57 - 62

[You have earned 7,777,867 experience.]

[Superhuman Strength skill has become level 16.]

[Cooking skill has become level 21.]

When the Giant Thunder Bird lost its life in front of his eyes, Yu IlHan shouted hooray.

"It's over!"

[Yes, it's over. Now there are no boss monsters.](Lita)

Lita spoke in an amazingly affectionate tone. It took 3 hours in total for Yu IlHan to kill the 3 huge electric birds, or, giant thunder bird, that appeared when he killed the first one, so it could be seen how tired he would be from that.

The reason the fight was dragged out was simple. When he fought one, he was able to finish it quickly because he could start with a surprise attack, but as those three realized his presence in their appearance, not only could he not do a preemptive strike, they were even stronger than the thunder bird that he killed before, and as he had to fight three of them, which went berserk due to the previous one's death, there was no way he could finish the battle quickly.

Through this battle, it was revealed that the fact that Yu IlHan made the bone atlatl was truly the correct thing to do. Close combat with three giant thunder birds with lightning around them was a foolish thing to do, so he ran around to the point that he was sweating from his soles, while shooting throwing spears and throwing grenades.

If he had not prepared long range weapons, then even if it was Yu IlHan, he would have had to escape from the dungeon, and with 3 angry birds attached to him too!

Of course, thanks to fighting while forgetting his pride as a dismantling meister, the thunder birds that Yu IlHan killed all had tattered and exploded skin. To find the usable parts, he would have to go through some suffering.

"I'm really about to die."

[It's been a while since you sounded so weak.](Erta)

[You've done well. Let's go home and rest for today.](Lita)

The fact that he could endure while confronting three 3rd class monsters was thanks to his concealment, which could reduce the enemies' accuracy even though they noticed his presence, and the bloodrink that reduced his fatigue.

He didn't feel that good, since he had to drink 3 liters of bloodrink, but considering that he saved his life, it was a small price to pay.

Moreover, he now had a good fighting experience in battling monsters in something that's not close combat, so there were a lot of things he had earned through this battle.



[It's not your pet, sheesh…](Erta)

There was something that suffered as much as him during the fight, and it was none other than the pile bunker.

Just as when it was about to get its freedom after the death of the first thunder bird, it got caught up in a vortex caused by another thunderbird to spin around in the air, and unbelievably, it kept flying around in the air in the vortex until the moment the battle ended. He was proud that it didn't get dismantled and kept its original form.

However, Yu IlHan's expression as he was running towards the pile bunker which fell onto the ground, was not good at all. That was because it was still giving out sparks due to having been abandoned in lightning for such a long time.

Unlike the original, which he made of monster bones, this was metallic. If he knew this would have happened, then he would have made it with bones as well.

No, well, would it have been destroyed if he did that?

"I could have touched it if I had electric-proof gloves, so frustrating."

[Please differentiate manga and reality.](Lita)

Soon the spark started dissipating. He hesitated since the silvery pile bunker had turned golden, but resolving himself firmly, he picked it up. Fortunately, other than some numbing feeling the moment he grabbed it, there weren't any other problems.

However, just as he was about to be relieved, some text that made his heart fall, popped up.

[Frighteningly Destructive Metal Pile Bunker has transformed.]


[It's not destroyed so calm down.](Erta)

[Transform? Umm, did it get better?](Lita)

Lita and Erta's words made Yu IlHan hold on just as when he was about to faint. Barely coming to himself, he first checked the transformed pile bunker's information as they said. Some lines appeared on his retina.

[Frighteningly Destructive Thunder Pile Bunker.]

[Rank – Legend]

[Attack Power –

1st level : 2,200

2nd level : 3,400

3rd level : 4,600

4th level : 6,200]

[Options –

Destructive power and penetrative power increases by 40%

A strong power of lightning will be imbued into the ammo, but maximum durability will decrease by 200 when loading to the 4th level.]

[Durability – 1,293/1,955]

[A weapon that managed to evolve thanks to being exposed to lightning attribute mana continuously. However, its great strength require great compensation.]


To think that just being caught up in the lightning storm was enough to evolve the item to a new rank! While Yu IlHan was being speechless, Ertawagon, who realized that her time had come, opened her mouth.

[Growing by absorbing records is not limited to intelligent species and monsters. Artifacts, and especially those that master smiths like you make, has the possibility to grow due to external factors.](Erta)

"Even so, losing 200 maximum durability is a little…"

That would mean that he would only be able to shoot it 10 times even if he repaired it perfectly. Even though he had newly made this just a while ago, it now had a limited life!

[Acquiring weapons of a specific attribute is very hard. Although, if it's you, it won't be hard to make them.](Lita)

"You shouldn't have said that last part."

[Let's say it's fortunate that it didn't get destroyed in that lightning storm.]

Despite Lita and Erta's consolation, Yu IlHan shouted as he was not able to endure his rage.

"Fuck, I will separate their bones and flesh!"

[You can just say that you're dismantling them…](Lita)

As he had declared, Yu IlHan completely separated the bones and flesh of the four boss monsters lying on the ground.

Other monsters also passed by from time to time on the plain where the huge battle had occurred, but they obediently ran away after feeling Yu IlHan's aura. They felt like their bones and flesh would separate just by watching!

The probability of a magic stone appearing from a monster's dead body was 20%. Although it's said that that value would increase as it approaches higher monsters, it wasn't that good of a probability.

However, perhaps Yu IlHan's rage made the Heavens touched as he succeeded in acquiring two magic stones from the 4 thunder birds.

A magic stone full of a 3rd class monster, thunder bird's lightning attribute mana! This was the moment where the magic stone that will be used to create Kang MiRae's staff was decided.

With this, he had finished his business in this dungeon. He had more than enough materials, so now he had to go to the next destination.

However, rarely for Yu IlHan, who always actively moved, he didn't feel like moving right now.

No matter how much strength he had, and received rest energy from bloodrink, fighting large scale monsters above level 120 consecutively was too tiring for him.

"I wanna go home and sleep."

[Yes, shall we sleep together?](Lita)

[You really don't get tired of it...](Erta)

[Erta, did you experience missing a fish that you've almost caught? If not, then don't talk.](Lita)

[I never missed a fish I've aimed for, so I'm not so sure.](Erta)

Regardless of whether Lita and Erta had a small psychological war, Yu IlHan, who could not listen in on anything, left the dungeon and headed home immediately. he didn't even want to move, so he took the express bus on the way back.

Excluding the fact that a young woman didn't notice that he was there and tried to sit on top of him, nothing special happened on the return trip.

"Nothing happened in this dungeon so something must happen in China, right? I should get some more equipments."

[Stop predicting the future!](Erta)

Meanwhile, since Yu IlHan didn't go to China straight away and had a nice rest at home, the work in a dungeon on a hill in China was going smoothly.

A dungeon installed on Earth. It was a part of Earth, but independent, and at the same time, it was a space that was outside the angels' surveillance. Using those characteristics, something secretive was happening within that dungeon.

That, was the direct connection with another world. With a human from Earth, who was connected to another world, as the medium, they had created a gate that directly connected the other world and Earth.

This wouldn't be possible with just one human. It was a huge projects that required a 4th class mage, an army of mages, an enormous amount of money, and finally, the support of an angel, a higher existence.

[Starting now, I'm transferring an apple through the gate. ...Good, there's no interference from an Abandoned World.]

"...It's here. It's done! The connection is successful!"


Holding an artifact that transferred voice over the dimensional wall, the 4th class mage and the man who was crazy for power(T/N: "power" here is more like authoritative power, not physical power), rejoiced in their own ways.

They shouldn't be able to see each other's faces, but their smirking faces looked exactly the same. They were both a twisted smirk that looked like it would be from a 2nd rate villain that appears briefly before getting owned, in the middle of an anime series!

In the central parts of the dungeon, a gate that looked big enough for a person to pass through had been generated through the use of magic power from the Trap of Destruction, and in front of the gate which looked like a blue vortex, an apple, that people from Earth would definitely not call an apple, was there.

[Fuu, to think you finally succeeded in something so simple, human standards are really good, alright.](Angel)

"Ha, if it's such an easy job for you, then you should have at least tried to help."

The verbal fight between the human and the angel was as always. However, as everyone was immersed in the joy of success, the friction wasn't that big.

[This is just the start. We need to increase the number of gates, and transfer the army to Earth while avoiding the interference of other higher existences and even that damned God. You can do it successfully, right?]

"Of course."

Confirming that the gate to another world was really successfully connected, the two men gripped their fists. Now, they felt like they would be able to take care of anything even if a dragon if it appeared.


"Realistically, it's difficult for me to handle everything by myself. Please help…"

[Being weak right away, eh. Of course, I know the limits of your ability well. As such.]

The final weapon of the empire that even the existence was a secret, 4th class mage, Dakié von Illastra, declared while laughing confidently.

[I'm planning to go over myself.]

"Is that true!?"

The man shouted excitedly. However, unlike his delighted voice, his expression was one that was about to die. Although he did know that that mage, who was the core of power (T/N: Again, authoritative power), and had the strongest power, would eventually come over to Earth soon, to think that he was that impatient!

He had suffered so much to suck up to him in the other world, but now, it seemed that he was about to do it again. The man, who was in a delusion that he himself would command the army of mages that got through the gate, gritted his teeth secretly, afraid that he might get found out by the mage.

"It's my honor. I'll do my best to serve you."

[Hm, yes. Prepare one or two nice women by tomorrow. If I go over myself, then the rule that I cannot harm Earthlings would not stop me anymore.]

"W, women? But as you know, I don't have any power in..."

[I said prepare.]

"...I understand."

Fucking horny dog! – The man muttered in his heart. Now that it had come to this, there was no other choice but to resort to kidnapping, despite the dangers.

China was wide and had many people anyway. It wouldn't be a big deal if a few disappeared.

A normal person would not think like this even if they were ordered to, but this man was nonchalantly deciding to kidnap people.

[I will go over tomorrow. If you cannot carry out such simple orders, then your uses end there.]

"Please, be rest, assured. You will not be disappointed."(T/N: I think that's an intentional comma)

[Fuu, really, you're no different from an idiot.](Angel)

The angel mocked them after listening in on their conversation, but did not realize that he himself was an idiot on the same level as them.

And the man who would 'treat' them all 'fairly', was having a nice sleep at home.

Author's notes

1. Electric-proof gloves are a pair of electricity-nullifying artifacts that the main character, Red, of pokémon adventures, stole from Lt. Surge, one of the Elite Four….. Wait, it's pokémon again!?

1.5. So It wasn't Elite Four! I thought there was some Elite Four of Team Rocket, but my mistake…T^T

2. You want to come first? Uh… yeah, do what you want!

3. There was a lot of talk about falling speed in the last chapter. I give thanks to everyone who cared about it. I really learnt a lot! (T/N: Translator knows his own share of physics… go read the LCD on NU for my opinion on this matter)

Translator's notes

Interesting fact, author never intended to push Liera(AKA Lita) as the main heroine in the beginning. Rather, he intended to make Kang MiRae the main heroine.(Author said this in chapter 205, and I wanted to tell you about it) Although… I'm not sure how that changed now. Well, at least you now know why MC acts so oblivious to her advances…It's because of the author!

Translator : Chamber

Having had an entire night of good sleep, Yu IlHan succeeded in blowing away a few days worth of fatigue, as expected of a rest skill master.

Now, he couldn't delay it anymore. It was now time to go to China.

However, when he did say that, his mother's reaction was like this:

"Going out again? Then mom will go to Ya'umin for a little."

"Did some good seafood appear?"

"Something like that."

His mother seemed to be enjoying her life in her own way. Eating away at the stew made with unknown animal's meat on the table, Yu IlHan was satisfied. Human adaptability was truly amazing.

He washed himself clean after the meal, and having refreshed himself, he restocked his weapons in his workshop, as he had planned. First, he restocked the short spears which he used in the mutated species dungeon, since he threw them everywhere, then repaired the pile bunker with all his heart, since he had to use the remaining ten shots properly.

He also repaired his other weapons and his armor. He saw that, somehow, the attack power and the defense increased as he repaired them, but he decided not to mind.

[Aren't you using that 3rd class magic stone? Even if you use one for Empress' weapon, there's one left.](Erta)

Seeing that Yu IlHan restocked, but did not make any new weapons, Erta asked in confusion. Then, Yu IlHan replied while smiling.

"It's because I can't think of anything to make. It's not time to swap armor yet, and the spear is plenty strong too. Making sub-weapons is a waste of mana too."

[Why aren't you making accessoires?](Lita)

At that moment, Lita said something completely unexpected. Like a boxer who was about to faint from being hit from a dead angle, Yu Il Han asked back in a small voice.



Yu IlHan's heart pounded. He couldn't not think back to the games he played before the Great Cataclysm. In reality, they had no use other than for decoration, no, more like, they were made for decoration(!), aren't they just as important as weapons and armor in games!

Putting Lita on his palm, Yu IlHan opened his mouth."

"Why don't you explain that in a little more detail?"

[Not every artifacts are armors and weapons. Mana crafting is processing the crafter's will by borrowing the power of mana and imbuing in an item. So, it doesn't have to be armors and swords.]

"Sorry for using the word 'detail', just go straight to the point."

[Uh, like I said it's...]

Why Lita was pondering, Erta replied in place of her while laughing with a 'heh'.

[It means that you have a lot of equipment slots left.]

"Good, much more direct!"

It wasn't only games. In fantasy novels, too, don't those main characters break through crises with a special power imbued necklaces/rings/tattoos/bracelets/anklets/earrings/etc? Lita and Erta were saying that Yu IlHan was capable of making such artifacts.

Yu IlHan also thought it was possible. No, rather, unlike armors and weapons which had a clear purpose of either blocking or attacking, he thought that the range of effect an unassuming accessory could have maybe much more than those.

[So, are you going to make anything?](Erta)


[I like rings!](Lita)(T/N: This sentence can also mean 'I would like a ring!')

"I don't. It takes a long time to make one."

[Uh… yeah...](Lita)

While Lita was getting dejected for some reason, what the thousand year virgin decided to make was a bracelet.

He extracted the most intact part of the giant thunder bird and processed it into an ordinary bracelet. It was a thin leather bracelet that would fit inside a gauntlet.

That, which looked more like an armband than a bracelet, looked very ordinary, but the materials weren't from a 3rd class monster for nothing, so it was tough to the point that ordinary swords wouldn't be able to damage it at all.

[Good idea. The spoils of war you've earned this time is not suitable to make a necklace or an earring.](Erta)

"That's not it, I only made it since it takes the least time to make."


Now, while even Erta was getting dejected for some reason, Yu IlHan prepared to mana craft. On one hand was the leather bracelet, and on the other was the bigger magic stone of the two 3rd class thunder bird magic stones.

However, what was more important than the materials was his will. Taking a deep breath, Yu IlHan closed his eyes.

In the pitch black vision and silence, what Yu IlHan thought of was the lightning vortex that the thunder bird had made. Even if it wasn't to that extent, Yu IlHan wanted a protective membrane before his armor was pierced.

A brilliant light formed. The positive light that told him of the mana craft's big success. This light, which other people with mana crafting would see once in a year or so, was something that Yu IlHan saw more than sunlight.

That didn't mean that this was from luck. It was because he had a deep understanding of the technique known as mana crafting.

Yu IlHan had the record of killing the thunder bird himself, and the bracelet and the magic stone was from the thunder bird as well. This was, really, textbook mana crafting.

Of course, there weren't many people who didn't know of this fact, but it was hard to do it the textbook way. Everything in the world was always like this.

[Quick Lightning Storm's Gold Leather Bracelet]

[Rank – Unique]

[Defense – 1,700]

[Options – 20% increase in mana recovery speed; when hit, it's possible to create a lightning storm. Limited to once a day.]

[Durability – 1,150/1,150]

[An artifact with concentrated power of lightning imbued into it. Inside it dwells a strong and violent power of a monster.]


The option that the Empress, Kang MiRae, wanted so much, was attached on this bracelet! Of course, since Yu IlHan couldn't use mana yet, increase in mana recovery speed was useless.

He briefly pondered on whether to sell this to Kang MiRae or not, but since it had the option he himself wanted as well, he decided to wear it himself.

Gaining money was nothing bad, but safety was above all! Moreover, since the results were better than he had thought, he got slightly scared. That was because he felt that a high level of danger, befitting those stats, would come at him.

[What's up with you, IlHan? How can you make the things that are on the same level as a kingdom's treasure, so easily?](Lita)

[That's nothing, considering he made a spear that could pierce a 2nd class monster's skin, with pure steel.](Erta)

Lita was surprised at Yu IlHan's ability, but as Erta had already given up, she was replying quite comfortably.

Meanwhile, after he checked the bracelet's options, prepared to go out along with the confidence that he would be able to take care of everything even if another monster on the same level as Reta Kar'iha appeared.

His destination was the central mountainous regions of the Shandong Province of China, where it was famous for the city, Qingdao. Resolving to himself that he would not eat lamb kebabs, or drink Tsingtao, and that he will go straight back home after clearing the Quegna dungeon, he headed to Incheon Airport. To stowaway, of course! (T/N: I know nothing about China, and this whole paragraph maybe horribly wrong. Thanks to ensj for 'Tsingtao', cuz Qingdao and Tsingtao are written in the same way in Korean, I dunno what it is tho)

The airport was crowded with people. Now that high-level people were getting their 2nd classes one after another, the sky roads were opening more and more.

There weren't many courageous people who left home to tour, but in the world, there were many people who had no choice but to take one.

There really were a variety of people at the airport. Businessmen, an ability user wearing an armor, people in military clothes... There were some who Yu IlHan was familiar with, but Yu IlHan felt like their reunion was foreshadowing something and became worried.

"Ah, I swear I will finish my service properly and go marry."

"I don't think the country will let you go, second lieutenant Han."

"No one can block me from marrying."

The figures of colonel Yoon DaeHan, and second lieutenant Han YeoRang, who he had met during the initial stages of the Great Cataclysm, while he was going around everywhere killing monsters.

He thought that those two wouldn't be together, with the difference in their ranks and all, but now, from the unusual-looking black military outfit, it seemed that they now belonged to the special forces.

Yu IlHan also immediately realized what special forces they were in. Suppression, that was the only thing. (T/N: Remember Suppression nicknamed Depression?)

'I do want to contact them now that I've met them…'

Even though he now could gain an enormous amount of money through the transaction with Kang MiRae, he did not change his mind to sell the mass produced equipments to Suppression. Since his aim was to make other people defend against monsters better.

It would be better to contact them through the people he knew, and now would be the best opportunity, but no matter how he thought about it, he had a bad premonition.

The feeling that he would get caught up in a new quest, if he talked to them, assaulted him. There were many planes departing from Incheon Airport anyway, and from the look of it, they should be leaving on a military plane, so his and their paths probably won't cross each other.

'Yes, let's leave it to another time.'

Why did special forces such as Suppression come to Incheon airport when they had the military airport? They had some tearfully unfortunate circumstances, but...

[Suppression Guardian Forces will depart in 30 minutes.]

Honestly speaking, only the Incheon Airport had military forces that protected airways from monsters.

Yes, they had neither money nor soldiers! Just where did that much national defense budget go, he didn't know, but anyway, Korea didn't have an enough number of military ability users to spread them out to different airports.

The reason they showed up in Incheon Airport was also because of that. No, perhaps, they maybe the Guardian Forces themselves. Since they all belonged to Suppression.

Yu IlHan ignored the soldiers and proceeded forward. He checked the plane going to his destination, and quickly got on board. HIs stowaway was already at an art-level.

His concealment, which no modern magic or science could see through, carried him safely inside the plane, and just as he was about to lie down on an empty seat, he had a thought.

'Wait, this wouldn't have happened if I applied for a passport last time, would it?'

[It's good that you know now.](Erta)


Carrying Yu IlHan, who had a late realization, the plane flew towards China.

As soon as he got off the plane, Yu IlHan ran across the city with the help of Navigation Erta. (T/N: I wanted to put Erta-vigation, but oh well…)

"Wow, this is a total mess."

It wasn't like Korea did well in defending against monsters, but most of China barely retained their city form; it was that tattered and ruined. High-rise buildings fallen over like dominos were everywhere, and smaller buildings were worse.

In the cities where restoration was underway, there were countless wanderers without homes. There was no way they would find Yu IlHan, but every time Yu IlHan came within their vision, he stopped slightly. He had remembered back to when he fought the huge bear in Seongbuk-gu, last time, when many people were running away from their homes.

If he said he was comfortable while looking at them, then he would be lying.

[All existences have the right and obligation to live with their own power. It is not necessary for you to mind them](Erta)

[You don't need to help them. You just have to protect yourself.](Lita)

"...Yes. Of course."

The angels seemed to have noticed where his gazes were going. To them, who encouraged Yu IlHan with quite the cold words, Yu IlHan replied to them with a bitter smile and hurried on.

He wanted to help the people in crises if it was possible. If it did not put him into danger, he could move while being resolved to get injured.

It wasn't because of kindness or because he was an idiot, but just that it felt disgusting to see his own race dying in front of his eyes. And honestly, rescuing humans felt quite good.

But that was it. The most important thing to Yu IlHan was Yu IlHan himself. He did not thing arrogantly that he would be able to save all the pitiful people in the world. It was unfortunate, but a life was too short even to live for oneself. (T/N: I like his philosophy)

How long was it to the dungeon he was aiming for? To shake the bad feelings off, Yu IlHan wanted to get in battle quickly. It was fine even if it was a strong opponent. Rather, he wanted to fight one.

However, as if she knew what he was thinking, Lita muttered with a stiff voice.

[This is dangerous.](Lita)

[What is?](Erta)

Erta didn't seem to notice anything. Yu IlHan first stopped and asked Lita.

"What is it now? Did a 4th class monster appear nearby?"

[Something like that.](Lita)

[Wait, I did not feel anything. Lita, just what happened?](Erta)

[Dungeon concealment. I think we grabbed onto the tail of the traitors. And one that's more serious than we think.](Lita)

Erta became speechless from the seriousness in Lita's voice, since she had never heard her speak like that before.

On the other hand, Yu IlHan sighed in relief.

"Phew, I wondered when it would be. It's fortunate that I got to know it beforehand, this time."

[The part you're being relieved about is strange!](Erta)

Erta shouted in rage, but Yu IlHan replied while smiling.

"What do you mean? It makes a huge difference."

It was different from the time when he had to fight against Reta Kar'iha.

The fact that the overlord of concealment, Yu IlHan, saw the crisis coming, and could move against it.

The meaning of that, wouldn't be known by his enemies.

Author's notes

1. Erta's completely tamed…

2. Lamb kebabs are best in Qingdao. Guo Bao Rou is good as an alcohol side snack as well. Chinese food are good as snacks to go with alcohol! Is it just that? Erguotuo jiu with menbosha are hmmm… Yeonnam-dong(T/N: This is in Korea) is quite good. I recommend the chinese restaurant, Hyang-mi. (T/N: He lists all that chinese food (which I have no idea what they are), but since he had never gone to China, he mentions a restaurant in Korea, lol)

3. Yoon DaeHan and Han YeoRang is planned to keep appearing to appeal the pitiful 'strong friends'.

4. I repeat, but the mage is very powerful! They become invincible if they have a knight protecting them!! If they don't walk around alone like a fool, then would there be anyone who can kill them? (T/N: I know what you're thinking – MC can)

Translator's notes

So…. someone on LCD said they don't want culture censors… should I not censor them anymore then? Author sure censored it (which is why I did so in the first place)

I can't be bothered to change them back now, but I sure can do it in the future chapters.

Also, I changed monster speak to be in {} when they're originally in [], but in the future chapters, monsters may speak in human language… what do I do…?

And dang, today's EER chapter (Raws) end on a cliffhanger (With MC getting stabbed)

Translator : Chamber

Looking up the information and the position of the dungeon, Lita explained with an enraged voice.

[An angel is inside a concealed dungeon. From the moment an angel conceals a dungeon without report, s/he would be categorized as a traitor, but what's more serious is that there is a strong person who has a power that cannot exist here on Earth.](Lita)

"A person from another world?"

Lita nodded. Erta gritted her teeth the moment she heard that.

[The rules of the Army of Heaven has become a mess. To think he's helping the other worlders, much less blocking them!](Erta)

[Treachery and desertion are quite common, you know?](Lita)

"I knew Heaven was a ridiculous place."

[I, it's not. It only happens once in 500... 300 years!](Erta)

The already low confidence in Heaven reached rock bottom.

However, he could understand. Even Lita and Erta, who are right next to him, have quite a plenty of emotions, don't they? Even if there was a God above them that had a tremendous power, if the ones executing his orders are likes this, then there was no way there would be no problems over the countless years.

While Yu IlHan was sighing, Lita declared with a firm tone.

[There's no way they came to Earth to play tic tac toe with us, we need to stop them.](Lita)

Yu IlHan asked curtly.

"Can you do it yourselves?"

[...It's in fact difficult to interfere directly with force.](Lita)

He knew this would happen.

He didn't know how these angels came to the ground, but it seemed like the rules and laws that bound them numbered an enormous amount. Even Lita and Erta, who were less restricted after getting into a partnership with Yu IlHan, were like this.

[I already reported the moment I sent it up to Heaven. But we can't seal the dungeon if there are any creatures that aren't monsters, so we can only wait until those humans come outside...](Lita)

"Their numbers would multiply the moment they do, though?"

[Yeah. No matter what they are planning to do, unless they can procure enough people, they won't try to come out.](Lita)

Even if they do come out before that, the angels cannot directly attack other worlders. They would be able to restrict the traitor angel, but that was it. Human matters had to be solved by humans.

As such, waiting for them to come out was not a good idea. He had to check it himself by going inside.

"Good, then..."

[However, I don't think IlHan needs to go into this dungeon.](Lita)

However, what Lita said to Yu IlHan, who was just warming his body up, was very unexpected. Although he did not blame Erta, normally, Erta would give him Heaven's Quest at times like these without hesitation.

"You aren't asking me?"

[If it's related to an Abandoned World, then I would have no choice but to do so, but this matter is different. It's not like you alone have to do this.]

[We don't know what they are doing inside that dungeon. What will you do if it become serious because you leave it alone?](Erta)

[But what would I do if IlHan gets injured just because he got involved in something unnecessary!](Lita)


Listening to the angels' conversation, Yu IlHan pondered for a moment. However, the conclusion was already there from the beginning.

"Let's go in."


Yes, no one pressured him to go to the dungeon. This wasn't like what he had caused, and from the beginning, he had come here because he had business in a nearby dungeon.

"It'll be annoying if danger finds its way over to me later because I leave it alone for now."

It wasn't like he could say "Oh, is that so?" and do his own thing when a person from another world had directly come over to Earth. At least, he had to find out what the situation was, and how it would affect him.

"Let's just scout first. I won't get injured so don't worry."

[Well, you really don't need to worry about getting find out unless you attack first.](Lita)

[Since he even dodges God's eyes.](Erta)

"Shaddup. Give me the Heaven's Quest already."

[I, I will.](Erta)

He was annoyed by the unnecessary extra lines said by each angel, but he couldn't deny that. He didn't have the title of a pancosmic loner for nothing!

If he decided to hide then even an angel would not be able to find him. There was no one more fitting than him for this job.

[Anyway, is there any meaning to scouting?](Erta)

But somehow, Erta was questioning his actions. Yu IlHan replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"If the opponent is a monster, then I can just mercilessly slash, but if it's a person from another world, then I can't do that, right? Perhaps they have a tearful reason behind it."

[But...it's just a hypothesis, but what if that person came to Earth purely to do bad things?]

Erta was sure that this person was full of bad intentions from the moment this person came over to Earth, despite the strong powers this person possessed, but there was no material evidence for it. She didn't want her thoughts and words to interfere with Yu IlHan's will, so Erta's question was quite careful.

However, speaking from the conclusion, her worries were useless. Yu IlHan's view was firm from a long time ago.

"Then I'll kill."

Yu IlHan answered. It was a cold answer without a shred of hesitation.

The difficulty of the concealed dungeon itself was very low. It was a peaceful dungeon where slimes that looked like they were designed for beginners no matter how one looked at it, were moving around with bouncy sounds. Charging through that dungeon fast, Yu IlHan confirmed with Lita.

"How many are there?"

[Two. One is a first class, but I don't know for the other except the fact that this person is strong. I think he has an artifact to hide his abilities.](Lita)

If she knew that the enemy was a 4th class, then Lita and Erta would definitely not send Yu IlHan inside the dungeon. If it came to be a battle, unless Yu IlHan kills the enemy first with a preemptive strike, then his chances of winning would become slim.

However, ignorance led to courage. Not knowing what was awaiting them, they only sped up.

"I'm alright, but what about you girls? It will be difficult if you get found out like the time with Reta Kar'iha."

[Do not worry. Thanks to getting into a contract with you, the concealment ability is applied to us even more surely now.](Erta)

The battle with Reta Kar'iha was a humiliation of a lifetime for Erta. Angel's Partner was not only a means for Lita to come back to Yu IlHan's side, but it was also Erta's resolve to not repeat her mistake.

Laughing at her answer, Yu IlHan turned directions. Now, even he could feel the presences.

However, just as he was about to slow down because he had arrived at the destination, a scene that made Yu IlHan stop his steps could be seen.

Two corpses were strewn on the grown. Human, and it was a young woman's corpse too.


Yu IlHan barely held his mouth from groaning. It was because he was worried that that small action would dissolve his concealment. As if they knew what he was thinking, Erta and Lita also kept their silence.

The state of those corpses couldn't be described as 'good' even with empty words. The clothes were ripped everywhere, and there were insulting traces all over their body. Moreover, even knife scars that covered their body… It was clear that they were inflicted even after they had lost their lives.

Yu IlHan felt as if being poured with ice cold water, while looking at the corpses that looked like it had not been a long time since their deaths, as the warmth was still there.

Just from the way they were killed, he knew clearly. The perpetrator 'used' these humans for a momentary pleasure. Like how one would turn on the air conditioner on a hot summer day; like how people used cars to go to faraway places – he used and killed humans.

There was no need to look for the perpetrator. Since there were two men nearby.

The moment Yu IlHan noticed them, a middle aged man wearing a black robe over his body opened his mouth.

"Truly disappointing. You can only find those low quality ones?"

[You have awakened the passive skill, Language. You, who have conquered countless languages, can perfectly translate, speak, read, and write a language even if it's the first time you are hearing it. You can evolve the skill if you satisfy the skill evolution requirements.]

He could understand a language that he had heard for the first time. Just as he was finding it curious himself, the text that appeared on his retina solved his curiosity.

However, the next moment, he wished that he didn't acquire that skill.

If so, then he would not have to hear such dirty words.

"I'm very sorry. I will look for a more useful woman."

"Leave it. It's just for a leisure time. But their screaming sounds were quite good to listen to."

Leisure, eh… Yu IlHan muttered in his heart.

Killing to innocent women like that and… leisure… he said.

It felt as if something snapped within Yu IlHan's head. Thinking that he did so well to enrage him in such a short time, he even felt like laughing.

"The connection is successful, so now we just have to wait. Meanwhile, you look into how much battle power each country has. Ignore 2nd class and below. You just have to find out who has the possibility to advance to third class within the 3 months that we're preparing for the invasion."

"As per your orders."

There was no need to do more scouting. All judgement on the situation had been finished, and it was concluded which action to take.

These were enemies; enemies that Yu IlHan had to kill here and now.

"Hm, I think I maybe able to find out how to cancel dungeons if I research into the dungeon's core a little more."

[That is not an area for you humans.]

At that moment, the last member of this place, the male angel also finally showed himself.

"Hoh? Then what happens if I completely interpret the dungeon with my power alone?"

[Just try. It looks like I will see something interesting.]

"You can talk even though you can't do anything yourself."

[Blabber all you want.]

After confirming that the male angel was having a verbal fight with the middle aged man, Lita gripped her fists tighter. Erta tried to hold her back in fright, but Yu IlHan was much faster.

Yes. Having finished seeing through the enemy's abilities and his own full strength, Yu IlHan was charging at him.

There was no room for the angels to hold him back. He was getting closer to the mage in a speed that made them unbelievable that he could not use mana!


"What is it?"

"Oh, nothing. It was just wind."

Yu IlHan, who arrived in front of the enemy's eyes, did not attack straight away, but jumped high up. Jumping to an enormous height with the help of his superhuman strength skill and the leap skill, Yu IlHan took out the pile bunker which already had its 4th level loaded, and gripped it tight with both of his hands.

The reason he leaped and not attacked straight away, was because of his intuition which was refined to near perfection throughout the countless years.

Since he realized that he couldn't one shot him, and it would become a pain for him if he didn't, he decided to put another process in the middle.

The intuition that he had polished for nearly a thousand years enabled him to see through the enemy more clearly than levels or Akashic Records. He did not know how amazing that was yet, but now, that wasn't anything important.

He did not know that his enemy was a 4th class, but he did know this: With the strike he's preparing now, he would be able to kill him in one go!

'Weight transfer.'

The moment he reached the maximum height from the leap, Yu IlHan muttered within his heart. At the moment the 40 tons of the Cross Bag's weight was transferred to the pile bunker completely, he started dropping down like a flying arrow.

This was a combination that he had already used once against the huge electric bird, and at that time, he even failed in instakilling it. Despite that, Yu IlHan did not hesitate. Since this was the best attack that he could do as of now.

Moreover, this guy was different from the huge electric bird. The huge electric bird had a big body, had thick skin, and had hard bones. A case where its personal defensive power was overwhelmingly high.

However, this guy's own defense was sigh-inducingly low. He seemed to have an enormous amount of mana, as he had quite a few layers of protective layers around him, but even so, if the pile bunker worked properly, then he would die instantly!

'I will return the girls' pains even if it's 1/100 or even 1/1000.'

Yu IlHan calmly aimed the pile bunker's ammo at him. The thing that the sharp point was aiming at was the middle aged man's head. If he got swayed by the weight, then all would become naught.

'Concentrate. I can kill him if I hit him properly once.'

Only when the 40 tons of weight was concentrated on the point of the ammo, did the weight transfer option see light.

And on Earth right now, the only one who could add that overwhelming weight onto a weapon, was Yu IlHan!


"If I achieve this record then even if it's the Akashic Record"(T/N: This sentence has no period/full stop in it)


[Critical hit!]

The man, who was proudly boasting to the angel, lost his words all of a sudden.

Dropping down from the sky, Yu IlHan unhesitantly shot the ammo the moment the protective layer and the pile bunker came into contact, and as he had surmised, the ammo broke all of those protective layers and even destroyed the man's cerebrum.

It was truly shocking that it did not destroy the man's body despite that destructive power, but even so, humans would die if their brains were destroyed.

"A, o...?"

The man finally noticed that he was attacked by Yu IlHan, but from his mouth, only the words that will never be realized, came out. It seemed he had realized himself as he stuttered desperately while closing his mouth.

"Ho,w the ma…gic, fortress...."

However, that was the end. The moment he tried to speak more, the ammo which embedded deeper into his body had completely crushed his face.

[You have earned 511,309,560 experience.]

[You have become level 64. 6 Strength, 5 Agility, 4 Health, 5 Magic increases.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 202 Dakié Von Illastra.]

[Absorbing the power of life of Dakié Von Illastra.]

[Death Collector has become level 9.]

"Wh, what the hell?"

The other man, who saw that a 4th class mage had died instantly, backed out in fright. To think an unknown guy who came into the dungeon at some random time killed a person that he himself couldn't even touch in a single moment!

"What are you!"

Recovering the pile bunker, Yu IlHan lightly landed on the ground. The figure of him putting his hand into the Cross Bag and taking out a spear were very natural to the point that it looked beautiful.

"A dropout, fucker."

Then he immediately swung the spear and slashed apart the man's head. Truly a refreshing strike.

Author's notes

1. The reason he acquired language skill now, was because only at the moment he comes into contact with a completely unknown language could it be recorded on the Akashic Record.

2. To feel chaos over killing a human, Yu IlHan's life alone for a thousand years was too abnormal, so it doesn't affect him much.

Translator's notes

Reg chapter #2

To those who have read the spoilers on NUF, I won't spoil anymore… the story's too good to spoil.

Translator : Chamber

Unlike the 4th class mage, the 1st class mob died with a single spear strike. The wicked plan to connect Earth with another world was over with just two strikes from Yu IlHan.

When that happened, the only one left in that place was just the higher existence, the angel.

[Why did the dungeon...Shit, high rank angel!?](Male angel)

[You are so dead.](Lita)

While Yu IlHan was taking care of the humans, Lita was taking care of the angel that helped the humans. This was because although she could not use her powers with humans as the opponents, if it's an angel, much less a traitor one, she would be able to use everything without holding back.

[Kuhk!](Male angel)

[Where do you think you're going?](Lita)

The moment the mage's brain got smushed like tofu, the angel realized that the situation wasn't good and tried to run away without doing anything, but Lita agilely got close to him and kicked his leg to break it and poked his eyes with her index and middle fingers. Due to the chain of attacks that connected like water, the angel could not even fight back and flew into the air.


[You won't die peacefully.](Lita)

Like humans, the difference in abilities between the angels were also all over the place. If Erta, and the male angel that's getting beaten up by Lita right now, had high magical ability, then Lita was purely a martial faction that was blessed by the god of fighting.

Of course, Yu IlHan knew that from 990 years ago.

[Kuhk, Kuhuk! Wai, listen to, Khak!](Male angel)

[Don't bite your tongue yet! Grab onto your consciousness!](Lita)

Her master level close combat landed all over the male angel's body and was coloring the ground with white blood.

100 combo, 200 combo, 300 combo! Starting from the initial tackle, the male angel's body did not come down from the air so the air combo bonuses were stacking.

[He will really die at that rate! We have to at least interrogate him!](Erta)

[Okay, then heal this guy.](Lita)

Meaning, she would beat him up more after the heal. Erta could only obediently use healing magic.


Meanwhile, Yu IlHan was looking at the gate in the middle of the dungeon. It was not activated right now, but if this remained, the it was unknown when another person as disgusting as the this mage would come over.

He could take care of this in one go since he could do a surprise attack, but the magic power dwelling in his body was at a horrifying level. If he couldn't do a surprise attack, then he would not have even tried to attack.

However, if the other world over this gate has someone as strong as the mage just now, and if that person comes over the gate over to Earth. If that person acts before Yu IlHan intercepts…

Just thinking about it gave him a headache. In a busy world where he had his hands full worrying monsters, why were the other worlders coming over for? If they wanted to kill humans, then they could do it in their own world!


[I will destroy the gate](Erta)

The light that came from Erta's extended hands covered the installed gate. Yu IlHan was watching with his spear gripped tight just in case someone came over, but fortunately nothing like that happened.

Erta's magic was powerful. The gate seemed to distort slowly and it completely disappeared, leaving behind a magic stone that was the core of the gate, and not a long after, the magic stone too cracked apart due to exhausting all its power. This was the moment the connection with another world was completely severed.

[No!](Male angel)


The male angel shrieked after looking at that, but Lita's fist made him shut up. The combo was just going past 700.

Yu IlHan was absentmindedly looking at that scene. Since it was a spectacle that could not be seen with money.

[Yu IlHan, are you alright?](Erta)

Erta asked in a careful voice. Since he knew what she was worried about, Yu IlHan replied with a laugh.

"I'm alright."

Why did he hunt monsters until now? Because he wanted to increase his level? Because he wanted to acquire monster skins and magic stones? No, those were just by products. They could not become the reason why Yu IlHan had to hunt monsters.

He killed the monsters since they became a threat to mankind, and to himself. If the monsters that appeared at the same time as the Great Cataclysm, did not intend to kill humans, then Yu IlHan would have played around with them, doing tic tac toe or something. Of course, that was if they could notice him in the first place.

"These guys will become a threat to me if I leave them behind."

So, he killed. He scouted just in case he made a mistake, and as a result, he killed them as he had confirmed the fact that they were no different from monsters. Of course, he had to acknowledge that he was more enraged due to finding the two dead women.

[Is it really just that?](Erta)

"If it isn't, then what? Should humans be special?"

Yu IlHan's words were reasonable. The reason they killed was the same, but if he felt different just because those in question were different, then that itself was hypocrisy.

[No, of course not. However, that's as if.](Erta)

Erta shut her mouth around there. It was because it wouldn't be pleasant for Yu IlHan to hear.

However, Yu IlHan felt that he knew what Erta was going to say next so he stared at her for a brief moment, before laughing it over and went into looting.

"Wow, just who killed him so cleanly? Just the head disappeared."

[Quite a tremendous defense. Although, you're something too, since you broke through it.]

The mage was wearing a luxurious looking robe that was made with black silk, which looked very expensive even at a glance. Thanks to Yu IlHan killing him so cleanly, the robe was intact as well.

"If this is good, then would the need to make a robe disappear?"

[I guarantee that you will have to make a robe.](Erta)

Yu IlHan snorted and grabbed it when a message popped up.

[Cynical Iron-wall Black Mage's Jacket]

[Rank – Legend]

[Defense – 3.300]

[Equip Restrictions – Magic category 3rd class, 400 Magic or above]

[Options – Mana recovery, 40% increase in magic casting time, activates Magic Fortress by consuming mana when in danger of being hit]

[Durability – 1,100/2,200(Auto-recovery)]

[A jacket made by a top tier crafter using a Dark Yarn acquired from hunting an original monster in a legendary dungeon. A legendary mage called to modern life directly inscribed a protective magic formation.]

"Oh my Zelnaga. You're right."

Did Erta foresaw that this would happen? The robe had a monstrous equip restrictions. Of course, it had accordingly monstrous options, but it seemed for sure that Yu IlHan would never wear this robe.

Moreover, what was that item description? They were definitely a combination of words he knew, but it was incomprehensible like looking into a woman's heart.

However, there was something that weighed on his mind more than that; it was the text that looked like an upgraded version of Yu IlHan's own bracelet option.

"Magic fortress… So what he blabbed on about before his death was this. Was this the damned protective layer that covered him?"

[No, that was more like a constantly active magic protection that's closer to self defense. It's different from the option attached to this robe.](Erta)

His leisurely attitude was all because he had an insurance. However, according to Erta's words, it seemed the Magic Fortress didn't activate properly when Yu IlHan attacked him in surprise. Well, that should be why he looked so unjustified in his death.

Then why? For what reason did the Magic Fortress not activate? If it was the Yu IlHan at the beginning stages of the Great Cataclysm, he might be agonized while thinking about it.

However, Yu IlHan had already crossed many mountains and rivers. He wouldn't say 'that was close' and sigh in relief. In the first place, if there was any danger, his intuition would have warned him beforehand.

It wasn't once or twice that it happened, so Yu IlHan himself knew it very well.

[So even a legend rank artifact did not detect you!](Erta)

"I know, and I was about to say it! But you saying it makes it more tragic!"

Of course, it was true that he could kill the mage more easily due to that, but even so, he couldn't help getting angry. Taking it out on the robe, Yu IlHan stuffed the robe into the Cross Bag.

"I'll also sell this to the Empress. A little later."

[Good idea.](Erta)

If Yu IlHan could wear it himself, then doing so would be the best. However, it was declared that he couldn't wear it due to the equipping restrictions so it should be better for someone who can use it well to wear it.

Adding to that, if that someone is capable of compensating for this, then it would be even better.

He searched around for a weapon expectantly just in case, since there was the robe, but there were no such things. Instead, there was a small leather pocket inside the clothes that the mage was wearing, and that, was a pocket with spatial expansion magic cast on it, although, it was much smaller than Yu IlHan's own Cross Bag.

However, Yu IlHan became shocked after seeing that flasks with red and blue liquids were coming out in large amounts.

"I thought this was the time for gold to come out!"

[These are things that cannot be bought with gold. They are top class health potion and magic potion. Please be aware that potions cannot be bought in shops no matter which world it is under Heaven.](Erta)

But what good was that? He had the bloodrink for health, and he couldn't even use mana, so there was no need for him to recover anything.

Yu IlHan pondered on what to do with it, but in the end, he put them inside his Cross Bag; while believing that the time to need it would come.

He checked the 1st class man's body just in case but there was absolutely nothing. Clicking his tongue, Yu IlHan stood up.

Lita was just going past 3000 air combo.

[It doesn't seem like Lita's rage would calm down any time soon. Yu IlHan, what can we do?](Erta)

"We can cheer for Lita. Bring some popcorn, Erta."(T/N: It really does say that)

Leaving Lita to beat up that angel all she wanted, Yu IlHan did his own thing – to recover the dead women's bodies.

"Erta, please make these people clean."

[I understand](Erta)

Yu IlHan felt complicated while seeing that the two women's bodies became clean due to Erta's magic. He did want to find their families, but he did not even know where they were kidnapped from. He couldn't waste time like thatt.

Recovering the victims' bodies, Yu IlHan completely burned the mage and the man's bodies since human bodies did not spit out mana and were useless as crafting materials.

Around that time, Lita's punishment had ended. He couldn't find consciousness no mater how much healing magic he was casted with, so they decided to leave the rest to the other angels.

[Lita, did you listen to why they cooperated with humans?](Erta)

[No, I couldn't since I was beating him up. The others would listen in my place!]

Lita's smile looked uselessly refreshing. It seemed that her mood became a little better while beating him up to her heart's content. Of course, this was nothing new, so both Yu IlHan and Erta had given up and exited the dungeon along with her.

[Lita, thanks for your work.]

[Yu IlHan, it's you again. Isn't it better for you if you just get into an exclusive contract with Heaven?]

[He already did. DIdn't you see that Lita and Erta's achievements were skyrocketing nowadays?]

Angels were already waiting in front of the dungeon. He thought that Lita would just pass the traitor angel but she stood on the same side as them while putting the male angel over her shoulders.

[There is a saying that one revealed traitor means 30 hidden ones. We don't know when another traitor will try to do something, so I will come back after confirming that this guy gets his head lopped off.](Lita)

"Are traitors cockroaches!?"

It was an iron-blooded declaration without a hint of carelessness!

[Traitors are sooo dead now. Look at Lita with her eyes flipped.]

[They just had to do it on Earth of all worlds… foolish things.]

Although he realized the moment she recommended Vale Tudo, it seemed that Lita's powers were not ordinary. There was no need to rustle the leaves while knowing that there is a snake, so Yu IlHan ignored her even after seeing all that.

[I will come back at least by tonight. I will come back with a good quest reward so wait for me!]

"Buy me ice cream on the way back."

Having a conversation that sounded like a mother and son's just as the mother was going grocery shopping, Yu IlHan sent Lita off. Since there were too many cases where Yu IlHan got involved with angels, now even the other angels greeted him or were bowing their heads. Quite the astral scene. (T/N: Dunno why 'astral'…)


[I know. We should go hunt quickly.](Erta)

Erta, who was now used to the unresting ironman Yu IlHan, spoke as if she had given up. However, Yu IlHan shook his head while laughing bitterly.


He tapped the Cross Bag twice. The victims' bodies were inside it.

"At least, let's bury them somewhere suitable."

[....Of course, of course.](Erta)

Hearing Erta's low voice, Yu IlHan moved his steps. He did not enjoy alcohol normally, but he felt like drinking today.

Author's notes

1. Just acquiring a 4th class mage's record does not make him able to wield mana. Like how he had killed countless other life forms which could use mana. Just that! If he could use it then Heaven will send....!

2. The mage's preparation was in fact, meticulous. It's only because Yu IlHan's concealment, which fooled even legend rank artifacts, was more meticulous.

3. Slow but sure Erta.

4. Not going over to another world yet. The danger risk is still to big.

Translator's notes

Regular chap #3

Also, have you read One Man Army? It's translated here in KCDS, and I can tell you that it's a good VRMMORPG novel

Translator : Chamber

The dungeon where Quegnae appear was just as Yu IlHan had expected.

The mutated species dungeon at least had a variety of animals and a variety of levels so he did not get tired of it, but in the Quegna dungeon, ash grey colored monsters with dark faces that looked like they were from Munch's pictures, were walking around stiffly.

Quegnae stored their magic power in their metallic bones, and had the ability to spit the stored magic power towards their enemies.

They moved around slowly at normal times, but once they noticed an enemy, they screamed their lungs out to call for their allies, and attacked their enemies by endlessly shooting out magic bullets. They really were a paint to hunt.

However, there was an element that made them even more violent, and that was that one had to end the fight quickly when fighting against them.

The moment they notice their enemy, they pull out magic power from their bones to fling it at their enemies, so when one fighted them for a long time, their bones would gradually run out of magic power. Naturally, the quality of the bones would become lower, and in the end, they would even become useless.

The only usable part of Quegnae, which, despite their low level, were incredibly tough to fight against, were their bones. As such, those who did not have the confidence to hunt them fast with a large amount of firepower, did not linger around the dungeon even if they found it. Such was Erta's explanations.

Obviously, these things were all meaningless to Yu IlHan.

[You have earned 335,989 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 54 Quegna.]

No monsters in this dungeon could see through Yu IlHan's concealment. As such, all Yu IlHan had to do was to leisurely enter the dungeon and sever their life. Was there anything easier and more comfortable than this?

However, there was a limit to that. Although he liked labor, he was a perver who hated unproductive labor. Looking at the 523rd Quegna that just fell down due to his surprise attack, Yu IlHan muttered.

"This won't do. I cannot waste any more time doing something so meaningless."

[It's because your growth is too fast. These things should originally be a suitable level of hunting material for you.](Erta)

The reason Yu IlHan had come here was in the end, to procure materials to make Kang MiRae's magic weapon. That objective was over from the moment he killed the third one, so if his objective was not experience, then no one would say anything even if he went back.

However, since he decided to do it, he wanted to make a good weapon.

"Isn't there a boss?"

[You're not thinking that boss-tier monsters exist in every dungeon, right?](Erta)

"I think I will be able to make a legend rank weapon if I have its bones though…"

She did say that the price would different according to the ability of the finished artifact, so the money was worth looking forward to. However, Erta shouted in fright.

[Are you planning to pull her roots out? No, she might even request marriage saying she will pay it back all her life!](Erta)

"Damned media ruined our Erta."

[I'm extremely normal!](Erta)

If this was a game or a fantasy novel (T/N: It isn't?) then bosses that decorate the final part of the dungeon would appear. A sudden crisis! The main character who burns in passion amidst of shock and fear!

The problem was that the ones who get burned to death due to the main character's courage was not the main character himself but his friends who become touched and charge with him, but anyway, shouldn't dungeons be like that, where main characters grow in such method?

However, reality was cold. If there were no mutated monsters, or the dungeon had insufficient mana, boss monsters were not born. It might in a long time, but at least right now, there was none in this dungeon.

Mostly, people do not want to meet high ranking monsters inside a dungeon, so the fact that there's no boss monster was usually a good news.

Let's say that there's a level 50 restriction dungeon. 'Normally', the people who enter such dungeons are limited to those around level 60. Those above that level would look for another dungeon for experience efficiency.

However, when bosses appear in these kind of dungeons, level 80 was normal and if unlucky, level 90, and although very improbable, even a 3rd class might appear, which Yu IlHan had experienced already.

Well, if they killed the boss, then they would be able to take a lot of experience and spoils of war, but no jewels in the world were more precious than life. As such, people never approach bosses. They only pray that they would not get noticed by the bosses and run.

As such, boss monsters did not exist for people to hunt them.

They existed for people to run away the moment they see them!

[I'm saying that the probability of a boss monster appearing is supposed to be very low. Do you understand now?](Erta)

Thanks to Erta's easy explanations, Yu IlHan nodded helplessly, but somehow, there was a word in her explanation that weighed on his mind.

"Why did you emphasize the word 'normally'? Are there times where high level people have to go to a lower level dungeon?"

Dungeons were no different from monster-specific traps made by using the power of Heaven. The fact that people could hunt monsters on their level safely was all thanks to that.

But how?

[Ah, if you went to another world, then you would've known.](Erta)

"You're trying to pick a fight with me right? Just wait next to me until I become a higher existence."

[...It will be alright before Earth experiences its 2nd Great Cataclysm. I will explain it to you then.]

Whether it's the 2nd Great Cataclysm or the third, he didn't mind unless he became a loner again. Yu IlHan just nodded his head and mindlessly slashed at a Quegna nearby. At that moment, a small change occurred.

[You have earned 359,998 experience.]

[The skill, Death Collector, has become level 10. You are now able to understand the dead's thoughts remaining in the power of life.]

The Death Collector skill was the sole skill that Yu IlHan acquired after becoming Rookie Reaper, and it only collected the power of life of those Yu IlHan had killed, and was meaningless otherwise.

Collecting the power of life didn't mean his stats nor his magic power would increase. He just acquired a strange artifact that absorbed faint white smoke that appeared when he killed things, it had no other uses.

He only predicted that it would become helpful when he becomes a full reaper in his 3rd class, and learn an active skill after becoming able to use mana. There was no harm in gathering them, and it was a passive skill, so he had no means to stop its activation so he just left it alone

However, the moment the skill levelled up to 10, Yu IlHan's thoughts had completely changed.


[Kwiik, Kwiiiii!]



He couldn't win against the sudden screams and shouts that echoed in his head, so Yu Ilhan grabbed his head and ended up tumbling on the ground.


[Kua, kuaaaaa!]

[...Killed, me... world....]


[Damned maggot!]

[Yu IlHan, what is it? Yu IlHan!]

"Fuck, I don't know either!"

This was only happening within his brain, so Erta could not understand the situation. She just wished that he would be able to endure.


[Request..., ...'s blood...]

[How dare a puny Earthling do this to the great me, Dakié Von Illastra!]

Enduring the flood of noise that flooded his soul itself, Yu IlHan clenched his teeth. He wandered for a moment due to it being so sudden, but each of these voices were no more than the thoughts of the dead.

'Calm down Yu IlHan, dead things are dead anyway.'

They were the dead who Yu IlHan had severed their lives of anyway. Moreover, they were no more than the thoughts that was attached to the power of life as a bonus.

It was just a little noisy, but there was no need to fear that.



[The empire will definitely not...]

'Just shut up!'

He felt like he would go crazy if he listened to any more of that mage's voice so he inwardly screamed.

However, the moment he screamed to nowhere, the noise all stopped.

[The skill, Death Collector, has become level 11.]

"What the…"

It seemed that the noise torture he just experienced was some kind of ceremony that all people who had Death Collector had to go through. He should've known from the time when he saw the word 'reaper', this really was a class for the weirdest of the weird.

[You've heard the thoughts of those you've killed? To think you've endured that with pure mentality...are you alright?](Erta)

"They are dead anyway."

Just why was this useless skill given to him! For now, they've calmed down, but thoughts were things that would go nuts unless they were completely erased. Thinking to that point, he got annoyed again.

He even thought that he may had to regularly shout in his brain, and that the skill called Death Collector maybe a penalty, if anything, that was given to a Rookie Reaper, who had strong power.

However, the next moment, he had to take back that thought.

[Can you hear... my voice?]


hearing the softly vibrating, clear woman's voice, Yu IlHan became silent for a moment. When he saw Erta, who was floating in the air after leaving the top of Yu IlHan's head, she, unlike her usual self, turned away to avoid his gaze.

[It's not that(T/N: In JP, this would be 'Betsu ni') I was worried about you. I only asked since the thoughts of the dead were usually violent and you may have gotten some permanent injuries!](Erta)

"Yeah, thanks for worrying about me."


Of course, he knew that Erta wasn't the culprit.

Someone that he killed, that spoke human tongue, and one that had a beautiful (T/N: ???) young woman's voice – he could only think of one.

[I request, of you. Please just once...]


Heaving a grand sigh, Yu IlHan checked that there were no monsters in his surroundings, and sat down at a safe place before opening his mouth.

"What is it that you're asking me to do, Reta Kar'iha?"

[What did you just say, Yu IlHan?](Erta)

While Erta's eyes widened, inside Yu IlHan's brain, a soft vibration could be felt again. The contents were quite violent unlike the voice.

[Those I could not block even with my entire body...please take revenge to the race of dragons in my stead!](Reta)

The moment when the Rookie Reaper Yu IlHan and the Breaker Reta Kar'iha had a destined rendez-vous, Heaven was punishing the low-rank angel that concealed a dungeon.

[Suspension of Activity for 5000 years. Isn't this enough?]


The one to object to the chairman angel's loose punishment was Lita.

[It wasn't a simple dungeon concealment. If we did not find it, the world may have collapsed.]

[That's a heavy sin.]

[Just why did you do that? What's good on Earth? Did you hide some snacks or something?]

Seeing that many angels were agreeing with LIta's words, the chairman groaned.

[However, it's not wise to reduce the manpower of Heaven's Army. Each and every one of our angels are precious.]

[We need to cut the rotten parts out. Before everything else rots as well.]

It was another angel and not LIta. It was a woman who had a more mature appearance than Lita, and in her hands was a spear that emitted light as if it would pierce the sinner's heart at any moment.

[He committed a sin that go against us angels' activity rules. Just because we're lacking manpower, are we going to free a guy with a bomb amidst our forces?]


[Are you also a traitor?]

This angel's firm voice had no emotions in it whatsoever. If the chairman nodded in mistake, then her spear would strike the chairman's heart immediately.

The chairman shook his head.

[Please refrain from the dichotomic reasoning. Your rashness does not fit with a higher existence.]

[It's better than losing everything after being relaxed. Moreover, in judging good and evil, whether it's a higher existence or a lower existence, there's no difference.]

The angel aimed at the sinner's heart who was bound on the central pillar. when Lita clapped at that, some angels glared at her, and some even giggled.

[Don't kill me! Don't kill me!]

The bound angel cried out. He looked at the chairman for one last time, but the chairman only shook his head with a sigh.

[You should blame yourself for being foolish.]

[Ah, no. This is... There's no way this is possible! It should have ended quickly, they said tha...]

The angel with the spear of light swung her arms lightly to shoot the spear. The spear pierced the sinner's abdomen.


[Speak, traitor.]

The female angel that threw the spear approached him while emitting an overwhelming aura, and pushed her flawless beautiful face against his. However, as the sinner was in tremendous pain, there was no room for him to admire her beauty.

[Who is behind you? Is it the Destruction Demon Army? Is it the Garden of Sunset? Or is it the Brilliant Army of Light?]


The bound angel couldn't win against the pain and frothed blood from his mouth. However, at some time, perhaps he had realized that he would not live anymore, as he spat out the spit mixed with blood at the female angel and shouted.

[You retards, you chess pieces who only follow orders of a calculating machine, you maggots! Heaven will fall! Those damned principles and restrictions, they will lead you to your destruction!]

[I received it well.]

Despite the unbearable insult, the angel just firmly nodded.

From the beginning, she did not expect to get any useful information. It was fine with figuring out that this wasn't a fallen angel who just became crazy, but someone that was moving under orders of someone else.

The angel grabbed the spear struck in the male angel's abdomen and slashed upwards.


[...You were sacrificed. Even though you're laughing at us so much, you did not realize your position until the end.]

The sinner could not answer anymore, because the upper part, starting from the abdomen, had been clearly split apart.


[How clean of a strike.]

[Spiera! How could you, on your own…..!]

Some angels rejoiced and some, including the chairman, became shocked. However, the angel, Spiera, only declared with the 'black and white' blood covering her.

[I only disposed a traitor of Heaven.]

[He still had the wings of an angel! Could we really not save him!]

[Lita, accept your orders.]

The angel did not listen to the chairman and turned around. Meanwhile, Lita, who was called, replied back while tilting her head.

[Why? I need to go back down quickly with IlHan's reward.]

[The dam of karma that was piled up for a long time started breaking apart. A big battle is coming...As such, from today onwards, you will undergo a special training for your advancement.]

Lita was known for her strong physical power even amongst the angels. She was originally strong, but after she got caught up in missions relating to a world with a distorted time axis, her powers had grown massively as well. Spiera didn't call her out for nothing.

However, Lita couldn't care less about any of that.

[I'm in a romantic business so no!]

Special training? She was busy stealing Yu IlHan's heart, and if she did something sweaty like that, then she might be left behind by Erta!

Lita backed out, but Spiera approached even faster and grabbed Lita's back.

[Yes.](T/N: As opposed to 'no' above)

[Uaaaaaaa. IlHannnnnnnnnnnnn!]

Lita's return just got delayed, but of course, Yu IlHan and Erta did not know of this fact.

Author's notes

1. Erta hid it well!

2. Yu IlHan was right!

3. Angels will appear a lot from now on. They aren't just for simple advices and support. Sorry? You knew it?

Translator's notes

Spiera's appearance!

Also, I saw that I got a 3.5/5 on grammar… I'm sorry guys… The sentences in this novel are just too long to bother checking grammar…

Translator : Chamber

[The race of dragons!?](Erta)

Erta shouted in shock. Yu IlHan was instead shocked by her.

"You can hear her?"

[Although I had to take out the angel's ring, yes.](Erta)

The moment Yu IlHan said the words Reta Kar'iha, Erta realized that the situation was not normal and immediately took out her angel's ring to bring the communion with Yu IlHan to the limits. Only after that could she hear in in their conversation.

[The weapon Yu IlHan made did say its abilities would increase when fighting against dragonkin, but to think it would actually refer to dragons…](Erta)

"Dragonkin aren't dragons?"

[The word 'dragon' doesn't refer to simple dragonkin.](Reta)

Reta Kar'iha's thoughts continued.

[Dragonkin innately have a strong power, and dragons are those that are born with extremely strong bodies made made with the extremities of matter and magic even amongst dragonkin. They lord over all dragonkin.](Reta)

Honestly, Yu IlHan had met neither dragonkin nor dragons so it wasn't anything surprising. However, Erta was already sighing.

[Dragons are at least 3rd class, moreover, the ones who lived for a long time are even 5th class, who are treated as higher existences. You would not know how horrifying a higher existence is at full strength.](Erta)

"Yeah, you guys are all about rules and laws and can't use your strength properly!"

She wanted to retort, but as Yu IlHan seemed a little frustrated, Erta couldn't do anything. Instead of her, Reta Kar'iha's thoughts kept speaking.

[Our continent was one where elves and humans harmonized peacefully. However, from some time, strong monsters started rapidly appearing on the continent. Not long after, many Great Cataclysms occurred at once. This only happened within 50 years.](Reta)

"Hey, higher existence."

[I think there was a mistake there too.](Erta)

This was a mess. He did think that they screwed up on operating Earth, and they had a precedent! If there really was someone called God, he even wanted to go and complain, to change the manager of Earth.

[The Army of Heaven realized the abnormality and started focusing on our world, but it was too late by then. This was because the race of dragons that enjoyed killing and violence, were already rampaging around.](Reta)

Reta Kar'iha's following words were tearfully tragic. The alliance of elves and humans, meticulous defense of the land, treachery, etc. Listening to the story that would probably make an 8 book series, Yu IlHan sympathized with her.

She chatted so well, so how did she endure until now?

[The point when Heaven abandoned us was when there was not a single country left on the continent. Dragons massacred humans and elves without even realizing that they were stepping on their own potential to evolve.](Reta)

Reta Kar'iha's voice trembled. Despite the fact that her real body had scattered after becoming ash, Yu IlHan could clearly imagine her wrathful face.

[I, who was fatally injured after hundreds of years of battle, thought that I could not end everything like this and used a last resort.](Reta)

Last resort, meaning becoming a Breaker.

[A foolish choice.](Erta)

Erta declared. Her eyes even had a trace of rage.

[Breakers are no different from monsters, moving instinctively. No matter what emotion you had in your heart, the moment you fell into a Breaker, you've lost your possibility for revenge forever!](Erta)

[As you may know, I had a deathgod category class like the one that killed me.](Reta)

That much could be deduced from the options of the items that she was using. Rookie Reaper, the class that Yu IlHan acquired, was a unique class, but it wasn't like there were no similar classes like it until now. However, Reta Kar'iha also seemed to think the same thing.

[As such, I thought that not everything would end even if I become a Breaker. Before I became one, I imbued my thoughts into the robe and the scythe using my powers that could tamper with the soul. Even if the one who kills me is not a deathgod, I waited for the day that someone who has a similar ability to me to come...](Reta)

"Aha, that's why such things happened when making the spear."

However, not once did the thoughts in the scythe and the robe do anything.

Yu IlHan, who brought out all his strength in the battle with Reta Kar'iha, miraculously acquired the Rookie Reaper class, and was able to acquire the biggest thought fragment that was in her body.

[Although I did think that there wouldn't be anyone other than me left on the continent, I could not stop myself from doing those foolish things.](Reta)

[Even though you know it's foolish, how!](Erta)

Just as Erta was about to get more enraged, Yu IlHan spoke in a helpless voice.

"And that Abandoned World got connected with Earth like this."

[As a result, fortunately, I have acquired this opportunity to pass on this truth to someone else.](Reta)

[That's true.](Erta)

Erta was just about to corner her when she became dejected. However, she then blamed it all on Yu IlHan.

[If you're not such an OP character.](Erta)

"If not, then I wouldn't even be here, listening to this talk."

Calming Erta, who was feeling both joy and despair at the unfair reality, down, Yu IlHan spoke back to Reta Kar'iha.

"I know how frustrated you must be, but I'm very weak right now. Meaning, I don't have any ability to fight against those dragons and shit."

Yes. That was the point. He did understand how frustrated and angry Reta Kar'iha must be, but he himself wasn't that strong yet. He might be able to kill a 3rd class dragonkin if he fought to death, but that was it.

Yu IlHan liked new things and new adventures, but he declined in betting his life. He was just going to ignore the dead's thoughts as just thoughts.

[However, Daréu has already been connected to Earth. If we do not sever the connection, people of Earth would have to face dragons eventually.](Reta)

Shivering, Yu IlHan spoke to Erta.

"The defendant may answer to the judge's question. What has become of the dungeon in the Gra…"

[It's true. The seal cannot be permanent, and that doesn't mean we can erase the dungeon itself.](Erta)

Before he had even finished asking, the answer came back to him. He sighed.

[Lita already said, didn't she? They will request the people of Earth using Heaven's Quests.](Erta)

"Oh yeah, that's true."

Thinking back to Lita's sorry face back then, Yu IlHan asked Reta Kar'iha.

"Is it that urgent?"

[Of course, it may be alright right now. the probability that the existences inside Daréu have found the connection with Earth, is very low. However, if the 2nd Great Cataclysm occurs...](Reta)

Stopping there, Yu IlHan thought back to what Erta talked about a while ago.

Didn't she say that high level people would have to go inside lower level restricted dungeons when the 2nd Great Cataclysm occurs?

He instinctively realized. Yu IlHan was about to hear what he didn't hear back then.

"What happens then?"

[The concentration of mana on Earth would rise and the probability of a Dungeon Break occurring rises as well, so at that point, they would be able to come over to Earth.](Erta)

"Explain what a Dungeon Break is first."

He was annoyed with all the new proper nouns. Realizing how he was feeling, Erta obediently explained this time.

Dungeon Breaks refer to the phenomenon where the Traps of Destruction break down due to the high concentration of mana after the 2nd Great Cataclysm. It would explode if unlucky, so it would be good if you cleaned it out beforehand.](Erta)

That itself was something he had heard before. Even in other novels and games, when one left dungeons alone for a long time, then the overflowing monsters caused accidents.

"Can't you make it sturdy from the beginning?"

[As I already said, all dungeons naturally break down, so you cannot trust in dungeons. Dungeons only exist as a delay.](Erta)

Yes, she definitely said that on the day Yu IlHan asked about that to her.

Truly damned.

[It is not that we can't make a sturdier and a longer-lasting dungeon, but naturally, it would require more precious materials. Heaven doesn't have an infinite amount of materials. Meaning, we can't distribute them to all worlds equally. Moreover, if we scattered strong Traps of Destruction, then overflows occur. Overflows are worse than Dungeon Breaks.](Erta)

If the attraction force of the Traps of Destruction is too low, then monsters would simply ignore it, and if it's too strong, then an overflow occurs and mutated species are born… And even if it's properly made, then it was unknown when it would explode, and needed regular cleaning.

"Can't we just not make dungeons?"

[That's easy for us, but humans would all die, right?](Erta)

That's true, such a tiresome matter.

Anyway, Yu IlHan now knew of the full situation. First, the sealed dungeon was still connected to an Abandoned World, and horrifying dragons were everywhere there.

Earth would definitely go against them sometime.

"Can we not know when the 2nd Great Cataclysm would occur on Earth?"

[Unlike the 1st Great Cataclysm, the time of the 2nd Great Cataclysm is very dynamic. Earth's 2nd Great Cataclysm was originally set in 150 years after the first, but during the two months after the first Great Cataclysm, that time has changed tremendously.](Erta)

"How many years?"

[50 years left.](Erta)


100 years were reduced in 2 months, so using simple calculations, there was one month left.

[It's not!](Erta)

"Hey, don't read my mind again."

[I can't help it since it's all readable! Anyway it won't be one month. Moreover, we sealed it using the power of Heaven so it wouldn't burst out quickly.](Erta)

However, the more Erta assured him, the more worried he got. At least, it was clear that there was room for him to not care at all.

"Do I have no choice but to hurry a little?"

[It becomes possible to use the skill, Angel's Support, in an Abandoned World. You would become at least 1.5 stronger than now.](Erta)

"Even so, unless I can use mana, it will be impossible for me to go against 4th class. It might be somehow possible to go against 3rd class, but it's not like I can pick them out to fight."


Reta Kar'iha, her desperate thoughts interfered as if to answer Yu IlHan. With a desperate voice as if she had waited for this moment.

[I can help you.](Reta)

As the situation was like this, Yu IlHan took the bait without hesitation.

"...Shall we hear more of that?"

Reta Kar'iha's following explanations were very simple.

During the last stages of the war between the continental alliance and the dragons, she acquired control of the elven empire's magic formation which spread throughout the entire world of Daréu.

That was an OP magic formation was able to see through all the levels and the races of those who step on the ground, and enabled the user to teleport anywhere on the continent. The reason why Reta was able to do a guerilla battle over the long years was all thanks to that magic formation as well.

[It's a magic formation that was created with the spiritual techniques unique to elves created over tens of thousands of years. Those that aren't elves cannot even notice the formation. It was passed down to generations of successors of the empire, but they all died and I've gained control of it.](Reta)

[There's such an OP formation, but why did they lose to dragons?](Erta)

"Did you even see a life going as planned?"

Yu IlHan's criticism made Erta pout and Reta Kar'iha's thoughts giggle. That was because he had said the exact words that she wanted to say.

"So now, I'm able to kill them after I pick them out?"


"I'm human though, can I use that formation?"

[As long as my power of life resides within you, it's possible if you have enough magic stones.]

"Is that so…"

Yu IlHan thought for a moment before he tapped his cheeks. It did make him complex now that he had heard so many things at once, but organizing the stuff that he should do, the conclusion was very simple.

Going inside the dungeon with Reta Kar'iha, find the easy ones, and kill them. Simple.

And if he hurried before the 2nd Great Cataclysm arrived, then that would be for the best.

"Let's do this alone as far as possible. If I find that it's too hard, then it won't be late to spread it around at that time."

[Why, Yu IlHan? We don't want you to bear such a heavy burden by yourself. Moreover, a catastrophe would occur on Earth if it goes wrong, so even if you just have to tell the ones with guardian angels!](Erta)

"No, I can't do that."

Yu IlHan replied with a laugh.

There were two reasons.

First, the returnees were still too weak. Even if the told them this fact right now, he would only be sacrificing future battle power. Telling them should come later.

And second.

"Dragon's skin should be awesome right? I cannot give such leather to anyone other than myself!"



This was the moment when Reta Kar'iha realized that the one who killed her was a huge pervert.

Author's notes

You can just take it that starting from 5th class, they are higher existences. Of course, becoming one is extremely hard. Even 4th class are treated as national power.

Special training does not end in one or two days, so Lita is planned to go back and forth Earth and Heaven for the time being. There were a lot of you that thought that Lita went away permanently again...

(Untranslatable reference)

Erta already said in the beginning that dungeons aren't permanent. This is the reason why they cannot relax even when the dungeon was sealed with Heaven's power.

It's not that Yu IlHan would go kill dragons immediately. There's still quite a lot left before that.

Translator's notes

How many girls now? 2 angels, 2 humans, and one….soul? (Do not spoil if you've read the spoilers)

Also, dat spoiler title…