1410 - 1418

Chapter 1410: Being a Shadow Knight

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

What happened just now felt illusory but was real. In the eyes of king roc, everything in the universe was different than that in commoners' eyes: the so-called sage-level knights were as weak as ants; space barriers didn't exist at all; his destination belonged to numerous stars; even suns were free accesses. Everything was too fantastic and marvelous. After sitting quietly for a while, Zhang Tie gradually recovered from the visual angle of king roc.

After that, Zhang Tie introspected himself as he saw a blue water chakra slowly rotating like a gear in a huge machine. At the same time, a pretty great strength appeared in his body.

Water was the source of life. Water chakra was composed of water elements, which was different than the water that we usually drank. Even so, with the rotation of water chakra, each cell, nerve, gland and organ of the human body would be unprecedentedly vigorous being lubricated by the energy of water chakra, enhancing his physical agility, defensive power, explosive force and endurance into a wholly new realm.

The interaction between earth chakra and water chakra brought him changes. Earth chakra carried water chakra; water chakra lubricated earth chakra, making it steadier and more powerful. Additionally, there were many more changes, after seeing which Zhang Tie understood it at once.

Those mysterious feather-shaped runes in the core of the chakra of black iron knight had been replaced by the virtual image of a 4-wing king roc.

Sometimes, this virtual image flapped its wings and flew across the space extended by those chakras; sometimes, it incarnated into an exotic, big fish and jumped into a water chakra before having fun inside.

It was the very virtual image that Zhang Tie owned when he promoted to a shadow knight by cultivating King Roc Sutra ; and another incarnation that combined his body, will, energy and awareness.

The virtual image could change freely between a huge bird and a huge whale. The virtual image was Zhang Tie and Zhang Tie was the virtual image.

Water was variable. In different temperatures and conditions, it could change into intangible gas and fill the space; it could exist in liquid state which could lubricate living beings silently in terms of raindrops or dew with the beauty of tranquility; it could turn into heavy fog which covered the sky and the earth; it could become flood and billowy ocean; it could be beautiful and dignified snowflakes, covering the sky and the earth with white; it could also become icicles as sharp as sabers and swords and as firm as steel.

Any knight would own more possibilities after forming his or her water chakra. With more existential space, he or she would enter a wholly new realm.

This was the spiritual realm of shadow knights.

After promoting to a shadow knight, King Roc Sutra brought Zhang Tie some more bizarre changes besides more powerful overall strength and the incarnation of the virtual image.

Previously, Zhang Tie could already simulate the effects of other secret methods using the ability brought by King Roc Sutra. Now, after promoting to a shadow knight, this simulative ability had become consummated. Besides the emperor-level secret method, he could already present the effects of any secret method. Not only that, he could even casually simulate the levels and realms of secret methods and a virtual image in the stage of shadow knight. Even sage-level knights couldn't see through it.

What shocked Zhang Tie most was that he could even simulate the heavenly knight realms of the baron-level secret method after reaching 4 change realm of shadow knight.

In the 4 change realm of shadow knight, Zhang Tie could simulate the heavenly knight realm of the baron-level secret method; when he reached 5 change realm of shadow knight, he could simulate the heavenly knight realm of the viscount-level secret method; when he reached 6 change realm of shadow knight, he could simulate the heavenly knight realm of the count-level secret method; when he reached 7 change realm of shadow knight, he could simulate the heavenly knight realm of the marquis-level secret method; when he reached 8 change realm of shadow knight, he could simulate the heavenly knight realm of the duke-level secret method; when he reached 9 change realm of shadow knight, he could simulate the heavenly knight realm of the throne-level secret method.

It meant that Zhang Tie could promote to a heavenly knight who cultivated the baron-level secret method whenever he wanted after entering 4 change realm of shadow knight.

Before promoting to a shadow knight, the latest fruit of brilliance that he took included all the spiritual energy of a shadow knight, 7 earth knights and 4 black iron knights, enhancing his spiritual energy to a record high. After promoting to a shadow knight along with a series of strengthening and extension, Zhang Tie's spiritual energy in his mind sea had already expanded into an unimaginable, brilliant galaxy.

Zhang Tie accomplished this promotion atop the boulder besides Elements Abyss. After feeling his changes, Zhang Tie picked himself up and left out of there.

At this moment, Zhang Tie felt stoned. Even though he didn't dip into any flight ability, he still felt flying with wind by foot.

Zhang Tie instantly took out his Thor's Hammer.

When he held his Thor's Hammer which weighed 6,800 kg, Zhang Tie shook his head helplessly, 'It's light, too light.' Previously, he had already felt it was light. This time, it became even lighter than it used to be.

Shaking his head, Zhang Tie teleported his Thor's Hammer into his portable space. Closely after that, he went towards the palace tree along mountainous steps. Being mature mentally, Zhang Tie didn't feel too thrilled except for the pleasure surging in his mind when he promoted to a shadow knight. Actually, Zhang Tie had been an earth knight for a long time if the 6 decades that he spent with Yan Feiqing in the tower of time was counted. During such a long time, Zhang Tie had already fostered enough patience and tenacity.

Castle of Black Iron remained unchanged. However, due to different realms, the trees, water and stones inside there felt different with various colors than those he saw in the level of earth knight. The most evident change was that Zhang Tie could have a deeper and clearer sense about "water" in the void and the mountains, stones and trees. Water existed in air, mountain, stones and trees.

Such a profound feeling came from the resonance of Zhang Tie's water chakra to the water in the material universe. Such a resonance directly acted on Zhang Tie's strong perception as the divine dominator.

Zhang Tie ran his spiritual energy while a broad, bean-sized icy bead came into being out of the void. Closely after that, it fell onto the stone step and broke into pieces…

As Zhang Tie walked forward calmly, the icy beads started to increase in quantity and density, causing a mini hail.

The hail was condensed by moisture in the air. It was Zhang Tie's first time to attempt to manipulate the invisible moisture in the air with the ability of divine dominator. That was as marvelous as legendary magic. Even Zhang Tie was shocked by such an amazing ability.

The hail slowly turned into snowflakes as if it was snowing. Zhang Tie walked towards the top of the mountain along with the snowflakes. If commoners outside Castle of Black Iron saw it, they might fabricate a legend that the Thunder God, Goddess of Lightning, Wind Deity or Rain Man incarnated into a teenager and made a journey to the secular world…

After the baptism of the mini hail, a verdant tree leaf fell down the tree when Zhang Tie passed by it. Soon after it arrived in front of Zhang Tie, it had stayed still in the air after Zhang Tie's glance. Closely after that, all the moisture of the tree leaf was gradually separated as the verdant tree leaf immediately turned withered and yellow.

Zhang Tie stretched out a finger and had a big drop of water that was separated from the tree leaf stand on his finger in the shape of a tiny humanoid water drop and run on his palm. After losing Zhang Tie's control, the dried tree leaf fell onto the ground like a piece of weathered wood. The moment it touched the ground, it had broken into pieces although being pretty light.

As another whim occurred to Zhang Tie's mind, the tiny humanoid water drop jumped up from his palm and bowed towards him in the air. After that, it turned into snowflakes and floated down…

When in the level of earth knight, Zhang Tie could control metals as the divine dominator. After promoting to a shadow knight, Zhang Tie could control water as the divine dominator. As water was ubiquitous and variable, Zhang Tie, as a divine dominator, was granted with endless changes and means and entered a wholly new realm.

Zhang Tie burst out into laughter.

Heller and the other people were waiting on the top of the Immortal Mountain.

"Congratulations, Castle Lord, you've promoted to a shadow knight!" Heller hailed Zhang Tie. Closely after that, he warned Zhang Tie, "But Castle Lord, your promotion aroused a pretty great shock this time. Besides arousing a tide of elements that spread over the entire Elements Realm, the virtual image of King Roc rushed out of Castle of Black Iron. I'm afraid that the outside world has been in a heated discussion about that. Everybody knows that someone has promoted to a shadow knight while cultivating King Roc Sutra . Hopefully, Castle Lord could make preparations for that…"

Zhang Tie became shortly stunned, 'Wasn't I dreaming? All I saw just now was real…'

When Zhang Tie promoted to an earth knight, he didn't know that his promotion could arouse a tide of elements until later. This time, he had not imagined that his promotion to a shadow knight could arouse a greater shock.

However, Zhang Tie soon recovered his composure as he nodded calmly, "Hmm, I see…"

'To date, unless I expose it myself, nobody around the world would know that it's me who cultivates King Roc Sutra . There're so many knights in the world, as to who has just made it, let them guess…'

In the following 2 days, Zhang Tie was adapting to the changes in his abilities and strength brought by his promotion.

In the same period, the training ground in Castle of Black Iron was always full of thunders, which could be heard across the space…

Two days later, Zhang Tie exited Castle of Black Iron and appeared in the same mountain cave where he stayed shortly in the wild mountainous area of Ningzhou Province a few days ago…

That bloody huge boa who was in hibernation a few days ago had long escaped away even though it was snowing outside.

After leaving the mountain cave, Zhang Tie remained as same as that a few days ago, exposing no qi of shadow knight at all. He was still an earth knight given his qi. Even Zuoqiu Mingyue couldn't figure out any loophole.

After throwing a glance at the gloomy weather, Zhang Tie flew off towards Weishui River.

Only after 2 hour later, Zhang Tie had seen Xuanyuan Fortress and the main camp of demons in front of him. Weishui River was still frozen while the armies of both humans and demons on both banks of Weishui River were driven restless. It seemed that the large-scale battle was going to break out soon.

Zhang Tie didn't flew towards Xuanyuan Fortress; instead, he moved towards the battlefield of knights between Xuanyuan Fortress and the central demon battlefortress.

Closely after that, Zhang Tie's stentorian voice reverberated around the entire battlefield.

"Zhang Tie from Taixia Country is here. Does any demon knight dare fight me fairly…"

Zhang Tie repeated it 3 times, shocking the entire Xuanyuan Fortress and the main camp of demons immediately…

Chapter 1411: A Shock

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie's departure after resignation a few days ago had already aroused a heated discussion. Being pushed by someone on the back, it turned into suspicions and condemnations about Zhang Tie. They had not imagined that that voice could drift across Xuanyuan Fortress from the battlefield of knights today.

"Zhang Tie from Taixia Country is here. Does any demon knight dare fight me fairly…"

When the same voice drifted across Xuanyuan Fortress for the second time, all the knights in Xuanyuan Fortress had been in an uproar.

"Master, Zhang Tie is back…"

When Zhang Tie's voice sounded for the 3rd time, a knight of Taiyi Fantasy Sect knocked at the door of Feng Yexiao who was resting inside and reported him flurriedly.

Zhang Tie's sudden return was indeed out of everybody's imagination.

"I've heard it. Let's take a look outside…" Feng Yexiao's face was a bit stiff. Zhang Tie's sudden return was like a slap on his face, reducing his comment a few days ago to a laughingstock. Of course, Feng Yexiao didn't feel good. After saying that, he swayed his long sleeves and left the high tower, followed by the other knights of Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

'Zhang Tie left Xuanyuan Fortress a few days ago. What the hell is he doing?'

A question occurred to his mind.

When Feng Yexiao recalled the shock aroused by the King Roc's birth a few days ago and the tide of elements that Zhang Tie aroused when he promoted to an earth knight in the Earth Elements Realm, he suddenly felt a faint connection. As a result, Feng Yexiao slightly slowed down in the air. Closely after that, he sped up abruptly…

In a knight's bar of Xuanyuan Fortress…

"As the large-scale battle is going to break out, hasn't Zhang Mushen escaped by leaving the theater of operations after the resignation and gaining the new title of guerrilla general?"

"Fart. Does leaving Xuanyuan Fortress necessarily mean he escaped? Qianji Hermit is amazingly talented and dauntless. On the battlefield, he alone penetrated through the large formation of demon knights and fought a shadow demon knight ferociously. Qianji Hermit would never do such a timid thing…" A knight with a long sword on back refuted loudly as he struck the table forcefully and sprung up.

The bar had a fervent atmosphere. When someone talked about Zhang Tie's departure, the knights in the bar divided into 2 groups at once. One group were reproaching, doubting and swearing Zhang Tie; the other was maintaining Zhang Tie's reputation as they didn't believe that Zhang Tie had escaped away. Interestingly, most of the people who were on Zhang Tie's side used swords. When Zhang Tie's sword song shocked the battlefield that day, he had already become an idol in their mind.

"If Qianji Hermit didn't escape away, why did he move eastwards, the rear end of the theater of operations instead of moving westwards where demons have occupied?"

"How could a sparrow know the ambition of a large swan? The human heart is the sword heart! If Qianji Hermit is such a person, he could not have got the essence of sword song. Qianji Hermit always has his tricks and plans; of course, you couldn't understand what he did. Otherwise, he might have long been assassinated by demon powerhouses. Those who swear and doubt Qianji Hermit's disposition could keep your words until you're qualified to be assassinated by a heavenly demon knight…"

"No matter what, Qianji Hermit has already left and doesn't need to go to the battlefield anymore. It's us who would go to the battlefield instead of him in a few days; it's nonsense for you to argue about that…" One person satirized.

Soon after that, Zhang Tie's voice had drifted into the bar like dull thunders.

"Zhang Tie from Taixia Country is here. Does any demon knight dare fight me fairly…"

After hearing this sound, all the knights who were in a heated discussion just now were stunned. They all forgot about their drinks; instead, they tilted their heads to hear it clearly…

Zhang Tie's sound drifted into the bar once again…

"I've told you that Qianji Hermit is not a coward…" Whiskered Tang Bohu, the head of Yuyu Swordsmanship Sect in Zhongzhou Province threw his glass onto the ground as he rushed out of the bar, closely followed by all the other knights who were on Zhang Tie's side. Those knights who doubted and swore Zhang Tie looked complex and bashful. After being hesitant for a few seconds when Zhang Tie repeated his words for the 3rd time, all the knights rushed out of the bar…

The entire Xuanyuan Fortress was shocked by Zhang Tie's movement. Zuoqiu Mingyue and some heavenly demon knights flew out of the high tower in the center of Xuanyuan Fortress immediately.

In that case, all the knights who had heard that voice had already flown out of the fortress and battle fortresses without receiving any order.

Because Zhang Tie's name was too popular in Xuanyuan Fortress.

So was it in demon's camp. Zhang Tie's heroic deed on the battlefield a few days ago and the failure of a heavenly demon knight's assassination pushed Zhang Tie to be a hot name across demon's camp in a short period too.

Only after a short while, all the over 200,000 human and demon knights had appeared in the sky.

When he saw Zhang Tie's tall and straight frame in the sky and the battle qi tornado which represented the realm of an earth knight, Feng Yexiao finally let out a sigh, 'It's not him…'

At this moment, nobody knew how many people let out a sigh like Feng Yexiao; even Zuoqiu Mingyue's eye light changed when he saw Zhang Tie once again.

Someone might connect Zhang Tie's departure a few days ago with the abnormal phenomenon caused by the birth of King Roc; because it was an extremely sensitive and suspicious topic that who cultivated King Roc Sutra had promoted to a shadow knight in Taixia Country. The entire Mountain of Brightness had been in an uproar.

Because of Zhang Tie's sudden appearance, all the black iron knights and earth knights who were fighting on the battlefield ended their fights immediately and returned to their own camp, leaving only one person in the zone for an honorable fight lasting almost 60 miles in the center of the battlefield.

Zhang Tie was standing there confidently like a steep mountain peak facing demons in the strong wind and snow…

Chapter 1412: The Fight for Honor

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

In each holy war, the fight for honor between human knights and demon knights was always the most splendid and ferocious component when two armies were confronting with each other.

Starting from the first battle between Taixia Country and demons in the west bank of Weishui River, the fight for honor between human knights and demon knight had been proceeding every day. Each party would win or lose in each round. Usually, it underwent between knights on the same level. Each knight could fight for their own meritorious service in the fight for honor. As long as both parties reached an agreement, a lower-level knight could pose a challenge to a higher-level knight.

The latter rarely happened. However, each fight for the honor of the second kind would become the classic in the holy war. Especially if the lower-level knight challenger won the fight, he would definitely be a hero. Such a victory would sap the opponent's morale and enhance the morale of his own party in an inestimable manner. Additionally, the latter one was similar to a wager for both parties as it could determine many other aspects besides the result of that fight. It was almost impossible for a lower-level knight to fight a higher-level knight like seeking for death without condition.

Zhang Tie's wager was his own life. He would like to save the 100 million Hua people who were going to be cannon fodder on the battlefield in terms of the fight for honor.

As for smart ones, this was not a smart way. It was even a bit ruthless and lacked considerations. As for some iron-hearted knights, he was a bit merciful. However, as for Zhang Tie, watching the over 100,000 demon knights above the demon camp, he was pretty calm inside. Zhang Tie only followed his own heart. He couldn't bear that 100 million commoners were killed by his incendiary mines. Therefore, he would like to give a try, regardless of the result…

Many sophisticated affairs actually could be solved in simple ways. As for knights on the culmination of battle forces in the secular world, the simplest way to solve problems was to fight, as was said by Zhao Yuan——everything determines on whether to die or not and your own heart!

A fight had to end with life or death while following one's own heart. As for the pattern of a fight, it was a matter of intelligence!

After thinking through it, Zhang Tie felt pretty frank and bright inside. He would not fear even if the number of demon knights increased tenfolds.

Zhang Tie realized the difference between him and his master Zhao Yuan. Zhao Yuan might directly rush towards the opponent and only care about the result of the fight and his own heart. However, Zhang Tie wouldn't. Because Zhang Tie had too many trump cards. If he didn't make full use of his trump cards, set traps for demons and get him out of others' suspicion, he would even feel sorry for himself. Zhang Tie was not silly.

'Would anyone doubt that I'm a shadow knight who cultivates King Roc Sutra after seeing my battle qi tornado which symbolizes that I'm an earth knight?'

'Of course not…'

'Because I will accomplish the promotion to a shadow knight in the fight under the gaze of all the knights at present.'

"Zhang Tie, I heard you've already left Xuanyuan Fortress 2 days ago. I've not imagined that you could come back. I admit that I've underestimated you…" Sagus' voice drifted across the entire battlefield from the large formation of demon knights.

Given Sagus' words, it had already admitted that Zhang Tie was qualified to talk with him on the battlefield along with Zhang Tie's great battle strength and meritorious service. Usually, Sagus ignored ordinary earth knights, even shadow knights. On this battlefield, not everyone could be qualified to have the opposite commander-in-chief open his or its mouth. Similarly, Zuoqiu Mingyue might not respond to the words of a knight who was casually selected among demons.

"I've not imagined that a sage-level demon knight could assign a heavenly demon knight to assassinate me. Sagus, I indeed overestimated you…" Zhang Tie said loudly and aggressively in the air as he didn't fear about the identity of the opponent at all.

With a distance of over 60 miles, even if he didn't use lotus flower eyes, Zhang Tie could still see clearly that Sagus was sitting decently on the "skull" seat on the top of the central demon battlefortress and looking at him icily while a band of heavenly demon knights were surrounding it.

"In a holy war, some would always die. As long as we could win the war, we would adopt all the possible means. It's not demons' patent by assigning a heavenly knight to assassinate an important opponent. In the last holy war, your Demon Supression General Du Guyi assassinated our demon's crown prince…" Sagus said calmly instead of being driven furious by Zhang Tie's words, "You should be proud of being assassinated by our heavenly demon knight. Only you're worth my assassination among all the earth knights of Xuanyuan Fortress. The others don't deserve that…"

"As Abyss King, you only sap the morale of so many earth human knights in Xuanyuan Fortress by playing with words. I'm really disappointed with you, Sagus…" Zhang Tie roared as he pointed at the army of over 100,000 demon knights on the other side, "Is there anyone among you who dare fight me like a knight on the battlefield of fight for honor? Have your demon knights forgotten about and betrayed the dignity and honor of knights and only deal with your enemy by despicable means? Do you only launch strikes like humble worms in the dark? Where's your courage and vigor as demon knights?"

Soon after Zhang Tie finished his dull words, so many demon knights had roared among the large formation of demon knights while releasing so many battle qi smokes and tornadoes. The entire large formation of demon knights was in an uproar. Additionally, an irate look flashed across Sagus' face. Those heavenly demon knights beside Sagus just gazed at Zhang Tie and couldn't wait to tear apart Zhang Tie alive…

"Your Majesty, please let me fight him. I swear to bring that b*stard's head back to adorn Your Majesty's seat…"

"Your Majesty, let me kill that d**chebag…"

So many earth demon knights were hammering their chests and growling for the fight.

Zhang Tie's words irritated all the demon knights. As knights, they could be brutal, vicious and fish-blooded; however, they had to keep their dignity and honor. Because knights themselves symbolized dignity and honor; especially demon knights who usually regarded themselves as brave and dauntless ones. None of the demon knights at present could imagine that they would be despised by a teenager of Taixia Country. Therefore, all of them were driven mad.

Sagus indeed had not told a lie. As for a sage-level knight, besides Zhang Tie, Sagus indeed despised all the other earth knights of Taixia Country but Zhang Tie. However, the moment it said that, its loophole had been caught by Zhang Tie, sending the entire camp of demon knights into commotion.

However, as Abyss King of demons, although Sagus was irritated by Zhang Tie's words, he didn't lose its mind. Instead, it recovered its composure at once. Only by raising its hand, the camp of demon knights had been quiet while Sagus' icy eye light fell onto Zhang Tie from hundreds of miles away.

"Zhang Tie, as an earth knight, only our demon's crown prince could counterbalance you in this level. Pitifully, our demon's crown prince is not in the army of demon knights at this moment. If you want to irritate me and have me assign brave earth demon knights to kill you, you're absolutely wrong. The battle should be carried out between knights of similar battle strength. If you want to show off your bravery, you should challenge more powerful ones to match your dignity and honor…"

"Hahaha…" Zhang Tie burst out into laughter heroically, "Don't you want to assign a high-level knight to kill me? Why not make it extravagant? I'm here waiting for you. That shadow demon knight who fought me last time should be in its 3 change realm. It's said that you demons have enough treasury. As long as you could afford it, you could assign the same shadow knight to have a duel with me again."

'That's insane! Qianji Hermit must be insane!' Many human knights felt worried inside after hearing that Zhang Tie was going to challenge a shadow demon knight. 'Is Qianji Hermit that poor? How could he strive for such a battle at the risk of his life? Even though Qianji Hermit has got the essence of sword song and could counterbalance a shadow demon knight, it doesn't mean that an earth human knight could kill a shadow demon knight. No matter what, the sharp gap between two levels couldn't be fixed easily; especially in the fight for honor, the longer their duel lasts, the more evident advantages would shadow knight have in speed, strength, endurance and striking strength and the more disadvantageous it would be for the earth knight. Qianji Hermit is really taking a big risk this time…'

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Feng Yexiao the elder of Taiyi Fantasy Sect revealed a sneer.

"I disagree…" Zuoqiu Mingyue's voice had drifted over the battlefield before Sagus opened its mouth, carrying a bit sense of interrogation and condemnation, "General Mushen, it's too dangerous. Do you know what you are doing?"

"Thanks for your concern, commander-in-chief. However, as guerrilla general of Taixia Country, I could not follow your decree. All the battles are at my discretion and I will be responsible for my death, if that happened…" Zhang Tie answered Zuoqiu Mingyue calmly…

Sagus' eyes were flickering in a shrewd way under its black helmet as it kept its eyes on Zhang Tie. Soon after Zhang Tie's words, Sagus had burst out into laughter as its icy voice had drifted across the battlefield, "Fine, what's your condition…"

Chapter 1413: Killing the Shadow Demon Knight

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Now that my opponent is a shadow knight in its 3 change realm, just pay me 30,000 crystals of earth, water, wind and fire elements respectively, plus a piece of space-teleportation equipment. Put those element crystals in the space-teleportation equipment and give it to me…"

Zhang Tie quoted soon after Sagus' words.

Zhang Tie's price shocked all the knights in Xuanyuan Fortress.

As for common knights, this price was astronomical; however, Zhang Tie knew that Sagus would never miss such a rare, public opportunity now that it could assign a heavenly demon knight to assassinate me.

In the eyes of demons, an earth knight was not worth that much; however, a human knight who could get the essence of sword song and invented Fiery Oil, all-purpose medicaments, incendiary weapons and solved the food crisis in the theater of operations was definitely a great threat facing demons in the holy war. Given the angle of view and judgment of commander-in-chief, it could afford such a bit price for the life of this human knight.

As demons lived under the ground, they naturally had more means to acquire items such as element crystals and silver secret items than humans. Given the quantity of silver secret items in the space-teleportation of the demon general that Zhang Tie killed, demon knights absolutely had more silver secret items than human knights, not to mention the other resources.

Shadow knight in its 3 change realm was just a piece of cake for Zhang Tie. What counted most at this moment was to induce Sagus to continue to bet with him like a gambler who had lost a lot step by step on the premise of consuming the overall strength of demons.

With the onset of the large-scale battle between humans and demons, Sagus would definitely disagree to exchange over 200 million Hua captives for Zhang Tie's life. Even if he agreed, demons and Three-eye Association would also transport more Hua captives to the frontline from their rear end. Zhang Tie aimed at eliminating the similar actions of driving innocent Hua captives forward as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

"Fine, I agree…"

As was predicted, Sagus instantly agreed with Zhang Tie's request.

Sagus waved its hand, fetching that demon knight in its 3 change realm who fought Zhang Tie ferociously last time. Closely after that, it spoke something to a knight-level bodyguard on its side. The knight-level bodyguard then turned around and entered the nest-like battlefortress of demons. After a short while, it came out, holding up a tray with a sanguine finger ring on it.

With that sanguine finger ring, the wing shadow demon knight in its 3 change realm flew towards Zhang Tie.

It stopped when it was 1,000 m away from Zhang Tie. After throwing its grim and bloody glance at Zhang Tie, it licked its lips and threw the sanguine finger ring towards Zhang Tie silently.

Although the sanguine finger ring flew towards Zhang Tie as fast as a lightning bolt, Zhang Tie caught it at once. After checking it, Zhang Tie found it was a top-notch product, containing 30,000 crystals of water, wind, wind and fire elements respectively and tidily.

So many knights were gazing at Zhang Tie's finger ring.

"Commander-in-chief, please keep this object for me. If I died, please hand everything inside this finger ring to my family members in Fire-dragon Bounty Territory!"

Even the performance should be complete. At this moment, if Zhang Tie put away the finger ring in the public, he might arouse others' suspicion. Because if he really fought to death, these items would become the booty of the opponent, in which case, he would be doubted as a traitor of humans. On the premise that Zhang Tie was not sure that he could win the duel, of course, he should hand these valuables to a reliable person; otherwise, his death, if there was, would be futile.

Zhang Tie said solemnly which indicated his decisiveness for such a duel. Of course, Sagus and the other demon knights didn't feel that they suffered a great loss after hearing that.

Soon after Zhang Tie's words, a shadow knight had flown out of Zuoqiu Mingyue's side. Zhang Tie threw that finger ring to him when the latter was 1,000 m behind. After taking the finger ring, the shadow human knight threw a deep glance at Zhang Tie before returning to Zuoqiu Mingyue's side, leaving Zhang Tie and that shadow demon knight who fought Zhang Tie last time in the center of the battlefield.

"Brat, I will break your neck today. Can we start the fight now?" That shadow demon knight was itching for a try with a silver secret item——long spear in hand.

After flying out of Zhang Tie's sleeve, the Devouring Dragon instantly incarnated into a longsword. Zhang Tie pointed at the shadow wing demon knight with his long sword and was ready for the combat immediately with a solemn look, "I'm ready…"

The shadow wing demon knight's eyes sparkled. Closely after that, Zhang Tie and that shadow wing demon knight disappeared from where they were standing and collided with each other ferociously in the middle of the battlefield.

The moment the duel came to a start, Zhang Tie had given out a golden halo, indicating that he had released his aiding strength——supreme protection.

"It's the light of a gentleman…"

"Ahh, aiding strength, it's aiding strength of Qianji Hermit…"

The golden halo around Zhang Tie immediately aroused the exclamations of many knights in Xuanyuan Fortress. It was the first time for most of those knights to see Zhang Tie's light of gentleman and aiding strength.

The body and battle qi of the wing shadow demon knight was purple-red. Looking at it from afar, people could see a golden light and a purple-red luster wrestling with each other like two fierce dragons. Battle qis were shooting towards different directions from the middle of the battlefield as fast as lightning bolts. The collisions between Zhang Tie and that shadow demon knight were as loud as thunders. Almost since the start, the duel had become white-hot as they started the most dangerous close combat almost at the same time…

The shadow demon knight determined to kill Zhang Tie. Therefore, it had already exerted its utmost effort since the beginning. So did Zhang Tie…

Shadow demon knight's strength, speed, defensive power, endurance and lethality of battle qi couldn't be matched by earth knights. However, Zhang Tie had made progress in cultivating the "Big Sword Sutra" these days; especially in that bloody sacrifice ritual of those d**chebag knights of Three-eye Association 2 days ago, during which process, he had recovered the water chakra of Ockham and broken through his swordsmanship using the greater part of the energy of the bloody sacrifice. Therefore, although it was only a short period, Zhang Tie had made much greater progress in his cultivation base of swordsmanship than that when he got the essence of sword song…

Watching Zhang Tie's crisscrossing sword light facing the strike of the shadow demon knight, his grand and longsword qi like big rivers and his sword awareness like flying waterfall and galaxies, which were as light as cicada's wings, as heavy as mountains, as hot as the sun and as concealing as a dragon entering the clouds, all the knights who cultivated swordsmanship in Xuanyuan Fortress were in daze as they felt thirsty. Even Zuoqiu Mingyue's snow-white long eyebrows quivered as he had not imagined that Zhang Tie could reach such a high realm in the cultivation base of swordsmanship only in less than 2 months.

The wing demon had an advantage in speed in the sky; especially a shadow wing demon knight; however, Zhang Tie's supreme protection offset the wing demon's advantage in speed in the sky. The wing demon's protective battle qi was powerful; however, Zhang Tie's sharp Devouring Dragon couldn't be born by an ordinary knight. The wing demon had an exceptional striking strength; however, the protective sword wind outside Zhang Tie's protective battle qi could automatically face and shatter the strike of the shadow wing demon knight before the latter fell onto Zhang Tie…

Previously, Zhang Tie didn't know about the name of this powerful skill that he acquired when he got the essence of sword song. After reading the "Big Sword Sutra", Zhang Tie knew that this extremely powerful skill was called protective sword wind.

Zhang Tie could better understand the great power of protective sword wind; especially in combat.

Protective sword wind could not reach far. Like Zhang Tie's shadow, the protective sword wind only existed within over 10 m around Zhang Tie. However, protective sword wind could be either rigid or soft, aggressive or defensive; it could appear out of the void and disappear in the void. It had already become an integral part of Zhang Tie's body and instinct. As long as Zhang Tie ran his spiritual energy, he would bring about his protective sword wind. Sometimes, protective sword wind could even manifest automatically when it sensed the strike. It could be more powerful and sharp than sword qi like the blade of Devouring Dragon, and as tender as protective battle qi. All the strikes from the shadow wing demon knight should penetrate through Zhang Tie's protective sword wind before hitting Zhang Tie's protective battle qi.

With supreme Protection, protective sword wind, protective battle qi, body built by too many iron-body fruits, medium recovery body and great vitality, Zhang Tie's physique and defensive ability had been out of everybody's imagination except Zhang Tie himself.

In this case, that shadow wing demon knight was so dejected that most of its strikes against Zhang Tie had been offset by Zhang Tie's protective sword wind before falling on Zhang Tie's protective battle qi. As for the rest energy, even though it could penetrate through or break the protective sword wind and fall onto Zhang Tie's protective battle qi, its destructive power would be weakened a lot…

Even so, the shadow wing demon knight's overall strength was still something due to the sharp gap between levels; especially that long spear in the claw of the shadow wing demon knight. As a silver secret item, each prick of the long spear would send a scorching snake flying out, which could even melt metals. The shadow wing demon knight also performed its long spear at its utmost efforts. In the sky, Zhang Tie would be surrounded by hundreds of burning snakes at any time which seemed to burn Zhang Tie into ashes in a split second…

On the premise of not exposing the other trump cards, such combat was still pretty hard for Zhang Tie; however, it was what Zhang Tie wanted.

The mesmerizing, fierce combat lasted over 2 hours under the gaze of over 200,000 human and demon knights…

At the most ferocious moment, the long spear pierced through Zhang Tie's protective battle qi and came out from the back of Zhang Tie's left shoulder. Zhang Tie also broke the arm of the shadow demon knight which was holding its long spear by his Devouring Dragon. The shadow wing demon knight flew backward rapidly as it growled and released its virtual image——a hundred meter long, bizarre, burning bird. The huge bird pricked at Zhang Tie with its sharp claws and peak, which looked more aggressive than before…

After uttering a long growl, Zhang Tie integrated with his longsword and turned into a 100 m long silver sword light, penetrating through the virtual image of the shadow wing demon knight.

The entire battlefield became quiet while over 200,000 knights held their breath at this moment.

Zhang Tie and that shadow demon knight both stayed still in the air. After that, the shadow demon knight turned around its head as it moved its wings and threw a glance at Zhang Tie…

With a loud sound "bang", the shadow wing demon knight exploded in the air, spraying blood foam and flesh in the sky and tinting the sky red.

Zhang Tie pulled the long spear out of his left shoulder by his right hand; the blood tinted half of his body red. At the same time, Zhang Tie swayed in the air as he spurted a mouthful of blood, which seemed "pretty miserable"…

Zhang Tie won the combat. Qianji Hermit killed the shadow demon knight!

All the knights of Taixia Country in Xuanyuan Fortress cheered up immediately. It was always a legend that a knight could kill another one on a higher level in the fight for honor. Fortunately, they witnessed this legend…

Feng Yexiao's face turned pale in a split second…

Chapter 1414: What a Rare Chance

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After being penetrated through by the long spear, Zhang Tie's shoulder spilled out blood heavily, tinting Zhang Tie's whole body red. With such an extremely severe wound, Zhang Tie looked pretty miserable.

If the head of the long spear was 3 cm rightward or a bit downward, it would penetrate through Zhang Tie's fatal parts such as chest or heart. Any other knight could sense the "risk". Zhang Tie just made a "narrow victory".

In fact, Zhang Tie's wound was not that severe.

Zhang Tie could actually block or dodge away from the long spear; however, he frankly accepted that strike. When the long spear penetrated through his left shoulder, Zhang Tie had had his muscles and blood vessels expand automatically so as to minimize the wound. The greater part of the blood was pushed out by Zhang Tie himself.

Besides the wound on his left shoulder, Zhang Tie pretended to spurt out blood after colliding with the shadow wing demon knight in the end.

The combat was real; however, the result of the combat contained a bit "performance". At this moment, Zhang Tie manifested his "performer" talent perfectly. Any ancestral bloodline and ability would play a great role as long as it was put in the right place.

'If not suffer a wound, bleed or behave in a tough and miserable way and bring hope to Sagus, how could Sagus and demon shadow knights swallow the bait?'

This was how gamblers thought, whether it was a sage-level knight or middle-aged women on the roadside, in lanes or gambling houses.

He might not encounter the same opportunity of having Sagus assign a shadow demon knight along with a bonus in the public. Therefore, Zhang Tie could afford such a bit payment, even only for the value of the 120,000 crystals of four elements.

Not only that, when nobody could see and sense it, Zhang Tie had already triggered the secret skill Lock of Bloody Chakra in Bloody Soul Sutra and locked the water chakra of the shadow demon knight when he killed that shadow demon knight. Therefore, its wind chakra would not collapse immediately; Zhang Tie could still refine a part of its wind elements.

Zhang Tie mastered the secret skill Lock of Bloody Chakra first after promoting to the shadow knight. This secret skill would not be exposed when it was triggered closely before the death of the demon knight. With the help ofPurgatory Samsara Method , Zhang Tie could maximize the profit of the death of the shadow demon knight stealthily in the public.

The legendary fight for honor shocked the entire battlefield. Closely after that, Zhang Tie took out two vials of senior recovery medicament, drinking one and daubing the other on his wound.

After daubing his wound with the senior recovery medicament, Zhang Tie's wound was soon healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the air, Zhang Tie made use of this short period of healing to refine the broken wind chakra of the late shadow wing demon knight in Purgatory Samsara Method .

If that shadow wing demon knight was still alive, Zhang Tie could completely refine its wind chakra. However, it was dead; even if its wind chakra was locked by Zhang Tie's Lock of Bloody Chakra before death, the shadow wing demon knight's wind chakra was still disappearing and collapsing rapidly. Zhang Tie could only rescue it like rescuing materials from a sinking ship. Finally, he only got 1/3 of its wind elements.

Perhaps someone would guess and worry that Zhang Tie's battle strength would be weakened by the wound. Actually, Zhang Tie had completely recovered as his wounds gradually healed. In addition, he had gained a lot of wind elements. Even though it was only 1/3 of the wind elements of the shadow wing demon knight who was in its 3 change realm, Zhang Tie was delighted.

'A shadow knight, a mountain of element crystals, space equipment, silver secret item; and a target for Purgatory Samsara Method. My God! What a rare chance! That's too crazy!'

Zhang Tie revealed a bit of arrogance and relaxation after victory; he also looked somewhat solemn. If not, Zhang Tie was afraid that he would have burst out into laughter and the cat was out of the bag.

After losing a shadow wing demon knight, Sagus looked a bit colder and pitiful. If the head of the long spear was a few centimeters away on Zhang Tie's chest, the result would be different.

However, the death of the wing demon knight didn't stop Sagus from aiming to kill Zhang Tie; conversely, this thought was simmering in its mind.

'This human knight has to die. Otherwise, when he promotes to a shadow knight or a heavenly knight in this holy war, he would cause hundreds even one thousand times more loss to demons. Therefore, Zhang Tie has to die.'

People always had shortcomings, which could be utilized. This was how demons felt humans. In the eyes of Sagus, Zhang Tie had two shortcomings: conceit and greed. 'It's just a bit element crystals and some silver secret items. As long as you dare continue to bet it with your life, it would be fine…'

"It was splendid combat. During this process, our demon knight displayed its bravery and strength. Even though it has fought to death, it deserves it!" Sagus' voice drifted over the entire battlefield as it gazed at Zhang Tie's face with sharp eye light from over 60 miles away, "Human knight, do you want to continue?"

"He cannot!" Zuoqiu Mingyue's voice reached with a sigh of feeling, "Zhang Tie, you don't have to continue. You've already been able to be renowned across the world and have a bright future after this combat. Don't have to prove anything…"

A faint struggle and hesitation flashed across Zhang Tie's eyes, which was very vivid with the effect of his "performer" talent.

"I've got a great handful of element crystals, silver secret items and jewelry from the underground world. If you could continue, we could negotiate with the condition…" Sagus started to lure Zhang Tie.

"Zhang Tie, as long as the green hills are there, one needs not to worry about firewood…" Zuoqiu Mingyue reminded Zhang Tie, "Demons want to catch this opportunity to kill you, watch out…"

After a short struggle, Zhang Tie finally appeared to have made his decision as he told Zuoqiu Mingyue in an impassioned way, "Thanks, commander-in-chief; but I feel that I have spare efforts to continue. Only in such life or death situations could I tap my potential and sharpen my battle skills; as a human knight, I'm committed to even fight to death on the battlefield. I would not feel pity about that…"

Zuoqiu Mingyue sighed with emotions and didn't say anything else.

However, Sagus laughed loudly, "Hahaha, that's the way how knights preserve their dignity and honor!"

"I could continue to have another combat…" Zhang Tie said as he watched the demon camp with a solemn look, "You could assign another shadow demon knight in its 3 change realm…"

"In the former combat, you've already proved your battle strength. It's already meaningless for you to fight another shadow demon knight in its 3 change realm…" Sagus refused Zhang Tie's proposal without demur. Otherwise, instead of killing Zhang Tie, the second shadow demon knight probably be killed by Zhang Tie again. Of course, Sagus would not agree with suffering such a loss.

"How about a shadow demon knight in its 4 change realm…" Zhang Tie asked "meticulously".

Sagus shook his head as he pointed at a 2-3 m high ox-head shadow demon knight and said, "This is Urigaus, my bodyguard. He's a shadow knight in its 6 change realm. If you promise to fight him, I could pay you 50,000 crystals of the four elements respectively, plus a space-teleportation equipment…"

The ox-head shadow demon knight panted at once as it kept its eyes on Zhang Tie like an old ox.

Zhang Tie just looked at that tall and sturdy ox-head shadow demon knight next to Sagus quietly as if he was considering it. However, only after a few seconds, Zhang Tie had made a decision, "That's a deal; but I want 60,000 crystals of each element. Besides, I want 2 more silver secret items…"

"Hohoho…" Sagus burst out into laughter which carried endless cold. It agreed with Zhang Tie's request almost immediately, "Okay…���

The ox-head shadow demon knight then flew towards Zhang Tie with a space-teleportation finger ring and strong killing intent. From 1,000 m away, it stopped and threw the finger ring towards Zhang Tie.

After checking the finger ring, Zhang Tie gave it to Zuoqiu Mingyue and had him keep it for him.

The second combat between Zhang Tie and a shadow demon knight soon came to a start.

The ox-head shadow demon knight who was in its 6 change realm was much more powerful than the shadow wing demon knight who was in its 3 change realm; especially that mace in its hand which weighed heavier than 2 tons. The lethality of such a weapon was self-evident in combat…

However, soon after the combat started, when the ox-head demon knight appeared to take a bit advantage over Zhang Tie, the sky suddenly changed its color while a powerful fist intention that integrated with the universe appeared on Zhang Tie.

Right then, Zhang Tie kept punching by his left hand and brandishing Devouring Dragon by his right hand; his sword light flashed like a lightning bolt while his punches carried thunder-like sounds. The combination of punches and sword light skyrocketed his battle strength suddenly. As Zhang Tie punched out, lightning bolts kept striking the ox-head demon knight, causing its hair all over to rise…

"The interaction between heavens and human. Zhang Tie has reached the realm of interacting his punch skills with the universe…" A knight in Xuanyuan Fortress exclaimed.

Sagus' smile froze…

Chapter 1415: Bloodline Awakening

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

With the interaction of heavens and Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie instantly filled the gap of battle strength between him and that ox-head demon knight who was in its 6 change realm. His berserk sword qi and strong punch qi tore the void as his protective sword wind involved in the ox-head demon knight like a skyrocketing tornado. Thunders and lightning bolts that fell off were also impossible to guard against for the ox-head demon knight.

Both parties underwent the most ferocious close combat in the air. No matter how ox-head demon knight roared, it still gradually lost its advantage over Zhang Tie bit by bit.

In the beginning, all the onlookers felt that Zhang Tie's punch was separated from his sword; gradually, they couldn't identify whether Zhang Tie was using his punch or sword as Zhang Tie's punch intention and sword intention had already integrated with each other.

When Zhang Tie slashed his Devouring Dragon, it would also bring dull thunders like how his punches always did.

Similarly, when Zhang Tie punched out, his punch qi looked like crisscrossing sword qi in an overwhelming way like how his sword qi always did.

However, this ox-head demon knight called Urigaus was definitely much more powerful than the wing demon knight who was in its 3 change realm. Sagus must have strong confidence about Urigarus.

Wing demons excelled at flight and could gain the maximal speed and flexibility in the air. By contrast, the ox-head demon was well-known by their demon grain totem, which was a special ability of ox-head demon. Like runes on ox-head demon knight, as long as demon grain totem was activated, it would bring a great aiding effect to the ox-head demon knight.

When the combat reached its apex, a patch of demon grain totem beneath the skin of its arm started to give out the glow, revealing a bizarre demon grain totem. Closely after that, Zhang Tie felt that the ox-head demon knight's strength had enhanced pretty much.

Whereas, it was just a start; as closely after that, its legs also gave out the glow, bulging its flexibility suddenly; then, its frontal chest and back also manifested a wide area of demon grain totem, skyrocketing its defensive ability and aggressiveness too.

"That's too bad. The shadow ox-head demon knight is definitely a powerhouse of its kind. It has already triggered 4 parts of demon grain totems. Average ox-head demon knight could at most trigger 2. That's too dangerous…" One of those knights next to Zuoqiu Mingyue in Xuanyuan Fortress immediately exclaimed as he changed his face.

"Zhang Tie might have hidden some more trump cards…" Zuoqiu Mingyue said calmly as he kept an eye on the center of the battlefield and Sagus, "This ox-head demon knight must be unusual now that it could become Sagus' bodyguard. Zhang Tie must have already realized that before fight…"

Zuoqiu Mingyue understood Zhang Tie's disposition. When Zhang Tie saw that ox-head demon knight's rising demon grain totems, he was not flurried, which meant that Zhang Tie had other trump cards.

With a loud "boom…", although Zhang Tie blocked its berserk battle qi aroused by its battle ax and its crit, he was still sent flying backward. Before Zhang Tie made any counterattack, the grim ox-head demon knight had already hefted its wheel-sized battle ax and chopped towards Zhang Tie again with bloody eyes as if it was going to split Zhang Tie into halves.

The ox-head demon knight's terrifying battle ax directly entered the range of effectiveness of Zhang Tie's protective sword wind as it aroused shocking waves around Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie also coordinated with the fierce attack of the ox-head demon knight by turning himself into a boat among billows. Bumping among billows, it was tossed up or pressed down from time to time; yet didn't capsize.

Although being powerful, the ox-head demon knight still couldn't threaten Zhang Tie's safety. Zhang Tie coordinated with its crits by pretending to spurt a couple of more mouthful of blood. He even performed some dangerous acts by having its battle ax cut through the edge of his protective battle qi, causing his protective battle qi all over to rock…

Such scenes caused the hearts of so many Taixia knights to pound at once. The ox-head demon knight always had terrifying battle strength as it had reached 6 change realm. Nobody could imagine that it could activate 4 patches of demon grain totems.

'Cross-level challenge is really not that easy.'

'Zhang Tie is mired in a dilemma…'

Among human and demon knights at present, at least shadow knights could see clearly the battle process. Some earth knights could also see a part of the battle process; however, they couldn't absolutely follow it up. As for most of the black iron knights, they were far from shadow knight's battle rhythm. In the eyes of black iron knights, the fight was just like two clouds of smoke of different colors colliding against each other constantly in the air. Most of the people couldn't see the details. As for which party was more advantageous, it could only be judged by the size of "flames" which carried different colors and styles.

In the eyes of over 90% of black iron knights, the "flame" on behalf of Zhang Tie was completely oppressed by the other one.

Sagus had already revealed a smile under its mask. As for the side of Xuanyuan Fortress, Feng Yexiao looked solemn as he hid his vicious yet cool sense inside.

Nevertheless, Zhang Tie would always let down these d**chebags who hoped him to die as early as possible.

In those collisions, a brilliant light gradually appeared on Zhang Tie in shape of a huge sword pointing at the heavens. Its brilliance covered the entire battlefield. At the sight of this scene, many people among those "sword" knights at present widely opened their eyes out of admiration…

"That…that is…" Tang Bohu the elder of Yuxu Swordsmanship Sect in Zhongzhou Province stammered, "That…is a powerful ancestral bloodline of swordsmanship…"

The virtual image of the sword was full of the magnificent qi of a king as it covered Zhang Tie. Closely after that, the sword image divided into two and entered Zhang Tie's body.

"That's…unrivaled double-sword bloodline…" Ning Taisheng the employed elder of imperial households of Taixia Country couldn't help but hold his breath on Zuoqiu Mingyue's side.

When the two sword images entered Zhang Tie's body, Zhang Tie's Devouring Dragon abruptly grew more brilliant. Whenever Zhang Tie slashed his Devouring Dragon, the sword qi and light would expand by two times.

Two times! It meant that one sword qi turned into two; two sword qi turned into four; if the quantity of sword qi remained unchanged, the power of sword qi and light would grow by two times.

Unrivaled double swords! It meant two more times of power! The ancestral bloodline concerning this swordsmanship was called sword king bloodline in Taixia Country. There were too many ancestral bloodlines of swords in Taixia Country. Besides god-level bloodlines, there were sword-related ancestral bloodlines on eight levels, namely Heavens, Earth, Black, Yellow, Time, Space, Flood and Chaos. Those ancestral bloodlines concerning sword were weird and changeable and might increase the destructive power of the sword. However, none of the ancestral bloodlines could be as clear and overbearing as double-sword bloodline——increase the power of sword by two times straightforwardly. This unrivaled double-sword bloodline carried a strong sword style and the vibe of sword king——going for what one needs straightforwardly in an overbearing manner and killing the opponent with two more times power.

The others thought that Zhang Tie had awakened a bloodline; however, only Zhang Tie knew that he had just activated that bloodline using the fruit of bloodline.

Soon after Zhang Tie activated his unrivaled double-sword bloodline, the ox-head demon knight was immediately involved in a sword qi storm.

It was time for the ox-head demon knight to be a boat in billows. However, the ox-head demon knight didn't have as many trump cards as Zhang Tie. After Zhang Tie "awakened" his unrivaled double-sword bloodline for half an hour, his sword qi broke the ox-head demon knight's protective battle qi for the first time, leaving a wound on its body.

After another half an hour, the tall and sturdy ox-head demon knight was also covered with blood like Zhang Tie due to over 100 wounds, large or small.

Anyone could see the result of this duel on the premise that the ox-head demon knight didn't have any more trump card. After "awakening" unrivaled double-sword bloodline at the critical moment, Zhang Tie had already fixed the result of this duel.

After being chopped off a horn, the ox-head demon knight's eyes turned completely red while its scalp gave out the glow, revealing a new patch of bloody demon grain totem. Closely after that, it gave out dazzling glow all over. Zhang Tie had not imagined that this ox-head demon knight could have another trump card. When he was going to launch another round of strike, he heard Zuoqiu Mingyue's words, "Watch out…"

Soon after Zuoqiu Mingyue's words, the ox-head demon knight had accelerated towards Zhang Tie. Being pierced through by Zhang Tie's longsword and bearing the baptism of Zhang Tie's protective sword wind, it approached Zhang Tie rapidly with widely open arms and grim look as if it was going to fix Zhang Tie, "Go to hell…���

With a "boom…", a powerful battle qi swept over the battlefield. The impact wave brought by the ox-head demon knight's explosion could be felt by knights over 60 miles away in the air, changing everyone's face.

In the center of the battlefield where Zhang Tie was, a purple-red mushroom composed of battle qi covering hundreds of meters was rising. Even heavenly knights couldn't approach it.

All the human and demon knights became quiet as they were shocked by such tragic combat…

The waning purple-red mushroom cloud slowly exposed the final winner——Zhang Tie who was holding a huge shield, a silver secret item, in a ball-shaped energy hood…

In a split second, the cheer of human knights in Xuanyuan Fortress shocked the battlefield.

Chapter 1416: Trap After Trap

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

This combat was full of twists and turns. Zhang Tie had the advantage over the ox-head demon knight when he interacted his punch skills with sword skills; the ox-head demon knight then oppressed Zhang Tie using its demon grain totem; Zhang Tie then "awakened" unrivaled double-sword bloodline and took the wind. When the ox-head demon knight was going to kill Zhang Tie by exploding itself, the mushroom cloud caused by its explosion slowly waned, exposing Zhang Tie with his silver secret item "shield" to the public in the end.

Nobody had ever seen such a heart-wrenching fight for honor between shadow knights since the beginning of this holy war.

Over 100,000 human knights' yells finally became two words in unison, "Zhang Tie", "Zhang Tie", "Zhang Tie"…

In the yells, human knights' morale reached its peak.

Such a scene was similar to the yells of football fans when a football star on the football field scored a goal at the critical moment before the Catastrophe.

At this moment, those who were cheering Zhang Tie for killing two shadow demon knights in the public were human knights who were top talents.

Shadow knights were at least commanders of military regions in Taixia Country, who were also rare among demons.

Shadow knight was the highest-level demon knight that human knights had killed on the battlefield since demons invaded Taixia Country. Actually, Zhang Tie killed two shadow demon knights this time. What a brilliant military exploit!

At this moment, even Feng Cangwu, Zhang Tie's old friend couldn't help but become thrilled. Contrary to that, those disciples of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Feng Yexiao completedly turned pale. Zhang Tie's halo was as hot as the sun which could barely be seen straightforwardly by them. All the disciples of Taiyi Fantasy who were teasing Zhang Tie a few days ago felt their hearts racing out of tension. Not until now did they understand that there was someone that they could not offend…

"When I learned from Qianji Hermit by fighting him in Youzhou Province, I was defeated by the hermit. From then on, I have known that Qianji Hermit would definitely have a much brighter future than me. I've not imagined that I could see my old friend constantly kill two shadow demon knights near the bank of Weishui River. When Qianji Hermit returns to Youzhou Province, I will definitely invite him for a drink…" Nangong Sheng the founder of Immortal Fist Position Sect sighed with emotions as he had already forgotten about the scar of being defeated by Zhang Tie and didn't regard it as anything embarrassing. On the contrary, Nangong Sheng treated their contest as a way of showing himself off.

Of course, after Nangong Sheng finished his words, all the surrounding knights threw more respectful glances at him. Stroking his long beard, Nangong Sheng looked like a hermit who had got the essence of the universal law.

In the yells, Zhang Tie silently yet rapidly refined the wind elements of that late ox-head demon knight which was going to collapse.

The moment the ox-head demon knight exploded itself, Zhang Tie had taken out the shield and locked its wind chakra using the Lock of Bloody Chakra at the same time.

This fight for honor was actually a trap. Zhang Tie had too many trump cards and precautious measures. In this case, of course, Zhang Tie would pay heed to demon knights' trump cards and precautious measures. Therefore, starting from fighting the first demon knight, Zhang Tie had been paying attention to each movement of the demon knight who was fighting him and other powerhouses next to Sagus and preparing for emergencies at any time. Therefore, the ox-head demon knight's explosion couldn't hurt Zhang Tie. Actually, since the ox-head demon knight lit up its demon grain totem on its head, Zhang Tie had been ready for responding to it. It was not easy for demons to screw Zhang Tie.

Before the complete collapse of the wind chakra of the shadow demon knight, Zhang Tie had refined 1/3 of its wind elements, which almost amounted to 2 times that of the former one.

After that, Zhang Tie directly declined to the ground and put away the huge ax that the ox-head demon knight had dropped just now under the gaze of all the human and demon knights.

As this huge ax was a top-notch silver secret item and Zhang Tie's legitimate booty, of course, Zhang Tie wouldn't abandon it. No matter how many silver secret items he had, Zhang Tie didn't mean to leave it to others.

Watching Zhang Tie taking the huge ax of the ox-head demon knight, Sagus tightly frowned as it said, "Zhang Tie, you have amazing battle strength. I've got some shadow knights in their 9 change realm. If you agree, you can propose conditions at your discretion…"

At this moment, Sagus was like a gambler who had become a bit jealous after losing two rounds constantly. It was gagging to kill Zhang Tie. What mostly saddened Sagus was that the opponent's cards were just a bit better than that of his in the two rounds. Therefore, Sagus felt very pitiful.

Sagus didn't suggest Zhang Tie to fight a heavenly demon knight as it regarded it as a pure killing spree. Unless Zhang Tie sought for death or was slow-witted, no knight would pose a challenge to an opponent who was two levels higher than him. In order not to scare Zhang Tie away and lose the opportunity to kill him, Sagus tried to stay calm as it proposed another condition.

However, Sagus didn't know that it had already been mired in Zhang Tie's trap bit by bit without any precautious measures at the cost of its military resources.

Zhang Tie sneered inside while he looked solemn as if he was considering it.

"You mean any condition?"

"Just let me know…" Sagus might have already revealed a "benign smile" so as to persuade Zhang Tie to have another try, though its mask was too grim.

"How many element crystals left?" Zhang Tie asked while a "greedy" look flashed by…

"I didn't bring too many element crystals this time. Those element crystals are for my knights in the war. New element crystals have not been supplied. You could change one condition!" Sagus said calmly with a bit embarrassment.

"Well, I will not ask for element crystals then. Those element crystals that I got from you is enough…" Licking his lips, Zhang Tie continued, "What else do you plan to exchange for my life then?"

Chapter 1417: Unexpected Booties

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Besides element crystals, I've got many silver secret items and rarities from Earth Elements Realm…" Sagus' voice drifted from afar.

"Silver secret items and rarities from Earth Elements Realm?" Zhang Tie asked after a "disguised" consideration, "Sure, but, I want at least 100 pieces of silver secret items for fighting a shadow demon knight in its 9 change realm!"

100 pieces of silver secret items? Were silver secret items as cheap as white cabbages? Of course, Sagus was not an idiot. Silver secret items were different than element crystals. Although element crystals were precious and humans didn't have as many as mines of element crystals as demons, human knights could still maintain a balance between its supply and demand. In order to get element crystals, more human knights could be summoned to explore mines in the Earth Elements Realm which would strengthen human knights' strength in the Earth Elements Realm. Hungry mutated beasts were most dangerous. So were hungry human knights. One major reason that Sagus agreed to give so many element crystals to Zhang Tie was that he knew that those element crystals couldn't be converted into battle strength right away even if Zhang Tie got them. Element crystal was not the only factor to become a knight. Additionally, a knight had limited demand for element crystals in total and only needed to refine limited element crystals within a period. By contrast, silver secret items, as long as they fell into the hands of human knights would greatly improve human knights' battle strength immediately. On the battlefield, the behavior of gifting silver secret items to the enemy was nothing different than propping up the enemy.

Therefore, Sagus directly vetoed Zhang Tie's proposal.

"100 pieces of silver secret items is too many, I could at most give you 5; plus some rarities from Earth Elements Realm as a compensation…"

In the eyes of outsiders, it was more or less a bit preposterous for a human knight to bargain with a sage-level demon knight on the battlefield for the "compensation" of the fight for honor. However, nobody tittered; because everyone understood what such an exchange meant——the prelude of a life or death combat between two powerful knights which would end at the price of one's life.

When Zhang Tie bargained with Sagus, those knights in the air above Xuanyuan Fortress didn't feel hilarious at all; instead, they turned intense inside.

Many knights thought that Zhang Tie should stop it. As the shadow demon knight in its 9 change realm would soon promote to a heavenly knight, its battle strength could not be matched by those in their 3 change realm or 6 change realm. Even though Zhang Tie's sword power skyrocketed by two times after Zhang Tie awakened his unrivaled double-sword bloodline, he could still barely win the third round.

"Commander-in-chief…" Ye Qingcheng couldn't help but open his mouth on Zuoqiu Mingyue's side as he wanted Zuoqiu Mingyue to stop Zhang Tie from continuing. Because it was a rare chance for Zhang Tie to win the 3rd round. Ye Qingcheng was afraid that Zhang Tie had lost his mind by the great prestige after constant victories.

Zuoqiu Mingyue slightly raised his hand as he replied calmly, "Wait…"

After hearing Zuoqiu Mingyue's reply, all the heavenly human knights beside him exchanged glances with each other as they became quiet. Ning Taisheng's mouth corners raised slightly as he squinted at Zhang Tie from afar. His eyelight kept changing that nobody knew what he was thinking about. As for Zuoqiu Mingyue, he had got a great question in mind although the former two battles aroused his concern. Even though he knew Zhang Tie, he could still sense Zhang Tie's abnormal performance today. He knew that Zhang Tie was definitely not interested in worldly objects such as element crystals and silver secret items. 'Zhang Tie might have his own plan.' Zuoqiu Mingyue muttered.

"5 pieces of silver secret items?" Zhang Tie replied with a sneer. Even though he found that Sagus had already fallen into his trap, he still couldn't reveal his jubilant mood; instead, he should pretend to behave in a more alert and meticulous way, "Do you think I'm slow-witted or what? How about giving you 10 pieces of silver secret items for a duel between a shadow demon knight in its 9 change realm and a heavenly human knight?"

"Besides 5 pieces of silver secret items, you will have 100 tons of abyss iron, 100 tons of mithril, 100 tons of dark crystals, 100 tons of air floating gold, 100 tons of eternal stones, 1 ton of dragon-scale gemstones, 1 ton of colorful gemstones, 100 dragon-soul grasses, 100 fruits of cross-world flowers…" Sagus added calmly in an alluring tone, "Do you know cross-world flower's fruit? It's even more precious than silver secret items for humans. After taking one cross-world flower's fruit, a human woman would remain young forever. What do you feel?"

Abyss iron, mithril, dark crystal and air floating gold were all extremely precious materials for making instruments and weapons. Air floating gold was the key material for making airboat. In Taixia Country, a provincial governor's airboat would consume fewer than 5 tons of air floating gold; eternal stones, dragon-scale gemstones and colorful gemstones were all top-notch hermetic materials; dragon-soul grass could extend one's life expectancy and be used to make precious medicaments; cross-world flower's fruit was pursued by all the women out of their mind. The latter two items were both world-renowned specalties in the underground world.

Before Zhang Tie replied, those knights in Xuanyuan Fortress had been drooling as they panted; especially those female knights who even wished that they could fight the shadow demon knight in its 9 change realm on behalf of Zhang Tie.

"Commander-in-chief. His Majesty is looking for cross-world flower's fruits everywhere for his wives. There're only 3 cross-world flower's fruits and too few dragon-soul grasses in the imperial warehouse. All the dignitaries in the imperial palace are hankering for them. If Zhang Tie agrees, hopefully, commander-in-chief could persuade him to sell some of them to His Majesty…" Ning Taisheng told Zuoqiu Mingyue through secret means as his eyes flickered.

"Even if Zhang Tie agrees, as he gets these items at the risk of his life, he's entitled to make decisions himself. If Elder Ning has a demand, you could negotiate it with Zhang Tie. If Zhang Tie fought to death, I will hand these compensations to his family members completely. If anyone dare grab and plunder them by cajolery and coersion, you would be my enemy as you trample on the cordial hearts of the whopping population of Taixia Country, whether knights or common soldiers, and I will kill you…" Zuoqiu Mingyue replied as he threw a distant glance at Ning Taisheng.

Ning Taisheng's face turned stiff as he forced a smile silently.

Zhang Tie didn't pay heed to air floating gold and dragon-scale gemstones; however, when Sagus mentioned dragon-soul grasses and cross-world flowers' fruits, Zhang Tie had already given concession to it from inside. 'I could give dragon-soul grasses to my parents; as for the cross-world flowers' fruits, they could be saved for my wives.'

Sagus believed that these items couldn't improve knights' battle strength in a short period. Actually, many among them were not useful for knights. Of course, it could pay them without demur; especially the fruits of cross-world flowers, which might be precious for humans though, but were almost useless for demons. Could it be useful for increasing odds of winning in battle, increasing one's battle strength or edible by having females remain young forever? Of course not. What demons could understand least was human females attention to their own looks. Actually, Sagus prepared these cross-world flowers' fruits for "human traitors" instead of their own kind…

"I could accept them but the 5 pieces of silver secret items are too few, how about 10…" Zhang Tie still pretended to be hesitant although he had already agreed inside. If he could get some more from demons, of course, he would not let go such a rare chance.

"Only 5!" Sagus insisted.

"If so, I've got a request. One of the 5 silver secret items should be heavy…'

"The heavy the better?"

"Yes, I found I have no proper weapon. I need a heavy weapon. If you couldn't meet this requirement, let's call it an end then…"

Sagus threw a glance at the Dragon Devouring in Zhang Tie's hand as it flickered its eyes under the mask. After that, a silver secret item appeared in his hand.

It was the true object of a silver secret item in its hand—a dozens of meters high golden ape. Even though being over 60 miles away, Zhang Tie could still feel the strong waves of earth element and water element on the huge ape.

The huge ape thumped its chest and roared in Sagus' hand as it wanted to escape away from Sagus' grasp, but how could a silver secret item get out of the control of a sage-level knight? As Sagus ran its spiritual energy, the golden ape gradually turned into a huge metal rod which gave out golden light. The flowing runes over the metal stick gave out subtle light like ripples, amid which was the virtual image of a golden huge ape. The two ends of the rod were a bit thicker than that in the middle. Being shrouded in a bizarre dragon-shaped grain, it was full of exotically aesthetic feeling.

"I gained this silver secret item from the Earth Elements Realm. It weighs 18.8 tons. For now, I've not found the proper person to use it among demon knights…"

Demon knights didn't like sticks as it lacked lethality. Additionally, this silver secret item was so heavy that average black iron knights, earth knights, even shadow knights couldn't play with it. As for heavenly knights, as each heavenly knight had already formed their own battle style and used to their own secret sauces, they would not pick a strange, heavy weapon which didn't seem to have a great lethality. Therefore, nobody had taken this silver secret item away from Sagus; even Sagus itself didn't use it.

Zhang Tie was using a sword; additionally, he had just awakened a powerful ancestral bloodline concerning the sword. Of course, it was not benevolent for Sagus to give Zhang Tie such a silver secret item.

As for a knight who had a deep cultivation base in some weapon, if Zhang Tie changed an improper weapon at this time; especially a weapon that couldn't be used by commoners, it was usually not good for him.

Rod was barely used even in Taixia Country. Among over 100,000 human knights around Xuanyuan Fortress, nobody used rod as a weapon. As for most knights, rod didn't have a great lethality. Its lethality could be imagined when a commoner fought the other 'rod-holding' commoner by sword or saber. In addition, people who used such a weapon looked like an idiot. Moreover, there were only a few battle skills of rods, most of them were low-level. By contrast, spikes were better. Besides carrying the feature of rod, spear also had a great lethality and more battle skills. Therefore, fewer than 1 out of 10,000 knights would use rod.

Sagus thought that he had set a trap for Zhang Tie; however, he didn't know that Zhang Tie's heart had been racing as he felt thirsty when he caught sight of this silver secret item. Zhang Tie himself had not imagined that his casual words could bring him such a great weapon.

On the surface, he was still not anxious; instead, after being hesitant for a few seconds, he gritted his teeth as he determined to tell Sagus, "Well, that's the deal…"

Sagus assigned an shadow iron-armored demon knight who was in its 9 change realm. Like how the former two demon knights did, when this one was 1,000 m away from Zhang Tie, it threw a piece of space-teleportation equipment which contained those items to Zhang Tie. After catching it and checking those items inside it, Zhang Tie gave it to the shadow human knight assigned by Zuoqiu Mingyue.

The shadow human knight gave the space-teleportation equipment to Zuoqiu Mingyue. After taking it, Zuoqiu Mingyue looked inside; however, he didn't see the silver secret item of the golden huge ape.

'What does this mean?'

Zuoqiu Mingyue's heart pounded as he looked at Zhang Tie with sparkling eye light…

When Zuoqiu Mingyue took that space-teleportation equipment, the battle had already broken out…

The shadow iron-armored demon knight's morale was so high that the moment it launched a strike, its earth-shaking battle qi had broken the void and flown towards Zhang Tie like a surging flood from all directions as if it was going to shatter Zhang Tie in a split second…

Zhang Tie kept flying backward at a high speed as his "shield" swam and roared around him to withstand the demon knight's strike.

Under the gaze of over 200,000 knights, Zhang Tie spared his right hand. Closely after that, a water-element crystal appeared in his right hand…

'Is he absorbing element crystals…' All the onlookers raised their eyebrows…

Chapter 1418: Five-Elements Rings

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

An earth human knight absorbed an element crystal when he fought a shadow demon knight in its 9 change realm. This was insane in the eyes of any knight. However, Zhang Tie was rational as he did all this fluently. Those who could see Zhang Tie's movements clearly had already realized that Zhang Tie was doing three tasks at the same time in the fight.

Many people might have seen someone doing two tasks at the same time; however, it was their first time to see someone doing three tasks at the same time.

Zhang Tie was doing three tasks at the same time: blocking strikes from the demon knight, manipulating the true object of the silver secret item; absorbing wind elements.

Zhang Tie spent 70% of his energy on defense, 30% on attack. He was stifled by the shadow iron-armored demon knight, but the latter couldn't hurt him at all; neither was Zhang Tie in a disadvantageous position.

Just now, Zhang Tie displayed his secret sauce of combining fist position with swordsmanship. This time, Zhang Tie displayed his secret sauce of combining fist position with a shield. Even in the eyes of Zuoqiu Mingyue, Zhang Tie's defense was also consummated.

In the image of a silver dragon, the Devouring Dragon flew around Zhang Tie within 10-20 m, spilling sword qi in all directions.

It was Zhang Tie's protective sword wind inside Devouring Dragon's cover. The protective sword wind could be rigid or tender, whether attack or defend. Zhang Tie's protective battle qi was closely inside his protective sword wind. Zhang Tie's shield was inside his protective battle qi. His body was in the core.

Even though the shadow demon knight had a strong offensiveness, it couldn't hurt Zhang Tie easily as it had to break the following layers one after another: the sword qi of Devouring Dragon, Zhang Tie's protective sword wind, Zhang Tie's shield which was a silver secret item, Zhang Tie's protective battle qi, Zhang Tie's iron body.

In this case, no matter what terrifying striking strength did that shadow demon knight have, those brilliant light would finally disappear in front of the shield.

Zhang Tie's defense really broadened the vision of all the onlookers as they all lost in wonder.

The demon knight to Zhang Tie was what a wild wolf to a sliding weight of a steelyard full of steel spines. The demon knight could only use its last strength—endurance. When Zhang Tie couldn't bear his fierce strike and ran out of his energy, it would be the end of this combat.

When Zhang Tie was defending the demon knight without any loophole, he was gradually refining water element under the gaze of the onlookers.

Zhang Tie absorbed water elements so fast that people could see the elapse of the water elements by naked eyes.

'Does Zhang Tie want to promote to a shadow demon knight in the fight? That's unlikely!'

Many human knights in Xuanyuan Fortress didn't believe that Zhang Tie could promote to a shadow human knight in the fight; however, they had to think so as Zhang Tie was absorbing water elements from a water-element crystal at an abnormal speed.

"Ahh, how could Qianji Hermit absorb water elements so fast…"

"It's said that Qianji Hermit's secret sauce is called Thousands of Beads Multi-task Sutra. He won an airboat from Taiyi Fantasy Sect using this secret sauce…"

"How did you know that…"

"A friend in Earth-elements Realm told me about that. Almost all the knights in Lion Fortress know that…"

It seemed that those speakers didn't notice that Taiyi Fantasy Sect's disciples were not far from them or might have already noticed their talk. Feng Yexiao heard this dialogue as he slightly twisted his face and gazed at Zhang Tie on the battlefield with red eyes. Nobody knew what he was thinking about.

In this case, after a knight mentioned the secret sauce Thousands of Beads Multi-tasking Sutra for a short while, over 100,000 human knights above Xuanyuan Fortress had already known it. From then on, that secret sauce of Zhang Tie's spread over Taixia Country at an amazing speed.

Even though others mentioned the secret sauce for 10,000 times, it was still not as shocking or impressive as that of witnessing it oneself.

Only after one hour, Zhang Tie had already absorbed the greater part of that water-element crystal under the gaze of the public without leaking any loophole. After then, with a sudden, powerful wave of elements, a yellow halo appeared on Zhang Tie and gradually expanded, covering Zhang Tie.

When this yellow halo appeared, most of the shadow demon knight's strike was collapsed by the wave of elements. When the halo expanded, even the demon knight had to move backwards as it felt the shock of its chakras. It moved out of the scope of effect of that yellow halo. Not until it reached 400-500 m away from Zhang Tie did he start to attack Zhang Tie once again.

Even if a person was cultivating the most average secret sauce, when he formed a new chakra, there would also be a special virtual image and abnormal phenomenon within a few meters, hundreds of meters even tens of thousands of meters, although there would not be such an exaggerated elements tide and wide-ranging abnormal phenomenon. With the new-born wave of chakra and strong vitality, such a new virtual image and abnormal phenomenon would affect the stability of the chakras of surrounding knights. Like how metal would be magnetized by rubbing with a magnet, although being not fatal, this influence could barely be eliminated and would last for a long time. It would cause greater influence to those knights on the same level. Therefore, every knight would stay away from those knights on their same level who had just formed their new chakra. Like how superstitious men would stay away from the delivery room, they would draw closer to him after his virtual image stabilized and the abnormal phenomenon waned even if they wanted to congratulate him on it.

From 400 m away, the shadow demon knight's strike became much weaker than that before. Of course, Zhang Tie could respond to it easily.

The moment the yellow halo came into being, a silver halo had appeared on Zhang Tie which was thicker than the first one with a sharp metallic qi…

The information that Zhang Tie "promoted to a shadow demon knight" in fight shocked everybody else again…

Watching those halos of shadow-level virtual images on Zhang Tie, Sagus had long swore him numerous times inside.

Sagus believed that their party should at least have 70% odds to win the combat even if Zhang Tie had other secret sauces. Actually, Sagus didn't believe that Zhang Tie could have any other trump card besides awakening another ancestral bloodline of Hua people in this case, which probably would not happen. Sagus thought that it had already been clear about all of Zhang Tie's trump cards, but the current scene drove it mad once again…

It was similar to the following scene: a gambler who had got a good card and defeated two opponents thought that he was unrivaled in this round; right then, the last opponent presented a greater card, causing him breathless.

"No way!" Sagus couldn't help but roar.

On the contrary, all the human knights almost cheered up at the same time at the sight of that colorful halo on Zhang Tie after a short pause out of shock.

"What's that virtual image…"

"It's the virtual image of Five-elements Earth-look Sutra. The first one was the halos of the earth; the second one was the halos of gold…"

"Ahh, isn't Qianji Hermit cultivating Fire Dragon Sutra?"

"Idiot! That's simulated by Qianji Hermit using his Chaotic Treasure Body. The fundamental secret sauce that Qianji Hermit cultivates for promotion is Five-elements Earth-look Sutra…"

This discussion had already spread across the knights' camp of Taixia Country only after a short while.

At this moment, all the heavenly human knights raised their eyebrows as they gazed at Zhang Tie's halos with eyes wide open.

"Good…" Ye Qingcheng couldn't help but highly praise Zhang Tie, "Commander-in-chief, you've long known that General Mushen has his precautious measures?"

"Zhang is not rash. I could see that he has already been in his 9 change realm. However, I've not imagined that he could promote to a shadow knight at this moment. He deserves the reputation of Qianji Hermit…" Zuoqiu Mingyue revealed a faint smile.

'Earth reinforces gold; gold reinforces water; water reinforces wood; wood reinforces fire; fire reinforces earth…'

Only after a short while, Zhang Tie had formed 5 halos, which altogether was the virtual image of Five-elements Ground-look Sutra when Zhang Tie promoted to a shadow knight. The five halos were respectively yellow, silver, water blue, grass green and fiery. They covered Zhang Tie, all linked with one another. At the same time, they formed a new protective ring outside the protective sword wind.

Everything had its limits. Although Five-elements Ground-look Sutra was only the most average viscount-level secret sauce and would not bring people too much surprise until one promoted to a black iron knight, after promoting to a shadow knight, one would also have a virtual image——Five-elements Rings which he could be used to fight like all the others who cultivated other secret sauces.

Nevertheless, the Five-elements Rings were not used to attack but to defend…