95 - 100

It would be the best if chaos ensued until the battle ended, but there was a limit to that. The dragons became wary when their numbers decreased by a significant amount, and analysed the situation around themselves in a more objective way, and finally understood that Yu IlHan's weakness was exposed as he was assaulting the dragons.

Presence. To bring out the maximum effects of the battlefield he had created, he was moving around all over the place, and could not use his strongest card – his concealment.

From that moment, a portion of the dragons changed their strategy. They became wary to not give into Yu IlHan's provocation and attacked him with long range magic. From that moment onwards, Yu IlHan's injuries started increasing.

In fact, Yu IlHan thought that he had done this more than enough. He had taken back much more than he invested since the dragons were more stupid than he had expected!

Amongst them, some 3rd class dragonkin tried to pull out the pillars embedded in the grounds by diving towards the earth and flipping over the entire soil, but Yu IlHan just ignored them. If the pillars and harpoons were something that could be nullified by 3rd class beings, then he wouldn't have made them in the first place.

[Ugh, how does he endure so well even though he looks so weak?]

[We need to freeze him first! Shit! Why was I born with the powers of fire!]

The right moment arrived. He used his harpoons enough, and the dragons started leaving behind their allies tied by the harpoons and started to act to kill Yu IlHan. Now, Yu IlHan also needed to go to the next stage.

Immediately after he decided, Yu IlHan kicked off the ground into the air. While the dragons tied to the ground couldn't move, he planned to decrease the airborne dragons as much as possible.

[Now we don't care anymore. Die!]

A completely intact 4th class dragon charged towards him. The dragon's grandeur while charging with all sorts of strengthening and support magic cast on itself was very vicious.

However, Yu IlHan checked behind before he took out a pile bunker from his Cross Bag, and shot the pile bunker as soon as the dragon arrived near him and opened its mouth!

[Critical Hit!]


The might of the pile bunker which focused all its power into a single shot, could be called peerless; It broke through all the strengthening and defense magic before piercing through the tongue and the lower jaw. WHen Yu IlHan transferred the weight, the dragon fell by itself.

Meanwhile, due to the rebound from the pile bunker Yu IlHan was shot backwards without the need for a re-leap. He took out another pile bunker. Everything around him were dragons and dragonkin anyway.


[You're using it to attack and as a driving force at the same time.] (Erta)


Ordinary humans, and even humans with exceptional battle power are bound to be ruled by the environment they are living in.

They could only panic when they are suddenly thrown into the air as there was no footing nor was it easy to focus, so be it swords or guns, it was difficult to bring out their proper abilities. On top of that, if they were fighting a monster who had superior aerial maneuverability, it was very easy for them to get hurt.

However, Yu IlHan had in the end, due to the continuous aerial fights he partook in since coming to Dareu, become used to moving around in the way he wants while maintaining situational awareness around him in all 6 directions (front, behind, left, right, up, down) to fight multiple enemies.

Despite not having wings, he was bringing out enough changes in vectors just with re-leaps and pile bunker rebounds!

[Now, capture him!]


A portion of the dragons opened their mouths and breathed out violent flames to attack Yu IlHan. At this point, it would be reasonable if they realized that Yu IlHan was strong against fire, but as their innate attributes were based on fire, they had no other choice.

Yu IlHan recklessly went head in towards the flames that seemed like they could eviscerate the entire world. Now that he had experienced the pain of getting burnt so many times, he had gotten used to it.

His eyes shined sharply even within the pouring flames to look at the roof of the dragon's mouth.


Yu IlHan re-leaped within the flames. Shooting out from the flames, Yu IlHan held pointed the pile bunker upwards and struck it on the roof of the dragon's mouth.


"Eat this too!"

It was a little disappointing to leave just a single attack, so Yu IlHan threw a few grenades into the punctured hole and on top of the tongue, before quickly leaving the premises.

[This way!]

[If we miss this opportunity more of our kin will die, attack!]

However, the other dragons all started activating magic at that moment as if they had waited for it. Even though their ally dragon will suffer more damage in this situation, they became enraptured in the thought to kill Yu IlHan after seeing so many of their kin dying!

Now, they couldn't care less about Destruction Demon Army or whatever. To them, Yu IlHan was an archenemy they couldn't share the skies with! An enemy they had to kill at all costs!

The situation was pretty clear just from looking at the fact that they were using more mana to their magic. Only 3rd class dragonkin died from the friendly fire.

[Yu IlHan, you're surrounded!]

"Careful not to get hit by stray fire."

Shields were made for these kind of moments. He called out hundreds of shields to encapsulate him.

Would it sound like this if you fry billions of beans with many different frying pans? Numerous and varied magic hit on the layers upon layers of shields and terrorized Yu IlHan's eardrums. He could only endure with the thought that this was much better than getting hit head on.

Although the time they could stay in the air was very short, the shields that appeared exactly at the moment when the magic was about to strike, splendidly did their job before returning to the Cross Bag. Of course, as Yu IlHan couldn't block all the damage from the numerous magic, he had to take out a cheer pack hurriedly.

[You're drinking 'Breath'. Health increases rapidly and and rest energy recharges. A little bit of Magic increases. All battle senses become sharper.]

When the hundreds of shields disappeared and Yu IlHan appeared completely intact, the dragons became enraged.

[Y, you monster!]

[We can't let him live. They're making a mistake. They got their priorities wrong. We need to erase this guy before anything else!]

Seeing their reactions, Yu IlHan giggled. Seeing that even the calmer dragons were starting to panic, it seemed that Yu IlHan had a talent for taunting enemies.

Yu IlHan deployed re-leap and approached one of them before taking out a new pile bunker.

He still had a lot of weapons left; and the alcoholic drink he made from their blood was recovering his health endlessly.

"You're too late to realize that, fellows. Well, do your best."

When Yu IlHan barely landed on the ground, the sky was already coloring red. Not due to the flames from the dragons, nor from their blood – It was becoming sunset.

Yu IlHan collected the last dragon that died to his Cross Bag before calling out a piece of information onto his retina.

[Killing 4th class 1,000/1,000]

"Fuu, that was easy."

[Hah, yeah right.] (Erta)

[You really did it.] (Reta)

In contrast to Erta's sarcastic remark, Reta expressed her heartfelt exclamation. Yu IlHan laughed and sucked on the cheer pack. It was not Breath but Bloodrink.

"It's good that Breath recovers my health and my rest energy, but the problem is that it makes me dizzy."

[That's an expected side effect.] (Erta) (P/R Its alcohol)

He filled his health completely, and even completed repairing his equipment temporarily. There was not a single dragonkin corpse on the beach. Only remains of pile bunkers were around, along with ballistas and harpoons without their targets, which were all reflecting the dull light of sunset to reveal a cruel sight.

He was worried that his Cross Bag may really burst, but he decided to believe in Erta's words that she will increase the capacity even if she had to call out a hundred angels.

Then now, it was time to open the gift box.

[Class advancement quest complete! Will you advance to Blazing Reaper?]

"It's finally time."

[It really was a long time.] (Erta)

[Class advancement, eh. So it already comes to this. You really are absurdly fast.] (Erta)

Yu IlHan achieved 2nd class in the fight with Reta. Even though not much time had passed since that had happened, he was now getting his 3rd, which made Reta stupefied.

[I'm not even completely ready yet but.... It can't be helped.] (Reta)

However, her following words were slightly strange. Yu IlHan asked while tilting his head.

"Can't help what?"

[If you acquire the same tier as what I once was by advancing then the probability of success for my magic will be infinitely lowered.] (Reta)

Yu IlHan's brows twitched. This sounded quite worrying.


[Yes, magic.] (Reta)

The moment Reta said that, everything changed.

Starting from the land that Yu IlHan was stepping on, blue light started reaching endlessly towards all directions – beyond the small island into the seas. Perhaps it may reach the end of the continent.

Seeing that unrecognizable geometric shapes were appearing within the blue light that covered the surroundings, Yu IlHan thought os something.

"Is this the magic formation?"

[Correct. This is the formation that the ancient empire cast over the entire continent. It's an amazing magic formation that could be considered the essence of elven magic. It's also the formation that you've been using for mere spatial transfers until now.] (Reta)

'Mere' spatial transfer… Yu IlHan asked back in a bitter voice.

"So it has other uses."

[It is said that the emperor of the elven empire pursued eternal life with this formation; casting away the aged flesh, and transferring the soul to another person's body.] (Reta)

Yu IlHan thought that that kind of magic was an evil magic that beings fit to be last bosses would use.

[I, who was about to become its sacrifice, could kill him with the help of my allies, and became the new master of the formation. It was possible only because the dragons caused chaos in the empire.] (Reta)

However, she could not use it. The power of the dragons were too strong, and soul transfers were difficult to activate against opponents that had similar or higher tiers as them.

At the last moment, she cast soul transfer against a dragon, which made her fall into a becoming a Breaker. However, she was an exceptional deathgod, and gathered her fragmented soul, which should have disappeared naturally, and succeeded in imbuing them into her own body and her artifact.

Then, she finally met a sacrifice; with the name Yu IlHan, and the one that had more talent than anyone else.

As such, all of her words until now, except the fact that dragons were her archenemies, were lies!

Yu IlHan tried to lift his arm, but he couldn't.

Now, he tried to commence the advancement with just his will alone, but no matter how much he willed it, no text appeared on his retina. His physical body did not listen to him at all.

[You are extremely exceptional, but have no sense of crisis. I think that you will lose your life while focusing on enjoying yourself like that.] (Reta)

Reta laughed coldly.

[I was once a deathgod; one that specialized in handling the power of souls. That was why I could imbue my soul into an artifact, and could activate the elven magic formation despite not having a physical body. Did you not realize? That I was too free? That I could harbor treacherous intentions?] (Reta)

"Would it sound like a lie if I told you that I wanted to believe in you?"

Now, it was difficult to even speak. That was natural, as an enormous magic formation installed over an entire continent was wholly activating in order to bind Yu IlHan.

That was a truly enormous power. Thinking about it, Yu IlHan thought that the magic stones he used to activate the formation may have not been used completely and were used to store energy within the formation.

[Without fear, You poured the life force of many to me who was dwelling within your soul. That made my thought processes more distinct, and enhanced what little powers I had left.

Aah, you should have realized that there was a problem when the elven magic formation recognized me as the master and not you!] (Reta)

Now that he heard it, it was really like that. She was a mere fragmented soul. Even though she was a thought that could not show herself outside even after eating all that lifeforce, Reta Kar'iha could use the magic formation of her own will as the master.

Then, she could also use the formation to go against Yu IlHan's will.

[It was so difficult for me to hold back my laughter while you were talking about your predictions with this magic formation. Future prediction? Dragons do what? YOU'RE WRONG! This magic formation is something that NO ONE can do anything about other than the elves. It is the grand formation to lead our race into prosperity!] (Reta)


The power of the magic formation that bound Yu IlHan started being sucked into his body. An enormous amount of mana that he could not endure whittled away his body and his psyche.

[I will take over your body. I will defeat all the dragons belonging to Destruction Demon Army, and ally with the Garden of Sunset in order to develop Dareu once again.] (Reta)

Reta laughed. As her soul started off within Yu IlHan's body, soul transfer magic activated successfully.

As she had already started to take control of Yu IlHan's senses, Yu IlHan's lips were twitching upwards without his will.

[Please do not believe in others so easily from now on. Oh, your soul will disappear so that kind of realization is no good for you now.] (Reta)

[Well, I'm not so sure about that.] (Erta)

Erta, who was watching until now, finally spoke. It was very strange considering the emotions she had towards Yu IlHan, but Reta was too much im ecstasy to realize at all.

Erta was still on top of Yu IlHan's head, but her expression even looked slightly proud.

[I don't think you need to teach him that.] (Erta)

[What?] (Reta)

Just as when Erta spoke, and Reta snorted.

Yu IlHan spoke with difficulty.

"Wake up already."

When he spoke in a whisper-like voice, a sleeping thought inside him opened its eyes.

The thought that even Reta, who had enhanced her powers through the magic formation and the life force, had forgotten about.

"If you're up, bite her to death."


In the two months that didn't last an instant.

Within the barrier that 'Reta could not enter', Yu IlHan let the Orochi eat 'all' of the life force of dragonkin he had acquired until now. And now, that Orochi was roaring loudly.

[Orochi.... How? I, it's the barrier! You, you knew already! You didn't believe in me! Since the start!] (Reta)


Yu IlHan laughed at Reta's shriek. It was a much more natural smile than before.

It wasn't Reta who had moved. In the process of Reta's thought being crushed by the Orochi, Yu IlHan had regained control of his body and laughed.

"You should listen to the end, shouldn't you?"

[Kruooooooooo!] (Orochi)

The last insurance for the opponent that he wanted to believe in, but couldn't, had finally come into play.

Author's notes

Yes, Reta was an enemy from start to finish. She wouldn't have been a threat if he left her alone, but IlHan let her grow so much. Although, he did that because he had something to rely on.

It's natural, but not all blatant foreshadows come true!

Of course, I threw some baits here and there until now. Oh, and as the title too.

Some might have noticed when Yu IlHan didn't proceed with the advancement right away and delayed for a moment.

Wait for the next chapter for the deal between Yu IlHan and the Orochi.

Yu IlHan had driven out Reta through the Orochi. However, that was the Orochi's trap! The Orochi uses the formation that Reta already activated in order to take control of Yu IlHan!? Thank you for loving Everyone Else is a Returnee until now. Tomorrow, it will be the start of 'Everyone Else is human' with the Orochi as the main character...… (It's a lie)

[I won't lose to something like Orochi when I've come all this way!] (Reta)

[Kruooooo!] (Orochi)

While the magic formation was still pulsating mana into Yu IlHan's body while emitting blinding light, Yu IlHan, who had given up on controlling the vast amount of mana, felt the clash between two strong thoughts and waited until the conclusion.

On one side was a thought that left Yu IlHan's control with the help of the magic formation, and on the other was a thought that became Yu IlHan's loyal underling after suitable negotiation and conversation.

It was quite a strange feeling that he himself couldn't do anything even though it was something happening within him.

He would have eaten popcorn if there was any, but it was unfortunate that there wasn't. Yu IlHan resolved that he should carry around popcorn in his Cross Bag just in case something like this happens again.

[Damned dragonkin! Yes. I will kill you first!] (Reta)


The two thoughts really did clash quite hard.

Although they were referred to as 'thoughts', in reality, they were fragments of souls. As compensation for acquiring Death Collector which absorbed and stored life force, he ended up absorbing the soul fragments that came along with it from time to time.

That, was akin to poison. The kind that would become his weapon if he used it well, but could devour him from the inside if he made a mistake.

When he absorbed the life force and thoughts of numerous monsters he killed through Death Collector after he became Rookie Reaper, there was once a time when all kinds of berserk screams and roars of monsters assaulted him.

Yu IlHan had won against them with just a shout, but in truth, it wasn't over with just that much. If it wasn't Yu IlHan who was in possession of a psyche that had endured a thousand years alone, one would not be able to reamin calm against the echoes of countless souls that resented him.

This was the compensation for acquiring the powers of a deathgod. Although he never had the opportunity to become aware of that as his mental defenses were very formidable, The power of an exceptional thought known as Reta Kar'iha, and her actions succeeded in changing Yu IlHan's awareness.

Due to that, Yu IlHan reached the conclusion that he should establish rule over the other thoughts and thus, ruled over the Orochi. Only then could he be considered as having become a true deathgod.

[Kyaaaaak!] (Reta)

The battle ended as he had wished. Of course, it was the Orochi's victory as he had devoured the powers of numerous dragonkin.

In the first place, Reta could be considered to have failed the moment Yu IlHan considered that Reta would betray him.

[How, can this be....!] (Reta)

[Kyahaaaa!] (Orochi)

The Orochi laughed in front of the enemy's defeat. Yu IlHan also laughed.

This was the moment when he truly felt that the words 'Yesterday's enemy are today's allies, and today's allies are tomorrow's enemies' were true.

[Wait, I... still!] (Reta)

Spoke Reta in a resentful voice.

Normally in situations like these, one would say 'Any last words?' or 'Hmph, I can't kill you so easily. You need to suffer a pain worse than death!' and such useless stuff before getting counterattacked into a crisis, but Yu IlHan declared curtly as if to break all those clichés.

"Kill her."

[Kyahu!] (Orochi)

The Orochi also replied curtly. Then, it bit Reta to death.

Reta was destroyed without being able to scream a single syllable.

At the same time Reta's soul completely disappeared within Yu IlHan's soul, The light from the magic formation installed over the continent disappeared in an instant before silence and darkness pervaded the world. Yu IlHan had completely regained control of his body.

[Soul Transfer magic has been cancelled. The mana piled up in the elven empire's magic formation expands the pool of mana. Your Magic increases permanently by 115.]

The magic was cancelled, but the overwhelming amount of mana that had flowed into his body in order to let Reta's soul gain control over Yu IlHan fused with Yu IlHan as an alternative option and ended up expanding Yu IlHan's pool of mana.

This was the moment when his magic stat, which was lower than all of his other stats, surpassed them all at once. His abnormal stats compared to the returnees who had well rounded stats finally got on track! (T/N: Yeah, right, his stats are 100 or more higher than those of his level…)

He had just acquired a good enhancement during the period where he was worried that his mana was lacking.

Yu IlHan felt the amplification of the highly pure mana in his body, and the expansion of his mana pool and got excited as he muttered.

"So stats can increase like this. I think I want to go through that twice more."

[Don't play around with your life, I won't let this happen again!... Anyway, it's good that it ended well.] (Erta)

But that wasn't the end.

[You have absorbed the powers remaining in the mutated soul of Reta Kar'iha. Your power to govern souls increases exceptionally.]

[You have learned the skill, Soul Enchant. You can bestow a soul in your possession into an artifact. There is no chance of failure, and you can bring out more power of the soul within the artifact as your skill level rises.]

Was it because the Orochi did not eat Reta? Reta's soul which had grown quite a lot was absorbed into himself and gave him a small final present.

He had finally acquired a method to use Death Collector! Although it only applied to the fragmented souls and not the life forces!

"That's quite good just as Orochi grew up. Wait a little more. I'll give you your action time."

[Kroaaaaaar!] (Orochi)

Perhaps because it had acquired power thanks to Yu IlHan, the Orochi's answer was filled with vitality.

Thinking back, the deal between the Orochi and Yu IlHan was quite simple as well – the Orochi had only got on right away when Yu IlHan told it that it would eventually escape from the situation where it could only roar, and rampage around while being strengthened continuously by the thoughts and life forces he had acquired.

It was a shameless deal possible only for Yu IlHan, as he knew the dragonkin's greed for power! People of Earth referred to this as 'slave contract' but Yu IlHan' couldn't care less.

Of course, there was another reason why the Orochi could only accept this deal – THere was no way Reta Kar'iha would have let it stay 'alive' when she took over Yu IlHan's body. So it was a win-win scenario anyway!

[Is it because Reta Kar'iha regained quite a lot of her powers of when she was alive? Or was it the power of magic that strengthened her soul? I really didn't think that you'd get a skill.] (Erta)

"Oh, yeah. Now that I think about it…"

Hearing Erta's words, Yu IlHan remembered something as he flicked his finger. At that moment, a part of the magic formation under Yu IlHan's feet momentarily let out faint light.

Erta blinked her eyes several times when she saw that.

[Yu IlHan, don't tell me you…?] (Erta)

"Yup. I think it's recognizing me as the master."

Although he could only use this in Dareu, that was enough, as he still had more than 200 dragons to fight against.

And every single one of them was stronger than the Orochi!

For Reta Kar'iha, it was an ambitious betrayal in order to find her new life, as a result, Yu IlHan gained a lot of things indescribable with just words. The definition of a deathgod, the power of the Orochi, magic, and even new possibilities and skills!

At this point, he even got suspicious whether Reta had sacrificed herself in order to help Yu IlHan.

"Thanks, Reta. You were a real bitch, but I will save Dareu! With the power you gave me! How is it, I'm quite loyal, no?"

[How can you sound so evil when you're doing something good…?] (Erta)

Although he had acquired many things, this wasn't the end. The main point hadn't even started.

Why did Reta bring her true colors out? Wasn't it because Yu IlHan had achieved all the conditions for the class advancement? Yes. Yu IlHan could now advance into 3rd class!

Yu IlHan's heart pounded more than ever before. More so than when he had created Black bone giant spear, or Aegis. He was more happy now than when he acquired 115 magic stats AND a skill related to souls thanks to Reta.

Perhaps it was because he was finally rewarded for his efforts.

[Will you advance into Blazing Reaper?]

"Of course."

Yu IlHan nodded.

At that moment, the world exploded.


(-Fin- is translator's joke. I mean, the world exploded you know!)

[You have become a Blazing Reaper. The effect of concealment increases by 20%. Attack power and critical hit rate increases by 40% when attacking an enemy in surprise. Attack power increases by 30% when fighting against lifeforms. Fire attribute resistance and fire attribute attack power increases by 20%.]

[All deathgod-category skill growth speed accelerates.]

[Absorbing the piled up records. You have become level 134. 50 Strength, 50 Agility, 35 Health, 40 Magic increases.]

[You have learned the active skill, Blaze. The skill, Blaze, processes the collected life force into mana in order to make superheat boiling in the depths of hell. At the current skill level, 1, you can momentarily bestow the superheat into a weapon.]

[The abilities of the sub-class, Angel's Partner, increases. You can contract an additional angel.]

[You can acquire another sub-class.]

[Yu IlHan]


[Main – Blazing Reaper 134]

[Sub – Angel's Partner, Selectable]

[Title = Pancosmic Loner (Concealment becomes passive) and 7 others]

[Strength – 296 Agility – 295 Health – 249 Magic – 332] (T/N: Magic stat tho…)

[Active skills – Deathgod Lv 25, Mana Crafting Lv 43, Soul Enchant Lv 1, Blaze Lv 1, Superhuman Strength Lv 42, Leap Lv 42]

[Passive skills – Physical Combat Lv Max, Blunt Weapon Mastery Lv Max, Sword Mastery Lv Max, Dismantling Lv Max, Blacksmithing Lv Max, Language Lv Max, Spear of Untraceable Trajectory Lv 13, Absolute Accuracy Lv 9, Transcendent Regeneration Lv 41, Cooking Lv 49, Critical hit Lv 41, Extreme Poison Resistance Lv 39, Death Collector Lv 38, Higher Curse Resistance Lv 18]

Putting aside acquiring the power a Blazing Reaper, Yu IlHan never expected that his level would increase by 35 at once and had to clench his teeth due to the sudden change in his physical body.

The feeling of his physical body being dragged onto the same level as his experience, suddenly increased the tier of his soul and didn't feel that good. To compare, it felt like his body was being spun around after being forced into a washing machine.

[Are you alright, Yu IlHan? That absurd class advancement mission…] (Erta)

"My, insides are churning...!"

He felt as if his arm muscles were puffing up. Not just the muscles, even his blood boiled while acquiring a trait that belonged to a higher dimension, his skin cracked and regenerated, his bones were twisting, while expanding and contracting slightly before fixing itself and became sturdier.

If he focused, then he could feel the minute changes, but that only made his suffering more painful so Yu IlHan wished the change would be over quickly while closing his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, his pain subsided as the change was completed. Yu IlHan opened his eyes slightly and heaved out a deep breath.


[Good, You came to yourself before it was too late.] (Erta)

"How long did I take?"

[About 3 minutes. But you need to hurry. Yu IlHan, you should know why, right?] (Erta)


He wished to just sleep after rolling around on the floor for a while, but the situation wasn't so good.

A large number of dragons should know that there was a big battle between Yu IlHan and the other dragons, but as soon as the battle ended, the magic formation installed over the continent flashed and emitted mana.

Now, there would be no dragons that did not know of the connection between Yu IlHan and the formation. They should have realized that something serious had happened here, and would be running here at full speed to check.

"So, I need to wait here, and kill them as they come."

[How cool.] (Erta)

Normally, people would select the 'Run' command without any hesitation for their safety, but Yu IlHan didn't fit in with them

His mental fatigue was considerable, but it wasn't for just one or two days that he lived with it. And at the same time, after undergoing 35 level ups, at least his health and magic recovered so Yu IlHan would welcome them any time.

He had yet to collect the ballistas and the harpoons. Phrasing in another way, he could use it again when this place became a battlefield!

The problem was time. Due to the unexpected wave of pain, his already lacking time was even more lacking to the point that he had to reduce time for his jokes.

'I wanted to acquire a sub-class too. Well, not everything goes according to plan.'

He thought about whether there was a similar class to God's Hammer within his subclasses, and whether acquiring it would allow him to repair his equipments once more before the battle began, but all his expectations were for naught.

However, there was something else which Yu IlHan was even more angry about.

It was that even though he, who had been suffering due to the lack of an active skill, had finally(!) acquired an active skill, Blaze, which he looked forward to so much, it seemed that he had to try out its power in real battle.

He didn't even know how much mana or life force it used up, and how much a certain amount would last him, and how powerful it is, so wasn't this pitiful!?

[I said this before, but you haven't acquired a proper active skill beginning with your 1st class, it is very probable that the power was compressed into this single skill. You, know what I'm talking about, right?] (Erta)

"So it's super-powerful?"

[Although, it might come with a super-powerful mana consumption!] (Erta)

He was too busy to retort Erta. Yu IlHan hurriedly patched up the ballistas to the best of his ability, and loaded each one of them with 15 dragon bone arrows, re-embedding the pillars into the ground, sharpening the harpoons, and preparing his Black bone giant spear in order to use it at a moment's' notice.

"Well, then... Ah shit."

[Did you think that they would wait?]

Nobody would have blamed them even if they were late, but as soon as he had finished, he could see enormous creatures over the horizon.


It was clearly an enemy and not one of Yu IlHan's allied dragons. And a strong enemy over level 220. Yu IlHan slightly adjusted the angle of one ballista.

[Krrrrrr, he was definitely here...?]

The dragon really was fitting of its level, as it was absurdly fast. The moment after it appeared on the horizon, it was now close enough for Yu IlHan to see each of its scales. Yu IlHan's ballista was aiming at its eye without the slightest shaking.

One horrifying fact was, that this giant ballista that Yu IlHan was holding was affected by his concealment to hide its presence completely from the dragon.

"Well, then. Prepare…."

Imbuing his resentment towards dragons, Yu IlHan shot the ballista with all his power.

"….And shoot!"

[Critical Hit!]


The dragon screamed. All dragonkin would suffer equally in front of the 15 continuous shots from the giant ballista! The dragons that appeared after that also had to suffer due to the ballistas and the harpoons.

Yu IlHan, who had finished his 3rd class advancement, and was waiting to acquire his subclass, was waiting for the battle to quickly end while killing off the dragons and dragonkin that were flying to the uninhabited island.

However, his small wish did not come true. Because, as the battle became more intense, all dragonkin remaining in Dareu rushed over to this island to bring a start to an unprecedentedly chaotic fight.

Author's notes

I thought about starting a new arc, but I thought that finishing it off after a few more chapters and bring an end to book 4.

Advance into Blazing Reaper! And fight ensues as soon as he finishes! When will you rest, IlHan… T^T

He acquired an active skill, Blaze. I had a hard time to not make the skill sound cool. IlHan, this guy… He flew around everywhere considering he had no active skills so…. the concept of this skill is about 'late bloomers'!

He underwent several level ups with the piled up experience. In fact, I pondered quite a lot about what level he should be at, but to show the difference between the experience of what he killed until he became level 100 (25K 3rd class) and the monsters he killed within the class advancement period (10k 3rd class + 1k 4th class dragons), he underwent a slightly shocking amount of level ups.

Like how he had to acquire a lot of experience until he acquired the class advancement mission at level 49, the amount of experience required to get a class advancement mission at level 99 is still much more than normal. I'll explain this here just in case someone has a question.

Translator's notes

Dammit, I keep confusing between Reta and Erta when I'm writing…

Thursday regular chap.

Also, kobatochandaisuki decided to get rid of the anti-theft system.

Poster is Chamber today, cuz KKS is away at his relatives house (presumably for Chinese New Years)

Happy Chinese New Year to those in eastern Asia!

Why isn't it April fools today… the -Fin- joke…

Tens of dragons with levels over 220 and thousands of dragonkin with immense physical power nearing level 200 all gathered at an island that was tiny compared to their bodies.

Were the dragons having a home party? They would say now but as the host of the party, Yu IlHan thought that this was the most joyful party in the world.

Well, with regards to Yu IlHan's growth that is.

When people neared level 130, one had to kill at least ten thousand monsters of the same level for a single level up. It was literally torture.

Leaving aside the difficulty of the hunt, it wasn't like such a large number of monsters were constantly waiting to be slaughtered, so the pain they went through was really indescribable. They could only go at it slowly with their increased lifespans.

As such, even in worlds that had gone through the 3rd Great Cataclysm, 4th class beings were a rare sight. Only warriors that had stared death in the face 24/7 could barely level up to that point if they survive.

The 4th class mage that Yu IlHan finished off like swatting a fly was also a genius that came by once every tens of years. That genius took 227 years to reach 4th class. (T/N: Well, we can see that Erta wasn't 7X when she reached 5th class. It's at least 3 digits)

Even after considering that the majority of the countries possessed one or two 4th class agents, 4th class beings were indeed rare existences.

However, all of that didn't matter to Yu IlHan right now.

[You have earned 2,422,175,401 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 225 Flame Dragon.]

"Yeah! 2.4 billion exp really melts in the mouth!"

However, level 225 dragons gave out more than 200 times the experience of a level 130 monster so by simple calculations, Yu IlHan only needed to hunt 50 for a level up.

"How is it, easy right?"

[Yeah, right!] (Erta)

[Damned thiiiiing!]

Yu IlHan used the rebound of the pile bunker to fly in the air. Now that he had levelled up explosively after acquiring his 3rd class, he didn't feel nervous at all even with tens of dragons surrounding him.

He didn't know about Earth, but if it was here, where he was supported with the skill, Angel's Support, he felt like he could go against 4th classes with his 3rd class strength.

On top of that, not only was he in possession of all sorts of dragonhunter equipment such as the Black giant bone spear, he could also use his concealment whenever he made the dragons lowered their guard, so he was no different from disaster to the dragons.

[Yu IlHan, lightning incoming! You need to block that!]

"Wow, that's…"

Of course, Yu IlHan was still human. Although he had no problems taking their lives as he had a clear attack method, that didn't change the fact that their attacks hurt him.

Although he could somehow endure fire magic with the increased fire attribute resistance due to his class advancement, binding magic, wind magic, ice magic, lightning magic, and other attribute magics were painful with just a single hit, and two hits were critical.

[Kyaaaa! Die!]

"Iron Fortress!"

[You still haven't given up on that name!?] (Erta)

If he took a serious hit, it wasn't something that would make him cry, but something that would break his bones and burst his innards, so he could only use the three thousand shields that were neither iron nor a fortress.

It seemed that even all that wasn't enough to block the attacks perfectly as Yu IlHan's damage was not that small. He was only holding out while sucking on the Bloodrink and Breath!

[Critical Hit!]

[Kyaaaak! Human!]

"Aren't ya smart. Yes, I'm human."

It didn't hurt so much even when he was hunting dragons around level 210.

No, most of the time, he started off by decreasing their numbers as much as possible after setting things up on the ground, so the situation was a little different, but it was also true that the dragon's magic abilities increased more than Yu IlHan's resistance and defense, which rose along with his level.

Especially, it became more painful as the dragons started using other attribute magic than fire, as their levels were pretty high. In Yu IlHan's view, they were only 10 levels apart, but to them, those same 10 levels were a proof of tens, or perhaps, hundred of years of existence. It was natural for them to use a variety of magic.


Even within those hellish conditions, the reason why Yu IlHan could endure and acquire experience was not only due to his power alone.

[I'm going now! Blowing Barrier!]

[Khhhk, damned bitch! You dare stand on a human's side!]

Yes. Since all dragonkin in the continent were gathering on this particular uninhabited island, there were also dragons belonging to the Garden of Sunset. The dragonkin that were in a party with Yu IlHan!

[Yu IlHan-nim, I will bind him now!] (Lecidna)

"Watch your back instead!"

[Lecidna-nim. We're going now as well!]

Yu IlHan honestly didn't expect that much from their support, but they appeared just as he was about to get tired after killing 50 dragons and around 1000 3rd class dragonkin, along with the other dragons. They came out at the decisive moment and bit on the necks of the dragons that trusted in them.

True chaos ensued, and under the party members' meticulous support, Yu IlHan could rampage around even more.

[Drive them back! Let's wipe out any traces of those damned Destruction Demon Army guys!]


[Ugh! You low-level things!]

Unlike how the dragons belonging to the Garden of Sunset had an easy time identifying their allies and enemies due to the party, the other dragons weren't in a party so the chaos kept being amplified. Moreover, since two sides of dragons were creating a messy fight, a perfect condition for Yu IlHan's concealment and ambush was also created.

Yes, like right now!

[You have earned, 1,725,607,882 experience.]

[You have become level 137. 1 Strength, 1 Agility, 1 Health, 2 Magic increases.]

"Huh, The experience got split this time."

Perhaps because an allied dragon damaged it a lot, Yu IlHan had lost about 30% of the experience, although, he levelled up despite that. This was the third level up after he became 3rd class. The fact that this all happened in one day spoke very well of the traits of this battlefield.

How many dragons died on this island since the beginning of the battle? Including those killed by the dragons belonging to the Garden of Sunset, or those he killed with their support, around 160 dragons should have been killed.

That was because there were less than 60 4th class dragons on the scene even after counting allies.

[A lot of them died huh. I was worried that the dragons belonging to the Garden of Sunset will get wiped out quickly as they were the absolute minority, but there still more than half that's alive. Especially that dragon, her abilities are quite good.] (Erta)

"That's true, but I think she's set on supporting me. Look at her now."

Leaping again in mid-air, Yu IlHan pointed at 'that dragon' that Erta talked about. The dragon with the golden scales harbored wind around her entire body while charging throughout the battlefield to distract the dragons.

[Storm Guard! Your opponent is me!] (Lecidna)


The golden dragon was none other than Lecidna, the female dragon that requested Yu IlHan for the alliance in the beginning. She wasn't the highest levelled dragon within the party, but she was the wisest.

Yu IlHan didn't know if her unique golden color had any influence on this, but her wind magic was very proficient, and she used that to deflect, block, dodge the other dragons' attacks, and rampaged around in order to set up a good environment for Yu IlHan to make surprise attacks.

[Khaaaaaaa! Get out of my way, Lecidna! I will definitely kill that bastard!]

Religion was scary, yes, but there was no need to refuse if she fed him without him asking. Yu IlHan suitably used Lecidna's support to hide himself from his enemies, and succeeded in concealing himself.

"Here's the 'bastard' you ordered, sir!"

After that was simple. He calculated the angle that wouldn't get in the way of the magic of dragon or dragonkin, then he would use three re-leaps in the air to make a ㄷ shaped turn to strike his spear into a flying dragon's head.


Immediately after an attack, he would widen the wound with Spear of Untraceable Trajectory, and bury two grenades made with 3rd class magic stones, which completed the perfect surprise attack-package.

[Critical Hit!]

[You have earned 2,119,029,334 experience.]

"Good, everything's going well."

Above the dead dragon's corpse that was falling, Yu IlHan blocked an incoming attack before collecting the corpse with remote collection.

However, he couldn't let his guard down just because the situation was going well. The dragons that survived until now were all frightening existences. Moreover, even the dragons belonging to the Garden of Sunset were starting to decrease in number.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Yu IlHan's number of kills would decide which side would win!

However, it seemed that there was someone else who thought the same thing.


Along with the roar that sounded like the Orochi's laugh, something fell above Yu IlHan's head. Yu IlHan immediately changed directions with re-leap, but 'that' caught up to Yu IlHan despite its massive size.

[Let us bosses hang out!]

It was a very sleazy voice, but it was clear that this dragon wasn't someone to be looked down upon. The moment Yu IlHan felt the immense mana reaction along with its presence, he protected himself by taking out shields immediately, but just as he had feared, the violent eruption of mana wiped out the shield before assaulting Yu IlHan.

Yu IlHan used re-leap again to avoid and shot higher into the air. In his eyes at several kilometers high in the air, he could see a comparatively smaller sized black-scaled dragon with a streamlined body shooting towards himself.

[You are really fast!]

"Hmm, you do look like their boss."

Seeing the dragon charging towards him in a straight line, Yu IlHan took out one of the corpses of a 3rd class dragonkin. Just before it fell down, he put his hand above it and quietly muttered, 'weight transfer'.

[Kihyaaa... Kahak!?]

[Critical Hit!]

A corpse of a dragonkin that fell down at a speed akin to a meteor due to the nearly a million ton weight crashed head on against the black dragon. The loud noise that occurred at that moment resounded across and gathered the attention of all dragons.

"Dang, it's fine even after all that."

He didn't usually do this since he didn't like to waste corpses, but the thought that he had to damage it somehow before the dragon crashed head on made him move like that. From the fact that he saw the black dragon dissolving the body with the black aura emitted from its body, his judgement didn't seem to be wrong.

[Kyaha! Damned guy!]

Although the black dragon looked fine on the outside, it seemed there was some profit – swear words started appearing in its speech. Yu IlHan confirmed that with a smile and re-leaped to land on a dragon nearby.

It wasn't that he wasn't running away from battle. It was just that he landed to gain a foothold to leap again.

[Dirty human!]

The dragon that became a foothold cast magic in rage, but Yu IlHan ran up to the head and stabilized himself before stabbing the dragon many times.

Magic exploded here and there and his shields were working hard to block them, but Yu IlHan stabbed and slashed even while controlling tens of shields. After a chain of critical hits did the dragon's movement became clearly slower.

[Hey, you're in the way, so get out!]

[But Karrows-nim...!]

[Tch.] (Karrows)

At that moment, an alarm rang out inside Yu IlHan's head. He gave up killing the dragon he used as a foothold and leaped up, and immediately after that, a huge black flame assaulted where he was just before.


The dragon that was once an enemy foothold, but now a black flame whole roasted ragon cried out in frustration!

While all dragonkin in the battlefield abruptly widened their, eyes, the black dragon called Karrows decreased the distance between itself and Yu IlHan with a single flap of its wings while shouting out loud.

[Get away from him! Don't blame me even if I kill you!] (Karrows)

"How kind."

It should have found out about the secrets to Yu IlHan's leap! Even so, warning by burning one ally to death… All were frozen stiff regardless of ally or enemy.

[Yeah, yeah! Let's go at it! Human!] (Karrows)

Only the black dragon was moving around with vitality. It was approaching Yu IlHan with a clearly faster speed than any other dragons here.

Yu IlHan had no intentions on avoiding the dragon anymore. Since he had seen through its movement speed and offensive power to a certain point, if he didn't kill it quickly, his allies would die out with his absence.

[Yu IlHan, are you going to use it?] (Erta)


The one that Erta asked about and Yu IlHan rejected was none other than the 1 time-use pile bunker and the grenade he made to fight against a boss monster.

[Why?] (Erta)

Leaving his body to gravity, Yu IlHan fell down towards the dragon while inserting power into the hand that was grabbing the Black bone giant spear when Erta asked.

Why isn't he using a good weapon when the situation was urgent!

However, Yu IlHan just laughed before carefully speaking to Erta in case the nearing dragon heard it.

"I guarantee that if I kill that, the real boss would appear. There was never EVER a case where a guy with that personality was the final boss. NEVER."

[....Ah, yes. It must be so…}


While the black scaled dragon never even imagined in its dreams that there was a slight difference in position between itself and Yu IlHan while roaring, the two 'bosses' of the two sides finally clashed!.

Author's notes

I wonder if your suspicions on level ups a little satiated.

Monsters occur where mana exists. You can just think that they multiply rapidly like cockroaches. In other words, they can fight with numbers. However, even amongst monsters, special races like dragons are born in a completely different way from humans.

Garden of Sunset fellows that finally came are battling quite ardently!

The spear that Yu IlHan threw and the dragon's flames met, causing a small explosion. Purple and black flames intertwined before dissipating in all directions as the dragon shouted in surprise.

[You blocked my curse flame!?]

"Thank for telling me your attribute."

Yu IlHan's figure shot into the exploding flames. The dragon,too, shot upwards trying to devour him!

Soon, Yu IlHan, who had come close enough to see the pores on its face, became pale after sensing the tens of layers of protective magic that covered the dragon's entire body. Its mana reserve was frightening compared to the other dragons.

However, he wouldn't have started the fight without the confidence to win.

"Open your mouth wide!"

Just before clashing head on, Yu IlHan took out a level 199 dragonkin corpse underneath his feet. It was a special dragonkin with a relatively small body and razor-sharp scales, as if it was saying 'please use me as a weapon after killing me'.


It changed into a more frightening bullet than anything when Yu IlHan applied weight transfer on it, causing the corpse to shoot straight down towards the black dragon.

[No way, without any signs...!]

It seemed to have prepared for it as it was already attacked by it once, but perhaps due to not knowing the mechanisms of Yu IlHan's Cross Bag, it failed to counter it.

It urgently put on some defense magic, but a knife-covered cannonball weighing a million tons ripped apart all defensive magic the moment it collided and shot into the mouth of the black dragon.

[Critical Hit!]


Right after that, Yu IlHan landed on its nose; with his Black bone giant spear in his hands, and after having transferred weight to the sole of his boots! Even though dragons were called the lord of mana, they wouldn't be able to endure a million tons of weight on top of them like it was nothing.

"Was it tashty? A little prickly, no?"

[Khaaaa, I will kill you!]

2nd taunt success! Yu IlHan had a marvelous ability to make any dragon, no matter how grand their entrances were, flip their eyes within 5 minutes just like any other 3rd class dragonkin!

However, that was the moment of change.

[I will tell you the true meaning of the name granted unto us, dragon!]

The dragon, which was inflicted with numerous wounds in the process of catching(?) a million tonnes with its mouth, roared while emitting mana so thick that it could fill the skies.

That wasn't something that could be insulted as 'idiotic', as the mana it emitted was generating a kind of magic space with the dragon as the center. It was a large scale magic which Yu IlHan couldn't even dream of right now, as he had barely began using mana.

"My body feels kinda stiff."

[It's temporarily subjugating the surrounding space!] (Erta)

It was no different from a type of barrier – It would allow it to read all movements of enemies inside the barrier, and also allow it to change the mana in the atmosphere into the magic it wants at any time.

Although it wasn't overwhelming to the point of the Hourglass of Eternity, which froze time inside the barrier, it was overwhelming in regards to utility in battle!

This wasn't something any dragon could use. Like what Erta feared from the start, it was definitely a leader-class! Her voice slightly shuddered.

[That dragon... is dangerous. Perhaps it gained the possibility of becoming a higher existence!] (Erta)

"That's not much. I have it too."

[Huh? You're right.] (Erta)

Erta ended up accepting it! However, regardless of that, the situation was still very dangerous.

[Take a good look with your eyes, this may as well be the last scenery you see in your life!]

Last time, the black dragon Karrows had panicked, saying that Yu IlHan's attacks didn't have any signs, but Yu IlHan's attack was nothing compared to what he was seeing right now.

The mana that filled the air – all of it was changing into black flames simultaneously. If it was inside the barrier, then there were no exceptions. It was as comparable to a drop of ink spreading throughout a glass of clean water – beautiful, and quick!

The entire barrier was stained in black. No one would be able to interfere.


Yu IlHan, who was thrown into the scene where it seemed like hell was being summoned in mid-air, ended up making a hollow laugh.

He had no intentions on looking down on the dragon's power; and he had dodged and concealed himself while attacking, and felt like it was a battle; but now, although within a limited amount of space, it felt as if the world was trying to kill him.

[Why don't you try blocking this flame! With your prized shields!]

No wonder the dragon was confident. Unless Yu IlHan had any methods to exit the barrier, he would be devoured by the endless amount of mana; by the magic containing the power of 'flames' and 'curses'!

No matter how strong, or secretive, or whatever one maybe, one would not be able to escape from being molten down in the absolute power of the two attributes!

[The skill, Higher Curse Resistance, has become level 20. You can now resist a larger variety of curses.]

But unfortunately for the dragon, Yu IlHan was someone who possessed both fire attribute resistance and curse resistance.

"That's some nice skill grinding!"

[Khak!? How?, you!?}

While the flames harboring a strong curse assaulted Yu IlHan, he didn't lose his center of gravity and endured while deflecting everything he could before he struck downwards with all his strength.

The spear covered in purple flames that did not lose their strength despite the assaulting black flames and pierced through the dragon's nose and left a deep wound.

[Critical Hit!]

[The skill, Higher Curse Resistance, has become level 21.]

It seemed that the compensation for keeping this barrier up made the dragon's movements dull, as even though the flames were wildly assaulting Yu IlHan, its real body was not showing much movement. This was something good for Yu IlHan.

He bit on the cheer pack he summoned with the remote collection function, and sucked on Breath, while striking down with his spear repeatedly. one in three hits were critical so it was only a matter of time until a huge tunnel was dug on the dragon's face.

[Critical Hit!]

[Critical Hit!]

[Ugh, how!]

However, the dragon forgot that a construction scene was taking place on its face, due to the shock of Yu IlHan holding out within the flames, and asked.

[How can you endure my fire at my full strength!?]

"That's a secret!"

Even though it would be fine if he told the secret, Yu IlHan didn't leak the secret in order to make the dragon more enraged.

Karrows, who would never imagine that the reason why Yu IlHan could hold out was merely because of high fire attribute resistance and the skill, Higher Curse Resistance, called out more black flames as if to collapse the entire barrier, to attack Yu IlHan, but the person in question endured till the end. Higher Curse Resistance levelled up again.

[Yu IlHan, the barrier will break soon! I can sense a different movement of mana from the dragon!]

"Got it."

Despite not being able to help him directly with magic, Erta told Yu IlHan the time and the quality of the magic that the opponent used, and thanks to that, Yu IlHan had an easier time switching attack patterns.

Instead of many light but fast jabs, he used a heavy straight!


Yu IlHan activated one skill; the skill that used half of his mana even after his mana pool had increased by a large amount thanks to Reta! At that moment, a change was brought about to the spear that had purple flames burning on it. A small spark of flame that would remain well hidden from a glance appeared on the tip of the spearhead.

What was there to hide, that was the active skill, Blaze, the sole active skill of a Blazing Reaper.

[Hup!? This aura is!?]

Blaze was, as expected, something that ate up quite a lot of mana. If he did not absorb the mana dwelling within the magic formation of the elven empire, he would have had to retire after a single use!

Moreover, the skill duration was absurdly short, so it was something that wasted mana and life force if he did not attack quickly after using it.

However, if he somehow managed to succeed in attacking within that timeframe, Blaze would burn hotter than any other flame and incinerate everything. It displayed power that made one wonder whether it would be able to incinerate the soul itself.

On top of this, there were two more elements that enhanced the skill.

First, was the life force used to activate Blaze, so if the level of the life force used was higher, than the power of Blaze would increase as well.

Since Yu IlHan had called out the life force he collected from a level 225 dragon to activate Blaze, the power was indisputable.

Second was that Blaze would evolve to contain other characteristics by mixing with other flames. The flames here, was of course the purple flames from the Black bone giant spear!

At this moment, the faint flame that was a deep crimson redder than blood, mixed with the purple flames, creating a black flame even darker than the curse flame that was trying to assault Yu IlHan.

Yu IlHan gripped the spear with both of his hands that were strengthened to the limit with Superhuman Strength, and shot it into one of the tunnels he dug!

[Critical Hit!]

[The skill, Blaze, has become level 4.]


[Yu IlHan!] (Erta?)

The barrier ended up dissolving due to the shock.

The curse flames that assaulted Yu IlHan all disappeared at once, and Yu IlHan started free-falling towards the ground while clinging onto the black dragon.

[Ugh, Khaaak! Kyaha!]


At one point, the black dragon's body seemed to emit brilliant light, before it started decreasing in size. Naturally, the spear embedded deep inside its body was pushed out, and Yu IlHan, who was standing on its body with the help of his million ton boots, started falling down towards the ground without a foot hold.

However, it was fortunate that he could cancel weight transfer before his leg bones shattered to smithereens.

"Wow, I was about to die there."

[That's why, don't do anything dangerous!] (Erta)

Although it was a very short moment, his legs went wrong somewhere due to the effect of the enormous weight. He used all his Rest Energy to activate Transcendent Regeneration and spun his body in the air.

When he did, he could see the figure of the dragon that was falling above him.

"Hey, that guy's…"

[So polymorph was what it was preparing for.] (Erta)

He wondered why the volume was suddenly decreasing, but it turned out the dragon was activating polymorph magic that changed its appearance to another race, and one that was exclusive to only the true dragons amongst dragonkin. Also, it looked like an elf.

[In fact, dragons can only gain their true dragon appearance upon level 200, or adult forms, so low level dragons actually feel more familiar with their polymorph periods... But why now?] (Erta)

"Then, what are 3rd class dragonkin?"

[It's easier if you think it like this. 3rd class dragonkin have an opportunity to become a true dragon according to the records they've achieved when acquiring 4th class, but pure-blooded dragons are dragons from the moment they're born.] (Erta)

So, dragons born with mud spoons in their mouths and dragons born with gold spoons in their mouths are differentiated. And that black guy is a golden spoon amongst golden spoons!

Yu IlHan confronted the black-haired elf that finished transforming and was shooting down straight towards him. There was still a lot of distance until the ground, and the two kept falling. (T/N: So, all that convo happened in mid-air)

[I wiiiiiillllllll kiiiiiiiillllll youuuuuuuuuuu!]

Polymorphing did not get rid of the wounds that Yu IlHan inflicted. It was healing itself with the unique healing powers of dragons, but it was impossible to heal the wound made with the black flame, the combination of Blaze and purple flames, in the first place!

The figure of Karrows with its half of its face, starting from the neck, molten, was truly frightening.

[Yu IlHan, I can sense signs of spatial transfer!] (Erta)


It wasn't so scary when the dragons teleported with their enormous bodies, but when considering that it may be able to freely control the elven body, it was quite a scary technique. (T/N: So, big body = dull movements, elven body = nimble)

Yu IlHan gripped onto his spear and concentrated. Yu IlHan also had a great ability in sensing mana. In order to counterattack from whichever direction it app....!



However, immediately after that, the dragon-elf appeared just below his armpits. In order to prevent Yu IlHan from attacking with the spear with a long reach, it moved right next to him!

Even Yu IlHan was surprised when the dragon ambushed him that used the proper characteristics of the magic, as he thought that it would helplessly die under his spear.


However, the moment it gathered all its strength and struck towards Yu IlHan,

a giant blade protruded out from Yu IlHan's armpit area and pierced through its head.


[You have earned 3,534,102,009 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 242 Cursed Dragon.]

The dragon made an expression of disbelief until the very end, but the solution was quite simple.

The blade ejection option on Yu IlHan's armor activated the moment Yu IlHan realized its position, and he coated it with the power of his active skill, Blaze!

"Fuu, I knew this would happen so I practiced activating blaze on my armor-blades secretly in battle. I'm such a genius."

[Yeah, yeah. You just be genius.] (Erta)

This man used the options of his equipment properly in decisive moments so Erta couldn't retort! Thinking that, Erta looked at Yu IlHan, who was collecting the corpse of Karrows, when she suddenly felt a ripple and opened her mouth reflexively.

[Yu IlHan, wat...] (Erta)

[Watch out!] (Lecidna)

Before Erta could complete her words, Lecidna flew towards him and struck Yu IlHan into the air. Yu IlHan, who helplessly flew into the air due to the full powered charge of a dragon that controlled wind, turned his sight to see why he had to be struck away…

[Kauuuu!] (Lecidna)

[Tch, you really are a persistent woman.] (???)

… and could see a dragon that he hadn't seen in battlefield before, biting on Lecidna's neck.

[I ended up casting my shell off. Dammit, bitch.] (???)

As Yu IlHan had predicted in the beginning, there was a true leader of the dragons that was NOT Karrows.

Just that, there was one thing that Yu IlHan hadn't predicted…

[Well, I can only try to deceive him now.] (???)

"....Hah, this is insane."

… which was that the true boss of the dragons that Yu IlHan had met, possessed monstrous strength to the point that all of Yu IlHan's insurances and luck would be useless against it.

Author's notes

There maybe some who have realized future plot after seeing the characteristics or the ability of Blaze.

Yu IlHan's mental mentor is Deadpool. (T/N: Haven't watched…)

If you thought of 'unique barriers' setting from the Japanese general contents company, TYPE-MOON, then you're correct. Honestly, I did refer to it a little. (T/N: Again, I don't know any of this)

To explain in more detail about dragons, baby dragons are level 1. Their birth rates are extremely low, and aren't allowed out until they become adults so it is very hard to meet baby dragons.

The true boss appears! However, Yu IlHan's predictions were off by exactly half! Just what is its level!? And what will happen to Yu IlHan! Will he run away like this! Just what does it mean by 'casting the shell off'?

Translator's notes


EVERYBODY gets 5 stat bonuses on their level ups. Their starting point maybe different tho, like, a child would have less stats than a bodybuilder.

Also, although there's no mention of this in this series, an average person would have all-ten stats (perhaps excluding magic), if we go with what I saw in his previous two series.

MC's starting stats in EER was around 80 smth (was it?), meaning his body evolved(?) to be 8 times stronger than an ordinary person after 1000 years of training. As people's levels rise though, the difference would become smaller (in percentage), or maybe not, cuz he get extra stats from heaven quests.

Also, 100% fire resistance (80% from armor, 20% 3rd job) does NOT make him immune to fire. 100% just means twice as resistant (Probably)

Lastly, I think author forgot binding skill. It never appears later on

Last-lastly, I won't bother putting update schedules. Normally 3 chaps per week, one on Thursday, and two on Sunday, these pair of chapters were delayed because of the Lunar New Year (I had to go around visiting my relatives, same as with Koukouseidesu).

If I'm late, I usually say it on kobatoland discord chat, so you might wanna join!

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

"Let's run."

Such was the decision that Yu IlHan came to when he met the dragon. He had thought that he could defeat all beings classified as dragonkin, at least in Dareu, but it turned out he was wrong.

That, was arrogance.

[How can a being with such power still remain in a lower world...?] (Erta)

Even Erta was nervous. If they fought, then the results were obvious. She didn't know how much level difference there was between that and the dragons Yu IlHan had defeated, but its tier was different.

That couldn't be killed even if one was able to kill all other dragons with a single hit. Perhaps that guy was a 5th class, a higher existence!

If, IF Yu IlHan was in his concealed state right now, then there may be a chance.

If he could raise the level of Blaze, soul enchant the Orochi into the Black giant bone spear, and deal a critical hit at a critical moment at a critical place…

If it was that much, that would be dealt with a fatal strike, and if that happened, Yu IlHan would gain another chance to conceal himself. If he did that 5 times consecutively, he just may be able to kill that.

[Oh? You know of my power? You really are not ordinary.] (???)

However, it wasn't like that right now. It also knew how dangerous of a human Yu IlHan was. It would never allow Yu IlHan to conceal himself.

If so, then there was no possibility of victory for Yu IlHan. Really, there was absolutely no possibility to the point that it was funny.

Yu IlHan didn't know whether he would be able to conceal himself in front of this guy or not, but he decided to move first rather than to think about it.

First, he would perform re-leap towards the ground. It would be good if he got the chance to activate the formation, but there was no way that guy would let him, so he just ran, ran like hell.

He looked for opportunities to conceal himself while running, and if he did, he would then run as far as possible using the formation. Following which he would leave for Earth and seal the dungeon somehow before asking for Heaven's Army's help.

However, just before he was about to re-leap into the ground after constructing his escape plan using the full power of his brain-CPU…

[This, this guy is done for!] (Lecidna)

Lecidna, who still clung onto life, shouted, in English too.

[He cannot kill Yu IlHan-nim!] (Lecidna)

[You're speaking unnecessary things!] (???)

That dragon tried to prevent Lecidna's words by shouting, but strangely, it did not try to stop her physically. Even though it had plenty of strength to do so!

Meanwhile, Lecidna used what little energy she had remaining to polymorph. A gold-feathered bird that appeared from the blinding light flew towards Yu IlHan and shouted while burrowing into his chest. As if it was a very important report!

[He cast away his shell by biting me!] (Lecidna)

[It cast away his shell?] (Erta)

The moment Erta heard that, her pale face suddenly became brighter.

[So it was a higher existence after all! Of course, it just stayed temporarily!] (Erta)


[That guy is a higher existence, Yu IlHan! Like us angels!] (Erta)

What the hell? Why would she rejoice while saying it was a higher existence? He was suspicious before, but was Erta really a pervert?

Of course, Yu IlHan also heard about casting away one's shell. Just now, that is.

The guy talked about casting away it shell after biting Lecidna instead of Yu IlHan. Yu IlHan didn't mind about it so much since he was getting shivers before its absolute power, though.

Of course, that line was in dragon-tongue, so Erta wouldn't have understood, but now that Lecidna reported in English, it was different.

Erta spoke in a clear voice like a detective solving mysteries.

[If it cast away its shell, then it cannot truly hurt you 'now'. Think about how I cannot use my power on Earth! It's the same concept!] (Erta)

How could she so confidently say about something so embarrassing? However, she did get her meaning across.

[Shit!] (???)

Was it because of Erta's explanations? The dragon that was only flapping its wings looked similar to the useless angels.

"Tch, I can't help it."

Now that things were like this, there was no need to run. Yu IlHan forgot about running, and re-leaped towards the sky instead of the ground.

"If you're lying, then I'll curse you even if I die!"

[Why would I lie to you, it's just glaring at you now too!] (Erta)

[Please, fulfill the promise...] (Lecidna)

Lecidna, who buried her body in Yu IlHan's embrace breathed heavily. It was a weak breath to the point that it wouldn't be strange even if she died at any moment.

"I just have to kill all the dragonkin belonging to the Destruction Demon Army, right?"

[Please!] (Lecidna)

[Damned bitch, you're the shame of us dragons!] (???)

The dragon kept insulting Lecidna while flapping its wings, but it could not chase Yu IlHan.

Good, it really did look like the useless angels!

Of course, no matter how much Erta guaranteed, he wouldn't be able to calmly fight with the dragons with that overwhelming aura behind him, so Yu IlHan asked Erta while rushing towards the battlefield.

"Then, let me ask back. If that guy is in the same situation as you, then how the hell did it bite Lecidna's neck?"

Yu IlHan's question was that. He thought that higher existences weren't able to use their powers on worlds like Earth or Dareu, but that dragon had placed Lecidna near death the moment it appeared.

However, Erta's answer was still the same.

[That's the process of casting off one's shell.] (Erta)

"Explain it simply before I strip you of your shell."

Immediately after he said that, Yu IlHan arrived at the battlefield and started fighting against the dragons.

[Critical Hit!]


While he was tied down by Karrows, the situation was turning for the worst – there were only 5 dragons left of those belonging to the Garden of Sunset, and the remaining 31 were all enemies.

[Critical Hit!]

[You have earned 2,819,029,333 experience.]

However, through 3 re-leaps, Yu IlHan charged into the battlefield and succeeded in piercing the neck of one of the 31 dragons.

It was an insta-kill due to Blaze, but as compensation, Yu IlHan had to open another mana potion.

Just in time, Erta also started explaining in simpler terms.

[If I explain this properly, I have to start talking about 5th classes, higher existences, and transcender groups, but I'll skip things for now.] (Erta)

"I love skipping things."

The enemy numbers became 29. Yu IlHan first put away the mana potion and started drinking Breath. Meanwhile, the higher existence dragon was glaring at Yu IlHan from below while flapping its wings.

[That guy is a higher existence belonging to Destruction Demon Army, do you understand that?] (Erta)

"Do you take me for an idiot?! Hah!"

The enemy now numbered 26. Yu IlHan broke apart the icicle that had pierced through his shield and armor and embedded itself in his stomach, whilst regenerating his abdomen with transcendent regeneration.

[Higher existences are bound by numerous rules to keep their power. That's why, for a higher existence to use their powers on a lower world, they have to fulfill some absurd conditions, but that guy doesn't look like that.] (Erta)


There were 21 enemies left now. Yu IlHan alternated between drinking Breath and the mana potions while battling fervently.

Since there were no more dragons on the level of Karrows, if he used concealment whenever the opportunity arrived, killing dragons were easy.

If there was a problem, it was that the allied dragonkin were nearly wiped out. If the ones that distracted the enemies disappeared, then the battle would become harder.

[Then, the answer is simple – It hasn't been a while since that guy became a higher existence, and it stayed on a lower world in order to cast off its shell before it joined the main army of the Destruction Demon Army!] (Erta)

"So what the fuck does it mean by casting off one's shell!"

There 14 enemies left now, and only a single dragon left of those belonging to the Garden of Sunset.

[Use me, human! I cannot hand Dareu over to them even if I die!]

"Got it!"

Yu IlHan got on the dragon's back and started rampaging for real. The dragon flew quickly according to Yu IlHan's intentions while supporting him in attack and shielding him from attacks. Although worse than Lecidna, it was enough to fight against the remaining dragons.

A human that just acquired 3rd class, although, his level was absurdly high to be considered 'just having acquired', became a temporary rider of a dragon with high pride! This was an amazing achievement.

Meanwhile, Erta's explanations continued.

[In the process of becoming a higher existence, all beings acquire a new body, and in this process, residues of the past will definitely remain, and those residues, that are from a lower world, cannot be carried onto the group they belong to. That is called the shell...] (Erta)

At this point, Yu IlHan could also understand things a little.

"So that guy used up all that energy in biting Lecidna to death? And that is what it means by 'casting off one's shell'?"

[Bingo. That guys is a complete higher existence now. SInce it is bound by the rules of transcender groups, it cannot bring out its power in a lower world anymore.] (Erta)

That was some difficult explanation!

[There is one element that always appear in hero stories in all sorts of worlds. The epilogue where the hero shows unprecedented grandeur before disappearing. They are all proofs of higher existences. They cast off their shells and head to a higher world.] (Erta)

"So that guy was waiting in order to kill me even after it became a higher existence belonging to Destruction Demon Army?"

[Yes, and it failed marvelously too.] (Erta)

Thanks to Lecidna who received the shell with her body. The person in question also agreed enthusiastically with a voice that was near death.

[Fufuu, I… predicted that they were… targeting you.] (Lecidna)

An absurd human who massacred 4th class dragons alone. In the Destruction Demon Army's view, he couldn't be more hateful, and as such put a 5th class being without its shell cast off, that dragon, on wait just in case Karrows failed.

Now, there was only one question Yu IlHan had left.

"How did you know that there was a higher existence that did not cast off its shell?"

[There, was a dragon that acted..... as a spy.] (Lecidna)

There was a cruel espionage war in the world of dragons!?


[Critical Hit!]

[You have earned, 2,655,817,205 experience.]

Disregarding trivial dragonkin, there were only 7 enemy dragons right now.

All sorts of wounds appeared and disappeared on Yu IlHan's body. However, the dragon he was riding on was half dead already. Yu IlHan was also trying his best to keep it alive, but it was reaching the limit.

[I have one last request.]

And the birdie-dragon was also just about to die.

[If you finish everything, can you go to my lair?] (Lecidna)


[The place where you and I first met.] (Lecidna)

"Don't sound like you have something. I'll get excited for nothing."

[Pl..ease....] (Lecidna)

Yu IlHan retorted like a joke, but Lecidna closed her eyes in relief as if she saw that as acceptance. Then, she did not open her eyes again.


Yu IlHan put away Lecidna's body. Not long after that, the dragon he was riding on also died, and as all dragonkin belonging to the Garden of Sunset died, unfortunately, he would never know of their intentions.

The remaining dragons belonging to the Destruction Demon Army were strong.

However, Yu IlHan was even stronger, and he eventually succeeded in killing all the remaining dragons there.

No, not exactly 'all' of them.

[You really are a tenacious guy.] (???)

There was a single higher existence, who Yu IlHan could not harm, still flapping its wings.

Author's notes

No matter how OP Yu IlHan is, higher existences are still no go! The tier difference is huge!

Higher existences, and transcender groups, and their rules will be slowly explained later. I did put a little in this chapter, but I thought that the story was turning strange so I put them away and said only what was necessary. In any case, Erta was the speedwagon again.

There was a sharp question saying that higher existences should not be able to use their power like Erta or Lita. Has this been an answer for you?

Ayy, the arc is finally over. I also didn't think that it would be so long. The arc title is 'I am the drifter of my soul'.

It's the 100th chapter. I really thank you readers who has been with me until now. And please take care of me in the future too!

Translator's notes

Rly? 100th chapter? By the time this gets posted, author would have posted his 300th chapter….

PR note: The prologue was counted as chapter 0, so with 99 out its considered 100

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

After Yu IlHan put away all the corpses on the battlefield, landing on the ground and proceeded to tilt his head. The 5th class dragon was still staring at him.

"I thought you can't touch me. Why are you still here?"

Of course, Yu IlHan was also incapable of touching it. With the same reason that angels were able to use absurdly strong defensive magic, albeit not offense magic, that guy could also use as much power as it wanted if it was used to protect itself.

Oh, of course, In an Abandoned World out of Heaven's reach, Erta is just a fairy with wings. Her role is mainly retorting and explanation.

[You really are a daring human.] (???)

"Try living a millennium with an angel at your side, and see what happens."

There shouldn't be many people who could so daringly speak in front of such an overwhelming aura, even after knowing that the enemy couldn't touch him. This was all because Yu IlHan was used to being around the angels.

The dragon was slightly dumbfounded at Yu IlHan's retort, before shrugging its shoulders and gave the answer Yu IlHan wanted.

[I at least wanted to see what the results would be.] (???)

Yu IlHan snorted at those words.

"I know there's 19 more hiding. Don't you know that scamming has its risks?"

[...] (???)

Yu IlHan was accompanied by the elven empire's magic formation! The dragon, who failed even the last deceit, crumpled its expression momentarily, but in the end, it just sighed and shrugged its shoulders.

And, spoke with a slightly pitiful expression, which did not fit its appearance.

[They are still newborn who haven't awakened yet.] (???)

"Yeah, they will live sooooo quietly when they grow up, won't they?"

Even the last persuasion failed. Yu IlHan thought that the dragon would become enraged, but it surprisingly burst out laughing.

[If you think that way, then it can't be helped. Okay, go ahead. Kill them all. I also put on an act, which does not befit a higher existence, so it counts as me being faithful until the end to my race.] (???)

"Yup. I'll kill them all without a single one remaining. If you're done then go on your way."

[No, not yet.] (???)

The dragon shook its head and spoke.

[You, become a Destruction Demon Soldier.]1 (???)


[Stop with your nonsense!] (Erta)

Yu IlHan was dumbfounded and Erta was enraged at the unexpected offer. However, the dragon started talking fluently as if its original objective was this in the first place.

[You have the quality of a Destruction Demon Soldier. Overwhelming strength! Forcefulness! Those are truly all qualities that we from the Destruction Demon Army pursue. If you become reborn as a true Destruction Demon Soldier, then you will acquire power that puny angel over there will never imagine. Yes. Like me.] (???)

"So, that's why the Destruction Demon Soldier candidates with 'oh so much power' were wiped out like this?"

[They are only failures that only wanted to join the Destruction Demon Army. Right now, I'm talking about the future, when you become a higher existence.] (???)

The dragon smirked with that enormous mouth while laughing.

[You should know that one must join a transcender group in order to become a higher existence. Do you not want to become stronger? Do you not want to gain even more power?] (???)

One must join a transcender group to become a higher existence? What was this?

However, when Yu IlHan turned his head around to Erta, she seemed to hesitate a little before nodding eventually.

[Correct. The wall to become a higher existence is too difficult to overcome by oneself. So, that's why one borrows the record of a group, as one's own is insufficient.] (Erta)

"Simply put."

[It's like studying with the past year's exam papers since the test is too hard.] (Erta)

He understood immediately. So that's it. That's why all higher existences belonged to somewhere like Heaven's Army, or Destruction Demon Army and such, despite knowing that they would not be able to use their powers on a lower world.

While Yu IlHan nodded in realization, Erta spoke in a sharp voice.

[If Yu IlHan wants to become a higher existence, if such a moment comes! Then we of Heaven's Army will gladly accept....![ (Erta)

[You want to make him God's slave when he has so much potential? You really are foolish to no end!] (???)

[We are much more constructive than you idiots who charge forwards towards destruction without actually knowing it!] (Erta)

[Hah.] (???)

The dragon snorted.

[Just who is it that does not recognize destruction? If it's you bitches who rely on a mere God for everything, then yes. You may be able to spit out lines like that.] (???)

It finished speaking and flapped its wings. A pitch black light seemed to envelop it before a handsome young man with long black hair and red eyes appeared. Of course, in an elven appearance.

[Fools who can't even analyse the situation. The connection of Dareu and Earth is merely the start. Soon, countless changes, that you will not be able to stop, will arrive.] (???)

[What do you mean?] (Erta)

The dragon ignored Erta and spoke while glaring at Yu IlHan.

[Human Yu IlHan, you will have a lot of opportunities to meet Destruction Demon Army from now on. You will also feel their overwhelming battle power.] (???)

"In the future too?"

Just Dareu made him fed up, and more of these things will appear on Earth?

[I will not ask for your answer right now. But remember. We of Destruction Demon Army are the strongest when all our shackles as higher existences are thrown off, and we are ready to welcome you at ay time.] (???)

[Eeek, Eeeeeek!] (Erta)

Erta was enraged, but she was in an Abandoned World where flapping her wings was all she could do! While she was just piling up her frustration, the dragon snorted at her before turning around.

[My name is Teraka. Yu IlHan. We will definitely meet again later.] (Teraka)

Then it spat out the line that was within 'Best 3 lines of villain's parting lines', and disappeared. It had gone to where a Destruction Demon Soldier should be. It was a splendid villain until the very end.

Glaring at the place where the dragon disappeared, Erta spoke in a frustrated voice.

[Do not mind that guy's words, Yu IlHan. Destruction Demon Soldiers are beasts who only rush towards destruction in order to fulfill their greed and desire for power, and the higher worlds they reside in are also horrible! That is also why we Heaven's Army are doing our best too in order to prevent that!] (Erta)

"There's no way I will though."

Strictly speaking, it was not because it was the Destruction Demon Army, but because there was no way Yu IlHan would 'belong' somewhere!

In fact, Yu IlHan was very angry right now because of that.

He thought that he could become a higher existence if he put in effort, but there was a need to join a transcender group to become a higher existence?

And here he thought that joining a group would end with him forcefully entering the volunteer club in highschool!

Did the world hate loners so much! What kind of unfair world was this, where one could not become a higher existence by oneself!

Yu IlHan thought that he had prepared a lot of things for the Great Cataclysm, but he couldn't help but feel like a fool whenever he heard of new things like this.

Yes, this was all because of Lita. Wasn't he feeling this way because Lita didn't explain properly? Yu IlHan decided to punish her when she came back. And other than that.

"Should I give up on becoming a higher existence then?"

[Why does it come to that!? You can just come to us Heaven's Army! Angels are good, you know? You get wings!] (Erta)

"But I hate joining groups!"

[You pursued the life of a loner so much!? Wait, if it's only that much, you just may...] (Erta)

"I what?"

When Yu IlHan tilted his head wondering what Erta's words meant, Erta shook her head powerlessly.

[It's nothing. Forget it.] (Erta)

"Nice one there, Erta. You just brought up a blatant foreshadow. Hint me when the time comes, okay?"

[It's nothing like that!] (Erta)

Yu IlHan joked with Erta while stretching out.

He wondered what would happen when he met the frightening opponent, but he survived and completed his objective. Although he was really bothered by the dragon's words, it could be said that he had finished all the things he had to do in Dareu.

"Oh, wait. There's dragonkin left."

[Are you going to go right away? Even though the battle just ended?] (Erta)

"It's better to rest after finishing everything."

Yu IlHan checked the scene for one last time and put away everything into his Cross Bag. Even though he had decreased the volume while working to death in the Hourglass of Eternity, he felt that it was getting full.

"Increase the space properly for the reward this time, yeah? And it doesn't look so good to wear that over the armor, so attach an invisibility option, okay?"

To a 3rd person's view, it might seem like Heaven owed him, and in reality, that really was the truth. Yu IlHan asked for the rewards without hesitation.

[We're thinking up of even better things, so wait a little.]

Even though Yu IlHan had expected that Erta would grumble at his request! Yu IlHan nagged Erta about how they were going to upgrade the Cross Bag, but she never told him, as if willing Yu IlHan to die in frustration.

In the end, Yu IlHan had no choice but to activate the formation.

The newborn dragons belonging to the Destruction Demon Army were all hiding in a secret cave, that looked like it was impossible to access without the formation. As if it was the headquarters of the dragons, it was connected to numerous caves.

[Just when are the lords coming?]

[If it's Karrows-nim, he will definitely finish everyone off. Moreover, there's him, Teraka-nim who became a higher existence.]

[Destruction Demon Army is so cool. I will definitely grow up to be a strong dragon and destroy everything that disturbs my eyes!]

[There's nothing more to destroy in this world. I also want to invade other worlds like the grown ups.]

They say a fine child become a fine adult, and these newborn dragons seemed to be the same! If there was anything funny, it was that they were in elven forms despite the fact that they had tried to massacre them.

"Then let's start."

Yu IlHan had the power of a deathgod, so his concealment would not wear off if he killed an enemy with a single strike. Also, now that he had become a Blazing Reaper around at level 137, dragons around level 150 were insta-kill material without the need for Blaze.

[You have earned 21,901,287 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 153 Immature Dragon.]

[Wh, what!?]

[Karl, Karl died!]

Yu IlHan waved his hand at the newborn dragons that panicked and became enraged at their kin's death, but they, as expected, did not notice Yu IlHan.

Then, there was no need to hesitate any more. Yu IlHan killed the dragons while humming. His figure was truly befitting of a reaper harvesting souls.

[What bastard! Karrows-nim will definitely kill you when he comes back!]



[I, I can't die like th...]

When over ten dragons died in an instant, some of them tried to run, but Yu IlHan killed them all without exception like a farmer not missing out a single grain.

After that, he meticulously checked to see if there were any surviving dragons, but really, there weren't any left now. Only tens of minor dragonkin were scattered around the continent.

That was the moment when dragons became extinct from Dareu.

"Fuu, It's finally over."

[...Perhaps he really is fit to join the Destruction Demon Army.]

Yu IlHan's figure was truly daring in the sense that he killed everyone regardless of age or gender once he decided that they were his enemy, and although she didn't want to accept that, he even looked a little cruel.

Erta thought he was cool since she had already half-fallen for him, but some angels would become frightened at that scene.

Yu IlHan put away the baby dragons' corpses and looked around the cave.

Although there was nothing in this cave, it wouldn't be empty since it was the headquarters of the Destruction Demon Army.

"Isn't there anything like Dragon HEART?"

[I guarantee you that there won't be.] (Erta)

"No, the universe will help if I wish for it dearly."2

Said Yu IlHan before searching again. However, no matter how hard he searched, he only found a single cave of gold and silver.

[It really is quite a large amount. Did they gather all the precious items of this world here? A dragon's greed really is amazing...] (Erta)

"There's no Dragon Heart!"

[I said give up!] (Erta)

Yu IlHan took away the precious items since he didn't want to go back with nothing. After that, only after he searched every single place in the cave to look for even a single piece of a Dragon HEART did he activate the formation.

Erta asked.

[What will you do now? Are you going to hunt the remaining dragonkin? Or shall we gather the elves?] (Erta)

"No, let's go to where we first met Lecidna."

Lecidna's last words really bothered Yu IlHan.

Really, she had traded her life for his, just with the reason that she was under the Garden of Sunset's orders, without a shred of greed. Yu IlHan did not understand her line of reasoning, and as such, he wanted to know what she was thinking, even if it's a little more.

[Perhaps, she fell for you?] (Erta)

"Fuu, Erta. There's no woman who likes me in this world."

At least there's one here! – Erta had no courage to say that. To be exact, she had no courage to make any progress despite knowing how Lita would react after knowing that.

While Erta was silent, Yu IlHan activated the formation.

Light appeared, before Yu IlHan felt like he was floating. The next moment, he was back at the place where he first met Lecidna.


Yu IlHan realized the moment he came into the cave. He immediately realized why he could not understand Lecidna to the very end.

There was no helping it. There was a line that the two could never cross. Perhaps, from the moment he met her.

"She was a housewife."

In the place where she was sleeping before, laid a huge golden egg and a letter.

Author's notes

Dang, I did give some obvious hints, but to think you'd realize that there was an egg in the cave so quickly…

Yu IlHan is the best in reading malicious intentions towards himself!

FYI, the 'volunteer club he had to forcefully join' is NOT the volunteer club full of pretty girls that a certain Japanese light novel protagonist joined, but the volunteer I joined in highschool. Instead of listening to students' worries, I earned volunteer time while watering flowers... (T/N: There's compulsory amount of volunteer time required in Korea in order to graduate middle school, and highschool)

Erta threw a bait even while working hard for Heaven's Army.

Translator's notes

Next arc author's note says this arc title (and the next arc title) is supposedly a parody of a line from 'Invictus' by William Ernest Henley…

PR: 100th chapter wooooohooooo!!!!! "insert fireworks"

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu