1419 - 1427

Chapter 1419: The Rainbow

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The shadow iron-armored demon knight launched its powerful battle qi towards Zhang Tie, breaking the greater part of the fiery halos which was flying around Zhang Tie.

Its strike carried a strong, sharp sense, which belonged to the attribute of gold. Fire was contradictory to gold. Therefore, it was the fiery halos that Zhang Tie used to defend the iron-armored demon knight's strike.

Bearing the iron-armored demon knight's battle qi strike, Zhang Tie's fiery halos rocked, yet not collapsed. At the same time, the green wood halos sped up to generate fire so as to stabilize the fire halos. The water halos then injected great energy into the wood halos in order to offset the missing energy in the wood halos. At the same time, the water halos gained energy from the gold halos. Therefore, when the sharp qi and energy passed to Zhang Tie's gold halos, step by step, it had been completely diffused. Not only that, Zhang Tie's gold halos even expanded a bit, further strengthening the defense of the Five-elements Rings…

All this happened within a millisecond. In the principle of mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements, the Five-elements Rings could well protect Zhang Tie in terms of 5 shields around Zhang Tie. It was a complex process. In a split second, they might have attacked and defended for dozens of times as the Five-elements Rings had adjusted for dozens of times too.

For now, the most peripheral part of Zhang Tie was the five colorful rings. Being close to the Five-elements Rings was the invisible protective sword wind, followed by Zhang Tie's shield and protective battle. Such an amazing defensive power would disappoint any opponent in the combat, including that shadow iron-armored demon knight. Before Zhang Tie "promoted to a shadow knight", the shadow iron-armored demon knight's battle qi could still reach Zhang Tie's protective battle qi and might break it. However, after Zhang Tie aided the Five-elements Rings, the strikes of that shadow iron-armored demon knight could almost reach Zhang Tie's shield.

With the appearance of the Five-elements Rings, Zhang Tie immediately took the wind.

Gradually, those Taixia knights above Xuanyuan Fortress started to shout in unison, "Zhang Tie", "Zhang Tie", "Zhang Tie" as loud as battle drumbeats. In such exclamations, the Devour Dragon incarnated into a huge sword in Zhang Tie's hand once again while much more powerful sword qi involved that iron-armored demon knight in like a great river in the air.

Previously, Zhang Tie had already exerted the power of his sword to its utmost on the level of earth knight after getting the essence of sword song, swordsmanship and awakening the ancestral blood concerning blood when he could already kill a shadow demon knight in its 6 change realm, not to mention now; after promoting to a shadow knight, of course, Zhang Tie's swordsmanship had also promoted to the shadow knight level. On that level, Zhang Tie's swordsmanship improved at least two times in power and change.

The moment Zhang Tie lashed his sword, the surging sword qi had reached over 10,000 m away. It shattered the clouds, causing moisture to rise in the air. As a result, wind, frost, rain and snow appeared alternatively. When the sword qi fell onto the ground, it caused a trench which lasted hundreds of meters long. The power of this swordsmanship was absolutely out of the imagination of commoners.

At this moment, in the eyes of all the onlookers, Zhang Tie's sword was not releasing sword qi or light, but stars over the sky, rising and falling sun and moons, vicissitudes of the fortune and the picturesque landscape…

All the human knights who were obsessed with swordsmanship above Xuanyuan Fortress were fascinated by this scene.

Facing such a powerful change, the shadow iron-armored demon knight in its 9 change realm who was oppressing Zhang Tie just now in an overbearing manner had lost its popularity as it had already declined to a common meteor among the other bright stars over the sky, the shadow of the rising or falling sun and moons, the aging one as time went by and a gloomy corner in the picturesque landscape…

It was not because the shadow iron-armored demon knight who was in its 9 change realm was not powerful, but because its opponent was so unrivaled that made it dwarfed.

When all the onlookers were obsessed with the combat, the fight abruptly ceased while all the sword qi and light disappeared in a split second. As a result, the "vast landscape" faded away. Zhang Tie was standing still arrogantly in the air with the bloody head of the shadow iron-armored demon knight in hand.

The body of the shadow iron-armored demon knight had long been shattered.

At this moment, Zhang Tie broke the dense dark clouds where they fought, causing a crack. The sunlight then penetrated through the crack, casting onto Zhang Tie. A beautiful rainbow that should never manifest in this season appeared in the rising, changeable vapor above the west bank of Weishui River.

Standing below the rainbow and holding the bloody head of the shadow demon knight, Zhang Tie was like a deity.

At the same time, the sunlight which had broken through the clouds also cast onto a corner in the demon camp.

"Mom, look, rainbow…" An 8-9-year-old Hua boy who was withstanding the cold in his mother's arm raised his faint hand and pointed at the rainbow while a hopeful light flashed across his eyes which were full of despair.

"Yes, that's rainbow, that's rainbow…" The mother who was emaciated and had a sallow expression raised her head and threw a hard glance at the sky in daze.

The wisp of warm light that penetrated through clouds also attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of Hua captives in demon camp. They looked up at the rainbow which could never happen in winter.

'Is that the comfort from the deity or the collective illusion before death?'

Some Hua civilians started to kneel down and pray…

"Mom, can…can we survive?" The little boy asked hesitantly.

"Yes, we can. Have you seen that rainbow? We will survive on…" The mother tightly huddled up her boy as she burst out tears of hardship.

With eyes closed, Zhang Tie was quietly absorbing the wind chakra of the shadow iron-armored demon knight which was about to collapse. After quite a few minutes, Zhang Tie opened his eyes and threw a glance at the demon camp. Closely after that, a sadness appeared in his eyes. Zhang Tie closed his eyes once again. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes again and peered at the demon camp, roaring, "Who else?"

Zhang Tie crumbed the demon knight's head as his sound drifted across the air like a dull thunder. Over 100,000 demon knights became pretty quiet at this moment…

Chapter 1420: The Bloody Pledge of the Demon God

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Sagus' eyes turned completely red. Even his mask couldn't cover his burning eyes and anger.

In the fight for honor, Zhang Tie won all the three rounds and killed 3 shadow demon knights above Weishui River in the public. Demon army had not experienced such a huge strike and frustration since they started this invasion.

Of course, this frustration was caused by Zhang Tie.

Even a shadow iron-armored demon knight in its 9 change realm, a reliable subordinate of Sagus had been beheaded by Zhang Tie. The only thing that Sagus wanted to do at this moment was to kill Zhang Tie at any price. The later it got, the harder it would be to kill him. Because Zhang Tie's overall strength was strengthening day by day; additionally, Zhang Tie might not appear at battlefield any more from today on. If it let Zhang Tie go today, it would mean a great loss for all the demon knights.

Sagus' mentality at this moment was like those gamblers who had lost their mind after losing many rounds in the gambling house.

"Do you want to continue? Now that you're already able to kill our shadow knight in its 9 change realm who couldn't even break your safety cover, I've got some heavenly knights for your choice. What about your condition…"

Sagus' words, which were full of killing intent, could be heard by everyone at present. This time, Sagus put it straightforwardly without even civilities.

Zhang Tie didn't speak; instead, he took out a colorful vial of medicament from his portable space-teleportation equipment and bottomed it up under the furious gaze of Sagus.

"I've already got space-teleportation equipment, silver secret items and rarities that demons could discover in the Earth-elements Realm, what else do you have that is worth my life?" Zhang Tie asked calmly.

"Even though you've got so many rewards, you could get more. Go ahead, what's your condition?"

"I wanna know which heavenly demon knight tried to assassinate me outside Anxi City, Xinglin Prefecture, Military Province?"

Soon after Zhang Tie's words, an over 4 m high heavenly wing-demon knight who was purple-gold all over with a longhorn in demon lord crown flew out as it gazed at Zhang Tie above the main nestle-shaped demon battlefortress while its magisterial qi rushed into the heavens.

"It's me, Prince Antorier from the Department I of wing demons under the affiliation of abyss king who tried to assassinate you outside Anxi City!" That heavenly wing-demon knight watched Zhang Tie icily as it said in a pretty pretentious way, "Pitifully, you escaped away. I just killed your substitute. You should really take a look at how I shattered your substitute into foams, hahahaha! Do you want to avenge on your substitute? I'm here. It feels so bad that you escaped away last time, let me smash you here today…"

Antorier knew what Sagus was thinking about. Therefore, he started to stimulate Zhang Tie. Additionally, Antorier had already located Zhang Tie spiritually. Because all the heavenly demon knights had already received Sagus' order just now. If Zhang Tie didn't accept the challenge, demon knights would launch an all-out assault. In the coming dogfight, they had to kill Zhang Tie; they could never let that human knight who had killed three shadow demon knights become a hero among humans.

If Zhang Tie agreed, Antorier would kill Him in the coming fight for honor; if Zhang Tie didn't agree, Antorier would also kill him in the dogfight among human knights and demon knights——heavenly wing demon knights excelled at flight. As long as Antorier kept its eyes on Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie could never escape today.

After Zhang Tie won the third round, another large-scale battle between human and demon knights had been brewing above Weishui River.

On the side of Xuanyuan Fortress, Zuoqiu Mingyue had already issued an order to his heavenly knights and shadow knights to be ready for the coming large-scale battle through secret means.

"As long as the large-scale battle breaks out, save Zhang Tie and cover him so that he could evacuate from the battlefield. As long as Zhang Tie could survive today, demons would not take too much advantage today, and we would be the final winner…"

"Is it necessary for us to have over 100,000 human knights of Taixia Country fight demon knights only to save one human knight?" Ning Taisheng asked as his eyes sparkled.

After hearing Ning Taisheng's words, Zuoqiu Mingyue was driven mad as he pointed at Ning Taisheng with shiny eyes and said icily, "If I heard similar words again from you, I will behead you here in the crime of vilifying general. Even if you escaped to the imperial palace, I could also bring your head out of there. Do you want a try?"

Ning Taisheng changed his face abruptly as he had not imagined that Zuoqiu Mingyue who used to treat him politely could be so merciless at this moment.

Ning Taisheng didn't know that his words had already touched the commander-in-chief's bottomline. Zuoqiu Mingyue would never be hesitant on this issue, neither would he care about Ning Taisheng's identity as the the employed elder of imperial households.

When Zuoqiu Mingyue spoke to Ning Taisheng, he had already isolated the region where those heavenly human knights were using his battle qi. Therefore, only some heavenly knights on his side could hear the dialogue between the two people.

"Zhang Tie is fighting for the country. Without his efforts, demons would also fight us. If we want to drive demons out of Taixia Country, we should also carry out an all-out battle with demons. How could you say that we are fighting demons only for Zhang Tie? If Zhang Tie was killed and we stayed still today, the morale of over 100,000 human knights of Xuanyuan Fortress would wane. Taixia Country would lose the war for sure. Elder Ning, what you said just now is really improper…" A heavenly knight on Zuoqiu Mingyue remined Ning Taisheng.

Seeing that all the surrounding heavenly human knights were watching him unsatisfactorily, Ning Taisheng's face turned gloomy. He remained silent and watched Zhang Tie in the center of the battlefield without emotion.

However, it appeared that Zhang Tie had already made his decision.

"Fine, I agree to start a fight for honor with Antorier!" Zhang Tie's words drifted across the battlefield, "However, I don't need your rarities this time. I have another condition."

"Go ahead!" Sagus replied with an amazement.

"If you want me to agree with you, you have to make a bloody pledge of the demon god. Demon army have to retreat 300 miles after this battle, allowing over 200 million Hua civilians to return to Taixia Country safe and sound…"

"Hahaha, anything more?" Sagus burst out into laughter. The lives of over 200 million Hua civilians couldn't even match a space-teleportation equipment in its eyes. Sagus felt that Zhang Tie must be foolish or insane. It thought such a condition was extremely preposterous for a powerful human knight.

"One more. If I defeat Antorier, I hope demon army not to force Taixia civilians to die for demons in any corner and nook of Taixia Country. Even in the holy war, each party should have its own bottomline and rules to comply with. If I lose the battle, the second condition would be ineffective…"

Sagus felt like listening to something unlikely just as all the other demon knights. A human knight wanted to make a rule for the demon army? That's ridiculous!

"Are you making a rule for the demon army?"

"Yes, I'm making a rule for the demon army at the cost of my life, do you dare to accept?" Zhang Tie put it straightforwardly.

"What if I disagree?" Sagus said icily.

Zhang Tie revealed a faint smile, "I know you've already had Antorier keep its eyes on me. You could try whether I have other secret sauces or could survive this battlefield. If you disagree, I swear to intrude your territory and pay back you with 10 times more what you've done to Taixia civilians after I leave out of here. If you kill 200 million civilians here today, I will slaughter 2 billion demon civilians in your territory one day…"

Pay back demons with 10 times more what they had done to Taixia civilians? All the human and demon knights on both banks of the Weishui River were shocked by Zhang Tie's heroic promise.

Sagus kept its eyes on Zhang Tie. Nobody else knew what it was scheming at this moment. The battlefield recovered its silence for 2 mintues.

Zhang Tie just waited for Sagus' reply, standing arrogantly at the battlefield.

"Okay, I agree!" Sagus replied. Closely after that, Sagus took off its gloves as it cut a wound on its palm using its fingernail, sending some blood flying in the air in front of Sagus. The blood gave out a weird glow, forming a rune in the shape of a strange devil face. "I, Sagus makes my pledge of honor in the name of the demon god and my bloodline. In the following fight for honor, if Zhang Tie the human knight of Taixia Country undergoes a fight for honor with Antorier face-to-face, as Zhang Tie has said, I will comply with the agreement between him and I; If I violate this agreement, the demon god will deprive all of my glory, having my chakras collapse in the void along with my life…"

After making this bloody pledge, the strange rune composed of blood turned brighter abruptly, covering Sagus and finally entering Sagus' body…

Chapter 1421: Fighting the Heavenly Demon Knight

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Watching the shiny bizarre rune of blood entering Sagus' body, Zhang Tie finally revealed a smile.

He finally brought Sagus into the largest pit step by step.

This was what Zhang Tie wanted. He not only wanted to save over 200 million innocent Hua captives but also didn't want to see helpless Taixia civilians on the battlefield from then on. Otherwise, demons and Heavens-reaching Church of Three-eyes Association would bring another 200 million Hua captives to clean out mines after today, and there would be no end.

It was easy for him to save 200 million people; however, it was not easy for demons to not repeat the same holocaust. Zhang Tie knew that Sagus must not agree if this condition took effect whether he won or lose the battle, at least it would be hesitant and weigh the advantages and disadvantages; however, if this condition was taken as a bet, as the demon army didn't need to comply with this rule unless he defeated the heavenly demon knight, Sagus would have a chance to win the bet, though risking a heavenly demon knight's life. If Zhang Tie was killed by the heavenly demon knight, his life would only be compensated with the freedom of 200 million civilians' lives. After that, Sagus would not suffer the threat from Zhang Tie anymore. Even though they left over 200 million Hua captives to Taixia Country, demons could carry more constantly from the rear end.

However, as Zhang Tie had another identity——Gorath, the black-robed knight, whose moons-demon miasma could frighten demons, demons would not turn all the Hua captives into demonized puppets before having them clean out mines here. Otherwise, demons would bring about a dangerous barrier to themselves in front of their own army, which would absolutely be more destructive than incendiary mines in front of them.

In Sagus' opinion, that heavenly demon knight could at least have 60-70% odds to kill Zhang Tie. It thought that Zhang Tie had already exposed all of his trump cards. No matter what, Zhang Tie could never kill a heavenly demon knight; even if he had some other trump cards, he could only increase his odds to escape. The gap between a shadow human knight and a heavenly demon knight was absolutely many times greater than that between an earth human knight and a shadow demon knight, not to mention that Zhang Tie had just promoted to a shadow knight. If Zhang Tie could really escape, the prestige that he had established in this fight for honor would collapse; Sagus would not comply with the bet, which meant that it could continue to push Hua civilians onto the battlefield in the future.

As long as Zhang Tie didn't kill that heavenly demon knight in the fight for honor, Sagus would not lose its ground and this bloody pledge would lose its effect. This was also why Sagus dared make a bloody pledge of the demon god.

Bloody pledge of the demon god had a great constraint on each demon knight. It carried a strength of rule that demons believed in. Unless Sagus hoped to die along with its chakras, this bloody pledge had to be followed by all the demons in Taixia Country in the future.

As abyss king, Sagus was not stupid; instead, it was far-sighted; however, it couldn't imagine that Zhang Tie was a divine dominator.

What's the odds for a knight to be a divine dominator? During the 900 years after the Catastrophe, there had been many knights; however, there was only one divine dominator who was like a flash in the pan in the second holy war between humans and demons——the legendary King Fairy Sea who had disappeared.

The odds for Zhang Tie to be a divine dominator was definitely lower than that of hitting the jackpot. It was so normal that Sagus couldn't guess that point as the odds was one in a million. Otherwise, Sagus would be a deity, rather than a sage-level demon knight.

After killing that shadow iron-armored demon knight in its 9 change realm, everything was sliding along the track preset by Zhang Tie smoothly. All the fights today that Zhang Tie designed was for this ultimate target.

If Sagus agreed with his condition, Zhang Tie had to fight that heavenly demon knight at his full efforts and had to expose his ability as a divine dominator.

If Sagus disagreed with him and would like to kill him by force illegitimately, Zhang Tie would also expose his ability as a divine dominator and give an unforgettable lesson to the demon army for the rest of their lives. Because he had to let all the demon knights and Sagus know that it was a divine dominator who threatened to avenge them if they killed innocent people in Taixia Country, instead of a common knight.

Someone's death was as light as a stick of feather; someone's death was as heavy as Mount Tai. Each person's life was priceless, yet could be measured. So was one's secrets.

If Zhang Tie didn't expose his secret as a divine dominator at this moment, his ability as a divine dominator might save his single life or bring him huge benefits at another time and in another place. Zhang Tie had considered whether to expose this secret as divine dominator for his own sake; however, when he recalled the miserable shrieks of hundreds of millions of Hua captives and that mother and her baby who had been burned into ashes by incendiary mines which he had invented, the hesitation and selfishness in Zhang Tie's mind dispersed immediately. Nothing could alter Zhang Tie's decision anymore.

He would not care about the upcoming troubles and dangers on him anymore.

In a difficult time, it was a knight's destiny to fight demons for the countrymen.

Zhang Tie stayed calm inside at this moment. He didn't feel any tension or restlessness because of the coming dangerous duel. Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of human knights and demon knights, Zhang Tie took off that string of remote-sensing communication finger rings from his neck as he sent a message to his elder brother, Bai Suxian and Yan Feiqing respectively.

After doing that, Zhang Tie watched the demon prince who had been over 10,000 m away as he said with a smile, "Let's start…"

Heavenly knights' value could be judged by the word "heavenly".

Heavenly knights were heavens among knights which all the other knights must look up at!

Antorier's killing intent surged as all the snowflakes above Weishui River disappeared at this moment.

Soon after Zhang Tie's words, Antorier had already advanced 10,000 m and launched its attack towards Zhang Tie in an overwhelming way like Mount Tai.

When attacking Zhang Tie, Antorier was teleporting as fast as a lightning bolt, causing it to loom in the air. Each time it showed up, it had already marched 1,000 m forward.

The irresistible Five-elements Rings facing the strike of the former shadow demon knight in its 9 change realm collapsed immediately this time.

The strike of the heavenly demon knight had already surpassed the maximal bearing capacity of the Five-elements Rings. In front of great power, the mutual promotion and restraint between five elements didn't work anymore.

After the Five-elements Rings collapsed, Zhang Tie's protective sword wind also collapsed. However, Antorier's overwhelming strike still failed to hit Zhang Tie's body.

Because Zhang Tie had already disappeared from where he stood and was already rushing towards the heavenly demon knight.

A shadow human knight launched a counterattack towards a heavenly demon knight.

Zhang Tie always improved his battle skills by fighting Yan Feiqing in the tower of time; therefore, he knew the terrifying battle strength of a heavenly demon knight. Zhang Tie's gold spear was not that threatening to a heavenly demon knight. In this case, the strike of his gold spear was only equal to a strike of a heavenly knight. Of course, a heavenly knight couldn't be killed by another heavenly knight only by one strike. It was a lasting wrestle between two heavenly knights' fight on tenacity and battle strength. In such a battle, even if Zhang Tie threw out all the gold spears that he got from Castle of Black Iron in one day, he might still not cause a fatal strike to Antorier. Therefore, close combat was necessary for him to win Sagus' bet by killing Antorier. Only by constant kinetic strikes in close combat could he get the chance to kill the heavenly demon knight.

The first strike of Antorier had already caused over 20 fine wounds on Zhang Tie's body after breaking his Five-elements Rings and protective sword wind while its sharp and ferocious battle qi was like spines and sabers that could even break through his protective battle qi, spraying his blood over the air…

However, Zhang Tie didn't feel the pain at all; instead, he just kept his eyes on Antorier's shadow.

Of course, Antorier was not teleporting and jumping in the air. The effect of teleport was caused by its super high moving speed, plus its weird movements——over 7 times that of the speed of sound.

Average wing demons used light weapons such as spines or forks; however, Antorier used a pair of a golden, heavy hammer.

The two figures soon approached to 1,000 m from each other.

"Go to hell…" Antorier roared as it fleered. At the same time, it swung its hammers at Zhang Tie with a greater battle qi.

Right then, Zhang Tie's eyes shone…

When Antorier's second wave of strike was about to fall on Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie immediately disappeared from its vision, leaving Antorier's hammer strike in vain, like how Antorier disappeared in the public before.

Zhang Tie almost increased his flight speed in a split second by over 20 times, reaching more than 8,000 m per second.

At the same time, the mallet weighing 18.8 tons that Sagus gave Zhang Tie just now appeared in his hand…

"Go die…" Zhang Tie widely opened his eyes out of fury as he swung the mallet towards his opponent along with his blood.


Being struck by hundreds of billions of Joule energy in a split second, the low yet dense dark clouds in the sky of the battlefield revealed many strange shapes by this heavy impact wave like a domino…

One mallet's strike shocked the world!

All the human knights and demon knights in the battlefield were left dumbfounded…

Chapter 1422: Killing the Heavenly Demon Knight

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie moved too fast; his first kinetic strike was completed within milliseconds.

Within such a short period, only powerhouses above heavenly knight-level among the two camps could see Zhang Tie's movement clearly; even shadow knights didn't know what happened at that moment. They were just shocked by the destructive power of Zhang Tie's kinetic strike.

Precisely, Zhang Tie's flight speed was 8,221 m/s, which was higher than 24 times the speed of sound. At that speed, with a secret item weapon weighing 18,800 kg, Zhang Tie's kinetic strike released as high as 640 billion Joule energy in a split second, a new height as a divine dominator since he promoted to a shadow knight.

640 billion Joule energy was equivalent to the explosive power of over 150 tons of TNT.

When he exterminated the leading battleship of the expedition fleet of Sacred Light Empire, his kinetic strike released tens of billions of Joule energy; by contrast, he released hundreds of billions of Joule energy today, which meant a new high in level and energy.

The improvement in the kinetic strike could already bring a disastrous, terrifying outcome to that heavenly wing-demon knight.

Even so, Antorier could still sustain Zhang Tie's huge rod by its hammers; however, Antorier's protective battle qi was torn apart in a split second. At the same time, it fell onto the ground all the way from the sky like a meteor.

Antorier's fall caused a huge pit of hundreds of meters in diameter and depth; its great shock and impact wave caused the hard and icy ground to rise and fall like waves on the sea. As a result, snow within thousands of meters on the ground was sublimed immediately.

'Divine dominator! Only a divine dominator could have such a terrifying speed and striking strength!'

Zuoqiu Mingyue and Sagus almost understood Zhang Tie's trump card immediately. All the heavenly human and demon knights figured out the reason for Zhang Tie's terrifying strike.

Closely after the first kinetic strike, before Antorier flew out of the huge pit, Zhang Tie had entered the huge pit at a speed which was 20 times more than the speed of sound before launching the second kinetic strike towards the center of the huge pit.

The great impact wave shook the ground within 600 miles. Before the rise and fall of the ground caused by the first wave stopped, another billow had been aroused. In addition to that, a huge fireball, thousands of meters in diameter, rose up from the center of the huge pit. The entire ground was shaking like that in an earthquake. The "hurricane" impact wave instantly cleaned everything within 6,000 m on the earth…

Antorier rushed out of the rising hot "sun" like a lightning bolt.

However, at this moment, Antorier didn't look like a demon prince anymore. Zhang Tie's two kinetic strikes broke Antorier's horn and a pair and a half of its purple-gold feathers; Antorier was covered with wounds, hands bleeding, crown off.

In this case, the heavenly demon knight had to exert its utmost; otherwise, it would lose its life. It had realized that it was facing a terrifying divine dominator; instead of a genius shadow human knight.

If a heavenly knight was the heavens among knights, a divine dominator was the dominator among knights.

There was sage-level knight above heavenly level; however, there might not be a dominator among hundreds of thousands of knights.

At this moment, a brilliant light appeared on Antorier, in which, Antorier increased its speed once again. Meanwhile, 6 pairs of huge wings appeared behind it like a virtual image. When it flapped its wings, an irresistible battle qi storm that could tear apart everything appeared on its side over 1,000 m in diameter. In the storm, its battle qi turned into wing-shaped blades and moved as fast as lightning bolts with the aiding effects of cracking, cutting, freezing, lightning and corrosion. Antorier was covered in that battle qi storm.

This special skill was the prototype and template of the realm of a sage-level knight that Antorier had just got——"storm space". It was Antorier's trump card. Ordinary shadow knights would instantly be torn apart into pieces the moment they entered this space.

Zhang Tie flew out of the pit towards Antorier like a sharp sword rushing into the sky; three shields which were all silver secret items were flying around him like satellites…

When they collided, Antorier growled in great lightning bolts and sparkles as it swung its hammers downwards Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie kept teleporting in the air to dodge Antorier's attack; instead of bearing the latter's strike using his shields, using his advantage in speed. Meanwhile, he approached Antorier and intruded into Antorier's "storm space".

Zhang Tie's shields blocked off tens of thousands of wing-shaped battle qi blades in the storm. However, as there was a sea of tiny battle qi blades in the air, some sharp blades finally penetrated through the gaps of the three shields, tearing apart Zhang Tie's protective sword wind before falling onto his body.

Those sharp battle qi blades contained bizarre battle qi of the heavenly demon knight. They then penetrated through Zhang Tie's protective battle qi like water drops that permeated a piece of sponge, leaving over 100 wounds on Zhang Tie's body, large or small.

Ordinary knights might have been killed by over 100 wounds. Without so many iron-body fruits that Zhang Tie had taken, any battle qi blade of the heavenly demon knight would have already penetrated through his body.

Being heavily injured, Zhang Tie didn't even frown; instead, with fiery eyes, he kept his eyes closely on Antorier with a strong battle will.

A battle qi blade lacerated Zhang Tie's left face, which lasted from Zhang Tie's eyebrow to his chin. The deepest 4 cm wide wound was on his leg, which was constantly struck by three battle qi; from outside, he could directly see his bone through that wound.

A harp battle qi blade flew by Zhang Tie's right ear, cutting off a 5 m long piece tidily.

In a split second, Zhang Tie had been soaked in blood as if he had just broken through a bloody rain.

It was out of Antorier's imagination that Zhang Tie could be so valiant. 'It seems that Zhang Tie has already determined his mind to kill me even risking injuries.'

Zhang Tie swung his rod towards Antorier without demur.


After swinging his rod onto Antorier's hammers again, Zhang Tie broke Antorier's protective battle qi for the second time. Under such great kinetic energy, Antorier's bloody hands and one of his wings were vaporized in a split second. Spurting out blood, Anotorier's hammers had long been sent flying away. From thousands of meters high in the air, Antorier was further sent upward by Zhang Tie's third kinetic strike.

Zhang Tie's protective battle qi couldn't defend a heavenly demon knight's strike; similarly, Antorier couldn't bear Zhang Tie's kinetic strike either.

Zhang Tie caught up with Antorier as fast as a lightning bolt once again, ascending their battlefield from thousands of meters high to tens of thousands of meters high at once…

His eyes had been filled with blood coming from the wounds on his face, Zhang Tie found the whole world was bloody.

The heavenly demon knight's battle qi was definitely unusual. Even though Zhang Tie had already contracted his muscles and blood vessels, he couldn't stop bleeding. Some wounds had already started to fester.

At this moment, Zhang Tie only had one firm belief——victory!

'I have to kill Antorier as fast as possible at any cost…'

'As long as I killed Antorier, the bloody pledge of the demon god that Sagus had made would officially take effect.'

As a divine dominator, Zhang Tie actually had more than one solution to tackle Antorier's battle skills. However, all the solutions required a very long time, which was the last thing that Zhang Tie would like to spend at this moment. The longer they fought, the more dangers there would be; because he had already exposed his identity as a divine dominator.

Therefore, Zhang Tie selected the fiercest and most efficient combat mode. Zhang Tie knew that he had already suffered wounds; however, he was clear that Antorier's wounds were even severer than that of his; additionally, after each kinetic strike, Antorier's protective battle qi would become thinner than before even though it could release its protective battle qi. In this case, Antorier could never stand too long.

As his blood was gurgling all over his body, Zhang Tie kept his eyes closely on Antorier. At the same time, Zhang Tie constantly transported all-purpose medicament into his mouth from Castle of Black Iron, converting the energy of all-purpose medicament into his blood and moisture.

Zhang Tie had a variety of medicaments; however, all-purpose medicament had the least side effect in this case, which could help Zhang Tie stand longer in such a fierce battle.

It was difficult to find any complete palm-sized skin on his body.

With another "boom", Zhang Tie completed his 9th kinetic strike, also the last time at over 100,000 m high in the air.

In the dazzling light, Antorier, a heavenly demon knight in its 4 change realm, also a demon prince under the affiliation of abyss king dispersed in the air with its unwilling growl…

Chapter 1423: A Legend

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie killed the demon knight by rod through 9 kinetic strikes above the bank of Weishui River, who was the first heavenly demon knight to be killed in this holy war…

Many human knights below shadow knights didn't know what happened until then.

Zhang Tie and Antorier moved too fast and fought too ferociously. Many onlookers had been confused about the battle situation since Zhang Tie exposed his secret as a divine dominator. Later on, they were shocked by the effect of the great kinetic strikes. They all watched the impact waves that spread across the battlefield and the combat as dazzling as the sun in the air in a daze out of amazement…

Many earth knights and black iron knights were still confused when they saw Zhang Tie alone in the air——What happened? How could Zhang Tie look so poor? Where's the heavenly demon knight?

Compared to the dumbfounded look of low-level knights, many knights above shadow-level had already known what happened on the battlefield when Zhang Tie launched the second and the third kinetic strikes towards Antorier.

——Zhang Tie is a divine dominator!

Watching Zhang Tie completely suppressing the heavenly demon knight by bashing the latter from the sky to the ground, then from the ground to the sky, Feng Yexiao of Taiyi Fantasy Sect had completely turned pale; additionally, he was quivering all over. Not until then did Feng Yexiao know why Zhang Tie was always so pretentious and didn't respect him, a shadow-level elder of Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Because Zhang Tie was a divine dominator, the dominator of knights.

Although Taiyi Fantasy Sect was powerful, it didn't have a divine dominator.

Compared to the dumbfounded look of many low-level knights above Xuanyuan Fortress, Sagus gritted its teeth with bloody eyes after seeing the power of Zhang Tie's 2nd kinetic strike. It finally understood that it had been leading to the trap preset by Zhang Tie step by step since the beginning.

Zhang Tie was always hiding his most powerful trump card.

When Zhang Tie entered Antorier's "storm space" and sent it flying upwards, Sagus had already seen the result of this duel. At the same time, it made a decision.

"Zhang Tie is a divine dominator. Antorier could barely win this battle. No matter what, Zhang Tie has to die today even if he wins the battle. As long as we could kill Zhang Tie, we would be the winner of this battle and get back all the losses. The moment Zhang Tie kills Antorier, we will launch a strike to kill him…" Sagus told the other 8 heavenly demon knights on its side with a furious look.

All the 8 heavenly demon knights then kept their eyes on Zhang Tie.

"All knights, be ready for the fight…" Zuoqiu Mingyue also issued an order when Zhang Tie launched his 3rd kinetic strike towards Antorier.

Watching the dazzling sun and recalling how Zhang Tie urged him for saving those Hua captives in the demon camp that day, Zuoqiu Mingyue sighed inside, 'Are you doing all this for those Hua captives?'

When Antorier dispersed in the dazzling light of Zhang Tie's kinetic strike, the clarino spread over 600 miles above the demon camp. At the same time, over 100,000 demon knights released their battle qi smokes and tornadoes as they accelerated towards Xuanyuan Fortress like a black tide in an overwhelming way.

Besides demon knights, many wing demons also flew off and charged at the defense line of Weishui River in an overwhelming way from the flanks of the demon knight's army at a low altitude.

Only ground demon forces didn't move.

"Fight…" Zuoqiu Mingyue sent a simple order. In a split second, all the heavenly human knights flew off and hundreds of thousands of battle qi smokes and tornadoes rose up above Weishui River. The moment wing demons set off, all the air cavalry I planes took off from their runways at the same time in the east of Weishui River towards west bank of Weishui River in a huge formation, wuthering loudly.

Zhang Tie's killing of Antorier by the 9th kinetic strike was like a starting gun. The moment it triggered, all the demon knights and human knights had set off. In a split second, the first all-around battle between human knights and demon knights had broken out over the 600 miles wide battleline of Weishui River from over 1,000 m to over 100,000 m in the air.

After killing Antorier, Zhang Tie instantly became alert before taking a deep breath. In a split second, he had felt being aimed spiritually by 8 heavenly demon knights. However, what made Zhang Tie most alert was the sudden disappearance of Sagus; instead of being aimed spiritually by the 8 heavenly demon knights.

Even in fight, Zhang Tie was still paying head to Sagus. The moment Sagus disappeared, Zhang Tie had sensed a great danger charging at him which was about to guffaw him by opening its big mouth like a far-ancient fierce beast.

Zhang Tie instantly left the center of the battlefield at a speed about 20 times more than the speed of sound.

Not until then did Zhang Tie know the terrifying power of a sage-level demon knight. The moment Sagus moved, Zhang Tie had lost his perception of its position. Zhang Tie couldn't even sense Sagus' existence by his knight's consciousness as a shadow knight. Sagus just disappeared in the void. That was too powerful.

Zhang Tie knew that Sagus must be aiming to kill him. As it was a fight for honor just now, Sagus couldn't join the battle. However, it was a dogfight now when it was legitimate for Sagus to kill him.

When Sagus disappeared in the void, Zuoqiu Mingyue disappeared too.

After Zhang Tie left the center of the battlefield for over 10 seconds, a black shadow collided against a white shadow fiercely at tens of thousands of meters high in the air behind Zhang Tie, causing a loud boom.

The black one was Sagus the abyss king of demons; the white one was Zuoqiu Mingyue.

The two sage-level knights, also the highest rank officers of both armies officially collided above Weishui River for the first time since this holy war broke out.

In the air, Sagus in grim battle armor was shrouded by black mist, which revealed a looming, bizarre face and frame as if numerous fiends were twisting and whining and were about to charge out of there to wreak havoc and make a spree killing.

At this moment, Zuoqiu Mingyue wore a bizarre battle armor too while two bright full moons were rising up from his back. The moonlight was silvery, spreading over the ground. In the moonlight, clouds and afterglow rose up with a looming moon palace inside.

The black mist and the silvery moonlight pushed and grappled to offset each other. Neither party could gain an overwhelming advantage. In a split second, the bizarre region over 60 miles had been covered by black mist and silvery moonlight. Nobody else could access it.

"Your opponent is me…" Zuoqiu Mingyue told Sagus.

Zhang Tie's heart pounded out of tension. It had been a long time since he got this feeling last time. The destructive power of annihilating everything from the collision between two sage-level knights was out of Zhang Tie's imagination. Zhang Tie knew that it was Zuoqiu Mingyue who prevented Sagus from killing him.

"You've done too much today. You have to stay far away from the battlefield right now…" Zuoqiu Mingyue's voice sounded calm and decisive, "As long as you could survive today, we would win regardless of the result of this all-round battle…"

After hearing Zuoqiu Mingyue's words, Zhang Tie wanted to leave the battlefield right away. However, seeing so many demon knights speeding up towards Xuanyuan Fortress, Zhang Tie changed his mind.

Among the human knights above Xuanyuan Fortress, Zhang Tie saw Feng Cangwu's battle qi smoke, Tang Baohu's long sword, the huge battle formation of air cavalry I planes that set off the base in the east bank of Weishui River and heard the growls of many knights from Northeast Military Region who came to the theater of operations together with him by airboat…

Many familiar and strange faces entered Zhang Tie's vision, all of whom were rushing towards the army of demon knights without demur.

Zhang Tie roared as he instantly turned around and accelerated towards the vanguard of demon knights…

'My life is as tasteful as spirit. It's time for me to have a drink;

'A Knight's battle qi is as brilliant as a flower, which shall be open right at this moment;

When I was drunk, I would close my eyes; so what even if I withered!

That's how a real knight should be, a knight who would defend Taixia Country and its countrymen!'

Above the east bank of Weishui River, Zhang Tie led the army of human knights towards the black billow being composed of over 100,000 demon knights like an arrogant sea swallow…

At that moment, all the human knights saw Zhang Tie at his amazing speed.

'Divine dominator! Zhang Tie is a divine dominator! All the knights realize Zhang Tie's identity instantly.'

Watching the shadow in front of them, a multitude of human knights felt like crying with skyrocketing morale when they followed after Zhang Tie and roared, "Kill those b*stards…"

Heavenly demon knights' strikes arrived like a storm; however, Zhang Tie kept flying and capering in the storm like a dexterous sea swallow. With his strength in speed, he dodged from all the heavenly demon knights' strikes. Meanwhile, he approached the vanguard of demons rapidly with a golden spear in hand.

"Go die…" Zhang Tie roared as he threw out his golden spear which weighed 680 kg like a lightning bolt of judgment. The moment it left his hand, an earth demon knight over 10,000 m away had been blown up with a boom…

Chapter 1424: So What Even if It Withered

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When over 200,000 human and demon knights collided against each other, Zhang Tie had already thrown out 7 golden spears.

When the 680 kg golden spear left Zhang Tie's hand, its speed had already reached 36 times the speed of sound. Additionally, Zhang Tie triggered a master-level cracking rune effect for each spear, which would intensify the spears' lethality. As a result, 7 earth demon knights had been blown up by Zhang Tie before the two armies crashed each other…

Earth knights' protective battle qis and physical strength were to 70 billion Joule energy what common fighters were to Zhang Tie's bolts-in-palm.

Such lethality was definitely two times greater than that when Zhang Tie penetrated through the battle formation of demon knights using his Devouring Dragon. Additionally, the effective range of his kinetic strike could reach over 10,000 m away. Even earth demon knights could be killed immediately. Divine dominator's battle strength made many demon knights hopeless.

Heavenly demon knights' siege failed at once. Because each of 7 heavenly human knights had already intercepted a heavenly demon knight at battlefield respectively after Zuoqiu Mingyue blocked Sagus, including Ning Taisheng. The combats between 7 groups of heavenly knights instantly carried out at tens of thousands of meters high in the air, battering the clouds and cleaning them all…

There were 9 heavenly demon knights. With the death of Antorier and the other 7 heavenly demon knights being intercepted by 7 heavenly human knights respectively, a heavenly iron-armored demon knight was still aiming at Zhang Tie and catching up with him as if it still wanted to intercept Zhang Tie.

However, the fact proved that a heavenly iron-armored demon knight could never catch up with a divine dominator unless it was dreaming.

Although that heavenly demon knight didn't give up catching up with Zhang Tie, after some empty strikes, it had lagged far behind Zhang Tie.

After promoting to a shadow knight, Zhang Tie could manipulate water. However, water accounted for over 70% of the human body. Therefore, Zhang Tie could directly manipulate his body in flight using the ability of divine dominator, which brought him a flight speed and flexibility far greater than that brought by metal equipment and Chaos. In this case, Zhang Tie could really move freely in the air no matter how he would like to use his instinct in the ability of divine dominator.

Zhang Tie had already exerted his utmost effort, almost exposing all of his trump cards.

At this moment, Zhang Tie only had one firm belief——as long as he killed one more demon knight, he would make Taixia knights a bit more relaxed and survive more of them in the war.

After exposing his ability as a divine dominator, Zhang Tie immediately displayed his terrifying lethality to demon knights like a shark breaking into a shoal of sardines.

Zhang Tie sped up towards a shadow wing demon knight at the speed of 24 times the speed of sound. Before that shadow wing demon knight made any response, Zhang Tie's 18.8-ton rod had already bombarded the shadow wing demon knight, causing a loud sound "boom…".

The shadow wing demon knight could only reach up to the speed of sound in air, which was as slow as a crawling tortoise compared to Zhang Tie. The shadow wing demon knight couldn't even escape from Zhang Tie's strike at such a low speed.

The kinetic energy carried by Zhang Tie's huge rod could even break a heavenly demon knight's protective battle qi and severely wound the latter, not to mention the protective battle qi of a shadow demon knight. As shadow demon knight's protective battle qi and anti-striking capacity were weaker than that of heavenly demon knights, the shadow wing demon knight was destined to die facing the fatal kinetic strike.

When the impact wave started to spread over at a super high speed, the shadow wing demon knight was instantly broken into pieces.

Zhang Tie killed another shadow demon knight.

At the same time, the Devouring Dragon flashed out of Zhang Tie's sleeve. After being applied with a "cracking" effect, the sword shot out from Zhang Tie's side and torn two black iron demon knights and one earth demon knight into pieces over 2,000 m away as fast as a lightning bolt in the void…

This was not a part of swordsmanship, but the same kinetic strike.

At the speed of 8,221 m/s, the Devouring Dragon weighing 1,700 kg carried almost 100 million Joule energy, which was even greater than that of golden spears. However, being limited to Zhang Tie's control ability as a divine dominator, its striking distance couldn't reach more than 10,000 m, unlike golden spears. Even so, Devouring Dragon could also make all the black iron demon knights and earth demon knights hopeless within 2,000 m.

With Zhang Tie's manipulation, Devouring Demon was more precise for the sword than Devouring Dragon.

Devouring Dragon swam around Zhang Tie within 2,000 m like a lightning bolt, causing a blood wind and rain…

Soon after killing a shadow demon knight, Zhang Tie had targeted at another one, which was a shadow iron-armored demon knight as he flew towards the latter.

As Zhang Tie flew forward, he got golden spears out of nowhere and threw them one after another, killing earth demon knights and black iron demon knights within 10,000 m.

Zhang Tie was not flying in a straight line; instead, he chose a route that could maximize his lethality as a divine dominator.

At this moment, Zhang Tie had completely become a terrifying all-around triple battle strength output platform——The scope of the kinetic strike above 700 billion Joule energy of his huge rod within 500 m, the scope of kinetic strike above 100 billion Joule energy of his Devouring Dragon between 500 m and 3,000 m and the scope of kinetic strike about 70 billion Joule energy of his golden spears between 3,000 m and 10,000 m.

Wherever Zhang Tie passed by, demon knights would collapse and fall like tree leaves in the sky. Only after a short while, Zhang Tie had killed over 100 demon knights.

Today, those who had no insight about the ability of a divine dominator finally understood why divine dominator was called the knight of knights.

On one hand, such a killing spree skyrocketed the morale of Taixia knights; on the other hand, it made those heavenly demon knights and Sagus, who was fighting Zuoqiu Mingyue, extremely furious.

Sagus finally realized that it had made a mistake——it underestimated Zhang Tie's terrifying battle strength as a divine dominator and his trickery once again.

Even Fairy Sea King might show the white feather to him given their deterrent force to demon knights below heavenly. At least Fairy Sea King didn't use such terrifying golden spears or carry out such terrifying kinetic strikes in close combat. Additionally, Fairy Sea King was already a heavenly knight when he killed a heavenly demon knight. However, Zhang Tie had just promoted to a shadow knight today.

Facing such a terrifying divine dominator, demon knights below heavenly would escape far away from him and better not enter Zhang Tie's vision. Those who couldn't escape far away could only form a battle formation for the sake of their safety. As for Zhang Tie, such a frontline operation lasting over 600 miles composed of over 100,000 demon knights was nothing different than having him approach a holocaust.

Even though Sagus realized the mistake that it had made, it had to sustain the great loss. In this case, if the frontline operation of demon knights contracted, Taixia knights would be able to exterminate the wing demon corps in the sky.

Zhang Tie was the largest variable on Taixia's side in this large-scale battle. All the failures that demons sustained today were caused by this person.

'No matter what, Zhang Tie has to die today…'

At this moment, Sagus had determined his mind to kill Zhang Tie.

When being aimed by Zhang Tie and seeing Zhang Tie speeding up towards it, that shadow demon knight was covered with goosebumps in a split second as it started to exert its utmost effort to escape away from Zhang Tie's aim and killing intent. At the same time, a huge night owl-shaped virtual image appeared over that shadow demon knight, which was giving out glow as if it caught fire. The shadow demon knight started to escape at the speed of 2 times the speed of sound.

Demon knights were not afraid of death; however, it didn't mean that all the demon knights hoped to be killed, especially by a human knight who had much greater battle strength than them. On the battlefield, it was almost a must for all the low-level demon knights to escape from high-level human knights' chase and aim. It was not shameful to do that but a skill for battle and survival on the battlefield. Human knights and demon knights would be executed if they escaped from the strike of same-level opposite knights; however, those who escaped from higher level opposite knights would not be executed.

Whereas, no matter how hard the shadow demon knight struggled, its speed couldn't even reach 1/10 of Zhang Tie's current speed.

Zhang Tie chased all the way after that shadow demon knight, leaving broken pieces and blood of demon knights over the sky.

Watching Zhang Tie approaching it, the burning virtual image launched a strike towards Zhang Tie.

Of course, its strike was very powerful for common human knights; however, it was defused by the shields and the protective sword wind flying around Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie seemed to feel the hopeless look on the bizarre face of that night owl.

'I might be thinking too much.' Zhang Tie muttered as he brandished his huge rod…

The escaping virtual image of that shadow demon knight shattered into pieces in a split second, revealing the shadow demon knight's original look, which was sent flying away while spurting blood from eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth.

Zhang Tie was slightly shocked that he didn't kill this shadow demon knight. So what?

'If I couldn't kill it by my rod immediately, I would try it for the second time. It's nothing serious for me to have it breathe for a bit longer time…'

Zhang Tie then caught up with that shadow demon knight. In its hopeless and mad look, Zhang Tie brandished his rod for the second time without demur, collapsing its counterattack in an overwhelming manner and breaking its body into pieces…

This one was the 5th shadow demon knight that Zhang Tie killed on the battlefield today.

After losing 2 shadow demon knights and over 100 black iron and earth demon knights, demon knights finally made a response to it——batches of demon knights started to disengage from Taixia knights and form battle formations. At the same time, ground demon forces started to retreat.

More and more demon knights started to escape in all directions like escaping from the God of Death as long as they saw Zhang Tie flying towards them from over 60 miles away…

At this moment, a powerful battle qi strike approached Zhang Tie from his back. Needless to look back, Zhang Tie had known that the same heavenly demon knight had been about 10,000 m away from him once again. However, such a strike didn't have any effect except for warning him to keep a distance from it.

When the heavenly demon knight blocked Zhang Tie from returning after having a killing spree in the army of demon knights, it approached Zhang Tie rapidly with the second round of off-hand strike…

At this moment, a corps of almost 100,000 wing demons appeared on the left lower of Zhang Tie and flew towards the air zone above Weishui River like a large cloud.

The escaping shadow demon knight had brought Zhang Tie to the left flank of the demon army.

Zhang Tie threw a glance at the corps of wing demons before flying towards them without demur.

In a split second, moisture in the air had turned into snowflakes, causing snow within 10,000 m. However, the snowflakes didn't fall onto the ground, instead, they stayed in the sky and were approaching the corps of wing demons rapidly along with Zhang Tie.

It was pretty cold above Weishui River; additionally, it contained high moisture in the air. What was more, it was snowing here. Therefore, it was too easy for Zhang Tie to manipulate moisture and turn it into snowflakes using the ability of divine dominator.

Zhang Tie just had a try, but he had not imagined that hundreds of millions of crystal snowflakes would appear within 10,000 m the moment he tried it.

With Zhang Tie's control, hundreds of millions of snowflakes were rotating in the air rapidly. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tie had been surrounded by a high-speed snowstorm, where snowflakes could move at a speed over 20 times the speed of sound…

With Zhang Tie's control, those snowflakes were actually moving at a high speed along the invisible moisture in the air.

With the snowstorm, Zhang Tie broke into the formation of wing demons.

The scenario of living animals being ground at a high-speed meat grinder was similar to how Zhang Tie broke into the corps of wing demons with the snowstorm.

Snowflakes then cut through wing demons at a speed of over 20 times more than the speed of sound like blades.

There were not only a couple of blades but hundreds of millions of blades. The moment one blade disappeared, 2 more appeared; the moment 2 blades disappeared, 4 more appeared. Moisture in the air was the source of those blades, especially in such cold weather.

Each wing demon in the air was cut through by tens of thousands of such blades at the same time…

Even battle-spirit level protective battle qi could only stand a few seconds facing such terrifying snowflakes. Although this snowstorm was nothing serious for knights, it was definitely a call from the depth of hell for those who were below knights.

Could wing demons move faster than Zhang Tie? Of course not.

Red snowflakes, stinky flesh and blood fell onto the ground…

Only after a short while, the entire corps of wing demon had disappeared in the sky. Over hundreds of square miles of land was covered with black-red tint in the white snow. Looking at it from afar, people would feel goosebumps all over…

Within hundreds of miles, not a single wing demon dared approach Zhang Tie anymore.

When Zhang Tie exterminated the entire corps of wing demons, he didn't know how great of a shock did he bring to the other knights. To be honest, even Zhang Tie himself was shocked by his terrifying ability as a divine dominator. He just wanted to have a try; he didn't imagine that he could get such an amazing effect with the coordination of his great spiritual energy, his ability to manipulate water as a divine dominator and such snowy weather.

The heavenly demon knight had stopped chasing after Zhang Tie and ascended. Almost at the same time, a heavenly demon knight gave a greater strike to Ning Taisheng, sending him flying backward. So did another heavenly demon knight do it to a heavenly human knight. In a split second, the 3 heavenly demon knights had formed a 3-in-1 battle formation. When Sagus was fighting Zuoqiu Mingyue, they immediately joined the battle between two sage-level knights, emancipating Sagus from the battle in a split second.

Zuoqiu Mingyue changed his face instantly as this shift was really out of his imagination.

However, Zuoqiu Mingyue soon understood Sagus' intention.

As for a sage-level powerhouse, it could do a lot of things in a millisecond.

After emancipating itself from the battle with Zuoqiu Mingyue, Sagus aimed at Zhang Tie in a split second as it sped up towards Zhang Tie.

The 3-in-1 battle formation composed of three heavenly demon knights restricted Zuoqiu Mingyue for about 10 seconds. After that, Zuoqiu Mingyue gave out much brighter moonlight suddenly, sending the three heavenly demon knights flying backward, spurting out blood.

10 seconds were enough for Sagus to move far away from Zuoqiu Mingyue.

Almost the moment Sagus sped up towards him, Zhang Tie became alert at once. After casually throwing out a golden spear to kill another black iron demon knight over 7,000 m away, Zhang Tie immediately sped up towards Sagus at his utmost effort.

Sagus moved even faster than that when he chased after Zhang Tie last time.

Almost in a split second, Sagus had approached 30 miles behind Zhang Tie.

At this moment, a pitch-dark item that seemed to be able to absorb all the surrounding light and destroy everything with almost 1 meter in diameter suddenly appeared in Sagus' hand.

At the sight of this item, Zuoqiu Mingyue cried out in alarm as he became stagnated, "It's thunder of nirvana, watch out, Zhang Tie…"

"Previously, I planned to use it to deal with you. It seems that he would enjoy it ahead of you…" Sagus fleered while a drop of blood flew out of its finger and melted with that terrifying, destructive black ball. After that, he pointed at Zhang Tie, sending the black ball flying towards Zhang Tie.

The moment the black ball left Sagus' hand, Zhang Tie's spiritual energy had blown out. In a split second, Zhang Tie had felt that the connection between him and Castle of Black Iron was cut off by that black ball. There seemed to be an invisible line between that black ball and Zhang Tie. Being tightly bound by that invisible line, Zhang Tie couldn't return to Castle of Black Iron, causing goosebumps over his scalp.

At the clutch time, the bizarre feeling that time was about to stop occurred to Zhang Tie's mind once again.

At this moment, all the sounds in the world became blurry. Even Zuoqiu Mingyue's sound carried a bizarre, long resonance as if someone was talking in his sleep by his ears. Zhang Tie couldn't sense any human or demon knight, even the sky and the earth.

He only sensed a frightening item approaching him at a high speed.

That item moved much faster than him.

In a split second, that item had come to Zhang Tie's front.

The first shield collapsed and disappeared…

The second shield collapsed and disappeared…

The third shield collapsed and disappeared…

The fourth shield collapsed and disappeared…

The fifth shield collapsed and disappeared…

The Devouring Sword was destroyed…

The protective sword wind was destroyed immediately like an egg under a 10,000-ton hydro press…

Zhang Tie goggled and roared as he brandished his huge rod…

The huge rod was destroyed…

Zhang Tie's hands instantly broke into hundreds of pieces due to great anti-vibration, spurting blood…

Zhang Tie had not felt being so close to death. After being aimed by that item, Zhang Tie found that he couldn't even return to Castle of Black Iron…

However, Zhang Tie was not reconciled to that. He roared as his spiritual energy in mind boiled and exploded.

A thick ice wall appeared between Zhang Tie and that black ball. The molecules and crystals in the ice wall were compressed to the extreme, causing the ice wall as irresistible as steel.

The ice wall was destroyed.

7 ice walls were destroyed constantly.

The black ball finally touched Zhang Tie's protective battle qi.

The moment Zhang Tie's protective battle qi touched the black ball, he felt that the connection between his awareness and Castle of Black Iron had recovered.

In the last moment, Zhang Tie could only transfer the terrifying energy carried by that black ball into the Abyss of Elements of Castle of Black Iron…

"Hubby…" A mournful yet familiar sound subtly drifted into Zhang Tie's ears.

'My life is as aromatic as spirit. knights' brilliance is like that of a flower;'

'If I were drunk, I would have a dream. So what even if it withered!'

This was the last thought in Zhang Tie's mind. When numerous faces flashed across Zhang Tie's mind, Zhang Tie closed his eyes calmly as if he was dreaming.

A light blew out at the bank of Weishui River, brightly lighting the sky and the ground over 6,000 miles, causing it to be as white as daytime…

Chapter 1425: Waking up from a Long Dream in the Moonlight and Limpid Stream

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie thought that he was dead, at least when the blurry awareness reappeared in his mind like a sparkle swaying in wind…

When the unstable, weak awareness recovered, Zhang Tie's brain started to run again slowly and steadily like a steam engine being restarted. His cells started to recover their consciousness one after another, causing the last scene in Zhang Tie's mind before he fell asleep to be more and more vivid.

Moonlight, valley, path and bamboo wood…

A girl in a red skirt was sitting on a black-ox like a boulder, bathing the clear and bright moonlight and leisurely blowing into a green jade flute.

Sitting on the black boulder in a decent manner, the girl was like a fairy in the painting with snow-white skin and straight and smooth black hair. She was playing water with her tender feet lightly.

If death was a dreamland, Zhang Tie wished to die watching such a fascinating, beautiful face in such a picturesque dreamland.

As long as he could see that girl playing with water and blowing into the flute, sitting on the black boulder, he would have no regret even if he couldn't wake up.

The last scene in his mind undulated a bit like ripple before it melted, closely followed by a great sense of fatigue and weakness. Zhang Tie felt his head being pressed into a piece of cotton. He was sinking constantly towards the depth of the cotton, being left in dark…

It made Zhang Tie so sad that he even wanted to spurt out blood.

However, this sad feeling flashed away at once, replaced by another whim——I am still alive!

——If I was dead, I would not have such a feeling. It indicates that my body and brain are still working and returning signals to me.

Zhang Tie had a similar experience in Kalur Theater of Operations when he fought the Black Feather Corps of Sun Dynasty with the rest of Iron-Blood Camp. That time, he also thought that he was about to die; however, he finally survived.

Although being still weak physically and spiritually, when he realized that he was still alive, he burst out an irresistible will to survive himself; instead of being further deteriorated.

His "sinking" feeling gradually stopped. Zhang Tie tried his utmost effort to raise his head in the soft cotton…

At this moment, a blurry voice drifted into Zhang Tie's ears from afar…

"Don't put too much dragon marrow ointment into the blood pool. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to bear it. Only 1.86 grams between 11 am and 1 pm every day. I suggest adding some Jiuyou Life Continual Grass as an adjustment…"

Closely after this voice was another one.

"Jiuyou Life Continual Grass is feasible, but I'd better protect his meridians all over using my golden needles ahead of Jiuyou Life Continual Grass so as to make it more effective…"

Then came the 3rd voice.

"Over these days, Qianji immortal's bones are gradually healing. I suggest injecting some vital essence into his body so as to stimulate his vital essence besides using the blood pool. I've already calculated it. As Qianji immortal cultivates Five Elements Ground-look Sutra, he still has some five-elements qi left in his body. If we find a 16-year-old girl who's born on the same day and cultivates the same secret method to inject her vital essence into Qianji immortal's body, we will definitely see a miraculous effect. Born on a yang day, yang month of a yang year, his battle qi possessing the attribute of wood is yang wood. Wood reinforces one's vital essence and "fire" attribute. The moment his wood qi was reinforced, his fire qi would be opened. Heart possesses "fire" attribute. When "fire" qi rises, his heart meridian would be reinforced. After that, his physical foundation would be stabilized. Additionally, the 16-year-old virgin is purely yin, which dominates constriction. The combination of yin and yang methods would bring us a much greater effect…"

"The condition is too rigorous. I'm afraid that we could barely find a proper one…"

"Rigorous?" Another one said with discontentment, "Are those guys in Agricultural Bureau across Taixia Country good-for-nothing? The birth population is recorded in each city, each province across Taixia Country. As for what secret methods do they cultivate, I don't believe that those officials don't know that. They're humans, not pigs. After all, I've already provided the suggestion. As for whether you could find her, it's none of my business."

"Haven't you heard what Mr. Mao said? Hurry up…"

"Yes, sir…" Someone replied before leaving out of there.

After being silent for 1 minute, the one who opened his mouth first continued.

"Thanks to the constant, vital essence inside immortal's body, he could stay alive until now. Otherwise, even celestial beings couldn't save him. I've been a doctor for 100 years. It's my first time to sense such a powerful vital essence in one's body…" The very person sighed with feeling.

"Hopefully, immortal could be supremely fortunate and live through this catastrophe. That would be the great fortune of humans and the happiness of Taixia Country…"

"Good people always die earlier than evil people. F*ck! Why are good people always hapless? Why not those b*stards get struck by the thunder of nirvana? Whereas, now that he could survive the thunder of nirvana, I don't think that he would die easily…"

Hearing this dialogue, Zhang Tie tried his best to open his eyes.

However, such an extremely simple movement was as hard as lifting two 10,000-ton sluice gates for Zhang Tie.

Even so, Zhang Tie finally opened his eyelids.

After being blurry for a second, the scene in his eyes became clear.

Zhang Tie found that he was lying in a huge crystal bathtub, being immersed in some strange liquid. The pattern of the crystal bathtub and the bloody runes wandering around the crystal bathtub reminded Zhang Tie of the blood pool in Pingxi Valley, even though this one was only a bit larger than an ordinary bathtub.

The liquid in the crystal bathtub was not blood, but a bizarre herbal medicine. Although the herbal medicine felt cold, a warm qi was entering his body through his skin all over, making him very comfortable…

Zhang Tie faced a brilliant and tall dome while three elders were talking with each other on his side.

All the three elders had gray hair and beard. However, each of them was distinctive. One of them wore a uniform of imperial doctor; another one wore a white boa silk robe like a celestial being; the rest one was skinny and bald like a monkey. With a spirit-containing gourd on his back, he looked unkempt. He was the very one who asked why good people always died earlier than evil ones.

Zhang Tie's eyes fixated onto the last elder. The old man sensed Zhang Tie's eye light at once as he turned around and looked straight into Zhang Tie's eyes.

After realizing that Zhang Tie had woken up, that old man became stunned for a second. Closely after that, he became delighted and pointed at Zhang Tie, stammering, "Ahh, he's awake; he's awake; he's awake; Qianji Immortal is awake…"

The other two old men also turned around. At the sight of Zhang Tie opening his eyes, the two elders couldn't cover their ecstasy on their face…

"Where…where are…we…Xuanyuan Fortress?" Zhang Tie opened his mouth as he started to pant due to weakness.

The three elders exchanged a glance with each other. Closely after that, they became busy. The one in imperial doctor's uniform and the one in white boa silk robe held Zhang Tie's hands respectively as they started to feel Zhang Tie's pulse by putting some fingers onto Zhang Tie's wrists. As for that bald old man who carried a gourd, he directly put his palm onto Zhang Tie's chest.

10 seconds later, the three old men exchanged a glance with each other as they nodded and moved their hands away. They all felt that Zhang Tie's vitality was very weak; however, he was already recovering rapidly.

"You're not in Xuanyuan Fortress, but in Xuanyuan Hill…" The old man in the imperial doctor's uniform told Zhang Tie in a tender voice. At the same time, he turned around and told a person on his side, "Hurry, go report the crown prince that Qianji Immortal is already awake…"

A servant hurriedly left the room.

Almost at the same time, two voices sounded outside the room.



The first voice came from Yan Feiqing; the second came from Bai Suxian.

The two voices were so euphonious for Zhang Tie.

At the sight of Yan Feiqing and Bai Suxian, the three old men hurriedly stayed aside. The two beautiful faces immediately appeared in front of Zhang Tie as they pulled one of Zhang Tie's hands respectively.

Bai Suxian had long burst out into tears while Yan Feiqing's eyes turned wet too…

They both watched Zhang Tie with deep love.

Zhang Tie wanted to reply to them with a smile; however, he couldn't due to the sense of weakness and fatigue. On the contrary, he felt a bit sleepy and closed his eyes again.

"Doctors, how's my husband?" Yan Feiqing's voice sounded in Zhang Tie's ears.

"Qianji immortal is recovering his vitality. However, he's still very weak and needs more rest…" That imperial doctor said meticulously as if he was clear of Yan Feiqing's status.

"Hmm, thanks for your hard work. Please take a short rest outside. I will accompany my husband here…"

The three old men exchanged a glance with each other before leaving the room.

"You too. I alone am enough…" Yan Feiqing told Bai Suxian distantly.

"Why? I will also stay here…" Bai Suxian said stubbornly as if she was mistaken.

"You always cry. Our husband can't have a good rest. I alone am enough…"

"You…you're too much…" Bai Suxian said with a cry.

Yan Feiqing's voice remained calm and dignified, "Later on, I will be responsible for the internal affairs of our family. I've lived with him for 6 decades in the tower of time. I should be the principal wife of our husband. If you don't agree, you can fetch your dad here to argue with me. If you continue to stay here, I will throw you out of here…"

Bai Suxian was then driven out of the room by Yan Feiqing, tears over her face.

After driving Bai Suxian away, Yan Feiqing pulled one hand of Zhang Tie; put it on her face and slowly moved Zhang Tie's hand against her face as she watched Zhang Tie with deep love and grief who was already in deep sleep.

"What an idiot…" Yan Feiqing whispered to Zhang Tie as she couldn't stand to drop off tears, making Zhang Tie's palm wet…

Chapter 1426: Waking up Again

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When Zhang Tie woke up for the second time, he had recovered his spiritual and physical strength much more. Although he still felt weak, at least the feeling that his head was pressed into cotton had disappeared. Additionally, his limbs could move too. He had recovered his senses all over.

Furthermore, Zhang Tie found that he was lying on a spacious and comfortable bed in a soft gown; instead of being immersed in a crystal blood pool.

The moment Zhang Tie opened his eyes, he had seen the vermilion windows, jade roof, imperial lanterns and golden hooks and sniffed a looming, refreshing fragrance in the room.

Brilliant sunlight burst through windows as Zhang Tie heard twitters of birds outside windows.

It was so precious and nice for Zhang Tie who had experienced "death" to see warm sunlight, hear twitters of birds, sniff the refreshing fragrance and recover his senses. Zhang Tie couldn't stand to take a deep breath.

'It's so nice to be alive!'

"Ahh, husband, you're awake…"

Yan Feiqing just sat on the bedside with eyes closed. The moment Zhang Tie opened his eyes, she sensed it right away.

In a one-piece longuette and a noble, elegant and tall bun, Yan Feiqing looked decent, beautiful and charming with thin rouge over her face.

Zhang Tie struggled to get up. Yan Feiqing hurriedly knelt on the bedside by one knee as she supported Zhang Tie by one hand and put a pillow against Zhang Tie's waist so that Zhang Tie could sit up against the head of the bed. Yan Feiqing then sat beside Zhang Tie, putting her arm around Zhang Tie and having his upper body lean against her.

"Husband, how do you feel now?"

"Hmm…much better…" Zhang Tie sat up with a higher spirit.

The brilliant sunlight and twitters of birds told Zhang Tie that he didn't need to fight demons at the bank of Weishui River anymore. He wondered how long had he been in a coma.

"Qing'er, what time is it now…"

"It's March!"

After hearing Zhang Tie calling her "Qing'er", Yan Feiqing revealed a smile as her voice turned tender too.

Zhang Tie became stunned for a second. 'Does it mean that I've been in a coma for almost 100 days?'

"I've been in a coma for almost 100 days?"

"Precisely 96 days. Husband, you woke up yesterday for the first time. It's the 2nd time for you to wake up…"

"I'm in Xuanyuan Hill?"



"Husband, you were severely injured that day. It was Zuoqiu Mingyue who assigned people to send you to Xuanyuan Hill for medical treatment by airboat. I escorted you all the way here…"

"What happened that day? How am I still alive…"

"Husband, do you really not remember what happened?" Yan Feiqing watched Zhang Tie with a bizarre expression.

"I really don't remember it…" Zhang Tie replied with a bitter smile, "When that black, weird ball broke through all the obstacles and touched my protective battle qi, I thought I was destined to die and disappear both physically and spiritually. I had already closed my eyes at that moment. As for what happened in the following, I had no impression about it…"

"That's impossible. Husband, do you know how valiant you were at that moment…"

As Yan Feiqing described it, Zhang Tie gradually opened his mouth. Even though Zhang Tie himself had not imagined that he could create a chance for survival at that critical moment when he thought that he was destined to die.

In many cases, people could make physical responses using their instincts. For instance, when a father who was carrying a baby suddenly slipped down on the road, he would tighten his arms so as to protect his child with his own body as a buffering effect. That was an instinctive response of a parent at a critical moment. Here was another example, when one was suddenly touched by a spine, he or she would jump away at once. Such an instinctive response wouldn't go through one's mind; it was a natural response that everyone could own in a split second and was the accurate response that one could make in many emergencies.

Even knights had similar responses.

When the thunder of nirvana touched Zhang Tie's protective battle qi, Yan Feiqing saw a virtual image shooting out of Zhang Tie's forehead as fast as a lightning bolt and striking the thunder of nirvana, detonating it right away. At the same time, Zhang Tie seemed to have awakened an ancestral bloodline as he flew backward at a super high speed in the impact wave caused by the explosion of the thunder of nirvana. He left the most destructive region of the thunder of nirvana. Although being severely injured, he finally survived the Abyss King's special skill.

In Yan Feiqing's eyes, it was Zhang Tie's instinctive response in that case.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that it was his instinct that saved him in the split second.

Anyone would have a limit in their mind, even sage-level knights. At that critical moment, Zhang Tie could at most lead the energy carried by that black, weird ball into Castle of Black Iron. He didn't even have time to think about which trump card to use.

"The thunder of nirvana? You mean the black energy is the thunder of nirvana?" Zhang Tie asked as it was his first time to hear this term.

"Yes, nirvana is one of the most terrifying secret items in the world. Some think it's a silver secret item; some think it's even more senior than silver secret items. The thunder of nirvana made its debut in the last holy war. It's not strange that you don't know what it is, because those who know its existence are at least heavenly knights. The thunder of nirvana carries a destructive power. As long as one was aimed by it, even sage-level knights probably would be harmed, not to mention a heavenly knight. You're the first one who survived the thunder of nirvana. What's that virtual image that shot out of your forehead at that moment? How could it detonate the thunder of nirvana…" Yan Feiqing finally asked Zhang Tie out of curiosity.

As Yan Feiqing had lived with Zhang Tie for almost 60 years in the tower of time, she could ask this question. However, it was a taboo for commoners to ask about it.

After hearing Yan Feiqing's question, Zhang Tie became stunned.

'What's that virtual image that shot out of my forehead as fast as a lightning bolt? Was that a binding chain? No, how could a binding chain detonate that thunder of nirvana? What else could it be?'

Zhang Tie then looked inside with eyes closed as he found it was void and disordered inside his body. His entire body was severely injured, including his guts and meridians, the void in his qi sea and his mind sea. Bizarre strength was constantly devouring his spiritual energy and battle qi in the void of his qi sea and mind sea like a black hole in the universe. This explained why he felt weak now.

Thankfully, the portal that led to Castle of Black Iron, the All-spirits Tower and those immortal rune skills in his mind sea were still available.

Only after throwing a glance at his mind sea, Zhang Tie had known what was that virtual image that shot out of his forehead at the critical moment.

It was another Zhang Tie, the master-level mirror body separation rune that detonated the thunder of nirvana when it left his forehead.

In that case, if Zhang Tie's "duplicate" failed to detonate the thunder of nirvana, as long as that master-level immortal rune flew out of Zhang Tie's forehead, another Zhang Tie would appear in front of the public closely after that.

'At that time, because my "duplicate" had not fully manifested from its immortal rune, even though Yan Feiqing could only see a virtual image flying out of his forehead which then detonated the thunder of nirvana. It meant that I've not exposed my special skill of body separation yet.'

'Although I couldn't return to Castle of Black Iron after being aimed by the thunder of nirvana, as my master-level mirror body separation rune carried my full energy, qi and blood, it made the thunder of nirvana mistake that "duplicate" as me and detonate it in advance as a result.'

After thinking through this point, Zhang Tie felt lucky. At the same time, he had oozed sweat all over his forehead.

In that case, even though Zhang Tie was extremely smart, he couldn't realize that his master-level mirror body separation skill was the conqueror of the thunder of nirvana.

It was Zhang Tie's instinct that saved him. Actually, even Zhang Tie didn't know that his master-level mirror body separation skill could detonate the thunder of nirvana in advance even using his instinct. However, being threatened by death, Zhang Tie used his instinct to block that dangerous thunder of nirvana by one thing or a substitute that was under his control, sparing a chance for him to survive. Therefore, Zhang Tie used his instinct to release his substitute at that moment.

At the same time, Zhang Tie used his instinct to activate an ancestral bloodline automatically so that he could escape away from the central explosion zone of thunder nirvana as fast as possible.

The new ancestral bloodline being activated was "Driving Wind", precisely "Lietsi 1 's Driving Wind"!

Besides increasing Zhang Tie's flight speed in air, this ancestral bloodline could also enable Zhang Tie to move like a sail being pushed by "external forces" such as fine air flows and waves in the air. The greater strength the air flow carried, the faster would Zhang Tie fly…

This ancestral bloodline was most effective in saving people from explosions. Because the impact waves and changing air flows caused by the explosion would drive Zhang Tie away before the explosion destroyed Zhang Tie. After activating this ancestral bloodline, Zhang Tie could gain a super high speed to escape away from the most dangerous region, which was far greater than the maximal speed that he could acquire as a divine dominator.

The ancestral bloodline "Lietse's Driving Wind" consumed 2,877 bloodline energy points.

'Is that worthwile? That's too worthwhile! It saved my life!'

Zhang Tie felt lucky once again. He didn't use all the bloodline energy points to activate a single powerful bloodline, because he realized that the so-called ancestral bloodlines were just different tools. Although a single tool was composed of many levels, it was not right to say a tool was greater than the others. As long as a tool was used in the right place, the tool would be great. Therefore, Zhang Tie preferred to keep those bloodline energy points available rather than spending a great sum of bloodline energy points in some rare, expensive tools. At a critical moment, he could buy any bloodline that he needed so as to maximize the value of those bloodline energy points…

The fact proved that Zhang Tie was right.

Chapter 1427: The Current Situation

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"You don't know how terrifying you were when you survived the battlefield. You've got over 300 wounds all over, many of which led to your bones. If you were a commoner, you've long been killed…" Yan Feiqing worried.

"Over 300 wounds?"


After receiving the confirmation, Zhang Tie hurriedly put one hand into his gown and touched his crotch. Closely after that, he let out a sigh.

"What're you doing?" Yan Feiqing blinked her eyes out of amazement.

"I'm checking whether my heirloom is still there or not. It's fine. I will not spice up your life…" Zhang Tie revealed a smile as he joked. As for Zhang Tie, it was nothing different than receiving a new life. Everything in life is so nice and precious. The sunlight that shone in the window, the twitters, the fragrance and such a tender beauty whom he was leaning against, all these were so fresh and delicate. Although his wounds looked heavy, Zhang Tie didn't worry about that. As long as he was alive, he didn't need to worry about his recovery. With bloody sacrifice furnace, he could further promote to a senior recovery body. Zhang Tie was deeply convinced that his sequela caused by the thunder of nirvana could recover.

If not drunk, one didn't know the high degree of the spirit; if not in love with someone, one didn't know the importance of deep love.

'As long as I'm alive and could be drunk and love others, I would feel fortunate. As for the temporary loss of battle strength, just take it as a vacation.'

After thinking it through, Zhang Tie felt pretty good. He then put one arm over Yan Feiqing's waist and put another arm into the collar of Yan Feiqing's one-piece gown. After that, he started to squeeze her plump and tender, huge white rabbit beneath her bra.

"What're you doing…" Yan Feiqing whispered into Zhang Tie's ear as she twisted her waist. Yan Feiqing had been used to Zhang Tie's wanton behaviors in the tower of time; however, she was not used to it and felt a bit bashful about it outside.

"I'm fondling with my wife, is there any problem…" Zhang Tie answered confidently like the owner of a family. At the same time, he started to change his gimmicks, causing Yan Feiqing to quiver all over in waves, "It's so nice to be alive. Qing'er, haven't you found that your white rabbit is growing bigger and more and more plump after leaving me a few months? It's growing even bigger than that of Olina's and Linda's. In my mom's words, you must be good at delivery and have enough breast milk given your breasts. Don't even need to employ a nurse for our baby…" Zhang Tie sighed satisfactorily as he fondled with her breast, "Go ahead, what happened after I came to Xuanyuan Hill…"

Even as a heavenly knight, Yan Feiqing's dignity and indifference would also be easily crumbled by Zhang Tie's freaky hand. Therefore, Yan Feiqing could only hand her breasts to Zhang Tie's hand as she introduced Zhang Tie about the situation after he entered Xuanyuan Hill.

That was how a couple always behaved on bed.

When Zhang Tie came to Xuanyuan Hill, his military exploits at the bank of Weishui River and his identity as a divine dominator had already shocked the entire country. His wounds also aroused the concerns of people across the world. Therefore, no sooner did he come to Xuanyuan Hill than the crown prince of Xuanyuan Hill spared no efforts to arrange medical forces to save and cure Zhang Tie.

Soon after Zhang Tie was sent to Xuanyuan Hill, the crown prince had arranged people to invite Du Zhongling the medical mills immortal of Taixia Country from Mingzhou Province as soon as possible so as to save and cure Zhang Tie together with Fei Zhengtao the medical sage and imperial doctor of Taixia Country who presided over the imperial hospital of Xuanyuan Imperial Palace.

Du Zhongling and Fei Zhengtao were both significant figures in medical science in Taixia Country. Crown prince's deed displayed his concern about Zhang Tie. In addition, the crown prince delivered a notice to the rest of the world to employ nongovernmental medical experts and collect elixir who or which could cure the wounds caused by the thunder of nirvana. Not only that, the crown prince even completely opened the imperial warehouse to Zhang Tie, providing various precious herbal medicines to Zhang Tie for free. In this way, all the people across the country knew that the crown prince was sparing no efforts to save and cure Zhang Tie.

After crown prince delivered his notice to the rest of the world, Sun Tiancheng the herbal medicine king of Taixia Country also arrived at Xuanyuan Hill and requested to join the medical team for curing Zhang Tie.

Namely, the top three medical experts of Taixia Country had arrived at Xuanyuan Hill and gathered at Zhang Tie's side for his medical treatment.

Hearing Yan Feiqing's description, Zhang Tie could only force a bitter smile. Even though Zhang Tie was aware that the crown prince spared no efforts to save him in such a grand scope was helpful to the stability and improvement of His Majesty's position as a crown prince, Zhang Tie had to appreciate the kindness from His Majesty.

"Is Sun Tiancheng the old man who carried a gourd that I saw yesterday?" Zhang Tie asked Yan Feiqing.

"Yes, Sun Tiancheng the herbal medicine king is a freak talent. His expertise in medical science could even match that of Du Zhongling and Fei Zhengtao. However, this person is eccentric, playing at life and always alone. Many anecdotes that he left among the people were mysterious. After hearing that you were heavily wounded by the thunder of nirvana, he voluntarily came here to cure you, it seems that he's also a kind-hearted man…"

"How's the battle situation at the bank of Weishui River?" Zhang Tie asked with a squint as he sensed the delicacy of Yan Feiqing's breast.

"After I arrived, I saw you heavily wounded by the thunder of nirvana. Therefore, I escorted you to leave the battlefield. Later on, Abyss King was heavily wounded by Zuoqiu Mingyue. Demons didn't gain any extra advantage; instead, they suffered a great loss. Finally, they had to retreat 300 miles. The demon army didn't carry out any action since then…"

"What about the over 200 million Hua captives?"

"On the 2nd day of the battle, Zuoqiu Mingyue had assigned airboats and airships to transport them to the rear end. A few days ago, I was told that most of those Hua people had already arrived at Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory and were properly arranged by your wives…" Yan Feiqing rolled her eyes to Zhang Tie as if she blamed Zhang Tie for having too many wives.

Zhang Tie smirked, "How's Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory now?"

"Everything is normal. I've already noticed Zhang Yang about the news that you woke up yesterday. Zhang Yang would arrive at Xuanyuan Hill in 2 days!"

After hearing that Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory was normal and Sagus had kept its promise, Zhang Tie finally felt relieved.

"Do you know the most splendid scene on the battlefield above the bank of Weishui River?" Zhang Tie suddenly stopped his hand as he asked Yan Feiqing seriously.

"Although I didn't see how husband killed that heavenly demon knight by striking it 9 times with a huge rod, I could imagine how splendid it was through others' description. If Fairy Sea King was there that day, he might also feel dwarfed in front of you!" Yan Feiqing said as she watched Zhang Tie in an affectionate way.

Zhang Tie shook his head as he said, "No, it's not that scene."

"Ahh, what else then?" Yan Feiqing blinked her eyes out of amazement.

"In my heart, of course, the most splendid scene is that over 100,000 human knights heard you call me husband and watch you "the men-frightening owner of Fantasy Women Palace" take me away from the battlefield. I can't imagine how our Military God looked when he saw that…" Zhang Tie blinked his eyes as he continued, "As for me, no matter how many heavenly demon knights even sage-level knights could I kill, it would never match that willing "husband" in your mouth. It's similar to that between firefly light and the great brilliance of moonlight…"

As for Yan Feiqing, Zhang Tie's words were sweeter than the sweetest words in the world.

No sooner did Zhang Tie finish his words than Yan Feiqing shot out tender eye light as she called Zhang Tie like a spoiled daughter, "husband". At the same time, she turned soft all over as she threw herself into Zhang Tie's arms.

The entire room was then quiet. Sitting at the head of the bed, Yan Feiqing and Zhang Tie were leaning against each other, enjoying the tranquility and warmth in the room after the trouble and listening to the twitters outside the window.

However, only after being quiet for a few minutes came the pattering footsteps from outside the room. Carrying a bit of anger and arbitrariness, the footsteps destroyed their warm tranquility.

"Here comes your little princess. Hurry, move your freaky hand away…" Yan Feiqing threw a glance at Zhang Tie as she told him. At the same time, she sat up straight and well smoothened her skirt. An indifferent yet powerful qi field of heavenly knight reappeared on her.

Zhang Tie then moved his hand away with a smile. Looking at the gate, he also knew that it was Bai Suxian. Additionally, he also sighed about Yan Feiqing's change. Women were always changeable. The more powerful she was, the more changeable she would be.

Although Zhang Tie had lost his battle strength and knight's consciousness, his lotus flower's eyes still worked. Therefore, even though there was a wall in between them, Zhang Tie could still see Bai Suxian walking towards the room with a decisive yet a bit angry look.

After coming to the outside of the door, Bai Suxian looked a bit hesitant as she paused for a second. Finally, she gritted her teeth and raised her head as if "this lady was not that easily bullied"; at the same time, she pushed open the door and entered the room.

When she entered, she saw Zhang Tie smiling at her as he said, "Baby, come on over here…", sitting at the head of the bed.

Bai Suxian stopped her footsteps at once as the strong qi field that she pretended instantly collapsed. At the same time, her tears gushed out.

"Hubby…" Bai Suxian called him like a spoiled lady as she immediately threw herself into Zhang Tie's arms with tears all over her face…