117 - 125

Chapter 117: Fantascia Genetica Decoction

Lan Jue's voice was serious. "If this were real combat, would you talk this way to your enemy? You'd actually have no chance, because you'd be dead."

"Wh-…" Hua Li trailed off.

Within Thor, Lan Jue was fighting valiantly with himself to stop his laughter from bubbling out. It was a difficult task!

It appeared Tang Xiao's tricks were useful after all. Even he was almost beaten the first time he'd encountered that nasty deception.

"Unacceptable! Again!" Hua Li was audibly grinding his teeth.

Lan Jue's voice was lofty and dismissive. "The discrepancy in power is too great. Train harder, and challenge me again when you're ready!" Thor disappeared in a flash of light, without giving Hu Li a chance to answer 1

It wasn't long before Zeus and Poseidon where once more walking the streets of Dreamburg.

"A-Jue! Since when did you become such a little punk!" Poseidon rushed at Zeus, grabbing him by the neck! 2

"Execute systems protection," Zeus answered quietly.

Boom! An arc of lightning crashed down from the heavens. It threw Poseidon away a dozen meters, burning him black.

Zeus waggled a finger at his companion's smoldering body. "Bad touch."

"Zeus!" In this moment a digitized female voice called his name.

He turned to find the source of the sound, spying the red-clad woman who'd watched their battle. "Piao Hong. Thanks for the gem."

Piao Hong's voice was curt. "Unfortunately I didn't see what I came for. I'll likely apply to DreamNet for reimbursement."

"As you like. That's right, I actually was looking for you."

"For me?" Her voice was surprised.

Zeus nodded in response. "I wanted to know if you were interested in a business proposal. I wanted to buy some fantascia genetica decoction."

She blinked. "It's still useful to you?"

"Don't worry about it," Zeus said. "I have my uses for it. Name a price."

Piao Hong was quiet for a moment. Eventually she spoke up. "You should know, this sort of thing is priceless. For those that need it, no price is too high. It's also secret, and I can't verify your identity. I can't sell it."

Zeus smirked behind the mask. "In this place, there's no such thing as priceless."

This brought a smile to Paio Hong's face. "You sure live up to your name. You speak true – here there's nothing truly beyond the scope of purchase. In fact I'm also here because there's something I wish to discuss with the two of you. If you agree, the decoction is yours as advanced payment."

"Oh?" Poseidon had heard the exchange. "What's so important you're willing to give up the decoction in advance?"

Piao Hong smiled secretively. Her red clothes seemed to wax and wane like a pulse. "A God-Team battle!"

Surprise and suspicion both flickered through the two Monarch's eyes.

"The Four Divine Monarchs have occupied the top of the Altar's rankings for too long. In three years there is sure to have been some changes. We present a challenge against your team." Piao Hong's metallic voice grew sharper.

Zeus' response was tepid. "According to the rules, you must first be in the top ten. Only then can you issue a challenge. Through DreamNet's audits, we have three months to prepare. We'd have to accept, or risk losing our ranking. What are you playing at?"

Piao Hong's aura become appreciably gentler. "Clever. What we want, is simple: Make it public! A spectacle for everyone in the three alliances to come and witness. Let's give them all a show, so they know a true god battle is. Boil the blood of all the young pilots with dreams of being where we are. Stir up the whole universe!" Her voice rose to a moving crescendo, fiery and emotional. Even Zeus and Poseidon were swept up in it.

"Public? This is nonsense right?" Poseidon said. "You have to know all top pilots have their own tricks and secrets. Having a competition like that, open to the public, would reveal all their secrets to everyone. Modern recording equipment can catch every tiny detail. It'd be giving our entire playbook to our enemies, to look over at their convenience. It would be the first public god-team bout in the history of DreamNet, much less open to all three alliances. Fantascia Genetica is important, but compared to what you're asking it's nothing."

"That's just so," Piao Hong replied softly, "and that's why we're discussing. This is not our attempt at pleasing the peanut gallery. It's something… reserved for a rainy day."

"Go on then," Zeus said. "But you should know that only a very good carrot's going to get us to agree to your stick."

"You should know DreamNet's origins, I assume?" Piao Hong suddenly switched topics.

She went on. "DreamNet is the largest multinational cooperation in all of the alliances. An independent platform created by the three great nations. In order to assure it's impartiality, it's central committee broke away from the alliances they came from and became it's own, special unit. It's more advanced than all three alliance armies put together. It's technological support is more powerful than the ten greatest families of the alliances put together."

"And have you heard of the Justice's Proclamation?" She paused to regard them.

Zeus and Poseidon shot a glance at one another.

"Of course," Zeus said. "The Proclamation was aimed at the central committee. They were too powerful, and required restrictions. During it's establishment, the three alliances and the cooperation itself came together for an agreement, creating the Proclamation and it's rules to help determine it's effect on the people. For instance, one rule states that if a virtual personality develops emotions, it must be destroyed. And so on with the rest of the Proclamation, making it fool-proof."

Piao Hong nodded. "I ask you this, because I want to know if you agree. That all of the central committee's proclamations are just and equal, and in the best interest of human development." As she spoke, she lifted a hand. A golden light trickled towards Zeus.

Zeus deftly plucked the golden light from the air. The light itself was no corporeal thing, and as it came in to Zeus' grip a column of golden light shot down upon them from on high. A stately, ear-splitting voice howled at them from all directions.

"I protect the balance of DreamNet." As the words raced around them, it was as though the entirety of Dreamburg trembled. Before Zeus and Poseidon's wide eyes, a majestic figure appeared. They were middle-aged, alive with golden light. A pair of golden eyes looked at them, but it was as though they saw everything, all at once. It was as though they could pierce your very soul.

"A DreamNet Guardian?" Zeus and Poseidon spoke as one.

The trembling earth, the golden light… in an instant it was all gone.

Zeus stared wide-eyes at Piao Hong. "I had no idea you were a Guardian."

The DreamNet Guardians were a special group, who existed specifically to deal with the expansive reality's internal affairs. They existed here only, and from the day they accept the mantle of Guardian, their job is to protect DreamNet – and the myriad people who used it – from threat. Like DreamNet, they were also free from alliance restrictions.

Their identities were a closely guarded secret – no one knew who the guardians truly were. The masked protectors only ever showed up when something serious was happening in the virtual world.

Piao Hong nodded. "Indeed. Though I was born in the Western Alliance, I am now a Guardian of this place. Remember that what I have shared with you now, is an absolute secret. If this is a responsibility you two fail to keep, you will become an enemy to DreamNet, and all the guardians in it.

"Promise!" Zeus and Poseidon spoke with one voice. They knew quite clearly what the Guardians were, what they did. In the whole history of mankind they had averted civil strife at least thrice, and four times warded off catastrophe. They were deserving of everyone's respect.

When Piao Hong spoke again, her voice was low. "Eight months ago, the Northern Alliance had sent out an exploration party. They were mapping a distant galaxy when they got caught in an assault. Only a tenth of the expeditionary force returned. With them, they broke top-secret news; approximately seventy-eight light years from Planet Luo they'd found three new planets. Planets that housed endogenous life. The life forms they found were exceedingly monstrous, and frighteningly strong."

"Stranger than that, though, were the planets. They were fixed in space, stationary. They had no orbit, no trajectory. But what they could do, is affix themselves to other planets… destroying them, and taking their energy. When the Northern party came across them, the planets were in the final stages of plundering a small planet. They watched the planet disintegrate with their own eyes. The aftermath of the planet's death hit them like a supernova."

"Afterwards they came under attack, suffering strange biological attacks. They suffered great losses. Luckily they were scouting ships, fast, otherwise there likely wouldn't have been any survivors."

"When the scouts returned and delivered their report, it was determined the power of one of these planets was equivalent to a space bastion in sheer power – and that is merely a preliminary estimate. Also their combat styles are entirely different from our own. Seventy-eight light years… not such a great distance away. We humans have settled dozens of worlds, rich with energy. Perhaps we'll get lucky, perhaps these alien planets wont choose to come our way. But even if they don't, we must prepare. And what's more…"

1. I'm sorry, but that's one helluva dick move. If that was my buddy I'd punch him in the neck.

2. Ah, see? Hua Li gets it.

Chapter 118: Consent

Piao Hong stopped here, pausing for just a moment. When she spoke again, her voice was graver still. "According to our own calculations at DreamNet, there is a sixty-four point seven eight percent chance they will come our way. If that ends up being the case… humanity could be at war."

"Judging by their distance it may be years before we face the risk, but we should prepare ahead of time. Because of this, we at DreamNet hope to improve the quality of our civil defense. We'll start with inflaming the passions of the younger generation. What better way to do that, then to stage a god-team match, in full view of the human population. It would be an unprecedented event, one for the ages. The Four Monarchs, top of the lists, would be the main event. It was good you came today – another three days, and I'd have had to approach you through different channels. I hope, in light of these circumstances, you'll consider the future of the human race. I hope you will participate, for everyone's sake."

"Of course the DreamNet corporation will compensate you for this. All you need to do for now, is participate in this competition. In addition to the decoction you requested, you'll also receive one s-ranked power gem each. And, thirty percent of the proceeds from telecasting. This doesn't include advertising or screening costs – a pure thirty percent. With this sort of money, you can make yourselves each a brand new, top-level mecha."

Piao Hong went silent. Zeus and Poseidon stood in quiet contemplation.

Three alien planets… the words weighed heavy on their consciousness. The universe was indeed vast and boundless, and who knew how many intelligent species and habitable planets existed out there? After humanity had begun it's interstellar programs in a serious way, it encountered many habitable worlds and strange species. Some were even threatening, but they were decidedly few.

However never before had they encountered something with the ability to rival their own destructive power. These three planetary bodies somehow had the sheer obliterating force of a space bastion. It was a threat unlike humanity had ever faced. A menace that threatened their very existence.

"We can't shirk our responsibility!" Zeus' head rose as he made his thoughts known.

Poseidon, said nothing.

"I'll relay this information to our other two companions, and give you an answer as soon as possible," Zeus concluded.

"Very well. But please be quick." Piao Hong nodded towards Zeus, and the roiling red aura around her undulated. With nothing more to say, she vanished.

Zeus turned to Poseidon, who in turn looked back at him. They knew what each other thought, and a tacit understanding was reached. A light flashed and they, too, were gone.

Lan Jue and Hua Li pulled themselves from the simulators and faced each other.

"What do you think?" Uncertainty lived in Hua Li's moving eyes.

"There was no doubt that was a Guardian," Lan Jue muttered. "The information should be reliable."

Hua Li's brows wrinkled, adding a dash of melancholy to his handsome features. "Your response was too quick. This whole thing… too sudden. Fine, so what did you want the Fantascia Genetic for anyway?"

"Tang Xiao's own abilities are pretty solid," Lan Jue began. "He's begun to unlock his potential. But Jin Tao's genetic talent is minimal, and without some sort of catalyst I'm afraid he'll never advance past third rank. The only method left to him is man-made."

Hua Li lifted a brow at his friend. "You mean business with these two apprentices of yours, huh?"

A devilish grin spread a across Lan jue's face. "Didja like my joke?"

"%!*$!" Hua Li brazenly displayed his middle finger under Lan Jue's nose, his face dark.

Lan Jue's voice interjected, flippant and disinterested. "Keep it up. I'll take a picture and send it to all your fans in DreamNet. Let them see what their hero is really like."

"A-Jue," Hua Li muttered. "I haven't seen you for a long time. You've become a real pain in the ass!"

"The first time I met Tang Xiao was in DreamNet. That little piece of comedy was something he told me. I only just managed to win that fight. I won through oscillation, and it was then he begged to learn from me, wanted to see me. I beat him viciously to vent my anger."

"A-Jue, I suddenly thought of something…"

"Eh?" Lan Jue looked at Hua Li inquisitively.

The superstar chuckled in supremely sinister fashion. "There are some out there who can't use their disciplines for… various reasons. I, too, seek to let go of a little agitation. What should I do, do you think?"

Lan Jue's self-satisfied grin faltered. "J-Just wait for me to finish talking. We really shouldn't just go around beating people, it isn't good for our abilities. I used lightning to give the kid a little shock, but hadn't expected he'd actually have considerable talent. Natural evolution, even."

"Evolution?" Hua Li suddenly appeared to be paying more attention. "That's certainly rare! So you're saying it's possible for him to develop to ninth rank?"

Lan Jue nodded. "The kid's endurance is almost supernatural. He certainly doesn't look like much, but he's got the heart of a victor. He's also very clever. He definitely knew why I beat him that day, but he was still willing to call me his teacher. In his eyes I saw that familiar look, that pursuit of power. The second time I saw him, when he accepted me as his master, I saw sincerity there, too. I had nothing to do, free time at my disposal. I saw his talent, and decided to teach him. But where he ends up, is up to him."

"As for Jin Tao, he… moved me. That crazy kid. Completely disregards the fact that his genetic talent is practically nonexistent. But his desire, his heart exceeds his abilities two hundred percent. His desires have been pent up for so long, he wants change even more than Tang Xiao. I need to keep an eye on his temperament."

"Are you done?" Hua Li's arms were crossed over his chest. He grinned unsettlingly at Lan Jue.

"Yup. Alright, let's go, I need a drink. What do you feel like?" Lan Jue calmly turned and began to walk away.

"All I want, is to LET OFF SOME STEAM!"

"A-a-Li, don't be like this!"

"I'll beat you till you shit your pants!"


Half an hour later.

"Do you want to tell him, or should I?" Hua Li sat upon the floor of Zeus' Jewelry Shop, sipping on a soda water.

Lan Jue was perched on a chair, tenderly massaging his face. There weren't any marks there, but from his pained expression one can only guess at the inhumane treatment he'd just suffered.

"I will! Imma tell my brother you were beating on me, hmph!" Lan Jue spat the threat.

"Hua Li leveled his eyes at his pouty friend. "Have a little integrity guy. Don't go running to your family like a child."

Lan Jue was indignant. "And beating on the infirm shows integrity? I'm hurt, and here you are taking advantage."

Hua Li fluttered his eyes, those long lashes brushing against one another. Those moving sky-blue eyes, full of mirth, shone at his friend. "Am I not helping you to recover?"

"Can you help with the pain in my heart?!"

This took Poseidon by surprise, and his playful demeanor became quiet. "Go on then," he said. "Call him."

Lan Jue snorted once more for good measure, then tapped a number in to his communicator.

"Hm?" Lan Qing's voice rose from his wrist. "You called?"

Lan Jue revealed what he'd learned moment earlier from the DreamNet Guardian.

Lan Qing was silent, listening intently as Lan Jue related the tale. Eventually he spoke. "I know the Dreamburg guards. If you can be sure of their identity, then what they told you should be the real deal. And, top secret. I'll let the higher-ups know, and see if I can get cleared. As for the contest, I'm in."

"Alright," Lan Jue said.

"How are you feeling?"

"No problems. A-Li's helping me get better. Shouldn't be long before I'm back to normal."

"Good. If there's nothing else, we've got things to do."


Hua Li watched the exchange, silent until Lan Jue dropped the connection. His brows wrinkled slightly. "If I didn't already know you two, I'd never guess you were brothers. Things still no good with him?"

Lan Jue shook his head. "I can't say I don't blame him at all… for him, in his heart, duty will always come before family. But this time, when he came to see me… the hate was gone."

Hua Li sighed. "He actually cares quite a lot for you. After all, you're the only family he has."

"Yeah, well…" Lan Jue waved his hand, as though trying to sweep away the depressing topic.

Hua Li went on. "Rest for a while, then we'll continue with the healing.



"Granny Bess, I've cleaned your clothes for you. They've been dried, and I put them away in your cabinet. I have to head home, but you look after yourself. Drink some more warm water. 1" Zhou Qianlin rolled down her sleeves, smiling politely at the old woman perched on the side of the bed.

She looked particularly advanced in years, with a head of long snow white hair past her shoulders. Her pink coveralls were matched with a pink scrunchie that tied her hair back. Inside was a pink shirt. Her pants were black.

She was exceptionally skinny, and the outline of her bones were clearly visible. But her two green eyes were clear and bright, without any hint of confusion. She stared quietly out the window, her thoughts a mystery.

"I'll just be heading out now, Granny Bess." Zhou Qianlin pulled over a small blanket, draping it over the elderly woman's knees. She then quietly stood and left.

As the door closed, the elderly woman finally turned to look at where Zhou Qianlin had just stood. She remained quiet, but her clear eyes were alive with emotion. She lifted her right hand, and skinny fingers slowly splayed wide. The nails on each finger glittered like crystal, and from their tips silken threads of red light slithered forth. Gently they gathered together, intertwined, until they constituted a familiar figure; that of Zhou Qianlin, remarkably life-like.

"Go!" the woman commanded. An instant later the glimmering red outline vanished without a trace.

The woman returned her clear eyes to the world outside her window. Suddenly those green eyes became glazed, distant, as though revisiting an old memory.

1. 'Drink warm water' is a Chinese trope and cultural phenomenon where literally every single ailment in history can be fixed with rest and warm water. Cold? Warm water. Hemorrhoids? Warm water. Lupus? AIDS? Cancer? Car wreck? Warm water. Still not better? You obviously need more warm water.

Chapter 119: Sorry, Richard

The Soul-Caller Gem warmed.

"Come get me at home."

"It's so early. I'm still sleeping."

"A bodyguard must fulfill their duties! Nobles must abide by their promises!"


"A-Jue, what are you doing so early?" Hua Li pulled himself to a sitting position on the couch, watching Lan Jue wash his face with drowsy eyes.

"You don't have class today either. Where are you running off to? You wouldn't need to get up this early to train your disciples either." Hua Li's questions were fussy at the early hour.

Lan Jue's response was muttered, almost to himself. "A bodyguard must fulfill their duties! Ugh, nonsense."

"I despise you," Hua Li sighed dejectedly. He grudgingly pushed himself from the sofa.

Ten minutes later.

The antique bicycle rattled speedily along the road. Hua Li's morose expression stared at the passing ground as he sat behind Lan Jue. "A-Jue I'm starving. It's not good to skip breakfast. Gives you energy for the day."

"Shut up, I'm hungry too. And I'm the one pedaling. Already a crappy day!" Lan Jue glared ruefully as they trundled along.

"So why are we up so early anyway?"

Lan Jue was silent, answering a few moments later in a miserable voice. "I'm telling you, you better not laugh."

"I'd never!" Hua Li's assurances came without hesitation.

"Not long ago a woman came in to my shop…" As they made for Zhou Qianlin's house, Lan Jue recounted the tale of Pearl, stealing the Chief Minister's daughter, and the things that followed.

Hua Li listened aptly to the tale, but upon hearing the tale, he shook almost hard enough to tip the bicycle. His eyes nearly popped from his head.

"Hairy hippos in a jelly tub! You sure you got that right?! How the hell did you mix that up, after being with Hera for so long you'd figure you'd know what she looks like! What kind of moron are you?" Hua Li stayed true to his promise, and didn't laugh. He was mad!

"Hey, whose side are you on, I'm already miserable about this. Shouldn't you be here comforting me? Still just accusations and interrogations? Hera's dead… for three years do you know how I've been able to keep on? Living like a drunk man, like in a dream, or nightmare. Wallowing in regret and loss. She was gone so suddenly, and then to hear just as suddenly that she wasn't dead, do you think I'd be in my right mind? That I could keep a level head? Even you who've known me for so long, after three years you start to forget what one looks like. Zhou Qianlin and Hera are very, very similar. Exactly the same. I was nervous, excited, scared, she'd been drugged. I didn't know at the time, but when I found out it was already too late."

Hua Li was near enough the only person Lan Jue could be this honest and open with. He held nothing back.

"That's all well and good, but that's not what I mean," Hua Li said. "Using this opportunity you find yourself in to have her act as Hera's stand in, is. Sure she looks like her, but is it fair to her, or you, to act this way? To make her fill that whole in your heart?"

Lan Jue's smile was bitter. "If only it were that easy. You must know, in my heart Hera is absolutely irreplaceable. And what happened… was my fault. She wouldn't have…"

"Alright, no use dwelling on it," Hua Li interrupted. "I'm actually curious what this Hera impersonator is actually like. Knowing you I wont be sorry acting as her bodyguard for a while as well."

Lan Jue let out a sigh. "Maybe it really is as you say. Sometimes I do forget she isn't Hera, it's happened more than once. Suddenly it's like she's here by my side again. I know she's just a substitute but, deep in my heart, I long for it to be real – for her to be Hera. But I figured this out quickly. I've been keeping my distance."

"Are you scared you two will develop feelings for one another?"

"Maybe," Lan Jue said. He found himself growing irrationally agitated at the thought.

Hua Li patted his back comfortingly, and said nothing further. In emotional situations like this, trying to persuade the heart otherwise was a pointless endeavor. The only cure was time enough to figure things out in your own head.


The foot of Tian Mountain

An excessively fancy verti-car was parked at the base of the towering mountain. Richard, clad in a fine white suit, stood not far off. An arrangement of roses were clutched in his hands.

Suddenly, his eyes grew bright, and his left hand left the flowers to check his moist, greased-back hair. He shuffled forward a few steps, and gently called out: "Qianlin."

Zhou Qianlin stopped, her expressionless face turned to Richard. "What are you still doing here? I've already made our situation quite clear. We could never work, nor would your family allow a soiled woman in to their midst."

Richard regarded her in silence, sorrow clear in his eyes. "Qianlin," he finally began, "I have to admit what you said hurt me deeply. When you said what you did, it was like I was drunk. I couldn't think, but the pain… but I slowly sobered up. I thought about you, about the pressure you had to suffer, the wrongs you endured. What happened wasn't your fault. The blame lays entirely with that despicable Zeus. It was he who ruined our union, ruined everything. No, you've done nothing wrong, and in my eyes you're still that perfect, pure Zhou Qianlin. Qianlin, my love, my feelings haven't changed from the first day I met you. My love is just as strong. It doesn't matter what's happened. All of that is in the past. In our future, as a man, I will do whatever is in my power to protect you from whatever comes. No one will ever separate us. If you agree, I will persuade my family to throw you the most incredible wedding the universe has known. I'll bring the whole might of my family to bear, to protect you. You'll never again suffer the slightest harm."

Zhou Qianlin looked in to Richard's eyes, at the sincerity brightly living within them. The rims of her own began to redden.

Suddenly, she almost collapsed as she bent low before him. "Richard, I'm so sorry. I can't bear to see you like this. I made the wrong choice. I should never have accepted your proposal. If I hadn't you'd never have suffered all of this trouble. You're so kind-hearted, suffered so much, all because of me. But I'm so, so sorry Richard. I simply can't accept. I beg you to forget me."

She scrambled to her feet and ran from Richard, down the mountain. The young man stood frozen in surprise. He was at a loss, so much that he was struggling to understand what she'd said.

"Here!" Suddenly a voice arose from behind him.

Richard turned his head in time to spy an antique bicycle squealing as it came to a stop. Two gentlemen dismounted, among them the man who'd suffered the same fate as he at the hands of that awful Professor Tan, 'the Savage Goddess.'

The two moon looked at once another, Lan Jue's eyes falling to the roses clutched in Richard's hands. They then swept to the tearful Zhou Qianlin.

Hua Li looked wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the girl who looked so much like the lost Hera. His large sunglasses slid askew on his straight nose.

She really was a mirror image. It was no wonder A-Jue couldn't distinguish the two at first. She was nothing short of Hera's clone! Unlike Hera, she released no significant waves of energy from a discipline – but otherwise they were alike in every way. Of course, Hera also possessed the ability to hide her powers from view as well. He couldn't fault Lan Jue; were it he who'd seen her first, he'd have mistaken her for Hera as well.

Zhou Qianlin ran directly to Lan Jue, pulling herself on to the back perch of the bicycle. Her voice, thick with sobs, called to him. "Get me out of here."

"Right." Lan Jue nodded, shot a glance at Richard, then began pedaling the bicycle down the mountain.

Richard slowly walked to where Zhou Qianlin had made her escape, in a daze. He stopped just at Hua Li's side.

"So that day, when he said he was there for his cousin… that really was Qianlin he was talking about?"

"Well shit! What am I supposed to do? A-Jue you unabashed sexist!" Hua Li, suddenly aware of his lot, shouted indignantly at the rapidly disappearing figured of Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin.

"Hey, have you ever been dumped before?" Richard turned his pitiful face towards Hua Li.

Hua Li shoved his sunglasses higher on his nose. "You're alone in that, brother."

Richard responded with a sigh. "I was going to give you a lift, but… well, the miserable only seek the company of the like-minded."

Hua Li's mood instantly changed. "I have been dumped, actually! A-Jue you rat-bastard… Come on brother, let's get out of here." He muttered curses as he made his way towards the verti-car. On the way here he'd spotted no means of public transportation.


Lan Jue silently pedaled the bicycle, Qianlin bumping along behind. She, too, remained silent. The atmosphere was suffocating. The gentle breeze set her long silken hair to fluttering, brushing against her sad face.

"I'm sorry. I brought all this trouble on you. I swear I'll keep to my word, and be a competent bodyguard." At last, Lan Jue broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Richard is a good man. I shouldn't have hurt him," Zhou Qianlin muttered, her words barely audible.

"It was I who hurt you both."

Zhou Qianlin looked at his back. "You're making up for it. Stick to your promise, and everything will be fine."

"Alright. I'll come get you every day, and bring you to school. While you're studying, I'll be there at the ready." As the words left his mouth, he felt a sense of relaxation flood through him, as though a weight was lifting.

As the words reached Qianlin, even though the two were hardly close, it felt to her as though a gap had widened between them.

They rode in silence for the rest of the trip to the campus. As before, Lan Jue dropped her off at that corner not far from the front gates. Lan Jue watched her go, letting her gain some distance before pushing his bicycle towards the school.

"Lan Jue!" A figure rushed at him from the side, grabbing him by the throat.

"Ach! Hua Li, when did you learn how to magically teleport?!"

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

"Quiet! Teachers are looking, I'll call the teaching affairs office for help! I'll tear off your disguise! Let go, I can't breathe!"

Chapter 120: Teacher Benefits?

"Hey Professor Lan, did you hear? In two days the school's going to separate us in to units and send us on a trip. It's supposed to be a team-building exercise." Jin Yan spoke excitedly to Lan Jue as he entered and sat at his desk.

"A trip?" In truth the word was rarely directly at Lan Jue, ever since he was small. Every outing he participated in had purpose, not for fun. He looked back at her blankly.

Jin Yan continued enthusiastically. "Yeah! Every year the school will send us out on a field trip. It's different every time, with the cost and how long. This is the first one this year. I heard we'll be leaving Skyfire for it's closest cousin planet, Taihua. It's the holiday paradise for all of the Eastern Alliance! It's supposed to have the most beautiful beaches and lakes. They chose this planet specifically for it's gorgeous scenery. The legislative assembly of the Eastern Alliance set rules to make sure it doesn't get overdeveloped, so that it stays a vacation paradise. There's supposed to be thousands of acres of amazing old-growth forests that are untouched, just chalk-full of beautiful colors and scents and sounds. We electives teachers have relatively fewer classes, so for something as nice as this, it's certainly a first. We can finally go check it out for ourselves."

In the face of Jin Yan's overwhelming excitement, Lan Jue could only smile. Unfortunately, in his condition, it wasn't conducive to his healing to leave.

"Professor Jin, is it possible to skip the trip?"

She blinked, taken aback. "Of course not. It's a benefit given by the school, but team-building is a part of it. Only teachers with prior notice and special circumstances are exempt. What is it, you don't want to go?"

"Oh, no. It's just I'm so busy lately…"

Jin Yan gave him a playful 'hmph'. "Two classes a week and you say you're busy?What's this class on jewelry you're teaching tomorrow anyway? I want to come listen again."

Lan Jue smiled mysteriously. "It's a secret. You'll find out tomorrow."

As ever, the nearby Wang Hongyuan shot a glance at Lan Jue. His mouth turned in a scornful sneer.

Lan Jue excused himself from the office. Once outside he tapped a number in to his communicator.

"Jin Tao, half an hour after lunch. Tell Tang Xao and meet me at our teaching spot."

"Got it, Teach," Jin Tao joyfully responded.

Lan Jue was continuously surprised at this guy. This kid really was insane! The last few times he'd been beaten bloody, and yet he was just as excited as the first time.

Jin Tao certainly was excited, and the reason was simple. He was seeing improvement.

Hua Li had beaten and healed them more times than he could remember that afternoon, so bad he didn't know what was hurt more by the end – his body or his mind. But this morning when he awoke, he clearly felt as though he'd made a good leap forward. Not just his discipline, but his physical strength and reaction time as well. These new aspects of his training had him completely forget the agony he'd lived through.

As usual, Lan Jue's meal was a simple one: rice, and vegetables. It was hard to make the plain plainer. Whenever he was forced to eat things less than his expectations, he always chose the simplest fair. After all, adepts at his level were able to assimilate energy from the world around them to act as nourishment. Eating was just the most primitive and original source of energy intake.

After lunch he took a brief walk around the NEU campus. Everywhere he went he spied students, heading this way and that. He didn't know why, but in this crowded and noisy environment he felt at peace. Comfortable. He found himself growing more and more accustomed to this school as time went on, even came to enjoy it. He almost felt like a teacher, and all was well.

He made his way to the two young gentlemen he called his disciples. Upon finding them, he saw two distinctly different expressions on their faces. Jin Tao was excited, and wasted no time in running forward to greet his teacher. Tang Xiao, on the other hand, was more complicated. There was a thirst for growth in his eyes, but there was also fear.

"So teach, what're we doing today?" Jin Tao dramatically rolled up his sleeves. He looked almost eager to get beat on.

"Let's talk first," Lan Jue said. He patted Jin Tao's shoulder, and they both walked towards Tang Xiao.

The overweight young man felt a trepidation rise up within him. Though he didn't know from whence it came, he knew that this was the proverbial 'calm before the storm.' The Professor had something up his sleeve.

"Talk? Will talking improve my abilities?" Jin Tao spoke almost without thinking.

Lan Jue slapped his young pupil upside the head, frowning. "What are you in a rush for? 'Good tools are essential things' – you need proper preparation before you jump in."

Jin Tao rubbed the back of his head. But instead of chastisement the look in his eyes was strange. This beating, he felt, was deserved.

"Jin Tao, Tang Xiao, I'll ask you one more time. Do you truly, unequivocally desire to study under me? I'll tell you candidly, up till now I haven't really treated you as my disciples. You've only studied with me for a short time, but when we truly get started your methods of cultivation will be ten… a hundred times more difficult, more painful. So much that you'll wish you were dead. I can't guarantee results with this process – in the end, it comes down to your own effort, and tolerance." Lan Jue spoke earnestly, fixing them each in turn with a steady gaze.

"Professor, I am not afraid. Pain means nothing, only strength. I'm ready to do whatever it takes." Jin Tao scrambled to answer, without a hint of hesitation. "Don't think I'm impulsive. I've thought very much about this. My dad told me once…

'In this life you only have a set number of chances. If you grab them when they appear, you'll succeed. If you don't, you'll be doomed to a life of mediocrity.'

I don't want to die as someone ordinary. I want to be strong. I see how the talented look down on me, and I can't help but want to beat them. I hate that look, that says because my Talent isn't as strong as theirs that I'm somehow less. I hate that dismissive scorn."1 Jin Tao's voice was heavy with emotion, full of sincerity.

Lan Jue remained calm in the face of his stirring tirade. "And when you become strong? What then?"

The question took Jin Tao by surprise. He dropped his head and began to think. "When I'm strong…"

Lan Jue didn't wait for an answer, turning his eyes to Tang Xiao. "And you? Do you still agree to be my student?"

"Professor," he blurted, "may I first ask what level your Discipline is?"

"Ninth," he answered simply.

Slap! Tang Xiao's meaty fist slapped against the palm of his other hand. "I'm ready. Dumb-mutt said it, there are only so many opportunities in life. Everything takes work. Teacher, I'm ready to learn under you."

Lan Jue responded with an easy smile. "Then answer the same question. When you're strong, what will you do then?"

Tang Xiao's response came right away. "Join the army! It's been my dream since I was small, to be a soldier. Not to boast about being a protector of our land and people, but because I want to surround myself with the strong and capable. You say strong, but I don't know how strong. Even then it doesn't matter, no matter how strong I am I'll always strive to get better. I don't know if I'll ever surpass you, but there's no better place to get better than the army. My idol has shown me that, the An Lun Supersoldier!"

"A Soldier?" Jin Tao's eyes lit up. "Nice! When I was small my dad always said I'd never have a future. I'll be a soldier too! I also want to protect our people and alliance. I'll go with you when you join. We'll see which one of us takes out more Northerners. Whadda ya think?"

"Heh, you've got it all wrong. You're too impetuous!" Tang Xiao's voice was flat, not menacing or teasing.

Lan jue's smile grew wider. "Not necessarily. Soldiers must be possessed of an indomitable will. For now it looks like the both of you have made improvements, but I warn you – when we begin, if either of you fail to keep up with our training schedule, you're done. If in the future either of you use what I teach you to do evil, to abuse the weak, I will personally destroy whatever power you have."

"Yes, sir!" Both shouted to their teacher in one voice.

"Professor," Jin Tao shouted immediately after, "so what are we going to learn today? As far as I see it, the first time you beat me I saw the biggest improvement, so what do you think? Go for it again?"

"You're circumstances are special," Lan Jue said to the eager young man. "For you, we'll need extreme measures. Because of your weak innate talent, they'll be needed if you ever hope to be strong. These will be difficult, and it means you'll have to suffer far worse than Tang Xiao."

Jin Tao was silent, but eventually spoke up. "So that means that under these extreme measures, I may one day overtake Fatty Tang?"

Lan Jue nodded in affirmation.

Jin Tao shot his rival a cantankerous stare. "Then what are we waiting for? I'm ready any time."

"If you agree," Lan Jue said, "then call your sister here. I'll need to speak with her. This can be dangerous, so she'll need to know. Maybe not life threatening, but it could very quickly all lead to failure…" he stopped there.

Tang Xiao still felt that fear within him as he watched his teacher. His attention shifted between him and his fellow disciple. Jin Tao wasted no time, agreed, and raced off to find his sister.

"Professor." Tang Xiao was clearly perturbed.

Lan Jue didn't answer immediately, instead making his way towards a nearby stone bench and taking a seat. He patted the spot beside him. Tang Xiao answered his teacher's call and settled beside him. His large backside occupied easily half of the entire bench.

"Tang Xiao, your Talent's natural ability to grow is very good. As you've grown older, your discipline has improved along with you. According to my own observations, perhaps becoming this large really has had some sort of effect. Your ability may very well have undergone a natural evolution. That is to say, with the proper stimulation and work, you could very well become a ninth-level Adept."

"Huh?" The previously uneasy Tang Xiao now stared wide-eyed at Lan Jue.

Lan Jue grinned at him. "Didn't expect that, did you."

Tang Xiao could only nod.

"However what I just said is also true. You're already over twenty. If you want to reach your full potential at your age, you're certainly going to undergo some significant hardships. But if you persist, you'll find that it'll all be worth it."

"Teacher," Tang Xiao timidly offered, "will there be any risk to my life?"

1. Woo! That one got me right in the feels.

Chapter 121: Jin Yan's Trust

Lan Jue chuckled. "So afraid of death! In this aspect, your in much better straits than Jin Tao – thanks to your natural talent. You'll suffer, to be sure, but don't worry. Your path is considerably less dangerous. His Talent is simply too weak to match up to yours, unless we take steps to change that."

Tang Xiao's mouth hung agape. "Professor, surely you aren't saying that with these measures Jin Tao could reach ninth rank?"

Lan Jue fixed his pupil with a stare. "Interesting response."

"Man…" Tang Xiao almost looked dizzy from what he'd learned. "This guy's making out like a bandit. If you had a method to get someone to ninth rank almost anyone would be willing to give it a shot, no matter the dangers. To reach the very pinnacle of human ability! Dumb-Mutt sure as hell is a lucky one."

Lan Jue's response came in quiet, earnest tones. "What I require from you is simple; don't let him surpass you. If you do, it'll prove to me you don't have what it take to be my pupil. Do you understand? Alright, that's all for you today. We'll begin tomorrow, and your training will officially commence. We'll find somewhere else to meet as well, away from the school. This place is no longer suitable."

"Yes, Professor." Tang Xiao rose, letting his respectful answer serve as goodbye.

But as he turned to leave, he suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Professor," he began, his voice low, "If one day I'm strong enough, do you think I'll be able to beat that man from yesterday?"

The question took Lan Jue by surprise, but it quickly became a smile. "If one day you're strong enough to do so, you'll have earned my pride and respect."

Tang Xiao's knuckles whitened as he tightened his fist. "It'll happen."

He quickly made his way from the small yard.

"Oi, this fatty. He actually wants to beat on me." An indignant voice arose from nearby.

"What's wrong with having such lofty ambitions? If there does one day come a time when you can't best my pupils, you'll probably have to give up the title of Poseidon." Lan Jue hadn't expected the intrusion, and grinned broadly.

"He's dreaming," Hua Li muttered in agitation. "But it looks like you're really gearing up to train these guys properly!"

Lan Jue nodded. "If what Piao Hong said was true, then we ninth ranked Talents have a responsibility to all of humanity."

"Should we wait here a while before we respond to them?"

Resolution shone in Lan Jue's eyes, and nodded in agreement. "What are personal gains and losses when the fate of our galaxy lies in the balance? Moreover, in the last three years I've done nothing to improve myself. Thor will also need some polishing. When this competition they've concocted is over, I'll really need to make myself stronger. I can't keep losing out to him."

"Good! Then we'll train together. Without you trying to run ahead I wont have the motivation to improve myself." Hua Li stuffed his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels, the picture of leisurely cool. Of course, this was somewhat offset by his giant facemask and ridiculous sunglasses.

It was then Jin Tao returned with the clearly confused Jin Yan. Upon seeing that it was indeed Lan Jue upon the bench, she visibly relaxed some.

"Professor Lan," she greeted, smiling.

Lan Jue rose and returned her greeting. "Hello Professor Yan. I apologize for being bold in asking Jin Tao to call you here. It is something important we have to discuss. I felt it only prudent that I consult with you and his family, as close relatives, before any further action was taken."

"Professor Lan, don't frighten me," Jin Yan stated. "What could be so important? Dumb-Mutt! What terrible thing did you do this time?" It appeared Jin Tao pulled her here directly without explanation – probably because he wasn't sure himself of what his teacher was planning. He wouldn't be able to explain it to her clearly even if he knew.

Lan Jue hastily waved his hands. "He didn't do anything wrong. Professor Jin. Take it easy, and listen carefully to what I have to say. I've decided to take Jin Tao on as my personal disciple."

Jin Yan looked at him in surprise, but it quickly changed to joy. "This is excellent news! This kid's always needed a good guide. You probably didn't notice, Professor, but that first time in your class I noticed how engrossed Jin Tao was in your lecture. I knew from that instant you'd be the only one to get through to him. Frankly speaking neither me or my parents have ever really had any success with him, we just hoped he'd grow to be a useful member of society. If you've agreed to teach him then that's amazing."

This time it was Lan Jue who was struck silent. He looked at Jin Tao. 'Dumb-Mutt' resolutely held his gaze.

No wonder he rushed headlong towards any opportunity. Even his family, the people who cared for him, expected nothing to come of his life. As a man, an adult, so much was hidden away, buried within him as a result of his treatment. Behind his flippant nature, there was deep insecurity – and an iron stubbornness.

"I plan to train his Discipline, Professor Jin. But during the training process he's likely to encounter some risks. I cannot guarantee his safety. Of course, I'll do everything in my power to protect him, and reduce the risk of harm. This is why I needed to speak with you. If you all agree to have him study with me, he'll probably have to leave school for a time as we work on his foundation. From there he'll rise quickly. It'll take about three months. We'll say he needs sick leave. This, too, will require you and your family's agreement." Lan Jue spoke clearly and slowly to ensure Jin Yan understood the gravity.

"Sick leave? Three months?" Questions were clearly written on jin Yan's face. After a moment, she resolutely nodded her head. "You're right! Jin Tao absolutely needs work, from the bottom up. You'll need to start from the beginning. Professor Lan, I'm very sorry for all the trouble you're going through to help my brother. This is no problem, I'll have him set for sick leave as soon as possible. If it weren't for our family connections he'd never even have made it in to the school, much less have graduated. Professor, thank you so much."

Jin Yan bowed earnestly before Lan Jue. "I'll take him now." She grabbed Jin Tao and pulled him away without another word. Lan Jue watched them go, flabbergasted.

"She agreed awful quick," Lan Jue muttered to himself.

Hua Li's faint voice intruded on his soliloquy. "Sounds like she chose not to hear about that whole 'dangerous' thing. The kid hasn't taken anything serious in his life, a big disappointment to his family. It's also pretty clear this lady fancies you. Unconditional trust from the onset."

"Stop spreading rumors," Lan Jue hissed.

"Pfft," came Hua Li's dismissive response. "When it comes to reading people, you got nothing on me. And I guess I have to admit, if I weren't here you'd be an attractive option."

Lan Jue twisted to look back. "A-Li, you hide behind my lack of strength, without fear of repercussion for your obstinance."

This caused Hua Li to chuckle. "And when you recovered whadda ya gunna do? Think you can take me on in a fair fight?"

Lan Jue shook his fist in his direction. "When I'm better we'll give it a shot and see. Ah, right, and in two days the school is organizing a teachers trip to Taihua. I don't think I can get out of it. I doubt you, as a late-arriving student, will be able to take leave either."

Hua Li's brows knitted in concern. "You'll leave Skyfire? You sure you can't get out of it?"

"What," Lan Jue said, "You afraid they'll hunt me down or something?"

"Your discipline has only partially recovered," Hua Li said. "If you really do run in to something, you'll be in significant danger."

Lan Jue lifted his left hand, revealing the glowing Thor's Promise. "Don't worry, Thor's with me. His damage isn't so serious any longer. More or less finished with the repairs. And Taihua's close, there's no need for worry. And besides, if he can't handle the fight, what's stopping me from running? The whole thing should only be a couple days. And there's another reason you can't come with me. Tomorrow I plan to give Jin Tao the Fantascia Genetica decoction. You've got to help me keep an eye on him, to make sure nothing happens."

Hua Li lapsed in to quiet thought for a moment. "Fine. I suppose it's unlikely you'll run in to trouble on Taihua. Just be careful. I'll have someone erase any trace of you leaving Skyfire. Go early, come back soon."

Lan Jue nodded. "I know my limits."

"So if you got nothing going in the afternoon, how about we head back? We can get to Dreamburg ahead of schedule, that'd be good."

Suddenly, Zhou Qianlin's figure emerged through his memories. He nodded. "That's fine. Let's head home. If something happens I'll come back."

Hua Li and Lan Jue made their way back to Skyfire Avenue, proceeding immediately to the warehouse and the simulators stored within.


"Your reply?" Piao Hong was a little surprised to see Zeus standing before her. It had only been a day, and already the Four Divine Monarchs had an answer for her. The prize pool was massive, to be sure, but for any god-team to participate in an open competition before the three alliances – and thus revealing the scope of their abilities – was taboo to say the least.

"We agree, but not for DreamNet, and not for the reward," Zeus replied. "It's because of what you said yesterday. We hope what you said is true… otherwise what will befall the Guardians will be terrible. In addition, as partial payment for our agreement I hope you can assist me with something. It shouldn't be anything DreamNet can't handle."

"Speak." Piao Hong didn't even ask, immediately ready to offer assistance.

Zeus lifted a hand, and a beam of light floated towards Piao Hong. A data-stream. More specifically, a video.

"Help me find the whereabouts of this woman. She deceived me once, and took something she shouldn't have."

Chapter 122: Lan Jue's Doubt

"Alright. I'll send new as soon as possible. I must confirm once again – you two represent the Monarchs as a whole, and confirm that you agree to participate in the open competition?"

"Yes, we will participate." Zeus and Poseidon each made their affirmations.

"Thank you." Piao Hong, Guardian of DreamNet, a god-ranked pilot herself, actually bowed low to the two Monarchs. "Now that you've agreed, we'll begin advertising. Our plan is already in place. We'll begin by introducing you, and at the same time this competition. It will resound to ever corner of the Three Alliances."

"Good." Now that the two young men had agreed, there was no further room for hesitation.

"The decoction you desire will arrive at your DreamNet delivery location tomorrow morning. You'll find it enclosed within. In thanks for your support of DreamNet, and your defense of humanity, we've sent a second vial as well."

"Excellent." Lan Jue was blunt, but thankful. It was an overly generous gift to give two of them. A single draught of Fantascia Genetica was comparable in value to an s-ranked power gem. Even despite being a product of the relatively rich Western Alliance, only a dozen were made a year. It wasn't something that could be mass produced.


Dusk was approaching.

Lan Jue was clad in a pure white track suit. He waited at their normal corner, just outside of the NEU with one foot on the pedal of his antique bicycle. Eventually he spied Zhou Qianlin approach in her school uniform. Richard was not in tow. Apparently he'd abandoned his efforts.

Zhou Qianlin arrived and settled on the bike. "Let's go."

"Yup." He waited for her to get settled before pushing off. They glided down the road.

"Zhou Qianlin."

"Hm?" She raised her brows at his back.

"In two days," he began, "the school has organized an outing for the teachers. I'll have to go with them, away from Skyfire for a while. I'll have someone else pick you up in the interim. They'll also be able to protect you. Is that alright? We'll add the time to contract when I return, just keep track of what I owe."

"It's fine." She shook her head. "You go ahead. This is normal circumstance for the university, so I wont add it to your time. And there's no need to find someone else to look after me, I'll just have Tang Mi close by for a few days."

"Oh." Lan Jue didn't press the matter.

The bicycle continued to roll along, casting a long shadow. "Are you headed to the old-people's home today?"


"I'll go with you," he said.

"With me?" She sounded surprised.

He nodded. "It's a good place to clear your head. Doing good deeds isn't solely for the benefit of others, it's good for oneself as well. Seeing that smile from helping people is a reward all it's own."

"Alright." For the first time in what felt like ages, a smile crept upon Zhou Qianlin's pretty face.


Grace Hospital

"Ey? This guy with Qianlin again. He's a good fella. Hey there son, what's your name?"

"It's nice to meet you miss. My name is Lan Jue."

"Ah, ah… Lan Jue. Nice name."

Their time in the old people's home passed quickly. By the time they'd finished, however, it had already grown dark outside.

"Wait for just a minute. I'm going to go in and check on Granny Bess again for a moment." Zhou Qianlin nodded to Lan Jue, rolling down her sleeves.

"No worries, I'll go with you."

"Alright, but no talking," she replied. "Granny Bess likes things quiet."


The two walked up the stairs side by side. Once they reached the landing, Zhou Qianlin led the way down the hall to the final room. The walkway was already dim.

Lan Jue stuffed his hands in his pockets, the very picture of casual. He walked a few steps behind Qianlin. Long, dark hair. Tall, slender body. She was beautiful, and yet at any moment one could sense the goodness in her. She was indeed a fine young woman. But he'd hurt her, and in that moment guilt flooded through him. Lan Jue quietly reiterated his promise to protect her, no matter what.

Zhou Qianlin walked along the hallway. She heard his steady gait behind her. To her it was like she had a lofty mountain at her back in support. A blanketing sensation of comfort and security surrounded her. In that moment she wouldn't have minded if that hallway went on forever.

But, unfortunately, it did indeed come to an end. Two short, quiet raps on the door elicited a raspy response from within. "Come in."

Zhou Qianlin carefully opened the door, Lan Jue at her heels. The room was a sight darker than the hallway. A closet, a bed, and a desk where all the comforts that could be found within. A single lamp upon the desk was the sole source of light.

An old woman was settled on a stool beside the desk. White hair as pure as snow fell down her back. It looked carefully groomed. In comparison to most of the elderly, who abandon meticulous self-grooming in their golden years, this woman still appeared dedicated to the art. She was thin, and was clad in a deep pink suit of fine material. Her clear eyes stared out of the nearby window, watching nothing, and yet appearing as though they could see all.

She didn't turn to look their way, remaining precisely as she was.

Zhou Qianlin tenderly approached, doing her best to make not a sound. She deftly made her way to the woman's side and took up the empty cup on the desk. She returned to the door and quietly spoke to Lan Jue. "I'm going to head out and get her a glass of hot water. Don't alarm her. I'll be back in a moment. Granny Bess needs to have her clothes replaced every day, and I've already cleaned tomorrow's outfit. Wait here while I go get those as well and put them away."

"Got it," he quietly replied.

Zhou Qianlin left Lan Jue in the dim room. He stood silent, pleasantly awaiting her return and watching the meticulously kept older woman. As he waited he felt something strange. He didn't know why, but he sensed an odd aura around the woman. There weren't any clear pulses of Discipline coming from her, but an almost pervasive sense of 'cleanliness' surrounded her. It was a purity, from the inside out.

From where he stood Lan Jue could only see the woman's side, and her eyes. As he looked at her clear eyes, he once again felt strangely moved. It was a mysterious sensation, one he hadn't felt in a while. The first time he had, it was when he'd first arrived in Skyfire Avenue and came face to face with the Keeper. His aura, though, hadn't been pure. It was… profound. The sense he got from this woman was different, but he knew intrinsically that this woman was different.

Grace Hospital really had such a special woman under their care?

It was just then the woman slowly turned her eyes to Lan Jue 1 He kept the gaze, nodding his greetings.

She said nothing, but her eyes brightened as they met his. She pressed a finger to her lips, imploring silence. Lan Jue understood, and nodded again.

She relaxed, and turned again to stare outside. Her frail figure began to move then, as she lifted her hands. She gently began to stroke her long, white hair.

Zhou Qianlin had wasted no time, and returned quickly with the woman's glass of water and fresh clothes. She placed the folded garments in her closet.

"Granny Bess, your clothes have been cleaned and placed in the closet. Get to bed early, ok? Remember to eat dinner. The others have been telling me you haven't been eating. That's really not good for you. You need your nutrients to keep healthy, yeah? You're already so thin. If you need anything just tell me."

Zhou Qianlin assumed she was lost in memories of bygone days, as she often was. But as she finished, the old woman suddenly turned her face to stare at Lan Jue. Her aquiline nose twitched ever so slightly.

"Bring me a glass of red wine. You smell of burgundy."

Lan Jue was taken aback by the accusation. It'd be days since he'd had any wine. How could this old woman possibly smell the burgundy he'd enjoyed so long ago? Indeed very strange! Burgundy was possibly the most important location for former era wine making, the Romanee-Conti he'd had so long ago at the Wine Master's chief among it's exports.

"Alright." Lan Jue answered easily. He couldn't sense her power, but he was even more convinced now that she was considerably more than she appeared.

After the exchange the two young people left the hospital. It wasn't long before they were once more quietly rolling along the street on Lan Jue's bicycle.

"You can't be bringing Granny Bess any wine, you know. She's an old woman, how can she be drinking alcohol?" Zhou Qianlin spoke to his back from her seat on the bicycle.

Lan Jue shook his head. "No… this Granny Bess is no ordinary woman, I think. You don't feel anything's off about her?"

Zhou Qianlin gave him a strange look. "She likes quiet and cleanliness. She doesn't talk much with the others, but she always takes care of herself. Every time I come she's looking out the window. I don't know what she's thinking about, but I do feel rather peaceful whenever I'm around her. No matter what's troubling me, it's better when I see her. Granny Bess hasn't been at the hospital long, so that's all I know really."

"That's already quite a lot," Lan Jue said. "Whether or not she's your average elderly sort, she doesn't seem to care much for the world around her. I'll bring some wine for her next time. This discipline and fear of disorder of hers, something must really have their hooks in her."

Lan Jue went directly to Zhou Qianlin's home on the mountain and dropped her off. He then proceeded back to the Avenue.

Tomorrow he'd be teaching another course, and in preparation he chose something from his shop as a display. He then retired to his apartments.

After dinner Lan Jue left to his room, and sat cross-legged on the bed. Hua Li sat behind him. The air rippled around the entire room as though they were under water. A pale blue light washed over everything. Everything was saturated with the sense of gentle power. The source of the blue light was Hua Li himself, and as the light issued from him, it soaked Lan Jue through to his bones.

1. Creepy.

Chapter 123: Have Someone Special

On the surface, Lan Jue didn't look any different from any other man. His powers of thunder and lightning were well hidden, constrained. They remained inside, as Hua Li's mastery of water penetrated Lan Jue to help him heal.

An hour later, Hua Li allowed his powers to dissipate. He let out a long breath, the sound strange, like the sound of crashing waves. The sound was not loud, but it washed through the room to the point where if one closed their eyes, they'd swear they were at the seaside.

"Not bad, you're recovering quickly. At this speed, by the time you go off to that teacher's retreat, you'll be about thirty or forty percent back to normal. You should be able to handle anything that comes your way." Hua Li shuffled off the bed.

Lan Jue followed suit, a small smile on his face. "These last three years I've undergone almost no training or cultivation. Luckily, at our levels Talent rises somewhat on it's own. Sitting idle for three years may not have been such a bad thing. Before, my improvement was so quick it didn't allow my foundation to settle as strong as it should have. This downtime might have solved that problem. Had I kept it up, my level would certainly be higher than it is now, but with an unstable foundation it'd sure to have an adverse affect."

"Pfft, stop giving yourself excuses. You've allowed my own discipline to catch up with yours. There's no good reason for that. You gotta hurry up and get back at it. Whatever the circumstances of next month's competition, we absolutely mustn't lose."

Lan Jue chuckled. "Of course we wont! By the way, how long until A-Cheng's supposed to get here? Have you heard from him?"

"Another few days," Hua Li said. "He's coming from Planet Luo, and it's not close. Not to mention the hostilities between the Northern and Eastern Alliances makes inter-alliance travel troublesome."

Lan Jue nodded. "So about when I come back from this teaching thing, he'll be here. Your lady friend?"

Hua Li's handsome face grew stern. "Lady friend my ass. Stop talking nonsense. Ours is a simple platonic relationship. Just a friendship!"

Lan Jue smirked at his friend's discomfort. "Alright, take it easy. You think I don't know what's going on with you? How long has Mo Xiao been following you around? At least a dozen years. In all that time there hasn't been spotted one other woman at your side. A beauty like that at your elbow and you say there's nothing going on. Who'd believe it. Not to mention the way she looks at you is the same way Hera used to look at me in the beginning. You think I'm making this up?"

Hua Li suddenly grew impetuous and whiny. "Alright, alright! Stop flapping your gums about it. You gotta promise me, A-Jue, not to go on like that in front of her. Not on your life! She's sensitive. I'm her best friend. She's like a sister, but really there's nothing else going on."

Lan Jue raised his brows in surprise. "Nothing, really? Mo Xing's been following you around ever since you were young. Always your agent. Now, CEO of Gobi Entertainment. Frankly speaking you're more a figurehead. All Gobi business is run through other people, helping you to get things done. She likes you that much, all that work, and this doesn't get your heart pumping at all?"

Hua Li's eyes slowly lifted as Lan Jue spoke, as though he'd struck a cord. Silence followed Lan Jue's question, but after a moment he spoke up. "A-Jue, later we aren't to speak about this, especially about Mo Xing. In my heart there's always been someone special, but it's not Mo Xing. I know what I owe her. But those emotions, that I can't give. Like you with Hera. Even though she's no longer here, your love hasn't faltered."

It was clear to Lan Jue that Hua Li's mood was serious, and sad. He dropped the topic. "Alright,we wont talk about it. Right, A-Li, tomorrow I'll be bringing Jin Tao back to the Avenue with me. We'll need to do some preparation, then it'll be time for him to take the Fantascia Genetica. I'll need you to help look after him while I'm gone."

Hua Li had recovered quickly from the funk their previous conversation had put him in. "Don't worry about it. The first stages of the decoction require strong nourishment and support from the body. In this I'm stronger than you are. It's the later, more critical stages where your power will be necessary. If the two of us are here and he still fails to protect himself from the decoction, it means he didn't have the willpower. Now, though, I'm tired. I'm off to bed."

With that declaration, he marched outside and flopped directly onto the sofa.

As he watched Hua Li leave in the wake of their exchange, he felt a little bewildered. A-Li had a love interest? It was the first he'd heard of it. With his appearance, and the world he lived in, what sort of woman must she be to have moved him so deeply? Who could be better than Mo Xiao?


Early Morning.

Lan Jue arrived again at the mountain, waiting to meet Zhou Qianlin and bring her to school. Again, he spied Richard's thin figure not far away. After throwing his fit yesterday, Hua Li hadn't accompanied him this time.

Richard hadn't arrived by verti-car today, and had chosen to wear a track suit in lieu of his formal attire from yesterday. In fact, he'd actually arrived in much the same fashion as Lan Jue – by bike. The old thing even looked similar to the professor's own. Such an antique, and in just a short time he'd managed to find one for himself!

"Hey cousin!" 1 Richard waved affably in his direction.

Lan Jue pulled up beside him, pointing at the bicycle. "What's this?"

Richard chortled. "Now that I know my lady likes bicycles, I've brought one with me to meet up with her. Eh, cousin… this is a family matter – you know, between husband and wife. I'd appreciate it if you don't get involved."

Lan Jue simply couldn't believe what he was wearing. This guy's dedication was inhuman! Shaking his head, he pushed his bicycle to the side, out of the way.

Richard watched him move aside, his brow scrunched.

A short time later Zhou Qianlin come walking down from the mountain top in her school uniform. There she saw Richard, in his track suit and pushing his bicycle, and was struck speechless. Still, she hardly missed her stride. She made her way without pause to Lan Jue's side and hopped up on to her familiar spot.

Lan Jue looked at Richard, shrugged, and pedaled away.

Richard would not be denied, and in good spirits he leapt on to his bike and gave chase. He caught up in short order. "Qianlin, you're probably thinking my bike isn't as new as you're cousin's, right? I've already sent people out to see if they can find one in better condition. When they do how about you take a spin on mine, what do you think? That way we don't always have to trouble your cousin! Or maybe you can sell me yours, cuz. Name a price and you'll have it."

Zhou Qianlin's sculpted brows grew taught. "Richard, I've already told you a dozen times. We're just not going to happen. Stop coming here. Alright? When you're like this you make me feel worse. I just can't be with you."

Richard looked shocked. "Qianlin, don't say such things in front of your cousin. If you want to talk, let's go home and talk about it."

Qianlin only shook her head, and refused to speak further.

Richard pedaled harder, pushing his bike forward until he was beside Lan Jue. He smiled as he spoke to him. "Hey, so how much you think for me to buy that bike from you?"

"Sorry, not for sale," Lan Jue responded.

Richard opened his mouth to speak further, but Lan Jue cut him off. "Look out." His left hand shot out to grab Richard's arm and yanked the younger man towards himself. Richard was slow to react, but quick enough to keep his feet. Luckily his center of gravity had adjusted enough to shuffle him to the side. His bike was not so lucky,and dashed against the large tree in his path. The bike rebounded and tumbled to the floor, it's front tire ruined.

Clearly the young man had failed to pay attention to the road, obsessed as he was with Qianlin and her 'cousin'. Lan Jue could only shake his head as he pedaled on. Richard stood beside his mangled bike, looking dejected.

"That one is stubborn. He sure is trying to do right by you, though." Lan Jue chuckled ruefully to himself.

Zhou Qianlin, however, replied in frosty tones. "If you're thinking of telling me to get together with him, you better keep your mouth shut. You are the last person with any right to speak about it."

Lan Jue smirked bitterly. Indeed, he was the one who ruined their chance at a family. What right did he have to say anything a all?

"I apologize."

Zhou Qianlin chose silence, and only nodded in response. Her eyes had grown noticeably more red at the edges.

Suddenly, much to Lan Jue's surprise, she wrapped her arms around his waste and buried her face in his back. The sudden motion almost caused him to lose control of the bike, and a jolt of shock ran through him. Before he could speak, he felt her thin figure trembling behind him. He didn't have the heart to break her grip.

He continued, quiet, unsure of what to say.

A few kilometers short of the campus, Zhou Qianlin finally separated her hands. She settled back on the back of the bike like nothing had happened. By the time they reached their normal corner, it was as though nothing had happened. Her face revealed no expression and, as she pulled her backpack unto her shoulders, she made for the university gate without speaking a word to her bodyguard.

For a moment Lan Jue watched her go. He gently patted his forehead, then began pushing his bike towards the school as well.

As he approached, the air whipped around him as a fire-red surface car raced passed, quick as the wind. It was quick, but nimble. Despite the numerous pedestrians dotting the street, the car was able to wave between them without causing any danger.

Vroosh! The car came to an abrupt stop before the gate as effortlessly as it had arrived. The doors spread open, and charming figure stepped out.

She had long, fiery red hair and legs that went on for ages – Tang Mi. Immediately following, a second car raced up and stopped. This one was white, and from within stepped forth a young woman with long purple hair.

She was just as pretty as the young woman she arrived with. Small features, pale skin, and purple hair. Full of vitality, and full of allure.

It could be said Zhou Qianlin was as beautiful as a spotless snow lotus. If that were true, Tang Mi was the fiery appeal of a rose, and this new girl was the impish violet.

1. You've got to be kidding.

Chapter 124: Shui Zhongdie

"Hah! Little Butterfly, you lose again!" Tang Mi called teasingly towards the young woman from beside her car.

The violet-haired girl sniffed dismissively. "Only because I don't have a death wish. You know what they say; those with great courage usually have something very wrong with their head." She shook her own, causing her shimmering hair to flow like water as she walked towards the school entrance. Her car started and slowly made it's way in to the distance on autopilot.

Tang Mi chuckled anew. She bounded to her friend's side, opening her mouth to speak further, but then saw Lan Jue making for the campus entrance. Her eyes brightened, and she waved emphatically. "Professor Lan!"

Lan Jue stopped, and nodded politely to her.

She left 'Little Butterfly's' side to quickly make her way to the etiquette instructor. "Hey Professor. You've got class today, right? I'll definitely be there this afternoon to listen. What sort of things are we going to be learning about jewelry? Power gems?"

Lan Jue smiled at her enthusiasm. "Of course not. We'll only be discussing jewelry used to accessorize. I'm pretty sure the school has another class specifically dedicated to power gems. I'm just an electives teacher, how could I teach such things?"

"I don't believe that for a second," Tang Mi stated categorically. "As far as I've seen you're practically an encyclopedia."

Butterfly saw her friend stop suddenly, and race off to speak with the young man. Her curiosity was understandably piqued. There were no two closer friends in the school, and Butterfly knew all about Tang Mi – and her famous temper. Yet here she was speaking to the man. Who was he? A teacher? Lan-something? How did she not know of him?

As she considered the scene, she swept her eyes over the professor.

As ever, Lan Jue had arrived for class in a suit. However, in contrast to his last arrival, this suit was considerably more sedate. It was a grey two-piece, with a simple shirt inside. The material of the suit was fine, and was covered in a checkered pattern composed of light-blue thread.

Butterfly eventually arrived at Tang Mi's side. "Hey, aren't you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?"

Tang Mi only shot her an exasperated look. "Professor Lan, this is my classmate. We study in the same group. Her name is Shui Zhongdie. I call her Butterfly."

Lan Jue gave Shui Zhongdie a gentlemanly nod. "Hello," he greeted, "I'm Professor Lan. I'm an electives teacher here. You have a very interesting name."

Curiosity was clear in the young girl's eyes. "An electives teacher? What do you teach?"

"Mostly how to live a more cultured life. The class is Etiquette 101."

"Etiquette? Well, that sounds interesting." Shui Zhongdie shot him a pretty smile.

Many of the students coming and going from the campus entrance stopped to watch as two of the school's famed beauties stood speaking with him. For many of the young men, their envious eyes glared daggers at the handsome teacher.

"You two should go ahead and get to class. If you're interested come listen in on my lecture this afternoon." It was evident Lan Jue didn't want to spend too much time out in the open speaking to the two young women. In truth, he was still preoccupied with memories of his ride here, that trembling figure clutching him tightly from the back of his bicycle.

"You should come along with me to the class," Tang Mi said to her friend.

Shui Zhongdie emphatically nodded her head. "Sure! I'll go with you this afternoon and give it a listen."

Lan Jue bade the two girls farewell an left for the campus. Shui Zhongdie stood by Tang Mi's side and watched him go. "You're acting weird, is this professor really that good?"

Tang Mi's reply was almost a whisper. "Actually he's really interesting. He's really a man of high quality. Only…"

"Only what," Shui Zhongdie urged.

"Only he's not that strong in combat." Tang Mi quietly elaborated. "A few days ago that savage goddess dragged him off to the offices for some reason, without a fight. If only he were stronger, then he'd be absolutely perfect."

The purple-haired girl tittered. "Tang Mi, are we developing a little crush? Not an easy thing for a guy to catch your attention. I guess he's handsome. By the way, after a few days Gobi Entertainment's going to have a press conference for Poseidon's new album. There's supposed to be a concert after. Are you going?"

"Of course! I already have someone out buying tickets for me. Ten VIP tickets no less. And you can be my entourage."

"Woo! Long live Tang Mi! I love you!"


By the time Lan Jue arrived at the office, Jin Yan and Jin Tao were already waiting for him.

"Professor Lan," Jin Yan offered in her customary greeting. Jin Tao stood beside her, a zealous light in his eyes. To Lan Jue's surprise, the young man's trademark mohican was gone. Now at that was left was a buzz-cut head of black hair. Infinitely better put together than before.

"In a little while I'll be leaving Jin Tao in your care." Her words her soft, deliberate. A sense of worried pervaded where yesterday there was none. Her response yesterday had been one of impulse, excited at the prospect of an opportunity for her brother. But later, once she'd calmed and thought about Lan Jue's warnings, how could she not be a little anxious?

Lan Jue offered her a comforting smile. "You don't need to worry, Professor Jin. No matter the result, I'll take good care of him. I'll make sure he stays out of danger."

Jin Yan let out a small sigh of relief. "Alright then. Where are you planning to take him for his studies? Will we be able to come and see him?"

"Sis, I'm an adult. There's no need for you to come look in on me." Jin Tao stood at his sister's side, sounding impatient.

Lan Jue shot him a glance, and instantly the young man fell in to a complacent silence.

"Everything has it's conquerer," Jin Yan said, looking at her younger brother, "And it looks like you are Jin Tao's, Professor Lan."

Lan Jue offered her a smile. "At first, for a short time it's best if you don't come to visit him. He'll need to direct all his effort and attention to training. After a month should be fine to come by. By then I'm confident you'll see a significant change in Jin Tao. He'll be studying with me in Skyfire Avenue – he wont be leaving the planet."

"Alright. Thank you very much." Once more she offered her heartfelt thanks to the man who was to train her brother. But here, she stopped suddenly as though she'd just thought of something. She looked at him with confusion. "Professor, did you… did you say Skyfire Avenue?"

Lan Jue only smiled. It was clear to him the young woman was still apprehensive about the arrangement. Revealing where her younger brother would be was likely to have a positive effect.

The pretty woman chewed her red lip, looking at Lan Jue with a strange mixture of feelings on her face. "You live on the Avenue?"

He didn't reply. He didn't need to.

Jin Yan took a breath. When she spoke again, her voice was resolute. "Well Professor, he's all yours."

Lan Jue turned to his young pupil. "Come attend my class this afternoon. Afterwards you'll be leaving with me. Have you already put together everything you want to bring with you?"

"Everything's ready." Jin Tao remained as stoic and determined as moments before. He, after all, had no notion of Skyfire Avenue or what awaited him there.

"By the way," Jin Yan said, smiling towards Lan Jue, "we got the information from the head off yesterday. We'll be leaving in a couple days for our cooperation training on Taihua. I've already helped you sign your name."

In fact he'd already forgotten about it. Since stirring from his languid stupor there had been much on his proverbial plate. He'd already taken a month off after his first class, so skipping out on this was out of the question. But, at least Professor Yan was helpful.

"Thank you very much for that," he replied. "We'll be leaving from the school on that day right?"

Jin Yan nodded. "That's right! We should have somewhere around forty teachers leaving together, including all of the electives teachers. Even the mecha instructors. We're leaving early in the morning, eight o'clock at the big gates."

"Got it."

The afternoon came quickly. He made for his class, and as he pushed open the door to enter his heart skipped a beat. His class held even more students than the last time, the majority of them young women.

Jin Tao and Tang Xiao were also in attendance, seated squarely in the front row. However it was the three pretty faces at their side that surprised him. Beside Tang Xiao was the first, his vivacious sister Tang Mi. Beside her, Zhou Qianlin. The next seat down was home to the purple-haired girl he'd met earlier that day, Shui Zhongdie.

A host of earnest glances floated behind them as the young male students shuffled to get closer seats. Though it may have been a blow to his estimation of his class, clearly the amount of students present and the arrival of these three girls were inexorably tied.

Hua Li was spotted, once again in the corner he'd chosen from the last time. He'd elected to remove his hat, but the face mask remained in place to keep his identity secret.

Director Wu was not among the listeners, but Jin Yan was as promised. Beside her, in place of the director, was the dance teacher Wang Hongyuan. His beady eyes watched Lan Jue with interest.

With all the people gathered, the place was certainly bustling. Lan Jue swept his eyes over the gathering.

"Hey Professor!" Tang Mi waved at him, and Lan Jue smiled pleasantly back at her.

In the next instant, his and Qianlin's eyes met. It was only for a moment, not too long for fear the other students would notice. Afterwards Lan Jue felt the spirit-caller gem grow warm.

I didn't have any classes in the afternoon. Tang Mi dragged me here.

Lan Jue smirked, just enough for her to notice. Her cheeks reddened. The brief pang of embarrassment she felt could be seen in her eyes.

Compared to Zhou Qianlin next to her, Shui Zhongdie's expression was dauntless. Her eyes were the same color as her long hair, a royal purple that was gorgeous to behold. Of course Lan Jue knew well that no normal person was born with eyes like those. It must have had to do with her discipline.

The three great beauties of the school sat dead center, and it was as though a great ray of light was shinning down upon them. Many of the students who'd come this time were attending for the first time, so the class was appreciably more chaotic than normal. This was compounded by the lack of Director Wu's intimidating presence. It was certainly a test of Lan Jue's competency. And there in the back, with his shining eyes, Wang Hongyun watched and hoped he would fail.

Chapter 125: Diamonds

Lan Jue did not stop to greet the gathered students. He made his way towards the podium, and placed the tray he'd brought with him atop it. Next, he fumbled through his coat until he pulled out a small cloth pouch, removing it's contents. He placed this upon the tray.

He spun around to face the board, and scrawled something across it's surface: Who wants to win a prize?

At first only the students in the front noticed, but word quickly spread. Attention turned to Lan Jue, and the volume decreased.

He continued to write: It's too noisy to hold the raffle.

Quiet washed over the room. Wang Hongyun was curious at the promise of a raffle. It was certainly a novel approach. It was quiet now, he thought, but these were college students – stickers and candy weren't going to cut it. If the prize wasn't good enough in their estimation, he was going to have a classroom of angry students on his hands.

The dance instructor had only been teaching a few years, but he knew more or less the mind of the elective student. He'd struggled with classroom control at the outset himself.

"Good afternoon, everyone," Lan Jue began. He stepped from behind the podium, and bowed to the gathered student body.

Jin Tao was the first to stand – a show of respect for his professor. Tang Xiao was half a second behind. But it wasn't until after the three beauties followed their example that the other students joined in. Soon nearly the whole class was on it's feet.

"Hello, Professor Lan." Jin Tao shouted the greeting towards the podium 1 The other students echoed his call.

Lan Jue motioned for them all to sit. "Please return to your seats."

The students did as instructed. Jin Yan lightly kicked the man at her side. "Why didn't you stand, Professor Wang? We're here listening to the class, so we're no different than students. More than that, we're his colleagues. If we don't show support for Professor Lan, how can we set a good example for the students?"

Wang Hongyun smirked, shrugging his shoulders. "I wasn't feeling it."

Jin Yan scowled, but said nothing further.

Lan Jue returned to the podium and pointed to the board. "That's right, a prize. No tricks. So take a guess, what do you think it will be? I'm pretty confident you wont be disappointed. Does anyone remember what I said we'd be discussing today?"

"Jewelry!" A female student belted the answer from somewhere in the crowd below.

Lan Jue gave her a thumbs up. "That's right. Today we're discussing jewelry. In regards to jewel knowledge, there's a lot of complicated information to go over. Jewelry comes in all shapes and sizes, numerous types and categories. I wont be able to cover them all in one class, so today we'll just be covering one kind. If this is a topic you all find interesting, I'll continue with the other kinds at a later date."

Lan Jue lifted the tray from the podium as he began the lesson. The velvet covering was a deep mazarine, identical to the one used to display products in Zeus' Jewelry Shop. A gemstone shimmered alluringly within it. The gem itself was crystal clear, and pure white. Twinkling against the velvet, it was like a star set against the midnight sky.

"Who can tell me what this is?"

"A diamond." Shui Zhondie at Qianlin's shoulder was the first to answer, her pleasant voice wafting up towards him. It was almost musical, and though lacking the softness of Zhou Qianlin's, was far more melodious.

"That's right." Lan Jue nodded at her. "This is one of the gems we often come across when considering jewelry. Diamonds. This is our topic for today. Further, this particular piece is the prize for our raffle."

"Ooohh…" The students' appreciative cooes filled the lecture hall. Using a diamond as the prize? It was something entirely new for the university.

The sneering, self-confident contempt on Wang Hongyun's face froze. From where he was sitting that was a one-karat gem. He couldn't speak as to it's value, but he knew that at least it wasn't cheap. Meanwhile, Lan Jue pointed at the second sentence he'd written on the blackboard.

The silence came quicker this time, and the students settled down to continue. It wasn't long before he had everyone's rapt attention.

"There's that old adage; a diamond is forever. I imagine you've all heard it before. It's actually a slogan, but it also serves to elucidate the gem's character. Namely, a diamond's strength and resistance."

"I'm no chemist, no physicist. I wont go in to how a gem in made, or it's component parts. I will tell you that a diamond is hard. If we don't consider power gems, then diamonds are the strongest precious stones there are. If we were to assign a value of 'ten' to how hard it is, then the other gems we know such as rubies and sapphires would be a nine. Jadite would be seven. Specifically those types of jade – as they were collectively referred to in the ancient era – which were at a hardness of seven or more were Jadeite. Under seven were called nephrite."

"It's our first class on the subject, and as such I don't want to inundate you with information. Just know that for the classic gems, diamonds are the hardest. As a result they are the preference for engagement and wedding rings. They resist damage and wear, and represent the endurance and eternity of a couple's love.

Lan Jue's voice was magnetic. Not too fast, not too slow. His words were plain, his delivery solid. The students listened easily as he continued.

Lan Jue stepped from the dais and handed the tray to Jin Tao. "Pass this around and make sure everyone has a chance to look." He smiled a little. "And if everyone wouldn't mind showing a little restraint. In fact losing this diamond wouldn't affect me, as it's meant to be given away regardless, but it would take the opportunity away from your fellow classmates."

A soft chuckle trilled though the students. The atmosphere grew a little more relaxed.

Lan Jue paid no further mind to Jin Tao and the diamond, and returned to the podium to continue the lecture. "So that's it concerning the hardness of a diamond. Today, what we'll discuss is how to assess the quality of a diamond, if you are so inclined. First, is the size. Generally speaking the size of a gem is directly proportional to it's cost – the same holds true for power gems. I suppose it's fair to say that the bigger the gem, the more it'll cost you. Conversely the smaller, the cheaper. It certainly applies as a rule to diamonds."

"If your interest in a diamond is for it's value as an item later, then you're looking for something in the range of one karat or more. The price difference between a point ninety-nine and one karat diamond is significant. The one being passed around class right now is precisely one karat. The size of a diamond, though, doesn't not entirely determine it's price however. If this diamond were two karats the price would not be doubled, necessarily."

"Other than size, in an effort to determine the quality of a diamond, there are a small number of other criteria to consider. Could one assume that two, one-karat diamonds would be of similar prices? This would be false, as their quality could be vastly different. The price, then, could be just as volatile."

The tray had begun to make it's way back from the far recesses of the class. The students were all familiar with diamonds, but it was the first time for most that they saw one up close, much less with an explanation. They examined it with interest as it passed.

"There are three others ways to determine a gem's quality, aside from size. They are color, clarity, and cut. We'll start with color. For diamonds, it's simply the whiter, the better. Their ranking in the order of color is indicating by alphabet, with the lowest letters displaying inferior color. The highest, is D. This indicates one hundred percent, pure white. Perfection. Next is E, nearly perfect. Then F, approximately ninety-eight percent white. These three are the top of the color scale. Lower letters are G, H, I, J, and K. The further down the list you go, the more yellowed the gem appears, and the price suffers as a result. A D-colored gem could be triple the price of an I-colored gem of the same size. Clearly, the color has a significant impact on value. Of course when seeking a purchase you don't always need to chase after perfection. D, E and F gems are immaculately colored, and just as rare."

"The gem before you today has a color rating of F, nearly entirely white."

As the gem passed from hand to hand, Lan Jue continued to elaborate on the intricacies of diamond identification. He followed with clarity, and cut, delivering the information with ease and approachability.

"The perfect diamond would be one whose color, cut and clarity are the top of it's class. These are what are called Flawless Diamonds. This is where the phrase 'flawless beauty' comes from."

Time passed quickly as the class proceeded, Lan Jue carefully providing the knowledge to the gathered students. The diamond and it's tray made the rounds, finishing it's journey back on his podium.

"And now for the moment you all have been waiting for. You all have been patient and attentive. It's time for the lottery."

He picked up the tray before him. "Our method will be simple, to ensure fairness for all participants."

Lan Jue passed out scraps of paper he'd prepared in advance. "Please write your names on the paper, then pass them back up when you're finished. We'll place your tickets in a box and draw one slip. Whoever has their name on that paper, that's the diamond's new owner."

The slips were quickly written and recovered. Lan Jue placed them all in a box he'd prepared earlier, and set it on the podium. He stuck his hand within, rustled the contents, and pulled out a single scrap.

"Alright, and the winner is… Zhou… Zhou Qianlin!" Lan Jue stuttered ever so slightly, surprised by the unlikely result.

What are the chances? But there it was, the winner, Zhou Qianlin.

She herself was taken aback, and her numerous male fans seated behind her waved their arms in excitement. Still Lan Jue felt something was amiss. A flash of blue light crossed his eyes as he employed his psychic force to probe the interior of the box. In the one hundred or so tickets he found, forty-two bore Zhou Qianlin's name…

1. In China, it's customary – mostly in primary/middle/high school – to stand and say hello to the teacher in this fashion at the start of class. It's really only done in universities for teachers that are highly respected.