101 - 106

[It really seems like I am sometimes able to understand what dragons are thinking, while being completely unable to understand them in other situations.]

"Really? I never understood them."

While Erta had a look at the golden egg that Lecidna left behind, Yu IlHan picked up the letter. He reasoned that her ultimatum for calling Yu IlHan here, and the explanation behind the golden egg would be written in this letter.

Surprisingly, the letter was written in English. Even though it would've been fine if it was written in dragon tongue.

"If you're reading this letter, then it is likely that I have died. I have no doubts that you will keep your promise and return to this place."

[Is it a letter?]

"I had followed the will of the Garden of Sunset, but I was certain that it would lead to my death some day. Compared to the weight of their decree, my shoulders were too narrow, my allies few, and the dangers overwhelming."

[Can this even be hatched?]

Yu IlHan found Erta, who was bored of looking at the egg and started talking to him, very annoying, but he suppressed it and continued reading the letter.

"If there's anything that I am worried about, then it is my child that will be born soon. No matter how strong dragons are as a species, all that power is accumulated over numerous years and with many records, so I was worried about leaving my child alone. Moreover, the thought that that child may become similar to the Destruction Demon Soldiers also tugged on my mind."

[So there's such thing as a motherly love with dragons.]

"However, if it's you, I can believe in you. You, who remains unaffected by everything, free even while possessing absolute power, are an existence that shines brighter than us dragons. I will have no regrets if my child grows up to be like you. So, I request of you. Please raise my child in my stead."

Erta's mouth widened. She flapped her wings in rage.

[Do you owe this woman something? She really is shameless, asking you to raise her child! Making a man who hadn't even dated his whole life, live as a single father? Even if Heaven forgives her! I will not forgive it!]

"Hey, shush! You're annoying me! Also, do you know about defamation by stating facts, huh!?"

She saved my life! That's enough of a debt!

Yu IlHan, who had never once forgot his grievances with other people, which was very befitting of a loner, was fortunately, also sensitive to what he received.

Honestly, he was not confident about raising a child, but he had no intention to turn down the request of someone who had sacrificed herself for him, just because he had no confidence.

"My child will become an adult dragon at level 200, at that time, this child may become an asset that helps you in what you may do in the future. I know that it's a shameless request, but I wish that you will cherish the child."

[Hmph, at least she knows that she's shameless.]

"In order for a dragon to incubate, a strong source of fire is needed. The power supplied to the dragon during incubation will also affect future growth, so please keep this in mind."

Reading up to that point, Yu IlHan stopped. Erta lifted up her head thinking that it was the end, just when Yu IlHan found a line in tiny font at the bottom of the letter.

"If you have the power, could you look after the elves a little as well? or so it's written."

[It really is a letter full of requests...]

At this point, it was a marvel.Tthe letter was detailed to the point that she probably knew that she would die while saving Yu IlHan. However, Yu IlHan himself nodded without thinking much.

"Well, I can do that in my own way. I also think it's more comfortable to have someone that I can reason with rather than monsters. There's also what I got from Reta."

[I really can't understand what you're thinking.]

"Heh, don't go falling for me now."


Yu IlHan, who felt a little better after getting the reaction he wanted from Erta, put the golden egg into his Cross Bag. If it was in the Cross Bag, it would be fine even if Yu IlHan rolled on the ground, or shot up into the skies, or spun around in a dungeon.

He also thought up of a few candidates to incubate this guy. Blaze, purple flames, Blaze + purple flames, or Eternal Flame

Although, he currently leaned towards Eternal Flame at the moment...

[Just merge them all.]

"Ooh, that's good."

[You really will!?]

Anyway, that was for when he returned to Earth; there were still many things left to do on Dareu.

Yu IlHan activated the magic formation. What he was searching for were the dragon eggs! He thought that the Destruction Demon Army may have left some eggs like Lecidna.

[So people can become so meticulous…]

"But there aren't any. It seems that the baby dragons were the last one of them."

It was actually quite fortunate that it was like this. He couldn't kill them just because they belonged to the Destruction Demon Army, nor could he raise so many children.

After he perfectly erased his worries, he searched for the surviving elves. There were 1,527 in total. There were surprisingly quite a lot of them left.

"Perhaps it really is possible to reconstruct a community."

[What are you going to do now?]

"First I'll clean up the remaining dragonkin, then.... I should gather them up."

Yu IlHan's answer was very simple. Erta did not ask what or how.

Since she was definitely sure that she would become frustrated if she heard the answer!

After exactly 3 hours and 37 minutes, Yu IlHan gathered up all 1,527 elves in a clearing of a forest. The number of their bruises were proportional to their level of resistance.

"Wh, what the hell happened?"

"What of the Garden of Sunset? Did they end up losing?"

"Shit, will us elves die out like this...!"

In front of the despairing elves, Yu IlHan curtly declared.

"The dragons are all dead."

No one replied. It was too cruel to accept as a joke, and too nonsensical as a truth. However, Yu IlHan shrugged his shoulders and repeated himself.

"The dragons are all dead. Be it from the Garden of Sunset or Destruction Demon Army, they're all dead."

"By, by who?"

"By me."


Yu IlHan made it so that there was no more laughing. In just 3 minutes, they could look at Yu IlHan with a serious face.

"Thank you for killing the dragons for us."

"It isn't really for you guys. It's for my world."

"Even so, thank you."

Judging that they were ready to have a conversation, Yu IlHan continued speaking.

"This world should still be very harsh, but you at least won't have to live in hiding anymore. I will tell you all the locations where weak monsters live, so survive and grow in power. Understood?"


Courageously answered the elves. However, there were some who had more courage than others.

"However, h... How do you know of the monsters' habitat?"

"Make that guy shut up!"

"Don't retort!"

Yu IlHan's 3-minute education was so effective that they were holding each other back by themselves.

"I'll tell you."

Yu IlHan extended his hand to stop them and just answered them; while activating the formation lightly.

"It's because the owner of the elven empire's magic formation is me. Oh, I won't hand over the possession, so keep that in mind."

In fact, he didn't know how to.

"The magic formation...?"

"Oh my god, it's true,:

However, just as Yu IlHan finished speaking, the elves' expressions changed. If they had expressions of people who were ruled over with force and fear, their current expressions were like a countryside tribal chief encountering the birth of a new hero.

Thinking back, when he first met the elves, they did have similar expressions when he told them that he used the magic formation. According to his memory, they became obedient immediately, which was surprising.

Yu IlHan didn't think about it that much back then, but looking at things now, it seemed that it wasn't such an obvious thing.

"How can a human control our empire's magic formation?"

"I met that human before. At that time, he told us that he succeeded the last hero, Reta Kar'iha."

"So there was a successor? I thought that the lineage ended."

"The magic formation did indeed emit light though!"

No, the reaction was somehow even more exaggerated; much more than he had imagined.

"Why did you let him go even after finding out?"

"Because he was human."

"It wasn't like we could hold him there too."

"Didn't you hear that he killed all the dragons? What does it matter about him being human!"

"That's true, but."

"Yes, he has the qualifications."

The elves seemed to whisper to each other, and they eventually formed a giant circle of 1,527 elves in order to discuss. When Yu IlHan asked one of them what they were doing, that person politely nodded his head and spoke.

"We're discussing about how to treat you. Even though it may be annoying for you, please wait a little more."

Their attitude became different. They were unbelievably kind and polite as if they were never under any suppression or violence in the first place! Yu IlHan somehow felt the shivers. His senses trained through countless books and experience were warning him.

That an irresistable big wave was rising!

"We arrived at a conclusion."


"Yes, Your Majesty the Emperor."

Just as he realised that a strange thing was attached at the end, that elf kneeled in front of Yu IlHan. Following that, the remaining 1,526 elves knelt in succession.

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

"Although there were some conflicts because you were human, we've arrived at the conclusion that we can only acknowledge you as our emperor, as you've driven out the dragons from this land."


Cold sweat started appearing on Yu IlHan's forehead. It would instead be easier if they took up arms, but what was this? Erta, who saw the trembling in his eyes, whispered to Yu IlHan.

[It seemed that it isn't the elven emperor that becomes the owner of the magic formation, rather, the owner of the magic formation becomes the emperor. Perhaps, when Reta said that she would develop the continent of Dareu, it was because she knew that she would become the emperor.]

"Unlike her, I'm not exactly happy to become the emperor of an empire without even the slightest, tiniest bit of infrastructure!"

Perhaps these 1,527 elves were trying to stick to Yu IlHan while calling him emperor? Just imagining this him made him feel horrified. Yu IlHan spoke to them while shivering.

"I'm NOT becoming your emperor."

"But you are our emperor!"


"Your Majesty!"

Yu IlHan beat up the elves again, but they did not change. In fact, some rejoiced, saying that they were given His Majesty's hand, so Yu IlHan shivered and stopped.

It seemed that his identity as a human no longer mattered to them.

"I said I'm not doing it!"

"But we came to our decision. Other than you, there's no other emperor for us."

"Even though I'm going to abandon you and return to Earth?"

"Even so, you are our only emperor."

The elves looked like they would never change their decisions even if they died. Yu IlHan also had to give up and accept that fact.

"Then call me emperor or whatever. I don't care."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Since they were calling him 'Your Majesty' so many times, he felt that he was cast in a historical movie. However, if there were any differences, it was that emperors in movies had their empires, and Yu IlHan was being admired by 1,527 elf refugees.

However, it wasn't such a bad feeling to be put high by them after being a loner for all his life. Yu IlHan creased his eyes and decided.

"...There's nothing to do even if I go back early, so should I look after them for a week or so? It will also feel bad if they get wiped out by monsters after all that I've done for them, and those monsters may also come over to Earth. It will be better to prevent that by raising these guys."

Very logical, but it was different to what he was saying until now. Erta asked with narrowed eyes.

[Isn't it that you feel slightly good about this situation?]

Ignoring her sharp remark, Yu IlHan called for the elves.

"Everyone gather."


Would rookie soldiers, who were just assigned to their platoons, be this fast? All 1,527 elves moved according to Yu IlHan's orders.

Yu IlHan first divided them according to class. He first separated the first and 2nd classes, then short ranged attackers, long ranged attackers, priests, and non-combat classes.

"I'll help you for exactly ten days."

[Hey, it just got increased by 3 days!]

"It's an honor, Your Majesty!"

"3 days is prior education."

Yu IlHan first looked for, and lead the elves to, the most suitable place to defend against the monsters, and to start making new history.

Not only did he read a lot of history books and geography books, he had even read feng shui books so he succeeded in finding a place that anyone would raise their thumbs on. Which was the remains of the former empire.

After that, he divided the non-combat classes to a few roles and ordered them to collect fruits and vegetables, made them cook, and made them build houses to live in. Like that, the foundation for the elf empire was created.

After that the combat classes were left. Regardless of long or short range, or being priests or not, Yu IlHan spoke to them all with a kind smile.

"There's one thing I've felt while I learned about battle. Which is that you get better the more you get hit."

No elf could counter argue at the scary words, but the only elf priest asked Yu IlHan.

"I'm a priest that use the power of a god. Is there a need for me to learn to battle?"

"If all the warriors to protect you, die, then who fights next?"

"M, me…"

"Good, it's fortunate that you understand."

Yu IlHan himself didn't know, but he had acquired the virtue of being a teacher of warfare after being taught by Lita for a long time.

He didn't know until now since he had no opportunities to teach anyone anything as a loner, but he finally realized thanks to the elves.



"Remember that a drop of sweat here is a drop of blood in the battlefield!"

[They're bleeding though?]

Could this be fortunate? It seemed that it wasn't a coincidence that they survived until now, as they were all talented in fighting. Some of them had extraordinary talent which surprised Yu IlHan.

"How good would it be if all people on Earth were like this."



Yu IlHan, who became engrossed in teaching the talented elves, extended the education period to 5 days. The elves had to cry just as more, but they couldn't retort since it was true that they were getting better.

When the prior education finished like that, Yu IlHan divided all the combat class elves into parties and sent them to monster fields where the monsters were much weaker than them, through the use of the magic formation.

Although he did tell them to become proficient through battle, their gear were worthless.

"I'll make some simple equipment for them before I leave."

[You're doing more and more things for them, oh Your Majesty.]

"Shut up. It's quite fun, it's like playing Sim C*ty."

Yu IlHan's other world stay became extend little by little, just like that.

Author's notes

The dragon next door was so cute, but for this series, it will be hard to make a heartwarming scene, maybe some comedy will be possible though. Our child will grow strong and harsh! Supplement the lacking cuteness and heartwarming-ness next door in the food eating novel. (T/N: This is referring to the novel, 'Have a meal before you go'. Did NNC drop it?)

Loner becomes emperor.

Then I'll come back next chapter with IlHan playing Sim City!

Translator's notes

Reta disappeared so I'll skip putting names until Liera returns.

Have a Meal Before You Go is an amazing novel… Did NNC drop it? You're reading this right, JSmith? And no, I'm not picking up anything.

That aside, I've mastered the art of creating EPUBs! I will get round to posting the earlier chapters later… please bear with me for a little.

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

Yu IlHan chose a few elf blacksmiths as his support and started making weapons. Naturally, the materials were the overflowing 3rd class dragonkin in his Cross Bag! The elves' eyes flipped when they saw what he was handling.

"How are you processing such a high class material?"

"Like this."

Purple flames burned within the furnace again. The fire had such power that 3rd class dragonkin's bones were molten within 10 seconds.

"Y, Your Majesty the Emperor is so amazing!"

"I can't believe my eyes!"

"I don't have time to teach you metalworking, so learn some minor techniques from me by watching."


Just working as support within the same workshop as the blacksmith meister Yu IlHan was a priceless experience for the elf blacksmiths.

Since he didn't have much time, he didn't do that many things to the bones and just made the gear by stamping them out, but since the raw materials and the skill of the smith was too good, all of them ended up as rare ranked or above.

The elves widened their eyes in order to learn his techniques if even a little, and with just that , they made huge leaps and bounds in their techniques.

Like that, the ten days Yu IlHan spoke of passed by, and another 3 days passed. The elven army that was fully armed with Yu IlHan's gear finally started hunting monsters of their level as they had polished up their techniques during battle.

Meanwhile, Yu IlHan was holding on to the non-combat classes.

"If you make preserved foods with non-poisonous meat of the monsters, then you will have less worries when a super scary monster appears and you have to go in hiding."

"What are preserved foods? We elves usually eat what we can get from nature...."

"I don't care, but if you don't wanna die, then eat some meat and grow some muscles."


Yu IlHan also started to educate the elf cooks. He had picked out a few thousand monsters without poison to hunt, then he dismantled them before teaching them not only grilling, frying and such cooking techniques, but also the method of making jerkies, sausages, bacons, and other preserved foods.

It wasn't like the elves couldn't eat meat, but that they traditionally didn't. When they got used to it, they ate well without Yu IlHan having to tell them to eat.

When the empire was intact, they wouldn't have ate even if he forced them, but their reasoning seemed to have changed after experiencing the downfall; they realized that they had to do anything to prevent it from collapsing again. Yu IlHan placed the elves high regard due to that.

After a mere 20 days since Yu IlHan started writing a new chapter of history for the elves(or so the elves said), the elves succeeded in transforming from refugees into talents.

Unlike when they lived in hiding, they washed up, they ate without being picky, and trained their bodies through fighting monsters, so their innate beauty started coming into light.

If Yu IlHan took them to Earth, then they would take over Hollywood hands down. However, perhaps the number 1 beauty Na YuNa would still be able to win against the elves.

Their rare smiles had returned, and now they started hunting monsters at their level without Yu IlHan needing to say anything. The first class elves also advanced to 2nd class quickly and proved their talents.

The blacksmiths repaired and created some equipments with what little ability they had and the buildings for habitation also became sturdier as the days went by. The share of stored foods increased, and the skills of the cooks rose accordingly.


Yu IlHan finally decided to leave around that time. He stayed for around 3 more times as he originally decided on, but he did not see the need to stay any longer.

He judged that he didn't have to look after Dareu any more if their foundation was set this solid.

"I'm going home now."

"Your Majesty!?"

Just that one line, he tried to leave after vaguely telling them, but the elves caused an uproar.

When they found out that Yu IlHan was not joking, there were some who just collapsed and cried, some who cried while grabbing onto Yu IlHan's legs, and some who just cried still... They were all crying!

"Why must you abandon us! Did we do anything wrong?"

"It was decided that I leave from the beginning!"

"Even so!"

"Your Majestyyyyy!"

Yu IlHan didn't know of this fact, but it seemed the elves were stubborn once they set sight on something.

It was just 'you can just be our emperor' at first, but now, their reliance and belief amplified while he worked with them for 20 days.

[And the result is the sea of tears we have here.]

"If you knew, then speak up first!"

[I didn't. Not all elves are like this. And honestly, these guys are strange.]

"*Sob*, Your Majestyyyy!"

"Take me too!"

"Your Majesty!"

"These guys are playing a symphony of 'Your Majesty'."

If it was malice, hostility, or suspicion instead, it would be easier for him to do something; as he could rely on no one else other than his parents, and he did not believe in anyone.

That was also the reason why he could prepare against Reta's betrayal, and the reason he could see through others' inner thoughts quickly.

"Your Majesty, no!"

"Your Majestyyyyy!"

However this situation, the experience of receiving the pure love of so many people, was very new for him. He had never received such things, so he didn't know how to, nor did he know what to do.

If he said it was unpleasant, then it would be a lie. However, he was more afraid than anything.

Is this love real? Aren't they deceiving me since they have something they want from me like Reta did? – Starting with those suspicions, he became afraid that this love may disappear or change so he even wanted to just let go.

Right now, Yu IlHan wanted to just run away. If so, then he would have no need to doubt them, nor fear that their emotions will change in the future.

However, the thought that he couldn't leave them like this held him back. If he ran away without saying anything after all this, then he would be too sorry for the elves.

It wasn't that Yu IlHan looked after them with the mindset of playing Sim City for 20 days either.

"I need to go."

So, Yu IlHan spoke honestly to the elves.

"This place is dangerous, but my homeland, Earth, is in no less danger."

He set up Vanguard and increased the battle powers of several guilds. The people of Earth definitely became stronger.

However, he was still worried. If he didn't have the excuse of stabilizing Dareu, then he would not have received the position of the elven emperor even if it was temporary.

"I want to look after you more, but I can't. I'm sorry."

"How can this be...."

The elves accepted, and became dejected.

They couldn't hold Yu IlHan back after learning that his homeland was in danger.

Yu IlHan was also sorry for the elves. He did think that he wanted to hand over the possession of the magic formation, but that was impossible in two ways.

No matter how passionate the elves were fo Yu IlHan, he couldn't trust them completely as he had only lived 20 days with them – which was the first reason, and the second reason was that it was only possible to hand over the ownership on the moment of the owner's death.

There was something else that was possible, which was to divide the control of the magic formation.

The previous elf emperor did not do this because he didn't want to split his power over the throne, and because he couldn't acquire the materials, but Yu IlHan was different.


"Yes, Your Majesty."

The female elf, that was publicly acknowledged and self-proclaimed as the number two, due to her proficiency in both battle and productive ability, came towards Yu IlHan. She said she was 518 years old as of this year, but she was a beauty that looked no more than 25.

Yu IlHan handed over the mana crafter magic stone to her. It was an artifact made of a 4th class magic stone.

"You can control the formation with this, albeit not as completely as me. But you will be able to use them to transfer a battalion or for finding monsters. It's very precious so don't lose it."


Mirfa became dejected and lowered her head after realizing what it meant by Yu IlHan handing over the item to her. With a bitter smile, Yu IlHan consoled her. This was the first time Yu IlHan had ever consoled anybody in his life.

"I'll come back to play some time. Or you can come over when you've settled down. Wait, can you do that in the first place?"

"Your Majesty....?"

[Even monsters can come and go, there's no reason why elves can't.]

"You can!"

Yu IlHan consoled her with confidence after receiving the confirmation from Erta. Fortunately, Mirfa's expression became brighter.

"Then take some of us."

And spoke nonsense.


"I can only be relieved that way!"

"Even if I take you, you guys are too weak, so you will only become hindrances."

The elves all became dejected when Yu IlHan spoke the truth. However, they recovered soon and attacked even more.

"Then you can make us do trivial things! We want to serve you at your side by any means!"

"We won't become hindrances so please take us, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majestyyyy!"

The desperate gaze attacks of the elves lynched Yu IlHan. Yu IlHan's chest prickled.

Yu IlHan was very strong in seeing through and destroying the false relationship on the surface between humans, but was very weak against honest affections towards himself. Even if it stemmed from loyalty due to overwhelming power and authority.

Although, until yet, he didn't know because he hadn't received true affection.1

In the end he couldn't win against their gazes and spoke while turning his head.

"O, okay. Then about four of you can follow me."

That was the limit of what Yu IlHan could handle as he still couldn't completely trust the elves.


[Yu IlHan.... Do you know that you're so cute right now?]


While Erta was touched at Yu IlHan's new side and teased him, a battle royale occurred between the elves who wanted to follow Yu IlHn.

Hundreds of elves rampaged around with swords, axes, bow and arrows, spears, or hammers, and some even carried smithing hammers and frying pans. Looking at that vicious scene, Yu IlHan found it funny and muttered in happiness.

"If I put in a little more effort, would there be a person on Earth who would truly have liked me? Not just on the surface, but truly with the heart…"

For the first time in the loner's life, Yu IlHan looked back his life alone.

[Probably no, because of your concealment.]

Spoke Erta, before adding.

[Although, it maybe different now, since you can control it now.]

"You really are horrible at consoling people."

[I don't wanna hear that from you!]

The battle royale ended. The strongest four were glistening their eyes in that place, and coincidentally, there were two women and two men.

If something could be called strange, it was that all four could be seen as nothing but beautiful women despite the fact that they gained muscles due to eating meat on Yu IlHan's orders.

However, Yu IlHan shook his head while looking at the four elves who had an average level of 85.

"What would the other guys do if I take the strongest ones? Pick again."

"The rest are plenty strong too. They will grow fast."

"We want to follow you!"

"Please let us follow you!"

"Your Majesty!"

Yu IlHan lost again due to the barrage of gaze attacks.

"O, okay. But on Earth, you need to call me Yu IlHan, not Your Majesty, got it?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

He finished saying farewell to the elves, and handed over the control of the magic formation to Mirfa, and the four to follow Yu IlHan was also decided. The elves wracked their brains thinking about how to hold Yu IlHan here, but Yu IlHan didn't allow that anymore.

He let go of too many things. He quickly wanted to return to Earth, where no one cared about him, rather than being here where the elves made him feel uneasy.

[You are the center of attention due to Vanguard though?]

"That's not me but the equipments, so it's alright. It's not the inside, but the outside."

Erta felt that she got to know Yu IlHan better when she heard that; a little more about why Yu IlHan rejected Na YuNa so much, and instead accepted Kang MiRae more, along with the reasons as to why he cherished Lita and herself more compared to the others.

Yu IlHan left the in-the-middle-of-construction empire along with the 4 victor elves.

According to their levels, the four that followed Yu IlHan were: level 87 female greatsword warrior Mirey, level 86 male archer Paté, level 85 male shield warrior Jirl, and level 83 female thief Phiria.

In Yu IlHan's eyes, they were weaklings who he doubted could fight against 2 3rd class dragons, but in truth, they were stronger than any other group on Earth right now.

Yu IlHan moved towards the outer areas of the magic circle and looked for the gate to Earth.

The elves had sparkling eyes in joy at going to where Yu IlHan was born and raised, Yu IlHan resolved to stowaway when going to Korea after applying his concealment on them after looking at their appearances.

It didn't take too long to find the gate. It wasn't too hard to make another dog hole with Erta's power, and it was of course, even easier for the 6 including Yu IlHan to exit to Earth.

The problem was Earth.

Honestly, Yu IlHan expected that the 2nd Great Cataclysm may arrive on Earth while he was in Dareu, which was also the reason why he hurriedly cleaned out the dragonkin.

However, Yu IlHan's thoughts were very naïve. How?

The three months Yu IlHan had left Earth.

Earth was at peace without any problems!

Author's notes

Honestly, I want to write more Sim City, but I made IlHan back off since his personality isn't one that plays around. Perhaps there will be another opportunity later.

You should know from IlHan's state, but since it's just after Reta betrayed him, he couldn't let any affections in his heart all the more. That much is plenty a miracle in itself.

Yu IlHan is a tsundere~

Translator's notes

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

In the three months he was away, Earth had become more used to the Great Cataclysm.

Many safe buildings were newly built, and an official system to manage the dungeons was created. The ability user platoons managed by the countries also started taking shape, and the clans, which operated like companies, also solidified their place in the changing society.

The value of strong ability users increased more and more, and many industries and technology lost their meaning, and even more new industries started rising.

Of course, this was all an achievement made under the blood and sweat of many.

The mana concentrated in Japan spread around the world along with Orochi's death, and the concentration of mana on Earth rose as a whole, which made the frequency of monster occurrences and dungeon occurrences much much higher. Anyone with power had to fight in order to protect their homes.

Meanwhile, the 26 clans who succeeded in getting higher standard weapons from Vanguard, shined brighter than any others.

The gear Yu IlHan sold were usable even after one became a 3rd class, and they just had to hunt the monsters while being careful not to damage it.

Their reputation rose by the day in their countries, and in the world, and in truth, their levels were rising incomparably faster than other clans to the point that the other clans couldn't do anything to them even if they wanted to.

Then, what was left was desperateness.

They wished that Vanguard would sell them higher weapons, or even, just standard weapons on a large scale, before the gap became bigger.

It was funny, but the gear shop that Yu IlHan had set up since he did not want to suffer alone, had become the number one wish for everyone in the world. In a mere 4 months.

There were two others who received attention that was not inferior to Vanguard, which was the Lightning God Clan of Korea, and Suppression, who was the only organization under a country's government, and was supplied gear by Yu IlHan.

[The Lightning God Clan of Korea conquers difficult dungeons one after the other!]

[Overwhelming growth of small scale clans. Everyone predicts the alliance of Vanguard.]

[The small tiger of Korea, Suppression, becomes an army admired by all.]


[It seems your gear were pretty good.]

It seemed that the reputation of the Lightning God Clan, and Suppression was really high as he could read news about them despite still being in America.

They were mostly news about how the Lightning God Clan saved a clan who were isolated inside a dungeon, or about Suppression, who safely exterminated monsters in a danger zone in another country.

"Wow, the taegeukgi (Korean flag) is flapping everywhere."

[Your share should be high too. Why don't you ask them to deduct your taxes every time a taegukgi flaps?]

"Are you a genius?"

Of course, Vanguard should have influenced it since it opened in Gangnam of Seoul. The opinion that the Lightning God Clan had a deeper relationship with Vanguard than the other clans were floating around the net.

The Lightning God Clan neither acknowledged nor rejected that statement, but the people were sure about it

[Who is the owner of Vanguard, Yu IlHan?]

[Vanguard supplies weapons that could not be seen in any other world. The president, Yu IlHan, is believed to have a unique ability that can buff productive abilities...]

The people were at the point where they wrote novels about Vanguard, Lightning God, and Suppression, and making secondary versions of it. It was so serious that Yu IlHan read books about the life of ten different 'Yu IlHan's while heading to the airport with concealment.

"This world feels really stuffy."

"The mana concentration is too low."

"Haaa, Fuuu."

The four elves that stuck to Yu IlHan in fear of concealment wearing off, were having a hard time due to the difference in concentration of mana between Dareu and Earth. Their long ears flapping were a proof of that.

They must feel like their power was draining. Yu IlHan was also feeling something similar in real time, so he knew very well. He spoke to them with a laugh.

"You probably won't be able to bring your full powers out here."

"We were prepared, but the pain is unimaginably more painful."

"How can a hero like Your Majesty come out in a world that has only gone through the 1st Great Cataclysm?"

"I said don't call me Your Majesty."

"Ah, I'm very sorry, Your Majesty!"

Silently deciding that he should educate them properly when they go back, Yu IlHan lead them to the airport. Then, he ignored numerous people and stowed away. The elves just followed Yu IlHan onto the aeroplane without knowing anything.

"There really are interesting things, to think that such a lump of metal flies in the air."

"There were some human countries that made things like this."

"You're right, they fell shortly after the 2nd Great Cataclysm though."

The nonchalant talk of the elves made Yu IlHan shiver. It was as if they were foretelling that human civilization would fall.

[Earth may be different. All worlds have their own ways of living.]

"It would be good if it's so."

After a few hours, they arrived at Korea. A lot had changed in the three months in Korea as well, especially the cities that developed much faster than the non-cities.

The already high population density increased, and a portion of the monster danger zones were completely isolated. He felt as if looking at a completely different country.

What was more important than anything was that talks about Vanguard, Lightning God, and Suppression were talked at least 10 times as frequently here.

"This is His Majesty's homeland!"

"It really is messy and noisy. Especially the buildings look quite strange."

"I really can't understand what they're saying."


Yu IlHan finally realized that the elves did not know Korean, not to mention English. While Yu IlHan felt depressed thinking about whether he had to first teach them Korean, Erta spoke like it was nothing much.

[They just need an artifact each.]


[Heaven's Army has tons of artifacts with translation magic cast on it. Although it isn't like it can translate monster speak or dragon tongue, but it should be possible to translate between elven language of Dareu and a language spoken on Earth.]

Yu IlHan widened his mouth in disbelief.

"No way, there's no way you guys are so capable."

[Then forget it.]

"I'm very sorry. Please give them to me."

[Heheh, then I'll hand over some of them. Since your achievements were so big this time, 4 translation artifacts shouldn't be so difficult.]

Yu IlHan also laughed when he saw that Erta enjoyed the sense of superiority she hadn't felt in a long time. However, that was for just a moment. Since the word 'Haeven's Army' came out, he thought of someone and his face paled.

"Will Lita be alright?"

He couldn't be sure of anything, but Yu IlHan was sure that the Destruction Demon Army was aiming for him in order to target Lita. Whether it was because Lita was strong and was a threat to them, or whether she had another value for them.

Since Yu IlHan had killed them all in reverse, not to mention getting caught, it was alright, but what if Lita was fooled by them? Even if she didn't, what if she was defeated by them?

He sealed such thoughts in Dareu as he couldn't relax his tension all the time, but now that he did think about her, he couldn't calm down.

Erta spoke in a bitter smile after realizing what he wa thinking.

[If you're so worried, should I go up and check?]


[I'll check then.]

She headed to Heaven without saying much. Yu IlHan spoke to the elves who were blinking their eyes without knowing what happened since they weren't able to see angels.

"Then let's first go home."

"To, to Your Majesty's mansion? You can just give us a small room in a small annex.

"I have no such thing."

The strongest of the four elves, the beauty greatsword warrior Mirey, tilted her head before shouting 'aha!' with a bulb above her head.

"Then, a separate palace!"

"You wanna get beaten up?"

"Then I'll follow Your Majesty."

"His Violent Majesty is cool too."

"Shut up you idiot."

The elves shut their mouths and followed Yu IlHan. Thinking that it was really fortunate that he had bought out an entire floor of an apartment building, Yu IlHan led them to the apartment in Gangnam.

On the way, they also passed by the building owned by Yu IlHan, and where Vanguard is,

He checked whether the building was still intact, or whether the angel's protective magic was still there, and he contacted his parents when he almost arrived at the apartment.

Fortunately, his mother received his call.

[Son! You've been to another world? You sure took your time.]

"Yes, mom. Father's still well, right?"

It wasn't exactly wrong. Although it was an Abandoned World, wasn't it still another world?

Now Yu IlHan was also a returnee! Although he did feel tragic thinking that whether it was worth it to become a returnee in this way!

However, just as Yu IlHan was immersed in his tragedy, his mother calmly spoke some words that would make Yu IlHan faint if he heard it in his highschool days.

[Your father quit work.]

"....That's good. But why?"

[The company went bankrupt. Well, all companies in this field went bankrupt. I think it will take some time until he can find new work.]

A simple and cool reason. Yu IlHan thought about sending money home, and thought that his father would never accept it even if he died, so he spoke to his mother.

"If father still wants to work, how about working at Vanguard, mom?"

Of course, his parents knew that he was the president of Vanguard. At first, the two of them thought that their son made some good ties in another world, setting up a gear shop, but watching Vanguard becoming the center of the world, they realized that the thin protective armor that Yu IlHan gave them before was the foreshadow for everything.

"Rather than specialized work, it's more like managing the store, receiving calls.... and some bothersome work, since it's the center of attention and all."

[That's good. This man should earn some money from his son to realize that his days are long gone.]

His mother took the bait. Even while sweating cold sweat at his mother's direct words, Yu IlHan ended up scattering salt on the wound.

"How... about just moving over to Gangnam?"


His mother burst out laughing. Then, she scolded him.

[You didn't contact us for three months, but it seems that you are worried about us, eh. It's alright. Mother has some ability, and as for your father.... it will be fine if he stays next to your mother.]

All mothers were really quick witted. With a bitter smile, Yu IlHan gave up on moving his parents to Gangnam. Instead, he told them that he would go look for them in a few days, before going to the top floor of the apartment building with the four elves.

Although it was smaller than they expected, they exclaimed at the quite a big apartment building while asking.

"This giant building is owned by Your Majesty?"

"Just the top floor."

"How is that possible?"

"Think of it as the providence of the universe."

"Wow, what's that on the wall, a button?"

"It's the magic tool that calls for an extremely small scale war once ditching after pressing, the bell."

Yu IlHan dragged the four elves who looked like RPG noobs trying to double click everything they could see and opened the door to his house at the top floor.

"First, don't do anything and listen to me. I'll explain you the lifestyle of Earth from alpha to omega."

"Your Majesty is our alpha and omega!"

"Shut up and listen to..."

Just as he was about to explain to the four fanatics, he tilted his head. He could feel a presence in his bedroom.

He would think 'that can happen' if it was the intrusion of someone with malice towards himself, but this presence was one that he was really used to.


Did she come back first after getting news of Lita? That was possible – Yu IlHan opened the door to the bedroom while thinking that.

On the king sized bed prepared by Yu IlHan, without holding back any money, as he thought that sleep was the most valuable thing on Earth, a beauty with 'two pairs' of wings, was sleeping on the bed while snoring.

Author's notes

Yu IlHan unintentionally raised the reputation of his country.

Erta regained her face as a higher existence for the first time in a while.

Thank you for loving Everyone Else is a Returnee until now. From next chapter, Act 2, 'I'm Also a Returnee' will... (This is also a lie)

Sorry? You expected IlHan to go to the Wall of Chaos in order to save Liera? It's fun to break death flags and readers' expectations!

Translator's notes


Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu


"Who is that? She gives out an overwhelming pressure even while sleeping."

"Look at those wings. It's Heaven's Army."

"The ones that abandoned us."

"Honestly, I can't bring myself to like them."

"Shut up, you all."


Unlike Erta who meticulously hid her presence even while on Yu IlHan's head, the person sleeping on the bed was blatantly exuding her presence, that even the elves could notice her existence.

Yu IlHan found the situation too absurd, and so, he checked her face from the side two or three times.

"....It's her alright."

Although she became prettier than what he remembered, she was definitely the other contractor angel, Lita. Above all, the sub class given to him, Angel's Partner, was telling him that she was definitely his contractor.

This person, is Lita.

The person in question was sleeping like this even though she made someone worry so much? As he had planned, he should punish...


.... couldn't do that, so Yu IlHan tapped on the end of the wings, making them contract into the shoulder blades (although, there was only one pair of wings before), before turning her body upright and covered her body with the blanket.

"....It's the first time I see His Majesty with such gentle eyes."

"Is it His Majesty's lover? To think he'd seduce a higher existence, he really is His Eternal Majesty."

"Jirl, His Majesty is a solo. He must be. So shut up."

Now that she was in a comfortable position, Lita's creased expression relaxed.

Even Yu IlHan's facial tension relaxed after thinking that this figure looked more like a next door noona (PR: Noona = elder sister in korean), rather than a higher existence.

Anyway, he felt that it was fortunate that Lita was well, turning his head around, he saw four elves staring at him.

"What, why?"

"It's nothing."

The four elves who looked a little like they swallowed poop, simultaneously denied reality and shook their heads. Yu IlHan snorted before exiting the room and closing the door, before explaining to the elves.

"Although it's no big secret, I'm in some form of contract with the angels and there will be a lot of cases where I move with them. There was also the angels' help while driving out dragonkin from Dareu, so I want you to forget your grievances with them, at least to the ones around me."

"If it's Your Majesty's order, then we abide."

"You aren't dating her, right? Right?"

"Don't put salt on someone's wounds like that."

Yu IlHan first explained to the elves about the items in the apartment. Of course, they did not comprehend modern lifestyle, but he just skipped the details and said 'it's an artifact so do as I say', which they obediently accepted.

"The two women should use this room, and the two men should use this room. Although there's no bed at the moment, I ordered it so it will arrive soon. Of course, if you want to date one another then I have every intention to give you a separate room. That's it. Questions?"

The archer, Paté, abruptly raised his hand. He, was a beauty (male) with white skin and wavy blond hair that looked like it could harbor the morning dew.

"I'm for Your Majesty all the way!"

"I didn't want to hear that from a male. Next."

Now, the thief, Phiria, spoke in a small but firm voice. She had a slightly short stature, but her short black hair and her cold eyes gave out overwhelming charm.

"I want to train with Your Majesty!"

"Later. Next."

"That's it, sir!"

There's nothing they're curious about even though they came to another world? Yu ilHan, who remembered that the first elves he had met had some intelligence, despaired at the fact that there's no other interest for the elves other than himself and battle, but it was too late by then.

Yes, it was all fine if they were satisfied with it. Since he brought them here to Earth, it would be good if he made them stronger. Thinking that, Yu IlHan decided to wash up first.

However, just as he threw his clothes, there was something else he thought of.

'To think of it, those guys don't even have any clothes.'

Although, that wasn't the only thing he should be worried about.

The most important issue was their appearances. Since they couldn't be with Yu IlHan 24/7, there would come a time where they would have to act alone, but as long as they were elves, it was a problem about how to hide those ears.

"I should have asked Erta for some artifacts to hide their ears too."

[I knew you'd need that, so I brought some artifacts that have both translation function and body part transformation function. No lower existence should be able to see through them.]

Yu IlHan turned around just as he was about to take off his pants. It was, as expected, Erta who was there.

[You saw, right?]

"I did, did you see too?"

[I did.]

Exchanging words, they both sighed. Yu IlHan put some hot water on the tub and immersed himself, and Erta transformed into palm-size, and sat on one corner of the tub.

[The war is over for now. We don't know when the Wall of Chaos may open again, but they did say that we're past the critical point.]

"That's why Lita's here."

[It's Liera now, not Lita. She was promoted.]

So angels change their names upon promoting. While Yu IlHan was feeling a strange sentiment, Erta tapped on the water in the tub and continued.

[Her achievements were great. Although she was reckless from the beginning, she seemed to disappear mid-way, and appeared after pulling out the roots of a portion of Destruction Demon Army inside the Wall of Chaos. And that was the finale. Even Spiera, who was involved in her promotion, was shocked, they say.]

"That's some frightening achievements."

Yu IlHan shouldn't be at fault for thinking up of a monster rather than an angel.

[Although the time is quite coincidental, it has only been 5 hours since the war of the Wall of Chaos had ended. Liera didn't report to anyone and came straight here after the Wall of Chaos closed. Even if it's you, you shouldn't not know what her actions mean, right?]

"I can't not know."

Yu IlHan laughed bitterly before replying.

"She should be very tired. Lita, no, Liera knows that my bed is the best bed in the world, custom ordered from my calculations and pre-investigation as a master of resting.

Erta was never more frustrated than now about how she couldn't use her powers as a higher existence on Earth. If she could just beat him up!

However, she couldn't say everything, so she could only…

[...Yes. So, look after her a lot.]

…say that.

Yu IlHan exited his bathtub after finishing his refreshing bath time after a long while. He then put on some new clothes, and threw the four elves (after separating them to male and female), who were standing there absent-mindedly even though he had assigned them rooms.

After that, he bought a ton of underwear and clothes from a nearby shop, and distributed them the earring shaped artifacts he got from Erta.

"Ooh, these clothes are so comfortable."

"The underwear are too small, Your Majesty. Both my chest and my hips are tight...."

"Then go buy them yourself later."

The elves now were no different from Earthlings after they wore clothes of Earth and wore the earring artifact, other than how they were too pretty.

It was funny since they looked so off, but now, there was no way the police or the military would stop them. Although, the scouts from the model industry, or idol office producers may do that!

Good, now, the urgent fire was put out. There were still mountain loads of things to do, but there was something else he had to do before he started working hard again.

"Well, then. You guys have a rest too."

"What about Your Majesty?"

"I'm going to sleep."

"Then we'll sleep with you!"

"You sleep by yourselves."

Firmly declaring that, Yu IlHan returned to his room and snuggled next to Liera, who was sleeping in the proper position right now. He thought of the time when Liera slept next to him before she was dragged into the Wall of Chaos.

[You're going to sleep next to her?]

"It's not like I can wake her. It's also not like she minds either, from what I saw last time."

She doesn't mind so he's safe! – if Liera heard that, she wouldn't know whether to smile or cry. With such a comment, Yu IlHan closed his eyes. Erta found that absurd and retorted.

[Yes, do that... It will be the best reward for her.]


Erta spoke that out loud, intending Yu IlHan to hear it, but the person himself fell asleep in 1.5 seconds and didn't hear it.


Momentarily, Erta even doubted whether Yu IlHan did that on purpose even while knowing about how the two girls felt towards him, but seeing a human and a higher angel having a good sleep, she became sleepy, and she also slept next to Yu IlHan's head.

The first one to wake up was Erta. Well, it was her who had the least fatigue, so it was natural.

'Although I did give out energy to Yu IlHan due to the Angel's Support skill, but I didn't use the final method until the end. Although, it's more correct to say that there was no situation that arose which required me to.'

There was no need to overuse the Angel's Support skill as an active skill while fighting the other dragons, and Teraka was an opponent he couldn't win against by any means. Whatever Yu IlHan experienced, there was no 'middle level'.

Erta thought of the moment they met with the dragon Teraka. It was close even thinking about it now. Really, it was a miracle that it was a higher existence, and that Lecidna received its 'shell'.

'We'll raise the child well.'

Dragons were horrifying and annoying to have as enemies, but the dragons acting on the humans' side were several times more reassuring. Thinking of the egg that should still be in Yu IlHan's Cross Bag, Erta nodded her head.

'Now that I think about it, the rewards aren't given out yet.'

Yu IlHan would be surprised when he receives the rewards. Erta thought of such a scene and giggled to herself, when she found that there was a thin and long spear next to the bed.


A very sharp spearhead, and the spear body that was made from unknown metal, definitely showed that it was a high ranked artifact. However, it wasn't Yu IlHan's work. It lacked a certain elaborateness to have been made by Yu IlHan.

Moreover, what was that thick pink aura around the spear? It wasn't normal mana, nor was it an attribute force made with a special magic stone, so that is....


The moment Erta's hand touched the spear, a flawless hand extended from the bed grabbed onto the spear. The owner of the hand, Liera, glared at Erta with scary eyes.

[Don't touch it.] (Liera)

[Liera... I already saw it.] (Erta)

[Dang.] (Liera)

Erta sighed while looking at Liera who turned her head while flinching, and shouted.

[How can you receive a recorded god's blessing even though you're an Envoy of God!!] (Erta)

[But I was about to die, I couldn't help it!]

Liera shouted shamelessly without making excuses. Before, her eyes were brown with a tint of purple, but now that she received a blessing of a god, her eyes were giving out unrealistic red light, like rubies.

Erta asked, her expression was also a little red.

[Aren't you embarrassed?] (Erta)

[What's there to be embarrassed about? I'm proud.] (Liera)

So angels become so frightening when in love… Erta just laughed in dumbfoundedness and confirmed the information of the spear.

[Apocalyptic-ally Beautiful Steel spear Blessed by the god of love]1

[Rank – Epic]

[Attack Power – 7,500]

[Options – All options are applied as long as the love is kept

1. All abilities increase by 40%

2. Creates a huge shockwave by consuming mana every critical hit.

3. Will not receive critical hits as long as the user is grabbing the spear, and dodge rate increases by extreme amounts

4. All abilities increase additionally by 30% in battles to protect the beloved]

[User restrictions – The one blessed by the god of love]

[A tattered sword kept as the proof of love evolved from the blessing of a god, and became a spear. It evolves according to the growth of the user's love.]2

Yes. Liera could escape the crisis thanks to receiving the blessing of the god of love in the crisis of death!

[*Screams*!] (Erta)

Erta puked out blood. She felt her hands and feet getting the shivers just by reading the abilities of the artifact! It was a splendid hand crusher from the name to the description!

Looking at such Erta, Liera embraced the spear and spoke proudly.

[It's the sword that IlHan made for the first time. Although, it's a spear now.] (Liera)

[You hid such things in secret!? It sure has amazing power to attack a person's heart just by reading the information on it.] (Erta)

[There's no such function though...]

While the angels were chatting, Yu IlHan woke up due to the blinding green text that appeared on his retina.

[You have achieved one of the conditions to be blessed by the god of smithing. You will receive the blessing once you fulfill another condition.]


Just what did he do to fulfill something! Yu IlHan who woke up from sleep, could find the mini sized Erta floating in the air, and Liera who was hugging a spear that was giving out overwhelming force.

[Oh.] (Liera)

Her eyes widened when she looked at Yu IlHan who woke up with a shout, but she eventually put on a bright smile like a blooming flower and spoke.

[IlHan, I'm back.] (Liera)

「"Welcome back"」


Yu IlHan laughed faintly and replied when Liera said that.

"Yeah. Let me have a look at that spear."

This was Yu IlHan's best attempt to resist since he felt that something might end if he said 'Welcome back'.

Author's notes

The elf imperial bodyguards have hit max on loyalty. It's loyalty until the end. Probably

Is it just Liera that Erta saw?

The elves bodies developed unilaterally thanks to eating meat.

In Japan, there's an ending type called 'Tadaima-Okaeri' ending.

After the fight with the last boss, when the main character goes back to his homeland with his exhausted body, the heroine who waited for him all that time, will receive him. Main character finally feels that everything is over! His 'I'm back!' (Tadaima) and her 'Welcome back' (Okaeri) would end the series. It's a type of cliché

Translator's notes

I'll differentiate 'God' and 'god' (former being Heaven's 'God', and the latter being recorded 'god')

Wait, did I say that before?

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

Although he couldn't check the information and stats of the spear since Liera frantically hid it behind her, it was undeniable that one of the blessing's requirements had been fulfilled due to it.

Just how was the spear related to him anyway? However, when he tried appraising the spear while staring at it intently, Liera threatened to cry so he could only give up. Only Erta, who knew the answer to Yu Ilhan's dilemma, observed the situation while letting out a soft sigh.

[Yu IlHan, just obediently receive your rewards.] (Erta)

"Yes, ma'am."

[Heaven Quest 006 Dareu extermination, complete!]

[All status increased by 5. Strength increases additionally by 10.]

[You have learnt the active skill, Rule, you can take in subordinates, and the ones subordinated to you by this skill cannot harm the ruler due to a restriction stronger than that of being in a party. You will be able to govern the beings under you better as the skill level rises, and will be able to accelerate their growth. Currently, as of level 1, you can take up to 5 subordinates. You cannot activate the skill without the other party's agreement.]


[The skills given to you by Heaven are always related to the accumulated record and achievements you acquire. You know why you got this skill, right?] (Erta)

Yes, of course. It's just that he had too many suspicions.

Honestly, it was a good thing. He was worried that the elves that followed him to Earth were too weak, and although he was a little bitter that he was doing so with the help of the skill, but he cold now completely believe in the elves.

Joy and sadness, guilt and a sense of safety, etc – such complex feelings enveloped Yu IlHan. Erta, who saw him, added with a faint smile.

[Originally, we thought that the lower stage version, Lead, would have been sufficient, but your achievements were so great that it got upgraded automatically. You should've seen the angels' faces.] (Erta)

[If it's IlHan, this much is only natural.] (Liera)

[Also.] (Erta)

Erta pointed to Yu IlHan's Cross Bag. The moment she did, the Cross Bag amazingly disappeared!


[Yu IlHan. You've perfectly cleaned up Dareu which could have upset the balance due to being connected with Earth, and even supported the intelligent species there to the point that they can develop further. The merits from that is extremely high, and therefore, Heaven has decided that we'll give you the inventories of the angels that died during the war at the Wall of Chaos this time.] (Erta)

Yu IlHan blinked his eyes; he didn't quite understand what she was saying.

"I thought you said inventory was magic?"

[To be exact, inventories are born with interspace creation magic. And when the owner dies, it isn't impossible to hand over the ownership to someone else. It's a similar concept to how you became the owner of the elven empire's magic formation.] (Erta)

"And you didn't give it to me when I wanted it so much!"

[Would we kill a fine angel just to give you an inventory? Also, it's impossible anyway if the receiver cannot wield mana.] (Erta)

It was too correct to say anything. So, in the end, the rewards this time were too coincidental.

"So, where did my Cross Bag go?"

He always wanted an inventory, but Yu IlHan had profited immensely due to the weight transfer function and the remote collection function attached to the Cross Bag. It would be difficult for him if they suddenly disappeared now.

[Along with the destruction of the Cross Bag, all its contents were transferred to the inventory. The options the Cross Bag had were also applied to the inventory as well. However, remote collection and weight transfer might have changed scales so please practice it.] (Erta)

With those words, she tapped her hand on Yu IlHan's hand.

Marvelously, Yu IlHan could comprehend how the inventory was transferred to him, and what he had to do in order to use that inventory at the moment she touched him.

Although he couldn't see with his eyes since they weren't on Earth, the interspace was something that Yu IlHan could access at any moment in order to take something out. This was the moment that Yu IlHan had received a fragment of a higher existence's magic.

[You received the possession of an inventory. The total space equals the interspaces of twelve lower ranked angels. They have the following options, and the abilities will increase according to the growth of the owner's magic.]

[ 1. Weight transfer, control.]

[ 2. Frozen time.]

[ 3. Remote collection of possessions.]

He immediately felt what happened. Although he had to control the Cross Bag with the weight control option, now that it became an inventory, there was no need for that. Therefore, the weight control option was merged into the weight transfer option. And that, was a dream combination.

Now, Yu IlHan could transfer, specifically, a 100,000 tons, or 10 tons even if the total mass in the bag was a million tons.

"Hm. If it's with my strength now, how many tons can I handle?"

[You will need practice.] (Erta)

The second option, the frozen time inside the interspace, seemed like a characteristic of an inventory. Of course, there will be no rotting inside, so the Cross Bag option would disappear.

Also, what was transferred completely in itself, was the remote collection of possessions. Perhaps due to the increased affinity towards the inventory rather than the Cross Bag, he could now take out several items in several different locations at once, and it also became easier to set a direction.

"Good, it's getting close to my ideal!"

[If you tell me before you reach it, I'll stop them from becoming things that we might get sued for.] (Erta)

[If it's to the point that he was granted an inventory, he must have really cleaned up Dareu.] (Liera)

How did he manage that when there were 4th classes everywhere? Liera found that absurd, but Yu IlHan and Erta did not mention the details, since she wouldn't believe it even if they did.

After receiving all the rewards, Yu IlHan went to the elves' rooms to use the rule skill, but the elves were sleeping on the floor as there was no bed, with each sex in their respective rooms.

Well, although they said that they will serve the emperor, or that they had nothing that they were curious about, they had just come to a completely different world, leaving their homeland and choosing to believe in Yu IlHan. They were probably nervous, and tired. That was normal.

However, they relaxed thinking that this place was where Yu IlHan lived. The elves were all sleeping with naïve expressions.

Although the scene was sexy rather than cute due to their appearances, Yu IlHan couldn't help but chuckle while looking at them.

"These airheads."

[Who's saying that to who?] (Erta)

[Who are these elves? I need to erase them for me and IlHan's future, right?] (Liera)

[And here we almost had a heartwarming scene... Liera, since you got promoted, stop being an embarrassment.] (Erta)

A little more, and the guard towards the elves went down.

Since he couldn't activate the skill without the opponent's agreement, he decided to delay that and exited his house.

Why? Of course, it was to work, since he had a proper rest. The three things that Yu IlHan liked the most were sleeping, eating, and doing manual labor! Of course, only after the word 'alone' was attached after it.

Yu IlHan headed to the underground level of the building in his possession nearby the apartment. His workshop was still placed in a position where no one could enter.

"I left for three months and this place looks fine."

Flicker, flicker. Eternal Flame, which met its master after a long time greeted him while swaying. Yu IlHan threw some 3rd class magic stones and dragonkin meat into the furnace and spoke.

"There's a lot for you to eat."

Eternal Flame rejoiced. It seemed to. Of course, it was fine even if it hadn't. He'd just force feed it.

'Well, then.'

Time to smith – was what he thought when something popped up into his mind.

"I still haven't chose my subclass!"

[I thought you were delaying it intentionally!?] (Erta)

Rarely, there were people who were stubborn about not getting a subclass immediately after getting a main class, thinking that they might be able to get a better subclass if they waited a little.

Of course, this didn't apply to Yu IlHan. He just forgot about it until now.

"I wonder if there's anything similar to God's Hammer."

[Since you said that you fulfilled another requirement, wouldn't it give you something similar?] (Erta)

Yu IlHan immediately called out the list of available subclasses. However, as if it was mad at him for not choosing it as a main class, there was no smithing-category subclass no matter how hard he looked.

Perhaps due to the influence of leading the elves, there was something like 'newbie monarch'. But even so.

"I didn't expect so much anyway, so let's just choose an ordinary blacks... Huh?"

Yu IlHan ignored the temptation of numerous subclasses and was about to choose blacksmith but he stopped in panic. Since this was something she was used to, Erta and Liera's expression didn't change much.

[Did some revolutionary job appear or something?]

[Monster Lord or ruler?]

"Close, Erta. It's Dragon Rider."

[ 27. Dragon Rider]

In contrast to every other subclasses highlighted with green text, only Dragon Rider was colored in gold. Quite blatantly, it was as if all others were no good!

[It's the first time I've heard someone getting a Dragon Rider as a subclass, not main, even with my lifespan as an angel...] (Liera)

[At this point, it's as if someone's interfering, preventing you from becoming a blacksmith.] (Erta)

"It was because of you at the time of the 2nd class advancement."

Ignoring his words, Erta continued.

[But it will be good to choose Dragon Rider. There's no need to hesitate.] (Erta)

[What will he do even if he does? Didn't he kill all the dragons?] (Liera)

[That's because Yu IlHan has a dragon egg.] (Erta)

[Ah, yeah. You sure did.] (Liera)

Liera decided to stop thinking.

Yu IlHan did hesitate since he wouldn't be able to acquire a smithing class until he acquired his 4th class if he let it go like this.

However, he also thought that there was a reason the angels emphasized it so much, and ended up choosing it.

At that moment, a different feeling to when he acquired Angel's Partner spread within himself through the mana. Hotter than anything, but disappearing like an illusion! Like steam!

There were almost no changes to his physical body and it was the same for his magic. It was just that his mind was ruled by the feeling that there was an additional virtual engine that moved his body.

Yu IlHan instinctively realized. That this 'engine' he newly acquired, would not be activated properly without a dragon.

[You have become a Dragon Rider. You may now contract a dragon. All abilities increase by 20% against dragonkin.]

[You have acquired the passive skill, Dragon-Man Resonance. All abilities increase by 10% when fighting together with a dragon, for both the rider and the dragon, and increases by an additional 10% when riding the dragon. The resonance amplifies if a lead-category class is also applied to the dragon.]

[You have acquired the active skill, Dragonic Blood. You can enhance your active skills by borrowing power from your partner, and will be able to enhance your skills in a variety of ways according to the traits of your partner, and the skill level. You can also enhance passive skills that has an active ability.]

[There are no dragons which you are in a contract with.]

The angels were right. Under the condition that there was a contract-able dragon, Dragon Rider was a combative subclass!

Yu IlHan sighed in relief thinking that his choice was right.

"Other people would also choose this combative subclass but I was about to become a blacksmith without knowing anything."

[It's not that there are no combative subclasses, but you can't simply assume that anyone can become a Dragon Rider!]

Although they weren't surprised since it was Yu IlHan they were talking about, naturally, Dragon Rider subclass wasn't seen very often.

How can an ordinary human, or even other races, be in an equal standing with a dragon that even they have hard time talking to?

Dragon Rider was only acquirable by Yu IlHan only because he had a power that overwhelmed them and was also in a party with them.

Moreover, even if one becomes a Dragon Rider, it was difficult to find a dragon who would obediently become a human's ride, so there were many who couldn't use their rare subclass for their entire lives.... No, even those who luckily became a Dragon Rider were also like that.

However, Yu IlHan was currently in possession of a dragon's egg, and also had the skill, Rule. There would be no other precedent like him.

Just that, he would have to suffer quite a lot until the dragon matured into an adult.

"Then I should hatch the egg first."

Yu IlHan took out the egg from his inventory. Looking at the egg that was still emitting bright golden light, Eternal Flame rejoiced with bright light.

"You can't eat this."

Suddenly, the flame became smaller as if in shock. Yu IlHan spoke to it.

"You really can't. We're going to incubate this guy from now on. I'll add you with supplementary fire so you will control them and awaken this guy, got it?"

He felt as if the Eternal Flame nodded. It probably did. He could only believe so.

Nodding, Yu IlHan took out his spear and called out purple flames and put it on the bottom of the furnace. The Eternal Flame greedily absorbed the purple flames and changed color into a strange one.

"I'm adding Blaze too!"

Of course, the Eternal Flame wouldn't even know what Blaze is. Yu IlHan took out an intact mana potion he had left even though he used a lot of them in Dareu, and activated Blaze while sucking on it.

At that moment, Eternal Flame made an exaggerated reaction as if it would say [Oooh!? OOOOOOOOOOHHHH!] if it was able to speak.

If everything it had eaten until now was normal coffee, this strong aura would be a super concentrated espresso! The golden fire burned violently and emanated its joy in all directions.

[You really did it.] (Erta)

[I don't get what's happening but I do get that it's amazing!] (Liera)

[You should just honestly that you don't know anything.] (Erta)

Blaze was a monster that ate up mana. Yu IlHan didn't hesitate and put the egg inside the furnace.

It would be difficult with just purple flames and Blaze, but since the everlasting flame that controlled both of those flames didn't forget Yu IlHan's warnings, it gently received the dragon's egg and transferred the heat required for the egg to hatch.

If dragons were looking at this scene, they might have declared war on Heaven, saying that they needed Eternal Flames to incubate their eggs.

However, was it insufficient with just Blaze? The egg that glowed due to the heat in the furnace seemed to emit light before stealing Yu IlHan's mana additionally on top of the Blaze that drained his mana. It was a considerable amount as well.

Since this was an important occasion such as the birth of a dragon, it wasn't so surprising. Yu IlHan just thought that the birth of a dragon was quite an event, and obediently handed over his mana.

Since there was the highest-quality mana potion on his mouth anyway, he wouldn't collapse from mana overexertion even while Blaze and the egg drained him.

When he emptied about 80% of the mana potion, he finally saw some reaction. The light emitted by the egg seemed to get even brighter before a crack appeared on top of the egg. The angels looking at that scene both said a line each with round eyes.

[Now that I think about it, it's the first time in my life as an angel that I see a dragon hatching.] (Liera)

[It's also the first time for me seeing an angel receiving the bles !@#$%#$#!] (Erta)

While Liera prevented Erta from speaking, and punished her, the crack on the egg gradually became bigger. THe moment the crack went from the top to bottom in a zigzag manner, the egg completely cracked apart with a 'pak' sound.


What came out of the egg with a lively shout was a child looking around 2 years of age. Like a phoenix born from fire, it charged out from the furnace and landed on the ground. That figure, didn't look like a newborn at all. It was a 10/10 landing.

With white skin, golden eyes, and black hair despite being born moments ago, it was a healthy boy.

His appearance was extraordinary as expected of a dragon, but even though the child was seen for the first time, the facial features looked quite familiar.


Moreover, this guy even spoke with liveliness as well. Not dragon tongue, not english, but in Korean.

Yu IlHan finally noticed that something was going on.

"...Where did you learn Korean from?"

"From dad...?"

At Yu IlHan's trembling voice and question, the dragon-child answered himself, although, without confidence. After a while, he seemed to have thought of something as he clapped with hands while speaking.

"If mom lays the egg, dad wakes me up! Mom said that!"


"So it's dad! I learnt from dad!"

That's quite interesting – thought IlHan and turned his head.

Something flashed by his head at that moment which was the sentence in the letter that read' 'If my child can take you on even by a half'.

At that time, he only thought that she meant for him to raise the egg well. However, looking at this child, correction, looking at this child that had clearly received 'Yu IlHan's influence', it didn't seem that those were her only intentions.

Thinking back, it must have happened the moment Yu IlHan's mana was supplied to the egg.

In an instant, all the incidents were linked in his head. The questions he had were solved just like that. In the first place, Lecidna had no intentions on concealing it in the first place.

He didn't even have the energy to get angry, but he couldn't endure without getting angry.

"Th, this marriage scammer....!"

It seemed that Lecidna had not been a housewife, but a dragon at a marriageable age looking for a partner.

Author's notes

Someone mentioned about weight control option, but it's possible to decrease the weight, but impossible to increase it!

(Untranslatable pun)

I went over the quantity since I couldn't cut it off in the middle. Inventories and subclasses and everything took too much content…

Translator's notes


Those who questioned that whether it was possible to put in life forms inside the bag, I'm not sure. And those who questioned why it was possible to put the egg in the bag, I don't know either.

But, looking at that scene, it seemed like the egg was still 'unfertilized'?

PR: Liera's spot as Ilhan's wife got robbed

TN: Liera:[Call me mother]


(Infinite cycle of above two lines)

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

[Get that damned dragon bitch over here, right now.] (Liera)

Shouted Liera while raising her spear.

[I'll enact justice unto that bitch! I! To her!] (Liera)

[Along with the words: 'it's very fortunate that you weren't banished from Heaven', I have to tell you the unfortunate news that Lecidna has already died.] (Erta)

When Erta, who was just as enraged as Lita, replied powerlessly. Liera ended up lowering her spear.

It was akin to a face of a student that realized that their entrance exam scores could have gotten them into a better college than their school grades by at least two levels.1

This sense of loss, powerlessness and despair!

At that moment, the baby dragon walked with his little steps and grabbed her leg just as her boiling rage was wandering without a direction to go.

Then, with a pure and naïve voice, he spoke what was on his mind.

"Pretty noona!"

He raised his head to look at Liera. He was handsome because he was born as a dragon, but perhaps due to the influence of Yu IlHan's mana, he even resembled him.

Disregarding others, it was Liera who deeply loved Yu IlHan, so it was a critical hit at that time. Marvelously, Liera's burning rage and desire for revenge melted down like ice cream under the hot sun.

[It's not noona.] (Liera)

Liera lowered his head and met his gaze and spoke in a gentle voice.

[Call me mom from now on.] (Liera)


[Lieraaaaa!?] (Erta)

[But he's so cute! On second thought, he only absorbed IlHan's mana, so I can accept it!] (Liera)

Really, a surprising turn of events. Yu IlHan, who didn't accept everything that was happening here quite yet, could finally come back to being himself after listening to Liera's words.

"Yes, of course. He only absorbed my mana."

Yu IlHan tapped his cheeks and came to himself. The dragon who was watching let go of Liera's legs and imitated Yu IlHan and tapped his own cheeks.

Was it a child after all? Yu IlHan laughed at that unexpected reaction and waved his hand to call him over. The child, who was at a loss at what to say after hearing what Liera said, ran towards him in joy and stopped in front of him.

"Yes, dad."

"I'm not your dad."

"You are my dad!"

Words of conviction without the slightest bit of suspicion.

Yeah, of course. Since it's true after all. However, it isn't!

Yu IlHan tried his best to calm himself down and spoke after meeting the child's gaze.

"Listen to me carefully. I never thought that I will become your father, nor did I have such a resolve. Conclusively, I have no relations with your mother whatsoever. Understand that?"


Although it wasn't something to be said to a newborn, but the child nodded seriously as if he understood everything.

"I only woke you up with flames and mana. Of course, I will raise you because of the promise with Lecidna, but in compensation, I will even use you in battle. I will even subordinate you with the Rule skill. Isn't it scary? Did you understand that?"


The blatant words even made Yu IlHan himself feel guilty, but the child smiled naïvely and nodded again.

Yes, it isn't so bad to be honest from the get go. – muttered Yu IlHan in his heart and declared as such:

"Well then, so, I cannot be called your dad."

"You are my dad!"

Yu IlHan tried his best to endure his urge to smack him, while the child spoke.

"Dragons are like that, dad!"

"Like what?"

"Being strong is everything!"

While Yu IlHan sighed while facepalming, the child laughed while doing the same action.

"....Why are you imitating me?"

"Because dad is strong!"

In other words, he was imitating because he thought he might get stronger if he did. Yu IlHan felt stuffy when he heard the truly child-like but at the same time, dragon-like words.

[Why don't you acknowledge it, Yu IlHan? To think they breed using the fusion of mana, it truly is dragon-like. As such, that child is indeed your son. However, that's from a dragon's perspective. It's very far from what you've learnt and wished for until now: romance, marriage, and childbirth. I'm just saying that you ended up with a child just looking at the last step.] (Erta)

Erta, who said that, continued as if she had prepared all her words.

[As such, you have a child, but it can still be said that you have no wife. You are a born loner and virgin, just with a dragon child!] (Erta)

"That's the worst!"

[Oh, please. Call it second worst.] (Erta)

However, Yu IlHan couldn't escape reality anymore. He was caught in a trap the moment he took out the golden egg from Lecidna's lair.

Lecidna, she was a woman who, from the beginning till the end, caused Yu IlHan several headaches.

[Call me mom. Mo-m.] (Liera)

"But it's noona..."

[Liera, stop it. It's embarrassing.] (Erta)

Was Liera also at an age when she wanted to marry and have a child? Yu IlHan, who was at a loss, thought such idiotic things and watched the scene where a dragon and two angels played around before tapping his cheeks again. Even if he got bruises on his cheek, he had to come to himself.


Then he acknowledged reality.

"You are indeed my son."

"Yeah, dad!"

Yu IlHan, he had lived for over a thousand years, but according to his register, he was still 20 years old.

He got a dragon son.

"As you wish, I will make you stronger. However, you will suffer a lot so keep that in mind."

"I'm fine with anything if I can get stronger!"

Rather than a newborn, that line was more fitting for a protagonist in a shounen manga, but Yu IlHan decided to not bother thinking about it.

"I must first name you. Will MyungHan be good?"2

[Don't EVER name him that!] (Erta)

"Then Mandarin."3

[That's not even Korean!] (Erta)

Due to Erta's desperate opposition, the child's name, in the end, was decided to be, 'Mir', the pure Korean word meaning 'dragon'.


"Yumir! My name!"

[Coincidentally his surname is Yu so his name gives off quite a pressure!] (Erta)

Ymir (Yumir) was the name of the ancestor giant in Norse Mythology. Even though this name was purely coincidental, created from a Korean surname and a Korean word!

"Yumir. Yumir."

Yumir seemed to be so happy that his dad named him as he hugged Yu IlHan and jumped around.

Then, he suddenly collapsed on the ground and spoke while hugging Yu IlHan.

"Dad, I'm hungry."

"Yes, of course."

With a bitter smile, Yu IlHan was about to open his inventory, when he thought of something and grabbed Yumir's jaw to see inside the mouth to check whether he had teeth. Very sharp and sturdy teeth could be seen.

As expected of a dragon. A born predator.

"Good, let's eat meat."


He had tons of meat. Moreover, there was also the fire that could control temperature according to his mind, right by his side.

"It's hot! It's delicious!"

"Eat a lot, yes."

When he grilled the meat with some suitable sauce, Yumir ate deliciously as if having waited for it. At that moment.

[You've contracted the baby dragon Yumir due to the power of the Dragon Rider. The passive skill was activated. You cannot activate the active skill as your dragon's power is still too weak.]

Although they had already talked about this, the contract was done the moment the Yumir ate meat. Yu IlHan couldn't hide his worry for Yumir's future.


In any case, a contract was a contract. Yu IlHan's and Yumir' mana seemed to resound out and softly meet each other as if in resonance, before it spun around and became a solid tie between them.

A deeper connection between the two was formed than the ones formed with angels. Since the child was too weak as of yet and wasn't so reliable, but this connection wasn't bad at all.

However, that wasn't the end.

[The skill, Rule, can activate. Proceed?]

Yu IlHan felt a slightly complex emotion, but as they had already spoken about it, he activated the skill without hesitation. The skill, Rule, was much more simple than the contract, and a strange mark was formed on Yumir's neck before disappearing.

[The dragon, Yumir, has become your subordinate. Yumir's growth accelerates. You may view Yumir's status.]

"Dad, what did you do?"

"I put a collar on you."


Yu IlHan tended to be awkward towards Yumir, but whether he knew or didn't care, or whether he just liked it, Yumir just answered with a smile and munched at the meat while smearing sauce all over his face.


"Yeah, yeah, just empty my entire inventory."

This kid had quite an aura while eating, so Yu IlHan just took out meat in units of 10 kilograms each time.

The Eternal Flame was making Yu IlHan's life easier by leaning towards the outside of the furnace, and Yumir, who looked at that scene where it seemed like Yu IlHan was wielding fire like his own body, clapped.

"Dad is amazing!"

"Your stomach is more amazing."

While Yumir was busy eating, Yu IlHan called out Yumir's status window on his retina and checked.


[Baby Dragon Lv1]

[Title – The one baptized by the flame of eternity(130% increase in fire attribute resistance, absorb a portion of fire attribute attacks), Birth of Chaos(70% increase in all status ailment resistance)]

[Strength – 48 Agility – 32 Health – 29 Magic – 64]

[Active skills – Concealment Lv 1, Middle tier wind magic Lv 1, Superhuman strength Lv 1]

[Passive skills – Mana rule Lv 1, Dragonblood regeneration Lv 1, Physical combat mastery Lv 1, Language Lv 1, Resting Lv 1, Critical Hit Lv 1, Extreme poison resistance Lv 1, Higher curse resistance Lv 1]


Now that was talent. – or so the status window said to him. How could he possess so many useful things from birth!

[Yu IlHan, you also had concealment when you were born, no?] (Erta)


Yes. The world was unfair. There was no reply even if one complained to heaven, so one could only do his best to live with all one had.

And, this kid who was eating meat in units of kilograms, had a super accelerated start line. Not only did he have several skills that Yu IlHan had never heard of, there were some higher ranked skills as well.

Moreover, those frightening titles! Lecidna's words were correct. The fire that influenced his birth had a lot of effect in his power.

Just as he decided on the direction he should raise him in.


Was he finally full? The child made a small burp and collapsed before sleeping on the spot. Feeling that a calm night had arrived after a storm Yu IlHan felt his energy draining.

"I'm really tired."

[Ahh, so cute. How can he be so cute?] (Liera)

Liera, who still hadn't given up on becoming the child's stepmother, used magic to lightly wash the sleeping Yumir and embraced him. Then, she looked at Yu IlHan and spoke.

[We should buy him some clothes.]

"We should do that when we go outside. That's good, we have to buy clothes for the elves too..."

Yu IlHan's heart pounded momentarily while looking at Yumir in Liera's embrace, but he didn't understand why it was so until the very end, and vaguely said.

However, while he was looking inside the inventory to shake that feeling away, he found something he had forgotten about until now.

"Ah, the bucket."

What Yu IlHan took out was the huge bucket that would take up more than half of the workshop. The bucket that turned dragon's blood into a high-end alcohol called Breath.

He finally found it after he had dealt with the elven empire and the other matters.

[What's that bucket? The magic I feel from it is not normal?] (Liera)

"I'm also curious. So it goes like this. At first I..."

However, the moment he touched the bucket, the bucket's information was renewed and appeared on his retina.

[Dragon's breath-imbued Giant Bucket]

[As a result of resonance of almost one thousand hearts of dragons along with the special materials the bucket was made from, the bucket evolved into a similar artifact of the magic organs of dragons.

All things that enter this bucket will be reborn as a result of strong injection and circulation of mana.]


Thunder roared in Yu ILHan's mind.

[IlHan?] (Liera)

[Yu IlHan?] (Erta)

The angels, who found his reaction strange, strange checked the information on the bucket and likewise, became speechless.

[So dragon's hearts can become like this when they're gathered up... I didn't know since I never did gather them...] (Liera)

[I didn't have the chance to gather them at all...] (Erta)

It was an extremely difficult thing to give create an artifact with a method other than metalworking. Strictly speaking, even Erta, who contributed to the creation of this artifact had never experienced such things before.

However, what could he do with this artifact? Although the description was grand, but it was in fact very difficult to find an actual use.

There was definitely something, but even the two higher existences couldn't come up with an answer. All they could think of was to get some hot water into it and have a relaxing dip. There would be no better treasure than this for those who learned the way of mana, especially those who trained in magic.

However, Yu IlHan did. He already knew the answer!

Yu IlHan took out a 100L plastic bag containing dragon's blood from his inventory and ripped it apart on top of the bucket. The blood inside poured into the bucket.

[Kyak, What are you doing!?] (Liera)

[Oh, through that, we can make an alcoholic drink called Breath. It's the creation of both Yu IlHan and me...] (Erta)


Yu IlHan denied her. Was he denied the shared work? Erta's eyes filled with disappointment but that was her misunderstanding.

That was because, the next moment, Yu IlHan took out dragon meat he was storing and threw them inside the bucket where dragon's blood was splashing around!

[Huh?] (Liera)

[...What are….] (Erta)

To the angels who were watching the scene with dumbfounded expressions, Yu IlHan shouted with pride like the moment he successfully hunted the sperm whale in the stormy seas before.

"This isn't something liike Breath. This... This is a treasure that will broaden the horizons of monster meat cooking!"

The thunder that roared in Yu IlHan's mind, was none other than the enlightenment of a new recipe due to his cooking skill!

Author's notes

All dragons pursue power. Of course, there are different forms of 'power'.

As explained in this chapter, Yumir (Ymir) is an ancestor giant appearing in Norse Mythology. It's apparently also the name of a character that appeared in 'Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)' that was famous for 'various reasons'.

Passive concealment is a power only allowed to a single person, Yu IlHan, across all worlds!! Of course, the concealment skill itself was inherited!

Yu IlHan who grows (as a chef) through enlightenment.

Translator's notes

Gosh the chapter is hilarious xD.

Also, I will interchangeably use 'Yumir' and 'Mir' for the dragon child. Yu Mir looks crap.

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu