375 - 384

Chapter 375: Who... Are You? (Part One)Insurance

Shevchenko and Cech both didn't get mad; this warrior of Jax who was bulky was stronger than them. They looked at each other and smiled, and they then moved aside and made a wider path.

Kerman looked pass them.

His pupil contracted instantly when he saw the figure sitting in the tent.

Inside the bright tent, there was a person who was sitting on a stone chair in a relaxed manner and reading a thick book. He was dressed casually, and his thick long black hair looked like a waterfall. Although Kerman couldn't see this man's face clearly, he could tell that this man who was wearing a loose robe and not wearing any shoes was in a world of his own.

Beside this man, there was a strange beast that was four meters tall. Although it was laying beside this man, Kerman could tell that its legs were as thick as pillars. Its long black mane covered more than half of its head, its sharp white teeth could tear through anything, and hostility flashed in its huge crystal-like eyes. What was most shocking was that smell of sulfur came of its mouth as if it was going to spit out fire...

If this beast didn't have the black and smooth fur, Kerman might have believed that this beast was a dragon that disappeared ages ago from the continent; that smell of sulfur and heavy pressure were all critical features of a dragon.

Kerman's heart was sinking to his stomach slowly; he knew the strange roar that made the Sand Tigers lose their abilities to move came from this beast.

Also, he couldn't sense the power level of the young man sitting in the tent. He felt like this man was an ordinary person who didn't have any power, but it was impossible since his full-power strike was dismantled by this man easily.

There was only one explanation – this man was far beyond his realm of strength.

"Danger!" he thought.

As if the man who was reading the book in the tent sensed Kerman's stares, he looked up and smiled.

"You were saying that you want to see me. Now you saw me, is it time for you to kneel down and surrender?" that handsome man said.

Of course, this man was the king of Chambord who created this scenario to show off.

He liked to treat the people who were close to him well, but it was good for his mental health if he acted in front of his enemies and showed off frequently.

On top of that, this was the first time that he led a legion to war, and he had to act cool and mighty.

Kerman held his huge blade tightly and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Kneel down and surrender?" Kerman laughed, "The Jax Empire only has warriors who fight until death on the battleground and doesn't have cowards who would surrender..." he slowly glanced around at the soldiers of Zenit who tightly surrounded him and continued, "And it is not like we can't get out of here if we tried."

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"Haha? Getting through my herald brigade as a team of 404 people?"

As if he heard a ridiculous joke, Fei laughed and shook his head, "If I want to, the 404 of you would be turned into meat pastes in less than 10 minutes. You will all be decapitated; your heads will be pilled into a small mountain, and your headless corpses will be thrown onto the desert so coyotes and vultures can have a feast. We can just do what you did to our civilians!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Fei's words triggered the anger in the soldiers of Zenit's minds, and the 6,000 soldiers all shouted as they knocked their metal armors with their weapons and took a few steps forward in unison. The metal-colliding noises and shouts created a surge of invisible energy, and the murderous spirits skyrocketed; it was just breathtaking.

Fei put down his book an suddenly stood up. "You can try if you want!" he sneered.

As he stood up, a thick and concentrated murderous spirit surged. At that moment, Kerman felt like he was standing in a sea of blood and corpses, and numerous terrifying screams were sounding in all directions; for a moment he felt like he was on an ancient and cruel battlefield, and for a moment he felt like he was in hell.

"Such a terrifying presence!!

Kerman instantly felt the indefensible pressure on him; it felt like he was carrying several mountains on his back. He started to resist subconsciously, and his bones began to crack as if they were being smashed.

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Chapter 375: Who... Are You? (Part Two)Insurance

He knew that he was wrong; too wrong!

"What this man said is true... he doesn't even need to order the 6,000 soldiers to attack... none of us in [Black Torrent] can get out if this man makes his move... He only released his aura, and I, a Seven-Star Warrior, can't even stand straight... Too terrifying," he thought.

"Who... who are you...?" Kerman asked bitterly as he leaned against his blade that he stabbed into the ground and tried to stand straight.

"I am the king of Chambord, King Alexander!"

"So... so it is you... I heard….. I heard about you before. I was wrong, you... Puff!" Kerman took several pauses as the pressure on him was too much. In the end, blood spurted out of his mouth, and his knees bent; he couldn't hold on any longer.

"Drop your weapon, kneel down, and surrender. If you do that, I will show some mercy and let the cavaliers under you to leave alive," Fei said as he squinted his eyes and smiled strangely.

"Impossible!" Kerman tried his best to stand straight and shouted, "The warriors of Jax would never... never kneel down.... they are all... the bravest... warriors!"

"Yeah, they are brave warriors..." Fei looked at the startled expressions on the faces of some cavaliers of Jax and sighed, "To my knowledge, their mission was only to clean out the area within a 100-kilometer radius of Dual-Flags City. It was a simple mission, and they didn't need to attack the herald brigade of Zenit. Too bad that they have an idiotic commander! It is you who brought doom to them! It is you who placed them in danger because you are greedy for more military merits. Their loved ones will be in pain for the rest of their lives because of your decision... now, you have a chance to save them. If you drop your weapon and kneel down, you would be able to save these brave warriors of Jax and help their families. Why not? Are you going to let them die because of your idiotic self-pride?"

Fei's voice was like the enticement of a devil. Every single cavalier of Jax heard what he said, and it tickled their minds.

"No! You devil! You..." Kerman shouted as blood spurted out of his mouth.

He knew very well what this raid meant; it was the first meaningful clash between the two forces.

Kerman was dreaming about destroying this brigade and killing the commander to bring the first victory back to Jax; that would instantly boost the morale of the soldiers of Jax. Since he made a mistake and couldn't do that, he was still not willing to surrender. He would rather let all of his men and himself die here and become the example of faithfulness to Jax and unyieldingness of the will.

If he kneeled down here today, it wouldn't be just his personal pride affected.

The Jax Empire that had waited for the uprise could be affected as well.

If he kneeled down here today, the Royal Family and the military of Jax would be greatly shamed, and it would be an unbearable and destructive strike to the morale of the troops.

"Such a vicious and dirty strategy!"

Kerman regretted his decision.

He didn't regret his decision after he realized that he was trapped.

After he knew that there was a master warrior, after he knew that he couldn't defeat his enemies, after he knew that none of them could make it out here alive... he won't regret it even if he was placed in a situation that was 100 times more dangerous than this...

But he was regretting this now.

This commander was too vicious with his strategy.

This mistake of his was going to become a huge shame that the soldiers of Jax couldn't forget.

Kerman heard of King Alexander before. The Jax Empire had their intelligence network, and they always paid attention to Zenit. Since Zenit just had the competition between affiliated kingdoms, the name of No.1 Master Warrior among the affiliated kingdoms of Zenit was on the newsletter.

King Alexander was said to be the most talented warriors of Zenit in its history, and Kerman laughed at that.

"How talented can a little king of a little affiliated kingdom be?" Kerman didn't believe that.

The world wasn't fair. Most of the geniuses were in super-affluent families, royal families, and enormous forces; only these powerhouses had enough resources to feed these super geniuses. If someone talented was born into a poor environment, his or her future would be very limited.

Chapter 376 – Beginning of the Dark Age (Part One) Lawyer

Since the officials tightly sealed the news about Fei capturing the three Moon-Class Elites at Zenit, the people who were at the Jax Empire hadn't heard about it yet. As a result, Kerman didn't know what power the King of Chambord had, and he underestimated this herald brigade of Zenit.

Now, he was unprecedently scared.

He felt like he saw the shadow of that man whose name was a taboo in the Jax Empire.

"Another terrifying figure appeared in the Zenit Empire!" he thought to himself.

When Fei saw the changing expressions on the face of this Seven-Star Warrior, he knew that he couldn't convince this man using only his words. He stepped forward, and the terrifying aura on him exploded; for the first time, the murderous spirits that he accumulated in Diablo World was revealed in this world.

For the moment, everyone around Fei felt like even the air became thick and red.

"Why aren't you kneeling down right now?!"

Even though Kerman unleashed all of his strength and the orange warrior energy flame flashed around him, he still couldn't support his body. As a result, he kneeled down as if it was a direct response to Fei's shout.

Crack! The huge pressure instantly crushed his knees.

When Kerman was forced to kneel down, his prideful head lowered as he fainted.

Looking from the behind, it seemed like Kerman voluntarily kneeled and surrendered to Fei.

All of the Sand Tiger Cavaliers that were far away behind him were shocked.

Some of these cavaliers felt blank as they couldn't believe what they were seeing. "The great and honorable third disciple of the Martial Saint kneeled to a king of a little affiliated kingdom of Zenit?" they thought.

All of their honors and all of their beliefs were dismantled by this kneel.

Even some of the Sand Tiger Cavaliers who were willing to fight until death and didn't want to surrender lost their courage. What they saw shocked their minds and numbed their limbs; they no longer could hold onto their weapons. Even blood couldn't prove their bravery anymore!

"Haha, since you chose to surrender, I will keep my promise and let go of these brave men behind you!" Fei laughed.

This scene was recorded by a mage of Zenit using a Divy Crystal; it had an important use in the future.

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Fei did keep his words.

He let go of these Sand Tiger Cavaliers.

However, the king also kept his fragile and thrifty style. He stripped away all of the valuables on these cavaliers such as weapons and armors and kept most of the Sand Tigers that were too terrified to move. After he left about 40 weakest and thinnest Sand Tiger to these cavaliers who only had light clothes on them, he kicked all of them out.

The ferociousness of this race was demonstrated.

133 Sand Tiger Cavaliers couldn't bear the shame and decided to suicide; their blood stained the sand.

The rest of them disappeared into the darkness under the lead of the few captains...

"Go on and spread around what you saw! Haha!"

As he looked at these Sand Tiger Cavaliers who were leaving the area, Fei stood in front of the central tent and let out a series of "evil" laughter. These soldiers of Jax who lost their mounts and their winter jackets might not even survive in this coldness in the desert, and only about half of them could be able to make it back to the campsite of Jax.

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Fei believed that the news about Kerman, the third disciple of the Martial Saint of Jax, kneeling and surrendering would be known across the region.

To the soldiers of Jax who looked up to warriors who had power and were unyielding, this would be a massive blow to their heads.


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Chapter 376 – Beginning of the Dark Age (Part Two) Lawyer

Although the raid of the enemies was taken care of, Shevchenko and others still sweated a whole bunch and were scared when they thought back to what happened.

"If the Legion Commander wasn't here with us today and didn't discover the enemies, we would suffer some casualties. After all, that man named Kerman has impressive strength. Except for the Legion Commander, I can't even handle him head-on," Shevchenko thought to himself.

Of course, Cech, Drogba, and Pierce might be able to defend against Kerman after they summon their Star Saint Sets, but Shevchenko didn't know about it.

"Your Majesty! You are here with us all along?" Fei's appearance was shocking to the soldiers, and Drogba and Pierce all walked up and greeted him happily.

"Of course I need to come and see if you two are behaving. I need to make sure that you two are following orders and listening to Shevchenko." Fei kicked them in the butt and said, "Not bad. You guys are doing good. Keep it up and don't disappoint me!"

Fei was worried in the beginning.

He was worried that both of them would act haughty since they were leaders of Chambord and were close to him and won't listen to Shevchenko who was the brigade commander; if that happened, it would have a bad influence on the legion as a whole.

Fei was glad that everything was alright.

These two strongmen who were straightforward were within reason, and they listened and followed Shevchenko's orders wholeheartedly. This made Fei a little surprised.

"It seems like they knew the boundaries and didn't shame Chambord," he thought.

There was a reason why Fei was a little worried.

Not sure what the officials at the Military Quarter were thinking, but they didn't leave time for [Wolf Teeth Legion] to go through regular practice and get to know each other. After all, 80% of the legion was made up of soldiers and warriors from various affiliated kingdoms. They were used to their way of doing things, and frictions could potentially rise.

Frictions did appear in [Wolf Teeth Legion], and they significantly decreased the efficiency and speed of the legion. Although old Aryang was experienced and was prepared for this, it was impossible to get rid of such frictions in a short time.

Majority of the legion was still not close to the border yet, and Fei had the help from the experienced strategist old Aryang as well as the master warriors such as Magic Princess Cindy, Silver Armored Vicious Sword, Lampard, and Elena. Since no significant issues could arise in this situation, Fei ordered the legion to travel slower and scheduled daily practices for them; he wanted the legion to be battle-ready when they get close to Dual-Flags City.

Fei was more worried about this herald brigade since they underwent no training.

Therefore, he hid his identity and traveled with them; only Shevchenko and Cech who were the two men in charge knew about this. Fei had identified all the issues with this brigade, and he was trying to find an excellent opportunity to address them. This raid from the Sand Tiger Cavaliers wasn't even something on Fei's radar, and Kerman got defeated this badly due to his own bad luck.

Since Fei revealed himself already, it was no longer a secret to the soldiers.

Fei wasn't just the No.1 Master Warrior among affiliated kingdoms in their minds. After the news about how he captured the three Moon-Class Elites got around secretly in the military, he was seen as the God of Battle. After seeing the performance of Fei tonight, the soldiers worshipped him even more.

All the soldiers in the brigade cheered for Fei as they were hyped.

All the people who had the title of Team Commander and higher met up in the central tent to party, and they all flattered Fei one after another. After about one hour, they were all kicked out by Fei; however, they still wanted to praise him more.

There were a lot of officials who never met Fei in person before. They used to think that this Legion Commander was cold and haughty; after they spent this time together, they realized that he was very chill and friendly.

Of course, that was only one side of Fei.

If they got to spend more time with Fei in front of the enemies, they would realize that they were wrong!

This was an unforgettable night.

To the soldiers and officials in this herald brigade of [Wolf Teeth Legion], being raided by the famous [Black Torrent] of Jax was only a small episode. Instead, seeing the power and presence of the Legion Commander excited them and increased their morale!

However, it was the complete opposite for the people of Jax who had been waiting to redeem themselves.

The shame they experienced tonight was only the beginning of the dark age.

Chapter 377: [Rescue on Mount Arreat] (Part One) Degree


A noise sounded, and a wind appeared inside the central tent. A blue oval-shaped portal that was more than two-meter tall appeared.

A strong figure with a brown cape walked out of it quietly and walked up to Fei. She passed over a letter with a lot of words on it.

Fei skimmed it over and put it in his storage space. He then looked up at this strong female and smiled as he nodded and said, "Thank you, Leader Kashya."

This strong woman was the military leader in [Rogue Encampment];

She was an experienced female mercenary. She always wore a simple leather armor that protected the vital spots on her body, and most of her strong arms and legs were exposed in the air. Her outfit also included a headband with spikes on it and an orange-brownish short cape.

She was an introvert, and it was hard to guess what she was thinking about since she rarely talked. However, she never feared blood and death, and she was a very stable and trustworthy person.

There was no doubt that this military leader of [Rogue Encampment] was powerful; Fei still couldn't sense how powerful this woman was; it felt like she was stronger than most men. That was why Fei was comfortable leaving her in the [Letter Office] and letting her be in charge of old man Zolasc's and young boy Modric's safety.

Using the Miraculous Skill [Summon], Fei was able to leave a spatial mark on Zolasc and Modric; these two people were able to summon Kashya when they needed her help.

In the last month or so, Kashya was able to use her direct and deadly methods to clean out the thorns on the [Letter Office]'s path of growth. In the underworld of St. Petersburg, people named her [Death Brown Cape]; her deadly methods terrified them.

After knowing that Fei was going to bring the [Wolf Teeth Legion] to the Jax Battle Zone, the [Letter Office] already started to infiltrate the Jax Empire. One of the two leaders of the [Letter Office] – [Young Man] Modric stayed at St. Petersburg to look over the forces in Zenit, and the other leader [Old Man] Zolasc personally entered the territory of the Jax Empire to start developing the information network for Fei.

All of this information was passed back to Fei via Kashya.

Didn't matter how far they were apart, the Miraculous Skill [Summon] was able to create a portal and send Kashya to Fei's side. This speed of information delivery was far beyond the technology in Fei's previous life such as email and text messages.

Through the letters from the [Letter Office], Fei was able to know that the soldiers of Jax had surrounded the Dual-Flags City. Just now, Fei got the newest information again.

After hearing what Fei said, Kashya replied concisely, "No problem."

In the very beginning, Fei was speechless at Kashya because he couldn't maintain a conversation with her. Now, he was used to it.

Fei lowered his head and followed up, "How is the plan that Uncle Zolasc came up with? I'm sure it is a lot harder to develop an organization in the Jax Empire compared to Zenit."

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After giving it some thought, Kashya replied earnestly, "It is pretty hard, but it should be ok."

"Eh, good." Fei nodded. He gave Kashya a letter that had a lot of fine prints on it and said, "Please ask Uncle Zolasc to complete the requests on this letter... It would be best if he could complete them in one day. Also, please give this to him," Fei gave a Divy Crystal to Kashya.

"Got it."

After the quick reply, Kashya placed the items into her storage space and walked into the portal again.


She disappeared with the portal.

Fei exhaled heavily.

That Divy Crystal recorded everything that had happened, and the recording angle as very unique.

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If some magic energy was injected into the crystal, people would see how the 404 Sand Tigers defecated uncontrollably, how the third disciple of the Martial Saint of Jax kneeled down to the Legion Commander of the [Wolf Teeth Legion], and how the other 403 Sand Tigers Cavaliers surrendered to the soldiers of Zenit.

Especially the scene where Kerman, the third disciple of the Martial Saint of Jax, kneeled down; it would destroy the morale of the soldiers and warriors of the Jax Empire! Since this incident took place before the war, the Royal Family and the Military Headquarter of Jax would be greatly ashamed; even the Martial Saint of Jax could be negatively affected as well.

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Chapter 377: [Rescue on Mount Arreat] (Part Two) Degree

Even if this weren't enough to harm the foundation of the Jax Empire, it would cause a lot of trouble for them.

That was why Fei kept Kerman who was strong enough to pose a threat to [Wolf Teeth Legion] and released all of the other Sand Tiger Cavaliers; those cavaliers would act as free promotions of the incident. Whenever the people of Jax saw these cavaliers, they would be reminded of the defeat and the shame associated with that incident.

Fei came up with this idea after he knew about Kerman's identity. What effect did this have on the war? Fei would only know in the future.

After he got some quietness, Fei took out the letter Kashya gave him and read it over once more.

Gradually, he frowned.

The situation at the Dual-Flags City was far worse than what the officials at St. Petersburg told him.

What happened tonight was more of an appetizer for the herald brigade; tomorrow would be a real challenge for them. According to the information in the letter, more than 60,000 soldiers of Jax already surrounded the Dual-Flags City an hour ago.

There were ten times more soldiers on the enemy's side.

On top of that, more and more soldiers of Jax were arriving.


In Diablo World.

Feather-like snows were falling from the sky, and they covered the sky and covered the sunlight. Everywhere was frozen, and the dried-up trees that looked like the thin and ugly arms of the hell devils stood on the burned ground that was half-covered by white snows.

This was [Frigid Highlands].

Because the altitude of this place was too high, it lacked oxygen and forced people to spend twice the stamina.

Even though Fei had an insane amount of stamina as a Barbarian, he was already sweating after half an hour of fighting. Beside him, Elena sweated a lot more; even her long red hair got wet and stuck to the sides of her face.

"Elena, how about just let me complete this mission? You can go back to [Rogue Encampment] and rest a bit; it is too dangerous here," Fei had to say that to Elena after seeing how exhausted she was.

Elena shook her head firmly.

As if she wanted to change Fei's mind, she bit onto her red hair and stood tightly against Fei back-to-back. As the bowstring vibration noises sounded, many fire arrows were shot out and killed all the monsters behind Fei.

Through the two leather armors, Fei could still feel the softness and hotness of the body behind him.

However, no obscene ideas were in Fei's head.

He knew why Elena did that; she was trying to fight alongside him. Fei felt like asking Elena to go back was a little selfish on his end; although he was trying to care for Elena, asking her to leave at this moment hurt this valiant and stubborn female mercenary.

"Ok, let's fight together! Be careful!" Fei shouted as he punched out, and a [Baal's Minion] and a [Death Mauler] that were within 10 meters from him got turned into clouds of blood mist.

In the last few days, Fei already completed the first quest [Siege on Harrogath] in the Fifth Map [Harrogath]. After he killed [Shenk the Overseer] who controlled the monsters, NPC Larzuk was able to socket an item for him, and the prices the NPCs in [Harrogath] charged Fei for different items also decreased.

Currently, Fei was trying to complete the second quest [Rescue on Mount Arreat].

He had to find the 15 captive Barbarians and help them to escape from the monsters and demons. This quest wasn't hard, but [Frigid Highlands] was huge and the visibility was low; it was hard to find the wooden pens that kept these barbarians. Until now, Fei hadn't seen one of them yet.

"Alexander, look!" Elena suddenly said.

Fei jumped onto a destroyed building and looked in the direction that Elena was pointing at.

More than 1000 meters away, a bunch of monsters surrounded a wooden pen. In there, three Barbarians were roaring and battling with monsters. Although they were a lot stronger than these monsters, they were already very tired and struggled to keep up.

Chapter 378: Loyalty of the Barbarians, Mutation of the Dog (Part One)

Found them!

Fei jumped off of the building, grabbed onto Elena's hand, and kissed it subconsciously. "Haha! Finally found them! Let's go and kill these monsters!" after Fei said that, he immediately dashed towards the wooden pen.

Elena also moved towards the direction of the wooden pen quickly; she was able to travel more than 100 meters per second.

If Fei paid more attention to Elena, he would find that this cold and valiant Valkyrie was blushing; her face and neck were all red. Her beauty was completely revealed to the world, but it was covered up by the dense snowfall.

A bloody smell came from afar.

Fei dashed into the monsters. Most of the monsters on [Frigid Highlands] were melee type physical damage monsters; their claws were sharp, and the scales and spikes on them could easily penetrate through flesh. Some monsters were able to cast fire-elemental magic spells, but they were too easy for Fei to deal with. Like a tiger in a crowd of sheep, Fei easily killed them and opened a path for him.

Elena followed Fei tightly and charged forward.

A terrifying chilliness appeared around this beautiful mercenary, and all the monsters within a 20-meter radius from her whined; the more powerful monsters were frozen to the ground, and the weaker monsters were all turned into specks of crystal ice dust.

Paladin Skill – [Holy Freeze].

Elena gained the Paladin Bloodline a long time ago, and she was capable of learning the skills of the Paladin. After listening to Fei's recommendations, Elena learned her first offensive aura [Holy Freeze] after she gained some healing and defensive auras.

It was a powerful icy-elemental magic ability.

It would do cold damage to enemies nearby periodically. The weaker monsters wound be killed, and even boss-level monsters would be slowed down dramatically.

Fei recommended Elena to learn this skill for that very reason; except for the damage, the slowing effect on the enemies would help Fei greatly. Powerful monsters would be slowed down and forced to move in slow-motion; it was effortless for Fei to kill them.

The murderous killing was continuing, and even the air in the area turned red.

The screams of the monsters resonated in the area as Fei's power that broke the balance of the game was demonstrated in full. Every time he punched out, five to six monsters would be killed; no monster was able to come close to him within a 50-meter radius.

After 20 minutes, these 600 monsters were turned into gold coins, items, and potions on the ground.

Although most of the potions and items were useless to Fei at this point, the thrifty king of Chambord couldn't just leave them here. Fei quickly ran around and picked up everything.

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Even if he couldn't use them, he could still turn them into gold coins in [Harrogath].

Of course, Elena couldn't see the gold coins and the items on the ground; she just looked at Fei who was bending over and picking up "nothing". However, she didn't ask Fei what he was doing as she didn't care about anything else that wasn't on her mind.

Fei was everything to her; he added the color to her simple yet monotone life.

In her mind, she only needed to follow this man and do whatever he wanted.


After Fei picked up all the items, he walked to the wooden pen.


He smashed the gate of the wooden pen easily.

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According to his memory, a teleport portal should appear inside the wooden pen, and the three Barbarians should walk through the portal and go back to [Harrogath].

However, this wasn't the first time that something happened in Diablo World that didn't match with his previous gaming experience on Earth.

These three Barbarian Warriors who were more than two meters tall walked up to Fei sincerely; it felt like they weren't unintelligent NPCs as they were very lively.

These warriors had small braids on their heads, and more than half of their faces and bodies were covered with tattoos. After they looked at Fei and Elena invasively for a second, they locked their eyes on Fei.

(* Support the translators and read on Noodletown Translations for free as soon as the chapters come out!) Lawyer

Chapter 378: Loyalty of the Barbarians, Mutation of the Dog (Part Two)

"Is this real? Great barbarian warrior, we have sensed [Immortal King] Bul-Kathos on you. Is the honor coming back to the Barbarian Tribe? Is the Barbarian God finally showing appreciation for his forbidden subjects? Hero, please don't reject our loyalty!"

What these three Barbarian Warriors said shocked Fei; they were supposed to be insignificant NPCs!

"[Immortal King] Bul-Kathos? The loyalty of the Barbarian warriors? Wait, why aren't these three Barbarians acting according to the script?"

As Fei was wondering about that, the cold and mysterious voice that hadn't spoken to Fei for a long time suddenly sounded by Fei's ear.

"By accepting the loyalty of the Barbarian warriors, you could obtain three NPCs who could grow in strength over time. In addition, you could summon them to the real world anytime without using any experience point."

"What?" Fei was stunned. His decision was clear! He didn't hesitate a bit and accepted the loyalty of these three Barbarian warriors.

A wild aura surrounded these three Barbarian warriors, and they were pretty powerful; Fei could tell that they were at least on the level of Four-Star. After everything was done, they went back to [Harrogath] via the teleport portal.

Fei, on the other hand, continued to look for other Barbarian warriors who needed his help.

After getting rewarded handsomely, the king was even more motivated to complete the quest.


"The lone smoke is rising erectly from the vast desert; the round sun is setting slowly over the long river."

Fei lied on [Black Tornado]'s back, and most of his body sunk into the long mane of the big black dog. After he saw the half of the red sun that was climbing up from the horizon, he suddenly recalled and recited the lines in a famous poem written by the renowned poet Wang Wei.

Dawn arrived about one hour ago, and the herald brigade started to speed towards Dual-Flags City after breakfast.

They had traveled more than 70 kilometers already, and the most important city along the northwest border, Dual-Flags City, was only less than 30 kilometers away. If they were able to keep up the speed, they would arrive at Dual-Flags City before the sun completely appears in the sky.

More than 100 scouts were sent out.

These scouts came and went; their dusty trails looked like dragons from above, and clip-clop noises of their mounts broke the silence in the desert. In every few minutes, a few scouts would report back everything that was happening in a 20-kilometer radius.

Everyone in the brigade sensed the intense atmosphere.

However, Blacky the dog was still chilling; it wandered behind the troop and didn't fit in with the whole scene.

This beast never stopped consuming [Hulk Potions], and Fei started to wonder what type of animal did Angela save in the back mountains of Chambord.

"How can Blacky endure the effect of [Hulk Potions] to this degree? Any regular dog could have exploded already." Fei thought.

Currently, Blacky was oily black! Except for the long manes, all the hair on its body was short and smooth. When it stood up and walked, it was more than three meters tall and more than eight meters long. Technically, it couldn't be called a dog; a dog shouldn't be this big and shouldn't look this ferocious.

When Fei was free, he liked to play tug-of-war with Blacky. With the physical strength of his level 88 Barbarian, he could easily use more than 10,000 pounds of force, and he still had to use 80% of that strength to win.

On top of its substantial physical strength, Blacky also had a thick skin and sharp claws.

Military-grade arrows couldn't even pierce through its skin, and when Fei wanted to fix its nails, he broke three swords and didn't even leave a dent on them.

Every time this beast roared, Fei felt like it was going to spit out a fire; the smell of sulfur was too strong!

It was evident that Blacky was undergoing an unknown mutation after it consumed so much [Hulk Potion]. Since the changes that had happened to Blacky already shocked Fei and Fei could no longer predict its evolution path, he won't be surprised if this beast got a pair of wings one day.

Chapter 379: Dangerous Dual-Flags City (Part One)

Fei rested on the wide back of Blacky, and he didn't get involved with the control of the herald brigade.

After the sun climbed higher and higher in the sky, the coldness in the desert disappeared. This was the weather in the desert; the temperature difference between the day and the night was huge, and it was a big challenge for people who weren't used to it. By just looking at the red sun, Fei could sense the cruelty of the upcoming battle.

It won't be easy to break through the 60,000 soldiers of Jax and get into Dual-Flags City.

After the battle, the color of the ground would be even redder than the sun.

"Speed up and get to Dual-Flags City within 30 minutes! After that, prepare for battle and get ready to enter the city!" Shevchenko announced as he empowered his voice with his Warrior Energy, and the speed of the herald brigade instantly increased; the ground even started to shake as the mounts of the cavaliers sped up.

The atmosphere intensified.



Dual-Flags City.

This was a magnificent city. It looked like the 200-meter tall black defense walls almost connected with the sky, and this city occupied a considerable piece of land. Like a prehistoric beast that was resting on the continent, this city looking shocking from afar.

The Dual-Flags City was big enough to hold about 500,000 people. Except for the Mayor Palace, mansions of the nobles, and the enormous residential areas, there were a lot of farmlands and 112 water wells; they were the essential resources that allowed tens of thousands of people inside Dual-Flags City to survive.

With these statistics, Dual-Flags City was definitely the No.1 City in the northwest region of Zenit.

Except for its sheer size, there was a significant historical event that took place here.

This city was constructed 26 years ago.

When Emperor Yassin His Majesty and his men came through to battle the Jax Empire, they were attacked by the 400,000 soldiers of Jax; the Jax Empire almost sent all of its forces here to stop Emperor Yassin. That battle alone took more than 30 days, and it was said that the battle was cruel; blood created rivers and corpses created mountains.

It was heard that the troops of Zenit lacked drinkable water during that time, so Emperor Yassin used his mighty [Dragon Fist] to destroy the surface of the land. He punched through the ground and created holes that directly connected to the groundwater, and those holes became the 112 water wells in Dual-Flags City today.

After Emperor Yassin got the victory by conquering the Capital of Jax and was on his way back to St. Petersburg, he passed by this place again and ordered craftsmen to construct this huge city. After the construction, he ordered his men to hang the huge flag of Zenit which had a two-headed polar bear on it as well as the flag of the Jax Empire that he chopped off of the Royal Palace in the Capital of Jax. He wanted to use this to warn the people of Jax, and that was also how Dual-Flags City got its name.

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Dual-Flags City was right on the edge of the border. Behind it, there was Zenit's territory; in front of it, there was the desert of Jax.

For the last 26 years, the desert of Jax didn't make any progress forward.

Some people said that the majesty of Emperor Yassin suppressed the desert and didn't allow it to move forward, and some people said that even the sand grains in the desert were scared of Emperor Yassin... There were all kinds of rumors, but they all stated how influential Emperor Yassin was. All of these rumors and stories became the materials of the traveling poets.

After 26 years of calmness and quietness, everything was turned around.

Shouts and roars resonated in the sky.

More than 60,000 soldiers of Jax had surrounded the Dual-Flags City for the night; they only surrounded the city and didn't siege. But since dawn, something happened, and the soldiers of Jax started to charge at the city and tried to conquer it crazily. Like the sand grains in the desert, these soldiers of Jax who were in brown armors attacked the city in all directions.

The battlefield was like a huge mincer.

Blood, broken limbs, broke blades, and corpses were everywhere. The whines of the soldiers who were severely injured also sounded in the area.

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For the last four hours since dawn, more than 6,000 soldiers of Jax had died under the defense walls; among them, there were quite a few Star-level Warriors. Just to break the enormous magic shield that protected the city, more than 200 Star-level Warriors died.

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Chapter 379: Dangerous Dual-Flags City (Part Two)

The smell of blood and death was thick.

Finally, the ruthless and crazy investment on the side of Jax finally yielded a return.

The huge earth-elemental magic array – [Earth's Protection] crumbled. After protecting the city for more than four hours, this magic array that was powered by the dozen magic towers inside the city started to shake as cracks appeared on it. Like an eggshell that was hit hard, it was going to break at any time.


A huge rock that was more than 1,000 pounds was thrown into the air by a catapult.

It slowly rotated in the air and smashed onto the yellow light sphere that covered the city. After it stopped the rock for a second, a clear crackling noise sounded. A massive area of the light sphere dimmed down and disappeared, and that rock smashed onto the defense wall like a meteor.

Cheers sounded from the side of the Jax Empire; they were as loud as thunder.

"It broke! Haha! Finally!"

"Hahaha, the protective magic shield of the city is down! We are going to win!"

"Prepare the siege ladders and more catapults! Get the ropes!"

"Charge into Dual-Flags City and get back our royal flag! We will wash this city of Zenit with their own blood!"

The soldiers of Jax were immediately hyped after the magic array that protected Dual-Flags City was gone. Now, they were able to attack and kill their enemies inside the city using various siege machines and magic items. Before this, they could only be hit as nothing could get through that magic shield.

All kinds of commands were being passed down from the officials and commanders.

Tink! Tink!

Seige ladders with back hooks on top of them were locked onto the battlements on the defense walls, and it was hard to get rid of them. Like bloodthirsty ants, the soldiers of Jax started to climb up on the ladders one after another. The more powerful Star-level Warriors got up the defense wall even faster using ropes that were attached to the siege ladders.

Soon, blood stained the defense walls of Dual-Flags City.

The cruelest part of the battle began after the soldiers of Zenit and Jax met and started the close-range combat.

Screams and whines sounded everywhere, and blood spilled down the defense walls like raindrops.

The soldiers of Zenit in black and the soldiers of Jax in brown fought each other ferociously, and soldiers on both sides fell off the defense walls frequently and got smashed into meat paste.

As time passed by, the scale of victory slowly tilted towards the Jax Empire.

The difference between the two sides was huge.

Dual-Flags City only had less than 30,000 soldiers. Even with the personal guards and soldiers of the mayor and the nobles, that number was only about 40,000. Compared to more than 60,000 well-trained soldiers of Jax, Dual-Flags City was in a numbers disadvantage, and the soldiers it had were less battle-ready. All of these problems revealed themselves after the battle prolonged.

Under one of the watchtowers on the defense wall, there stood a general who was wearing black armor and white cape. He was in his 20s, and he wasn't tall and muscular; in fact, he looked a little thin. With a vicious scar on his forehead, he looked murderous yet special.

His sharp stares landed on the soldiers of Jax who were rushing at the city like a continuous flood, and a helpless expression appeared on his face. Soon, that expression disappeared and he looked murderous again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the entire city started to shake as it was attacked from the front and back.

The soldiers of Jax on the ground all held up shields to protect themselves from the arrows coming from above, and they pushed a huge [Siege Dragon Bird] and struck at one gate of the city.

This [Siege Dragon Bird] was a dragon-shaped sieging machine that was very popular in this region of Azeroth. It was made from black iron, and one end of it was shaped like the beak of birds. This "beak" was lightly opened with fuel and explosives in it, and it could deal the maximum damage to the gate.

Even if this gate was very secure, it would be broken after getting hit by this machine 100 times.

At this moment, there were already a lot of soldiers of Jax on the defense walls, and they had already controlled a big portion of them. These soldiers started to charge at the two main watchtowers on the defense walls as the mechanisms for opening the gates were in there. As long as they gained control of those mechanisms, all the soldiers of Jax in the area would be able to charge into the city and take complete control.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The noises made by the [Siege Dragon Bird] resonated on the battleground, and they shocked the hearts of the soldiers of Zenit. It felt like the hand of the Grim Reaper was tightening on their throats.

At this time, a soldier who was covered in blood staggered as he rushed over. He kneeled down and cried, "General Frank! Mayor Soroyov already drew back his personal guards and soldiers, and the other nobles are doing the same! They all said that the city is going to be conquered, and they are getting ready to escape!"

"What? That fat coward!"

"How can he do this?"

"They are deserters! Shameful! We need to inform the Military Judge and send soldiers to capture them! Even if they are nobles, they couldn't do something like this during this time!"

"These selfish bastards! They only care about themselves! What about the hundreds of thousands of citizens? The soldiers of Jax will kill them all!"

After hearing the news, the hot-tempered soldiers and officials around this general, who had a scar on his forehead, shouted; they wanted to go and stop these nobles.

"Stop!" the general stopped these men. After he sighed, he said, "Let them go."

"General Frank! Then... we are going to let these bugs go?" all the soldiers in the area were mad and confused. It was evident that this general was reputable and earned everyone's respect; no one doubted his decision.

"The enemies are very vicious; if we have an internal battle, the soldiers of Jax will easily conquer the city..." after he said that, he looked around and smiled, "There is still hope. To my knowledge, our reinforcement [Wolf Teeth Legion] is already on their way. If we can hold on longer, they might arrive on time."

Chapter 380: Who Dares to Fight Me? (Part One)

"What? The [Wolf Teeth Legion] that only has the king of a level 6 affiliated king as its commander? They are almost useless... How can we bet on them to defeat these soldiers of Jax?" a commander who was tall and had a beard shook his head and said, "It doesn't even matter if they come or not. I hope they get here later, so they don't have to die."

It seemed like the other commanders and officials agreed with this man's opinion; they had no hope on [Wolf Teeth Legion] as well.

"Doesn't matter. We are all soldiers of Zenit, and we should fight and bleed for the empire, and the citizens in this city," the general with the scar on his forehead didn't disapprove this opinion. Rather, he looked at the enemies that were charging at the city and said, "Since the war is here, none of us can place ourselves out of it. The empire is going to be reborn under the battles and blood. If our honors have to be created through blood and sacrifice, then..." he turned around and looked at these subordinates of his who had followed him for many years and were like his families. "Let it start from us!" he said firmly.

At this moment, an unparalleled aura appeared around this general who wasn't that tall and big.

In the eyes of his subordinates, he was a real hero and a real leader.

All these soldiers looked at their general who they followed for many years and felt like they were empowered and motivated as ever. The bearded commander saluted at the general and said, "Mr. Frank! Take care!"

After he said that, he shouted as he drew out his sword and jumped off of the defense wall.

"For the honor of the soldiers! For the honor of Zenit!"

In mid-air, this bearded commander unleashed all of his Warrior Energy; he was a Three-Star Warrior! His sword that was in his hand created a series of sparks as it dragged on the defense wall, and that slowed down this man's acceleration.

When he landed into the soldiers who were pushing the [Siege Dragon Bird], a bunch of fire-elemental Warrior Energies dashed out of his sword and knocked away a lot of the enemies.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

This bearded commander struck at the [Siege Dragon Bird] repeatedly and finally broke it and flipped it over before the soldiers of Jax rushed back and drowned him in weapons. This huge metal machine that was great at destroying city gates become an obstacle for the soldiers of Jax.


All the soldiers of Zenit who were on the defense wall fell to a moment of silence after they saw this bearded commander died in a pool of his blood.

This bearded commander named Ivan was a short-tempered man, but he was straightforward and manly; he was one of the commanders who was liked by most of the soldiers. Although he caused quite a lot of trouble before, he was brave enough to lead the charge today. Just the fact that he jumped off of the defense wall and destroyed the siege machine touched the soldiers of Zenit and drew out the patriotic emotions inside of them.

"For the honor of the soldiers! For the honor of Zenit!"

Every single soldier of Zenit on the defense wall screamed and charged at the enemies like madmen; even though some of them were severely injured, they used their last bit of effort and jumped off of the defense walls as they dragged one to two enemies with them.

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��General, take care!"

More than a dozen commanders saluted the general who had a scar on his forehead. After that, they drew out their swords and charged into the enemies.

No one knew if they could see each other again after this.

"If this is a part of the gods' plan, dying together with these comrades who are like my brothers is fortunate," the general with the scar on his forehead thought to himself.

He took a deep breath and drew out his sword. Standing on a battlement, he roared, "I'm Frank Ribry, the commander of the military forces at Dual-Flags City! Where is the commander of the troops of Jax? Do you dare to battle me?"

Under the empowerment of his Warrior Energy, this shout was as loud as thunder, and it was heard through all the noises of the battle.

"Do you dare to battle me... battle me... battle me..."

This phrase resonated in the sky.

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"What a joke! I'm the commander of 100,000 soldiers, and my status is very prestigious. You are only the commander of forces in a small city, how are you qualified to battle me? This small city will be conquered in 30 minutes, and my men will paint this city red with your blood!"

A dominating and cold voice sounded from the side of Jax.

This voice was even louder. The sound wave created by this man expanded outward rapidly with power, and some soldiers from both sides felt a little dizzy; it was obvious that this man who just spoke was a mighty warrior as well.

"Found you." Ribry didn't get angry even though he got laughed at.

He carefully listened to the direction of that voice, and his eyes lit up after he doubled confirmed it. As green Warrior Energy Flames enveloped his body, he stomped on the defense wall and dashed towards that direction.

"Stop him!"

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Chapter 380: Who Dares to Fight Me? (Part Two)

Numerous Star-level Warriors of Jax unleashed their Warrior Energy and jumped into the sky, wanting to stop Ribry.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

A series of metal-colliding noises sounded.

As a sword energy flashed by, blood spilled.

The numerous Star-level Warriors fell down from the sky like kites that got disconnected from the strings. Blood was everywhere.

Ribry didn't get stopped at all. As if nothing was around him, his speed increased even more. The air-piercing noise resonated on the battlefield, and Ribry inside his Warrior Energy Flames struck his sword at a figure who was sitting under a fancy canopy on a small hill.

"Huh?" that person looked very haughty, and he was a little surprised. He laughed, "Interesting! I didn't expect that there would be a warrior with this level of strength in this small city... don't move!"

After he ordered his guards not to move, Ribry who was in his green Warrior Energy Flames already appeared in front of this man.

The wind created by Ribry's strike fluttered this man's long hair and cape. Just as Ribry's sword was about to pierce into this man's head, this man raised his hand and secured the sword with two of his fingers.

Everything stopped.

Frank Ribry's powerful sword-strike that easily killed more than two dozen Star-level Warriors of Jax could no longer proceed forward anymore.

"Huh? The peak of Five-Star? Surprising! However, the soldier of Zenit, your show stops now!" after this man said that in a dominating tone, he pushed back the sword and slowly punched out.


Ribry couldn't dodge this punch at all as he was still in mid-air.

He wanted to defend against this indefensible strike, but it was no use. He instantly puked up a mouthful of blood, and his body flew down the hill as if a 10,000-pound hammer hit his body; he felt like his internal organs even got moved around under force.

"Commander of the forces in Dual-Flags City? Frank Ribry? Great! You could be considered a master warrior, and I will use your head to complete and finalize the first victory of our Jax Empire!"

This haughty man said as he wiped his fist with a white cloth a guard handed over to him: it felt like he was trying to wipe off some dirt on the hand that punched Ribry. After that, he signaled one of his guards to decapitated Ribry who was so injured that he couldn't even fight back.

"Of course, I won't kill you if you surrender," this haughty man added after he threw that white cloth he used onto the ground.

"Hahahahahahahaha! Under the command of Emperor Yassin His Majesty, there are only warriors who could fight to the death; there aren't cowards who would surrender!" Ribry said loudly even though he could no longer battle. Blood dripped down from his nostrils, and numerous cracks appeared on his black metal armor. Even though he could no longer stand, he wasn't willing to kneel down; he stabbed his sword into the ground and leaned against it. As he looked at the guard that was walking towards him with a murderous spirit, he laughed and said, "You guys don't need to move! I will gift my head to you! With my eyes open, I want to see how your Jax Empire is going to be conquered!"

As he said that, he pulled out his sword and slashed at his own neck with an underhand grip.

"I won't allow that!"

That haughty figure said as he pointed at Ribry's sword, and an invisible power instantly destroyed the metal sword in Ribry's hand and turned it into dust. "Your head will be chopped off by the blade of Jax!..." after he said that, he looked at that guard and commanded coldly, "Decapitate him!"

That guard grinned viciously and walked to Ribry.

The sharp blade in this guard's hand reflected the bright sunlight, and it looked as red as blood.

Ribry stared at this guard with anger in his eyes; he wasn��t angry about his situation as dying on the battlefield was an honor to the soldiers. He was really angry because he was worried for tens of thousands of citizens of Zenit inside Dual-Flags City.

Once he dies, the city would be conquered in a few seconds. The blades of Jax won't show any mercy! Tens of thousands of citizens of Zenit would be turned into corpses, and the No.1 city in the northwest region of Zenit would become hell!

Under the sun, the guard raised his blade.

At this moment, something unexpected happened.


A huge arrow with white fletching appeared behind this guard, and the terrifying power shattered the blade. After it did that, the arrow passed by Ribry's ear and turned more than a dozen soldiers of Jax into blood mists.

Such a terrifying arrow!

Everyone was surprised by the power of this arrow.

Tink! Tink! Tink!

All the guards around this haughty figure drew their weapons as they surrounded their commander.

"Who is it?" this haughty man shouted as he pushed some guards away. He walked out of the protection and looked around, and his eyes landed on a small sand hill behind his troops.

His pupil immediately contracted.

Chapter 381: I'm Comfortable with Your Skill (Part One)

Under the sun, behind the hill, there was a mighty figure who was riding on a massive beast; no one knew when he appeared.

Since the bright sun was behind this man, tens of thousands of soldiers of Jax couldn't see his face clearly. What all the soldiers of Jax could see was that the sunlight surrounded this man, and the combination of this man and his huge black beast gave them a ton of pressure.

This man was just sitting on the black beast in silence, but the soldiers of Jax felt like they were facing one full legion.

They all saw the bow in his hand, and they knew that powerful arrow came from him.

A few commanders on the side of Jax zapped their mouths; they couldn't believe that someone could shoot an arrow that accurately more than 1000 meters away. "Who is he?" they thought.

"That..." Frank Ribry who was severely injured opened his eyes.

This general with the scar on his forehead was in a state of desperation, but he saw some hope now. But when he only saw one person on the hill, that hope was about to disappear like a straw in a tornado.

However, what happened next made his heart race.






Cavaliers appeared on the hill that was 1000 meters away one after another. These cavaliers were all showering in the golden sunlight, and they looked like warriors from heaven.

When Ribry saw the flag with a two-headed polar bar on it in the next second, tear rushed into his eyes.

"Finally! The reinforcement is here!"

"Woooooooo! Wooooooooooo! Woooooooooooo!"

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Three deep and loud bugle noises sounded.

Ribry knew that it was the special command created by Emperor Yassin. After three bugle noises, all of the cavaliers should prepare to charge; anyone who failed to do that would be punished and executed!

Cavaliers of Zenit!

"Wolf Teeth!" the person who appeared on the hill first shouted, and his voice resonated in the sky.

"Wolf Teeth!!!" all of the cavaliers of Zenit repeated after him. This loud noise instantly excited all of the soldiers of Zenit.

"Charge!" that person who was on the enormous black beast shouted and led the charge.

"Wolf Teeth! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge!" all of the cavaliers of Zenit shouted as a murderous aura surrounded them. They raised their spears and started to charge right after.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

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The ground shook violently as more than 6,000 mounts charged forward.

"Reinforcement from Zenit?" that haughty head commander of Jax woke up from the shock.

Since the reinforcement from Zenit was able to get here this quietly, it meant that all of his scouts in the area were taken out. There was no time for him to figure out whose fault it was; it was more important to stop these cavaliers of Zenit first. As long as the reinforcement from Zenit didn't interrupt the siege, everything would be still under his control.

"Your Highness, let me kill that skilled archer for you," a short yet bulky commander of Jax walked out and said. His hair was curly, his beard was long, and his hands got a lot of calluses on them; he looked like a typical warrior of the desert.

"Ok, General Zack! I'm comfortable with your skill! Go and capture that archer for me," the haughty figure nodded in satisfaction.

This short and bulky commander was one of the few top-tier warriors under his command, and he was named [Bloody Zack].

"With his strength of peak Four-Star, he should be able to capture that archer. After all, he is brave, fearless, and has a ton of physical strength!" the haughty figure thought.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

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Chapter 381: I'm Comfortable with Your Skill (Part Two)

General Zack charged at the reinforcement of Zenit on his Sand Tiger with the few thousands of Sand Tiger Cavaliers under his command behind him. His men were well-trained; they moved in unison and created an impressive aura.

All other commanders on the side of Jax were angry with themselves for not reacting fast though.

"This perfect opportunity got robbed by this tough man Zack!" they thought.

The haughty figure was delighted by the aura and presence the men under Zack showed.

"General Zack can kill those bastards of Zenit for sure!"

"Haha! This time, the reinforcement of Zenit is doomed as well! Two birds with one stone!..." a dark-skinned general praised Zack and tried to show-off his poor language skill.

As the cavaliers under the command of Zack and the reinforcement of Zenit got closer and closer, smiles on the faces of commanders of Jax got brighter and brighter; they were all waiting for the reinforcement of Zenit to be torn apart like a cloth in front of a knife.

At the moment, no one paid attention to Ribry who was too injured to even move.

However, the ones that got torn apart wasn't the reinforcement of Zenit but the pride of Jax.

The expression on the face of everyone on the side of Jax got gloomy, including that haughty figure.

Although [Bloody Zack] shouted loudly like a tiger and his Warrior Energy was bright and flashy, he was as weak as a piece of dry breadcrumb in front of the enemy's arrow. Before he could get close to that archer, he was destroyed.

He exploded after the arrow touched him.

A peak Four-Star Warrior who was very close to the level Five-Star got destroyed by his opponent like a toy; it felt like he was no different to the ordinary soldier of Jax who got killed by the arrow earlier.

This was a huge departure from the expectations of the commanders of Jax!

What happened next was more shocking!

The thousands of vicious Sand Tiger Cavaliers who were under the command of Zack got destroyed as well. After the first round of charge, they all quickly "melted" as if they were snowflakes in a hot summer day; it felt like they couldn't even put up a fight.


All the commanders of Jax gasped on the hill that was their command center. "Too ferocious!" they thought.

Ribry, on the other hand, tried his best to stand up even though he was feeling an insane amount of pain.

At the moment, he clearly saw what happened through the eyes that were covered with blood.

"That commander of Jax got destroyed like a watermelon! Red and white matters flew everywhere! Like a god, that archer on the black beast shot out arrows one after another, and these arrows completely destroyed everything in front of them! This archery skill couldn't be possessed by a human! Everything in the paths of these arrows was destroyed! They left multiple bloody trails! Unstoppable!" Ribry thought to himself.

"Sh*t! I will go kill him!" a thin commander beside the haughty figure got very angry; he was silent before, but now he jumped out and asked for the permission. Being attacked by a single archer this close to the command center was a huge shame in this commander's eyes, and he couldn't hold back his anger anymore.

"Great! General Duke! I'm comfortable with your skill!"

Joy appeared on the face of the haughty figure. He felt like this archer was at the level of peak Five-Star at best, and he knew that this subordinate of his could easily defeat anyone on that level.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

Another team of Sand Tiger Cavaliers rushed at the reinforcement of Zenit with General Duke leading the charge.

"No issue this time! The reinforcement of Zenit is done for!"

"Capture that archer alive and skin him!"

The commanders of Jax in the command center got excited again. This General Duke was much more powerful than Zack, and they were very confident that Duke was able to capture this archer this time.

Just like what they thought, Duke led the charge fearlessly and already chopped away three arrows that archer shot at him. The distance between Duke and that archer was getting closer and closer.

"Haha! As long as Duke gets to close-range, that archer is doomed! Huh? What? What is going on? General Duke... died?"

The excited commanders of Jax were stunned.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

What happened crushed their pride again.

They thought that archer would be in a disadvantage in close-range combat, but two huge axes appeared in the hands of that archer after a light flashed by. With a simple horizontal strike, Duke who was known as the best fighter among all the battalion commanders in the herald legion of Jax got killed; his head flew into the air before he could defend.

After seeing this, the lips of that haughty figure twitched violently.

The phrase "I'm comfortable with your skill" was full of irony at this moment.

However, there was no time for him to be angry.

Right after the two generals who were under his command got killed, the reinforcement of Zenit already charged into the troops of Jax from the behind; everything got chaotic.

Chapter 382: Save (Part One)

The man who was leading the charge on the black beast was unstoppable. With two axes in his hands, nothing could slow him down. The soldiers of Jax were all killed under his axes, and no one was able to get within four meters from him.

It was impossible for the soldiers of Jax to stop the charge.

As chaos arrived, a shout resonated on the battlefield.

"The herald brigade of [Wolf Teeth Legion] is here under the command of Emperor Yassin His Majesty! Soldiers of Dual-Flags City, prepare to open the gate and let the reinforcement into the city.

"Your Highness, we should give up on the siege and concentrate the forces to surround these 6000 cavaliers of Zenit," a strategist beside the haughty figure suggested after he saw the cavaliers of Zenit crushing the soldiers of Jax who weren't mentally prepared for this.

Ribry who was barely standing up wasn't too far away from the hill, and he panicked after he heard that!

"Even though the reinforcement is far stronger than I thought, there are only about 6,000 of them. If the enemies are really going to surround them with the 60,000 soldiers and slowly tire them out, they would be in danger! Even that magnificent archer would die as well!" he thought.


After a moment of silence, that haughty figure shook his head and said, "No need. Call the treat and stop the siege; let the reinforcement of Zenit get into the city. The soldiers of Zenit are highly motivated at this moment, and we shouldn't waste the lives of our Jax warriors. Haha! This city is dead! It is not safer in there. Although these cavaliers are good, they would lose their mobility and speed; they would never be able to get out of this city ever again!"

Soon, bugle noises sounded.

The soldiers of Jax quickly retreated in an orderly fashion.

The soldiers of Jax who already got onto the defense walls of Dual-Flags City used siege ladders and ropes to get down, and more than 100 mages of Jax who already levitated off of the ground in the command center came back down as well; they all stopped casting powerful and destructive spells.

In just a few moments, more than 40,000 soldiers of Jax who were sieging the city all backed away 1,000 meters from the defense walls.

Dual-Flags City that was about to fall was temporarily safe again.

Since the soldiers of Jax tried to avoid the reinforcement of Zenit, the 6,000 cavaliers of Zenit quickly broke through the 60,000 soldiers of Jax as they were led by that super powerful archer. They easily penetrated through layers of formations of Jax that stretched over 3,000 meters and got to the gate of Dual-Flags City with a trail of blood behind them.

It took less than 10 minutes for the cavaliers of Zenit to get through the enemies, and they killed more than 1,000 enemies along the way with only a dozen casualties.

"Wolf Teeth! Defend!"

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As a series of loud bugles sounded, the cavaliers turned around in unison and placed down a defensive formation. As they looked at the soldiers of Jax that were retreating, the gate behind them slowly opened.

After seeing this, the haughty figure on the hill sighed and said, "That archer of Zenit sure is powerful. It would be great if I can recruit him and make him one of my generals!"

All the commanders of Jax beside him didn't say anything; they knew that their prince who loved talented and geniuses was at it again.

"Hahaha! You are dreaming!"

Frank Ribry finally let go of the breath he was holding in after he saw the cavaliers of Zenit getting through the formations of Jax easily. When he heard the head commander of Jax say that, he laughed loudly; it was filled with mockery. Just being able to see this haughty figure getting owned made Ribry's day; he felt like he could die happy now.

That haughty figure turned his head and stared at Ribry coldly.

If he wanted to, he could turn Ribry into blood mists with a single finger.

However, he ended up laughing calmly.

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"What is so funny? You are only a loser, and your life is in my hand. I have many ways to make you regret being born... Hahaha, look! Your comrades even gave up on you. They entered the city and can live for a few more days; you, on the other hand, will die if I want you to!"

"Dying on the battlefield is the honor of a soldier! Why would I be afraid?" Ribry said fearlessly.

"Haha! Great! You are truly a warrior. But if I hang you on a cross in front of the city under the brutal sun, would your comrades come to save you?" a terrifying light flashed in this haughty figure's eyes as he said that.

Ribry's face changed color.

He knew that his enemies were going to use him as a bait to bait out his brother-like comrades.

"Your Highness, look!" at this moment, a commander of Jax suddenly shouted as he pointed at the direction of Dual-Flags City.

Ribry looked that way subconsciously, and he was shocked to see a man charging at this hill on his mount; this man was that invincible archer.

As if it was an answer to the question that the haughty figure asked, this man charged at the 60,000 soldiers of Jax on his own.

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Chapter 382: Save (Part Two)

Everyone knew why that archer was coming this way.

He was here to save this commander of Zenit named Frank Ribry.

But saving someone from 60,000 enemies on his own?

"Is this guy crazy?"

Ribry got anxious; he wanted to shout and tell this mighty archer to not come here and save him by risking his own life.

Ribry knew how powerful this haughty commander of Jax was; he was defeated by this man who simply punched at him once, so this man was at least a Six-Star or Seven-Star Warrior! On top of that, there were hundreds of powerful commanders and tens of thousands of elite soldiers beside him.

It was suicide!

There was no chance of success.

Ribry felt extremely guilty; he knew he would feel even worse if such a powerful warrior of Zenit was killed because of him.

However, he couldn't shout due to his severe injuries. When he opened his mouth, he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. He got even more anxious because of that, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.




Arrows were being shot out by this archer, and everything in their ways were destroyed completely.


The commanders in the herald legion of Jax shouted, and more than a dozen huge tower-shields were placed in front of the archer.

As long as the speed of this archer was slowed, the soldiers of Jax could eventually kill him using the numbers advantage.


The answer to the tower-shields was the same – terrifying arrows!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As loud noises sounded, the huge iron tower-shield in the middle that was more than three meters tall exploded.

It was a terrifying scene. The shield broke, and numerous iron chips flew back with speed. The soldiers of Jax who were behind the shield were instantly damaged; the iron chips pierced through their bodies and organs. As they fell to the ground and whined in pain, that archer already jumped over them with his black mount like lightning.

"Humph! Let me see how long he can last!" the haughty figure said coldly. "Send my order to the herald legion! Surround and kill this archer of Zenit!"

Bugle noises sounded again.

The formations on the side of Jax slowly changed as all the soldiers moved.

The soldiers of Jax who were at the two ends of the formation moved forward and made a U-shape, and a lot more soldiers stood in front of the hill that was the command center of Jax. Some mages cast levitation spells on themselves, and they started to summon magic elements in mid-air.


After a commander shouted, bowstring vibration noises sounded. A ton of arrows appeared in the air like locusts, and they were all aiming at that one man and his mount.

All of these arrows were expensive Penetration Arrows, and they were shot out by strong bows. They were powerful; they could easily penetrate through iron plates that were half a centimeter thick and the Warrior Energy Flames of Two-Star Warriors 100 meters away. They were used to kill the elite forces what were fully armored in battle, and they were also used to kill some mighty Star-level Warriors.

This arrow shower was genuinely terrifying.

Many commanders on the side of Jax believe that this mighty archer of Zenit was going to be severely injured at least if not killed.

However –

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

It seemed like this archer didn't mind these arrows at all! For some reason, he put away his bow, and his aura changed a little as well. This little change had enormous consequences.

The terrifying Penetration Arrows that were shot out by strong bows all stopped in mid-air when they were one meter away from him.

This archer's speed didn't slow down at all.

He was so fast that he left a dusty trail behind him, and the wind created by him blew all the arrows that were frozen in the air into the sky like straws. After that, they all fell to the ground weakly.

That man and his mount charged into the herald legion of Jax.

Too fast!

Before the soldiers of Jax could change their formations and deal with him, he already passed them.

The soldiers of Jax all rushed at him like flood and wanted to stop him, but the huge power difference couldn't be equalized by numbers and fearless spirits. All the soldiers that charged at him were knocked back even faster, and that archer on the back of the black beast punched out and turned many soldiers of Jax into blood mists.

As the archer attacked, the black beast didn't slow down at all. It sprinted by the soldiers of Jax, and the wind created by it even blew some soldiers into the sky.

The man and his mount easily penetrated through the herald legion in less than five seconds.

Chapter 383: Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! (Part One)

The face of that haughty figure dropped.

He wanted to let the 6,000 cavaliers of Zenit enter the city; his men won't need to fight with these cavaliers who had high morale at the moment, and these cavaliers would lose their mobility which was their advantage. Once these cavaliers lost their mobility, they would be like tigers who had fallen into a swamp; this haughty figure was confident that he could slowly kill these cavaliers with time while suffering minimal casualties.

But if he couldn't stop this archer of Zenit right now, the morale of the troops of Jax would drop drastically.

"Let the mages do their work," after a moment of silence, that haughty figure made a decision and commanded.

A dozen powerful mages started to chant spells under the protection of their guards, and they began to prepare one powerful magic attack. These mages in the military were very different from the mages in academies; they had more discipline, and they coordinated with each other better. With lots of experience, they were good at capturing opportunities and dealing the maximum amount of damage to their enemies.

"[Anger of the Goddess of Earth]!!"

Just as that man and his mount got through the herald legion, these mages found the opportunity and cast the spell without hesitation before he entered the second layer of defense legion. There weren't any soldiers of Jax there, so these mages didn't need to worry about injuring soldiers on their side.

Magic elements started to surge.

In the next moment, the ground that was really solid started to move. Some places moved up and down like waves, and some areas turned into swamps. At the same time, several huge spikes dashed out of the ground like drill heads and targeted the belly of the black beast.

"Bark! Bark! Bark!"

The angry roars of the black beast surprised everyone.

"It sounds like a dog! But how can a dog be this big?"

What happened next made these people rub their eyes to make sure that they weren't hallucinating.

This huge beast had the superior agility that didn't match its huge size. Like a dash of black smoke, it was able to jump away from the spikes, swamps, and waves. It even jumped over a few walls that the soldiers of Jax constructed for defense; these walls were all more than 10 meters tall.

[Anger of the Goddess of Earth] was a famous Ultimate Magic Spell that was used in battle. It required multiple mages, and it was able to create more than 20 kinds of disasters such quicksand, swamp, spikes, and traps in an area of one square kilometer; this spell was the nightmare to all cavaliers.

Of course, this spell had top-tier requirements. Other than the powerful mages, it needed magic devices to be pre-setup in the area, and the spell could only affect the area within the range of these devices.

This was why these mages of Jax didn't use this spell when the 6,000 cavaliers of Zenit charged through the defense of Jax; the path of those cavaliers wasn't within this area.

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However, stopping this archer and his mount was a critical mission, so that haughty figure had to resort to this magic spell.

To everyone's surprise, this magic spell was easily defeated by that archer... no, it was his mount that easily defeated this spell using its agility and speed; it felt like this beast had a pair of wings on its back.

The dozen mages who were exhausted from casting this spell almost fainted after seeing this; this was a huge shocker to them.

This was beyond their imagination.

"A mid-size Ultimate Magic Spell couldn't kill a dog?" they thought.

"Tell the herald legion to surround him from the behind, and tell the second defense legion to use the spear formation to kill him!" the haughty figure was getting gloomier and gloomier.

Bugle noises sounded again.

That archer and his mount faced the elite spearmen of Jax.

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Each of the enormous iron spears that were more than three meters long was lifted by four soldiers each, and their sharp tips were all pointed at a 45-degree angle. Looking from afar, they looked like a forest of metal that represented death.

Spear Formation was one of the best tools against cavaliers.

Even a cavalier who had the strength of Five-Star could be potentially killed inside of it.

However, it didn't seem like this archer and his mount would be killed by it. When he was 20 meters away, this archer started to punch out repeatedly, and transparent fist marks that were one cubic meter in size flew into the Spear Formation like meteors.

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Chapter 383: Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! (Part Two)

Blood instantly spilled in all directions.

Still, nothing could stop this man on the massive beast.

His punches created a path for him.

In front of these fist marks, the soldiers of Jax were too fragile. Blood created rivers and bones created hills. The black beast stepped over the blood and bones of the enemies, and this archer and his mount continued forward.

All of the commanders of Jax on the hill were mesmerized and stunned.

"What kind of strength does he have? How can he dominate over tens of thousands of people? Is he a Moon-Class Elite?"

That haughty head commander of Jax clearly sensed the drop in the morale of his men.

This was what he was afraid of.

In the mind of this haughty figure, this archer and his beast won't do much damage to the troops of Zenit even if they killed some soldiers. After all, a war couldn't be won with individual strength; there was an extent to how much damage one person can do. However, the damage to the morale of the troops was huge. To ordinary soldiers, this man was a huge deterrent.

"Give me my bow!" the haughty figure ordered.

A guard beside him quickly moved and got him a bow that had a special design; it looked like an eagle that opened its wings.

The body of the bow was grey, and both of its sides were white. There was the sculptured head of an eagle on top of the bow, and its bowstring looked like a beam of dark red light; it was hard to tell what material it was, but it emitted a fire-elemental energy.

As soon as he held onto the bow, the presence and the aura of this haughty figure changed.

If he was like a sword in a scabbard before, he was now a sword that was fully-drawn,

When he placed his finger on the bowstring and lightly pulled on it, a red arrow appeared on it.

Ribry who wasn't too far away from him saw clearly that this arrow was made from Warrior Energy. Even if this bow was special and could empower this haughty figure, this man was very close to an Eight-Star Warrior.

"He is going to sneak attack with this strength?" Ribry thought to himself.

"Be careful..." Ribry got anxious immediately, and he shouted as he empowered his voice using the last bit of his Warrior Energy. However, since his body moved violently because of it, the wounds on his body got torn again.


The arrow was already shot out before Ribry could finish shouting.

The speed of the arrow was extremely fast; it looked like it teleported itself. It got to the archer on the beast before the trail of red fire could be formed in the air.

That archer could only tilt his body and try to dodge this strike.

Blood spilled.

That red fire arrow pierced through this archer's left shoulder and disappeared into the sky.

After all of this was done, the air-piercing noise created by the arrow finally sounded. This noise was so loud that it sounded like the eruption of a volcano. The soldiers who were close to the trail of the arrow bleed for their ears.

A series of loud cheers sounded on the side of Jax.

"That unstoppable devil is finally injured?"

"He is someone who would get injured as well?"

Blood leaked out of the wound on that archer's left shoulder, and a cloud of smoke could be seen around it. The wound was so deep that white bones could be seen from it.

"He is injured! Charge and kill him!"

"Ahahaha! Cut off his head! It is a great merit!"

"He is about to die! Kill him!"

The soldiers around the archer were frenzied; they all charged at this archer as if the bravery was restored inside of them. "A dragon even could be killed if there are enough ants!" this phrase appeared in the heads of these soldiers. In their minds, if they could kill this man, the merits they could get from it would be enough to last the rest of their lives.

Even some commanders couldn't hold in the urge and unleashed their Warrior Power.

Ribry was angry and anxious, and he couldn't help but sigh as well. He felt guilty as he was captured because he underestimated his enemies and a master warrior of Zenit was in danger because of his actions.

However, what happened next restored hope in his mind.

"Hahaha! I'm disappointed! So the honor of the soldiers of Jax is gained from shameless sneak attacks and the numbers advantage?"

As a burst of laughter sounded, a visible aura exploded on this archer of Zenit. All of the enemies within 20 meters from him couldn't dodge in time and were all turned into blood mists. All the Star-level commanders of Jax who were protected by their Warrior Energy were all killed by the punches of this man as well.

Chapter 384: Can You Still Battle? (Part One)

After the laughter, that archer jumped up into the air from his black beast, and he instantly dashed over thousands of soldiers of Jax and moved forward for 400 meters.

In just a few seconds, he already appeared at the foot of the hill. He started laughing again as he began to walk up the hill. All of his enemies in front of him got exploded by him.

"Protect His Highness!"

"Stop him!"

"Quick! Don't let him come up here!"

As soon as this archer of Zenit got close to the command center, the soldiers and a lot of commanders got nervous. Even though they knew that their prince was famous in Jax for his strength, this enemy in front of them seemed too powerful and scared them; they were afraid that the head commander would be in real danger.

However, this reaction was a massive shame in the eyes of that haughty figure.

"What are you guys getting nervous for? Move! I will kill him myself!" he pushed the guards in front of him away and unleashed his fire-elemental Warrior Energy Flames. Standing on the high ground, he looked down at his enemy and shouted dominantly, "The warrior of Zenit, tell me your name! I, the prince, will kill you on my own!"

"Hahaha! You must be joking! If you can take one punch from me, I will let you know my name."

Every time that archer took a step forward, this hill would shake a little. This combined with the fact that he would kill at least ten soldiers of Jax every time he stepped forward really added to his dominating aura.

"Arrogant bastard!"

The head commander of Jax instantly got angry. As the prince of the empire, no one had ever acted this recklessly in front of him before. He stomped on the ground and jumped into the air. By using the height of the hill, he punched down at this archer with power.

This punch was much more powerful than the blow that took out Ribry.

This was a punch that pulled in the beliefs and spirits of the 60,000 soldiers.

It felt like the weather even changed because of this punch.

Ribry's heart stopped pumping for a second due to the insane anxiousness. Only the people who had experienced this punch first hand would know how powerful it was. That dominating power in this punch was stronger than a tsunami. Even though he was the No.1 Warrior in Dual-Flags City, he had no chance against this man.

For a moment, it seemed like there was only this punch in the world.

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The entire battlefield turned silent. It didn't matter if they were the soldiers of Zenit who were on the defense wall or the soldiers of Jax who were close by, they all held their breath and waited for the outcome of this battle.

That archer of Zenit rooted himself on the ground.

He pulled his right hand back to his waist as he clenched his fist, and he lightly raised his left arm; it was a simple position that anyone would take before punching out.


He punched out, and the two fists met in the air.

A series of red and transparent energy waves expanded outward from the center of the collision.

After a short moment of silence, loud booming noises almost broke the sky. The hill started to shake violently as if it was doomsday, and a huge crack appeared on the ground between the head commander of Jax and this archer of Zenit.

This only took one second.

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The outcome was determined after that.


The head commander of Jax spat out a mouthful of blood as his body flew backward.

His tall and muscular body was knocked back faster than the speed he came. He fell back to a bunch of his guards who were all shocked, and all the commanders and soldiers immediately protected him.

On the other hand, the body of that archer only shook a little; he wasn't injured at all.

He stood beside Ribry, and there were tens of thousands of fully-armored enemies beside him. Looking from afar, it looked like he was a small boat in a large vicious ocean. But when he glanced around, all those soldiers and commanders close to him backed off a little in a hurry as if this man was a deadly beast.

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Chapter 384: Can You Still Battle? (Part Two)

At the moment, no one dared to look at that man in the eyes.

It was dominating.

He was invincible.

A smile appeared on the archer's face, and the aura around him suddenly changed; it turned from ferociousness and violence to holiness and calmness. A golden battle ring appeared under his feet, and he pressed his palm against Ribry as a golden light appeared.

Ribry instantly felt like a stream of warm energy flowed into his body, and all the injuries he had were being healed at a fast speed.

No one dared to interrupt this man from healing Ribry, and no one dared to make a sound.

Ribry felt like his blood was boiling at this moment as if something exploded inside of him.

He was so excited that tear filled his eyes, but he didn't want to cry in front of the enemies of Jax. He wanted to shout, "This is the warrior of our Zenit! He is able to fight against tens of thousands of soldiers and be absolutely invincible."

As Ribry was thinking about that, his shoulder was patted as someone said to him, "Warrior, how are you feeling? Can you still fight?"

Ribry turned around and finally saw the face of the man who dominated over 60,000 soldiers of Jax and their head commander who was an Eight-Star Warrior. He was shocked to find that this man was extremely young; it looked like this man was only 20 years old. Also, this man looked quite handsome and friendly; he looked like the boy from next door. No one could tell that this man had that domination in him.

After quite a while, Ribry realized what was going on. The head commander of the forces in Dual-Flags City acted like a soldier who just joined the military; he straightened his back subconsciously and saluted as he answered loudly, "Yes, sir! I can still fight!"

"Hahaha! Great! You are the role model for all soldiers of Zenit! The empire will be proud of you!"

The archer of Zenit laughed heroically. Like a God of Battle, no enemy dared to attack him. After he finished laughing, he suddenly turned his head around and looked at the prince of Jax who was knocked away by him; he glanced around using his sharp eyes, and he suddenly saw something. He grabbed in the air, and he was able to seize the eagle-shaped bow that the prince of Jax used to sneak-attack him from one of the prince's guards.

"Nice bow! Haha! Not bad!"

After the archer somehow pulled that bow into his hand from afar, he observed it for a while and praised it repeatedly. Suddenly, a light flashed by, and that bow disappeared; it was apparent that it was placed in the storage space of this archer. Then, this archer shouted, "Hey, this bow is not bad! It barely fits my standards, but I will take it! If you get stronger later on, you can come and take it back! Haha!"

After he said that, he grabbed onto Ribry's shoulder and laughed, "Hahaha! Since you can still battle, then let's create a path out with me!" he completely ignored that prince of Jax who was looking at him with hate and resentment.

Before Ribry could react in time, he felt getting pulled. Everything in his sight changed fast as he felt like he was flying. He already got away from the hill in a few seconds, and that black beast knocked over a few more soldiers of Jax and roared as it jumped in front of the archer and him.

"Fu*k off!" more than 40 soldiers of Jax around them felt dizzy after hearing that loud shout; blood even flowed out of their ears and noses.

That archer grabbed Ribry and jumped onto the black beast together, and no one around them dared to stop them. Before they took off, that archer looked back at the command center of Jax that was in chaos and laughed even more.

On the way back, all of the soldiers of Jax quickly moved away and created a path for them; it was strange because it felt like the 60,000 soldiers were cheering on their warriors.

"Ahahaha! Leave the bow [Eagle of the Desert] here! That is the treasure of the Royal Family!... Sh*t! Who are you?... Who the fu*k are you?"

The prince of Jax finally got rid of that powerful energy this archer injected into his body, and he started shouting after he pushed away the guards in front of him; it felt like he had lost his mind.

What happened brought too much shame to him. As the super genius of the Jax Empire, he almost couldn't find a suitable opponent in his age range. He was the pride of the people of Jax, and he was one of the most talented princes. But here today, he was defeated by a nameless commander of Zenit; he couldn't bear this shame.

In reality, this was a rare opportunity for him to be able to lead the herald legions of Jax and siege Dual-Flags City. Everyone in Jax knew that being able to bring back the royal flag that Emperor Yassin of Zenit took from Amsterdam 26 years ago was a key achievement, and it would be a significant amount of military merit as well; the head commander would be the hero of the people.

A lot of princes were looking to seize this opportunity in Jax.

This Prince Fairenton was able to get the help from his master, and he was able to win over Emperor Fuji and get this opportunity.

Before he arrived here with his troops, he had done his homework and knew that there weren't many soldiers and top-tier warriors in Dual-Flags City.

He thought that he would be able to easily conquer the city with the 60,000 soldiers under his command. He was very close to achieving that, but he encountered an even more arrogant opponent who led the reinforcement of Zenit, and he wasn't even able to take one strike from him.