626 - 635

Chapter 626: Look Up at the Sky! Look Up at Him! (Part One)

As soon as the King of Chambord moved his arm, the soldiers and masters around Crown Prince Arshavin got nervous. They were protecting him, and they were afraid that the King of Chambord would lose his mind and kill the Crown Prince of Zenit right in front of them. If that happened, it would be a real tragedy.


An orange-flame-like object directly fell from the sky, and it was about half a meter wide.

However, no powerful warrior energy or magic energy surge could be detected from this flame.

"Ahhhhhhhh... Noooooo! Your Highness, please save me! Ahhhhhhh! Save me, Your Highness!!!!!!!!" A series of horrifying screams sounded from this dash of flame as it fell from the sky like a meteor.

As soon as he heard this voice, Arshavin's expression changed. He was too familiar with this voice.

"Move away!" He pushed away the soldiers in front of him and made a big empty s.p.a.ce.

In the next moment, this dash of flame landed on the ground, but it didn't break apart. It was clear that the King of Chambord used insane granular control of his strength.

Slowly, the flames around this object disappeared, revealing a burned-up person. The skin of this person was turned completely back, and the skin would crack when this person moved, resulting in b.l.o.o.d.y wounds. However, it seemed like a cloud of energy protected his face, and it wasn't burned.

At the moment, he was curled up like a cooked shrimp, and his face expressed the amount of pain he was in.

As this burned person slowly reached out his black stick-like right arm in front of Arshavin, he said in a weak and hoa.r.s.e voice, "Crown Prince... Your Majesty... Save... Save me!"

Then, his body stiffed, and he died on the spot.

This person was the Special Envoy Mathewson whom Arshavin sent to Dual-Flags City not too long ago to execute his series of plans, and the King of Chambord killed Mathewson right in front of Arshavin's eyes as a protest.

"Alexander!!!!!!!!" Arshavin roared as he stared at Fei ferociously. He was the named [Zenit's G.o.d of War] for a reason, and his presence and murderous spirit was pressing. Regular people who heard this roar and saw his dominating presence would tremble in fear and kneel.

However, that wasn't the case for Fei. The only respond Fei had for him was a series of laughter.

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"Hahahahaha! An eye for an eye! I'm just here to return a gift!" As Fei stood on [The Throne of Chaos], he looked down at Crown Prince Arshavin and said in a light tone as if he was a demon who was indifferent to killing, "You reached out your hand into Dual-Flags City and tried to cover people's mouths and kill them, and you should have been prepared for this. What? You think I'm cruel and ruthless? If you knew what your henchmen have been doing at Dual-Flags City, I'm sure you won't be this angry!"

Fei threw Mathewson down from the sky because he wanted the latter to experience a pain that was comparable to being skinned alive. Just like how he dealt with Guardian Trace of the Imperial Senate, he wanted to avenge for the 19 guards of Ribry and many other soldiers who were killed by these evil people.

Fei didn't plan to let go of Mathewson from the beginning.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you accuse me? How are you qualified to point fingers at me? Humph! All the citizens of Zenit are under my command! As the crown prince, I could do anything I want! I was able to wipe out the Spartax Empire that had been around for hundreds of years, let alone a few rebellious soldiers in a remote city within the territory of the empire. How dare you accuse me of such a small issue? You are truly foolis.h.!.+" Arshavin shook his head as he pushed Mathewson's burned and stinky corpse away, and he sneered and pointed at Fei with a mocking expression.

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Chapter 626: Look Up at the Sky! Look Up at Him! (Part Two)

The officials of the Imperial Military Headquarters and thousands of soldiers around Arshavin all sensed a chill. This was the first time that anyone saw the kind and wise crown prince behaving this way. He was ruthless, arrogant, and out of character, making the people who were close to him feel very strange.

Fei was looking down at Arshavin and got a little surprised.

As a strange expression appeared on his face, he was silent for a while.

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Then, he shook his head and said, "Great! This is great. You finally spoke what has been on your mind, right? Looks like I overestimated you. This is your real side. Hahaha! You want to pretend to be a wise and kind lord; are you tired from acting all these years? I have torn off your fake mask so that you don't need to be that tired all the time!" Fei's voice resonated in the sky above the Capital, and it made Arshavin feel like puking up blood.

This was a feeling that Arshavin never experienced before. He was used to be in control all the time, but that figure who he hated was in the sky and too far away from him. The distance between them couldn't be filled using soldiers and weapons...

This was the terrifying side of master warriors and master mages. Once they got to a certain power level, they couldn't be tied down using military and influence.

The King of Chambord was growing too fast, and he was no longer in the world that Arshavin was in.

However, the Crown Prince didn't regret anything; he didn't regret pus.h.i.+ng the King of Chambord to the opposite of him.

Ever since he accidentally saw that secret in the royal palace a year ago, Arshavin knew that he had to make a decision. If he didn't want to give up chasing the throne, he would have to see the demonic man in the sky right now as his nemesis.

Even though he looked angry and vicious on the surface, Arshavin was not as anxious as he seemed.

The truth was that he was waiting; he was waiting for that person in the royal palace to decide.

It was a gamble. Even though Arshavin didn't want to lose the bet, he had no control over the process.

He was scared that the result would disappoint him and even make him desperate.

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It wasn't just because of the power of the throne...

It was also because...

After he took a deep breath, he sensed a rare chilliness in his lungs.

Arshavin snorted and stopped speaking. The King of Chambord could drop his status as the king and mock him all he wanted, but to Arshavin, behaving out of character once was more than enough.

To a man in the military, that was a sign of weakness and powerlessness.

At this moment, the defensive powers in the Capital finally reacted. The orange energy sphere didn't disappear, but more and more masters dashed toward the Imperial Military Headquarters. The masters from the Imperial Patrol, the Royal Guards, the [Iron Blood Legion], the Imperial Knight Palace, and the Imperial Senate... Also, a ton of soldiers moved forward, surrounding the entire Imperial Military Headquarters and Crown Prince Arshavin like a black ocean.

Fei stood in mid-air and didn't speak.

As he glanced around, he saw people like Second Prince Dominguez, Fourth Prince Chrystal, [Demonic Woman] Paris, [Red Beard] Granello, the leaders of the various n.o.ble families, the officials, the influential figures... The important people of Zenit all appeared, and Fei recognized some of them.

At this moment, all the people in St. Petersburg were looking up at the sky, looking up at that young king on the silver-white throne.

In the meantime, that young king was looking down.

TL Note: For people who have more knowledge of the plot, please don't put any spoilers in the comment sections. Let the people who don't know the plot have more suspension.

Chapter 627: The King of Chambord is Invincible (Part One)

At this moment, changes occurred.

The southeast region of the Capital was initially quiet, but a fire-colored glare s.h.i.+ned upon it. As if all the buildings in that region were lit on fire, the dark sky turned bright, and it looked like daytime.

A powerful energy slowly dispersed into the area and enveloped the entire St. Petersburg.

A real master finally appeared.

"It is... That old monster..."

"It is true... The rumor is true. The Imperial Senate has decided to stand with the Crown Prince. Now, no one can rival with Arshavin His Highness!"

"Humph! That old man finally couldn't endure the seclusion anymore! He wants to come out and play!"

"The King of Chambord is now in danger! Perhaps his performance tonight ends here. This old monster isn't an ordinary master. Within the empire, only Emperor Ya.s.sin His Majesty could suppress this old monster at his prime. Right now, Emperor Ya.s.sin His Majesty is on the decline... This old man finally couldn't hold himself and wants to get involved?"

"Hahaha! This time, the King of Chambord is done! He is dead! I want to see how long he can drag this out. Hahaha! He deserves it! I couldn't wait to see the King of Chambord getting crushed!"

As soon as that orange warrior energy flame appeared, the people who were in the area were all stunned.

Most of the influential figures in St. Petersburg knew about the existence of this old monster who lived like a hermit, and they knew how terrifying he was. With their eyes wide open, they stared at the situation that was taking a drastic turn in the sky and wondered. This battle could potentially affect the division of power in the empire for the next tens to even hundreds of years!

The people who didn't know what was going on heard about this terrifying master who suddenly appeared from other people's murmurs, and they gasped in shock.

A light smile appeared on Arshavin's face, but the concerned expression didn't disappear. He was still staring at the direction of that magnificent royal palace in the middle of St. Petersburg as if he was hoping for something.

However, many influential figures in the area looked at him differently now. None of them expected Arshavin to have pulled that old monster to his side already.

Second Prince Dominguez still had Oka, the disabled little dog, in his arms, and his beautiful eyes that could make almost all women in the Capital go crazy were squinted. His face was emotionless, and it felt like everything that was happening was not connected to him at all.

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Beside him, Paris and Granello both frowned.

Standing on the throne in the sky, Fei didn't look afraid at all.

This master of the Imperial Senate who suddenly appeared didn't say anything at all. As soon as he soared into the sky, he unleashed his most powerful attack. He left no room for negotiations and arbitrations, and it was clear that he wanted to kill Fei directly in the eyes of tens of thousands of people.


[The Throne of Chaos] s.h.i.+vered in the air. As the energy flames of that mysterious master were about to envelop him, Fei suddenly disappeared from where he was and appeared 100 meters away.

"Huh?" a hoa.r.s.e voice sounded in a surprised tone.

The orange energy flame instantly contracted before dispersing into the area, creating an even brighter light. Then, an old man appeared after the light dimmed down. This man looked like he was in his fifties, and his hair was grey and messy. His small eyes were sunk into his face, and his eyes looked a bit red. With a cold expression, he looked quite cruel.

"Who are you?" Fei glanced at him and instantly detected his strength; it was about level 1 to level 2 low-tier Full Moon.

He didn't expect Zenit to have such a powerful hermit, but this person didn't leave him a good impression. That chilly murderous spirit and b.l.o.o.d.y sensation on this person were even more intense compared with that red-robbed ugly-faced Trace, and it was clear that he was a vicious character who killed many people.

After hearing Fei's question, this old man giggled and didn't respond right away. He looked at [The Throne of Chaos] under Fei's feet greedily and said, "Ok, not bad. It looks like this throne is a good item; it helped you to escape from my strike. Here is a deal for you. If you give this throne to me today, I won't kill you. I will just break your arms and legs and destroy your warrior energy, but I will let go of your Chambord Kingdom. What do you say?"

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Chapter 627: The King of Chambord is Invincible (Part Two)

After hearing this arrogant question, Fei furrowed his brows and laughed, "Are you from the Imperial Senate?"

"Bug! Since you know my background, then hand over your throne! Do you want to die?" This vicious old man laughed, and he looked like a skeleton with a layer of human skin on top, gloomy and scary.

"You want this throne?"

"Hehe, yeah. Hand it over!"

"I have a question. Your strength is top-tier at the Zenit Empire. When our Martial Saint Krasic was being killed by the a.s.sa.s.sins from the other three empires, why didn't you come out and help?" Fei asked earnestly; this was the first real conversation between them.

"You mean that idiot Krasic? It doesn't matter if he is dead or not. He is the top warrior in the eyes of ordinary people, but he is a poor chess piece who couldn't even control his own fate in my eyes. He is stupid like a pig. Hehe, his death was pitiful yet meaningless. Actually, it is better now that idiot is dead!" this old man said as he waved his hand carelessly.

The king lowered his head and was silent for a few seconds.

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After a few seconds pa.s.sed by, he looked up, stared at this old monster who was feared by many, and said, "F*ck you! Dumb*ss!"

"What did you say to me?" That old man was surprised, and he wasn't able to react in time. He never thought that this little king who was weaker than him in strength dared to swear at him.

"I Said That You Are A Dumb*ss!"

After Fei repeated what he said and emphasized each word, he grasped his fists.

Whoos.h.!.+ A silver energy flashed by, and the war hammer [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] appeared in his hands.

[The Throne of Chaos] lightly s.h.i.+vered under Fei's feet and moved him forward, placing him only about one meter away from this old man.


The war hammer was swung mercilessly.

As if he was trying to get rid of a fly, Fei smashed the hammer at this old man's arrogant face ferociously.

Everything happened so fast.

[Immortal King's Stone Crusher] was too powerful, and Fei was too quick.

Therefore, this old man didn't have the time to dodge; he could only try to defend against it.

As a surprised and angry expression appeared on his face, this old man stacked his hands in front of his chest, and layers of orange energy flames came together to form several thick walls of fire. He was furious, and he was thinking about how to destroy this king viciously in the next moment.

However, crackling noises sounded. It was a sound that this old man hadn't heard in a long time.

The walls of fire that he was very confident in got smashed apart like tofu, and it wasn't able to stop nor delay that hammer strike at all. With the same power and speed, the hammer landed on his arms and upper body, completely unloading all the force.


This old man was knocked away like a baseball. As he screamed, his body got turned into a dash of red light, and it smashed into the buildings in the southwest. This descending speed was much faster than his original ascending speed.

After that, no one was able to sense the aura of that terrifying old man anymore, and everyone around the Imperial Military Headquarters was stunned.

The people who knew a lot about this old man s.h.i.+vered as if they ate the wrong medicine, and the people who just learned about this old man looked at the people around them in doubts, questioning if they were telling the truth about the real power of this man.

This was the most unimaginable event of the night.

Crown Prince Arshavin looked ugly as if someone slapped him with the bottom of a shoe, and he even forgot to look in the direction of the royal palace.

Second Prince Dominguez unintentionally squeezed Oka too hard, making the latter bark.

In the same time, Paris gaped as her mind went blank.

The entire Capital fell silent.

The no. 1 master of Zenit other than the person in the royal palace got defeated, and it was very one-sided.

After seeing that old man getting smashed away, everyone thought of the same thing, "The King of Chambord is now invincible!"

"In the Capital... No, in the empire, no one could balance out this genius who suddenly appeared. Even Crown Prince Arshavin is so inferior compared to this powerful king," they thought.

At this moment, Fei's voice sounded by people's ears again, "This is a warning. Doesn't matter who you are, don't provoke me and don't test my tolerance. Otherwise, be prepared to see the Grim Reaper!"

Chapter 628: Shocking Departure (Part One)

Except for Emperor Ya.s.sin who established this empire, no one dared to say such a thing in the sky above St. Petersburg.

It was a threat! A blatant threat to the entire empire!

However, at this moment in time, no one felt like there was anything wrong with this. As they looked at that demonic figure in the sky who was standing amongst the stars, no one felt like this young king lost his mind.

As soon as everyone heard what Fei said, they all sensed a chill in their spines.

Some of the officials of the Imperial Military Headquarters thought back to what happened in this year, and they wondered if they did anything against Chambord and King Alexander. All the n.o.ble families who sided with Crown Prince Arshavin felt like there was a terrifying blade above their heads, and it was going to fall at any moment.

Right now, they already threw Crown Prince Arshavin to the back of their heads. They were thinking about how they could fix the relations.h.i.+p between them and Chambord.

To everyone here, the weight of King Alexander far surpa.s.sed the importance of Crown Prince Arshavin. On this continent that was ruled by the law of the jungle, people sought after power. Therefore, the weaker ones automatically felt reliant on the more powerful ones. Once the weak people spotted someone more powerful than their current leader, they would ditch this leader mercilessly and go under the protection of the more powerful.

It was the law of the survival of the fittest.

Crown Prince Arshavin clearly sensed the invisible change that was happening around him, and his fists clenched even tighter. His nails pierced into his palms, and drips of blood stained his fingers silently.

Only a few people could force themselves to stay level-headed in this situation.

Right now, they all had to wait for that person in the royal palace to speak.

It was chilly tonight, but it wasn't as cold as some people's hearts. At this moment, the people in the area all felt like the time was pa.s.sing by too slow.

Five to six minutes pa.s.sed by, and no one dared to respond to the King of Chambord.

That magnificent structure at the center of St. Petersburg represented the supreme power of the empire, but its gate was tightly closed. The royal guards who were in golden armors patrolled along the inner defense walls of the royal palace emotionlessly as if they were blind and deaf. It felt like they didn't see and hear the threat that was not far away.

This rare silence shocked many people.

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"Could it be that Emperor Ya.s.sin is so weak that he couldn't even handle the King of Chambord? Or..."

"Arshavin, all of the grudges and resentment between us will end after this punch! After this, don't come and bother me! Otherwise..." The King of Chambord's voice sounded in the sky, and a powerful and pressing energy dashed down at Crown Prince Arshavin as Fei punched down. The air in the area tensed up, and the pressure was suffocating.

"How dare you?!"


At this moment, the elite soldiers of the [Iron Blood Legion] all became the most loyal and bravest warriors. As they shouted, they surrounded Crown Prince Arshavin tightly and unleashed all their strength. All kinds of warrior energies flashed, and everyone gave it all, wanting to protect their commander.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

As the powerful wind blew by, hundreds of black-armored soldiers of the [Iron Blood Legion] were forced to bend down. Under Fei's supreme power, these soldiers were forced to kneel on the ground. With their arms propping up their upper bodies, they struggled and tried their best not to completely collapse.

Golden warrior energy flames enveloped Crown Prince Arshavin who was standing in the middle.

He unleashed all his peak Six-Star warrior energy and tried to fight back. His teeth gritted against each other forcefully, and his lips were bitten so hard that blood dripped down his mouth. His spear-like straight body started to bend uncontrollably, and his feet sunk into the cracked ground.

Then, his knees started to bend.

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Arshavin was giving it the last fight. He knew that the King of Chambord was trying to destroy his dignity and shame him. If he couldn't resist against this pressure and kneeled, his honor as the Crown Prince and Zenit's G.o.d of War would be all gone.

However, when that pressure came down from the sky, he realized that it was so powerful, making it almost indefensible.

His back started to bend, and his knees also trembled uncontrollably.

"Even if I die, I won't kneel!"

Arshavin's eyes opened wide as he roared, and he pulled out the sword that was hanging by his waist. The blade was chilling, and the body of the sword was smooth like the surface of calm water. Then, he turned the sword around and stabbed it toward his heart.

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Chapter 628: Shocking Departure (Part Two)

A prince should have his dignity, and Zenit's G.o.d of War should have his pride.

Even if he had to commit suicide, Arshavin wasn't willing to kneel in front of his enemy.

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At this moment, the G.o.d of War of the northern bear, Zenit, showed his respectable side.

The people around Arshavin were stunned, and the soldiers of [Iron Blood Legion] were all infuriated. Blood flowed out of their eyes, and they tried their best to fight against the pressure the King of Chambord was putting on them. However, they couldn't do anything to stop Crown Prince Arshavin, and they could only watch the tragedy occur in front of them.

Just as the blood of the prince was about to be spilled in the Capital, a voice sounded.

"Enough!" a majestic and n.o.ble voice sounded from the silent royal palace, and everyone heard it clearly.

A dash of golden warrior energy flashed by and shattered the sharp sword that was stabbing at Arshavin.

Emperor Ya.s.sin finally made his move, and he broke this dangerous situation at the most critical moment.

As the golden light shone in the sky, the insane amount of pressure that was being emitted by Fei got melted like the snow on a hot summer day. Crown Prince Arshavin was able to stand straight again, and the soldiers of the [Iron Blood Legion] who were fighting against the pressure even leaped into the air when that pressure disappeared.

The most intense moment was here...

The majesty of the royal family couldn't be violated, and the laws and the orders of the empire couldn't be breached. Under the gazes of numerous citizens of Zenit, would Emperor Ya.s.sin get mad and kill the King of Chambord who had been acting recklessly?

Everyone got nervous over this, and their hearts were in their throats.

Even Crown Prince Arshavin had a faint joyous and expectant emotion deep in his eyes.

However, silence took over.

Five to six minutes after the appearance of that golden sword energy, nothing else happened; the royal palace resumed its former quietness. After Emperor Ya.s.sin who rarely showed himself in public said that one word, nothing else happened. It felt like saying that one word used up all his stamina.

Everyone was surprised to see this.

"Whose side is the emperor on?" they thought.

Soon, the more intelligent people started pondering.

On the other hand, Crown Prince Arshavin clenched his fists again. He slowly closed his eyes and locked all his emotions inside. Beside him, his loyal soldiers of the [Iron Blood Legion] all looked angry and sad, and they held onto their weapons tightly.

It was the darkest moment in the night.

Fei looked at the s.h.i.+ny and fancy royal palace that wasn't too far away.

He already sensed the will of the terrifying emperor, and he knew that this was the furthest he could push. This was the silent tactic understanding between him and the emperor.

"After this incident, what I want to achieve is already done. I taught Arshavin a big lesson, shocked all kinds of people, and showcased my strength. Who else dares to target Chambord and the people around me? There shouldn't be people daring enough to disrupt my wedding 12 days from now."

It was impossible for Fei to kill the most powerful and the most influential prince of the empire.

After all, that person in the royal palace wouldn't let that happen, and the king didn't want to become the enemy of that legendary emperor.

In addition, the empire wasn't in a peaceful time; there were many undercurrents within the region. Although the king didn't like Arshavin, he had to admit that this prince was a great military commander. In the chaos era that was about to come, this prince could use his talent to fend off the potential enemies and protect this land that Martial Saint Krasic died for.

After Fei looked around, [The Throne of Chaos] flashed and created a series of ripples. Then, they disappeared in the sky completely as if they never came here.

Everyone let go of the breaths that they were holding in, and they felt like the pressure on them was gone.

"Why didn't you show up? What? You don't think you can face me? This is disappointing!" Fei's voice resonated in the sky.

This was what he said before he left, and most people didn't know who it was for.

TL NOTE: Well, this is a little anti-climactic since the prince isn't killed, but I a.s.sure you that it is for something bigger later on.

Chapter 629: Wind-like News (Part One)

-In [G.o.ddess of Intelligence] Elder Princess Tanasha's Mansion-

At the moment, there was no light in the palace, and darkness enveloped everything.

In the grand hall that had moonlight s.h.i.+ned in it, there was a figure who was wearing a light-yellow dress and standing in front of the window. When she heard what Fei said in the sky, her body s.h.i.+vered uncontrollably as if she was struck by lightning.

"Your Highness, you..." Beside her, Ziene who was in her usual purple dress detected Tanasha's mood change, and she quickly tried to comfort her.

"I'm alright." Tanasha turned around and said with a pale face.

"Your Highness, you have lost a lot of weight. Compared with when you met him for the first time under the incense tree at the hotel in Chambord, you look a lot weaker..." A caring expression appeared on Ziene's pretty face as she lightly walked out of the shadow and helped Tanasha to stand up. She comforted, "You don't have to blame yourself too much. Crown Prince His Highness... seems like a different person now. He doesn't listen to your advice at all..."

"I don't understand what is going on. What made him... Why does he have to push a genius like Alexander to the other side? There must be secrets unknown to us. After all, my older brother isn't a dumb person who would get jealous over other people's talents," Elder Princess said as her big blue eyes looked troubled.

Ziene didn't respond right away...

-Dual-Flags City-

After Ribry took control of this city that was on the northwest border of the empire, he quickly got onto the watchtower on the east gate. He strolled back and forth on the defense wall anxiously, and he looked in the direction of St. Petersburg frequently. This military commander who didn't even get this worried when more than 60,000 enemies of Jax surrounded the city felt like the time was pa.s.sing by too slow. In the last two hours, he had been waiting tortuously.

Behind him, other commanders such as Gago were also very anxious.

They were all waiting for the same person.

On the iron spears that were stabbed into the defense wall beside the watchtower, there were more than a dozen b.l.o.o.d.y heads. They were Mayor Soroyov and the n.o.bles' who had been stirring up the most trouble for the soldiers.

After Fei destroyed the b.l.o.o.d.y butcher Trace and took away Special Envoy Mathewson, these people such as Mayor Soroyov and the guiltiest n.o.bles were killed slowly by all the angry soldiers. In the last while, native soldiers were killed continuously. Also, the tragic death of the 19 guards of Ribry ignited the fury on the soldiers' minds. Since they were now backed by Fei, they weren't going to let criminals like Soroyov get off the hooks.

However, after they vent their anger and frustration, they became very worried.

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None of them knew what was going on in the Capital that was more than 1,000 kilometers away.

"Mr. Alexander left in a fury... What is he doing in the Capital right now? What kind of trouble is he encountering?"

Time slowly pa.s.sed by.

As Ribry was about to send the 20th team of fast-scouts toward the Capital to get information at all cost, an ear-piercing noise sounded from afar. Suddenly, a dash of silver energy flashed by and appeared on the defense wall.

It was King Alexander of Chambord.

"Sir!" Ribry was thrilled, and so were the other commanders. They surrounded Fei by the watchtower and asked, "Mr. Alexander! You are finally back... Was... Was everything alright in St. Petersburg?"

Fei was slightly touched by all the anxious expressions around him. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, everything is handled now. Don't be anxious; the new order from the Imperial Military Headquarters will be here soon. Just comfort the soldiers and the residents."

After hearing Fei's words and seeing no injuries on him, Ribry and others finally calmed down. They walked down the defense wall via the stairs and returned to the military campsite.

On the way, Ribry told Fei all the detailed information.

With Fei's prior warning and their commanders such as Trace and Mathewson gone, the [Whip of the Thunder Lord] lost their combat abilities. They were suppressed by the native military force, and they backed off into a corner in the city. An hour ago, they handed over the people who killed the innocent soldiers of Dual-Flags City, and they gave up on resisting.

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The native soldiers gained complete control of the entire Dual-Flags City.

"Sir! We listen to you! All the 30,451 soldiers and commanders in Dual-Flags City are under your command! From now on, you are the supreme leader of this troop!"

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Chapter 629: Wind-like News (Part Two)

"Yeah, Mr. Alexander, we will only listen to you now!"

In the central tent, all the commanders looked at Fei with admiration and swore their loyalty. After what happened these days, Fei's influence over this troop reached another level. To be frank, his words were more commanding than the orders from the Imperial Military Headquarters as well as the royal family of Zenit.

Fei lightly smiled and replied, "Dual-Flags City is a territory under the control of Zenit, and the native soldiers are the soldiers of the empire. What I did tonight is from the stance as a friend and not a superior and the head commander. You guys don't have to mention this. I believe that the empire would soon appoint a new mayor and a new head commander. You guys can just wait patiently."

Since Fei was really firm on this decision, these people didn't persist any further even though they genuinely wanted Fei to be their leader.

What they said was technically illegal, and they just wanted to make their stance clear. They all knew that once the King of Chambord gave them an order, at least 30,451 soldiers would be willing to battle and die for him!

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After chatting, the commanders stood up and left the tent.

Fei didn't tell them about what happened in detail. After all, what happened was going to be spread around quickly. Fei made a high-profile appearance at St. Petersburg tonight, and all the residents at the Capital knew what happened. Therefore, it would be spread around the region for sure, and the commanders at Dual-Flags City would hear it as well.

After a full night of business, Fei rested a little in the central tent, trained his spirit energy, and entered Diablo World to kill monsters and level up.

The king was able to have an overbearing presence at St. Petersburg today because he was powerful enough.

Although he didn't battle with Emperor Ya.s.sin, he was still able to sense the vast amount of energy hidden in the royal palace. He had to admit that his current strength couldn't handle that legendary emperor. After all, the closer he was to Emperor Ya.s.sin, the clearer the different and the pressure he sensed.

Therefore, before the arrival of the chaos, Fei had to increase his strength. He felt like only Sun-Cla.s.s Lords could barely survive in the future dangerous times.

-The Nightmare Mode, Diablo World-

Fei got to the fourth map, [Pandemonium Fortress], and moved to [Plains of Despair].

After waving the war hammer for the last time, Fallen Angel Izual was killed by Fei, and the first quest was completed.

Fei wanted to increase his leveling-up speed, so this quest only took him three hours. Since [The Plains of Despair] wasn't that big, coming and going from there didn't take much time. In addition, Fei used [Town Portal Scroll] and created portals that allowed him to go back to the [Pandemonium Fortress].

After he sold the useless items and bought enough supplies, Fei and Elena started the next quest.

The second quest asked Fei to kill a mini-boss, Hephasto, in the [River of Flames] and get the [h.e.l.lforge Hammer]. Mephisto could only be killed if Mephisto's Soulstone was destroyed by this hammer.

However, Fei didn't complete the quest using the traditional methods.

As Fei understood this world more and more, he realized that he had to ditch the rigid ideas about this world. This world was life-like, and it wasn't just a replica of the original game. A lot of items that only had a single use in the game were hidden treasures. If they were used properly, the effect they could provide would be greater than the rewards of completing the quests.

For example, Mephisto's Soulstone that was in Fei's hands right now had a lot of power. This crystal stored the soul of this deity of h.e.l.l, and Fei could even hear the roars of Mephisto. If he could control this monster, it would mean that he commanded a deity!

Also, this [h.e.l.lforge Hammer] was a tool that could even forge the lava in the river of flames. If Blacksmith Charsi could use it, the value this hammer could provide far exceeded the rewards in the game.

After somewhat completing these two quests, Fei's barbarian's level finally reached 85.

His strength was equivalent to level 5 low-tier Full Moon. With the power provided by [Immortal King's Soul Cage] and [Immortal King's Stone Crusher], Fei was able to handle all Moon-Cla.s.s Elites.

Of course, the legendary emperor, Emperor Ya.s.sin, was an exception.

The weather of the second day was lovely. The sky was blue, and the breeze was comfortable.

When it was nine o'clock in the morning, teams of fast-scouts who were sent out by Ribry last night came back with the new envoy from the Imperial Military Headquarters whom they met on the way.

When Ribry took over the scroll that named him the new mayor of Dual-Flags City from this envoy who was quite flattering, he couldn't believe it! He felt like he was dreaming, and he spent the entire morning a.n.a.lyzing the implication of this; he didn't want to bother Fei who was 'resting'.

In the afternoon, the best scout who reached St. Petersburg finally came back after exhausting three fast horses. While panting, he told all the soldiers and commanders about what happened last night in the Capital, and Ribry finally understood everything.

For an hour, people like Mayor Ribry and Head Commander Gago went berserk. They asked that poor scout to tell them the shocking things that happened at St. Petersburg in detail for more than 100 times, and they were still not satisfied.

In the same time, what happened in the Capital of Zenit got spread around the region within 500,000 kilometers of St. Petersburg, and too many people were stunned.

Chapter 630: That Little White Face Is Here Again (Part One)

Fei's domination completely shocked the entire empire.

What happened next was inline with Fei's expectations.

After that night, the Imperial Military Headquarters took a 180-degree turn in their att.i.tude toward the King of Chambord and the people who were close to him.

On the second day, they sent a new envoy and tried to correct all the mistakes that Special Envoy Mathewson made.

This new envoy was on the side of Second Prince Dominguez, and he met Fei once before. He was really kind, and he soon resolved the grudge and resentment the native soldiers had toward the Zenit Empire as a whole.

Through all these misfortunes, Ribry was canonized as a level 3 n.o.ble of the empire and the new mayor of Dual-Flags City, and Gago took Ribry's old position and became the new head commander of the native military force at Dual-Flags City.

These two were viewed as the King of Chambord's people a long time ago by others.

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The fact that the Imperial Military Headquarters didn't fill these two positions using outsiders was a way of saying that the Dual-Flags City was now Chambord's back garden and overruled by the King of Chambord.

At the same time, the death of people such as Mathewson and Trace didn't cause any uproars. As if insignificant bubbles popped and disappeared, their deaths didn't even create a slight ripple. No one tried to fight for them as if they never existed.

In the afternoon of the second day, the [Whip of the Thunder Lord], one of the main battle legions of Zenit, moved out of Dual-Flags City and headed back to St. Petersburg.

After everything was calmed down at Dual-Flags City, Fei had a meeting with the new envoy, rejected people like Ribry's requests of him staying for a bit longer, and headed back to Chambord.

The distance of about 400 kilometers was nothing in Fei's eyes. His strength increased, and this distance only took him a little over 20 minutes.

Soon, Chambord City appeared in Fei's sight.

In the night, the colorful lights in the city were lit, making the city look like a paradise that was created from magic crystals. Even though it was flashy, Chambord City had its own orderliness. Comparing Chambord's night view with St. Petersburg, Fei who was looking down at his city felt like it wasn't inferior. Except for the fact that his city was smaller in size, it didn't lack anything else. In fact, it looked livelier since it was smaller.

Fei went into stealth and flew in the sky; everything seemed normal.

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The only thing was that it seemed like the number of people in the city doubled overnight; the hotels in the city were filled.

Since the news about the King of Chambord marrying his two fiancées in less than half a month got out, all the citizens of Chambord got excited. It was an event that was worthy of a grand celebration, and people everywhere in the city were preparing for it. Compared with a typical day, it was a lot busier. Also, since people were most active in the evening before midnight, the streets in Chambord City were filled with people.

Fei quietly landed in a back alley, dressed up to make sure that no one could recognize him, and wandered around. As he saw the new look of the city and sensed the vitality of the kingdom, he felt very proud.

As he walked around, he bought a few decors from the street vendors and got a few takeout dishes from the most popular taverns. Then, he wandered around until he stopped in front of Soros' Merchant Group's shops.

Jessica was quite surprised by the king's sudden arrival.

"Sorry to bother you again. I came here the day before yesterday to eat, and you had to cook at midnight. Today, I brought you some food as payback. I guessed that you haven't eaten yet, right? Didn't I interrupt your business?" Fei asked as he smiled and put the food on the table.

"Of course not! I would hope that you could come here every day. If your citizens know that their king visits our store frequently, they will come here so much that the threshold of the door would be destroyed! Haha!" Jessica quickly calmed down from her initial surprise and excitement and joked with Fei a little.

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Chapter 630: That Little White Face Is Here Again (Part Two)

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Then, she asked her maids to prepare utensils quickly. She, on the other hand, went upstairs to her room, put on some light makeup, and changed into a more formal tight-fit black cheongsam-style dress.

When she came down and sat in front of Fei with a big smile on her face, she was stunning.

Jessica was really beautiful to start with. After Abramovich taught her the business skills, and she learned a lot from getting the hands-on experience, she got more confident, and her natural beauty shone even more. Like a diamond that finally got polished, Jessica's beauty was now glaring.

She was now wearing an off-shoulder V-neck dress that got popular in Chambord after Fei drew the blueprint a while ago, and her white, smooth skin looked extremely luring under the contrast of the black dress. Also, the G.o.d-Fooling Badge that Fei gifted to her was made into a necklace, and she was always wearing it.

It felt like anyone who looked at her for a bit longer would get their eyes burned by her beauty.

Since such a beauty was eating with Fei, the king got in a good mood.

In reality, Fei wanted to sneak into Bast's mansion to find Angela.

Throughout the entire year, Fei had gotten into the habit of sitting down with Angela and chatting with her after a big battle in the real world. Her natural and peaceful aura could cleanse Fei's murderous spirit, calming down his heart that would get anxious and impatient.

However, according to tradition, Fei wasn't allowed to meet Angela before the wedding. If he sneaked in and got discovered by his future father-in-law who saw traditions and n.o.ble etiquettes more important than his life, it wouldn't be a good situation. Therefore, the king gave up that idea and came to Jessica instead.

Although Jessica and Angela's personalities were different, they had similar auras. After chatting with this smart and beautiful girl, Fei felt calm and peaceful after going through battles and killing enemies.

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Perhaps this girl's aura was really pure and made Fei's mind clear, and maybe it was because Fei saw Husky and Jessica as his good friends, he didn't get any dirty thoughts in his head.

Since his murderous spirit went away, Fei was more confident in his guesses.

This beautiful girl in front of him was similar to Angela and had the purest crystal-like soul.

Outside the door, shadows were moving.

Jessica's four guards had anxious expressions on their faces since they thought Fei was an arrogant little white face who tried to pursue their boss.

"Only one day pa.s.sed, and that d.a.m.n little white face who came with Boss' brother the day before yesterday appeared again! Doesn't he know that our boss is the King of Chambord's woman? Although he is an instructor at Chambord's Civil and Military University and is prestigious, how could he be compared with the King of Chambord? How dare he tries to take the King of Chambord's woman? Are all the instructors in the university dumb and not afraid of death?" These four guards thought to themselves with bitter expressions.

They were all experienced, and they could tell that their boss who was indifferent to other males fell for this little white face. Just to eat with him, she got all dressed up. The 'relations.h.i.+p' between them was inevitable!

"Man! If the King of Chambord knows about this, this little white face will be in trouble! Also, we four will also be affected, and we might be beaten or something. After all, the king would want to vent his anger," they thought.

Even though they thought this way, they didn't dare to remind their beautiful boss.

They had served Jessica for a while, and they knew her quite well. Although she was kind and gentle most of the time, she was really stubborn. Once she set her mind on something, even Abramovich couldn't dissuade her.

"It won't work if we try to talk to her. Also, this little white face is prestigious at Chambord, and he is far more powerful than us four. We couldn't deal with him... What should we do?" the four guards were scared and didn't know what to do.

"We must report this back to Manager Abramovich. Otherwise, big trouble will... Worst come to worst, we will ask Manager Abramovich to send over a master to take care of this little white face in secret!" A guard made up his mind when his beautiful boss saw the little white face off an hour later with a big smile on her face.

After leaving, Fei flew into the sky and headed toward Five Sword Sky Mountain. The warriors of Chambord such as Torres had been cultivating in the Sky Castle for an entire day, and he wondered if any of them achieved a breakthrough.

When he was pa.s.sing by the Golden Leo Mountain, dashes of mystic energy appeared, and Fei thought of something and landed there.

Chapter 631: Shrines from the Diablo World (Part One)

The Golden Leo Mountain was one of the 12 Golden Saint Mountains that Fei chose, and it looked gigantic and majestic.

It was situated four kilometers behind Chambord, and it was about 1,500 meters tall.

Although it was similar to other 11 Golden Saint Mountains in that they were all shaped like swords, extremely steep, and had no path on them, it was unique in a sense that it had a balanced and broad presence.

Also, there were several smaller mountains that were about 300 to 400 meters tall around it, looking like lion cubs around the Golden Leo Mountain.

As soon as Fei landed on the peak of the mountain, Lampard sensed it and dashed out of his stone palace.

The 12 Golden Saint Mountains were named by Fei, and there were no buildings on them.

Except for the beautiful view and great scenery, the living condition was simple and a little rough. However, the good thing was that the more powerful masters liked living in seclusion with nature, and it wasn't strange for some of them to sleep in the wild.

Lampard had a calm personality and didn't like noise. Therefore, he liked living on a mountain like this in seclusion, and he got used to it really quick.

In the last three days, Lampard already created a simple, small stone palace on the peak of the mountain using his powerful warrior energy and his level 8 combat weapon, [Black Lightning].

This stone palace was three meters tall and had a square shape, and there was an unfinished lion statue in front of it. Although this statue only had its rough outer shape, it was already shocking to the eye and had a unique aura.

It looked like this was Lampard's progress for the last few days.

The entire peak didn't look luxurious, but it had a unique mysteriousness and ancient feeling to it.

Fei could tell that in the last three days, Lampard already stabilized his Moon-Cla.s.s Realm, which had completely transformed after nature's challenge, and even increased his strength a little. He was already a level 7 mid-tier New Moon Elite.

This speed of increase was insane!

"Huh? This power... Could it be..." As the chilly night breeze blew by, Fei's eyes suddenly shone. At that moment, he sensed a very vague but mystic sensation.

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It seemed like this entire mountain was enveloped by this mystic power.

"Yeah, I also discovered that. It feels like this entire Golden Leo Mountain could communicate with the stars in the sky." Lampard looked up at the bright stars in the dark sky and said, "When I'm on this mountain, my warrior energy could get some boost. It feels like a mysterious array..."

Fei closed his eyes and sensed for a bit before looking up at the sky.

Looking up from the peak of the Golden Leo Mountain, the many stars that formed the Leo Constellation were the brightest. It made people feel like the light of the stars was directly s.h.i.+ning down on this mountain like a waterfall, communicating with this sword mountain that was more than a kilometer tall.

"Eh, you are right. It does seem like that."

Fei suddenly thought back to when Lampard was first appointed as the guardian of the Golden Leo Mountain. During the process, a phenomenon occurred, and a lot of starlights fell onto this mountain, merging with the surroundings. He realized that it was all connected to his miraculous skill – [Give], and he felt like his half-joking idea of developing saints according to the anime on Earth might actually work.

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Chapter 631: Shrines from the Diablo World (Part Two)

As he thought about that, Fei's eyes suddenly landed on a stone pillar in front of the simple stone palace.

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"This is... [Combat Shrine]? It... those two mad scientists made it happen?"

Fei quickly walked up and caressed the three-meter tall, ordinary-looking stone pillar. The only thing that was unique about it was the six mystic magic runes on the top, and a vague cross magic symbol made from a sword and an ax could be seen.

Fei was very excited.

"Your Majesty, you also know about the magical properties of this stone pillar? Priestess Akara and Professor Cain came here yesterday and put down three stone pillars. Each of them has powerful properties..." Lampard was used to Fei knowing everything. Therefore, he briefly told the king about what happened yesterday when the two mad scientists came over.

"Hahaha! Of course! This is [Combat Shrine], and it could increase the combat abilities of the user by a lot for a short time. Haha, two more? Where are they? ... Oh, I see them. They are... [Skill Shrine] and [Experience Shrine]. Huh? They seem a bit different..."

Fei laughed as he looked around, and he quickly spotted the two other stone pillars that had different mysterious magic runes engraved on them.

Players who are familiar with Diablo 2 know that there are shrines in the dangerous wilderness. Even though these shrines were from the ancient times and were dilapidated, they still had various G.o.dly powers.

For example, the [Combat Shrine] could increase the damage of the player by 200% for 98 seconds, and the [Skill Shrine] could improve the skills of the player by two levels for a short time.

Also, there were all kinds of shrines such as [Experience Shrine], [Stamina Shrine], and [Armor Shrine] that gave different powers to the player. There were more than 20 of them, and they were scattered around in the wilderness.

Fei saw these shrines in Normal Mode, but his level was too low back then, so he couldn't understand the magic principles behind these shrines. Also, Akara and Cain weren't able to break down the power of the shrines and decrypt their secrets.

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However, the situation took a turn after Fei completed Normal Mode and entered Nightmare Mode.

For some reason, Fei would suddenly have an epiphany after completing a quest in Nightmare Mode, and he would understand the magic principles behind one type of shrine. After he comprehended the theories, he was able to explain everything to the two mad scientists. Then, Akara and Cain were able to break down the magic powers of the shrines and create items that could hold similar powers in the real world.

Fei told Akara and Cain about his understanding of six types of shrines after he completed the quests a while back, but he didn't expect them to decrypt the magic runes and create new ones in only a little more than a dozen days. He thought this process was going to be slow, but the two mad scientists gave him a big surprise!

Fei was delighted and knew that the Chambord Kingdom underwent a drastic improvement. These shrines were crucial to Chambord. After more of them were produced in the real world, the explosive combat ability of the Chambord Kingdom could increase by three to four times for a short time!

To Chambord, the appearance of these various shrines was a revolutionary change!

Chapter 632: Greeted by All (Part One)

In the future, the military of Chambord could be equipped with a lot of [Combat Shrines]. If each small formation of 50 soldiers had a [Combat Shrine] with them, they could suddenly unleash 200% of their strength! How destructive and surprising that scene would be?! Just imagine!

That was only the beginning.

Except for the [Combat Shrine], the soldiers could use the [Stamina Shrine] to gain unlimited stamina, use the [Armor Shrine] to get double the defense, use [Mana Recharge Shrine] to restore their magic energy or warrior energy, and use all kinds of [Resistance Shrines] to be immune to lightning, fire, ice, and poison magic spells...

Furthermore, if these mysterious runes could be simplified and engraved onto smaller objects other than big stone pillars, they would be more mobile and could be used as strategic a.s.sets! During wars, the value of these shrines would be irreplaceable!

Even if it were just individual battles between masters, they could still provide a huge boost and potentially change the outcome.

This was the power of the shrines from Diablo World; they could turn a hurdle of powerless sheep into a crowd of hungry wolves.

To be honest, Fei thought Akara and Cain would take a long time to completely decrypt the mysterious powers of the shrines and recreate the powerful shrines, but they sure gave him a huge surprise.

For a moment, Fei almost wanted to hug those two mad scientists and kiss them on the cheek.

However, Fei could tell that these shrines were only prototypes. They were quite heavy, and they could only be used at specific locations. They were still far from the mobility that Fei was hoping to see. They had to be more refined and improved, and it was going to be a ma.s.sive and tough project.

However, it had to start somewhere, and the foundation was now built.

There were three shrines on the Golden Leo Mountain so far – [Combat Shrine], [Skill Shrine], and [Experience Shrine].

Out of these three shrines, the first two didn't provide permanent increases. Different from the time restrictions in the actual game, these two shrines could actually empower the user for ten minutes, but their effectiveness couldn't be stacked together. The [Combat Shrine] could increase Lampard's combat abilities by 200%, and the [Skill Shrine] could double the damage of Lampard's combat techniques.

After use, these two shrines would need a full day to recharge before they could be used again.

However, the [Experience Shrine] surprised Fei a little.

For some reason, this shrine's power got modified. Fei could tell that its actual effect differed from the game; it wasn't for one-time use. Instead, it constantly released a mysterious power, and Lampard's cultivation speed was increased when he was around this shrine. Even though it was clear that the increase in experience wasn't as fast as it was in the game, it was still a great addition.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


Fei didn't stay on the summit of Golden Leo Mountain for too long. After he gave a G.o.dly herb from the core region in the Mythical Palace to Lampard and helped him to increase his strength, the king left this place.

In the next second, Fei appeared in the [G.o.dly King Palace] that was situated on the mountain in the middle of the Sky Castle.

In the next moment, his spirit energy spread out into the city and scanned the area within five kilometers of Fei.

Fei saw people like Cech cultivating diligently in the side palaces, and he was very pleased with their hard work.

Even though the Sky Castle that was now inside the stealth energy sphere on the Azeroth Continent didn't have as much nature elements as the core region in the Mythical Palace, it was a rare place where cultivation speed was greatly enhanced. After three days of cultivation, everyone who stayed in the Sky Castle made progress.

However, under the time pressure, the progress wasn't enough.

Sitting in front of the mystic lotus on [The Throne of Chaos] in the [G.o.dly King Palace], Fei thought about it and took out more than a dozen G.o.dly herbs which corresponded with the elemental attribute of the warriors of Chambord.

These G.o.dly herbs were all from the core region of the Mythical Palace, and they have been growing in there for many years. With abundant nature elements, these herbs were able to prosper and stack their medicinal effects. They were rare to see on the Azeroth Continent, highly spiritual, and extremely valuable.

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Chapter 632: Greeted by All (Part Two)

To warriors and mages who cultivated warrior energies or magic energies, getting a G.o.dly herb that fitted their energy attribute was very beneficial. Since the G.o.dly herbs were comprised of a lot of pure energy, they could stimulate the energy inside the cultivators' bodies and be converted into pure warrior energy or magic energy.

Fei learned herbology from Priestess Akara, and he had a good hang of all the G.o.dly herbs that he collected. Therefore, he didn't need to worry about making mistakes in selecting herbs for different people, and he quickly got the proper supplements for each of the warriors of Chambord.

As long as the warriors of Chambord listened to him and consumed these G.o.dly herbs according to his instructions, their bodies would be greatly stimulated with no side-effects, and they could reach Moon-Cla.s.s a lot sooner.

Fei's wedding was in 12 days, and he was afraid that it wouldn't go as smooth as he planned. Therefore, he had to prepare ahead of time to deal with all situations.

For the next few days, Fei primarily stayed at the Sky Castle.

Except for using the methods doc.u.mented in the mysterious purple scroll to strengthen his spirit energy, he entered Diablo World to kill monsters with Valkyrie Elena. He wanted to increase his strength and reach Sun-Cla.s.s as soon as possible.

The region within 500,000 kilometers of Zenit was experiencing some chaos.

Many wise people could already tell that the situation was about to get worse, and continental wars might break out. Therefore, Fei had to improve his strength if he wanted to keep himself as well as the Chambord Kingdom safe.

Of course, since there was still the daily time limit in terms of how long he could stay in Diablo World, Fei would sneak back into the Chambord Kingdom regularly to see what was happening on the ground level during his break time.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


In the last few days, the number of people inside the city grew drastically.

The story about how the King of Chambord appeared in St. Petersburg alone and stunned everyone was being spread around the region by traveling poets, and more and more people learned about what happened that night. They all knew that the name, 'King of Chambord', was far beyond the prestige of the king of a level 1 affiliated kingdom of Zenit.

As soon as this information got around, various empires, n.o.ble forces, and powerful groups had to view Chambord in a new light. They re-evaluated the power of this kingdom, and they all wanted to figure out how they should communicate and live around this powerful king.

In many people's eyes, the King of Chambord's wedding was a rare and great opportunity to observe everything.

Perhaps, they would be able to inspect the Chambord Kingdom as well as the king to judge the potential of both, and they could express their friendliness if they wished to.

In the next couple of days, Chambord's ministers and six departments were extremely busy. They had meetings with the various envoys from all kinds of forces within and outside the Zenit Empire every day.

The Ma.r.s.e Empire, the St. Germain Empire, the Maze Empire, the Soros' Merchant Group, the Wind Horse Mercenary Group, Fire Blood Mercenary Group, the Imperial Mage Union…

These powerful forces that were far out of Chambord's reach a year ago all lowered themselves and sent envoys to the kingdom, notifying Chambord that more prestigious representatives would come to the kingdom on the king's wedding day to present gifts, and they wanted to keep a very friendly relations.h.i.+p.

Soon, the hotels at Chambord were packed to the maximum.

Therefore, the envoys who came late had to find other places or camp outside the city; some even offered a lot of money to the residents of Chambord to live in their homes! Even though this was the case, none of them dared to complain.

Many people in the city earned a lot of money from this, and they got a sweet taste of how tourism would benefit their lives.

Chambordians had never been this proud before!

As they sensed outsiders' envy and counted the gold coins they earned in the last few days, many of the citizens of Chambord would wake up in the middle of the night while laughing. Greedier people even hoped that the king could get married every day!

When it was about six days until the wedding, the Revenue Department conducted a survey and found that the number people inside Chambord City had increased by three times.

Chapter 633: 'Friends' from Afar (Part One)

In this period of time, the Chambord City could be described as a bit messy and disorderly.

After Fei's implementation of the reconstruction and renovation project, Chambord City already got its own unique living style and pace. A lot of outsiders weren't used to it, so frictions would sometimes arise.

There were a lot of warriors who weren't used to Chambord's rules such as walking on the right side of the road, pausing at the red light, and stopping the water tap after use, and they had some unpleasant experiences with the bylaw enforcement officers. The good thing was that the name, 'King of Chambord,' was already infamous out there. These foreigner warriors had to hold back their short-tempers and didn't dare to mess around with the military of Chambord. They were afraid that they would trigger the King of Chambord who was rumored to be ruthless and merciless and get killed.

In the last while, every person who first visited Chambord City was stunned by this mystic city that was in a remote location.

At first, these people all came to see the King of Chambord, and they didn't expect too much from this remote little city. They thought that this little city was similar to other small cities where it was dirty, messy, and chaotic. In their minds, the residents here were poor like beggars, and the soldiers couldn't even get a full set of armors and had to share one metal weapon...

However, they were shocked when they saw this city.

The beauty, cleanness, and degree of development of the magic civilization far surpa.s.sed the giant cities in the super powerful empires. Also, the soldiers of Chambord were mighty as well. There were quite a few of One-Star and Two-Star Warriors among them, and even the ordinary ones had a ton of physical strength.

In addition, the rules of the city were really strange to the outsiders at first. However, after closer inspection, they had to admire the creativity of the Chambordians. A lot of issues and problems that existed in the way of life of ordinary people were easily solved by these rules.

These discoveries all made the arrogant foreigners experience ma.s.sive cognitive dissonance.

They had to put their tails between their legs and act carefully. Even though the Chambordians always explained everything to them patiently when they were confused by certain things, they still felt like they were hillbillies, and it was ridiculous.

Even though most of the outsiders were behaving properly, some of the troublemakers targeted the small magic items in the city.

In the last few days, there had been several incidents where magic traffic lights, magic water fountain, and magic toilet were stolen. Therefore, the officials at the Justice Department and the War Department had to send people to investigate and solve these crimes while they thought that these thieves were pitiful.

Chambord's prison, [Little Black Room], was filled with various offenders, and they were charged based on the crimes they committed. Most of them were detained for ten days, and some were only fined. It was fortunate that nothing major happened. While the most powerful warriors such as Cech and Drogba were cultivating in the Sky Castle, few masters were available to deal with big issues.

Therefore, after a while, the first-time visitors were informed by others that the first thing they should do was to make sure that they knew what was allowed and what was not allowed. Otherwise, they might break the laws and get punished.

The Chambordians who were smart and business-focused saw the opportunities in this. They created various pamphlets and booklets such as [Chambord's Essential Law], [How to Live at Chambord], [Survival at Chambord]. They were able to sell these publications for good prices, and they earned a lot of money.

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It was almost noon, and the weather was nice.

Chambord City's main street, [Golden Road], had a lot of traffic, and people who were wearing various styles of clothing were walking around with either curious or shocked expressions as they looked around.

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Chapter 633: 'Friends' from Afar (Part Two)

Outside of the defense wall, the people who were waiting to use the magic teleportation array to enter the city formed long lines, and Chambord's only Reverse Whale Wars.h.i.+p, [King Alexander], was traveling through Zuli River and transporting as many people as it could.

Only the Wars.h.i.+p Transportation Fee and Entrance Teleportation Fee brought a lot of money into Chambord in less than ten days. As the most high-ranking temporary finance consultant, [Fallen Princess] Victoria who was wearing a black, tight-fit magic armor and knee-high battle boots stood at the toll gate with four saint seiyas with her. As she saw the money coming in, she laughed like a girl who was fantasizing about a guy she liked.

"Haha! I just love Alexander! How did he come up with this idea? A toll gate? Haha! This is like plucking a feather off a goose every time it pa.s.ses by! Haha! We are rich!"

This girl didn't even think about how she was presenting herself when she was laughing. Her body swayed back and forth, and her chest jumped up and down. She instantly attracted the attention of many males. Their burning gaze scanned her s.e.xy figure and angel-like face.

At the moment, this excited girl only had money in her eyes.

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She didn't realize how alluring her outfit was, and she didn't understand how beautiful her figure was. If the King of Chambord wasn't infamous out there, these savage male warriors would try to do bad things to her when fewer people were around.

"What? Getting past this river cost ten silver coins? This is so expensive!"

"Shush... lower your voice. No one is forcing you to cross the river. Do you see that hot chick over there? The four men behind her already broke the legs of more than 40 warriors who tried not to pay..."

"Really? This chick looks cute, and her slim waist... d.a.m.n, she is that vicious?"

Similar conversations happened between many warriors and people who were waiting in the line, but no one dared to challenge the rules that were set up by the King of Chambord.

Time pa.s.sed quickly, and it was about noon.

Suddenly, a team of fully armored cavaliers appeared on the horizon. There were about 400 of them, and they were very disciplined. Under the sun, their silver armors shone brightly, making them look like a dash of silver flood.

As the clip-clop noises sounded, they rushed toward Chambord.

At their appearance, a few powerful auras showed themselves as well. It was clear that powerful masters were within this group.

"Who are they?"

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"A team of elite cavaliers? They aren't soldiers of Zenit..."

"Why are they here? Are they here for revenge? They are so aggressive!"

Almost immediately, the people who were waiting to get across the river and to get into the city all saw this, and they started to murmur amongst themselves. After all, it was rare to see a troop that didn't belong to Zenit to appear in the northern region of the Zenit Empire.


At this moment, a sharp roar resonated in the sky, and a sudden change occurred.

A dash of lightning suddenly appeared in the back mountains of Chambord that was peaceful and beautiful like a painting, and this lightning flashed across the sky and froze above Zuli River. As the lightning energy lightly dispersed into the area, a red-haired figure showed himself in the center of the cloud of lightning-elemental warrior energy, and his aura was pressing, making him look like a demon deity.

"A master of Chambord!!"

"He is Lampard, the Gold Saint of the Leo Constellation! He is rumored to be the most powerful warrior of Chambord right under the king! It is heard that he is now a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite. Why did he appear? What is going on?" the people in the area grew curious and excited.

Chapter 634: Active Guests (Part One)

The figure in the sky, as well as the potential upcoming battle, instantly attracted the attention of many people.

To most of the warriors outside Chambord City who were only One-Star or Two-Star, being able to witness a battle between Moon-Cla.s.s Elites was something that was rare for them; most people wouldn't get that chance in a lifetime.

Therefore, as soon as Lampard, one of the most powerful warriors of Chambord, appeared, these foreign warriors became really excited.

The unique and powerful aura of a Moon-Cla.s.s Elite surged in the sky of Chambord like tsunami waves, and blazing lightning energy stole the spotlight from the sun. All of this was shocking the numerous ordinary warriors in the area as they looked up.

As they stared at that burly figure who was standing in the sky, they couldn't hide away their jealousy, envy, and hate.

Everyone was waiting for a battle between the powerful warriors.

The Moon-Cla.s.s Realm which was high up and unreachable was an unattainable dream to a lot of low-leveled warriors.

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As the lightning-elemental warrior energy crackling around Lampard, the streaks of energies that were on the edges of his warrior energy flames extended outward like white tentacles. It felt like the lightning energy was about to tear the sky apart, and the crackling noises it made felt like the anger of the G.o.d of Lightning.

The invincible and powerful aura appeared with him, and it easily robbed the glamor from the team of cavaliers that appeared on the horizon. Also, there were a few powerful auras in that team before, but it felt like they were insignificant after Lampard appeared.

On this continent, the levels in the cultivation world were far tighter than the hierarchy of royals and n.o.bles. When a warrior wasn't on the Moon-Cla.s.s Realm, he or she wouldn't be able to stand against Moon-Cla.s.s Elites.

Therefore, those few provocative auras instantly dimmed down under Lampard's suppression. As if they were coyotes that met a lion, they didn't dare to mess around.

"Is it King Alexander of Chambord? Please don't misunderstand. We are the envoy group from the Bordeaux Empire. With the command from Emperor Blank, we are here to congratulate Your Majesty on your wedding day, and we hold no hostile intent. Please don't be angry." As if they sensed the aggressiveness in Lampard's aura, the team of cavaliers slowed and formed a defensive formation.

At the same time, a clear and dignified voice sounded, and this person quickly explained everything respectfully, afraid of causing a misunderstanding.

After hearing this, Lampard snorted lightly and didn't even reply. Then, he instantly disappeared in the sky.

All the silver lightning-elemental warrior energy turned into a lightning bolt and disappeared into the Golden Leo Mountain at the back of Chambord.

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At the same time, that suffocating suppression also disappeared completely. The blue sky went back to normal, and the ordinary warriors who had a hard time moving were able to move again. With pale faces, the low-leveled warriors felt like they were in a dream.

-On the horizon-

"Hey, that King of Chambord sure is arrogant. We already declared our ident.i.ties, but he is still reckless. Does he really think that our level 4 Bordeaux Empire is scared of the little Chambord?" In the team of cavaliers, there was a young man who was wearing a red fire-elemental magic armor and riding on a level 4 Golden Cloud Hou; he looked furious as he took off his mask.

(TL Note: Hou is a Chinese legendary creature.)

He was younger than 30 years old, but he was already a peak Five-Star Warrior. He could be counted as a talented young man; no wonder he looked very proud.

"Hahahaha! Humph! When we get to the city, I will challenge the King of Chambord for sure! I will defeat him in front of thousands of people, and I will see if he can still hold up his haughtiness! I don't think he is as powerful as the traveling poets said to be!"

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Chapter 634: Active Guests (Part Two)

"Hahaha! Those traveling poets have honey on their lips, and they could only overly exaggerate. Did you use to believe them? I think the King of Chambord is no more than a weak warrior who is fooling everyone!"

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"I heard that the King of Chambord is marrying two beauties, and they could be considered as the top two beauties at the Zenit Empire... This is unfortunate. If they met us, the Four Greats of Bordeaux, earlier, the King of Chambord wouldn't get a chance!"

"Oh, don't say that so soon. Hehehe, the four of us... may still have opportunities..."

Behind the first young man, three more cavaliers who were wearing the same style of magic armors and riding on the same kind of mounts added with similar proud expressions on their faces.

"Shut up! You four dumb*ss!" a clear and stern scold sounded from the front of the team.

It was a cavalier who was wearing an ordinary iron armor. He was muscular, and he wasn't wearing a helmet at the moment. His skin was dark, and his eyes were big. His short curly hair added to his handsome facial features such as the tall nose and dark brows, and he looked dignified and had the charisma of a real man. When looking at him, most men would feel a little inferior. Even though he was wearing an ordinary armor and riding on a standard warhorse, his aura was far superior to these four cavaliers who were wearing fancy armors and riding on high-level demon beasts.

After being scolded by him, those four cavaliers who were arrogant didn't dare to talk back, and they quickly lowered their heads.

"That Moon-Cla.s.s Elite is only one of the powerful masters under the King of Chambord's command. Even if the four of you fight him together, he could destroy you all in one strike. How dare you guys talk about challenging the King of Chambord? If you do that, you wouldn't even know how you are killed! I will warn you again! The King of Chambord is the No.1 Killing G.o.d of Zenit, and he is ruthless, merciless, and afraid of nothing! If the four of you want to die, go ahead! Just don't drag the Bordeaux Empire into this!" that burly cavalier looked at them angrily and said, "When we get into Chambord City, behave yourselves! If you offend the King of Chambord, even our emperor couldn't save you!"

"Yes, Gurkov Your Highness." The four young cavaliers didn't dare to say anything other than that, and they all lowered their heads on the surface.

However, only themselves knew what they were thinking about.

Prince Gurkov of Bordeaux lightly shook his head and ignored those four people. As he turned around to check out Chambord City that was situated around mountains, he thought as bright lights appeared in his eyes, "King of Chambord, I hope that you won't disappoint me!"

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The arrival of the envoy group from the Bordeaux Empire shocked everyone!

When talking about the power of the empires, the Bordeaux Empire was even stronger than the Zenit Empire. Even if a prince of Zenit was getting married, Bordeaux might not even send over an envoy group. However, when the King of Chambord was getting married, they sent an envoy group with Prince Gurkov, who was the most influential prince in the empire, as the leader. This was truly shocking.

This move broke the traditions between empires.

In comparison, Chambord that was receiving this honor was very calm. Out of more than 400 cavaliers of Bordeaux, most of them were asked to camp on the plain that was on the other side of Zuli River. Only a few masters including Prince Gurkov were allowed to live in a hotel in the city, and King Alexander who was really mysterious didn't show up to greet them.

As many people speculated over this, what happened in the next few days numbed them.

Chapter 635: Surge (Part One)

In that afternoon near the sunset, the No.1 Mercenary Group in a region within 500,000 kilometers of Chambord, [Wind Horse Mercenary Group], appeared. The Group Leader Mellberg, along with six of the ten battle generals, appeared outside of the Chambord City with precious gifts to congratulate the King of Chambord.

Their appearance was not antic.i.p.ated by many.

Even though [Wind Horse Mercenary Group] wasn't an empire, their power was equivalent to one.

They were the most powerful mercenary group in the region!

Their Group Leader Mellberg was very powerful. Dozens of years ago, he was already a famous Moon-Cla.s.s Elite. He defeated many enemies, and he was one of the top-tier masters in the area. The [Wind Horse Mercenary Group] had a large number of powerful masters, and their strength was even mightier than ordinary empires!

Different from other mercenary groups, [Wind Horse Mercenary Group] even had their own territory and their own citizens! Also, they had their own elite main battle legion. Even though they only one, it was comprised of soldiers who all had warrior energy. The combat strength of this legion was terrifying.

Ever since its inception, the [Wind Horse Mercenary Group] rarely took on requests made by small n.o.ble families. Their clients were mostly royal families of various empires, and they partic.i.p.ated in battles between empires. They made their money in wars, and their combat abilities far surpa.s.sed regular troops.

The group leader, Mellberg, was nicknamed [War Pirate]. He had a strange personality and was extremely protective over his people. He was also very murderous; he was famous for only recognizing money and not people. Even the emperors of some empires were ignored by him.

However, such an arrogant person appeared here today. Even though the King of Chambord was technically several generations behind him, Mellberg still came here with masters from his mercenary group to congratulate the king. It was surprising and meaningful.

What surprised people again was that the King of Chambord still didn't even show himself.

The person who greeted the [Wind Horse Mercenary Group] was the head minister of Chambord, Bast, who didn't have warrior energy or magic energy. Just like the Bordeaux Empire, this elite group from [Wind Horse Mercenary Group] was asked to camp on the other side of Zuli River. Except for their group leader and six battle generals, all other people weren't allowed to enter.

To many people, the treatment the Chambord Kingdom gave was disrespectful and rude.

After all, people like Gurkov and Mellberg were of prestigious status, and coming here to congratulate the King of Chambord was already giving him face. However, the King of Chambord acted extremely cold, and it was almost shameful for the two honorable guests to be treated like this. Many people felt like the King of Chambord was too young and got too arrogant.

On the next day, the Crown Prince Girano of the St. Germain Empire arrived at the Chambord Castle on a nice morning. He was here with his four beautiful maids who were known as [Death Maids] as well as 400 elite soldiers of his empire.

Unexpectedly, King Alexander of Chambord appeared and greeted him warmly.

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The King of Chambord got out of the city and greeted Girano and his people kilometers away, and he was friendly as he led them into the castle.

Even though a lot of warriors tried to see who this famous king was, they didn't get what they wanted. They felt like there was a thin veil around the king's face that was blocking their sight. Even if Six-Star Warriors and Seven-Star Warriors tried to use their full strength to see through that layer of mystery, they couldn't do it.

Many outsiders especially warriors who came from outside the Zenit Empire sensed how powerful the King of Chambord was for the first time.

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Chapter 635: Surge (Part Two)

Although they failed to see his face, the aura that the king was giving off was giving them a suffocating sensation. All the warriors who were within 100 meters from the king felt like there was a huge invisible mountain above their heads, and all the bones in their bodies were getting crushed.

"[Sky Covering Fist]! He deserves his nickname! He is a genius warrior and powerful king!" many people thought.

The King of Chambord's quick appearance this time shocked many people. The ones who got impatient and tried to do stuff were stunned, and they were forced to remain still for a bit longer.

That same afternoon, clouds covered the sun, and it was very windy. Prince Simon of the Ma.r.s.e Empire arrived at the Chambord City with 500 elite soldiers and several royal masters of the empire.

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Later that night, Prince Sark of the Maze Empire also arrived with an envoy group...

On the third day, the No.2 Mercenary Group in the region, [Fire Blood Mercenary Group], arrived. Their group leader, Johansson, came to the Chambord City with masters from the group...

The third day... The fourth day...

As time pa.s.sed by, more and more people who were rarely seen by the public such as princes of the empires all showed up, and the soldiers who were camping on the other side of Zuli River were close to 10,000 people, and they were all elites from various empires.

Under the bright sun, all kinds of flags were fluttering; even the sound of bugles and smell of iron blood could be smelled.

When standing on the defense wall of Chambord, one could only see the colorful flags, s.h.i.+ny weapons, and the campsites that covered the plain. The green gra.s.ses almost couldn't be seen on the other side of the river.

The soldiers and masters outside the Chambord City reached a terrifying number.

With a combined force, it wouldn't be hard for them to wipe out a level 1 empire.

At this point, even an idiot could smell the strangeness in the air. Something definitely was going on.

This level of celebration was far beyond the limit of a king of an affiliated kingdom. In fact, even if an emperor were getting married, there wouldn't be these many powerful people going to his ceremony to congratulate him.

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Even though the King of Chambord was talented, and his glamor outs.h.i.+ned all other people in the empire, he was still young and wasn't that influential.

He could be counted as a powerful figure at Zenit at best, and he couldn't affect other empire and their strength. However, why were there so many forces here to congratulate him?

In addition, the fact that the Zenit Empire allowed the elite soldiers from the Ma.r.s.e Empire, the Bordeaux Empire, and the St. Germain Empire as well as the elite members from the two biggest mercenary groups in the area to enter its territory was very strange as well.

The situation in the region was very intense, and chaotic wars could break out at any moment. Allowing so many elite soldiers and powerful masters into its territory was a risky matter. If wars broke out, these people could be really troublesome to deal with since they were powerful and were inside the heart of Zenit.

Even though that was the case, the royal family of Zenit didn't show any objections, and they also didn't send over any troops and masters to protect Chambord; they were literally asking a little level 1 affiliated kingdom to deal with all this alone!

"Are they this confident in the King of Chambord? Or is the Zenit Empire ditching Chambord like a chess piece? Or is the empire just going to stand on the sideline and watch, only hoping for the best?"

All these questions enveloped Chambord just like the dark clouds in the sky.

The King of Chambord's wedding was like the key chess piece in a game that was being played by many different forces. This little chest piece was keeping an unimaginable balance, and many people's endurance and will were being tested.

Once the chest piece was moved, the situation in the region would suddenly change, and undercurrents were going to surge!

The beginning of the chaotic and dark age that was filled with wars between empires arrived at the most northern city of the known continent. As wind and clouds moved around, a storm was brewing.