385 - 394

Chapter 385: King of Chambord (Part One) Insurance

How can he accept that? Insurance

He had to know the name of his opponent! He had to remember this name and defeat this man in the future in order to redeem himself!

"Tell me, you have to tell me your name!" Insurance

The young head commander of Jax dropped his pride and ego and shouted angrily; his loud voice resonated on the battlefield, and the soundwave even hit the defense wall of Dual-Flags City and created a series of loud echoes.

That archer on the black beast finally stopped.

He slowly turned around and looked at that head commander on the hill. With a teasing expression on his face, he cleared his throat and said slowly, "Ok, since you asked me this sincerely, I will be kind and tell you. Listen..."

Although this man's voice wasn't loud, everyone on the battlefield was able to hear him clearly. Insurance

Everyone was curious to know; they all wanted to know who this powerful and invincible young archer of Zenit was! Insurance

"I am a level 2 noble of Zenit, the king of Chambord, King Alexander!"

Fei was delighted with this scene. All that he did before was to build up this moment; there was no doubt in the king's mind that the name of Alexander was going to be remembered by everyone here. Insurance

Such a showy moment! Insurance

By stating his name in a moment like this, he was sure that his enemies could never forget about it ever again. Insurance

After Fei said his name, he carefully observed and enjoyed the expressions on his enemies' faces. After his vanity was a little fulfilled, he rode Blacky back to Dual-Flags City Insurance

No one dared to chase after him.


"King Alexander of Chambord?" Insurance

Prince Fairenton was initially confused, but that confusion soon turned into surprise Insurance

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


He recalled this named Insurance

"The king of a little affiliated kingdom?" he was sure that he saw this name before on a report that the intelligence agency of Jax gave him. On the report, it stated that this man was the No.1 Master Warrior among all affiliated kingdom of Zenit, but it also said that this man was only on the level of Six-Star but exhibited huge potential. Insurance

"How can a little king who is on the level of Six-Star defeat me, an Eight-Star Warrior?" Prince Fairenton was confused. Insurance

"Something is wrong.... At least the comments in the report are outdated... Also... Did I miss something?" Fairenton suddenly recalled that a bunch of defeated soldiers came back from the desert near dawn and said that they have urgent matters to report. He rejected their request as he felt like they lost their pride... "Was I wrong to reject them?" he thought.

"Bring those defeated soldiers who are being punished right now to me!" Prince Fairenton said to a guard beside him as he suppressed the injuries in his body.

"As you wish, Your Highness." Insurance

... Insurance

"Huh? What is going on?" Insurance

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Fei came back to the gate of Dual-Flags City with Ribry, and he found that the 6,000 cavaliers of Zenit that should have entered the city were still at the gate. Although he only took about 10 minutes to rescue Ribry, there should be enough time for the herald brigade to enter the city. Insurance

"The command in the military is paramount! Why aren't you entering the city? Huh? Why is the gate closed?" Fei got close to the gate and asked angrily.

The opportunities during battles and wars would only show themselves for a few seconds, and any delay would lead to catastrophic consequences. Since the cavaliers were already at the gate and lost their momentum mobility, they would be wiped out if the enemies attacked them at this period. If the enemies weren't shocked and distracted by Fei and their head commander wasn't injured by Fei, the soldiers of Jax would have already charged at the herald brigade of [Wolf Teeth Legion]!

"Sir! The gate was being opened, but someone who is the messenger of the mayor Soroyov came and ordered the soldiers on the defense wall to close it! He refused to open the gate doesn't matter what I say." Insurance

Shevchenko was relieved when he saw Fei coming back. Insurance

"Closed the gate?" Fei was extremely angry, "Why? Insurance

"He said that it was necessary to keep the invaders of Jax out... he said that soldiers of Jax would charge into the city with the reinforcement..." Shevchenko explained with a helpless expression on his face.

(* Support the translators and read on Noodletown Translations for free as soon as the chapters come out!) Insurance

Chapter 385: King of Chambord (Part Two) Insurance

"Bullsh*t!" Fei was raging, "They are more than 1,000 meters away, and I was in their formations distracting them. How can they charge in? How can you guys let him continue with this BS?" Fei scolded.

The king was very unpleased with Shevchenko's hesitation, but he understood the situation after he saw the troubled expression on Shevchenko's face.

Shevchenko and the commanders were only low-level nobles, but the mayor Soroyov of Dual-Flags City is a hereditary noble of the empire; his status was much higher than everyone in the brigade. As a result, the commanders couldn't really force the messenger of the mayor to do anything.

"It is ok; it is not your fault." Fei calmed down a little.

He handed over Ribry who had fainted due to the severe injuries to a few Saint Seiyas and said to Shevchenko, "Come with me."

After he took a few steps forward, he turned around and said, "Remember, as long as you believe you are making the right decision, don't hesitate about it! Just do what you believe is right! If there are any issues, I got your back."

Shevchenko nodded firmly; he was touched.

They quickly arrived in front of the gate. Insurance

"How many times do I have to say it? Stop nagging! You guys can't come in! Just go somewhere close and camp there. What will happen if the enemies of Jax charge into the city when we open the gate? Go away! If not, I will order the soldiers to shoot at you..." a loud yet unpleasant voice sounded on the defense wall.

Fei looked up and saw a person who had a hunched back and a pale face. His eyes were small, but he was extremely arrogant. With guards around him, he pointed at Shevchenko and scolded. Insurance

"Sir..." everyone around Fei saluted at him after seeing his return.

Fei waves his hand, and he was already raged. He no longer wanted to explain anything, so he raised his head and shouted, "Open the gate in three seconds, or else."

Everyone clearly heard Fei's voice.

The messenger on the defense wall was obviously stunned by this rough reply. Like a dog that got its mating partner taken away, he started shouting in anger, "How dare you? What is your status? You are only the king of a little affiliated kingdom! Fu*k off! If it wasn't for your bravery earlier, I would have sent you to the Black Jail in Imperial Knight Palace! I'm not opening the gate for anyone! What can you do?"

The commanders in the herald brigade such as Cech, Pierce, and Drogba were all anger. As they were about to reply to the insult, Fei stopped them and said calmly, "Prepare to enter the city!" Insurance

Three seconds passed quickly, and that messenger was still scolding Fei along with the guards beside him who were in fancy armors.

Fei used [Leap] of the level 86 Barbarian, and the king was already on the defense wall like a big bird.

Tap! Insurance

Fei landed on the defense wall with intense murderous spirits.

Those people who were scolding and swearing were surprised to find a warrior in blood in front of them, and they were no longer able to say anything like a hen that got its neck pinched. Insurance

These people took a few steps back subconsciously, and that pale messenger's face whitened even more. Looking at him closely, Fei realized that this person had loose black hair and yellow eyes, and he looked extremely viciously and arrogant.

After seeing the guards around him, this messenger got some courage back and took a step forward as he pointed at Fei and shouted, "Soldier, who allowed you to get on here without permission?"

Fei ignored these few people. Insurance

From their clean armors and smooth hairs, Fei could tell that they didn't participate in the battle; no dust could even be seen on their white capes.

"Open the gate." Fei looked at the few soldiers nearby who had a ton of blood on them; these were the warriors who fought the enemies, and they were the ones who deserved the respect. Insurance

These soldiers looked at each other. After some hesitation, one taller soldier stepped out and shouted, "Open the gate! Let our comrades enter the city!"

After seeing how the 6,000 cavaliers went through the enemies and how Fei dominated over the enemies on his own, the soldiers in Dual-Flags City already admired Fei and the herald brigade greatly. These soldiers on the frontline disliked the mayor and his messengers for a long time, and even an ordinary soldier knew what to do at this moment. Insurance

Crank! Crank! Crank! Crank!...Insurance

A few soldiers activated the mechanisms on the defense wall, and a few special magic arrays were triggered. As the cranking noises sounded, the gate started to open slowly.

After seeing this, that pale messenger of the mayor screamed like a mad dog, "How dare you? You nasty bug! Who allowed you to open the gate? Do you want to die? Disobeying the order of the mayor? Guards, go and kill him!"

Chapter 386: Murder (Part One)

As soon as this pale and thin messenger finished shouting, two of the mayor's guards sneered and drew their swords as they walked towards those soldiers. They didn't dare to attack Fei, but they could do anything they want to those low-level soldiers. When they walked pass Fei, one of them even smiled and squinted his eyes at Fei to provoke him.

Pia! Pia!

Fei who was standing there in silence suddenly slapped out.

The two guards who were sneering a second before didn't react in time, and they were knocked away like two punchbags.

Fei didn't hold back any of his strength; he was outraged. A few deep palm marks appeared on the silver helmets of the two guards, and the two helmets were completely deformed. The two heads inside the two deformed helmets were crushed, and blood and brain matters flowed out everywhere.

Bam! Bam! Their corpses smashed onto the battlement and were turned into meat paste.

This violent yet sudden scene shocked everyone on the defense wall.

For a moment, everyone was silent; there were only the sounds of people swallowing their drools.


The noises the gate made when it opened was very ear-piercing at this moment; as if their hearts were being hammered, everyone shivered subconsciously.

"No! You can't! You... damn it! Stop it!" that messenger was angry and scared. He finally realized what was going on and pointed at Fei as he shouted, "Who are you? You are only the king of a little affiliated kingdom! You..."


Before this messenger could realize what was going on and scream, his head exploded like a watermelon that got dropped, and his headless corpse staggered a little and fell to the ground; blood flowed out of his neck like a river.

"Aaaaaa! Murder! You killed the mayor's messenger! You..."

The guards of the mayor who weren't killed were terrified. They wanted to threaten Fei, but they decided to shut up and run after seeing the deformed corpses and the careless expression on Fei's face. As if they saw an Undead Creature, they didn't even dare to look back. Soon, they ran off the tall defense wall and disappeared.

Fei only sneered at them and didn't stop them. After they were gone, he looked at the direction they were running at and thought about something for a while.

The gate of the city was fully opened.

Trump's IQ is Finally Revealed - Try Not to Gasp!


The well-prepared 6,000 cavaliers entered the city in an orderly fashion. The cavaliers were able to control their horses well, and they entered the city in less than five minutes. After a series of cranking noises, the gate closed again,

As soon as the cavaliers entered the city, they were welcomed by the residents of Dual-Flags City on both sides of the street.

The residents didn't participate in the defense, so they didn't know how dangerous the situation was. But any kinds of reinforcement were good in their eyes. Although there weren't a lot of soldiers in this reinforcement, the residents heard that they did help the defending forces of Dual-Flags City to fend off the invaders for now; this alone was enough for the residents to cheer them on.

With the help of [Earth's Protection], not a lot of structures and buildings inside Dual-Flags City were damaged by the rocks, arrows, and magic spells of Jax. There were a lot of three-story stone buildings on the sides of the street; shy kids peeked out of the window to see who were the heroes that came to save them, and more courageous girls got to the side of the street and cheered for the cavaliers.

Red capes, black horses, sharp swords with the enemies' blood on them, and handsome faces under the beautiful helmets....

The appearance of the cavaliers attracted a lot of attention, and some mature girls couldn't wait to capture their Prince Charming.

The cavaliers in the herald brigade enjoyed this warm welcome.

The 6,000 cavaliers were led by the subordinate of Frank Ribry and got taken to the Military Camp Square that wasn't too far away from the gate. The warhorses got the chance to rest and get fed, and the cavaliers got the chance to set up tents and cook lunch; after the long-distance travel and the ferocious battle, the cavaliers and their horses were tired.

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


The commanders of the herald brigade of [Wolf Teeth Legion] met up with the commanders of military forces in Dual-Flags City for the first time.

The invaders didn't back away, and another siege could potentially happen at any time. The commanders of the two different groups had to have a meeting and get familiar with each other quick; that was the only way to make sure that they could coordinate well in battle and don't handle over any opportunities to the enemies.

(* Support the translators and read on Noodletown Translations for free as soon as the chapters come out!)

Chapter 386: Murder (Part Two)

Fei didn't participate in that meeting.

The first thing the king did was to use the [Horadric Cube] to transmute and create 20 Mid-tier Magic Gems. After he placed them inside the magic array [Earth's Protection], he used the knowledge he learned from Priestess Akara and fixed a few locations in the array that were damaged by the enemies; this magic array was crucial to the defense, and Fei had to fix it first.

After this was done, one hour had already passed.

"Eh, 20 High-Tier Magic Gems... they are the last bit of treasures the Royal Family of Chambord has. I used them all here to help with the defense of Dual-Flags City, and we need to make a note of it. We will send a message back to the Military Headquarter of Zenit and ask them to reimburse us. Oh, tell them that they could just send back gold coins of equivalent value. To show Chambord's loyalty to the empire, tell them that we can give them a 20% discount. Remember, ask our comrades at Dual-Flags City to notarize our claims, so the officials at the Military Headquarter won't think that we are scamming them."

Fei clapped his hands and reminded Peter Cech who was beside him with an earnest expression.

Peter Cech nodded and even took out a piece of paper and a pen to write it down; it looked like everything was within reason.

A tall commander of forces in Dual-Flags City was shocked to hear this conversation; he was acting as the guide for Fei, and it was his first time hearing that someone dared to ask the empire for a reimbursement. It was strange because everything felt normal as the Deputy Commander of the reinforcement acted calmly after hearing those words.

"Is he really only the king of a little affiliated kingdom? It feels like he doesn't even care about the opinions of the officials in the Military Headquarter..." that tall commander thought to himself and smiled.

Although he didn't know what role this king played in the reinforcement, he knew that this king wasn't an ordinary figure.

What Fei did next was normal; he chatted with this tall commander about all sorts of things. When the topic turned to the defensive battle today, that tall commander told them that Mayor Soroyov and the nobles in the city pulled back their personal soldiers and were planning to ditch the city.

Cech's expression immediately changed after hearing that.

After being with the king for a while, Cech knew about Fei's personality; he knew that the king was simple and hated nobles and officials who were corrupt and cowardly.

What surprised Cech was that the king didn't get triggered; Fei continued to chat with this commander with a bright smile.

After a while, Fei and Cech had a good idea about what was going on at Dual-Flags City.

According to the structure of Zenit, there were two branches of power. Using Dual-Flags City as an example, the mayor was in charge of internal affairs while the head commander of military forces was in charge of defense and patrolling the area. The mayor and the head commander of military forces didn't have the power to interfere with each other's work.

However, there was one law that messed with this structure – During wars, the control of the city and the military forces would be placed in the hands of the person who had the highest nobility; didn't matter if it was the mayor or the head commander of military forces, they both had to listen to this person; this would unite all powers in a city and make sure no chaos would occur.

This law had no issues; it gave flexibility and structure to a potentially chaotic situation.

However, it created a lot of issues for Dual-Flags City. The Mayor Soroyov was a level 2 hereditary noble and was the person who got that power. Soroyov was a useless yet timid man; he was just like other hereditary nobles who were corrupt to their souls.

At a time like this, the hereditary structure of Zenit showed its ugly face.

After Soroyov knew that the Jax Empire was going to attack his Dual-Flags City, he almost crapped his pants. He hid in his mansion every day and hoped that the invaders wouldn't come. Although he was scared, he wasn't willing to ditch the city and ditch the wealth and the status he accumulated over the years.

As soon as the first scout of Jax showed himself, the selfishness of this corrupted noble demonstrated itself.

Soroyov ordered the soldiers to close the gates; he didn't allow anyone to come in or leave the city.

This order caused the civilians of Zenit, who lived closed to Dual-Flags City and didn't have the time to escape, die under the blades of Jax, and this order caused the territory around Dual-Flags City to be controlled by the invaders of Jax entirely.

Chapter 387: Brother, You Could See the Truth (Part One)

If Fei and the reinforcement didn't arrive on time, Mayor Soroyov and the nobles in the city would have already ditched the city, the 30,000 soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Since the first siege attempt of the enemies was over, the city enjoyed some rare quietness.

According to this tall commander, all the people in the city belonged to the following categories; mayor and nobles and their henchmen, the defending military force, the reinforcement, the civilians, the Holy Church, the Merchant Groups, the Mercenary Groups, the Mage Union, etc. Among them, only the Holy Church was the force that was exempted from all of the chaos; they didn't need to worry about the invaders of Jax because no one dared to kill a member of the Holy Church in the last 50 years. As long as they kept their neutral stance during the war, they won't be affected by it. The Mage Union inside the city decided to stand with Zenit and supported the defending military force, and they were already one of the key targets of Jax.

The more Fei chatted with this commander, the more he liked this man. As they walked together and talked, Fei and this tall commander who had a simple mind were no longer reserved in front of each other; they patted each other's shoulders and laughed while talking.

"So this Soroyov should be hung and punished, right?" Fei laughed as he summarized the situation.

Cech who was following them frowned a little.

"Of course! He is a bug! A fatty with a head full of sh*t and semen!..." this tall commander said emotionally, "If we listened to Mr. Ribry's recommendations, the invaders of Jax wouldn't gain control of the territory, and those 2,000 civilians could still be alive now... If this war is going to kill a lot of people, I wish all of these fat and cowardly nobles die!" as he said that, he patted Fei's shoulder with force to express his anger.

Cech frowned, even more, when he saw this.

"You are right, but there are still some good nobles, right?" the smile on Fei's face froze for a second as he thought, "I'm technically a noble as well. If he believes in that, I would be included as well."

"You are right. At least the Royal Family of Zenit has always been nice to the civilians. Among all empires in the region, the civilians of Zenit got the best treatment. Since Emperor Yassin His Majesty established Zenit, a lot of the policies and laws favored the civilians; otherwise, Mr. Ribry who has no noble background won't be able to become the head commander of Dual-Flags City," this tall commander added, "I also heard that the new No.1 Commander of our Battle Zone, King Alexander, is also a noble who treats civilians with respect. Although my comrades and I weren't at that competition, a lot of mercenaries, traveling poets, and merchants praised him for his kindness and fairness. I hope what they said is true! If someone like that could control the forces in the area, there is still hope for Dual-Flags City!"

"Hahaha! You really think so?" the king ignored the first half of this commander's comment and questioned with excitement, "I don't think so. I heard that this king of Chambord is violent; he dared to fight against the Imperial Knight Palace."

Fei was excited as he didn't know that his fame was spread across the empire including this remote city, but he didn't reveal his identity and wanted to prank this commander.

After hearing what Fei said, this commander rolled his eyes and said, "You are wrong in this regard. All the officials at the Imperial Knight Palace aren't as fair and just like how they promote themselves. I heard that they are standing against the king of Chambord because the Tenth Execution Knight Sutton provoked King Alexander first, and they had the face to fight against him in a 1 V 4 battle..."

"Haha! Brother! I got nothing to say! I have to say that you are a critical thinker and could see the truth! I agree with you 100%," Fei laughed proudly.

The camp of the reinforcement was now close by, and he patted the shoulder of this tall commander and asked, "Oh, what is your name?"

"Emile... hehe, Emile Husky," the tall commander scratched his head and answered with a smile.

"Emile? Nice name. Brother, I can promise you that you will get fortunate one day," Fei replied and patted this commander's shoulder again; Fei's impression of this tall commander was pretty good.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


"Oh? Really?" the tall commander was a little surprised at the compliment, "Is it really? They all call me Idiot Husky."

He was only a low-level official; he had a lot of physical strength, but he wasn't too intelligent; he was usually in charge of feeding and washing warhorses, and other commanders like to ask him to do their tasks. He wasn't qualified enough to lead soldiers in a real battle, so he wasn't on the defense wall today and didn't see what happened. He didn't know who Fei was; he only felt like this young man in the military uniform was very nice and wasn't haughty like other nobles, and that was why he told Fei everything there was to know about Dual-Flags City. If any other commanders were here, they wouldn't say everything they know and their opinions to someone who was like a stranger to them.

Of course, he also didn't understand the deeper meaning behind Fei's words.

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Chapter 387: Brother, You Could See the Truth (Part Two)

However, Cech understood the king's intention.

"Although this tall commander is a little dumb, he is straightforward and honest; the king really likes this kind of people. Looks like he is getting promoted and getting a raise for sure! All of that could be done as long as the king says so! He is lucky for sure!" Cech thought to himself.

When they got to the gate of the camp that the herald brigade of [Wolf Teeth Legion] set up, the commanders in the brigade saw Fei and quickly walked over.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Fei smiled and patted Husky's shoulder as he said, "Emile, I have something to do now. I will see you later."

"Ok, I need to go and take care of the warhorses," that tall commander said and turned around. After he took a few steps forward, he turned back around and asked, "Bro, what is your name? I can come and find you after I'm done; we can chat more."

Fei found it funny as it was the first time that someone in this world called him that. He waved his hand and said, "You will know soon; we will meet again."


After communicating, the herald brigade established the camp on a square that was about one square kilometer in size. All kinds of brand-new tents and equipment were set up, and all those soldiers of Dual-Flags City could only stare in envy.

Although Dual-Flags City was known as the most important city in the northwest region of Zenit, it was pretty remote. The Royal Family paid a lot of attention to this city 20 years ago, but it was gradually forgotten as the high-level officials of Zenit got corrupt, and peace maintained itself between Zenit and Jax for the last 20 years.

As a result, the soldiers in the city were almost ignored.

It was common for their remuneration to be deducted and their new equipment to be delayed. A lot of their equipment was out-dated as some soldiers were using rusty swords. Therefore, the combat abilities of these soldiers couldn't be that good. Compared to the soldiers in [Wolf Teeth Legion], the soldiers of Dual-Flags City were like beggars on a street corner.

"How was the meeting?" Fei asked Shevchenko and others as he cleaned his face with warm water and a towel that one of his guards gave him.

"Better than expected," Shevchenko reported with a joyous expression, "After Your Majesty dominated over the invaders today alone, you have completely conquered the soldiers of Dual-Flags City. Also, since you have declared your identity during the siege, everyone knows that you are the new No.1 Commander of Jax Battle Zone. With the support of the head commander of Dual-Flags City Frank Ribry, all 30,000 soldiers of Dual-Flags City are willing to listen to your commands."

"Eh... humans are strange animals. When facing danger, it could be easy for us to unite together, but it could also throw us into chaos," after Fei cleaned his face, he stretched and added, "However, the soldiers of Dual-Flags City got some balls. At least their head commander Frank Ribry dares to try to assassinate the head commander of the enemies. Although he failed, he should be respected and studied by all soldiers."

Shevchenko nodded and agreed. Almost everyone saw what Ribry did today, and that moved a lot of people.

"Give half of our supplies to the soldiers of Dual-Flags City," Fei said after some thoughts, "The invaders might try sieging again, so we have to improve their strength."

Shevchenko nodded.

"Oh, is there any news from the mayor?"

Fei recalled what happened today, and a cold grin appeared on his face. He already got a bad impression of the mayor; if that mayor dared to mess with him, Fei was prepared to take out the mayor and the nobles around him once for all. Others might be afraid of the backgrounds and the connections these people have, but Fei didn't care; killing useless and harmful nobles was like killing rats for him.

"We hadn't got the time to communicate with the mayor yet. I heard that his personal soldiers are tightly guarding the area with a 1,000-meter radius around his mansion. Outsiders aren't allowed to enter... I wonder what Soroyov and the nobles are up to..." it sounded like Shevchenko was displeased with this mayor as well.

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P.S. You are also getting 16 month-end bonus releases starting this weekend.

Chapter 388: Don't Agree? Die then! (Part One)

"Send someone to the mayor's mansion. Order him to come and hand over the tokens that represent the control of the internal affairs and the military forces. Also, notify all the nobles and asked them to give me 500 of their private soldiers each; they need to come up with the funding and the weapons. These soldiers will be placed in a battalion and would help us in the defense." Fei felt like the city lacked soldiers and gave a few orders that old Aryang suggested beforehand.

"Huh... what if the nobles don't agree?" Shevchenko hesitated a little. After all, the private soldiers were the nobles' properties, and Fei's order would be equivalent of forced expropriation.

"If they don't agree, they can die!" Fei laughed.

Shevchenko smelled something terrifying in the atmosphere.

He felt like the king wanted to see the nobles rebel; he felt like that would give the Legion Commander a reason to kill these corrupt nobles. After thinking back to what happened to that messenger of the mayor, Shevchenko felt like he understood this Legion Commander a little better, and he felt sorry for those corrupt nobles for a second.

"Looks like their corruption and their lack of caring for the civilians have really made the Legion Commander mad," he thought.

"Also, we need to get the help from the civilians as well. Although we don't need them to participate in the battle yet, we need to select the civilians who are young and fit and train them. If the situation gets worse, even these civilians might have to get on the defense wall and fight against the invaders."

When Fei said that, he suddenly recalled an idiom on earth – "turn the entire nation into soldiers."

The Jax Empire was using a lot of its strength to attack Zenit! Just their herald troops had 60,000 soldiers, and the number would be unthinkable if the entire invading force of Jax arrives here.

Even though Zenit had the support of the St. Germain Empire, it didn't have enough soldiers to fight against Spartax, Eindhoven, and Jax. From the look of it, it seemed like the Military Headquarter of Zenit was only planning to send the newly formed [Wolf Teeth Legion] that had less than 50,000 soldiers to the Jax Battle Zone; it felt like there weren't more reinforcements. As a result, in order to defend against the invaders of Jax, all the civilians in the city had to help in the war.

After thinking, Fei decided to listen to his strategist old Aryang's recommendation. He knew that to stabilize the current situation, he had to borrow ideas from the "Great Party" in his previous life. There were way more civilians than nobles; to unite all civilians and motivate them, he had to break these nobles and distribute their wealth. In fact, breaking these nobles and giving power to the civilians who were mostly poor was the only way that potentially could provide hope to the grim situation.

Shevchenko listened to the order and instructed various subordinates on what to do.

"Eh? Andrew, do you have something to say?" Fei asked. After everything was done, Shevchenko still didn't leave; it looked like he was hesitating about something.

"Sir, your injury..."

Fei was a little surprised, but he soon realized what Shevchenko meant.

When he was inside the enemies' formations, he was sneak attacked by their head commander, and that arrow went through his left shoulder. He was the only person who could beat that arrogant prince; if he was severely injured, the strategy and planning around the defense might need to be changed.

"Haha, don't worry! I'm fully recovered!" Fei replied as he even moved his arms and stretched his shoulders.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


As he said that, he suddenly remembered that he robbed a nice-looking bow from the enemies; he recalled that the prince said it was a treasure of the Royal Family of Jax.

He took out that strong bow that looked like a flying eagle from his storage ring.

It was a great bow.

The bowstring itself had a glare to it; a magic energy surged on it. When Fei placed his finger on the bowstring, it felt tough; he was only able to pull and fully open the bow after using more than 50% of his physical strength. Then, a suction force appeared on the bowstring and pulled some energy from Fei's arm into it. Right after that happened, a transparent arrow gradually appeared on the bow.

(* Support the translators and read on Noodletown Translations for free as soon as the chapters come out!)

Chapter 388: Don't Agree? Die then! (Part Two)

Fei remembered that Prince Fairenton of Jax shot out a red arrow, but the color and the feel of the arrow was different now; it seemed like this bow would form different kinds of arrows based on the user's energy.


Trump's IQ is Finally Revealed - Try Not to Gasp!


Fei released the bowstring and shot the arrow. That arrow almost disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"Nice bow! The speed of the arrow is just too fast! It is great at sneak attacking! No wonder I didn't dodge that strike. Although the power of the arrow isn't that explosive, it could kill Moon-Class Elites if their vital spots got struck."

Fei was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that something he robbed from the enemies for fun was actually this good; this bow was better than all the magic bows he got in Diablo World.

Shevchenko was obviously shocked by the power of the bow as well; if two warriors were within 100 meters from each other and one warrior was two star-levels below the other warrior, the weaker warrior could still have a chance of winning if he or she had this bow. As a result, he took a few steps back subconsciously.

After some thinking, he asked, "Sir, there is a question I'm not sure if I should ask."

"What? Just ask."

"You could have killed the head commander of Jax today, why didn't you do it?"

Fei placed the bow back into his storage space and lightly shook his head, "That prince of Jax is an Eight-Star Warrior. Since he has this strength when he is this young, he must be a significant figure; he isn't like an ordinary prince. If I killed someone like this, the troops of Jax would siege the city frantically non-stop to avenge for him; Dual-Flags City would be in real danger if that happened."

After he said that, he walked out of the central tent. He looked at the soldiers who were busy in the camp as well as the sun in the sky and sighed, "What we need to do now is to drag this war on. We need to be like a nail that holds the forces of Jax in this desert; we need to buy time for the other two Battle Zones... therefore, we can't really trigger Jax too much. If that Emperor Fuji of Jax really gets mad and is going to attack us with the full strength of Jax, we can't defend against them even if we have 10 Dual-Flags Cities."

"I got it." Shevchenko's eyes lit up as he nodded, "Dual-Flags City and [Wolf Teeth Legion] are walking on a string above a cliff; we have to control the tempo and the balance. That way, we won't get wiped out, and we can buy more time."

Fei nodded and said, "That is right."

He suddenly changed his tone and added, "I can kill that prince easily if I want to. It doesn't matter if I kill him or not. From what happened today, I can tell that he is arrogant and conceited, and it seems like he is more interested in personal cultivation than commanding troops. It isn't a bad option leaving such an emotional and arrogant head commander to the soldiers of Jax."

"Such a great idea!" Shevchenko wasn't flattering Fei; he really felt that way.

Fei smiled and waved his hand; he told this brigade commander to get busy.

Currently, most of the issues were dealt by Shevchenko and Cech. Fei was used to being a hands-off leader, and the generals and strategists around him were much busier than him.

However, what Shevchenko said made Fei think.

"Yeah, how come I'm becoming more calculative after I came to Azeroth Continent? For some issues, I don't even need to think, and I will have an answer to most of the issues... Could it be that one of the three Miraculous Skills – [Learn] is changing me as a person slowly? Or could it be that I'm just growing faster after I experienced two worlds?"

As the king took a deep breath and wanted to think about these questions, a bunch of noises sounded.

"Fu*k off! Tell your commander to come out and see me!"

"Who am I? You nasty bug! You aren't qualified to know! Tell your idiotic commander to come out and see me if he still wants to live! I have the order from the No.1 commander of Dual-Flags City! If he is late, he will be executed!"

"Hahaha! A bunch of pigs! Tell you the truth, your idiotic commander dared to kill the mayor's messenger, and he has made the mayor mad! He will be killed eventually!"

Fei frowned as he walked to the gate of the camp.

"What is going on?" Fei asked.

There were a few young men in fancy and noble suits who were pointing fingers, and they were guarded by about 30 fully armored guards. In front of them, the soldiers of the herald brigade were angry but didn't dare to speak up. Fei already understood the situation by just looking at it.

"Sir, these people said that they are high-level nobles in the city, and they have the mayor's order and are here to see you..." the soldiers saw Fei and got excited. Although they only spent a little bit of time with this Legion Commander, they knew about his protective personality. They felt safe after seeing his presence, and they told him everything.

Fei nodded.

He knew what was going on, and he was pleased by the fact that his soldiers didn't exaggerate the situation because of their anger.

He took a good look at these young men.

These young men who were dressed nicely were in their 20s, and they were all pale and weak; it was obvious that the comfortable and obscene lifestyles had taken away a lot of their vitality. However, despite their weak appearances, the arrogance and the feeling of superiority could be sensed on them a mile away.

Chapter 389: Execution (Part One)

"Oh right! Hand over your horses... no... Roaring Flame Beasts," a young noble wanted to add something, but he suddenly saw the level 4 Roaring Flames Beasts that were chilling inside the camp and changed his mind

As if he discovered a gold mine, greed and viciousness appeared in his eyes as he shouted, "Quick! Hand over the Roaring Flame Beasts! We, huh, no, the mayor is going to confiscate them!"

"Ah! Are they really Roaring Flame Beats? Level 4 Demon Beasts? Haha! We will be getting richer!..."

"Yeah! These dirty soldiers don't deserve to ride on these fantastic mounts! Us, who have superior bloodlines, should enjoy them."

The young noblemen around the first nobleman who discovered the Roaring Flame Beasts acted in the same manner. None of the temperament and politeness of nobles could be seen on them, and this made the king feel very uncomfortable; he felt like he was facing the spoiled brats of wealthy families in his previous life.

Fei frowned immediately.

He was already very disappointed by the nobles in Dual-Flags City, and he was too lazy to talk and reason with these idiotic pigs. He looked at the soldiers and said, "Making such noise and mess at the military camp... According to the military law of Zenit, they should be executed on the spot," after he said that, he walked away.


The soldiers were shocked, and the young noblemen who were arrogant were stunned as well; they couldn't even close their mouths. They looked at each other and hoped that they were hallucinating and were hearing things.

"Is this little commander crazy? Execution?" they thought.

"What are you guys waiting for? Kill!" Fei turned around and ordered again.

Although these soldiers were still a little shocked, they jumped at these noblemen and arrested them after they knew that the Legion Commander wasn't joking; after all, the order of the Legion Commander should be obeyed all the time. Among these soldiers, some of them were Bylaw Enforcement Officers of Chambord, and they were already used to the king's dominating ways.

The guards of these noblemen wanted to put up a fight, but they were no match for these elite soldiers who had been to battle and had killed enemies; soon, most of them were killed. When Fei heard the screams and the begs of these noblemen, he frowned a little. He suddenly thought of something and turned around as he said, "Keep one of them alive and send him back."

After that, he walked straight into the central tent.

The loud screams, begs, and swears sounded again, and the chopping noises soon followed.

Everything turned quiet after that.

"These stupid noblemen are obviously tricked by someone and dared to make a fuss at the military camp with so few guards. Aren't they seeking their death? So the person behind all this is trying to test my limit? Hehe, I will let him see clearly! All these noblemen are corrupt and have a lot of dirty pasts. Doesn't matter how many of them come here, I will kill them all!"

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Fei sneered.

He was going to deal with these corrupt bugs-like noblemen sooner or later. He was able to wipe out all the corrupt and dirty noblemen in Chambord, and he had no issue doing it again here.

After this was done, Fei went back to thinking about that question from prior.

The king felt like he was becoming more calculative and crueler... however, it seemed like that was the right thing to do. There was no way that he could behave like a Social Justice Warrior on this continent that was ruled by the Law of the Jungle; it was more impossible than communism on Earth.

As Fei was thinking about this, loud bulge noises suddenly sounded from afar. Then, shouting sounded. The ground started to shake as if a lot of elephants were running loose.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The warning bells on the two gates of the city sounded, and the rapid and sharp warning noises resonated in the city.

"We are under siege! Shevchenko, Cech, Pierce, Drogba, Huerk! Kanort! You six go to the east gate! Saint Seiyas! Follow me to the west gate!"

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Chapter 389: Execution (Part Two)

Fei shouted as he dashed towards the west gate of the city; that gate was facing the most pressure.

The soldiers started to move. They all rushed towards the locations that they were assigned to, and the military machine began to react in an organized fashion. The civilians all looked up at that dashing figure in the sky with admiration. That warrior was where their hopes lied! He was like the pillar; as long as he was around, it seemed like Dual-Flags City would survive this siege!

"The mayor and the nobles listen up! As the No.1 Commander of the Battle Zone and the Legion Commander of [Wolf Teeth Legion], I order you all being your private soldiers to the defense walls and help with the defense in 10 minutes! Anyone who disobey my order will be executed including their entire families!"

Fei's loud voice sounded like a rumble of thunder.

Everyone in the city heard him, and they all looked at his direction in shock.

Fei got to the west gate in a few seconds.

After he took a good look at the enemies, he was quite shocked. Since the herald brigade of [Wolf Teeth Legion] got here, only about two hours passed by. However, it seemed like the reinforcement of Jax also got here; there were about 70,000 to 80,000 enemies.

The west gate of Dual-Flags City was facing the territory of Jax, and it was facing the most pressure.

Currently, a Sword and Shield Formation that had about 7,000 soldiers moved towards the west gate of Dual-Flags City. All these soldiers of Jax moved in unison as they marched forward slowly and steadily.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!...

They knocked their shields with their swords, and the loud metal-colliding noises made the soldiers of Zenit anxious. In addition, the lights reflecting off of the blades of Jax gave the soldiers of Zenit a sense of death.

Not too far away, there were also soldiers of Jax moving siege ladders, [Siege Dragon Birds], and the huge catapults towards Dual-Flags City; these were the terrifying machines that would do real damage to Dual-Flags City.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

A series of footsteps sounded, and the team of Saint Seiyas soon arrived at the west side of the defense wall.

Fei looked back and saw the 30 Saint Seiyas; the rest of the herald brigade followed Shevchenko to the east gate.

There were about 10,000 soldiers of Zenit on the west side of the defense wall; after about two hours of rest, they were in better shapes. With blood on their bodies, they grasped their weapons tightly and waited for the upcoming battle.

A few commanders of these soldiers quickly walked up to Fei.

"Nice to meet you, Head Commander!" these dozen commanders saluted at Fei. Although Ribry was still severely injured and resting in the camp, these commanders still knew who Fei was.

"Eh, nice to meet you all. Let's fight alongside each other!" Fei nodded and started to make a series of commands.

When he looked up, he saw a familiar figure on the hill that was the command center for Jax.

Prince Fairenton of Jax was a talented warrior. He was haughty and cold, and he was able to calm himself down after the loss and regain his confidence. That was how he was able to call the second round of siege so soon.

As if he sensed the stare from the defense wall, this haughty prince looked at Fei's direction.

He also saw the person who defeated him with one strike.

After a moment of silence, this prince waved his hand.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After seeing the order, tens of thousands of soldiers of Jax shouted and moved forward. The Swords and Shields Formation stopped 10 meters away from Zenit archers' attack range, and 20 huge catapults that were 10 meters tall were placed behind this formation. Each of the catapults looked like a huge beast, and the soldiers who were operating them looked like ants.

Fei had studied these catapults before.

The technologies on this continent were quite advanced; the craftsmen were already able to create parts such as gears, bearings, and springs. These catapults utilized these technologies and were built with top-tier materials taken from the corpses of Demon Beasts, and they were able to throw huge pieces of rocks more than 1,000 meters away.

Under commands, the soldiers of Jax were already putting huge rocks onto the catapults and getting ready to fire; these soldiers had to be gifted with super-human strength or had to be Star-level Warriors in order to move the huge rocks, and they had to work together.

"Sir, should we initial [Earth's Protection] Magic Array?" a commander asked Fei.

Fei already knew these loyal commanders who have followed Ribry for a long time now. The commander who asked Fei the question just now was named Fernando Gago; he was in his 20s, but he was really brave. He had the strength of Three-Star, and he was injured a lot in the last round of siege. One of his arms almost got chopped off, but he still decided to fight on the defense wall after the deep wounds on his body were bandaged up.

Chapter 390: Shocking Arrows (Part One)

Frank Ribry didn't have a great background, and he was able to climb up this high on the ladder and become the head commander of the military forces in the city because of his talent. He was a unique person; he had quite a few loyal followings, and this troop that had been ignored and got its remuneration deducted for no reason was still able to keep up this level of morale and combat ability. Fei had to give props to Ribry for this.

"There is no need for now. [Earth's Protection] would cost too much of the magic energy reservoir of the city. We need to keep it for the critical moments," Fei answered Gago with a smile on his face.

Gago only dared to talk to Fei after he got his courage up.

After seeing the miraculous show this No.1 Commander put on two hours ago, he and his comrades were already conquered by Fei's strength. The Azeroth Continent had an emphasis on combat ability, and the master warriors and mages were more likely to be admired by a lot of people. Especially after Fei saved Ribry from all the enemies, he was respected and looked up to by all these commanders who were like Ribry's brothers.

After seeing that Fei was very friendly and not haughty like the other high-up officials from Zenit, the commanders in Dual-Flags City had an even better impression of Fei.

Gago got more comfortable speaking to Fei after he saw this No.1 Commander who was supposed to be prestigious smile at him. He thought about it and suggested again, "Sir, if we don't initiate [Earth's Protection, the catapults will do a ton of damage to the structures and the people in the city..."

Fei patted this commander's shoulder and laughed, "Don't worry, I'm here."

After he said that, he took out that [Eagle of the Desert] Bow and switched to Amazon Mode. Instantly, his aura got wild and dominating, and he immediately turned a lot sharper.

The chilly wind of the desert blew on the king's face; his long black hair fluttered and added to his presence.

The commanders besides him who were initially worried all calmed down; their eyes lit up after seeing the subtle change of Fei's aura.

"Yeah! We forgot that the No.1 Commander is a terrific archer! He should be able to take down the catapults by just using the archery skill he demonstrated earlier."

Everyone including the ordinary soldiers was waiting for the No.1 Commander's arrows to do the trick.

"Crank... Crank..."

The atmosphere was intense, and everyone stopped making noises.

At this time, the cranking noises made by the springs and the gears on the catapults were heard clearly by everyone. The 20 catapults looked like huge Demon Beasts that had shown their fangs.

"Prepare..." a commander on the side of Jax shouted, "Ready... release!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

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The rubber band-like material used on these catapults were actually the tendons of the Demon Beasts, and they suddenly started to contract rapidly after the operators of the catapults let go of the triggers. The swinging arms of the metal catapults accelerated under the pull, and ten rocks that weighed more than 1,000 pounds each flew into the air...

Under gravity and with momentum, these massive rocks would deal more than 10,000 pounds of force onto the defense wall that was strengthened by magic arrays. If these rocks hit Three-Star Warriors, these warriors would be instantly killed as well.

All the commanders and soldiers on the side of Zenit held their breaths after they saw the rocks in the air.

However, the 30 Saint Seiyas were behaving normally as if it was just another regular day; they were so calm and confident because of their young king who was standing beside them.

The huge rocks traveled more than 20 meters in the air in an instant, and they were going to strike onto the defense wall in just a few seconds.

As some of the soldiers of Zenit were about to scream, Fei finally shot out the arrows on the bow.



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There wasn't just one arrow; there were ten arrows in total.

People around Fei could only see all the afterimages of his right arm as he moved too fast.

The bowstring of [Eagle of the Desert] vibrated violently, and air-piercing noises sounded alongside the ten consecutive booming noises. After that, the ground started to shake, and screams began to resonate in the area.

The huge rocks that just got into the air exploded, and they broke into pieces and landed right into the Swords and Shields Formation of Jax. Blood spilled everywhere, and Jax suffered casualties before the battle even started.

The ten huge rocks broke and fell into the formation.

Chapter 390: Shocking Arrows (Part Two)

No one on the side of Jax anticipated this outcome. The soldiers in the formation were cheering a second ago after they saw the rocks in the air, but they started to cry and scream in the next second after they got hit. Since they weren't charging forward, they were standing very close to one another. There was no way that they could get out of the way! The lucky soldiers got killed instantly, and the unlucky ones got their arms and legs broke; they were feeling an insane amount of pain, but they couldn't do anything other than scream and cry...

"King Alexander! King Alexander! King Alexander!"

"Long live the king of Chambord! Hail the King!"

Not sure who started it, but all the soldiers and commanders of Zenit on the defense wall began to cheer after a brief moment of silence. What happened really boosted the morale of the soldiers of Zenit! By using these ten huge rocks cleverly, Fei was able to eliminate more than 500 enemies!

Killing 500 with ten arrows!

Such terrifying numbers!

Such terrifying arrows!

The soldiers in Dual-Flags City who were facing a lot of pressure needed to see such a motivating scene and Fei was able to deliver!

On the side of Jax, they didn't expect that the best siege machines were used against them! The commanders of Jax were shocked and didn't know what to do.

"Continue? But what if that devil-like archer uses the same method again?"

"Stop? How are we going to siege the city?"

Prince Fairenton of Jax smiled bitterly on the sand hill.

The influence a top-tier warrior could have on a battle was demonstrated here today! Throughout the history of Azeroth, it was rare for a famous general to leave a mark in the book. Rather, people remembered the super powerful warriors and mages. The reason for this was that when a warrior or a mage got a certain degree of power, they could influence wars and even destroy an army using their strength; these people were the real rulers of the land.

Although Dual-Flags City was under siege, it was safe just by having the king of Chambord who was the most powerful warrior in the war. If Jax couldn't get a master warrior who could rival against him, Jax had to throw in 40,000 soldiers at least to tire the king of Chambord out first!

However, at the moment like this, Prince Fairenton couldn't back down.

"Pass my order! Tell the Swords and Shields Formation to separate in halves and moved to the sides of the catapults."

"Pass my order! Move the catapults back for 300 meters and continue the attack!"

"Pass my order! Tell the mages to prepare!"

"Pass my order! Tell the Suicide Squad to prepare!"

"Pass my order! Tell the Siege Squad to prepare!"

"Pass my order!..."

A series of commands were given out by this prince of Jax, and his army started to move and operate like a carefully calibrated machine. The murderous spirit of his army wasn't affected by that little incident; the death of 500 soldiers was nothing in front of the elite soldiers!

Soon, the 20 catapults were pulled back 300 meters, and the Swords and Shields Formation moved to the sides of the catapults. The soldiers of Jax were able to avoid being affected by Fei's arrows, but the catapults were only able to hit areas close to the defense wall of Dual-Flags City now.

Fei continued to shoot.

He didn't use the old trick; instead, he targeted the catapults themselves this time.

The catapults were about 1,300 meters away from the defense wall, and it was impossible for ordinary archers to reach them. However, it wasn't a difficult task for Fei who just got this [Eagle of the Desert]. He used all of the strength of the level 88 Barbarian, and the bow was pulled opened by him. Then, several transparent crystal-like arrows formed on the bow.

Fei released the bowstring.


A sharp air-piercing noise sounded like the thunder.

Almost at the same time, a huge catapult got a few of its connection points broken apart, and it fell like Lego pieces. The soldiers of Jax who were operating this catapult were injured instantly.

Cheers sounded inside Dual-Flags City again. The soldiers chanted Fei's name as they worshipped him like a god. By using his strength, he suppressed the enemies' most lethal siege machines, and he almost placed Dual-Flags City in an invincible state.

Chapter 391: Summon Barbarian Warriors (Part One)

The commanders besides Fei were stoked.

Fei's strength was beyond their imagination! From the look of it, they felt like this No.1 Commander was worth more than tens of thousands of soldiers! As long as the king of Chambord was there, Dual-Flags City won't be in any danger.





Fei had shot out four arrows in an instant, and they all hit their targets. As air-piercing noises sounded, the four catapults far away were exploded like balloons that got popped by needles.

"Thank you Prince Fairenton for the bow! It is powerful, and I like it a lot!"

Fei stopped after he had shot out five arrows. He took a deep breath and shouted loudly as he laughed. Everyone on the battlefield heard it, and some soldiers of Zenit even repeated after him and cheered, "Thank you Prince Fairenton for the bow!"


Fairenton stood up and clapped down at the chair he was sitting on; his face was very gloomy.

The guards beside him all shivered in fear. This prince was known for his short-temper! Not too long ago, a young nobleman offended him. As a result, that young nobleman got smashed into meat paste, and his family got wiped out.

It was evident that this prince was mad at the moment; all the guards hoped that he wouldn't take out the anger on them.

Fortunately for these guards, they were safe.

They found out surprisingly that Prince Fairenton actually tried hard and suppressed his anger


After five catapults were destroyed, the commanders of Jax decided to abandon these siege machines, and they moved the rest of catapults back to their camp. It sounded impossible for someone actually to defeat 20 catapults using only arrows, but it took place on this battlefield. The soldiers of Jax experienced the power of the king of Chambord again.

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However, this siege was far from over.

The soldiers of Jax started the most direct method of siege. They rushed at the defense wall like waves of water, and they all used siege ladders that were hundreds of meters long. After hundreds of these ladders were hooked onto the battlements, it seemed like what happened two hours ago was being replayed again; the cruel battle was about to begin.

However, Fei clearly sensed the difference.

Although there were tens of thousands of enemies charging at the city, they were more scattered around. They didn't use expensive and bulky siege machines like [Siege Dragon Birds]; they only used light siege ladders and ropes that were easier to carry. Also, they didn't target the city gate this time; it seemed like there wasn't an emphasis as they just tried to climb up the defense wall.

"Huh? It seems like they don't want actually to conquer the city. Could it be that they want to prolong the war as well?"

Generally, in sieges, the attackers would try to get a breakthrough point. As long as they could get into the city, the city would be conquered for sure. Therefore, that was why the strategy Jax was using was bizarre; it seemed like they didn't want to commit to anything. As if they were teasing Dual-Flags City, it felt like they could break through the defense of Dual-Flags City but weren't going to do it.

In this situation, the power of Fei's arrows was significantly reduced.

After the enemies scattered around, Fei's arrow couldn't kill 30 enemies at one go anymore. At the moment, he could only kill one to two enemies at a time, and the threat he posed to this siege was minimalized.

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After giving it some thoughts, Fei didn't use any more of Amazon Character's skills such as [Multiple Shot] and [Exploding Arrow]. Instead, he put away [Eagle of the Desert] and switched back to Barbarian Mode. Then, he used the miraculous skill [Summon].

After a bloody red light flashed by, 15 huge warriors appeared beside Fei.

These warriors were almost completely naked; only their abdomens and thighs were protected by leather armors that were bloodstained. They were either holding dual-swords or axes in their hands, and green beast tattoos and green totem tattoos were all over their muscular bodies including their necks and faces.

With a wild and berserk aura around them, they looked like 15 Demon Beasts.

Chapter 391: Summon Barbarian Warriors (Part Two)

These were the 15 Barbarian Warriors Fei got after completing the quest [Rescue on Mount Arreat].

The appearance of these 15 warriors surprised the commanders and the Saint Seiyas beside Fei.

"We are under your command!" the 15 Barbarian Warriors bowed at Fei and shouted as crazy admiration appeared in their eyes.

This scene made the commanders and the Saint Seiyas relax.

"They are No.1 Commander's subordinates; thank god they aren't the enemies," they thought.

This was Fei's first time summoning these Barbarian Warriors, and he didn't expect their appearances to be this shockingly ferocious. He was stoked, and he passed down a series of commands.

These 15 Barbarian Warriors roared, used the skill [Leap], and jumped down from the defense wall.



Almost at the same time, 15 howls sounded. These Barbarian Warriors all used Barbarian Warcries and put the organized enemies into a state of chaos and fear. How could ordinary soldiers resist against the skills that the Barbarian Warriors learned from battling with monsters and demons? They all felt an insane amount of fear, and they ditched their weapons and started to run away.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Barbarian Warriors were quite agile. With weapons in their hands, they already destroyed more than 20 siege ladders, and more than 200 enemies who were on these tall ladders fell and died.

After having battled with demons for ages, the Barbarians were gifted with god-like battle abilities and techniques. Each of these Barbarian Warriors was like a merciless killing machine. Looking from above, it looked like the 15 Barbarian Warriors were like 15 huge sharks in the ocean made of all the enemies.

Skills such as [Howl], [Shout], and [Taunt] were used consecutively, and they sometimes even used skill [Find Potion] to loot potions that could recover their health and mana from the corpses. These 15 Barbarian Warriors coordinated perfectly, and they looked like a well-trained Ace-team in Fei's eyes.

Fei was observing them carefully.

He found that these Barbarian Warriors were around level 15 and level 16, and they didn't learn a lot of skills; from the look of it, it seemed like they only learned about ten skills or so. In this world, they would be considered as Two-Star or Three-Star Warriors.

However, it seemed like these Barbarian Warriors didn't have their intelligence. Although they were more flexible than most of the dull NPCs in Diablo World, it felt like they only had the instinct and the murderous spirit of warriors. Although they wouldn't be considered as real "humans", Fei saw that they would bleed after they got injured, unlike the NPCs...

Also, what surprised Fei was that when these Barbarian Warriors used [Find Potion], they found [Mana Potions] and [Health Potion] instead of mutated [Hulk Potions] and [Fake-Death Potions].

Finally, after the Barbarian Warriors destroyed about 40 siege ladders, they attracted the attention of the commanders of Jax.

"What a bunch of ferocious warriors! When did Dual-Flags City get these warriors? It would be great if they would be under my command!" haughty Prince Fairenton observed the battle and stated. All of his generals and strategists knew that his appreciation of talent was at it again, but they didn't know how to respond.

"Do you guys know where they are from?" the prince turned around and asked.

"They should be the retinues of the king of Chambord. Before the reinforcement came, there weren't such warriors in Dual-Flags City," a person in a fancy robe answered casually.

This person was in his 40s, and he wasn't wearing armor and didn't have a weapon on him although he was on the battlefield. He was calm as he observed the battle.

He was wearing a light blue robe that was popular among the nobles of Zenit, and he didn't have a big beard or long curly hair like people of Jax do. From the look of it, it seemed like he was indeed a noble of Zenit.

Not sure how he got to the side of Jax, but it was obvious that he surrendered to Prince Fairenton.

All this time, he had a calm and mysterious smile on his face, and he ignored all the disdainful looks the commanders of Jax gave him.

"It looks like the king of Chambord is really an obstacle in our way! In order to get farther into the east, we need to kill him first!"

Prince Fairenton placed Fei on the same level as him, and he was getting more and more concerned over Fei.

"Pass my order! Tell the Heaven-Killing Squad to attack! Tell Clark to kill those 15 warriors!"

Chapter 392: Nobles' Fear (Part One)

"Oh, gods! These are the real warriors!"

After seeing how the last Barbarian Warrior killed two powerful enemies and got killed at the same time, the commanders of Zenit on the defense wall sighed in admiration. The scene moved them, and they also felt sorry for the 15 brave warriors who got killed by the enemies who used their numbers advantage. If these 15 brave warriors were used more strategically, they could have done more damage to the enemies.

However, Fei's mood didn't change after these 15 Barbarian Warriors were killed.

He took out [Eagle of the Desert] and started to shoot again.

Under the defense wall, the warriors of Jax were killed one after another.

These warriors were all elite warriors from the Heaven-Killing Squad of Jax.

Although they were mixed in with the ordinary soldiers, Fei was still able to sense their locations; they were so clear in Fei's eyes that he felt like they were torches in the dark. More than 30 warriors of Jax were killed in an instant. One of Prince Fairenton's favorite commander Clark was killed first by Fei, and the other elite warriors in Heaven-Killing Squad started to back off after they sensed the apparent danger.

Although Fei had been through quite a lot and he learned a lot from his experience, he was still not as good at grasping the tempo and the opportunities during the war as the commanders besides him who had been through multiple wars. Therefore, Fei handed over the control of the soldiers to the commanders around him after the battle began, and he stayed under the watchtower on the west gate; he was responsible for killing powerful enemies and help the soldiers of Zenit who were in danger.

At the moment, the commanders of Zenit and the 30 Saint Seiyas all participated in the battle as well as they fought with the enemies in close range on this portion of the defense wall that was more than 1,000 meters long.

Fei didn't really care about the death of the 15 Barbarian Warriors.

The fact that they died in this world didn't mean that they actually died. If Fei wanted to, he could summon them again from Diablo World. Of course, there was a limit to this type of resurrection; that mysterious and cold voice told Fei that he could only summon the 15 Barbarian Warriors three times a day.

Therefore, Fei could still summon those warriors twice more today if he wanted to.

However, Fei didn't do that.

The king suddenly felt like he figured out a way to better control these 15 Barbarian Warriors. He felt like he could give a lot of commands to these 15 Barbarian Warriors using his mind! As long as he thought about these commands in his head, the Barbarian Warriors would target the enemies he wanted them to focus. This would maximize the effectiveness of these Barbarian Warriors.

He was really thinking about how to use these Barbarian Warriors better and not just use them as a Suicide Squad.


On the north side of the defense wall.

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The soldiers of Jax were focusing more on the east and west side of the city as the only two gates of the city were there. Therefore, the pressure on the north and south side of the city was a lot lower. The soldiers of Jax and the soldiers of Zenit kept on shooting at each other with bows and arrows, and the few siege ladders couldn't do much.

Inside a small structure on the north side of the defense wall, more than a dozen nobles who were wearing fancy armors and capes were gathering around and discussing something.

"That new No.1 Commander of the Battle Zone is a tough character! It is obvious that he is hostile towards us!"

"Humph! He is only the king of a little affiliated kingdom! He is only getting favored by the empire for now, and he dares to play with us? Would the Military Headquarter and Imperial Knight Palace let him do whatever he wants?"

"Imperial Knight Palace? Haha, he defeated five out of the ten Executive Knights, and the No.1 Executive Knight seemed to have an appreciation towards the king of Chambord and wants to protect him. What can Imperial Knight Palace do to him?"

"Yeah! Since the Military Headquarter named him the No.1 Commander of the Battle Zone, it said enough about their intents."

Chapter 392: Nobles' Fear (Part Two)

"You mean... the empire is trying to clean us out?"

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All the nobles no longer looking arrogant and bossy. With fear on their minds, they talked to each other and weren't able to come to a conclusion.

Before, they were able to do whatever they wanted in the city because they were in a very remote region; they didn't think that the emperor and the laws of Zenit could get to them. But since the appearance of the king of Chambord, they felt like their luck had come to an end. The king of Chambord was like a huge mountain that pressed them down, and they would still shiver in fear after thinking back to what the king of Chambord did today.

"Shut up!" perhaps he was annoyed, a fatty who was sitting down in front of the only table inside the building shouted and slapped the table.

All the nobles closed their mouths, and they looked at this fatty in silence.

This fatty was in his 40s, and his huge body sat on the chair like a meat mountain. It looked like his huge body was going to crack the XL silver armor he was wearing, and the fat on his face and chin drooped down and made him look like an ugly pug. It looked like his eyes and mouth were going to disappear into the fat.

This fatty's name was Soroyov, the mayor of Dual-Flags City.

Before Fei's arrival, he was the ruler of the city.

But it all changed now.

Soroyov was really annoyed by all the chatters around him, and he stopped the discussion that has already dragged on for about 30 minutes. When all the nobles looked at him with curious eyes, Soroyov still couldn't come up with an answer.

This was the first time he faced such issues.

After testing this new No.1 Commander twice, he clearly sensed the hidden danger; he sensed the murderous intent! He felt like he was a sheep that was targeted by a huge wolf! If he did anything wrong, he would be torn into pieces.

"When was the last time I sensed something like this?"

Soroyov felt powerless facing an opponent like the king of Chambord who did things differently.

Real powerful and influential figures were the rulers of the land. The king of Chambord was also a level 2 noble of Zenit, he had the title of the No.1 Commander of Jax Battle Zone, and he was so strong that he was able to face tens of thousands of enemies calmly. Soroyov who was only a Two-Star Warrior couldn't fight against Fei in any of these categories.

He felt very powerless at the moment.

Like a pig in a slaughterhouse, any kinds of struggle were useless. He could only beg for forgiveness or wait for the blade to pierce through his body.

However, he wasn't willing to give up on everything.

"I need to listen to the king of Chambord's orders! If I make that crazy bastard mad, the consequence is severe. I need to fool him with my attitude... when the opportunity arrives, hehe... anything can happen!" Soroyov said, "Everyone, we didn't get to where we are at through fighting. We need to be patient; I believe our opportunity will arrive."

Soroyov was like the leader among the nobles – of course, he gained his status through cruelness and viciousness. Therefore, all the nobles in the building had to nod and agree after the mayor made the decision.

"Mr. Mayor, Carl, Adam, Miller, and a dozen other nobles didn't follow the king of Chambord's order and didn't come. Should I go send some people to remind them?" a nobleman in his 40s thought of something and asked.

"No need. We can wait for the king of Chambord to take care of them." Soroyov stood up after the two guards beside him helped him, and he laughed viciously, "Those old bastards always wanted to oppose me. I will use the king of Chambord to wipe them out this time. Hehe, those old bastards are too old to have clear heads..."

At this moment, loud cheers sounded from the outside.

"The soldiers of Jax are backing away!!"

"Haha! Fu*k off! Go back to your mama and suck on her t*tties for milk!"

"Haha! These bastards are scared!"

The cheering of the soldiers of Zenit sounded, and the battling noises quieted down. The rapid bugle noises and the drumming noises declared the end of the battle.

"Eh? The enemies backed off? Let's go out and take a look."

The way Soroyov walked made him look like a bouncy ball, but none of the nobles behind him dared to laugh out loud.

The nobles hid behind the battlements and peeked out, and they saw the soldiers of Jax backing away and leaving a lot of corpses on the ground.

"Finally..." all the nobles sighed in relief. Although they were hiding in a building that was tightly guarded, they were still terrified!


Soroyov drew out his sword and chopped one of the enemy corpses in half. He stained his armor with the blood, and he told his guards to stain their armors with blood as well. After he cut open his armor and left some marks, he was still not reassured. He bit his teeth and lightly cut open a few wounds on his arms and legs.

Chapter 393: Invitation from the King of Chambord (Part One)

With blood on his body and his sword, this fat mayor looked like he was a warrior who just came back from battle.

All the nobles around him understood what he was doing and all copied him.

The guards of these nobles started to decapitate the corpses on the defense wall; the heads were like the token for military merits. Although the ordinary soldiers of Zenit killed most of the enemies on the defense wall, these nobles were used to robbing military merits from them.

When the nobles were doing this, the soldiers of Zenit on the defense wall who just got the opportunity to breathe and rest only stared at them coldly and didn't stop them.

"Stop! He is one of our own! Sh*t! That is the corpse of my older brother!" a young soldier of Zenit who had a huge wound on his shoulder suddenly got emotional and pushed away a guard of the mayor who was about to decapitate a corpse.

"You dirty bug! How dare you push me?" this guard immediately got mad as he almost fell from the push.

"This is the corpse of my older brother... he died because he protected me..." this young soldier cried as his body shivered. He almost got chopped in half by an enemy, and it was his brother who was two years older than him that jumped in front of him and protected him.

"Yuck! Fu*k off! He is dead now, so it is perfect for me to cut his head off! His corpse is going to rot underground, and mind as well becomes some of my military merits," this guard shouted angrily and kicked away the injured soldier as he sensed the mockery from his peers.

"You guys are crossing the line!" two soldiers who were standing beside him couldn't take it anymore. They walked up and stated, "We are brothers! They are only dead because they protected you!"

"How dare you insult the corpse of a brave and heroic soldier?"

More and more soldiers stood up and stared at this guard with anger. During peaceful times, they were able to endure the bullying from the nobles. But during a war where they could die the next moment, their tolerance for this type of treatment was very low. The conflict between the ordinary soldiers and the nobles was irreversible, and the hatred the ordinary soldiers had towards the nobles was burning vigorously in their minds.

That guard backed off for a few steps, and the fear in his eyes displayed his internal state. For the first time, he felt like these dirty and low-class soldiers were so terrifying in his eyes.

"What is going on? Why did you stop?" at this moment, Soroyov walked over.

"Sir, these dirty lowlifes dare to resist your command..." the guard told this fat mayor everything truthfully; it was obvious that this guard was terrified of the mayor as he didn't dare to exaggerate anything.

"You disappoint me... Kyle, how can you do this?" the mayor scolded his guard, "These soldiers died for us! What you are doing is no different to animals!"

That guard got surprised, but he didn't dare to say anything. He quickly kneeled down and apologized anxiously.

"Beat him with a stick 100 times! It will count as the punishment," Soroyov waved his hand and said.

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Then, he turned around and looked at the soldiers who resisted against that guard. He frowned and said, "My guard dared to insult the corpse of a warrior, and he is getting punished for it. But you guys are just a bunch of low-class soldiers; how dare you guys fight against my order? You challenged the honor and the dignity of the nobles, and you guys need to be punished as well... You, you, you. You three started everything, and you guys need to bear the consequences. Cut off one of their legs and one of their arms each!"

Soroyov was pointing at the young soldier and the two mid-aged soldiers who stood up for this young soldier.

All the soldiers on the defense wall were surprised.

Soroyov had a lot of power in the city; he controlled the administrative power and financial power. Even Ribry had to endure the bullying from Soroyov sometimes in order to get the remuneration for the military, let alone these low-class soldiers. To Soroyov, cutting off the legs and arms of these soldiers was nothing; he could have killed them if he wanted to.

He had a good excuse to do this; these soldiers did fight against the commands of the nobles. In the eyes of the nobles, fighting against them was equivalent to fighting against the ruling of the empire, and the punishment for such action was to chop one arm and one leg off of each perpetrator.

Soroyov did this for a reason.

Since he couldn't do anything to the new No.1 Commander, he had to vent his anger on these ordinary soldiers. Also, he wanted to pass a message to these soldiers; he wanted them to know that even if he couldn't deal with the king of Chambord, he could still deal with them easily.

Tink! The guards of the mayor drew out their swords and dragged the three poor soldiers out of the crowd.

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One of the guards found a wooden shield, and he tied the right arm of the tallest soldier among the three onto the wooden shield. Another guard beside him raised the ax in his hand, and the sunlight reflected off of the sharp edge of the ax.

All the soldiers around here looked down; they didn't want to see such a scene.

In this world where hierarchy was very strict, these low-class soldiers didn't dare to really rebel against the nobles even though they were really angry. Without powerful individual strength, any empathy and compassion shown at this moment would bring catastrophic consequences.


Chapter 393: Invitation from the King of Chambord (Part Two)

The ax chopped down at the wooden shield.

Blood spilled, and a hoarse cry sounded. That soldier roared in pain, and his body shivered violently as a result of it. His face paled, and he bit his lips forcefully and tried his best not to faint.

At this moment, hatred clearly appeared in his eyes.

"I don't like the way you are looking at me. Soldier, since you decided to hate me, then I don't mind cutting off one more leg of yours..." Soroyov shook his head and said. After that, he looked at the guard who had the bloody ax in his hand and said, "Continue!"

That guard licked his lips and laughed viciously as he raised his ax again.

"Where is that bit*hass Soroyov? Get the fu*k out of here! Huh? What is going on here? Executing enemy soldiers?" a loud voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone's face changed color.

"Bit*hass? How dare someone addresses the mayor like this?" they thought.

Soroyov's good mood was instantly destroyed. His smile froze in his face, and it soon turned gloomy as if someone just slapped him.

A nobleman beside him shouted angrily, "Who are you? How dare you insult the mayor like this? Do you want to die? Show yourself!"

"Hahaha! Pierce! He wants to see you! You are done for! You angered a nobleman!" it seemed like the peer of the person who insulted Soroyov also joked around.

"Want to see me? Damn, you are brave! I'm here, what can you do to me?" as the first person shouted, he squeezed through the soldiers and sneered. This man was about two meters tall, his hair was white, and he was chewing on a straw.

Before everyone could react, another muscular man of a similar build laughed as he walked out with a straw in his mouth as well. This man had long black hair, and it was tied behind his head like a pony-tail.

This man glanced around, and his eyes stayed on Soroyov for a bit longer; it seemed like he was shocked by the size of the mayor. He patted the shoulder of the white-haired man and laughed, "Look! The body of this fat pig is almost comparable to dumb Oleg!"

"He is shorter than Oleg," the white-haired man squinted his eyes and replied.

"Eh," the black-haired man nodded and continued, "You are right. He is shorter and fatter; he is literally like a big fat pig."

As soon as this man said that, almost everyone burst into laughter. Everyone in Dual-Flags City knew that Mayor Soroyov was fat, but it was the first time that someone dared to call him a fat pig in front of his face.

"The mayor hates people who call him fat! Who are these two strongmen? How dare they make fun of the mayor?" people thought.

"How dare you?"

"Kill them!"

"You just insulted the mayor! Who are you?"

Soroyov was so mad that his body trembled violently, and his guards and the noblemen on his side all shouted at the two strongmen one after another.

"Mayor? This fat pig is the mayor?" the white-haired man zapped his mouth and spat out the straw in his mouth. He looked at his peer beside him as he shrugged his shoulder and said, "We have an important message to pass to you."

In halfway, he turned around and said to his peer, "Hey, you tell him! His Majesty is still waiting!"

The black-haired man nodded and observed Soroyov a bit more. He laughed and asked, "You are the mayor?"

Before Soroyov could say anything, he continued, "I'm Drogba and he is Pierce; we are subordinates of the king of Chambord. His Majesty wants you to go the watchtower on the west gate and report to him. Hehe, mayor, please come this way."

Chapter 394: Do You Think We Are Idiots? (Part One)

"They are subordinates of the king of Chambord?"

The soldiers on the defense wall cheered a little as if they saw hope.

However, the expressions on the faces of the noblemen and their guards got awkward. They all lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at Pierce and Drogba in the eyes. They were shouting and scolding the two strongmen a second ago, but they didn't dare to do anything now.

They all knew about how the messenger of the mayor got turned into meat paste on the defense wall and how the young noblemen who caused trouble at the gate of the military camp were executed. All of that happened because the mayor wanted to test the limit of the new No.1 Commander, and now the nobles knew that they shouldn't test him; right now, these nobles didn't dare to do or say anything to these two messengers of the king of Chambord. At the moment, they all wished that the devil-like No.1 Commander won't target them.

Soroyov was shocked as well.

The fact that the king of Chambord wanted to see him terrified him, and the teasing expressions on the faces of these two strongmen made him mad, but he couldn't do anything. If anyone else called him a fat pig to his face, he could have ordered his guards to chop them into meat paste. But now... he didn't dare to do anything to the subordinates of the king of Chambord.

"Since Mr. Alexander wants to see me, I will go there now," Soroyov said with a red face; he tried hard and successfully suppressed his anger. He turned around and waved at the other nobles as he said, "This is a great opportunity, let's all go and visit the new No.1 Commander!"

"Mr. Mayor, these three..." the guard with the bloody ax in his hand asked with a quiet voice.

"Arrest them for now! I will deal with them when I come back," Soroyov said as he stared at that guard viciously, and that guard immediately called over some of his peers and was about to drag away these three poor soldiers.

"Wait," Drogba saw this scene and frowned.

He asked, "Why are these three wearing the uniform of Zenit? Wait? They also have wounds on their bodies... Are they soldiers of Jax? Why are they being punished this severely?"

"Huh... they three are trying to spread bad rumors and are trying to get the soldiers to commit treason. As a result, the mayor ordered this punishment," that guard of the mayor rolled his eyes and came up with an explanation.

"Huh? Trying to make the other soldiers commit treason? They should be killed!" Drogba nodded and said.

Soroyov sighed in relief, and his guard also wiped the sweat off his forehead secretly.

"Thank god these two muscular men are dumb! Otherwise, I couldn't have fooled them this easily," this guard thought.

"No! That is not true! We didn't do that! We are wronged! Sir, please!..." that young soldier who got in trouble protecting the corpse of his older brother shouted in desperation.

"Shut up!" that guard shouted.

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"Shut up!" Drogba shouted at the young soldier as well. After a moment of pause, he stared at that poor soldier viciously and added, "You are only a low-class soldier! It is not the place for you to talk!"

The young soldier was stunned.

All the hope he had was gone. He thought that these two strongmen who were the subordinates of the king of Chambord were his saviors, but he didn't expect them to act the same as the nobles of Dual-Flags City. From the look of it, it seems like these two strongmen didn't want to fight against the mayor as well. A bitter smile appeared on this young soldier's face.

"Haha! Hahahahaha!"

After seeing this tragic scene, the pale and tall soldier who got his right hand chopped off started to laugh. Although he was laughing, tears appeared in his eyes. Everyone could hear the desperation and the irony in the laugh, and they all knew that the pain he was suffering psychologically was much stronger than the pain he was suffering physically.

All the soldiers around the area got touched, and their eyes all became red and teary.

None of them expected this outcome; they all thought that they were being saved.

However, the fat Soroyov's face changed color. He squinted his tiny eyes and thought, "Maybe the king of Chambord isn't that hard to deal with after all. At least, these two of his subordinates aren't on the side of the low-class soldiers."

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He believed that he made an exciting discovery.

"Hey, you. Yeah, you! Come here, tell me how these three soldiers passed around rumors and tried to get the other soldiers to commit treason," Drogba said to a guard as he gestured him to come over; he still had that bright smile on his face.

Chapter 394: Do You Think We Are Idiots? (Part Two)

"Yeah... Sir, it went like this. Earlier... These three low-class cowards were afraid of death and hid when the enemies came and attacked. After the enemies retreated, they jumped out and started to spread false rumors. They said that Dual-Flags City would be conquered eventually, and they encourage the soldiers to ditch the city and escape..." that guard walked over and started to tell Drogba all about the crimes these three soldiers committed.

"Really?" a cold smile gradually appeared on Drogba's face.

"Of course! I swear using the honor of a warrior! Everything I said is true!" this guard pointed at the sky and swore.

Drogba got really close to this guard and asked with a confused expression, "Hey, so I look like an idiot to you?"

"Ah? Idiot? Oh, no, no, no... How? You looked magnificent and powerful..." this guard quickly replied with a flattery smile.

As he wanted to flatter Drogba even more, Drogba's expression suddenly froze.

Before anyone could react, this strongman showed his huge hand and slapped this defenseless guard forcefully. This guard got slapped so hard that his body circled around and around, and his silver helmet fell down the defense wall.

"Yuck! Since you know what I'm not dumb, how dare you try to fool me?" Drogba shouted as he slapped this guard again. This time, this slap knocked this guard onto the ground.

After this was done, Drogba was still not going to stop. He kicked this guard away, and he rushed over and saved the young soldier from the hands of the guards of the mayor. He pointed at the wounds on this young soldier's body and shouted at the nobles and their guards, "Open your fu*king eyes! What is this? These are the wounds left by the blades of Jax! He is a brave warrior who protected Dual-Flags City! Do you think I'm blind? You think I can't even spot these basic injuries? How can a warrior like this hide during battle and try to commit treason?"

The desperation in this young soldier's eyes turned into confusion and surprise.

All the soldiers around here who lowered their heads looked up at this moment; with surprise in their eyes, it seemed like they knew what was going on.

Drogba glanced at these soldiers who all had injuries on their bodies and shouted, "Tell me! You guys tell me! Did this young man try to get you guys to ditch the city and escape?"

After a brief moment of silence, a soldier answered with a quiet voice, "No...."

After that, a few more soldiers said no.

Drogba got really angry. He grabbed onto the hand of this young soldier and asked ferociously, "Look into your own hearts! Tell me! This young man who trusted you guys, this young man who blocked the weapons of the enemies for you guys, this young man who fought alongside you guys... did he try to get you guys to escape?"

This series of questions sounded by all the soldiers' ears like thunder, and these questions ignited all the anger inside of them.

"No! Sir! He didn't! He didn't! He didn't!" all the soldiers looked up at Drogba and shouted.

As if a volcano was erupting for the first time in 1,000 years, these shouts sounded in unison and soared into the sky. The aura coming off of these soldiers changed the atmosphere, and it felt like their shouts deafened the nobles and their guards and broke their souls.

Soroyov, the nobles, and their guards were shocked.

"You guys tell me! Should he be punished?" Drogba asked loudly again.

"No! No! No! No! No!" the soldiers answered him in unison again; this time, they didn't hesitate to shout out their answers.

Drogba patted the shoulder of this young soldier who was in a state of excitement and said, "Warrior, why are you guys being punished? Do you dare to tell me everything?"

"Sir, I do!" the young soldier shouted without hesitation.

Except for Drogba and Pierce, everyone else here knew what happened. But when this young soldier shouted out what happened with his hoarse voice, every single soldier here was touched. Even though this young soldier was not fluent in his speech, they felt ashamed for staying silent before. It seemed like a fire was burning in every single soldier's mind, and these fires of anger could destroy anything.

"Enough! Shut up!" Soroyov shouted and interrupted the young soldier.

The fat mayor had an ominous feeling; he couldn't take it any longer. He felt like his dignity and honor of being a level 2 noble was being severely challenged; it was unbearable!