262 - 269

Chapter 262 – Unexpected Reunion (3)

Theodore looked calmly at the situation before crying out once again, "…This is a ridiculously serious situation!"

The Magic Kingdom, Meltor, was proud of its tower masters, and amongst them, Tower Master Veronica was the strongest and most famous. She was a monster who could be compared with the 1st and 2nd Swords of the empire.

Veronica didn't have the physical weakness of a magician since she had inherited the blood of a red dragon. A preemptive attack from the strongest person in Meltor was nothing short of declaring a war on the whole empire.

It wouldn't be strange if a war had started immediately on the spot!

Furthermore, the Andras Empire had also sent their strongest person, the 1st Sword.

If the strongest representatives of Meltor and Andras were to fight, there would be no delaying the war any longer. Either Veronica or the 1st Sword would die, collapsing the balance of power and causing the nations to move.

"Well, don���t get too excited and listen until the end." However, Aquilo still had a relaxed expression and started to elaborate on the circumstances of that time. "It was a fairly good surprise, but neither one of them died. Apart from the 1st Sword, there was also that crown prince? He used his strange ability. It is either Distortion, Interference, or Refraction."

"Aura Ability….!"

"Anyway. Regardless of whether he knew that Red would react to that provocation, the prince hastily stepped forward. Then―"

* * *


Prince Fermut was hit in the face, giving him a nosebleed and blowing him away. If he hadn't defended with a high-density layer of aura, he would've been killed by the shock. The space distorted from mere physical force!

Perhaps he should be proud of surviving Veronica's blow. However, Fermut didn't agree with this opinion.

"You damn bit…! How dare you touch this body?! You human and dragon mongrel!"

Aside from his father, who was the emperor, everyone had to act respectfully in front of Fermut. It wasn't just because of Fermut's high rank. He was the next emperor who had the power to become the empire's 3rd Sword. Only the 1st and 2nd Swords were above him.

When did such a valuable body last shed blood? Fermut's eyes filled with killing intent as he looked at his nose that was crooked from the hit.

"―You were lucky." Veronica didn't pay attention to him at all, as she shook the blood off her fist. "I unconsciously moved my fist. You should've flown off nicely if I hit you properly. I'm sorry."

It was true. Fermut's mouth had been moving, and before Veronica realized it, she was already punching him. It was like hitting a fly that was right in front of her.

So, of course, Fermut and the 1st Sword hadn't been able to respond in time. She hadn't had a purpose, and her punch had been the embodiment of 'absence of self', which made it undetected. It probably would've been blocked if she had been planning to kill him.

In any case, it didn't matter. Veronica felt regretful that her attack had failed to kill Fermut. Both rationality and instinct supported her thought that Fermut was the one who had ordered Theodore's assassination.

"I thought I should leave it to the boy to kill you, but… now I can't endure it anymore. I'll kill you here."

"What nonsense are you saying…?"

Shortly after that…


The space three centimeters in front of Fermut's face heated up. If someone hadn't pulled on his clothes, his head would've been blown off. His instincts cried out one beat too late. He absolutely shouldn't fight this monster.

As the flame sword heated up the space around her body, the greatest magician of Meltor faced her enemy. "Do you intend to interrupt, 1st Sword?"

"…I don't want to be hostile to you here." With dark hair and green eyes like evergreen plants, he was a swordsman who looked to be in his 30s despite having been active for over half a century.

He was the empire's 1st Sword, Crowd von Russell. In this era where the grandmasters had disappeared, he was the man who could be called the strongest swordsman on this continent.

"This isn't the place to fight. How about we end today's talks here since they aren't working out?"

"What? Sir Russell! This is too shameful!" Fermut was quicker than Veronica in protesting the proposal. "This mongrel threatened a prince of the Andras Empire, this Fermut! It is also the meeting where there is a tacit promise of non-aggression! We can't leave this insult alone…!"

"Your Highness," Crowd von Russell cut off Fermut's enraged voice. He then bowed politely and whispered at a volume which couldn't be heard by the two people from Meltor, "If you fight here, both of us will die. If you don't understand the situation, just follow me."


"You can't tell?"

Crowd von Russell looked over at Aquilo, who was next to Veronica.

Realizing the meaning of his gaze, Aquilo gave an amused smile. 'I used a camouflage, but I guess my identity was found out. Does he think it is burdensome to deal with me and Red at the same time?'

The swordsman judged that Aquilo was a considerable monster. She didn't have pure power like Veronica, but her strength was the pursuit of 'depth.' Despite being far behind Veronica in a one-on-one fight, Aquilo was a wild card capable of killing a giant.

If Veronica were here alone or with the White Tower Master, Crowd would've chosen to fight here. However, he couldn't win against both Veronica and Aquilo.

It might be different if the 2nd Sword had accompanied him, since Prince Fermut hadn't reached the same level as them yet. However, fortunately, Crowd saw that Aquilo wasn't active, so there was room to retreat.

Indeed, Crowd's judgment was correct.

"…Tch," Veronica clicked her tongue when she realized the situation.

Aquilo enjoyed seeing Veronica's frustrated expression and whispered in her ear, "I have no intention of attacking people who are running away. What will you do? I might consider it if the boy was in my arms. But of course, I will refuse if you ask me."

"Damn pirate, shut up."

It was a delicate situation. Meltor would dominate if Aquilo joined in, but it would be disadvantageous if she didn't. Veronica was torn by the intervention of the 1st Sword and didn't know what to do.

However, she didn't want to just let them go. She looked at Fermut with murderous intent and worried about the situation for a moment before coming up with a compromise. "Hey, number 1."

"What is it?"

"Get that piece of shit away from me before I change my mind. I won't chase you."

"I will do so." Crowd understood the meaning of Veronica's words and turned to retreat. In some ways, this result could be called his victory. Andras was in a disadvantageous situation, yet Meltor couldn't remove the two people despite their superior firepower. It was also a bonus that they noticed the existence of Aquilo.

"…Huh?" Therefore, Crowd was one beat delayed in realizing it. Veronica said she wouldn't chase them, but she never said she wouldn't attack. The sword masters, who were wide open targets, were subjected to a merciless magic bombardment.


The Infernal Blade struck the ground, causing a cause explosion. This was followed by a severe firestorm which melted the ground. The explosion burst outward before disappearing.

Clouds in the distant sky were torn apart, while some sandworms sleeping deep in the ground ended up dead. A few birds that unfortunately looked down were blinded. If they were lucky, they would die before struggling with the pain.

It was truly a transcendent destruction. The grassland, where butterflies had been flying peacefully, had now changed into a hell-like scenery. The land was burned to a depth of a few hundred meters and would only recover after centuries. This damage was produced by the peak of the most destructive magic attribute.

The scale of the damage was proof of Veronica's destructive power.

"Sigh, couldn't you have warned me? You savage," Aquilo, who had quickly flown into the sky, grumbled as she looked at the distant horizon. "Besides, those guys avoided the attack surprisingly quite well."

For dragons, extended long-distance vision was merely a part of their senses. As such, Aquilo noticed that the two sword masters who had escaped far away weren't injured at all.

Veronica's robes flapped as she agreed, "I can't kill them anyway. If the 1st Sword could be hit by a surprise attack like this, the war would've already been over. It would be strange if it was effective."

"Then why did you attack while knowing this?"

"I just wanted to vent my anger. I didn't want to just sit down and do nothing like you."

After pricking Aquilo with her words, Veronica sighed as she stared at a distant place. She had wanted to kill one person in this place but missed her chance because the 1st Sword moved so fast.

As such, the talks ended without any conclusions.

* * *

"Crazy." Theodore grabbed his head as he listened to Aquilo's words.

It was fortunate that Veronica hadn't gotten hurt in the talks, but it couldn't be called a positive end to the meeting. The northern powers had taken a step toward a war. No, it happened a month ago, so there was a possibility that the war had already begun. Theodore's mind went blank at the news.

Aquilo smiled at him and enjoyed the funny sight. She might not always show it, but Aquilo was essentially an evil dragon. She was someone who accepted the suffering and agonies of mortals.

Despite her goodwill toward him, she enjoyed the sight of Theodore's agitation.

"…Aquilo." A few minutes of silence passed by before he spoke.

During this period of time which no one had counted as to how long had passed, Theodore raised his head. Aquilo saw his hardened eyes and laughed, "Yes. Do you have something to ask this evil dragon, Boy?"

For her, Theodore was a hero. He had used Aquilo's power to dismantle the Pirate Archipelago, rather than use it for his own private desires. Originally, he should oppose Aquilo, who existed as an evil dragon.

Yet, a just hero was currently asking an evil dragon for help. This situation caused a thrill to run down Aquilo's spine. Without knowing her wicked thoughts, Theodore said, "I will pay anything. Please let me borrow your strength and take me back to Meltor via the shortest path."

"Any…thing?" Aquilo bit the pipe in her hand pervertedly and licked her lips.

Chapter 263 – The Die is Cast (1)

For those who lived over 100 years, how long and how short was a month? If scholars from all over the world gathered to discuss it, they wouldn't be able to reach a conclusion.

This was because it was subjective and varied depending on the person.

Just like how a man giving a serenade could feel like a few seconds was a few years, a person reading an interesting book could feel like an hour was just a few minutes. A month could change a person's life, or it could pass with nothing happening.

Therefore, an objective measurement was needed if one wanted to measure time.

What happened in a month which could be measured? Without knowing this, the seriousness of time couldn't be discussed.

From this point of view, it could be said that the last month had been a once-in-a-century turning point for the Meltor Kingdom. Elvenheim had broken their neutrality, there had been the birth of a new master, as well as the deaths of three of the Seven Swords… And finally, there had also been the secret talks which Veronica had been sent to.

Prince Fermut's taunts…

The 2nd Sword who hadn't been seen recently…

After deliberating on these circumstances, Meltor's leaders reached a conclusion.

"Your Majesty! This is an opportunity!" The minister of the military, Robert Alpenheimer stepped up and gave his opinion. "If the enemy's power is superior to ours, there is no way the people of Andras will step back first! It is finally time for us to unify the Northern Continent! This is a chance to destroy our enemy!"

"Lower your voice, Minister," the minister of domestic affairs, Jerome Violeta, spoke against him. "The enemy's attitude is moderate, so we can't guarantee our superiority. Most of all, the magic towers haven't recovered from the damage received from that convoy mission a few years ago. Even if it is true that Andras' power has weakened, we aren't necessarily stronger."

It was a reasonable point. The 1st Sword had stood behind the emperor, who wanted a continuation of the truce. There was a good chance that Andras had retreated for political reasons. However, Robert didn't accept this and yelled, "This weakness is why the north can't escape the turmoil of war, even after hundreds of years!"

"It is better than acting hastily and dying!"


As usual, the argument between the two people intensified. Then the quietly listening Kurt raised a hand. After all, it was the role of a king to make conclusions and direct the mood of the meeting.

Simultaneously, the meeting room in the royal palace sank into silence. The two ministers, striving to outdo each other, paled and looked at Kurt.

"Listen carefully," Kurt rebuked them. Then he closed his eyes and said, "White Tower Master, report."

"Yes, Your Majesty." A man emerged in an empty space.

The ghostly master of the white tower, Orta, appeared in the middle of the meeting room. It was a surprising sight, but the people assembled here couldn't be surprised by it anymore. They had all guessed why Orta was appearing at this point, so all of them had calm expressions.

"The 2nd Sword Zest Speitem. I will report on his status."


The name which emerged from Orta's mouth increased the tension in the meeting room. Zest Speitem, along with Crowd von Russell, was one of Andras' strongest swordsmen. To think that Orta had been investigating him?

"I tracked the Cardinal Antonio, who secretly departed from Lairon and entered Belfort, Andras' capital. I couldn't follow him until the center, but I discovered that his carriage reached the mansion known to be the 2nd Sword's residence."


He was the owner of a healing ability. Unlike magic power, divine power didn't cause any backlash from aura. Rather, it intensified aura's inherent vitality, so divine power users had been able to establish an intimate relationship with aura users since a long time ago.

Additionally, the Lairon priests were hostile to Meltor. So, there was only one reason to call the cardinal who was located in the middle of the Central Continent.

"Maybe our hero isn't the only one who needs to recover."

The empire's 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem, was injured! If it was necessary to call a cardinal, it meant he wasn't in a state which could be fixed with a healing potion.

It was a curse which couldn't be overcome with a sword master's self-healing ability, or it was an injury which hadn't healed after three months. Nobody could've thought that Theodore had summoned a high-ranking demon, but they were certain that the cause of the injury was Zest's fight against Theodore.

"Your Majesty." There was silence for a moment before Jerome opened his mouth.

Kurt nodded once.

Then Jerome continued, "I will withdraw what I said earlier. Please declare war as Robert suggested!"

"Hrmm." Kurt III cupped his chin with an interested expression and indicated for Jerome to explain.

Robert's face was a bonus, since his eyes were wide with shock.

"Meltor and Andras. In both places, there are two absolutely strong people who hold the balance of the battlefield. Red Tower Master and Blue Tower Master, and the 1st and 2nd Swords. So far, we were able to achieve equilibrium because all of them are present."

"It isn't the case now?"

"Yes. The 2nd Sword can't come to the battlefield, so it is a chance for Meltor. And…" Jerome spoke with a sorrowful expression, "If we miss this chance because of an indecisive attitude… I—no, we will be failing Captain Theodore!"

"…I see."

Jerome's cry stimulated everyone's enthusiasm. Determination filled their faces as everyone in the meeting room stared at a certain empty space. The nobles weren't warriors or magicians. They didn't have the attitude of warriors, but there was clearly an atmosphere of going to war which filled this space.

"Okay." On behalf of their will, the king of the magic kingdom rose from his seat. "I will move to destroy the armistice. From now on, we will declare a wartime situation throughout the kingdom, started from Mana-vil Capital. We will set up three vanguard units to preemptively attack the three border areas."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"White Tower Master, immediately call all the tower masters together. And—"

Holding the king's scepter firmly in hand, Kurt finally took a step toward the war that was approaching him.

"Call Veronica."

* * *

Exactly one week passed by.

Meltor declared the dismissal of the armistice agreement without any notice, and Andras accepted it without raising an objection. This was proof that they were prepared for war at any time. Of course, even assuming that was true, war wasn't something which could be started in a short period of time. It took a good month to convene the reserve soldiers and organize the troops.

Therefore, the border zone wasn't fully equipped yet. However, it did exist in this world—a transcendent being that could break down a fortress and annihilate thousands of soldiers. The movements of a master couldn't be determined with common sense.

"…It is dreary."

There was a magician floating in the sky, looking down at the lights that seemed like fireflies. Crimson hair and red robes…

Her appearance and clothing seemed to burn in the darkness as Veronica looked down at the empire's fortress which would soon become ashes.

"I only want to attack military facilities, but I'll have to kill them all anyway. At the very least, there are no 'innocent people' in this part of the north. You are soldiers that will someday become enemies if left alive. You have always done the same time, so don't blame me."

Of course, there wasn't a reply. It was pointless complaining to the distant ground, so she raised a hand. In fact, she wasn't in a bad mood. Rather, joy was bubbling up inside her. The blood of a red dragon, which loved fighting and bloodshed, woke up inside her.

However, she didn't accept that instinct. Veronica had been raised as a human and a magician, so she couldn't afford to accept it. As such, she had to hurry before this dirty feeling got worse.

"Still, I will only feel sick for a short while."

Veronica's eight circles rotated, and the dark sky reddened.

It was a natural phenomenon where magic power distorted the environment.

She had only been a little stronger than others in arm wrestling as a child, but after reaching the 8th circle, her blood had become stronger. She might not be a pure blood, but it wasn't hard to get close to a limitless dragon's heart.

A rain of destruction poured down from the burning sky.

The steel gates melted.

The solid walls collapsed.

The air had long been turned into a deadly poison.

The wind was scattered by the heat, and those on the ground struggled to breathe.

In the East, it would be called fire hell.

It was a hell where an unquenchable fire burned and even the winds would burn the body. Just five minutes after Veronica started the bombardment, this city that awaited the opening of a war was effortlessly turned into hell.

A siege defense had no meaning. The soldiers who had trained for a decade weren't even scarecrows. Screaming lips turned to charcoal, and the ashes of people soon scattered.

"—Wow, is she the 'Witch of Heat?"

There was one survivor in that hell.

"But she isn't an opponent I can face. If she is as annoying as Zest says, I will just be turned into bloodstains."

There was a spear close to 2 meters long on the survivor's back. The curves of their body showed that this person was a woman. Her face wasn't visible because of the heat haze, but her voice didn't sound old.

She was the empire's 5th Sword, Delkur of the 'Shadows.'

Delkur had come to this city for the purpose of defending the border, but the devastating scene happening before her wasn't something she could stop. Apart from her boiling fighting spirit, her sword master's instincts told her that this wasn't an opponent she could win against.

However, Delkur smiled as she gazed up at the distant sky. "Is this winning? Putting the strongest card at this weak place, it allows for an easy victory."

Delkur's red eyes shone as she spoke meaningful words, "But what about elsewhere?"

Chapter 264 – The Die is Cast (2)

Rutben Citadel, a city in the furthermost eastern part of the empire, was already a fortified city.

Its walls, which were over 40 meters tall, had been increasing steadily over the centuries. They even had anti-magic barriers and anti-magic measures like magic bombs. Meltor had tried to destroy them numerous times in the past, but they had taken heavy damage and had to retreat.

However, this time, uninvited guests were visiting Rutben.

A few hundred meters away from the walls, there were shadows of people moving in the darkness. There were a total of 10 magicians, including the person in the lead.

It was the elite army of the white tower, directly trained and commanded by White Tower Master Orta who led the way in a black mask. Due to their nature as secret agents whose identities must be concealed, all of them were wearing masks like Orta's on their faces.

–Stop. Orta suddenly stopped at where he was moving ahead of the party. –From here onward, move while maintaining your shields. We are 200 meters away from Rutben's walls and watchtowers, so your magic power can't leak out. If you can't get past the walls and you get caught, don't wait for my instructions and just try to escape first.

The remaining magicians nodded, while Orta made an unknown hand gesture and muttered a spell.

Perhaps it was his own unique magic.

The defense of Rutben, which Andras had set as its outpost, was truly exquisite. Without Orta, even the elite agents of the white tower would be detected before getting past one layer of the wall, and they were likely to be killed immediately.


After a while, a hemispherical haze appeared around Orta's body and concealed the rest of the magicians.


The 10 magicians stepped forward, secretly moving close to the walls which would crush even ants.

This was the role of the white tower on the battlefield.

If Veronica was the brutal force that could devastate an army, then the white tower magicians were the ones who would cut the enemies' throats from behind. They were like the rats who hid in the crack of a sturdy wall or like a hole which could break a thick wall regardless of its size.

Their aim was to assassinate Rutben's general and elite knights. If a fortified city lost their chain of command, they would be defenseless against senior magicians. It was a tactic which hadn't succeeded a few times in the past war, but it had given Meltor a considerable amount of experience.


The moment they arrived at the bottom of the wall, Orta got the attention of the other magicians with his hand. Even if their bodies were trained, it was impossible for them to climb a wall that was 40 meters tall.

So, Orta came directly to Rutben. He activated his magic and continued to block all traces of their presence. That was impossible for a normal magician to do, but this magic was possible for Orta. Soon after, the ten magicians followed him into the air.

'Ohh…! There is no alarm from Rutben…'

'As expected of the tower master. There is no end to what he can do.'

'It would be ridiculous for Andras as well.'

Of course, no words emerged from their mouths, but these feelings flowed from under their masks.

The impregnable fortress, Rutben Citadel…

For the first time in history, they had the opportunity to break it. Even the calm agents couldn't help being excited.

Nevertheless, the elite were the elite. They gradually calmed their minds and recovered their blank expressions once they crossed two layers of the wall. Their heads were cold by the time they crossed three layers. Private feelings were mere obstacles to the mission's performance.

The 10 pairs of feet touched the ground and advanced a further 200 meters.

They were invisible ghosts who infiltrated without a sound. The unit that was codenamed 'Phantom' by Andras had finally infiltrated the fortified city!

–Assassinate the lord first. After that, we will neutralize the military officers, knights, and communication facilities. Don't be so relieved just because we've crossed the wall. If it was this easy, the war would've ended earlier.

The nine people each laid a hand on their chest. It was a hand signal which meant 'agreement.' Orta was satisfied by the sight and headed toward a mansion in the distance. It was Rutben Castle which didn't have a big reputation. As long as they paid attention to the alarm in the bedroom, it would be child's play to take the lord's life.

They ran past a security checkpoint and moved through the empty city in the middle of the night. From the outskirts of the city to the lord's residence―

"Hmm?" Orta thought that something was strange. It wasn't strange that no alarm rang due to his magic, but…

The odd thing was inside Rutben.

'So far, we haven't seen a single patrol…?'

Orta hated to admit it, but Andras was strong. Their knights and soldiers were well trained and disciplined.

Rutben was one of the main fortresses of Andras. There was nothing weird about having patrols in five-minute intervals at the outskirts of the city. However, it was strange that they never encountered a patrolling party despite being close to the lord's residence.

Orta became wary and hastily gave a command, –All members, pull…

No, he was trying to give a command.

"You noticed quickly, Rat." A man emerged from thin air.

"Avoid it!" Orta shouted instinctively, but he couldn't be faster than the blade.

A blood-red aura appeared.

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword.

However, that wasn't the orbit of the sword. Then the aura started to distort like a mirage. From a straight line to a curve, a curve to a straight line… The aura distorted the air it moved through.

"Kuk, this ability is probably…?" The panicked Orta reacted quickly.

He took two steps away with space magic and was able to escape from the aura. However, the other magicians couldn't follow him.


Three heads soared, and a few limbs fell down.


"There was something so strange?"

"Ugh, m-my arm…!"

Three people died, and four were seriously injured. There were only two people who avoided the attack without any injuries. However, the opponent seemed dissatisfied with this horror.

"You are doing quite well, Meltor's rats. I didn't expect to only kill three people."

"…You." Orta gritted his teeth as he recognized the identity of the enemy. It wasn't unexpected, but this situation was a bit dangerous.

The 2nd Sword, Zest, was in a state where he couldn't move because of a serious injury.

The 1st Sword couldn't move from the capital because he needed to defend the emperor and Belfort. If so, there were only two people who could appear in Rutben. The 5th and 3rd Swords, both of whom had aura abilities that Orta couldn't easily deal with.

In particular, the man before him was the worst opponent for a space magician. The man was Andras' Crown Prince, Fermut, and the attack just then was the manifestation of the ability to bend space.

Refraction or distortion…

Orta judged that it was closer to the former.

'If he gets close, I will die. It might be different if he is alone, but…'

There were signs of other people approaching after Fermut emerged. The presence indicated that they were the Shadow Knights, the Andras Empire's special forces who sneaked around in the shadows.

It would be difficult to handle such a large number of enemies with injured men. As such, it was time for Orta and his men to retreat. However, the moment Orta was about to give up on his mission without hesitation, Fermut moved.

"Don't move without my permission, Dog."

A red sword moved through the air.

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword.

Sleeping Moon.

At first glance, it seemed like a false move, but Orta's face soon hardened like wax. He could feel the space connecting with his senses.

The strings of the connected world were like a net around him, threatening to cut him. Under these circumstances, closing himself off in another space or a shield wouldn't work properly.

"Do you know that this place is set for your death?" Fermut looked at them impatiently, before turning to look at the shadows surrounding them.

It was a signal that they should move.

Confronted with this fate, Orta laughed under his mask. "You've put in quite a lot of effort. Are you mad about being hit by the Red Tower Master? You must be afraid to compete with her again. It seems like this was a trap to catch me from the beginning."


"Did I hit the nail on the head? Pretending to be so great, but your intentions are just petty."

A sound suddenly rang out from somewhere.

"…This dog is barking without being aware of who I am." Fermut gripped the sword in his hand, as his arrogant face changed into a blank one. However, he was only cold on the surface. His burning aura exposed his anger.

All words lost meaning, as magic power and aura boiled. In this heavy stillness, someone gulped and the battle began.

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword.

The space bent around Fermut.

Beheading Sword, Indiscriminate Stab.

It was a chain of moves that seemed like it would cut him to pieces. The bloody aura twisted around his body like a mollusk. However, Orta could still somehow deal with this attack if he could see it.


The space in front of Orta's fingertips was torn. Clearly, a common defense against bent space was pointless. Interfering with space was the minimum requirement for a frontal confrontation.

Tearing and bending space…

A large shock wave occurred as the two forces collided.

Kwarurung! Then a thunderous sound rang out all over the place, while the shadows and six remaining magicians started to fight. However, the situation wasn't good.

Elite senior magicians and knights were both the representative troops of each nation, but the balance of power wasn't absolute. The magicians of the white tower were wounded and surrounded, so they weren't in a position to defeat the Shadow Knights.

"Kuheok!" The magician who lost his left arm was the first to be stabbed in the neck.

"T-Tower Master, I, first…" The body of the magician fell down in a puddle of blood.

'Four possible escape routes… But there is no way out.' Orta didn't shake upon seeing the deaths of his subordinates whom he had trained for more than 10 years. Instead, he kept his cool, blocked Fermut's offensive, and calculated ways to escape.

Even so, there seemed to be no way to get out of this predicament. The strongest enemy with the worst ability was in front of him, while the enemies that made up the net weren't easily handled.

After calculating many times, Orta admitted it. 'It is up to here.'

He couldn't always win. Unless he had absolute strength, he would someday lose to someone. After all, Orta was weaker than Veronica and Blundell. However, he was clever and could analyze the battlefield quickly, finding ways to win. So, in such a situation, he was aware that he couldn't win.


Was it due to being distracted? No, the loss was inevitable. Even if they could both control space, the power of aura exerted an ability which exceeded magic. Fermut prevailed because he refracted space.

If two beings interfered in the same space, the more dominant one would win. This was what Orta had read from the beginning, and thus, he tried to escape. Orta was struck from his left collarbone to his right side. He narrowly avoided losing a limb, but the bleeding was serious.

"…Um." Orta braced himself and desperately put strength into both his legs. Even if he were to die, he didn't want to show a miserable appearance to his enemy. It would be nice if there was a chance to drink a potion.

"If you surrender, this body will kindly kill you."

It was ridiculous. Orta spat in the direction from where he heard the voice and then started to draw up magic power from the bottom of his circles. If he were to die, he would take as many enemies as possible with him. This was Orta's favorite ending, and it was the last thing he could do for his colleagues who had fallen first.

"Tsk, if you want to die like this, then I should kill you." Fermut neared his enemy who wouldn���t collapse despite having blood flow down half his body. Although injured, a master was a master. Meltor's ghost wouldn't fall so easily.

'The end.'

Ultimately, Orta couldn't hold out much longer.

Both masters knew what the ending would be, so there was a tight tension between Orta and Fermut. The three remaining magicians and shadows also stopped moving. They didn't dare move because the pressure was too great.

The only thing which could interfere with this situation was the intervention of a third party that didn't exist. Then at that moment…



The two masters looked up a the sky at roughly the same time. Someone was coming. Both the great magician and sword master felt a presence. It was immensely fast, coming from beyond the clouds. No, at this speed, it was more accurate to describe it as 'falling down,' rather than approaching.

It was faster than an arrow, much like lightning.


'He' fell over Fermut's head.

Kwarururung! The sound of thunder boomed in the sky. It was a roar that originated from aura flowing on the surface of two swords. The curved lines were sharp enough to even cut steel. The falchions, swords used by mercenaries rather than knights, pierced Fermut's ankle deeply. Suddenly being struck by a strong impact caused blood to fill Fermut's mouth.

Prince Fermut was furious. "…You!"

With blond hair and tanned skin, his armor emphasized mobility, and he himself was reminiscent of a sleek wolf. Fermut gazed angrily in front of him as the other swordsman grinned.

"It has been a while, you dog bastard! I will make you pay for using my sister as a hostage!"

"Don't bark in front of me, Traitor!"

He was the sword master who left his family for his sister's sake in the past and then eventually turned his back on the empire. It was the sudden appearance of Randolph Clovis.

Chapter 265 – The Die is Cast (3)


The three blades bounced off each other, causing sparks to fly. Even if Fermut was injured, he wasn't an easy opponent. As soon as the shock subsided, he raised his aura and pushed Randolph's body away.

It was a dense aura which was disproportionate to his age. Despite having a difference of nearly 10 years, Fermut's swordsmanship didn't lag behind Randolph's.

"Tch, this bastard trying a surprise attack…!" Randolph stepped back and naturally stood close to Orta.

Randolph's purpose was to assist Orta and his men. It would've been good if the last blow had succeeded, but it was still good.

"Hey. Heal yourself quickly while he can't move."

"The first aid is done," Orta replied before Randolph could finish his words.

Orta truly had a good ability as the captain of the intelligence unit. While Fermut had been briefly tied up by Randolph's sword, Orta had healed himself with a potion he carried. Unfortunately, he couldn't expect to be completely healed right away.

"All trauma has been fixed, but the blood loss and magic power affected by aura can't be reversed. By the way, I didn't know you would come to help."

"I was also surprised. My status is still unclear, but this is a critical mission. Meltor is a fairly flexible kingdom."

"That― No, I'll talk about it later." Orta was about to explain but then stopped. He didn't want to let Fermut know about Theodore's survival.

Besides, there was one thing that made Orta more astonished than Randolph's close timing. "…Honestly, I am more surprised about something else. You landed in such an ignorant manner without being hurt. Was the culprit Elder Shugel?"

"Ahh, that old man made me very nervous. I would've died if a mistake was made."

The remaining magicians who knew what the two masters were talking about were shocked. Surely 'that' method hadn't been used?

It was a strategy Meltor had designed in the past to counter Andras.

Rutben and the other major cities in Andras had devices which interfered with magicians protecting the surrounding area, including the sky. Teleportation would cause a catastrophe, so Veronica and the other magicians couldn't survive in the opponent's space where flying magic was ineffective.

For this reason, air operations over a city had never been adopted in actual combat previously.

…Until today.

"Indeed, the physical strength of a sword master and the protection of an artifact will allow you to withstand the impact of the fall."

"Well, my hands are still trembling."

A sword master's body strength was beyond the ordinary, but Randolph was still affected by the shock of the situation. Fermut had unintentionally helped him absorb his shock. "You dare, Clovis loser…!"

There were a few visible signs of trauma, but the significant impact was accumulated inside Fermut's body from the first attack. Fermut wished he could've avoided it, but this arrogant prince didn't dare step back. His grip on his sword was tremendously strong. It would take Fermut 10 minutes to fully recover, and the two seasoned masters couldn't miss this gap.

"Okay, I'll kill him here."

"We should leave this place."



As it happened, their opinions were split.

"Even if you are in a bad shape, it is two against one. Why don't we retreat quickly after killing him?"

"If this fails, we will both die. The risk is greater than the merits, so we shouldn't hesitate to retreat."

It was a simple matter of arithmetic. Between Fermut's life or the two masters' lives, the latter was more important. Randolph still showed signs of resistance. So, Orta added another reason, "It would take at least 30 minutes to kill the prince, who hasn't given up yet."


"We are in the enemy territory of Rutben, and it will become worse if we drag out the time. The empire has teleport scrolls. If another of the empire's Seven Swords arrive, this advantage will be easily reversed."

"…Tch, I got it."

Randolph was eventually convinced, and the two sword masters changed to the defensive. The center of gravity was lowered as they prepared to jump to the rear at any time. However, Fermut wouldn't let them go easily.

His body wasn't fully recovered, but if he added the Shadow Knights, he could make up for his lack of power.

"Rats, do you think you can escape?"

Femut held a blazing sword. The red aura was like magma around the sword, representing the passionate owner's will. It was the full-fledged manifestation of Fermut's Aura Ability, 'Refraction.'

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword.

Stab to Death Attack.

It meant simply for the opponent to be stabbed to death. In the past, a king was said to have killed more than 10,000 prisoners by skewering them in order to incite fear in the troops of other kings.

This stab was inspired by this torture-like method and developed into a technique by Fermut, a cruel man. It was a single stab that penetrated eight vital points at the same time. This was physically impossible without the ability to bend space, as it was like how folding a paper allowed several holes to be pierced at once.


Confronted with Fermut's killing move, Randolph took action.

Clovis Two Swords Style.

Hidden Technique.

Kill the Hydra.

His two falchions changed into a flashy dance. Four times with the left sword, five times with the right sword… Nine slashes stretched out in the blink of an eye, blocking the eight stabs.

"No?" Astonishment was clear in Fermut's eyes.

Randolph's speed was fast enough to block Fermut's technique, but it wasn't possible with speed alone. However, Randolph's Aura Ability was 'Pursuing and Overtaking.'

"You are too shallow!"

Fermut was certainly talented. However, the strength of Pride, who he had fought with Theodore, was engraved in Randolph's mind. Fermut was much slower than the monster that could catch lightning with its bare body.

Clovis Two Swords Style.

Hidden Technique Combo.

Kill the Arachne.

From two to four, four to eight… Randolph's swords started to divide at a speed which couldn't be followed with the naked eyes. There was an afterimage that was like a spider web!

If this attack couldn't be blocked, the target's body would end up in pieces like well-sliced vegetables. It wasn't a technique which Fermut could avoid without receiving serious injuries, so he was forced to use a technique.


A bloody aura emerged from the blade to create a barrier.

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword.

Tornado Wall.

The principle of this technique was the same as the Fairy Dance's first hidden technique, Moon Breaking through the Clouds. The difference was the addition of Fermut's ability to distort space, which increased the defensive power.

Fermut was convinced that he could even block 7th Circle great magic with this.

'As soon as this attack is over, I will fight back. I will hit the neck of the traitor who joined Meltor��!'

It might take longer than expected, but it wouldn't change the future in which Andras won the war. Rutben Citadel…

More than 100 elites knights resided here, and there were plenty of experts in aura. It had been 10 minutes since the battle started, so reinforcements would arrive soon. However, his confident expression soon distorted.


Once the Tornado Wall was gone, there were no signs of Randolph or Orta. It was clear that they had run away from him. A few shadows tried to block them, but they weren't at a level to overcome Randolph. Their bodies were the traces of where the five people passed by.

"T-These bastards…! You dare to leave?" The furious Fermut shouted angrily, but he didn't move.

It was because he instinctively knew that it was too late. He knew it was impossible to trace a sword master and space magicians. Fermut coolly put away his sword and glared after the invaders.

"Next time, I will kill you!"

Fermut stepped on the head of one of the fallen magicians. Then the prince turned around, and the shadows followed him. This was the end of a long yet short night.

* * *

The capital of Meltor, Mana-vil.

At the center, there were four towers symbolizing the kingdom. The towers, which had been painted in distinctive colors, stood tall in all directions. Among them was the blue tower. The blue tower was famous for its water and life magic, and its top floor was a space where unauthorized people were prohibited from entering.

Knock knock. However, the Blue Tower Master, Blundell knocked lightly on the door like he was a visitor. It was an unusually timid move for the master of the blue tower. Who was in there that the owner of this tower needed to obtain permission to enter?

"…Come in." A voice was heard through the door. It was the high and clear voice of a woman. There was only one person who met these conditions.

Blundell opened the door softly and spoke to her, "Are you well, Sylvia?"

"Yes, Grandfather."

With flowing hair and shining blue eyes, it was Sylvia Adruncus.

She was a genius magician who had been raised by Blundell since she was a child and had now become a Superior of the blue tower. This was the third month that she had borrowed the tower room as a training room, but a period of three months was too short to cross the wall of the 7th Circle.

"My dear." Blundell's eyes were filled with an uncomfortable light despite Sylvia being his granddaughter. It was because he knew where her decisive will came from.

He gave advice to his only granddaughter, "You can't cross the wall of the 7th Circle in this way. It is a field that requires effort, talent, and luck. I know that Theodore's disappearance was shocking but try to take care of your body…"

"Grandfather," Sylvia interrupted in a much stronger tone than expected. "I'm aware of that. This is a distance that I can't shorten with my talent, and this effort might be meaningless."


"Even so, I can't stay still."

Sylvia wasn't trying to be stubborn, neither was she being unreasonable. She just couldn't stop walking with one hand on the wall through the labyrinth, where a breakthrough wasn't visible. After all, she knew someone who had turned the impossible into the possible. Therefore, this obstacle wasn't impossible.

"Even if I can't protect Theo, I don't want to be protected by him."

It was enough to be a burden to him once. She wasn't a dreaming girl but a person wandering the path of a magician. There was no childishness in her face.

"…Yes, you are all grown up." Blundell was forced to admit it.

Sylvia Adruncus had chosen to be born again as a magician, not a girl.

As a magician at the peak of this kingdom, he had to encourage her. Blundell was about to pat her head, but he chose to pat her shoulder instead. It was his own admission that he would no longer treat her as a child.

On one hand, he was proud of her growth. On the other hand, he was ashamed that it was 'that person' who led her determination. He should talk to that boy when he returned.

"Blue Tower Master! Are you in there?" A loud voice called out from outside the room.

"It is noisy. What is going on?"

"I have just received breaking news!" The voice of the clerk, who was gasping for air, rang through the top floor of the blue tower. Just what was so urgent?

Blundell asked seriously for the report. Then the clerk started speaking, "Reporting from the coastal city, Ribenda! The safe return of Quattro's captain, Theodore Miller is confirmed!"

"What?" Blundell looked over with surprise and saw Sylvia looking at him. He could understand the meaning in her eyes without needing any words. Sylvia struggled a few times and was finally about to open her mouth, only for Blundell to speak first.

"Go to Ribenda."


"Shugel is still in the white tower. He owes me a favor, so talk to him. In any case, Theodore should be received by someone he knows."

The justification was sufficient. Sylvia paused briefly before gladly replying to Blundell, "I will go straight away!"

"Yes, please take care of yourself."

A door closed in the corridor, and the clerk was surprised to see Sylvia going straight out of the tower's window. It was much faster than going down the stairs. Blundell watched her energetic appearance and laughed while touching his beard. "Huhu, he has returned with excellent timing."

The Northern War was just about to begin, and it would only be a few days before the two powers gathered all their forces. The hero who had disappeared had finally returned home.

"If this world were a play, the role of the main character would belong to him."

At the top of the blue tower, an elderly man who had been with Meltor for over a hundred years chuckled. The world was too wide, and there were many things which couldn't be predicted with the wisdom of an old person.

A wise sage had once said, 'Life wasn���t boring until it was over.'

Chapter 266 – The Die is Cast (4)

At the easternmost part of the northern continent, in the port city of Ribenda in Meltor, there was a disturbance.

In fact, even though it was a port city, the sea currents in the north were so rough that it couldn't be used as a trading port. It was common for boats and large passenger ships to break easily in stormy weather, so this port was usually empty.

However, today was an exception, as a special guest was filling up the vacant seat. It was a sea dragon that sailors called 'sea serpent.'

Despite the tight restrictions of the guards, there were constant footsteps of those who wanted to see Aquilo. They felt both honored and fearful. The people were also in awe. The petty monsters on the ground were incomparable to dragons.

"Back off! This is the army!"

"Anyone who approaches any further will be arrested!"

Far from the tight barrier of the guards, Theodore sighed with relief as he stepped into his homeland for the first time in ages.

"This is why I wanted a secret landing."

It was as he said. Sea dragons might be half as big as the dragons of other dragon clans, but their size still couldn't be hidden by the high waves.

Aquilo created 20-meter-tall waves as she carried Theodore to the shore. Unlike a tsunami, there was no secondary damage. However, it was inevitable that he would catch the attention of the residents.

However, instead of apologizing for it, Aquilo tightly hugged Theodore's left arm and giggled. "What's wrong? No one got injured or killed. Besides, you arrived on time, so shouldn't you be proud?"

"Hah." Unlike before, Theodore didn't move his arm. He just sighed with a resigned expression. Aquilo's white skin felt smoother than usual. What had happened to cause this diminishing distance between the two?

"Anyway, thank you for your favor, Boy. With this, our contract has further deepened."


While whispering sweetly into his ear, Aquilo reached out and touched Theodore's body.

She touched his well-tempered chest and abdomen. It wasn't sexual at all, but whenever she touched him, Theodore recalled the memories of the past few days couldn't help gritting his teeth. Or maybe it was because Aquilo's blood, which was inside him, was thicker than before.

He barely overcame the temptation.

To be honest, Theodore had said 'I will do anything' because he knew the nature of the sea dragon. He never worried that Aquilo would try to make an unfair demand, and that she would ask for something equivalent to crossing the sea.

So, when he first heard her request, he had doubted his ears.

–Then I want to take your 'essence', how about it?

Theodore had no experience with the opposite sex, but it was impossible for him to not understand what 'essence' meant.

There had been a fierce conflict in Theodore's mind the moment he received Aquilo's invitation. She was a wicked dragon, but she was beautiful and had developed the skill of melting males for over a thousand years.

Ellenoa's confession and a few other things crossed his mind. However, Theodore's suffering occurred next.

–Hrmm, does that mean it is fine as long as I don't go all the way?

–What? No, wait a minute!

–There is no reason to refuse. There are many ways…

Theodore realized that remembering it was causing a counterproductive effect, so he shook his head. He hadn't crossed the last line, but he had climbed the stairs of an adult in many ways. Therefore, he wasn't upset at Aquilo clinging to him like this.

Her thin white fingers and moist lips…

"Ugh." Theodore shook off his light dizziness and pulled his arm away from Aquilo. "It is done now. Don't stick so close to me."

"Kek, there is no need to be ashamed―" Aquilo was still relaxed despite Theodore's rejection. She had the face of a sated lioness and didn't hide her satisfaction at all. He couldn't beat her when it came to this.

Theodore was convinced and placed his left hand on his body instead of dealing with Aquilo further. Then…

[+20 Aquilo's Blood Mark (Imprint)

-An imprint using the blood of the sea dragon, Aquilo. Additionally, Aquilo has received permission from the owner of this imprint and has strengthened the contract. The imprint has reached stage 2, allowing the owner to receive part of the dragon's power. If the relationship with the partner of the blood mark becomes hostile, it will naturally be destroyed.

* The rating of this imprint is 'Treasure.'

* The user's water affinity will significantly increase.

* The user will be given the 'Sea Dragon's Blessing'.

* It is possible to summon the sea dragon, Aquilo.

* It is possible to use Dragon Words five times a day.

* User's physical abilities and magic power will greatly increase. Applying magic power to the blood mark will allow dragon scales to appear. The lowest level of 'Dragon Fear' can be used.]

The information window of the blood mark, which was two times more powerful, appeared before Theodore's eyes. The number of times he could use Dragon Words had increased from three to five, and the procedure required to summon Aquilo was shortened.

However, those changes were minor compared to the added abilities. His physical abilities and magic power were amplified, and he gained dragon scales and even Dragon Fear. Theodore received an overwhelming power that similar to Veronica's mixed blood.

Kkuok. Theodore clenched his fists and shook his head.

'Both my strength and endurance have increased significantly. I haven't used the dragon scales yet, but this alone is a tremendous achievement.'

He had the power to bend iron with his hands, and his magic power was almost at the 8th circle. It couldn't be judged simply by the total amount of magic power, but Theodore could proudly proclaim that he was twice as powerful as other 7th Circle magicians.

If he fought Marquis Fergana now, wouldn't he be able to win easily?

"Well, it looks like you are satisfied in your own way."

"I won't thank you."

"Of course. It was part of the deal. But still…" Aquilo murmured. Then like a serpent, she wrapped her arms around Theodore's neck and whispered, "Didn't it feel good?"

Theodore didn't deny it as his cheek was stroked, and the notorious dragon snickered. He looked at her and suddenly realized, "Are you leaving?'

"Yes, for the moment, I plan to wander and watch the war. If I stay here, I think I will somehow get used to it. It might be fun, but it isn't to my taste."

Just like how humans watched the ants at their feet, this war was just a spectacle to Aquilo.

She might be a beautiful woman, but she was also a dragon. Aquilo didn't try to deny or excuse her nature. She would stay true to her essence until she was killed or reached the end of her life.

Theodore gazed at her calmly. Then Aquilo smiled and said goodbye. "Boy, those eyes… Don't forget. If you melt easily for me, you will just be an ordinary idiot."

"Don't speak nonsense and just go."

"There is no need to be ashamed." Aquilo walked into the sea without looking back. Then she turned into her dragon form and said to him, "Ah, I'll say one thing before I go."

"What is it?"

"It isn't a big deal. The next time you call me―"

Her mouth submerged in the water didn't make any noise, but Theodore heard the rest.

"…Damn." Theodore's face flushed red as he let out a breath. In this field that wasn't a fight, he seemed to be defeated by Aquilo. Theodore gazed at the distant sea until the people from Mana-vil arrived to meet him.

In many ways, it was a disturbing farewell.

* * *

Theodore headed into an unused VIP room in the mansion of Ribenda's lord and found familiar faces.

"Master!" Theodore called out.

Vince Haidel, a Prime of the red tower and his teacher, jumped up and greeted him.

News of Theodore's circumstances was concealed inside the magic towers, but Theodore's story had been fully conveyed to Vince since he was Theodore's teacher. Theodore's return was miraculous for Vince, who was well aware of the reputation of the 2nd Sword, Zest.

"You are surprisingly okay!"

Theodore awkwardly smiled at Vince's disbelieving voice and scratched his head.

"You are very excited, Master."

"I guess you are fine since you are talking like this. I'm glad."

"I'm also glad that Master is well."

They embraced firmly and shared the joy of the reunion. It couldn't be helped since Theodore hadn't met him for a while. After all, Vince was a war mage, and he was already on the battlefield.

However, Theodore saw that he wasn't alone.

Sylvia, who had come to meet him with Vince, waited for her turn with shining eyes.

Theodore turned to look at her and felt a sense of discomfort. '…Um? Her atmosphere seems different from before?'

Sylvia had grown up as a genius separated from her peers, so she didn't call anyone a friend aside from Theodore.

Like a watercolor painting painted in black and white, Sylvia was always distant from her surroundings. It wasn't what she wanted, but she didn't know how to change it. Therefore, Sylvia always reluctantly stepped back from people.

"It has been a while, Sylvia. Have you been well?"

Unlike before, her presence was sharp. Sylvia smiled brightly as she greeted him, "Yes, I'm glad that Theo is healthy."

Her features and body were the same. However, her childish emotions were gone, and Sylvia seemed more like everyone else. Was it called the three days of bereavement?

He could feel that her magic power had been well trained in the three months which had passed. Her old weakness that could have been pierced at any time had completely disappeared. It seems Theodore wasn't the only person who had progressed in the last three months.

The three people talked for an hour.

Theodore explained about his experience in the East and other small things. The two people paid close attention to Theodore as he spoke. They didn't want to admit the difficult reality where he had almost been killed and then returned from far away.

He appreciated their care, but it was time to stop this warm moment. "Master, Sylvia."

The two people looked at each other. Then Theodore laughed. "I am fine. I know the current situation. I really appreciate your intentions, but I think our kingdom is more important than my trip."

"Theodore, I…"

"Master, don't hesitate to speak. What is happening in Meltor?"

Vince sighed at his words. It wasn't a sense of guilt or responsibility toward Theodore but a daunting reminder of who his disciple was. The boy was different from when they first met. The young boy from the countryside had grown into a dignified hero of the kingdom.

Vince settled his heart, arranged the situation in his head, and opened his mouth to speak. "To put it briefly, it is a seesaw game."

Then Vince continued explaining to Theodore.

Shortly after the declaration of war, Meltor had hit three of Andras' border bastions with three vanguard units: Veronica who could be called a one-man army; the assassination operation of the troops led by White Tower Master Orta; and the war and ghost mages who were mobilized on the plains.

Among them, one had been successful, and one had failed. The remaining one had yet to fully engage in battle.

"Veronica smashed the fortress without difficulty, but White Tower Master was engaged in a desperate battle with the 3rd Sword. Except for Karul Plains where the fighting continues, the rest is in a lull."

"I see."

"Meltor has secretly dispatched envoys to Elvenheim and Austen. According to the intelligence agency, there are 2,000 troops from Lairon that are moving to Andras. An unprecedented war will take place this time in the north."

On one side, there was Meltor, Elvenheim, and Austen. While on the other side, there was Andras and Lairon. This was at a scale which seemed like it was including the whole West Continent in the dispute.

The prelude to a historic war was rising. Theodore got a thrill as he once again realized this fact.

'Andras and Meltor… One of them will surely perish…!'

Regardless of whether he knew the feelings of the silent Theodore, Vince's hadn't finished speaking yet.

"Kargas is neutral, but they don't want Andras to win. Well, they aren't a big force."

"…Finally, it is starting."

"Yes, it is finally starting," Vince's eyes flashed intensely as he declared with fighting spirit, "The unification war of the Northern Continent…!"

Chapter 267 – Three Days Free (1)

Immediately after the battle began in the three areas by the border, the northern powers started the work for a full-fledged war.

Unlike the Central Continent which hadn't experienced large wars for centuries, the two northern superpowers had clashed an average of two to three times a century, over the course of many centuries.

The military system Meltor had mastered was already a war machine.

The business companies started to distribute military supplies necessary for war without a hitch, while residents who learned about the brutality of the empire volunteered to join the army.

Nevertheless, a war was a war.

It was a symbol of bloodshed which couldn't be rationalized by anything. Regardless of victory or defeat, the weight of the bloodshed and corpses wasn't light.

The energetic streets were now filled with an unknown tension, while the residential areas which were usually filled with laughter were now silent. Fortunately, Meltor was used to war, so there weren't any large disturbances. War meant disaster would sweep the kingdom.

"Hrmm." Kurt III looked around him.

'Maybe today will be an exception.'

It was currently the prelude to the unification war, so the royal palace should be serious. However, right now, the atmosphere of the meeting room was quite exciting. Anyone reading the current mood would find it strange.

Veronica had destroyed one goal, but Orta's failure and injury hadn't been in their predictions. Meanwhile, the small-scale engagements on the Karul Plains were at a lull. Yet, why were they excited in this situation?

However, instead of feeling angry, Kurt understood their feelings. "…It is hard to keep a cool head today, that's true."

It was yesterday that their hero, Theodore Miller, had returned to Mana-vil. There was no reason to keep it secret, so the news had been passed on to everyone and this was the aftermath. Theodore had come a long way, but the meeting with him was delayed to calm down the excitement.

However, one day was probably not enough for the excitement to settle. Kurt clenched his fists with a jubilant joy that wasn't revealed by his calm expression. Even if they poured in all of their power, Andras was an enemy that would be hard to beat.

Adding one more senior magician wouldn't make much difference. However, a master who had proven his capabilities had returned.

…A hero whose name alone would make the army want to fight! If Theodore were in front of him right now, Kurt would've grabbed his shoulders without regard for his dignity.

"Your Majesty!" From behind the firmly closed door, a servant cried out in a slightly trembling voice, "Quattro's Captain! Marquis Theodore Miller is asking to enter!"

He had come. It was the appearing of the hero they had been discussing, so everyone looked in the direction of the entrance.

Kurt inwardly laughed before saying, "Send him in."

The moment the king gave permission, the guards at the door opened it with great force. Shortly after that, 'he' entered the meeting room with a stately gaze.

He wore the red robe symbolizing the red tower, with the dark blue uniform of Quattro underneath it. As Theodore Miller gazed at Kurt with shining blue eyes, the atmosphere around him was more prominent than it had been a year ago.

"Theodore Miller, the captain of the magic division Quattro." Theodore went down on one knee and greeted the king politely. "Before I properly greet the sun of Meltor, I want to apologize for my absence in the past three months."

"There is no need." Kurt's mouth hardened as he spoke. "Everyone gathered in this place knows what happened. You defended yourself against the despicable actions of the 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem. I can only say that you did well."

"Your Majesty, still…"

"I won't allow any objections. Your absence during the past three months was nothing. You have repaid it 20—no, 30 times by returning alive at this time."

This scene of a subject who wanted to confess his sins and the king who dismissed them… It was a scene that made the people smile. Theodore was pushed by Kurt's firm will. The king looked at him with satisfied eyes and opened his mouth again, "Normally, there would be a big banquet to welcome you back, but please understand that the timing isn't good."

"I understand, Your Majesty."

They shared a few words before naturally cutting to the chase.

After all, both Theodore and Kurt both knew that Theodore was an important figure in the war with Andras. Depending on how he moved, he was a wildcard that could control victory or defeat in this unification war.

"Did you hear the story about how the White Tower Master failed his mission?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Then this conversation will progress faster."

The preemptive attack, carried out simultaneously by three vanguards, couldn't be called good or bad.

The value of the fortress destroyed by Veronica was quite high.

However, there was the significant injury of Orta, as well as the loss of seven elite agents who had infiltrated Rutben with him. This was a war where masters were the key. The war hadn't truly begun yet, so the Orta getting injured was a big loss.

"According to the diagnosis, it will take the White Tower Master at least two weeks to recover and return to the battlefield. The problem is the time in between."

"Two weeks… That isn't a short amount of time."

"That's right. Two weeks on the battlefield can cause significant damage to the army. I have been discussing it with those gathered here and…" Kurt paused, looked at the serious Theodore, and then spoke the words he'd prepared, "Theodore Miller, I want you to fill that vacancy."

"Isn't this a daunting task to be left to me?"

"We have discussed it seriously." Kurt grinned at Theodore's concern and pointed to the other people present.

The core of Meltor's power was the magic towers.

One of the 8th circle magicians needed to defend the capital, so Veronica and Orta were supposed to take the lead with attacking. The chairman of the Magic Society could also go on the front lines, but it wasn't easy to place him in the vanguard due to his importance.

To put it briefly, Orta's vacancy was like pulling off one of Meltor's wings.

"No one has disagreed that you are the only person eligible for this task."

"…Thank you."

"I want to give you more time to relax, but I can't afford it. Go to Karul Plains in three days. In addition to Quattro, the personnel you will command will be there."

Theodore saluted Kurt's will, and Kurt got up from his seat.

The envoys from Elvenheim were still far away, and even if troops were immediately sent from Austen, it would take a minimum of a fortnight. The enemy didn't know this, so they would go on a full-scale offensive to end the war before Orta recovered.

The return of the hero, Theodore, was like a ray of light on the battlefield.

"Rest for today, Captain Theodore."

It was only a three-day grace period, but Kurt hoped that Theodore could unburden his heart during this time. Kurt's eyes shone brightly.

"Thank you again for returning and for your efforts."

They were heartfelt words without any exaggeration.

* * *

Theodore left the meeting room and let out the breath he had been suppressing. "Sigh, it was burdensome in a different way."

He wasn't scolded but praised instead…? If he had turned his eyes even a little bit, he would have been met with the shining gazes of the other people present. Their bloated expectations had been on full display.

This atmosphere was due to Theodore, making him feel a sense of burden.

'Three days… What should I do?'

Three days wasn't a long period of time, but it wasn't short either. If he did the right things, it would be a proper investment of the time. He could meet someone, or he could restore his condition by resting quietly.

Theodore was thinking in the garden when he suddenly recalled something he had forgotten.

"Ah, that reminds me, has the automaton not been repaired yet?"

The automaton produced by the Yellow Tower Master, also known as the grimoire, Paragranum. The combat machine, made from Lloyd Pollan's body, had broken down three months ago and had yet to return to its original form.

Was it because Zest's aura was so strong? Or perhaps his ability to cut space might've severely damaged Lloyd's body. If the Yellow Tower Master could repair it in three days, Theodore would get the power of one more master.

Theodore came to this conclusion and quickly raised his head.

"Yellow tower…" The gold tower shone in the sunlight from far away. The Yellow Tower Master's main body was always in Mana-vil, so Paragranum would reveal herself once Theodore arrived in the yellow tower.

���Okay, let's stop by." Theodore finished pondering on what action to take and moved quickly. After arriving at the crossroad of the four towers, he moved along the road toward the yellow tower.

It would take time to climb to the top of the yellow tower. He was thinking about flying there when he heard a familiar cry. It was a yip.


It was a word that meant 'three', so Theodore had given the three-tailed fox this name.

Theodore hadn't been able to bring him into the palace, so he had left him in the garden. So, why were Tres' cries ringing out around here? Theodore immediately strengthened his body and flew to the place where the three-tailed fox's cries were heard.

Yiiip…! Yiiiip…!

Theodore soon arrived at where the fox was.

"Oh? Long time no see, Gluttony's host." The familiar-looking Paragranum was standing there.

"…Can I ask why you are catching that fox?"

"This species isn't present on the West Continent. I want to dissect it."

"No!" Theodore cried out with horror, taking the fox from her hands and placing him deep in his robes. The anxious three-tailed fox trembled inside his loose robe pocket. Paragranum just raised her hands and teased Theodore, "It is a joke. Well, I would've done it if you had given it to me. It is yours, right? I won't dissect it without paying a reasonable price."

"…How did you associate it with me?"

"Hey, I have sources even if I am stuck in the tower. Didn't you go to the East and return on a sea dragon? If so, you are the only one who can bring back a species that doesn't exist here."

It was a simple explanation, and Paragranum's smiling eyes weren't shaken at all. After all, she hadn't intended to dissect the fox without his permission, but she would've done it if she had permission.

…As expected from a grimoire that wasn't human. Theodore shook his head at her inhuman nature and brought up the reason for his arrival. "I'm sorry but I can't give the fox to you. Rather, I want to show you something."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Open Inventory." Theodore pulled out the wreckage of the automaton from his left hand.

There were five pieces and a head. Fluid flowed from it instead of blood, producing a bizarre sight.

Paragranum stared at it without any surprise and soon deduced the cause of the damage. "It is from a high-density aura blade. This can't be done with simple physical force. Didn't you fight the 2nd Sword? So, it must be hit by 'space cut.' The spirit was cut as well as the body, so it can't regenerate."

Theodore learned alchemy from the Fairy's Book, so he was somehow able to interpret this meaning. The damage was spiritual, rather than physical. It meant that the automaton's regeneration ability didn't work properly because the nucleus had been cut by the aura ability.

"Will you be able to fix it quickly?"

"Of course. This isn't hard for me. But…" Paragranum faced Theodore with red eyes and made a circle with her index finger and thumb. "How are you going to pay for it? The materials required to repair this damage will be significant. In addition to what you received in the laboratory, there are a lot of rare materials. Can you afford to pay…"

"Look at this before saying anything else." Theodore interrupted Paragranum and pulled a bundle out of his inventory. It was the package White Bear of the Baekun Mountains had given to Theodore.

Paragranum's eyes shone with a strange light at the fragrance leaking from the cloth. Power spots weren't uncommon on the West Continent, but most of them were the dwelling of dragons and it was too risky to invade those areas.

However, dragons didn't live on the East Continent for some reason. Instead, it was common for native spirits to protect the earth and nature from humans. In other words, the materials in this package were rare on the West Continent.

Theodore opened the bag in front of Paragranum, who had stiffened, and smiled cheekily. "Oh, yes, what was that about my ability to pay?"

"…I will take it back." Paragranum canceled her words with a blank expression, then she trembled and grabbed Theodore's hands.

After making eye contact with Theodore, the grimoire with an ego abandoned its pride and asked, "What price are you setting for these?"

Chapter 268 – Three Days Free (2)

Theodore was returning to Paragranum's laboratory after half a year, and it was still filled with bizarre things. Homunculus sleeping in huge tanks, crystal skulls, strange gemstones, brewing potions, bubbling reagents…

If Theodore visited this place without knowing Paragranum's identity, he would've misunderstood it as a warlock's lair.

"Come, there is no hurry, so sit in this chair."

Perhaps it was because Theodore looked uneasy that Paragranum took out a chair left in a corner of the room and sat Theodore in it. Then she sat at a big table and started to move her quill over the parchment. It was a silent agreement that allowed him to be in here.

Theodore was puzzled for a moment as he looked at her back before laughing. '…Does this mean these medicines are really valuable?'

The top priority for the grimoire, Paragranum, was to acquire materials to achieve the purpose of her existence.

As she had said in the past, she wasn't good at combat. So, this bag of medicine was like a pie dropping out of the sky. It was a chance to obtain rare materials without invading the territory of a dragon!

30 minutes later, Paragranum got up. She took a few designs that she had drawn and placed them on the easel in front of Theodore. The designs showed a figure which resembled a human and complex calculation formulas. It was something that couldn't be understood unless Theodore's knowledge of alchemy reached a certain level.

As he admired it, Paragranum opened her mouth, "Cough, let me explain the first design. It is a war machine that switches from the existing bipedal walk to the far more advanced quadruped walk, and three pairs of arms appear like aura blades.


"By changing the entire skeleton to an orichalcum alloy and converting the blood to a high-density liquid―"

Theodore interrupted Paragranum words, "No, wait a minute. Quadruped walk and six arms? Did I hear that wrongly?"

"You heard it properly. This promises to be three times more powerful than before. I call it Blade Centauros!"

Was it a monster that mixed aspects from the East Continent and West Continent? Theodore momentarily lose his composure and shouted, "I don't need that!"

Meanwhile, Paragranum inquired like she was confused, "You don't need it? You are about to go into the battlefield, so you need something with a strong fighting power. If you are dissatisfied with the appearance, you can customize it into any form you want."

"There is too much to fix! I can't wander around with something like this as my property. I will think about it a little bit if I can use your name as an excuse."

"Ummm, that is a bit difficult."

It might be different with a human form automaton, but Theodore couldn't take credit for a war weapon in this shape. If Theodore acknowledged ownership, he would have to give details about the maker and the materials used. He couldn't accept being mistaken as a warlock just for more attack power.

Theodore thought this and asked Gluttony, 'Is this realistically possible?'

-There are no loopholes in the theory. It is true that this appearance can exert three times Lloyd Pollan's combat power. The problem is that in order to maintain the output, more than ten times the materials are consumed. I calculate that it will only be able to fight 30 minutes.

'…Then it isn't possible.'

–Well, it isn't bad as a disposable item. I'll leave it to User's discretion.

Theodore pointed out the drawbacks, and Paragranum clicked her tongue. She hadn't thought Theodore would notice.

"Tch, that's right. Damn Gluttony…! Even if Gluttony doesn't have the same design ability as me, it can see through the design…?"

The grimoire, Paragranum, only excelled at 'alchemy,' while Gluttony showed more abilities.

However, the difference wasn't enormous.

Paragranum would win if they were competing in the same environment, but it was impossible to avoid Gluttony's insight when it came to this design. Theodore didn't know if Paragranum could lie, but Paragranum's principle of existence was based on an equal exchange. As such, it was taboo to lie during negotiations.

"It can't be helped. I will have to scrap this design." Paragranum tore up the first design and moved to the next one. "Next is Hell Blazer."

"It is another tremendous name."

"Please listen. This design allows for a widespread attack by placing the 7th Circle magic, Inferno, along with aura swords and armor, to be unleashed. The internal heating is a bit intense, but after 5 minutes of cooling, it will restart without any problems."

"A type of magic gun…"

When comparing the same level magicians and knights on the battlefield, the reason why magicians were superior was their ranged attacks.

Even the most skills aura users couldn't match the efficiency of a magician's destruction. It was the same with the sword masters, with a few exceptions. Without the destructive power of the 4th Sword, Pan Helliones, it was hard for an aura user to match the destruction of great magic.

Paragranum's design wasn't enough to fill that limit, but it could add another strong firepower to Meltor. It was worth considering, unlike the first design.

"Then the cost?"

Paragranum smiled brightly and replied, "70% of that bag."


"It needs the heart of an Eastern dragon, seals of a high ranking spirit, and 10 liters of manticore blood. There will be a deficit if I don't receive 70% of that bag."

"Dismissed," Theodore rejected the proposal without hesitation and shook his head. "I'm sorry but I have to use some of these as medicines. I can't afford to waste 70% of it repairing the automaton."

"Hrmm, should I discard this design as well?"

"The amount I am willing to pay is up to 50%. Choose a form that other people won't pay attention to. Otherwise, this isn't going to end."

"Um… I understand. Wait a moment."

Paragranum's actions became faster after several conditions were attached. She cut the designs down to less than five, and they looked at the drawings in order. Theodore was interested in some of them, while he dismissed others. After spending 10 minutes thinking about it, two designs were left.

Then he made a choice.

"This one."

"It is complicated but practical. The commission has been received."

Paragranum thought the design Theodore chose was a good choice. However, it was obvious that she would praise him no matter what he chose. She looked around Theodore, sorting through all the clutter. There was no reason for him to stay in this space any longer after the transaction took place.

"I will complete it before you go, so don't look for me in the meantime. I need to do careful work."

"I understand. Ah, that reminds me," Theodore said as he was reminded of something he'd forgotten, and he asked her, "You aren't participating in this war?"


"Not as the female avatar but as the Yellow Tower Master. I heard that you never participated in the past wars, but I think this is a situation that shouldn't be missed."

"Umm, indeed, it is a good opinion from your perspective," Paragranum spoke positively, before rejecting the idea, "But like I said earlier, I don't have many combat skills. I am strong in a space that I have built, but I won't be a big help on the battlefield that is changing at every moment. My avatar will function as a 5th circle magician in 'Quattro', but my role is the defense of Mana-vil."

"Defense? That is Blue Tower Master's role…"

More questions appeared as though he was digging continuously into an onion. Paragranum shrugged and raised an index finger to her lips.

It was hard to tell the meaning of the gesture.

Theodore didn't back down, so she opened her mouth with a serious expression, "From this point onward, it is a confidential secret that only the king of Meltor is allowed to know. I want to let you know, but from the standpoint of the Yellow Tower Master, Norden, it isn't possible. Still, if you pay me…"

"Ah, it is okay."

"The price… eh?"

Theodore grinned at Paragranum. "The situation won't get better if I know the secret, right?"

"Well, yes���"

"So, you don't have to tell me."

One day he would find out, so Theodore got up without raising a fuss. He gave a short farewell and left the yellow tower.

Paragranum, who was left alone, stared at where Theodore had just been like it was ridiculous. Then she burst out laughing, "Ahahahahaha! What's with that person?! It isn't normal for a magician to not respond to a secret! Gluttony's owner is really interesting!"

The young girl wiped the tears caused by the physiological process as she stood in this empty lab.

"It is unfortunate that I only got 30% of the goods, but… isn't this fun? Anyway, he will come back. It is his destiny."

Was a hero born or made?

Either way, the hero always had to go through tremendous suffering and trials. Just like how Zest had turned the automaton into scrap metal, there was no guarantee that this round of repairs would help it to hold out for long.

The grimoire waited for that day to come as she set out the ruined automaton in the room. The repairs were due in three days, a tight timeframe even with Paragranum's skills.

* * *


After handling the repairs of the automaton, Theodore moved toward the red tower.

He'd met the king in the morning, and he had been busy negotiating with Paragranum when the sun was in the middle of the sky. His body wasn't greatly fatigued, but he felt like resting now.

Regardless of whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, there weren't many people left inside the red tower due to the war preparations. Theodore greeted three people as he passed by and arrived at his room.

The door was clean, despite him having been gone for a few months. It was proof that people managed the red tower well. Theodore grabbed the doorknob with a giddy feeling. The metal door wasn't rusty at all. He unlocked the door with an unlocking spell and turned his hand clockwise. Simultaneously, the closed door opened.


The heat which had been trapped in the room knocked against his face.


It was like hot water being poured onto his thighs, which made the confused Theodore look ahead reflexively. Why was there hot air in a room where no one should be present? This was like entering a hot bathhouse. Then he saw the source of the heat sitting before him.

"You are late."

With red hair and golden eyes, her beauty could be seen at a glance even in the darkness. It was the great magician of the red tower, Veronica. She looked at Theodore with a dour expression as she sat on the chair and grumbled, "I've waited since morning to surprise you but… I guess you didn't want to see me."

"T-Tower Master." Theodore's eyes widened as he made eye contact with Veronica.


"I thought you were still on the battlefield…?"

"Orta. I stopped by to check up on that idiot. I have to go back soon, so I wanted to talk to you. Shit," she grunted as wriggled on Theodore's chair.

Even Veronica, whose body and mind were like steel, was revealing the fact that the battlefield wasn't a good place. The heat around her body reflected her mood.



Veronica got up, approached him and opened her arms like she was hoping for something. "I don't like acting like this, but I am having a hard time these days. So, can you cheer me up just once?"

"C-Cheer you up…"

"Don't you see my pose?"

Theodore noticed it without needing an explanation. Having her arms wide open indicated she wanted a simple hug. It could be called an expression of kindness.

Theodore had long lost his hesitation, so he stepped forward and held Veronica in his arms. Her body temperature was a few degrees higher than that of normal people, so it felt like his body temperature was also going up.

'But it isn't that hot…'

Veronica was probably being careful. The temperature of the heat haze near her never increased. A short time passed by. It seemed like Veronica hadn't expected Theodore to respond to her request, because her expression was stiff.


"Kid." In contrast to Veronica's hot body temperature, Theodore heard her cool voice in his ears. "Why is the smell of Blue so thick around you?"

Chapter 269 – Three Days Free (3)

Theodore's face stiffened. There was no scent remaining, but Veronica precisely sensed what had happened between him and Aquilo.

This might be a magician's insight, or perhaps the senses of a quarter dragon.

Otherwise, maybe it was the senses of a woman. Veronica's thin arms started to silently tighten around Theodore's body. Then his warm body temperature started to heat up. It was a testament to the fact that her powerful magic power was wriggling out of her control.

"T-That." He shouldn't lie. Theodore desperately thought and managed to come up with a convincing excuse. "We spent three, almost four, days together while crossing the sea."

"Hrmm." It was lacking. Veronica made a sullen expression before sighing. It was a sign that she would let it go, rather than she was being convinced. "Well, this is fine… It's not like I was there, and I am too tired to make a fuss…"

It was just a month since the war had started, yet Veronica's face had already lost its usual vibrancy. She was an 8th circle magician who had inherited the blood of a red dragon. The absolutely strongest human was making an expression like this… Of course, she only revealed it in front of Theodore, but it let him know how hard the battlefield was.

Veronica hugged Theodore tightly one more time before letting go.

"Kid." There was no playfulness in her deeply sunken voice. "Now, there aren't many people who can teach you. Vince is decent, but he can't see everything because he trusts you completely. This is my role."

A half-breed wasn't just a mixture of the blood of two species. Their natures were also obtained.

A half-elf had more than three times the lifespan of humans, was friendly with nature, and had gentle personalities. Meanwhile, half-orcs were larger than humans, lacked intelligence, and had violent tempers.

In Veronica's case, she had obtained the wildness of the red clan and the insight of a dragon that had lived for thousands of years. So, she saw a gap that Theodore was yet to be aware of.

"Theo, you experienced a civil war in the Soldun Kingdom. You acted in your own way and probably thought that you have adapted."

"It isn't the case?"

"No." Veronica patted Theodore's cheeks in a friendly manner. "The only thing you did in the Soldun war was face a few masters, Marquis Fergana and Pan Helliones, not the 'enemy.' You didn't experience leading a group or bearing the hatred of the enemies with your body."


It was an undeniable truth. Theodore had been a third party in the Soldun civil war. He had acted to prevent Andras from interfering in the Soldun war. However, his position in this unification war was different.

Theodore would stand at the front lines as the hero of the Meltor army, and he would be the target of hundreds of thousands of enemy soldiers. It was completely different from defeating one powerful person. This time, he would have to step over mountains of bodies and lakes of blood.

Just how many talented young people had broken down because of this? It wasn't unreasonable for Veronica to be concerned.

"Well, I don't have to be afraid if it is you," Veronica continued talking with a soft smile. "We have to be careful not to allow our hearts to be cut. Look down at the ground from the sky, and don't get drunk on power when you kill a thousand people with a single spell. Have a sense of fear when you are above someone."

"…I think I understand."

Humans were naturally emotional. Those with power were naturally superior to those without power. The Andras Empire was such a place which functioned based on strength.

Theodore also wondered sometimes. He wanted to see the classmates, who had despised him in school, bow down to him. Knowing this wasn't the answer didn't mean he could shake it off.

Moreover, the battlefield was a breeding place for power to corrupt. Law and order lost meaning there, while strength was the only value. Turning the dignity of life into numbers and resources, it was a hell that many people fell victim to. Some people became drunk on the feeling of superiority caused by the slaughter, while others got carried away by their wartime achievements.

It wasn't uncommon for them to become cruel and actively participate in murder.

"But in the end, aren't we magicians?"

So, as Veronica said, Theodore should take care of his mind.

"Don't forget that while you can use this power to fight, you can't use it for murder. Understood?"

Theodore closed his eyes at the warmth coming from his cheek and nodded. It wasn't just because of the warm body temperature but Veronica's voice as well. Perhaps that was why Theodore unconsciously replied, "Yes. I will keep that in mind, Sister."

"…Uh!" Veronica's face reddened. Then she cleared her throat and pressed firmly on Theodore's face to stop him from seeing her face. "Y-You really caught me off guard! Where did you learn this technique? Are you really a player?"


"Don't act like you don't know!" Veronica withdrew her hand from Theodore's head and stepped back. "…It is time to go."

The sun had started to descend, and the sky was red from the sunset. Veronica's expression was shadowed, like she was looking at the distant battlefield which couldn't be seen from this tower.

She barely managed to calm her breathing, neatened her disheveled hair, and waved to Theodore. "I won't be able to come see you again. Rest for three days, and let's meet again on Karul Plains."

"Yes, Sister should also take care."

"Yes. You take care, Theo."

With this exchange, Veronica finally left. The sound of her footsteps faded until nothing could be heard coming from the corridor. After she left, Theodore gazed at the empty chair with a blank expression.

'A real war… is it?'

He might've been thinking about it shallowly before… Theodore acknowledged his own arrogance.

Until now, he had mostly fought people who were stronger than him.

Sometimes they had been monsters, not humans, so there had been no room for conscience and morals. How could he consider the circumstances of the opponent when it was an emergency situation?

"I have to think about it from now on."

In a war, he would have to kill people who weren't a threat, like moths flying toward the flames. It would be a massacre that even the war hero, Alfred, had never experienced. Theodore couldn't be sure that his spirit would've been safe without any preparations. So, he had to be ready for this moment.

It was for the sake of his parents and younger brother who lived in Meltor…

For his fellow magic tower magicians who would be shedding blood…

For Veronica was struggling, Orta who was injured, and the companions who would accompany him.

'-Um?' At this moment, something flashed through Theodore's mind. 'Is it possible? No, it is quite possible. If I time this correctly, it will be an effective opportunity…'

After the negotiations, he had 70% of the medicine from the spirits left. He also had 50% of the materials obtained from Paracelsus' laboratory. There was a bright flash in Theodore's mind. Both the empire and Meltor were unaware of it. In order to deceive the enemy, it would be more effective to deceive your friends first.

"Okay, let's try it."

Theodore forgot his fatigue as he made his decision.

* * *

At Belfort Castle in the capital of the Andras Empire:

"―Hoh," the man looked down at the kneeling knight and made an admiring sound. The man had gorgeous blond hair and reddish eyes. There was a blood-soaked sword hanging at his waist. This was Fermut, the 3rd Sword who had returned to Belfort after defending Rutben.

"'He' is back?"

"Yes, he arrived at Ribenda Port. He entered the port with the sea dragon, supposedly Aquilo. The dragon dropped him off and headed back to the sea."

"…Sea dragon. It must be that woman who was at the meeting." Fermut clenched his fists upon recalling the bad memory.

After escaping from Veronica's bombardment, Crowd had explained why he had chosen to step away from the fight. The blue-haired beauty, who had accompanied the witch, was supposedly a dragon. Therefore, Fermut couldn't reprimand the 1st Sword. Perhaps that dragon was involved in 'his' return?

"That damn lizard dares to interfere…!"

Still, Fermut couldn't admit that he was afraid. Was it because of his arrogance that soared into the sky? Fermut wasn't really afraid of her, just purely angry. Of course, only the shadows in this place were crushed by his pressure.

Soon afterward, Fermut calmed down and asked, "That is enough for the report. What did the emperor say?"

"He will leave commanding the front lines to you."

"I see… He doesn't want to go to the front lines at this age."

Fermut had grown up knowing the strength of the present emperor, his father. Despite being an elderly sword master, the emperor was powerful enough to subdue all Seven Swords.

Witch of Heat, Sage of Water…

Even the two biggest obstacles in Meltor could be beaten by the emperor. Fermut was sure of it, since his memories of his father were so amazing.

"It can't be helped."

Fermut wasn't willing to give up. From now on, his era was coming. It wasn't necessary to send the fallen sun back to the battlefield to revive his glory. After this unification war was over, Fermut would be coronated.

He suppressed his fear of the emperor and looked at the battlefield, which had been ongoing for less than a month.

It was a big accomplishment that he had stopped the White Tower Master in Rutben. After all, Orta was a magician that Andras found hard to deal with. Fermut was able to predict how long the White Tower Master's injury would last.

'For at least two, maybe three weeks. He won't be able to move for that long.'

Fermut had wanted to kill him, but a traitor had appeared and ruined it. He visualized the Clovis family and smiled grimly. 'I'll have to complete this war within a fortnight.'

In Meltor, the White Tower Master's role wasn't just of an assassin and secret agent. He was the one in charge of all flows of information, which could determine the shape of the battlefield. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Meltor's army had lost 30% of their efficiency after losing him. If he didn't take advantage of this time, the whole world would laugh at Fermut.

"Tell this to the entire imperial army," Fermut rose from his seat and spoke in a malevolent tone, "Gather all the troops, leaving a minimum of guards behind, and head to the Karul Plains. I will destroy Meltor's army there!"