45 - 50

Its size was smaller than the trolls that Yu IlHan had hunted. Its height was around 2.5m? Moreover, its strangely thin body looked weak to the point that it might get blown away with a breath.

However, its real strength was nothing like that.

Its body hidden under the black hood had an enormous power capable of easily making even the Highland Troll Boss kneel, and the pitch black scythe that it was swinging around flew at Yu IlHan as if to cut apart his neck.

If the first strike was aimed at Yu IlHan, even he would be hard pressed to see through it. Of course, as it couldn't see him, it had attacked Erta.

[It's a mutation that hasn't been recorded yet, and one that appeared after evolving by monsters eating each other! It's fortunate that it's not fully grown, but its behavior patterns are still unpredictable so be careful!]

"Got it."

Yu IlHan answered extremely shortly and moved his body. Jokes disappeared from him, meaning that the situation was not that leisurely.

The strongest weapon he had, the pile bunker, had already been destroyed, and the strongest weapon after that was only the Deathgod's Black Spear.

His armor had a special ability, but now that the possibility of a surprise attack had all but disappeared, it had no other advantages than its sturdy defensive power. Although not a short time had passed since Earth went through the Great Cataclysm, this was the greatest crisis that he had met so far.


That damn record! Someone might even think that it was the only word it knew. With its shout, Yu IlHan didn't think to block the oncoming scythe and avoided.

As he had already seen the results of its terrifying attack, he knew very well. Yu IlHan could not win against it in strength. That didn't change even if he activated Superhuman Strength.

However, if someone asked if Yu IlHan could not defeat it, he would laugh at that person. What Yu IlHan had trained for a millenim was his martial arts techniques, not his skills, levels, or strength.

This moment would become the moment where his true ability would be revealed instead.

{You're quick. Give me that too!}


Yu IlHan didn't hurry in attacking it. If it was a situation where he overwhelmed the other, then the best attack would be to suppress it in strength, but confronting a strong, sturdy, and moreover, unpredictable opponent, he had to see through his opponent first.


"Come at me. That's it, come on."

Yu Ilhan taunted it and moved his body again. Its body, and the area of its movement, the radius of its attacks, the power behind it, the probability of change – he looked through all of them.

Its scythe was swung around several times as if to reflect its madness, but it couldn't catch Yu Ilhan. Yu IlHan did his best to see thorugh it with his eyes wide open.

At that moment, Erta shouted in shock.

[Yu IlHan, it's magic!]


How good would it be if it kept continuing as a physical fight? However, reality wasn't that easy. Its fighting power included magic, which was still unknown to Yu IlHan!

[From below!]


While shouting, Yu IlHan kicked off the ground. However, those movements weren't exaggerated, and of the kind where he could take it back at any time.

As he had expectd, immediately after he moved away from that place, a spike emitting a black aura shot up from the ground and branched through the air. At the same time, the main body of the monster also assaulted Yu IlHan.

"It's good that its attack pattern is obvious."

It is fortunate that its weapon mastery was very low compared to my estimations – thinking wholeheartedly, Yu IlHan stepped on the ground lightly in order to avoid the deathgod's scythe.

Thanks to that, a black spike touched his armor, but fortunately, the high defensive power of the armor completely blocked the attack.


The monster crazily roared while swinging the scythe all over the place. All of those attacks became blades of wind and assaulted Yu IlHan!

Every time the weapon was swung, Yu IlHan movd his body according to the trajectory that he had seen and ran forward. If he didn't, he would have to allow an attack from the spikes behind him!

"Eat this first!"

Immediately after its scythe was swung diagonally to the right, Yu IlHan struck out his spear while running into it. To observe anymore, its attack was too sharp. so there was a need for him to limit its movements by attacking it.

There was a near 100 levels of difference between Yu IlHan and the deathgod. His spear strike, which originally should not have damaged it in the slightest, called for a miracle with his amazing techniques and the perfect weapon.

It reached and wounded the monster's physical body which was hidden behind the black hood pefectly by ripping through it!

[Critical Hit!]


"It's a crit, but it's only this much?"

Clicking his tongue, he moved his body. However, he did reach a small achievement, since the blades of wind stopped after it was attacked and stunned for a little.

Yu IlHan instantly moved backwards and reorganized himself. He swung the spear to shake off the black traces that clung to the end of his spear, and prepared to attack while sorting out his breath.

{Weak, you're weak. You're weak but strong. Give me your record!}

"I knew you'd say that."

Spikes shot up from the ground, and its scythe didn't end with just a swing but gave rise to blade like winds. Yu IlHan felt like he was playing a nightmare shooting game, which he had once played, but for real.

At those times, a tiny mistake led to his plane exploding, and now, if he misstepped, his body would be ripped apart.

"Take this attack!"


Concentrating to the extreme, like when he made the steel spear, Yu IlHan moved his body. He safely passed through the baptism of attacks, and attacked the deathgod once again, and after confirming that he inflicted some damage, he would retreat backwards.

He would ignore a few of the spikes that attacked his amor, avoided the blades of wind and the scythe itself somehow, and attacked.

A critical hit would allow him another chance to attack it due to its weakness being exposed, but if it didn't he would retreat without regrets. All of his movements were repeated as if set up with the deathgod beforehand.

Little by little, but surely, he could see damage accumulating on the deathgod. Its hood became increasingly tattered, and its wounded physical body was spilling out black auras.

Unbelievably, Yu IlHan was seeing through all its attack patterns and trajectory.


Erta subconsciously muttered before covering her own mouth. It was because she was afraid that she might disturb Yu IlHan's concentration.

Accumulating skills and using them well in real life were completely different. Aren't university entrance exams the same? Some may bring out achievements more than usual, while some would earn a pathetic result due to nervousness.

Yu IlHan was neither. He solved exactly what he learned, and got what he exactly knew. The frustration of his own ability being underevaluated was unimaginable for him. To whom could he speak his frustration if he was improperly judged? He was a loner too!

As such, he would make it so that he wouldn't have to speak about it at all. To not be stubborn saying that he couldn't bring out all his ability due to nervousness, to be acknowledged with his real ability.

The current situation wasn't at all different. He would die if he could not bring out all the techniques that he had accumulated, so Yu IlHan was moving around with his best.

No one would listen to his excuses, so as to not give excuses to anyone.

{Kuaaaa, painful. Body is burning. How are you weak but strong? Give me your record. Make me understand. I want to know. I want records. Records, RECORDSRECORDSRECORDSRECORDS!}


When the number of wounds increased on its body, its accuracy of swings of its scythe became lower, but instead, the speed and its destructive power increased. The blades of wind didn't disappear, and attacked him twice by coming back on the same path once reaching a certain distance, and the spikes from the ground became thicker and its number increased.

No matter how perfectly Yu IlHan had seen though the monster, he couldn't block all its attacks. Slashes increased on his armor, and even his helmet and the mask inside had scratches. If his protective equipments all broke off, then he would really not be able to endure for long.

It really was a teeth-clateringly powerful strength. Yu IlHan could feel the power of mana fully, which he couldn't with Kang HaJin.

"Fuck, I will definitely wield mana!"


He couldn't be defeated like this. He had to give out a single attack that could change the situation even if he had to undertake danger!

Yu IlHan kicked off the ground, ignored the spikes, avoided the blades of wind, parried the scythe attacks, and pierced his spear right on top of its face.

[Critical Hit!]


At that moment, a huge spike shot out from inside its hood. This was never included in its pattern until now, so this attack wasn't something he had predicted.

Moreover, its target was Erta on top of Yu IlHan's head!

Frightened, Yu IlHan moved his body. In that process, his arm was caught by the spike, and the armor at that part ripped apart like paper.

"It hurts so much!"

[Are you alright!?]

"I am!"

I am used to pain. It's alright since I'm used to it! – Yu IlHan muttered as if to hypnotize himself and retreated.

From his wound, bright red blood dripped out and colored the highland red. What was more serious was that his wounded part was becoming increasingly black.

[Not even extreme poison resistance can block... No, curse. Its attack has a frightening power of a curse dwelling in it!]

"You will do something about it anyway if I survive, right?"

[Of course. Rather than that, Yu IlHan, I think me not being here should help you more.]

"...Will you be alright?"

For some reason, the monster was reacting more to Erta rather than Yu IlHan. (T/N: Duh, Erta is Lv 300+). Erta definitely realized that its target of attack was Erta herself.

And if Yu IlHan got wounded while protecting her again, then Erta wouldn't be able to endure that.

However, Yu IlHan was instead worried for her departing from him. Since, for some reason, she could not even bring out her already restricted angel power.

The special characteristics of this dungeon were attacking her. She didn't know what it was, and how to avoid it. That unreasonable violence was assaulting her.

[I'm a higher existence. You need not worry.]

Seeing though Yu IlHan's worry, Erta spoke courageously before departing. At that moment, the deathgod's scythe aimed at her, but both Erta and Yu IlHan had predicted that.

At the same time she dodged that, Yu IlHan's spear strike struck its shoulder. It was a frightening attack that pulled aggro away from her.

[Critical Hit!]


"You should know if it dies right? Go take a stroll."

[Yu IlHan, don't die.]

Leaving those words, Erta flew away like an arrow. Yu IlHan also realized after seeing that she was flying to a certain destination without hesitation. It wasn't that she had only gone away just to relieve Yu IlHan's burden on the battefield.

After sending her off, Yu IlHan faced the deathgod. As the fact that the feeling on his cursed arm disappearing made him nervous, Yu IlHan strangely did not feel any fear.

How? He asked himself and realized. It was a truly simple reason.

"Yes, there is a foreshadow that hasn't occurred yet!"

He was joking around – meaning it was still doable.

Yu IlHan blew away all the pain and worry with a smile, and confronted the deathgod which became more insane after Erta left.

Then he threw his body towards the storm of mana, in which, death was dwelling.

Author's notes

Right now, ???: "The exit disapeaaarrred!?"

Translator's notes

Regular chapter… you might have seen, but there are 2 in the queue right now… but I have no more in stock… you gotta wait for tomorrow…. Wait… I'm meeting Kobatochandaisuki and Ensj in real life tomorrow… you gotta have to wait more I guess…

I still wonder what that unocurred foreshadow/flag is…

Also, people ask : Is MC becoming death'god' becoming an actual 'god'? Will this affect the relationship between him and Lita in some way?

The answer is NO. 'deathgod' is just a name of a job. (Think shinigami). The deathgod in this context has no relation to an actual god whatsoever. The reason I translate it as 'deathgod' and not 'reaper' (They're the same thing) is because author uses both the korean version of a reaper (literally translated to 'deathgod') and reaper, written in English.

Translator : Chamber

Erta felt her powers dwelling in her dimming as she flew further and further. The power that only a select few of higher existences have, the power that is only granted to Executor angels of Heaven's power.

As her power was already restricted by coming to Earth, unbelieveably, Erta was currently weaker than Yu IlHan. If it wasn't like that, she should have been able to protect herself from danger.

[I heard that this doesn't happen in a place other than Abandoned Worlds…]

But why did such things occur on a dungeon on Earth? She thought up of countless theories, but unless she does not find a material evidence, they will stay as theories.

What was more importantt was to break through this crisis! Biting her lips, Erta put more strength into flapping her wings.

She wasn't only flying away from Yu IlHan to not disturb him. She was looking for reinforcements. They, who also ended up getting trapped in this dungeon, and untrustworthy ones!

Until a few moments ago, she couldn't move around carelessly as she wasn't sure about it. However, while fighting with the reaper, she could feel a faint signal on her angel's ring which had lost its communication function. It was none other than Feyta.

And right now, Feyta was with the man-woman duo. 2 skilled people who have finished their 2nd job advancements.

[Seeing that they, who even have an escape scroll, cannot leave the dungeon, this place really is in a situation of a pseudo-Abandoned World.]

And to escape from this situation, there was no other option than to defeat that strange monster, which was the core of this dungeon.

If that happens, whether the entrance of the dungeon opens, or the Trap of Destruction shows itself, or the dungeon itself self-destructs, or something will change. If they also do not want to die in this dungeon, then they will have to cooperate with Yu IlHan.

That monster with the outer appearance of a deathgod was a mutated 3rd class monster. It was already a miracle that Yu IlHan was fighting it alone, and originally, there was no way two more 2nd class people would turn around the situation.

However, Erta trusted in the eyes of Feyta. She believed in the girl with an extraordinary holy power, Na YuNa.


She was also thinking of something else. If that occurrs successfully then Yu ILHan would definitely be able to defeat the reaper!

[So please endure a little more, Yu IlHan.]

Who would have predicted that she would worry about a mere lower existence so much!?

No one, including herself, did not know the identity of those emotions. however, Erta instinctively realized that that emotion would affect her very much in the future, and didn't hate that fact that much.

A difference in league wasn't that much of a problem for her anymore. (T/N: What was translated as 'soul' before will be changed to 'league')

So, please, I beg you.

As one other angel did before, she prayed in the name of God that she followed and flew across the dungeon.

How much time had passed since she left? Yu IlHan was still fighting against the reaper with much difficulty.

"*Pant* *pant*"

'Limit' was something he had experienced a lot of times. However, right now, it was the worst among those limits. His stamina had depleted, wounds were everywhere on his body, and the curse which penetrated through the wound on his arm was spreading around while numbing the senses of his entire body.

If it wasn't for the training that he did over hundreds of years, then he would have collapsed already. Since he already could not feel how his own arms and legs were moving anymore.

He was just moving while believing in the record that was etched on his body over several hundred years. And that, was a truly painful torment.

{You don't fall. You won't fall.}

The reaper also was looking at him with disbelief. As it thought to chase after Erta after quickly killing Yu IlHan, it kept pouring out skills, and thanks to that, its mana was depleted, so it could make neither the baptism of spikes nor the storm of wind blades.

{Why do you not fall?}

"Don't ask me, fucker."

Swearing at it, Yu IlHan swung his spear again. As he had done so thousands of timse until now, the spear ripped apart the skin beneath its already ripped hood, and pulled out its blood. The black blood sprayed onto his armor and burned. The armor really did save his life several times.

"Fuuk, fuuuu."

Trying his best to sort out his breathing, Yu IlHan postured himself straight. He calculated the position of the opponent and held his spear, before charging at it while dodging its sharp attack. His movements seemed no longer like a human, but a ferocious beast.

In truth, the curse was already affecting his sight. Even now, it was slowly, very slowly blurring his vision.

The figure of his enemy, the figure of himself holding the spear couldn't even be seen now. The teeth-clatteringly powerful curse was eating away Yu IlHan's everything.

Even so, Yu IlHan swung his spear again. The spear with all of Yu IlHan's strength just barely avoided the deathgod's scythe and ripped its wrist. It screamed.

{Kuaaak! How, how can I not kill you!?}

Its rage finally breached the limit. It even brought out all the magic that it had saved for hunting the angel. That changed into form of a long, sharp scythe and rose in the surroundings.

So it really was saving its power. Yu IlHan, who couldn't wield mana yet, but could sense it, felt dark magic power boiling in his surroundings. He desperately avoided them and laughed a little with a 'heh'.

"That mere magic power."

It acted as if it could do anything with magic power, but it couldn't kill Yu IlHan for tens of minutes. Instead, if just counting the number of hits they struck, then Yu IlHan would have overwhelmed it already.

What good was a good weapon? In the end, everything was decided by the skills of its user. Even right now, Yu IlHan read the movement of those scythe just by instinct and dodged all of them. This was the moment where a large amount of mana it just used evaporated into the air.

Then he instead saw through its dulled movments due to wielding the scythe to approach it and struck with his spear with his full strength!


[Critical Hit.]


Yu IlHan's spear pierced its chest. He attacked the same location continuously and finally succeeded in destroying its bones.

The deathgod stiffened while teetering, and Yu IlHan swung his spear twice again and succeded in attacking its body.

However, unfortunately, the next moment, Yu IlHan collapsed right there.


He couldn't even swear. It was because he didn't know how to move his jaw muscles. He felt that he might bite his tongue if he wasn't careful so he didn't move it anymore, his mouth was still half open.

The curse was truly ferocious. He misstepped once and now he couldn't even think how to move next. He felt as if all the nerves inside his body was tangled up.

Yes, a patient tied to a hospital bed might feel similar to this.


The next moment the deathgod's scythe mercilessly flew and struck his back. The defensive power of the armor was truly exceptional and blocked that strike, but it couldn't hold out against the chain of attacks and ended up getting destroyed.


The deathgod's attack hit his back. The pain of bone shattering, and a new, and more ferocious curse spread around his body, giving him pain and blowing away his consciousness.

The fact that he moved his body to avoid the next attack was probably due to that. His subconscious made that movement, outside of his capability, to succeed.

{You're quite stubborn!}


A strange voice that was neither a groan, nor a shout, nor a scream, flowed out. Yu IlHan somehow thought it was funny. He himself thought that he wasn't of the right mind right now.

'I really might die at this rate. Really.'

It wasn't that there wasn't a case he thought 'it's a crisis', but at those times, he had the confidence to break out by himself.

However, it wasn't like that now. The new curse that permeated through the wound on his back was more malicious.

His vision was dark, there was no strength in his body, and ignoring his will, powerlessness pervaded his body. He was somehow standing by somehow putting strength into his lges, but he felt that he wouldn't be able to do anything more.

You think I'll die? Yu IlHan strongly thought to himself.

You think I'll die?

2 months after Great Cataclysm. This was the period of time that he had lived on Earth.

He hadn't endured for 1000 years alone just to live for 2 more months. He still had a lot of things that he hadn't done. There were still a lot of things that he had not experienced. The things he want to make, the things he wanted to learn, the things he wanted to see – there were too many.

I want to see Lita.

I can't die like this.

{I will take your life. Your record, I will take your everything.}

Assured of victory, the reaper said arrogantly. Despite being overwhelmed by Yu IlHan through out the whole fight, now that it had noticed Yu IlHan's limit, it had changed instantly.

It was a funny guy. He wanted to laugh at it for a long time, but it was disappointing that he couldn't see it.

"Who will die?"

At that moment, he curiously could speak. Thinking that the will of humans are very curious, even though it was he himself who did it, he continued speaking.

"You think I'll die for you?"

Yu IlHan moved his body to avoid the scythe that was swung to take his life. This was the moment he, who hadn't even acquired his 2nd class, broke through the power of a curse through sheer will alone.

However, with that, his movements stopped.

A momentary result. His movements only got him 3 more seconds before the deathgod reaped his life.

And there were people who arrived within those 3 seconds.

"Eiii! Rescue that person pleeeease!"

A funny incantation assaulted Yu IlHan.

However, that funny chant blew away the two curses inside Yu IlHan's body; recovered his depleted strength, albeit a little; and made him mentally stable enough to avoid the deathgod's attack.


[Yu IlHan!]

[Whoa. Why is such an absurd monster in this dungeon!?]

"Ah, fuck it aaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll!"


Human holy knight Kang HaJin, who was in charge of the team's health; and who had not many things that he did not know about until now, but acquired so many of them after meeting Yu IlHan, smashed against the deathgod.

Originally, not even a sinlge unit of damage would be inflicted with his chargem but with his job of a holy knight, and the absurdly strong blessing of Na YuNa, on top of the damage already inflicted on the deathgod collaborated to blow the monster away!

{Kik, Kuaaaa!}

[It's good that you're alive. Yu IlHan.]

[He's not human. He made that monster into that state alone. He's not human!]

Angel Erta rejoiced, and angel Feyta became shocked.

Yu IlHan looked at them while smiling before he found something over the horizon. He instantly knew what Erta's plan was after looking at that.

Then he shortly asked Kang HaJin who was staring at the deathgod.

"How long can you hold?"

"By myself!?"

Kang HaJin shouted in fright. He heard that it was a cooperative attack, but when he went into battle the story changed!

However, looking at Yu IlHan's serious eyes, he could only honestly answer with a crying expression.

"A, about 30 seconds?"

Just what could change in 30 seconds? Kang HaJin didn't know.

However, Yu IlHan did.

"That's plenty."

Beneath the half-shattered helmet and the mask, Yu IlHan's mouth made a refreshing crescent. While Kang HaJin was absent minded, Yu IlHan kicked off the ground and started running.

Towards the three trolls, who were wandering around beyond the horizon.

Author's notes

Kang HaJin's kinda cute, ain't he? (T/N: Tsundere~)

Na YuNa, who blatantly acts cute.

Translator's notes

… So busy… next chapter is end of this arc.

(sponsored chapter)

Translator : Chamber

The three trolls were inflicted were inflicted by an illusion magic that Erta used with her little bit of power and were imitating Michale Jackson's Moonwalk, sloppy.

The wounds he got from fighting the reaper were too serious so they weren't fully recovered even with Na YuNa's ability, but that would not hinder him from killing the trolls.

Kang HaJin said 30 seconds.

Yu IlHan said that was enough, and it actually was.


With a shout, he charged. The trolls didn't notice him. Yu IlHan held up his spear, and threw the spear, which did not lose its sharpness at all even in that intense fight, to attack the three trolls.

[You have earned 520,938 experience.]

[You have earned 518,556 experience.]

[You have earned 549,289 experience.]

A flash like charge and lightning strikes. The shot which was unbelievable whether it really was used by a human who could not use mana, killed a troll with a single precise piercing attack with every attack.

A perfect surprise attack secretive enough for the other trolls to not notice!

Yes. He just killed 3 second class monsters with a surprsie attack right now.

[Kill 2nd class monsters with a single surprise attack 100/100]

[Kill a 3rd class monster with a single surprise attack 1/1]

[You have fulfilled the job advancement criteria. Attaining advancement to Rookie Reaper!]

This was the moment when Erta's plan succeeded perfectly.

[You have become Rookie Reaper. The effectiveness of concealment increases by 10%(T/N: LOL). Critical hit chance and attack power increases by 30% when attacking in a surprise attack. Attack power increases by 20% when confronting 'life'.]

[The evolution criteria for concealment becomes easier.]

[You absorb the accumulated records. You have become level 53. 5 Strength, 5 Agility, 5 Health, 5 Magic increases.]

[You have learned the passive skill, Death Collector. You collect the power of life of those you have killed.]

[You cannot use mana. You cannot learn active skills.]

[You can acquire a sub class.]

[Yu IlHan]

[Human Rookie Reaper Lv53]

[Title – Pancosmic Loner (Concealment becomes passive), One hit for you, one hit for me(Critical Hit chance 10%), Creator of Myths(Productive activities 20%), Not two hits, not three hits, but one hit(20% increase in experience and possibility of acquiring a magic stone.]

[Strength – 152, Agility – 156, Healtth – 147, Magic – 69]

[Active Skills – Concealment Lv Max, Mana Crafting Lv 28, Superhuman Strength Lv 1]

[Passive Skills – Close Combat Lv Max, Spearmanship Lv Max, Blunt Weapon Mastery Lv Max, Swordsmanship Lv Max, Shooting Lv Max, Dismantling Lv Max, Blacksmithing Lv Max, Transcendent Regeneration Lv Max, Cooking Lv 11, Critical Hit Lv 9, Extreme Poison Resistance Lv 4, Death Collector Lv 1]

2nd class. That was incomparable to a 1st class. It wasn't for nothing that the difference in experience became big between 1st and 2nd class monsters. It was because it was a level that is absolutely impossible to be reached if not fulfilling certain criteria.

On top of that, Rookie Reaper, which Yu IlHan had earned with the most monstrous condition of all 2nd class over all the worlds, was a class with a monstrous power. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was made only for him. It has a power that would look down on normal 3rd classes so there was no need to say anything more about it.

However, those things weren't important to Yu IlHan. He had already cornered the reaper with only his 1st class. It didn't matter how much power his 2nd class gave him.

What was more important was that he had levelled up. The increased level that occurred in the process of the wall blocking his growth becoming completely tattered. Due to that, his health had completely been recovered!

That was enough for him!

As such, Yu IlHan didn't even bother properly reading the text that appeared on his retina. He only ran quickly after conforming that the trolls died and that he had levelled up.

10 seconds were left of the promised 30 seconds.


{You're weak, you're too weak!}

"Please make oppa not diiiiie!"

Holy Knight Kang HaJin was desperately enduring against the attacks of the reaper. He also possessed exceptional ability, but this was only possible with Na YuNa recovering his health.

"Just how did that guy, hold on, Kuhk!"

{Give me your life!}

"Don't diiiiie!"

Kang HaJin's struggles and Reaper's violent attacks, on top of Na YuNa's baptism of chants made the battlefiled a pit of chaos. Unfortunately, the two angels who were not of help in this battle at all could only pray for their victory from afar.

[It's fine if Kang HaJin dies, but Na YuNa will also die at this rate!]

[You really have no blood or tears.]

[If Na YuNa dies, then I'll resent you, Erta!]

[Don't say unpleasant things and wait!]

Erta, who found peace somehow as Yu IlHan was alive, and Feyta, who was about to cry since the one she protects seemed about to die.

While the two angels, with different minds, were verbally fighting, Kang HaJin's armor finally shattered.



"Kyaaak!, no!

At that moment, Na YuNa, who was only chanting towards Kang HaJin until now, spread her arms towards the reaper for the first time.

"Pleae punish that bad guuuy!"

Brilliant pink light spread out from Na YuNa's two hands and struck the Reaper. Reaper, who got attacked by her directly, as it didn't prepare for it, unbelievably flew away for tens of meters before striking the ground. Its figure was even more pitiful than when Yu IlHan fought it.


[Just what the hell is that woman!?]

[She's the child who will save humanity!]

Her attack had a tremendous power behind it. Of course, although it was also thanks to her affinity, a god's power, overwhelming the reaper, who looked like a bad guy from a glance, Na YuNa's power was also enormous.

To the point that it made the Reaper's health, which fell while fighting Yu IlHan, but was recovering during the fight with Kang HaJin, fell by an enormous amount and stunned it!

There were two problems. One was the fact that that stunned state wouldn't last long, and another was that the power that Na YuNa had, had been depleted.

"What do we do, Oppa, ruuuun!"

"I also, got stunned...!"

Kang HaJin replied while clenching his teeth. Due to the shock he received from the Reaper being too big, he could only move his mouth.

He didn't get inflicted by a curse thanks to Na YuNa, but if the Reaper awakes from the stunned state, then there would be no next. He would really die.

Fuck! – The moment Kang HaJin muttered, someone whispered to him while lightly grabbing his hand.

"Let me in on the party."

Kang HaJin subconsciously nodded his head. At that moment,

[You have received a new party member.]

[Party members : 3]

The senses exclusive to a party extended to enwrap the new member. Kang HaJin finally realized the situation and opened his two eyes widely. He couldn't see as the stun didn't wear off yet, but it was clear who joined his party.

"You came back...!"


Yu IlHan quietly whispered and kicked off the ground. Kang HaJin finally could see his back figure.

The pitch black armor, which was scratched and even destroyed here and there, and the shoulders that looked safe despite all that.

Kang HaJin subconsciously became relieved. Then, he felt a strange emotion after realizing that he was becoming relieved. He, who had proactively solved all things in his life until now, had no experience in becoming relieved by leaving a task to another person.

However, regardless of whether Kang HaJin realized his new feelings or not, Yu IlHan coudn't care less. He only ran courageously. With his newly acquired powers, while holding the spear in his hand tightly.

The Reaper was still under a stun, with all its weaknesses exposed, and did not notice Yu IlHan approaching him.

Of course, Yu IlHan wouldn't become dejected even if the Reaper was waiting for him with its full health. He had already seen through the Reaper's everything. He had analyzed and saw through everything that it could do, so there was no way he could be afraid.

{Kahak, humans, new record! Record!}

The Reaper's stun was wearing off. While speaking nonsense, it stood its body up. However, it still could not notice Yu IlHan.

That was only natural. The fact that it had found Yu IlHan at first was also because Erta was by his side, not because it had the ability to see through Yu IlHan's concealment.

However, Yu IlHan was currently running on the ground alone, and Erta was watching from behind, and his already powerful concealment had been enhanced.

With a small smile, Yu IlHan activated the Superhuman Strength. With all his muscular power focused on his two arms, he struck the spear without any hesitation.

That spear magnificently struck the Reaper's chest, where he had pierced thousands of times until now.

[Critical Hit!]

At the last moment, the Reaper lifted its head up. The moment its eyes met with Yu IlHan's, Yu IlHan realized an unexpected fact.

It wasn't 'it'. To think that Yu IlHan, who read an enormous quantity of books, had made an error of generalization, he should be embarrassed.

At that moment, even more amazingly, the Reaper opened its mouth.

[Th, thank you...]

A voice, that was not like a metallic roar from the depths of hell, but a clear and beautiful female's, could be heard. Just from the voice alone, it wasn't one that fit a battle scythe but one that fit more with a field of flowers.


Yu IlHan answered that by clearly taking the Reaper's life by twisting his spear. At his merciless actions, the Reaper seemed to make a small smile, before collapsing at that place.

[You have earned 31,969,409 experience.]

[You have become level 55. 4 Strength, 2 Agility, 2 Health, 2 Magic increases.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 157 Reta Kar'iha.]

[Death Collector activated. You have absorbed and stored the power of life of Reta Kar'iha.]

This was the first time he had earned an experience that numbered 8 digits. Shocked, Yu IlHan turned his head around just in case, but it seemed that Kang HaJin and Na YuNa had levelled up properly as they became lively.

"Fuu. It was a really strong guy. I never met such an enemy even during my 10 years in the Hell Tower."

"It was very twisteeed."

When their safety was confirmed, the two finally became relieved and conversed. Yu IlHan also became relieved after confirming if there was any enemy in his surroundings.

And he took out a bone knife, in order to dismantle Reta Kar'iha.

[Stop there.]

"Ah, why?"

[She's a girl!]

"It's a monster."

[She's a girl!]

"I said it's a monster."

Yu IlHan had no profane intentions at all. So what if a monster was of a specific sex? The only important things were whether its skin was tough, or whether its bones were hard, or whether it had a magic stone – just these three!

However, the next moment as he was about to act, the body of Reta Kar'iha collapsed on the ground seem to emit a faint light, before it became black ash. Yu IlHan thought it was a pity while looking at that, but Erta, Feyta, Kang HaJin and Na YuNa all stiffened after witnessing the same scene.

"Hup." (T/N: This is like a sudden deep intake of breath)

"I thought 'no way' but…"

So there is something that only those guys know.

Yu IlHan, who intuitively realized that, also stiffened along with them, as to not be cast out by them. An action copy skill, that could be called a control C, control V! His skill activated splendidly and succeeded in not giving his companions any strange feelings.

[No way, it really was a Breaker.]

While Yu IlHan desperately endured his urge to ask what that cool name was, Erta, who flew to Yu IlHan's head explained in a small voice.

[The ones who are taken over by monsters' mana due to swallowing a magic stone are called Breakers. They become black ash when they die, as you see there.]


Yu IlHan finally knew. So, Reta Kar'iha was not a monster but an actual woman. Although, it was unknown whether she was a human, an elf, or another intelligent species.

However, there were two positive things. First was that there was a black colored magic stone left at that place. Second being the pitch black robe and the pitch black scythe remaining.

Of course, the angels were rejoicing due to another fact.

[Ah, the dungeon's entrance opened![(Feyta)

[We came back with our own abilities. So Reta Kar'iha really had the secret to it. Although, it's unfortunate that we could not hear that through her own mouth.](Erta)

(T/N: I will try to put which angel is speaking when there are many… It's not easy to recognize them just through the speech, there's a tone of speech in Korean that gets lost in translation…)

Erta spoke while looking at Yu IlHan quietly. Straightening his shoulders firmly, Yu IlHan complained to her.

"Why are you looking at me? Did I do something wrong?"

[I'm looking at you because you're so handsome. Why, bitter?]

Erta's counterattack abilities were also increasing day by day. Clicking his tongue, Yu IlHan could only acknowledge that.

There was not a single solved puzzle. Instead, the suspicion only became deeper. A mysterious dungeon which restricts even the power of a higher existence. A 3rd class breaker, which there was no way it could be on Earth. And an Abandoned World.

He did not know just what was occurring on Earth.

Just one fact was sure – Yu IlHan had won.

And survived splendidly.

Author's notes

Arc finished!.

Baits will be thrown continuously. Until the series ends.

Responsible for the team's health! Human Holy Knight Kang HaJin!

Translator's notes

I think the foreshadow mentioned 2 chapters ago is referring to the Breaker…(Remember? When MC said magic stones looked delicious, Erta said he would be taken over by the berserk energy or smth…)

No chapters next week. Since it's exams… will try to catch up on the week after… (Sunday will be your last chapter for a while)

Fresh out of my brain! No edits whatsoever. Now, let me sleep.

Translator : Chamber

"Thank you for saving me."

"That's what I should say."

After the situation was over with, Kang HaJin bowed his head deeply to Yu IlHan, but Yu IlHan just waved his hands and denied it. If it wasn't for them, Yu IlHan definitely would have died. Just like that.

"But if it didn't die, the dungeon's exit wouldn't have opened, and if so, we would have died as well. So it's us who should be thanking you."

Yu IlHan thought that Kang HaJin had a very stiff head and didn't understand what he was saying, but he didn't say it out loud. Instead, he spoke while picking up the black magic stone and Reta Kar'iha's relics.

"Then I can take this, right?"

Momentarily, Kang HaJin's eyebrows twitched, but he couldn't say 'that's a bit too...' now, since that would be going against his words. Honestly, it wouldn't be exaggerated to say that Yu IlHan had killed it all by himself, so Kang HaJin eventually decided to clearly give up.

"Okay, YuNa would probably not be against it either."

Na YuNa didn't object it either. Instead, she demanded.

"Give me your numberrrr!"


"Wao, I got rejected again! Even though I'm so pretty! Even though I'm the prettiest in the world!"

Na YuNa was definitely beautiful. Since it was Yu IlHan, who would not eye anyone below an angel, who acknowledged that, it could be said that her appearance was exceptional.

He didn't know the order of sequence: whether she became like that since she was blessed by the Goddess of Beauty, or whether she was blessed because she was pretty; but she was beautiful to the point that he could realize that she wasn't blessed by the Goddess of Beauty for nothing.

He also understood why she was so proud of her appearance. Although, honestly, he felt unpleasant about it.

Yu IlHan rejected even her even more because of her confidence, and confirmed with Erta.

"Are there anything else that I need to do in here?"

[There should be, but not now. We all need rest. You worked very hard so you should rest now. The rest will be taken care of by us, as we should be responsible for this in the first place.]

"But in my opinion, I think it will become even more dangerous if your powers are restricted again doing that."

At Yu IlHan's sharp opinion, Erta replied while smiling helplessly.

[In fact, I'm worried about that as well. We will probably seal the dungeon itself using Heaven's power, and will probably give out quests to humans later. To those like you, who have exceptional ability.]

"I knew that."

Yu IlHan ended up laughing.

However, to blame her for anything, she worked very hard today, so he decided to shut his mouth. Erta also seemed to have felt his consideration as she quietly lay on his head.

"Let's get out togetherrrr. You won't reject that, right?"

"Ok, then."

He had already left the party. His passive concealment would probably activate again when they arrive in Korea, so he should be able to leave them. As such, Yu IlHan didn't bother rejecting that.

He had already finished his business here anyway. Splitting up here was instead more annoying.

"I will drink beer with MiRae, when I go back to Korea!"

"Do whatever you want…"

"Oppa, drink with us toooo!"

"I'm busy."

"Uuu, I keep getting rejected today.

Meanwhile, Na YuNa didn't seem to be tired at all, as she kept chatting. If acting childish was her secret to her beauty, then he wouldn't really want to imitate that.

However, he didn't feel so bad about her screaming 'kyak kyak' from time to time, so Yu IlHan looked at that scene with a faint smile. With the thought that she might miss Yu IlHan's figure if she kept chatting loudly.

"But what is your naaame?"


To think that she called out to him when his concealment seemed like it would activate in just a few more moments, was that a simple coincidence? Just why does this woman show a completely different side to her at completely unexpected times…

Yu IlHan became a little nervous. Whether she knew that or not, Na YuNa continued speaking with an innocent voice.

"I asked Feyta before, but she said she'll die if she tells me."

[I definitely don't want an angel cobra twist!]

"I think it's beyond the level where you should put an 'angel' in front of it…"

While retorting blandly to Feyta, Yu IlHan thought for a moment. The one he thought about was Kang MiRae.

First, it was a clear fact that Kang MiRae and these two belonged to the same group. Moreover, from Na YuNa's chatters, he could judge that they were friends. Since Kang HaJin had the same surname, it was likely that he and Kang MiRae were kins.

They will defniitely talk about Yu IlHan with her, and Kang MiRae should be able to think up of Yu IlHan the moment they mention concealment, spear, and Korean. It's not that Yu IlHan was being arrogant. It's just that there are no strong people with those characteristics on Earth right now, other than him.

In other words, there's no meaning in hiding it.

"It's Yu IlHan."

"Waa, such a cool name!"

This person was the first to say that so nonchalantly as soon as she heard his name. The best social butterfly of social butterflies, the queen of social butterflies was here.

Honestly, he didn't feel that bad hearing that, but his strong resolve that loners cannot associate with social butterflies made him calm.

Meanwhile, Kang HaJin was looking at him as if looking at a strange human. Even he, who grew up with Na YuNa from their toddler age, had his heart pound sometimes, when looking at her, but he could feel that Yu IlHan was rejecting Na YuNa honestly.

He really wished that that wouldn't provoke Na YuNa's challenging mind. She always looked clumsy, but exactly due to that, it was unknown what she would do. Fortunately, as she was more interested in making herself look pretty rather than a man, it would be alright to not assume the worst...

"You don't have to back down so much. I won't eat youuuu."

"If you're too close, it makes me unpleasant and hot so go away a little further."


Now, Na YuNa seemed like she enjoyed the conversation with Yu IlHan. Well, she might feel new about Yu IlHan's reactions, who was different to other men, since other men either exaggeratedly close, or exaggeratedly wild.

New things bring with it, joy, but there was a limit to that. If there was no reaction, she was bound to get bored with it eventually. Just what kind of charm would she feel to someone who keeps rejecting her? Seeing Na YuNa giggling so much, Kang HaJin's worries indeed seemed like it would end as worries.

They could escape the dungeon soon, but amazingly, in front of the dungeon, a few angels were waiting, fully armed.

Seeing those stiff expressions, they already seemed to know what happened inside the dungeon.


A female angel wearing an armor of light, at their front, called Erta's name.

[Report.](armored angel)

[I understand.](Erta)

From Erta's polite speech, it seemed that that angel was in a higher position than Erta. Yu IlHan looked at Feyta, wondering why they didn't call out to her even though she suffered through the same thing, and she replied in a small voice.

[It's because I'm a newbie.](Feyta)

[Quiet.](armored angel)


Erta and the armored angel seemed to converse for a while before they turned their heads towards Yu IlHan. The armored angel spoke.

[Human Yu IlHan, it seems difficult to rewards you immediately.](armored angel)

"...Ah, okay. You can give it to me after you finish work."

Yu IlHan tilted his head when he heard the word 'reward', before he realized that it was for saving Erta.

Definitely, since Erta got seen, he couldn't attack it first with a strong attack, and that made the battle a little disadvantageous. However, it wasn't like he wanted a reward while he was saving Erta, so Yu IlHan couldn't think of that until he heard the word 'reward'.

[I don't know what you are thinking about with this matter, but this incident is very important even to Heaven. For a more accurate story, we will borrow Erta for a little.](armored angel)

"Do as you wish."

[Then... Everyone gather. We will now proceed with sealing the dungeon temporarily.](armored angel)


With just one heavy line from the armored angel, all the angels in that area gathered at the front of vortex-entrance. Yu IlHan fell into thought while seeing the entrance to the dangerous dungeon being closed.

Is this kind of dungeon the only in this place? Perhaps, won't these kind of dungeons keep appearing in the future? Perhaps, someone's will had played a role in this dungeon? If so, what for?

The thought that started from a hypothesis kept chaining on until it scattered away like smoke. This thought was impossible to come to a conclusion in the first place, nor was there a need to come to one.

Yu IlHan gripped his fist while thinking back to Reta Kar'iha's smile that he saw at her last moments.

Yu IlHan couldn't care less of what's going on. He would only become stronger in order to survive. He had no plans in shivering in fear of the things that have not even occurred yet.

The temporary sealing of the dungeon was over. The angels only stopped emitting their power only after they saw that the vortex of the dungeon decreased and eventually became a metallic gate.

[With this incident, Earth has become the world with the most variables, where God's power is especially not effective. According to that, the angels assigned to Earth will increase in the future.]

While he was quietly looking at the dungeon's entrance, Yu IlHan could hear an angel's voice in his ears.

When he looked back, amazingly, he could see the armored angel, who kept her stiff attitude all this time, smiling slightly with the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

[Lita really seemed to want to see you. It was painful to endure her hysteria until now.]

"Is that so."

He thought of the things he thought when fighting Reta Kar'iha alone, and his face became a little red. It was fortunate that he was covering his face with a mask.

No, rather than that, just how much does this poor angel talk about Yu IlHan to the other angels to the point that the angels that Yu IlHan meets talk about Lita!?

While he was thinking that, at one moment, Yu IlHan realized what the armored angel was implying and widened his eyes.

"W, wait."

[Then, Yu IlHan, I wish you luck in your future. I will send Erta back as soon as the business is done.]

[Feyta, you come too.]

[Wait, I need to prote... Uwaaa!]

The angels vanished in an instant. Taking back his hand he stretched towards the armored angel, Yu IlHan grumbled quietly.

"Sneaky… She should have told me to the end if she was going to at all."

"...You're very friendly with them."

Meanwhile, Kang HaJin, who was stiff throughout the entire incident since he was overwhelmed by the angels' auras, became surprise yet again after looking at Yu IlHan's attitude. Now, he was even tired of feeling inferior to him.

Of course, there was no way Yu IlHan would know of that, so he could only make a vague smile.

"Let's go back nooow. HaJin-oppa, IlHan-oppaaaa."

"Fuu, yeah."

"I'm not your oppa."

Na YuNa, who simply wouldn't understand the situation ended the situation and pulled on the two's clothes. Kang HaJin sighed in defeat, and Yu IlHan felt electrified due to the power of social butterfly queen after hearing the change in her way of calling him, and cut her off with the power of a loner king.

"Then IlHan?"

"I'm sorry, but I have no plans in becoming close with you, so don't call me so closely."


Na YuNa, who became to enjoy Yu IlHan's reactions, kept talking to him until they got on the airplane at the airport. Of course, Yu IlHan escape them since he had to stowaway, so she could only hope for another meeting.

Although, it was unknown when that meeting would come.

Author's notes

Kang HaJin dong idiotic things trying to take back his pride. Did you know? Many smart and wise people ruin their work due to pride.

Yu IlHan's AT field was strong!

Thanks for waiting. (T/N: Guess who appears in the next chapter, though, it's quite obvious)

Translator's notes

Last chapter for a while… due to exams…

Fresh out of my brain yet again! No edits whatsoever.

Translator : Chamber

Na YuNa and Kang HaJin received the attention of many as soon as they arrived at Incheon airport, since they were a handsome & pretty couple before they were ability users. Especially, Na YuNa's beauty had transcended humanity, so it was normal for gazes to be gathered on her.

"The two of you, please come this way."

The man who had experience fighting the shadow leopard with Yu IlHan once, Fred, greeted them. They proudly received the gazes on them, and left the terminal on Fred's guide. When the awaiting limousine opened, there was a prior quest.

"Did you acquire it?"

She, who brought out her business before any greeting, was the Empress, Kang MiRae. Wearing a black-based robe, and instead of the mask that she wore while fighting with Yu IlHan, she was hiding her face with sunglasses.

"Of course."

"He sounds so reliable, but in fact, HaJin-oppa got thraaashed."

"Na YuNa!"

The always-honest Na YuNa revealed Kang HaJin's humiliation for all to see. Kang HaJin tried to stop her, but the water was already spilt.

Kang MiRae first let them in the car, and expressed her confusion after facing them with her sunglasses off.

"You acquired them, but you got thrashed?"

"Listen, listen, MiRae."


Now that it came to this, there was no method to stop her. Kang HaJin could only obediently endure the replay of his dark history.

"...A Korean who uses a spear? His name is Yu IlHan?"

"He also used things like pile bunkers. Feyta said that he's the strongest on Earth right now. And probably in the future too."

"If that angel said so, then it must be true. Yes, hmm."

Kang MiRae answered like that after listening to Na YuNa's story and put on her sunglasses again. Then, she turned her head away from her and fixed her gaze outside the window.

"Anyway, thanks. Thanks to you, I can now advance to 2nd class."

"So you got all the rest! But MiRae, why did you turn your head so abruptly?"

"I only wanted to see the scenery outside."

"Is there anything interesting outsiiiide?"

Na YuNa got close to Kang MiRae and looked outside the window. However, only the unchanging roads could be seen. Looking at that, Kang HaJin thought 'perhaps?' and asked.

"Do you know him?"

"No, oppa. I'm hearing of him for the first time."

Kang MiRae answered in a calm tone.

"But hearing that he's stornger than me, I'm a little curious. Well, of course, he will get left behind by me soon."

"As stubborn as always, eh."

"Such MiRae is cute too!"

"Hey, you're being annoying."

However, even though she said it was annoying, Kang MiRae didn't push Na YuNa away. They were childhood friends, and ones who had to be separated for ten years when they lived all their life together due to multiversal circumstances. A slightly overboard skinship was a good method to bring back their awkward relationship.

"Anyway, after that, I became curious of that person. But I told him to give me his number, but he didn't give me one until the end!"

"He didn't, fu."

"Yeah. ...Mirae, didn't you just laugh at me?"


"Riiight? Rather than that, let's drink beer. Beer!"

"After we go home, and I do my 2nd class advancement."


The delightfully cheering Na YuNa, and the vaguely complying Kang MiRae. Seeing that the girls were as ever, Kang HaJin sighed in relief and laid back on his chair. Then, he thought back to Yu IlHan, who disappeared just before they got on board the airplane.

He thought back to Yu IlHan's various abilities, with every single one of them strong.

'It's alright. My strengths aren't only on fighting strength. Don't belittle yourself, Kang HaJin. Jealousy will only make me look puny. I only have to do what I'm best at.'

There will come a day where he will put Yu IlHan under him. Then, it was no different from him winning. Imagining such scenes, Kang HaJin closed his eyes.

The limousine was heading to the destination smoothly and quickly.

Meanwhile, Yu IlHan was roughly and quickly running towards his house. He was thirty times faster than that limousine.

"I'm back!"

From Incheon airport to Jongno, where he lives, he took less than ten minutes to traverse tens of kilometers before opening the door to his house proudly.

However, his father didn't seemed to have come back from work as his shoes weren't present, and his mother had gone somewhere after leaving a post-it on the dining table.

Yu IlHan read the post-it.

[I heard there were some fresh seafood so I'm going on a quest to Ya'umin. I'll be back before dinner!]


Yu IlHan already got inflicted with Na YuNa's speech tone, even though he hadn't heard it that much. Ya'umin, if there wasn't the word 'quest' then he might have mistook her for going to some market.

'Is my mother actually quite strong?'

His father always grumbled everyday, saying monsters were frightening, I have no talent and I'm weak and whatnot, but didn't his mother have nothing like that? At least, it was clear that she was more talented than his father. If not, then she wouldn't have gone to another world so light-heartedly.

Looking forward to the seafood for dinner, Yu IlHan washed his sticky body clean before directly going to his workshop.

He waved his hand at the Eternal Flame, which greeted Yu IlHan by flickering violently, and he went into work that he had not done. It was the dismantling job that he hadn't finished.

"I might have to throw away all this meat."

Although the rotting speed was very slow compared to the meat of other animals since it had mana dwelling in it, and the materials that made it up was different in the first place, even monster meat rotted. Most of them were fine right now, but since had had hunted so many, it seemed very difficult to eat them all before they went bad.

'Should I ask them to apply a rot-proof function on the Cross Bag?'

Yu IlHan thought that before realizing one fact.

'Can't I do it myself?'

However, he soon threw away that thought. The options on the Cross Bag were only made with several angels working together. Since he can't use mana yet, and didn't have a high level of mana crafting, he would be too incapable to challenge it.

Especially, since the difficulty was raised as it went against the phsysical laws, it was wise to give up quickly.

Yu IlHan ardently dismantled the Flame Lizards, trolls, and the scorpions. He first separated the meat by species, and using the vacuum packager that he prepared for such moments, he packaged them and returned them to the Cross Bag before separating a separate portion to put inside the refrigerator at home.

He decided to throw away the large amount of meat which remained even after all that. It wasn't like he would never hunt monsters in his life again. There was no need to get obsessed.

'Wait, it's a bit of a waste to throw it all away.'

Yu IlHan asked while looking at the Eternal Flame.

"Do you eat meat as well?"

He felt as if the Eternal Flame had nodded. No, in fact, even if it didn't, that didn't matter!

Laughing with a 'fufu', Yu IlHan took out a frying pan. He was thinking of getting Cooking Skill experience, albeit a little, by cooking the remaining meat. The Eternal Flame can just swallow the cooked meat and he wouldn't have to worry about throwing it away, so it was perfect!

For 3 hours after that, Yu IlHan cooked. 'Cooking' was just simply grilling the meat, but as the amount was huge, his cooking skill increased by 2.

The Eternal Flame wordlessly (even though it can't speak) swallowed all the meat, and the horrifying pile of meat was all gone like that. If someone else saw it, that person would be dumbfounded and would not be able to say anything.

And when he processed all of that meat, what was left was their bones, carapace, skin and tendons. Even though he had gathered the byproducts after removing all the meat, they still weighed over ten tons in total. Thinking that he should take it a little easier on his hunt starting next time, Yu IlHan went into work.

He first experimented whether he could make a Giant's Rubber Band with the tendons of the trolls and the flame lizards, but the results weren't that positive.

The ones from flame lizards were no good at all, and with the trolls, they did acquire elasticity like the shadow leopard's tendons when he heated them, but it didn't exceed the shadow leopard's tendons. He felt that he would be able to exceed the black leopard's tendons if he heated a little more, but they reached the critical point and burned before they could.


Yu IlHan's gaze turned to the Highland Troll Boss's muscles. The possibility was plenty. He immediately grabbed a string of tendon with tongs and put it inside the fire.

"You remember that temperature from just now, right?"

Flicker. The Eternal Flame burned bigger as if to answer him.

Staring holes at the tendon that heated in the fire, he concentrated.

Through the several hundred years of training, he came to a realization that he should be serious in whatever work he did that required him to work with fire. Anyone would become serious if they experienced the feeling of emptiness when everything turns into naught due to a moment of carelessness. This was also the reason why Yu IlHan respected chefs.

The tendon glowed red. He had already seen this scene when he heated the trolls' tendons. However, before their properties completely changed, they burnt away.

What was important was now. Would the Troll Boss's tendon be able to endure the Eternal Flame and achieve mutation? Yu ilHan watched with a thumping heart.

The tendon became redder and redder. Yu IlHan could see with his eyes that it wasn't simply heating up, but the structure was changing. Of course, it didn't burn in vain. Well, there was a huge difference in endurance between 2nd class and 3rd class.

Success. Yu IlHan was assured. He could make another Giant's Rubber Band after the black leopard!

However, that was it. The moment thought it was about to succeed, the tendon lost its red color and returned white. Yu IlHan's tension loosened.

"As expected, is there a limit to simple heating?"

Maybe the problem laid in the fact that he had only used one method in creating a new material.

Eternal Flame, in the end, was a flame. It was clear that the Highland Troll Boss's tendons had the possibility of mutation, but perhaps there might be something else required to bring out that change.

At that moment, the Eternal Flame burned blue and enveloped the tendon. While doing that, a streak of flame that separated from its main streak flickered as if licking with its tongue.

Yu IlHan thought 'maybe' and asked.

"Do I need to feed it something?"

A positive movement. Yu IlHan took out a few 2nd class magic stones which he acquired after finishing the dismantling, and put in his bag, and unhesitantly threw it. The Eternal Flame ate those magic stones as if it had waited for it and burned brighter.

In the blue flames, the tendons gradually turned redder. It seemed glow gradually, before eventually became scarlet and shrank in volume. Seeing a clearer change than the time he made the Giant's Rubber Band with the black leopard's tendons, Yu IlHan shouted with his fist gripped tight.

"So, Eternal Flame is the best and I don't need anything else!"

Re-realizing the OPness of the Eternal Flame, he took out the Giant's Rubber Band from the furnace (T/N: I might have translated that as a fireplace before… pffft a fireplace is a smithy…I must be crazy) That, which changed so much to the point that its original characteristics were all but gone, had a unique shine to it to make it look high-class.

It was more elastic than the black leopard's and had a higher durability as well. It was the birth of a perfect Giant's Rubber Band.

'Would she come back when I make a new weapon with this?'

Yu IlHan thought up of Erta. He also thought of Lita's figure, but he decided to put her aside for the time being.

'I wish she'd come quickly and attach about 9 options to the Cross Bag.'

It should be fine for him to ask for 100 options… With a humble mind, Yu IlHan picked up the hammer.

From now was the delightful time of equipment-creating labor.

Meanwhile, the two angels he thought of were coincidentally in the same place; as a participant of the meeting held by angels.

[As a result of investigation, it was found out that Reta Kar'iha was an intelligent species, an elf, of the world, 'Daréu'.] (T/N: Shit… accents… that's gonna be a pain.)

[Ah, I remember meeting her when I was in charge of that world. She was a talented child. That world's history might have changed if she was born 500 years earlier.]

[Daréu is an Abandoned World. Just why did she appear in a dungeon on Earth? No, how did Earth get connected with an Abandoned World?]

[Is it related to the overlap of the Traps of Destruction?]

When the angels spoke a line each, the place turned noisy. The angel in the position of a chairman tapped the table and summed up the situation.

[There are two big questions regarding this incident. One, how did a portion of an Abandoned World get connected with a dungeon on Earth. Two, why did it happen in a dungeon where the Traps of Destruction overlapped?]

[Chairman, are you doubting your fellow angels?]

[As a possibility, yes. If the human Yu IlHan didn't kill Reta Kar'iha, then Erta and Feyta would have meaninglessly lost their lives. In the worst case, there's even a possibility that Earth and the Abandoned World will get mixed up.]


At that moment, another angel interjected.

[Did you say that a human killed Reta Kar'iha?]

[I did.] (Chairman)

[A human on Earth? By himself?]

[He wasn't alone. A human called Na YuNa was there too.] (Feyta)

[Is that possible? It has only been two months since the Great Cataclysm ocurred on Earth. A single human defeated a 3rd class Breaker?]

[Like I said, Na YuNa too.] (Feyta)

The meeting place turned noisy in an instant. Feyta ended up becoming silent as she became shy since she was ignored twice.

[How is that possible? Isn't that human suspicious instead?]

[If there was someone behind this incident, isn't that human the one who we should be suspecting?]

[Shut up all of you, my IlHan only became strong thanks to going through hellish suffering!]

Lita exploded and shouted.

[He's a good child!] (Lita)

[There are angels who were with Yu IlHan all the time. There is no room for doubt. What we should give him are rewards, not suspicion.](Chairman)

[You're right. He protected me and Feyta, and in that process, defeated the Breaker with exceptional ability. Also, regarding his exceptional ability, angel Lita should have submitted a report already.]

Lita's words were quite off, but fortunately, the chairman and Erta correctly expressed their opinions, so the suspicion that was about to be given to Yu IlHan was safely avoided. The angels who didn't like Yu IlHan since before clicked their tongues, but there were plenty who liked him in that place. There were none who were stubbornly claiming again.

[At this point of time, we cannot come to any conclusion. Therefore, I suggest that we increase the number of angels dispatched to Earth by four times to investigate the situation on Earth in detail.] (Chairman)

With the chairman's declaration, the venue turned noisy.

[Four times? Earth is just a tiny world where only the First Great Cataclysm occurred. Aren't we being too serious?]

[Can't we just close Earth if a problem occurs? I think we are just putting angels at risk. The Army of Heaven is not infinite.] (T/N: Army of Heaven is the group's name, hence capitalized) (T/N: I do not know what this guy means by 'close'. The word used here is different from 'abandon' from Abandoned World)

[You're right. Let's not invest so much fighting power in a mere small world.]

There were a lot of angels who objected. However, the number of those who agreed numbered much more.

[No, Earth has too many connections with other worlds. We cannot rashly close it.]

[I shall agree. It looks interesting.]

[I also agree. Whether big or small, First Great Cataclysm or Third Great Cataclysm, a world has the right to exist.]

[I think it should be fine if we pull some veterans out of the completely stabilized worlds.]

[I agree.]

[Agreed! Completely agree! Please accept place of work application!]

There was no room for doubt as to who wanted to apply for a place of work. The chairman's suggestion instantly acquired more than half of the votes and was passed.

[There's something I should tell you which is not related to this. Lord God had considered the characteristics of Earth, and decided to give benefits to a few humans belonging to Earth with outstanding ability to reclaim the balance of the world. Like a few angels including Erta and Feyta are doing, from now on, a few angels will take the role as a human's guardian angel.]

[The probability to reach the center of the incident would increase if we stay next to strong humans.]

[Although I don't want to meddle with a lower existence, oh well.] (T/N: Guardian angels were useless though…?)

The meeting finished around there. The angels prepared to leave.

The chairman seemed to want to talk more seeing that the angels were going away in such a hurry, but since the chairman was aware that many things were only at the suspecting stage, the chairman only said this. (T/N: Sorry, I don't know whether this angel is male or female…)

[Watch over Earth. Although I do not want it, If it gets connected to an Abandoned World again, then the situation will become out of hand.]

[Just why did it come to this when we have planned to connect Earth to other worlds to avoid a commotion, I wonder…]

[Why did the connection become so strong? Now we can't even sever it like we want. Shit.]

[Are there any good ones amongst the returnees…]

The angels scattered in an instant, excluding a few to decide the rewards that will be given to Yu IlHan.

[What would make my IlHan happy?]

[Rather than what makes him happy, shouldn't we give him something that can help him?]

[M, my YuNa too. She worked hard as well!]

Hearing the conversation between the poor angel Lita, and the strict mother-like Erta, which blew away all the serious atmosphere from just now, the chairman angel, Myuta, ended up laughing.

[On my, Myuta's, authority, I promise him the best rewards. Lita, I will accept your stubbornness.]

[Myuta, really? Thank you so much!]

[Myuta-nim, why?]

While Lita became honestly happy, Erta tilted her head. It was because Myuta was known for always keeping neutrality with a fair and strict mind.

Myuta seemed to think a bit at Erta's question, before replying, shrugging.

[I only execute God's wills. Allowing an unbalance for the balance of Earth. That's it. Also,]


[I think that rather than the 7.4 billion returnees, 1 dropout will probably approach the core of the problem.]

At Myuta's words, the angels lost their words. If Yu IlHan was present, then he would have shouted 'fucking foreshadow!', but unfortunately, he was ardently smacking metal in his workshop right now.

Author's notes

Since this part is where a book finishes, I needed to put a lot of story, and as a result, the quantity became overboard again, I'm sorry. (T/N: Yeah you should be, it made me suffer) (T/N: Every 25 chapters is a book, prologue included)

Ignored newbie.

Translator's notes

This will be long… SURPRISE!!!!

Everone got trolled! I trolled everyone! Lita did appear, but the two didn't meet yet! (I only said 'guess who will appear' and did not specify anything, I did not lie at all) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAha… ha... ha...… (super long chapter, damn…)

Oh, btw, I didn't put the names to the speeches which were obvious or explained who was talking.

I will not proceed to answer some questions (Warning, rants included).

[You cannot use mana. You cannot learn active skills.] << That's saying 'SINCE you cannot use mana YET, you cannot learn active skills'. If he could, then that won't appear.

Also, some people seemed to misunderstand. Class advancement is NOT a requirement to wielding mana. MC will become able to use mana gradually EVEN WITHOUT ANYTHING, IT'S A NATURAL PROCESS THAT ALL INTELLIGENT SPECIES GO THROUGH AFTER A GREAT CATACLYSM. Erta is there to speed up that process. (And levelling up helps as well).

Q. MC lived for 1000 years but he doesn't look that mature, does he?

A. Living 1000 years alone will make a person CRAZY, NOT MATURE. It's xianxia/xuanhuan where people live for several millions of years without going crazy, that's strange, not this. (Well, although, I do guess their 'actual' life isn't that long since they go into meditation for who knows how long, also increasing soul capacity or whatever) Did MC ever cultivate? NO, he trained in systematic martial arts, read books and learned to smith.

Q. MC is too light-hearted.

A. It's already explained. A thousand years of experience is not a thing that a simple human can tolerate. I guess it's kind of a defense mechanism that he got on his brain. Besides, I think a light-hearted MC is better than one where he goes 'DEMON KING I WILL FIGHT YOU TO DEATH FOR HUMANITY!!! HE'S SO STRONG!!! POWER OF NAKAMA SHALL WIN!!! HAREM FTW!!!!' or 'OH SHIT I OFFENDED A STRONG ENEMY/CLAN, I MUST NOW ACQUIRE INEXPLICABLE POWERUPS AND KILL THEM ALL!!!'

You want a dark MC? Go look for another novel. There are plenty of novels out there.

Q. Aren't monsters suppose to be invulnerable to even nukes?

A. monsters that are entirely made up of higher form of energy are invulnerable to those. The 'originals' are those who became monster after having acquired mana, they're not entirely made up of mana. Also, weapons containing mana WILL hurt them. The weapons that MC creates HAS MANA IN THEM!!!! (Even without mana crafting) Go re-read from the beginning. Don't criticize if you don't even know the novel properly.

Q. What position is Lita in in the hierarchy of the Army of Heaven?

A. I do not know. At the beginning, it is known that Lita cannot personally meet God in person. However, when Lita went back to Heaven to send MC Erta, her suggestion got through lightning fast. But, as seen in this chapter, God doesn't seem to interfere much with what the angels are doing.

Q. Why can't MC use mana again?

A. The others (or 'Everyone Else') were sent to other worlds to ADAPT TO and BECOME ABLE to use mana. But, MC was left behind on Earth, WHERE THERE WAS NO MANA, so he can't train or adapt to use it.

Q. MC is too OP

A. Deal with it. Why don't you try learning everything from scratch for 1000 years. You'd become OP too.

Q. Novel is too light hearted and is lacking depth

A. That's the author's way of writing. If you want dark ones then go somewhere else. It will stay this way.

Q. Why doesn't MC do this/that? He has all the knowledge.

A. Reading and practice are different. Besides, I don't think he has photographic memory and can remember all of it.

Q. Where's the storyline?

A. Well… with this author, there isn't a specific 'arc'. The entire novel is probably just one big story. Everything should probably get explained at the end. It was like that with his 2 previous novels. Also, THIS NOVEL ISN'T ABOUT APOCALYPSE. Well, do you call it apocalypse if everyone on Earth is prepared for it? It's not even the end of Earth, it's just a level up.

(Eh.. that's from NU reviews, now onto LCD)

Q. Why doesn't MC attach (such and such) options to (such and such) items?

A. Hey, it just got explained in this chapter. The more it goes against the laws of physics, the harder it will be to implement it. Like, a ring with a flight options if probably impossible for him to do as of yet.

Q. Will Erta leave MC when MC becomes able to use mana?

A. Hey, this just got explained in this chapter too. There will be more angels coming to Earth, guess who stays with MC.

Q. Does MC want to get noticed?

A. Well.. Idunno… probably yes, but he doesn't want to become famous I think, although, I think he just doesn't mind at all.

Q. (Copy pasted) Chamber-chii I got questions is our poor MC gonna graduate from his V-card or not in the future, is the MC gonna go to the otherworld or even in the Heaven Realm or something, and lastly is he's body gonna change?

A. Sorry, I do not understand your question. What's a V-card? If you mean virginity… maybe… who knows… If you want me to say what I think… I think it will happen after the novel ends since that's what happened with his previous 2 novels..

For 'Heaven realm' eh… I don't know what you mean by 'Heaven realm'. If you're referring to where angels reside… who knows, MC's level isn't that high yet even in the raws.

A slight setting spoiler here. Like there are 'higher existences', there are 'higher worlds'. The place where angels reside is probably one of them. Although, it is already implied that there are 'higher worlds' from the fact that 'higher existences' cannot bring out their full power on a lower world (like Earth). Will MC go to one? This will become a spoiler, so I won't put it here. (Wait, this is a spoiler in itself…?)

As for his body? I dunno… well, his muscles already 'mutated' at the last parts of those 1000 years dropout period, didn't he?

Q. Is his concealment problem ever gonna be solved?

A. To slightly spoil, he can't 'undo' his concealment since he can't use mana as of yet.

Q. Will MC use the scythe? That will fit a reaper better!

A. What's the point of training in the spear then…? You're obessed with reapers…

Q. Classes/Jobs don't seem to do much.

A. Well, yeah. In games, it doesn't do much either other than giving you skills, which MC does not apply… and restrict you from using certain weapons, which doesn't apply to reality. Class advancement itself is like a 'guide' and an 'enhancement' to what the person already has. Hence, the already 'super-concealed' MC has become a 'blurred lancer' for his 1st job.

Q. Isn't God a little too weak if he even forgot MC?

A. Well, he did find MC after he was left out, who would think there's a max-level concealment person in a world which didn't even go through a single Great Cataclysm? << Oh, this is my explanation, it maybe wrong.

(That's it)

(Rant start)

Man… everyone's like, 'When's the next chapter coming out?' 'I wanna read raws, please recommend me where I can read', GUYS I TOLD YOU I HAVE EXAMS, well, no one reads the translator's notes anyway…

Also people said 'it's hysteria not hystery'. I'm like, okay, (looks up the word), IT'S YOU GUYS WHO ARE HYSTERICAL ABOUT RELEASES… (Lol) I mean, I never got 'what's EER schedule?' when I had no exams, but now that I have exams, 2 people asked me what the schedule was… (Murphy's law at its finest…)

There will be 2 per week, one on Thursday and one on Sunday (in my time, Korean time, GMT+9:00). I will change the schedule once the exams are fully over. (6th November) Nothing much… you might be getting more regular EER chapters per week…

(Rant end)

Translator : Chamber

Aside from eating the seafood that his mother had prepared for him at his house, Yu IlHan spent all day in his workshop, working.

He made the body of the pile bunker with Metal Hearts, and the ammo with various bones and carapaces, and amongst those, the frag bomb that would explode once it's entirely in the enemy's body, was his masterpiece.

Unlike the first time he made the pile bunker, the number of 2nd class magic stones in his possession were overflowing. He invested them without holding back, and did mana crafting on not only the pile bunker itself, but also on some parts of the ammo, and could bring out results which were better than he had expected perhaps due to the new variety of materials he had, and the higher level of mana crafting than before.

[Frighteningly Destructive Metal Pile Bunker]

[Rank – Unique]

[Attack Power –

1st level : 2,100

2nd level : 3,200

3rd level : 4,300

4th level : 5,500

[Options – Piercing power and attack power increases by 40%]

[Durability 2,100/2,100]

[A terrifying weapon made by the best weapon smith of Earth. It has horrifying power, and even more horrifying backlash, so one needs more courage than when fighting monsters to use this weapon.]

Although he did use Metal Hearts, to keep using it, he couldn't make a 5th level loading. It was because the power in the Giant's Rubber Band had increased along with the durability of the pile bunker's body. Of course, the 4th stage had frightening might as well, so he didn't have any complaints.

Aside from that, Yu IlHan also made a variety of weapons using the sharp and hard bones and carapaces. Hammers, axes, greatswords, and even a grenade made from Giant's Rubber Band.

The next things he set his sights on were long range weapons.

Although it was good to make a bow or a gun, since he had the shooting skill, but thinking back to the fight with the Shadow Leopard, it was hard for him, who could not use mana, to inflict any damage using small bullets or arrows to a large scale monster.

As such, the thing Yu IlHan made were neither a bow, nor a gun, nor metal skewers, but an atlatl. The spear throwing device that hunters used since the ancient times.

[Rough Moonlight Bone Atlatl]

[Rank – Unique]

[Attack Power – 2,800]

[Options – Attack range increases by 50%, Attack power and accuracy increases by 40% under the moon]

[Durability – 1,850/1,850]

[A spear throwing device that one can use to slot a small spear in the hook to shoot. The result differs hugely according to the abilities of the user.]

Atlatl was a tool that looked similar to a cane with a curved end, and it was a simple weapon that one could use just by slotting a spear made for throwing, on the end of the hook, and shoot the spear just by swinging it around.

The range and the attack power was superior to just throwing the spear by hand, and above all, the biggest advantage was that it would get affected by the max level spearmanship that Yu IlHan had to bring out much better effects than any other throwing weapon.

Aside from that, after Yu IlHan made a huge number of weapons that he can use, Yu IlHan immediately went into repairing his armor.

Not only did he repair the black full plate armor that got damaged during the fight with Reta Kar'iha, he also made a tough clothing using the skin of the Highland Troll boss. He didn't forget to mana craft on it to increase ventilation and defensive power.

Lastly, when he opened the Cross Bag to enhance the harpoons and the ropes, he could find the spoils of war that he had forgotten completely until now.


Those, were the magic stone, the black robe, and the large black scythe that Reta Kar'iha left behind. Thinking back to the overwhelming ability that Reta Kar'iha had, Yu IlHan checked their information one by one in full expectation.

[Secretive Reaper's Fallen Robe]

[Rank – Unique]

[Defense – 2,400]

[Options – User's concealment ability increases by 20%, attack increases by 20% when attacking in surprise]

[Durability – 1,238/2,430]

[A robe which absorbed dark mana for a long time to possess the power of a deathgod.]

[Fatal and Sharp Reaper's Scythe]

[Rank – Unique]

[Attack Power – 3,100]

[Options – Critical hit rate and damage increases by 40%]

[Durability – 1,780/2,800]

[A scythe that the last smith in a ruined world made with a metal from unknown origin.]

"These weapons are slightly inferior compared to their ability."

Yu IlHan tilted his head when he saw that it was below his expectations. He wasn't aware at all that he was using OP-tier weapons.

However, that just meant that it was slightly inferior compared to her abilities, the options attached on the robe was an exceptional defense that would increase Yu IlHan's fighting power immediately. Yu IlHan used a magic stone to cleanly repair the robe and put it back in his bag. He had no plans to wear a robe that increases the effective of his already so-strong concealment, in public.

The scythe also had quite a high attack power compared to the deathgod's black spear that Yu IlHan himself was using, but coincidentally, Yu IlHan didn't have a lot of experience using a scythe.

No matter how high the attack power was, and no matter how good the options were, it was foolish to use a weapon that he wasn't used to. As such, he unhesitantly put the reaper's scythe into the furnace. If Erta was watching that, she would have screamed 'what are you doing?'.

However Yu IlHan wasn't insane, and did not plan to give such a good weapon as food to the Eternal Flame. He was planning to melt the scythe once and reforge it as a spear.

'It is definite that the metal is way better than Metal Hearts. Moreover, I don't know whether it had mana crafting or not, but the power dwelling in the metal itself can't be looked down upon. Perhaps it gained power over the years.'

The Eternal Flame burned in a rough and bright blue color. Yu IlHan, who now knew what that meant very clearly, unhesitantly threw a magic stone at it. He had less than ten now that he had used up so many, but since he had made everything he needed to make, he didn't feel that it was a waste at all.

However, the reaper's scythe was strong. Despite the Eternal Flame burning roughly, it didn't seem to have any thoughts in melting down. When the Eternal Flame raised its temperature even more, a black aura emitted from scythe and made a black silhouette on top of the furnace.


"Reta Kar'iha?"


He spoke to it thinking that there maybe some kinda will left in it, but it didn't seem as such. However, his try wasn't in vain. It was because he had spotted a slight vibration in the black silhouette the moment it heard the words 'Reta Kar'iha'.

'This will be easy.'

Yu IlHan found the trick right away. Although he didn't know what the black silhouette was exactly, he instinctively realized what he needed to do in order to achieve his objective.

"Reta Kar'iha. Breaker. Death. Deathgod. Ruin."

While spitting out keywords related to Reta Kar'iha, Yu IlHan observed the changes in the black aura. The keyword attack was very effective! Every time Yu IlHan said a word, the Eternal Flame burned brighter and the black silhouette was gradually losing power.

"War, many against one, critical, ambush?"

Yu IlHan had muttered out all the words related to Reta Kar'iha, but concludingly, it was useless work.

The black aura didn't require that much deductive power. Just mentioning Reta Kar'iha and her abilities was enough to bring out enough changes in the aura.

"Loner, woman, deathgod, heh!"

And the final moment came. Seemingly not wanting to listen to any more of Yu IlHan's words, or seemingly having enough, the black silhouette completely left the reaper's scythe and even the furnace.


The black aura seemed to flow around in the air before being absorbed into Reta Kar'iha's magic stone that Yu IlHan had left on the side.

The already extraordinary magic stone started emitting an even stranger black light after completely absorbing the black aura. It really seemed delicious.

"Good, it's melting."

Of course, Yu IlHan couldn't care less about that. He just smiled in pride, looking at the melting scythe.

Around that time, guests entered his workshop, but since Yu IlHan was concentrating on the melting scythe, he didn't notice the uninvited guests. It was a truly marvelous concentration.

"No, don't you eat it. Yes. That way."

He set the basic form by solidifying the molten metal on a mold, and before it completely solidified, he started metalworking.

Although he did prepare for it, that metal had incomparably higher hardness than Big Metal Hearts. It was as if saying that it won't be swayed by Yu IlHan's needs even if it died, since Yu IlHan had ruined the original form.

"Eat some more magic stone."

However, regarding stubbornness, Yu IlHan wasn't inferior. He could only do it until it works if it doesn't work! He just threw another magic stone into the furnace and mercilessly melted the metal before hammering it.

This should have been the first time he had worked for so long after he had made the steel spear. However, as Yu IlHan was a pervert, he was a type that would burn stronger the stronger the enemy was. The metal's stubbornness would only ignite Yu IlHan's stubbornness more!

In the end, the metal slowly started changing according to Yu IlHan's will.

[So he's processing that as well. Although, I did foresee this when he was working with harkanium.]

[So cool.]


Whatever the uninvited guests were saying, it didn't enter Yu IlHan's ears. If he noticed them, then he wouldn't have been able to concentrate on work.

How much time passed since he had started hammering the metal? First, the spear body lengthened and the spearhead seemed to be formed, before the blades were sharpened, and the spear body was polished.

In front of Yu IlHan's eyes, a spear emitting black light from its spear body to the spear head, was born. The sharpness was so sharp that it seemed that one would get cut if one just put one's hand close to the blade.

[Extermination Spiked Spear]

[Rank – Legend]

[Attack Power – 3,700]

[Options – Critical hit damage increases by 70%]

[Durability – 3,100/3,100]

[A master weapon made by Earth's best weapon smith by melting a weapon from another world. It is not completed yet.]

"Now, even the weapon information is reading my mind."

That was true. This weapon would only be completed by using mana crafting with Reta Kar'iha's magic stone.

Even at this moment, Yu IlHan felt that the black aura, which was absorbed by the magic stone, was staring at him. He had snapped its stubbornness and changed the weapon's form so shouldn't he listen to that amount of stubbornness?

Yu IlHan was planning to go into mana crafting immediately, but since one process of the work was done, his concentration ended up slacking a little. Thanks to that, he realized one thing.

In his workshop, which should be impregnable by humans due to the barrier set up by angels when he worked with harkanium, he could feel two existences other than himself.

Moreover, he could smell a familiar fragrant from one of them. A very familiar, and at the same time, the fragrance that he longed for.

At that moment, he couldn't not remember the words that the armored angel had said.


Thinking that the foreshadow had been taken back too quickly, Yu IlHan stood up while scratching his head, and turned back. At that place were an angel with a bright smile and another angel with a sour face.

The two figures that he had exactly predicted.

[We're back.]

[I'm back!]

Same answer, different meaning. He stared blankly since he didn't know what expression he should have made, but in the end, he smiled as his emotions told him to. Then, he quietly said:

"Welcome, uninvited guests."

Author's notes

Next chapter, the real rewards will be given out.

The uninvited guests' return

Translator's notes

There will be another one, in around 8 or so hours. (Maybe)

Translator : Chamber