1104 - 1113

Chapter 1104: Biting a Path of Blood

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The rare mineral corridor line. Titatitan Star and Maklou were proceeding with various preparations with top secrecy. Progress was excellent. It could be said that the entire fleet was prepared, save the breath of the east wind, which Yan Xiaosu was supposed to take care of.

This east wind was difficult to create, but the other aspects of the route could not slow or stop. Time marched on steadily, pressuring the Titan chamber of commerce. For some matters, you had to strike while the iron was hot, or variations would occur.

In the end, the designation of the route saw Yan Xiaosu in charge of a stretch with six federations, three empires, and another three independently governed planets. In all, he needed to obtain 12 shipping special customs permits.

This was a matter that any route entrepreneur had to settle. The Milky Way Alliance permit had no effect here. Each star's affairs had to be negotiated with the business owner.

Only, without these customs permits, the route could not enter the business consortium and commence operations.

But up till now, out of 12 countries, Yan Xiaosu had not managed to obtain a single one!

Talks with a few major shipping companies had broken down as well. From the get go, their conditions were bad and worse. In the end, they had taken up the offer of the New Time Shipping company that Laurel had introduced. 50 percent for 50 years. It was the best offer.

Beaten down? Fine. Vicious competition, fine. This was business as usual. Obtaining the Milky Way Alliance permit was useless. With all the countries, they spoke of cooperation, but as long as you did not meet their conditions, they would drag the issue. They could afford to, but the Titan Chamber of Commerce could not afford to. And the route could not afford to.

In truth, the way these countries saw it, they were not worried about the Titan Chamber of Commerce obtaining the permits. They completely snubbed Titan Chamber of Commerce. That was the root of the issue.

KO Group's influence was limited to the Solar System, and weakened the further one strayed from the Solar System. As for Tita Star, there was even less influence to speak of. The way that other federations saw it, they were just a mining planet. A mining planet should just honestly ship its ore. What influence?

This was like the Arabian countries during the era of petroleum. Once the fossil fuel sources had been replaced, they had no value to speak of. Even in the era where fossil fuels were king, they were only slightly more prosperous, and had no autonomy at all.

On this point, Yan Xiaosu understood well. All this while, the Titan Chamber of Commerce had progressed smoothly, and this had caused Yan Xiaosu to forget the basic nature of business. And at this point, it was very difficult to turn back.

It was not that he did not wish to make concessions. But the moment they began to concede, the Titan Chamber of Commerce would completely be at their mercy. If the first step went this way, then the opponent would not hesitate to increase their demands subsequently, and would eventually take a hand directly in the business. Even an idiot could see that far.

Build a relationship? That was a daydream. In business, greed only grew. Swallowing poison did no good for one's thirst.

On one point, Yan Xiaosu was exactly like Wang Zheng in character. Unsatisfied!

The more that it was said to be the Milky Way Alliance rules, that everyone followed thus, that one had to do things properly, the more he was discontent!

When there was a will, there was a way. But this way was lost on the cowardly and the ignorant. Or there might be a new way.

He had to think, he had to find it!

Yan Xiaosu was a resourceful person. Since the shipping companies were not cooperating, he had thought of the stupidest method. He had talked to all the stars individually. Although it looked like a fool's errand, Yan Xiaosu had some tricks up his sleeve.

Laurel was at her wit's end. This time around, she had used much of her power, but things had continued to develop in a way that she had not expected. There had to be a reason, and the results of her intelligence gathering had left her disheartened. Margate Interstellar Airline had used extensive resources and undercut itself in order to gain the power of many major shipping companies.

This was not only about the petty matter of the space program, but they were gunning for the motherload that this transport route represented. It was revenge, with money included.

"Margate Interstellar Airline has already sent a high level delegation towards Maklou."

When the news came back, Laurel had no more reservations, but called a meeting.

In an instant, everyone understood. The reason why the major shipping companies were so difficult, why the shipping competition had been so intense. Even if it was a lose-lose situation, there was no reason for everyone to stonewall them. Margate Interstellar Airline was determined to win this time.

And they stood a good chance.

Titatitan Star's side was relaxed. The Lan family and Mu Sen had expressed that they could wait, and should not be hasty. The quality and loyalty of their partners was the most important factor.

Yan Xiaosu was very grateful, and this was not just about his dignity. In the past, both sides had worked closely and built profitable foundations, and they had remembered their time together.

But on Maklou's side…

Yan Xiaosu was completely blindsided. All he knew was that Wang Zheng had been there on a Milky Way Alliance mission before, and then struck up a friendship with someone of authority.

But no matter what, an old proverb came to mind. Friendship, in the face of profits, was as useful as the virginity of a prostitute.

Even if Maklou was not currently pointing fingers, they could not pretend that nothing was wrong. They had to prove their meticulousness for the relationship to be long lived.

If they could not show results, then why would anyone continue to support them? It was calm now, and possibly the calm before the storm. When the time came, it would be fiercer than ever, and even more direct. Relationships? In a snap of the fingers and a poof, and it would be gone.

Gabre was the most panicky. His investment this time around was unprecedented. Although it was not all his body and house, it was more than two-thirds of his life savings. The last time Jasper had gambled, and he had not followed. This time he had, but it seemed like he was unlucky.

Of course, it was not just about his personal loss, but he had already made his guarantees to his family, and also brought in many people. If the news of a crumble leaked out…


But panicking was useless. If one's specialty was of no help to the problem, then no amount of effort would remedy things. This was not even a problem of money.

All eyes were trained on Yan Xiaosu.

Big Brother, if you have a trump card, now would be the time to pull it, right?

The rates that the major shipping companies had provided were unreasonable; they were purposely out to trip them. Margate Interstellar Airline had bypassed them to directly negotiate with Maklou. This was more than vengeance now.

If they still could not secure the custom permits for the route after using every trick in their book, then the Maklou situation would change. Even with the support of Titatitan Star, the situation might very well end up in bidding!

Once bidding started, the Titan Chamber of Commerce, with no shipping experience, would not even be qualified to intervene. The support of the Tita people was useless. Once in the Milky Way Alliance, Tita Star also had to abide by the basic rules, and Mu Sen could not act with impunity. Once you broke the rules, how could you expect others to abide by them?

Yan Xiaosu smiled slightly. At this moment, anybody could panic but him. "On Maklou's side, I have no news yet, and that's the best news. Let those Margate bastards go bang around in the dark. We proceed as planned. As long as we are sure of our primary goals, we'll be fine. Laurel. Out of the 12 planets, which is the easiest to convince?"

Laurel's heart was beating wildly when she saw Yan Xiaosu's smile. He was always hard to read. Did he have a trump card or not?

But she had already fired, and there was no pulling back the arrow now. This time around was different. She had brought in many "VIPs" who were also invested. If it all came to naught, it would go beyond her personal loss to affect her reputation and dignity. How would she stand in the industry in the future? She would become a laughing stock.

It has to be said that Yan Xiaosu's composure had given Gabre and Jasper a measure of confidence, but it was ineffective on Laurel. Putting on a brave front did not bring success!

Laurel ordered her thoughts, and continued evenly, "Tarwo Federation is the most likely possibility. Elections in half a year, and their current president, Mogadi, seems to be a level-headed person. But the population polls for his successor are not looking good, and his support rate is at a new low."

And if the new route could be closed on schedule, it would be a great push for Mogadi's successor. That would undoubtedly be a huge help.

Yan Xiaosu nodded. "Then we will begin from Tarwo Federation. We will take the first, and then there will be a benchmark for further negotiations." The negotiations were like dominos. As long as the first one was taken, the rest could be pushed over. "We can give Tarwo Federation the best terms, and then get the word out that the later terms will be worse. Taking a bit of a detour is no big deal!"

Yan Xiaosu did not believe that these alliances were that stubborn. For the profits, they all looked adamant. All he had to do was find a gap, and they would eventually crack!

Whether Wang Zheng had a solution or not, he could not sit idly by. He would bite his own path of blood!

Chapter 1105: Don't Force Me!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Regardless of how Yan Xiaosu's battle was proceeding, Wang Zheng's own battle was bloody.

Wang Zheng's attack was about to connect, when Mars blocked it and instantly grabbed Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng immediately shrugged it off. In mid air, just as he was about to peel away, Mars unleashed a terrifying springing kick!

Fatal Scorpion Sting!


Wang Zheng was sent tumbling, limbs askew. Mars, balancing on one leg, looked extremely menacing.

From mid air, Wang Zheng rolled and landed. Boom…

This was a real hit. His back was turned, and his target clear. He was already down, and one serious blow would see him gravely injured, if not dead.

This was the killer move of the Heavenly Overlord Attack. This was different from mecha. Human bodies had too many weak points, and they couldn't all be defended, no matter how much one trained.

Zhang Zhun had seen it as well. He was speechless, as though his own backbone had been smashed.

It was over?

But Wang Zheng suddenly stood up from the ground and stretched. His bones cracked, and he smiled. "That was some kick!"

Mars' pupils contracted. He knew the power of that kick. Although he had felt the resistance from Wang Zheng's back, normal people could not train the backbone. Had he mis-kicked?

Impossible. Although Wang Zheng's body was strong, he did not have the muscle to do it. More accurately, his muscles were not sufficiently developed to do such refined defenses. For example, Wang Zheng's attack just now had been repelled by thick muscles.

The way Mars saw it, this could be called controlling type muscle.

But there was no time to dwell on this. Wang Zheng had already come flying at the speed of wind, a leg raised.

Mars frowned. Was he asking to die!?

It looked ferocious, but he had begun the kick too early. As Wang Zheng approached, a high whip flew towards Wang Zheng's crotch.

This was a classic combo breaker. It was not aiming to render him impotent, but it could have such an effect.

But Wang Zheng sucked in drastically, and made a mind boggling flip in midair to dodge Mars' attack. He gripped Mars' skull, forcing Mars to control his head. He was too late to catch Wang Zheng's hand, and a huge wave of vortex energy sped through. Mars had dodged the attack on his head like lightning, but his body was thrown. Wang Zheng had used his momentum to spin, landing back facing Mars. He lashed out like a rabbit shrugging free of a hawk.


Mars was sent flying. In terms of agility, Mars was slightly behind Wang Zheng. He twisted in midair and landed on one leg, creating a crater where he stood.

Wang Zheng landed, but did not pursue. Hehe. It has to be said that Mars used his musculature well. He knew he could not dodge it, and his muscles had reacted rapidly to block the kick and protect him from harm.

Mars had a towering stature. Roughly, his chest thickness was two and a half times that of Wang Zheng's – a completely different strength class.

Normally, such muscle density would affect one's agility. A fighter did not need such a sculpted body, but Mars' muscles were definitely not for show.

Every inch of muscle was filled with power and agility. It changed quickly, and allowed the Heavenly Overlord Arts to be channelled through every corner of his body.

Mars shed his tattered clothes. This guy was scary. Every inch of his body looked like a living creature. It was a terrifying scene. Zhang Zhun was close by. From what he could see, Wang Zheng's attack had been completely blocked. It looked bleak, but he was not injured. It was Wang Zheng after all. How had he done it?

Wang Zheng's muscles were not such an excellent "meat shield". Could he have put iron into his backbone?

Mars took a deep breath, and his body trembled. With a pop, the excess energy on his body dissipated.

Such shedding abilities were already at the level of a human weapon.

Mars' Ability X was terrifying, but compared to his physical skills, it was nothing. He had completely shaped himself into an invincible weapon.

Wang Zheng was quite excited. Such an opponent was rare. A completely different class. Often, overwhelming power was paired with poor agility, and excellent technique lacked muscle power. Mars had actually achieved the best of both. He did not know how he had done it, but Wang Zheng knew that he could not train his muscles to that level. He did not have the ability. This was the difference in their nature.

"Wang Zheng, those attacks will not cause me any damage. Stop holding back!" Mars said. He had chosen such a non-ideal situation to act because he knew that too many were looking to finish off Wang Zheng. A quiet week had not meant that they had given up, or were scared off by Wang Zheng. Rather, they were completing the basic requirements of the competition, and securing tags. What came next was to finish off Wang Zheng with all their might. And why give them the chance when he could take it himself?

Wang Zheng did not want to fight Mars under such circumstances. It was a waste. An exchange and a battle looked close, but were completely different notions. It was best to exchange with Mars, but Wang Zheng was faced with a life and death battle. He might not die, but a loss would see everything between Wang Zheng and Aina disappear in smoke. A loser had no grounds to spout nonsense in front of Kashawen. If she was in a good mood, she could entertain him, but if she was not, then she had ample reason to deal with Wang Zheng in other ways.

To Wang Zheng, that was actually a life and death battle.

Just as Mars had said, he had wanted to conserve energy, but that was too difficult against Mars.

Mars knew that Wang Zheng was conflicted. Even given that Wang Zheng could beat him, he would have to reveal his trump card. And once done, the next opponent that Wang Zheng faced would be even harder. And he might be injured.

But this was not part of Mars' concerns. He simply wanted to know what level Wang Zheng's physical condition was at. And if he could help him break through!

Seeing Mars' body charge with power, and his impregnable stance, Wang Zheng shrugged exasperatedly. "You're forcing me!"

Instantly, Wang Zheng's aura spread out. The onlookers were increasing. Wang Zheng had to make a move, although he thought it was a waste!

Wang Zheng's aura barrelled down on Mars like a tornado. Mars not only did not shrink away, but was filled with the need for battle. This was more like it. Suppress him? Impossible!

The Heavenly Overlord Attack was indomitable everywhere!



Both shouted at the same time, charging towards the middle. Mars' intention was to tell Wang Zheng to use his ultimate move, and pit it against him. But in truth, Wang Zheng did not want to.

But both had their own reasons.

Wang Zheng did not want to use his full strength not just because of the next battles, but because to gain new enlightenment with Mars, purely killing moves would not do.

The reason?

As both neared, Wang Zheng's shoulder dipped slightly. Mars' eyes were watching, rapt. He knew that Wang Zheng's best physical move was an elbow technique to the face. A vicious attack that expended all his strength. Mars had no intention of defending. He would see if this attack of Wang Zheng lived up to its name!


The energy exploded, and Mars was open-mouthed…

How did this happen?

In front of the screen, three excited generals who had been anticipating a bloody battle were shocked as well. That was impossible.

Chapter 1106: Killing Energy!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Nonplussed, Mars fell to the ground. Even in his last moment, Mars was unconvinced. Even he would not have thought that things would end up this way.

The surrounding forest quietened. An aura of fear permeated. This was Mars. How could he have fallen in one hit?

Wang Zheng straightened up and beckoned Zhang Zhun, "Help me carry him over."

Zhang Zhun immediately came over to help Mars. When he looked at Wang Zheng again, it was not just with respect, but reverence.

He could feel Mars' weight, and the power contained within his body. This meant that Mars had been felled before he had even used his power. How was that possible?

Any pro, especially at Mars' level, would expend all their energy once they sensed danger. This was true the more dangerous the situation was. Had Wang Zheng's attack speed and change actually surpassed Mars' instinct for danger?

Normally in such a situation, it meant that there was an outclass between the opponents. Was there one between Mars and Wang Zheng?

If that was the case, then who at SIG could stop Wang Zheng?!

Zhang Zhun's instinct told him that the gap between the two was not that big. Even if Wang Zheng was a little stronger, there was a limit. But how could this have happened? What had just occurred?

Zhang Zhun did not know. Given his level, he could not comprehend it.

Aragorn brooded for a while, then disappeared into the forest. He needed to work out what had just happened. Due to his angle and the distance, he had not seen that blow clearly. Could Mars be faking?

It did not seem too likely. Against outsiders, Arbiters were very united. Even if they did not help each other, they would not pull one another down.

Without clarifying, Aragorn could not make impulsive moves.

"Wang Zheng, Mars…"

Wang Zheng smiled as though nothing had happened, and sat back down again. "Let him rest for a while. He'll wake after five or six hours."

Zhang Zhun nodded. Why were there no scars on Mars' body?

More accurately, there seemed to be a red mark on his chest. Something seemed wrong.

In the monitoring room, Bolet, Lin Hong and Sarabujal were stunned as well.

"This segment," Sarabujal said. From the side, the personnel immediately jumped on it.

Given the gods' eye and their own experience, these three should be able to see it most clearly. But in that instant, their eyes could not even follow the events.

Out of the three, Sarabujal had the most experience, but even he did not dare to make a judgment.

The slow motion camera immediately appeared on the right side of the screen.

Wang Zheng and Mars had fought hard. Mars' explosiveness was first rate. To play with speed and agility was asking for it in close combat. Attack rate and power were the deciders in such close melees.

As Mars was attacking, his right fist had flown out, and his left shoulder had braced itself. He did not need to dodge Wang Zheng's elbow. He wanted to test its power. Mars had truly believed that this elbow could not fell him.

But Wang Zheng's right arm had shook, and it was not the elbow move. Just as he closed, his left hand flashed out. But this distance…

It was… a finger!

Wang Zheng's finger had jabbed Mars, and the change had been uncannily quick. It was not that Mars could not dodge, but that there was no need to. Such a violent last-minute attack switch was the poorest choice. Forget a finger, even if Wang Zheng had delivered a few punches, it would be ineffective. Mars had been confident that he could connect his punch.

But that finger.

In that instant, the screen blurred, and the technicians thought there was an error and hurriedly checked. The finger was sharp on the screen, but the attack was blur.

Sarabujal waved them off, gesturing for the technicians to cease their fiddling.

That finger had instantly stopped all of Mars' movements, and turned him rigid.

Lin Hong was silent, but his eyes were filled with excitement. In all of physical technique's development, Aslan's military colleges had stood at the forefront of the Milky Way Alliance. Their training and their breathing techniques were also understood by the Aslan Royal College, even if it was not yet widespread. But even so, he had never seen such mysterious power.

Bolet also did not know where that power had come from. "Finger strength is concentrated, but also frail. How could a body like Mars' not block it? These two wouldn't be putting on a show, would they?"

Of course, Bolet also knew that was not very possible. In truth, even he did not know what to say anymore.

Sarabujal was still silent. He was still watching. Both Bolet and Lin Hong could feel the growing aura from Sarabujal, and a breeze was actually blowing in the room.

But the gust of wind quickly vanished. Sarabujal… was a pro!

Sarabujal nodded apologetically. "Sorry. I did not think that this class of student would appear at SIG."

"Sarabujal, stop prevaricating. Say what you see. I know I'm not as good as you in this regard," Bolet said. This Manalasuo general never cared about pride. He only cared about learning.

"Actually, Mars had lost from the start," Sarabujal said. "Mars only had the intent to kill, but not the power. Bloodthirst creates the aura, and killing power kills. Creating the aura, but not unleashing killing moves. But Wang Zheng could unleash killing moves with his bloodthirst."

Sarabujal pressed the pause button. Mars' eyes were completely different from the look in Wang Zheng's eyes.

One could deceive an opponent, but not oneself. Mars only had the intent to battle. Under such circumstances, it was ideal if both sides could constantly exchange. But Wang Zheng had no time or ability to do so, which was why he had unleashed a killing move. But this killing move was not so easily unlocked at the press of a button.

Similarly, against Mars, Wang Zheng had no killing power either. But in that instant, Wang Zheng had brought it to bear.

Lin Hong frowned. "I understand what you mean. Wang Zheng can switch at anytime between bloodthirst and killing power. But even so, his killing power had not killed him."

This was also the question on Bolet's mind.

Sarabujal stared hard at Wang Zheng sitting composed. When he had reached such a state, he had been 38, and already a leader in the army. After killing countless, he could control his aura at will. This was something that countless life and death moments had brought to him. From the fear of killing to numbness, and finally to understanding. It had been a long-drawn process.

But this Wang Zheng was so young, and he already understood. In this regard, he was two whole tiers above Mars.

More accurately, he had capitalized on Mars' "flaw" to deliver the blow. If killing power and killing power matched, Mars might not be much weaker than Wang Zheng. But bloodthirst on killing power? That was too wide.

It was difficult to switch. Just like a machine starting up had to warm up, and get into gear, people were much the same.

Of course, this was not the main point, because killing power was only a state of mind. Unless you were a god, you could only hold it for so long. That was why Wang Zheng had not killed Mars in the end. He had switched it again, and not brought his killing power to the peak. More importantly was Wang Zheng's move.

Bolet and Lin Hong looked at each other. With a little prompting from Sarabujal, they had understood. But that finger?

Sarabujal shook his head slightly. "Even I have no idea what that move is. Perhaps some secret physical technique from Earth."

Actually, Sarabujal knew. But he would not say it.

Bolet rolled his eyes. He knew that Sarabujal was lying. From the side, Lin Hong seemed to have recalled something, and actually shivered. In that instant, if Bolet could not make the lateral connection, he did not deserve to be standing there.

But Bolet was shocked.

It was not that he had recognized the move, but to execute a physical move that the monitors could not capture – one type of person could do that.

That type of person… was restricted in every country. Every country had to strictly monitor them with no emotion.

Heaven-rank pro!

Chapter 1107: Atomic Bomb

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios


Wang Zheng was clearly not there, and that was clear. In the Greatest King competition not long ago, Wang Zheng seemed to have touched the threads of Heaven-rank Ability X, and now he had displayed a similar level of physical ability.

This was just a 21-year-old kid.

If he had been Arbiter, or Aslan… Other countries would be worried without a doubt. Because this was the greatest possibility that of a common Heaven-rank existence. And any Heaven-rank expert in today's Milky Way Alliance was like a nuclear weapon in the past.

He was only 21!

But luckily, he was from Earth.

This meant that everybody had an opportunity to win him over. And Bolet's heart was itching.

Manalasuo's need was too pressing. Such a young and elite leader could lead an entire cohort. This aura was not something that just any excellent fighter had, but he did. And he had actually brought a bunch of Solar System rookies onto the stage of SIG. That was an intangible power. It was command ability.

In the last IG, Bolet had been moved, but this boy did not seem interested, plus there had been too many variables. He was too young. And now it looked like he had underestimated this guy. Vincent seemed to be on a good relationship with him, and there was the incident of the Golden Wheel Battle King. This meant that he was destined to be with Manalasuo. Perhaps this was a breakthrough, and the terms would be good. For such talent, he could have anything he asked for!

Lin Hong definitely knew about the affairs of the royal family. This kid and Aina's business had indeed caused the imperial family problems… Even if Wang Zheng was a Heaven-rank pro, it would not do. Besides, for Aina's other half to be such a pro might not be a good thing as well. It was important that the Princess' other half have enough status to increase Aslan's influence. It was a pity that this kid could not have set eyes on anybody but Aina.

That was why he had approved when he heard that Dong Er and Wang Zheng were being matchmade. If there was a way to keep Wang Zheng on Aslan, that would be best.

Perhaps it was just Arbiter that was helpless, because Arbiter was not a hospitable country. The strongest would come from Arbiter.

Only, a formidable opponent could only raise Arbiter's will to fight.

Aragorn's reaction was the right one. Without understanding the issue, one should not act impulsively. He believed that Aragorn could see it clearly.

At the same time, he also had confidence in his eldest disciple to win… perhaps even kill him off.

This was the ** of Sarabujal's heart. Arbiter's ambition. Of course, it was only an ideal – there were too many opponents and enemies that Arbiter longed to be rid of in this world. In actuality it was impossible. That was why the best way was to strengthen themselves.

"Ruoliu, didn't you say your family's setup is the best in the Milky Way Alliance? Why can't we see it clearly?"

"You three stop nattering. Let me adjust it. I don't believe that he can flip out a blur!" Ouyang Ruoliu said. Her small hands flew around quickly, and was currently refining the screen.

"Damn, this Mars is really hollow. He looked so sturdy, but fell to a finger. Maybe I could defeat him," Qian Xuedie grumbled. She had been ready to see an epic fight, but this Arbiter brave who had been praised to the skies had fallen.

"Mars' ability is unquestionable. This guy is on the prime grooming list of Arbiter's younger generation. Anybody on this list is at least a general in the future," Ouyang Ruoliu said busily. The screen had been cleaned.

Wang Zheng's hand appeared, but it was still a distance away from Mars.

"No contact?"

In the next instant, Mars was unmoving.

"Are they acting?" Dong Er could not resist asking.

"No, no. This Wang Zheng is really interesting. I haven't met such an interesting person in a long time. Look at this!" Ouyang Ruoliu said. A little circle appeared. This place is blurry and cannot be displayed. It's a space issue. It means that overwhelming energy was produced, and instantly appeared, creating heat. In professional terms, you wouldn't understand it. This means that Wang Zheng had truly made an attack. He did not hit because if he had contacted, Mars would have turned to ash."

Ouyang Ruoliu was clapping her hands excitedly. "It's always been a myth. I didn't think anyone could do it."

Only Lin Huiyin was not surprised. She knew that Wang Zheng could definitely do it.

After Wang Zheng had felled Mars, it was quiet. After a few waves, those who bore him ill will had slinked off. Those that stayed were here only to observe as well. As for taking action, forget it. That was asking to die.

Even if it had been faked, anyone who could get Mars to cooperate would be no one to cross.

Mars came to a lot earlier than Wang Zheng had expected, after slightly more than an hour. Wang Zheng knew that his own atomic bomb had not been trained to completion, but that situation had called for it. In truth, it had been fifty-fifty. If it had failed, then he would have to enter an intense fight.

After Mars woke, he immediately got up. Wang Zheng was a little surprised as well. This body was ridiculously good. Actually, Mars was still frowning from the pain that shook his whole body. Every bone felt like it had been shattered, but the Arbiter endurance was legendary.

"How's your hand?" Mars' first words.

Wang Zheng smiled. "Broken."

Mars brooded for a while. Actually, he already knew what the problem was. Wang Zheng saw it better than him. If it had really been a life and death battle, how could he not have drawn the titanium knife? But Wang Zheng had switched to killing power even faster than he did. Could he have been in a war before?

Mars did not understand the blow to himself. It must have been some internal energy explosion. In that instant, he felt like he was dying, but he also felt like Wang Zheng had not perfected it. There had definitely been some instability, that only those who experienced it would know.

The strain of such an attack was huge. If Wang Zheng had completely mastered it, his hand would have sustained damage, although not that seriously.

Mars threw a tag onto the pile. "I owe you one."

Wang Zheng had not killed him, maintaining his line at an exchange. But he could not at least return the gesture. Of course, he would think of ways to take more tags.

"Recently, there have been a lot of people bothering me. How about you hold the fort with me, and then we're even."

Wang Zheng said.

Mars nodded. He did not like to owe a favor. This was best. After all, they were both representatives of Elite Academy X. A loss was a loss. Besides, to be able to observe him up close was a rare opportunity as well.

Mars closed his eyes. The Heavenly Overlord Attack's chi made the rounds within his body, expelling any remaining energy. He considered Wang Zheng's finger. He had used the elbow technique as a feint, but that energy had been astounding.

He could not ask about it. That would be childish. But he had experienced it. He would work it out.

Mars ordered his senses and entered a meditative state. Zhang Zhun knew the gap between him and these two. The sky was darkening. He could knock up something to eat.

Chapter 1108: Impulse

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Mars checked his own wounds. They were indeed not light. He had best not make any major moves in the next few days. Luckily, the Van family was known for their superior constitution, or he would already be a goner.

Defeated, Mars did not despair, but instead seemed content.

On the other side, Aragorn had hit on the answer. The issue should have been with the switch of bloodthirst and killing power. Could Mars really not switch?

That was impossible. He must have done it on purpose!

Although he did not know the reason, Mars had never intended to go till the death with Wang Zheng.

The only problem was, Aragorn had no idea what was up with Wang Zheng's attack.

After eating, Wang Zheng also entered a restful state. Zhang Zhun was indeed the most relaxed.

In Mars' mind, he still held the memory of that attack's power. Very solid, and the explosive effect was unusual.

This was Mars' goal. He wanted to test Wang Zheng's ultimate blow personally, and then share this experience with Olivios. He was on the way out, and Olivios' fight had just begun. He could not always be beaten by Wang Zheng. Mars had to understand Wang Zheng for himself.

Although the Arbiters were cold, they were rather principled. In the switching of bloodthirst and killing intent, Mars could have done it as well. But in this battle with Wang Zheng, it would be foolish for both parties to be injured. His goal had been met. He wanted to test Wang Zheng's fighting power. Of course, he had bet on it because he understood Wang Zheng.

Everyone had their own principles and bottomline. Out of those at this level of ability, Wang Zheng was one of the more honorable ones. He himself would not release killing power, and yet force Wang Zheng to a battle. But Wang Zheng would not release a killing blow. Zhang Zhun, from the sidelines, had known it. Such people were rare.

Arbiters were not as simple as they appeared to be. If they truly were, their country would have long collapsed.

Even if they were on different sides, Mars found it hard to dislike this guy. It was a blessing to have such a person as a battle buddy.

SIG was Mars' final stop at Elite Academy X, and also the complete and final ending of his student life. He might never have a say in his own future again, and he might only take commands. But before he left, he wanted to experience this battle and atmosphere again. That was why his only goal at SIG was enjoyment.

Olivios was strong, but too young. Compared to Wang Zheng, he seemed to always lack a little. Mars could not put his finger on it. But as the elder brother, this was as much as he could help him.

Wang Zheng was a clever person. Since he had dared to do so, then he must have saved a trump card for himself. In truth, he had offended too many, so direct battles would fail.

There was a limit to what human bodies could take. Mars was looking forward to see who the next to act would be. Aslan? Arbiter? Or Manalasuo's Jondi?

None of them should be crossed easily. And the scary thing was that even if you won a pyrrhic victory, that would only make it easier for the next person.

The less was known, the higher the anticipation.

Aragorn had come by. Although his presence had just wafted by, Mars was too familiar with the flavor of the Warrior Soul College people. Although Aragorn had been "scared away," the nicknamed "New Warrior Soul" of Warrior Soul College would think of something soon enough and return with a vengeance.

On the other island, a Saruman Snake member hunt was ensuing. The core was Aslan, Arbiter, and Manalasuo's members. Although they had gradually dispersed, this was a classic bandwagon. First remove target number one. Originally, Saruman Snake was already on the chopping block – thanks to the ostentatious name of Greatest King – and now they were asking for it!

Achilles and Lie Xin were indeed a strong combination, but they had been eliminated after consecutive battles. They were completely overrun. There were many on the island of their caliber, and once they had become target number one, they could not hold out at all. They could not possibly not rest at all.

Achilles and Lie Xin had opened their energy shields, defeated. Both were injured and could not run. Neither had slept in three days, and they could only surrender.

It was hard to hold out, and hard to surrender. This meant that Saruman Snake's members would flounder completely. The hovercraft loaded them up and ascended. Looking at the island below, Achilles and Lie Xin were unbelievably frustrated.

Just as they should have stayed low profile, Wang Zheng had called maximum attention to them.

"How are our chances?" Lie Xin smiled bitterly.

"Basically none. If even the two of us are in such a state, the rest must be worse off. Without his ability, Zhang Shan has no way to hide. Mu Zhen's size is not easy to conceal, and Vincent…" Achilles could not finish his sentence. His physical technique was not as good as theirs.

"This time, Wang Zheng- sigh, too rash," Achilles said.

"It's us that were too weak. If I were Wang Zheng, I would have stood out as well. You can't just watch your woman snatched away before your very eyes. Are you a man? Are you a human?!" Lie Xin rolled her eyes.

Achilles grimaced. It was not that he did not support him, but Saruman Snake was about to become the biggest joke. And if Saruman Snake was eliminated, then Wang Zheng could not achieve his goal.

Wang Zheng and Kashawen were on completely different levels. It was an unequal fight.

It was not that Lie Xin was ignorant, but Martians were not as emotional as Moon people. "You of the Moon lack that overwhelming dominance. An inexperienced person defeats a master by throwing out the rules of traditions. Before the results are out, we might still have a chance!"

"You think?" Achilles asked.

Lie Xin was stunned, and did not speak. Actually, in her heart, having made it this far was already admirable. At least they had taken the Greatest King. Even if they met their end here, they had at least fulfilled Wang Zheng's wish and brought Saruman Snake this far.

Achilles sensed Lie Xin's gloom. He knew that Lie Xin had longed for such a stage. "Actually, I hold some hope. Wang Zheng always has a plan. Although we didn't get any tags, if Wang Zheng gets enough tags, we can still pass."

"Perhaps," Lie Xin said.

Just as Lie Xin and Achilles had guessed, Vincent had already given up as well, although he was uninjured. He had met Manalasuo's members.

Only Zhang Shan and Mu Zhen were still holding out.

Mu Zhen thought differently from the rest. This was not a game. To the Tita people, any battle was a war, and there had to be a winner and loser, life and death. He had entered this island B survival, and he would triumph or die. He would not lose face for Ada.

Of course, Mu Zhen was no fool. After making that blunder and being chased, Mu Zhen had entered the forest. With the Tita blood, and at least half of humankind's intellect, Mu Zhen had discovered something after a few clashes. This bunch of humans were average at jungle warfare. After losing their Ability Xs, they could not even compare. To humans, the jungle was a threat, but to the Tita people, it was their home. The only tricky thing was the laser guns. Humans were not bad at sniping, but Tita people had dealt with similar attacks in their own duels. Their agile surveillance in this aspect was very effective. More importantly, the Tita people could camouflage with the forest seamlessly, from body to presence. This advanced concealment technique was something other warriors could not hope to match.

That was why Mu Zhen was still holding out. A survival ability that was at odds with his physical stature. Although he did not really understand, Mu Zhen vaguely knew that this was connected with Ada's woman. That was basically the Tita people's Virgin Mary. Whoever dared to snatch her must go through him first!

Chapter 1109: Lost in Space

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

On a far away stellar region, Meng Tian's troop was already fairly deep. Their deep exploration target was closer and closer.

"Falcon 7 calling base comm, requesting recall. I repeat, Falcon 7 calling base comm, requesting recall. Over."

"This is base comm. Falcon 7 recall authorized. Recall channel B23, I repeat…"

A foreign stellar region, and a symbol marked it as Milky Way Alliance 999's troop, currently on an exploration mission.

The troop's two motherships linked up, sitting as steadily as if they were in their designated spaces in a space station. One after another, small scout ships were released, flying in and out like worker bees.

Nobody expected interstellar exploration to surge forward. All movements proceeded as per the plan, and they avoided danger while abiding by the rules of exploration.

Planetary composition, stellar mass, celestial gravitational relationship, meteorite belts, dark matter distribution, curvature spatial density, scientific calculations…

This would be a long term project. Exploration and reconnaissance was a precise process, and each step had strict movement regulations.

13 warships had moved out on their mission simultaneously. With the mothership as the core, they had carried out patrolling and security missions. It was possible that attackers would appear within their defense perimeter.

Pirates, anti-Milky Way Alliance groups, hitherto undiscovered civilizations…

Far away from the radiation of the Milky Way Alliance, even a large Milky Way Alliance fleet did not spell safety. The most common enemy was anti-Milky Way Alliance groups. In the era of the Milky Way Alliance's reign, such groups were not poor. At their best, they were wayward civilizations that were anti-human, and like weeds that could not be eliminated. Not every alien civilization was happy to submit to human order. Each time, they would conduct suicidal attacks without technological aid. But they were large in numbers, and the threat could not be overlooked.

Warship No. 12, under Meng Tian's command, had just finished a 10-hour-long "Level 1 Security Reconnaissance Mission", and was gliding towards the dock that the mothership had opened, in preparation for maintenance.

As the warship docked, the main engines were on standby. More than 10 maintenance mecha moved about their checks unhurriedly.

"All stations note. This rest time is 16 hours. After individual watches are delegated, disembarking in shifts is permitted…"

After finishing the last guard duties, Meng Tian breathed a sigh of relief as she returned to the captain recess room. Eight hours of non-stop Level 1 Security Reconnaissance was no easy mission, even if they had not met with trouble. Especially the captain job, which needed more than just calm.

Very, very tiring.

She wanted to rest, to close her eyes. Be in a dream world where she was also sleeping.

But with a light flick of her finger, the screen in the recess room switched on, displaying the information: Captain's Advanced Development Course (Part Two)…

She had not reached the point where she could rest. Ascending to the position of captain meant that there were many things she had to learn. Far more than her fatigue.

Not many people left the ship. Although the two ship cores had linked, and it was like a space city, the inside was not that different from the warship. It was just that because it had been lived in by many, it was softened by a more human design, and the atmosphere did not feel as severe as that of the warship.

The rest area of the warship was lively. After a mug of drink, no one cared who was an officer, or a fighter, or engineer. A common interest could strike up a conversation.

The biggest question was definitely the babe replacement captain.

"Say, you think Captain Meng will remain on our Ship 12?"

"Definitely! At that time, we'll raise a group request to keep Captain Meng." Lead Fighter Weilun was a rough one. His two eyes were bright, and when he spoke, his voice rumbled like thunder. Weilun

Among the fighters, Meng Tian was especially favored. The first captain who could best them in a fight! And a babe! The ship's assembly every day with the captain used to be the most boring part of a fighter's day. A whole bunch of crap repeated day after day. Although they understood, it was boring. And now, it was like a concert. Even before reporting time, they were all assembled and ready in front of the screen.

"You think the captain has a boyfriend?"

"Rubbish! Definitely not! Please, no!"

"Well, what do you think?"

"Piss off! Who do you take me for? D'you know what admiring respect is?"

"But for real, Captain's stony face is already so alluring. If she smiles…"

"Then we'll be bamboozled to death on the spot for sure…"

They were all flying the Meng flag high, but they were all clear that drooling was about the limits of what they could do.

"Sssh! Tone it down, Mengha's here."

A few fighters glanced towards the door. A few figures were walking into the recessed area. Three guys and a girl, all wearing officer uniforms.

The three guys looked over with little emotion. Instantly, it was quiet.

Normally, ground soldiers were unafraid of scoundrels. As long as they were not ground soldiers, then even if the Emperor of Heaven himself came down, they would leave him bloody even if they could not win.

But these few youngsters were different, especially that Mengha from Heaven's Arrow Federation. He was a monster. Previously, there had been a scuffle, and in the end… Thinking about it still gave them the goosebumps.

Demon Mengha!

Shu Yi smiled. "It's fine. We're just here for a meal. Lighten up."

The few of them sat down, and the conversation topic was amazingly Meng Tian.

Meng Tian was undoubtedly the student with the highest career potential from Milky Way Galaxy Military College. Replacement captain was still captain, and for a far-reaching exploration team as well. With this experience, even if she was not within the Milky Way Alliance system, the captain's position would be her minimum position anywhere else.

"If she stays with the Milky Way Alliance, the most likely course is to send her for the Captain's Masters Course. Graduation in a year, then she can be a proper captain," Shu Yi said as she smiled. Her eyes were casting about jealously. Her looks could not compare, and her quality was said to be inferior as well. Even if she had better luck, she was unhappy that Mengha was chasing Meng Tian. She was also from Heaven's Arrow Federation, and she had liked Mengha for a while now.

"If it was me, I would return to Earth. I would at least be a Major General there, with at least five warships under my command." Yuan Jing from Big Bear Federation. At this moment, he was lazily leaning back on his chair, with his two legs propped ungainly on the table. Speaking of Earth, a sneer curled on his mouth. Of course, Meng Tian was not bad, but Earth was nothing.

"Shove off."

Pavel was the biggest of the four. He was from Clark Galaxy, and two meters tall. He was even thicker than a bear. Out of the four, he was the oldest and had the most battle experience. But he also spoke the least.

Yuan Jing shrugged and retracted his legs off the table without argument. It was a joke that Pavel had a nickname "The Demon Who Dismantles Mecha With His Bare Hands". He was not afraid, but crossing him was tiring. In truth, even if it was some peon, Yuan Jing would save the trouble as well. A lazy man's world first considered what was easiest, and then how to live a life free of trouble.

All four were genius level elites who had accomplished much on this mission. They had risen after their stint on Ship 12 and were in the same position as Meng Tian. Now the positions they were at all had "replacement" as a prefix. It could be said that Ship 12 was the "promotion ship" specially prepared for Galaxy Military College students of solid background. Of course, it was also testing if these bright ones had the ability to rise in position.

A deep place in the stellar region.

An unmanned scouting drone was surveying a planet at speed. Each photograph was shot with a telescopic lens and relayed back.

The drone was quickly approaching the dark side of the planet, when there was a ripple through space. It seemed like a ripple appeared on the still water. The drone disappeared.

After an hour…

A scouting ship appeared at the last known position of the drone.

"Strange, the signal was just ahead. How could it have disappeared?"

The scout troop looked at the signal on the screen. The unmanned drone was just ahead, the red signal bleeping. It was the distress call after it lost power.

But within their vision, it was all void. Besides a brown and dreary planet, there was nothing to be seen.

"Hang on! This…"

"Fire all engines, emergency escape, don't…"


The entire scout ship suddenly vanished in space.

Only one distress signal continued to penetrate the void.

Chapter 1110: Four on One

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Student Zhang Shan… was summed up in the word "pitiful". This bunch of shameless louts had been chasing him for many days.

Counter attack?

That was a joke. Zhang Shan had no intention of that at all. That would be blasphemy. Fortunately, he had gone through gruelling training for the Greatest King, and his breathing technique had been elevated to the 16th tier. His stamina and agility had improved greatly. Otherwise, he would have been dead many times over already.

But even so, Zhang Shan could only run and hide. But such an exertion was not sustainable. Zhang Shan's best move was to play dead and hide. He concealed himself completely in the day, using his breathing technique to reduce his energy expenditure to a minimum, and emerged in the deep of night to forage.

Zhang Shan had given up on contributing, but he was unwilling to be a burden. He would protect his own tag. The rest would be up to Achilles and Lie Xin. At that moment, Zhang Shan still did not know that the rest had already been eliminated.

Zhang Shan and Mu Zhen were fundamentally different from Achilles and Lie Xin. They fought for their lives on every field, holding themselves in little regard. They were crystal clear on what they were capable of, whereas Achilles and Lie Xin had a prideful streak. One side fought for their lives, one fought like it was competition. The difference was huge.

But Zhang Shan did not know how much longer he could hold out. He could not forage well, as the food supplies were often dropped in the day. And he had no means of doing battle with the Zergs, so he could only eat bark and grass. If this carried on, Zhang Shan felt like he might turn into a goat.

In a completely different state from Zhang Shan, the Dynasty battle team was extremely savage. One thing was that they were not the main targets. Another was that the team had Mayans, as well as three experts in ancient arts. The handicap of no Ability X was a blessing, and each had collected tags.

Zhou Yun, Pang Tong, and Anluda conducted ambushes. For ancient arts practitioners to fight average soldiers was a walkover. The key was that Ability X suppression allowed them to fight without worries.

Of course, they would not clash with the major teams. There were plenty of other tags for the taking.

"Zhou Yun, we have to go find that fatty and finish him off. His existence inconveniences us," Pang Tong said. Clearly, Lear really relied on this fatty, but he was just too disgusting. That body shape was suited for pig feeding. At the same time, Lear's trust in him affected them.

These three had thrown their lot in with Lear. Although it sounded dignified, they were really trying to ride his coattails to greatness. That was why they needed Lear's trust and dependence. This fatty's existence had cramped their progress on all fronts.

"I concur. This is a rare opportunity. That person will impede the Saint's path. My family had news that the great plan is nearing completion. We have to quickly cement our position. No more hesitation." Anluda nodded in agreement. Both were very decisive. There was nothing much to hesitate about on a matter like this.

Zhou Yun frowned. "Lear's character…"

"We just want the best for him. Besides, without our help, he will not be able to take the Son of Saint position. Among the candidates, his power is the weakest. The Chronos family of Earth is not that capable. Whether in the Milky Way Alliance or in Saint, his position is very low," Pang Tong said.

Actually, in terms of Saint, Zhou Yun's family sat higher than the Chronos family.

Benefits and status, as well as control of the future, were what everybody fought for. Zhou Yun was not as direct as Pang Tong and Anluda, but he understood. He genuinely wanted to support Lear, as the only representative from Earth. Family background and bloodline would still count for much. But to reap their own benefits from this process, it was not as simple as committing without strings attached. That was just a fool with too many resources. To accomplish anything, the important thing was to gain Lear's trust. Only then could they benefit.

And Luo Fei's existence was an obstacle. A person like Lear only had the space to trust one person. And as long as Luo Fei was around, no one else would have a turn.

At this point, Zhou Yun's doubts were gone as well.

Fatty was sneezing incessantly. He was lounging on a tree branch, clasping tag after tag.

That punk Zhang Shan was really a honeypot, attracting a whole bunch of flies in crazy pursuit. And Fatty was the ultimate winner.

Although he had wanted to skive, Lear had laid his decree. Luo Fei could tell when Lear was being serious, and when he did not mind things. And so he had to work hard, even if he did not want to.

When Zhang Shan was burrowing like a rabbit into whichever hole he found, Luo Fei was watching on, rolling with laughter. As for Zhang Shan's pursuers, he had finished them all off.

In such a situation, Luo Fei was unafraid of anybody. Who cared if it was Arbiter or Aslan? The journey to Titatitan Star had helped Lear gain much, but Luo Fei had gleaned much as well.

On the surface, he seemed like a slack guy, but in truth, Luo Fei's comprehension was terrifyingly good. He was the kind that could focus in an instant, which meant that what took others a long time to distill and process was a walk in the park for Luo Fei to grasp.

Some talents could not be seen. It was difficult for others to grasp it, but it was a piece of cake for Luo Fei.

Only, he had no ambitions. His only goal was to live happily and be a good sidekick for Lear.

Fatty told himself that he was not here to help Zhang Shan, but to help complete Lear's mission.

Fatty ghosted over like a bird, casually tossing a bag down. This was fresh supply that he could not possibly finish. This Zhang Shan needed to keep his strength up to be a good bait. It would be bad if he starved to death.

After Luo Fei had fallen asleep, Zhang Shan crawled out in the middle of the night. Listening to the sounds of the ground for half the day, it seemed clear. His luck seemed to be holding. He had not met any problems in the last two days. He had heard fighting sounds nearby, and had tested his luck to see if he could scavenge anything. Perhaps…

After just a few steps, he saw an airdrop bag. Damn, this luck was godly!

Instantly, Zhang Shan's stomach rumbled. He was about to become a rabbit from all the grass nibbling. He hurriedly opened the bag. It was cram biscuit and water. He could not help himself. Even if it was poison, he would take the risk.

Many times, people were unafraid of death, but the needs of the body were irresistible. Zhang Shan was on the breaking point after the last few days, and he was about to snap.

Zhang Shan ate and looked at the sky. Hehe, this was godlike luck. Character always prevails.

The few major teams' members were proceeding smoothly as well. But what they did not expect was that the weaker teams had started to form alliances.

In a straight up fight, the bottom ranked five teams were gone the moment they were discovered. After a week, everyone understood this. Even if they acquired tags, they could not protect them.

That was why teaming up was the only road to survival. Because till present, enough teams had been eliminated. As long as you survived, you could enter the main competition. And mecha fights were a completely different matter.

A round of supply drops had begun on island A as well. Keeping up the stamina and fighting power was undoubtedly important, and the same went for Wang Zheng. Eating normal food was definitely better than eating scraps.

That was why Student Wang had gone to scrounge for supplies, while Mars and Zhang Zhun minded the house. Tags were still scattered on the floor. These things, fought over everywhere else, did not have much meaning here.

"Captain Mars, can Wang Zheng make it through?" Zhang Zhun asked.

Mars eyed Zhang Zhun. "Maybe. Maybe not."

Zhang Zhun rolled his eyes. That said nothing. But no one could make any guarantees here. If Wang Zheng's opponents did not play fair, then Wang Zheng had no chance of success. But there were rules. And this bunch of people still cared about their dignity. That was Wang Zheng's only hope.

At least, that was what Mars thought. Even he was "ashamed". The Aslan people were righteous enough. The only one that needed watching was that Aragorn. On this matter, he would be unscrupulous.

As long as they did not ally up, Mars thought Wang Zheng stood a chance.

Zhang Zhun was just about to say something when the trees rustled. A few people were walking towards them. Clearly, they had no intention of concealing their tracks. But any who dared to do so must be very confident challengers.

When these four walked out, the rest could indeed go home.

Aslan gang… with an additional Lear.

Lin Feng, Qiankun Zadeh, and Di Maria were surprised to see Mars. Especially in this situation.

"Mars, you intend to help Wang Zheng?" Lin Feng asked mildly. As for this Arbiter pro, Lin Feng still needed to feel him out.

Mars paid him no heed. He ignored this Aslan Royal College captain.

Lear smiled slightly. "Mars. I recall that Arbiters don't like to interfere unnecessarily. Why stick in these muddy waters?"

Mars shot Lear a cold look. "Since when did Earthlings start to grovel before Aslan?"

This was a stark challenge. Zhang Zhun was sweating. The situation did not look good. Four on two, and his contribution was negligible. Mars was still not completely recovered, and might not be able to perform at his best. Was this… bravado?

Lear's smiling face did not change in the slightest. "Given your character, you rarely make taunts. The only possible reason is that you are blustering. Senior Mars, you are injured."

Mars' expression was implacable, but he was secretly frightened. This Lear was a fox, to be able to guess this much.

Lin Feng and the rest were prepared. Given Mars' state, even if he was wounded, it was not that serious. Before entering the main competition, provoking Mars was not a wise decision.

"Mars, our target is clearly Wang Zheng. Where is he?" Qiankun Zadeh asked.

Mars shrugged. "I'm not his nanny. Who knows where he is."

Qiankun Zadeh's eyes flashed. They had the power advantage. If Mars would not cooperate, finishing him off would do as well.

Lin Feng was evidently the spokesperson out of the four. Three against one was definitely advantageous. The problem was, Di Maria's physical abilities was not his forte. He and Qiankun Zadeh could definitely hold their own, but Lear was an unknown. That guy was hard to read, and too stable. Besides, others were definitely watching. Taking on Mars now was no guarantee.

"We're in no rush either." Lin Feng waved. Finishing off Wang Zheng offended nobody, and would not cross any sensitive lines. At the same time, it was their strongest guarantee of safety.

Mars knew that this Lin Feng was the top of Aslan's younger generation. The heir of the Zeus Arts.

Chapter 1111: Death Notice

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When weighing risk and reward, the Aslan people would play it safer.

But Wang Zheng had not come back yet. The second wave of people had come. On the captain battlefield, their analysis skills were all strong. Lin Feng's wave had brought many people along as well. After pros took their tags, then subsequent clashes were either personal vendettas or attempts at fame.

The Dark Knight battle team's captain, González, had a fickle mood. "Ghost King" González was not technically a student, which was why he had to be even more aggressive. Passive plays were not in the nature of the Darkness Empire. At the same time, the Darkness Empire people were even craftier than Arbiters. To risk fighting Lin Feng or Aragorn was needless, but this Wang Zheng seemed like a good target.

Greatest King. Although his skill level was there, he had enough fame to feed the Darkness Empire reputation.

González was not surprised that Lin Feng and company were here. It would be strange if they had been absent. If Aslan people could tolerate such a thing, they would not be Aslan people.

Seeing González, Lin Feng, and the rest frowned slightly as well. González smiled. "Very crowded. Who knew that Wang Zheng was so popular. Lin Feng, how about leaving this round to me?"

Lin Feng and González had clearly met before, but it was definitely not at the school level. Lin Feng smiled slightly. "As the host wishes."

Qiankun Zadeh was discontented. They needed no one's aid in such matters, but Lin Feng was held in high esteem, so Qiankun Zadeh raised no objections in the end. He switched his perspective. Perhaps it was better to let González handle it, because the Darkness Empire people were known for their "dark" tactics.

González did not stand on ceremony either, and sat down. He looked over at Mars. These were no strangers. Even if it was their first time meeting, the most outstanding of each country's younger generation were just those few. Even if they had never met before, they would have heard of each other. But as to why he was here, it looked like… he was injured.

Zhang Zhun had felt the atmosphere grow cold ever since González arrived. This person was not on the same level as them at all. For such a person to join SIG was… shameless. The level of maturity and his control over his aura were on a different level. And it was directed towards Wang Zheng.

If the Aslan people could still be regarded as within reasonable boundaries, this González oozed a dense bloodthirst. Of the very fatal kind.

Those that came at Wang Zheng would not be wave after wave of people, but those with pressing reasons and opportunity seekers like González. Sweet targets with no comebacks like Wang Zheng were a rare find.

���Is this going to be a gangbang?" Dong Er said. "That's too unfair!"

Even if there were Aslan people present, in that instant, Dong Er stood on Wang Zheng's side. When did Aslan ever have to rely on numbers?

"Dear Little Dong Dong, this is a battle. From the start, there have been many deaths and injuries. The only logic is that the weak will feed the strong. Look, even I know that." Qian Xuedie furiously licked her lollipop. This was over. He was about to be beaten to death in series.

"Ruoliu. This black guy. Is he strong?" Lin Huiyin asked. Finally, even the little princess was getting worried. Because she knew her cousin Lin Feng's ability was top-class. Plus, there was Qiankun Zadeh and Di Maria, and even Lear. And now another point had appeared.

"González, called Ghost King. The Darkness Empire's former assistant chairman of the student council. He has already graduated, but sneaked his way back in. Ability X at Earth 2 level, and physical technique should be the Blackheart Arts of the Darkness Empire. Ability? I don't have that much information, but he's currently affiliated with the death troop in the Darkness Empire. He cuts people down like wheat. That's a known fact." Ouyang Ruoliu flipped through her data. "Actually, if I were the organizer of SIG, I wouldn't let guys like this in."

Real military students were still far from these professional soldiers. And 31 years old was a person's prime, at least in terms of physical ability. This meant that Wang Zheng would have a disadvantage in the fight. But in these circumstances, it was not even a problem of disadvantage.

"If I were Wang Zheng, I would run as far and fast as I can. Leave this bunch hanging." Qian Xuedie smiled.

"He'll be back," Lin Huiyin said softly.

All three girls started. They did not understand, and yet they did. If he shrank away here, then he would not have made his stand back then.

But it looked like a wall of death he faced. If he wanted to live, he would fight a battle, and then find a way to surrender. At least he would keep his life. Perhaps he would return a laughing stock, but at least it would not be in a coffin.

Wang Zheng had come back before too long, holding supplies in his hand. He was not surprised to see this crowd. He was not in a bad state, although his left index finger was injured. But such small injuries did not mean much to him.

He tossed the supply bag to Zhang Zhun and looked at Lear and his gang, then at González. That was no surprise either. Given Wang Zheng's intellect, he had foreseen this as the worst case scenario. But he had not imagined that the worst case scenario would come so quickly.

Seemed like the name of Greatest King did not intimidate these pros at all. If he did not remember wrongly, this was González of the Darkness Empire. He emanated the aura of a military veteran, and strict and severe discipline.

"Who's first?" Wang Zheng said. As his gaze fell on Lear, Lear actually smiled slightly without malice. The smile of seeing an old friend.

González stood up. "Dark Knight battle team captain, González. If you surrender now, I'll spare your life. If we start fighting, I won't really know how to hold back."

Militaries trained killing moves with no mercy. They were unwilling to show mercy, not even in such situations. Otherwise, bad relations would linger.

This was González's death notice.

At the same time, this was something that others were willing to see. Lear's smile had been there too long. He could not only accomplish his goal, but he could also enjoy the process and ending. This was the perfect scenario.

That was why Lear believed that survival was the ultimate way. Because God would exterminate your enemies.

González had leapt up, and Wang Zheng walked over steadily, crooking a beckoning finger.

"González, you're not the first to say that, and you won't be the last."


González suddenly lunged, his body almost flat and his hand in a karate chop. This move allowed him to easily penetrate bodies. Wang Zheng stood unmoving, then jerked his left hand to fling aside González's chop. González's body twisted instantly, a leg sweeping towards Wang Zheng's head. Wang Zheng's right hand immediately moved to the defense.

But this was a feint, and González's single leg flexed, using this instant of misjudgement to deliver a series of frenzied kicks with his right leg, which rained down on Wang Zheng's cranium like autumn leaves.

Wang Zheng's right hand blocked consecutively. He was on the backfoot from the get go. González was kicking hard. He wanted to break Wang Zheng's hand.

After more than 10 kicks, Wang Zheng's defenses were still solid. González took a deep breath. This time, his leg's backswing was larger, but in that instant, Wang Zheng lunged in with his elbow!

Instant reflexes born of endless training, that had completely become instinct. Boom…

González was sent flying more than 10 meters, sliding to a stop. His left shoulder was guarding his chest. In an instant, he bended, resisted, let through, and rebounded. Four techniques which dispersed the elbow technique.

Clearly, González had also seen Wang Zheng's battle footage. At this level, pros could always find the counter if they had watched the move enough. Even if it was not the perfect counter, they would not be left helpless.

When different classes and tiers watched the same battle, their understanding was very different. González had seen a few of Wang Zheng's key battles, and seen his physical technique from his mecha fights. Wang Zheng's attack style was very straightforward. His spinning shovel spoke of excellent wrist strength. The elbow techniques were his main aggressive move, and were polished and inflicted heavy damage. But he had very little moves. And the military trained killing techniques endlessly, which were the fastest methods.

Rewind time by five years, and González would have been uncertain of the win. But now, his comprehension was on a completely different level.

González drew his titanium knife. Everyone's gazes froze. Knife or not was a completely different notion. Without the knife, even a loss would not translate to a fatal wound. But with a weapon, especially at this level, a slip up would mean death or grave injury. Which meant death.

The dagger in González's hand gently traced some weaving patterns, like an elf dancing in front of him. His gripping method was rarely seen, even in Elite Academy X.

The major military schools focused on learning battle fundamentals, from theory, to practice, to body training. And they focused on different battle tactics. Whereas killing techniques would be learnt in the military.

Killing was a different matter from school.

If it were mecha, then the distance would be compressed. But in close combat, the gap would be exacerbated. The knife was artistry in González's hands. An extension of his body that could slice through a finger easily with a gentle kiss.

A warm part of his body, and cruelty and coldness to his enemy.

González was setting up some psychological pressure. This Wang Zheng's counter ability was not bad. González had to finish him off while ensuring he himself remained unharmed. Otherwise, he would be in a dangerous predicament. That was why the knife was the best choice.

The sky slowly darkened. Night on the island was darker than on normal planets. There was only faint starlight. To fighters, seeing things was not a problem, but a battle was a different matter. The risk was astronomical.

And this was just what González was waiting for. Darkness was his domain.

González's pupils vanished, turning grey. He was wearing the bracelet, so he could not use Ability X. But for some people, or the exceptionally talented, their Ability X changed in nature after it emerged. Of course, this must be linked to the Blackheart Arts that González trained in. He had complete night vision, and was unhindered by the darkness. Everything about him was clear, even down to people's heartbeats. It was not even that he could see clearly, but he could even analyze everything. All was within his sight, and his heart thirsted for blood.

He actually channeled everybody's thirst onto the target, Wang Zheng.

In the instant that the light faded completely, González attacked. He vanished!

Chapter 1112: Lion Thunder

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

A stab, a very quick stab!

Almost nobody present had registered the move. It was faster than the eye could see.


Wang Zheng's chest flinched, and he dodged it, although not completely. Wang Zheng could adjust to the darkness very well, although not as quickly as his opponent. He had not pulled his knife, not because he was showing off, but because the knife would affect his judgement.

His bloodstream was full of power. The power source of Blackheart Arts was blood. This smell triggered González, and his killing need intensified. He darted swiftly around. González did not attack immediately. He would look for his opponent's blindspot. He had thought that last attack was a sure hit, but Wang Zheng had actually avoided it. In that instant, when light turned to darkness, normal people would have an instant of disorientation. Even those who adapted quickly would misperceive his speed. But after this, the pain would increase one's sensitivity. González had much experience in this regard. After a few seconds, the clarity that pain brought would become a weakness of the body. This was the moment that he would attack. That was why he would maintain the pressure now, and not give his opponent a chance to recover.

After five seconds, González attacked. The titanium knife sliced through the night, tinged with a biting wind that caged Wang Zheng. The Darkness Empire's highest killing technique – 18 Death Points Sequence!

There were 18 points on the body that were fatal, on which attacks were concentrated. After being targeted, under normal conditions, as long as one had enough speed in the fight, it was unbeatable for human reaction times.

The first hit scored on Wang Zheng. Although it was not a direct connection, he could continue.

But at this moment, Wang Zheng began to move, his feet stepping in a curious pattern. His body swayed with the knife. The second blow missed…

Third blow missed!

There was no reaction time for such an attack. Military schools emphasized rhythm in a fight. Accumulate, prepare, explode. But there was no such time to waste in the army. After a quick test, proceed speedily to the weak points discovered, and then finish the fight.

That was González's rhythm. In this era where attack was king, such a rhythm was also dominant. Many of the empires swore by it. That was why it was said that a good military student was not necessarily a good soldier.

Although the last two attacks had missed, González still controlled the pace.

At this time, Lin Feng and the rest could slowly begin to follow the movements. That one's eyes could follow did not mean that one's body could also keep up. González struck at the best moments. Even the choice of timing when night descended was the best for both offense and defense.

But the fourth blow that González regarded as a sure kill – a diagonal slice to the ribs – had missed. Something was wrong now. This slice should have sliced through the gap in his ribs, but Wang Zheng's body twisted past it. Logically, he should have already been reduced to despair three strokes ago, but Wang Zheng was moving again.

Lin Feng could see his footwork clearly. Wang Zheng did not retreat, but was moving on his original spot. His movements seemed random, but in truth there seemed to be a pattern to it.

Fifth attack missed!

González's senses were tingling. The Blackheart Arts were coalescing within his body. His knife speed increased again. In the dark, the titanium knife was like a vampire, glinting with an evil, dark-red light. Such a light would definitely confound the eye, and even camouflage the attacker.

This was the ultimate move of Blackheart Arts. Although it was a small technique, but the effect was terrifying.

The sixth attack… missed!

Immediately, the light changed. Wang Zheng had already shut his eyes. Wang Zheng was equally experienced at battling in the dark, and even more complicated environments, although he had never faced an opponent as adept as González before.

He opened his perimeter. In the darkness, there was only a knife, and it became clearer than ever.

González's footwork was fixed, in support of his knife's movements. But Wang Zheng's Plum Blossom Footwork had a myriad of variations that encompassed all sorts of changes. When Wang Zheng had first started training it, it had been painful and bone-breaking. And such extreme training made his currently extreme situation seem less extreme. Another thing which threw González's judgement off was that Wang Zheng did not feel pain, and there was no opening like he had expected.

The seventh slice went wide. The eighth. Ninth. A high speed triple slash. The demonic dark knife absorbed all light and sought the end to life. But Wang Zheng's movements and body eluded it each time, baffling him.

In the darkness, Lin Feng and the rest did not look away. Similarly, at such a distance, on such a battlefield, they could clearly experience every detail. Close up to the danger, they could glean much as well.

Lear narrowed his eyes. He had seen this footwork somewhere before…

The key was not in the high-difficulty contortions, but in the synchronicity with his footwork. Because González maintained high pressure attacks, Wang Zheng became more and more calm. He depended on his footwork variations. Contrarily, the more that González sought these consecutive killing moves, the more "dead" his body became.

But the best killing move of the Darkness Empire was not that simple.

The consecutive misses did not cause González to panic, but instead become more concentrated. The Blackheart Arts entered his bloodstream, and his knife's edge unerringly chased down Wang Zheng. The slightest mistake would cost him his life.

If he had Ability X, Mars would definitely have blocked the blade, and then clubbed his opponent to death. Delaying it this way was not good. Although Wang Zheng's agile footwork seemed to buy him an advantage, such techniques often saved the most fatal for last. And it was especially targeted at pros.

Because he had adapted a beat slower to the darkness, Wang Zheng could not draw his knife. And it was too late now. This was a hidden danger!

With Ability X, Wang Zheng could have used certain changes to counter, and had an entire arsenal available, such as his instant inferno break, etc. All of them could alleviate the pressure. But without Ability X, it was extremely difficult for one on the defense to turn the tables.

But that could not be helped. Wang Zheng was a sitting duck. His opponent had come prepared, even for him, and Wang Zheng had not escaped his plan.

The next few cuts were even more cold, but Wang Zheng's footwork found even more agility. His steps blended with his body's twists, and sometimes even in a contrasting manner. But this was not unexpected. At this level, one's body would move in a polished manner, but to coordinate well in such a dire situation was indeed difficult.

In the blink of an eye, 16 attacks had passed. The violent aura of González filled the air, and he seemed a little discontent and angry.

Those present might be affected, or someone of Zhang Zhun's skill level might feel elated, because there would definitely be a refractory period after a continuous attack. But Lin Feng and the rest were completely riveted.

There was no pause… God!

The charging González actually held another titanium blade!

A second blade!

In the dark, he was like a poisonous scorpion with two stingers.

This was the titanium blade that González had taken from one of his victims. The 17th and 18th blades flew out simultaneously.

This change already left them really surprised. And the angle was just nice for Lin Feng to see a cold glint in González's mouth.

Poison needles!

A fatal scorpion stinger!

All three moves at the same time!

He was definitely doomed!

Mars had clenched his fist, but he was too late. At such a level of competition, one's life could be over in an instant, and there was no chance to save him.

González's battle tactics were too rich, and tore down all defenses. It was rare to see such a "dirty trick" even in the military. It was difficult to master, but once you did, it became a powerful tool in battle.

Lear finally smiled. This was exactly the result he was hoping for. The world was vast, and any who thought they could conquer the world alone was trash. There was only one end for them – death!

Without Ability X, you could not dodge it even if you were invincible. Both knives locked you in, and the poison needles, was a sure kill. Even if Wang Zheng avoided a fatal blow, the needles would carry a little something. Otherwise, he would not have hidden them for so long.

This was not Lear seeing shadows, but if it were him, it was what he would have done.

Two knives moving simultaneously, with the poison needles for the finisher. In a flash, González became extremely calm. He was waiting for Wang Zheng to act, to strike a killing pose. When his opponent had no more moves, he was like a fish on the chopping block.

But in that instant, Wang Zheng… actually did not move. Although his body did not move, Wang Zheng's pupils suddenly burst with a golden light. The Primordial Regression Technique's accumulated energy had reached a peak.

Roar~~~ (Celebratory shouts)


Instantly, everyone's ears were filled with a roar. Up close, González bore the full brunt of it. In the silent, dark battlefield, there was suddenly an explosion of lightning.

Primordial Regression Technique – Lion Thunder!

Chapter 1113: Aslan People Without Integrity

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

González wanted to avoid it, but he could not. His completely offensive countenance aside, he had been in full control of the initiative up till now. Most importantly, such a manner of attack was completely unprecedented. How could he have seen it coming?

Instantly, blood spurted from his every orifice. González almost swallowed the poison needles, and they scored his cheek. With a supernatural instinct for survival, González rolled and ran off into the forest without a backward glance.

If he did not leave, he would never get a chance to.

González felt his face numbing on one side. Although he had already used the antidote, but the numbing effect was very strong. His five viscera and six bowels had also been ruptured by this roar. Worse, his head was in a jumble. If it were not for his training which had told him to run, he would have died without question.

He had lost. And lost big.

Wang Zheng did not pursue, and could not. Because Lear was already in his way, his smile in place.

Mars lit the campfire and restored light. He hoped they had some shred of humanity left. The three slightly dazed Aslan fighters were standing around.

Wang Zheng's belly and neck were still bleeding. Wang Zheng ripped off his shirt to stem the knife wound. He took a deep breath and treated his wounds.

As for Lear's tricks, he did not pay them mind. Firstly, he had no intention of pursuing. Secondly, this was Lear, who would always look for any advantage. It was almost like he could not be at ease if he did not have the petty advantage.

Lear watched Wang Zheng's reaction. Especially when he was wounded, he judged the situation, and then executed his plan.

He must still be conserving energy and moves. Others might have felt that Wang Zheng was a conservative fighter, but only Lear knew that this guy was storing aces up his sleeves. The more he stored, the longer he lived. Mars and González had already revealed two, but a pity he did not know what Mars had revealed. But anything that could overwhelm Mars in one move must be his best move.

The reason was that Mars had not sustained any obvious wounds, so the defeat must have been decisive, and in one move. What on earth was it?

Lear did not know, which was why he was smiling.

Wang Zheng looked at the Aslan crowd. Lear would not move on him. That coward need not be minded.

Clap, clap, clap…

Lin Feng was applauding. "Bravo. The ability to make the Darkness Empire's special forces take a loss. Under different circumstances, we would have been done for the day, but you know, Wang Zheng. No rest but death."

"That's a little shameless. A gank plus consecutive battles. When did Aslan become like this?" Dong Er burst out. The battle just now had made their hearts beat wildly, almost popping out. And now they thought it was over. Even if the noble Aslan warriors wanted to fight, they would choose tomorrow, or when Wang Zheng was recovered. But they were naive.

"Although I don't like it, that's what Wang Zheng brought on himself. He made himself the target," Ouyang Ruoliu said softly.

"Even so, this is SIG. It's a competition, not…"

"Dong Er, that's only our view. To them, this is a war, and everyone is betting with their lives." Ouyang Ruoliu's family had seen too much of this, and was desensitized. Ouyang Ruoliu did not think much of it. She was in agreement with Lin Feng on this.

"I'm rooting for Wang Zheng starting now," Qian Xuedie said, directly declaring her position. Lin Feng and the rest were not being chivalrous, and she did not like that. "Huiyin, what do you say?"

Huiyin's gaze had never left Wang Zheng. He was bleeding. Did it hurt? Why did she hurt? She was sad.

For her sister, he would take on the world. But not for her. That made her heart hurt.

Mars frowned. At this juncture, he did not want to just watch on.

Wang Zheng shook his head, stopping Mars. "Forget the niceties. For Huiyin���s sake, I will not kill you. Will you come one by one, or all together?"

Badass. A badassery that was illogical!

Even Lin Feng's anger turned to a laugh. From the side, Qiankun Zadeh stood up. "Against you, I alone will be enough. Remember my name. Aslan Official School's Qiankun Zadeh!"

Di Maria did not rush forth. Physical technique was not his specialty. Although he was excellent, in order to specialize in Ability X, he had only learnt basic breathing techniques, and no martial arts. His time ability was too unique, and he did not want other factors to interfere with it.

Lear paused, cursing inwardly. What a bunch of imbeciles. Deceitful yet trying to be righteous. At this moment, they should just all pile on and finish Wang Zheng.

Lear was clever, and he had calculated it well. Aslan was already pushing the limits here. If they ganked him, then Aslan was finished at this SIG.

Everyone had their limits, except Lear.

"Gentlemen, this seems like a lively show. How about a wager?" Bolet laughed. Mars had lost, and González had run away. Next up was the Aslan gang, and many more awaited in the area.

Lin Hong's face was dark. At this juncture, they were being brazen. The fact that they did not all gank him was their last shred of dignity.

In the monitoring room, there were more than 10 people gathered.

"This boy's interesting. I like it. If he can live, we have to give him some perks." The one who spoke was Major General Keelung from Fairy Star. Fairy Star and the Darkness Empire were old rivals, and their history of death and enmity reached back for too long. Those of Fairy Star saw in terms of black and white – any who beat the Darkness Empire was their friend.

"The chances of this kid surviving is zero!"

"I think it's pretty interesting. Given his ability, it'll be hard to catch him if he makes up his mind to run."

"The thing is, if he runs or not."

"Good to be young. I was once that impetuous as well."

The scene was rather brutal, but the generals present had seen too much of it, and their mood was undampened, although they all looked on seriously.

Wang Zheng made a very unwise decision.

On the battlefield, Qiankun Zadeh had pulled out his titanium blade. He was even more direct than González. He would finish Wang Zheng in one swift move, and give him no opportunity to surrender.

Lin Feng waved a hand for everyone to back off. Di Maria immediately knew what was up, and immediately retreated with no pretenses.

"Zhang Zhun, you get back. Best if you find some shield," Mars said.

Zhang Zhun did not ask why. Whether in terms of ability or experience, he could not hold a candle to these people.

In truth, Zhang Zhun had felt his heart swell just now as well. The situation of his teammates had caused him to lose hope in the qualifiers, but today he realized that even at peak condition, they still stood no chance.

This bunch of people were monsters.

In the night, Qiankun Zadeh's body floated on a layer of white light. The glow extended to his titanium blade, and did not stop it.

Aslan Imperial Arts – Wind God Arts!

Wang Zheng pulled his titanium blade, holding it in a reverse grip. He extended his perimeter, the Primordial Regression Technique returning to a calm state after the last explosion. He was not a robot, so he had to accord power according to his strength. Besides, feinting and bluffing could buy you precious time.

The opponent only needed to think about this battle, but he had to be concerned about what came after. it was not just the Aslan people in front of him, but he was sure that more were waiting in the forest.

This was a battle where death was the only rest.

Qiankun Zadeh's killing power continued to rise, and the aura began to solidify. If it could be said that González's fight was full of ** and still could not be decided, then Qiankun Zadeh would be even more focused. With no regard to reputation or anything else, he would simply kill Wang Zheng, and render him unable to sully Aslan's dignity any further.

This Military Official School captain was filled with killing power. Even if he ended up in military court, he could not let Wang Zheng live. Such a small fry had best cease thinking about loving Her Highness Aina!

The titanium blade's cold, silver glow was as soft as mercury. Wang Zheng again felt the ripple of the wind.

This was not Ability X, but martial arts. Ability X was humankind's channeling of energy through nature, whereas martial arts used the energy in a human's body. That was why whether the source of energy was external or internal, they were still strong. If Di Maria was said to specialize in Ability X, then Qiankun Zadeh was the ultimate physical technique specialist!

Or, maybe this was Kashawen's ultimate move.

The aura of both fighters continued to elevate, and they could feel the clear killing power of the other. Wang Zheng's eyes also began to glaze over.

Mercy towards the enemy was cruelty towards oneself. His grip on the titanium blade also tightened.


With a cry, Qiankun Zadeh seized the initiative. His awesome aura paving the way, he slashed at Wang Zheng.

This attack seemed to be as fast as lightning. It was not a misperception. The energy stream in his body was activated, allowing Qiankun Zadeh's to be so speedy, he could fly.

The titanium blade sliced through the night. Shing…

Wang Zheng instinctively leaned back, and the knife almost scalped him. In the trail of blood was some hair.

Wind God Arts – Warping Beheader!

In the darkness, Qiankun Zadeh had already arrived. His knife was unstoppable!