564 - 572

Chapter 564: The Fruit of Source

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

That was an odd-looking fruit. At the first sight of that fruit, Zhang Tie felt some visuals flashed in his mind. He felt having seen it somewhere.

It looked so weird that it didn't look like a fruit at all; instead, it was more like a complex three-dimensional pattern, which was utterly different than other fruits bred by the small tree.

Seven-strength fruits looked like mini sculptures of animals. This fruit looked weirder. It was completely covered with a beautiful, complex pattern formed by rounds.

Thinking of 'sculpture', Zhang Tie instantly became spirited. He finally remembered why he was familiar with this fruit. Because he had seen it on real sculptures.

Zhang Tie recalled the two lion sculptures outside the gate of the Clansmen Pavilion of Huaiyuan Palace. Lion sculptures were usually seen outside the gate of the major Chinese agencies, units or big private mansions. One of the two lions would usually step on a ball with round patterns. Zhang Tie found this latest fruit looked as same as the ball under the foot of the Chinese stony lion.

The surface of the fruit was covered with interlocked numerous round patterns. There was a six-petal flower in the middle of each round pattern. Additionally, the exterior of each round pattern was also divided into petals which looked similar to the six petals. As a result, each petal appeared in two round patterns, making this pattern both simple and sophisticated.

The tradition that Chinese put stony lions outside the gate could be dated to thousands of years ago before the Catastrophe. This was a cultural symbol. However, when Zhang Tie realized that the surface pattern of that ball under the foot of stony lion was consistent with that of this fruit, he became shocked.

Zhang Tie didn't understand why. Therefore, he stretched his hand towards that fruit and wanted to check its attributes.

——Wing Demons' Fruits of Source. It's not ripe yet. You cannot eat it.

——When this fruit becomes ripe, it will increase your life source and improve your health in an all-round manner.

——All the lives are sprouted from source seeds. Spiritual life rules reflect the source. The powerful strength is the outward manifestation of the source. This source is included in each fulfillment. It includes all the knowledge, rhythms, lives and holiness. It gathers female and male, brightness and darkness, positiveness and negativeness. It's the seed of lives, the blossom of lives and the fruit of lives. It's also the thriving tree of lives.

Watching the introduction of this fruit of source, although Zhang Tie didn't fully understand it at once, he instinctively felt this fruit was unusual and very powerful from both its look and its introduction.

Heller was waiting for Zhang Tie calmly under the high platform where the small tree rested on.

After peering at that fruit for a while, Zhang Tie went downstairs and came to Heller's side.

"What's the effect of this fruit of source?" Zhang Tie put it straightforwardly.

"The most important process of cultivation for the human is to constantly light one's surging points, through which one could release the energy of source of life and communicate with this universe. The power of your source of life would be reflected in all aspects. From the aspect of fighting strength, it could increase the potential and strength of each of your surging point to the utmost!"


"Each fruit of source could increase the source of your body by 1/12. That was to say, each fruit of source could also increase the potential of each surging point by 1/12!" Heller explained.

Zhang Tie was shocked, "Each surging point?"

"Right, each surging point! If each surging point on your body was regarded as a steam engine which could provide you driving force, with each fruit of source, your surging points' driving force would increase by 1/12. It's very effective for those surging points that you've already lit. After eating it, you could obviously feel the change of those surging points and your body. For those surging points which had not been lit, its effect would display when you light them!"

Although '1/12' was not an enormous figure, its effect was very terrifying. Because it was different essentially. According to Heller, when the surging points in one's body were seen as an engine, if others could only gain 12 horsepower by lighting a surging point, he would gain 13 horsepower by lighting a surging point. That would be an advantage.

"By lighting 12 surging points, I could gain the same effect as lighting 13 surging points. Based on my current fighting strength as a LV 9 fighter, as long as I eat a fruit of source, I would immediately gain the fighting strength of 3 more surging points. Additionally, after lighting each surging point, I would be a bit stronger than others. Gradually, the difference between me and others would be decisive. When I become a battle spirit, I would light 987 surging points. Because of the fruit of source, I would gain the power of 82 more surging points, which was close to the total number of surging points lit by a LV 11 battle master."

"A fruit of source could bring me the fighting strength of a LV 11 battle master. That is great!" Zhang Tie finally let out a sigh as he heard Heller's introduction. After losing seven-strength fruits, he finally gained a more powerful fruit...

"What are the other effects of this fruit of source?"

"It has many effects. As long as you eat it, your physical strength and endurance would increase by 1/12. Normally, your life expectancy would extend by 1/12. Additionally, the aging speed of your cells would slow down by 1/12. The existence of all lives and their psychological activities reflect the source of lives. Life is the germination of source while death was the exhaustion of source."

Having not imagined that such a fruit could have so many effects, Zhang Tie widely opened his mouth, "Ah, why 1/12? Why not more? How long would this fruit take to become ripe?"

"12 is a mysterious figure. It's the reflection of life rules. You need to kill 360 wing demons, namely the total number of days of a whole year to ripe this wing demons' fruit of source."

"How many fruits of source could I gain from wing demons?"

"One, only one fruit of source from each kind of demon!"

"Ah, only one?" Zhang Tie became a bit disappointed after hearing Heller's answer.

"The more powerful the fruit is, the less you could gain. This also complies with the life rules. Like those living beings on the peak of the food chain, only when their population was small could the balance of the ecosphere be sustained!"

Zhang Tie understood it. He also recovered his composure, "If such a great fruit could be constantly obtained, that would violate the intention of the God. Even though I could constantly gain seven-strength fruits, it would also be very terrifying. I should be satisfied with this. After all, there're many kinds of demons. If I can get a fruit of source from each kind of demon, I would also have a bright future. But I'm afraid that I could barely get a shadow demon's fruit of source. Shadow demon is the rarest demon. It's hard to say whether there are 360 shadow demons in the world or not. It seems that this also complies with the universal law, even moon's shape would change with time. I should not have all the benefits. There should always be a pity!"

"Aww, I find the surface pattern of this fruit of source is same as that on the ball under the foot of stony Chinese lions, why?" Zhang Tie asked.

After glancing at Zhang Tie, Heller drew in the air by hands, displaying a three-dimensional pattern in front of Zhang Tie. In the beginning, a round appeared in the middle of that image. Gradually, the other rounds appeared and formed that pattern in front of Zhang Tie. After that, the whole image immediately turned into three-dimensional from two-dimensional. Rounds were interlocked with each other as they started to move, deriving various nice and complex geometrical patterns and scenes——

"This is tetrahedron; this is octahedron; this is dodecahedron; this is icosahedron; this is Plato cube, the basic architecture mode of the material world; this is the Mehta Thrun cube which symbolizes sacredness; this is Cassara time grid; this is Mer-Ka-Ba spiral..."

Heller explained as that image composed of rounds constantly derived, making Zhang Tie fascinated, "This is the Meiosis mode of human cells; this is the geometric interaction mode of light; this is Fibonacci sequence of number; this is genetic code arrangement of biological DNA; this is male; this is female; this is the chord structure of music; this is the transformation mode of mass energy of nuclear fission; this is the self-rotation mode of galaxy..."

After introducing them to Zhang Tie, Heller clapped, causing all the patterns and lines disappear one after another. Finally, they turned into the plain pattern composed of rounds once again. Heller watched Zhang Tie, "Did you understand?"

Zhang Tie was completely stunned, "How...how could that be?"

"This pattern is the totem and essence of sacred geometry. It has a lot of secrets. It represents spiritualism, intelligence, morality and physical source rules. You, humans, call it flower of life, words of light; but I prefer to call it words of source. In this age, very few people understand its real meaning."

Zhang Tie became silent. He had never imagined that the ball under the stony Chinese lions that had been spread for thousands of years could contain such profound and sacred secrets and rules. No wonder those sculptures could become the symbol of magnification, power, sacredness and honor after being spread for thousands of years. When the stony lions stepped on the rules of source clearly, they would look extremely dignified.

When Zhang Tie knew that Chinese had already mastered the secret of the rules of source thousands of years ago and put the sacred geometric patterns under the foot of stony lion in a low-key and remarkable way, he finally understood why the Chinese clan in the Eastern Continent were so proud.


After eating those trouble-reappearance fruits which were formed by killing wing demons, Zhang Tie left Castle of Black Iron.

Before leaving Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie watched those leakless fruits hanging on the small tree as he made a decision to grasp the method to promote to LV 10 as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would hardly deal with any possible dangers.

After drinking too much all-purpose medicament, Zhang Tie had a good sleep.

When he woke up on the second day, Zhang Tie felt energetic as all of his wounds had recovered.

However, at this moment, the Logistics director had already brought a wholly new suit of air cavalry in the Idiots.


On the second day, the first page of the newspaper 'Holy War News' which was delivered to over 5 million frontline soldiers across the Selnes Theater of Operations by the Human Alliance Command was filled with one report——Selnes Eagle Swept Wing Demons across Flatte City.

There were two pictures in the report. Zhang Tie's airship was covered with wounds. Like battle armors, the entire body of the glider was tainted with the fresh blood of wing demons; Zhang Tie's military exploits ranked first in the Military Exploits Ranking of Crystal Battle Fortress.

The newspaper 'Holy War News' was delivered once a week to the frontline troops, each time fixedly printing 100,000 pieces. This day, only several hours after it was delivered had the urgent remote-sensing messages been spread to the Human Alliance Command from all the frontline troops across the Selnes Theater of Operations. Almost all the troops that could touch with the command had sent the urgent letters——the 'Holy War News' is severely insufficient. We need more...

On the same day, a name——Zhang Tie, the Selnes Eagle started to spread across the Selnes Theater of Operations. Everybody kept this name in mind.

This name represented the first air cavalry across Waii Sub-Continent, an unprecedented powerful armed force that could completely conquer the air force of demons and a hope that could make all the despaired people spirited...

Along with this report, all the millions of soldiers across the Selnes Theater of Operations focused on the Crystal Battle Fortress...

Chapter 565: Great Honors

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After seizing Flatte City, all the human troops across the south of Selnes Theater of Operations let out a deep sigh. If they were too intense about the holy war, they might collapse. Therefore, the Human Alliance Command conducted a propaganda widely towards the victory of Flatte battle by this chance, relieving all the troops.

As a brilliant new star in the battle of Flatte City, the Human Alliance Command especially dispatched a colonel to the Crystal Battle Fortress and expressed the order of commendation of the Command to Zhang Tie. He invited Zhang Tie to attend the reward ceremony in the Human Alliance Command of Mocco City on April 27th.

On April 26th, one day before Zhang Tie attended that reward ceremony had that order of commendation from the Command been delivered to all the frontline troops across Selnes Theater of Operations.

There was only one sentence in the order of commendation, which Zhang Tie had seen in the Crystal Battle Fortress.

——With the consent of the Holy War Alliance Command of Central Countries Alliance in Blackson Humans Corridor, we especially reward staff sergeant Zhang Tie, the air cavalry of Jinyun Country with the great honor of 'Selnes Eagle' and human glory medal.

This order of commendation won Zhang Tie another two records in Selnes Theater of Operations: the first one who obtained the honorary title and a human glory medal.

This honor was a special treatment as it was confirmed by the alliance command. Since the alliance command delivered this order of commendation, Zhang Tie's name had been closely related to Selnes. Selnes Eagle was not a nickname anymore; it was a great honor, which could be written in the history and be placed in front of his name at any place. This honor was even more important than any military rank and official post in the army. With this honor, Zhang Tie enjoyed the supreme treatment in any country across Blackson Humans Corridor.

This was the first honor rewarded by the Holy War Alliance Command of Central Countries Alliance in Blackson Humans Corridor since the beginning of the 3rd holy war and the first honor that someone won in the 3rd holy war across the Blackson Humans Corridor.

So was the human glory medal. Like an iron-blood medal, the human glory medal also carried a special meaning. Iron-blood medal was set by Norman Empire in order to commend the bravest soldiers in troops; human glory medal was also used to commend those individuals who had excellent performance in the battle with demons and raised the morale of all the human troops.

Each human glory medal indicated the winner's great contribution to humans in the holy war.

Zhang Tie was dumbfounded by the two great honors. Based on his performance in Flatte City, it was normal for Zhang Tie to gain one of the two honors; however, Zhang Tie found it a bit excessive to be rewarded with both honors.

Zhang Tie understood the reason quickly. Actually, the one who needed the two honors most was not him but the alliance command and the human troops of over 5 million soldiers who were converging at the frontline of Selnes Theater of Operations.

At this moment, a black horse, a victory by a narrow margin and the great honors which could show everyone the light of hope in the future are the most inspiring spiritual medicament for the frontline troops to survive on.

Historically, there were many similar examples. Even if there were no heroes, they would fabricate a hero, not to mention a real hero like him. Perhaps some people in the alliance command were very thrilled to see such a hero at such a critical moment as they were dreaming about that.

From Blackhot City, all that Zhang Tie had experienced these years had made him gradually mature. He had special opinions on many things. Zhang Tie frankly adopted his honors. He was neither too proud nor too modest. Zhang Tie had a sense of achievement about these honors and was satisfied with his growth.

Zhang Tie was also very calm about the intention of some big figures in the alliance command. "Now that Selnes Theater of Operations needs such a figure and I meet the conditions of becoming such a figure coincidentally, I don't mind being used to increase the morale of the soldiers across the theater of operations as a spiritual medicament."

In any case, it was always good to show hope to so many people. No matter what, this was a duel between humans and demons. As long as it was beneficial to humans and didn't violate Zhang Tie's behavioral principles, Zhang Tie could basically accept it.

On April 27th, the entire theater of operations started to drizzle as if it wanted the battlefield to cease. After seizing the Flatte City, the demons' offense was curbed temporarily. These days, Selnes Plain was relatively safer. Although there were always skirmishes, almost all the battles above the scale of the division had disappeared. Encounters with LV 9 demon squad also decreased a lot. Therefore, everyone took a good rest for a few days.

Including Zhang Tie. His glider was almost discarded as useless as its airfoils and empennage were severely damaged. There were too many wounds on the glider. In the words of the crew members of the Idiots, it was already a miracle for him to drive it back.

Through this air battle, Zhang Tie accumulated a lot of experiences. Therefore, Zhang Tie was digesting what he achieved in this air battle in the trouble-reappearance situations these days as he recuperated and built up spirit for the preparation of the next battle.

Zhang Tie's way to recuperate and build up spirit became a scene in the Crystal Battle Fortress. Almost every morning, he would call those crew members of the Idiots to beat him in boxing gloves. He just defended them yet not escaped. He asked them to beat him 2 hours a day.

Many people in the Crystal Battle Fortress became confused about this, "Is this how the first air cavalry in Selnes Theater of Operations trains himself? It's indeed very special." Zhang Tie told them by training in this way could increase his anti-strike ability. Being influenced by the halos of his reputation, many soldiers started to learn from him.

Near 2 pm, Zhang Tie wearing a wholly new suit of air cavalry drove a military SUV towards Mocco City together with Lan Yunxi to attend the reward ceremony held in the alliance command in Mocco City.

As the commander of the airship troop of Jinyun Country, Lan Yunxi was also rewarded and invited by the alliance command due to her excellent performance in Flatte battle. Therefore, Lan Yunxi and Zhang Tie left the Crystal Battle Fortress together in the public.

Since Zhang Tie woke up in the ward, he had not seen Lan Yunxi. Lan Yunxi was also busy dealing with after-war affairs in the airship troop. This time, Zhang Tie was really attracted by Lan Yunxi.

In a military officer's ceremonial dress of the airship troop of Jinyun Country, Lan Yunxi looked bold, elegant and beautiful. The plump breasts and the tightening elegant curve from her knees to her butts in her ceremonial dress constantly attracted Zhang Tie's attention.

Lan Yunxi also wore a pair of middle-heeled black leather shoes, which made her look more womanly.

Beautiful feet, beautiful legs, beautiful butts, beautiful waist, beautiful breasts and beautiful look, that's Lan Yunxi's image in Zhang Tie's eyes. Even if she lost her temper towards him, Zhang Tie would find her especially cute.

"What are you looking at?" finding Zhang Tie's eyes becoming increasingly audacious, Lan Yunxi became a bit bashful as she glared at Zhang Tie, "Drive your car carefully!"

Zhang Tie sighed, "Chinese culture is really profound and extensive! I remember an old Chinese saying which is really wise!"

"What old saying?" Lan Yunxi's curiosity was aroused.

"A short departure is better than a new marriage!" Zhang Tie teased Lan Yunxi.

"Shut up!" Lan Yunxi slightly blushed as she inclined her head and watched the drizzling scenery in the wild.

Watching Lan Yunxi turning her head, Zhang Tie immediately touched her thigh. Lan Yunxi caught Zhang Tie's hand and pushed it away. Zhang Tie reached out his hand and was pushed away once again. After repeating it three times, Lan Yunxi became irritated, "Do you want to perform as a glider again?"

"I have to do something even if I would be beaten ferociously!" Zhang Tie replied as he put his hand on Lan Yunxi's thigh once again.

"Villain!" Lan Yunxi swore Zhang Tie. However, she didn't push Zhang Tie's hand away this time.

Zhang Tie revealed a smile. Since Lan Yunxi would like to attend the reward ceremony with him and would like to sit in the front of the car, Zhang Tie had known that he had a chance to touch Lan Yunxi today. If Lan Yunxi really opposed him, she would choose to sit in the back seats. After experiencing so many women, Zhang Tie had been able to recognize women's delicate mental changes very well.

Driving the vehicle and touching Lan Yunxi's thigh which felt nice, Zhang Tie sighed satisfactorily.

"Why did you sigh?" Lan Yunxi didn't care about Zhang Tie's hand anymore as Zhang Tie's petting made her comfortable and especially stimulative. Lan Yunxi's face slightly blushed; however, she still pretended that nothing happened.

"To drive a car and pet my beloved woman's thigh. That's what I had dreamed of. I've never imagined that this could happen so fast. However, under such an environment, I cannot stand but sigh!" Zhang Tie explained as he glanced at Lan Yunxi, "What's your dream?"

After hearing Zhang Tie's question, Lan Yunxi's eyes became a bit vacant, "My dream?"

"Yup, what's your dream?"

"Nobody asked me about that before."

"Is it a strange question?"

"Yes, it is for me!" Lan Yunxi smiled which looked a bit disappointed, "I've awakened a powerful ancestral bloodline when I was born. Therefore, since I was 3 years old, everybody around me had set the only life target for me, namely, to be the most, most, most excellent person so as to live up my sacred bloodline. Therefore, I probably dream to be such a person!"

Zhang Tie stopped petting her at once as he turned to watch Lan Yunxi, "Haven't you thought about what you were really desiring for since you were born?"

"No, I don't desire for anything at all. Because all that I want has been piled up in front of me by choice. You might not know how Huaiyuan Palace educated me. The first lesson of my life was taught by my father. In the classroom, he made me understand that those things which could be bought with money were not worthwhile to be treasured and admired. I should learn to exchange money and those worthless things for something more valuable!" Lan Yunxi let out a sigh.

"Ah, what?" Zhang Tie was shocked.

"I remember that when I was only 4 years old, I saw a beautiful toy in another little girl's hand. I liked it very much and wanted to have one like that too. I told my father about that. My father didn't say anything to me at that time. On the 2nd day, he took me to a very distant city by airship. In a warehouse of that city, I saw piles of toys. My father told me that all the toys belonged to me, even that factory which produced the toys. He let me choose one. I didn't because I lost my interest in toys at once. I even started to dislike those lifeless toys. Do you know what happened then?"

"What happened? Your dad let you burn all of the toys?" Zhang Tie guessed.

"No, my father transported all the toys back to Huaiyuan Prefecture by airship. In a festival, he let me gift the toys to strange girls one after another. As a result, I exchanged those toys I disliked for more praises and reputation for the first time in my whole life. This was my first lesson."

"You grew up in this way?" Zhang Tie asked seriously as he watched Lan Yunxi, "You were always under the control of others since you were a little girl!"

Lan Yunxi nodded...

With a shrill sound, Zhang Tie braked the car.

Chapter 566: A Sharp Contrast

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Seeing Zhang Tie parking the car, Lan Yunxi turned to watch Zhang Tie, "What do you want?"

"I won't go to the alliance command!" Zhang Tie started to back his car rapidly while staring at the rear-view mirror.

Under Zhang Tie's manipulation, the powerful military SUV moved back several meters before changing its direction quickly.

"You won't go to the alliance command?" Lan Yunxi widely opened her eyes at once.

"Hmm, I have free time now, I can show you something cool and let you know the feeling of being a poor student. I will show you the taste of being not excellent in others' eyes..." as Zhang Tie said this, he changed the direction and headed for the southwest, instead of Mocco City.

"Are you insane? Don't you know that this reward ceremony is mainly prepared for you? The alliance command will reward a human glory medal to you. So many big figures are waiting to see you in the command. By this chance, you can accumulate many human resources. Many people might not have such a rare chance in their lives and you refuse it?" Lan Yunxi watched Zhang Tie like watching a lunatic.

Zhang Tie pursed his lips stubbornly, "After all, the order of commendation has been delivered. This is just a ceremony. Those big figures have nothing to do with me. Just treat it as playing truant in the school meeting!"

Lan Yunxi drew in a deep breath, "Take me to Mocco City. I will go there!"

Zhang Tie pulled up the safety switch on his left hand and locked all the doors at once. Only he could open them.

"Douchebag!" Lan Yunxi tried to open the doors; however, she couldn't.

"As you're in my car, you have to follow my order. You're abducted by me today. You should obey my intention. If you disobey, humph...humph..." Zhang Tie sneered ferociously as he kept driving forward.

Crossing her hands, Lan Yunxi sat aside with an angry look. She ignored Zhang Tie for quite a while, Zhang Tie just drove his car silently. After 10 minutes, it stopped raining while it gradually became sunny.

"Where are we going?" Lan Yunxi finally opened her mouth.

"Hehe, I thought you would not ask about that. Don't worry. I will not abduct your wealth or sexually harass you. You will know that soon!" Zhang Tie smiled.

Zhang Tie had a good memory. After looking at the flight chart of the Selnes Theater of Operations, he had remembered that there was a glider base over 40 km away in the southwest of the Crystal Battle Fortress. He wanted to take Lan Yunxi to that place.

Realizing that Zhang Tie had made his decision to not go to the alliance command in Mocco City, Lan Yunxi didn't speak anymore. Not knowing why, she felt completely relaxed while staying with Zhang Tie.

"Why not take off your dress?" Zhang Tie suggested Lan Yunxi. After hearing his words, Lan Yunxi instantly glared at him. Zhang Tie hurriedly clarified, "The military officer's ceremonial dress looks nice; but it looks a bit tightening. As we're not going to attend that reward ceremony anymore, don't make yourself so restrictive. Relax yourself."

Lan Yunxi glanced at Zhang Tie twice before silently taking off her major's ceremonial dress, exposing her blue long-sleeve shirt.

Watching that plump breasts under her shirt, Zhang Tie whistled.

"Actually you can undo two buttons. It's not raining now and is getting hotter. Don't be that restrictive, young girl!" Zhang Tie forcefully swallowed his saliva as he urged.

Lan Yunxi gave a ferocious punch on Zhang Tie's head, causing him shriek miserably.

However, Lan Yunxi, whose face slightly blushed revealed a wisp of smile at her mouth corners at once.


Only after 20 more minutes, Zhang Tie had already seen that glider base.

There were two methods to set off a glider: to throw the glider by airship in the air; to drag the glider into the sky by airship. The gliders in this base set off with the second method. The gliders in this base could also serve as a supplementation of the airship troop in the Selnes Theater of Operations. This base was also available for the gliders of airship troop to land in emergency after losing contact with the airship. Across the Selnes Theater of Operations, there were over 10 bases of gliders like this one.

This base was founded on a hillside, which was surrounded by wire net. A medium-sized battle fortress was defending this place.

Zhang Tie parked outside the gate of the base, where a second lieutenant on duty requested him to get off his car.

"Please show me your ID certificate." the second lieutenant asked after glancing at Zhang Tie and Lan Yunxi on his side, who looked pretty beautiful after putting off her officer's ceremonial dress and utterly different from her real status.

Zhang Tie handed that certificate of air cavalry through the window.

After opening Zhang Tie's certificate, the second lieutenant became stunned at once. After that, he started to quiver all over. He watched the certificate, then Zhang Tie. Then, he instantly flushed while his eyes glittered...

"Ah, sir...aww...no, your excellency..." seeing the legendary figure that shocked the entire Selnes Theater of Operations, the second lieutenant immediately stammered. He wanted to call Zhang Tie sir; however, after remembering that Zhang Tie was a sergeant first class, which was higher than him, he found it improper to use that appellation. Therefore, he changed it into your excellency at once. Only general-level figures could enjoy the appellation 'Your Excellency' in the army. Besides generals, only the winner of a widely accepted honor could enjoy such an appellation.

"Easy bro, just call me Zhang Tie. My glider is broken. Coincidentally, your base is not far from the Crystal Battle Fortress; additionally, I was told that the gliders in your base were good. Therefore, I want to borrow one and give this beauty a ride in the air. Is it convenient?" Zhang Tie blinked his eyes towards that second lieutenant as he pouted his mouth towards the copilot.

That second lieutenant watched Zhang Tie, then Lan Yunxi. He then understood it at once as he revealed an obscene smile that was familiar to all men. The second lieutenant drew in a deep breath as he immediately chested out, "No problem. Of course, the gliders of our Hoorn Republic are the best. It's our great honor to see you visit here, your excellency..."

After hearing that second lieutenant's words, Zhang Tie immediately knew that this base was Hoorn Republic's frontline base in Selnes Theater of Operations. "What a coincidence!" Zhang Tie became thrilled inside.

Hoorn Republic was a small republic state in Blackson Humans Corridor in the north of Kalay Mountain Range. It only had millions of people and covered over 100,000 square km. The overall national strength of the state could not even match that of a city. However, this state was very well-known for its glider sport in Blackson Human Corridor.

In Hoorn Republic, the glider sport had already become the quintessence of this state and a part of its countrymen's daily lives. Some figures could be used to describe the influence of the glider sport in Hoorn Republic——1 in 7 people would have a glider or a hang glider; 1 in 4 people had an experience in driving a glider or a hang glider. However, the total amount of deaths caused by the glider sport each year in other countries of Blackson Humans Corridor didn't even account for 1/10 of that died for the same reason in Hoorn Republic. The glider and hang glider export was one of the pillar industries in this state.

It seemed that many record keepers of the glider sport across Blackson Humans Corridor came from Hoorn Republic——Of course, before Zhang Tie shot into the sky.

Zhang Tie's arrival shocked the entire glider base. Everyone in the base from colonel Ohlson to those below him felt honorable and proud about Zhang Tie's arrival.

In the eyes of everyone in the base, it was not a request at all; it was completely the Selnes Eagle's confirmation and trust about the manufacturing technology of the glider in Hoorn Republic. If not Hoorn Republic's good reputation in manufacturing gliders, why would the Selnes Eagle borrow one here soon after his glider was damaged?

Only after a few minutes, the staff in the base had already prepared a WindTalker double-seat glider for Zhang Tie.

The wing of WindTalker was wider than that of the falcon. It was relatively shorter. It was specially designed as its horizontal empennage almost connected with its main wings. Additionally, there were two vertical empennages on its end.

The WindTalker was pushed into the track and hooked with the hauling cable on the capstan of the tractor. After Colonel Ohlson nodded towards Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie appreciated him. After that, under the gaze of a lot of soldiers in the base, he cradled Lan Yunxi and walked towards the glider, causing Lan Yunxi shriek.

"Put me down!" Lan Yunxi's face turned red as she had not imagined that Zhang Tie could be so audacious in the public.

"You're now my juvenile delinquent who plays truant with me, you're my woman. You have to follow me!" Zhang Tie told Lan Yunxi.

Seeing this, all the soldiers in the base burst out into laughter.

Zhang Tie put Lan Yunxi onto the back seat and helped her buckle up. After that, he quickly sat in the cockpit and drew up the canopy. He then thumbed up.

Being drawn by the ground tractor, Zhang Tie's glider soon reached above 60 km/h on the track. The glider soon rushed to the end of the track. Under the effect of the ascending airflow from below the valley, the glider immediately separated from the hauling cable and flew in the air...

The glider constantly ascended. After hovering above the base for a while, it started to fly southward. As it wasn't raining in the south just now, it was a bit hot there. After a short while, Zhang Tie had already found an ascending thermal flow. Like climbing on stages, Zhang Tie just drove his glider and constantly ascended through accessing to thermal flows one after another.

At the beginning, Lan Yunxi looked calm as usual. However, seeing the data on the altimeter constantly rising and surpassed 10,000 m, Lan Yunxi's face slightly changed.

Zhang Tie kept ascending at a faster speed.

"I will take you to the highest point where nobody has ever arrived yet..." Zhang Tie told Lan Yunxi.

At 10,000 m, they had already been able to see the entire Selnes Plain; however, Zhang Tie didn't stop.

After half an hour, Zhang Tie's glider penetrated through the thick clouds like a whale jumping out of the water and arrived at a height that Lan Yunxi had never imagined before. Nobody else could arrive at such a height by the glider.

At that height, wind softened, ground disappeared. They were stepping on undulating, white cloud sea while facing a rainbow which stretched over the sky. The beautiful scenery made them suffocated...

After recovering her composure, Lan Yunxi suddenly recalled a term "stratosphere".

"How possible?"

When Lan Yunxi was greatly shocked, the shameless voice of the guy in the cockpit drifted into her ears.

"Chick, how do you feel by playing truant? Can you coordinate with me by some shrieks? If you feel suffocated here, you can just groan for a while. If you do that, I will have a sense of achievement. Don't worry. It's high here. Nobody would hear that. No matter what, this is our first time to reach above the clouds. A LV 12 great battle master should be adapted to such an environment..."

"Do you want to hear shrieks?" Lan Yunxi's voice softened at once.

"Yes, can you coordinate with me?" Zhang Tie became thrilled.

"No problem!"

After a few seconds...

"Ah..." someone shrilled in the glider. However, it was not Lan Yunxi, but Zhang Tie. A hand of a LV 12 great battle master penetrated through the back of Zhang Tie's chair as it ferociously pinched Zhang Tie's arm.

This was Lan Yunxi's first time to pinch a person's arm since she was born...


The reward ceremony was ongoing in the alliance command of Mocco City. The conference hall was converged with stars, including all the noble ones coming from the central states alliance's base in Mocco City. As those being rewarded showed up one after another, the atmosphere in the rewarding ceremony became a bit weird.

Because the main character that they wanted to see didn't appear at all.

Everybody was looking around. Many were watching the entrance of the conference hall.

Some generals sitting in the rostrum of the conference hall looked as black as the bottom of a pot. When it was close to Zhang Tie's name, a man in colonel's suit entered the side door of the conference hall and came to the rostrum. He then lowered his body and whispered to Howard, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

General Howard slightly frowned his snowwhite eyebrows when he heard the whispers of the colonel. After two seconds, when the colonel left the rostrum, General Howard recovered his composure.

"May I have your attention, please. I've gotten the latest news. Our Selnes Eagle was on his way here. After finding some wing demons breaking through our frontline defense, Sergeant First Class Zhang Tie gave up the chance to attend this rewarding ceremony at once. He instantly drove to the nearest glider base and chased after the wing demons..."

After General Howard finished his words, the conference hall became quiet for two seconds before bursting out thunder-like applause...

"Only such a person is worth the honor of Selnes Eagle and the Human Glory Medal!"

"Sergeant First Class Zhang Tie is a real fighter..."

"We have to ask 'Holy War News' to make a good report for it. We need to show all the soldiers how our Selnes Eagle fulfill his responsibilities for his honor!"

"Yes, yes..."

Excessive praise filled the hall. By contrast, Zhang Tie was traveling with her woman above clouds.

However, before those noble ones finished their praises, a ground-breaking boom had drifted into their ears, causing the crystal ceiling lamp to shake.

Alchemist's bomb?

Everyone realized what happened at once. That boom was less than 1 km away from here.

All the people sprung up from their seats as they exchanged glances with each other with the confused look...

"What's happening?" General Howard became infuriated as he smacked the table and stood up.

After a few minutes, they knew what happened. A military SUV with the driving license of Jinyun Country was boomed by alchemists' bomb on the avenue 1 km away from the alliance command.

The raider and all the passengers in the military SUV were killed. Besides, over 400 people were wounded and many buildings were damaged in the neighboring street.

The ones in the vehicle were an adviser and two retinues of the alliance command. 2 hours ago, the alliance command dispatched some people to investigate what happened to Zhang Tie in Crystal Battle Fortress. However, their vehicles anchored on the way there. Therefore, they could only come back by the SUVs of the Crystal Battle Fortress.

An adviser, some commoners and the SUV, the total value of which could never match that of an alchemist's bomb. They were obviously not the real target. Who was the real target of the raider then?

After realizing that the Selnes Eagle would attend the rewarding ceremony by the vehicle of Crystal Battle Fortress today, everybody understood that the real target of the bomb was rightly the main character of this rewarding ceremony. The raider waited on Zhang Tie's necessary route for the alliance command. At the sight of the SUV heading for the alliance command from the direction of the Crystal Battle Fortress, they launched the attack...

Everyone felt chilly at once...

Chapter 567: Breaking Sun Sutra

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Until it was completely dark and the sky had dotted with sparkling stars did Zhang Tie take Lan Yunxi back to the Crystal Battle Fortress by the glider under the brilliance of the two bright moons.

After sliding on the ground for a small distance, the glider finally parked. Zhang Tie and Lan Yunxi then got off the glider together. Seeing this, the ground service staff ran towards here.

"Thank you!" Lan Yunxi told Zhang Tie, "I'm very happy today. It was a nice trip."

Zhang Tie glanced at those ground servicemen who were running towards here before revealing a smile to Lan Yunxi, "I'm glad that you liked it. Remember to call me when you want to play truant next time!"

Lan Yunxi replied with a smile, "Actually, I found you're not that bad."

"Of course. I'm one of the top 4 excellent teenagers in Blackhot City. I'm a very good person, okay?" Zhang Tie urged.

"I will go back first. You'd better not expose your talent to others."

Zhang Tie knew that Lan Yunxi referred to his talent of driving a glider into the stratosphere. A fabulous experience for the glider drivers for sure. It magnified the application of atmospheric phenomenon.

Below the stratosphere was the troposphere. The ascending airflow which enabled gliders to fly was the product of troposphere. This airflow stopped ascending when it reached below the stratosphere. According to common sense, gliders could never reach as high as the stratosphere. However, Zhang Tie could make it. Besides the ascending thermal airflow, Zhang Tie could also sense some more powerful spiral ascending airflow in the troposphere.

If there was a high mountain range below or in the place where cold and hot air converged with each other, this powerful spiral ascending airflow might appear temporarily. The moment Zhang Tie seized it could he keep his glider climbing up until reaching the stratosphere. He could fly steadily and rapidly below the stratosphere.

This was also the maximal flight height of gliders theoretically. The temperature above the stratosphere was higher than that below the stratosphere. Therefore, sinking cold airflow could always be seen in the stratosphere. This situation was completely opposite to that of the troposphere. Therefore, no glider could reach this height, even theoretically. This was determined by the flight principles.

Knowing that Lan Yunxi was concerned about him, Zhang Tie nodded, "Don't worry. I will not show off this talent unless it's necessary!"

"Why was it necessary for you today?" Lan Yunxi watched Zhang Tie with a bashful look.

"Because it's always necessary for me to stay with you!" Zhang Tie watched Lan Yunxi fervently.

"Have a good sleep!" Lan Yunxi turned away her bashful eyes as she said kindly.

"You too!"

Lan Yunxi nodded before walking towards the Crystal Battle Fortress. After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around and asked, "Can you promise me one thing?"


"Don't take any other women by your glider ever!"

"I won't!" Zhang Tie replied decisively.

"Humph!" Lan Yunxi left with a good mood.

Seeing Lan Yunxi leaving, Zhang Tie almost howled towards the moon. He felt that his relationship with Lan Yunxi had entered a new stage from then on. Because Lan Yunxi had changed and become very womanly in front of him. Zhang Tie had never seen that before.

After handing the WindTalker to the ground servicemen, Zhang Tie whistled and walked towards the Idiots vigorously. He planned to have the Idiots transport the WindTalker back to the glider base tomorrow.And by the way, he would drive back his SUV from there.

Zhang Tie's memory was filled with Lan Yunxi's nice face. However, when he returned to the Idiots, he found the first mate sad. Zhang Tie instantly woke up from the sense of falling in love.

"What's wrong?" at the sight of the look of the first mate, Zhang Tie had already known that something happened.

"You didn't go there today?"

"Hmm, I changed my opinion on the way. I took a ride in the sky!"

"Thankfully, you didn't go there. If you went there, you might not be able to come back!" the first mate replied with a smile.

"What happened?" Zhang Tie became stunned.

"Something happened in the Mocco City. The entire city is in curfew now..." the first mate then told Zhang Tie about what happened today.

After hearing his words, Zhang Tie changed his face. He had not imagined that he was worth being boomed with an alchemist's bomb by those motherf*cking demons lackeys. If he went there together with Lan Yunxi today, he might not survive.

According to the witnesses, when the SUV from Crystal Battle Fortress drew close to the alliance command, someone suddenly rushed to the side of the SUV and ignited the alchemist's bomb. Everything over there was boomed into pieces. Nobody could react in that case.

"Three-Eye Association, that b*stard must be dispatched by the Three-Eye Association."

The moment he thought that Lan Yunxi was in the same vehicle with him, Zhang Tie became scared. An unprecedented fury and a killing intent started to boil in Zhang Tie's heart.

The Human Glory Medal of Zhang Tie had been sent here by people from the alliance command. It was a diamond-shaped medal with a Chinese character "人[1]" in the middle of it. Below that character was Zhang Tie's name. It looked pretty delicate.

What was unprecedented was that this medal was a rare rune equipment. There was a very special rune effect on the medal. When he wore it on his chest, with the effect of rune equipment on the medal, Zhang Tie's voice could increase by 8% on loudness and force of penetration.

This effect could be very remarkable in the public. It was also an effective manner for Zhang Tie to display his honor and dignity.

Zhang Tie named it 'small trumpet' privately...


On the next morning, after getting up and finishing his morning classes, someone from Crystal Battle Fortress came to inform Zhang Tie that Lan Yunxi wanted to see him. Zhang Tie tidied up his clothes before coming to Lan Yunxi's office in the Crystal Battle Fortress.

Zhang Tie knew that Lan Yunxi probably wanted to see him for what happened in Mocco City yesterday.

At this moment, Lan Yunxi had recovered her dignified look as the commander of the airship troop of Jinyun Country in Selnes Theater of Operations. At the sight of Lan Yunxi's solemn look, Zhang Tie's also became serious.

"Have you known what happened in Mocco City yesterday?"

"I have!" Zhang Tie nodded.

"Perhaps there's some information that you don't know. After what happened yesterday, the alliance command has started to investigate the source of that alchemist's bomb. Finally, they found it was from the strategic arsenal of the Symbian Republic, which was right in the Mocco City. 3 alchemist' bombs lost in that arsenal. The director and many people being related to this case had been arrested. Although after the strict interrogation, there was still no answer. Nobody knew how the three alchemist's bombs were lost at all!"

"That means there are two more alchemist's bombs waiting for me?" Zhang Tie sneered, "I'm really worthwhile in their eyes!"

Lan Yunxi nodded, "This event is not as simple as it is apparently. This event reveals that the Mocco City and the alliance command have been penetrated by Three-Eye Association!"

"That was expected. As so many people from different countries are gathering in Selnes Theater of Operations, it would be abnormal if there was no mole of Three-Eye Association among them. Additionally, from this event, we now know there might be more than one mole of Three-Eye Association among them in Selnes Theater of Operations!"

"Therefore, you need to be very careful!"

"I will!" Zhang Tie nodded.

"Here you go!" Lan Yunxi took out a very precious item and gave it to Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie took it and found that was a half-palm sized square item being covered with a brilliant gold pattern which looked like a clan identification plate. In the middle of the gold pattern was a weird matchbox-sized black crystal.

"What's this?" Zhang Tie looked at it for a while.

"You will know it after injecting your spiritual energy into that piece of crystal!"

"Is it another rune equipment?" Zhang Tie was moved as he injected a wisp of spiritual energy into that piece of black crystal.

In a split second, some golden words had appeared in Zhang Tie's mind.

——"Breaking Sun Sutra"

Zhang Tie injected in more spiritual energy and started to skim over the words and images in the book one page after another.

"It has the secret knowledge on cultivation?" Zhang Tie became spirited as he felt a bit thirsty. However, he still forced his spirit to retreat out of it.

He then watched Lan Yunxi and drew in a deep breath, "Is this the secret knowledge of Huaiyuan Palace?"

"Yes, you can light all the 987 surging points in your body according to the contents in the Breaking Sun Sutra. You can be promoted all the way to LV 16 and become a battle spirit!"

Chapter 568: The Secret of Surging Points

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

'Breaking Sun Sutra' was unusual. Zhang Tie had noticed that from its carrier. Zhang Tie admitted that he had not seen a secret knowledge made into a rune equipment although he had rich experiences.

Zhang Tie was sure that it must cost a lot to store so many contents into a piece of marvelous crystal and enable people to read it by injecting spiritual energy in.

In this age, all the contents on cultivation above LV 10 were top secret knowledge and were treasured by all big clans. They would not be exposed to the public easily, not to mention the contents of 'Breaking Sun Sutra', which could help one light all the surging points smoothly and promote all the way from strong fighter to battle spirit. The value and position of 'Breaking Sun Sutra' were among the top treasure of Huaiyuan Palace for sure. Commoners could never touch it. Even though Zhang Tie had stayed in Hidden Dragon Island for so long, he had not heard about 'Breaking Sun Sutra' at all.

"Does anyone else know that you gave me the Breaking Sun Sutra?" Zhang Tie stared at Lan Yunxi with gleaming eyes.

Lan Yunxi turned her face away, "You don't need to know that. No matter what, to constantly improve your fighting strength is always the best guarantee for you to survive dangers. You're just a LV 9. Seriously, you just stepped on the road of cultivation. With this book, you could cut it short."

"I'm sorry, I cannot take it!" although Zhang Tie was desiring about the contents, he still put the 'Breaking Sun Sutra' back in front of Lan Yunxi decisively.

"Why?" Lan Yunxi glared at Zhang Tie with a confused look.

Zhang Tie smirked, "Because the more you help me now, the more difficult it will be for me to marry you in the future. If those elders in Huaiyuan Palace knew that I promoted to LV 10 with your help, you tell me how would they see me. Additionally, if I accepted it, it would definitely pose negative influence on you. I know that even in Huaiyuan Palace 'Breaking Sun Sutra' could still not be touched by everyone!"

"Do you know how difficult the road of cultivation is above LV 9? You might easily lose your life!"

"I don't know. But I'd like to hear that if you want to tell me. But you'd better not tell me the contents of the 'Breaking Sun Sutra', I will not listen to it!" Zhang Tie said languidly.

Zhang Tie's look made Lan Yunxi angry. However, she also felt warm, "There are totally 987 surging points in human body. People would light all the surging points on his or her spine from LV 1 to LV 9. All the surging points on one's spine were visible surging points. The shrine surging point was called original point, which was the foundation of one's cultivation. When one's cultivation reached a certain degree, those visible surging points would appear naturally. As long as one constantly polish these bright surging points with spiritual energy, he or she might light these surging points on his spine!"

"I know this. But I've not heard about the appellation visible surging points and original point!"

"The visible surging points could be seen in the sunshine, which could be manifested. The original point refers to the original point of one's cultivation. Because of its special function, it's usually not mentioned together with other surging points in human body. Being contrary to this, besides 34 visible surging points and that special shrine surging point, there are 953 invisible surging points, which could not be seen. Those invisible surging points could only be manifested through special method and cultivation process. Each piece of the 639 muscles and 206 bones contains a surging point. Besides, the special energy gathering centers in the brain, guts and the other places of human body also contain surging points. After lighting all of these surging points, visible and invisible, one would reach LV 16."

"Wait..." Zhang Tie became a bit stunned as it was his first time to hear these contents, "You mean human guts also contain surging points, including heart?"

"Of course, there are 7 surging points on one's heart. After lighting the 7 surging points, one could become smarter!"

"7-hole heart?" an old Chinese saying appeared in Zhang Tie's mind at once. Zhang Tie had not imagined that the 7-hole heart meant that when 7 surging points on one's heart were lit, one would become smarter.

"It seems that I only need to find all these surging points and light them all so as to promote my level gradually." Zhang Tie became excited. He had never thought it was so easy to cultivate above LV 9.

"No way. If it was so easy, the secret knowledge above LV 10 would be seen everywhere in the market!" Lan Yunxi warned Zhang Tie after knowing what Zhang Tie was thinking about, "Human potential is locked in one's surging points. When you light these surging points, you're actually unlocking your potential. If the human body is treated as a safe full of wealth, those invisible surging points would be the code of this safe. You think you can try this code at no cost? Do you think it's as easy as playing house like kids?"

"You mean I have to follow some mysterious rule or order to light the rest 953 invisible surging points? You mean I could not easily find those invisible surging points. If the order is wrong, it would bring me a very severe outcome."

"You're not too stupid. Tell me how many orders and methods do you need to try before lighting the 953 surging points?"

Lan Yunxi's question was not complex. It was just a mathematical problem. Having received math education for some years, Zhang Tie could easily understand it. He then started mental arithmetic by abacus. However, in a split second, Zhang Tie became puzzled as the result was out of Zhang Tie's upper limit.

Because it was a terrifyingly enormous figure——953*952*951*950*949...he needed to keep multiplying these figures in this way until 2. Only after completing the first three steps, Zhang Tie had already gained an enormous figure 862800456. In the fourth step, it became 819660433200. In the 5th step, the 13-column abacus in Zhang Tie's mind had already failed to hold this figure anymore.

This was just a beginning. He needed to keep multiplying like this until 952 steps later. The final result might be read for over 10 minutes by people.

Watching Zhang Tie's face, Lan Yunxi knew that he had already realized how severe was the problem. Therefore, she said, "Do you know that? The cultivation method above LV 9 is very precious because it is contained in the infinite possibilities. Like a grain of gold in the ocean, such infinite possibilities also contain infinite wrong cultivation methods and death traps. If there's any problem with the order and method to light those surging points, you might explode and die at any time or at least become handicapped!"

Lan Yunxi's words utterly overthrew Zhang Tie's presumption about the cultivation process above LV 9. Previously, Zhang Tie thought that the cultivation process above LV 9 was like that below LV 9. He thought he only needed to find the surging points and light them one after another. He had not imagined that there were so many possibilities in the process of cultivation above LV 9 and so many risks were buried in the process. He once thought that everyone would follow the same order to light surging points above LV 9.

"No way!" Lan Yunxi glanced at Zhang Tie, "When you lit surging points, you were also decoding your body's treasury. Different decoding processes would trigger different potentials and abilities of human bodies. Of course, they would bring different results. Like how painters paint, although they use the same raw materials, they could make different paintings. After matching and mixing with different colors, they could display completely different paintings."

"What do you mean by different results?"

"Take the simplest example, one cultivated Zhang's "Breaking Sun Sutra", the other one cultivated Lan's "Big Dipper Sutra". Both of them were promoted to LV 10. Although both of them could open qi sea and release battle qi in the air, the one who cultivated 'Breaking Sun Sutra' would be 10% more powerful than that who cultivated 'Big Dipper Sutra'. Additionally, the one who cultivated 'Big Dipper Sutra' would have sharper insight and responsive ability than that one cultivated 'Breaking Sun Sutra'!"

"At LV 11, the one who cultivated 'Breaking Sun Sutra' would gain a chance to strengthen his visual ability greatly while the battle qi of the one who cultivated 'Big Dipper Sutra' would have one more harmful attribute. Gradually, both parties would have increasingly greater differences on many aspects, which further determine the differences between their battle skills and cultivation roads!"

Chapter 569: Being Clear

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"In this age, according to Chinese traditions, any secret knowledge that helps people promote all the way from LV 10 to LV 16 can be called sutra, which indicated its qualified, dignified position."

"The cultivation of visible and invisible surging points are too complex that it contains hundreds of billions of methods, which could not be concluded by humans after the Catastrophe without making any mistakes. Instead, they were the far-ancient cultural product that people discovered in the underground relics. That's why cultivation methods above LV 10 are very precious!"

Lan Yunxi continued to explain as Zhang Tie gradually understood the world of cultivation above LV 10. At the same time, a question appeared in his mind.

"Now that such a secret knowledge is so precious, why have I encountered many human fighters above LV 10. Have all of them gotten the precious secret knowledge?"

"That's what I'm gonna tell you and what should catch your attention. Besides those secret knowledge being called sutra, there were many other levels of secret knowledge on cultivation across the Waii Sub-Continent and other continents, such as law, rule, know-how, skill and technique. When you meet one of them, you'd better not be too happy with them and cultivate them at once. If not, you might regret for the rest of your life."

"Ah? Why?" Zhang Tie asked.

"Because the above 5 kinds of secret knowledge could not promote you all the way from LV 10 to LV 16 smoothly. Instead, when you reach a certain level, you will completely lose the advancing route later. That's a dead end. You might not advance even a bit at a certain level!" Lan Yunxi told Zhang Tie with a solemn look.

"Where do they come from?"

"These kinds of secret knowledge are incomplete secret knowledge of cultivation which were discovered from underground relics. After losing the later parts, they were called law, rule, know-how, skill and technique so as to separate them from those sutras, which contain complete cultivation methods."

"What about the differences between law, rule, know-how, skill and technique in details?"

"Among these kinds of secret knowledge, those being called law under sutra are the best, which could promote people to LV 15; followed by rule, which could promote one to LV 14; know-how, which could promote one to LV 13; skill, which could promote one to LV 12. Those being called technique are the worst, with which you could only promote to LV 11 at most, some of which could only promote you to LV 10. If one cultivates such laws, rules, know-hows, skills and techniques, after reaching upper limits, they could only watch their invisible surging points as they dared not light them. As long as they mistook the order of lighting surging points, they might lose their lives while lighting the next surging point!"

"Do they still cultivate such kinds of secret knowledge?"

"Of course. Do you think that everyone else could have a chance to pick and treat sutra as shit like you at such a critical moment?" Lan Yunxi rolled her eyes at Zhang Tie, "In the entire Waii Sub-Continent, even laws, rules, know-hows, skills and techniques are the top secret knowledge, which are only in the hands of very few people. Many people might not have a chance to see it in their whole lives. Additionally, each one has different qualifications, gifts and cultivation conditions. Many people would be satisfied if they could reach LV 11 or 12. Therefore, suppose if they could be guided to reach this level, they would be very satisfied!"

Lan Yunxi's words reminded Zhang Tie about his experience in Blackhot City. At that time, his elder brother, who had just reached LV 5 made all the family members very happy and proud of him. They were thinking about the dignified look of him when he became the commission officer in Blackhot City. At that time, Zhang Tie would already be satisfied if he could reach LV 7 or 8, not to mention LV 10. By the way, he could never imagine that he would be concerned about the cultivation road above LV 10.

"If so, whether 'Breaking Sun Sutra' is the only secret knowledge in Huaiyuan Palace?"

"Of course not. Huaiyuan Palace also has many other inferior secret knowledge. They would be delivered to different people according to their personal situations. 'Breaking Sun Sutra' could only be cultivated by excellent talents in Zhang's direct descendants. Additionally, they could only get a part of the 'Breaking Sun Sutra'. Only when their level and contribution to the clan reach a certain degree could they cultivate the rest part of 'Breaking Sun Sutra'. Very few people could be rewarded with class II or class III cultivation method of 'Breaking Sun Sutra' at once!"

Zhang Tie forced a bitter smile, "She must be condemning about my silly deed. The others might only get class II cultivation contents of 'Breaking Sun Sutra' after hard efforts, however, I refused to accept the complete contents of 'Breaking Sun Sutra'. No wonder Lan Yunxi looks a bit angry."

However, Zhang Tie still felt that he had made the right decision. "Given the importance of the 'Breaking Sun Sutra', if I accepted it frankly, Lan Yunxi would carry a greater responsibility in the clan. I don't want my woman to sustain such a heavy burden for me." Zhang Tie had been very satisfied to know that Lan Yunxi wanted to shoulder risks for him.

At this moment, Zhang Tie felt like coming to the right place.

"You mean even sutras have different effects in the later phases. Do you mean that even sutras have different positions and could bring us different achievements after unlocking the human potential treasury?"

"Yes. Even complete sutras would have different positions. These sutras were all products in the far-ancient times. In that age, although these secret knowledge were complete for cultivation; due to a hierarchical system, these sutras also had different positions. They were divided into 7 levels, namely emperor-level, throne-level, duke-level, marquis-level, count-level, viscount-level, baron-level, which was similar to the divisions of human noble..."

"Is there a sharp difference between different levels of secret knowledge?"

"Before promoting to knight officially, these secret knowledge, as long as they are complete, would not have a sharp difference with each other after lighting all the surging points. However, when one promotes to a knight and reaches a certain phase, these secret knowledge would have different effects, which might cause sharp differences in fighting skills."

"Might?" Zhang Tie watched Lan Yunxi with a dubious look.

"Yes, might. Although the secret knowledge are different in levels, after promoting to the knight, when you want to advance to higher cultivation levels, you might not qualify due to some objective conditions. You might not be able to use your advantage and possibility which were granted by your high-end secret knowledge. After all, the cultivation conditions and cultivation resources in this age are sharply different than that before the Catastrophe. Those could be easily done before the Catastrophe might be extremely difficult in this age."

After thinking for a second, Zhang Tie asked, "Look whether it's like this. If I cultivate a high-end secret knowledge now, it's like a poor guy suddenly becomes a legal successor of a great sum of legacy. That sum of legacy is in abroad, which could not be succeeded until I am 30 years old. However, when I am 30 years old, I might not go abroad due to many reasons such as war, etc.. Therefore, it's nothing different than having the right and also not!"

"Right. Accurately, you have the right of succession to that legacy. However, when you can succeed that legacy, you don't know where's that legacy. As a result, you could only live the same life as others. However, as long as you could find that legacy, you could instantly become the No. 1 richest person in the country. By contrast, those who cultivate inferior secret knowledge are unable to succeed that legacy even though it's in front of them. This is the difference between cultivating different levels of secret knowledge."

After hearing Lan Yunxi's explanation, Zhang Tie revealed a bitter smile as he finally understood the difference between a poor guy and a princess. Lan Yunxi perhaps has long known these knowledge. However, for Zhang Tie, everything was so fresh. If not being told by Lan Yunxi, He didn't know when would he understand that the cultivation methods were so important above LV 10, which might even influence the cultivation after promoting to the knight. "That's too complex!"

Zhang Tie smacked his lips, "What's the level of 'Breaking Sun Sutra' of Zhang Clan in Huaiyuan Prefecture?"

"Zhang's "Breaking Sun Sutra" and Lan's "Big Dipper Sutra" are both in count-level! Such secret knowledge could be the top secret knowledge on cultivation across Waii Sub-Continent. They could support a clan and a kingdom. In the western continent, there is duke-level secret knowledge; however, senior secret knowledge could only be found in Taixia State in Eastern Continent. The Xuanyuan Emperor who rules the Xuanyuan Hill cultivates the only complete emperor-level secrete knowledge among humans——Xuanyuan God-Converting Sutra!"

"Count-level secret knowledge!" Zhang Tie tasted it as he remembered a situation introduced to him by Lan Yunxi, "If so, those incomplete laws, rules, know-hows, skills and techniques, when being complete, might have higher levels than 'Breaking Sun Sutra'. They might reach marquis-level, duke-level, even throne-level and emperor-level?"

"Yes. But it's meaningless. Even though it's an incomplete emperor-level sutra, if it could only help you reach LV 11, it might not be more powerful than an inferior secret knowledge which could help you reach LV 12. If you cannot reach the top level of an incomplete emperor-level sutra, you might fully play its role. That's why they only divide complete secret knowledge into levels!"

"Is there indeed an incomplete emperor-level secret knowledge?"

"Yes, there is!"

"Ah? Really?" Zhang Tie almost exclaimed.

After thinking for a second, Lan Yunxi continued, "The incomplete one was discovered with the 'Xuanyuan God-Converting Sutra' at the same time. However, with the incomplete one, you could only promote to 3 star-strong fighter!"

"What's the name of that incomplete secret knowledge?"

"It's called 'King Roc Sutra'. However, as it's an incomplete one, you could only reach LV 10 with it. Therefore, it got another name, 'Robust Ox Technique'!

"Robust Ox Technique", Zhang Tie twitched his eye corners after hearing this wild name.

"How did you know that?"

"It's the most widely spread secret knowledge. Many big Chinese Clans have it, including Huaiyuan Palace!"


10 minutes later, Zhang Tie left Lan Yunxi's room. Through this talk, Zhang Tie became more clear-minded while his cultivation road instantly became bright. Although he didn't take Lan Yunxi's 'Breaking Sun Sutra', he finally fixed his road ahead.

At this moment, Heller's voice sounded, "Find a 'King Roc Sutra', don't miss this chance!"

"Ah? Why?" Zhang Tie became slightly stunned.

"Others are afraid of losing their lives after making a mistake, what are you afraid of in the trouble-reappearance situation?"

Zhang Tie felt like being struck by thunderbolts at once...

Chapter 570: The Super Glider

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After leaving Lan Yunxi's room, Zhang Tie covered his excitement. After thinking for a short while, he returned to the outside of the Crystal Battle Fortress and allowed people to load WindTalker glider in the Idiots. After that, he flew towards Hoorn Republic Glider Base by the Idiots.

It was not easy to recover 'Robust Ox Technique' to 'King Roc Sutra'. Even though he had the trouble-reappearance situation where he could make mistakes endlessly, it required a great patience. After reaching LV 10 with 'Robust Ox Technique', each step forward would require him to make mistakes for hundreds of times in the trouble-reappearance situation.

"Is it worth it?" Zhang Tie didn't know. He was not too ambitious. According to Lan Yunxi's words, "The power of emperor-level secret knowledge on cultivation might gradually show up after the cultivator became a knight. It was just 'might'!"

Although there were many powerful ones among billions of humans, only emperor Xuanyuan of Taixia State on the Eastern Continent could successfully cultivate emperor-level secret knowledge. With this point, Zhang Tie knew that it was very difficult to cultivate the latter parts of emperor-level secret knowledge.

Therefore, Zhang Tie would better dream about what surprises and benefits could the 'King Roc Sutra' bring him before he promoted to a knight than expecting for the 'rich legacy' brought by the complete emperor-level secret knowledge after he promoted to a knight.

From LV 10 to LV 16, the difference caused by different levels of secret knowledge was not decisive; what was really decisive was the level of a person and the number of surging points that he had lit. Therefore, in this process, Zhang Tie would be satisfied if the King Roc Sutra's performance was not worse than that of the Breaking Sun Sutra. As it was an emperor-level secret knowledge, it might not be worse than "Breaking Sun Sutra".

"Pitifully, I only have one body and my surging points could only be lit once; otherwise, I'd probably recover all those secret knowledge below sutras in the trouble-reappearance situation.'

"Of course, the priority is to get a 'Robust Ox Technique'; otherwise, everything would be an illusion. Additionally, the secret that I cultivated 'Robust Ox Technique' must not be exposed to the public; otherwise, when I reached above LV 10 with this secret knowledge, it would arouse a great shock."

Zhang Tie gradually sorted out his ideas on the Idiots. Only after over 10 minutes, the glider base of Hoorn Republic had appeared.

What was most important for Zhang Tie was to clean those demons and b*stards of Three-Eye Association who hid among humans in Selnes Theater of Operations. If not what happened in Mocco City yesterday, Zhang Tie didn't know that the Three-Eye Association and demons would like to kill him so quickly, neither would he come to the Hoorn Republic Glider Base today.

However, now that he had known about it, Zhang Tie determined to launch a ferocious counter-attack towards demons and those b*stards of Three-Eye Association for their tricks and plots. He had to make demons and those b*stards of Three-Eye Association more afflictive.

"How to make demons and those b*stards of Three-Eye Association more afflictive? It's simple! I have to constantly become more powerful and kill more wing demons."


When Zhang Tie got off the airship, Colonel Ohlson with a dense whisker walked towards him on the glider base and gave Zhang Tie a fervent bear hug.

"Welcome to the Hoorn Republic Glider Base, Selnes hero in the air!" after that, Colonel Ohlson watched that WindTalker which was pushed out of the Idiots by the crew members and asked, "How about our WindTalker?"

"Nice, very nice. This is the best two-seat glider that I've ever driven!" Zhang Tie replied with a solemn look. After all, it was his first time to drive a two-seat glider. Therefore, it was a compliment, not a lie. Additionally, WindTalker indeed has a good driving experience. Besides agile manipulation, its lift-to-drag feature was very excellent. Although being a two-seat glider, it could even match Huaiyuan Palace's one-seat falcon.

After hearing Zhang Tie's compliment, Colonel Ohlson became very spirited as his face blushed. He then turned around and shouted towards those soldiers in the base, "Bit*hes, have you heard that? Selnes Eagle said WindTalker was the best two-seat glider that he had ever driven!"

After hearing this, many people in the base cheered up. In Blackson Humans Corridor, one way to make friends with the Hoorn Republic was to talk about their glider. If you want to make them happy, you should praise their glider; this method had been spread across Blackson Humans Corridor for hundreds of years. The compliment from the Selnes Eagle was more lethal to these soldiers and commission officers of Hoorn Republic. As a result, all of them was proud of themselves.

"You're the best friend of Hoorn Republic!" Colonel Ohlson patted Zhang Tie's shoulder.

"The glider of Hoorn Republic is very famous in Blackson Humans Corridor. I'm here today to ask for your help!"

"Help what? As long as we can do it, no problem!" Colonel Ohlson said immediately.

"I need a glider that I could fight with. It should be modified according to my requests. Hopefully, you could give me a favor!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's request, Colonel Ohlson's eyes gleamed as he watched Zhang Tie's eyes very seriously, "You mean you need us to provide a glider for you. You want to drive the Hoorn Republic's glider to f*ck those demon b*stards, are you kidding me?"

"Right, I will pay all the expenses!"

Colonel Ohlson drew in a deep breath as he turned around and shouted more loudly, "B*tches, tell those moldy engineers to prepare to work. Let them gather in the warehouse No. 1 and tell them it's time for them to contribute to the country..."


After a few minutes, Zhang Tie saw a lot of gliders in the warehouse No. 1 and dozens of engineers who looked very thrilled. After Colonel Ohlson told those engineers that Zhang Tie wanted to drive a Hoorn Republic's glider to fight demons, they became more thrilled. Some of them even burst out into tears.

"In order to fight demons, our Hoorn Republic dispatches the most excellent people here. Although these guys could not fight on the battlefield, they are the most excellent engineers and technicians in the Hoorn Republic. You only need to tell them about your requirements. They will work out your glider for sure!"

After talking with those guys, Colonel Ohlson turned around and talked to Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that his request could arouse such a shock. Standing in front of those engineers and watching their gleaming eyes, Zhang Tie revealed a bashful smile.

"Actually, my requests are not complex. First, it should fly fast; second, besides being available to be thrown out of the airship in the air, it'd better set out on the ground. Of course, I don't mean that they are dragged by other instruments. Instead, I want to run it by foot until it reaches the speed of taking off. Thirdly, it should be matched with some battle pendants which are adaptable to my battle mode!"

Soon after Zhang Tie's voice did those engineers' start to discuss enthusiastically.

After discussing it for a few minutes, an engineer asked, "Your Excellency, can you make it clearer what you meant by running it by foot?"

"Actually, it's like this..." as the language was not concrete, Zhang Tie then fetched a metal ring whose diameter was about 60 cm and wore it while putting the metal ring at his waist, "This metal ring is like the cockpit. When I am in the cockpit, I lift the glider by hands and carry its weight. When I want to fly off and land on, I will put my feet out of the cockpit and run..." Zhang Tie made a running gesture, "This is like how I lift my short pants and rush to the toilet..."

All the engineers became stunned as they had not imagined that Zhang Tie would choose such a method to fly off the glider. This is like how birds such as swan run before flying off. Nobody has tried that before. That's insane.

"Your Excellency, you need to lift about 800 kg so as to keep its balance. Additionally, you need to run at least 50 km per hour. Are you sure about that?"

Zhang Tie replied with a smile, "Sure!"

Chapter 571: Free Flight

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie had not imagined that he could do this before. When he arrived at this base yesterday, he saw the glider being dragged by the car before flying off. Therefore, he hit this possible way——the glider should weigh less than 1000 km; additionally, he could catch up with the running speed of the car. As long as the terrain was proper, he could have his glider fly off.

He could lift about 1000 kg for sure, which was just as heavy as a battle hammer. He could also catch up with the running speed of the car. Therefore, he wanted to have the glider modified so that it could better adapt to his ability and play a greater role on the battlefield.

If it was successfully modified, he could fly off at any time once there was a hillside. As a result, his driving ability would be further improved.

The engineers soon understood Zhang Tie's thought, which made them thrilled. Therefore, they soon started to work it out.

As Zhang Tie expressed that he wanted to use this glider as soon as possible, the engineers didn't build a new one; instead, they started to modify a very well-matched excellent glider.

A WindTalker II was drawn out of the warehouse by those engineers. After moving away its cover, they started to split it one part after another in a warehouse and modify it.


When those engineers were modifying the glider, Colonel Ohlson took Zhang Tie into a office. The moment Zhang Tie entered it was he startled. He even wondered why Colonel Ohlson took him in a utility room.

Almost half of the room was covered with hats, notebooks, mini glider models and certificates of merit.

Colonel Ohlson revealed a bashful smile, "Since you came here yesterday, those b*tches outside asked for your signature; therefore, I have their items collected here, look..."

Zhang Tie smiled, "No problem. After all, I have some time; I will meet their wishes!"

"That's awesome!" Colonel Ohlson became thrilled as he instantly called in two soldiers to let them assist Zhang Tie to accomplish this.

There were more than 1,000 items in the room. Watching those pens which had been prepared for him, Zhang Tie rubbed his face as he fetched a chair and sat down. After drawing in a deep breath, he started his job.

As Zhang Tie always treated himself as a commoner, he knew what did those common soldiers think. Therefore, Zhang Tie did it seriously.

Zhang Tie didn't just sign his name; he also left a sentence.

"Salute to those brave humans who fought together with me in Selnes Theater of Operations——Zhang Tie!"

After living in Blackhot City for many years, although Zhang Tie's scores were not excellent, under the strict requirements of his dad and mom, he had a nice handwriting. His words combined agility and strength.

In the entire morning, Zhang Tie signed his name seriously without even having lunch. Colonel Ohlson came here to see Zhang Tie for many times. After watching Zhang Tie's serious look while signing his name on each item, especially under the translation of some advisers who knew Chinese, Colonel Ohlson's eyes turned wet.

At about 2 pm, Zhang Tie finally finished his job while that one-seat WindTalker II had also been modified and was put on the track. Its caesious color had a good concealment effect in the sky.

Given its look, this modified one-seat WindTalker II was nothing different from the original one. Their differences existed in the cockpit.

At this moment, an arc opening which was about 80 cm in length and 50 cm in width below the cockpit and two more concave metal handles appeared on both sides of the seat.

The chief engineer who was responsible for modification introduced it to Zhang Tie.

"On the premise of not increasing its weight, we have strengthened the stress structure of its frame. You can lift this glider by the two concave metal handles. Thankfully, the location of the cabin is the geometric center of gravity of the entire glider, you only need to carry its weight. You don't need to carry the burden caused by leverage factor."

"Additionally, we have opened a hole here at the bottom of the cockpit, where you could stretch your feet out for the sake of running. We made this opening movable. There's a hand-pull switch in the cockpit. When you fly off, you can withdraw your feet, at the same time you pull the switch by hand to cover the metal sliding closure. This would neither influence your flight rest nor the speed of this glider!"

"To reach such an effect, we needed to adjust some interlocks. Previously, the hard seat was not available; we have changed it into a folding chair. Besides feeling more comfortable, you will find no change in its flight performance and driving pattern. Your free mobility in the cockpit won't change either."

"Thanks, you're great!" Zhang Tie nodded after watching it for a while, "Can I have a try now?"

All the engineers nodded. Zhang Tie then jumped into the cockpit. Holding the two concave metal handles, he lifted the glider, which weighed about 800 kg.

Zhang Tie stepped on the ground as he steadily lifted the glider. This looked like a pair of huge plane-shaped metal short pants.

Zhang Tie ran a couple of steps and found that his mobility was not restricted besides his arm.

After a slight adjustment, Zhang Tie started to run by lifting the glider. After over 10 seconds, his speed had reached above 60 km/h.

Zhang Tie felt an elevating force on the wings due to the different upper and lower airflow as the weight in his hand gradually decreased.

After running hundreds of meters, being blown by the airflow under the hillside, the glider attempted to leave the ground. Zhang Tie felt no weight in his hands as the glider completely took him off the ground and flew into the sky. Zhang Tie rapidly withdrew his feet and put his feet on the pedals. Closely after that, he closed the metal sliding cover by pulling the switch. He then sat back into the seat and started to drive.

All the engineers yelled and applauded.

After half an hour, Zhang Tie returned to the track by the glider. All the engineers swarmed up and finished the final modification for the glider——increased two weapon racks outside both sides of the cockpit. Each weapon rack could contain six 1.1-m long metal spears as Zhang Tie's weapons towards LV 10 wing demons.

After accomplishing all these, the whole base became boiled; as all the soldiers had received Zhang Tie's signature and encouragement. As a result, the morale in the base surged to its peak at once.

These engineers were all reserved in the base. Those items where Zhang Tie signed his name on didn't include that of these engineers. After knowing that Zhang Tie left a very meaningful souvenir to the others, all the engineers revealed an admiring look.

Zhang Tie noticed their special looks. When some engineers took out the notebook with an expecting look and asked for Zhang Tie's signature, Zhang Tie posed the last request towards those engineers who participated in the modification of the glider, "I really appreciate what you've done for me today. This glider is my battle partner in Selnes Theater of Operations from then on. If you can sign your names on it and let them stay with this glider forever, it would be my great honor. I will take it as a souvenir gifted by you. If so, I will always miss you when I fight in the air. I promise you I will kill a wing demon for each one of you who leave their name on the glider!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, all the engineers felt their blood boiling in their hearts as they had an unprecedented sense of pride and honor. As a result, many of them burst out into tears.

Leaving their own name on the glider of the Selnes Eagle was the supreme honor and reward for an engineer.


Finally, after taking a photo with the commission officers and engineers in front of the glider, Zhang Tie left by the Idiots with the glider which was covered with 27 engineers' names.

Zhang Tie didn't return to the Crystal Battle Fortress; instead, he directly headed for north.

After 24 hours, the Idiots returned to the Crystal Battle Fortress with over 60 grim and terrifying heads of wing demons.

"Prepare a vehicle and hang all these heads over it!" Zhang Tie ordered with an aggressive killing intent...

Chapter 572: Beat the Dog's Owner

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When crew members of the Idiots started to hang those wing demons' heads over the military vehicle, all the people in the Crystal Battle Fortress who had received the news came here to watch it silently.

Those wing demons' grim heads were well preserved. Many of the heads still had their dying looks .

At the sight of that vehicle, all the onlookers were stunned. They didn't know how to describe the military SUV which was covered with wing demons' heads.

It was both terrifying and shocking. After watching it, everyone felt being fully energetic, heroic and dauntless.

The powerful wing demons' heads were just this vehicle's goods and ornaments.

Those wing demons who made the sky full of terror became the trivial ornaments of this military vehicle.

Those demons who once ate and massacred humans could also be killed and violated by humans.

What a power!

How sharp! How sharp!


"Come on. Where's the photographer? Take a photo for me in front of this vehicle!" Soon after those wing demons' heads were well placed did a ground service commission officer shout.

The onlookers instantly became boiled as many of them strove for taking a photo in front of this vehicle.

With such a photo, even though one had not killed a demon, he could still bluff in front of his grandsons when he was old——Your grandpa had made contributions to the humans in the 3rd holy war; additionally, your grandpa once worked together with a human hero called Selnes Eagle in a battle fortress...


When so many people were surrounding the vehicle, Ou Hongyu and his demon hunting squad who had left the base for about 10 days finally finished their task and returned to the Crystal Battle Fortress.

When Ou Hongyu's demon hunting squad left the Crystal Battle Fortress, Zhang Tie was fighting ferociously in Flatte City. When Zhang Tie came back, Ou Hongyu was still in the outside where he could not touch Crystal Battle Fortress. Therefore, Ou Hongyu didn't know what happened these days. Neither did he know that Zhang Tie had become the hero across Selnes Theater of Operations only after two weeks.

Demon hunting squad was like human elite squad which especially targeted at dealing with demon corps in the wild. This time, Ou Hongyu had a good performance. The entire squad suffered no casualty at all. Besides, they swept two demon squads and killed some wing demons. Therefore, when they caught sight of the Crystal Battle Fortress, they all felt pleasant due to a big triumph.

"Senior brother apprentice Ou, you can definitely enter top 30 with this achievement. As long as you keep this achievement, senior brother apprentice Ou could definitely make a further improvement in Chuixue Palace in the future!" An apprentice of Chuixue Palace flattered him when he found Ou Hongyu was happy.

"The achievement belongs to all of us. Without your cooperation, I can not make such an achievement. Especially Qingqing, with her fiery wheel, she has also has made a great achievement. She even killed three wing demons. We all have achievements this time. Later on, we need to work harder. After having a good experience in Selnes Theater of Operations, when we reach the Eastern Continent, we will have the chance to exhibit ourselves!" Ou Hongyu said modestly. However, his words revealed some important information.

After hearing Ou Hongyu's words, someone among the demon hunting squad immediately realized something, "Senior brother apprentice Ou, you mean..."

"Just keep it as a secret. Don't pass it on. It won't sound good..." Ou Hongyu warned them before lowering his voice, "I was told by a senior brother apprentice in Chuixue Palace, the bottom line for the six major clans of Jinyun Country to stay here was that demons would not pass by the Kalay Mountain Range. In case, the demon corps passed by the Kalay Mountain Range, all the Chinese across Waii Sub-Continent would leave for the Eastern Continent!"

"Ah? Is that real?" some innocent guys were shocked by Ou Hongyu's words.

"Some Chinese countries in the south of Waii Sub-Continent had prepared for leaving there in an all-round manner before the holy war. All the six major clans have their own ways in Eastern Continent. They have not cut their connections with their base in Eastern Continent yet. All the elders and heads of the major clans are top elites. After all, Waii Sub-Continent is a remote place. When there is no holy war, they could do business here; however, when the holy war breaks out, how can those clan elders let this place determine the fates of their clans? We only need to cultivate ourselves well here. When we arrive at the Eastern Continent, we might have a chance to appear in the Heavenly Fortune Rankings and be rewarded with the rank of nobility..." Ou Hongyu said as he gradually became heroic.

"Senior brother apprentice Ou, I was told that Heavenly Fortune Rankings was a marvelous item in Taixia Dynasty. As long as one dropped his or her blood on it, the Heavenly Fortune Rankings would know all the information about this person. Is that real?"

"I've not seen Heavenly Fortune Rankings yet. It's a mysterious product in the far-ancient civilization. In the former two holy wars, Heavenly Fortune Rankings served as the stage for the heroes to exhibit their own strength. It didn't make any mistake after so many generations and so many experiences. As Chinese, only when we become knights could we leave our names on it by dropping our blood on it. Thus, we could be rewarded with the corresponding rank of nobility according to the meritorious deeds that were exhibited on the Heavenly Fortune Rankings while our wives could also be rewarded with rank of nobility and our sons would inherit our positions and privileges. That's how the ancestors of the six major clan of Jinyun Country originated from!"

"Ah? Senior brother apprentice Ou, don't many countries in Waii Sub-Continent also have emperors and nobles?" a younger guy asked with a puzzled look.

"If you just stay at home, as long as you shut your door and buy some slaves to serve you, you can also treat yourself a emperor. However, can you enjoy the same treatment in the outside?" Ou Hongyu sneered, "Although only demon-killers could be rewarded with the rank of nobility according to the 'Humans Brilliance Charter', besides us Chinese, who should be rewarded with the rank of nobility according to the meritorious deeds exhibited on the Heavenly Fortune Rankings, other clans' nobles and imperial kingsmen don't have strict rules. As long as they kill some demons and are able to rule a mountain could they call themselves nobles and imperial kingsmen. Nobody cared about them. However, when they came to the Eastern Continent, they were nothing but a fart. They are just country moneybags at most. When they arrive at Taixia Dynasty, they have to be docile. None of them dare call themselves nobles at all..."

"Ah? But why?"

"Because, in Taixia Dynasty, only nobles on the Heavenly Fortune Rankings are recognized. All those who have not been recognized by the Heavenly Fortune Rankings dared to call themselves nobles would be split into 5 parts by horses according to Taixia's laws!"

"According to you, the Fighting Strength Rankings in the Crystal Battle Fortress is really meaningful!" a member of the demon hunting squad became enlightened at once.

"You just realized that?" Ou Hongyu smiled intently.

"Aww, I wonder whether Zhang Tie has killed any demons these days." a guy suddenly remembered Zhang Tie.

"Forget about him. A LV 9 guy is nothing in the sky. If he could join our demon hunting squad, he might kill one or two demons. However, if he stays in the airship, it depends on his fortune!" a guy sneered.

Dantai Qingqing just listened to their discussions. Until when she caught sight of so many people around a place in the base was her attention aroused.

"Yi? What's happening over there?"

"Let's take a look there!" Ou Hongyu smiled.


When the demon hunting squad pushed in the crowd and watched the bloody and terrifying military SUV did they stupefy.

"What...what happened? Who killed so many wing demons?" Ou Hongyu changed his face at once. After forcefully swallowing his saliva did he remove his vision from that vehicle.

"Who? Of course the Selnes Eagle!" a ground service soldier who was waiting to take a photo replied pleasantly.

"Selnes Eagle?" after hearing this name, all the members of the demon hunting squad exchanged glances with each other.

"Don't you know that?"

"As we were on duty in the outside these days, we've just come back. Can you tell me what happened" Dantai Qingqing revealed a smile towards a soldier. That young soldier felt being struck by electricity while he blushed at once...

However, before that soldier spoke, a voice in unison had sounded in the surroundings, "Ah? Here comes the Selnes Eagle. This time, the first rank would refresh his marks..."

The demon hunting squad members turned around and found Zhang Tie walking in the crowd in a weird uniform, at the sight of whom, all the surrounding crowd gave a way to him.

Ou Hongyu's face turned pale at once...

Zhang Tie also caught sight of Ou Hongyu and the other members of the demon hunting squad. He smiled towards them silently. After that, he told those around the vehicle, "I'm sorry, please give me a way, I have to go out for a travel now!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's request, all of them gave a way to him hurriedly, leaving those who had not taken a photo with the vehicle pitiful.

Zhang Tie got on the vehicle and drove away that shocking vehicle from the base in the Crystal Battle Fortress and headed for Mocco City.

Those b*stards of Three-Eye Association wanted to kill him. Therefore, he wanted to show them the outcome to stir up him. "Aren't those b*stards thinking they are hiding in a secret place? I will find their owner some trouble then."

"Before beating a dog, the others would see who's its owner. However, if a dog stirs up me, I will directly beat its owner..."