917 - 926

Chapter 917: Crazed Pirates

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

The meaning of this Gemini Star trip was special to Wang Zheng. Zhang Shan and the rest had rarely seen him this excited. His happiness transcended words. Wang Zheng's Conqueror was still a prototype. Testing on such a super mecha was a complicated business. The core issue was to eradicate the chaos that emerged from the complex ability combinations. This still had to be eliminated, but its capabilities inspired confidence. Even abyss Zergs were vulnerable when faced with it.

The heavy gravitational field of the Gemini Star was an excellent place for training. Lie Xin, after adjusting, had shed the anti-gravitational suit, thereby accomplishing the training goal. Zhang Shan was trying as well. The time here was undoubtedly a good opportunity, especially to be training with babes. Looks like there was some truth behind that statement that "Men and women together made work light". The busiest amongst them was Ao Ziwei. She was often not around, as though the lab had desperate need of her.

While Wang Zheng was experiencing the unique attractions of Gemini Star, Yan Xiaosu's honeymoon trip had reached its last stop. They were on Titatitan star, and Lan Ling warmly welcomed the two personally.

"Who would have thought that our Tyrant Su would get married just like that. Congratulations to the both of you. When are you having babies?" Lan Ling teased. Yan Xiaosu was an old friend now, and she definitely would not hold back. Although the formal matrimony had not happened, the present had already arrived, and a special program on Tita Star had been arranged.

Zhao Elin was a little bashful, but secretly she was pleasantly surprised. Each day after their marriage had been filled with fairytale-like surprises. This husband she had picked up off the streets was much more formidable than she had thought.

Of course, Lan Ling was not the only one to make an appearance. When Shan Meng appeared and stomped his way over Yan Xiaosu, Zhao Elin clapped a hand over her small mouth. She had almost screamed, thinking a monster had appeared. Although Zhao Elin had heard about Tita Star before, but she had not known the giants were that big. But in a thrice, Yan Xiaosu was sitting on Shan Meng's shoulder, pointing her out proudly. "Shan Meng, this is my woman, Zhao Elin."

The label was a little coarse, and Zhao Elin reddened. After all, one was an ignoramus, and the other a veteran.

"Haha, I have three women. You have one. I'm ahead."

Hearing this, Zhao Elin overcame her inhibitions of meeting a giant for the first time. She forced herself to calmness, and stared at the towering giant. Was he trying to be a bad influence? Of course, the majority of her stare was directed towards Yan Xiaosu. She would wait to see his answer.

"Keh, if the golden wind and jade dew could meet but once, it would be greater than the sum of all human life. Do you know?" Tyrant Su now clearly understood that one good one was all that was needed.

"Don't know. But Shan Meng understands. Haha!" Shan Meng had already grasped the idea. His wife was strict. On this point, humans and Tita people were in the same boat.

Yan Xiaosu was left speechless. Something had undoubtedly been lost in cultural translation. But faced with Zhao Elin, he could not pursue the topic.

"The Great Titan is still in training, but the subsequent activities have been arranged."

"Forget it, he's too crazy." Yan Xiaosu hastily declined.

After the initial hubbub, Shan Meng hosted a Titatitan style congratulation for Yan Xiaosu. Zhao Elin was both surprised and touched. She was drunk off Yan Xiaosu's aura and charm, and looked up to him more than ever.

Lan Ling looked on, her heart darkening slightly. She did not know where her price was, nor what he looked like.

As she brooded, the vague outline of her future groom suddenly clarified in her mind…

Her face reddened. Hoisting the wine, she walked beside Yan Xiaosu. "Oh, and how is Wang Zheng doing?"

"Him? Still the same old. Still shaking the world wherever he goes. But it seems like he doesn't have a girlfriend yet."

Yan Xiaosu teased back. They were too close, and Tyrant Su could not hold himself back. That guy was the real wreck.

He raised a few of Wang Zheng's recent events. Zhao Elin blinked. She was quickly realizing that whenever "Wang Zheng" was mentioned, everyone was rapt and the room quieted considerably.

This was a wild night. Yan Xiaosu was savoring the delights of being a man, thanks to Zhao Elin. No matter what he suggested, she was completely compliant. They blended and mixed, filled with emotions. Finally, Zhao Elin could take no more, and drifted off to sleep, worn out with pleasure.

Yan Xiaosu tenderly patted her hair parting, and Zhao Elin purred contentedly like a kitten. Her nubile body began to curl slightly. Feeling her happy aura, Yan Xiaosu was filled with love.

But he had chosen Titatitan Star as his final stop not only for the honeymoon.

Titatitan Star was festering with pirates. There would often be cases of pirates, which was starting to affect Titatitan Star's progress.

Like a school of sharks on the smell of blood, interstellar pirates had long been swarming around Titatitan Star's wealth. In the beginning, they had only looked for opportunities on the remote rural regions, but now, as the position of Titatitan Star became clearer, and that the protection agreements of many strong countries had been relaxed, they were becoming bolder and bolder.

The pirates could not control themselves anymore!

An unprotected new start-up planet?

If it was not for the fact that there were too many interests tied up in the supergravity ore, the pirates would have long invaded Titatitan and demanded a 'protection fee'.

But although they had not directly put the moves on Titatitan star, but the pirates who worked the border were becoming more brazen. As long as a ship did not hoist the flag of Aslan, Arbiter, Manalasuo, or any other big country's financial conglomerate, it would be pursued by the pirates. Once an opportunity was discovered, these sharks would show no mercy in devouring their prey.

Some of the smaller financial groups had skimped on the bodyguarding costs in order to save on expenses. They had paid a painful price, and their losses had been devastating. This had greatly affected the economic attractiveness of Titatitan Star. The flexibility of small financial groups could greatly boost the bargaining power of Titatitan Star against the monopolizing conglomerates.

This was the reason why Yan Xiaosu had rushed over to Tita Star. Little Lucky Star Tita Investments and OMG's shuttles had met with pirates on many occasions. Because the super-gravity ore was too important, Little Lucky Star and OMG's crew had hired a fairly large protection force, spending quite a pretty penny. Even so, their losses were not few in their clashes with pirates, who of course did not escape unscathed either. But such a situation had to be dealt with quickly, or Tita Star's progress would take a fatal hit.

The pirate incidents were not simply amateur pirates. There was the possibility that some huge empire was backing them. In order to preserve the independence of Tita Star, especially Mu Sen's representation of the Tita people's will, they were unwilling to become a colony. They did not need other countries to set up their own militaries and demand special privileges on their country. But this had exposed the flaws of Tita Star's space troops… Well it was not exactly a flaw, they did not have one at all.

Chapter 918: Sovereignty

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

Following the increase in pirate activity, those financial groups that still dared to brave the risk would hire large amounts of security vessels. When things came down to it, no group was safe. Even the cargo vessels that hoisted the flags of large countries faced the risk of attack. But most fatal was that the core strength of small scale enterprises and tourists had completely abandoned Tita Star. This would directly cause Tita Star's expansion plans to crumble, and eventually succumb to be one of the large countries' slaves.

As for Yan Xiaosu being busy after just one night, Zhao Elin was completely supportive. From young, she had been thought that a successful woman should be her husband's greatest pillar of strength. She now knew that her man was no common person, and after being made aware of Tita Star's situation, she was also a firm supporter of the Tita people's resistance against the pirates.

Emergency Pirate Response Conference.

"When weak forces accumulate to a certain critical mass, a qualitative change occurs. The scattered pirates are working together to reach an agreement. There are already large scale organized pirate gangs now."

Lan Ling introduced the present formations. The situation looked grim. The combined strength of the pirates far surpassed Titatitan Star's current space defense ability. This bunch of pirates had smelled the sweet profit, and gone crazy for it. Besides, the super-gravity ore black market was extremely hot. It was a seller's market, and this had sparked this cooperation as well.

Mu Sen frowned. Although he understood that humans were a complex, fickle lot, but he had not anticipated that after rejecting a few large countries' offers of protection, the response of organizing themselves would come so quickly. Invasion seemed to be a skill ingrained within the genes of humankind… Of course, it was not that pacifistic humans did not exist, only that they were poor defense in the face of absolute power.

Yan Xiaosu had nothing to say as well. Titatitan's greatest weakness was battleships. There were just too few, and unable to protect Titatitan's nearby stellar domains. And as for the previous "Successful Balance" which had gained Tita Star the greatest benefits, it had also set up the contradiction. Right now, the main superpowers were watching the fight from the sidelines, waiting for Tita Star to plead for assistance. Once they pleaded, it would mean the one responsible for the situation would be beheaded!

On the ground, Tita Star already had considerable battle power. OMG had completely outfitted the Tita people's human and giant troops. Wind God and Storm Swordsman were both extremely suited to Tita Star's situation. The Tita people's purchases were also OMG's greatest source of income. It could be said that for ground battles, Tita Star possessed a definite amount of battle power.

But once the battle was in space, Titatitan was as weak as a newborn baby. All they had was a 12-ship destroyer troop, crewed by rookies with no real battle experience! In truth, their power was used to scare average citizens, and maintain order in the starport. But against pirates, who lived their lives in battle, they were even worse than paper tigers.

"Strengthen the security measures, and purchase warships. The old models are ineffective now. To build the crews is the most important thing now." Mu Sen said, frowning. They would have to move up the purchases as they saw fit. Originally they had a 3-year and 10-year preparation plan to build a completely new fleet of battleships and crew, but now because of the situation, they would have to risk stretching themselves too thin.

Those in the know understood that basic necessities would always be expensive. Although they had the super-gravity ore, but this was not something that could be liquidated instantly. Besides, to preserve the market price, they could not excavate it too fast as well. Tita Star had many things on its agenda, and all of them cost money. One big portion was military spending. Their ground troops had already taken shape, but the majority of the cost would be space troopers. This was not something that could be built in a day. Besides, battle power was not simply about buying warships.

Yan Xiaosu suggested something. "We could petition the Milky Way Alliance to eradicate the pirates, and also send out warnings to the other empires along this stellar region, for them to increase the defenses of the region."

The Milky Way Alliance would have specialized ways to deal with the pirates. The Alliance's subordinate fleet biggest job, besides maintaining order, was to hunt down pirates.

"At present, that is all we can do. But the Milky Way Alliance's efficacy is not that high as well. Piracy is a problem that each country has to deal with. We can only grit out teeth and push through this." Lan Ling said frustrated. If such a matter could be solved merely by raising an opinion, the pirates would long have disappeared. It was merely addressing the symptoms. In the end, they had to depend on themselves.

The meeting discussion quickly hammered out a proposal. At the same time, Tita Star decided on its purchase direction, towards Arbiter's newest destroyers.

Arbiter's attitude was very enthusiastic. They expressed hopes for a in-depth long term discussion with Tita Star, and hoped that they could strengthen their cooperation. But they were vague on the details of the purchase. Nevertheless, this was still good news for Tita Star. At least the other party was interested, and they could talk about the distribution of benefits later.

Once this news was publicized, it helped to apply some pressure on the pirates. Among the galaxy's nations, Arbiter was pirate-free. All of the pirates had been killed. Pirates on Arbiter were immediately hanged. Although this was denounced by some human rights groups, but Arbiters had always been uncaring towards such things. Have a problem? Bite me then.

Of course, the greatest reason was the unparalleled might of the Arbiter space troopers. If pirates were seen as reckless, Arbiter's were suicidal. They stayed well away from Arbiter. Pirates were not stupid.

But things did not go as smoothly as they hoped. An unexpected cause started a cascade of events…

"What? The destroyers are being withheld by the Jiro Federation? Why?" Lan Ling was awakened in the middle of the night by a call.

"Just an hour previously, Jiro Federation and Diweng Alliance submitted a sovereignty dispute letter…" Mu Sen's voice was cold. Ever since joining the Alliance, Mu Sen's worries had come to pass one after another. Human society's disputes were even more complex than he thought.

Diweng Alliance and Jiro Federation were positioned at Titatitan Star's exit. From an interstellar geographic point of view, Titatitan was sandwiched by these two large nations.

And just an hour before, both nations had almost simultaneously announced "sovereignty" over Tita Star.

In the past, Tita Star was a poor planet not worth mentioning, and nobody had the energy to develop it, especially since it was populated by barbarians, and there were human rights groups opposing it. That was why when the Lan family had entered, they had silently acknowledged it. But now Tita Star had grown to be something much larger, and the dollar signs were in their eyes.

Historically, Diweng Alliance and Jiro Federation had indeed fought over planets near to Titatitan Star, and some small-scale skirmishes had broken up. But in the end, this planet had deemed to be unprofitable, and the 2 countries had resolved the dispute. Such border disputes were nothing new.

Until now, when Titatitan Star had begun to prosper. The 2 countries had started the dispute again, creating a tense mood in the region.

That the pirates had recently become bold, and even organized themselves, cast the whole matter into doubt.

The real strength of the pirates did not lie in their numbers, but that they could disperse all over the universe, and one ship could rob alone, whereas the military could not separate their troops to deal with pirates.

And now, the pirates had actually formed an organization in the vicinity of Titatitan Star… surrendering their strongest natural advantage against the military.

Were these real pirates? Or fake pirates? Or a mix of both…

Lan Ling looked at the report, and felt uncommon frustration. This was a baseless dispute. "Back then, they fought over neighboring planets' sovereignties. Our Titatitan Star was not within those boundaries."

Although that was true, but planetary sovereignty was the most common diplomatic tussle in the galaxy. Most of the time, the wrangling solved nothing. In the end, it boiled down to who had the bigger fist.

"For now, let's appeal to the Federation." Lan Ling said in frustration.

Mu Sen shook his head. "I've analyzed humankind's disputes. The Federation is a place for wrangling, but solves nothing. Since such a thing has happened, I suspect they have already made considerable preparations. This is no spur of the moment decision. We need to make other preparations."

"Elder Mu Sen speaks truth. The Federation is a political organization. But one point: according to Federation law, when a planet's indigenous people enter the Milky Way Alliance, sovereignty should return to them. That means that Tita Star representatives are the Tita people, while humans are simply cooperation partners. Their claims have no basis." Yan Xiaosu said.

Lan Ling laughed bitterly. "They have no intention of basing their claims. They're just looking to start a fight. They will trace Tita Star back to the time before Tita people had reached what we are today. They will say that when it was unqualified to join the Alliance, the sovereignty still belonged to humans."

The message between the lines was asking if you would talk about territorial rights with animals. It was just a matter of twiddling the chronology. In the end, it still came down to who could back their words with military power.

Mu Sen frowned. In the end it was profit. This obstacle was difficult for Tita Star. The key was not just Jiro and Diweng, but the strength that they represented. It was inconceivable that there was no puppet master behind the scenes.

The next day, Jasper and Gabre anxiously held a phone conference.

The military dispute between Diweng Alliance and Jiro Federation was even more serious than the pirate issue. Some of the ongoing investments had been urgently halted, and a few of the negotiated business plans had been postponed as well. One could expect that the longer this dragged out, the more business deals would be called off.

An imminent battlefield was a huge risk to business groups, who would stop the next tier of investments into Tita Star. Especially the smaller enterprises, who were even more sensitive to risk.

Chapter 919: Emotional Lear

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

In truth, investment was easier said than done. Procuring funds was a troublesome process. Money was not obtained once the wish was uttered. Investment needed a ceaseless flow of goods and capital, but the number of companies that dared to move cargo to or from Titatitan Star was shrinking. The pirates were one thing, and there was the Diweng and Jiro dispute on top of that – it was a battlefield.

Everyone's investments were largely trapped on Titatitan Star. If there were any political changes, their investments could very easily evaporate with no legal insurance.

That things had come this far was a very serious matter. Yan Xiaosu had to find Wang Zheng, but he could not get through to his Skylink. Zhang Shan was also uncontactable. Only after contacting Ai Xiaolu did they realize that they were on a mission. As for the current situation of Tita Star, Ai Xiaolu had heard of it as well, even more aware than they were about some of the behind-the-scenes proceedings. But she could not help. Even the Hail Cloud Alliance, let alone the Ai Financial Group, would not stick their noses into such business.

In Ai Xiaolu's point of view, this was a dead end. Huge benefits with insufficient power to secure it. Those appealing for a share of those enormous profits just watched on, wide-eyed. This was impossible. Although on the whole, Milky Way was very peaceful, but regional wars had recently been starting. Small-scale skirmishes were even more ceaseless. Of course, there were big countries working in the shadows. Without wars, how would weapons evolve and sell?

After Wang Zheng left Elite Academy X, others now stood a chance. His broadcasted single challenge of a Zerg had given other Battle Teams a chance. After all, those that could see through its moves were not Wang Zheng alone. The mighty Arbiter Asura Battle Team was also trying their hand.

"And Olivios blocks it again! To stop a tentacle monster with just his individual power, I say, it's not only Wang Zheng that can do it!"

"Obviously! Asura will win!"

"Briston and Beo's performances are very alluring as well. Without Beo's frontal defense, Olivios' Overlord can't move so freely as well."

"Keke, Asura Battle Team, who on the Battle Team does not catch one's eye? Look at their regrouping after being attacked. Each time they take damage to a certain degree, Beo's solid support is always there. Damn me, Beo's Ox Demon is godlike today!"

Asura Battle Team's challenge of the Zerg tentacle monster was currently ongoing. A good half of the school was spectating through all kinds of mediums.

After Wang Zheng had failed the solo challenge, the entire Elite Academy X was more fired up than ever about the challenge of the tentacle monster.

Although Wang Zheng's single challenge had theoretically been a failure, but his demonstration had opened everybody's eyes to a completely different way of dealing with it.

With the worms' attack pattern and battle trajectory, some never-seen-before battle tactics emerged, as well as ways to deceive the tentacle monster, and even ways to compel a certain tentacle attack pattern. All of this had been brought to light.

In a war, intelligence was the most important. Similarly, at this level of fighting, once a super Zerg's trump cards were all played out, then defeating "it" was only a matter of time.

Wang Zheng's defensive guideline was to avoid the attack that broke the limiter. In the beginning, when they had discussed it with Achilles and the rest, they had agreed there was no way to beat it. Many had heard that. But almost as soon as Wang Zheng's challenge ended, it had been publicized on the school's site.

That day, groups flocked to challenge it. Those who watched the single challenge could not resist. Wang Zheng was very strong, but there was no reason that something he could do alone could not be accomplished by them, as a group.

And this time, they had Wang Zheng's theories as reference. Many of the competent groups could feel a clear difference. The tentacle monster did not seem so intimidating anymore. They felt like there was a chance.

At this time, Asura Battle Team could not resist as well. They took the offense. Given Wang Zheng's previously stated tactics, Asura's Battle Team composition was undoubtedly the most suitable.

Olivios had not wanted to take this easy way out. But Wang Zheng himself had left the campus. Whatever the reason, he had given up on taking the "First Blood" of a super Zerg.

To draw "First Blood" on a tentacle monster had now become the greatest passion of the entire Elite Academy X. The attention it drew was no less than the Greatest King Competition. And the Battle Team that could accomplish it would undoubtedly gain great glory.

And that the tentacle monster case had festered until now meant that the school had to take it a degree more seriously as well. Although they did not clearly state the rewards, but it was impossible that there would be no symbol of recognition.

Asura Battle Team clearly could not, and would not, fall behind anyone else in this regard. There was also no reason for Olivios to give way to Wang Zheng. To be able to pull off this teamwork was already a big thing. They would not wait for him.

Lear had brought the entire Dynasty Battle Team to watch as well. Luo Fei rubbed his chin. "Boss, Olivios is on fire today. Don't you think they might steal First Blood?"

Luo Fei blinked. After Wang Zheng's demonstration, Luo Fei knew that if Dynasty Battle Team worked together well, they stood a good chance of completing the challenge.

If they immediately challenged, Dynasty Battle Team stood a good chance of snatching first blood.

But Lear had merely proceeded with some related training, and then took no further action. All he did was to bring them to watch other Battle Teams' challenges, constantly.

Eagle Battle Team, Icefire Battle Team…

Many other Battle Teams had displayed great ability, but failed at the critical moment. Especially Eagle Battle Team. They had lost at the last blow, when they could not top the worm's limit. They were unable to follow up with the critical hit, and the tentacle monster had burrowed away to safety.

At this moment, everyone remembered the punchline of Wang Zheng's theory. The key was in how to stop the worm from escaping!

Everyone had laughed at it. Why would such a strong worm run? What a joke!

But the joke was now real. Eagle Battle Team had lost on this point. A painful surrender of their shot at First Blood.

And now Asura Battle Team's attack! Luo Fei had a dark premonition… The First Blood that should have belonged to Dynasty Battle Team… Would it be snatched away by this disgusting Olivios?

"Boss, why does it seem like Asura Battle Team stands a very good chance?" Luo Fei worried.

Lear smiled slightly. Although he wanted the First Blood, but losing it was no big deal. In any school, in any era, the final success was often not first place.

"How about I go and throw the circuits?" Luo Fei suddenly said. "This bunch of louts have taken advantage of us Solar System people for too long."

If it was not for Wang Zheng who had opened the path of hope, the rest right now would not even have dared to try.

Lear shot a cold look at Fatty Luo. "Are you feeling comfy because I haven't beat you recently?"

Fatty immediately lowered his head. Regardless, Lear was always right. To Lear, Asura taking it was still better than Wang Zheng taking it. News from the Solar System was never good news to Lear.

And in truth, Lear had done much analysis on Wang Zheng's foundations. It was clear that Olivios had accepted it. No matter what, Wang Zheng could not have it.

Chapter 920: Redemption

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

At this moment, Asura Battle Team versus super Zerg was at the critical moment.

The tentacle monster's moves were all played out. Burrowing, sudden strikes, sneak attacks, even feigning injury. But Asura Battle Team had completely defended against all of them.

In this battle, Beo had thoroughly proved his worth as the main tank of Asura Battle Team. He had not only taken the brunt of the tentacle monster's frenzied attacks, but had provided ceaseless support, completely throwing off the tentacle monster's attack pattern. Whoever was targeted by the tentacle monster saw Beo rush over to their side as quickly as possible. His tank hounded it relentlessly while ensuring his own safety.

Of course, they took losses. The tentacle monster's attacks were not easily dodged even when one was familiar with them. The sheer ability was not something that one theory could save you from.

But because of Beo's support being on point, Asura Battle Team's mecha only suffered controllable and acceptable damage. The damaged units did not succumb to the injuries. After retreating to recuperate, they could again operate at the needed battle power. They constantly repressed and disrupted, using angles and distance. They created a difficult attack situation for the tentacle monster.

Beo's Ox Demon mech this time round was the core of the nucleus. He bore the brunt of most of the attacks, and his mech hull was covered with holes, scratches, and rot. His injuries looked horrifying, but upon closer inspection, these wounds were not at critical points. And this was all thanks to Wang Zheng's last demonstration, which had brought Beo to this level. As long as one knew the opponent's attack patterns, he could achieve a perfect defense!

Other tank fighters were watching, eyes shining. This was a real tank. This was not just any defense, but rather "Defending while supporting and countering". A perfect approach.

This type of heavy mech pilot was a blessing for one's allies, and an enemy's worst nightmare.

Of course, it was not only Beo who could fight this well. Wang Zheng had shown everybody the ideal – to attack and defend together, to fight as one!

Exhaustion and impairments gradually materialized on the tentacle monster's body as wounds. It created an advantage that belonged to Asura Battle Team.

Olivios was happily cutting and killing. The Overlord constantly suppressed the tentacle monster's actions. His battle tactics were not completely based off Wang Zheng's own, but rather his individual understanding of Wang Zheng's moves. It included his own judgement, a judgement that was suited to Asura Battle Team. After all, Asura Battle Team's actual abilities were stronger than Saruman Snake Battle Team!

A close attack again. The tentacle monster lashed out in a frenzy, beaten half to death. This was not like Wang Zheng's Wind God mech. Each time he dodged, he would counter attack. Although the defenses of the tentacle monster were frightening, but that was all shell. Inside, it still shared the same characteristics as a biological organism. His ability X always penetrated through the shell directly to hit the tentacle monster's flesh.

It could still defend one or two times, but 10 times, 12 times, it had reached a breaking point. Dripping water could cut through even stone!

Another face-on clash. Just as Olivios was about to maneuver his mech to dodge, his acute senses told him that the tentacle monster's attack this time round was a little reserved. It was not as fierce as before, as though there was an unwillingness to battle any further.

Escape? Or a trap?

Until now, everybody had acknowledged the tentacle monster's battle consciousness. In a stalemate, it would use some small but insidious tricks which left one fumbling.

"Beo, seal off the escape routes on the right flank. Sweeney, Briston, try a coordinated rush, I'll protect."

Olivios' eyes flashed. He made a stand, as though headed for death.

A decisive attack!

Beo leaped forward, sealing off the right side. Ox Demon mech bellowed spiritedly. In the critical moment, Beo was completely in the zone. His ability X burst forth in full power. BOOM!

The tentacle monster clashed in a frontal against Ox Demon mech. Ox Demon gave ground. It dodged the critical claw attack from the tentacle monster, and then shoved forward again. He was going for it!

The tentacle monster shrunk backwards. Its strongest attack was this frontal attack. After being exposed, the follow up damage was not effective against a heavy tank.

Just at this moment, the tentacle monster crouched, ready to burrow.

The most cowardly move. Once it burrowed down, if it would not come out, there was no way to continue the fight.


Beo bellowed. Eagle Battle Team's last failure had been letting the tentacle monster burrow away and escape. According to the school's winning conditions, one must attack and kill. An escape would only be counted as an attack to retreat.

Asura Battle Team would not fall into the same trap!

Beo burst forward, Ox Demon mech rushing forward. He dropped his defensive posture and bear hugged the tentacle. Ground! BOOM, ground affinity ability X connected with the ground, and the Ox Demon mech became a giant pillar, forcefully wrenching the tentacle monster from its half-burrowed state.

Thwarted, the tentacle monster was crazed. With a hiss, its 8 limbs lashed large wounds on the armor of the Ox Demon mech. But Beo endured it silently, Ox Demon mech stood rooted to the ground, forcefully taking the hits.

Sensing danger, the tentacled monster could not help itself. The concealed laser eyes glowed.


Just as the laser eyes was about to release, a heavy hit rang out.

Simba's Annihilator had been uninvolved in the fight, waiting for precisely this moment when the tentacle monster revealed its laser eyes.

In Wang Zheng's theory, the laser eyes and belly were the tentacle monster's weakest points. However, the disclaimer was that before the laser eyes were unleashed, they were hidden behind folds of shell armor at all times, and completely unreachable. The more danger it was in, the better its defenses. This was the special characteristic of Zerg worms.

However, at the moment that Simba opened fire, the tentacle monster suddenly moved maliciously. Ox Demon mech was shifted an inch, and with a boom, the one that exploded was not the laser eyes, but the Ox Demon mech's head!

What was happening! The tentacle monster actually used the Ox Demon mech as a meat shield!

The laser eyes swept the ground, attacking its target. Wide open was the Annihilator mech that had just opened fire!

An attack at the speed of light. The Annihilator was completely unprepared, and immediately melted!

"Things are looking bleak. Once Ox Demon mech falls, there's no way to directly block the tentacle monster now."

But Lear instead laughed. He gave a command to Dynasty Battle Team, "Asura Battle Team has taken First Blood. Let's go back to prepare. In an hour, we commence battle."

Luo Fei was stunned. Clearly things were looking down for Asura Battle Team. How could Lear determine that they had taken First Blood?

But he had no time to voice the question. With a rumble, Ox Demon violently exploded!

At the same time that the huge inferno swallowed the tentacle monster, Olivios, Sweeney and Briston simultaneously closed for the kill. BOOM. Olivios' Overlord trembled, and its inner core shook. A ferocious ability X gushed out all at once.

And Sweeney's Soul Reaper and Briston's Slayer took their positions on the flanks, and opened fire at the same time.

Slayer Type 3 shook with power. It complemented Sweeney's firepower, instantly melting open the tentacle monster's shell.


All of the attacks had reached a turning point.

The tentacle monster let out a pitiful wail, and crashed to the floor, disintegrating from within. Large amounts of flesh and blood had melted and was oozing and spurting from the gashes, like a mudslide down the side of a mountain!


Silence had suddenly turned into tumultuous cheers. Although Wang Zheng's performance the last time had been spectacular, but he had not eventually succeeded. And Asura Battle Team had finally completed the attack!

Before, Olivios had constantly targeted the internal organs wit his shock attacks. It had already taken heavy damage. Once the attacks exceeded its limits, all of the shock force exploded from within, disintegrating the body.

This was an attack that only Olivios could have done.

What he needed was just an environment where he could attack, and his Battle Teammates had provided it. Such explosive attack power was what Wang Zheng lacked. Only his shockwave ability could achieve such an attack!

The entire Elite Academy X was shaken. It was like a festival. Everyone was cheering. A victory. Finally a victory over those damned worms. Honestly, they were called the elites of the Milky Way, but if they could not even finish off one worm, that was really a disgrace. And now Asura Battle Team had finally broken this stalemate.

Olivios was clearly very calm. Nobody knew what he was thinking, but this battle had at least let him redeem himself.

Chapter 921: Sealing the Ground

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

The concerns of Elite Academy X and the Solar System did not concern Wang Zheng one bit. His training time outside was the most unhindered. He could muster the greatest concentration, and Gemini Star's gravity, which was seven times that of Earth, was a good challenge for Wang Zheng. This felt different from a heavy gravity room. It was difficult to describe with words – perhaps it was just the difference between natural and man-made.

Wang Zheng's Primordial Regression Technique only needed a day to adapt to Gemini Star's gravity, which shocked Luo Er and Ao Ziwei. Next was Lie Xin. Zhang Shan was still bitterly fighting the gravity. Although a little arduous, he eventually managed to shrug off the anti-gravity suit as well.

"The Solar System people are really strong. I've never seen anyone adapt so quickly on their first time at Gemini Star." Luo Er and Ao Ziwei were from the same hometown, and had a good relationship.

"Truly amazing. Solar System people have a surprising affinity for physical breathing techniques, something that other planets cannot compare with."

Ao Ziwei was also a little envious. Such physical strength had allowed Saruman Snake Battle Team and Dynasty Battle Team to achieve results that made one proud.

These few days, Wang Zheng had not had the chance to pilot his runic mech. He had participated in a few tests with worms, and the group was finally realizing why they needed Ao Ziwei so much. The base combined the genetic makeup of abyss Zergs with normal worms to create artificial abyss Zergs.

Ao Ziwei's Ability X could run preventive tests. Her ability, related to defense, was equally effective against both mental energy and Ability X. Overmind control was always a complex matter – they were not as pliable as normal worms. Besides, no one knew what mutations would occur when they were combined with abyss genes.

But the final result was worth celebrating. It was highly likely that humanity could create a Zerg army. If that came to fruition, then the losses could be heavily reduced when they invaded the abyss.

This was definitely lifting news.

At the celebration, even the elusive Qi Bin and Kulifa appeared, and the pair was all smiles. Professor Beko and the other researchers were even more elated.

Although Wang Zheng and the rest had not done too much these few days, they had done their part as well, and Beko and the rest were full of praise.

The celebrations here were much simpler. After announcing the good news, their popularity was still a thing for the future. Of course, such research would not be made public, but to Beko and the rest, it was reward in itself.

Butcher was happy for his friend as well. Researching Zergs was a path with no return. And under present circumstances, its utility was not well acknowledged, although it was important insurance for humanity. This experiment resulted in the replication of easily controllable Zergs, a proposition much stronger than a robot army. At the same time, they had extracted Zerg genes, which helped to shed light on other biological problems. Further understanding of genetics would help humanity become even stronger and adapt better to the universe.

Perhaps this was the way that humanity would transcend the Milky Way.

Regardless, the research program had opened doors, and both military and investors were very satisfied.

The banquet was proceeding in good spirits, and everyone was chatting and laughing. The students were naturally together. In this period, Wang Zheng and the rest had become familiar with Luo Er and Basais as well. It was easy to become close in such an environment.

It was apparent that the life composition and social relations Luo Er was a big admirer of Wang Zheng. She was also very curious of Earthlings' abilities. And Zhang Shan was teasing loli Ao Ziwei. To think back to IG, Zhang Shan was a classic Passerby C, while Ao Ziwei was the cold and aloof princess of Gemini Star. Which was why Zhang Shan was still very satisfied. In truth, Ao Ziwei was a simple girl, and Zhang Shan was an expert in bullying such girls.

Lie Xin did not seem particularly interested in conversation. She drank alone moodily, as though her emotional maturity was not all there. Everyone knew that Lie Xin was not in a good mood, and nobody bothered her.

"For the Solar System to rise, it must first rid itself of internal problems. If Earth, Mars, and Moon cannot work as one, then the rise of the Solar System will be but empty words." Luo Er said. She was very interested in politics, and understood the current international political situation well.

Wang Zheng said tolerantly "But each region's culture and history are different. The present situation is also different. I think the Solar System Federation is not that bad."

"Keke, your Solar System is not suited for democracy. It needs stricter control, and for those with charisma and ability to step forward. Only then can you bring forth your best side. This is different from other federations. Of course, it is difficult for such people to appear." Luo Er smiled cheekily, sizing up Wang Zheng.

Faced with such a broad topic, Wang Zheng was not completely clueless. But he was not willing to debate it over much. This was not something that mere words could solve. Philosophizing was meaningless. The enmity between the 3 major planets of the Solar System had endured for centuries. This was something that federations without such historical baggage would not understand.

"Luo Er, why did you choose this specialization?"

Luo Er smiled sweetly. "Is it that strange? My parents work in this field. I was influenced from young to follow this path."

Wang Zheng could not help smiling. "And what do you make of the current international environment?"

"The 6 or 7 major countries, led by Aslan Empire and Arbiter Empire, have over-developed their militaries and economies. It's reached a bottleneck. But the system has determined that they cannot stop now. They have become a volatile factor in the current international stage."

"Oh, but the layman view is that the presence of countries like Aslan is the reason why the Milky Way enjoys the peace it now does." Wang Zheng said.

"Everything has its counterpart. It was indeed so in the past. And presently, it's acceptable. But how long will this last? Besides, the Milky Way Alliance Council is not as respected as when it was first established. The big nations are starting to impose their agenda in meetings. In human society, power and connections often stand above the law." Luo Er said. "For example, the recent dispute over Tita Titan."

Wang Zheng was shocked. "Tita Titan Star?"

"Yes. Tita Titan Star is sandwiched between Jiro Federation and Diweng Alliance. It has always been the object of sovereignty dispute. But because Tita Star was a waste planet in the past, and filled with barbaric Tita people, the developmental costs were too high. The Lan family smelled an opportunity, and their longstanding efforts with the Tita people made the Tita Titan Star of today. But the super-gravity energy ore sparked this dispute, and now Tita Star is in a dilemma.

Hearing that it was Tita Titan Star, Wang Zheng was immediately alert. He immediately asked more details from Luo Er. The moment he heard Luo Er's introduction, Wang Zheng knew that things were not good.

This was not just an international dispute with pirates hoping to make the best of it. There must be a strong country in the shadows. Such tricks were nothing new, but had survived till today because of how well they worked. After all, there was no loss to outsiders. They did not want to see Tita Star use the super-gravity energy ore to become a superpower. The way they saw it, they much preferred a poor mining planet that could be exploited.

Wang Zheng was preparing to learn of the details when a ear-splitting siren wailed.

"Not… not… not good…" A worker rushed out, his face ashen.

"What's the matter? Report…" Suddenly Beko's face changed.

"All of the worms were released. And someone broke the control system. All the worms have been set to attack mode."

Immediately the hall fell deathly silent. There was only the screech of the siren. This…

Butcher immediately recognized the gravity of the situation. "Beko, calm yourself. Let us evacuate to a safe place, and then contact the military."

"The base exits have all been forcibly sealed."

At this moment someone rushed in. "Professor, our experimental data has been stolen."

Beko was not a military person, and immediately lost his head. Hearing that his life work had been stolen was too much for him. Coughing blood, he swooned.

At this moment, the calmest person was butcher. "Siemen Kuang, bring us to the emergency shelter immediately."

Siemen Kuang was also panicky, but he was in a better state. He composed herself. "In Zone D there is an empty laboratory that is very sturdy. Follow me, everybody."

They picked up Beko, and followed Siemen Kuang to the emergency shelter. On the supervising monitor, all of the worms cages had been opened, and the worms were currently destroying things, crazed… there were more than 100, and for abyss Zergs with such firepower, it would only be too easy to reduce the place to rubble.

Luo Er and the rest were frightened out of their wits as well. Although they were Elite Academy X students, but they had never encountered such things before. The base was sealed, the worms on a rampage. They were like fish in the net. Fortunately, they reached the lab. Siemen Kuang barred the large doors, and they were temporarily safe.

"Siemen, can you contact the military?"

"Working on it. There is a source of interruption on the base. But give me some time, I can crack it." Having reached here, he had already calmed himself.

At this moment, Butcher realized something was off. "Has anybody seen Qi Bin and Kulifa?"

There was a hush. No one had realized when the pair had disappeared.

At that moment, Qi Bin and Kulifa were already in a personal shuttle headed off to space. The two sat in a luxurious guest room with a glass of wine each, and accompanied by a sexy lady.

"Here, a toast to our victory."

"Haha, cheers to the pleasures of life!"


Wine and women, and the howls of those imbeciles. How sweet. Those fools. Research was to attain the goal of pleasure. If he would not cooperate, then to hell with him.

Qi Bin imagined that the girl by his side was Lie Xin. This wench was not bad, but a far cry from Lie Xin. Her virility and youth, what a pity. If she had been a good girl perhaps he could have spared her life, but now she would be worm food.


Under such situations, even the military would be helpless. The best method would be to blow the entire base, to prevent the Zerg from escaping. Otherwise, that would be a disaster for the entire Gemini Star.

Chapter 922: Abyss Brainworms

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

The situation on the base was bleak. Not every worker could find a safe shelter. On the monitoring cameras, they could see some gruesome scenes. The scientists were pale. This had far exceeded their precautionary measures. Only Butcher was still calm, as expected of an Elite Academy X mentor. All the guards on the base who had no managed to enter mecha had been slain clean by the worms.

Communications with the outside were still failing. The enemy had done a thorough job there. Butcher could basically guess who was behind it, but he had not expected the enemy to have infiltrated so deeply. Their greed was so strong, and this was a cruel move indeed.

"Wang Zheng, what are we going to do? The troops outside should know that something is wrong at the base, but the problem is if we can hold out until then… and if they will come."

Butcher said. His expression was solemn. At this time, the only one he could depend on was Wang Zheng. He trusted Wang Zheng, not just because he was a member of the Genesis Coffee Club. It was a unique syndicate, with its members all accorded the highest trust, especially in terms of ability. Although Wang Zheng was still young, his life experience far surpassed many others.

"Given the current situation, it's only a matter of time before the worms find us. Given these worms' battle power, the military… the best way is to seal this whole place so the worms cannot escape."

The worms would definitely be unable to get out. The entire base had been constructed very securely, precisely against this very occurrence. These abyss Zergs, if leaked, were very fatal, especially in their uncontrollable state.

"General Bredt will come to save us!" Siemen Kuang said. But looking out at the berserk worms, he had lost all confidence.

Wang Zheng and the rest looked around. They did not dwell on this topic. Although they were young, all of them were thinking calmly, especially Lie Xin. Everything was judged in terms of risk and benefit. They would not care about losses. They must calculate carefully.

And in the present situation, the most important thing was to survive.

"General Bredt will definitely come, we just have to survive until then." From the side Luo Er said firmly. This Gemini Star girl was unswayed.

They did not have time to consider this. Lie Xin seemed sanguine… even happy. She pointed to the screen. "It's only a matter of time before we are found. How long can those defenses outside last?"

She said as she looked at Wang Zheng. Even if Wang Zheng was exceptionally talented, what could he do?

With his bare hands, he could not even fight one tentacle. Inexplicably, Lie Xin longed to see Wang Zheng's frightened expression. All the while this guy had been irritating. Everyone had revealed a weakness eventually, showing their dark and weak side. Only him, forever unchanging. Even when they were on Tita Star facing an Earth rank assassin, Lie Xin longed to strip Wang Zheng of his composure, and also his clothes.

Wang Zheng had no time to dwell on this. There was only one way out of this mess. He must reach the mech. Only then could he have the means to fight back, and also to draw their attention. Otherwise, everyone in this room was dead.

But outside was in chaos. If he left this room, the chances of making it back in was not high.

"I have to go, Old Butcher. Where is the Conqueror? If I can just reach it, I can be of help." Wang Zheng said.

Butcher was taken aback. He shook his head. "No, it's too far. Let's not even talk about whether you can get there. Even if you do, perhaps it has been destroyed by the worms. Besides, against such numbers of worms, the runic mecha is no use as well."

Butcher would definitely not let Wang Zheng come to any harm under his watch. At present, this was the safest place. There was the possibility that the worms would not find them, or that the military would come to the rescue.

"Wang Zheng, you can't. Relax, General Bredt will definitely come to our rescue in full force. And with haste!" Luo Er reiterated.

Everyone was looking at her. Luo Er hesitated. "My status is a little special, and General Bredt knows this. That's why he will definitely come. We just have to wait here."

Butcher eyed Luo Er. Before bringing students here, he had of course checked their profiles. This student's data indeed had a classified section, which he was not authorized to access. Possibly her parents or family was some important existence. She was also a Gemini Star person, and given her present demeanor, she was not joking.

"Wang Zheng, Luo Er has spoken. We should just wait here."

Zhang Shan was very calm, although it might have been a pretense. But Zhang Shan had also been through a lot, and they had toughened his character.

Wang Zheng shook his head. "Old Butcher, given my understanding of the worms, they will definitely find this place. Even if the military comes, think about their battle power. The ground capabilities are not suited for this terrain. And I'm sure you are very clear on the outcome if normal mecha fighters enter this place."

Wang Zheng's words had thrown them back into despair. The laboratory was underground. At most they could send the Special Forces, but even so, what were their odds against abyss Zergs?

For humans to have the advantage against the worms, it was definitely not in single combat, but rather in intelligence, and utilizing their knowledge of the geography.

"If I can just reach the mecha, I promise that these worms won't be able to touch me." Wang Zheng smiled. Only he could laugh at a time like this. Fighting was a problem, but to run and fight was no problem at all. Crucially, his presence could prevent the worms from detecting this place. And he could link up with the outside troops once they arrived. Otherwise all the worms had to do was to block the entrance, and make their stand there.

These were abyss Zergs, not those idiotic worms.

They looked around at each other, not knowing what to say. Lie Xin smiled. "I'm coming too."

"Count me in." Zhang Shan piped up.

Wang Zheng frowned. This was no time for fooling around. The chances of meeting worms on the way was very high.

"Wang Zheng, don't be a hero alone. The more the mightier. And in terms of physical power, I'm your equal." Lie Xin said.

"I have the ability to warp. When it's time to run I'm the fastest. The worms will eat my dust." Zhang Shan said. What kind of man would he be if he backed down now?

"I'm coming too!" Ao Ziwei said.

Wang Zheng waved them off. He knew that their skills were not bad, but their reaction time and sense of danger were just not up to par.

Siemen Kang had already opened up a map. "Your bravery is commendable, but look at this. You have to pass through 3 construction groups. One of them has just been swept by worms. Given your speed, once you are discovered by the worms you are done for. Better sit quietly and wait for rescue."

At this moment, the scene on the monitor had attracted their attention. The worm attacked the construction, but was countered. A group of fighters must have successfully reached their mecha, and were using the terrain to fight the worms.

But Wang Zheng immediately spotted a very special being amongst the worm heap… an abyss overmind Zerg!

Chapter 923: Hope is the Scariest Thought

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

Asura Battle Team had obtained first blood, to both happy and sad reactions. Dynasty Battle Team's members were especially in a dark mood. Their moment of indecision had allowed Olivios to snatch the chance. Saruman Snake Battle Team was feeling bitter too. Achilles had been working on it, but with Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan gone, Saruman Snake Battle Team could not proceed.

Only First Blood had glory. Anyone who wished to replicate the offense must bring something special to the table. Blindly copying their technique to success would bring more jeers than cheers. After all, the benchmark was clear. This was Elite Academy X.

Lear did not immediately commence the challenge, but instead called Achilles on his Skylink.

"Achilles, it's been a while. Although, we're the real old acquaintances around here." Lear always had his way to address the elephant in the room naturally.

Achilles still held his composure. "What's up?"

"Asura took the First Blood. Shouldn't we, the Solar System, respond? I need your help. Are you interested in cooperation?"

Lear said it ineffably, but he had grasped the key – the Solar System's response. To everyone else, they were all Solar System people. Cooperation was natural, after all.

Achilles frowned and shook his head slightly. He would not have thought that Lear would reach out to him at a time like this. Instinctively, he wanted to say no. Their natures were incompatible.

Lear seemed to be able to sense Achilles' objections. "It's nothing more than a collaboration, just like Lie Xin is working with you all. I support that. Besides, even if we don't hit it off, we're not enemies either. If Wang Zheng has anything to say, I'll explain things to him."

Lear's words were very well chosen. He had not chosen to agitate Achilles, such as by asking if he was worried about Wang Zheng being upset. That was too shallow, and would only have a negative effect.


Achilles mildly stated.


Lear's words had Achilles' eyebrows creasing again.

Just as everyone was still reeling from Asura Battle Team's victory, Dynasty Battle Team had already announced on the school forum, inviting everybody to watch Dynasty Battle Team fight the super Zerg.

"So fast? But it seems like the meaning's lessened now."

"Dynasty Battle Team had been holding back before, let's see if they have any new moves."

"Although Asura took First Blood, but it doesn't mean that just anybody can win."

The Zerg was no weaker!

Everyone was discussing it. Although their words were guarded, but they still had to watch this battle. After all, it was Dynasty Battle Team, all ready for the next round of Greatest King competition. They had to go see.

This confidence, after seeing the Asura Battle Team line up, started to crumble.

"What is this!"

"Are they crazy?"

"4 heavy mecha and 2 Mayans, how much do they want to die?"

"This is reaching levels where even wanting to die can't explain anymore, isn't it?"

"A serious lack in the offensive capabilities. The same mistake as Eagle Battle Team. Such a line up cannot break the limits of the super Zerg. No matter how you look at it, it's a draw."

In an instant, the viewers watching through the school network fell by half. They had come to see, drawn by the name of Dynasty Battle Team, to see if they were revealing any new tricks. But now it seemed like the same old.

Seeing the Asura Battle Team's challenge footage again was like the conscience of the Battle Team, and also the aura of a winner.

Comparison led to disappointment, and dissatisfaction.

The battle had already started.

Achilles was not a particularly amiable person. If Lear wanted him to take part, then he must have a reason. Besides, after Olivios had already won, a repeat seemed to be meaningless. It would be meaningless even if Wang Zheng came back. Olivios' battle abilities were on par with Wang Zheng's.

But Lear…

After 1 minute, everyone was shocked. In just 1 minute, the abyss Zerg had fallen. Who could have thought?

What the devil was this???

Everyone had watched Wang Zheng's fight with the abyss Zerg, and regarded that as the way to deal with abyss Zergs – dense, layered suppression. But Lear was showing off another way.

The 4 tanks used brilliant defenses to hold 4 of the abyss Zerg's tentacles. They purposely took the hit, but were only damaged rather than killed because they were tanks. But once Achilles, Lear, Luo Fei, Peng Wu used their powers together, the worm immediately lost all strength to resist. The two Mayans only needed to attack, and their controlled energy abilities were unparalleled. They had the best way to deal with worms. Slicing!

Energy slicing!

The stretched out squid was dealt with.

The entire process was synthesized, their synchronization perfect. It completely trumped Olivios' tactics.

The second kill, yet even more shocking than the first!!!

As for Achilles' abilities, Lear understood it well, which was why he did not need to prepare. All he had to do was to understand the intent.

This win had to be credited to Lear. He had intended to snub Olivios' a little, but Lear himself had no intention of boasting. He was just being normal, and did not start any discussion.

The battle ended, and Achilles packed up and was about to leave, when he was stopped by Lear. "Just like that? We're holding a celebration soon. It's fortuitous to have you, otherwise we could not have succeeded off the bat."

Achilles' gravitational control had played a crucial role in slowing the attack speed, giving the rest a chance to control the abyss Zerg. Of course, it was not all about ability. Achilles' judgement of the overall battle had been top-class.

Achilles smiled. "I'm going back to training. I'll pass on the celebration."

He had come to help on a whim. It did not mean his opinion of Lear had improved any.

"Keke, I won't force you, Achilles. But there remains one more thing I have to speak with you about. I feel that Dynasty Battle Team is more suited for you to command. Your overall judgement is better than mine, and I'm more suited to the advisor role. In truth, I prefer working from the shadows." Lear laughed self-deprecatingly. "If you're interested, come here to be the leader, and let the Solar System unite the world!"

Achilles merely looked at Lear, clearly analyzing.

Lear waved a hand. "Alright, honestly I feel the pressure. The other major empires and federations are attracting newcomers. We Solar System don't have much in the way of back up. You and I both know. Everyone's from the Solar System, we fought constantly within the Solar System. Things are different now. I think it's time to team up."

The look in Lear's eyes was genuine. Although Asura had made no moves, but the other Battle Teams had been recruiting newcomers from their countries, and these "newcomers" were not at all new.

Lear noticed the look in Achilles' eyes. He smiled slightly, and put his hand up before Achilles could speak. "No rush to answer. Wang Zheng is still out there, and it wouldn't do for you to just leave like that. I'm just suggesting. The offer remains. Sometimes, I wish I was as good as I imagine myself to be. Haha."

Achilles left without a reply.

Fatty Luo said "Boss, you wouldn't be serious, would you? My character doesn't go well with these high and mighty types, you know?"

Lear smiled. "Achilles is no fool. He knows that even if he came, he cannot really make me step down as leader."

The leader was not just a position. One had to convince the followers. How could Achilles convince Luo Fei, and the Mayans, to follow him? All Lear wanted to say today was that he could do something which Wang Zheng could not.

"Doesn't that mean he won't come?"

"Is that important? In this world, the scariest thing is that there is no hope. And even then, there is hope." Lear's smile was brilliant. When Wang Zheng was not around, he always felt so free.

Chapter 924: Angry Panther

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

Lear's expressed wishes and Wang Zheng's current wishes were clearly two different matters. Since they would not sit and wait for death, then they had to go on the offense. Siemen Kang had briefed the two on the route. Zhang Shan and Ao Ziwei were forced to stay. The key was that their physical skills were not up to such missions. Honestly, even if they tumbled into Zerg, these two still had hopes of escaping. But if Zhang Shan and Ao Ziwei were added to the complement, they would die without question. Zhang Shan's warp distance was too short.

Wang Zheng and Lie Xin would go, as they said. Zhang Shan dearly wanted to go. But he was clear that under such circumstances, with his abilities, he would just be a liability.

As long as they found the Conqueror there would be hope.

After confirming the situation at the exit, the door opened noiselessly. Wang Zheng and Lie Xin slipped out. Lie Xin had to come as well, because besides Wang Zheng's Conqueror, there was also a prototype mecha here that Gemini Star used to deal with the abyss Zergs. It was also a super-type fighter, and its capabilities were excellent. If the two of them could get it, then their odds of surviving were increased, as long as the worms did not notice them.

And the troops outside were definitely moving as well, only that the sealed base had to be slowly broken into. And such tremors indeed attracted a large portion of the worms' attention. They had already reached the outer exit, and were waiting for the door to open.

But not all. More than 10 Zerg were still wandering about the laboratory, hunting for survivors. Clearly, the overmind was still controlling things.

The worms, once released, would not give up their chance at life.

Wang Zheng and Lie Xin were carefully creeping out. The heavy stench of blood was in the air. In truth, there was no need for Lie Xin to come. Only, Wang Zheng had not been able to refuse her strong demands. In Lie Xin's words, Wang Zheng had no right to control her, and her ability was not much less than Wang Zheng's.

Wang Zheng's ear was plastered against the wall. He felt some tremors from his surroundings, but they were not big. If the worms were nearby they were difficult to discover. Their ability to quash tremors was very strong. Once they determined that the coast was clear, the two advanced speedily. Now they had to gamble.

Facing abyss Zergs without a mecha, they could only run or hide. Fighting would be death.

Wang Zheng raised his own sensing abilities to the maximum. He sensitively scanned his surroundings. Stirrings in the air, smell, even the sense of danger.

Lie Xin was the same, but Lie Xin's response was different from Wang Zheng's. She was very excited, liberated in her fear. Only when she was close to death could she find herself.

It felt scary but was uneventful. The two of them left the danger zone. Outside, things were quieter. Most of the worms had been drawn to another area that was near the entrance. Whether because the military were prioritizing the experimental results or the people inside, the rescue was doing their best. Wang Zheng had no complaints about their efficacy.

Wang Zheng did not think that he, Lie Xin or even Ao Ziwei had that kind of value. In truth, even Butcher might not have that big an influence. The only one with such value might be the experiments or Luo Er…

Tch, Elite Academy X really was full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons. There were VIPs ensconced everywhere.

Their mode of communication was Skylink. Through the monitoring cameras, Zhang Shan and the rest could still see a portion of the region. They could alert Wang Zheng and Lie Xin to the presence of worms, and allow them to dodge. This was an advantage, but they did not know if it would hold given the worms' destruction.

Zhang Shan was fairly nervous. Damn this was crazy. Wang Zheng was like Xuan Zhang (TN: Priest from Journey to the West), attracting demons and monsters everywhere he went. He was worse than Xuan Zhang. At least the demons were rushing towards Xuan Zhang. Wang Zheng was the kind to get shot even when he was lying down. He attracted trouble.

It was not Zhang Shan's first time experiencing such things. Of course he was afraid of death, but Zhang Shan hoped that if he had to be killed, it would be a glorious death on the battlefield. To die here like this would be terrible. His transformation would be wasted.

"Ziwei, everything's fine. Wang Zheng is a durable guy. He even escaped from the abyss, let alone a place like this." Zhang Shan said comfortingly.

Ao Ziwei nodded. Basais was especially panicky. His face was pale. He was not too suited to a situation like this, which he had never experienced before. Luo Er was perfectly unafraid of death, and rather excited. But Wang Zheng knew that this was a classic response to having never been in battle. Either they were afraid of death, or ignorant to the dangers. If it was not for the rest holding her back, Luo Er would have wanted to go along, thinking it was all fun and games.

"Wang Zheng, somethings up ahead." Butcher said.

Not far away, two abyss Zergs were tearing up corpses. They were not eating, just destroying. The scent of blood was thick, and Wang Zheng and Lie Xin had already halted. Wang Zheng's five senses were extremely sensitive. He had also smelt the fresh blood in the air. Both nodded slightly, and obscured their breath.

This was a skill that only martial arts practitioners could accomplish. Lie Xin clearly did not need Wang Zheng's guidance. Although she could not beat him, but in terms of martial arts theory, she was much more knowledgeable than Wang Zheng.

The two abyss Zergs were not the sickle type, but even higher ranked Wolf Spider and Ghost Shell worm varieties.

The two abyss Zergs were very sensitive. The Wolf Spider Zerg raised its head, suspiciously looking about. It shook its head, and suddenly leaped to the left. Humans.

The Ghost Shell worm closely followed. This type of Zerg was not as agile in its movements. Its ground speed was still fine, but on complex terrain it was far lacking compared to the sickle Zerg and Wolf Spider Zerg. But this thing's defenses were frustrating.

Lie Xin suddenly moved. Almost at the same time Wang Zheng held Lie Xin down, shaking his head.

They could not make it in time. This would be throwing their lives away.

"Calm down!" Wang Zheng said in a low voice.

Before long, the two worms switched targets, and Wang Zheng and Lie Xin continued forward. Wang Zheng was paying special attention to Lie Xin. Her state was not stable. Her judgment was not usually this rash.

"Wang Zheng, after you pass through this block, that will be it. But there's no surveillance there. You're on your own." Butcher said. This was the hardest part. With vision, there was no need to confront the worms head on, unless they were surrounded. But without the cameras, they could only depend on themselves.

To others, it looked very dangerous, but Wang Zheng's understanding of danger was completely different. "Lie Xin, follow me in. Don't stray too far from me."

Lie Xin nodded. The two passed through the final obstacle. In the pitch-black hall, things were destroyed. Scattered lumps of flesh were everywhere. An average person might have been repulsed by the gruesomeness of the scene alone, but Wang Zheng carefully walked in with Lie Xin in tow, expressionless. This place was quite badly trashed, and light was dim. Wang Zheng and Lie Xin had no problems with night vision.

Everything was peaceful. So much so that Wang Zheng's hairs stood on end.

Suddenly, he stopped and pulled Lie Xin back.

His body gradually hunkered down. Quiet… Quieter. Quieten the heart, and become one with the surroundings.

Nothing. It seemed like nothing, but that curious sense continued to grow. Suddenly, Wang Zheng saw a few shadows.

In an instant, the few shadows rushed out, tearing up the place in a frenzy. Five Wolf Spider Zergs, completely hidden in the shadows just a moment ago. Wang Zheng and Lie Xin looked at each other with despair.

These five Wolf Spider Zergs were clearly guarding the place. This was futile. The five Wolf Spider Zergs had no intention of leaving. After trashing the place for a while, they laid down in ambush again.

If there had been no overmind worm, these worms would not behave this way. This must be a command from the overmind.

D*mn it.

Wang Zheng and Lie Xin retreated to a relatively safer place. It looked to be a dead end in front of them. These worms had no intention of leaving, but this was a stretch they had to pass.

"Wang Zheng, not good. F*ck, a Zerg has found us and is breaking down the door."

Zhang Shan's voice came through. In the end they had been discovered. In the great hall, they dared not to move or make a sound. Time seemed to freeze. Now the worm had only found a door, but did not know what was behind it. If it attracted more worms, then they were doomed.

"Wang Zheng, I'll lure them away. You go get the mecha!" Lie Xin suddenly said.

Wang Zheng shook his head. "No way."

"That's the only way. Don't be indecisive!" Lie Xin said.

Wang Zheng eyed Lie Xin, and still shook his head. "It's hopeless. There are five Zerg. You won't be able to lure them. You're just committing suicide!"

"That's our only way. We have to try. Could it be that you like me, and are worried about me?" Lie Xin's attitude was resolute.

Wang Zheng stared at Lie Xin, trying to see through her soul. Suddenly he pinned her to the wall. Lie Xin's chest heaved. The danger of the situation was stimulating, and Lie Xin actually smiled.

Wang Zheng could not smile, because he wanted to live. He stated each word clearly: "Lie Xin, suicide is an immature display. Lie Guang was really an idiot, to actually give his life for yours!"

In an instant, Lie Xin was like an angry leopard, struggling. "Say that again!"

Wang Zheng pinned Lie Xin to the wall. "I said, your current actions are imbecilic and stupid. Lie Guang died in vain!"

Lie Xin could not control herself, and opened her mouth to bellow. If she managed to, everyone would die…

Chapter 925: An Eager Head

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

Wang Zheng was not stupid enough to let Lie Xin yell at this moment and doom them all. He immediately blocked off Lie Xin's mouth.

Wang Zheng would swear that this was the only way, because he did not have a third hand to stop her. The only way was to use his mouth.

The extremely furious Lie Xin calmed down in an instant. It had to be said that Lie Xin's lips were very soft and moist, and…

A sharp pain. Damn. Wang Zheng gritted his teeth, and his mouth was starting to bleed. Lie Xin had savagely bitten down. Her face was blooming red, her body still aroused. She stared angrily at Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng responded without hesitation. If he could not keep a hold of himself now, this Lie princess would definitely have her own way.

"If you want to kill yourself, don't bring others down with you. Go where you please. I have a way to get in!"

Wang Zheng's icy stare shook Lie Xin. She gritted her teeth. She dearly wanted to bite Wang Zheng to death, but this rejoinder calmed her down. She was a little out of it lately, and not like herself at all. But Wang Zheng, that b*stard, how dare he kiss her and still be like this!

"Let go of me!" Lie Xin regained her composure, and Wang Zheng let go of her.

"What's your plan?" Lie Xin said.




Butcher was also stunned. This was playing with their lives. But after listening to Wang Zheng's plan, it seemed to be the only way.

Siemen Kuang hurriedly scanned the highest level of access to Wang Zheng's Skylink. These two really dared to think out of the box.

There was an elevator near the exit. Of course, this only worked if the elevator was not spoiled. Wang Zheng and Lie Xin had no intention of taking the elevator, but were using it to attract the worms' attention. It would maybe buy 10 seconds of time. Password scan, door open and close. Just one step off, and the two would be turned into mince meat by the Wolf Spider Zergs.

The two of them cautiously approached backwards. They lightened their breathing as much as possible. In this, both were very confident. Siemen Kuang was waiting for Wang Zheng's signal as well. He had to control the elevator. Things were not looking good at the shelter as either. The first set of doors had already been broken past, and another worm was heading this way. It must think there was some problem here.

They could not wait.

Wang Zheng gave the signal, and Siemen Kuang immediately operated the elevator, which started to descend. Once it landed on the ground, there was a ding, and five Wolf Spider Zergs immediately pounced over. The door opened, and a beam of light shot out. The five Wolf Spiders did not even wait for the door to open before leaping over. They tore open the elevator, and burrowed their way in, crowding together.

And at this moment, Wang Zheng and Lie Xin shot out like lightning. At the same time, their Skylink opened, immediately scanning.

"Password accepted!"

The door sprung open, and Wang Zheng was filled with gratitude. The five Zergs were beginning to realize that they had been duped. They rushed over in a frenzy, but Wang Zheng and Lie Xin had already wriggled through under the door. At the same time they shut it, a Zerg was rushing over.


One Wolf Spider leg stopped the door from descending. The siren continued to wail, and it was suddenly especially harsh.

Lie Xin wanted to kick it away, but Wang Zheng stopped her. "Go!"

This woman. Did she think her leg was supernatural? That kick would have done little less than tickle.

This was an abyss Zerg!

The two of them broke into a mad run. They would gamble their lives on the speed.

Thankfully, Zerg did not know how to open doors. If they could not enter they would simply destroy everything. Once there was a gap, then doors were inconsequential. The surrounding walls began to crack.


The entire door crashed down, and Wang Zheng and Lie Xin made a mad dash for it. "How did it feel for you?" Lie Xin suddenly asked.

Wang Zheng was stunned. This woman really was crazy. To have the mood to ask such questions at a time like this.

Wang Zheng and Lie Xin had already reached their destination block. The door was blocked by five Zerg, but there was no turning back now. The worms behind were catching up as well.

The bay entrance was just in front, but it was a created hole. Wang Zheng and Lie Xin's spirits fell. This looked hopeless. The runic mech was their last hope. If the mecha was spoiled, then they were really doomed.

The two of them rushed in. The bay also had other mechas, but those had been destroyed by the worms. A sea of rubble. The overmind's first goal had been to destroy humankind's arsenal.

At this time, the rumbling behind them grew constantly. The worms were here.

Lie Xin smiled slightly. Death had really come. Although it was meaningless, but she was not the slightest bit afraid.

Suddenly, someone shielded her. What was Wang Zheng trying to do?

It was not important. It no longer mattered.

Wang Zheng was losing his mind as well. Lie Xin… to actually be daydreaming at a time like this. The mecha here had been reduced to scrap, even the Gemini Star super mecha had become super scrap. But his runic mecha was standing in the corner, and still intact!

Wang Zheng understood. The runic mecha's composition imitated their life pattern. Both the runes or the hull used the essence of the abyss Zergs to create synergy, and this had confused the worms. In their docile state, the worms had just scratched it a little, but not destroyed it!

The worms were here. And Lie Xin was still in her own world.

"Death is not scary. Perhaps it is the beginning of another world…"

Wang Zheng paid no attention to the raving Lie Xin. He immediately rushed in front of the runic mecha.


The mecha immediately lit up, the light beams firing out. Wang Zheng carried Lie Xin and was sucked in.

Wang Zheng again felt the wonders of a super mecha. A normal mecha's cockpit could hold two in emergency conditions, but it would result in a huge inconvenience. But the runic mecha actually adjusted the space. Although it was still squeezy, it was much better.

Lie Xin still clung to Wang Zheng like a tree squirrel. This was the best position for her to avoid interfering with his movements.

Five Wolf Spider Zergs rushed in. At this moment, Wang Zheng could care about nothing else. The mecha rose, and two black flaming wheels rose. Whup, whup…

At the same time that the gold wheels were fired out, the Conqueror advanced instead of retreating, the beam sabers cleaving.

Flesh and blood flew, and the abyss Zergs let out ear-splitting shrieks.

At this moment, Lie Xin was oblivious. Feeling the heat emanating densely from Wang Zheng, the Lie Flame Technique evidently showed signs of losing control.

Such a furnace elevation was not a natural way of elevating martial arts. Even if it were, it would be dangerous, especially for this type. Lie Xin's channeling only melded their strength, but the mental energy was a problem. Everything recently pointed to signs of losing control.

Wang Zheng's body heat stimulated Lie Xin immensely, like a dry match to tinder. Lie Xin continued to moan and cling on to Wang Zheng. Luckily, her power at that moment was not great; otherwise, it would have been dangerous.

Wang Zheng did not see this problem. He turned to kill the last Wolf Spider Zerg.

And then he realized… something was off.

Wang Zheng was not a virgin. But he had always been able to control himself, firstly because of endurance, and also because the Primordial Regression Technique could hone one's strength, and change energy to power. This was good, but Lie Xin's provocations had suddenly lit the fire of lust.

His last shred of reservation vanished. Wang Zheng was not a saint. The other worms were following up, but in this instant, what shook him to his senses was not the worms, but Zhang Shan and the rest.

Instantly, Wang Zheng let loose with a headbutt.

That hurt. Wang Zheng himself felt the pain, let alone Lie Xin. Instantly, he knocked Lie Xin off her clouds, and shook her back to alertness.

Wang Zheng did not waste words, speeding the Conqueror forward.

Lie Xin said nothing either. Having regained her calm, Lie Xin immediately knew the current situation. But recalling her Martian girl's passion made her want to bury herself in a hole.

Lie Xin controlled her body as best as she could to avoid obstructing Wang Zheng, but this was impossible in such a space. Especially… Wang Zheng's intense reaction was poking at her sensitive spot. Lie Xin wanted to fight for some space, but the mecha shook, and they were jostled together again.

Instantly, Lie Xin was filled with unease. She gritted her teeth. She was dying of embarrassment. Wang Zheng was a scumbag, the biggest scumbag. He was lower than an animal!

Lower than an animal?

More like a beast!

But she was in command of her senses now. Women were different from men. Even Lie Xin was the same. At a time like this, she couldn't care less about the situation outside, but felt like it was a very interesting situation to find herself in. If it were not for the gravity of the situation, she would definitely tease Wang Zheng to no end. But for now all she could do was hold on. This bastard. Even at a time like this, he gave himself an… excuse.

Wang Zheng was not as unfeeling as before, but happily the situation was still in control.

"Zhang Shan, how are things over there?"

"Brother, oh, Brother mine, if you don't make it over soon, all you'll have to collect is my corpse," Zhang Shan hollered.

"Be right there!"

Conqueror rose into the air.

Chapter 926: Identity

Translator: Abyssruler, AtlasStudios Editor: Lucas, AtlasStudios

Hearing Zhang Shan's voice, Wang Zheng was now completely alert. Lie Xin was about the same. But after she calmed down, Lie Xin was still excited. Her little hand suddenly pinched Wang Zheng's muscles. "Tsk tsk. What martial arts have you been training? Your body is really good."

Wang Zheng was exasperated. "Lie Xin, given present circumstances, can we not fool around?"

"You just don't understand women. Women never care about such things," Lie Xin said unhappily. What a loss of face.

"And are you one?" Wang Zheng said. At the same time, his beam saber clashed, disemboweling a Zerg, which fell to the floor as ashes.

The runes' penetrative effect was too amazing. Against girls like Lie Xin, you could not show your weaknesses. The more you did, the more she would press her advantage.

Lie Xin gritted her teeth. In truth, she was not all a woman yet, but Wang Zheng was definitely a man. Very manly. She could feel that Wang Zheng was especially masculine in battle.

Lie Xin in control, Wang Zheng piloted the runic mecha directly towards Zhang Shan and the shelter. More than 10 still pursued on the mecha's tail.

Clearly, once Conqueror had moved into action, the other worms were immediately drawn over.

There was only one last door left to the shelter. Zhang Shan held a bench leg in one hand. Pitiful resistance was still resistance. But in truth, out of all those present, only Zhang Shan could survive, because he had translocation which could pass through walls. He could even bring people out, although he could only save two. Zhang Shan would only do it as a last resort.

"Zhang Shan, you bring Luo Er and Ao Ziwei out," Butcher suddenly said.

"Old Butcher, I'll bring you out first!" Zhang Shan said. In terms of importance, Butcher was clearly the more important one. Emotionally, Zhang Shan would bring Butcher out first as well.

Butcher shook his head and smiled. "In this world, there's no such logic as a teacher escaping and leaving his students to die."

"Teacher, I won't leave. If you must die, we'll die together!" Ao Ziwei shook her head desperately. Gemini Star stubbornness came out very strongly in Ao Ziwei.

Some people wanted to "leave", but had no idea what Butcher meant when he said leave. They could not bring themselves to ask.

Luo Er was a little calmer. "It's not the last moments yet. Wang Zheng might make it in time!"

Regardless of that, Zhang Shan was very happy to have met Butcher. Damn it all, to be able to meet teachers like Xiao Fei and professors like Butcher in this life was a blessing. Even if he died in battle, it would be with no regrets.

The sound of the worms clawing the door was terrifying. Siemen and the rest had abandoned resistance. Against abyss Zergs, mecha were like cotton candy, let alone a few tables.


With a huge explosion, the commotion outside the door ceased. Wang Zheng had arrived. With a long range wheel, he had drawn the attention of the two Zerg. The door had already been cracked open a sliver. The two worms still flew towards Wang Zheng.

The beam saber cleaved a path, BOOM…

The runic mecha rose in the air. The worms that had been drawn into battle with the military at the door had been drawn over as well. Wang Zheng had no intention of clashing head-on. The wheels flew out, encircling the worms.

The runic mecha's mobility was extremely high, and also fairly agile.

General Bredt had indeed given the fight till the death command. They must break in. The troops entrenched here were the elite troops of Gemini Star. But they had suffered fatal injuries, and were still unable to break their way in. The worms at the door had actually begun to play one versus all, but Bredt still seized the opportunity.

Large numbers of mecha warriors rushed in. Wang Zheng was still playing hit and run tactics, leading the worms around. Out of the blue, the runic wheels would shear one apart, breaking the worms' formation. But Wang Zheng was constantly looking for the damned overmind. Where the hell was that bastard hiding?

Bredt had already rushed in with troops. Seeing the hovering runic mecha, he could not help heaving a sigh of relief. A pity that these talents were monopolized by the Milky Way. Such soldiers could be the deadliest point of a spear.

The battle situation had finally stabilized. The troops continued to rush in. In the end, the overmind had been captured alive. Wang Zheng indicated that such a dangerous thing should be eradicated, but evidently the military would keep it. The experiments would definitely continue.

People at different echelons and ranks thought differently. To Bredt and the rest, plans could not be called off. As for the traitor, they would definitely investigate it.

The entire base was reduced to little more than a wasteland. Wang Zheng and Lie Xin had come down from the runic mecha. The entire incident had incurred numerous losses. The only reward was that the runic mecha indeed had a great advantage against abyss Zergs.

The abyss was considered a resource of the Milky Way. It was not something that any country alone could get involved in. Runic mecha were the same. The negotiation between greater good and individual benefits was a perennial discussion for humanity. Of course, these were beyond Wang Zheng and the rest's concerns.

"You two together?" Revitalized after the close shave, Zhang Shan had now turned to another issue.

"Zhang Shan, do you want to die?" Lie Xin asked icily.

If Lie Xin had laughed it off, Zhang Shan would think there was nothing going on. But with that kind of expression, Zhang Shan understood. He immediately shut his gap. He surreptitiously gave a thumbs up. Brother, you're really something. You really pulled off the impossible.

Wang Zheng pretended to have seen nothing. He was better off leaving Lie Xin alone. This girl was too plucky… but her body was definitely the hottest amongst all the girls he knew.

Beauty was in the eye of the beholder, but sexiness was universal. Martian babes were really worth gushing over.

The subsequent matters were not up to them. The students were sent to safe places on the ground, while the military would take over things here. Of course, Butcher was staying. The experiment results had been stolen, and they had to incriminate those two immediately.

Such experiment results were very important and dangerous.

In the military healing tank, all of them heaved a sigh of relief. Luo Er and Basais, after their brush with death, were extremely high spirited and chatty. Of course, surviving a calamity had made them feel that being able to speak was a simple pleasure.

"Who would have thought the runic mecha was that awesome. The day that we conquer the abyss is upon us!" Basais exclaimed.

Wang Zheng smiled, and Lie Xin could not resist looking at Basais. "Don't be so happy. The problem of mass producing runic mecha aside, what we faced today was not what we faced in the abyss, but a human-made imitation. Wang Zheng, what do you think?"

"Given humanity's present situation, if we fight against the worms in the abyss head-on, only death awaits."

Wang Zheng stated quietly. He was too calm. Those who had not experienced the abyss before were prone to celebrate every little improvement humanity made. But in truth, the worms were growing too. In truth, humanity was still far from catching up to the abyss. Of course, humankind also possessed some secret weapons he was unaware of, but from the standpoint of basic battle power, Wang Zheng did not feel that they had the advantage at all.

"You're too humble." Basais dismissed it. Luo Er was looking at Wang Zheng, eyes aglow. This person was really special. It seemed like he would never panic in any situation.

Lie Xin saw the look in Luo Er's eyes. "Luo Er, your expression is very dangerous. This guy does not like your type."

Luo Er turned with a smile. "You're saying that Wang Zheng likes the sexy type?"

Zhang Shan was delighted. Looked like drama was unfolding. Although he was not the protagonist, it was more fuel for gossip.

Lie Xin shook her head. "The way I see it, he might be good for bed, but not as a boyfriend."

Ao Ziwei was shocked, and Zhang Shan opened his fat mouth. "Keke, there are actually big differences amongst the three main planets of the Solar System. For example, I'm the meek and innocent type."

No one bothered to respond to Zhang Shan. Wang Zheng was speechless as well.

"He likes Aina's type," Lie Xin said. She had to leave Wang Zheng some face, and had only said half of it.

Luo Er smiled and nodded. "The princess type? I think I'm very suitable."

Luo Er was a classic Gemini Star person. Although she was petite, but was shapely. She was very cute and pretty, and especially sweet when she smiled. It was just that she dressed a little more plainly and professionally.

Wang Zheng shook his head irritably. Perhaps to an outsider, the status of princess held great attraction. But to Wang Zheng, that was an impediment. But there was no need to explain such things now. To get serious with a woman was a man's greatest sorrow.

Seeing Lie Xin about to object, Basais could not resist intervening. "Princess Aslan is not the most elegant person in this world."

"Oh, Princess of Arbiter? Can't be," Lie Xin spoke carelessly. She did not have any intention but to point out that a girl like Luo Er only saw Wang Zheng's surface. But someone like Wang Zheng and his history was not something that any ordinary girl could accept.

Basais blurted out, "The greatest organization in this world is not any country, but the Milky Way Alliance Council!"

They were shocked, and Wang Zheng was stunned as well. Suddenly, he thought of something. The ferocious military intervention, and that general's care for Luo Er, and his countenance of respect. This…

She looked like… The Milky Way Alliance Council Chairman was a Gemini Star person…