555 - 563

Chapter 555: Military Exploits Rankings

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie arrived at the Crystal Battle Fortress on April 14th. As the frontline base of Jinyun Country in Selnes Theater of Operations, the Idiots had to register here before being authorized to participate in the action in the Selnes Theater of Operations and gain the air territory access right.

According to relevant orders in the theater of operations, the Idiots was freer than regular troops. However, it should also follow the order of the airship troop of Jinyun Country. When necessary, the military of Jinyun Country was entitled to take over the command of the Idiots.

Without the supply and maintenance of the airship base on the ground, the airships in the air would not be sustainable. If they wanted to enjoy the ground services, of course, they had to carry the corresponding commitment and responsibilities. Although the Idiots was voluntary, its rights and obligations were on an equal footing. Zhang Tie didn't oppose the obligations that they had to take. As Lan Yunxi was the commander of the airship troop of Jinyun Country, Zhang Tie could accept that the Idiots was under her control. He didn't believe that Lan Yunxi would find him trouble.

On one hand, Zhang Tie was here for Lan Yunxi; on the other hand, as a human fighter, Zhang Tie thought that he should do something for his family members, friends and many commoners.

If the demons were resisted here for one more day, those people behind the frontline would have one more day to evacuate. If some more demons were killed here, fewer people would die in the future.

This was each human fighter's sacred mission and responsibility.

Additionally, because of the relationship between Zhang Tie and Ice and Snow Wilderness, Zhang Tie knew that he had to fight demons in Waii Sub-Continent to the death. He'd better face demons himself and be familiar with the battle with demons instead of being waiting for demons to arrive at Ice and Snow Wilderness. In such a battle, he could gain more marvelous fruits and grow powerful quickly.

Each people were doomed to face holy war. As a human, he had no other choice but to face demons dauntlessly.

Selnes Theater of Operations was filled with the smoke of white phosphorous gel bombs. The moment Zhang Tie got off the airship and landed on the airship base did he realize that he was surrounded by others.

A lot of ground crew members were discussing about the Idiots. They were curious about the name and the status of Idiots.

"Is that you?" seeing Zhang Tie getting off the airship, a young Chinese military officer ranked major became stunned, "You came back?"

Zhang Tie didn't know his name; however, he had an impression on him in the command module of Lan Yunxi's airship one month ago. This guy was also one of the pursuers of Lan Yunxi. "I don't care which clan do you belong to. Now that you dare to content with me for Lan Yunxi, I will put you under my feet this time."

"Of course it's me!" Zhang Tie burst out into laughter, "I wonder how many wing demons have you killed over the past month?"

"More or less. Some killed over 10, I also killed 3!" that major watched Zhang Tie with a smile, "It's nice to see you back. If you didn't come back, we would not know who's the final winner. If you cannot kill even one wing demon, we'll have to repeat the scene like before. That would be boring!"

"Over 10? That's not bad!" Zhang Tie smacked his lips, "I wonder how do you count, senior brother apprentice? What if someone registered more than he had killed?"

"It' simple. Each of us has prepared for an agreement on the vow of soul and bloodline. After signing that agreement, if someone told a lie, he would suffer from being engulfed himself!"

"The agreement on the vow of soul and bloodline?" Zhang Tie became slightly shocked. When he attended the survival training in the wildwolf valley at the beginning, he even used this to frighten others. Actually, Zhang Tie didn't even have a chance to see the real agreement on the vow of soul and bloodline by now. On the other hand, Zhang Tie also sighed with emotions inside, "What elites from the six big clans of Jinyun Country! They dared to use the agreement on the vow of soul and bloodline for this bet. There are so many people who want to pursue Lan Yunxi. Does it mean that each of them has to consume at least one piece of the agreement on vow of soul and bloodline?"

"Senior brother apprentice, can you tell me where did you get the agreement on the vow of soul and bloodline from?" Zhang Tie asked modestly.

That major replied with a faint smile, "Don't you know that as long as the youth elites of the 6 big clans in the Crystal Battle Fortress are above LV 9, they can ask for a piece of agreement on vow of soul and bloodline from the Lan elder in the Crystal Battle Fortress and join the elites military exploits ranking in the fortress."

Zhang Tie was shocked inside as he instinctively felt that something had been out of his expectation. In the beginning, he was just making a bet with those guys who wanted to pursue Lan Yunxi, it was out of his imagination that even the clan elder in the Crystal Battle Fortress was involved in.

Actually, Zhang Tie didn't know that the bet between him and those people had been spread across the Crystal Battle Fortress since he left there. Once being focused by too many people, many things would change in nature and meaning.

After that bet was known by too many people and the Lan elder touched those people of the big clans in Jinyun Country, the bet turned into a wrestle on ranking between young elites at the Selnes Theater of Operations. All the clan rulers would like to have their young elites contend with those of other clans.

Additionally, such a match on military exploits could easily trigger their moral and braveness. Therefore, under the acquiescence of the clan rulers and the push of someone, the bet had turned into a wrestle between young elites of the 6 clans at Selnes Theatre of Operations. Besides those guys that Zhang Tie met in the command module, more people joined it. As a result, this match carried a special meaning.

The strong ones would always be stronger. Those with excellent performance in this match, as long as they survived to the end, would definitely be the pillar of each clan and represent the top fighting strength and ability among the younger generation of each clan. Therefore, this wrestle caught the attention of many people as it faintly seemed like a rehearsal of the ranking of the 6 clans in Jinyun Country in the future.

Under such a background, it's too easy for the 6 clans to fetch some pieces of agreements on the vow of soul and bloodline in order to authenticate whether someone was telling a lie or not.

At this moment, nobody talked about that bet anymore; however, all the attendants bore it deep in mind. Within 3 months, those whose rankings were below Zhang Tie would feel embarrassed to appear in front of Lan Yunxi anymore.

In the Crystal Battle Fortress composed of 6 battle fortresses, Zhang Tie caught sight of an over 10-m high steel frame, on the top of which were three words welded by steel——Military Exploits Rankings.

Names and military exploits were below the Military Exploits Rankings. Names were written on iron plates, which were inserted in the grooves of the steel frame and could be easily taken out of there. On the left of the grooves were the rankings of military exploits from high to low.

Behind those names were four figures. The first figure was that person's level; the second figure was the number of enemies that he had killed in the air; the third figure was the number of enemies that he had killed on the ground; the fourth figure was the total scores.

There was a notice board on scoring rules on one side. A LV 9 iron-armored demon counted 1 point; a LV 9 wing demon counted 6 points; with one level higher, the score would rise by 5 times; namely, a LV 10 iron-armored demon counted 5 points while a LV 10 wing demon counted 30 points and so on.

From this rankings, Zhang Tie could see how tricky was wing demons and humans' hatred towards wing demons. It was definitely more difficult to kill a LV 9 wing demon than a LV 10 iron-armored demon.

The Military Exploits Rankings were full of wildness and bloody smell. Undoubtedly, Lan Yunxi ranked first. After a glance, Zhang Tie knew that Lan Yunxi had killed 23 wing demons in the past one month and gained 186 points. From her score, Zhang Tie knew that she had killed 2 LV 10 wing demons and 21 LV 9 wing demons.

The one closely below Lan Yunxi was called Ou Hongmeng, whom Zhang Tie had not heard of before. That guy killed 18 wing demons and gained 132 points.

The one on the 3rd place called Shi Zhongyu, who gained 112 points in total.

The one on the 4th place was very familiar to Zhang Tie, Zhang Wumu. He didn't kill any wing demon; however, he killed 87 iron-armored demons and gained 107 points.

Dantai Yuya and Wang Hu, whom Zhang Tie met in the command module one month ago were also in top 100, however, their ranks were both below 30.

Senior brother apprentice Liu Xi, whom Zhang Tie was familiar with was also on the top 100. He ranked 98th, 11 points in total.

Chapter 556: Signing the Agreement

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

According to the ranking rules, if two people had the same points, the one with the lower level would have a prior rank; if they had the same level, the one who gained the military exploits first would have a prior rank.

Although more than 100 people had joined this match, only top 100 were qualified to appear on the Military Exploits Rankings as the most attractive ones among the younger generation of Jinyun Country.

The points on the Military Exploits Rankings made many people's blood boiled. This was indeed inspiring and hopeful. However, Zhang Tie knew that very few countries and battle fortresses were qualified to have such a Military Exploits Rankings across the Selnes Theater of Operations.

Even if the top elites of the younger generation of the 6 big clans of Jinyun Country whose fighting strength were the best in the Waii Sub-Continent could only have such military exploits, those troops of other countries and those alleged elites could hardly achieve such military exploits.

Additionally, it was impossible to gain such military exploits at no cost.

When Zhang Tie watched the Military Exploits Rankings, two soldiers walked towards him. They climbed on the steel frame and drew out of an iron plate on the 67th place. After that, they raised one place for all the iron plates below it by rocking the chains on the steel frame.

"What's happening?" Zhang Tie asked the two soldiers.

The two soldiers glanced at Zhang Tie gloomily before replying, "This man has died. He was sent here last night with heavy wounds and in the end, he passed away!"

When the two soldiers climbed off the steel frame, one of them took out an iron plate with a wholly-new name and put it in the vacancy on the 100th place at the bottom of the Military Exploits Rankings.

That major who took Zhang Tie in also sighed silently, "Let's go, I will take you to the Lan elder!"


In the room on the highest floor of the Lan's battle fortress, Zhang Tie met the Lan elder.

The room was filled with a very comfortable sandalwood flavor. Zhang Tie looked at the furnishings in the room and found that the flavor was coming from the Lan elder. He then became slightly shocked. Zhang Tie could identify that the flavor was not from the perfumed satchel or the spice that Lan elder carried but from his body. Zhang Tie didn't know what this flavor indicated; however, he knew it was special.

As an elder of the 6 big clans, this Lan elder was at least a knight. However, Zhang Tie didn't feel being overwhelmed like how he felt in front of the elders of Huaiyuan Palace; instead, he felt being relaxed.

Zhang Tie knew that it was a special feeling; however, he could not control it. He could not even be alert in front of the elder, not to mention to fight him.

Zhang Tie was shocked inside...

"Is this the power of a knight? It's so weird. It could influence one's mentality unconsciously."

"Lan elder, I'm Zhang Tie from Huaiyuan Palace!" Zhang Tie showed his courtesy to this terrifying man in the Crystal Battle Fortress.

"You're Zhang Tie?" the Lan elder, who had a grizzled mustache and fine, smooth face like that of a baby, glanced at Zhang Tie as he asked faintly. Zhang Tie could not identify his real age.

Zhang Tie nodded. It seemed that this elder had already heard about him.

"It's so weird. Given your qi, you've already entered LV 9 for a few days, why don't you make any progress?" Lan elder slightly frowned.

Having not expected that his current situation was identified by the elder at once, Zhang Tie slightly swallowed his saliva as he looked a bit embarrassed, "Hmm, when I promoted to LV 9, I was cultivating outside Jinyun Country. Therefore, I had no time to learn how to cultivate after LV 9. After returning to Huaiyuan Prefecture, I exited Hidden Dragon Palace due to some reason. Therefore, I've not learned how to cultivate after LV 9. That's why I could only join the battle here in the status of a volunteer..."

"Aww!" Lan elder glanced at Zhang Tie; however, he didn't ask Zhang Tie why he exited Hidden Dragon Palace; instead, he asked after a few seconds, "Do you also want to enter the Military Exploits Rankings?"

"It's caused by me. As my senior brother apprentices are fighting demons bravely in the theater of operations, how could I hide behind the back!"

Lan elder nodded. He seemed being satisfied with Zhang Tie's reply. After that, he waved his hand towards a person and have him bring an agreement of vow on soul and bloodline.

This was Zhang Tie's first time to see the agreement of vow on soul and bloodline. It was made of a special leather with complex grains and dun oath on the vow of soul and bloodline written by fresh blood.

Before arriving here, Zhang Tie had been told how to use it. Therefore, after taking over the agreement, he instantly opened a wound on his finger with a dagger and wrote down his name with his fresh blood. After that, he pressed the agreement by his hand and started to vow.

"I, Zhang Tie, swear with my soul and bloodline. From now on, I will honestly report my military exploits in Selnes Theater of Operations. I will never fabricate my military exploits. If I hid something or told a lie, I would like to accept the punishment of the vow of soul and bloodline!"

After reading the oath, Zhang Tie felt an exotic spiritual energy entering in his body from the agreement in his hand, slightly shocking the swirl of spiritual energy in his mind.

Before the Catastrophe, humans had already mastered very hi-tech lie-detecting means. Although Zhang Tie didn't know about the principle of the agreement of vow on soul and bloodline, he felt it was very marvelous.

"Is that okay?"

"Okay!" Lan elder nodded.

"May I know the result of telling a lie?"

"Of course you will be weakened by the force of agreement of vow on soul and bloodline. Although you would not lose your life, you would feel worse than losing your life. Your face would turn pitch dark. Meanwhile, you would smell stinky. This phenomenon would last for many years. Therefore, young man, you'd better not try it. Unless you're already above LV 14, you're affected by the power of this agreement."

"Thanks, Lan elder!"

"You're welcome. Work hard. Selnes Theater of Operations is a furnace. Young men who could show his value in this furnace will have a bright future. Each of the 6 big clans in Jinyun Country has presented some nice items. Those young men in top 18 of the Military Exploits Rankings might gain one or several of them. Try your best for that!" Lan elder waved his hand, allowing Zhang Tie to leave...


After walking out of the Lan elder's room, Zhang Tie was still a bit thrilled. He had not imagined that those with good performance could be rewarded with some items from the 6 big clans. Needless to say, the items gifted by the 6 big clans were good items for sure.

"No matter what, I have to push in at least top 18. I will get one gift at least!" Zhang Tie became spirited.

There was a registration desk about military exploits below the Lan's battle fortress. Those young men who had signed the agreement of the vow on soul and bloodline could report their military exploits here at any time. After that, the personnel in the military exploits registration center would adjust the rankings according to the performance of those young fighters.

When Zhang Tie came out of the Lan's battle fortress, he saw some guys registering there.


"Wang Sheng, two LV 9 iron-armored demons, 2 points..."

"Lan Yunguang, one LV 9 iron-armored demon, 1 point..."

"Dantai Qingqing, one LV 9 wing demon, one LV 10 iron-armored demon, four LV 9 iron-armored demons, 15 points..."

After hearing that a woman killed a wing demon, Zhang Tie turned around and watched those people, one of them felt being gazed. When she turned around and saw Zhang Tie at the same time.

That woman was over 20 years old. She was tall with long legs, raised butts and bloody hair. She might have used disguising medicament on her hair. Feeling a bit rebellious, she wore a brilliant black armor and carried two wheel-shaped weapons. She had plump and smooth lips. There was even a beauty mark [1] below her lower lip. What a beautiful, sexy woman! However, her eyes corners looked a bit terrifying as it looked like a thorny rose.

That woman started to glance at Zhang Tie's militiaman's uniform from his head to toe. After that, she turned back.

"Zhang Tie?" one guy glanced at Zhang Tie as he instantly frowned.

"Senior brother Ou, what a coincidence! I met you again!" Zhang Tie greeted with a smile.

"Haha, what a coincidence!" Ou Hongyu frowned and then relieved at once as he walked towards Zhang Tie, "Junior brother apprentice Zhang Tie, since you left the Crystal Battle Fortress that day, I thought you'd not dare to come back after you returned to Huaiyuan Prefecture!"

Seeing Ou Hongyu greeting Zhang Tie, the other people also walked towards here.

Of course, Zhang Tie could identify that Ou Hongyu was satirizing him. As he was screwed up by Zhang Tie in the command module of Lan Yunxi's airship, Zhang Tie didn't believe that Ou Hongyu didn't hate him...

Chapter 557: The Final Preparation

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Seeing Ou Hongyu walking towards him, Zhang Tie could feel his hatred. The animosity was doomed to form between them.

"F*ck" Zhang Tie swore inside, "Who let you be a disgusting poser by ruining my image? You deserve that!" Zhang Tie never really care about such an enemy. "This father will accompany you to play whatever you want."

"Haha...even now senior brother apprentice Ou was desiring for cleaning demons for the sake of the benefit of the homeland, how could this junior brother apprentice hide behind the back of the theater of operations?"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Ou Hongyu's eyes corners twitched as he frowned immediately. However, it was not good for him to lose his dignity in such a battle. Therefore, Ou Hongyu recovered his composure. He even revealed a smile like Zhang Tie was really praising him, "Thanks, thanks, that's how heroes should act! At this moment, all the senior brothers and sisters in the theater of operations were doing better than me. As for you, junior brother apprentice, how many wing demons have you killed after you disappear one month?"

"Not yet!"

"What about iron-armored demons?"

"Not yet!"

Ou Hongyu then smiled as he started to introduce Zhang Tie to those beside him, "This is the junior brother apprentice of senior sister apprentice Lan Yunxi. He made a bet with us at the beginning; however, after one month, junior brother Zhang still have not gained a point at all except for returning to Huaiyuan Prefecture!"

After hearing Ou Hongyu's introduction, although those beside him didn't say anything, they had already revealed an obvious disdainful look.

Zhang Tie looked as calm as before. He just replied with a smile, "There're two months left."

"Hahaha..." Ou Hongyu burst out into laughter, "It seems that junior brother apprentice Zhang Tie is very confident. If so, I will congratulate you to have a good achievement as soon as possible. Oh, I forgot when you joined the militia of Jinyun Country. This uniform is too eye-catching in the Crystal Battle Fortress. Junior brother apprentice Zhang Tie's behavior is really amazing!"

Ou Hongyu meant nothing but that Zhang Tie was currying favor by claptrap. It was indeed a bit exaggerating for one coming from Hidden Dragon Palace to be a militia. That would be a great waste! Therefore, Ou Hongyu knew that Zhang Tie put on the militia's uniform himself instead of being forced by the ruler of Huaiyuan Palace.

Zhang Tie shrugged, "Senior brother apprentice Ou, you're still that talkative. But the contest between men finally relies on fighting strength and power, instead of eloquence, am I right? It's meaningless for us to argue about that. Let's just match on the Military Exploits Rankings. I hope to see your name in top 18, senior brother apprentice Ou."

Ou Hongyu was chocked at once. Zhang Tie then directly left...

The woman called Dantai Qingqing gazed at Zhang Tie's back with glittering eyes.


"What's this guy's level?" one person beside Ou Honyu asked after Zhang Tie left.

"Zhang Tie, LV 9..." the one replied was not Ou Hongyu, but from the Military Exploits Registration Center on one side. They turned around and found a second lieutenant was taking out an iron plate and reading it while he painted Zhang Tie's name and level on the iron plate tidily. It seemed that Zhang Tie had just completed his official registration.

"F*ck, I thought he was at least a battle master. He's too presumptuous!"

"If a LV 9 guy really wants to join the demon-killing squad, he could at most survive 2 months in the battlefield!" another person ridiculed as he didn't believe in that a LV 9 guy could play any trick in the Crystal Battle Fortress with so many powerhouses. In other places, a LV 9 fighter was qualified to be arrogant; however, in the Crystal Battle Fortress, it was...

"Lan Yunxi's junior brother apprentice looks fresh and tender!" Dantai Qingqing uttered which shocked all the men at once, "Fresh and tender? what does this woman want?"

"Qingqing, you're wrong!" Ou Hongyu forced a smile, "This guy had already over 50 lovers at the age of 16, four years ago. He's the Love Affairs Number One in Hidden Dragon Palace!"

"Ah, 16 years old 4 years ago? He is 20 years old now?" Dantai Qingqing blinked her eyes.


"Ah, not only fresh and tender, he's also good at skin maintenance. He still looks like 16 years old..." Dantai(Surname) Qingqing(given name) exclaimed out of excitement.

After hearing her words, all the men cried loudly inside, "Elder sister, we're also not old. We're just a bit elder than 20..."


After completing a series of procedures of registration for the Idiots in the Crystal Battle Fortress, Zhang Tie received a flight chart in Selnes Theater of Operations. After that, he left the Crystal Battle Fortress. Based on Zhang Tie's current status as a nongovernmental volunteer, he could not even have a room in the Crystal Battle Fortress. He had to sleep in the airship Idiots.

When he returned to the airship base, it was almost dusk, Zhang Tie saw a first lieutenant who was responsible for ground service was talking with the first mate of the Idiots at the hatch door of the airship. The crew members were transporting various supplies into the airship by drawing hydraulic trailers.

"You can supplement anthracite, water, food and those common weapons in the airship base of the Crystal Battle Fortress; however, as we have to keep the supply of white phosphorous gel bombs for regular troops, we could not provide it for you!"

"Without white phosphorous gel bombs, this airship's effect in the sky would decline by 1/3. We're striving for killing demons here. Do you want us to fight demons with empty hands or are you letting us be the target of demons? the first mate urged out of fury, "Or you want us to get its supply back in Jinyun Country?"

"I'm so sorry, the supply of white phosphorous gel bombs across the Selnes Theater of Operations are short. Each white phosphorous gel bomb is worth over 200 gold coins. In order to ensure the effectiveness of such a valuable military material, we cannot afford to supply you such military materials!"

After hearing this reply, the first mate shouted like being insulted, "Our crew members are all experienced. On the way here, we've killed tens of thousands of demonized puppets in the Holy Golden Orchid Empire with 24 white phosphorous gel bombs. Isn't it a good example for our high-efficient use of white phosphorous gel bomb?"

After hearing this, the first lieutenant didn't say anything; his look was just labeled with one word, "Liar". Killing tens of thousands of demonized puppets with 24 gel bombs? Such a military exploit was fruitful even in the Selnes Theater of Operations. Few airships could make that. How could he believe that an airship manipulated by volunteers could gain such remarkable military exploits so easily?

The first mate's face turned red. He wanted to say something. However, Zhang Tie walked over there and slightly patted his shoulder.


"Well, it's okay. I've heard that!" Zhang Tie comforted the first mate as he patted the first mate's shoulder. After that, he told that first lieutenant, "I'm very glad for everything that you've provided for the Idiots. Hard work, ground service brothers. The Idiots will not let you work in vain!"

The first lieutenant gave a solemn salute to Zhang Tie. After that, he nodded towards Zhang Tie and left.

"That's too excessive!" the first mate still grumbled.

"It's okay. Check the supply of the airship. You've been working so hard these days. Have a good rest tonight. We will show them our value tomorrow!"

The first mate nodded.

"How many white phosphorous gel bombs are left in our airship? I remember that we have more than 300 white phosphorous gel bombs before we set off, which was many times more than that in other fury-level airship. How did we use them up so quickly?"

The first mate scratched his head bashfully. After the first mate left far away, he told Zhang Tie with a cunning smile, "Erm...we didn't use them up. But there's an old Chinese saying that crying babies could always have breast milk. I was just thinking whether can we gain supply here after using up the white phosphorous gel bombs."

Zhang Tie replied with a weird smile.


Lan Yunxi left the Crystal Battle Fortress with her airship troop a couple of days ago. This time, the airship troop from Jinyun Country under her leadership would coordinate with the left wing corps in Selnes Theater of Operations to complete a large-scale ground military action. It was estimated that she would not come back in 10-15 days. After acknowledging this situation, Zhang Tie didn't plan to wait in Crystal Battle Fortress; instead, he prepared to have a try with the Idiots on the battlefield tomorrow.

Big airship troop had their special mode of operations while a single airship had its own mode of operations. The former chose to charge at the enemy together while the latter chose to fight like guerrillas. As long as they could eliminate the demons and constantly decrease the number of regular demon corps, they could choose their mode of operations for free.

Back in the airship, Zhang Tie entered the trouble-reappearance situations where he challenged the shadow demon backroom for three times, crashed the squad of iron-armored demons on the railway for two times and played difficult flight movements for two hours by glider. Finally, he exited the trouble-reappearance situations.

Ou Hongyu could never believe what tortures Zhang Tie had experienced in the period between supper and sleeping time. Through such a constant cultivation, Zhang Tie's fighting strength and skills gradually improved.

After exiting the trouble-reappearance situations, Zhang Tie visualized mental arithmetic for an hour so as to supplement his spiritual energy. After that, he recited the Great Wilderness Sutra for over 20,000 times, amounting the times of the Great Wilderness Sutra to 670,000. After doing this, he went to bed...

The next morning at 10 am, the Idiots set off from the airship base of the Crystal Battle Fortress and headed for the northern region of Selnes which was under the control of demons...

Chapter 558: Flying Like an Eagle

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The Idiots left the airship base of Crystal Battle Fortress in the bright and warm sunshine and kept going up. Only after 10 minutes, when the airship base became as tiny as an ant, the Idiots had already reached 7000 m high in the air. Additionally, it was over 50 km away from the airship base of Crystal Battle Fortress.

It meant that they had already entered the war zone of Selnes Theater of Operations and might encounter wing demons at any time. All the crew members of the Idiots were ready for the coming battle.

This height almost reached the maximal suspension height of 8,000 m of fury-level airships. From here, they could clearly see the exposed black coal mining area on Selnes Plain and the constant human defense line composed of trenches and battle fortresses.

The entire underground space of Selnes Plain was full of high-quality anthracite. The allied human forces chose this place as the first defense line against the demon corps. Besides, the terrain here was adaptable to the extension of mechanized human troops, what counted most was that the logistics of human corps faced the minimal stress here.

Wherever it was in the Selnes Plain, as long as you dug the ground, you would get high-quality anthracite, which could constantly provide a driving force for human battle fortresses, tanks, vehicles even airships.

Looking at the scarred black coal mining area over the plain, Zhang Tie instantly understood the intention of the headquarters of allied human forces. Height indeed determined one's vision.

However, at this moment, Zhang Tie didn't want to talk about national affairs; instead, he was making the final preparation for this battle.

"After I leave here, keep the Idiots hovering in this area..." after sending the order, Zhang Tie drew a circle on the air map in the command module. It was a fan-shaped area 50-100 km in the north of the Crystal Battle Fortress. "If you encounter wing demons and could not resist their attack, I allow you to retreat towards the Crystal Battle Fortress. If I don't come back in 48 hours, you can retreat to the Crystal Battle Fortress; if you do not see me in two weeks, it means that something must have happened to me. You can decide whether to stay here or not by then. Additionally, you should hand the Idiots to the airship troop of Jinyun Country and have it continue to serve on the battlefield!"

Before it set off officially, Zhang Tie had to tell the crew members how to respond to various emergencies. As the situation on the battlefield varied every single second. Even a knight might encounter emergencies in Selnes Theater of Operations, not to mention Zhang Tie, a LV 9 fighter.

After hearing to Zhang Tie like he was telling his last words, all the crew members in the command module exchanged glances with each other before focusing on the first mate. After Zhang Tie left the airship by glider, the first mate commanded the airship on behalf of Zhang Tie.

The first mate watched Zhang Tie with an admirable and solemn look. Each crew member knew clearly what a high risk would Zhang Tie face by driving a glider in the Selnes Theater of Operations. It could be said that anyone who dared to drive a glider in Selnes Theater of Operations was like a member of dare-to-die corps. Even though they had just stayed in the Selnes Theater of Operations for one day, they had heard the nickname of the glider drivers in this theatre of operations——Air Vanguard.

This arm of services was known with the highest mortality. Its mortality was even greater than the vanguards in the corps on the ground. It was said that the drivers of gliders were selected by drawing lots in the airship troops across the theater of operations.

Nobody expected that Zhang Tie would drive a glider to kill wing demons. Therefore, they all had complex moods. Some crew members didn't believe that Zhang Tie would do that even now. To fight wing demons by glider? Even lunatic dared not think in this way. However, the captain of the Idiots would like to do such a crazy thing at once.

Nobody knew whether Zhang Tie was a lunatic or an idiot...

"Captain, before doing this, I suggest you fix your fly zone!" under the gaze of everyone, the first mate drew a triangular area outside the cruising area of the Idiots after thinking for a while and suggested on behalf of all the crew members, "If you can fly in this area, the Idiots could coordinate with you. This would be the safest way!"

Zhang Tie smiled, "I know. But you should know that the best protection for a bird is the sky, not the nestle. I'm very confident about driving the glider and my fighting strength. Even if some emergency comes up, I believe that I can still go back to Crystal Battle Fortress safe and sound. You don't need to worry about me. What the Idiots should do is to survive itself in the wind and rain like a nestle. Don't be blown off from the tree. I wish to see you when I come back. I hope you can still send me in the air when I want to give another blow to the demons! This is my nestle in Selnes Theater of Operations, am I clear?"

"Clear!" the first mate took a deep breath, "Nobody would let you down in the Idiots!"

"Hmm, good luck to me!" Zhang Tie revealed with a big smile...


After a few minutes, all the available people in the Idiots had come to the glider throwing compartment at the bottom of the airship. After checking the glider very carefully, they let Zhang Tie sit in. Zhang Tie put on his flight suit under the sophisticated look of the crew members. After that, he sat in the cockpit of the glider and nodded towards the crew members. At the same time, he erected his thumb towards them.

"Open the hatch door!"

After receiving the order of the first mate, some crew members quickly opened the hatch door.

When the hatch door was opened, a strong wind blew in. Zhang Tie just nodded towards those crew members before immediately ejecting out of the Idiots along the lead rail.

"Salute..." the first mate roared as all the crew members gave a salute to Zhang Tie.


When the glider ejected out of the airship, Zhang Tie felt returning to the ocean like a fish. The glider was like a javelin being thrown towards the water from the airship. The moment the glider left the airship, its moving speed had reached 150 km/h.

In only a few seconds, Zhang Tie felt the glider was like a fish in the ocean current as he stepped down the left pedal. Meanwhile, Zhang Tie pressed down the elevator by hand. Closely after that, the glider flew towards left as agile as a sea swallow. After flying hundreds of meters, Zhang Tie felt an ascending thermal current. He stepped down the right pedal and lifted the driving handle. The entire glider then started to rise in the thermal current. Under the amazing gaze of all the crew members of the Idiots, Zhang Tie drew a cool letter "U" around the airship. Finally, he reached above the air sacs of the airship and flew northward...

"How can he cut into the thermal current so fast and do such a cool movement?" A crew member watched Zhang Tie driving his glider around the airship while widely opening his mouth. Under Zhang Tie's manipulation, everyone in the throwing compartment felt that Zhang Tie was like a skilled racing driver who was driving a super sports car and moving swiftly on the highway around the heavy truck "fury-level" airship.

"Erm, it might be a coincidence..." another one muttered.

The glider could be easily manipulated. For each crew member on the airship, it was like how a sailor drove a rubber dinghy. Each crew member knew how to drive a glider. Actually, everyone would know how to drive a glider by following this rule——the driving handle in the cockpit was used to ascend and descend while the pedals were used to control directions.

When you pulled back the driving handle, the elevator of the airship would wave upwards, causing the head of the glider incline upwards. When you pushed forward the driving handle, the elevator would wave downwards, causing the head of the glider incline downwards. When you pressed down the left pedal, the rudder would wave towards the left, causing the head of the glider incline towards left. When you pressed down the left pedal, the rudder would wave towards the right, causing the head of the glider incline towards the right. Even a kid could master the driving skills, not to mention adults.

However, it was also very difficult to manipulate the glider. As the driver could hardly judge the sorts of airflow and use them such as topographic dynamic updraft, cyclotron updraft, wave-sized updraft and heating power updraft which provided a driving force for the glider. Whether a driver could use these sorts of airflow was the only standard on whether he was qualified to drive a glider.

Those kinds of airflow were invisible. They could only be judged by one's practical experience and feeling. Therefore, one might only need 10 minutes to drive a glider; however, it might take him at least 10 years to combine his driving intention with those sorts of airflow.

Whether a person could apply airflow properly was the only standard of his driving ability. In front of this standard, the difference between a newbie and a powerhouse was like that between a LV 0 soldier and a LV 10 strong fighter.

In this age, people usually used four data to measure one's driving skill on the glider, namely the longest air-staying time, the greatest flight distance, the recorded ascended height and the average speed of triangular routes.

In front of the above 4 data, the difference between a newbie and a powerhouse became remarkable.

The 4 data of a newbie was as follows: the longest air-staying time was about half an hour; the greatest flight distance was within 40 km; the recorded ascended height was lower than 1000 m while the average speed of triangular routes was below 50 km/h.

Under the same driving conditions, if a glider was like a sparrow in the hand of a newbie, it would be an arrogant eagle in the hand of a top powerhouse.

The 4 data of a top powerhouse was as follows: the longest air-staying time was over 70 hours; the greatest flight distance was over 2000 km; the recorded ascended height was over 15000 m while the average speed of triangular routes was above 220 km/h.

"Captain's glider has reached higher than 300 km/h..." a voice drifted from the observation post above the airship through the sound-transmission pipe when everyone in the throwing compartment was still tasting that cool "U-shaped" roll. After hearing this, all the crew members in the throwing compartment became stunned once again.

"It's too fast. How can it reach such a high speed in such a short period..." the first mate muttered.

Nobody could reply...


Zhang Tie didn't know what impression had he left on the crew members in such a short period. He didn't feel that he had done something too special as he was just flying according to his feeling.

Zhang Tie found the airflow was like the currents in the ocean. With the preliminary water-proof body, Zhang Tie was very sensitive to both the waterflow and airflow.

Zhang Tie didn't know why. Perhaps it was because the waterflow and airflow were both fluids or perhaps it was because of the moisture in airflow. Undoubtedly, Zhang Tie felt same in both the waterflow and airflow.

This feeling didn't come from the sense of touch of his skin or body, but from the natural extension of his spiritual energy outside his body.

There was a moment when Zhang Tie almost thought that he was not driving a glider in the air but in the familiar ocean. Although he could not control the glider as agile as controlling his body, Zhang Tie indeed felt like following his heart by driving the glider. There were many similarities between flying in the airflow and flying in the ocean currents. Zhang Tie could think through many experiences and laws.

In the ocean, Zhang Tie reached his maximal speed not by moving along the ocean current but rapidly moving in the swirls and undulating places, by which he could gain more power. He could also constantly change his directions among different ocean currents in snake-shaped routes and swiftly cut into another ocean current from one current. In this way, he could reach a super fast speed.

Zhang Tie found that it was similar in the sky. Even the shapes of the ocean currents were similar to the that of thermal currents in the sky. Ocean currents swirled; similarly, thermal currents in the sky were like bubbles. They both existed and flew in the circular state.

Zhang Tie didn't know how did others distinguish powerhouses and newbies. However, he felt that as long as he wished, he could stay very long and fly very far in the sky like he was in the ocean.

After leaving the Idiots for a short while, Zhang Tie descended his height and speed. He kept the glider at about 3,000 m and its speed as same as the Idiots. After that, he flew towards the north. He could see ruined villages on the Selnes Plain; sometimes, he could see the wreckage of large-scale airships.

Only after half an hour, Zhang Tie caught sight of some black spots in the distance. The black spots also noticed Zhang Tie as they instantly accelerated towards Zhang Tie...

Chapter 559: The Wing Demon Buster

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Seeing the black spots drawing closer to him in a manner which was completely different than that of gliders, Zhang Tie knew that they were wing demons.

If it was another driver of the glider, at the sight of those wing demons, he would instantly turn around and escape. However, Zhang Tie was different. He didn't escape; instead, he sped up towards those black spots.

In a few minutes, Zhang Tie had seen clearly those wing demons.

They were three humanoid bats, who were similar to the legendary vampires. However, being different from vampire whose look had been beautified, besides having a pair of huge wings, wing demons looked lean all over. They had long limbs and a bat's head. With a green face and grim fangs, they looked pretty terrifying.

As it was Zhang Tie's first time to fight this kind of living beings, he was not sure that he could kill them. In order to ensure that he could give a severe blow to them, Zhang Tie played a trick. After flying for a while, Zhang Tie felt an ascending thermal current. Therefore, he cut into the ascending thermal current and kept ascending rapidly with the strength of the thermal current.

The three wing demons thought that Zhang Tie was going to escape; therefore, they followed after Zhang Tie.

Wing demons could fly very fast. A LV 9 wing demon could reach 7,000 to 8,000 m in the sky while their speed could reach more than 200 km/h. Average airships and gliders could hardly escape from wing demons.

After ascending by about 1,000 m, the three wing demons separated. It seemed that they wanted to outflank Zhang Tie. The distance between them and Zhang Tie was also gradually narrowed.

Zhang Tie sneered. With one hand on the driving handle, he took out of a palm bolt from the cockpit of the glider by another hand.

Before the Catastrophe, after human beings invented the airplane, the first air battle between humans was a duel between pilots using pistols. This time, Zhang Tie felt returning to the first air battle before the Catastrophe. However, he was not using a pistol but a palm bolt. His opponent was not human, but wing demons.

"Gua..." with a jarring shrill, two wing demons charged at him from two sides in front his glider. In a split second, their distance had been narrowed from hundreds of meters to just 100 m.

In 0.1 second, Zhang Tie released two palm bolts, splitting the grim heads of the two wing demons into pieces at once. When two blood mists spurted in the sky, the sonic booms caused by the two palm bolts sounded.

Closely after that, the two wing demons fell down from over 4,000 m in the sky.

Zhang Tie rapidly penetrated through the two blood mists. While inclining his glider to one side, Zhang Tie caught sight of the last wing demon who caught up with him from the rear side. With another palm bolt, Zhang Tie boomed that wing demon's head from over 200 m away. After its huge wings flapped twice weakly, it fell down from the sky like a broken bag.

Zhang Tie let out a deep sigh. Wing demons were not that difficult to deal with. In the beginning, he was still worried about that if wing demons had the powerful body and pervert defensive power like that of iron-armored demons, plus their rapid moving speed, he could hardly give them a fatal blow with his palm bolt in the environment of sharp airflow and heavy wind. Therefore, he chose to ascend. In such a height, even if the wing demons were wounded and fell down, they would also lose their lives.

After realizing the real fighting strength of wing demons, Zhang Tie became reassured. These LV 9 wing demons were not good at defense. Within 200 m, these LV 9 wing demons were irresistible to his palm bolt.

Thus, Zhang Tie became thrilled.

At this moment, the glider was still in the ascending thermal current. Zhang Tie kept ascending in the thermal current.

Zhang Tie found it very simple to drive a glider. Actually, it was just a game in and out an ascending airflow. The ascending airflow was like an elevator. Sitting in the elevator, the glider would reach a new height. Additionally, the higher it was, the cooler it would be, the faster the thermal current would ascend. Therefore, the higher the glider was, the faster it would ascend in the thermal current.

After reaching a certain height, the glider could come out of the elevator of the ascending thermal current from the top of the bubble. When in descending, he could gain a momentum. Zhang Tie felt that each 1 km he descended, the glider could fly 50-100 m forward.

When he descended to a certain height and encountered another ascending thermal current, he could take an elevator once again; after gaining another momentum, he could fly freely for another while in the sky. Of course, the actual flight required very agile manipulations of ascending thermal currents and various airflow. When you descended, you had to find an ascending thermal current and came out of the thermal current after reaching a height. Everything was determined by your flight intention and your driving skill.

Theoretically, a glider could keep flying 100 years in this way. Of course, even if a glider could fly so long in the air, nobody could stand it.

Honestly, it was just a game of height and speed in and out ascending thermal current.

Zhang Tie liked this feeling of freedom brought by speed and height. When flying in the sky, he felt cooler than running on the land and swimming in the ocean.

Driving the glider, Zhang Tie felt like becoming a happy and free eagle. Sometimes, he turned into a light stick of feather. Putting everything under his feet, he penetrated through the clouds and floated in the wind without any weight. Treating the horizon as his direction, the land as his cradle, Zhang Tie was deeply fascinated by that feel.

The data on the altimeter of the cockpit of the glider refreshed rapidly. After reaching over 6,000 m which was the top of the ascending thermal current, Zhang Tie flew out of the thermal current.

At this moment, the north wind started in the sky. Zhang Tie turned his glider in an agile way to make it vertical to the direction of the north wind. He didn't continue to fly towards the demon's area in the north; instead, he flew eastward.

The place where he met wing demons was over 200 km away from the Crystal Battle Fortress. It was already in the middle of the Selnes Theater of Operations. Now that he could meet wing demons here, he would probably meet more wing demons on both east and west of this route. Therefore, Zhang Tie didn't continue to fly northward; instead, he prepared to patrol along this route and killed some more wing demons.

A LV 9 guy who dared to enter the area which was under the control of demon corps on the first day was too careless. For the sake of his life, Zhang Tie found it necessary to try the fighting strength of his enemy.

Only after 10 minutes, Zhang Tie had seen another two wing demons. They were flying 2,000 m below him. They were monitoring the woods below them as they could not imagine that Zhang Tie was above them.

At the sight of the two wing demons, Zhang Tie instantly pushed forward the driving handle, causing the glider to lower its head and dive towards the two wing demons like how an eagle charged towards its prey. On the halfway, Zhang Tie felt a descending airflow, which would always be avoided by other drivers; however, Zhang Tie didn't care about it at all. He directly cut into the descending airflow and accelerated towards the two wing demons.

It was just like taking an elevator for Zhang Tie.

Until Zhang Tie penetrated through the thin clouds and narrowed the distance between him and the two wing demons to 500 m was he found by the two wing demons. Closely after that, the two wing demons turned around and charged back towards Zhang Tie...

Because Zhang Tie was diving towards them, with the advantage in height, Zhang Tie had a sharper momentum. Zhang Tie almost had already launched his palm bolts when the two wing demons turned around.

About 500 m away, when the two sonic booms sounded, the two wing demons' heads spurted into blood mists at the same time as they fell down...

Zhang Tie's glider drilled out of the descending airflow. After flying over the woods, he hovered there for a few seconds before entering an ascending airflow which was caused by the terrain...


A human hunting team was hiding in the crowns of those top trees. When they saw the two wing demons were shot down by a human glider, they could not believe in their eyes.

After a short while, the wing demons' corpses fell in the woods. The hunting team soon rushed towards there. Watching their bloody heads, a tough man with a thick mustache and camouflage face drew in a cold breath.

"They were indeed shot down by that glider. That's amazing! How did he do that?"

"Yeah, we've not heard about such a No.1 figure in our theater of operations." another guy replied with an amazed look, "How could a member of the airship troop kill a wing demon as easily as hunting a prey?"

"Leave out of here right now. Take the two corpses." Reinhardt drilled out of the 1.8 m high brushwood as he lifted a bloody head of a wing demon, "Perhaps some countries or clans have already found out the method to deal with wing demons. That's a very important intelligence. We need to report this intelligence to the headquarters of the empire and the allied forces..."

Chapter 560: A Bloody Battle in the Air

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Before 2 pm, as the sun had reached the climax of the sky, the ground temperature increased, causing the ascending thermal current to reach its highest intensity of the day. For average glider drivers, this was the peak time of flight of the day.

However, Zhang Tie had no feelings about this peak time. Just like a fish in the ocean would not care about the weather above, Zhang Tie didn't care about the intensifying and increasing thermal current below him. No matter what time it was, Zhang Tie felt that he could keep flying in the sky based on various airflow as long as he wanted. Unless the air stopped flowing, he would not concern about his flight.

Since he left the Idiots, Zhang Tie had wandered in the sky for about 4 hours like an eagle hunting its preys. After deepening about 200 km into the right wing of the Selnes Theater of Operations, Zhang Tie had killed 34 wing demons.

Most of the 34 were in twos or threes. The moment they saw Zhang Tie would they fly towards him. Undoubtedly, they all became Zhang Tie's targets. Their heads were boomed by Zhang Tie's palm bolts within 200-400 m one after another. Closely after that, they fell off.

The most wing demons that Zhang Tie met once was 11. One hour ago, Zhang Tie saw dense smoke rising up from the ground. When he arrived there, he found over 10 airships were attacked by a group of wing demons. At the same time, tens of thousands of human troops were fighting demonized puppets with the coordination of armored vehicles. The two parties wrestled with each other. The airships were here to launch an air raid towards the demonized puppets on the ground; unfortunately, their plan was disrupted by wing demons.

One human airship had been completely destroyed by wing demons. The other airships were struggling to retreat towards the south. Those gliders on the airships seemed to have been destroyed by wing demons.

In the next second, Zhang Tie appeared. After circling around the human airship troop for less than 2 minutes, he had killed 10 of the 11 wing demons. The last wing demon wrestled with Zhang Tie in the air.

That was a LV 10 wing demon. The LV 9 wing demon's weapon was two long and slim spikes while the LV 10 wing demon was holding a fork-shaped weapon. The LV 10 wing demon was not only bigger, but also much agiler and faster than LV 9 wing demon.

It was Zhang Tie's first powerful enemy in the air. Within 100 m, Zhang Tie constantly launched three palm bolts towards that LV 10 wing demon; however, all of them were blocked off. That LV 10 wing demon was driven infuriated as it croaked and accelerated towards Zhang Tie while waving his weapon. Zhang Tie could only wrestle with him by the glider.

In Zhang Tie's eyes, palm bolt was just a minimized javelin. Although it was portable and easily launched, its destructive strength was weakened due to its small size and lightweight, which was reflected on the LV 10 wing demon. Based on the fighting strength of LV 10 wing demon, although they could not move faster than palm bolts, they were able to block off Zhang Tie's palm bolts by their weapon.

After wrestling with each other for half an hour, the two people had ascended from 1,000 m to about 7,000 m and left the battlefield by 100 miles. At such a height, Zhang Tie changed his tactics. He didn't target his palm bolts towards the head and limbs of the LV 10 wing demon; instead, he targeted at its double wings which were as long as 4-5 m.

Finally, after the LV 10 wing demon blocked off Zhang Tie's two palm bolts, one of its thin wings was penetrated through by the 3rd palm bolt.

With a sound "Pfttt...", the palm bolt penetrated through one of its wings like breaking a balloon, making it a turning point of this battle.

With one hole on its wing, the wing demon's speed and agility were weakened greatly at once. As a result, it shrieked.

After finding it not good, the LV 10 wing demon hurriedly drove downwards. Of course, Zhang Tie would not abandon this good opportunity. He kept chasing after it.

After dozens of seconds, with four sounds "Pfttt, pfttt, pfttt, pfttt", Zhang Tie opened another 4 holes on the same wing.

Although one of its wings was complete, the other wing looked like a sieve. This time, the wing demon could not maintain its balance in the air anymore as it struggled to fall off.

At this moment, Zhang Tie launched his last palm bolt from the back of the wing demon. The palm bolt entered the afterbrain of the wing demon and completely boomed its head.

Although this battle came to an end, Zhang Tie was still oozing cold sweat. Thankfully, he just met one LV 10 wing demon; if it was two, he would be the one who fell off.

Zhang Tie rejoiced for his good luck inside. Thankfully, he didn't directly head for the area under the control of demons. If he met two LV 10 wing demons there, he could not return at all.

It was 2 pm when he killed this LV 10 wing demon. In the steaming ascending thermal current, Zhang Tie changed his direction. After reaching about 10,000 m high, Zhang Tie flew towards the west of Selnes Plain, namely the left wing of the human defense line.

The airship troop of Jinyun Country under the leadership of Lan Yunxi was in the west of Selnes Plain. Zhang Tie wanted to check over there. If possible, he could relieve the stress of the airship troop from wing demons over there.

At this moment, he felt a bit hungry. He then directly took out some all-purpose medicament from Castle of Black Iron and poured it into his mouth.

After drinking it, Zhang Tie felt full spirited and energetic.

On the way there, Zhang Tie killed another 7 wing demons.

The closer he was to the west, the more airships could Zhang Tie see in the sky. He even met many gliders which were responsible for the investigation. Many pilots of the gliders also noticed Zhang Tie. However, they didn't care about him. At this moment, there were too many gliders in the left wing of the Selnes Theater of Operations, all of which were released from the airships. As long as they were not wing demons, nobody would pay attention to them.

Zhang Tie saw many kinds of gliders, some were bigger with 2 or 3 people. Besides the pilots, the others on the gliders were all manipulating weapons like the crossbow. Facing the threat of wing demons, human troops were also constantly adjusting and improving their coping ability.

If the south line of Selnes Theater of Operations was relatively calm, the west line was intense. A corps of the right wing of the theater of operations was preparing to seize back Flatte, a very important city in the west of Selnes Plain with the coordination of large-scale airship troops and ground armored troops.

Flatte was more than 270 km away from Moog, the core city in the left wing of human defense line. It was once the most important industrial town of Titanic Principality in Selnes Plain. However, now, this city had been occupied by a demonized puppets corps. Flatte, after being occupied by the demonized puppets corps was like a sharp embolon, which extended the power of demonized puppets corps from north to the central and southern parts of Selnes Plain. As a result, the allied forces of nations across Blackson Human Corridor could not sleep well. They treated it as a thorn in their flesh.

After long-term considerate preparation, the allied human forces finally launched a large-scale battle to seize back Flatte City on the defense line of left wing last week. Over 1 million people joined this battle. Even the airship troops of Jinyun Country participated in this battle.

At this moment, the 2000 square km ground in Flatte City had become a huge battlefield. From ground to sky, a lot of blood sprayed at each second.

Zhang Tie, who had just have a try in the right wing of the human defense line also drove into this battlefield with his glider.


Five days later, during the sunset, a sentry in the airship base of Crystal Battle Fortress saw an item flying towards the airship base in the afterglow of the sun.

The sun was right behind its back. Being reflected by the hot setting sun, although it was unclear and twisted in the telescope, its two wings could still be identified.

"Wing demon?" the sentry almost sent the air-defense warning. Thankfully, before the sentry sent out the air-defense warning, he caught sight of the metal luster on that thing.

When that thing drew closer in a rocking way like being drunk, the sentry identified that was a glider.

The glider landed on a plain grassland outside the airship base. However, nobody got out of it. When a lot of ground crew in the airship base and all the crew members of the Idiots rushed in front of that glider, everyone was shocked.

None of them had seen such a miserable glider before...

Its metal hull was covered with wounds. What was more shocking was that it had been covered with blood stains from head to wings.

It was more like a bloody battle armor than a glider...

The crystal covers of the cockpit had long been broken into pieces while a pale golden, twisted and grim steel fork stabbed into the crystal cover on one side of the cockpit.

A person was sitting in the cockpit while lowering his head, being breathless. His left shoulder was nailed on the seat by that grim steel fork, causing half of his body tainted by fresh blood...

"Captain..." all the crew members of the Idiots charged forward...

"Hurry up, carry him into the Crystal Battle Fortress..." a captain who was responsible for ground services roared with red eyes...

Only after a few minutes, the Crystal Battle Fortress had been boiling...

Chapter 561: Selnes Eagle

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Two days later, the airship troop of Jinyun Country returned to the Crystal Battle Fortress with a smell of smoke. They brought back an exciting news.

After sacrificing over 200,000 people, over 2400 armored vehicles and tanks and over 180 airships, Flatte finally returned to the hand of humans.

Although Flatte was completely ruined, it was still of very important significance for the allied human forces across Blackson Human Corridor to seize back this city.

Because this was the first city that humans grabbed back from the hand of demons since the beginning of the 3rd holy war between humans and demons. This victory not only extremely inspired the morale of the allied human forces, but also cut off an aggressive tentacle of the demon corps towards the south.

Although the main opponent of the allied human forces was just a demonized puppets corps, 1/3 of which finally retreated to the north. However, nobody cared about this at all. They only cared about the first victory that humans had gained since the beginning of the holy war.

After knowing about this victory, many people finally relieved their stress which was caused by demons.

Flatte City not only brought an inspiring triumph, but also a legendary person in the air to the allied human forces who was witnessed by nearly 1 million people in the left wing corps of Selnes.

Because of this legendary person, the number of airships being ruined also dropped from over 500, which was deducted by the Prewar Coalition Command to over 180 while the casualty of pilots on the airships also declined from 85% on average to less than 20%.

Finally, with the excellent performance of the airship troops which had completely taken the air supremacy of Flatte City, the demonized puppets that occupied the Flatte City were heavily struck by the human airship troops. As a result, the demonized puppets corps escaped to the north, allowing the battle in Flatte City to come to an end in advance.

Nobody knew who was that legendary person. When the Flatte Battle came to an end, through investigation, none of the troops could find that legendary person, who had created a marvel above Flatte City using a glider.

In only 5 days, an earthshaking nickname had spread among all the airship troops in the left wing corps of Selnes Theatre of Operations——Selnes Eagle.

"Perhaps that Selnes Eagle was in our Jinyun Country!" a mapping advisor in the command module of Lan Yunxi's flagship airship argued when the airship gradually landed in the base of the Crystal Battle Fortress, "That guy's falcon-level glider is produced in Huaiyuan Prefecture!"

"Are you kidding me? All the airship troops of Jinyun Country are here. Do you mean that

Guy flew all the way here from Jinyun Country?" another second lieutenant refuted.

"That guy could stay 5 days in the air. That's a new record. He might be able to do that!"

"Forgot about that. Huaiyuan Prefecture has sold so many furys and falcons these years. I was told that some countries had been authorized to produce them. Look at how many fury-level airships are in Selnes Theater of Operations now. He's just driving a falcon. You can get no information from it!"

"But I feel that man always appeared nearby the airship troops of Jinyun Country. Many people have seen that!"

"Flatte is so large. Additionally, it's in the sky. We all moved so fast. As long as he was on the battlefield, he could be easily seen by us. Perhaps you should go to ask about others airship troops' opinions. They must also think that person always appear nearby them!"

Lan Yunxi watched the gradually larger Crystal Battle Fortress under her feet as she slightly frowned. All the military officers' words had drifted in her ears. As the fierce battle had come to an end, She didn't mind them talking about some easy topics to relieve the stress brought by the battle.

What made Lan Yunxi slightly frown was that military officer's feeling. Lan Yunxi had a deeper feeling about that military officer. Lan Yunxi felt that the Selnes Eagle didn't just appear nearby the airship troops of Jinyun Country more often than the other airship troops but also completely safeguarded her and her airship troop.

"Is that him?" Lan Yunxi waved her head slightly, "How could that rascal master such marvelous driving skills. That person has just left Huaiyuan Palace for 3-4 years. He has not touched glider in Huaiyuan Palace. Even if he had immersed himself in studying how to drive a glider in that period, he could still not make this."

"There's no such a Chinese bloodline. Even those who have dozens of years' experience in troops would be stunned by his driving skills. How could he make that in only a few years?"

"But why do I have a familiar sense?"

Lan Yunxi didn't know why. She just felt a bit upset!

Lan Yunxi's airship directly landed in the Crystal Battle Fortress. The moment she got off the airship had she felt something weird in the battle fortress. Before she asked, one of her henchmen had already walked in front of her and whispered to her.

Closely after hearing the words, Lan Yunxi changed her face...


"Zhang Tie arrived at Crystal Battle Fortress with the other crew members of the Idiots on the 14th day of this month. On the next early morning, he had left by the Idiots. Those crew members of Idiots said that after the Idiots left the Crystal Battle Fortress, Zhang Tie had driven a glider away from the airship. He even told those crew members that if he did not come back in two days, they could drive the airship back to the Crystal Battle Fortress. The Idiots stayed 3 days outside there and returned to the airship base of the Crystal Battle Fortress on the 18th day of this month. Zhang Tie didn't come back with them. On the evening of the 20th day of this month, after leaving here for 5 days, Zhang Tie finally came back by a glider. However, he was heavily wounded and is in a deep coma now!"

When they accelerated towards Zhang Tie's ward in the Crystal Battle Fortress, Lan Yunxi's henchman whispered to her.

"You mean he stayed 5 days on a glider outside there?"

"Those crew members of the Idiots told me so. Nobody else saw when Zhang Tie left the Idiots by his glider. Therefore, I don't know whether it's true or not!"

"What's the type of his glider?" Lan Yunxi's heart raced as she hurriedly asked.

"He drove a falcon produced by Huaiyuan Palace. When he came back, his glider was covered with blood and wounds. According to the test, all the blood belonged to wing demons. This even aroused a shock in the Crystal Battle Fortress at once. The cockpit had been destroyed with a weapon of a LV 10 wing demon on it..."

"How's he right now?"

"Lan elder has checked his wounds and applied medicine to his wounds. Lan elder said he's safe. However, as he had not slept for a long time, plus being heavily wounded, he might wake up in a couple of days!"


Lan Yunxi saw some crew members of the Idiots with red eyes were waiting outside of a ward. Seeing Lan Yunxi and the other guys, those crew members directly stopped them.

"Our captain is still in the coma, nobody is allowed in!"

"Audacious! This is Zhang Tie's junior sister apprentice, the commander of the airship troop of Jinyun Country..." one person beside Lan Yunxi scolded.

"Ah, this is the woman that our captain likes..." a crew member of the Idiots blinked his eyes as if he had enlightened something.

Lan Yunxi watched that crew member and asked him calmly, "Has Zhang Tie talked about me?"

Under the gaze of Lan Yunxi, that crew member's heart pounded as he poured out everything, "Captain told us that the woman he loved was in Selnes Theatre of Operations. He said she was a very sharp Iron Lady, being surrounded by a lot of flies..."

"Iron Lady?" some guys beside Lan Yunxi glared at that crew member. Lan Yunxi didn't say anything, neither did she care about those crew members. She directly entered the ward. The Idiots crew just let her in.

Lan Yunxi entered the ward alone.

The white bed sheet and the white wall in the room carried a smell of sterile water. Zhang Tie seemed asleep as he was breathing slowly and evenly.

Lan Yunxi was standing on Zhang Tie's bed and silently watched Zhang Tie's pale face. Her awe-inspiring powerful qi gradually faded away. Her eyes gradually turned tender as she slightly touched Zhang Tie's face and combed some hair on Zhang Tie's face.

Zhang Tie was the very person who protected her in the sky of Flatte City. At this moment, Lan Yunxi had been sure about her feeling. Although she didn't know how Zhang Tie made it, watching this man who preferred to be imprisoned by the clan elders and driven out of Hidden Dragon Palace so as to protect her in Selnes Theatre of Operations, nothing else was important.

"You're really an idiot!" Lan Yunxi slowly sighed.

After a while...

A weird sound "Gulu..." appeared in the room, which came from Zhang Tie's stomach.

The moment she heard the sound did Lan Yunxi draw back her hand from Zhang Tie's face. However, before she drew it back, Zhang Tie had already seized her hand. Zhang Tie opened his eyes at once. He looked at Lan Yunxi with a faint smile. After that, he drew Lan Yunxi's hand to his mouth. He even forcefully sniffed and kissed it, causing a sound "Zi".

Lan Yunxi almost cried, "This douchebag had long woken up. He was just pretending to sleep."

"You rascal!"

Chapter 562: Explanation

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Lan Yunxi didn't draw her hand back. Perhaps she had been used to that since Zhang Tie had done too many excessive things to her. She might not accept other men to do that to her; however, if it was Zhang Tie, she didn't think it was improper.

After slightly touching and kissing her tender hand for a while, Zhang Tie struggled to sit up on the bed. He leaned against the headboard and let Lan Yunxi sit on the bed by patting the bedside.

Lan Yunxi rolled her eyes towards Zhang Tie. Without saying anything, she just sat on the bed.

Finding Lan Yunxi so obedient, Zhang Tie became excited inside as he was immediately filled with a sense of satisfaction.

"When did you learn to drive the glider?" the moment Lan Yunxi sat on the bed did she reach out her hand and catch Zhang Tie's claw which was reaching towards her butts and thigh. She then pressed Zhang Tie's claw on the bedside.

Lan Yunxi in a military suit looked more attractive than wearing a skirt. Zhang Tie could only gaze at her plump butts and beautiful legs under the straight and tight military unit while he forcefully swallowed his saliva for a few times.

"Hmm, I learned it by chance in a wild cultivation two years ago!" Zhang Tie immediately replied it as what he had planned.

"Two years ago?" Lan Yunxi peered at Zhang Tie with a dubious look, "You mean you've just learned to drive a glider in only two years!"

"Right. I know what do you mean!" Zhang Tie still replied with a casual smile, "You know I'm good at diving in Hidden Dragon Island and was the Yaksha in the sea over there. Actually, I find that driving a glider is similar to diving in the water. In the sea, I will face various ocean currents and subterranean flows; similarly, in the air, I have to face sorts of air flows. I find that I'm very sensitive to the water flows and air flows beside me. I can easily sense and catch their existence and flowing directions. Therefore, it's very easy for me to drive a glider!"

Zhang Tie's explanation was perfect. No matter how amazed was Lan Yunxi, she could only admit Zhang Tie's talent on some aspect. Fish was born to swim, Bird was born to fly. Perhaps someone was really born with some special ability like Zhang Tie.

"What's your weapon in the sky?"

"Palm bolt. I've already promoted my precise throwing ability to the highest level when I was in Hidden Dragon Island. I only need one hand to drive a glider. I release palm bolts with the other hand."

Lan Yunxi faintly sighed as she didn't know what to say. It was out of her imagination that the combination of an inferior ancestral bloodline and the excellent driving talent of Zhang Tie could lead to such a marvel in the air. Each of the above two abilities was admirable at most; however, the combination of the two abilities caused a great difference to Zhang Tie.

"You've already prepared to do that when you bet with those people?"

Zhang Tie raised his chest at once, "Of course, as those people wanted to pursue my woman, they should appreciate me for not burying them. Additionally, I didn't force them to bet with me. They were voluntary. As they could not match me on fighting skills, they did not disappear in front of me!"

After hearing such a sufficient reason, Lan Yunxi became speechless.

Zhang Tie thought Lan Yunxi was angry; therefore, he hurriedly asked with a smile, "Are you angry with me?"

Lan Yunxi didn't smile; instead, she just watched Zhang Tie with a solemn look, "Do you know about the outcome of what you did in Flatte City?"

"I know!" Zhang Tie hid his smile, "People are afraid of being famous. I must have become famous in Selnes Theater of Operations. This would bring me a lot of benefits and disadvantages!"

"Just disadvantages?" Lan Yunxi flicked Zhang Tie's forehead with her finger abruptly, "You are seeking for death. Do you know about your nickname?"


"Selnes Eagle!"

"That sounds good. It's awesome!"

"You will soon become the thorn in the demons' side. Those lackeys of demons and Three-Eye Association will definitely kill you. Even if you were a knight, you could not avoid from their assassination, not to mention that you're only LV 9." Lan Yunxi became worried about Zhang Tie.

"As I was born in a chaotic age, I could not make choice on something!" Zhang Tie peered at Lan Yunxi decisively and frankly, "As a man, how could I just watch you fight ferociously in the sky when I have the ability to give you a favor? How could I just stay on the ground afraid of becoming the target of demons and Three-Eye Association? I've almost died for many times these years. Finally, I came up with a conclusion, as long as I can live up to my heart by protecting my beloved ones, I won't care when will I die!"

"Trust me, I have my own survival rules. Nobody could kill me easily, demons or Three-Eye Association. I will protect myself! Before marrying you, I will not easily die. How can I just watch you become a widow?" Zhang Tie forcefully drew closer to Lan Yunxi's face and kissed her alluring lips.

"Hmm!" Lan Yunxi struggled faintly and symbolically. Closely after that, her teeth were opened by Zhang Tie's tongue. Zhang Tie held her tongue at once, causing her become soft all over immediately.

After carefully tasting Lan Yunxi's tongue for a few minutes, watching her blushed cheeks and half closed eyes, Zhang Tie became spirited at once. After slightly using his force, he had slipped his hand out of Lan Yunxi's grip. Meanwhile, he covered his hand on Lan Yunxi's plump breasts instantly.

Lan Yunxi became stiff for a second as she caught Zhang Tie's weird claw and threw him out of the bed. Closely after that, she jumped off the bedside like a spring.

After hearing Zhang Tie's miserable shriek and a huge sound in the room, those outside the ward rushed inside at once. After entering the ward, they all widely opened their mouths at the sight of what happened.

Zhang Tie in the suit of a patient was lying on a wall in the size of "大" with his face against the wall. When they came in, they saw him sliding off the wall like a pool of mud.

Lan Yunxi just stood near the door while her face looked a bit red and her breasts were undulating. She was watching Zhang Tie while trying to hide her smile.

"Captain." the crew members of the Idiots rushed towards him at once.

"Ah, I'm okay, I'm okay..." Zhang Tie picked himself up from the ground while his nose was bleeding.

"Ah, captain, your nose is bleeding!"

"Wuh?" Zhang Tie touched it and saw blood on his hand. He then hurriedly raised his head as he took out of two pieces of toilet paper from a drawer of the cabinet near the bed and plugged his nostrils.

"What happened, captain? Why were you on the wall?" a crew member of the Idiots asked before glancing at Lan Yunxi silently.

"Ah, it's nothing serious. I woke up just now. Senior sister apprentice asked me about what happened these days. I then showed her how I killed enemies by a glider. As I was too indulged in the performance, I mistook myself as a glider and forgot about where I was. Therefore, I hit myself on the wall!" Zhang Tie lied as he glanced at Lan Yunxi with a gloomy look which could only be understood by Lan Yunxi.

Watching Zhang Tie's hilarious look with toilet paper in his nostrils, Lan Yunxi almost burst out laughing, "You deserve that. Who let you be that lascivious..."

"Now that junior brother apprentice Zhang Tie had woken up, you'd better take a good rest. Someone might come here for an investigation these days. Hope you are prepared for that!" Lan Yunxi replied with a pun in front of the public.

"Thanks, senior sister apprentice, I know how to deal with it!"

Lan Yunxi then left with her subordinates, leaving Zhang Tie and some crew members of the Idiots in the ward.

"Captain, how...how...could a person treat himself as a glider?" a guy asked with a confused look.

"If you want to have a try, when I drive a glider next time, I can bind you below the glider. I will show you then how to treat yourself as a glider!" Zhang Tie replied with a glassy-eyed look.

That guy shrugged and became speechless. Knowing that Zhang Tie was safe, they then slipped out of the ward.

Standing in the room, Zhang Tie raised his head and watched the ceiling which was full of pipes. He was trying to stop his nose from bleeding; however, he was thinking about what Lan Yunxi had told him just now.

Those with secrets used to be low-key. However, at this moment, Zhang Tie knew that he could not be low-key anymore. He should follow his own choice and face the possible outcome instead of always enjoying the benefits privately.

When an awl was in the balloon, it would break the balloon for sure, unless the awl broke its own sharp end.

Therefore, now that something could not be avoided, it was better to have the initiative in your own hands. Sometimes, when you stood at the peak, you could protect yourself much better. While standing under the highlights, you could better hide some secrets.

Zhang Tie had determined inside.


After 2 hours, Zhang Tie looked much better. At least, his nose didn't bleed anymore. After putting on a set of clean suit, he left the ward for the Military Exploits Registration Center below the battle fortress of Lan clan...

Chapter 563: I am an Air Cavalry

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Closely after the Flatte Battle, the Military Exploits Center and the Military Exploits Rankings of the Crystal Battle Fortress had been crowded with people. Most of them were onlookers, rest of them were here to register their own military exploits.

Zhang Tie's arrival attracted many people's attention at once.

Two days ago, when Zhang Tie returned by that glider, all the onlookers were shocked. They could hardly imagine what kind of a bloody battle had Zhang Tie experienced.

After knowing that Zhang Tie stayed in the air for 5 days, everybody became stunned. They didn't believe that a person who could break the record of the longest driving time in the air across Waii Sub-Continent came from the Crystal Battle Fortress. In this age when fighting force counted most, although driving skill was not as eye-catching as fighting skill, it was greatly favored by airship troops like how sailors were favored by the navy.

No matter what, a person who could break a record would always catch others' attention wherever he was.

At this moment, Zhang Tie became very attractive. If he was not in a coma in the last few days, he might have been visited by too many people.

Everyone was curious whether he really broke the record or not and what was his military exploits.

"Junior brother apprentice, what a coincidence, nice to see you again!"

At the Military Exploits Registration Center, Zhang Tie met a guy who made a bet with him——Dantai Yuya.

Closely after Dantai Yuya's voice, a lot of young military officers turned around and glanced at Zhang Tie. Many of them faintly glittered their eyes. They finally knew who Zhang Tie was.

"Ah, senior brother apprentice Dantai. You're also here to register military exploits?" Zhang Tie greeted him with a normal look.

"Yes, I made some achievements in Flatte Theatre of Operations this time. I want to confirm here!" Dantai Yuya watched Zhang Tie as he replied politely and sincerely, "I was told that junior brother apprentice Zhang Tie bought an airship to join the battle as a volunteer after leaving Hidden Dragon Palace. That's what real hero does! That's really admirable."

Dantai Yuya had top demeanor and temperament. Therefore, since Zhang Tie met him last time, Zhang Tie had liked this elite of Dantai Clan. After hearing his praise, Zhang Tie became a bit bashful.

"Senior brother apprentice Dantai, you make me bashful. I know many senior brother apprentices were commanding the airships; however, this military exploits registration was just personal; it doesn't contain the contribution of the troops. It's actually a bit unfair for senior brother apprentices. My contribution is dwarfed by your commanding ability!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Dantai Yuya smiled, "Haha, don't say that. In this age, all the plots and intelligence would be dwarfed by powerful fighting strength. In the duel between humans and demons, fighting strength counted most in the end. If a person lacked fighting strength, he could be an assistant at most no matter how clever and tactical he was. Such person's achievement is limited."

Zhang Tie replied with a smile as he knew this was how apprentices from big clans thought about. For these apprentices from big clans, the tactic was just a tool while personal fighting strength really predominated everything. Although they also paid attention to tactics and commanding skills, it was just an important component of one's real power. Tactics and commanding skills were dwarfed by one's fighting strength.

This point could be seen clearly from the clan elders. Each clan elder was assumed by a knight. As long as one promoted to a knight, one would have a great influence and power wherever one was. Knight could influence and predominate a clan's fate. However, Zhang Tie had not heard anyone who was excel at tactics and commanding skills could become a clan elder across the Waii Sub-Continent.

This was the most famous "Stronger's Effect" or "Knight's Effect" in this age. Because of different levels in cultivation, there's a sharp difference in ability and fighting strength between a knight and a common fighter. When tens of thousands of soldiers of an average division could not realize what a knight did, an invisible ceiling would form in front of all the brain workers.

Before the Catastrophe, human intelligence and tactics were placed in a very important position. Brainworkers governed people; why labor workers were governed by people. Those who excelled at tactics and had excellent thinking ability were usually favored by people and could easily gain success and social status. However, in this age, all the rules were founded on fighting strength for both groups and individuals.

When they talked, Dantai Yuya had registered his military exploits. It was soon Zhang Tie's turn.

Seeing Zhang Tie going to register his own military exploits, all the onlookers pricked up their ears. Many people drew closer out of curiosity. Dantai Yuya also prepared to look at Zhang Tie's military exploits. As Lan Yunxi's junior brother apprentice who dared to bet with others, Dantai Yuya thought that Zhang Tie's performance wouldn't be too worse, at least among the LV 9 fighters.

After glancing at Zhang Tie, a lieutenant nodded, "You're also here to register your military exploits?"


"Have you registered it before?"

"No, it's my first time!"

"Okay, now that you've signed the agreement on soul and bloodline, any lie of you would bring you a side effect of violating the agreement. Therefore, don't brag your military exploits. You'd better not count what you are uncertain about. Additionally, the military exploits that have been registered should not be counted in repetitively. Each military exploit should be the latest. The group's achievement is not counted in." The lieutenant explained it to Zhang Tie patiently.

"I know!" Zhang Tie nodded.

"Hmm, tell me your name and your military exploits!" that captain prepared to record.

Zhang Tie took a deep breath before saying, "Zhang Tie, 157 LV 9 wing demons, 4 LV 10 wing demons, if not count wounded wing demons!"

"What?" that captain thought he heard it wrong as he asked Zhang Tie to repeat it.

"I killed 157 LV 9 wing demons and 4 LV 10 wing demons these days!" Zhang Tie repeated it calmly and confidently.

The Military Exploits Registration Center became so quiet that even a needle dropping on the ground could be heard clearly. Everybody watched Zhang Tie's face as they seemed to wait for something special to happen. However, Zhang Tie remained calm and frank. His face didn't turn black; neither did he smell bad.

——He's not been affected by the oath of soul and bloodline? Everyone realized that Zhang Tie was telling the truth.

The captain wrote down Zhang Tie's military exploits on the notebook with a quivering hand as he forcefully swallowed his saliva and looked at Zhang Tie like seeing a ghost, "Can...can you repeat it once more, sir?"

The captain changed his tone.

"157 LV 9 wing demons, 4 LV 10 wing demons. Is that okay..." Zhang Tie replied patiently.

"Aww, it's okay...it's okay..." the captain hurriedly said in a much more polite manner.

"Senior brother apprentice Dantai, my airship is still parking outside. It's called the Idiots. I will invite you for a drink when you're free. Thanks to the medical treatment of Lan elder, I recovered so fast. I will go appreciate him. See you..." Zhang Tie still greeted Dantai Yuya in the same tone as before. After that, he directly entered the Lan's battle fortress and had people report to Lan elder.

Only after less than 1 minute, Lan elder had already sent people to lead him in.

Zhang Tie waved his hand towards Dantai Yuya before entering Lan's battle fortress.

Until Zhang Tie disappeared in front of them did those in the Military Exploits Registration Center realize what happened. The center boiled at once.

"Let me count it. 157 LV 9 wing demons, 942 points; 4 LV 10 wing demons, 120 points; Zhang Tie gained 1062 points in total..."

"Ah, I know, Zhang Tie is the Selnes Eagle in the legend..." one person shouted out of excitement.

Everybody drew in a cold breath...

Dantai Yuya stood still as he felt like being dead, "How could I surpass such an achievement? I cannot even match a guy being driven out of Hidden Dragon Palace, how would I pursue Lan Yunxi?"

Zhang Tie's image was like a high and firm wall in the eyes of Dantai Yuya, which broke all of his hopes about pursuing Lan Yunxi.

Without having to wait for another 2 months, Dantai Yuya was already sure that those who had made a bet with Zhang Tie could hardly surpass Zhang Tie's current military exploits even after 2 months.


In the room where he was carried in one week ago, Zhang Tie saw Lan elder once again. After Zhang Tie clarified his intention and extended his gratitude to Lan elder, Lan elder peered at Zhang Tie for a quite while before nodding, "You, not bad, not bad..."

Zhang Tie didn't know that it was Lan elder's first time to praise a young man in the Crystal Battle Fortress.

After hearing such a praise, Zhang Tie just replied modestly, "It's my pleasure..."

"Hmm. Do you know what's the most important thing for you at the present?" Lan elder watched Zhang Tie with a wise and kind look.

"To save myself..." Zhang Tie put it straight.

After hearing this answer, Lan elder revealed some praise and appreciation through his eyes, "Have you thought about that you might face a lot of troubles by gaining such military exploits as a volunteer?"

Zhang Tie became silent for a second. He indeed did not think about this question before he came here. He found it a bit tricky. If a volunteer could ferociously beat wing demons in the sky, what would over 5 million regular soldiers do in the frontline of Selnes Theater of Operations?"

The one who gained the nickname of Selnes Eagle was just a nongovernmental volunteer. This made many people embarrassed. Even in the Crystal Battle Fortress, Zhang Tie estimated that not everyone would like to see a guy in the suit of a militia of Jinyun Country on the Military Exploits Rankings. Even in Huaiyuan Palace, his military exploits might be used by someone to estrange the relationship between him and Huaiyuan Palace.

After thinking through this point, Zhang Tie was slightly shocked, "An old ox makes a straight furrow! Lan elder points out the major problem facing me."

"I will follow your order, Clan elder!" Zhang Tie became docile, "After all, you're the boss of Crystal Battle Fortress, now that you have pointed out this problem, you can work out the solution for sure, too."

Lan elder replied with a smile. He found Zhang Tie was even smarter than the elders of Zhang Clan, "I will notice Huaiyuan Palace. From now on, you will be the first air cavalry of the Crystal Battle Fortress of Jinyun Country!"

"Air cavalry, a cavalry in the air?" Zhang Tie's eyebrows moved.

"Right, you're now an air cavalry. This is a new independent establishment. You're the only air cavalry across the air of Selnes Theater of Operations. Your rank is major. Nominally, you belong to the Crystal Battle Fortress, namely being responsible for me. You have the right to fight alone. How do you think about that?"

"Haha, it's really out of my imagination that Lan elder has already considered it well for me." Zhang Tie was moved inside as he deeply bowed towards Lan elder, "Thank you, Lan elder!"

"You're welcome. As an air cavalry, a new independent establishment, you should change your suit. Otherwise, it would be too awkward..." Lan elder then applauded as one person entered the room at once. He pointed at that person and told Zhang Tie, "You can negotiate with him about your suit, equipment and symbol. I will not care about that. It's estimated that you will use them very soon."


Zhang Tie negotiated with the logistics director of the Crystal Battle Fortress for almost one hour. After confirming the style, material, military rank, dog tag, collar badge, cockade and symbol of his military suit as the first air cavalry, he left the Lan's battle fortress.

As there were so many senior talents and handicraftsmen in the logistics department of the Crystal Battle Fortress, it would take them at most one day to work out Zhang Tie's military suit.

When Zhang Tie walked out of the Lan's battle fortress, the Military Exploits Rankings in front of the Crystal Battle Fortress had already changed. Zhang Tie ranked first with 1062 points, followed by Lan Yunxi. In the battle of Flatte City, Lan Yunxi killed 8 LV 9 wing demons, 2 LV 10 wing demons and a LV 11 wing demon, causing Lan Yunxi's points rise to 444 points from 186 points.

However, her points were still less than half of that of Zhang Tie's.

Although it was just a ranking, Zhang Tie felt pretty special by defeating Lan Yunxi as he had a sense of conquest.

All the fighters in the Crystal Battle Fortress, at the sight of Zhang Tie, would show their respect to him, especially those fighters of Huaiyuan Palace. At this moment, Zhang Tie was the most glorious member of Huaiyuan Palace.

When Zhang Tie returned to the Idiots, all the crew members went out of the airship and celebrated Zhang Tie's return in the most grand way. Only by this could those crew members feel that they were showing their full respect to their captain.

Zhang Tie greeted them with a big smile as he patted their shoulders. After having a good supper with them, Zhang Tie told them he needed to take a rest and didn't want to be disturbed. After that, he returned to the captain's room.

Where he entered the Castle of Black Iron and wanted to check what surprise had the small tree brought to him...


After a few days, the inside of Castle of Black Iron didn't change too much. Besides the aura in the refreshing air, with the expansion of the area of Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie felt here more like the outside world.

Heller was already waiting for Zhang Tie under the small tree as he knew that Zhang Tie would come in. At the sight of Zhang Tie, Heller said with a solemn look, "Castle Lord, you're too risky this time. If you don't treasure your life, we will feel very frustrated inside here. We will feel everything is meaningless!"

Zhang Tie scratched his head in a bashful way. He knew what Heller referred to. The mode of battle that he fought 5 days in the air at the cost of his spirit was truly very dangerous. On the 5th day, he could almost not stand it. Being attacked from flanks by two LV 10 wing demons, Zhang Tie almost died.

"Alright. I know that. But in that case, as long as I can stick to a longer time, I might save many people's lives. Therefore, I could not stop..."

Heller sighed, "If you cannot control such a case, you might encounter it later on. If so, Castle Lord, you'd better get some more iron-body fruits. At least you could bear more strikes and could tide over dangers easier. As long as you spend some time, you can easily get iron-body fruits. This fruit would have a remarkable effect when you eat enough of them. They could strengthen your body. Body is the foundation of everything. Castle Lord, you'd better not ignore it. Somethings like sunshine and air, although being cheap, could be easily obtained. However, they were the basis on which everything relied on. Take this time as an example, as long as you had eaten two or three more iron-body fruits, you would have been clear-minded when you landed and would not be wounded so severely!"

Heller's words aroused Zhang Tie's attention. Zhang Tie realized that he indeed did not eat iron-body fruits, "Heller barely makes such a good comment about any fruit. Perhaps, I've not completely exerted the effect of iron-body fruits..."

"Fine, I will spend more time in obtaining iron-body fruits for sure!" Zhang Tie nodded with a solemn look. After that, he asked Heller, "Have those fruits of demons grown out?"

"Yes, they have..."