of course, the holy war belonged to the most powerful force majeure. Therefore, they could only be speechless.

When he read this item, Zhang Tie became stunned. He even started to doubt whether the hilarious emperor of Haiger VII had long known that the holy war was going to break out. Therefore, he carried out such a robbery with her daughter as a bait.

Nobody could answer this question. Because all the royals of Holy Golden Orchid Empire had disappeared. Nobody knew their whereabouts. If in peaceful times, the disappearance of all the royals of an empire would cause a great chaos for sure; however, when many countries had vanished or were vanishing and many people died everyday because of the arrival of the holy war, such an incident was just like a spray in the tsunami which would be forgotten by people in a blink of eyes.

Zhang Tie adjusted his bird-view imaging lens and observed the situation of Oris under his feet. A lot of buildings collapsed or were destroyed in the battle fire. Not even a single alive person could be seen down there. However, Zhang Tie occasionally saw some demonized puppets wandering in the ruins. This was how the capital, the most prosperous place of the Holy Golden Orchid Empire presented in Zhang Tie's eyes.

Since they left Jinyun Country and flew northwards, Zhang Tie started to see more similar scenes. Therefore, he became gloomy. He finally understood why those people raising boards in Yiyang City would like to leave this continent at the cost of their freedom.

They were deeply hurt by the holy war. Their sharp pains reminded them of the most realistic pursuit of commoners in the holy war——to survive themselves!

Zhang Tie watched the land down there which was contaminated by black and grey colors like a color palette with a calm look. However, he was greatly shocked inside.

"If the grand meeting for selecting Pandora's husband was just a hoax, how could Haiger VII knew that the holy war would break out before the grand meeting? Haiger VII even set the time of the grand meeting before the even in Heavens Cold City. Unless he was a key figure among demons or the Three-Eye Association, he could not have such a precise judgment on the arrival of the holy war."

"Even I didn't have a clear judgment on the arrival of the holy war until I left Ice and Snow Wilderness, how could Haiger VII know about it so early?"

"If Haiger VII is really a demon or a member of Three-Eye Association, what's the role of Pandora in this event? Is she a purely innocent girl or a demon or a member of Three-Eye Association like Haiger VII? If Pandora is a demon or a member of Three-Eye Association, how would I face her?"

Zhang Tie had a complex mood. In order to take a look at Oris, the Idiots airship flew more than a 1000 km than the planned route. After watching the ruins below, Zhang Tie knew that he didn't need to face Pandora at least now. Not knowing why, Zhang Tie immediately let out a sigh inside.

Even if Pandora was really a demon or a member of Three-Eye Association, Zhang Tie knew that he could barely target his weapon at Pandora, not to mention to kill her.

"Just hand it to time!"

Only after 20 minutes, the Idiots airship had already flown past Oris, leaving this ruined city behind.

Zhang Tie turned his head and asked his first mate, "Are there demon beasts within hundreds of square km that usually attack airships..."

"This route is relatively safer; however, as it is in the wild, there're many mutated living beings and demon beasts that might attack our airship. We can easily find them if we want..."

Zhang Tie nodded. The moment he wanted the first mate to find a nearby place for him to kill some demon beasts so as to form a similar trouble-reappearance situation for the sake of practicing glider and rotachute did he hear the early-warning bell ring...

Chapter 553: The Whip of a Fiery Flame

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After hearing the early-warning bell ring, all the people in the command module became spirited.

The first mate instantly charged at a pile of dense sound-transmission pipes in the command module. He opened a sound-transmission mouth that led to observation post at the top of the airship and roared, "What's happening?"

"There's a large-scale battle 20 km away from us in the 9 o'clock direction!"

"There's a large-scale battle 20 km away from us in the 9 o'clock direction!"

A loud voice drifted from the sound transmission pipes for twice. Until the first mate answered, "Copy that" did it stop.

In a split second, everybody turned around and looked at Zhang Tie. Airships such as the Idiots could choose to join such a ground combat or not. As a spontaneous 'folk armed force' heading for Selnes Theater of Operations, nobody forced them to do something. It only depended on the captain. Only when they arrived at the Selnes Theater of Operations could their action be restricted.

"Ring the battle alarm; prepare for attacking the ground. Turn around the airship, I will take a look down there!" Zhang Tie delivered his order immediately.

On the 3rd day after leaving Jinyun Country, the Idiots rung its battle alarm for the first time. Soon after that, everybody in the airship became busy out of excitement. After adjusting its angle flexibly, the huge triangular-shaped body of the fury-level airship accelerated its speed right away and flew towards the battlefield in the distance.

Zhang Tie adjusted the angle of the bird-view imaging lens in front of him and instantly captured the scene on the battlefield 20 km away——

A human troop was evacuating from a valley while the demonized puppets were chasing closely after them. A great number of women and kids were running towards the east in a flurried manner. That human army worked as the shield and the barrier for those women and kids. The human troop was safeguarding a bridge on the riverside and preventing demonized puppets from breaking through.

The two parties were fighting fiercely nearby the bridge. Zhang Tie found some people were trying to destroy the bridge so as to hold back the demonized puppets. However, that bridge's abutment was in the form of a steel frame, which could hardly be completely destroyed. At the same time, the human troop was forced back by demonized puppets step by step.

There were over 10,000 human soldiers and about 30,000-40,000 demonized puppets across the battlefield. Additionally, more and more demonized puppets were rushing out of the valley. In Zhang Tie's eyes, this was not a large-scale battle; however, it was extremely fierce. Especially when more and more demonized puppets rushed out of the valley, the human troop's situation became critical.

"You command the following battle. You can mobilize all the means in the airship and give a sharp blow to those demonized puppets. Destroy that bridge and let the human troop, the women and the kids leave out of there safely." Zhang Tie delivered an order to the first mate.

"Yes, sir!" the first mate replied loudly. Closely after that, he glanced at the clock in the command module before shouting loudly, "At 14:27, on April 7th, the airship encountered a battle. The first mate took over the battle command!"

To command the airship to join a ground combat required very senior commanding skills. One had to learn 3 years in regular military academy plus many years of practice before becoming a qualified airship commander. As Zhang Tie had not learned any airship commanding courses at the college or being taught in practice, it was indeed out of his ability to command the airship to join a battle.

Therefore, in such a case, Zhang Tie appointed the first mate who was an experienced airship commander. Zhang Tie would decide whether they would join the battle or not while the first mate would determine how to fight with the consent of all the crew members in the airship. After all, nobody would like to put their lives in the hand of an outsider.

At this moment, Zhang Tie's role was like that of the political commissar in the human troops before the Catastrophe. Actually, Zhang Tie's power was much greater than that of the political commissar. In other words, the first mate of the airship was more like a senior battle adviser.

"Altitude!" the first mate roared in the command module while the whole command module entered a tense battle state.

"2100..." a crew member standing in front of a lot of dashboards replied loudly at once.

"How long does it take us to be close to the target?"

"4'57''!" another voice shouted.

"Adjust the entrance angle; ground reference, the iron bridge on the river; entrance angle 0 degree, port the helm 20!"

The huge fury-level airship instantly inclined as its entrance angle was adjusted.

After a few seconds, the helmsman replied loudly, "Entrance angle adjustment completed..."

"Dive in 30 seconds; height 400..."

"Repeat, dive in 30 seconds; height 400..." the signal staff lightened the dive signal lamp as he shouted towards the sound transmission pipe in front of him.

After 30 seconds, everybody in the command module seized the fixed handrails beside them, including Zhang Tie. After that, the entire airship started to dive downwards towards the ground.

At this moment, Zhang Tie felt falling off from high buildings as he felt his blood boiling.

After almost 2 minutes, the airship gradually recovered its stability.

"Altitude 400..."

"Bomb compartment, prepare white phosphorous gel bombs, 3 in one group, unit density 4..."

The battle on the ground became clearer when Zhang Tie reached hundreds of meters in height. Some demonized puppets had already rushed over that bridge, forcing all the human soldiers to the other side of the bridge.

Even though at this moment, the human troop still had not noticed such a huge airship in the air. Until the huge body of the fury-level airship caused a wide area of shadow on the ground did many human soldiers raise their heads and glance at it.

The airship had just flown over the bridge...

The demonized puppets were crowding on the iron bridge.

"Release..." after the roar of the first mate, three black barrels dropped off the airship like how a hen laid. When they were over 20 m above the ground, the 3 black barrels sparkled. Closely after that, they all exploded, drawing a black fire line in the sky. The fire line slashed onto that bridge like a fire whip in the hand of the God. As a result, the entire bridge, along with the land on the riverside and the bridgehead started to burn immediately like a pot of boiling oil being lit.

All the demonized puppets on the bridge started to burn at once. Like numerous burning torches, the bridge started to burn, including its steel frame and the land at the bridgehead.

This whip was as long as about 100 m. It was like a flame hell which was hotter than 2000 degree Celsius.

The airship flew over the bridge and rushed into the valley from where the demonized puppets were constantly pouring out. At the sight of the crowded demonized puppets, Zhang Tie drew in a cold breath. There were already tens of thousands of demonized puppets outside the valley. However, there were at least 70,000 to 80,000 demonized puppets left in the valley. Like a swarm of locusts which wanted to rush out of the valley to engulf people, all the demonized puppets were uttering weird sound towards the Idiots airship in the air with bloody eyes and twisted, grim looks.

"Kill these b*stards!" Zhang Tie roared in the command module.






After throwing 7 groups of white phosphorous gel bombs, the entire valley started to blaze. So many demonized puppets were burned and started to wail. They wanted to die out the flames on themselves by rolling on the ground; however, they could hardly make that in such a narrow valley. Additionally, their fats and carbohydrates were burned. They just ran around which easily burned those weeds and shrubs in the valley. As a result, the entire valley was covered with rising flames.

Demonized puppets had super great vitality. Even though they were burned, they could not turn into ashes at once. Neither would they die at once; however, all the demonized puppets lost their fighting strength immediately. In such a high temperature, their eyes were destroyed at once.

The puppet worms occupied the brains of the demonized puppets. They had no feeling about the common physical trauma on demonized puppets; however, they had sharper sensitiveness about temperature than normal people. Therefore, they could not bear high temperature.

After losing their visual senses, the burning demonized puppets started to collided fiercely on the bridge and in the valley. Only after a few minutes, before their bodies turned into ashes, they had already fallen on the ground and died as their heads had been well cooked. Even though they had died, their bodies were still burning.

Many demonized puppets were forced to jump into the torrents by the high temperature and the flames. As a result, they were flushed away. It was hard to say how many of them could survive till the end.

The human troop on the other end of the bride were also forced back about 100 m. After killing those demonized puppets who had reached this end of the bridge, everyone cheered up at the sight of the airship coming back after making a circle in the air...

"Boom..." in the fierce flames, the steel frame turned soft. Some parts of it became liquefied iron together with its steel wires. The bridge then collapsed...

Chapter 554: The Preliminary Water-Proof Body

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie was greatly shocked by the Idiots' first attack towards the ground. The airship threw 24 white phosphorous gel bombs for 8 times, 3 in each time. While the casualty of the crew member was zero, the achievement was great as they killed at least 40,000 demonized puppets, destroyed the iron bridge and successfully protected that human troop and those women and kids.

It also benefited from the terrain. If it was another terrain, the demonized puppets would have greater space to move; if so, the 24 white phosphorous gel bombs would not have such a great impact. However, the most important factor for the triumph of this battle was the overwhelming air domination on Zhang Tie's side that he felt for the first time.

If not on the real battlefield, you would never know the importance of air domination. After this experience, Zhang Tie had a clear recognition of the concept of air domination.

What was air domination? To put it simply, I can beat you; yet you cannot beat me; I will beat you whenever I want. You cannot defend my attack at all. After beating you, I will leave; however, you cannot catch up with me. When you and your enemy were both fighting on the ground, it was a two-dimensional battle; however, when you were in the air and your enemy was on the ground, you would have an air domination.

All the members of the Idiots became excited about such a great triumph. Since they boarded on the airship, they had determined to give a fierce blow to the demons. This battle alone had made every one of them felt it a worthwhile trip. In the words of the first mate, this battle was already fruitful for the battle airship. If it was in a troop, after such a battle, each one of them would be awarded a medal.

Although they were not awarded medals on the Idiots, after this battle, all of them started to believe that the name "Idiots" brought luck to this airship.

If Zhang Tie didn't want to take a look at Oris or determined to join the ground battle, they would not have such a great achievement. Crew members of airship and boatmen were the most superstitious groups; as long as their captain could bring luck and victory to the airship, even though the captain had no idea about command, they could also gain the sincere respect from the crew members and the boatmen.

The human soldiers on the ground were showing their respect to the airship cheerily. Someone sent light signals towards the airship by facing the shiny metal mirrors on their armors towards the sunshine.

"Captain, the ground troop is extending their gratitude to us. They're an infantry brigade being affiliated to the human allied forces against demons in this region. They are inquiring about our designation and want to invite us to their base!" a signal officer soon translated the signals launched from the ground and told Zhang Tie loudly.

"Thanks for their good intention. Tell them, our airship is the private force of Huaiyuan Prefecture, Jinyun Country. We're now heading for Selnes Theater of Operations to give a cool blow to the demons. Good luck to them!" Zhang Tie smiled.

Soon after the light signals were launched downside, another group of signals arrived from the ground.

"They said 'bon voyage'."

"Let's go!"

After the airship made a circle above the battlefield, it left this place for the north. After this battle, Zhang Tie felt that the morale rose across the command module.

"Captain, do you think we can have a good meal as a reward?" the first mate asked Zhang Tie.

"Hmm, tell the cooks to make a good meal for us. Each one could have a cup of fruit wine in the evening. After the dinner is cooked well, you can just eat it. Don't call me unless there's something important. I will cultivate back in my room! When in an emergency, if I don't make any response to you, that means I've closed my senses and could not be bothered. In that case, you can deal with that at your discretion."

"Yes, sir!"

After nodding to them, Zhang Tie left the command module and returned to his exclusive room. On the way back to his own room, all the crew members who met Zhang Tie showed more respect to Zhang Tie.

The captain's room was the most luxurious and spacious one in the airship. The entire room covered more than 30 square meters. Only this room was matched with an independent set of bathing equipment across the battle airship. Only Zhang Tie was qualified to take a bath in the airship. This was one of the captain's privileges.

After entering the room, Zhang Tie locked it from inside. Closely after that, he entered Castle of Black Iron.

After 3 years, too much water was absorbed in the Pool of Chaos in Castle of Black Iron from the subterranean stream. As a result, Heller expanded the territory from less than 1 square km to almost 100 square km. When Zhang Tie entered it, he felt like entering another vast world.

The small tree was still in the center; however, with the help of the increasing number of aura value, many woods around the small tree had been growing very high. Some woods, especially those oaks and parasols crowns were even higher than 10 m or dozens of meters in height. The tidy vineyard, cherry garden and orchards made Zhang Tie pleasant and brought Zhang Tie a sense of achievement.

After remembering the window of basic tributes that he had not checked for a long time, Zhang Tie clicked it casually while a semi-transparent dialogue box appeared in front of his eyes.

Castle of Black Iron:

——Length: 13 krusa

——Width: 13 krusa

——Aura value: 4785189

——Merit value: 793176

——Basic energy storage: 8631473

——Special output:

Animal: No. 1 earthworm, No. 1 bee

Plants: No. 1 potato, No. 1 sand buckthorn, No. 1 grape, No. 1 rice, No. 1 pumpkin, No. 1 wheat.

Microorganism: Essential energy reiki yeast

Zhang Tie felt that he had never been so rich before when he read the dialogue box. Besides the greatly expanded area of Castle of Black Iron and those mutated animals and plants, even the aura value and the basic energy storage of Castle of Black Iron had already reached the millions.

Starting from the essential energy reiki yeast, Zhang Tie named all the mutated living beings in the laziest way. Those living beings would be named according to the times that they had mutated; namely, those being mutated for the first time would be named as No. 1..., those being mutated for the second time would be named as No. 2...; if many sorts of mutation were completed at the same time, the living beings would be named as No. 2.1... or No. 2.2...etc.. Although such as naming method lacked aesthetics, it was very easy and clearly understandable.

In the 3 years during which Zhang Tie fell asleep, the bee, grape, rice, pumpkin and wheat in the Castle of Black Iron had completed one round of mutation. After the mutation, these living beings were very suitable to the environment and more productive. According to Heller, the mutated ones are wholly-new living beings with better traits.

Although these varieties were not available at the present, Zhang Tie always felt that they would play a big role in the future for sure.

After closing the basic attributes panel of Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie walked towards the small tree. Among those fruits on the small tree, Zhang Tie indeed caught sight of the trouble-reappearance situation about the latest battle and that fruit of redemption which had been hanging there for a long time—��gratitude from sandscale fish.

Zhang Tie put his hand on the fruit and was instantly startled by those words below this fruits.

——Fruit of Redemption——gratitude from sandscale fish. Usage: Pick and directly eat it. Notice: The fruit cannot be taken out of the Castle of Black Iron. After twelve hours of having been picked off the tree, its energy and vitality would gradually decline.

——With this fruit, Castle Lord could improve his cold-resistance by 672% in water and chilly environment and sensitiveness to water flow by 2172%

——This fruit has been well ripe. With it, your cold-resistance and water flow sensitiveness would reach its upper limit by setting free sandscale fish.

——With this fruit, Castle Lord would increase his cold-resistance in water and the chilly environment by 20 times and water flow sensitiveness by 35 times. Some of your DNAs being related to this would be completely activated.

——This time, your body would promote to the preliminary water-proof body.

—���The effects of a preliminary water-proof body are as follows:

1. Castle Lord could move freely and have 15% more fighting strength in water; besides, you can dive 20% deeper than before.

2. In the hypoxic environment, Castle Lord could stay 50% longer than before.

3. The gratitude of sandscale fish brings you a nice preliminary water-proof body. As long as you don't attack aquatic living beings below LV 9 on purpose, they would not attack you on purpose in any condition. Besides, aquatic living beings above LV 9 would be less hostile to you.

4. With the preliminary water-proof body, the possibility for you to drive all the aquatic living beings with animal controlling skill would increase by 10%.

Reading this message, Zhang Tie became thrilled. Closely after that, he picked off this fruit and engulfed it quickly. After digesting it in more than 2 hours, Zhang Tie could sense an obvious change in his body.

In such a non-water environment, Zhang Tie became more sensitive to moisture in the air. Even if he closed his eyes, he could still sense the brook being not far from that small tree. What an amazing feeling!

Besides being more sensitive to the moisture in the air, Zhang Tie also became more sensitive to the air flow beside him. After all, water and air were liquid to a certain degree. Besides being different in density, they were similar to each other on many properties. Now that Zhang Tie could have a clear sense of water flow in water, he could also have a sharp sense about airflow, even the latter sense was not more sensitive than the prior one.

This sensitive perception about air flow was what Zhang Tie required the most.

After tasting the effect of the preliminary water-proof body with his eyes closed, Zhang Tie opened his eyes and found that Heller had been standing in front of him.

"Ah, Heller, when did you come here?"

"When you were digesting that fruit of redemption, my lord!"

Zhang Tie then asked Heller, "Can you tell me whether I will still have other fruits of redemption or not if I set free more sandscale fish after eating this fruit?"

"Each species could only provide you a limited number of fruits of redemption, my lord. This upper limit is also the limit of some species on improving your body!" Heller added, "Although you will have no fruit of redemption but if you keep setting free sandscale fish, you could still have merit values. Additionally, the more sandscale fish you set free, the more merit values you will have and less possibility of your water-proof body being attacked by aquatic living beings above LV 9!"


"This fits the mysterious karma. It could be hardly explained. You can think of the reason why humans hate demons. It's because demons have killed too many people and brought too many disasters to humans. Conversely, the more aquarium creatures you save and the more sandscale fish you set free, the more acceptable you will be in the eyes of those aquarium creatures!"

Zhang Tie nodded, "Whether do I need to set free other marine organisms to promote my preliminary water-proof body to medium water-proof body?"

"Yes, you need to set free more senior aquarium organisms to promote to the medium water-proof body. Of course, before you promote to the preliminary water-proof body, you can still gain the fruits of redemption of other living beings. Those fruits of redemption will also bring you some new abilities!"

Zhang Tie nodded. "As my family members would soon leave Huaiyuan Prefecture with Linda, Beverly, Fiona and the other people in Jinwu Castle, I will not consider setting free other marine organisms until they settle down in Eastern Continent. Additionally, I need a chance to explain it to others. If I did it too obviously, it would arouse others' attention. If so, I could not solve the problem with money."

After they settled down in Eastern Continent, according to Zhang Tie's arrangement before leaving Hidden Dragon Island, Zhang Tie wanted Paul to help him set free golden uangs. After losing Seven-Strength Fruits, Zhang Tie had to find a method to improve his strength rapidly. Because strength was the most powerful and effective weapon for a fighter. Many times, the other abilities could only be auxiliary to one's strength. For instance, although this preliminary water-proof body was sharp, Zhang Tie didn't live in water. If he met a powerhouse who was many levels higher than him, he might have no chance to use this talent at all.

Therefore, fighting strength was the most important factor for a fighter.

Zhang Tie really expected to taste the fruit of redemption brought by golden uangs, the king of strength in the kingdom of animals.

"After killing a squad of iron-armored demons last time, besides a trouble-reappearance fruit, I gained nothing else on the small tree." Zhang Tie immediately thought about this when he remembered about the fruit of plunder after killing that shadow demon Abyan.

"Aww, I remember that I killed over 10 iron-armored demons last time. Why didn't I have a fruit of plunder as a reward?" Zhang Tie asked Heller.

"You could only gain the fruit of plunder from shadow demon. It's unique!"

"What kind of fruit can I obtain from killing other demons?"

"Hehe, this question has already surpassed my access. Before the appearance of the fruits, I could not tell you what fruits would be born on the small tree. Because that might lead you onto a very dangerous route only for fruits at any price. We have to follow the natural law. I could only tell you that you will also get a reward by killing other demons; however, the reward has not met the condition of its manifestation!"

"I know!" Zhang Tie nodded as he picked off the trouble-reappearance fruit and ate it. After digesting it rapidly, he left Castle of Black Iron.


When Zhang Tie reappeared in his captain's room, nobody in the airship realized that Zhang Tie had improved his ability after just 2 hours.

Cheers faintly drifted from outside the door. This was the first time that Zhang Tie allowed the crew members to drink since they set off. Although each one only had a small cup of drink, the meritorious deed and the grand supper today made everyone excited.

Zhang Tie sat back on his bed with his legs crossed. After that, he activated that trouble-reappearance situation of the fight on the airship and entered it.


In the trouble-reappearance situation...

Zhang Tie appeared in the command module of the airship. Looking down from the command module, Zhang Tie found that most of the dense demonized puppets had disappeared, except for a couple of demonized puppets who were watching the airship with a confused look. They wanted to attack the airship; however, they didn't know how; therefore, they could only run here and there after the shadow of the airship.

This trouble-reappearance situation had other meanings for Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie didn't activate all the demonized puppets on the ground. He just activated a couple of them as his prop.

There was nobody in the command module of the trouble-reappearance situation. Zhang Tie came to the position of the helmsman and sat down there. After that, he held the rudder of the airship and forcefully pulled it up. As a result, the huge fury-level airship which was suspending over 400 m high in the sky raised its head and shot up at once.

In a few minutes, when the Idiots reached thousands of meters high, Zhang Tie leveled his rudder and left the command module.

Along the direction of the command module, Zhang Tie came to the glider throwing compartment at the bottom of the airship.

In the glider throwing compartment, a glider whose wingspan was greater than 12 m was standing on the slideway. Its spacious wings and streamlined body were full of aesthetic perception. Its body made of the same material of the airship's air sac protective armor was firm, durable and extremely light. The exterior shape of this glider was very close to the aircraft of humans before the Catastrophe.

After glancing at that glider, Zhang Tie opened the safe buckle of the hatch door of the glider throwing compartment. After that, he checked the connections between the glider and the slideway.

After checking it, Zhang Tie drew in a deep breath and jumped into the cockpit of the glider rapidly. He then put on his goggles, wind-proof hat and gloves. He looked at those operating levers, pedals, buttons and bars in the cockpit as he started to recall the details of the manipulation books about the glider that he had read these couple of days. After that, he rubbed his hands.

"Hopefully, I will not die too miserably on the first attempt!" Zhang Tie muttered as he put down an operating lever on his left hand.

The moment he put down the operating lever did Zhang Tie feel the wild wind. After the hatch door opened, the glider slid off the airship at once...

When the glider slid off the airship, Zhang Tie's heart was suspended for a couple of seconds. Closely after that, he found that the glider didn't keep descending; instead, it opened its wings after leaving the airship for over 20 m...

Zhang Tie exclaimed in the glider, "Wooh!"

Only after ten more minutes, the glider spiraled out of its control and started to dive towards the ground. Zhang Tie quickly undid his safe buckle as he took out a metal mushroom from the cockpit. He then forcefully pressed down a button on the metal mushroom...

Umbrella pieces of the rotachute instantly extended in the air and drew Zhang Tie out of the descending glider...

The first close touch between Zhang Tie, glider and the rotachute came to an end by then...


Only after 10 minutes, Zhang Tie had descended in a glider from the throwing compartment of the Idiots once again...

This time, Zhang Tie stood over 30 minutes in the air...


Zhang Tie stayed two hours in the air for the 3rd time...


In the 4th time, Zhang Tie didn't use his rotachute any longer...


In the 5th time, Zhang Tie started to play tricks with his glider in the air...

This indicated the effect of the trouble-reappearance situation. Everything was completely the reappearance of that in the reality. In such a case, Zhang Tie learned how to drive a glider in only half a day.

After constantly audacious attempts at the cost of his life and glider for a few times, Zhang Tie's driving skills improved rapidly...

On the 2nd day, Zhang Tie's driving skills had almost caught up with that of professional drivers...

On the 3rd day, Zhang Tie could already make all sorts of risky movements with his glider within 2 m of the airship.

On the 4th day, Zhang Tie played the hide-and-seek game with a swarm of iron-beak ibises in his glider. As he drove the glider by one hand, he constantly triggered his palm bolts by another hand. With the constant sonic booms, the iron-beak ibises that were chasing after the glider turned into blood mist. It was completely a no-fly zone within 400 m of the glider...


On the 6th day, after over one month, the Idiots finally arrived at the Selnes Theater of Operations...