144 - 152

Chapter 144: An Unforgettable Scene

On the top of Chambord city wall.

The Empire's Eldest Princess Tanasha stayed behind in the city after the battle of Eastern Mountain, but her intentions were unknown. No one knew when she appeared on top of the city wall. The female swordsman Susan and knight captain Romain guarded her left and right sides, and twenty fully armed knights stood behind her back.

"Your Highness, should I go and order them to stop their attack?"

The knight captain Romain frowned. Seeing the rolling torrent-like alliance army coming from afar and comparing them to those 100 peasant-like soldiers on Chambord City's side made him a little worried. He didn't know what the seemingly-wise King Alexander was doing, but no matter what, voluntarily removing 50 godly archers from battle was simply a flop in the battleplan. As an experienced tactical master, Romain held authority in this area. If those 50 archers were under his command, he was confident that he could wipe out the entire Alliance army in the shortest time possible.

"It's a match between a group of dumb pigs and a lion, so there's no need for our interference." The Eldest Princess shook her head, "Romain, today you might notice something. Ty your best to remember King Alexander's combat style. Maybe there will be use in the future!"

"Yes, your Highness!" The knight captain bowed, but he still frowned, "The gap in number is still pretty significant, since Chambord city is facing the nine kingdoms' alliance!"

"Nine-kingdom Alliance? Hehe, Romain, you are really overestimating them. I don't see a nine-kingdom Alliance. All I see are a bunch of fools that have been corrupted after being under the empire's umbrella for too long. A little tier-3 subsidiary kingdom and a few even smaller tier-5 and 6 kingdoms… hehe, their royal families' brains have already been crawling with maggots after being in a peaceful environment for too long. Besides drinking and sex, there's nothing else they are good at. The land of Azeroth is just like a jungle full of danger, and those people have long been degraded into brainless fat pigs. If it wasn't for the Empire's blessing, they would have already become fresh meat under other "beasts", losing the qualification to continue surviving in this jungle. They have long lost the glory and responsibility a true kingdom should bear. Even if you randomly pick out a small group leader in the empire's [Iron Blood Camp], he would still be a hundred times smarter than this group of so-called kings put together. If Alexander can't even handle this little problem, then he's not worthy of being the man that defeated the cold-blooded female devil Paris!"

The Eldest Princess surprisingly said a lot.

Compared to the current situation of Chambord city, she was more worried about the difficulty faced by Zenit Empire.

If the subsidiary kingdoms had fallen to such an extent, then the empire's combat strength and foundation was already unknowingly rotting. However, those nobles and princes in the empire were still keen to fight for power and cause internal strife and did not notice the upcoming crisis at all. King Yaxing the Great's body was worsening day by day, and the empires at the border like the tier-1 Spartac Empire, tier-1 Light Empire, tier-2 Saint Germain Empire and tier 3 Lyon Empire were are all eyeing Zenit Empire greedily and getting ready to attack. The seemingly-peaceful Zenit Empire that was filled with singing and dancing was already shaking in the wind, at risk of being destroyed any moment.

Zenit Empire's situation was far worse than Chambord city's current situation.

The reason why the Eldest Princess stayed back in Chambord City, besides the shock and curiosity she felt towards the little king Alexander and wanting to convince him to join her side, she also wanted to see how this magical little king organized the messy Chambord city. Perhaps she could learn something interesting from this trip and use it later for her big brother Arshavin to win the throne.

Indeed, reality did not disappoint the Eldest Princess.

Although it had only been less than half a month, this little King's strange administrative systems, as well as the incredible twelve bronze warrior statues caused the Eldest princess to be unbelievably shocked. The content on the twelve bronze warrior statues were perfect, and it was very hard for the Eldest Princess to believe that it came from the hands of a young man that just turned 18 years old. She couldn't find any flaws in these laws, and they could be brought straight back to Zenit Empire… Unfortunately, the Eldest Princess was also wise enough to know, that if she implemented this system in the present Zenit Empire's situation, it would encounter so much resistance that not even the Zenit Empire king could afford to bear.

In this respect, the Elder Princess was a bit envious of Alexander. The little Chambord city was completely under his control, and he could do whatever he wanted. The Eldest Princess already knew how Fei used someone else's knife to murder, eliminating the opposing nobles in the country with the help of the Eastern Mountain Top Battle, and this also proved how magical this little king was. If anyone dared to underestimate him, they would probably not even know how they died.

Although the scene in front of her looked breathtaking, all she needed to do was show her presence to cause the so-called nine-kingdom alliance army to retreat immediately. However, she didn't want to do that. The little Chambord city king Alexander already delivered too much shock to her previously, so the Eldest Princess was certain that without a doubt, an unexpected twist would appear.

Besides, with that guy's strength, even if the 2000 soldiers got to him, there would be no difference. With the dog under his feet and two swords in his hands, even if he was alone, it would still be enough to kill these two thousand people.

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The invincible and fierce image of Fei at the Eastern Mountain Top Battle had already been deeply engraved in the Eldest Princess's heart.

Seeing the torrent-like enemies charging towards him, Fei scratched his chin and laughed. It looked like placing a bunch of beautiful girls could indeed easily stimulate men's hormones. Now that everyone in the Alliance Army had lost their minds, they suddenly didn't even care about their lives anymore.

At the top of the hill, the red command flag began flapping in the wind.

Chambord city's formation began changing in silence, and the dozen giant iron shield towers were quickly withdrawn. Then, those 30 muscular men holding two giant axes in their hands voluntarily began welcoming the charging enemies.

It looked like that was the only change the Chambord army would make to their formation.

30 versus 1500.

The couldn't be a bigger disparity in terms of numbers.

It's just like an almost dried up river going up against a rolling waterfall, or a little dog that just learned how to walk going up against a lion in heat – with such a big difference, it seemed like there was no difference between sending these 30 warriors to battle or straight to hell. There wasn't even enough time for the king to run away. It was safe to assume that they wouldn't even make a ripple before they were swallowed whole by the opposing heavy armor warriors, without even a leaving any bones behind.

However, even though they seemed to have an absolute advantage, 0after experiencing the previous battle, these kings that were regarded by the Eldest Princess as retarded pigs, ultimately kept a little calm.

They didn't all whip their horse's asses and charge forward, but rather stayed at their original positions and observed the situation while being surrounded by their guards.

Every king cautiously saved a portion of their troops; even the already insane Chishui Kingdom king calmed down, waved his hand and stopped the [Fire God's Iron Fleet]'s charge, telling them to be on standby.

Of course, it might not have much to do with being wise; rather, it might have just been the cowardly having exceptional caution against danger.

The leaders became afraid after the last fight.

In the battlefield, the two armies were less than 50 meters apart, and the high-speed running soldiers could all see the grimy and murderous faces of the enemies. They could even see the boogers in their enemies' nostrils. The earth-style warrior that charged at the very front waved the broadsword in his hand, gradually accelerated his steps and beckoned to promote morale as yellow flames began surging over his whole body.

There were less than 30 meters.

At this moment –


No one would have thought that the first ones to strike would actually be the giant axe warriors from Chambord city. Every one of them suddenly roared towards the sky, as if 30 lightning strikes hit the field. Before the enemies could even react, they only saw that the muscular men's formation suddenly scattered into a straight horizontal line. Then, every one of them suddenly changed their grip to the end of the axe. With the momentum of their charge, they spun in a circle like a gyro as they threw out their giant axe.


The high-speed rotating axes suddenly tore through space and flew right into the incoming heavily-armed infantry units.

The Shuani kingdom soldiers that were originally running happily at the very front instantly cried.

What the f*ck!

Who would've thought that these guys would suddenly pull this move? In this situation, they actually dared to throw the only weapon in their hands.

The most arrogant earth-style warrior that was charging at the very front barely laid on the ground in cold sweat. His helmet was directly blown away by the sharp wind. Then, he immediately heard a burst of bone-shattering sounds from armor and weapons being broken. Then the ground became filled with blood and limbs. He was expecting to be trampled over by his own troops that were running right behind him, but that didn't happen. He turned around and looked in surprise, and then he saw an unforgettable scene-

Chapter 145 Giant Axe and Magical Arrows

Thirty huge axes that rotated at a high speed in the air were like kisses from the devil; they only brought destruction wherever they went. The soldiers in heavy armours were separated into two easily, as if they were soft tofu. They were all shocked to see their own bodies chopped in half with their lower bodies still charging forward, while their upper bodies remained behind in the air. The huge amount of force directly penetrated through soldiers' bodies. Their armour, long swords, and torn limbs flew into the air with the blades and axes. The blood that spurted into the air had dyed the blue sky red. No one could block these vicious deadly axes. Terrified screams resonated on the battlefield after a short moment of time. Some people only had their limbs torn off and didn't die right away, so they held onto their wounds and screamed and whined...

This was like a living hell on earth.

The Earth Attributed Warrior had been to many wars and battles, but it was his first time to see anything this bloody and cruel. A leg fell beside him. The warrior recognized the leg, it belonged to one of his peers. That soldier was laughing viciously three seconds ago, banging his sword on his armour, and couldn't wait to rush into Chambord to plunder it dry. All that was left of him were some chipped bones and flesh.

The rotating axes smashed out a path of death that was about thirty yards in length and five yards in width. . After the devastating force on them were all used up, they slowed down and then fell to the ground.

Only one strike from Chambord caused the two hundred heavy armoured infantry from Shuani Kingdom to suffer casualties one quarter of their size.

The survivors were showered by the "bloody rain" and their amours and inner clothes were all soaked. Chipped bones and flesh also covered the surface of their bodies. The death and the bloodiness had scared them, and also numbed them. With the screams from their peers who were severely injured still resonating in their ears, the soldiers in the Alliance Army who charged at Chambord fell into a temporary state of terror and hesitation. But soon, they recovered and braved themselves up as they roared and continued their charge because the thirty strongmen in front of them were weaponless after they threw out their axes.

"Charge and kill them! Get revenge for our brothers!"

The Earth Attributed Warrior got up from the ground as he roar angry and charged at forefront.

However –

The actions the thirty strongmen took made the soldiers in the Alliance Army feel like they had been treated very wrongly. The thirty strongmen who were very dominating and had a strong presence protected their heads with hands as they separated themselves into two groups of fifteen people each. After that, they moved their legs and sprinted away. Without the burden of those heavy axes, these thirty people ran faster than rabbits. In a few seconds, they got away from the attack range of the Alliance Army. They rushed into the green and yellow bushes far away and disappeared as if it was a miracle!


"You bastards!"

"You cowards and bugs!"

"You shameful deserter!"

The soldiers in the Alliance Army and the kings were super mad and pissed when they saw the strongmen escaping. Their hearts skipped a beat and almost puked up a mouthful of blood. After they suffered such a huge lose and from these thirty strongmen who threw out their axes, they wanted to fight back. But before they could strike back and make the trade even, their opponents escaped without any sense of pride or dignity. It felt like concentrating everything in one punch and missing the target right away after that; it felt really strange and made the Alliance feel very powerless.

The good news for them was that the king of Chambord didn't escape.

Fei quickly became the target for the hatred and grievances.

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"Charge! Let's go and kill their king!"

The Alliance was in a desperate and mad state. All the soldiers' eyes turned red as blood filled the capillaries in their eyes, making them looked like a bunch of rabbits. They bit their teeth and charged at Chambord and it's formations with all their strength. They all swore in their mind that they will stick the handle of the axes into this shameless guy's butt.

On the other side.

The red flag on the hill moved again.

The huge iron shield formation that was at the the very front of Chambord's formations started to move. What was surprising was that the more than ten iron shields didn't come together and march forward and form a line of defense. Instead, they separated into two groups and moved to two completely different sides while completely exposing their king and the more than a hundred Bylaw Enforcement Officers to the blades and the charge coming from the Alliance.

At this point, Chambord's formation was very strange. It was in a "U" shape. It had a very special and wanton feel to it. It made people feel like Chambord wasn't trying to defend at all, but welcoming the invasion from the Alliance Army with open arms.

Fei tapped the big black dog under his crouch and slowly backed off to a hill that was a bit farther away.

This action was interpreted into escaping in the eyes of Nine-Kingdom Alliance Army, and that made them more aggressive and insane and their decision of charging firmer.

But to Fei, he only wanted to stand with the kids.

These kids were all excellent students from Chambord's Civil and Military Academy. Most of them were from poor families, were more mature, and were recipients of the "King Scholarship". To Fei, they were the important foundation to Chambord's future upraise and success. Therefore, despite all the disagreement from his ministers and officers, Fei took them to this dangerous battlefield to let them experience the cruelty of wars and the complex situations that changed by the second.

"My kids of Chambord, don't be afraid. Now open your eyes, watch everything happening in front of you closely. Watch how your fathers are fighting with those damn invaders, and feel the atmosphere on the battlefield with your hearts. Because one day, you will be doing the same thing as your fathers, protecting your homes and loved ones by battling with your enemies with sharp weapons. Remember, every student from Chambord Civil and Military Academy could be a brave soldier with a low status, but you guys shouldn't be a timid and scared general of prestigious status!"

Fei said as he glanced at all the kids with an encouraging smile as he suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Do you guys understand?"

"Understood, principal!" All the kids said in unison as they nodded. The unhidden respect and worship in their eyes made Fei feel like a real king.

At this moment, the Alliance finally were less than ten yards away from Chambord's formation as they continued their charge. The fiftyish Bylaw Enforcement Officer stood at their spot loosely. They only raised their shields and spears and were alerted, but they didn't really mind their enemies who were charging at them with vicious intent.

"Kill them all!"

The Alliance Army saw the sign of victory, and the Earth attributed warrior raised his arms and shouted to boost the morale of his peers.

But at this moment, a strange situation arose –

The sky that was blue and didn't have a single cloud suddenly was lit up by a lot of colors, as if there were multiple suns in the sky.

As if he sensed something, the Earth attributed warrior looked up out of surprise. But before his smile could stay on his face for too long, what he saw caused an unprecedented terror to appear on his face. The terror on his face intensified and his pupil suddenly contracted as he shouted: "NO....."

Boom – !

Crack – !

Whoosh – !

One second after, all these colorful lights fell to the ground, and that was the beginning of a horrifying catastrophe – Violent explosions, splashing ice chips and hail, shocking lightning, and malicious poisons instantly enveloped the Alliance Army who were charging. The fire, ice, lightning, and poison that fell from the sky caused insane damage and took away numerous lives. Screams and sad cries resonated on the battlefield one after another...

"Mages! They had mages..."

"Traps! We got tricked... Retreat, quick!"

"Mom, save me, save me please..."

"Ah, my legs! My legs are gone...!"

Alliance Army who were influenced and blind by their hatred and biases were stunned. The Earth attributed Two Star Warrior who was charging at the very front didn't have the chance to dodge. He was shot by a frost arrow, a fire arrow, and a lightning arrow at the same time. In an instant, his body was turned into a pile of stinky meat. His two star warrior energy couldn't save his life, and the thick armour on his body also couldn't protect him from the sudden assault at all.

The heavy armoured infantry formation from Shuani Kingdom also were almost instantly wiped out.

Iron was one of the best conductors for electricity. It was also a good conductor for heat, either cold or heat could easily spread over it. The heavily armoured infantries who survived the axes throws couldn't protect themselves from this attack at all, and the thick iron armours that were supposed to protect them turned into the weapons that killed them. In a short period of time, almost all of them were killed less than ten yards away from Chambord's formations. The soldiers who were unlucky and didn't die to the arrows themselves right away were either burnt to death or frozen to death in their own armours.

The scale of victory instantly reversed, as if all the weight were taken off of one side.

At this moment, the soldiers in the Alliance who were close and kings in the Alliance Army who were farther away just realized the source for this devastating magic attack – some time ago, the harem on the six carriages behind the Chambord's formations had got out and were standing in the hill in front of the carriages. Each and every one of them had a long bow in their hands and huge magic energy surged around them. Every single powerful arrow that was filled with devastating magic power were shot out of their hands. Just like the Grim Reaper's scythe, the colorful arrows were shot into the infantry formation that was charging at Chambord like a huge flood mercilessly.

"God...A total of twenty six magic archers?"

Everyone on Alliance's side almost lost their language and thinking abilities, as if they were all shocked by lightning.

The night kings in the Alliance Army looked at their "preys" bluntly. The preys who they thought were easy to get had suddenly tore away their cute and naïve appearances and turned into representatives of the Grim Reaper. Their deadly stares, smooth movements of loading the arrows and pulling their bows all seemed cruel at this moment. A number of frost, fire, lightning, and poison magic arrows were like intimate kisses from the Grim Reaper, and were shot at the other soldiers in the Alliance Army who were still charging like thick dots!

Too fast!

These female archer's shooting speed were too fast.

People were only able to see the afterimages left by their soft arms and slender fingers in the air. Each sharp arrow's tip seemed to be touching the arrows that were shot out prior by their ends. Together, all the arrows formed into multiple trajectories. In less than ten seconds, these twenty six pure girls had shot out more than a thousand magic arrows!

There were more than a thousand lethal and destructive magic arrows.

Chapter 146: The King Is Going Off

The heavy armored infantry from Shuani Kingdom who were charging at the very front was wiped out without even putting up a fight. The swordsmen formation from Lunan Kingdom that followed the infantry formation tightly didn't end up any better. Seventy to eighty percent of them were instantly killed. Soldiers from the other small kingdoms who wanted to benefit from the chaos caused by the Alliance Army also met a bad ending. The commander on Chambord's side was very conservative and safe. He let the enemies charge to an area that was less than ten yards away from Chambord's formation. This guaranteed that the female magic archers would have close to 100% accuracy, and all of the soldiers in the Alliance Army who charged at Chambord would be in the attack range of the female magic archers. Although all the soldiers who charged at Chambord turned around and retreated right away after they saw the magic arrows, they still suffered heavy casualties!

This devastating magic arrow attack continued for another three minutes.

After three minutes, all the female magic archers' mana was about depleted, and the catastrophic attack finally stopped. At this point, among all one thousand and five hundred soldiers from the Alliance Army who charged at Chambord, only less than half of them were still alive. Most of the survivors were at the back, and had instantly turned around and sprinted away from the range of the arrows after they saw the situation change. Otherwise, there would be more deaths on the Alliance Army's side.

Smoke covered the whole battleground, and the smell of cooked meat also floated in the air.

There were corpses that were black and burnt, standing still and froze everywhere on the battlefield. Where were also chipped armours and weapons, but they weren't comparable to the corpse.

The soldiers on the Alliance Army who survived and the kings who were a bit farther away all looked at the scene in front of them and were still not yet recovered from the fright. They all felt like they had a nightmare that they couldn't wake up from. They were all covered in cold sweat, and the sweat had soaked their clothes. Now when they looked at the twenty six pure and cute figures on the hill far away, they didn't dare to think of these girls as Chambord's king's harem trophy wives. That wave of death arrow rain had completely extinguished the obscene flames in everyone's heart who were on the Alliance Army.

"These women all seem to have the power of Two Star Mages. They are like roses – although they are pretty, they have thorns on them. These lethal thorns would kill them instantly if they touched them.

"How could a little Level 6 Affiliated Chambord Kingdom have so many powerful men and women?"

This was a very strange mystery.

However, that mystery was no longer something that the Nine-Kingdom Alliance Army was thinking or caring about.

If possible, they hoped that everything they were seeing was only a nightmare. They hoped that they could wake up the next moment and realize that nothing had happened… All the kings were regretting their decision as they sat on their high horses. If it wasn't because of the insight coming from that person, they never would have started this ridiculous war and hoped to seize treasures; that person told them that Chambord was so weak that it couldn't even take a strike.

Every king on the Nine-Kingdom Alliance Army was asking themself, "What is going to happen next? Can I still leave this hellish place alive?"

They were currently in a very sad situation – they only had about five hundred guards in front of them. The seven to eight hundred soldiers who had retreated from the frontline were already terrified. The kings knew that if those women on the hill lightly pulled on their bowstrings, these defeated soldiers would instantly crap their pants.

This war couldn't be continued any longer at this point.

Although everyone could tell that those female magic archers had depleted their mana, no one dared to risk their lives to test it out. The precedent of the hundred spear and shield soldiers from Chishui Kingdom and the corpses that covered the entire battlefield had scared everyone in the Alliance Army's off. The war horses also backed off one step at a time; they also felt the sensation of death.

At this moment, Chambord started its first counterattack.

The red flag moved.

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The female rogues who were trying to quickly recover their mana on the hill started moving. Just like the other soldiers from Chambord who disappeared after separating themselves into two groups and rushing to the bushes on both sides of the battlefield, they also separated themselves into two groups and rushed into the bushes and disappeared. The only thing that was a bit different was that their speed was much faster than the regular soldiers from Chambord.

This strange situation that occurred consecutively made the kings in the Alliance Army feel a little uncomfortable.

"Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!"

Everyone in the Alliance Army heard the arrogant dog bark, and a new change occurred – they saw the young king Alexander of Chambord, who was riding on the big black dog, suddenly move. With the young king on its back, the black dog slowly walked off of the hill. The Bylaw Enforcement Officer formation who was in front of him split in the middle and made a path for their king. The young king sneered as he slowly glanced at all of the nine king's faces. He didn't hide his disdainful expression at all. As if all the seven to eight hundred defeated soldiers were nothing, the king rode the dog towards the nine kings on the Alliance Army's side slowly and casually.

Soon, he moved past the battlefield that was filled with corpses.

The seven to eight hundred defeated soldiers were already terrified. They didn't dare to block Fei's path at all when they saw Fei walking towards them. They all quickly backed off and made a path for Fei in unison, as if Fei was a bloodthirsty demon. Especially when they saw the big black dog that was bigger than a war horse under Fei's crutch, they were almost scared to death. But as soon as they looked at the beast's eyes, they felt like a chilling sensation ran loose in their bodies. Their minds turned blank, their legs started to shake, and their souls seemed to escape from their bodies.

The more than seven hundred defeated soldiers didn't create any obstacles for the dog and the man.

They were more like guards who were protecting and welcoming their king.

Fei easily got past them as if he was riding the big black dog on a wide road.

Although there was only a man and a dog, it made everyone in the Alliance Army feel like this man and dog were even more frightening than the strongmen and the female magic archers. No one in the Alliance Army had seen Fei attack before, so they didn't know about the real strength of this king. However, just his bold and unruly presence dominated over all the other nine kings.

"The game is almost over. I will give you guys two choices: either surrender and pay up, or die!"

Fei stopped Blacky when they were less than ten yards away from the nine kings. His warm smile looked like the smile of a demon and his gentle voice sounded like the melody of hell from the perspective of the nine kings. For a moment, no one dared to look at him directly in the eyes. But behind Fei, the defeated soldiers who slowly recovered gradually realized something and slowly blocked Fei's way back as they held onto their weapons tightly.

"Kill him for me!"

The king of Chishui Kingdom said to one of his personal guards with a gloomy expression on his face when he saw the opportunity.

Killing a king who was canonized by Zenit Empire violated the empire's law, and it would cause some problems. Ransacking and killing were different, after all. The law of the empire allowed conflicts between its affiliated kingdoms, but it didn't allow for the killing of a king. However, the king of Chishui Kingdom was feeling a little arrogant because of his [Fire God's Iron Fleet] cavalry since two of the princes of Zenit wanted him on their side. Also, things like the law were meaningless in front of powerful warrior and mages. The laws of Zenit were no longer followed to the same degree as a hundred years ago. To a level 3 affiliated kingdom, as long as the king was willing to spend the money to influence the nobles and decisions makers at St. Petersburg, killing a king of a level 6 affiliated kingdom wasn't an issue at all. In fact, as long as the king of Chishui Kingdom was willing to spend the money, he could kill a few kings without stirring up a big situation. After losing an elite spear and shield infantry formation, the king of Chishui Kingdom was extremely angry.

The personal guard rushed out of Chishui Kingdom's formation.

This was a Metal Attributed Two Star Swordsman. He would be considered a master in all level 3 affiliated kingdoms.

Everyone in the Alliance Army was confident in this personal guard's ability. Because the Alliance Army was formed under the insight of that person, they gather the proper intel and didn't know the real strength of the king of Chambord since they hadn't see the king fight. There were a few kings who were afraid of the trouble that might arise from killing this king, but it was too late to stop the king of Chishui Kingdom's personal guard...

However –


Sparks appeared in the air.

Shadows flashed by where the spark was.

Before the people in the Alliance Army could see the two people clearly, they saw the personal guard being beheaded. The personal guard's body fell to the ground like a punching bag. His sword had a similar ending. It was also cut into two pieces and fell to the ground. Now, they could see the situation clearly. Some time ago, this little king had a sharp green sword in his hand. The blade of the sword looked like the edge of a chainsaw, and blood was dripping down from it. Heat was still coming off of the blood.

A master!

Everyone felt a chilling sensation in their bodies again.

This was another shocking and unexpected discovery; the soldiers and kings in the Alliance Army almost had their eyeballs fall out of their sockets.

This scene made the kings who were afraid of death feel an enormous threat. They all knew what it meant to have an enemy who could instantly kill a Two Star Swordsman less than ten yards away from them – it was just like voluntarily extending their own necks to their enemy's murdering blade. This time, Fei's glance made the king of Chishui Kingdom extremely nervous; he was the first one who sensed this great danger. He screamed on top of his lungs as he almost crapped his pants; he immediately turned his horse around and ran away…

This action instantly collapsed the Alliance Army's last bit of morale and hope.

The other kings were woken up by the king of Chishui Kingdom's action as well. As if their butts were getting poked by a spear, they screamed as they whipped their horses and tried to get away as fast as they could.

The kings' actions immediately influenced their bodyguards' actions.

The bodyguard's actions immediately influenced the seven to eight hundred defeated soldier's mentality; these soldiers were hesitating at first, but they immediately started to run when they saw their kings and their bodyguards escaping.

That was how the Alliance Army's collapse occurred. Everyone in the Alliance Army started to run under the lead of the kings. It was a huge loss; they thought they were about to conquer this little kingdom and plunder the riches, but now they were like homeless dogs being chased by tigers. Everyone in the Alliance Army wished that they could grow a few more legs to help them run faster. Some soldiers in the Alliance Army even started to kill their peers so they could get their hands on the scarce war horses. It was a huge chaos…

"Haha, you want to run now? It's too late!"

Fei suddenly jumped up from the [Black Tornado]'s back. He left a series of afterimages in the air as he immediately chased up to the kings. His terrifying strength was demonstrated again. The green and purple dual swords turned into sparking shadows like stars in the night sky. The air-piercing sounds resonated on the battlefield as the two shapes sword dominated this chaotic situation. Wherever these two swords went, soldier, cavaliers, and bodyguards fell to the ground without any chance to defend themselves. Fei was very fast and agile. Like a bouncing ball, he leaped in the air about a dozen times and all the bodyguards screamed as they were killed instantly…

Bark! Bark! Bark!

[Black Tornado] followed Fei with its lightning speed as it barked loudly, and all the war horses within a fifty yard radius were terrified. White foam spurted out of their mouths as they fell to the ground, while their body twitched.

The kings on the horses didn't expect it and screamed as they fell to the ground and dirtied their faces and clothes.

When they got up and screamed as they wanted to run away with their own legs, they saw a shadow flash by in front of them. Fei had already reached and stepped in front of them as he landed on the ground from his leap. The green and purple dual swords in his hands had blood dripping off them. The blood landed on the grass on the ground, and the heat and bloody smell filled all the kings' noises.

At this moment, Fei really looked like a demon who had just crawled out of hell. All these kings had never seen anything like this; they were terrified. They kneeled down and begged for mercy and forgiveness as their bodies trembled…

Beside them, all the soldiers were still running away; the defeated soldiers were in a chaos themselves and didn't have the time and chance to save their own kings.

What an ironic scene!

"Tie them up!" Fei waved his hand and the Bylaw Enforcement Officers who were chasing after the defeated soldiers rushed by viciously and tightly tied the kings up very tightly. The ropes strapped into these king's soft skins, and the huge amount of pain made them forget about their high status. They all started to scream and beg, as if they were pigs in a slaughter house.

Chapter 147: Evaluation

Fei didn't bother with the kings that were already caught. His vision was like thunder, immediately locking onto the Chishui King that was running in the distance.

Due to the Roaring Flame Beast being fast like the wind, whose speed far exceeded any normal horse, and the few loyal guards beside him protecting him with their lives, the Chishui King was the only king that got away.

Waving his hand, big black D barked and jumped over like thunder, and Fei jumped onto the Black Whirlwind and chased right away.

"Stop him…" Chishui's King noticed the approaching Fei as he looked back, and that the full-speed dog was actually a little faster than the Roaring Flame Beast. The gap was pulling closer bit by bit, and that made the Chishui king almost piss his pants. He turned around and saw the [Fire God's Iron Fleet] in the distance that was on standby. As if he saw his savior, he began crazily shouting, "Charge! Charge! Hurry and protect me!"

At this moment, he no longer cared about preserving those 100 [Fire God's Iron Fleet]. As long as he could get away, he was willing to sacrifice everything.

Toot toot toot toot!!

The horn sounded, the already prepared heavy cavalry regiment loyally executed the king's command. With a fierce kick to the belly of the Roaring Flame Beast, they began charging. With the lance firmly locked within their armpits and pointed towards the front, the knights were like large moving killing machines. The rumbling of the Roaring Flame Beast's steps trembled the earth, like an unstoppable steel torrent flooding towards Fei's direction.

The knights demonstrated their amazing tacit understanding.

When they were about to encounter Chishui King, the formation suddenly split into two from the center and left out a 2-meter-wide gap, smoothly letting the king and his guards to pass through, and then it immediately closed again, reforming into its invincible steel torrent form. The knights' lances dazzled cold light as the beasts made the earth tremble, and they charged towards Han.

On the battlefield, it was almost an unparalleled force.

At this moment, everyone that were watching this scene thought that the dog and the man would immediately dodge to the side.

After all, no matter how strong is one's individual strength, he still shouldn't be strong enough to go against the power of this many knights combined. In the face of these charging knights, even castle walls could collapse.


Bark bark bark*!

The big black dog let out a trembling roar as if entering a mad state. Its bloody mouth revealed sharp white fangs, and the strong muscles above its limbs began getting bigger. Its size almost doubled in the next second. Then it suddenly released its explosive energy, and its speed was accelerated to an incredible degree. Like a light that just flashed past, squeezing into the tiny gaps within the enemy formation from unbelievable angles.

Two flashing lights, one green and one purple, shined like the bright meteors, and the heavily-armored knights had no way to fight back. With the lances being so heavy in their hands, the knights didn't even have time to pull out their sword and remained completely vulnerable to the oncoming green and purple flashes. They began falling down their beasts like dumplings going into a pot!

Almost everyone's wound was surprisingly consistent – all on the throat where the helmet and chest plate converges. This location was also the most vulnerable place of a fully-armed knight, there's only a small iron guard in place, and it's completely not enough to stop any elite warrior's attack!

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The knights that fell onto the ground didn't even get a chance to scream and were trampled into paste.

Under the duo green and purple swords, no one could muster any resistance. The big black dog's figure was very erratic, it can easily pass through the slightest gap, as if a fish freely travelling in water, very slippery. The knights' vision was already having difficulty catching the shadow of the dog and man, not to mention attacking back.

Both sides almost instantly finished the exchange of attacks.

The famous [Fire God's Iron Fleet] lost a third of the power in this encounter, and the casualties were all caused by a slice at the throat and then falling to be trampled into paste by the beasts. But the dog-man army didn't suffer the slightest injuries, as if they just finished a tour. They easily passed through the heavy-cavalry regiment's assault, their speed didn't slow down by the slightest as they quickly bridged the distance with Chishui's king.

The [Fire God's Iron Fleet]'s charging speed was too quick, they couldn't turn back in time. They were like an unstoppable flood rushing towards Chambord city's army formation in the distance.

"Shit!" Romain the knight captain shouted. At this moment, there was almost no one defending the Chambord city grounds.

"Keep watching." The Elder Princess said calmly.

Fei very quickly caught up to Chishui's King and his guards. The guards didn't slow down [Black Whirlwind]'s speed by the slightest, and they all fell off the horses under the duo swords. Fei reached out his hand and directly picked up Chishui's king off of the Roaring Flame Beast's back like picking up a chick and then threw him onto the ground. Then, very quickly there were bylaw enforcement officers that came over and tied him up.

Fei patted [Black Whirlwind] on the head and the big black dog roared, immediately turned around, and stopped the soldiers that were about to flee. How did these people dare to go against Fei again. Seeing him block their path, they immediately screamed and changed directions, fleeing from the left and right sides.

Pew pew pew pew!

Dozens of sharp arrows landed on their feet. From the bushes on two sides, the originally "escaped" godly archers and the terrifying female magic archers suddenly appeared. The long bows in their hands were pulled to the full-moon state, and the sharp arrow tips already aimed at the panicking soldiers. Their cold eyes made everyone instantly stop their movements and not dare to move even one step forward.

They were surrounded.

400 people were surrounded by less than 100 people.

"Kneel down, surrender. Otherwise you will be shown no mercy!" Fei shouted.

All the remaining soldiers looked at each other. The moment one person became the first one to throw away the weapon in his hand, other people immediately followed, all kneeling on the ground obediently as they have long lost resistance in their hearts.

At this moment, [Fire God's Iron Fleet] was also almost annihilated.

No one would have thought, those 22 people that originally showed up on Chambord city's side in heavy armor that seemed like they were about to collapse any moment due to the heavy weight on them, would act as if they were possessed by gods and started running within those heavy steal armor when the red command flag in the distant hill flashed again. From jogging to sprinting, their speed was incredible, which made it very hard to believe that they were in heavy armor that was over a hundred pounds in weight.

It's those 22 guys that got into a horizontal line fearlessly and engaged the remaining [Fire God's Iron Fleet]. Their iron armor was extremely tough, providing their bodies with the most primitive protection, but what was even more terrifying was the terrifying power that came out explosively from their weak little bodies. From after the first heavily-armed Roaring Flame Beast plus the heavily-armored cavalry unit on top were smashed away, the knight captain Romain's opened mouth just couldn't close. He just watched the 22 people like terrifying giant beasts smashing away Roaring Flame Beasts one after another. The significant gap between body size and power shocked everyone's visual senses, even the Elder Princess's eyes were filled with surprise.

Chambord City used the same method and shocked this Zenit Empire's [Female Strategy Goddess].

The 22 iron giants' vanguard once again took down more than two-thirds of the [Fire God's Iron Fleet].

The remaining 30 or so knights didn't even have time to turn their head around and crashed into the already-prepared iron tower wall at the front, and they instantly lost all combat strength.

No one would've expected, one assault, three encounters, and the famous [Fire God's Iron Fleet] among the Zenit Empire's subsidiary kingdoms would be defeated like a straw in a hurricane. What's more unbelievable was that, from beginning to end, they didn't kill a single enemy. The damage to the Chambord City side was just a few people's armor getting deformed from the collision, and some people also became dizzy from the collision. But their tough body after being refined by [Hulk Potion] made them already completely immune to such kind of collision damage.

At this moment, a period was drawn onto this sudden attack from the Nine-Kingdom Alliance army.

"Romain, do you understand Chambord City's fighting strategies yet?" The battle had already ended. The Elder Princess turned around and asked in a low voice.

"Savage, rude, straightforward, and… and cunning, insidious!" Romain's always-smiling baby face was now covered with unprecedented seriousness. He said a few adjectives right away, but he still felt that he didn't fully describe Chambord City and their king's fighting style.

"You are right…" The Elder Princess suddenly turned around, "But these are all not enough to accurately describe the guy. If I want to describe him, I would use another word…" Then, the Elder Princess spit out two words from her lips in seriousness –

"Variable." (TL: well its two words in Chinese)

Chapter 148: Complete Victory


Romain slightly hesitated, and then he was immediately enlightened.

Yes, it was a "variable".

Aside from this word, Romain couldn't find any other words to describe everything he observed from that fight. From the beginning when Chambord King Alexander brought the women and children to the battlefield, he didn't think that those girly women would be magic archers, acting like the representations of death. He also didn't think that Chambord City would have 50 or so godly archers, nor did he think that the giant black dog had such a terrifying strength. He never could've imagined that those 22 heavily-armored warriors and the giant-axe-warrior-formation would be this destructive. Lastly, he didn��t expect that the famous [Fire God's Iron Fleet] would be completely annihilated without killing a single enemy, or that King Alexander's combat strength could have reached a new high…

He didn't expect any of this at all.

Those were the variables.

Chambord King Alexander turned all these things that people didn't expect into reality.

Such variables were the most terrifying, because even if one was a wise commander, when faced with such an enemy, they would be defeated by these layers of unexpected variables that kept arising. It was impossible to know what would happen the next second, nor which card the opponent would play. When these were revealed, it would have already resulted in defeat!

Too terrifying!

"Romain, carefully remember what you saw today. Someday in the future, you may possibly face it as well…" The eldest Princess's words came a bit out of the blue for Romain, but he still replied with a nod.

Among the countless royal generals under Elder Prince Arshavin, Romain wasn't the strongest one. However, he had a calm heart and was eager to learn; he was one of the rare generals known for his wisdom. He had the talent to become a great general, so the [Wisdom Goddess] Eldest Princess broke her rule and always kept this knight beside her, exposing him to things that a normal general would never experience. The meaning of doing this was self-explanatory, an Romain also knew this clearly, so he always studied in silence. This small-scale battle today gave him a lot of shock, and he needed to slowly digest it.

"Your Majesty, how should we handle them?"

The Capricorn Saint Paul-Pierce asked. He had already led the Bylaw Enforcement Officers to capture all the 9 Kingdoms' Kings and threw them in front of the [Black Whirlwind]. A wave of barking from the big black dog deeply scared these kings who were used to being respected and served, and some of them with weak resolves had already kneeled down, desperately begging for mercy.

"Clean up the battlefield, take all the people, weapons and armor into the city and catalog them into the city's inventory. Heavily lock all the prisoners into the [Little Black House] and let Oleg strictly look after them. Execute those that are heavily wounded, and move all the corpses into the small open lot in the back mountain…" Fei rode on the big black dog and scanned past the battlefield filled with evaporating blood. "Take all the horses and Roaring Flame Beasts, regardless of how injured they are, into the Royal Stable, and send experienced people to take good care of them. These are all our future baby treasures of Chambord City, muahaha!"

"You can't do this; these are the property of the Chishui Kingdom! You have no right to claim them as yours." Chishui's king saw his Roaring Flame Beasts being carried away one by one as he shouted.


Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


Pierce laughed and slapped Chishui's King across his face. The terrifying power made it feel like iron hammers landed on his face. This king's teeth flew all over the place, and his face was instantly covered in bruises. He couldn't talk clearly anymore. His eyes were squinted due to his swollen face, and his nose was broken.

"Shut up! Prisoners should have the resolve of a prisoner. These items are all King Alexander's spoils of war, including you!" Pierce didn't give the high-status prisoners any respect, and some of the kings had already fainted after seeing the barbaric scene. For those that were conscious, no one dared to fight back anymore and silently watched as the Bylaw Enforcement Officers cleaned up the battlefield, taking away their properties one by one.

The sunset was like blood.

Vultures hovered in the sky; these black giant birds with sharp beaks had smelled the scent of death and rotten bodies, so they flocked over in groups from the distant mountains at the back of the Chambord City. Their noisy caws created oppressing feelings of darkness.

"Let them sign the document, double the war reparations from last time, and give them only one month to deliver it to Chambord City. If they can't gather enough in this with this short amount fo time, they can compensate with minerals and other materials. Hehe, the princes' words didn't hold any weight, but now that their Kings are here, the Kingdoms should probably be able to keep their word now, right? Relay my message word by word: if any country dares to decline, when the deadline comes, I will bring their king's head and visit them to ask for compensation myself!" After a great victory, Fei's attitude hardened up.

In fact, he had already expected that holding the princes hostage would lead to a rebounding effect. After all, princes were not kings, so their words didn't matter much. That's why he had already expected that it would take some effort to obtain the war reparations. However, he didn't expect that the alliance would form and visit him this quickly; Fei smelled something fishy.

"Let warden Oleg take good care of these kings. Make them confess how they planned and executed this trip. I need to know every single detail regarding why these nine kingdoms came together!" Fei then patted the big black dog and began to walk towards Chambord City.

This battle was won easily.

In fact, with Chambord City's current strength, there was originally no need to take so many twists and turns to win the battle. They simply needed to have an army charge out of Chambord City to easily take care of the problem, but Fei wanted to take this simple battle to train the soldiers of Chambord. He wanted to help them get used to the various aspects of war, from planning, cooperation, positioning the vanguard, following commands, and so on. In addition, Fei also wanted them to come in close contact with melee combat, death, and blood. He knew that a powerful army would not only need extraordinary strength, but also resolve and determination. Han could use [Hulk Potions] and other items from the Diablo World to enhance his soldiers' strength, but he couldn't make them get used to the bloody and merciless side of war. These things could only be felt and learned on a real battlefield. Chambord City was a small subsidiary kingdom on the rural border, so it had not encountered a real war in many years. The battle with the Black Armor Army counted as one, but that was a case where they were forced to fight, and it was different than this time, where they took the initiative in the fight.

This was why Fei dragged out this war, which could be finished within ten minutes, and took whole 2 hours to finish the battle.

Fei slowly walked towards the gates, and his eyes swept past the solders' faces.

Facts proved that Fei's painstaking efforts today were not in vain, because in the eyes of these soldiers, in addition to a little panic, Fei saw firmer and braver spirits… They had begun to adapt to such battles.

Blood and fire were the easiest ways to let someone grow.

This battle was a complete victory!

Chapter 149: Taming Roaring Flame Beasts

A bunch of captives were getting locked up into jail, and the armour and weapons were organized and sorted into the six carriages that the female rogues were riding on. Even the damaged armour and broken swords weren't left out. Chambord Bylaw Enforcement Officers didn't bring shame to their titles at all. The plains in front of the castle were searched by them for more than two dozen times; not even a feather on the rear of the arrow was left out.

Chambord had gotten a lot of rewards from this war.

Except the fifty complete and rare heavy cavalry armour, there were also about more than a hundred shields, more than two hundred spears and lances, more than three hundred iron swords, and more than eighty delicate hauberks. These items were more than enough to fully equip all the soldiers at Chambord. All the armours and weapons that were either broken or damaged could be treated as scrap. They would be delivered to the blacksmiths in the Back Mountains. After some fixing or reworking, new armour, weapons and items would be forged out. It would greatly release Chambord's pressure of lacking proper items.

The soldiers were still busy, but Fei who was on the big black dog was already walking back to the castle with the kids. When Fei was chatting and laughing with them, he was able to tell that these kids were extremely excited.

When they got close to the gate of the castle, Chambord's citizens couldn't wait and rushed out of the kingdom to welcome them back. Young girls had flowers in their hands and threw them on the road that Fei and the soldiers were about to walk on, and things along the lines of "Hail King Alexander!" resonated in the sky and echoed in the ancient defense walls like surging tides. All the kids beside Fei stood straight up and raised their chests. They were proud since they witnessed the notable victory that Chambord just got.

The big black dog [Blacky] was also proud like these kids.

This beast was so smart that it seemed to have the intelligence of a human. With its squinted eyes and big smile, it made people felt like it was another big yet sly man like Drogba walking by them. When faced with Chambord's people, the dog was calm and cute; it wasn't at all vicious or ferocious like how he was in front of enemies. By this time, people of Chambord had also got completely used to this dog who was insanely big. Since it was always with King Alexander and it was so smart yet battle hungry, many people started to address it as the "Godly Dog".

Fei saw his fiancée Angela and blonde haired Emma in the crowd.

Both of them were following Priestess Akara to the Back Mountains to learn about the potion creation and herbs. Although Elena had the situation with her body in midway, Fei arrived on time so they didn't need to hurry back to the castle. They spent more time with the little girls from Chambord's Civil and Military Academy and Akara to learn a bit more. After Akara had to go back to Diablo World, they came down the mountain longing for more. When they arrived at the castle, they heard that Chambord was under attack again! They quickly rushed to the defense wall and calmed down after they heard that the battle was over and Chambord had a splendid victory.

Fei laughed as he jumped off of the big black dog's back. Without minding that there were a lot of people around, he helped his beautiful fiancée get on [Blacky]'s back. Angela who blushed under the beautiful sunset looked like a goddess. In the citizen's cheers and friendly clamours, Fei slowly walked back towards King's Palace with Angela's hand in hand and Emma's in another. The sun created a few long shadow behind them, and the scene looked peaceful and warm.

When passing by Chambord's Civil and Military Academy, Fei dismissed the kids who were following him. Of course, before he let them go, he assigned them "homework". He told the kids to get some feather pens and paper that were made from leather from the academy. He wanted every one of them to hand in a "Thoughts and Reflection Report". Fei wished that all these kids could grow up the next day and become leader material. Chambord at this point really needed talents badly

After a road of laughter, they finally returned to the King's Palace. Fei started to recall every moment of the battle today and carefully recorded them onto a leather sheet. This was a habit that he developed for a long time. He had to record everything that he found or had thought about in a day; it was another way for him to get stronger. He had to use other methods other than Diablo World; it was not enough on its own.

It was another period of business.

The dinner only started after the sun had set under the mountains on the west side for a long time.

The dinner was very sumptuous. Because after this period of observation, Angela who was smart and paid a lot of attention to details gradually realized that Fei didn't like the food in the King's Palace. She even sensed what Fei liked to eat and what he didn't like to eat. Plus, Fei had unintentionally mentioned to Angela and Emma how to make a few simple and small dishes from Earth. After all that, the king's dinner was almost 100% prepared by Angela and Emma; Fei really enjoyed the meals.

"Alexander, is Elena ok?" Angela suddenly asked during dinner.

Fei tensed up after he thought about the erotic circumstance that occurred in the stone room. He thought that a woman's terrifying intuition made his fiancée sense something, but when he looked at Angela's pure and worrying expression guiltily, he instantly knew that he thought too much. He felt a little ashamed as he smiled and said: "Don't worry, it was just that Elena ran into a little problem when she was training her magic power; the magic power backfired and hurt her body. It was fortunate that we found out early! After some sorting and resting, she is not in any kind of danger anymore."

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


Angela fixed her black silk like hair that fell from her eye as happiness filled her pretty face. She lightly tapped her chest and said: "Thank the God of War, that's great! I was really scared when I saw Elena bleed that much! We were all worried about her."

Fei smiled as he took in a mouthful of food.

He was going to disclose what happened between him and Elena to Angela sooner or later; Fei didn't plan to hide it from Angela at all. That would be unfair to both Elena and Angela.

That's right, he liked Angela. He liked her pureness and kindness. However, he also gradually liked Elena subconsciously; he liked the indescribable tacit cooperation they had during battles. Fei was kind of an Otaku (a guy who mostly stay indoors) when he was on Earth; he had no resistance towards girls. He couldn't help but to like the two goddess like girls after spending time with them. He thought that since he had Angela as a fiancée, it would be both of them spending the rest of their lives together; however, he didn't expect the relationship that he had with Elena would occur; it seemed like the mysterious voice in Diablo World intentionally tried to make it happen.

Today wasn't a good time; Fei decided to keep quiet for a bit before he would talk to Angela about this.

After dinner, since Fei wasn't very tired, he suddenly thought of something and took Angela to the royal horse stable.

All the war horses and more than sixty Roaring Flame Beasts that were captured were delivered to this stable. This stables that were usually very empty was finally getting some noise. There weren't a lot of servants and maids in the King's Palace; there were only a dozen of them. For a moment, they couldn't keep up with all the work. So Fei decided to take Angela here to calm the frightened horses and Roaring Flame Beasts down; it was like going to see some pets to relax.

"Be careful, they are not use to the new environment yet. They are aggressive now and might hurt you."

Fei carefully reminded Angela and told a few servants to take care of Angela just in case. He walked to the middle portion of the stable. That was where more than sixty Roaring Flame Beasts were at.

He started to carefully observe these descendants of Godly horses and Saint Beast – Unicorns.

The outer appearance of these Roaring Flame Beasts were like other horses, but only stronger and bigger. They all had hard scales on their skin; the armor like hard scales were denser near their hooves. When these beasts were angry or nervous, their eyes would turn red. They bodies had a graceful figure, but they had very sharp teeth and were very aggressive. They were able to carry weights three to four times as heavy as regular horses. They were classified as level 4 Demon Beasts, and they were like the perfect mount for heavily armored cavalry.

However, these beasts were rare and wild; they were hard to capture and hard to train. They were so aggressive that they would starve themselves to death when they got captured. Chishui Kingdom was very lucky to find some Roaring Flame Beasts when they were still in their infancy. After several generations of training and domestication, these Roaring Flame Beasts were the result. These Roaring Flame Beasts had kept the carrying and running ability of wild Roaring Flame Beasts, but they were a lot more docile; that was why they could be rode by the cavalry.

But since the environment changed, their former owner were gone, a lot of them were injured after the collusions in the battle, and all the Roaring Flame Beasts that were still alive were brought here and more than sixty Roaring Flame Beasts were crowded in this small space, these beasts' eyes were all dark red; it was obvious that they were extremely nervous and aggressive. Any stranger to them couldn't get close to them at all.

A first, Fei tried to get close to them, but he was kicked and bit back by the Roaring Flame Beasts.

Fei thought about it and had an idea; he immediately switched to the Druid Mode.

At this point, his druid character was already level 21. His [Oak Sage] and [Animal Spirit] were no longer just at the entry level; he had a much deeper understanding of this class. As soon as he switched to Druid Mode, he immediately sensed a nervous, anxious, and ferocious feeling coming from these Roaring Flame Beasts. Fei clearly captured all the negative fluctuation in emotion; these Roaring Flame Beasts were like a bunch of helpless kids – they were all quietly sobbing.

Fei slowly used his spiritual energy to approach them; he tried his best to seem friendly and harmless to cease the guards that the Roaring Flame Beasts had for him. Then, he slowly approached these Roaring Flame Beasts step by step...

"Your majesty, these guys are very aggressive, don't get too close to them..."

Some servants beside Fei quickly warned him. But before they could finish, they were all stunned. The Roaring Flame Beasts that were very anxious and aggressive and didn't let anyone close to them didn't react at all. Some of them even got close to the king and used their heads to rub his body voluntarily, as if they were kids who were trying to complain to their parents. These servants rubbed their eyes; they couldn't believe what they were seeing. "This is too magical!" They all thought. You should know that they tried a lot of methods, but none of them were able to get close to these beasts; one of them almost got kicked in the face.

Chapter 150: Invincible [Assassin Mode]

The majestic king was godly!

It wasn't the first time that these servants had seen King Alexander's magical ability, but they were still in shock this time.

These aggressive and anxious beasts acted like lost kids who had just seen their parents when the king appeared.

However, Fei didn't have the time to acknowledge the servants' surprise and idolization. His level 21 Druid ability let the Roaring Flame Beasts accept him easily. These beasts weren't that intelligent; their consciousness was like infants. They were not like the big black dog at all, so it was easy to gain their trust. Fei took out some [Healing Potions] from his storage space and started to treat the Roaring Flame Beasts that were severely injured. Some of them had their leg bones cracked, while others had their neck bones cracked from the collisions in the battle. These beasts were on the verge of dying. They all stared at Fei with a sad begging expression on their faces.

After spending about five bottles of [Healing Potions], all the injured Roaring Flame Beasts recovered.

It was fortunate that after all seven of Fei's character passed Act 1 in the Diablo World, the cost for Fei to convert all kinds of potions decreased dramatically. On top of the fact that Fei had become super wealthy in the Diablo World by selling the gems, he could afford these costs.

After fully treating all the Roaring Flame Beasts, Fei paused for a second, and then he added a little portion of [Hulk Potion] into the Roaring Flame Beasts' drinking water. Then, he told the servants about some things to keep in mind and left these Roaring Flame Beasts alone.

When Fei left the middle stable area, the Roaring Flame Beasts had all calmed down. Since he petted and relaxed these beasts and reminded the servants about the key points, the servants were able to get close to these beasts and comb their iron-like scales. When these beasts saw Fei leaving, they were all unwillingness to part with him, as if they were kids who were being left at home by a busy parent.

This magical scene shocked the servants again.

Fei was thinking about training and reforming these Roaring Flame Beasts into mounts like [Blacky] by using the [Hulk Potion]. As he was daydreaming, he looked up. The scene he saw had him stunned – Angela, who was wearing a light blue long dress, was standing in front of the war horse and smiling brightly. She looked like a beautiful goddess. The anxious war horses somehow calmed down and kneeled down around Angela, as if they were guards who were protecting their princess. This scene was comparable to the tales described by traveling poets where Saint Beast Unicorns kneeled around the beautiful Goddess of Life intimately. Fei felt like the scene was taken directly out of a fairy tale; it was ecstatic and mystic.

Fei rubbed his eye, but he wasn't hallucinating.

This was very strange. Fei was able to calm down the anxious Roaring Flame Beasts due to his Druid power. What about Angela? "Is Angela secretly a Druid as well? How is she able to calm down this bunch of anxious war horses in such short period of time? But there isn't any profession like the Druid on Zeroth Continent…" Fei thought.

The servants who were supposed to protect Angel were all stunned and surprised as well.

"Alexander, I don't know why, but it seems like I can sense their emotions. I didn't really do anything; I just tried to comfort them, and these horses kneeled down obediently … Xixi, they are so cute, they are docile too!"

On the way back, Angela answered Fei's question. However, this made Fei even more curious. Actually, Fei knew about Angela's affinity with animals. The big black dog that didn't go through [Hulk Potion] reformation was very ferocious, and people couldn't get close to it. However, Angela was able to easily tame and order it around. There were numerous examples, but Fei didn't really pay much attention to it.

But what happened today was very weird. It couldn't be just explained by the word "affinity". Those war horses were very stubborn; when they just got to this new environment, even professional horse trainers couldn't get close to them. Chambord Bylaw Enforcement Officer had used a lot of methods and a lot of forces to get them into the royal stable. "How could Angela, who doesn't have any training experience, do that? This is very interesting… Could the animals tell apart pretty from ugly, and they didn't want to hurt Angela because she is so pretty and pure?"

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Fei quickly shook his head when he thought that. There was no way that ridiculous reason could be true.

It looked like this secret would take some time to solve and find out.

After returning back to King's Palace, both Angela and Emma were both very tired, so they went to their rooms to rest.

Fei still wasn't tired. He went into his office and started to read and experiment with the simple energy training scrolls that he collected. After that, he started to try to create new energy training scrolls by using the speciality of [Assassin Mode] and his hypotheses.

After carefully remembering every single energy connection channel in a human's body from a two-star energy training scroll, Fei switched to [Assassin Mode] and closed his eyes to sense the special power that his assassin character had – "Zen Power". After he felt how the assassin energy flowed in his body, he took a feather pen and drew out each and every energy connection channel on the leather sheet in front of him. He combined it with the energy connection channels on the two-star training scroll.

Then, Fei added a total of seven new channels. After the revision, the two-star energy training scroll [Breaking-Stone Chop] already had fourteen energy connection channels. According to how energy training scrolls were ranked based on how many energy channels they had, this training scroll was elevated to the three-star rank.

However, this was only theoretical.

In terms of how actual training would go by using this scroll, Fei couldn't guarantee anything; he would have to experiment and find out.

The process of drawing out new energy connection channels was very energy consuming. Fei felt tired after only revising one energy training scroll.

He went into his bedroom to rest… Suddenly, a vigorous energy surge appeared around the Back Mountain, and Fei felt it vaguely.

Fei was shocked; his face even changed color. There was only one possibility – someone had triggered the magic traps on the back mountain.

It couldn't be the soldiers who were guarding the underground cave.

They all remembered the correct path to travel on the back mountain.

That meant… there were intruders!

Fei immediately used the power of the [Assassin Mode] and disappeared from his bedroom. He turned into an invisible shadow to naked eye and dashed towards the Back Mountain like lightning under the dark sky; he didn't wake anyone up.

Of course, Fei saw red flames and white lightning striking around the restricted area in the Back Mountain. It was very eye catching in the dark night. Under the light, Fei saw a few figures move; it was obvious that there was a fight.

"Who is it? Who dares to intrude the restricted area of Chambord?"

Fei heard Peter-Cech's loud shout from far away. The figures moved and changed their locations continuously. The swords in their hands made a lot of sparks during collisions. It seemed like there was only one intruder, and Cech had a few Bronze Saint Saiya and elite guards helping him. Even with the help from Fei's magic trap, they could only match up to the intruder; it even seemed like the intruder wasn't using all of his or her strength.

At this moment, Fei finally arrived.

"Back off/ Let me deal with him!" Fei shouted. In the air, Fei bent his fingers and formed a claw as he struck at the intruder who wore black and was covered.

"Your Majesty!"

Cech and Chambord's warriors heard the voice and knew that the person who appeared was Fei. They were delighted and backed off. They had blocked all the possible paths that this intruder could take to escape.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Almost at the same time, Fei and the mysterious intruder in black had struck at each other several times. Fei, who was in the [Assassin Mode], was almost invincible in these close combat fights. Every part of his body had turned into a weapon, and they all struck at the intruder in black like rain drops in a storm. His opponent was clearly not ready to fight against such a strange style. The intruder tried to defend himself or herself and backed off.

Chapter 151: Flirtatious Violet Flower

In the Diablo World, assassin was one of the most terrifying classes. They travelled without a trace and were equipped with incredible stealth and assassination skills. Any part of their bodies could instantly become terrifying weapons and deliver a fatal blow at any moment. In addition, they were also skilled with various weapons. Although Barbarians were recognized as the experts in melee combat, their skills and combat methods were domineering and focused more on force. However, assassins excelled in skilled melee combat, just like a venomous snake hidden in the dark. They were hard to defend against.

This black masked man was an elite that was hard to come across, yet he was still completely rushed by Fei's series of assassin melee combat techniques.

"Tiger Strike!-"

With a loud roar, Fei suddenly activated the assassin skill [Tiger Strike].

The energy inside his body began flowing at a strange rhythm and speed, and an amazing scene occurred. The illusion of two roaring tigers began manifesting on Fei's two fists, issuing a ground-breaking roar. The fists were like thunder, endlessly striking towards the black masked man. Every fist's power increased continuously, with the next fist's power being twice as strong as the previous strike. The tiger's head that appeared on Fei's fists became even more complete, shrouding Fei's arms within them. The contained strength faintly broke past the top tier 4-star level, directly exploding and bombarding the air.

Faced with such strange yet sharp moves, the black masked man didn't dare to take them head on. He could only try to awkwardly dodge between the strikes.

"Dragon Talon!"

With another roar, used the assassin skill [Dragon Talon].

This was a chain kick skill. Fei's feet turned into sharp dragon claws after being covered by energy; the claws tore gaps in space. It was so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye. His two legs were like two flashing sharp axes, and the black masked man was completely caught off guard due to the sudden change in technique. Instantly, the skill hit the black masked man's upper arm. He grunted once as his arms were deformed. With blood seeping out of his mouth, his whole body was sent flying backwards as if he was taking a heavy blow.

Fei leaped into the sky and chased right after him, and he instantly caught up to the black masked man's face.

With just one more kick, the black masked man would have probably puked blood and died on the spot.

But at that critical moment, the black masked man suddenly whispered something in a deep voice, and then a purple flame began flashing over his body. After the flame disappeared, the injury on both of his arms had instantly healed. Traces of purple light stopped in the air, like a blooming and flirtatious violet flower, blocking Fei's fierce and fatal kick.


The flirtatious violet flower and Fei's giant axe clashed, creating terrifying waves of wind, damaging the surrounding trees and shattering countless giant rocks. The dust shot into the night sky, and even Pete Cech who was standing on guard in the distance was pushed back from the oncoming strong wind.

Fei flipped in the air and flew back towards the masked man.

The mysterious black cloaked man suffered some more minor injuries, but he used the airflow to try to escape. His movement was as fast as thunder. A bronze saint-level soldier raised his sword and attempted to stop him, yet he was sent flying by one palm strike. After a few flashes, the black cloaked man instantly disappeared in the vast night.

"Want to escape? Fists of Fire!"

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


The energy running inside Fei's body began accelerating at an alarming rate, activating the assassin skill [Fists of Fire]. With a loud noise, crimson red flames began burning on Fei's two fists, and the flame was especially bright in the dark night as it exuded an amazing energy. His fist trembled once as he used Fists of Fire. It cut through the night like a meteor and travelled deep into the darkness.

After a few seconds, a deep "humph" sounded. Fire flashed and subsequently disappeared in the distance. Then, everything went silent, as if nothing happened.

Fei landed on a giant boulder nearby with a surprised look as he began thinking.

"I didn't expect him to actually escape… he could actually extinguish the assassin's [Fists of Fire]. hH's really quite skilled!" Feeling a little surprised, Fei didn't continue to chase. After a flash, he appeared in front of the injured soldier by the mysterious masked man and switched to [Paladin] mode. With a palm pressed against the soldier, his Paladin's energy began to channel, and a ball of light golden flame started flashing. The [Prayer] skill was activated and Fei quickly healed the soldier's injury.

"Your Majesty!"

Cech and the others tried to supress the shock in their eyes and quickly came over to salute. They didn't join the battle at the Eastern Mountain top, so this was still their first time seeing His Majesty's moves. They were all completely shocked by Fei's stealthy movement and godly melee combat skills like [Tiger Fist] and [Dragon Talon].

"Um." Fei nodded. "Pete, tell me what just happened in detail. Did you guys find anything?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. That masked man is very skilled. He quietly went past four layers of magic traps. If it wasn't because he accidently set off a flame trap and got exposed, he would have almost gotten through the traps. With the advantage of numbers and knowledge of the location of traps, we could only stall him for about two to three minutes. If it wasn't because of Your Majesty arriving in time, I'm afraid that he would've already broken into the forbidden ground in the back mountain."

Fei nodded and immediately changed to [Assassin mode]. He made a series of strange marks with both hands and rearranged the distribution and location of all the traps on the back mountain. Then, he turned around and walked towards the underground stone maze and asked, "In your opinion, is the intruder tonight the same person as the one that broke into the back mountain before the ceremony?"

Cech thought as he walked, and then replied with confidence, "Your Majesty, we fought both of these guys, and from the strength and energy type, they should be the same person. It's just that his strength seems to be quite stronger than the last time he appeared. What's puzzling is that this intruder doesn't seem to have any hostile intent. It was as if he was just looking for something, so he didn't try to hurt anyone, otherwise…"

"Otherwise you guys would probably be dead or severely wounded by now." Fei scratched his chin, frowned, and said, "I noticed this too. He's very careful with his attack. He never intended to hurt anyone, which was why I just attacked to teach him a lesson and never really thought of killing him. The magic traps in the forbidden area have already been rearranged by me. You guys just need to be careful and don't let them break into the underground stone maze."

The mysterious black cloaked and masked man wasn't malicious, which made Fei feel a little reassured.

From the exchange of attacks just now, although it was very brief, Fei already found out a lot of information. This person's origin was unknown, but his energy fluctuations was similar to the skills of the Holy Church. However, there was also a clear difference. That difference was not done on purpose, and Fei had no doubt about it, so he didn't suspect Priest Zola and the others. Besides, those two were so obsessed with the idea of becoming friends with [God's Favorite Child], so they wouldn't dare to do something that might anger Fei. However, that flirtatious violet flower formed by the mysterious cloaked man's sword might was very memorable to Fei. He could possibly use this to look into finding more clues. After all, on the land of Azeroth, elites that had purple flame energy were very scarce… This matter needed to be slowly traced and investigated. After all, Pete was sure that the intruder was the same person as before, and that meant that this person had been dwelling in Chambord City for a long time, so there must be some clues.

Fei's thoughts quickly passed through his mind, and he soon came to the underground stone maze.

The stone maze was the work of countless soldiers and craftsmen rushing day and night, and the dark and terrifying water prison had already gone through drastic changes. He entered from the little stone square that had piles of dead bodies of the nine kingdoms' soldiers and passed through the 30 or so heavily guarded indestructible iron gates. Fei came to the deepest mountain space.

The area here had a complete new look.

The cold cells from before that were used to hold criminals awaiting execution had now been completely renovated. The ice-cold iron bars and rusted stains were replaced with some simple wooden doors and windows. The layout of the braziers and other light sources went through careful designs. After the renovation, the rooms became brighter and gentler. The feeling that the stone cave gave to people was no longer sn icy cold cell, but rather a warm and safe home.

The rooms that were scattered over the walls had different sizes and clearly had different uses. They were nested neatly like honeycombs onto the 400-meter-tall stone walls. The originally-narrow stone stairways were carved to be even wider, with fences installed on the edges to make them safer.

In addition to the staircase, eight giant chains fell down from the dome, and each iron chain was connected to a giant iron-supported wooden cage that can hold up to 10 people's weight. With the four giant gear wheels placed in the four corners of the mountain space, the wooden cages could be lifted up by pulling the iron chains. This was the simple "elevator" that Fei racked his brains to design. It was finally realized with the optimization and improvements made by the Diablo World's blacksmith Charsi and Chambord City's blacksmiths. Through these four elevators, the distance that originally needed an hour of walking now only needed about 4 or 5 minutes, saving a significant amount of time.

Chapter 152: City of Heroes

In addition to the "pirated elevators", some masons from Chambord city also later joined the construction of transforming the underground stone maze.

These masons had deep love for myths and that played their imagination to the full potential, carving all kinds of gods and mystical beasts vividly onto the originally rough and monotonous stone walls. The carvings could be observed on every single step. The heroic fighting scenes of ancient battles of the gods that were told by story tellers and poets were also restored on the murals. Of course, there were also the statures of all the Kings of Chambord City. Although Fei had only been the king for less than 3 months, but as the King that made such progress, Fei's statues were the most in number. There were statues of him of 30 to 40 meters tall situated at the north, south, west, east, and center inside the mountain belly, and the expressions were happy, angry, pity, and waving a sword. They stood majestically.

These were improvised by the masons, not because someone wanted to do this to please the king.

Besides these changes, another significant initiative was planting large amounts of green plantation in the underground stone cave.

All plants that could been seen in Chambord city could all be seen in the underground maze, and maybe due to the special air quality and temperature, although it was deep into fall and the world outside had leaves turning yellow and falling, the plants in the stone cave were still as green as ever. This was because Fei used up every bit of his brain cells and his pathetically small knowledge of biology and designed an independent circulatory system that's similar to a greenhouse. The plants' presence enhanced the air quality inside the stone cave, and the improved air quality also let these plants stay out of the seasonal changes of the outside world and stay green… The entire underground maze was slowly becoming an independent ecosystem.

Of course, as for the work of constructing and renovating the underground stone maze, the "guests" from the Diablo world also put in a lot of effort.

The underground river water was treated by a few simple water magic arrays set by Acala and led to the gully that were specifically cut out by the masons. After being treated by the magic array, the river was no longer so cold but became warm and full of vitality. The small river flow was very fluent, watering all plants nearby. Aunty Acala and the rogues were clearly also filled with inspiration as they even ingeniously built dozens of large and small artificial magic fountains, decorating the entire underground cavern like a wonderland. One could see green plants and water everywhere, and it simply looked magical and pretty.

This water system also established its own cycle. White mist floated above the water, and red-tailed fish relaxingly swum back and forth.

The entire underground cavern was like a paradise, making it very difficult for someone to link it to the cold and scary dungeon that was originally here.

This was the paradise that Fei envisioned in countless dreams.

"Your Majesty, please grant a name for this place!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the cavern's renovation is basically complete. It's time to give this place a name!"

The soldiers, masons, and blacksmiths that were busy working all gathered over after seeing the King's arrival. Many of them had already deeply fell in love with this magical place. In the beginning, no one thought that they could create a place this beautiful, and now all of them had a proud smile on their face, feeling a full sense of accomplishment.

Fei laughed, "Haha, okay. From now on, this underground stone maze will become our Chambord City's secret operating and talent training base. This place was created by the sweat of everyone, so let's call it…" Then, Fei opened his palms, with light flashing past he summoned the Purple and Green Duo Sword. Under everyone's eyes, he quickly paced to the giant stone at the entrance to the mountain belly and suddenly jumped up. The purple and green swords transformed into two bright lights as they danced on the stone, with sparks splashing everywhere stone pieces falling down, he said, "Let's call it the City of Heroes!"

City of Heroes!

After Fei landed on the ground, the stone chips fell down and the three big words appeared in front of the crowd.

A burst of cheers sounded within the mountain belly.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


"City of Heroes, haha, it has two layers of meanings. First, this magnificent underground stone city is created by every step and every drop of sweat of the people of Chambord City. Secondly, I hope that all the Chambord people that walked out of this secret stone realm from today are all heroes with an indomitable spirit!"

Fei's voice just faded, some soldiers and masons already began feeling excited and blood boiled. On this kind of continent where status hierarchy was this important, people with low status like them were actually very easily satisfied. To be able to receive the "hero" title from the king was already an honor they can brag about for generations.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and began busy working on some finishing touches for the [City of Heroes].

The chief guard Pete Cech brought the saint warriors under his command and continued to carry out the supervision and defense work on site. Only warden Oleg was summoned by Fei on short notice and followed behind Fei's ass. They came to the stone chamber that was specifically opened up for the King. Fei took a careful look around and nodded in satisfaction. The majority of the furniture was made of stone, and there was a little mermaid fountain pool in the middle of the stone chamber, sparkling, and there was a group of red-tailed goldfish leisurely swimming around. Flowers and green grass, the decorations wasn't luxurious, yet simple and fresh, and that's the type Fei likes.

"Tell me about it, is the interrogation work carrying out smoothly?" Fei picked up some fish food and stood beside the fountain pool, teasing the goldfish while he lightly asked.

"Very smooth, these people simply don't deserve the nobility title, they are all as timid as rats. Drogba and Pierce tied a few guards to rocks and sunk them to the Zuli River, and the others were already terrified. The nine kingdom's kings didn't dare to resist the slightest and all signed the new agreement right away. In accordance to His Majesty your orders, we have already released their most trusted personal guards for them to travel back right away to their respective countries to prepare the compensation…" Warden Oleg said proudly with his eyebrows dancing, "We isolated and interrogated all the kings separately, and according to them, the reason they all had dared to fight back, besides that they didn't want to pay for the reparation signed by their princes, most importantly they were convinced by a mysterious person."

"Oh? Mysterious person?" Fei crushed the rest of the fish food in his hands, threw them into the pond, then patted his hands and said, "What kind of mysterious person?"

"The specific identity of that person was not even clear by those dumb kings, and they only knew some blurry information. It should be a powerful magician from the Empire Capital St. Petersburg, it's just that he didn't follow the army here this time. But he had a follower that did, and it's the wind elemental magician that initiated the attack on the stone bridge this afternoon. He followed the alliance army to the city, and was captured by us. But this guy's a little noble from a big family in the Empire, he's really arrogant because of his identity. Without His Majesty your orders, we didn't dare to use any punishment on him, so…" Warden Oleg said with a little troubled look, once the matter involves big powerful families of the Empire's capital, their identities are even more sensitive than the nine kings, so Oleg didn't dare to act rashly and needed Fei to make the decision.

"They are really a group of idiots, don't even know that person's identity and actually lost their own judgement after being instigated and decided to attack Chambord City? What a bunch of people with brains crawling with maggots, how did they become king?" Fei shook his head, then with a straight face he said, "Don't worry about what powerful family of whatever shitty empire they are from, dig out the identity of that mysterious man at any price! You know already, from the little black room of Chambord city, no enemy could walk out with their heads up. Since they dared to go up against Chambord city, then they should have a taste of living a life that's worse than dying. I remember you were called the "Death's Touch" by the people of Chambord city back in the old days, cold blooded, cruel, and everyone's face would change when they hear your name? Now, it's time for you to show the means you use before to interrogate which even the rocks would cry if you use on them! Remember, enemies never need pity, and there's only one purpose for the little black room's existence – I will know the things I want to know!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Fei's answer made warden Oleg's fat body startled a bit, then he replied after straightened his back.

"Temporarily put this thing aside for now, and do it when you can." Fei said, waved, and then a sheepskin paper that was cut into a perfect square flew towards warden Oleg. Oleg caught it in his hand in surprise, and Fei continued, "On it have a list of things you have to do within the next month." Fei didn't explain further. In fact, beside Oleg, the main leaders of Chambord city Bast, Brook and the others also received similar papers.

Warden Oleg suddenly hesitated for a second, and then immediately understood Fei's meaning, and he said in shock, "Your Majesty, you… you are going to leave Chambord City for a period of time?"

Fei nodded.

He didn't say anything else. He stood in front of the fountain, his eyes looked past Oleg's figure into the deepest place in the distant mountain belly. Over there, there was a giant pitch black iron door that was over 20 meters tall, as if a giant monster was entrenched there with its mouth open. No one knew what was behind that giant iron gate. In the past two hundred years, many kings of Chambord city explored there before, but besides heavy casualties, no one could find out the slightest about the secret that's hidden behind there.

"Your Majesty, you absolutely should now…" Oleg followed Fei's eyes and looked, and he suddenly understood Fei's plan. He was shocked and advised, "Your Majesty, that place is way too dangerous… way too dangerous!"