597 - 606

Chapter 597: Becoming a Hermit (Part One)

While Barkov was in fear, many people were also reacting to this news as well.

"What? The person who advanced isn't the King of Chambord?"

"Hahaha! Like I thought! It is Frank Lampard! d.a.m.n! Now, Chambord has two Moon-Cla.s.s Elites when including the king himself. With this power, Chambord could break away from Zenit and establish its own empire! Who could stop Chambord from doing whatever it wants now in Zenit?"

"Quickly pa.s.s this information back to our family leader! We Beag Family need to forget about our resent toward Chambord and give up on seeking revenge. We shouldn't try to battle with the King of Chambord!"

"Two moons in one kingdom; Chambord is on the rise!"

"We heard that the King of Chambord is getting married in 13 days! Pa.s.s this information to our lord! We can prepare gifts ahead of time. If we want to get on the good side of Chambord, we need to give up on something. In this case, we need to show our stance before everyone else! If we do it late, it would be meaningless!"

"Hahaha! Great! The powerful Chambord is like an awkward, poisonous thorn to the Zenit Empire! Hehe, how could the royal family of Zenit let someone else take over a big region of their territory? A civil war is about to break out in Zenit! If we just help the King of Chambord develop his ambition, the Zenit Empire will fall into chaos! Then, our Spartax Empire could be revived!"

"Send someone back to Eindhoven immediately! Report to the general; tell her that a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite is born in Chambord. Tell her every single detail and ask her to give us further instructions!"

The spies and agents of various forces quickly made their calculations and decided on what to do after experiencing the shock.

-A well-hidden secret room in a bas.e.m.e.nt at the Chambord City-

"Why didn't you guys move with me? Ah! Why didn't you! Humph! You are all selfish and want me to make a fool out of myself! Don���t you know the consequences of your actions? How could you let Chambord get a new Moon-Cla.s.s Elite? If Master knows about this, how could we withstand his anger?"

There was a deep fist mark on this man's right shoulder, and it looked terrifying. His entire right shoulder almost got destroyed, and that silver energy was still dancing on that wound, stopping it from healing.

This was the mysterious person who tried to kill Lampard and got injured by Fei instead.

"Humph! Disov! You ignored Master's order and tried to sneak-attack alone to get the credit! You already made the King of Chambord aware, and it would be harder to execute our plan now! How do you still have the face to blame us? On top of that, you already experienced the King of Chambord's strength first-hand. Even if we all attack him together, we couldn't do anything to him. Instead, we would alert him more, get injured, and ruin Master's plan!"

"You... Excuses! All excuses! Rakanic, doesn't matter what you say, it couldn't deny the fact that you are a coward who doesn't dare to face the King of Chambord!"

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


"Humph! That is better than being a dumb, reckless fool like you!"


"Alright, stop arguing, you two!" Another deep and stern voice sounded, "Rakanic is right. This King of Chambord is too terrifying. Even if we team up as four, we can't defeat him. The increase in his strength is monstrous... We should move in secret and do what the Master planned. When Master comes here, everything will be taken care of!"

"However, Disov, what you did today isn't useless. At least we now know how powerful the King of Chambord really is, as well as the relative strengths of the other masters in Chambord. Hehehe, except for the King of Chambord and that person who just advanced today, no one else could pose a threat to us!"

"Remember, we have to be careful in the next few days. If there are no urgent matters, don't go out! The people below us could execute the rest of the plans. Remember! We couldn't attract the King of Chambord's attention!"

Silver magic runes were engraved onto the walls, and this secret room concealed their auras and sensations.

These four mysterious masters continued their discussion and talked about their schemes, and their voices slowly quieted down.

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Chapter 597: Becoming a Hermit (Part Two)

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-Chambord City, Tiananmen Square-

More and more citizens of Chambord rushed out of their homes and ran toward the plaza after the lightning bolts and the thick dark clouds were gone. The defensive magic arrays around the square were put away, and the bylaw enforcement officers who were locking this place down moved so that the joyous and cheerful citizens could get into the plaza.

On this continent that was ruled by the law of the jungle, the birth of a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite was significant to any kingdom or empire; any kinds of celebration couldn't be overboard.

The cheers continued, and Lampard was treated like a legendary hero.

Fei stood on [The Throne of Chaos] and lowered it onto the giant stone pillar in the center of the plaza. As he glanced around the excited crowd, he felt very proud.

After a while, he waved his hand.

All the cheering stopped, and tens of thousands of heated gazes focused on him; everyone was waiting for him to say something.

"Today is a day that will be recorded onto the history book of Chambord! Today, we got a powerful guardian! Today, we got the strength to fight back the bullies! Today, we obtained the most powerful warriors in the history of Chambord!!"

Fei's voice quickly got drowned in the thunder-like applauses and cheers.

After a while when the cheering finally died down a little, Fei continued, "Today, as the King of Chambord, I have something important to announce to all the citizens of Chambord..."

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He took out a divy crystal from his storage s.p.a.ce, and he injected a little bit of magic energy into it. Dashes of colorful lights were emitted from the crystal, and it projected out a giant movie-like video in the sky.

It was a scene that many Chambordians were familiar with; it showed the numerous mountains and forests behind Chambord. However, the view of such scenery from the sky was quite novel to them.

Under Fei's control, the video changed.

There were five tall and majestic mountains that pierced into the clouds, and it looked like they were situated on the five points of a pentagram. There were giant rocks, ancient trees, morning mists, and white clouds... It looked like a paradise in heaven.

There were numerous mountains connected to the back mountain of Chambord, and it was heard that many demon beasts resided in there. In addition, the terrains were rough, and there were no paths into it. Therefore, even Chambordians who had lived in this place for generations would rarely go in there. To Chambordians, it was an explored land of mystery.

After seeing this, a lot of people got curious.

"Does the king want to conquer this terrifying and mysterious 'back garden' of Chambord?" they thought.

"I have named these five mountains, Five Sword Sky Mountains. From now on, they would be the residences of the royal family of Chambord. As the king, I have decided to move the King's Palace into the Five Sword Sky Mountains, and I would be trying to cultivate and progress on the path of power..." Fei paused for a second when he saw the surprised and sad expressions on his people's faces. Then, he continued, "After a year of development, the six departments are getting more and more efficient, and the Law of the 12 Tables are refined. Everything is well under control; Mr. Bast and Mr. Brook are caring and just, and the officials in the six departments are elites elected by the people. All the administrative and military duties are well delegated and organized, and I, the king, doesn't need to get involved for the citizens to live great lives."

At this point, a lot of people understood the situation.

On the Azeroth Continent, it wasn't uncommon that kings and emperors weren't involved in the management of their kingdoms and empires.

After all, this world was ruled by power, and the n.o.bles and royals had a lot more resources and could obtain great warrior energy and magic energy cultivation techniques.

Therefore, a lot of rulers and upper-cla.s.s people were focused on cultivation and lived in seclusion, and all the managing of their lands were delegated to loyal and capable ministers.

Chapter 598: The Voice of G.o.d (Part One)

Although all the citizens of Chambord knew the logic behind it, a lot of them felt like they would miss King Alexander dearly.

Among them, high-level officials such as Pierce, Drogba, Oleg, Bast, Brook, and Old Aryang, as well as students in the Civil and Military Academy were all shocked, and their expressions changed. They didn't expect the king to make such a decision right here and right now.

Behind them, the other citizens also chattered and murmured amongst themselves.

However, since the king had an absolute prestige and was well respected, no one objected his decision even though it was abrupt.

After the initial surprise, people started to feel like Fei's decision was both logical and reasonable in the current situation.

After a year of planning and pivoting, Fei had turned Chambord, a remote little level 6 kingdom that was weak and poor, into a level 1 affiliated kingdom that was prosperous, organized, and powerful. Without exaggeration, Chambord was comparable to level 1 empires on the continent in terms of combat abilities. If the size of its territories and population increased, Chambord could easily break away from Zenit and become its own empire.

In Fei's eyes, the Chambord Kingdom was like a child who learned how to walk on its own under his supervision. Although it was staggering and might fall sometimes, it no longer required him to support it along the way.

Therefore, he felt like this was the perfect opportunity for him to let go and become a completely hands-off ruler.

Living in seclusion and becoming a hermit didn't mean that he was cutting off all connection with Chambord. On the contrary, Fei was still the king of the kingdom, and his words would be taken as commands. However, since Fei was not crazy over control and didn't like complicated administrative and military tasks, he wanted to use this opportunity to free himself from all the small matters so that he could focus on cultivating and increasing his strength.

Living on the Five Sword Sky Mountains, monitoring the Chambord City, observing the Zenit Empire, and dominating over a region on the Azeroth Continent! It was the life that Fei wanted to live!

He could watch the clouds around the mountains in the morning, sleep on the thighs of beauties when he was drunk, and control the region when he was awake... That was his ultimate dream!

Fei glanced around and saw the expressions of the people in the area; he was quite rea.s.sured.

He then s.h.i.+fted the divy crystal in his hand, and the image in the sky turned from the Five Sword Sky Mountains to 12 mountains that were situated neatly between Five Sword Sky Mountains and Chambord City. They were a bit shorter compared to the Five Sword Sky Mountains, but they still pierced into the clouds.

Although these 12 mountains weren't as majestic as the Five Sword Sky Mountains, they were impressive none the less. It looked like they were connected to the sky, and they were mystic and luring.

"These 12 sword mountains will be the residences of the most powerful 12 gold saints. I will place 12 Gold Saint Palaces on them, and they will be protecting the Five Sword Sky Mountains as well as the Chambord City! The 12 gold saints will live and train on these 12 sword mountains, and they will help me monitor the kingdom, guard the citizens, and enjoy supreme honor."

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As soon as Fei finished speaking, a phenomenon occurred.

The blue sky was clear, and all the lights of the stars were covered by the bright sun; it was impossible to see them. However, at this moment when Fei stopped speaking, the stars shone brightly in the sky, and their mystic power suppressed the suns.h.i.+ne.

The stars shone one after another, and they formed the 12 zodiac constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. It felt like a G.o.d was drawing in the sky.

"Ah? This..."

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Chapter 598: The Voice of G.o.d (Part Two)

"These mystic images of the constellations appeared in the sky because of His Majesty's words?"

"Are these 12 images of the constellations the totems of the 12 gold saints?

"This…. the power of the stars! So shocking..."

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Everyone on and around the plaza was stunned by what they saw. The stars that created the 12 zodiac constellations appeared in the sky and formed mystic and incredible images because of the king's speech!

What they were seeing was a miracle!

That was undeniable!

Even Fei was surprised by what was going on. When he was speaking, he didn't expect that something like this was going to happen.

In the next second, Fei suddenly realized that this miracle was probably due to one of his three miraculous skills – [Given]. When he was giving people like Lampard and Drogba their Star Saint Sets, similar incidents happened where the Star Saint Sets communicated with the stars in the sky.

This miraculous process took place for a minute. After that, the stars dimmed down, and the sky returned to normal.

Fei stopped thinking and glanced at the saint seiyas as well as the bylaw enforcement officers. In the end, his eyes landed on Lampard.

"I know that you all want to become Moon-Cla.s.s Elites; only the Moon-Cla.s.s Elites are qualified to become guardians who could reside in the 12 Golden Saint Palaces. Therefore, if you want to become the most powerful saint seiyas in the kingdom, you need to work harder and show me your effort. Today, Uncle Lampard took the first step forward. From now on, Uncle Lampard, you will be the guardian of Gold Leo Mountain!"

As Fei spoke, the effect of [Given] appeared again.

The dimmed stars in the sky brightened up. This time, only the stars that made up the Leo Constellation shone. The lights of the 96 stars traveled down the sky, accelerated, and landed on one of the 12 sword mountains behind the Chambord City.

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Then, a mystic beam of light appeared on this mountain and shot back into the sky.

Everyone was stunned again.

At the same time, Lampard suddenly felt a mysterious power coming from that mountain. He felt like he was connected to the mountain by blood, and it was calling him.

"It is my great honor, Your Majesty!"

Lampard single-kneeled and swore. Then, he disappeared from the plaza and dashed toward the Gold Leo Mountain like a lightning bolt.

The entire city was stunned!

-King's Palace-

After returning from the plaza, Fei wandered around this palace that was about to 'retire'.

The royal family of Chambord had been living here for generations.

Alexander's father, Old Alexander, and the previous kings all left marks on this palace, such as the magic portraits of all the Kings of Chambord in history. Although they weren't precious, they were valuable items to the royal family of Chambord.

Although Fei was from another world, this body of his contained the blood of the royals of Chambord. In addition, Fei lived here for a while, and he got somewhat emotionally attached to some items. Therefore, even though the Sky Castle contained everything he would ever need, Fei decided to take the items that were significant to the royal family of Chambord with him.

As Fei walked around, he placed all the items that he wanted to take with him into his storage ring.

By borrowing the idea of corporate offices from his previous life, this palace, which was the biggest in Chambord City, was going to become the headquarters of the Six Departments and offices of all ministers. From now on, all the hundreds of officials would be coming to this place to work and manage all the things that were happening in the Chambord Kingdom.

Chapter 599: Relocation (Part One)

After Fei walked to every single corner in the King's Palace, he thought about it and placed all the decors and small items that Angela liked into his storage ring.

When all that was done, Fei didn't hurry up and leave. He went to the side palace and started to design the wedding dresses that both Angela and Elena were going to wear according to his memory.

Perhaps it was because Fei was a spatial traveler, he felt like modern wedding dresses and diamond rings were essential parts of a perfect wedding.

Fei had been thinking about this for a while now, and he already got some ideas. For Angela who was sweet and gentle, a long trailing white princess wedding dress would fit her perfectly. For Elena who was valiant and cold, Fei wanted to design her a rose tight-fit cheongsam-style wedding dress.

For Fei who was good at sketching in his previous life, it wasn't too hard to complete the designs and create the blueprints.

After three hours, Fei finally finished everything and was happy with the outcomes.

Then, Torres brought the two stacks of design blueprints to the best tailor in the city, Auntie Mary.

This Auntie Mary had a unique backstory of her own. She was only an ordinary tailor who lived in a poor neighborhood. Even though she was talented in this field, she wasn't able to do anything with it. After Fei came to this world, he came up with unique and strange designs that this world had never seen before, and Angela somehow got to know this tailor and asked her to handle and make the clothes that Fei came up with.

This little opportunity sparked Auntie Mary's talent.

When the king tried to get everyone in Chambord City to dress properly, Auntie Mary who was the first tailor that created these clothes earned a lot of money. Then, she started to get apprentices and opened her own big shop. Now, she was recognized as one of the best tailors at Chambord City, and a lot of people were proud that they were able to wear clothes that were made by Auntie Mary.

Since the king was about to get married, Auntie Mary's shop naturally became the producer of the uniquely designed wedding outfits.

After designing the wedding dresses, Fei spent another three hours on drawing up three rings that resembled traditional Chinese Dragon and Phoenix and had perfect magic gems inlaid in them. Although it might seem like a waste of time to other people, it was significant to Fei.

Then, Fei went to the [City of Heroes] and used the portal on the 66th floor to get to that mysterious s.p.a.ce. He gave the blueprints to Blacksmith Charsi and asked her to create them.

When Fei arrived at that mysterious s.p.a.ce, the crazy rain storm and the earthly flames already disappeared, and everything went back to normal.

The blacksmiths reconstructed the temporary tents and furnaces, and they went back to forging the required items for the renovation project.

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Although they had been working here for about a year now, the [Demons' Remains] that made up the mountain of white bones didn't decrease in numbers by that much. On the other hand, more than half of the stone pillars that contained [Black Stone Essences] were used. The blacksmiths were already trying to find another subst.i.tute material.

Since Fei already completed the quest that asked him to find the magical hammer in the Nightmare Mode, Chambord now had two hammers that could forge the [Demons' Remains]. The hammer that Fei retrieved from the Nightmare Mode was much more powerful, and Charsi was proficient enough to handle the second hammer. Therefore, the first hammer was now in the hands of the best blacksmith in Chambord, Samuel.

"Wow! So pretty! What animals are these? They look so cool!" Fei's design of the rings instantly attracted Charsi.

After he talked with Charsi a little and made sure that she knew what he wanted, Fei left this place.

Before he left, he turned to look at the mountain of white bones once again. He thought about the altar and portal that led to the last ancestral place of the dwarfs, and he wondered if he should find an opportunity to close that portal. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if someone found that portal and got teleported to the secret place of the dwarfs. However, on the second thought, the [Demons' Remains] were very tough, and ordinary people wouldn't be able to break them and create a path to the altar and the portal. He was in no hurry to close that portal right now, so he decided to do it another time.

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Chapter 599: Relocation (Part Two)

When he got back to the King's Palace, Torres already returned from his small mission.

According to Fei's request, people such as the 12 maids, the few chiefs, the cleaning crew, Pierce, Drogba, Robbin, Cech, Inzagi, other four orphans Fei saved, and a few other masters of Chambord had been summoned to the King's Palace.

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Fei didn't offer much explanation. As his pair of silver sword energy wings appeared on his back, a vast amount of energy dispersed into the area and formed a gigantic silver energy sphere. It enveloped everyone and dashed into the sky.

The three little dragons, Thug, Chick, and Hooligan, followed Fei in the sky tightly.

Blacky, which was on the ground, howled and turned into a dash of black lightning, rus.h.i.+ng toward the back of Chambord City. The steep hills and the wide rivers couldn't block this giant mutated black beast, and it was able to catch up with Fei and the group.

The distance about ten kilometers was instantly traveled.

When the group pa.s.sed through the invisible energy sphere and appeared right above the Sky Castle, everyone except Fei was stunned.

"This... Am I dreaming? Am I hallucinating? When did such a giant city appear in the back mountains? This must be an illusion array! A magic array is at work! Pierce, pinch me..." Drogba's mouth opened wide, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Pierce was shocked, so he instantly pinched Drogba's thigh forcefully.

"Ouch!... Oh my G.o.d, it hurts! I shouldn't be dreaming. Hey bro, why are you so vicious with your pinch?" Drogba inhaled as he stared at Pierce.

Pierce shrugged and replied, "You asked me to."

"Natural elements; there are abundant natural elements. There are at least ten times the elements, and cultivating either warrior energy or magic energy in here will be more efficient. I'm confident that I will break the threshold of peak Nine-Star and become a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite in less than one year!" Torres looked down at the legendary city and instantly thought about improving his strength.

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After hearing the king announce the 12 Gold Saint Palaces at the plaza, this blond young man's ambition was ignited.

After the initial shock, people like Robbin and Inzagi all realized the benefit of training in this place.

Although the maids and the chiefs didn't have any warrior energy or magic energy, they were still surprised by what they saw. They felt like they were no longer in the mortal world; they felt like they were in heaven and were about to live beside G.o.ds.

"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!" The three young dragons that followed Fei to this place let out a series of cheerful cries. They flew around the Sky Castle quickly, expressing their excitement. It was clear that they were delighted with their new home.

"I accidentally discovered these ancient structures a few days ago. There is a layer of mystic energy sphere protecting this place, and it is hard to locate. This castle is well-protected, well-kept, and has abundant natural elements. It is a perfect city, and it will be the home of the royal family of Chambord from now on. You guys could cultivate in this place and try to reach Moon-Cla.s.s. Once you do, you will get one of the 12 Gold Saint Palaces on the sword mountains!"

Fei introduced everyone to the Sky Castle briefly as they stood in the air.

Although it was a little forced and a little unreasonable, no one would question and doubt the king's words.

After thinking about the fact that they could cultivate in this magical city, all the masters were excited. Since they saw the hope of getting to Moon-Cla.s.s in a short time, they all wanted to find a place of their own and start training.

"Bark! Bark!!"

At this moment, the loud howls of Blacky sounded from afar, and even the clouds in the sky were shattered. From the noise, it seemed like this beast was approaching the Sky Castle rapidly.

"Oh, I forgot that Blacky couldn't fly and couldn't get up these mountains..." As Fei was about to land and let the people in the energy sphere get to the ground before getting Blacky from the bottom of the mountains, a mystic aura appeared at the foot of the mountains.

Chapter 600: The Effort of a Dog (Part One)

"Huh? What is going on? This aura... It is not Blacky... Could it..." Fei's face changed color.

It was heard that all types of mysterious demon beasts resided in the back mountains of Chambord, including high-level and even supreme king-level demon beasts. Those creatures had a strong sense of territories, and they would attack anything that entered their zones mercilessly...

"Could it be that Blacky got attacked by a powerful demon beast on its way here?"

As Fei was about to make a move, the special aura at the foot of the mountains changed again.

The strength of the aura increased rapidly and continuously.

The speed of the elevation was similar to cultivators' after they broke through a threshold; it was fast like a rocket.

To Fei, this aura was getting more and more familiar. Gradually, a surprised and a confused expression appeared on the king's face.

"Huh? Blacky? It achieved a breakthrough and underwent another mutation?"

There was an unlimited number of mountains behind Chambord, and they were of various sizes and steepness.

Like a dash of black lightning, Blacky was das.h.i.+ng between them.

Its four strong legs were as tough as iron. As it exerted forces through them, the hard rocks under its paws were crushed, and its body was jetted into the air as if the gravity was canceled.

Every time it jumped into the air, it would move over more than 100 meters, and most of the steep hills, deep valleys, giant rocks, and ancient trees were dodged by it.

Blacky hadn't enjoyed running around this freely in a long time; it felt like it was a gust of strong wind, blowing through the woods and the mountains.

The beginning of Blacky's vague memory started in these deserted mountains. It lost its parents right after it was born, and it had no abilities to survive on its own. It was cold and hungry all the time.

Just as it was about to die, Angela, the future queen of Chambord, came up the mountains and tried to find herbs for King Alexander, and they encountered each other.

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It was this beautiful and kind girl who saved Blacky. Even though Blacky wasn't cute and wasn't a rare breed, this pure girl still saved it and brought it back to the King's Palace of Chambord. From that moment on, it no longer needed to worry about getting fed.

During that period of time, Blacky was no different to other ordinary dogs; it lived a simple, dumb, yet happy life.

Until one day, its male master, Alexander, suddenly became another person. He fed it a mysterious green potion, and it fell unconscious. After a while of terrifying pain and half a month of sleep, it was reborn.

From that moment on, Blacky started to have intelligence, a level of intelligence that wasn't inferior to humans.

Although it wasn't capable of speaking, it was getting smarter and smarter by the day. It began able to understand the human language, and it comprehended a lot of things that it wasn't capable of before.

As time pa.s.sed by, its strength got stronger and stronger due to the mutation, and it started to like its male master just as much as it liked its female master. It carried its male master to battle and charged through tens of thousands of enemies. After getting affected by its male master's domineering aura, it started to enjoy its life where it was potentially able to shatter mountains and scare G.o.ds with its roars alone.

Then, after it took in three dragons as its henchmen, Blacky's biggest wish was to obtain a pair of wings that would allow it to fly freely in the sky, just like the dragons!

The dog wanted a pair of wings? It was beyond impossible!

However, Blacky didn't give up; it felt like it could do it!

Under the nurturing of its somewhat-creative male master, even Blacky itself didn't know how it was going to evolve. The bulges on its back were getting hotter every day, and it felt like a pair of bones was growing out of its spine. It was able to sense what was going on inside its body clearly.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


At this moment, Blacky looked up at the sky.

It saw Thug, Chick, Hooligan, and its male master, who was like a G.o.d in its mind, flying freely in the sky

Blacky exerted force through its four legs and created huge cracks on the ground, and it started to leap forward crazily.

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Chapter 600: The Effort of a Dog (Part Two)

The surroundings pa.s.sed by him rapidly like phantoms, and every time it leaped into the air and extended its legs, it would experience a brief moment of excitement as it felt like it was flying.

Streaks of hot energy dashed around its body unstoppably.

As it stared at the figures in the sky, Blacky had never wanted to fly this bad.

Finally, a huge valley that was more than 400 meters wide appeared before it; it was a distance that Blacky couldn't jump over.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


Even though that was the case, Blacky didn't hesitate for one bit.

Instead of slowing down, it sped up even more. As it roared, exerted force through its legs, and shattered the rocks under its paws, its body shot into the sky like an eagle.

The wind blew by its body.

Its upward momentum and the gravity were two forces in different directions, and they battled with each other. In the end, gravity took the upper hand, and Blacky started to fall into the valley. If its body smashed into the deep valley, its bones would be cracked into bits, and it would die instantly.

At this moment, it wasn't anxious at all for some reason.

Instead, it felt a wave of anger that was hard to suppress.

It opened its mouth and howled with all it got.

"Bark… Bark... Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!!!"

The barking of a dog turned into the roaring of an unknown beast. It was the first time that Blacky let out this type of sound that contained a ton of pressure, and a thick smell of sulfur appeared around it. When it opened its mouth again, orange flames were spat out!

At that moment, the streaks of hot energy shot through its body like electricity and swept through all the bones in its body. Like a volcano that finally erupted after many years of acc.u.mulation, the energy rushed toward the two bulges on its back that had been there for about half a year now.

Blacky sensed an intense pain as if its heart was pierced through, and it felt like something finally broke through the 'coc.o.o.n'.

Then, Blacky completely broke free from the gravity that had been pulling it down for all its life, and it flew upward into the sky!

A huge pair of wings extended out of the bulges on its back.

This pair of wings was black, s.h.i.+ny, and full of scales. The wing bones were distinct, and their tips were sharp like black swords that had been forged for hundreds of times. The wingspan was longer than 30 meters.

In addition, the wings had a metal glare to them; they looked like rows and layers of black swords stacked together. There were streaks of innate magic pathings on them; when Blacky fluttered its wings, cyan wind-elemental energy blades would appear under the wings, creating an enormous amount of thrust force and lifting its mountain-like body into the air.

As Blacky turned its head and spat out a dash of orange flame at a huge piece of rock, that rock turned into lava and flowed into the river in the valley.


Then, it fluttered its wings, and its body dashed into the sky.

Freedom! Flight!

As soon as Fei landed with everyone, he looked up and saw a huge black mystic beast flying toward him.

"It is Blacky! It looks like it finally broke through the limitation of its genetics! It has a pair of wings and could spit fire; it looks like a dragon! Haha, it went from an ordinary dog to this. This could be counted as 'a carp jumping over the dragon gate!' After taking this step, its future is now truly limitless!"

Fei could clearly tell that Blacky's strength was now equivalent to a peak Nine-Star Warrior. He was confident that this beast would break through again and march into Moon-Cla.s.s very soon; it would become a supreme king-level demon beast in no time!

"Hehe, my dog looks like a dragon, but my three little dragons stick out their tongues and wriggle their tails like dogs. d.a.m.n, I must be a failure of a master!" Fei thought to himself joyously as he heard the howls of the three dragons as well as Blacky as they flew freely in the sky.

Once these four beasts matured, the amount of shock they could bring to the enemies would be more than tens of thousands of elite soldiers.

They would become the G.o.dly guardian beasts of the kingdom, and all the enemies of Chambord would get a taste of their fangs.

Chapter 601: Mystery (Part One)

After Fei gave them a tour of the Sky Castle, people like Cech and Drogba finally familiarized themselves with this city and slowly woke up from the huge shock. Then, they each took a side palace that was around the Supreme King's Palace in the summit of the mysterious silver mountain in the center of the city. As they guarded and protected the Supreme King's Palace, they started their new cultivation journey.

The Supreme King's Palace was Fei's residence.

At the moment, the 12 maids, as well as more than ten servants, started their work. Fei took out all the items from his storage s.p.a.ce, and he asked them to place everything in accordance to how the old King's Palace was decorated. Especially for the items that Angela liked, they were hung up at critical locations in the new palace, almost recreating the same atmosphere and surroundings.

The Sky Castle had been around for numerous years.

There were all kinds of facilities and structures in the city, and there were various pieces of furniture in the palace.

Stone chairs, stone tables, beds, lights, kitchen, wine cellar, storage rooms, bread rooms... Everything and everywhere was spotless and looked brand-new. Since no one had lived in this place for thousands of years, it felt a little chilly and lifeless when Fei first came. Now, after the maids and servants busied themselves and decorated all the rooms, the atmosphere was a lot more friendly and welcoming.

All these maids and servants were loyal citizens of Chambord whom Brook personally selected, and they admire Fei to a degree where they were almost wors.h.i.+pping the king. Therefore, Fei didn't need to worry about the secret around the Sky Castle getting out.

After drawing out an area in the city that they were free to wander around, Fei let them do whatever they wished with their free time.

Then, he returned to the Supreme King's Palace and prepared to start training his spirit energy.

[The Throne of Chaos] was now placed back at its original location in the main palace, [G.o.dly King Palace].

Water was flowing inside the square-shaped pond in front of the throne, and this pond was constructed using that mysterious silver stone-like material. The white lotus-like plant looked livelier than half a month ago, and there were now six blossoming seven-colored exotic flowers on it. As the petals lightly s.h.i.+vered, they released a faint fragrance. When Fei took a deep breath, he felt so good that he thought he was in heaven.

The king took a closer look at this mystic lotus in front of him, and he felt like it was somehow deeply connected to the Sky Castle. As it went from a little green bud to having six blossoming flowers, the Sky Castle also gradually woke up with it.

However, Fei wasn't able to figure out the deeper and more profound mysteries in the city yet.

As the flowers blossomed, the entire [G.o.dly King Palace] was filled with its fragrance. However, not a single trace of fragrance leaked outside the palace.

Fei couldn't figure out why, so he decided not to think about it anymore. Since he had a unique connection to the Sky Castle, he was sure that there was no danger in this city. Therefore, he returned to [The Throne of Chaos] and started to train his spirit energy.

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Like a playful child, Little Rac.o.o.n was sucking in the fragrance greedily. Then, it rolled its eyes around as if it discovered something interesting, and it jumped into the pond to play. It rolled around in the water and bathed, having a ton of fun on its own.

In the sky above the [G.o.dly King Palace], the three little dragons were flying around under Blacky's lead. They were having fun as well, and it felt like they were in their natural habitat.

The night soon arrived.

Fei opened his eyes after four hours and pondered, "The speed of increase in my spirit energy doubled when I'm in this [G.o.dly King Palace]? Could it be contributed to this fragrance? I can concentrate a lot better…"

Fei nodded his head happily.

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Chapter 601: Mystery (Part Two)

The mysteries around the Sky Castle was slowly revealing themselves to Fei bit by bit.

From what Fei knew about this city so far, he realized that this legendary flying castle lived up to its name. No wonder Continental Martial Saint, Maradona, only entered this city once and became the No.1 Master in this world and created a legend of his own.

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After the training, Fei spread out his spirit energy into the city.

A virtual Sky Castle was constructed in his mind, and he was able to sense the maids, servants, and the masters of Chambord who were working hard on their cultivations. He nodded and launched [The Throne of Chaos] into the air.

After giving it some thought, he decided to fly around the area that was within 1,000 kilometers of Five Sword Sky Mountains.

Just like what he antic.i.p.ated, he discovered dashes of barbaric, murderous, and powerful auras of supreme king-level demons beasts in the depth of the primitive forests and mountains.

When he went more than 1,000 kilometers into the mountains, the auras of those demon beasts could be felt kilometers away in the sky, and some of them were comparable to Sun-Cla.s.s Lords! If Fei didn't have [The Throne of Chaos] that could travel through s.p.a.ce easily, he wouldn't dare to go so close to these powerful creatures.

After getting a bit deeper, Fei didn't dare to continue further even though he had his throne.

His sharp barbarian senses told him that there were terrifying creatures deeper in, and the dangerous auras irritated Fei's skin like lethal iron spikes, making him uncomfortable.

He didn't need to take that much risk, so he turned around and went back.

According to the geography of the Azeroth Continent, the Zenit Empire was the most northern empire, and the Chambord Kingdom was an affiliated kingdom of Zenit that was the closest to the edge of land that humans never step a foot on. Therefore, no one knew what kinds of creatures were living in the back mountains and forests of Chambord that were to the north.

Didn't matter if it were official historical doc.u.mentation or myth and legends, there was no record of people traveling through the mountains and forests located to the most northern edge.

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It was heard that too many powerful ent.i.ties lived in the mountains and forests, and there were way too many dangerous locations where birds that were flying by would be turned into corpses and humans who were pa.s.sed would be turned into skeletons.

This place was heaven for advanced demon beasts and h.e.l.l for humans.

However, when Fei chatted with Martial Saint Krasic of Zenit when the latter was alive, he was told of a myth. Some rumors said that after the demons got defeated by the G.o.ds in the Mythical Era, demons' affiliated clans and species such as elves, dwarfs, goblins, and giants were all forced to take the dangerous path. Under the protection of the most powerful masters in their tribes and after suffering great losses, these groups finally got through the mountains and forests at the most northern part of the land and continued their races there.

Of course, there were people saying that these races and species all died in the mountains and forests in the north, and their corpses were eaten up by demon beasts and were no longer traceable.

One day ago, Fei discovered the last ancestral place of the dwarfs and got a completely new understanding of history after reading the b.l.o.o.d.y diary of the emperor of the dwarfs, Gerard Bill. He started to pay more attention to the rumors and myths on the continent, and he felt like what Krasic told him months ago suddenly became important.

That was why the king wanted to try to get through these mountains and forests on his throne.

However, now it seemed like the potential danger a.s.sociated with this mission was beyond his expectation, and it was better to do it another time.

Even though Fei held himself in control, the curiosity he had grew and expanded. He was sure that there was a gigantic secret hiding on the other side of these mountains and forests.

When he returned from his exploration, it was already the dawn of the next day.

Fei didn't go back to the Sky Castle. Instead, he went back to Chambord City.

He didn't notify anyone, but he also didn't try to hide his aura. The target location of his trip was the church in Chambord.

He knew that there was a master hidden in the church, and this person didn't leave Chambord for some reason. Fei didn't bother this person since the latter didn't have any hostile intents, but he had to confront this person now since his wedding was in less than 15 days; he had to clear all uncertainties and make sure that nothing uncontrollable would take place.

-In the secret room in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the church-

A master who was cultivating suddenly opened his eyes, and the shock and fear couldn't be hidden on his face.

Chapter 602: Not Worry About Trouble When Trying to Make a Friend (Part One)

"It is King Alexander! Why is he here?" Out of the four people who were quietly cultivating in the secret room in the bas.e.m.e.nt, the person who detected Fei first and opened his eyes said frantically, "Did he discover us? Impossible! The walls of this room contain a stealth magic array that our master put up. How could he sense us?"

At the same time, the other three people also discovered that powerful and abrupt aura.

"What should we do?" Disov was the first person who lost his composure. The terrifying injury on his shoulder finally healed, and there was now only a light red fist mark under his skin. With a scared yet crazy light in his eyes, he said, "Let's charge out and attack him by surprise! The worst comes to worst, we can just retreat! Humph! We can at least destroy Chambord and crush his foundation!"

"No, we can't!" Rakanic who had a headful of short white hair quickly stopped his reckless peer by saying, "First of all, we are no match for him. If we charge out like that, we will ruin our master's plan. Even if we are successful in escaping, we couldn't avoid the punishment, and it will be worse than death!"

"Then, what should we do? We can't fight him, and we shouldn't escape? What should we do? Just wait here and die?" Disov was anxious and angry.

The people in this secret room were powerful masters, and they had their own high-statuses and egos.

However, it seemed like the name 'King Alexander' was magical. It was able to make these powerful masters feel scared and s.h.i.+ver.

Even though the King of Chambord was mighty, what made them scared was his ruthlessness and the cold-bloodiness. If they were facing ordinary enemies, they didn't need to worry. They were confident that their enemies would back off once they showed their ident.i.ty. However, in the case of the King of Chambord... Their peers who died in this young king's hands couldn't be counted with two hands.

At this moment, the person who discovered Fei's aura first suddenly noticed something and relaxed. "Wait, he isn't coming this way... It feels like he is trying to find someone else..."

"Yeah, he isn't coming this way anymore..."

"He is looking for someone or something..."

The four of them looked at each other and exhaled, and they all saw the cold sweat on each other's forehead.

Fei went to the back garden of the church.

Since it was spring, greenness already appeared on the ground. New gra.s.ses grew out of the fertilized soil, and they were looking at this strange new world like curious babies. New green vines already climbed onto the walls of the stone house in the garden, and b.u.t.terflies were flying around and dancing in the air freely.

Fei frowned; he sensed a dense cl.u.s.ter of wood elements that was several times more potent compared with the area outside the garden, and a liveliness filled this entire place. The air was warm and moist, great for all plants' growth. It seemed like the spring arrived earlier in this garden compared with the other places in the world.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


At this moment, a thin figure slowly walked out of the stone house with two maids helping him.

He was a handsome blond young man, and all his facial features looked like the G.o.ds carefully sculpted them. When people looked into his big and bright eyes, they would all feel intimate toward him. His face was quite pale, and he looked tired and ill. However, when these components were put together, they made him exceptionally beautiful.

This blond young man was the most handsome man Fei had ever met. Even though Crown Prince Girano of St. Germain who was very handsome, as well as Second Prince Dominguez of Zenit who was known as the No.1 Handsome Man in the empire, were exceptionally good looking, they were no match for this young man.

The two girls who were helping him to get around were all about 15 to 16 years of age, and they were gorgeous-looking and energetic. Their skins were smooth and white, looking like youth flowers.

They were both wearing tight-fit green outfits, and each had a huge battle bow on their waists. In their quivers, there were several long arrows that had white feather fletching. These weapons were in green as well, and it felt like they couldn't live without this color.

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Chapter 602: Not Worry About Trouble When Trying to Make a Friend (Part Two)

"You are here." This blond young man greeted with a smile on his face; it felt like he was welcoming an old friend that he hadn't met in a long time.

"You know that I'm coming?" Fei flashed forward and instantly appeared in front of the stone house.

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His swift movement instantly alarmed the two beautiful maids of this blond young man, and they quickly grasped onto their bows.

In just one second, the bows were fully pulled, and the arrows were loaded. Also, green lights were reflected off the feather fletching, and they shone around the three of them like fireflies.

Fei instantly sensed the sharp energy that was coming toward him.

"These two weak-looking girls are so powerful! Their archery skills are probably not inferior to the two archery masters of Chambord, Elena and Torres!" Fei estimated.

Even though Fei was a little surprised, he only lightly smiled.

This ill-looking blond young man whispered to these two girls using a beautiful, wind-like, and ear-pleasing language that Fei had never heard of before, and the two of them put down their weapons reluctantly. After they glanced at Fei, they turned around and went back into the stone house. However, Fei was able to sense that two pairs of beautiful yet cold eyes were still locked onto him, monitoring him nervously.

"You should have come earlier, no? I have been living here for a year. You discovered me a year ago, but you only came now. Now speaking of it, I should thank you for allowing me to stay here," this blond young man said.

He looked so weak that it felt like he would be pushed onto the ground by a gust of wind, but he was calm and collected. Just by standing there quietly, he gave off a n.o.ble and natural upper-cla.s.s sensation. Even though it didn't look like he was in a good condition, he still looked majestic.

Fei's eyes landed on this young man's ears, and he was deeply shocked. However, he showed nothing on the surface, and he only lightly asked, "It was you who sneaked into the back mountain of Chambord at night and fought with me?"

"Yeah, it was me."

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"Eleven months ago, when the Imperial Knight Palace sent a troop of masters here, it was you who suddenly appeared and killed a Three-Star Warrior, saving the situation for Chambord?"

"Yeah, it was also me."

"Therefore, it seems like we are friends, right?" Fei asked with a smile.

For some reason, Fei already categorized this blond young man who looked ill as a friend. His barbarian instinct was very sensitive, and he didn't detect any hostility from this young man. Instead, he sensed a little intimacy from him.

"It would be great if I can become friends with the Chambord Kingdom." The blond young man smiled and nodded. His voice sounded like the flowing of a clear river, crisp and casual.

"Since we are already friends, why don't you introduce yourself?" Fei asked with a light and playful tone.

After the initial surprise, a bitter smile appeared on this blond young man's face as he replied, "I didn't expect the King of Chambord who is like a G.o.d in the minds of his people to be this cunning. Since you already saw through my ident.i.ty, why do you want to hear me say it?"

Fei replied earnestly, "Even enough I'm 99% sure of it, I still want to hear it from a friend whom I trust rather than trusting my guesses."

The blond young man was stunned, and a mystic light appeared in his eyes. He looked at Fei's earnest expression seriously, and he nodded firmly after a while; it looked like he made a tough decision.

He smiled and said, "The King of Chambord is a great ruler after all. Although it is our first-time meeting, my instinct tells me that you are a trustworthy friend. Before I tell you my ident.i.ty, I need to inform you that my background might bring your trouble. Are you sure you still want to know?"

"I'm not worried about trouble when trying to make a friend."

"Hahaha! Great! Your Majesty, you are right. I'm..."

Just as this blond young man was about to reveal his ident.i.ty, a female voice suddenly sounded from the stone house behind him. It was still in that mysterious, crisp, and chirping-like language, and it seemed like one of the maids was trying to stop this young man from continuing.

Chapter 603: Royal Bloodline of the Elves (Part One)

After hearing what one of the maids said, the blond young man's smile didn't die down.

He turned around and said something with that mysterious and ear-pleasing language in a gentle tone, and the two maids in the stone house got quiet; it seemed like they weren't going to continue dissuading.

Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+

Suddenly, five sharp, ear-piercing noises sounded.

Five green arrows flew out of the stone house and turned into five phantoms.

Tud! Tud! Tud! Tud! Tud!!!!!!

The five arrows stabbed into the ground and formed a perfect pentagram; the distances between the arrows were exact, and it felt like someone measured the locations ahead of time. Soon, streaks of bright green energies floated out of the arrows quietly and sunk into the ground like rainwater.

Fei clearly sensed that a mystic wood-elemental magic energy connected the air in the surroundings with the ground, and it continued to spiral and gradually isolated all auras and senses in the area.

It was a magical wood-elemental magic array.

It was formed by using magic arrows, and it was unique and eye-opening for Fei.

Clearly, the two maids in the stone house were still worried and used this rare arrow array formation to block off the surroundings, preventing anyone else from hearing the conversation between Fei and this blond young man.

"Ok, we can begin now. My name is Akinfeev, Sid Akinfeev. I'm the descendant of a long-lost race, the elves," this blond young man said casually as he looked at the magic array that enveloped him as well as the sun that was about to rise from the eastern sky.

This blond young man was very upfront, and he told Fei, who was pretty much a stranger to him, the biggest secret without hesitation.

It showed 100% trust and faith!

Akinfeev didn't know why he felt so safe around Fei, but the unique and special bond between people was magical.

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"Elves!" Fei nodded; his estimation wasn't wrong.

In the legends on the Azeroth Continent, both elves and dwarfs were races that lived in the Mythical Era, and they were already extinct nowadays. It was quite surprising that the mysterious bloodline of elves got extended to the current day.

In fact, Fei discovered hints and clues as soon as he stepped into this small garden.

The wood elements were a lot more abundant in this place compared to anywhere else, and the plants such as flowers, gra.s.ses, and vines were all livelier. In addition, there were green light dots that were condensed life energies, and the ears of this blond young man and his maids were a lot pointier.

Also, Fei witnessed the awesome archery skills that the two maids showcased when they created an array with arrows...

All of those led Fei to believe that the blond young man in front of him was connected to the elves in the legends.

However, this guess was way too bizarre. After all, everyone on the continent agreed that the elves all died in the Mythical Era and were now extinct. Also, Fei read from the b.l.o.o.d.y diary of the emperor of the dwarfs, Gerard Bill, that Sid Empire of the elves got conquered by the Pseudo G.o.ds, so he wasn't too confident in his own judgment.

However, when Akinfeev told Fei this, the king instantly believed him.

It was an instinct, a trust between friends.

Suddenly, Fei recalled that in the diary of Gerard Bill, he mentioned that after the Sid Empire of the elves got conquered, a few of the royal members escaped and went to the empire of giants. However, there were no more recordings of them after the empire of giants were destroy by the Pseudo G.o.ds as well. From the current information, it seemed like they survived that grand ma.s.sacre and lived on.

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It had been ages since the elves were prospering, but Akinfeev in front of him had the rare pointy ears that was a key feature of the elves as well as blond hair that only the elves with royal bloodline could have. It was clear that his bloodline was very pure; otherwise, the atavism wouldn't be this distinct on him.

Now, Fei was sure that Akinfeev was of royal descendent of the elves.

It was very likely that his ancestors were the ones who successfully escaped from the blades of the Pseudo G.o.ds.

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Chapter 603: Royal Bloodline of the Elves (Part Two)

"Your Majesty, it seems like you are not surprised at all," Akinfeev asked; he was quite curious about Fei's calm demeanor.

"I already somewhat guessed it." Fei didn't try to hide it. He laughed and said, "The first time I saw you was when the black armored enemies were defeat, and Priest Zola and Holy Knight Luciano came back to Chambord. You were on the last carriage in that caravan, and I saw you when you lightly showed yourself through the window. I was curious back then, and I thought you were the secret love child of a big figure in the Holy Church. I didn't expect you to be the descendant of the elves in the legends."

"Back then, Your Majesty was heroic and convinced Zola and Luciano with only a few words; I admire you a lot!"

The smile on Akinfeev's face always seemed pure and real. As he lightly waved, two leaves on a vine that was climbing on the wall suddenly rolled up themselves and turned into the shape of cups. Then, another vine lightly s.h.i.+vered, creating drips of morning dew out of nowhere. Then, these drips of morning dew slid down the leaves and fell into the green cups, soon filling them up.

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As if they had minds of their own, the vines extended outward and stopped when the two cups were in front of the two people.

Fei didn't hesitate to take the cup and chugged it down. He instantly felt very refreshed, and he felt like all the pores on his body opened. As he moaned slightly, he suddenly thought of a legend and laughed, "I heard that [Dew of Elves] is a treasure that even the G.o.ds desire in the legends. I didn't think I would be lucky enough to enjoy it today."

"Your Majesty, you are teasing. This is only a little technique that we elves are good at. These drips of morning dew are only wood elements that had been absorbed and condensed by these plants for a year. Drinking it will make you feel refreshed, and it is far from the real [Dew of Elves]. The golden age of the elves is long gone, and no one can create [Dew of Elves] anymore in this world." A sad expression appeared on Akinfeev's face when he said that.

It was the pain that this blond young man felt after his bloodline woke up, and he could never forget the loss of his race.

After a moment of pause, the smile was restored on Akinfeev's face. He added, "Your Majesty's instinct is quite sharp; I'm indeed a secret love child. There was nothing unique about me when I was young, but the power of my elf bloodline started acting up once I turned 15 years old. My body underwent some transformations, and some people detected it."

Akinfeev didn't try to hide his background, and his expression didn't change when he admitted that he was a secret love child.

Fei nodded and frowned. "However, it doesn't seem like a good thing for you."

Akinfeev nodded and replied, "You are right. In the legends, the elves were affiliated with the demons who were the nemeses of the G.o.ds, and the G.o.ds are wors.h.i.+pped by the Holy Church. Therefore, if the Holy Church discovers my real ident.i.ty, I would be dead."

Fei nodded and waited patiently for Akinfeev to continue.

"However, my father is influential and has some power. He is nice to me, and he switched my ident.i.ty before the catastrophe struck and made my old ident.i.ty disappear. I turned into a devoted priest-in-training and traveled around the continent. In the end, I came to the most northern empire, Zenit, and arrived at Chambord after following Priest Zola who is weak and insignificant in the Holy Church." Akinfeev was very brief and concise with his explanation, but Fei was able to sense the great danger and threats behind those words. A young man had to leave his home and wander around homelessly in order to escape from tragedy, and who knew how long of a distance he traveled.

"Your father is quite brave. The most dangerous place is the safest place. By staying in the back garden of the church, no one would doubt your ident.i.ty. However, it seems like you aren't at Chambord just to try to escape the tragedy, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have tried to sneak into the back mountain of Chambord." Fei didn't hide around the bush and asked the tough question.

Chapter 604: Friend & Invitation (Part One)

"In the legends, after the demons lost the great war, their affiliated races such as the dwarves, elves, goblins, and giants were faced with the upcoming ma.s.sacre led by the G.o.ds and the humans. In order to extend the lives of their members, these races were forced into the mountains and forests at the most northern part of the known continent and had to leave the safe territories. I did my research, and I'm almost 100% sure that the origin of that ma.s.s migration started somewhere close to Chambord. Therefore, I wanted to come here and check to see if my ancestors left any marks or traces. If I could find the legendary [Ancient Path of Blood and Tear], I might be able to find my people on the other side of the most northern mountains and forests." Akinfeev slowly explained, ���The [Ancient Path of Blood and Tear] was a path in the most northern mountains and forests that was created by the blood and tear of many dwarves, elves, goblins, and giants. The most northern mountains and forests contained an unlimited amount of danger, and many of members of the four races died on the path. It was heard that it is now the only safe path that leads to the unknown land in the north. However, this is only a rumor, and most of the famous traveling poets and historians are doubtful toward the legitimacy of this claim."

Fei was shocked by what this blond young man told him.

It was the first time the king heard that the starting point of the suicidal migration of the four most famous races which were affiliated with the demons in the Mythical Era was near Chambord. Although he learned a lot about buried truth of history from the b.l.o.o.d.y diary that Emperor Gerard Bill of the dwarves wrote, there was also evidence proving that the ma.s.s migration of those four races wasn't fictional.

Could there be common grounds and connections between the two 'truths' that were contradicting? What role did the ancient city of Chambord play in that era?

"Unfortunately, I didn't discover anything this year. There are traces left by the dwarves from the Mythical Era in and out of the Chambord Castle, but they are random and don't lead to anything. Hehe, also, since Your Majesty turned the back mountain into a military restriction zone, I'm no longer able to enter with my current strength. I tried to get deep into the most northern mountains and forests, but I was only able to wander around aimlessly and didn't discover anything. In fact, I almost died under the sharp claws of a few high-leveled demon beasts. Perhaps the [Ancient Path of Blood and Tear] is only a myth and doesn't really exist." A lonely expression appeared on Akinfeev's face as he said that.

Fei lowered his head; he could understand this blond young man's feeling.

Fei saw Will Smith's movie, I Am Legend, back on Earth. In that movie, most of the human race except for the main character was extinguished, and the zombie-like creatures called Darkseekers evolved into the new rulers of Earth. That feeling of being excluded by the world and unspeakable loneliness were devastating and terrible.

However, Fei wasn't able to tell Akinfeev about the discoveries he made in the underground cave of Chambord, the b.l.o.o.d.y diary of the emperor of dwarfs, as well as the last ancestral place.

As he looked at the lively garden and sensed the abundant wood elements in the air, Fei thought about it and changed the topic. He laughed and said, "Since you are trying to hide your ident.i.ty, why would you create such a unique s.p.a.ce with abundant wood elements? All of these are characteristics of the elves; wouldn't this make others discover your real ident.i.ty easier?"

"Haha, no one normally comes here. Also, you know that Priest Zola who is managing this place is a useless and greedy b*stard. Since this fake ident.i.ty of mine has some background, and I pay him a certain number of magic gems a month as rent, he never bothers me."

Even though Fei had a lot of questions, this young man who had elf bloodline didn't mind. It seemed like he hadn't talked with anyone this openly in a long time, so he wasn't getting impatient at all.

"Since the elf bloodline inside of me is getting more and more powerful, I almost couldn't suppress the atavism that is occurring. If I live somewhere for a while, that place will become mystic just like this. Also, once I leave the abundant wood elements, I would be like a fish that is out of the water; I won't live long."

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Chapter 604: Friend & Invitation (Part Two)

The elves lived in forests; they relied on wood elements and life energies, and the wood elements and life energies were quite fond of the elves as well. It was heard that if the elves lived in places where it lacked wood elements, they would soon wither just like flowers without oxygen.

The elf bloodline in Akinfeev's body was getting more potent; it was a rare case of atavism. If Akinfeev could still be considered a human before he was ten years old, he was now half-human and half-elf. As the atavism intensifies, Akinfeev would slowly turn into a real elf. Just like ancient elves, he would gain exceptional wood-elemental magic talent and even obtain the powerful and mysterious bloodline inheritance masteries and techniques of the royal elves.

Although a lot of benefits would come with the mutation, Akinfeev would need to sacrifice a lot as well.

One day, he would be 100% reliant on wood elements. Just like how fishes couldn't survive without water, he would die when there weren't enough wood elements around him.

Fei suddenly realized why Akinfeev looked pale and ill. It seemed like he was turning into an elf, and he was getting more and more irritated by the external environment. If he couldn't find a residence in a place with abundant wood elements, his life would be in danger as time pa.s.sed by.

The elves were like beautiful art pieces; they could be powerful and great, but they were fragile at the same time.

After giving it some thought, Fei felt like he had a solution to Akinfeev's current situation. However, this matter was very complicated, especially when this handsome blond young man, who had royal golden elf bloodline, had a powerful father. Therefore, before Fei could do a thorough investigation, he didn't want to take too much risk.

He took out a bottle of purple [Full Rejuvenation Potion] from his storage ring and pa.s.sed it to Akinfeev as a friend.

"This potion could restore vitality and suppress all negative effects. It might help with your current situation, and you can give it a try," Fei said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Akinfeev accepted Fei's kindness and kept the potion.

"Oh, one more thing. I know that your name is the same as the name of the Executive Knight Captain of Imperial Knight Palace of Zenit..."

"Yeah, I know that person. However, there shouldn't be any connection between us. I think our names are just a coincidence."

Fei nodded; all the questions on his mind were answered in their conversation, and the objectives of this talk were all achieved.

The king initially planned to expel this mysterious uncertainty, but he changed his mind completely after meeting Akinfeev. Except for the fact that he really liked Akinfeev, he somehow felt like the gloominess that enveloped the continent during the Mythical Era was about to re-appear.

Fate was an interesting thing; Akinfeev's appearance could be one hint that was given to Fei, and this blond young man might be the key to many mysteries on Fei's mind.

"Hahaha! Our talk today is in-depth, and I like you. From now on, we are friends. I'm getting married in 13 days, and I hope that you could attend the ceremony as a friend." Fei waved his hand, and a gilded magic wedding invitation appeared after a red-light flash by.

"It is my honor! I will come for sure!" A child-like smile appeared on Akinfeev's face as he took the invitation. "It seems like I am permitted to continue living in Chambord."

"Haha! Of course! The gate of Chambord is always open to real friends," Fei laughed out loud, and he disappeared in the next second.

However, his loud laughter resonated in the nightly sky over Chambord, unwilling to die down.

"The King of Chambord! He is a real king!" With the gilding magic wedding invitation in his hand, Akinfeev got into an excited mood. For the first time in a year, a genuine smile shone on his face.

Although Fei asked a lot of questions, they were all related to the safety and security of Chambord. As the king of this kingdom, it was necessary for him to inquire about that information.

Also, the king didn't ask any questions that were too personal, showing adequate respect for Akinfeev.

This blond young man felt like he was lucky to make a friend like the King of Chambord.

P.S. A big shout out to Siraj A. Thanks for the support on Patreon!

Chapter 605: Upcoming Chaos (Part One)

"Your Highness, you might have taken too much risk today."

After Fei left, those two half-elf female archers walked out of the stone house and helped Akinfeev, who already looked fatigued, to stand up.

Then, one of them frowned and said, "If that person tells anyone else about what you said, the Execution Department of the Holy Church will be here before night."

"No, he won't do that."

Akinfeev stood for too long, and he slowly sat down on a stone chair beside the stone house with the support of the two maids.

As the royal elf bloodline inside his body got stronger and stronger, his physical condition worsened. Some of the powerful ancient techniques of the royal elves already appeared in his mind, but the wood elements were still lacking in the current environment. He was already at the edge of the most northern mountains and forests which resembled the ancient primitive land, but he still couldn't find a place that was suitable for him to live at and practice the ancient techniques. If this trend continued, he would die for sure.

His two maids, on the other hand, only had a little bit of elf bloodline inside of them, and the bloodline wasn't of royal background. Therefore, they could only be counted as half-elves. They couldn't inherit powerful ancient techniques from their bloodlines, but they also weren't in the awkward situation that Akinfeev was in.

However, they still had some of the characteristics of elves such as the pointy ears, beautiful faces, graceful figures, great archery skills, and talent at wood-elemental magic spells.

"I'm curious, Your Highness. Why do you trust the King of Chambord this much? He is a human after all," the other maid asked.

"Although you two are the most powerful warriors in our clan and have lived for more than 200 years, you have only interacted with our people and lived in seclusion at Green Dew Valley. You rarely made contact with humans and don't understand them. There are good people and bad people, just like in our clan. Right now, there are less than 100 elves including half-elves on this continent, and we should be helping each other and trying to survive in this dark time. However, there are still some elves who don't understand my father and try to fight for power..."

"In my eyes, the King of Chambord is different from others. We have stayed at Chambord for a year, and we all witnessed the changes that took place here. We are truly fortunate to be able to get a friend like the King of Chambord."

"Right now, the prophecy made by the last elf altar is becoming true, and the wheel of fate is turning around for the second time. Soon, the darkest era of the continent will arrive, and those devils who disappeared already are coming back..."

"The chaos will lead to new orders. This is the chance for all the races and species who are living in the darkness underground. If we couldn't capture this opportunity, then the real doom would be waiting for us!"

"The G.o.ddess of Fate directed us to this ancient city in the north. Perhaps the key to our future lies within Alexander, this unique person. I have a strong feeling that as long as we stand by this man, we will see the light, doesn't matter how dark it is right now!"

As soon as Akinfeev finished speaking, the first dash of golden sunlight came through and shone on his face.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


The golden sunlight, the short blond hair, and the bright and earnest smile made this young man, who was suffering from his current ill condition, look mysterious and holy. It seemed like the power of fate and prophecy was circling him quietly.

After hearing what he said, the two female half-elves looked at each other and stopped talking.

"Cough... This potion the King of Chambord gifted to me... Is it effective?" Akinfeev opened the purple bottle and chugged it down without even smelling it. He instantly felt refreshed as a cool sensation swept through his body, and its effect was even better than the Fresh Green Dew that took him a year to gather and create.

After drinking this potion, green light dots flew out of the flowers and vines and danced around this blond young man.

Gradually, a faint redness could be seen on this man's face.

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Chapter 605: Upcoming Chaos (Part Two)

"Hu... That butcher finally left..."

After sensing that Fei's majestic aura was moving away, the people inside the mysterious room in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the church exhaled and relaxed; their hearts finally calmed down and stopped racing. Their backs were all cold since their sweats almost soaked their clothes.

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They thought that they were fighters for justices and were never afraid of evil, and they thought that they were willing to sacrifice themselves when they were needed. They were proud of their strengths and statuses, and they felt superior compared with others. However, at this moment when danger was so close to them, they all realized that they were far from the word – brave.

This discovery made them angry and ashamed.

"It looks like he is not here for us, and he didn't spot us yet," Disov said coldly as vicious lights flashed in his eyes. He lightly caressed his right shoulder that was injured by Fei. Although it completely healed already, he felt some pain from there; perhaps it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

"Strange. Why did he suddenly come here to the church?" Manzo frowned and murmured.

"Perhaps he is here to see Zola. From our earlier investigation, we know that there is a secret relations.h.i.+p between the King of Chambord and Priest Zola." The calmest and most powerful person out of the four, Kadibo, guessed, "We don't have to be too worried about this; we can figure it out soon after our men collect the information. Right now, the King of Chambord is out in the open, and we are hiding in the shadow. It is much easier for us, and we can just wait for our master to get here to solve all this."

"Hahahaha! Great! This d.a.m.n King of Chambord is still living in his dream! He really thinks that he is invincible! Hehehehe, I can't wait to see his face when our master leads us into his palace, kill his people, and kidnap his fiancée! I swear I will humiliate him hard to make up for this injury!" Disov said viciously.

"I don't understand. Why do we have to wait for 13 days? What is master thinking?" Rakanic complained.

"Shut up! Do you want to die? How could we doubt our master's decision? Master has more important things to handle, and he is only free after ten days. Also, this King of Chambord killed several of our people. Master would want to humiliate him when he is the proudest and happiest."

"Don't worry. The King of Chambord only has a little more than ten days to live. By then, his warrior energy will be destroyed, and you can do whatever you want to him!"

"Humph! I will carve the meat off his body and force him to eat it! Hehe..."

After leaving the back garden, Fei did go and see Priest Zola.

This 'bald rattlesnake' had been acting properly in Chambord.

The renovation and reconstruction of Chambord required a lot of wealth, and most of it came from Fei combining lower-quality magic gems into top-tier ones using the Horadric Cube. Priest Zola was asked to sell the top-tier magic gems and get more low-quality magic gems, a commoner currency, through channels of the Holy Church. As a result, Priest Zola was able to profit quite a lot from it. Therefore, his life was way more comfortable, and he got money a lot easier. Without having to worry about too much and create schemes, he gained a lot of weight.

After Fei asked Priest Zola to get 10,000 low-quality magic gems, he wandered around the church with Zola and Luciano before leaving.

As these two top-officials in the local church saw Fei off, they looked at each other with shock on their faces as they wiped the cold sweats off their foreheads.

To be honest, they lived comfortably at Chambord this year, and they were able to get rich by not doing too much work. They liked where they were, and they didn't want to stand on the other side of Chambord.

However, after they thought about the terrifying ident.i.ties of the four people in the secret room in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the church, they had to oppose the King of Chambord. Those people were way too powerful, and they promised a lot of treasures, leaving them no excuse to decline.

"I hope that their promises hold true, and they can really kill the King of Chambord easily... Otherwise, no one could withstand the King of Chambord's revenge." Zola prayed in his mind.

Chapter 606: Princ.i.p.al Fei's First Lecture (1) (Part One)

After leaving the church, Fei returned to the old King's Palace. This place was going to become the corporate offices of the six departments as well as the ministers, so renovation was required. At the moment, the construction team was busying working here.

Since the warriors of Chambord such as Torres were cultivating in the Sky Castle and couldn't come out, Fei took Husky, one of his guards, with him. After they dressed up a little and wandered around the city, they ran into Jessie and Alan who were observing the city with Brook. These two representatives from the Black-Cloth Shrine had been walking around Chambord for a few days now, trying to find a proper place to construct the headquarters of the shrine. However, they couldn't find a nice location in the city.

"We don't have to place the headquarters of the shrine in the city. We could just find a mountain behind Chambord and make it the new holy mountain of the Black-Cloth Shrine." Since Fei was taken by the beautiful mountains and forests behind the Chambord City, he suggested casually.

However, his light suggestion was taken very seriously since it sparked an idea in Jessie's mind.

This young priest instantly took Brook and Alan to the back mountains of Chambord to look for a proper location.

Since this young man was a top-tier Half Moon Elite who was even more powerful that Lampard, he and the other two wouldn't be in danger as long as they didn't go too deep into the mountains. Therefore, Fei just let them be.

Dark-skinned Husky, on the other hand, learned a lot at Chambord, and he told Fei a lot of his interesting experiences.

For example, when he tried to use the public washrooms for the first time, he walked into the female washroom. A bylaw enforcement officer instantly stopped him and educated him. In order not to bring shame to the king, this guard didn't tell anyone his ident.i.ty. Also, when he used a magic water fountain, he forgot to stop it afterward. He got spotted by the bylaw enforcement officer and got scolded again. Then, he ran a red light and got identified by the same bylaw enforcement officer for the third time...

This dark-skinned king's guard told Fei his experiences joyously. Even though they were a little embarra.s.sing, Fei still had fun listening to it.

Under his plan, the citizens of Chambord were used to the new yet interesting life changes that were strange to them at first. What Husky told Fei happened to many Chambordians when these new items and systems were put in place, but they soon adapted to the ways that people in Fei's previous life lived, and they realized the benefits that the new laws and systems created. All these small things were added together, making the Chambordians even more proud. In a way, what Fei implemented helped Chambord to get more united and stronger.

Compared with Torres who was always respectful toward the king and never doubted the king's decision, Husky was a little unprofessional. This simple-minded man never held back anything and said whatever was on his mind. In addition, he was a bit careless and made many small mistakes.

However, Fei liked these unique characteristics about him.

When he was with this simple-minded young man, Fei felt like his life was more fun. He didn't need to maintain the prestige as the king, and he could do whatever he felt like with Husky.

As the two of them wandered around the city happily, more than half a day pa.s.sed without them noticing. Soon, they arrived at a shop that was on the main street and was under renovation.

"This is the symbol of Soros' Merchant Group," Husky said as he pointed at the huge logo on the banner that was being hung.

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The Soros' Merchant Group was indeed influential. They quickly got shops in the busiest region of Chambord, and the set up wasn't small. Four to five shops in a row were bought, and the logo of the group was already placed on them. Less than three days pa.s.sed since the group got here, but the renovation was almost done.

Among the people in this busy area, Fei quickly spotted Jessica who was beautiful and had a nice figure.

This girl who used to live in a poor neighborhood in Dual-Flags City shone like a precious gem. She had only been here for a few days, but there were already several handsome pursuers after her. They were all here trying to help with the renovation, trying to catch this girl's attention.

"Hey! Sister! It is me! We are here!" Husky shouted from quite far away.

"Emile..." Jessica turned around out of surprise when she heard the call. When she saw the figure beside her brother, her eyes lit up. She was too familiar with this figure; you could say that this figure was sealed into her mind. Even though Fei tried to hide his ident.i.ty, this girl instantly recognized him.

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Chapter 606: Princ.i.p.al Fei's First Lecture (1) (Part Two)

Today, Jessica was wearing a tight-fit purple dress as well as a pair of tall low-heel boots. These were all the popular designs made by Auntie Mary's workshop, elegant and straightforward, and they emphasized all the perfections of this girl's body. Her smooth long hair was tied into a bun with a silver b.u.t.terfly hair clip, and her smooth forehead was revealed as her curly bangs were pulled back as well. In addition, she was wearing a pair of dark-red ear pins, making her look like an Azeroth-style office lady.

"Your Majesty... Ah... You are here..." Jessica who was already used to running businesses and was smooth at talking suddenly blushed and didn't know what to say.

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Fei, on the other hand, didn't notice the strange behavior of the girl in front of him. Since he was recognized, he didn't try to hide his ident.i.ty anymore.

He smiled and greeted her.

He was actually a little surprised since he discovered that the pureness on her was getting more intense, and her aura was almost identical to Angela's.

"Jessica, I have a little gift for you." Fei took out a G.o.d-Fooling Badge from his storage ring and gave it to Jessica.

If Fei weren't wrong, Jessica's physique and soul were very similar to Angela's, and she probably also had the so-called world's purest soul which was very rare. That must be the reason why he felt like she was familiar when they first met.

Fei's wedding was approaching, and a lot of strangers would appear in the city. Fei was worried that other people might notice Jessica for the wrong reasons, and he hoped that this G.o.d-Fooling Badge could help Jessica hide her special aura and avoid unnecessary trouble.

However, this girl didn't know that much.

It was the first time that she received a gift from someone she liked, and it felt like a dream to her. She couldn't believe that it was really happening right away, and she only reacted after a few seconds. As she took the G.o.d-Fooling Badge from Fei, she grasped onto it tightly as if it was the most important thing in the world.

After that, Fei thought about it and still wasn't rea.s.sured. He added, "This badge has a special effect. You should wear it all the time, and it will bring good luck to you."

"Oh... really? Ok... I... I will wear it on me..." Jessica stuttered and nodded. She said to herself secretly, "Since you gave it to me, I will have it with me forever!"

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


Perhaps it was already determined in her fate, even though she knew that the gap in ident.i.ty between them was huge and this man was getting married to his two beautiful fiancées in 13 days, this poor girl couldn't help since she fell for Fei completely already.

"Hahaha! Well, that is it for now. The new stores are opening, and it will keep you busy for a while. Respectable Boss Jessica, please attend to your businesses; I won't bother you anymore. Hahaha, girl, remember what you said back at Dual-Flags City. We will always be friends! If you encounter any issues, just asked Husky to come and find me." Fei had a great impression of this girl, and he smiled and joked. Then, he didn't want to delay Jessica's work anymore and left.

After finding a place and eating lunch, Fei and Husky wandered around before going to the [City of Heroes] in the back mountain of Chambord before 2 PM.

As he promised, he was going to give the first lecture to the students of Chambord's Civil and Military University today as the princ.i.p.al.

-16th floor in the [City of Heroes]-

When Fei walked into the biggest cla.s.sroom on campus, he was stunned; this room was packed full of people. Except for close to 2,000 university students, there were some bylaw enforcement officers and saint seiyas. These people usually dropped in and listened to all sorts of cla.s.ses taught by the professors and instructors, and they all rushed here after knowing that the king was going to teach this cla.s.s.

In fact, even some of the officials from the six administrative departments were here, waiting for Fei to give his first lecture.

Right now, Fei was regarded as the most powerful master in the kingdom as well as the wisest intellect. Therefore, both people who were in the civil stream and the military stream were all antic.i.p.ating this cla.s.s.

They weren't far off the truth.

After living in the information-focused 21st century on Earth as well as going through many mysterious situations, getting taught by Martial Saint Krasic for a month, and comprehending many ancient techniques and martial art theories from [Demon King's Sword], Fei didn't even need to draft an outline for this cla.s.s.

Since he noticed that there weren't only university students in the audience, Fei instantly modified and adjusted the content of this cla.s.s.

This was an important cla.s.s, an important afternoon for the elites of Chambord; it would affect the rest of their lives significantly.