616 - 625

Chapter 616: I Didn't Stain the Honor of This Medal (Part One)

-Dual-Flags City-

The Mayor's Mansion was lit up by the lights, and it was tightly guarded.

The previous Mayor's Mansion got blown up by [Snow Mountain Hermit] and his secret love-child, Tony.

After Fei left with the Chambordians, Special Envoy Mathewson took over and got the control of the area. As a result, Mayor Soroyov and other n.o.bles who were suppressed by Fei were heavily favored, and they went back to power.

Soroyov ordered people to reconstruct the Mayor's Mansion, and it was renovated well. After it became luxurious and fancy again, he moved back to the place where he lived for more than a dozen years.

Of course, he wasn't the real ruler of the mansion. Special Envoy Mathewson and the other people sent from the Imperial Knight Palace also moved in.

In order to accommodate the group of people from St. Petersburg, a lot of things were improved.

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First of all, this mansion was one of the few places in the city that were this lit in the middle of the night.

Then, there were a ton of fully armored soldiers patrolling inside and outside the mansion, and stealth magic energy fluctuations could be vaguely sensed from the hidden magic arrays. It was clear that this mansion was tightly protected, and almost nothing was able to get through.

-In the dark and gloomy bas.e.m.e.nt under the Mayor's Mansion-

This was a terrifying and chilly prison.

A series of loud and beast-like groans sounded frequently, and these horrifying noises resonated and echoed in this underground prison.

Ribry was imprisoned in a b.l.o.o.d.y cell that was deep in the prison, and it was tightly guarded. At the moment, his body was full of injuries.

As he heard those groans, he knew that the prisoners were being tortured to an extreme degree. After all, these groans and screams didn't sound like they came from humans.

In the last three days, Ribry was interrogated and beaten in this prison. Even though he was injured, was suffering from a lot of pain, and looked exhausted, his eagle-like eyes that were under the huge scar on his forehead were bright and shone in the dark.

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In a bigger cell on the other side, there was a young man who was wearing the uniform of the native military force; he was one of Ribry's guards.

Three days ago, Ribry and his 20 guards were tricked into the Mayor's Mansion, and they were all captured by Mayor Soroyov and Special Envoy Mathewson. Ribry was locked up inside this smaller cell, and his 20 guards were imprisoned inside the larger cell on the other side.

In these three days, Ribry was interrogated and beaten, but those 20 guards didn't go through anything similar surprisingly.

However, starting yesterday, warders came about every two hours and took away a guard, and these guards never returned. Now, this guard who was in the other cell was the last person there, and he and Ribry looked at each other and encouraged themselves.

Although Ribry didn't know what happened to those 19 guards, since Mathewson and Soroyov were behind all this, he guessed that those guards who were like his brothers were probably dead by now.

As he thought about that, Ribry sensed a lot of mental pain and regretted his carelessness.

"It is all my fault! I overestimated these b*stards' conscience, and I put all 20 of my comrades in danger! What is the situation with tens of thousands of native soldiers? With commanders such as Gago who are brave and smart, they should be ok, right?"

In this terrible situation, Ribry could only use optimistic guesses to comfort himself.

"Sir….. Sir..." The last guard saw Ribry's expression, and he lightly asked, "Sir, are you ok?"

This guard was a good-looking young man, and he was only 19 years old. Even though he was young, he was brave and clever. He was an orphan, and his performance was splendid after he joined the military. Ribry specifically picked this young man to be his guard, and this young man didn't disappoint him. In the war that just ended not long ago, he was one of the 20 heroic soldiers who was praised by King Alexander of Chambord and rewarded with medals.

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Chapter 616: I Didn't Stain the Honor of This Medal (Part Two)

"I'm ok." Ribry opened his eyes and smiled at that young man. "Don't worry... Little guy, are you scared?"

That young man rubbed his nose playfully and laughed, "Sir, you are underestimating me; I'm not scared! I'm a warrior who killed Sand Ghosts of Jax with you and King Alexander His Majesty! I even received this hero medal! See!" As he said that, he opened his palm and revealed a silver medal that had the Martial Saint Mountain of Zenit on one side and this young man's name on the other.

The King of Chambord designed 20 of these medals, and each of them had the receiver's name on it. Before Fei left Dual-Flags City, he put these medals on the ordinary soldiers who outdid themselves during the war.

After Ribry and his guards were arrested, their bodies were searched, and all the items on them were taken away. Now sure how, but this young man was able to hide this medal on him and keep it until now.

Seeing this medal, the smile on Ribry's face got even brighter. He suddenly thought of the man who designed these medals and wondered, "If His Majesty is still here, people like Soroyov and Mathewson won't be daring enough to do anything! After all, His Majesty is powerful and not afraid of anything."

"Sir, when you were taken for interrogations, we secretly saved this. Look, there are a few pieces of meat! It is delicious! You should eat it now! When you get full and recover your stamina, you may be able to get out of here..." that young man carefully put the medal away and magically took out a bowl of dry cooked-rice that had a few pieces of pork on it. As he swallowed his saliva, he lightly pushed it into Ribry's cell through the iron bars.

They had been captured for three days, and they only got food twice. Ribry was sure that this bowl of food was saved for him by his guards... As he thought about it, he got angry at how vicious people like Soroyov and Mathewson were, and he regretted his carelessness again.

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"I am indeed hungry. How about this? We can each eat half." Ribry knew that this young guard of his wouldn't eat the food if he didn't eat it. Therefore, he tried to adjust his mood and didn't want to pa.s.s his negative emotions to the young man. With a smile on his face, he ate half of the food. Then, he was about to give the rest of the food back to the young man who had been swallowing saliva and trying to suppress his hunger.

Only eating two meals in three mentally and physically exhausting days; anyone would be extremely hungry and might even pa.s.s out.

As this young man was about to decline Ribry's offer anxiously, the iron gate to the prison suddenly opened.

Then, a series of footsteps sounded.

Ribry's heart s.h.i.+vered. "Again?"

In the other cell, the young man who had been trying to show a relaxed expression finally looked scared, and his face paled. It was clear that he knew his 19 comrades all died, and he tried to keep up a calm demeanor so that Ribry wouldn't be that sad.

However, he was only a young man who wasn't even 20 yet, and he was definitely afraid.

The footsteps got closer and closer, and it sounded like the call of the Grim Reaper.

"Sir, Sir, you... Can you keep this for me? When we get out... you can give it back to me..." That young man suddenly thought of something, and he said in a trembling voice as he threw that medal he valued as much as his life to Ribry. After a slight pause, he added, "If... if I can't make it, please tell Mr. Alexander that I'm a brave soldier, and I didn't stain the honor of this medal even at the last moment."

Ribry suddenly felt like crying.

"Come on! Come on! You b*stards! You cowards! Come and take me! Let him go! He is only a kid! He shouldn't be involved in this! You inhumane b*stards! One day, the King of Chambord will know what happened here! Your doomsday is drawing close!" Ribry started to knock the iron bars with his hands like a madman and roared angrily. He felt like the amount of anger he was holding was going to explode!

However, six soldiers who were wearing top-tier armors walked in silently, opened the door to the cell next to Ribry's, and pulled out that young guard.

The n.o.ble who was leading these soldiers suddenly turned around and sneered at Ribry, "Don't worry, it will be your turn in two hours. Hehe, by then, you will ask us to kill you... In terms of Chambord... Hehehe, Crown Prince His Highness will soon take care of that stupid little king. Hehe..."

The footsteps gradually went away, and Ribry then heard the iron gate of the prison close.

Ribry's eyes were wide open, and his fingers left a series of blood marks on the iron bars. He was too weak to do anything. The star swirls and the energy channels inside his body were destroyed from the beginning, and his warrior energy was gone. Now, he was only a little stronger than an ordinary person.

His heavy breathing gradually calmed down.

He sat down on the floor and ate all the food in the bowl; he was very focused, and he didn't waste even one grain of rice. After that, he closed his eyes and tried to regain his stamina at every second.

The two hours of waiting was long, and it was excruciating.

Two hours later, the iron gate was opened again.

"Ribry, Hehe, Head Commander, it is your turn! Don't you want to know where your 20 guards went? Let's go; you will know soon..." The person who came to get Ribry was Mayor Soroyov, and this fat man had a vicious expression on his face. As he waved his hand, six fully armed soldiers walked into Ribry's cell and carried him out.

Chapter 617: Strange Situation (Part One)

Ribry didn't resist at all. Instead, he saved his energy and followed Soroyov and the soldiers out of this prison.

The underground tunnel was cold and moist, and it felt terrifying. When observing closer, one could see the dark spots on the walls and smell the stinky odor. These dark spots were all spilled blood, and they dried onto the wall with time.

After a long while, the all the walls were covered by blood and turned into a dark, brown color. The more ancient the blood drops were, and darker the color was.

Who knew how many people were killed in this prison for the tunnel to turn to this color.

It was no different to h.e.l.l.

"Hehe, Mr. Ribry, now looking back, it seems like we have worked together for more than a dozen years. Our relations.h.i.+p was steady and stable for many years, but why did you flip out on me as soon as that King of Chambord got here? Why did you place the butcher knives on the neck of your old friends? Switching to that d.a.m.n idiotic king's side instantly? You were so cruel..." Soroyov mocked Ribry with a confident smile on his face. It felt like he was in control of the entire situation.

Ribry looked up at him and said in a low voice, "I regret it now. I regret not convincing King Alexander His Majesty to kill you, the old fat dog who is always up to no good!"

Anger instantly appeared on Soroyov's face, but a series of laughter quickly sounded.

"Why? That idiotic little king is going to be killed by Crown Prince His Highness sooner or later. Humph! That Alexander needs to take a good look at himself! How dare he go against the will of Arshavin His Highness? If you are still going to be on his side, you will be killed easily. Since we were once friends and worked together well, I will give you one last opportunity. If you just report the crime that the King of Chambord committed, which is treason, I will convince Mr. Mathewson to let you live." Mayor Soroyov tried to get Ribry to jump s.h.i.+p.

"Ha! Mr. Alexander is a powerful master! No one could do anything to him! Old fat dog, although I, Ribry, am not a hero, I'm not a loser who would wriggle his tail at his master to please him!"

"You..." Soroyov finally could no longer hold his anger in and keep up the proper n.o.ble-like behavior.

As a vicious expression appeared on his face, he patted and rubbed Ribry's back, which was full of injuries, forcefully until streaks of blood flowed out of the newly-formed scars. Until expressions of pain appeared on Ribry's face, Soroyov shouted, "Ok, you dumb f*ck! Just wait for your death! Soon, you will want your death, just like your 20 guards!"

Ribry's face changed color. He asked anxiously, "What did you guys do to my brothers?"

Fear suddenly appeared in Soroyov's squinted eyes as if he thought of something terrifying. Then, he laughed cruelly, "Don't worry; you will soon find out."

After walking for about ten minutes and making a lot of turns, they finally got out of the underground prison and arrived at an even more well-hidden s.p.a.ce.

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This was a gloomy stone palace.

There were fully armed soldiers standing on the two sides of the palace and corridors, and they looked around with awareness.

Also, the well-hidden magic energy fluctuations told the powerful masters that magic traps were everywhere.

Without changing his expression, Ribry secretly memorized the path that they took to get here, and he also remembered all the locations of the structures and forked road. Too bad that his warrior energy was ruined. Otherwise, he might have a chance at getting away.

After walking into the palace, they continued deeper into the building on a red carpet.

After another ten minutes, the view in front of them brightened up.

This was Ribry's first time being here after being captured three days ago.

This palace was well lit, and a faint sweet yet oily smell attacked people's noses; it didn't fit the description of a b.l.o.o.d.y torture hall where there were a ton of b.l.o.o.d.y metal tools. Instead, this hall looked peaceful and calm.

There were gilded decorations pieces, long cow horns, and dried deer skulls around, and a screen that had a scene from a war engraved on it divided the palace into two sections.

Also, ten white-dressed maids were waiting quietly before the screen.

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In the front half of the palace, there were stone benches, and there stood 20 commanders who were in black metal armors. They were all around the strength of Three-Star and Four Star, and they looked at Ribry with sympathetic looks despite their fierce auras.

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Chapter 617: Strange Situation (Part Two)

Right in front of the screen, there was a set of stone table and chairs.

Ribry looked at the person who was sitting in the middle of the stone table, and it was Special Envoy Mathewson.

This was a burly, dark-skinned, mid-aged man who had an upturned nose and bell-like round eyes. As all the hair on him stood straight, an intense murderous spirit enveloped him. Currently, he was dressed in a black robe, and he was looking down at Ribry pitifully as a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"Crown Prince His Highness treasures your talent, and he doesn't want to kill you. Therefore, I will give you the last chance. Are you willing to talk?" Mathewson opened his mouth, and his chilly voice decreased the temperature in the palace by several degrees.

"Humph!" Ribry knew what these people wanted to hear, so he only snorted.

"Ok, you are seeking death." Mathewson turned around and said to a triangular-eyed old man who had a goatee and looked like was in his fifties, "Since this is the case, then please do what you need to do, Mr. Alpha."

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It seemed like this old man was on the same level as Mathewson, and he had been looking at Ribry with a strange expression on his face since Ribry walked in.

This goateed old man named Alpha nodded.

Then, two water-elemental mages stepped forward and chanted a spell. As they waved their hands, two beams of blue energy flames landed on Ribry. A series of numbing and comfortable sensations appeared, and all the pain that Ribry was feeling was gone since all the injuries on his body that were left after the interrogations were healed.

Ribry was surprised; he didn't know why his enemies were healing him.

With a cruel expression on his face, this goateed, triangular-eyed old man took out a green bottle out of his sleeve, weighed it in his hand, and said with a pitiful tone, "This is a purple-colored G.o.d-tier potion. The King of Chambord calls it [Full Rejuvenation Potion], and he offered the formula to Crown Prince His Highness. The royal potion masters successfully created it, and its effect is miraculous. It can help you reform the star swirls and recover the energy channels..."

After saying that, he threw this little bottle to Ribry.

"Drink it; your strength will come back."

Ribry caught the bottle, took off the lid, and smelled it.

"It is Mr. Alexander's [Full Rejuvenation Potion]!" he thought. He had seen this miraculous potion a month ago when Fei used it during battle, and it was a G.o.d-tier potion that could even save people from death.

Although he didn't know what trick this old man was playing, Ribry didn't hesitate and drank the whole thing.

Instantly, he felt streaks of heated energy rus.h.i.+ng in his body. He clearly sensed the rapid recovery of his broken energy channels, and the shattered star swirls were quickly reappearing like candles that were lit again. Soon, the warrior energy started to circulate in Ribry's body, and the green warrior energy flame on his body got brighter and brighter. His strength only stopped growing when it reached peak Five-Star.

He completely recovered!

As he sensed the long-lost power in his body, Ribry clenched his fist and felt in control once again. He was tricked three days ago, and he drank poisoned tea and lost his combat abilities... This time...

He looked up, and his eyes shone brightly; he didn't hide his murderous spirit.

As he unleashed his full strength, he created many dashes of wind in the palace. With his eyes locked onto Special Envoy Mathewson, he walked forward and asked by emphasizing each word, "B*stard, tell me where my brothers are at!"

"Haha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Don't worry, you will soon understand." Mathewson sensed the confidence and battle-hungriness in Ribry who recovered his strength, but this special envoy just laughed as if he heard the funniest joke. His laughter was filled with mockery and disdain.

That goateed, triangular-eyed old man also had excitement and cruelty on his face at this moment.

Suddenly, Ribry discovered that this old man only had one ear. However, that didn't seem relevant in this situation.

"I need to capture their leader! I will control this Mathewson first and force them to hand over my 20 brothers... They better be fine... Otherwise..." Ribry looked around and thought, "If they are no longer alive, I will kill everyone at this Mayor's Mansion as well as the n.o.bles in the city to avenge for them!"

Ribry made up his mind.

As he roared and was about to dash forward, he suddenly heard a burst of ear-piercing laughter coming from behind the screen, "Haha! Success! Next!"

That voice resonated in the stone palace.

Chapter 618: Map, Skin, Master, Anger (Part One)

(Warning: Content may be too graphic; read at your own risk.)

As this voice appeared, an insane amount of pressure popped up and crashed down at Ribry who was about to make a move through the screen.

"This..." Ribry felt like he was stuck inside a swamp and had a hard time moving.

A master!

An absolute master!

This master was able to suppress Ribry who was a peak Five-Star Warrior, making him lose the ability to fight back. Right now, Ribry felt weaker than before when his star swirls and energy channels were damaged and broke. After being targeted by this pressure, Ribry felt like he was a puppet on a string. He couldn't move any of his body parts unless that mysterious master allowed it.

"Bring him here..." that voice said. It sounded like two rusty butcher cleavers grinding against each other, and it made people wanting to throw up.

Just hearing it for the first time, Ribry felt a tremendous amount of fear on his mind.

After that voice appeared, two fully armed soldiers walked out and captured Ribry again. Then, they walked around the maids in white dresses and went behind the screen.

Even though Ribry was much more powerful than those two soldiers, he was targeted by that mysterious master's aura, and he couldn't do anything.

After pa.s.sing by the screen and a layer of thin magic sphere, an intense, b.l.o.o.d.y smell rushed at Ribry's face.

The back of the palace was a mysterious place, and the most eye-catching thing was a huge map that was made from an unknown material. It looked smooth, exquisite, and st.u.r.dy, and it had a white glare to it; it was of top material.

On this map, there were many trees, mountains, and forests, and there were also a lot of red marks that pointed out the cities and military fortresses.

Ribry was a military commander, and he instantly identified that this map drew out the territories of Zenit, Spartax, and Eindhoven. The cities and fortresses were the most important places of the three empires.

In front of this very detailed military map, there was a man in red.

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He had long black hair that reached his waist, and he was wearing a b.l.o.o.d.y-red loose robe. At the moment, he was standing on a thick, soft rug barefooted, and he was looking at this military map as if he was appreciating the most precious treasure in the world.

Ribry's pupil instantly contracted.

He sensed a huge amount of murderous spirit from this man.

Of course, that pressure and aura he felt outside the screen were from this man.

This man was definitely a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite, and he was a terrifying killer who had taken the lives of numerous people.

"Look, isn't this map perfect?" this black-haired man in red turned around and asked Ribry.

Now, Ribry finally saw this man's face.

It was a hideous face.

There were many small dark-red pits on his face, and it looked like his face got burned. His facial features weren't clear; everything except his eyes felt like they were smudged together. However, even though his eyes were bright, when people observed carefully, they would be scared by the dangerous and crazy lights.

Ribry had a steady and strong mind, but he got a little scared when he saw this man's face at first.

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This ugly man in red noticed Ribry's expression, but it didn't seem like he cared. He pointed at the military map in front of him and asked, "What? You got scared? I apologize for that... Look at this map, what do you think?"

"It is... quite perfect." Ribry nodded; he wasn't trying to flatter this man.

In fact, didn't matter if it were the material used or the drawing technique, they were all top-tier. This could be considered a masterpiece.

"Yeah, but unfortunately, this map isn't completed. It is missing a part..." this ugly man in red murmured to himself.

Ribry focused on this map and saw a hole in it. For some reason, there was a square hole that was about 40 centimeters on each side in the middle of the map. It was supposed to be where St. Petersburg was, and it felt like someone cut it out on purpose, making it no longer perfect.

"General Ribry, I asked you here to help me complete this map." This ugly man in red turned around and looked at Ribry with crazy eyes.

"I can help you?" Ribry was confused.

"Hahaha, for sure! It depends on if you are willing to help. I used three days to gather all the materials, and I personally did the drawings. Now, it is only one step away from perfection. I need one thing from you to complete this map. Ahahahaha!" This ugly man in red suddenly started laughing.

Ribry was in complete bafflement.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a deep and hoa.r.s.e cry. It sounded like the sad cry of a dying beast, and it was bone-chilling as if it was the background music in h.e.l.l.

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Ribry turned his head and looked in the direction of that voice.

He was stunned!

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Chapter 618: Map, Skin, Master, Anger (Part Two)

(Warning: Content may be too graphic; read at your own risk.)

There was a pile of flesh-like thing crawling at a far corner of the rug, and it was slightly shaking with blood gus.h.i.+ng out of it, staining the rug under it. That bone-chilling cry came from it.

A terrible feeling appeared in Ribry's head.

He took a closer look and suddenly discovered something. His body trembled, and this man, who never cried even though he was put through some inhumane tortures, had tears rolling down his face.

"Arthur, is it you? Is it you, Arthur..." Ribry asked in a shaky voice.

At this moment, he felt like even his soul was shattering and breaking.

This pile of flesh was the young man who was pulled from that gloomy prison two hours ago. He never forgot his honor, and he gave his medal to Ribry for safekeeping. He was 19 years old, and his name was Arthur.

Two hours ago, he was still a young man who was attracted to the hopes of life.

But now, he was like a beast, crawling on the ground. His flesh was exposed, and blood was running out of his body. Ribry only recognized this young guard through the familiar eyes, and he could never forget the pain that was expressed through them.

This young man got skinned completely while he was still alive!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ribry had never cried in his life so far, but tears rolled down his face uncontrollably. Even though he completely recovered, he felt like he was the one who was skinned. His eyes turned bright red, and he felt like his body was going to explode as if it was enveloped by lava.

"B*****d... You animal..." Ribry was never this angry before, and he felt like his cussing and swearing were so weak.

He suddenly understood everything.

A sinful act!

Human skin!

The beautiful military map of the three empires was made from special-treated human skin, and the skin was from... his 20 guards!

In the last while, one of his guards was taken out of the prison cell every two hours. Then, they were probably skinned alive, and their skin was used for the making of this map.

It was... unforgivable!

Ribry struggled intensely and wanted to break free. He wanted to kill this man in front of him and put an end to all of this... He also wanted to end the life of that young man to end his suffering... Unfortunately, he couldn���t do any of that.

The ugly man in red in front of him locked him down, and the drastic difference in strength didn't allow him to do anything.

"Too bad that you have a huge scar on your forehead, and that part couldn't be used. However, I already gathered 20 sheets of human skin, and I don't need the skin on your face. Congratulations, because of this scar, you will get to keep the skin on your head!" this ugly man in red said as he looked at Ribry as if he was looking at a pig in a slaughterhouse.

"Why? Why are you so cruel? They are the most loyal warriors of the empire. Why do you have to torture them like this?" Ribry stared at this ugly man in red with furious eyes and asked.

"Hahaha, only the skin of warriors is tight and firm enough to make the perfect human-skin map. Hahaha, you don't understand. When you are being skinned alive, your body will tighten due to the pain and fear. The human skin in that condition has the most cl.u.s.ter... Therefore, skinning humans is an art. You got to be very careful, or you would damage..."

As if this ugly man in red was in a world of his own, he completely ignored Ribry and murmured to himself.

"Why? Why do you have to do this? Why do you need this map?" Ribry continued to shout out his question; he felt like the anger in his mind could burn through everything.

"Hehe, with the skin of 21 warriors, I would be able to make the military map of the three empires. Hehe, I will give it to the great G.o.d of War, Crown Prince Arshavin His Highness. It will be a gift to him when he inherits the throne, and I'm sure he will like it..."

This ugly man in red continued to murmur to himself, and it felt like he was crazy.

"Who are you? Tell me! Who are you? I swear! I will kill you! I swear with my honor, my blood, and my soul! Even if I must become an undead creature, I will do it and kill you! Kill you!!!!!!!!!!!" Ribry also fell into a mad state.

"Oh? My name? My name is Trace, one of the guardians of the Imperial Senate. I will wait for your revenge, hehe." As if this ugly man in red sensed the shocking anger in Ribry, his expression changed a little. Then, he laughed and said, "But before that, I will let you get a taste of my skill."

As he said that, he flicked his finger, and a green sword energy flew toward Ribry.

A straight wound was cut from Ribry's left shoulder to right, and it was very light; it only pierced through his skin.

Then, drips of blood appeared.

The skinning process was about to begin.

Ribry's expression didn't change. As he stared at this ugly man in red, who was named Trace, fiercely as if he wanted to seal this face into his soul, he said word by word, "King Alexander of Chambord will know about this, and he will avenge for us! I'm sure that you will be killed! Mr. Alexander will skin you, and he will do to you whatever you did to us!!!!!!"

"Really?" Trace locked down Ribry with his aura and shot out another green sword energy, leaving another perfect wound on Ribry's body. Then, he said slowly, "I couldn't wait for that to happen. Even if the King of Chambord is here, I can easily skin him. Hahaha, I'm sure the skin of a king is beautiful..."

Before he could finish, changes occurred.

"Really? You sick b*stard! I'm here; try to skin me!"

An angry and murderous voice sounded outside the Mayor's Mansion like thunder, and a figure instantly approached at a fast speed. This figure was still quite far from the mansion in the beginning, but he was already outside this palace before he finished speaking.

At this moment, bright lights appeared in Ribry's eyes.

The ugly man in red, Trace, was also surprised.

In front of the screen, Mayor Soroyov shouted in fear, "It... is the King of Chambord?!!"

Chapter 619: Let Me Handle Everything (Part One)

This power came very fast.

In an instant, shouts, screams, and explosions sounded from the outside. The ground started to shake, and everyone felt like the land underneath their feet could break and shatter at any moment. It felt like a G.o.d was arriving from heaven.

Everyone in this stone palace was stunned, and only Ribry got excited. As he locked his b.l.o.o.d.y eyes onto this ugly man in red named Trace, it felt like he wanted to devour this wicked man alive!

That young guard, who was like a pile of flesh on the ground and not too far away from Ribry, seemed to have understood something. The only part of him that looked human, which was his eyes, finally got a bright glare in them.

"What should we do? The King of Chambord is here, we..." Mayor Soroyov who was already traumatized by Fei wanted to find a place to hide subconsciously.

"What are you scared of? It is good that he got here! Today, I'm going to help Crown Prince to eliminate this burden on his mind! Hahahaha!" Instead of getting scared, this red-robbed Trace had a pleasantly surprised expression on his face.

The other person who felt the same way was the Special Envoy Mathewson.

After the initial anxiousness, this burly and vicious man calmed down and got a little joyous.

"King of Chambord, you came in just in time! Hehe, trespa.s.sing a restricted military area is strictly forbidden, and you even killed a few of my guards. That is a huge crime of its own! Today, Guardian Trace of the Senate is here, and he could kill you without reporting first! Even if Emperor Ya.s.sin learns about this later, he couldn't penalize us! Hahaha, could it be that the G.o.ds saw how loyal I am to the Crown Prince and want to reward me with this opportunity?" Mathewson thought.

For a moment, everyone in the palace was thinking of something different.

More than a dozen military officials who were in this palace gripped their weapons tightly, and they looked in the direction of the voice with determined expressions on their faces.

There were already more than a few hundred elite soldiers gathered at the gate. They were fully armed, and they were all holding huge s.h.i.+elds, forming an iron wall. Behind them, there were more than a dozen mages who were already chanting magic spells. A terrifying surge of magic energy appeared, freezing the air and waiting for the King of Chambord's intrusion.

Suddenly, a series of footsteps sounded near as the ground shook.

After a short pause, the soldiers who were guarding the entrance made a small path, allowing a person to stagger into the palace.

With a terrified expression, he ran and shouted as if he encountered something impossible, "The King of Chambord is here... He probably already killed the three Judgment Knights of the Imperial Knight Palace... Run... Retreat... No one can match him... Our intelligence report is all wrong... Run!"

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This person was the commander who just ordered the [Whip of the Thunder G.o.d] to surround the native military force's campsite, Williams.

This ugly man in red smiled and didn't say anything.

Mathewson instantly got mad. "Williams, what are you talking about? How dare you try to reduce our morale? d.a.m.n you..."

Before this special envoy could finish shouting, suddenly changes occurred.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As if an intense tornado appeared in front of the gate, the hundreds of elite soldiers got blown into the air like straws, and they couldn't do anything about it. The huge s.h.i.+elds that each weighed about 200 kilograms were also thrown into the air like dried leaves, and they soon disappeared from people's sights.


Clouds of dust appeared in the air, and a silver fancy sword energy shot through them.

This sword energy flashed by in a split second, and it instantly pierced through Williams who was running with a terrified face.

Williams' body instantly froze, and his expression got even more terrible.

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"No!!!!!!!" As he screamed, his body enlarged like a balloon before popping, and his flesh and bones flew in all directions!

It felt like a sinful blood flower suddenly blossomed in mid-air!

As the people in the palace were stunned by what they saw, they heard another series of footsteps.

Even though there were still clouds of dust and chaotic elemental energy in front of the gate, a tall and sharp man slowly walked pa.s.sed all that, and his figure got clearer and more apparent in other's eyes.

Even though it looked like this man was walking slowly, he was actually very fast. As if he were able to compress the ground in front of him, each time he took a step forward, his body would flash and appear dozens of meters closer!

Such power!

Even Trace, one of the guardians of the Imperial Senate, had a slightly surprised expression on his face.

"The King of Chambord is stronger than I thought..." he thought.

Even though this was the case, he still didn't mind it too much; he had absolute confidence in himself.

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Chapter 619: Let Me Handle Everything (Part Two)

"Ah... King of Chambord... Alexander..." Mayor Soroyov started to shake, and the fat on his body waved non-stop.

Since the crazy wind was blowing in the palace, a lot of candle lights and fires in braziers were extinguished. It darkened quite a bit, and the figure that was slowly approaching was completely enveloped in the darkness. Only his eyes were s.h.i.+ning like crystals, and two beams of indescribable silver light moved around as he glanced at everyone.

"Power! Terrifying!" This was the thought that appeared in everyone's mind!

There weren't any human emotions in this pair of eyes; there was only the endless murderous spirit. Mayor Soroyov, who understood Fei a little, knew that the King of Chambord was infuriated, and he felt an unstoppable fear gus.h.i.+ng into his mind. Even though a powerful master like Trace was behind him, he couldn't feel any sense of security.

At this moment, he started to regret getting involved in the plan Mathewson and others had against the King of Chambord... It was too late now!

"King Alexander of Chambord? Let me introduce myself! I'm the Special Envoy Mathewson who was sent here by the Imperial Military Headquarters," Mathewson said with an arrogant expression on his face, "Do you know what you are doing? You are invading my residence and have killed soldiers and commanders of the empire! This an unforgivable crime! Surrender, and I will go lightly on you!"

Even though Mathewson said this, that figure who was walking inside the palace didn't even turn toward him, let alone responding.

Fei didn't even look at this conceited envoy; his eyes didn't land on him for even a second. Instead, Fei looked at Ribry as if he was asking the latter something.

"Hehe, Mr. Mathewson, it seems like this little king doesn't like you... Hi, little king, let me introduce myself. My name is Taylor Trace, and I'm one of the guardians of the Imperial Senate. Oh, I'm sorry. I suddenly remembered that your status and ident.i.ty wouldn't allow you to understand what the purpose of the Imperial Senate is and how important the guardians are. Let me quickly explain it. Hehe, we are influential figures who are above the law. Even if I kill a king like you, nothing will happen to me. Do you understand?"

The ugly man in red licked his lips and walked toward Fei as he said with a mockery tone.

However, this master got the same treatment as Mathewson. Fei still didn't talk and look at him.

"Sir, is that you, Sir?" Ribry suppressed his anger momentarily and asked in a light tone.

That figure took one step forward, and the light in the palace finally shone on him. A handsome and young face appeared in everyone's eyes; it was the King of Chambord with no doubt.

However, at this moment, the pair of eyes that were usually clear like the sky and calm like the surface of a lake was filled with murderous spirit. As if he was a berserk demon, he made others sense a terrifying and destructive aura.

"Sir, Arthur and others..." The anger on Ribry's mind finally found a venting pathway.

"Say no more; I know everything already. Sorry, I'm late." After Fei used his spirit energy and dashed around the city, he finally located Ribry, and he figured out what had happened.

Unfortunately, he left Chambord too late...

With a wave of his hand, a dash of purple light fell into Ribry's hand.

"Let me handle everything. You should go and save him first," Fei said to Ribry.

It was a bottle of real [Full Rejuvenation Potion].

"Yes, Sir!" Ribry was thrilled, and he dashed toward Arthur who only had one last breath in him.

However, after Ribry dashed forward two steps, he suddenly turned around and single-kneeled. As blood and tears rolled down his face, he said, "Sir, please forgive me for my rudeness. I never asked you for anything, but this time, my 20 brave brothers... These monsters aren't humans! Please accept my reckless request; please kill these devils! Let these b*stards get what they deserve!"

Fei nodded and replied earnestly, "None of them will live on."

"Hehe, such arrogance! Little king, it seems like you don't understand the current situation, and you don't know who you are going up against." A murderous expression appeared on Trace's face as he said. Then, green warrior energy flames suddenly appeared on his body and completely enveloped him, and he floated into the air.

Staying in mid-air with no external support!

A Moon-Cla.s.s Elite!

Gasps sounded in the palace, and a bright smile appeared on Mathewson's face; he couldn't suppress his excitement.

Also, Mayor Soroyov gaped at this sight, and he suddenly relaxed a lot more.

"A guardian of the Imperial Senate? If I'm not wrong, another person who self-proclaimed to be another guardian of the Imperial Senate sneaked into the restricted area in Chambord four days ago. I broke all the bones in his body, and he kneeled and begged me..." Fei wasn't moved by what Trace said. As if he was looking at a clown, he shook his head and said, "What a pitiful bug! The person who doesn't understand the situation is you!"

After that, Fei lightly reached out and grasped his hand.

An indefensible power instantly appeared.

"You... this..." Trace who was slowing off his power in mid-air sensed a terrifying sensation, and all the hair on his body stood up at the sense of danger.

However, he didn't have the chance to move or dodge.

In front of that force, he felt weak like a little chicken. Without having the power to fight back, he was seized in mid-air by the neck, and his ugly face turned even redder, making him look like a real monster.

He tried to fight back, but the Moon-Cla.s.s strength that he was proud of was useless in front of the King of Chambord. Before he could do anything meaningful with his power, a series of explosions sounded in his body.

Screams sounded repeatedly, and the moon-shaped symbol that was projected out of his forehead, as well as his energy connections, were all destroyed!

This wasn't a fair match!


Fei casually threw Trace, who was half-dead, onto the ground, and he glanced around at the other people inside the palace coldly.

Chapter 620: Experience It First-Hand (Part One)


It was a deadly silence!

When Trace, one of the guardians of the Imperial Senate, got thrown to the ground like garbage, everyone in the palace felt like they had a hard time breathing.

Moon-Cla.s.s Elites were at the peak of the power ladder at Zenit, and there wasn't a lot of them. However, Trace was still destroyed entirely in a matter of seconds as if he was a three-year-old child who fought against a strongman. This dramatic scene meant only one thing: the King of Chambord was too mighty!

Even in their most pessimistic estimations, the King of Chambord shouldn't be this powerful.

Mathewson's expression changed instantly. As an experienced general, he finally realized how significant this mistake of his was. He blindly overestimated the strength of his party and believed in Trace too much, and at the same time, he lacked a good understanding of the King of Chambord... Now, they were like meat on a chopping block, and the King of Chambord was the knife.

Alpha, the old man with the goatee, also had terrified lights flas.h.i.+ng in his triangular eyes, and he couldn't suppress the fear he was feeling.

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Mayor Soroyov was already desperate at this moment. With a pale face, his legs weakened, and he fell onto the ground.

Bam! Bam! Bam! He kowtowed continuously, and his head started to swell up and bleed.

He begged stutteringly, "Sir... Your Majesty, please spare me. I... I was forced to. I didn't do anything..."

Fei finally slowly turned and looked at him.

"I won't kill you," Fei said.

Soroyov got ecstatic. He kowtowed again and said, "Yes, thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. You are fair..."

"I won't kill you, but I will make you understand when living is worse than death!" Fei's voice sounded cold like a piece of ancient ice, and it was chilling the bones of anyone who heard it.

Fei had never been this angry since he came to the Azeroth Continent. What happened to Ribry's 20 guards sickened Fei. If the king didn't try hard to suppress his rage, all the soldiers at Dual-Flags City who were on the side of Crown Prince Arshavin would be turned into skeletons.

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Soroyov's body instantly froze up after hearing what Fei said.

Fei flicked his finger with a disgusted expression on his face, and a dash of silver energy shone in the dim palace and entered Soroyov's body.

In the next moment, this pig-like fatty started screaming as if the most devastating thing happened to him. It was clear that he was experiencing a ton of pain since sweat soon soaked his clothes. His body started to shake and roll on the ground uncontrollably, and he soon lost his voice after screaming on top of his lungs for a while. As his limbs twitched, his eyes rolled up, and tear and snot both slide down his face; he struggled and moved like an animal.

"Next!" Fei glanced around with his sharp stare and said in a cold tone; it was the same cruel command that Trace gave a moment ago.

It sounded like the judgment of the Grim Reaper.

Didn't matter how powerful they were, everyone in the palace s.h.i.+vered subconsciously.

After a while of deadly silence, a commander who had a sword in his hand shouted as a murderous spirit appeared in his eyes. Then, he dashed forward and struck his sword at Fei.

Fei lightly swung his arm.


This commander of the [Iron Blood Legion] who was a peak Four-Star Warrior wasn't able to get within ten meters of Fei. Like a balloon that got popped, flesh, broken limbs, and shattered bones flew in all direction.

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"Escape, let's escape toward different directions! We need to tell Crown Prince His Highness about what is going on! We just need people to get out!"

Special Envoy Mathewson already gave up and felt beyond desperate; he knew that he couldn't get lucky today.

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Chapter 620: Experience It First-Hand (Part Two)

"The King of Chambord is a reckless individual, and he wouldn't care about my special ident.i.ty as an envoy from the Imperial Military Headquarters; he will kill me without hesitation!" he thought.

Therefore, the first thing that came to his mind was to escape.

Before he finished telling others to escape, he already unleashed his red warrior energy flames. As the mid-tier Five-Star warrior energy flames enveloped his body, he dashed toward the stone wall behind him and tried to break out.

Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Warrior energy flames appeared all over the place, and people started to move.

Most of the people in the palace were experienced warriors and commanders, and they instantly understood Mathewson's meaning. They started to move in different directions and tried to distract Fei's attention.

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"Escape? Can you escape?" Fei sneered and stomped on the floor forcefully.

Everyone who was das.h.i.+ng out of the palace paled and fell onto the ground with no exception. As if they were severely injured, they spat out blood and were stunned; no one got out including Mathewson. The differences in strengths were beyond comprehensible!

"I said that no one could get away!" Fei's Grim Reaper-like murmur made others feel like they were inside a freezer.

An invisible energy spread out into the area, and the entire palace was enveloped in it. No one was able to escape from it.

In front of absolute power, all schemes and plans were useless.

"No, King of Chambord, you can't treat me like this. I'm a special envoy from the Imperial Military Headquarters, and I represent Emperor Ya.s.sin His Majesty. You can't treat me like this..." Mathewson finally got scared. He continued to shout, "I'm wrong! I apologize! I know I'm wrong! However, everyone here is an elite in the empire, and Zenit depends on us! We are the backbone..."

"You are a b*stard! You are all b*stards! You should be killed 10,000 times, and the empire should be ashamed of you!" Fei shook his head and pointed at a location as he said earnestly, "I feel ashamed by just looking at you. They are the heroes of the empire, the real warriors and real backbones of Zenit. In front of them, elites like you make me puke!"

At where Fei was pointing, Ribry finally poured the bottle of [Full Rejuvenation Potion] into Arthur's mouth.

This brave young guard finally recovered some of his consciousness, and the injuries on his body healed.

However, even though skin grew out and covered his body again, he didn't have too much energy after experiencing that torturous procedure; it was something that this potion couldn't heal up instantly.

His body s.h.i.+vered lightly, and his eyes looked unfocused, but excitement and hatred could still be seen in his eyes at the same time.

"Eh? You again?" Fei's eyes stopped on the old man who had a goatee.

As a disgusted look appeared on Fei's face, he said, "You will never change. You think you are smart, but you are only seeking your death. I already warned you once; do you really think that I don't know what you were doing in the Capital? Did Chris Sutton send you here, or did you come here on your own?"

This old man named Alpha got one of his ears cut off by the wind Fei created when he stirred up a fight between Fei and the Golden Sun Knight, Chris Sutton, at Dual-Towers Mountain.

It was meant as a severe warning, but this man got resentful and tried to conspire against Fei even more.

At this moment, even though this old man hated Fei dearly, the fear he was feeling couldn't be suppressed. As he looked at Fei viciously, he didn't know if he should kneel and beg or stick up to himself; he lost all courage.

"It looks like you are here on your own. Although the Golden Sun Knight, Chris Sutton, is aggressive and arrogant, he is a real warrior and plays by the rules. However, you are like a fly; except for the dirtiness, there is nothing else about you," Fei said lightly.

What Fei said almost made Alpha cry. He suddenly realized that the King of Chambord, who had grudges with his master, knew his master better than him... It was ironic and sad at the same time.

Fei didn't want to talk to this sly and vicious person anymore.


With a wave of his hand, Alpha got turned into a cloud of blood mist after the expression of regret appeared on his face.

Dashes of silver sword energies flew around and pierced into the bodies of the other enemies in the palace. As screams and groans sounded in the background, Fei turned back to Trace, the guardian of the Imperial Senate. The latter was trying his best to heal up by drinking a small bottle of potion, and he was planning to fight back.

"It looks like you enjoy skinning humans?" Fei asked him, "How about I let you experience it first-hand?"

TL Note: Hey guys, the reason why I put the graphic warning for the chapter on Monday was because it is more detailed, and it a 'friend' getting skinned. For this chapter, I don't feel the need of putting it there cuz it is the enemy getting blown up. This is just my logic, feel free to disagree, lol.

Chapter 621: Your Turn (Part One)

As soon as Fei finished, Trace's ugly face started to twist and turn.

His pair of eyes that had craziness in them suddenly looked scared. It was clear that this guardian of the Imperial Senate who liked skinning others wasn't interested in experiencing it himself.

"B*stard! So you could get scared as well, huh? I thought a sick b*stard like you would enjoy going through that experience yourself." Fei gradually approached Trace and used his words to trigger his opponent's mind mercilessly. It was an invisible torture, and Fei wanted this b*stard to be under endless fear.

Everything was under the king's control.

When Fei was about three meters away from Trace, a sudden change occurred.

A vicious expression suddenly replaced the fear that was on Trace's ugly and distorted face, and he waved his hand and shot out a dash of golden sword energy. This sword energy was extremely bright like the stars, and it dashed at Fei like a meteor. Also, the power and pressure this golden sword energy emitted dropped the temperature in the palace by a dozen degrees.

Whoos.h.!.+ The sword energy was shot out from a scroll, and it was aimed toward Fei's forehead.

It was so fast that it felt like even s.p.a.ce was being cut apart by it.

This golden sword energy was far beyond Trace's current capabilities.

Right now, Trace had a crazy, vicious, yet proud grin on his ugly face.

The fear and the desperation he showed on his face a moment ago was all a part of his act. He wanted to fool the King of Chambord and make latter drop his guards.

At the moment that Trace thought was perfect, he unleashed his most powerful tool!

Each of the guardians of the Imperial Senate received a dash of golden sword energy that was sealed in a scroll from the great Emperor Ya.s.sin. It was for them to use when they were in life-threatening danger, and they could activate the scrolls by injected a slight amount of warrior energy or magic energy into them.

At this moment, Trace felt like he already saw the terrified expression on the King of Chambord's face when this dash of golden sword energy was about to penetrate his head.

This sword energy was from Emperor Ya.s.sin, and it was the most powerful thing in the Zenit Empire.

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Trace believed that this dash of sword energy could destroy any enemies.

However, the reality was far crueler than fantasies and dreams.

Just when the wicked smile on Trace's face got to the brightest, a smile that was filled with mockery appeared on Fei's face.

The king slowly reached out with two of his fingers and stopped the sword energy that represented invincibility at Zenit between them. Even though the golden sword energy s.h.i.+vered and tried to go forward, it wasn't able to do so. Before it could even break the skin on the two fingers, it surrendered.

The golden energy flame started to die down, and it slowly vanished like a collapsed sand sculpture.

Trace's eyes instantly froze and looked defeated. Then, they turned white like a fish's eyes when it was taken out of the water.

His face got so pale that even a slight shade of red couldn't be seen.

"Impossible! How... how can this be? Is the King of Chambord stronger.... stronger than Emperor Ya.s.sin?"

This outcome stunned Trace, and he couldn't believe his eyes! The king easily obliterated his ultimate trump card, and real fear swamped his mind like an endless tsunami. As a result, his body started to s.h.i.+ver uncontrollably.

"Idiot! You are a real idiot! Your idiocy isn't better than your disgusting face! I already told you that I defeated another b*stard who said he was a guardian of the Imperial Senate, and you are the second one. It means that I already saw this kind of sword energy once; do you think I'm stupid enough not to have my guards up?" Fei looked down at Trace and said with a murderous tone, "What? Is that your last-ditch effort? If you don't have any other way of fighting back, your first-hand experience is about to start now!"

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Chapter 621: Your Turn (Part Two)

The chilly words and intense murderous spirit froze Trace's mind, and his hands s.h.i.+vered rapidly.

Unexpected changes occurred again.

Trace suddenly turned around and kneeled. Like Mayor Soroyov, he started kowtowing and begging anxiously as tear and snot slid down his face. "Please don't kill me! Supreme King Alexander, you are a warrior who is well-loved by the G.o.ds! I'm willing to kiss your boots and become your humble and low servant. I'm willing to battle for you, and my Moon-Cla.s.s strength can provide you with a lot of value! As long as you are willing to spare my life, your will would become my mission, and my life would be under your command!"

Fei was surprised, and a mocking smile appeared on his face again.

It was heard that the most vicious and cruel people in the world were, in fact, timid and weak on the inside, and Trace was this type of person. Even though he was a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite, he rolled and kneeled on the ground and cried and begged for mercy. It was ironic that he was a guardian of the Imperial Senate.

Fei suddenly greatly disliked this so-called Imperial Senate.

"No, please! Great king, please spare me! Please use your kindness!" Trace already had an ominous feeling about everything, and fear consumed his wicked mind, causing him to kneel and beg for his life dearly.

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Fei looked at this ugly man before him as a disgusted look flashed by on his face. Then, he lightly shook his head and said, "Sorry, I don't want to show you any mercy."

As soon as he said that, an invisible force lifted this Moon-Cla.s.s Elite who was on the verge of mental collapse into the air before he could respond again. Then, something terrifying happened. Starting from his ugly face, the skin on his body started to fall bit by bit as if it was a layer of paint on the walls of an ancient building or the cracked sh.e.l.ls of a boiled egg.

A horrifying scream instantly sounded in the palace.

Under Ribry's a.s.sistance, Arthur finally recovered some of his energy, and tears rolled down his face.

"Waah...…" As he sobbed in deep sorrow, Arthur slowly turned around and looked at the 19 skinless corpses that weren't far from him. He couldn't hold back the sadness anymore and cried loudly.

The revenge for his brothers finally took place!

"Lide, Guison, Jon, George, Moli... Brothers, do you see this? Mr. Alexander avenged for us! That villain received his fair punishment... Brothers, you... you guys... rest in peace!"

Arthur's cry broke Fei's heart.

Then, the king turned to Trace and looked at him.

The process took more than a dozen minutes. As Trace's skin fell off slowly, blood gushed out of his flesh. Soon, he was covered in blood and, and it was hard to tell his limbs apart.

Out of his entire body, only his eyes were untouched. As he twitched and screamed, he stared at Fei with a vicious and poisonous expression.

"Why? You don't think it is as fantastic as you expected?" Fei said coldly. Even though the screams sounded horrific, Fei didn't waver. He slowly added, "I apologize. This is my first time doing this, and I'm not as skillful as you and couldn't get one complete human skin!"

The other people in the palace all looked terrified. At this moment, the King of Chambord looked like a demon who just walked out of h.e.l.l in their eyes.

It would be a nightmare to face an opponent like him!

"Don't you worry; my skill will get better and better. Ribry lost 19 of his dearest brothers, and the empire lost 19 bravest warriors. Therefore, I have decided to skin you 19 times. I bet that you could no longer scream by then!"

Fei took out a bottle of [Full Rejuvenation Potion] and slowly poured some of it onto Trace's b.l.o.o.d.y body.

Soon, skin started to grow out of Trace's body, and even his burned-like ugly face got smooth skin again. That was probably his face before the accident that destroyed his face, and he looked somewhat handsome.

"Here is the second run!"

Fei's cold voice made everyone in the palace s.h.i.+ver uncontrollably.

In this night, one of the guardians of the Imperial Senate, Moon-Cla.s.sed Trace, got skinned 19 times continuously. In the end, his voice turned weak and sounded like the whining of an animal, and his life ended in pain, regret, and mental collapse.

Now, Fei was finally able to suppress his murderous spirit.

He slowly turned his head and looked at Special Envoy Mathewson. He smiled and said, "Your turn!"

Chapter 622: The Capital (Part One)

As soon as Mathewson heard what Fei said, a desperate expression appeared on his face as he gritted his teeth and smacked his fist toward his head.

He tried to commit suicide!

In fact, he was terrified by what Fei did to Trace who was a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite. That shocking scene made Mathewson lose the courage to live on. Rather than experiencing that horrifying torture, he wanted to kill himself and escape from the pain.

However, Fei's voice sounded again, "Humph! Are you scared now? If I don't allow you to die, you couldn't die!"

As Fei sneered, he looked toward Mathewson and sent over his power as a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite. Just like how a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite could freeze and target someone with warrior energy and magic energy, Fei used his pure physical strength and locked down Mathewson.

Mathewson instantly s.h.i.+vered, and he was no longer able to move his body. His hand froze five centimeters away from his forehead, and he couldn't do anything to kill himself.

"You... Alexander, you are too cruel! You aren't a human! You are a demon!" Mathewson cussed viciously.

"I can only suppress demons like you guys if I turn into a demon myself. What? You think what I'm doing now in inhumane? I believe that the 19 brave warriors of the empire asked you the same thing when they were tortured to death, and their screams and groans are still resonating in this palace. What? Don't you hear it? When you guys tortured and killed those 19 loyal warriors of the empire in the most gruesome way, why didn't you feel like you were inhumane?" Fei said as he looked at Mathewson with his sharp eyes.

When the latter couldn't refute anything, Fei continued and added, "If you were a bit humane and killed them directly without torturing them, I might give you guys a smooth and painless ending. However... you no longer qualify for a proper and painless death!"

Desperation filled Mathewson's eyes.

Fei no longer paid attention to him.

He glanced around and looked past everyone until he saw Ribry, and he said, "Ribry, go back to the campsite with Arthur right now. Gain back control of Dual-Flags City before dawn arrives, and arrest everyone who is involved in the killing of our brothers. Then, interrogate them and trial them; everyone who is guilty must be held responsible. Before the new order from the Imperial Military Headquarters gets here, you are in control of everything!"

"As you wis.h.!.+" Ribry bowed and saluted at Fei. After he looked around and saw who else was in the palace, he hesitated a little and murmured, "Sir, they….."

"The leaders are already punished, and the rest of them don't need to be penalized any further; I already destroy their warrior energies and energy channels, and they could only live like regular people from now on. Send them back to the [Whip of the Thunder Lord]... As to the guilty n.o.bles such as Mayor Soroyov, the native commanders and soldiers can discuss and deal with them!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ribry walked out of the palace with Arthur by his side. After he took a few steps forward, he suddenly realized something. He turned around and asked, "Sir, then you..."

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"I'm going to the Capital, and I need to meet our G.o.d of War His Highness," Fei replied confidently. His expression didn't change, and it was clear that he planned to do this all along!

"Ah? Go to St. Petersburg? This... is this a good time? After all... they..." Ribry was shocked by what Fei said.

"What happened today at Dual-Flags City is already insane! Mr. Alexander had turned this place up-side-down, and the n.o.bles and influential figures at the Capital would be stunned. Who knows what kind of counterattack they would plan? Doesn't matter what it is, it is going to be powerful and deadly!" Ribry thought. He was planning to go back to the native military force's campsite, kill everyone who knew what happened here, and take on all the blame and guilt; he planned to be the scapegoat for Fei. That was why he was concerned and worried that Fei was going to the Capital right now.

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Chapter 622: The Capital (Part Two)

St. Petersburg was the Capital of the Zenit Empire, and a remote city like Dual-Flags City couldn't be compared to it.

The Capital was heavily guarded by masters, protected by elite soldiers and legions, and the magic towers and magic arrays in there were dense like trees in a forest; that protection was tight enough.

"On top of that, Emperor Ya.s.sin resides there..." Ribry thought. "Although it is rumored that he is dying, his power couldn't be neglected... If Mr. Alexander goes there now, he will be in a huge disadvantage…���"

Fei already saw through Ribry's mind. He laughed and said, "Don't worry; I know the limits. There shouldn't be any issues. Crown Prince His Highness is a little too pressing; if I don't slap back, hehe, our G.o.d of War will think that I am really scared of him. More stuff might happen in the future if I don't go, so I will solve this issue once for all."

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Ribry gaped; he vaguely guessed Fei's thoughts, and he was even more shocked.

He knew that he couldn't dissuade the King of Chambord. Therefore, after some thinking, he added politely, "Sir, you have been busy today already. Why don't you rest for the night in Dual-Flags City, and I could get a team of elite cavaliers from the native military force tomorrow and guard you to..."

"No need; I will be back real soon."

Before Fei finished speaking, a pair of silver sword energy wings that had a wingspan of 30 meters appeared on his back. Then, the king grasped onto Special Envoy Mathewson and dashed into the sky like a silver light.

Soon, the sharp air-piercing noises sounded, and they disappeared into the sky. However, they left a series of afterimages in the sky. As if the sky was severely wounded, a silver-white line stayed in the dark sky and wasn't willing to leave.

Ribry opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

After experiencing this incident, this great general who had been situated in the huge city in the northwest region of Zenit for more than a dozen years suddenly realized that he only saw the King of Chambord's real side today.

"This king enjoys the ultimate freedom, and he is like a G.o.dly dragon that soars in the high sky. Even though the Crown Prince His Highness is unreachable for a lot of people, compared to the King of Chambord, he is weaker, less strategic, and less heroic. The two of them aren't on the same level," he thought, "Perhaps only Emperor Ya.s.sin could suppress this young king if he is back to his prime..."

After Ribry looked at the stars in the sky for a while, he took out that medal and gave it back to his guard, Arthur. Then, he patted his brave guard's shoulder and didn't say anything else.

"You are really heading toward the Capital? You are mad! You are seeking your own death! Hahaha! This is good! Crown Prince His Highness will tear you apart!"

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Mathewson was being held by Fei by the neck like a chicken in the hand of a farmer, and he wasn't able to move at all. When he lowered his head, he saw mountains and forests pa.s.sing him quickly. He could only hear loud wind-blowing noises, and the sparks created by the friction between the air and Fei's energy sphere when they were traveling at high-speed almost blinded Mathewson.

Flying was the privilege of masters on and above the realm of Moon-Cla.s.s.

If it weren't for Fei's silver energy sphere that blocked all the natural forces outside, Mathewson who was only a mid-tier Five-Star Warrior would have been torn into pieces by the crazy blade-like wind in the high sky.

Gradually, Special Envoy Mathewson who already gave up on life realized that the king was really headed toward St. Petersburg. As he was shocked, he also got excited and cursed Fei viciously.

However, Fei completely ignored him and didn't even look at him.

After about 30 minutes, the land before them started to get bright. Like stars in the sky, lights were scattered around and shone brightly. The lights were all connected as if all the stars in the sky gathered, and it was magnificent and shocking. Half of the sky was lit up by the light, and the buildings looked majestic.

The Capital of Zenit, St. Petersburg, was here!

St. Petersburg at night was peaceful yet spectacular.

Even though he was close, Fei didn't slow down. Like a meteor that was falling from the sky, Fei fluttered his huge wings and dashed down toward the Capital fiercely.

Under the nightly sky, the king's eyes looked bright and murderous.

Chapter 623: Charging at the Capital (Part One)

St. Petersburg was the Capital of the Zenit Empire, the giant bear of the north. Therefore, it was tightly guarded.

When Fei was about ten kilometers away from the Capital, the soldiers on the ground already noticed that something was off. Therefore, one of the ten main battle legions of Zenit, [Gigantic Force Legion], that was protecting the Capital moved. Six dashes of green energy flames shot toward Fei from the ground like surface-to-air missiles.

Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+

Sharp air-piercing noises sounded, and the huge arrows that had warrior energy flames around them pa.s.sed by Fei.

These six arrows weren't aimed at Fei. Instead, they were aimed around Fei and were only a warning signal.

After all, anyone who could fly in mid-air was at least a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite, and attacking such a master without figuring out his or her intentions first might offend him or her. If a misunderstanding was created, even the legion commander of the [Gigantic Force Legion] couldn't bear the responsibility.

"Please land onto the ground. You are already inside the air-defense zone of St. Petersburg of Zenit. According to the laws of this empire, flying in the sky above the Capital is strictly prohibited!" a loud shout sounded from the ground, and a series of magic energy fluctuations rippled through the air.

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Fei already sensed that no one in the [Gigantic Force Legion] could pose a threat to him. The person who just talked was only a peak Five-Star Warrior, and he used a kind of magic devices to project his voice so far out into the sky.

At this moment, in the military campsites around St. Petersburg, various figures enveloped in magic energy flames slowly rose above the ground.

It was the mage brigade in the [Gigantic Force Legion].

This was the advantage of being a mage. Even though they weren't at Moon-Cla.s.s yet, they could learn spells such as Floating, No Gravity, and Wings of Wind to fly into the air in battle.

"Hahaha! You have been spotted. Surrender! Little king, you still have the chance to surrender now. Otherwise, you would be shot down like a dumb bird! The legions around the Capital already discovered you..." Mathewson started to gloat. Although he wasn't sure where the King of Chambord was taking him and what for, he completely relaxed at this moment.

Compared with Dual-Flags City, the closer he was to the Capital, the safer he was.

However, Fei didn't even look at him.

A dash of energy entered Mathewson's body, and a tearing pain instantly shut this special envoy up.

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Fei saw the giant magic crossbows that were pulled out and the mages who were floating into the sky. However, he completely overlooked them. Without declaring and announcing his ident.i.ty, Fei fluttered his silver sword energy wings and dashed forward even faster. He instantly bypa.s.sed the [Gigantic Force Legion] and didn't give them the time to react.

"Oh d.a.m.n! Enemy! This master holds hostility toward the empire! Quickly inform the defense minister and get all the protection array formations to function at 100% capacity!"

A Moon-Cla.s.s Elite's invasion of St. Petersburg was something very significant. If it weren't handled properly, it would be a disaster for the empire. After all, the amount of damage a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite could do was devastating; it might be even more than the amount of destruction a main battle legion could create.

Therefore, even though the [Gigantic Force Legion] was alerted, and such an incident had never happened in recent years, none of them dared to make a move without orders from higher-ups.

Dashes of magic warning signals were sent into the sky like fancy fireworks.

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Chapter 623: Charging at the Capital (Part Two)

After seeing them, ear-piercing siren instantly sounded along the defense walls of St. Petersburg, and this great city that was deep asleep under the stars got woken up. Soldiers started to run along the defense walls, and many defensive weapons that were nowhere to be seen were taken out of the secret locations, revealing their fangs.

In just a matter of a few minutes, well-trained and fully-armed soldiers appeared on the defense walls. With stern expressions, they stood still and waited for the commands from their superiors.

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A lot of powerful mages and warriors who were rarely seen by ordinary soldiers also rushed to the defense wall. With energy flames burning around them, terrifying auras appeared as they unleashed their full strengths.

In the meantime, the numerous magic towers also emitted dominant magic energy fluctuations. Dashes of magic energies were shot into the sky, and the magic energies gather into a pool in the sky before expanding to all directions, forming a giant orange energy sphere and protecting the entire St. Petersburg.

This was a protective array formation that was numerous times more powerful than [Earth's Protection] magic array formation at Dual-Flags City.

This energy sphere was powered by numerous mages and magic towers in the city, and it was thick. With the dense magic elements formed into a thick layer of protection array, it had insane durability and protective abilities. It was able to defend against almost all physical and magical attacks, and it could block everything outside of it. Even if the attacker was a top-tier Moon-Cla.s.s Elite and had high-level combat weapons, this array formation could still protect the buildings in the city, especially the royal palaces. In most cases, no one was capable of penetrating through the energy sphere and causing damage to the city.

In less than ten minutes, the entire St. Petersburg completed its transformation smoothly and rapidly.

The beautiful and peaceful city that was asleep turned into a vicious battle beast that showed its fangs.

However, it felt like Fei didn't see any of this.

His descending speed didn't decrease at all; instead, it was increasing! Like a moth that was flying toward a burning flame, Fei dashed down at the Capital that was well-protected; there was a long flame tail behind him.

He was about to clash with the orange energy sphere!

Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+

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Since the initial warning was useless and didn't achieve anything, the protection mechanisms and forces started their merciless attacks.

Dashes of arrows and magic energies that contained insane forces drew out many colorful lines in the dark sky like fireworks, and the traces of warrior energies left by the combat weapons that were used by Star-level Warriors also left dangerous marks in the sky. Tens of thousands of streaks of energies combined, and they enveloped the sky like colorful waves.

Also, they devoured Fei at the same time.

It was the combined attack that aggregated the strengths of all the warriors and mages in the Capital. Although the energies were combined messily, it was still powerful. Even if a low-tier Sun-Cla.s.s Lord were hit by it, he or she would be injured severely.

At this moment, many people in the Capital thought, "Who is this Moon-Cla.s.s Elite? How dare he attack the Capital this recklessly? But now, he is enveloped by this terrifying attack! He is probably turned into dust now, right?"

"Wait! No! He is not dead! Look! Look there! He is not harmed! He is getting closer..." A Five-Star Warrior suddenly opened his eyes wide, pointed at a dash of silver energy in the sky, and screamed as if he saw something unimaginable!

Chapter 624: Who Is He? (Part One)

Everyone on the defense wall of St. Petersburg looked up.

Just like what that warrior said, even though the ma.s.sive amount of energy waves were exploding and tearing the dark sky apart, creating spatial gaps that fixed themselves in a split second, that figure in the silver energy sphere wasn't harmed. Even though an area of tens of square kilometers in the sky was turned into a death zone, that master was still moving forward as if he was casually swimming through an ocean of sharks.

This man easily got through that death zone and quickly approached the defense wall.

Everyone on the defense wall was shocked.

"How powerful is he? What level is he on? How could he get around the terrifying attack this easily? Is he a Sun-Cla.s.s Lord?" they thought.

"What are you guys standing around for? Quick! Attack again!" A Seven-Star Warrior shouted on the defense wall, and his voice resonated in the sky like a thunder. He woke everyone up from the shock, and the warriors and mages started to attack again, resulting in a giant pool of energy reappearing in the sky.

At this moment, changes occurred.

A roar sounded in the sky and resonated in the area. It was so loud that people felt like their heads were dizzy and their visions were blurry. "I'm King Alexander of Chambord. I'm here only for Andrew Arshavin and don't want to attack the city. Anyone who dares to attack me again shall bear the consequences!"

-In a stone palace that was the headquarters of the Imperial Patrol-

Second Prince Dominguez who was resting on a bamboo chair with the little disabled dog, Oka, in his arms suddenly opened his eyes. Under the light-yellow light, the shocked expression on his face looked clear.

"Eh? Such a powerful sensation... Someone is attacking the Capital? Who is it? Who dares to do such a thing? Could it be...?" A figure suddenly appeared in this handsome prince's mind, and a name jumped out of his mouth subconsciously. "Could it be... the King of Chambord?!"

In the recent few days, Crown Prince Arshavin who earned fame and influence through the wars had been plotting against the King Alexander of Chambord. This was a known fact in St. Petersburg, and many n.o.bles and influential figures had been counting down the King of Chambord's doomsday.

However, Second Prince Dominguez and his henchmen decided to stand by Fei's side for some reason.

Especially Dominguez's No.1 Advisor, [Demonic Woman] Paris, and his most loyal follower, [Red Beard] Granello; they had been vocal in their support toward the King of Chambord in various situations, and they used the power of Second Prince Dominguez to interrupt and delay the Imperial Military Headquarters' plan in interrogating the commanders such as Shevchenko, Reye, Huerk, Kanort, and Cindy in the [Wolf Teeth Legion]. Their words and their actions showed everyone that they were on the side of King Alexander.

The current situation wasn't in favor of Second Prince Dominguez. His influence had been decreasing drastically ever since Crown Prince Arshavin got the victories in the wars against the Spartax Empire and the Eindhoven Empire. Therefore, a lot of people didn't understand why this prince was trying his best to help a little king who was doomed from the beginning, just like how people didn't understand why Crown Prince Arshavin was determined to take out a talented young man like King Alexander of Chambord.

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All kinds of rumors were being pa.s.sed around.

Some people were saying that [Demonic Woman] Paris fell in love with the young king, but others stated that the person who fell for the King of Chambord was Second Prince Dominguez. After all, it was rumored in the past that Second Prince Dominguez who was extremely handsome was into men.

After hearing Dominguez's gasp, Paris who was picking the petals off a rose on a chair suddenly straightened her back, and glares suddenly appeared in her eyes. She stood up, walked to the window, and stared into dark sky in her long white dress. As if she thought about something, she nodded and smiled. "Perhaps it is him, but it could also be someone else... One thing is for sure – when that man goes crazy, he is daring enough to do such a thing!"

[Red Beard] Granello stood behind Second Prince Dominguez quietly. However, bright lights were flas.h.i.+ng in his eyes, and it showed that this person who controlled the Imperial Patrol in the Capital wasn't calm on the inside as he appeared on the outside.

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Chapter 624: Who Is He? (Part Two)

-Imperial Knight Palace-

In the huge black tower that was surrounded and protected by ten smaller black towers, there was a tall man who was sitting down on a chair. He had short, blond hair, and his brows were sharp like knives.

He suddenly opened his eyes and stopped resting, and two dashes of light shot out of his eyes and pierced into the dark sky.

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"So reckless. Is someone trying to charge at the Capital alone? Hahaha, nothing this interesting had happened at St. Petersburg for a long time. Who is it? Could it be that little guy?"

At the same time, a series of energy fluctuations appeared in the other ten towers around the central tower. It was clear that the ten Executive Knights also discovered this insane incident.

"Guard your own towers! You guys aren't allowed to leave unless you have my permission!"

This man's incontestable voice sounded in the main halls of the ten towers.

Soon, the ten energy surges all quieted down and disappeared into the black towers.

-Royal Palace-

Inside the grand hall, a figure who was semi-lying down on a golden dragon throne suddenly opened his eyes, and a mystic glare appeared. Not sure what this 'old' emperor was thinking about, but he soon closed his eyes again.

Then, clouds of misty golden energy enveloped the dragon throne and blocked everything off.

The atmosphere inside the palace was like a dead lake, lacking vitality. Also, the light smell of potion and medicine floated in the air.

Then, a series of rapid footsteps sounded outside the palace.

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A master who was wearing a golden guardian armor quickly walked into the palace and single-kneeled. He said loudly, "Your Majesty, a powerful master is charging at the Capital, and the city defense array is already activated. Your Majesty, should we initiate the royal palace's magic array and send [G.o.dly Dragon Guards] to hold the enemy out of the city?"

The figure on the dragon throne didn't respond for a long time as if he fell asleep.

However, this master didn't dare to urge him at all.

After a while, this figure on the dragon throne opened his mouth and said, "Wait."

-The Imperial Military Headquarters in St. Petersburg-

In front of the gate of the palace that represented the supreme military power of the empire, Crown Prince Arshavin was standing there in a long black cape. As he looked at the sky in the northwest direction, a glare appeared in his eyes.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen most powerful officials in the Imperial Military Headquarters. They were standing there humbly and surrounded the prince like stars around the moon. After all, even though Crown Prince Arshavin wasn't the emperor yet, he already had complete control of the military power of Zenit secretly.

Rather than flattering this young prince like usual, the officials all looked at the orange magic energy sphere with stern expressions. In fact, they were focusing on the pool of colorful energies that was dispersing into the sky in the northwest. Even though it was prettier than fireworks, it also represented insane danger and death!

"Which one of you could tell me who that is?! How dare this person attack the Capital of our empire?" Arshavin asked without even turning his head around, and his expression wasn't pretty.

He wiped out the nemesis of Zenit, Spartax, and he obliterated another old opponent, Eindhoven. After that, he quickly returned to the Capital heroically and finally gained complete control of the Imperial Military Headquarters. Then, his plan was executed slowly yet steadily.

This was the time for him to establish prestige and dominance, making the final charge at the throne. However, this incident that was super rare occurred. Even if the intruder were eliminated, this was already a huge disgrace to the Imperial Military Headquarters and the troops.

Now, Arshavin's political enemies who were suppressed to an extreme degree could use this fact to attack him.

The officials in the Imperial Military Headquarters looked at each other and couldn't answer Arshavin's question.

They got nothing. After all, their intelligence network didn't get any information on this prior.

"This is disappointing, could you..." Crown Prince Arshavin couldn't help but scold.

However, before he could finish, something happened!

"I'm King Alexander of Chambord. I'm here only for Andrew Arshavin and don't want to attack the city. Anyone who dares to attack me again shall bear the consequences!"

This loud roar sounded in the sky like thunder, and it interrupted Arshavin. This voice easily penetrated through the orange magic array and sounded by everyone's ear clearly, making their heads buzz.

Arshavin gaped and couldn't finish his sentence.

The officials behind him were stunned as well. Their expressions froze on their faces, and they looked at Crown Prince Arshavin and didn't know if they should laugh or cry.

Chapter 625: Give You the Opportunity (Part One)

The thunder-like roar resonated in the sky above the Capital, and almost everyone in St. Petersburg heard it.

"Oh! This mysterious and powerful master is the King Alexander of Chambord who is praised by half of the people and slandered by the other half. Also, he is charging at the Capital because of Crown Prince Arshavin. Attacking the Capital is already a big crime on its own, and he is also calling the Crown Prince by name," people thought.

For the last while, the rumor of battles between the Crown Prince and the King of Chambord got spread around, and even the regular people in St. Petersburg knew about it.

Now with Fei's sudden appearance, this rumor was solidified, and people knew that the two young men were like water and fire; they couldn't co-exist in the same s.p.a.ce.

"What did Crown Prince Arshavin do? He provoked the King of Chambord so much that this young king traveled to the Capital at this time during the night..."

The thing that shocked the people the most was Fei's strength.

"When did the King of Chambord get this strong? He is able to dodge the attack of tens of thousands of masters as well as magic arrays, and he is flying in mid-air... Half a year ago during the affiliated kingdom compet.i.tion, the King of Chambord was only a Six-Star Warrior. In only six months, he got to Moon-Cla.s.s?" they thought.

Some people already knew about this, but it was still shocking to most people who didn't know. After all, the news and information couldn't be pa.s.sed around that fast in this world.

"If the King of Chambord has enough time, he could potentially become a supreme warrior. Too bad... He is too young... What he is doing right now is too impulsive. Charging at the Capital is something that couldn't be forgiven. The power of the royal family could easily defeat him, and the ending for the King of Chambord couldn't be anything else but death!" This was the thought that was on most people's minds.

-On the defense wall of St. Petersburg-

After Fei shouted, some of the masters decided to stop attacking.

"The King of Chambord is one of the few young talents in the empire, and it was rumored that he captured the murderers of Martial Saint Krasic. Also, he was able to fend off the enemies of Jax using a legion of lousy soldiers, buying empire the time to deal with the Spartax Empire and the Eindhoven Empire. Since he is a person of honor and merit, and he is not attacking the Capital, we don't need to block him."

However, other people didn't think that way.

"Doesn't matter what, flying above the Capital is strictly forbidden. The King of Chambord is at a place of no return!"

To the people on the side of Crown Prince Arshavin, this was the best opportunity for them to eliminate the King of Chambord. Therefore, some master already shouted, commanding soldiers and others around them to attack Fei again.

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Various energy surges appeared in the sky again like colorful flames, and they dashed at Fei ferociously.

"d.a.m.n it! d.a.m.n you, the King of Chambord... I'm still... Eh, I'm dead for sure!" Special Envoy Mathewson who was being held by Fei couldn't get away, and he quickly closed his eyes as the dashes of energies rushed toward them. He got scared, and he quickly cursed Fei in his mind.

At this critical moment, Fei sped up even more and descend toward the city.

It felt like he couldn't wait to collide with the attack that combined the power of many masters in St. Petersburg.

"He is seeking his death!"

Just as everyone thought that the King of Chambord was crazy, something mystic happened. A series of silver ripples appeared in the air, and a mysterious stone throne appeared under the king. This throne had beautiful engravings on it, and there were warriors and G.o.ddess statues around it, making it look like the throne that belonged to the king of G.o.ds!

Under the protection of this mysterious throne, the King of Chambord blinked and instantly disappeared.

"Disap... disappeared?"

"What happened? Did he escape?"

"That stone throne... What is that? Why did I feel a holy and inviolable sensation from it?"

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The masters on the defense wall all sensed a strange atmosphere. The disappearance of the King of Chambord gave them an ominous feeling, and that strange throne shocked them.

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Chapter 625: Give You the Opportunity (Part Two)

At this moment, someone shouted, "Look there! He is there! Unbelievable! How did he do it? He directly pa.s.sed through the defensive energy sphere of the city. Could... Is this the teleportation ability of Sun-Cla.s.s Lords? Teleportation?"

It was a Six-Star Warrior, and he was pointing at a location behind the defense wall and under the protection of the grand protective magic array of the city. As he shouted those words, a terrified expression appeared on his face.

Everyone turned around, and they were stunned by what they saw.

"The King of Chambord... He dodged everyone's attack, and he quietly pa.s.sed through the defensive energy sphere of the city, appearing in the sky of St. Petersburg which is inside layer of protections. This is truly shocking! Even the legendary Sun-Cla.s.s Lords who are invincible couldn't achieve this, this easily, right?" people thought.

After the King of Chambord smoothly went through layers of protection, everyone got nervous.

Right now, St. Petersburg was like a girl who was naked, and it couldn't defend itself very well. At this moment, even a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite could cause a disaster at the city.

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As everyone was surprised, another series of ripples appeared in the sky. The King of Chambord and his mysterious throne disappeared again.

In the next second, Fei appeared above the Imperial Military Headquarters.

[The Throne of Chaos] was floating 1,000 meters above the ground gracefully and elegantly, and Fei was standing on it like a G.o.d who was in the clouds. As he looked down, two beams of silver light dashed out of his eyes, pierced through the darkness, and enveloped the figure who was standing in front of the palace in a black cape and robe.

"How dare you be so reckless in front of Crown Prince His Highness?"

Someone shouted on the ground, and more than a dozen huge magic arrows were shot toward Fei using magic military crossbows.

Fei only lightly waved his hand as if he was trying to get rid of a few flies.

However, his casual move blew all the powerful magic arrows away like straws in crazy wind. Then, these heavy arrows fell from the sky and landed on some houses, making loud noises and destroying a few properties.


On the ground, Arshavin sensed the intense murderous spirit in Fei's eyes, and he looked angry yet concerned. Behind him, more than a dozen officials swallowed their saliva and looked scared.

"Alexander, attacking the Capital and raiding the Imperial Military Headquarters are both illegal, and you are ignoring the laws of the empire! How dare you!"

As his black cape fluttered in the wind, Arshavin stood straight and unleashed his visible murderous spirit as well. Even though he couldn't fly in the sky like Fei, he demonstrated the presence of a G.o.d-like military commander. When he looked up and asked with a furious tone, his voice got projected out by his warrior energy.

"Hahahahahaha! Are you worthy enough to talk about the laws with me?" As if he heard the funniest joke, Fei laughed in the sky, and his laughter resonated in this great city. "What do you think I'm here for? I'm not here to BS with you! When your henchmen murdered the most loyal soldiers of the empire in the northwest, did you think about the laws? There are conflicts between us, but you have to get ordinary and innocent people involved! Even though you are a prince, you deserve to die!"

"How dare you talk to Crown Prince His Highness like this?"

"Humph! Little king, you are seeking your death! Get down from the sky!"

As the roars sounded, two black shadows dashed out of the Imperial Military Headquarters and toward Fei. These two people were able to fly in the air, so they were at least New Moon Elites. While Fei was focused on Arshavin, they suddenly launched attacks at Fei using combat weapons.

Under the moonlight, the two combat weapons reflected cold glares and emitted terrifying energies.

"F*ck off!" Fei punched down and said, "When your master is talking, be quiet!"

A powerful physical energy dashed down from the sky, and it was indefensible. The two figures who were trying to sneak-attack were severely injured. As they spat out mouthfuls of blood, they fell from the sky even faster.


They destroyed a few houses with their bodies.

"What? These two guardians of the Imperial Senate got defeated so easily?"

The top-tier officials of the Imperial Military Headquarters were stunned, and they looked at that demonic figure in the sky with fear.

It was clear that the power of the King of Chambord shocked them, and the smart ones already realized that things weren't as simple as they seemed.

"Arshavin, use everything you've got! Don't you want to kill me once for all? Do it now, so others couldn't say that I didn't give you the opportunity! Humph!"

Fei's cold words stabbed in the Crown Prince's heart like blades.

Crown Prince Arshavin was the no.1 successor to the throne, and he had a ton of influence over politics and military. However, he felt powerless and weak now. He couldn't even threaten the person who was shaming him in the sky.

"What? Don't you have anything else? Let me give you a gift!" As Fei said coldly, he threw down something.