107 - 112

Yu IlHan confirmed the amount of dragon meat inside the dragon blood and nodded his head. It looked as if the dragon meat that couldn't be eaten raw, was being assimilated into the mana circulation system through the medium of blood.

"Even the inedible monster meat might become edible if I do this."

[Are you trying to open a restaurant or something?] (Erta)

"Wouldn't mother like it if I open one after I chase one of the shops out? I can supply all the materials. Oh, the place of origin is quite a big problem."

It will be over the moment he wrote 'Dareu'.

[You can't do that!] (Erta)

"It's a joke, don't get so angry. But it won't be so bad eating dragon meat."

[It's full of mana too. It might even replace potions...] (Erta)

Cooking skill was an area that Yu IlHan did not improve on during the frozen millennium.

Although it did grow rapidly due to Yu IlHan becoming able to consume monster meat and blood after acquiring extreme poison resistance, and the fact that monster cooking gave a lot of proficiency experience, he thought that he would never be able to master the cooking skill.

However, it didn't seem like that now. If he started cooking and eating dragon meat and blood, his cooking skill may increase to new heights. It was funny, but it was very possible that Yu IlHan would become a master of cooking through cooking unconventional monsters.

[That sounds horrible.] (Erta)

[Good cooks are always good. That dragon meat looks nice.] (Liera)

Liera was drooling about dragon meat even though Yumir was in her arms. What an irony! Erta resolved that she would never show dragon meat to Yumir.

While she was secretly resolving to herself, Yu IlHan left the maturing dragon meat and started another task with an air of liveliness. Which was, of course, dismantling.

Now, he was very used to dragon dismantling, as he completely and perfectly separated an entire dragon corpse within just 2 minutes, and even stored the blood.

Liera clapped while watching since it was as if he was using clone techniques, but Erta, who escaped her pondering asked Yu IlHan with a tone lined in fear.

[Yu IlHan, Lecidna's body is among them right?]

"Yes, it is. She was a golden bird when she died, but she turned back into a dragon when I checked."

That was the same with Karrows, who assumed elven form, and the immature dragons that still hadn't assumed their dragon forms yet. Whether newborn or adult, they returned to their original forms after they died.

[I'll say this just in case, but.] (Erta)

"I'll cremate her. When Mir grows up."

Said Yu IlHan firmly.

"What do you take me to be? I just declared that I will acknowledge Mir as my son."

Erta finally realized. Yu IlHan's declaration wasn't just at a level where he just accepted the phenomenon, but that he would really accept Yumir as his real family.

These two may sound the same, but in Yu IlHan's mind, they would be very different.

[Since you sometimes do abnormal things like nothing...] (Erta)

Erta vaguely ended her line. She tried to understand Yu IlHan's unpredictable action a little more, but she realized that she was still far away from it, and felt tragic. She felt even more tragic seeing Liera laughing on her side.

[You knew that already, didn't you!] (Erta)

Complained Erta through the angel's ring in order to not let Yu IlHan hear it. Then, Liera answered in a whisper with a flawless mile.

[That's why I said I'll become the stepmother.] (Liera)

Surströmming was still surströmming even after rotting, and it seemed that Liera didn't spend a millennium with him for nothing after all. Yes, she was indeed suitable to be blessed by the god of love. Or so Erta acknowledged.

Yu IlHan didn't even know what was happening between the angels and continued dismantling. Since he had a little less than 300 dragon corpses, he would finish them by today, but the problem was the 3rd class dragonkin.

Even though he had dismantled and used a considerable number of dragonkin corpses in order to arm the elves of the fallen elven empire, he still had 30 thousand left! 30K!

"If I dismantle one every 20 seconds, that's 3 every minute."

[I think it looks plenty impossible with just that.] (Erta)

"That makes 180 per hour, 4,320 per day. Which makes 43,200 in ten days. In other words, 12 days if I take my time..."

[So you aren't planning to sleep for even one second, are you?] (Liera)

Even while dismantling the dragons without rest, Yu IlHan was conflicted. Honestly, he was surprised at the fact that nothing much had happened on Earth, but would it be so in the future as well?

Well, of course, if it was, then Yu IlHan could also focus on what he wants. However, wasn't he too lucky to acquire so many dragon corpses, and even survive after meeting a higher existence? Wasn't it time for something very annoying and tiring to happen?

[This guy has such a hard life.] (Liera)


Yu IlHan finished conflicting. Then he first finished dismantling the dragon he was doing now. The angels would watch the dragon dismantling show that was presented to them along with the beautiful sword dance any time.

It was 11 am Korean time when Yu IlHan arrived at his apartment in Gangnam with the elves. When he finished dismantling and classifying the parts of all 4th class dragons, it became 6 in the evening.

"Is Mir still sleeping?"

[Yup, he's sleeping well.] (Liera)

Yu IlHan, who had considered the nagging and crying of children along with changing diapers the moment he was 'given' the dragon egg, renewed his opinion for the better at Yumir who only had the good points of children.


Yu IlHan packed away the dismantling tools and took out a small amount of dragon bones and skin. The sturdy and sharp ribs and skull of Karrows that protected its vital parts, and the most sturdy parts of the skin.

[Are you going to make new equipment?] (Erta)

"For the elves. I can't arm all 1,527 of them with dragon gear so I made do with dragonkin then, but I can't do that with the ones I brought here."

He would feel really bad if they died because he gave them inferior gear after they followed him all the way here. Yu IlHan convinced himself like that, but Erta didn't seem to accept that.

[They are still in their level 80s!] (Erta)

"I also used Orochi gear in my level 80s."

[You are different!] (Erta)

He knew very well that Erta was worried. If one used too good gear compared to one's ability, then that person would rely on the power of the gear and it would become difficult for that person to raise his/her own capability.

Well, of course, since Yu IlHan had max level of most things technically so she wouldn't be so worried, but the highest level of martial arts that the elves had was 72. This was also a miracle that happened to a long-living elf, but in Erta's eyes, it would be insufficient.

"I can raise their lacking abilities."

As Yu IlHan was proficient with all weapons, he could declare so, and Erta could only grumble to herself.

Liera was in watching mode from the beginning without the slightest intention of interfering. For some reason, Erta was losing to her today all the time. Erta quenced her burning passion for a comeback and decided to silently watch Yu IlHan.

Yu IlHan first made sturdy armor for the greatsword warrior Mirey and the shield warrior Jirl.

He first made a simple leather armor to be worn on the inside, before making a fullplate armor with dragon bones and processed with dragon scales on top of that. All of that turned out to be a strong armor that would test the endurance of the one that's trying to pierce the armor instead.

After that, he invested a few 3rd class magic stones to mana craft, and they both became legend ranked.

[...] (Erta)

[Isn't it about time for an epic-rank to pop out?] (Liera)

[Even legend rank is welcomed by the angels in front lines...!] (Erta)

Of course, even within the same legend rank, there would be very big differences according to the level of the materials and the results of the mana crafting, but at the very least, the legend ranked armor that Yu IlHan created would definitely be ranked amongst the top.

"Good, let's finish it like this."

Like that, he finished making leather clothing for the archer Paté, and the thief Phiria. He designed the joints for agile and delicate movements, and made it to stick close to the skin, but he also made it so that the vital body parts are protected well by investing dragon scales.

As their ranks ended in unique since there was not much stitching done to it, but that was Yu IlHan's best so he couldn't help it.

"Following that, a greatsword, two daggers, a shield and….."

A bow. He was confident in that one. Since he got more proficient while making ballistas, and because the Giant's Rubber Band that was created from Karrows' tendons turned out to be even better than the ones made from Orochi's tendons.

Yu IlHan also wondered why that was the case, and he realized that it was because the Eternal Flame had evolved once again after eating the dragon egg shells that Yumir was born from. Perhaps due to that, all products made from dragon parts became better.

"This guy in secret..."

However, the Eternal Flame only licked its lips in naïvety as if asking what it had done wrong. He would only get himself tired even if he got angry at an item that couldn't talk, so Yu IlHan could only continue working and think that it was a good thing.

Perhaps it was worth it for the Eternal Flame to eat the egg shells, as for the greatsword, the daggers, and even the shield turned out to be legend ranked.

Yu IlHan, who organized those items, which made him feel happy just by looking at it, Yu IlHan began crafting the bow from the lightweight and elastic black scales and the Giant's Rubber band from Karrows.

[Wow, such a beautiful bow.] (Liera)

[Yu IlHan. You aren't doing your best because Paté said he liked you, right?] (Erta)

"I'm straight."

But what could he do? They were his subordinates that followed him all the way here. Yu IlHan focused his all while creating the bow for Paté. He would be too embarrassed to give him a unique ranked bow when the armor was already a unique ranked one.

Just using the scales of the Cursed Dragon, and its tendons, the bow was completed within two hours. The bow and bowstring that gave off a feeling like they would disappear when thrown into the darkness, was astoundingly beautiful, to the point that even Yu IlHan, the creator himself, exclaimed in awe when seeing it.

"Did I do too well? It's a legend rank even though I didn't mana craft it yet."

[Then just give it to him like this.] (Erta)


That was the moment when his desire as a crafter burned up. The desire that he maybe able to create an artifact at the epic stage with Yu IlHan's power alone.

[Yu IlHan?] (Erta)


It was best to proceed when hesitating. Yu IlHan took out the 4th class magic stone that Karrows had left behind.

Befitting of a magic stone belonging to a Cursed Dragon, the magic stone emitted an aura of vicious curse, which would have made it impossible for Yu IlHan to grab it if he didn't have the Higher curse resistance skill.

"I gave out a legend rank weapon for a sum of money. If I can't invest this much for my subordinates, that won't do."

Yu IlHan grabbed on the magic stone. On his other hand, he grabbed the bow and closed his eyes. Then he thought.

What was important for a bow?

The elasticity of the bowstring and the flexibility of the shaft? If it became any stiffer, Yu IlHan might be able to pull it, but Paté wouldn't even be able to pull it properly with both arms.

Then sturdiness? It would take a dragon one hour to break this thing. The function as a weapon was already perfect. Then what? What more would make it perfect?

No. Not that. All of them were wrong!

"So that's it."

The enlightenment came from a completely unexpected point.

Yu IlHan's thinking until now was wrong. Mana crafting must not be a process of fulfilling a lacking part of an item! How could he think that as a crafter?

Blacksmithing and mana crafting was the same, but at the same time, different. He had to focus on making an unprecedented item through the fusion of two already perfect processes.

The bow was already perfect. He created this item using the best materials he had as a blacksmith.

Now, he just had to make a perfect artifact using the power of the magic stone to the extreme, not as a blacksmith, but a mana crafter!

As such.

Run wild like you want.

Light appeared. A 'black light' that appeared out of unknown origin enveloped the bow, the magic stone, Yu IlHan and the entire workshop. The light was overwhelming to the point that it may have covered the entire world momentarily.

[Deathgod's Trajectory, was completed.]

[The skill, Mana crafting, has become level 50. You can bring out the abilities of the material used in mana crafting more easily.]

Done – muttered Yu IlHan thoughtlessly. Opening his eyes, he could see that the black bow had left his embrace and was floating in the air. The magic power dwelling within it formed a perfect balance and surpassed matter by half just by existing.

"That's a pity."

Yu IlHan made a bitter smile with that masterpiece for generations to come, in front of him. While looking back to the equipments he had made until now, and especially while he thought of the most recent artifact he had made.

"Aegis may have become like this if it took one step more, but I couldn't find the right feeling then."

[However, it still has room for development. Aegis will become like that soon.] (Erta)

[Truly beautiful. It's excruciating that this will be given to a mere elf....!]

Both human and angels would be certain without even the need to check the details on this item. This artifact was the best among the ones that Yu IlHan had created until now, and is likely to remain as such for the foreseeable future.

That was because they knew very well that it wasn't something that could be made every day just with the materials, the magic stone and the ability of the smith. All other conditions including inspiration and the condition of the body had to be perfect for there to be a possibility of such a thing.

"Karrows' thoughts on top of that would be truly perfect."

[That's impossible. You've just learnt Soul enchant, and above all, that elf won't be able to endure the dragon's thought.] (Erta)

"No, the problem isn't that. It's that Orochi ate up Karrows' thoughts."


Thinking back, he hadn't moved Orochi's thought on to the Black bone giant spear yet. Yu IlHan added another schedule in his heart and lightly grabbed his masterpiece.

[Deathgod's Trajectory]

[Rank – Epic]

[Attack Power – 7,400]

[Durabilit – 12,500/12,500]

[User restrictions – 3rd class with archer-class main class. Strength and agility above 250]

[Options –

1. All arrows are imbued with strong power of a curse.

2. Absolute accuracy.

3. A critical strike occurs with 100% chance when attacking the same opponent for the 3rd time.

4. Rules the deceased by making them into undead. Will disappear after all the magic left in the corpse dissipates.]

[A smith with the ability that would twist and collapse all records through his mere existence made this masterpiece. A perfect artifact fitting to accompany a legendary hero, and will be recorded in the history of all worlds.]

Really, a pie in the sky, was born

Author's notes

The feeling of loss that I felt when I found that the kimchi I ate so deliciously turned out to be made with chinese chilli powder…

Yu IlHan progressed as a blacksmith thanks to his enlightenment

Translator's notes

Paté isn't 3rd class yet lol

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

Realizing that he had to put the bow away after putting so much effort into it since Paté wasn't 3rd class yet, Yu IlHan was momentarily put at a loss, but he came to himself.

"Yes. It's just that good of a weapon."

[I really like your positive attitude.] (Liera)

"I also like myself like this."

[Wipe your tears before you say that.] (Erta)

His energy drained, Yu IlHan made another bow. Fortunately, no useless user restrictions were attached this time, and it ended at legend rank. Of course, its general power didn't even come close to half of Deathgod's Trajectory, but for Paté it would still be very good.

"So since it's late, let's stop here."

He checked the state of the meat and blood in the bucket and poured some more blood before cleaning away the remaining tools.

However, he realized something just as he pushed the bucket onto one side of the workshop; that his strength was too high.

"Huh? I didn't even activate Superhuman Strength though."

[It's because you've acquired your 3rd class. Moreover, you didn't forget that you have a completely different number of stats compared to other humans because of your thousand years of training, right? Oh, there's also the status increase reward from Heaven's Quest.] (Erta)

That was true. As he always fought against stronger beings than himself and higher levelled beings than himself, he had forgotten that he was way above average.

[And here, I thought that you'd use up all dragon corpses here.] (Erta)

"Investigating the situation, and contacting the Lightning God Clan comes first. I should decide how many and what kind of equipment I need to make after that. I'll also decide on the date of selling the higher equipments at the same time."

Although everything was smooth on the outside, he wouldn't know the truth unless he investigated properly. If it was Lightning God who always acted on the front lines against the monsters, then they would be able to give him the necessary information.

[I think you're overthinking it.] (Liera)

[We'll see about that.] (Erta)

Even when Yu IlHan returned to the apartment with the two angels and the still sleeping Yumir, the elves were still sleeping. However, when he started making some ramen with a lot of meat, they woke up immediately and shot out from their rooms.

"Th, this smell is!?"

"To think there is a smell that provokes the desire to eat so much… This world really is... Whoa, Your Majesty!"

To the elves who just started eating meat after eating vegetables for their entire lives, the smell of ramen, the alpha and omega of instant foods, would be fatal.

Moreover, since he had not pulled back on the meat, this ramen had enough power comparable to the bonus dungeon's boss that appeared after the last boss in an RPG.

"Your Majesty?"

"I, I'm very sorry! We've slept without a care in the world! We should've protected you!"

Since they were just woken up, their faces should have been horrible, but these guys… were camera-worthy despite just waking up. If Yu IlHan wasn't 'trained' by Liera's appearance, his heart would've pounded like mad!

"Who's protecting who? Just sit down and eat."

[I didn't want to see an elf eating ramen...] (Liera)

[You will see even cooler things in the future so look forward to it, Liera. You'd be so surprised.] (Erta)

As they hadn't eaten anything for the entire day, they deliciously ate the ramen Yu IlHan gave them with a fork. Of course, it wasn't that Yu IlHan was just watching, but he activated the Rule skill and subordinated them and even confirmed their stats.

"Huh, they're quite good."

As expected of the best elves among the survivors, their status points were unbelievably higher than normal. Was it like this since he picked out the geniuses from an entire race of elves?

It wasn't only that. Not only did they have a considerable number of skills, their proficiency and mastery were also very high perhaps due to their long lifespans. They were much higher than what Yu IlHan had expected.

There was something else that he was surprised with.

"Good, your dismantling skills are all considerable."

"*Cough*. Yes."

Perhaps because he replied while eating, Jril spoke after coughing. To them whose survival was a battle, gathering and dismantling skills were a must!

The angels finally noticed his intentions.

[You're going to let these guys do the dismantling!?] (Liera)

[Dismantling 3rd class dragonkin isn't possible by just anyone!] (Erta)

Yu IlHan ignored them.

"There's something you need to do after you eat. Of course, I'll do some strict teaching so please be prepared for that."

"We're prepared for anything!"

Replied Paté in a confident voice, but would they be as confident after hearing what they needed to do? Oh, if he gave them the rewards he had already prepared after they finished their job, then they'll cry tears of joy.

"And Liera, hand Mir to me."

[Here.] (Liera)

Liera handed Yumir in her arms to Yu IlHan. The elves who were engrossed in ramen finally noticed him after he was in Yu IlHan's embrace.

"Who is that child? He looks handsome."

"He also resembles His Majesty. Is it his little brother?"

"He's my son. Oh, and he's a dragon as well."

The elves became speechless at Yu IlHan's reply.

However, it was also tiring for Yu IlHan to explain everything to them. He just said this.

"He has the blood of a dragon who saved you and hid you so don't hate him."

"O, of course. Even if it isn't, he's the son of Your Majesty, how can we..."

The female thief, Phiria, replied absent-mindedly. At that moment Yumir woke up from sleep due to the noise.

"You woke up?"

"Yeah, oh it's dad! And the pretty noonas too and...?"

Yumir checked Yu IlHan, Liera and Erta with a smile, but screamed the moment he confirmed the gazes of the four elves and shot up to his feet before going around to Yu IlHan's back and sticking on his back. Yu IlHan's back was warm.

"Dad, who are those people?"

"They are my subordinates. They're gentle so you don't need to be scared of them. They won't bite."

[Don't explain like elves are some herbivore animals!] (Erta)

Yu IlHan felt while replying. Yes. This child was born just today! There was no way a 6 hour-old child would kindly greet and ask for a name to anyone just because that person was is with his father.

However, Yumir's reaction was outside of Yu IlHan's imagination.

"The way they're looking at me is scary. I'm still weak!"


"I'm embarrassed. I'm hiding."

Then, he desperately activated the concealment skill with all his magic.

What was amazing was that he actually succeeded disappearing from the elves' view even with a level 1 concealment!

"Wh, where did His Highness go?"

"How can this be? He was just here until now!"


[Yumir's Concealment skill grows rapidly.]

[Yumir's Concealment skill has become level 10. Due to the resonance between the rider, he can borrow a little of the rider's concealment ability when close to the rider.]

Yu IlHan's mouth gaped. The angels were the same.

Yumir was still rubbing his face on Yu IlHan's back in embarrassment.

[IlHan...] (Liera)

"Don't say anything."

Liera was about to say something, but Yu IlHan stopped her. This was because he knew better than anyone else.

Yumir, this guy, really, resembled Yu IlHan in every way. Not only his ability, but his personality, and even the talent to become a pancosmic loner!

[That's a good thing. Even so, there's no passive concealment, no?] (Liera)


Looking at Yumir who was activating concealment while burying his face on his back, Yu IlHan felt an indescribable feeling, but he sighed before taking him off and hugging him.

His concealment forcefully wore off, and the elves could finally see Yumir again. Yumir realized that and caused a mess while trying to escape Yu IlHan's embrace.

"I want to hide again!"

"You are hiding because you're embarrassed that you're weak. Aren't you?"

"Y, yeah...."

If there was something decisively different about them, it was this.

If Yu IlHan rejected everyone else in the world in order to stand up alone, then Yumir wanted to hide because he was embarrassed at his weak self. A dragon's pride was expressed in a strange way after meeting Yu IlHan's ability!

However, in Yu IlHan's thoughts, it wasn't such a bad thing.

"Then you just have to become strong."

"But I'm still weak so I want to hide."

"Okay. But even so, these guys are my subordinates so it's alright. They won't laugh at you or anything."

With those words, Yu IlHan glanced at the elves, and the elves who read the situation immediately agreed and bowed towards Yumir. Yumir still wanted to hide as if he was not calm yet, but as he couldn't hide from the concealment master, he decided to listen to Yu IlHan.

"Then I'll endure."

"Yes. Not hiding when you want to is also training."


Yumir nodded. Yu IlHan's child education stepped off successfully.

Yu IlHan confirmed with the elves who were dumbfoundedly looking at the situation.

"You done eating?"

"Not yet!"

The elves cleanly ate the ramen without leaving a single drop. Yu IlHan's evaluations on the elves increased.

After washing the dishes, Yu IlHan lead them and went to the workshop again. However, he let Liera take care of Yumir and made them look after the house. After all, he couldn't let him see the dismantling of his own kin.

"Whoa, what is that flame in the furnace?"

"Quite a marvelous place, to be protected by angel's magic..."


Yu IlHan took out a few dragonkin corpses.

"From now, you will dismantle this guy with me."

"Dragonkin? We will do your best!"

When Phiria replied with conviction, Yu IlHan added with a smile.

"30 thousand of them."




"We'll do our best!"

Only Phiria answered. Well, it was natural, since her dismantling skill level was higher than the rest perhaps due to her job as a thief who used daggers.

"The next 3 hours is training. After that, you have to dismantle using your own power. No training or hunting until you finish."

"How can that be!"

"However, if you finish I'll give the equipment I made to you guys. They're really good."

The moment Yu IlHan said that, the elves' eyes changed. They also knew that the equipment he supplied to the elves were not his best.

However, they would get better weapons just by doing simple labor? Their already maxed loyalty maxed even more.

"We'll definitely do them all!"

"Good, that's the spirit."

Yu IlHan's dismantling education was strict. However, in front of the burning passion of the elves, their dismantling skill level grew rapidly, and when they wasted about one thousand dragonkin as practice, they were at a level where they could dismantle 3rd class dragonkin.

"Good, you just need to do it that way."

"Yes, sir!"

After taking out a few dragonkin for them to dismantle in the workshop, Yu IlHan started his own work. That was the soul enchant he had delayed until now.


"Yeah, yeah. I'm doing it now."

Yu IlHan took out the Black bone giant spear. The spear was beautiful after it was finished polishing. He was sure that there would be no spear stronger than this, at least against dragonkin.

"Soul enchant."

The deathgod-class skill that Reta had. This was the moment when the skill that may disrupt the balance of matter if used properly, was activated on Earth.


Orochi realized that Yu IlHan was trying to take his thought outside and roared in delight.

If he was just taken out, then it would shatter into smithereens in an instant, but Yu IlHan was already holding onto the new body for it, the Black bone giant spear. Which was once a part of its own body, but was now better!

Soul enchant. Fortunately, it had similarities to mana crafting which he had insights on just now.

Making an already perfect weapon advance to a new realm by adding a soul fragment that was in perfect harmony with it; freeing that thought within the weapon in order to extract the potential of the weapon to its very limits.

The harmony of the Black bone giant spear and the Orochi was of course, the best. Orochi's thought settled on the spear without any hesitation, and at that moment, the Black bone giant spear twisted as if alive and changed form.

The spear body became longer, and the spearhead colored in purple and turned even sharper. Above all, it gave out an overwhelming aura.

[Eight-tailed dragon spear was completed.]

[The skill, soul enchant, has become level 13. You can now bring out the power of a soul more easily.]



When Yu IlHan burst out laughing, the Orochi, which now became a part of the Eight-tailed dragon spear, roared as if to warn him not to laugh.

As expected, he could now understand a little of how equipments are named.

Although it looked like the options disappeared while the name was compressed into a simpler name, the reality wasn't like that. Instead, in the process of the alpha, beta and gamma options merging into one, it would make a unique name for that artifact.

If Yu IlHan wanted, he would be able to revert their names back to the really long names, but he didn't want to. He respected Orochi's will to leave behind its name, and could also see the options contained in that name.

[Eight-tailed dragon spear]

[Rank – Epic]

[Attack Power – 7,000]

[Durability – 15,000/15,000]

[User restrictions – A deathgod with the power to wield souls.]

[Options –

1. Purple flames can be activated.

2. Can attack after splitting the spearhead into eight.

3. Sprays poison upon critical hits.

4. All abilities increase by 120% against dragonkin.]

[An existence of literature was recreated by a crafter that wields the power of souls. As the crafter's power to wield souls increases, and as the records pile up, the weapon will evolve.]

"Good, the second epic."

Although he didn't make this purely with blacksmithing and mana crafting, this was meaningful in the sense that he gave rise to a 2nd epic with his own hands. Moreover, the evolvable point made Yu IlHan happy.

Although the ability to amplify deathgod-class powers were gone, this could be said to be enhanced in the fundamental way of the weapon. He felt good since it felt like he had found the correct path.

"Then should I message them around this time? They should be sleeping around now if nothing's happening, right?"

[You're planning to make weapons after you send them a message, aren't you?] (Erta)

"Again, don't read my mind."

The time was already nearing 1 a.m. If she was sleeping, it would be bad to wake her up. Yu IlHan turned on the messenger and sent Kang MiRae, the clan master of the Lightning God Clan, that he returned to Earth.

However, the message was read instantly and he got a phone call. As soon as Yu IlHan received the call with round eyes, a screaming woman's voice could be heard. It was Kang MiRae's.

[Mr. Yu IlHan!]

Yu IlHan realized that something had happened.

"Sorry for not receiving your call for the past few months. You should know from Mr. Kang HaJin, but I went to an Abandoned Wo..."

[That's it! Abandoned World!]

Kang MiRae rarely shouted. Yu IlHan only blinked his eyes in surprise.

Just as he was about to ask back because he didn't know why she was so flustered.

[Today! Just a while ago, it was found that a dungeon in Korea was connected to an Abandoned World. It's already at the point where it can no longer be sealed, and it merged with Earth and it's all chaotic! Mr. Yu IlHan. It's really fortunate that you didn't come back too late…..!]

Yu IlHan momentarily couldn't answer and pondered seriously on the spot. He could only think this.

Hey, is my existence on Earth the problem?

Author's notes

Your first training partner is not a monster but a corpse!

Shy dragon Yumir. His concealment will not stop evolving until it becomes the strongest in the world!

There should've been other things that happened on Earth even beore you came back, IlHan! Don't worry!

Translator's notes

His existence is causing problems everywhere….

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

"Calm down first."

Yu IlHan wanted to calm down himself first, but said that anyway.

[Oh, sorry for raising my voice.]

Kang MiRae also became calm after realizing that she was shouting. Yu IlHan confirmed again.

"So the connection was there before, right?"

[That dungeon was once cleaned by an alliance of four clans including us Lightning God. And that was 6 weeks ago.]


[However, when we entered today to clean it again, it was irreversibly worsened. Feyta, the guardian angel of Na YuNa judged that at least 5 weeks had passed after the connections.]

If the connection happened just after they cleaned it, then the Lightning God clan would of course be annoyed and feel a sense of loss.

However, Yu IlHan himself was relieved after hearing that, since at least, this didn't mean that it wasn't due to Yu IlHan coming back to Earth.

Objectively thinking about it, even though there were no relationship at all between the two events, he was about to get into a serious depression because of it. Yu IlHan was no god that carried disasters, and it would be nonsensical for the Earth to become noisy just because of his return.

Since his delusions were over, it was now time for countermeasures. Yu IlHan glanced at the elves that were dismantling dragonkin before asking Kang MiRae.

"Are you at the scene?"

[We are. With the Front Line Alliance as the start, we contacted the Korean government, the media, and all government personnel we have connections with in foreign countries, but we don't know when they will arrive...]

"Front Line Alliance?"

Kang MiRae's monstrous connections were nothing new, but he did mind about a new word that was mixed in her words. Kang MiRae lowered her voiced and explained.

[You can think of it as a connection between the 26 clans that traded higher standard weapons with you. Since the growth of these clans can only be faster than the others…]

"It's good that they're helping. If you tell me the location, I'll go there right away."

[....We'll wait for you.]

He finished his call and lifted his head. The elves, who just finished dismantling a dragonkin and was classifying them into parts, looked at him to ask what was going on.

"The situation has changed."

Said Yu IlHan to the elves.

"I'll give you your equipments first. And I'm sorry since you just started, but I think you will have to go into battle first."

"We waited for those words!"

The shield warrior Jirl, rejoiced while putting away the dismantling knife. Seeing that the others have similar expressions, Yu IlHan laughed and confirmed with Erta who was making a strange expression on top of his head.

"Any info from Heaven?"

[None. By now, Feyta, who's with Na YuNa, should've reported to the higher-ups. Although, there's nothing they can do even if they know! That's right. All we can do is to watch you suffer while eating popcorn!] (Erta)

"Calm down. You can give us quests and rewards."

Erta was worried that Yu IlHan alone may as well rob the entire storage of Heaven, but it wasn't that she could stop what was happening now even if she did worry.

While she was sighing, YU IlHan continued.

"I think I should tell Liera to look after the house and Mir. I can't bring a level 1 kid to a place where who-knows-what can come out."

[I thought you might drop him on the scene saying life is all about practice.] (Erta)

"Am I some kind of lion?"

Soon, he was informed of the exact location through the messenger. Along with that, he looked at the photo of the scene, and there was a dungeon gate that looked like it would explode at any moment. However what was more overwhelming was the Lightning God Clan that deployed their forces after having cleaned out everything around the gate.

"Human activity can be amazing."

[Yes, it is amazing.] (Erta)

"If it's here, what's the prices of those buildings? And there are, let's see, one, two, three..."

[I think it's about time that you stop thinking like a peasant!] (Erta)

Yu IlHan confirmed the place and distributed the equipment for the elves to equip, and gave an extra mask to Paté and Phiria as they did not wear helmets.

"Don't take it off. You will cause a mess."

"Yes, sir!"

Two elves who obediently wore their masks without asking why, and another two elves whose faces couldn't be seen due to their helmets. Good, perfect.

"If we arrive at the scene, first wait quietly and you just have to do what I do. If I fight, you fight, and if I move, you follow me. No problems here, right?"

"Yes, sir!"

One human, an angel on his helmet and the four elves immediately left the workshop and started moving.

The night of the city was very noisy, and that was very ironic. Currently, there was a potential disaster in Korea, and in fact, not far from this place, but these people were laughing and chatting without a care in the world.

"Oh my god. We're wearing such a sturdy and heavy armor, but our speed increased instead of decreasing!"

"Jirl, shut up."

The elves were delighted at the performance of the equipments Yu IlHan gave them, but in fact, there were slight differences.

This was simple, as because their weapons were all legend ranked, but their armor were split into unique and legend ranks. They were amazing as expected of Yu IlHan's creation, but they couldn't help but feel unsettled slightly. However, since Jirl boasted about his armor so blatantly, no wonder did it feel so bad.

At that moment.

"Uh? Your Majesty!"

Yu IlHan, who was listening to the conversation between his subordinates, thought that he should develop more skills in processing leather and cloth and made a bitter smile, when a flash appeared in a direction they were going.


"Did you see that? Is something happening again? Is it the news?"

The people who were walking on the night roads also whispered to each other after looking at the pillar of light. Some of them looked like their drunkenness disappeared as they urgently called somewhere.

The pillar of light only appeared for a moment, but Yu IlHan was sure. That, was the lightning that only Kang MiRae could make on Earth.

The pillar of light that purposely lowered destructive power and increased the luminescence, a signal saying 'It's here!'. Her magic control skills were really no joking matter.

Although not at the level of Yu IlHan who massacred all dragonkin in Dareu, it seemed that she grew in her own way during these three months. Of course, it was probably also due to the legend ranked staff he gave her.

"Amazing ability there. Your Majesty, are there many people at that level on Earth?"

"It's a problem because there aren't. Let's hurry."

They exited the city and rushed straight to where the pillar of light was emitted from. Soon, Yu IlHan could feel several presences of people. Kang MiRae did say she called a lot of people, but it seemed her influence was not something to scoff at.


The elves were proficient in gathering information through their sight, hearing, or smell as they lived in hiding for so long. Naturally, their levels of sensing presences were almost at the level of Yu IlHan's.

"So there aren't that many skillful people."

"Although there are some that aren't much different from us... Your Majesty is really different from them."

"We are arriving soon."

They immediately became silent and gathered towards Yu IlHan. It was to receive the effects of his concealment.

They arrived at the place where the civilians were prohibited from entering. Although this would be meaningless once monsters started pouring out.... Yu IlHan laughed bitterly and crossed that line with the elves.

There were many monsters that created dungeons with their own power, but most dungeons occurred from the Traps of Destruction that the angels made. As the angels weren't idiots, they scattered those Traps of Destruction in places without much human presence, but this time, the dungeon at the center of this incident coincidentally and unluckily happen to be near a city.

Of course, it must have been very well known that a dungeon was nearby, but whether it was because of money, age, or other unavoidable circumstances, there were a lot of people who couldn't leave their homes and move to another place.

However, through this incident, they would have no choice but to leave their homes, since while some military personnel were evacuating civilians, some were also clearing out those houses for good.

"Can we not approach at all?"

A familiar voice. It turned out to be Michael Smithson, the clan master of Metal Knights. A slightly tired female voice answered that question. It was the clan master of the Magic Dragon clan, Takagaki Asuha.

"We saw a lot of gates that looked like this before, in the Kantou region. I mean, on the day the Dungeon Wave occurred. You get what I mean, right?"

There were no idiots in that place that did not understand that a Dungeon Break was about to happen.

"The gate may open at any moment, and entering now is no different from suicide. Although we had to escape due to the possibility of losing our lives when we were scouting, there were at least 30 thousand 2nd classes and over 200 3rd classes from what we've seen. What we should be aware of is that this is only a small portion. It's plenty difficult to fight against such numbers, we can't fight in an environment that will leave them with an advantage."

A cool-headed and fluent English. It was definitely Kang MiRae's voice. At that point, Yu IlHan and the four elves could enter the vast clearing that the clans had cleared out, but no one in that place could notice Yu IlHan's arrival due to his concealment.

"Honestly, it's good for us to fight more safely... Isn't this your counter, miss Kang? You're quite cold-hearted."

"We're evacuating the civilians even now. Moreover, even if there are civilian casualties, if we lost a member of the Lightning God Clan in this place, then we'd be courting a bigger disaster in the future. I have to be cool-headed as the leader."

Of course, I have no intentions of allowing any civilian casualties, she added.

The firm will contained in a cold voice. No matter how stubborn and self-righteous Michael Smithson was, he couldn't help but have a positive attitude towards her. Yu IlHan could see Kang HaJin stopping him from talking with Kang MiRae any further. Na YuNa was all smiles as always on the side.

"Shit, I really want Susanoo to appear now."

The Front Line Alliance here were all members that saw Susanoo's heroism from the side. It was natural that there were voices that looked for Susanoo."

"I'm not sure. Honestly, there were quite a lot of incidents before, although none of them were as big as this. However, we couldn't find his figure anywhere, and that means….. Either he's stuck doing something in the other world he went to, or he died, no?"

"Die? Him? Miss Malatesta. That's quite funny."

"It's fortunate that you took it as funny. Of course it's a joke. He isn't someone to die just because someone killed him."

"Susanoo, huh."

Paté, who could now understand human speech thanks to the artifact, whispered to Yu IlHan in a slightly excited voice.

"From their words, it seems like the one called Susanoo is the strongest on Earth. Although he won't be stronger than you, Your Majesty, but it seems he's quite good!"

"That's me."

"As expected of Your Majesty! You're respected even among humans!"

The elves, who underwent strict training during the past few days, all opened their eyes in flattery. It was sad that none of that worked on Yu IlHan, though.

At that moment, new people arrived on the already packed clearing.

"129 people of Bump Clan is here. The gate hasn't opened yet, right?"

"58 people of Caycicle Clan has also arrived. We couldn't stay still since it's Korea where Vanguard is situated in."

They were all at least of 2nd class. The higher levelled ones even looked to be around level 80. The Magia Clan's clan master did say a lot of things happened on Earth, but from how their levels were so high, it seemed she was right.

"We'll widen the clearing! For the clans that just arrived, please go to where we direct you!….. YuNa."

"Uhh yeah. I'll call my younger uncle now. I just have to clear out that apartment complex and widen the clearing right?"

Just with Kang MiRae and Na YuNa's decisions, hundreds of billions of won (≈hundreds of millions of dollars) were instantly gone. Yu IlHan watched the scene where huge buildings were being destroyed by the ability users and could come to a conclusion that it was a wise decision to sell them weapons.

"Careful not to clash with other people."

"Yes, sir!"

Ordering the elves, Yu IlHan took out his phone and messaged Kang MiRae.

[I have arrived.]

Kang MiRae, who was having a conversation with others seemed to have felt the vibration as she took out her phone to check it. A smile appeared on her lips after checking Yu IlHan's message.


"What's good, MiRae?"


Ignoring Na YuNa, Kang MiRae tapped on her phone. Yu IlHan's phone rang.

[You should've seen when you came here, but the dungeon will open soon. According to Feyta's words, the dungeon will not assimilate with Earth instantly and that monsters will come out from the dungeon endlessly. Is there anything else you're wondering about or anything we can help you with?]

There is. Yu IlHan smiled lightly and tapped on his phone once more.

[I'll leave the directing to you, and prepare the strongest lightning magic you have. And you can shoot once you feel it's necessary.]


Although his request may have sounded a little weird, Kang MiRae acknowledged right away before leaving the control of the situation to Kang HaJin and started to prepare her magic. Seeing that the quick witted Na YuNa buffed her from the side, Yu IlHan smiled.

"Teehee. Such simple women."

[Can't you fix that habit of speaking like a villain, sheesh?] (Erta)

There were some weapons he had made while considering battle on Earth while he had some spare time in Dareu. Special weapons made using dragonkin corpses in which all sorts of magic dwelled! And with Kang MiRae's support, one of them would see the light today.

Thinking about what that may cause, Yu IlHan couldn't help but laughing.

Yu IlHan didn't think that he himself was the god of disaster, but if he checked his face on a mirror, then he wouldn't be able to deny that.

At this moment, he was indeed a god of disaster.

A god of disaster that ushered disaster not towards humans, but towards monsters!

Author's notes

The previous arc and this arc titles are all parodies…..! If you haven't noticed yet, please search the poem 'Invictus' by William Ernest Henley.

Front Line Alliance… The ones that suffer finally realized their position!

There are saying that lions make their cubs fall down a cliff in order to raise them strong. But that, is all BS….. Rather, they become desperate to rescue their cubs once they do fall down…. As expected, parents are parents whether they are beasts or humans!

Humans finally learned after experiencing suffering.

Translator's notes

His existence is still causing problems everywhere….

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

When Kang MiRae started reciting the incantation for her spell, the other clan masters who were chatting amongst themselves while leading their clans flinched at her sudden actions and proceeded to rush into battle formations.

Some large clans split up into smaller platoons, other small clans merged into one, and some clans scattered while gathering into their differentiated roles in battle. Their actions looked like this wasn't the first time they did this; an aura of inclement battle immediately arose.

[People from Earth are amazing.] (Erta)

Spoke Erta suddenly.

[It's not only because they had a 10 year adaptation period. Humans always fight each other due to their differences but here, they're combining their power.] (Erta)

"That's because they were embarrassed during the battle in Japan where they acted separately."

Yu IlHan replied in a cynical fashion as he looked towards the dungeon gate. It really looked like it was going to explode open at any moment.

According to Kang MiRae's words, it seemed that the majority were 2nd or 3rd class, but who knows; Yu IlHan decided to consider the possibility of 4th class beings popping out.

He just wished that there weren't over a thousand 4th class beings. Currently, Yu IlHan wasn't receiving the Angel's Support buff that he receives in Abandoned Worlds, and the options of the Eight-tailed dragon spear would not be activated against non-dragonkin.

[No, that's because the humans realized their own lack of power, and started thinking about how to fill that gap with the help of other people. This is only possible because they became more humble.] (Erta)

"That's a good thing."

[And you are the one who made them humble.] (Erta)

"I'm also very humble. I'm no knight though."

After saying that, he ordered the elves to prepare for battle and activated Superhuman Strength and jumped several kilometers into the air.

When the elves concealment deactivated due to that, the people around them panicked for a little, but when the elves gestured that they weren't enemies, they backed off while being on guard. In the current situation, all allied forces were precious.

Meanwhile, Yu IlHan used the extra function on the leap skill and stayed in the air for a little longer while he took out a huge spear and grabbed it with both of his hands. The length was over 5 meters and the thickness was as thick as Yu IlHan's body. It was an overwhelming-sized spear. What was more surprising was that this spear was for throwing.

[Isn't that just sharpened 3rd class dragonkin bones?] (Erta)

"This, is the bone of the dragonkin that used lightning."

Yu IlHan laughed as mana started exploding from the gate. Along with that, a mass of monsters rushed out from the gate! The people who were prepared all shot with long-ranged magic, and knights with shields rushed forward and held up their shields.


And Yu IlHan threw his spear. There was no need for him to transfer the weight. Just by using his Superhuman strength-empowered muscles, and the Absolute accuracy, along with the several kilometers of height, it was sufficient for him to just throw the gigantic spear made from a level 180 dragonkin that wielded the power of lightning.

Boom! The gigantic spear that fell down on the ground light a streak of lightning instantly decimated tens of monsters that rushed out from the gate. It happened as the lightning-attribute magic power was emitted to the surroundings at the point of landing.


[Kihik! Kugaaaaah!]

However, Yu IlHan's spear throw didn't end with that. 2 shots, 4 shots, 7 shots!


"Wh, what the heck?"

The gigantic spears that fell in order to surround the gate in a circle instantly decimated hundreds of monsters in mere moments, and even after the lightning storm was gone, the monsters that exited the gate could neither pull out nor destroy the gigantic spears and they could not attack the humans.


3rd class monsters weren't that much different, because electric currents still remained in the spears, preventing the monsters from using their full power while in contact with it.

All of this was done by just one man. The shield knights who were prepared for shock became dumbfounded.

"So, this here is…"

"There's only one that can attack like this…"

The people there also realized what was happening. An absurdly strong ally, and one that liked to throw spears... Susanoo was with them!

And amidst of the people, one woman extended her hands towards one of the gigantic spears that surrounded the gate. She knew that the 'moment' he was talking about was now!

"Gigantic Thunder!"

Golden lightning struck the gigantic spears. The moment after the gigantic spear was colored in gold, it spat out small streaks of lightning and instantly scorched the monsters coming out from the gate.


Kang MiRae couldn't close her mouth while seeing the streak of experience notifications that covered her retina. Would Yu IlHan have expected this? Yes of course. But seeing how he didn't even get into a party with her, it seemed that this 'mere' amount of experience was unnecessary for him.

'Amazing. The person that struck from high up is amazing, but the crafter that made that artifact is also amazing!1 Mana can only decrease the moment it acquires an offensive property through processing, but that big spear doesn't deplete the mana but is amplifying it instead!'

Even Kang MiRae, who struck out with the magic herself, didn't expect this. That gigantic spear absorbed and amplified lightning? The small streaks of lightning that were pouring out were showing overwhelming might, but in Kang MiRae's eyes, they were just waste products. Waste products that were produced in the process of the lightning being amplified!

"Shit, now that I think Susanoo is here, the monsters aren't so scary anymore. Insane."

"The monsters can't come out of the spear-fence. Shit, that's a prison right there!"

"Now! Attack like you mean it! Those who can use lightning magic all aim for that spear!"

After realizing what the situation came to be, the people sniped at the monsters who couldn't easily exit the fence comprised of gigantic spears. The lightning mages also shot at the gigantic spear along with Kang MiRae, albeit with a significantly weaker power.

Some time later, the spear that absorbed and amplified Kang MiRae's Gigantic Thunder emitted more light before all the other gigantic spears around started emitting light.

The moment Kang MiRae muttered 'no way', the golden lightning within the main spear transferred its energy to the other spears at a speed invisible to the eyes. Obviously, the monsters in the path were all scorched to death.

"What the hell is that!?"

"It isn't even over yet!"

The true party had just began. The transferred lightning amplified once again before shooting to other spears, and the ones in their paths were scorched to death yet again. The people who had shields up front to block the monsters had to step back in fear.

"Playing with lightning…"

"Is that magic by the Empress?"

"Empress, amazing as the rumors said."

Like how soccer players were passing the ball to each other, the huge spears that comprised the fence also passed lightning back and forth. The monsters either got electrified and collapsed while trying to go over the fence, or had to stay paralyzed for quite a while, and that in itself was the greatest chance for the forces to act.

Although energy was depleted as the lightning pierced through the monsters and the explosive firepower shown at first gradually decreased, after some time, the passing speed of the lightning became faster and it seemed like a giant fence of lightning had formed in a circular fashion outside the gate. The people could only make empty laughs.

"Those who can't attack long range should throw their weapons or something! That thing there won't last forever!"

"No, I think you're wrong."

Immediately after someone said that it wouldn't last forever, Kang MiRae shot another huge streak of lightning onto the spear and the electric fence instantly became enhanced. Not only that,

"Please make those fences a little more sturdier! In order for the bad guys to stay inside!"

The moment Na YuNa said that in a tone that seemed like she was asking something of an old man next door, all the spears started emitting a pink aura and emitted an even stronger lightning all around!

"Oh my, no matter how this place is the home grounds for the Lightning God clan, we can't let them take everything! We shall use the Concentrate magic!"

"Understood, master!"

Like how they used the word 'Magia' for their clan name, Carina Malatesta didn't want to look so bad in regards to magic, and as such, showed a magic that was only possible for them as they were comprised of mages only. It was none other than joint magic!

All the mages would pour their mana into the magic stone that the clan master, Carina Malatesta, was holding. Then, Carina would use that as the material to cast magic. Additional magic stones would be consumed in the process, so it could be said to be a money attack that used 2 2nd class magic stones at once or even more depending on the attack.

This was only possible because 2nd class monsters started appearing more frequently on Earth recently.

"Great Chain Lightning!"

Carina's magic struck the spear. Monsters screamed in pain, while the humans cheered in rejoice.

This place, was a place of battle, of festivity, of growth, and of harmony.

To everyone other than Yu IlHan.


Swore Yu IlHan. he had just landed concealed in the middle of the battlefield after he had formed that fence around the gate.

He had ordered the elves to attack.

Currently, the archer, Paté was at 1st place in contribution as he was shooting arrows from a safe place, and the other three were taking care of 3rd class monsters that managed to exit the fence so they were slightly behind Paté.

However, what was important right now wasn't something like that. Currently, he was under a severe depression.

"This…makes sense?"

[Uhh.... yeah it does.] (Erta)

Acknowledged Erta, before adding in a slightly sorry tone.

[I should have told you this before, but I'd forgotten since you were too out of class.] (Erta)

"That doesn't cheer me up so away with it."

[I'm not trying to cheer you up. I'm only saying the reality as it is.] (Erta)

The reason he was depressed was extremely simple. A while before, when he had just killed hundreds of 2nd class monsters with just the shockwave alone,

he got no experience at all!

[One cannot acquire experience from those under level 100 after acquiring 3rd class, that is from a class lower than yours. It's because it does not help your growth at all.] (Erta)

"You don't have to explain."

[But isn't it good? A gate got connected to another Abandoned World. Now, stronger monsters will start coming out. There will be plenty of 3rd class monsters for you to hunt too!] (Erta)

For the people who were having a hard fight, it was a cruel consolation. However Yu IlHan's imagination was already beyond that.

"And what happens after I clean this mess up?"

While other people were worrying about how to survive this situation, Yu IlHan was already looking at the bleak looking future which made Erta sweat cold sweat while replying.

[Since Earth has only gone through its 1st Great Cataclysm, there won't be many dungeons where you can hunt 3rd class monsters in. Even so, there would be new dungeons with 3rd class monsters as normal mobs after the 2nd Great Cataclysm! Like the dungeon in Japan last time!] (Erta)

"And until that?"

[How about Dareu?] (Erta)

"The elves need it to take care of their growth."

[...Then would you go on a global tour with me to see if there's any other connection with an Abandoned World?] (Erta)

Erta was asking Ilhan out for a date which she had never done in her life as an angel nor before that, but unfortunately, both the time and the occasion was the worst. Yu IlHan sighed while shaking his head.

"I'll just raise my child. I'll make him OP."

Yes, this must be fate. Perhaps Lecidna gave him a child because she knew he wouldn't be able to earn any experience to level up when he came back to Earth! Really, she was a thankful woman.

"I shouldn't have let her die. I should have kept her at my side and bullied her all the time."

Yu IlHan gritted his teeth while praying for Lecidna's well-wishes(?), before taking out a dragon-bone atlatl from his inventory and waiting for his turn.

While he was just sucking on his thumb while watching Kang MiRae of the Lightning God Clan, and Carina Malatesta of Magia who were raking in experience with their lightning magic, an opportunity finally arrived for Yu IlHan.

Just as the clans that weren't in the Front Line Alliance joined the battle and raised the morale, a single monster that rushed out from the gate instantly saw through the situation and roared after jumping hundreds of meters into the air!


"Good, that guy looks promising."

Yes. You should at least jump if you can't leave because of the fence! Thinking that the jumping guy looked promising, Yu IlHan swung the bone atlatl with all his power.


The javelin made of dragon bones pierced the head of the monster that just landed and was about to assault the humans.

[You have earned 24,109,283 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 161 Great Dark Wolf.]


Muttered Yu IlHan in disappointment.

"This guy was also a mob character."


"What just happened right now?"

"It's Susanoo. We all know he's here, don't we?"

"Yes, it's Susanoo. But the monster that just died...?"

The people who were in the middle of battle looked at the scene where the Great Dark Wolf's corpse disappeared (into Yu IlHan's inventory) before realizing that there was no time for that and focused back on the battle.

However, that scene was already firmly engraved into everyone's heads. There was no idiot who couldn't understand what this meant.

Susanoo's spear that instantly pierced 2nd class monsters 3 months before, could now pierce 3rd class monsters without any problems!

Author's notes

The humble strongest being, Yu IlHan.

Quite the hard core levelup there.

Translator's notes

Lel, no exp for a while.

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

Everyone was prepared for a long battle, but the battle in question was much longer than whatever they had expected.

[I received a report from Feyta.] (Erta)

While Yu IlHan was rolling around in laziness, Erta, who robbed Feyta of everything, started explaining.

[The connection method is similar to that with Dareu's. The Lightning God Clan realized that the environment was changing as they were leaving, and witnessed tens of thousands of 2nd class, and hundreds of 3rd class divided into two sides and fighting each other.] (Erta)

"It's not our concern if they fight amongst themselves.... but any sign of intelligent species?"

[None from what they saw. That's natural. Dareu was the exception, God does not abandon any world.] (Erta)

If Destruction Demon Army and the Garden of Sunset did not interfere with Dareu, it wouldn't have been abandoned, or so Erta said. After that, she talked about how God's hand will be extended to Dareu once again, but why did it sound like locking the stable after the horse was stolen…

"So, Lightning God just escaped after looking at the battle?"

[Yes, in a hurry too. Moreover, when their retreat was found out, and the Dungeon Break was pulled forward. There was no way that would have happened if they mastered concealment!] (Erta)

"Even if you advertise like that, there's no shop that sells concealment skills at $39.99"

Yu IlHan Sighed. He did think that there shouldn't have been a proper scouting, but never did he imagine that what they found out was just the tip of the iceberg.

Lightning God seemed to be thinking that an Abandoned World was just a little bigger dungeon, but Yu IlHan knew the truth very well after the incident in Dareu; how horrifying of a scale an army could develop into within a world ruled by monsters.

"They should have just remained in their own damned world, why did it just happen to get connected with Earth…"

[Heaven had judged that this would not be the end of it. There are even predictions that this is just the prelude to a big change...] (Erta)

Sighed Yu IlHan again when Erta added hurriedly in consolation.

[If there's anything fortunate, it's that unlike Dareu, that world was doomed after the 2nd Great Cataclysm. So, it is likely that there's no 4th class monster in that world.] (Erta)

"But a 4th class monster appeared on Earth even though Earth had gone through the 1st Great Cataclysm."

Erta was tongue tied. Although it was a scheme of a traitor, it was still the truth. Yu IlHan continued speaking while fiddling around with the bone atlatl in his hands.

"It's different from Dareu. I don't have much confidence in going against 4th class beings that aren't dragonkin."

Eight-tailed dragon spear did definitely become an epic rank. However, that high rank could not be used properly if he wasn't going against dragonkin.

"Four... No, five. It will be different according to the enemy, but that will be my limit. If any of them are over 230 in level, then I can't do anything either."

[That's plenty amazing.] (Erta)

"I only wish that that world isn't like Dareu."

His abilities would increase by 10% if fighting alongside Yumir due to the effect of Dragon-man resonance, but he couldn't bring a level 1 kid in a dangerous place like this.

Thought Yu IlHan as he turned his head around, when he saw Liera with a blooming smile on her face and Yumir in her arms. Despite there being plenty of people stronger than him right now, he was concealed.

What's more amazing was that no one was able to see through this newborn's concealment.



Yumir realized it was him even though he had a helmet on as he jumped from Liera's arms into his. Clang, a metallic sound resounded out, but Yumir was still smiling as if not in pain.

When Yu IlHan glared at Liera silently, she excused herself in panic.

[He said he wanted to see his dad! He looked like he might leave on his own!]

"Even so, how can you bring a kid to a place where it wouldn't be strange even if a 4th class..."

[Yumir's skill, Concealment, grows rapidly.]

[Yumir's skill, Concealment, has become level 20. The resonance with the rider increases and can use a stronger level of concealment.]

Yu IlHan stopped speaking and sighed after reading the information on his retina. It seemed like Yumir's concealment was being lead to further heights as he became able to use a higher level of concealment while near him.

This is completely OP! Or so Yu IlHan wanted to shout, but thinking back, his concealment was level max the moment he saw the status for the first time. He had no qualifications to say someone else was OP.

"Yes, just master it quickly. Let's earn a higher skill too, right?"


Yumir, who answered while not knowing anything with a smile, fiddled around to find a comfortable position. Of course, concealment skill level was still increasing.

There were countless people and even more countless monsters around. Concealing in their midst, there was no way concealment wouldn't rise in level.

[The power of bloodline is amazing...] (Erta)

"Don't say bloodline."

Even while retorting, Yu IlHan was inwardly nodding his head. At this speed, he wondered if the skill will rise to level 50 by the end of battle.

"Yes, let's just think of it as skill grinding. Well, he'll be safe with me too."

[That's quite a positive attitude, I like it.] (Erta)

Even while grumbling, Yu IlHan repositioned Yumir in his arms. However, just as Yumir was staring at the countless 2nd class monsters pouring out from the gate, he asked Yu IlHan.

"Dad, can I hunt them?"



This was a suggestion he never thought about. Since Yumir's level was still 1, he was planning to level him up slowly with goblins or slimes in a weaker dungeon.

Yes, wasn't he too naïve? Dragons hunting goblins lol. He had a higher ranked skill from birth!

Wait, no, he's still level 1.

Since he couldn't come up with an answer by himself, Yu IlHan seeked the answer from Erta.

"How many hits would it require to kill a 2nd class monster with middle-tier magic?"

[What that Empress over there is using is also middle-tier magic. If the caster's level and mana is enough, then of course it's instakill... Don't tell me dragons have middle-tier magic from birth?] (Erta)


Skill grinding location changed into levelling location.

"Mir, if you can't kill them instantly with your magic, then they will all die while crashing into the fence, so you have to kill them instantly. Or, you have to wound them fatally at least in order to get the MVP position.


"Don't reserve your mana. It'll recover when you level up anyway."


"Good, let's prepare then."

Yu IlHan lightly grabbed Yumir's left hand and lifted him up. Yumir extended his index finger of his left hand that was grabbed by Yu IlHan, before gathering mana and changing it to wind magic. 1

As expected of a dragon? Compared to humans, the ripple of mana, and the speed of magic completion was overwhelmingly superior. A fragment of 4th class dragon's magic he had tasted so much in Dareu was here.

"If you level up, you need to conceal yourself quickly like dad."


When the wind on Yumir's fingertips got thick enough to take form, a 2nd class monster just came out from the gate.

Now! When Yu IlHan lightly inserted strength into his hand grabbing Yumir, he immediately shot the wind bullet. A hole appeared on the monster's head, and it collapsed like that.

It happened in a blink of an eye, and that monster wasn't the only one rushing out of the gate, so not to mention people, even monsters didn't notice it. The problem was what happened next.

[Yumir's level became 17.]

[Yumir evolves into an Infant Dragon.]

Blinding light was emitted from Yumir's now-unconcealed body. It wasn't something like a level up, but an evolution!

The amount of light was overwhelming to the point that even monsters looked towards his direction, but the amount of light was too overwhelming so no one could see what was happening inside.

And when the light disappeared, there was nothing there. The people were very surprised, but they weren't in a situation where they could calmly analyze things. Some just thought that Susanoo did something and some thought that people use the wrong magic.

The answer was that Yu IlHan used the large amount of light to conceal themselves again.


Feeling that he was getting stronger, Yumir rejoiced while clapping. Thanks to the evolution, Yumir, who had a 2 year-old-looking body now had a body around 4 to 5 year-old, and the clothes he was wearing was instantly ripped to shreds as well.

[So acquiring class makes their body grows as well. Dragons are quite the creatures of wonder.] (Erta)

[Mmmmm, he was cuter before, but he's still cute now!] (Liera)

"You recovered all your mana, right?"

"Yeah, it's overflowing!"

Yumir's mana was indeed overflowing. The mana he couldn't hold within himself was covering his skin and he prevented it from escaping. This was a dragon's mana rule! It was an amazing ability.

Mana recovered when level 1 becomes level 2, when 2 becomes 3, when 3 becomes 4.... Like that, he had preserved all the mana that had replenished itself until level 17.

Even while going through evolution!

[Amazing technique. When I could do that, I had long since escaped the level where I could level up continuously like that....] (Erta)

[I still can't do that. So continuous level ups had such a function!] (Liera)

[There's no function like that. That's a cheat.] (Erta)

Obviously, Yu IlHan also couldn't do something monstrous like that. No matter how he became able to wield mana, this was something entirely different.

"This is a lot of mana, can I use all of it?"

"Of course."

"Then I want to kill that next!"

The target Yumir pointed to was a wolf monster that just charged out of the gate. Yu IlHan saw through its level instantl.

That, was a 3rd class. One that had a level over 110.

In this place, excluding Yu IlHan, only the clan masters of the Front Line Alliance would be able to kill it on a 1 vs 1 fight. And they would need the higher ranked weapons that Yu IlHan had sold.

"Even so, you're still 1st class...."

[Who's talking about who here?] (Erta)

Spoke Yu IlHan in worry, but he could only close his mouth at Erta's remark. Thinking back, he did indeed kill a 3rd class monster when he was still 1st class! Was it just that? There was a time the had to instakill 3rd class monsters for his 2nd class advancement quest,

"…..That's true."

"I can kill it!"

He didn't think much of it when it was himself in the scene, but how could he think so differently when it came to Yumir… Yu IlHan finally realized that he was a freak. Compared to what he did until now, his realization came too late.

Liera spoke while looking at the two with loving eyes.

[How can the father and son be so similar.] (Liera)

"Don't say what my mom used to say many times!"

Both the father and son couldn't be happy when hearing that line! Yu IlHan fueled that rage into his hand and lightly grabbed Yumir's hand again.

"Yes, Mir. Let's kill it."


Yumir gathered the mana that was boiling inside his body, and the mana that was circling around it onto his index fingertip again.

[Yumir's skill, Concealment, has become level 30. The skill's power becomes stronger due to the increase in the resonance between the rider.]

[Yumir's skill, Mana rule, has become level 17.]

Keeping concealment while gathering mana into one place let the skill proficiency rise like mad. Even after considering that, the growth of the skill was too fast. As expected of the talent of the son of the pancosmic loner. Shit.

Sweating hard, Yumir condensed the mana. Perhaps because it wasn't just the mana he possessed, the bullet that took a longer time to form than last time had become a magic bullet that was worth waiting for to form.

"Good, Mir. Let's just leave that guy from last time, and go with another one."

"A stronger one?"

"A stronger one."

The guy that Yumir pointed to last time had already charged against the lightning fence and was being weakened due to various attacks. Yu IlHan instead pointed towards a black wolf that looked like it would be easily over level 120.



Yumir flicked his finger and shot the bullet.

The bullet pierced through its head as if it were natural, and entered the gate as it seemed like it still had remaining power.



The father and son tilted their heads simultaneously. Anyway, since the wolf died instantly, Yumir's concealment wore off once again along with an explosive level up, and Yu IlHan had to leap upwards in order to conceal themselves again.

[Yumir's has become level 31.]

[Yumir's skill, Mana rule, has become level 20. He can now steal insignificant amount of mana from another person's magic.]

Yumir laughed in rejoiced and clapped. Tens of mana crystals formed and floated around him.

"I got loads of mana again!"

As Yumir's magic stat increased considerably at each level up, the overlapped mana was headache-inducing. Yu IlHan thought in expectation that he might be able to get his son to go through the 2nd class advancement today.

However, his expectations had to die down. The moment Yu IlHan and Yumir landed on the ground, a black-haired man with frightening aura rushed out from the gate.

"A man? He isn't human."

Looking at the man that clearly looked like a 4th class, the humans finally thought that what should come had come as they gritted their teeth, Yu IlHan raised his hand to activate what he had prepared, and Yumir seemed to think that that guy was impossible for him and activated concealment to its limits while trying to dig into Yu IlHan's embrace but was blocked by the armor.

At that moment.

"Please forgive us for not recognizing your almighty existence as a dragon, and please help us!"

Spitting out words that only Yu IlHan could understand, the man immediately kneeled and bashed his head on the ground.

The situation was going in a direction that nobody had expected.

Author's notes

Mir is a genius! He does take after his dad, hahahaha!

Even though dad and son being similar definitely isn't an insult, mothers always pick out the worst parts of the two… They probably have a lot of good points in common too! Probably!

Insane senses that recognized a dragon even though it was a mere wind bullet! It's not really a bait. He just has good senses!

Translator's notes

How to become OP

1. OP Gear

2. OP stats.

3. Both.

MC is currently 3, Mir is currently 2… will become 3.

Proofreader Notes:

Adding on,

4. OP parents

5. Be a dragon

Translator's yet another addition:

6. All of the above.

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

"Wh, what the hell?"

The front line forces exclaimed in amazement.

"That man is a monster, right?"

"The monsters are retreating?"

At the same time the black-haired man bashed his head on the ground, the monsters stopped their attacks and gathered around the man. It was completely different to their attitudes until just now when they charged forward without the fear of death.

The people of Earth didn't go "Yay, a hexa-kill chance!" and do other idiotic things like that, but became wary of the man and kept their guard up as they sheathed their weapons.

It was undeniable that the man's aura was very strong, as such, rather than attacking first and enraging him, they decided that it was better to judge the situation a little later. Good, a wise choice – nodded Yu IlHan.

"We do not have any intention to invade this world! It was our last ditch effort as we were chased out by our enemies, so please! May you spare my kin in exchange for my life!"

Meanwhile, the man was still shouting in that position, but only Yu IlHan could understand him here.

No, well, it was something only Yu IlHan needed to understand.

Yu IlHan was in the air with Yumir in his arms, but the moment the man's second line ended, he re-leaped towards the ground and landed. Standing behind the first huge spear he shot on the ground, Yu IlHan deactivated his concealment.


"It really was Susanoo."

"...But Susanoo has someone in his arms?"

Yumir tried to get into concealment in embarrassment as he was being seen by so many stronger people, but Yu IlHan covered him with a blanket and took him into his arms again. Then, he confronted the black haired man.

"I think you're misunderstanding something."

Retorted Yu IlHan using the language he just learned through the maxed out language skill.

"My son is indeed a dragon, but he's much weaker than you right now, so I don't think there's any meaning in asking for help."

"What do you...?"

The man finally raised his head. Before him was a grown man covered in armor that definitely smelled like a human, and someone that looked human but definitely smelled like a dragon.

"...Son, is dragon? Human? Is father?"


Replied Yu IlHan while calming the embarrassed Yumir in his arms down.

"How can that be…"

The black-haired man was stunned, leaving his mouth agape. Meanwhile, the number of monsters, mainly wolves, that exited the gate, was increasing.

As their room for movement became smaller and smaller, there came a moment where they had to exert strength into their legs in order to not get fried by the lightning fence. Just as the man tried to remove the fences, Yu IlHan stopped him with his hand gesture.

"Explain the situation."

"If we don't remove the fence first...!"

"Very well, I'll give you some room."

Confirming that the people had backed off enough, Yu IlHan waved his hand. When he did, the tens of giant spears around the gate disappeared instantly!

The man gaped his mouth at the incredible show of technique, when Yu IlHan waved his hand again and the collected spears started reappearing.

The gigantic spears that appeared a little above the ground embedded themselves in the ground with booming sounds and formed yet another circle, but if there was anything different from last time, it was that the space inside had gotten wider, and the electric fence had disappeared.

However, the electric energy was still there, so if someone like the Empress stimulated them lightly, then another fence would lightning would form.

Moreover, as new spears were added in order to make up the lengthened circumference, it was still very difficult to escape between the spears. It would be different if all the monsters here could jump, but Yu IlHan would never let that happen.

Naturally, the man became shocked and marvelled at the scene. Although he was a 4th class being, he developed physically so he was clueless in regards to magic.

"A human can cast such a high-level spatial magic!?"

"I'm not a dragon's daddy for show."

A loner's disease of not being able to communicate with others without boasting or deception had activated. The palm-sized Erta asked while sighing.

[Did you receive some inventory education somewhere?] (Erta)

"Learned through anime."1

Yes. Although he boasted to the man, what he utilized was merely the options from his inventory.

He first collected the spears using the remote collection option, then with the exact same option, he called out the spears at around 1m above the ground.

At that time, he added the weight transfer and weight control options to add about 100 tons to each of the spears, so they naturally embedded themselves into the ground.


The man seemed to hesitate after looking at Yu IlHan. However, in the end, he seemed to have come to a decision as he nodded and smacked his head on the ground again.

"It doesn't matter whether you're a dragon or not. What is important is the power you possess. Please help us. Even if we fight you here, that will all be in their favor!"


The moment he heard that, Yu IlHan made a thick smirk that no one other than Erta and Liera could see as they could see through his helmet.

Everything was as Yu IlHan had planned. The moment the man appeared and bowed his head, Yu IlHan thought that the situation may turn out like this if he showed his strong side.

Yu IlHan's aura on the surface definitely didn't look that strong. At least, in a 4th class being's view, it would be as such. Then, it should have immediately stood up and ripped apart Yu IlHan with his own hands, but he didn't.

Why? Because there was something he needed to protect. It's current mindset was that of someone who wanted any kind of help possible.

Yu IlHan saw through his heart correctly.

"That's why I said…."

Yu IlHan approached the man. The surrounding wolves glared at him, but when the man shook his head, they immediately backed off. These monsters had a clear method of communication and hierarchy. This was quite a good sign.

Having approached the man, Yu IlHan showed one action while receiving the gaze of all the people and monsters here.

He made the man stand up.

"Explain the situation. If it is of merit to me and to this land, then I'll cooperate. I'll also persuade the other humans for you."

Yu IlHan could only do this as he had thrown away his unconditional hostility against monsters after he cooperated with dragons once. The man seemed to believe Yu IlHan's honesty as he nodded while sighing in relief. Then he started explaining.

"We call our world Kiroa. Just until a few hundred years ago, humans and us wolfkin were balanced as we developed mutually and fought against each other."

Wolfkin, or so the man and the wolves were called. So they evolve to be humanoid if they become 4th class? Yu IlHan was pondering when Liera spoke from behind him.

[I know about Kiroa. Not long after the 2nd Great Cataclysm, the wolf monsters reproduced at incredible speeds and exterminated the humans. Of course, we backed off at that point.] (Liera)

Yu IlHan started pondering again after hearing Liera's explanation; he somehow felt like he had heard about this.

And as he had expected, the man's following words convinced Yu IlHan of that fact.

"The 2nd Great Cataclysm occurred, and a few of our colonies grew rapidly. We became stronger, faster, and numbered many. Since the balance was tilted, a war was inevitable. We exterminated the humans, and a world of wolfkin opened. I thought that war would end like that and there would come a time of peace."

"And it didn't?"

"The various chiefs of the colonies that developed rapidly had a scheme. They attacked the traditional royalty of the wolfkin and the princess..."

"Oh, okay."

After that was the cliché rebellion and love story that any fantasy novels you pick up at a bookstore would have. How was the repertoire so obvious… While Yu IlHan was yawning in boredom, a new element came in.

"We finally realized: They were wolfkin, but at the same time, they weren't."

"So what, they had the transcender group, Destruction Demon Army, behind them?"

The man lost his words. It seemed like Yu IlHan had hit the bullseye. If that was an act, then Yu IlHan would bring that man to Hollywood.

"H, how did..."

"Very well, I believe you."

The moment Destruction Demon Army came in, the reliability of the information skyrocketed.

The higher existence he met in Dareu, Teraka, definitely did say that Yu IlHan would encounter the Destruction Demon Army quite a lot from then on. Although he didn't know that it would come so soon, now that they did come, Yu IlHan had no choice but to kill them all. He first checked the remaining details fast.

"So, wolfkin split up into two factions? The Destruction Demon Army faction is trying to bring down the royalty and want the authority, and you guys want to protect them."

"Yes. However, we're the weaker side!"

"But since it was confirmed that your world was connected to Earth, Destruction Demon Army side want to invade Earth while they're at it?"

"Y... You're completely correct. And we were sacrificed in that process! They pushed us through the gate in order to deplete the power of both Earth and ours, and they would take over Earth with their full power... How do you know all this!?"

The man shouted with eyes of disbelief. Yu IlHan answered again with 'I'm not a dragon's daddy for nothing', but inside, he was laughing at him.

That guy's no good for Hollywood after all, his eyes were trembling like mad.

Those guys pushed the wolfkin through the gate? That was a complete lie. Well, yeah, they were at a numerical disadvantage, but they tried to 'escape' here.

They would first check the safety with scouts, and if they judge that this side is weaker than them, then they'd wipe out the humans and prepare to fight back.

No, thinking more about it, it wasn't that either. The highest possibility was a three-way war between wolfkin, Destruction Demon Army, and Earth.

If the wolfkin scattered throughout the Earth, then would the traitors in the Destruction Demon Army ask the people of Earth politely and hunt only the wolfkin? Would the humans let the monsters free in their cities?

No way.

Naturally, Earth will become a chaos, and wolkin would be able to hide their royalty and even look for a chance for reversal. Only one side would profit in this three-way war.

Their plan was perfect, but somehow, the scouts were wiped out the moment they went through the gate. Even elites of 3rd class were wiped out. The moment they thought that their plan had failed, a dragon magic flies in from beyond the gate.

So, they would think that something is going wrong. That was why, a quite a high ranking wolf-man popped out and bowed his head, and spoke a lie that would not work at all, trying to decrease their sin.

After asking about the scale of the forces of both the wolfkin and the Destruction Demon Army, he confirmed one last thing.

"I'll ask this just in case, but is the Garden of Sunset helping you guys out or something?"

"Wh, what kind of group is that?"

The wolf-man that was horribly at lying asked with an expression that said he really didn't know. Yu IlHan just laughed it off saying it's nothing and shook his head.

Garden of Sunset, unpredictable guys as always. Yu IlHan thought that they were complete idiots, helping some and not helping the rest.

"Good, I'll explain the situation to the humans. You call your troops here. Oh, your name?"

"Ah, thank you! I'm the Head of the Royal Guardians of the wolfkin, Flemir!"

Yu IlHan snorted seeing Flemir sigh in relief as he flicked his hand. The widened circle completely disappeared this time.

"Dad is so cool."

"Yes, you can also grow up to be a fine man as well."


[Look at his thick skin, this guy...] (Erta)

[What's wrong with that? He's the coolest in the world.] (Liera)

[Ah, yeah, he sure is. Have a nice love.] (Erta)

Yumir, impressed at his father who talked firmly against a 4th class monster, tried to get into Yu IlHan's embraced again, but bashed his head on the armor yet again. Yu IlHan embraced Yumir to be as comfortable as possible as he turned back around to the humans.

Fear, admiration, respect, hatred, all sorts of emotions were directed towards him.

What took the most part was admiration. Even though they were both people of Earth, he made a monster higher level than him kneel down in front of him and converse. The humans couldn't put Yu IlHan in the same line as themselves.

Of course, there were some exceptions.

"You, Susanoo! We will definitely !@#$%#@!"

"Sheesh, such a shameless guy."

Such as Michael Smithson who stepped up daringly before being dragged back by the other clan masters.

"May we, ask for an explanation?"

There was also a woman with clear eyes, who did not forget her position and role even while despairing at the incomparably widened gap from before even though she thought that she had caught up considerably.

"Good, I will explain then."

Answered Yu IlHan. In English that was no less refined than hers.

"Before that, one thing. I want to change 'priorities' in hunting the monsters, but what do you think?"

Yu IlHan didn't trust in monsters, whether it was the always annoying Destruction Demon Army, or the sons of bitches who looked down on the human intelligence of Earth. They were both enemies he had to get rid of in Yu IlHan's eyes.

Author's notes

There were some (T/N: apparently) who didn't like a Korean MC being called 'Susanoo'. I guess it does to me as well. However, since he got it from Japan, there's no helping it? Since he's in action in Korea this time, if you have any ideas for a nickname, then please recommend me one.

Inventory, OP, successful.

Yu IlHan saw through the man's patterns because he read most of the novels out there.

Translator's notes

Not sure how to translate 'wolf-man', cuz werewolf don't really fit the bill here. Werewolves are humans mutated into having wolf like features, but this 'wolf-man' here was originally a wolf who mutated/evolved into a humanoid.

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu