607 - 615

Chapter 607: Princ.i.p.al Fei's First Lecture (2) (Part One)

Although there were only about 3,000 people either sitting or standing in here, they packed this biggest room in the [City of Heroes]. Every single one of them had crazy admirations on their faces, and they held onto their breaths as they listened to the king who was lecturing in front of the cla.s.sroom. They were afraid that if they breathed heavily, it would affect their listening.

The lecture went on.


The king would tell a joke or two occasionally, and the audience would laugh out loud.

Fei grasped the atmosphere and the tempo from the beginning, and he enjoyed talking and lecturing a lot of people; he suspected that he was gaining a teaching fetish.

The king didn't try to brainwash his citizens with principles such as 100% loyalty to the kingdom, serving the kingdom at all cost, and dying for the kingdom was an honor, and he also didn't promote the shocking viewpoints from his previous life. Instead, like an old friend, he recalled and summarized what happened in the year subjectively.

The events that took place around the audience were able to get them to resonate with what Fei was talking about, and thunder-like applauses sounded frequently.

Everyone was taken by the stories that the king was telling, and some of the more emotional students and soldiers teared up when Fei told everyone about the invasion of the black-armored enemies, the expedition the soldiers of Chambord went on, the compet.i.tion among all affiliated kingdom of Zenit, and what happened at Dual-Flags City from a first-person perspective.

They heard a lot of blood-boiling battles that they didn't know about from the king in an even more thrilling way.

Fei took out more than a dozen divy crystals from his storage ring, placed them on the table, and injected magic energies into them.

Some videos started playing. There were scenes where people like Torres and Drogba didn't back off when fighting powerful opponents on the Sword-Testing Stages at St. Petersburg, where warriors of Chambord battled with [Snow Mountain Hermit] and his mighty disciples, and where thousands of soldiers charged into the formations of 60,000 soldiers of Jax...

All these events that took place were all doc.u.mented by Fei using these special crystals, and they were all going to become precious historical doc.u.ments that were going to be used for educational purposes as a part of the king's plan. This was the first time that Fei showed these footages, and the visual impact and effects were better than Fei expected.

All these heroic battles and the unyielding iron-will of the warriors of Chambord made everyone in the audience feel like their souls were ignited.

These scenes were clearly displayed in front of the audience, and it felt like something was burning.

Every single audience member clenched their fists and s.h.i.+vered in excitement. Deep in their souls, the heroic seeds were planted and growing.

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Fei smiled; his goal was accomplished.

Then, the videos that were playing on the walls of the cla.s.sroom changed. Instead of battles, the funny moments that happened between people like Fei, Drogba, Pierce, and Torres were shown, and they added more characters to these powerful heroes. Through these details, the audiences understood that these heroes were just like them, fun-loving and emotional; they weren't just battle machines.

Then, the video showed how Louise, Pato, and Brand punished the corrupt n.o.ble at the Kelun Town, how the bylaw enforcement officers made sure that the laws of Chambord were being followed when Fei and Husky wandered around the city today, and the heart-warming scenes where mothers called their children home for dinner.

The atmosphere in the cla.s.sroom got lively and fun again.

As the audience watched these videos, they smiled and enjoyed these moments.

In the end, the videos froze at two scenes.

One was a brutal scene where Fei led the troops and charged through the defense formation put up by the soldiers of Jax outside of Dual-Flags City, and the other one was a heart-warming scene where a genial old lady fed her cute grandson who had mud on his face under an old tree that had new green branches on it.

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Chapter 607: Princ.i.p.al Fei's First Lecture (2) (Part Two)

"Alright, in the end, I still need to tell everyone one thing; you are all the pillars of Chambord and the future of the kingdom. Therefore, you guys are responsible for remembering these two images; these two images could be flipped at any moment. In this world that is ruled by power, you need a reason to fight and put in work. Otherwise, one day you wake up, you will see enemies kill our soldiers and murdering our loved ones. That scene where blood spilled and corpses piled high could be Chambord in the future if we slack off!"

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After Fei said that, the cla.s.sroom fell silent.

Every one of the university students and soldiers opened their eyes wide and stared at the two images; it felt like they wanted to seal these two images into their souls.

The atmosphere was really intense.

Fei looked around and glanced at the faces of the people in the audience. He nodded delightedly and clapped before smiling and saying, "Ok, the story time is over. I hope you guys didn't get bored.... Now, we can start the official cla.s.s. From now on, I will teach a day of cla.s.s once a month. In the morning, I will teach the cultivation methods of warrior energy and magic energy, and in the afternoon, I will answer all kinds of questions that you guys might have..."

What Fei said made the audience excited again.

Everyone knew that the king was the most powerful master in Chambord and a cultivation genius. He was able to pressure a lot of warriors and mages who had been famous for a long time during the compet.i.tion at St. Petersburg and earned a lot of rewards for the Chambord Kingdom. Right now, the king could be counted as one of the top masters at Zenit, and it was a rare and precious opportunity to be able to ask him questions.

Fei didn't let down these people who were thirsty for knowledge.

Although they were the same basic theories that the instructors at the university taught already, they somehow seemed clearer and more understandable when the king explained them again. A lot of people noticed that questions which troubled them for a long time now solved themselves, and the learning process became more fun and more interesting.

Fei was one of the most powerful masters at Zenit to begin with, and he had a ton of combat experience. He was taught by Martial Saint Krasic, learned many ancient techniques from the cultivation encyclopedia, [Demon King's Wisdom], and had been studying various scrolls in order to create new techniques for the saint seiyas of Chambord. In a sense, he was already a grandmaster in terms of cultivation understanding.

Therefore, when the king explained his understanding to others with simple words, the audiences got mesmerized and felt like they were having epiphanies.

When Fei tried to explain his understanding to the people who were a lot weaker, he felt like it was benefiting him a lot as well. He was grouping his understanding into systems and condensing them, solidifying his cultivation foundation and forming his style.

His clear voice resonated in this big cla.s.sroom and echoed throughout the [City of Heroes].

With fascinated expressions on their faces, the audience members were taken by the king's lecture. Even the not-so-bright students and soldiers felt like a gate that they never knew existed before opened in their minds, and a new world was embracing them.

Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+

Suddenly, more than a dozen warrior energy flames appeared in the audience.

These people suddenly broke through the threshold and went onto a new realm after listening to the king's lecture! They achieved the things that they had been trying hard to do subconsciously!

Fei didn't antic.i.p.ate this, but it was within reason.

Fei had access to a lot more corpses in the Jax Battle Zone, and he used the skill, [Find Potion], and got a lot of [Hulk Potions]. With this large supply, almost all the university students and soldiers at Chambord had taken a small dosage and got their bodies transformed.

With the new-gained talent, hard work, and learning from the experienced instructors from [Rogue Encampment], these students already had firm foundations. Now after listening to the lecture of Fei, a grandmaster, it was reasonable that the thresholds which had been blocking their progress were broken.

After Fei finished the first half of the cla.s.s, two hours pa.s.sed.

Within this time, 140 university students and soldiers achieved breakthroughs and got more powerful; it was miraculous!

Chapter 608: Princ.i.p.al Fei's First Lecture (3) (Part One)

The first half of the cla.s.s that was meaningful and significant to the elites of Chambord ended, and some people looked reluctant to take the break. Many of them were still focused on their cultivation and solidifying their realms and couldn't wake up from crazy enlightenment state.

Then, it was the question and answer session that Fei talked about.

For a moment, almost all the audience members' eyes lit up; they all wanted to get the opportunity to ask the most powerful master at Chambord, King Alexander, questions.

After seeing the burning stares, Fei calculated the time and laughed, "Don't worry, everyone who is in the room can get the chance to ask me one question!"

What Fei said instantly stirred up the people.

The king's kind and approachable att.i.tude excited the university students and soldiers, and they admired him even more. After keeping themselves in check, they stood up and waited for their turns.

A 14 years old blond boy who was sitting in the first row got the first chance to ask Fei a question. When being able to interact with his idol, this little guy got really nervous. His mind went blank, and the question he prepared ahead of time was gone. With a blushed face, he didn't know what to say.

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"Don't be so nervous; go slow. You can call me princ.i.p.al or instructor during cla.s.s time. Eh, let me see. You are cultivating an ice-elemental warrior energy... Do you feel like when you are trying to advance to the Two-Star realm, the third main energy channel in your right arm is a little stuffed?" Fei smiled and said to this boy. With his strength, he only needed one glance to figure out what this boy who was at peak One-Star was troubled by.

"Ah, yeah! I asked several instructors, and they all say that I don't have enough acc.u.mulations. But... but I have been stuck at peak One-Star for three months now. My cla.s.smates who started later than me already... already advanced through..." This boy calmed down after seeing Fei's smile, and he was able to get his question out.

"Eh, this is because when you first broke through this third energy channel, you rushed it, and the process was too aggressive. You suffered a small injury, and this third energy channel was damaged a little. Although it isn't significant and is hard to detect, it is there, and it is stopping you from advancing. The instructors are not wrong; if you acc.u.mulate enough energy and try again, you will advance. However, this hidden injury will always be there, and it will affect how far you can go in the future. It will make it hard for you to reach the Moon-Cla.s.s realm. Remember, cultivation itself is dangerous, and you should always be patient and think about the long-run. Also, you shouldn���t compare yourself to your cla.s.smates too much. Otherwise, the small injuries will block your path of becoming a powerful master later."

Even though Fei was facing this boy, his words were for everyone in the cla.s.sroom.

Currently, Chambord was experiencing rapid growth, and the university students, as well as soldiers, were all competing. The positive compet.i.tion was a good thing in most cases, but that wasn't the case for cultivation.

Obtaining and using both warrior energy and magic energy were dangerous, and fort.i.tude, persistence, and intelligence were required. If one focused on speed, many other aspects would be neglected. There had been too many geniuses who wanted to get strong fast and got many minor injuries along the way, limiting their potentials.

After Fei finished speaking, he lightly patted this boy's right arm.

This boy instantly sensed a streak of heat entering the third energy channel in his right arm. As he tried to circulate warrior energy inside his body again, he was pleasantly surprised when it flowed through this third energy channel smoothly.

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Then, a dash of blue fire flashed by, igniting his warrior energy flame. In an instant, he advanced to the Two-Star realm, which he had been dreaming about for a long time.

This magical scene was no longer surprising in the audience member's eyes. They felt like it would be strange if this boy didn't breakthrough after being personally instructed by the king.


"Your physique is more fitted for cultivating wood-elemental warrior energy. Although wood-elemental warrior energy can lead to fire-elemental warrior energy, it wouldn't be pure. I recommend you finding a wood-elemental training scroll from the library; cultivating both wood-elemental and fire-elemental warrior energies might not be a bad thing. I would recommend cultivating both [Green Forrest Scroll] and [Fire Ignition Scroll] together…"

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Chapter 608: Princ.i.p.al Fei's First Lecture (3) (Part Two)

"Haha, little girl, you are too impatient. This technique, [Drifting Snows Lead to Blood], can only be fully used when you are at Three-Star…"

"Bodily coordination is key to this [Flas.h.i.+ng Sword Scroll]. You are born with insane strength, and you are burly. However, your flexibility is lacking. Instead of practicing this sword technique, switching to [One Strike Scroll] which is a knife technique is a better option. Your physique matches it quite well..."

"[Lotus Bloom Scroll]? You would need to vibrate the 31 hidden energy channels to use it perfectly. Close your eyes; I'm going to vibrate these 31 energy channels for you. Carefully sense it….. Eh, this is a good choice. Although this technique isn't powerful early on, if you persist and pa.s.s Six-Star, you would realize its power. It will provide you with a vast amount of warrior energy, and you will be in the advantage when fighting with opponents who are on your level!"

"Wind-elemental magic? This is tricky. I can sense the abundant magic energy in your body, and it seems like you are able to sense the elements clearly. However, it does seem like your spirit energy is a little weak. Haha, little guy, you don't think spirit energy is important? Haha, you couldn't be more wrong! You need to know that many powerful mages are great at spirit energy. Therefore, you could go to the library and check out the technique called [Green Ocean Sea Tides]. It should help you with the issue that you couldn't condense the wind-elemental elements when you are casting spells!"

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"Eh... Your 35th energy channel isn't fully open yet. Let me tell you how to do it..."

"[Metal Chaotic Fire] is a high-level combat technique that requires granular control. You are lacking..."

Time slowly pa.s.sed by.

During this time, the king demonstrated his profound understanding of warrior energy, magic energy, and cultivation in general; he was even a little shocked by the stuff he knew, and he also felt proud.

For the first time, Fei realized that he had acc.u.mulated a vast amount of information. He answered all the questions, and he didn't get stuck at all. In most case, before the audience members could ask him the questions, he already saw through their issues and easily solved it for them in a few sentences.

This quick process made these university students and soldiers who already admired Fei fall for him even more.

There were more than 10,000 techniques scrolls inside the Civil and Military University's library, and it seemed like the king knew each one of them to the details. Almost every audience member was recommended a style that fits them, and Fei even gave them the names of the scrolls, saving them a lot of time and unnecessary efforts.

"How many times did His Majesty read those scrolls? It seems like he knows all the techniques to heart, and he comprehends everything! This is G.o.d-like!" they thought.

The king's profound understanding and superior memory shocked many people.

Of course, if they knew that almost all the cultivation scrolls, combat technique scrolls, and even magic scrolls at Chambord were created by the king, as well as the fact that there were at least 30 Moon-Cla.s.s Techniques, more than 100 combat weapons that were hard to find, and various magic items in the most advanced weaponry storage on the top-levels of the [City of Heroes], the shock they experienced would be 1,000 times more intense!

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The people who were sitting in the back were initially worried that there wasn't enough time for them to ask questions, but more than 90% of the audience members got their questions answered already.

When everyone received the answers to their questions, the night already arrived.

In everyone's chants, the king ended the cla.s.s that took the entire afternoon and left the [City of Heroes].

All of them were looking forward to the next cla.s.s.

It was an insanely rare opportunity for anyone to get a super powerful master to tailor his or her cultivation path and technique; even the young n.o.bles from the most powerful n.o.ble families at St. Petersburg might not get this chance. However, these kids in Chambord, despite their family backgrounds, got to experience it.

This first cla.s.s was unforgettable.

For a lot of them, this was their first time interacting with their king. Compared with listening to the stories told by their fathers, this experience was much more shocking and impactful.

As they watched their king leave the cla.s.sroom with a smile on his face, everyone in the audience swore to themselves that they would fight the king didn't matter how dangerous and challenging it might be. They promised themselves that even if they would die, and their souls would get destroyed, they would protect this kingdom!

No betrayal!

Chapter 609: Prequel Before the Storm (Part One)

Fei didn't realize that this cla.s.s went on for so long. When he walked out of the underground cave, the moon and the stars were already s.h.i.+ning in the sky. It was about eight to nine o'clock in the evening, and he got a little hungry. However, Angela had been living at her official home, which was Bast's Mansion. According to traditions, the king wasn't able to see his fiancée during this time before the wedding, so Fei had to find some food on his own.

With a big black cloak on him to hide his ident.i.ty, Fei tried to find a pub in the restaurant area of Chambord to get some food, but he ended up at Soros' Merchant Group's storefronts under Husky's lead.

After an afternoon of busy work, the storefronts the Soros' Merchant Group had on the main street of Chambord completed the renovations, and it was just waiting for the next day to open its doors.

As the head manager of the branch in Chambord, Jessica was living in the store that was in the middle of all other stores. This store was a four-story stone tower, and Jessica was living on the fourth floor.

Husky walked in and shouted.

Since all the guards of the merchant group knew their boss' simple-minded brother, they did some quick inspections and went to report to Jessica.

Soon, Jessica who was wearing a simple and thin bubble dress rushed down the stairs like a b.u.t.terfly.

"Emile... Ah, Your M... You are here as well?"

It was obvious that Jessica didn't expect Fei's return.

When her guards reported to her, they only mentioned her brother, Husky. Fei who got more than half of his head covered by the cloak got treated like an insignificant servant, and he wasn't even mentioned in the report.

Therefore, as soon as Jessica came down and saw Fei, she felt like her clothes were too simple.

Her thin, lace bubble dress only covered up to her knees, and her beautiful lower legs that were perfectly curved were exposed. Also, she was wearing a pair of pink, furry slippers, and her delicate toes were revealed as well. Since her skin was smooth and pink, her toes looked like art pieces that were sculpted out by great artists. The sleeveless dress also exposed her smooth, toned arms, and the V-neck showcased her pretty collarbones and that portion of her skin above her chest, which was like the white snow on the summits of the holiest mountains.

Fei glanced at her and quickly moved his eyes away; he started murmuring 'Amitabha'. (TL Note: It is the name of a celestial buddha according to the scriptures of Mahayana. However, in Buddhism at China, people treat his name like a chant, and it is used to calm the nerves.)

He thought, "This girl wasn't this attractive before; why do I feel like she is charming enough to lure all the men in this world? d.a.m.n, she is stunning! No wonder people say that 11 out of ten men treat her as their dream lovers back at Dual-Flags City."

In fact, even Jessica's guards were stunned by this side of her.

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"Ah... you... please come up..." Jessica instantly blushed, and she didn't know what to say. She wanted to go up and change into something else, but the person in front of her was the King of Chambord; it might be too rude to ditch him like that. Therefore, with red cheeks and a racing heart, she invited Fei up the stairs.

"Hehehe, we are here to get a meal. After giving a lecture at the university for the entire afternoon, we haven't eaten anything yet..." Even though Husky was simple-minded, he was cautious this time and didn't reveal Fei's real ident.i.ty. However, he also described what happened so that his silly sister knew what was going on.

However, what he said instantly made the guards, who were hired by the Soros' Merchant Group at high-cost, look at Fei differently.

Although they had only spent a few days at Chambord, they knew how important the Civil and Military University was in the entire kingdom. They heard that all the instructors in this strange academy were all masters in their relative fields such as warrior energy, magic energy, and potion making, and they could make any other kingdom go crazy over their knowledge.

Also, they heard that the King of Chambord treasured these instructors and treated them well, so these instructors had high-statuses in Chambord and were influential.

"Could it be that this man in the black cloak is a prestigious instructor from Chambord's Civil and Military University? He looks quiet, and it feels like he is a servant when he stands next to Boss' brother... But it looks like Boss knows him well and is very respectful toward him."

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Chapter 609: Prequel Before the Storm (Part Two)

"d.a.m.n! Our boss is beautiful, and many people pursued her at Dual-Flags City. It was later heard that she is the King of Chambord's woman, and all those pursuers backed off. Also, our boss is treasured by a high-level official in Soros' Merchant Group, and she usually doesn't pay attention to other people. Why this little white face who is wearing a black cloak?" these guards thought to themselves.

(TL Note: Little white face is a Chinese term that refers to young men didn't want to work and relied on wealthy women. In most cases, they are handsome and don't have other abilities.)

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After thinking about how they ignored this man, these guards got nervous and sweated a little.

"Sorry for bothering you. These few days are special, and I don't have many places where I can get food. Therefore, Emile and I came to eat here." Although the king didn't antic.i.p.ate these s.e.xy scenes, since he was already here, he calmed down and greeted Jessica. After all, he was a man who had seen many situations. However, he was a little dull and didn't notice Jessica's strange mood.

After seeing their boss bring that 'instructor' up to her personal s.p.a.ce upstairs, the guards looked at each other in shock; they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"It is already late... But... Could it be that our naïve-looking, beautiful, and cla.s.sy boss found a handsome young lover behind the King of Chambord's back? h.e.l.l will break loose once this information gets out!"

The guards who instantly 'understood the situation' gave each other a look and secured the area around the building, just in case unexpected events took place.

They only relaxed and exhaled deeply after that 'young instructor' left after an hour or so.

There was a curious guard among them. Since he was a Three-Star Warrior, he decided to follow the 'young instructor' and see where he was from despite his peers' objections.

After following for about 500 meters, he completely lost track of his target, and he got shocked. By then, he realized that this 'young instructor' was really powerful.

"No wonder he is brave enough to fight for a woman with the King of Chambord..." this guard thought.

Fei could never expect that he was thought of as a little white face who dared to fight over Jessica with the King of Chambord.

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Even though he discovered that guard who was trying to follow him, he knew that the latter was doing so due to security concerns since he didn't reveal his ident.i.ty to them. Therefore, he didn't mind it.

He easily got out of that situation and flew toward the Sky Castle which was located on the Five Sword Sky Mountains.

The king's return instantly made the main palace busy again. The maids tried to prepare dinner, but Fei quickly stopped them and told them to sleep.

Fei was about to go into Diablo World to kill monsters, but...


A blue portal appeared in front of him, and Kashya walked out of it.

The Letter Office got new information, and Kashya was asked to deliver it; it seemed like something significant took place.

After reading the thick stack of the intelligence report, Fei fell into deep thoughts.

Changes occurred at the Eindhoven Battle Zone. With Emperor Kromkamp of Eindhoven killed and only the Capital City left, it seemed like the Eindhoven Empire was going to get conquered just like the Spartax Empire in a short time. However, since Crown Prince Arshavin returned to St. Petersburg, it gave the people of Eindhoven a chance to breathe. A female general named Lanji appeared, and she led the desperate soldiers of Eindhoven and defended against the soldiers of Zenit for more than half a month. Then, she suddenly launched a counterattack and wiped out two main battle legions of Zenit that were surrounding the Capital of Eindhoven, stabilizing the situation.

It was heard that this female general named Lanji was only 20 years old and single. She was the daughter of the famous general in Eindhoven, Costakarta, and she announced that she was going to kill the King of Chambord to revenge for her father after getting that victory.

However, Fei wasn't worried about that. What worried him occurred in the Jax Battle Zone.

After his t.i.tle as the No.1 Commander of the battle zone was stripped away, the henchmen of Arshavin took over and received the fruit of Fei's labor, which was the Jax Empire declaring that they lost the war.

Since the pressure from the war was gone, the henchmen of the Crown Prince instantly raised the butcher knife. The head commander of the native military force, Ribry, got his t.i.tle stripped away, and it was heard that he was arrest for distortion, malfeasance, corruption, and conspiracy. He was about to face the Imperial Military Headquarters and could be imprisoned for years.

Also, masters from the affiliated kingdoms who were close to Fei such as Shevchenko, Cindy, and Reyes were all summoned to St. Petersburg to face interrogations.

It was clear that all of this was aimed at Fei.

Arshavin couldn't hold back and was finally about to take actions against Fei.

Chapter 610: Heading to Dual-Flags City (Part One)

The intelligence report from the Letter Office also mentioned some other things.

One of the things was what happened to the elderly warriors who got rescued by Fei from the Mythical Palace. After their families came to Dual-Flags City and guarded them, they were still attacked by mysterious forces on their way home. Out of all elderly warriors, two of them died in battles, and their families got wiped out. The others also experienced danger but were able to get back to their territories. They suffered various degrees of losses; some were unharmed, and some lost a ton of family members and treasures.

Fei could only sigh.

A person with treasures that didn't match with his or her strength would experience tragedy. The number of natural treasures that each of the elderly warriors got from the core region of the Mythical Palace was enough to create about a dozen Moon-Cla.s.s Elites, and it might even be enough to help a peak Full Moon Elite to breakthrough to Sun-Cla.s.s.

Since that news already got out, they became the targets of many jealous people. This world was cruel and unjust. Without the power to fight back, one had to be prepared to get eaten alive.

The intelligence report also mentioned the activities that were going on in dozens of empires around Zenit.

As the Zenit Empire regained its strength, conquered its nemesis, the Spartax Empire, and surrounded the Capital City of Eindhoven, all the other empires around it sensed the immerse threat, especially the Leon Empire which already held grudges against the Zenit Empire. It was one of the domineering empires in the region, and it was already establis.h.i.+ng alliances with other empires in the area and planned to suppress Zenit, this giant northern bear.

In the meantime, there was also another big rumor.

As the No.1 Royal Mage of the Legion Empire and one of the most powerful mages in the region, Domenech suddenly disappeared a month ago. Some people guessed that this powerful mage was already killed by another more powerful master. After all, the magic tower that the Leon Empire built for him suddenly lost the connected magic power half a month ago and collapsed; it was a sign that the owner of the magic tower died. Of course, there were also people who said that Domenech betrayed the Leon Empire for some mysterious reason and was on the run, chased by the royal masters of Leon.

Fei was very pleased by the efficiency and accuracy of the Letter Office.

After close to one year of development, Zolasc and Modric who were saved by Fei from the mine pit in the former Blackstone Empire demonstrated their unique talents and abilities. When they were slaves, they were dancing on the blade of danger and negotiated with the Grim Reaper daily. These experiences of theirs gave them superior adaptability and fort.i.tude, and these characteristics of theirs gave them the ability to soar in the underground world.

In just a year, the two mysterious names, [Old Man] and [Young Man], were already famous in the underground world in the area. They represented a rookie force, but they were on the level of some ancient forces.

Of course, this couldn't be achieved without Fei's 100% support.

If you know yourself and your enemies, you will win all the battles. Fei's experience from his previous life told him that if Chambord wanted to survive in this cruel world, a sharp and sensitive intelligence network was a must. In order to create such an intelligence agency, Fei had spent millions of gold coins. This amount of money could fully equip two main battle legions!

If he didn't have the insane trans.m.u.tation item, Horadric Cube, that could combine low-tier magic gems into high-tier magic gems, there was no way that he could support such an intelligence agency. After all, even the Zenit Empire might not be able to afford it!

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On top of financial backing, Fei also tried hard to support the agency with mighty warriors and guardians.

The military leader of [Rogue Encampment], Kashya, had been running around to deal with all sorts of situations, and she got the name [b.l.o.o.d.y Yellow Cape] in the underworld. At the moment, she was one of the few top-tier masters in that world. Also, the dozens of masters Fei got from Martial Saint Mountain were placed into the Letter Office, and they were sent to various empires to complete tasks; they were one of the key foundations of the agency.

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Chapter 610: Heading to Dual-Flags City (Part Two)

Currently, the Letter Office was like Fei's third eye; they were able to help the king monitor the movements of the forces 500,000 kilometers around Chambord, and all the information could be pa.s.sed to Fei by Kashya who could appear in front of him at any time. Therefore, Fei always had the most relevant information to aid him in the decision-making process.

Although Fei wasn't sure if the royal family of Zenit had a similar intelligence agency, he was sure that any of the underground forces within 500,000 kilometers of Zenit couldn't match up against the Letter Office.

They created an invisible yet strong defense wall for Chambord.

After reading all intelligence report, Fei thought about it and wrote a simple letter back to [Old Man] and [Young Man]. He pointed out a few key directions and listed a few critical targets for them to monitor.

Kashya who was always silent took the letter and turned to the teleport portal.

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"Oh, right. Are you able to come to my wedding which is 13 days away?" Fei suddenly asked as a big, gilded, and red invitation letter flew toward Kashaya. This magic invitation was an entrance ticket to the wedding.

"I will come by if there isn't anything important going on," Kashya answered lightly without turning back her head as she reached out her hand and easily caught the magic invitation with two of her fingers. Then, she disappeared with the portal.

Fei smiled and shook his head.

Compared with other NPCs from [Rogue Encampment], this military leader was the most powerful person and the most silent one. She was naturally a quiet person, and she wasn't trying to be disrespectful toward the king. In fact, she was a loyal and dependable master.

Valkyrie Elena was one of her proudest students, and Kashya saw Elena grow up.

Kashya taught the female rogues miraculous archery skills, and the relations.h.i.+ps between them were like mother and daughters.

Although Kashya's answer wasn't clear, Fei knew that this most powerful person from [Rogue Encampment] would be there.

When daughters were getting married, their mothers would be there for sure.

After Kashya left, Fei returned to [The Throne of Chaos] and started thinking.

From the information the Letter Office provided, Fei sensed something really strange and mysterious.

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Half a month ago, Emperor Ya.s.sin showed himself in the core region of the Mythical Palace. He had a dominating presence and easily defeated the Sun-Cla.s.s Lord, Domenech. More than a dozen people saw that, and the royal master of Jax, who was an enemy of Zenit, was there as well.

Normally, this shocking news should be spread around in the region. However, nothing about that battle was released to the public; it felt like Emperor Ya.s.sin never showed himself!

Half a month had pa.s.sed, and Emperor Ya.s.sin was still keeping up the image of an elderly master who was going to pa.s.s away at any moment. No one knew the secret!

Also, the other party in that battle, Domenech, appeared in the core region and got defeated and chased by Emperor Ya.s.sin. This information was also not released, and many people were coming up with guesses and theories as to why he disappeared. This confused Fei.

It seemed like a huge pair of invisible hands wiped out the traces of battle that could affect the power dynamics of the empires within a region of 500,000 kilometers around Zenit.

A lot of hidden events were taking place, and Fei smelled thick conspiracies as well as the smoke that could trigger wars!

Perhaps a chaotic time where empires battled with each other was about to arrive!

That was why Fei instantly took off his honorable t.i.tle as the No.1 Commander of the Jax Battle Zone and returned to Chambord; the king was trying his best to pull Chambord out of the potential messy wars between empires. After all, Chambord was still too weak on this continent, and anything could flip it over.

Although Fei knew that if Zenit got crushed, Chambord would be ruined as well, it would still be better than Chambord being used as a suicide squad by someone who was in a powerful position in Zenit.

Fei himself couldn't get away from the upcoming chaos.

When that thin figure turned into ashes on the summit of Martial Saint Mountain and covered the land of Zenit, Fei swore that he was going to protect this land for him. From that moment on, the path in front of Fei was full of danger and traps.

For example, Fei had to head to Dual-Flags City now.

His former comrades who fought enemies alongside him were being framed and punished in Dual-Flags City, and Fei couldn't just sit still and watch.

After summoning Torres into the [G.o.dly King Palace] and gave him some orders, Fei pulled [The Throne of Chaos] back into his body, opened his silver sword energy wings, and dashed toward Dual-Flags City like a beam of light.

Chapter 611: Crazy Decision (Part One)

The night arrived, and the darkness enveloped Dual-Flags City, suffocating the people inside.

The situation seemed a little strange.

The troops of Jax already left about half a month ago, and the cruel and deadly war was over. Since the threat of death pa.s.sed, Dual-Flags City should have returned to normal. Even though it was far from Chambord City which was powered by magic technologies, there should still be a lot of people on the streets at this time, and it should be a little noisy.

After all, Dual-Flags City was the biggest city in the Northwest of Zenit.

As Fei stood in the sky above the city, he looked down and felt a little confused.

Dual-Flags City was about 800 kilometers away from Chambord. To ordinary people, that trip might take more than ten days. However, to masters like Fei, it only took about a few minutes. Even though Fei didn't use [The Throne of Chaos], his speed when he used the silver sword energy wings was also as fast as light, and he appeared above Dual-Flags City quickly after he dashed away from Five Sword Sky Mountains.

After Fei calculated the time, he realized that it was about 10 PM.

Since Fei knew this city very well, he antic.i.p.ated a giant lit city with a lot of people walking around. However, at the moment, it was very quiet and dark inside the city; this wouldn't happen if there weren't a curfew.

There were only a few lights lit at this moment, and most of them were from military camps and main structures in the city. There wasn't anyone on the street, and the spring wind blew up some yellow sand grains and made a series of desolated noises. Overall, it felt like this city was an empty ghost city.

There was a vague smell of blood in the air.

As Fei flew in the sky, he sensed streaks of vicious undead energy circling the city and unwilling to leave.

"What is going on? Could it..." Fei frowned.

After giving it some thought, he dashed down toward the military campsite of the native military force. He wanted to find people like Ribry and asked them what was going on inside the city.

-Military campsite of the native military force-

The chilly wind blew by, and streaks of black smoke flew in the air.

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Inside the braziers that were hung by the two sides of the gate, dark red flames flickered in the wind; it felt like they were going to be extinguished at any moment. Also, a few pieces of charcoal got blew out of the braziers, spilling sparks everywhere.

Even though these lights were dim, they allowed Fei to see the surroundings. There were 20 wooden beams that were more than 10 meters tall right outside the military campsite, and three to four dark-faced corpses were hanging on each beam. These corpses were swinging in the air, and their tongues were sticking out; it was clear that they were killed by hanging.

These corpses were all wearing soldier uniforms, and they hadn't start rotten yet, meaning that they were only killed four to five days ago.

Outside of this military campsite, there were multiple teams of fully armored soldiers stationed there, and there were also soldiers patrolling around with murderous spirits on them. All of them were monitoring this campsite.

Inside of the campsite, all the native soldiers of Dual-Flags City were asked to rest, and no braziers and campfires were allowed.

A silver flame flashed, and Fei appeared in front of this campsite.

He looked up at the corpses that were hung on the wooden beams, and he instantly frowned as anger and confusion filled his mind!

He recognized a few of them; they were soldiers who were brave and overdone themselves during the defensive battles, and Fei even praised them specifically. They were all soldiers whom Fei appreciated, but they were somehow hung!

"What military law did they breach?" With this question on his mind, Fei walked toward the central tent in the camp.

Metal-colliding noises sounded as the metal armors of the patrolling soldiers ground each other, and their weapons reflected the chilling light of the night. These teams of soldiers kept on walking by Fei, but none of them were able to discover him. The king's strength was beyond the realm of regular masters, and an invisible energy fluttered around him as he walked forward, blocking him from all senses of the people in the area.

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As he was wandering around, he spread out his spirit energy and tried to locate Ribry.

However, after a while, the king was surprised to find that this man who held the highest position in this group wasn't inside the military campsite.

-Central Tent-

Since no brazier was lit, terrifying darkness enveloped everything. Only a few long breaths could be heard.

Sitting in the no.1 seat to the right of the seat of the head commander, Gago, who was the Brigade Commander of the native military force in Dual-Flags City, looked around with his eagle-like eyes, and anger could be seen in him.

Not too long ago, he received a warrior energy training scroll from the King of Chambord. He had been practicing it every day, and his realm finally climbed to Four-Star.

There were several other commanders who were Star-level Warriors, and they all could see in the dark without lights.

At the moment, they could all see the sad and angry expressions on their peers' faces.

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Chapter 611: Crazy Decision (Part Two)

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"What should we do? Mr. Ribry is now gone for three days, and we still don't have any information. At the moment, it seems like hope isn't on our side. Those d.a.m.n b*stards; they surrounded the campsite and don't allow us to get out and seek information. Should we just wait here until our death? Everyone here is the most trusted comrade and brother of Mr. Ribry. At this critical moment, we need to do something!" Gago said in a deep voice as he looked around the people inside the tent; it was clear that he was trying to hold back his anger.

"Right now, our campsite is locked down, and the special envoy from the Imperial Military Headquarters is not allowing anyone to leave. Otherwise, the death penalty would be used. Ah... Warriors like Klun and Yule... They were such good soldiers during battle... Just because they wanted to sneak out and get news about Mr. Ribry, they were hung by those b*stards... Worst come to worst, let's start a rebellion! Let's kill these b*stards who don't act like humans and save Mr. Ribry!"

"Yeah, Gago, you are right! I think all our brothers are willing to do so. Let's kill them all! Let's show them that the native military force isn't easy to bully!"

"Yeah! F*ck them! When we were fighting and bleeding for the city, what were those n.o.ble b*stards doing?"

"Yuck! Yeah! As soon as they got here, they started to rob our military merits. Also, they try to force us to make up lies about how King Alexander His Majesty colluded with the enemies of Jax. They tortured so many of our men and tried to make them lie, and so many brave warriors got killed..."

"It is truly chilling! So many brave brothers didn't die on the battlefield but got killed by our own! This is shameful! We are heroes who defended the city, and this is what we get? I don't think that d.a.m.n envoy named Matthewson is going to let us live; he is trying to kill us all! We should rebel! It would only take us half an hour to kill those b*stards who hadn't even seen blood yet!"

"Kill them all! Let's get to the Mayor's Mansion and killed Soroyov, that poisonous snake! Then, we can rescue Mr. Ribry!"

The people inside the central tent got stirred up, and they all placed their hands on the hilts of their swords.

As soon as they thought about what happened in the last while, berserk expressions appeared on their faces. The anger in their hearts was enough to burn down the city! These heroes who protected the city didn't expect that they would be treated like criminals after the war!

His peers' roars made Gago feel like his blood boiled with them.

With his right hand on the hilt of the sword, he felt the impulse of pulling it out, rus.h.i.+ng out of the tent, and blowing the bugle. All the soldiers in the campsite would be gathered, and they would be able to rescue their head commander, Ribry, and wash away the shame and torture that they had been experiencing.

However, at the last moment, he forced himself to hold his emotions in check.

"We sure could kill all these b*stards in the city, and we could probably rescue Mr. Ribry. However, what next? Could we really get away from the empire? Once the main battle legions get send here... No, not even them. As long as the Executive Knights from the Imperial Knight Palace get here, we would be defeated... I don't mind dying for Mr. Ribry, but do we really want tens of thousands of brothers to die with us for the crazy decision we make?" Gago asked with a bitter expression.

What he said was like blocks of ice that fell into people's hearts, instantly suppressing their anger and fury. The amount of power the Imperial Knight Palace had was indefensible, and they all felt a little desperate and ashamed.

"Then, what should we do? Should we just wait around here and do nothing? Mr. Ribry, he..."

"No, we need to do something," Gago lowered his voice and said with flas.h.i.+ng lights in his eyes, "We don't need to drag in all the soldiers of the native military force; the few of us are enough. When it is midnight, those b*stards will lower their guards. We could sneak out, dash to the Mayor's Mansion, and kill that d.a.m.n envoy and Soroyov. Then, we could save Mr. Ribry and leave Dual-Flags City... It is more dangerous this way... Do you guys have the guts to do it?"

"Sounds good! I, Tilundo, will listen to you!"

"That is a better plan! I'm willing to do anything for Mr. Ribry!"

"No problem! My battle ax has been waiting for this day! It is thirsty already!"

However, some people had questions.

"What should we do after we rescue Mr. Ribry? The Imperial Knight Palace would definitely deal with this incident, and we couldn't hide from the Executive Knights. We must find a good place to go after this, and we shouldn't act recklessly!"

A smile appeared on Gago's face.

"I already thought about it! After rescuing Mr. Ribry, we will get the fastest horses and go to Chambord! King Alexander His Majesty is a hero and a true friend of Mr. Ribry! He is really powerful, and he won't fear the Executive Knights!"

As soon as he said that, people in the tent nodded.

Indeed. At this moment, they all felt like only that man could bring them a sense of security.

Chapter 612: No Need to Endure Anymore (Part One)

"But if we do that, it might bring a lot of trouble to Mr. Alexander," the commander who raised the question first looked around and said, "Mr. Alexander might not be afraid of the Imperial Knight Palace, but we need to be careful. Crown Prince Arshavin and many n.o.ble families at St. Petersburg are trying to find excuses to frame His Majesty. If we go to him after we rescue Mr. Ribry, I'm afraid that those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds don't need to find an excuse to deal with King Alexander His Majesty anymore."

What this commander said made sense.

The people in the tent nodded and thought, "If we run to Chambord after rescuing Mr. Ribry, King Alexander will for sure keep us. However, this would be similar to pulling him into the water! We might harm His Majesty and even the entire kingdom!"

A bitter smile appeared on Gago's face.

After a short pause, he said, "Don't worry; I already planned for that. After we rescue Mr. Ribry and get out of Dual-Flags City, we will go separate ways. You guys can take Mr. Ribry to Chambord, and I will take a group of suicide squad and charge toward the Jax Empire to distract the Imperial Knight Palace's attention. When they catch up to me, I can find a few corpses, destroy their faces, and make them subst.i.tute for you guys. I don't think the people from the Imperial Knight Palace could figure it out."

Everyone in the tent was stunned.

From what Gago said, it sounded like he was going to sacrifice himself for everyone else. Even if everything went according to plan and the people from Imperial Knight Palace was fooled, he would be captured by them since there was no way that they would allow him to commit suicide. Then, he would be tortured in interrogations, and no ordinary human could endure through that.

"No! Gago, you are wise and quick; Mr. Ribry needs to be looked after by you, and the team couldn't do it without you. Hehe, let me go and distract the Imperial Knight Palace! I'm worthless, and me dying to save your guys is a great deal!"

"Yuck! Don't try to rob this eye-catching opportunity from me! I should be the one who goes as a distraction!"

"Lendo! You are bad! Haha, I'm the most familiar with the terrains in the Jax Empire, and I'm more fit for this job! Hehe, I can take the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds from the Imperial Knight Palace onto a game of hide-and-seek!"

These brave and heroic men all shouted and tried to get the chance to sacrifice themselves as if that was the only way for them to make it out here alive.

Gago looked around, and he felt like his blood was boiling.

He said to himself in his mind, "Mr. Ribry, do you hear this? You should be proud to have this bunch of brothers who are willing to die for you! They are the real soldiers, the real warriors, and real men! Compared to them, those pitiful n.o.bles at St. Petersburg who only knows how to fight for power should be ashamed of themselves!"

At this moment, a clear voice sounded from the outside and penetrated the tent, "Hahaha! Good plan! However, I can promise you that you won't succeed and will just die!"

"Who is it?" Gago was shocked!

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Tink! He pulled out his sword, and his body turned into a bladestorm, das.h.i.+ng toward the direction of that voice fiercely.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

A series of metal-colliding noises sounded.

Everyone in the tent was an elite commander who had been through life-and-death moments on the battlefields, and they were all experienced. Therefore, they all reacted at the same time as well.

Before this meeting, they placed more than a dozen elite soldiers around the tent, trying to keep the area secure. However, this unknown person got so close to the tent; it was clear that he was extremely powerful.

Although they felt like this voice sounded familiar, it was an urgent matter, and capturing this person was the best thing to do at the moment. After all, what they were talking about were a highly sensitive matter, and tragedy would arrive if it got out!

However, as soon as they rushed out of the tent, they sensed an indefensible energy coming at them. Didn't matter how hard they tried to fight it off, they made no progress forward.

They were all stunned again! They knew that they were no match for this mysterious master.

"You guys were still praising me a moment ago; why are you trying to hold me your blades as soon as we meet again?" A figure appeared under the moonlight. With a smile on his face, he looked spectacular and unparalleled.

Everyone was surprised!

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Some of them rubbed their eyes and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"King... King Alexander?!?!"

After a few seconds, they finally realized that they weren't hallucinating. They were thrilled, and all their worries and fear were gone. They knew that the fact this person appeared here meant that he was willing to help out and save Mr. Ribry. Also, they realized that if this man wanted to do something, it would be achieved. They couldn't recall anything that had ever stopped this man.

"Legion Commander!" Gago and the other commanders kneeled and greeted.

Fei was the Legion Commander of the [Wolf Teeth Legion] and the No.1 Commander of the Jax Battle Zone. Therefore, he was the big boss of everyone here, and they were used to calling him 'Legion Commander'.

"Please get up!" Fei waved his hand, and an invisible energy helped these people up gently.

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Chapter 612: No Need to Endure Anymore (Part Two)

He asked, "I heard what you guys talked out. Gago, tell me everything that had happened in the last while in detail."

"As you wis.h.!.+" Gago replied and started to tell Fei the whole thing.

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It turned out that after Fei left Dual-Flags City, Matthewson, who was the special envoy from the Imperial Military Headquarter and a henchman of Arshavin, started an obvious 'cleansing' operation. At first, all the commanders who were close to Fei were called over for meetings. He tried to hint at these commanders and told them things such as the King of Chambord was up to no good, the King of Chambord was trying to increase the power of Chambord Kingdom at the expense of Zenit, and the King of Chambord was treasonous. However, Fei's influence in the city was great, and people like Mathewson got nowhere with their plans. Therefore, they got mad and surrounded the native military force with the soldiers they brought from St. Petersburg, beginning the real b.l.o.o.d.y 'cleansing'.

Gago was a good speaker, and he quickly told Fei everything concisely.

"Oh? You mean people like Soroyov and the n.o.bles got back to their former selves? They are corrupt again, and they have been framing the commanders who are heroes in defending the city?" Fei frowned.

"Yes, Sir! If you could do it all over again, you shouldn't let these old dogs go!" The commanders all got furious when talking about people like Soroyov.

"Ribry had been arrested by that Special Envoy Mathewson three days ago, and you guys don't know what is going on?" Fei sensed a huge conspiracy.

"Yes, Sir! Also, the 20 guards of Mr. Ribry were also taken away," Gago answered.

Fei nodded, thought for a bit, and asked, "Those heroic warriors who gained a lot of military merits during the war were hung in the military camp just because they cared about their commander and tried to gather his information?"

"Yes, Sir," Gago shouted with a sadden expression, "We tried our best, but... but we couldn't stop those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds... We... we let our brothers down..."

This clever commander cried like a child.

Men rarely cried because their sensitive nerves were hard to touch!

For a moment, the eyes of all the commanders in the area reddened.

Fei lightly patted Gago's shoulder, glanced around, and said slowly, "You guys did well; you are real warriors. When Ribry weren't here, it is your control of the impulses that saved the force. They already set up masters outside the camp, and they are ambushed you. If you did anything off... But now, we don't need to endure it anymore! Someone, blow the bugle! a.s.semble the troop! Raise my king flag! Open the gate! Play the hero burial music! We will use the most sincere and honorable way to welcome back the corpses of our heroes, and we will avenge for them! Kill everyone who dares to stop us! I, the King of Chambord, will bare all the consequences!"

Fei's speech was firm and authoritative. It resonated in the sky and didn't die down for a long while!

After a moment of shock, these commanders felt like that sense of security was back. They felt like the anger and grudge they were holding in for the last half a month were wiped out, and they saluted at Fei and replied with a roar, "As you wish, Legion Commander!"

Soon, the loud bugle sounded.

Like a bolt of lightning that lit up the sky, the sound of the bugle resonated around this military campsite.

After hearing the summon, the soldiers who were red-eyed and didn't even take off their armors and weapons at night rushed out of their tents as fast as they could decisively.

As soon as they got out of the tents, they saw the new commander flag that was being raised in the camp.

"Quick, look! That commander flag... Mr. Alexander's battle flag!"

"Ah! Great! Is King Alexander His Majesty back? Now, there is someone who will uphold justice for us!"

"Mr. Alexander! You are finally back! We have been waiting for you!!"

Close to 20,000 native soldiers rushed to the center of the campsite at the fastest speed, and everyone looked at the figure below the commander flag with expectant eyes. As they hoped, there was the invincible, young commander who led them and battled against the enemies in the northwest!

At this moment, all of them calmed down.

Like a tangible matter, the morale of the soldiers shot into the sky and shattered the clouds!

-Outside the campsite-

"What is going on? These pigs of Dual-Flags City dare to blow the bulge and raise the commander flag without Mr. Mathewson's order d.a.m.n it! How dare they gather the soldiers? Investigate! Figure out who gave the order! Arrest him, and I will skin him alive!"

A black armored commander rushed out of his tent which was located inside one of the two campsites that sandwiched the military campsite of the native soldiers and cussed.

At this moment, a series of cheers sounded. It felt like a volcano erupted, and lava was gus.h.i.+ng out of the deep earth core.

"Sir! Sir! Bad news! The native soldiers are launching a rebellion! They went against the military order, rushed out of their campsite, and are about to take back the corpses of those soldiers who were hung a few days ago..." a messenger rushed by and reported anxiously.

"Hahaha! These bugs dare to rebel and commit treason? They are seeking their death! Mr. Mathewson already antic.i.p.ated this! He ordered us to kill them as soon as they do anything unusual! Hahaha, this is the time for me to get a lot of military merits! Pa.s.s my order! All soldiers stay alert, and you go invite the masters from the Imperial Knight Palace over! I want to see who is daring enough to commit such a deed!" this commander ordered. He wasn't anxious but excited; it felt like he had been waiting for this moment, and he was confident in the strength of his side.

Chapter 613: Only Ten Seconds (Part One)

Surrounding the native military force and using all sorts of method to force the native soldiers to rebel was an operation that was scheduled a while back and had been executing.

This black-armored general was named Williams, and he was a commander in Crown Prince Arshavin's elite guard legion, [Iron Blood Legion]. He had been preparing for a few days now, and he was waiting for the native soldiers to do something unusual so that he could accuse them of committing treason.

Therefore, when Williams heard the uproar from the military campsite of the native soldiers, he got excited and ordered the messenger to inform the masters from the Imperial Knight Palace who were resided not far away. On the other hand, he led a few hundred guards and moved toward the military campsite of the native military force.

At this moment, the atmosphere in front of the gate was already intense.

Wearing black armors, the soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord], which was one of the main battle legions of Zenit, already formed three square formations. Their expressions were cold, and their spears formed metal forests, reflecting the chilly moonlight. Behind these three formations, a group of about 500 archers was already in place. Their arrows were loaded, and their bows were fully pulled and created a series of squeaking noises. If their commander gave them the order, their arrows would dash forward and devour their enemies mercilessly.

The [Whip of the Thunder Lord] was one of the ten main battle legions of the Zenit Empire, and it was one of the four main battle legions that were under Crown Prince Arshavin's control.

It was created by Emperor Ya.s.sin when he was at his peak. Therefore, it had an honorable history, fierce combat abilities, and systematic training. Also, it just got off the frontline in the Spartax Battle Zone, and it had a ton of battle experience and morale.

All the soldiers in the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] were wearing light black metal armors. In each square formation which comprised of 100 soldiers, there was a mage who specialized in healing and another mage who mastered defensive magic spells. Didn't matter if it came to equipment or treatment, these soldiers were several times better off compared with the native soldiers in Dual-Flags City.

After getting orders, they quickly gathered in front of the gate of the native military force's campsite, stopping these native soldiers from getting back the corpses of their comrades.

These soldiers in this main battle legion moved in unison, and their expressions looked cold and ruthless as if they were killing machines.

On the other side, the native soldiers were rus.h.i.+ng out of their campsite.

They were still wearing the armors that were partially-broken by the weapons of the invaders of Jax, and the s.h.i.+elds and weapons they had in their hands were cracked and chipped from the war. As heroes who successfully fended off the enemies, their equipment didn't even get renewed and upgraded after the war.

Faced with the elite soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] and their sharp arrows and spears, these native soldiers showed no fear. With angry and solemn expressions on their faces, they charged out of the military campsite with their backs straightened.

They were approaching the ten wooden beams outside the campsite. On these wooden beams, there hung the corpses of their heroic comrades. These corpses swung in the chilly wind, and their eyes were wide open...

The real heroes were unwilling to close their eyes when they were treated like this!

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"Native soldiers of Dual-Flags City, listen up! Drop your weapons immediately and strip off your armors! Then, put your hands on your heads and squat down! What you are doing is equivalent to committing treason! If you get any closer, you will be killed on the spot! Right now, only the commanders will be held accountable for this rebellion; the regular soldiers aren't guilty!"

A voice that was empowered by warrior energy sounded from behind the soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord].

As loud clip-clop noises appeared, the black armored soldiers moved to the two sides in coordination and created a path. Then, William, who was wearing the armor of a high-level commander of the [Iron Blood Legion] dashed over with his 200 guards on their horses.

The atmosphere instantly tensed up even more.

As his red warrior energy flame burned around him, Williams who was a Five-Star Warrior looked like a demon in the night. He looked around viciously, smiled excitedly, and mocked in a murderous and cruel tone, "Humph! A bunch of d.a.m.n bandits who ditched the honor of soldiers! You finally couldn't help but commit treason? Crown Prince His Highness already expected this! He knew that you bunch of useless bugs could only waste the money of the empire and are up to no good! What? Why aren't you dropping your weapons? Do you really think that you can fight against Zenit's G.o.d of War himself?"

Tink! Tink! Tink!!!

In accordance with Williams' angry shout, the soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] knocked their weapons against their metal armors, and a vast yet murderous aura instantly crashed toward the native soldiers of Dual-Flags City!

A mocking smile appeared on Williams' face as he thought, "These useless soldiers dare to rival against one of the ten main battle legions of the empire? The elite soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] got personally trained by Crown Prince His Majesty! They could crush these weak bugs using their auras, let alone actual battle!"

However, the mocking smile soon froze on his face.

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Chapter 613: Only Ten Seconds (Part Two)

Williams saw something unimaginable! The useless soldiers in his eyes didn't collapse when experiencing the pressure coming from the [Whip of the Thunder Lord]. Instead, they unleashed a more powerful strike using their auras. They didn't knock their weapons against their armors, and they didn't even make a sound. They only stared forward with their angry eyes, and their straightened bodies unleashed auras that even made the elite soldiers of the most powerful legion, Crown Prince Arshavin's [Iron Blood Legion], sense a chill.

"A weak and remote legion near the border shouldn't be this powerful, but why... Could it be..." Walliams thought of one possibility. This weak and remote legion was under the command of that person who even made the Crown Prince Arshavin concerned. Although that person only commanded this legion for a few months, it was enough to turn a legion around.

"Is that little king of the little affiliated kingdom that terrifying?" Williams thought.

As soon as he realized that something was off, he didn't hesitate to draw out his sword and slash it forward.


His fire-elemental warrior energy dashed out like a poisonous snake and drew a long line on the ground; this line was about half a meter deep in between the two opposing groups. The fire continued to burn around this line, and it even turned the sky a little red. This advanced combat technique was enough to prove the strength of Williams, a high-level commander in the [Iron Blood Legion].

In the native military force, no soldier or commander was powerful enough to deal with him.

"Listen up, you mixed, weak soldiers! If you dare to cross this line of fire, you will be killed with arrows! After you die, you would still be convicted of treason, and your family members and friends will be executed as well! The corpses on these ten wooden beams are the examples!" Williams shouted as he slowly raised the sword in his hand.

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He already planned ahead. If anyone dared to move forward and cross that line, he was going to order the archers to shoot. The archers were all equipped with penetration arrows, and they could break through the warrior energy flames and tempered bodies of One-Star Warriors. He wanted to kill a group of offenders to establish his authority and dominance.

At this moment, a crisp and loud voice sounded, "Such power! This is the military campsite of the native soldiers, and it isn't war time. Why couldn't these soldiers leave the camp?"

As this voice sounded, a handsome figure appeared, crossed that line, and walked toward Williams.


Williams was shocked, and he pointed his sword forward subconsciously.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+

A series of bowstring vibration noises and air-piercing noises sounded instantly almost at the same time, and they were like the vicious laughter of the Grim Reaper and the cheers of devils.

These arrows shot over the soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] and dashed toward the native soldiers of Dual-Flags City mercilessly!

The Grim Reaper opened its arms and was ready to embrace!

All the native soldiers raised their s.h.i.+elds above them and their comrades subconsciously, and their battle instinct made them bend their knees and decrease the exposed surface of their bodies. They were trying their best to dodge the arrows that were coming at them, and they were ready to charge forward and battle.

However, what happened next made everyone open their eyes wide and gap! It felt like they all saw an undead creature in the middle of the day.

Those penetration arrows that could break the bodies of One-Star Warriors accelerated once they pa.s.sed the peak of their trajectory, but they all suddenly slowed down like snails that got into a swamp, and they all stopped ten meters off the ground.

It was a stunning scene.

The tips of these penetration arrows reflected the chilly moonlight, and the white feather fletching s.h.i.+vered violently. As if the wicked smile froze on the Grim Reaper's face, these arrows couldn't move forward by a little bit.

Even the elite soldiers and commanders of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord], which was one of the ten main battle legions of Zenit, gasped and almost dropped their weapons.

As soon as Williams saw this person's face, his body silvered rapidly as if a bolt of lightning was pa.s.sing through it. He instantly thought of a name, and he yelled out in surprise, "King of Chambord? You are King Alexander of Chambord!?? You... why are you here?"

"I don't want to attack the soldiers of the empire, unlike that prince who likes to do things that bring his friends pain but his enemies joy. In ten seconds, move 1,000 meters away from the military campsite of the native soldiers and hand over the criminals who killed these heroic warriors!" Fei said loudly as he pointed at the corpses that were hung on the wooden beams.

Before he finished, tinkling noises sounded all over.

Those arrows that were frozen in mid-air all dropped onto the ground and piled up into a small mountain.

Fei stood in front of the military campsite in his white robe and golden belt. The nightly wind fluttered his long hair, and his eyes shone brightly under the moonlight. He had a majestic aura and chilling confidence, shocking Williams who was on his horse.

Chapter 614: You Talk Too Much (Part One)

Williams wanted to talk back subconsciously by saying things like 'you are only the king of a little affiliated kingdom, and you aren't even a character in the empire' to get control in this situation and boost the morale of the soldiers.

However, when he looked up at King Alexander of Chambord's majestic figure and saw the pair of s.h.i.+ny eyes that contained terrifying flames of anger, he felt an unprecedented sense of fear in his mind. At that moment, he felt like his mouth was dry. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Also, the soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord], who were used to seeing death and only had coldness in their eyes, were all surprised as well.

They were one of the most elite groups of soldiers in Zenit, and they had been in battle many times and were sensitive to danger and murderous spirits. At this moment, they felt like a red sea of murderous spirit was rus.h.i.+ng toward them, trying to envelop and drown them. They felt like they weren't facing one person but instead an unlimited number of powerful enemies. All these soldiers felt powerless and unable to win this battle.

"You... You... King of Chambord... You, why you... Why are you here?" After a while of silence, Williams sat on his horse stiffly, swallowed his saliva, and stuttered. He lost his arrogance, and he licked his dry lips continuously as he didn't know what to do.

He suddenly realized that there was a group of people who could let their enemies know how powerful they were by simple meeting before battle.

Undoubtedly, the King of Chambord was in this group.

In reality, as a henchman of Crown Prince Arshavin and an elite commander of the [Iron Blood Legion], he had high pride. Even though he heard a lot about the King of Chambord, he disregarded those stories and didn't believe any of them. He said to his peers many times that he would play with this little king until the latter lost a layer of skin, and he was planning to use the King of Chambord as a stepping stone to get to a higher position in the military.

However, after meeting this young king for the first time, Williams finally realized how wrong he was and how ridiculous his claims were.

At this moment, the fear instantly crushed his plans, and all his courage went away like flying dust. Under the stare of the King of Chambord, he couldn't even calm down and put a full sentence together.

On the other side, that handsome figure stood under the moonlight and appeared like a lonely G.o.d who could only be looked up to.

After Williams asked his question, Fei didn't look at him and wasn't caring enough to answer him.

Fei only lightly waved his hand.


Tens of thousands of native soldiers roared as anger jetted out of their eyes.

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Like lava that had been suppressed underground for many years and finally broke through all barriers in a volcano, the anger of the soldier was released, and its power almost shattered the stars in the sky.



The native soldiers shouted in unison and counted the time that Fei gave out.

These roars were like heavy hammers, and they were smas.h.i.+ng on the hearts of the elite soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord]. For the first time, these elite soldiers from the main battle legions sensed the power that was coming from the weak soldiers of this remote legion whom they looked down upon. At the moment, they were sensing an aura that was far beyond the power that sharp weapons and solid armors could bring.

These roars also created a ton of pressure for Williams. His face paled, and his expression looked a little anxious.

He didn't dare to order the soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] to back off.

If he did that, then all the effort that was put into this operation would be wasted, and he could be the target for Crown Prince Arshavin's anger and become an unfortunate scapegoat.

However, he also didn't dare to ignore the King of Chambord's warning and not back off.

Everyone in the empire knew how ruthless and dominating the [Sky Covering Fist] King of Chambord was. He defeated the powerful Executive Knights of the Imperial Knight Palace, and the ghosts of the leaders of the top seven n.o.ble families at Dual-Flags City hadn't traveled far yet. If he didn't pull the soldiers back after ten seconds, Williams was sure that the King of Chambord would attack him...

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"To this barbaric king, is there a difference between killing me and killing an animal?" he thought.

"I should have hidden in the camp and waited for Mr. Mathewson to come and handle this. Now, it is like I'm like riding a tiger; it is hard to get off this position!"

Big drops of sweat appeared on Williams' forehead and back, and the huge pressure turned him into an ant in a hot pan, anxious but didn't know what to do. Right now, he felt like the easier way out was for him to cut his throat with his own blade and commit suicide.

As Williams was extremely anxious and was about to faint, a thunder-like shout sounded behind him, "How dare you! There are only tens of thousands of weak soldiers! Are you all trying to rebel and commit treason?"

This loud voice even overpowered the counting of the time that was coming from tens of thousands of soldiers.

Three bright lights flew over, and a vast amount of warrior energy fluctuation appeared. As warrior energy flames shone brightly, three powerful figures appeared in between the native soldiers of Dual-Flags City and the elite soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord].

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Chapter 614: You Talk Too Much (Part Two)

"The masters from the Imperial Knight Palace! They are finally here..."

The Shape of Your Nose Can Reveal A Lot About Your Personality!


As if his saviors arrived, Walliams exhaled deeply when he saw these three people, and all the pressure on his shoulders was gone. He was drenched entirely by his sweat as if he just got out of a pool, and he collapsed onto the back of his horse as if he just woke up from a nightmare.

"Sir, these native soldiers are trying to rebel! Please take care of them! I will go report to Envoy Mathewson and make sure that the military merits fall on you guys!"

Williams rolled his eyes and came up with a good excuse. Then, he instantly dashed away with his 200 guards quickly on their mounts, disappearing from this area.

"Sir, should we chase?" Gago and the other commanders asked Fei anxiously when they saw this scene. They were afraid that this commotion might attract too much attention. If the news got out, and they couldn't complete a fast raid, Special Envoy Mathewson and Mayor Soroyov might increase the defense level, and it would be hard to rescue Ribry.

"Don't worry." A calm smile appeared on Fei's face, and he lightly waved his hand.

From this movement, Gago and the other commanders knew that King Alexander already planned ahead, and they were a lot more confident.

On the other side, the three masters from the Imperial Knight Palace unleashed their surging energies.

They were all wearing long black robes instead of armors, and it looked like they were in their fifties. Their eyes looked cold without any human emotions, and they glanced around like G.o.ds who were inspecting mortals. As they scanned through the native soldiers of Dual-Flags City, their eyes landed on the people in front including Fei and Gago.

They instantly knew that these people were the leaders of this rebellion.

Gago and the other commanders only had Three-Star and Four-Star warrior energy fluctuations on them, which were weak in these three people's eyes. They didn't sense any warrior energy or magic energy fluctuations on Fei, so they a.s.sumed that he was only a military advisor.

"You ignorant idiots! You guys in the front, destroy your star swirls and energy channels and kneel to receive your punishment. Other soldiers, drop your weapons and get back into the military campsite. Otherwise, the Imperial Knight Palace will use its power of executing before reporting that is granted by Emperor Ya.s.sin, and we will wipe out all the native soldiers!" One of the three masters said coldly. He was thin and tall, and his long hair and robe were fluttering even though there was no wind at the moment.

Imperial Knight Palace!!!

The pressure these three words carried was paramount! The prestige of this organization was undeniable, and the native soldiers had a hard time breathing.

The anger gave them the power and courage to stand up against elite battle legions such as the [Whip of the Thunder Lord]. But now faced with masters from this most terrifying organization in the empire, some native soldiers finally got a little scared.

Even the commanders such as Gago changed expressions.

"The strengths of these three masters are far beyond our expectations. If King Alexander didn't suddenly show up, our previous plan couldn't be executed at all! In reality, we would be captured instantly, and doom would..." the commanders who were scheming against Special Envoy Mathewson and Mayor Soroyov were all drenched in cold sweat now.

At this moment, everyone was looking at Fei.

"Keep counting! There are still three seconds left!"

Fei's order strengthened the soldiers and commanders' will. As if his voice contained unique magic, all the nervousness and fear in their minds were instantly wiped out.

"Three...!!!!!!" the soldiers roared.

"You... Eh? You are... King Alexander of Chambord?" that master who spoke was infuriated when he was completely ignored. He frowned, and a powerful aura instantly rushed out of his body.

However, he suddenly thought of something and laughed, "I recognize you now! You are the King of Chambord? King Alexander of Chambord? Great! Nice! I was planning to go to Chambord to find you, a reckless savage, but you came to me yourself!"

Fei ignored him completely.

"Two...!!!!!!!!" the native soldiers of Dual-Flags City were still counting down.

"Do you know who we are?" The three masters from the Imperial Knight Palace all got excited after recognizing Fei. This thin and tall master licked his lips and continued to laugh, "Little b*stard! Don't think that there are only ten Executive Knights in the Imperial Knight Palace! Hahaha, out of the ten, four of them are my disciples! I'm Sopros, one of the five Judgment Knights who is above the Executive Knights! Haha, what a surprise! I will capture you, the b*stard who dared to provoke the Imperial Knight Palace, and restore the prestige of our organization!"

"One...!!!!" the countdown ended.

Fei who was silent all this time suddenly looked up and said impatiently, "You talk too much. What Judgment Knights? You are all trash in my eyes!"

Before he finished, he lightly flicked his finger.

A silver sword energy suddenly lit up the sky like a firework and quickly disappeared.

"You….. eh... so fast... Such a fast sword energy... Puff!!!!!!"

Before this thin and tall master could react, his body was instantly pierced by this sword energy.

The joy on his face suddenly turned to shock, and then fear took over. For a moment, all sorts of negative emotions displayed on his face.

He opened his mouth again and tried to say something, but his body suddenly s.h.i.+vered.

Bam! Like a watermelon that got hit by a huge hammer, it exploded!

His flesh and chipped bones flew in all directions.

Chapter 615: Merciless (Part One)

Everyone who was in the area was stunned! Their brains went blank, and they couldn't believe what they saw!

The scene they saw was unimaginable!

Instant kill!

It was an instant kill!

This master said that he was one of the five Judgment Knight, and it sounded impressive. Also, the power that he demonstrated beforehand was mighty as well. However, he didn't even have the chance to resist! He got killed just like a chicken, and the King of Chambord only lightly flickered his finger!

Killing a powerful master with only the flicking of a finger!

This level of power was insane! Right now, Fei was like a G.o.d in the eyes of the soldiers, both the ones in the native military force of Dual-Flags City as well as the ones of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord].

The people who were shocked the most were commanders such as Gago. They all had strengths around Three-Star and Four-Star, so they could see more things than ordinary soldiers. They could tell that the thin and tall master, who was a Judgment Knight, was at least a Seven-Star Warrior.

"Masters who are on that level are at the top of the pyramid at Zenit, but he got instantly killed by King Alexander His Majesty... Just how powerful is His Majesty right now?" people like Gago thought.

Standing on the other side, the other two masters s.h.i.+vered as some of the flesh of that thin and tall master got on them.

"You... You killed him. Do you know what you are doing? Idiotic little king, the person you killed is an honorable master in the Imperial Knight Palace! Even the princes of Zenit have to greet him when seeing him..." The short and chubby master who was standing to the right pointed at Fei and screamed, "You are done! Even the G.o.ds couldn't save you! Killing a Judgment Knight of the Imperial Knight Palace is equal to committing treason! Your Chambord is done! All of you here... All of you will be killed! I….. I need to go back and report to Emperor Ya.s.sin His Majesty, and the empire will wipe out the entire Chambord Kingdom..."

This master finally woke up from the initial shock, and he sounded like a duck that got its neck clenched.

"Stop making noises!"

Fei bent the index finger on his right hand and flicked it.


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The same silver sword energy appeared like a firework, and it flew across the sky.

This short and chubby master from the Imperial Knight Palace suddenly realized something, and his body stiffed up. The anger and surprise in his eyes turned into fear, and he realized that the person in front of him wasn't the king of a little affiliated kingdom but a ruthless and mighty warrior! His habit of talking from a superior and arrogant position made him threaten such as powerful individual subconsciously!

Regret instantly filled his mind, but it was too late!


The same explosion noise sounded; he wasn't any luckier.

Like a balloon that got blown too much, this short and chubby master of the Imperial Knight Palace exploded, and his flesh and chipped bones also flew in all directions. The last master from the Imperial Knight Palace, as well as the soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] who were close by, felt a warm and moist sensation on their faces and hands.

"I will repeat it! Back off immediately, or... Don't force me to kill again!"

Currently, Fei was in a murderous state, and he had a hard time of keeping his murderous spirit in check. The red murderous spirit started to condense and surround him, making him look like a devil from h.e.l.l.

All of this was a trap set up by Crown Prince Arshavin, and he was trying to use the majesty of the royal family to pressure and provoke Fei.

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Chapter 615: Merciless (Part Two)

At this stage, Fei could no longer endure it anymore, and he revealed the merciless and vicious side of him!


Only mercilessly killing could make that high-up prince realize how powerful his opponent was!

Fei didn't kill any ordinary soldiers; soldiers had to follow orders from their superiors, and they were innocent.

However, these so-called Judgment Knights left a terrible impression on Fei's mind. Just like those Executive Knights, they framed Fei right away and tried to arrest him. Also, they even used Chambord to threaten him. People like them could only be the lapdogs of Crown Prince Arshavin. Even though they had strength, they weren't that beneficial to the Zenit Empire. Therefore, Fei didn't hold back anything when dealing with them.

Fei was. .h.i.tting hard! He knew that Zenit's G.o.d of War would only be more refrained if he sensed pain and knew what he was dealing with.

What Fei said lightly sounded like thunder in the ears of the last master from the Imperial Knight Palace as well as the soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord]. Their ears and heads buzzed, and they couldn't hold back their fear anymore.

A green warrior energy flame flashed by.

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An air-piercing noise sounded, and it turned out that the last master from the Imperial Knight Palace didn't dare to say anything and ran away.

"Legion Commander is invincible!"

"Legion Commander is G.o.d-like!"

The native soldiers and commanders all stared at Fei from the back in admiration, and they shouted and chanted those phrases subconsciously. They all felt like their blood was boiling and igniting!

"King Alexander His Majesty's domination completely wiped away the frustration we have been feeling these days!" they thought.

In their minds, Fei was a hero who deserved absolute admiration, and some of them even wors.h.i.+pped him!

Fei took a step forward, and his tsunami-like aura charged forward, even shaking the ground.

The elite soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] could no longer keep up their formations, and they scattered and fell like little boats during a hurricane. They breathed heavily and were at a loss for words.

"Retreat! Back off for 2,000 meters!!"

"Quick! Retreat! The King of Chambord is someone who we couldn't deal with!!!"

The commanders in these formations gave up their last bit of hope. They knew that their resistance was useless. Like an ant that was trying to take down a giant tree and a mantis that was trying to stop a heavy cart, their efforts would result in nothing but death!

If they stayed any longer, more than 2,000 elite soldiers of Zenit would die for nothing. Therefore, the commanders ignored the orders from the past and told their soldiers to instantly back off.

Like a retreating tidal wave, the elite soldiers of the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] instantly went back.

They listened to what Fei said and backed off more than 2,000 meters. They gave up the monitoring of the native military force's campsite, and they looked defeated and depressed.

Suddenly, waves of loud cheers sounded among the native soldiers.

They all wanted to throw Fei into the air.

"Go and take the corpses of the heroic warriors off the wooden beams. Dress them in the newest uniforms and help them wear the merit medals and badges. Also, send people to the military campsite on the other side and tell them to hand over the murderers of these warriors by tomorrow morning..." Fei slowly turned around and said to commanders such as Gago.

"As you wis.h.!.+ Sir!" They replied energetically.

With the King of Chambord supporting them, no one dared to underestimate and bully them. Even the proud commanders in the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] had to lower their heads and admit that they were in the wrong.

"Ok, the situation here is under control. You guys now can move the soldiers around and stabilize the area even more. Shoot anyone who dares to provoke or make trouble; don't show any mercy! I will go and find Ribry, and I should be back soon."

After saying that, Fei disappeared into the night.