149 - 155

Spiera came a while later. As her face was very flushed, it was possible to predict the outcome of the experiment. Yu IlHan spoke to her as if it was nothing.

"Awesome, right?"

[It was indeed awesome.] (Spiera)

"But don't you think you need to observe it a little more?"

[Just going by the decision of the meeting, yes. And as such, it is unfortunately currently impossible to replace all the Traps of Destruction... The decision was to test it by making a quarter of your version first. In this way, at least one of Traps of Destruction of your version will go around to each world.] (Spiera)

Wasn't that exactly what Yu IlHan wanted? He even doubted whether the angels knew of his wish. Well, of course, they couldn't possibly know.

"Good, I'll accept your request."

He picked up the hammer. As he had been granted the permission, it was time to start work!

Although he used a record-breaking time of 40 minutes to create the first one already, in the process of repeating that work, the time taken on each trap sped up as he had said before. The work process that was reduced to 34 minutes by the end of the day, decreasing further to 20 minutes by the 4th day.

The problem was instead in the angels. Like before, angels possessing a higher league of mana were compulsory to complete it, but as all of them were busy doing work, there weren't that many to help his work.

As such, Yu IlHan piled up the Traps of Destruction after he form-created and inlaid it, in one corner of his room.

By doing that, the angels who needed to install the Traps of Destruction in the world they were in charge of would come to find him and complete the mana crafting before taking away the completed Traps of Destruction.

[Don't you think what we're doing right now is similar to pre-ordering cakes for Christmas, and collecting them on the day itself...?] (Liera)

[You just had to say it!] (Erta)

In this process, Yu IlHan got to know numerous angels, incomparable to before. Even the angels who he had never met knew his name, and there were also many who tried to befriend him right now.

[You were pre-ordered to become an angel. Since you're much more successful than the newbies, don't forget me by that time.]

[You are the first lower existence to have two 6th class angels as guardians. You are aware, right?]

Through this quest, it seemed like most of the angels were treating him as a trainee angel, but Yu IlHan didn't bother correcting them and left them to their own devices. Honestly, it annoyed him to correct them anyways.

Although the production of the Traps of Destruction ended within 6 days, as there was no room in the schedule of the angels, and requiring their mana, the finishing was delayed. In that time, Yu IlHan enjoyed using the smithing tools he hadn't met for a long time.

[Only he would be so perversely happy about smithing tools, right…..] (Erta)

[But IlHan, what are you making?] (Liera)

He wasn't repairing his equipment, they were done long before. And it wasn't like he was making new ones either.

Currently, he was cutting and sanding a huge monster bone on one side, while melting the monster materials that had a metallic property before pouring them into square molds and leaving them to solidify. In other words, no one knew what he was doing.

"Building a house."

[...Huh?] (Liera)

[Isn't it better to practice the Great cosmos-severing spear instead of doing something nonsensical like that?] (Spiera)

"That will be for after I finish this quest. I should make the most of these smithing tools while I still can."

As they couldn't possibly interrupt Yu IlHan's work, they only watched. Just like that, the days of endless labor flowed on and on.

Meanwhile, the world was spinning like mad. Since it was officially announced that the 2nd Great Cataclysm was coming, burning stones had fallen on everyone's feet.

The phenomenon of trying to acquire information or items from the worlds they were connected to, became more serious, and as the rumors that the Earth will not be able to overcome the 2nd Great Cataclysm, spread, various crimes such as violence or scams, became more serious as well.

If there was a biggest profit that all humankind had earned while spending 10 years in other worlds, it was their limits. They all knew until what extent they would be able to grow.

It would be good if everyone could grow into 2nd classes and 3rd classes, reality wasn't that easy, and there were many who hadn't even acquired their 1st classes properly.

Before the Great Cataclysm, there were few threats to their wellbeing in their everyday lives, but once they experienced the 2nd Great Cataclysm, a life where they didn't know when they would encounter a monster, would arrive. Some people were compelled to commit suicide after learning about that.

The governments of various countries were on fire as well. They just started implementing building using new materials they could acquire from the 1st Great Cataclysm, but now it was the 2nd already!

If monsters that weren't entrapped in dungeons rampaged around, or if a Dungeon Break occurred, there was a high probability that cities on scale of Kantou, New York, or LA being vaporized.

They desperately contacted the ability users and bought all new materials and monster materials they could use in architecture. Eventually, there were various country-wide scale projects, and many people who lost their jobs after the Great Cataclysm, were put into these projects.

Each of the clans were also busy cleaning monsters that were proliferating rapidly prior to the 2nd Great Cataclysm. As there were many cases of Dungeon Breaks after they cleaned a dungeon, it could be said that they were in battle constantly if not sleeping.

As the mana concentration on Earth increased, there were plenty of cases where monsters suddenly appeared in the middle of the city, and our strong friends from Suppression were also forced into endless battles.

They had to train in order to go against the strong monsters that would appear after the 2nd Great Cataclysm, but forget training, they were doing real life practice daily! Of course, Korean representative 'beauty' 'Lieutenant' Han YeoRang was also fighting day and night to protect the country.

"I! Will! Definitely! Quit! The! Military! And! Marry! A! Rich! Guy!"

"I swear she says that every time she gets dispatched."

"Just who is that Yu IlHan that she always talks about? It's not the Vanguard president Yu IlHan, right?"

Yu IlHan, who never imagined even in his dreams that someone who was only acquainted to him was calling him by his name every single day, was busy in productive activities, and didn't move himself, but he did not stop his subordinates from fighting either.

As they were mostly 3rd classes, they wouldn't be able to acquire any experience from 2nd class monsters, but as 3rd class monsters were quite frequent right now on Earth, and materials from 2nd class monsters could also be used to make standard Vanguard equipment, they continued hunting.

For your information, the corpses of the monsters they had hunted in the Abandoned World were mostly left behind in that world, but Erta took the stronger 3rd class monsters and 4th class monsters' bodies into her inventory, and gave them to Yu IlHan upon their return.

Although Kang MiRae and Na YuNa's share wouldn't be small, the girls ended the deal by asking Yu IlHan to make equipments from the 4th class monster materials. Strictly calculating, they were overwhelmingly in debt!

Of course, no matter how many materials he had, he did not make those equipment. He only polished pillars, plates, etc for making his own mansion.

As his work speed was insane, he was really piling up an amount that might turn into a house. Of course, his objective was not merely that!

Even in that meanwhile, the angels came to him frequently and received the completed (with mana crafting and soul enchant) Traps of Destruction, and Yu IlHan's skill level also increased day by day. Perhaps, this could be said to be the most peaceful days he spent on Earth. Truly ironic.

Rumors about Susanoo also started there.

The perished island countries in the Pacific and Venezuela, while mankind was busy fighting against the Abandoned World. People were claiming that the ones that killed them weren't the monsters but Susanoo himself.

[This clip where Susanoo is massacring humans as if monsters were taken by the tourists at that time...]

[As the truth that Susanoo did indeed not appear in the battle against the Abandoned World, this video clip....]

People who were there in Venezuela at that time should remember that Yu IlHan had killed were not exactly the people of Venezuela, but rather the people of Ferata in human skin who had shown their true colors and tried to kill the tourists.

However, that video clip which spread through the various media companies of many countries, were edited with malicious intentions to make him look like a madman that massacred everyone he sees, and the testimonies of the survivors were also those that said they were nearly killed by Susanoo.

Behind that series of flows, there was the malicious intent to bury Yu IlHan, who was currently at the center of the world, in a mountain of negative sentiments. This was a scheme that could not be implemented if not for the countless people behind it. They should really be protecting Earth if they have any time to do that!

Of course, Kang MiRae, who heard the story about Ferata from the person himself, knew that this was a scheme, and tried to shut it down by using all the power she could in her family. Kang Chan, who was also half-treating Yu IlHan as his in-law, supported him with bright eyes.

However, this could be said to be absurd, or natural.

That scheme instantly perished in exactly 3 days without the need for any help from the Kang family.

[Perhaps Venezuela went against Susanoo's will.]

[Everyone should know from living 10 years in other worlds, don't you still get it? If Susanoo was a bad guy, then Earth would have been doomed long before. Why do you suspect Susanoo and not Venezuela?]

[O, Lord Deathgod, I did not see the video clip at all. The one that clicked 'play' is not me but my cat.]

[There was a single 4th class in the world I went to, and when he clicked his finger, at least hundred people instantly died. If you still have any sanity, stick your head on the ground and beg for forgiveness before Susanoo is annoyed.]

[We're already in pain because of the 2nd Great Cataclysm, and here, idiots are picking a fight with the last hope of humanity. Hey, if Susanoo planned to do that, then the people in that place should have all died, how could the guy that took the video be still alive?]

Not to mention the internet, various forms of media attacked the ones that schemed against Susanoo. In Yu IlHan's shoes, it was just an annoying piece of work, but somehow, something like religious cult had formed with him as the central pillar!

This incident did not end there. The counteractions against the scheme were more vicious than he thought, and the ones that were already stressed out from the 2nd Great Cataclysm stood up as well.

The argument against the 'high people of society' that tried to bury Susanoo in old ways like how they buried celebrities or politicians socially, even though the common sense of this world had changed long before!

[This is fucking annoying. Which era do you guys live in?]

[The world changed, so why do we still need to have them above us?]

[We need to replace them with people who know and can plan for the world after the Great Cataclysm.]

The ones who schemed probably intended to restrain Susanoo's overwhelming influence, and restrict him by creating anti-fans; as it was now, it was only a matter of time until the power structure of the world changed due to his influence!

Yes. This, was exactly how Earth played out before the Great Cataclysm; exaggerating the faults of the ones in power, making flaws that does not exist, and reducing the popularity among the people, and burying them completely using political power as that person became nothing.

Perhaps, they thought that this method would still work after the Great Cataclysm, as they still had overwhelming financial power, political power, and ability users loyal to their family.

However, there was a limit to that. They shouldn't have picked a fight with Susanoo. They should not have equated the new value that appeared in humanity, with the old values.

"Let's clean those maggots out!"

"Not to mention welcoming him, they are treating like a mass murderer. Let's burn them all!"

A riot. Not to mention the weak, ability users, and especially the clans that participated in the Battle of Competition along with Susanoo, were violently enraged, and stood at their front. In other words, the core elements that protected the safety of each country, had turned their backs to the people in power.

The ones that realized that the situation had taken a turn for the worst tried to cover it up with a sacrificial lamb, but there was no way that was possible.

This days where they could cover the eyes of the people using media had long passed, along with the days where they military force was a viable option. The strongest on Earth were able to withstand heavy firepower without so much as a piece of cloth, and dodge missiles with a snort. And there wasn't just one 'strong' individual!

They were already way beyond the point what they could handle using the media. If they took the wrong step, the country would be split into tiny fragments.

In the end, each country had to make a big decision in order to keep their country. Of course, it was to throw about all the people behind it outside of society!

With this, some of the deeply-rooted families that took control of the country in the dark for several generations, were completely weeded out.

People didn't stop there, and completely brutalised the people related to this incident socially. In the places where the riots were in larger scales, the various governments almost collapsed.

Like that, society had met a true cataclysm before the 2nd Great Cataclysm.

This, took a month and half. All because of a single person, Yu IlHan.

Anyways, what Yu IlHan was doing about this incident, was…

"I've finished all the materials. I only need to piece them together now!"

"I'm also going to build a home!"

"Yes, let's do it together. Home sweet home!"

[Pancosmic Loners aren't just called loners without a reason alright...] (Liera)

He did not care about what those unrelated people were talking shit about him, and was under the operation 'Home sweet home'.

Author's notes

If you realistically felt the changing world, then this chapter is a success!

And if you felt IlHan ignoring them all and doing his own stuff, it's even more of a success!

Korean representative 'beauty' Han YeoRang is being promoted like mad.

Translator's notes

Sorry to those that live in Venezuela, yet again.

[It's quite wide.] (Liera)

Muttered Liera while looking at the enormous clearing around the gate connected to Kiroa. No, calling it a 'clearing' was an understatement. It was overwhelmingly large, to the point where building a park or two was feasible.

Although this place was once reserved for the rich in Gangnam, with several apartment building complexes, it had received substantial damage, firstly with the generation of the dungeon gate, and secondly due to the connection with Kiroa. What had cost more than its weight in gold became worthless, and it all came into Yu IlHan's hands.

[So you're going to build your house here…] (Liera)

"Take your time to look over these."

Yu IlHan unfurled tens of bundled up blueprints, including the cross-section and the floor plans of what could only be described as a truly enormous mansion. The intricate designs and attention to detail gave off the impression that a renowned architect had crafted it.

Cold beads of sweat formed on Ericia's forehead as she glanced through the blueprints.

"Master, these were all made by you?"

"Yeah. I studied it a little when I had time before."

Yu IlHan proceeded to take out an enormous whiteboard and stuck all the papers on it. Following which he distributed the materials along with specific details and descriptions about the parts they had to handle in building.

"Well, then."

The elves and Ericia had dumbfounded looks on their faces, while Yumir was hyped up for no reason. Yu IlHan confirmed with the three angels sitting on his head.

"How long do we have until the 2nd Great Cataclysm, again?"

[By Earth standards, around one month. That's almost one year since the first.] (Liera)

[So it's been a year already. Although, it's actually much longer than that since we used the Hourglass of Eternity.] (Erta)

Yu IlHan even activated the Hourglass of Eternity while making the building materials for his house. He was drowned in the thought of building his fortress of a house before the 2nd Great Cataclysm, no matter the cost!

"We have one month. If you master the manuals I gave you, then there will be no problems. We only need to – solidify the foundations, construct the parts on top of it, and mana craft it!"

[You're planning to make the entire mansion into a single artifact!?] (Erta)

1,800 3rd class magic stones, 1 4th class magic stone to serve as the core. He had prepared everything long ago.

That mansion was no different from the crystallization of Yu IlHan's countless experiences from making equipments, learning magic language with his Language skill, and handling various materials that he plundered from monsters!

"We won't build it right in front of the gate. First, we'll build a large fence with the gate as the center, and make a training ground to gather the forces of Kiroa just in case we need it. And I'm going to build the house around here, and make a wall that covers much more than that like this...."

Yu IlHan's mansion building lecture continued on for 20 minutes. His subordinates had a hard time keeping up in order to save that information in their heads.

"Your Majesty?"

The most loyal and wisest elf, thief Phiria, asked in a careful tone.

"What if something goes wrong in the middle of building? Like doing things in wrong order, or getting the position wrong..."

"I'm going to fix minor mistakes with mana crafting so it's alright. You only need to work hard."

There was no way out! They could only accept their fate (as slaves)!

He designed the mansion rather humbly with 500 pyong (1600m^2) for each floor for a total of 3 floors. Of course, it was a little lonely to build just the main building, so he also planned to build a smaller multi-purpose shed on the side, and a dormitory for the wolfkin when they came out.

['Humble', yeah right!] (Erta)

"I'm not going to mind much about the rear garden since the wolfkin would trample on it whenever they come, but instead, I'm going to build a magnificent swimming pool."

[Swimming pools are good!] (Liera)

Cheered Liera. She was already simulating on what swimwear to put on in order to seduce Yu IlHan. Meanwhile, Spiera spoke with a slightly bitter face.

[I thought you didn't like petty decorative aesthetics… what you did in that precious time was some child's play like this...] (Spiera)

[Humans have dreams. Although we forget from time to time, Yu IlHan is still a lower existence. In fact, it's not so bad to have a side like this. A little bit is alright…] (Erta)

However, what Yu IlHan was doing now couldn't be called 'a little' no matter who looked at it!

[I get that you want to build a sturdy and cool house. But this is still a little too much!] (Erta)

Yu IlHan, who was still in the state of being hyped up, ignored her and continued speaking.

"I've finished the structure of the mansion, so I'll go on to the next stage."

"There's still something left!?"

The bravest, but at the same time, most ignorant of the elves, warrior Mirey, shouted in shock. Her brain had already reached the limit!

"Yes, there's the most important thing left."

However, Yu IlHan mercilessly nodded as he spoke. However, what he spoke next was in a slightly different direction to what Mirey was imagining.

"What I've discussed up till now is the facade of the mansion that can be seen from the outside, and from now, I'm going to talk about the detailed options after the fortress ification."

[....fortress?] (Liera)

"Yes, fortress."

Yu IlHan's eyes shined.

"This mansion shall become the strongest fortress on Earth. Although it's still impossible right now. I'm ultimately aiming for it to fly and hunt monsters!"

[So your dream was not a lowly mansion but a mobile fortress!?] (Erta)

"That's it!"

Even the swimming pool on the front garden was a facility that reflected his plan to use as a weapon by using the functions on his armor. How frightening!

[This is not architecture…..] (Liera)

Liera, who finally realized the truth, muttered in a dark voice while Yu IlHan was explaining the various weapons and traps here and there in the mansion, all while humming.

[It's just an enormous-sized blacksmithing!] (Liera)

[At the same time, it's also mana crafting.] (Erta)

After all people here were enlightened on Yu IlHan's true intentions, Yu IlHan solidified the foundations on where the mansion would go, after piling up the enormous amount of materials.

Normally, this was a huge-scale construction work that was simply out of the question for the realm of a private construction. But with IlHan's inhuman strength and the inventory's remote collection function, there was nothing impossible in this world.

"Now we lay out the floor."

The construction work that looked like it would take several months at least, progressed according to Yu IlHan's finger movements, akin to a conductor partaking in an orchestral concert.

The subordinates realized that there was no way out of this construction for them. Now, they could only hop onto this big wave that Yu IlHan had made!

"Good, let's begin."



Like that Yu IlHan and co started the absurd construction of the fortress. This was about constructing a fortress with blacksmithing and mana-crafting as the foundation, One that couldn't be seen even in worlds that had went through the 3rd Great Cataclysm!


After various clans, conglomerates and even countries perished after offending Yu IlHan, the rage of the people cooled off a little and the situation calmed down as well.

Although some fanatics were claiming that they should destroy the existing countries and build new ones, now that the 2nd Great Cataclysm was imminent, there was no time to make new countries and solidify their foundations.

The various governments who witnessed firsthand the consequences of slandering Susanoo, were worried for their respective futures, shifting away from conventional politics and pouring all their resources into preparing for the 2nd Great Cataclysm.

Many shelters were constructed with whatever little new materials they had, while clans and the military took care of security around the densely populated areas, and they were told of the various locations where dungeons would emerge in the future and they relocated the various populated districts.

Meanwhile, Vanguard lowered the prices of standard-tier equipments and allowed many to arm themselves. It even started selling self-defense artifacts that could be used by people with no power, propelling its already high status to another level altogether.

"The president of Vanguard was that famous Deathgod, right?"

"So Susanoo really was Korean."

"His real name was revealed. He's called Yu IlHan apparently."

"That's quite a name."

The governments of many countries wished to meet Yu IlHan. The Kang family wanted to prevent all of their attempts beforehand, but it was now beyond what they could handle. Above all, the Battle of Competition that allowed him to bring back a large number of advanced Traps of Destruction, was the largest factor.

Starting with Japan, the second most delusional character after Kang Chan, believed that Yu IlHan was their own, America, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Canada... numerous countries sent love-calls to him. For some of the countries that lost most of their power after the Great Cataclysm, the leaders even came to Korea themselves!

However, all of them failed to achieve their purpose; Yu IlHan had surrounded his land with enormous walls (feat. Dragon bones) prior to the construction. Phones off were the basics.

As such, the people set Yu IlHan's family as their next target, but this was also impossible. Yu IlHan's father, Yu YongHan, was working at Vanguard, and his mother Kim YeSeul, did not let anyone into the house other than Yu YongHan!

It wasn't that none of them tried 'slightly' forceful methods, but all of these people ran away after experiencing 'slightly' near-death experiences. The people finally found out that Yu IlHan's mother was a person of tremendous ability as well.

"Just what does this family do!"

"Ugh, I knew he wasn't of ordinary birth, but even so...!"

Yu IlHan already gave the solution to humanity, known as Vanguard. He had nothing else to give out to the ones who weren't satisfied and wanted more. As such, he did not reply at all.

With the challengers all gone, Kang Chan became more delusional again, and the mysticism of the Deathgod Yu IlHan rose by the day.

[See, he isn't a human.]

[Don't you think he's an angel that's acting as a hero?]

[The moment the great changes arrives on Earth, the hero that protected humanity since the ancient times, opens his eyes again...!]

At this rate, urban legends about him would be made. This meant that humanity relied on him and had their hopes in him that much. If Yu IlHan didn't restrain his actions, then this wouldn't have ended there. Perhaps the religion 'Uniquism' may have been created. 1

"...Things are like this outside..."

Kang MiRae finished explaining and looked at the scenery with the almost finished mansion in the backdrop, when her eyes colored in inexplicable emotions.

Liera's figure, holding up a heavy piece of ceiling while flapping the two pairs of wings in the middle of the construction site, was particularly impressive.

"Mr. IlHan, you were creating a mansion here...."

"Hey! It's tilting! ... Sorry? What did you say?"

Yu IlHan, who was both the director-on-site and the number one construction worker, asked after turning his head to Kang MiRae.

"Mr. IlHaaan, marry me! I also want to live here Kuhk!"

"Oh, it's nothing."

Although it was 'nothing' by Kang MiRae standards, to Na YuNa, who was being sleeper-choked by her, it was a very big matter.

However, as he believed in the friendship between Kang MiRae and Na YuNa, he didn't say anything. Instead, he continuted to shout towards the working subordinates.

"It's just a little more! We need to finish it before the 2nd Great Cataclysm arrives!"

The subordinates shouted back with vitality, and just when Yu IlHan was about to go back to work. Green text continuously popped up on his retina, even though he didn't do anything.

[Subordinate, Kiera Monkey, absorbs a portion of the records of the world 'Niurad'.]

[Record of Worlds 100/100]

[You have acquired the title 'The frog that leaped out of the well'. You are able to return to your birth world no matter which world you are in. By consuming mana, you are able to bring others as well, there is a cooldown time of one week after using it.]

[IlHan, what is it…..?] (Liera)

[Yu IlHan?] (Erta)

"Mr. IlHan?"

"…..Oh, it's nothing."

While confirming the new and amazing title info, he thought about what absurd situations he would be forced into in the near future now that he acquired such a revolutionary power. He let out a deep sigh.

2 weeks after that, the 2nd Great Cataclysm arrived on Earth.

However, the problem was that something else that never happened in other worlds, was beginning to unravel on Earth.

Author's notes

Sleeper choke is a really dangerous technique. Kind readers shouldn't try it!

It's not the evolution of the Language skill, but the title. Evolution is still far away

Like IlHan, Earth is all 'my way' too. They really do get along together well, living 1000 years together!

"We're done, yaaay!"



"This nightmare is finally over!"


The mansion construction had finally ended, leading to a scene not too unlike Korea's independence after years under the Japanese regime.

Not to mention the main building, everything that Yu IlHan designed – the dorms for wolfkin, swimming pool up front, garden, and the rear training grounds were all completed in their respective locations. Even the interior construction was perfect!

[That's a pity, we'd have made it in time for the 2nd Great Cataclysm if we finished just 3 hours earlier.] (Liera)

Liera muttered while looking at the outwardly spectacular mansion.

Yes, Earth had already met its 2nd Great Cataclysm. Mana within the atmosphere increased explosively, violent waves surged across the seven seas, and even more violent shocks split apart the lands. The changes that occurred every single moment as the skies continuously transitioned in color, were a proof that the Cataclysm had once again befallen Earth.

Mana had just begun its natural generation when Earth had experienced the 1st Great Cataclysm, while plants and animals evolved. These were just relatively minute changes.

However, the 2nd Great Cataclysm could only be described as Earth casting off its shell and acquiring a newly metamorphosed body. It was a phenomenon that occurred as mana evolved every object in this world.

As such, it was best to hide somewhere wide and safe until Earth had finished its shedding. Nowhere could be designated as completely safe, due to the uncertainties like when and where the grounds would suddenly sprout upwards or split apart.

Of course, there was a better alternative for the people of Earth – going to other worlds!

The ones that were awaiting the Great Cataclysm, and those without any physical ability, left for other worlds as soon as they saw signs of change. They should probably come back after a few days.

Meanwhile, the situation was a little different for the clans that fought against monsters on the front lines.

The implication of explosive increases in the mana concentration was expectedly, more monsters, and there was no way the Traps of Destruction made by angels would be able to handle all of them!

As such, they were preparing even more arduously than before the Great Cataclysm, rushing off to wherever the saturation of mana was the highest and subjugating the monsters there as quickly as possible. If something went wrong, mana would overlap itself several times and give birth to an unimaginably powerful boss monster.

[Just the 1st Great Cataclysm was hectic enough for Earth, and now it's the second... so don't you think that it will be similar to other worlds after their 3rd Great Cataclysms? In fact, the mana concentration is only a little below that of worlds after the 3rd Great Cataclysm.] (Erta)

Erta said in a careful voice, as she had experienced the hectic times on Earth after the 1st Great Cataclysm, together with Yu IlHan. Spiera also nodded with a bitter smile.

[If you think like that, it's no wonder the transcender factions are eyeing Earth. Perhaps Earth will be reborn as a higher world some day.] (Spiera)

[...Then there will be a vicious invasion.] (Erta)

[The people of Earth would all die at that time.] (Liera)

The three angels voiced their worries in succession. Their gazes were all focused on one person as well, whose identity was none other than Yu IlHan.

[IlHan should be the key right?] (Liera)

[Why do you think I'm teaching him the Great cosmos-severing spear?] (Spiera)

[But what he's doing now is…..] (Erta)

The human Blazing Reaper, Yu IlHan, who shouldered the responsibility of the fate of Earth, was currently in the process of checking the distribution of magic stones over the mansion.

"Since the 2nd Great Cataclysm happened, mana crafting will become easier huh."

[My dear IlHan? Won't you go hunting monsters with this noona?] (Liera)

"This is an important moment, so don't interrupt me."

[Yes, sir.] (Liera)

After checking, Yu IlHan moved his steps to the central study of the mansion. Everyone that helped in the construction followed him.

[Will it really work?] (Liera)

[It's been a long time since I've observed mana crafting of such scale too.] (Erta)

[It looks like he's starting.] (Spiera)

After taking a deep breath, he took out a 4th class magic stone into his hands. Then, he closed his eyes.

'I only need to do what I planned to.'

All magic stones were placed in their correct places. If they fulfilled their roles well, then it would be possible for the mansion to be completed as an impenetrable fortress. Of course, he was planning to upgrade it into a mobile fortress later.

'Good, let's start.'

When Yu IlHan commenced mana crafting, light shot out from the magic stone. Although this scene was very normal around Yu IlHan, what came next was beyond everyone's imagination.

As if resonating with the magic stone, the desk in the study started emitting light, before diffusing into the floor, creeping up the pillars and coloring the ceilings, and branching out into various places within the mansion and the surrounding land as well!

[This is a frightening mana storm. There was no way the magic stone Yu IlHan used would bring out such effects though...!] (Erta)

[That simply means that IlHan uses mana more efficiently than you, Erta, right?] (Liera)

[...I, it's because this is a combination of blacksmithing and mana crafting!] (Erta)

The light did not die down and burned continuously. In that process, the 3rd class magic stones installed in various parts of the land melted down to give special properties to various items exactly as Yu IlHan had planned for.

Following that, the magic language circuit etched on all items in the territory resonated and amplified that power!

[It's uselessly spectacular!] (Liera)

"It reminds me of the day when the magic formation of the ancient elves shook the entire continent…"

"His Majesty is enveloped by the light!"

"He won't ascend to the skies like this... right?"

Of course, that light did not continue on forever. When the 4th class magic stone in Yu IlHan's hand completely melted down and fused with the mansion, the light covering the mansion and the territory finally died down.

Although there was still faint light glowing in various parts of the mansion, unless someone imbued mana, they would soon dissipate into the atmosphere. The mana crafting was successful.

At that moment, green text covered Yu IlHan's retina.

[Bittersweet Persona was completed.]

[Bittersweet Persona]

[Rank – Chaos]

[Durability – 5,312,500]

[User restriction – Yu IlHan. Possible to transfer ownership to beings with Language skill level Max.]

[Options –

1. Recovers durability by absorbing the mana and life energy from the destroyer.

2. Automatically attacks everyone that enters without the master's permission.

3. Grows by absorbing the records of opponents.]

[A battle fortress disguised as a grand mansion. All items inside can be used as weapons, and the system that attacks enemies from long range is at the peak of mana engineering. The battle fortress would grow as it experiences more battles. If there is a disadvantage, it is that it is impossible to completely hide its mana due to the absurd functionality, and may attract nearby monsters with high probability.]

Chaos? Just as Yu IlHan tilted his head at the completely new ranking, a blinding explosion of light occurred with Yu IlHan as the center. The light was a strange mixture of black and red.

"What is it now!"

"Don't tell me this light is…..!"

"Evolving? Dad is evolving!?" (Mir)

Unlike before when the light of the magic stone covered everyone including Yu IlHan, now, Yu IlHan himself was emitting light from his body.

While everyone was panicking in this strange phenomenon, the sole being that already experienced this had her mouth open in shock. Yes, it was none other than Liera!

[Huh? IlHan's state is as if...?] (Liera)

"Dad is evolving after all?" (Mir)

It was that moment when text that numbered even more than when he created the Bittersweet Persona, had appeared.

[You have fulfilled one of the conditions in order to acquire the blessing of the god of blacksmithing. All conditions were fulfilled.]

[You have received the blessing of the god of blacksmithing! Resistance and attack power increases by 20% when fighting against or wielding all weapons, and fire attribute resistance and attack power also increases by 20%.]

[You succeed the record of the god of blacksmithing. You are now able to make artifacts above Chaos rank.]

The light dissipated. Yumir, who was looking forward to his dad's evolution, tilted his head when he found that Yu IlHan didn't look that much different from before, but the angels didn't get deceived.

"Uuuugh... my head aches so much."

[I knew it.] (Liera)

Like how Liera's eyes had developed a tinge of red after receiving the blessing of the god of love, Yu IlHan's body had also received minute changes in the process of succeeding the record of the god of blacksmithing. To be specific, a part of his hair became ash-colored.

Also known as highlights. This was a small, unnoticeable change if someone did not touch his hair in purpose, as expected of Yu IlHan.

"I think I just felt a malicious intent, ooooouch."

[You're overthinking it.] (Liera)

[Yu IlHan, you've just received the blessing of the god of blacksmithing, right? With this, there's already two human beings who received the blessing of gods on Earth.] (Erta)

The angels were expressing their joy, surprise or confusion in various ways, but Yu IlHan was in no situation to respond. New information flooded his head and made him chaotic.

Informations on items or types of artifacts that blacksmiths of various worlds had created, their creation methods, tools, experiences and memory, and various materials oe metalworking of metals that made up the world. Yu IlHan felt like his brain was exploding, and collapsed while supporting himself from the sides.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"


His subordinates hurriedly held onto him. Mir also cast whatever healing magic he could, but the headache did not settle. It would only become better once all knowledge took root in Yu IlHan's head.

[I don't think he's in any state to go monster hunting.] (Liera)

[It looks like the influence of the blessing of the god. Liera, you have experience, do something about it!] (Erta)

[Ah, okay.] (Liera)

Liera seriously nodded and flew towards Yu IlHan before grabbing him.

[I'm sorry I urged you to go hunt monsters, IlHan. Leave the rest to the others and let us go have a nice sleep. You'll be better after a long rest.] (Liera)

[I told you to do something about his headache, not to fulfill your own desires!] (Erta)

The mini-3rd war had began on the side, but Yu IlHan didn't mind at all. Instead, even while grabbing his aching head, he stood up from that place.

While his subordinates were looking at him with worried eyes, Yu IlHan opened his mouth after a short breath.

"Let's prepare for battle."

[You want to hunt monsters in that state? No, you should rest here with me!] (Liera)

[Now I really admire your unbending spirit!] (Erta)

"Let's talk later. Ugh."

He pushed aside the angels and sat on the soft chair in front of the desk. At that moment, the monitor installed on the desk turned on and showed the outside. it was the perfect security system that watched over both the inside and the vicinity around his land!

In that same monitor, it could be seen that there were thousands of monsters charging towards them. Even though it was just after the 2nd Great Cataclysm, the horde was too large. Moreover, there were plenty of 3rd class beings among them! If left alone, they would destroy a city within moments.

"They're in a hurry as if they've found a treasure. What amazing morale."

"Just what is this thing that they want and where is it... we need to chase them!"

"No, you don't need to."

Yu IlHan decisively cut off Phiria and Paté's conversation. With one of his hand still on his head, he pointed towards the monitor. The rest turned their eyes on it, and realized that the thousands of monsters were rushing towards Yu IlHan's land.

"What is....?"

Muttered Ericia in confusion. Yu IlHan replied with a cute smile.

"The treasure they're looking for is here."


"You don't need to chase them, so kill them as soon as they come here. For a period of time, more monsters will be drawn here."

Everyone understood Yu Ilhan's words. To think back, whether it was the light from the mana crafting, or the faint fragrance of high-class mana that still leaked from various places, both of them did feel quite attractive.

Of course, if they lost to that temptation, they would become a Breaker! 1




While the group had lost their words, only Paté shouted with a smile.

"Now you've even made a cutting-edge monster attraction system! As expected of Your Majesty!"

"Cut the flattery and go fight."


Like that, on the day the 2nd Great Cataclysm arrived on Earth, the grand and spectacular mansion defense started autonomously as if to celebrate Yu IlHan receiving the blessing of the god of blacksmithing.

They didn't even know what the other people of Earth were currently facing!

Author's notes

The item ranks order is – Normal < Rare < Unique < Legend < Epic < Chaos < ??? < God. Even if I explained differently before, this is the correct one!

Congratulations! Yu IlHan has evolved to 'The one blessed by the god of blacksmithing' Yu IlHan!

So he finally received a god's blessing. That was a long road, although, there's still a long way to go! Go forward Yu IlHan!

Translator's notes

PR: Will be gone from 26th may to 3rd june, Chamber will do the posting then, so it'll be off schedule!!

Carina Malatesta the clan master of the Magia clan wasn't feeling well during the past few days. Whether it was endlessly running around battling monsters endlessly in order to 'protect Earth', or the fact that there were people who still hadn't evacuated to other worlds, but above all, what she was annoyed about the most of all was her own emotions.

"There's no way I…"

"Miss Malatesta? I think the monsters here are all dead."

"I know that!"


The conversation between an armored man who approached her carefully, and Carina Malatesta who got angry at the ability user from the Metal Knights clan for no reason continued.

"We'll depart soon so don't you dare order me!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

When she swung around her staff in a fit of rage, the man replied in shock and retreated.

Carina realized that she was very agitated and breathed deeply and thought – why am I so annoyed right now – Even though she had felt happy when she filled the blank tanker spot by cooperating with the Metal Knights.

While she was pondering about why her emotions were boiling, the Magia clan members who were recovering their mana and collecting spoils of war, whispered to each other.

"Our members dispatched to England should be doing well, right?"

"At first, I thought that man was just all brawns and armor, but he surprisingly has very good manners and a head."

"Yeah, clan members exchange is what he thought up of too."

Yes, clan members exchange! She became emotional from that time onwards! Inside her head, the conversation she had with the leader of Metal Knights, Michael Smithson, replayed.

'Although it will definitely be efficient if we stick together, we both cannot leave our own countries. How about we divide our clans in half and exchange the members? Although it will be impossible for other clans, I think I can entrust my clan members to you and your clan, Miss Malatesta.'

'Sorry? But then.'

'I will not let any of your clan members die. Trust me. If it's us, not to mention Earth, we can also protect all our comrades! I'll finally catch up to Susanoo so he can't say shit about me!'

'...Yeah, well, if you say so, then I'll believe in you. Please take care of my members.'

That was the end. Metal Knights and Magia divided into two halves and returned to their own countries! The problem was that she subconsciously accepted his proposal due to his handsome words. That's why, now, she was so…..

'Problem? What is this problem I'm thinking of?'

Michael Smithson's proposal was very reasonable. In fact, it was unbelievable that it came from him!

Of course, Carina Malatesta also thought that a similar situation was necessary. But the reason she didn't suggest that even though she knew about it, was because if they did the two clan masters would...

"Master.... Are you perhaps a little bored since Sir Smithson isn't here?"

One of the members who saw through her thought process a little hit the bullseye while being roundabout. Carina Malatesta snorted.

"Me? I'm too comfortable now since I don't have a person to look after. There's no way I'm thinking of such childish things like being annoyed due to his absence, is there? In fact, I'm wondering if he's the one being lonely in England right now."

The clan members of the Magia clan and the Metal Knights clan confirmed their thoughts – this woman had more than just a good impression of Michael Smithson!

However, Malatesta, who would never acknowledge her own emotions even if she died, shook off her hesitation and surging random thoughts, as she pointed towards the front.

"I can see monsters generating over there! Let's clean them up quickly and go to Milan"


The Metal Knights members who found her behaviour cute replied in unison as they proceeded forward in formation.

However, just as Malatesta raised her staff to vent her annoyance onto the monsters, she realized that there was a huge mana vortex being created up front.

She shivered the moment she saw that. She had already seen this before.


"Say what!?"

Overflows were nightmares to the ones who had fought against the Orochi in the Kantou region. They were powerless to do anything, while Susanoo swung around his weapon courageously on top of the Orochi's huge body.

It was horrible to think that such scene would replay here, but what was more horrible was that Susanoo wasn't even here!

"We need to take care of it now! Activate Concentrated magic!"


As the environment on Earth were too harsh, the members of the Magia clan had to grind and suffer endlessly and became quite well-trained as a result. The same members instantly came into formation and lead their mana into Carina Malatesta. She received the mana that were focused on to her, and used the strongest magic she could currently use!

"Great Explosion!"

There was an enormous explosion. As an absurd number of monsters that were rushing towards the vortex instantly vaporized, the levels of each members even rose, including Malatesta's own level.

Once, reaching it was far away in the future, but right now, due to the environment on Earth and her own actions, it might actually be possible to reach 3rd class before she became 30!

'I'll show that I can reach it faster than that person.'

Even while thinking about something else in her heart, she gripped on her staff and checked the flattened landscape.

From what she experienced of Overflows, it would be impossible to completely block it with just that. Unfortunately, there was no choice but to drink another potion and pour attacks once aga…..

"Once aga…..?"

However, the next moment, she was met with a too-confusing scene and said her thought out aloud. Well, that wasn't unreasonable, since the vortex currently...


"Is that a dungeon?"

"No, I don't think so. What you see beyond that gate is another world..."

"Another world?

...changing into something that was billions of light years apart from an Overflow!

"No way, is that an Abandoned World?

"Shit, request for SOS! Request for...!"

"What do you mean SOS when we're the ones doing the SOS!"

Malatesta wanted to cry while seeing the scenery of another world beyond the gate. Why did it have to happen to her when she was away from that person! She didn't know what kind of frightening monsters awaited inside!

"Michael that stupid idiot! What do you mean 'divide up'? Idiot, stupid, dumb head!"

"Master, your true thoughts are leaking now that your life is in danger..."

"If you guys don't wanna die then prepare to fight!"

Even while swearing at the absent Michael Smithson, she was about to get into fighting mode when! a person's face showed up on the other side of the gate.


The moment she confirmed that face, Carina Malatesta's tension snapped and collapsed on the spot.

"Why did such a gate... Huh, aren't you Carina? Why are you sitting down there?"

"Master, that's what I want to ask."

Coincidentally, the one that peeked out was her own mage master and palace mage in the other world she went to for 10 years!

Meanwhile, such phenomena wasn't just restricted to Carina Malatesta alone. The iron-armored Michael Smithson, who, perhaps now have a 10 year longer lifespan due to eating Malatesta's swears, was in the same situation.

"We need to break that vortex somehow before the Overflow occurs! Mages, go with a more powerful one!"

"But we have no mana nor potions!

"Master, monsters are gathering from other side as well!"

"Ugh! You guys defend that side first! We cannot let Miss Malatesta's clan members be injured!"

The giant vortex that appeared in the capital city of England, London. The moment he found that, Michael Smithson's objective was fixed to preventing the Overflow. However, he couldn't expect any other form of help as all the other members were busy blocking monsters!

To make matters worse, monsters were rushing towards the vortex, so it was just hard enough preventing that.


He swore.

"If Miss Kang was here, then things wouldn't have become like this."

"Our master of Magia does not lose to the Lightning God clan's master!"

"Yes, she's also amazing. However, both of them are not here right now."

Smithson, who alternately thought of the two woman with the highest single-attack magic on Earth right now, wished that he could call theme here with just his imagination as he clicked his tongue.

Susanoo? Of course, he would be stronger, but if he actually appeared and cleaned the monsters that popped out, then Michael Smithson would have to kick his blanket in his sleep in defeat.

"...Even so, I wish he was here right now."

His pride being trampled was still a million times better than his home country being trampled. Didn't he spend 10 years in another world, and raised his strength after the 1st Great Cataclysm all to protect England?

"Master, the vortex is expanding!"

"...Eeeek, you guys stay out of this! Protect the mages!"

Declaring that to his clan members, Michael Smithson threw his shield on the ground, then he took out the great sword on his back.

In the 2nd advanced weapons trade, he bought this unique ranked greatsword from Susanoo, well, Yu IlHan! Although this was 'unique ranked', it was absurdly strong, making him wonder why it wasn't of Legend rank.

Yes. Yu IlHan did not do something petty like refusing to sell or selling incompetent goods no matter how much someone hated him. He always acknowledged other people's values, and gave them the weapons at a price that was no different from 0.

Although he was a hateful guy, Smithson respected him for that.

"If there's no one."

He stepped up front. A monster rushed towards him so he split it in half. The greatsword had a function to enhance his strength, and amplify his body weight and imbue it into the weapon.

"I need to do it."

Also, there was a function to make a blade of mana that was more horrifying than any magic, by burning his own mana. If he didn't have enough mana, it would sacrifice his records!

"Master, no!"

"Shut up. You guys run while protecting the mages! And tell that man, Mister Unique, that there is an Overflow here! Until he comes, I defend alone!"1



Michael Smithson courageously charged towards the vortex. In that process, he heavily and mercilessly slashed apart the monster obstacles, and struck down on the vortex with all of his mana. He struck down again and again until it was cut apart!

The vortex finally showed a reaction. The spinning seem to stop before causing a strong mana explosion!


However, Michael Smithson endured. As a knight that protected the front, he could never step back, against any kind of opponent!

He would protect – the country he was born and grew up in; this planet!

He sturdily went forward and faced against the explosion!

Of course, the scene after the explosion was similar to the scene that Carina Malatesta was facing in Italy.

"...Sir Smithson? What are you doing in there?"

The gate that appeared after the vortex disappeared – beyond it was a person who approached after noticing the presence of a gate while training. Somehow, he had a memory of this person.

"What are you saying…..? Why are you on Earth?"

"Earth was Sir Smithson's homeland. For me, I'm always in Melotra and tr….. Hm? Why is the scenery different there? Is it a special type of dungeon?"

It took 5 minutes for Michael Smithson to realize that what looked like signs of an Overflow, was just a preparation to open a gate to other worlds.

Although such vortexes that absorbed the mana of humans that fulfilled certain criteria, were creating gates that connected to the world that they were connected to, Yu IlHan and his friends were in the middle of mansion defense, and didn't realize such a thing was occurring at all.

Author's notes

It's been quite a while since we saw people of Earth in action.

What is that vortex? What crisis would be brought upon Earth?

Painful cries resounded within the perimeter and around the border of Yu IlHan's mansion grounds



"Kahak! Kihiiii!"

Would hell on Earth, be like this?

A variety of monsters, over a hundred just by species, were executed in various ways.


The moment the land monsters crashed against the fences to destroy it, the fences absorbed their mana and transformed it into heat.

50% of the courageously charging monsters dropped out here, and the others who tried to destroy the fences with skills dropped out soon after as the fences spat out even more fire by using the mana from the skills.


By now, even brainless monsters would realise that coming into contact with the fence would be dangerous. Of course, this applied to only the extreme minority, and the rest had already been vapourised after crashing into the fence!


In any case, the monsters that felt the impending crisis spun their heads a little instead of charging recklessly. The answer they came up with was jumping! Whether it was stepping off another monster's back, or leaping over the fence with their own leg power, they thought of various ways to get over the fence. It was an extremely reasonable judgement.


And the moment the 'cleverer' monsters landed inside the grounds, the 2nd wall inside the ground shot up and pushed them back into the pits of fire!



The other half of the monsters were ground apart here. By the way, there was a 3rd wall, so the ones who could step into the mansion grounds either had enormous leaping ability or were aerial monsters in the first place.

"It sounds horrifying if I ever have to attack this fortress."

"Well, thanks to that the monsters we have to face were reduced by a very large number."

The elves who rushed out to the garden while mentally preparing themselves to fight against thousands and tens of thousands monsters in the horde, watched the monsters dropping out of the preliminaries and thought that Yu IlHan was a frightening man.

However, the walls and fences were just the beginning. The artifacts disguised as trees or grass in the garden grabbed and snipped at the passing monster's ankles, or suffocated them while emitting extreme poison and as a result, their numbers decreased even more.

Even a beautiful-looking flower shot petals at monsters that approached it! Of course, the petals were made of 4th class monster's bones. 2nd class monsters would not be able to avoid death, and even 3rd classes would receive fatal injuries.

"Master is truly great!"

"His Majesty's so cool!"

"Dad was cool from the beginning!"

Any ordinary person couldn't help but be in shock, but despite that, Yu IlHan's subordinates only exclaimed in excitement at the prospects of their (great and glorious) leader. However, their leisurely attitudes slowly came to a stop. The monsters who managed to approach the garden despite facing all those traps had to be the stronger ones.

"You shall not step inside the mansion!"



While Paté, who was in charge of the aerial monsters, shot arrows into the air, the rest of the subordinates including Ericia and Yumir, battled against the stronger 3rd class monsters.

A fun and enjoyable mansion defense! Everyone's experience was rising at a quick rate.

As the mana absorbed by Bittersweet Persona increased more and more, not to mention the nearby cities, monsters over all of Korea charged towards it after feeling that enormous amount of mana. The clans in Korea were shivering in fear, not knowing what was happening, but no one was there to tell them what was really happening.

And Yu IlHan, who was controlling the Bittersweet Persona in his study, was currently in a very difficult situation.

[You have earned 6,284,485….]

[You have earned the record of Lv 108 Twin-headed snake.]

[You have earned 4,586,100….]

[You have earned the record of Lv 104 Ultra Monkey.]

[You have....]

[You have....]

"My head hurts enough already but now even my eyes hurt with all these notices!"

[You even get the experience from the ones that died in traps!?] (Liera)

Shouted Liera in shock, but Yu IlHan snorted even while grabbing onto his aching head.

"Humans advance."

Well, yes. Before, he had confirmed that no records and experience would be gained from the deaths resulting from pre-installed traps or landmines. However, since he knew, there was no way he would repeat that mistake!

"These are not traps. It's the fortress that I'm directly in control of. To put it, I'm grinding monsters by swinging this massive fortress as my weapon."

[Even though one would usually think about moving themselves if pre-installed traps don't work, but he even found a way to gain experience from it!] (Liera)

[That's one scale, alright.] (Spiera)

Like how installed landmines would not give experience if it killed the monster, but how thrown grenades would give experience if that killed a monster, if Yu IlHan directly activated the traps and the options in the fortress, their records would be transferred to Yu IlHan. He had implemented the fortress to be like that in the first place.

"Of course, records of 2nd class monsters have no meaning to me, so I'll let the Bittersweet Persona absorb it. With this, it grows and I grow. Killing two bird with one stone."

He wished that he could soul enchant a thought to take care of the Bittersweet Persona, but unfortunately, Yu IlHan didn't possess a thought that was on the same league as a chaos-ranked artifact. He thought that maybe higher existences would.

[You have....]

[You have....]

"If monsters keep coming like today, then I might be able to level up once."

[I won't be surprised. I definitely won't be!] (Erta)

More and more monsters gathered towards the mansion, almost as if all monsters in the world were attracted to it. There were thousands of aerial monsters in the air, comparatively, the flood of monsters on the land were more than ten times in number. The screeches resounded like an orchestra, with Yu IlHan as the conductor .

The clans in Korea also realized that monsters were currently gathering towards one place, but as no one had the courage to charge towards more than ten thousand 3rd class monsters. The clan members could only watch while sucking on their thumbs.

That didn't mean that they had nothing to do. Currently, Earth was a monster haven. If the Earthen and aerial monsters aimed for Yu IlHan's mansion, they left them to do as they wished, and they confronted the sea monsters surrounding the Korean peninsula.


"It's a giant squid! I repeat, giant squids! More than 100!"

"Everyone charge! Today's snacks is lightning-fried squids!"

The monsters that crawled out of the sea outnumbered the number of sand grains on the beach. This was discounting the fact that the Traps of Destruction scattered by the angels had entrapped more than half of the monsters real-time.

[We've received a report.] (Spiera)

Just as Yu IlHan was defeating the monster horde by controlling various things in his study, Spiera spoke with a slight sigh.

[Although we did expect this to a certain extent, I think that the Traps of Destructions scattered over Earth are not catching up to the magnitude of the monster wave.] (Spiera)

[However, the efficiency should have risen after we let Yu IlHan create the Traps of Destructions?] (Erta)

[I meant that even the increased efficiency is incapable of catching up.] (Spiera)

It wasn't like this situation was abnormal. Traps of Destructions, were, in the end, just to prevent monsters from covering the entirety of the world, not an absolute device that put all monsters inside dungeons.

Originally, it was quite common to see a portion of a world being covered with monsters after every Great Cataclysm. At times like these, the intelligent species of that world would select zones that had to be protected no matter what while sacrificing others to the monsters. Like that, the monster zones and would be differentiated from the inhabited zones.

How good would it be if it was possible to kill or entrap all monsters into the dungeon? However, that was no more than a delusion. All worlds now, sacrificed the habitable zones little by little.

However, due to Yu IlHan's desperate attempt, the average level of the people of Earth increased dramatically, and the functionality of the Traps of Destruction also increased drastically.

Also, Yu IlHan himself had created a weapon of mass destruction known as Bittersweet Persona, in preparation for the 2nd Great Cataclysm, so it was instead the monsters that were in a pitiful situation, not the humans that tried to protect Earth!

As such, the angels kinda expected that the people of Earth would perhaps manage to protect Earth while overcoming the 2nd Great Cataclysm, but....

[Not to mention 2nd Great Cataclysm, the number and level of monsters appearing is closer to a 3rd Great Cataclysm. Don't you feel it as well? Originally, there is no way there would be so many 3rd class monsters.] (Spiera)

[At this point, I'm even wondering if Earth is walking in a different path of evolution than all other worlds... If so, we of Heaven will only be able to give you only limited help.] (Erta)

The angels' voices sounded slightly helpless. However, Yu IlHan consoled them with a bright smile.

"Nah, it's alright. I put away any kind of expectations I had of you guys after I dropped out."

[From the time you dropped out!? That means you never had any at all!] (Erta)

He shrugged his shoulders after hearing that.

"The word 'Expectations' is rooted in giving up. Expecting something of others means that I myself do not have the ability to solve it myself."

[And where did you hear that?] (Erta)

"I had no one to rely on until now. And so, I could only do everything myself while crying."

[And another sad story!] (Erta)

"So be quiet and watch."

Yu IlHan touched on the monitor. At that moment, mana was concentrated in the scene in the monitor, and reacted with the surrounding artifacts to cause an explosion, killing hordes of monsters.

Even the process of reclaiming the consumed mana from the dying monsters was perfect.

[You have....]


A series of green text filled his retina.

Although this explosion was an extremely strong one, capable of damaging even 4th classes, if there was any drawbacks, it was that the mana vibrations were too big and caused a wide-area aggro. Naturally, all monsters nearby, within the borders of the country, in the sea, in the air, and even in neighbouring countries noticed the burst of mana.

However, Yu IlHan did not stop there. He activated all the sniping devices installed inside and outside the mansion ground while emitting mana!

Looking at Yu IlHan who was causing a massacre-festival by consuming his own mana, the angels hugged each other in fear!

[Yu IlHan, are you insane? It wouldn't end with just a hundred thousand!] (Spiera)

"That's what I want."

Replied Yu IlHan, his lips curved into a smile.

"I said I can't rely on others, didn't I? That's why, I could only wipe everything out myself."

[So such a mutant…thing… is born when a loner meets extra time and talent.] (Spiera)

[You have....]

[You have....]

As if to delete all the green text that covered his eyes, he activated the options on the fortress again. Monsters died in hordes again. Of course, As Yu IlHan's subordinates were still in action at that time, the actual number of deaths numbered even more.

And at one moment, the mana ejected from countless dying monsters overlapped again and again to create a huge mana vortex inside Yu IlHan's mansion ground as well!

Everyone screamed after looking at that.

[That, looks like a concentration of mana, but it's actually closer to a naturally generated gate! How can a gate…..!](Liera)

[Oh my, I received a report! Mana vortices are being generated worldwide, and if a person that fulfilled certain criteria imbues mana into it, it explodes and a gate connecting the world he or she went t, appears…..! Erta, you were right! Earth is developing in its own way!] (Spiera)


Yu IlHan, who didn't listen to the angels' words, thought that it was the signs of an Overflow, like the others, and clicked on the monitor like mad.

All the mana inside the mansion gathered in the vortex and caused explosions. It was an explosion caused from an absurd amount of mana that no one on Earth could use right now! The nearby monsters all vaporized as well. Even his subordinates had to retreat.

The vortex couldn't endure it until the end and caused a massive explosion! What everyone else on Earth couldn't do, was achieved by Yu IlHan!

[?????????????????? experience.]

[???????? records of Lv ??? ???????]

[You have become level 146. 3 Strength, 2 Agility, 2 Health, 2 Magic increases.]

On the place where the vortex exploded, there was nothing, not to mention a gate. Just that, the absurd amount of overlapped mana lost their force and went in control of the mansion, and completely refilled the consumed mana.

Yu IlHan was satisfied that he prevented an Overflow, but tilted his head after a series of question marks filled his retina.

"Huh? Although I did have a lot of experience piled up, what did I just kill to level up twice? No matter how great the explosion was, there should be a limit to the damage, so I can't kill 4th class monsters with it.... Moreover, what's up with all these corrupt letters? Is the Akashic Record bugged up or something?"




The angels all stared at Yu IlHan. Yu IlHan tilted his head again, and the angels gave up. Nothing would come out of them interrogating Yu IlHan.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

[Cuz you're handsome. If you don't like it then stare at me too.] (Erta)

"Well, if you say so..."

The moment new history was being written on Earth, human history was being written anew.

The mansion defense continued.

For the chaos from the 2nd Great Cataclysm to die down, a little more time was needed.

Author's notes

'Expectation' is a word rooted in giving up : A famous line from "the database" Fukube Satoshi from the Classic Literature Club series(T/N: Hyouka). A Japanese novel, written by Yonezawa Honebu, and it takes a slightly different style, an everyday mystery. It's a piece I really like. There's an animated version, so if you have the opportunity, please watch!

I'll say this again, but Earth is walking its own path.

The mana explosions caused by the power of Bittersweet Persona, is strong enough to wipe out 3rd classes and injure 4th classes, but speaking in reverse, it means that it is very hard to kill 4th class monsters just with the explosions. It's not a matter of quantity, but quality.

A warning here, although it's mentioned in the chapter, the reason the people could not erase the vortices is due to the lack of firepower. If they could gather enormous amount of mana and explode it, then they would also be able to erase the vortices and gain experience.

But then, what if IlHan's mana is insufficient...?

Translator's notes

PR: Your friendly neighbourhood PR is going to be overseas (without laptop…) from 26th may to 4th june, Chamber nim will handle the posting in that period :^)

2 weeks had passed.

Yu IlHan and his subordinates fought bravely inside and outside the mansion grounds. They killed so many monsters that the huge vortex of mana appeared a few more times after that.

As such, Yu IlHan focused all the mana in the fortress to 'kill' the vortexes and let his subordinates take care of the 3rd class monsters, but despite that, the experience from the vortex was truly enormous and he achieved level 155 within two weeks.

Yu IlHan had a short opinion of this phenomenon.

"I knew I've done well to build the fortress!"

[Whatever this guy makes, there will always come a time when he needs it….. it's so frustrating!] (Erta)

[From how it gives me experience, it means that it is an existence with a record, right? And it turns into a gate by inserting other people's mana...] (Liera)

[It's also not possible by just anyone. From the current standards of Earth, if it's not the highest rankers, no matter how much mana is inserted in any way, they would eventually disappear.] (Spiera)

Even the angels couldn't give a clear answer to the identity of the vortexes. That was because Earth was the only world among countless worlds that caused such phenomena.

Then, the only answer was the human Yu IlHan who was gaining its records, but like how the Akashic Record only put question marks all over, Yu IlHan also only felt 'I feel like I know it but I don't!' no matter how many vortexes he 'killed'.

"But wouldn't it be a good guy? It obediently disappears without attacking, and it even give me experience!"

[It's a problem because it's connecting gates to other worlds in other places. Well, it might be alright for you, IlHan, since you aren't connected to any other world.] (Liera)

Like what Liera said, confusion was arising on Earth due to the sudden appearance of portals leading to other worlds in various places on Earth.

Although they were worlds where the people of Earth had lived in, and were different from Abandoned Worlds, they were still other worlds.

Didn't all the schemes by the Army of Brilliant Light had to do with connecting Earth with other worlds? But now, they didn't have to do anything, and Earth would automatically connect with other worlds! Things would turn annoying according to how they enticed the people from those worlds.

[What's fortunate is that not only there are very few people who have enough mana to create gates, the gate also closes very soon unless additional mana is inserted.] (Spiera)

[Yeah, it's just one day. It's good that everyone was wary against that gate, if someone actually went over and the gate closed…] (Liera)

"That sounds really annoying."

They would be trapped on Earth until another vortex forms. People from other worlds would be annoyed, and people of Earth would also be put in a difficult position as well. There was no guarantee that there would be no riots.

Of course, the reverse was possible as well. What if the gate closes after someone enters it from Earth? Well, of course, that person would be able to go over to the world he or she was connected to, but would not be able to come back to Earth. Moreover, if that happened several times...

[There is a possibility that all sorts of people will get mixed up on Earth!] (Erta)

"Now that sounds tremendously annoying..."

But could it be considered as fortunate? As they were busy researching into the gates connected to other worlds, for the last two weeks, everyone on Earth was in a busy situation. No matter where they went, monsters were present in large quantities!

The people of other worlds also restrained themselves from coming to Earth because they vaguely knew of the harsh situation. Well, anyone with rational thinking would not bring disaster upon themselves by going over to another world filled with monsters. It was just the people related to the Army of Brilliant Light and the Destruction Demon Army that were crazy!

Like that, Earth that was undergoing harsh times after the Great Cataclysm had even dragged other worlds in. This could be said to be a period of nightmare for everyone other than Yu IlHan.

Then, to Yu IlHan? Of course, this was a period of exp boost and grinding.

"I wish this would go on for one more month."

[You are fine controlling the fortress from inside, but the other guys are suffering outside, aren't they? They would swear at you if they heard you.] (Liera)

[Yu IlHan, there's another vortex.] (Spiera)

"Yesss, let's do this!"

Truly fortunately, when a few more messy days went past, people started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Tens of thousands of monsters had been reduced to just a few thousand.

"The monster horde definitely did decrease."

[Well, of course it would be like this after exterminating them in such a large scale!] (Erta)

[I think your subordinates also leveled up by an average of 3.] (Spiera)

All sorts of monsters that could fill Earth more than once, were all cleaned up as well. Of course, this was excluding places like the islands in the Pacific, or Venezuela, which had met its downfall since the 1st Great Cataclysm.

Even though people were noisy about protecting the territory of humans, the people of Earth had no choice but to give up on some places. The monsters that weren't entrapped by the dungeons gathered at areas outside human influence such as the seas, mountains, and countries that had long since fallen.

Oh, this was about monsters that weren't influenced by Yu IlHan's Bittersweet Persona. If Yu IlHan had not created this fortress, the map of Earth would have changed drastically by now.

[Considering the happenings in the past few days, didn't about 20% of the monsters that appeared in the 2nd Great Cataclysm die here?] (Liera)

[Liera, measure the mana concentration 30 seconds away from here. If that place could be considered as instant coffee, this place is a cup of gourmet espresso.] (Erta)

As there were way too many monsters that died within the mansion grounds, the mana in this place was near to physical manifestation and had formed a light fog.

Due to the power of the artifact, Bittersweet Persona, the mana could not escape and as a result, the fog did not disperse, enveloping the mansion and its perimeter.

The monsters appearing nearby would be attracted by the fog, and as such, they would contribute to the mana in the fortress. It seemed unlikely that such a state would change anytime soon.

[Somehow this looks like a mansion from a horror game...] (Liera)

[Don't mention games, this situation is horrifying enough.] (Erta)

How could a horror game even compare to this mansion where beings entering without permission would die in the most horrifying ways. Moreover, as there were too much mana within the grounds, there would naturally be monsters born inside the grounds, although, the traps would activate and instantly kill them.

"I think it would look cooler if the fog was a little thicker."

Yu IlHan spoke nonsensically as he controlled the fortress to deliver a finisher attack to the decreased number of enemies, when Liera flapped her wings and stood up.

[Then since things are settling down here, I'll visit Heaven. The quest to create Traps of Destruction ended so I need to give IlHan the rewards.] (Liera)

"Cleaning up the confusion after the 2nd Great Cataclysm also counts as a quest, right? Don't forget to separate the rewards."

[Of course, of course. Well, then, in compensation, quickly lemme.] (Liera)


Liera playfully replied and kissed his cheeks instead of exchanging goodbyes. Erta's eyebrows twitched after seeing that Yu IlHan obediently let her do so.

[To think you made Yu IlHan accept skinship so naturally…..!] (Erta)

[Ufufufu.] (Liera)

Liera flashed a victor's grin at Erta before leaving. She, who had lost miserably, could only grit her teeth, but Yu IlHan only went back to controlling the fortress.

"Okay then… from now, let's focus on recovering the monster's bodies…."

[Eeeeeek.] (Erta)

Erta was met with Yu IlHan's back as he stood up, and she felt really inclined to kick at it. However, Spiera only thought that she was playing along despite being a higher existence.

When four or five more hours went past, the situation finally calmed down. The decreasing monsters reduced even more from a certain moment onwards, and in the end, the endless throes of monsters rushing towards Yu IlHan's mansion died down completely.

"How can this be."

Yu IlHan fell into despair while looking at the empty scene in the monitor. Not to mention the giant vortex that connected gates to other worlds, there wasn't much of a single monster within the screen!

"I'll be level 160 if I just level up one more time!"

[Don't go around saying that, the others will die due to high blood pressure.] (Erta)

After checking that the long battle had come to a complete finish, Yu IlHan immediately let his subordinates return. Such was the end to the enjoyable mansion defense.

"Your Majesty, you were amazing."

"That mana explosion that wiped out the monsters was really..."

"I can't use that too often. Anyway, you guys have done well too."

Yu IlHan even felt sorry after seeing their appearances. They had to fight for 20 days in a row without even being able to wash up. However, it was unknown why the elves boasted superior aesthetics even though they should be dirty.

"Wash well and have a nice sleep. Thanks to you guys, we won't have to worry about monsters for quite a while."


"Your Majesty, then please excuse myself to rest."

"Mirey, let's wash together!"


Although everyone was given a room of their own, Mirey, Phiria, and Ericia found it difficult to rest properly alone, and slept together in one room, and this was the same with Paté and Jirl.

Yu IlHan thought that they should all sleep together while at it, but accepted the outcome after remembering that Paté and Jirl were male.

Meanwhile, Yumir seemed to have longed for his dad after fighting hard for so long, as he changed into his pajamas after washing with Yu IlHan, before falling asleep in his arms. His body temperature was warm and felt good.

Although he looked like a perfect 11 year old on the outside, he was still a baby on the inside, prompting Yu IlHan to let out a smile, however, he couldn't stay smiling forever.

"He's already level 140. Wow, that's insanely fast."

[That's what you're unsatisfied about!?] (Erta)

As Yumir was the one with most action in the 2 years and 9 months in the Abandoned World with Kang MiRae, he levelled up the most as well. It was the same this time in the mansion defense, and decisively, it was possible to have such an insane speed of growth because eating dragon meat let his level increase.

Yu IlHan thought back to the mountains of dragon meat in his inventory, and realised that Yumir may actually reach 4th class faster than him.

[Mr. IlHan, can we come in?] (MiRae)

[Yaaay!] (YuNa)

At that moment, guests arrived.

Yu IlHan smiled after checking the guests through the monitor. It was none other than Kang MiRae and Na YuNa.

They actually came to find him as soon as the monsters retreated? It seemed like they like Yumir so much – thought Yu IlHan (wrongly) as he controlled the mansion to let them in.

However, the moment Yu IlHan entered the guest room, something flew in through the window like lightning.

[I'm back!] (Liera)


It was Liera. As Yumir was sleeping in one of his arms, he raised his other arm when she 'dove' into his arms.

[Receive the rewards! And receive me while at it!] (Liera)

"You're heavy!"

Immediately after Yu IlHan barely managed to hold Liera while not waking Mir up, a hot aura was transferred from Liera to him, and green text covered his eyes.

[Heaven's Quest, 07, 08 complete!]

[All status increased by 20. Strength increased additionally by 10.]

[You have acquired the passive skill, Magic engineering. You are now able to bring out the power of an artifact more easily, and the success rate of mana crafting increases.]

Yu IlHan sat down, with Yumir in one arm, and Liera in the other. Then, he tilted his head after checking the skill he had just acquired.

"According to Bittersweet Persona, I'm already at the peak of magic engineering?"

[That's just practical stuff without the theory. You are no different from having made a semiconductor from just its appearance. Of course, that's very amazing, but magic engineering isn't like that. It's a field of study and a skill that one has to learn if one wields magical languages and mana crafting. It's also a study that developed naturally across numerous worlds hundreds of years after a Great Cataclysm occurs.] (Liera)


No matter how he thought about it, it sounded annoying, but if the performance of his artifacts increased by raising its skill level, then he couldn't ignore it either.

There would be improvements in the combination of soul enchant and the artifact, it would definitely assist in completing the mobile fortress. And even to the equipments he had to stop on the design phase!

Good, now that he thought like that, his motivation surged. Yu IlHan asked Liera with an expectant face.

"And so, how can I train in magic engineering? It wouldn't just end with repeating mana crafting, right?"

[Well, I don't know either.] (Liera)

"I should have expected this from how confident sounding you were!"

[Kyaaak!] (Liera)

Yu IlHan moved his fingers on her waist to tickle her mercilessly. He never could have possibly imagined that it was the best reward Liera could get!

[Ugh, even I only know the basics of magic engineering…..!] (Erta)

[Are you frustrated because you cannot teach Yu IlHan magic engineering, or because you cannot take Liera's place…..?] (Spiera)

Erta only watched the scene in frustration, and Spiera looked at her with narrowed eyes. Yumir was sleeping soundly as ever.

"...Mr. IlHan?"


And now, the forgotten guests were standing outside the guest room with eyes wide open.

"I'm sorry. The door was wide open so I entered when I could hear some people speaking….."

"Can you employ me as a maid hereee?"

"No, I don't need one. And so..."

However, just as when Yu IlHan was in a difficult situation, pondering about how to get out of this situation, Kang MiRae blurted out something completely unexpected.

"Magic engineering... is quite well-developed in the world I went to."

"....What did you say?"

A savior had arrived.

Author's notes

Nice EXP gain.

Feels like a new quest.

Translator's notes

There seems to be a misconception that 'destroying vortices' = 'destroying worlds'. NO, destroying vortices does NOT equal to destroying worlds. The explosions that happen at the end of the vortex generation is what causes the gateways to connect (I think so, anyway). NO WORLD IS HARMED DURING THE DESTRUCTION OF THE VORTEX. (But I don't know what explains the massive EXP gain. Perhaps it's because the Akashic Record is bugging out)

Hello, hello. It's Chamber posting today. This is a sponsored chapter! Thanks to all the sponsors!

And I'm always accepting sponsors! I have like, what, 10 stockpiled chapters at your disposal. (I'm actually just greedy about money cuz the new laptop broke, and all I have is this Pentium dual-processor laptop I've used for like 3 years)

(Minor changes, I'll add ~ to the end of Na YuNa's lines, instead of dragging them out)

Thanks for reading!

P.S WordPress is red-underlining 'vortices' but I'm sure that's the correct word… and not 'vortexes'. (Hey vortexes doesn't get a red underline)

P.P.S I don't think this chapter is edited, so I'll have Koukouseidesu do it later.

PR: edited now….. :^)

Kang MiRae explained her story while drinking the tea that Erta brewed. Meanwhile, Yu IlHan pulled Liera off him and sat down carefully so Yumir wouldn't wake up.

"The world I went to, Lanpas, has an empire called Palladia, where I've been to. Oh, thanks for the tea. It's very nice."

"I think I've heard of it."

"It's the country that succeeded the Magic Kingdom of Illta. As it is an extremely ability-centered country where meritocratic ideals are placed onto a pedestal, anyone can become the emperor as long as they are talented enough. It lead to all sorts of magic being developed to the extreme."

She also mentioned that magic engineering was one of the fields that were relatively advanced; and that she was sure since she had found a few books about the basics of magic engineering.

"Will you really help me out?"

Yu IlHan became agitated after hearing that. Kang MiRae, while looking at him, felt that she had somehow calmed down and discovered that her fatigue from the long battle had dispersed a little. Truly befitting of a case of unrequited love.

"Compared to what debt I've accrued until now, it's nothing much. Although it is currently impossible due to the situation on Earth, I'll look into it as soon as things clear up."

"Thank you!"

"I said it's nothing much."

Just as Yu IlHan was puffed up in expectation for his soon to be mobile fortress, Na YuNa, who didn't feel so good about the two looking at each other with such affectionate expressions, tapped on Kang MiRae and retorted.

"Don't play around and work!"

"Oh, yeah."

Kang MiRae remembered why she was here to see Yu IlHan in the first place and returned the sidetracked conversation to the original topic.

"What is this mana that's being emitted from this mansion? The reason that so many monsters gathered here was probably due to the mana... To think that mana formed a fog... I've never even heard of it."

"It will be like this for quite a while. Until the mansion grows, it will be difficult to control all the mana."

"...Did you just say that the mansion 'grows', did I hear that correctly?"


Kang MiRae intuitively felt that she would be better off not prying any further.

Thinking back, this man had wiped out an enormous number of monsters that gathered from all over the world during the past 20 days. Every time she thought she had gotten used to it, a new surprise would be sprung onto her, it was getting more and more tiring.

"Although there were no casualties, there was a lot of damage to the properties nearby thanks to this mansion attracting all sorts of monsters. Although it's a little funny for me to be saying this, there will definitely be people who complain about why you caused things to turn out this way."

"Oh, that's true. Should I give them compensation for the damages?"

Kang MiRae smiled and shook her head.

"Not at all. Whether it's chasing monsters out or attracting them, countless people's lives were saved thanks to your mansion. It's nonsensical to put properties and human life on the same scale in the first place. I only wanted to say that you needn't care even if such people appeared."

Yu IlHan once again felt that Kang MiRae was a truly good natured person. It was unbelievable that she had grown up under the delusional Kang Chan.

However, it seemed that she didn't know that Yu IlHan would not have been bothered about such people in the first place. (PR:The damaged properties, not MiRae)

"It's a very fortunate thing in the viewpoint of protecting Earth. We could worry less about human casualties when monsters appeared here. It's just that I'm worried about you, Mr. IlHan, as you will be exposed to monsters in the future...."

"This fortress, I mean, this mansion has an auto-shooting function, so it will be alright. Normal 4th class monsters won't be killed, but it will be able to tie them down temporaryily."


This was a meticulous fortress that relieved the worry from people's hearts. Kang MiRae decided to not talk about it anymore. Instead, Na YuNa tilted her head and interjected into the conversation.

"Now that I see it, Mr. IlHan."

"It's Yu IlHan."

"Mr. IlHan, did you kill a 4th class monster this time rouuuund?"

Yu IlHan shook his head.

"Unfortunately, none appeared. And, it's Yu IlHan."

"That's straaaange. We also didn't meet one."

"It would have been dangerous if we did. No matter how strong we became, 4th classes are too hard without Mir. Moreover, Earth is only in the initial stages of the 2nd Great Cataclysm, why would there be 4th classes? There are very few 4th classes even in worlds after the 3rd Great Cataclysm."

Kang MiRae chided Na YuNa, reminding her to not talk about such unlucky things, but Yu IlHan was able to infer that Na YuNa wanted to talk about something from her eyes.

"Is it strange?"


"In fact, it's not like I haven't thought like that either."

No matter how many monsters the Bittersweet Persona attracted, there was no way 4th classes would randomly charge here.

However, if they didn't get caught by the Bittersweet Persona, it was very likely that they weren't caught by the Traps of Destruction, so if there were 4th classes born of this Great Cataclysm, it could be deduced that they had hid away from human eyes.

"But if they 'just' hid themselves, that's not a problem."

"Do you also think that there are 4th class monsters?"

"If we think about how Earth behaved until now, yes."

Monsters were a problem because they attacked humans as their prey. Even Ericia or Flemir would think it was natural that they were hunting humans for records if they had not been under Yu IlHan's command.

It looked bad since Yu IlHan was in the shoes of humans, but originally, there was no 'good' or 'evil' about monsters' actions. It was the same as how humans raised and killed cows and pigs for meat. Likewise, humans could kill monsters for experience without any sense of guilt.

However, if such monsters didn't appear in his eyes, and hid themselves because they hated to fight, he thought that there was no need to exterminate each and every one of them. Rather, it would be questionable if it could even be called a 'monster'.

"What if they had another reason for hiding? A very bad reason."

As such, Na YuNa's words sounded even more persuasive.

"What do you think, Miss Na YuNa?"

"I'll talk about it if you call me 'YuNa~' with overflowing love."

"It was unpleasant to have met you until now, and let's not meet again. Good bye."

"I'll say it! I'll say it!"

Na YuNa pouted and brought out her thoughts. From the scale of the monster hordes in this Great Cataclysm, there definitely should have been 4th class beings appearing, but as if this was all planned beforehand, there was not even much of a single one, and that was very suspicious.

Precisely because it was now that people were being relieved after the monster wave had gone past, it was the time to move.

"Although we have no evidence, it feels a little quirky to ignore it... why didn't you say anything until now?" (MiRae)

"Because currently on Earth, only Mr. IlHan can fight against 4th classes." (YuNa)

"What if you were just overthinking things?" (IlHan)

"Then I can't help it. I'll give you a kiss inst….. ouch!" (YuNa)

Yu IlHan watched Kang MiRae and Na YuNa's affectionate skinship as he obediently drank tea. Meanwhile, Yumir woke up and clung to the girls alternately, so it seemed like Kang MiRae's anger had dispelled a little.

"You can ignore her words, since she's an idiot." (MiRae)

"No, I'll take a look around. Although Miss Na YuNa's head seems like it's empty, there is a sharp point about her, like a small shard of glass in the endless beach." (IlHan)

"Wao!" (YuNa)

Yu IlHan stood up with Mir hanging on him like a koala. If it was the him of before, he would have been scared stiff at such a mission, but with Ruin Calling, he would have found it easy even if it was a planet ten times that of Earth.

"If you go around and find nothing, tell me. I'll kiss you!" (YuNa)

"I refuse."

"You're being embarrassed!"

It seemed like Na YuNa still thought that Yu IlHan liked her.

Kang MiRae left with (well, if you can call putting her on the shoulders after electrifying her, 'with') Na YuNa, adding on that she would contact them soon. Yu IlHan put down Yumir who woke up and prepared to leave.

"Can't I go too?"

"I'll come back soon so rest a little more at home. If you become hungry, there's Jangjorim (meat simmered in soup) and rice."


Of course Jangjorim referred to the one made with dragon meat. A homemade food containing Yu IlHan's consideration for Yumir! There were also sister products – boiled dragon ribs and dragon dumplings.

He took Yumir to the bedroom and made Erta stay with him before leaving. The vast clearing of a garden, came into his view.


[Wow, how clean.] (Liera)

The mansion grounds were cleaner than he had expected.

Because all monster corpses disappeared? No way. It was because the mansion repaired itself by absorbing the remains and corpses of monsters.

Of course, this was after he had collected the remains of monsters above level 150, it was a waste to give it to the Bittersweet Persona.

"It's completely intact, let's go now then."

[There's no way there are 4th class monsters though...] (Liera)

[It wouldn't be surprising even if there were, Liera.] (Spiera)

Yu IlHan flew up to the skies with the still disbelieving Liera, and Spiera who accepted reality. As Yu IlHan's flight speed became faster as he adapted more to the Ruin Calling, the angels also had to fly relatively quickly in order to not get left behind.

[Should we really be able to find 4th class monsters like this?] (Liera)

"Whether it's people or monsters, if they hid from others, then I have the confidence to find them. I think about things from their viewpoint... I have a lot of experience doing that, so I know very well."

[I had no intention to attack IlHan's heart, but I stepped on a landmine again!] (Liera)

[You can just call it the power of the concealment master.] (Spiera)

However, even though Yu IlHan had looked over every single place on Earth with the two angels, he couldn't find any 4th class monsters. This was including the Pacific where it had completely turned into a monster zone.

Although he found some that had potential to grow into 4th classes soon, it was true that there were no 4th classes currently.

"But since there are so many monsters here, let's clean them up first."

[It's the first time I see a human who can use the word 'first' when talking about cleaning up an entire country.] (Liera)

Yu IlHan's assault came as disaster was wrought upon the monsters. The endless storm of dragon bone spears accompanied with flashes from the Black dragon whip!

In fact, Yu IlHan kind of expected to see another vortex if a large number of monsters died, but it seemed that it wasn't something that generated just because one wished for it to appear, but there was ALSO a sign of the vortex when Yu IlHan cleaned up the monsters in about 2 hours.

[Even though it's happening right in front of my eyes, I can't see through its mechanism!] (Liera)

[Wouldn't it be a type of monster as expected? Even if we know everything else, we still do not know the mechanisms of monster appearances....] (Spiera)

While the higher existences were busy making hypotheses, Yu IlHan cleaned up the nearby monsters and approached the vortex. Liera asked while seeing that Yu IlHan was putting away the whip and was taking out his spear.

[So, what are you going to do now? Although it was possible in the mansion since you had mana explosion, would it still be possible now?] (Liera)

"I should try until it shatters. It's not like it will connect to another world."

Declared Yu IlHan confidently and inserted mana into his weapon. Eternal Flame, purple flame and Blaze were fused into a white flame, following which he deployed the Spear of Untraceable trajectory while trying to imbue the power of a sword, whip and hammer into it at the same time.


Yu IlHan's strike with all his power pierced through the vortex several times!

However, as it was still insufficient compared to the time he attacked using the power of the fortress, he attacked several more times while bringing up all the strength he could muster... or so he was about to, when the vortex suddenly started to expand with a strange light!


[Ah, it's exploding!] (Liera)

[Yu IlHan, dodge!] (Spiera)

Before the angels even warned him, Yu IlHan called out Aegis in front of his eyes to protect him. Although the vortex caused a grand explosion, it could not overcome Aegis.

Yu IlHan realized that there was no green text on his retina, and realized that he could not break the vortex alone, and was putting away his Aegis…..

When he was met with a gate that showed a frightening scenery inside.

Author's notes

That sounds nice, dragon dumplings…

The reason Yu IlHan beat up(?) the vortex without the help of the fortress, was because there was no world connected to him. To speak of it, he fell into a tiny misunderstanding