143 - 148

Yu IlHan and Yumir emptied about half of all the food available in the house before going back with icecream in their mouths.

The angels, elves, humans, and one wolf had already finished their ping pong match and were now playing a 4-player racing game on Playst*tion.

"Look at my drift skills! Yay!" (Na YuNa)

"It's just your body that's leaning!" (Kang MiRae)

[Kyak, a bomb!] (Liera)

[You keep covering the screen with those wings!] (Erta)

The members enjoying the game were two idiots and two retorters. The rest of the members were staring at the large screen as they moved their upper bodies along with the game, almost as if it was them who were playing it.

He could see friendship that couldn't be created over just ten days. He found it amazing that Liera managed to join that group.

Yumir seemed like he wanted to join so he let him go, when Spiera approached him in his stead.

[It seems like there was nothing much.] (Spiera)

"Both of them were extremely normal. Fortunately."

If any one of the two experienced a thousand years, then they should have reacted to Yu IlHan's words in some way. Yu IlHan was sure that the two had lived ordinary lives as he had confidence in reading other people's expressions.

[I also received reports from various angels from the two worlds that they went to. The two did indeed spend ten years with others, and they returned with the other humans. Although I can't be sure yet, there's a higher probability of some other element being the cause and not the genetic elements.] (Spiera)


Yu IlHan laughed as he nodded. Then, he realised the hidden intent in Spiera's words and asked her while his brows were twitching.

"Why did you send me when you could do it yourself? No, well, it wasn't for nothing since I could introduce Mir to them and I saw their face, but even so."

[You should know very well that angels are imperfect. There may be some things that they have missed out. That's why I wanted you to confirm for yourself.] (Spiera)

In the first place, if the angels were perfect, there was no way they would be annoyed by other transcender factions, nor would there be any traitors – Spiera added. Yu IlHan couldn't say anything in return after all that.

"...Liera and Erta's pride as higher angels shot through the skies when we first met, but you just acknowledge that fact…"

[There's no progress without understanding of imperfection. Those two are also making progress as they understand that.] (Spiera)

"Yeah, you don't say so."

Yu IlHan muttered while watching Liera covering the screen with her wings, and Erta scolding her mercilessly.

Although he didn't know how much progress they've made, from their looks now, they were hopeless. Even though they showed their smart sides in the beginning…

Although he liked their current states better, he sometimes missed their former figures. – As he was thinking that, Spiera spoke suddenly.

[Rather than that, prepare.] (Spiera)

"Prepare what?"

[The notice for the Battle of Competition went up. Just now.] (Spiera)

Yu IlHan's movements stopped momentarily. He felt his relaxing body tensing up in an instant.

Battle of Competition. Why wouldn't he know about that? He decimated an entire empire in another world due to that.

He had a glance at the people who were still playing the racing game and faced Spiera again.

"So you can talk about it now?"

[There's not much time left. This will be told to all the people of Earth soon.] (Spiera)

"How many days is it?"

[In 3 hours, the stage to pick the participants will be set.] (Spiera)

Hours and not days!

"Hah, that's quite a 'lot of time' you've given me."

[There's no need to hurry. Participants selection will be held over 24 hours. In New York, where the battle with the Abandoned World took place.] (Spiera)

Well, that place was the best since it was receiving the attention of everyone in this world.

[Anyone can participate if they want to bring back Traps of Destruction to Earth. Only 1 thousand individuals will gain the qualifications to participate in the competition.] (Spiera)

"One thousand...?"

Yu IlHan tilted his head. He found something strange.

If the number of participants numbered so high, was there a need to swallow Venezuela entirely? They wouldn't need to send a force numbering millions!

[The rules of the competition differs according to the balance of forces in each world. Although the rule for this time is 'Elite Forces Battle', it is likely that Ferata had undergone an 'All Out Battle' in their 2nd Great Cataclysm.] (Spiera)

"That sounds horrible."

That meant that the empire of Kadra may have spread their forces beyond Venezuela. Thinking about the possibility that he hadn't prevented the invasion of Kadra empire, Yu IlHan felt the shivers.

Of course, the empire in question should currently be near extinction due to monsters….. While he was thinking about that, Spiera's words hit his eardrums once again.

[You need to acquire a good position in this competition.] (Spiera)

"Even if you didn't say it, I'll do my best but... why?"

[The Battle of Competition isn't held that frequently. And Earth right now, is progressing at an incredible rate. I guarantee that there won't be another Battle of Competition before Earth's 3rd Great Cataclysm.] (Spiera)

TheBattle of Competition was held in 'Lu Füera', a higher world under Heaven's Army. Naturally, no lower existence could enter that world. They could only enter that world in the Battle of Competition that was held regularly. As such, there was no way they could make an exception for Earth.

Yu IlHan's instincts flared up after hearing that.

"A higher world huh. Now that's making me feel worried."

[While I understand what you're thinking.] (Spiera)

Retorted Spiera with a smile.

[There will not be a case where other transcender factions would invade in a higher world under Heaven. That's the same as angels invading beyond the Wall of Chaos and fighting against the main forces of the Destruction Demon Army, and coming back alive.] (Spiera)

"Hey, there's one right there."

[But that's... You're right.] (Spiera)

To Yu IlHan who was pointing towards a cowardly angel who blocked other's view just as her car was about to be passed by another car, Spiera could only nod.

[I'll see to it that there will be more security in the venue.] (Spiera)

"Please. Oh, and get miss Na YuNa a proper angel. Although I don't care about the person herself, but as it is now, miss MiRae will get caught up in it. Mir will be sad."

[I'll keep that in mind.] (Spiera)

Yu IlHan approached the gaming group after that. The game had just ended and punishment was being brought upon Liera.

"I win you lose you get the bap!"

"Big bap bap bap bap bap bap!"

[When's the 'bruise' dammit!] (Liera) (PR:Check footnotes, its some korean batsugame)


It seemed that everyone hated Liera as the simple punishment song was not ending and the total amount of hits was breaking through 300 hits. As he couldn't watch forever. Ilhan finished the game with a smack on the forehead.


[Ah, I love you, IlHan!] (Liera)

"Aaah, you didn't even play, so you get the punishment too!" (Na YuNa)

"It's the household owner's right. Game's over, and rest is over too."

Although they might feel a little disappointed as they didn't fill the entire 72 hours, but there was no more time to waste. Kang MiRae's expression also changed, it seemed that she noticed that Yu IlHan was about to say something.

"In 3 hours, there will be a stage to select the participants to participate in the Battle of Competition held by Heaven's Army. From what I've heard, it has a lot to do with how successfully we can endure the 2nd Great Cataclysm. The details will be explained by Erta."

[Why am I always in charge of explanations!?... I'll explain only once so listen carefully! The Battle of Competition refers to...] (Erta)

Erta's shocking revelation continued. As everyone here knew that Heaven's Army's job lay in Traps of Destruction, they understood quickly.

In the process, Yu IlHan found something new, which was the rules of the competition. He thought that it would be alright with destroying everything, but it didn't seem so.

[Each participants will be given a minimum set of safety devices. The purpose of Heaven's Army is to distribute the Traps of Destructions, not to weaken the overall power of the worlds.] (Erta)

To do that, every participant will be given a membrane of protection on top of their skin, and that protective membrane will shatter upon receiving a certain amount of damage, and eject the participant back to his or her own world. And the outcome will be decided by how many enemy participants they've ejected under the duration of battle, or if the enemy side was all ejected.

However, even if they won the battle, the ejected participant will not be able to participate again, so the important things lay in preserving forces as much as possible.

"What if someone attacks with a force that could shatter and kill the participant at the same time?"

[That protective membrane is the best we can do. It's a competition to protect their own worlds, so if they aren't prepared for such things, they shouldn't participate in the first place.] (Erta)

"That's quite cold of you there..."

The Battle of Competition was largely categorized into Junior and Senior, with Junior being a competition between worlds that are about to experience the 2nd Great Cataclysm, and Senior being a competition between worlds that are about to experience their third or further Great Cataclysm. The form of the competition was a winner-proceeds form, and only the 4 strongest in the Junior and the 4 strongest in the Senior, will be able to get their share of Traps of Destruction made of better materials.

"Why is it not a fair league-type competition, but a tournament one?"

[There are currently 48 worlds qualified to participate in the Junior tournament. We can't let the strongest thousand of each world fight 47 times. They'd probably rather give up on the Traps of Destruction.] (Erta)

"That's true….."

If it was an All Out Battle and not an Elite Forces Battle, then the situation would probably be more serious. Everyone accepted Erta's words.

"Top 4 of 48 worlds…..!"

Kang MiRae sighed after realizing the significance of the situation, and Na YuNa looked dejected.

"Angels only tell us things when it's just about to arrive."

[Well, you wouldn't be able to do anything even if you do know beforehand.] (Liera)

"But we still wanted to know early…..!"

[That's not all.] (Erta)

Although it would be good if it ended there, it did not. After the top 4 teams on both Junior and Senior, were selected, the classification of Junior and Senior disappeared, and the true finals will start.

This was also the reason why Ferata invaded Earth before its 3rd Great Cataclysm.


[It's because there are cases where the participants in the Junior tournament are stronger than the ones in the Senior tournament. However, if the competition ended while the Junior and Senior were still divided, then the Junior will have complaints right? Of course, they can also choose to give up at that point.] (Erta)

Yes, the current forces of Earth was considerably strong considering that it was nearing its 2nd Great Cataclysm. Yu IlHan would also be annoyed if he was told not to fight when there was an opportunity to gain more Advanced Traps of Destruction.

[To sum up. You just have to fight until the end and not lose.] (Erta)

"Thanks for the obvious advice."

"...We should hurry. We need to talk with the Front Line Alliance, and we also need to negotiate with the government of various countries in order to select a balanced party, and the most high-levelled party as possible.... Oh, when does the selection end?"

[24 hours from the installation of the stage.] (Erta)

"So we need to hurry even more."

Kang MiRae packed her stuff quickly and called somewhere with her phone. It was probably to head to America.

"I didn't want to go back to New York for quite a while, but we're going back immediately huh. Mr. IlHan, if it's alright with you, let's go together."

"Wait, I have something to confirm."

Yu IlHan asked Liera.

"Can monsters participate in the selection?"

[There's no restriction in the participants selection!] (Liera)

"Good, then elves too?"

[Of course. In fact, not to mention the participants selection, the entire competition is not that strict. Monsters on human side. People from other world participating. Such things were never considered in the first place. It's Earth that's bad!] (Liera)

So, that was why Ferata thought about participating in the competition with human skins on! Yu IlHan retorted to Liera who was giggling.

"Such, absurd, things, are, happening, on, Earth, right, now, isn't it."

[Hiik.] (Liera)

Yu IlHan emphasized each word. Veins could be seen on his forehead. Liera was shocked and hiccup'ed.

"So you need to fix those rules in the future, right?"

[Yes, sir!] (Liera)

"Since we were the ones who received damage, let's leave this competition as is, and please do so from next time."

[We shall.] (Liera)

"Good, good girl."

Yu IlHan was ordering around an angel. Kang MiRae and Na YuNa were looking at that scene in amazement, while Spiera and Erta were sighing.


"Please speak, master."

When Yu IlHan turned his head after making Liera promise him, Ericia was there. She looked very trustworthy from how she approached him and waited for him after noticing that it was her they were talking about.

"Please call Flemir. He'll go to New York as well."

"Although not satisfactory in your eyes, there are many wolves that are stronger than the people of Earth. Shall I gather all of them?"

"No, just Flemir will do. Instead, pick the strong ones and let's make them protect Seoul while we're away."


Ericia left immediately to call Flemir and the other wolves. While Kang MiRae and Na YuNa were making relieved expressions, as they knew Flemir's strength, the elves approached him.

"Your Majesty, shall we gather the elves? If it's the strong warriors that have directly received training from you, they will step up in order to become your power whenever you wish!"

"The elves have it hard in Dareu. I brought the four of you since I couldn't help it, but I cannot allow any more than that."

Although everyone was smoothly making progress, if he took out any more, then the race may as well go extinct. He couldn't bring them here.

Moreover, the four elves here had an average level of 130. As Pate had the highest level at 134, there was no need to call any more reinfor...

He thought up to there when something came up in his mind.



Yu IlHan took out the epic-ranked bow sleeping in his inventory, Deathgod's Trajectory, and handed it to him. After looking at that, everyone's attention was focused on it, not to mention Paté.

"Your Majesty, such a treasure..."

"How is it, you think you can use it?"

"...Although it will be very difficult. I think I can barely do it."

The user restrictions of Deathgod's Trajectory was a 3rd class archer main class and strength and agility over 250 each. As Paté's stats focused on strength and agility rather than health, he could barely meet the requirements.

Yu IlHan nodded and extended his hand.

"Then give me your previous one and use that one from now on."

"Your Majesty!"

Paté became silent. He looked really feminine with tears glistening, so Yu IlHan pushed him away. Then he spoke to the elves who were looking at him.

"If you do well, I'll make yours too in a while."

"If we do well….."

"If we do well! An epic!"

The elves burned in passion after thinking that they may be able to wield epic ranked weapons in the future. Kang MiRae spoke in a vain voice after looking at that scene.

"Although I knew you could create Legend-ranked ones since I saw it… you could even make Epic-ranked ones…..?"

Living together with Yu IlHan's subordinates for 2 years and 9 months, she now knew that they weren't human but elves, and that the weapons Vanguard sold world wide was all created by Yu IlHan.

The legend-ranked bracelet she received from Erta before the battle, was of very high quality, and it had helped out a lot in surviving in the other world. She was surprised that he was a smith as well but….. he could make epic ranked ones too!

However, Yu IlHan only tilted his head and spoke,

"Although I can't make them as I wish, I get one if I get lucky once in a while. I'll give one to you too if I make one later. Mir seems to like you too."

"Mee! What about mee! I'm also close with Mir! Mir totally likes me!"

"However, I personally don't like you so no. Ask me again after 300 years."


He could reject her so openly! Kang MiRae made a smile while seeing that. Even though it was supposed to be something bad for her clan, she somehow felt satisfied. Her heart fluttered.

Yes. She was feeling fluffy since it looked like she was receiving special treatment.

"MiRae! You just smirked now didn't you! If I acquire an epic one, it will be used to help you!"

"No, I didn't smirk at all."

While Kang MiRae was acting clueless, Yu IlHan called Mir into his arm.

"While Ericia is away calling Flemir, I'll go to my workshop for a bit. I'll do a final check, and make Mir's new armor too."

"And you can do that in that meanwhile?"

"Of course."

Yu IlHan did indeed return Ericia and Flemir returned to the apartment. Although, he brought back something 'he didn't expect' on top of Yumir's armor.

They headed to New York along with Kang HaJin and the Lightning God clan members which Kang MiRae and the rest hadn't seen for a long time. A strict competition to pick one thousand people of Earth, was waiting for them.

....or so it should have been.

Author's notes

1. Some of you may feel that the past few chapters were taking out the gas. You're right. This chapter, links the previous incident to the next one. Ertawagon had her action as well here…. So the point is… quantity overflow again… T_T

2. (Something about Indian bap)

3. There are largely two kinds of competitions: league and tournament. League requires each team to fight against every other team, while tournament will select the winner of each match to play again, a merciless way of determining the best!

4.Just in case you ask, average level and lowest level is different!

Translator's notes

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

There was a time when Yu IlHan expected the people of Earth to fight each other to the death until only one thousand people remained in their raging passion to protect Earth.

"It's the Susanoo party." "I shouldn't fight them and drain their strength." "Their members are frightening right? They were all MVPs in the defense battle against the Abandoned World." "Let's get out of their way."

However, immediately Ilhan's party had entered the huge arena, some of the exactly one thousand people exited on their own accord.


As this happened so suddenly, Yu IlHan had to judge what just happened with his eyes open.

"Did someone forfeit?" [Indeed.] (Erta)

Yes. The people who thought 'Oh, I should step down here!' had left the venue, and it was the exact same number of people as the party Yu IlHan brought! Like that, one thousand people was maintained on the stage, and at this point, Yu IlHan could also grasp how the participants were picked.

There were two methods to select the participants, the one on one battles and the group battles.

Those who wanted to participate in a one vs one battle would pick one of the individual participants within the one thousand, and challenge them. If the challenger won, then the loser would step down and the winner takes the place. It was also completely fine for people to step down voluntarily. The main point was that a maximum of 1000 people needed to be maintained on the stage.

However, group battles were much more complex in comparison. For Kang MiRae who came back at 120% power in just 10 days, to participate with her clan members, she had to pick out the single participants from 1000 people and match the numbers with her own number of clan members, and win two rounds of challenges.

Unlike the single battles that one had to bring out their full power on, there were a lot of other elements in group battles, so fighting twice was inevitable to prove their competence. Their participation would be set in stone if they won two battles. It was just a difference of fighting several times in succession and with random opponents.

Also, once they won the battle like that, the losers had to all exit the arena so there would be a blank in the participants. When some weak people joined that blank, then the people with ability would once again challenge them and take their place.

As it was impossible to come up to the stage once they went down, the arena was not as full as he had expected.

"Mr. Yu IlHan sure is amazing."

Seeing Yu IlHan skipping all the annoying process and making the people accept his party's participation, Kang HaJin exclaimed.

The always-cool fullplate armor, and the sudden appearance of the bladed wings made him look quite strange, but he still had an overwhelming level of charisma. Even the seven subordinates behind him would not lose out to anyone here…

"But in fact, wouldn't it have ended easily if he just brought the strongest thousand of the wolves?"

Although it was no boast, the day humanity went against Kiroa, humanity would have lost without Yu IlHan. It was possible for them to battle only because Yu IlHan had entered the gate and took care of the strong ones on the other side. And the surviving wolves all became his underlings….

Kang MiRae answered his question.

"Of course it would have ended easily." "Then why?" "Shouldn't he be thinking that the current forces are enough?"

Kang HaJin's jaws were left agape after hearing her answer.

Now, all of humanity knew about the circumstances surrounding the Battle of Competition; they knew about the number of participating worlds, and how the winner would be decided. Even if he could somehow lead them against worlds that had undergone their 2nd Great Cataclysm, how could he be confident in winning against the teams in the senior category?"

While Kang HaJin was thinking such reasonable things, his sister and her friend that became slightly strange after spending time in an Abandoned World, had gone a step further with their opinions.

"In fact, it should be much more efficient for Mr. Yu IlHan and Mir to go by themselves while we protect Earth." "We cannot inconvenience him forever. We need to show him that we can do things even without him." "Although you girls were full of confidence even before you went there, I think you can poke someone to death with that rocketing confidence now."

Kang MiRae only replied with a smile, and looked at the Lightning God members that numbered 10 including herself.

Although the gap had increased as she had went to the Abandoned World, they were still elites that were handpicked by her. If they were polished through this Battle of Competition, they would be able to do well even after the 2nd Great Cataclysm.

"Please prepare. This is the start."

Kang MiRae generated and grabbed golden lightning on one hand as she entered the stage. She was easily utilizing the options of the Legend ranked bracelet that had been with her for nearly 3 years.

"We will challenge a group fight. There are ten of us. Oh, we don't want to fight the strong ones so please get out of our way on your own accord."

It really played out the way that she had requested. The stronger teams realized how strong she was, and hid themselves. Meanwhile, the passionate ones that could not differentiate between left and right were fished by her taunt and were kicked out without even being able to use the Boom Bubble.

"Master's magic is too strong." "No, miss YuNa's blessing was too strong...."

Even the members that fought together were dumbfounded. Feeling their panic, Kang MiRae spoke with a faint smile.

"You would have to follow us ardently in the future." "Yes!" "Understood!"

After that, many people joined the stage in New York. Many people excluding Yu IlHan's group and the Lightning God dropped out, and some unknown experts had emerged as well. If there was anything for sure, it was that all of the members here had strength that did not lose to any other representatives of other worlds prior to the 2nd Great Cataclysm.

[I declare the end of the participants selection. In exactly 2 hours, the transfer to Lu Füera will begin, so please wait in the stage.] (Spiera) "So it ended."

After the scheduled time was over, Yu IlHan immediately sat on the stage, and looked around him. Although they couldn't show overwhelming force like Yu IlHan's group or the Lightning God, many of the clans belonging to the Front Line Alliance were remaining on stage.

Of course, the majority of the clans that brought all their members in greed couldn't avoid defeat, but in cases like the Demon Dragon clan which were mainly comprised of close-combat personnel, they easily gained victory by bringing only their elites with advanced weapons.

On the other hand, the Magia clan and the Metal Knights clan seemed to ride it out alone from quite a while back, and this time, they had picked out their elites and joined together to show a perfectly balanced party. Whether it was Carina Malatesta or Michael Smithson, they had grown completely differently from the Kantou battle.

"Hey, don't you think Smithson and Malatesta have something going on between them?"

So, he was curious. What was it that occurred between the two clan masters!

[You sound like you talked a lot behind other people's back in your highschool.] (Erta) "I think you're mistaken. Because, the only time I opened my mouth was during register/roll-call, music period and lunch." [I'm sorry! I'll talk a lot with you from now on!] (Erta) "Nah, it's alright. It's my fault for not having any friends. Yes, I have no qualifications to talk behind other people's back." [Aawawaa, what do I do. I stepped on a huge landmine!] (Erta) "If that much is a landmine, my heart is a DMZ. Don't worry about it so much." [It makes me even more worried instead!] (Erta)

Erta blamed herself for her carelessness! Meanwhile, Liera, who becoming interested in other people's love affairs after being blessed by the God of Love, judged quickly after looking at the man and woman standing next to each other.

[Ahaa… the woman seems to have taken an interest to the man, but her feelings are not being reciprocated. I can see he's thinking about another woman.] (Liera) [From what I see, the woman is much better in both looks and ability, but how? Normally, the man would be the one clinging to the woman.] (Spiera)

Asked Spiera who returned after acting as one of the judges in the selection, when Liera replied back.

[True love does not have any relationship with such material things, idiot.] (Liera) [Really? Liera really does know a lot about love. I knew you were different since you were blessed by t#$%^.] (Spiera)

The 2nd super-mini war of angels was triggered. Yu IlHan, who had succeeded in putting away his high school trauma, proceeded to take out a clean wok from his inventory.

"I'm hungry so let's eat." [To think you'd think of eating in this situation… amazing...] (Erta)

Yu IlHan took out a small scale furnace, and started a fire with Blaze and placed the wok on top of the set up. When he started stir-frying dragon meat with dragon-fat rendered oil, everyone's gazes fixed on him whether it was from inside or outside the stage.

[I'm really frustrated that it smells good!] (Erta) "Looks tasty."

He took out the rice from the vacuum packed plastic bag in his inventory, and added various vegetables and sauce.

He added a little salt, and once he added the special dragon sauce, made by mixing Breath purified of poison by Na YuNa, and oyster sauce. It was the perfect dragon stir-fried rice.

[To think I'd see someone cooking on top of the selection stage in my life...] (Spiera) [I'm hungry now that I fought too. IlHan, gimme some too.] (Liera)

Even Spiera was shocked as she was fighting with LIera. Meanwhile, the other participants who were staving their hunger off with preserved foods, were only making gulping sounds.

"Food cooked by Susanoo….." "Don't even dream about it. We might end up getting cooked ourselves." "Dammit, order some pizza! They should know the location if we say it's the selection stage!"

Yu IlHan put away the helmet as he had no need for hiding and gathered the group and ate the freshly cooked stir-fried rice. Kang HaJin, Na YuNa, and Kang MiRae also came after mercilessly throwing away their clan members.

"Delish!" "Whoa? It really is tasty! Just what can't you do!?" "Conversation, so please eat quietly." "..."

Kang HaJin obediently ate the food after hearing Yu IlHan's honest words. Of course, Yumir was an exception.

"Dad, I want more! I think I might level up after one more." "Yes, yes. Mir should grow up a lot by eating a lot of food." "...He levels up by eating?"

Eating with many people like this was a joy he couldn't experience in his dropout period! Thinking about how participating in the annoying Battle of Competition was all to preserve this joy, he automatically brimmed with power.

After that, Yu IlHan had to cook two more batches in order to fill everyone's stomachs.

A painful-for-some and joyful-for-some period of wait had finally ended, and it was finally time to head to a higher world. Some, resolved themselves while heading there, and some wished to become as famous as Susanoo through this.

Even when they had different thoughts, their objective as they entered the gate in the center of the stage was all the same: to bring back advanced Traps of Destruction to Earth by getting good results in the Competition!

[Oh, Lu Füera. I haven't been here for a while.] (Liera) [It's the first time for me. I never took care of this side.] (Erta) "Wao…..!"

The place they had arrived at after entering the gate, was a huge place that even Yu IlHan, who had been to three other worlds, Dareu, Kiroa and Ferata, was dumbfounded.

"So hot…..!" "No, it's burning! Dammit, isn't there any water-class mages here?"

As everything, including grass, trees, flowers, insects, and even the sun was more than 10 times larger than those of Earth, as a result, the environment was very very hot. Of course, Yu IlHan, who received the Hero of Fire title, wasn't that affected by such heat….. but how could any life-forms grow here?

[They should be lifeforms that live in this world as they are in front of you, right?] (Liera) "Can I take a little?" [And you think you can?] (Liera)

Yu IlHan's eyes shined. It was a 'I-know-it-even-without-you-telling-me' attack. Liera was defeated in 3 seconds.

[…..Of course, you can. It's IlHan's request. I'll take responsibility so take only a little, okay?] (Liera) [Never!] (Erta) [Seems like I should step up now.] (Spiera)

Liera and Erta looked quite relaxed, but Spiera, who was acting as a judge on Earth, was different.

After checking that the thousand participants had safely crossed over to Lu Füera, she ordered the angels who were awaiting them in this place and spoke to Yu IlHan.

[I will become one of the judges from now until the tournament ends. Yu IlHan, Earth's first battle will start soon so don't relax. ...Although, I don't even need to say that.] (Spiera) "Yup, don't worry."

Spiera did not say anything about how he secretly tried to pull out some of the grass here, and nodded. She flew away with a smile, and the participants were lead by the angels to one of the arenas for the battle in this wide world.

[The protective membrane will be generated the moment you cross this line. You will be summoned back to Earth the moment the membrane breaks, and even attacks from allies will damage it so please be careful. Also, you need to maintain that membrane until the end of the tournament once it's generated. Please do not break the protective membranes outside of battle.] "Does the shield's energy recover?" [It recovers over time. If you have received near critical damage, it's the basics to step back and regroup yourself.]

The angels stepped back after the basic introduction, leaving behind words to enter within 10 minutes as the battle would start then.

"Once we cross this line..." "Traps of Destruction. The world I went to experienced a wave of 3rd class monsters due to the lack of advanced Traps of Destruction...! I shall definitely protect Earth!"

When the people stood on the borderline that faintly flowed without any devices, they all sighed in nervousness. It was natural for their steps to be heavy as they were shouldering the fate of Earth. They could only be careful even in their light movements.

However, loners always shouted 'yes' when others said 'no'!

Yu IlHan didn't even imagine that everyone else was being nervous and he crossed over. Yumir and the other subordinates followed his line.


Na YuNa spat out her unique exclamation due to the lack of his hesitation. Then, she looked at Kang MIRae.

"Let's goo too, MiRae!" "...Sure."

Kang MiRae nodded and crossed the line. When she did, a higher class magic covered his body. With the resolve that she would acquire this kind of magic as hers one day, she raised her head.

The battle started. Earth won within 7 minutes.

The 3 battles after that ended in the same fashion. Earth was now in the finals. (PR: wow that was fast)

Author's notes

There's no drama from the participants selection until the finals. Even Yumir will be able to take care of everyone alone if the opponent are from the junior tournament….! (Untranslatable ref) Boom bubble: Patamon's finisher attack

Translator's notes Xianxia/Xuanhuan be like "You trash! I shall trash you" multiplied by infinity in tournament arcs. EER be like "4 of the matches ended in 7 minutes" And yes, the tournament arc is very short.

Translator: Chamber Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

Yu IlHan decided to hold back and avoid acting too grandly, even though he believed that he was substantially stronger than the people around him. He genuinely wanted the people of Earth to surpass him some day, however, it almost seemed like that day would never arrive. The gap was simply too wide.

As such, he was worried that they would lose their passion to become stronger if he acted in an overbearing fashion.

"That must never happen! I would be annoyed to death if they left everything to me."

[You looked cool before you said that. But now… you look a little pathetic.] (Liera)

If it was before, he would have let his subordinates rampage around in his stead, but after going to an Abandoned World, even the lowest levelled one was the elven thief Phiria at level 123.

As they suffered for about three years in harsh conditions, their already exceptional skill levels became even higher, and as their equipments had undergone refurbishment under Yu IlHan's hands, their level of equipment was almost peerless.

As such, Yu IlHan ordered his subordinates to hold back. The best was pretending to fight after charging to the enemy with the allies. They would cooperate on a low level, and help out if anyone seemed to be in danger, while cleaning up the proactive enemies. He thought that just that would help out a lot.

The only problem was that they easily obliterated half of enemy forces even while holding back.

"Eeei! Are the humans of Earth monsters!"

"Don't fight them! One of us was ejected with a single kick just now!"

Yu IlHan and co were a typhoon that travelled at slow speeds; it was alright if they didn't approach, but once they were caught up, it would be the end for them!

Even after all that, it wasn't so easy to attack the other people of Earth. Not to mention the members of the Lightning God Clan, the people of Earth that had been strengthened after the many chaotic battles on Earth also fought back desperately.

"I'm sick and tired of Dungeon Waves!"

"I will become the hero of Earth!"

While Yu IlHan and co were shooting a one sided cosmic-massacre horror film on one side, the other people were shooting a war drama. Endless tears filled with both blood and sweat flooded the land, while shouts filled the air.

"We'll break through the center now!"


Kang MiRae, who had leaped levels in the Abandoned World was leading them. Nothing could stop her lightning, and the magic that she had casted over a long time with Na YuNa's buff, had enough power to blast a hole through the enemy forces.


"How are we supposed to win this! Why is there so much of a difference? our world has also developed over 200 years after the first Great Cataclysm!"

The opponents lost their morale in front of her lightning. Of course, it wasn't like there were no superhuman people that were especially stronger than others, but even those superhumans were cleaned up by Kang MiRae with Na YuNa's buff.

As such, the result of the competition was not even worth mentioning about.

[Earth, Junior tournament top 4. 419 personnel remaining.]

The weaker participants from Earth were mercilessly ejected, and as a result, the final number of people remaining was 419. Only the elites amongst elites of Earth remained. Excluding Yu IlHan's group, Kang MiRae, and Na YuNa, their average level was well over 90!

"We did it, top 4!"

"Can we really acquire advanced Traps of Destructions?"

"Dammit... We actually did it!"

The heroes that succeeded in bringing Earth to solid grounds, hugged each other and cried while patting each other's shoulders. How hard of a time did they have due to the hardcore waves on Earth? But now, they could finally, through their own power, make Earth safer!

"It's not the end. Although we're in the top 4 for the Junior Tournament, we still have to fight against the Senior teams so we're top 8!"

"Yes, we must continue higher and higher!"

The people of Earth burned with passion. Yu IlHan watched that and thought that it was good that he restrained from doing too much. They weren't weak people who were protected by others, but warriors that pioneered their own future with their own power!

Yu IlHan lightly clapped for them. And he confirmed with Spiera in a small enough voice so that they couldn't hear him. She had just finishing the battle of Earth, and had come back to Yu IlHan.

"But even so, they'd be obliterated against the senior teams, right?"

Arrogance was simply being prideful while reality remained as such. Spiera lightly smiled and replied to Yu IlHan's rational judgement.

[Isn't that natural? Their lowest level is 130. Any more than this is breaking the rules so I can't tell you anything else.] (Spiera)

Ferata definitely did indeed have an overwhelming power with overflowing numbers of 3rd class armies and 5 4th class personnel.

However, that didn't imply that other worlds were weak like Earth. The worlds that were about to undergo their 3rd Great Cataclysms, had power that were at least half of the forces of Ferata, or more.

Thinking about the senior tournament, something tugged his mind and he asked Spiera.

"I'll ask this just in case, but what happened to Ferata?"

[They lost. The surviving nobles and knights of the imperial capital did not participate at all, and although there was the forces of countryside nobles and forces from small countries….. they did not reach the top 4 in the end.] (Spiera)

"They didn't participate at all..."

Well, half of them had just reached 3rd class, while the other half was still in the beginning stages, but if it was their cooperative power they showed that day, it wouldn't have been impossible for them to reach 4th place. However, the situation of the empire wouldn't have allowed that.

Thinking about the regrets and tears they showed that day, a slight sense of guilt flashed by his heart. However, he thought that this wasn't even funny. Like how the survivors had no right to resent Yu IlHan, he too had no right to regret what he did back then, especially with the conviction that he held then.

He would have acted the same way even if a similar situation occurred again. As such, he decided to stop thinking about Ferata here.

There were 3 hours of rest until the finals. Yu IlHan called the group and fed them with dragon meat fries and wolf meat fries and declared.

"I think we should be more proactive from the next fight."

"What about the 'people's growth'?"

Was Ericia's question. Yu IlHan nodded, saying it was a great question, before replying.

"Did I say that I wouldn't interfere for the Growth and free will of the people?"

"You did."

"I lied."

"Wao, commando!2"

Strictly speaking, it wasn't really a lie. To be exact, he had no intention to act passively until the very end. He thought that this was around the limit for the current people of Earth. And that was after factoring in Kang MiRae and Na YuNa's overwhelming power.

"Since they fought up to here, they should have grown plenty already. Rather than that, it's more important that I get less work due to less Dungeon Breaks."

If Earth was endangered even after he made the people strong and independent, there would be no point! Yu IlHan's judgement was reasonable.

"Above all, the next guys are out of their leagues. The opponents are at least level 130 so even you guys would be kicked out if you get careless. Groups of monsters without intelligence and people who received special training are completely different in quality.

Even if they wanted to relax a little as they were confidence because they had annihilated an entire world, they couldn't forgo Yu IlHan's words as he had fought against much stronger enemies in Dareu, alone.

Moreover, didn't he even obliterate half an army of enhanced humanity in another world? Judging by experience alone, there was no one who could retort to him. As such, they could only nod in seriousness.

"We know thaaat. The Abandoned World we went to had also experienced its 3rd Great Cataclysm. Of course, humanity was extinct there! Oh, this is too delishhh. Mr. IlHan, marry me!"

Even though it was Yu IlHan's subordinates he was talking to, Na YuNa replied instead. And here he thought about why he could hear 'wao!'s from awhile back…. Moreover, a dragon meat fry was in her mouth.

Yu IlHan mercilessly smacked her on the forehead.


"Don't steal my kids' food and go away."

"Yes, Na YuNa, go away."

Kang MiRae ate the fry that she received from Yumir and added more fuel to the fire. Yu IlHan looked at his son Yumir with a complex gaze as it was obvious that it was him who called the two girls here, before sighing and nodding.

"...There's a lot of meat so eat comfortably."


"Sorry for inconvenience you all the time."

"I'll pack some for the gulping ones over there so give it to them too. People might think that the clan master doesn't even give them salary."

It was a strange scene of the father's communication skills increasing thanks to the son. The person in question, Yumir, though, seemed to be clueless. He was only eating joyfully with the others. It was the figure of a social butterfly that Yu IlHan dreamed of in his childhood!

"Dad, more!"

"…..Yes, eat a lot more. You are the only hope of the Yu family."

Then what of Yu IlHan's father, Yu YongHan? Yes. In fact, he was also a perfect loner that made him wonder how his mother succeeded in marrying him. Although he had no passive concealment skill!

The opponent for the quarter finals were revealed. It was a world called 'Snuë' in which 1,300 years had passed since their last Great Cataclysm! It was also a world that was nearing its 3rd Great Cataclysm.

The lucky two of the top 4 Junior teams seemed to have gotten each other as opponents… but Earth and another unknown world had gotten Senior teams as their opponents.


"Although we thought that we wouldn't have it easy, but did it still have to come to this…..!"

"How are the matches decided? Call the manager here!"

After their opponent was decided, some of the people sighed in rage, some somehow looked relieved, while some despaired and gave up, and some burned in passion. There could be so many different reactions to the same situation? Yu IlHan watched that scene as he bit on an apple for the dessert.

"Humans sure are interesting."

[I knew you'd say that.] (Liera)

Unlike the preliminaries that took place in one stage, the finals had different environment for each match. However, that didn't require the team to walk half the world.

Instead, the world matched their teams.

[Amazing, isn't it? This is God's power.] (Liera)

"It definitely is amazing. Really, quite absurd."

A higher world, Lu Füera could change the environment, compress distance, expand space, put a target inside a barrier, and do a lot of other things according to the wills of the angels who governed the world! Anything was possible as long as it was not changing day into night.

"Angel-nims are so powerful!"

"Heaven's Army, amazing."

In the process of preparing for the finals, Yu IlHan and the other humans could see for themselves, the power of higher existences. He finally knew why Spiera was so confident.

"Liera, you came back alive from an environment like this?"

[You mean beyond the Wall of Chaos, right? That place isn't as bad as there. It was the moment of proof that those perverse seeds are way inferior to God's power! Right! So you too, IlHan, become an angel without hesitation!] (Liera)

[We welcome new angels at any time. Since we are clashing with other groups more than before, we are lacking in manpower…..] (Erta)

Now, even Erta was proactively advertising angels. Yu IlHan annoyedly pushed them away and confirmed the changed environment.

What first came to his eyes was that the lands were changing endlessly. When he looked down, they were on a giant platform, and it was flying through the air.

Oh, yes. This could be considered 'in the air'.

[As worlds go through its 2nd and 3rd Great Cataclysms, the environment becomes more varied and more extreme. This competition is also a type of training grounds to train humans adapt to the new environments faster by making them experience such things beforehand.] (Erta)

The 419 people of Earth were getting onto different platforms each. Those platforms were nearing and distancing from each other in a range that wouldn't make them clash, as it moved according to the air flow.

With opportune timing, even 7 year-olds could hop onto another platform, so there would be no cases of not being able to battle due to not being able to cross to other platforms.

If there was a problem, it was that there were people of other worlds in the same type of platform.

"So it's not a many vs many battle but a numerous few vs few battles."

The other side also seemed to have seen Yu IlHan and the other people of Earth, as they were glaring on this side. However, as the battle hadn't begun, the ones who attacked now would be ejected.

[10 seconds until battle.]

An angel that was a judge like Spiera shot to the skies and shouted so that everyone could hear.

[8 seconds.]

Yu IlHan checked his surroundings. The other participants were clenching their teeth after confirming that the participants of Snuë were much stronger than them. It felt like morale was an all time low even before the battle.

[4 seconds.]


Yu IlHan clicked his tongue. He didn't like them giving up without even trying.

However, separate from that, he didn't feel so good as he could foresee that they would have dejected looks back on Earth even though they had made a great achievement.

[2 seconds.]

Yu IlHan hated arrogance, but he thought that a certain amount of self-confidence was not bad. Acknowledging one's own value was very a important part of making progress.

[Battle start.]

As such, it wouldn't be so bad to heighten the morale of humans. Well, if they still thought that Yu IlHan belonged to 'humanity' that is.

"It can't help it."

Yu IlHan stepped forward. That, was the signal that switched his state of mind, and also a type of self-hypnotism that made him think he would be able to use his own abilities better.

"Kuhak!? What the hell are all these!"

"Throwing spears!? Just where are they falling from... Eek, block all of them!"

Hundreds of throwing spears fell down with frightening speed in the air and attacked the Snuëans.

However, unlike the grand show, the attacks weren't that effective. The opponent were not simple minded monsters, but 3rd class beings that grew up through numerous years of torment. And these people were strong enough to make it to the finals of the tournament!

Of course, as Yu IlHan's spears were too fast, and very sudden, it wasn't like there were no defeated enemies. The problem was that the spears were only a feint to hide his real attack.

As they were moving around in order to block the rain of spears, their battle formations instantly crumbled apart, and as they were too focused in the sky, there lots of openings. What Yu IlHan aimed for was those openings!


Yu IlHan swept the group after flying towards them with the wings at absurd speeds.

This place was not an Abandoned World, nor were the opponents dragons, as such, he did not receive any blessing or buff of the sort, but despite that, all opponents he attacked lost their shields in a single strike and were ejected to their own worlds.


"Just who…"

And a few seconds after that. Another battlefield seemed to have become a mess before calming down again. It repeated again in a few seconds in a different place, again and again. The ones watching had lost their spirits whether it was the opponents or allies, but unfortunately, that was not the end.

"Everyone charge."

"Charge, charge!"

"We should at least defeat half what His Majesty defeats!"

Yu IlHan's subordinates joyfully rampaged around as soon as he gave the order. Paté's arrows were especially strong and even those higher levelled than him had a hard time blocking, and he achieved the highest rate. He did his job for getting an epic-ranked weapon!

The battle ended 15 minutes after that. The result was undeniably Earth's victory. If the battlefield was narrower, it would have been over in half that time.

In that short amount of time, over 300 people of Earth retired and showed that a world nearing its 3rd Great Cataclysm was indeed very strong, but the people that returned to Earth were full of admiration and faith instead of despair for their own lack of power.

Admiration for the Deathgod of the battlefield that made the gap between them and the Snuëans pale in comparison!

Author's notes

Are the people of Earth monsters! : A parody of Char Aznable's famous line from the Gundam series, 'Are the union's mobile suits monsters!' (T/N: I'm pretty sure this line is not famous in the English community. I wasn't able to find it)

I lied : Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous line in the movie, Commando.

Translator's notes

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

Although a disaster of 300 out of the 419 people being ejected had occurred, there was no need for them to be dejected by the difference in power between them and the participants in the senior tournament. It did not matter if it was them or the opponents, they were insignificant existences compared to Yu IlHan.

"And I actually tried to compete against him…"


"I should've known from the time he easily wiped out the wolves of Kiroa. But one day I'll...!"

Of course, there were some who didn't like Yu IlHan's actions. The ones that resolved themselves to surpass him one day, and people who didn't like him from the beginning like Michael Smithson was in this category, but Yu IlHan didn't think that it was such a bad thing.

The tears of the weak and the unrelenting resolve. That, would make their growth speed up. In any case, Yu IlHan would welcome anything if it would make the people of Earth stronger.

And in the semi-finals after that, Yu IlHan went a step further. Against 84 3rd classes and two 4th classes, he, with a scarlet-burning whip, took charge of a 4th class and fought on equal footing!

Flemir, who also had now met an opponent, also rampaged to his heart's content with Yu IlHan's permission.

"H, how is this a Junior…..!"

"You deceived me angeeeeeeeel!"

"That's a monster, dammit!"

"Yes, I'm the proud leader of the Royal Guardians of the wolfkin race blessed by the moon, Flemir!"

All of the 4th classes participating in the competition were agile and strong, but Yu IlHan and Flemir were even more so.

Thanks to the options attached to Ruin Calling, his Superhuman strength raised his stats to levels not inferior to 4th classes! Yu IlHan's figure shooting shockwaves everywhere while shooting across the air and wipe the enemies out with his whip, was like a disaster.

"Eeeek, take care of the other Earthlings first!"

"Take care of that Lightning woman first!"

While the two 4th classes were put on their edges, the other 3rd classes reached the reasonable conclusion that they had to take care of Kang MiRae, who was using the most dangerous magic here, first, but unfortunately, they were ejected after being shot by the absurd number of wind bullets.

"Mir is so OP!"

"Yes, dad also called me OP!"

Na YuNa was now able to use even stronger blessing magic, incomparable to other priests/priestesses, after becoming 3rd class and receiving even stronger blessing from the Goddess of Beauty! Plus, Yumir who was shooting wind magic with her buff! The wind bullets polished in real combat, had already surpassed the capabilities of 3rd classes whether it was speed, destructiveness, or accuracy.

"Attack, now!"

"Now! Everyone charge!"

When he gained time like that, Kang MiRae's wide range magic would wipe the 3rd classes into the ground, and the remaining members would just kick them to eject them from the field. It was a perfect combo.

Of course, as there were a lot of enemies, there was no way Yu IlHan and his group could take care of everyone, and most of the surviving people of Earth were ejected in this round. The remaining only amounted to 43. Yu IlHan's group, and the core members of the Lightning God clan, and some of the clan masters and their elites.

However, everyone other than Yu IlHan's group knew that their turn was over. Their turn was over since the preliminaries were over. As they had gone through many messy battlefields to reach here, they had grown a lot and they could now at least differentiate courage and overconfidence.

"He's out-classed. I'm embarrassed that I tried to put him on the same line as me."

"Even though some were ejected right in front of my eyes, I couldn't even see how they were attacked...."

"However, since I came all the way here, I'll watch until the end. I think that is the respect I can give to the Deathgod fighting for the fate of Earth."

Of course, Yu IlHan's group were also surprised. Yu IlHan was pleasantly surprised at the increased abilities of his subordinates and Kang MiRae, but they, were shocked at the destructive growth of Yu IlHan that still left them behind in the dust.

"I think I'm scared of him even without his concealment."

"When did he learn the whip?"

"Just when I thought I caught up, he takes a step further..."

"Is that about MiRae's unrequited looove?"


Meanwhile, Yumir, who, like a dragon, admired power, was excited after seeing Yu IlHan's speedy fight using Ruin Calling.

"Dad, how can you fly so fast?"

"Mir is a dragon that wields wind, so you would be able to fly faster than dad if you acquire your 4th class. However, it's more important to adapt to fight even in that fast speed."

"I'm going to train hard!"

"Yes, yes. Well done my son."

It was unknown when Yu IlHan's son would reach 4th class, but he thought that it wouldn't be so bad to let him train before that.

"Can I become strong like dad if I put in effort?"

"Of course, although, dad will have become even stronger by then."

"Dad is so cool!"

Although Mir hadn't grown over countless years like other dragons, if he used his biggest talents, wind magic and concealment, well, it might be the birth of an unprecedented dragon. Of course, as the rider, Yu IlHan would also receive similar benefits.

'Oh, now that I think about it, there's something I can use right now.'

As there was the skill, Dragon-man resonance, not to mention 10% increase in all abilities while fighting together, he could now also use Dragonic blood now that Mir had acquired 3rd class.

The skill that amplifies the power of other active skill by using them together! From then on, he thought about which skill to enhance in order to be praised


At that time, something shattered the atmosphere of the people of Earth. Some people suddenly used their skills at their own hearts. Naturally, the shield was broken, and they were ejected. The problem was that this was not the end.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"I'm also retiring here. You stay here until the end with them. I'll cheer you on."

"It's good that the Deathgod is here with us. We'll go back to Earth first."

While shock was spreading between the people of Earth, two more retired on their own volition. As there were only 40 or so people left, the gap felt like it suddenly got bigger.

"What the hell just happened?"

"Don't tell me they were done in by some mental attack magic before?"

"Priests, where are the priests!"

Yu IlHan momentarily thought that his actions were too big and may have made the people of Earth feel very insignificant, but he managed to remember that all the people that just retired belonged to the same clan.

Then, there was something that came to his mind.

"What just happened?"

"Nothing at aaaall. Other than the fact that our opponent in the finals is a world called Kenatoo, and it seemed like they are going to meet their 4th Great Cataclysm soon. Perhaps they were scared?"

Answered Na YuNa, who was tickling Mir. However, that was enough. Yu IlHan found this absurd and sighed.

"There was no need for them to do that."

"Eh? Did you figure something out from my woooords?"

"I think Miss Na YuNa also knows."

Answered Yu IlHan before standing up. He patted Yumir who was looking at him worriedly, twice, and opened his mouth in the center of the people of Earth.

"The ones that just returned to Earth now,"

All the people focused their attentions on him.

"were ejected by the opponents in our previous round. Everyone, please take it that way. Even if the participants of Kenatoo speak to you in 'English' or other 'languages of Earth', you can just ignore them."

"How…..? Oh."

Someone was about to ask back when it looked like he just realized what was happening.

"So that's it. That's why they retired on their own."

"What? What is it?"

"Our opponents are from a world called 'Kenatoo'. The ones that disappeared just now are most probably a clan that was formed by the ones that went to that world. This is also why he said they may speak to us in English."


If so, it was deducible that they wouldn't be able to fight for the Traps of Destruction with the world they were acquainted with. For Earth, they had to attack regardless of any acquaintance, but for the clan members that grew thanks to their help, that wouldn't have been an easy decision.

Yu IlHan, who specialized in thinking negatively, thought that there may be some other reason, but he didn't say it out loud.

In any case, they chose to give up as they didn't want to clash, and now. None of the participants of Earth had any connections with Kenatoo. What remained now was to fight to the best of their ability, just that.

The field for the finals was solely composed of ice. As it was too cold, 2nd classes found it hard to endure for a long time, and it was also unknown when and where a crevasse may appear, so it was a thrilling environment.

In such a field, did the people of Earth and the people of Kenatoo, met. As the forces on other side were very small compared to the preliminaries, the field was also reduced accordingly.

"What's this? Twenty of them?"

"But they look stronger than the ones we met last time...."

"How many of them are 4th classes? Shit, I never saw a 4th class in a world I went to...!"

The people of Earth numbered just over 40, but the opponents numbered even less. Well, the Senior tournament would have been battles between similarly high-levelled people, so it was not unreasonable. In fact, it was surprising that there were so many strong people remaining in the finals.

"Did the 'Burning Flag' clan die out?"

However, before the battle began, one of the people of Kenatoo, spoke to them in English. Well, now they didn't even need to ask who belonged to the 'Burning Flag' clan.

Yu IlHan and the others' predictions were correct. Kang MiRae spoke as the representative.

"Yes, they fought well, but they were all ejected."

"Understood. Thanks for your kind answers."

After he spoke in very bad English, he turned back and muttered in a language in their own world.

"Useless trash. Earth had come to the finals but they aren't even in the members."

"There are angels here."

When someone else immediately said that, he immediately shut his mouth, but leaving aside angels, Yu IlHan, a master of the Language skill, understood it all.

They were useless because none of the members in the finals were not them? So they would have been of use if they were? In other words, this meant that they required something of the people that retired on their own.

And that 'something' would probably be…


Sighed Yu IlHan. It would have been good for his worries to just end as worries, but annoyingly, they always came true.

The people who heard his sigh looked at him, but Yu IlHan was no longer in that place.

Well, it looked like he wasn't there.

[Your concealment level is insane.] (Erta)

"It's thanks to Mir."

The title 'Big and wide shadow' Mir had acquired in the Abandoned World, and the characteristics of a Dragon rider enhanced Yu IlHan's concealment skill by a step.

Yu IlHan took out his Eight-tailed dragon spear in that state, and activated Superhuman strength skill and lowered his body posture. The wings on his back extended outwards with a small sound of cutting through the air.

[10 seconds until battle.]

The countdown began. The people of Earth also poised themselves in fear of getting ejected instantly, and the people of Kenatoo, who weren't aware of Yu IlHan's existence at all, also poised themselves and went on guard against the people other than Yu IlHan.

[9 seconds.]


Crunching sounds could be heard as he gripped on the spear tightly. Orochi, who loved battle and destruction, received Yu IlHan's intentions and roared in delight.

[8 seconds.]

Yu IlHan activated one of the options on the Eight-tailed dragon spear. The spear tip separated into eight and now he could attack eight people at once, this option wasn't one that he used normally.

[7 seconds.]

However, the form that could be seen now was slightly different from what it would be usually. The eight branches coiled around and extended endlessly! Although the spear was already very big and long, its current form was even more so.

[5 seconds.]

5 meters, 8 meters, and 10 meters! The coiled blade looked very dangerous as it had blades pointing to many directions, but they were delicately thin as well. However, Yu IlHan didn't worry about that.

"You won't break against these weaklings right?"


[4 seconds.]

Orochi roared, intending to say that he didn't need to be looked down upon. Yu IlHan just smiled and added one last thing.

'Dragonic blood.'

Muttered he in his heart, when his entire body started boiling. The violent power of the dragons possessed by Yumir was now being imbued into him! Whatever skill he was about to use, it would be incomparable to before he obtained this power!

[3 seconds.]

In that state, Yu IlHan activated the purple flames attached to the Eight-tailed dragon spear. Purple colored flames covered the coiled spear that was over 8 meters long.

However, even that wasn't the end. When Yu IlHan flapped his wings, it seemed to emit bright light, before a flicker of golden flame broke off it and fused with the purple flames on the Eight-tailed dragon spear!

[2 seconds.]

Yes, although even Yu IlHan himself didn't know, the alpha option on Ruin Calling, 'the ability to freely absorb and emit flames'. could also absorb the Eternal Flame in his workshop!

Yu IlHan immediately moved its home from the workshop into his wings the moment he realized that. What Yu IlHan took from the workshop apart from making Yumir's armor, was the Eternal Flame.

[1 second.]

The Eternal Flame, which had only shown its productive capabilities until now, was now able to rampage around in the front lines.

Although it's attacking capabilities were slightly lacking with just Yu IlHan's control over the flame, if it was fused with the purple flames of the Eight-tailed dragon spear, and the bloodflames of the Black dragon whip, it was possible to raise the flame beyond the highest possible output. Simply put, the Eternal Flame was the highest level flame buff!


And the ability that supported the Eternal Flame and flashed the brightest, was none other than Yu IlHan's class skill Blaze, that was enhanced thanks to the power of Dragonic Blood!

Blaze, which activated after the purple flames, Eternal Flame, and Dragonic blood were activated, covered the spear head of the Eight-tailed dragon spear and shined in white. If not for Yu IlHan's concealment, no one on the battlefield would be able to open their eyes properly.

Yu IlHan's mana consumption was crazy, but he had the confidence to finish everything before his mana was depleted.

[Battle start.]


The moment angel decreed the commence of the final battle, Yu IlHan hurled out a shockwave towards the back and leaped, and re-leaped three times. Before the blink of an eye, he arrived in the enemy territory.

[Critical Hit!]

[The skill, Superhuman strength, has become level 66. The limits of muscle enhancement become even higher.]

With that, he swung his spear horizontally to eject seven opponents at once. That was amazing enough, but what was more shocking was that his trajectory had all four of the 4th classes belonging to Kenatoo!

The 4th classes were ejected without even being able to use their strength properly.


He attacked mid-concealment, and did not kill. As such, his concealment should have been dispelled. However, it did not.

To be exact, it was activated the instant it was dispelled.



The reason was simple. The moment he finished his attack, he used shockwave+leap to move faster than anyone's eyes could catch up!

Even if concealment was dispelled, if the enemies cannot catch a glimpse of him, there was no meaning. The title of Pancosmic Loner, covered him with concealment the moment he escaped the views of other people.

"What on Earth…" 1

"Eek, you just now!"

The remaining people of Kenatoo were ejected without being able to even say anything. Crevice? Icy environments? They couldn't tie Yu IlHan down for even 0.01 second. Repeatedly using shockwave and leaps in mid-air, he accelerated and changed directions fast and wiped out the enemy.

Eight-tailed dragon spear, and the not-inferior Ruin Calling ripped apart the enemies. If they did not have the shield of higher existences, the actual scene might have been quite gory and horrible.

"What the hell is that..."

"Ha, Haha….."

The people of Earth became speechless after seeing the participants of a senior tournament, and ones that were about to meet their 4th Great Cataclysm even, were being cleaned out like insignificant specks of dust.

And even that wasn't his all. He wasn't raining spears from the skies right now!

"What do we do now?"

Someone belonging to the Earth side, asked Kang MiRae. They had no confidence in joining a battle of a completely different dimension like that. They just had the hope that maybe the clan master of the Lightning God may have something.


Kang MiRae had a look at the enemy side that was half-obliterated in under a minute. As her abilities lay in magic, it was near impossible for her to catch a glimpse of Yu IlHan's figure.

But somehow, she felt that she could see him. The smile that appeared on her face, was enough to deduce that she was a late-stage unrequited love patient.

"just need to smile, is what I think."

The battle was over.

The final battle that ended the quickest among all Battle of Competitions until now, set a record of a world in its 1st Great Cataclysm wiping out a world that was about to undergo its 4th Great Cataclysm, within just one minute and 30 seconds, unprecedented, and un-post-cedented. Also, the battle was talked about a lot between the angels later on.

Author's notes

Battle of Competition is over!

I'm sorry to say this now, but the Battle of Competition had no real meaning in itself, and was only just a bridge that collected the thrown baits, threw new ones, and solidified Yu IlHan's image as the absolute power on Earth. Although, I would have to look at the reactions from you readers to be sure of that... (Looks at a distant mountain)

Would someone have predicted that Ruin Calling could absorb the Eternal Flame?

Translator's notes

Translator: Chamber

Proofreader: Koukouseidesu

Yu IlHan and the other participants from Earth returned immediately after the Battle of Competition ended. As the tournament itself was rather short, not many days had passed, and contrary to Yu IlHan's fear of the Great Cataclysm occurring and chaos ensuing, Earth was relatively peaceful.

In fact, there was a parade to welcome the Deathgod and his subordinates who came back with a landslide victory from the tournament! It would also have been fine for them to hunt some monsters in the dungeon!

Yu IlHan ignored all that cheering and clapping and tilted his head.

"That's strange. Nothing like Miss Na YuNa's kidnapping or wars between Transcendent factions has happened. That's strange. It's very strange."

[If everything happened as you expected, then we wouldn't even be alive right now!] (Erta)

Even though he had moved after confirming that Na YuNa had passed through the gate connecting to Earth, he was slightly disappointed that nothing had happened at all.

"How kind. You always reject me but you like me, don't you? Don't youuu?"

"No, even if three suns rise from the south tomorrow, there would be nothing like that."

"Wao, you're being embarrassing!"

Na YuNa misunderstood his intent for nothing and her affinity rose! Yu IlHan pushed the annoying Na YuNa onto Kang MiRae and vaguely waved at the crowd that welcomed him.

His wave contained the hidden meaning that said 'I appreciate your hospitality but I wish you'd all disappear since the population density is too dense here', but unfortunately the people did not understand his intentions, and waved their hands even more frantically in response. Yu IlHan didn't like that situation that made him feel awkward to death.

"This isn't good. Mir, come here."


In the end, Yu IlHan ugged Yumir in his arm with a slight resolve. Yumir, with his 11-year old-figure body, accepted his hug without resistance.

The others looked like they were saying 'why now?' but Yu IlHan didn't explain. Instead, he spoke to Flemir.

"Flemir, you did well. We won more easily thanks to you."

"Not at all. I also realized a lot after looking at you fight. I feel like I found a path to become stronger."

"I don't think I'll need to borrow your power anytime soon so go back to Kiroa as soon as you go back to Korea."

"Uhh, sorry…..?"

Why say that now? The reason was very simple. Among the members here, only Flemir was the one he didn't need to see back in Korea.

"Then I'll take my leave first! Adieu!"

Yu IlHan extended his wings and leaped! He was several kilometers in the air in an instant, and used shockwave and leaped several times, thrusting himself even higher! With horizontal vectors on top of the vertical movement, no one could see him anymore. Yu IlHan meticulously deployed Leap as well.

[No way, the main character of this place ran away because he didn't like people!]

[IlHan, wait for meee!] (Liera)

Liera shot up to follow him, while exclaiming certain things that made all the people left speechless. They could only stare at the sky absent-mindedly. Only Kang MiRae, who expected this to a certain instead worried about how to settle this place down with a bitter smile.

"Miraeee, you also think Mr. IlHan likes me, right?"

On the other hand, Na YuNa was speaking to Kang MiRae with a loose screw on her head, as if she was not thinking about anything, well, even though it could be that she wasn't thinking about anything.

It seemed like Yu IlHan's concern of her safety had struck her heart. Kang MiRae replied to her with a smile.

"Shut up, Na YuNa."


Yu IlHan, who set a world-record of reaching the apartment in Gangnam, Seoul, from New York in 15 minutes, first helped Yumir wash up. Liera, who caught up mid way and arrived together, tilted her head after looking at that.

[Why aren't you washing up together?] (Liera)

"Because I'm gonna sweat in a while."

[There's still something you have to do?]

"Yup. As it had done some action this time, I'm going to give some food Orochi, while cleaning up the nearby dungeons. Actually... I think something new is about to happen soon….."

Replied Yu IlHan. Liera tilted her head in confusion, but exclaimed after the angel's ring on top of her head began to shine.

[The Traps of Destruction that will be used on Earth… it seems like they plan to ask you to make that again.] (Liera)

"I knew that'd happen. If they aren't planning to repeat the disaster from the 1st Great Cataclysm, they should do that."

[But what if they ask you to make the ones that will be used in other worlds as well?] (Liera)

Yu IlHan looked at Liera with a weird gaze.

"Why should I do that!?"

[Well, you are better than the smiths from Heaven...] (Liera)

Liera was blushing in embarrassment even though she was saying that. Yu IlHan thought that he could let her off because she was cute. Moreover, if it was about making Traps of Destruction for other worlds... there was something he wanted to test.

"Okay, just get me the materials. How long does it take?"

[There's quite a lot. To go there now, submit the documents, have meetings, and rip as much materials as possible from the storage, it should take at least 13 hours.] (Liera)

"Okay, go then."

[Ok, I'll be back soon!] (Liera)

Liera tried to kiss Yu IlHan's cheek as if it had already become a habit. Yu IlHan gave up trying to retort and obediently gave her his cheek. Liera kissed Yumir's cheeks as well and disappeared from that place.

"The angel-noonas are busy."

"Dad is also about to get busy, and quite a bit at that."

Yu IlHan took out the Eight-tailed dragon spear from his inventory and let out a deep sigh. Although he didn't hate Smithing work, creating Traps of Destruction used his mental power even more. Doing that in parallel to what he was bout to do, the difficulty would rise even more.

"Good, let's start with a shout."


"Okay, I got it. I'll give you some food."

Yumir watched Yu IlHan conversing with Orochi within the Eight-tailed dragon spear, and asked. His finger was pointing towards the Eight-tailed dragon spear.

"Is this guy alive?"

"Not quite. It's a thought that split off from the monster. Although it's not the soul itself, it is a fragment too. It might be that they are becoming unique existences by eating other life force and thoughts."

"Dad is amazing."

"This daddy is a Deathgod even though I don't look like it."

"Dad is so cool."

Yumir's admiration reached the extreme. Yu IlHan was proud since he didn't need to show his bad side to his son. This could be said to be quite amazing considering that he was the father of a dragon. Yu IlHan acted quite proud.

"Then is this guy similar to the elf hyungs and noonas and Ericia-noona?"

Yumir's words that weren't thought out, pierced through Yu IlHan's head.

"...What did you just say?"

"You said unique existences, so you aren't ruling over it?"

"No, it isn't quite like that, cooperation formed because what the Orochi and I are pursuing is quite simi...."

He said that, when he felt something strange. He felt that his abilities as a Deathgod was resonating with the ability he had acquired by himself.

His heart pounded. He felt like he found a path that was open to him from the beginning, but felt like he couldn't go there so easily.


Orochi cried, as if saying 'you realized that just now?'.

Yu IlHan smiled in retort and activated the Rule skill without hesitation. He needed actions to confirm his feelings.

"You can't reject now, right?"


Hmph, I can't help it since I need to get my meals, or so was the nuance behind Orochi's cry.

After that, the Rule skill activated successfully.

[The thought of Yamata no Orochi became your subordinate. The growth speed of the thought accelerates.]

[The skill, Soul enchant, receives affect from the Rule skill. The growth of the artifact accelerates if the soul enchanted thought is ruled.]

[The skill, Rule, has become level 56. It is possible to receive more subordinates.]

[The skill, Soul enchant, has become level 24. Suppressing and ruling thoughts of existences stronger than you, become easier.]

The moment the skill activated successfully and the bond between Yu IlHan and the Orochi became thicker, Yu IlHan shivered as mysterious and indescribable thrill and excitement shot through his body.

He felt like he finally found a path in which he should walk as a Deathgod. With this ability, he could do his work in an easier fashion!

How could he not realize until now, that the first step to becoming stronger is not learning advanced skills like the Comos-severing Spear, but finding a way to use his current abilities to the maximum and finding ways to apply that power.

And now, Yu IlHan was convinced that his first step could not be more successful.

"Mir, I love you."

All of this was thanks to Mir. He was no different from a lump of luck.

"I also love dad!"

"Yes, yes."

The father and son spun around like that. Well, until Erta, who arrived a little later than Liera, made a strange expression.

Yu IlHan really did wipe out all the dungeons in Seoul, to Korea, to Japan, to China, and even other nearby countries. Well, as they were dungeons in worlds that didn't even undergo the 2nd Great Cataclysm, it was as easy as 3-minute microwave curry for Yu IlHan, as he was strengthened through experiencing Dareu, Kiroa, and Ferata.

[The taste really isn't good.] (Orochi)

Perhaps due to the Rule skill itself, or perhaps its intelligence was enhanced due to the Rule skill, Orochi could finally transmit its will to Yu IlHan using human language.

Well, as Yu IlHan had the language skill, he could understand its words before, but conversing directly like this was a leap forward. Yu IlHan shrugged his shoulders and consoled it.

"I gave you most of the thoughts I got in Ferata. Be satisfied with quantity rather than quality for once. I should leave some to use for others."

[Hmph, I will eat to my hearts content instead then.] (Orochi)

Although he felt this before, the thought from the Orochi which was about to bring disaster upon Japan, was quite cute unlike the original. Well, its current form would be closer to a completely different existence though.

Erta, who noticed that Yu IlHan had pioneered a new realm, asked him with sharp eyes.

[What happened in this short while? I think your spear became stronger.] (Erta)


Although Yu IlHan's spear could be safely said to be on the peak level, now that his emotions with Orochi were deepened, he could now wield the spear like he was handling the Eternal Flame.

Although he didn't enjoy using the technique that split his spear into eight branches, his thought changed after using the power of Orochi for real.

Orochi butchered the weak mobs by swinging the eight branches, with more elegance and power than the time it had pressured Yu IlHan with its eight tails. That figure made Yu IlHan look more like a mage than a spearman.

It wasn't that the absolute amount of his attack power had increased a lot. However, it was clear that his methods of attacking became more varied. That, in the end, would make Yu IlHan stronger!

Yu IlHan became even more thrilled and rampaged. The monsters that could just breathe now that the strong people of each country had left their countries for a while, were slaughtered without even being able to stretch themselves, and Orochi had a full meal.

However, he couldn't do that refreshing workout forever. Just as he was about to go to the next ocean after cleaning up all the dungeons distributed over two continents and one ocean, Liera came back with her inventory full of materials for the Traps of Destruction.

[There are places where the Great Cataclysm just began! Let's start, IlHan!] (Liera)

"Dammit, I planned to achieve level 60 for the Rule skill!"

Yu IlHan realized that the tools to create the Traps of Destruction were already inside his workshop. Angels… they worked quickly only at times like these.

"Good, good. Let's see. Are the rewards plenty?"

He nodded with a satisfied smile and took of his armor before tying a headband for sweat absorption on his head with a cool pose, and confirmed about the rewards.

[First, there is one passive skill and 40 status points ready as rewards. This is the basic reward.] (Liera)

"That sounds a little lacking considering the enormous amount of labor. I'll think about it if you add 100 bottles of advanced mana potions on top of the basic reward."

Liera pondered for a little before looking towards Spiera. Spiera nodded.

[The angels believe in your ability. I'll add another 50 bottles of advanced mana potions on top of what you just said.] (Spiera)

"Done deal."

Yu IlHan accepted and unequipped Ruin Calling as well. Of course, he didn't forget to extract the Eternal Flame in the wings into the furnace. Using the Eternal Flame was compulsory in making Traps of Destruction! It was the alpha and omega.

He did raise the Eternal Flame until now, and was now quite used to wielding it, so he would have an easier time making Traps of Destructions... he thought until there when something else flashed in his mind.

"Wait, Eternal Flame is also a living being, isn't it?"

[Didn't we say so until now?] (Liera)

Liera tilted her head in confusion. This was nothing new. Yu IlHan said 'right?' and smirked.

There was a saying that 'Regretting after is better than regretting for not doing it'. He thought that this was the time to do it.

'Activate Rule skill.'

Eternal Flame expressed its will of submission as if it had waited for it. Their relationship was already close to a master-servant before!

However, what was the problem? That the league of Eternal Flame is much higher than himself? The Rule skill wasn't successful and deactivated mid-way. He tried twice more, but it was no good.

[IlHan, don't tell me you…?] (Liera)

[No way!] (Erta)

[No, IlHan already has the title, 'Hero of Fire'. Moreover, his class is also related to fire too. His fire affinity and resistance is absurdly high right now, perhaps he...] (Liera)

It was no good right now! Then what did he need to do, how could he enhance the Rule skill? Superhuman strength was no good, Na YuNa's blessing wasn't either.

However, if it was the Dragon rider's skill it may just be possible!

'Dragonic Blood.'

The mana in his body started boiling. He finally felt it. This skill wasn't just a simple enhancement skill, but one that raised his league, forcefully!

If there was a next stage to this skill, that wouldn't end with just being active but would change his existence entirely!


Although he had no need to shout it out loud, he felt like doing it, so he instinctively did so. He would leave the embarrassment for later before going to bed! And his try achieved a miraculous success with Eternal Flame's proactive submission!

[Eternal Flame has become your subordinate. Eternal Flame's growth accelerates.]

[The skill, Rule, has become level 63. The abilities of your subordinates become stronger.]

[The goddess of fire wants to give you a blessing. If you achieve one more requirement, you can receive the Blessing of the goddess of fire!]

"Oh, gawwwwwd."

The text he expected and the completely unexpected text filled his retina, when Yu IlHan wanted to swear.

[What is it IlHan? Did some penalty occur since your skill failed!?] (Liera)

[Didn't I say Eternal Flame was impossible? There was no way a human can endure a flame that lasts for eternity!] (Erta)

"No, it's not like that."

Yu IlHan raised his hammer while replying powerlessly. The angels asked him in anticipation.

[Then what is it!] (Liera)

[Yes, just what is it!] (Erta)

"Not telling…"

Yu IlHan replied with a rotten face.


This was a historical moment when the blessing of two gods were awaiting one human.

Author's notes

Yu IlHan is being embarrassed. Daw

Shut up, Malfoy! : The line that the sandbag Malfoy always gets whenever he opens his mouth

Yumir is raising his dad's communications skills and even his battle skills now.

Dragonic Blood's hard carry!

The Eternal Flame was a treasure on a scale where describing it as simply 'amazing' was unjust. The characteristics of being able to burn forever and continually growing by feeding and absorbing various things were definitely an absolute ability.

When Yu IlHan first acquired it, it was only at the level of being a 'good flame for smithing', but how about now? Having absorbed numerous records, the scale and temperature of the fire had expanded in an absurd fashion, not to mention that it acted as the core element of making all sorts of unique armaments starting from the Giant's Rubber Band?

Heaven had initially went through a long period of deliberating before bestowing upon Yu IlHan the Eternal Flame. In the initial stages of the Great Cataclysm, when Earth had met with unprecedented challenges, if it had not been for Ilhan, at least two or three more countries would have perished.

Despite that, the accumulated achievements were nowhere near enough to allow the Eternal Flame, belonging to Heaven, to be passed onto a human's hands. Unknown to many, it also counted as an additional reward to compensate Yu IlHan's millennium of solitude.

There was also Liera, who was Lita back then, who actively pushed for the decision. She acted as if she would rob the entire treasury of Heaven's Army for Yu IlHan. The bestowal of the Eternal Flame was derived almost entirely from her efforts!

However, even Liera herself did not think that they would reach a situation where a human would be able to rule over the Eternal Flame with a skill.

[Hm.] (Erta)

[What do we do? This is unprecedented... If this gets found out, I don't think it would just end with some simple paperwork.] (Liera)

[Even though we gave the Rule skill as a reward, we never imagined that things would reach this point. Spiera, we need the endless wisdom from your wide experience!] (Erta)

[Help us, Spiemon!] (Liera)

The angels were relying on their higher-ups since they couldn't restrict Yu IlHan on their own accord.

Spiera, who inwardly grumbled that they only treated her as a superior in times like these, seem to fall into deep thought, before abruptly opening her eyes.

[Hm….. Let's see, let's do it this way.] (Spiera)

[Oooh, as expected of Spiera] (Liera)

[We had faith that you might have an idea! How very reassuring!] (Erta)

[Hanging out with Yu IlHan ruined these angels...] (Spiera)

Liera and Erta clapped. Yu IlHan was thinking about why accepting the Eternal Flame as his subordinate was such a big deal, but it seemed like the situation was more complicated than he initially believed.

Liera urged Spiera on.

[So? What's the method?] (Liera)

[We did not see this.] (Spiera)

[...Sorry?] (Erta)

[We do not know anything about this. No one in this world knows that the Eternal Flame is being ruled by a human. Heaven's Army will do our work as always. We, also, shall support Yu IlHan to the best of our abilities.] (Spiera)

The angels that were ruined due to hanging out with Yu IlHan wasn't limited to just Liera and Erta!

The angels' expressions turned stiff. Their expressions were rather comical to look at. And the following cycle of conflicted looks on their faces! Spiera asked as if to hit the nail on the head.

[Liera, answer me. What just happened?] (Spiera)

[...Dunno, was there anything?] (Liera)

[Erta.] (Spiera)

[I also don't get what you're saying...?] (Erta)

The angels came to a compromise with reality! Following that, all three of them glared at Yu IlHan. The desperate eyes of the angels denying reality and Yu IlHan's absent-minded gaze met in mid air, causing sparks to fly.

[Yu IlHan, what are you doing now instead Traps of Destruction? I'll add another 30 mana potions so start moving those arms right now.] (Spiera)

"So you want me to shut my mouth by giving me bribes, huh...."

[What do you mean bribe? I don't get what you're saying. Will you be willing to work if I give you an additional 20 bottles?] (Spiera)

"...And I like that! Let's start immediately!"

He just needed to stay still, and they were giving him 50 extra bottles, so it was a profitable trade indeed! Yu IlHan picked up a lump of harkanium from the pile in his workshop and placed it into the furnace while humming.

And as such,the enjoyable work began.

He had a wealth of experience from making Traps of Destruction the previous time. Of course, this time, the situation was quite different, and the blueprint he was given also had some major differences.

"So this enhances the original Traps of Destruction scattered over the world, huh."

[Now you're instantly analyzing them….. You're right. To allow for the entrapment of more as well as stronger monsters. What you're making can be considered an upgrade kit that enhances the nearby dungeons.] (Liera)

The Traps of Destruction that Yu IlHan made before for Earth were able to enhance other nearby Traps of Destruction, but if that was changing the properties of mana, what he was going to make this time was capable of upgrading all the nearby dungeons by a tier.

And the ones made with rarer materials, were the super versions that could entrap 3rd class and 4th class beings in the dungeons without a problem!

[We are conflicted that we cannot give these out to every world. If such dungeons aren't scattered all over the world, they may end up like Dareu some day. Although, Dareu was quite, no, very much more serious than the others.] (Liera)

"Just ten dragons on Earth would horrify me already."

Even looking back right now, he had no idea how he could defeat those frightening monsters. He thought that he could never let that happen on Earth.

As such.

"Can I change the blueprint a little?"

[Huh?] (Liera)

"You guys use the language of Heaven, but you don't use the dragon tongue or ancient elven language, do you? If we use that, although there will be a slight increase in mana consumption during the mana crafting process, I think we can increase its effects and reduce the probability of dungeon breaks."

[And you do not think that you're exceptionally strange for being able to pull it off?] (Spiera)

Spiera thought about it for a little but eventually nodded.

[We're forcing the production work on you, for Traps of Destruction to be used in other worlds, so it might no be so bad to give you a little freedom…. However, experimenting comes first. Can you first make a sample? We shall officially give you permission after testing its safety and efficiency in a higher world.] (Spiera)

"Of course, of course."

Yu IlHan modified the blueprint right there and then. He drew a minute amount of the Eternal Flame onto his fingers, and dragged it on the surface of the blueprint to draw tiny lines by burning it. From his figure, it could be seen that he had definite control over the Eternal Flame.


[Hm, I don't understand it. We will not be able to know the effects without a sample.] (Spiera)

"Wait a moment."

Yu IlHan picked up the hammer while humming. He ripped slight bits of the half-molten harkanium and made it into a cube, before adding elements needed in Traps of Destruction.

He hammered and chiselled while communicating with the Eternal Flame, and ended up form-creating and inlaying within 40 minutes. A new record.

"It will become faster from now on. I'm aiming for under 15 minutes."

[Inhuman.] (Spiera)

[Let's do the mana crafting right away. There's two 6th class angels, so there won't be a need for a third angel.] (Liera)

The mana crafting was done as quickly as grilling beans with lightning. There was no need to mention the completeness. As this was a sample to be used in a higher world, they couldn't use rare materials, but what if he added a spice that won't be known by anyone?

[The skill, Soul enchant, has become level 25.]


Yu IlHan handed it over to them with a smile. The angels looked at the Trap of Destruction and exclaimed.

[I can feel a great power. If it's an unintelligent 4th class, it might be able to entrap it.] (Spiera)

[My mana crafting skill levelled up too...] (Erta)

[Spiera, be quick with the experiment, okay?] (Liera)

[Then I'll go immediately. If the experiment is successful, this blueprint may be accepted officially.] (Spiera)

[I don't think anyone other than Yu IlHan can make it... Anyway, see you later.] (Erta)

Yu IlHan stretched his arms after confirming that Spiera had left. It wasn't that he was tired; he still had to make hundreds of these. It was only to calm down his excitement a little.

In fact, he felt like a gambler betting his life right now.

The reason he used Soul enchant on the Trap of Destruction was definitely to enhance it, but he did not tell that to the angels. They wouldn't even be able to imagine what had happened, so he did not see the need to tell them, and if they knew what he was trying to do, they might urge him to stop.

Now then, what he was trying to do through the Trap of Destruction, was,

He slightly closed his eyes and called out a record he wanted. It was the skill evolution criteria of a certain skill that was at level max the moment he awakened it.

[The following is the skill evolution conditions of the skill, Language.]

[3rd class magic stones 24,498/1,000]

[4th class magic stones 22/100]

[5th class magic stones 0/1]

[Record of worlds 7/100]

"So they didn't activate it yet."

It was the Language skill. The one that supported him in unexpected times, such as just now, when upgrading the Traps of Destruction.

[IlHan, what is it?] (Liera)

"Nah, I'm just wondering what 'record of worlds meant."

[That's very vague. Although your immunity towards new worlds increase as you visit more of them, I don't know a lot about it either.] (Liera)

[I never thought that we'd hear that from a lower existence.] (Erta)

When Yu IlHan first peeked at the evolution criteria of the Language skill, it was not long after he acquired it. At that time, he didn't think much about it since there were absurd things like 4th class and even 5th class magic stones, but if an advanced skill required such conditions, he wondered what abilities that skill would bring.

What tugged at his mind the most, was the last requirement, the record of worlds. He had assumed that he had to acquire records of many worlds, including Earth. However, he couldn't even begin to imagine how he could acquire records from one hundred worlds.

Living on Earth acquired him the record of Earth, and killing the 4th class mage that came to Earth, he acquired the record of the world he came from, and acquired Dareu's by going there, Kiroa's by confronting them, and Ferata by visiting them.

Up till here counted as five, and the 6th was the higher world Lu Füera from a while back. The reason he asked Liera to take some grass was also because of that.

Although he wasn't granted permission in the end, gaining victory in that world, and coming into contact with various organisms and natural phenomena, he successfully acquired the record in that process.

The remaining one was, surprisingly, was the record of the Abandoned World that his subordinates, had been to. Thanks to the actions of his subordinates connected to him via the Rule skill, their records transferred over to him!

Although he didn't think much of it when he realized that, when Liera asked him to create Traps of Destruction to be used in other worlds, he thought 'perhaps?' and pondered about it.

And when he realized the combo of the Rule skill and Soul enchant skill, he felt like lightning had struck inside his head.

With this, it was possible. If a Trap of Destruction had his subordinate's soul in it, it was possible to gain the record of a world that the Trap of Destruction was used in! – was the conclusion he arrived at. (PR: Souls from his deathgod skills)

He moved his thoughts into practice without hesitation, and reached this stage smoothly. As such, what was left now...was to wait.

[Subordinate, Giant Snake, absorb a portion of the record of the higher world 'El Tièfè'.]

[Record of Worlds 8/100]

Yu IlHan's mouth curved into a smile.

It looked like his gamble was a success.

Author's notes

A total of 200 advanced mana potions, profit indeed!

Translator's notes