126 - 134

Chapter 126: College Exchange Competition?

Forty-two tickets with the name Zhou Qianlin! Holy hell with these guys – I'm going to drown in the sea of hormones here. Lan Jue could only sigh in defeat. He hadn't expected what was normally an entirely fair raffle to turn out this way. The young men valiantly waving their arms in triumph each must have written her name on those papers in lieu of themselves. It certainly served to prove how important she was to the male half of the student population. But it was what it was, and there could be nothing for it now.

"Would Miss Zhou Qianlin please approach the podium and claim her prize."

She did as requested, and approached Lan Jue. Her brows were wrinkled. He looked towards her and understood. He hoped she understood the truth, but he understood how it looked.

Zhou Qianlin plucked the diamond from the tray, pinching it between her fingers. He lifted it to her eyes and took a closer look, then put it back.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I can't accept the diamond. If you would, Professor, please donate it to Grace hospital instead. Call it a donation from the students of your etiquette class."

"Very good," he said, nodding.

Cheers arose from behind them. Of course there wasn't an absence of jeers and shouts of resentment. No small number of young women scowled openly at the situation, likely assuming this was some ploy to ingratiate herself to the public.

However Lan Jue knew better. This was no ploy, Zhou Qianlin was honestly just a good woman. Her conscience wouldn't allow her to take something she didn't earn.

Though the result of the lottery had not proceeded as expected, for most it was the perfect end to the lesson. With it, the class successfully came to an end. Zhou Qianlin turned and exited, Tang Mi close at her heels. Shui Zhongdie was with them, but as they passed she slowed just enough to stare with interest at the diamond a final time. She playfully stuck her tongue out at Lan Jue before hastening to catch up with the other two.

"Jin Tao, Tang Xiao, if you two would come with me," he said to his young pupils.

"Yes, Professor." Anticipation was written clearly on their faces. They knew it; today was the day their training really began.

As Lan Jue passed, he looked pointedly at Hua Li sat in the back of the room. Poseidon rose and followed.


"Qianlin, why didn't you just take the diamond? It certainly wasn't a cheap bauble. And according to what Professor Lan was saying, it was above average." Tang Mi walked at her friend's side, firing off the line of inquiry.

"What kind of woman accepts diamonds so easily? Are you really such an air-head or do you just pretend?"

Tang Mi pouted at the harsh words. "What's stopping a woman from doing just that! You're just being stuffy. It was a prize! Luck of the draw."

"From what I saw, it wasn't so much luck." Shui Zhongdie finally managed to catch up to the two. "I saw the guy next to me write Zhou Qianlin's name on his paper. I'm sure he wasn't the only one as well. Otherwise what a coincidence! Hhm, with Qianlin here the two of us don't amount to much. I'm so jealous!"

Tang Mi sputtered. "Knock it off. You with your Student President boyfriend. And yet you're still the flirty one."

Shui Zhongdie chortled. "What about him. He just fancies himself as my boyfriend. I haven't hung out with him recently at all."

"And what has our illustrious chairman been so busy with lately?"

"Still with all the meetings," she said. "Lir University once again wants to show off how much better they are. I really don't know what the university's higher-ups are thinking. Lir University is for mecha piloting, and ours is focused on research and development. What are they thinking with these endless mecha combat competitions? It's so boring! Just thinking of that smug face of his makes me wanna squish it."

Tang Mi echoed the sentiment. "You're right! The last time we lost terribly. We were lucky to have Professor Tang with us that time. Otherwise it would have been an absolute embarrassment. And we're doing it again this year? The school agreed?"

"What I hear is that the school hopes our constant losses to Lir University we'll make us want to strive harder. Our mecha combat department isn't the strongest, to the consternation of our school bullies."

Tang Mi's plaintive cries followed. "They're upset, so much the worse for us! But us girls can't be cowardly, bring those LU punks on. If any of 'em say anything I'll show em what's up!"

Shui Zhongdie pumped her fists in the air. "You and me both, sister!"

Zhou Qianlin shot them a hopeless look. "It's gotta be tiring being such war-hawks. In fact Professor Tan and I have been working on a new type of laser cannon. How about I give you guys a first-hand demonstration?"

Shui Zhongdie almost tackled her with a hug. "Qianlin, so catty! Do all your suitors know that?"


The McCrary high-alt verti-car slowly came to a stop just outside Skyfire Avenue. The doors rose, and out stepped Lan Jue, Hua Li and the two young disciples. The car had been brought today by Hua Li, though it was Lan Jue who insisted on a different sort of transportation after sending Zhou Qianlin. When he picked up the key from his friend, he couldn't help but sigh in appreciation, returning to modern society.

"Man, sweet! When'll I be able to get me one of these? I had no idea you had so much money, teach!" Jin Tao looked at the car in excitement.

Even Tang Xiao, who himself come from a family of means, looked on in appreciation. What man didn't enjoy his sports cars?

Lan Jue suddenly grew serious. "Come on."

He took them directly to Skyfire Underground. The Avenue's overworld section was a sight more stringent, and Lan Jue feared even his status as a councilman wouldn't be enough to get them in.

As the elevator doors opened, Jin Tao and Tang Xiao stared – struck dumb.

Jin Tao was appreciably better off. He was fearless in the face of the unknown. But Tang Xiao was different. He knew about the Avenue, about what it meant, and his excitement could hardly be contained at finally being here. But what he didn't know was that there existed a second Avenue.

His eyes filled with the old-style buildings, the crowds of people, and he couldn't help but blurt out. "Am I in heaven?"

"Not far off," Lan Jue replied. "Skyfire Avenue is indeed a real place. A place for Adept exchange, and the largest gathering of Talents in he Eastern Alliance. It's loosely managed, free. Here, an Adept can get anything at all that they need."

"I've heard of it," Tang Xiao assured, "But my dad said I had to wait until I graduated before I qualified to be here. The rest I can't recall. I had no idea it would be like this – it's amazing."

Lan Jue revealed a strange smile. "Amazing? We'll see if you still feel that way later."

Chapter 127:Skyfire Necklace

The first time Tang Xiao and Jin Tao entered Skyfire Underground's Zeus' Jewelry Store, their reaction was just as severe as when they entered the underground itself. They were stunned, but not by the jewels. Before them stood Mika and Lin Guoguo.

"Boss." The two women called to Lan Jue in greeting.

He smiled. "How'd it go? Is your cooperation improving?"

Lin Guoguo shook her fist dramatically. "We're making progress! But don't come looking yet boss. Give us some time to get better, and you'll be pleasantly surprised."

"Alright." Lan Jue nodded with a chuckle. He indicated to the two young men beside him. "These are my two newest students. They'll soon become common faces around here. This is Tang Xao, the other is Jin Tao. Jin Tao will be staying with us for a little while."

"So the decoction I fetched," Mika offered, "was for them, I assume."

Lan Jue nodded. "Jin Tao will use one. Tang Xiao has no need for it. We'll use it tomorrow. Today we'll be spending our time prepping. You're all done with what I asked you to do?"

It was Mika's turn to nod. "All set." As she spoke, she walked over to the young flabbergasted disciples. "I'm Mika. You can call me Miss Mika. Work hard, and don't disgrace the boss."

"Yes, Miss Mika. We'll do whatever the Professor requires, and soon be strong enough to make him proud!" Tang Xiao stuck out his flabby chest as he made the declaration. His normally fluttery eyes were full with determination.

One of Jin Tao's primary advantages over Tang Xiao was his fearlessness towards the unknown, and while he wasn't timid around his new surroundings, he did feel as though he'd entered an entirely different world. It was the first time meeting these two gorgeous women, and yet he felt none of the instant disdain he was used to from others. The feelings this called up in him were too difficult to describe.

"Yes." His response was simple, but the emotion within them gave them power.

"Jin Tao'll go with you. I'll take Tang Xiao," Lan Jue said to Hua Li.

"Mm." Ever since last night, he appeared considerably less upbeat.

They entered the giant warehouse at the back of the store. Thor was conspicuously absent. The warehouse seemed deserted.

Lin Guoguo took over the store business for the time being while Mika joined the others, leading the way. The way was lit by wall sconces, their tungsten light illuminating the strange world they found themselves in. Their mouths were dry from nerves.

Lan Jue fumbled in his coat and produced two small boxes. He handed each of his disciples one. "Wear them. These are the badges that will allow you to enter Skyfire Underground unmolested. Next time you wont need me to bring you in."

The boys opened their respective boxes and spied the necklace within. It was no fancy thing, just a simple golden chain with a pendent. It was round, and in it's center was inlaid a translucent gemstone.

"It's a Skyfire Necklace, be sure not to lose it. If you do, you must tell me immediately."

"Got it!" Jin Tao and Tang Xiao answered with one voice, slipping the necklace around their necks.

Hua Li took Jin Tao out, while Tang Xiao and Lan Jue remained in the warehouse. Lan Jue looked towards him. "If you want to become powerful, your personal powers are the foundation. As I'm sure you know, in today's world of modern technology a person's discipline and ability determine their success as a mecha pilot. Because an Adept's endurance surpasses that of a normal human, they are able to better control and suffer the strains of a mecha suit. So, every single top-level mecha pilot is the product of a perfect symbiotic relationship between man and machine. And the proper power gems. These are the single greatest soldiers at an army's disposal. Because of this, whether you or Jin Tao, our first priority must be your personal abilities."

"I'll tell you, the risk Jin Tao are undertaking by imbibing this Fantascia Genetica medicine is to employ acquired Western assistance to improve his Talent. Therein lies the danger. But you, your situation is different. You need to be strengthened, forged in the fires. To search for every opportunity, to the very limit, to improve upon what you were blessed with. If there comes a day you think you can't keep going, where you can't handle it, then quit. But if you do, you can no longer call me your teacher. Understood?"

Tang Xiao took a deep breath. He nodded resolutely at his master. "Professor. I will call you teacher for the rest of my life."

"Just words," Lan Jue said indifferently. "Show me you mean it. Today, you're task is to hold your own against your new colleague. Mika, if you would…"

"Yes, Boss." Mika shoved her black-rimmed glasses higher on her tiny nose. She made her way to the center of the warehouse, and turned. Her eyes locked on to Tang Xiao's.

He looked at the woman in her business attire, with her fiery temper. He couldn't help but gulp in fear. His heartbeat rang in his ears. If I'm to take a beating, at least being whipped by a woman like this isn't so bad.

He shuffled to a spot twenty-some meters in front of her, and stopped. The distance was one he'd chosen deliberately. In general it was accepted that an adept's range of discipline had it's limit. Even if their focus was ranged attacks, twenty meters was enough to give him time to react.

"Are you ready?" Mika looked pointedly at Tang Xiao.

"Ready, Miss Mika. Go easy on me." Tang Xiao laughed nervously. His feet shook ever so slightly beneath him.

Wordlessly Mika took off, rushing headlong towards Tang Xiao. However, just before she landed her strike, the ground shuddered from beneath her and a metal barrier flashed to life. She cut off her charge. Tang Xiao sidestepped to the left and stamped the ground with his left foot. A hearty boom arose in response. His skin coagulated, hardened, and took on a silvery look.

With his level of metallic control, he not only possessed the ability to manipulate himself but also – by virtue of metallic malleability – employ it as an attack. The warehouse itself was entirely composed of metal, which gave him the advantage in that regard.

But, just as he was getting ready to feel proud of himself, the smile melted from his face.

As Mika rushed again at the barrier he'd created, her body began to burn a fiery, translucent red. Her flaming figure crashed against the metal cover, penetrating it. As she did, it melted away behind her in to a pool of molten iron. Tang Xiao didn't have time to react before Mika's fist was barreling towards his face.


Tang Xiao's face went askew as the fist landed. Mika's scorching fist had been burned in to his cheek.

However, to Mika's surprise the violent strike hadn't caused Tang Xiao to be cast away as she expected. He only stumbled slightly. How heavy WAS this kid, she thought. With the question rumbling through her mind, she took advantage of his stagger to launch herself unimpeded in to the air. One foot connected with his stomach, and she arced around to connect her other foot viciously with his head.

Chapter 128: Roasted Tang Xiao

Tang Xiao's massive girth tumbled to his backside, as though all the muscles in his body had vanished. Suddenly, his body morphed, changing in to a large pedestal. The sudden shift in position hadn't just been to avoid Mika's violent assault, but also an opportunity to attack. Two large iron rebars lashed out like whips at the woman as she soared overhead.

"Tang Xiao, don't go easy. Give it your all." Lan Jue's gentle voice called out from a short distance away. He stood calmly to the side, hands clasped behind his back, and watched the two exchange blows.

"Who needs him to go easy!" Mika's voice was cold and dismissive. She glared down on him, hovering in the air. Suddenly, two molten balls of fire burst from her palms and began to revolve around her.

The whipping bars of iron came in contact with the fiery orbs. The moment they touched, the iron became red-hot. They melted away, not unlike Tang Xiao had moments ago.

The column that was Tang Xiao suddenly flashed. From it, scores of metal barbs and cutting splinters shot forth. They barreled towards Mika like a cutting wall of debris.

Mika, in response, twisted easily in the air and headed to ground. A half-circle of light a meter across sprung to life near her, and as the metal spikes smashed against it they turned to slag and dropped away.

Her descend continued, and with each inch she grew nearer to Tang Xiao the heat and pressure of her fiery presence increased. The column once more changed, this time dissolving in to a metallic river and dispersing around the warehouse. The titanium white light it was had emitted softened visibly, but the move did manage to avoid Mika's rush.

The fiery succubus smirked. She landed, the tip of her left root resting on the ground while the rest of her floated in a fiery haze. Her right arm raised, and she extended her index finger. She turned, three hundred and sixty degrees, and as her finger moved the air around it caught aflame. When she came full circle, she was surrounded by a wall of fire. It took only a small motion, and the living inferno lashed out to incinerate the liquid metal wherever it fled.

"Miss Mika! Spare me!" Tang Xiao cried.

Mika stopped, her raging fires diminishing a hair, but that didn't stop her fires from their insatiable hunger. They raced through the warehouse chasing the metal. However, strangely, as they made contact the fires were snuffed out, a though swallowed by the ground itself.

"Hm?" Mika looked on in confusion. Tang Xiao didn't wait for her to recover. Taking advantage of her temporary confusion, she didn't notice when a massive metal hand came reaching up at her from just below her feet. It viciously snatched her up.

Mika was pinned, and though her fierce aura was keeping her from being crushed, the strength and pressure of the hand took her by surprise.

"Miss Mika, how about I tell you a joke?" Tang Xiao's affable voice filled the warehouse.

Mika smiled prettily. "Sure! Go on then." Her voice was kind, inviting, but her pretty eyes took on a dangerous red light. That familiar, creeping terror of her aura began to slither out over everything like a nightmare.

Tang Xiao said nothing further, for as he proceeded to try and crush Mika, her entire body burst in to a raging column of fire. Her left foot stamped against the ground and she was launched upwards. Where her foot made contact, and with her fiery figure at it's center, a massive lotus composed of flames bloomed to life. The flowers of the hellfire lotus reached out to all corners, it's liking fires lapping towards the ceiling, a hundred meters in all directions. The warehouse became a sizzling world of fire.

The pedals landed over the floors, the red-golden light undulating like lava. The floor began to bubble. The distant walls had grown red from the heat that was threatening to melt the entirety of the warehouse.

"Aaahh!" Once again, Tang Xiao cried out.

A jiggling ball of silvery-white liquid bubbled up from the ground below. It's surface, too, was red from the intense heat. A white light fired from it towards the distant ceiling, and the ball of melted metal followed.

Mika called after it. "Still trying to run?" Mika swept her arm. This time it was her turn, as a fiery hand appeared from nowhere and snapped up the fleeing orb. The hand squeezed.

"Miss Mika, mercy!" Tang Xiao's pitiful voice wafted towards her. "I can't take it! Ah, ah, Ah, AH!"

Tang Xiao's circular form was visibly compressed. Gradually the heat increased until the entire orb was a simmering red. Tang Xiao's screams also increased.

Mika looked at her boss. Lan Jue's soft voice answered her unspoken question. "This fatty's a cunning one. If he's got enough energy to scream this loud, then he's fine."

"Oh." Mika grinned devilishly. Those familiar with her would know that expression, and would shudder at what came next. She was the Stygian Succubus, what mercy was there in her?

A golden spout of fire appeared, and rushed to join the fiery hand, slithering through it's finger's to the rapidly heating ball in it's palm. "Think you'd grab me, 'ey pig-boy? Miss Mika'll make things hotter for you!"

The entire hand of fire became a dazzling gold. Tang Xiao glowed a bright red, caught in the center of the golden hellfire.

"Ah! Don't!" Surprisingly, Tang Xiao still had the ability to scream despite the searing fires. At the same time, a tiny twinkling fought against the golden light as a drop of silvery liquid separated from the orb. The light spread out, diffusing over the ball of silver liquid like a membrane. It attempted valiantly to isolate Tang Xiao from the fiery prison he was stuck in.

Lan Jue looked on, and nodded. This, was the strength of an adept's core. The pure energy within them. Tang Xiao released a final, piercing howl. Then he fell silent. All that was left was the fierce white light, ever shining and buried beneath the golden fires.

Lan Jue narrowed his eyes, watching them carefully, judging that white light and it's changes. He waited a moment longer, then spoke. "Mika, that's enough."

Mika waved, and the elemental hand, issued from the flaming column of her palm, was sucked back in to her and dissolved. The smoldering, red ball of metal came tumbling to the floor.

Clunk! The ball became soft and began to deform as though it were made of puddy.

After roughly a minute the waves of heat coming off the metal stopped, and it's color returned to normal. The warehouse around them looked as though nothing had happened. Even the spot of ground that had been melted to ruin by Mika's lotus slowly began to return to normal.

Any outsider, seeing this, would certainly have been pleasantly dumbfounded. Metal, that healed on it's own. A property of Technetium. The warehouse's metal construction was infused with it. Just the smallest amount, but enough to make one's eyes pop. After all, even the slightest bit of technetium was worth just as much as a top-level mecha.

Over time the melted puddle that was Tang Xiao began to reconstitute itself, once again returning to it's silver hue. Though, it was a sight darker than it had been at the outset.

Mika turned to her boss with a grin. "I'll head out first boss."

"Mn," he replied.

Mika paused long enough to chuckle at the silver puddle, then left.

Several more minutes passed before the metal became Tang Xiao's familiar, though frightfully naked, figure.

His skin from head to toe was red, like he'd been roasted. He was foaming at the mouth, and his breath came ragged. His eyes were rolled back in his head. He looked as though he could die at any moment 1.

Lan Jue approached the battered child and knelt at his side. He felt his pulse, then nodded.

The power Tang Xiao revealed today was more than he'd shown Lan Jue in any of their previous meetings. It also seemed like his excessive weight really did have a positive effect on his metalmorphosis discipline. For his Talent to natural evolve as it did, it may in fact have been the right call.

When Tang Xiao came back to his senses, he felt like his body wasn't his. He was weak, limp, and half of his body had no sensation.

In this moment, the first thought that came to mind was… gentle. Yes, gentle, and by that he meant Lan Jue. Only now did he realize how easy his teacher had been going on him.

"What's that smell. It's like pork…" A strange voice filled his ears.

Tang Xiao managed to turn his head with some considerable effort. He saw Jin Tao wander in. The guy walked smooth and easy, his face ruddy and smiling like he'd just gotten a full-body massage.

"Eh? Is that Tang Xiao? What the hell happened to you?" Jin Tao looked down on the naked fatty, rubbed his nose, then nearly leapt from surprise. "That smell is you! Hey fat-ass, who tried to turn you in to pork loins?"

Lan Jue chuckled good-naturedly. He once more moved to Tang Xiao's side and reached down a hand. In his palm was a vibrant green stone. A thrill of electricity ran through the gem, and suddenly a gentle green light issued forth. It reached out and covered Tang Xiao like a blanket.

Tang Xiao began to feel waves of refreshing energy course through him, starting at his limbs then slowly moving inward. His breathing became smoother, and yet his chest was tight with violent intent towards Jin Tao.

What felt like ages later, Tang Xiao was able to pull himself up off the ground with no small measure of moans and groans. His skin felt burnt to a crisp, and every little touch was like fire. He was wracked with ticks and spasms. Just looking at him, though, you wouldn't see anything the matter.

Lan Jue handed the green power gem to Hua Li, who'd entered with Jin Tao. He looked at Jin Tao, a strange look on his face. "I hope tomorrow you're still in such a good mood," he said.

A sudden fear filled him, and Jin Tao couldn't help but stutter a question. "Teach, is it gunna be as bad Fatty Tang over there?"

Lan Jue shook his head. "Of course not. It'll be worse. What happened to him was only the beginning. And your regrets come too late – your sister already passed you over to me. From here on out the rest is up to you. Tang Xiao, rest for half an hour then head back in. Tomorrow, same time, right here. Mika will be waiting. Tonight when you go home, meditate for at least two hours and focus on the changes in your body. Understand?" 2

"Yes, Professor." Tang Xiao earnestly replied. Hearing that Jin Tao's fate was to be worse than his brought some vitality back. Besides, no matter what people said, being beaten by a lady as pretty as Mika was better than being beat on by some dude. Indeed, he'd had the pleasure of seeing her combat pose. Tomorrow, he'll have to be more careful.

1. So much for 'not life threatening' eh Lan Jue? Jeez…

2. What he means here by meditation will be made clearer in a later chapter.

Chapter 129: The History of Richard and Zhou Qianlin

Hua Li and Lan Jue walked from the warehouse. Hua Li repeatedly tossed and caught the green gem Lan Jue had given him moments before. "If people knew you were using the restorative stone or this, they'd curse you as a wastrel. It's no cheap b-ranked stone, you know. Each time you use it, that's one less. Eventually it'll be gone."

Lan Jue smiled. "Wealthy and headstrong, what can ya do. If it can really motivate Tang Xiao's discipline evolution, then it's worth the cost. I'm handing it over to you for the next few days. I'm heading out to participate in that trip soon."

Hua Li's response was sour. "You head out to play and leave me with all the hard work. If I'd have known from the onset it'd be like this I wouldn't have come to help your ungrateful ass!"

Lan Jue slapped a hand on his friend's shoulder and chortled. "Alright, stop complaining. I'll be back in a few days. By then A-Cheng should also have arrived. It's tough for the group of us to get together these days. When he shows up we'll have some good joint training to undergo. We can't lose this competition coming up."

"When you come back," Hua Li began, "I still have that concert. I was thinking, what about holding it at the National Eastern University? After all the students there are all fans of mine."

"Are you crazy?" Lan Jue shot him a chastising look. "Aren't you afraid of blowing your cover? What kind of nonsense is that."

It was Hua Li's turn to chuckle dismissively. "I'm holding my concert there to make sure you stop stealing away all the pretty girls. I'll steal that Zhou Qianlin and you'll be hopeless."

"Bah! You still think the whole of the galaxy's women like you?" Lan Jue muttered.

Hua Li loftily let his opinions be known. "Unless they're lesbians, or don't know good looks when they see them, there are no other exceptions."

Lan Jue slapped his forehead in exasperation. "This arrogant punk. Do what you like, only make sure you have public security locked down."

"All set. Gobi Entertainment has thrown countless of these sorts of things. Our experience is unparalleled in all the Three Alliances. We know precisely when and how to get it all done with government cooperation." 1

Lan Jue lifted a brow. "It sounds like you're saying Mo Xing has already arrived."

Hua Li's face turned bitter. "You think she wouldn't? I got her message yesterday. I didn't reply, but I can't hide for long. You know her temper. If I keep avoiding her I'm liable to have an 'accident'."

Lan Jue looked as though he were suddenly counting his blessings. "Your problem, yours to deal with."

"You aren't going to help?" Hua Li shot back at him, full of indignation.

"How can I? You want to go up there and reveal to everyone that I'm Zeus? Good friend to Poseidon? Don't forget, I'm a wanted man throughout all of the Eastern Alliance for what I did. If I dared to reveal myself I'd be run out of town."

Hua Li scowled at him. "In my darkest hour it is revealed you are completely unreliable! Fine, you go then. I'll go find Mo Xing. If she really does lose her temper I doubt I'll be able to handle it."

The two gentlemen separated at the door of the Jewelry Shop. Lan Jue returned to the surface and immediately made for the verti-car. He slipped in once the doors opened and engaged the auto-pilot to return the vehicle to the parking garage. He then began pushing his bicycle. Eventually, he arrived at that familiar corner.

It was precisely ten minutes after she'd finished her classes. She'd so far not used the soulcaller gem to make contact with him. Instead she made for their designated corner directly. As her eyes laid upon Lan Jue, they softened visibly. She pulled herself up on the bike.

Lan Jue also did not speak, but he knew his cue and began to pedal. They slowly made their way from the university campus.

"Are we going to the hospital today?"


"Oh," Lan Jue responded.

They kept going, along that long road, neither speaking. Lan Jue brought her to the foot of the mountain Qianlin called home.

"Bye." He waved a hand at her.

She smiled back at him, waved, then made her way up the mountain.

Lan Jue watched her as she left, then turned his bike around to leave.

"Her cuz, I was hoping we could have a small talk." Just then, a chilling voice could be heard from nearby.

Lan Jue paused, and turned his head to look. He spied Richard approaching from the shadows not far off.

"It's you." Lan Jue pushed his bicycle towards the young man. "What do you want to talk about?"

Richard responded in quiet tones. "Let's find somewhere to sit." As he spoke, he pulled his own bicycle from the treeline and hopped on. They both made for the base of the mountain.

Lan Jue always felt guilty whenever it came to Richard. After all, had it not been for him and his actions at their wedding, he and Qianlin would already be married. He had tried desperately to be kind and fair to the kid the few times they'd met.

Richard appeared to be quiet familiar with the road and their surroundings. They rode for about ten minutes before they found a deserted section of road to stop.

They stopped their bikes and placed them against the trees, stepping in off the road. Lan Jue narrowed his eyes at the suspicious behavior, but followed all the same.

They walked for another few minutes, until they were well within the pressing trees. Richard stopped, then, his back to Lan Jue, and began to speak. "It was a coincidence that Qianlin and I met. She was attending a birthday, last year, and my father was in the Eastern Alliance for a state visit. I accompanied as his entourage, successor to the Austin Family dynasty. It was her father's birthday, the Chief Minister Zhou Xueguan. I met her first at that birthday party."

"From that very first moment, even though it was only the first time I'd seen her, I was captivated. She had that simple, quintessential Eastern beauty. Delicate, without the slightest flaw. If she hadn't spoken, just stood out there, I'd have thought she was a sculpture, the product of the galaxy's greatest artist. From that moment, I knew, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from falling in love with her."

"I used everything at my disposal, found every opportunity to talk to her. She asked me if I was some playboy. Of course I told her no, but then she left. I chased after her, asked what was wrong. She shook her head, and told me she was looking for a playboy. She was looking for a bad boy."

"I changed my tone in a hurry. Of course I was a playboy, I told her. A bad boy. I told her about some things I'd done, trouble I'd caused. Peeping in to the girl's bathroom when I was young and so forth. She started to pay attention to me then. Then she asked, if I wanted to get married. I felt… so lucky. The luckiest guy under heaven. Of course I agreed right away. I told my father first thing, and he was understandably surprised. He thought it was some trap set by the Chief Minister."

"It took time but I convinced him. After his own investigation he determined this wasn't elaborate ruse. So he decided to use this opportunity to deepen cooperation and relationships with the East. None of this was important to me. All I cared about was making Qianlin my wife."

"But that day… that was nothing short of a living nightmare. That guy, out of nowhere, stealing away Qianlin. The wedding was thrown in to chaos and my father, enraged, took me from here. For a long time I didn't know what to do, something came over me. Until I knew she was safe I was completely oblivious. I just knew I had to get back to her, so we'd be together."

A fanaticism had crept in to Richard's eyes as he spoke. He looked almost crazy; paranoid, angry, intolerant.

"And then there's you. You know, as far as I've been able to discovered Qianlin doesn't have any cousins. Calling yourself that was a pretext. Why. Why does she sit on the back of your bicycle? Be straight with me."

The craze in his eyes began to change, shifting appreciably to a bitter cold. The icy depths of abandonment.

Lan Jue narrowed his eyes. Thoughts raced through his head as the young man spoke. At first he'd felt sorry for Richard, but now, hearing his tale, doubt filled him. From the story he determined the two of them must not have known each other long. Establishing a wedding date the first time they met? And why would Qianlin want a playboy? A bad guy as her spouse? It all was too strange."

"I'm her bodyguard," Lan jue replied, speaking frankly.

"Bodyguard?" The realization surprised him.

After discovering Qianlin had no older cousins, many possibilities came to Richard. His first thought was of course that the two of them were together. He certainly hadn't expected that he'd be her bodyguard. Lan Jue's revelation left him speechless.

As the heir to the Austin family, his 'sixth sense' had been finely tuned. After determining Lan Jue and Qianlin had no blood relation, there was nonetheless some strange, unexplainable crisis that assailed him. There was something strange about Lan jue, a peculiarity. As though he wasn't what he seemed.

"You're Qianlin's bodyguard? Hired by Uncle Zhou 2?" His questions came quickly.

Lan Jue smiled, cool and relaxed. "Anything more is between she and I. And why did you call me here, Richard? To make your presence known? To tell me all about your history with her?"

Richard's voice came low, almost a growl. "The wedding never went through, but Qianlin is still my fiancé. I don't want you to have any further contact with her. Especially don't go to pick her up. I hope you agree. If you are indeed her bodyguard then this should be easy to handle – here's a check. Write a number, accepted at any bank."

He fished out a blank check from his pocket, and stretched it towards Lan Jue.

It was a strange thing, made of some metal material. It possessed at least ten anti-faking checks, the best electronic money exchange available.

1. This means there will definitely be a problem at the concert.

2. Here he means Zhou Qianlin's father.

Chapter 130: Another Encounter With the Savage Goddess

Lan Jue laughed, and took the check from his hand. "Alright! Oh, but it looks like the place to write the amount is too small, with all the zeroes I'm thinking."

Richard blinked at him, curiosity evident in his voice. "How much do you want?"

"To abandon my promise and tarnish my reputation?" Lan Jue looked looked at the young man. "A few hundred zeroes at least. So, where should I write?" Instead of writing, however, he handed the check back to him.

"Don't go too far now," Richard warned, his voice hard.

Lan Jue turned away from him, heading back towards the street. He spoke gently over his shoulder as he did. "You know at first, I didn't bear you any ill will. I even sympathized with you. But now, with what you did here, I understand why Zhou Qianlin refused to marry you. The next time you want something like this, do yourself a favor and simply don't bother me with it." He waved a hand, and left the cover of the forest.

Richard remained where he was. His depressed, angry face watched Lan Jue leave. Dappled sunlight fell upon his sunken shoulders, and suddenly there about another figure beside him. Quiet, dark, almost weightless, it stood not far off.

"Young master, shall I…" The person's voice was deep, sinister. They motioned with their hands, indicating the neck.

Richard hesitated. He'd done his research, or tried. He'd attempted to find all he could about this Lan Jue, but all he managed was a vague and ambiguous connection with Skyfire Avenue. It was a place that filled him with a sense of trepidation. If it was indeed true that Lan Jue was what he said – simply Zhou Qianlin's body guard – then there was no need to incite the Avenue's ire.

"Forget it. Just keep an eye on him." Richard's voice was cold, his voice ominous. He was the heir to the top-most political dynasty of the Western Alliance, and apparently what that entailed was darker than he let on in public.

By the time Lan Jue reached his bicycle, his scowl had curdled. "So he decides not to make a move. Smarter than he looks."

Richard couldn't have known the pity, the guilt that was in Lan Jue's heart for him. Now, however, it was all gone.


"What's wrong with you! A simple message than you just run off to where ever?! Are you trying to piss me off?" Mo Xiao stood with her arms crossed over her smart business attire. She broke pose occasionally to angrily waggle a finger at the hooded, masked Hua Li standing sheepishly before her.

Hua Li smiled apologetically. "Alright, alright. Don't be mad. You gotta give me at least some free time. You can't have me working all day every day! I'll tire out if you do that. But you were right, see, resting a few days has made my skin much better!" He slipped the mask from his face to show her what he meant.

His handsome face bore a suave smile, and this was enough to evidently cause Mo Xiao to relax somewhat.

"You have the nerve to talk to me about freedom? How many days a year do you actually work? All added together, no more than two months. The rest of the time it's me doing all the work. Even then you still dare to run away, without so much as telling me where you're going. Not even a message on my communicator. I'm out hunting for clues, and if I'd never heard any news would you ever have shown your face again?"

"It's not like that! I wanted to get in contact with you as quick as possible. Look, this entire time I've been here I was thinking about you. Come on, gimmie a hug." He spread open his arms and tried to wrap her up.

Mo Xiao had her palm raised to push him away, but for reasons unknown she felt too weak to resist. She end up pressed against his chest. It was only a brief connection, but when he finally released her, Mo Xiao's face had reddened visibly. The anger in her expression had also lessened.

"It's always like this," she muttered grudgingly. "Ok. Down to business." Her eyes grew clear and sharp. She was wholly the businesswoman now. "Your idea to hold the concert in the National University isn't a bad one. I've already got some people working on it. They're getting in contact with the University's people. They're excited about it, but have a very strict confidentiality agreement we'll need to agree to. You'll also need to practice your songs. There's no way you're screwing this up on the day. For the next few days you're under strict surveillance."

"Can't happen. I still have something I have to take care of." Hua Li contradicted her in hesitant tones.

"Still?" Mo Xiao glared at him, and crossed her arms. "I know you don't go running off for no reason. Spill. What was so important you had to come running off here?"

"Still A-Jue," he said. "Ever since Hera died he's been languishing out here. I heard a little while ago from A-Cheng that he'd found him. Later he got in contact with me, told me about this run in he had with the Pontiff's Castle. How he'd been hurt in the ensuing fight. I came this time to look after him. Even though I was loathe to leave your side, I had to do my duty!"

"A-Jue? You mean Zeus?" Her eyes grew sharper still, piercing at the mention of the name. The expression in those cutting eyes underwent a series of rapid, curious changes.

Hua Li gave her a strange look of his own. "What is it?"

Mo Xiao puckered her lips in thought. "It's nothing. It's just been a long time since we'd met. How is he now?"

"He's alright," he said. "I can't say good, but not bad. Finally starting to recover from the death of Hera."

Mo Xiao nodded. "That's good then."


Two days later. Early Morning

As ever Lan Jue was astride his bicycle, pedaling towards the university grounds. In contrast, however, he'd swapped out his formal wear for a track suit 1. It served to give him a distinctly energetic appearance 2. He didn't look any different from the students he taught, in truth.

The white exercise gear fit him perfectly. His feet her covered in similarly pure white sneakers, simple and unassuming. A backpack slung cross his back completed the ensemble.

He parked his bike in the security area, and waited patiently at the school's large gates. He didn't tolerate others being late, so naturally he had to abide by his own rules. It was only a little while before nearly all the teachers were gathered. Like him, they were dressed casually. After all, this wasn't a long trip. About five days, not counting the commute. There wasn't any need to bring a lot of fancy stuff.

Jin Yan had also arrived early. She was clad in violet sportswear that set off her delicate features. Upon seeing Lan Jue her eyes lit up, and she hurried to greet him.

"You look quite good in a track suit, Professor Lan!" She smiled prettily at him.

"It's been a long time since I've pulled it out," he admitted. " It feels strange to wear it again. Comfortable, though."

"That's good then. You look so young. If they didn't know any better the others would probably think you were a student here."

She stopped when she noticed Lan Jue's faced go stiff, almost unnatural. She followed his eyes to the gate, in time to see the willowy figure swaying their way.

As she passed, the teachers almost automatically hustled to clear a path. Only a few of the braver ones, huddled in groups, dared to greet her.

A pair of jeans hugged tightly against her, outlining her long legs and exaggerating her pert backside. Her top was an exercise shirt, white, similar to Lan Jue's own. Her black hair was tied simply at the back in a pony tail and she wore no make-up. Still, she was beautiful, a natural gift. Despite how baggy her shirt was, it failed to completely shroud her alluring figure. Standing there she looked for all the world like a proud, newly budded daisy.

"What's the Savage Goddess dong here?" His heart rate had increased at the revelation.

Jin Yan realized the predicament and chuckled. "Professor Tan is actually a very nice woman. She just has an… explosive temper. If she didn't, with her charms, there'd be no end of men chasing after her."

Lan Jue's own estimation of the Tan Lingyun couldn't have been further from Jin Yan's. He shook his head. And yet, he kept a respectful distance form her. "It doesn't matter how pretty she is. With such a cruel temper, no man would dare speak to her."

"If you've got something to say then speak up." A voice suddenly interrupted him from nearby.

Lan Jue turned his head, and spied Wang Hongyuan. He wasn't sure when the man had approached. The dance instructor looked at the two of them with a dismissive expression.

Today he was dressed in a track suit as well, this one black. There wasn't much that could be said about his oily hair and skin, but he did indeed keep good care of his figure. His suit was tight, and hugged his stature. He stood straight on thin legs, watching them.

Lan Jue greeted him with an easy smile, and didn't bother with his impolite greeting. Jin Yan, however, was less constrained.

"What are you doing going about talking like that, Professor Wang. Don't forget we are all electives teachers here, and here you are so ornery."

"I just can't tolerate seeing someone talk behind another's back," he said through a scowl.

Lan Jue's smile disappeared. "And what exactly did I say that was so bad?"

Wang Hongyun sniffed arrogantly, his head high, and stomped off.

"Don't be upset, Professor Lan. Sometimes Wang Hongyun's just like this. He's a little difficult to deal with sometimes, but he's got a good heart. 3 I've heard other teachers say he spends half his salary every month to help out poor students."

"Oh?" Lan Jue looked at the retreating dance instructor with no small measure of surprise. He hadn't expected any part of the guy to be worth a damn.

The appointed time was quick approaching, and a large verti-car was slowly making it's way towards them. It stopped before them, and as the doors opened Director Wu was revealed.

"Alright, if you all would please get in the car. You all are adults, so I wont spend a lot of time on the do's and don'ts. Remember that Planet Taihua is not a wholly developed planet. When we arrive, please make sure you keep safe and help each other out where necessary. Avoid anything dangerous."

As it turned out, Director Wu's leading style was less school leader and more old friend. It brought a smile to Lan Jue's face.

His small speech concluded, the teachers began to file in to the transport. Naturally, the electives teachers mostly sat together. And naturally, Jin Yan sat beside Lan Jue. But what brought a decidedly depressing turn to his day was the fact that – for reasons unknown – Tan Lingyun chose to sat at his other side. There was an isle between them, but that didn't stop Lan Jue from feeling uncomfortable with the situation. It was made worse when, her eyes sweeping over him, her face twisted in a disdainful sneer.

Looks like we're to be mortal enemies. From then on, Lan Jue simply didn't look her way, like there was nothing there to see at all.

1. Why is it rich people always wear track suits? What's with that? It's tacky.

2. TSS disagrees.

3. Oh my god woman, give it up. Some people suck.

Chapter 131: Planet Taihua

The bus-sized verti-car rumbled to a start, then began it's journey. They still had to travel to the university's exclusive space ship, which would then deliver them to Planet Taihua.

Wu Junyi stood near the driver's seat. His ordinarily serious Director's face was gone, and he had a small smile as he addressed the teachers. "Professors one and all, you've worked hard. For this trip, I will be your guide. I hope it will be a pleasant and relaxing experience for all of you. In a little while we'll be on our way, and from then it's twenty hours to Skyfire's closest neighbor, Taihua. Once we arrive, the next five days will be spent enjoying one another's company. For now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride."

Lan Jue responded by slipping on his sunglasses and headphones. He sank back in to his chair, and closed his eyes. The sound that filled his ears was pleasant, a sudden gift from Hua Li as he was preparing to leave. It was, in fact, Sounds of Nature – his soon-to-be-released album.

It wasn't long until their bus arrived at the public ship hangar.

The university's ship was bright silver. The NEU identification symbols shimmered on it's sides. The teachers filed out of the bus, and on to the ship directly. Then, off they went to Taihua.

As they boarded, Tan Lingyun chose a corner to herself, distancing herself in apparent disgust. Though Lan Jue was thankful for her departure, his pride was further bruised by her hateful attitude. He wondered what was so despicable about him that caused her to act that way.

Jin Yan wasn't aware of his mood, and so chose once more to sit beside him. She asked a few questions about how Jin Tao was doing, but noticed Lan Jue was tired. She knew how to behave in social situations and let the subject lie.

Lan Jue closed his eyes. He felt a shudder rumble through the ship, heard the noise of it's engines firing. It brought a sense of calm to him. In truth he was enjoying this university lifestyle. It was simple, and quiet. Although there were things that required his attention every day, and although he had concerns for his students and what to teach, it was a life he felt was happy and enriching.

Lan Jue slipped in to a meditative state, spurred on by the quietude of his mind and the contentment he felt. His consciousness turned inward, expanding out within him.

Unlike normal people, his own meridians were a light blue color. His skeleton, silver. The flow of his blood and fluids was the same as any normal man, but close examination would reveal sparks of electricity flashing between the erythrocytes.

This was a mark of the ninth ranked talent, the strange conditions of their body. The only way an Adept could control these levels of power, was if they conditioned themselves as conduits of this energy.

To put it simply, there were distinct similarities between a high level Adept and an power gem. Some said that Adepts were little more than intelligent gems themselves. Of course it wasn't that simple, but in a sense it wasn't entirely false.

Every Adept had a Core, the center of their powers. For innate Talents they had it at birth, and it expanded with time and training. For them, the strength or lack thereof was determined by genetics.

When Adepts first appeared among the ranks of humanity, the very strongest were ninth ranked. The Paragons of today all arose from that basic metric, reaching their lofty heights through unending cultivation.

Having an innate Talent was best, as was widely considered, though they didn't have their supreme power from birth. If they did, their own raging energies would destroy them. Like anyone they else they, too, required training. Through cultivation they could inspire their Core to grow, to expand and interact with the external energies that make up the world around them. With time, their power expands to great heights.

But the training regimens were difficult, and boring. Many average Talents were stuck in mediocrity because they couldn't bear the process. They squandered their opportunities, and the time for proper training passed them by. The foundation was never built, and thus they remained average, for the rest of their lives.

The Core of an Adept wasn't set, and it's location was different for each person. The Psychic Tide, for instance, had her Core between her eyebrows. It was the optimal location for her particular Talent. For many high-level Adepts, their Core was fixed in the pit of their stomachs. Mika and Ke'er were counted among them. Then there were special cases, like Xiuxiu. Her core was actually in her right arm. So, in combat, she led with her right.

Lan Jue's own Core was in the pit of his stomach. However, in contrast to most Adepts, his Core was different.

His was diamond shaped, suspended in the exact center of his torso. It was a deep, endless blue. It twinkled with light as Lan Jue breathed, firing off in all directions with each inhalation, and shimmering as he exhaled. How often it did so was a result of his heart rate and respiration.

Surrounding the diamond core, a pure white light shone. It was a bolt of white lightning that flickered rapidly with power, faster than the normal human eye could fathom. However, it's instability was clear.

Both his Core and that bolt of lightning seemed dimmer than they should be. Their flickers, slow. This was undoubtedly a result of Lan Jue's careful control.

Thunder and lightning were the most explosive of the Disciplines. In combat, their strength was renowned. The drawback was it's instability, for it was just as volatile as it was potent. To protect himself from this, the first thing Lan Jue did after his injury was block his Core's power. Had he not, the fluctuating force of his Discipline would have undoubtedly turned on his own body.

"When you are able to bring your lightning and thunder together, blended as one, that is the moment you will be a Paragon! When you do, that will be your opportunity to follow in my footsteps."

The aged voice reverberated in Lan Jue's ears. Any time that voice came to him, a dull pain followed. The unhappy memories of his youth came rushing back on the tides of that hateful sound.

The tribulations of Tang Xiao and Jin Tao were serious, but compared to the suffering of his own youth they were the lucky ones. For him and his brother, their younger years were spent in hell! The fact they lived through it was damn near miraculous.

Lan Jue gently shook his head, and awoke from his meditation. The motion also served to help him shake off those unwanted memories.

To help wipe the bitter thoughts away his eyes peered out of the porthole to the universe beyond. Thanks to the relatively short distance between their destination and departure, there was no need for wormholes or Deep Sleep. He could sit and enjoy the view.

The boundless horizons of the universe spread out before him. It didn't matter how lofty your status, how great your powers, or how terrible your troubles… in the vastness of space they were less than nothing.

In the distance a pale blue orb spun silently in the dark. Even from out here it was easy to see Taihua's allure. Blues and greens melded together as the dominant hues. It appeared as though Lan Jue's silent ruminations were not brief. They would soon arrive at their destination.

"It really is just full of vitality!" Jin Yan sighed in admiration as she stared at the nearing planet.

Lan Jue nodded slowly. "Just so. Certainly worthy of being a tourist destination. I hope it's a rewarding trip."

"You've never been to Taihua before?" Jin Yan asked, somewhat puzzled.

He shook his head. "I'm not actually from Skyfire. I haven't really visited the surrounding areas."

This captured Jin Yan's interest. "Oh, so where does our Professor Lan hail from?"

"The home world."

"Home world? Isn't the environment there already unbearable? The destruction of the previous area was terrible. If it weren't for the following interstellar migration, then the homeworld…" Jin Yan stopped, winced apologetically, and sneaked a peek at Lan jue.

He grinned, the expression making it clear he didn't mind. "You're right! The ignorance of our race almost completely destroyed our ancestral home. But that's our home, the origin of our lineage. In fact Taihua looks a little like our home world once did. If the home world had never suffered the scars of that chaos, it'd be just as beautiful."

"Attention please. We'll be entering Taihua's atmosphere shortly. Please fasten your seat belts." The warning and subsequent beeps aroused the travelers from their slumber. Jin Yan pressed the buckles together until that tell-tale snap greeted her. Everyone settled firmly in their seats.

The ship was rocked with a violent jolt, and the porthole became obscured by a fiery red light. The interior lights of the ship flickered on and off as they tore through Taihua's upper atmosphere.

The journey through the thickening air was a short one, and as the friction eased so did the violent shaking. The ship stabilized, and the scenery returned to view outside the porthole. Moisture dotted the glass as they tore through the clouds, followed by a slight tremble as the ship began to reduce it's speed.

As the mist cleared the dazzling blue ocean was revealed. Where it ended a vast expanse of green met the sea. For many of the teachers it wasn't their first time visiting the planet, but they still had their faces glued to the porthole. One after the other they sighed in appreciation.

"It's beautiful." Lan Jue, too, could not stop himself from speaking his mind.

"It is! So pretty. If I could move here after I retire it would be incredible." Jin Yan's voice was full of yearning.

"I thought development was banned," Lan Jue said, "You can still settle here?"

"There's a small section open for development, to benefit tourism," Jin Yan explained. "And you know as well as I that in the East there's nothing money can't accomplish. If you really wanted to live here it wouldn't be impossible, just very, very expensive. At any rate it's more than any of us could afford."

"I see," Lan Jue replied.

The ship began to descend. It was slow, in order to allow the passenger to adept to the change in cabin pressure. Half an hour later the ship was touching down on a tarmac surrounded by verdant green forests.

As the doors opened they were struck by the moist, fresh winds.

Chapter 132: Group Leader Tan

Ah, moist, fresh, full of life. It's a place very suitable for a master of the Water element! Were Hua Li here for his cultivation, he'd definitely get more out of it. Lan Jue quietly considered the surroundings as he thought back to his friend. Taihua was, as promised, a beautiful place.

This assertation only increased as he left the confines of the space ship. His eyes filled with greens of every shade imaginable. Scores of vegetation both known and unknown surrounded them on all sides. The air was thick with fresh oxygen, so much that it took a moment to acclimate. It certainly would have a restorative effect on the body. 1

He took a deep breath, and indeed felt his injured meridians relaxing as the energies of the world around him flowed through them.

Wu Junyi clapped his hands, demanding the attention of the gathered employees. "Alright. We've arrived at our destination, Planet Taihua. Keep in mind that the oxygen concentration here is one hundred and twenty percent of our own back on Skyfire. If you're finding it difficult to get used to, there are oxygen masks available. Try to avoid getting punch-drunk from the excess oxygen. In a moment we'll be heading for the encampment. Starting tomorrow, you all will have some free time to wander around at your leisure. We've come today with forty teachers, half of whom are mecha instructors. After we arrive at the encampment, we'll be separating you in to groups of eight. Stay within your 'team' as you wander, enjoy each others' company, take pictures and so on."

Eight people per team? Hearing this, Lan Jue felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding fill him 2

These 'encampments' were in fact so crude as to make the more prudish among them want to spit. It was a single, simple log cabin. As they arrived, the various materials they would need for their stay were handed out.

"So what are the guidelines for tourism here, Professor Jin?" Lan Jue gathered up his offered materials as he asked the woman, as ever close to his side.

Jin Yan huffed. "I thought you'd never ask. Because the authorities wish to protect the environment on Taihua, the East has created a special set of 'cautions' here. As a result things here are a little different, for tourism. The most common thing to do is go on a hike. You must rely entirely on your own feet to do so. We'll be passing through dense, old-growth forests. You also don't need to go too far – just enough to appreciate where we are. Take it easy, Professor Lan, everywhere we'll be going has been checked and surveyed. There is no danger."

Now Lan Jue understood. Originally he thought they'd be staying in a hotel. However, looking again at the goods in his arms, a hotel was not what was in store for them.

A single-person tent, a sleeping bag, a kettle, knife, telescope and MRE. Among a few other things, this was his basic survival kit. A walkabout. This certainly caught his interest.

A soldier in camouflage attire had been the one to give them their gear. He wore a squad leader badge on his shoulder. He looked to be in his thirties. He addressed this with a loud voice. "You have all now arrived at Planet Taihua. Please ensure you adhere to the planet's laws and regulations. In your kits, you've been given a heating unit. However, it does not employ an open fire. ANY use of fire in these forests is strictly prohibited. Also, teachers from the National Eastern University, please do not stray too far from the campsite. In a moment, we ask you to come and register your personal communicators with us. In this way, if you are in any danger we will be able to get to you promptly. We will also input our campsite's coordinates. So long as you ensure you are back here within five days, everything will go smoothly."

"If you're able, you are permitted to hunt and consume any wild animals you come across on Taihua. But do refrain from indiscriminate killing. Only kill what you're going to eat."

Hunting, too? Interesting indeed. Must be a special characteristic of Taihua.

Wu Junyi lent his own voice to the announcement. "Ok. Next, groups. When we're done, the groups are free to go their own way. The MREs you're carrying are enough to sustain you for five days, but if you're looking for wilder fare you'll have to rely on your own abilities. There are no toxic critters in the tour zone, so feel free to munch on whatever you can catch. However, they aren't going to lay down for you. Some animals are aggressive. When you're out there, keep an eye out and be careful. If any of you feel like the things that were given to you aren't enough, you're free to head to the lodge window and buy some more. Alright, let's split you all up."

Lan Jue looked at the window the teaching director had indicated. He wandered over for a look. The woman manning the place looked like any normal young girl. Spying the tall and handsome Lan Jue approaching, she smiled sweetly.

"What are you looking for?"

"Do you have flavoring?"

"Yup, we offer all sorts. It looks like this isn't your first foray in to the wilds. You've got some experience!" She smiled pleasantly, praising her newest customer.

Lan Jue looked over the inventory. Inwardly he was pleasantly surprised with the stock. As she said, they had pretty much anything he could want. But the prices… at least five times what you'd find on Skyfire. And as he just learned, Taihua didn't allow any food from the outside. The rations they were given weren't cheap either, about all the university could afford.

He stuffed his purchases in to his back and headed back. Returning to the fray, he came across Jin Yan, an odd look in her eyes.

"What is it, Professor Jin? Are the groups set?"

She nodded, and replied in quiet tones. "Professor Tan was chosen as our group leader."

"Ah? That savage lady?" Lan Jue was taken aback, and his volume was a smidge higher than he'd have liked. A few of the nearby teachers looked his way.

"Am I savage, or are you just garbage?" That hateful, familiar voice called out to him.

Lan Jue looked helplessly towards Tan Lingyun as she approached. Lan Jue attempted to recover. "What I meant –"

She cut him off with a disdainful sniff. "A waste of height and space. I hope you don't hold us up."

Lan Jue had nothing to say, and could only shrug his shoulders. The ghost of a smile cracked on Jin Yan's face.

Tan Lingyun moved to the side and began to organize her things. She smacked in to her shoulder in her passage.

"Director Wu."

Wu Junyi beamed a smile. "What is it, Professor Lan? Do you agree with your group assignment? Professor Tan is quite the looker, eh? 3"

Lan Jue smiled as well, but his was a forced one. "Deliberate, I suspect?"

Wu Junyi chuckled knowingly. "In fact she's a good woman. It's just that temper of hers. That little matter from before was really unfortunate. So, I decided to put you two together. I'm hoping this trip will help you two reconcile your differences. I've got a lot of faith in you, Professor! Every class of yours has more students than the one before. You're developing a very good reputation. I'm working in your corner at the university, and if you keep up these numbers you'll be a syndicated teacher in no time."

"Thank you very much." Once more, there wasn't anything Lan Jue could say. Things were as they were, and complaining about it wasn't going to do any good. Anyway, it was vacation. So long as he didn't provoke that psychotic woman, everything would be fine.

His group was more than just he and Professor Tan, of course. It also boasted Jin Yan, Wu Hongyuan, and four others. Two men and two women. The two other gentlemen were also, like them, electives teachers. The two women were mecha instructors. Four each, men and women. But, considering the addition of Professor Tan, the group was decidedly tilted in the ladies' favor. Judging by looks alone, it certainly didn't appear that the two male electives teachers were powerhouses.

It wasn't long after they finished orientating their communicators that Tan Lingyun started showing her leadership prowess. She shouted for her team to gather together.

Lan Jue was already there, beside Jin Yan. Still, he was trying his best to remain on the outskirts of their little expeditionary team.

"It's still early, and I'm sure you all had a good rest on the ship. Our goal is to get ten 'k' in to the forest and pitch camp. We'll rest for a bit afterward, then start looking for food. Any questions?" Her words entreated dialogue, but her tone didn't. Her sharp eyes pierced the gathered men specifically.

In trepidation of the Savage Goddess' reputation, the men of the group nearly tripped over each other to express their agreement with her plan. Lan Jue also nodded his approval. The other ladies were just as quick to acquiesce. It appeared as though the women as the mecha department were on good terms with Professor Tan. They've been at her side the whole time.

"Alright, then let's get going!" Tan Lingyun waved them onward, walking at the head of the pack. She made a direct line for the edge of the forest.

Jin Yan and Lan Jue took up the rear. As they followed, Lan Jue leaned in and spoke quietly to his fellow teacher. "Is this really supposed to be a vacation? It seems more like a military expedition!"

Jin Yan's laugh was low and constrained. "Professor Tan teaches mecha combat. She'd reputed to be an Emperor-Class pilot herself. She treats all her students like soldiers, so I guess it's a habit."

As expected, there were no paths or trails in the ancient forest. It was no problem, however, as the one who led them used her machete to make quick and violent work of any limb or vine that dared impede her path. Their forward progress wasn't hindered in the least. She was loud, coarse, and violent, but she'd chosen the most grueling task for herself.

Lan Jue followed along at a leisurely pace – after all, how fast could they go through a forest as dense as this?

This forest was considerably different from other indigenous forests Lan Jue had visited. For a start, there were far fewer insects than he'd expected. In large forests there were sure to be clouds of flying insects, but not here. The air was clean, fresh. The surrounding flora were enormous, towering towards the canopy, even the bushes. They did need to cut a path to follow, but in the end it wasn't too much trouble to do so.

The deeper they traveled in to the forests, the heavier the air became with fresh oxygen. With each breath Lan Jue was recovering from his injuries. He felt pretty good, all things considered.

After about two kilometers in to their trek, the discrepancies in the different teachers began to show. Professor Tan remained in front, full of vigor and vivaciousness. Behind her, the two other mecha instructors continued in similar fashion. The lack in physical preparedness of the electives teachers was becoming quite clear.

Jin Yan was already out of breath, while Lan Jue and Wang Hongyun were in better shape. The two other teachers in their department were already drenched in sweat, their breaths ragged. Were it not for that overriding fear of their group leader, the fellas would have cried for a rest long ago.

1. Fresh air is becoming a very large criteria for a nice place, considering the poor air quality they suffer in China.

2. He read the chapter title.

3. Sexism!

Chapter 133: Fantascia Injection

Tan Lingyun shot a glance of her shoulder, her brows wrinkling at what she saw. "Take a break," she said, finally stopping.

The two male teachers and Jin Yan sighed, finally given quarter. They immediately sought places to sit and drink in the air with deep, gasping breaths.

Tan Lingyun extricated her canteen from her pack and took a swig, taking the time to peer at their surroundings. Her two female counterparts stood at either side of their impromptu leader. They were in cover formation, looking after the five electives teachers – very much in military fashion.

Wang Hongyuan settled beside Jin Yan. "How are you doing, Professor Jin? Sit a while and I'll help you up."

Jin Yan shook her head. "I'm fine. Though it looks like I really need to get in shape. I'm already tired after only this little while."

Wang Hongyuan frowned. "We've all been sitting in a ship for the past few hours. That's no rest. It's natural for the body to get exhausted. Leader Tan, it looks like we're in the neighborhood of a campsite. We're here on vacation, we shouldn't tire ourselves out so much. You three are mecha teachers, but us electives teachers are just normal people."

Tan Lingyun huffed at him. "Professor Jin I can understand, but you guys are also struggling? At this pace, we're barely moving. Even your average person shouldn't find this tiring. You all a bunch of soft-footed weaklings?"

"It's fine, it's fine. Professor Wang, I'm ok really." Jin Yan hurriedly pushed herself to her feet with the aid of Wang Hongyuan, stopping him from speaking further.

Their group leader approached regardless. Stopping in front of Jin Yan, her features softened perceptibly. "Professor Jin, are you really alright? If not we can ease up."

Jin Yan smiled thankfully. "I'm fine, honestly. Sadly our stamina really isn't where it should be. Perhaps, if possible, we shouldn't rush so much on the first day."

Tan Lingyun hesitated for just a moment, then nodded. "Five kilometers then, then we pitch camp. You guys can make it, yeah?"

Jin Yan turned her head to look at Lan Jue. Their 'etiquette teacher' stood nearby, hands stuffed in the pockets of his pants. He looked unfazed. Seeing her eyes dart his way, he shrugged. "I'm fine."

The two other gentlemen hurried to agree with Tan Lingyun's new plan.

At last Tan Lingyun swept her eyes towards Wang Hongyuan. "Gain a little masculinity, why don't you. And don't pull any of that 'orchid fingers' crap in front of me."1 She spoke to him, but her general displeasure was surely with all the men before her.

"You!" Wang Hongyun jabbed a finger angrily at her, but he couldn't help the dainty motions derived form years of dance training from creeping in to the motion. His face immediately reddened and he dropped his hand.

The other two women couldn't help but titter at the display.

There in the forest, none of those gathered could know that the satellites far above Taihua were picking up something more interesting than their squabble. Several small dark red dots appeared in their images, spreading out over Taihua and bathing it in dim light.


"Jin Tao, are you prepared?" Hua Li's question was solemn, serious.

The young man nodded. He was clad in only a pair of underpants, and sat within a nourishment pod. Maybe he really did have a problem with his head, because there was no sense of trepidation in him at all.

"Teacher, why are you always wearing that mask? Isn't that uncomfortable?" Jin Tao watched Hua Li, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Hua Li lifted the exceptionally large surgical tubing in his hand. "This kid… are you really an idiot or are you just pretending? You actually care about this shit right now?"

Jin Tao chuckled 2. "Wouldn't this count as my greatest ability, to remain calm? Fatty Tang got absolutely ruined, and Professor Lan said I would face greater risk. I know what's coming, and how hard it'll be to get passed it. But we have to face the things that scare us. If I'm relaxed, the nerves can't get to me."

Hua Li looked at him in utter amazement. "It's no wonder A-Jue chose you. You've got some real insight. Fine, I'll take the mask off and you can have a look." With that, he used his free hand to pluck the mask free, revealing his features.

"Ah!" Jin Tao cried out in alarm.

Hua Li took pride in the sudden reaction. He spoke with a quiet self-confidence. "What are you screaming about. You know me, eh?"

Jin Tao bobbed his head up and down like a chicken. "Y-y-y-your Poseidon, right? Ah man, you really are a good lookin fella. No wonder you're everyone's idol."

An infinitely suave smile spread across Hua Li's face. "Alright, time to lie back. Let's get started. The decoction will be absorbed in three steps. This is the first. The other two will be once a month."

"Oh." He settled back in the pod. "Teach… actually Poseidon, man. Hey, looking like that, you aren't actually a woman dressed as a man, are you? If you are, you'd probably fall for a handsome guy like me, huh!"

"Damnit!" Hua Li's pleasant smile was gone, dead on his face. He angrily scrunched his face and lifted his head, jabbing a finger pointedly at his neck. "Are you a moron?! You know what this is? YOU'RE a damn woman!" He slammed the lid of the nourishment pod shut, crushing Jin Tao in to a lying position.

The pod was full of a thick, transparent gel. Jin Tao lay within, eyes wide.

Hua Li took a few angry breaths. Finding some semblance of calm, he injected the contents of the nearby syringe in to the pod port, and jammed a button. Now that things were started, his face became calm. He carefully watched the pod for any changes.

"Jin Tao, relax your body. No matter how bad this hurts, you have to stay conscious. You absolutely must stay awake through the whole process. You need to feel every change in your body. Only this way will you make sure the Fantascia Genetica's effect reaches it's full potential. Your teacher wanted me to tell you.. if you persevere, stick to it, you'll come out a real man. Strong. A hero. If you don't… well, then you're doomed to life of mediocrity. A life where the disdain and disregard of others will follow you for the rest of your days. You understand what I'm saying?"

Jin Tao's smile faded, disappeared. He forced himself to nod, displacing the gel around him.

A myriad of luminescent colors began to appear within the gel. The injection of the decoction wasn't quick, but these spectral lights and colors quickly overtook the interior of the box.

At first, Jin Tao simply felt as though his body were going slightly numb, a sensation that appeared to be coming from all directions and affecting every part of him. The way he was settled in the pod, however, ensured his breathing wasn't affected.

Suddenly, in the next instant, he felt as though his very pores were sucking in oxygen from outside. It was a strange but wonderful sensation.

The sense of paralysis increased, slowly spreading throughout his form. As he looked on in shock, he noticed his body begin to quake and jerk uncontrollably. They were small at first, but as time went on they grew more and more severe. With it came the terrible sensation that he was being torn apart; his skin, his muscles, ripped away. From the inside out, it felt like he was being flayed alive.

But it wasn't pain, necessarily. It felt more like, the forces of energy that made up his being were being separated.

He groaned, as he felt his body suddenly go stiff as a board. He remained so for several seconds, with the nourishing gel surrounding him quivering with each tremble of his form.

Looking on, Hua Li saw him undergo a change. Thin white hairs were sprouting all over him, sprouting from every pore. His twitching mouth revealed elongated canines fighting past his lips.

It was his innate ability, brought to the surface. Cynanthropy.

Through the external forces that assailed him, Jin Tao's Discipline was reacting and manifesting on the surface. The fear was, with his abilities as weak as they were, could Jin Tao resist the dangers of the Western Alliance's greatest genetic manipulator?

Hua Li was glued to the pod, watching Jin Tao carefully, his every move and jerk. He adhered to Lan Jue's wishes, making this kid's safety his primary concern. He was also quite clear on the risks and suffering involved in playing with one's genetics. He himself was from the Western Alliance!

He could recall several times he'd witnessed the Fantascia Genetica decoction being used. Each time, the recipient was no less than a level five Talent. Jin Tao's was no greater than second level. More than just his discipline, it meant his physical endurance was also much weaker than was necessary. In the West, there was no way he would be permitted to use the decoction. He didn't have the strength, and failure meant terrible things.

But here he was, through virtue of some lucky star, given his chance at becoming great. Still the decoction would be given in three stages, and this was just the first. Indeed, his suffering would be great. His willpower would be the decided factor in victory or failure. If he failed he would have a nervous breakdown. All of his pain and efforts would be wasted. The priceless formula would be lost. All Hua Li could do was watch, and protect him from the worst of it.

The shaking became worse. His metamorphosis continued, and in the gel he became more and more dog-like. Streaks of blood escaped from his pores along with the dog hair.

However, despite what he was seeing, Hua Li was most surprised by what the instruments were telling him. Not only was this kid lucid, but he was taking the whole thing in stride! There were no dangerous fluctuations in his nervous pathways. On the contrary, there were hardly any fluctuations at all. This was indeed a very rare kind of willpower!


"Here at last." Li Wei was one of the other gentlemen in Lan jue's group. He plopped to the floor with a defeated sigh. He was done, any the end of the world wouldn't get him standing again. He fished his canteen from his pack and took several long gulps. He looked set to fall to pieces.

Five kilometers through a rainforest and five kilometers in the outside world were entirely different things. The terrain was uneven, sometimes high sometimes low. Though Tan Lingyun was in the font clearing a path, it was no picnic for them either. Li Wei was just a normal guy, and without any background in physical fitness it felt like he'd just spent half his life in energy reserves.

Tan Lingyun and the two other mecha instructors had already begun pitching their tents. They'd chosen to set up their spots on the periphery, creating a triangle. The other teachers would camp within.

Professor Tan had chosen well. A small brook gurgled nearby, and after a brief examination it was determined they could drink freely from it. For now, this was to be there campsite.

Lan Jue was also busying himself with erecting his tent. To him, it was quite a fun and relaxing activity. It didn't take long for him to finish up, and once he threw his sleeping bag in there he'd be ready to rest.

"I'm off to look for dinner. You all stay here, don't leave the triangle." Standing before them with her machete, Tan Longyun struck quite the commanding presence.

But before she left, something curious came over her. Without entirely knowing why, she jabbed her knife towards Lan Jue, who'd already finished with his tent. "You're coming with."

1. 'Orchid fingers' is a hand motion used in traditional Chinese dancing where the middle finger presses against the thumb, and the other fingers are splayed out, not unlike an orchid flower… ostensibly.

2. I love this kid.

Chapter 134: Some Unknown Danger

"Me?" Lan Jue pointed a finger at his nose.

Tan Lingyun only grunted, then turned and started off. Lan Jue smiled wryly and followed.

Li Wei shuffled to Wang Hongyuan, who'd recently finished setting up his own tent, and grumbled towards him. "Professor Wang, you're right. Is this a trip or some sort of military survival training?"

Wang Hongyuan scowled. "This savage woman, she'll probably never find a husband."

Jin Yan furrowed her brow at the two men. "Don't be so malicious. She's a good woman! It's just what happened years ago…"


Lan Jue followed close on Tan Lingyun's heels as they made their way back in to the forests. The mecha instructor was in the lead, her pace slow. Her eyes swept along the brush, in constant motion.

"You look like you're in decent shape. Do you exercise?" She didn't look at him as she asked her question, continuing her earnest surveillance.

"Yeah," he replied. His response was brief, curt. He had no kindness prepared for this woman – the way she'd treated him earlier was unforgivable.

So Tan Lingyun just went on, talking to herself. "It's strange. I don't remember the wildlife on Taihua being this sparse. We're five kilometers in and we haven't seen anything."

"You've been here before?"

She nodded. "I come every year. Hunting's always permitted, the air is good, it's relaxing. It's a good way to reconnect with nature. By the way, what was your name? Flat-foot?"

Lan Jue considered silence, but went on. "Lan Jue. You can call me Professor Lan, or my full name if you must. You've probably hated men your whole life, huh. Something must've happened."

Tan Lingyun stopped, and spun suddenly to face him. She nearly speared Lan Jue to a tree with her cutting stare. "Shut. Your. Mouth."

Lan Jue only smiled indifferently in the face of her anger. "If you're so predisposed to hating guys, why'd you make me come along?"

Tan Lingyun hissed chillingly at him. "I needed a pack mule. Stay here, and don't move. I'll take a look around."

She hefted her machete, and stuck it in to the trunk of a nearby tree. She shut her eyes. After a moment, a faint green light began to emanate from her.

As the viridian halo expanded Lan Jue was surprised to discover that she had begun to completely blend in with her surroundings. Hm? What was this Discipline? Despite all Lan Jue's experience, he couldn't guess her Discipline at a glance. The dim light she was releasing was gentle, almost cozy. Her own aura vanished, and it seemed she was almost a tree or shrub herself – not a woman at all.

It was no surprise she liked it here. It appeared her Discipline somehow had a connection with nature. Considering his unfortunate run-in with her before, perhaps physical power as well. So was it that power?

As Lan Jue was lost in his thoughts, Tan Lingyun's eyes suddenly shot open. Shock shone brightly within them.

"They're afraid!"

"Whose afraid?" Lan Jue asked, inquisitively.

"Everything." Tan Lingyun's voice had grown perceptibly softer. "All of them, all the plants here are afraid. At my level of cultivation I can feel the mood of every living thing within three thousand meters. There isn't a single wild animal in that diameter, just plants. Not coming across any wildlife on our trip out here could be written off as a coincidence, but nothing in three kilometers? There's something wrong. Quick, let's head back."

She grabbed Lan Jue, and the two raced back to the campsite.

Lan Jue felt an intense power coming from her hand, and suddenly he felt himself literally being dragged through the air. The physical power exuded from Tan Lingyun expanded and enveloped him within it, like a protective shield. Any plant or insect that was unfortunate enough to draw near was cast away in their wake. He feared even trees wouldn't be able to stand against them.


Lan Jue didn't speak. But if he had to describe the situation, visually it was like flying a kite. He was the kite.

"Base, come in. This is NEU Group Seven Leader Tan Lingyun. There's something strange going on, come in." As Tan Lingyun dragged Lan Jue behind her, she called in to the communicator on her wrist.

"Hello Group Leader. What is it?" A calm voice answered.

She responded, her voice low. "We're five kilometers in to the forest. Trekking in we didn't come across any wildlife. I used my discipline to search, and found nothing. There's definitely something going on here, requested satellite survey immediately. We're heading back to the encampment."

"No wildlife? Alright, we'll take a look. We'll let the other groups know. Come on back. Be careful on the return trek. We'll send out a reinforcement recon team, they'll link up with the coordinates on your communicator."


Lan Jue was not enjoying being the kite. However he had to admire Tan Lingyun's handling of the situation. She was certainly a competent mecha instructor. From the instant she discovered something wrong, her responses were clear, calculated and not in the least wasteful.

They had not gone out far, so by the time her report was finished they were already back at the campsite. Her hand shook, and Lan Jue tumbled to the floor. She called out to the others.

"Alright everyone we're breaking camp and moving out now. There's something wrong out here. Drop all excess weight, we're only bringing solid foods. Hurry it up!"

By this time all the tents had been constructed. The physically beat electives teachers were already resting within. Tan Lingyun's sudden and vocal declaration took them all by surprise.

The other two mecha instructors rushed to her side. "Lingyun, what is it?"

"I don't know yet. There isn't any wildlife in these rainforests, I checked. The plants are also giving off a palpable fear. There must be some unknown danger. We have to rush back to base camp. And then immediately back to Skyfire. No delay."

"How do you know this isn't some guess or mistake on your part?" Wang Hongyuan glared at her, rising from the interior of his tent.

That withering gaze she wielded so well fell upon the dance instructor. "It is a guess. But it's well-founded. We have to get out of here. As group leader I have to keep the safety of the group as my first concern."

"Professor Wang, I believe her. Let's get out of here first, then we'll see. I also feel like something isn't right." Lan Jue felt the need to interject.

Lan Jue's sudden agreement was unexpected, and Tan Lingyun shot him a curious glance.

"You?!" Wang Hongyuan barked suddenly at him like a dog who'd had his tail trampled. "And what are you? Just some new face, fresh and worthless. Why don't you just PISS. OFF!"

"Professor Wang! What are you saying?!" By this time Jin Yan had also left her tent and, seeing Wang Hongyuan address Lan Jue this way, couldn't help but shout angrily at him.

The dance teacher only shot her a hateful glare, and stomped back in to his tent.

A dangerous glint flickered through Tan Lingyun's eyes. She turned to speak to the two other female teachers. "Get them out of here. Now!" She didn't wait for an answer, she was already making for Wang Hongyuan's tent. She flicked her wrist, the machete in her palm glinting ominously.

Rrrrip! A great tear appeared in the side of Wang Hongyuan's tent.

"You b*tch! I've tolerated you long enough!" The man's tittery voice screeched from the entrance. Then, a figure emerged from newly created opening.

A clawed hand reached out, grabbing at the knife in Tan Lingyun's hand.

"Wha-?" She cried out in surprise and retreated a step. She yanked her wrist to free it from his grip. Her left hand curled in to a fist, a punched at the origin of the hand.

The moment she threw that punch, Lan Jue felt a powerful wave of energy expanding outward from the attack.

Bang! A muffled thud preceded Wang Hongyuan unceremoniously tumbling from the tent. Tan Lingyun stood in the same spot, looking down at him. The only change in her was five white marks on her knuckles.

The dance instructor was a sight different than normal, now. Long, sharp nails had extended from each of his fingertips. His face had grown pale, stretching longer and more slender than before. His effeminate aura was gone, replaced with an unsettling chill.

"An adept? Your power has a darkness to it…" Tan Lingyun's features were confused, almost trembling, as she looked on his hideous face.

Wang Hongyuan's voice had become higher still, screechy. "Tan Lingyun, you're a powerful woman. I didn't want to strike out at you. But the way you speak, the things you say, and this groundless assumption of danger to make us retreat. We're here on vacation! Nothing else. If you want to leave, then go, but don't drag us electives teachers behind you like mules! I have power enough to protect myself!"

Jin Yan was also shocked, looking at the change that had overcome Wang Hongyuan. She hadn't realized that this man she came across every day, greeted in the office, and sat beside was in fact an adept. And a powerful one at that, it appeared.

The only one who didn't appear surprised at the revelation was the man standing a few short meters away: Lan Jue.

They couldn't see it, but how could he not recognize Wang Hongyuan's hidden powers? Lan Jue's own thunderbolt Discipline was in direct opposition to such dark powers. So, the moment he met Wang Hongyuan he felt the energies pulsing from him. Wang Hongyuan may not know about Lan Jue's own powers, but the fact that they were opposed meant they were destined to dislike one another from the start.

Tan Lingyun dropped her arm. "Now that I know you're an adept, that's better. I don't want to sit here and argue with you – you're right, we're here on vacation. Still, safety has to be our primary concern. If in the end we find there indeed was no danger, I'll happily accept whatever punishment the school sees fit to levy against me. But, right now, I am the group leader, and you must listen to me. We're leaving right – now."

"And if I don't want to?" Wang Hongyuan challenged.