1127 - 1134

Chapter 1127: Sincere Friends

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Finding that Zhang Tie was silent, Mountain Lifting Hermit lowered his head unconsciously while his passionate look gradually turned to the original solemn look. At the same time, Mountain Lifting Hermit let out a sigh inside, "I've not imagined that this question could make you embarrassed, younger brother Cui, I'm too offensive!"

After hearing Mountain Lifting Hermit's words, Zhang Tie knew what he was thinking about. Therefore, the moment Mountain Lifting Hermit finished his words, Zhang Tie had shaken his head as he watched Mountain Lifting Hermit sincerely and said, "Elder brother, you must have misunderstood me. When in Earth-elements Realm, you fought demons with me side by side. We're David And Jonathan! I would never hide the facts in front of elder brother. I was just concerned that I might surprise you if I told you about my secrets!"

Zhang Tie replied in a secret way. Even though others were standing on his side, they could not know what Zhang Tie was talking about.

Bai Suxian threw a glance at Zhang Tie silently. Using his instinct, Bai Suxian had guessed what Zhang Tie was going to talk. Therefore, she wanted to remind Zhang Tie by throwing a glance at him. As a big secret, as long as it was leaked, it might cause great troubles.

Of course, Zhang Tie knew about Bai Suxian's concern. Zhang Tie just comforted Bai Suxian by pinching her hand forcefully.

Mountain Lifting Hermit revealed a genial smile once again, "This elder brother has traveled so many places on the earth and below the earth these years, although I'm not very strong-willed, it's difficult for the younger brother to surprise me!"

"Actually, I'm not Cui Li; I'm Zhang Tie, the very Zhang Tie who was wanted by Taixia Country. Since the first day I met you, I had been Zhang Tie. Cui Li is just my incarnation!"

"What?" Mountain Lifting Hermit sprung up at once with a "shocked" look. As he was shocked too much, he even forgot to use the secret way.

Looking at Zhang Tie's helpless expression which meant "I've long known that you would behave like this", Mountain Lifting Hermit looked left and right before taking in a deep breath and sitting down with a solemn look.

"Young brother...Cui, is that true? Aren't you kidding me?" Mountain Lifting Hermit asked seriously in a secret way once again.

"Yes, it's true. I'm not kidding you. I am Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie is me!" Zhang Tie nodded.

"I've seen Zhang Tie's order for arrest. Your look and figure are pretty different than Zhang Tie's..."

"I've awakened an immortal ancestral bloodline. I named it body changing immortal bloodline. With this kind of bloodline, I could change my look and figure casually..." As Zhang Tie explained, he silently stretched his right hand in front of Mountain Lifting Hermit. Right under the gaze of Mountain Lifting Hermit, Zhang Tie's right hand started to change.

It gradually turned older with more and more wrinkles and senile plaques like a withered twig. Closely after that, it slowly grew younger and became as elastic as kid's skin. Finally, it recovered its original look of Cui Li's hand. In the entire process, Zhang Tie's hand also changed its color between yellow, black, white and brown like that of different human races'.

From a hole, one would know the overall situation. Although Zhang Tie didn't change his whole body, the change on his hand was already shocking enough. Mountain Lifting Hermit realized that this was definitely a unique ability. No secret method could make this come true.

"Besides awakening body changing immortal bloodline, I've mastered many secret methods too. As long as there's a complete secret method, I will be able to simulate its effect after forming chakras. I've got another secret method called Thousands of Beads Multitasking Sutra. As long as I have sufficient element crystals, I would be able to absorb element crystals at a speed 10 times greater than that of the others. Additionally, I've mastered some more secret methods. With these special abilities and secret methods, I entered Earth-elements Realm in the identity of Cui Li without leaving any loophole, turned the tide in hieron's ruins and promoted to an earth knight in a short period..."

After Zhang Tie said these words, he told Mountain Lifting Hermit about his experience in the hieron's ruins including how he killed Old Monster Qi; promoted to an earth knight and returned; encountered Bai Suxian, joined the large-scale battle between humans and demons in Tiewei Mountain; came to Northeast Military Region to open his Iron-Dragon Sect; came to Xuanyuan Hill until he met Mountain Lifting Hermit today. During this process, Zhang Tie also exposed the identity of Bai Suxian to Mountain Lifting Hermit.

Except for the trump cards of Castle of Black Iron, King Roc Sutra and divine dominator, Zhang Tie had been frank to Mountain Lifting Hermit to the utmost extent.

Even though Mountain Lifting Hermit was startled by Zhang Tie's experiences and became speechless. Mountain Lifting Hermit had not imagined that Zhang Tie could have such amazing experiences and grasped so many shocking secret methods.

"I've not imagined that younger brother Zhang Tie could have such wonderful experiences!" Mountain Lifting Hermit let out a sigh, "But, younger brother, aren't you afraid that I screw you with your secrets?"

"Given your dauntless spirit when you stood on my side just now, if the elder brother wants to screw me with these secrets, it must be because that I've offended you. If so, I deserve that!" Zhang Tie shrugged as he said like a single man, "Each one has his secrets. However, if I don't even believe the elder brother, a person who could stand on my side at the risk of your life, who else could I believe? No matter how powerful one is, if he doesn't even have such a close friend or be alert to everybody else, it would be meaningless even if he could promote to a heavenly knight or a sage! Don't we hope that we could live a franker, more fearless and freer life one day by exerting our utmost efforts to climb up?"

"We indeed hope that we could live a franker, more fearless and freer life through constant cultivation!" Mountain Lifting Hermit repeated Zhang Tie's words. After repeating it for a while, he let out a sigh heavily.

"Oh, elder brother, after you left the hieron's ruins, where have you been? A few days ago, I asked about you in the Earth-elements Realm in vain!"

"After being screwed by Old Monster Qi's five-poison bloody soul driller at that moment, I was severely wounded. After leaving the hieron's ruins, I thought that the younger brother has sacrificed in the hieron's ruins. Being very disappointed, I directly left the Earth-elements Realm and casually found a mountain in Military Province and entered a secluded cultivation and rehabilitation. Not until a few months ago did I completely recover my wounds. Closely after that, I contacted a friend in the Earth-elements Realm and was told that you were still alive and had returned to the earth's surface. After hearing that there was a Treasures Meeting in the Gold and Power Market, I wanted to join the fun here and try my fortune; after that, I planned to find you in the Northeast Military Region!"

Mountain Lifting Hermit told Zhang Tie about his experiences over the past years too.

Five-poison bloody soul driller was really vicious and powerful. During these years, Mountain Lifting Hermit was almost in recuperation.

"Elder brother, what kind of fortune do you want to try in Gold and Power Market?"

Mountain Lifting Hermit replied with a bitter smile, "Honestly, I want to look for the same thing here as what I wanted to look for in the hieron's ruins. As space-teleportation equipment is extremely precious, I could barely see it; however, in the treasures meeting, I might buy one. I've already received the news that someone would sell a space-teleportation equipment in this treasures meeting of Gold and Power Market!"

"Space-teleportation equipment?" Zhang Tie became dumbfounded.

"Younger brother, don't laugh at me. Since I promoted to an earth knight, I had been desiring for a space-teleportation equipment. However, I always missed the opportunities because of bad lucks or lack of conditions. Therefore, this elder brother still does not have a space-teleportation equipment until now. As a result, I have too many inconveniences. During these years in the Earth-elements Realm, without a space-teleportation equipment, this elder brother missed many opportunities for exploring treasures. Without a space-teleportation equipment, I would even have a big problem in replenishment in some special places in the Earth-elements Realm and might lose my life in the worst scenario!"

Zhang Tie was not strange about space-teleportation equipment at all. He even felt that he was more and more tide up with space-teleportation equipment. Since he killed the demon general, he had been gaining space-teleportation equipment one after another. Therefore, he had almost been numb about that. However, Mountain Lifting Hermit's words reminded Zhang Tie that space-teleportation equipment was still extremely precious for an earth knight who didn't have any background in Taixia Country. Many knights would like to spend a lot on space-teleportation equipment.

'Should I directly present a space-teleportation equipment to Mountain Lifting Hermit?' Zhang Tie considered about this question seriously. Zhang Tie never grudged a space-teleportation equipment as he could even share his secrets with Mountain Lifting Hermit. However, he knew that Mountain Lifting Hermit would never accept such a favor without any reason. Given his temperament, if Zhang Tie did that, Mountain Lifting Hermit might directly leave out of fury.

"This elder brother has been closer to the end of my life; however, I couldn't even see through something like you. As I encountered younger brother by fortunate today, this elder brother has a presumptuous request, please promise me!" Mountain Lifting Hermit uttered when Zhang Tie was thinking about how to present a space-teleportation equipment to him.

"Elder brother, just go ahead. As long as I could do it, I would never refuse!" Zhang Tie said righteously.

"May I join Iron-Dragon Sect?"

After listening to Mountain Lifting Hermit's words, Zhang Tie became a bit stunned. Closely after that, he almost jumped up cheerily.

Chapter 1128: Grand Elder of Iron-Dragon Sect

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Elder broher, do you really mean that?" Zhang Tie asked happily.

Honestly, Zhang Tie didn't have any experience in establishing a sect. The significance that an earth knight joined his sect would be utterly different than that Zhang Tie enrolled his apprentices. As it brought Zhang Tie a great sense of identity and achievement. It was an earth knight. An earth knight was definitely unrivaled in Waii Subcontinent. Even in Taixia Country and the Earth-elements Realm, an earth knight could also be on the equal footing with a provincial governor.

Zhang Tie knew that it was a demographic dividend. His responsible and dauntless spirit in the hieron's ruins gained Mountain Lifting Hermit's identification. Therefore, Mountain Lifting Hermit would like to join Iron-Dragon Sect. Otherwise, an earth knight could establish a sect wherever he wanted; even if he didn't want to establish a sect, he could also become the VIP or employed elder in the top 7 sects in Taixia Country.

"I'm single and have nothing to worry about. As long as the younger brother doesn't mind it, this elder brother could be a steward for you!" At the sight of the Zhang Tie's pleasant look, Mountain Lifting Hermit felt pretty warm inside as he turned pleasant too.

Zhang Tie said seriously, "Elder brother, what are you talking about? If the elder brother could join my small temple, I would be pretty happy. However, as Iron-Dragon Sect has just been founded, it's a bit simple and crude. I will be relieved as long as the elder brother doesn't mind it!"

"Honestly, these years, many sects and clans have invited me to join them; however, I always felt that I lacked something; therefore, I didn't promise any of them. After getting acquaintance with younger brother, I figured out what I lacked, "freedom from worry!" Mountain Lifting Hermit signed with emotion, "Compared to other sects and major clans, where I have to be meticulous. To be with younger brother, I don't need to set up others or be screwed. Everything is simple. Additionally, I have to find a safe destination so that I could settle down when I'm injured!"

"Elder brother, trust me; if you join Iron-Dragon Sect, you will be the grand elder of Iron-Dragon Sect. My Iron-Dragon Sect is in the 18 Xuantian Mountain Peaks in Yangui Mountain of Northeast Military Region. After a few days, elder brother could go back to Iron-Dragon Sect with me. If Elder brother likes any one of the 18 mountain peaks, just take it. You will be the owner of that mountain peak. You could cultivate safely and enroll some apprentices before imparting your Mountain Embracing Sutra to them. It all depends on you!"

"It turns out that younger brother has long thought about my Mountain Embracing Sutra ." Mountain Lifting Hermit watched Zhang Tie with a faint smile.

Zhang Tie replied with a shameless look, "It would be a waste if you didn't impart such a count-level classic to your apprentices!"

After throwing a glance at each other, the two people burst out into laughter at the same time.

"I will take one mountain peak from Iron-Dragon Sect too!" Bai Suxian who had been listening to their talk silently on one side suddenly uttered.

"You want one too?" Zhang Tie turned around and threw a glance at Bai Suxian before saying, "You stay with me, then why do you want to take a mountain peak?"

"No, I want one, I want one..." Bai Suxian pouted her mouth as she directly drew Zhang Tie's hand and started to behave like a spoiled child.

"Ahem...ahem..." Mountain Lifting Hermit pretended to cough twice as he looked at Zhang Tie, "Younger brother, can you talk about such a confidential affair back in your room? This elder brother has been old enough, I cannot bear the stimulation of you young people anymore!"

Before Zhang Tie responded to it, Bai Suxian had already blushed, "I've not imagined that Mountain Lifting Hermit is so obscene!"

Zhang Tie burst out into laughter as he waved his hand and said, "Well, when we go back, you can take whichever mountain peak you want!"

"That's my man!" Bai Suxian became satisfied too.

"Younger brother, hasn't your order for arrest been canceled off by the Supreme Court of Taixia Country? Aren't you free now? But why..."

"Although the order for arrest has been canceled, the culprit of the tragedy in Fuhai City has not been caught. It hasn't ended yet. Therefore, I don't prepare to recover my original look in a short period!"

"If younger brother needs this elder brother's help, just let me know!" Mountain Lifting Hermit said solemnly. Although it was just a simple promise, Zhang Tie knew that Mountain Lifting Hermit must be much more serious than others who made promises by beating their own chests. This was Mountain Lifting Hermit's temperament.

"Elder brother, I swear that I will not behave affectedly with you!"

"How many people have known your real identity, younger brother?"

"Elder brother, Bai Suxian and my elder brother Zhang Yang. Even my parents and elders of Huaiyuan Palace don't know that Cui Li and Zhang Tie are the same!"

"What do you plan to do? You can't be Cui Li for the rest of your life!"

"I'm also thinking about exposing my real identity to the public these days!" Zhang Tie said seriously, "Actually, I have no ambition. I like tranquil life with my wives and children. I think it's enough for me to have sufficient money with friends on my side. Previously, I always thought that I could avoid trouble by being low-key. However, through what I experienced in Taixia Country during these years, I find that it's more effective to make someone fear about you than trying to stay away from them for more people. In this world, the battle strength is more persuasive than the mouth. The so-called peace is neither begging others to not harm you nor just bearing it when you're bullied by others, but scare them away from you!"

"If there's really such a day, younger brother's body changing immortal bloodline would definitely shock the entire world. By then, those who really want to do harm to you might not be able to fall asleep when they thought about your body changing immortal bloodline. In the worst scenario, if Huaiyuan Palace were exterminated one day, as long as younger brother could survive on, with the talent of body changing immortal bloodline, you could make the enemy of Huaiyuan Palace sleepless and restless for the rest of their lives. I wonder when the younger brother could jump out to revenge them crazily. If an earth knight like younger brother really starts to fight the top 7 sects at the risk of your life one day, they might be annoyed too much!" Mountain Lifting Hermit threw a glance at Zhang Tie as he said solemnly, "At that moment, common evil forces would indeed be shocked by your talents; however, if I were the enemy of Huaiyuan Palace and younger brother's clan, I would ensure that I could kill you the moment I launched a strike. In this way, younger brother would be the shield and umbrella of Huaiyuan Palace and your clan. All the conflicts and stress would concentrate on you. If they didn't kill you, they would not do harm to Huaiyuan Palace and younger brother's clan!"

"If I could be the shield and umbrella of my family, I would never feel regretful to die for them!" Zhang Tie revealed a frank smile, "Isn't this the natural response of a man? As an earth knight, it's my greatest honor to provide those people on my side with a better life, watch them smile and being free from fear even in the chaotic world. I don't want to be popular among lords; I don't want reputation, wealth, power and undertakings; I don't want to reach the peak of knight's world; I only expect that those beside me could have a smile which was free of trouble forever! I would like to do everything that I could do for such a smile!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Bai Suxian clenched his hand with sparkling eyes. Mountain Lifting Hermit became silent for a while before sighing with emotion, "Given your words, younger brother, you're greater than me!"

"Elder brother, everyone has his own ambitions. Elder brother pursues the peak of knight's world. I pursue a smile from those people on my side at home!"

"What do I pursue for?" Bai Suxian interrupted him.

"You pursue staying with me obediently!" Zhang Tie replied with a smile.

"I see, master..." Bai Suxian replied in a spoiled way while her happiness was going to spill out of her eyes.

"Ahem...ahem...younger brother, if you keep behaving like that, this elder brother has to leave!"

"Hahaha, elder brother, I will not stimulate you anymore. Elder brother, you said that you were going to leave the hotel when you heard my voice. Where were you going to?"

"I'm going to the Treasures Complex, it's said that a piece of God's Star from a subcontinent is exhibited over there. There might be some space-teleportation items for sale; therefore, I want to take a look at them!"

Zhang Tie exchanged a quick smile with Bai Suxian before saying, "It seems that we were predestined to meet each other today, we're also preparing to take a look over there!"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go!"

Zhang Tie and Mountain Lifting Hermit burst out into laughter at the same time as the three people left the small courtyard of Heavens Seal Hotel towards the Treasures Complex.

Through communication, Mountain Lifting Hermit had already confirmed to join Iron-Dragon Sect, plus Bai Suxian. Therefore, the relationship between the three people became closer than before.

Mountain Lifting Hermit's original surname was Gan. Therefore, Bai Suxian directly called him senior fellow apprentice Gan. Mountain Lifting Hermit also called Bai Suxian junior sister apprentice Bai. According to the suggestion of Mountain Lifting Hermit, they should call each other officially in Xuanyuan Hill, especially in Gold and Power Market no matter how they called each other privately. Therefore, Mountain Lifting Hermit and Bai Suxian should call Zhang Tie "master" out of respect, which could indicate Zhang Tie's identity and position in Iron-Dragon Sect.

Of course, Bai Suxian accepted the appellations pleasantly; Zhang Tie refused it in vain.

Zhang Tie was very curious about this piece of God's Star in the Treasures Meeting...

The three people moved fast. Soon after they left Heavens Seal Hotel, they had seen a magnificent huge building with rich Hua characteristics in front of them.

There were two huge words Treasures Complex on the top of the 10-m high front gate!

Chapter 1129: The Treasures Complex

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The two words Treasures Complex were as assertive as flying dragons and dancing phoenixes. Hanging over the high front gate, the two words were radiating golden light. Each of them was as large as a half person. When Zhang Tie approached them, he felt a stress from the words which were like living animals. As a result, Zhang Tie's battle qi started to wave. Zhang Tie was really shocked by this feeling.

It was Zhang Tie's first time to meet such a situation. The two words Treasures Complex reminded Zhang Tie of the strong coercion that Elder Muen imposed on him in Heavens Cold City. This effect was caused by a sharp difference between realms.

"Yi, what happened?" Zhang Tie stopped at once. He looked up at the two words Treasures Complex with sparkling eye light once again and abruptly felt that each word was as overwhelming as a mountain.

"The two words are Emperor Xuanyuan's Calligraphy. It contains the strong qi of a knight who cultivates an emperor-level secret method. This qi is special among humans. Although so many years have passed, the qi remains unchanged. Only those above knights could sense this qi. Like how ants in a cave couldn't feel the dignity of a huge dragon in the sky, people below knight could not feel that anything was wrong below the two words!" Mountain Lifting Hermit explained it to Zhang Tie.

"The calligraphy of Emperor Xuanyuan?"

"Yes, it's sunny today; if you came here on rainy days, you would see a grotesque scenery. Rain and snow keep 3 m away from this board. It's always dry below this board. It's said that this board is water-proof and fire-resistant. Because of the 2 words, this board becomes a treasure as if it has been processed by a rune instrument producer!"

Mountain-Lifting Hermit's words made Zhang Tie dumbfounded in a split second. He was really startled by a sage-level knight's battle strength. Compared to the battle strength of common fighters, knights register a qualitative leapfrog in the battle strength; similarly, compared to the battle strength of common knights, sage-level knights register a qualitative leapfrog too.

"Elder brother, do you feel the stress from the 2 words too?"

"Of course; however, as I've been here before, I'm not that amazed like you!"

"I've not imagined that sage-level knight could have such a terrifying battle strength. After so many years, the two words could still cause such a great stress to other knights!"

"Stress is a driving force. Many knights across Taixia Country have determined their mind at the sight of the two words on the front gate of Treasures Complex. When I saw the two words the first time, I had determined to reach the peak of the knight's world for the rest of my life!" Mountain Lifting Hermit raised his head and watched the 2 words while a sophisticated and decisive look flashed by.

The road towards peak was pretty bumpy and lonely. So many people gave it up on the halfway. It required great determination and braveness the choose this way.

"Elder brother's determination is really admirable!" Zhang Tie said sincerely. Without the small tree, Zhang Tie knew that he could not even enter the realm of a knight for the rest of his life, not to mention a sage-level knight. Zhang Tie really admired those people who could promote to knights by their own ability and determine to reach the peak of knight's world.

"Although I promoted to a knight earlier than you, younger brother has already caught up with me!" Mountain Lifting Hermit replied with a big smile.

"Actually, you've missed one point, the 2 words are an incentive for Hua knights and cause many foreign knights to be breathless due to fear. I finally know why Hua people could lead all the other humans!" Bai Suxian said.

When Bai Suxian spoke, 2 foreign knights approached the gate too. It might be the 2 knights' first time to be here. The moment they sensed the aggressive qi of the 2 words, one of them released his protective battle qi unconsciously at once, the other one was forced to move 2 steps backward. The two people changed their faces immediately. Watching the 2 huge Hua words on the gate with astonishment, they jabbered and dared not move forward...

At the sight of such a situation, Zhang Tie, Mountain Lifting Hermit and Bai Suxian exchanged a glance with each other silently before entering the gate.

"It's Treasures Complex, do you have VIP cards?" One of the two young domineering Hua knights stretched out his hand and stopped the 3 people politely.

Even though the 2 concierges of Treasures Complex were knights. After realizing it, common knights would feel being dwarfed inside.

Bai Suxian stretched out her hand with 2 crystal VIP cards on it; Mountain Lifting Hermit took out of a crystal VIP card from his sleeve too. After taking the 3 crystal VIP cards, the concierge checked them before giving them back to the 3 people and let them in.

The 3 people then entered the gate while raising high their heads.

"I've not imagined that it was so strict here. Commoners might not dare enter at the sight of the 2 words and the 2 knight-level concierges."

"Anyone who could enter Treasures Complex must be dignified. As long as a Hua person become an earth knight, he will have a VIP card of Treasures Complex. Common knights are forbidden to go inside, except for black iron knights such as young sister Su Xian, who come from major clans and sects or are especially invited by Gold and Power Law!"

"Are we deep into the tiger's den?" Bai Suxian asked Zhang Tie with a smile, "Han Yuanhong's nestle in Gold and Power Market is in the Treasures Complex. At the gate, I've seen 3 people peering at us at the gate of the Treasures Complex."

"Yup; however, 3 of us are not afraid of a tiger at all, am I right, elder brother?" Zhang Tie said with a smile.

"Young brother Cui Li is right. Xuanyuan Hill is the sacred land of Hua people; instead of one's backyard. Even the master of Gold and Power Law is also appointed by Emperor Xuanyuan. Iron barracks, flowing soldiers, some people are at most a senior steward here. Only Emperor Xuanyuan among humans could be unrivaled forever!" Mountain Lifting Hermit said heroically.

Zhang Tie nodded as 3 of them passed through the gateway of Treasures Complex.

The moment Zhang Tie entered the gate tower, he had seen a huge wall.

The wall was higher than 10 m and over 30 m in length. The entire wall was verdant all over like a curtain. Besides being fascinatingly verdant, it was also mixed with red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple colors. The entire wall was decorated with 9 colorful vivid Hua dragon totems in different movements, which looked pretty domineering.

At the sight of the wall, Zhang Tie had been shocked. Zhang Tie found that the raw material of this wall was a quality eternal stone. Additionally, this piece of eternal stone was an entity. The piece of eternal stone alone was already a priceless treasure, not to mention the exquisite carving skills.

Before Zhang Tie promoted to a knight, he had gained some eternal stones in the underground relics of Ice and Snow Wilderness. Those eternal stones were extremely rare and valuable; therefore, Zhang Tie made a big fortune. By contrast, this eternal stone was definitely more qualified than them; what was more, it was an entity. In front of this extremely huge external stone, those eternal stones that Zhang Tie gained previously in the underground relics were nothing but sh*t. How much was such an eternal stone? Precisely, how many cities was it worth?

"This is 9-dragons wall. This original eternal stone of this wall weighs over 4,600 tons. It's the largest and most advanced eternal stone that humans have discovered by far. It was discovered by a grand elder of Wang clan of Tianhai Palace, a top clan in Taixia Country in the Earth-elements Realm. After discovering it, the grand elder of Wang clan immediately contacted his clansmen and took it out of the Earth-elements Realm. When it was displayed, it shocked the entire Taixia Country. Later on, Gold and Power Law exchanged something for this eternal stone and carved 9 dragons on it before putting it here for appreciation. This 9-dragons wall is also the top treasure of Treasures Complex!"

As it was not the first time for Mountain Lifting Hermit and Bai Suxian to see this 9-dragons wall; therefore, the 2 people were not shocked by it anymore. After noting that Zhang Tie paid special attention to this 9-dragons wall, Bai Suxian started to introduce Zhang Tie about the history of this 9-dragons wall.

"Isn't eternal stone a precious material for alchemists? Why do I feel that this eternal stone has not been processed by an alchemist? Isn't it prodigal for it to stand here?"

"You're right, it's said that the effect of this 9-dragons wall could cover an entire city and extend the longevity of commoners in this city if it was fully activated. Pitifully, only one person among alchemists could do it; however, as that person's identity is special; nobody could invite him to process this 9-dragons wall through alchemist's skill. Even if all the other alchemists joined hands with each other, they could only reach half effect of that person. Therefore, in case this top treasure was spoiled, they just put it here until someone could play its role to the utmost one day..."

Chapter 1130: Overall Situation and Familiar Ones

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

'There is only one alchemist master across Taixia Country who could make full use of this eternal stone yet could not be invited?'

After hearing the words of Mountain Lifting Hermit, Zhang Tie immediately thought about his master Zhao Yuan. However, he still asked with astonishment, "Elder brother, who's            that alchemist master? Now that he's so great, why can't he come here to refine this eternal stone?"

Mountain Lifting Hermit revealed a smile as he threw a glance at Zhang Tie in a profound way, "That man is a legendary figure in Taixia Country. Young brother, you should have heard about him. He's Zhao Yuan, the alchemist master who has been ranked top on the wanted list of the Supreme Court of Taixia Country for many years. Given alchemist's skill, nobody across Taixia Country could match him. It's said that Zhao Yuan the alchemist master is eccentric, vicious and has a great battle strength. Additionally, he's a heavenly knight who has formed 4 chakras with a lot of means; it's said that this guy could even protect himself from sage-level knights. Who would be able to invite such a great figure to refine this eternal stone?"

"Oh, I see!" Zhang Tie understood it right away; meanwhile, he also understood why Mountain Lifting Hermit threw a glance at him; additionally, Zhao Yuan and Zhang Tie were all "hot figures" on the wanted list; therefore, Mountain Lifting Hermit threw a glance at him in that way. Standing in front of the 9-dragons wall, Zhang Tie looked at it as he said, "What a huge eternal stone! There must be a lot of leftover bits and pieces!"

"It's said that over 100 tons of bits and pieces were cut off, which were also shopping-rush goods. They became the treasure of many alchemists. As 9-dragons wall is too famous, most of its bits and pieces were processed into various jade wares surnamed 9 and were sold at high prices. Young brother, we could see these items on the Treasures Meeting!"

"I'm waiting for that!" Zhang Tie replied with a smile.

"All the items being made of the bits and pieces of this eternal stone are surnamed 9. However, there're too many fake goods. All the items that were made of top-quality eternal stones are declared to come from the eternal stone of 9-dragons wall. Actually, who knows where do they come from?" Bai Suxian explained straightforwardly, "Lord Guangnan's Mansion would receive some pieces of refined items from the 9-dragons wall almost every year. All the other major clans and sects would receive some year too. All the rich and powerful ones would like to show off with one or two alchemist's items from 9-dragons wall. All the so-called alchemist's items from the 9-dragons wall would weigh thousands of tons. Therefore, less than 1 of 10 items made of top-quality eternal stones in the market really comes from the 9-dragons eternal stone. But nobody could identify them. Given the same effect, everyone just pretends to not know that it's fake!"

Zhang Tie shook his head with a bitter smile as he had not imagined that he could meet such a ridiculous thing in Taixia Country too. Actually, Zhang Tie did such a thing in Donder's grocery store. It was a common trick in groceries. Take those small metal parts and tools in the grocery as an instance. They purchased them in Blackhot City; however, they labeled the items with "made in Kalur City". As long as there was not a sharp difference between them in quality. The buyers would not identify them at all. After being labeled with "made in Kalur City", they could make some more copper coins. As Zhang Tie was young at that time, he even despised Donder's trick very much. It was really out of his imagination that he could meet such a trick in Taixia Country. Those being trapped were all top-class ones in Taixia Country. Therefore, everyone pursued benefit and fame, whether they're knights and Lords or commoners.

After throwing another glance at this shocking 9-dragons wall, the 3 people detoured it and walked towards the inside of Treasures Complex.

After passing the 9-dragons wall, they entered a magnificent lobby, which was over 100 m in length and 30 m in width. Additionally, there was a huge ceiling crystal lamp composed of tens of thousands of high-quality crystals on the highest dome of the lobby, which looked like sparkling stars over the sky. On both sides of the lobby, there were 4 bank counters. There were beautiful Hua girls behind each window of the four counters, who were watching the passers-by in the lobby with genial smiles or serving people who were standing in front of the windows.

Additionally, there were labels behind each counter, which were Xuanyuan Bank, Golden Roc Bank, Pangu Bank and Eastern Bank respectively.

People came and went in the lobby. Zhang Tie found that most of them were knights. At the sight of such a boisterous scene, Zhang Tie felt like coming back to the Lion Fortress.

The 4 banks carried out the same businesses here, namely, mortgage, guarantee, financing and debit and credit. Each knight coming to the front of each bank window would be received by exclusive personnel. After dealing with the procedures over the counters here, many knights hurriedly left with documents and certificates in hands. Someone directly withdrew thick gold notes over the counters. Zhang Tie also saw a large amount of earth-element crystals and water-element crystals behind some counters which were taken away by some knights in regular procedures.

"The imperial households of Taixia Country are on the back of Xuanyuan Bank; Xuanyuan Bank is the most powerful bank in Taixia Country. It could formulate some industrial regulations like central banks in foreign countries. Golden Roc Bank is the most important member of Gold and Power Law which has a long history. Although Golden Roc Bank is a bit weaker than Xuanyuan Bank in Taixia Country, it's most powerful in all the overseas subcontinents. Additionally, until today, the identity of the master of Golden Roc Bank is still mysterious. It's said that that guy has never shown up. I only heard from my father that the highest management of Golden Roc Bank was a commission. Each member of the commission is very mysterious and powerful. They barely show up. Only one or two members of that commission contact Taixia Country. The members of the highest management have the right to meet Emperor Xuanyuan, like the top 3 chancellors and 9 ministers in Taixia Country. My father guessed that there was a sage-level figure behind Golden Roc Bank whom even Emperor Xuanyuan was afraid of!" Bai Suxian said in a secret way.

As it was Zhang Tie's first time to visit Treasures Meeting, Bai Suxian and Mountain Lifting Hermit introduced him about the situation here. Only Zhang Tie and Mountain Lifting Hermit could hear it. Such news might only be touched by top-class figures such as Lord Guangnan. At least Zhang Tie didn't know that there were so many secrets behind Golden Roc Bank.

"Now that there's a sage-level knight on the back of Golden Roc Bank, why would Golden Roc Bank join Gold and Power Law? With a sage-level knight, Golden Roc Bank could be on the equal footing with the major sects in Taixia Country, right?" Zhang Tie asked with astonishment.

"I have no idea!" Bai Suxian shook her head before saying, "It's just a speculation. Nobody knows whether there is a real sage-level knight or not, male or female, Hua or foreigner. Those members of the top management of Golden Roc Bank almost never show up. They were only received by Emperor Xuanyuan for a few times. Outsiders are confused about the process of the receptions!"

"What a bank!"

"It's said that Golden Roc Bank didn't appear in Taixia Country and Eastern Continent at the beginning, but in the Western Continent. Its headquarters is also in the Western Continent!" Mountain Lifting Hermit also revealed a secret.

After digesting this secret, Zhang Tie continued to ask, "Who are on the back of Pangu Bank and Eastern Bank respectively?"

"It's the other 6 major sects besides Gold and Power Law on the back of Pangu Bank. As Emperor Xuanyuan established Gold and Power Law to restrict the other 6 major sects, the other 6 sects also established Pangu Bank and Xuanyuan Bank to restrict Golden Roc Bank. In the spheres of influence of the top 6 sects, Pangu Bank has the largest influence; Eastern Bank was established by over 100 top clans in the 9 immortal provinces. With 9 immortal provinces as their foundation and the support of over 100 major clans, even if there's no sage-level knight on the back of Eastern Bank, it could also be on the equal footing with the major banks. Additionally, Eastern Bank always remained neutral between the imperial households and the major sects in Taixia Country. This bank didn't even join Gold and Power Law!"

"According to you, the 4 banks almost represent the 4 greatest powers inside Taixia Country. Xuanyuan Bank represents the imperial households and court of Taixia Country; Pangu Bank represents the 6 top sects; Eastern Bank represents major clans in Taixia Country; Golden Roc Bank might represent a mysterious and powerful group that covered another continent and Taixia Country. The powers on the back of these major banks have privity with each other..."

"That's right!"

Touching his jaw, Zhang Tie said, "If Taixia Country is regarded as a brilliant big house, Xuanyuan Bank stands on one side; Pangu Bank stands on the other side. Although they dislike each other, they don't fight for the sake of the furniture and antiques inside the house; Eastern Bank stands in the middle as a buffer and a yes man. The major clans in Taixia Country do business with Xuanyuan Bank and Pangu Bank at the same time. When disciples of major clans of Taixia Country serve as officials in the imperial court, they learn skills from the top 6 major sects at the same time. Golden Roc Bank visits the house and has a drink once in a while. Sometimes, it will leave the house. Because Xuanyuan Bank is the nominal boss of this house, Golden Roc Bank joins Gold and Power Law out of respect or as a compromise and exchange. Actually, Golden Roc Bank has more than one foundation; it has a position inside the house; outside the doors, it could also summon wind and call for rain..."

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Bai Suxian and Mountain Lifting Hermit both smiled. Mountain Lifting Hermit nodded, "What a lively metaphor! As you say, the major powers in Taixia Country are indeed restricting each other. Look here, most of the foreign knights are at the counter of Golden Roc Bank..."

Zhang Tie looked around and found that it was real. Most of the knights in front of the counters of Xuanyuan Bank, Eastern Bank and Pangu Bank were Hua knights; however, most of the people in front of Golden Roc Bank were foreign knights.


Zhang Tie widely opened his eyes at once.

When Zhang Tie looked at the counter of Golden Roc Bank, he caught sight of 2 people walking out of a tunnel on beside of the counter of Golden Roc Bank, one fat, one thin. The fat one was like a huge bear. When they walked, they looked around in gibberish. The thin guy looked glassy-eyed.

Although it was not cold in Xuanyuan Hill, the 2 people were wearing bear-hide coats which looked eye-catching and improper.

They were old Dali from Wild Bear Tribe and Elder Gulas from Huge Bear Tribe...

Chapter 1131: Familiar Ones from Ice and Snow Wilderness

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Gulas, have you seen that? The price of a set of alchemist's jewelry made of eternal stone is 4.5 million gold coins. It's the cheapest alchemist item made of eternal stone. Although our wild bear tribe's golden sea buckthorn beer has a good market, we could only make over 2 million gold coins a year. Those items are even priced by element crystals; instead of gold. Oh my prophet the great pontiff, how could these guys be so rich? I'm thrilled; if only I could rob here..."

When old Dali spoke, he licked his lips. At the same time, he looked around the lobby stealthily like a thief. His rude eye light contained a bit desire for pillage while being driven by curiosity and prospect. however, old Dali just thought about this as it was the nature that he had formed in Ice and Snow Wilderness. He could not change it no matter where he was. Whenever he saw something good, he would like to occupy it by force without spending a penny. Even though it was in Xuanyuan Hill, old wild bear Dali still had an impulse to do that; however, the old wild bear didn't dare put it into practice. Because a black iron knight was too common here. Even in this lobby, he could also sense many qis of earth knights. There was an earth knight behind each bank counter. Old wild bear Dali was shocked too much by such a scene.

It was the first time for Elder Gulas and Dali the head of wild bear tribe to be invited to attend the Treasures Meeting held by Gold and Power Law in Xuanyuan Hill by airship. The first stop of the airship was in Yingzhou City, the capital city of Yingzhou Province. Elder Gulas and head Dali were shocked by the prosperity and large population in Yingzhou City, a class-A city. They even treated Yingzhou City as Xuanyuan Hill. After being told that Yingzhou City was just a common class-A immortal city in Taixia Country and there were over 100 class-A cities in Taixia Country, even old wild bear Dali started to be meticulous.

One province in Taixia Country could surpass the entire Blackson Humans Corridor in wealth and overall strength. Therefore, Ice and Snow Wilderness which was in one corner of Blackson Humans Corridor might only equal to a prefecture of Taixia Country in population and overall strength.

Previously, Ice and Snow Wilderness was not qualified to receive the invitation of Golden Roc Bank. As it was the first time for Ice and Snow Wilderness to appear on the client list of Golden Roc Bank in the form of the regime of the Sacred Iceland Kingdom, Golden Roc Bank sent two invitation cards to Ice and Snow Wilderness. After a hot negotiation inside Saint Peterburg, Elder Gulas and old wild bear Dali were finally selected to come to Taixia Country as the political chancellor of the Sacred Iceland Kingdom and head of the Association of Elders and Wild Bear Corps by airship respectively. Of course, the two people were dignified in the Sacred Iceland Kingdom; however, after coming to Taixia Country; especially Xuanyuan Hill, their identities in the Sacred Iceland Kingdome became nothing. They were just "Commoners" here.

Old wild bear Dali was meticulous; not until he came to Xuanyuan Hill and saw the "paradise-like place" in the human world did he have a lot of weird thoughts. It seemed to be a strange psychological phenomenon. When one person was constantly stimulated, some absurd nature deep in his mind which was always buried would be exposed.

Yesterday, the old wild bear was thinking about carrying his offsprings to Xuanyuan Hill for a "good life". However, after taking a round in Treasures Complex, he became much more ambitious.

Compared to old wild bear Dali, Elder Gulas of the huge bear tribe was more like a sober military chancellor of the country facing the prosperity of Taixia Country and Xuanyuan Hill.

"Have you heard that, just now, a knight-level prince of a major country in a subcontinent wanted to sexually harass a Hua woman; finally, he was kicked to death by an earth knight!" Elder Gulas threw a glance at old wild bear Dali as he said coldly as the chilly wind in the ice field in the north of Ice and Snow Wilderness, "If you died here, I believe that your sons who are waiting for succeeding your throne must be very happy. Of course, they might have a fierce battle. They would strive to look after those women that you married last year. I will also be responsible for taking your ashes back!"

Old wild bear Dali glared at Gulas, "Can't you say something nice?"

"After robbing here, if wild bear tribe and I are not involved and your sons could have a chance to take over your throne, it's already the best expectation!" Elder Gulas said as icily as before. After hearing Gulas's words, old wild bear Dali muttered something and finally became silent. Across Ice and Snow Wilderness, only the elders of the huge bear tribe and the elders and heads of the other tribes dared talk with old bear Dali in this way.

When the two people came to the window of Golden Roc Bank, Elder Gulas directly passed a secret metal key which was marked with the number of a safe of Golden Roc Bank into the window. After taking the key, the beautiful Hua girl inserted it into a metal slot in front of her. After a short while, someone else had arrived with a senior metal case of medicaments. He then passed the case to Elder Gulas over the counter. After taking that metal case, Elder Gulas directly turned into another tunnel beside the counter of Golden Roc Bank with old wild bear Dali.

After passing through that tunnel, a garden and a cloister, they came to the front of a 6-storey Hua pavilion. There was a wood in front of that building.

That pavilion covered over 10,000 square meters. In front of that pavilion, there was a stele which was marked with Medicinal Powder Pavilion .

Before entering this building, everyone could sniff the rich medicinal smell from inside the building. After entering it, they found it was like a huge drugstore. There were many compartments and counters in the entire building. Like a senior shopping mall, it was bustling everywhere inside. Many people were looking at the items being sold here. Like that outside, those who wandered inside this building were knights. Additionally, the items being sold here were much more senior than most of the medicinal powders in the Gold and Power Market. Of course, the items here were priced higher. In the Medicinal Powder Pavilion , professional appraisers were waiting for serving guests at any time, which was not free.

Compared to most of the people inside the building, Dali and Elder Gulas in bear hide looked like old farmers selling herbal medicine in the downtown coming from rural areas. The two people looked pretty "rustic", which formed a sharp contrast with the senior case of medicaments, causing them to become pretty eye-catching.

The two people came upstairs to the 2nd floor of the Medicinal Powder Pavilion and stopped behind a counter in the east of the 2nd floor. Elder Gulas then opened the case and put the items into the crystal counter carefully. After that, they just waited there for customers.

Two Hua knights soon came to the front of the counter and asked about Elder Gulas. Elder Gulas could speak Hua language fluently. Through a short communication, the two Hua knights realized that they were selling a medicament which could allowfighters below knight level to improve their battle strength rapidly with an extremely low effect. The two Hua knights were interested in it pretty much; however, after inquiring about the price, the two Hua knights shook their heads and left.

The price of one vial of medicament was 1 earth-element crystal. It was definitely a high price for a vial of medicament.

In a few minutes, a few batches of people had arrived to inquire about the price of this medicament; however, none of them would like to buy them. Besides being highly priced, they were not even available for knights. Therefore, very few people were interested in it.

Such a situation had lasted for consecutive 3 days.

Watching the last black-skinned knight with Moxican hairstyle leaving after an inquiry, old wild bear Dali finally couldn't stand to say, "Gulas, whether our price is a bit excessive? If we cannot even sell one vial of medicament, we will be here in vain!"

"Source of berserk energy is the specialty of the huge bear tribe, also the only thing that we could sell in this scene. It's not a common medicament, but a treasure that could allow a fighter to turn into a bear-killing fighter. The other medicaments that could improve one's battle strength greatly in a short period couldn't match the effect of our source of berserk energy or have great side effects. Very few of the other medicaments could match our source of berserk energy. We've made a great decision to exchange these source of berserk energy for earth-element crystals; this price was fixed by some elders of the huge bear tribe and Sarlin the Pontiff through negotiation. An earth-element crystal might be precious for us; however, in Taixia Country, if we meet someone who favors them, urgently need them and would like to exchange earth-element crystals for them constantly, it would be worthwhile even if we failed 10 times..." Elder Gulas said decisively.

"Is that the will of His Majesty Tsar?" Old wild bear Dali suddenly asked while his eyes turned sharp, "His Majesty Tsar has left Ice and Snow Wilderness for 5 years. Besides those old guys in your huge bear tribe, nobody could contact His Majesty. Can you tell me the whereabouts of His Majesty Tsar? I always feel that you old guys are cheating me with something. Additionally, you left the hotel on the night two days ago and didn't come back until daybreak. You don't smoke; however, when you came back that night, I smelt a low-quality flavor of tobacco from your mouth. I wonder where have you been that night. Don't think that I'm an idiot. Wild bears are most sensitive."

Old wild bear Dali indeed had a very terrifying instinct.

Elder Gulas faintly frowned; closely after that, he relieved his frown, "This is the confidentiality of our Sacred Iceland Kingdom!"

"Even I couldn't know the secret? Actually, I'm his father-in-law. The child between him and Sabrina should call me grandpa!" Old wild bear whispered while widely opening his eyes and gritting his teeth. Whatever, there was nobody here for the time being. Even if someone heard their talk, nobody would care about that in this place of Xuanyuan Hill.

"You don't need to ask me about that!" Elder Gulas said in a calm way.

"Why?" Old wild bear asked.

"Without the consent of Sarlin the Pontiff and Elder Toles, I have no right to tell you any news about His Majesty!"

Old wild bear glared at Elder Gulas. Elder Gulas just looked straight into his eyes without feeling shameless. After looking at each other for about 10 seconds, old wild bear Dali suddenly let out a sigh as he lowered his eye light, "Well, I was just worried about the safety of Sabrina and her child. I know that His Majesty has a lot of secrets. It might not be good if these secrets were exposed to the public. You only need to tell me whether His Majesty is alive or not so that I could comfort Sabrina and her kid when they ask me about that?"

After throwing two glances at the old wild bear, Elder Gulas said, "Of course, His Majesty is still alive. Nobody in this world could do any harm to him. However, he met a trouble and couldn't return to Ice and Snow Wilderness for the time being!"

"It's good as long as His Majesty is alive!" Old wild bear looked around before suddenly lowering his voice in a secret way, "His Majesty should have Hua bloodline besides those in the Ice and Snow Wilderness, right?"

After hearing that, Elder Gulas instantly threw a sharp glance at old wild bear Dali.

"Don't look at me in that way. Sabrina's kid has black pupils; the children of those women in Spencer Clan have black pupils. The kid of that woman in Saint Petersburg also has black pupils. Black pupils have already become the symbolic pupils of the ancient god. However, actually, I'm always thinking that the black pupil is the most evident feature of Hua people. If His Majesty Tsar has the bloodline of Hua people, of course, he could leave such a hereditary feature on his descendants!" Sometimes, old wild bear Dali looked rude; however, he was actually pretty smart.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Gulas warned old wild bear by throwing a sharp glance at him. Closely after that, he suddenly turned around and saw 2 men and 1 woman approaching them after going upstairs, "We've got a business..."

Old wild bear Dali also turned around before taking in a deep breath, "Hush...2 male earth knights and 1 female black iron knight...'

It was Zhang Tie, Mountain Lifting Hermit and Bai Suxian who were walking towards them...

Chapter 1132: A Trade

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Treasures Complex is like a high-profile super large shopping mall. Nominally, the Medicinal Powder Pavilion sells medicinal powders during the period of Treasures Meeting. Those who could come to Treasures Complex are all knights or from major clans. Therefore, the medicinal powders here are much more advanced than those outside. In my memory, someone once sold a silver secret item-level medicinal powder in the Medicinal Powder Pavilion of Treasures Complex in a Treasures Meeting..."

Mountain Lifting Hermit was much more talkative than before. He might be too thrilled after meeting Zhang Tie once again or finally found a good confidant. After entering the Treasures Complex, Mountain Lifting Hermit simply became a kind-hearted guide. He would explain it to Zhang Tie as long as he paid attention to something.

Like what Donder told him before. In this world, actually few people were born to be short-spoken. Most of the people who looked short-spoken had not met that one whom could make them open their mouth without any concern. When a person talked about the industries that he was interested in or when he was completely relaxed, he might be talkative. Zhang Tie felt that Mountain Lifting Hermit might be such a person.

To be honest, Mountain Lifting Hermit was a kind-hearted lovely old man. Although so many years had passed, Mountain Lifting Hermit still kept it in mind that Zhang Tie had saved his life in the hieron's ruins. When Mountain Lifting Hermit encountered Zhang Tie; especially after the communication with Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian in the Heavens Seal Hotel, in which process Zhang Tie exposed his secret to Mountain Lifting Hermit and Mountain Lifting Hermit determined to join Iron-Dragon Sect, the two people's relationship became closer. Therefore, after coming to the Treasures Complex, Mountain Lifting Hermit couldn't stand to be talkative.

Of course, the layout inside the Medicinal Powder Pavilion couldn't be matched by common places outside. Even though Zhang Tie didn't know about buildings, he could also feel that everything inside and outside this Medicinal Powder Pavilion was made by masters. Although Zhang Tie knew that this Medicinal Powder Pavilion was just a senior shopping mall, he still couldn't help exploring the rockeries, brooks, flowers, grasses and trees here. Those medicinal powders in the stores aroused his interest in exploring treasures inexhaustibly.

Zhang Tie could sniff faint, special fragrance of medicinal powders and medicaments from so many open booths here.

Although Zhang Tie, Bai Suxian and Mountain Lifting Hermit followed Elder Gulas and that old wild bear here, Zhang Tie still pretended to look at the other stalls first. He even bought some vials of rare super recovery medicament, longlasting night-viewing medicament and an item called vigor pill before coming to the stall of Gulas and Dali on the 2nd floor slowly.

As all the medicinal powders and medicaments here were priced by element crystals, those vials of medicaments and pills cost Zhang Tie more than 60 earth-elements crystals.

Mountain Lifting Hermit and Bai Suxian didn't know what Zhang Tie was thinking about. After taking a round here for a short while, they also gained something.

Bai Suxian was very interested in those stalls. In her eyes, those people who sold medicaments and pills here were not for money, but for entertainment like how children played games.

"If only we could also produce some medicaments and sell them here!" Bai Suxian said with flickering eyes.

"Why?" Zhang Tie asked.

"Don't you feel it's very interesting and entertaining here?" Bai Suxian asked while blinking her eyes.

'Interesting?' Zhang Tie revealed a faint, bitter smile before shaking his head. This was the difference between a youth who grew up in Blackhot City and a princess of a lord in Taixia Country. When Zhang Tie saw these stalls, he would think about the profits of these medicaments and the great power and organizing ability that were required to gather these resources. However, Bai Suxian only felt that it was interesting. Whereas, it was not Bai Suxian's fault. The living environments between Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian were greatly different from each other. Gradually, they would have different opinions about the same affair. Bai Suxian had never been worried about gold coins since she was young; as for Bai Suxian, money was like fresh air that could be freely supplied; how could she understand the world outlook of a person who grudged eating a bowl of rice brew in order to save a few copper coins for his family?

The fruit of plunder that he gifted his elder brother previously could enable him to be a pharmacist, not to mention producing medicament. However, only some of his elder brother's medicaments could be sold here. Because the medicaments and pills that were sold here were basically produced by pharmacists above green robe. Additionally, the medicaments here were not cheap. It would be simple if they were priced in gold coins; however, these medicaments were priced in element crystals. No knight would ever complain about having too many element crystals; even Zhang Tie was not qualified to be a magnate here.

"If Iron-Dragon Sect wants to develop, we have to have a high-level pharmacist!" Mountain Lifting Hermit looked at these medicaments with a solemn look as he provided a sincere suggestion to Zhang Tie as a grand elder of Iron-Dragon Sect, "Besides pharmacist, other senior professionals such as rune instruments master are also necessary for a sect to become outstanding. Although we have to pay or exchange for many things, if a sect was not able to train various professionals and talents, it would face a limit in development!"

"Hmm, I see. As we've just established the Iron-Dragon Sect, we have to do it step by step. I believe that we will have these talents in the future!" Zhang Tie said confidently as he nodded.

After sensing Zhang Tie's confidence, Mountain Lifting threw a profound glance at Zhang Tie silently. Of course, Mountain Lifting Hermit treated Zhang Tie's confidence as a vigorous spirit of a young man. However, he didn't know that Zhang Tie had the two unrivaled sharp weapons that could make Iron-Dragon Sect unprecedentedly bright. Super liquor and the bloody sacrifice furnace were both unique in Taixia Country. Super liquor could make Iron-Dragon Sect extremely rich and influential across Taixia Country; a bloody sacrifice furnace would be pursued by people in a queue. With the two sharp weapons in hand, he would never lack senior professionals. Watching these medicaments being priced in element crystals, Zhang Tie was even thinking about pricing the use of bloody sacrifice furnace in element crystals too.

'According to the level of the one who needs a bloody sacrifice, a demon or a bloody figure would cost them one element crystal; a demon knight would cost them at least 100 element crystals. Those who are on good terms with me could enjoy 20% off, hehehe...'

When Zhang Tie imagined the prospect of his sect, he revealed a smile. As long as those who needed a bloody sacrifice felt that it was worthwhile, the price would not be determined by him. The bloody sacrifice furnace could even help knights recover their chakra through the bloody sacrifice, who else across Taixia Country could have such a treasure?

Zhang Tie even felt that he had not fully tapped the functions of bloody sacrifice furnace in the Earth-elements Realm. Now that bloody sacrifice furnace was effective to knights, would it be effective to those common fighters below knight level who didn't need to recover their wounds or breakthrough their bottlenecks? Evidently, it was impossible. In the final analysis, the effect of bloody sacrifice was a transfer of life energy, which would not disappear out of any reason. As long as one received the energy from the demon or a bloody figure through the bloody sacrifice, he would change for sure; unless that one was dead, who couldn't bear the blessing and baptism of this life energy.

When in the hieron's ruins, Zhang Tie had not imagined about the effect of bloody sacrifice furnace for common fighters. After coming back this time, Zhang Tie would like to test the effect of bloody sacrifice for fighters below knight level. If he didn't know all the effects of his trump card, it would be a laughingstock.

The 3 people just wandered leisurely and soon came to the front of the stall of Elder Gulas and old wild bear Dali.

Gulas and Dali didn't hawk. Knights were evidently different than pedlars in this scene. Actually, these stalls in the Medicinal Powder Pavilion could be completely managed by the professional stewards of Treasures Complex. As the owner of these medicaments and pills, as long as they fixed the prices of these medicaments and pills in advance and paid for the commission, they would set themselves free from the counters. Zhang Tie found that only a few knights or senior pharmacists were standing behind counters. Those knights and senior pharmacists who stood behind the counters expected to exchange their medicaments and pills for some rare element crystals or had other purposes such as exchanging their goods for some items so as to meet some condition or establish a long-term trade and cooperation relationship.

From a perspective, each session of Treasures Meeting served as a venue for human knights and senior professionals to cooperate with each other. After each session of Treasures Meeting, the relationship between major clans, countries and sects which had knights and senior professionals across the continents would change to a certain degree, which contained opportunities and surging dark forces...

At the sight of the brilliance in the eyes of Gulas and Dali and the facial expressions of the two old guys after they exchanged a glance with each other, Zhang Tie knew that Gulas and Dali probably came here for establishing a relationship with people on behalf of Ice and Snow Wilderness or the Sacred Iceland Kingdom...

Chapter 1133: Knocking at the Door of Allies

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Elder Gulas and old wild bear Dali were unrivaled knights in Ice and Snow Wilderness. After coming to Taixia Country, especially in the Treasures Complex of Xuanyuan Hill, even though they looked silent and faintly genial, Zhang Tie could easily find that they were restrained and meticulous.

Although Zhang Tie didn't know why the two people came here, given their looks; especially the bear-hide coats on them, Zhang Tie felt a bit familiar and poignant as if he saw his poor relatives from hometown in a prosperous city.

In Xuanyuan Hill, 999 of 1,000 people might not know where was the Sacred Iceland Kingdom. Compared to Taixia Country, Sacred Iceland Kingdome was too small and poor that people could not even find it on the map. According to Zhang Tie's knowledge, the changing territory of remote small countries in Waii Subcontinent would not be considered in the update of the official map of Taixia Country; otherwise, the official map of Taixia Country would be updated more than 365 times.

The official map published by Taixia Country would usually be updated only once per three years. If Taixia Country officially admitted establishing diplomatic relations with the Sacred Iceland Kingdom, 3 years later, the full name of Sacred Iceland Kingdom would appear in the Ice and Snow Wilderness in the north of Waii Subcontinent and the nearby waters. If the Sacred Iceland Kingdom didn't establish diplomatic relations with Taixia Country officially, the name of Sacred Kingdom Kingdom would never appear on the official map of Taixia Country.

At least when Zhang Tie browsed the official map of Taixia Country last time, he didn't see the name of Sacred Iceland Kingdom. Last time, the ice field in the north of Waii Subcontinent was still called Ice and Snow Wilderness; that waters were called Ewentra Waters. On the former official map of Taixia Country, this region was gray, which indicated that there was not a single human civilization which was officially admitted by Taixia Country although it was a human habitation.

Under the gaze of the two people, Zhang Tie felt complex as he walked towards them with a curious look.

Seeing Zhang Tie walking towards that stall, Mountain Lifting Hermit and Bai Suxian also followed him over there. Compared to Zhang Tie who knew the background of the two people, Bai Suxian started to become curious about the items that they sold only after throwing a glance at their weird costumes.

"What's this?" Bai Suxian had opened her mouth at the sight of the row of the source of berserk energy behind the crystal counter before Zhang Tie asked.

Zhang Tie had seen the source of berserk energy when he was in Ice and Snow Wilderness; actually, it was like red jelly which was a bit hard. Being neither liquid nor solid, it was a substance which was similar to the colloid. Being a bit brighter than jelly, it looked like ruby or garnet. It was hard to say whether it was a pill or a medicament.

Compared to the source of berserk energy being put in an animal-hide bag or a lead box that Zhang Tie saw in Ice and Snow Wilderness previously, these source of berserk energy being in the counter looked much better. They had been packaged delicately. There was a golden pattern of a huge bear on the simple source of berserk energy; it was closely put in a square crystal box; additionally, there was a larger box made of pure gold outside the square crystal box. The entire package of a source of berserk energy would cost less than 20 gold coins. In this way, the source of berserk energy raised its level at once.

Pessimistically, besides the piece of god's star that was hidden in the huge bear tribe, the entire Ice and Snow Wilderness might only present the source of berserk energy which was formed by the ability of god's star in Treasures Complex.

Bai Suxian dressed up pretty well today. After peeping at the jewelry on Bai Suxian's hands and neck, Elder Gulas and old wild bear Dali exchanged a glance with each other out of privity. Closely after that, stodgy Gulas revealed a faint smile.

"This is a source of berserk energy. It's a super powerful medicament which could allow common fighters below knight to go berserk constantly!" Elder Gulas said genially. Old wild bear Dali was still stealthily glancing at the space-teleportation finger ring of Bai Suxian. Closely after that, he forcefully swallowed his saliva. The entire wild bear tribe might not afford that finger ring of Bai Suxian.

The moment Zhang Tie heard Elder Gulas's words, he had figured out why Gulas would come to Taixia Country. Because in the entire Ice and Snow Wilderness, Elder Gulas could speak Hua language best and could read Hua characters. Besides Sarlin the Pontiff, Elder Gulas' accomplishment in Hua language and characters could rank top 3 among all the elders across Ice and Snow Wilderness. Perhaps, only the clan head of Spencer Clan could match Elder Gulas in Hua language. Sarlin the Pontiff was the central character of Sacred Iceland Kingdom; especially when Zhang Tie was not in Ice and Snow Wilderness, Sarlin the Pontiff would not leave Saint Peterburg or the hieron.

After seeing old wild bear Dali's shameless demeanor, Elder Gulas silently kicked him from below the table. After being kicked, the old wild bear moved his eyes away from Bai Suxian's finger ring like how a wild bear saw honey. After that, he pretended to cough twice as he looked at Elder Gulas. As Dali didn't speak Hua language, he was confused about the content of the talk between Elder Gulas and Bai Suxian.

Elder Gulas slightly moved his lips as he translated Bai Suxian's question for Dali in a secret way.

Elder Gulas's trivial movement didn't escape from Zhang Tie's eyes. After hearing that this item had nothing to do with women and couldn't make her more beautiful, Bai Suxian immediately lost her interest in the source of berserk energy. All the medicaments and pills that Bai Suxian had bought could make her more beautiful and younger more or less.

Before awkward silence appeared, Zhang Tie had revealed a big smile as if he was very interested in the source of berserk energy, "Can you show me one vial of the source of berserk energy?"

Elder Gulas threw a glance at Zhang Tie. Closely after that, he took out a vial of berserk energy and put it onto Zhang Tie's hand. Given Zhang Tie's identity as an earth knight and the security measures of Treasures Complex, Elder Gulas was not worried that Zhang Tie would do something illegal.

Although it was not Zhang Tie's first time to see the source of berserk energy, he still pretended to see it for the first time. Without opening the package, Zhang Tie directly released his knight's consciousness and pretended to explore the source of berserk energy spiritually.

"This thing...is a bit weird!" Zhang Tie slightly frowned on purpose. Closely after that, he directly passed the source of berserk energy to Mountain Lifting Hermit as he said, "Elder brother, take a look. I feel something inside the source of berserk energy could respond to the four elements!"

The source of berserk energy was mainly made of a strange substance formed by the 4 elements in the elements realm which were extracted by the Gold's Star. The source of berserk energy was formed out of the void. As Zhang Tie knew this secret, he said it on purpose.

Elder Gulas just translated Zhang Tie's words for the old wild bear Dali by moving his mouth silently.

"Hmm, it's indeed a bit different than common medicaments!" Mountain Lifting Hermit said after taking the source of berserk energy from Zhang Tie. Closely after that, he gave it back to Zhang Tie. As a lone ranger, Mountain Lifting Hermit lacked his interest in goods which were only available to fighters below knight too. Is a berserk ant different than a common ant for an earth knight? Of course not. If so, this good would be useless for an earth knight.

Holding the source of berserk energy, Zhang Tie asked Gulas, "I've seen common medicaments which could improve one's battle strength. Can you tell me about the largest difference between this source of berserk energy and common medicaments which could improve one's battle strength?"

"Common medicaments which could improve one's battle strength is disposable. One vial of those medicaments could only help a fighter go berserk once; additionally, they have a lot of side effects. By contrast, our source of berserk energy is eternal. As long as you have a proper physical condition and could activate the strength of the source of berserk energy, you could go berserk at any time until you promote to a knight. Additionally, our source of berserk energy has a trivial side effect!" Elder Gulas said confidently.

"What do you mean by having a proper physical condition?"

Elder Gulas looked Zhang Tie's sturdy figure up and down with an appreciative eye light, "If the user could have a sturdy figure like yours, even if they only have 70% of your physical strength, they could basically activate and digest the strength brought by the source of berserk energy after promoting to LV 6!"

"Is it available to commoners?"

"No, if average people or weak people use our source of berserk energy, it's almost equal to injuring themselves. Their body couldn't bear the impact of the source of berserk energy at all. Only those strong guys could bear the impact caused by the source of berserk energy!"

Picky customers probably buy the goods. Elder Gulas replied Zhang Tie's question very patiently. When Elder Gulas talked with Zhang Tie, old wild bear Dali just listened to it on one side like an idiot.

"Interesting!" Zhang Tie revealed a smile as he stroked his jaw and said, "I've not heard about the source of berserk energy before?"

"It's the specialty of our Sacred Iceland Kingdom. It's made by our pontiff with a secret method. Because the holy war breaks out, we determine to present it so as to make a bit contribution to humans in the holy war!" Elder Gulas said heroically.

Zhang Tie knew that Elder Gulas didn't tell him the truth. Because of the source of berserk energy, there were strong berserk fighters in Ice and Snow Wilderness. Huge bear tribe didn't provide the source of berserk energy for outsiders except for those Slav tribes across Ice and Snow Wilderness previously. Even though Zhang Tie became Tsar, he had not thought about occupying God's Star and the source of berserk energy. He still handed the right of disposal of the God's Star and the source of berserk energy to the elders of the huge bear tribe. The reason that Ice and Snow Wilderness would like to sell this good was definitely not as heroic and simple as was told by Elder Gulas.

Pitifully, Zhang Tie had not contacted Sarlin the Pontiff for a long Time; he was really impulsive to ask Sarlin the Pontiff by the remote-sensing crystal.

"How much?" Zhang Tie inquired.

"One earth-element crystal for one vial!"

The price made Zhang Tie speechless. Zhang Tie was clear about the price of this good in Ice and Snow Wilderness very well. An earth-element crystal might not afford one truck of source of berserk energy; however, it would definitely be more valuable than a box of the source of berserk energy. However, in this place, the price of this good could rise by many times after being packed delicately.

"It's a bit expensive. No matter how a fighter below knight; especially a low-level fighter below LV 9 went berserk, his life would not be more valuable than an element crystal." Zhang Tie said mercilessly. But it was real. In the eyes of most knights, a common fighter's life would really not be more valuable than an element crystal. Although Zhang Tie's words sounded cold, he was still interested in this vial of the source of berserk energy very much. Zhang Tie just held that source of berserk energy as he added, "Additionally, this vial of the source of berserk energy is meaningless. It should be equipped for a corps of low-level fighters below knight so as to exert its utmost effect!"

Zhang Tie was bargaining.

However, after hearing Zhang Tie's words, Elder Gulas' eyes sparkled while his face turned solemn too, "This humble man is Gulas, the political chancellor of Sacred Iceland Kingdom. This one is an important elder of Sacred Iceland Kingdom. May I know your name, your excellency?"

After hearing that Elder Gulas was asking about his name, Zhang Tie felt absurd and complex. However, he had to answer with a solemn look, "I'm Cui Li, the owner of Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory and the master of Iron-Dragon Sect."

After hearing that Zhang Tie was both an owner of a bounty territory and a master of a sect, Elder Gulas's face turned solemn too; especially the identity of the master of a sect shocked Elder Gulas very much. According to Elder Gulas' knowledge, those who could be a master of a sect were really powerful ones and had close relationships with major clans in Taixia Country. Such a powerful force was urgently needed by the Sacred Iceland Kingdom. "It's the retail price. If master Cui needs a large number of vials of the source of berserk energy, we can further negotiate about the price..."

When Elder Gulas said it, he looked around here as if he wanted to say it was not a proper place for a negotiation.

"Where do you live?" Zhang Tie asked straightforwardly.

Elder Gulas directly gave Zhang Tie a name card made of pure gold which was marked with their address. Zhang Tie found that they lived in a grand hotel of Xuanyuan Hill.

"This good..." Zhang Tie weighed the vial of the source of berserk energy.

Elder Gulas directly took out another vial of the source of berserk energy from inside the counter and passed it onto Zhang Tie's hand as he said generously, "Master Cui, you can take the two vials of the source of berserk energy for free. You can have someone try the effect of the two vials of the source of berserk energy. If master Cui feels it proper, you could find us in that address. We live there during the period of the Treasures Meeting!"

"Sure, thanks!" Zhang Tie directly teleported the two vials of the source of berserk energy and that name card into his portable space-teleportation equipment.

After knowing that Zhang Tie had a space-teleportation equipment, Gulas and Dali raised their eyebrows with astonishment once again.

Zhang Tie, Bai Suxian and Mountain Lifting Hermit then bade a farewell to Gulas and Dali.

Not until the three people went away did old wild bear Dali hurriedly ask Gulas in a secret way, "Who's he, why did you behave so generously? What did you say just now?"

"This man is Cui Li, an owner of a bounty territory in Taixia Country and a master of a sect. He's very interested in our source of berserk energy. We could be friends with him!" Gulas said with looming eye light as he watched the direction where Zhang Tie, Bai Suxian and Mountain Lifting Hermit were heading for.

"Are all the knights in Taixia Country that rich? An earth knight and a black iron knight both carry a space-teleportation equipment?" Old wild bear Dali let out a sigh.

"The 3 people are not common knights in Taixia Country!"

"How? Do you know them?"

"Have you forgetten about that news that we heard in the Treasures Complex just now? A prince from a subcontinent was kicked to death by an earth knight at the gate of Gold and Power Market!"

"They are?" Old wild bear Dali widely opened his mouth. He was really shocked by that news just now. As a black iron knight, when he heard that another black iron knight from a subcontinent was kicked to death by a powerful earth knight in Taixia Country being not far from him in a split second, old wild bear Dali felt a bit gloomy more or less. He also sensed the strong stress caused by Taixia Country, the axis country of humans. Old wild bear Dali had not imagined that he could meet that powerful man in the Treasures Complex so early.


"I remember that the female was a..."

"A princess of a lord in Taixia Country. The sphere of influence of the princess' clan is equal to the size of many Blackson Humans Corridor!"


In order to not arouse others' suspicions, Zhang Tie just expressed that he was interested in the source of berserk energy before leaving Gulas and Dali. However, holding the two vials of the familiar yet strange source of berserk energy, Zhang Tie slightly felt a bit frustrated, 'It seems that the Sacred Iceland Kingdom might have encountered some trouble; otherwise, Gulas and Dali would not seek for allies in Taixia Country...'

Gulas and Dali could only use the source of berserk energy to knock at the door of the allies in Taixia Country.

'What happened to Ice and Snow Wilderness?'

Zhang Tie became a bit absent-minded when he thought about Ice and Snow Wilderness...

Chapter 1134: Returning to Lord Guangnan's Manor

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian returned to Lord Guangnan's Manor in Xuanyuan Hill, it was already dark.

After one days' travel, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian had supper outside together with Mountain Lifting Hermit. After supper, Zhang Tie gave Mountain Lifting Hermit a remote-sensing finger ring that he brought from the Earth-elements Realm before returning to Lord Guangnan's Manor with Bai Suxian.

Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian didn't see the piece of God's Star that they had been expecting for in the Treasures Complex. In this Treasures Meeting, the piece of God's Star was a very attractive bait. As they didn't see it in the Treasures Complex, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian were a bit disappointed although they didn't determine to get such a piece of God's Star.

Of course, they were not the only ones who were disappointed. In the Treasures Complex, many excited knights were disappointed as they had not seen the piece of God's Star.

According to the explanation of the Treasures Complex, the piece of God's Star would be displayed in the public today in terms of the auction. Pitifully, this piece of God's Star had been bought by a mysterious figure in a small-range authentication meeting ahead of the auction. Therefore, the seller canceled off the auction of the piece of God's Star.

The identities of the seller and the buyer, the transaction price or trading conditions and the functions of that piece of God's Star had become secrets according to the requests of the seller and the buyer.

Bai Suxian was a bit angry about it. By contrast, Zhang Tie was a bit calmer. This result was exemplary. The better the good was, the more people would like it and the possibility of it to appear in the public would be less. The explanation of Gold and Power Market was very logical.

In Xuanyuan Hill, of course, powerful ones didn't need to buy something in an auction for the sake of safety. It might be abnormal if this good was sold in terms of the auction. What was sold in terms of the auction could be directly priced in gold coins or element crystals; however, a piece of God's Star could not be simply measured in gold coins or element crystals. The terms of interchange might be involved with some secrets of both parties; therefore, they could only make transaction privately. Gold and Power Law declared the news that a piece of God's Star would be sold in the Treasures Meeting so as to attract people and increase the influence of the Treasures Meeting. By attracting some more powerful buyers, the seller could also raise the value of the piece of God's Star by proposing more favorable conditions in the negotiation.

All the people who came here for the piece of God's Star were used by someone unconsciously.

After thinking through this point, Zhang Tie revealed a bitter smile. In this world, there were many smart ones. Even if you knew that you were used by them, you couldn't complain about it.

Honestly, Zhang Tie was very curious about the functions of the piece of God's Star.

The piece of God's Star in Ice and Snow Wilderness could directly form the source of berserk energy from the elements realm. Zhang Tie really wondered about the function of this piece of God's Star in Gold and Power Market.

Zhang Tie, Bai Suxian and Mountain Lifting Hermit kept talking about God's Star at supper. According to the old bird knight Mountain Lifting Hermit, Zhang Tie knew that each of the other 6 sects had at least a piece of God's Star besides that in Gold and Power Law. Given these pieces of God's Star, they had one common function, namely, forming the crystals of one element from the elements realm. With one piece of God's Star, knights could form a chakra much faster than their peers; additionally, they didn't need to worry about the lack of element crystals forever.

As for a sect or a knight, a piece of God's Star was like a treasury that could provide element crystals constantly. Although this treasury could not be open to everyone, If a sect had a piece of God's Star, it would have an exceptional advantage for cultivating knights.

The more knights a sect had, the more precious a piece of God's Star that could constantly form crystals of one element would be for the sect. Perhaps, this explained why the major sects in Taixia Country were so powerful.

When he heard this news, Zhang Tie's heart pounded for a short while. He thought, 'If I have a piece of God's Star which could constantly gather water elements for me, with the assistance of my purgatory samsara and my powerful multi-tasking ability, I might promote to a shadow knight much faster.'

However, Zhang Tie just thought about it. After traveling in the Gold and Power Market, he had not even seen the so-called piece of God's Star at all, not to mention those in the other 6 major sects. If he went to the location of a major sect and requested to take a look at their piece of God's Star, he might be driven out of there by them while being regarded as a lunatic.

From this event, Zhang Tie realized that although he was a bit famous in the Earth-elements Realm and Youzhou Province; he was just a fresh bird in Xuanyuan Hill. Even Bai Suxian who had Lord Guangnan's Mansion on her back was nothing in many people's eyes. Otherwise, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian should have been invited to attend the small-range authentication meeting about that piece of God's Star. The conflict between them and Gold and Power Law just happened this morning. Before this morning, who else could predict that he would almost fight a master-level figure in Gold and Power Law at the Qian Gate of Gold and Power Market.

Bai Suxian's complaint was mainly caused by being despised.

On the way back, Zhang Tie even comforted Bai Suxian for a short while.

Honestly, if Bai Suxian's dad Lord Guangnan was in Xuanyuan Hill, he might be qualified to attend the small-range authentication meeting about that piece of God's Star given his overall strength and identity. Even though Bai Suxian was a princess, in the eyes of those people in Gold and Power Law, she could not even match an earth knight like Mountain Lifting Hermit.

'Who on the earth bought that piece of God'Star?' Zhang Tie was thinking about this on the way back. After making a prediction by pinching his fingers, Zhang Tie realized that there were at least 20 figures who were qualified to buy that piece of God's Star, including the three top chancellors and 9 ministers and the top 7 sects in Taixia Country. These magnates might not complain about having too many pieces of God's Star. Besides them, some big figures from top major clans might also be potential purchasers.

Besides being a bit unpleasant due to the matter of the piece of God's Star, Zhang Tie had actually widened his horizon.

Zhang Tie's recognition and horizon about treasures had reached a new realm after visiting those goods in the Medicinal Powder Pavilion, Rune Instruments Pavilion, Alchemist's Items Pavilion, Instruments Pavilion, Secret Items Pavilion and Jades Pavilion. All the goods in these pavilions were of top quality. Almost all the goods in the Secret Items Pavilion were bronze secret items and silver secret items. Even those goods in the Rune Instruments Pavilion, Alchemist's Items Pavilion and Instruments Pavilion had at least broken through black iron effect and could be available to knights.

After leisurely wandering in the Treasures Complex for about 4 hours, they had not even looked at all the goods in those pavilions of the Treasures Complex seriously. They didn't even have time to visit the Jades Pavilion.

When they entered the Secret Items Pavilion, they started to realize that they didn't have enough money.

In the Secret Items Pavilion, even though Bai Suxian couldn't afford any good at her will. Mountain Lifting Hermit targeted a space-teleportation item in the Secret Items Pavilion. It was a simple and classic plate being worn on one's neck, which contained 18 cubic meters of storage. Mountain Lifting Hermit took a brochure of this space-teleportation item and prepared to attend the bidding of this space-teleportation item after 3 days.

The bottom price of this space-teleportation item was 800 earth-elements crystals. Given Mountain Lifting Hermit's look, Zhang Tie estimated that he might not have too many earth-elements crystals than this bottom price, not to mention that the transaction price which might be a few times higher than its bottom price.

Zhang Tie had some earth-elements crystals and didn't lack space-teleportation items. However, he couldn't directly gift these items to Mountain Lifting Hermit. As an earth knight, Mountain Lifting Hermit had his self-esteem. He would never accept Zhang Tie's favor out of no reason. If Zhang Tie directly proposed to gift them to Mountain Lifting Hermit, Mountain Lifting Hermit might think that Zhang Tie despised him.

Seeing Mountain Lifting Hermit's longing eye light towards that common space-teleportation item, Zhang Tie could only plan to deal with it before the auction. He could lend some earth-element crystals to Mountain Lifting Hermit so that the latter could buy that space-teleportation item in the auction. After all, they had appointed to meet each other a few days later.

After coming to the Gold and Power Market, Zhang Tie killed a b*stard and made a head-on confrontation with Han people in the public for the first time; additionally, he encountered Mountain Lifting Hermit, Elder Gulas and old wild bear Dali. What a stimulative day!

When they returned to the Lord Guangnan's Manor in Xuanyuan Hill, they could already see stars in the sky. After worrying about Ice and Snow Wilderness and sensing the locations of the two tracing feathers, Zhang Tie felt complex at once. Therefore, he felt a bit fatigued...