270 - 276

Chapter 270 – Karul Plains (1)

Karul Plains.

It was a plains at the border between Andras and Meltor, a place where the two nations shed blood at least twice a century.

Despite the terrain maximizing a magician's range and offense, Meltor had never managed to overcome Andras' defense. Rutben Fortress was strong enough to be called an impregnable wall.

Moreover, Karul Plains had changed its appearance over the centuries.

To this day, it had been pounded by hundreds of 7th circle great magic, creating bumps in the ground which weren't normally found on the flat land.

The deeply dug land turned into canyons, and the build-up of soil became hills. The battlefield where superhumans and senior magicians gathered in the thousands had already reached the stage where nature had become twisted.

"In that sense, maybe this is the last time was can call this place a plains," the elderly man muttered as he touched his beard.

It had already been 50 years.

He was currently the top of the Magic Society, but the memories of that time were as clear as day. It was the same for any magician of a similar age who had survived that battlefield. The magic and swords had clashed together, fighting fiercely to preserve their names.

The torrential rain of fire which had fallen from the sky…

The sticky ground that hadn't been covered in water but mud that was wet with blood…

Deadly blades had come from all sides. The obstacles at their feet hadn't been rocks but the heads of people. The fog and clouds had been dyed red; it had been a hell where human life was trampled on like weeds.

How many corpses were buried underneath this now peaceful looking land?

Unable to imagine it, he couldn't help shuddering.

"Commander." Then a middle-aged person approached the chairman of the Magic Society with some documents. "We have corrected all the inconsistencies with the terrain from the last war. It was also reported that the terrain surveying team found Andras' scouts and tried to capture them, but they failed."

"It won't be easy to take them alive."

"Yes. It is an old-fashioned method, but they each have a poison pill in their mouths. They all committed suicide as soon as their escape method was cut off."

The expression of the Magic Society's chairman hardened at these words. In the dangerous areas of Karul Plains, there were two types of scouts: those brilliant enough to not get caught; and those who were worthless when caught.

If there was an attempt to capture the scouts, the latter would swallow poison without hesitation, even if they were non-elites. This was already beyond military discipline; it was at a level that was close to madness. The soldiers of the Andras Empire were like the Janissaries of Austen.

"…This is their determination. It is tricky."

"Yes, it really is annoying."

It wasn't a one-sided relationship. Just as Meltor hated the empire, Andras hated Meltor too. They had been enemies since the early days of the founding of the kingdom, so this hatred was at the instinctual level.

"Well done, Earl Carter. Without your experience, the completion of the map would've been a few days late. It is a big achievement."

"I just fulfilled my role." Carter, who had become an earl after his achievements in the Soldun civil war, politely received the praise. He was a war mage of the red tower who had left his mark as a veteran, so it was obvious that he would be placed on the front lines of Karul Plains.

For Commander Benedict, chairman of the Magic Society, there was no one more competent.

"Hmm?" At this moment, Benedict heard a ringing from an artifact. "…Hoh. 'He' has arrived. Understood. Tell all the leaders to gather in one place until I arrive, and call the troops that he will lead."

"Commander. Who is that 'him' that you are talking about?" Earl Carter asked carefully, showing an unconcealable interest in Benedict's words.

It was hard for Carter to hide the anticipation in his eyes.

Benedict laughed and gave an answer that fulfilled those expectations, "The hero has arrived."

It was the arrival of the kingdom's hero, Theodore Miller.

* * *

Shortly after arriving at Karul Plains, Theodore was guided to the commander's barracks and saw several familiar faces.

The most surprising among them was the commander's face.


"It has been a long time since I've seen your face, Captain." Benedict, the head of the Magic Society at the center of the magic towers, was looking at Theodore from the main seat.

Theodore was amazed as he quickly interpreted this situation. The fact that the chairman called him 'captain' instead of 'prime' meant that he hadn't come here as a magician. It meant the chairman was the commander of Meltor's army.

Theodore finished thinking and politely saluted him, "Yes. It has been a while, Commander."

"Hrmm." His judgment was right. Benedict shook his head and spoke to the leaders sitting around them, "I don't need to introduce him, but this is Quattro's captain, Marquis Theodore Miller. There are a few people here who know him, but let's leave the small talk to later."

The old man spoke sternly, refusing to show the excitement in his voice. At a glance, it could be seen that Theodore was an excellent magician. Magic power was overflowing from his trained body, and it was unknown if the people gathered here could overcome it. How had he reached this level at his age?

"It is good to see you, Captain Theodore. When I heard that you were only three days away, I couldn't help rejoicing. You can blame my incompetence."

"No. Please use me fully."

"Huhu, you are so modest. I'm sorry if this doesn't meet your expectations, but we have already decided on your position."

"That is…?"

Theodore's position was already determined…? Theodore himself was stunned, while Benedict and the other leaders nodded with a smile. Then Benedict pushed a piece of paper toward Theodore and said, "Read it slowly."

"Yes…" Theodore received it with a questioning face and started to read the paper.

Then his eyes widened. "Commander, this is…"

Theodore didn't know the army's formation, but he couldn't help responding to the contents.

[ Quattro's Captain, Theodore Miller will be given sole command of a unit composed of up to 50 people. The candidates will be recruited from Quattro, the war mages, or the magic towers, and the members will be organized according to Theodore Miller. Additionally, Theodore Miller has the right to override the commander, Benedict Alpen's orders. ]

It meant that Theodore had the power to command a single unit at his disposal. He could even ignore the commander's orders!

Theodore was at a loss for words.

However, Benedict just spoke like it was nothing. "There is no precedent to this, but don't think too much about it. We have come to the conclusion that a master's power isn't efficient when used in a non-flexible formation."


"It is the same as the Red Tower Master. Her combat power and maneuverability are too good to be held back by the army. Of course, I can't allow you to wander around alone like her, so I thought of this."

The power of a master, which could surpass 100 soldiers, was a military strength. A master could overturn the flow of the battlefield with a single gesture.

Thus, it was more efficient to leave it to their own discretion, rather than fit them into the army. Just like how a sword master hid in the melee for assassination opportunities, Meltor controlled the battlefield with magicians that could appear anywhere.

Moreover, Theodore and the war mages were the wild cards of Karul Plains.

"Also, Earl Carter."

"Yes, Commander." Carter stepped forward at Benedict's call.

"If you don't mind, I would like to recommend him as your assistant, as long as you don't have someone you've thought of beforehand."

"I'm sorry."

It was true that an active veteran would be helpful, but Theodore refused the offer without hesitation. However, it wasn't because he didn't like Earl Carter. Benedict read Theodore's expression and asked him, "Do you have someone in mind?"


"Can you tell me who?"


It was a bit difficult, so Theodore whispered the answer only to Benedict.

"―Hrmm." As the head of the Magic Society, Benedict didn't utter any surprised words. He just closed his mouth with an unpleasant expression. A person who didn't know the situation would be deceived. Theodore admired him inwardly, while Benedict spoke to Earl Carter in an uncomfortable manner.

"Well, I understand. Earl Carter will guide you to the people you will be commanding. A full-scale operational meeting will begin tomorrow."

"Yes. Thank you, Commander." Theodore accepted the command and left the barrack. Earl Carter followed hurriedly behind him, while the barrack seemed bleaker than before.

Theodore had refused to accept the commander's favor, and Benedict had a careful expression on his face…

However, unlike his outward appearance, Benedict was pleased. Indeed, Benedict was forced to accept it if it was 'him.'

'It doesn't matter how brilliant Earl Carter is compared to him. Well, yes. The imperial army will properly become mad.'

Benedict, the chairman of the Magic Society, laughed because he hadn't expected something so interesting. This absolutely wouldn't do any harm to Meltor. That's why he was convinced by Theodore's decision.

Chapter 271 – Karul Plains (2)

"Then please follow me."

Theodore left the barrack and started to cross the military camp under Earl Carter's guidance.

Indeed, the scale was so large that Theodore would get lost without a guide.

Barracks were stationed on all sides and filled with Meltor's troops. There were more than 100,000 troops, a number which couldn't emerge unless they mobilized more than 80% of the standing army in the border army. In fact, there were troops who hadn't joined yet, so the total number was probably closer to 150,000.

'This will be a complete war.'

In the meantime, Meltor and Andras had been bitterly antagonistic to each other, so this war was fate. They had gathered all the troops, except for those needed to protect the capital and the kingdom.

Maybe both powers had guessed it already.

In order to win and destroy the enemy in front of them, more strength and sacrifices were needed.

Theodore's expression grew heavier at the thought. In some ways, this war had been sparked by Theodore Miller. Elvenheim, and the three swords whom he had killed…

With the addition of this strength which tipped the scales of power, Andras realized that they needed to strike. If they delayed the fight any longer, they were going to lose. If it wasn't now, they wouldn't be able to win.

'This is a chance to break the horrible long history of war in the north, but I feel a little bit of responsibility.'

However, that didn't mean he felt guilty. Regardless of Theodore's presence, the two powers would've fought again. There was no guarantee that the blood shed at that time would be less than the present.

In the end, the flow of this era was just magnified by him. Rather, Meltor should rejoice since it was more advantageous to them. Put in another light, it meant that Andras was in a position where they had no choice other than to go to war.

Theodore clenched both fists tightly and prepared himself.

"Captain Miller."

"Yes, did something happen?" He turned to answer Earl Carter's call, who pointed to the barrack opposite them.

"Almost there. Beyond that hill, the magicians who will give you support are waiting."

"Oh, are you going back?"

"Yes. I was badly rejected, so I have to go back and drown my sorrow," Earl Carter said jokingly before leaving Theodore. However, his walk wasn't light, so it seemed like he did regret being rejected.

Unfortunately, Theodore couldn't accept his recommendation.

He understood Earl Carter's abilities after Soldun, but the one he appointed as deputy was much more excellent. No, he could be called incomparable. This was the secret card that Theodore prepared before coming to Karul Plains.

"…Later, I will go see him."

Anyway, his thoughts were up to here. People were waiting for him beyond that hill, so he couldn't delay his pace any longer. Of course, Theodore didn't expect much. This position might seem plausible, but in reality, it was just a perfect place to die. Theodore was a master and captain of the unit, but his subordinates would be the ones thrown to death.

'First, Sylvia, William, and Para will follow me, but… will there even be 10 people for this insane unit?'

He might not even fill up 10 people, let alone 50 people. Theodore crossed the hill while anticipating pessimistic numbers. Then at that moment…

"All members! Rise!" The loud voice of the man was familiar.

"…William?" Theodore's blue eyes widened as William, standing on the stage, looked up at him and raised a hand to his left chest. It was a natural salute without any flaws.

"Our hero! Salute to Captain Theodore Miller!"

After that, a heavy sound rang out.


It was the sound of over a hundred people stamping their feet and hitting their chest with their hands.

What about their blazing eyes?

A look like that of beasts of prey was flowing from their eyes. Their neat uniforms and controlled magic power gave off a feeling of elegance while proving their individual skills simultaneously.

'The people here… They are all applying to my unit?'

He counted at least 100 people with just his eyes.

"It has been a long time, Captain."


"Why do you look so surprised? Is it because there are more people than you think?"

Theodore tried to answer with honorifics, but then changed his tone and said, "That's right."

"It is your fame. As long as they can fight with the 'hero', they are willing to die. 120 people volunteered."

"120 people… I have to screen them."

"Well, it is a good thing. A chance to pick the best talents, any leader would want this."

This was also true. Theodore coughed and climbed onto the podium next to William. Then he looked at the 240 people staring at him and greeted, "It is nice to meet you. As you know, I am Theodore Miller."

Some people laughed at the self-introduction, but it only lasted a short while.

Who needed introduction to the person called Theodore Miller?

He was the man who had defeated three of the empire's Seven Swords before he was even 30 years old, as well as the main cause of the alliance with Elvenheim. Even the spies hiding in Meltor remembered his achievements.

After feeling that the rigid mood loosened a little bit, Theodore raised a hand and drew the attention of the people.

"First of all, I would like to thank you for volunteering to be a part of my unit. I can only pick 50 people. I hope you understand that I have to send back the rest."

Theodore came down from the podium after saying those words.

"The screening method is simple. Show me your skills."

Theodore looked down at the magicians and used a spell in an empty space.

'Iron Wall.'


Walls made of steel soared from the ground at ultra high speed. It was at an astonishing speed and perfection, even for magicians belonging to the magic towers. The magicians' eyes widened as they saw the iron wall which had risen up so quickly. It was thick and contained a weight which could be seen, even if it wasn't touched. This was a barrier which wouldn't be scratched by mere attack magic.

While everyone was staring at the wall, Theodore spoke, "Your destructive power will be based on the complete destruction of this iron wall."

Simultaneously, Theodore cast an attack spell—Flare Burst. It was a 5th circle fire-based magic, a favorite attack spell used by war mages. However, Theodore's Flare Burst was different.

Ku kwa kwa kwang!

Flamers poured out of thin air and crashed into the iron wall, melting it away. It was unmistakably 5th circle magic, yet it contained the destructive power of 6th circle magic! The magicians freaked out as they looked at the wreckage, while Theodore restored the wall like it was nothing. It looked like it hadn't been broken at all.

"The next is mobility. Yes, this will be fine."

One step. When Theodore moved, only 10 people were able to grasp his movements. It was an acceleration made by strengthening and lightening his body. Experienced veterans like Vince or Earl Carter could use it as casually as Theodore. However, the confident volunteers stiffened.

Destructive power, mobility, defense, stealth, flight, magic circles…

After a few demonstrations, those who were full of admiration started to feel shocked.

"Hah. He is obviously a genius, but this is more than that."

"Is Prime Theodore's Sorcery an all-rounder?"

"Nonsense… It is too great to dismiss it as just that. I will toss that opinion."

Finally, after demonstrating some exploration magic, Theodore looked at the volunteers with a tired expression. "I will accept people who meet the standards in three or more fields. I'd like to do more in-depth testing, but we don't have time. I am going to complete the formation today and then start training tomorrow. Now, Quattro members."

Three people moved at Theodore's call.

"I will give the three of you the job of screening them. Don't look at convenience. Pick them based on my demonstrations. Yes, you don't have to worry about picking 50 people. Just pick those who meet my criteria."

"I will follow your words!"

"Let's start immediately."

The three members of Quattro were set up as teaching assistants. Then Theodore went up to the stage and shouted to the volunteers, "All members! Gather in three columns!"

This was the moment when Theodore's test, later known as the Wailing Wall, would become notorious.

* * *

"…So, there are only 30 people left?" Benedict made a dumbfounded expression.

"Yes, there are 31 people including Captain Theodore."

"There is a vacancy of 20 people. Is he recklessly believing in his own power?"

"I don't think so." Earl Carter put down his report and emphatically shook his head at the anxious old man's words.

Theodore had selected 30 people, with three being from Quattro, and started drastic training from the next day.

"It is an unthinkable scene considering it is his first command."

No one, let alone Earl Carter, knew that… Theodore Miller might be in his 20s, but he had the war hero called Alfred Bellontes inside him. Despite his identity as a prince, Alfred had been at the forefront of the battlefield, spending more than a decade on it. As such, it was natural for people to underestimate Theodore.

However, Earl Carter soon gave an answer, "Rather than moderately strong people, an elite force is needed in the field. If they're not strong enough, it would be much more efficient to walk around alone."

Benedict responded positively, "That's right. He didn't go to military school, but he understands his role. This is the principle of finding a suitable path."

"I think so as well."

It was as he said. Theodore's firepower was three or four times an average master. If he was to do guerrilla attacks, he wouldn't need a unit. However, his role was to be a leader and command the unit.

If so, he needed to judge and move according to his unit.

'I will let him move freely.'

It was perfect logic. However, it was just a bluff if it wasn't used properly. Benedict instructed for Theodore and his followers to remain autonomous for the moment, and then proceeded to the next agenda. Then the atmosphere in the barrack became tense as he read the next report.


"Yes, finally."

The contents stated that a large number of imperial troops were gathering on Karul Plains. The information department estimated that there were at least 150,000 troops. In addition to the current 100,000 troops on the defense line, Andras was trying to overwhelm them with 250,000 troops.


However, Benedict and the other staff members just scoffed.

"Wanting to overwhelm us with numbers? The prince is in command this time? He might have sword skills, but I don't know if he has any ability as a commander."

"It is as you say."

"I will teach that infant what war is."

So far, Meltor had never had more troops than Andras. It was natural. Judging by the population and size of the land, Meltor was half the scale of Andras. Nevertheless, the two powers had remained antagonistic to this day.

Having only 100,000 troops, it was a disadvantage which had occurred more than 20 times in this long war.

"But we don't need to deal with the angry boar head on. First, I will break the horns and teeth, and then lay a trap at its feet."

A magician's firepower wasn't infinite. If they reduced the empire's troops before entering the full-scale battle, the battlefield would become better. If so, there should be an initial exploration.

Knights were faster at a short range, while magicians were three or four times faster at long range because they had flying and acceleration magic. If they broke off the supply line of the empire and blocked the path of the reinforcements… The imperial army would find out how obnoxious they could be.

"Hrmm, let's try it."

It was also a chance to check their power.

"Earl Carter, please bring Captain Theodore here."

"You will use his unit?"

"It is good as a precursor."

The leaders might consider it as nothing, but the soldiers would be troubled by an extra 100,000 enemies. What if Theodore's status performance became widely known? It would be enough to make up for the reduced morale.

"This greeting will take the imperial army down a notch."

The hero of Meltor—the name of Theodore—would become a nightmare to Andras. The more he acted, the higher Meltor's morale would rise and Andras' would fall. The other leaders at the meeting nodded.

Thus, Theodore's first mission was decided.

Chapter 272 – Karul Plains (3)

Exactly four days afterward…

'…Demonstrating my skills, is that it?'

Theodore unfolded the order sealed in wax and read the words inside.

The search of the eastern canyon on Karul Plains and all other operational areas would be left to Captain Theodore Miller. It was obvious, but the fact that he was entrusted with this power meant he had to take responsibility.

Theodore needed to personally prove that he and his men were worthy. Benedict's clear handwriting stated the order. It had been less than a week after the 31 members of the group was selected. Considering the special circumstances, this wasn't a normal command.

The eastern canyon was much more favorable to Andras than Meltor since it was closer to the empire. Therefore, the defense systems like watchtowers had long been established. It wasn't a place which could be attacked with only 30 people.

"How interesting."

However, Theodore grinned after burning the letter.

"It seems like the headquarters are making a bet on what we can do in the canyon. We will either run like a pony with my tail on fire or die like a canary in the mine."

Theodore and the 30 members of the unit had already arrived at the entrance of the eastern canyon and were in the middle of a discussion.

If the features of the terrain were ordinary, then simple navigation magic would be sufficient.

However, this wasn't the case with Karul Plains. It had been hit by massive amounts of magic and aura for centuries, so the mana of the plains itself was chaotic. Navigation magic which spread far beyond the user's body wasn't effective in Karul Plains.

Amidst the plains, the eastern canyon was very deep and full of chaotic mana, preventing the scope of the search range from increasing. Therefore, the eastern canyon had fallen into the hands of the empire.

It was a fatal terrain for magicians, since the field of view and space was narrow.

With a narrow space of 40 or 50 meters, this was a distance which the elites knights of Andras could narrow in two breaths. It was an environment where attack and defense weren't possible. Thus, Meltor was hesitant to dig deeper into the eastern canyon.

"Well, isn't this good?" Theodore looked around at the silent members and pointed toward the dim canyon. "Let us defeat this notorious place."

Theodore was one step ahead of everyone else as he placed his hand on the floor of the canyon. He didn't hesitate any longer. Navigation magic couldn't look at the rugged terrain which the empire occupied. However, Theodore had another way to explore this terrain.

'Mitra, please.'

[Hoing! I will look!] Mitra was summoned and responded vigorously before entering the ground.

The ancient earth elemental, Mitra…

After swallowing the seed of the world tree, she had acquired the power to communicate with vegetation, making her effective on Karul Plains. Even if this wasn't like the Red Plateau, there weren't many weeds and trees inside the canyon.

Mitra moved through the terrain at a fearsome rate. Gluttony called it a 'rader,' but Theodore didn't understand that word. Was it forgotten ancient magic? He didn't need to know right now.


Less than 10 minutes later, a map of the eastern canyon was drawn in Theodore's mind. He knew the location of Andras' watchtowers, the patrols, the sniper points, and the camp at the end of the canyon. Theodore wouldn't be a magician if he didn't know how to attack after all of this.



Perhaps it was due to the vacancies that William answered politely, and Theodore proceeded to organize a separate unit for him.

"Take 10 people with excellent mobility and move according to my instructions. Use stealth. Destroy the enemy watchtowers and sniper posts without being discovered.

"I will destroy the watchtowers and sniper posts."

"And Para."


Paragranum came forward in the female avatar, and Theodore gave her another mission.

"Use the excellent alchemists to create obstacles in place. Make it look as natural as possible, like real rock walls."

"Aha, are you trying to beat the patrols?"

"Correct. There is another purpose as well, but… it is for later."

It was a strange strategy which divided the small number of 30 troops into three groups. However, Theodore was convinced that this was the best way. He could see the future, and this strategy was supported by Alfred's experience in his head and body. Then the 10 remaining people accompanied Theodore into the heart of the canyon.

"William, Para, and I will go in order."

Like a seasoned veteran, Theodore waved his hand with cold eyes.


* * *

To put it plainly, there was nothing more tedious and annoying than guarding the military boundaries. The soldiers had to stare at the canyon for hours at a time to see if the enemy would approach. This repeated several times before concentration fell to the bottom.

Robin of the 12 Imperial Army strongly agreed with such views.

"Damn, why would the Meltor guys come to this damn canyon? There wasn't even a proper battle here in the last war," he cursed.

Robin shivered in the cold wind blowing through the canyon, as he berated Meltor and everyone who had placed him here. If he didn't do this, he would fall asleep. It had been less than an hour since his shift started. There were still two hours until the next person would take over his post.

"It is a little cold, so can't they give me a blanket or let me leave an hour earlier? At this rate…"

Then it was at that moment…

Puk! There was the piercing sound of wind.

"…?" A hole appeared in this neck, and Robin wasn't even able to moan before he died. It was the 5th circle wind magic, Gale Gimlet. Gale Gimlet had a narrow range, but its penetration ability was better than that of some 6th circle magic. There were few better means of attacking in the darkness.

A transparent figure muttered, "This is the 22nd one. There are 17 remaining watchtowers and 34 snipers."

The voice that flowed out was certainly William's. Following Theodore's instructions, William climbed the cliffs with his men and secretly subdued the snipers and watchtowers.

The imperial knights were experts who were skilled in bow techniques, and they were one of the reasons why the eastern canyon was known as a dangerous area. Without them, this canyon would've already fallen into Meltor's grasp.

Paragranum and her people were also active.

"On this side, there will be a rockfall, with evenly mixed sand and soil."

Under Theodore's guidance, they created walls which disguised as natural objects.

Soil was piled up in a 10-meter-tall heap to look like a landslide. They also created artificial landforms which couldn't be overcome with an aura user's extraordinary abilities.

Unlike the other attributes, this earth magic dealt with mass. Even if the magic power maintaining it was exhausted, the finished result would remain unchanged. Some magicians might not be good at it, but the results of the alchemy, which Paragranum had assisted with, was literally perfect.

"What, this…? Was this way originally blocked?"

"It was clearly an empty space yesterday."

The patrols were confused and turned around.

"It looks like a landslide has happened."

"We'll have to modify the map. Record what you see."

"The patrol route should change?"

"It can't be helped. We'll have to report it to the higher-ups later and find a new path."

The efficient paths of the patrols had been rendered inefficient and inaccessible.

It was a feat which wasn't possible unless the terrain was fully understood. Both Andras and Theodore's magicians would never think of the possibility that Theodore could see the entire canyon. If they knew it was happening in real-time, they would freak out.

Theodore knew whenever William's troops destroyed a watchtower, and he knew every time a patrol went around a blocked road.

'Thus far, it is going as planned.'

A dark smile appeared on Theodore's face. The watchtowers and snipers were dealt with, and Paragranum had diverted the patrols.

This was already sufficient for headquarters to call it a big achievement. The mobile magicians and alchemists were elsewhere, while Theodore was with troops who specialized in destructive power. There was a reason he had come up with this combination.

"Captain, that…!"

"Don't be surprised, Sylvia. That is our destination."

Theodore looked away from Sylvia's frightened face and stared at the faraway blue-black iron wall. It was the permanent post of the Andras army in the eastern canyon. After exploring with Mitra, he discovered that the defense system of this campsite was the poorest.

'But the magic barrier is perfect. 4th circle magic will scatter before reaching it.'

The walls of the barrier were made of the great metal, titanium, which only great magic could destroy. It was a mysterious metal that was mined in an unknown place. Shields and walls made of this ore scattered mana, and the strength of the metal was also comparable to that of adamantium.

The metal was unsuitable as a weapon because it didn't accommodate aura like adamantium. However, if it was made into a facility or huge shield, it would have the power to endure ranged firepower, which was the biggest advantage of a magician.

–It isn't comparable to adamantium. It can't be helped. People in this era aren't familiar with it.

'What do you mean?' Theodore responded to Gluttony's unexpected words.

It felt like information he shouldn't miss.

–Did you call it 'Titanium'? It is a metal made by mixing adamantium with other materials through a special process. Its resistance to magic is excellent, but the disadvantage is that it can't be processed with magic and there is a limit to its utilization.

'Golems or artifacts can't be made from it?'

-Well, in the same context. It would be necessary to consume a large amount of rare adamantium, yet magicians in the Age of Mythology could easily penetrate the defense. So, it is a metal that didn't see much light in ancient times.

This was an explanation which couldn't be found in any book. Theodore kept listening as he devised a way to attack this camp.

–By the way, the existence of that metal is questionable. Paragranum might know how to make it, but it isn't an alloy that can be figured out just by digging it up. There is probably another grimoire in the Andras Empire.

'That isn't a problem I can worry about now. What is its weakness?'

–There are two big ones.

Theodore listened to Gluttony's description and rotated his seven circles without hesitation.


With such a large-scale gathering of magic power, the phenomenon was naturally huge enough to be seen by the distant imperial army. Theodore ignored the bewildered gazes of his members as he decided on a strategy to take advantage of one of the two weaknesses.

First, there was attack magic which contained mass projectiles.

'Maybe magic like Meteor Fall.'

Meteor Fall…

Meteorites were rocks which were pulled out of the atmosphere and fell at terrific speeds, and the role of Meteor Fall was to summon such meteorites. The speed and firepower were amplified by the gravity of the planet. Magic resistance had no effect before falling meteors.

However, Theodore wasn't yet in a position to cast Meteor Fall, and the other mass magic was Volcanic Shell. However, that wasn't enough to crush the iron wall.

Therefore, he chose the second method.

'Overwhelming firepower that the titanium can't endure!'

Theodore's gathered magic power shook. The power swirled around him, and the clouds overhead scattered, causing the area around him to be strangely calm. It was a natural disaster in human form. Theodore was a 7th circle magician, but this magic event was like something created by an 8th circle magician.

"All troops! Cast your biggest attack spell with me!" Theodore yelled out the command while activating a feature he hadn't used for a while.


The ability allowed him to store his desired spell and use it without casting, and he could now store seven spells. It was possible, but Theodore's magic power hadn't been able to completely control two or more great magics.

'…But now, it is possible!'

His memories of the East came to mind. In the three months he'd spent there, Theodore had been able to properly train his mind and body. The full acquisition of the Fairy Dance filled an empty spot in his body and magic.

He couldn't use all seven slots, but three or four was possible!


Four Slots Open.

Quadruple Inferno.

Four fire pillars rose. The power of one pillar was enough to burn down a town, but now four fire vortexes equal to one great magic roared like mad dragons. The clouds which got hit by the mana had already disappeared. The heat was enough to melt the rocks in the distance.

Theodore's eyes were bloodshot with extreme concentration as he managed to control it—Rage of Ragnaros! The fire which had appeared at Magnus' summoning had just been recreated. Then the vortexes of flames started to move.

The high temperatures melted steel like it was butter, while the birds in the distant sky died from the heat.

The tremendous force of light burst against the walls of titanium.

Chapter 273 – Karul Plains (4)


A flash of light erased everything in its path as it crossed to the center of the imperial camp. The light burned through the walls of the barracks, as well as the soldiers. It was an ultra-high-temperature light which destroyed everything in its path.

It wouldn't be strange for it to have a piercing sound, but surprisingly, the noise wasn't very loud. The magicians paled as they figured out the reason for that.

'It can't be…?'

'It means the power is beyond explosions!'

An explosion was the sudden expansion of materials due to high temperature and energy. However, Theodore's magic destroyed the material before it even expanded. It didn't seem that strong, yet it contained 10 times the firepower of a large explosion…

As such, it was natural that even the titanium barrier couldn't withstand it.

The degree of the titanium's purity couldn't neutralize the spell, but even if it could, it was impossible for it to block the heat and storms which arose from the spell.

It might be possible for the capital of the empire, Belfort, which had six-story-high walls with a high purity of titanium. However, this destructive force couldn't be endured by a roughly made field barrier.

"Now! Deal the second blow before the enemy reforms their ranks!"

At the sound of Theodore's voice, the magicians awoke from their trance.

"F-Flare Burst!"

"Thunderbolt that tears the clouds…! Thunder Calling!"

"Withdraw after hitting, Gust Impact!"

Pillars of fire, lightning, and wind fell on various areas of the empire's camp.

The firepower was minuscule compared to Theodore's magic, but it was enough to turn the camp into a wreck. Even if they avoided direct hits, the radiant heat could even kill aura users. The enemies fell into a critical state and didn't even know why they were dying.

This was the true value of war mages in an army! To produce a firepower which destroyed a solidly built barrier and cleansed all the troops and facilities… This was the strength of a magician on the battlefield.

At first glance, it seemed like there wasn't one survivor.

'…No, there are some people still living.' Theodore narrowed his eyes as he looked through the flames and heat haze.

Hawkeye—the vision magic Theodore had learned from an artifact a long time ago—penetrated right through the flames. Simultaneously, eight knights burst through the flames as well. They didn't care about their blackened skin and melted armor as they roared angrily.



'Wonderful.' Theodore raised his arms as he admired their fighting spirit. One of them was an expert level aura user, and Theodore couldn't be too complacent if he was in a perfect state.

However, this knight was already dead. His arms and legs had long been transformed into charcoal, and his eyes and lungs were burned by the heat which couldn't be blocked with aura. Even if Theodore didn't do anything, the knight would die in a minute.

"I'll send you off together."

However, Theodore didn't back down. His robe flapped as he stepped forward and greeted the knights. It was obviously a mistake as a magician, but it was right for the successor of the Fairy Dance.

Shortly afterward, the blue aura blade of one the knights headed toward him.

'An upper right diagonal slash.'

Theodore pushed the sword down with his left hand and struck at the exposed gap with his right hand. The ether reinforced fist had already reached the point where it could kill an aura user.

Moreover, these enemies were on the verge of death from the magical bombardment. The knight's unstable aura was scattered, causing his ribs to break and his heart to be crushed.

'Pierce the philtrum.'

Theodore avoided the second knight's sword by half an inch and struck his neck. The relatively thin armor covering his neck was crushed. Even the most persistent undead couldn't keep moving with the cervical vertebrae broken.


As the second knight collapsed, Theodore raised his knee towards the third knight's stomach. It was a robust strike aimed not just at a vital point; it also targeted the opponent's internal organs. Theodore used the body of the third knight as a shield and struck two hesitant knights.

This was Lee Yoonsung's special magic ether, which was a substitute for aura. When it imitated the shape of a blade, it exerted the same cutting force as aura. It didn't take long for the remaining three enemies to fall.

As the expert knight lay in a puddle of his blood, he muttered with his dying breath, "…C-curse, M… Mel… tor…"

This was the end, and the knight's movements came to a stop. Theodore looked down at the bodies with a blank expression, letting out a long sigh before lowering his arms.

'Cursed magicians…'

He looked up and saw the camp which had been devastated by him and his subordinates. The noise of a human residence had vanished like a lie, leaving only the sound of fire behind.

"…This is war."

It wasn't to survive or practice. Theodore's power was used only to kill the enemy. In this brief battle, Theodore had killed at least 100 people. He didn't know the contents of the inside of the camp, but there had to be enough personnel to carry out the defense.

Above all, the scary thing was Theodore's state in which he hadn't even realized he was exterminating them.

"Theo— Ah. No, Captain?"


"Please give us the next instructions. Everybody is waiting for you."

When Theodore saw that the squad members were staring at him, he nodded at Sylvia's words. He could struggle with this mental issue after they returned. Right now, he had to move according to the strategy he had developed and do it without a single mistake.

"We will withdraw."

Turning back as soon as they made a big break…?

Theodore explained to the puzzled members, "We have done this much, so Andras will send reinforcements from nearby. The watchtowers and snipers have been taken care of, so they won't be able to know our location. Instead, the pursuers will follow Para and William."

As such, Theodore's group would hunt their pursuers and reverse the situation.

"Anyway, the eastern canyon isn't an important place for the empire. If we go too far forward, we will only get surrounded. We should aim for a sure victory rather than risks our lives with an uncertain achievement."

Alfred had been the owner of such tactics. He had always fought in a disadvantageous situation where one defeat would lead to the destruction of his kingdom. A commander must know when to step back. Other people might not agree with this idea, but Theodore had inherited Alfred's experience.

Theodore grabbed the badge on his chest and poured magic power into it.

[William, Para. Report on your progress.]

It was the communication spell given to all Quattro members. It might be because the badge had been made directly by the Yellow Tower Master, but this artifact boasted an excellent performance on the Karul Plains.

Upon hearing the replies from the two people, Theodore turned his back on the destruction.

From now on, he needed to rush a little bit.

* * *

At that time, the Andras Empire's forces in the eastern canyon became alert.

It was due to the report that a base on the outskirts had been attacked. They must've been wiped out seeing as all contact had been cut off and not even a beacon was lit. Despite the many times they had been defeated in this canyon, Meltor had embarked on a bold preemptive attack!

General Torbell thought it was ridiculous. "Sir Amel! Have you gotten in contact with the watchtowers yet?"

A knight came running urgently at the call and reported to the 50-year-old general. If they didn't want to get lost in this narrow canyon, they needed a precise map or to get directions from the watchtowers built at the top of the canyon.

However, the closer they got to the attacked camp, the less the watchtowers replied, and it was silent now.

"I have sent a signal 10 times, but there is no reply! Perhaps the enemy has intervened."

"Damn Meltor bastards… They sure are doing it properly."

The fighting in the eastern canyon had been going on for nearly 100 years. Due to that, Andras hadn't had the slightest sense of caution. They hadn't thought they would be severely poked at this time.

It was a good blow. He had to admit it.

At that moment, the knight at the front opened his mouth, "General! The road is blocked!"

"What?" General Torbell looked at the map, but a path was clearly drawn.

Was it a mistake by the person who had created the map?

Just as Torbell was thinking of finding him and punishing him severely, a knight said, "General! 30 minutes ago, I received a report from a patrol. Some roads are blocked by landslides, so a new map needs to be created…"

"Fool! You should've told me sooner!"

The furious Torbell decided to advance, so he told the knights to find a detour.

Fortunately, the knight in charge of patrolling had an excellent memory, and he remembered the changed geography. It might be a longer path, but the speed of advancement was much faster than before.

They would arrive at the camp in 10 minutes.


…That was if things went as planned.

"No, a landslide!"

The empire's elite knights were surprised by the sudden collapse of a cliff, but they took a defense formation without any chaos. If aura users gathered all in one place like this, it would turn into an impenetrable fortress.

"All members! Be prepared for impact!"

"People with shields, hurry and raise them!"

In addition to the front, back, left and right, the knights raised large shields over their heads to block the soil and sand pouring down. It was a huge mass which could turn the human body into rotten tomatoes.

Kurururung! The landslide swept over them.

Puhak! The earth shook.

Then a knight emerged from the ground covered in rocks. No, it wasn't just one. Like moles poking their heads out of a dug hole, the dozens of knights slowly emerged. Anybody familiar with landslides would be impressed by their health and defense.

In the meantime, General Torbell kept calm.

"Those people!"

At the end of the path, faint figures could be seen in the canyon. A real landslide wouldn't have been as light as it was now.

It was an artificially created landslide, so the knights had been able to prevent it with their defense. Of course, most of the horses died in the process, but for aura users, horses were just a way to save stamina.

"All members, chase those rats!"

They weren't wearing lightweight plate armor, but they were knights of the empire. If they were held back by this weight, they didn't deserve to stand on the battlefield. The knights climbed the steep slope and chased after the fleeing enemies. In the meantime, they saw the ruins of the watchtowers and the fallen snipers.

This canyon was supposed to be their territory. The pride of the Andras knights wasn't low enough to leave magicians wandering around freely. They followed the enemies wearing robes of an unknown affiliation.

If it was a long distance, it would be difficult for knights to compete with magicians when it came to speed. However, if it was a medium distance, they could catch up if they overdid it a little with aura.

Torbell rushed ahead as the fast-moving knights used aura on their legs.


The sight of dozens of knights knocking hard rocks out of the way with their heavy armor was terrifying. The robes of the magicians got closer. Of course, they didn't make it easy to catch up as traps were triggered under the feet of the knights.

"Tch, these little tricks!"

"Fight like men!"

The booing didn't stop the magicians. The knights eventually broke the traps and kept chasing after them, while the magicians installed more traps. This was repeated throughout the chase and seemed like it would last forever.

However, the mutual fatigue wasn't taken into consideration. Unlike Meltor's troops, who had to consume magic power and stamina to move, the knights were in a better condition. There was more room for them in the chase.

Soon after, William's troops were surrounded by them.

"Ah, I got caught."

Ignoring William's quiet mutter, General Torbell pulled out a sword from the sheath at his waist.

"These people! Daring to strike at Andras' dignity… You won't die easily!"

"Well, I wonder if that is really the case?"

"How ridiculous!"

The empire was strong. They would be able to recover from this much damage in an instant.

Torbell snorted and spoke while covered in a red aura, "A rat cornered by a cat is trying to bite back? But you should know that you can't beat the cat! Today, I, Torbell, will engrave that into your bones!"

"That is correct. A rat can't beat a cat."

"…Hrmm?" To think that William was convinced by Torbell's words…? Torbell couldn't seem to speak.

So, William continued, "But did I really get caught?"

"What are you saying?" Torbell asked bluntly.

William raised a hand to cover his mouth as he laughed. "You are the ones caught, you idiots."

Torbell and the knights present didn't notice it. Shadows were looming behind them.


Torbell had been on the battlefield for nearly 30 years, but this was the day that he experienced the feeling of horror. It wasn't just because the enemy was behind him. That wasn't enough to cause chills. However, what was this feeling that seemed to press at his soul? This unknown fear changed to horror, and the dozens of knights looked back.

With a red robe, black hair, and blue eyes… a man, who was young and yet not young at the same time, was facing them. Normally, they would've laughed at him.

However, the Andras knights knew. This person, who didn't even look 30 years old yet, was a threat to the empire. He could never know the size of the wound he had carved into the Andras Empire.

"—You, I have heard of you," Torbell spoke on behalf of everyone, "Theodore Miller."

"That's right," Theodore responded in a grave manner.

Now, Torbell and the knights' deaths were confirmed. It was a fact whenever meeting a master. They knew they couldn't defeat a master who had already killed one of the empire's Seven Swords. Therefore, they were determined to put just one wound on their enemy before dying. The resolution that filled them caused the air to shake.

"For the empire!"

Torbell rushed forward with the knights behind him.

"For the glory of Andras!"

Aura soared up. Every one of them was an elite knight. Without Theodore here, the 30 war mages would've had to fight for their lives. Nevertheless, this world was about the strong. One master was equivalent to thousands of troops, and this absolute power difference couldn't be overcome with the advantage of numbers.

Without surrendering to the end, they all fought fiercely until they were killed.

* * *

On this day, Andras lost one outpost, two generals, 100 knights, and 1,000 soldiers. On the other hand, Meltor's damage was only some injuries and wasted magic power.

The skirmish in Karul Plains thus ended in Meltor's victory, and Theodore's name rose to a higher level than before. Then two days after the stunning skirmish…

Andras' spiteful counterattack began.

Chapter 274 – General War (1)

Kuuong! Kuuong! Kuuong!

Beyond the horizon, the soldiers who were enclosed in steel stepped forward one by one with loud noises. They were covered with iron and leather from head to toe, the swords in their hands flashed in the sun, and their feet left deep footprints in the solid earth.

Weeds were crushed and small pebbles broke as they looked forward.

There was no sound of drumming or any war cries. The eyes of the soldiers shone from underneath their helmets as they remained silent and poured all their strength into moving forward.

This was the strong army of the Andras Empire.

Rather than shrinking back from the defeats which had happened since the starting of the war, the army was overflowing with the will to retaliate. It was terrible that 150,000 troops were moving forward, while 100,000 still remained in reserve.

Benedict, who climbed onto a hill to watch this spectacular sight, opened his mouth to speak.

No, he burst out laughing.

"Huhuhuhu! Those imperial idiots have really become spiteful after their pride was broken! I never imagined it would turn out this way…"

This had all stemmed from Theodore. The damage wasn't big enough to change the course of the unification war, but it was true that the damage was great for one blow. Benedict's initial purpose was achieved, but it also ignited the enemy's fighting spirit.

Earl Carter laughed at the situation and spoke, "Hahaha, isn't it a happy miscalculation? For them to overpower the eastern canyon, that is more than I expected."

"Huhuhu, that's right. Our hero has played a part, so this old man should also use some strength."

Benedict looked around at his advisers before staring at the approaching Andras army. The laughter disappeared, and his eyes filled with a dignity suitable for a leader.

"An all-out confrontation on the plains."

In a battle on the plains where no obstacles existed, it was usually a battlefield where magicians dominated. Attack spells such as Fire Ball were more powerful than dozens of arrows, and the firepower of a magician could annihilate thousands of soldiers.

Even if one Fire Ball could be ignored, the knights couldn't survive hundreds of them pouring down. It was unknown about sword masters, but it was a fantasy that an individual could overcome an army.

"It is a strange struggle that common sense says they can't win, but…"

However, none of the leaders could agree.

"Andras is outside of common sense."

Benedict's advisers nodded and gazed at the enemy's frontline which had already come into view. The infantry advanced without stopping, and it seemed like the knights might rush forward at any time.

The most annoying things were the great shields which were made of a blue-grey material. They covered several hundreds of square meters. It was the titanium shield, called the 'Magician's Despair.'

This unidentified material was the enemy of Meltor. The magic towers attempted to find its weakness and found it could only be neutralized with an organized bombardment of at least 5th circle magic.

This titanium greatly reduced the magicians' firepower, giving the Andras Empire room to fight Meltor on the plains. Otherwise, the north would've been unified under Meltor's banner early on. Therefore, Meltor couldn't help feeling spite when they saw these colors.

"…A little closer and they will be within range."

However, that didn't mean Meltor had no strategy to deal with it. Benedict recalled the blood that his ancestors had shed and raised his left hand. "Let's do the standard procedure first."

"Should we use the Tactics Mages?"

"Mobilize the 3rd unit just in case. Use Judgment of Eurus on the great shield in the heart of the imperial army."

"I will follow your words!"

The advisers raised a few flags, and the command was quickly passed on to the magicians. It took 14 seconds starting from Benedict's command for the action to take place. The only kingdom which could maintain such a high-speed command system with more than 100,000 troops was Meltor.

Soon, a pale light shone on the left side of Meltor's army, where the Tactical Mages 3rd unit was located.


The wind blew. It was a tactical spell which twisted the air currents and created a vortex of power. This was proof that Judgment of Eurus was being used. There were 16 magicians of the 5th circle and 100 magicians of the 4th circle.

With all that ability gathered in one place, it meant they could exert a power equivalent to a great magic. This was the strength of tactics mages, who functioned as an army rather than individuals.


Judgment of Eurus, a vortex born in the sky, suddenly plummeted toward the ground.


"R-Retreat, no, aaaack!"

"Hand! Take my handdd!"

The troops of the advancing imperial army were swept away like dead leaves, and the whole area was covered with dust.

No matter how much magic power was lost, the physical power which arose from the phenomenon remained. The titanium shields became distorted, and the soldiers depending on them were thrown away with their limbs broken.

Tactical magic, which was comparable to 7th circle magic, wasn't something that the titanium could endure.

"Hrmm." However, Benedict looked dissatisfied. It was because after the storm passed, there were still a few people crawling out of the cloud of dust. They were knights and aura users. If they were directly hit, they would've stopped breathing. However, the power was offset by the titanium, so they avoided any fatalities.

Then it was at that moment…

"Commander! Look over there!"

"What is going on? There… Hrmm?"

The eyes of Benedict and his advisers widened. They saw a portable catapult being rolled on four wheels. It was a massive structure that was being dragged from the rear of the imperial forces.

This wasn't a siege, so why was Andras bringing a catapult to the plains? Their opponent was Meltor, a kingdom which could intercept the stones fired by the catapult. The Meltor troops were silent because they couldn't understand the scene, then the loaded catapult fired a shell.

It aimed exactly for where the Tactical Mages 3rd unit was located. The unexpected thing was that although the action was fast, the shell fell on empty ground, and there weren't any casualties.


At first glance, it seemed like a pointless attack.

"K-Kuaaack! M-Magic power?"

"The links… They are all broken. At this rate…"

"The tactical mages' magic circle is being destroyed! The 3rd unit will become individual magicians at this time!"

The tactical mages' magic circle, which had taken a minimum of four years to produce, had collapsed. Benedict was at a loss for a moment after hearing the news, but he soon figured out the situation.

The catapult was fine. The problem was the shell that was fired.

"Surely it isn't a titanium shell…?"

It was a metal which dissipated magic power itself, so the titanium exerted an effect even if it wasn't in the form of a large shield.

Andras had fired a catapult to the 3rd unit, which had been exposed after the utilization of Judgment of Eurus. The goal wasn't the individual magicians but to break apart the magic circle, preventing large-scale tactical magic from being used for a few days.

However, before Meltor could evacuate the area, the Andras Knights read the flow and launched an assault.

"Commander! There are 100 knights coming to the front!"

"Order the 2nd unit to use Anger of the Earth…" Benedict paused while speaking.

He was hesitant about the possibility of losing another unit after the 3rd unit. This was the exact gap that Andras aimed for.


The power of the knights in full heavy armor wasn't something that the soldiers could prevent. Blood scattered as the knights rode through the human bodies. After reaching Meltor's front, the choice of stopping them with tactical magic was lost.

They ran through the wall made of 1,000 soldiers at once and sliced at the necks of the magicians. This was Andras' terrible breakthrough power. The soldiers were broken like scarecrows, and even the well-trained magic soldiers died before they could act.

If this were left alone, the mage unit would be lost in 5 minutes. It was the same damage Theodore had inflicted the other day, so it was impossible to leave alone. Benedict made a quick decision and spoke to Earl Carter, "It can't be helped. Send 'him' out."

"Isn't it too early?"

"His power is half-exposed already. It is unfortunate, but this isn't a situation where we can spare anything."

"I understand. I will tell him straight away."

'He'? Despite the unknown identity, the advisers all nodded at the decision. That person would be able to stop it.

The eyes of Meltor's troops were dark as they looked at the enemy knights.

* * *

"Kill them now!"

"Don't get caught! The first thing is to keep going forward!"

The knights in the lead called out as blood covered their blades in the blink of an eye. The blood belonged to the enemies, not the knights. The soldiers who bravely jumped forward were cut by dozens of aura blades. The efficiency was a bit worse than that of magicians, but aura users were also like reapers for general soldiers.

This repeated but they soon encountered resistance.


The swords, which were being wielded, stopped for the first time, and the knight in the lead realized that the soldiers around him had changed. These were the magic soldiers that Meltor was proud of. They wore military artifacts and had magic, so their combat power was a lot higher than ordinary soldiers.

"You are good… but! You will never be our enemy!"

Nevertheless, it was impossible to stop Andras' advance.


The magic soldiers collapsed with their necks pierced. They could buy more time, but they weren't at a level to fight the knights. Still, they sacrificed their lives to be shields for the magicians in the rear.

This was a mission implicitly given to the magic soldiers. In order to prevent the knights' advance, they needed to have power on the level of a war mage. War mages that this place didn't have.

"―Oh, sorry for being late." There was a grim voice and then it seemed like two bolts of lightning struck.

Clovis Two Swords Style.

Wartime Confusion Hidden Technique.

Wolf's Frenzy.

12—no, 24 slashes simultaneously struck the bodies of the knights in this space.


It was too late to notice by the time blood was spurting out The swordsman avoided the drops of blood which splattered near his eyes and kicked the corpse of a knight. The knight's head and limbs were cut off, and the knights stopped for a moment as they saw their colleague's body.

"Are you stupid?" Randolph laughed coldly as he stabbed the two knights who had stopped moving.

As soon as Randolph appeared, he showed off his strength, which defeated three knights, and shook the blood off his blade. The other knights stared at him. Their instincts told them this monster's power.

"…Sword master?"

Why was there a sword master in a magic kingdom? They hesitated as this question appeared in their minds. Randolph didn't miss this opportunity and raised his pair of swords.


Then a knight was pierced in the heart from behind. The stabbing motion was too fast and sharp to be seen. It was like an attack from a warrior who had been on the battlefield for years. Simultaneously, several knights collapsed, and several people appeared behind their backs.

"What, who are you?" The nervous leader of the knights cried out.

Meanwhile, the people chuckled and didn't reply.

The aura at the ends of their swords and spears proved that they weren't magic soldiers. If they had one thing in common, it was the wolves which were carved somewhere, like on their armor, sheathes, or waistbands.

Then Randolph opened his mouth to answer the question, "We are mercenaries hired by Meltor, the Wandering Wolves."


A sword master working as a mercenary…?

Randolph pointed his blades at the knight who couldn't hide his disbelief.

"I'm sorry, but you have to die."


A sword master had come into an area with dozens of aura users. Most of all, there were the magic soldiers in the area. The operation would fail if they got caught this way.

The chief knight grasped his sword tightly as he sensed this, while the knights also raised their aura. There was no surrendering even if it meant dying. The knights had been raised to be loyal to the empire, so there was no changing their allegiance.

Shortly afterward, the knights and mercenaries started the melee.

It seemed impossible, since the mercenaries were less skilled than the knights. However, the difference was small in comparison to the magic soldiers, and the mercenaries had good artifacts with secondary magic.

Additionally, Meltor's assistance improved the conditions.

Kakang! Kang! Chwaack!

The knights lost their strength and fell to the swords of the mercenaries. It would've been impossible without help, but this was a war and this was the result. The knights fell down one by one.

It was even more prominent in Randolph's case. His invisible swords caused the heads of several people to fly away at once. It was done at a speed which only one of the Seven Swords could keep up with.

"Well, should I let them earn their pay…"

Little by little, Randolph stepped back, allowing his men to finish the job. Putting aside the mercenaries, he was a master who would shake up the battlefield by himself. It was more efficient to move according to commands, rather than without any thought. Now it was time to go back to the outskirts of the army and look at the enemy's gaps.

Randolph thought up to there, but his feet stopped.

'No, I was stopped.'

It was more accurate to say that he was forced to stop. This was like his feet were glued to the ground, causing Randolph to turn his attention to behind him. His double swords were pulled from their sheaths and aimed at the enemy.


A white-haired woman appeared like a ghost and replied to his question, "The empire's 5th Sword, Delkur. It is a pleasure."

'Delkur,' Randolph's eyebrows raised slightly at the name. He looked at his stuck legs and asked again, …I see. Are you the 'Shadow'? Is this it?"

"Yes, is it strange? It is a technique called Shadow Step. I can't move, but you can't escape before I release it."

"It is a nasty technique."

Kyah! For Randolph to speak in a tough tone with that face? "I like it."

After these words, Delkur suddenly pulled out a spear and pointed it at him. No, it wasn't a normal spear. At 1.8 meters long and with the semblance to an arming sword, it was a strange weapon that replaced the handle of a sword with a spear handle.


She smiled with killing intent in her eyes.

"How is it? I wonder if you can beat me at this distance?"

"Hrmm, we'll see."

The distance between the two masters was only 3 meters. A falchion had a much shorter reach, however, it was a reasonable distance when stabbing with a spear. Even so, Randolph laughed as he raised his double swords.

"Why do I feel like I won't lose?"

"Ahahaha! How impudent!"

A little distance away from the battlefield, the two masters of Andras aimed their weapons at each other.

Chapter 275 – General War (2)


There was a sharp noise, and sparks flew. It was a sign that the spear and blade had struck each other like lightning bolts.

However, at this point, Delkur's superiority was absolute.

A spear attack required the use of one's shoulders, elbows, and wrists, but the time it took to attack and recover the weapon was short. It might be different if Randolph's legs were free, but in this situation of limited mobility, he was late by half a measure.

In the time that Randolph slashed twice, Delkur had stabbed three times.

The forehead, philtrum, throat, solar plexus, thighs… This was one of the Seven Swords of the empire, capable of grasping the essence of the whole body and attacking without a single error.

Randolph struck at the snake-like tip of Delkur's spear with his blades. However, that wasn't the only reason why Randolph was simply defending.

'So far, this has been the 123rd time. I should be able to gradually see the pattern, but… I still can't catch it.'

Once a person exceeded a certain level, they could see that every person had a unique pattern of movement. It might be a flick that was a habit, but once it was repeated so many times, it formed a strange consistency which allowed the attack orbit to be seen.

Randolph, in particular, was excellent at reading these patterns.

This was a type of ability that was different from Theodore's super sensitivity or Lloyd Pollan's ability. It was a skill Randolph had developed by leading a mercenary team, touring the battlefield, and soaking up the mud.

However, he couldn't read anything from Delkur. If she wanted to stab him in the stomach, she looked down. If he looked down, she would come from the side.

It was a puzzling and tricky trajectory. He tried to blindly read ahead, but it just caught him off guard. Instead, Randolph avoided the spear that was aiming at his body and returned it with 12 strikes.

Neither of them could win with normal attacks. As soon as the two masters had the same thought, Delkur took action first with Delkur Style Snake Shadow Spear. It was like a shadow of snake wriggling on the grass.

Poisonous Snake.

Flow Change Technique.

Double Snakes.

The tip of the spear suddenly split in two and aimed for both sides of Randolph's neck. One of them was fake, or maybe both were real…

However, Randolph didn't have time to worry about it as a stabbing sound was heard. Randolph raised his two swords without thinking, blocked the right and left stabs at the same time.


Delkur's green aura and Randolph's blue aura clashed.



It was appropriate to call this an 'offset.' Blood flowed down Randolph's hand. However, Delkur wasn't in a good state either. Randolph's strike wasn't a small scratch, so at least one wrist should be cut off.

"Hey. Aren't you great, Lady? One year ago, my head would be flying away. This is why I dislike geniuses."

In Randolph's eyes, Delkur looked like a woman in her late 20s. She had actually become a sword master in her 30s and was the owner of a talent that could even be called genius inside Andras.

This monstrous orbit wasn't something which could be accomplished just with training. Delkur's innate talent, thoroughness, and instincts put her opponent in an unfavorable position.

"Ha? Aren't you also a genius? This is the first time I've seen a sword master using dual swords, so I can't seem to beat you. Wouldn't it be better if you just die?"

It was as she said. The reason why Randolph could endure the spear's speed and orbit was because he was the user of two swords which could quickly defend attacks coming from all directions.

Instead, it would be more disadvantageous for him if he was a normal aura user. Being able to block the spear despite being half a beat late… the dual wield was a natural enemy that Delkur had never met before.

Randolph looked at her slightly disheveled self and spoke, "You have a fairly complicated story."


"I was convinced by that hidden technique you just used. It isn't a spear technique from the West Continent. It is based on the Eastern Spear technique, Seizing and Penetrating. There are many parts that have been rearranged, but it is close to the Pear Short Spear. Why is an Eastern spear technique in the Andras Empire?"


Randolph had stayed with Theodore for a few months at the Baek Family's home, so he could see it. Regardless of whether he was right about her history, Delkur didn't answer him. She just looked disgruntled, like she had lost the heart to fight. "…Tch, it ends here."

Delkur tightened her grip on the spear and took off her right foot, which had been stepping on his shadow. Simultaneously, Randolph realized that he could move. However, rather than feeling relieved, he looked at her suspiciously.

Delkur's skills were certainly great, but her superiority was only guaranteed when she blocked his movements. In this environment, Randolph could kill Delkur within 300 strikes.

"Did you think I would let you go?" Randolph warned, raising his dual swords as he stepped closer.

"An obsessive man isn't popular with women."

"I'm sorry, but I am a persistent wolf."

"What is that? Calling yourself a beast? Then I should throw you a bite to eat before leaving."

'What?' Before he could ask, people rose from behind Delkur.

They were covered from head to toe in black armor, and they held black swords in their hands. It was clear that they were Shadow Knights. These were the mad dogs of the empire who would throw their lives away without any complaints.

"I will see you later! I will kill you then!"


As soon as Randolph stepped toward the fleeing Delkur, the Shadow Knights threw themselves forward. Of course, they clearly weren't a match for Randolph. He used exactly the time of three breaths to kill all five of them, each receiving one strike per sword. The problem was that during this time, Delkur's presence couldn't be felt at all.

'No, there is the possibility that she hid herself along the way.'

It might be an unknown shadow ability that couldn't be understood yet. Thinking about it, it was probably the ability which had allowed her to suddenly appear behind him like a ghost. As such, it was likely he would just waste time chasing after her.

Randolph decided to take a step back and return to Meltor's military command base. In a battlefield where a minute or a second could take thousands of lives, hesitation was a luxury.

* * *

The knights' assault was the starting point, as Andras and Meltor entered the full-scale war. The knights might have been annihilated without showing great success due to the mercenaries, but Andras had yet to show even half their power.

There were still 100,000 troops waiting in the rear, as well as the emergence of the Seven Swords who could be called the symbol of the empire. Therefore, Meltor had to overcome the empire in this phase.

However, in this phase when they should take advantage of the terrain of the plains, the magic kingdom was being pushed back by Andras' army.

Their strategy wasn't bad, but the difference between the troops couldn't be overcome. All of the empire's soldiers had been trained for more than five years, followed by three months of training every year. It wasn't a training regime that Meltor could go against when it was a 1:1 fight.

"…We need the tactics magic."

"Yes, we can't wait anymore."

With expressions like they were chewing on worms, the Meltor leaders prepared for the tactical magic bombardment that they had postponed until now.

If the previous attack had eliminated the shield, then that meant it was possible to kill thousands of enemies. The large damage that tactics magic dealt in a single attack was one of the reasons why Meltor had never been defeated on the plains so far.

However, this war was different. There was that titanium shell which had been fired by the catapult. If that damned thing destroyed the tactical magic circle, then they would be down two tactics magic units, and Meltor would lose the means to reverse that 100,000 power difference.

'We can instruct the magicians to intercept the shell, but…'

There wasn't just one catapult. The catapults were placed in the very rear, making them impossible to destroy with tactics magic. Meltor's troops might be able to destroy three or four of the catapults… Two in the worst case scenario.

Benedict's expression twisted darkly as he made a pessimistic prediction. What should they do? It was the role of the leaders to find a solution even if it was through unfamiliar means. Benedict was even willing to jump onto the battlefield with his old body.

He was about to pull a staff out when he received an unbelievable message. "What?"

However, it wasn't just him, as the eyes of all the advisers also widened. Then Benedict ordered the reporting magician to repeat it. After confirming that his ears didn't hear it wrong, Benedict asked incredulously, "Someone infiltrated behind enemy lines and destroyed a catapult?"

Then at that moment…

Kukukung! The sound of thunder rumbled in the clear sky, and the earth where three catapults were located collapsed. An earthquake? No, that was impossible. How could earthquakes only occur in the ground where the catapults were?

Benedict looked at the catapult with vision magic and screamed, "He did it! He really is a reckless hero!"

He was half concerned and half full of admiration. Beyond the incredulous and disapproving advisers, Theodore raised himself up. He used magic to move underneath the catapult and collapse the ground.

'Why are my ears tickling?' He looked around as he scratched his ears.

"Is everybody safe?"

[2nd group! There are no casualties.]

[There are no problems with the 3rd group!]

The voices he heard from the communicator weren't unclear. Despite being in the middle of the opponent, they expressed absolute confidence in their victory after moving with Theodore. Theodore laughed and connected the communicator to someone else.

It was the 'man' whom he had nominated as his deputy.

"Thanks for the hard work."


The success of this ambush was more than half thanks to him. Theodore had noticed the empty space beneath the surface of the ground with Mitra's ability, but he didn't have the ability to move 30 people to that space.

There was only one person could do that…

Unsurprisingly, William's voice quivered as he heard the voice that transmitted over the network, [C-Captain. S-Surely that wasn't…?]

"Your guess is correct."

[Hiik!] William was so surprised that he hiccuped, while the enemies started to approach Theodore.

"From now on, move as we planned in advance."

[Understood. How will you get out?]

"I have thought of my own way. Even if I can't destroy all of them, I can escape before the resistance becomes severe."

[… I wish you luck.] There was no time to explain. Orta understood the meaning and broke the communication network first. Theodore also cut off the communication spell, organizing his thoughts before he implemented the strategy he had envisioned a few days ago.

What was the best way to raise the greatest achievement on this battlefield?

It was nice to show off his firepower with great magic. However, it was disadvantageous because he needed to recover after consuming a large amount of magic power, leaving him vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, the presence of the titanium great shields would block all great magics, unless it was Fafnir's breath attack.

Yes, the shield called the 'Magician's Despair' was the problem. It was difficult to destroy with magic, and it was a significant reason why Meltor was struggling right now. Thus, Theodore decided to deal with the shields directly.

'Gluttony, I will ask you once again. Is this really possible?'

–Of course.

Theodore had the power to break the shields. However, if he broke them, there would still be enough debris left to make new shields.

Meltor's ranged firepower couldn't be exerted unless he removed the titanium itself. Theodore couldn't use magic attacks or physical attacks. He needed another way to remove the titanium from the imperial army.

It was a tactic that any strategist would dismiss, but Theodore had a way.

"Okay, I will let your tongue play."

–Don't make it sound so dirty.

'Inventory' was a passage which led to the dimensional space that was Gluttony's stomach, unlike the other dimensional pockets which were maintained with magic power.

It could contain a large volume like a pirate ship, so Theodore had already confirmed that it could accommodate large shields. Theodore's role was to approach the great shields in the midst of the strong 150,000-troop army and allow Gluttony's tongue to make contact with them.

"I have to take at least half the shields!"

Was Theodore being influenced by the deepening of his contract with Aquilo? The magician with the red robes glared at the enemy and plunged into the Andras army, which was still confused.

Chapter 276 – General War (3)

Still, it was unreasonable to confront an army from the front. 10 people were easy, and 100 wasn't difficult. However, once it went over a 1,000 people, a lot of magic power would be consumed. Once it became 10,000 people, it would leave time for him to be surrounded by the elite enemy forces.

Theodore rapidly approached the soldiers while figuring out the most effective way to capture the great shields.

'First, I need a trick.'

His red robes and brilliant appearance attracted attention to ensure the safety of his unit. So, after achieving his purpose, there was no more need to be eye-catching. Theodore's body overflowed with strong magic power.

"In the name of Aiolos…!"

An old and forgotten deity… The name itself had the same effect as summoning magic. Of course, it couldn't be manifested by name alone, but it was enough to awake the divinity in Theodore's body.

The divine nature of the wind god, deeply immersed in Theodore's soul, responded to his call.

―What do you want?

Then for a moment, Theodore's wind affinity and magic comprehension rose to the extremes. If Theodore shared a little bit of the divine vision, he could produce magic beyond the ultimate magic.

The climate magic that Theodore chose was from the Book of Clouds. It was a spell that White Tower Master Heathcliff had used on a previous battlefield, which had caused a 'storm.'

"Go crazy, Maelstrom…!"

As magic power flowed from him, Theodore was convinced that the climate magic was successful. Simultaneously, the airflow around Theodore gradually moved in circles, and after a few times, the acceleration was enough to cause dust to rise from the ground. The distant clouds in the sky also spiraled as a whirlwind connected the sky and earth.


At first, it was just difficult to open one's eyes, but it soon became hard for people to keep their feet on the ground as well. Even the knights wearing full plate armor weren't able to endure it, while the horses that were several times heavier than a person also fell. How could this be a spell used by a magician?


"Lower your bodies! Don't confront the wind head-on…uwacck!"

"S-Sir Bradley!"

Theodore's magic wasn't over yet, but the storm was already causing even the knights to be swept away.

'It is quite spectacular in many ways… but it isn't enough.'

Theodore had reproduced it on a plausible scale, but the power of the Maelstrom he cast was far less than Heathcliff's. Originally, the wind's rotation would tear at flesh and crush bones. Additionally, Theodore didn't originally intend to use this magic for killing. It was just a gimmick to hide him.

'Invisibility.' As he chanted a spell, Theodore's appearance disappeared.

It was transparency magic which deceived the enemies' vision. Then he removed his eye-catching red robes and placed them in his inventory. From here on out, he had to move secretly and quickly.

As the soldiers were scattered by the storm, Theodore flew 5 meters above the ground. His goal was the nearest titanium shield. The shield's large size meant it easily entered his line of sight. When Theodore saw the dark blue shield which was 240 meters away to the east, he flew past the confused soldiers.

If he tried to break through with force, it would take at least 10 minutes. However, the Andras formation had fallen into chaos due to the whirlwind, and they were now in no position to capture a transparent magician.


Theodore settled down slightly on the surface of the great shield. He frowned when he felt the faint feeling of mana scattering. As expected, this metal was the natural enemy of magicians. It was difficult to break with direct magical interference. If it wasn't for the inventory, Theodore might've withdrawn at this point.

Theodore whispered inwardly, 'Then please, Gluttony.'


The tongue protruded from the palm of Theodore's left hand and touched the surface.

['Titanium Shield' has been housed in Inventory M1.]

The giant shield that was ~20–30 meters wide disappeared from where it was covering the soldiers' heads. The soldiers became anxious as they realized that the solid shield had suddenly disappeared.

"T-The shield disappeared…?"

"No way! My palm was just resting on it!"

"Find it! If there is no shield, we will now…!"

It was truly chaotic.

Someone looked around to find the lost shield, while another person stared at his palms in confusion. However, no one knew what had happened to the great shield, and Theodore moved to the next target without any resistance.

This time, it was a big shield around 180 meters to the southeast.


"The shield has disappeared again?"

By the time he seized four of them, Andras didn't remain stupid any longer. The scattered knights surrounded the remaining shields, causing Theodore to become increasingly burdened. He floated in the air as he worried about the eight fortified shields.

'What should I do now?'

Should he seize a few more or step away here?

'If possible, I'd like to take one or two more…'

Before Theodore could abandon this lingering thought, he fell into trouble.

Kiiing-! He heard an unpleasant ringing sound. It was a noise that gave him a headache, like something was scraping the inside of his skull. Once he realized that the cause was his super sensitivity, Theodore felt something piercing in front of his eyes.


One second later, there was something penetrating the spot on the ground where Theodore would've been standing. He might've thought it was a blindly fired arrow. However, Theodore felt through Mitra that the arrow had penetrated the rocks hundreds of meters underground.

'A person who can shoot an arrow like this…!'

'Bow master,' these words came to Theodore's mind as a rain of arrows came from a few kilometers away.

It was like lightning.

A sound was left behind as there was a blue flash. The speed and penetrating power were higher than those of Magic Bullet. He would be turned into a rag if he tried to stop the arrows' paths.

To make matters worse, Theodore's super sensitivity was giving him a paralyzing feeling. This meant the supersonic arrow's speed exceeded his foresight!


Theodore's body quickly turned into lightning and zigzagged. Nevertheless, there were a few scratches which tore at his skin, and a few strands of his hair were cut off. The arrows contained a killing power which could pierce even the scales of dragons. Theodore didn't understand since the shots seemed to be fired in advance.

'Don't tell me the person has the power of foresight?'

It was said that the power of seeing the future, foresight, would collide every time two users saw the future simultaneously. Was it because the future became favorable to each person that an image couldn't be drawn?

As such, Theodore's super sensitivity was giving him a headache because it clashed with the opponent's foresight. The rain of arrows, with one arrow per second, lasted for 15 seconds. Then the rain of arrows suddenly stopped heading toward Theodore. His transparency had long been unraveled, but none of the knights could reach him from where he was in the sky.

"…10 seconds."

Theodore's garments were covered with blood as he guessed the limits of his opponent's foresight.

It was exactly 10 seconds from the moment of the first attack.

This was when the sense of numbness from his super sensitivity disappeared. Judging by the power of the arrows, his opponent hadn't restrained his strength. The bow master's arrows could only overcome Theodore for 10 seconds.

'It is up to here.'

After the one-sided assault finished, Theodore reassessed the situation with a calm gaze. He hadn't taken more shields, but at least he revealed the presence of an enemy bow master. An unseen master was a powerful strategy and hidden card. It would've been a good judgment if Theodore was killed, but now it was just an irreversible error.

"Well, next time, let's stick together," Theodore ridiculed the opponent before heading toward the Meltor camp.

Arrows flew after a while, but Theodore was already close to Meltor's camp and he jumped through the space with the power of Umbra. The threatening arrows lost their meaning once the distance was more than doubled. The opposing side knew this fact, so they stopped after a few more arrows.

The result could somewhat be called Theodore's judgment.

'From now on, I need to move more carefully.'

The unidentified bow master, with an ability related to 'foresight,' could kill a skilled warrior with one blow.

A supersonic shot which could strike accurately over a few kilometers… It was a foul ability that didn't give anyone a chance to respond unless they possessed foresight like Theodore or a strong defense like Veronica. If the target had been the rest of his group instead of Theodore, half of them would've been wiped out even with Orta's protection.

Then at that moment…

"―What?" Theodore stood firmly and looked into the distance, confirming what looked like a volcanic eruption.

As a large amount of magic power stirred, it was on such a great scale that didn't compare to tactics magic or great magic. The peak of humanity, the one who reached a higher realm…

The dragon's blood and eight circles corresponded to each other, while the hot magic power pressed down on the entire plains. Before long, 'she' appeared in Theodore's field of view. Behind her, there were four pairs of wings made of fire as the strength of an 8th circle magician distorted the space.

The Red Tower Master, Veronica, dominated the entire area.

[I command the great one-eyed king.] Her voice resounded through the plains as she, the strongest magician currently in existence, chanted a spell.

It was an arrogance that no one could interfere with.

The arrows shot at her melted in the air, so Theodore knew that defense was unnecessary. The enormous heat itself was a shield and spear. The opponent had to be an absolute being like Veronica to break her defense.

[On behalf of the four rulers, give me magic power. Open your eye, and make everything that you see turn into ashes. See what you want, and kill what you want. Burn to the ends of the horizon, returning all life back to the earth.]

Theodore listened to it and realized the identity of the magic, "Surely this isn't….?"

Among the few 8th circle magics which remained in modern times, Veronica was casting an ancient annihilation magic which nobody could use. It was a destructive magic that was forbidden to use in places other than the battlefield because it borrowed the name of an evil god.

If Theodore remembered correctly, its name was…

[Open your eyes and burn them.]

It seemed to tear apart the sky and the earth.

[―Death Gazer.]

The eyes of death appeared. No one could see anything. No, it was more accurate to say that they couldn't look. Veronica's 8th circle magic, 'Death Gazer,' wasn't a spell which could be seen with the human eyes. Gluttony said it was a high-density infrared.

"No way…"

There weren't any spectacular explosions or loud noises. However, Theodore couldn't help shivering. This was just from a glimpse of the magic which appeared before Veronica.

"…Is it dead?"

The entire plains subsided into a fearful silence. Veronica's magic, 'Death Gazer,' was fired in a certain direction. The figures who remained in its path didn't look human anymore.

From head to toe, the humans had been turned into ashes. Death appeared everywhere it passed. From the beginning of the spell to where it ended, maybe 10,000 people were turned to ashes.

It was the death magic which borrowed the name of Balor.

"…Hi, hiiiii?!"

"R-Run away! How can we win against such a thing??"

"Monster! Monster!"

The soldiers of both camps retreated from Veronica, regardless of whether they were enemies. This power proved to be a subject of fear for both enemies and allies alike. There was only one adversary who could face her—the empire's 1st Sword, Crowd von Russell.

A little while ago, Veronica had aimed at the rear of the imperial army where Prince Fermut's headquarters was located. Beyond the army that had been turned into ashes, the barrack remained in a strange shape.

It was an attack which had burned 10,000 troops and tried to end this war. Yet this magic which had killed so many others couldn't surpass the sword of a man. Holding the sword which had killed Death Gazer, the swordsman who was called the strongest in the empire walked into the middle of the plains.

"You still want to get the jump on me, Witch."

"You are still trying to disrupt my work."

They chatted like old friends who were meeting after a long time, despite having the tremendous strength to kill at any time. The distance between these two people, who had absolute strength, was exactly 100 meters.

Veronica and Crowd faced each other at a distance they could cross in an instant. They clashed shortly after that.

* * *

Later, an officer who recorded the battlefield said, 「 The battle on Karul Plains was nothing but an appetizer until the two absolutes were revealed. 」

The clash between the strongest people of the two powers, Veronica and Crowd, had continued for nearly an hour. The sky was torn, and the earth was crying out. Meltor and Andras had been forced to hide until the fight between the two absolutes was over. It was a struggle to move due to the aftermath of the fight.

Regardless of whether they were happy or unhappy about it, they were forced to stay still. The two absolutes had caused terrifying changes to the entire plains, before turning their backs on each other.

Did they judge that nothing would change if they kept fighting? For those who were already a few steps beyond being human, strategic analysis had no meaning. In any case, the battle on the Karul Plains was over. One officer called it 'being lowered.' Due to the two absolutes competing for strength, the ground was so badly damaged that it was no longer suitable for continuing a war.

From this point on, the unification war entered its next stage. The two sides retreated from Karul Plains, cleaned up the disorganized army, and divided the army units again. The holy kingdom, Lairon, and the kingdom of elves, Elvenheim, were originally expected in a fortnight, but the reinforcements coming from far away joined the rear camps early.

It was the start of a full-scale war where all the military power of the Northern Continent was concentrated.