153 - 160

Chapter 153: The Big Reform Before Leaving

Fei shook his head and his stare became softer as he looked at Oleg. Since this fatty could behave in such a manner, that meant he had a conscience. Fei felt that he did the right thing by keeping Oleg when he was fighting with Bazzer.

"Relax, I know what I'm doing."

What Warden Oleg said was right. The space behind this black iron gate was very dangerous. Many adventurers who went into it from the command of their former kings had never come out. However, Fei had reasons why he had to go in there and see what was behind this gate. From many perspectives, there were many secrets about Chambord. Although it may have seemed to be mysterious and cool, to Chambord, the kingdom was like sitting on a volcano that could erupt anytime. Therefore, Fei had to reduce the scope of the damage if this "volcano" erupted into a controllable and acceptable range.

Of course, Fei wasn't going to risk his life carelessly.

After passing[Rogue Encampment], Act 1 (Stage 1) of the Diablo World, the rewards that he received gave Fei confidence in exploring this dangerous maze. Before entering this black iron gate, he had to organize and plan some things. Fei had a clear feeling that this exploration would take a long time. Therefore, he had to make sure that everything in Chambord would operate and run smoothly after he left.

Fei started the preparation work before he entered the iron gate.

Meanwhile, Warden Oleg prepared a ton of ropes, iron chains, and dyes. There were also food and water prepared in secrecy. Except for this fatty that Fei used effectively, no one else knew about Fei's plan.

At the same time, Fei added the final details to the planning of [City of Heroes].

"Chambord University, the higher-level academy compared to Chambord's Civil and Military Academy was quietly established in the [City of Heroes]. Compared to Civil and Military Academy where people like Brook taught simple fighting techniques and basic mage meditation courses, the courses at Chambord University were a lot more focused and advanced. Priestess Akara taught Mystic Potion Creation and Scroll Creation, Military Leader Charsi taught a course on Magic Arrow and Archery, and the "Obscene" Old Man Cain taught Magic Fundamentals and Magic Meditation. Warriv, the caravan leader who no one really cared about taught some courses on Military Traveling, Boating, and Outdoor Survival. Even the fatty NPC Gheed who hid deep in [Rogue Encampment]and loved gambling and deceiving others was summoned to the real world by Fei using his title as the Supreme Leader. Gheed could teach the Art of Deceiving, Diplomacy, and Psychology…

Other than that, Fei took on the role as the principle and taught all the following specific courses: Assassination, Close Combat, Beast Training, Ice Fire Lightning and Poison Magic, Healing Magic, Archery, Weapon Throwing, and Magic Trap Creation.

The university was established in the [City of Heroes]. The classrooms were already created when Fei decided to redo and restructure the underground cave. Except for the teachers, each subject and program had their own space and open classrooms. All the basic infrastructures were set up. Fei designed everything according to his bottom-tier university in his previous life.

Of course, there were also entertainment rooms for enjoyment.

Fei was feeling good, so he made three swimming pool, an average-sized bar, a soccer field, and two basketball courts in the underground cave. Then, he asked his smart and crafty fiancée Angela and blonde-haired Emma to make the outer layer of soccer balls and basketballs. The inside of the balls was made from tenacious demon beasts' bladder. After blowing the bladders up and fitting them inside, they weren't any different from the premium soccer balls and basketballs made from the machines. It was later proven why these two sports were very popular in his previous life. After Fei explained everything and promoted the two sports, soccer and basketball quickly spread around Chambord like a disease. The popularity was beyond Fei's expectation. After more soccer fields and basketball courts were constructed, many of Chambord's citizens only went for walks after dinner, but now these two sports occupied a lot of their free time. Then, the basketball team formed by the twenty two strongmen including Drogba and Pierce became invincible in Chambord… the recreational activities quickly became something that every citizen was involved in.

Of course, the existence of the underground cave had to be kept a secret from the citizens temporarily.

From Fei's design, the people who would get to attend the university were selected among students who graduated from the Civil and Military Academy and soldiers who were loyal and had experienced battles and wars. Other criteria such as talent, age, and background which were heavily weighted by traditional forces on Azeroth Continent held little weight to Fei. Since Chambord was desperate for loyal leaders, Fei had to loosen up the requirements for the university and give more people chances!

However, these students would only have access to the areas in the underground cave before the last ten iron gates. There was a total of twenty one iron gates located before the core area of the underground cave, and most of the classrooms and experiment spaces of Chambord University were located before the eleventh iron gate. Only students who passed many stages of tests would get the king's approval and get to enter the eleventh iron gate and see what was behind it.

Other than leader and talent development, military infrastructures were something that Fei paid a lot of attention to.

32-second Stretch Ends Back Pain & Sciatica (Watch)

Patriot Health Zone

From what Fei read in books and saw on TV in his previous life, obstacles such as high walls and spiked wires were all perfectly implemented in the military training ground. Except for the ordinary training ground, Fei also made a very dangerous battle training ground that no one expected.

This was a deep hole about ten yards into the ground. There was a small "iron elevator" that was fixed to one side of the wall. Anyone who wasn't a three-star warrior or mage could only get up and down from the hole by this elevator. In this deep hole, Fei had raised more than a dozen Fallen Warriors; fifteen Fallen Warriors and a Fallen Shaman to be exact.

"Each of these monsters has the strength of a one-star warrior. The monster that is bigger and has a strange wand in its hand is about a one-star mage. These monsters are all very cruel and sly. Their only weakness is that they are very timid. We need to make sure that it's safe for our warriors to battle with these monsters and to obtain real battle experience. As long as the bigger Fallen Shaman is not killed, it will be able to revive all the dead monsters with its magic. That way, you guys don't have to worry about finding replacements for these monsters after they are killed." Fei took the core leaders like Warden Oleg, Taurus Gold Saint Saiya Drogba, Capricorn Gold Saint Saiya Pierce, and Cech to this location. After carefully telling the use for this Battle Coliseum, he took them down and let them experience the battle abilities of the Fallen Warriors. Since Fei, who could instantly kill these monster was around, none of them experienced real danger. Fei let Cech, the strongest among all the leaders, take charge of this place after they all had a clear understanding of these monsters.

Fei summoned these monsters by using his Miraculous Skill [Summon]. It was upgraded when all seven of Fei's characters passed [Rogue Encampment]. Fei could use some of his in-game experience to summon any kind of monster or demon from all the maps in [Rogue Encampment]. However, since he couldn't control any of the monsters that he summoned, he figured that it was a great way to train the students who had no real battle experience.

After everything was completed, Chambord started to operate smoothly without any direct commands from the king.

Fei spent some time with his fiancée Angela. He gave the job of carefully adjusting the dosage of the [Hulk Potion] needed in the feed for the war horses and Roaring Flame Beasts to his fiancée, who had an insane affinity with animals. Then he decided to announce that he was going to do closed door training and practice a powerful technique for a month.

In reality, Fei secretly went to the deepest location in the underground gave with Oleg and the items that Oleg prepared. After quietly opening the door that was shut closed for close to a hundred years, Fei said seriously to Oleg for the last time before entering the dark and narrow corridor, "After I enter this gate, you have to immediately close it. Don't allow anyone to get close. After a month, if I knock on this iron gate from the other side, immediately order soldiers to open the door. You got it?"

"As you wish, Your Majesty!" The fatty knew that he couldn't make Fei change his mind; he could only strictly follow Fei's order.

Fei turned around and stepped into the corridor.

Then, Warden Oleg utilized his warrior energy and slowly closed the iron gate and swept away all the traces. No one was able to see that someone had opened this gate that had been closed for about a hundred years.

Chambord started to develop at an insane speed after Fei left.

Of course, Fei had set up Plan B before he entered the corridor. Military Leader Charsi, Akara and all the female rogues who had the strength of five-star warriors were guarding Chambord, and Head Minister Bast and General Brook were also on duty. Even without Fei, Chambord wouldn't let any enemy get close to the castle.

Chapter 154: Super [Werebear]

The corridor was long and dark. After the iron gate behind his closed, there weren't any light anymore.

Fei lightly shouted and mystic changes occurred.

Colorful lights started to shine. A wolf skull helmet, short wand, red belt, iron boots, a small skeleton shield, a pair of yellow furry gloves... Almost instantly, Fei switched to [Druid Mode]. He summoned all the items and equipment of the level 21 Druid. As a surge of massive amounts of elemental power appeared on his body, Fei waved the green short wand in his hand. Three clouds of white elemental energy flew out of the wand and turned into three white wolfs that were a yard tall and two yards longs when they landed on the ground. These wolves surrounded Fei and rubbed their heads on Fei's body intimately.

Druid Summon Ability – [Spirit Wolf].

Different from the monsters from the maps in [Rogue Encampment]in Diablo World, the wolves that were summoned by Druid's ability could be controlled by Fei handily. They looked just like real wolves, and they had their own intelligence. With flesh and bones, they were really born-intimate with their creator Fei, and they were the special helpers that Druids had.

Fei had his plans when he decided on choosing the class of Druid.

Since these wolves that he summoned were able to walk ahead of him, they were able to help him to inspect the corridor before he actually got there. Even if situations arose, he would know ahead of time and could react properly. Thus, he wouldn't be put into a reactive situation and lose all control.

The three big wolves got their commands from Fei. One of them walked about ten yards ahead of Fei, one of them walked about five to six yards behind Fei, and the last wolf walked alongside Fei. One man and three wolves slowly but steadily walked towards the deeper part of the dark corridor that seemed endless.

Fei was very alert. He was able to see through the wolves' eyes using the special connection between a Druid and their pets. Fei could clearly see all the surroundings in the ten yards radius; it won't be exaggerated to say that Fei would see everything and hear everything.

After about ten minutes of walking, Fei felt like he could use the word "thick" to describe the darkness in this corridor.

If it wasn't for the lights coming off of Fei's magic items and armors and the night vision that the wolves had, Fei would really be blind. Even though this was the case, Fei was still walking very slowly. Since there weren't any clear identifiers, Fei estimated that he only walked about three kilometers. The corridor wasn't very straight; in the last ten minutes, he had already made four turns, and the steepness of the corridor had increased and decreased six times.

It was very fortunate that there weren't any forks in the corridor. When Fei stopped and took a detailed look of the walls in the corridor. He realized that these walls weren't too different from the [City of Heroes] prior to development. They were simple and crude, and there weren't any kinds of symbols or drawings on the walls. If Fei didn't see the marks left on the wall by people who dug it, he would think that this underground corridor was formed naturally.

But what was strange was that it didn't matter how deep and how far he went down the corridor, the air was still fresh as when he just entered the corridor; it didn't have the dense and depressing feel that tunnels and space underground would give. Fei even saw some dust on the walls; that meant the air travelled and moved in this corridor frequently.

At this moment, suddenly –


The white wolf walking at the front suddenly let out a deep roar, and what the wolf was seeing immediately appeared in Fei's head – it was a black stick that was about fifty centimeters in length. Fei was intrigued by this. He quickly went over and rubbed the white wolf's head to praise it. Then he squatted down to take a better look at this stick.

Fei immediately identified this stick. It was just a torch made out of black iron. The fuel in it was all depleted, and it was abandoned by its owner for that reason. Fei quickly guessed the identity of the owner of the abandoned torch – the person must be a warrior who was sent here by the former kings to explore this corridor. From the detailed recording in the royal library, the last few kings of Chambord had send more than a hundred of people into here to explore it, but they all disappeared in the corridor. These people had definitely used things like torches to light up the surroundings.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


As Fei expected, after more than half an hour of walking, he gradually saw more equipment's and items that were left by the former exploration teams.

There were torches, ropes, iron hooks, clothes, and there were also burnt marks left by fire. The thing was that the air traveled freely in this corridor, and these items were really old. Most of the iron made items were rusted, and the ropes and clothes were all rotten. When Fei touched a hook that was stuck in a slit on the wall, it chipped and turned into a pile of rust.

These findings meant that the former exploration teams had all safely arrived at this place. Except this, it didn't mean anything. Fei would stop and take a short period of rest sometimes; after he take out some food and water from his storage space and consumed them, he would continue his journey.

Gradually, Fei felt a strange change –

Not sure when, but a wind started to blow in the corridor. It was a very light breeze, as if someone was lightly blowing beside Fei; it was almost negligible, but to masters like Fei, he clearly felt it. As he got farther and farther into the corridor, the wind started to get bigger and bigger. After an hour of walking, the wind was so strong that it was able to blow up the edges of Fei's shirt under the armor and make his long black cloak flutter.

Fei suddenly remembered something that Warden Oleg told him.

"According to history books, there would be stranger loud roar coming from the corridor periodically, and a terrifying suction force would appear and suck people into the corridor. Therefore, the king at that time couldn't do anything but to order blacksmiths to forge these two huge Iron Gate to lock up the corridor!"

"Wind? Suction?"

This should be it.

After thinking about that, Fei subconsciously got more aware of his surroundings. How powerful must the suction force to be in order to suck people from the location of the Iron Gate into this corridor. Fei was a little scared just thinking about that. He slowed down his walking speed and had his guard up. He didn't want the wind that was getting stronger and stronger to mess up his pace and throw him off balance.

After another thirty minutes, the wind in the corridor was beyond what the three white wolves that had the strength of one star warriors could handle. After a series of howls, they were pulled off the ground by the wind and got sucked into the darkness that the corridor was leading to.

Fei's steps were staggering too; the power of the wind at this point was able to suck up a thousand pounds of stone.

"Howl -!!!"

Fei roared and a brown elemental energy flame flashed on his body.

Fei's body started to change aggressively in the next moment. If anyone saw Fei, they would be so scared that they would start screaming. Iron needle like black thick hair started to grow out quickly from Fei's face, neck, and all the skin that was exposed in the air. Fei's body also started to get big like an air balloon; soon, his height and waist doubled compared with his regular body. Sharp teeth grew out of his mouth, and sharp claws grew on his hands and feet.

These changes almost appeared instantly.

When these elemental energy flames disappeared, Fei had turned from a human form into a vicious terrifying huge bear.

Druid's natural skill – [Werebear]. It allowed Druids to turn into a strong huge bear. Fei had upgraded this skill to level 4. After he changed form, his strength and his vitality had doubled, his health and armor also doubled, but he still had the intelligence of a human and some minor human characteristics. The weakness of losing consciousness after changing form and going berserk was gone.


Fei who was in the werebear form let of an angry roar, and the whole corridor seemed to shake. He stomped his paws, and two huge and deep paw marks appeared on the rock-hard ground. He swung his arms and stabbed his claws into the stone wall; the strong wind was no longer effecting him, and he walked forward slowly yet steadily.

The level 4 [Werebear]was able to last about thirty minutes. Fei went into a turn in the corridor when he was about to exit out of the werebear form and turn back to his human form. The wind at this turn was weaker, so he was able to rest a bit in here.

It was good that skills from Diablo World didn't have any cool down. As long as Fei had mana, he was able to use the skills. Fei used the skill many times and slowly walked forward to explore the corridor. After four to five more hours, the wind finally weakened. And after an hour passed, the wind finally went away mysteriously.

The corridor returned back to its calmness, as if nothing had happened.

Fei turned back to his human form and summoned three white wolves again to explore the corridor faster.

Time slowly passed, and Fei felt like he had lost all sense of direction. He wasn't sure where this corridor was leading to. He felt like he had spent a day in the corridor already; after all the lefts and right, ups and downs, nothing appeared; it was just like a huge maze.

Finally, when Fei decided to take a rest and go into Diablo World to train, the white wolf that was walking at the very front let out an excited roar, and what the white wolf was seeing immediately popped into Fei's head. In an unbelievable huge space, a huge amount of white bones were stacked in the middle of the space like a pyramid.

Chapter 155: Terror! The Mountain of Bones

Fei moved quickly and soon came to the end of the corridor, and his vision immediately broadened.

An incredibly large dimension appeared in front of Fei, and the first glance gave people an illusion – it was almost like they had exited the maze to the outside through the corridor. This was a dimension many times bigger than the [City of Heroes]. There was no boundary when Fei looked up, and all he could see was a pitch-black realm. However, with a faint light coming from an unknown source, Fei could see that there was actually a white pyramid-like tower about five to six hundred meters tall that was a thousand meters away from them. The base of the pyramid was over a thousand meters, and it gradually became smaller towards the top, which was no more than 1 meter wide. Overall, it was a creepy white colour and was also faintly flashing with an orchid colored flame. The entire scene had an eerie and horror feeling that couldn't be described.


A stream of chaotic elemental flame flashed, and it shot right out of the short wand in Fei's hand.

At the next second, flapping wings sounded, and a pitch black giant crow with wings over one meter wide suddenly appeared above Fei's head. It circled a few laps over Fei's head, landed on his shoulder and then intimately twittered a few times beside Fei's ears, as if a child was playing with his parents. Fei smiled and played with the crow a little, and then spoke a few words in a very mysterious language. The crow merrily chirped, then flapped its wings and flew higher and higher. It quickly disappeared into the darkness above their heads.

The three giant white wolves also received Fei's order and quickly jumped into the distant dimension to begin searching everywhere.

Then Fei started to carefully look at everything.

This dimension was not completely dark; the pyramid-shaped structure in the distance emitted a faint fluorescent light, and there were also many thin gaps on the ground beneath Fei's foot. Each was about the width of a fist, creating an overall finely made spider web look. These gaps were very deep, and there were also faint red flames from beneath that provided some light for this mysterious and large dimension.

With these faint light sources, Fei began to carefully observe his surrounding.

Very soon, he realized that it was very different from the simple corridor from before. In this dimension, there were finally traces of buildings. There were many giant stone pillars 10 meters in diameter lying on the ground and standing upright. There were some simple lines going down the pillar, which were obviously manually carved. There were also many styles of pillars; some were shaped as a rhombus, some as a cylinder, and some as a square. Each pillar was at least 20 to 30 meters tall. A complete one would be at least over tens of thousands pounds in weight, and they were sparsely distributed in the dimension. If observed carefully, one could see that they were actually arranged in a very strange pattern. It was just enough to surround the terrifying white pyramid in the middle.

Fei carefully checked out these magnificent pillars, and he soon found something strange – all the fallen pillars on Earth had been knocked down by some great power. Some were broken into many sections after hitting the ground. They were covered in scratches from swords, and many also seemed to come from animals. Fei even found a few obvious fist marks on several stone pillars.

The stone that these pillars were made out off were very tough. It was a type that Fei had never seen before. He transformed into [Giant Bear Mode], concentrated his full strength and unleashed a palm strike onto the Stone Pillar. The level 21 Druid already had the power of pinnacle 3-star level, and the strength even doubled after taking bear form, which was equivalent to the beginning 5-star level. Such strength was already incredible, but what surprised him even more was that the palm strike didn't even leave a slight dent onto the stone pillar.


Fei took a deep breath. This discovery gave him a big shock. It seemed like one would have to be at least a 6 or 7 star elite in order to leave a mark on the stone pillar. Who could have left these marks? Obviously, the countless weapon marks and fist marks on the pillar weren't left there by a single person. This meant that there were countless 6 or 7 star elites that fought a chaotic battle here… what kind of place could this be?

Carrying such doubt, Fei kept looking around, and the more he looked, the more scared he became.

This was because on the stone pillars further away, he continued to find more traces of battles, and some giant stone pillars were even sliced in half by someone and had collapsed onto the ground… To be able to leave such damage, what kind of master could do that? Moon-class elites? Sun-class lord?

The complexity of this case seemed to have gone far beyond Fei's expectation.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


"Kraa, kraa, kraa…"

At this moment, he heard a wave of crow chirping noises.

Fei concentrated his mind and shifted his vision onto the crow.

Instantly, he saw a field of rugged mountain rocks appear in front of his eyes, covering the entire area above his head. Fei commanded the crow to fly a few thousand meters in all directions, but there were still boundless amounts of rocks, like a giant inverted dome of rocks above his head. Fei didn't guess wrong; it is still somewhere underground, or a hillside space of a giant mountain.

Surprisingly, the depths of the corridor was actually such a world.

Fei observed the surrounding environment above his head once again, and his vision ultimately fixed onto the magnificent white tower at the center of this world. Maybe there would be more clues there.

However, when Fei slowly approached the white pyramid, he gradually started noticing that something was wrong.

The orchid colored flame on the white pyramid didn't have the slightest warmth, it was actually… wisp?! Fei was surprised, and he quickly paced towards the giant white pyramid and took a closer look with the help of the flame. He was immediately shocked – how was this a giant white tower? It was actually a thick pile of skeletons. This pyramid-shaped structure about 7 to 8 hundred meters tall was actually a mountain of bones formed by countless skeletons being piled up.

Fei only felt a cold chill behind his spine. It was as if an invisible cold hand was lightly feeling his back, and all his hairs were pricked up. All those horror movies of zombies that Fei watched in his past life came back to his head. Such a giant mountain of bones; how many skeletons would it need to complete? It was probably not even possible to build it even after killing tens of thousands of people…

After slightly calming down, Fei kept on looking.

But the more he looked, the more terrified he became. Fei found that the skeletons that this mountain was made from were unusually hard, and they couldn't be even be crushed by Fei's strength as if they were white refined steel. Also, the bone pile was very neatly organized, as if the layers of white bones were carefully piled up by someone and firmly inserted into the Mountain of Bones. It gave off a look full of architectural and artistic harmony. There wasn't the slightest speck of dust on the bones. It was as smooth as new; this was absolutely not a natural formation. It seemed to have just been built artificially.

"Could it be that this Mountain of Bones was actually built not very long ago? Doesn't that mean that there are also other people or organisms living here?" With that idea popping into his mind, Fei felt another wave of sweat roll down his back. He quickly scurried around the Mountain of Bones, but he didn't find any ladders or stairs that could get him to the top, nor did he find any gaps or passages. He gritted his teeth, changed his vision to the giant crow's view again, and then commanded it to circle the mountain many times. However, nothing was found.

"To be able to build a mountain like this requires at least tens of thousands of years of labor, and it's impossible to not leave behind any traces. This is really strange…" After using up another hour, Fei had personally climbed onto the top of Mountain of Bones to look, but he still couldn't discover any living organisms' existence.

But during this process, he also made new discovery.

This Mountain of Bones was not entirely composted of human skeletons. During the "climbing" process, Fei also noticed some complete bones that were larger than 30-40 meters. It was obviously left behind by some giant creature after death. Although there wasn't a single complete corpse on the Mountain of Bones, besides these giant bones, Fei also found many skeletons that were clearly not human. Some were extremely slender, while others were too stout. However, these skeletons had the same characteristics. They were extremely tough, and Fei couldn't even find a single piece that he could break with his current strength.

There was only one explanation for this phenomenon.

The strength of the owners of these skeletons must have been super elites that exceeded the star level warriors, because only warriors that strong would be able to cultivate the bones in their body to be even harder than steel. Also, even after they died and their flesh rotted away, their skeleton could still be preserved for thousands of years, unlike the skeleton of the ordinary people that became fragile after just a few decades.

This conjecture made Fei almost rethink his own perception.

In other words, the white bones that were piled onto this mountain were actually super elites that exceeded himself. But the question was where could he find that many super elites? To be able to pile a mountain this size required over tens of thousands of corpses… could more than tens of thousands of super elites have died here? How was that possible? Masters at that level could be counted with one hand in Zenit Empire.

This was simply a tomb of super elites!

Fei pulled out a two-meter long machete-shaped bone of some unknown creature, casually waved it in the air twice, which caused it to release a sharp burst of sound that pierced the air. Then, Fei jumped up and sliced down with the bone towards a stone pillar in the distance. It unexpectedly made a spark, similar to when two metals clashed. He reached out and felt the bone in his hand and mumbled, "This is incredible. This bone can be used to make weapons. If all the soldiers in Chambord City can have a bone like this in their hands, it could be equivalent to holding god tier weapons!"

Fei suddenly realized that the value of these bones was astronomical!

Chapter 156: Madness

People's greed wouldn't diminish even a little when facing despair, not to mention that this was Fei, and the situation hadn't even gotten that bad yet.

At almost the next instant, the raid began.

The moment Fei thought that these bones could be god tier weapons, his eyes lit up. He didn't hesitate to start a frantic search. Soon, hundreds of bones that resembled knives, spears, or swords were pulled out of the mountain and neatly placed on the ground. Now, the only problem was how to deliver these treasures. Although these bones were just a drop in the ocean for the Mountain of Bones, if they were brought to Chambord City, they would be enough to arm all the soldiers in the city. If there were enough soldiers, the bones of this mountain would be enough to arm an Undead Regiment of a million men!

Fei had thought about it before; since this underground stone maze was the Gods and Demons Relic marked on that mysterious map, then those skeletal remains were very likely the soldiers and generals of the God race and Demon race that were killed during that battle. However, there was still something difficult to be explained here. This was obviously only a small part of the entire Gods and Demons Relic, yet so many corpses were discovered here. According to the memory Fei had about the Gods and Demons Relic and the giant Gods and Demons war which was recorded in history scrolls, something didn't add up. According to the records of the Royal Family, in the past the population of both races were limited. It was absolutely impossible for both races to invest tens of thousands of soldiers in one battle. According to most recorded histories of battles between gods and demons, these two races that sat at the top of the racial pyramid were more likely to fight as leaders, commanding all sorts of subsidiary clans and races to fight for them. According to the legends, these subsidiary races weren't the best fighting races, which meant that these remains may very likely be the remains of these subsidiary races. This was too shocking for Fei. Could the average combat strength of these "mediocre" races recorded in history books have reached the minimum of 6-7 star level warriors, or even futher exceeded the star level and moon level for even stronger soldiers?

This was unbelievable.

Such a force, if placed in the continent of Azeroth, could sweep through all the great empires.

But now, they were just a bunch of bones.

After picking out the bones that could be used as weapons, Fei was finally a little exhausted. From stepping into the black iron gate until now, it had been at least 20 hours. He thought for a second, cancelled summoning the white giant wolf and black crow, picked a few more smaller pieces of bones and placed them into his inventory. Then, he opened up a sky blue teleporting portal and entered the Diablo World.

The sky in the Diablo World was just getting brighter.

Fei first went to find the nun Ankara in the southeast corner of the camp and followed her around to learn the magic principles of pharmacy, herbal medicines and magic scrolls as usual. After the skill [Learn] was leveled up, Fei could effortlessly learn these things. Nun Akara just needed to go over everything briefly once and Fei would be able to quickly grasp the key points as if he already learned it before. If it wasn't because his habit of being careless and absent minded, he would've already become a qualified pharmacist or scroll maker by now.

"Aunty, I have got something strange here. Can you identify what it is?"

During the end of his study session, Fei took out a small piece of bone he took from the Mountain of Bones into the Diablo World and passed it to nun Ankara. With a little luck, Fei thought that maybe Ankara could identify it for him.

"This is…" Aunt Akara took the bone piece with a calm face, carefully examined it in her palm and quietly felt it. She had a sudden change in expression and exclaimed, "This is actually the Demon's Remains? My lord, Master Fei, how could you possess such a thing? Where did you find it? Do you have more of it?"

"Demon's Remain?" Such an evil name made Fei have a bad feeling. He rarely saw aunt Ankara with such a surprised expression and asked, "Aunty, could these things be very terrifying?"

Akara looked excitedly as she shook her head, "The owner of these remains is indeed very terrifying. It's a terrible and evil existence that absolutely could not be tolerated by the Gods' light. But, the remains left behind after their death are actually very precious magic ingredients. The piece of bone you gave me should have been taken from an extraordinarily powerful demon's body, and its strength has already far exceeded your imagination. Even Andariel could not match one hundredth of its power. The bone left behind by a demon at such a level is an extremely precious magic ingredient and could be used to forge powerful magic weapons. After grinding it into bone powder, it could also be used to make magic scrolls and potions…" But then, the aunty nun sighed a little sadly, "Unfortunately, this is only a small piece, and it would be so nice if there's a little more!"

Fei smiled proudly and took out a slightly bigger remain from his character inventory.

"You have more?" The aunt nun's eyes turned wide open.

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


Fei then took out an even bigger one.

'There's more?"

Another one was taken out.

"How many more do you have? Take it all out, quickly!!"

As the spiritual leader of the [Rogue Encampment] for the past few hundred years, when had Akara ever reacted like this before? But at this moment, Akara was on the verge of going crazy after being seduced by Fei's bones one by one. Her bony hands grabbed onto Fei and desperately began shaking him because these Demon's Remains were indeed very important. If there was enough of it, then [Rogue Encampment]'s strength would surge within a short period of time, and they would never have to worry about other demonic monsters from the wilderness bothering them.

"That's all, that's all…" The character inventory only contained about 5-6 pieces of remains from the Mountain of Bones, and now with all of it taken out, Fei smiled and put out his hands.

The aunty nun's face became dim as she was a little disappointed. But soon when she saw the 5-6 Demon's Remains, she became excited again. She thought she might've been a little too greedy. With such precious Demon's Remains, just these few pieces was already a huge wealth. How could she still expect more?

Fei giggled, and right when he was about to tell Akara the existence of the Mountain of Bones,

"Ah hahaha, I found it, I understand now, ahahahah…" White beard old man Cain's signature crazy laugh resonaated through the entire Rogue camp. A figure sprinted towards Akara's tent. It was indeed the old man Cain in his insane state. He held a few thin books in his hand. His old arms and old legs were running so fast that when he came to the tent, he hesitated for a bit, "Huh, Master Fei, you are here too? Hahaha, too good, I've completely uncovered the difference between the Rogue continent and the Promising World's magic system. Hahaha, if I'm not wrong, the two magic systems are essentially the same thing. Ahahaha, look, I've unlocked the inventory ring, and this is what I've found inside.

Fei took over the books in old man Cain's hand and took a close look. It was all written in Azeroth continent's text.

"City-Destroying Fierce Flame? Guidance of the Undead? Lava Floor Explosion? Wings of Flame? Fire Tongue Strangle?" Fei took a brief look at those books; they were mainly fire magic skill scrolls, with a few low level undead magic skill scrolls. This 4-star wood element magician Evans seemed to have saved a lot of good things."

"There are a lot of things inside the ring; take a look yourself!" Old man Cain opened his palm and handed over this ring that was full of treasure to Fei without hesitation. Then, he looked to the side, saw the white bones in Akara's hand and slightly hesitated. He suddenly thought of something. It looked like he also recognized the Demon's Remain. With shock, he grabbed a piece and began carefully began rubbing and observing it. This old man was exactly like Albert Einstein; he was a scientific research madman.

Fei took the storage ring. After being modified by Old Man Cain, the ring's exterior had already transformed a bit. Like a gecko that briskly swam around his finger, it felt very comfortable, despite not have the slightest effect on the flexibility of his fingers. It also protected his finger.

Consuming a little mana, Fei could see the giant dimension inside the ring as he wished. It was like a stone chamber that was at least 100 cubic meters. It was piled with stuff, but still organized neatly. There were about 4 to 5 hundred of all kinds of sorcerer stones, some strangely designed magic equipment and some other necessities like food and clothing. What attracted Fei the most was the abundance supply of books, energy and magic scrolls. They were all piled in the corner like a little mountain. The quantity of these books and scrolls had already far exceeded the Royal Collection in Chambord City. Magicians were often called "mobile libraries" on the land of Azeroth, and it looks like they were indeed worthy of that title. Although Evans was just a 4-star magician, he was from a super empire and was a disciple of the famous sorcerer Ferdinand, so the scrolls he carried were naturally valuable and rare.

"Hahaha, this is perfectly on time. What Chambord city needs the most now are all kinds of energy and magic scrolls…" Fei touched the gecko-shaped ring and thought in surprise, "The storing capability of this ring is a hundred times bigger than the character inventory. With this, I can now exchange items on a large-scale between the Diablo World and the real world.

At this time, there weren't a lot of people in the [Rogue Encampment]. After Fei's three god skills leveled up from the level clearance reward, he could now perform fixed location real time teleportation. He just needed to consume a [Town Returning Scroll] and set a simple magic mark in the [City of Heroes], and then he could teleport people from the Diablo World into the [City of Heroes] without even being there himself. At this moment, the head mercenary Kashya and blacksmith Charsi, as well as a few other female rogues were teleported into the City of Heroes by Fei to participate in the construction and defense of Chambord City.

Thinking about that Mountain of Bones inside the Gods and Demons' Relic, Fei understood its value supressed the excitement in his heart. With a change in thinking, he exited the Diablo World and then used the god skill [Summon] and directly teleported aunty nun Akara and perverted old man Cain to the giant and mysterious dimension in front of the Mountain of Bones.

"This is…" The aunty nun saw the mountain in front of her and became speechless due to shock.

"Wahahahaha… How is this possible? Hahaha…" The wretched Uncle Cain was also stunned to the point of being unable to speak. Then, he went mad with laughter.

Both of them screamed at the same time and looked at each other, as if a starving hobo had just seen a roasted barbeque pig. Both of them were very knowledgeable and had a far better understanding about the value of this mountain. Akara's hands shivered as she greedily rubbed each piece of white bone, as if feeling God's hand. The perverted old man directly opened his mouth and started trying to bite the white bone… The two old people had gone completely insane.

Chapter 157: Forging [Remain of Demons]

"Cough, cough, cough, wait a second, I have a minor thing to remind you too. From what I know, these bones are extremely hard." As Fei said, he switched to the Barbarian Mode and summoned the Purple and Green Dual Swords. He chopped at a bone to show what he was saying. This strike could have easily killed a three star warrior, but it didn't even like a white mark on the bone. "See, how could we forge them into items? Or, how could we grind them into bone powder?"

An "Are you dumb" expression appeared on Priestess Akara's face; she was just in an excited mood. She said without even turning back her head: "You could forge these "Remain of Demons" if you use regular tools and methods. However, Mister Fei, did you forget? You had beaten the Fallen Paladin Griswald and retrieved Charsi's magical hammer. This hammer had divine power and could be used to forge these bones!"

Charsi's hammer?

Fei was very excited. If this was the case, then it would be awesome! He could mine and use all of this mountain of bones.

After he thought that, he could no longer wait. He directly used the miraculous skill [Summon]and summoned the female blacksmith Charsi who was forging weapons with the blacksmiths from Chambord in the [Castle of Heros] to this mysterious space.

"Wow, what is this place?" Charsi's red hair was tied into a pony tail. After she quickly looked around, her eyes locked onto the mountain of bones not too far away. Shock and intimacy appeared in her passionate eyes as she said, "This is strange, why do I feel like I'm very familiar with those things? What are those things? Bones?"

Fei laughed as he took out a bone of an unknown creature; it was about a meter long and twenty centimeters wide. He placed it on a flat stone and waved at Charsi: "Come, come, come, try out your hammer; Let's see if it could break this bone."


After a strike, the bone chips flew at all directions. Fei's eyes almost popped out of his eye frames.

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It was unbelievable! This simple strike had smashed the bone that Fei couldn't even leave a mark on into pieces... This was magical! Charsi's hammer seemed like the perfect counter for these "Remain of Demons"!

After proving the effect of this magical hammer, then the rest came easy.

Fei structured his words and carefully told everything he knew about the Mythical Ruins to Akara and old man Cain. What made Fei feel awkward was that after a short surprise, they left what Fei deemed important and mysterious aside and started to flood Charsi with the information on the value and the effect of these "Remain of Demons". It almost seemed like that they even wanted Charsi to immediately forge this mountain of bones into numerous power magic items. Of course, before that, they nagged at Charsi so she would grind some bone powder off these "Remain of Demons" using her magical hammer so they could do more research and hypothesizing.

During this process, Charsi also slowly got used to using her magical hammer to forge these bones. Forging bones was quite different than forging iron and metals. If you go a little bit too hard, the bone would immediately break into pieces, and not form into the shape that you have in your mind. After seeing Charsi smashing hundreds of bones into pieces one strike after another, the Priestess and the "Obscene" old man felt like their hearts were breaking into pieces as well. It was fortunate that there was still a mountain of bones left; otherwise, they would definitely try to kick Charsi's ass!

After half an hour, a beautiful bone sword was forged out.

Fei weighted it in his hand; it was very light, and the blade was very fat and thick. The sword was about a meter long and about five fingers wide. It looked like it was good for chopping, but Fei felt like it couldn't deal much damage. But after Fei light struck the sword down on the rock, a deep, three centenmeter mark was left on the rock that was very hard and firm. Fei was so surprised that his mouth opened wide subconsciously. From his initial impression, he felt like only a seven star or eight star warrior could leave a mark on these rocks... The sharpness of this sward was beyond Fei's imagination.

"Haha, I will keep this sword for now." The King didn't blush at all when he said that. He grabbed the first bone sword that was forged from "Remain of Demons" and put it beside his waist. None of the three people objected; after all, Fei was the Supreme Leader of the[Rogue Encampment] and had the right to use the best items.

After that, Charsi started to forge more items out of the bones, and the Priestess and "Obscene" old man started to walk around the mountain of bones and started to observe it more carefully; they wanted to find more information about it. If they could find the reason as to how it was formed, it would be even better.

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The three people from Diablo World took all the jobs, and Fei who was the one that found this place now had nothing to do.

But since no more items in this mysterious space was able to make him interested, Fei used [Summon]and got a few female rogues who were pretty strong to guard the space. He then talked with the Priestess and used a [Town Portal Scroll]to engrave a simple magic array on the ground so the people from Diablo World could go back to Diablo World anytime. He then started to proceed forward and started the next phase of exploration.

This space was really big. After Fei walked forward for about half an hour, he would only see very vague and dark lights reflecting off of the mountain of bones when he turned around; Akara and Cain were nowhere to be seen. As if all the lights were consumed by the darkness, the fire that Akara lit up was not visible as well.

Fei summoned Ravens and White Wolves to guard around him; left, right, front, back, and above.

After some thinking and hesitation, he summoned the female mercenary Elena.

When Elena's beautiful figure walked out of the teleport portal, Fei felt like his eyes were on something very bright. As if after what happened in the stone room before had made Elena more beautiful and attractive. Fei smelled a light fragrance; it was very familiar, and it made Fei recall what happened in the stone room. When Fei was wondering, he suddenly felt like the dark space was lit up.

"Mister Fei!" Elena light walked up to him as she said quietly while looking down.

Fei smiled; at that moment, all the awkwardness and nervousness disappeared. He grabbed onto the female mercenary's soft hand naturally; his hand immediately felt a smooth and cold sensation. He walked with Elena in parallel as he said: "Elena, call me Alexander from now on; don't call me Mister Fei anymore."

Elena felt like there were two fires burning on her cheeks as she felt the warmth and heat coming off of Fei's hand. "Alexander..." She said softly.

For a while, none of them spoke. The atmosphere was very calm yet sweet, and they didn't even feel the passage of time.

After not sure how long, the white wolf that was walking at the front cried. Fei quickly sped as he pulled Elena with him; the corridor was finally coming to an end. An abyss appeared 100 meters away from them. The abyss was about 100 meters wide and so deep that Fei couldn't even see the bottom. He threw a rock into this abyss and didn't hear any sound of rock hitting the bottom of the abyss after more than ten minutes.

"This... is way too deep!" Both Fei and Elena gasped.

After feeling the cold air and sensation coming from the abyss, they put a pause on their plan of going down the abyss to find out more about it. The abyss was very cold, and it would get colder as it got deeper. Even with Elena and Fei's strength and power, they could freeze into an ice statue without a chance of survival.

After some thinking, Fei looked at the wall that was directly opposite to him.

Maybe they were connected at a deeper level; Elena almost immediately knew what Fei was thinking. She pulled her bow as she loaded on an arrow. Whoosh! A fire arrow was shot across the abyss. The fire on the arrow immediately lit up the darkness, and everything across the abyss was visible to Fei and Elena.

The stone wall on the other side of the abyss was very flat and semi-smooth like a mirror, and it was so big that Fei couldn't even see where it met the ceiling of the space.

What shocked Fei and Elena was that this stone wall wasn't perfectly smooth; after a closer look, there were numerous black holes on the wall, making it look a beehive. It made Fei feel like they were numerous beasts hiding in the dark with their mouths open and just waiting for their prey to come. The atmosphere was dark, gloomy, and chilling.

"Let me go first!" Elena said.

Fei immediately pull back her arm as he said while shaking his head: "Wait a second, I have a better method... Let's take a better look of the wall first!" After he said that, he commanded the big raven that was flying over his head to fly towards the stone wall on the other side of the abyss. At the same time, he switched to the view of the raven. There were tens of thousands of holes and caves on the wall. After circling around the wall for a while, the raven chose a cave and dived into it.

What surprised Fei a bit was that after entering the cave, what he, a.k.a. the raven saw first was a corridor that was similar to the one he walked on to get here; it wasn't bumpy or crude at all. It was clearly created and fixed by people and not formed naturally.

After the raven flew around in the cave and not finding anything dangerous, it flew into several other caves under the command from Fei. It was almost the same; all these caves were artificial. At this point, Fei could make the educated guess that the tens of thousands of caves were all dug and made by humans or other creatures.

"Who were these people? And why would they create so many caves on this wall?"

To get the answer to this question, Fei had to go into the caves and corridors on the other side and explore them in detail.

Chapter 158: The Mysterious Teleport Array

Elena didn't say anything. She leaped into the air and landed on the big raven's back. Like a goddess with her clothes fluttering in the air, she flew across the abyss and towards the caves on the other side. Elena was very thin and was very light if she took off all her armor. The huge raven also had a good carrying capacity, so it was able to easily carry her over.

Fei could tell that Elena wanted to go over first because she still was afraid that there might be something dangerous in the caves.

Fei shook his head as he sensed Elena's intention.

He took a long rope with a spear head attached to one end from his storage space. He then swung the rope with all of his strength and threw it out. The rope instantly flew out in a straight line, and the spear head broke through the stone wall and stabbed deeply into it. After a loud roar, he used Druid's skill [Werewolf]. His body transformed into a tough wolverine and dashed towards the other side of the abyss by sprinting on the rope. Different from [Werebear]that increased strength and defense, [Werewolf]increased his sensitivity and agility. Therefore, Fei was able to dash very fast and very steadily on the rope. Soon, he even surpassed Elena who was in the sky. After Fei arrived at a cave near the location where the spear head stabbed into and packed up the ropes, Elena flew in on the huge raven.

The corridor was pitch black. Fei summoned all of his equipment and put on a ring that had the special property of + 15 light radius. The view instantly lit and Fei and Elena were able to see their close surroundings. Fei re-summoned the white wolves and started the exploration again. After all seven of his characters passed the stage of [Rogue Encampment], Elena received all the strength and magic powers from other mercenaries and was now able to use all four fire, lightning, ice, and poison properties. Perhaps it was because all seven of Fei's characters passed the first stage, people from [Rogue Encampment]were no longer surprised to see Fei using skills that Barbarians couldn't learn. When Elena saw Fei summon the raven and the white wolves, she wasn't surprised at all.

The stone walls in the corridor were still very clean. Since there weren't any decorations or inscriptions on the walls, they couldn't get any information about this place.

But after they walked forward for a few miles, they had to stop.

The road in front of them was forked.

And there was more than one forked road.

After all that walking, they were now in a stone room that was about a hundred square meters large. The room was pretty spacious, but it was connected to ten unknown corridors. But what made Fei smile was that there were finally some statues – there were five unevenly sized spherical rocks that were about a meter tall placed at the tip of each arm of a five pointed star that was drawn on the ground. In the middle of the star, there was a stone tablet that was about two meters tall.

After walking closer to it, Fei made more discoveries.

There were numerous delicate and thin engravings on the top of the five spherical stones. If Fei didn't guess wrong, this was an unprecedented magic array. The patterns and engravings were so delicate and clear that they must were made from a mage who was on a master level. All of the patterns and engravings pointed towards the center of this stone, and there was a reversed cone dent at the center. it seemed like there was something embedded at the center of the stones before, but it was long gone.

The more Fei stared at this cone shaped dent, the more Fei felt like the shape was very familiar. A light bulb suddenly went off in his head. He took out a [Perfect Amethyst], a shiny purple gem that was processed by the Horadric Cube. He slowly placed the gem bottom down onto the dent; as what he expected, the [Perfect Amethyst]embedded into the dent perfectly.


A light noise suddenly sounded. As if the amethyst was stimulated by something, a cloud of purple fog appeared around it. The fog soon turned into flames, and these visible purple flames started to "flow" through the delicate engravings as if they were alive. All the patterns and engravings on this small magic array were filled with the purple surging magic power.

But other than that, nothing happened.

Fei looked at the four other spherical stones and found that all of them had a similar magic array on them. Although the magic arrays and patterns looked different, they all had a dent in them. The only thing was that Fei didn't have any other gems that were at the perfect quality, and other lower quality gems couldn't get the magic array on the stones to function when Fei embedded them into the dent.

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The stone tablet that was surrounded by all five smaller stones didn't change or light up at all. This was a stone tablet with no writings on it, nor did it have any patterns or engravings. The surface of it was smooth as a mirror, and there was definitely no existence of any kind of magic arrays on it. After Fei looked at it in detail, he couldn't make any new discovers.

Except the five smaller sphereical stones and the stone tablet, there wasn't anything else in the stone room.

Fei only could copy the magic arrays on the five spherical stones onto a sheet and then start the exploration again.

Fei and Elena looked at each other after they glanced at the other connecting corridors. "Looks like we have to test out our luck!" They sighed.

After randomly choosing a corridor, Fei walked in first, and Elena followed him tightly. The two of them explored this corridor slowly and steady. Just in case if they get lose, Fei would leave a flower mark on the stone wall after every five minutes of walking. The corridor turned left and right, and raised and lowered as Fei and Elena proceeded forward. After more than ten minutes, a similar stone room just like the one before appeared, and more than a dozen corridor were connected to the room as well.

Fei was very surprised; he didn't expect this to happen.

This stone room was exactly the same size as the other one, and they all had multiple corridor that they were connected to. Also at the middle of this room, there were five small spherical stone surrounding a smooth stone tablet. There were magic arrays engraved onto the five spherical stones, and the magic arrays were the same when Fei took of the sheet where he recorded the magic arrays from the other stone room and compared. If this room didn't have the mark that Fei left off, he would have thought that they were back to the first stone room.

"Looks like we have to try out our luck again!"

After leaving a mark at the corridor that they stepped out from and another one on the stone tablet, Fei chose another corridor. With the white wolves exploring at the front, Fei grabbed Elena's hand tightly as they followed in the back steadily.

But after more than ten minutes, sweat started to drip from Fei's forehead.

Another same looking stone room appeared at the end of this corridor! It had the five small stones with magic arrays surrounding a stone tablet, and it was connected to a lot of other corridors as well! Fei felt like he was walking in a dark endless hole and didn't know where it connected to.... It was crazy! This place was like a huge maze where even gods might get lost. One stone room after another, multiple corridors after multiple other corridors. Every single corridor represented a possibility, and every possibility may mean different results. Although Fei wasn't that good at math in his previous life, but he knew that only trying to use luck to get to the end of this maze under these conditions had less than one in a billion chance of succeeding.

"I shouldn't continue like this blindly!"

After something thinking, Fei quickly made a decision. He and Elena went back through the same path that they took to get here with the help from the marks, and they quickly got back to the entrance to this maze that they took to get in. Fei used the same trick with the rope and his[Werewolf]ability to get over the chilly abyss, and Elena jumped back on the huge raven and flew back to the other side.

"You should go back to the [City of Heros] first. Oh, one more thing; here is an energy training scroll, please give it to uncle Lampard. Let him see if he is able to train using it..." Fei took out a book named [Lightning Speed Fists] from his storage space in his belt and handed it over to Elena as he remind her carefully: "But remember, you have to explain it to uncle Lampard clearly that I created this scroll. Although I trained with it and didn't find any short comings or problems, you have to tell him that to be careful. If he finds anything strange, he has to stop the training immediately!"

This energy training scroll was the one where Fei added a few more energy connection channel after sensing and comparing with how the Zen Power of his assassin character flowed through his body. Fei had been training using this revised training scroll for a while now. Although his body couldn't store any warrior energy, so training wasn't useful for him at all, but that also gave him the best opportunities to experiment with the newly revised scrolls; he won't mess up anything in his body such as the energy connection channels even if his revised scrolls was imperfect or completely garbage. During his experiments, he had changed and edited the scroll many time. Till now, he couldn't find more errors in the scroll. The reason why he named this scroll [Lightning Speed Fists] was because Fei realized that the energy connection channels that he added were able to increase one's attack speed drastically; it could let the user attack as fast as lightning, and also increase the attacker's strength by a few times.

Elena remembered what Fei said. She walked into the blue teleport portal that appeared out of nowhere and went to the [City of Heroes] with some unwillingness to leave.

This was one of the benefits of getting the miraculous skills leveled up; he could not only summon monsters from the first stage [Rogue Encampment], he could also teleport NPC characters from one location to another location not exclusive to just Diablo World. This alone saved Fei many trouble.

Actually, Fei could even teleport himself back to Chambord using this miraculous skill if he wanted to. However, he decided not to do so and announced that he won't be around for a month because he wanted to allow the leaders of Chambord to develop Chambord on their own for a month. Fei must give the leaders under him the space and the chance to demonstrate themselves. If he did everything perfectly on his own, he would be very tired and exhausted, and the people under him would be underutilized and wouldn't get the chance to shine. If a kingdom wanted to be powerful and prosperous, it couldn't depend on one man. Fei had constructed the foundation for Chambord's future growth, and now he wanted to see other leaders and talents at Chambord grow like the bamboo shorts in spring after rain; get strong and big quick!

After sending Elena back, Fei walked towards the direction from the mountain made out of the white bones.

He had already copied all the magic arrays from the spherical stones onto a sheet, and he was hoping that the Priestess and the "Obscene" old man could discover something from them. He felt like he had enough time to make more discoveries about this place before he explore it more. Or, he could use the Horadric Cube to create a few more [Perfect Gems] and see if he could start the magic arrays in those stone rooms; that might be the only way to get out of that maze. Of course, after the exploration that was close to a full day and a full night, Fei was very tired despite the fact that he was very strong. He had to rest for a bit.

Chapter 159: Vigorous Change PART 1

After returning back to the mountains of bones, Fei found the Priestess and the "obscene" old man crawling up at the middle of the "mountain" trying to dig up something. From their expressions, they looked like they were two abandoned dogs who were digging up treasures from a pile of garbage. Under the mountain, there was already a temporary tent constructed close to it. There was even a blacksmith forge, anvil and all the necessities required for blacksmithing set up in front of the tent. With help from a few female rogues, the female Blacksmith Charsi was already swinging her hammer and forging something with tinking sounds resonating in this space. In front of her, there was already a big pile of white bone weapons.

The heavy magic hammer was very agile in Charsi's hands as it turned into a dark shadow. Fei couldn't even spot it. This beautiful female blacksmith was definitely used to forging these bones; when she swung the hammer, Fei felt like he was watching a graceful angel dance. Her red hair jumped in the air like cute fairies and made the audience feel like they were watching a dazzling beauty.

After Fei completed all the quests in [Rogue Encampment]with all seven of his characters, everyone in [Rogue Encampment]had their skills leveled up; Charsi's forging skills, Akara's potion and scroll creating skills, Old man Cain's magic researching and item identifying skills, and the fatty Gheed's lying and cheating skills were all upgraded. Therefore, Fei already expected Charsi to get used to forging these [Remains of Demons]. This female blacksmith's forging skilled leveled up at least one level, and she was able to forge more powerful items and magic items.

"Mister Fei, you finally returned?" After seeing Fei walking back, Charsi waved and said to him excitedly, "Aunt Akara and Mister Cain made new discoveries. Look around at these stone pillars; it's unbelievable that they are all made from [Black Stone Essence]ores…" As she said, she took out a piece of black stone and showed Fei. "Look, it is the magic metal that only exists in legends. Although it's not as hard as [Remains of Demons], it has a better plasticity for being forged into armor. On the Rogue Continent, many legendary weapons and items were made from this rare metal!"

"Uh… I didn't expect that this space would be filled with treasures. No wonder why this is called the Mythical Ruins that could create numerous super powerful empires!" Fei thought as he grabbed the stone and rubbed it with his fingers. As he was feeling the firmness and coldness from the stone and his joy, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "Wait, then how do we forge these ores? Are there some f*cked up requirements?"

"Bingo! You got it this time!" The old man Cain suddenly appeared behind Fei with a brand new bone cane that Charsi made for him. Fei turned around and got scared for a second. This old man was completely white; white hair, white beard, white cane, and a white robe. If this old man also jumped around, he would find the White Emissaries from Ancient Chinese Legends and compete on who better satisfied the job criteria. The old man looked around at the huge stone pillars with greedy lights shining from his eyes as he said, "These [Black Stone Essence]are hard to forge. If you want to extract these essences, you will need to use the fire from the deepest part of hell – [Flame of Earth Core]!"

"Flame of Earth Core?"

"Eh, it is a terrifying flame that uses the demon's forces as fuel and has devastating power. According to rumors, it was said that this flame could burn everything in this world. According to legends, there is a [River of Flames]at a place called [Pandemonium Fortress]that is at the far east from [Rogue Encampment], and the river is filled with [Flame of Earth Core]that will continue burning forever. If you want to forge these rare ores, you will need to get that flame!"

"It sounds very complicated!"

Fei rubbed his chin out of habit as he spoke. If he remember everything correctly, there was a place called [Pandemonium Fortress]in the Diablo World. That was the fourth map and hardest map in the Diablo World after he completed the first three maps: [Rogue Encampment],[Lut Gholein], and [Kurast Dock]. The second quest in that map was called [The Hellforge], and he would have to go to a river called [River of Flames]that was located in a dark underground world there orange lava floated everywhere. The fire in that place was probably the [Flames of Earth Core]that the old man Cain was talking about. But it was way too hard for Fei to get that fire! Fei just entered the second map[Lut Gholein]and was still far away from the fourth map [Pandemonium Fortress]; the most optimistic estimate would be a year before he could get to that place.

"It is really hard; almost no one was able to get from Rogue Continent to [Pandemonium Fortress]alive in the legends. However, hehe, the situation isn't as bad since we are in the place that you call Mythical Ruins. Come and talk a look…" The old man Cain poked his white bone cane into the cracks on the ground as he said. "There is something very interesting!"

Fei had already paid attention to the strange ground; he had noticed that there were cracks thinner than the width of two fingers everywhere on the ground, and it looked like the river bed dried up after a big drought, creating cracks all over the place. Also, what was different was that there were dark red lights flashing though these cracks irregularly, and some heat would come up from these cracks… "Could these strange cracks be related to [Flames of Earth Core]?" Fei thought.

"This really is a strange space. I felt some sensation of [Flames of Earth Core]from these cracks. According to legends, some rare treasures that were formed naturally would form together. Since there are a ton of [Black Stone Essence], then it is not too surprising to see [Flames of Earth Core]here too. However, these cracks are too deep and the ground here contains many hard stones. It would be hard to pull up some [Flames of Earth Core]from these cracks!" The old man stroked his long white beard as he shook his head and said, "I will try to place a small magic array on the ground to see if I can pull some [Flames of Earth Core]up."

After getting more than a dozen various colored rubies, the old man started to use his white bone cane as a pen and slowly drew a magic array on the ground. The cane that was made from [Remains of Demon] was very easy to use. Cain felt like his magic energy flowed easily in the cane, and the cane even had some additional benefits towards drawing magic arrays. One end of the cane easily drew out a series of delicate, yet fine patterns on the ground smoothly on the hard stone-like ground. Fei had to admit that old man Cain's magic array knowledge was at a very high level.

This was also a rare learning opportunity for Fei, so he observed earnestly.

After following the Priestess around, Fei had learned a lot of knowledge about magic, and he had acquired some basics regarding magic arrays. He was no longer the brainless idiot who only knew how to cast all kinds of magic spells, but didn't have a clue about the fundamentals and theories. There were six kinds of magic arrays: Five-pointed Non-elemental Arrays, Six-pointed Elemental Arrays, Assembly Arrays, decomposed Arrays, Symbol Arrays, and Physical Combination Arrays. Each one of them had different effects and different powers. Because [Flame of Earth Core]contained the power of the fire element, the magic array that the old man Cain was drawing on the ground was a combination of Six-pointed Elemental Array and Physical Combination Array. During the process, Cain put away his "obscene" expression, and a rare serious and careful expression took over. He was very concentrated as he was trying to avoid condensing the magic elements at the wrong locations, which could cause an explosion and put everyone in danger.

After half an hour, a mystic magic array that was about a meter in diameter was finally engraved onto the ground.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


The outer-most layer of magic arrays was almost always circles; circles represented circulation and could prevent magic power from dispersing into the air. Inside the circle, there were magic loops; they were the conductors that made sure magic power would flow smoothly in the array. The more the magic looped, the more complicated and higher level the magic array was, and the more magic power and energy was required to drew them. Normally, gem powder grinded from Magic Stones was needed to draw Magic Arrays, but since Cain had the white bone cane made from [Remains of Demons], he was able to skip this step. Also, the power of a magic array was dependent on the quality of the gem powder and the mage's magic power… It didn't matter if it was on Azeroth Continent or in the Diablo World, these were all the basic knowledge and fundamentals of magic arrays.

The old man Cain was so tired that he was breathing with his tongue out like a dead dog. After some rest, he carefully placed six red [Chipped Rubies] into the six corners of the Six-Pointed Elemental Array and followed it up by injecting weak magic power into it.

Then, something magical happened –

The magic array was stimulated and started to function. The Rubies had a light red fire flashing on them as magic energy surged strictly according to the patterns and loops on the ground. A series of thin red lines started to appear, and they all merged at the center of the array. A red light suddenly emitted from the magic array and shot up towards the sky, and a huge suction force and vortex arose from the magic array. After the ground shook for several minutes, a light orange-red flame gradually appeared from the very center of the array.

"It came out… Hahaha, look! It is really the [Flame of Earth Core]!"

The old man Cain was so excited that he started to stomp his feet forcefully on the ground. But soon, he was like a crowing rooster who had its neck pinched as his cheers instantly paused. At the critical moment, for some reason, all the lights that were emitting from the magic array dimed down and soon lost their magic energy surge. As a result, the weak orange-red flames that finally appeared after all this work disappeared from the air.

"Ah, the level of these magic gems are not high enough…" After old man Cain walked up to the array to inspect it, he realized that all six [Chipped Rubies] were depleted of magic energy and turned into ordinary grey stones.

"Then I have no solution then. I don't have six higher leveled rubies. Let's try tomorrow!" As Fei saw this scene, he suddenly remembered that he had copied down the magic arrays from the stone rooms on the other side of the abyss, so he took it out to show this magic maniac.

"Uh? What is this? Strange, this pattern is very familiar to me…"

Old man Cain's occupational disease instantly appeared. He had this habit; every time he found something that interested him, he would enter a mad state where he would ignore everyone. Unless he actually figured out what he had in his hands, he wouldn't acknowledge anyone. Therefore, he ditched Fei who was standing beside him for an answer and turned around and went through the teleportation portal far away to go back to [Rogue Encampment]to research and study the magic arrays on the sheet.

Fei turned around, and he saw Priestess Akara who was stilling on the mountain trying to select top quality bones greedily. He shook his head as he saw this and went back to [Rogue Encampment]as well.

For the next five or six days, Fei's findings and discovery speed toned down; he made no new discoveries.

After he formed enough [Perfect Gems] by using the Horadric Cube, he returned to the corridors on the other side of chilling abyss. There were some changes after he placed five [Perfect Gems] into the five spherical stone pillars and activated all five magic arrays. A crystal blue pattern appeared on the stone tablet that had no words on it. No matter how hard Fei tried to understand it, he got nowhere. From the first impression, he felt like it was a magic array, but it couldn't be further away from the truth. The pattern didn't have a circular outer layer, and all the magic loops on it were different. It was probably an unknown map and not a magic array. With all the thin paths and complicated lines, it looked like a circuit board that Fei studied in his previous life. What was special about this map was that there was a little eye-catching red dot.

Other than that, nothing was out of the ordinary.

Fei could not understand the meaning of the patterns on the stone tablet, and the functionality of the five spherical stone pillars seemed to just activate the stone tablet so this pattern would show. Other than that, no matter how Fei tried to stimulate the magic arrays on these five spherical stone pillars, nothing new appeared. Old man Cain was still studying that five magic arrays that Fei copied down onto a sheet; from his initial research, he thought that these magic arrays were supporting magic arrays for some kind of teleportation array. These arrays were missing a very important center piece, so they couldn't be operated. In the meantime, Fei had taken Priestess Akara to the stone room to check out the mysterious pattern, but she wasn't able to make any discoveries as well.

After all this, Fei had to be patient and take it one step at a time.

For the next ten days or so, Fei took half of his day exploring tens of thousands of corridors on the other side of the abyss to see if he was able to find the correct path to get out the maze and check out the big secret that was hiding behind it. Although he wasn't progressing at a high speed, he was making some progress. From Fei's estimation, after more than ten days, he might actually find the right path. Other than that, he had explored the big mysterious space and found that this space that was at least several dozen square kilometers big. It contained chilling abysses on all three sides. Except for the wall that was connected to the underground cave where Fei came in from, all the other three sides were cut off completely. This space was U-shaped.

Of course, except for exploring the mysterious space, Fei didn't forget to kill monsters in the Diablo World to level up his skills.

After fifteen days, the first two quests in the second map [Lut Gholein]were completely by all seven of his characters. His Barbarian Character was level 27; his sorceress Character was level 27 as well; his Amazon Character was level 26, as well as his Paladin Character and his Assassin Character; his Druid Character followed at level 25; and his Necromancer Character came in last at level 24. Fei's strength improvement was very obvious, and his overall fighting ability approached a mid-tier five star warrior; he even had the confidence to challenge a top-tier five star warrior that was one rank above his level.

Other than killing monsters and trying to level up every day, Fei would switch to Assassin Mode and sense how the Zen Energy was flowing in his body so he could reference it with the training scrolls from his storage space and add new energy connection channels to them and create brand new energy training scrolls.

After fifteen days, Fei had made more improvements to [Lightning Speed Fists] and created several other new energy training scrolls. After he tested, experimented and refined them himself, he gave them to Elena so she could take them to [Castle of Heroes] and give them to Fei's preselected henchmen.

When Fei was working hard and improving his skills and Chambord's strength, the other people weren't relaxing and chilling around.

In the same fifteen days, old man Cain had used five [Perfect Rubies] to operate the magic array and finally pulled the legendary[Flames of Earth Core]out of the cracks. He gave it to the female blacksmith Charsi so she could start forging [Black Stone Essence]ores. Charsi didn't disappoint Fei and extracted a ton of pure [Black Stone Essence], forged it onto [Remains of Demons], and created a ton of pure black armor and weapons. This way, the white colored[Remains of Demons] armor would be covered so the soldiers and commanders of Chambord wouldn't look too terrifying. If Chambord was deemed a kingdom of the undead, the Holy Church would definitely take action. Since[Black Stone Essence]didn't take away from the magic and warrior energy conductivity of the weapons made from [Remains of Demons], Fei put all these items back into his storage ring in satisfaction.

The obscene old man Cain and Priestess Akara spent most of their time selecting the best [Remains of Demons] since the bones had different qualities. Except for when they were called to [Castle of Heroes] to lecture the first generation of University Students, they spent all their time here selecting and organizing all the [Remains of Demons], and they took these bones back to [Rogue Encampment]to store according to their quality.

Time slowly passed. When Fei was about two-thirds done exploring the beehive-like corridors on the wall, the mysterious space finally had some changes.

"What is this? I feel like the temperature is getting hotter and hotter…"

Female blacksmith Charsi who was extracting [Black Stone Essence]with the help from [Flames of Earth Core]and several female rogues frowned as she looked around curiously. As a talented forger and blacksmith, her sensitivity to temperature was far superior to ordinary people. Even the slightest temperature change wouldn't escape Charsi's senses.

As they heard what Charsi said, the female rogues stopped what they were working on and looked around as well. A loli-like girl who had brown hair suddenly looked at the cracks on the ground and pointed at them as she gasped, "Yeah! Look! There is steam coming out of the cracks…"

Everyone looked at the cracks on the ground and they discovered that heat energy in the form of hot steam was slowly coming up from the cracks on the ground.

Fei lightly put his hand into the crack; he could clearly feel that the temperature coming from underground was increasing at the slow yet steady speed. In a blink of an eye, the whole mysterious space felt a little humid and hot. At this moment, Fei made another strange discovery. "Why is there so much fog in the air?"

"Fog? How could fog form in this condition?"

After Fei was stunned shortly, he thought of something and his face changed color.

Boom! The ground under Fei's feet exploded as his body shot away like a bullet towards the chilling abyss' defense line. As his body turned into a phantom, his voice also sounded clearly beside Charsi and female rogues' ears. "Quickly pack up. Return to the camp in ten minutes! Don't delay at all!"

Since no one dared to object the Supreme Leader's voice and Charsi and the female rogues sensed the seriousness of Fei's words, they quickly packed up the tent and the finished and work-in-progress weapons and armor. They retreated to [Rogue Encampment]in the Diablo World from the teleportation portal.

In a few seconds, Fei had arrived beside the dark chilling abyss that was at the edge of the mysterious space.

As he expected, the chilliness around the abyss was getting greater and greater as a cold moisture that gave Fei a chill to his bones rushed out of the abyss rapidly. The cold air from the abyss and the hot air from the cracks collided into each other and created this enormous amount of fog. The two forces in the air started to fight with each other and started to create some wind…


A light bulb went off in Fei's head; in an instant, he knew how the huge amount of suction force appeared out of nowhere when he was stilling exploring the corridor that let to this place. He was very curious as to how wind could be created when there wasn't a huge amount of air flow in here... So this was the root to all the problem.

As Fei was thinking for the few seconds, terrifying howling noise sounded from the abyss that seemed bottomless; all these howling sounded like numerous ancient demons were roaring and struggling under the abyss. As this terrifying noise resonated in the mysterious space, numerous white hard dust-like objects shot out of the abyss with the cold and moist air. Fei grabbed onto some of them and realized that they were all chipped ice pieces. But before he could figure out where these chipped ice pieces were from, loud "booming" noises sounded around him. He looked up and saw huge pieces of ice that were the size of a large rock shoot out of the abyss and land beside him.

"Oh shit!"

This really took Fei by surprise, and he started to dodge the icy rocks.

As time passed by, the ice pieces that were shooting out of the abyss were getting bigger and bigger; from the size of a car to the size of a hill, it seemed like an invisible hand was throwing them at Fei. The terrifying cold air was rushing out of the abyss alongside the ice pieces, and a thick frost appeared on Fei's eyebrows and hair. Fei felt like he was so cold that his nose hairs were frozen and super hard. He quickly switched to Sorcerer Mode and put on his [Arcanna's Tricks]item set. After he summoned a thin layer of fire magic elements around him, he finally felt some warmth.

The only thing was that the temperature of the air was dropping at a significant pace, and Fei was having a hard time blocking this cold air as a level 27 Sorceress. He was in danger of freezing to death.

Fei quickly backed off.

However, the hot steam coming from the crack under the ground was also getting stronger and stronger. At this point, red light appeared from all of the cracks, and even some orange-red flames appeared in these lights. As the hot air and cold air met in the air, a thick fog was instantly created. Soon, hail the size of beans started to fall from above and smashed down on Fei's head… In this mysterious underground space, a storm was actually pouring.

Boom! Rumble! Rumble!

As the thunder sounded, some lightning flashed in the thick fog.

Then, the air in the mysterious space started to turn and cycle around each other crazily. Fei quickly backed off to a huge stone pillar beside the mountain of bones to hide from the strong wind. When he raised his head and looked up, what he saw shocked him…

Chapter 160: Coming Out

In front of his eyes, a tornado that was about a hundred meters in diameter thick had formed some time ago. Like a pillar that was connected to the sky, it slowly moved towards the mountain of bones as it twirled its vicious body. The white fog continuously rushed into the pillar like tornado, and the tornado's diameter gradually grew bigger and bigger. Soon, it had enveloped the entire mountain of bones in it.

An irresistible suction force was created by the tornado that seemed connected to the ceiling of this mysterious space.

Huge blocks of ice were also being thrown from the chilling abyss from all three sides. These cold gales were like tangible objects; although Fei had already backed to the very center of this mysterious space, he was still able to feel the cold air. He felt like the cold wing was like numerous needles poking his face. This degree of freezing sensation was far beyond everything that Fei thought about before. If he didn't use all of his magical power and spread a layer of fire magic elements around him, he would be frozen into a corpse already. At the same time, a ton of hot air was being injected into the mysterious space from the dense, spider web like cracks on the ground. [Flame of Earth Core]also appeared sometimes and emitted terrifying heat; Fei felt like the stone like ground was getting soft to the point that it was going to melt.

These two completely opposite forces started a battle till the death between them in this mysterious space.

When the hot air met the cold air, a series of magnificent meteorological wonders appeared.

Fei should immediately open up the teleport portal and leave this extreme and dangerous place. However, he felt like a voice out of nowhere was calling him deep down in his ears, "Stay, if you stay, you will get the stuff that is beyond your imagination..."

It was a very strange feeling; it was very vague, and it felt like the calling and the sensation of a close relative who he shared blood with.

Fei wasn't someone who was so careless and would risk his life for some benefits; instead, he was very careful most of the time. However, at this moment, he decided firmly to stay for some reason. He took out the rope from his storage space and tied himself tightly onto the thickest and the strongest stone pillar that was not too far from the mountains of bones. At the same time, he held onto the stone pillar tightly with his hands to avoid getting pulled into the tornado that was getting bigger and more terrifying. He also used all of the magic power in his body to protect himself against the coldness from the abyss and the hot heat from the cracks that took turns to invade him.

It was an extremely painful process.

Although he had [Arcanna's Trick], a level 7 Green Items Set to protect him, but the coldness from the abyss and the heat from the cracks weren't simple energies. They were able to penetrate through this item set easily and invade into Fei's body. This pain wasn't tolerable by ordinary humans; it felt a little similar to how the [Hulk Potion]transformed and strengthened his body. These energies froze Fei's body to an icicle, then roasted his body till half-cooked for a while. However, Fei was still able to clearly felt that his body's strength was slowly increasing as these two extreme energies took turns destroying his body repeatedly. Different from killing monsters in the Diablo World and leveling up, every single cell in his body was experiencing destruction and regeneration; during the process, the impurities and the hidden toxins in his body were completely wiped out...

It was quite hard, but Fei had his consciousness completely clear during the process. He stared at the mountain of bones that was enveloped by the tornado closely; the mysterious call was from the mountain of bones.

At this time, the cold air and ice blocks was coming out of the dark abyss more and more, and the heat energy from the cracks on the ground, as if it didn't want to show weakness, boosted its heat output significantly as well. The two difference forces continued to run into each other and formed a lot more white steam and violent air flow. In the mysterious mountains, there were thunder, lighting and numerous other meteorological phenomena; all these together formed a bad weather microcirculation.

The diameter of the tornado was getting so big that the entire mountain of bones was covered by it. As the suction force from the tornado was getting stronger and stronger. Cracking noises sounded from the mountain of bones, and some of the big bones were getting pulled into the air and swirled and cycled around in the tornado crazily.

Gradually, more and more bones were getting pulled into the tornado and rotated aggressively in the air with the tornado.

Fei suddenly noticed something very strange. Not sure when but since the tornado started, didn't matter which meteorological phenomena occurred, it had always been around the center of the mysterious space, right on top of the mountain of bones to be more exact, and didn't diverge away from it at all. As the tornado got stronger, all of the bones that formed the mountain in the first place got sucked into the tornado and flew around like straws as if they were locked in some kind of a fish tank.

This was the source of the suction force that Fei experienced when he just went into the corridor behind the huge iron gates in the underground cave.

For that past twenty days or so, Fei was thinking about where the suction force was from, and now it was all in the open. The reaction of extremely cold air and hot air created the tornado phenomena. This tornado was stronger than all the tornados that Fei had heard about; it was like it had broken the wind scale that people in his previous life created, and it wasn't surprising to see this level of suction force.

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


As the entire mountain of bones was pulled apart and pulled into the air, Fei had finally seen what was behind the mountain of bones.

It seemed like it was a pile of bone powder. Since this powder was extremely light, they were sucked into air immediately after the bones were up in the air.

At this moment, Fei's pupil instantly contracted as an unbelieving expression appeared on his face.

He saw a complete magic array under the piles of bone powder. It was a magic array that was still functioning! With all kind of colors shining on it, it broke the space as these lights combined together and formed a dark blue teleport portal. This portal was very similar to the teleport port used in the Diablo World; it was in a blue oval shape and was about two meters tall. Water like blue light would flash though it infrequently, and it looked like condensed amber from afar.

At this moment, that kinship like calling became stronger and stronger in Fei's mind.

Fei was completely sure that this intimate calling was from that dark blue teleport portal.

"What is behind this portal that is attracting me this much?"

Fei had an irresistible impulse of untying the rope on him and rushing into that portal to check it out. But at that very critical moment, that last tiny bit of consciousness that he had stopped him from doing so. Without question, if he broke away from the rope, he would definitely be sucked into the terrifying tornado and turned into meat paste by these [Remain of Demons] that were as hard and sharp as god-tier weapons and rotating at an insane speed. There was no chance for him to actually reach the center of the tornado and get into that mysterious teleport portal.

He had to come up with better ways.

Fei forced himself to calm down.

After two three hours, the speed of ice blocks shooting up at the mysterious space and chilling air coming up from the abyss slowed, and the heat energy coming from the underground was getting weaker and weaker as well. The result of the two forces slowing down was that the pouring rain toned down, and the thunders and lightings soon disappeared as well. Even the tornado in Fei's eyes was getting weaker.

Then, as Fei expected, all the changes started to calm down.

As the wind slowed down, the huge bones that were flying in the air started to fall down back onto the ground. The bigger and heavier bones landed on the ground first. They fell back down on the magic array and the teleport portal; although they were heavy, the magic array wasn't damaged at all. Slowly, more and more bones dropped and they stacked up onto each other; soon, a new mountain was formed. The tornado was like an agile huge hand and placed each bone to the most suitable position. The higher up on the mountain, the smaller the diameter. Soon, the final piece of bone was placed on the top of the mountain, and the mountain was reformed.

Then, the flying bone powder slowly fell down from the sky and sprinkled onto the mountain of white bones.

Although the wind was decreasing, it was still shaking and pressuring this new mountain of white bones. All the bone powders that were sprinkled on top of the mountain gradually "sunk" to the bottom of the mountain through the gaps between the bones.... Till the end, the tornado disappeared, all the bones stacked onto each other firmly and tightly, and a brand new mountain of white bones was reformed.

Fei was stunned as he witnessed the whole process.

Extremely fine craftsmanship!

It was the real craftsmanship that nature had!

"So this is how the mountain of white bones was formed. So it looks like the chilling abyss and the [Flame of Earth Core]would "erupt" every twenty days. It will create all the meteorological phenomena, and it will also reform the mountain of white bones!" This explained why this mountain of white bones didn't had any dust on it when Fei just came here and looked brand new. It looked like it was newly constructed and made Fei think that there was a hidden creature in here who just build this dark and horrifying bone mountain.

After thinking about the mysterious magic array and the teleport portal under the mountain of white bones, Fei tried to "dig" up a path in this bone mountain and get to them. However, it was very hard and almost impossible. These [Remains of Demons] were so tightly stacked onto each other that Fei was only able to pull out a few bones on the surface. These bones were also very tough, and Fei wasn't able to use his sharp sword to break open a path.

"Looks like I have to come up with some better plans later!"

After trying for a while, Fei decided to give up on this mission. Maybe after he gets strong enough or finds some way to withstand the strong wind or find a way to directly break through the mountain of white bones and get to the teleport portal, he could give it a shot. However, that wasn't the case now!"

Fei had got a ton of benefits from witnessing these meteorological phenomena. His body was strengthened under the two completely opposite energy of the abyss's chill and the crack's heat; his body was strengthened at least one time over. Since Fei's body was already very special and was immune to the[Hulk Potion]at this point, it was quite a surprise that his body had improved again.

To Fei, this improvement meant a lot to him.

This meant that the strength and power he had from Diablo World could be unleashed more; his body was too weak for him to use all of his powers.

After this incident, Fei returned to Diablo World and continued training and having some moments of peace.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed. In the ten days, Fei repeated what he did before: kill monsters to level up, use the Zen Power of his Assassin Mode to revise training scrolls by adding more energy connection channels, help Charsi to get a design, forge all kinds of items, follow Priestess Akara and old man Cain to learn the knowledge about magic... the month long time limit had arrived, and he had to come out and return back to Chambord city!