633 - 641

Chapter 633: Wild Ambition

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Azure Dragon Region sure was great. The beauties there were true beauties – lively yet open-minded. They had parties as well. As for Black Tortoise Region? If they were not attending symposiums, they would be dueling in combat. Of course, there were ordinary gatherings and couples that actually got together, but compared to Azure Dragon Region they were unable to let loose. The topic of their discussions were often not their feelings for one another, but rather how to mutually improve their studies instead.

To be honest, Luo Fei was in envy…

Forget about Wang Zheng – even Zhang Shan had a girl? F*ck, this was unacceptable.

Lear expressionlessly glanced at Luo Fei.

Luo Fei immediately retracted his neck, "I'm just spouting words without thinking. Boss, surely we can't just let this slide? Bonu didn't seem to hesitate when taking our money, but he clearly wasn't firm in handling things."

The Bonu that Luo Fei was referring to was none other than the military instructor at Azure Dragon Region in charge of mecha classes. It was now clear that Wang Zheng being the target of Bonu during the last mecha class was no accident – it was part of Lear's plan after all.

"Of course not. However, a military instructor targeting a student on the pretext of protecting himself can't be easy either. Let's just wait and see." Lear replied without a trace of emotion. To Lear, this was akin to tossing an insignificant pawn away. When throwing a pebble to test the waters, one would care only about the ripples formed – where the pebble ended up was irrelevant.

Wang Zheng's performance did not disappoint after all.

Luo Fei nodded. At Elite Academy X, military instructors and professors were indeed two different concepts. While military instructors conducted lessons as well, their position of power was many rungs lower than that of the professors. This gap was around the same as that between a university professor and a teaching assistant. This was the reason that the Chronos family was able to buy over Bonu. As a military instructor, Bonu's life was not that bad, yet it was difficult for it to get any better – especially when it came to extravagant spending. Middle-aged people often worry about getting too old and coming to regret not experiencing many things while they still had the chance. These experiences were often accompanied by large amounts of spending. Additionally, there was also the offense caused by the incident with his son, so Bonu naturally wanted to make a quick buck before leaving.

"But I still don't understand – those four mecha were the ones that Wang Zheng had the most expertise in, so wouldn't that have lowered our chances of success? Why?" Luo Fei was still unclear about things. If they intended to get Wang Zheng involved, they should not have let Bonu prepare those four mecha for the demonstration.

Lear smiled, "Ah, you're still behind on things. A person like Wang Zheng would not be so easily routed. This time I was killing many birds with a single stone."

As for these four mecha being the ones that Wang Zheng had the most expertise in, this was to give Bonu some trouble. Money should not be that easily earned after all. If they had succeeded, Wang Zheng would have suffered a soul-crushing shortfall when it came to the mecha that he had confidence in. If they had failed, it would be even better – his smug display would have created countless rivals for him, and he would also have been more thoroughly exposed. At the same time, this would have increased his confidence, … when things were going too smoothly, people tended to become blinded by their overconfidence.

There were often times when favorable circumstances were more dangerous and crazy than unfavorable ones – miserable times lead to survival but peaceful times lead to death. Wang Zheng, can you really think about other things while you enjoy yourself?

Meanwhile, in the Europe region of the Solar System stood the Chronos family abode.

This was the heart of the Chronos family. This was their place of origin, and the cradle of their glory as well. The place was tightly guarded, and even if soldiers from Earth came to their door, they would not be able to breach the gates within a short period of time.

In a bedroom filled with the latest medical instruments, an elderly man lay on a sickbed. His face was full of ash-colored liver spots, and the rotten stench of near-death penetrated the air.

The current elder of the Chronos family!

Within the Solar System, it was common knowledge that the elder of the Chronos family was suffering from a serious illness and would soon depart from the world forever. As such, the Chronos family was already operating under Lear's control. However, this young fellow's ideas seemed to be entirely different from that of Old Chronos. Sooner or later, the Chronos family was sure to fall under this youngster's hands.

"Ahem, this was his latest action?"

"Yes, master."

"The next document…"

Even though he was lying on a sickbed, Old Chronos was clearly not on the brink of death despite what the rumors implied about his condition. While his complexion was lifeless, his pupils still glimmered intensely – this was not the gaze of someone who was going to die soon.

This was a fact, and was really the case.


Old Chronos turned over and got up from his sick bed. His actions were still full of vigor.

The investments in Arbiter are developing well. Our people are already positioned within the pivotal energy departments.

"We are facing some difficulties with the Gemini System excavation. When it comes to outsiders, the dwarves have a tendency of starting off by refusing to cooperate."

"One must give in order to take."


Old Chronos handled these matters continuously. However, the surprising thing was that the matters that he handled were not as closely related to the Solar System as one would expect.

The severity of his illness was feigned, but the patrimony he handed over to Lear was real. The thing was that Earth was only a small part of the Chronos family.

This was distant history. In those years, the Chronos's family rapid rise to power was the stuff of legends. However, the truth was that the family itself was a portion of the Saint Church's divide and conquer strategy, and lay in hiding for a long time. It was indeed true that Earth's position plummeted in the wake of the Great Interstellar Voyage, but where did the funds and manpower for the Great Interstellar Voyage come from in those days?

This vast organization was concealed within the Milky Way Alliance all along, hidden in the shadows of history.

"Young master may already have his suspicions," Drupe respectfully said.

"May?" Old Chronos eyes held a humored gaze. "Drupe, I haven't heard you say that word in ages – what an ambiguous answer."

Drupe let out a slight smile.

Old Chronos nodded, "He probably doesn't know much. He's suspicious at best, don't pay any attention to it."

Every lion king had been pushed off a cliff during their younger years. Only the young cubs who managed to climb back up survived to stand on the summit in the end.

From Lear's point of view, there was indeed a massive opportunity right before his eyes. This crucial juncture had appeared, but he had many competitors and the Chronos family was only a portion of them after all.

After these matters had been settled, a white-robed man stood at Old Chronos's side. He bowed deeply, "Elder Chronos, the Circle of Elder's current opinion is that we should still try our best to stay hidden at this point of time. The opportune time to confront the current rules has yet to arrive."

Surprisingly, this white-robed man was the person who gifted the World of Saints to Lear.

Old Chronos nodded; he certainly knew this. He had lost track of how many years it had been. He originally thought that he would never live to see this day, but the time had unexpectedly come. There was even the possibility of his own grandson achieving it – for that he was willing to wait!

Alas, times were indeed different now. There were many things that could not be solved by pure grit. Lear had to suffer much more in order to attain far more. Old Chronos sincerely believed this, for Lear had the immortal blood of the Chronos family flowing through him!

Chapter 634: Brutal Team Leader

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

After the Great Mecha Competition was announced, it was apparent that the Xuan and Huang Grade students' zeal was raised dramatically. Of course, this was not just the Azure Dragon Region, but the other 3 major Academies as well. But such times were definitely when the Vermillion Bird and White Tiger Academies would show off. In terms of overall standard, these two schools were slightly stronger.

After a day of class, Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan were training their ability X in the World of Saints. Elite Academy X's training conditions were undoubtedly good, but only for practice, and not high-level maneuvers. Although the World of Saints difficulty level was lower, but one could experiment to one's heart's content.

Zhang Shan was currently demonstrating his newest enlightenment to Wang Zheng. Although there were no mecha here, but ability X had no limits.

Wang Zheng was again surprised by Zhang Shan. Zhang Shan moved as though gone mad, in a rhythm that seemed both erratic and unordered. It looked reckless, but on a closer look, it held a unique feel to it.

This was the Wild Grass tactic that Zhang Shan had gained after being enlightened.

Incorporating the Grass Script's cold and berserk arrogance into common fighting skills confounded predictability and increased the variations. Besides, it was almost impossible to counter, or to fight with such an opponent.


Wang Zheng's hands were itchy.

"Zhang Shan, let's have a quick fight."

"Sure, but you can only defend, no attacking!" Zhang Shan was no fool, but he also wanted to know what kind of result his berserk attack would have.

"Let's go!"

Wang Zheng leaped down. Zhang Shan did not use any martial arts. Using arts resulted in flashy results, and superhuman powers, but Zhang Shan knew they were not real. When they fought without martial arts, it in fact revealed the essence better.

Wang Zheng adopted a fighting stance, while Zhang Shan was already rushing over. A straight punch, but it suddenly changed into an uppercut when it reached in front of his face. More accurately, Zhang Shan had intended to deliver an uppercut from the start, but his aggressive manner lulled one into the misperception of a straight punch.

Wang Zheng, who was limited to defense, was a little thrown off. Zahng Shan's attacks were all in a similar vein. Chaotic misdirection, confusing and messy. But in fact it was all part of his rhythm.

Given Wang Zheng's ability, very few fighting styles could confuse him for so long. When you thought you had it figured out, his attack pattern changed again, or rather, it had actually eluded one's predictions. Once the defense lagged, mistakes were made.

As an Earthling, and furthermore an Asian, Wang Zheng was filled with nothing but respect for ancient civilizations. Only, he would not have even dreamed that the calligraphy could be incorporated into battle techniques. This was something that other countries would not accept. Even the Solar System would laugh at them.

But in Zhang Shan's hands, it had become quite his style. Such an uncommon style was definitely suited to Zhang Shan.

Zhang Shan's attacks were bold and imaginative, revolutionary and improvised. Wang Zheng had heard of something called a Drunken Fist, although he had never seen such a thing before. But this fighting style seemed very promising if developed.

Zhang Shan was enjoying his offense. He tried out every possible permutation to his heart's content, which Wang Zheng drew out to the limit. He maintained his defensive stance and pressure, which could neither be too much or too little. Zhang Shan's attack pattern would create good foundations for himself.

After their battle, Zhang Shan was huffing, having been too enthusiastic. If he could incorporate such a fighting style into mecha, it would be formidable. But the difficulty was not easy. Mecha operation was not as agile as moving one's body. And the machine had its situational limits.

Of course if they could acquire runic mecha, that was a completely different matter. Such super mecha were limitless. They were privately manufactured, and brought out the pilot's potential to the fullest. In the entire Milky Way Alliance, only a few had that luxury.

"Next, you're going to be my punching bag. I want to try out something new." Wang Zheng said with a smile.

Zhang Shan jerked. "D*mn, no way."

"You a**. After taking a beating from you, there's no way I would let you go just like that without revenge. Watch yourself now, I'm training my ability X. Do your best to evade, I won't take responsibility if you're hit." Wang Zheng laughed.

Actual battle was the best form of practice, but Zhang Shan was not willing. He should have kept his big mouth shut. No wonder Wang Zheng had been so quick to agree. He could only acquiesce now.

Wrestling tactics needed no training. Zhang Shan had never met Wang Zheng's match. Perhaps only those like Olivios or those in Xuan grade's Class 1 could hold their own.

Wang Zheng wanted to try out ability X. Recently, he had put in considerable effort. Windflame Wheel was considered a killing move, especially against those with a high level of ability X. But unfortunately after the previous time, his Iceflame had met with little success. Under extreme circumstances, he could readily exceed his limits, but such situations were hard to find.

However, if he could plunge the depths of the Windflame Wheel, that would be a trump card as well.

Wang Zheng extended his arms. BOOM… 2 gusts of air welled up, and Zhang Shan's face darkened.

F*ck, he was going at it for real!

They had been at Elite Academy for a while now. Ability X here was not as special. It was widely used, and had no special meaning attached to it. Having it countered by others was the only way to realize avenues for improvement. One should not be afraid of weaknesses, but instead flaws that one did not know about, which were fatal.

Zhang Shan was eloquent and loved to make friends. Following Yan Ge, he had also witnessed firsthand many experts from Huang Class 1. Of course he had to feign respect and reverence, but he privately had their measure. They must be competent – otherwise they would not enter the first class – but Zhang Shan believed that he would surpass them someday.

Only, Wang Zheng's move was 2 simultaneous ability X. Wind-type and fire-type. It was not uncommon for one to have 2 abilities, some even having unique abilities. It was readily combined, but in ability X, the closer it was to the basic natures of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, the lower the chances of simultaneous use. At least, Zhang Shan had never seen such a thing before.

Wang Zheng made his move, fire and wind flew out together from Wang Zheng. What the f*ck was this!

What happened next almost made Zhang Shan pee his pants. The wind and fire was emitted out together. However it was being controlled and was spinning within Wang Zheng's hands. They formed a wind wheel and a flame wheel, continuing to revolve under Wang Zheng's controlled pressure. Just looking at it made one's knees go weak.

But what happened next almost made Zhang Shan's bowels give way as well.

Wang Zheng actually combined the wind wheel and flame wheel. As the two ability X neared, a violent response erupted.


As the wind wheel and flame wheel were forcefully combined, there was an explosion, and the waves of energy swept Zhang Shan steadily backwards. Each wheel's diameter was more than 1m, and suddenly expanded to more than 5m across, as though it was a fearsome beast.

Zhang Shan was a little hesitant. "Ah, haha, Wang Zheng, leader, this… must you try this?"

Wang Zheng laughed. "I'm gonna do it. Remember to pre-emptively use your warp ability."

As he spoke, the Windflame Wheel flew out. Zhang Shan was completely focused. Although his tone was apprehensive, but he was completely unfazed. D*mn, he had warping abilities, how could he be scared of a head-on attack?

Anything that did not hit was useless.

But as the Windflame Wheel left Wang Zheng, the wind became even more violent. It scythed towards Zhang Shan, who let out a confident smile. Warp!

But his trusty warp had met with issues!

The Windflame Wheel was too close, creating a "field" about his whole body. Such a field affected the warp field, and Zhang Shan's teleportation was affected. He tried again…


The feeling was as though he had been stampeded by countless hippos.

Wang Zheng was gloomy too. This guy. He told him he had to use it pre-emptively. He just didn't listen.

Did he even pay attention in logic class? Ability X would interfere with each other. A high-rank move against a low-rank move caused the most interference. Zhan Shan's warp was also an ability X. It looked invulnerable, but was actually a very quick space warp. But if an even bigger energy field neared, it would create waves that slowed the warp speed, even causing it to fail.

But it was a good lesson taught.

Zhang Shan was annoyed too. Till now, he had thought his warp was the ultimate escape tool. Perhaps it had many flaws, but escaping was a sure thing. He did not expect that it would be countered.

This was a real wake-up call for him. In other words, a strong enough power field could interfere with his warp. After all, warp was also an energy transfer. Luckily this happened in their practice in the World of Saints. If this had been a real battle, things could have been dangerous.

But there were silver linings too. His new fighting style had wonderful results. This had also been inspired by Zhang Runan, who used art as her foundation. He would use the Grass Script as his inspiration.

But it was curious. He had never thought this way before, and it had now occurred to him.

With regards to Zhang Shan's way of thinking, Wang Zheng had some thoughts as well. Recently it seemed that some changes were occurring. A transformation of the world, that was gradually manifesting on humanity. Only, besides him, the majority of others would not care about a problem on this level.

Finishing their practice, Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan began some basic body training. Getting caught up in ability X would not do. The body was the base. Without sufficient stamina in the body, one would not amount to much on the battlefield. Most of the time, the enemy would not seek to end things quickly, and you needed to hang on!

Whoever could outlast their opponent would win!

Those clever enough would not put everything in one move. Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan were such people. They needed to master sufficient skills, and the more basic it was, the more important it was. Flashy skills could earn you fame, but the basics would protect your life.

A new day was beginning. Ability X control class, which was one of the major modules. Everyone in the classroom was excitedly discussing something, but it was definitely not the curriculum itself.

Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan had recently been engrossed in training. Zhang Shan's drastic improvement had come at the cost of being beaten to within an inch of his life by Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng was not just a good opponent, but these spars could also complement his training to draw Zhang Shan's skills out. Even if they could not achieve a good result in this competition, but it would definitely be a meaningful one.

Of course, Zhang Shan's current situation also had another reason, which was the breakup with Yan Ge. Their getting together had been a whirlwind, whose speed was only matched by their breakup. It seemed like Zhang Shan had not been too affected, instead focusing on training. He did not know what the reason had been, and had not found the right time to ask. In this regard Zhang Shan was better than him, although most of the blame fell to Yan Ge.

Chapter 635: Aina's Strength

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

After the last breathtaking reveal, Oli could not regain her dullness. Even if she did not doll up normally, she was seen differently by others now.

Oli had been working hard recently. She was also entering this competition. Given her ability, it would be no problem. Of course, there were many reasons.

"Oli, what is everyone talking about?" Zhang Shan asked, puzzled. Something was strange, something about the Milky Way Military College.

"Oh, you still don't know? Our Xuan and Huang grade mecha competition this time round will be spectated by the Milky Way Military College's students as well." Oli said.

Milky Way Military College… Wasn't that the place where Meng Tian went?

"Milky Way Military College?" Zhang Shan thought it over for a moment. "Ah, that's the place that Meng Tian went to. It seems impressive."

"Milky Way Military College has the same intention as our Elite Academy X, except that they're more centered on tactical space combat. Of course, they also have mecha modules, just that the focus is different. But there are overlaps, and our two colleges' higher years have the chance to face off."

"Oh, it seems like a forgone result. Come at us, then! We'll also show these b*stards how awesome we are." Zhang Shan said. Deep down, he held no goodwill towards the space navy despite being a soldier himself. This was strange, and was due to his exposure in the army. The Navy lived a cushy life relatively free of risk. They rose quickly in their careers – after all a fleet's worth was clear. This left the ground troops less than happy. And although Zhang Shan had talent in that aspect as well, but he preferred the clash of real blades. Piloting mecha gave him a joy that flying a ship would never give him.

But at the level of Elite Academy, there was already no distinction between space and land troops. The difference was not as significant, and they were simply different specialisations.

Oli looked curiously at the two of them. "You mean you actually don't know?"

"Know what?" Wang Zheng was a little curious. And to be slighted by Oli, that little…

"Aslan's Princess is there, isn't that something monumental?"

"Aslan's Princess? Which one" Zhang Shan asked.

"Of course it's Princess Aina. She's beautiful. It's rumored that the entire Milky Way Military College's level has risen. This princess is not just beautiful, but her ability is amazing. She's supposed to be the only person who can control the Atlantean runic energy and still use ability X. Once she matriculated, she swept the flying records for all 10 major segments. She's the be-all and end-all, the undisputed goddess of the Milky Way Military College." Oli was all worked up.

Zhang Shan harrumphed. "What does that have to do with us."

Regardless, Zhang Shan was a little dissatisfied. In the past, they would have been proud. But now that they did not have much of a thing going on, the better Aina got, the more morose Wang Zheng became.

Oli went on, oblivious. "In the visiting contingent this time round, Princess Aina is coming as well. It's the Xuan and Huang class of fighters from the Milky Way Military College."

Zhang Shan sneaked a glance at Wang Zheng. D*mn. What was this wench playing at? Was she here to gloat or show off?

Wang Zheng smiled slightly. He knew that Zhang Shan was sticking up for him, but his feelings were not as Zhang Shan thought. If someone should feel guilty, it would be him and not Aina.

It had to be said that Aina's charms were indeed more than he imagined. News of her imminent arrival had stirred up the whole college.

At present, the biggest empires like Arbiter were usually controlled by a few prestigious families, some even preserving the title of monarch, although it was usually just a matter of form. It was not like the Aslan Empire, a true monarchy, and one that was wholly endorsed by its people. Of course, each country had its own system based on a unique set of historical background and circumstances, but Aslan was indeed like no other. Although Arbiter was also strong, but it was not as iconic as Aslan, both a respected force and hospitable. The alliance between Aslan and Arbiter only made it even more unique.

It had to be said that the Aslan imperial process had not always been smooth sailing. It had met with many difficulties in the past, but this bloodline seemed blessed. A splendid ruler always seemed to rise to the occasion to stabilize the situation. It was exactly at these times when their rule was solidified, and the Aslan Empire of today emerged.

Aina Aslan, the classic example. When the Aslan Empire had begun invading, the most important consideration had been the alliance with Atlantis. But who would have thought that Aina had attained a baptism blessing that was rare even for Atlanteans? All those that met her inevitably succumbed to her charms.

This was a real princess of the era. All fake and phony princesses were immediately exposed in her presence.

It was hard to consider the notion of competing with her.

Before, people had only known of her charms and elegance, but now they knew of her fearsome ability. Milky Way Military College was unquestionably a top school in the Milky Way. In the school, status meant nothing. Respect was backed by ability, or one would be no more than an ornament. So Aina had gone in guns blazing, proving that her ability was only equaled by her charm.

"Regardless, the Milky Way College boys are going crazy. You could build a mountain just the flowers she receives everyday."

Oli said. Clearly, Aina was like her idol. Other celebrities paled in comparison.

"Oh, is that so? And does she favor anyone?" Zhang Shan asked, clearly for Wang Zheng's sake. Faced with her outburst, Zhang Shan signed inwardly. He was not sure how the rift had come about, but Aina's perfection made it hard for others. Perfection – even someone like Zhang Shan had to admit – was sometimes the biggest flaw itself.

"Oh, it seems like nobody yet. Of course, The Aslan Princess' knights have also enrolled."

Oz and Aurora were definitely there, as well as other elites of Aslan. Aina's status was very different from other Empires' heirs. For other countries, the loss of a heir did not have that much of an impact, but that was not the case for Aina. She was the emblem of Aslan, and their future queen. She could not be lost.

It could be said that, for Aina, Aslan Empire's army would go to war with any country. In this era, only Aina was left.

And at the same time that so much was accorded to her, Aina of course had to give up others.

Zhang Shan was speechless. What more was there to be said? Who else was there to blame? He had always respected Aina's courage. She knew this would happen, yet had still been brave. In truth, she bore a heavier burden than Wang Zheng. Even though they had met with failure eventually, but it was still worthy of respect.

Zhang Shan patted Wang Zheng on the arm. Although they were brothers, but he still could not speak ill of Aina in good conscience.

Oli looked curiously at the two of them. "You two wouldn't be… would you?"

"No way!"

Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan shouted at the same time. Wang Zheng flicked Oli on the head. "Girl, your head is full of nothing but fluff. If you have so much spare time, think about how to defeat that Olivios."

Oli's face reddened. "That's why everyone wants to enter this tournament, to get a good result. But Wang Zheng, I wanted to ask you for help."

Wang Zheng smiled. "Say on."

"My battle experience is deficient. Perhaps you could help me out."

"Sure, no problem. I need practice too. But I won't go easy."

Oli nodded excitedly, evidently happy. It seemed like she had had the request on her mind for a while, but had not dared to ask.

At one side, Zhang Shan rolled his eyes. He saw where this was going. However you looked at it, it seemed like a lamb wandering into the tiger's den. But neither Wang Zheng nor Oli seemed to be aware of it, and he was not about to break the spell now. Perhaps they really were just having a good platonic relationship.

Olivios was indeed fearsome and strong, but it was hard to imagine which girl would fall for such a bland personality. Although Wang Zheng was not particularly interesting himself, but he was warm enough. On this point, he had Olivios' undead face beat.

Listening closely, it seemed like everybody was discussing this Princess Aina. On one hand, they wanted to confirm her reputation firsthand. At the same time, they also wanted to display their charms. Perhaps they could catch her eye, and devastate the Milky Way College guys.

Wang Zheng was thinking that if Aina was there, Meng Tian would be as well. The two wouldn't meet, would they? It was a big school. Yes, they probably would not…

Chapter 636: Oli's Decision

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Ability X Control class. The lecturer had spoke of many issues with fine control, especially against different types which required different methods.

Not all types were suitable for fine control. Some types only shone in explosive power, if they were wielded well. A variety of methods and choices. But what was written in the books were one-dimensional. One had to find one's best way after careful thought and repeated practice.

But no matter what kind of practice, practice was practice. Till now, Wang Zheng's results were average. In fact, it was Zhang Shan that saw much improvement. And Wang Zheng was a little distracted today.

After the day's classes had ended, Oli followed behind Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan.

"Eh? Oli, aren't you going home?"

"I'm going to train with Wang Zheng. How am I going to train if I go home?" Oli asked, puzzled.

Zhang Shan was surprised, and Wang Zheng as well. This, he had agreed without much thought. He thought they would just face off once. But it seemed like Oli's plan was to train with Wang Zheng much like Zhang Shan did.

Zhang Shan dry coughed a few times. "Oli, ahem ahem. Aren't you afraid that Olivios will get jealous if he hears about this?"

Oli thought about this for a while. "Why?"

Utterly confused, Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan looked at each other with nothing more to say. Perhaps the local customs were different there.

There were many people at the training grounds. Everyone's enthusiasm had surged unprecedentedly, and the grounds were shared by many places. The Huang grade participation standards had already been announced. One needed to pass the Academy's mecha test. Just Level 7 and above would suffice, where Level 1 was the highest. However, recently it was simply useless to go and participate. It was full of people queueing to take the test.

"Damn, must there be so many people? Granny's legs, what are we gonna do?" Zhang Shan could not stand training in a crowded situation, let alone fighting beside them.

Wang Zheng thought about this for a while. "Follow me."

Zhang Shan and Oli followed Wang Zheng, heading inwards to the training grounds. Wang Zheng had a try-and-see attitude as well. Perhaps it could be of use.

Indeed it was of use. With his Skylink status, he accessed smoothly. The training ground inside was of a higher rank, only this was clearly not for Huang rank students to use.

A few other Xuan rank students were training as well, although the conditions here were definitely better than down below. There were more individual rooms as well, and Wang Zheng brought the other two and chose a room.

"D*mn. Wang Zheng. How is your status level so high?" Zhang Shan asked curiously.

"You'll only feel inferior if you compare yourself to me." Wang Zheng was lazy to entertain Zhang Shan any further. Knowing him, it was possible he wouldn't let him live it down. Though he had to admit that entering Genesis Coffee was not an easy nut to crack.

Thinking of that, Wang Zheng suddenly thought of Xiao Fei. Recently he had been frantically scraping cash together, only realizing the shortfall when the need arose.

It was not that there was no other way to raise capital. But with KING's current position, one would have to offer significant collateral in order to attract further investment. He was the major stakeholder, and could not depend on anyone else to solve the problem. The fact was that with the current situation, he could not raise much money at short notice. It was meaningless and causing him a headache. Sometimes Wang Zheng wondered how much he could money he could fetch if he could only extract the Rubik's cube and sell it.

Zhang Shan and Oli had already begun training. The place was spacious and well equipped, although Zhang Shan still disapproved of preferential treatment. These Xuan rank students were living too good a life.

Oli went to the changing room beside to change into her training uniform. She took off her spectacles, and immediately changed into a different beast.

Zhang Shan was speechless as well. This girl seemed to have switched personalities. He could not figure her out.

Oli started to warm up, executing a series of somersaults accompanied by little grunts. But Zhang Shan did not find this comical. Each punch and move was solid. If hit, one would be seriously injured, if not dead. Especially since her flurried combination was a high-frequency attack. Terrifying.

Such an ability was savage, and Zhang Shan was excited, watching. He gave a loud cry. "Student Oli, let this brother first test your improvement."

As he said so Zhang Shan rushed in. He had also been training his Mad Grass technique. Although it sounded vague, but Zhang Shan felt that the name was cool, and he had decided to ensure it became famous.

The little loli's eyes flashed, and suddenly towards the Zhang Shan bearing down on her, she flashed out a punch without warning!

Zhang Shan did not dare to receive it head on. He was no fool. With a quick change of footwork, he gave way. But Oli would not let him off so easily. She pressed forward, to Zhang Shan's dismay. From the side, he had not thought much of it, but when he was up close facing her he knew that it would not be a good feeling.

With no other option, Zhang Shan used his Warp, escaping out of Oli's attack radius. Oli was stunned. "Warp!"

"Hee hee. I told you. This brother is strong!"

Oli furrowed her brow, and with an explosion from the ground, appeared right beside Zhang Shan, her fist lashing out. Zhang Shan's face changed. Damn, this girl was going at it for real.

If this punch hit him, it was hospital time for sure. In that instant, the Mad Grass technique kicked in. With a strange contortion of his body, he evaded it brilliantly.

Wang Zheng heaved a sigh of relief as well. Given the way things were unfolding, Zhang Shan was unlikely to lose quickly.

Both had completely different styles. Zhang Shan had followed a flashy erratic path when it came to his combat techniques while Oli went by a stolid, dependable path. It was unclear who would subdue the other. It depended on how good they were. Clearly, Oli was much stronger than Zhang Shan, who had only realized his power not long ago.


After evading for the longest time, Zhang Shan had still been sent flying, the punch sending him back 7 or 8 meters.

"Student Zhang Shan, don't give yourself grand names." Oli said seriously.

Zhang Shan clutched his stomach and clenched his teeth. "D*mn, preferential treatment much? Wang Zheng can shoot his mouth off, but I can't even hype myself a little?"

"He can beat me. Saying whatever they wish is the victor's privilege." Oli said. Arbiter's were in the end a serious people. Almost as if they had been born without a gene for humour.

Zhang Shan felt miserable. He could not beat Oli, but he was not discouraged. Back then, there were countless people stronger than him as well, but now he had left them in the dust.

Oli, having taken off her spectacles, was very serious. Wang Zheng beckoned, and she approached seriously, lifting her chin towards Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng laughed. "Don't be so grim. Girls should smile a little."

Oli was surprised. "Why?"

Now it was Wang Zheng's turn to be surprised. "Does this need a reason?"

"On Arbiter, we're conscripted regardless of gender. In war, we do not distinguish between men or women, old or young. There are only fighters. Strength is everything." Oli said.

Wang Zheng rolled his eyes. He had thought his own childhood had been rather harsh, but now it seemed like others had it worse as well. Being born on Arbiter seemed to be no fun at all.

"What I meant was that one has to be mentally strong, but to keep the mood relaxed. This is the way to win. Being permanently tense is not good for mental or physical health. Especially for girls." Wang Zheng said.

Oli nodded doubtfully.

"The Heavenly Overlord School of fighting seems more suited for guys. Girls seem less able to bring out the potential of such a fighting style given their constitution." Wang Zheng said.

Oli nodded. "True. But it's all I know."

Wang Zheng nodded. She was direct, if nothing. But for a girl to fight so directly did not bring forth her talents. If the opponent was weaker, she would get by. But against an equally matched opponent, the drawbacks of such a style would be clear.

"There's no need for major changes. It would be impossible anyway." Wang Zheng said. Oli had trained for many years, and a complete overhaul would be destroying all that hard work. "We need to make some revisions to the fighting approach. Actually it's not bad. Heavenly Overlord style has given you a very good foundation. Only, you cannot use direct hits when fighting. That only works for guys who specialize in strength, and you're not."

"But my ability X can supplement this flaw." Oli clenched her fist. "I don't believe I'm weaker than guys."

Oli's ability X could add speed to her attacks, instantly unleashing many attacks. It looked like she had been through arduous training. Such an ability X took a heavy toll on the body. Although she looked petite, but he had no idea what kind of punishing training she had been through.

Arbiter was really a bunch of crazy people.

"Alright, then let's try a direct punch. Use your full strength." Wang Zheng smiled.

Oli shook her head. "Without a mech's protection, you'll be hurt."

Zhang Shan was extremely indignant. "What? But you hit me with so much strength! If you can beat this guy up though, I'll call you Elder Sister from now on."

"No thanks!" Oli turned down Zhang Shan decisively, shattering his fragile heart.

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. Besides, if you don't do this, then we have no way forward. Do you want to get stronger or not?" Wang Zheng smiled reassuringly.

Oli bit her lip. "Then, if you're hurt, you can't blame me."

Chapter 637: Superior Privilege

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Only now did Oli reveal a little-girl side.

"Get on with it, don't be wishy washy!"


Oli adopted an attacking pose, her eyes blazing. Damn, this girl was clearly excited despite what she just said.

Her ability X bursting forth, Oli punched out with a strong murderous intent. An aggressive Loli!

Wang Zheng did not dare to be overconfident. He met it with a punch, his Primordial Regression Technique already exerting its full force.


Wang Zheng's shoulder wavered, but Oli was thrown back 7 or 8 steps with a look of disbelief. "… that's impossible."

Wang Zheng's hand felt a little numb, and he chuckled. "What's impossible? In the future, you will meet many with such strength."

Deep down, he sighed. Arbiter was nothing to be trifled with, to have trained a girl to be this formidable. There were not many who could receive a punch from Oli, but nevertheless the fighting style was not suited to her.

"Again!" Wang Zheng urged. "You must have held back just now. Now you can bring forth your full strength."

Oli breathed deeply, adjusting her breath and body. At the same time, she activated her ability X to allow her energy to reach peak condition.

Wang Zheng was engaged too. This definitely was the work of a pro, to unify spirit, breath, and energy. Only one who had been through considerable training could reach this stage. To immerse so readily at such a young age, she could definitely be Zhang Shan's teacher.

The strong were strong for a reason. That Arbiter could traverse unchecked through the Milky Way Alliance was not by chance.


Following the berserk Loli's hearty cry, Oli punched out with her full strength. At one side, Zhang Shan inadvertently backed away. F*ck, this was a monster. Before, he had not been sensitive to breathing, but ever since he achieved enlightenment, he felt the difference. The area one meter around Oli had exerted an invisible aura.

This punch carried the pressure to rend the heavens and earth. More crucially, the fist moved so quickly that it disappeared like a beam of light.

Oli had full confidence in her own move, even more than piloting mecha.


The power completely dissipated. Oli and Zhang Shan were both stunned.

Oli's little fist was firmly gripped by Wang Zheng's, and all the power had been absorbed.

"How… could it be…" Oli stuttered.

Nobody could do this, not even her own family clan's mentor.

Her power had vanished like a buffalo in the sea, without a trace left.

Wang Zheng frowned slightly, dissipating the aura. Palm on fist – going head on would have been taking the brunt. He directly used his palm suppression technique to prevent her ability X from activating and stacking the effects of multiple strikes into one. Of course, the disclaimer was that one must have the ability to dissolve this attack.

Oli was deflated. Her huge eyes were watery, and Wang Zheng hurriedly consoled her with a few head pats. "Keke, now you believe me? You are very strong, but your methods are wrong. If you change, you will be much stronger than you are now."

"Really? You're not lying to me?" Oli raised her head. Her eyes, only just clouded over, were now even more beguiling. Where was the heroic manner from just now?

Wang Zheng gently patted her cheek, "Little girl, as if you could be deceived. The Heavenly Overlord style can lay down solid foundations. If you can increase your array of moves, especially those that suit your ability X and body changes, your power will increase multifold."

"Mm!" Oli nodded furiously.

Zhang Shan tapped his own head. Poor little Loli, unknowingly walking into the big bad wolf grandma's trap. Wang Zheng was definitely acting innocent. A true professional and expert!

Wang Zheng gave a few pointers to Oli's attack approach – to not always think of subduing the opponent, or even deciding the match with one attack. Such lines of thinking were innately dangerous. Of course, these were no problem when facing someone weaker, but against the slightest resistance, such an approach was very dangerous. Oli's ability X and stature were in fact very suited to sudden attacks. Simply put, her willingness to attack made her suited to be an assassin.

Avoiding duels to the death, and killing with one hit, as well as utilizing the environment, or the momentum of the fight to create such opportunities. But clashing head on would not bring about such chances.

Wang Zheng gave Oli a broad outline of what to do, including how to conceal her true strength and feign weakness.

This would perhaps never occur on Arbiter, who liked to go hard or go home. In the bigger scheme of things, it indeed could built Arbiters' iron confidence and courage to press forward. But on an individual level, one needed clear understanding and analysis. Iron dented easily, but could be nicked by softness.

"Softness can nick iron?" Oli's huge eyes were full of question marks.

"Don't fret. Rome was not built in a day. Think through it and practice slowly."

Wang Zheng smiled. This girl was such an impatient one.

At this time, Wang Zheng's Skylink received a message. A special notification from Tita Star.

Seeing that it was Rara Durai's message, Wang Zheng's spirits lifted. The matter had been on his mind recently.

Rara Durai's true Titan form, according to Wang Zheng's current understanding, could be counted as a type of ability X, just that the Tita giants held way more power than humans. Therefore, they could possess such preposterous strength.

It was also not sure whether such a transformation was from an alien civilization or somewhere else. Regardless, it was mysterious. All one could say was that the universe was enigmatic, and that humans were not its only marvel.

Accepting the call, the projected Rara Durai seemed especially happy. Why did it seem like the bugger had grown taller again.

Before he had been a shade smaller than Shan Meng, but he was now larger by a bit.

Rara Durai would pay respects to Wang Zheng every once in a while, telling him of interesting matters on Tita Star. Wang Zheng could feel an emotion emanating from Rara Durai – loneliness.

Before, he had just been a normal giant, albeit stronger by a little than the best in his clan but there were still many who were stronger than him. But now he was the Titan, the one and only, and the leader of the Tita people. Honestly, Shan Meng was perhaps more suited to the position, but because Rara Durai was smarter, he understood that he should take up the responsibility. Yet in his heart he longed for freedom and the outside world.

"Rara, recently I gained new understanding in regard to your Titan abilities, what a good time you called."

"Ada, do you mean I can become even stronger?"

"Haha, did you think you were invincible already?" Wang Zheng teased.

Rara Durai shook his head bashedly.

"The Titan ability is similar to humans' ability X, just that your strength is connected with your innate ability. Next time you use your abilities, focus more on that method where you borrow natural energy. Pay attention to how the energy comes and how you release it. Then gradually change that to conscious control. This will invoke great change." Wang Zheng instructed to Rara Durai's fervent nods. "When you thoroughly understand it in the future, it's possible that you can teach it to your kind. Remember, the only impossible thing is what you can't think of."

"Yes, Ada, I will remember."

"I know what you're thinking. Don't rush it. When Tita Star finishes construction, and everything is set on the right track, you, Shan Meng, and the rest will be free to travel. But at the current phase, Tita Star's construction and stability are of paramount importance."

"Elder Mu Sen said so too."

The noble Titan seemed like a small child at that moment. Wang Zheng shook his head. He enquired about the rest. He had heard that Lan Ling had developed a queenly aura about her, although the Lan family was worried about her marriage.

Switching off the Skylink, Wang Zheng felt a little overwhelmed by his emotions. He missed his companions on Tita Star.

If he was really out of options, he might have to ask for research funds from Tita Star, but if there was the slight possibility of not doing that, he would rather not have to. Tita Star was swamped with things to do. Although the Milky Way Alliance's strongest countries had invested into them, they were hungry tigers and wolves anticipating their share. Their money would not come easily, and it would definitely trouble Lan Ling and Mu Sen. This was not a good stage to disturb them.

Look for Ai Xiaoyu?

Possible. Such financial groups were definitely not short of money, but what they lacked was avenues to park them in.

The problem was that KING, on this proposal, was choosing to maintain silence, whether by choice or not.

Haiz, perhaps he would have to call in favors from Snow Li. Perhaps he would have to give up his sex appeal.

Suddenly, Wang Zheng did not feel like returning to the training room. He wandered about, seeking to rein in his emotions. Perhaps he should invite Snow Li and the rest for a meal as a gesture?

Perhaps this would help to cultivate a relationship.

Suddenly, Wang Zheng spied an examination room. Wasn't that a qualification exam?

Nobody. Hmm. Why not just do the test, since it was rare that there was nobody. He was prepared to test the day before, but after checking the waiting list, he had given up.

All he needed was to reach Rank 7 and above.

"Please scan your student number." An automated electronic female voice stated as he entered.

After he finished scanning his number, the examination room voice spoke again. "Please provide higher authorization."

Wang Zheng was exasperated. Damn, they really needed special authorization everywhere. He swiped his Skylink, and it passed.

A simulated war environment, nothing new to Wang Zheng. It was simply the difficulty which he had no idea about.

It was said that, for the Huang class standard, one had to get Rank 1, if not there was no chance of doing well in the main competition.

Wang Zheng naturally was aiming for Rank 1. As long as the examination did not test any one's control of ability X, he would be fine. Those were a killer.

"Student Wang Zheng. Now entering the examination stage. We will determine your level according to the mission completion."

The system voice was still compelling. However, there was not much of a choice for the mecha. In front of him only one was familiar to Wang Zheng. It was a mecha he had not touched in a long while.

Wargod No. 1.

He had always thought that, outside of Earth, such mecha had been long abandoned. To see it had a place in the nucleus of the Milky Way warmed his heart.

Gently caressing the mecha's hull, it felt so familiar to him. He opened the cockpit, and Wang Zheng leaped in.

Once he entered, Wang Zheng discovered some differences. Although it looked on the exterior like a Wargod No. 1, but the inside had been drastically revamped. This Wargod No. 1's G material quality was definitely quite high, not a normal type. Such fighter type mecha were suited for tests, because they could utilize a wide variety of fighting styles.

Chapter 638: Snatching Territory

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

An empty arena, filled with squares. The first stage, an evasion test.

With a flicker of a hologram, a Wargod No. 1 appeared, rumbling its way towards Wang Zheng. His first response was to counter-att… f*ck, there were no guns.

This was too heartless. Dodging the mech's attack, Wang Zheng rushed up. Who said one couldn't counter without a gun or blade? He would kick it to death.

Just as he neared, the Wargod No, 1 disappeared, two more appeared behind him. A criss-cross of bullets lanced past him, the mecha strafing as they fired with accuracy.

Wang Zheng hurriedly evaded them. After another round of attacks, a third Wargod No. 1 appeared. Two set up criss-crossing fire, while one supplemented with covering fire. Wang Zheng's movements had to be fast. In such an empty space, dodging had to be quick and decisive. Luckily these mecha were highly robotic. They followed a set pattern and lacked variations, otherwise he would have been tired to death just dodging.

The three mecha formed a V, firing barrage after barrage at Wang Zheng before finally disappearing.

Wang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief as well. This was too textbook, even for a examination. There was no room to do anything else considering there was not even any cover.

However this level of difficulty was not enough.

But this was clearly a warm up for the candidate. In the next instance, another 3 mecha materialized.

Arbiter Slayers, and 3 of them to boot. They were about 20m away from Wang Zheng.

This was the distance from which the Slayers could work best. They could both attack and defend. But Wang Zheng's Wargod No. 1 had no weapons. Was he doomed to be trampled?

Wang Zheng was still considering when the 3 Slayers already began to move, firing non-stop towards Wang Zheng's Wargod No. 1.

D*mn, a moment slower and he would have turned to mince. Luckily the energy shield was still available, although Wang Zheng had no intention to use it. Things would definitely only get harder. This was just the start.

The Slayers' movements were definitely faster. Wang Zheng wanted to close in but it was simply impossible against the Slayers considering their close range evasive abilities. Instead, drawing the distance wider was the only option. Controlling the frequency, increasing the speed to evade at the fastest possible. Such a test was very suited to Oli. To evade the Slayers, one needed to burst out with explosive power at a maximum, increasing one's frequency. The 3 mecha pursued and Wang Zheng increased his own speed to match the Slayers, and just edge them out slightly.

Such a rigid approach did not pose a threat to Wang Zheng.

The 3 Slayers could not catch Wang Zheng. The 3 mecha halted their attack, and gradually faded.

Another 3 red mecha appeared. They were bigger than normal mecha by a size… Astina's Inferno King.

3 Xuan barreled flamethrowers took aim, then 3 spouts of flame spurted towards Wang Zheng, attempting to turn him into a suckling pig.

Wang Zheng piloted his Wargod No. 1, rushing forward. One feared most to be at mid-distance from these things, where one would inevitably succumb and be roasted. But nearer to them, these things were in fact less powerful as they could not utilize their flamethrowers effectively. Wang Zheng had rushed forward the moment he saw the 3 mecha. The 3 had fired simultaneously, the columns of flame reaching out. The problem with closing in was that one's vision was soon obscured.

Wang Zheng could already start to feel the heat. This was not bad, things were starting to get interesting.

Wang Zheng was able to avoid a roasting inside, but the one waiting outside was getting impatient.

Ling Luoyu was preparing for this major competition as well. Xuan grade students did not need to be tested, but the test had its benefits. On one hand, you could familiarize with each country's unique mecha. Each time a different mecha would come, and one could also focus on honing judgment in evasion, attack, power, or speed each time. This was useful for maintaining a pilot's condition.

Only, a thing like an examination was unpopular among most. They would rather find someone to train against. Against a boring sequence, one was not engaged. Perhaps only masochists would really like to train.

But with the competition imminent, and the prospect of Milky Way Military College people coming, nobody wanted to make a fool of themselves. And those guys hollering about showing off to Aina. What a brainless bunch. A princess was just a title, what was so cool about it. This was the future now, and only Aslan remained so backward. This wasn't progress, it was regress.

Ling Luoyu's family was definitely the modern kind. Ideas of liberal democracy had entered her thinking at a young age, especially with a grandfather like Gail.

Very few took the test here, especially at this time. What an unhappy coincidence that someone was actually using it.

But then, perhaps it was to be expected. It was not inconceivable that someone else would come to the same conclusions as her.

But the Xuan grade test was a little sickening. Once it started it was 3 mecha against one. This was the minimum number required to leave no angle uncovered. And the test was that of a defensive format. No matter what kind of result one obtained, one would not feel good just dodging and being trampled on. Young people nowadays liked to destroy their opponents. Being beaten non stop was not a good feeling, and another reason why the exam was not popular.

But Ling Luoyu was in no hurry. Regardless who was inside, they had spent quite some time now, and must be finishing soon. Then it would be her turn. The Azure Dragon Region did not have many Xuan rank people.

Ling Luoyu looked at the time. It was almost 15 minutes. Who was performing at this standard? It must be someone from the top 3 classes.

"Eh, Luoyu? You're still around." As Luoyu was lost in thought, a warm voice came from beside.

"Redington, you're here as well." Ling Luoyu smiled a welcome. Redington shrugged. "One has to work hard and get a good score. Besides, this is a whole-college affair, and we can't let our Azure Dragon Region down."

Redington said.

Ling Luoyu gave an astute smile. "I think you want to do well in front of one classmate Snow, isn't that right."

Redington did not deny the fact. "Noblemen chase women of great virtue."

Ling Luoyu smiled. "You two are really compatible. I wish you the best of luck."

Redington gave a confident smile. Ling Luoyu had held her tongue. Through Mo Ling, she had learnt much about Snow Li. The girl was an aristocrat, originating from some Dancing Ice Dragon. She did not understand why so many continued to believe such things. Logically, humans had already entered the interstellar age. Why would thinking have instead back-slided? Perhaps the world was just too big. Regardless, Ling Luoyu believed that Roland Garros was the most representative place for mankind. This place embodied a real and practical future.

This was also the firm belief of every Roland Garros citizen. Of course, not to the point of conceit. Roland Garros was the congregation of humanity's elites, especially science. But mankind's accomplishments were not only in the field of science.

Chapter 639: It's the Xuan Grade Test!

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The universe was vast. The more humanity developed, the more they understood their own inadequacy and ignorance.

The two chatted for a while. The examination inside had been going on for 20 minutes now.

This was a little long. And this was not an exam where you could take your time.

Once you failed, the system would immediately administer the results.

Redington frowned as well. "Who could it be inside?"

"No idea, but it's been 20 minutes. It must be someone from our class."

Xuan grade's class 1 was the crème de la crème. To have risen to the Xuan Grade, and entered the Xuan grade's class 1 was a form of recognition and glory in itself.

"Could it be Diablo?" Redington laughed. "I saw him around just now."

"Hmm, but anyway they should be out soon." Ling Luoyu's curiosity was peaked now. The Xuan Grade was different from the Huang Grade. Nobody would go around flaunting their ability X now. What needed to be understood and guarded against should all have been clearly laid out in the Huang Grade. One needed more prudence the higher one rose, only holding nothing back in crucial moments like the competition.

"Oh, y'all are around too." Ai Xiaolu appeared, accompanied by a hunk with short silver hair in a white T-shirt. He had a sharp look and an evil aura about him, but he did look very cool.

It was Lya Sphinx's Diablo. Rumors were that he was chasing Ai Xiaolu, although admittedly Ai Xiaolu was a great beauty. She was only overshadowed by Snow Li's presence. In dressing up, Ai Xiaolu was second to none. She was one of those who looked good in anything. She was easy on the eyes, and one liked her the more one looked.

"You two are progressing really quickly." Redington teased.

Ai Xiaolu turned up her mouth. "You can eat rubbish, but don't speak it."

Diablo shrugged, unfazed. His interest in Ai Xiaolu was widely known. Chasing women was a pleasure in itself, especially a fine product like Ai Xiaolu.

Redington preferred Snow Li. Pretty was pretty, but Diablo did not like too dazzling a beauty, preferring the comfortable type like Ai Xiaolu.

"Redington, how's your preparation coming along? I hear that the 4 main Academies are split into 5 groups this time."

"I'll deal with whatever arises. I have long wanted to test the standards of the other academies."

"I hear a lot of new students have signed up. The White Tiger's Olivios is something else. He completely does not treat the Xuan Grade as worthy of respect." Redington chuckled.

"White Tiger Region's fame seems unwarranted then, to let a newcomer be so full of himself. If he was in the Azure Dragon Region, he would have been taught a good lesson. To think a bunch of rookies would think to come and join the party. They must have a death wish." Diablo said darkly.

"Don't speak too early. A lot of ambitious newcomers are thirsting to bring us down. Be careful. Don't get careless and slip up, or you'll regret for a lifetime." Ai Xiaolu tinkled.

Perhaps because of her relationship with Mo Ling, Ling Luoyu did not feel Ai Xiaolu was anything special, just another member of Class 3. Although she did act as though she knew everything.

Suddenly, the four's laughter subsided. From another corner, someone else had appeared, merely acknowledging them with a slight nod. They were reserved, even restrained.

As expected, it was Ai Xiaolu who recovered first. "Pampas. To think we would see you here. Looks like your individual training is over?"

Pampas looked at Ai Xiaolu with a hint of a smile. "The big mecha battle is coming. I have to be back no matter what. And besides, I haven't seen you all in a while."

Pampas of the Azure Dragon Region, the number one expert in Xuan 1. He had basically completed the whole syllabus, and was immersed in punishing training to delve deeper and challenge his boundaries. He had no intention of following the system, and was preparing to directly participate in the promotional examination. This mecha battle was undoubtedly a good time to test himself. If he could become the top in the Xuan Grade, then he would be qualified to challenge the promotional exam.

One had to know that the Earth Grade and the Xuan Grade were two completely different worlds. It was not like the close distance between the Xuan and Huang Grades.

Just Pampas' presence brought intangible pressure to Redington and Diablo, but Pampas did not seem to be focused on them, instead looking at the training arena.

"Who's inside?"

"No idea, but the guy's been inside for half an hour. That's more than enough to pass the first stage. It should be the second stage now, so it should be one of our Xuan class 1 classmates.

Ai Xiaolu offhandedly said.

Pampas switched on his own Skylink, giving the door a sweep. His Skylink immediately displayed an In Progress situation.

This was privilege. Clearly Pampas' authorization was much higher than the four's. This was the difference. In Elite Academy X, competition for such special privileges abounded. This was the best way to galvanize geniuses to dig deep and shine, and these little privileges were of no loss to the school.

Vanity was humanity's greatest weakness, but also the best motivator.

At first, Pampas was not paying attention. He just did not want to waste time. But seeing the numbers displayed, his focus returned. A repressive aura began to seep out, causing Ling Luoyu to feel the pressure.

Ai Xiaolu was again the first to respond, scooting over. But when she saw the numbers displayed, she was shocked too. "This… how could this…"

The person inside had already been tested until Level 3. More importantly, his ability X usage rate was… zero.

Clearly this was the reason for Pampas' frown. The strongest knew the importance of one's body strength. Solely depending on ability X was not viable. In his absence, such an expert had actually appeared in Xuan 1. Interesting!

Ling Luoyu and the rest could feel his battle lust rising. This was rare. Pampas was practically invincible in Azure Dragon's Xuan Grade. Although some could stand up against him, but none had a real hope of winning. He had spent a year just training. Meeting him now, they found that his drive had been well concealed, and the year had not been wasted. And now the person inside had caught his interest, something that Redington and Diablo were incapable of.

Ling Luoyu was curiosu as well. Who was it? She racked her brains through the Xuan 1 people. It seemed like nobody else was here today.

Inside, Wang Zheng was totally engrossed. No wonder the school council wanted this as the standard. It was indeed quite difficult. The Elite College was full of experts. After spending so long, he had just reached Grade 3, but Zhang Shan and Oli were spamming his Skylink with calls. Since he had already qualified, he would continue next time. They must be worried about him.

Wang Zheng ended the training, and the simulation faded. He was sweating heavily, and a little hyped up.

Opening the door, Wang Zheng was taken aback. There were actually 4 people standing outside, staring intently…

He must have taken up too much time.

And when they saw it was him, they shouted almost in unison. "How could it be you!"

Ling Luoyu stared inside. "Wang Zheng, who did you come with! How could you enter here!"

Wang Zheng was not sure how to respond. This senior Ling Luoyu was a little strange. Even though the blind date had been a disaster, but he had explained everything clearly, and had not brought too much of a bother to her. In fact, he had felt quite good about it.

But for Gail, Wang Zheng did not mind such small matters.

Smiling slightly, he said "Senior Ling, the training arena is a public facility, isn't it? Why can't I be here? Besides, there's no one else. I don't even know who signed me up for this mecha competition, but I don't want to let them down. So I came to take the test. There're plenty of people below, and none here. It's a waste to leave it standing empty, right?"

At this moment, his Skylink chirped again. Wang Zheng switched it on. "Zhang Shan, stop bugging me. I know. I'll go over in a moment. Nope, I'm fine. D*mn, y'all are so noisy I couldn't even finish my training. You're not my wife, stop nagging."

Zhang Shan thought something must have happened, and was ready to roll up his sleeves and wade into the fray. His imagination was too vivid.

Pampas smiled. Interesting. Looked like he had not failed, but simply stopped the test halfway.

Ling Luoyu had a grave expression, and Diablo looked at Wang Zheng like he was a monster. Redington had a similarly black expression. Only Ai Xiaolu laughed loudly.

"Wang Zheng, this is our Xuan Grade training ground. What you just did was the Xuan Grade test."

Ai Xiaolu now understood why Snow Li had completely ignored Redington. If she had been in her shoes, she would have done the same. This was a real man!

Redington loved to act cool, as though afraid that others did not know he liked to act cool. But people like Wang Zheng were the true experts, casually doing things that scared people half to death.

"Er, that… I did think it was strange how there was nobody here. But to do so is not against the school rules, is it." Wang Zheng laughed.

"Although it's not a violation, but who let you in? Boundaries are there for a reason. That's why we have them." Redington said icily. He had no goodwill for Wang Zheng, who was his love rival. He could not pretend any longer.

Wang Zheng smiled in reply. "I think so too. And since the boundaries let me in, then naturally it's fine, right?"

This guy had guts. The kind of guy who would think about starting a dye shop after getting his hands on 3 shades of red.

He looked at Pampas, who met his gaze. An interesting person had shown up. Wang Zheng could feel his incredible aura emanating clearly. Even in the Xuan Grade, this must be a pro.

"Impossible. If a Huang class 7 scum like you had such privileges, the school must belong to your family!" Redington sneered.

Pampas suddenly laughed. "I believe you."

Immediately nobody spoke. Pampas had spoken to shut them up. Whether one was 'qualified' or not made no difference. Skill was everything.

"Student Wang Zheng, pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm called Pampas. Let's get to know each other better when we're free." Pampas smiling stretched out a hand.

Wang Zheng smiled as well, and the two gripped hands. It was not a clash with sparks flying, but they did have an exchange. After one reached a certain level, one's intuition became especially sensitive. There was no need to test the other in flashier ways.

Chapter 640: World of Eyes

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

"Likewise, likewise. My friends are waiting for me. Let's chat more next time," Wang Zheng replied cheerfully.

Redington glowered until Wang Zheng left. He had not raged only because Pampas was present. He did not believe Wang Zheng had that kind of privilege, but had no idea how he had weaseled his way in.

Watching Wang Zheng's figure in the distance, Pampas gave a rare smile, and turned back to survey the other four. "Looks like we can't underestimate the Huang Grade students this year."

"Pampas, don't listen to that guy. His physical skills are strong, but his ability X evaluation is weak. If not, he would not be in Huang Class 7." Ling Luoyu said.

Pampas shook his head. "Luoyu, to someone who can place on the Battle Power Rankings, ability X is already inconsequential."

Saying thus, Pampas left.

Luoyu and the rest were stunned. Battle {ower Rankings?

How was that possible!!!

Even they did not qualify. The entire Xuan Grade in the academy only had 2 or 3 capable of entering the Rankings.

Ling Luoyu and Ai Xiaolu looked at each other, affirming the mutual shock and disbelief. Redington and Dialo's reactions were even more different. In an instant, they felt slighted, their egos crushed. Pampas' meaning was clear: He and Wang Zheng were on a different level.

Ling Luoyu was a little unsettled. She began to feel a little impulsive for the first time. Grandfather had understood her well, and would not have introduced just anybody…

Ai Xiaolu had an excited look about her. She had been undecided about something before, but now she could act with confidence.

A business had to be profitable, just whether it realized gains in the short-term, or far in the future.

It seemed like this news must be conveyed to Snow Li. She would definitely be happy. For a Huang Grade student to enter the Battle Power Rankings was startling news.

That Pampas knew was no surprise. After all, he was also on the battle power Rankings, and his position was definitely higher than Wang Zheng's.

It was a pity that a lack of ability X was Wang Zheng's flaw. If he had been more balanced, Wang Zheng's future would have been immeasurably bright.

Wang Zheng's growth till now was not bad by any means, but if his ability X could not be improved, his development would be limited from now on. But according to Snow Li, his ability X was not very weak.

… Ai Xiaolu was shocked. Could it be?

To enter Elite Academy X, the minimum requirement was a C Grade ability X. Regardless of how poor one's mastery was, anyone capable of achieving a C Grade was no ordinary person. And Wang Zheng had not even used his ability X.

Just how formidable was this guy?

Wang Zheng met up with Zhang Shan and Oli. Zhang Shan was a wilted shape. He must have been beaten up by Oli, poor guy.

Wang Zheng gave Zhang Shan a few understanding pats. "All shoots mature under the torrents of wind and rain."

Zhang Shan rolled his eyes in annoyance. If he could not beat her, that could not be helped. This girl was cruel in her fighting.

As the three were preparing to leave, Ai Xiaolu came running over, looking at Wang Zheng with a wide smile. "Wang Zheng, shall we talk privately?"

Wang Zheng was taken aback, but nodded. "Zhang Shan, Oli, go ahead without me. I'll talk to her."

Normally, Zhang Shan would raise an eyebrow and a few protests, but in his miserable state he was in no mood at all. He could not beat Wang Zheng, and now he had been plucked by a little flower. This was a disgrace.

Actually, Wang Zheng had wanted to talk to Ai Xiaolu as well, just that he found it embarrassing to broach the matter. But since she had actively sought him out, he would muster his courage and try, if the situation arose. He had no choice. After all, he had promised Xiao Fei. Xiao Fei was one who cared a lot about her dignity. She would never debase herself to ask others for a favor. She was the kind who would rather break than bend.

In the training arena's recess room, Wang Zheng and Ai Xiaolu found a corner, and took a cup of water each.

Ai Xiaolu sized him up, smiling widely. "What do you think I'm about to talk about?"

Wang Zheng rubbed his nose. He hated it when girls said "guess", because he could never guess it.

"KING's situation doesn't seem to good." Ai Xiaolu got straight to the point. Knowing Wang Zheng for a while, she knew he was a straightforward person. There was no point beating around the bush.

Wang Zheng nodded suspiciously. "How did you know that?"

Ai Xiaolu smiled. "You think of me as a foolish and rich type? Since I've invested, naturally I keep tabs on the company's status. KING's experiments have met with failure recently, and my invested capital is half gone. Personality-wise, I have quite a lot of respect for Professor Xiao Fei, but business-wise, she's a failure."

Wang Zheng smiled painfully. On this point, he wholeheartedly agreed, although he also empathized with Xiao Fei. Research was inextricably linked to money, but working for that alone was meaningless, especially for the space program.

"This is one of our biggest worries at present. I won't hide that the research has definitely encountered difficulties." From a business perspective, hedging a little was always better, but Wang Zheng could not bring himself to do it. He at least acknowledged the risk. "The current odds of success are half and half, although the invested sum into this program is indeed significant. But rest assured that we have not given up. We'll continue to look for finances to continue investing."

Ai Xiaolu smiled. "Do you still have options?"

Wang Zheng was taken aback. Ai Xiaolu took a drink of water, her eyes lit with a strange excitement. "Frankly speaking, I'm interested in the program. Its future returns are very high, although the risks are equally high. It seems worth gambling on. As I understand it, KING Company is strapped for cash, and all its possible loan options are practically exhausted. Even smaller loans are out of the question."

Wang Zheng was deflated. Ai Xiaolu spoke the truth, but he was not in despair. Wang Zheng had a final ace up his sleeve, but he would not use it if he did not have to."

"As the major shareholder in KING Company, do you have a plan?" Ai Xiaolu asked. As a creditor, Ai Xiaolu indeed had the right to research KING Company thoroughly, although she had not expected to find that Wang Zheng was the biggest shareholder. To find out that he was the inventor of the space theory was something she would never have dreamed of. For such a scientific genius to also be a super-soldier was peerless.

"Indeed, times are hard. Xiaolu, you looked for me today not to put me in a tight spot, right?" Wang Zheng smiled. "And I don't think you're looking to call the debt either."

Ai Xiaolu did not think that Wang Zheng would respond so quickly. This person looked foolish, but was actually pretty sharp.

"If, say, our Ai Shi Group invested heavily in this program, would you be very, very happy?" Ai Xiaolu smiled.

Wang Zheng was not too surprised. "What are your terms?"

At this stage, it was definitely not something that a personal connection could have brought about. The other party must be looking for some benefit, and the terms would be fairly substantial. The way Wang Zheng saw it, they must be after his shares.

"What do you think?" Ai Xiaolu smiled slightly. Suddenly she felt that speaking to this mysterious guy was pretty interesting.

"My stocks? I find that reasonable." Wang Zheng mulled over it for a while. He had to make concessions if the program was to succeed and his shares to be worth something. And such a request was natural for the other party as well.

Ai Xiaolu shook her head with a smile. "If it was anybody else I spoke to, that would be the case, and then perhaps I would not even extend this offer. But since it's you, I don't want stocks."

Wang Zheng was shocked, and waved a hand irritably. "Besides stocks I have little value. It seems like I don't have anything else valuable, and I couldn't even get much if I sold my body."

Ai Xiaolu could not help laughing. "Oh you. If you really wanted to sell your body, I'm sure the takers would be queueing out the door. Alright, no more jokes. I value our relationship highly. Of course, I mean that between schoolmates, it's lucky that we could meet here despite the different worlds we live in. Therefore, the Ai Shi Group's condition is not your shares – besides, your contribution to this program has been the most. But in business there must be reciprocation. The future investment will not be my own. I am just part of a family, and a very small one at that."

Wang Zheng nodded. He had an idea of what she was getting at, but was not sure.

"You mean, something related to the super gravity energy ore?"

"Bingo! Really a smart boy. When researching KING, I found something strange. You actually managed to get your hands on the super gravity energy ore. Only a few big countries like Arbiter have priority, and many others are waiting for it. Yet a faraway company like KING on Earth is getting it even before Arbiter. What do you say is the reason?"

The same privilege would be a completely different notion in the hands of a company and a financial group. In truth, the space program was becoming a flop. Ai Xiaolu had persuaded her family on the basis of the super gravity energy ore.

If the Ai Shi Group could control this, then their influence and position in the Hail Cloud Alliance would rise greatly. This was something that money could not buy. It was about political influence. Just imagine – a problem that nations worried about, solved by a family. How amazing that would be.

"Can you be more specific?" Wang Zheng asked.

Ai Xiaolu nodded. "We can continue investing another 50 billion in 3 phases. But in this period, KING Company must give half of their super gravity energy ore allocation to the Ai Shi Group. And if the company goes bankrupt in the end, the Ai Shi Group wants KING Company's ore buying permit."

Wang Zheng did not know how to explain. In truth, KING Company did not have any buying permits. They had secured it on his word alone. If KING Company went bankrupt, then there would be no meaning for him as well. He did not study finance. Although he did not regard himself as completely inept, but he had not realized that the super-gravity energy ore had such huge implications.

"Xiaolu, I can vouch for the first condition, but the super gravity energy ore purchase is a little complicated. If KING Company runs into difficulties, you might not be able to get your hands on it." Wang Zheng warned. He laid out the ugly side first, also in a bid to get to what Ai Xiaolu truly wanted.

Ai Xiaolu rested her chin on her fair hands, sizing him up. "However you look at it, you don't look like a wastrel. Anybody else might have tried to fool me. You're good, to lay it out preemptively."

"Anybody else might not be in such dire straits now." Wang Zheng chuckled.

Chapter 641: Student Wang's Investment Worth

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Ai Xiaolu was not expecting that smile, one that was so comfortable in his own skin. She was born in a financial empire, surrounded by money. Interpersonal relationships were formed only on the basis of money. And people like that, above all, longed for something trustworthy that was free of all deceit. To her, money was not the issue. The goal was.

"Aright, since you say that, let's get right to it. As for me, I've taken a liking to you. That's why I asked my family to do this in the first place. As for the rest, I'll take care of it. As you said, even if we don't get the buying permit in the end, we're alright. If we really get it, of course we'll be overjoyed. Such a thing is invaluable. If we can just get half the super gravity energy ore, it will be enough for the family to get some things done." Ai Xiaolu said.

Wang Zheng laughed. "Oh, it's my first time to be so favored. I'm honored. It's settled then. KING Company's share is mainly for experiments, so it's modest, and sharing half will not be an issue. As for the buying permit issue, if we really go broke, I'll do my best to protect it, so you don't come off too badly."

"Alright, it's a deal." Ai Xiaolu stretched out a hand, and Wang Zheng did likewise. Ai Xiaolu's hand was soft and warm.

Ai Xiaolu reviewed all the information she had. The more she knew, the more she found Wang Zheng frightening. Whether his individual ability or his strange connections, Ai Xiaolu did not think that she would come off this deal any worse.

As for the family, money left there was money wasted. Each year, there were investments to be made to protect the worth of their fortune. There would be gains and losses. Although the experimental use super gravity ore was not much, but it was enough to get the elders at her family to agree. More importantly, countries wanted it for experiments as well. It was rumored that Arbiter had achieved good results, and this had made other nations even more frantic. Of course, the least anxious was Tita Star. They were taking their time to build, and not particularly driving the mining process. Under the pretext of protecting the resource, they were simply increasing the price. Once mined, the export was controlled. The ore was, after all, unique, and it was a seller's market, where the strong countries came out next best. The other countries could only endure, dissatisfied. Most unlucky was Aslan. They had been slated for priority until they had offended Tita Star somehow and struck off the list, giving the lead to those like Arbiter and Manalasuo.

And… Wang Zheng. After spending half a year on Tita Star, what had happened in that period?

Ai Xiaolu definitely believed that there must be some connection. This was a guy full of secrets and opaque, but also with depths to plunge. Almost like a storybook character, where the more that was revealed, the more one grew to like the protagonist. But she had no intention of sharing this with others.

"Senior Xiaolu, if you keep staring at me like that, I'll be embarrassed." Wang Zheng rubbed his nose.

"Haha, I would never have known you were the shy type. That's right, do you like Snow Li? She's very fond of you, do you want me to help you two arrange something?" Ai Xiaolu teased.

Wang Zheng was exasperated. "Let things take their course. I've just fallen out of love, and I'm not back together yet. I just want to focus on training."

"Flowers should be plucked before they wither. Snow Li is a hot customer. You don't have to worry about the rest, I'll send someone to arrange the terms with KING Company. We won't be too picky about the details."

"Since it's Senior taking care of things, I'm naturally at ease."

Those who had true business acumen invested in people, not programs. The right backing would see a thousand-fold return.

From a different perspective, how bad could someone that Snow Li liked, and Olivios took note of, be?

Even Pampas had taken an interest to Wang Zheng, and she was looking forward to how things would turn out. It was possible that Wang Zheng might pull a miracle and carve his own place in the top 5.

If that was the case, her investment return time would definitely shorten drastically.

Parting ways with Ai Xiaolu, Wang Zheng left a message for Xiao Fei and Marcus. This was definitely good news. The earlier they knew, the faster they would be relieved of the stress. The moment he finished relaying the news, Marcus immediately revived. He was quite excited. He was not as unemotional as Xiao Fei. He had to take care of the whole team, and this news would be a welcome relief that gave them peace of mind when working. Not everybody could endure so much. Besides, everybody had families, and he could not always leave them hanging.

Xiao Fei did not say much, but that was part of their dynamic. The 2 did not need niceties between them to communicate. They just had that special connection.

Although KING Company's research did not need too much super gravity ore, but Wang Zheng still wanted to secure this aspect. He would ask Tita Star to export the other half. After all, the current state of Tita Star was the result of Wang Zheng and Mu Sen's agreements. Sometimes the best way forward was suspense, but at others, the most straightforward methods were best.

But rules should not be too easily broken. KING Company could not be too outstanding in this matter, or they would find themselves pitted against the other nations. They must find a balance, and find a happy medium.

Pampas' return this time was indeed for the competition. Of course, the competition itself did not hold much meaning. Given his standard, he no longer needed to prove anything in battle. But the clashes in this period had made him clearly realize that if he wanted to display his strength in the abyss, and shrug off the chains of fate, he needed his own runic mech.

He wanted to enter the Earth Grade as quickly as possible, but Pampas knew that he needed to bide his time. At present, he was not too confident, although he had to try regardless. Very few passed in 1 try. As long as one could eventually ascend, that would be fine. If he could obtain a runic mech, that would provide more chances for him, so it was a necessity.

Of course, others were in the same position. He felt that this competition had been arranged especially for the few of them. In this period, they had seen much as well. Whether in body or spirit, they had accrued considerable ability, and to test this accumulation through battle was not a bad way at all.

But after seeing Wang Zheng, Pampas knew that it would not be so easy. The Academy would not have set such a big stage just for the few of them. They were only part of the reason.

Wang Zheng and Olivios. Two newcomers, but already on the X leaderboards (Battle Power Rankings). They were definitely part of the reason too.

Elite Academy X and Milky Way Military College had a long history of cooperation, but rivalry existed between all schools. This was a high level matter. His level was still far from satisfactory, but Princess Aina's participation had given new meaning. She, alone, represented both the stance of Aslan and Atlantis. Perhaps there was more to this, and the competition had been organized for her benefit.

Aslan led the Milky Way in terms of technological advancements. This was on the overall, but of course in terms of battle power, those like Arbiter and Manalasuo stood on the same level.

A soldier that did not want to become general was not a good soldier. But to become general, one needed a head for the larger picture and a sense for rule. An acute observation of the circumstances, in order to act.

Since Aina was coming, then the elite of both schools would definitely be attending. It was undoubtedly a good opportunity to make an impression.

Such thoughts were definitely not unique to Pampas. Therefore, battles which might have not been as intense might intensify because of these external reasons.

He had to prepare well also. To the higher-ups, this was a good time for a review.

Pampas had no curiosity towards people like Aina. They were far out of his reach. These were the elite who stood at the peak of humanity from the moment they were born. They were human, but lived different lives.

The corner of Pampas' mouth raised in a quirk. His finger tips danced with light. His ability X was utterly unique. He would love to see who could stop him!

Every fighter had ambitions of being the best in the world.

Since things were about to get heated, he would take it on.

In the next few days, Wang Zheng and the rest found their days incomparably filled. Besides class, Wang Zheng still had to bring Zhang Shan and Oli to train. Wang Zheng had developed quite a comprehensive understanding of Oli's Heavenly Overlord style, which incorporated the control of some Qi manipulation methods to be able to achieve its explosiveness. Of course, this was a secret, and Wang Zheng would not pry. But at his level, he more or less gleaned a little. He refined Oli's fighting style to make her attacks even more on point.

She was not a brawler type, but an assassin type. It had taken some effort to cure her of her "brave" notions. Zhang Shan was making progress as well, although he still could not beat Oli. But it was a start. How far he could go would depend on himself.

Zhang Shan and Oli had finally been selected for the examination, and had gone to take it. Although Wang Zheng had taken the Xuan Grade exam, but it was still applicable, saving him some time. He had thought it strange. If every Huang Grade student was at that level, then the Elite Academy X would be a frightening place indeed.

Wang Zheng also found time to go to Butcher's place. You could film a horror movie inside without having to get any external props.

But this time round, Wang Zheng met an old friend coincidentally. Butcher was surprised too. He had thought that Xie Yuxin was person from Aslan. Who would have known he was from Earth? But Xie Yuxin did not act one bit like an Earthling.

"That you two know each other is even better. The samples this time are promising. These insects have mutated and seem to possess some powers of mind control. Quite dangerous."

A live Zerg was kept in the laboratory. This Zerg resembled a spider, but it had 12 claws. In the middle, a round brain was covered in wrinkles, and looked like a lump of meat. At first glance, it did not seem like it was capable of any strong physical attack, but when this Zerg raged, the meatball turned a blood-red color, and released a ear-splitting cry directly into the human brain, creating huge problems for fighters.

Only Xie Yuxin and Wang Zheng were not of the Vermillion Bird Region. Xie Yuxin was classified under special powers, and had their own education. They were slightly different. Since entering the academy, Xie Yuxin had been busier than Wang Zheng.

Others were busy watching the waves on the equipment. They had reached a curious observation. This insect actually had brainwaves that were close to humans', but stronger in strength.