108 - 116

Chapter 108: Professor Lan's is Back!

"Professor, you're here!"

Lan Jue stopped at the gate of the NEU, stuck once more where Jin Tao had blocked his path.

Curiously, today Jin Tao was also sporting a pollution mask, though his was a sight more dramatic than Hua Li's. The young man's came almost all the way up to his eyes, hiding nearly the entirety of his face. His pink Mohawk remained, however, as impressive as ever.

"What are you doing here?" Lan Jue raised an inquisitive brow at Jin Tao.

"Waiting for you!" He responded.

"For me? What is it?"

Jin Tao explained. "What are you playing on teaching me today? Look, Fatty Tang's a lot more powerful than me, so I need something special right? Otherwise how am I supposed to catch up to him?"

Lan Jue turned to watch Hua Li hop from the back of his bicycle. A sinister grin split his face. Hua Li, seeing the smirk, immediately understood what Lan Jue wanted. He knew his friend well, and whenever that look shone in his eyes it meant something bad was coming. Fortunately this time it wasn't directed at him.

"Fine. But I still need to train you both together. This afternoon, same place. I have classes though, so make sure you come to listen, and bring Fatty Tang with you. Now that you call me your teacher, you must be sure to act in a noble and dignified manner. You'll need to become experts in etiquette as well."

"Yes, absolutely, thank you Professor!" Maybe it was the opportunity, or from excitement, but Jin Tao bowed low to his teacher before racing in to the university.

"That is your disciple?" Hua Li's tone was decidedly disapproving.

Lan Jue shot him a glance. "What, is there a problem?"

Hua Li's lips curled in a scowl. "He doesn't look like much. The energy he emits is minimal, he must have hardly any Discipline. No higher than third rank. Why would you train this sorta guy?"

The smile that turned Lan Jue's lips this time was a sight less devilish. "In this world there's this thing we call luck, understand?" With a cheesy flourish he pushed the bike towards the school entrance.

Hua Li did not move. As he watched his friend's back, a smile of his own crept across his face. "Luck? How could I not understand?"

"A-Jue, send me a message later and let me know where you're having class. I'm gunna have a look around." Hua Li called at his friend's back.

Lan Jue's response was displeased. "How about a little professional responsibility, eh, bodyguard?"

"Pfft." Hua Li was not convinced. He turned and wandered away.

A smile crept on to Lan Jue's face. After all, who couldn't appreciate the guy's wistfulness?

The electives building hadn't experienced any significant changes since his last visit. As before, as Lan Jue entered in his fine suit and leather shoes, every eye turned to him.

Jin Yan lifted her head at the sound and spotted him entering. She rose from her desk. "Oh, Professor Lan, you've returned."

"Hello again, Professor Yan," he politely replied.

"I really enjoyed your last class, it left a deep impression. I was wondering when I'd have another opportunity to listen in," she said.

Lan Jue replied with a smile. "This afternoon."

"For most people, having only one class then taking such a long leave, they worry about how this reflects their responsibilities towards their students." Wang Hongyuan's biting tone was muttered from a nearby desk.

"It was a temporary emergency," Lan Jue assured. "I had to leave for a short time. It wont happen again. In fact I'll be having two classes a week from here on out."

This brought a smile to Jin Yan's face. "Then would you mind if I sat in on your class again this afternoon, Professor Lan?"

"Of course not," he said. "It would be my pleasure." He ave her a polite smile, and made for his desk by the window. Though he knew what he intended to teach, he still needed to organize and figure out how to present it.

As he was preparing, the school broadcasting system crackled to life: "Students and faculty, this afternoon the electives course for Etiquette will begin once again. Later the classes will be schedules weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays at two in the afternoon. Interested parties are encouraged to attend."

"An announcement so early? It looks like Director Wu was also impressed with your class," Jin Yan said through a smile.

Lan Jue smiled handsomely in lieu of a reply. Jin Yan, sensing he had no further desire to speak, returned to her own desk.


Second Year National Scholars Classroom Four.

Zhou Qianlin lifted her head, hearing the announcement bounce around the room. A flash of something danced behind her eyes. So he's back to class… at last he returns to abide by his promises, she thought. A distinct expression of relief passed across her face, however in the next instant it changed to something more complicated. She supported her chin with her hands, elbows on the desk, and allowed her eyes to wander as she pondered.

Beep! Beep! Her communicator pulled her from her reverie.

"What is it, Xiao Mi?" she said as she answered the call.

"Did you hear the announcement? That etiquette class is back. Last time the professor was quite good, so do you want to go again this afternoon?" Tang Mi sounded excited, her questions coming quick.

"I'm not going. I have a research project," Zhou Qianlin replied.

"Eh? Didn't you say last time you'd be returning for the class? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"I'm studying, we'll talk about it later." Zhou Qianlin cut the connection without giving Tang Mi the opportunity to respond. Her pretty blue eyes flashed as a thought pulsed through her mind. But it passed, and her attentions returned to her textbook.


"Hey Professor, are you gunna be teaching us this afternoon?" Tang Xiao looked at the masked Jin Tao standing before him.

He didn't look any better than his opponent. Their scuffle yesterday hadn't involved any discipline, so their injuries were only superficial. But that fact didn't convince the pain in the bodies to let up. Still, despite their discomfort they were at school, because Professor Lan had returned. Tang Xiao, similarly masked to hide his beaten face, looked carefully at Jin Tao with an ominous light in his squished eyes.

"You don't have to go," Jin Tao said haughtily. Ever since beating on Tang Xiao yesterday, his confidence had been full to bursting.

"You wish!" Tang Xiao flipped dumb-mutt his middle finger. "I'll see YOU this afternoon. I hope the Professor has us repeat yesterday's class."

"Yesterday? You mean when I beat you so hard you couldn't wipe your own ass?"

Half a day passed quickly.

Wu Junyi, Director of Teaching Affairs, was wandering the campus after lunch. This was a habit of his he developed as he got older. Eat, and do a little exercise to get the digestion moving. Simply resting wasn't good. At his age, he'd come to appreciate taking care of himself.

His thought turned to this afternoon, and the return of Professor Lan's Etiquette class. He didn't know what today's topic would be.

What is nobility… it hadn't only filled Jin Yan and the other students with motivation, it had resonated with him as well. If nothing troubled him in the afternoon, he too would sit in. Often electives teachers would work hard in the first class for listeners, and taper off as time went on, regardless of the subject.

If it hadn't been for that scene yesterday, with Lan Jue being viciously dragged in to the office by the 'Savage Goddess' Tan Lingyun, perhaps these seeds of doubt wouldn't be sprouted in Director Wu's mind. In truth, in many teachers' estimation the quality of an instructor was directly correlated with their power. At least approximately.

Afterwards Director Wu had spoken with Tan Lingyun specifically about what had happened. She'd explained that he hadn't attempted at all to defend himself from her. She'd called him nothing short of a pathetic weakling. Thus did doubt take root in the Director's heart about his newest instructor. He remembered clearly the first time he met the man – he was modest, and kept his abilities well hidden, but he seemed anything but weak.

His feet languidly carried him towards the electives building as he mind tumbled over the experience.


The ambrosial flavors of last night's Ma La Tang still danced like spirits on Lan Jue's tongue. This morning, Lan Jue's breakfast had been comparatively bland. As for lunch, the only flavor the school cooks was familiar with was bland. He was a picky eater, and though not as bad as the Gourmet he was still fastidious. Still, even if it wasn't the most delicious food he'd eat some, just not very much.

A bowl of rice, a plate of vegetables, a thin porridge. This was Lan Jue's lunch, just enough to satiate.

By this point he'd already spent the morning on his class, and everything was prepared. As he was leaving the offices, with some time to spare, he shot a message to Hua Li then made his way towards his special 'teaching area' where he trained Tang Xiao and Jin Tao.

There, by himself, he stood amidst the yard with arms outstretched. He took a deep breath, his nostrils flaring as the air rushed in to his lungs. It was lucky no one was there, for if they were they would be astonished at just how long this inhalation lasted. A series of faint cracks arose from within his body.

A moment later, a slight smile lit up his features and slowly he began to exhale. It lasted several minutes.

Li's mastery of water is profound. After last night's round of treatment, my self-healing abilities have improved considerably. Water membranes protect my organs, help nourish. It looks like I wont even need a month to recover. Once I get better I really must work on getting stronger. Otherwise, Hua Li might overtake me.

Last night, after their meal, Hua Li and Lan Jue had returned to the shop. Hua Li had then begun to help him with his recovery. His manipulation of water, and water's own healing powers helped tremendously. Already, the coagulated blood that had pooled inside him had been pushed out. Water had been manipulated to act as protective screens for his organs, and the result was he'd already much improved over his previously severely weakened state. He could even employ his discipline, if only just barely.

Ding, dong! The afternoon bell echoed through the campus. It was the first bell, alerting students and teachers that classes are almost ready to begin, and to proceed to their classrooms.

Lan Jue made his way to his appointed room. As he entered, he couldn't help but stop, and look over the class in surprise. The students who had come to watch his class had doubled since the last one, and although the room had not been filled a good two thirds of the seats were occupied. He quickly picked Director Wu and Jin Yan from the crowd. Of course, Jin Tao and Tang Xiao wre also in attendance. They sat in the front row, strange in their face masks. The worst was Jin Tao, who' mask was so large they looked like underwear flung over his face.

Chapter 109: The Secrets of Style

As Lan Jue entered the classroom, all eyes turned to him in constrained excitement.

He strode past them in his perfectly tailored sapphire suit, snow white shirt, black tie and white kerchief. With his impish smile and meticulously kept hair, he could certainly draw attention.

"Good afternoon," he began. He positioned himself behind the podium, and gave his audience a nod.

"Good afternoon, Professor!" the students replied in unison.

His eyes quickly swept the room, but he found no sign of Zhou Qianlin. Her friend Tang Mi, however, was in attendance, sitting near the back. In total it looked like men accounted for seventy percent of participants.

From the back, Director Wu gave him a nod of acknowledgement, and Jin Yan beamed a pretty smile his way.

"I'd like to begin by expressing my apologies to you all. Unfortunately, a pressing matter arose after my last class that left me with no choice but to temporarily ask for leave. I've only just arrived back on Skyfire the day before yesterday." As he spoke, Lan Jue retreated a step from the podium and bowed respectfully to his students. It was practiced, bearing no flourish or unnecessary flair. The students fell silent.

Most of the students who'd come did so to sate their curiosity. Like last time, many of them were considered the 'problem students.' Information passed among the students gave them the impression none of this was to be taken too seriously. Lan Jue wasn't sure how this class would turn out, but his bow at least assured he showed them the proper respect.

Of course, no matter the quality and status of a university, no instructor enjoyed dealing with problem students. For the NEU, many of the students found entry only by virtue of very stringent entrance criteria. But despite this, the pressure of studies sometimes brought out the worst in them. Likewise most teachers don't 'waste' their time with students who are troublemakers, preferring to focus their efforts on the majority. Anyone other than the best students couldn't keep up, and would be removed. In the end there were always those who had no means of graduating. Jin Tao was a good example.

Under these unfortunate social constructs a problem student rarely even saw a teacher's smiling face, much less got a quality education. Although these youths often faced the world with scorn, they were still young men and women! They still had fantasies of being a teacher's pride, receiving the love and attention of an instructor as a talented pupil.

For this reason Lan Jue's bow resonated with them. Despite what was to come, in this moment their impression of Professor Lan increased significantly.

Lan Jue straightened and, smiling, went on. "I wont delay you any further. In our last lecture we discussed what it meant, precisely, to be 'nobility.' For those students who missed our first class and are interested, you can find a video of my first lesson in the College Forum. From today, we'll be taking a closer look at the subject of etiquette, examining topics both modern and historical."

"Basic necessities; as the name suggest, the things required by all men and women. First among them in clothing, and so it is fair to say that what we wear is indeed important. So, today we will discuss just that – what we're wearing."

Lan Jue once more distanced himself from the podium and walked towards the front row. "What do you all think of my outfit today? And don't worry, speak your mind. You here, young lady."

"Oh, quite handsome Professor," the young woman he indicated replied. "It's a good match for you." She spoke with her head cradled in her hands, eyes shinning as she beamed up at him.

"Pfft, looks like a flamer too me." A young gentlemen at her side couldn't help but interject.

With a smile still on his face, Lan Jue turned to the young man. "Go on?"

"Some kinda crossdressing idiot!" He scowled disdainfully. Judging by the arrogance in this one, he was a particularly troubling student.

Lan Jue only laughed. "Not quite. How about I show you something more along the lines of what you described." As he spoke, his fingers rose to undo the single button keeping his jacket in place. As he pulled it open, he revealed the inner lining.

"Waa…" nearly the entire class exclaimed as they peered at him. Students in the back clamored to stand for a better view.

The inner lining of his suit was an eye-popping hot pink. In contrast with the sapphire blue of his suit it certainly was distinctly effeminate.

Jin Tao, seated directly in the front row, blinked his eyes dramatically. "Man Professor, my color-blind dog eyes were blinded by that nonsense!"

Lan Jue closed the jacket and fastened the button anew, hiding the inner lining. He returned his attention to the young gentlemen who'd spoken earlier. "So, what do you think now?"

"A man's coquettishness shouldn't be revealed on the surface. It's considered impetuous. However, if a man hopes to attract a woman he must have some measure of it. The saying goes 'girls like bad boys' – without any flirty air, one is simply apathetic. So if a young man would like to have the attention of a young woman, he mustn't be overwhelmingly seductive, but keep it close to the vest as it were.1 The proverbial 'surprise package.'" His devilish grin and the naughty topic elicited a round of laughter from the class.

He waited for the laughter to cease before continuing. "Today I'll be discussing clothing, specifically formal wear. Why this specifically? In fact the reason is simple; for the young men in attendance, attracting the attention of the fairer sex through your choice of clothing will bring self-confidence. For the lades, learning more about the clothing choice of a man can help you be more discriminating in your decision-making, making judgments on their character based by their aesthetics."

"Any successful individual will tell you 'The Devil is in the Details.' So that's where we're starting, with the details. If you would help me…" Lan Jue indicated a young woman nearby, Tang Mi who was situated directly in front of him, but in the back.

She blinked in surprise, pointing to herself. "Me?"

Lan Jue nodded. "Mmhm. If you wouldn't mind coming to the front of the class…"

Tang Xiao was also surprised at hearing his sister's voice and turned to watch her rise. A strange look overcame his face.

Lan Jue hadn't originally intended to select Tang Mi, but as he spied the figure furtively trying to hide in the back his finger reached out. He couldn't simply change his mind before the entire class, so Tang Mi it was. He removed his jacket and handed it to her as she arrived.

"If you'd indulge me for a moment."

Tang Mi took up the jacket. Once more the striking interior was revealed to the students and, although it wasn't their first time seeing it, wolf-whistles rang through the classroom.

Hua Li, who'd just snuck in, arrived just in time to see that beautiful – if rather effeminate – color revealed. He couldn't help but lift his hand and give Lan Jue a giant thumbs up. Of course only he and Lan Jue knew his sarcastic intent.

Lan Jue went on. "Firstly, fine formal wear must be handmade. Generally speaking, even though many of the more expensive brands use glued lining for their suits, and although it's usually hidden from view, it's nonetheless a glaring blemish in the quality of design. The best lining are done by hand, needle and thread."

He turned his attention back to Tang Mi, who was holding his jacket between her fingers before the eyes of the students.

"If you'd please walk around the class so they can examine in detail?"

Tang Mi was a prideful one. But for reasons unknown even to herself, she couldn't refuse in the face of this professor's charming smile. She did as instructed.

"This isn't just true for the lining, either. Every buttonhole should be similarly handcrafted. These are the best quality suits. If we're talking about even the very best tailored suits, they are still only a fraction of the cost of those name brands. What this means is you should absolutely not fall in to the trap of being infatuated with a name2. Just because it's famous doesn't mean it's the best."

"The second point of interest is when buttoning. One must never fasten up to the top. Whether it's a vest, cuffs, or jacket the rule remains true. Well, that's not entirely accurate – you should probably always ensure your zipper is all the way up."

Again a round of laughter rumbled through the crowd.

"Then it's on to how precisely to wear a suit. Now I'm sure some of you are thinking, 'it's a suit, don't you just put it on? What kind of 'technique' is needed?' As I'm sure you'll find, it isn't that simple. Firstly a suit is classified as either a two-piece, or three-piece. If one is missing a vest, what are their missing? Etiquette."

"In practice a vest is rarely required. They're usually employed in very formal occasions. However I must implore you to keep in mind that you must always wear a tie and handkerchief when pairing your suit with a vest." He indicated his own tie and the kerchief stuffed in his left coat pocket for emphasis.

"All together, it makes a perfect suit. However without a vest neither of the other two are required. You can even unfastened a few buttons, giving yourself a more relaxed look."

By the time Lan Jue had finished his exposition, Tang Mi had finished displaying the jacket for her classmates. Her own attentions were focused on the item in her grip. Like her classmates, this was the first time she was hearing any of this and it captured her attention.

"All finished, Professor," she said, returning to his side.

Lan Jue smiled pleasantly. "I'm sorry, but I mist trouble you to hold on to it for a moment longer. Miss, what was your name?"

"Tang Mi," she replied.

He stepped forward then, suddenly so close they could hear each other's breathing.

1. See what I did there?

2. Irony.

Chapter 110: Secrets of the Collar Stays

Lan Jue's sudden appearance in front of Tang Mi took her off guard. She unconsciously lifted her hand to ward him off, but her professor deftly sidestepped and pushed her hand away until she was warding nothing but air.

"Don't misunderstand Miss Mi," he said. "I'd simply like you to examine my collar. Tell me if you notice anything."

Tang Mi was still off-balance, but eventually recovered. Her pretty face adopted a red tint, and her heart sped up.

What man would dare approach her like this! Even Tang Xiao kept his distance. Where he a student, he'd find her foot firmly planted between his legs in the blink of an eye. Of course there was nothing she could do here; he was no student, the Director watched from behind him, and he wasn't breaking any rules.

As they stood toe-to-toe, Lan Jue half a head taller than she, Tang Mi could smell the Professor's debonair cologne. With his suit, vest, kerchief and tie this only perfected his refined mystique.

"It looks fine… though the tie is a little crooked." She took only a cursory glance at his collar before speaking.

"Take a more careful look. See if you can't spot it."

Tang Mi muttered a dark curse at herself and, suppressing her displeasure, looked again. This time she saw it.

"Hm, the collar's ends are at an outward angle, just enough to accommodate the thickness of the tie knot. On either side the collar naturally droops down, giving it symmetry."

Lan Jue retreated a few steps, clapping his hands. "Very good, a fine observation. So why, then, is my collar like this?"

"Custom made," a young man in the class offered.

Lan Jue shook his head. "There are different methods of tying a tie. Each one results in different width and thickness for the tie knot. Likewise each one requires a different collar. So does this mean I have custom shirts for every sort of knot I wish to tie? Far too wasteful. In fact my necktie this afternoon is not crooked – it's the color of the shirt. It isn't completely fitting with a very formal tie. As a result I tied this Simple Knot. It looks more… vibrant. And as for the secrets of the collar, I'll enlighten you…"

As he spoke he fiddled with one side of his collar, extricating something.

"I'm fairly certain everyone here's worn a shirt. But I'm absolutely sure you've never turned over the collar. Take a look." He opened his fist to reveal a one centimeter wide, five centimeter long strip of metal, rounded on one end and sharp on the other.

"This is called a collar stay. As the name implies, it helps the collar stay in the shape intended. Generally speaking even higher class name brands employ plastic collar stays. The problem with those is that they only keep the collar straight and smooth – they don't allow for adjustment of the angle. The ones I have here are pure silver 1. I can make adjustments according to my needs, for whatever necktie I choose. This is how the collar works – not tailored."

The students looked on in rapt attention. Evidently none had heard this secret before. Director Wu fiddled with his collar, partially hidden in the back row.

Lan Jue replaced the collar stay. "If you don't tell anyone, no one will know your collar stay is composed of a precious metal. No one, except for those with good taste. They'll take one look at your collar and know precisely how it is you've managed that angle. I once knew a local official who used twenty-two karat gold stays, not for anyone else's satisfaction but his own. He knew they were twenty-two karat gold. Pure gold, obviously, would have been too soft for a stay. Unsuitable unless you add another metal. These weren't for status, for how could they be if no one saw them? This was his 'surprise package,' his hidden coquettishness. Think about it – what if one day your girlfriend has your shirt… for some reason… and discovers a golden collar stay? She'd look at you differently, wouldn't she? I dare say she'd be more smitten."

More laughter, this time less forced. Be it male or female student each looked upon him with bright eyes and bright expression.

"Most people think ornamentation and accessories are a woman's fancy. What use have men for accessories? Isn't that 'girly'? Well I'm here to tell you that this sort of thinking is entirely wrong. In truth a man's necessary accessories aren't much fewer than a woman's.. only, they are less visually available. Collar stays, cufflinks, wrist watches, breastpins, even a delicate bracelet… things easily missed, but when briefly revealed increase your charm and charisma tenfold."

He paused here and took his jacket back from Tang Mi. He gave her a brief smile, and motioned for her to return to her seat. She looked back at him for a moment before making for the back row.

He slipped his jacket back on. "Now I know what you're thinking. 'Professor Lan,' you wish to say, 'Unless you're very familiar with a woman, your girlfriend for example, wont your secret remain hidden?' In fact, that's not the case. Take a look." He turned then and showed his back to the gathered youngsters.

"This particular coat is a double vent. So, say I'm walking down the street and a breeze catches my clothes. The back flaps ever so slightly, and there the lining is revealed. Oops! My secret is known."

Another ripple of laughter. Jin Yan and Wu Junyi also couldn't help but lend their voice to the mirthful chorus. Every eye watched Lan Jue, waiting for his next move.

Hua Li sat in a distant corner, watching the lecture from a distance. At some point the mask he'd used to hide his face had been removed, and as he watched his high-spirited friend a knowing smile spread across his pretty features.

Never had Lan Jue expected one day he'd be a teacher, much less Hua Li. But here he stood, standing before a classroom of rapt pupils.

"Now, folding pocket kerchiefs and wearing ties. There are quite a few ways to tie a tie. We have the common, popular knots like the four-in-hand, Windsor…"

He demonstrated each knot as he said them, pulling strips of cloth from behind the podium and passing them around the room. Director Wu took the lull in the lecture as a chance to speak to Jin Yan, beside him.

"Professor Jin, what do you think of this young man's class?"

"It's only the second time I've attended," she began without hesitation, "but I can't not acknowledge my interest. I hadn't expected one would have to pay such particular attention to a suit. It's also the first time I've heard of collar stays. I feel like this knowledge, for etiquette and common sense, is of great benefits to the students. What do you think, Director?"

He only gave a small, secretive smile. "At the very least, it's not a disadvantage."

Jin Yan continued. "I might as well be one of his students. I'm already looking forward to what he'll tech next."

"It's not just you. Even at my age I'm learning a great deal from his lectures. I'll probably have to go home and adjust my own suits after this. Show them off to the old lady."

Time flies when you're having fun, so the saying goes, and for the students of Professor Lan's class the saying held true. In what felt like no time at all, the class was coming to an end.

As the bell rang, none of the students were in a rush to leave. After all the Professor still had one style of tie he'd yet to show off. Time didn't seem a factor, and even Director Wu didn't remind Lan Jue that he was delaying the students from their other classes. Ten minutes later, all was said and done.

"I really do apologies. First for my classes and then for my time management. Thursday afternoon we have our next class. Frankly speaking today's class was mostly for the benefit of our male students, but the next one will be aimed at our young ladies. In the interest of advanced notice we'll be discussing jewelry. There are a wide array of jewelry accessories and one class wont be able to cover them all, but I'll bring a few pieces to show off. And that's where we'll end today. Class dismissed, thank you."

Lan Jue finished with another formal bow.

"Professor Lan, can you tell me if I did this right?" One of his students rushed at the podium to get his attention. Others followed until it was as though Lan Jue was penned in by a swarm.

Hua Li slipped his mask back on his face, but not before muttering jealously under his breath. "I should be the one getting the star treatment. This guy…"

It took a good ten minutes for Lan Jue to extricate himself from the horde. His suit had been horribly wrinkled in the process, and someone's dirty fingers had stained the sleeves. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He'd have to send it to the dry-cleaners when he returned.

"Professor… professor, over here!" Lan Jue spied Tang Xiao's puffy head peaking from around the corner of the hallway. He waved his master over.

Lan Jue nodded and made his way over.

Jin Tao and Tang Xiao were both waiting out of sight of the others. As Lan Jue came up, Jin Tao couldn't help but immediately start blabbering. "Professor, what suit do you think would make me look most handsome?"

Lan Jue gently shoved the punk's head. "Handsome means an absence of grotesque shape. First you have to shave that hideous thing on your head."

"Got it!" He turned then to the chortling Tang Xiao, repeatedly slapping the kid's belly. "And what are you laughing about tubby? If we're talking about grotesque you got some adjustments to make yourself! Five minutes at a hairdressing and I'm golden, but this thing you're smuggling here? Hah!"

"Not in the face! Are you looking for another beating?!"

"I advise you both to save your strength," Lan Jue interjected ominously. Suddenly there was another at Lan Jue's side.

Jin Tao looked at the newly arrived Hua Li. "Oh hi. Are you also one of the Professor's pupils?"

Hua Li chuckled. "No, I'm… a friend."

1. Because that's not wasteful at all.

Chapter 111: Gobi Entertainment

"We had a teacher who commanded thunderbolts. Why have another who called the rain?"

-Memoires of the Metal Fox, Army General Tang Xiao

"More cruel than beating someone half to death, is curing them afterward and beating them again. A fist for hello and a fist for goodbye, over and over again."

-Memoirs of the Frenzied Lion Mastiff, Army General Jin Tao

Lan Jue and Hua Li idly strode along the wide avenue cutting through the campus' yard. The smile on Lan Jue's face was a sinister one, and the expression in Hua Li's eyes was one of joy and contentment.

"It was indeed a good time for me to come. I don't even know how long it's been since I've felt like this. Remember when I used to bully the kids back in school?"

"Pretty cruel," Lan Jue said. "How can you beat them so badly, heal them up then beat them again like that?"

Hua Li straightened and spoke as though delivering a line. "Nonsense, clearly it was you who wished it so. A teacher like you, beating his students? At any rate I was trying to give them more time to practice their combat skills, and fixed them right up before leaving. Nothing more than a little mental stimulation. A little rest and they're right as rain!"

Lan Jue humphed. "We're taking a shortcut. At their age and ability, if we don't how are they ever going to improve? Now that they call me teacher, the are my responsibility!"

"Tsk. Stop with your crap. Who believes your malarkey anyway."


"Qianlin! Qianlin!" Tang Mi excitedly bounded to her friend's side.

"What's all this about?" Qianlin gave her friend a curious look. Tang Mi's face was flushed, making her appear vibrant and cute. Her large eyes were wide and excited, even a little watery.

"Qianlin! Today I went to attend that etiquette class we talked about. Really very interesting! You have to come with me next time." Tang Mi artfully cooed at her friend in attempts at manipulation.

Zhou Qianlin slightly dropped her eyes. "Not interested."

"Oh but that Professor Lan is so handsome!" Tang Mi continued unfazed. "Oh right, I heard he had a run in with that.. what was it, goddess of violence? She dragged him to the teaching affairs office. Is that true?"

"Yup," she responded, short and concise.

Tang Mi sighed. "He's just so good in other areas, only a little weak. But it's fine, behind every strong woman there's a weak man."

Zhou Qianlin looked at her like she was an alien. "What is this? Are you smitten?"

Tang Mi scowled at the accusation. "Never. Don't you know me by now? I'm just talking, besides in my heart there's already a Prince Charming."

"And who's that," Qianlin inquired.

"Zeus! The Great and Powerful Zeus, of course!" Tang Mi's eyes twinkled dreamily.

Zhou Qianlin snorted her criticisms. "Hmph. What sort of friend is this? He was the one that kidnapped me!"

"But that has nothing to do with you," she replied. "If he wanted to kidnap me that'd be the best!"

"Friendship's over!"

"Wait wait ok, I'm wrong, don't go. I'll treat you to some delicious food. How about some sweetened calabash?"



The Soulcaller gem grew warm.

Do you need me to send you home this evening?

No. Tang Mi will accompany me. If you aren't interested in her, you shouldn't lead her on.

When did I lead her on?



Now that class had concluded there was nothing to do. With Zhou Qianlin refusing his company, he simply took Hua Li back to Skyfire Avenue on the back of his bicycle.

"You're heavy! Next time I'm going by myself. You've had your biking experience," Lan Jue muttered sourly.

"Don't you have any humanity? I'm here to protect you." Hua Li didn't seem to be bothered.

"Then you definitely shouldn't have me wasting all my strength!"

"Pfft… what's next anyway? Is that guy from yesterday gunna make us some more awesome food?"

"You wish. The Gourmet's culinary talents are only surpassed by his laziness. Keep bothering me and you'll soon find yourself blacklisted. We'll hang out at the shop. Ah right, I also told the ladies we'd be drilling them on combat skills, what do you think," Lan Jue asked his buddy.

"Like the two young gentlemen from this afternoon," he asked.

Lan Jue shook his head. "Press them a little. Shouldn't take long, then we'll head over to the Wine Master's. Ask about the Castle and Tower matter."

As they made their plans, they were already coming upon Skyfire Avenue. They went directly back to Zeus' Jewelry Shop.

Ding ding!

"Boss, you're back." Xiuxiu looked towards Lan Jue, and immediately met him with a sweet smile. Only then did she notice the man who'd entered with him.

Hua Li removed his mask and shot her a winning smile. "Xiuxiu. It's been a long time."

"You are…?" Xiuxiu knit her brows and narrowed her eyes as she examined him.

He answered by lifting a hand and removing his wig.

"Poseidon!" Xiuxiu almost jumped in surprise, and stumbled back a few steps.

Hua Li matched her retreat with an advance, spreading open his arms as though to give her a hug. "I bet after so long you must miss me, huh?"

Lan Jue grabbed his friend's arm and yanked him back. "Stop messing around. Coming in here messing things up. We aren't that familiar."

"All man but no humanity. Always the same!"

Xiuxiu had by this time recovered, and bowed towards him in greeting. "It's nice to see you, Poseidon," she said with a smile.

Lan Jue turned to her then. "Xiuxiu, go let Mika and Guoguo know we'll be heading down in a little while to spar. Ke'er, if you would please go invite the Wine Master to join us at the arena."

"Yes, boss." Ke'er – stepping forward from behind the counter – and Xiuxiu replied in Tandem.

Lan Jue left then to his apartments to change clothes, Hua Li in tow.

"Hey sis, who was that handsome guy with the boss?" Ke'er watched them leave in curiosity.

Xiuxiu looked at her co-worker in surprise. "You don't recognize him?"

Ke'er shrugged. "Should I?"

"That's no normal guy," Xiuxiu replied. "His name is Hua Li – his nickname is Poseidon."

"Poseidon… it does sound a little familiar."

"You're something else. The Four Divine Monarchs? You still don't know?"

Realization suddenly dawned on her. "He's that Poseidon?"

Xiuxiu nodded. "The Four Divine Monarchs are as follows; The God of Wisdom, Prometheus. King of Hell, Hades. Lord of Thunder, Zeus. And King of the Seas, Poseidon. Our boss is Zeus, obviously. Just now, that was Poseidon. With the boss injured he's probably here to help look after him. Prometheus, who came the other day, is the boss' brother, but these two have a much different relationship. Back before, when they were fighting shoulder to shoulder, he apparently took a serious injury for the boss to keep him safe."

"I see. I had no idea that was Poseidon! He really is so good looking! But I still think our boss is better. More manly!" Ke'er nodded resolutely.

Xiuxiu covered her mouth and stifled a giggle. "Is this supposed to be a compliment? You don't call him handsome, just 'manly.' I doubt the boss would applaud the choice."

"I-I'm off to speak with the Wine Master," Ke'er stuttered, leaving in a hurry.

As Ke'er left, Xiuxiu's smile faltered and slipped away. A strange look filled her eyes. "Poseidon," she murmured.


Lan Jue set about changing clothes while Hua Li settled on the sofa. He intermittently popped some dried fruit in his mouth as he watched T.V.

"We interrupt your program for an urgent news bulletin. Gobi Entertainment would like to announce the new Poseidon special release! Poseidon: Sounds of Nature, to be released first in the Eastern Alliance's own Planet Skyfire! This product of Gobi Entertainment, two years in the making, was personally supervised by Poseidon every step of the way – and who'd have thought they'd choose Skyfire for their debut! The only thing left to answer is; are you ready?!"

"Damnit!" Hua Li nearly leapt from the sofa, like someone lit a fire under him. Filled with indignation, he began to shout at the television screen. "I run all the way out here to Skyfire and they STILL stalk my every move! It must have been that female officer from the other day. Mo Xiao, you're ruthless!"

Lan Jue grinned, gloating at his friend's misfortune. "You deserve it. Such are the trials of the rich and famous!"

Hua Li howled piteously to the ceiling. "Why is being handsome such a sin!"

By this point Lan Jue had changed his clothes. "With narcissism as pervasive as yours I wonder if you'll ever have need to marry. You should be afraid you'll be the only one to love you."

Hua Li fixed his friend with a penetrating stare. "No. I also have your love."

"Garbage!" Lan Jue shot a foot out at Hua Li, but his saucy friend deftly slithered out of the way. He stood just out of reach in a victorious pose.

"Let's go," Lan Jue muttered darkly.

The took the elevator directly to Skyfire Underground's version of the Jewelry Shop. Mika and Lin Guoguo were already waiting as per Xiuxiu's instructions.

"Oh, you're Poseidon? You really are handsome!" Lin Guoguo batted her eyes at him, infatuation clear in her eyes.

Hua Li shot a proud gaze to Lan Jue. It's message was clear; you see? All women like what I got.

However in the next moment that beamish smile froze – no, it would be more accurate to say it was squeezed.

Literally, as Lin Guoguo pinched his face between her fingers. "Poseidon, what plastic surgeon did you use? Even flawless complexion! I've been wanting to ask you forever. I heard a journalist interviewed a whole slew of cosmetic surgery operations. So far eighteen have admitted to working on you. So which one was it, really?"

Hua Li's figure vanished in a flash, free from Lin Guoguo's evil clutches. He hissed at her, teeth grinding. "I'm all natural! Everything else you hear is slander!"

Lin Guoguo only blinked. "But… that's what everyone says."

Chapter 112: Pointers

Hua Li snapped his head around to glare at Lan Jue. "A-Jue, did you teach them this?!"

Lan Jue coughed uncomfortably. "Stop framing good people! Only you are responsible for your reputation. Come on, let's get to the sparring arena. Ke'er should already be there with the Wine Master."

He turned and began to make his way. As he did, hidden from view, a goofy grin nearly split his face. He couldn't keep it hidden any longer.

Face-lift! HAH!

When they arrived they spied the Wine Master waiting. He stood quietly before the gates of the Reaper's Arena, meticulously put together and almost regal. Above ground he managed the Gothic Winery, but here the Reaper's Arena was under his purview. Ke'er stood behind him, as she felt uncomfortable at his side or in front.

"Wine Master," Lan Jue greeted when he was not far off.

"Nm." The elderly man nodded to the Jewelry Master. "What are you planning to do in my arena?"

"I'd like to rent a ring, one with no surveillance. I have some pointers I'd like to share with these young ladies. Oh, and let me introduce my friend, Hua Li."

The Wine Master ran his eyes across Hua Li, who likewise was sizing up the old man. However after a moment's observation it was Hua Li who was struck with surprise, and a slight fear crept through him. Employing his energy awareness had revealed absolutely nothing before him – a void, like there was no man there at all.

"It's nice to meet you, Wine Master," he offered with a smile.

The Wine Master stared quietly at him for a moment before reacting. "Hello. You're Poseidon, are you? From Gobi Entertainment."

"I am." Hua Li's smile broadened. There was no way for him to truly conceal his identity. After all the Supersoldier of An Lun wasn't the most well-known of the Divine Monarchs – it was in fact him, Poseidon. A name that was known throughout all the Alliances, as an artist. The most famous artist in the universe. His fame transcended borders, and through the help and advertisement of Gobi Entertainment he could not be claimed by any one faction – he belonged to his fans alone.

The Wine Master nodded once more. "Your father and I used to be close, once. I was surprised to hear he retired."

Hua Li's smile turned bitter. "Then you likely know the Gobi habit – striving to retire as early as possible. There's nothing grand about being a high-profile figure."

The Wine Master spoke no further on it, turning instead to Lan Jue. "I'll give you an arena for use. No monitors or surveillance. It'll cost you, though."

"No discounts?"

The Wine Master turned and walked in to the Arena as though he hadn't heard.

The others followed a few steps behind, but Lan Jue shuffled a few quick steps to catch up with his old friend.

"Wine Master, there's actually something I'd like to discuss with you. It's about the visit from the representatives of the Pontiff's Castle and Dark Tower. They should be arriving soon, if I'm not mistaken. Unfortunately I'm not at my full strength currently, and I'm afraid I'd be little use directly participating in the exchange. Perhaps Hua Li could take my place, if you approve."

The Wine Master's brows wrinkled as he spoke. "Unacceptable. He isn't a part of the Avenue, and as such can't represent us. But you don't need to worry, we've actually heard from the Pontiff's Castle. For… reasons unknown, they wish to postpone the exchange for another month. Will you have recovered in that time?" He turned his head to look at his younger council counterpart, something curious in his eyes.

"Postponed?" His face revealed a sardonic grin. "That's enough. I hope they have the nerve to show up."

By then they'd arrived before a towering metal wall. The Wine Master lazily lifted a hand, waving it at the barrier before them. A moment later, the solid metal wall began to ripple like a curtain of water.

"Alright. This arena has been fully shielded, nor is there any surveillance. Head on in – here's the key. "The Wine Master handed an Jue a metal orb inlayed with a sapphire power gem. "One c-ranked power gem per month."

Lan Jue scowled. "Why not just rob me?"

The Wine Master's response was chilly. "How much do you suspect a bottle of Romanee-Conti costs? Hurry and recover from your injuries. Don't forget your promise to me." He turned away then. He nodded once to Hua Li, and suddenly vanished from view – a void as empty as Hua Li had witnessed.

"Ooee," Hua Li uttered in surprise. "That one's scary strong. I'm guessing he's the Cosmagus?"

Lan Jue nodded in affirmation. "A ceremonious but adorable old man. Come on, in we go. The cost of this is three times higher than normal – so inhuman. Someday I'll spend a week in his cellar, see the look on his face then."

Hua Li chortled. "You won't see any face. He'll just immediately shred you to ribbons. It's rumored his true power is in folding space. I wonder how many interspatial fissures you can endure."

They passed through the rippling barrier and as promised, everything was concealed. Darkness enveloped them, but a moment later the world beyond the curtain was revealed. Suddenly, they found themselves standing in a massive, open area.

"Well!" Lan Jue's voice matched the surprise in his eyes.

The arena was circular, rising over two hundred meters to a ceiling. It was roughly five hundred meters in diameter. They felt insignificant in it's vast expanse. It may have cost Lan Jue three times the going rate, but compared to normal rented spaces it was monstrously large.

"Extravagant," Hua Li hummed. A place like this was enough to practice even mecha combat. He, too, knew that a c-ranked gem a month wasn't cheap, but they would be hard pressed to find a better sparring arena. Mecha piloting, Discipline training… anything they liked, without fear of collateral damage. Lately the authorities had become far more strict in this area, and finding a private space to train for any period of time was exceedingly difficult.

If you really wanted to improve in combat, the best way to do it was to give it your all, and hold nothing back. Thus this sort of space was indeed expensive.

Lan Jue stepped forward a few paces, then turned to face the four women.

"Our last foray in to the Shattered Starfields I think left us all with a very strong impression. I will always do my best to keep you safe – but I am not the strongest person out there. Each of you possess great talent, and with training can grow to become incredible powerhouses. These last three years, I've been far too lazy, far too indifferent, and it's held you four back. Starting today, we're all going to snap out of this funk, and work on getting stronger."

"Xiuxiu," Lan Jue said, looking at her.

"Boss." She stepped forward.

"Your talent has reached the peak of eighth rank," he addressed her. "Ninth rank is within sight. Your Discipline, Sharpness, is enough to overpower most in combat. Even so this last time Uriel managed to damage your Asura. It is my hope you break through to ninth rank within the year – then we'll see a substantial increase in your abilities."

"For all four of you, cooperation is the key to successful cultivation. If you work together, covering each other's weaknesses, even a Paragon couldn't stand against you."

"Ke'er," Lan Jue turned his head to the blue-haired young girl.

She almost leapt forward. "Boss." Her rush forward caused her full chest to jiggle 1.

"Your Discipline's focus is raw physical attack and explosive power. Different from Xiuxiu's. She excels in close combat, and you from a distance. I know because of your history, you've avoided further cultivation, but…"

"Boss!" Ke'er suddenly interrupted his thought. The corners of her eyes had grown slightly red. "Boss, not to worry. There will be no further problems in my cultivation. I'll work hard to improve. I am also nearly ninth rank, and will break through. I want to protect you."

"Eh…" For a moment, Lan Jue lost his momentum, but quickly recovered. "Excellent! Our Ke'er knows what needs to be done. Keep it up!"

"Right!" She emphatically nodded her head.


Lin Guoguo stepped forward, a smile on her pretty face.

"Mind control… your potential is huge. But you lack perseverance. In the face of enemies you grow timid and overcautious. This locks your mental powers, preventing them from reaching out to the fullest. Your abilities and the willpower of others are closely tied. It's in this way you must strive to improve. For you, your specialization is in control. In conjunction with Ke'er and Xiuxiu, you are a terror. You're already ninth ranked, but first degree. We've got to get you to the second."

"Yes, boss!" She stuck out her tongue. Timidity was always her weakness.

Finally his eyes fell to Mika, and a hesitation was revealed in their depths.

Mika's eyes, however, grew hard. She took the initiative, and stepped forward. "Boss. What do I need to do?"

1. Swear to God, that's the translation.

Chapter 113: Poseidon, the Sparring Partner

Lan Jue muttered inaudibly to himself, then a resolution came over him as though a decision had been made. His voice came low. "These last few days I've been thinking on your problem. Mika, frankly speaking your capacity is the greatest among you four. However, it is also the most dangerous – the most likely to bring catastrophe. The blood in your veins, that of the Prince of Devils, can spiral out of control quicker than you know. If that were to happen, you'd lose yourself. Little by little, it would eat you up until you no longer existed as Mika. Your kindheartedness would vanish, and all that would be left is death. None of us wish to see this happen, so as always I must beg your restraint."

"However, this isn't the long term plan. In these last few years your control over the dark blood has been excellent. However this has been due to the fact you haven't had to get in to a fight. Now, your identity and whereabouts are revealed – although you're safe in the Avenue, I can't suggest you remain here forever. So, in my view, letting it out is better than keeping it in. Escape isn't an option. The Dark Blood is full of evil, yes, but there's a pattern of manifestation. It can be controlled. For this month, continue of the path of cultivation we've already laid out. When I've recovered, then we'll attempt to keep that dark blood under control. Eventually your mastery will be complete… and then you'll be a Paragon."

"Alright." Mika watched her protector with somber eyes.

Lan Jue took a moment to look at the four beautiful young women in turn. Smiling, he went on. "The women of Zeus' Jewelry Store 1 are without compare. No matter what, and no matter when, I'm honored to know you. Next, I would like to introduce your sparring partner for the next month – Mr. Hua Li. Lili, would you come on stage, please."

"Eh? Sparring partner?" Hua Li jabbed a finger at his own nose.

Lan Jue nodded sagely. "Don't you think it's wonderful to have these four beautiful women to train with? Let me introduce you to them."

"This, is Hua Li. I imagine you all have heard of his nickname, Poseidon. He's my good friend, as close as a brother. We were two of what were called the Four Young Divine Monarchs. He is the successor of the Gobi Collective, Diva of Gobi Entertainment. The most famous entertainer of our time. Heart-throb of a good ninety percent of the girls in the universe. Ninth ranked, sixth-degree Talent in the Discipline of water control. His family, the Gobi Collective, is the most mysterious in all the three Alliances, and their influence is seen everywhere. Here, is the lord of that illustrious family."

"A-Jue, with such an introduction you're embarrassing me! It's nice to meet you, lovely young ladies." Hua Li bowed in a fluid and gentlemanly fashion to the gathered Amazons.

Lan Jue interjected. "You? Shy? I thought that was an emotion you were born without. Xiuxiu you've met, but let's go through proper introductions. This is Xiuxiu, whose discipline is sharpness. Her handle; the Asura Blade-Maiden."

"Next is Ke'er, with a Discipline of metalmorphosis, energy explosiveness. She is an Acquired Talent. Her nickname is the Baleful Tempest."

An Acquired Talent? And two disciplines? Hua Li was clearly surprised at the revelation. And yet it struck something in him, something familiar like he'd heard of these two disciplines being used together before.

"Lin Guoguo, Discipline psychokinesis. Called the Psychic Tide."

"And last but not least, Mika. Her Discipline is Hellfire. They call her the Stygian Succubus."

Hua Li took them all in; Zeus' Amazons! The Asura Blade-Maiden Xiuxiu; the Baleful Tempest Ke'er; the Psychic Tide, Lin Guoguo; and the Stygian Succubus, Mika. Just as Zeus described. One look and he could see the potent energies exuding from them.

Lan Juue grinned at the lot. "Next, the time is yours. Ladies, today's lesson is simple – beat the crap out of him. Begin!"

"A-Jue! Don't you have a heart?!" Hua LI shouted agitatedly at the grinning Lan Jue.

"You can only defend and evade. No striking back!"

The ladies' reactions were quick as lightning. As soon as the call to begin rang out, they were in motion. First was the Psychic Tide, Lin Guoguo.

Her eyes flashed a dazzling gold, and suddenly a formless power smashed in to Hua Li's body.

"Eh?" Surprised thrilled through those clear eyes, but he quickly recovered. His eyes changed in color, shifting from the color of calm shores to tumultuous deep seas. Two golden points shimmered in their depths. Suddenly they began to twist and rotate like a whirlpool, and the golden spurs were swallowed within.

The change was quick, but still Hua Li stood rooted in place. The three other women wasted no time and spread out. Xiuxiu moved laterally, and Ke'er sprang in to the air. There floating in the air, a strange blue light began to expand from Ke'er's chest. It was a blue unlike Hua Li's, and burst forth with no trace of gentleness. Instead it seemed almost metallic.

Her body imploded above, dissolving and expanding out as a photosphere. Following the transformation a series of metallic gun barrels pushed forth from the light. Each issued a dazzling salvo of blue energy beams that raced towards Hua Li. Such was the power of Ke'er, the Baleful Tempest.

Mika vanished, appearing again chasing Xiuxiu at full speed. Roiling hellfires had already covered her body. Her red hair flowed free from constraints, and fluttered behind her like a hood of fire. Even the black-rimmed glasses she always wore couldn't diminish her intimidating appearance. On the contrary, she was like a wildfire.

She drew closer to Xiuxiu, but suddenly the Blade-Maiden disappeared, seen again instantly at Hua Li's side. Her two hands raised, and jabbed viciously at Poseidon's waist. As they rapidly drew closer they were no normal hands – they glowed silver, and adopted a strange texture. They screeched as they tore through the air.

Lin Guoguo grunted, and her eyes dimmed, but it was only temporary. Xiuxiu's hands found their mark. Her hands like razors tore through Hua Li's figure… and the latter began to ripple like a mirage.

Under stress from Xiuxiu's attack it's ripples increased. Hua Li's image undulated within a halo of gentle blue light. Though the Blade-Maiden's attack had landed she felt nothing but air. That is, until the image began to congeal. Something thick and confining gripped her hands and started to snake it's way up her body.

Xiuxiu felt the temperature rise, and suddenly two fiery orbs raced past her on either side. They collided violently with the melting image of Poseidon. Fire and water, polar opposites. As the diametrically opposed elements collided an ear-piercing sound filled the arena. Xiuxiu just managed to get out of the way.

Ke'er energy blasts also landed in the same moment, and Hua Li's form shuddered drastically under the assault. From somewhere Hua Li's cries arose. "A-Jue! This is cruel! If they keep this up I can't hold them off!"

Lan Jue chuckled. "Fine, but be careful not to hurt them."

"Oh fine, fine. Me, a lover of all women kind, how could I bring them any harm! You worry too much!" It was then the gentle halo that surrounded him began to brighten. It grew and expanded until it was full with an overwhelming energy. When it burst, spears of dazzling light shot in all directions.

After her first assault Lin Guoguo had shut her eyes. Their golden light was gone, but in it's place her entire body had begun to emit a golden light. Suddenly and without warning a golden figure separated itself from Guoguo's aura and launched itself in to the distance.

"Ahh!" Hua Li's surprised cried erupted, and in the next instant he appeared before them. The shimmering golden projection was racing directly at him.

But that golden Lin Guoguo was as soft as a shadow, and she penetrated that blue shadow like she herself was little more than a dream.

Ke'er, already a glimmering ball of gun barrels underwent another change in the same instant. The bristling barrels melted and bonded in to one, reforming in the shape of a 300 milimeter canon. Closer inspection would reveal that the mouth of the barrel bore thousands of streaking blue threads that raced along it's length. The body of the surreal artillery weapon glowed with a pale blue light. It hadn't released it's payload yet, but even so Hua Li felt the threat bearing down on him.

With Hua Li revealed by Lin Guoguo's psychic doppelganger, Mika and Xiuxiu were instantly on the move. Xiuxiu was first, and leapt in to the air. A blinding white light surrounded her enticing frame before suddenly, she vanished. In her place, within that halo of glimmering light appeared a longsword.

The meter and a half long blade was simple in design, though strangely a series of waves like wood grain were imprinted on the weapon's surface. They looked like countless snarling faces. The hilt of the weapon was nearly a meter long itself. A distinct chill emanated from the sharp edges of the slender blade, and with the blade's arrival miniscule tears appeared in the space around it. It was like even the air couldn't bear the weapon's sharpness.

Mika lifted a hand, and took hold of the surreal blade that was Xiuxiu. Almost lazily, she swept the sword towards the distant Hua Li. The simple motion called from within the sword a burst of white energy that rushed out like a sonic boom.

But it wasn't the first time Hua LI had encountered the Asura Blade.

In the early years of his time with Lan Jue, he'd met Xiuxiu. At that point Xiuxiu had still called Lan Jue Sir, having been raised at his side – his maidservant, and his secret weapon. Anyone who knew Zeus also understood that when he held the Asura Blade in his hand, he was at his most dangerous. A god and a god-blade, this was a true warlord.

Were Xiuxiu at his side that day against Michael, things would have turned out very differently. Now, it wasn't Zeus who held the blade, but that didn't diminish it's sharpness.

Hua Li had become entangled by Li Guoguo's doppelganger. Already he felt himself held fast, and even if he could dodge it was too late. Instead he simply raised his right hand, waving it in a circle before him. He executed a strange gesture, and gently pushed out with his palm. A swirling, cobalt blue vortex appeared at his side.

1. Dibs on playboy cover story

Chapter 114: The Power of Poseidon

The sizzling arc of light spat from the Asura Blade cut in to Hua Li's vortex. What was moments before a deep blue ripple became pure white – but the whirlpool remained. The deadly attack was swallowed in to it.

"Brine Mires," Lan Jue reminded them cryptically from a distance.

The words echoed through the arena. Hua Li stood unmoved but not unchanged. That coy smile common to his handsome face was gone. His body spun around, and his hands shot out in a flurry. Like before, each strike of his palm birthed a spinning cobalt blue vortex.

As they blasted outward the Asura Blade strike was deflected. Lin Guoguo's golden doppelganger, too, was pushed violently away. The powerful force was clearly a conglomeration of the ocean's powers and Hua Li's own mental force. He was no psychic like Guoguo was, but once a power was cultivated to the ninth rank, one's control was nearly absolute.

The Brine Mire eddies surrounded Hua Li like moving armor. Slowly they gathered inward, melding in to one, until they swallowed Poseidon and left a massive tidal vortex in his stead.

Mika viciously swiped the Asura Blade, sending wave after wave of deadly surges against the vortex. But no matter how sharp they were, none could penetrate the water's defense. Each were swallowed in to the roiling depths.

It was no wonder he was called Poseidon! His power was indeed strong.

"My turn!" Ke'er's voice called out, and is it did a great beam of dazzling blue light exploded from the giant energy canon she had become. It's destructive volley fired directly in to the heart of the whirlpool.

In response a powerful, almost regal sensation issued from the ocean depths. Soon after, it was joined by a massive, cobalt blue figure. It was seen only faintly at first, a dark blue figure in rough seas. Humanoid, but larger than Hua Li – holding itself with a majestic posture.

"Destroy!" The rumbling voice roared through the entire arena. The indistinct image extended a finger towards the energy shell Ke'er had launched it's way. A slender, slithering blue light shot out. It collided precisely in the center of the attack.

The beam of power stopped as it was struck. The area around it suddenly grew bright as the sun, waves of energy blasting out in all directions. As it faded, amidst the ripples of heat and energy, a hollow space remained where the two opposing powers had met. The beam was gone.


Planet Skyfire. The Azure Sea.


A great, deafening blast filled the air. In the seconds following a terrific column of water fired in to the sky, towering hundreds of meters. The corpses of myriad sea creatures tumbled out from the spout in all directions. A staggering pulse of energy swept over the ocean's surface. It continued for a good ten seconds before finally dissipating.


The Four Amazons froze, stunned that such a powerful force was simply commanded to cease. The massive vortex began to expand, growing larger still.

Frightful waves of energy blasted out like ominous tides, crashing over them. Mika, with the transformed Asura Blade in hand, were cast away. The whirlpool continued to expand at an alarming rate.

"Be careful. Guoguo's his target," Lan Jue interjected.

Lin Guoguo jumped with a start, the gold in her eyes flickering. The golden doppelganger had returned to her side. As her eyes flashed she lifted her right hand and pointed. The golden light around her flared, coming under assault from Poseidon's crushing wave. Neither budged.

"Good." Hua Li's clear voice spoke out in praise as his figure appeared. But as the four women looked on in confusion, his body melted away like water. He disappeared in to the tidal waves.

Lin Guoguo expelled a psychic pulse, searching for her enemy's presence. But how could she find him, as water in an ocean?

Her head shot up as though she'd found her target. She looked up just as a blue figure was crashing down on her – a bubble, which quickly swallowed her up.

A flash of blue light, and Lin Guoguo was gone. When she reappeared she was several hundred meters away, in the belly of the spinning bubble. Her mental powers were rendered useless.

"Alright, that's enough." Lan Jue called for them to cease. As he did, the waters settled, vanishing. Poseidon's regal figure was revealed as they did.

Mika lay down the Asura Blade, and Ke'er reverted to her adorable and unthreatening appearance. The bubble around Lin Guoguo burst. The soaked amazon trotted over to meet them.

Lan Jue looked over his warrior maidens. "You've already lost. If A'li had wanted to, at least two of you would already be gravely injured – or worse."

"In respect to individual power you each are at a disadvantage. However, together you shouldn't have lost this quickly. Guoguo, you're problem is exactly as I just outlined; persistence. Your psychic powers didn't reach the level they could have. Through the whole fight, you were far too gentle. Had you pushed yourself, your ninth ranked powers would have caused him real trouble."

"Yes, boss." Lin Guoguo's face grew red, and she inadvertently stuck out her tongue in shame.

Lan Jue turned then to Mika. "your powers weren't employed at all. Even controlling the power of your blood, you're still a ninth ranked Talent. Fire and water are mortal enemies, both in competition with one another. Your manipulation of the fire element wasn't nearly sufficient. Are you avoiding disrupting his water attacks because of your cultivation training?"

"Xiuxiu. You were correct in assuming the Asura Blade during the fight. But, you picked the wrong time. You have to pick the most beneficial moment to use it – and certainly not when no opportunity presents itself. Doesn't this reveal your hand too early to the enemy?"

"Last, Ke'er. Ke'er, your energy manipulation shouldn't be as you used it. Whether strength, density or timing, none were enough. We saw none of your energy tempest."

"But for all of you, your greatest failing was cooperation. Think, as you continue to improve how will you employ your powers symbiotically for mutual benefit. In this way, your final result would be better than if you did so alone. In the future I'll ask A-Li to train with you all every day. Use what you learn from him in the ring to improve."

"Yes, boss," the four women responded in unison.

Hua Li and Lan Jue left the secret arena, leaving the women behind to continue their training. Once alone, Lan Jue turned on his friend. "You don't have any shame?"

Hua Li lifted his head and blinked. "What are you talking about?"

Lan Jue grunted. "I'm not in the mood. Using the power taught to you by your ancestors, against a few girls. Poseidon's Mark! Aren't you just the greatest ever."

Hua Li's face reddened. "Four against one and you're still telling me to hold back? You do it next time!"

"If it weren't for the fact I couldn't use my discipline I wouldn't need you! I'm already much stronger than you are. Do you think differently?"

Hua LI sniffed. "Three years ago, no. But some people have been moping around for the last three years, so now who knows. Who's to say I wouldn't kick your ass in to the dirt?"

"You wanna give it a shot?"Lan Jue fixed him with an angry glare.

"Let's go then! If you think you can in the state you're in."

"They got DreamNet, don't they?"

"That's right!" Hua Li's face broke in to a sinister smile. "DreamNet would work. There's nothing to fear there, and no restrictions. Let's go, it's been a long time. Loser's gotta bark like a dog."

"Grow up," Lan Jue spat, shooting him a sideways glance.

Hua Li chuckled. "Well there's gotta be some fun in it."

"Fine. Snort like a pig then. Best two out of three. If I lose, I gotta snort like a pig in front of the ladies. But if you do, you gotta call Mo Xing and snort at her over the phone."

"Well shit, that cruel?" Just the mention of her name caused Hua Li to shiver.

Lan Jue chortled darkly. "What do you say?"

Hua Li hesitation, but eventually replied. "It's a bet! Where's the machine."

"The Underground's Jewelry Store should have everything we need."

"Let's go!" Hua Li threw an arm over Lan Jue's shoulder as they walked. Cocky grins spread across both of their faces, and for a while it was like it was before; young, brash times.

Zeus Jewelry Store had a metal door situated in the back. Opened, it revealed an expansive warehouse within – larger even than the warehouse that housed Zeus' three airships.

As they entered Hua Li swept his eyes around the expansive chamber until they settled on a flickering electric spark in the center. A small team of robots were at work with various tools, repairing something several dozens of times larger than themselves.

"Looks like Thor took quite a beating as well." Hua Li paused to look over the enormous mecha.

Lan Jue nodded. "Michael wasn't an easy one to put down. His mecha control isn't as good as ours was in our prime, but his Angel of War is still top of the line after all. That attack of his, like a tactic that kills one thousand of the enemy and eight hundred of his own. I wasn't careful and got tangled up. He almost turned me in to toast. I was lucky to get away. If it wasn't for him underestimating me, going one on one in the mechas, I'm not sure I'd have come out of it. Come on, the simulator's over there."

Beep beep beep! Just then, his communicator rang out. He lifted his hand to look, and couldn't help but smile. He swung his arm towards Hua Li to give him a look, then answered.

"So when?" A lazy voice immediately arose from his wrist.

"When what?" Lan Jue said, smirking.

"When are we going to the Holy City! Call The big guy and A-Li, the four of us haven't gone out together in a long time, right?" Even through the communicator Lan Jue felt the excitement in that voice.

"He told you, huh?"

Chu Cheng answered. "Yup. So pick a date. I'm stoked. Say the word and I'll let A-Li know."

"Pfft, not an ounce of sincerity," Hua Li shouted at Lan Jue's wrist.

Chapter 115: Dreamburgh

"Ey?" upon hearing Hua Li's voice, Chu Cheng couldn't help but sound surprised. "Well you got there quick."

Hua Li's voice took on that distinctly feminine quality as he effected a sweet reply. "Of course! My affection for A-Jue is unquestioned!"

"Ugh, by the… cut it out, will ya? Your integrity's already rolling around in the dirt," Chu Cheng replied, his voice pained.

"Cut the garbage," Hua Li said, his voice back to normal. "If you got nothing better to do get your ass down here. We're not heading to the Castle just yet, A-Jue's gotten himself messed up pretty bad. Not to mention in about a month the Pontiff's people will be making their way here to Skyfire."

"Got it. I'll be there before then. A-Jue, get a bottle of brandy ready." Chu Cheng's voice was veritably bursting with dramatic aplomb.

"Chengcheng, come quicklyyy!" That pretty voice cooed at Lan Jue's wrist.

"Ugh, erg… I-I've got stuff to do. Gotta go." The connection broke.

Lan Jue patted his forehead. "This guy… guess a dog can't help eating shit 1. Guess a punk'll do as they do."

Hua Li's voice was full of indignation. "And the nerve, saying I have no integrity! Like he's got room to talk. I'mma beat his ass!"

"Well he'll be here soon," Lan Jue said, patting his friend on the shoulder comfortingly.

Hua Li shot him a glance. "Good. First I'll deal with you, then I'll show him what's up. Show him what his insides look like."

An uncanny smile flitted across Lan Jue's face as he nodded. "Alright!"

There were only five simulators here, but each were top of the line models. After all, the Jewelry Store was among the best earners on the Avenue. In reality Lan Jue himself didn't even know his current net worth, not after giving up management of the store. He left that up to his ladies.

The two young men picked their respective simulators and climbed inside.


"Qianlin, want me to send you home? Are you feeling better?" Richard spoke politely to her as he walked by the young woman's side. They walked slowly from the campus grounds.

"I'm fine," Qianlin tepidly replied.

Richard looked at her, surprised. "But when I went to your house last night for dinner, you said you were too ill to come down and join us?"

Zhou Qianlin stopped, turned, and fixed Richard with her pretty blue eyes. "Richard, do you really not understand or are you pretending? I don't want to see you. We. Are. Over. Although it's better to say we never began."

Richard looked like he'd been struck with a hammer. "But you're my fiancé," he said bitterly.

Zhou Qianlin hesitated, but after a moment she had made her decision. Determination filled her as she stepped forward to Richard's side.

Richard's face lit up. Until he heard her speak.

"That day… the man who took me from the wedding he… he had his way with me."

If Richard had been hit with a hammer before, this time it was a bomb. His whole body shook, but he felt locked in place.

"I'm sorry. I want nothing to do with you anymore." Zhou Qianlin backed away a few steps, before turning and walking away.

Tang Mi had been beside her the entire time. Though her voice had been quiet, she'd still heard clearly every word she said.

"Qianlin… that can't be true, is it? You and Zeus really…"

She didn't utter a sound, only sped up her gait. Tang Mi got the point, and fell quiet as she raced to catch up.

After several long moments, watching the two girls leave, Richard's hands curled in to white-knuckled fists. That day was still clear in his mind, like it had just happened. It was the most shameful day of his life, brought about by that golden-masked man. His lofty voice still rang in his ears. "I am ZEUS!"

Tang Mi didn't speak again until they were at the school's main gates. "Qianlin, what you just told Richard. Was that just to get him to stop, or was it real?"

Qianlin dropped her head, and when she spoke her voice was quiet. "Little Mi, you know I feel very sorry for Richard actually. Before when I accepted his advances, I thought he was a playboy. Later when we actually met I found him to be a good man. Unfortunately he and I would never work out. It's better a sharp pain for a short time, than a dull pain for ever."

Tang Mi blinked her big eyes. "But that's not my concern! What I want to know is if you and Zeus REALLY did it, what's he like?! Is he as good a lover as he is a mercenary? Introduce me to him. I know we're sisters, but we'll keep the competition fair." 2

Zhou Qianlin spun around so quickly her hair fanned out. Her blue eyes were deadly.

"Eh… well, I… I'll go on ahead." Tang Mi turned tail and fled.

"Stop right there!"


DreamNet. Dreamburgh.

The skies above were a rainbow of colors. Everything was like a fairyland, like a dream. The towering buildings glowed with a faint titanium white, spotlessly clear and without blemish. It was a world of peace and quiet, comfortable. Gentle gusts of wind brought clouds lazily floating in the rainbow sea overhead. A sweet fragrance danced in the eddies, but more than that was a cooling moisture that cleansed the mind and body.

"It's been a long time since I've been here. Every visit it's like I'm stuck somewhere between reality and a dream."

It was a tall, slender man who'd spoken. Gold robes, golden hair, golden mask. A single word floated above him, nearly translucent: Zeus.

"Yeah! It has been ages. It was more than three years ago you last visited the Sanctuary. If you waited much longer I'm afraid they'd kick you out."

Zeus' companion was like him, tall and thin. His robes were a deep blue, and was embroidered like ripples in water. His long blue hair splayed out behind him as though they had a life of their own. His mask was silver. The name above: Poseidon.

Dreamburgh was a special area of DreamNet. Nearly all of DreamNet had a corresponding area in the real world, and were normally as lively. Only a very small handful of people were qualified to enter this large, isolated part of the web.

Here, the peak services of DreamNet were available. Most of which were compatible with the real world outside. Here, they were auctions for s-ranked gems, masterful blueprints for top level mechas, things almost unimaginable outside. But here they could be found.

Indeed it was a very selective place, for only a very special few. The gods themselves.

God-ranked mecha pilots stood at the peak of the piloting world. This status carried over to DreamNet. To every pilot it was considered a great honor to enter here. The ability to be a part meant any further simulated battle for them was meaningless. Most important was the exchange between pilots of the same caliber.

Every pilot here was known only by their callsign. No one could know the identity behind the mask. This, too, was anything but insignificant. This, was the territory of the gods. Here is where one honed themselves, becoming qualified to stand at the top of the power pyramid.

There was a time when the Four Divine Monarchs were kings among kings here, known far and wide. At one point they'd had a one hundred day winning streak in five-man battles – just the four of them. Even today, the record had not been bested.

Of course there were some discrepancies. Real-world god-ranked pilots and those of DreamNet weren't always the same. Here, members were pilots alone – no disciplines were employed. The world's pilots were a combination of power gems, Talent and personal ability.

Still to this day it was the wish of all younger pilots to one day enter Dreamburg. To them, this was Valhalla.

It really had been ages since Lan Jue's last visit. So long, in fact, that were he an average citizen he'd no longer be permitted here. But Zeus was not average citizen. There wasn't a soul here that didn't know his reputation. Here in the sanctuary three separate ranking lists bore his name, and he was in the top sections of each.

The Sanctuary was a place for pilots of the highest grade to meet and compare notes. There was a list of all the participants. The contents of the list were widely known through DreamNet, passed by word of mouth.

To say there was one list though was inaccurate. There were in fact several; one for men, for women, arrangement by fighting capability, win ratios, and on and on. But among them there was one list that was the most telling – and likewise was the one most people adhered to. That was the Comprehensive Power Analysis. It was the final word when it came to the abilities of the sanctuary's pilots. Especially speed of hand.

As was well known proper manipulation of a mecha suit was a combination of mental commands and physical kinetic motion. The higher your acknowledged rank, the more masterful your control. And so one's speed of hand was an important factor to know.

For most, when they spied the lists, they had the same reaction; inhuman!

There was also the God-Team rankings. A common mecha unit consisted of five members, but this was a difficult thing for pilots of their caliber. In fact the total number of effective teams was very small. Only a few hundred in the entirety of DreamNet. Being part of such a team meant you were among the best of the best.

Zeus' name was on all of these.

God-Team rankings: The Four Monarchs. This is where they became known, and where they earned their nickname.

Hand speed rankings; Zeus was fourth. It was determined by the number of executed commands in a short period. Next to his name was written 87.

What this meant was that he could execute eighty seven commands in a second. It was a number he had to maintain for a full minute before it could be counted.

1. I just had to leave this as is in the translation, too funny. The meaning is clear, but for clarification it's akin to the western phrase 'a tiger can't change it's stripes' – you can't help who you are. But I know I'm going to be using this one from now on.

2. Lol.

Chapter 116: The Audacity!

Eighty-seven a second!

Staggering couldn't begin to describe it. What the average mecha pilot could barely manage in a minute, these god pilots did in a fraction of the time.

The final list was the aggregate power ranking, of which Zeus came in ninth. Of the other three Monarchs only one out-performed him there, his brother Prometheus. He was third. Strangely, however, in terms of hand speed the 'god of wisdom' clocked in at sixty – more than fiftieth in the rankings.

Poseidon was also present on the lists, but the only one he broke the top ten on was the god-team. For the others he was no slouch, but didn't quite reach the same level. Thirty-eighth in hand speed, and fifty first in overall power. In Dreamburg Poseidon was ranked high, but not overly so.

The only person to rank in the top ten of three lists was Lan Jue himself. Although it didn't accurately portray real statistics here, in Dreamburg, among the best pilots in DreamNet – there was none better.

"Doesn't look like there's been a lot of changes in the sanctuary since we've come last," Lan Jue said, looking over the lists. His name remained precisely where it had been three years ago.

Hua Li replied, "Only a few people are allowed in here, you think a significant upset would be that easy? Today, though, I'm here to beat you – aggregate power rankings are sure to see some changes. Three years with minimal practice from you, how much hand speed do you think you've lost?"


"Let's go then!"


Dreamburg, Battle Prep.

"Honored Zeus, Poseidon, would you like your spar to be available publicly?" A pleasant, female voice wafted towards them.

"Private," Lan Jue responded.

"Private, confirmed. After one minute, please enter the arena."

A moment later the same voice echoed throughout the entirety of Dreamburg. "51st Ranked pilot Poseidon, has issued a challenge to 9th Ranked pilot Zeus to a contest. One minute to commencement."

A white light flashed before them. The God of Lightning, Zeus, and the Master of the Oceans Poseidon appeared on an expansive platform.

The platform itself was magnificent; round, suspended in mid air, and surrounded by that shifting technicolored sky. It was called the Altar, the combat ring for god-ranked pilots. Each time the pilots here chose to spar, this is where they did it. Battles could be public or private, and spectators to public matches had to pay great sums of money to enjoy them. Private matches, on the other hand, were somewhat of a misnomer. Spectators could come, but their fee was a hundred times greater. A truly astronomical figure.

Spectating a normal match cost DreamBits, but in the real world the cost would amount to a b-ranked power gem. And you could only watch one bout. The proceeds were all given to the combatants – DreamNet took nothing.

Hua Li shouted to his opponent. "Hey A-Jue, do you think it'd be crazy if someone paid to watch our little competition?"

"This isn't going to be a competition," Lan Jue shot back. It's gunna be a massacre."

Hua Li laughed it off. "Yeah?"

"It's been three years since we've last met, and your bullshit hasn't let up," Lan Jue said.

"Well it looks like there aren't any crazies coming out to watch today. Let's do it."

Both Zeus and Poseidon lifted their right hands. Two beams of light fired down from the heavens and enveloped them. The columns expanded, dissolved, and in their place stood two massive mechas.

On one side of the platform towered Thor, exactly as he would appear in the world outside. Opposite Zeus' mecha stood another, aqua blue and considerably more slender than the lightning god's. It's height was similar to Thor's, streamlined and towering. A teardrop-shaped gemstone glimmered in it's forehead, and in fact every important part and junction of the armor bore a similar gem. Looking on, it was like it's body was moving ever so slightly, undulating like deep-sea waves. A sapphire blue trident was clutched in it's hands.

This was Triton, Hua Li's mecha armor.

In this instant a flash appeared in the distance. A metal chair suddenly appeared just outside the platform, and in it a tall figure. A woman, judging by the figure, draped in a flame-red robe. Similarly fiery hair hung down her back, and her features were hidden behind a red mask. Her impressive stature glowed like an ember, but instead of appearing like a lick of flame she instead gave the impression of fresh blood.

"Woah, is that Piao Hong? Sure enough, there's our big wig Piao Piao! Same one from years ago who wanted to provide for you – looks like you're still on her mind." Hua Li's surprised voice issued from Triton. Any sound from the platform wasn't heard from outside.

"Shut it!" Lan Jue sounded especially sour.

Thor burst in to motion. Crackling bolts of lightning raced over it's figure as it launched itself toward Triton in an all out gambit. It looked like a raging ball of thunderbolts, twisting dangerously at it's foe.

Triton took a step back. It was careful and calculated – after all, the two men knew each other well. He did not dodge, but juked diagonally to the side to avoid impact. In the same moment Triton lifted it's massive trident, a hazy blue light enveloping it's prongs.

The misty lights flashed, and a vortex appeared before the weapon. It's pull yanked Thor to the side. Even the mecha was capable of Brine Mires.

The vortex pressure pulled violently at Thor, whose speed and ferocity caused it to stumble off balance for a moment before Zeus retook control. Triton's timing and power were spot on. For an instant it looked like Thor would tumble head first in to the vortex, but it abruptly stopped at a distance of about a meter.

The pull remained, but Thor was in no further danger of being torn apart by the whirlpool. Countless threads of crackling lightning bolts appeared, interweaving to create a massive electrical net. It exploded outward, batting away his opponent's weapon. Moreover, Thor's giant figure became fuzzy, and a mysterious buzz filled the air.

The net fractured, it's once thick electric frame separating until it was almost like a photomask. It surrounded Thor like a blanket. This was an impressive combination of Thor's lightning net and oscillation – a combination that required a master hand. The punishing speed of oscillation, and a second function besides. To your average pilot this was, in a word, insane.

He looked almost like a mirage, and in the space it took for his net to complete, he abused the opportunity. Giant bolts of electricity fired off in all directions. But Triton had not been taken aback. It's own figure had become hazy, and as the bolts washed over it, it vanished. The flowing figure reappeared several meters away. It soared through the air, crackling with residual electricity.

"Stop knowing me so well," Hua Li gloomily engaged.

Lan Jue answered with action. Thor fired itself upward towards Triton, shinning like a shooting star.

Before the rush could find it's target, Triton changed. It split in to three identical images, each brandishing their tridents threateningly. With the motion a light swept over Thor, swallowing it within. The azure blue mecha was unfazed. Lifting it's right hand, a golden light flashed and a lightning-shaped spear appeared in the raised appendage.

It did not strike or jab. Instead Thor gave the spear a shake, and countless dots of lights shuddered free like dust motes in a beam of sunlight. They shimmered and shook, become a hundred thousand tiny spears of light. It was they who rushed out, finding every hole and weakness in the tridents' radiating power.

This clearly reflected the differences between the two great mechas. As the spears strikes rushed against the trident's power the weapon rippled like waves. It diffused and muted the spear's effectiveness. Meanwhile the spears attacks were indomitable, powerful, and precise. It was brute force against redirection.

The earlier strikes had put Triton at a disadvantage. He'd lost the offensive, and struggled back a few steps under Thor's onslaught. However, it was not a broken retreat, he still retained control.

At the levels in which these two competed, victory wasn't decided in a matter of seconds. Neither were employing their best skills or strategies – instead searching the best opportunities to use them.

"A-Li!" As the fight raged, Lan Jue's voice shouted over the din.

"Ah?" Hua Li's response was surprised, taken aback by the sudden cry. To shout in such a way in the midst of an intense stand off, surely there was something the matter.

However, Lan Jue's voice was calm. "A few days ago, while I was teaching class, there was this female student who desperately needed to fart…" 1

"She couldn't hold it, so she came up with an excellent idea. She would loudly clap her hands, and at that precise moment let loose thus concealing the sound. She went about her plan, loudly clapping her hands in the quiet classroom. And just as everyone was turning their heads to look at her, she ripped a fantastic one."

"Ahh hahaha!"

Bang! A bolt of lightning shot out and collided with Triton's shoulder. The mecha fell in to an uncontrolled dive, and smashed to the floor. Thor wasted no time. Golden light washed over him, and as his friend was tumbling he became roaring bolt of lightning. Immediately upon hitting the floor, Thor slammed in to him with the force of starship.

Brruuughhhmmm! The whole area shook as thunderous roars tore through the sky. The entire platform was awash in golden light. A mushroom cloud rolled and raised above it, the fiery lights dancing in it's depths.

Hua Li's screams echoed through the Altar, mixing with the thunder.

"Combat has finished. Winner: Zeus."

The cloud was swept away, and the golden light dimmed. Thor stood triumphant in the center of the ring.

Outside of the ring, the red-robed woman had already stood from her chair. She looked on with doubt in her eyes. Thor had indeed had the upper hand, but Triton's disposition hadn't been significant. Poseidon's mecha had simply sat there, frozen in the air as the attack landed, with no attempts at defense.

Thor hadn't let the opportunity go to waste, and combat was done right then and there. From where she sat it almost looked like Triton let him win – where they trying to exploit the list standings? But that simply couldn't be! God-ranked pilots wouldn't do such a thing!

"THE AUDACITY! A-Jue, that was some a-class bullshit!" Hua Li's enraged voice tore through Dreamburg.

1. Oh no he didn't.