140 - 145

Reincarnator – Chapter 140 : Dark Cloud (1)

Elkadion clenched her teeth while staring at the man charging towards her.

'….A member of the Dark Cloud race.'

The man looked at Elkadion with amusement who was attacking him even whilst risking her life.

"What is this? You seem to know a bit about me? What are you?"

His real body was not this physical self but the black clouds floating upon the ground.

The body would quickly regenerate no matter how much it was attacked as long as no damage was given to the black cloud.

But she clearly seemed to know about this as she was crazily slashing at the black cloud above the body's head .

'Well. Even if she knows it doesn't matter much anyways.'


Just because it was meaningless for his body to be attacked did not mean he could just ignore it.

The human body which had been enhanced by the Dark Cloud's real body attacked Elkadion.



The Dragon Essence Blade surrounding Elkadion's entire body got smashed apart and her ribs also broke.



The 5m tall Taruhol's body which Elkadion was controlling flung out into the distance after getting hit by the fist of a human who wasn't even 2m tall.

The man looked at Elkadion who had been implanted deep into the walls in the corner of the Factory.

"Why are you holding on so resolutely? You should know that continuing to resist is futile if you know about me."

Elkadion spat out and then muttered out loudly after hearing those words.

"Shut up. Someone who's much more formidable has left. Somebody who can crush the likes of you."

"Heh, I already saw him fight with you to a standstill."

How could somebody who was on similar levels with the one in front of him beat him?

The choice the man who had ran away made was a wise one.

Since he would've just gotten ripped apart along with this person in front of him if he had stayed.

The man smirked at Elkadion.

'But still… This is a bit troublesome.'

His strength was continuously decreasing as if the air here wasn't quite fit for him.

But he could just fill it back up.

'Let's see… There's a lot of food here according to this human's memories.'

There wasn't a need for his original body to go at all.

Something popped out from the Dark Cloud's main body.

It then went through the ceiling and continued upwards.

'Well. That should be enough for above. Time to play with this thing in front of me.'

Somebody who knew about himself who lived in the Abyss.

Of course it would be fun to play with her.

The man, who had sent numerous small clouds upwards, controlled the body he took over and started to attack Elkadion.


Gwanje looked at the in the distance and made a satisfied expression.

"The preparations are going well… Anyways, finding the portal is really a great boost of morale."

Gwanje nodded.

Since his mind was much more at ease after finding the portal.

Though he had no thoughts of going up, quite a lot of people were distressed from having no exit path.

Since the Akadus and the Akarons could attack them at any moment.

They weren't all stupid.

They all knew that the current alliance was a very unstable one.

'This is why… We need to complete the Suppressive Measure as soon as possible.'

Actually the Suppressive Measure wasn't much.

It was something he had done in the past.

A large amount of Graphite.

Them, the Humans, could leave through the portal but the Akarons couldn't.

Which meant that this would be used as a threat.

Though they hadn't collected that much, it hadn't been long since the Lazar woke up.

It would be very effective since it wouldn't have enough body fluids.

'Though it'd be better if we didn't have to use it…. We must take into consideration unexpected circumstances.'

At that moment.


A large explosion was heard in the distance.

"What? What happened?"

'Are they attacking already?'

Gwanje freaked out and looked outside.

Like a child who had been caught in the midst of a mischievous act.

Gwanje's expression turned grim after coming out from the simple headquaters and having looked at the territory of the Unity clan.



"Are you crazy? Why the hell are you doing this!"

Numerous shouts and explosions were heard from all around.

'Those damned Akarons…Did they strike first?'

Gwanje ground his teeth as he looked at the Akadus that were assaulting the humans.

'Oh god. What the hell is this…'

Gwanje was flustered as he was shocked again.

'…The Akaron's holy land is also getting attacked.'

Such a thing wouldn't happen if the Akarons had betrayed them.

And looking at it closely, the Akadus didn't look that normal.

Gwanje instinctively knew that something was wrong after seeing the Akaron's territory that was set ablaze.

At that moment a carrier pigeon flew into Gwanje.


He would be able to find something out about this situation if he found Hansoo.

Gwanje clenched his teeth and then quickly moved towards the location the carrier pigeon came from.


"You're all here."

"Damn. What the hell happened?"

Gwanje panted as he looked at Hansoo in front of him.

He had run here in that much of a hurry.

Leaders of the previously existing clans such as Enbi Arin and Ariel, Oteon and the four Pillars had gathered in front of him.

One could say that all the representatives of the humans and the Akarons had gathered with this much.

Hansoo started to explain as people gathered.

What just happened.

"Someone from the Dark Cloud race has come here through the Soul Telautograph."

A member of the Dark Cloud race.

It didn't care if the target was formless or had form, it would just infect it with the black cloud and control it.

It would then suck up the energy from the things it had infected and gain strength.

The Dark Cloud race was a satanic race that even the powerful races of the Abyss avoided.

"Damn…That's why the Akadus are like that huh."

Gwanje cursed out as he saw the blackened Akadus on the way over here.

Enbi Arin was quietly listening to this but suddenly spoke out:

"What about humans? Can it not infect humans?"

Hansoo shook his head.

"It wouldn't go for living things since they have a powerful defensive instinct. It hasn't been long since it came here."

But that possibility wasn't that far off.

Though it was too weak currently to eat up life forms but once it gains more strength by eating the Akadus at this rate then sooner or later the Akarons and the Humans would get infected by it as well.

Then it would all end.

"We need to deal with the main body before that happens."

"…Are you saying that we need to get through that thing over there?"

Gwanje looked at the Arklateori that was swarming with the Akadus.

It was slowly infecting the Akadus one by one without a bit of hurry and was gathering them around the Arklateori.

Thankfully the collision between the Humans, Akarons and the Akadus had subsided but everybody already knew.

That if this was to continue then the situation was only going to worsen.

Arklateori was within its hands already and it would only get stronger by the minute by infecting and draining the energy from the Akadus that came out from it.

Enbi Arin sighed as she mumbled.

"…Damn. Why did this happen so suddenly? Where the hell did that thing…"

Oten suddenly spoke out with a cold expression.

"It is our mistake."

Oteon then retold the story.

Enbi Arin spat out with a dumbfounded expression after hearing the story.

"What the fuck… Isn't Elkadion your leader?"

"Yes she is."

"And we have to clean after the shit she made? With our lives on the line?"

Enbi Arin spat out curses

Oteon couldn't say anything.

Since the current events were extremely stupid the way she saw it as well.

Gwanje made a grim expression and then asked Hansoo.

"Hansoo, are you perhaps going to go through that thing?"

Hansoo nodded.

Gwanje's grim expression turned even worse.

'If we hadn't found the portal… and hadn't prepared the suppressive method.'

Gwanje sighed and spoke out.

About the portal and the suppressive method he had created.

And added something after the story.

"We humans can just run outside the portal. And the final person could just make the Gragos roll with the suppressive measure we prepared."

"Oh my, not bad."

Ailen made an impressed expression while hearing it.

When did he prepare such things?

Gwanje looked at that Ailen pathetically and then continued to speak.

"Which means, there won't be any damage done to the humans even if we don't partake in this fight. There's no reason for the ones who come after to die either."

Hansoo nodded.

Since those words were very correct.

But he could not give up like this.

He hadn't come back to run away like this. He had come back to save the people and save the world.

"The Akarons would all die then, the Body Enhancement Surgery will disappear as well."

He hadn't come here to maintain his condition and be safe.

He could not give up the legacy of the Orange Zone no matter what.

Gwanje looked at Hansoo with a much more grim expression.

And then asked just in case.

"What do we gain from helping out in this situation."


"That's really damned."

Gwanje sighed out in despair.

There was no reason to help even if they wanted to.

They weren't gods, they were merely the old clan leaders.

How could they lead the people and shove them into that factory over there which was swarming with the Akadus.

Oteon spoke out with a grim expression.

"Don't worry. We didn't call you over here for that. We just called you so we can tell you about all this."


"We will solve it so… You just watch and escape from here if something goes wrong."

"What? How are you going to do this?"

Hansoo then took something out from his pockets and held it up.

One of the greatest techniques that he had taken from the Historan on the way out.

Oteon looked at that item with a heavy expression.


A liquid that allowed one to gain the power of a crazy emperor.

The scent that activated Berserk mode in the past allowed one to gain a huge amount of strength with a harsh side effect.

This was way beyond that.

All the silver liquids in the body will start to boil and explode the moment it was used.

Death could not be avoided.

A liquid that only the Great Priests could use and no one else.

"Of course this would give a tremendous amount of strength. We're planning to use this."

They would go ahead and break through the Akadus.

Then Hansoo, who had made numerous preparations to attack the weakness of the Dark Cloud race, would go inside and deal with the real body.

This was the current plan.

"…You're going this far? You'll all die."

Oteon laughed at Gwanje's words.

"As you said before, this is all the responsibility of leader Elkadion. Something that she cannot shoulder herself."

Many had lost their lives already.

How could Elkadion shoulder all of this by herself.

Oteon continued to speak.

"But it was something our leader did for us. How do we have no responsibility in this matter? We are planning to share her burdens and shoulder them for her."

"…Okay, they're going for that reason but why the hell are you going?"

Hansoo chuckled at Ariel's words.

"Don't worry. I'm not working for free. You see Elkadion told me that she'd give me the Dragon Essence Blade but didn't. I'm going over there to get it back."

"What crazy nonsense…"

As Ariel looked at Hansoo spewing out random words, she made a dumbfounded expression.

Someone of his level could gain tons of artifacts around that level up above.

But he was going in there just to keep the Body Enhancement Surgery.

Enbi Arin and the other clan leaders stared at Hansoo and the Akarons who had turned around after finishing their preparations.

Well, they were looking at Hansoo's back to be precise.

What the hell is inside this guy's head?

At first they thought that he was crazy for battles and then they thought that he was hiding something. But they knew now. No, they could feel it now. Every action Hansoo made was for them, the human race. He had his life on the line for them. A tremendous amount of emotions sprang up from inside them.


Enbi Arin and the other clan leaders clenched their teeth.

What the hell were these feelings that were springing up from the depths of their chests while looking at the back of somebody else.

Why did that guy's back seem so broad. Why were every single cells they had shaking?

'No seriously, what the hell are you?'

'Are you really like the human race's savior or something?'

They all muttered the same words.


"Hmm. Nothing… to give us."

Enbi Arin stared at Hansoo and the Akarons who were dashing towards the factory in the distance.

Since he was saying those words that confidently, he would definitely succeed.

Since they said that they were going to use the Berserk Emperor's Fluid.

'They'll all die for sure. Would only that guy survive then? This just doesn't quite feel right.'

She didn't feel this way because of the Akarons.

It was because of Hansoo.

That strange guy worked even when there was nothing going for him. He didn't expect any rewards or compensations either. She didn't believe this at first but she did now. Since he was showing it clearly.

Enbi Arin.

Someone who couldn't live with debts to repay.

'Let's see. That guy saved my life…Once? Was it twice?'

Once before she almost got killed by the Tiradus.

Another one when he had stopped the battle between the Gragos.

'Well, he didn't just save me.'

Enbi Arin decided to stop counting.

Since she wouldn't be remaining in this current world without Hansoo anyways. As her thoughts got organized she realized that she couldn't just stand still. She felt like she couldn't just stand doing nothing.

Enbi Arin looked at Gwanje and spat out.

"Did you send all the Carrier pigeons?"

Gwanje nodded.

Enbi Arin asked Gwanje.

"And you're just going?"

Gwanje chuckled.

"Well, I don't really feel like I owe my life to him. To be honest he did something he needed to do, he didn't do those things to save me you see."


Enbi Arin looked at that Gwanje with a confused expression.

"Why did you get armed if you aren't going to go?"

Gwanje laughed at those words.

"You see, my wife owes hers to him. That's the problem."

Gwanje then sent out the final carrier pigeons into the sky.

They hadn't realized.

That Hansoo had slowly started to turn into a pillar supporting them within their minds.


The member of the Dark Cloud race laughed in satisfaction.

'It's going well.'

He had read the current situation through the man's memories.

The relationship between the Humans and the Akarons wasn't great and instead they were afraid of each other.

'Quite lame fellows.'

How could they win like that when combining their strengths wouldn't even be enough?

And it would be even better if the humans tried to run away.

'I already found the location of the Portal.'

Dealing with the enemies one by one.

It was his favorite method.

If they run away while he's raising his strength then he could just cut them off in the middle and eat up everyone left behind.

He could then follow them up and eat the rest of them up.

The man finished his thoughts and then looked at Elkadion who had turned into rags as he laughed.

"Why didn't you run away? Weren't your strengths quite similar? It wouldn't have mattered much if either of you ran away."

The man didn't catch the one running away on purpose.

Though he could.

Because he wanted to see the one in front of him fall into despair after realizing that her sacrifice was for nought.

Since the most amusing thing in the world was crushing the final remaining bit of hope.

Elkadion laughed and replied to the man's words.

"That's because I have debts to replay… And Hansoo is the exact opposite. The difference between us is very clear."


At that moment.

Something was caught within the sights of the Akadus that he was controlling.

The man confirmed what it was and then frowned.

"God fucking damnit…"

Elkadion muttered inwardly as she looked at that man.

'You should've caught Hansoo no matter what even if you had to ignore me.'

Since power wasn't everything.

The important thing was the magnitude of one's influence.

'It seems he really worked hard.'

Elkadion mumbled as she looked at the flustered man and the huge army that was charging towards them in the distance.

Reincarnator – Chapter 141 : Dark Cloud (2)


A humongous army composed of both the Humans and the Akarons was marching towards Arklateori.

Enbi Arin, who had been at the very front of the army, looked at the people who were walking besides her.

The Cross clan that she led.

Gwanje's Rerorerore clan.

Ariel's Okonelly clan, one of the top 3 clans prior to the creation of Unity.

'Well, I didn't expect these guys to come.'

Enbi Arin chuckled as she looked at Ailen.

"Why did you guys come?"

Why would somebody who had suffered miserably after being held hostage by Hansoo come here.

And she had even arrived before herself or Gwanje as well.

Ariel mumbled quietly in reply.

"Mind your own business."


Ailen didn't continue to reply to Enbi Arin and instead mumbled quietly inside.

'I can't miss this golden opportunity.'

She had to acknowledge it now.

That the humans had started to spin with Hansoo as the center after he appeared.

She could tell just by looking around her right now.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Members of Unity who were swarming towards the factory in huge numbers.

It would be quicker to find those who hadn't joined than counting who were here.

'For so many to have come voluntarily…'

Ariel smacked her lips.

Ariel knew very well about herself.

Though she was female, she was more ambitious than males when it came to authority and she wanted her opinions to be stronger than anyone else's.

There were two ways to achieve this.

Be amazing by oneself or line up behind someone who is doing amazing things.

Though it damaged her pride a bit, Ariel decided to aknowledge it.

'The latter option is the better one here.'

This is why Ariel joined in on this fight even before Gwanje or Enbi Arin in order to help Hansoo.

'I want to get closer to that guy.'

A relationship would progress quickly by owing and repaying debts.

It's the same with banks.

Borrowing and paying the fees month by month diligently raised one's credit scores much faster.

'This is a chance. Though I wasn't 1st… I should've caught his eye at least. It'll be good if I get a bit closer to him…'

Ariel escaped her delusions while slightly blushing and came back into reality.

'Anyways… Can we win with this?'

Though she had bet because she thought they could win, her confidence trembled when she saw the Arklateori in the distance.

If everything in the world could be resolved by people combining their strength then there wouldn't be anybody searching for a god.

Solving problems with courage and friendship was only something that happened inside comics.

People searched for gods when something that is impossible, in any way shape or form, came up.

'…It feels extremely grim.'

If there was a palace of an Evil God, it would probably radiate an aura like the one she was feeling right now.

Ariel looked at the Arklateori in the distance where that Dark Cloud member would be and made a nervous expression.

'Were their choices correct?'

Ariel thought of Reziem, her right arm, who wasn't here anymore.

She had told people to leave with him through the portal since she didn't have any authority to stop them anyway.

There were probably quite a lot from the other clans as well.

'Well. It makes more sense if they didn't follow.'

The number of people who had run away was quite high.

They would be able to leave through the portal without much problems within this chaos.

At that moment.

A message flew towards Ariel.


Ariel was flustered at the extremely urgent message she had just read.


A member of the Dark Cloud race, Galkima, laughed like a maniac as he saw the massacre the Akaduses were performing.

Since there was no need to save those who ran towards the Portal due to a change of events.

'Yeah, This is what should be happening.'

Everyone fought the Akadus with every bit of their remaining strength but it was all useless.

As long as the black cloud controlling the Akadus remains than the soldiers it controlled wouldn't stop.

Of course the calmer ones attacked the cloud above the heads of the Akadus but this was also useless.

Since his body, Dark Cloud, was made in a way completely foreign to the knowledge and the energy of this world.

It wasn't easy to break it.

Galkima, who had been watching the massacre, turned around and looked at the humans who were charging towards him.

The ones who hadn't run away and instead decided to fight with him.


He was merely momentarily surprised at the humans and the Akarons who were charging in from the distance.

He was shocked for a bit since the ones who shouldn't have been able to group up actually did, but they still wouldn't be able to beat him with their combined strength.

Since the Dark Cloud race of the Abyss was too strange and weird for the creatures of the Otherworld to go up against.

'Ahhh. This is nice.'

Galkima made an arrogant expression as he watched the things that would soon become his food.

A scene where every bit of manpower within an entire world had grouped up and were coming to fight him.

A scene where everyone feared him and wanted to drive him out.

A sensation he had never been able to feel in the Abyss.

Though he was strong, there were too many strange and unique beasts in the Abyss.

'Heheh. The Dragons and the Devil Kings always live with a sensation like this huh? I'm really envious of them.'

Galkima looked at the man standing in the very front of the group called Hansoo.

'I need to really thank you.'

Galkima muttered inwardly.

Since he wouldn't have been able to feel this sensation if the Akarons and the Humans hadn't gathered with him as the center.

Everyone fearing him and treating him as a nightmare wasn't that bad either.

But this much was not enough to fulfill his desires.

Eating up those guys one by one while they run around in fear without any resistance?

That would only be enough to fulfill his desire for control and power.

It wasn't enough to fill up the other desire the ones living in the Abyss had as a must.


The sensation one received after crushing the body and the will of the ones resisting, making them fall into despair.

'I should infect Hansoo in a special way and treat him well.'

It was much more fun to snap the neck of the ones with a last bit of hope remaining in them than playing with those who already fell into despair.

Galkima finished his thoughts and got up.

And then muttered towards Elkadion who was tied onto the wall.

"Anyway, I really like these toys. I shall use them well."

Galkima finished speaking and then looked towards the now blackened ten Golden Akadus.

'These guys should be enough.'


The moment Galkima gave his orders the ten Akadus led the smaller Akadus, like generals, and started to fly towards the humans at a rapid pace.

Elkadion made a slightly pained expression as she saw this.

'Hansoo…Please be careful. You might've been able to prepare things perfectly if you had a bit more time.'

The time given to Hansoo was nowhere enough for him to create something to deal with the Dark Cloud race by himself.

Elkadion looked at the Akadus that were flying away with despair in her eyes.



"They're coming! They're coming! Get ready!"

"Get into formations quickly!"

Everyone started to shout in a hurry as they saw the Akadus that were flying in from the distance.

A humongous amount of Akadus that one might mistake for a large cloud.

Mihee showed a complicated expression as she looked at Hansoo and the Akadus that were flying in while she was managing her own people.

'I thought that I'd finally gotten the capital to stand next to him but…'

Mihee mumbled as she looked at Hansoo.

She didn't say it but she had been extremely envious of Sangjin when Sangjin had followed Hansoo up.

Since Sangjin had gained the rights to stand next to Hansoo.

Though she was envious, she didn't cross the line.

She acknowledged her own limits, worked hard and climbed up after gathering a large amount of strong people the moment Hansoo called her.

Thinking that she'd be able to help out Hansoo now.

But she realized the moment she came up.

Hansoo hadn't called her because he needed them.

In that short moment they had been separated, a large amount of people were swarming around Hansoo already.

He had called her and the others after he had secured a safe land for them to live on.

And this is why she had been slightly happy when the Dark Cloud incident broke out despite knowing that she shouldn't be.

Since a chance to help had finally come.

But she felt her confidence breaking apart as she saw the Akadus flying towards them from the distance.

'…We have to fight with those things?'

Mihee stared at the army of Akadus that were flying in from afar.

The originally silvery body had been invaded by something black as it was constantly going through changes.

The claws had become sharper and the angel-like wings had been dyed black as well.

But ironically it didn't look like a devil.

Since the blackened wings of the angel had gotten more agile and even more beautiful than before.

Mihee looked at the army of Akadus, gulped her saliva and then asked Hansoo.

"We can… Do something too right?"

Mihee looked at the adventurers she had brought up from below.

Adventurers who held a blue pouch and a spear while staring at the fallen angels approaching them from the distance.

Though they had gotten quite strong in a short amount of time, the enemy they had to face was a bit too much for a slightly grown chick.

These were enemies that even the ones who had been in the Orange Zone for quite a while had to focus everything they had against.

Mihee suddenly remembered the old memories and sensations that she had forgotten about.

Memories of when they had first arrived at the Tutorial and barely survived through it by clinging onto Hansoo without a single bit of knowledge about that place.

The powerlessness she had was the same as back then.

'It's annoying. I thought that I'd be able to help finally.'

Mihee made a depressed expression inwardly.

Hansoo chucked at her words.

"This isn't something that will be determined by strength. It all depends on what you guys do."

Strength could not determine what an army could do.

An army's strength was pure in itself and very stable, one could trust on it until the end.

But this was in the end just a tool.

'Someone who can solve everything with just the strength of an army… Is a god of war.'

They were humans and not gods.

So they could only try their best.

Hansoo spoke towards Mihee.

"I was able to finish my preparations against them because you had come very quickly. If we win then it's all thanks to you."

Ariel's forces arrived second.

Then Gwanje's and Enbi Arin's.

But the ones Mihee brought just wordlessly grouped up with him and helped him out.

And this was the result.

Hansoo looked at the blue pouch that was in his hands.

Small pouches that were filled with tiny blue spiders the size of nails.


While Hansoo and Mihee had been talking, a large black cloud composed of Akadus had arrived right in front of the Humans.

And Ariel made an expression full of fear as she saw this.

The Silver Akadus could be dealt with but the Golden Akadus were out of her expectations.

And it seems they have gotten much stronger and more aggressive after getting infected.

Even she would get destroyed if she fought against just one of those things.

"Hey! Hey! Kang Hansoo! They're coming! What the hell do you want us to do with these!"

Ariel shook the blue pouch that Hansoo had distributed around before coming here and shouted.

Hansoo chuckled as he saw Ariel acting this way.

'How did she think to participate in this when she has this little faith.'

But it wasn't that bad.

Since she was here after all.

He had the responsibility of decreasing the damage done to them as much as possible.

Since they came here and placed their trust in him.

'Wait for me. I shall kill you.'

Hansoo mumbled with a cold expression while staring at the Arklateori in the distance where the Dark Cloud member would be then shouted out loudly.


A huge shout that resonated throughout the whole battlefield.

The moment this noise shook the battlefield.


Everyone either tied the blue pouch onto the distributed spears or used their own skills and threw the pouch all over the battlefield.

The pouches exploded in mid air as they dyed the completely black Akaduses blue.

'…4, 3, 2, 1."

After Hansoo had counted to 10 while watching this scene.

He shouted out loudly again.



The human army, which had been backing off, suddenly charged aggressively towards the army of Akadus which had arrived right in front of them.

"What the fuck! What the hell is this!"

Galkima was shocked and got up from his seat while he had been playing with Elkadion and singing through his nose.

'No fucking way. How!?'

His clones that were controlling the Akadus, the black clouds, were constantly getting devoured.

From the blue spiders thrown into the air.

Galkima made an expression of pure disbelief.

'He knows something about me? And he created such a thing in that short amount of time?'

The spider itself was an average spider.

Except a few things had been done to it.

He didn't know what they had done to the spiders but the hundreds of thousands of spiders that had been thrown into the air were eating up his Dark Clouds, which even Elkadion couldn't break, as if it was cotton candy.

Elkadion who watched Galkima make a flustered expression, made a similar expression as him and then mumbled to herself.

To create a way to deal with this in such a short amount of time would need a tremendously larger amount of information than the extent of her knowledge.

Since the Abyss had more useful and efficient information the further one went in.

'Kang Hansoo… Which floor have you reached in the abyss?'

Elkadion muttered with an expression of disbelief.

Reincarnator – Chapter 142 : Dark Cloud (3)

Hansoo shouted while watching the charging Akadus.

"No need to worry about the clouds above them! Just break the joints of the original body!"


And as if he was demonstrating, the Forked Lightning in his hands flew through the air.


Hansoo's Forked Lightning pierced through the air and through the black Akadus.

The Akadus that had been constantly regenerating from the black clouds couldn't regenerate like they had done until now and instead fell down from the air.

Hansoo nodded as he saw this.

'It's working well.'

The members of the Dark Cloud race were quite annoying to deal with since the ones they controlled would be close to immortals if one didn't deal with the black cloud behind the body.

But there was no need to worry about the clouds since the spiders which had been empowered with spells were destroying the Dark Clouds.

Since the spell empowering the blue spiders caused all spiritual entities to be restricted within where the physical body was.

Which meant that the Dark Clouds wouldn't be able to do anything as long as the main body is damaged.

The people who had been watching this suddenly felt invigorated from this sight and then started to attack the bodies.


"Oh! It's working!"

"Nice! These things don't regenerate anymore!"

Everybody refocused and and started to aggressively attack the Akadus that had been charging towards them.

Though they had followed Hansoo here, they were being overwhelmed by the black clouds that were controlling the Akadus.

They would constantly regenerate if the clouds weren't dealt with.

But even the cloud was hard to deal with since it was also surrounded with a strange energy.

But as those two things had disappeared, the Akadus were very familiar and much easier to deal with.

They were just like the beasts they had been dealing with in the Otherworld up until now.

Gwanje sighed as he saw this.

'That's a relief.'

Though he had followed Hansoo here due to the debt in his mind, he was stuck on how to deal with the enemies.

Since immortality was a terrifying thing to go up against

But he realized that this wasn't the end for him and the others.


The golden Akadus came down from the skies.


Though the blue spiders were constantly gnawing on the clouds, the already enhanced bodies wouldn't change.

The blackened golden Akadus looked at the surroundings.

As if they weren't interested in the weaklings.

"…Damn. Is it really?"

They were clearly looking for the commander or the leader…

During that moment when Gwanje was questioning their actions.


They smashed onto the ground with a loud explosion and then flew towards Gwanje.


"Dodge it!"

The surrounding clansmen had tried to help but it was useless.

There was a huge difference between the normal adventurers to Baladi levels and from the Baladi levels to the Margoth levels.

And that fallen Akadus was much stronger than a normal Margoth level.

It ignored all the other people who were trying to stop it and smashed into the sword he was holding on his right hand.


Gwanje, who had barely stopped its nails in time, felt his bones creaking inside his body.

A single attack.

That single attack had caused his entire enhanced body to make sounds of breaking.

A fatal opponent that he hadn't met for quite a while.

'This won't do. We need to group up…!'

Gwanje, who had collided with it once, decided to look for a safe route out and hurriedly looked around at his surroundings.

It would be too much for him to handle by himself.

Numerous Margoth levels would need to group up and smash it down in one go.

But Gwanje realized that the others didn't have the leisure to do so.



Hansoo, who was fighting 3 at once, was quite busy himself and the other people around his level, like Enbi Arin, were fighting with the golden Akadus that had charged at them.

All the other adventurers were fiercely fighting with the Akadus as well.

The moment he realized that there was no one to help him.

Gwanje suddenly felt scared.

And was befuddled at himself for being so.

'God. How long have I roamed the Otherworld…For me to get scared after all that.'

A position of a clan leader.

Commanding from the back was much more efficient than fighting in the frontlines.

It had really been a long time since he had met someone who he had to put his life on the line while fighting with them.

Especially an opponent who didn't care for a compromise nor a negotiation and solely focused on killing him.


Gwanje clenched his teeth after blocking the claws of the Akadus again.

'Damnit. I'm just making excuses.'

Enbi Arin.

Though she was also the leader of a large clan and had a similar power level as him, she was pushing back the Golden Akadus like an enraged lion.

He was merely scared.

But a thought instinctively ran by Gwanje's head after he had fallen in danger.

'Shall I maybe escape now? With my wife?'

They had found the portal.

Though the Silver Akadus were blocking the path, they were merely a threat to normal adventurers and not to him.

But he had thought for a moment too long.

'Oh crap!'

During that short moment he had been pondering, the blackened sword of the Akadus flung off the shield Gwanje was holding, the .


The Akadus that was staring at him could be seen after the shield had been flung off.


Right at the moment Gwanje shut his eyes as the Akadus' arm was swinging towards him.


The golden Akadus in front of him received a powerful blow from behind and rolled onto the ground.

Gwanje was flustered as he saw this scene.


Everyone who could deal with the Golden Akadus were busy.

But Gwanje soon realized who had come to help him.

"Your body…Is it okay?"

Hansoo took a glance at the giant gaping hole in his stomach and then shrugged his shoulders.

"This is nothing. It'll heal up pretty quickly."

If you could kill your enemies then it's a profit even if you get a hole in your stomach or even if your legs and arms break.

And he was in a much better position than others from the start.

Since he had three hearts.

'One's gone.'

This much wouldn't even be considered as a big injury in the Abyss.

'Fighting with the races of the Abyss makes me think of the past…'

He also had half of his body destroyed in order to beat the Dark Cloud race in the past.

Hansoo took another glance at the huge hole in his stomach and then was about to run off to another direction.

'We'll arrive at Arklateroi after a bit more.'

Gwanje clenched his teeth while looking at Hansoo and then shouted out.

"Damn! Let's retreat! We don't need to go this far! Let's go back! Don't you have people you care for? There'll be things left for us only if we are alive, why are you going so far! Is this a game or something?"

In a game it would become one's goals to go further than others.

But in reality one's survival is the highest priority.

The enemy's battle prowess was much stronger than they had expected.

And the difference between being able to run away to the portal at any time and the enemy blocking off the passageway to the portal made was huge.

Like being trapped in a cage with a poisonous snake, this sensation made Gwanje very uneasy.

Hansoo spoke out.

"I'm doing this because I have people I care about."


Hansoo muttered inwardly.

'There'll be nothing left if we lose.'

A single member of a race from the Abyss.

This single entity couldn't even utilize all of its strength properly but was still causing this much chaos.

Things like these are what they would need to go up against in the Abyss.

And he knew too well what happened to the Human race who wasn't prepared at all.

Since he had felt it with his body.

'Hyung died back then as well…' *

Gwanje was finally able to sense the difference between him and Hansoo that he hadn't been able to as he saw Hansoo who had no thoughts of backing off.

Hansoo was looking at something very large.

Something that they couldn't see.

'What are you looking at? Why won't you tell us about it?'

The reason why he had to continue forward even with a hole in his stomach.

Gwanje was curious about this reason.

Hansoo spoke towards Gwanje.

"There is something I was wrong about."

"What? You crazy bas…"

Gwanje made a shocked expression.

For him to say such things after all this.

Hansoo shook his head at Gwanje's words.

"Don't worry. I'm saying that my expectations of not having anything to give you was wrong."

Hansoo thought of the words the fairy had whispered to him from before.


Galkima muttered despondently while looking at the outside situation.

"God. This is really a disgrace. What the hell…"

Though they were toys, they were toys that he was controlling.

They weren't things that would get beaten by those insects.

'As I thought… I need a body.'

There was a limit with toys and clones.

The Dark Cloud race was battle race.

He needed a powerful body for his main self to control.

'I just need to control this thing!'

Galkima grinded his teeth while looking at Elkadion in front of his eyes.

His plans were quite simple.

Throw away this currently weak body and move into another one.

This weakling of a body could barely use 0.5% of his original strength.

But he had suppressed this Elkadion in front of him with that much strength.

If he were to take the body of Elkadion then he may be able to use up to 5% of his strength.

Then his toys outside being smashed apart wouldn't matter at all.

He would just need to chew them up with his main body and that would be the end of it.

And he had been quite confident.

Though the ones outside were smashing their way through in joy, he had confidence that he would be able to take Elkadion's body before they arrived.

But her resistance was beyond his expectations.

'I don't know what kind of person this is. At this rate…It seems like my body will get destroyed and I'll be forcibly exiled. What kind of a disgrace is this?'

No, being exiled would be a relief.

Those blue spiders outside.

If his soul were to get suppressed by those and at the same time have his body destroyed then he would just die right here.

A place where he had come for a feast would become his grave.

Galkima felt a chill run down his back.

And then was enraged.

At himself who was feeling threatened to this extent by those insects.

Galkima, who was pondering where to channel all his rage, suddenly grasped the head of Elkadion who had been resisting him so far.

And then whispered into her ear.

"Good. I will acknowledge that you're quite skilled. For you to resist this much, I also have to acknowledge the guy outside. I didn't expect for myself to get pushed back this far."

Though he was pissed, he decided to acknowledge what he had to.

Since he never expected that 2 lifeforms could push him back this far.

At this rate eating up Elkadion's body before the ones outside reached here was impossible.

But he had other methods as well.

"It seems that you care quite a bit about your race."

Though completely taking over her mind was too much, he could find out what was in her mind most of the time.

Caring for her own race.

He will target that.

"I will say this now. Hand over your body and agree with the contract. Then I'll allow your race to live. I will swear upon the name of the glorious king, Barbatoy.

Elkadion was shocked at those words.

He, a member of the demon race, had sworn upon the name of his king.

Which meant that he would definitely hold up his promise.

Since his entire race would get dragged into the hellfire furnace and get burnt for sullying the Demon King's name if he didn't keep the promise.

Galkima spoke while staring at Elkadion.

"But… If you deny this then I don't have to hold back. I will show you, who has dragged me into this place, what true hell is.

As he spoke the black clouds behind him wavered up and down.

Which signified that he was extremely enraged.

He was that urgent.

The entire Arklateori trembled from the rage of Galkima.

Galkima bit down onto the molars of the human he had been controlling to the point where they and blew apart and added in a few more words.

"I promise. No matter what happens I will make sure to eradicate your entire race no matter what before I go. In front of you while you watch, with the toys that you made yourself. I will say this one last time. Hand over your body. Now."

Galkima kindly stroked the back of Elkadion's head after finishing his speech.

She wouldn't be able to deny his offer due to her extreme love and caring for her race.

'I need to deal with it carefully since it'll become my body soon.'

Galkima's ultimatum.

Elkadion's expression stiffened at these words.

Reincarnator – Chapter 143 : Dark Cloud (4)


Gwanje and Hansoo were slowly smashing their way towards the Arklateori through the intense battlefield.

Since they knew instinctively.

That they needed to deal with the leader instead of wasting time here.

'We need to get Hansoo in there.'

More and more Akadus started to charge towards them the closer Hansoo and his party got to the entrance.

In order to block Hansoo from getting in.

"Block them!"

Gwanje shouted out loudly as he ordered the adventurers to block the Akadus.


The Akadus who were trying to block them from the entrance and the humans and the Akarons who were trying to block those Akadus collided fiercely.

Gwanje clenched his teeth and charged forward as if he was trying to redeem his cowardice from before.


A silver Akadus got smashed apart from Gwanje's kick and flew up into the sky.

Then a tunnel could be seen behind that Akadus.

A path that lead inside of the Arklateori.

'We've arrived!'

Gwanje was extremely excited.

'Well, there might've been a large amount of casualties without Hansoo…'

The damage they had received was little enough to conclude that they had dealt with the situation without that many casualties.

Gwanje finished his thoughts and looked at Hansoo and asked.

"Anyway, you're sure that you can beat him after you get in there right?"

The other people didn't have the strength to help Hansoo even if they went in.

Allowing Hansoo to deal with the Dark Cloud member after sending him in and blocking the entrance to the factory was hard enough already.

Since the viciousness of the Akadus had remained even though they had pushed their way all the way up to the entrance.

And the total number didn't seem to get lowered that much as if the Akadus that were being newly produced by the factory were coming here after being infected.

Hansoo was the one to deal with the issues in the inside.

Hansoo nodded at Gwanje's words.

"Don't worry too much. I've prepared quit a lot of…"

Before Hansoo could even finish his words.


A tremendously evil aura started to get radiated out from the Arklateori.


A dark aura that nothing up until now could come close to.

Gwanje felt a chill run down his entire body.

A dark aura that radiated throughout the entire battlefield.

Gwanje clenched his teeth and muttered with an expression of disbelief.

'Why was he dealing with us using the Akadus…When he was this strong?'

If he himself could wield such a tremendous amount of strength then he wouldn't have played around with the Akadus in the first place.

He would just come out and kill them all off at once.

And the aura he was feeling right now was that powerful.

The adventurers throughout the battlefield also felt an aura and all made fearful expressions because they didn't know how to deal with this.

The simple aura that had exploded out had driven out the thought of battle from their heads and instead replaced it with fear.

During that short moment they had flinched at the aura.

The movements of the surroundings Akadus changed

"Uhh! What's going on with these things!"

"Why are they only attacking us suddenly!"

The target of the Akadus changed completely.

Their main targets had been the Akarons who had taken the Berserk Emperor's Fluids and were charging towards them.

But after the vicious aura exploded out from the inside of the factory.

They didn't even take a glance at the Akarons as they only attacked the humans.

Gwanje clenched his teeth at the sudden change of events.

Hansoo analyzed these events that had suddenly occurred.

'She lost the body.'

Hansoo spoke towards Gwanje.

"Take care of this place. Make sure nobody can come in."

Hansoo then flew into the tunnel.

Gwanje clenched his teeth as he saw this scene play out.

'Control this situation?'

Everyone was stealing glances and were caught in a chaotic situation due to the sudden explosive aura.

How could they not.

Even Gwanje himself had wanted to run away.

At that moment a carrier pigeon flew into him.


Gwanje turned solemn as he read the message.

And then muttered with a very heavy expression.

'Hansoo you told me that you were fighting because you also had someone precious and dear to you.'

Then him choosing to defend his precious person was the right choice.

The current chaotic situation was the best moment to escape.

Gwanje clenched his teeth and carefully disappeared from the battlefield discreetly so others wouldn't realize.



Hansoo quietly muttered as he sensed the aura that was radiating from the distance while charging through the tunnel.

'He's doing it on purpose.'

He needed to ruthlessly charge forward.

After a bit a familiar scene unfolded in front of his eyes.

Soul Telautograph.

Elkadion who was standing next to it and the collapsed body of the human.

Galkima, who had taken Elkadion's body, looked at Hansoo and laughed out loudly.

"Hahahahaha! I can figure it out to a degree now. As to how this one and you knew about me!"

He couldn't read her memories since it hadn't been long since he took over the body.

But reading the most recent and vibrant memory that she had wasn't that hard.

'To return from the future after killing the Dragon race.'

This was why he was able to stay calm despite the difference in strength.

Why would he fear someone like him if he had killed those of the Dragon race?

'But you are just but an insect at this moment. Let's see if you can remain calm after hearing this story.'

Galkima finished thinking and spoke with a leisurely expression.

"It seems there was somebody with a very interesting memory out of the ones who had been running towards the portal. Do you know as well? That one of your underlings was creating a suppressive measure?"

Hansoo frowned at these words.

Suppressive measures.

Of course he knew.

But why did this come up right now.

And he had already told Gwanje to demolish the plan before he had come here.

Galkima made an amused expression as he looked at Hansoo.

"You see, I kind of found it first. Someone like you or me could probably survive even if this beast rolled. But I wonder how many of your race can survive."

It had already been quite a while since he had sent away a Golden Akadus along with numerous other silver ones.

He could make this giant beast roll whenever he wanted

Using the Suppressive method the humans had prepared.

'If I knew that I'd find something like this then there wasn't even a need to steal this guy's body. Keeping the promise would be a bit tedious.'

Well, he could just take all the Akarons up into the sky with the Akadus.

Galkima's expression, which had been smiling proudly, turned extremely cold quickly.

"You insect. I shall salute you for pushing me this far into a corner. But this is far as you go. Surrender now."

Actually with his current strength controlling everyone outside even without making the Gragos roll would be a piece of cake.

Since the endlessly produced Akadus along with his powers was enough.

But the man in front of him made him feel uneasy.

If that guy had run away after feeling his strength then there would be nothing to fear.

So he had let loose his aura on purpose.

In order to test him.

But he hadn't run away despite feeling the difference in strength, appeared in front of him and even continued to remain vigilant the whole time.

'So, you killed the Dragon race huh?'

Dragon race.

A terrifying top tier ruling race of the Abyss whose name in itself struck fear into others.

Though he was playing king in a place like this, if he were to get in the way of a Dragon race member then he would merely get used to wipe their toes.

For him to kill such existences and to come back.

If he didn't fear the Dragon race then what in the world did he fear?

"Surender. And cut off one of your arms and both your legs. Otherwise your entire race wouldn't be able to prevent getting destroyed."

Actually him killing everyone wouldn't profit him in any way

Since the ones he needed to control would get turned into corpses instead.

But the man in front of him made him feel too uneasy.

To the point where he had to threaten him.

At that moment


A carrier pigeon flew towards Hansoo.

A carrier pigeon from Gwanje.

"This dumbass…."

Hansoo frowned as he read the message.


Gwanje, who had been crazily heading towards somewhere, made a depressed expression as he saw something on the way.

People whom he had sent to destroy the Suppressive method.

But their bodies had long turned cold from the ambush.

Gwanje clenched his teeth and headed towards the location where the Suppressive method was after seeing the corpse of the man who had died right after sending in the message.

And then cursed out after seeing the scene of the place.


He could see the Silver Akadus that were crazily pouring in the Graphites in the distance.

And a blackened Akadus that was standing in front of them.

The golden Akadus, no, Galkima who had been controlling the Akadus made a surprised face.

Since he had never expected that somebody would come all the way here.

But the golden Akadus realized who had come here and then laughed as it spoke.

"You're quite brave aren't you. Aren't you the one who shook after getting hit once from before?"

It was making fun of him and laughing at him despite being a machine.

Gwanje grinded his teeth at the words of the golden Akadus.

'Was there another one.'

There had been 10 in the battlefield.

But originally there had been 12.

It seems that it had succeeded in fixing one of the two broken ones.

And that guy had come here after figuring this location out.

The Akadus continued to speak as he looked at Gwanje.

"Where did your underlings go, why did you come alone? I can still see the image of you struggling around and looking for your underlings."

The Akadus was full of leisure.

Since the one in front of him could not beat it no matter what it did.

Gwanje replied expressionlessly at those words.

"They have to guard the entrance."

Gwanje wanted to take all the forces he could and come here as well.

But he could not.

Since then he would get caught in the eye.

He was barely able to escape the battlefield using his Margoth-level skills.

But for a clan leader to take all his members and try to run away?

No matter what excuse he would give, it wouldn't look like anything other than them escaping.

Then the already nervous group of adventurers formations would break down in an instant and a huge chaos would be caused.

Then it was obvious where the remaining Akadus would head into.

'Enbi Arin. I hope you lead them well.'

At this point the Golden Akadus' expression turned from ridicule to regret.

"Which means that you're alone. How are you going to do this?"

Gwanje clenched his teeth and breathed in and out.

If he couldn't block that guy here then they would all die.

Due to the Suppressive method that he had prepared.

'Ahh…I should not have prepared something like this.'

Gwanje was filled to the brim with regret.

This wasn't because everyone was going to die because of his mistake.

Since he wasn't going to let such things happen.

Gwanje, who had been pondering with a heavy expression, gulped down something that was in his hands.


The moment he swallowed it.

His blood in his entire body started to boil.

The silver liquid inside the blood to be precise.

A power level that was merely at the Margoth level started increase explosively.

And then an irreversible change started to surround his entire body.


Gwanje made a sad and depressed expression as he saw his flaming body.

'Am I really going without even being able to see my daughter's face.'

He wasn't in the position to make Elkadion hold responsibility.

Since the mistake he made was much bigger than the one she had made.

And this was why he was going to take responsibility for it.


The golden Akadus was shocked at Gwanje who had started to shine with silvery light.

"You. Did you really?"

It knew that medicine well.

Since it had seen the Akarons take it in order to deal with it.

Berserk Emperor's Fluid.

A secret measure of the Akadus that burned up one's life and allowed them to have the might of a crazy emperor for a short moment.

Gwanje looked towards somewhere in the distance with a bitter expression.

Dying wasn't that bad.

Since he would've died already at the hands of the Great Priest if it hadn't been for Hansoo.

He was just extremely sad.

That he wouldn't be able to see his wife's face anymore because of a single mistake he had made.

'Hansoo, I believe you can make this place truly peaceful.'

Then his wife and his daughter inside his wife's stomach would be able to live in happiness at least.

"That's why you are going out with me here you fucking bastard."

Gwanje, who had started to shine with a smokey silvery light, felt his heart burning up and muttered out.

TL note : Is it his physical heart burning or his emotional heart? Or both…

Reincarnator – Chapter 144 : Dark Cloud (5)

"This damned insect!"

Galkima frowned as he watched the scene of the golden toy he had sent out getting destroyed through the cloud.

With this he would need to deal with each and every one of them one by one.

'He won't surrender either.'

Galkima looked at Hansoo in the distance with an annoyed expression then grinded his teeth.

There was no reason for Hansoo to get scared right now.

Galkima looked at the golden Akadus that was standing next to him suddenly.

One that had just recently finished its repairs.

It would be quite useful in the fight.

Though it was a toy, it was enhanced from his abilities.

And it was a special one.

But Galkima felt uneasy again after seeing the golden Akadus.

Since it felt like it was proving that he was scared of Hansoo.

'For me to rely on a toy like this.'

Galkima clenched his hands into fists and then quietly raised them.

Then he smashed the golden Akadus in front of his eyes.


A golden Akadus that was hard even for Hansoo to break had crumpled up and got destroyed.

The entire torso blew apart as the core turned into dust.


Galkima finally made a content expression after destroying the golden Akadus with his own hands in an instant.

Strength was overflowing from his entire body.

'Though he had killed the Dragon race that was only back when he was strong. Which means that the important factor is strength.'


A law that ruled over the Abyss.

And the guy in front of him was clearly weaker than him.

'I should take the chance and use this place as a farm as well.'

Galkima smirked.

The greatest luck that could befall their Dark Cloud race was being summoned by some weakling.

Since then they would be able to take control of all the lifeforms in this place and convert those souls and energy into food for themselves.

And if he returned to the Abyss after gobbling that up for a while then his rank in the Abyss would rise up quite a bit as well.

To go from a deadly jungle where one may get eaten if they didn't eat the opponent to a livestock farm where there was no danger whatsoever!

How amazing was this?

'I need to deal with this guy fast.'

The moment Galkima, who had taken over Elkadion's body, put his eyes upon Hansoo.

He flinched.

Because Hansoo's expression, which used to be expressionless, had stiffened up.

Hansoo played around with the blue spider pouch in his hands and then spat out a few words.

"If you come out from that body and fuck off right now then I won't kill you."

There was nothing to gain from fighting him.

Though there was a reward it didn't matter much to him whether he received it or not.

It was best to end things without a conflict occurring.

Galkima was dumbfounded as he was about to open his mouth to speak but then just closed it.

Since babbling on wasn't his style in the first place.

'I'll leave your head intact at least.'

Since he, Galkima, was also truly curious.

As to how this guy will react after getting his entire body broken apart.

And the head was needed to see this reaction.


As Galkima applied strength onto his entire body.


A tremendously large sound rang throughout the entire insides of the Arklateori.

Elkadion's body, which had been further enhanced by the Dark Cloud, disappeared from the spot it had been standing on with an explosive speed and appeared in front of Hansoo's eyes in an instant.

Then a fist was swung out.


The fist he had thrown had smashed into Hansoo's chest above his armor as Galkima expected.

A fist with the strength of someone from the Dark Cloud race smashed into Hansoo's body.

Galkima was confident as he was aware of the explosive strength that could be felt throughout his entire body.

That this one blow was the end.

'If your strength was around the same level of this body's original strength then even blocking this one attack would be hard.'

There was quite a difference between Elkadion's body that had been enhanced by the Dark Cloud and the one that had not.

A single fist was enough to deal with someone who fought to a standstill with Elkadion.


Hansoo's body flung backwards like a meteor and then slammed onto the wall of the Arklateori.

At the same time the giant factory suddenly trembled as if a meteorite had struck it.


A single attack.

Though a quarter of the giant factory, which was even larger than hundreds of sports fields combined, had been destroyed by that single attack, Galkima's expression was still very dark.

'Yeah, So your experience is still there despite having a weaker body huh.'

Galkima grinded his teeth.

At the moment Hansoo was attacked.

He had used all the strength in his body to send his body backwards.

And due to this the tremendous amount of power that should've smashed his body had instead dissipated.

'And…Did he get hit on purpose?'


Galkima grinded his teeth as he looked at the blue spiders that were eating his true body, the Dark Cloud.

When he struck Hansoo, Hansoo had left behind the spider pouch on his hands and had gotten sent backwards.

And thanks to this there were now spiders all over his body.


Hansoo walked out from the falling rubble as he mumbled.

"If you don't have any thoughts of returning then I shall gladly make you so you won't be able to."

Galkima muttered as he popped one of the blue spiders that were eating away at him.

"You damn insect. I don't even have thoughts of returning now."

Actually his soul being constrained within the body made him feel at ease.

Since there was only one way for this to play out no matter what Hansoo planned.

Hansoo shrugged his shoulders, pulled something out from his pocket and inhaled it.

'There is too much of a difference in physical strength compared to what I expected.'

The tactics he wanted to use would only work when he was capable enough to.

Hansoo ruthlessly inhaled the Berserk mode scent in order to level the playing field.


Though not as much as the Berserk Emperor's Fluid, this was still an Akaron product that could allow one to showcase a tremendous amount of strength in a short period of time.

Silver liquids inside Hansoo's body started to bubble.


Galkima smirked at this, bounced up from his place and then smacked Hansoo once more.


A powerful shockwave rang throughout the entire Arklateori.

And then another part of the Arklateori was broken again.


Galkima flew up to Hansoo, who was embedded in the wall, and then laughed at him.

"The Akaron's technique huh. That's pretty nice. But don't you think it's a bit lacking? And I know that it has a time limit as well."

Galkima then looked at his physical body.

This existence of the Otherworld, who he hadn't even heard of from the Abyss, still had quite a nice body.

And the techniques of the Akarons who had made such a body like this were worthy of praise as well.

But there was a limit.

The difference between Hansoo and him were astronomical.

Galkima looked at the small injury on the surface of his right leg.

A small scratch that Hansoo had made in the previous collision.

In order to create this scratch Hansoo almost had his left arm smashed apart.

At these words a loud shout was heard from the distance.

"Don't worry since it wouldn't take that long. Anyways, you made things easy for me since you ate up an Akaron's body."


At that moment.



Galkima freaked out as he looked at his leg's current state.

His whole leg was rotting away.

"What the hell! What is this!"

'Poison? Bacteria?'

He knew that Hansoo had a strange skill that spread spores.

But if the gap could be closed with a single skill then it could not even be called a gap.

Since injuries caused by those skills could just be healed right back up. [PR: A single skill shouldn't be threatening to him since there is a large gap between them both, a gap that can't be closed with just a skill.] Galkima hurriedly looked around the area of the injury.

There was a tiny amount of black liquid on his skin.

This liquid came in through the scratch, flowed through his veins and was eating away at his body.

No, it wasn't really eating away at his body.

The black liquid was disassembling the silver colored body and the essence which filled his body step by step as it was climbing up.

At the atomic level.

As the silver liquid's molecular structure was disassembled it turned black and the transformed black liquid infected more of the silver liquids inside his body.

Galkima clenched his teeth as he saw this.

At this rate he would die by getting his entire body infected.



Galkima raised his right arm and chopped off his rotting leg.


Thankfully for Galkima, the rotting stopped after he cut off the leg.

At the same time new flesh started to grow out from the area on his leg that he had cut.

At this rate his leg would be recovered in a short amount of time.

But at that moment.

"Where are you looking?"


Hansoo jumped out from the rubble and approached Galkima like a bolt of lightning and attacked him again.

A pain which was inflicted upon himself with his own hands.

Galkima flinched at the pain that he felt from the body he wasn't quite used to yet and allowed Hansoo to attack him once more during that short moment.

"You fucking insect!"

Galkima was enraged at Hansoo who had attacked him again even before his injury had healed and attacked him with his right arm.


His strength was so strong that a typhoon was blown around where he had attacked.

'Receiving it is too much.'

At the moment Galkima's attack hit him, Hansoo raised the Forked Lightning in front of him like a shield and then smashed the floor with all his strength.


Hansoo, who had diverted away most of the power that flowed through the spear and onto him, shot back like a meteor again and then got implanted into the wall again.


The shockwave from Hansoo getting embedded into the wall made the whole underground area shake.

But Hansoo ignored the pain which could be felt from his back and instead checked his arm.

Though he could withstand the pain, he at least needed an arm to attack.

'Hmm. Thankfully only a crack this time.'

Hansoo looked at his right arm which had a long crack running through it.

It was still this much after he had dodged, diverted and shielded it.

And Galkima's body was so tough that even with the Forked Lightning he was only able to leave a scratch.

But Galkima's body proved that this much was still enough.

"This bastard! Kuaaaaa!"

Once when he flinched from his own injury.

And once when he had retaliated with his right arm.

Two scratches, one on his neck and one on his side, were done by Hansoo's spear that had struck his body like lightning.

Very small scratches.

But Elkadion's body that Galkima had taken over were rotting away with those places as the center.



Galkima could only rip his body off again with his own hands.

He had to.

Since he would die by having his body rot away if he didn't.

Hansoo spoke quietly as he saw this.

"Your greatest mistake… Was taking the body of an Akaron."

The Akarons' history was definitely not peaceful at all.

Repetitive war and more war.

They had created numerous techniques to raise their strengths in order to go up against the Margoths.

But if half of the Akaron's history was going against Margoths then the other half was filled with internal disputes.

"This fratricidal history is so long… Of course there are a lot of methods to deal with their own race."

It was hard to create a medicine that would raise one's strength by even 10%.

Since they had to worry about the side effects.

But creating a deadly toxin that would destroy the opponent in an instant was a piece of cake.

As they found out more about their own body, the techniques to deal with the opponent developed more and more.

And Mekido, who worried about the might of these techniques, stopped all production of weapons and techniques that were harmful against their own race.

Hansoo thought of the conversation he had with Elkadion and then mumbled.

"If you were in a human's body then you wouldn't have suffered from such a fate. You probably wouldn't even have thought of crawling in there if you considered this situation for a bit."


Galkima's expression was filled with fear.

With time his body would be able to get used to this.

Since his body was analyzing the black liquid climbing through his body even as of now while the injuries he had cut away were healing back up.

But why would Hansoo give him time to do so?

Which means that he would need to smash that Hansoo guy apart without receiving a single scratch.

And Galkima knew.

That such a thing was an impossible feat.

Galkima stuttered as he backed off slowly.

"Wait! I'll go back! So please remove this blue spiders!"

Wouldn't Hansoo have made those offers for a reason?

Hansoo laughed coldly.

"You should've taken the chance back then."

There was a simple reason why he gave that proposition in the beginning.

Since it was better to avoid the fight if there was even 1% chance of losing.

And even more so if such a large thing was at stake like this moment.

Though he had prepared to deal with him, battles didn't always play out the way one wanted.

He would fall into a tight spot if that guy ran around and bought time.

And this is why Hansoo offered Galkima a way to leave back then.

But the leg has been cut off like he had planned and he wouldn't be able to run away anymore.

Why would he let the fish go when it had been caught already?

Since the fairy would only give him the reward if he killed Galkima.

"I told you before right? That it wouldn't take that long."

"Is it okay for this person to die! If I die then this person dies as well!"

According to the memories of this body, the real owner of this body, Taruhol, was quite precious.

Was this Taruhol dying not mattering at all?

Hansoo spoke with an expressionless face.

"I'll deal with that on my own so you can just die now."

"God fucking dammit!"

Hansoo raised his Forked Lightning, which was covered with a large quantity of the toxin, and then smashed it towards Galkima who was screaming and charging towards him as if he had gone crazy.

Reincarnator – Chapter 145 : The Hunter's Plateau (1)


Hansoo looked at Elkadion's body which had been turned into a mess.

A body that had turned completely black the Akaron's toxins.

Hansoo breathed in and out while watching that body and then moved his hands towards Elkadion's head.

Then he proceeded to pull the Crown of Thorns out from the head.


As the Crown of Thorns got pulled out, Elkadion's soul was also pulled out.

Along with the existence that had infected Elkadion.


Galkima's small bit of consciousness that was still left spat out a groaning sound.

He knew instinctively.

That the soul he had taken over was being taken out from the body.

'Damn…I should've eaten the guy below instead of this Elkadion.'

Once the crown was ripped away from the head then his soul, which had taken Elkadion's soul, would disappear as well.

Since his soul could only be maintained when both his soul and a physical body existed.

"Fuck. To die like this in a place such as this…"

The Dark Cloud race member, which spat out a string of curses with its last bit of remaining strength, got pulled out whole and then disappeared.


As the Crown of Thorns got pulled out, the Dragon Essence Blade implanted inside Taruhol's body started to make noises as it started to come out of the body.

It couldn't stay inside since there wasn't any consciousness to sustain it any longer.

Hansoo pulled out the handle of the Dragon Essence Blade that stuck out from Taruhol's stomach.

An artifact of the Dragon Essence Blade's level would only harm Taruhol in his current situation anyway.

Since he would have no way of dealing with the overflowing energy.

Soon Elkadion's soul, Galkima's soul and the Dragon Essence Blade were pulled out.

The only remaining thing was Taruhol's body which had a fragment of Hansoo's soul.

'First the detoxification.'

Hansoo carefully poured in the cure to counteract the toxin in Taruhol's body.

The toxins that were destroying Taruhol's body slowly got neutralized and soon the black liquids that were constantly taking over the silver liquids slowed their invasion.

But Taruhol would die if he was left like this.

Since most of the silver liquids that would heal his body has been destroyed by the toxin.

That was why Hansoo needed to help him.

'How could I leave him to die…When he trusted in me and followed me?'

Hansoo started to move his soul fragment inside Taruhol's body.

And then Taruhol's body started to move according to Hansoo's will.

Hansoo's skill, which was implanted within the soul fragment, started to activate.

Hansoo's signature reinforcement appeared on Taruhol's body and started to quickly heal up the body.


The Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement helped the recovery of the silvery liquid and that silvery liquid helped the healing process of the body.

The two worked hand in hand as the blackened body of Taruhol started to regain its color.

'Good. This should be enough…'

Hansoo looked at the Crown of Thorns he was holding in his hands.

The Crown of Thorns which still had Elkadion's soul in it.

'I don't know if I can heal her.'

If everything goes according to his plan then she might be able to live.

But the chances were half and half.

'Since you trusted in me and helped me… I should do my best to help you as well.'

Hansoo quickly moved towards the location where Gwanje had fallen, the place where the suppressive measure was prepared.



Gwanje slowly opened his eyes.

And then looked over his body with an expression of disbelief.

'I'm not dead?'

He had clearly beaten down the golden Akadus and then collapsed.

Feeling the silver liquid burning up his entire body.

But he was alive.

The silver liquid which had been acting as if it would explode and was burning up his entire body was surprisingly being controlled by something and had calmed down.

His body had turned into a mess but it was slowly being healed from the silver liquid's power.

'Who can control the silver liquid to this extent?'

As Gwanje was confused.

A sudden voice was heard in his head.


Gwanje frowned at the sudden voice which could be heard in his head.

Since it wasn't somebody whom he had good feelings towards.

'Why is this Elkadion in my body…'

Gwanje tried closing and opening his hands just in case he would get control of his body taken over as well.

While he was moving his body he moved his hands towards his head after feeling something strange upon it.

The Crown of Thorns could clearly be felt on his head.

Gwanje looked at Hansoo in front of his eyes and frowned.

"Did you plant this on me?"

Hansoo nodded at those words.

"Elkadion's soul is preventing the silver liquid from burning up. You would probably have to live your entire life like that."

It would be impossible for Gwanje to control the silver liquid by himself.

But Elkadion's soul, which had invented the Body Enhancement Surgery, could do so easily.

Hansoo nodded as he looked at Gwanje who had woken up.

'It was successful huh.'

The chances were half and half.

Since he didn't know if Gwanje could handle the Crown of Thorns as well as not knowing how much Elkadion was capable of.

But since Gwanje had woken up and was in command, it seemed like everything worked out well.

Gwanje, who had been frowning from the fact that Elkadion was in his head, just sighed instead.

Since it really wasn't his place to curse Elkadion.

And the fact that he was alive when he thought that he had died was to be grateful for as well.

"Phew… I have no idea how the situation is. Did you deal with that monster?"

Hansoo nodded and then handed something over to Gwanje who had woken up.

Gwanje frowned as he looked at it.

"What is this?"

"It's called a soul fragment."

Hansoo then started to explain what it was.

Gwanje, who controlled a large clan himself, instantly understood Hansoo's explanation.

Gwanje, who had been making an uncomfortable expression, asked just in case.

"Is there a way for me to not receive this? Can't you trust me man?"

Of course the fact that somebody would be able to control him and read his memories could not feel good.

Hansoo shook his head at the words with had a slight amount of humor within it.

"No, it cannot be done."

He could not allow a single chance of mistake, nor a single possibility of failure.

Though he approved of Gwanje's abilities, there was a fatal weakness to Gwanje.

His wife.

And because of this he really needed to implant the soul fragment.

Since he needed to stop Gwanje from going crazy and going on a rampage.

Gwanje pondered for a moment at Hansoo's firm attitude and then just nodded.

Since there wasn't really another way.

"I'll take it then."

'If Hansoo was thinking of doing something weird then… He would've worn the Crown of Thorns himself.'

Gwanje still didn't know a lot of things about Hansoo.

And Hansoo wasn't a person who explained everything kindly.

But there wasn't a need to explain anymore

'I'll follow the path you take from now on.'

And the Crown of Thorns was actually very good for him.

Since there was no need for him to be afraid of the Akarons anymore and create suppressive measures for them.

Gwanje suddenly thought of Elkadion after thinking to this point.

'Are you fine with this? With all that's going on?'

Elkadion replied at those words.

In a depressed tone.

But the knowledge that she hadn't been able to hand over yet was too precious for her to leave like this.

Hansoo and Gwanje would be able to control her well.

And now she was willing to stay in the darkness and help the humans to improve.

Hansoo looked at the new king of the Orange Zone, Elkadion and Gwanje, as he nodded.

'Though it's a bit different from my original plan… Everything went according to the plan.'

He had pulled out the soul fragment from Taruhol and put it into Gwanje.

The work here was done as well.

Now only the final part was left.

"Come out. I'll receive that reward now."

As Hansoo spoke out the space split apart as something came out.

"You've done well. Heheh. I've been watching from a while back and… I heard Elkadion making quite a remarkable statement."

'As I expected, they were watching.'

As Hansoo and Gwanje looked at the Fairy, it spoke out.

"Ten thousand spears or one treasured sword. Will you receive the rewards together since you all worked together? Or will you eat it up all by yourself?"

Hansoo frowned as he looked at the fairy.

'To play such a trick.'

It probably didn't tell the others about the reward and had only told him.

Since he wouldn't even be able to choose the option of taking everything by himself if the others knew about the reward.

Receiving something while not expecting it and expecting it and not receiving it were completely different.

And he had made his choice already anyway.

'I can't let the people go empty-handed when they have come to help.'

Hansoo answered the question almost instantly.


"Damn… Did it finally end? Phew."

Enbi Arin sighed in relief as she looked at the Akadus which were suddenly rolling around the ground.

Since though she had destroyed 2 golden Akadus, she herself had become a mess.

And as the battle ended, there were people who slowly crept towards them.

Enbi Arin clicked her tongue as she saw these people.


People who hadn't participated in the final battle.

But Enbi Arin didn't blame these guys as she instead just sat on the ground and focused on recovering.

Since there was nothing for these guys to eat up anyway.

Actually them simply not attacking Enbi Arin and the rest who were resting was enough.

'Something that would never happen in the past.'

If it was the Orange Zone of the past that Hansoo hadn't organized then a second war would've broken out already.

Against the hyenas who were aiming for the runes that would drop by killing the tired people.

"Wow… There's really nothing."

One of the adventurers who had been fumbling around the Golden Akadus made an annoyed expression.

Though they hadn't participated they had seen it from afar.

For there to be no reward then the battle had been so fierce.

At that moment the air above split apart as something appeared in the sky.


The expressions of the adventurers brightened up.

Usually it was an existence they disliked but it was different now.

Since there was only one reason for its appearance.


'Woah. Will I get to gobble something up even without lifting a finger?'

And as per their expectations, the fairy spoke out the words they all wanted to hear.

"Hello everyone! Congratulations for surviving until the end! You could've all been massacred but you got quite lucky!"


"You know why I came out right? It's for your reward."

The expressions of the people were split.

The ones who participated in the battle were happy but they were a bit uncomfortable.

And the ones who hadn't participated just wanted to eat up anything as profit.

And of course the fairy brought this up first.

"The benchmarks for receiving the reward this time around was very vague."

The standards for the reward was very vague since it didn't come out like runes where the one who killed it will get it.

But the fairy made a very delighted smile as it spoke.

"But receiving it for free is a bit troublesome. The present I have for you is the Dark Cloud."

"…Dark Cloud?'

The moment the fairy's words ended, something rolled out from around the bodies of the adventurers.


"Huh. Fascinating."

Enbi Arin looked at the black colored cloud life form that was floating around her body after spontaneously coming into existence.

The same cloud that had fallen to the blue spiders after fighting with her and the others crazily.

But no vicious auras could be felt unlike before.

Actually it was following Enbi Arin's will quite well, almost like a pet, and was floating around her body.

Around all the bodies of the ones who had participated in the final battle.

But it hadn't appeared on everyone's body and their sizes weren't the same either.

In Enbi Arin's case, it was a few times bigger and darker than the other people's.

Some didn't even receive it at all.

One adventurer complained.

"What is this based off of? Though I only got a little I still participated in the final battle."

The fairy giggled.

"It's really fair you see. The amount given is in accordance to how much of the Dark Cloud you got rid of."


The final battle.

People who had participated in the final battle against the member of the Dark Cloud race.

The ones who had fought most valiantly in the frontline and had destroyed a large amount of the Dark Cloud race's doppelgangers obtained a large amount of clouds and the ones who had stayed back or stayed around in safe spots couldn't receive any.

And at these words the people who hadn't participated in the final battle made extremely regretful expressions.

'Goddamnit… I saved my life because they said there was no reward but for them to give out such a thing.'

Though they owed their life to Hansoo, it wasn't really that direct and the one life they had was precious.

And they hadn't participated because they said there was no reward but for such things to have been given out to the participants.

'Tsk. It'll be nice at least if the effects suck.'

If another's possessions was also something amazing then there was nothing else that could make them feel even more jealous.*

'Damn… I should've taken the right choice. Anyways, where is that Hansoo guy?'

Since that guy had taken the leader out on his own, he should have a much larger cloud than all of them.

But soon shook his head.

'Well, he'll return soon.'

Where could he go even if he wanted to?

He would definitely come back here since it seemed like he would need their help to go up anyway.

But Hansoo was acting in a completely opposite manner to their expectations.


Gwanje looked back and forth at the portal in front of him and Hansoo and then asked once more.

"…You're really going up by yourself?"

Hansoo, who had a cloud which was much larger and denser than Enbi Arin's surrounding him, nodded.

"Yeah. I leave this place to you for you to organize. And don't let anyone come up until I allow them to. Make sure you control the portal well."

Gwanje asked with a confused expression.

"Isn't it more helpful for us to go up together? There might be friction between you and the already existing powers."

Numbers were always helpful.

Hansoo shook his head at those words.

Since Gwanje had received his soul fragment, he knew about Hansoo's identity to some degree.

There was a reason to explain.

"It's a bit wasteful for you guys to just get killed like that. You guys are too inexperienced."


"Raise your strength and get organized to the best of your ability right here until I call you. The above world…Humans are no longer the owners of it."

Red Zone.

Humans took over instead of the fallen race, the Elvenheims.

Orange Zone.

Humans pushed away the weakened Akarons and took control of the Gragos's back.

Though the 5 calamities and the Gragos were supernatural existences, they weren't interested in humans at all.

But the Yellow Zone was different.

A land where humans were hunted and eaten as well as treated as slaves, the Hunter's Plateau.

Having a lot of people up above was basically allowing them to gain more targets.

'So…I'll go up first and prepare.'


Hansoo left behind his last words with Gwanje as he stabbed the Dragon Essence Blade in his hands into his body and then jumped into the portal.

Translator's Note: * This was originally a korean saying that I have altered into english to make more sense because the literal translation sounded stupid heh.

Poor Galkima…heh.