137 - 142

The 'resonance' option on the hammer wasn't limited to just resonant vibrations. Strictly speaking, it was closer to a 'state transfer'. Freezing the hammer will end in the resonant items freezing, coating it in flames it would result in the same for the resonant items, almost a complete transfer of conditions, it was that kind of resonance.

[Khaaaak! Kgggggagagagagaga!]

As such, the arrows and spears deeply embedded in the monster's body spontaneously covered themselves with Blaze the moment he struck the monster while activating Blaze.


The beast rolled on the ground while screaming in pain.

Well, Ilhan and the knights had suffered a fair bit in order to strike so many dragon bones into its body, so if it didn't roll on the ground after all that, then that would have been a waste of effort. Now was the time to receive compensation for their hard work!


Yu IlHan nodded in satisfaction as he stepped off Aegis again into the air. Leap, re-leap, re-leap, re-leap! As if inputting commands in a game, he activated the skill without the slightest bit of error and broke through to terminal velocity in mere moments.


By adding the weight of the inventory into the hammer slightly, he put a slight spin into his charge.

It would be him who was struck into the ground if he had calculated the angle wrongly, but Ilhan had no hesitation. The result was a clean success! With the speed of the charge still remaining, his body started spinning around in the air. (PR: Drills are a man's romance~~)

"Die already!"

It ended up as a powerful range finisher full of openings! However, the demon beast was still rolling on the ground in pain, and it was in no position to take advantage of the openings. Yu IlHan's spinning hammer struck onto its back!

[Critical Hit!]

[The skill, Critical Hit, has become level 53.]


The hammer weighed hundreds of tons due to the weight transfer, adding the speed and spin on top of that! The demon beast lost its consciousness due to Yu IlHan's finisher attack.

A demon beast of over level 260, fainted, due to a strike from a human less than level 150!


Yu IlHan was scared stiff since the black flames were still burning despite the fact that the demon beast had lost its consciousness, but he clenched his teeth and stood tall despite the DoT(damage over time) that the flames inflicted.

His high fire attribute resistance was made for these kind of moments. Wouldn't he have to deal as much as damage while it was still in a defenseless state? If he shrunk back from these flames, he'd lose such a good opportunity.


Sighing shortly, he raised the hammer in his hand up high.


Then, with a very pure shout, he started striking down onto its body like a madman!

[Critical Hit!]

[Critical Hit!]


The demon beast woke up instantly and screamed horribly, trying to raise its body, before falling back down again due to the vibrations and Blaze from the spears and arrows all over its body.

When its massive body trembled endlessly, the lands shook, and it started raining from the skies as well. The black flames that did not die down from torrential rain, started dying out and Blaze, which only appeared on the moment of Yu IlHan's strike, remained burning. This showed the superior force between the two.

The scene of an apocalyptic beast tens of meters tall, falling down in front of human, was very emotional, but at the same time, very frightening.

The knights, who didn't run away due to being drunk in the atmosphere, also witnessed that scene and shook.



They were met with Yu IlHan's shout, the monster's scream, and the shaking lands. And only after they were hit with the rain from the skies did they regain their cool and reason.

Rebuilding the empire? A new legend? Even if such things existed, they realized that they wouldn't have the chance to do any such things after looking at Yu IlHan. There was only one legendary hero that shined brightly, which was Yu IlHan alone. They wouldn't even be considered as side mobs.

They were dragged in the name of the empire for all their life, and now, they would sink into the abyss along with the empire that met its downfall due to a critical mistake.

They tried to fight against that man? Be his equal? There was a limit to misunderstanding. They were in a completely different league than Yu IlHan, who was pioneering an impossible path alone.

That fact was too agonizing and some knights ended up crying. They had been foolish. However, they will not be given an opportunity to set themselves straight. That, was the price for their foolishness.


[Kihik! Khaaaaa!]

How long did it pass since Yu IlHan started striking down the hammer while not falling back due to the black flames? The monster screamed as it neared its death. Even the monster, which had an explosive amount of lifeforce like its gigantic body, was slowly nearing its limits.

The demon beast, who realized that fact, thought that it will never die like this, and also thought that it had to deal a strike against that damned human.

It desperately gathered mana. The mana that it had accumulated over thousands of years. Although the majority of it had been consumed during battle, there was still enough to blow a small city into bits, and it had gathered that amount of mana into a single point!

As the demon beast had overwhelmingly superior ability than Yu IlHan in regards to handling mana, even Yu IlHan couldn't notice that. Until it gathered right beneath its skin.



It was too late by the time he noticed. No matter how fast Yu IlHan's reflexes were, he couldn't leap amidst of striking down with the hammer. His balance would tilt, and he would end up worse than blocking that attack.


As such, Yu IlHan protected his body with Aegis, and struck down with his hammer with all his might. No matter how strong the wave of mana that assaulted him, he would be able to destroy everything with that strike! This was the first, and last, frontal exchange between the demon beast and Yu IlHan.


Its mana exploded. The hammer with all the remaining mana of Yu IlHan, also spat out Blaze and struck it back.

While the two flames emitted brilliant light, Blaze from the dragon bones all over its body slipped in into its body and weakened its strength.

That was a strangely good timing. Just as the concentrated mana was about to disperse due to the emergency signals from its body, the fire of Blaze overwhelmed the mana and poured down!

[Kuuk, Kuuaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!]

At that moment, something he had experienced before, had happened. The black flames that were snapped in flow by Yu IlHan, was absorbed into the red flames from Yu IlHan's hammer, and flowed back into its body!

[You have achieved another one of the requirements to acquire the active skill, Counter. It is possible to acquire Counter if you fulfill two more requirements.]

As he was focusing all of his mana, muscle power, and nerves into attack, he did not read the message properly. However, he did know that he had taken another step forward.

Against a monster that had lived several times longer than him, despite with a cheat known as 'dragon bone resonance', he had won against it in a mana vs mana battle! His joy right now was inexplicable in words.

[Kihik, Kihiiiiiiiiiiih!]

The demon beast that was just freed after living all its life contract-bound to the empire, realized that its life was nearing the end, and cried in a deep anguish.

However, Yu IlHan did not stop. Yu IlHan, who was exhausted after that exchange, just let go of the hammer and transferred all of the weight of his inventory into the hammer.

The dragon bones stuck all over its body, pressured the demon beast's body with overwhelming weight!


The demon beast screamed with all of its remaining power.

That became its last 'words'.

[You have earned 327,185,406,392 experience.]

[You have become level 144. 4 Strength, 3 Agility, 3 Health, 5 Magic increases.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 267 Volcanic Demon Beast.]

[You have earned the title 'Hero of Fire'. Fire attribute resistance and fire attribute attack increases by 40%.]

[The skill, Blaze, has become level 24. You can now imbue Blaze into several different weapons at once.]

The battle ended. Yu IlHan, who levelled up 3 times at once due to the overwhelming difference in experience points, in fact, a whole digit difference from Elbani, felt his ragged body regenerating and stood there silently.

In fact, he didn't have any strength left to even twitch his pinky finger, have poured every last bit of his power into that hammer strike. He only laughed emptily.

The power of the demon beast he felt at the last moment, was really frightening. He would have dodged if there was the slightest chance of evading, but he couldn't. All he could do was to place his faith into the final hammer strike, and ended up dishing out a stronger attack than ever before. It was rather funny, wasn't it.


When his body regained a little strength, Yu IlHan put the still-steaming hammer into his inventory and raised his head to look at the sky.

Rain poured down endlessly from the murky skies, as if to bless the Hero of Fire that was born from subduing insurmountable fire with flames of a different league altogether.

Yu IlHan threw away the stuffy helmet, and let the raindrops fall onto his skin. His sweaty face was now drenched in rain, but he felt better than before.


Muttering as if resolving to himself, Yu IlHan turned his head around to look at the surroundings. There, were knights looking up to him absent mindedly, with their faces covered in a liquid that was difficult to distinguish from tears or the rain.

It wouldn't be surprising even if any of them ran away, but it was surprising for Yu IlHan that none of them did.

"P..... please."

Someone, opened his mouth to speak.

"Even if you kill us... please let the citizens of the capital, go..."

The knight threw himself onto his knees after finishing his words. Even though that knight was not the leader of the group, all of the rest knelt down one after the other.

Yu IlHan momentarily lost focus. Are these guys acting? Because they want to live? Are they pretending to be some enlightened monks?

It seemed it wasn't. He couldn't believe it, but it seemed that they were being honest.


Yu IlHan sighed, before continuing.

"I should have said from the beginning. The citizens of the capital habour no sin."


"Thank you. Thank you."

These guys were funny from beginning to end. The guys that skinned the people of Earth just on orders, rampaged around against a massive beast when their life was in danger, and now what, they gained insight into the dao or something? They want to throw away everything and be at peace?

Disgusting. He felt too disgusted. He couldn't forgive them.

"Who protects the capital if you guys die? The soldiers with no 2nd class amongst them?"


The knights all raised their heads. Yu IlHan had a look at each one of the knights that numbered less than a thousand, before speaking again.

"You cannot be free. Since you press the wrong button in the beginning, shouldn't you be walking the same path until the very end? I will give you the most cruel punishment. You will be envious of the ones that died!"

The knights became dumbfounded at Yu IlHan's merciless words, and stayed still without being able to reply, when Yu IlHan declared as if it was the truth.

"Your world shall meet the 3rd Great Cataclysm not long from now. Since the majority of the powers from the great empire have perished, you will not be able to win against anyone in the Battle of Competition, and it will become really hard to endure in the future."

His words were all correct. If they didn't have any greed for the possibilities that Earth offered, they would at least be able to resist by gathering power, but the entire empire had met its downfall due to a single pancosmic loner.

As such.

"You shall struggle while looking at a scene where Ferata meets its end due to the karma of your empire. You shall suffer in order to protect the innocent citizens. You shall regret and despair. Do not even think about running away."

While the knights knelt their stiff, while not realizing what he had said, Yu IlHan collected the demon beast's corpse and disappeared.

It took a little more time for the knights to realized that they had survived.

Of course, Yu IlHan was running towards the imperial castle, while in concealment.

"I want to go back quickly."

He was too exhausted whether physically, or mentally. He wanted to sleep in a soft bed while forgetting everything. Should he hug Mir as he sleeps? (PR: why not Liera…) That would be the best.

He returned to the imperial castle much quicker than he had left it. The rain that poured onto the burnt remains of the castle had put out the fire. The grand castle which laid destroyed and drenched in rain was quite the disappointment.


Yu IlHan went to the gate he had come here with. He felt Liera there, and seeing how he couldn't feel any other presences of angels, it seemed that she had finished punishing the traitor.

Of course, he did think that it wouldn't be that guy alone, but finding the rest of the traitors was not his job.

However, just as he arrived at the place, Liera met him with a crying face.

[IlHaaaaaaaaan!] (Liera)

"Wh, what is it? Are you hurt!?"

[No, not me. It's not me....] (Liera)

Said Liera while bawling. Yu IlHan's heart fell, thinking that something had really happened. But the gate looks fine though? It's activated so they could go back at any time, so just what...!

[Mir went to an Abandoned World in order to rescue Kang MiRae! And that gate closed! What should we do??!!!] (Liera)


Mir? Rescuing Kang MiRae? Went over?

[With Erta, Ericia, Flemir, and all the elves! They all followed Mir!]

Yu IlHan's thoughts stopped.

Huh? That doesn't work.


This was the moment Yu IlHan was shocked beyond reason, apart from his dropout on Earth!

Author's notes

It was a bait from quite a long time ago, I wonder you still remember? Active skill, Counter, it's a very hard skill to learn! (T/N: I have no memory of this.)

Yu IlHan's mental state was mentioned quite often, right? Yep. He's not your ordinary twenty year-old guy. Neither is he an enlightened daoist! Just what was the reason he let the knights go? Of course, don't think over it too much. This story, in the end, aims for freshness!

The meaning behind the title revealed!

Translator's notes

New PC broke. So I'll have to slow down on translations… T_T (I'll still translate around 5 chapters per week though…) (I did 8 chapters in three days while the PC wasn't broken, and it broke on the fourth day)

Well, by the time this chapter is uploaded, my new PC maybe fixed…

Yu IlHan and Liera hurriedly left the gate and returned to Earth. Spiera was waiting in front of the underwater dungeon gate.

[You should've heard from Erta, correct?] (Spiera)

[I'm like this because I heard it. Let's hurry!] (Liera)

[Although it's frustrating. There's nothing we can do about it even if we hurry.] (Spiera)

It seems Spiera was coping with the situation more rationally than Liera due to the difference in experience. Although, her fists were clenched tight, showing that what was going on in her heart didn't differ much from Liera!

[The gate has completely closed. There's no method for the Heaven's Army to contact that place as it is an Abandoned World. Now that think about it, there was a different intention behind the Destruction Demon Army's and Army of Brilliant Light's actions.] (Spiera)

[The reason they joined hands? That was in order kidnap our Mir!? Is it because he's cute? I knew it was because he was too cute!] (Liera)

Liera shouted in a fit of rage. Yu IlHan smacked her on the head to calm her down.

"I heard that Mir entered in order to save Miss MiRae. If so, their objective should not have been him but her."

[To be exact, it's Na YuNa, who's in the same clan as her. The woman who received the blessing of the Goddess of Beauty.] (Spiera)

[Oh, that woman, I see....] (Liera)

Liera's eyes narrowed. Looking at that, Yu IlHan asked.

"What, you expected that to happen?"

[Um, yeah. I did think that she might become a target some day.] (Liera)

Liera shrugged as she spoke.

[And by everyone except Heaven's Army.] (Liera)

"What, does that woman have the power to destroy a world or something?"

[No, that's not it. She received the blessing of the Goddess of beauty. That is enough of a reason for them to target her. It's also the reason why Feyta stuck to her quite early on as well.] (Liera)

[Yes. If there's anyone to aim for on Earth, it would've been that woman.] (Spiera)

Yu IlHan silently looked at the two angels and requested for more explanation. Perhaps due to having accepted the fact that they couldn't rescue Mir, Liera explained with a sigh.

[...She's the woman who was blessed by the Goddess of Beauty. To add on, the head of the Army of Brilliant Light, Destruction Demon Army, and the Garden of Sunset, are all male.] (Liera)

"But, huh?"

He understood the situation to a certain point after hearing that, but he didn't want to understand precisely because of that, when Liera declared.

[She would become even prettier once she becomes a higher existence, right? Perhaps she'd become unprecedentedly beautiful across all worlds. Although it's annoying and frustrating, she'd probably become prettier than me.] (Liera)

[She'll definitely become prettier than you, Liera. No, perhaps if it's you, who received a not-inferior blessing...] (Spiera)

[Waaaaaaah! Shut up! Shut uuuuup!] (Liera) (PR: Blessing of the goddess of love <3)

"So these guys are trying to..."

While the angels fought due to reasons unknown to Yu IlHan, he knocked on the door of truth with an empty voice.

"…..raise her up and eat her?"

[Uh, yeah….. Something like that.] (Liera)

Yu IlHan felt despair.

"Dammit, that's the lowest-level problem I could think of in my head, I'm really surprised!"

[We also thought that it may become like that, but never did we think it would actually happen.] (Liera)

[I'm sorry, Yu IlHan. I'm sorry for making you listen to a story with a C rate plot...] (Spiera)

He couldn't help but be annoyed after knowing that the head of the transcender groups put on a show just to kidnap a single woman when he had just saved Earth from crisis. And Mir was caught up in this too!

[We do not know how things played out for her to be in danger of being kidnapped. Even if we do find out, there's nothing much we can do.] (Spiera)

Was it just him that felt Spiera's words were too cold? Perhaps that was how angels fundamentally viewed humans. Yu IlHan was thinking that when Liera shouted.

[What's more important than that is Mir! I'll see to Erta if she doesn't bring back Mir safely!] (Liera)

[The world Erta headed to is an Abandoned World. We have to worry about her safety as well.] (Spiera)

Worry began to cloud Ilhan's heart.

Didn't he know about Abandoned Worlds well? Leaving aside Kiroa, where the wolfkin lived, what if that world had a force that equalled to half, no, a quarter of Dareu? Moreover, they wouldn't be able to escape easily if this was the joint scheme of Destruction Demon Army and Army of Brilliant Light!

"I think I should head to the scene first. I need to get information from the people there!"

[Yu IlHan, I understand your worries. However, there's something we must do before that.] (Spiera)

What Spiera pointed to was the gate that Liera and Yu IlHan just exited from. The black vortex that still connected Ferata with Earth, was emitting ominous light under the water.

"Yeah, we need to destroy that."

Since he had destroyed the very foundations of the empire, he would never have to meet Ferateans again once he destroyed the gate. Perhaps he'd meet them again in the Battle of Competition, but since their schemes had failed, he only needed to crush them again.

The gate dissipated soon with the combined attack from Yu IlHan, Liera, and Spiera. The three of them, who had now completely dissolved the crisis, rushed out from the atlantic and headed to New York.

[It's there! It looks like quite the mess at a glance!]

While quickly skipping past the unknown streets of New York, Liera shouted while pointing with her hand. When Yu IlHan followed her hand, he could really see tens of skyscrapers collapsed like a domino.

[I can see humans as well. Well, it's not like they can rest easy just because the gate had closed... huh?] (Spiera)

Spiera tilted her head. Yu IlHan also realized the reason a little after her. The gate shrunk into a single large ashen-colored spherical ball. There was a group of monsters that were facing against the humans.

It was none other than the wolfkin under Ericia. Since Ericia entered the gate after Mir, it was no wonder that the wolfkin were protecting that place.

"There we go."

Yu IlHan landed on that place that was a battlefield not long before, without hesitation. When he showed himself after dispelling his concealment, the people that protected that place shrunk to the side.

"He's here."

"It really is him. Sheesh, he shows up as suddenly as ever."

"Just what was he doing until now?"

"Quiet, he might know something. Perhaps he might do something about this situation."

Without caring what the people were whispering about, he headed towards the wolfkin. The strongest wolf in that place left the group and approached Yu IlHan, before turning into humanoid. This guy had received the blessing of the moon.

"I greet Yu IlHan-nim. I'm Layutinu."

"Ah, yeah."

The wolfkin greeted formally. Yu IlHan nodded and went straight to topic.

"So, tell me how they entered the gate like sausages."


Hearing Yu IlHan's words, Layutinu started off by sighing. Perhaps it was just him, but it seemed that all the wolves were sighing as well. The sighs were filled with rage.

The story that started off like that was quite short and spectacular.

The battle against the Abandoned World was advantageous for the humans side from the very beginning.

The elite thousand wolves with the 4th class Flemir in the head, and the elves clad in legend ranked equipments, and a genius in magic and concealment despite being 2nd class, Mir, all became a great help, but above all, the install-style weapons that Yu IlHan had given Kang MiRae through Erta, had all shined.

The Front Line Alliance, with Lightning God clan as the center, synchronized their rhythms, and lead the flow of battle, while the 3rd class monsters that poured out from the Abandoned World were wiped out one after the other, and the morale of the human side broke through the max. They overwhelmed the battle with almost no casualties at all.

It didn't take long for the monster forces to become even more insane. It was probably because there was a traitor among the angels on this side, that told the other side about the situation. It seemed that the rush became insane as if all the strongest monsters from that worlds was gathered and pushed through the gate.

The humans first panicked due to the sudden increase in monster forces, but they still resisted calmly. At this point, Yu IlHan's install-style weapons showed their true might. All weapons including ballistas and harpoons, had an emergency self-destruction function!

[IlHan, why do you start off by making everything explode once it's an emergency?] (Liera)

"Layutinu, continue."

Explosions everywhere and mass extinction of monsters! Ericia formed the group of wolves like a spear, and charged whenever the monsters looked weaker. This was only possible for Ericia, who held ultimate control over the wolves.

Thanks to the humans knowing that they were Yu IlHan's underlings, and cooperating with them, they could somehow resist against a super wave of over 50 thousand 3rd class monsters alone.

"They held out against 50 thousand 3rd classes? The humans did grow up quite quick."

"They would have failed if not for the control of Ericia-nim and Flemir's powers. Oh, Yu IlHan-nim's weapons included."

However, it was true that the human side's forces did rise quite fast. Yu IlHan felt the effect of himself and Vanguard on Earth anew. However, it was then the wolf sighed.

"At that moment, Yumir-nim cast magic."

"Huh? Why does Mir appear here?"

"The reason behind the massive monster wave was not to wipe out the humans, but to cause chaos. What they tried to do in that chaos, was to kidnap Na YuNa."

A 4th class monster that trained in concealment to the extreme, tried to kidnap Na YuNa. However, Yumir, who saw through the concealment before it had succeeded, had cast magic to prevent it, and when its figure appeared, Kang MiRae, who was fighting nearby, had realized its presence instantly and charged towards it.

The problem started here.

The 4th class monster failed in kidnapping Na YuNa due to Yumir. However, at that point, Na YuNa and Kang MiRae were already being swayed by the monsters. They ended up falling into the gate.

However, Yumir grabbed onto Kang MiRae's sleeves and entered with her before anyone could say anything, and Ericia, who noticed that, told that to everyone. A few of the super elite wolves, including Flemir, threw their bodies into the gate, and the elves followed in. Erta, who noticed that a little after, also rushed into the gate.

"Erta-nim's last words were 'Tch, I can't help it'."

[That sounds as if Erta died!] (Liera)

Screamed Liera, but currently, she was hiding her presence against lower existences other than Yu IlHan. There was no way the wolf would hear her.

[So Erta's fault was big for not seeing to Mir properly.] (Spiera)

[And so? What about the gate? Why did it close?] (Liera)

When Yu IlHan asked about that, the wolf gritted its teeth while it spoke.

"I'm sure that their target was Na YuNa from the beginning. After they were swept into the gate, the gate suddenly started decreasing in size. The allied angels panicked and gathered towards the gate, but the situation was already out of their hands. One of them said it was as if the world was completely closing itself.

[The world is completely closing itself? Like the Earth before the Great Cataclysm? How is that even possible?] (Liera)

Asked Liera. However, who would know the answer to something that even she, a 6th class, doesn't know the answer to? The group fell silent, and Yu IlHan sighed while muttering.

"Dammit. Angels are of no help after all..."

[Oh yeah, what about Feyta? What happened to her?] (Liera)

[Didn't I say it? She was the traitor. Although I do not know whether she was one from the beginning or she had turned into one mid way, it seemed Erta had killed her.] (Spiera)

[Aha, I knew she was useless!] (Liera)

"Angels are of no help after all!"

That was the end of the explanation. Even while panicking, the humans first hunted all of the monsters that were freed on Earth, and Yu IlHan had arrived when that had ended.

"This is driving me insane."

Although he did think that it would become slightly dangerous, never did he think that Yumir, who was so strong, would enter an Abandoned World on his own accord. Although Yu IlHan himself had also done it, he knew how dangerous it was precisely because he had.

He felt thankful for Ericia. It was thanks to her that Yumir's reinforcements went over. If it wasn't for her, Yu IlHan would have been more worried right now. Well, he was plenty worried right now too.

And Erta, he couldn't forgive her. She would pay for it once she comes back. And as such, he wished for her to safely come back.

Yu IlHan absent mindedly looked at the ashen colored ball of magic power that remained in place of the gate, and spoke.

"Liera, please do something."

[I can't do anything.] (Liera)

"If you can open the gate, I'll do everything I can."

[...Okay, I'll try. But please keep your promise.] (Liera)

Liera gulped and took out a spear from her embrace. Spiera calmed her down by chopping on her head with her hand.

[There's nothing you can do. You will only drain strength.] (Spiera)

[But IlHan said!] (Liera)

[It is impossible. If there is any possibilities, it is exiting from inside that world.] (Spiera)

Exiting from inside that world? In a world where both the Destruction Demon Army and the Army of Brilliant Light, are influencing? Mir, by himself? Yu IlHan smiled bitterly.

A sense of powerlessness assaulted his body. He had just cleaned up Ferata, but now it came to this…

He shouldn't have sent them after all. If he made them wait for him in the house, then this wouldn't have happened. It was Yu IlHan's fault for sending them to such a dangerous place. He had misjudged the risks.

And when he came to that conclusion, his mentality that held out well even in Ferata, had cracked. Although Yu IlHan could become stronger endlessly against crisis and danger unto himself, thinking about how he lost his important ones due to his misjudgement, the force had instantly broke through the limits of his spirit.

His mouth automatically muttered powerless words.

"Whoa… this doesn't make sense...."

Spiera and Liera barely held him from collapsing on the spot. This would be fine at his house, but right now, the clan masters of various clans were looking at him. There would be nothing good by showing his weak side.

[IlHan, let's make the wolves wait here, and have some sleep at home. I'm also very worried about Mir, but I'm worried about you even more. You really pushed yourself today, didn't you? So let's rest first. Let's think about it after that, okay?] (Liera)

[That is right, Yu IlHan. I'll watch over this place, so go rest with Liera.] (Spiera)

Yu IlHan barely held on. Looking around, everyone was looking at him. The situation looked very messy. The war had ended prematurely. And they were all waiting for the one to end it all.

"This place will be guarded by the wolves."

Yu IlHan spoke in a powerless voice.

"Even if the gate opens again, I'll guard this place myself. So, the battle had ended. Please go home. Prepare for the 2nd Great Cataclysm."

The people all sighed. Even though Yu IlHan was no ruler above them, they all believed in Yu IlHan's words. Like this, the short, but violent battle, had ended and the people of Earth that protected Earth, dispersed after paying their respects to others.

Even Michael Smithson of Metal Knights obediently lead his clan back home, and Yu IlHan was quite emotional to see that he was worried about Kang MiRae even on his way back. It was perhaps more correct to say that he had felt a sense of sympathy, since they were in the same situation.

[Yu IlHan, rest well. Leave the rest to me, and these weak wolves.] (Spiera)

"Do you want me to leave it to you or not?"

Yu IlHan laughed at Spiera's words, and whispered to Layutinu to take care of this place. Layutinu seriously nodded and returned to wolf form.

That was the last. Yu IlHan headed back to Korea with Liera's hand in his, and he took care of his equipment and washed himself, before falling asleep.

However, the moment he completely fell asleep, greentext started explosively appearing on his retina as it had waited for him to sleep.

[Yumir has become level 100. Yumir evolves into Immature Bl****d dragon.] 1

[The power of Dragon-man resonance becomes stronger due to the contractor, Yumir's, growth, and it becomes possible to activate Dragonic Blood!]

[The skill, Rule, has become level 23 due to growth of subordinates!]

[The skill, Rule, has become level 25 due to growth of subordinates!]

[The skill, Rule, has become level 28 due to growth of subordinates!]

That, was an array of miracles that can never happen continuously, but unfortunately, Yu IlHan was asleep, and could not see those messages.

However, fortunately for him, this storm of records was merely the beginning of true growth. Although, only Yumir and co. knew what was happening in that Abandoned World!

Author's notes

Men are the same whether it's young, old, lower existence or higher existence….

The 'higher ups' also invest while looking at potential. This is not about stocks!

Loners are sensitive to losing what they have! Shush!

Liera must be crying blood since the situation isn't right even though the two are alone!

Bl****ed dragon. I don't have to tell you what it stands for! Son must inherit from the father!

When Kang MiRae opened her eyes again, she was in an Abandoned World.

"Hi, kind noona!"

In front of her eyes was a young child that had an adorable outlook, he looked rather familiar. Mir was looking at her with his two round eyes, when Kang MiRae came to herself, she recognized him and greeted him.

"Hello, Mir."

Yumir, the monster that Yu IlHan raises, and probably cherishes too much. And also, the one that looked like Ilhan too much. However, when she looked at him for a long time, he spoke while turning his head around as if embarrassed.

"I think that noona is gonna die soon."

"Ugu, hagu, hugu....!"

"Huh? Ah!"

Kang MiRae finally realized that she was embracing Na YuNa tightly. She had dragged her towards herself due to the fear of getting separated while being transported through the gate, but it seemed that she had lost her consciousness on her way here.

And that was probably also why Na YuNa was suffering too, because she was grabbing onto her too tightly.


"Cough, cough cough....."

When Kang MiRae let go, Na YuNa coughed as she beat her ample chest. Kang MiRae felt a little angry at her blatant show of femininity, but Yumir looked at Na YuNa's chest area as if curious. That figure was so cute that she felt better.

"Na YuNa, are you alright?"

"My heart wavered thanks to MiRae's violent cuddle. I even thought that it would be fine to die like that!"

"Shut up."

Kang MiRae pushed Na YuNa aside and looked at the surroundings. Surprisingly, it was a forest with a dense amount of trees.

"You should have realized it the moment ape like monsters came out of the gate."

"Don't read my thoughts."

There were no monsters in the surroundings. No, to be exact, there were no enemy monsters around. Including allies, there were: Mir, four wolves that were watching the perimeter, and four 'people' who were clearly armed with Yu IlHan-made equipment.

"How did it become like this?"

[Mir hid everyone with his concealment and brought you here. It really is an absurd talent.] (Erta)

Oh, and one more. There was a mini-sized angel that looked to be around 15 cm tall at most. It was Erta, the delivery girl that came to her on Yu IlHan's request.

Na YuNa, who also found her, asked curiously.

"Angel-niiim, do you know where Feyta iiiis?"

[I know very well. I killed her.] (Erta)

Answered Erta in kind.

[That bitch was the traitor in Heaven's Army that sucked up to the Army of Brilliant Light. The reason you were kidnapped was also due to that bitch's help, but you were done in like a fool without knowing a thing, weren't you?] (Erta)


Replied Na YuNa in liveliness before becoming somewhat dejected.

"I thought she was a kind kid..."

"I was instead worried that you trusted that angel too easily."

Unlike her naive and air-headed appearance, Na YuNa didn't trust in others that easily. Due to her innate beauty, she had met with blatant greed and lust from her childhood. If it wasn't for her family, she wouldn't have been able to grow up while remaining purely.

However, she had believed in Feyta. Despite it being Kang MiRae, who knew her better than anyone else, she found it hard to believe.

"But she's an angel."

Was Na YuNa's answer. Kang MiRae sighed, and Erta smiled bitterly.

[I apologize for not being able to provide you with unconditional trust. Humans are supposed to trust in the angels, and angels are suppose to deliver on the trust... this is the natural relationship, but from some time ago, it's been going wrong.] (Erta)

Na YuNa looked towards Erta before whispering to Kang MiRae with a worried tone.

"Can I believe in this angel-nim?"

"You can."

Kang MiRae said in a confident voice.

"This angel is sent by IlHa... Mr. Yu IlHan."


Na YuNa looked at Kang MiRae with inexplicable eyes, and Kang MiRae blushed a little and avoided her gaze. Erta thought that they got along nicely while watching the two.

[If you came to yourself, then let's move. The gate has closed, and this world was isolated. You will not be able to go back to the worlds you were connected to. As such, we need to hold out until we can open the gate back to Earth.] (Erta)

"When can we do that?"

Kang MiRae asked while palming her forehead after confirming that she could indeed not move to the world she was connected to. Erta replied in a bright voice.

[There are two problems. First, it is that this world is completely isolated from other worlds, and secondly, it is extremely hard to open a path back to Earth even if it weren't.] (Erta)

"I'll do anything that I can do. What can we do in order to solve those problems?"

[We cannot do anything about the first problem with our power. If there is a definite fact, it is that this world will not stay like this forever. As such, we need to solve the second problem for the time being….the first problem will naturally resolve itself] (Erta)

Kang MiRae's vision darkened due to those words. They had to wait an indefinite amount of time until this world was no longer isolated? A lot of things would have happened to Earth by then! Although Kang HaJin was left on the other side, it would be hard for him alone to endure in the changing Earth.

Moreover, if they couldn't go back for so long, how could she, with that person…

"I think I know."

Just as a certain person's face was about to be drawn inside Kang MiRae's head, The innate genius at magic, Yumir, shouted with his hand raised.


Kang MiRae became slightly afraid when hearing Yumir saying that with a bright smile. However, the four armed people that stayed silent until now, shouted in exclamation.

"As expected of the Imperial Prince."

"Ah, I'm feeling reassured now. It's as if I'm with His Majesty himself."

"It's us who need to protect the Imperial Prince. Do you wanna all die?"

It seemed that they were hired in order to protect Yumir. Although she didn't know why they were treating Yu IlHan's family like royalty….. Kang MiRae confirmed with Erta.

"So, what is the method?"

[Massacre. Mir got it right.] (Erta)

"Wow. Mir is so smart."



While Na YuNa and Yumir exchanged similar smiles, Kang MiRae, the only unconvinced one here, shouted from the bottom of her heart. Of course, Erta explained in kind.

[As this is an Abandoned World, the angels belonging to the Heaven's Army cannot use their powers here. However, if we are given an enough number of magic stones, I can create a gate activation magic formation.] (Erta)

"And how many do you mean by 'enough number of magic stones'?"

[Using level 130 3rd classes as the standard, around 100 thousand.] (Erta)

Really, it seemed that they needed to conduct a massacre on the scale of the entire world!

"Fuu….. Hap."

Kang MiRae sighed due to the absurd scale of the magic, before coming to herself and tapping on her own cheeks. It was too early to despair. As long as they had the hope to go back to Earth, she couldn't stay still.

Yumir was staring at her. Kang MiRae finally remembered that Yumir was grabbing on to her as she was swept into the gate. He, had followed her here in worry. Even though it was unknown whether they could go back or not.

Thinking back, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't even have known the fact that they were trying to kidnap Na YuNa, and would have been defeated after they entered the gate. It was probably due to that reason that Na YuNa was also off guard against him.

"Mir, thank you."


Yumir nodded. Then smiled nonchalantly. Even though the current situation was quite serious, Kang MIRae ended up smiling with him. She thought how good it would be if she had a little brother like him.

With a lightened heart, she opened her mouth.

"Mir, we can go back, right?"


Yumir nodded confidently and said this. Perhaps Kang MiRae would never forget these words in her lifetime.

"It's much easier compared to what my dad did! So we can do it!"

And like that, a party comprised of: two humans, four wolves, one dragon, and one angel, started a worldwide hunt.

The first half a year was the hardest. As Yumir's concealment was not yet perfect, they were sometimes found by monsters, and when they were, they had to desperately clean up those monsters and leave that place as soon as possible. That, repeated countless times within the first half a year.

As the entire world was their enemy, there was no place they could rest easy in. Battle was everyday life, and the longest rest they had amounted to 3 hours.

However, no one complained. All people other than Yumir had experienced their own hell to grow up, and as Yumir had the Resting skill from birth, his condition was the greatest among them all.

Battle continued endlessly. Fortunately, their job distributions were very balanced, and they could win against both a small force of elites, and a large amount of monsters.

Phiria, with her thief-class, took charge of scouting, and the four wolves with the 4th class Flemir at their head, and Mirey who wielded a shield and a greatsword, along with Jirl blocked the monsters at the front, and Pate, who wielded the bow, would control.

Kang MiRae would receive protection from them and clean the battlefield up with strong magic completed with a lot of time, and Na YuNa would strengthen everyone as the priestess.

The greatest fortune was that they had brought a spatial expansion bag from Kang MiRae's clan. Inside it was full of mana potions which MiRae had acquired from negotiations and threats with numerous alchemy guilds in the world she went to. It wasn't just 'full', it made one wonder if she stole their entire supply!

The group grew rapidly. Among them, Yumir achieved 3rd class the fastest among the 2nd class members, and grew up to look like an 11 year-old from a 7 year-old. The others blessed his growth with a complex mind comprising both happiness and sadness.

"It's fine since he's still cute. Although I'll be a little sad if he grows anymore, it's still fine since he's cute."

Everyone agreed with Na YuNa's words. He wasn't cute because he was young, he was cute because he was Yumir!

Although Yumir was still cute after the growth, his draconic side appeared more along with his class acquisition, and grew stronger. Especially, like his class name, his concealment skills and magic skills were enhanced, and it looked like he was catching up to Yu IlHan.

Erta was tearfully happy to see that, and was shocked to find out then, that she missed Yu IlHan quite dearly.

Ericia acquired her 3rd class after Yumir, and acquired a stronger blessing ability and the overall strength of the wolfkin rose, with the elves achieving 3rd class a little after her. Na YuNa and Kang MiRae also acquired their 3rd classes with no difficulty after some time.

That, took them half a year. There was no need for countless years of harsh training or whatnot. Just suffering in an environment with enemies everywhere would naturally make them into 3rd class beings!

The stronger they got, the stronger Yu IlHan's equipment got, and some of them became sturdier and stronger even though they didn't undergo any repairs. They grew along with the record of the user!

However, they couldn't adapt easily in the Abandoned World just because they became 3rd classes.

The monsters under Destruction Demon Army went around in tens of thousands in order to kidnap Na YuNa, and the group had to undergo countless guerilla warfare until they could massacre such a group. When another group came as reinforcements, they almost despaired.

A hardcore life with 10 minutes of sleep was the basics. Yumir had to try his best in order to include all of his companions into his concealment, and his innate talent along with the harsh environment rapidly raised his concealment skill.

However, a miracle occurred at the point one and a half years passed.

[The skill, Concealment, has become level 90! You are now able to conceal yourself faster and more secretively.]

[You have earned the title, 'Big and wide shadow'. The range of concealment applied to the allies become wider, and the effect rises as well. The effect rises if an ally has a concealment-class ability.]

Yumir's new title reversed the situation. As his concealment developed in a way to cover both himself and his party members, he had acquired a title that enhanced such an ability, and that, made the group into attackers from escapees!

To describe Yumir and co after the title, it could be said that a group of inferior Yu IlHan version 2.0s were going around. The monsters had to shiver in fear of being assaulted at any time, and Yumir and co could leisurely conceal themselves after an all out attack.

Of course, it didn't work so well against 4th class beings, but by that time, they could kill a 4th class being by combining their strength, so it wasn't that big of a problem. This was excluding the 4th class Flemir!

In other words, Yumir's party could now fight against two 4th class beings on equal footing.

Did this mean that all 4th class monsters went around in threes or more? Unfortunately, not all monsters were as clever as dragons.

There were less than 100 4th class beings in this world, and they had very large egos, and unlike the dragons, never grouped with other 4th classes. As such, they all vaporized into experience points for Yumir and co, one after the other.

After 2 years passed since their entry into this Abandoned World, their group brought disaster to this world.

Excluding Flemir and two third class wolves that came here, everyone's level averaged out at 130, and the monsters wished for them to leave, but the group hunted monsters even more proactively.

The Destruction Demon Army and the Army of Brilliant Light beings residing in that world ended up completely giving up. The fact that higher existences couldn't use their powers applied to them as well.

In the first place, they thought that it would be enough with 4th class monsters, but the presence of Yumir had made everything go wrong. Yes, everything was doomed, completely, and perfectly.

Now, they only wanted to return to their camps. They also couldn't return because the world was closed. However, as the world was still tightly closed, they could only wait obediently, and in that meanwhile, Yumir and co caused chaos everywhere and were pulling out the roots of monsters from this Abandoned World.

When 9 months passed, the world finally exited its isolation and acquired a possibility to be connected to another world.

The Destruction Demon Army and the Army of Brilliant Light exited first, and Yumir's group also succeeded in opening a magic formation to go back to Earth by consuming magic stones.

"What do we do, what if Korea already met its doom? Can we really adapt well?"

"What are you worried about when Mr. Yu IlHan is there? Moreover, not to mention Korea, there should be no one who levelled up as fast as us, noooo?"

"That's true, but….."

Kang MIRae couldn't stay still now that they were actually returning, but Na YuNa calmed her down with her ever-relaxed attitude.

Other than that, Flemir and the elite wolves sighed in relief as they had managed to protected Ericia safely, while Ericia and the elves also sighed in relief that they had protected Yumir.

Erta was purely happy that she could go back to Earth and meet Yu IlHan, and Yumir was happy, thinking that he had caught up to his father a little.

"Let's go see dad!"

"Yeah, let's."

Like how they first came to this Abandoned World, Yumir lead everyone.

The group jumped into the gate with chaotic minds including worry and joy, and returned to Earth.

Only 10 days had passed on Earth.

Author's notes

Like father, like son.

10 days? what happened?

Ertawagon anywhere.

I thought about writing three or four chapters about Mir's actions, but compressed it into one as this story is supposed to write about the chronicles of Yu IlHan. If this was an ordinary story, Yumir or Kang MiRae should have been the protagonist….

No matter how OP Mir is, he can't break through level 100 in one day! I was surprised to see so many people accept that fact….

Thanks for the wait, countdown to 2nd Great Cataclysm!

Translator's notes

Guess how many days they spent in another world.

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

[The skill, Rule, has become level 30 due to the growth of your subordinates.]

The moment Yu IlHan opened his eyes after sleeping nicely thanks to Liera's embrace-and-lullaby combo, he saw the notification.

"Eh? What?"

Yu IlHan blinked twice or three times before realizing what situation he was in. Yumir and his subordinates were growing rather rapidly at this moment!

Hurriedly checking his own status, Yu IlHan found out it wasn't only the Rule skill, but Dragon-man resonance and Dragonic blood that had also risen in level.

Mir was alive. And he was growing! Pretty quickly as well!

"I thought the world was closed off….. so it's still in contact with the Akashic Record?"

If not, there was no way Yu IlHan's own record would be updates just because of their growth. Thinking up to there, Yu IlHan hurriedly checked his Rule skill.

To be exact, he was checking the status of his subordinates through it, and that method came back as a nice success.

[Subordinates connected through Rule skill : Yumir, Mirey, Pate, Jirl, Phiria, Ericia]

"...Good, they're all alive."

A small sigh of relief. If they were all alive, he could probably say that the others were safe as well. Although he didn't know when they could meet again, he was relieved that they were still alive.

'Since the forces on that side should have been weakened due to the battle on Earth, they should be able to endure well. Definitely.'

Although he didn't know that less than 10% came out of the gate, but for now, not knowing was better for him.

"I'm hungry now."

Now that his worry for Yumir and co died down, a sense of hunger came with it.

Just as he was about to sit up from his bed while loathing his own body for being true to his desires, he found out that he couldn't move due to Liera sticking to him.

[Uuuuuum. Ehi, Uhuhu.]

"Eeei, this failure of an angel."

Yu IlHan freed himself from Liera's arms and legs which were coiled around his chest and leg respectively, before rolling this embarrassing angel that had stuck to him in her sleep.

It seemed that she had clung to him for ages, as her scent seemed to linger on his body. He had to put in quite a lot of effort in order to calm down his red face.

No matter how close they were… sometimes, he didn't know how Liera thought of him from her actions. Sighing lightly, he stood up and stretched himself.

"Well then."

Let's eat and cheer up. Was what he thought as he opened his inventory when…

[The skill, Rule, has become level 31 due to the growth of your subordinates.]


The skill rose just now, but it levelled up again? Just how many monsters were they facing? He blinked again in shock.

However, the skill growth didn't end with just that. After he ate lunch, after he finished his smithing at night, even as he laid down to sleep! Just as he was about to forget, the skill level of Rule rose and never once failed to make Yu IlHan dumbfounded.

[Isn't it possible if you think that they are killing 100 3rd class monsters in 1 second? You have 6 subordinates so 16 each per second….. Hm, it's impossible if it's not IlHan huh.] (Liera)

"It's also impossible for me without the remote collection."

Of course, not to mention remote collection, the ones that went to another world didn't even have an inventory. Just what was happening to them? Of course, there was no way of knowing. He could only ask once they met up!

His everyday life without Yumir and the other subordinates made him think back to his dropout period. As there were no other angels than Liera, it reminded him even more of that period.

Was it due to that? He also felt that time was flowing faster as well.

[They are all in a mess talking about the 2nd Great Cataclysm.] (Liera)

"Vanguard's popularity is rising as well."

The day of the battle against the Abandoned World, Yu IlHan had mentioned the 2nd Great Cataclysm, and the effect was huge.

The people of Earth were scared stiff after knowing that this already chaotic Earth would become even more chaotic, as they wished to raise their power and sense of security by several notches. As such, they all wished to trade with Vanguard, whose weapons showed amazing might in both personal weapons and install-style weapons.

Of course, there were many people that wanted to surpass Vanguard. Many companies thought that they could surpass Vanguard by fusing Earthen weapon development techniques and the weapon crafting skills of the Akashic Record, but that matter wasn't as easily done as said.

Leaving aside nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs that easily killed numerous humans prior to killing monsters, chemical and biological weapons that showed enormous might in wars between human beings did not work against monsters at all.

Going over to firearms, pistols only worked against 1st classes, and heavy arms could barely defeat a 2nd class. And this was assuming that the monsters stood still and got their weak points struck.

There were many problems as well in regards to non-nuclear explosive warheads; small-scale warheads were useless, and bigger scale warheads caused human deaths as well. moreover, the monsters had a much higher resistance to all kinds of gunpowder.

Decisively, even missiles that flew at over mach 10 would be useless unless it exploded right in front of the monsters' faces and the majority could avoid them so large scale weapons were mostly useless.

Since things came to there, mankind turned their eyes into new materials that Earth had acquired due to the Great Cataclysm, but there was no way creating new weapons with new materials, was easy.

If so, who on Earth was able to do all that? Yes, there was only Vanguard! As such, the more they failed, the higher Vanguard's name rose.

[Vanguard makes weapons by extorting aliens]

Was how people joked around after the battle with the Abandoned World. As weapons that couldn't be seen even in other worlds, not to mention Earth, were popping out one after the other, it was natural for such things to be said. While in truth, it was all thanks to high level monster materials, Eternal Flame, and the max levelled blacksmithing!

On the 3rd day after Yumir and co were swept into the Abandoned World, Yu IlHan had safely undergone the 2nd advanced weapons trade, and became a globally wealthy man.

As he had overflowing amount of cash, in this trade, he didn't only trade with cash, but with monster materials from those over 2nd class, buildings or land. But after he did receive it, it was a pain to manage all of them so he left them all alone. They weren't that important to Yu IlHan anyway.

It was also then that he met up with Kang HaJin.

After the advanced weapons trade was over, the two headed to a clearing in Gangnam; the place where the gate connecting to Kiroa, the home of the wolves, was located.

"Are you alright?"

"To be honest, I'm not."

Kang HaJin made a bitter smile. But even this was better than before. When they met in New York, he was so absent minded that he couldn't even call out to him. No, well, to be exact, it should be said that Yu IlHan also wasn't in the mind to do that.

"But we can't stay still forever... If it was MiRae or YuNa in my place, they would have also done this."

Instead of saying something irresponsible like 'since my subordinates are alive, it's possible that your friend and sister might be alive as well', he silently listened to him.

"Since the transference of land possession was completed smoothly, I was about to talk about it to you. And before that."

Kang HaJin bowed his head towards Yu IlHan in apology.

"Mr. Yu IlHan's subordinates were caught up in this due to my sister. I'm very sorry."

"You don't need to be, it was their own decision."

Kang HaJin also relaxed a little at Yu IlHan's honest reply. 'Is that so?' he asked before stepping back a little and asked.

"I heard the monsters you are ruling were also caught up in this. Although I'm sorry to ask this, can we still believe in those wolves?"

"Well, of course they'd leave my control if Ericia dies."

"If so….."

"I'll take responsibility for everything, so you don't need to worry about that."

"...Thank you, and I'm very sorry."

This was probably what he wanted to hear in the first place. Yu IlHan pitied Kang HaJin as he had to act like this since his sister was swept into an Abandoned World, it wasn't like he didn't understand him at all, he didn't say anything.

At that moment, Kang HaJin opened his mouth again.

"May I ask one more thing?"

"What is it?"

"Do you have any plans on what you're going to do on this land here? If there's anything we can help you with….."

"Oh, no. I do have something to do, but I will not be needing your help."

Said Yu IlHan as he smiled.

"I'm planning to build a house."

"A house... you say?"

"Since I'm building one, I'm planning to make a big mansion."


"Yes, alone."

Kang HaJin's face colored in confusion and doubt. Meanwhile, Yu IlHan's smile became thicker. He spoke with strong conviction and expectation.

"Before they come back, I'm planning to build a grand mansion."

Although it was good to build a mansion, there was something else he had to make before that.

Which was, of course, the item that he even created a blueprint for while 'running' towards South America, wings! The wings with thousands or tens of thousands of thin feathers would become a perfect support type equipment that helps out in regard to battle, defense, and even mobility.

In fact, he was planning to craft it using dragon bones when he drew the blueprint, but after acquiring the level 267 volcanic demon beast corpse, his plan changed. To be specific, he changed his mind after finding a 4th class magic stone near its heart while dismantling it.

[Wow, this is really amazing...] (Liera)

Even Liera exclaimed after looking at that. The magic stone emitted a mysterious light, and was so big that it was unbelievable that it came out from a lower existence! Leaving aside the fact that vicious poison and curse dwelled in it, and was hard to even hold onto it, the magic stone was the manifestation of perfection itself.

"Good, I shall create the wings with this guy's magic stone and bones."

[How about creating a weapon since the magic stone is this good?] (Liera)

"Then let's start!"

[Hey! Don't ignore me!] (Liera)

Although he did decide after only looking at its heart, its bones were the best as well. its blackish-red bones from skull to toe bones made him wonder what it must have eaten for it to become so hard.

If there was one drawback, it was that not to mention processing, even cutting it was very difficult. Although the demon beast's bones were metallic like the dragons, perhaps due to its ability while it was living, it had a perverse characteristic of absorbing fire up to a certain level, and even became even harder through it.

As even Eternal Flame couldn't melt it down no matter how many magic stones he fed it, he called out the purple flames from his Eight-tailed dragon spear, added Blaze, and covered that with the Eternal Flame and fused them into one. Only then could he barely melt it down. As Yu IlHan himself had no mana potions, this process was very tiring.

The It was impossible to completely melt down the demon beast's bones, and even if it did melt, it solidified almost instantly, so Yu IlHan had to craft the artifact with the mindset, and actions of that of a beast aiming for prey.

Yu IlHan's carving knife, hammer, chisel and anvil all perfectly harmonized with each other to craft the demon beast's bones little by little. That scene, was really, was so cool that it was a little bit of a pity for Liera alone to watch it. As Liera liked watching Yu IlHan holding the hammer the most from before, this period of time was like a blessing to her.

Of course, she couldn't just play around. She had to support him in the process.

[IlHan, that place is solidifying!] (Liera)


[There, a little below! It's sticking!] (Liera)


The battle that was even more difficult than killing the demon beast itself, continued for almost three days before it ended. Exactly 7,867 blade feathers and the skeleton frame that connected all of them, were completed.

[Wow, so pretty. Does this move only with your shoulder movements?] (Liera)

"Of course."

Yu IlHan equipped the wings behind his back, and when he tensed his back and shoulder muscles minutely, the wings made of bladed feathers flapped while creating sharp and frightening sounds. He had implemented it so it could move just with physical power and not mana.

Of course, that technique itself was very amazing, but Yu IlHan's ability to freely flex all of his muscles was more shocking.

[Are you able to fly now?] (Liera)

"Although I could probably control the direction if I'm falling from the sky, no matter how hard I flap these heavy wings on the ground, it does nothing more than training back muscles."

[That doesn't sound so bad to me. Slurp.] (Liera)

The current wings were already a legend ranked artifact. If he moved his shoulder muscles and back muscles well, it was possible to attack towards his back direction with the wings while attacking the front with his weapon. The attack power amounted to 7,000 purely as a weapon!

However, what Yu IlHan wanted wasn't simply a weapon. He wanted a supportive tool for perfecting his rapid movements that had the Leap skill as its base.

"If I want to do that, I need to engrave each and every one of these feathers with magic language. I'm talking about these extremely sturdy feathers."

[Uh, yeah….. do your best…..!] (Liera)

As such, this was the 2nd round now. With all types of flames available to him, Yu IlHan started engraving on the wings.

Had he not acquired the 'Hero of fire' title that increased his fire attribute attack by 40%, the fire output would have decreased, and it would have been impossible to craft these wings!


Yu IlHan had spent another 3 days before he could let the carving knife go. Looking at the magic formation that was completed through a work process that was incomparably more difficult to creating the Traps of Destruction, a smile surfaced on his face subconsciously.

However, the most important process in order to finish the job, was still left.

[Are you really going to use that magic stone?] (Liera)

"I've already extracted the options from the robe, so yes."

Yu IlHan took a few deep breaths, and grabbed the 4th class magic stone that the demon beast left behind. As the magic stone's power was overwhelmingly stronger than the option's power, it should be possible to create new options that Yu IlHan wanted! It had to be able to!

Yu IlHan delicately put down the magic stone on the blade feathered-wings, and put his two hands on it before closing both of his eyes. It was now time to undergo mana crafting.

What he imaged was the strong and fast figure of the demon beast. The figure of the demon beast that was apocalyptic with just its presence alone! Yu IlHan did not doubt at all that that power would be imbued into these set of wings and help Yu IlHan in the future.

At the same time he thought up of the form of the completed artifact, a heavy and dark light covered the workshop. However, a streak of bright light burst out.

[Ruin Calling was completed.]

[The skill, Mana crafting, has become level 60. You can bring out the power of the artifact with less mana.]

The moment that messaged popped on Yu IlHan's retina, he was sure that he had succeeded.

[Ruin Calling]

[Rank – Epic]

[Attack Power – 7,300]

[Defense – 6,500]

[Durability – 15,500/15,500]

[User restrictions – Hero of Fire, Physical combat mastery level MAX]

[Options –

1. All blades that make up the wings have a strong power of fire dwelling in them. All flames are absorbed within the limits of the durability, and can freely be released.

2. Reduces the activation speed for all physical combat-class skills, and increases their effect by 30%.

3. Creates a shockwave into a set direction by consuming mana. The power of the shockwave is directly proportional to the mana consumed.]

[A miracle created by the best smith using the best materials that could come out of a lower world.]

[...Huh?] (Liera)

Liera tilted her head.

[It's really amazing that it's epic-ranked... but isn't this just a weapon that's stuck onto the back?] (Liera)

"Where did the second option go?"

[Exactly! It's a physical combat skill enhancement! It's a perfect weapon!] (Liera)

"Don't you know that Superhuman strength is also categorized as a physical combat skill?"

[Uh, what?] (Liera)

Superhuman strength was physical combat-class, and of course, Leap was the same. These wings, Ruin Calling, would increase the performance of his leap skill by 30% just by equipping it.

Moreover, adding the 3rd option that was a strengthened version of the robe's options, Yu IlHan's speed would multiply by 3 times or more!

[I don't think I'll get it until I see for myself. So let's first….] (Liera)

The moment Liera was about to say that due to not realizing the true power of the wings, Spiera's hurried voice could be heard.

[Come to New York quickly with Yu IlHan! The Gate seems like it's about to open!] (Spiera)

Liera abruptly raised his head and grabbed onto Yu IlHan's arm. Regardless of his reaction, she dragged him and expanded her wings.

[IlHan, let's use those wings right now. Let's go!] (Liera)

"Wha, what is it?"

[Right now!] (Liera)

"The wings! I should take them!"

Ten days had passed since Yumir and co were swept into an Abandoned World.

Author's notes

Although he couldn't build a mansion, the wings are complete! We're going to meet them now!

There was a lot of mentions that IlHan's level up speed was much slower than Yumir and co's levelling speed. I was about to write about how Yumir and co's levelling speed is reasonable in the author notes, and was about to exceed a chapter's amount, but deleted them all. I should have made you accept it just with the novel alone, but it's my fault that I couldn't. I'm very sorry.

I resolved to myself that I will only give you enjoyment while you read my story, but some of you are feeling inconvenient rather than joyful. I'm sorry yet again.

Although I can't fix their levels since Yumir and co's journey in another world is necessary for plot development, I'll try to write more carefully in the future while considering experience balance. Please watch well with a kind heart.

Translator's notes

I'm using a text editor to translate at school since internet is so slow here… so if you find any typos, blame Koukousei. (Yes, not me, but Koukousei, oh, and my crap school internet too)

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

"The gate is opening!?"

[There are signs of it! So we need to hurry, we need to go now!] (Liera)

Yu IlHan had just finished making the wings, but he had already ran simulations on its use since the time he made the blueprint. The blade-feathered wings, Ruin Calling, naturally had a use in enhancing the Leap skill, but the core lay in the shockwave.

The shockwave he could release in any direction he wants by controlling the wings. If he wanted to, he could send it forward to attack the enemies, but the true usage did was not that.

"Okay, let's go!"

[Wow, what's that turbo booster?] (Liera)

When Yu IlHan leapt up into the skies using Leap and Re-leap, he inputted mana into the wings and activated the shockwave, backwards. Immediately, Yu IlHan's body shot forward, as for the distance, around a hundred meters!

If he set the vector of the receiving force well, he could accelerate using the maximum power of the repulsion force, and the most amazing fact about this shockwave was neither its sudden acceleration nor the ability to accelerate.

It was that he could use the shockwave as a foothold instead of the ground, and deploy Leap and Re-leap again! This was impossible for someone who had no sense for or could not handle mana!

[Whoa! What the hell? That's so OP!] (Liera)

"It is indeed OP!"

Yu IlHan acknowledged the fact as he accelerated forward again by sending out a shockwave. Liera, who was almost about to be left behind by a mere human with those funny-looking wings, flapped her wings and caught up to him."

"Whew, this is nice alright."

He could alter the direction by moving the wings by minutely flexing his back muscles, and even without being tense, he could move around freely thanks to the wings.

Well, although it wasn't that inconvenient to use Aegis as foothold to jump, this was much more convenient, and about three times faster.

The most decisive change was that his vision had changed. He had to watch out for any obstacles ahead when running using Leap, but now, it was possible to see the ground while flying in a lying down position. Although it was not much of a difference, he found it enjoyable anyway.

"Huhahaha. Humans are mere specks of dust here!"

[I was wondering why you weren't saying that... You seem to enjoy it.] (Liera)

"It's because I don't need to worry about anything anymore."

Said he with a bright smile. Even now that the gate was showing signs of opening, Yu IlHan's subordinates were still connected to him. In fact, not to mention 'intact', they had grew so rapidly in those ten days that his Rule skill had reached level 50!

As such, their safe return was pretty much set in stone. Yu IlHan was sure that it was Erta who had opened the gate. How could he not be happy when he was thinking that they were all coming back safely?

[Yeah, it's really fortunate. It really is.] (Liera)

Liera smiled while approaching Yu IlHan. Now that Yu IlHan could use Ruin Calling to fly rapidly in the sky, it would be fine for her to turn mini-sized and dig into his embrace or grab onto his hair, but it made her happier to fly alongside him.

[IlHan, you really grew up.] (Liera)

"Don't raise any flags now. It feels like someone's gonna die."

[Hey, it's been a while you mentioned foreshadows.] (Liera)

"I'm kinda scared now since obvious things are happening so obviously."

Yu IlHan smiled a little while meeting the wind against his face. Liera also smiled.

It hadn't even been a year since the Earth had met its Great Cataclysm, but Yu IlHan's level was already 144. Earth was only nearing its 2nd Great Cataclysm, yet the average level of the people of Earth were bordering insane numbers for such a period.

Countless connections with other worlds for unknown reasons. The Destruction Demon Army, the Army of Brilliant Light, and the traitors who are scheme on Earth, when it wasn't really that special...

Yu IlHan was caught up in the most chaotic incident Liera had met since she had become an angel. Would Yu IlHan be able to endure all the changes and grow up? Will he be able to not give up on Earth? Liera was worried about that.

And at one moment,

"Liera, I have something to confirm with you now that I think this is maybe the last time we can stay alone together."

[Huh?.....S,s,s,s,s,s,say it!] (Liera)

Said Liera in panic when she was thinking about Yu IlHan.

What was this suspicious sounding intro? Raising flags? Isn't this the flag for confession?

'But thanks anyway. I'll welcome it anytime!'

While Liera popped out fanfares in her head, Yu IlHan spoke.

"Does God really exist?"


Liera's thumping heart, started thumping in a slightly different sense. However, Yu IlHan repeated his words while minutely flexing his muscles. He was still smiling.

"God, does he really exist?"

[Well... yes. Didn't I say from our first encounter? I came here to meet you on God's orders. Thanks to that we're still...] (Liera)

"And you met God, and directly received orders from him?"

Liera lost her words. She, who was thinking about her rose-colored future until just now, could not understand what Yu IlHan was thinking, and became dejected in an instant.

[It's not that. Lord God is someone too sacred that an angel like me cannot meet….. That's why we of Heaven's Army exist. We spread his will across all worlds, protect the lower worlds, install Traps of Destructions…..] (Liera)

"Is that so."

Liera somehow felt quite hurried. She was worried that he would fly somewhere else if she didn't grab onto him. Naturally, she was sounding like she was persuading him.

[IlHan, I don't know what you're thinking, but there are too many evidences that prove God's existence! Look at me! The fact that I could become an angel, and acquire these wings is also because of Lord God's existence! A true God, and not a false god like the god of smithing, god of love, or the god of beauty!] (Liera)


[Well, it's not like I don't understand your doubt since Earth has become like this, but in the first place, the fact that Earth still exists, is a proof of God's existence!] (Liera)

Liera tried her best to persuade Yu IlHan. Of course, her final objective was to make him into an angel and have a wedding in Heaven! Yu IlHan only nodded without showing any signs of knowing or not knowing that fact.

"I got it already. I only wanted to ask once so don't get so angry. I'm not thinking of rejecting your faith."

Turning his face away from her, he looked at the front. However, Liera still could not understand what he was thinking. Why did things become like this, even though they were in a joyful mood just a moment ago. How?

[You, really understand me, right...?] (Liera)

Of course, Yu IlHan did not reply to her. He only flapped his wings to produce a shockwave to go ahead.

[Hey, wait for me!] (Liera)

Seeing that, Liera also flapped her wings to follow. Yu IlHan's sudden question, and the ripple in her heart also disappeared along with the sounds of flapping wings.

He could have asked because he was curious, as he had said. She just ended her thoughts there.

The two succeeded in reaching the ruins near New York's gate in exactly 17 minutes. Even Spiera, who was waiting with her spear in her hand while lining up the wolves, was surprised.

[Just how did this happen?] (Spiera)

[IlHan made OP equipment as always. It's that blueprint from last time.] (Liera)

[...Oh, is that so.] (Spiera)

Although it hadn't been a long time since Spiera became Yu IlHan's contractor, she had already acknowledged the fact that it would be endless once she started retorting him. As such, she didn't say anything even when Yu IlHan moved his bladed wings.

[It will open soon. I can feel a large scale formation beyond that place.] (Spiera)

[This formation…..] (Liera)

[Yes, it's Erta's doing. I should ask how she did it, when she shouldn't have been able to bring out any of her powers as an angel.] (Spiera)

Spiera said in a small smile. Liera heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that she was worried about Erta after all.

[It's connected.] (Spiera)

[This aura is…..!] (Liera)

Soon, a black-haired, golden-eyed, very, very handsome boy around 11 years old, ran out. Although he looked around 4 to 5 years older than when they last saw him, Yu IlHan instantly recognized him as his son, Yumir.



Yumir ran into Yu IlHan's embrace without a moment of hesitation. Yu IlHan instantly put away his armor with his well-trained switching technique, and hugged his son.

"It's the real dad! Dad...!"

"Yes, yes."

Yumir ended up crying now that he really felt that he was in Yu IlHan's embrace.

Well, although it was only 10 days, they had experienced so many harsh things in order to level up so much. There would have been a lot of difficult and sad things. Yu IlHan silently embraced him and consoled him. His posture looked quite natural, and it was because there were some times when he was hugged by Liera in his millennium dropout period.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the reason Yu IlHan grew up to be a man who can embrace others, was all because of Liera.

"It was hard, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, *sob*. It was so hard. I wanted to see you so much."

"Dad also wanted to see you, Mir."


"Of course."

While Yumir was being doted on by Yu IlHan, the others all jumped out from the gate.


"It's fortunate to see you again."

Ericia, who grew up so rapidly, and Flemir with a sharper aura, and the two wolves that supported them.

"Your Majesty!"

"His Majesty came here for us, what an honor..."

"Aah, His Majesty's figure is as dashing as ever!"

"Your Majesty, we have protected the His Highness according to your orders! ...Although it somehow feels like we were protected instead, but anyway!"

The four elves, that made him doubt how they became so strong in just ten days of time, and continuing on, Erta...

[Yu IlHan!] (Erta)

It wasn't the mini-sized Erta he saw normally, but a human-sized Erta, that ran into his embrace! Like Yumir, with all of her body!

Although he reflexively received her with one arm, Yu IlHan could only be dumbfounded.

"Hey, your character changed a lot!?"

[D, don't get me wrong. I only approached in order to regain the close relationship that should exist between the angel and the contractor.] (Erta)

"What do you call this again? A tsu*….."

[Shaddap! Shut your mouth and widen those arms a little more!] (Erta)

Yumir in one arm, and Erta in the other. Now that Yu IlHan couldn't flinch, Liera took out her spear and aimed at Erta.

[Does that woman really want to die...] (Liera)

[She was in an Abandoned World until now. Considering her worry and tension, isn't it fine to let her be for a moment?] (Spiera)

[...Hmph!] (Liera)

Very well, just for now! Just as Liera set her heart to let her go for just now, the gate spat out the last two people: Kang MiRae, and Na YuNa.


"Mr. IlHan."

"It really is Mr. Yu IlHan! He is still as ever! Wait, no, did he get more handsome?"

Although they had gotten stronger like the others. Somehow, both Kang MiRae and Na YuNa seemed to have gotten a little more 'mature' over the ten days. Just how much hardship did they go through?

Even though they didn't have any intention to, Yu IlHan was planning to not let them off easily for dragging Mir into another world, but now, he felt pity for them.

But then, something unimaginable happened to Yu IlHan.


Kang MiRae's two eyes teared up after seeing Yu IlHan, then she suddenly threw her body towards him even though his arms were already full with Yumir and Erta!

"Huh? Huuuuuuuh?"


Then she suddenly started crying in a loud voice while putting her arms around Yu IlHan's neck!

"What the hell? Are they all under some weird curse!?"

Yu IlHan, who was not used to being in contact with women other than his family, panicked without knowing what to do. But then, Na YuNa, who thought that the situation was interesting, flew towards him and hugged him. The abundant scent of females around him made him panicked even more.

"How good!"

"What the hell? Get off me! You first get off! I really don't like you so get off!"

"Don't be like thaaaat."

Although Yu IlHan had the confidence to stay calm at any moment, he couldn't win against the current one!

"What the hell? What the hell is up with all of you? Why are you all like this?"

"Yay, this is fuuun! Come here everyone!"

"Then please excuse me, Your Majesty!"


Biting on Na YuNa's bait, the elves jumped in on Yu IlHan as well! Erta and Yumir were almost about to suffocate, but they didn't try to let go of Yu IlHan at all.

In the end, even Ericia joined in carefully and Yu IlHan couldn't be seen from the outside anymore. Perhaps it was a consolation prize that Flemir and the two wolves didn't join in.

[Just what is this!] (Liera)

[I've heard that there are three times when a human's popularity peaks out during one's lifetime…..] (Spiera)

[Not that, well, yeah, even though my IlHan is always so cool, but even so!] (Liera)

[This hopeless angel…] (Spiera)

Liera was too confused and couldn't even get angry while watching that scene. Yu IlHan sent her an SOS signal as his limit was broken through a long time ago, but she was so confused that she couldn't catch his signal.

"Ah sheesh!"

Yu IlHan exploded and shouted while pushing Na YuNa away with all his might.

"No matter what happened, why are you all like this when only ten days have passed?"

At that moment, everyone that was embracing Yu IlHan, stopped their actions.




"...Ten days?"

"Your Majesty?"

"Ten days!?"


When Yu IlHan tilted his head due to their strange reactions, Yumir, who was still in his arm, raised his head and spoke.

"Dad, we spent 1,000 days in there."


Yu IlHan and Yumir's gazes met.

"1,000 days?"

"Yup, 1,000 days!"

Yu IlHan raised his head. His eyes met with Liera's. Her eyes were trembling non-stop. Yu IlHan must be making the same expression as her right now.

10 days, and 1,000 days.

Somehow, that was a rather familiar ratio.

Author's notes

The expected period of Yu IlHan's dropout was 10 years, while he actually spent 1,000 years.

Erta's words and her opposite actions, is technically termed 'tsundere'! The type that cannot be honest with her words to her heart, and show her real heart in unexpected moments… It's a personality that's hard to show the charm of. Many people say that that's no charm but bullsh*tting…. T_T

No matter how mature Kang MiRae acted until now, her age is still 20. (T/N: As I said before, 30 if you include 10 years before 1st GC). And she suffered for 2 years and 9 months in a world that was not Earth….

Kang MiRae was fine, but Na YuNa was no good, eh.

Yu IlHan isn't used to the first 'peak popularity' period of his life. huh T_T

Translator's notes:

Proofreader's notes: Chamber nim appreciates donations! even when he's on break! ????


Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

It took 5 minutes for Kang MiRae to stop crying and come to herself. Having stopped, she realized what she had just done, and shocked herself out of Yu IlHan's embrace before lowering her head.

"I, I'm sorry. Please excuse my rudeness...."

"It's not to the extent of rudeness but….. Oh, you guys get off too."


Although Kang MiRae's words sounded calm, from her reddened cheeks and eyes, it seemed that she wasn't quite so. If they really did end up drifitng away for 1,000 days, it was quite understandable.

"I think I need to listen to you. Let's switch locations first. Ah, hey, I said get off."

No matter how he thought about it, this wasn't the mood to scatter so Yu IlHan suggested with a bitter smile. This was an unimaginable way of thinking if he was still in his loner days.


Kang MiRae slightly nodded and wiped the tears off her face. Then, she proceeded to rip Na YuNa off Yu IlHan and throw her on the ground, before picking up her phone, that didn't have service for 1,000 days, and contacted somewhere.

"Ou-ou-ou-ouch. MiRae, you really are harsh."

"Please fix your habit of sticking too close to someone you've given your heart to."

In 5 minutes, limousines arrived at the venue. While Yu IlHan was feeling dumbfounded at this always-unrealistic scene, the drivers that came out of the limousines respectfully greeted Kang MiRae and Na YuNa. Liera exclaimed while looking at them.

[It's amazing that they can still retain their power even after the world has changed so much. That shouldn't be possible with money alone….. Political power is really something.] (Liera)

[Liera, please keep your basic dignity as an angel.] (Erta)

[Huh? I think I saw an angel weeping while clinging to IlHan just now, where did she go?] (Liera)

[I didn't cry!] (Erta)

While the reunited angels were getting into a fight as always, Kang MiRae, who had now regained her composure, spoke to Yu IlHan with a faint smile.

"Please get on."

Kang MiRae, who made Yu IlHan dumbfounded with those limousines, activated the golden combo of an aeroplane, along with several helicopters with 2nd class ability users to protect it.

"We'll bring you to Korea right away, lady MiRae. Lady Na YuNa too."

"Yes. Oh, tell my father that I cannot meet him right away."


Seeing several ability users trying to protect Kang MiRae and co from the skies as well as the ground, Yu IlHan thought that the money he had his hands on didn't amount to much.

Having 2nd class ability users as subordinates couldn't be done with just money alone. Only a history of loyalty, solidified over the years, could make that possible.

"Master, was there anything inconvenient while we were away?"

"Your Majesty. I think you became stronger!"

"And he turned more handsome too. I thought I caught up a lot, but I guess I'm still far away.

Well, he did have his own set of loyal subordinates.

Just that they weren't human. Thinking that he didn't have it too bad either, Yu IlHan smiled. In any case, it was fortunate that everybody came back safe. He truly thought that. He somehow felt a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Everyone, excluding Flemir, who had to lead all the wolves waiting outside the New York gate, headed to Seoul together. Although Yu IlHan felt slightly depressed for not being able to show off his wings, Ruin Calling, the others didn't notice that. Only Liera laughed.

Having arrived at Seoul, the group headed to Yu IlHan's apartment. As everyone was Yu IlHan's subordinates other than the angels, it was nothing strange.

Well, if you exclude Kang MiRae and Na YuNa that is.

"So you want to sleep here for 3 days."

Yu IlHan was surprised by Kang MiRae's sudden request. Kang MiRae spoke of her reasons with a very sorry expression.

"Of course, we'll get a hotel room if it's of any inconvenience to you, but if I book a hotel using my name, it is highly possible that my father or brother will come to find me... If we stay here, those two will probably not interfere."

Instead, it would be Yu IlHan's point of view, that a terrible misunderstanding that may arise!?

"Mirrrr! Let's wash with Noona!"


"Na YuNa, you too, don't run around like it's your own home, and lower your head right here!"

The reason for Kang MiRae's sudden request was this:

For Kang MiRae and Na YuNa, who had fought for 2 years and 9 months without rest, mental and physical stress had piled up beyond their limits. They had just avoided death by over exhaustion thanks to Na YuNa's recovery maagic!

However, if they went back to their clans now, they would be flooded with work again. Kang MiRae had extremely rationally judged herself that she needed a rest. Whether it was the 2nd Great Cataclysm or the Lightning God clan, she would only be able to work after resting both her body and heart.

"Even so, I can only apologize as it's….."

"Dad, MiRae-noona is kind. YuNa-noona is kind too!"

Just as when Yu IlHan was about to reject, Yumir in his arms, spoke with clear eyes.

"Even so….."

"Dad, is it no good?"

Just as when he was about to reject regardless of Yumir's eye attacks, those two clear eyes dampened up. Critical Hit on Yu IlHan's heart and conscience!

"Can't I play a little more with these noonas?"

"...Who taught him this skill?"

"Me, me, meee! Mir is so cute, isn't he! Ouch!"

Yu IlHan smacked Na YuNa on the forehead for the first time. However, that also implied his permission to stay.

Na YuNa made a 'v' with her fingers towards Kang MiRae even as she looked about to cry, and Kang MiRae also smiled a little.

The promised 3 days went past very quickly. Yu IlHan told the state of affairs on Earth to Yumir and the others, and they, told Yu IlHan their story. After hearing that, Yu IlHan's impression was very simple.

"So Mir hard-carried everyone."

"I fought hard!"

If it wasn't for his concealment ability, it would probably have been the end the moment they went to the other side. What was more impressive that Yumir's concealment skill evolved in a way that concealed his allies as well as himself. It was all thanks to him that they could massacre the monsters while enduring daily life in that harsh world!

A party-specialized evolution… It was impossible for a natural-born loner like Yu IlHan. Yu IlHan was satisfied that his son grew up to take care of everyone unlike himself.

"Dad, is it really true that only 10 days passed here?"

"Yup, not a single day less or more."

"So that's it. That's good!"

"That amounted only to ten days..."

Meanwhile, the returnees from the Abandoned World went into a group panic after realizing that only 10 days passed on Earth while 1000 days passed in that world, but as all media including the News was the same as before, they acknowledged reality.

In fact, it was a great fortune that they were strengthened prior to the 2nd Great Cataclysm of Earth. Although, no one could answer why the flow of time was strange in that world.

[Do you really think that? Don't you think it has too much to do with you consider it a coincidence, IlHan?] (Liera)

Liera's retort. Yu IlHan heaved a deep sigh even though he had expected that reaction a little. It was annoying enough that he had suffered alone for a thousand years on Earth, but if it was due to him, then how would he feel!

"Don't tell me you think that I have something to do with it?"

[But it's too similiar to be a coincidence...] (Liera)

Yes, he was in fact a little suspicious. Didn't Yu IlHan's dropout period 100 times that of the expected period?

10 years into 1,000 years; ten days into 1,000 days… The ratio was too perfect to be considered a coincidence!

[Isn't it that there is some transcendent power in the Yu family?] (Liera)

[Rather than their own power, I think that their hidden records may be connected to Earth to cause a change.] (Spiera)

[I knew it... There was no way Yu IlHan is an ordinary human when he has a pancosmic-level title.] (Erta)

"Even if you look at me like that, you won't get answers. And Erta, come with me to the rooftop later."

In the millennium of his dropout period, Liera only explained it as an unknown error, and Yu IlHan who was busy living out that thousand years, didn't look much into it. Even if he did, nothing would change anyway.

However, Yumir, who was born from Yu IlHan's mana, ended up being trapped in an Abandoned World. If there was anything different from Yu IlHan himself, it was that he was together with allies, and the Akashic Record was connected to it.

He came back after spending a thousand days, and only ten days had passed on Earth in the meantime. Looking at the two incidents separately, it could be said to be a coincidence that can happen on a multiversal scale, but connecting Yu IlHan and Yumir's existence together, the story became entangled.

[What if that unknown error is related to IlHan's record?] (Liera)

[There's nothing 'what if' about it. The other groups will wish to capture Yu IlHan and not kill him.] (Erta)

[That's a good thing since IlHan is safer now!] (Liera)

"Being inside a tiger's mouth would be much safer than my own position right now!"

However, there were too little samples to declare that Yu IlHan was the reason. At that moment, Liera clapped and spoke.

[Then you can just increase the samples, can't you? IlHan, you can have a child!] (Liera)

[I'll take the right.] (Spiera)

[Then I'll beat up the left.] (Erta)

Spiera and Erta forced Liera into submission when Liera was acting all nervous, twisting up her body, saying 'How is it, a genius idea, no?'.

With the worry that this idiot may commit a taboo if they didn't make Yu IlHan into a higher existence quickly, Erta spoke.

[Yu IlHan, I'll throw this idiot in the recycling bin. Meanwhile, please confirm if there was anything similar between your parents. It should be fine to get only the hints.] (Erta)

"Yes, then please recycle her properly."

"I also want to go meet grandpa and grandma!"

"Okay, let's do that."

Yu IlHan had a glance at Kang MiRae and Na YuNa, who was playing ping pong with the elves, and thought about when they'd leave as this was the third day, as he left.

After concealing himself, it took a few flap of his wings to arrive at his house. Both of his parents were home, and Yu IlHan entered with Yumir in front of him. Yumir shouted this as he went in the front door even though Yu IlHan didn't make him to:

"Grandpa, grandma. Hello!"

"IlHan, you're here….. Oh?"

"It's not IlHan!?"

Quite a lot of time was needed for the house, which flipped due to the sudden appearance of an 11 year-old-looking child, to turn calm.

"I'm not sure about incubation with mana or anything like that, but it's your son alright. He looks after you. Of course, he's much more handsome compared to you at that time."

Yu YongHan, Yu IlHan's father judged, after observing for a while. Yu IlHan added with a smile.

"He's also your grandson."

"And the child's mother?"

Was the mother's, Kim YeSeul's, question. Yu IlHan honestly answered.

"She died before his birth. Dragons are born from eggs after all."

"Oh my, sonny, you became a widower. Aren't you lonely, Mir?"

"It's fine because there's dad. And pretty noonas too!"

"Oho? Pretty noonas? Mir, won't you elaborate more on that?"

Kim YeSeul urged with a bright smile. Unlike Yu YongHan in a slight panic due to this unrealistic situation, she was very different. Moreover, she looked like she had become even younger after all this time.

Now it was for sure. Unlike his father who was stuck in 1st class, his mother was levelling up! And perhaps, she was at least 2nd class already.

2nd classes belonged to the top 3% of humanity right now. Although he thought this before, but if he had any talent, perhaps it was inherited from his mother?

Then perhaps his mother was…? Yu IlHan asked her with a slight nervousness.

"Mom, was there anything special that happened in the '10 years' youspent in Ya-umin?"

"Ya-umin? Ah, Oooh."

Kim YeSeul tilted her head before laughing.

"Well, nothing happened at all. Even though I'm quite good if I look like this at my age!"

Hmm, it seems like she misunderstood. Yu YongHan laughed at her.

"What do you mean 'good'. You're an old lady."

"Hey, everyone looks at least 20 years younger than you when I go outside. People talk bad about you, and not me."

"Oh, she's right about that, dad. Please level up even while taking it easy."

"There's nothing safe about levelling up, son."

Hm, it seems like his mother wasn't it. And from how his dad looked, it looks like it wasn't him either.

Yes, of course. The twisted time axis in Yu IlHan's and Yumir's trapped worlds were simply coincidence. There was no way such a record would be hidden inside a guy who couldn't even wield mana.


As his worries ended as just worries, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he never doubted the fact that he became this strong precisely due to the thousand years on Earth, never was it fun to talk about it with a light smile. If his parents suffered such pain, then Yu IlHan would also find it hard.

Now that he settled down, he became hungry. As he couldn't go back home and eat when his mother was in front of him, Yu IlHan spoke firmly as if he had lent some money to them. It was the privilege of the son.

"Mom, food."

"Food! Food!"

Although he looked 11 on the outside, Mir was still 1 year... no, 3 years old. When he imitated Yu IlHan while laughing, Kim YeSeul stood up with a satisfied smile.

"Okay, I'll make a feast so eat to your heart's content."

Then she seemed to head off to the kitchen, when she turned back and asked.

"And so? Who's my daughter-in-law candidate among those pretty noonas? I'm completely fine with multiple candidates."

"There's completely none!"

Shouted Yu IlHan. Although someone's face passed by in his mind, Yu IlHan denied that and spoke confidently.

"There's no woman in this world that would marry your son!"

"That's a boast? Then try saying that to everyone!"

Now, how could I send this son off to marriage? – Kim YeSeul about her son's future, as she headed off to the kitchen.

Author's notes

Only Yu IlHan and Kang MiRae treat Na YuNa like she's nothing.

Hard-carried : You grabbed onto the useless ones' collars and dragged them with you.

It seems like it wasn't the first time Spiera and Erta did that before.

Sons are said to take after their mothers. Yumir takes after both Lecidna and Yu IlHan, but it seems IlHan takes after his mother. FYI, I also take after my mother (Not the translator but author)

I'm not sure about multiple candidates, but there sure is an angel candidate, mother-in-law!

Translator's notes