161 - 166

Chapter 161: Chambord City King came out of Hiatus?

Chambord City.

The six star empires of the 250 subsidiaries empires under the jurisdiction of the Zenit Empire had weak national strength, and small territory. Previously, a single person could easily bully these small kingdoms. Not much people would pay attention to these small countries.

But since four months ago, when King Alexander, an idiot king of Chambord city, suddenly returned to normal, things began to go in a direction that no one would have thought of.

The battle of the Black Armor Army was not known by the other subsidiary countries, but what happened at the top of the mountain during the King's coronation and the news of the coalition of nine nations who surprise attacked Chambord to annihilate it quickly spread among the major subsidiaries of the Zenit Empire.

The rumors of the King of Chambord Alexander and his subordinate's valor had spread out like the waves of golden grass on the windy plains outside of Chambord's wall, to the ears of the other kings. Although the continent of Azeroth was not as modern as earth with its media outlets, the spread of such messages was not slow.

At first, there were people who scoffed at it.

How strong was a small, small, six-star kingdom? Stop joking, not to mention the nine nation Coalition, even if it was only the Chishui Kingdom alone could very easily annihilate Chambord within the time it takes to eat a meal and capture Chambord's royal family. It was impossible to beat nine nations.

But the next fact slapped all of the skeptics in the face.

Because over the past one month, some of the countries that were said to have been defeated by Chambord in the rumors actually sent out diplomats to Chambord, with timid attitudes to humbly send war reparations. The way that the defeated nations were forced into such a humiliating situation reached the other king's attention. Almost for all the eyes, this finally confirmed Chambord city's previous news of victory.

At this point, the big affiliates had finally woken up, and they started re-examining the sudden rise of the small country.

Things started to get interesting!

In less than 20 days, the arms drill battle of the 250 affiliated countries under the Zenit Empire was about to begin. This was to determine the fate of all subsidiary kingdoms with a single grand contest. but also a place for ambitious characters to have competitions. No one wants to, during such a crucial time, suddenly have to compete with such a mysterious fighter, breaking the delicate balance of the boulder, and breaking their previously set up chess arrangement.

So in this period of time, Chambord city had an influx of many people from other countries such as emissaries, spies, traders, bards, mercenaries, adventurers … A large number of people with a variety of different purposes came into Chambord city. This small frontier settlement had never become so bustling.

Of course, the influx of outsiders also brought a test to the public order of Chambord city.

In the world of the strong, where the jungle law prevails, it was too common for one provocative sentence to cause warriors and mercenaries to pull out their weapons and fight to decide who was in the right. Additionally, there were some people who deliberately provoked trouble to test the strength of Chambord city. Violent matters were happening within Chambord city non-stop. The first attempt by the ministry of justice for restoring the town's public order was a bit unorganized and chaotic. This was a major headache for right prime minister Bast, but then Regimental Commander Brooks dispatched the King's two Golden Horsemen, Drogba and Pierce, with dozens of saints and soon resolved the problem.

The streets were finally calmed down.

"Look, those are Chambord City's two big beasts!"

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


"Those two brawny dudes? The ones that look kinda dumb? They were the ones that beat the Maple Leaf Mercenary Corps' 11 masters all disabled, then grabbed them across Chambord city to that 'small black house'?"

"Yes, it was them. See that guy with the black hair? He was the one that bent his back slightly and easily spun the arrogant two-star peak strength captain of the Maple Leaf Mercenary Corp dizzy, where he could not even struggle slightly. … He is really terrifying. You did not see the situation at that time, I suspect that if that guy slammed into the castle walls, it would collapse!"

"And that white-haired fellow, his hands could be compared to divine weapons. He can crush any weapon and armor, and it is said that so far no one has been able to receive one of his attacks…"

"My God, where did the Chambord city find these two savages?"

"Don't know … But don't underestimate the group of brawny men behind those two beasts called the Golden horsemen of Chambord. They are also not easily provoked. Some people have seen that their trainings looked like life and death hand to hand combat sessions. Those 20 strong men have thrown the two beasts onto the ground…

As Drogba and Pierce's patrol team walked in, the few young mercenaries sitting in the bar closed their mouths. No one dared to act as brazenly as they did 10 days ago. The general law enforcement, Chambord City's Saint Seiya warriors and the Bylaw Enforcement officers have made a fierce name for themselves. Completely shocking those outsiders who were unwilling to obey the rules. The small black room, as if on cue every day, released blood curdling sound of screaming, turning these people with malicious thoughts into docile sheep. And now, as soon as one sees the two beasts of Chambord called the golden horsemen coming over with the Saint Seiya, one would feel as though they were face to face with a mountain crushing over, not even daring to talk loudly. If the other party saw, everyone will get a feeling akin to that of a monster from hell staring at them.

Until the Chambord King's two Golden Knights with the Saint Seiya disappeared to the far corner of the street, did the mercenaries in the bar finally relax.

"Hu Hu Hu, finally gone … Damn it. When they look at me, I don't even have the heart to drink!"

"Drink what wine? It's almost time for the goddess to appear. Let's hurry and go together to see the goddess!"


"Hey, don't say you really do not know. Every afternoon at this time, there will be a goddess riding a huge black dog, appearing in the plains next to the river outside the city. Many people claim that she is the embodiment of the goddess. It was even said that the migrating black swans can't resist the urge to stop when they see her beautiful face."

While the young mercenary was talking, his eyes were shining. Drinking malt wine, everyone's testosterone levels were raging. The hormone secretion was exuberant. Hearing that there was a beauty, the group of people all got up, and set off outside the city. Even some of the other good people in the wine bar, hearing the goddess described with such words, also got up and followed in the back.

Outside the city.

The autumn plains looked like one span of gold. The autumn wind was blowing magnificently, as the sea of gold surged with waves.

White clouds floated in the blue sky, with sunshine warming the scene of the boundless Golden Prairie. A group of horses in the grassland galloping were like dragons proudly swimming in the sea. On top of a elevated mound in the plains was the big black dog, closing its eyes sleepily while lying in the grass. Sixty of the high level Roaring Flame Beasts were like loyal bodyguards, surrounding and protecting the surroundings.

This was a tranquil and beautiful late autumn picture. The original will definitely cause countless people to be ecstatic.

However, all the luster, was stolen by girl standing next to the big black dog.

Her skin was as white as snow, eyes were like clear water. She had an elegant noble temperament, causing the onlookers to be ashamed of their inferiority, to not dare to profane this scene.

As if all the beauty and luster between heaven and earth was all concentrated on this girl body, nothing could take away her countenance.

The young mercenaries came out of town, over the stone bridge and the steel drawbridge, onto a flat small hill, just to see the scene.

All of them stood on the spot, like a thunderbolt struck their faces, losing the ability to think.

Was there such a beautiful maiden in the world?

Everyone felt as though their hearts were flying out of their bodies to the girl that looked like a goddess, wishing that this life had been accompanied by her side. There would be no regrets.

A young man in the crowd had lost his ability to think, like his soul was being controlled by someone. He walked towards the girl in a daze, his eyes sluggish. Next to him, a slightly older companion reacted, hurriedly grabbed him and shouted: "David, are you crazy? Do you want to die?"

"I … I just want to say a few words to her!" The young man struggled.

"Say a few words? Young man, do you know who she is? Chambord city King Alexander's fiancée, Chambord City right prime Minister Bast's daughter, the undisputed future first lady of Chambord City. Even if the two beasts and the Saint Seiya meet her, they would act obediently like little kittens … You look at the big black dog beside her, even two-star warriors can be torn apart by it in seconds. The legend is that Chambord King Alexander went to the abyss of Hell to capture the Cerberus …" The more the older companions talked, the more incredible and exaggerated it became, "Also, you see those four-level monster scarlet Flame beasts around her? Every one of them is ferocious. It is said that in a short span of more than half a month they have trampled dead more than 10 perverts … Strangely enough, these fiery magical beasts act like a meek servant to the Chambord-King's fiancée."

Some of the others around have been listening a little bit.

It turned out that this stunning girl had such a profound background, and her ability also didn't look simple. At least in the field of commanding the crafty beasts around her, she seemed to be very talented.

"What a pity, such a good girl is actually marrying the Chambord king who is a legendary idiot!" The young mercenary soldier, who was finally pulled back by his companions, angrily cursed.

"The King of Chambord is not an idiot now, you just have to look at the 12 Bronze Knight code …"

The older companion was just about to say something, suddenly–

Dang dang dang–!!!!

That giant iron bell at the gate of Chambord City was suddenly sounded, after god knows how long it has been silent.

The distant grand bell pierced the peace between heaven and Earth, instantly resounding through the city, startling a group of birds in the mountains. As the bell echoed, a sudden tension and excitement began to spread through the whole of Chambord city.

On the distant golden grassland, the big black dog that was squinting his eyes napping, his ears suddenly erected with light bursting out of his eyes. Beside it, the stunning maiden who had showed an indifferent facial expression for the past month, suddenly had a look of pleasant surprise showing in her pair of beautiful eyes. She jumped onto the big black dog's back, whistled a sound, and the horses and more than 60 Roaring Flame beasts that were playing on the meadow suddenly neatly lined up into a team formation. Then, behind the big black dog, they started galloping, trembling the Earth, and like a wave they flooded into the Chambord city.

"Could it be… The Chambord City King Alexander who claimed to be training in isolation, finally came out?!"

The city had a lot of outsiders with different motives, and when they saw the scene, at the same time, they revealed a shocked expression, all looking towards Chambord city palace from different directions.

Chapter 162.1: Explosive Growth of National Strength

The moment the bell rang, almost everyone from Chambord City had the urge to let out a long sigh of relief.

This time, the bell didn't sound because there was an enemy attack, but rather because their King had come back.

Everyone saw the two Golden Horsemen below Chambord King's Throne, and all levels of military and political officials hurried towards the royal palace. The city streets suddenly became quiet, and all the citizens came out of their homes and looked towards the direction of the palace, which was situated on a high ground in the north. Now, everyone was completely impressed by their young king, not to mention the fact that they defeated the Black Armor Army and the Nine Kingdom Coalition. Even during this short period that King Alexander went on a hiatus, the whole city could clearly feel the influence left behind by King Alexander.

During this time, a lot of things happened in Chambord City.

The first was a command left behind by King Alexander before he went on a hiatus. The large amount of garbage that was piled in the garbage section of the city was all cleared by Warden Oleg and his men within one month. It was a very strange processing method which most people didn't understand. But after seeing the how the garbage was soaked in a pool until it became a thick paste, which was then processed into paper, the whole city started boiling.

These piles of garbage had been a little cancerous tumor in Chambord City, and during every summer, there would be flies and bugs everywhere. This was the source of the mess and disease. One month before the whole city underwent a reorganization of all the functional areas, someone suggested to dump all the garbage into the Zuli River, but it was stopped right away by the King. No one would've thought that these piles of filthy trash that not even stray dogs would get close to would one day be turned into paper.

It's not like there was no paper on Azeroth Continent, but in rural and poor places like Chambord City, paper was a very rare thing. Even when people recorded or passed commands in the Royal Palace, they would usually use soft cloth or processed animal skin. Little gadgets like paper could be regarded as a luxury item. But now, with large amounts of garbage being made into thick paste and then processed into paper, all the poor people in the city could afford to use paper now.

To the many lower class citizens in Chambord city, the disappearance of garbage and appearance of paper also brought them many benefits, because anyone that was willing to go to the "Chambord City Paper Mill" to help out could earn 2 silver coins per day. To most people, this was a very rare money-making opportunity. It was almost deep into autumn, and the harvesting season had passed, so everyone wanted to make some money safely to get through the winter.

The second thing was that all the sewage systems that were previously clogged due to wrong usage and poor maintenance were renovated and put into use again. These accessible sewers and drainage systems existed since a long time ago, but the kings in the past did not pay much attention to their renovation, causing these drainage systems to become blocked. There was also another order left behind by King Alexander. Warden Oleg led a bunch of people and painstakingly dredged up these drainage systems that had been clogged for years. At first, some people did not understand why it was worth the hassle, but helpers could receive silver coins everyday, so they were happy to go and work. Once the drainage system was completely cleared and every household added a simple water pipeline, the citizens found out that the original drainage system could make life much easier. Then, the way people looked at the fatty warden Oleg also became warmer. Oleg was once the representative of darkness and cruel torture, but after the introduction of the papermill and sewage system, people realized that this fatty was also slowly changing.

The third thing was that one month had finally allowed the city's people to adapt to the 12-bronze warrior's code. Not only did they get used to it, but even the recent influx of foreigners also adapted to the code. There was no other way; they had no choice but to adapt… At first, there were indeed some blind d*cks that didn't take it seriously and deliberately broke the law. The result was that the city of the Holy Warriors and urban management surrounded them and gave them a ruthless beating. Then, they were taken to the "little black house" for a few days. After a few times, all the outsiders learned to behave, and the first thing they did when coming to Chambord City was go to the temple and recite the 12-Bronze Warriors' code of Chambord city, just in case they accidently breached the law and got beaten up into a dead pile of sh*t by those stubborn bylaw enforcers.

During this process, Chambord city's cohesion rapidly increased.

In the past during every autumn season, there would be some mercenaries, caravans, samurais, small merchants and thieves coming to the Chambord city. It was because autumn was a good hunting season, and many magic beasts would be laying cubs during the spring and autumn. It was a good time for adventurers to make money. These foreign people would often get into conflicts with the natives of Chambord city. With Chambord's past strength, they have been unable to protect their own people. To the natives, these foreigners were the source of nightmares. But now, it was different. Chambord King Alexander's fame became increasingly prominent, and under his command, the two Golden Horsemen, Saint Seiyas, and 200 Bylaw Enforcement Officers were like wolves and tigers. They had already conquered those damn outsiders with their fists. Other than the first few days, no one dared to riot in the city. Therefore, the natives of Chambord city could now walk in the streets with their head held up high and enjoy the eyes of outsiders that were filled with respect. Even if they met a stray dog on the streets, those outsiders who used to be very aggressive and arrogant wouldn't have any choice but to show some respect!

This kind of powerful and protected feeling was a wonderful thing, and it made everyone feel that being a member of the Chambord city was a fortune.

Everyone knew who brought this to Chambord City.

Now, that man was back.

And with half a month left, the biggest grand Prix of the Zenit Empire – the Arms Drill Battle would be taking place. Almost every citizen in Chambord city, from the oldest elder to the youngest kids, were all firmly convinced that the Arms Drill Battle, which had been a disaster for the past Chambord city, would be the chance for Chambord to shine on the world stage.

All eyes were on the palace.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


There was a figure that was their source of confidence, as well as their belief.


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Hail the King Chapter 162.2

Chambord City Palace.

King's Hall.

On the white stone king's throne accompanied by two giant magic beast lion stone statues, Fei's eyes were like electricity, overlooking all of his followers.

The atmosphere in the hall made Fei feel satisfied.

In the past month, no one had been lazy. With Fei's current strength, just one glance was all he needed to tell that the strength of those in the hall had grown significantly.

Drogba and Pierce, the two big men, had grown to the two-star peak, and their breakthrough was imminent. They were one foot into the ranks of a three-star Warrior. If coupled with their Taurus helmet and Excalibur which they acquired earlier, the strength of these two would even be able to match pinnacle three-star warriors.

Saint Seiya leader Peter Cech's growth also shocked Fei. Currently, he broke into the three-star level rank. This former pinnacle two-star warrior was once turned into a useless samurai by the herald official Barzel, but after receiving the [Hulk Potion]'s refinement, his recovery speed was appalling. If Fei let Cech fight against the former Black Armor Army's number 1 swordsman, Cech could instantly kill his opponent. However, for Petr Cech's real combat ability, Fei didn't have a good estimate. It was said that this Saint Seiya leader was a genius in terms of defense. Back in the old days when he was at the pinnacle of 2-star level, he could already defend the attacks from 3-star elites. He was quite famous among the affiliated kingdoms, and now Cech's energy level had reached intermediate 3-star level, in addition to his [Hulk Potion]-enhanced physical body that already far exceeded others at the same level. It was absolutely worth looking forward to the combat ability he could exert in the future.

Chambord City's military giant Brook was at the intermediate 2-star level. Although his growth was far slower than Drogba, Pierce, Cech and the others, in comparison to other warriors, this speed was already incredible. Of Course, Fei knew that there was a reason behind this situation. Brook managed the Bylaw Enforcement and Saint Seiyas, which were the two major military forces. Moreover, he was normally very busy, exhausting himself just to completely carry out Fei's design for the city's military. Naturally, he would have less time for training, but his loyalty towards Fei was undisputable. He was more careful than the big muscular men Drogba and Pierce, and also more intelligent than the training maniac Pierce. He truly had the glory and honor of a true knight. Whether it was before or after Fei's rise, Brook deeply won the hearts of Chambord citizens. For such a person, although his strength may have not been the highest, he could let the others listen to him, and then use his own charisma to affect others. This was also why Fei appointed him to be the military leader in Chambord City.

Warden Oleg's strength also surged. His energy almost approached the immediate 2-star level, except that he seemed to enjoy violent hand-to-hand combat with Drogba and the others. For a short and fat man that wasn't even 1.7 meters tall, it was hard to believe that he went through a second growth with the residual [Hulk Potion], thereby reaching a height of 1.9 meters tall. However, all his fat was still there.

Of course, among everyone, the one that surprised Fei the most was the #1 elite of Chambord City in the past – Frank Lampard. Now, Frank still carried a big black sword on his back, but his water energy seemed to be gradually disappearing. Instead, what took its place was a rich thunder-type energy ready to surge. Fei could clearly feel that Lampard's thunder-type energy's level had faintly reached the intermediate 4-star level… This was too fast! To be able to re-start his energy training in a month and reach the intermediate 4-star level, how did he do it? Even with the help of the thunder-energy scroll [Thunder Lightning-Speed Punch], it still wouldn't be possible to accomplish this much. What kind of secret was hidden behind the back of the former #1 elite in Chambord City? Fei became a little curious.

Besides a few newly rising elites, Fei's personal bodyguard, Fernando Torres, also made some progress. This young man with a chivalrous heart had finally acquired the spirit of a soldier. This was a very talented teen. Fei previously gave this young man a book called [Aurora Sentence], which was an ice-type energy scroll. This was a 3-star scroll with 25 energy passages, and it seemed like Torres was practicing it well. Fei could feel that an incredible force of frost been cultivated inside this young man's body, and it should have reached about the beginner 2-star level.

These few people are all elites that Fei focused on cultivating, and he was satisfied with their progress.

In addition, the strength of the several muscular men who participated in the Battle of the Stone Bridge had also improved. Due to being refined by that "holy f*ck why can this exist" potion, their physical body strength reached the intermediate 1-star level. However, among these people, not everyone had the talent to cultivate energy. Although their energy channels had been expanded, their progress in cultivation varied, with the best staying at around the 1-star level, and the worst not showing any signs of energy cultivation.

But besides these natives at Chambord city, Elena, Charsi, Kane, Akara, Kashya and the other elites from the Diablo world also showed up in the King's main hall. Since they had previously appeared before in the underground stone maze at the back mountain as teachers, everyone was used to seeing them.

In terms of the civil side, although Bast was really busy, because Fei secretly arranged Angela to occasionally add a little [Comprehensive Recovery Potion] in his father-in-law's daily diet, Bast's stamina stayed at a good level, even showing a little sign of growing back towards his youth. Unfortunately, this old handsome man showed no interest in the world of cultivation.

But besides Bast, it was a bit awkward to discuss the talents in the civil side of Chambord city. The people by Bast's side were all reputable old men with white hair and white beards. They were aging terribly. Right now, Bast occupied the spot of left and right prime minister, and the officials of the six sectors were all temporarily given to the old people. Right now, Fei could only wait for a few more talents in this field to come out from Chambord University. But fortunately, Chambord was a small kingdom that didn't have too many citizens, so it wasn't that hard to manage. Plus, during the battle on the Eastern mountain, Fei already borrowed someone else's blade and completely cleaned up all the nobility, so of his new orders experiencing no opposition.

Fei's eyes slowly swept past everyone in the main hall, and a sense of accomplishment arose in his heart.

In just four months, who would have thought that Chambord City's strength would experience this kind of explosive growth?

With today's national strength, even if the Black Armor Army invaded again, Fei was completely confident that he wouldn't have to resort to the turtling strategy. There was no need to rely on the terrain advantage, nor was there a need to fake death again. Only one charge was needed, and Chambord's army could eliminate the entire Black Armor Amy below the city's feet. For those black knights that were once high up there, Chambord's current saint seiyas could kill them within seconds.

"The Arms Drill Battle competition is right around the corner. I know that everyone already can't wait anymore…" Fei faintly smiled, and his majestic voice sounded in each person's ear. "During this drill battle, we will use our own hands and take back everything that we once lost!"

Then, Fei stood up and said, "Pass on my order. After three days, dispatch the entire army. Our destination is the empire capital St. Petersburg. Get ready to participate in the Arms Drill Battle competition!"

Chapter 163.1: Far-Famed Chambord, and Hostile Kingdoms Paying their Respects

News of Chambord's King completing his training and exiting seclusion quickly spread throughout the kingdom.

The people from the other kingdoms who were here to secretly observe and gather information became even more careful and active. The reason why they were here was to see how strong the sharply rising Chambord Kingdom was, so their kingdoms could better prepare for the upcoming Zenit Military Practice. There were 250 affiliated kingdoms under Zenit Empire; although most of the kings and their kingdoms were weak, there were a few conspirers and ambitious figures. They had big visions and wanted to consider all of their opponents into their future plans. Therefore, gathering information and intelligence was very important to them.

Of course, there were also some organizations that were built around gathering and selling information, so they also had their people in Chambord Kingdom.

All these people thought that it would be hard to get this important information, and they were ready to put up some sacrifices to get it. However, none of them expected the young king to host a kingdom-wide celebration on the square in front of the holy temple right after he finished his training. Everyone saw the handsome king of Chambord with his beautiful, goddess-like fiancée and future queen of Chambord at this celebration. Even all the key leaders and officials on both the civil and military side appeared on this celebration. What was the most surprising to a lot of people was that the eldest princess Tanasha of Zenit Empire who had a very high status also came to this celebration. She talked to Chambord's king intimately as if they were old friends who hadn't see each other for a while.

This celebration gave almost all the scouts and "detectives" the chance to meet all the influential figures at Chambord and observe and estimate Chambord's real strength.

What made them feel even more "blessed" and was that during the climax of the celebration, the King of Chambord actually put on a so-called "Military Review". The two strange and mysterious military forces of Chambord – Saint Seiya and Bylaw Enforcement Force – also uncovered their veils and showed everyone what they were made of.

There were only fifty people in the Saint Seiya formation. Like cavaliers, each of them was riding a fully armored Level 4 Demon Beast, called Roaring Flaming Beasts. These were the trophies from the battle that Chambord with the other nine kingdoms. This was within expectations of the scouts and the people from the other kingdoms, but what the cavaliers had in their hands caused the spies to break a sweat – the huge shields that had hooks on them looked more like doors, and the huge war axes with long poles and thick blades were as long as a sword… There was one common theme between the weapons in the Saint Seiya's hands, and that was – Huge!

The Bylaw Enforcement Officers on the other hand numbered two hundred. They were wearing light armor and helmets with a T-Shaped nose guard. With one hand on spears, the other hands on shields, and top-quality war horses under them, they looked very mighty and high-spirited. When the two hundred soldiers charged through the square with the horses and weapons, the atmosphere seemed a little murderous and dominating.

The citizens of Chambord were delighted to see this.

Compared with the soldiers who looked like broke farmers four months ago, this military force represented a drastic and magnificent improvement. All of them had seen the changes in the four months little by little, and all of them were witnesses of the path of power that Chambord was on and still marching on. When they saw the sharp and confident soldiers and the chilling weapons, they all felt an unprecedented security.

But to the scouts and people from the various other kingdom, the truth seemed very optimistic to them. In fact, they were ready to see a strictly commanded military with a ton of people in front of them; after all, this kingdom had crushed the force that was made up by nine other kingdoms. However, none of them expected to see that Chambord's official military was only made up with three hundred soldiers. Also, from what they were hearing from the whispers between the citizens of Chambord, this really was all the soldiers that Chambord had, and there weren't any hidden forces.

"How… This is all of Chambord's military? Could it be that the King of Chambord beat the troops made up of the nine kingdoms with these little soldiers?" On the outer square, many people had secretly answered all the questions in their minds.

"There are only three hundred soldiers. Although they look very strong and powerful, how much harm could they do?" After some people saw this scene, big rocks were lifted from their shoulders. "It looks like Mister Count was being over-cautious; there isn't anything to worry about in Chambord."

"A military of this level is far from the military in the rumors. It looks like the force made up by the nine kingdoms was a bunch of crap. Too bad that more than sixty Roaring Flame Beasts fell into King of Chambord's hands! Maybe I can think of a way to get these Roaring Flame Beasts into my hands!" Some people were getting greedy; after all, more than sixty Roaring Flame Beasts were a huge sum of treasure.

Of course, not all of the scouts and people from other kingdoms were greedy and near-sighted.

Some of the scouts from the other kingdoms who were hidden in the dark had seen the details and clues that a lot of other people missed.

"The power surging on the King of Chambord is huge and hard to estimate. It looks like he advanced to an even higher level in last month of training… It was rumored that he had killed three-star warriors in the past, so he is probably very close to a four-star warrior!"

32-second Stretch Ends Back Pain & Sciatica (Watch)

Patriot Health Zone

"The relationship that the King of Chambord has with the Eldest Princess of Zenit is not normal. Could there be any mysterious or unknown secrets?"

"There are a few warriors that are worthy of paying attention to. Maybe Mister Viscount will be interested in them. If Mister Viscount can recruit these people under his arms, then Chambord Kingdom will pose no threat anymore…"

The celebration party only came to an end near midnight. Except for a small group of people, the undercurrents that were calm a few days ago started to move secretly.

Three days later, the military force from Chambord that was going to participate in Zenit Empire's Military Practice started to move towards the Empire's Capital noisily and proudly.

The autumn wind pulled on the rectangular-shaped Chambord flags and made them flutter in the air. Every single flag was embroidered by the future queen of Chambord Angela one thread at a time. There was a demon beast that looked like a two-headed dog with one sword and one axe each bitten in each mouths on the flags. This symbol was personally designed by Fei. Of course, the archetype had to include the big black dog Blacky in it. The flag poles pierced at the blue sky, and the fluttering flags looked like many dragons flying in the air; they howled as if they wanted to break away from the flag poles and fly into the sky.

All of Chambord's citizens appeared on the two sides of the street, and they threw flowers and tree branches that represented victory, honors, and bravery. These soldiers were some of the women's husbands, some of the children's fathers, some of the elders' sons, and some of the girls' lovers. All of these people watched their loved ones ride the war horses and go on the journey. They gave their prayers with reluctance, as they all wished for them to come back victorious… Fei was at the very front of the troops. He was in a set of light black armor, and his long black hair fluttered in the wind as he rode on top of the big black dog. As if he was tied to the color black, everything on him was black except for his skin. With a spectacular presence, he flexed his arms as he hugged and kept his beautiful fiancée Angela in his arms.

Today, Angela also put on delicate female armor; it was rare for her to wear that. Under the yellow helmet, her silk-like black hair fluttered in the air, and her light fragrance intrigued Fei's nose. No matter who saw her, their eyes would freeze on her for a few seconds as she gave a bright smile. Angela was already pretty, but she had a different presence when she was in armor.

Behind Fei, Peter-Cech, the Commander of the Saint Seiya Regiment; Drogba and Pierce, the two Golden Saint Seiyas; Lampard, the former number one warrior of Chambord; Oleg, the warden; Emma, the blonde loli; Fernando-Torres, the personal guard; and a lot of other people followed him tightly. This troop included almost all the masters and warriors at Chambord. Fei only left his father-in-law Bast and Brook at Chambord to run everything.

The eldest Princess Tanasha's magic carriage, as well as her guards and servants, were also in the group of people.

This [Goddess of Intelligence] had stayed at Chambord for too long, and she finally decided to return to the empire's capital.

After half an hour, the troop that was going on a long trip finally disappeared in the gold-green grass plain. All of Chambord's citizens that came out of the castle to send the troop off turned around and went back unwillingly. On top of the defense wall, the two big leaders of Chambord – Bast and Brook -stood there and watched until the last flag disappeared from the horizon.

"When his majesty comes back, maybe Chambord will have advanced to a Level 3 Affiliated Kingdom… Oh, probably a Level 2 Affiliate Kingdom, right?"

"Level 2 Affiliated Kingdom? Brook, you probably haven't fully understood his majesty's ambitious." The old and handsome Bast laughed. "His majesty probably didn't even consider a Level 2 Affiliated Kingdom to be much... No one actually knows what Chambord will become from this Military Practice. However, since his majesty left, we can't slack off. Our lazy king has left us with a lot of tasks to complete!"

Brook lightly patted the battlement in front of him as he said heroically, "Haha, yeah. Every time I think of the plan that was explained by his majesty, my blood starts boiling. If we can hit those targets and achieve these goals, then which force would dare to look down on our Chambord Kingdom?"

"Ha, I didn't expect that a dull wooden knot like you would have such emotional side!"


Chambord's territory was so small that it was pitiful. The expeditionary forces weren't fast. But after about four hours of traveling, they were already out of Chambord's territory and had entered the adjacent Raice Kingdom. By this time, they hadn't even walked out of the golden plains yet.

Raice Kingdom was a Level 5 Affiliated Kingdom. Although their kingdom was also weak, they were much stronger than the past Chambord Kingdom. When Chambord Kingdom was at an all-time low, Raice Kingdom wasn't friendly and did a lot of things that were essentially throwing rocks at Chambord Kingdom, who was in a deep well. There were numerous collisions between the two kingdoms, and Chambord Kingdom lost most of the time. As a result, Chambord Kingdom's royals couldn't do anything but hand over treasures despite their anger. The king of Raice Kingdom once said to the kings of the other affiliated kingdom that if he wanted treasures and beautiful women, he could go to Chambord Kingdom anytime and get what he wanted… From that, one could easily tell the relationship the two kingdoms had.

Therefore, this kingdom was considered one of Chambord's opposing forces.

"Everyone pay attention and keep your guard up!"

Cech waved his hands, and more than twenty Saint Seiyas were sent away as scouts. In a two to three kilometer radius, everyone was under the Chambord's Expeditionary Force's monitor.

A huge bird that was more than a meter wide flew in the sky. People in the troop had seen this bird fly down from the sky and land on Fei's shoulder and rub its head against Fei's body. They all knew that it was their king's pet; none of them did the stupid thing of drawing their bows to shoot the bird down for a snack.


2/2 regular chapters for this weekk~ srry for the wait

This is a 2-in-1 chap again, plz dont be angru that we released about 1.8-2k words at a time. Starting from next week, we will have some bonus chaps stocked up to be released.

Just a heads up, all bonus chaps r only 40$ each now

Chapter 163.2: Far-Famed Chambord, and Hostile Kingdoms Paying their Respects

After about ten kilometers into the Raice Kingdom's territory, they finally encountered one of Raice Kingdom's watchtowers.

It was a simple and cheap watchtower that every kingdom could set up on the borders of their territory, and typically five or six poor soldiers would be sent here to suffer. To be honest, these watchtowers wouldn't be much help during actual wars; they were just there to intimidate others. But what took most of people in the expeditionary force by surprise was that they actually encountered the king of Raice Kingdom and most of the royal family.

"Stop —-!"

Fei waved his hands, and the troop that was marching forward instantly stopped. Even the war horses that the soldiers were riding on paused and froze as if they were able to understand Fei's commands.

However, the sharp and flashy weapons all shone under the sunlight as a series of tinking metal colliding noises sounded. All of the chilliness were targeted towards the people from Raice Kingdom. The presence that was comparable to a landslide from a mountain erupted instantly. All of Chambord's soldiers showed their hostility. With all the murderous spirit filling the atmosphere, the people from Raice Kingdom felt like if they made any movements, the king of Chambord could just make a command and all of Chambord soldiers would charge towards them and chop them into pieces!

After feeling Chambord's hostility and sharp murderous intent, the expression on the fat king of Raice Kingdom's face changed drastically. He quickly walked out of the circle of guards as a flattering smile appeared on his face. Although he was scared, he opened his palm and widened his arms to show that he wasn't threatening. "Honorable King of Chambord, please don't take this the wrong way. We have no hostile intent!"

"What do you want?" Fei sat still on the big black dog and asked as his eyes squinted.

"Honorable King of Chambord, we heard that Chambord's expeditionary force would be traveling through here, so myself, most of the royal family, and the ministers came here to welcome you. There have been conflicts between Chambord and Raice Kingdom, but those are all in the past now. From now on, the royalty of Raice Kingdom is willing to become the closest friend of Chambord Kingdom. Here are some presents…" As the king from Raice Kingdom was still speaking, he waved his hands, and a few guards behind him carried four heavy iron chests near Fei carefully. Bam! They dropped chests on the ground and they opened the lid. A bunch of golden lights shined and made Fei dizzy for a bit. All four chests were filled with golden coins that were commonly used in the empire.

The king of Raice Kingdom was actually waiting here to lower himself, hand out tributes, and beg for forgiveness.

Although Fei didn't say anything, every officer and every soldier of Chambord Kingdom felt something hot and boiling cycling through their bodies. They all held onto their weapons tightly and straightened their backs even more. An unprecedented feeling of pride resonated in their hearts.

Fei reached out into the air, and a sharp and completely black spear appeared in his hand.

Everyone from Raice Kingdom was shocked. They were very worried that the king of Chambord that was powerful and shining like a star would be merciless and deny their pleading, and they were also shocked by Fei's power. Grabbing a spear from mid-air without using any magic power or warrior energy… this strength was also far beyond their imagination… "So the strength of Chambord is unpredictable, just like what the information we obtained stated!" they all thought.

As he played with some gold coins with the tip of his spear, Fei didn't hurry and jump off of the big black dog. Only after he saw the king of Raice Kingdom sweeping the sweat off of his own forehead due to awkwardness and embarrassment did Fei wave his hands lightly. A few Chambord soldiers jumped off of their horses and took the four chests of gold coins onto the carriages in the troop.

The king of Raice Kingdom only let go of his breath after he saw that.

After he straightened his fat body, he waved his hand as the flattering smile appeared on his face again. Then, a few soldiers of Raice Kingdom walked forward with more than a dozen pretty girls. These girls were about eighteen to nineteen years old. They had some make-up on them which enhanced their looks, and their thin silk-like clothes were very intriguing to regular men. It was obvious that these girls were carefully dressed and trained. It was late autumn, and the weather was getting very chilling. Although these girls forced smiles onto their faces, their thin bodies still shivered uncontrollably due to the coldness.

Fei was a little bit surprised, and then he instantly knew that was going on.

These girls were actually a part of the tribute from Raice Kingdom.

After a moment of silence, Fei lightly waved his hands and some soldiers came by with a horse carriage. Fei didn't reject this tribute as these girls were temporally settled in the horse carriage. These girl were trained and treated like presents and slaves for these purposes. Even if Fei didn't accept them, their fate wouldn't be much better – maybe even worse. It might actually be a salvation to keep them. But of course, Fei didn't have the plan of starting a harem.

After seeing the king of Chambord accepted both presents, the people from Raice Kingdom felt a bit more at ease.

"As the king of Raice, I have set up a splendid dinner at Raice Castle to treat the honorable king of Chambord and all these mighty Chambord warriors. I'm not sure if…" The king of Raice Kingdom wanted to walk closer and become more intimate with his flattering smile, but as soon as Fei shook his head, it made him swallow all the words that he was going to say and shut his mouth.

Fei said with a bossy tone as he stared at this white and fat guy coldly, "As the king of Chambord Kingdom, I was going to conquer Raice Kingdom with my soldiers and take ten or a hundred times the revenge for what you guys did to Chambord Kingdom before. However, since you have some brains, I will accept these gold coins. However, things won't end this easily. You better be this smart all the time, otherwise the royals of Raice Kingdom won't be able to handle Chambord Kingdom's anger!" Fei emphasized "being smart" multiple times, and the disdain and insult was so obvious that it was overflowing in Fei's speech.

However –

"Of course, yes, yes… we will be the closest allies, friends, friend…"

The king of Raice Kingdom didn't dare to refute what Fei said. He felt a huge pressure coming from Chambord Kingdom; his knees softened and he started shaking. If he didn't have his guards standing beside him, he would have actually kneeled to the ground and lost all of his face.

"Friends? Remember to never say this word in front of me, because… you guys don't qualify!"

Fei spit at the ground. After he did that, he waved his hands and Chambord's Expeditionary Force immediately started to march forward again like an irresistible iron flood. Even the ground started to shake violently under the iron hooves. The bright armor and chilling blades reflected warm sunlight onto the faces of the Raice Kingdom's royals and made them shiver in fear. No one from Raice Kingdom dared to look down on this troop; the chilling and murderous spirit that came off of Chambord Kingdom's soldier's body terrified them.

After seeing Chambord Kingdom's troop leaving from afar, the king of Raice Kingdom stood up straight while breathing heavily.

A noble looked young man with a gloomy expression walked up and helped the king of Raice walk properly. He stared at the figures of Chambord KIngdom's cavaliers viciously as he said with a unwilling tone, "Hehe, let him be arrogant for a while. He thinks he is invincible after getting a bit stronger? Hehe, it's still unknown whether the expeditionary force from Chambord will make it to the Capital St. Petersburg alive. It would be the best if they all died in those people's hands. It's too bad that little beauty will die alongside with that idiot king, but the fiancée of Chambord's King is really coquettish…"

Whoosh – !

A sharp arrow suddenly came from afar and pierced through the young noble's mouth.

This gloomy young noble instantly fell back as his eyes told everyone around him that he couldn't believe what just happened as the white feather on the tail of the arrow that was still vibrating traveled out of his head…

"The God-tier archer from Chambord Kingdom!"

Everyone from Raice Kingdom fell into chaos. All the guards were shocked and quickly guarded Raice Kingdom's king, who was panicking even more. They all saw a figure several hundred meters away holding a strong bow in their hand, and the Roaring Flame Beast that this person was riding on had its hair fluttering in the wind… It was a God-tier archer from Chambord Kingdom who dominated over the force made up of the nine kingdoms.

Chapter 164: Wiping the Edge of the Sword

The Roaring Flame Beasts sprinted in the wind, and the autumn wind blew past the knight's blonde hair and dark red cape. Under the sunset, the long bow and arrows reflected with a chilling golden light.

At this moment, everyone in the Raice Kingdom was frightened, and there actually wasn't a single person that dared to stand out and speak for the knight that was killed by the one arrow. Even though this young noble was quite an influential figure in the Raice Kingdom when he was alive, now even the Raice Kingdom's king was trying to wipe away his cold sweat as he prayed, hoping the god-like knight in the distance would put out the anger in his heart and go away, and not look into this incident further.

Recently, the sudden rise of Chambord City placed the entire Raice Kingdom in panic. The nine-kingdom coalition travelled past the Raice Kingdom on their way to attack Chambord city, and of course the Raice Kingdom was aware of the kind of power that this coalition army had at its disposal. At least, if this army was used to deal with Raice, their power could instantly crush Raice into dust. But it was this very powerful army that was completely annihilated by Chambord City. If Chambord city wanted to start some trouble with Raice Kingdom, then there was really no hope for survival. This was why the whole kingdom, from the king himself down to the normal citizens, were living in fear. This time upon hearing that the Chambord King will be traveling past their Kingdom to attend the Arms Drill Battle Competition, Raice's King suddenly got an idea. In his mind, as long as he can defuse the wrath of the Chambord King, then he would be able to maintain his country's position, so what's the big deal of just acting like a b*tch for once.

Clearly, the disrespectful words said by that damn little noble earlier was overheard by the Chambord City's scouting knight, that's why he was killed with one shot. But right now, there was no one in the Raice Kingdom that dared to scold the knight for killing their noble. They just hoped that His Majesty the knight could hurry and extinguish the anger in his heart, and hopefully not report those words to that Chambord King… Otherwise, the Raice Kingdom might be doomed.

At this time, the white chubby Raice King almost had the urge to kick that dead noble a few times… Why the f*ck would you stand out and say some sh*t. You can die yourself but don't drag the entire kingdom down too!


The Roaring Flame Beasts hissed in the wind, the Chambord knight finally withdrew his cold eyes, turned around and dashed away.

Then the entire Raice Kingdom let out a big sigh of relief.

The Raice's king then gave an order before he was able to fully calm himself down, "Pass down my orders, from today on, everyone must respect anyone from Chambord City. And tell those little nobles like that little sh*t here to better behave well from now on! If one triggers the wrath of the Chambord King, no one can save them!"

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Fei of course knew everything that happened behind him.

After shooting the insolent little nobleman, the bodyguard Fernando Torres came back, and the first thing he did was to report everything that just happened. Fei just slightly smiled and did not get angry because in his heart, cleaning up bad neighbors like the Raice Kingdom was something that would happen sooner or later. However, right now, fighting for interests and power in the Arms Drill Competition was what was most important to Chambord City. It's no rush to ride back to clean up those little puppies and kittens, that's why Fei just kept his army moving forward.

As the tier 5 subsidiary kingdom, although Raice Kingdom's frontier territory was a bit bigger than Chambord city, but by nightfall, the expedition army had completely crossed Raice Kingdom and arrived at another subsidiary kingdom's territory – the Black Stone Kingdom.

If Raice was just a bad neighbor, then the Black Stone Kingdom was the real mortal enemy of Chambord City.

On the Arms Drill Competition three years ago, it was this Black Stone City that colluded with some of the big forces behind it that used some vile means against Chambord, and they were able to be promoted to a Tier 4 subsidiary kingdom on the corpse of Chambord City. As for the friction and battles between Raice Kingdom and Chambord City, the majority were also secretly provoked by the Black Stone Kingdom. Other than the Raice Kingdom, there still were four nearby kingdoms that shared the same strength as Chambord City, and they were all either convinced or forced by the Black Stone Kingdom to be hostile towards Chambord.

Through these frictions, the Black Stone Kingdom was able to create a huge amount of wealth, especially through plundering their population to enhance their own strength.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


The hostile state between Chambord and Black Stone had lasted for many years, and it became unclear a long time ago who was right and who was wrong. However, not long ago, the Black Stone Kingdom's king already let out his words, saying that he will completely burn Chambord to the ground during this Arms Drill Competition. In addition, at the crowning ceremony not long ago, the Black Stone Kingdom had also sent people to Chambord city to directly provoke Fei, and even joined in on the assassination conspiracy of the Elder Princess. However, due to bad luck, not even their men's bodies were found…

That night, Chambord City's expedition army camped out in a lake beside a forest within the Black Stone Kingdom's territory.

Chapter 165: Masters all out, the murderous intent at night (Part 1)

The loud shouting and metallic clanging had instantly woken up the girl from her sweet dream. Angela immediately got up and saw Fei who was already up and holding a sharp sword in his hand.

She calmed down and asked, "Alexander, what is happening?" She always felt safe around Fei.

"We will see!" Fei took his dark red cape and wrapped Angela's nice figure in it. "Come out with me, let the soldiers see that their king and queen are standing right behind them."

At this time, the blonde loli Emma had also woken up. She was still very sleepy.

The three of them walked out of the tent together.

Chambord's Bylaw Enforcement Force reacted very fast. By now, they had positioned themselves into a defensive formation. The fifty huge black iron tower shields locked onto each other by the hooks on the sides and formed a remote tall defense wall. This wall curled and circled the king's tent and protected the king against any possible arrow projectiles. Although some of the soldiers only had time to put on a pair of pants, their huge bulging muscles that were exposed under the cold air made the soldiers look more sturdy and doughty.

Compared with the Bylaw Enforcement Force, the Saint Seiyas reacted even faster. It was pretty obvious that these fifty soldiers slept with their armors on. They were all in their armors and got onto the Roaring Flame Beasts under the lead of Drogba, Pierce, and Warden Oleg. With the huge devastating axes in their hands, they tilted their bodies forwards and the Roaring Flame Beasts that they were riding started to restlessly stamp with their two front hooves on the ground like angry bulls. As soon as Fei commanded, they would dash out and smash whoever was in their way.

The two most powerful warriors of the Saint Seiyas, the commanders Peter-Cech and Frank-Lampard had both jumped onto two tall trees beside the camp. Their long hair fluttered in the wind, and their tough and tall figures gave everyone a sense of security. Like two ferocious tigers, they carefully observed what was going on with their dark red capes fluttering in the air.

The big black dog let out a hoarse roar as a terrifying light flashed through its eyes.

Not too far away from the king's tent, the elder princess Tanasha's tent was also guard by her elite Zenit soldiers. Knight Captain Romain and the swordswoman Susan were both standing in front of the tent and on the lookout.

At the point, the shouting and metallic clanging was getting close and closer.

Numerous numbers of torches were like the stars in a dark night. It was pretty clear that a ton of people were charging towards the camp.

But what was surprising was that this troop had suddenly stopped about seven hundred meters away from Chambord expeditionary force's camp. With the help from the dim lights, Fei was able to tell that these were cavaliers from the Blackstone Kingdom. There were about three to four hundred of them, all in shiny armor and their weapons resembled a forest when all were pointed upward. The war horses were breathing heavily, and the cavaliers on the horses were clanging their weapons against their armors. Although they were shouting and making a huge scene, they didn't get any closer to Chambord's troops.


Under Cech's command, a series of metallic clanging noises also sounded from Chambord's camp. Long swords were pulled out of the scabbards, sharp axes were raised, and spears were pointed forward. It didn't matter if it was a soldier in the Bylaw Enforcement Force or the Saint Seiya Force, their bodies and spirits were like bows that were pulled to the limit. As soon as there was a command, they would charge out and tear the enemies in front of them into pieces.

This presence caused their enemies who were shouting loudly to freeze for a second.

However – "Hahahahahahah – Retreat!"

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


At this moment, no expected the captain of Blackstone's cavaliers, who was very thick and tall, to laugh as he waved his hands. In the laugher, the three to four hundred cavaliers all turned around with their horses. Then the cavaliers whipped their horses and quickly disappeared in the dark night. They actually had no intention of attacking.

"Was it just an act?"

Fei frowned. When he saw people like Cech and Lampard looking at him for an answer, he shook his head, lightly waved his hands, and let the soldiers to go back to rest.

As he expected, things didn't end off here this simply.

After about another hour when everyone went back to sleep and started to dream again, the shouting and clip-clop noises suddenly sounded again. Everyone woke up again and realized the cavaliers of Blackstone Kingdom was here to harass them again. And just like last time, they stopped when they were about six, seven hundred meters away from Chambord's camp and didn't go pass the warning signal of the white feathered arrow and the line that it made on the ground. After they shouted for a while, they would laugh and directly turned around and retreated.

This event repeated itself again and again. By the end of the night, this harassment occurred more than ten times.

When it was about dawn, the cavaliers from Blackstone Kingdom finally disappeared and didn't come again. However, Fei could clearly tell that all of his soldiers were tired from looking at their faces. After all, they didn't get a good rest at all. Peter-Cech was instructing the Saint Seiyas to pack up and get ready to leave. At the same time, a lot of scouts were sent out to carefully observe any abnormal activity that might occur in a two to three kilometers radius.

The expeditionary force started to move again. Fei rode on the back of the big black dog; he rubbed his chin and was thinking of something.

As they proceeded forward, they didn't see a large number of cavaliers from Blackstone Kingdom anymore. But there were about a dozen scouts from the Blackstone Kingdom who followed behind Chambord troops and closely monitored the troop's movements. Drogba and Pierce, the two strongest, shorted tempered warriors who hate thinked were getting very impatient. They were very close to swinging their axes and killing these scout, but Cech stopped them. Although these Blackstone cavaliers were up to no good, Chambord's troops were traveling through their territories. It didn't matter where these cavaliers went in their territories, it would be legal and it was their freedom. If Pierce and Drogba charged at these dozen cavaliers and wiped them, there would be no reasonable argument for that, and it might cause more trouble for this trip to the Capital of Zenit. On top of that, King Alexander didn't say anything, and that meant the king had other considerations. Cech didn't want these two reckless strongmen to ruin the king's plan.

The Blackstone Kingdom was a level 4 affiliated kingdom, so it's territories were much bigger than the Chambord and Raice Kingdoms. After the expeditionary force traveled for a whole day, they still hadn't marched out of it territories yet.

But around the sunset of the day, the troop finally walked out of the grass plain.

Seeing the mountains, hills, thick forests and jungles from afar caused the Chambord soldiers to cheer unrestrainedly. Some soldiers even let loose and started to sing. To many Chambord soldiers who had never traveled this far before, their eyes were hurting a little after staring at the golden grass plain that seemed endless. A continuous mountain range and steep hills gave them the familiar and intimate feeling of going home.

The mountain that they were seeing was called the [Burning Sun Mountain]. One end of the mountain was in Blackstone Kingdom's territories, and parts of the mountain existed in numerous affiliated kingdoms territories; the other end of the mountain range ended somewhere near the Capital city of the Zenit Empire. Although it wasn't comparable to the mountains behind Chambord that were steep, magnificent, and endless, it did contain a lot of minerals. It was ranked number one in terms of the iron ore deposits in all of the mountains in the Zenit Empire's territories. This was one of the reasons why the Blackstone Kingdom was powerful and able to achieve the rank of a level 4 affiliated kingdom. They had the money and the resources. In comparison, Chambord was a lot poorer. If Chambord didn't get two beautiful and consecutive victories, it would have had problems providing its soldiers with basic weapons and armor.

On the [Burning Sun Mountain], there were numerous mining pits that were different sizes placed everywhere like the stars in the sky. In some way, these mining pits acted as the military fortresses. There were many watchtowers and road blocks in the way and every road was guarded strictly. When Chambord's expeditionary force got closer to the mountains, the number of cavaliers from Blackstone Kingdom drastically increased. However, they would only appear from afar and never appeared within a kilometer radius from Chambord's troops.

However, if Chambord's troops wanted to arrive on time for the Military Exercise at St. Petersburg, crossing these mountains was their only choice.

The length of the voyage was so long that even horses could die from it. The expeditionary force finally arrived at the feet of the mountain.

At this point, it was already dark out. Fei thought about something as he looked at the military fortresses of Blackstone that were guarded tightly. He ordered Cech to call back all of the scouts that were out and setup the camp at the feet of the mountain which was visible to the military fortresses that were lit up by lights.

After midnight passed, the Blackstone cavaliers appeared again.

They still didn't get into the five hundred radius zone from Chambord's expeditionary force. They laughed crazily and provoked them by smashing their weapons against their shields. They tried their best to make the loudest noises as they could and bring more trouble to the soldiers from Chambord who were in the camp not too far away from them. When they saw shadows and figures suddenly getting busy in the quiet camp, they laughed proudly.


1/2 chapter regular chapter, don't be angruuu but this is a normal sized chap cuz the author pulled another 2-in-1 crap

Chapter 165: Masters all out, the murderous intent at night (Part 2)

"It's about right. We will come back again in forty minutes!" A muscular young knight resembling the captain of this team of cavaliers took off his helmet and laughed on his horse. "I do feel pity towards these Chambord peasants. They couldn't get a good night sleep, and they probably won't have the energy to pick up their weapons tomorrow..."

"Hahaha, yeah. Condi, his majesty came up with a great strategy!" A cavalier beside the captain added.

An arrogant expression appeared on the young knight's face. He said with a disdainful smile on his face, "Of course. My father is intelligent and far-sighted. How could that idiot king of Chambord compare with him? We will let him live a bit longer. Humph! When the time is right, we will conquer Chambord Kingdom, capture all those Chambord low lives, and make them mining slaves that work in the dark and moist mining pits in the [Burning Sun Mountains]! All their descendants can only be slaves as well!"

"Retreat – ! Let's head back to the Blackstone Bunker and have some rest. We will come back in forty minutes to 'comfort' these pitiful low lives!"

The young knight waved his hands, and all the cavaliers turned their horses around and was about to rush back to the military fortress that was located in a short distance... But at this moment – "Since you guys came to seek your own death, why are you guys leaving?"

A sneer sounded, but the cavaliers couldn't tell where it came from. Before the cavaliers were able to react, a green and a purple light suddenly shone in the pitch dark night. Like two lights from hell, they dashed towards the cavaliers like meteors and make four puffing sounds. Four streams of red blood spurted into the air, and the four heads also fell to the ground. The heads belonged to the four cavaliers on the very right side of the formation who didn't even have the chance to defend. But now, they were four headless corpses... "Enemy strike!" A high-pitched screamed instantly sounded.

"Be careful, he is on the right..."

"Kill him! Kill him right now!!"

"I couldn't spot him, he is too fast. Back, back back! He is a master! A very powerful warrior!!"

The cavaliers fell into a state of chaos. The assassin who suddenly appeared was like a demon that was harvesting lives. His speed was so fast that it was unimaginable. Every time the green and the purple lights shone in the dark, two cavaliers would die like wheat under a sickle. They couldn't even put up a fight. Although these cavaliers were trying their best to defend, they couldn't even slow this figure down for one second! The powerful presence of this assassin made the situation become more and more chaotic.

"Don't panic! Establish the formation!!" The young captain shouted.

However, his command wasn't very useful.

When all the cavaliers were looking at their right in panic, something suddenly happened to the left side of the formation. A star like light suddenly shone, and the light instantly grew brighter and hotter. The violent lights made all the cavaliers lost all sensations for a second as a series of lightning like light beams exploded around them ... "Lightning Speed Fists!!"

A deep roar suddenly resonated, and the strong lights beams struck on every cavaliers that was within ten meters radius from the voice. The young knight captain opened his eyes wide and big as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was actually seeing something the he couldn't even imagine – Every soldier who the strong light beam shone on had their iron armors struck thought, their helmet broke apart, thick shields dented heavily, and their weapons chipped as if these items were made out of wood. Even the war horses that they were riding on bled through their noses. He felt like they were struck by numerous fists as dense thudding sounds resonated in the area around him. He couldn't do anything but watch those invisible yet devastating fists do their work. After that, the attack toned down a little.

Finally, those bright light beams disappeared.

A thick and strong body appeared in his eyes. There a huge black sword on this man's back as if the man was carrying a magnificent mountain. Despite the fact that he struck through a lot of cavaliers, there wasn't a single blood stain on his dark red cape.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

After the breeze blew by in the dark night, more than twenty cavaliers who had terrifying punch marks and indents on their bodies and died already couldn't keep their balances any more. With their dead war horses that also got all the bones crushed, they fell to the ground one after another powerlessly.

So fast!

It was just way too fast!

It was so fast that it beyond the detection of human eyes. In other words, ordinary human eyes couldn't even catch this man's movements!

The young knight instantly felt a chill going down his spines, dispersing into every corner of his body. He was not weak; in fact, he was a mid-tier two star warrior and was one of the strongest princes in the Blackstone Kingdom. However, even he was not able to capture this strong man's movement, attacking angles and fists' trajectories... "How fast are this man's punches?"

The fact that his eyes couldn't capture this man's movement meant that he was no match to the enemies even if he fought himself.

"Who are you guys? Don't you guys know that we are the Wind Cavalry of Blackstone? How dare you provoke the Blackstone Kingdom? Do you all want to die?" The young captain's heart started to sink towards his stomach. He shouted angrily and dropped the name of the Blackstone Kingdom as if it would bring him more courage and confident.

"Hehe, we are here to kill all the bastards of Blackstone Kingdom!"

"Yuck! Is your shitty little kingdom that strong?"

The man who had the huge black sword on his back didn't bother to acknowledge the young knight captain, but two loud thunder like shouts sounded from not too far away and answered the young knight's question. His cavaliers' screams started to sound right after a second as two topless strong men with muscles that made them look like mountains charged towards him with huge axes that were about two meters long and square iron shields that were about a man tall. These two strong man were like human dinosaurs. Their strengths were so strong that every cavalier that they hit as they charged were all thrown into the air like scarecrows in a tornado along with their warhorses ... "It's you guys….."

The young knight captain's pupils instantly contracted as he finally recognized the identity of his enemies. These two strong men were the two Golden Saint Seiyas of Chambord – Taurus and Capricorn Saint Seiyas.

In rumors, these two men were very strong and very cruel. They liked smashing their opponents' heads in or chopping their opponents into a pile of meat paste by using their comically oversized axes. It was said that both of them had special techniques: Taurus Saint Seiya could use his head to smash though mountains, and the palm of the Capricorn Saint Seiya was as sharp as any god-tier weapons. Both of these men were noted as very dangerous characters on Blackstone's intelligence report, and the young knight didn't expect to see both of them tonight.

As he saw the two beasts getting close to him unstoppably, the young knight captain finally understood the truthfulness of that intelligence report. The bit of royal arrogance and disdain he had on his mind instantly disappeared; he clearly knew that he was no match to these two if they really wanted to kill him. He quickly turned his horse around and was about to escape... however, these two beast like strong men clearly locked on to him; both of them chased after him.

"You want to fuck with me and not let me sleep? Die!" Pierce shouted.

"Daddy is mad, and the consequence will be bad!" Drogba laughed viciously.

The two strong man were like two vicious sharks that had divided the sea waves in half. With bloody murderous intent, they divided the cavaliers in half and instantly arrived in front of the young knight captain. The sharp wind that were created by the two huge axes when they struck downward were like knives and hurt the young captain's face. The young captain only had the time to draw out his knight long sword and barely blocked the axes that were striking towards him. Although powerful energy flames enveloped his body and empowered the sword, the long sword only lasted a second before it was smashed into iron chips. The poor young captain was cut in half by one of the axes from the waist before he would let out any screams or cries, and the other axes smashed the war horse that the captain was riding on into a pile of meat paste!

The upper half of the young captain's body flew into the sky under the huge impact. There was still a bit of life left inside of him, but he wasn't able to let any sounds despite the fact the he opened his mouth and wanted to scream. What made his mentality collapse was when his eyes, that were filled with fear, saw a big and fat man with a scar on his forehead struck into his cavaliers from another side. Wherever he went, Blackstone Kingdom's cavaliers were turned into flesh and blood. No one would put up a fight against this fat man who also had a huge axe in his hands. Every time this man took a step forward, all the fat on his body would shake violently, but his movements was even more agile than ordinary people.

At the same time, a thin and tall man who was in a light armor and dark red cap also appeared. The sharp sword in his hand let out shiny flashes so bright that it made the stars in the nightly sky pale in comparison. Just like the star lights, they curved towards Blackstone cavaliers. Like the artists on the dance floor, the sword was light and agile, fast and vicious. Every time it showed itself, death followed.

Each of the masters appeared out of nowhere and dashed into the sheep like Blackstone cavaliers.

When the young captain's upper body landed on the ground, the last scene he saw was the last cavaliers of Blackstone getting killed by the green and the purple light that first appeared and getting chopped into the six parts along with his horse... all two hundred cavaliers from Blackstone were completely wiped out in a few seconds.

Until death, the young knight captain still couldn't believe what was happening.

He had recognized all the faces of the attackers; they were all the warriors and masters under the king of Chambord. Even Chambord's king himself participated in this raid.

"The king of Chambord... the king himself dare to kill off all the cavaliers of Blackstone on Blackstone's territories?"

Chapter 166: The Meeting of Two Kings

The bloody killing at night came and left fast.

In less than ten minutes, Blackstone's cavalry of two hundred men was completely wiped out after the last scream resonated under the night sky. The six masters from Chambord didn't stop and quickly disappeared into the darkness like ghosts in the night. Except for the blood that was running on the ground like rivers and the bloody smell from the one-sided cruel battle that occurred, no trace was left.

After more than an hour, there was finally some other sounds.

A small team of cavaliers in silver armor that were riding on black armored war horses rushed out of the stone fortress from afar with torches in their hands. Their cavaliers were chatting and laughing among themselves, and the atmosphere was very light. Soon, they got close to the battleground. When they were about to arrive, a single-eyed cavalier frowned out of curiosity as his guards paced themselves. He made a hand gesture to the cavaliers that were still charging after him at full speed, and the cavaliers immediately slowed down. They drew out their swords and held tightly onto their shields as they all went on guard.

"There's such a thick and bloody smell. Could it be that Prince Eric and his men fought with the bastards from Chambord already?"

With the question on his mind, the single-eyed cavalier slowly rode his horse forward. He saw a dark small hill in the shadows. A night breeze suddenly blew by and brought along a thick, disgusting and bloody smell that made him and the rest of the cavaliers want to puke. The horses that the cavaliers were riding on were scared; these horses neighed in fear as they stepped back continuously. The single-eyed cavalier jumped off of the horse as he grabbed a torch from a cavalier beside him and threw it forward.

Whoosh – !

The flames flickered in the night breeze and lit up the darkness in front of them.

"God… What am I seeing?"

At that moment, every cavalier felt like they were placed in a fridge in hell; they felt like all their blood was freezing up.

No one expected that the small hill in the shadows was made from piling Blackstone Kingdom's corpses. Blood, torn armor, broken swords, chipped blades, dead horses, white bones, and human heads… they were all piled onto each other uniformly by someone. On top of this hill made of corpses, a somewhat complete cavalier spear was stabbed onto the "hill", and a head with a helmet was attached to the other end of the spear. Red blood was dripping down the body of the spear, and most of the blood had already solidified… "No… it's Prince Eric!!!" The single-eyed cavalier shouted as he couldn't believe what was in front of him.

"Who attacked them?"

"It must be those guys from Chambord… They must have ambushed them around here and attacked Prince Eric by surprise. Except for them, no other forces are a match for Prince Eric and his men…"

"So cruel, not a single person survived!"

These cavaliers couldn't think straight anymore. As the night wind blew through the trees, numerous leaves fell off the trees to the ground. These cavaliers felt like there were numerous killers hiding in the dark, preparing to give them the lethal and deadly blow. The scenery around them was scary and ghastly; since their enemies could kill Prince Eric with his two hundred cavaliers quietly, then the twenty of them couldn't even last a second if the enemies really wanted to kill them. The single-eyed cavalier quickly realized the dangerous situation they were in, so he took the head of Prince Eric off the spear on the "hill" and carefully wrapped it in his cape. After he did that, he quickly turned around, jumped onto his horse, and quickly escaped from this murderous place with his cavaliers as if they would die if they stayed there one more second.

They came fast like the wind, but left in a hurry like homeless dogs; they didn't even take care of their peers' corpse by burying them properly.

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


The beautiful golden sun gradually climbed out from behind the mountains on the Far East and covered the land in a bright golden light.

It was another pretty, yet quiet morning.

The only thing was that there was a red glow in the sky, as if red blood had dyed the half of it. It was very clear and eye-catching.

The Chambord Expeditionary Force started to progress forward again. They marched towards the entrance to the [Burning Sun Mountains]. The temperature in the morning was still a little bit chilly. Angela and Emma went into Eldest Princess Tanasha's magic carriage to chat with and keep her company. Fei rode on the big black dog and led everyone at the very front of the troop. As he saw the red glow in the sky, he laughed and said, "Oh, see? Blood had stained the sky. There must have been some bloody fight that occurred last night…"

Everyone around the king laughed as they heard his majesty speak.

Two of Fei's henchmen Pierce and Drogba were both riding on the back of Roaring Flame Beasts. They rubbed the blades on their axes as they still felt a little thirsty when thinking about what happened last night. The fat and huge Warden Oleg was obviously still immersed in the beautiful memory, but the commander of the Saint Seiyas Force Cech was still silent. He carefully observed the surroundings, and there were Saint Seiyas on Roaring Flame Beasts from afar who were waving a little green flag. This meant that everything was fine.

A smile appeared on Lampard, who was riding a Roaring Flame Beasts behind Fei, subconsciously. Last night was the first time that he used Lighting Speed Fists in battle, and the effectiveness of it was beyond his expectation. Using lightning-attribute warrior energy, his attack speed after being empowered from a few secret energy connection channels was very impressive. Lampard had never dreamed that he would be able to retrain his lightning-attribute warrior energy after that devastating destruction; e also never dreamed that he could get his hands on a new and unimaginable training path and retrain. His warrior energy recovered at such a fast speed. He couldn't imagine what kind of power and achievement he could obtain if he trained the Lightning Speed Fists to its peak since King Alexander said that this training scroll wasn't at its final form, and that there was still room for improvement and refinement.

With his fists held tightly together, Lampard felt the power that he missed for a long time.

As the expeditionary force got closer to the foot of the mountain, the military fortress of Blackstone Kingdom was getting clearer and clearer in their eyes. This fortress made out of a black material was built right next to the mountain, where its defense walls covered three directions. The defense walls that were about twenty meters tall were very hard and firm. When Fei took a closer look, he could tell that they were made by stacking unforged iron ores together. Two-hundred-meter-tall warrior statues were standing on top of the two mountains behind the fortress. Battlements on the defense wall were placed uniformly, and a ton of heavily-armored soldiers were sent here by the King of Blackstone to guard it. This was a strategically located fortress that was easy to guard, but hard to siege! On top of that, this fortress perfectly blocked the only path on [Burning Sun Mountains] that led to the Capital St. Petersburg, so it was a very important fortress that took advantage of Chambord!

If Chambord's Expeditionary Force wanted to arrive at St. Petersburg on time, they would have to get across this fortress called Blackstone Fortress.

However, Chambord Kingdom and Blackstone Kingdom were currently in a hostile relationship; it would be very hard for Chambord's Expeditionary Force to get across. If the expeditionary force of Chambord didn't put up the flag that stated that they were going for Zenit's Military Exercise, they would be treated as invaders by Blackstone Kingdom as soon as they stepped into Blackstone's territories. Someone had recommended Fei to choose another path and avoid going through [Burning Sun Mountains]. They wanted to get to St. Petersburg by walking on the edge of the mountain since the Roaring Flame Beasts and the war horses were fast. Therefore, they would be able to arrive at St. Petersburg on time. However, Fei rejected that recommendation.

If they did that, wouldn't it show that Chambord was scared of Blackstone?

Fei was going to step over Blackstone Fortress directly with pride.

The only thing was that before Chambord's Expeditionary Force could get close to Blackstone Fortress, the gate to the fortress suddenly opened. Then, a series of bugle sounds resonated in the sky. The dust on the ground was sent into the sky as a black armored cavalier force rushed out of the fortress; there were at least two thousand cavaliers in that force. A blonde haired and bearded elder that was about fifty years old led the charge. He was wearing a golden helmet covered in diamond. His expression was gloomy, and viciousness filled his eyes. He pointed his hands forward, and the cavaliers divided themselves into two streams and charged at Chambord's Expeditionary Force from the two sides with unhidden hostility and murderous intent.

"Formation – Defense!"

Cech kept his cool the entire time. He shouted and the fifty Saint Seiyas jumped off of the Roaring Flame Beasts and hooked the fifty-iron tower shields together. They instantly formed one mobile iron defense wall. The defense wall formed into a V-shape. At the very front of the formation, Warden Oleg laughed viciously with the huge axe held tightly in his hands. Right behind him, Pierce and Drogba stood beside each other with two hammers… When facing enemies, the three battle hungry warriors didn't have any sense of fear on their faces, and an excited and hungry expression appeared instead.

Crack, crack, crack – !

The hundred Bylaw Enforcement Force divided themselves into two groups. One group sat on their horses and drew their bows. White-feathered arrows shined in the sun and were aimed at the enemies that were charging at them. These soldiers were all god-tier archers, and they had the ability to shoot down fifty elite enemy cavaliers with one round of firing. The other group in the Bylaw Enforcement Force made of fifty soldiers guarded the Eldest Princess's magic carriage to prevent Her Highness and the future queen Angela from being attacked by the cavaliers.

As for King Alexander, he had no one beside him except for his bodyguard Fernando-Torres.

In every soldier's eyes, their king was a true invincible master who didn't need the protection of weaker soldiers. If they actually stood in front of the king, it would be an insult to him.

The cavaliers from Blackstone Kingdom rushed by quickly.

Although they had a strong presence, they didn't charge and initiate the attack right away. Instead, they circled around Chambord's Expeditionary Force. They rode their horses around Chambord's force in circles as they collided their spears with their shields and made loud sounds. The noise from more than two thousand people hitting their shields sounded like an earthquake and the gods' anger. These sounds were so loud that they seemed tangible. A violent wind blew the dust off the ground and pushed it towards the Chambord's force that was surrounded in the middle.

This was battle presence, the battle presence of cavaliers.

On the battlefield, if their battle presence was used properly, it would achieve the goal of making the enemies surrender without fighting them.

In many situations, the rookie soldiers who had never fought in battle or wars before would mentally break down and crap their pants when they experience it for the first time.

It was obvious that these two thousand cavaliers were veterans who had been through numerous battles. They were very experienced at creating impressive battle presence. Although there were only a little more than two thousand enemies, they created the presence of having more than ten thousand soldiers. The palms of every Chambord soldier started to sweat. Their lips started to dry, and their throats started to tickle as they felt nervous. After all, they had never been through a real battle on the battlefield.

However, all these were not important because Chambord had a super big black dog.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

The big black dog that was letting out a deep roar through its throat suddenly started to shouted angrily; it was so loud that it sounded like a huge dragon's howl.

What happened next was unimaginable – The dog's bark instantly covered the battle presence that the more than two thousand cavaliers created. Also, this dog bark had an indescribable and shocking effect on the horses. More than a dozen Blackstone's horses that were running around Chambord's Expeditionary Force suddenly collapsed onto the group due to fear. Their bodies started to twitch, and white foam spurted out of their mouths. The cavaliers that were riding on them didn't expect this to happen. Like dumplings, they all fell to the ground due to the momentum… This scene made the battle presence that the Blackstone's cavaliers created with a ton of effort instantly disappear.

Everyone from Chambord didn't hesitate to laugh at this.


The elder with the golden helmet shouted, and the Blackstone's cavaliers that were circling around Chambord's Expeditionary Force stopped. The dozen poor cavaliers were already stomped on into meat paste by their peers. The viciousness and hatred in the elder's eyes was so great that it could almost be solidified. He divided the cavaliers in half and rode his horse forward towards Fei slowly as he stared at him tightly. He was holding onto the golden sword in his hands so tightly that his palms were turning white. His knuckles were popping, and his veins were bulging. After a while, he let one of his hands go from the sword unwillingly as he said maliciously, "I'm Condi, the king of Blackstone. King Alexander, leave the murderers of my third prince Eric and my two hundred cavaliers and I will let you guys go. Otherwise…!"

As he said that, all of cavaliers that surrounded Chambord's Expeditionary Force pointed the tip of their spears at them in cooperation with their king's threat.

The murderous spirit was real.

"Yawn… Auh. I don't know what you are talking about." Fei stretched his back and said, "Someone was killed last night? No wonder why there was a bright rosy dawn this morning. The shouting last night prevented me from getting a good night of sleep. King of Blackstone, the public security and order in your Blackstone territory is not very good!"

"You…" The golden haired and golden beard strong elder was so mad that his heart skipped a beat. His expression became very serious as he shouted, "Alexander, how dare you act to arrogantly in front of my Blackstone's elite soldiers. Hehe, for killing a prince of a Level 4 affiliated kingdom, the law is on my side even if we take this case in front of Emperor Essen. If I want, I can command and make the Royal Family of Chambord lose their bloodline!"

Fei lightly glanced around at the cavaliers with a murderous spirit and said with a very disdainful tone, "Clear a path for us in ten seconds and let us move. Otherwise… Blackstone Kingdom will never have a king again!"

After he said that, Fei's body lightly shook. Everyone felt like Fei had blurred for a second. The king of Blackstone felt his neck get a little cold, and he instantly reached for his neck in surprise. He found that the blonde beard that he combed and took care of every morning was shorter. When he looked up, he saw the King of Chambord, who was standing on his opposite side, sprinkling his blonde beard in the cool autumn wind... Every cavalier from Blackstone gasped in shock.

Except for a few high level warriors, no one else saw how King Alexander of Chambord moved and attacked.