285 - 293

Reincarnator – Chapter 285 : Star of transcendence (1)

Tiamet frowned at the citizens.

'These guys…'

Even if the humans had succeeded in enhancing their own bodies and absorbing the node's energy to a degree, his terrifying might was not something these humans could go against.

But the current situation was a bit different.

'Annoying. Did that game enhance their perception or something?'

"You bastard! Come down!"

Tiamet made an annoyed expression as he watched the citizens who had climbed on the roof and were grabbing onto his clothes.

He and the other enhanced race were set so they would only be able to attack the citizens with the orders of a 1st grade citizen or when the citizen themselves broke a rule.

This was why these guys, who would get killed off with just a single breath, were acting like this.

And these guys, those whose physical bodies had been enhanced as well as having absorbed the node's energy, could easily rip apart steel beams with their bare hands.

That was why they had been able to jump on the roof.

And the people who came up here started to tap on Tiamet as if they wanted to pick a fight with him.

"Hey you. You're him right? The guy who burned my friend half dead."

"Hey! Try attacking us like that time."


"Yeah! Spread some egg on you before you walk around."


These citizens weren't able to attack directly either since attacking the enhanced race was against the rule.

But annoying him was easy.

But for them to be able to do this even though they would still clearly remember the might he could wield.

'That game… I guess it rids them of their sense of fear as well. Or maybe they can't differentiate between virtual reality and reality.'

Tiamet grinded his teeth as he looked at those who were throwing eggs at him.

The fact that he was being pegged by eggs by those whom he could kill with just a flick of his wrist was really annoying him.

And the fact that he couldn't retaliate annoyed him even before.


And the chipset on his neck was stopping him from acting out.

Like a collar on a dog.

'Yeah. I'm just a bastard dog huh…'


Every time Tiamet clenched his teeth, the chipset on his neck buzzed as it let out sparks.

In order to suppress the enraged Tiamet.

At that moment.

"Everyone calm down."


A man came down from the elevator as he shouted in order to calm the people.

The surrounding guards could clearly tell how important this man was.

10 men who looked exactly like Tiamet.

A man who could take around 10 TMT series, which there were only 100 of like the MSL series, in this entire city there was only one person.


"No, uh. It's not what you're thinking…"

Everyone who were raging against Tiamet started to stutter and fall back.

The TMT series was the invention of Nepallem.

They were like the children of Nepallam and it was not easy to throw eggs at the child in front of the father.

Even more so if the father was a figure whom everybody respected and worshipped more than anybody else.


As everyone looked to Nepallem with awkward expressions.

Nepallem calmly pointed with his hand.

"Now now. Calm down everybody. Go loosen up your bodies or something. Though the world inside the capsule is invigorating, it isn't as nice as this beautiful nature."

Nepallem pointed towards the underground gardens which were being managed by the spirits and the people backed off at these words.

And Tiamet looked at Nepallem with an awkward expression as well.

Though he treated most people like bugs, two people were excluded from this.

One was Astania, the reason why he had come down here.

And the other, Nepallem.

'Am I also respecting this human?'

Tiamet scoffed but he didn't know for sure.

He, who had only been alive for 6 months, couldn't completely control his emotions yet.

The reason why he had come down here was to verify this strange sensation that sprang up from the corner of his mind.

The moment he thought up to this point.

'…Oh right, did she leave?'

As Tiamet tried to look around.


Something popped up in front of him.

"Who are you looking for?"


Tiamet stuttered as he looked at Nepallem who had appeared in front of his eyes.

Nepallem was smiling.

While projecting a hologram.

And an attractive woman floated on the screen.

"Perhaps this woman?"


Tiamet glared at Nepallem with a slight frown while Nepallem looked back at him in amusement and satisfaction.

"As I thought, you are special."

Tiamet looked at the 10 TMT series who looked identical to him.

For him to be special when there were so many of himself?

It sounded like Nepallem was mocking him.

But Nepallem shook his head.

"Don't make that expression. You're truly special. We… Can help each other a lot it seems. Will you follow me?"


Tiamet frowned.


While he was stopping an uproar, he had been downed by a citizen when he got hit in the back of the head before.

Of course this shoudln't have been possible but he wasn't in battle mode but rather suppression mode.

But there was a woman who had saved him while he was being stomped and ripped apart by the enraged citizens.

<…Damn. I really don't like you but I'll save you this one time. You fucking bastard.>

Tiamet asked in confusion while the back of his neck was still ringing in pain.

Since he was somebody who should simply be killed in their eyes.

And if he was kept alive then he would only be used to suppress them again after he healed.

This woman's actions did not make sense.

The woman, Astania, spat out some blood as she answered.

They fought for freedom.

But these guys never had freedom to begin with.

They only followed orders and fought for the 1st grade citizens.

The reason for all this hate was the 1st grade citizens but only the people below were bleeding.

And Astania did not like this.

Astania chuckled.

The TMTs were under a lot more pressure compared to the MSLs since their main purpose was battle, not management.

Unlike the MSLs in charge of management, emotions were something that were truly unneeded in the TMTs whose focus was battle and massacres.

It wasn't bad usually but once they got into battle mode then the chipset behind them erased all of their emotions.

Astania finished her words as he climbed back out.


Tiamet grasped his painful neck as he looked towards Astania with a confused expression.


"Things were really bad back then. But thankfully there weren't many dead, it's all thanks to you TMTs."

Nepallem smiled as he mumbled.

Casualties only happened when two forces of similar strengths collided.

The 1st grade citizens removed the limits imposed on the TMT series after seeing the situation turning for the worse and everybody who was rebelling were suppressed by the pure might of the TMTs as they backed off.

'I guess he was more cheerful than I thought.'

Tiamet stared at Nepallem who was mumbling in happiness as he asked.

"What do you need?"

The enhanced race were wired to be respectful towards the humans.

Though Tiamet felt like he could be disrespectful if he wanted but it didn't feel right to do so to this man.

'…Maybe it's because he created me.'

Tiamet controlled his unknown emotions as he tried to understand the current situation.

There was no reason for him and Nepallem to converse one on one like this.

Though he was one of the two special series within this giant city, the other party was a man who stood out amidst the 70 billion humans.

They were on different levels.

'And this is his personal space…All other TMTs are outside as well.'

The tower's topmost penthouse from where one could clearly see the entire city.

This place was a mysterious place where even Akamel hadn't been in.

A perfect personal space where not a single monitoring device existed.


Nepallem poured two cups of tea as he smiled at Tiamet.

"I wanted to converse with just us two. Anyways, how's the emotion of love? Well, maybe it's not there yet."

But Tiamet was extremely shocked by these words.

'Love? This?'

Tiamet then scoffed inwardly.


"A TMT like me has no such function as replying to your jokes. Find someone else please."

Nepallem smiled.

"What do you mean? You wouldn't just go underground to eat some curses right? Didn't you go down even though you knew that would happen? Something's itchy right? In here."

Nepallem patted his chest.

Tiamet frowned as he asked carefully.

"Are you calling me special because of that?"

Even if he felt something for a citizen.

He didn't know if this made him special in any way.

Maybe not during a battle but he, as a enhanced race, was entitled to some emotions.

It was possible for them to feel emotions in special cases and if they were in the daily life mode.

The other TMT series were just standing around expressionlessly because they didn't feel the need to show emotions.

They were born for battle and all these emotions would just disappear like bubbles once they got into a battle.

But Nepallem chuckled.

"You aren't special because of that. There's another reason."


Tiamet became curious.

About what his differences were and why this amazing scientist, Nepallem, was so interested in him.

But when Tiamet was about to ask.

[TMT-17. These are the new commands and their associated data for the plan. Open the channel so I can send them over.]


Tiamet frowned as he heard Akamel's voice through the chipset.




Then, towards Mudusella as she finished up reverting the Mudusella System back to its original state.

[MSL-17. These are the new commands and their associated data for the plan. Open the channel so I can send them over.]


Mudusella made a confused expression at the sudden orders being sent to her.

Was there something she didn't know about regarding this plan?

'And… It's not only coming to me.'

It was being sent to every enhanced race including the MSLs.

Mudusella started to read the data with a confused expression.

Wondering why the data was sent suddenly and in secrecy.

And soon.


Mudusella's eyelids trembled as the spirit cursed inside her.

"…They're leaving behind all the 3rd grade citizens? The whole over 20 million of them?'

They weren't just being left behind.

According to this plan… Every remaining human would die for sure.

Mudusella was extremely shocked as she continued to read through the data.

Reincarnator – Chapter 286 : Star of transcendence (2)

Tiamet looked at the data with a shocked expression.

Codename : Plan for the Migration of Humaniy.

The directives were simple.

1st and 2nd grade citizens were to board the spaceship that was being built across the mountain range.

And there were clear instructions for the enhanced race so there wouldn't be any casualties during all of it.

But nowhere in the data was there anything regarding the 3rd grade citizens.

Tiamet asked Nepallem.

"…What's going on? I thought everybody was migrating?"

Nepallem smiled.

"Why are you asking a scientist like me? I'm only responsible for making you and creating the spirits. People who decide how to use them are people like Akamel, the highest-ranked members."

Tiamet made a dumbfounded expression.

Even if people like Akamel could fly, they wouldn't be able to reach the height Nepallem was at.

Which meant that Akamel had to present his ideas and receive approval from Nepallem for every plan.

But for Nepallem to not know what's going on in a situation like this?

"What are you…"

Tiamet, who was about to become enraged, realized what he was about to do and then calmed down.

Why was he getting angry?

Thinking about it, there was nothing that should matter to him even if the 3rd grade citizens were disposed of.

Since their deaths didn't matter to him.

The 100 or so of the TMT series will be allowed to board and it was better if they didn't take the 3rd grade citizens.

Why was there a need to get angry for those who threw eggs at him?

But something kept tickling him inside his chest.

Something was complaining inside him.

And Nepallem smiled as he looked at Tiamet.

"Shouldn't you run?"

"…What do you mean?"

Nepallem patted his chest.

"This. I'm talking about this from before."

At that moment.

Tiamet realized where the uneasiness and the annoyance was coming from.

And Nepallem whispered into his ears.

"Our TMT-17 is a very precious resource. Adding one extra person wouldn't be that hard."

And the moment he heard this.


Tiamet stomped out from Nepallem's personal area as he started to walk somewhere.

And somebody shouted behind his back.

"Good luck! If you hurry then you might be able to find her before they re-enter."


Tiamet disappeared into the darkness and Nepallem shrugged his shoulders inside his own personal area.

"Well, you should at least hear why you're so special. That's the most important part."


[15 minutes until entrance time into Exodus. Citizens, please move to your designated locations.]

"Finally, we're going back in."

"Gosh, I thought I was going to die from boredom! Ugh."

"Keke. I'm going to kill what I was about to before!"

As the announcement was made, the citizens who were spread out all over the wide underground area started to swarm around the tower.

Though some were looking at this with a strange expression.


Astania made a worried expression while looking at the citizens.

'I know it's nice but… Aren't they relying on it a bit too much?.'

Astania mumbled to herself.

She understood that the world inside that place was good.

Since they were able to forget the problems of reality inside it.

The 1st grade citizens who wished to rule over them.

The harsh environment that continuously tried to wipe them out.

And they, who were powerless to do anything in this situation.

They were able to forget all of that inside that place.

No, more than that.

Unlike this place, where they were powerless, they could become heroes.

They flew through the skies and hunted dragons.

They killed beasts and saved others.

'…Nothing I can do.'

It looked like they were running away from reality rather than playing a game but she was the same as them.

Astania sighed as she started to move towards her cell as well.

But at that moment.

Somebody grabbed her arm.


Astania saw a familiar face as she looked behind in confusion.

"Let's go."

"What… Hey! I didn't do anything wrong! Why is a TMT series taking me?"

Astania shouted in confusion.

TMT series.

The beings that were in control of the city's laws.

Astania freaked out.

'Why… Why is this happening.'

No matter how she thought about it, she hadn't done anything wrong.

Even if she did something wrong, for a TMT to come get her.

These were not things that should be for that.

Tiamet frowned as he responded to Astania's words.

"You told me to meet with smiles but the situation is not like that. Follow me."

"What… Oh. Are you the one from then?"

Astania then realized something.

She remembered who this was.

'Ugh, there's no way to tell them apart.'

Astania sighed out in relief but then frowned as she stopped Tiamet and spoke.

"Where are you taking me, I have to go in the cell."

Astania pointed towards the giant tower filled with glass cells behind her.

And Tiamet made an annoyed expression at this.

'This dumb girl. You're going to die if that happens.'

The 1st and 2nd grade citizens were going to get on the ship.

The enhanced race who supplied and controlled the obelisk also had to get on.

Which meant this giant tower would lose both its software and hardware and would cease to work.

And the 3rd grade citizens would not be able to survive in these harsh conditions without the protection of the obelisk.

They would freeze to death inside the glass cells.

"If you have something to say then say it here. If not then just tell me later."


He wanted to speak but the chipset was preventing him from leaking the top secret informations.


Astania frowned and then threw Tiamet's hands off.

"What are you doing? If you're going to just play around then fuck off. Are you looking down on me because I'm just a third grade? If I don't go in there in time then it'll be bad."

Astania glared at Tiamet and started to stomp towards the tower.


Tiamet wanted to grab ahold of Astania but he could not.

The chipset was stopping him.

[The enhanced race cannot forcefully act against a citizen.]

[Stop you actions immediately.]

The chipset's electric signal suppressed his entire body as Astania disappeared towards the tower.

And the various emotions inside him swelled.




Tiamet clenched his teeth and poured strength all over his body.




At that moment, something shocking occurred.

Tiamet started to move despite the chipset suppression.


As his body moved.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Tiamet didn't pay attention to the fact that he could ignore the chipset as he started to rush towards Astania with an urgent expression.


As Astania freaked out at Tiamet who rushed up to her.


Astania fell on the ground unconscious as Tiamet hit her in the back of her head.


Strangely, the chipset had stopped suppressing him as Tiamet attained his goal.

Tiamet breathed out roughly as he stared down at Astania who was laid out on the ground.

He then heaved her onto his shoulders and quickly ran over to the elevator.

'I need to hurry.'

The train to the spaceship would soon set off.

As he got on the elevator the sensor inside it started to scan him.


[…TMT-17. Scan complete. Activating.]


Tiamet glanced at the countless 3rd grade citizens lying in the glass cells in the distance but soon turned away from them as the elevator started to climb up.


[Everyone, proceed to board starting from the citizens of Zone 19 please.]

[You've done well until now, congratulations on obtaining the right to go to the new world.]

The 1st level station of the obelisk.

Countless people were climbing aboard the long train.

Most were the 1st grade citizens of the obelisk.

And around the 1st grade citizens.

The various enhanced race members were getting on board along with the citizens.

Akamel looked at the scene from the corner of the station next to two TMTs.

'Good. Perfect.'

The boarding of the citizens from the city was proceeding smoothly as the Mudusella System was being moved onto the spaceship.

Though it might not be as good as the Mudusella system that used the souls of the 20 million people, it would be more than enough.

Since the number of citizens would naturally rise once they colonize the new planet properly.

At that moment.

[Warning! Warning!]

[Unknown citizen is attempting to board.]

[All enhanced race of cart A-22, proceed to prevent the boarding.]


Akamel frowned at the sudden warning.

'No way… All the 3rd grade citizens should be inside Exodus by now.'

The 3rd grade citizens of the 17th zone who had been awakened just recently were also going into Exodus.

And they couldn't use the elevators even if they were awake so who was trying to come.

'…What's going on.'

Akamel frowned as he took the two TMTs and headed towards the location of conflict.



Sounds of collisions could be heard around the station.

'Who caused this…'

Akamel approached the area with a confused expression but then made a dumbfounded expression at the scene.

Various enhanced race members had been flung back.

And the one TMT series who had a girl on his back.

Akamel realized what was going on the moment he saw this and then grinded his teeth.

"…Nepallem. No matter how much you try to stop me this time, it won't work.'

'Fucking bastards. I'll make sure to tighten your collars properly after this.'

And at that moment.

TMT-17, the one who had created all this mess, stomped towards Akamel.

'This bastard…'

As Akamel glared at Tiamet.

Tiamet pondered for a moment but then spoke straightforwardly.

"Please let this woman onboard."

His demand wasn't very far-fetched.

His own worth was extremely high and though he didn't know why they were leaving behind the 3rd grade citizens, adding one extra woman wasn't hard for Akamel.

This was why he had left behind the other citizens.

Since if they started to cling onto him he might not be able to save the woman.

'Though you won't be treated well after you get on…You should at least live.'

Tiamet mumbled as he glanced at Astania.

But from the distance.

MSL-17, Mudusella, saw this scene with a sad expression.


She understood what he was thinking.

But sadly, Tiamet didn't understand the humans enough.

To be precise, the dark parts of their emotions.

And just like she expected.

"Don't want to."

Akamel scoffed as he replied.

"Tsk, Tsk."

Nepallem looked at this scene from the distance and clicked his tongue.

Reincarnator – Chapter 287 : Star of transcendence (3)

Tiamet asked as he looked at the dark expression of Akamel.

"…Why not?"

His demand wasn't outrageous.

This much should easily be doable.

But Akamel smiled coldly as he spoke.

"Of course not. It's not fair."

"Not fair?'

Akamel nodded.

"Yeah. Every other 3rd grade citizen is below. But who is that woman for us to treat her like this?"

Tiamet was dumbfounded from these words.


Was this something these guys who were leaving behind all the third grade citizens to die should be saying?

"It won't be bad for them. It'll end for them in happiness inside there. Every one of them agreed right? That it's better to live inside there than living in reality.

As he heard these words.


A vein popped up on his forehead.

And he felt something boiling inside him.


Rage was one of the most distracting emotions when they were doing their job.

The chipset activated as it tried to suppress him.


While he was trying to escape the suppression from the chipset.

Tiamet resisted the electrical signals from the chipset as he raised his trembling hand.

Because he really felt like he needed to punch this man.

Though the fist of Tiamet, who could easily rip apart steel like it was paper, was approaching his face, Akamel was completely calm.

As Tiamet was about to grab ahold of Akamel.


The two TMT series next to Akamel grabbed both of Tiamet's arms and made him kneel.


He tried to resist but it was all futile.

The chipset was still suppressing him and he could not win against the two TMTs who had the same power level as him.

Akamel smirked at Tiamet kneeling in front of him.

"It was hard making you. So you originally had the rights to come on board with us. But if you're defective then the story changes."

Usually, they would just fix the chipset and reuse him but they were about to leave.

They didn't have the time nor did he want to.

'I don't need a defective enhanced human who can resist us in this new world.'

This was why the 3rd grade citizens were being left behind.

Though they were calculating the success rate of this plan, the Mudusella system was actually calculating something else.

[Should we take the 2nd and 3rd grade citizens with us to the new planet?]

Everyone was cautious.

As to how bad the situation could become if the 2nd and 3rd grade citizens rebelled.

The ashy storm outside the barrier proved this.

Would these guys not cause troubles in the new world?

The 1st grade citizens scanned the brains of every citizen using the Mudusella system and launched a calculation.

And the results.

[Up to 2nd grade is helpful.]

[Starting from the 3rd grade, their usefulness drops and the chance of them causing issues rises.]

'Why should we take them then?'

Even such a thing in front of his eyes might appear.

Enhanced humans who broke the chipset and went wild.

Akamel had no thoughts of sharing even a bit of their precious resources to take someone like this.

Akamel laughed coldly as he spoke.

"Don't worry too much. I have a conscience you see. I won't hurt you lovebirds."

With those words.



One of the TMT series stabbed into the back of his neck as Tiamet felt his consciousness fading out.

'Fucking… Hell.'

Tiamet lost his consciousness as he watched Akamel who was laughing at him coldly.



Tiamet rose up as he sensed something whipping against his skin.

And he made a shocked expression as he looked around.

The empty platform.

All the 1st grade citizens and the enhanced race had boarded and left.

Only two lifeforms were alive.

He, who had fallen.

And Astania, who was still unconscious.


Tiamet checked the status of his body but then sat back down.

'What's the use.'

As the MSL series who controlled the Mudusella System left, there was no enhanced race member to pour him any energy.

Soon this giant tower, the Obelisk, will cease to act and then the harsh environment will soon sweep over this city.

Even he didn't have the confidence to survive for long periods of time.

He will slowly lose energy and die out.

'…I wanted to save you at least.'

Tiamet sighed out as he looked at Astania sleeping next to him.

He didn't know what this sensation he was feeling towards this woman was.

But he felt that he would be much happier if this woman lived and was happy.

And even more so if he was next to her.

'Were Nepallem's words true?'

Tiamet chuckled at conversation he had with Nepallem.

He really had become special.

He was probably the only TMT series who was left behind here.

'I should've listened to his answer at least. The reason why I am special.'

But it was too late to hear the answer now.

Since Nepallem would've long boarded the ship.

That man was in a different situation than him.

At that moment.

"Living isn't easy right? You would've been able to board if humans lived in harmony."

"…No way."

Tiamet mumbled in shock at the voice that was coming from the distance.

Since that voice was not something that he should be hearing.

But despite his voice, the voice was only getting closer.

Tiamet turned around and was at a loss for words.

"Napallem. How are you here…"

Nepallem chuckled as he looked at Tiamet.

"It seems your chipset is completely broken. Maybe it's a good thing? Hahaha."

"…Why did you stay behind?"

Tiamet pinched his cheek in case he had come into the virtual reality.

Nepallem had no reason not to board and he had to board.

Since if Nepallem chose to stay here, all the other 1st grade citizens would've forcibly taken him.

Nepallem shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh that? I just boarded a clone who looked similar to me. I hope that guy is happy over there."

"What… What are you…? Why did you not go?"

Since the chipset, which was suppressing his emotions, had been broken. Various emotions sprang up from inside him.

As Tiamet mumbled with a shocked expression, Nepallem laughed as he spoke.

"Is there a reason for me to go? I've already accomplished my goals here?"


Nepallem pointed towards the tower behind him as he looked at Tiamet.

"They left behind the most important thing."

Tiamet's expression brightened at these words.

That confident expression.

Nepallem, who had overseen all the previous plans and endeavors had been left behind.

Was this not a possibility of him surviving?

Maybe the ones who got onto the ship made a mistake?

But sadly.

Nepallem made a sorry expression as he spoke.

"I'm sorry if I brought your hopes up but… Don't make such an expression. This body will soon die."


Nepallem shrugged his shoulders.

"Why are you so shocked? Since I'm done with my objective and this body has done what it needed to, it's time to throw it away."

And Tiamet was enraged.

"Fuck! What were you trying to do here then!?'

Various emotions that had been suppressed before sprang up.

No, there was one dominant emotion inside him.


The emotion that endangered a soldier the most.

This emotion was slowly eating away at Tiamet due to the unknown future.

And as a response to this.


A white spirit exploded out from inside him and surrounded Tiamet.

A spirit of light.

One of the most destructive spirit in existence had come out.

With one objective.

To protect Tiamet.

But Nepallem scratched his chin as he looked at Tiamet.

"Why are you getting angry after you just asked? Anyways, my objective is… Well, you could say it's engineering. Or terraforming. It's making this place a bit prettier. Suiting the taste of someone above."


Someone above?

Was there somebody who was in a place higher than Nepallem?

'Is he making fun of me?'

At that moment.

"Ah, he's here."

With this.


Space cracked and spliced apart.

And from the dark void.

A small creature popped out.

A small pair of wings and a shining body.

As he looked at the fairy-like creature he had seen from the fairytales.


Tiamet's entire body started to tremble.

Though it's outer appearance was a cute fairy, there was a tremendous amount of power and viciousness residing inside it.


Tiamet couldn't help himself as he fell on the ground but Nepallem ignored it as he spoke to the fairy.

"It's finished. You're going to take over now right?"

The fairy smiled.

"Mmm…That's how it should be normally but there's something amusing here?"

Originally, as the giant Obelisk was completed and these other creatures were gone it should've been finished.

But how could it ignore something amusing that appeared in front of it?

As the fairy, who had the same nature as god, smiled.

"Fucking bastards. If you're going to joke around then…"

Tiamet grinded his teeth as he mumbled.

This tiny thing was looking at him as if he was a toy.

But the fairy shook its head and smirked.

"No. I'm not joking around. You see, I really like people like you. You're very special."

The fairy looked between Tiamet and the direction the 1st grade citizens had gone towards as it spoke out.

"You were born with the transcendence star."

"Oh right, I was going to tell him first."

Nepallem smacked his forehead.

Reincarnator – Chapter 288 : Star of transcendence (4)

[We will set off after 05:02:11.]


Mudusella sat in the engine room as she made a bitter expression while looking at the Mudusella System in front of her.

She kept thinking about her partner, TMT-17, who had been left behind in the city.

It might've been better if there was at least a spirit she could talk to but that spirit had long been taken out of her into a glass sphere.

To supply the ship with the energy.

Akamel, who was standing next to Mudusella, smiled in contentment as he mumbled.

"Dumbass. He overestimated his own worth."

"…Couldn't you have taken them all?'

Not just Tiamet but the 3rd grade citizens as well.


Akamel frowned at her words.

He also wanted to show her who was in charge but he could not.

Unlike Tiamet, MSL-17 was a vital part of the flight.

'I guess I'll make another when I arrive…'

Akamel was enraged and had almost spurted out his inner thoughts.

Thoughts that were a bit extreme for the others to hear but were completely fine to utter to these 'products' of theirs.

"No way. Our worth is much higher than those wasteful bastards. Those things that only know how to waste resources are a plague in a situation where we have limited resources. Maybe you don't know because you've only been alive for a short time, etch that into your memory."


As Mudusella frowned at Akamel.



Akamel held Mudusella's chin as he coldly whispered.

"Know your limits, even if we need you it'll be a bit hard on us if you cross the line."


"Yeah, learn to avoid my gaze like that. Now, go ahead and finish your job. Move all the 2nd grade citizens in cryosleep onto the ship."

The 2nd grade citizens weren't used by the Mudusella system unlike the 3rd grades.

But they couldn't just throw them away.

Since they needed them as servants in the new planet.

So they had frozen close to 10 million of them.

And they will be moved to the new planet in that state.

Until the 1st grade citizens finish the preparations.

The beautiful colony built inside the spaceship was only for the 1st grade citizens.

'Perfect. I shall give you this planet as a whole… Farewell then.'

Akamel looked towards the city in the distance and then smiled as he thought of Tiamet.

But then.

[Warning. Warning. The surrounding environment is changing drastically. All citizens move to the designated emergency positions.]

A sudden warning rang throughout the spaceship.


Akamel freaked out.

"Check the outside situation immediately!"

Akamel hurriedly gave orders to the Mudusella system.

And soon, Akamel was at a loss at the scene in front of him.


A humongous tornado was spinning around the Obelisk in the distance.

As the shield that was protecting the tower broke, a giant tornado had formed inside it.

Akamel grinded his teeth as he looked at what was happening in the distance.

"What the fuck…!"

Countless ashy clouds that had originally surrounded the entire planet were being sucked into the tower.

And the mountain range that was barely holding onto its shape was being covered with snow and clouds.

All the land around the city was freezing and breaking apart.



And of course the spaceship which was preparing for its flight could not escape this calamity.

[Calculating… Flight determined to be impossible.]

[ASTRO-17… Shifting to dormant mode.]

The warning resounded throughout the spaceship as the 1st grade citizens freaked out.

"What the hell! What is this! We didn't foresee this with the Mudusella System!"

"What's going on!?"

And the spirit was shocked as well.

The spirit, which was acting as a generator for the ship inside the flask, made a confused expression as it looked.

The sky was falling with the tower as the center.

The Obelisk, which had become the pillar that held up the humanity's survival was turning everything around it into a land of death.

As if it was trying to suck in every calamity of the world.

A similar scene was probably playing out in the other Obelisks as well.

And Hansoo was also shocked at this scene.

'..Was this why the ship was resting beyond the range? There's still too much that doesn't fit.'

At that moment.


Sounds of explosions against the surface of the ship could be heard.

Even the people inside the engine room could hear it.


"Stop that bastard!"



Sounds of clashes and explosions were heard.

Though the spirit's perception had weakened after it had entered the flask but it could clearly hear those screams.

And Akamel freaked out with a horrified yelp.

"You bastard…How!"

It also heard the familiar voice that was responding to Akamel.

"I sold my soul to the devil."


As Akamel screamed.

Hansoo quickly started thinking.

'He sold his soul to the devil?'

This current Tiamet was much stronger than before.

If Akamel had known that Tiamet could make that tower go insane.

And that he would kill off the other enhanced race to get to him.

He would've never left Tiamet behind.

And as Hansoo tried to suck in more of the spirit's memories.


The spirit's exhausted voice came into his ears as he started to get sucked out of the flask towards an unknown location.


When Hansoo's consciousness came back, it was where he had been before.

Inside his own consciousness where the spirit had sucked him in.

And something very faint was barely holding onto its form in front of him.

Something that had lost its previous seven-colored luster.

"That guy?"

As Hansoo frowned at the spirit's words.

The spirit chuckled as he left behind its final words.

At that moment he realized he needed to hear something.

'This bastard saw something from my broken memories.'

Hansoo held onto the spirit as he asked.

"Speak, what did you see."

As a consequence the spirit became even more transparent.

As if it was about to flicker off.

Usually a threat like this would've worked.

Since the spirit's mentality wasn't that strong.

But the situation was different now, it was already done for.


The spirit broke apart and disappeared before it could finish its own words.

And the seven colored fragments of the spirit's body entered Hansoo's body.


A new ability started to appear in his body.

Like he was becoming a new entity.

A change that was occurring as he consumed the spirit's fragments.

It was something he wouldn't resist usually but he was looking around frantically.

'My memories…Just a bit more.'

But then.


Hansoo's consciousness started to get sucked out.

Towards the body outside.


Tiamet frowned at Hansoo who had flinched for a bit before moving but then he just gathered more white light in his hands and prepared to attack again.

It was not something his light spirit had in the past but something he had gained after hearing that he had to devour everything to become a transcendent.


A giant beam exploded out from Rangkom's Stake as it flew towards Hansoo.

It was not a might which Hansoo could withstand.

No matter how close the gap between them had gotten, this beam was more than enough to smash him into bits.


A giant storm of mist appeared around Hansoo.

Tiamet grinded his teeth as he saw this.

"…Did you fuse?"


"So it was like this."

Hansoo replied nonchalantly from inside the mist.

And the snowstorm was gathering and creating a wall of ice around him.

As Hansoo lifted his hands to activate this newfound power again.


The snowstorm started to gather at a single point.


Towards Tiamet who was preparing to attack again.

And in an instant the snowstorm that had been created from the crazed tower that gnawed away at Tiamet's power pushed down onto him but numerous times stronger than before.

The power of the light spirit he had was solely focused on destruction.

The dark spirit in Jang Oh's hands was focused on manipulating the darkness efficiently.

But the ability of the spirit which Mudusella, the manager, had was different.


Control over the power a spirit had.

An ability needed for her to managel the giant Mudusella system as well as the entire Obelisk.

Tiamet's light spirit was more efficient when turning energy into destructive force but not when there was a huge energy storm all around them targeted at him.



"Fucking… Hell!"

It wasn't just any mana storm.

The mana storm that had previously surrounded the entire planet and had now been compressed by the tower was rushing around Tiamet.

And as Tiamet grinded his teeth at the tremendous pressure.


Hansoo dashed through the snowstorm as he smashed down into Tiamet with the Forked Lightning.


As Tiamet was flung back and was about to smash onto the ground.


Hansoo, who had dashed over and got on top of Tiamet asked as he beat him.

"Tell me what happened in the past"


Smack. Smack.


Hansoo whispered as he grabbed ahold of TIamet.

"Did you finish them off a thousand years ago?"

He needed to hear this.

As to what that 'Devil's' deal was.

And if that contract was still in effect.

"You bastard…!"




'Since the spirit isn't responding anymore…I'll need to hear from this side.'

Hansoo dodged the stake that flew towards him and smashed Tiamet in the face again.

Reincarnator – Chapter 289 : Star of transcendence (5)

Hansoo clutched his head as he activated the Demonic Dragon Reinforcement.

'…My soul is about to break apart.'

Though he had bought time after eating up the spirit, it was hard for him to battle for prolonged periods of time.

But he had a feeling.

'Something's not right.'

The virtual reality game the 3rd grade citizens were enjoying in the past.

And the 1st and the frozen 2nd grade citizens who had been attacked suddenly.

The players who played the game Exodus as well as the residents.

The residents he could understand to a degree.

Since it wasn't impossible if Tiamet had dealt with the 1st grade citizens and established a nation with the 2nd and 3rd grade citizens.

But the players were different.

The 3rd grade citizens who should only exist in virtual reality were actually walking around here.

Of course there was no guarantee that the players here and the 3rd grade citizens of the past were the same people.

No, they should be different.

But Hansoo saw.

The face of the girl who Tiamet was holding onto and was trying to protect.

That face was somebody he knew.

No, it was a face which anybody in this world would know.

'Clan leader of the Kalikul clan.'

Clan lord, Astania.

Someone who had gained the ownership of the special territory next to the Empire's capital despite being a player and the person who shone the most out of the clan lords of the 15 great clans.

Their names and appearances were exactly the same.

This was too much to call it a coincidence.

If the existences that could only live within virtual reality in the past were actually walking around in reality then Tiamet had really fucked something up.

And there was only one thing that could explain this whole situation.

A contract.

Tiamet's final words which said that he had made a contract with the devil.


"Speak. What is the contract you made in the past."

Hansoo choked Tiamet as he mumbled.


Tiamet gritted his teeth as he vomited out blood.

Because he had erased the special characteristics of all the enhanced race from himself in order to resist the orders of the 1st grade citizens… The snowstorm around him was continously gnawing away at him.

There was no way to defeat Hansoo anymore.

'This is the end huh….'

The first thing he thought of was that thing.

The reason for his thousand years of hard work.

'Those things…'

Tiamet chuckled as he thought of the fairies.

"Yeah… If you fused then you should've seen a bit of the past through Mudusella's memory. Well you see, I've only asked for a small thing but I don't know why things have become like this."

Tiamet thought of the past.


The fairy-like existence from the past spoke to him.

And told him that he had done more than enough to have the right to ask them for something.

And Tiamet grinded his teeth at the fairy's suggestion.

He had heard before.

That none of the devil's deals were proper nor good.

A one-sided trade designed for the enjoyment of the devil.

The other party who trades with the devil will be driven into destruction.

Tiamet smirked at himself who had accepted this offer.

But he knew now.

As to why all those stories told him to be wary of the devil's offer but why none of them refused it.

'This is it huh.'

Humans didn't trade with the devil because they were weak or evil.

The devil was.

This evil thing.

It appeared right when the humans were at their weakest point in life.

That point when the humans could not deny it.


Tiamet realized as he looked at the fairy which was smiling in a vicious manner.

That he himself was at the weakest point of his life.

There was only one wish in his head.

To acquire a space where he and Astania could live together.

Destroying the 1st grade citizens or something.

And as he wished.

The fairy smirked.

Nepallem smiled while nodding and then stretched his hand towards the tower.

And soon.


The giant tower went crazy and started to reverse the power that was pushing away the calamity that was covering the entire planet.

The ashy clouds disappeared as sunlight landed on the land across the mountain range.

Tiamet realized.

That the giant Obelisk which Nepallem had made had the power to solve this calamity.

Of course he didn't care whether the citizens died or not.

But he couldn't help but feel disgusted at this man all of a sudden.

Nepalem suddenly spoke.


Astania's body disappeared into thin air.

Towards the inner parts of the Obelisk.

Nepalem approached Tiamet and lifted his hands towards the back of Tiamet's neck.


Tiamet instinctively tried to attack Nepalem and attacked him with the white beam.

But it was futile.

The white beam was deflected away and Nepallem's hand grasped onto the back of his neck.

Like an adult holding down a kid.

Everyone thought that Nepallem wasn't any stronger than a 1st grade citizen no matter how much of a genius he was.

But for him to suppress Tiamet this easily.

Nepalem used a strange energy and controlled the chipset.


White light started to explode out from Tiamet's body.

The secret only the developer knew.

Nepalem smiled as he removed the limiter.

And Tiamet looked at his body in shock.

Power was rushing throughout his body.

Nepallem laughed towards Tiamet.

<…A hostage?>

Nepallem laughed.


It was simple after this really.

Though it was still a bit hard for him to go up against all of the 1st grade citizens and the enhanced race members but they were all spread out inside the ship.

He just needed to smash them apart one by one.

He killed all of the 1st grade citizens who had the power to control the enhanced race.

And he had saved all of the 2nd grade citizens and the Ains.

Since he knew it was impossible for him to do this all alone.

Nepallem's condition was simple.

Until he transcended and attained the power to escape this world with his Skill of Annihilation.

So he had used the 2nd grade citizens and the Ains to create the White Dragon Arena.

And had sealed the Ains who could become a variable.

As the secrecy of this all was a requirement that the fairy added in into their deal.

Tiamet asked back in confusion.

All the 3rd grade citizens were asleep and the 2nd grade citizens and the Ains knew about the history already.

The fairy responded.

And he realized after close to a thousand years.

Whom he needed to keep this a secret from.

The tens of millions of people's information were inside the obelisk.

Tiamet was shocked as he looked at the 3rd grade citizens who were reviving with erased memories with that information as the basis.

He then realized.

And he realized this was even more true as he saw these 'adventurers' getting hunted down by the 3rd grade citizens.

He finally realized what being recycled meant.

Tiamet had finally started to understand what the final words of Nepallem were.


'…I guess I failed hold up my end of the contract.'

Tiamet spoke to Hansoo with a defeated expression.

"You wouldn't' allow me to live."

Tiamet looked at Hansoo who wasn't responding and nodded.

There was no reason for Hansoo to keep him alive.

Since this was the only chance he had to kill him.

And it was clear from what Hansoo was holding with his hand.

Badump. Badump.

The hand that had entered through his ribs and had grasped his heart.

He had failed.

He had failed to transcend and release Astania from being a hostage.

'I really worked hard for a thousand years.'

It wasn't that bad.

Since Astania would continue to live in this world.

In immortality.

'Better than dying.'

He could just refuse to speak of the past but he did on purpose.


"You wouldn't be able to escape it either. Because you…"

As Tiamet smirked.


In the distance.

The giant spaceship in the outskirts of the city started to activate.


"What the… Why is this working?"

As one of the players made a shocked expression.

"Can we see outside if we turn it on? Try turning it on, I want to see what's going on."

"…Mmm. Okay."

As one of the players fumbled with the panel.

One of them recorded the inner parts of the spaceship and broadcasted it.

"Now, shall we see what's going on outside? Since this spaceship was falling across the mountain range… We will be able to see the scene behind it now right? This is being broadcasted for the first time."

One of the Kalikul clansman laughed as he started the broadcast.

Reincarnator – Chapter 290 : Transcendence (1)

"Hmm…What could possible be there?"

Astania looked at the screen her clansman was broadcasting with curiosity.

A strange spaceship.

And the lands beyond the sky high mountain range.

Anybody would be curious about it.

'Is there really information regarding the 6th patch?'

That's something she would need to prepare for.

As a person who was in charge of a huge clan.


Astania leaned back as she watched the screen on the spaceship through the broadcast.

It seemed like it would take a bit before this screen actually turned on.

At that moment a flower came into the corner of her vision.

The bouquet that Tiamet had given her before.

'Where the hell did this man go anyway?'

Astania touched the necklace on her neck as she mumbled.

This was also something that Tiamet had given her while congratulating her for her rise to the lord of this territory.

A gem which symbolized the ownership of this special district.

'…I don't know why he's so nice to me. Is my beauty so incredible that it even impacts NPCs?'

A smirk had started to appear as she thought up to this point but she quickly resumed her original expression.

Tiamet's actions weren't sincere enough for her to think this way.

With an NPC with immeasurable strength, he could've easily forced his way in but instead he just roamed around her and took care of her discreetly.

'How petty… Just charge at me like a man or something.'

This was an another world.

There were cases of people dating NPCs as well.

No, it was quite common actually.

Since the players, who were confident in their looks, approached the NPCs for their power or wealth.

And her clansmen were always joking with her as well.

That she should just lure him in and catch him.

Though it was still a joke in the end, there was a bit of desire for this to actually happen deep inside the clansmen's minds.

Since the Kalikul clan wouldn't just remain as one of the 15 Great Clans once their relationship with Tiamet improved.

There would only be a single clan to rule over all other remaining clans.

That was how powerful Tiamet was.

Even if he just shifted around a bit to let off his excess emotions, the entire world of Exodus would flip upside down.

If Tiamet wanted to give Astania the capital then that would happen, along with the taxes that the Empire collected.

A tremendous strength.

And Astania had actually dreamed about this alluring future as well.

Though she stopped rather quickly.

'That eye is the problem…'

Astania smacked her lips.


The eyes of Tiamet that stared at her.

Those eyes were always so sad and filled with immeasurable sorrow.

And because of this, using him to gain more power and wealth didn't feel quite right to her.

Astania smiled as she touched the necklace on her neck.

'I should treat him better once he comes back. We should eat or something. The new restaurant that opened in the front looks good.'

At that moment.

The entire Kalikul clan started roaring at the broadcast.

And the moment Astania heard this, she resumed her cold expression and regained her posture.

Whatever was there was really important.

"This bastard…"

He was purposely letting out the steam after riling them all up.

And as Astania smirked at the clansman who was pretending to be a reporter at a scene.

'What the…'

Astania focused her eyes she brought the screen closer to her face.



The countless clansmen who were on the broadcast started to disappear into golden light while only leaving behind echos of screams.

"…What? Why are they logging out?"

Astania was confused as she stared at the broadcast.

Since these guys, who had no reason to log out, were disappearing into golden light.

She assumed poison but it didn't seem like it.

And the players who were watching the broadcast of the screen on the spaceship heard the clansmen broadcasting this backing up in shock.

The players then all looked at the scene on the screen.

A giant tower that reached above the clouds.

And the vast city that spread out beneath it.

The moment they saw this.


Even the broadcasting player disappeared into golden light.

But Astania now knew why this was happening.

The moment she saw the tower.

All of her lost memories were coming back.

Memories of the long forgotten past.

She remembered when she had run to the city during the apocalypse.

She remembered when she had been oppressed by the 1st grade citizens in the city.

She remembered when she had risen up against the 1st grade citizens.


'Tiamet. You dumbass.'

Astania smiled as she remembered all this.

She realized why Tiamet had taken care of her so much.

And why he had always been around her.

'…I guess we won't be able to eat together.'


Astania's body started to disappear.

For the price of breaking the law of this world.

A body which was supposed to be trapped inside the Obelisk but had instead been allowed to live in this world.

A body made by someone else would disappear once it breaks their rules.

And soon.


Astania disappeared into golden light as only a single necklace remained beneath where Astania originally stood.




Tiamet was at a loss as he looked between the spaceship that had started to fly up in the distance and the light disappearing from the ring on this finger.

'How…How could this happen at the last moment.'

The light had gone off on the ring on his finger.

The light of the ring that was connected to Astania's necklace.

The light on this ring would only go off when the necklace had lost its owner.

And the royal necklace wouldn't lose its owner even if one logged out.

Which could only mean one thing.

That the necklace had completely lost its owner.

Which meant…

"Haha…Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

Tiamet started to laugh like a maniac.

The laughter which had both rage and hysteria mixed together spread out all around him and Hansoo.

'For what… For what have I survived up until now?'

The moment he knew Astania died.

Something that had supported him for the past thousand years had fallen.

And at that moment he knew.

That he had cherished this woman more than he had thought he did.


Tiamet gazed at Hansoo expressionlessly.

"There was a lot more I wanted to talk with you about but… It doesn't matter anymore."

A cold smile appeared on his face.

And the moment Hansoo saw this.


Hansoo instinctively crushed his heart.

It was the expression of a man who had thrown away everything, someone who had nothing to lose anymore.



Blood exploded out from Tiamet's mouth but the cold smile remained.

He was a supernatural being even out of the supernatural beings on this world.

He wouldn't die immediately even if his heart was crushed.

Even if his brain was smashed his body would still move according to his final will.

It would only be for a moment but it was more than enough.

Enough to erase everything.

"This damned world… I'm going to return it all."

'Since it was a world created from the contract… It'll be okay for me to just return it all to how it was before.'



The tremendous amount of condensed energy next to Tiamet's heart started to pulsate as it quickly enlarged.

The energy which he had compressed with the Rangkom's stake and the White Dragon Arena for a thousand years.

This energy, which could easily flip the world upside down, started to burn up with a blinding light.

"Hahahaha! How useless!"

As Hansoo heard Tiamet's crazed laugther he quickly took Rangkom's stake from his hands.

It was too late to prevent the explosion.

But he had to lessen the damage as much as he could.

Hansoo breathed in and out and then stabbed the stake towards the condensed energy next to where Tiamet's heart had been.


The enormous amount of energy started to get suppressed by the stake as they created an intense amount of sparks.

And cracks had appeared on the sphere of energy and energy started to leak out.

This energy followed the stake up into the sky.

Like a bolt of lightning being attracted by a lightning rod.


Hansoo quickly forced the stake to be pointed towards the sky.


And the energy that had started to explode out from the sphere started to follow the stake into the sky.

The snowstorm got dispersed from the energy storm of the sphere and even the clouds above them started to swirl into a storm.


Tiamet, who still had a bit of strength left to talk, laughed in a weak manner as he looked at the stake that had embedded him onto the ground.


If it was something that could be suppressed so easily like this then he would've never said it could flip the world upside down.

Though most of it flew into the sky.

The remaining energy was more than enough for what he wanted to do.


Hansoo stomped onto the ground as he quickly rushed towards the inner parts of the Obelisk.

It was not time for him to bicker.

'I can only live if I reduce the damage as much as I can…'

The energy he was feeling from inside Tiamet was no small matter.

Hansoo, who had entered through the broken wall from before, quickly rushed in and started to drop as deep as much as he could as he broke apart the floors.

Towards the deepest parts of this tower.

Boom! Boom!

Tiamet laughed at a loss as he heard the sounds of Hansoo breaking through the floors.

'Will you… Be able to succeed? In crossing that huge barrier?'

As Tiamet's eyes slowly closed.


An immeasurable amount of energy exploded out from TIamet's body and started to sweep through everything around him.



"What? What the hell?"

"What happened?'

Mudusella and the adventurers who were with the Ains were at a loss as they stared at the huge pillar of light that had appeared far behind the mountain range.

A deafening sound which rang throughout the world, the earthquake that made the world tremble and blinding light that shook the entire world.

If there wasn't this sky-high mountain range defending them, that huge energy storm would've swept through them as well.

As people stared at the tower of light.

Mudusella saw something else.

The scene of the future she had seen through the Mudusella System in the past.

Though her view was blocked by the mountain range, she could clearly see it.

The scene of the city in the distance.

'The thousand year old guardian tree…Shall fall.'

She saw the scene of the huge tower falling from the energy storm.

Mudusella asked the adventurers at this moment.

"You. You all received our blessings right?"

"…Yeah. Why do you ask?"

Mudusella smiled coldly.

"…Winter is coming."



The tremendous snowstorm that the Obelisk had been suppressing this entire time started to sweep through the world.

Reincarnator – Chapter 291 : Transcendence (2)


At the War fortress near the Spirit Land.

The players started to curse at the broadcast that had suddenly ended.

"What the hell. Did somebody crash into their house?"

The player who was broadcasting seemed to have logged out as the millions of players who were focused on this broadcast were only left with complaints.

"What the hell! Are the higher ups in the clans suppressing the leak of this intel?"

"They're going to look at it only by themselves huh?"

As the people started to shout in rage.


In the distance.

A deafening noise accompanied a blinding light as it exploded out from behind the mountain range.


"What the?"




The bodies of countless players disappeared into golden light.

Like a wave.

Like something had lit the countless fireworks.

And everybody started to scream at this scene.

"What the hell! What! What's going on!"

"Bug? Is it a patch?"

"What the fuck! If they're going to forcibly log us off then at least tell us! There was never a case like this!"

"At least put up a notice!"

Everyone shouted out with mixtures of rage and fear.

This had never happened before.

There was never a case where Exodus had faced a game wide bug like this.

Never a case where they had to force close for a patch.

A huge explosion.

And the mysterious event that occurred after this made everyone fall into chaos.

'What's the standard…?'

Antoinette, a player who hadn't been logged out, mumbled to herself.

Though most had been logged out, there were still players who had remained like this.

But it was only for a moment.

Antoinette gulped as she looked around at the countless artifacts on the ground dropped by hundreds of thousands of players.

'Woah… I guess it's not a logout. It seems the server is facing a huge bug this time. Did the server blow up or something?'

Antoinette gulped as she stared at these artifacts.

These artifacts wouldn't remain behind if they logged out.

This was just like when the players got murdered.

'They're going to get sued big time.'

Antoinette giggled as she looked at the scene in front of her.

Though the drop rate was low, that was only when one to two people had died.

Antoinette gulped at the mountain of artifacts in front of her as she soon started to carefully gather them up.

'Whoever picks them up is the owner. It's not my fault right? It's the fault of the stupid game company.'

When would she be able to benefit like this if not now?

And there was chaos around her as well.

"Hey! I picked it up first!"

"What the fuck do you mean! This is yours? This is originally my friend's!"

"Bullshit! You're even from a different clan!"

Countless people were bickering over the precious and expensive artifacts.

Even if they take back the artifacts, they had nothing to lose.

Since it would just be returned to how it was.

'Hehe. How fun.'

But just at the moment when Antoinette was picking the artifacts up and was smiling.



Angtunanette shivered at the sudden chill that swept past her.

Though the War Fortress was close to the frozen spirit land of the west, it wasn't enough make her body chill.

Since the chill that existed on the Spirit Land never came out.

Like it was been held back by something.

And though the chances of that chill reaching all the way here was close to 0%, the cold sensation sweeping past her currently was not an illusion.

'What the hell…'

She wanted to ignore it and continue picking up the artifacts but the temperature that was continuously dropping was not something she could ignore.

Antoinette raised her head with an annoyed expression to figure out the reason behind this chill.

'Some maniac isn't using a skill to take all these artifacts right? Is it a Spirit Stone?'

But Antoinette's worries weren't correct at all.

Since he worries were merely the best case scenario.

And sadly.

The reality was not something Antoinette could have ever dreamt of.


"…Oh my god."

From the Spirit Land.

Something was charging towards her.

A bright, white storm made of hail and snow.

The ice storm was freezing everything in its path.

As if the dam that held it back exploded.

"Waaa! What the hell!"




The players who were located closer to the Spirit Land than him tried to run away in fear but it was all useless.

The players exploded into golden light the moment the ice storm swept past them.

And soon.


The hailstones from the ice storm swept past Antoinette as well.



Antoinette freaked out at the snowstorm as countless waves of flame exploded out form her body

The fire that came from the A grade Spirit Stone had always been enough to burn any players and beasts that came her way.

But not this time.



The energy from the flame was way too small in comparison to the huge storm as the explosion of flames quickly died down.

And soon.


'If I die like this then even the Stone of Immortality is useless…'

Antoinette disappeared into golden light as she cursed inwardly.


And the storm continued forwards past Antoinette and past the War Fortress.

Towards the Empire and the Kingdoms past the War Fotress.

Towards the entire world.




The giant Obelisk.

And the huge city below it.

This giant and majestic city had long disappeared.


The steel forest had long melted down from the tremendous amount of heat and energy that had swept past it and had turned into lava.

Though normally the snowstorm would've cooled it down, this storm had long been dispersed by the giant storm of energy as the remaining bits all escaped towards the world as the suppressive powers of the Obelisk disappeared.

Bubble bubble.

Above the lava sea.


The tower that was barely holding on started to tilt.

The remaining few hundred meters of the Obelisk after its top had been blown off by the energy storm.

And soon.


The Obelisk fell into the lava sea.

Though only a few hundred meters had remained, it was still a humongous size.

This huge mass smashed into the lava sea, caused a tsunami of lava and caused lava to flow inside the giant underground structure beneath the Obelisk.


The underground structure beneath the Obelisk that had barely maintained its shape started to swallow up the molten metal as it created a waterfall of lava.

And from inside the lake of lava deep inside it.


Bubbles rose up as a huge whirlpool was created.


An explosion occurred as it pushed back the molten metal lake.

And from inside this.


A humanoid figure rose up.

And this figure landed on the rubble of the Obelisk that was slowly sinking into the sea of lava.


Hansoo, who had scales covering his entire body, checked his current status.

'…I barely survived.'

He would've been able to reduce the damage further if he went deeper since the 3rd grade citizen's capsules seemed to have been working fine.

But there was a limit to how much he could do within that short period of time and as a result he had been hit by the storm of energy.

'But… I managed to survive at least. Now, what to do from here is the real issue.'

Hansoo looked around as he mumbled.

A scene which could easily be described as hell.

The tremendous amount of heat was melting all of the surrounding land.

The sea of lava didn't seem like it would cool down any moment.

It was just like Tiamet's last wish to see the entire world falling to an apocalypse.

And he was standing right in the middle of this all.

The high temperature was continuously boring down into his body as the space where he could stand was slowly disappearing as the Obelisk sank deeper.

There was a limit to how much he could survive after he had been turned into a mess from the explosion.


And from deep inside his body, the Demonic Dragon Reinforcement surrounded his entire body as it madly tried to recover his body.

But there was a limit to how much it could do.

At this rate he would definitely die.

'I need to escape.'

Hansoo looked around at the sea of lava as he breathed in deeply.


He then jumped up from the Obelisk and onto the sea of molten metal.


Since its density was originally high, it wasn't hard to run on top of it.

Toong! Toong! Toong!

A shock wave occured every time Hansoo's feet landed on the sea of lava as he used the rebound force to quickly move forward.

Towards the half destroyed mountain range.

'It's a race against time.'

Whether his stamina fell first or whether he escaped this sea of lava before that happened.'

And every time he stepped on the sea of lava, the heat from the molten metal gnawed away at his strength.

'…I guess the players are done for now.'

Hansoo mumbled as he thought of the lava that was continuously flowing underground.

He then squeezed out every bit of remaining strength he had and started to run.

'My headache… Is getting worse.'

At that moment.

In a situation where he was using everything he had to go up against this hell-like environment.

Despite the pain in his head.


The Zero Numbering skill that was keeping Hansoo alive.

The mastery level of the Demonic Dragon Reinforcement was rising at a rapid rate.

Reincarnator – Chapter 292 : Transcendence (3)


"My god… Did he aim for all this?"


Karhal and Ekidu mumbled to themselves as they watched the giant snowstorm that had been released from the Spirit Land and headed towards the Kingdoms and the Empire.

But because it was spread out in an area much larger than the spirit land, the power behind it had been lowered.

Though the ones that were the closest might've been killed off by the storm, the power will lessen the further it spreads out and it would become easier to withstand.

Well of course, only in comparison to the Spirit Land.

'…They're all going to die.'

Karhal estimated this result as he looked at the might of the storm.

The players should be able to hold on for two to three hours without the Protection Elixir.

And the powerhouses of the Empire and the Kingdoms would be able to hold on a bit longer.

Even longer if they used their defensive spell formations.

But there was a limit to how long they could last.

And the players were disappearing into golden lights from time to time randomly.

Even those who didn't receive enough damage to die.

'What the hell happened over there…'

Karhal looked away from the mountain range and towards the vast lands of the Kingdom.

Though the citizens of the Kingdom wouldn't freeze to death right away, it was just a matter of time.

They would die from exhaustion.

Or starve to death.

Since there would be no way of acquiring anything to eat if this entire world got covered with those ash clouds and ice.

A minority would be able to survive through it using large amounts of mana but they wouldn't be able to threaten the adventurers anymore.

And the adventurers coming up would be fine as well.

The ones who are already here and have the Ain's Blessing could just set up a base here and the Ains could just give out more blessings while they bought time with the base.

And with that, they could just hunt the beasts on the inner parts of the Spirit Land to level up before going up.

'This is the best plan…'

But there was a variable.

The Ains.

Karhal and Ekidu were worried about the Ains.

'…Would they maintain the Alliance?'

This situation was extremely favorable for them.

Even if they didn't go against the adventurers or betray them, if the Ains decided to just hide then it would be fatal for them.

Since there would be no way for them to save the people coming up from that moment onwards.

It was impossible to stay within this harsh environment and level up 50 times without the Ain's Blessing.

Not in this world filled with snow and ice.

While Karhal and Ekidu were making worried expressions.

Somebody walked towards them from the snowstorm.

"…What's going on?"

Karhal stared at Mudusella walking through the snow with a worried expression.

'I don't know what your thoughts are…'

Mudusella smiled towards Karhal.

"I understand why you are worried. But don't worry, we don't have any thoughts of fighting against you."

There weren't many of them left anyway.

They had no thoughts of losing more by fighting with the adventurers.

Though they were stronger now and would slowly lose out in strength as more came up and received the Ain's Blessing, there was a reason why they could not attack the adventurers.

"It's not time for us to fight."

"What are you…"





Fireworks and flames rose up from somewhere from the War Fortress in the distance.

A location where the soldiers of the Kingdom resided.

Karhal cursed.

He knew what those flames meant.


"You didn't think they were going to just die like this right?"

The Spirit Land blew out to spread out to the entire world.

There was only one choice the Kingdoms and the Empire had.

"They will come to hunt us down. I trust you'll do your best as our allies. Since if you want to survive in the future, you'll need us."

The Great General Cykrus and his elite soldiers were no pushovers.

And it was the same for the elite soldiers of the Empire.

As Mudusella mumbled in worry.

Ekidu asked Mudusella just in case.

"Couldn't we just make an alliance with them?"

Ekidu didn't like this battle.

There was not much difference in terms of battle strength between them.

If they fought then both sides would receive huge amounts of damage.

And since the opponents also knew this, they might be able to escape this war if they shared the Ain's Blessing.

Since what they wanted was survival.

But Mudusella chuckled at Ekidu's words.

"Hmm. Probably not. If they know about you guys… That would never happen."


"What are your orders?'


In the midst of the snowstorm.

The vice captain asked Cykrus in worry.

They were able to withstand it for a short moment by squeezing out all the remaining Protection Elixirs and their mana but there was a limit.

Cykrus mumbled as he stared towards the Spirit Land in the distance.

"We need to kill the Ains."

Not all the citizens were as strong as them and there was a limit to the amount of mana they had at their disposal.

Without any protection, they would slowly die out.

The vice captain asked Cykrus carefully.

"What about an alliance with them…?"

The Ain's battle strength was not low.

It was the same for the adventurers who had joined them.

Those adventurers wouldn't want to fight against them either.

Since the soldiers of the Kingdoms and the Empire would fight with their lives on the line.

But Cykrus chuckled.

"Alliance…That's a very good thing. If this situation could remain like this that is."

The vice captain fell into silence from the words of his captain, Cykrus.

"Those guys are weak now but would they continue to be in the future as well?"


"They will continue to flood this place and become stronger as they continue to recieve the Ain's Blessing. Sooner or later they will become the strongest force in this world."

They had caught a few of these people in the fight before.

And their words were very strange.

That they were just the scouting party.

Sooner or later, tens of millions would start flooding into this place.

And these were not the people who lived in peace like the residents of the Kingdom but rather people who had been sharpened and polished through countless life and death battles.

"Would they like an alliance between us and the Ains?"


"In my opinion… They wouldn't. Remember this, this isn't a battle regarding who survives but rather who becomes the next owner of this world."

These words stabbed into the vice captain's heart.

"Just think of one thing. To capture the Ains after killing them all. They are beasts. People who have climbed up to here by killing. If we don't get rid of them now then the ones who will fight them next are your sons and daughters and even your wife."


The vice captain nodded in resolution.

The talk about his own family had given him a clear reason for this fight.

'Fucking hell… Who caused this?.'

The vice captain sighed.

He didn't know how things got to this point.

The times of when the Kingdoms and the Empire ruled over the world while the immortals enjoyed this place was very stable and peaceful.

But everything changed in a moment.

The trapped Ains became free as the rat-like adventurers who were always on the run became the biggest threat to their whole existence.

He couldn't believe that all of this happened in less than a month.

'He has tensed up too much.'

Cykrus spoke to his vice captain.

"Don't think that we're at a disadvantage. This is more like our final chance."

If this strange explosion didn't occur and the mysterious snowstorm in the Spirit Land stayed within place place, they would only be able to sit back and watch them become stronger by the moment.

But since the fence protecting the Spirit Land had disappeared, this was the perfect chance to wipe them out.

But something worried Cykrus deep inside.

And as if the vice captain had the same thought as him, he said it out loud.

"…The Ains would know all this as well. Why are they helping that side instead?"

There was no reason to maintain the alliance.

Since the situation had been flipped upside down.

The possibility of the adventurers killing them all off after they got strong wasn't just for them.

No, the Ains might end up in a worse situation than them.

'Mudusella. What are you thinking? You need to wipe those guys out when they're weak…'

Cykrus thought of Mudusella as he mumbled.



In the midst of the collapsing land.

The lava sea rose up and down on the other side of the half-destroyed mountain range.


The powerful force smashing down on the land continuously created earthquakes as the metal waves smashed onto Hansoo's body as it burned up his skin and mana.


As he was defending himself with the Demonic Dragon Reinforcement.

'Phew, at least I'll be able to survive once I get there.'

Hansoo looked at the huge mountain range that he had arrived to.


Though the snowstorm had disintegrated from the explosion, there was still snow here and there on the top of the mountain range as the base of the range absorbed most of the impact.

Though the snowstorm was the embodiment of a catastrophe for the citizens, it gave him a break and he could rest up.


Hansoo mumbled as he grabbed his head while running past the half-destroyed mountain range.

'…I'll need to rest for a bit after I escape.'

He couldn't climb up with this unknown variable within his body.

There was a need for him to recover and check up on his body even if it took some time.

'There should still be some time until the Abyss opens…'

Of course since he had interfered, the invasion of the Abyss might've hastened in comparison to his previous life.

Maybe one or two existences of the Abyss would pop out.

But this was all within his expectations.

The strengthened humankind would be able to withstand this.

Hansoo moved his body even faster in order to forget about his headache.


And after a while.

The heat disappeared as he entered the area of the snowstorm.

Something came into the eyes of Hansoo while he slowly regenerated his body as he absorbed the energy from the snowstorm.

He saw the vast icy plains past the mountain range.

These icy plains had melted down to a degree from the energy that exploded out from behind the range.

And in the cracks that had appeared.


He could see dozens of spaceships.

Spaceships that had been frozen by Tiamet even before any of them could escape.

And Hansoo frowned as he looked at this.

Since one of them was strange.


'It's active?'

One of the ASTRO series let out some light as it started up.


He could clearly see these letters on the surface of the spaceship that was starting up.

'…I guess I'll need to check this out.'

Though his body condition wasn't top notch, he could not just ignore this.

Since this meant that somebody was inside the ship and was controlling it.

Hansoo quickly started to head towards ASTRO-1.

Reincarnator – Chapter 293 : Transcendence (4)


Hansoo approached the huge shining ship as he checked his body.

[Kang Hansoo]

Strength (Green) : 99.9%

Stamina (Green) : 99.9%

Agility (Green) : 99.9%

Perception (Green) : 99.9%

Mana (Green) : 99.9%

Magic (Green) : 99.9%

Physical Resistance (Green) : 99.9%

Magic Resistance (Green) : 99.9%

Level : 250.

– Demonic Dragon Reinforcement : 99.3%

– Pandemic Blade : 60.8%

– Nine Dragons Spear : 38.2%

– Forked Lightning (Green) : 99.9%

– Nurmaha's Ring (Green) : 99.9%

– Thousand Soldiers Armor (Green) : 99.9%

– Dark Cloud (Green) : 99.9%

– Dragon Essence Blade (Green) : 99.9%

– Mana Jade (Green) : 99.9%

– Fragments of Seven Souls (3/7)

– Seven Stars (3/7)

Of course his runes should be at 99.9%

But the thing that caught his eyes was the Demonic Dragon Reinforcement that had almost reached 100%.

'It rose this much huh.'

The masteries of things like reinforcements which increased the abilities of humans rose faster when their bodies were strained while using them.

And he had continuously fought with players and faced beings much stronger than himself like Arthus Krancheska and Tiamet.

And on top of that, the harsh environment that rushed in from all around him.

'If only this fucking headache went away…'

But it seems he had no time to heal.

He had to check who was inside that thing.

'…The chances of it being a player is low.'

The lava had probably filled up the inner parts of the Obelisk and burned up all the bodies of the 3rd grade citizens.

And it was even less likely for it to be someone from the Kingdoms or the Empire.

There was no way for them to have come all the way here already when the Spirit Land had just opened.

Which means there was only 3 options.

An Ain.

Jang Oh and his forces.


'Somebody from below might have sneaked up.'

He wanted to heal up a bit more before going in but the ship seemed like it was about to activate.

It would be hard to catch it once it flew up.

And once it started accelerating it would be impossible to catch up before it rose into space.

'Gotta go in.'

What if someone like Jang Oh used that thing as a bomb?

If that thing fell onto the heads of the adventurers then it would be a catastrophe.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hansoo quickly stepped off as he headed towards the giant ship.

'And… This isn't half bad. To be honest.'

Hansoo mumbled as stared at the vast amount of energy flowing through the surface of the ship.

After arriving below the ship, he jumped and headed straight up through the air.


As he used up a large amount of strength to reach the ship that had already lifted off, the headache from inside him and his already damaged body both screamed at him.




Maybe because his body couldn't function properly due to the pain.

Hansoo's body couldn't reach the ship as he started to fall back down.

'…Not like this.'

Hansoo frowned while looking at the ship that was lifting off in front of his eyes and used the new power he gained.

At the same time.


The surrounding snowstorm started to gather up accompanied by a strange sound.

To be more specific, the surrounding energy of the Ice Spirit had come together.

And soon a bright blue light gathered beneath his feet.


Ice started to form beneath his feet out of thin air.


Hansoo jumped off the ice beneath his feet and thankfully was able to reach the surface of the ship.

And as Hansoo reached the surface of the ship and grabbed ahold of it.


The tremendous amount of energy that even the Nine Dragons Spear had a hard time penetrating through gathered up to prevent the intruder from entering.

Something he could not go through in his current condition.

But there was a clear difference.


This time, the power if the spirit inside him did its job properly.


The huge amount of energy of ASTRO-1 that was being controlled by the Mudusella System started to flow into his own body.

It flowed through the mana circuits in his body as it reached the mana jade in the deepest parts of his body.


The dried up mana jade started to suck up the mana greedily like a dried up farmland meeting rain for the first time in years.

It wasn't just sucking up mana either.

The mana jade recycled the mana into the Demonic Dragon Reinforcement as it sent it all over throughout his body.

To heal his body which had been destroyed by the explosion of Tiamet's body.


Though it was slow, he saw his skin regenerating as he sighed out in relief.

Since the energy of the Spirit used for the shield considered him to be a friendly entity.

Though he couldn't use the energy however he wanted due to the power of the Mudusella System being stronger, he was easily able to receive a much purer and concentrated energy than what was spread out around him.

'And I can even do something like this.'

Hansoo condensed the energy using his controlling power and pushed it into the surface of the ship.

And then.


And the shield smoothly gave way as his spear reached the surface of the ship.

Now matter how powerful this allow was, it wouldn't be able to withstand the Demonic Dragon Reinforcement without the energy.


Sparks were created from the spear and the surface of the ship as it started to melt down.

As he used the power of the spirit to stop the flow of the energy and melted the surface of the ship, a hole big enough for a human to go through had appeared.


Hansoo felt a warm and soft energy surrounding him, unlike the cold and harsh snowstorm outside, as he entered the ship.

Which meant that the colony inside the ship was functioning properly.

Hansoo absorbed the surrounding energy as he walked towards the engine room.

'Let's at least see who it is.'


As Hansoo walked by, the surrounding flowers died, and the lake lost its luster as the lanterns flickered off.

Because he was forcibly sucking in the energy to heal his body.

Hansoo nodded as he used his new powers to heal himself.

If the Mana Jade or the Body Enhancement Surgery strengthened the body itself, the Spirit allowed perfect acclimatation to the surrounding environment as well as the power to prepare for any unknown variables.

The fact that it could divert a fraction of the energy from the enemy's attack and use it for itself was amazing in itself.

Since he was able to reduce the power of the enemy and increase his own defense.

But Hansoo suddenly frowned as he felt the energy coming out from the control tower.

'No way.'

At that moment.

An extremely familiar face had appeared in front of him.

The faces he had seen in the past and in the present as well.

The enhanced race member who had the face of Tiamet.

'Level… It should be around 330?'

Hansoo frowned as he looked at the TMT series that were absorbing the energy from the Spirits in the ship.

Though they were much, much weaker than Tiamet, they were still very strong.

And these guys didn't have any bombs inside them nor had their conditions been turned into a mess from the Obelisk's storm.

TMT-1 walked out with a shocked expression.

'…He really killed Tiamet.'

Though they were all of the TMT series, TMT-17, or Tiamet, was an exception who had escaped the confinements and had become a monster.

For an weak adventurer who could only break through the limits for a short moment to defeat Tiamet.

Though Mudusella had indeed prophesized all this and though they had felt the Obelisk falling, it was still shocking to see somebody defeat Tiamet and come back alive.

"What are you doing here?"

TMT-1 came back to his senses and remembered his job.

Not his first job which he was doing here.

But his second task, after meeting the existence called Kang Hansoo.

'Did she tell me to greet him first? My god, for him to really appear.'

TMT-1 thought that MSL-17, Mudusella, was truly amazing as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You have fought for us, I am very thankful of this."

"I don't think that's what you want to say."

It didn't seem like they had come here to apologize.

And TMT-1 replied expressionlessly at Hansoo's words.

"Yes, you are correct. Since there isn't much time I will directly transfer the message of our representative, MSL-17."



TMT-1 used his Light Spirit's power and created a hologram with the surrounding energy.

And Mudusella appeared in the air as she smiled.

TMT-1's energy trembled as it even made the same voice as Mudusella.

The respectful tone of Mudusella was filled with sincere thankfulness.

'This is a bit too much for just releasing them from the seal…'

As Hansoo frowned.

Mudusella's hologram continued to speak.

No matter whether Hansoo wanted it or not, there was only one thing they could do for him.

And as her words ended.

A humongous energy beam, which was actually TMT-1 who had surrounded himself in white light, charged towards Hansoo.

Unlike TMT-1 who had a cold expression.

Mudusella's hologram smiled warmly as she spoke her final words.

"I never wanted such a thing!"

Along with Hansoo's shout.


The giant spaceship got filled with explosive sounds.