1135 - 1143

Chapter 1135: Train of Thoughts

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"What's the matter? Are you tired?"

After sensing that Zhang Tie was a bit fatigued, Bai Suxian who had just got off the vehicle in the manor asked him out of concern.

When Bai Suxian stopped her footsteps, all the other maids and female servants stopped their footsteps too as they just waited aside quietly.

Zhang Tie replied with a smile, "It's fine, I was just thinking about something uninteresting. I will have a rest tonight!" As an earth knight, how could Zhang Tie feel tired physically; he was just mentally fatigued.

Bai Suxian nodded as she knew that Zhang Tie just wanted to be alone for a short period. Now that Zhang Tie had said that, of course, she would not fool around with Zhang Tie tonight like how they did last night. She also knew about their other purpose of Zhang Tie in Xuanyuan Hill. Although Zhang Tie looked relaxed these days, he was destined to be restless inside because of the stress and enemies that he was facing.


After talking with Bai Suxian for a short while and watching Bai Suxian walking towards her residence followed by a lot of maids, Zhang Tie took in a deep breath before walking towards his own residence.

His top enemy still assumed a high position in the emperor's imperial city safe and sound; however, it seemed that something bad happened to Ice and Snow Wilderness which he always treated as his firmest rear end. As a result, Elder Gulas and old wild bear Dali had to seek for allies and foreign aids with the source of beserk energy. After traveling in Xuanyuan Hill for a few days, Zhang Tie gradually understood about this human center; however, he also had two fights in an explicable way and stirred up a lot of people. Heavens Holding Pavilion was a tricky power. Although Zhang Tie was justified, he had already stirred up Heavens Holding Pavilion. If Gold and Power Law was excluded, he had already stirred up two major sects in Taixia Country, namely, Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion. Before the old enemies were cleaned, the new ones had come. Additionally, the most reassured place in Zhang Tie's heart met something bad. As a result, a lot of people whom Zhang Tie was concerned about were involved in it. Therefore, Zhang Tie had a train of thoughts at once.

"Did you kill people outside today?" Uncle Zhong asked in front of Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie had to stop his footsteps.

Although Uncle Zhong looked calm, the two vertical wrinkles in his forehead as sharp as blade carried a faint killing intent. Needless to say, Zhang Tie estimated that most of the people across Xuanyuan Hill might have known what happened at the Qian Gate of Gold and Power Market today. Of course, those in the manor knew that it was Bai Suxian who was sexually harassed. Therefore, it was inconvenient for Uncle Zhong to ask the princess about that; instead, he could only verify it from Zhang Tie.

"I've already killed that b*stard on the spot. Su Xian was not agitated; she was just disgusted for a short while!" Zhang Tie told Uncle Zhong.

Uncle Zhong nodded as he said in another tone, "I've already contacted the Lord Guangnan's Mansion. You don't need to worry about this event anymore. Lord will assign someone to deal with this event. Right in this afternoon, the one who was responsible for dealing with this event had already set off by airboat at the order of Lord!"

After hearing Uncle Zhong's words, Zhang Tie knew that what happened to Bai Suxian today had not come to an end. Now that someone dared sexually harass the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion, even though that b*stard was killed by Zhang Tie on the spot, Lord Guangnan would make a further response to it. Although that damned prince had been killed, he had an elder knight on his side who was still alive. Additionally, who made him so audacious? Without reaching a satisfactory result, Lord Guangnan's Mansion would never give up.

"What's the plan of Lord Guangnan's Mansion?" Zhang Tie asked out of curiosity.

"It's just a small country in a subcontinent. It's said that some more people of that small country are still in Xuanyuan Hill. After the chief justice delivered the order to forbid anyone of that small country to enter Xuanyuan Hill, I'm afraid that those people would never come back anymore. After dealing with these guys, it depends on Lord Guangnan whether Taixia Country would assign someone to the subcontinent..." Uncle Zhong revealed a faint smile which felt a bit merciless in Zhang Tie's eyes.

'Is this the style of a lord's mansion and major clan in Taixia Country?' Zhang Tie stood in silent tribute for those people of that small country in Taixia Country although he knew that those sons of b*tches deserved the death. 'Before those sons of b*tches wanted to sexually harass Bai Suxian, they might not have imagined that such a simple evil thought could lead to such a severe outcome. Perhaps, this is why Bai Suxian was not too angry about that and didn't mention about it too much later on. I'm afraid that Bai Suxian has long known about the outcome of these b*stards. Additionally, what happened today was different than that tomorrow. The event tomorrow was more like a conflict and oral quarrel between Bai Suxian and her peers. However, what happened today had been involved with the dignity of the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion.

"Han Clan of Gold and Power Law might be involved with those people!" Zhang Tie reminded Uncle Zhong. Although there were so many people surnamed Han and so many major Han Clans in the world, speaking of the Han Clan of Gold and Power Law, of course, Uncle Zhong knew which one Zhang Tie referred to.

"Never mind. The master of Gold and Power Law has been serving as a minister of Taixia Country for less than 100 years; however, Lord Guangnan's Mansion has existed in the south border of Taixia Country for over 400 years. The history of Lord Guangnan's Mansion ranks first among the major clans in Taixia Country!" Uncle Zhong replied with a smile which carried arrogance rather than merciless killing intent, "Even if Lord Guangnan wants to prevent earth knights from leaving Taixia Country, nobody dares stop him, not to mention some common barbarians."

"That's right!" Zhang Tie nodded. Now that Lord Guangnan's Mansion had determined to deal with it, it was none of Zhang Tie's business anymore.

"Oh, Lord said that he wanted to meet you when you're free!" Uncle Zhong lowered his voice as he approached his head to Zhang Tie a bit as if he was whispering to Zhang Tie, "Lord has already known what happened yesterday and today. I was told by someone on Lord's side that Lord is very happy and spoke highly of your deeds. If Heavens Holding Pavilion dared find you trouble, Lord would definitely stand on your side..."

After fighting people twice for Bai Suxian and stirring up Heavens Holding Pavilion, Zhang Tie had not imagined that Bai Suxian's dad, also his would-be father-in-law, could speak highly of him, 'Is that a loss may turn out to be a gain?' Zhang Tie forced a bitter smile as he rubbed his face by his fingers for a short while after hearing Uncle Zhong's words.

Sleeping with her daughter's ladybro; assigning someone to carry out a bloody revenge as long as his daughter was upset by some barbarians; speaking highly of Zhang Tie's violent means. After combining with the above three events, Zhang Tie gradually figured out the temperament of Bai Suxian's dad. Bai Suxian's dad might be a weirdo among the Lords in Taixia Country. However, this bizarre father-in-law didn't call him to see him straightforwardly; instead, he just requested Zhang Tie to see him whenever the latter was free. Given Zhang Tie's temperament, Lord Guangnan might have known that Zhang Tie didn't stay with Bai Suxian because of her identity as a princess.

"Did my disciples come back today?"

"Not yet. I've assigned someone to follow them up. They will be fine!"

After hearing Uncle Zhong's reply, Zhang Tie became completely reassured, 'I'm afraid that my disciples have been hyper in Xuanyuan Hill these days. Why not? A team of youngsters who had just established their friendship and emotions through survival training came to Xuanyuan Hill for the first time with a great handful of gold notes in Liu Xing's hand, it was impossible for them to be not hyper. It's more like a super deluxe tour group.'


'I wonder how Bai Suxian told about the process that we got acquainted with each other to her dad.' Zhang Tie thought about this question when he returned to his own room after leaving Uncle Zhong.

After closing the door from inside, nobody would disturb him anymore. After entering meditation for a short while in the room and carding the train of thoughts, Zhang Tie took out a remote-sensing crystal from his space-teleportation equipment and started to contact Sarlin the Pontiff who was in Ice and Snow Wilderness.

It had been too long since he contacted Sarlin the Pontiff by this remote-sensing crystal last time.

Compared to the remote-sensing crystals in Taixia Country and the Earth-elements Realm, this piece of remote-sensing crystal that Zhang Tie brought from Ice and Snow Wilderness was a bit coarser and larger. The more advanced a remote-sensing crystal was, the smaller it would be in size. Those remote-sensing crystals that Zhan Tie gained in Earth-elements Realm were all integrated on a very small finger ring. The remote-sensing crystals on the finger rings of the elders of Huaiyuan Palace were very small too. The finger ring of Guan Elder even integrated with more than one remote-sensing crystal. This remote-sensing crystal that Zhang Tie brought from the huge bear tribe of Ice and Snow Wilderness was almost as large as a thumb.

Holding the coarse remote-sensing crystal in hand, Zhang Tie stroked it in a reminiscent way. Closely after that, he contacted with Sarlin the Pontiff by injecting his spiritual energy into it.

After sending the first signal for less than half a minute, Zhang Tie had received the response.

After confirming the opposite identities using the jargon and signal codes that they had appointed with each other in advance, Sarlin the Pontiff was very excited. Zhang Tie could even sense the thrilling spiritual wave from the other side through the remote-sensing crystal.

Zhang Tie didn't say that he had met Gulas and Dali in Xuanyuan Hill; instead, he asked about the overall situation facing Ice and Snow Wilderness straightforwardly.

——How's Ice and Snow Wilderness?

Even being the tsar of Sacred Iceland Kingdom, Zhang Tie still used to call it Ice and Snow Wilderness.

——All is well!

'All is well?' Zhang Tie faintly frowned.

——Didn't you meet any problem?

——Not yet for the time being.

——What do you mean?

——We've received the intelligence from detectives and the businessmen who did business between Ewentra Archipelago and Western Continent, the Sacred Light Empire on Western Continent might take actions against the Sacred Iceland Kingdom to revenge that Your Majesty killed their scepter priest a few years ago...

Chapter 1136: Powerful Sacred Light Empire



If not being reminded by Sarlin the Pontiff, Zhang Tie had almost forgotten that he had killed such a figure in Ice and Snow Wilderness when he had just promoted to a knight.

'The scepter priest of Sacred Light Empire on Western Continent? As a knight with a huge empire on Western Continent on his back, such a role was definitely dignified at that time. With such a dignity, this guy almost made trouble in Ice and Snow Wilderness.

However, such a person was nothing in Zhang Tie's eyes today. Zhang Tie had killed dozens of knights of demons or three-eye association these years, which included 6 earth knights. By contrast, that d**chebag he killed on Western Continent didn't leave a deep impression in his mind.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that what happened many years ago fermented today.

Zhang Tie was not afraid of Sacred Light Empire on Western Continent. Although Sacred Light Empire was nothing for Taixia Country, it was an extremely terrifying giant for Ice and Snow Wilderness.

Zhang Tie still remembered some information about Sacred Light Empire. Being unrivaled in the eastern region of Western Continent, this country was under the rule of Sacred Light Church. It integrated his regime with religion. Sacred Light Empire pursued invasion and had a very powerful trend for expansion. With over 10 billion people, its territory was almost equal to 5 times that of Blackson Humans Corridor; namely, it might be equal to the area of 5-6 provinces in Taixia Country. Sacred Light Empire was one of the most powerful empires on Western Continent.

Previously, an ambitious scepter priest of Sacred Light Empire almost caused Ice and Snow Wilderness to split up. Today, with the reason of revenging for the late specter priest of Sacred Light Empire, this country was going on an expedition towards the Sacred Iceland Kingdom. Those important elders in Ice and Snow Wilderness might have been sleepless.

'Sarlin the Pontiff knows my real identity; he also knows that I don't live well in Taixia Country; perhaps he has already known that my order for arrest has just been canceled off. So what? Because Sarlin the Pontiff also knows that I have terrifying enemies in Taixia Country such as the Gobbling Party.'

'This is the most helpless action and the way of survival for Sacred Iceland Kingdom.'

'Facing such a giant who exposes its fangs, Sarlin the Pontiff and the other elders in Ice and Snow Wilderness think that I the tsar, also the supreme ruler of Sacred Iceland Kingdom couldn't even protect myself. Even if I returned to Ice and Snow Wilderness, I would not help them a lot. A black iron knight couldn't reverse the overall situation facing Sacred Iceland Kingdom no matter how powerful he is.'

After thinking through this, Zhang Tie finally understood why he could meet Elder Gulas and old wild bear Dali in Xuanyuan Hill.

Zhang Tie felt being pretty guilty because it was him who killed that scepter priest; however, it was the entire Sacred Iceland Kingdom which was going to bear this severe consequence.

'However, there's one point that Sarlin the Pontiff and the other elders in Ice and Snow Wilderness could not imagine, I've already promoted to an earth knight in only a few years!'

When he thought about the above things, Zhang Tie gradually got hang of the problem and overall situation facing Ice and Snow Wilderness. Therefore, Zhang Tie became silent for a short while.

——Your Majesty, don't feel guilty about that. You killed the scepter priest of Sacred Light Empire for all the Slavs in Ice and Snow Wilderness instead of yourself. Without Your Majesty's efforts, once Sacred Light Church rooted in Ice and Snow Wilderness, all the Slavs would deteriorate into slaves and livestock of Sacred Light Church. Facing the coming revenge and stress from Sacred Light Empire, I've already told Gulas and Dali to seek for allies and foreign aids in Taixia Country. The entire Ancient God Church across Sacred Iceland Kingdom might be able to resist them. No matter what happens, Your Majesty is always the hope for all of us.

Because Zhang Tie became silent for a short while, Sarlin the Pontiff thought that Zhang Tie felt guilty about that. Therefore, Sarlin the Pontiff started to comfort Zhang Tie through the coarse remote-sensing crystal. According to Sarlin the Pontiff, even though Zhang Tie couldn't return to Sacred Iceland Kingdom for the time being, they would also work out a method to respond to this crisis. Although Sarlin the Pontiff didn't express it explicitly, Zhang Tie could feel that Sarlin the Pontiff expected him to not return to Ice and Snow Wilderness without ensuring to defeat Sacred Light Empire in case of involving himself into the crisis.

——We could die; however, Your Majesty has to survive!

This was what Sarlin the Pontiff meant.

Zhang Tie's eyes turned wet. In this room, he silently dropped off his tears. It had been such a long time since he dropped off tears.

After coming to Taixia Country for 4 or 5 years, Zhang Tie had experienced too many life or death situations. When he was framed by this culprit in Xuanyuan Hill, Zhang Tie didn't cry. When he was wanted by Taixia Country, he didn't cry; when he was disdained and sworn by the people across the world, he didn't cry; when he faced the great battle formation composed of tens of thousands of demon knights in the Earth-elements Realm, he didn't cry; however, Sarlin the Pontiff's one sentence made Zhang Tie drop off his tears silently.

After experiencing the hardships in Taixia Country, Zhang Tie became increasingly stronger. Any powerful enemy or chagrin would not make Zhang Tie drop off one tear; however, the decisive protection of his trusted ones at the critical moment made Zhang Tie embarrassed.

In the tears, Zhang Tie recovered his composure as he continued to contact Sarlin the Pontiff by the remote-sensing crystal so as to further confirm the current situation facing Ice and Snow Wilderness.

——How's the current situation facing Ice and Snow Wilderness and Ewentra Archipelago?

——Everything is normal. The entire Sacred Iceland Kingdom is flourishing. More and more outsiders are migrating in. With the dignity and power of Your Majesty, Ancient God Church has completely rooted in the country and won numerous believers. Wild bear tribe and fire bear tribe also intend to build cities. Besides Saint Peterburg and Eskil City, Ice and Snow Wilderness would have the 3rd city and the 4th city soon. All the children of Your Majesty are very healthy; additionally, being blessed by the Ancient God, they have become the sons of Ancient God. In case of wide-range panic, only some important elders across Ice and Snow Wilderness know the intelligence about the Sacred Light Empire...

Compared to the customary appellation of Zhang Tie, Sarlin the Pontiff used to call Zhang Tie's foundation and force in Waii Subcontinent as Sacred Iceland Kingdom. After hearing that his children were blessed by the Ancient God, Zhang Tie became a bit thrilled. Of course, Zhang Tie knew what "they were blessed by the Ancient God" meant. They must be born with a leakless body and the ancestral bloodlines that Zhang Tie had awakened.

In a split second, Zhang Tie even wanted to directly fly towards Ice and Snow Wilderness and looked at those people whom he was concerned about.

However, it was just an impulsion. After taking in a deep breath, Zhang Tie had recovered his composure. As for Zhang Tie, he couldn't just drop everything here in Taixia Country regardless of the outcome.

——Have you confirmed the intelligence about the Sacred Light Empire?

——We've confirmed it through many channels.

——Is there any chance for negotiation?

——Golden Roc Bank has a well-connected network and power on Western Continent; Sacred Light Empire is also a client of Golden Roc Bank. After receiving the intelligence, some important elders have already negotiated about it and known the attitude of Sacred Light Empire through Golden Roc Bank. If there's a possibility for compromise, Sacred Iceland Kingdom could stand it by paying some money or something else; however, Golden Roc Bank told us that Sacred Light Empire didn't agree with compromise decisively.

Sarlin the Pontiff's message was very detailed and complete. Between countries, there were neither enemies nor friends. Sacred Iceland Kingdom was far away from Sacred Light Empire. They didn't have any direct conflict of interest; additionally, their overall strength was not on the same level. If an ambitious scepter priest was killed by the Sacred Iceland Kingdom, this conflict might be reconciled at some cost; pitifully, Sacred Light Empire didn't think so.

Zhang Tie felt a bit disappointed as he continued——Does it mean that Sacred Light Empire just take revenge as an excuse?

——Indeed an excuse. If they wanted to revenge for that late scepter priest, Sacred Light Empire would not wait until now. The reason that they waited till now was that someone found that Sacred Iceland Kingdom's becoming more and more profitable. A few years ago, Ice and Snow Wilderness had been able to attract the greedy attention of a scepter priest of Sacred Light Empire; now, Sacred Iceland Kingdom has been qualified to attract more hungry wolves.

——How's the overall strength of Sacred Light Empire? How's their high-level battle force?

——Sacred Light Empire is one of the seven biggest countries on Western Continent. The pope who rules Sacred Light Empire is a heavenly knight. It's said that he had the greatest possibility to promote to a sage-level knight on the Western Continent. Under the rule of the pope, there are 3 sacred light major priests who are shadow knights and are responsible for three major parishes across Sacred Light Empire. Under the rule of the 3 sacred light major priests, there are almost 40 throne major priests who are earth knights. Under the rule of throne major priests, there are over 500 scepter priests who are earth knights.

Such a battle strength was indeed overwhelming in front of Sacred Iceland Kingdom. No wonder that Sacred Light Empire could become one of the powerful countries on Western Continent. After hearing that, Zhang Tie knew that Sarlin the Pontiff and the other major elders in Ice and Snow Wilderness had already learned about the overall situation of Sacred Light Empire pretty well. After hearing such a sharp contrast in battle strength between two countries, Zhang Tie narrowed his eyes at once...

Chapter 1137: Ready for the Fight

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

A heavenly knight, 3 shadow knights, over 40 earth knights and over 500 black iron knights. Such a battle strength indeed made people feel awe-stricken. Such a battle strength was similar to that of a common military region in Taixia Country. However, after thinking about the high-end battle strength of Sacred Light Empire, Zhang Tie was not afraid of it even though he felt a bit stress from Sacred Light Empire because he knew that the Entire Sacred Light Empire would not put all of their battle strength on the remote place of Blackson Humans Corridor.

'How much battle strength did the demon general mobilize to launch a strike towards the entire Blackson Humans Corridor? How much battle strength would Sacred Light Empire mobilize to attack a small area of Blackhot Humans Corridor? In Blackhot City, even earth knights are rarely seen. Black iron knights would be unrivaled over there. An earth knight could make everybody breathless over there.' Zhang Tie gradually recovered his composure when he realized this point.

According to the intelligence about the Sacred Iceland Kingdom, there wasn't any earth knight in that country. Only some important elders were knights. Additionally, the important elders from all the tribes of Ice and Snow Wilderness didn't unite with each other very well. Even Zhang Tie himself showed up as a black iron knight a few years ago. Nobody across the Sacred Iceland Kingdom knew that Zhang Tie had already promoted to an earth knight, not to mention the Sacred Light Empire.

When Zhang Tie thought about this, he narrowed his eyes and shot out a faint, shrewd light like fine needles.

However, this was just Zhang Tie's guess; he needed to verify it.

——Do you know the military strength that Sacred Light Empire intend to mobilize towards us?

Revenge was just an excuse. Profit was what Sacred Light Empire actually pursued for. If they only wanted to revenge, they could assign a team of powerful knights there. However, if they wanted to plunder enough profit, the knights would definitely be followed by an army. If not, even if those knights carried portable space-teleportation items, how many goods could they take away from the Sacred Iceland Kingdom? Did they want to be exiled to the Ice and Snow Wilderness from the prosperous Western Continent? Those major priests in Sacred Light Empire pursued land, power, population even the glory of disseminating religious doctrines. They were not bandits and common thieves who would leave right away after a robbery. Additionally, their army and those low-level priests could help them control the entire Sacred Iceland Kingdom and maximize their interest. It was not hard to guess this point.

——It's said that Sacred Light Empire's one fleet and one Sacred Light expeditionary army of about 200,000 people had already been ready for it in the largest harbor in the east of Sacred Light Empire!

'A fleet and an expeditionary army of about 200,000 people?' Zhang Tie sneered. If there wasn't any high-level knight, Zhang Tie could exterminate all of them before they approached the waters of Ewentra Archipelago only by sending one command. However, if these people just followed the high-level battle strength of Sacred Light Empire to accept the military exploits, they could gradually digest the Sacred Iceland Kingdom only by controlling major cities, harbors, mines, railways and trading markets across Ice and Snow Wilderness. Historically, there were many examples that hundreds of thousands of people could conquer a country which had dozens of times more population than them, let alone these guys who excelled at brainwashing and bewildering people. Of course, all these were based on premise that they had enough high-level battle strength to conquer or digest the knight over Ice and Snow Wilderness.

——How many knights do Sacred Light Empire mobilize?

Zhang Tie cared about this question most. Without the support of knights, the so-called expeditionary army was just a joke.

——According to our intelligence, it was those throne major priests in the east parish of Sacred Light Empire who want to devour the Sacred Iceland Kingdom in the excuse of revenging for the scepter major priest of Sacred Light Empire. After they proposed the plan, it's said that the sacred light major priest in the chair of the eastern parish of Sacred Light Empire had already agreed with it. However, the major priests in the eastern parish are still negotiating the selection of candidates who are responsible for leading the expeditionary army. The final plan might be that one or two throne major priests would lead some scepter priests to go on a punitive expedition for Sacred Iceland Kingdom, followed by a fleet and an expeditionary army. They want to sweep over the Sacred Iceland Kingdom like how a lion fights a rabbit.

Sarlin the Pontiff explained it very solemnly even heavily through the remote-sensing crystal. As for the few black iron knights of those tribes in Ice and Snow Wilderness, such a strength was indeed overwhelming. They only needed to dispatch a qualified throne major priest, an earth knight who had reached above 5-change realm to crush the weak counter-force in Ice and Snow Wilderness. After receiving such an intelligence, Sarlin the Pontiff and those important elders in Ice and Snow Wilderness started to be intense and flurried.

'One or two earth knights and some black iron knights?'

However, such a battle strength was nothing for Zhang Tie.

After blinking his eyes for a few times, Zhang Tie became relaxed all over at once. Like how he had imagined, although Sacred Light Empire was powerful, they had already treated the Sacred Iceland Kingdom seriously enough with such a military strength. Even so, they were actually making a fuss. However, this bit of battle strength was just a piece of cake for Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie's experience in Taixia Country was indeed bumpy; however, Zhang Tie could gradually despise common earth knights. Only after a few years, who could imagine that Zhang Tie could make such a fast progress in the battle strength?

——What's our plan?

——After negotiating with Elder Gulas and the others elders, we've determined to seek some powerful allies in Taixia Country using the source of berserk energy. The best possible result is that the Sacred Light Empire could retreat when they find that we have some allies. By then, we will reach an armistice with them. If the source of berserk energy didn't work, we would use the piece of God's Star of the huge bear tribe. If the piece of God's Star didn't work, we would fight them to death. Our Slavs would never be slaves and squeezed. Elder Gulas and Dali have already reached Xuanyuan Hill of Taixia Country. There's a grand meeting over there. Our source of berserk energy might be able to attract the attention of some big figures on the Eastern Continent.

In order to respond to the coming army of Sacred Light Empire, Sarlin the Pontiff had made three countermeasures: first, the source of berserk energy; second, the piece of God's Star; third, fight them to death.

Sacred Light Empire was really powerful. Facing such an opponent, even Elder Gulas and the other elders of Ice and Snow Wilderness chose to find allies who would like to support Ice and Snow Wilderness for the source of berserk energy, they preferred to not fight Sacred Light Empire by force; instead, they preferred to threaten the opponent and reach an armistice with the opponent. This was not sadness but helplessness. Because there was such a sharp contrast between the two parties on battle strength. The three sacred light major priests of Sacred Light Empire were like three unshakable mountains in front of Ice and Snow Wilderness, not to mention that there was a heavenly knight behind the three mountains.

Sarlin the Pontiff was worried about the expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire. However, after hearing the configuration and population of the expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire, Zhang Tie had made a comprehensive plan to respond to them in a short while.

——Whether any airboat will attend this action of Sacred Light Empire or not?

After considering it for a while, Zhang Tie asked another question. This question was very important. Because airboat had a strong maneuverability, if some knights of Sacred Light Empire went to Ice and Snow Wilderness by airboat, Zhang Tie had to change his counter-attack plan towards the expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire greatly.

——Across the entire Sacred Light Empire, there are only 4 airboats, which respectively belongs to the pope of Sacred Light Church and the three sacred light major priests. On the Western Continent, only top knights could have private airboats. There were fewer airboats on Western Continent than that in Taixia Country. All the airboats on the Western Continent are provided by Taixia Country. Additionally, when Taixia Country sold these airboats to those big figures on Western Continent, they had reached a very strict agreement, namely, these big figures and countries which had airboats on Western Continent were forbidden to put airboats in use of battles between humans. This intelligence was provided by Golden Roc Bank. According to the appointment between some countries on Western Continent and Taixia Country, as long as Taixia Country found that they put airboats in use of battles between humans, Taixia Country would interfere with the battle and confiscate their airboats by force.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that the airboats provided by Taixia Country should follow this regulation. Because of this regulation, everything had become simple. Now that airboats were so rare on Western Continent, perhaps some top figures in Sacred Light Empire didn't think that the so-called Sacred Iceland Kingdom was as expensive as one airboat; of course, they would not put their airboat in use of such a punitive expedition.

——Given your information, those knights of Sacred Light Empire would come here together with their fleet.


——How long will it take their fleet to arrive at Ewentra Archipelago from Sacred Light Empire?

——The fleet and expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire had already moved to the navy base on Morninglight Island in the easternmost part of Sacred Light Empire 2 months ago. As long as the major priests arrived, the fleet and expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire would set off. It would only take them about 1 month from the navy base on Morninglight Island to the waters of Ewentra Archipelago.

——Well, I see. My situation is not as perilous as that a few years ago. However, I still have some things to deal with in Taixia Country. You could have a try using the source of berserk energy. Hopefully, you could find some allies for us in Taixia Country. However, don't expose the information about using the piece of God's Star for the time being. I will pay attention to it. From now on, you need to notice me all the information about the action of the expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire timely.

——Yes, Your Majesty!

——The waters in the periphery of Ewentra Archipelago is the graveyard of this expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire. Without my consent, none of the major priests of Sacred Light Empire is allowed to step onto any inch of land of Sacred Iceland Kingdom.

Zhang Tie sent the last words decisively...

Chapter 1138: Being Hit by an Apple

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After ending the communication with Sarlin the Pontiff through remote-sensing crystal, Zhang Tie didn't put away that remote-sensing crystal; instead he took off all the finger rings which he used to contact his elder brother, Guan Clan, Bai Suxian, Mountain Lifting Hermit, his disciples, Filton, Cecilia and Bolam and connected all of them onto the same necklace which was once used to hang the remote-sensing crystal being used to contact Sarlin the Pontiff. After that, Zhang Tie put on the necklace and hid the finger rings together with the remote-sensing crystal which was used to contact Sarlin the Pontiff under his clothes.

That necklace was made of mithril alloy. Being grey, it was not that eye-catching. However, it carried a sense of coarse beauty. After putting it on, Zhang Tie felt especially chilly. Additionally, this necklace was very firm which could not be pulled apart by over 1,000 kg's strength. Of course, it could bear some light finger rings with remote-sensing crystals, although it looked a bit strange.

Not until then did Zhang Tie finally understand why a major clan or sect would set up a professional agency for remote-sensing communications and had reliable ones pass the information. 'I've already carried so many remote-sensing crystals now; I'm afraid that I will get more in the future. Remote-sensing crystals could not receive any information in the space-teleportation item. In case of leaking some important information, they could have people contact the one being involved timely. However, if he hung out all the finger rings with remote-sensing crystals, he would be mistaken as pedlars who sold finger rings and necklaces on the street.

However, he only had less than 10 finger rings with remote-sensing crystals; if he connected them by a necklace and hid the necklace under his clothes, it would not be eye-catching or influence his daily schedule.

After knowing the critical situation facing Ice and Snow Wilderness, Zhang Tie dared not put his remote-sensing crystals in portable space-teleportation space or Castle of Black Iron anymore. If Zhang Tie didn't meet Elder Gulas and old wild bear Dali in Xuanyuan Hill, Ice and Snow Wilderness might face a great catastrophe. The moment he thought about the severe consequence, Zhang Tie would be afraid of it.

Because Zhang Tie only turned on one crystal fluorite lamp on the wall, the room still looked a bit dim; however, the greater part of the outline of Zhang Tie's face could be seen in the shadow.

After putting away all the remote-sensing crystals, Zhang Tie slightly frowned his eyebrows and started to pace in his room. With his movements, the shadowy region on his face constantly changed. As a result, Zhang Tie's face turned lively. When he frowned, he looked a bit more solemn. Zhang Tie was considering one question——Whether Han Clan of Gold and Power Law is on the back of the expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire or not?

Sarlin the Pontiff didn't know who was going to kill Zhang Tie; however, Zhang Tie was clear that the one was not only the finance minister and the master of Gold and Power Law but also the remnant of Bloody Soul Temple and the archbishop of Heavens Holding Church which scourged Taixia Country.

'My identity in Ice and Snow Wilderness is not a secret for that man at all. If a power in Taixia Country breaks out a conflict with Ice and Snow Wilderness out of no reason, of course, I have adequate cause to doubt that the inside of Gold and Power Law has leaked my secret. However, this is not a good news for that culprit. Because it might expose some secrets. I would also focus on the inside and the senior management of Gold and Power Law. I would even directly doubt him. Because only a very few people among Gold and Power Law know my identity in Ice and Snow Wilderness.'

If the Sacred Light Empire on Western Continent launched a punitive expedition towards Ice and Snow Wilderness with the excuse of revenging for that late scepter priest, who could imagine that it was involved with the finance minister of Taixia Country and the master of Gold and Power Law?

It was the best way to force me to show up by dispatching an expeditionary army from Sacred Light Empire towards Ice and Snow Wilderness.

'I might be thinking too much about it. But even if Han Clan is not on their back, Sacred Light Empire also have an adequate cause to dispatch an expeditionary army towards Ice and Snow Wilderness at this moment.' Because Zhang Tie had experienced too much, he contacted all the events unconsciously.

However, no matter whether Han Clan was on the back of Sacred Light Empire or not, this event reminded Zhang Tie that it was of great urgency to deal with the animosity between him and Han Clan. As long as the expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire set off the military harbor, Zhang Tie had to spare sufficient time to arrive at Ice and Snow Wilderness in case of emergencies.

Actually, Zhang Tie had got a solution to deal with Han Clan on the same day since he came to Xuanyuan Hill. It was simple, direct, violent and useful. As long as he put it into effect, the entire Xuanyuan Hill would be involved. Zhang Tie still stayed in Xuanyuan Hill because he had a more effective method which could hit two birds with one stone. Of course, it was good for him to deal with Han Clan in the simplest and directest way; however, it would be better if he could cause a heavy loss to the Gobbling Party which always hung over the heads of Huaiyuan Palace and Zhang family.

If he executed this plan, he had to get hang of the schedules of the finance minister and the master of the royal prince of the Gobbling Party. The moment he launched a strike, he had to be overwhelming so that the two people could be trapped. No loophole was allowed.

It sounded a bit crazy for him to completely get hang of the schedules of a shadow knight and a heavenly knight in the emperor's imperial city where commoners were forbidden in with strict defense facilities, Even though Lord Guangnan's manor in Xuanyuan Hill had relationship in Xuanyuan Hill, Zhang Tie had not thought about involving Bai Clan into this plan from the beginning. According to the situation that Zhang Tie understood these days, he could at most monitor one person; of course, he would not feel reassured by having others to do that. If they made an error in the process, it would cause a severe consequence for sure, not to mention that the opponents would become alert. Therefore, Zhang Tie abandoned all the fluky thoughts.

After weighing the advantages and disadvantages of various thoughts and strolling around the room for a short while, Zhang Tie's frown had been completely relieved; instead, he revealed a resolute look.

'12 days. If I couldn't seize the best opportunity within 12 days, I would accept the earliest plan, namely, overthrowing Han Clan in the directest way by involving the entire Xuanyuan Hill into it.'

The moment he made up his mind, Zhang Tie immediately became reassured as he let out a long sigh.

If a person was always concerned about gains and losses, he would be agonizing; however, as long as he made the simplest decision, he would feel relaxed at once. After making up his decision, the messy train of thoughts was cut off, leaving the most important one.

'No plan is perfect. Even if there was a perfect plan, if not being executed well, it would not bring one a pleasant result. It's normal for one to find loopholes in his plan when executing it. The more complex the plan was, the more loopholes there would be. Like parts of a machine, the more parts a machine had, the easier it would face problems. If I could not hit two birds with one stone in Xuanyuan Hill, I will at least hit one bird with one stone. As long as I knock out this bird of Han Clan, the Gobbling Party has to consider about the severe consequence if they want to stir up me and Huaiyuan Palace in the future.'

He set 12 days as a limit because the small tree could only produce 4 more trouble-reappearance fruits. In the study of the trouble-reappearance situation, all the invitation cards would be sent at least 3 days in advance. The 4 trouble-reappearance situations could help Zhang Tie grasp the schedules of the master of Gold and Power Law in 12 days.

Zhang Tie felt that it was pretty worthwhile using the 4 remaining trouble-reappearance fruits which might be consumed in some minor scenes unconsciously to make a bet for the plan of hitting two birds with one stone in Xuanyuan Hill.

Soon after he made up his decision, Zhang Tie had received a signal from a remote-sensing crystal in a finger ring on his neck.

It was from Zhang Yang, Zhang Tie's elder brother.

——Are you alright today? I've heard about the event at the Qian Gate of Gold and Power Market the moment I arrived at Xuanyuan Hill!

Zhang Tie had not imagined that his elder brother had also arrived at Xuanyuan Hill.

——Elder brother, have you already arrived at Xuanyuan Hill?

——Hmm, I've just got off the airboat. This Treasures Meeting is a good opportunity for us to expand the market of our all-purpose medicament across Taixia Country. The moment I entered the residence of Jinwu Business Group in Gold and Power Market, I've already been told about this event by my subordinate. This event has been spread over Gold and Power Market; therefore, I'm a bit worried about you!

——Elder brother, don't worry. It's just a trivial matter. It's already passed. I'm living in the manor of Lord Guangnan in Xuanyuan Hill.

——Jinwu Business Group has some relationship and ability in Xuanyuan Hill. If you need us to do something, just let me know.


It was a concise communication. Zhang Tie didn't even need to take off that necklace. As long as the finger ring touched his skin, he could use it.

Zhang Tie didn't tell his elder brother about the real identities of the finance minister. If his elder brother didn't know about it, he would not be alert and inimical towards Gold and Power Law. Zhang Yang's relaxed look would be the best anesthetic in some people's eyes.

After contacting his elder brother, Zhang Tie became completely relaxed. After strolling in the room for a short while, Zhang Tie sensed the location of the two tracing feathers. Although the two tracing feathers had already left Xuanyuan Hill, they were just over 500 miles away from here above the Euphonic sound lake in the northeast of Xuanyuan Hill.

Zhang Tie's heart suddenly pounded as he thought, 'Do I need to take a look over there silently?'

The Arlkey Empire on the Crescent Subcontinent might not be small or far away from Taixia Country.

'The round trip is about 1,000 miles. If Zhang Tie used his incarnation, it would waste him too much time. The little beetle moves too slowly; the thunder hawk is too eye-catching. There are too many knight-level powerhouses in Xuanyuan Hill. If I used thunder hawk, it might bring him some trouble. If only I could fly in Xuanyuan Hill...'

When Zhang Tie was considering about it, he suddenly caught sight of a silver light stand in the room. Closely after that, a light flashed across his mind, causing him stunned at once.

Only sage-level knights, airships and birds could fly in Xuanyuan Hill. Common knights couldn't fly in Xuanyuan Hill. This was what Zhang Tie was told on the first day when he came to Xuanyuan Hill. Meanwhile, Zhang Tie had tried it himself and found it was true. The entire Xuanyuan Hill was covered in a powerful force field, which made all the knights below sage-level lose their flight ability.

If not catch sight of that metal light stand and think about the flight, Zhang Tie might not have imagined about such a possibility. The light that flashed across his mind reminded him of a pattern that he had never tried before.

It felt a bit crazy. Zhang Tie had not imagined about it before. However, the moment this whim occurred to his mind, Zhang Tie became stunned like being struck by a lightning bolt.

'Knights below sage-level and airboats couldn't fly. Only birds, sage-level knights and airships could fly. Could divine dominator fly?'

'Of course, divine dominator couldn't fly; however, what about the goods that are under the control of divine dominator? How about having something carry me in the air?'

If in another time and place, Zhang Tie would almost not think about this question. However, at this moment, this thought surged in Zhang Tie's mind, causing him to get increasingly thrilled...

During thousands of years before the Catastrophe, numerous people had been hit by fruits from trees onto their heads; however, only one person who was hit by an apple on his head over 400 years before the Catastrophe discovered the law of gravity.

People used to ignore many familiar things and didn't feel like figuring out the laws. Zhang Tie knew that he had also made such a mistake unconsciously. Because he could fly, after becoming a divine dominator, he had not considered that he could fly with the ability of divine dominator. Although he wanted to hide his trump card as a divine dominator unconsciously; nobody could tell him how to develop on the road of divine dominator. What was more, Zhang Tie treated himself as a commoner who would be hit by apples from the tree by accident. Therefore, he didn't think too much about the laws; however, once he figured out the laws, he found that many things were just so-so...

'Can I fly with the ability of divine dominator in Xuanyuan Hill?'

Under Zhang Tie's gaze, that metal light stand in the room immediately flew off the table silently like a feather being blown off by wind and suspended in front of Zhang Tie.

Holding the handle of the light stand by one hand, Zhang Tie gradually rose up with the metal light stand and suspended in the air like a sage-level knight...

Chapter 1139: The Father and the Son of Han Clan

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When Zhang Tie slowly left the room of Lord Guangnan's Manor in Xuanyuan Hill, Han Zhengfang and Han Yuanhong were chatting and drinking tea leisurely before that calligraphy "The Best" in the study of the finance minister's mansion in the emperor's imperial city.

As the finance minister of Taixia Country who ruled economy of such a huge country and the master of God and Power Law, many people thought that the finance minister's mansion must be resplendent and magnificent such as paving the ground with gold bricks and lighting it up with bright pearls. Actually, besides the location of the finance minister's mansion which was a bit special in the emperor's imperial city, the entire financial minister's mansion was nothing different than those major clans' mansions in different provinces across Taixia Country. Some nouveau riches' manors in provinces were even much more impressive than this one.

Given the look of the mansion, many rich people might not imagine that it was the residence of a minister of Taixia Country whose basic annual salary was over 30 million gold coins a year.

On the table of the study, a curl of smoke was rising from the spout of a small bronze snuff bottle which looked like an animal's mouth. No crystal fluorite lamp was used in the study. Rich rustic magnates would especially despise those red burning candles on candlesticks.

Of course, those who would despise those things in the residence must have not seen the world. If the steward of Baisheng Building, the largest pawnshop in Gold and Power Market, came here, his face would definitely blush due to excitement only by sniffing it instead of using his eyes.

Because the incense in the snuff bottle was the most precious gold-treasuring incense in the world.

Gold-treasuring incense didn't come from the ground, but from a special place in the Earth-elements Realm. After far-ancient mutated whales in the water died, their fat, if being preserved well for hundreds of millions of years in water, might produce a bit ingredient of gold-treasuring incense like the fossil.

Gold-treasuring incense could refresh one's mind. Its effect could never be matched by common incense. Because it could really "refresh one's mind". As long as one sniffed the fragrance of gold-treasuring incense, his spiritual energy would gradually increase. Besides refreshing one's mind and making people sober, it could also relieve many negative influences and subconsciously negative implications of spiritual secret methods such as hypnotism that could decelerate one's brain nerve function and normal thinking.

In the imperial court of Taixia Country, gold-treasuring incense was the necessity in Extreme-Purple Imperial Palace whenever Emperor Xuanyuan held the morning assembly.

Its name was related to its price.

One gram of gold-treasuring incense was worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

In this small study which looked common, the gold-treasuring incense that was burned in each minute would afford a patch of land as large as that of the finance minister's mansion in another place outside Xuanyuan Hill across Taixia Country together with a lot of female servants and maids.

The burning candles in the study were unusual element candles. Many people might have not even heard about element candles at all.

The so-called wealth and rank should not be filling the entire palace with golds and jades but from insipid life. The real time-honored major clans in Taixia Country pursued planting pear trees in the courtyards under the looming moonlight and willow trees on the banks of ponds in the breeze. The rich style on the Western Continent and other subcontinents which people couldn't stand to pave the ground with gold bricks being carved with floral patterns would be despised by real major clans in Taixia Country. Besides very few occasions, few major clans in Taixia Country favored such a style.

The night wind blew over the lotus pond outside the study. When ripples arose in the pond, the candlelight in the study also shook for a short while. In the shaking candlelight, the shadows of the two people who were chatting and drinking tea water in the study were reflected onto the snow-white wall of the study, twisting and quivering in a bit weird way.

Han Yuanhong had been here for over 10 minutes, during which period, the gold-treasuring incense being consumed could afford 10 such manors outside Xuanyuan Hill. How amazing it was! However, neither of the two people in the study cared about it as if they were just dried straws instead of gold-treasuring incense inside the bronze snuff bottle.

"...You mean what happened at the Qian Gate of Gold and Power Market was not especially targeting at Han Clan!"

The one who spoke was Han Zhengfang, the finance minister of Taixia Country. When he spoke, he was having a mouth of tea water with a calm look. Whether it was because of his habit or discretion, the father and the son were talking in a secret way in the study. It seemed that the two people were chatting in the study with open windows; actually, even though a knight was standing outside the door of the study, he could not hear what they were talking about at all.

"I've already asked about Lanster seriously today. He's the witness and the only one who survived the fight. According to his honest report, it was indeed a coincidence for them to meet the princess of Lord Guangnan outside the Qian Gate. Because it was too crowded outside the Qian Gate, they saw Cui Li and Bai Suxian getting off the vehicle and walking towards the Qian Gate. The one who provoked Bai Suxian in words was a bodyguard of Srices. Outside the Qian Gate, Srices and one of his bodyguard wanted to make some small collision purposefully so as to sexually harass Bai Suxian when they found that Bai Suxian was beautiful and it was crowded over there." Han Yuanhong looked pretty mannered in front of his dad, which looked pretty different than the flamboyant look at the Qian Gate in the daytime. When he spoke, he slightly lowered his eye light and looked at the teacup in front of him as if it was going to bloom. Han Yuanhong added, "It's the people from Arlkey Empire provoked her first; however, they had not imagined that they were provoking a knight who was accompanied by a more terrifying earth knight. According to Lanster, before Cui Li started a counterattack, none of them could sense the earth knight's qi. Additionally, they felt that Bai Suxian was just a common female. Therefore, Srices became audacious..."

"It's fine as long as it's not a trap. Those barbarians were just seeking for death. As long as an earth knight learns some secret methods, it's not difficult for him to hide his qi. Similarly, it's not strange for a princess of Taixia Country to carry two alchemist's equipment that could hide her qi. It's those barbarians' fault. They were blind. Don't care about this event anymore. Now that it is involved with the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion, according to my understanding of Lord Guangnan, those alive ones from Arlkey Empire might not be able to leave Taixia Country anymore. I'm afraid that Lord Guangan has already assigned killers to deal with those barbarians!" The finance minister revealed a faint sneer.

"Do we need to send these guys of Arlkey Empire away from Taixia Country?"

"No need. They're just blind trivial roles. They're seeking for death. It would be silly for us to confront with Lord Guangan's Mansion only for these trivial people. Additionally, we might incur troubles and reproaches. Now that the Supreme Court of Taixia Country has already been in the investigation of this event, we should stand on the side of Taixia Country; therefore, you could assist the killers to accomplish this task smoothly when in need. Am I clear?"

"Clear!" The batch of people of Arlkey Empire being driven away from Xuanyuan Hill and that old knight who survived today were destined to die through the talk of the father and the son. The VIPs yesterday were thrown out like pye dogs climbing out of a cesspit, including a knight. The father and the son of Han Clan didn't feel it was pitiful at all; neither did they feel that they were doing anything wrong.

"Although these barbarians are destined to die, Lord Guangnan's Mansion's fury might reach Crescent Subcontinent. Although we pretend to stand on the side of Lord Guangnan; we have to keep Arlkey Empire as an exchange. If Lord Guangnan's Mansion overthrew the royal households of Arlkey Empire, the trades between us and the royal households of Arlkey Empire might be discovered. The great number of high-quality crystals in the trades would remind people of the bloody sea. The Supreme Court of Taixia Country is not seeking for all the clues concerning bloody sea across the world like wild wolves which had sniffed the bloody smell. It's not good for us to attract these wild wolves to Crescent Subcontinent!"

"I was a bit too rude today. I came to deal with it too early. This might remind them of something..." Han Yuanhong said it in a guilty look.

"It's not your fault. Given the intelligence, Cui Li is indeed not a common earth knight. Bai Suxian's background also makes us scruple, not to mention the participation of the Supreme Court of Taixia Country..." Han Zhengfang had another mouthful of tea water before saying, "As long as Cui Li leaves Xuanyuan Hill, mobilize all the means of Gold and Power Law to keep a close watch on him. Now that this guy could promote to an earth knight from a black iron knight in only a few years, he must have some secrets or have gained some great secret items. I'm interested in his secret methods and secret items..."

"Dad, you mean Cui Li has grasped the Purgatory Samsara?" Han Yuanhong's eyes sparkled.

"If this guy had grasped the Purgatory Samsara, he could not have passed Guan Qianchong's interrogation. Now that he had passed Guan Qianchong's interrogation and was rewarded with the bounty land, it means that he didn't grasp Purgatory Samsara..."

Chapter 1140: A Vicious Trick

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Only the legendary God was almighty. Han Zhengfang was not a God; therefore, he would make mistakes such as thinking that Cui Li didn't grasp the Purgatory Samsara based on his knowledge and experience. If Cui Li grasped this secret method, Han Zhengfang believed that Cui Li would never pass the interrogation of Guang Qianchong. Guan Qianchong was not a simple personality. Guan Qianchong might have already known the secret method that Cui Li used to promote to an earth knight in the hieron's ruins rapidly; how could Guan Qianchong and Du Guyi promise the reward to a person who was related to the alchemist's demon and let him return to the earth's surface safe and sound? Guan Clan assigned two people to contact Cui Li in Lord Guangnan's manor in Xuanyuan Hill, which indicated that Gan Qianchong believed in Cui Li.

Given the intelligence, Cui Li was very tricky. However, Han Zhengfang had seen too many earth knights like Cui Li. Based on his power, influence and relationship with bright forces and dark forces, he believed that he would get the secrets methods or secret items from this earth knight sooner or later as long as he had people keep a close watch on Cui Li. Every knight was interested in the secret methods or items which could help one to form chakra rapidly.

Han Zhengfang and Han Yuanhong didn't know that Cui Li and Zhang Tie were the same, not to mention that Zhang Tie had already known the secrets of Han Clan and was going to uproot Han Clan in Xuanyuan Hill. Otherwise, the two people would never be so calm.

People were screwing the tiger while the tiger was also screwing the people.

"We have to hold the sense of propriety about the event of Arlkey Empire. Don't act on an impulse. Put Cui Li and Bai Suxian on one side first. Every coin has two sides. Lord Guangnan's Mansion could become our assistant on this event. Facing the stress of Lord Guangnan's Mansion, Arlkey Empire would be under our control easily!" Han Zhengfang told Han Yuanhong.

"I see..." Han Yuanhong nodded. As long as they had Arlkey Empire realize that Lord Guangnan would exterminate their empire in the blink of an eye without the help of Han Clan, Arlkey Empire would follow their orders.

The others might feel excited ruling an empire on a subcontinent; however, Han Zhengfang and Han Yuanhong would not feel any sense of achievement and excitement from these "trivial thing". They just guided the royal households of Arlkey Empire to follow the trend. As for Taixia Country, Arlkey Empire was like a small shrimp beside a huge whale. Even if they ate it, their appetite would not be satisfied. They always focused on more valuable things in Taixia Country.

Watching Han Zhengfang picking up his teacup once again, Han Yuanhong finally remembered an important thing that he was here to tell Han Zhengfang.

"Oh, dad, Yuantu has not come back yet. I've not even received his message through remote-sensing crystal..."

"Yuantu has not come back?" Han Zhengfang slightly frowned. At the same time, he attempted to contact another son by injecting his spiritual energy into a finger ring which was inlaid with a remote-sensing crystal. However, he received no response either, "Did Yuantu go to Pingsha Valley?"

"Yes, I saw Yuantu's airboat fly over Longxi Prefecture. According to the schedule, Yuantu should have arrived at Xuanyuan Hill, but he didn't!"

"Where's Yuantu's airboat?"

"According to my subordinate, after Yuantu's airboat suspended in Longxi Prefecture for a short while, it turned around and left Zhongzhou Province. However, he didn't come to Xuanyuan Hill!" Han Yuanhong revealed a bitter smile after throwing a glance at Han Zhengfang. After that, he continued, "Yuantu manages his subordinates strictly. Except for him, nobody else on his side was allowed to carry any remote-sensing crystal. Wen Haoyun and Xiao Longfei are on his side. If they carry remote-sensing crystal, we could ask them; however, they don't. Neither could we contact Yuantu; therefore, I don't know where is Yuantu!"

Han Zhengfang faintly frowned. His eldest son was blaming Han Yuantu rather than worrying about his safety. Although the two brothers usually joined hands to help Han Zhengfang do something, one in the public, the other in the dark, the two brothers, they were actually competing with each other. The reason was simple. If Han Zhengfang made a success in overthrowing the regime of Taixia Country, the better one of his sons would inherit his throne. In this situation, the so-called brotherhood would be replaced by merciless profits.

This was what Han Zhengfang tried to create. His two sons had very high talents since young. They were both great in intelligence and insight. He wanted to have his two sons catch up with each other in this manner. Of course, his undertaking would finally be inherited by the better one. Han Yuantu was a bit more docile than Han Yuanhong. A few years ago, Han Yuanhong arranged a mole on Han Yantu's side. The mole carried a remote-sensing crystal and sent Han Yuantu's information and schedule to Han Yuanhong from time to time. Later on, Han Yuantu discovered it and quarreled with Han Yuanhong in front of Han Zhengfang. Han Zhengfang finally ended this quarrel by criticizing Han Yuanhong and letting him apologize to Han Yuantu. From then on, besides the remote-sensing crystal that Han Yuantu delivered to, he didn't allow any subordinate to carry other remote-sensing crystals on his side, even knights who accomplished tasks together with him; otherwise, he would punish them severely the moment he discovered that.

When Han Yuanhong talked about this event, of course, he wanted to explain what he did previously; actually, he wanted to express that his brother was too narrow-minded.

One son disappeared especially at this critical moment; it was reasonable for him to worry about that. After being silent for two seconds, Han Zhengfang slightly became still as he asked, "Is there any abnormal action in the troops of the top 4 armies?"

"My subordinates are keeping a close watch on the corps of the top 4 armies within the 9 immortal provinces in Taixia Country. These days, besides receiving commands to coordinate with local forces to wipe out bloody figures across the country and take control of the local situations, there's no abnormal action of the top 4 armies within the 9 immortal provinces!"

"What about the three top chancellors? Where are they?"

"The three top chancellors are inspecting across the country. Today, the national defense minister has arrived at Huizhou Province; the premier has arrived at Yizhou Province; the engineering minister has arrived at the Gobbling Province..."

After hearing that the top 4 armies didn't have any abnormal action within the 9 immortal provinces and the top 3 chancellors who were still making an inspection across the country according to the schedule, Han Zhengfang became reassured at once. At least it indicated that the event didn't deteriorate.

"Is there any woman on Yuantu's side?"

Father always knew his son well. Han Zhengfang hit the point at once.

"It's said that it's a princess from a subcontinent!"

'Well.' Han Zhengfang knew Han Yuantu's "eccentricities" and "hobbies". Because of these "eccentricities" and "hobbies", Han Yuantu lost contact with Han Zhengfang for half a year one time. Finally, Han Zhengfang had to dispatch people to find him out of concern and was told that his son built a wine pool in a place and made love with hundreds of beauties nakedly for half a year around the clock, regardless of winter or summer...There's another time when Han Yuantu got a new "collection", he locked himself for 1 month in a small room, during which period, he made a carving on the "collection"...

Han Yuantu had similar deeds more than 2 times; therefore, when he was told that his son was missing once again, Han Zhengfang didn't become nervous anymore.

"After a few days, if we could still not contact him, dispatch people to find him. Lately, tell Gold and Power Law to pay attention to the location of Yuantu's airboat!"

"I see, dad!"

"Additionally, keep a close watch on Huaiyuan Palace too. If Zhang Tie returns to Huaiyuan Palace, let me know immediately!"

"Do we need to..."

"That brat has some ability. The tragedy in Fuhai City is known across the country and brought him a good reputation. The event in Zhongzhou Province had not been appeased. If Zhang Tie returns to Huaiyuan Palace, we don't need to kill him for the time being. It's not good for him to die in Taixia Country at this moment. I've already dug a grave for him in Waii Subcontinent. I don't believe that the Sacred Light Empire on the Western Continent couldn't deal with such a trivial black iron knight. If he didn't seek for death in Waii Subcontinent, when Sacred Light Empire exterminate those innocent barbarians in Ice and Now Wilderness and send his women and children onto the column of stigma and expose his another identity to the public, I want to see whether this sentimental man could still be sentimental or not. If he died at that time, nobody would sympathize him anymore. All the aftermaths by then would be minimized..." Han Zhengfang's eyes turned pretty merciless when he talked about Zhang Tie.


Han Yuanhong admired his father's trick very much. What a fatal method! As long as Zhang Tie dared come back, he was destined to die no matter whether he would return to Ice and Snow Wilderness. He could choose to die fast with a bit reputation or die a bit slowly with a bad reputation.

The talk between the father and the son almost came to an end. After saying something minor, Han Yuanhong bade a farewell to his father and left this study before the gold-treasure incense was burning out.

Since the beginning, the father and the son both thought that Cui Li and Zhang Tie were different people. They could never imagine that they were talking about the same person in the study.

Nobody could be almighty, including Emperor Xuanyuan, not to mention others...

Han Yuanhong left the finance minister's mansion by car with the same icy expression. Actually, he was sneering inside, 'Young brother, you're behaving weirdly on purpose so as to lower my vigilance about you, right? Taixia Country is large enough. Once our father succeeds, after this holy war, as long as you make a compromise on your initiative, I will not treat you too mercilessly...but you've played such tricks too many times, don't you feel bored?'

When Han Yuanhong sneered his young brother inside, he recalled one face. Although the person of this face was still alive, he was already dead in Han Yuanhong's eyes. Nobody who dared to stir up Han Clan and Han Yuanhong could have a good result. When Han Yuanhong remembered this person who made him very embarrassed at the Qian Gate of Gold and Power Market, he gritted his teeth, 'Let's see, I will deal with you when I'm free. How could an earth knight be so insolent in front of me?'

"Take me to the airport!" Han Yuanhong told the driver. Closely after that, the vehicle sped up in a split second on the main road of the emperor's imperial city...

If Cui Li was destined to die in Han Yuanhong's eyes, those people from Arlkey Empire had already died in his eyes. However, these guys were still useful before death. Han Yuanhong had to end up this event himself.

Within the finance minister's mansion, Han Zhengfang was standing on one side of the lotus pond outside the study and looking up at the two bright moons. Unconsciously, he felt a bit fretful...

Chapter 1141: Lose at Sunrise but Gain at Sunset

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The moonlight could not penetrate through the roof and the thick partition and walls of the room. Under the same moonlight, Zhang Tie turned into a curl of moonlight in his room...

Previously, Zhang Tie heard a proverb, which had existed before the Catastrophe until now. When in the 7th Male Middle School in Blackhot City, his teacher of natural history always told them about this proverb. To a certain extent, this proverb was close to the truth and was relevant to the most indestructible physical law in the world.

——One could not lift himself up by grabbing his own hair no matter how strong he was.

When he flew off in the room, this proverb flashed through his mind. Zhang Tie didn't know about his current situation. However, the reality indicated that he could also fly off by sabers and swords besides having them fly.

Flying off by physical strength was utterly different than flying off by spiritual strength. The former could not break the simplest physical rule; undoubtedly, the latter had to depend on a senior rule. Therefore, Zhang Tie didn't pay attention to the relationship between him and that proverb too much; instead, he soon accepted it and immersed in it.

If people saw Zhang Tie flying in a room by a metal light stand, they would feel it was pretty hilarious. In the beginning, Zhang Tie was a bit embarrassed; however, he soon adapted to it. As a powerful earth knight who had a powerful knight's consciousness, he could control his own body in an unimaginable way. If he liked, he could even control the reflection and activation modes of specific neurons.

Besides being an earth knight, Zhang Tie was also a divine dominator. A divine dominator could also control an object in an unimaginable spiritual way. For instance, there were 200 needle eyes in over 10 m in the room, 100 on different heights on each side. Zhang Tie could have one needle penetrate through all the needle eyes for 100 times in 1 second.

As an earth knight, Zhang Tie could control his own body; as a divine dominator, he could control objects. After combining with the two abilities, Zhang Tie turned into a curl of moonlight in the room with that metal light stand in his hand.

Zhang Tie's residence was large. The parlor covered over 300 square meters. However, when it came to flight, this residence became a bit small. However, in the same room where even sparrows could not flap its wings for free, Zhang Tie had an unprecedented flight experience which was utterly different than flying by chakra.

Zhang Tie turned into a curl of moonlight, arousing a wind in the room.

In this small room, Zhang Tie gradually sped up. He would alter his flight direction for dozens of times per second; otherwise, he would hit the wall, furniture or other furnishings. Zhang Tie really had a happy flight. Additionally, he moved more and more flexibly like a loach which swam as fast as a lightning bolt in the room.

He kept flying in this way for about 1 hour. All in a split second, the wind grew stronger, blowing away the curtains and causing flowers in the vase on the table to waver east and west; even the vase was going to fall down; additionally, a piece of newspaper was blown off in a split second...In less than half a second, the wind had stopped; the windows had fallen down; the flowers had stopped wavering; the vase returned to its original place, spraying some water on the table; the newspaper fell onto the ground; the moonlight disappeared, leaving the scenery outside the windows.

Like having not moved at all, Zhang Tie stood on the original place steadily.

With that metal light stand in hand, Zhang Tie looked pretty hilarious and funny; however, Zhang Tie's face turned pretty red due to the excitement. If not in Xuanyuan Hill but in Lord Guangnan's Manor, Zhang Tie might have sprung up and roared due to ecstasy. In a split second just now, Zhang Tie sensed the same barrier that he sensed in the sky when he flew at the fastest speed a few days ago——sound barrier.

A few days ago, this sound barrier was like a shackle that fastened him and a high mountain in front of him. However, just now, Zhang Tie felt the same sound barrier had become a thin paper which would be broken easily by only a poke. He failed to break through the sound barrier in the vast sky; however, he broke through it in such a small room. If he told others about it, nobody would believe in that. However, it was true.

Just now, considering the possible sonic boom if he broke through such a thin paper, Zhang Tie stopped immediately.

Being extremely excited and delighted, Zhang Tie forcefully patted his head.

"Stupid. How could you not think about putting the ability of divine dominator in flight after becoming a divine dominator for so many years? Why not earlier..." Zhang Tie muttered. Even so, his delight still spurted out like spring water, enabling all of his cells to bathe the trivial currents caused by this delight and excitement.

With the ability of divine dominator, he could easily break through the sound barrier in flight. What a surprise! It was like a huge pie that fell off the sky. As a result, Zhang Tie almost passed out. He felt regretful lacking the corresponding secret method about flight in his "King Roc Sutra". However, this loophole was fixed by the ability of divine dominator. Lose at sunrise but gain at sunset. Zhang Tie felt the delicate arrangement of God.

After being thrilled and having a bee in his head for a while, Zhang Tie remembered that metal light stand in his hand. He looked pretty hilarious. After looking at the metal light stand, he ran his spiritual energy and had the metal light stand flew off his hand and land on its original place. If a metal light stand could help him fly freely, not to mention a weapon. He could even design a set of special clothes to adapt to such a flight mode...

However, it was not the right moment for him to study it.

Zhang Tie glanced at the table clock in the parlor and found it was almost 12 pm. Zhang Tie then sensed the locations of the two tracing feathers in his mind and found that they had not changed too much. After thinking for a short while, Zhang Tie walked to one window of the parlor and watched outside. Closely after that, he opened the window as he triggered a rune hiding effect for himself.

The moment he triggered the rune hiding effect, Zhang Tie's figure had gradually turned blurry in the dark and shadow. From all visual angles, Zhang Tie's body had completely integrated with the surrounding environment. When the moonlight cast in and the breeze blew away the curtain, it didn't even leave any shadow of Zhang Tie's body on the floor. If someone entered the room at this moment, he would definitely not notice that Zhang Tie was standing beside the window because the qi of Zhang Tie had been completely hidden. This was the powerful effect of the hiding rune.

Zhang Tie flew out of the room through the window like a dandelion being blown off by the night wind. After flying over the courtyard, the lawn, the rooms of some servants in Lord Guangnan's Manor, Zhang Tie came to the high wall of the manor in a split second. During this process, Zhang Tie encountered two teams of guards patrolling in the manor. The closest team of guards didn't see Zhang Tie when they passed by him from 3 m away.

Before Zhang Tie fully grasped the flight ability as a divine dominator, Zhang Tie was thinking about flying out of the high wall directly. However, grasping it, Zhang Tie was not worried about using this flight ability right away.

There were so many powerhouses in Xuanyuan Hill; additionally, there was a secret treasure in the emperor's imperial city as the entire Xuanyuan Hill was still covered by a powerful yet bizarre energy field. Zhang Tie didn't know whether there were special alchemists or rune equipment in Xuanyuan Hill which could find someone flying over there. Zhang Tie didn't feel it was worthwhile to expose his trump card which had not been fully grasped in order to investigate the situations of some small figures. Therefore, Zhang Tie determined to go there on foot. Actually, with the effect of Kuafu bloodline, his moving ability on foot could almost match his flight ability.

Zhang Tie could move over 100 m by one step as fast as a lightning bolt. After being affected by the hiding rune and rapid moving rune. Zhang Tie was like a curl of night wind that blew over Xuanyuan Hill. After a short while, he had left Xuanyuan Hill and arrived at one side of a shimmering lake.

Zhang Tie passed by those reeds near the lakeside on the tips of those reeds and dove into the lake like a small stone...

"Who..." With a muffled sound from the reeds, a man with half-open clothes exposed his head out of the reeds with sparkling eyes. After looking around and finding nobody in the surroundings, he buried his head in the reed once again.

"Is there anyone?" A ringing woman's sound and the sound of putting on skirt drifted from the reeds.

"Nobody. My knight's consciousness just sensed something nearby just now. It might be a fish jumping out of the water. Don't worry, continue..."

"Disgusting, we need to change the place..." The woman said in a coquettish way.

"Sleeping on the ground and facing the sky of Xuanyuan Hill are especially interesting. What a rare opportunity..." The man said with a smile.

The dissolute lovers in the reeds were two knights whom Zhang Tie had seen next to Fang Xinyi that day...

Chapter 1142: Detecting Euphonicmusic Lake in the Evening

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie had not imagined that he could see two familiar faces in the reeds of Euphonicmusic Lake in the northeast of Xuanyuan Hill tonight.

Several days ago, the good-looking female knight on the side of Fang Xinyi was a quiet and gentle person. However, her bright big eyes kept glancing at Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian. When Zhang Tie flew over the tips of reeds, he caught sight of the snow-white, plump skin in the reeds, which was really a bit stunning. The male knight in the reeds was also quiet when Yue Peng and the other man satirized Zhang Tie that day.

Unimaginably, two quiet people could be interested in making love crazily in the reeds. Men could really not be judged by their looks!

However, they fell in love with each other voluntarily and made love in such a hidden place; instead of in the public when they would be blamed for bewildering people with dissolute behaviors. Therefore, they were not offending public decency. It was already implicit enough for knights. As the conflict between Zhang Tie and Heavens Holding Pavilion had passed, Zhang Tie didn't mean to give vent to his anger on some irrelevant people. Therefore, after throwing a glimpse at them, Zhang Tie didn't separate the pair of mandarin ducks; instead, like having not seen them, Zhang Tie silently dove into the water and swam towards the locations of the two tracing feathers based on his knight's consciousness.

Of course, Euphonicmusic Lake could not match the sea in size. However, this lake was about 200 m in depth where big ships were available to pass through. Over 100 m below the water level, Zhang Tie sped up greatly.

The moment Zhang Tie entered the water, it was like how a dragon returned to the ocean. Even if he faced a shadow knight at this moment, he would not be afraid of that shadow knight even without using his ability as a divine dominator.

The protective battle qi turned into an extremely thin film over Zhang Tie's body. When water flew over Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie was not wet at all. Like a big fish and a yaksha in water, he moved towards afar as fast as a lightning bolt, leaving a fine ripple in the deep water...


Soon after Zhang Tie entered the water, an airboat had flown over in the same direction as that of Zhang Tie in the water...


A deluxe cruiser longer than 70 m stopped in the center of Euphonicmusic Lake. Such cruisers could be seen everywhere in Euphonicmusic Lake. Many people who were qualified to live in Xuanyuan Hill would buy a cruiser. It was as easy as blinking one's eyes. After leaving Xuanyuan Hill, those rich and powerful ones could relax themselves on the loose cruisers. Because Xuanyuan Hill had many strict regulations, many chose to relax themselves by traveling on Fairy Lake, Heavenlyharp Lake and Euphonicmusic Lake, not to mention the dissolute industry in gaily-painted pleasure-boats.

As it was deep night, the loose pulleys and gaily-painted pleasure-boats on the Euphonicmusic Lake became quiet. Besides the lamplight on the ships in the far, the loose pulleys and gaily-painted pleasure-boats on the lake maintained about 1 mile's distance from each other, unless they were integrating with each other originally. Otherwise, no irrelevant ships would be close to each other at this moment.

The arrival of an airboat didn't arouse any exclamation on the Euphonicmusic Lake in the evening. It might not be easy to see an airboat in other places; however, in Xuanyuan Hill, as there were too many dignitaries, it was too normal for picking up major figures between Euphonicmusic Lake and Xuanyuan Hill by airboat. Therefore, nobody would join the fun like rustics who made a fuss.

Additionally, as the airboat arrived in the deep night, although it didn't hide its movement, the owner of the airboat must have been low-key enough. None of those people who could take airboats were simple characters. If someone approached it, he might have troubles.

As the airboat slowly descended and reached a few meters above the lake, one gaily-painted pleasure-ship and two cruisers stayed far away from it consciously.

There were too many smart people in this world.

Han Yuanhong directly went downstairs onto the deck of the deluxe cruiser by the winding stair which was stretched out of the airboat. When he arrived, all the people on the loose pulley were waiting for him respectfully, including those unfortunate guys of Arlkey Empire who were exiled out of Xuanyuan Hill. However, these guys didn't look as pleasant as Zhang Tie saw over 10 hours ago; instead, they all looked flurried, including the only alive old knight of Arlkey Empire who accompanied the prince of Arlkey Empire here.

As their prince had been killed in Xuanyuan Hill, even if they could survive back to Arlkey Empire, they would definitely not face a good result. Only one knight on the side of the prince survived; those who were not on the spot when the prince was killed absolutely suffered a disaster unconsciously. Not until they were driven out of Xuanyuan Hill like pye dogs under the monitoring of the officials of Taixia Country, they still didn't know what happened.

Under the moonlight, the Euphonicmusic Lake looked very beautiful; however, Han Yuanhong didn't feel like appreciating the beautiful scenery under the moonlight over the Euphonicmusic Lake. After landing on the deck of the cruiser, he glanced around all the people who were waiting for him respectfully. Closely after that, he focused on the only alive knight of Arlkey Empire among the prince's retinue silently. After throwing a glance at him, Han Yuanhong entered the cabin.

All those who waited for Han Yuanhong on the deck entered the cabin, too; however, only that gloomy yet flurried knight of Arlkey Empire was qualified to enter the same room with Han Yuanhong.

"The one who killed Srices Prince at the Qian Gate today is Cui Li, the master of Iron-Dragon Sect in Youzhou Province of Taixia Country. This man is very tricky and vicious. He doesn't care about the outcome of his deeds at all. According to our intelligence, this guy has killed over 10 black iron demon knights and earth demon knights in the Earth-elements Realm. Common earth knights could not defeat him. The woman on his side is the only daughter of Lord Guangnan, also the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion. Although this woman is just a black iron knight, his father's power is very terrifying. Even Gold and Power Law is afraid of him!" Han Yuanhong said solemnly with a worried look.

After hearing Han Yuanhong's words, that knight of Arlkey Empire's face turned gloomier at once. Facing the earth knight who could kick his prince to death and the well-known Lord Guangnan in Taixia Country, this black iron knight asked in a flurried way, "What...what should we do now?"

"For the sake of your safety, I will arrange you to leave out of here tonight. As Fire Dragon Hermit is now in Xuanyuan Hill, we could prevent him from leaving; however, we could not stop Lord Guangnan doing anything." Han Yuanhong said before asking with a concerned look, "Do you carry the remote-sensing crystal which is used to contact Arlkey Empire?"

The flurried knight nodded.

"You'd better contact Arlkey Empire so that they could make preparations for the possible dangers. Lord Guangnan is narrow-minded. As you've offended his daughter, who knows how he's going to revenge you..."

Chapter 1143: Abundant Achievements

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

3 hours later, it grew darker. On the side of a willow wood near the bank of Euphonicmusic Lake, the water moved automatically without the effect of wind. Closely after that, Zhang Tie exposed his head and gradually walked out of the lake step by step; however, there was not even a drop of water on his body. He directly walked to the grassland by the lakeside.

Zhang Tie went ashore in another place when he returned in case of disturbing that pair of mandarin ducks. He was not a peepaholic pervert. He preferred to detour such an embarrassing thing unless he encountered it by accident. It would be boring if he went back to see that when he could have avoided that. Only kids did that out of curiosity; however, Zhang Tie was not a kid anymore.

The place where he went ashore was about 15 miles away from where he entered the water. It was also an unpopulated place.

Standing on the lakeside, Zhang Tie watched the lake.

Just now, when Han Yuanhong talked with the only alive knight of Arlkey Empire among the prince's retinue, Zhang Tie was lying on a bonsai in the room in the incarnation of a little beetle. Zhang Tie arrived a few minutes earlier than Han Yuanhong. He stayed in the water being not far from the cruiser; instead, he had a little beetle land on the cruiser ahead of Han Yuanhong. Zhang Tie didn't know that Han Yuanhong would arrive tonight. Now that Han Yuanhong arrived, Zhang Tie just had the little beetle listen to Han Yuanhong's words.

'It seems that Han Yuanhong has already figured out the backgrounds of me and Bai Suxian after departing from them at the Qian Gate of Gold and Power Market for less than 1 day.' Zhang Tie was not shocked by it. What really shocked Zhang Tie was that when Han Yuanhong told those flurried guys from Arlkey Empire about the power and possible revenge of Lord Guangnan, he didn't immediately send those flurried guys back to Crescent Subcontinent by airboat; instead, he just made an arrangement which sounded a bit useful——let those flurried guys disguise themselves before leaving the neighborhood of Euphonicmusic Lake overnight. After shifting to the airship on the next morning, they would fly all the way towards Daizhou Province. After that, they would go back to Crescent Subcontinent by airboat arranged by Gold and Power Law.

Those flurried guys appreciated Han Yuanhong pretty much. The moment Han Yuanhong left, that deluxe cruiser had turned around and moved towards a wharf in the distance.

At that moment, Zhang Tie didn't think through the reason. Not until Han Yuanhong left did he figure it out that those flurried guys of Arlkey Empire might not be able to leave Xuanyuan Hill for the rest of their lives. The stress from Lord Guangnan's Mansion and the death of these guys could help Han Clan take control of Arlkey Empire more conveniently.

'What a good trick! Those flurried guys still appreciate Han Yunhong after being betrayed by him.'

Zhang Tie didn't sympathize those flurried guys of Arlkey Empire as they were not worth his sympathy either. Zhang Tie didn't care whether they were alive or not. However, when he figured out that Han Yuanhong directly dropped those guys to the killer from Lord Guangnan's Mansion like abandoned sons, Zhang Tie had given up the thought of receiving some intelligence from those guys using a secret method. The reason was simple. If there was some secret trade between Han Clan and Arlkey Empire and those guys knew something critical, Han Yuanhong would never abandon them in case they exposed something critical to Lord Guangnan.

Now that Han Yuanhong didn't fear that these people could expose the secrets, it indicated that these guys were not valuable. Perhaps, their only value was to verify the power of Lord Guangnan's Mansion and help Han Clan reach their target.

Even if prying for intelligence, nobody dared say that they could receive important intelligence each time, including sage-level knights. Zhang Tie came out tonight as he felt that Arlkey Empire might have a benefit-based relationship. He wanted to discover some clues. Although he did not receive any important intelligence or message, he was not disappointed, because he received something more or less.

First, Zhang Tie knew that Han Yuanhong had paid attention to him. If possible, the master of Gold and Power Law would definitely screw him. However, Zhang Tie would not spare such an opportunity to Han Clan. In Zhang Tie's opinion, Han Clan's heyday in Xuanyuan Hill would come to an end in 12 days at most, during which period, as long as Zhang Tie didn't leave Xuanyuan Hill, Gold and Power Law could not do any harm to Zhang Tie. 12 days later, Han Clan's influence in Gold and Power Law would be cleared completely for sure. By then, Gold and Power Law would not threaten Zhang Tie's safety anymore.

Second, through those flurried guys of Arlkey Empire, Zhang Tie understood about this major country in Crescent Subcontinent. Arlkey Empire was indeed a major country in Crescent Subcontinent. It covered over 530 square miles in total with less than 200 million population. They had an earth knight among the royal households. The goddamn prince who was kicked to death by Zhang Tie was a rare "cultivation talent" of this country. The royal households of Arlkey Empire were as happy as larks about having such a person in their country. Because this guy was born with an outstanding talent and sufficient cultivation resources and had royal households on his back, he could promote to black iron knight before the age of 40. Perhaps, he had been used to be arrogant in his country, when he came to Xuanyuan Hill, with Gold and Power Law and Han Clan on his back, he didn't know how to be reserved. Therefore, he was finally killed by Zhang Tie's one kick...

Besides that earth knight in the royal households of Arlkey Empire, Arlkey Empire couldn't pose any threat to Zhang Tie at all; however, a common earth knight was nothing serious in Zhang Tie's eyes...

After Han Yuanhong left, the little beetle was not interested in those unfortunate guys anymore; therefore, he left the deluxe cruiser too.

After leaving the deluxe cruiser, the little beetle entered Castle of Black Iron in water.

After killing those people and knights on Han Clan's airboat, Zhang Tie had not entered Castle of Black Iron for a long time. Of course, he had not taken those fruits on the small tree. As he was free for the time being, he intended to digest those new fruits.

Most of the fruits on the small tree were fruits of judgment. After taking those fruits of judgment, all of Zhang Tie immortal rune skills had reached master realm except for his mirror body separation skill.

Besides those fruits of judgment, the fruit of brilliance contained all the spiritual energy of Han Yuantu and Wen Haoyun who was wanted across Taixia Country by the Supreme Court. As a result, Zhang Tie's spiritual energy surged greatly.

Zhang Tie didn't know whether those b*stards that he killed on the airboat had done too many evil things or not. After all, his achievement was completely out of his imagination. The more powerful the people were and the more evil things they did, the more abundant the reward of the fruit of judgment would be. This was the rule that the small tree followed to produce fruits of judgment. This time, he really gained a bit more fruits of judgment than before. The spiritual energy in that fruit of brilliance was also much greater than the total spiritual energy of one common earth knight and one common black iron knight. It was almost three times that of Old Monster Qi. Therefore, Zhang Tie realized that maybe the two guys; especially the most goddamn d**chebag had made a greater achievement in the cultivation of spiritual energy through special means. Zhang Tie really benefited a lot from them.

After taking so many fruits, Zhang Tie's overall strength surged greatly once again.

After taking the fruits, Zhang Tie took a look at that earth knight whose limbs had been chopped off in Castle of Black Iron.

The earth knight who went to pick up the puppet parent worms in Pingsha Valley together with Wen Haoyun was chopped off limbs by Zhang Tie in the blink of an eye in Han Yuantu's airboat; closely after that, the bit of water chakra that the earth knight had formed was broken into pieces by Zhang Tie using Purgatory Samsara Method, causing him to pass out at once. With the recycling principle, Zhang Tie teleported him into Castle of Black Iron and prepared to offer a bloody sacrifice with him. After coming back to Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie knew that the earth knight was called Xiao Longfei.

When Xiao Longfei was in Castle of Black Iron, he was looked after pretty well by Heller and the three servants of Zhang Tie. When Zhang Tie saw him once again, he was sitting on a wheelchair while his face looked a bit florid.

Zhang Tie was very puzzled about the good treatment received by this guy in Castle of Black Iron. Therefore, he asked Heller about the reason.

"Castle Lord, do you want to offer a bloody sacrifice with him?" Heller asked Zhang Tie.

"Of course!" Zhang Tie replied immediately.

"Castle Lord, don't forget that he's an earth knight!" Heller watched Zhang Tie before adding solemnly, "A human earth knight!"

Zhang Tie frowned, 'Does Heller mean that I have no principle? However, I always stick to my principles.' Zhang Tie replied, "Generally, I would not offer a bloody sacrifice with humans. If it's a private animosity, I prefer to kill him rather than offering a bloody sacrifice with him. It's my bottom line. However, now that this guy surrendered to Heavens Reaching Church and cooperated with demons, he's just a lump of sh*t among humans who could not even match dogs and pigs. If I offer a bloody sacrifice with him, I will not bear any mental burden!"

Heller revealed a smile, "Castle Lord, it seems that you've misunderstood me. I'm not blaming Castle Lord for not having any principle. I mean even though Castle Lord refines his water chakra, he's still an earth knight whose battle strength is almost as same as those who have just promoted to an earth knight. He's just crippled and can't move anymore; however, he could still stand in the sunlight. If Castle Lord could have him serve you, it would be more valuable than killing him. Castle Lord actually lacks powerful assistants outside..."

After hearing Heller's words, Zhang Tie became stunned...