146 - 152

Reincarnator – Chapter 146 : The Hunter's Plateau (2)


Hansoo's body got sucked into the depths of the portal.

Bubble Bubble

Hansoo's body, which had been flowing through the currents of space time, suddenly entered a space filled with a sticky fluid.

This space which was full of the sticky liquid was extremely dark because no light could reach into this location.

Hansoo repositioned his body within the sticky liquid.

Since he had arrived here, he needed to get out.

'It has really been a while. Kangri Worm.'

Kangri Worm.

A giant larvae that lived in the depths of the great jungle while gobbling up the soil.

At the same time it was the portal that the humans came in through.

In the past he had accidentally drunk a large amount of this liquid but the current Hansoo was not him of the past.

Hansoo used his body, which had been further enhanced by the Dragon Essence Blade, and smashed down the Forked Lightning.


The liquid sac that was surrounding Hansoo got ripped apart along with a desolate cry.


The sac had been ripped but no signs of light entering could be seen.

Only an extremely agitated scream could be heard from the liquid sac.

Well, this was obvious.

Any creature would scream in such a manner when their stomach suddenly gets ripped apart while sleeping peacefully in the depths of the ground.

'It'll heal up soon anyway.'


Hansoo raised himself up but didn't exit the Kangri Worm right away.

Hansoo started to fill up the overflowing liquids of the Kangri Worm, which was over 6m long, into the pouch by his waist.

'This is useful in many ways.'


As an abnormally large amount of body fluids started to exit out, the Kangri Worm screamed out in panic.

Hansoo only then finally closed up the sac, which contained the body fluids, carefully existed the Kangri Worm and started to slowly dig his way up.


As he moved the dirt away, a familiar yet strange scene appeared in front of his eyes.

Tremendously large trees that he hadn't seen for decades.

Trees that towered over tens of meters in height surrounded the location Hansoo came out of.

The Great Jungle, .

Thousands of kilometers was nowhere close to the actual size of this place.

A giant jungle filled with mysteries that nobody had searched in their entirety.

At the same time a place where the humans had to struggle in order to survive.

Hansoo needed to turn this place into a land that is beneficial towards the human race.

'First, find the ceasefire zone.'

This was a land where countless predatory races roamed around.

But there were still areas divided up clearly between these guys.

He needed to find the human villages hidden between these territories.

It would take a long time for Hansoo to search through the jungle by himself and gather the materials but a lot of the things he needed would be at the villages.

'Let's take it slow since I'm not in a hurry.'

The process of getting through the Great Jungle, Usas, needed to be executed quite carefully.

The predators didn't like the smell of the Kangri Worms so they weren't present in these areas but once Hansoo exits the territory of the Kangri Worms then he would constantly encounter and fight against the predators.

Time wasn't the important part in this zone.

He needed to deal with the predators carefully but still achieve a clear result.

He didn't know where he had arrived in the tremendously large territory of the Kangri-Worms but once he can find the correct direction then he would be set.

At that moment.

A voice which was calling over Hansoo was heard.

"Hey! Over there! Newcomer! What happened! What's going on below?"

Hansoo looked towards the location where the voice that was calling him came from up above the trees.

A group of around 10 people were looking at Hansoo.


Altair sighed in relief as she looked at the person standing below the tree.

'Thank god. There are still survivors.'

Altair thought of the incident from 3 weeks ago.

3 weeks ago.

When she was roaming around the ant tunnels of the bull.

A giant earthquake swept through the Gragos.

Thankfully her and her comrades were in front of the portal so they escaped through the portal without a single moment of thought.

But Altair was shocked after coming up here.

Since there wasn't anybody who welcomed them.

'This has never happened before.'

Altair mumbled with an ominous expression.

In the Red Zone the helper clan existed in the beginning area.

In the Orange Zone the raiders had appeared before them but they were able to meet humans the moment they came out.

No, there were humans everywhere actually.

But weirdly not a single trace of humans could be seen in this place.

Excluding the ones who she had come up with, the man she was looking at down below was the first human they found in 3 weeks.

'…Of course they aren't quite the best ones to be with.'

While Altair was looking around her and frowning.

Hantae, the leader of this group who was standing next to Altair, spoke out with a frustrated expression.

Altair was somehow scared of something as she continued to roam around the surrounding jungle and could not venture out for the past 3 weeks.

"Damnit, we aren't a rescue squad or anything! Let's hurry up and go! Don't be willing to take in some random person you find!"

'Damn… Her danger sensing powers or whatever. It's really annoying.'

Hantae clicked his tongue.

If they didn't need her trait then he wouldn't even be talking to her like this.

Altair frowned at Hantae's words.

'You're getting more and more brave huh.'

Even Hantae couldn't do whatever he wanted down below.

Since clans and loose rules still existed.

But after the thought of only ten of them remaining and the fact that no one was around them, the strongest person in the group, Hantae, became more and more ruthless.

He had even looked at her with lustful expression a few days ago as well.

Altair sighed deeply as she spoke out.

"Don't be like that. He might be helpful to us as well. Who knows, he might be somebody strong.'

Altair maintained her position as she ground her teeth.

Her, a vice-captain of the scouting team, and Hantae, vice-captain of the shock troopers, were at the same level in terms of authority but she could not do anything without her clan due to the vast difference in personal strength.

'Damn. I might really get raped at this rate. That guy over there really needs to be somebody strong.'

But Altair didn't really have much hope.

Though Hantae was a bastard of a person, he was very strong.

Unless one was a Margoth level, they could not beat him.

But Altair could not remember any Margoth levels with that man's face.

This was the reason why Hantae was still acting with leisure after seeing that man as well.

'No, I think another person was added to the Margoth levels…'

But Altair soon shook her head.

'It's probably just a false rumor.'

On average it took around 3 to 4 years to reach the Margoth level.

How could rumors about such a strong person not spread during that time?

Unless they became so strong in such a short amount of time that rumors didn't even get to spread.

'That's even more of an impossibility.'

Hantae, who had been looking at that Altair, clicked his tongue as he walked out.

"You deal with this place. I'm going to scout around this place. You, come with me as well."

Hantae then picked out a rather pretty girl from the group.

Altair grinded her teeth as she saw this.

'This bastard. Is this really the time for that.'

The girl he had pointed to, Elis, was not even part of the shock troopers Hantae laed.

She was someone under her authority.

Elis was somebody she cared for because she didn't really run away quickly in times of danger and was quick to catch on but Hantae was getting more and more blatant in his actions.

As if he was trying to set a clear example as to who was the boss between him and Altair.

Hantae grinded his teeth and growled as he saw Altair's frown.

"What? Are you saying I can't? What do you think I'm going to do. And it's obvious that a shock trooper and a scout gets paired to go."

Even before Altair could say anything towards Hantae, Elis acted out first.

Since it was clear who would get hurt if this continued.

And the beasts here were very strong despite their small numbers as if they were trying to prove the power of a small group of elites.

And the reason why everyone quietly set Hantae as the leader was because of a few sneak attacks they had encountered.

They had realized that Hantae's power was a necessity in order to survive in this giant jungle.

If this group of ten got divided in half then it would become even harder to survive in this Yellow Zone which was full of some mysterious aura.

'I need to end this here.'

Elis spoke out towards Altair.

"I'll be back vice-captain. Don't worry too much. We'll just scout around the surroundings."

"…Be careful."

Altair looked at Elis's back disappearing into the distance with a sorry expression.

And firmly made a resolution to herself.

'I must get stronger and recruit more people.'

That guy was acting this way because they were low in number and weaker than him but once their numbers increased and stronger ones appear then her position will rise due to her unique ability.

If some bastard like Hantae got ahold of the boat's control then they would all sink.

Altair finished her thoughts and then approached the man who had come out from the ground below.

"Welcome up here newcomer. First time at the Yellow Zone right?"

Altair constantly examined the man in front of her during the whole time.

'I can't tell with just my eyes.'

But her danger senses weren't warning her about this guy at all.

Which meant that this guy wasn't screwed up in the head at least.

Altair leisurely spoke to Hansoo.

"This area is much more dangerous than below you see. So we were recruiting the newcomers while roaming around this place. Since it'll only hurt us if the newcomers just get killed off randomly as well. You know the Helper clan right? There's something similar her as well, that is us. Anyways, how is the situation down below? No newcomers are coming up?"

There wasn't really a need to show their disappointment even if they were letting him in.

Since it was clear who was stronger.

What would a newcomer know?

'Joining us won't hurt you.'

Altair mumbled inwardly.

The reason why she was lying was not because she wanted to order this guy around.

'There are just too many people who are too proud.'

If they don't clearly set the grounds as to who is the alpha then those guys would rebel.

And it was easier for them, who had been here for 3 weeks, to set the mood and lead the newcomers.

Hansoo quietly stared at Altair.

'Quite an amusing bunch of people.'

Well, there wasn't a need to tick them off by telling them to stop lying.

Hansoo spoke out while staring at Altair.

"There's no one to rescue. At least for now. There won't be anyone coming up for now anyway."

"What? Why?"

"The zone below has been united, with the control of the new clan leader, Gwanje, nobody will come up for a while."

Altair made a surprised expression.

'Huh, that fellow really caused a ruckus huh.'

She knew that their clan leader of the Rerorerore clan had some ability but for him to unite the entire zone below.

During the moment in which Altair was lost in shock.

Hansoo quickly turned around and headed into the depths of the jungle.

'He's just leaving?'

Altair frowned while she looked at this and then spoke.

"Where are you going? I said it's dangerous, are you quite confident or something?"

Hansoo shook his head at these words.

"The ones in danger isn't me but you guys."


"It's coming. There."

The moment Hansoo pointed towards a direction.

Altair was shocked.

Since that direction was the direction Hantae and Elis disappeared towards.

Altair perked up her ears and focused her senses towards that direction.

Boooom! Booooom!

Loud explosions were heard as the giant trees of the jungle blew apart.

And one could tell that noise was getting closer and closer.

Altair frowned deeply as she saw this.

Since that thing was something they were familiar with.

"Damnit… Let's get the hell away from here newbie"

Altair shouted towards Hansoo.

Since this guy would just get shredded apart if he went against that leopard.

Even if he was somebody who did whatever he wanted, she still didn't prefer seeing somebody getting killed in front of her eyes.

A leopard that was 3m long in size.

It didn't even look like a monster but blades and skills didn't really work against it.

And its stealth abilities were amazing as well.

'Damnit… It got all the way here before showing itself.'

They had barely been able to run away a few days ago after losing a comrade when they had been attacked.

Hansoo chuckled as he heard her words.

"Aren't you guys a bit too weak to be called a rescue squad?'


Hansoo stared at the black leopard running towards them from the distance.

'This is a good start. To meet this thing before the predator races.'

Black leopard, Kali-Crawn.

Predators that were at the top of the food chain.

Humans who were located at the very bottom of this chain.

And one of the beasts that were located alongside the humans.

There was nothing to throw away about that thing.

'Shall I try it out then?'

Hansoo's body started get covered with the Dark Cloud he had gained as a reward from below.

Elis who had come out to scout the area shouted out loudly.

"We have to hurry back and help!"

Of course they could hear what was going on since they were still quite close by.

But Hantae frowned as he looked at that Elis.

"Be quiet for a moment."

Hantae shut Elis up and looked towards a corner of the jungle.

Well, actually at a woman who was standing in between the trees of the jungle like an image.

'What kind of woman…Why is she here?'

She was a tremendous beauty as well.

Hantae carefully approached the woman who was standing in the corner of the jungle.

Reincarnator – Chapter 147 : The Hunter's Plateau (3)

Hantae carefully approached the woman.

And the woman was weirdly covered from head to toe in scars.

Hantae saw this and was felt a bit at ease.

'No matter how I see it… She doesn't seem strong. But I should still be wary.'

And there was a suspicious and faint blue light radiating around the woman's body.

Hantae moved his chin towards Elis.

"You go and deal with her."


"What? You don't want to?"

Elis sighed quietly, raised all the senses she had to the brim and slowly approached the woman.

'I… still must approach her.'

She needed to find out the thing that has caused those scars on the woman anyway.

'Since she arrived before us… There's a high chance of her knowing.'

At that moment.

The woman, who was standing in a daze, suddenly made moaning noises and turned to look at Elis.

As Elis flinched from her actions, the woman made a very sincere expression and then ran to her.

"Thank god! Thank god!"


Elis almost subconsciously accepted the hug from the woman who was running towards her with an extremely sincere expression.

But Elis woke up from her stupor, raised her blade and pointed it towards the woman.

"Don't come closer! What's going on?"

The woman flinched at Elis pointing the blade at her and then stopped in place.

She then smiled.

"You thought I stopped right?"

An instant.

The blue light radiating around the woman exploded out.


A destructive torrent swept the surroundings.


As Elis flinched, the woman who was surrounded by the blue light disappeared in that instant.

And with movements that couldn't even be compared to those she had until now.


The woman who had disappeared appeared right in front of Elis in another instant.


The woman grabbed onto Elis' neck and then smashed her abdomen.



Elis couldn't even resist as she simply fell unconscious.

Since this strength was not something she could resist.

Though she was prepared to a degree, all her skills were smashed apart as she simply fell unconscious.

The woman raised the unconscious Elis up high and then shouted out loudly.

"Ten! I filled it up! Ahahahahaha!"

In another instant.


Elis, who had been caught in the woman's hands, got surrounded by the blue light and started to disappear.

As if she was being teleported somewhere.

Soon only the woman and Hantae were left in the area.

Hantae was shocked at this scene as he shouted towards the woman.

"This crazy bitch!"

The woman made a smile and she replied.

"Don't be like that. I need to survive as well right? It was really urgent because I didn't fill up the quota. Phew… Now, the final part is important."

Hantae flinched at the words of final part but the scene he expected didn't occur.


As the woman concentrated her power, the blue light surrounding the woman landed down onto her palm.

A gem that was created from the compression of the blue light.

Hantae frowned as he looked at the strange gem.

The woman glanced between the gem and Hantae and smiled.

"How was my strength from before? It was quite nice right?"

Hantae, who had been looking at the woman with a dumfounded expression, was about to shout out something but then simply nodded.

Since the power was beyond nice and was quite amazing.

The woman spoke while looking at Hantae.

"What would you do if you could gain this power? Well… It's not for free though."

The woman started to explain.



Hansoo's fist which had been enhanced by the Dragon Essence Blade smashed onto the face of the black leopard which had been charging towards him.



The black leopard got deflected backwards and smashed into the jungle.

No, actually it was beyond a simple smash.

Since it smashed through three trees the width of a house and continued on.


The black leopard, which had been laying on the floor, stood up and then growled quietly towards Hansoo.

The bluish skin of the leopard, which didn't even have a trace left behind when Altair had hit it, had cracks on it from Hansoo's bare fist.

But Altair made a confused face rather than a surprised one.

'What, why? Why!?'

Altair couldn't hold it in and shouted out.

"Why aren't you using the spear!"

There was clearly a shiny spear on his back.

She didn't know what that was but it was obvious it would be more effective to use that weapon than his bare fists.

Strength that could smash away a 3m large leopard like that.

If he used the spear with that strength then a hole would be created on the skin of the leopard no matter how hard it was.

But this guy was using only his fists from a while ago.

And the black clouds that he took out didn't really do anything as they just floated around his body.

This was basically throwing away every play one had in their hands and just going at it.

Though it was quite effective.

And as evidence, the black leopard which had left with their comrade couldn't even do anything as it stumbled around.

'Whatever, we need to do our task as well.'

Though they couldn't butt in, there was still a lot to do.

Altair shouted towards the people around her.

"Hurry and set up the air barrier! We need to muffle the sound!"

If the sound of the fight resonated out then the others would swarm towards this location.

One was enough for them.

Altair's group followed her words as they quickly spread out and set up the barrier.

Sound used the air as a medium to transfer.

The air barrier they made by gathering up the surrounding air was quite shabby in terms of defenses but if you made it two layers and left the space between as a vacuum then an amazing soundproof barrier would be created.


Hansoo, who was watching these scene, suddenly disappeared from where he was standing.


In an instant.

Hansoo appeared right above the black leopard and smashed down onto the leopard.


The black leopard couldn't resist the tremendous power smashing into its body and fell down onto the ground.

While leaving behind a small crater which made it seem like a small meteor had crashed there.


Hansoo lightly landed on top of the black leopard which had turned into a mess.

At that moment.

A change occurred in the Dark Cloud around Hansoo's body.


The black clouds disappeared into the leopard's body as if it had been sucked in.

And soon the bluish skin of the black leopard started to undergo a change.

Kuduk. Kuduk.

The fur clumped up as if it had been infected by something and keratinized.

And the bluish skin turned black as it started to shine.

The muscles also made snapping noises and got enlarged.

In just a moment the 3m large body turned twice as large.

The leopard was nowhere to be seen and instead a black female lion was born.

Hansoo nodded as he saw this.

'I like this reward. It's made quite faithfully to the true powers of the Dark Cloud race.'

Dark Cloud.

Infect living and nonliving organisms, get them under one's control and enhance them.

The infected monster now will probably win against three of its previous versions.

At the same time the infected black leopard, Kali-Crown's five senses and its rudimentary memories flew into his mind.

'Good. The surrounding area is set up like this huh.'

The surrounding area that the black leopard was roaming around was inputted into Hansoo's head.

He would need to turn a living organism half dead in order to control them but this was good enough for him.

And since he had quite a large amount of Dark Clouds, he would be able to control a few of them at once.

To him, who would need to do quite a lot of things from now, a skill that was very versatile such as this would increase the rate at which he could progress in his plans by a large amount from now on.


And he was able to use it right away since he hadn't made any holes in it or anything.

The black leopard fiercely jumped up according to Hansoo's orders and disappeared into the jungle.

In order to look around the surroundings.

Altair mumbled with an expression that showed others that she had figured it out after she had been watching this scene for a moment.

A monstrous amount of strength and a power that they couldn't even have imagined.

'So the rumors of a new Margoth-level being born was not fake huh.'

Altair's head quickly spun around.

That strength.

It would be of great help in this mysterious place.

'I need to stick with him. But how am I…'

But there wasn't enough time for her to plan things out.

Since Hansoo started to move right away.


Altair panicked as she hurriedly shouted towards Hansoo.

"Let's go together!"

Hansoo laughed as he spoke:

"You said you're a rescue squad right? Just go to your headquarters."

Altair bit down onto her lips.

But throwing away her pride was nothing.

They had a hard time dealing with that one leopard.

And if they didn't stick by this guy then even more of them might die.

"…I'm sorry. It was a lie. Actually it hasn't been long since we came here as well. But we have no thoughts of dragging you down so let's travel together. We'll be of great help, were were a scout team."

But even before Hansoo could say something in reply.


The ground shook and quaked.

"What is it?"

The moment Altair checked her surroundings in shock.

An explosion came out from the location Hantae and Elis disappeared from.


During the short moment Altair was shocked.

Somebody walked out through the dust clouds.

And Altair spat out curses while looking at this.

"Hey! Are you crazy? What are you doing? Where did Elis go?"

Why would anybody who had ran over here crazily and turned the surroundings into clouds of dust be pleasant to look at?

But Hantae didn't reply at Altair's words as he focused onto the strength that could be felt from within.


A tremendous amount of strength which radiated out from the gem and onto his body.

'Amazing. It's really amazing!'

Hantae exclaimed at this strength.

He thought of the conversation he had with the woman from before.

After receiving it and falling unconscious for a short moment, he woke up and the woman was nowhere to be seen.

But he didn't regret it at all.

An explosive amount of strength rose within his body.

'And…Filling the quota doesn't seem that hard.'

Hantae looked at the people in front of his eyes and laughed.

Exactly ten people counting the one who had just come up.

He just needed to fill up the quota with these guys and go through the jungle with this strength.

Towards the place the woman had told him before he fell unconscious.

The Higher race, Arucon.

Hansoo poured strength into his fists as he looked at the hunting dog the hunter race had created.

Reincarnator – Chapter 148 : Village of the Tired. (1)


The blue light surrounding Hantae's body ruthlessly clashed with Hansoo's dark golden reinforcement.


'Tsk. Though it's only a game the higher race bastards made…'

Hansoo shook his head as he felt the mana reinforcement of his Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement being shaken quite a bit.

Though this Hantae guy was quite strong, he was nowhere strong enough to even crack the Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement surrounding his body.

But if he has the dog collar of the Arucon race, Blue Jade, the story changes a bit.


It bestowed upon a tremendous amount of mana and power onto the user.

But at the same time that person will have made a slave contract.

Since they would need to live for the higher race the moment they decide to live their life as a hunting dog.

There were 3 ways to escape the fate of a hunting dog.

Dying, not being able to fill up their quota and getting dragged to the birdcage or making another hunting dog.

'Well. It seems he's quite content with his status as a hunting dog.'

Hansoo looked at Hantae who was clashing around with him while making an extremely joyous expression.

"Uahahahaha! You're next Altair! I'll play with you for a bit before I send you! You'll need to fill up the void of Elis as well!"

As he had heard, the time limit for filling up all 10 people was 2 weeks.

There was no need to fill them all up right away.

Altair grinded her teeth while listening to this from the distance where she was throwing skills at him.

They had heard his talk about the higher race so much to the point they'd gotten fed up with it.

"It seems like you're quite content with being somebody's bitch since you were already a bitch to begin with."

"Uahahaha! What about it! People need to adapt and act accordingly to the situation! Of course there's a chance that humans are slaves when the whole Otherworld is screwed up!"

There was a stronger race than the humans.

What about it?

Even in a society where only humans existed, there were ups and downs in authorities.

Like the predators above him in the Orange Zone, Gwanje or Enbi Arin.

'Nothing changed.'

Which made everything simpler.

Go up as much as one could go up.

'What if I'm a dog?'

People who lived well under rules still lived well.

The exit always exists.

And being a pig or a dog with a full stomach was better than a hungry human anyway.

But Hansoo shook his head at Hantae's words.

"Yes you can be a slave. But there's no need to follow it that resolutely."

A world where humans acted as slaves.

He was going to flip this world around.

He would then take the origins of the strength of the higher race and give it to the humans.

Like how Prometheus gifted humans with fire.

'Let's end this.'

He read out the code.

There was no need to drag things out any further.

And in the next instant the black clouds expanded out and surrounded Hansoo's body.


Hantae, who had flinched for a moment, soon realized that nothing had happened to himself and was about to smirk.

'Did he even do anything? Kuhehehe.'

But Hantae couldn't actually laugh.

Since the blue light that was surrounding his body had disappeared.

"Uh??? Huh?"

Hantae was extremely confused as he looked at his own body.

The Blue Jade's powders that surrounded Hantae's body which were the origins for the blue light.

All these powders had turned black.

"You bastard! What have you done!"

Hansoo stared at the Blue Jade powders that had turned black from the Dark Cloud at those words.

The Blue Jade was in the end a tool and a machine.

So it could be infected by the Dark Cloud.

It took a bit of work since the code was a bit complex but figuring it out during the fight wasn't that hard.

'It's not time for me to go against the Hunter races yet.'

So there was a need to deceive them.



Hantae's body had been smashed by Hansoo's kick and had been flung off.

To where Altair and the others were at.


And there were countless kicks which had greeted him.

Smack! Smack!

"You bastard. Say it again! For me to call you our fucking vice-captain!"

One of the shock trooper members was kicking Hantae without holding back.

He was somebody who had followed Hantae's words more than those of Altair's.

But he was currently extremely enraged at the enmity that Hantae had showed them.

"Ugh…You bastards…"

Hantae moved his body in order to resist but he didn't have the power to do so after losing the power of the Blue Jade and being hit by Hansoo.

And even more so since he had been surrounded by 9 people.

While the ten people solved their issues with each other, Hansoo had focused all his senses onto the Dark Cloud.

Well, actually at the Blue Jade powders that the Dark Cloud had devoured.

'I need to hurry and send the signal.'


The black powder that had been floating around Hantae's body got sucked onto the top of Hansoo's hand and turned into a marble form.

The extremely bright light was nowhere to be seen and instead there was an extremely black marble, which looked like it could devour anything.

Hansoo looked over this marble for a bit and then used the Dark Cloud to send a signal.

A fake signal saying that the Hunting Dog was doing well.

Though it was very simple, it was more than enough to fool them.

'They shouldn't really be caring about one to two Hunting Dogs.'

The Blue Jade was nothing but them playing around.

Against the newbies who had just come up.

Though the number of people who got dragged to the Birdcage was tremendous from this.

'Well since they don't kill them right away…They can wait for a bit.'

Rescuing the people caught in the Birdcage was work for another time.

Hansoo pocketed the infected Blue Jade, the Black Jade now, into his possession.

Since he would need to use this in the future.

Hansoo thought of his next destination as he pocketed the Black Jade.

Ceasefire Village.

One of the villages that lived between the races and balanced each sides.

He would start the fire that would devour everything from there.

'According to the Kali-Crown's memories, traces of humans are within two days worth of travel.'

But it was hard to find the location of the village even with the Kali-Crown.

Since the villages were located in places where it was hard to find them as well as having lots of mechanisms to hide them as well.

He would need to follow the signs in order to find the village.

Traces that could not be found with senses but only with search skills.

Signs that could be followed with the senses had a chance to drag in beasts as well.

Signs that were designed to drive away the beasts and drag in the humans.

'A search skill…'

Hansoo looked towards Altair in the distance who was beating the hell out of Hantae.


Altair touched the extremely small gem embedded within the tree and activated a skill.


The gem, which was linked to a search skill, showed Altair the location of the next gem.

'Amazing. So the village will come out if we follow it like this right?'

If there weren't any gems like this then they wouldn't even have known about the existence of the village.

The gem had showed the direction of the village as well as an overview of the village.

As if it wanted to be found as soon as possible.

'Phew… I really want to find it fast.'

Altair made a tired expression while walking.

Usually she would've been suspicious of the gem which was luring in the humans in an extremely direct way over and over.

But she didn't even have the chance to do that anymore.

Since this damned jungle didn't give anybody a time to rest.

'Damn. It's coming again!'

Altair grinded her teeth after sensing something in her detection area and then shouted out.

"Three O'Clock! Just one this time!"

Hansoo clenched his fists tightly at Altair's warning.

'As I thought, I do need at least one detection-type skill.'

He had gained a physique that was strong beyond the imaginations of normal people with the Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement, Body Enhancement Surgery and the Dragon Essence Blade.

But of course there was a difference between Hansoo, who couldn't use any detection-type skills, and Altair, somebody who had polished the detection skill of a scout team to the extremes, in terms of their detection range.

Hansoo lifted up his Forked Lightning and threw it into the midst of the jungle.



The very loud sound of an explosion was heard from the depths of the jungle.

At the same time something enraged rushed out from that jungle.

Altair grinded her teeth as she looked at the giant lion-shaped beast which was charging at them.

The attacks of the beasts were becoming more and more frequent the deeper they went in.

As if they were proving that the area she and her group roamed in for 3 weeks was nothing.

It might've been different if they had a lot of people but this was not something that ten of them could go through.

'If this guy wasn't here then we would've been long dead already.'

In return for them showing him the way, he would accompany them until the village.

This was the agreement.

But no matter how much Altair thought about it logically, there should not be somewhere where people lived in a place like this.

"Until when are they going to keep popping out! Can people really live in a place like this?"

Altair shouted out in anger.


"…It exists."

Altair stared at the city that was standing in the direction the final gem was pointing towards in a daze and muttered to herself.

They had walked through valleys and waterfalls and continued to walk.

Around the time the attacks of the beasts had started to lessen, the hidden village had appeared in front of them.

Extremely tall fences and a gate made of wood that were at least 30m tall.

Altair's expression brightened up as she saw the giant village that was between the size of a large town and a small city.

They had finally escaped this damned jungle where they couldn't find even a single trace of humans and had arrived at somewhere that they could live at.

But Altair's expression turned slightly dark.

Along with the members of the group behind her.

They had searched for humans from the anxiousness they had felt due to not being able to see a trace of humans but once they had found it numerous thoughts that had been buried away started to make their way into their heads again.

That the people of the Otherworld were not as friendly to other humans as those in the real world.

In some cases they were even more dangerous than humans.

At that moment.

Hansoo walked out from the group and made his way towards the Village.

Altair pondered for a moment at Hansoo's sudden actions but then also moved towards the village.

'Yeah, there shouldn't be that much of a problem. My danger sensors aren't really telling me anything either so…'

And the fact that Hansoo was next to them made them feel a lot more at ease.

Muffled sounds.

As they got closer, the outpost tower located on the top of the fence got noisy.


Altair used her skills and tried to listen on to what they were saying but she couldn't for some reason.

But one thing was clear.

That they didn't have any enmity against them.

'No, it's more like welcoming us.'

Soon a rope ladder had been thrown down from the top of the fences.

And then a loud shout was heard.

"Come up with that!"

Altair's pride was a bit hurt at this.

Why the hell would they use a rope ladder to climb a fence that was merely 30m tall.

'Are they looking down on us because we're newbies?'

Altair focused her powers into her feet.

And then activated , a necessary skill for the scout team that made one's body lighter.


The lightened body of Altair easily jumped up the 30m tall fence and landed on the space above the fences.

Same with the rest of the group.

Somebody clapped as they saw this.

Clap clap clap.

"It seems I've underestimated the newbies a bit too much, Hahahahaha! Anyways, welcome! Finally newcomers after a whole month!"

Altair looked towards the person who had thrown the rope ladder to them from above the outpost tower.

Though he was a bit small in stature, the tightly packed muscles all over his body told them that his life wasn't an easy one.

His eyes were actually shining like the eyes of a tiger as well.

The man looked towards Altair and shouted out loudly.

"Welcome to the Oasis you baby chicks. I am Karim, the captain of the guards here."

Karim looked over at the guards who were on a watch from above the fences, turned back to Altair and her group and smiled.

"You've worked hard to get here. Now now. Since you've reached here, let me tour you around the village. Amazing right?"

Karim then pointed towards to the village that was inside the fence.

And a sense of pride could be felt in that Karim's face.

'How much could it possibly…'

Altair took a glance at the village inside the fence because she had gotten curious from Karim's expression.

Numerous buildings that were made of wood.

Altair's expression brightened up as she saw a decent looking market along with a plaza.

The buildings weren't important actually.

The important thing was the attitude of the people.

There were smiles on the expressions of people and they were full of vigor.

Which means that the people here were feeling quite at home and stable.

'Wow…This is indeed worthy of being proud. This much is amazing.'

Altair nodded.

Their pride was worthy enough just from being able to create such a village in the middle of the jungle where countless beasts roamed around.

As Altair sighed in relief as she took a step into a place where it was full of people's scents, Hansoo also nodded while looking around the surroundings.

Numerous items entered Hansoo's vision from the market.

He would be able to save more time with this.

'Finish my preparation in here.'

Karim clapped as he saw Hansoo and Altair and then pointed to the inner parts.

"Well. Let's move on from the chit chat now. Let's talk about the details after we get in. Since the outpost isn't really the greatest place to have a conversation."

Altair looked towards Hansoo and spoke back to Karim's words.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to stick with us?"

Karim smiled as he looked at Altair.

"That won't work the way you want it to work."


As Altair made a nervous expression, Karim chuckled as he spoke again.

"Don't be scared. I'm saying that the living quarters of the newbies are set separately. Come this way. Just calm down and rest."


Altair sighed in relief.

A new space.

She could only feel nervous at this point but the atmosphere here didn't seem really bad.

Too good for a place like the Otherworld.

But Altair shook her head as well as these thoughts.

'Yeah, since the humans aren't the owners of this world they might be combining their forces…'

Combining their strength was obvious if they had a common enemy.

'Not fighting with each other… Is already much better.'

Altair's expression turned much brighter.


An extremely beautiful woman was listening to a man's report from the deepest part of the village.

"You say newcomers have come?"

A woman whose striking features was her blonde hair and red eyes.

Karim, who had welcomed Altair and her group before, nodded at the question of the leader of the village located in the safe zone, Ekidu.

"It's a relief. There wasn't much time left until the offering but for them to come in at the right time."

Ekidu frowned at these words.

'Until when are we going to…'

Ekidu made a tired expression as she sunk into her chair.

And Karim urged as he looked at that Ekidu.

"This isn't the time to ponder. The tremendous amount of newcomers has stopped coming in since 3 weeks ago. Are you thinking of sending us, who have stayed here for over a year and fought with the beasts? Us who have fought with you? Instead of the newcomers who have just come in?"


"Do not forget. As to how the peace in this town is being sustained."

Ekidu nodded with a heavy expression at those words.

Since all of that was correct.

'I need to buy time.'

"…How long do we have? Until we have to send the offerings?"

"One week. Don't worry. I'll take care of it all."

Karim finished with those words and moved outside.

Reincarnator – Chapter 149 : Village of the Tired. (2)

"I'm the guard in charge of you guys, Hellum. I'll give you the extra details you need to know."


Altair looked at the man who had suddenly come to their living quarters.

His black hair was the prominent feature.

But since she couldn't determine their real strength from their outwardly image, she could only somewhat guess where this man was positioned in the village in terms of strength.

'I need to be careful. We're…The weakest of all here.'

The one thing Altair had felt on the way here.

They couldn't see anybody who was weaker than them.

'Well, that's to be expected.'

The bigger problem was that their living quarters was located in the deepest parts of the village.

These words of the guard captain, Karim, weren't wrong.

Since the deepest part was the safest.

But the deeper they went in, the more nervous she had felt.

The worst thing was the expressions of the people.

The village was divided into three different sections.

Unlike the bright and happy expressions of the people on the outskirts that they had seen at first, the expressions of the people in the inner parts weren't all that bright.

Hellum started to explain while looking at Hansoo and Altair's group.

"You guys have two options."

"What is it?"

Hellum explained the options very simply.

"You can be a guest or a resident. It is your choice whichever one you choose but once you do you will not be able to change it any way you want."

"…What do you mean?"

Hellum continued to explain.

"First, becoming a guest. If you become a guest then we won't stop you from leaving. But there is a time limit to staying here. You cannot stay here more than 3 days."

Altair frowned at these words.

"Three days?"

Hellum chuckled.

"You should be thankful that it's that much at least. Do you think that this is a charity? Running this place isn't free."

Oasis, a village built in the midst of the Ceasefire Zone.

Just because it was the Ceasefire Zone did not mean that it was peaceful.

Though it was hidden, the perception of the beasts was very well developed and they were in constant collision with these beasts.

The fact that somebody was being protected meant that somebody else was working hard and protecting them.

"This first choice isn't that bad either. You see we still treat our guests pretty well. We still have that much humaneness. At least to humans."

They would not those who are just visiting the village shoulder any responsibility.

They could just leave after taking a break.

And they would even give basic survival information about this place so they wouldn't get killed off in an instant.

Though it was just 3 days, the true value of this was not that small.

"We will even supply you information to get to the next zone, . Be thankful to Clementine. If Clementine, the adventurer from the 2nd year, hadn't set up this village then this whole thing wouldn't exist in the first place.

Altair made a confused expression at Hellum's words.

'Clementine? Who is that?'

They had heard about Eres, Keldian and the others.

Since the names of these people were widely spread in the lower Zones.

But the name Clementine, this was their first time hearing it.

But unlike Altair, Hansoo heard that word and muttered quietly to himself.

'That's a name I haven't heard in awhile, really.'

A name he could not forget.

"The second choice is becoming a resident. But once you become a resident you won't be able to leave whenever you want. For 6 months at least. You will need to fulfill your duty within these 6 months."

Once you become a resident you would gain a lot of benefits offered by the village.

They could eat in the safety of their homes and even receive nice weapons.

But they would need to do their duties.

The responsibility of sustaining the village and defending it.

Altair slightly frowned at these words.

Though it seemed to a free choice, the answer had been chosen already.

'…I won't be able to leave this place in just 3 days.'

The beasts here felt strongly like a small group of elites.

Of course there might be some weaker beasts that they could get some runes out of.

Since they had met quite a few on the way.

But when they fought with those things the stronger ones would hear the ruckus and appear as well.

She would probably get massacred not long after she left this place.

'Damn. No choice. Eh, 6 months isn't that bad at least.'

She would need to use this place as her base to become stronger.

She would be able to go onto the next zone in about 6 months.

Hellum seemed to have guessed Altair's motives as he chuckled and spoke.

"It seems everyone is willing to stay here. Good. Then you are all residents from today on. You can rest now."

'Well, I won't need to talk about the ranks anyway.'

The ranks were only important to those who decided to stay longer than 6 months anyway.

The ones in front of his eyes would disappear soon so there wasn't a need to explain.

The moment Hellum was about to leave.

Hansoo, who had been quiet this whole time, suddenly spoke out.

"I heard something quite amusing on the way over here."


Hellum frowned.

'He shouldn't have been able to hear anything.'

Detection skills existed.

And of course there were also skills that interfered or stopped these detections.

And learning that skill was a necessity in this place, the Yellow Zone.

Since there was nothing good about their personal information being leaked out.

Every conversation they had was being blocked by detection disruption skills.

'…Is his perception abnormally good or something?'

The disruption skills would only block detection skills.

If it was somebody who had amazing hearing then they might've been able to hear a few things.

Hellum's expression slowly turned colder.

'He didn't hear something that he shouldn't have right?'

If this guy heard about the offering then he would need to block this guy's mouth here and now.

Since it'll become tiring if the other offerings hear this guy's story and get shaken.

But Hansoo spoke something that was much more different than his expectations.

"I just think I'll be better as a hunter than a farmer. I'm applying for a promotion."

A farmer's activities were extremely restricted.

He would not be able to finish his prep with just that.

'Huh? He heard about that?'

Hellum's expression turned into one of shock and then turned condescending.

'There's a guy digging his own grave despite us being nice to him.'

Hellum pondered for a moment and then chuckled as he spoke.

"Well whatever. Come this way."

Hellum dragged Hansoo towards a place and then shouted towards Altair's group.

"You come too. Since we'll need to explain about it eventually."


Altair pondered for a moment and then nodded.

Since intel was power.

'I need to learn as much as possible as I can within a short time.'

Soon Altair's group and Hansoo started to follow Hellum.

Along the road they had come on.

Beyond the deepest location of the village and to the outskirts of the village.


Hellum started to briefly explain the details.

'Tsk. Tedious.'

But since it was something they had to explain to all newcomers, it was a bit unfair to not do it now.

"If you decide to be a normal resident then you will become a farmer."


"Yes. You call the ones who grow crops without being in much danger farmers right? That's the rank. You're in charge of dealing with the weaker beasts, increasing your strength and bringing in the necessary food and materials into the village."

"…Without much danger?"

Altair replied.

How the hell would they be able to hunt and gain things to eat when stronger beasts rush over when they fight with the weaker ones?

Hellum chuckled at those words.

"Yeah, that's why the hunter rank exists.'

The Hunter rank.

People who have stayed in the village as farmers for 6 months fall into a crossroad choice again.

Either they get kicked out.

Or they can stay by fulfilling the duties of a hunter.

The job of the hunters was very simple.

Dealing with the dangerous beasts that would be of danger to the farmers around the village.

This was why they were hunters.

"So this is why they stay in the outermost part. Since they need to stop the others from getting massacred if strong beasts charge in."

"…It doesn't really seem like a place where one can just eat and play."

"Does this place look that laid back to you? This Zone?"


"…I know that it's not."

Altair frowned as she heard the loud roar of a beast beyond the wooden walls of the village.

'In conclusion, one needs to work really hard in order to stay in this village.'

If one person out of the 100 decide to do nothing then more pressure is applied onto the others.

They had to choose one of two options.

Either work your worth or get kicked out.

"Well. According to the rules it should be 6 months before you get promoted but if you are already strong then it'd be a waste to keep that person down there. This is why the promotion system exists. Heheh."

Hellum smirked while speaking.

Altair frowned at that smirk.

'Well, that's obvious.'

The level that one could reach after 6 months of fighting is not something a newbie could reach.

'But…Is there really a need to go up to the Hunter rank?'

The fact that the job was given to the strong meant that it was that much more dangerous.

It didn't really seem like there was a reason to become a Hunter.

But even before Altair could work out her question inside her head.

"We're here. This is the place the Hunters live."

The area where the happy and vigorous people were living that they had seen from above the fence.

'This place really does have a much better atmosphere than the inner parts.'

While Altair was looking around the surroundings.

Hellum brought somebody who seemed like he was at the Hunter rank and was roaming around a wooden building.

"Keron, come over here."

"What? Why?"

Keron complained for a bit but then made a content expression as he saw Altair standing behind Hellum.

"Oh, if it's work then you're very welcomed."

'…I can't win.'

Altair felt cold sweat running down her back from the aura of the man who was looking up and down herself.

6 months of difference.

At least.

She knew ever since the lower zones, 6 months was a huge difference.

But Hellum blocked that Keron.

"Stop. It hasn't been 3 days. Your opponent is over here."

"…Damn. 3 days? Then they seem to be the newbies who recently came. Anyways, what opponent?"

Keron, who had glimpsed over Altair's group with a worrisome expression, was filled with questions as he saw Hansoo whom Hallum was pointing towards.

And then muttered to himself from befuddlement.

"Promotion? With a newbie? Isn't this going too far? Even if our strength isn't that great these days, this kind of trick…"

Hellum replied abruptly at those words.

"2nd level free pass to 2 Farmers. With a 2 day limit."

"Oh, Okay then that's quite a bit of profit."

Though the two days were quite short of a time, he could just use them to let off his annoyance at the brat in front of his eyes.

'For a newbie to be this arrogant…'

Altair frowned as she looked at the man whose attitude changed in an instant.

Not from the man's change of attitude but due to a word that she didn't really like the sound of.

'…Free pass?'

This was not something used on other humans.

'Something is twisted here.'

Altair slowly started to feel uneasy.


The village was divided into three sections.

Near the wooden wall that divided the first and the second section.

Ekidu looked at the newcomers from the outpost tower built on the highest location there and then frowned.

'Promotion? This Hellum guy, what the hell is he doing…'

In one week these guys would become offerings anyway.

Why was he playing around with them?

'I told him to treat them well…'

She knew that she was being a hypocrite right now.

But playing around with them like that was simply going too far

'…I need to stop that. Ugh, this is tiring. I really need somebody who can take over the position of the village leader. I should not have taken on this position.'

The choice of saving a large amount of people was not always the correct one.

And that fact had always bugged Ekidus and weighed down her mind.

Ekidus, who didn't really know of the situation unfolding below, frowned slightly and then jumped down from the outpost.

Reincarnator – Chapter 150 : Village of the Tired. (3)

The Hunter, Keron, looked at the brat in front of his eyes and was smirking at him but he was quite impressed with two things.

The fact that he had gained information about the Hunter in this short amount of time despite landing in a whole new world.

And the fact that he had decided to become a hunter with that information as the basis.

Whether it was luck or his own skill, the decisions up to this point were quite amazing.

Since living as a farmer here was not a very good way to live.

'But… You should think about the outcome as well.'

Hellum chuckled at Keron who was smiling evilly and explained the rules briefly.

"Well. It's simple. You don't really have to win. You just need to show us that you are qualified to be a Hunter. Simple right?"

He just needed to show some skills.

'Well, that side doesn't seem like he has any thoughts of losing anyway.'

As moment Hansoo poured strength into Forked Lightning in his hands while looking at Keron who was smashing the gauntlets against each other, everyone turned to look towards one direction.

And Hellum, who was about to ready the fight, clicked his tongue.

"Tsk, Ekidu."


When Altair was frowning at the unfamiliar new name.



A person jumped out from between the buildings, landed right in between Keron, Hellum and Hansoo as she shouted out loudly.

'Wow, what a beauty.'

While Altair was admiring her beauty.

Ekidu, the woman who had jumped down, looked around at her surroundings and spoke.

"Sorry, it seems someone on our side has made a mistake."

Hellum slightly frowned and shouted out.

"Ekidu, I didn't make a mistake. That guy asked for a promotion first."

Ekidu's beautiful expression turned into a slight frown at those words.

"Don't lie. How would a newbie know of such a …"

But Ekidu realized that it was the truth after seeing the expressions on Hellum, Hansoo and Altair.

Hellum replied out confidently as he saw Ekidu getting flustered.

"I told you, I'm not doing anything."

'They're going to leave soon anyway.'

"It's still a bit too much. Why is Keron going out? Keron's been here for over 11 months."

Hellum couldn't reply as he didn't have anything to say to this either.

Hansoo merely shook his head as he watched this scene.

'I can't watch this any longer.'

He didn't have any time to bicker around here.

'It might be different if the time left for the offerings was more than 7 days but… If it's lower than that then just preparing for it is going to be hard enough.'

As Hansoo prepared himself.


A tremendous aura exploded out from Hansoo's entire body.


His body had puffed up the point where it was about to explode from the silver liquids inserted into his body from the Body Enhancement Surgery.

The Dragon Essence Blade within his body reinforced his bones and the essence that was inside the blade stormed throughout his entire body.

The Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement covered over the Thousand Soliders Armor as Pandemic Blade's spores started to slowly seep out from above that.


Silver, gold, black and yellow lights constantly swirled around Hansoo's body and the surrounding ground trembled as it blew apart.

And Hellum made an expression of disbelief as he saw this.

'What the fuck…No way. He's just a newcomer, how the hell.'

The reason why adventurers couldn't determine the other's strength with physical looks was very simple.

Since the runes were a mystery of nature that the five senses could not sense.

They would not be able to figure out how strong one was unless that person went full out.

On the other hand it meant that if the user wanted others to see then they'll show it however much they wanted.

And Hansoo's artifacts didn't look simple either.

A shiny armor set and a spear that seemed like it could pierce through anything with just its aura.

'It seems his ring has something as well… It hasn't been long since he came up, he gained such items in the beginning areas of the Yellow zone?'

Hellum, who had been searching for an answer at the strange scene in front of him, suddenly reached a conclusion.

'Oh god, is everything on this kid's body a growing artifact? Unique ones as well?'

Hellum rubbed his eyes.


Every skill and item had different values for their worth.

They called the especially valuable skills and items due to them being very special.

Some people said that if they found all of these uniques then they would be able to number them from 1 to 1000 according to their might but this was a story for another time.

The one thing that was clear that the unique skills and artifacts had mights that were monstrous in comparison to those that could be gained from normal beasts.

And their worths would be much more if they were growing artifacts as well.

Hansoo, who had shrouded his entire body with light, spoke towards Keron.

"Come out."

"Fuck…I feel like a beggar, damn."

Keron raised the strength in his body to the brim from the sudden words of Hansoo and focused his senses.

At the same time he put away his gauntlets and pulled out his precious weapon, .

He thought it'd be a walk in the park but for it to suddenly become a heavy duty job.

No, no, the harshness of the job wasn't the important part.

'Wait, will I perhaps lose to this newbie?'

But Keron erased the anxiousness that was slowly crawling into his head.

'No way, no. It hasn't been long since he came here. Even if he has unique artifacts he shouldn't have been able to grow them that much.'

In conclusion, the unique artifacts would only grow properly if they ate yellow runes.

And Hansoo and his artifact's growth should be around the bottom.

His rune growth was almost 40%.

With this much, even if Hansoo had reached 1% from 0, there was still a difference of heaven and earth between their strength.

And the artifacts he had were special ones only supplied to the hunters of the village.

'Yeah, no need to be scared. God dammit, let's have a go at it.'

If he got pushed down here then there wouldn't be a greater humiliation then this.

And Keron, who had finished his preparation, took a very slight glance at Ekidu.

With a small hope of Ekidu stopping this fight.

But Keron just spat out curses inwardly.

Since the expression of Ekidu was bright and filled with joy.

'You damned bitch. Does me losing make you feel that good?'

But unlike Keron's thoughts, Ekidu wasn't feeling like this because of how Keron will get destroyed by Hansoo.

No, her reason was much more different.

'I've found him. Someone who is worthy of this village's leadership position…'

But she couldn't figure it out completely by just looking at him like this.

'Hurry and show me, please.'

Ekidu felt her beating heart as he looked at Hansoo with an expression full of expectation.


"Hey, Keron! Hahahaha! I heard all about it! That you lost to a newbie!"


As Minchul*, the team leader of the team that covered the 11th area, laughed the surrounding 11th area Hunters all laughed at Keron with him.

They could only.

To get beaten by a newbie.

What kind of humiliation was this.

It was such a funny story that Keron's defeat spread out throughout the entire village in an instant.

"Keron, hahahahaha! Was the newbie that strong?"

Hellum, Ekidu and even the other newbies had all been quiet about what happened in the fight.

Just the simple story of a newcomer being promoted to a Hunter had spread.

'Tsk. I'm curious as to how he got destroyed but there's no way to figure it out since everyone who witnessed it is being quiet about it.'

Keron looked at Minchul making fun of him and then replied with a heavy expression.

"…You try fighting him as well."

"Why would we? Hahahaha! He's a Hunter like all of us now, so why? Heheheheh."


"And why the hell would we touch someone who's going to killed in a week? Hahahaha! We have no intentions of becoming like you!"

It might be different if that guy shook the entire village and was going to clash against them.

Then it might've be better to crush him right now.

But that guy was going to be an offering with a 99.99% certainty.

Why would they risk getting humiliated for no reason?

The Keron over there will probably become the source of jokes after the new contracting period starts, in a month, and for about an entire year after that.

'He shouldn't apply for an extension. Not after this kind of humiliation.'

Once a Hunter became a 1st year in the yellow zone, they will be placed in front of another crossroad where they have to make a choice.

Either get promoted.

Or get kicked out.

But most left.

Since most people who were 1st years could go explore the , which led them to their next destination, and unlike being a Hunter the rank above it wasn't really that great.

'Well, shall we stop making fun of him?'

Minchul slowly started to stop the sneering.

Since the eyes of Keron shaking back and forth told them that provoking him further wasn't a good idea.

The fact that he, who usually walked around cursing off everything around him, was standing quietly proved this.

That he was just about to blow up.

'Tsk, he was quite proud of his power… He's probably quite pissed right now.'

Unlike them, who were in charge of the 11th area, Keron hunted in the 1st area.

1st Area.

The most dangerous area around the village and the place the strongest people were in charge of.

Of course Keron was a powerhouse who was fitting to fight there.

And as he lived in the 1st Area, his character turned more vicious and aggressive.

Minchul decided to throw some final words and finish it off.

"Well. I heard that you at least got the reward. You can vent off your anger there then. You know, those girls who you like usually. Were they called Emily and Kachraki?"

Since he had completed the task given to him, he was still awarded.

Keron looked at the two small medallions in his hands at Minchul's words.

Though they looked simple, these 2 medallions were created by skills so they couldn't be counterfeited.

3 days of second level free pass against 2 farmers.

Though originally it was 2 days but Hellum gave him 3 instead.

And this made Keron even angrier.

Since he knew the reason why Hellum gave him another.


Keron clenched onto the medallion on his hands as if he wanted to break it.

Emily and Kachraki.

Two girls who he would've ran off right away to if he gained the medallion.

But the current him wasn't in a situation where he would do that.

Since another sensation was driving away all his sexual desires out.


Keron grinded his teeth, pocketed the medallions and then proceeded to walk towards where Ekidu lived which was halfway from the center of the village and where the Hunters lived.

The office of the village leader.

Before the sensation of a place with gravitas where they had to pay respect was quite strong but this feeling disappeared after Ekidus became the village leader.

'Muddle-headed bitch. She doesn't even have any desires over power. Is it because she's a girl or something?'

But she was still the village leader.

She still had a large amount of authority.

"Ekidu. I have something to say."

"Come in."

Ekidu's residence was quite high up but her office was below it.

Keron reached the office in an instant and spoke out very directly after smashing open the window.

"That newcomer from before. Dispatch him to the 1st Area."

"Mmmm…Well you see."

Keron got angrier as he looked at Ekidu who was making a perplexed expression.

"Why are you hesitating? You know the village's rules."

The strong are assigned to dangerous places.

And the weaker ones paid.

This was the rule of the village.

'If nothing had gone wrong…She probably wanted to dispatch him to some random place that isn't that dangerous.'

Ekidu probably wanted to let this bastard live happily for a week since he was an offering but he could not let that happen.

'Fuck, I didn't lose yet.'

This guy needed to be dispatched to the 1st Area no matter what.

Keron grinded his teeth at the thought of the battle from before and asked Ekidus.

"You're not saying that it can't happen right? Even if it's you…"

But Ekidus shrugged her shoulders.

"No, even if you didn't say that… He said that he would go to the 1st Area with his own mouth."


"He'll be with you starting tomorrow."



Hansoo stood above the wooden barricades on the outermost parts of the village and looked towards the especially dark 1st Area.

1st Area.

A place so dangerous that even the villagers carefully pried through the past 19 years.

And a place that had been left as a mystery because of this.

'Just wait.'

Hansoo glanced between the residence of the Hunters and the jungle of the 1st Area multiple times, left behind those words that seemed to be directed at someone and then jumped down from the barricades.

TLN : *Minchul is probably the same one mentioned before in chapter 6

Reincarnator – Chapter 151 : 1st Area (1)

Wooden fences.

Around 40 males and females were gathered in the wooden barricades facing the 1st Area.

In compared to the other 41 areas, which had hundreds of Hunters dispatched,in here there were only a small number of people.

But it was not that the 1st Area was safer or smaller compared to the others.

Actually it was the exact opposite.

They only formed small elite teams in order scout the area since there were a lot of unknown locations as well as the area being too large.

In case of the dangers that lurks deep within the 1st Area which may pop out any moment.

Unlike the Hunters in other Areas who hunted beasts, the Hunters in charge of the 1st Area only scouted the area.

But the hunters in this team were formed the most elite members in the village.

Since this area was that dangerous.

The leader of the team who was in charge of the 1st Area, Karhal, was looking at Hansoo with a dissatisfied expression.

"You're the newcomer. Did you say you were called Hansoo?"

The others in the 1st Area's team were also looking towards Hansoo with dissatisfied expressions as well.

Keron was quite a dependable comrade to them.

Though his character was a piece of shit, such a thing wasn't a problem in the Otherworld.

The problem was dragging down comrades.

Since that was basically the same as backstabbing them.

'If this kid beat Keron then it means he does have some skills but… We don't know about his character yet.'

Karhal thought to himself.

The crazy ones who had some skill were the most dangerous type of people.

And in that regards Keron was a part of their team and didn't have any faults.

Since when they fought with him he was quite dependable at defending their backs.

Though he was an idol of fear for the Farmers, this was not something them, the Hunters, cared for.

Karhal was a senior in the village who would fulfill his 1 year contract and leave in a week but he still felt nervous and had cold sweat running down his back when he entered the 1st Area.

And they needed to scout this extremely dangerous area daily.

The Farmers giving them service was an obvious thing.

'Farmers, who cares about them.'

The problem was the newcomer in front of him.

And him destroying Keron the moment when he stepped into the village meant that he wasn't the timid type.

And it seemed like they would need to take this guy on their task.

To the most dangerous area, the 1st Area.

'Fucking hell… Ekidus, what the hell were you thinking.'

Karhal muttered in befuddlement.

The 1st Area was somewhere one could come in after roaming around starting at the safest 41st Area and slowly climbing up.

Why did she put this guy in the 1st Area.

'Tsk. There is nothing I can do. I guess I'll just put him in the safest part.'

Not liking him was one thing but if this guy did something strange then the whole team would be in danger.

"Sebastienne. Come here. You are in the same group as the newcomer today."

"…Fuck, are you serious team leader?"

Curses started to came out from the mouth of the blond woman who was named Sebastienne.

She could only.

Since she was now in charge of a ticking bomb.

Anybody would get pissed if they had to drag around a weight with them when saving their own lives was already hard enough.

Karhal frowned at her words.

"Don't worry about it. You guys are just checking around the Okun Tree."


Karhal laughed coldly as he looked at Sebastienne who was making a joyous expression.

"Don't be so happy. Since you're in charge of teaching the newcomer. It's your responsibility to teach him while you roam around."

"Oh god dammit, he's going to…"

Karhal's eyes glared at Sebastienne who was about to continue talking.

Since it'll become quite troublesome if she said that he didn't need to be taught since they wouldn't see him after a week.

And they didn't know what could happen within that 1 week.

It'll at least be troublesome if he drags them down in that 1 week.

"Stop complaining. But you can use any method to teach."


Sebastienne nodded as if she understood what he was getting at.

And if she could pick any teaching method she wanted then it'll be quite easy for her as well.

'I can just teach him half-heartedly, if he dies due to that it'll just be his own fault.'

They had grown quite fond of the other Hunters since they had been in the village for a year at least.

The one in front of her eyes was as complete stranger.

There was nothing she could lament over even if things went wrong.

Karhal saw Sebastienne, who was making an expression which told him that she understood, and then continued to speak.

"Okay. Time to distribute the parts. Keron and I will be in charge of the northwest side, Ankah scout around the river. Okeanon and Masato will scout around the Epinon boulder…"

40 people swarming around was stupid.

It was better to keep some distance between them and finishing the scouting job quickly.

"Okay, if any problem arises then just throw a red flare up to the sky. Dismissed."

There were numerous times when a carrier pigeon wouldn't work since the adventurers in the Yellow zone had quite a lot of detection disruption skills around their body.

Though they were together right now, it wouldn't really feel nice not getting any help in a dangerous situation that may arise.

It was better to use a skill that could clearly be seen with one's eyes or heard with their ears.

And since most of the beasts here could not detect the color red, they could safely send signals using a red colored skill.

While each group was quickly heading their way.

Karhal said some final words.

"Oh yeah. Anybody who cannot participate in the dinner party is going to die in my hands. Make sure you attend since I'm going to call over 100 Farmers at least."

"Haha. Of course. Let's see you then."

They would be able to play quite a bit with 100 Farmers.

And the Farmers would feel quite blessed as well.

Since the more Hunters needed them, the higher chance they had at getting dismissed from the upcoming offering.

'It's a system where we bestow upon them blessings, Yeap.'

With the final words of Karhal, the 14 teams separated into various parts of the 1st Area.


'Heheh. If there are 100 then I should call my doggy as well.'

Even when one came to the Otherworld one's original features would not change.

Which meant that there were clearly Farmers who looked good and ones who did not.

And someone at the level of Sebastienne, a member of the 1st Area team, had the highest priority with the Farmers.

Sebastienne thought of Michael in the real world who was a model then looked at Hansoo who was next to her and shook her head.

'Tsk. It might've been nice if he was handsome at least. Eh, at least his body is quite nice.'

A giant stature 2m tall and broad shoulders.

Sebastienne, who had been staring at Hansoo's well defined muscles which seemed to be made of bronze, muttered to herself.

But sadly Sebastienne was into younger men.

'Man, I'm beginning to dislike him more and more. Damn. And why the hell did he bring so much shit ?'

Anyways, since she was in charge of him she needed to take him around no matter what happens.

Sebastienne suddenly talked towards the newcomer next to her after a bit of running.

"You're in for a easy ride today. Since the Okun Tree is the safest part of the 1st Area. Oh my, we're already here."

Sebasite blew a whistle while looking at their destination in the distance.

Okun Tree.

A tree named after the man who had first found it, Okun, wasn't actually a tree.

It was a giant tree shaped sculpture that seemed to have been burnt by something.

Nothing actually existed near this half destroyed sculpture.

And there was an unknowingly deep darkness behind it so nobody dared to enter it.

'Phew. It's really scary whenever I see it.'

Sebastienne looked at the darkness below her as her body trembled.

They did not approach anywhere where they didn't know of.

This was a strict rule of the village.

This rule was created a long time ago after when somebody in the 1st Area accidentally provoked and the village almost got destroyed.

After that their job at the 1st Area changed.

From to .

Though they had scouted around in fear of something popping out, they didn't pry any further than that.

This was the same.

They were scouting around this place in case of any change but since there wasn't any in the past 19 years it was one of the safest places in terms of danger.

'Of course it's not that nothing appears around it.'


Even before she could finish her thoughts, a growling sound came from the jungle behind them.

"Oh, it came out."

Sebastienne blew her whistle as she looked at Okel, a double horned leopard of the 4th rank.

The beasts around the village divided into 9 ranks according to the chart in the village.

The Farmers hunted those from the 9th to 6th and the Hunters usually dealt with 5th to 3rd.

And in this place, the 1st Area, 1st and 2nd rank beasts which even the Hunters had hard time dealing with would came out.

This is why the most proficient and skilled people were dispatched here.

But a 4th rank was something she could catch on her own quite easily.

And this was why she was being quite laid back.

'But would it be the same for you newcomer?'

Sebastienne laughed as she looked at Hansoo next to her.

She knew that he had some skills.

That's why he was able to beat Keron.

But humans and beasts were different.

The most important thing wasn't strength when it came to dealing with beasts.

It was experience and knowledge.

They say that you'll win every time if you know yourself and know the enemy.

Knowing more about the opponent than knowing oneself was important.

But how could she not be pissed when a chick like this had joined their team.

This was the time for her to vent her anger.

'Well, I should at least tell some things about it.'

"Newcomer, go and get it. I need to see your skill level. Oh yeah, it's weak spot is the forehead between the horns.


'Oh my, he listens quite well.'

Sebasite, who had been looking at Hansoo who had jumped out the moment she finished speaking, suddenly freaked out.

Since this crazy bastard was aiming somewhere else instead of the weak spot between the horns.

"Hey! You crazy bastard! Between the horns! I said it's between the horns!"


Sebastienne hurriedly shouted out while looking at the spear that was flying towards the leopard rapidly.

A 5m large, green leopard.

If you hit it's soft skin then the weapon would get stuck in the mucus layer underneath that skin.

And the moment the weapon and mucus connects.

The powerful poison gas created from the oxidation of the mucus which quickly paralyses the adventurer.

But this crazy bastard was trying to cut apart that mucus layer.

'Godamit! This dumb brute!'

Not every beast died because one stabbed it or anything.

Sebasite grinded her teeth and was about to step out.

Hansoo muttered inwardly as he swung his spear.

'They might know it as only the forehead.'

The forehead between the horns.

It was indeed one of its weak points.

However there was a better weak point then that.

'This place should not be known yet.'




Sebastienne stopped her tracks as she saw the greenish leopard fall down after getting stabbed in 5 locations quickly in succession.

'What? Why did it fall?'

The 4th rank was not just 4th rank in name.

If a 4th rank could got in the farming areas of the Farmers then they would get massacred.

It was that fearsome.

The fact that she was able to kill it by herself easily meant that she could use her experience and knowledge as the basis, dodge its attacks and kill it slowly over time, but that's not how he did. He made it powerless in just a single moment.


Hansoo, was cutting off the neck of the leopard which had fallen onto the ground as he slowly looked at the materials in front of him.

'Runes are dropping in various amounts. Good. The artifact is a bit useless…Oh I can use this as a material.'

Though he had bought a lot before he came here, he still needed quite a lot of things.

Hansoo gathered up a few things and then spoke to Sebastienne.

"Since I caught it I'll take it. Oh and this is for telling me its weak point."

Sebastienne stared at Hansoo who was handing her a small portion of the runes then frowned as she spoke out.

"…Get lost. You didn't even stab the place I told you. What the hell did you do anyway?"

Hansoo replied very simply.

"Even if I tell you, you won't be able to do it."

The reaction nerve cores that constantly moved within the skin needed to have all five of them stabbed at the same time.

If they mimick it randomly then it would only get more dangerous.

It was better to aim for the forehead.

Sebastienne frowned deeply at those words.

'This bastard…'

Hansoo walked past Sebastienne, past the Okun Tree and towards another location.

Towards the darkness.

'To be dispatched to the Okun Tree. Nice.'

The others didn't but Hansoo knew.

About the identity of the darkness behind it.

A dark part of the higher race's history that they wanted to erase and had been destroyed by them.

There was a material inside it.

A core material that he would stab into the jaws of those guys.

Sebastienne freaked out as she saw Hansoo walking towards the darkness.

'This crazy bastard!'

Not going randomly into places in the 1st Area, including that darkness, was a rule of the village.

If it was broken then it wouldn't end with just a scolding.

And searching through the 1st Area however one wanted was a top ranked ban.


"This bastard! Stop!! Are you going to break the rules!"

Three skills that came out from Sebastienne's body tied down Hansoo's body.

Hansoo chucked as he felt the three skills freezing and surrounding his entire body.

'Rules huh.'

Rules were created to maintain the current situation after acknowledging the defeat to the higher races.

If they follow the rules then they would only stay as losers.

'You guys have to change now.'


Nurmaha's Ring on Hansoo's right hand twinkled.

At the same time the three suppressive skills weakened.


Hansoo's Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement and Forked Lightning swept around his body like an explosion.

The suppressive skills blew apart and Hansoo became free right away.


"Stand here and relay a message. Don't follow if you don't want to regret it."

Hansoo left those words with the flustered Sebastienne and jumped down.

"This crazy bastard!"

Sebastienne, who had hurriedly looked at the darkness in a daze that could not be sensed due to some weird reasons, suddenly made a confused expression.

'Relay the message? To whom?'


"That crazy bastard…Is really causing trouble. Look at him. I told you he would cause some troubles."


Everyone in the yellow zone learnt detection skills.

But that guy was strange and didn't learn any.

As Keron spoke out coldly while looking at Hansoo with his detection skills, Karhal nodded with a heavy expression as well.

'To break the village's rule. This pretentious bastard.'

The rules were created by the person who build the town, Clementine and they were above everyone and nobody could break them.

Even the village leader.

And even more so for a arrogant newcomer who would soon become an offering.

Karhal thought of Hansoo who had jumped into the darkness and then spoke out.

"I guess we'll need to punish him. He should've just disappeared after staying here quietly for a week…"

Soon the red light from the skill Karhal sent out covered the sky.

Karhal and Keron, who had gathered the team, hurriedly started to move out.

Towards the Darkness Hansoo jumped down to.

Reincarnator – Chapter 152 : 1st Area (2)

Sebastienne grinded her teeth as she looked towards the darkness which Hansoo jumped into.

'Why? Why did he go down? Does he know something?'

But she didn't have any time to ponder about it.

Since Karhal and the other teammates had come from afar.

"What happened?"


Karhal nodded as he heard the situation from Sebastie.

'I guess I can't stop him anyway.'

There were two choices for him, who was the team leader.

Wait here until the guy comes out and punish him.

'Or follow him.'

Sebastienne asked with a slightly worried expression.

"Team leader? Are you going in? Going in there is against the rules for us as well."

No, even without the rules going in there was still a bit irksome.

A complete darkness where nothing worked including the detection skills.

They didn't even know what could be in there, why would they go in?

They had clearly learnt something from their time in the Otherworld.

That curiosity increased the chances of one's death.

Only moving around within the known parameters was the best way to live a long time.

Etianon, one of the 1st Area team member who was listening from the side, muttered quietly.

"Do we really have to go in? No one we shoved in there came out alive."


Sebastienne made a confused expression.

There were others who had gone in here?

Keron and Karhal clicked their tongues as they looked at Etianon.

'Tsk. He shouldn't have said those useless words.'

40 team members.

But not everyone shared the same amount of information.

And Sebastienne, who had only recently become a part of the 1st Area team, did not know about the traditional game which Karhal, Keron and Etianon enjoyed.


Their traditional game was not something that could be found out by the village leader.

Karhal checked with Keron and Sebastienne again.

"I understand that he is much stronger than us. But is the gap tremendously different?"

Keron and Sebastienne pondered for a moment but then shook their heads.

Hansoo was definitely strong.

That alone was illogical.

Since a newcomer was able to beat Keron who had been here for almost a year.

But he was clearly not at the level where he could go up against all of the members.

"No, he isn't at that level leader. We know that for sure."

'He shouldn't have any leisure to hide his skills or anything…Probably.'

Karhal nodded at Keron's words.

"Well our scout for the day is over anyway. So now…We're all going to go catch the criminal who broke the rules."

"…Is it really okay?"

Sebastienne asked with a worried expression.

The thing she was worried about was not just the rules.

There were still traces of the being which almost destroyed the village within the center of the village.

The traces that were fearsome and was constantly reminding them.

Something that was preventing them from going over the line while scouting around the 1st Area.

Sebastienne's worries were not really unjustified as she saw those traces every day.

But Karhal merely shook his head.

"It'll be the same if one guy goes in and screw things up anyway. It might be safer for us to go in and prevent it."

One person screwing things up or 40 people screwing things up were the same.

And Karhal didn't really think that there would be a mysterious creature lurking below.

'If something was down there already then it should've come out already.'

But Karhal was worrying about something different.

'What if he goes down there… And sees that?'

If that guy went down and saw the remnants of the traditional game they played?

And told the village leader after exiting through a different tunnel?

That would become a much larger problem.

Karhal organized his thoughts and shouted to people around him.

"We're going down! If he touches something wrong then a disaster might fall upon the village! We need to prevent that from happening!"

At those words Sebastienne and a few others made dirty expressions while Karon and other veterans nodded and prepared to go down with heavy expressions.



Hansoo, who had been free falling, smashed the Forked Lightning into the wall.

Forked Lightning entered the wall which seemed to have been melted down from something's attack.


Hansoo, who was falling down along with the sparks which were created from the friction, had to fall down for a lot longer in order to finally touch the ground.


The golden light exerted from Hansoo's Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement brightened up the darkness.

And an underground scene started to slowly appear before him.

There were buildings which looked like they were destroyed by something along with rubbles.

The size of the darkness was as large as a normal lake but the underground was a lot larger than that.

Like how the entrance to a basement was much smaller than the actual basement.

'Though this is a ruined basement.'

Hansoo muttered as he touched the wall of a destroyed building.

Hansoo only heard stories about this place.

This was his first time coming here.

The research facilities of the which had been destroyed after receiving attacks of the higher race.

Hansoo breathed quietly for a while and lifted his hand up to his right ear for the first time after a very long time.

[Kang Hansoo] Strength (Yellow) : 1.1%

Stamina (Yellow) : 1.0%

Agility (Yellow) : 1.2%

Perception (Yellow) : 1.1%

Mana (Yellow) : 1.1%

Magic (Yellow) 1.2%

Physical Resistance (Yellow) : 1.0%

Magical Resistance (Yellow) : 1.2%

-Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement : 43.5%

-Pandemic Blade : 21.5%

-Forked Lightning (Yellow) 1.2%

-Nurmaha's Ring (Yellow): 1.1%

-Thousand Soldiers Armor (Yellow) : 0.7%

-Dark Cloud (Yellow) : 0.1%

-Dragon Essence Blade: 1.7%

-Fragments of Seven Souls (2/7)

-Seven Stars (2/7)


Hansoo nodded at his status screen that he hadn't opened in a long time.

The runes were increasing at a balanced rate.

And mastery levels of his skills was increasing quite fast as well.

It had taken Hansoo about four months to get to the Yellow Zone ,after finishing the Tutorial stage.

Raising a skill's mastery level by 40% in just 4 months was something completely illogical in the Red Zone's standards.

Since mastering a skill completely usually took at least 3 years.

And this skill was even harder because a higher leveled skill was harder to master.

This would be something impossible without his trait, Seven Stars.

'I'll need to focus a bit more on the mastery levels of the Dark Cloud and Thousand Soldiers Armor.'

The Dragon Essence Blade, which grew every time one enhanced their body using it, was growing quite quickly in comparison to the other Artifacts.

Forked Lightning and Nurmaha's ring, which grew when one inserted runes into them, were also growing at a similar rate as the runes.

But the Dark Cloud, which grew faster the more organisms one had infected with it, or the Thousand Soldiers Armor, which grew as it ate more and more weapons and armor, had not really increased that much.

'Well I'll solve those problems after I get out of here. Anyways…It's much larger than I expected'

Tong Tong

Hansoo tapped the walls with Forked Lightning and then frowned as he roughly figured out the directions.

It wasn't that it was just dug down deeply.

This darkness was something created by the attacks of the higher races who were trying to destroy this place entirely.

Thankfully the size of this underground area was much larger than the dark hole.

'It might take a while.'

Hansoo pushed away the rubble that had melted and fused them each other as he walked forward.

But only for a moment.

Hansoo sensed creatures within his range and then frowned.

Existences that should not be here.

'…What? People?'

This wasn't part of this plans.

Hansoo's frown deepened.

'It's an unknown variable.'

He needed to verify what it was.


The moment Hansoo's foot stepped onto the ground.

The melted ground made cracking sounds as it broke apart.

And soon.


Hansoo's body disappeared along with the large soundwave, appeared somewhere else and attacked the person in front of him.




Hansoo frowned as he looked at the teenage-looking boy who was flying away from the shockwave.

He wasn't going to go easy on him.

Since he wanted to suppress him first before anything.

But even before he could attack again.

A blue light came out from the child's necklace and it weakened most of his attacks.

And Hansoo knew the identity of that object.

'It's something from the research labs.'

But Hansoo shook his head.

The objects of the research lab did not activate for free.

And the proof was this was the child who was repositioning himself after jumping away some distance away.


A teenage girl who was panting with an out-of-breath expression.

She could only.

Since those items needed a tremendous amount of mana to activate.

And the girl's reaction was something that would happen to somebody when all the mana in one's body run out instant.

'I'll need to hear her out.'

The moment Hansoo was about to charge again.

The girl suddenly shouted out loudly.

"Emergency! Some bastard of a Hunter finally came down below!"


The moment the girl's shout resonated throughout the giant underground cavern.

The wide vast darkness.

From that darkness, tens of bright blue lights appeared from all directions.

'That is…'

That specific wavelength of light.

It was the light of an object which symbolized the research facilities.

The moment Hansoo frowned.


Tens of laser beams which came from the lights smashed into Hansoo.


Tens of blue lasers that were gnawing away at the Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement and slowly making their way in.

'Heh. Look at this.'

Hansoo laughed coldly as he looked at the mysterious people who attacked him out of the blue for no reason.

'I guess I'll be able to find the research facilities much quicker now.'

The next moment.


The Forked Lightning in Hansoo's hands flew through the air.




Quite rumbles could be heard coming up from below.

Karhal and the team members, who were carefully going down towards the darkness, suddenly all frowned.

'Fucking hell. What's going on below.'

Karhal, who was stabbing the walls while slowly going down, deepened his frown.

He had never gone down himself either.

He had only thrown people in there before.

Of course the sudden rumble that rang throughout the darkness was unpleasant.

Sebastienne, who was descending next to Karhal, carefully spoke out.

"Damn. Leader. Do we need to ask for reinforcements from the village or something?"

Karhal pondered for a moment.

As if he really had to.

'This is really annoying. Damnit. Why did such a thing like this happen when I'll be leaving in just a week.'


He was thankful.

Since he had been able to raise his strength in safety and had quite joyous moments.

But he could only get pissed off when something like this happened in an area he was in charge of.

Since it'll be a huge catastrophe if he received some damage while dealing with this problem.

Sebastienne's suggestion was quite attractive because of this.

But Karon shook his head.

'Then…The things we have done will be found out.'

If the village leader, Ekidu, and the other Hunters helped them out then it'll become much easier.

But then he wouldn't be able to hide the people below.

If he got caught after kidnapping the Farmers, who were properties of the village, and playing with them however they wanted then it would not end lightly.

'We didn't really play with them nicely either. Fuck. If I knew this would happen then I would've killed them all. This is really annoying.'

For their game, where they had thrown them in alive for more fun,for it to come back and bite them in the ass like this.

"If we do then it might be too late. Quickly move down we need solve this on our own."

Karhal spoke to Sebastienne, turned around and grinded his teeth.

'This is all because of that dumb Ekidu and the guards.'

They, the Hunters, were doing such dangerous jobs.

And they were much stronger than the Farmers who weren't even comparable in strength.

But why couldn't they play with the Farmers any way the wanted?

They were kidnapping and forcibly playing with them because their desires had been suppressed due to those dumb rules and regulations.

If things were a bit loose then they wouldn't have done such things behind the shadows either.

'Yeah. This is the fault of the whole village.'

Karhal muttered to himself.

But even if the village was at fault, there was nothing beneficial to him from clashing with them.

There was no point in doing so since he would be leaving in a week too.

He would just need to get rid of Hansoo discreetly this time as well.

Like how he had done so far.

Then he'll be able to get through all of this quietly.

Since nobody will question the newcomer falling into an accident and dying in this dangerous 1st Area.

The tradition of the 1st Area team that only they knew had to be kept within themselves.

"Let's hurry and go down."

Karhal finished his thoughts and then looked downwards.

An extremely deep dark hole.

The words of Hansoo suddenly appeared within his head while staring into this giant hole that seemed like a huge monster's open mouth.

That they would regret it if they entered.

'Doesn't even make sense.'

What would he be able to do?

Plunk Plunk Plunk Plunk

Karhal shook off the thoughts in his head as he increased his pace.