294 - 302

Reincarnator – Chapter 294 : Transcendence (5)

Enbi Arin.

The substitute leader for when Hansoo wasn't here.

'Since he's running around by himself… I will need to fill his void.'

An organization didn't just work because you gathered up a lot of people.

It was even more complex than the most complex machines.

It needed constant supervision to get rid of enmity between members and provide everyone with what they wanted and needed in order to become a successful organization.

And in one way, Enbi Arin's job was even more important than Hansoo's.

Since she was constantly controlling and managing those who tried to cause trouble.

Like now.

"What are we going to do?"

"…There really isn't a reason for us to fight them right?"

Enbi Arin massaged her temple as she watched the countless Ten Thousand Men Captains who had gathered up in front of her with complaints.

'Fuck… Where the hell did this Hansoo kid go. And nobody else can handle things like this.'

There were plenty of powerful people she could trust in battles.

But power wasn't enough to control such a large organization.

People like Sofia or Karhal weren't suited for management and though Ekidu had experience controlling a village, she had never managed such a large organization either.

And it was the same for the others.

There was a huge difference between personal strength and managing a huge organization properly.

And Enbi Arin was one of the small minority who could do such a thing.

Since she had the experience of managing the clan, one of the giant clans which ruled over the Orange Zone.

If there weren't for the managers of huge clans and herself, this huge organization would've long imploded.

But with the Mana Pool and the Body Enhancement Surgery she had received, instead of beating up their enemies she really wanted to beat down the people in front of her.

"There's no point in being angry. Just persuade us. Why do we have to fight?"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

One of the Ten Thousand Men Captain, which was one of the highest positions in their quickly created rank system, Samuel Kinar.

He had been in charge of the middle management in the Rerorerore clan in the giant clan of the Orange Zone and was an expert in management and was powerful as well.

She originally had great trust on him because he had always watched what came out of his mouth right now he was really getting on her nerves.

Enbi Arin spoke in words what the other captains were implying.

"So… You want us to leave behind the Ains and just depart?"

This was what the others wanted.

To leave the Ains behind and escape.

Away from the forces of the Kingdoms and the Empire approaching him.

And Samuel nodded.



The handle of golden sword in her hand crunched apart.

Though it was an artifact created from the efforts of masters from the lower zone, it could not withstand her strength which had been severely increased due to her .

"You understand what your words are right?"

It wasn't just leaving behind the Ains.

Without the Ains, there was no future for the people who would come after them.

Without the Ain's Protection, they would all freeze to death before they could level up.

Samuel flinched at Enbi Arin's words but didn't back off.

"Honestly there are indeed more people below. But to me, the ten thousand lives I lead are more important than all of them. If we collide now then I don't know how many would die out of them."

They had seen with their own eyes.

Great General, Cyrkus.

They had seen how powerful his elite soldiers were.

And level 400 was not something they, who hadn't even reached level 250, could handle.

Even if they won, they would receive a huge amount of casualties.

And there was a way for them to guarantee their lives.

Use the Ains as bait and then climb up after leveling up from the deepest parts of the Spirit Land.

In a situation where the people of the Empire and the Kingdoms had no reason to attack them, there was no reason for them to fight for the Ains.


Enbi Arin frowned as she looked at Samuel's resolute expression.

'It was much better when the Spirit Land was here. Fuck. Hansoo please help me."

Enbi Arin thought of Hansoo as she mumbled.


"Can you see them?"

Ekidu frowned as she looked at the people who were clamouring in the distance.

'Ugh…How embarrassing.'

And it was the same for Karhal.

Their faces had long turned red from embarrassment.

'Fucking bastards. They should at least just do it quietly.'

"I really feel bad for mister Hansoo. For him to move around with these people. It's not like he's your mother…"

And the moment Karhal heard her words he splurted out in anger.

"What are you saying, Hansoo is raising them because they are still useful."

Though she had excluded him in the 'they', he knew he was a part of it.

'And it's not like our meeting was that smooth.'

If it was up to him, he would just kill off the ones who he should and take the ones he needed.

He would focus on power and materials.

And his own opinion wasn't that different from Clementine's minion.

But there was a reason why he followed Hansoo's opinion instead.

Since Hansoo's method was much better in the long run if they could control them properly.

And they had been able to control them well up until now.

'I guess it's all up to one's own abilities.'

And from what he could see, Hansoo had more than enough rights to use such a method.

Karhal shouted towards Mudusella as he looked at the golden army in the distance.

"Look, even that captain leads an army around despite his strength. It's not like you live in this world all alone."

Becoming stronger as they became bigger was a given.

And the friction that occured from this was the price for this strength.

'There's no such thing as an organization who's always in peace. It's not like we're robots.'

But Mudusella's smile became even brighter at his words.

"Is that so?"

"…What are you trying to say?"

Mudusella chuckled as she continued.

"So where did you use them?"


"I'm asking if there was really a time where you guys were needed."


Karhal couldn't refute her words.

'…Right. Where is he trying to use us?'

It should be natural for somebody to want to use the power of a group once they created it.

Even if it was more efficient to act alone, it was safer to move in a group.

But Hansoo's actions up until now were clearly different.

'It's like he really is our carer…'

Mudusella kept smiling as she continued.

"From what I hear, everything you guys have around you is from him… And he even has to feed you. He needs to think of the cost of maintenance but he had no use for you…But it's not like you guys will listen just because he gives out rewards. And it's not like you're that precious to that man? You guys don't really seem that close."


Karhal and Ekidu's faces turned gloomier and gloomier as Mudusella's words stabbed into their hearts.

Though they wanted to refute, they couldn't say anything because of the people bickering behind them.

Mudusella continued.

"Everyone has a need for some measure of enjoyment and contentment. Have you ever seen him search for such a thing?"


Ekidu and Karhal shook their heads.

They actually had talked about this in the past.

It's not like humans were machines, one would clearly break down if they continuously ran around 24 hours a day.

But this was exactly what Hansoo was doing.

And it wasn't like he was looking for his own enjoyment.

He could easily live like a king by ruling over the adventurers.

It's not like he needed to risk his life or face a powerful enemy immediately.

But from his own actions…

"Isn't he like a worker ant? So I became curious…"

There was two reasons for one to work hard to the point of even destroying their own body.

Either there was a huge, unbelievable reward.


'Somebody forced him.'

But Karhal shouted in rage from her words.

"No way! Who can force him to do anything!?"

Who could force Hansoo to do things?

Even if there was somebody, there was plenty of chances for him to escape their grasp.

Since he was alone most of the time.

Mudusella laughed coldly.

"I'm curious about that as well. So… I'm going to help out a bit."


"It should be done about now."

At that moment.


In the distance.

Something started to fly up above the mountain range.

'…That is?'

A huge steel ship that was letting out light.

Karhal and Ekidu frowned as they watched the giant ship approaching them.




'…Do we just need to beat him up like this?'

Since ASTRO-1 will move to its destination on its own, he just needed to do this.

But beating up a guy whose body hadn't even healed up wasn't very fun.

TMT-1 made a bored expression while beating up Hansoo with his light blade.

'Well. If he dies then whatever.'

There were no orders to deal with him carefully.

He had just been told to drive him to near death.

Though Hansoo was holding on very well, he needed to perform his first job now.


As TMT-1 gathered up energy to smash for his final attack.




TMT-1 stopped at the strange noises coming out from Hansoo who was kneeling on the ground.

A strange change.


Hansoo slowly rose up.

With a completely different expression from before.

A small mumble came out from his mouth.

"…Eres. Keldian."

His broken memories surfaced.

Fixing the broken cracks inside him.

"If you were asking for a favor… You should've just told me."



As he heard the frightening noises all over his body.

Hansoo smiled.

Reincarnator – Chapter 295 : The Great Collapse (1)

Would it be possible for a weak person to not be selfish?

In a world like this?

There were no exceptions.

In order to survive, weak people needed to adopt the mindset of trampling upon others and stealing.

And it was the case for me.

But everyone is granted a chance to change.

No matter if that change if one you wanted or not.



TMT-1 stopped attacking as it saw Hansoo emitting a strange aura.

Mudusella had told him to stop his attacks as soon as something changed about Hansoo.

'…I wouldn't want to attack him even without her order.'

TMT-1 mumbled to himself as he watched the strange creature in front of him whose entire bone and muscle structures were being reconstructed.

It seemed like every part of Hansoo was changing.

And even the color of his reinforcement skill was changing as well.

The previous beautiful, dark gold light turned chaotic.

As if it was purifying and stabilizing itself before going up onto the next level.

And as most of these lights entered Hansoo's body, Hansoo stood up.

Hansoo looked around as TMT-1 met his gaze.

'…Something clearly changed.'

It wasn't just a physical change.

His mentality had also changed.

And another existence came up inside TMT-1's head once he saw this 'new' Hansoo.


Hansoo's previous eyes were very similar to them, the TMT series.

Eyes which only followed orders and sought after battle.

So TMT-1 had actually looked down on Hansoo.

He was befuddled at how this guy, who had been born with something none of them had, had fallen to the same level as them.

But now, his eyes were completely different.

His eyes now had countless emotions and desires which he was suppressing as much as he could.

And TMT-1 had seen this before.

There was one among their ranks who had gone through the same thing.


A man who had been born a machine, a tool and had succeeded after chasing after his desires until the end.

With the single desire to climb over the wall.

TMT-1's speculations weren't wrong.

A lot of changes were indeed happening both inside and outside of Hansoo.

'This was erased… Was this erased too? Gosh.'

Hansoo mumbled as he chuckled.

His memories were coming back.

Memories of the past when he had climbed up alongside Jang Oh.

When he had met Clementine, Eres, Keldian and Kangtae.

When the Abyss had opened up and he and the others had defeated Clementine.

And how he had reached the Time Crystal deep within the Abyss with the surviving humans.

Most of this was along what he originally remembered.

Minus a few missing things.

'…Eres, Keldian.'

Eres's trait, , created gaps in his mind as Keldian's skill rushed into his head.

Not in a harsh way.

Very softly.

But very effectively.

So they could lead Hansoo towards the direction they wanted.

By erasing memories that got in the way and planting information inside him that created an obsession deep inside his heart.

But it was all coming back.

And his physical body was evolving as his Demonic Dragon Reinforcement advanced.

The suppressed soul dispersed and reformed and was completely fixed.

"…Saving humans…How tedious."

Hansoo looked towards the golden army below the spaceship that had risen high up as he mumbled.

For them to prepare such a large amount of tools for him who preferred to work solo.

Though it was him who had done it in the end, it didn't really feel like it was his work.

Since if it was really him, he wouldn't have done any of this.

'I guess I understand why they have done this.'

Hansoo compared his original memories and the new memories he had made after coming back to the past and chuckled.

If it was his original personality then he would've given this all up many times over.


Hansoo checked his body and started to ponder.

About what he would do from now on.

His body had changed and his mentality had changed as well.

He found his lost memories, escaped his binds and found himself again.

His goal should change as well.

Different from the original plan of Eres and Keldian, he should achieve what they wanted through his own style.

'I understand your good intentions but…You really shouldn't treat a friend like this.'

Eres and Keldian's plan was very simple.

Stop the release of the information regarding the future and the Abyss and strengthen the humans step by step.

By gathering the various relics throughout the seven zones and preventing infighting between the humans.

And both of these things had been going well up until this Green Zone.

'It wasn't bad. At least until now.'

Hansoo chuckled.

The past him would've never been able to do any of this.

It wasn't his abilities that were the issue but rather his personality, it didn't fit him.

But the result wasn't bad.

Though him having been forced by somebody didn't feel that good, the fact that he had created a basis for a large amount of people to survive was a good thing.

This was why he liked Eres.

He had been able to chase after a goal that he usually could never even dream of because of his personality.

'But not like this… I'll see you after I climb back up.'

Hansoo decided to forget about Eres and Keldian for now.

There was no point in agonizing over Eres and Keldian whom he couldn't even see right now and everything that had happened up until now was because of their interference.

It was time to forget about them.

He had to plan his future.

'Well, I do have to win.'

He agreed that he had to win against the residents of the Abyss just like Keldian.

He also agreed that the entire human race had to become stronger just like Eres.

But their methods were wrong.

'…Was our plan the perfect plan?'

They created a new clan by using the knowledge they gained from the Abyss as the basis as well as the experience they had gained when they passed through the seven worlds.

Stopping the invasion of the Abyss as much as they could, increasing the strength of individual humans to the utmost limit and fight the Abyss together.

But after putting together the countless secrets of the zones he hadn't known in the past, a new solution appeared inside his head.

'Not like this. Look at them all.'

Hansoo clicked his tongue as he looked at the golden army that was below through the panel on the spaceship.

They looked good on the surface but that was it.

The beings of the Abyss were strong.

Very strong.

This was nowhere enough.

Hansoo spoke towards TMT-1 who had been staring at him the whole time.

"Hey. Let me borrow your ship for a bit."



"…What is that?"

"What the hell. Did the Ains do something?"

"…It'll be bad if it's the Kingdom's weapon."

A formidable surface and its overflowing energy.

If a weapon was on board then it would become an indestructible weapon and even if there weren't any weapons, it would still be dangerous.

From the amount of energy that flew through it, merely self destructing it would cause a tremendous explosion.

And there might be a ton of things inside it since it seemed like there was a lot of space within it as well.

Every adventurer looked towards the spaceship that had flown into the sky in a worry.

It would best if it was their ally but the chances of that being true was very low.

At that moment.


A few beams of light came out from the ship as a giant hologram appeared in the air.

A hologram which resembled a certain someone.

And the moment everyone saw this.


"…Where the hell did he even get such a thing."

"Phew…Thank god. What took him so long."

The adventurers sighed out in relief with a slightly confused expression.

An extremely familiar face had shown up.

And it filled them with hope.

'I don't know how he's using it but…Not bad.'

And they could tell that it was good for them from the expression of the people from the Kingdom.

'Could we climb up without fighting this time again?'

'That would be nice.'

Though they didn't say it out loud, they had all thought the same thing.

As to how much they could climb while avoiding the fights.

Most people didn't like fights.

Fights where their lives were on the line.

But as most of the adventurers sighed.

'…Is that really Hansoo?'

Some people who had been with Hansoo for quite a bit of time, like Mihee, made confused expressions.

Something felt different about Hansoo's expression.

Karhal and Ekidu looked towards Mudusella to see what this all of this was about but Mudusella merely shrugged her shoulders.

No, she wasn't just pretending not to know.

She actually didn't know how Hansoo would change.

She had just smashed apart his restraints as payment for releasing them but even she didn't know what would happen as a result.

As Karhal and Ekidu made worried expressions while looking at Hansoo.

A giant voice came out from the spaceship as it rang throughout the entire area.

'…What's he planning?'

Everyone was confused at this request.


TMT-1, who had projected Hansoo's hologram outside according to his request, asked Hansoo because he was curious about why Hansoo had called Mudusella and Cykrus over.

"What are you planning."

Hansoo shrugged his shoulders as he replied to TMT-1's question.

"I'm going to flip everything upside down. That's the answer right?"


'Why is he asking me?'

How would he know what Hansoo was thinking?

But then Hansoo asked another question.

Not at TMT-1 but rather, into the air.

"Answer me, the thing we are doing… Is not the right path right?"

This wasn't the path that led towards victory.

One would find the answer if they combined the path Tiamet took and the hints hidden throughout the world.

An answer they would be able to find only by smashing apart their common sense and logic.

At that moment.


The space split open as a small creature replied to Hansoo with a smile.

"Not bad. Taking care of you guys was really annoying me. Thankfully you've figured out the intent of the creator of this game. Did you feel something while you were playing war?"

Hansoo nodded.

With a slightly bitter expression.

"Yeah…We should've… Opened the Abyss from the very beginning."

And then.

"You pass."

The fairy smiled in contentment.

Reincarnator – Chapter 296 : The Great Collapse (2)

Humans got stronger the more they gathered.

And they got stronger the more powerful each individuals were, the more people they had as well as the better the synergy with each other was.

So Hansoo and the others planned things following this concept.

To raise each individual's strength to the utmost limit.

To save as many people as they could.

And to create as much synergy between them as possible by getting rid of all forms of infighting.

This was the solution they had come with, creating a completely unified human race.

This was the only option they could think of in a world like this where each individual's strength was limited.

Even in the Green Zone, the limit of one's level was 250.

Though there might be a bit of difference between people due to their artifacts and skills but not by much.

They could not defeat a huge army that was well-coordinated.

They had thought that climbing through the zones as quick as possible was the fastest way to get strong and they made that the basis of their plan.

A plan to create a well-coordinated army.

A plan to create seven highly organized bases throughout the Zones that were protected from the Abyss.

But the moment he saw Tiamet.

The moment he saw a superhuman who could go up against the entire world by himself.

Hansoo realized.

That trying to buy time by protecting the seven zones from the Abyss was the wrong answer.

"…Should've just smashed it apart from the beginning."

What they needed was not a strong army.

What they needed was a supernatural being that could go up against the entire world.

A gigantic tree that devoured everything and constantly grew.

A limitless world and powerful enemies to grow this giant tree.

Him witholding information was not the answer.

It was the complete opposite.

They shouldn't be trying to grow like greenhouse plants away from the harsh environment outside the greenhouse itself.

He needed to share the information.

He needed to share the information with as many people as he could to break down the wall that stood between this world and the Abyss.

In order to break the limits.

To create a spot where he could fight, devour and grow into a huge tree.

It would be possible if they fused with the Abyss, the limitless world.

It would be possible for everybody to become as strong as Tiamet and even stronger.

And at this moment Hansoo mumbled.

'…Eres and Keldian probably knew this.'

But it was clear that they were worried.

That Hansoo would release the information right away and break down the wall right away.

And now Hansoo realized why they had fumbled around with his memories.

'…I guess Eres could not allow this.'

When the greenhouse fell and the harsh condition rushed in, only the strong seeds will stay alive.

Since they would kill off all the weaker plants that would steal its nutrients.

But Eres wouldn't be able to withstand this.

The moment the wall between the Abyss and the seven zones broke down, countless people would die.

The already difficult world would become even more impossible as even those at the red and orange zones would've been dragged down to their death.

Since countless people had died when the wall broke down even in the past.

A lot of transcendents might appear.

And the chance of victory might increase as well.

But Eres could not allow a victory gained through a mountain of corpses.

This was why they had fumbled with his memories.

And as Hansoo thought of all this.

Another question appeared inside his head.

'…Why me?'

If Eres, Keldian or someone else from the past had come then they would've been able to save at least 20 more years.

At that moment.

The fairy asked Hansoo.

"Are you sure about this though? Originally, the only one qualified for transcendence is you."

Even when the walls existed.

There were existences who could break through the ceiling and grow.


People who had the rights to break through the limits set by the world and go above and beyond.

This right was completely up to one's potential.

People who weren't born with this couldn't even dream of such a thing.

The only transcendent who had been born in this Green Zone was Tiamet in the tens of thousands of years of its history.

"I'm saying, in a situation like this where the ceiling is sealed. Only you have the right to break through it. And when that happens, those things below wouldn't be able to go up against any of your words."

The best part about his trait, Seven Stars, was not really that his skills grew fast and beyond their limits.

It was the fact that it gave him the right to break through the ceiling that stopped everyone else.

This was the true identity of the Seven Stars, one of the many forms of the Transcendent Stars.

The fairy laughed.

"You could become an emperor. Leading a tremendous army. The sole sovereign of the humankind. But if you break apart the ceiling completely, that might not happen right? Competitors might appear."

Because the wall existed, the one who could break through it shone the brightest.

But if this wall didn't exist?

Competitors would appear.

There were always people who had potential, worked hard, were strong minded as well as lucky.

Though there might barely be one transcendent out of billions of humans, there were countless people who could reach the wall.

And as he heard this.

'…Ah, this is why huh.'

Hansoo realized why Eres and Keldian had sent him back specifically.

If Eres, Keldian or other first year adventurers came then they would've been able to buy more time.

But they still wouldn't be able to break down the wall between them and the Abyss which would only limit their own strength as well.

And when that happened he, who would come into the tutorial, might get killed.

Since unlike the other three, Hansoo was actually weak in the beginning.

So they had sent him.

'So they knew. That a leader was needed in the end…'

After saving as many people as they could before breaking down the wall.

After Hansoo put everybody under his control.

So that Hansoo could lead them through the Abyss after the wall crashed.

The sovereign status that was maintained with strength.

But Hansoo shook his head again.

'This is a wrong choice as well.'

Strength came before anything in a victory.

He could not fight with such a weak army.

He needed warriors for the battle against the Abyss.

People even he could barely fight against.

This was that the God and the fairies wanted.

Fighting and fighting.

They wanted something that could amuse them to be born.

'…I'll play along.'

Hansoo made his decision and smiled towards the fairy.

"I'll do what you guys want me to."

The fairy asked again.

"Are you sure? This is a very important choice you're making. If you do this then the remaining 4 billion people or so will have their lives changed. And it's important for you as well."

Once he broke the wall, the 4 billion or so people will fall straight into the hard and unforgiving life headfirst and would need to fight continuously.

If some figured what Hansoo had done then they might hate him to the core.

Why did Hasoo make them fight?

And moreover it wasn't really to Hansoo's benefit.Since he had given up the chance to stand above everybody and instead had given a chance to his competitors.

The people that could reach but could not break through the ceiling would soon grow crazily.

And there would be people who would go against him as well.

Hansoo chuckled.

"Living comfortably is impossible after coming to this world."

He just needed to see one thing.

Could he climb over the giant wave?

He didn't want to nor was he confident in doing so.

But he had given others a chance to gain their own strength by sacrificing their immediate comfort.

A chance to gain enough strength to fly over the tsunami that would come their way in the future.

Only those people, people who sacrificed their own comfortable life to get stronger, would have the right to fight against the Abyss.

What he needed was not meat shield that listened to his orders.

He needed allies whom he could entrust his back to.

As he made his decision.

'…Let's begin.'

Hansoo activated the soul fragments inside him.


The soul fragments trembled as they started to resonate.

The three worlds Hansoo had gone through.

Along with the soul fragments inside the three overseers of those worlds.

The huge earthquake inside his body trembled alongside the three fragments.

[Please convey everything I say…To everyone in your worlds.]


Hansoo spoke towards the huge screen in front of him, towards the countless adventurers staring at his ship.

"The words I will say from now are extremely important and things you must know."





Every Zone.

Towards the billions of people living in these zones.

His information regarding the Abyss will spread.

'Until the crack appears on the barrier protecting these worlds from the Abyss and things proceed onto the next level…'

Hansoo spoke coldly as he felt everyone's eyes falling on him.

"Listen well. Remember clearly. And be aware. As to what will happen from now on."


[Listen well. Remember clearly. And be aware. As to what will happen from now on.]

Tom Roren, who was receiving the protection of the World Tree in the Red Zone, squinted at the giant video in the air that had been created from the powers of the World Tree.

'What is he trying to say?'

There was never a case such a broadcast had been made.

And the mood didn't seem simple either.

Though he hadn't seen that man himself, he had long been fed up by this man's stories.

'Kang Hansoo.'

The one who had killed the Five Calamities of the Red Zone to Revive the World Tree and save the Red Zone.

And then.

Hansoo's words slowly rang throughout the world.

[What I am going to tell you about… Is the reality and the wave that will come your way.]

"…What the hell is he saying now."

Tom Roren was befuddled at these words.

And not only him but every other adventurer in the Red Zone as well.

'Come our way?…Is he a prophet or something?'

As they were making confused expressions.

Hansoo's words rang throughout the entire zone.

[Remember these words. The information regarding the Abyss.]



The barrier surrounding the entire world squirmed as the world itself seemed to tremble.

Reincarnator – Chapter 297 : The Great Collapse (3)

In the Orange Zone, a distinct voice continuously flowed out from the robots that Gwanje, who had the Crown of Thorns, controlled.

The broadcast was everywhere, from the hunting grounds to the giant control center created for recreation.

Anton Oel, who had been hunting beasts above Lazaar, was in a daze as he heard the broadcast.

As well as everyone else next to him.

[The first thing you have to be aware of is the race called the Karkil, their heart exist 15cm below their left chest bone and you will only be able to kill them after you destroy all three of their hearts located there at the same time. If not then they will create an explosion in a 150m radius. Everyone who has weaker defenses than someone at the Orange Zone with lower than 55% mastery of a high grade defense skill will… Definitely get killed by this. Also…]

"…What is this?"

"What's going on."

The words ringing out from the air were very hard to comprehend.

It was saying that these Zones that they were going through, the Seven colored zones, were just the beginning.

That it was a preparation for the actual game, the Abyss.


'The actual game is going to start before the Seven zones ended?'

What were they, who were now barely in the Orange Zone, supposed to do then?

How could they deal with monsters that even people in the Violet Zone had a hard time dealing with?

For them, who had only been here for 4 years, to have to deal with things that even people who had been here for 20 years would get massacred by.

'…I really hope this is a joke.'

But the words in the air were too serious for it to be a joke and for them to ignore.

The words continued.

[Sadly, you arrived way too late behind the first people. So the Abyss will fall upon us before you guys can get stronger. In preparation for this, you need to struggle with everything you've got and everything you will ever get in order to get stronger. These are some good things to know : In the Orange zone, the alloys that can be made are…]

Like a teacher giving a lesson.

Information that was crucial for survival continuously flew out from the air.

The endless flow of information stopped for a moment as the voice sighed and gave a few additional words.

[… Of course even if I tell you this it won't be easy. But you need to use this information as the basis to continually get stronger. That's the only way for you to survive.]

"…Why is he only telling this to us now then?"

"It would've been better to tell us earlier…"

"Damn… Is this really going to happen?"

Mumbles were heard.

A seed of fear was planted inside the minds of people.

And naturally their fear and hate focused towards one person.

Towards Hansoo who was telling them this information as if he was confident enough to survive.

"Damn… Is he saying he's confident enough to survive by himself?"

His voice was too calm unlike how uneasy they were feeling.



"Mmm…It's proceeding well. Good, good."

The fairy felt the vibrations in the air as it smiled.

Though normal humans couldn't sense this, it could as it was an overseer.

The scene of the information regarding the Abyss spreading out to hundreds of millions of people in an instant.

And as the information densities between the Abyss and this location were equalizing, the giant wall that stood between the two worlds started to break down.

The wall that the god had erected and that they were watching over.


The fairy smiled as it spoke to Hansoo.

"Will you be okay though? They will hate you a lot."

People will find a target to direct their anger and fear when they found out about bad news.

And even more so if they couldn't do anything about those news.

Moreover the person who gave those news was extremely calm, as if the approaching calamity wouldn't affect him at all.

If Hansoo continued to spread information out like this and these were all true, it's clear who the people will think of when they start suffering.

The fairy chuckled.

"The prophet will always be treated badly right? Why don't you try making excuses? You can lie to them or something."

The prophets who gave bad prophecies never had a good ending.

Look at the past chinese dynasties.

History clearly showed what happened to those who spoke ill of the future.

There were only two cases in which the prophet received a good treatment.

Either they would say things that people liked.

Or they would lead people towards the correct path and navigate them through a bad future.

Of course Mudusella belonged to the latter, this was how she was able to receive the respect of her whole race.

Hansoo cut off the fairy.

"There's no time to explain."

Each time more information was released hastened the descent of the Abyss.

And he couldn't release all the information at once either.

He needed to stay on the edge.

So people would be able to survive.

And because of this, there was a limit to how much information he could tell them.

He needed to tell them the most important information first.

Since there was a limit to how much he could tell them, every word he said was precious.

Hansoo finished his words and spoke towards the screen again.

"The most dangerous beings that will appear in the Green Zone are the Dakramas. These guys usually use supersonic waves to communicate and…"

Everyone thought that Hansoo was telling the same thing in all the zones but that was not correct.

While Hansoo was telling the people of the Green Zone the relevant information, he was using the soul fragments to tell different things to the people in the different zones.

Just the necessary information for each floor.

Soon the Great Collapse will happen and the information he was telling them was the most crucial for them to survive.

Knowing or not knowing made a huge difference, especially if one's life was on the line.

And every floor had different things they needed to know.

The things he were telling them would be of great help when the change came.

'Though it's far from everything… It should be much better since they have information and strength unlike in the past.'

Hansoo mumbled as he absorbed the information the owners of the soul fragments had about the different zones.

And Hansoo's efforts weren't in vain.

The strength of the humans were countless levels higher than when the Abyss fell upon them in the past.

First, there were many more people and each individual's strength was much higher than that of the past.

Internal strife had been reduced as much as possible and though there wasn't a lot of camaraderie, some friendship still existed between adventurers.

Even if the Abyss opened, they would fare much better than in the past.

'Survive well… And become strong.'

"The greatest weakness of the Dakramas is…"

As Hansoo started to talk to the people of the Green Zone.

A tremendous tremor could be felt through his skin.

Although logically nobody should be able to sense this, he, who had the right to break through the roof, could feel it.

This familiar sensation.

The ceiling was collapsing.

The tremor that broke the wall between the two dimensions.

At that moment.

"Hahahahaha! Good job mister Hansoo!"

The fairy laughed out loud as it snapped its fingers.



A tremendous tremor that everybody could feel rang throughout the entire world.



"…What the?"

Everyone started to freak out.

A great change was occurring.

The sky was breaking apart.

The clouds split apart as a crack appeared.

The grounds broke apart.

Mountain ranges broke down as fissures appeared.


Holes appeared in the skies and on earth and continued to enlarge.



The holes stopped growing as they stabilized.

But the tremor continued to become stronger and stronger.

"Fuck, it was all real huh…."

Karhal cursed out.

He wished that this was all a lie.

He really hoped that this was all an elaborate joke.

Even if they were scared to their wits, he hoped it ended there.

But sadly that wasn't the case.

'…Fuck. It would've been better if his personality had changed to that of a liar.'

He wished that the new personality of Hansoo was full of lies and flat air.

But unluckily, his new personality seemed to be similar to the one they knew.

In that he was always serious.


And the tremors were continuously becoming stronger and stronger.

At that moment.

From between the cracks and fissures.


Huge pillars landed upon them.

They descended from the endless skies.

Huge metal pillars that seemed like they could penetrate right through the planet.

And soon a familiar voice was heard.

A vicious and maniacal laugh of an existence who brought disasters wherever it went.

The voice of the fairy could be heard throughout the ears of everyone.

Not just Karhal but everyone from the Red Zone and all the way to the Violet Zone.

Throughout the ears of every adventurer in the Seven Colored Zones.

<…We will begin the gustation phase. Stage 2. Starting up the [Ascendent Elevator] that will take you up before the Abyss. Everyone in the Seven Colored Zones, prepare for boarding!>



On the giant pillars.

Thousands of lights appeared all over their surface.

As if somebody had pushed the 'On' button.

"…Everyone in the Seven Colored Zones?"

While Karhal was thinking about the fairy's words.

The fairy spoke another line.

The moment this voice rang out.

Everyone's expressions froze.

Reincarnator – Chapter 298 : Demon King's Egg (1)

Red Zone.

Atop the World Tree.

[The thing you need to prepare in the Red Zone is the Akoran Lightgold. The way to create this is…]

'…Is this real?'

The overseer of the World Tree, Tekilon, made a dumbfounded expression while broadcasting the information from Hansoo.

Though Hansoo had shared a part of his own memories, the things he were saying were far beyond what he knew.



Above the World Tree.

A tremendous noise came from the King's palace on the top of the World Tree.



Tekilon felt an uneasy feeling throughout his entire body as he used the power of the World Tree, teleportation, to come outside the palace.



A huge metal pillar landed upon the World Tree.

The pillar broke through the palace and the world tree and headed deep below the ground.

Deep down.

"What the hell!"

As Tekilon screamed out as he watched his destroyed palace.

Click click click click.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Lights started to appear on the metal pillars.


[If there's an elevator then there should be floors right? But it doesn't seem like we would need to recreate the floors, we can just recycle.]


And in front of Tekilon.


Along with a loud sound of friction, cracks appeared on the surface of the pillar as a door appeared.

And above the door.



A set of illuminated characters appeared.

"…Unknown floor or something?"

At that moment.

Tekilon gulped as he heard the screams of the Red Zone's adventurers.

'…This shouldn't be the only place where something like this is happening.'

Tekilon mumbled as he sensed the trembles of the other soul fragments.




Gwanje sighed as he heard the painful roars of the giant beast.

A roar that shook the entire world.

This roar was coming from the White Tiger, Lazaar.

Anybody would scream like this if their body were thoroughly pierced by metal pillars.

'…Well at least it didn't go berserk.'

Gwanje mumbled to himself as he saw Lazaar screaming out in pain.

Though it was good that it didn't go berserk, his expression was still full fo worry.

The pillar that penetrated through Lazaar to the sea of lava didn't look simple.

Though the elevator was barely a thin, thin needle compared to the humongous Lazaar, the humongous tiger couldn't move as it stood in place while crying out in pain.

As if it was fearful of the existence that sent down the elevator.

Gwanje controlled an Akadus to approach the elevator while he worriedly looked at the Lazaar that was frozen in fear.


'…There's no floor?'

Gwanje replied to the reports of his clansmen with clenched teeth.

"…I'm watching it as well."


Something was coming down from the sky with shimmering lights.

Faster and faster.

The activated elevator started to let out a loud noise.


The overseer of the Yellow zone.

Khan, the clan lord who had been given the commanding rights over the Satellite Fortresses, sighed towards Hansoo through the soul fragment.

"Unbelievable…Even if it's really an omnipotent being."


Khan grinded his teeth while looking at the scene in front of him.

Countless Satellite Fortresses had escaped his control and were aligning themselves.



As if an absolute force was pulling them together.

From six to seven and all the way up to dozens.


They were connecting with each other.



The moment seven or so groups aligned themselves from the ground upwards.


A giant pillar descended from the skies and penetrated through all the fortresses.

And the Clan Lord, Khan, sent down orders to the controllers of the Satellite Fortresses pierced by the pillars.

"Report the situation."

The moment his orders were passed through, a crazy amount of replies came back to him instantly.

"…We would need to use the elevator in order to move up?"

While Khan was at a loss while thinking about the mysterious elevator.

A scream came from one of them.

<…27 unknown organisms coming out! We're attempting contact.>

<…Their appearances seem to fit the description of the Radu-Kail race you instructed us of before! Fuck…1st barrier has been breached!>

'Already! There's merely thirty though?'

Khan freaked out at the huge destructive force.

"Block them! Use all of the defensive structures and functions of the fortress!"

Khan screamed out.


Countless sounds of collisions and explosions were heard.

The beams the fortresses were shooting towards their inner parts and the attacks of the beings from the Abyss.



Everyone in the green zone was at a loss.

From the countless spaceships that rose up above the northern tundras.





The spaceships broke apart into nine or so sections and got stuck onto the pillars that came down from the sky.

But there was an exception.


Unlike the ships that stuck onto the pillars, this single spaceship remained flying above the northern tundra.


"No problem. You're even going to do our job for us!"

Hansoo spoke towards the fairy as he stared at the screen he had turned off.

'That's enough information.'

If he let out more then beings even stronger would come down.


Hansoo sighed and then adjusted his posture.

It was just the beginning.

The fairy smiled as it spoke.

"Shall I then stay away for a bit? Talk between yourselves. We can discuss your reward after."

The fairy disappeared with those words and TMT-1, who had been frozen when the fairy had appeared, started to move again.


Two people appeared.

The two whom he had called earlier.

The leader of the 2nd grade citizens, Great General Cykrus.

The leader of the enhanced race, or the Ains, Mudusella.

And their expressions were filled with fear from what they had seen outside.

Though they had gone through countless things in their lives, the scene outside was completely unfamiliar to they.

"What the…"

Hansoo spoke towards them.

"It's time for us to go our separate ways."

"Our separate ways?"

Hansoo nodded.

"Yeah. The plan you guys tried to accomplish in the past. Oh wait, I guess only one side knows."

Mudusella fell silent.

Hansoo's words were true.

The plan she had made.


Moving out from this planet and heading towards a new planet where only the enhanced race could live.

It was impossible in the past.

Since Tiamet and his Destruction Cannon prevented the spaceships from rising up.

So she decided to use Hansoo's hand to deal with the two and then head towards the new planet Tiamet.

'But…These guys weren't part of the plan.'

As Mudusella glanced at Cykrus.

Hansoo spoke out expressionlessly.

"Go with them. You don't know what would happen on the planet."

Hansoo wanted to get rid of these guys who could become variables.

And it wasn't very hard to do that.

He just needed to let them proceed with the plan.

The enhanced race had the spirits and the power to control vast amounts of energy.

The 2nd citizens, the Kingdoms and the Empire, had a huge amount of manpower and strong elite forces.

Since they need each other and had similar strength, they wouldn't be able to deal with each other easily.

Well, one side wouldn't just sit idle if the other wanted to leave anyway.

The people of the Kingdoms and the Empire would not sit still if the Ains wanted to leave.

It was the same for the 2nd grade citizens.

Without the enhanced race, they would not be able to maintain the ship all the way to the Tiamet planet far in the distance.

Mudusella was silent for a moment but then nodded.

She wanted to leave anyway.

Though leaving was the original plan, they could've come up with a better plan with some time.

But Mudusella didn't want to stay on this planet any longer than she had to.

The aura that the metal pillars were radiating were triggering all of her senses of danger.

Mudusella spoke towards Hansoo.

"A few of us who cannot fly decided to stay here. Some can't survive the long journey…Some don't want to leave their homeland. They will give you the Ain's blessings. Though you guys would need to gain the spirits…"

Mudusella ended her words and then looked towards the ships that had become part of the elevators.

The adventurers who had come up and who would come up from now on would probably have a harder time gaining the strength of the spirits.

Since they would only be able to receive the powers of the spirits after they deal with the strange organisms constantly expanding their territory.

But Hansoo nodded as if it was not a big deal.

"Not much reason to do all this if we can't even manage that."

Suddenly, Mudusella became curious.

What would Hansoo do in this new world?

"…What will you do now?"

Hansoo smiled.

"Since my role as the prophet has ended… I'm planning to go on a vacation."


TMT-1 was dumbfounded.

Hansoo's words were so shocking, to the point of breaking his calm countenance.

A vacation amidst all of this?

'What the hell is he thinking?…'

TMT-1 frowned as he looked at the adventurers screaming outside the ship.

Reincarnator – Chapter 299 : Demon King's Egg (2)

Hansoo shrugged his shoulders despite the strange gazes.

"It's time for me to take a break. Isn't it time for me to work solo for a bit?"


Mudusella and Cykrus both shook their heads.

One clearly showing disappointment.

Another didn't show it but still had a similar expression.

'Can a person change this much? Such a waste.'

Cykrus, the one who had clearly shown a disappointed expression, thought to himself.

He personally liked people who strived for the well-being of many people or for the greater good.

Since he himself had become a general because of this.

Though he had met him as an enemy in the beginning, he had felt a lot of sympathy for Hansoo who was working himself to death for the humankind.

Putting one's life on the line for someone else was not an easy feat.

He had thought that it was part of Hansoo's nature to help others but it seemed like it was due to the restraints he had.

He had heard something akin to it from Mudusella on the way but he still kept his hopes up just in case a similar personality remained.

But it was for naught.

'Too bad I guess…'

Cykrus stopped paying attention to Hansoo and turned around.

Mudusella smiled awkwardly between the two and spoke to Hansoo.

"So… What will you do now?"

Hansoo understood the meaning behind her words as he chuckled.

"Just drop me off anywhere suitable. Hmm…Yeah. Behind the mountain range should be good. There's something I must do hidden away from the people's eyes."

Mudusella was embarrassed because Hansoo had understood her meaning of her wanting to leave this place quickly as she nodded.

The more time she dragged on the more variables would come into play.

TMT-1 received Mudusella's orders and quickly drove the ship towards the other side of the mountain range.

But at that moment, Cykrus couldn't hold back his anger and spat his words out.

"You really are a scoundrel. Do you not see the chaos outside? Don't you feel any responsibility?"

Cykrus pointed towards the outside scenery the screen on the wall was showing.

A corner of the Spirit Land.

A scene of chaos.

"They probably realize it by now. That you abandoned them."


"What the hell is going on…"

Samuel Kinar, a Ten Thousand Men General, mumbled as he stared at the giant elevator in the distance.

'…This feels incredibly ill-boding.'

He wasn't just talking about the feeling he was getting.


From the tower.

Tremendous screams and roars could be heard.

Sounds of things breaking and smashing apart.



At that moment.

He could hear complaints next to him.

"Damn… Leader, do you know anything about this?"

Samuel shook his head at the words of the Thousand Men Captain.

He hadn't known anything about this.

At that moment.

John Stone, the Thousand Men Captain who had complained, asked back cautiously.

"Isn't this linked to Kang Hansoo?"


Samuel Kinar started to think.

'…Yeah. Something is off.'

They could slowly figure out if it was true but if it was really linked to Hansoo, the information they received from him was priceless.

A piece of knowledge could determine life and death in a bad situation.

Pushing aside the fact that he publicized this knowledge, the origin of all this information was suspicious.

Where could he have gotten all of this information?

And if he knew about it, why did he say it right as this huge change was about to fall upon them?

'…There's too much we don't know about. He just told us how to deal with the monsters from the elevators and nothing else.'

He grew even more curious as Hansoo only spoke the most important and crucial information as if he was running out of time.

John Stone spoke to Samuel again.

"Think about it. Isn't something strange? The moment he spoke, these things happened. And didn't the fairy say it? That this opportunity has come because of Hansoo."


Kinar frowned at the word opportunity.

He didn't like this opportunity that the fairy spoke about.

To a normal person, an opportunity was something that had a small amount of risk in comparison to the large reward.

But the fairy never spoke lies.

Which meant that this was a high risk and extremely high rewarding case.

The fairy, which didn't even appear during normal times, actually appeared and told everyone that the elevators were a huge opportunity.

Which meant that those elevators were extremely dangerous.

Way more than anything they had gone through in the hell-like Yellow and Green Zones.

And according to the fairy's words, Kang Hansoo had brought all of this upon them.

John Stone got excited as Samuel frowned more and more.

"Look. This is all caused by that bastard. Why isn't he appearing now? He really dislikes internal strife, he should be all over us right now trying to quiet us down."


Samuel agreed.

Hansoo did not like internal strife.

Every time it happened, he would rush over and either suppress all of them or make a deal with them.

Like he was obsessed.

And the Red, Orange and Yellow Zones were controlled under an absolute rule.

The reason why they were able to complain like this was because there was no method of controlling them in the Green Zone.

People were complaining with rage-filled eyes due to the lack of control and the huge change that suddenly struck them.

"…Fuck! Explain this!"

"What is going on!"

Though they were complaining, there was a reason why they couldn't revolt or cause a ruckus.

In the distance.

The Ains that stayed behind and surrounded them.

Because of their existence.

The current Ains were much stronger than them.

Much stronger.

What if the Ains were the method of control Hansoo left behind for them?

'…At this rate, we might need to go to the frontlines if we're unlucky.'

He was feeling uneasy about the action of going into the giant elevator.

If they need to use meat shields, who would they use?

Those who listened or those who didn't?

'Damn…This is too real.'

Samuel Kinar mumbled.

It was hard to think that someone who paid so much attention to controlling them in the Red, Orange and Yellow Zones wouldn't care about it in the Green Zone.

And he didn't even bring them up to the Yellow Zone before the Satellite Fortresses were ready.

Despite it being easier to fight together with them.

People who were at such a high rank were trying very hard to calm down the people below.


Samuel Kinar was at a loss for words.

That man wasn't even here.

But every one of them were contemplating every single one of his past actions.

Samuel was terrified at the tremendous amount of influence the man had.

At that moment.


In the distance.

A single ship that hadn't fused with the elevators started to fly towards them.

Maybe because it was designed to fly into space, the speed at which it flew allowed it to arrive by them almost instantly.


Samuel almost got blown away by the winds created by the giant ship and frowned as he stood in place.

'I knew it. He's already had everything prepared.'

Every person who had been complaining or making a ruckus fell silent as the ship arrived above them.

'Since he returned… I guess we can at least hear what's going on.'

They would at least be able to hear explanations since the ship came back.

But as Samuel sighed.

"Everyone on board! It is time for us to leave!"

The voice of a woman was heard instead.

'…It's not Hansoo?'

Mudusella was speaking towards the Ains.

'What the… Kang Hansoo? Where did you go?'

As Kinar frowned in confusion.

Something unbelievable happened.

The Ains, whom he thought were watching over them, started to fly into the ship.

'What the hell…'

But as Samuel was about to speak.

Somebody was faster than him.

"Hey! What the hell man! Where the hell are you guys going?"

'…Fucking John Stone. Why are you asking with so much hostility?'

The same words would sound different if spoken differently.

Samuel was about to speak to cover the hostile words of John but Mudusella answered calmly.

"We will leave this planet. We do not want to live here anymore."


Samuel looked towards the Ains in shock.

Most of the thousands of Ains were flying onto the ship.

They wouldn't be able to control them with the few remaining behind.

'They weren't here to control us?'

But while Samuel and the other Ten Thousand Men Generals were shocked.

John Stone asked back as if he knew this would all happen.

"Do you know where he went then?"

Mudusella kept her smile as she replied.

"He left our ship previously. He said that there was something he would need to do by himself."

John Stone shouted proudly the moment he heard this.

"I knew this would happen! See? This is all caused by that bastard! He caused this and just ran away by himself!"

As his words were heard.

Mumble mumble.

The the fear of the one who could control this suddenly disappeared and they felt freedom as a result.

"Fuck… Really?"

"Damn… What do we do then!?"

Shouts were heard all around them.

And Samuel frowned seeing this.

'What are you planning John?'

John Stone was vicious but was still a Thousand Men captain.

He wouldn't act like this without any plans.

He should know that making people uneasy clearly wouldn't be good but for him to do such a thing.

Samuel glared at John.


Below the mountain range.

Two shadows laid on the ground in the depths of the harsh snowstorm.

A shadow who was lying down with an exhausted expression unbefitting of the vacation he spoke of.

And the shadow of a small creature flying around in glee in the air.

"Hahaha! A smart person indeed acts quickly! I should've watched the scenery a bit more before I came to give you your reward. Anyways, how's your body?"

"What do you think? It's a mess."

'But still…It's progressing well.

Reincarnator – Chapter 300 : Demon King's Egg (3)

The one that was needed now.

Was not a savior.

But a demon king.


Hansoo stared at the fairy mumbling in amusement and joy as it looked towards the situation in the distance and spoke.

"Well… Even if I want to do anything, I really can't."

'My body is really a mess.'


Hansoo muttered in exhaustion as he checked himself.

The fairy didn't seem to mind the exhausted Hansoo as it spoke in joy.

"It would be boring without you… How much longer would you need to rest?'

Hansoo lifted up two fingers at the fairy.

"2 years. It should take that long before I fix this."

Him speaking about the vacation was not a lie.

He really needed to rest.

No, recovering was more like it.

In order to climb.

2 years.

This is how long it should take him to recover his destroyed body and create a foothold to continue forward.

It was also long enough for people to rise up by themselves using the stepping stone he created for them.

Hansoo spoke as he suppressed the three seeds which were acting up as if he didn't have the right to control them yet.

"How many did I shove in there. I'm far from being at that level."

There were memories about the Skills of Annihilation amidst the lost ones.

Three seeds of these skills had been put into him while his soul had been cracked from the collision of his own will and that of Eres and Keldian inside him.

The soul was constrained by the body.

The soul which had grown for over 50 years while mastering seven skills to the limit could not withstand three Skills of Annihilations.

If it wasn't for the and his instinctive mastery in controlling skills attained from decades of training then his soul would have long been destroyed.

The fairy smiled at Hansoo's words.

"Well. You do your thing with the rest… But you still need to receive the reward. What of it? Will you share it again this time?"

Hansoo shook his head tiredly.

He didn't have that much room to spare.

"Give me the Immortal Soul."

He shouldn't be greedy for the Zero Numberings.

Since he didn't know what would come out due to it being random.

There was a single thing he needed.

The Immortal Soul.

The Solo Numbering 1 skill that raised one's soul and body to the extreme.

This skill, which had the highest efficiency out of the discovered skills wouldn't lose out even when compared to the Zero Numberings.

He would need it to heal his damaged soul and his almost destroyed body.

No, he needed it to reduce the time it took.

His body and soul were really badly damaged.

'…Damn. Even my Soul Fragments aren't working anymore.'

Despite his damaged soul, he had used the that put a huge strain on his soul.

In order to send the information through the dimensions.

'It's really a mess.'

He was holding onto his consciousness because the 2nd grade citizens and the Ains might've looked down on him if he fell down but this was really the limit.

He really tried hard to say a few more words but fell down.

The fairy looked at Hansoo and spoke while pulling something out from the air and putting it into his body.

"Rest a bit then."



The that had entered Hansoo's body started up.




A silver liquid came out from Hansoo's pores and started to solidify around him.

Like an egg.

At the same time.


The energy of the spirit inside Hansoo's body acted up as it absorbed the energy around him.

The that entered his body had started to work properly.

Immortal Soul's main power was survival.

It utilized every skill and everything one had to survive.

It would heal the soul with the mana and create a foundation for the Skills of Annhilation to grow.

The spirit's power absorbed the energy around him to help him recover.

The liquid used in the Body Enhancement Surgery would constantly supply him with nutrition and prevent outside forces from reaching him.

The moment this egg was completed.

The vacation that Hansoo spoke of would begin.

The long, two year vacation.

The fairy approached Hansoo's face which had now almost been covered in the silver liquid and mumbled.

"Well, we will wait. Anyways, those guys will probably have a lot of fun while you're missing."

The fairy finished speaking and looked into the distance.

It mumbled as it looked at the location where the adventurers were gathered past the mountain range.


'…He left?'

As he heard the people's mumbles.

Samuel Kinar finally realized what this uneasy feeling was inside him.

This was not something that came just from the fact that the Abyss opened and extremely powerful beings would pour out.

It was more so because of Hansoo.

The way Hansoo was speaking…

'…He was going to leave huh. It was already decided.'

Samuel was at a loss for words.

It felt like a huge pillar inside him had been disappeared.

And he could feel the empty space from it.

'…No. No….You lead us. You brought us here. You can't abandon us. You have to continue to lead us.'

A person's ability was relative.

Though he had the right and the ability to lead ten thousand men, Hansoo had more than enough ability to lead hundreds of people like himself.

And on top of all this, there were the mysterious elevators that had suddenly appeared.

Samuel panicked.

If a person at Samuel's level felt this way, how would others feel then?

"Fuck! What are we supposed to do if you run away on your own!?"

"What's going on!"



There was nothing holding them back since even the Ains had gone missing.

Rage-filled skills exploded out from the adventurers and started a huge ruckus.

"Damnit! Everyone calm down!"

"It's not time for us to do this! Bastards! Keep your formations!"

The ones who had yet to go crazy were trying to calm down the others but it was not easy to calm people down in a situation like this.

Samuel was at a loss and just watched all of this in a daze.

Then John came up to him.

"Wake up… General. Wake up."

John Stone, who had been shouting about Hansoo being a traitor, came up to him and grinded his teeth.

"Why are you acting like a retard? It was better when we were at the Rerorerorero clan really. You were shouting about how we would devour everything… Did you become mute?"


As Samuel seemed to have woken up from his stupor, John whispered a few words to him.

"Like the fairy said… This is an opportunity. We promised to rise up right?"

John Stone then pointed towards the elevator.

"The people below have already accepted Hansoo as the savior. So that's out of the question but it's not the same above. It's all an empty land above us!"

John Stone pointed around them.

"There's nobody to control us and even that Hansoo guy is gone. There's probably a reason for it but that's not important. The only important thing is that there is nobody standing in front of us or above us. You know what to do now."

From John Stone's words.

Vigor appeared in Samuel Kinar's eyes.

"…Yes. We need to eat them up."

Though the head had been cut off.

The body remained.

Having the greatest power was the most important thing now.


Samuel realized what he needed to do.

Gathering people was easy.

'Make an enemy.'

And there was a very easy target for this.

As he made his decision.

'…Though I don't dislike you or anything… Since you left us first, you don't have the right to be upset about this.'

Samuel breathed in and out and then shouted.

"That damned Kang Hansoo had abandoned us! We need to go forward on our own!"

'We will become the best.'

Above that tower.

They will take over the top.

John Stone made a satisfied expression while watching Samuel and shouted.

"Bastard! He pretended to be a savior but then just abandoned us!"


Enbi Arin, Karhal and the others who were close to Hansoo cursed out.

"You fucking bastard! How dare you!"


A battle of curses and clashes occurred between those who followed Hansoo and those who cursed him and wanted to create new opportunities.


"Jeez. Didn't you leave them with too much freedom? You should've at least set up some order before."

Hansoo spoke with a laugh with his half closed eyes in reply to the fairy's words.

"They'll do well. They'll be really busy now."

They wouldn't be able to fight each other to the death because of the elevators.

Since they would all know what's more important.

And as if it had gotten bored from his words.

The fairy pouted as it spoke.

"It seems everything is just annoying to you now. I guess it's time for me to leave then. But let me ask you one final question before I go."

"Go ahead."

The fairy smiled and then asked.

"What are you going to do when you come out?"

2 years was a long time.

A lot of things would've changed when Hansoo comes out.

At that moment Hansoo's eyes opened wide.

He then spoke quietly through the small cracks of the egg.

"Demon King."

"Ugh, how childish."

With the fairy's frown as the last thing he saw.

The egg completely covered up his body.

The fairy smiled at the single silver egg left atop of the vast tundra and disappeared.

"Sleep tight."


The round, silver egg slowly disappeared under the snow in the vast tundra.


The world was changing.

The ceiling disappeared and the leash around their necks had also disappeared.

Only bastards who could bite flesh off others could survive.

People who would go at any lengths to gain strength could reach greater heights than ever.

One needed to be evil and greedy enough to be able to be called a demon.

That was the only way.

Though the ceiling had collapsed, it wasn't easy to reach those heights.

They needed to do at least this much in order to go past the ceiling.

They would only be able to become a transcendent if they became demons.

And in this new changed world.

I will become the Demon King.

The Demon King.

King of the demons.

I will become your king, the king of you demons.

I will leash you, you who have become as strong as demons.

I will become the king who stands in the very front against the existences of the Abyss.

So grow well.

Until I come.

Climb high.

Higher and higher.

Continue to climb up.

Until you are worthy enough for me to lead you.


Reincarnator – Chapter 301 : Season 2 : Demon King's Tower – The world after 2 years (1)



In the past, when they had been heading towards the Time Dimensional Crystal.

Eres had asked me something.

What was the first thing I would do when I returned to the past?

What did I regret the most?

And I replied instinctively.

The thing I regretted about the most deep inside my mind.

And I remember her face.

A face of deep contemplation while looking at me.

As well as Kangtae and Keldian.

Maybe this was why you sealed by memories before sending me into the past.

Since I needed to be the humankind's savior according to Eres.

But I do not think I am wrong.

In the end.

What this world needs is not a savior.

It's a Demon King.

King of the Demons.

So once I leave this egg…



Below the half-destroyed mountain range.

Four people were running through the blizzard.

"Fuck! Don't slow down!"

"Keep using the scans and don't stop looking around!"

Though the might of their skills showed how strong they were, none of them looked the slightest proud.

Their expressions only showed hurry.


After a bit of running, a red light exploded out from one of the 2 pairs of males and females.


As the girl felt nothing being caught in the red light that swept around their surroundings, she shouted at her comrades in relief.

"Phew! Slow down! They aren't following us anymore!"

The three people cursed out loud as the stopped.

"Fucking… Haaa. Are they really gone?"

"Fucking Dakramas."

The 4 sat down on the spot while cursing out at the Abyssal race, the Dakramas.

'Fuck. We've come too far. Really far. Damn… For us to become like this the moment we come up from the 3rd zone to the 4th.'

Taesang, the temporary leader of this small group, frowned as he checked his surroundings.

A mountain range covered in snow and blizzard.

Though parts of the mountain range had been destroyed, the 2 years of blizzard did a very good job of hiding a lot of the damage.

Apparently a huge explosion had occurred here 2 years ago.

The Green Zone of the past.

A huge explosion which shook this entire place, which was now called for the 4th zone.

And the change that came afterwards.

That day was named the .

The day when the steel pillars smashed through the ceilings of the 7 zones and landed.

The Seven Zones had changed a lot.

To some, it was a very welcome change.

And to some, to newcomers like them, a very unfortunate change.

'For this huge chaos… To have been caused by one person.'

Kang Hansoo.

Taesang looked around as he thought of the legendary name that evoked both good and bad meanings.

A girl standing next to Taesang spoke in dejection.

"…I want to eat pork belly."

"Dumb bitch. Get used to it. We've been in this bloody world for over a year already."

Taesang looked at the girl, Misun, and scolded her.

Though it wasn't a long time to adapt, there was nothing else they could do.

They needed to adapt in order to survive.

'Damn. We were the best back in the 3rd zone.'

From the 1st zone to the 3rd which were respectively called Red, Orange and Yellow Zones in the past.

They had charged through with their friends.

But the 4th zone.

The Green Zone.

This world, created by the man called Kang Hansoo, was the materialization of hell.

'Kang Hansoo…'

While Taesang was thinking about this name.

One of the females, the one who had sent out the red light just before, called out to him and the others.

"Yo guys… Do you guys know what this is?"

"What is it?"

The adventurers approached her and looked at the thing she was pointing at.

"…What the fuck?"

Past the horizon.

There was a huge hole in the middle of the broken down mountain range.

As if it had been hit by a meteor.

And within this huge hole.

There was a round, silvery object.

'…Egg? What the hell?'

They frowned as they looked at the silvery egg in the center of this hole.

And there was another thing.

There was a small box next to this egg.

A small box the size of a pencil case.


These two things should not be in the middle of nowhere like this.

This place wasn't within the territory of the humans.

Taesang turned his gaze away from the strange egg and the box and spoke to Lauren.

"Can you feel anything?"

The scout, Lauren, shook her head.

They could only barely find the location of the egg with the skill, they had no way of finding out what was within it.

The mysterious egg was doing a great job of separating what was inside it from the outside world, including shielding the powers of the skills.

'It was lucky to find it as well.'

Lauren mumbled as she looked at the egg in the center of the huge remnant of an explosion.

Actually she was feeling uneasy standing here.

'I can feel traces of a tremendously powerful being.'

Though most of the traces had been covered by the snow, she could still feel it.

The power that swept through the surroundings.

And if some power hadn't destroyed the mountains, people like them wouldn't even have been able to approach this egg.

'Apparently nobody has come all the way to this place yet.'

Though they had come all the way to this location by coincidence, it was still within the territory of the Dakramas.

A stay-away zone for them.

'Perhaps… He's a transcendent?'

A completely different existence from them.

A small amount of monstrous beings who had been born after the Abyss descended.

'No way.'

As Lauren made a expression full of disbelief, Taesang continued to frown.


If this originated from the Abyss then the first steps in handling it would be extremely important.

Since the 2nd floor of the 4th zone, which had ignored the mysterious object from the Abyss at first, had now become a land of death. (TN: I guess there's 2 floors of each zones now? Not enough information on this to clarify.)

Since that specific mysterious object was the infected host of the Abyssal Race, the Aroels.

'Should we take it back?'

The moment Taesang put his hand on the egg.



Taesang freaked out.

His energy was furiously being sucked into the egg.

'Fuck…I can't take my hand off!'

As he was freaking out.


Misun figured something was wrong and kicked him far into the corner and away from the egg.

"Kuhuk!….Fucking bitch! Kick more softly!"

"What the hell are you saying? I just saved you."

Misun turned back to the egg in fear.

She had also been in danger for a short moment her own energy got sucked into the egg the moment she kicked Taesang.

Though she didn't know what was inside that egg, it was clear that it was extremely dangerous.

Even if they used skills on it, it would probably absorb the skills' energy.

Misun spoke to Taesang who was walking back while complaining quietly.

"Yo, let's just go. Ignore this."

"Just go?'

"Yeah, we have no time to mess around like this either. It's not like we completely escaped them anyway."

Taesang pondered for a moment but then nodded.

'Yeah… We have no time to waste.'

The egg didn't feel safe and they didn't have any time to play around here.

But they couldn't just leave.

'If the egg's a no go then at least that box…'

Taesang put his hand on the box.

Thankfully, it didn't suck in his energy or anything.

'Let's try opening it.'

Taesang picked up the box and tried to open it.

But it was useless, despite his strength which could even pry apart a car.

'…It's not opening?'


The small box seemed to not care about Taesang's strength at all as it remained unmoved.

He even used the reinforcement given to him by a high ranker in the 1st zone, the but the box remained the same.

'…I guess I'll just have to take it.'

Though it was hard for them here, someone stronger than them existed back in the base.

'Well, at least we got something.'

"Let's go back."

Since they memorized the coordinates, they could return at any time.

It was time to leave.

Lauren nodded and the 4 people quickly disappeared into the snow.

And near the spot where the box was, only the mysterious egg remained behind and slowly disappeared under the snow.

At that moment.


A hang broke through the egg.



As the egg broke apart.

The silvery egg turned into liquid as it started to get sucked back into the man.

And soon.

A man walked out.

A thin but lean body.



'…I've come out a bit earlier than expected huh.'

The man, Kang Hansoo, examined his body which seemed to have shrunk a bit as he mumbled.

He thought that he would have to absorb the energy for about another week but thanks to a small burst of excess energy, he had been able to come out faster.

'Anyways… Who was it?'

Hansoo frowned as he looked around.

He wasn't talking about the people who had just been here.

A bit before that.

Hansoo thought back to the words he had heard while being inside the egg.

'It's not here.'

Hansoo looked at the ground.

'Look at these brats.'

He could still see the footprints of the four people.

Reincarnator – Chapter 302 : Season 2 : Demon King's Tower – The world after 2 years (2)

A man was dashing through the plains.

'They went further than I thought.'

It seems they had already run far while Hansoo had been coming out from the egg.

Despite having chased them for quite a while, he could not feel their presence at all.

Of course it wasn't like he was upset or anything.

Since the distance between them was clearly getting shorter from the footprints.

And the air that he hadn't tasted for such a long time felt really great as well.


Hansoo breathed in deeply as he chased the footprints.

It was cold enough to freeze the entire body of a normal person but it was just very cool to Hansoo.

He felt like he breathing in a breath of cool, refreshing morning air.

Hansoo smiled as he chased after the footprints.

Sensations he couldn't feel for the past 2 years.

He had thought that he had grown used to being isolated as he was constantly fighting with a small group of elites or by himself but being fully conscious in a place where there was nobody else for 2 whole years was truly a different sensation.

2 whole years in which he could not do anything, see anything or get in contact with anybody.

He had thought that it would be a calm vacation but it was more of a torture than fighting everyday.

'…I guess a person needs to do things they are good at.'


Hansoo continued to mumble as he kept chasing after the footprints while not leaving behind a single footprint due to his now much lighter body.

The time he had been inside the egg was so torturous that the sound he had heard in the midst of it sounded like the voice of an angel.

Of course he couldn't find out who it was.

Not even if it was a male or female.

He didn't know if they were friendly or were an enemy.

Whether they were sad for him or looking down on him.

The single line that they left behind.

He didn't know who it was and what they had actually left behind.

But one thing was clear.

'That person was not just anyone.'

A power that destroyed the entire mountain around him just to get to the egg he was in.

That strength was something even Hansoo, who was inside the egg at the time.

Hansoo smiled again.

'Good. Very good.'

2 years.

It was not a long period of time.

But in order to get stronger and throw everything away to achieve that, it was more than enough time.

Even more so if that person was already powerful or had a lot of potential.

The Abyss was a place best suited for people like that.

A world made to create monsters.

He had been worried that there might only be weaklings because they were fighting with each other but it seemed there was a person who had reached the ceiling already.

'I should go find that person.'

It seemed like it would be hard to find the person but thankfully they had kindly left behind a clue.

As if the person wanted to talk to himself.

He chased after the invitation letter that the person had left behind.

The four who had taken his invitation to be exact.

And there was only a single emotion inside him.


The 2 years during which he had been isolated.

How had the world changed?

When the Abyss fell down upon them in the past, the Otherworld and the Abyss had both completely broken down.

But thanks to him controlling the amount of information he let out, the Otherworld hadn't completely broken down this time.

Which meant that the people had a bit of buffer.

Thought he difficulty would've been much higher than in the past, the humans had become unbelievably stronger than they had been in the past.

Since he had set up the Red, Orange and Yellow zones in such a way that they would constantly create powerful soldiers.

The danger rose and the humans grew stronger.

But Hansoo could only guess, he couldn't know for sure how this world had changed.

Since there were too many variables for anyone to predict the future accurately.

'Well, time to check.'

As Hansoo was about to continue after the footprints after he had looked at the steel elevator in the distance.


From the distance.

Hansoo felt something within this senses that had spread far and wide.

And the moment he sensed this.

Hansoo frowned.

'How fast.'

He was feeling it more and more.

If the humans were alive then there should be some form of signal in the sky, like a flare or something.

No, there should at least be a trace.

But even after so long, there was only a vast plain.

As if everything had died.

Which meant one thing.

'They've been pushed back huh.'

He didn't know what was going on in the other places.

Since once the elevators descended, the worlds would get shredded apart.

The elevators were a supernatural structure that separated the worlds into different floors.

The different floors would become completely separated and house a society and a world of their own.

But one thing was clear regarding the 1st floor of the the Green Zone.

The humans weren't the only owners of this place.


Hansoo felt something in the edges of his field of perception.

Something that he couldn't fully make out despite his greatly improved senses.

He could only sense that something was approaching him.

But if the ground was shaking this much despite him not being able to sense it… It only meant one thing.

'It's a race that is self-ruled*. Right from the get-go… I guess they really got pushed back far.'

(TN: Self-Ruled : I translated this literally because I couldn't think of a better wording. Basically these guys don't have a set hierarchy and have a community of equals with no true leader.)

The races that were self-ruled were hard to deal with unless one knew how to deal with each different kind properly.

But on the other hand, their weakness was known then it was much easier to deal with than a race with a normal hierarchy.

This was why information was the most valuable thing to humans, this was why the first thing Hansoo had told the adventurers was the method to deal with these self-ruled races.

It shouldn't be hard to deal with them but from seeing these things being everywhere and going after the adventurers… It meant that the humans had been pushed back really far.

'What the hell caused all of this?'

He had given them specific orders to deal with this but it seemed something unexpected had happened.

These self-ruled race types were almost impossible to detect or sense.

They could only check with their eyes.

And he couldn't just leave before seeing it with his own eyes.

Since some of them would chase after people in order to kill them even if it took an eternity to do so.

If someone didn't want to deal with an entire race because they escaped from one member, then they would need to deal with them properly in the first place.



Hansoo finally could see what the creature was as it approached him.


Past the snow covered plains.

And sometimes through the blizzard.

A 2 dimensional being approaching like a shadow.


Creatures that hid between the dimensions and hunted other race by assimilating them into their own dimension.

They hid if they were being attacked.

If the enemy escaped then they would come out to attack or drag them into their own dimension.

But Hansoo was disappointed.

'They got pushed back by these guys?'

Of course they were indeed a hassle to deal with.

But there was a clear cut method to deal with them.

The Rebanol Scales that one could acquire after killing the common hierarchy race Rebanols.

Weapons applied with ground scales of Rebanols, a race that evolved to hunt Dakramas, could easily penetrate through the pocket dimensions they were hiding in.

They were easy pickings after that, a few stabs and they were easily dealt with.

This wasn't the only method.

The Beynol race, the race that the Dakramas predated on.

If the scent sacs underneath their wings were taken and lit on fire, a red light would explode out that would cause the senses of the Dakramas to become greatly hindered.

A defensive mechanism the Beynol race had developed.

But there was no way for Hansoo, who had just woken up, to get the Rebanol Scales or the scent sacs of the Beynols.

'They're really swarming this place. I guess I'll just deal with them here…'

It wasn't impossible.

Just annoying.


As Hansoo poured his strength into the Forked Lightning.


In the distance.

Something flew towards him attached to an arrow.


As Hansoo frowned at the red capsule on the tip of the arrow.

A powerful red light exploded out from the sudden red light.


The moment the surrounding shadows got swept by the red light.



The shadows that were quickly approaching them seemed to have been extremely shocked as they started to jump around in multiple directions.

Like their five senses had been disturbed.

And Hansoo knew what caused this light.

'Beynol's Powder.'

As Hansoo turned his head towards where the arrow had come from.

"Hey! Run!"

"God! I told you we should just leave him alone! You crazy bastard of a captain!"

In the distance.

He could see the two males and two females shouting at him.

'The ones I was chasing… Why are they here?'

According to his calculations, they should be much further ahead and even if they did remain behind due to something, there was no reason for them to save him.

The Beynol's Powder was not a complete solution to the Dakramas, they might be killed as well.

And as he expected.


"Bastards! Just wait right there!"

The Dakramas who were a bit further away and had taken less of an impact from the red light started to charge towards Hansoo to deal with him first.

And the group that shot the arrow started to quickly run away.

'Hmm. They should know that they could get swept into the fight.'

People who carried around the Beynol's Powders should definitely know this.

The group who had started to run away looked at Hansoo for a bit and then quickly moved away.


A few moments later.

In a cave a bit away.

The group of four people started to breathe roughly.


"Fuck! Crazy maniac! Are you a superhero or something? Don't just go around saving anybody!"

The girl named Misun shouted towards the man named Taesang.

And in the distance.


'…Anybody? Feisty huh.'

Hansoo chuckled at the words of the girl inside the cave.

It was quite a funny sight to behold after just coming out from a situation where they could've died.

But Hansoo didn't laugh at them.

He knew that they were quite capable.

'Good ability. Good coping methods.'

Though they were screaming, they had made sure to block sounds from escaping as well as covering up where they were hiding.

They were bickering only after they had created a safe hideout.

A normal adventurer or some random monster wouldn't even know that these four would be inside this cave.

And though they had saved him, they had erased all the traces on the way to the cave.

'They are wary of me huh.'

Though being wary was one thing, it seems they couldn't let see him die.

Hansoo came to a decision.

'The box first.'



Hansoo quickly headed towards the four people within the cave.