1094 - 1103

Chapter 1094: Jumping With Zhang Shan

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Following, the committee announced the test results. The rules had already been announced, so everyone was filled with a different fervor.

The respective members and teams were split up and transported to subsidiary satellite stars. These were basically small stars that were mostly covered by sea. Their conditions were harsh, and the seawater toxic. Only a few islands remained, and they became natural, large-scale experiment grounds. Especially closed-door experiments.

They had been dropped on two Zerg islands. Cyborg zoids. They were perfect amalgamations of biological and robotic technology, and possessed terrifying battle power. It was said that these Zergs had already been released into the abyss battlefield, and the Milky Way Alliance had requested Aslan's aid. But such tools of war had been heavily limited within a boundary. If it were not an abyss problem, then such Zergs would never be allowed to be deployed.

"All the cyborg Zergs' fighting modes have been set to B-grade," Colonel Catelo said. These Zergs were designated with two fighting modes. One was B-grade, which was normal attack patterns, and was natural for Zergs. The other was A-grade, a berserk mode, which was a mechanically driven slaying.

Although they had been strengthened, but they were not abyss Zergs. If they were not set to A-grade, then they did not pose much of a danger to these experts. Of course, everyone present knew that the Zergs were not the real opponents.

"In your packs are three days of rations, one titanium blade, one laser gun. Each person has a tag. Seeded team leader tags are worth two points, seeded team members are worth two points. All other teams are worth one point. First to five points wins their way free." Catelo paused. "Losing your tag, dying, or surrendering result in elimination. Leader elimination disqualifies the team. All teams will be ranked in the end. The main competition only needs 64 teams, no more, no less."

Everyone present was handed a military bag. At the same time, each person's arm was fitted with a bracelet.

"Your bracelets are emergency equipment. If you are about to die or if you surrender, trigger the shield symbol on the bracelet. At that time, you will give up on the competition. Perhaps you have already felt it, but this bracelet restricts Ability X. Unless you have an A-rank ability, you won't be able to use Ability X." Catelo's expression was amused.

Any Aslan person would not be disposed towards anyone looking to win the Princess. No matter who he was, he had to be from Aslan, or he would not do.

The Saruman Snake battle team's skill level aside, Wang Zheng was unquestionably strong. He had single-handedly taken down two Earth-rank pros in the Greatest King Competition. His ferocious Wind, Fire, Ice combination ability had seared its way into public memory. Perhaps there were imbalances in the Saruman Snake battle team, but no one present dared to snub or underestimate Wang Zheng.

The fundamental five affinities Ability X was seen as weak, but at Earth-rank, they were strong. If one could master hybrid abilities, then it would be switching a bird rifle for a cannon. In a straight up fight, such a person was extremely terrifying.

But without Ability X!

Many present smiled carelessly.

"All captains board plane one. All other members board planes two, three, four, and five. Leaving immediately. Good luck!" Catelo hollered.

Just then, everyone's bracelets shimmered red, as though something had pierced their arms.

Wang Zheng was not at all unfamiliar with the sensation. At Maklou, he had had his fill of it. Only, the Aslan product was of a higher quality. In an era where Ability X was growing stronger, there were all kinds of misuse and criminal activity. Subduing these people was a bother, and then difficult to deal with. Ability X bracelets were necessary.

Of course, these things had a much wider purpose and usage when Aslan made them.

Wang Zheng did not need to see. He could feel the malicious glares behind him. Kashawen had successfully nudged him towards the cliff, and he did not doubt at all that the Aslan people wanted to kill him. Everyone had already signed the waiver pre-competition, and this was the truth of SIG. It was like a special forces competition in the military. Only death could separate the winners from the losers.

The cabin was silent. This spaceship was full of the leaders of the major teams. Seeded teams were just a name. Mars and the rest similarly had the ability to enter the top 10, and the top 30 teams were all roughly evenly matched. Seeded teams were just magnets for enmity. Finishing off a seeded team was as good as two normal ones. The difficulty would give others pause, while those ranked 11 to 30 would come out ahead with little risk. Such a format would never appear at IG, but this was SIG.

And Wang Zheng was basically a beacon. Most importantly, his awesome Ability X was gone. Points, reputation, and the hate that he had received from his clash with Kashawen. Wang Zheng had to take care now. Failure aside, he might not even survive this.

In truth, the one that Wang Zheng was most worried about was not himself. He was a man, and perhaps dying on the sandy battlefield for his woman was a little silly. But he did not regret it. Only, he was afraid that he had landed the Saruman Snake battle team in trouble.

Lin Feng, Jondi Lilick, and the rest had already given their team orders. They would not allow Saruman Snake's members to leave this island.

Even without them saying, their members knew what to do. On the battlefield, not even Aslan or Arbiter dared to flex. And now an Earthling had dared to raise himself up. That was asking for it.

Was the Aslan Princess someone that just anybody could covet after? He really made himself food now.

On the other side, Zhang Shan and the rest were feeling some heavy enmity on the transport carrier. Perhaps the leader side was a little more reserved – there was no need to show it. But here with the members, they did not need to conceal it. Dropping was random, and many would remember where Saruman Snake had dropped. The hate aside, each of their tags was worth two points. And that Zhang Shan, for example, his greatest ability was translocation. After his Ability X was shut down, he was a sitting duck. Free points, take and win.

Everyone would dearly love to sit beside Zhang Shan, and jump off with him.

Some felt that this bunch was rather pitiful, to be saddled with such a captain. To dare to stand out on such an occasion was asking for it.

Zhang Shan and the rest knew that Wang Zheng did startling things, but they had underestimated his guts. This guy was born to take on the world.

Seeing the hostile glances all around, Zhang Shan was hyped. Damn, this was thrilling. He had never been the center of so much attention before. Finally, he was going to be the hero.

Perhaps Achilles and Lie Xin, in the past, would not have approved. But having been through so much, the Saruman Snake battle team was a cohesive whole now. If Wang Zheng had not done that, he would not be Wang Zheng. This kid was not that "smart" at times.

As a woman, and a woman that admired Wang Zheng, Lie Xin was in full support. If Wang Zheng had not done so, and seen the woman of his heart be snatched by others, then in Lie Xin's terms, he could f*ck off and die.

But given the current situation, Saruman Snake's members were prepared now. Forget about taking tags, they might not even be able to protect their own tags. These people were stirred up.

"Wang Zheng has said so as well. Don't get ahead of yourselves. If there is danger, surrender. The mountain is green, and firewood aplenty," Achilles quoted. Some things still had to be said. They really had to keep their heads down now. They would receive no mercy.

The rest nodded. The atmosphere in the cabin was extremely stifling.

At the Royal College, once everyone boarded the planes, the four girls were also shocked.

"Oh, if there was a guy who dared to do that for me, I would marry him," Qian Xuedie exclaimed. "In all these years of my life, I have never seen anyone who dared to talk to the Prime Minister like that."

Kashawen was not only influential in the Milky Way Alliance, but her threat within Aslan was even more severe.

"I really did not expect Wang Zheng to go so hard. It's really not smart, equivalent to digging his own grave. Must be Her Highness Aina who told him," Ouyang Ruoliu said. She had also suspected that their love had been interfered with by the royal family. That was normal, but perhaps counter-productive and excessive. If the royal family had not intervened, their interest might have waned, but the more they blocked it, the more intense it grew. "Too naive. Dong Er, looks like he won't be able to finish the agreement with you."

The situation was obvious to see. Forget the fighters, even she could feel that something wrong with the situation. This was the crowd mentality, and she had suspected this was Kashawen's hand as well. Why would they have to limit Ability X? That was Wang Zheng's greatest support. Without it, they could simply wear him out. The worst thing was that he would be alone and without support.

Chapter 1095: Flush and Hunt Wang Zheng

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

All of the competition members were about to arrive. The observers had already taken off as well. Kashawen was not so free. Of course, she would not really let Aina watch such a bloody scene.

Kashawen already suspected that Aina had remembered something. That was not important. This was basically a multiple choice question. If Aina said nothing, then everything would proceed as normal. It would be normal for Wang Zheng to not stand out either. She had no ability to deal with a kid. If Aina remembered, and Wang Zheng was tactful, then she would not care. People were not cold-blooded. The third choice, which was the worst option. Aina said it, and Wang Zheng did it. She would not be merciful in that case.

The Aslan Empire was vast, and each step had to be carefully considered. She had never killed anyone, but throughout the course of the empire's development, there had been too many sacrifices to count. More accurately, every country was like that. Wang Zheng had made the childish choice. Before, she had thought Wang Zheng had his wits, but a pity that he could not pass this hurdle.

And to Wang Zheng, his best course of action now would be to find a safe opportunity to surrender. Losing was better than dying.

Of course, Kashawen also knew that Wang Zheng would not surrender easily. From the first day she laid eyes on him, this boy had really grown.

A pity that reality had brought him to his knees.

Ability X bracelets were indeed on the agenda, but not in this round. Kashawen had merely brought it forward. The mightiest people in this world were not fighters, but those who set the rules.

"Aina, let���s head back. Wang Zheng is quite brave. If he can emerge from these circumstances, then he is just about qualified to talk to a princess." Kashawen smiled slightly.

Aina mirrored her smile. "It's just wonderful that the Prime Minister thinks so as well."

"You seem very confident," Kashawen noted. Aina was no longer the child of yesterday. She had matured, and it was a game between them, one played along the rules of the queen's line. She would see Aina humbled, and to do so, she would have to play by some rules. Aina was in the same boat – she could not act with impunity. Neither could bear the consequences of careless actions.

"I have always had confidence in him." The biggest difference for Aina was that in the past, she could only back off to buy Wang Zheng's safety. Now, even though she was fighting from behind, Kashawen could no longer afford to be careless either.

"Then we'll see. Getting first place in SIG is not as easy as you imagine." Kashawen smiled warmly. "I see you're still energetic. We still have many things to do."

Kashawen's smile still held a hint of exasperation. She liked Aina's fighting spirit. She was a future queen. Rebelliousness was the first step, and a good sign. But she still needed to be honed. She had poor taste. Many thought that Wang Zheng was an elite fighter. Even if he was not the strongest, he was one of them. But that was just because they had yet to see stronger.

One's horizon determined one's life.

Only those at Kashawen's level could control the Milky Way Alliance, this inconceivably prosperous world that humans had built, and all kinds of top-level powers and secrets.

But anybody at this level could not let it go easily. Power was the greatest vanity in this world. Once attracted, it could not be shaken off.

One by one, figures were dispatched from the air. It was different from dropping normal soldiers and squads. Here, there was no fear, only excitement. The freedom of the air was thrilling to these mighty soldiers.

The two islands were extremely big. Human constructions were concealed in dense forests. There was no risk to the laboratories present. Out of all the experimental grounds in the world, only Aslan had no incidents in the last two decades.

Wang Zheng had already landed. Given his flying speed, there would definitely be enemies within a few hundred meter radius.

Checking through his things, he felt the Ability X bracelet's inhibitive ability. Wang Zheng knew that this quality must be the best, so there was no need to test it. There had been many tests this month, and he liked these battles.

If anyone wanted to go, come at him.

The laser gun hanging on his waist, and the titanium blade sheathed in his boot, he shouldered the pack, and with a flash, Wang Zheng disappeared into the thick forest.

Did the participating captains act alone?

The exact opposite. Survival tasks were the norm for special troopers. In this process, alliances were necessary. In all kinds of competitions, many were already familiar, and Wang Zheng was also that way. Moreover, those from other countries had known each other since Junior Ability X class, and all kinds of other factors had firmed up their circles and networks. In such a situation, strong alliances were the key to securing the win.

Those who simply pursued power alone and tested themselves did not survive. People always looked for the easy way out.

Strong alliances were extremely terrifying. Basically, when they jumped, they had already arranged the sequence. Those within a few hundred meters could easily meet up. Even if they could not use Ability X, their physical prowess and scouting experience were extremely proficient.

Manalasuo's Jondi Lilick, Lya Sphinx's Qiqin Nacchai, Hail Cloud Alliance's Ai Zhengyang. The three were huddled together. This lineup was rare in the leader tier. If the three of them joined hands, they would bring death on any they met.

"Jondi, I received news that the Aslan imperial family is very interested in you. You had best perform well." Qiqin Nacchai smiled. "If we meet Wang Zheng, I'll leave him to you. Zhengyang, what do you say?"

Ai Zhengyang's beautiful face was still cold. "I don't like that guy."

"Oh, but I know that he's pretty chummy with Ai Xiaolu," Qiqin said.

"Kill!" This also ticked off Ai Zhengyang. He would not interfere in family business. Ai Xiaolu had acquitted herself well. His younger sister was smart, but smart girls were often muddled in matters of the heart. If Wang Zheng liked Xiaolu, there would be no issue. He would definitely stand with Wang Zheng. But clearly, Wang Zheng liked Aina. Which meant he was playing Ai Xiaolu. And this grated Ai Zhengyang.

As an involved party, Jondi smiled. "No rush. Wang Zheng's business can be let alone for a while. This is a very interesting hunt. Since we're here, let's play. We'll collect tags first and then watch the show. Even if we don't make a move, many are anxious to do so."

There were at least three on the imperial watchlist, and they could not hide. Nobody was a fool. But since Aslan had put a princess on the line, they would also show some sincerity. No matter who gained in the end, that would remain to be fought over.

But Jondi was in no hurry.

"Kashawen seems to have played a good hand. But she forgot something. Now, I'm afraid that the most anxious are Di Maria, Lin Feng, and Qiankun Zadeh," Qiqin said.

Jondi smirked as well. "So let them go first. You've seen Wang Zheng's power. Even without Ability X, his physical technique is not bad at all."

"Good is good, but he's too reckless. He won't return this time. I think three days. He should be able to hold out for three days, so we must complete our mission within then. If someone else claims his head, you won't look good either," Qiqin said.

"Reasonable. I'll remember this favor." Jondi nodded gravely.

When it was time to compete, compete. When it was time to cooperate, cooperate. Jondi and Ai Zhengyang were very clear that at their level, they had to be even more conscious of which was which. This world did not belong to a solo berserker. Those types never ended well. Never.

All three lazily faded into the jungle. The hunt had begun, and there was nothing to fear. When these three were together, the rest could only circle. All they needed to do was hunt.

Chapter 1096: Coveting

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Just as Jondi and the rest predicted, Lin Feng, Qiankun Zadeh, and Di Maria had already converged.

All three had been disciplined, so they held their cool back then. Wang Zheng's actions disgraced the Princess. That damned kid actually dared to covet the Princess? There was only one outcome: death!

Out of the three, Lin Feng was the tallest and also the oldest. If not for Wang Zheng, there would be no need for them to meet. After all, this was Aslan's homeground, and they were confident. But now, they had to finish Wang Zheng off first.

Although they were both from Elite Academy X, Di Maria held not a single whit of goodwill towards Wang Zheng. He wanted to finish him off before, and all the more now.

"You've faced him before. How are his physical skills?" Lin Feng directed the question to Di Maria calmly.

"Very good. The Solar System people are indeed exceptional in physical techniques, but it's all flesh and steel," Di Maria said. This opportunity was extremely rare. Losing to Arbiter, so be it. But losing to Wang Zheng was the real disgrace. And Wang Zheng's feelings for the Princess had deepened his hate beyond bounds.

"Although the best choice is to let others wear him out first, I can't take it anymore. If we find him, we'll finish him first!" Qiankun Zadeh coldly said. His mental state was not as impulsive as Di Maria's. Inside, he kept his cool. Finishing off Wang Zheng first seemed very difficult, but it was for the purpose of keeping Aslan's dominant position at SIG, which actively contested for the top.

The mighty had no need to look behind themselves!

All three exchanged looks. As though reaching a common understanding, they left with speed.

Both islands were fairly near, perhaps a hundred nautical miles apart. The leaders' island was slightly smaller, while the members' island was slightly larger. Dropping a few hundred people down had not raised as much as a ripple.

Because the leaders were solo, there were not many arrangements. But the members' side had been scrambled up.

To the Saruman Snake battle team, this was not good news. Especially for a big sod like Mu Zhen, who made a big target. The two-point tags were definitely number one hunting priority on the island.

The moment they landed, Zhang Shan hit the road. Damn, not running would be pig-headed. Sealing his Ability X was the greatest blow to him. With translocation and his intellect, catching him would've been impossible. Perhaps he could not snatch tags, but protecting his own was not a problem. But now, he and Mu Zhen were just food.

Zhang Shan's physical skills had improved by leaps and bounds, but he did not have much confidence here. The bloodthirst emanating from Arbiter and Aslan's teams was just too dangerous.

First, he had to wait for dark. Once it was dark, there would be opportunities. On this battlefield, he had to stay alert, and crush them by outwitting them.

The one who survived till the end was never the strongest, but the smartest.

Zhang Shan began to hypnotize himself. That was necessary in this place.

Saruman Snake was definitely target number one. But only those teams in the top 50 dared to aim for it. Average teams had best look to their own survival and pick up the scraps.

Mu Zhen was clear of his own situation. Tita giants liked such battlefields. It was like a survival game that Tita Star held annually. This was their favorite. His battles with the tribe were all in similar circumstances, with him as the target. It was just a different venue and different opponents. The enemies were strong – that much Mu Zhen could feel.

He knew that this was a fight for Ada. Forests were not suited to giants, especially against agile human fighters. That was why Mu Zhen legged it for the seaside the moment he landed. He knew he had to find a wide, open space. And at least there was one thing he did not need to worry about.

His teammates. All he could do was wait for his teammates to find him. This was the giant advantage. Their advantage was strength. Without Ability X, he was even more well-positioned. The drawback was that he could not conceal himself – after all, this was not a one on one.

More accurately, the rules were not the Tita people's rules.

Such a challenge filled Mu Zhen's heart with strength and excitement. A giant moving through the jungle at high speed was exceptionally agile. That's right, the primitive nature of the terrain felt like home.

When he reached the seaside, Mu Zhen already held a whole bunch of stakes in his hands.

A pity that Mu Zhen seemed to have forgotten one thing. Humans did not always rely on steel. They would not expend unnecessary energy on matters that could be resolved by a gun.

Night slowly descended. The members on island B had already begun clashing, and more than 10 were out. Whereas for the leaders on island A, it was still quiet.

Those qualified to be leaders at the main competition were close to Earth-rank, even if they were not. Their Ability Xs were all at B-rank, and the difference was in their mastery and ability type. And that meant that the slightest mistake would be punished.

Wang Zheng did not go too far, because it did not really matter to him where he went. He did not intend to hide. Anybody but him could hide. And he would not, because most importantly, he did not want to hide.

It was time to make a stand.

Wang Zheng had chosen a good place. He had cleared the surroundings and raised a campfire. In this place at this time, such actions seemed to be asking for death, but Wang Zheng had done it.

He ate something. Food had never been a problem for Wang Zheng. His appetite was excellent. If Zergs were attracted to his firelight, they would make good food as well. But he hoped that Aslan had not used mechanical oil in their modifications, or it would be a waste of food. In emergencies, the trees around were always edible.

His surroundings were quiet. Charcoal appeared without a sound.

"Your actions are not prudent. But your attitude is exceptionally admirable," Charcoal said.

Wang Zheng smiled, but did not answer.

"This is not logical. If you can endure to the end, perhaps you have a chance to enter the third tier of the Primordial Regression Technique. I can feel it. At least half the people here practice the arts," Charcoal continued.

Wang Zheng did not mind it. He had made this move fearlessly!

Let the challenges rage on more intensely. No matter whether Bonehead had initially wanted to make him a fighter, killer, or war machine, that training had allowed him to reach this instant filled with calm and power.

This did not mean that Charcoal was wrong, only that Wang Zheng did not walk Bonehead's road, nor Charcoal's road. He walked his own path.

His strength came from a girl called Aina. That girl had fallen in love with a good-for-nothing boy, and borne it all. It was now his turn to protect her.

His surroundings were still silent. He did not feel the Zergs, let alone anything else, but Charcoal gradually disappeared.

Because somebody was coming, and more than one somebody. Wang Zheng did not mind it. The leaders' skill level was not to be underestimated. Invincible? Everybody died, and in truth, staying in Wang Zheng's position required assertiveness. This was called fighting harder with your back to a wall.

Clear footsteps rang out. Wang Zheng gathered his focus. From this instant on, his attention would not wander. As for his opponent… Wang Zheng believed in them!

Chapter 1097: Kill!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The first up was not from Aslan. If it were, they would not be sneaking about. And there were perhaps ten more people hidden in the area. Regardless, the first one up was brave.

Wang Zheng stoked his campfire and gently massaged his bracelet. He then looked up. "Name."

"Norton Star battle team captain, Zhang Zhun. I look forward to your lesson." Zhang Zhun's face was the picture of seriousness.

The first one up was not here to kill him… an admirer.

Nothing wrong with that. Norton Star was not weak. Within the top 128 teams, they might be ranked about 70. To break through would be extremely difficult, and, most crucially, his members had encountered difficulties in the qualifiers. They were basically doomed in this competition, which was why he had come here to fulfill his dream.

Wang Zheng could clearly tell the difference between sincerity and bloodthirst. Only, at such a tense moment, even the sincerity seemed especially dangerous. This person was not a bystander – he might turn on him at any time.

Wang Zheng sketched a gesture of welcome. Zhang Zhun shrugged off his shirt, revealing a solidly built body.

With a roar, his flesh suddenly began to swell. A powerful aura swept out. Ability X?

There was some doubt in the forest. But that was not the case. Wang Zheng could feel that this power stemmed from within, rather than borrowed the energy of the world.

Within Zhang Zhun's frame was an energy field, which surprised him. This had to be one of the ancient art practitioners that Charcoal was just talking about.

"Heaven Raising Iron Body – Zhang Zhun!"

BOOM… With a step, the earth shook and dust exploded. Zhang Zhun flew towards Wang Zheng with murderous intent.


Zhang Zhun was stunned, and those watching from the shadows were stunned as well. Zhang Zhun had landed a blow right square on Wang Zheng's face with a solid delivery.

Wang Zheng's leg feinted, and Zhang Zhun hastily backflipped twice to dodge it. Wang Zheng rubbed his face and rolled his neck. Having no feeling of pain was indeed a very troublesome thing. He had to enter the stage. Pain could help him react faster and more alertly. Although he had no feeling, that had awakened his memory.

"Looks like your constitution is suited to the defensive tank type. If you can endure one punch from me, you win."

Wang Zheng said. Zhang Zhun was stunned, and those hidden were shocked as well. What did this mean? Damn, this Wang Zheng was running away, and looking for an excuse to surrender!

But nobody dared to act hastily. Because whoever moved now would be the next target after Wang Zheng. The second person would attract a lot of hate, but the third… that would be better.

Besides, this Zhang Zhun looked much easier to deal with.

All eyes were locked on Zhang Zhun. He abruptly nodded. He retreated a step, looking especially serious.

Only those who actually trained in the physical techniques could see the truth of Wang Zheng's battles. A majority thought it was Ability X and his terrifying hybrid abilities. But Zhang Zhun knew that Ability X was not the key to victory, but the prodigious physical abilities that had seen him through from start to finish of every battle. The amazing spinning move that had finished off Mars had stemmed from stunning physical ability. Anyone who trained in the physical arts would want to challenge that. They could not help their attraction.


Zhang Zhun's body suddenly transformed, like an animal's. His eyes burned with fury. As a fighter, he had longed to test Wang Zheng's power for himself for too long. Exactly what was that mysterious level capable of bringing?

Zhang Zhun was in full concentration. His arms were in front of his chest, in a locked position. No matter how powerful Wang Zheng's punch, he could take it!

Spirit, body, and mind, as one!

Wang Zheng smiled slightly. Not bad. He at least understood why Zhang Zhun thirsted for this battle with him. He entered a calm, impenetrable state. That feeling was like hell. He had seen his performance at the Greatest King Competition, and thought to test it here.

Only, what a time to pick.

Wang Zheng stepped out and suddenly took off. His fist flew out…

Just then, someone had already trained their laser gun from the shadows. With enough people, all kinds of things would be tried. Evidently, some people were apprehensive, others less so. Finish off Wang Zheng. Regardless of the outcome, you would become famous overnight. That was enough. Elimination, so be it!

Only, given Wang Zheng's skills, a missed shot could pose a huge danger. Waiting for him to unleash his full-power blow would be the opportune moment to strike.

Just as Wang Zheng's punch was flying full force towards the defending Zhang Zhun, and was about to close, a gunshot rang from the woods.

A quick calculation. If Wang Zheng hit Zhang Zhun, he would definitely be hit by the laser. Blocking laser with flesh was a nightmare. This shot was aimed for Wang Zheng's temple. Sure kill.

Given Wang Zheng's skills, he could pull out of the blow. But then he would be going back on their agreement, and turn into a joke.

Everyone smiled snidely. They had thought that Wang Zheng was some amazing figure, but this was his limit. He took one Greatest King and was already this aggressive. It did not matter that he had tried to show off, but now he would pay the price.

This was the reason why the top 10 seeded team captains had been low-profile, and even formed alliances. Victory was king.


With a loud bang, Zhang Zhun was sent flying more than 10 meters. Rumble… The trees in the way had been cleaned out as well.

And Wang Zheng, after delivering the blow, had vanished into the forest.

Three seconds later, an anguished wail sounded to the skies. A light rustle shook the woods.

After a while, Wang Zheng walked back out. In his hand was a hand. And that hand held a tag.

Returning to the bonfire, Wang Zheng threw the hand and tag to the side and quietly awaited the next opponent.

Only, the woods were silent. All the spectators were clear that Wang Zheng's punch had not connected with Zhang Zhun. An indirect punch alone had sent Zhang Zhun flying.

What ability was this!?!

Ability X?

Although Ability X could be categorized by Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, that was the Solar System's ancient way. Now, controlling, strengthening, liberating, special types were the categories favored. External application types might only be average for a mecha warrior, but were extremely powerful in close combat.

But… Wang Zheng's Ability X was inhibited. How could he produce such power?

The most crucial was that snipe. Had he been forewarned, or was it coincidence?

And the hand beside the bonfire was even more horrifying. And the precious tag had been carelessly thrown on the ground.

Footsteps sounded, and panicked ones. It was Zhang Zhun… returning.

Wang Zheng was a little surprised. This punk didn't know what was good for him. If he had not left him some space before the punch, he would not even be standing.

Wang Zheng's principle for this battle was to respond accordingly. The opponent had come to test his strength, so he would comply. If the opponent had killing intent, he would return a tooth for a tooth. And for the sniper, he would not give them a second chance.

Zhang Zhun clutched his chest and walked back. Given his ability, he knew that Wang Zheng had pulled his punch. He was of a completely different level. His whole body was thrumming with pain, but it could not quench the frenzied fire in Zhang Zhun's eyes.

This was power, even more power than his own mentor. Someone younger than him had actually reached such a level. Physical technique and Ability X – both mastered.

Zhang Zhun looked at the hand and tag on the floor without any surprise. He respectfully took his own tag out and laid it on the floor.

Wang Zheng waved it away. "Take it. I don't lack people coming to die."

Arrogance? Confidence?

A small matter. Wang Zheng had just discovered a feeling. He wished that the ignorant ones could feel Kashawen's stifling control more, could feel the oppressive principles that this society was built on. Wang Zheng needed some release.

Zhang Zhun smiled bitterly. Even if Wang Zheng did not want it, he could not protect it. He dared to say that he would be dead before he walked 10 meters.

Wang Zheng seemed to have grasped his dilemma. "I could use someone to tidy up. It's going to get messy in a while. If you're not afraid of dying, how about staying?"

When Zhang Zhun heard this, he smiled excitedly. He kept his tag and sat down on the side.

Facing off against such an expert was of immense help to his growth. That punch had given Zhang Zhun inspiration. It was just a pity that his senses were too poor to make use of that feeling.

Seeing the number on the tag, Zhang Zhun started. "It's Earthworm Federation's Stowel."

Earthworm Federation was no weakling. In the group, they ranked about 50. But Stowel had not even held up to one move from Wang Zheng.

Stowel's neck was already disfigured.

Zhang Zhun could feel that Wang Zheng had his bloodthirst under control. Any danger or attack could rouse his savage response.

A terrifying aura caged Wang Zheng. Zhang Zhun clearly felt a chilling tremble.

Wang Zheng was waiting. Waiting for the pros to come. Anyone who coveted Aina was really asking for it!

Chapter 1098: Diligent Fatty

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wang Zheng was quietly waiting, but a portion of the concealed people had stealthily retreated.

It was clear that Wang Zheng had displayed top-class ability. First-rate Ability X, first-rate physical technique. Unless those hidden came to some agreement, whoever went up would die, or end up like Zhang Zhun. And they could not make deals unless enough of them held a grudge. Many turned elsewhere to seek their fortunes.

Wang Zheng did not ease up. He knew that the Aslan people would come, as well as Arbiter's Soulless battle team, and that Manalasuo guy. Of course, this was the best case scenario. Atlantis, and even others might come. That was why he had to prepare himself.

Wang Zheng quietly stoked his campfire, even while he circulated Primordial Regression Technique within his body.

Zhang Zhun suppressed the roiling energy within his body. He looked at Wang Zheng. A complete set of attack and defense, and yet his expression had not even changed. That body was truly a beast.

Of course, he knew that it was them who had not applied enough pressure. But as he knew, anybody had their specialisations. He tended towards physical skills, while others tended towards Ability X. Wang Zheng?

Earth-rank Ability X needed no further evaluation. But Zhang Zhun was more caught up with Wang Zheng's prodigious physical ability. He was not only internally refined, but his attack style spoke of volumes of foundation, as though he had been refined in a crucible. How did he achieve that?

Wang Zheng, sitting beside the campfire, was a profound mystery. A wave of dense pressure enveloped Zhang Zhun. He was breathless, and about to pass out. His wounds were reacting as well.

Suddenly, Wang Zheng laughed, and the pressure vanished.

"Sorry, my mind wandered." Wang Zheng had been deep in thought and subconsciously let his aura free. At this distance, it was not something that a wounded Zhang Zhun could withstand. "I've been to Norton Star before. I feel an affinity with the place."

Zhang Zhun started… He had met pros, especially those that clearly stood at the top like Wang Zheng. All of them had their eyes cast far. Aslan's leader would give the barest of nods as a greeting. In his heart, he had thought that the Greatest King Wang Zheng would definitely be very arrogant, but…

"You've been to Norton Star?"

"Yes. A very deep impression. A long history and brave warriors." Wang Zheng smiled. "Your technique is called the Heaven Raising Iron Body, right? Who did you learn it from?"

"My mentor. My mentor is from Earth, and this set of skills revolves around defensive counter attacks. Teacher said it was the king of defense…" At this point, Zhang Zhun's face reddened. Damn, what king of defense? He had been shattered by just one punch from this guy.

Wang Zheng smiled. "Your skills are not bad, and I think within the Earth element. A pity that your Ability X is not of the same complementary level, and it lacks power."

"My Ability X is a physical strengthener. Isn't that good when paired with martial arts?" Zhang Zhun was beside himself with joy. He knew that this was a very rare opportunity. Those that knew Ability X did not always know martial arts, and vice versa. And even those who were proficient in both might not prioritize their combination.

And Zhang Zhun believed that Wang Zheng was the rare specialist of this, and was even stronger than some mentors. The rise of physical power had come in the last few years, suddenly blossoming. Although many had trained it in the past, they were used to strengthening the body, and those obsessed with Ability X were the majority.

"Strengthening power is external, while martial arts are from within. You could even call them inner arts. Feedback to the muscles is the most fundamental aspect, but the core is the unifying of spirit, mind and body. The Earth element is a better fit for your arts, it will allow you to unify your energy. If you train it well, once you use it, your opponent will be a goner."

Wang Zheng said. The guy's arts were not complex, belonging to the 16 Tier level. From what Wang Zheng could analyze, although he was not completely clear, he could surmise the general direction. This was a complete outclass.

The main use of the bracelet was to inhibit mental energy and connection to the greater world. Of course, this process would cause some interference to mental energy. This was different from Maklou, and this detail proved it. Aslan's Ability X research was astounding, and Maklou was not as all-knowing.

As for Wang Zheng's mental energy, at a certain level, it could not be stopped.

Zhang Zhun was lost in thought. But the thing known as Ability X, it was not as simple as one's wish.

"Your affinity should be of Earth. You can find similar people after the battle and feel it for yourself. You should feel the benefits," Wang Zheng said.

Zhang Zhun nodded. He was full of gratitude. He had seen the way that Wang Zheng could act cruelly and decisively, but he treated him so well. He did not know how good his luck was. All he could say was that Wang Zheng was someone who knew how to read good and bad.

Wang Zheng had already surveyed his surroundings. This had already become a habitual instinct. To normal fighters, this might be a burden, but at Wang Zheng's level, it was a basic skill.

Wang Zheng had named this technique Perimeter.

Within his perimeter, any stirring, especially of unknown auras entering, would immediately be felt. And he was even more sensitive to bloodthirst.

Some battle skills were suited for competition, while such battle techniques were extremely practical.

Zhang Zhun could not discern it. He only admired Wang Zheng's composure. In his shoes, he would be squirming with uneasiness.

The members on island B were not as calm as their leaders. With numbers, and a disparity in battle ability, any contact basically resulted in a big battle. Night did not bring calm, but instead intensified the situation.

Mu Zhen had already known his error all too well. He had taken a laser hit and his left arm had been pierced through. Mu Zhen had entered the forest. Compared to the rich vital force on Titatitan Star, this planet was too weak and barren. That was why he did not really like the feel of this place.

Behind Mu Zhen, there were two pursuers. Night fell. They were even saying that Mu Zhen could run but not hide. His huge figure was a liability at this time.

Of course, just as Mu Zhen was preparing to turn and make a stand, anguished cries sounded from behind him. In the night, countless pairs of eyes emerged.

The cyborg Zergs had been released.

Achilles and Lie Xin had good luck. They had actually met by accident. By combining their powers, they would be a match even for members from seeded teams. In truth, they already held three tags. And now they were searching for the other members as best they could.

On the first day, Saruman Snake's luck was not too good. Snow Li had been eliminated – snipers did not do well in such survival environments. Once they were found, they were doomed, especially since there were scouts that specialized in finding their targets. After each chaotic battle, the snipers' elimination rate was the highest.

Zhang Shan had hidden himself. It would be dumb to do otherwise. Although student Zhang Shan was hotheaded, his ability to hide was meticulous. Of course, his closeting in the wormhole back in IG had been godlike. When it was time to endure, Zhang Shan did not shy away.

The cyborg Zergs were here. The damned things were even harder to deal with than Zergs, combining mechanics with the Zergs' own biological burrowing ability. If he still had Ability X, Zhang Shan would not mind testing these things. But now it was best to hide honestly.

Coveting others' tags was useless. As for physical ability, Zhang Shan had some confidence in his abilities, but his physique was more suited to mech battles. A flesh and steel fight was difficult.

A good physique did not always mean that mecha operation was good. At the same time, good mecha operation did not mean that one's physique was awesome. Although the two did share much in common.

Zhang Shan's best trait was that he knew his limits.

Zhang Shan had already dug a pit and buried himself. He had even put a stone on top, and his camouflage had been done decently. Two people had passed and missed him.

His training and experience had come in useful. He was not too pressured by this environment. Each extreme challenge brought growth to him.

There would definitely be opportunities, because this was just the start. As time passed, others would be injured, while food, stamina, and other aspects would start to lag.

In such challenges, it did not matter how strong you were. More important was how you observed and analyzed.

SIG was not about battle machines, or these cyborg Zergs would be enough. The niche that human soldiers offered was intellect.

Zhang Shan decided to take a nap.

The other one who had decided to take a nap was Luo Fei. But this time, Luo Fei was not sleeping.

Lear need not worry about himself. Given student Lear's personality, if he did not come bothering you, you could count yourself lucky. If others wanted to cross him, it would be their own end. But Lear's aims were not just that. Saruman Snake was basically finished, but to Lear, that meant f*ck all. The Dynasty battle team still needed battle results to prove themselves. Lear was not as shallow to think that his opponent's failure equalled his success.

From a broader perspective, the Solar System had to emerge. Now that Wang Zheng was finished, then he needed to stand out all the more. At this time, the effect of being outstanding would far surpass any time in the past.

The light of two stars was not as bright as a single one.

Luo Fei was unquestionably thinking of skiving off. The Dynasty battle team had brought a few reserves that were not at all reserved. Their physical abilities were tremendous, and Fatty could feel the power roiling off them. Like that, the Dynasty battle team was stable. As long as no one lost their heads and went to challenge the elites.

It was just that, before they parted, Lear had looked at Luo Fei and said something to him that quailed Fatty's heart.

10 tags.

This was what Lear had asked of Luo Fei. 10 tags was not the main point. Given his normal abilities, taking 10 tags was very dangerous, but given Luo Fei's true ability, 10 tags was easy peasy. Even on the leaders' island A, Fatty Luo Fei could still hold his own with the best.

What had Lear seen?

Fatty did not know, nor could guess. He had hidden it very well all the while. He did not have to try hard, because the state was not stable. Fatty had never thought of it as who he truly was, and in that state, his manner was completely different. Fatty had often suspected that he had multiple-personality disorder, and had even been to the hospital to check it out. But the doctor said that his physical and mental conditions were in the prime of health. Although he looked tubby, strangely, his fat held great stores of vitality. So much so that the doctor wanted to cut him up and investigate.

Fatty had scampered away in fright. He was scared of even drawing blood, let alone surgery.

Chapter 1099: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Stumped, Fatty was too lazy to think more about it. Boss had ordered, so it had to be done. He was clear on this. Lear did not care about the process, only the result. Things like attitude did not matter.

Fatty irritably crawled out. He threw away the grass on his head. The first day was not a good time, but he still decided to try his luck and get warmed up.


A laser shot narrowly missed Fatty's ear. His head had almost exploded…


Fatty cursed. He immediately burrowed into the forest, and the laser shots were still firing from behind him. There were at least three. F*ck, just as he was about to get serious, he had almost been headshotted. What luck.

"Quick, chase! Don't let that damned fatty get away!"

From behind, all three were eager with joy. They had sensed that things were off in this area, and who would have known that such a bounty would fall into their laps. Seeing someone of this stature was a free kill every time.

If it had been in the past, Luo Fei would have been a pig that could only fly, but today he would not.

The Ares Art allowed Fatty see clearly even in the night. All he had to do was channel his art to his eyes. This was impossible many physical technique practitioners, but it was easy for Fatty.

Fatty stealthily circled behind. There was one straggler. A sudden lunge, and his knife plunged into a neck. Immediately, a hand clamped over the victim's mouth, and he dragged him into the pitch black copse.

The other two suddenly halted. "Where's Thrall?"

"Damn, might be a trap, let's bail!"

Both speedily left without a second thought for their teammate. Fatty had no intention of letting them. He held a tag in his hand.

Such a level was too low. Perhaps these people were excellent with mecha, but their close combat level was too average. They must have trained in martial arts before, and their bodies were strong, but could not hold a candle to those who actually used it.

The difference in fighting ability was disgusting.

The cyborg Zergs' appearance had added difficulty to the situation. Some members were already engaged in clashes with the cyborg Zergs. These Zergs were obviously not as good as abyss Zergs, but they were more agile than average Zergs. Luckily, they were model C. If they were model B, then even these warriors would suffer grave wounds, given that their Ability Xs were inhibited.

They had no idea what Aslan was up to.

Fatty was not bothered with all that. He had been dormant, but the moment he started moving, his hands were itchy. In truth, Fatty's abilities on island B was the real BOSS. Along the way, he had already slain seven cyborg Zergs. These critters were savage, and extremely strong. The last two had been quite tiring. Luo Fei did not really like killing people, but he had no qualms with killing worms. If only worms also had tags.

Fatty's movements also had a perimeter similar to Wang Zheng's. Fatty did not exert himself much in his movements. He was not the violent type. He would use the most economical way to finish off his opponent. If he missed, he would be a mile away instantly.

If you talked about who Wang Zheng was most unwilling to face in the woods, it was not Lear, but Luo Fei.

Whether Lear would be hurt, no one knew. Wang Zheng was surrounded by worms.

11 cyborg Zergs had been attracted by the firelight. Zhang Zhun had already stood up, awaiting them in stance. He wanted to remind Wang Zheng to put the fire out, but he held his tongue. Given Wang Zheng's ability, he could not possibly not know. But now, what were they to do? 11 huge cyborg Zergs had surrounded them. Truthfully, seeing these huge Zergs bare their fangs and claws, even warriors like Zhang Zhun felt a chill. Especially when he was injured, he felt even more helpless. If he was in an uninjured condition, he had the confidence to take on one. But now…

Wang Zheng unhurriedly threw the firewood in, then stood up. The Zergs slowly crowded in. If they were normal Zergs, they would have surged up together, but the cyborg Zergs had computer chip controls. 11 Zergs formed into a corralling formation. Two were targeting Zhang Zhun, while the other nine were on Wang Zheng.

In a beautiful room at Monta Ellis, the Ouyang family's manor.

Four girls were currently staring at the scene, open-mouthed. Ouyang Ruoliu was very excited. "Let him strut. He'll have to run this time, but he can't. Better activate the defensive shield to protect himself."

"Ruoliu, how long can this energy shield last?" Dong Er asked a crucial question. Even if activated, the paramedics might not arrive in time.

Ouyang Ruoliu shrugged. "I'm afraid it won't last very long. The best bet would be to open shields and run."

Qian Xuedie licked her lollipop. "Too late. Besides, there are wounded."

Huiyin's gaze was completely trained on Wang Zheng, who did not seem panicked or anxious.

"Hey, aren't you worried for your brother-in-law?" Ouyang Ruoliu joked.

How to say this? As traditional Aslan royalty, although it was defiant, they could admire Wang Zheng's guts. But… Wang Zheng had gone a little overboard. Although he was young, the education that they had received was on a completely different level from commoners.

"You don't understand him," Huiyin softly said.

At this moment, Wang Zheng stood up and charged towards the Zergs. Zhang Zhun extended a hand. He was already prepared to run, and his hand was gripping his bracelet, ready to activate it at any time. This was no game. Time to pull out.

He believed that if Wang Zheng had his Ability X, even without G material and mecha, he could still triumph over these Zergs. But with physical technique alone…

The two Zergs that had targeted Zhang Zhun also turned towards Wang Zheng. Countless sharp claws flashed out, and the gleam told all. Their claws were titanium hardened. In order to deal with the savagery of the abyss Zergs, these were completely different from normal Zergs. They did not consider their own defense. Their offensive capabilities had to be enhanced. Forget flesh, even iron would be shredded like tofu.

Wang Zheng seemed stunned. He stood unmoving. The 11 Zergs were all over the place, filling both land and air.

Zhang Zhun's jaw dropped. One concealed person was watching on silently, because he had attracted these worms over.

First, he would wear Wang Zheng out. Even if Wang Zheng escaped, he could test his drive. But this guy seemed even more moronic than he had imagined.

From the monitoring room, the generals were taking turns to observe, with at least three at all times. Manalasuo's General Bolet was present. He was filled with curiosity about Wang Zheng from the start of the last IG. All these years, he had kept an ear out for news of Wang Zheng, including his performance at Elite Academy X. At this SIG, the main reason he had come personally was to see Wang Zheng.

Many times, he had wished that Wang Zheng was of Manalasuo. He exuded the leadership qualities that Manalasuo needed to reach the top.

But these cyborg Zergs were very strong. Without Ability X, how could he break through them?!

Chapter 1100: The Realm of the Demon King

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Bolet, you're very interested in this kid, right? There are few kids with such guts nowadays." Lya Sphinx's General Dooley chortled, his cigar puffing smoke. Kids who dared to make bold declarations in front of Lady Kashawen these days were rare indeed.

Outsiders called Kashawen the Iron Fisted Prime Minister, but that was a euphemism. Her opponents called her Medusa, the most dangerous snake woman in human mythology.

"Perhaps Aslan's cyborg Zergs have some flaw!" Bolet stroked his beard stubble.

"Oh? Does that possibility exist?" Dooley smiled. Although they were chatting, their attention was completely focused on the situation unfolding on screen.

11 cyborg Zergs pounced madly on Wang Zheng. The generals, Zhang Zhun, and the concealed ambushers who had yet to give up – all were shocked. Because until now, Wang Zheng stood as though petrified… Even if you were made of iron and steel, you would have been shredded. Humans needed time to act and react!


Peng, peng, peng, peng…

The 11 cyborg Zergs suddenly clattered to the ground as though cursed. And they rolled on the ground like upended turtles, collapsing.

Immediately, a hush fell on the forest. The wind blew through, and the leaves rustled and whispered, adding to the strangeness of the situation.

Wang Zheng acted as though nothing had happened. He took his titanium blade and pierced the worms' heads through. The thigh's flavor was a little better, but a pity that these cyborg Zergs had no meat left on their thighs. Then the portion where the head met the forehead was better.

Food was the other issue for this survival. Eat everything edible. Of course, to keep one's energy up, bark and other things were not good choices.

Wang Zheng cracked open the Zerg shells with practiced efficiency, removing the disgusting goo. He took what looked like a tendon and speared it on his knife, then slowly returned to his original spot to barbeque it.

Rotating the titanium blade's handle, a small bottle fell out. Inside was common salt. To the human body, this was necessary in most environments.

"Put some on, the flavor's not bad. Wanna try?"

Zhang Zhun nodded mutely. Norton Star was also a planet that had been invaded by Zergs, and had a long history. As SIG captain, he had been trained in such survival skills.

Only, Zhang Zhun was unable to tuck in with as much gusto as Wang Zheng.

What had just happened? How could it be?

In an instant, all had fallen. This was something that only Ability X could achieve, not physical techniques. But there had been no Ability X response, and it was not possible to use Ability X. Even if he had used it, it could not be without making a sound.

As Zhang Zhun munched, his estimation of Wang Zheng continued to rise. Was this the Greatest King of Elite Academy X?

Perhaps those who thought of challenging him were naive.

Wang Zheng must have used some skill, but even he, up close, could not detect it.

A few more ambushers disappeared. Perhaps they knew their limits now.

Bolet laughed. "This punk's getting more and more scary."

Back then at IG, Wang Zheng had still been green. Although he had been strong, his aura was not concentrated. He had overdone it at times. At SIG, his control was flawless, and it was impossible to guess his mind.

Suddenly, Bolet was not too sure of what Wang Zheng was thinking.

From one side, Dooley tapped his cigar. "Looks like the Aslan people are in for a tough time."

Although neither knew how Wang Zheng had done it, they could confirm that Wang Zheng had found a way to deal with the Zergs, and very effortlessly.

As a mechanist, Wang Zheng was very familiar with mechanical commands. Wang Zheng was as good as anyone in his understanding of the Zergs. All kinds and types. The key was that his understanding was above average. After analysis, Wang Zheng was very clear of the working principles of cyborg Zergs.

His senses could determine the position of the chip. All he needed was a subtle energy disruption to wreck everything. Such cyborg Zergs were a complete failure in Wang Zheng's eyes.

If it was hoped that these things would replace abyss Zergs to fight in the abyss, the results would be painful to watch.

Perhaps the Zergs would not discover it immediately, but their propensity for learning and discovery were definitely capable of finding this flaw. With their multiple attack patterns, they would evolve to have similar attacks without much difficulty.

He looked at Zhang Zhun staring mouth agape, as though he was some monster.

Wang Zheng smiled. "A technological flaw. They have a command node in their bodies. Just wreck it and you're done."

Wang Zheng made a finger gun.

Dooley and Bolet exchanged looks. Sounded easy, but first you had to locate it. The command node was hidden well, and while his Ability X was inhibited, how would he proceed?

Physical attacks would be ineffectual. And violent shocks would be hard pressed to target it as well.

But Wang Zheng had made it sound easy, and did not even treat it as a secret.

Zhang Zhun knew that this was confidence. Even if he had known the principle, he would be unable to do it. There was more than just one or two problems here. The way he saw it, cyborg Zergs were monsters, and he could see it no other way.

"Will the Aslan military work on this problem?"

"That's beyond our concern. Get some sleep. I think we can expect another busy night."

Saying so, Wang Zheng leaned on the tree and shut his eyes. He widened his perimeter. They had all retreated. Of course, he did not think that these people would just vanish like that, just that they were changing tactics.

Solo challenge?

Wang Zheng would not be that naive. Perhaps in the future his opponents would be completely unscrupulous, but he was looking forward to it.

But the remaining week was very calm. Wang Zheng had not been attacked. Of course, leaders on island A had fought, but it was fairly moderate. The weaker ones would prioritize hiding, and it was hard to find them. And even if they were weaker, that did not mean they were helpless. After all, it was overly strict that a leader's elimination would eliminate their team. Those who were stronger were even more prudent, because it was easy to get tripped up in such an environment. The chances of a sneak attack were amplified, and they were the most obvious target.

Alliances had started to form, but all sides were exceptionally careful before engaging. These SIG leaders were all very clever. Even if you defeated the most leaders, and took the most tags, what did that count for?

Nothing at all, besides exposing your own abilities to the maximum, and treading on many toes. If you lost in the main competition, there was nothing to resent, but in such a place, they saw each other all too frequently.

Even the strongest groupings were in name as well. Just to ensure that they could enter the main competition.

A few strong groups had begun to emerge.

1. Aslan four man team

Aslan people loved to ally too much. Di Maria, Lin Feng, Qiankun Zadeh, and… Lear.

It was said that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Such thinking was not accurate. The key was Lear himself. He had taken the initiative to approach these three. Di Maria and Lear were not on bad terms, as they both had Wang Zheng as a common enemy. Additionally, Lear's "amiability power" had put the Aslan people at ease. In just a few days, Lear had not only ingratiated himself with Di Maria, but had also found common ground with Lin Feng and Qiankun Zadeh.

Honestly, Wang Zheng was a loser. They could not stand losers turning the tables. But Lear was from an old family on Earth. Deep down, the Aslan people were very respectful of rich histories and civilizations. Besides, Lear was capable, and his aura was neither weak nor outstanding. The Aslan people hated bootlickers, nor those who were arrogant. They liked Lear's type, who could support without stealing the limelight.

All four had a tag each. Given that half were already eliminated, this was enough, and the members' side could be even more at ease. The Saruman Snake battle team could only dream of making it through a month.

First, they secured their own passes. Next, they would deal with Wang Zheng.

But Lear had put a different opinion up, which was to wait for the last few days before making their move.

"What if Wang Zheng is finished off by others?" Qiankun Zadeh evidently wanted to finish off Wang Zheng personally.

Lear smiled. "Di Maria, given your understanding of Wang Zheng's physical abilities, does he look like someone who dies easily?"

Di Maria shook his head. "In normal circumstances, one on one, no one is his match."

Lin Feng and Qiankun Zadeh did not show discontent, and maintained neutral expressions. Clearly, they would not take Di Maria's judgement wholesale. At this level, the opinion of others was just a reference point.

Chapter 1101: A Surprise First Opponent!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Di Maria did not argue. He knew that of the three, his ability was the weakest. Even though his own Ability X quality was the highest.

"Di Maria does not exaggerate. I know that Brother Lin and Brother Zadeh have amazing physical proficiency. First, let us not quibble over strength. More importantly, Prime Minister Kashawen's intention. Have you thought about it?"

Lear asked smilingly.

This gave all three pause. Evidently, Wang Zheng's conduct was filled with rebelliousness and arrogance. Compounded with the gossip of the past, this had fired all the Aslan people. But this was Aslan, and SIG was hosted by Aslan. Was Kashawen's intention for them to act?

Of course not.

Anybody could do so, but Aslan should not. At least, they should not act first.

The one to stick out their neck first should not be one of them. Even if they defeated Wang Zheng and eliminated Saruman Snake, would that help Aslan's reputation one bit?

All three were wise people. Prime Minister Kashawen was cognizant of this process. And the other countries' generals were also watching. Technically, they were competing in fighting ability, but they also tested each fighter's intellect and ability to see the larger picture. This foresight was not limited to the situation here. Those who were limited thus were pawns at best. Status might differ, but the prudent would cast their gazes far. Even if they were presently pawns, the day would come where they could shrug off their fate.

The Aslan people were clever. That was not in question. Her Highness Aina was their soft spot, and she would make them rash. But Lear had reminded them, and they knew their position was wrong.

Prime Minister Kashawen had to be planning to use this event for some purpose. If they made their move, it would be ruined. Like Lear said, even if they snatched glory, and salvaged the image of their princess in the eyes of the Aslan people, they could not be the first to make an unthinking move.

Of course, this "first" referred to the first capable person.

Lear, of course, knew that they wanted to act. And they had their own interest, which was to attract the Princess' interest by defeating Wang Zheng.

How could a loser be fit for the Princess? Even if no one said so, they would slink away with their tail between their legs.

Lin Feng and Qiankun Zadeh were exceptionally sharp. Although they were bloodthirsty, they would not needlessly push the issue, and in fact would not kill Wang Zheng.

And Lear was clear of their mindset, so persuading them was easy.

Lear's goal was obviously not to help Wang Zheng. On the contrary, this was a chance to let Wang Zheng never cross his sight again.

If Aslan's group did not move, Arbiter's Aragorn and Manalasuo's Jondi Lilick would definitely act. The Atlanteans, unclear. But given Lear's judgement, one of these two acting first would increase the odds of success.

Jondi Lilick and Qiqin Nacchai had already discovered Wang Zheng's location, and even seen him fight. But neither had made an attack on him. Even at their level, they could smell danger from Wang Zheng. It was not that they would definitely lose if they fought, but the possibility was there.

One thing they had to admit was that they had their own responsibilities. The consequences of failure were not something they could bear.

For example, Jondi Lilick knew that General Bolet was watching. If he won, all was good. If he lost, then he would have to shoulder the responsibility. Of course, it was inevitable to sustain injuries in taking out Wang Zheng. Which was why Qiqin Nacchai was needed. He did not want to be sneak-attacked by others.

In Wang Zheng's vicinity, more than 20 lurked. Most of these guys already had tags, but were here not for more tags.

Among them, the most dangerous was González from the Darkness Empire. The Darkness Empire's soldiers' personality was well known, and such a person was respected from afar. If he found a weakness, he would not hesitate to finish him off.

Suddenly, the situation was extremely dangerous. Wang Zheng was there, bold as brass, but who first?

Beside Wang Zheng's campfire were five tags, just left there. The other four had come two by two, and were now lying in a hospital.

The following challengers would not meet as kind a fate. The Saruman Snake battle team was facing a lot of pressure. Undoubtedly, he needed a lot of tags, and he would not decline those who came.

Zhang Zhun had really become the field sweeper for Wang Zheng. He was unafraid of danger, and did not leave. But the last few days of battles had left a deep impression on him.

But up till now, he still could not see Wang Zheng's better. It looked like anyone outside of the top 20 did not even need to think of touching Wang Zheng. In this week, Wang Zheng's emotional control had also impressed Zhang Zhun. Panicking resulted in over-expense of energy, while being too relaxed gave the enemy a chance. But Wang Zheng managed this perfectly.

This could be some special ability, but at his level, he could not comprehend it. Perhaps this was what the unification of mind and body meant.

Each day, Wang Zheng spent a majority of his time practicing the Primordial Regression Technique. But he had not foreseen one thing. The military randomly dropped supplies, as though they did not want hunger to affect their endurance. Not just Wang Zheng, but all the fighters did not have a food problem, if they were discerning and resourceful enough. Those like Wang Zheng could completely ignore it. It might be a bit disgusting at times, but there was not much difference.

The bottleneck of training was situation and opportunity. Kashawen was someone who gave Wang Zheng pressure, and he could feel the current situation gradually improving. He was closing in on the third tier of the Primordial Regression Technique. The holistic use of the Five Elements had also set good foundations for entering the third tier ofthe Primordial Regression Technique, and what was needed now was huge quantities of "supplements".

Wang Zheng was not at all worried. It would come, because these people could not resist.

But Wang Zheng had not expected the first person to be… Mars!

Wang Zheng knew that Arbiter's Warrior Soul College and Iron and Steel College were at odds. Both schools were backed by families that were political rivals. If they acted, the first would not be Mars, no matter how you looked at it.

One on one, Wang Zheng was not afraid of anybody. But the problem was that this was a gauntlet. And Mars was definitely someone capable of wearing you out.

Even if Mars was not a leader of the top 10 seeded teams, any who had seen the Greatest King Competition knew how terrifying this person was. The Asura battle team still had the power to compete for first place.

Bolet watched the screen with a big smile. From the side, Arbiter's General Sarabujal watched on as well.

This General Sarabujal was from Warrior Soul College.

"I heard that Arbiter's Iron and Steel and Warrior Soul are like night and day. Seems like the rumors might not be true."

Bolet smiled.

Sarabujal showed no reaction. This was classic of most Arbiters, and more so the older they were.

"Mars, not bad."

Sarabujal said that not because Mars was about to fight, but as an evaluation of Mars' ability. Everyone knew of the devastating competition between Iron and Steel and Warrior Soul. "My second disciple died at his hands."

That left Bolet speechless. Manalasuo was learning from Arbiter, but some things could not be gleaned. Arbiter's cruel teaching methods would cause trouble when grafted elsewhere.

Chapter 1102: Unfathomably Deep

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Sarabujal, this battle will be a good opportunity to see Wang Zheng's ability." Lin Hong smiled slightly.

Bolet rolled his eyes at Lin Hong. "You Aslan people are too sincere."

Lin Hong was not angry, but kept his smile. "Personally, I'm not biased against Wang Zheng. On the contrary, he used to be a student in the Royal College, and was my student as well. But concerning the Princess, I have no authority. But I don't think he's someone who can't handle himself."

Bolet had no reply. For someone to elicit such an appraisal from the Aslan Royal College's head was indeed something. After all, Wang Zheng was the opponent of Aslan's Royal College, and even an enemy. Not even the head could meddle in what his students wanted to do. Emotions and reality were different. All three present were clear, but Bolet just wanted to purposely put Lin Hong in a tight spot.

Sarabujal nodded seriously.

Seeing Mars, Zhang Zhun also knew that a real opponent had come. This person was Wang Zheng's greatest enemy at Elite Academy X. In truth, Asura's chances were 70% in a best of three. After one battle, Saruman Snake would be wasted. Of course, the elimination battle was where one's skill level could be truly seen. In actual battle, no one would give you a best of three. People did not have three lives.

Wang Zheng shrugged. "You're here for the show too?"

Mars nodded. "Perhaps I'm taking advantage of your situation, but I don't have much choice. I lost in the Greatest King Competition, and the pressure on the Iron and Steel College is immense. I have to do something."

Wang Zheng smiled. "I feel like what you really want is an all-out battle before I am injured."

Mars started, then barked out a laugh. "Sorry, but that is indeed the case. Even if I hadn't come, others would. Might as well be me."

Victory at SIG was, of course, important. Victory could bring many things. But in truth, the Asura battle team did not have many expectations. This was the advantage of the Van family. Obtaining good results was important, but if they could breakthrough and improve their power, then that was even more important than battle results.

Mars chose this time because it was the only time that Wang Zheng would not run and would have to face him with all his strength. He would not even dare to get hurt, because there were many waiting who could injure him.

If Mars was in his shoes, he also would not know how to deal with it. This brought to mind a phrase: femme fatale.

Out of all disasters, he had to get involved with the Aslan princess. In this world, there was not a single imperial family that held such significance. Given Wang Zheng's status and circumstances, he could not bring anything to the Aslan Empire. Being together with the Princess would not benefit either side.

All the while, Mars had held Wang Zheng in high esteem, but he had found his greatest weakness. Seemed like the hero had stumbled on the girl.

Zhang Zhun was hyped. He would not have believed his luck even in a dream. In truth, he had challenged Wang Zheng filled with conflict. At the end, he had mustered his courage and come with an attitude of learning. But he had gained more than he had imagined, and now he could even watch Mars, possessor of the Heavenly Overlord Attack, challenge Wang Zheng.

At the same time, he really wanted to know if Wang Zheng's physical techniques were stronger than his Ability X.

One had to know that the Heavenly Overlord Attack was comfortably within the top 10 arts of the Milky Way Alliance, and was the earliest one.

"Zhang Zhun, put a bit more distance between us." Wang Zheng warmed up his body. "Alright then. It's been a week, and these guys are cowards. Let's work up a sweat."

Mars looked at Wang Zheng. At this time, Wang Zheng seemed different from when he was at Elite Academy X. Perhaps this was Wang Zheng's other side. Mars did not feel like Wang Zheng was flexing, but instead made his own preparations.

Zhang Zhun did not try to act up. Normally, physical techniques would not result in powerful area of effect attacks, but it was hard to say for these two. In the last week, his wounds had completely recuperated. Due to his excellent mental state, he might even be better off then when he first started.

Mars bowed slightly and then a wave of pressure instantly roiled towards Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng stood still, channeling the Primordial Regression Technique. His entire person was like a boulder in the current. He could feel Mars attacking with both spirit and body. Without question, Mars was top-class in talent, experience, and endurance. This also made his Heavenly Overlord Attack a true master.

He had already pulled back, but Zhang Zhun still could not catch his breath. This was a blow to him. At IG, the gap had not been this big, but SIG tested them in too many ways. And this distance was frightening.

Mars gathered his focus. Wang Zheng was standing easily, but there was not a single weak spot. He tried using his aura to rush the opponent, but it had no effect.

At this time, he was hard pressed to back down. The Heavenly Overlord Attack was about advancing, not retreating. He could only increase the power, aiming to pressure Wang Zheng.

In an aura battle, he had made the first move, which was advantageous. He might not be able to completely suppress the opponent, but he only needed the upper hand to attack. If he could force the opponent to attack, that was also to his advantage. He had given both options A and B, but Wang Zheng chose C. the Heavenly Overlord Attack's ferocious aura parted around Wang Zheng.

Just a few short minutes after Mars arrived, people had streamed towards them. It was unknown how or what mark was left, but clearly all who came here were capable. When they started battling, six people were already concealed in the forest.

Mars' expression was not as composed now. He grew graver and graver, because he realized that he had made an error. During their battle at the Greatest King Competition, he had thought that he understood Wang Zheng's power, including Wang Zheng's physical technique.

But now in their clash, he realized that the problem was different.

Separated by mecha, there were too many factors affecting the victory, and Ability X was the main factor. Physical technique was a fundamental skill. And now it was different, purely a bodily resistance.

The Heavenly Overlord Attack had gradually climbed to its peak state within Mars' body. It was now the best time for Mars to attack, but Wang Zheng still stood like an immovable mountain, at ease. As his own aura swelled, Wang Zheng did not counter attack, but continued to maintain a relaxed state. If it were him being suppressed, he would definitely have answered with a savage aura in reply, but Wang Zheng had chosen another approach.

A tooth for a tooth was undoubtedly most straightforward. Such a way of using one's aura was unheard of.

Wang Zheng's gaze flicked, and the pressure on Mars increased. That was the position that Mars was about to move to.

The aura reached its peak, and it was the best time to attack. Even though he had not suppressed Wang Zheng, Mars had to act; otherwise, the aura would weaken and his confidence would be shaken.

Logically, he was clear, and he was very experienced. He had to act, but his long experience in fighting life and death battles told him that if he attacked, he would, without a doubt, lose!

Mars… was excited. In terms of Ability X, he was already at the peak. Earth-rank Ability X was divided into five levels. Olivios could be considered to be at the first level, while he and Wang Zheng were probably at the second level. Once you reached Earth rank, the rest was just a matter of time. But his Heavenly Overlord Attack had been stagnating for a period of time. He needed a special opponent!

Looked like he had to get serious now.

Mars' left fist reached out…

Chapter 1103: Bloodthirst

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

There was another person in the forest. An Arbiter.

Aragorn from Warrior Soul College. He watched emotionlessly as the two battled. That Mars was the one who had killed his junior.

The competition amongst Arbiter's military colleges was accident-prone, and the loss of control was due to overwhelming power on both sides. Without a fight to the last, victory could not be decided. No other country would pursue this course, but Arbiter must see one triumphant. This was also the reason that they were mighty – the strong devoured the weak.

Hatred was a given, but the Arbiter way of exacting revenge was to surpass and dominate. To let your opponent watch themself be overtaken.

Any other way of victory within Arbiter would be accompanied with the derision of the entire nation. That was a life worse than death.

Surpass Heavenly Overlord Attack, and defeat Mars. That was what Aragorn must do. Of course, that Wang Zheng needed finishing as well. After all, Aslan's marriage had political motivations, and could also fit Arbiter's needs.

Their mighty martial force had rigidified Arbiter. In international relations, they were far behind Kashawen, who wielded both carrot and stick as smoothly as a fish in water. That was why they had to change their image. This was not something that words alone could achieve. They needed a great opportunity, which Aslan had provided.

Everyone understood each other.

In terms of presence, Mars completely held the upper hand. The Heavenly Overlord Attack's savagery was top-class. It sought the strongest attacks. In any era, offense was king.

And Wang Zheng's arts belonged to either the balanced attack and defense, or counter attack types from Earth. In practice, such arts, such an attitude, and such a life were all unsuited to the current planetary environment, and failure was guaranteed.

But this Wang Zheng was indeed unusual. How did he part the presence without resisting?

Aragorn's eyes glowed with a faint red light. The red light seemed to penetrate Wang Zheng. Rotation?

Wang Zheng's energy did not meet it head on, but instead diverted Mars' energy.

Aragorn's mouth quirked with the hint of a cold smile. Skills, skills, skills.

Of course they were important, but being obsessed with such tricks would compromise the all-important power. What he wanted to see most was how much Mars had progressed.

Mars stepped up and roared. This was a technique to elevate his aura.

But Wang Zheng saw that Mars was not just exhaling and attacking, but vigorously sucking in a breath. His eyes shone.

Heavenly Overlord Attack, Inner Binds!

If it had been Olivios, he might have attacked already. This was a matter of refinement. Mars' experience and understanding of the arts far surpassed Olivios'. In that situation, even if he had boosted his aura and attacked, the odds were not good.

All the while, Mars had his doubts about many of the abilities that Heavenly Overlord Attack brought. After all, he was an Arbiter. But against Wang Zheng, those attacks suddenly seemed completely different.

This inner binding had instantly allowed Mars to turn the tables. His ferocious energy formed a cycle, and the energy that Wang Zheng had spun to divert gathered centrifugal force and flowed back to Mars.

Wang Zheng was slightly taken aback as well. Seemed like he had underestimated Mars.

At this moment, Wang Zheng half squatted and spread his legs. Ping…

With a loud sound, they vanished almost at the same time, appearing in the middle. Neither's stance had changed much. Mars had thrown a chopping blow, while Wang Zheng had let loose a square punch.


The two waves of energy collided, but did not separate, instead fusing. Mars understood Wang Zheng. The finesse of his physical technique was sublime, or he could not use such power in this way. That was why he could not play technicalities with Wang Zheng. He had to use the awesomeness of the Heavenly Overlord Attack and force Wang Zheng to duke it out with him head-on. He would use greater brute strength to subdue Wang Zheng.

Under the impact, Mars moved even quicker, sharply boosting his aura, and sending another straight punch out. He was not trying to gain the upper hand, but was seeking to pin Wang Zheng. He had chosen a sticky presence as well.

The Heavenly Overlord Attack was not a brainless attack. Even the most overwhelming techniques required some presence of mind to wield. For example, in many situations, one had to use stick auras.

Aragorn was not surprised. Mars was this good because his Heavenly Overlord Attack level was clearly Tyrant's Word Arts level. But he had a different sinister feel to it. This was also why his own junior had died in battle. He had been drained to death. Both were of equal power, but Mars' Tyrant's Word Arts brought a cunning softness with it.

His ferocious countenance, and even that damned Ability X, all lulled people into misperception.

This Wang Zheng seemed to be a proponent of technique. That was why restraining him and then overwhelming him with brawn was the best choice. Assuming that Wang Zheng had not used his own agility and technique had been a mistake.

One should know that Mars' explosiveness and agility were not shoddy themselves.

Boom, boom, boom…

Six consecutive punches, and shockwaves flew everywhere. The soil flew, and debris rocketed. Wang Zheng was still in his half-squat, his hands postured unmovingly, fending off Mars' savage attack. He could not shrug free, but he did not let Mars achieve his goal.

Mars wanted to force Wang Zheng to pit brute strength against him, but Wang Zheng used a technique to shed energy.

If you could successfully shed such savage attacks, all was well. But if you could not shed it off successfully, then your defense failed, and you would die in a punch.

Wang Zheng's both hands were in front of his chest. With each move, he dispersed Mars' terrifying power. Mars' attacks became more and more frenzied, until his fists seemed to disappear. But Wang Zheng's defenses were still impenetrable. It looked languid, but he was actually moving just as quickly.

After a few seconds, Mars had unleashed all 36 punches, and his energy swelled in his body. All he had to do was endure the excruciating pressure, but Wang Zheng instead brought it down a notch.

Everyone held a breath when using continuous attacks. This breath could be used up. If it was mecha, the gap was very small, because of the delay in mecha movement. To exploit this gap was very difficult. But this was different for close combat. Fists connected instantly.

In that breath, Wang Zheng's palm lanced out. A break!

It had not even been half a second. All proficient martial arts practitioners understood the importance of breath. Breathing techniques were the basis of martial arts. This meant that one had to master one's breathing before one could control the pace.

Under evenly matched circumstances, defensive breaths could hold out longer than the attacker. This was a chance.

Only, the people who could capitalize on this were few and far between.

Aragorn smiled coldly. This Wang Zheng was not just anybody.

His hand cleaved onto Mars' chest. If Mars still had his Ability X, perhaps this attack would have been ineffectual. He could enter an invincible battle state. But now that the flow of mental energy had been completely cut, Wang Zheng, let alone Mars, was helpless. This blow was very deadly.

But Mars completely ignored it. The moment he connected, Wang Zheng knew something was off.

Mars' flesh seemed to be alive. His cleave seemed to stick to his flesh, and the force shook his muscle and then dissipated!

Aragorn had no idea how Wang Zheng had smoked his way to the Greatest King, given that he was so naive. Even before the Heavenly Overlord Attack practitioners learned to attack, they first learned to take hits. Compared to attacking, their superhuman constitution was the scarier one. There was a legend that the Van family had used other methods, even ones forbidden by the Milky Way Alliance. But that was true for many. People would always try new ways of gaining power. As long as they did not turn into beasts and lose their humanity, everything else were just methods. Ability X, martial arts, genetic modification, body strengthening – they were all the same!

In the Arbiter military, from the common soldier to the strongest fighter, everyone understood one basic principle: there would definitely be enemies stronger than you. As you attacked, you could not defend. Which was why to survive, you had to have a resilient body and an indomitable spirit. This was at the heart of Arbiter strength, and the Iron and Steel College and the Warrior Soul College were the epitome of this.

It was said that Mars had an immortal body, and it was the key to winning that big battle. But it had not left him completely unaffected, which was why Mars had been sent to Elite Academy X. After all, leaving one of the main figures in the Warrior Soul College dead was still news that needed some time to swallow.

Mars' body gave an oof. Wang Zheng's capitalizing move had been completely ineffectual, and Mars' both hands had already taken hold of Wang Zheng's neck – Cross Lock!