135 - 143

Chapter 135: The Violet Creature

Tan Lingyun laughed scornfully. "Men only care about face. If you can beat me, then you go ahead and be group leader." Suddenly, without any further discussion she launched herself at Wang Hongyuan. Like a great bird of prey, she lashed out at the twisted man.

As her figure rose in to the air, that sensation of gathering energy returned anew. It surrounded her like the moments before an explosion.

Lan Jue's conjectures were finally confirmed, and he knew her ability; Sapurnatural!

It was an exceedingly rare and equally special Discipline to possess. It allowed her to employ the energies of the environment around her – any environment – to augment her own physical abilities. Even in the vacuum of space she'd be able to draw the radiation of the universe in to herself, making her stronger. It meant no matter where she found herself in a fight, she was ready to manipulate the environment to her advantage. She was never not on home turf.

This was the first time Lan Jue had encountered someone with a real Supernatural Discipline. He'd heard that, fifty years ago, there once was a Paragon with such an ability. Though he eventually suffered his own downfall, in his prime he was among the most powerful people to ever live.

This ability of hers explained how she was able to communicate with the land around her, to feel the fear she claimed the plants were feeling. Hers was clearly a very powerful ability. She had spread her power out through the environment, becoming one with it. So it wasn't merely her, but everything around them, that gave her such capabilities.

Wang Hongyuan stood directly in the face of her onslaught, unmoving. He spread his arms, and two large black wings extended from his back. They beat once, and suddenly he was at Tan Lingyun's side. His clawed hands reached for her shoulders.

This was a conflict, but his attacks were measured. He wasn't aiming to kill her. Tan Lingyun was surprised at the sudden shift, her reaction slow. Just slow enough for Wang Hongyuan to get her in his grasp.

The man's pride was suddenly upset when he got the sudden sensation he was holding some indestructible metal thing. As his hands found their mark, Tan Lingyun's shoulder reversed, slamming directly in to his chest.

His reaction was swift, dropping his chest and collapsing his abdomen. The wings at his back beat furiously. He looked for a moment as though he were flying upside down, but in fact it was just the speed of his retreat that caused the illusion. It wasn't a solid hit, but he still felt the spasm in the pit of his stomach.

Sure enough, this was the power of the Savage Goddess. Wang Hongyuan felt a tremor of fear snake through him. He knew he was no weak thing, but the abilities this woman possessed were far beyond his own.

Tan Lingyun grunted. She reached a hand out towards him, her fist squeezing in the air. Wang Hongyuan felt, moments later, as though the very space around him was condensing. The speed he took so much pride in was being sapped away.

The Savage Goddess took a deep breath. The fresh green aura that surrounded her bloomed to life in a dazzling display, As it did, it congealed at her back to reveal an enormous viridian phantasm. The towering beast raised it's hand, and sent it crashing down towards the black-winged electives instructor.


Lan Jue unconsciously winced, shutting his eyes. It was like Wang Hongyuan was little more than a fly, smooshed by a giant invisible swatter. He crumpled to the ground.

The green light around her faded. She turned her head to look at the rest of them. "Anyone else want to give it a shot?"

Not a peep.

Tan Lingyun's growling voice continued. "We are leaving. Now. Back to base camp." She gave no further room for argument. Jin Yan yelped as their group leader unceremoniously threw her over her shoulder. The two other electives teachers were then caught in her grip, one hand for each. Just like that, she was off at a good pace.

The two other mecha instructors hastened to follow. Lan Jue took one look at Wang Hongyuan, then followed their lead.

"Professor Tan, what are we going to do about Professor Wang?" Jin Yan asked, bouncing against Tan Lingyun's back.

"Relax," she said, "He's a stubborn one. He'll be fine. He'll be coming along shortly I'm sure."

Lan Jue remained in the back. Secretly he harbored criticisms, for although Wang Hongyuan's vampiric discipline was indeed one hard to kill, that slap he'd received definitely wasn't gentle! Poor guy…

Not along after the others left – a few minutes perhaps – Wang Hongyuan finally managed to pull himself up. The ground below him was actually indented with an outline of his body.

So recently devastated by his opponent, the pride and arrogance had left the man's eyes. It was replaced with a clear sense of anxiety, doubt.

"An eighth ranked Talent? That woman's actually that strong?"

He ground his teeth. With a few beats of his leathery wings, he was off chasing after the others.


A great, earth-shaking boom tore across the horizon, not long after Lan Jue and his party had begun their escape.

Hooooouuhhmm! From the depths of the rainforest, a blinding red light arose. Within it was an oval, a massive scarlet cocoon. Where it made landfall, the area around it has also turned a strange sort of violet. An unhealthy-looking fog of similar color snaked close to the ground.

A small animal, some strange nameless beast, made it's way over from a distance. In the grips of curiosity it stumbled in to the mist, but the moment the strange tendrils touched it, it's hair began to fall out. Then skin, muscle, organs, and finally bones. It dissolved in to a primordial ooze. With the creatures death a faint red light wafted from it, which was drawn in to the nearby cocoon and vanished.

Brrrrmmm! A low growl emitted from the strange object. The cocoon swelled larger, reaching outward, then returned to normal.

Pffftt. The ratting release of air followed, and then a blade-thin object jabbed out from within it. As the egg was pierced, a flood of thick violet fluid was excreted.

Again and again the oval was pierced, shredded, as though some enormous beast was trying to cut it's way free.

Scenes very similar to this one were occurring throughout Taihua's pristine rainforests.

Lan Jue ran after the group ahead of him. But as he did, a strange sensation came over him and he lifted his eyes to the sky. The dense vegetation cover made it indistinct, but it was clear that somehow in the last few moments the sky had grown dark. An ethereal grey hue crept across the planet.

Tan Lingyun's judgments were correct. There was definitely something happening here.

Lan Jue deliberately began to slow his pace, falling back from the others. He raised his left hand, and pointed the shimmering green ring on his pinky fingers towards the forest. The green light within shot out in to the leafy depths.

"What's up with you, out of strength?" Tan Lingyun had turned around to call back at him.

"Huh? No, I'm fine. Coming." Lan Jue quickly shouted back, and picked up the pace.

Eeee! Eeee! Eeee! Just then, the ear-splitting screeches of an alarm were issued from the communicators of each teacher's wrist.

"Red alert, red alert. Taihua has come under attack from an unidentified source. All tourists make your way to the quickest base camp as quickly as possible. Repeat, red alert…"

The alarm confirmed, without a doubt, Tan Lingyun's suspicions. The two electives teachers who's earlier struggled to keep up found no such troubles now. As they raced along, panic was written clear as day on their faces.


Aaaaaahhh! A shrill cry suddenly filled the air. The sound caused Wu Junyi's face to slacken.

He dropped in to a slight crouch, then sprung in to the air. He effortlessly soared a dozen meters before pulling himself against the top of a towering tree.

He saw the scene unfold, not far away. A scowl carved lines in his face.

An enormous creature stood in the forests. It's violet figure was perhaps ten meters tall, with three heads and six razor-sharp wings. It stood on four enormous, sturdy legs. It's abdomen was a layered field of magenta, alternating in intensity. It's torso was triangular, and from the sides six great arms like a mantis' claws swept at the air like vicious scythes. The articulated pincers were each seven meters long, and as Wu Junyi looked on, the beast cleared a ten meters area of land around it with them. The giant, sturdy trees were felled like butter before a warm knife.

More unsettling than it's appearance was the mist that was expelled from it. The violet wisps changed everything it came in to contact with, tinting them that same sickly color. Any plant or animal that came in to contact with it immediately withered and died. Whatever it was, the mist devoured whatever life it touched. From where he watched, Director Wu could see a figure, human, lying on the ground as the mist crept over. A teacher, and before his eyes they melted away under the noxious cloud.

"Bastard!" Wu Junyi shouted at the monstrous thing in a rage. His curled fists rose nearly of their own accord and beat against his chest. He brazenly roared, and leapt from the tree.

Wu Junyi's normally unimpressive stature swelled as he soared towards the beast. His clothes split and fell away, and before long the teaching director had become a towering, six-meter tall baboon.

His entire body was covered in a dark copper light, and each hair stood on end. His arms were particularly strong, and they reached out as he shot like a cannonball towards the creature.

"Go, hurry! Get back to camp and board the plane!" Wu Junyi's thunderous voice echoed across the rainforests. Nearby instructors almost tumbled over themselves to flee.

Roughly half of the teachers who'd arrived for the trip taught electives. Most possessed no real combat abilities. And though the others were mecha instructors, naturally none brought mechas with them on vacation!

Now, all they could do was run around like headless chickens.

The mantis-like monstrosity spied Wu Junyi barreling towards it through the air. It's six razor-like appendages lashed out at him.

"Raaaaaggghh!!" The enormous baboon howled threateningly, bashing his fists against his chest. As he careened nearer, a dull golden light fired out from him. As it crashed against the beast's pincers, they were cast away. Unimpeded, Wu Junyi headed straight for the monster's three hideous heads.

But the mantis-beast was surprisingly nimble, it's four legs strong. It sidestepped and avoiding the attack.

Boom! Wu Junyi crashed to the ground instead. His two strong legs carved deep trenches where he made landfall.

Clank, chink, screech! A series of metallic squeals arose. The beast had made a move of it's own, and was swiping murderously at Wu Junyi's back.

Chapter 136: Thor's Watch

Under the mantis-creature's assault, Director Wu did not react. In truth his own powers were far and away a match for the beast. Strike after strike from it's scythe-like arms left no trace on the baboon's body.

Without looking back, Wu Junyi's powerful legs grew taught, then launched him backwards against his attacker.

Crack! Snap! Two of the mantis-creature's six arms broke and fell away. It reeled back, tumbling away from the impact.

King Kong, a baboon metamorphosis. This was Wu Junyi's Discipline. Director of the Teaching Department, and eight ranked Talent. He was among the best Adepts the school possessed.

One rippling arm supported him against the ground, pushing him up to somersault back in to action. In the blink of an eye he was striking once again at the monstrous intruder. It was startled by his ferocity, but it's reaction was quick nonetheless. Fending off the great baboon, six great wings unfurled from it's back and pushed it into the air.

Wu Junyi scowled at the unpleasant discovery. The damn thing could fly! Already he could feel a sort of numbness creeping up through his body, a result of the strange violet mist the monster was releasing. Whatever it was, it was clearly intensely toxic. For the moment, he was able to mostly isolate the poisons from affecting him, but it's effects would grow stronger the more of his discipline he expended.

The King Kong Baboon couldn't fly, but this didn't mean he was out of options against flying opponents. Wu Junyi had spent decades cultivating and understanding his powers. Both his strengths and weaknesses – and how to overcome them – were very clear to him.

"Aaaagghhoooo!" He roared towards the heavens, spreading his arms wide and baring his chest. Suddenly, he twisted back, preparing for something. In the same instant, a dim golden orb congealed in his left palm. He twisted back around ,and flung the shimmering projectile like a canon ball.

The mantis-creature had suffered significantly already under Wu Junyi's attacks. Though it was held aloft by it's wings, the injuries it had sustained made maneuvering more difficult. It couldn't get out of the way fast enough, and the golden orb collided in a direct hit.

Booommmm! The rumbling thunder of impact echoed through the forests. The monster fell to ground, reduced to countless smoldering pieces.

Wu Junyi did not stop to bask in victory. Immediately he was racing towards his teachers. There was no way of knowing how many of the things were still out there. He had to protect his people.

He had made relatively quick work of it, but still a haze of anxiety and depression filled him. There were forty teachers, separated in to various groups. Luckily his own had him to protect them, but what of the others? Lingyun's group may be fine, but the other three…


Tan Lingyun raced ahead of the others at break-neck speed. As she did, her perception was expanded outward to read the changes in the environment. She couldn't stop for the quiet necessary to feel vast distances, but her Supernatural Discipline allowed her to maintain a five hundred meter diameter around them without issue.

Suddenly, somewhere to her right, she sensed the appearance of a fierce and violent thing. It moved with incomparable speed. Just as she was preparing to react, however, the presence vanished as quickly as it had come. She was decidedly unsettled by the situation. But, she didn't stop, couldn't stop – she just kept going.


Overhead, a gigantic blue figure raced by like a bolt of lightning, a dangerous-looking spear in hand. It was racing towards another monstrous violet beast. This one was more akin to a scorpion. It was perhaps fifty meters long, but facing the mighty blue figure it might as well have been an toy. The stench of something burning wafted from the creature's body. Like the other, a purplish-red mist oozed from it, killing the surrounding wildlife. But it simply snaked around the enormous newcomer, having no effect.

Suddenly that bolt-like blue spear was in flight, cutting a deadly path towards the scorpion, then pinning it to the ground. As it did, the blue figure was in motion. A dazzling, dangerous blue light shone from it's head to fan out in a semi-circle. A moment later, it vanished like a bolt of lightning in to the distance.


Lan Jue followed close behind Tan Lingyun, his brows furrowed. Flickering bolts of electricity raced just behind his eyes.

It was Thor who tore through the heavens around them, called forth by Lan Jue through Thor's Promise. The ring allowed him to communicate with his mecha, not unlike the spirit-caller gem he used with Qianlin. Everything the suit saw, Lan Jue did too. He could see the horrendous things, and the damage they were dealing.

Like Junyi, his priority was the safe evacuation of all those on the planet. He made sure Thor was there to watch, and protect.

Luckily they hadn't entered too deep in to the rainforests before things went south. In fact, Tan Lingyun's group had been the one to venture farthest in. The various teachers were still relatively fresh, so their retreat was a speedy one.

"We made it!" The base camp spread out before them. Finally, the slightest sense of relief crept in to Tan Lingyun's heart. They rushed forward towards it, and spied a host of uniformed soldiers rushing to the forests around them. They each carried laser weapons, and spread out to face the encroaching threat.

"You all don't have any heavier artillery?" Lan Jue grabbed a passing soldier to ask.

"No, the soldier responded with a wry smile, "the environmental restrictions mean no artillery emplacements. We're restricted from using any high-yield weaponry here. Machinery, too, like mechas. All we got is what we can carry."

"Then don't go rushing out on a fool's errand," Lan Jue said, "Whatever the hell these things are, they're strong. You'll need mechas if you want to stand a chance at wiping them out. Just pull everyone back."

The soldier reacted with a hard stare. "Our obligation is the safety of the public. There are still many tourists who haven't made it back. It's our job to go out and protect them." With that, the soldier raced in to the jungle. However, a few feet in to the dense overgrowth he stopped. He turned back towards Lan Jue.

"Hey guy… thanks for the concern. I hope we have an opportunity to meet again."

With that, he snapped to attention, and raced off in to the jungle.

Lan Jue's eyes followed him as he disappeared in to the trees. This was the quality of the East's soldiers. They were full of pride, almost arrogance, but an arrogance born of their life of service. Their pride was worthy of respect.

"Hurry, get on the ship!" The commanding voice brought him back to the present. He was suddenly wrenched around by a powerful hand. The scenery around him went lopsided, pulled through the air by Tan Lingyun until they arrived at the ship's loading doors.

"Hurry up, no wasting time. Get on the plane and wait for evac." Tan Lingyun's pretty face was hard and serious. She released Lan Jue from her grip, then raced off to find more teachers.

"Professor Lan, hurry and get on." Jin Tan's timid voice called from behind him. Lan Jue turned to see her already on board, urgently waving for him to follow.

Lan Jue took a deep breath. He watched the teachers racing towards the ship, then decided to board as well. The interior of their transport was nearly as chaotic as the outside. Nearly a dozen teachers had already arrived, They panted and stammered about what was happening outside.

Lan Jue returned to the seat that took him here. He shut his eyes, reaching his consciousness out to Thor.

Thor's advantage lied largely with it's speed. It's power and rapid response ensured that most of the NEU's teachers returned, more scared than hurt. In around twenty minutes, more or less all of the remaining teachers had found their way back.

But Lan Jue could see others, tourists from other parts of the East who'd come to sample Taihua's beauty. There were ten other sites like their own encampment, with perhaps a hundred other ships parked about. That meant there could be another ninety thousand tourists still running for their lives.

Worse, from Thor's vantage, that ominous magenta coloration had spread to cover almost the entire planet.

It was a disaster… not just for the Eastern Alliance, but a true catastrophe for all of mankind.

"Our obligation is the safety of the public." The soldier's words – likely his last – rang in his ears. He looked like he was young, in his early twenties perhaps. There was a resolution in his smile. He had been calm, and arrogant, as he ran headlong to his death.


Lan Jue's eyes shot open. Fixed in determination, he shot to his feet and made for the door. As he reached the exit, a clearly dumbfounded Wang Hongyuan was just boarding.

"Where are you going?" He looked at Lan Jue in a shocked curiosity.

"To help," he replied softly.

"To help? And just how can you help?" The dance instructor's voice was thick with scorn.

Lan Jue stepped out of the way and let him enter. "However I can. There are still many, many people who haven't returned."

He didn't wait for any more of Wang Hongyuan's doubts, and ran towards the forests.

The haughty man watched him go. He shook his head as a strange feeling overcame him. Is this guy crazy? He thought. He's actually running in to the forest. What the hell is he going to do?

And yet he didn't move, fixed at the cabin entrance. He watched as Lan Jue slowly disappeared in to the distance.

He's for real… not just for show? He was genuinely surprised. In a flash, he was racing down the steps and after the etiquette instructor.

"Where are you going?" The hard voice shouted at him from nearby. He slid to a stop and turned a dark glare towards Tan Lingyun. "You've done enough! This is not the time for your nonsense. Professor Lan just ran off in to the forest, going to help more people. I'm going to make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

"What?!" Tan Lingyun stamped her foot in anger. "Who the hell does that waste of space think he can help? All he's doing is bringing trouble by not staying on the ship like instructed! Don't just stand there, go drag his ass back here!"

Wang Hongyuan grunted. He was off again, following Lan Jue's footsteps in to the rainforests.

Tan Lingyun wasted no further time in speculation over these events. She was off in another direction. There were others to bring back.

Gradually the remaining teachers were gathered together, returning with Wu Junyi. Upon seeing Tan Lingyun, he stopped her. "What's going on," he said, "what state is your group in?"

Chapter 137: Peace of mind

Tan Lingyun spat her report. "They're all back. All but that Lan Jue. I don't know what his problem was, he said he wanted to help and ran out in to the forest. I sent Wang Hongyuan after him. Oh, right – and it turns out our dance instructor is a powerful adept. His discipline is vampirism and darkness. Around level seven. I don't think he'll have any problems."

"Alright. Get on the ship, do a headcount. When we're all together we're on the move. We need to get the hell out of here. Suddenly this place is crawling with monsters. It's unclear where they came from, but they release some sort of poison that eats away at everything it touches. The one I encountered was comparable to a level six adept.

"Got it." Tan Lingyun nodded and made her way in to the cabin. She busied herself with settling the teachers and counting how many remained.

Ten minutes later Wu Junyi joined them.

"Lingyun, how many?" He asked the mecha instructor.

"Including the two of us," she said, "thirty seven. Three are missing. Wang Hongyuan and Lan Jue aren't back yet. There's only one entirety unaccounted for."

Wu Junyi's eyes were heavy with regret. "That teacher's dead, killed by the monster's poison. Now we're just waiting for the other two to get back. Have you tried their communicators?"

Tan Lingyun growled angrily. "These two morons. Their coms are turned off. I haven't been able to reach them."

Wu Junyi felt his heart tighten. "We're out of time. Just now I spotted another one of those things headed our way. Get the flight crew to prep lift-off. I'll go get those two, and you bring the rest back to Skyfire." He nearly leapt from the cabin entrance to go search for the others.

"Director, wait a moment," Tan Lingyun called after him.

"Huh?" He stopped and turns his head back to look at her. Suddenly the world was spinning, and when he got his bearings, he was smashing against the interior cabin wall.

"I'm sorry, Director. When I get back you can expect my formal apology. But those two belonged to my group, and I'm responsible for their safety. Hurry and bring the others safely back home." Her voice grew quiet with every word, as she shouted back at him while running towards the tree line.

"This damn woman!" Wu Junyi was livid, but there was no time to chase after her and argue. Standing at the cabin hatch he could see that magenta light creeping upon the horizon.

He looked back at the teachers behind him; scared, tired, and still in danger. He stomped a foot in impotent anger. "Close the doors! We're getting out of here."

Wu Junyi was the Teaching Director. He cared for each of his teachers, but he had to keep the health and safety of the majority in mind. Right now, he had no other choice: Getting most of his employees to safety was the other thing he could do.


Lan Jue tore through the forests. Flickering bolts of electricity snaked just behind his eyes. Thor's Promise glowed upon the pinky finger of his left hand, calling out to the massive mecha.

Lan Jue's condition meant he had to rely on his control over Thor. That would be his greatest chance at combat effectiveness. Even now, the sapphire mecha was defending a group of tourists from two alien beasts. It would be a moment before it could come fetch it's master.

"You idiot, head back to the ship! What do you think you can do for these people?" The angry voice shouted at him from behind. Someone grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"Let go! You've already got enough enemies, don't give me a reason to kick your ass," Lan Jue snarled.

"You, beat me?" Wang Hongyuan only laughed. "You have your own problems too. Ever since you got here Jin Yan hasn't given me the time of day. It's I who should beat the piss out of you."

Wang Hongyuan stopped when he felt his grasping hand suddenly go numb. Before him Lan Jue's body became indistinct, then vanished. He reappeared five meters away.

"You're an adept?" Wang Hongyuan stared at him in surprise.

How could he not be? Ever since Lan Jue had arrived at the college Wang Hongyuan had been furtively watching him. But in the time since he'd felt no evidence of Discipline from him. He assumed he was just a normal man. Only now, in this moment, was his power revealed. For him to be capable of hiding his abilities for so long – not only from Wang Hongyuan but from everyone… he didn't know what it meant.

There were only two possibilities. Perhaps Lan jue's Discipline was specifically tailored towards concealment. Or, perhaps, he was that much stronger than Wang Hongyuan himself.

Lan Jue regarded him calmly, and spoke in a quiet voice. "Please return to the ship, Professor Wang. I have no interest in Professor Jin, just a normal working relationship. How you feel about her is your business, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't vent your anger on me in the future. Right now Taihua is experiencing a crisis, and I can't in good conscience turn tail and flee. I need to go and help those who are still in danger. When you do return, I ask that you keep my secret."

He truly did not like Wang Hongyuan in the least, but whatever the man's attitude towards him he'd chased after Lan Jue to ensure his safety. When it came to making the right moral decision, Professor Wang had made the proper choice. His estimation of the man had risen considerably as a result.

"What can you, one person, do?" Wang Hongyuan shot back, anger written on his face.

Lan Jue smiled at him in reply. "Sometimes a single person's power simply isn't enough. But if we all thought that way, we'd only ever be able to suffer problems – not rise against them. I don't know how much I can accomplish, but by doing what I can at least I wont have any regrets. Peace of mind."

Lan Jue rose in to the air, surrounded by electrical flashes of light. They flickered, and suddenly he was soaring towards the recesses of the forest.

Wang Hongyuan stood frozen, staring blankly at the space where the man had been. Lan Jue's words fought through his stubborn head, and suddenly he stomped a foot. A strange red light crept up through his eyes. His right hand rose, and fished a necklace out from within his collar. He yanked viciously, snapping the chain.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and revealed the pendent therein. More accurately, it was a ring – silver, with a blood red gemstone set within it. It was no ruby, for as he watched it pulsed with a gentle red light.

Wang Hongyuan solemnly slipped the ring onto the index finger of his left hand. He lifted his arm high overhead.

A column of red light burst towards the heavens, and where it passed space seemed to ripple. Lan Jue, not far off, felt the powerful wave bloom behind him. He turned his face back in surprise in time to see the beam fire off in to space.

As he watched, a sanguine-colored figure slowly appeared from the light, growing to enormous proportions.

A mecha, it's body a shimmering blood red, rose perhaps eighteen meters in to the sky. It was slender, and from it's back flowed a scarlet cloak. It fluttered with the wind, composed of some unknown material that flowed like a waterfall of blood. The whole thing emitted a cocoon of crimson light.

The sanguine mecha was joined with two black halos. They were seamless, and where the mecha stood it was as though they sucked the surrounding light within them. It made everywhere the machine passed appreciably darker.

A beam of red light shown down on it from the heavens. Within it, his bat-like wings beating against the wind, Lan Jue spied Wang Hongyuan making his way towards the mecha's open cockpit.

An emperor-class mecha?

Lan Jue knew instinctively the class of mecha by virtue of his experience. What he did not expect was that Wang Hongyuan was actually capable of piloting one. It meant he, too, was likely emperor-ranked.

"You aren't the only one who can display gallantry," Wan Hongyuan muttered. His voice sounded like it was right by Lan Jue's ear, carried by a beam of red light.

A small smile spread across the contours of Lan Jue's face. He stretched out his right hand, giving the distant mecha a big thumbs up. "A true man, Professor Wang."

"You're still looking to get thrashed?" Wang Hongyuan shot back, indignant. "Hurry up. If you want to help stop wasting time talking nonsense. It looks like mine is the only mecha on this planet anyway…"

As the final syllable left his lips, the red mecha shuddered to life and lifted it's head. A dazzling blue light met it's assertions with a thunderous boom, crashing to the floor not thirty meters from where Wang Hongyuan stood.

"Two mechas." Lan Jue's smile turned in to a self-satisfied smirk. An azure blue light burst from the center of Thor's chest and enveloped Lan Jue.

Wang Hongyuan only saw the polished blue surface undulate somewhat, then both Lan Jue and that beam were gone.

The guy actually brought a mecha also? And using space technology power gems. This mecha…

Wang Hongyuan was rather proud of his own mecha, Idoloclast. But his own thin, eighteen-meter mecha looked minute next to the twenty-two meter beast beside it.

Bolts of undulating lightning snaked up Thor's conductive surface. It's very presence was almost stiflingly oppressive. Waves of powerful energy came and went from it like the tide. The world around it seemed to warp from the unstable energies it released.

This… this can't be…

Wang Hongyuan stared slackjawed at the towering Thor.

"Professor Wang, let's get going. No time to waste. Follow me!" Lan jue's powerful voice echoed forth from Thor. In a flash of light, the sapphire mecha was barreling in to the distance.

Wang Hongyuan was nearly struck dumb in amazement, but he did as instructed and urged Idoloclast in to flight.

"Incoming communication." The mecha's A.I. filled Idoloclast's cockpit, and Wang Hongyuan answered.

Chapter 138: Army of Two

"It looks like you've been hiding a lot from us, Professor Wang! We had an emperor-class mecha pilot teaching dance at our school, right under our noses. Who'd have imagined." Lan Jue's easy, flippant face appeared in Idoloclast's cockpit.

Wang Hongyuan's response was less friendly. "And you've been totally forthcoming? At any rate I'm teaching something that actually has some use, something I can't say for your 'etiquette' class. And this mecha, what, god-class?"

Lan Jue chortled. "You make it tough to like you, but no matter what if we can bring things in line here I'll count you as a friend. Let's move out!" As he said so, a sweeping blue light shot out from Thor's head in to the distance.

"Acquiring radar detection information." A metallic voice once more called to Wang Hongyuan. He immediately began the data download.

The main screen flashed to life with the wide-area probe results. The situation as it was, Wang Hongyuan couldn't spare the time to keep marveling at Thor's capabilities, though they weren't lost on him. He focused on the numerous magenta spots that dotted the screen. How many were there? At least a thousand, according to Thor's long-range scanners.

"Don't separate farther than one kilometer. If we want to help others, we have to make sure to protect ourselves first." Lan Jue's easy voice had turned serious by this point. Suddenly, Thor was off like a lightning bolt towards the nearest target.

"Got it." Idoloclast was then hot on Thor's heels. His mecha had been built to mirror his own abilities, so speed was it's forte. With a flash it was racing through the sky towards another nearby enemy.


A small team of tourists were racing through the forests, and between them were rifle-toting soldiers firing wildly in to the trees. A seven-meter long monstrosity oozing that caustic mist bounded after them.

This particular beast could be likened to a toad. A giant, murderous toad. Numerous purple spines ridged it's back, and the path behind them was littered with soldiers who'd been impaled by the barbs – which could be fired off like projectiles. There their corpses would remain, pinned to the forest floor.

"Go, go!" A sublieutenant hollered at the others, urging them to make their retreat. Of his eight remaining soldiers, three were burdened with civilians slung over their back, slowing them down. One child and two women.

"Laosan, Qianzi, come with me and bring up the rear. Everyone else keep it moving." The commander glared at the beast as it drew nearer. His jaw tightened.

"Sir, let me stay behind." A young man, looking a week out of puberty called out to volunteer.

"Stop talking nonsense. Get out of here. That's an order." The lieutenant shoved at him with the butt of his rifle, causing the young man to stagger backwards. Then, he smiled at him, flashing a set of white teeth.

With that he turned, and scrambled up a tree. He clambered to the lower branches and pulled the laser rifle from his shoulder. Slowly, calmly, he aimed towards he approaching beast.

Just then, a dazzling bolt of blue light came crashing to earth, followed by a peal of thunder. The toad-monster felt it, and turned to look. It hopped around, opened it's massive mouth and belched. A violet photosphere shot from it's maw towards the light.

A dispassionate grunt sounded from the light, and then it vanished. For a moment, it was as though time stood still. Then, not far away, there came a violent howl like an oncoming train.


A column of sapphire light barreled through the forest and completely devoured the toad. The ensuing blast of air nearly knocked the lieutenant from his tree.

He winced against the blast then looked again. A tall, dazzling mecha stood where there hadn't been one before. The verdant green trees rustled around it's imposing, azure figure. It was an image that would forever be imprinted on the soldier's heart.

"Mecha? What's a mecha doing here?" The other two soldiers standing rear guard couldn't help but shout out in surprise.

It took a moment for the lieutenant to regain some semblance of stability. His own eyes watched with joy and excitement at the new circumstance. He didn't care where the thing had come from, because it had come just in time to save all their lives. Whoever they were he knew they'd help, because only a human could command a mecha. He knew this majestic machine was going to help them get out alive.

The surrounding vegetation had been pulverized, like it'd be hit with a road roller. The devastation stopped just before the three soldiers.

"Lieutenant, what is the current status of Taihua, I need information." The commanding voice wafted towards them from the mecha.

"It's damn good you came, pilot!" The team leader scrambled to his feet on the tree limb and snapped a salute.

"According to our most recent satellite images, a large host of unidentified creatures have landed all over Taihua. They're hostile, and ooze some sort of corrosive mist that kills everything it touches. Plant or animal, nothing lives once one of these things gets to you. The area we're in now has a higher concentration. If you can, help defend the closest encampment. We need their airship to get the survivors out of here."

"Alright, got it. You three make for evac." The mecha was off again, like a bolt towards the sky and off in search of it's next objective.

Were one to look on from overhead, they would see two figures dancing through the sky; a shimmering blue gem, and a crimson red shadow. They raced through the forests, and where they landed another magenta monster was exterminated.

"These things are strong, but nothing we can't handle, Professor Lan. But there seems to be more and more of them cropping up. At this rate the encampment will be surrounded before long."

"You're right, they just keep coming. How's your mecha's energy capacitors?"

"Sixty-one percent. No problem for the moment."

"Alright, then we keep fighting. Make sure not to get that mist on your machine."

"Got it."

"Rooooaaggh!" Their exchange was interrupted when an earth-rumbling howl filled the air around them. Thor turned towards the origin of the sound. What Lan Jue saw made his pupils contract.

Another monster stood among the trees. Or, more accurately, far above them, for this one rose a hundred meters in to the air. It looked almost prehistoric, a Tyrannosaurus. But there were differences, like the dozen or so hideous eyes that dotted it's head. It's body looked like it was slapped together with chunks of rotten meat. Like the others, this one released an intensely thick violet mist. With it's heaven-shaking roar, more of the caustic fumes had been spat forth. In the blink of an eye everything within five hundred meters of the beast turned dark and rotted away.

Wang Hongyuan slammed a fist against the control panel. "I just finished saying there wasn't anything to worry about, and then this thing shows up!"

"Leave this one to me," Lan Jue replied. "Keep the encampment safe." With that Thor launched itself high in to the air.

Coiling bolts of electricity surrounded Thor, filling the sky with flashes of azure light. Lan Jue's own eyes flickered with electrical power. The previous engagements had relied entirely on Thor's own A.I. combat parameters, but the energy fluctuations he sensed from this monstrosity far outstripped any of the beasts they'd faced so far. Lan Jue knew it was time to employ his own Discipline, and released it in to the mecha. Like this, Thor would be at peak effectiveness.

A dull pain throbbed within Lan Jue, but it wasn't more than he could stand. Thor's right arm rose.

White light mixed with blue, coagulating in to a familiar shape. A crackling bolt-shaped spear appeared in the mecha's hand. Thor pointed towards it's target, and the twenty-two meter tall mecha began to descend. As it tore through the air, gaining speed, twisting trails of light followed.

The behemoth certainly noticed Thor's approach. It roared at the blue spec, and the dozen eyes on it's head flashed with power. Twelve magenta bolts of energy fired from them, colliding with the flashing sapphire beam.

A violent blast shook the treetops as the powers clashed. A corona of light and wind roiled in the air overhead. Thor's figure flashed, appearing outside the blast radius. The behemoth's body began to shake

Lan Jue had seen the beast in it's entirety, saw the massive tail it was dragging behind it. It supported it's massive girth with six thick legs, and four clawed arms sprouted from it's torso. From it's back, hundred meter long wings began to spread outward. They beat furiously against the air, yanking the monstrous thing upward.

Thor remained still, hovering in the air. As the behemoth started to rise, a blue light shone from deep within the mecha. Threads of sapphire light emanated outward and wormed themselves around it.

Lan Jue's own body radiated a powerful electric light. Since his battle against Archangel Michael, this was the first step in his battle plan. Thankfully, with Hua Li's help, he'd already recovered to perhaps fifty percent. If not, he doubted he'd able to command his mecha, much less this level of power.

It wasn't long before the entire mecha was covered in flashing electric light. From a distance, it must have looked like it was carved entirely of sapphire. On it's back a golden thunderbolt shone. Overhead the sky grew black and heavy with clouds, pregnant with roaring bolts of lightning.

"Ugh!" Lan Jue coughed suddenly, splattering the cockpit with blood. Commanding this level of Thor's power, manipulating weather phenomena… under normal conditions these weren't easy tasks, but they were much more dangerous considering his injured state.

Bolt after bolt of electricity crashed down from the clouds, striking Thor. The mecha was like a lightning rod, devouring the electric powers as they covered it.

"Damn! Is this guy totally insane?" Wang Hongyuan stared in disbelief at the scene unfolding in the sky above him. The pride he'd felt earlier for Idoloclast seemed a whole lot less in this moment.

Chapter 139: A Forest of Lightning!

This guy's actually able to manipulate the weather to amplify his mecha. What kind of strength does that require?! Could that… does it mean he's really a ninth level Talent?

It wasn't only Wang Hongyuan who was affected by the sight. The massive creature, too, was aware of what it faced. Still the vicious monstrosity fearlessly beat it's wings until, with some effort, it lifted free from the ground. It roared madly at Thor, vomiting a beam of violet energy towards it.

But before the beam could pierce Thor, it scattered and dissolves upon contact with the flashing lightning that surrounded it. Thor was entirely unfazed. In the interim before the beam struck, Thor had changed from a dazzling blue to a blinding gold. Squinting through the blazing light one could see the mecha was blanketed in tightly compacted golden lightning bolts.

"Die!" Lan Jue shouted back at the roaring behemoth, and Thor met the impromptu battle-cry with a forward charge. From where Wang Hongyuan watched, he could see the spear of golden light crashing earthbound. It's glow covering everything within dozens of square kilometers.

The behemoth hadn't risen a thousand metes above ground before it lurched to a stop. It's skin began to split, and from somewhere within it's rotten body rays of golden light escaped. It reeled, roaring towards the heavens, before it burst apart in a searing blaze.

A shimmering figure stood in the air where fragments of the creature were falling away. Around it, the skies opened up and hundreds upon hundreds of golden bolts of lightning came crashing from the dark clouds on high. The world became a dazzling forest of lightning.

Thor released the power it had stored unto it's enemies, the devastating Forest of Lightning.

Below in the tainted forests the multitude of hideous creatures were quickly turning to coal, burnt to oblivion by the lightning. In the space of an instant, hundreds of the monsters were turned to ash or blown apart. It was like a blast from the gods themselves, turning against the evil pestilence.

Wang Hongyuan swallowed hard. "Glad I'm on his side!"

Even the soldiers and tourists in their headlong rush for escaped were inspired to stop and stare at the scene above them. Not a soul knew what had happened, even the satellites couldn't penetrate the cloud cover to run their scans. All the fleeing masses knew was turning their monstrous assailants to fried carcasses.

Even atheists were on their knees, shouting praises to whatever god would listen. For it could only be a god who possessed this level of power.

Eventually the golden light receded. The large figure at it's core descended until it connected once again with the ground.

"Are you alright, Zeus?" Thor's metallic voice rumbled through the cockpit.

Lan Jue, his face pale and sunken, shook his head. "I'm fine. Just made the wound flare up, that's all. You? How much energy do we have remaining?"

"Fifty-seven percent."

"Then continue on auto, I need a breather."

"Very well." Without pause, Thor's thrusters sent it up and away towards the next enemy.

Thor's Forest of Lightning had temporarily eased the immediate danger of the encampment being overrun. Already there were more and more tourists under soldier care rushing towards the airship tarmac. They took off, one after the other, as they were stuffed full of evacuees. They reeled and raced skyward in any direction, just desperate to flee the nightmare they'd found themselves in.

A flash of red, and Idoloclast appeared behind another one of the creatures. Dual crimson blades shimmered in it's hands. As the seven meter weapons cut through, a dark light remained in the air it passed through.

The creature slowly fell away in to countless chunks of chopped meat.

Wang Hongyuan had already lost count of the number of creatures he'd dispatched. It had been two hours since he'd called Idoloclast and their work begun. He figured at least a hundred, but compared to that guy… he was behind perhaps ten times Thor's kill count.

And yet the creatures kept coming. It was like they were an endless wave. It almost seemed like their numbers were increasing instead. Fortunately it appeared most of the ships in this encampment had already set off, and radar revealed fewer and fewer fleeing tourists.

"How you holding up, Professor Lan?" Wang Hongyuan called through the mech's communicators, somewhat out of breath.

"I'm all good," his voice responded, cool and collected. At present he was controlling the mecha manually to conserve power.

"Reserves are down to less than thirty percent. Nearing the warning line. I count twenty eight ships still remaining at the encampment."

"Alright," Lan Ju replied. "Fall back to the encampment, guard the strip. I'll join you there in about twenty minutes. We need to prep our own evac."

"Got it!" Wang Hongyuan immediately left for his new post.

The two of them had done all they could. Now, they had to get themselves out before it was too late.

Thor paused, hovering in the air. It raised it's metallic head. At this point the whole of Taihua was enveloped in a grey mist. Although Thor was capable of replenishing it's own energy stores, it could only be done through cosmic radiation. Even if some could get through the dense fog, he'd still require time they didn't have.

With how much Thor had endured, it's own stores were only about thirty percent as well. Still the radar reached out.

Beep! Lan Jue looked at the information, and was shocked to find someone taking one of the beasts by themselves. The power fluctuations were intense.


Tan Lingyun half squatted under the canopy, an arm stretched out for balance and gasping heavily. Her clothes were almost rags, but it only enhanced the ferocity glinting behind her eyes.

Before her a giant python coiled, watching her with it's lidless gaze.

Their fight had been raging for a little while already. She'd raced headlong in to the forests to search for Lan Jue and Wang Hongyuan, killing perhaps a dozen of the beasts barehanded along the way. But she was reaching the end of her limit. In fact, were it not for the restorative and vibrant qualities of the environment she was linked to, she'd have been a goner long ago.

The entire beast was a sort of mulberry color, stretching twenty meters long. It was covered in tough scales and thick flesh, and although Tan Lingyun had already managed to put several holes in the thing none of them were grievous injuries. Worse, their last exchange had done some internal damage to herself.

Her eyes were growing dim. The world before her was slowly becoming blurry like staring through dirty water. Tan Lingyun knew this was the result of stretching herself beyond her limit.

She couldn't hold on much longer. Although she knew her decision to remain behind would likely lead to disaster, she had no regrets. She may not have been able to find Lan Jue and Wang Hongyuan, but she'd managed to help at least eight other tourists escape.

She'd die fighting, if it came to it!

With another deep breath Tan Lingyun launched herself forward. A glowing green light shone in the center of her forehead – her core. As it revealed itself, wisps of green energy appeared from the surrounding forests and merged with her. She was urged on, powered by the supernatural essence of the forest she protected.

Her right arm lifted, and clutched in her hand was a glittering and translucent emerald blade. She gripped the pommel with both hands. In this instant her thoughts turned to her mecha. If only Druidess were here, exhaustion wouldn't be a concern. But it wasn't, so she had to make do. And even if she died, she was going to make sure this damn snake choked on her corpse.

The anaconda keenly felt the approaching threat. It's scales began to peel away, opening up and allowing a thick cloud of mist to envelope everything around itself. First it was like a spectre, a dangerous silhouette. And then it vanished.

The natural mana sustaining Tan Lingyun had reached it's peak. There was no more room for hesitation. She blindly lashed out with the shimmering green sword.

Where the blade passed, the magenta mist parted like snow before a flame. The green flash revealed, just briefly, the mighty beast. It's howl of pain said the rest.

Strike? Tan Lingyun's heart skipped a beat. And yet, a moment later, she was met with the exact thing she didn't want to see.

She had landed a strike, but what she'd hit was the damn thing's tail. A three meter section of the monster had been cleaved free, belching pools of purplish liquid. A strike, but hardy a lethal blow.

The snake-monster's distended maw lashed out with horrendous speed. At this point the mecha teacher was too exhausted to dodge. She watched the fanged mouth barreling towards her, helpless.

This was to be her end! Tan Lingyun bitterly shut her eyes. Memories of the past twenty eight years flooded her mind's eye. In that time she'd experienced so much, endured so much. She suddenly felt…. liberated. At peace.

She felt her whole body tighten. Next she heard the violent blast of a thunderbolt, and suddenly the earth was spinning.

Her eyes opened, almost of their own accord. She was greeted with the sight of a massive blue mecha, which held her in it's giant hand. Blinding flares of blue light burst forth, casting the snake away like it was nothing more than a pesky insect. The mecha twisted in the air, firing once more upon the beast from an impossible angle. The monster's head was split open.

As she watched, caught in it's grip, the sapphire mecha moved once again. It hung in the air long enough to spin about, heading to ground in a perfectly executed inverted V-shape.

It twisted and rolled, pressing Tan Lingyun tight against the metal palm. The pressure, and her exhausted, colluded to blanket the world around her in darkness. In the moment before she fainted, all she could remember where the frightening yellow eyes of the mecha.

Boom! Thor landed amidst flying debris and foliage.

Seeing Tan Lingyun clutched safely in Thor's hand, Lan Jue couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth fill his heart.

Chapter 140: Drink Medicine! Break Out!

The calls Tan Lingyun had sent to Lan Jue and Wang Hongyuan were in fact received, only they'd chosen not to answer. He hadn't expected she would stay behind on Taihua – and judging by the sheer number of curse words in her messages to them, he judged the only reason she did remain, was to find them.

The woman was cold as ice on the outside, but did indeed have a good heart as Jin Yan assured.

A dim blue light reached from Thor's chest. When it receded, Tan Lingyun was gone, safe inside the mecha. Thor's cockpit wasn't small, easily big enough to accommodate two people. Years ago he'd built it that way for when he rambled with Hera.

Tan Lingyun was covered in grime, passed out, and stinking up his cockpit – but Lan Jue didn't concern himself with that. He reached out to feel her pulse. When he was sure it was simply exhaustion, he breathed a sigh of relief.

For her to last so long out there without a mecha was testament to her strength and ability.

It was time to retreat. It meant conceding Taihua to these beasts, but even something as strong as Thor could get exhausted. He was off again, flying towards the encampment. Idoloclast was already waiting.

There were still a number of empty airships remaining. Wang Hongyuan chose one without a pilot. These ships were mostly run automatically, so piloting one was nothing difficult.

"Professor Lan, on your way back? We've got to get out of here as soon as possible. Radar's picking up several more of the monsters heading our way. ****1, do all these things know we're here?!"

"I'll be there in a moment," Lan Jue replied. "And I'm bringing Tan Lingyun along for the ride. I think she came to save us. She pushed too hard and lost consciousness."

"You're not talking about the Savage Goddess…"

"That's her," he said. Thor continued towards the encampment, only stopping to dispatch two more monsters on the way.

The stabbing pain in his chest was worse. Lan Jue once more cursed the damn angel Michael for what he'd done. If he were at peak condition he'd have been able to sustain the fight for at least twice as long without issue.

Wang Hongyuan tapped in their intended coordinates and lifted off, first towards Lan Jue's location. Idoloclast had already withdrawn, so he was only waiting for the etiquette teacher to make their escape.

Lan Jue appeared in a sudden flash of light. That mecha's speed! A light reached out from it's chest and deposited Lan Jue on the ground. He carried Tan Lingyun on to the waiting airship.

He turned once on board and motioned with Thor's Promise. It flashed, and Thor vanished through interdimensional space. "Let's get out of here!"

"Got it!" Wang Hongyuan roared with maniacal laughter 2 and blasted off towards space. But the laugh was short lived, as suddenly the ship pitched to the side.

Lan Jue, just managing to shut the doors, then slammed against the cabin wall. He shouted angrily towards the pilot. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Wang Hongyuan's tense voice responded. "Look for yourself."

Lan Jue stuck his face against the nearest porthole, and his heart sank.

Their escape was cut off by the erratic flight of a colossal monstrosity. Volley after volley of energy salvos launched at them from the creature's head. Ten ships had taken off before them, and already two were falling to earth as flaming debris. The terrifying attack was as impressive as Thor's Forest of Lightning.

This was easily the deadliest beast they'd encountered so far, worse than the Tyrannosaurus Lan Jue had dispatched. From what they were seeing, he estimated the beast to be equivalent to a ninth level Talent. More than a match for an average mecha.

"We've done enough," Wang Hongyuan said, his voice low and defeated.

They were still quite a distance from the behemoth. The earlier roll was made to avoid an errant beam of energy that had swung their way. So far they hadn't captured the monster's attention. Now was their chance to get clear.

Wang Hongyuan's words reminded Lan Jue of something. A small smile spread across his face. His eyes were clear and sharp.

"My wife died, three years ago. When she left she took my heart with her. You really don't need to worry about Jin Yan and I. I know everyone who's lost a loved one hurts. I might not be able to save everyone, but even saving one more person means I spare someone the pain I feel. I can save a family."

"When you get back, if the Savage Goddess wakes up, don't tell her it was I who saved her. Promise you'll keep my secret. Now get out of here."

His left hand had risen, and that familiar green glow once more called Thor from the abyss. He waved towards the cockpit, then yanked open the cabin door and leapt out before Wang Hongyuan could lock it shut.

Almost immediately he was caught in a beam of light, and found himself in Thor's cockpit. He settled in, then reached in to jacket. He pulled a small vial from within, and took a deep breath.

Lan Jue poured the contents down his throat. Almost immediately his power began to pulse erratically. His gloomy expression became alive with vitality. The aura that surrounded him was magnificent and terrifying.

Thor trembled from the unstable bursts of energy from it's pilot. "Zeus, in consuming this unknown medicine your body's energy is swelling. Estimates read you can only sustain this level of power for thirty minutes. Your body will be unable to endure the medicine's effects after that. Your Core will be in danger of being annihilated."

"Thirty minutes eh?" Lan Jue fixed his eyes on the distant monster. "That's enough. Thor, time for a real fight!"

Lights of all shades and hues were seeping from Lan Jue's pores. The energy surrounding him was growing more unstable by the second. But in the same instant an intense flood of energy was welling up inside him. It washed over his Core, injecting it with power.

Thor had already passed critical energy levels, but suddenly it's energy reserves began to quickly replenish. A shimmering azure light bloomed out around it, stark against the grey sky.

If Wang Hongyuan had understood what Lan Jue had chosen to do, then he'd have seen true insanity.

If Jin Tao had known what was to occur, he'd understand the suffering he was enduring amounted to nothing.

Piao Hong had given him two Fantascia Genetica decoctions for his promise to aid them. He'd diluted one, and given in to Hua Li for use with Jin Tao. Three doses, spread three months apart.

He'd just taken the entire vial of highly concentrated Fantascia.

Lan Jue knew precisely what he'd done, and what it meant. He also knew what the decoction was capable of. It's basic function was to catalyze a person's inner potential, and increase their genetic capabilities.

It was a useful decoction for anyone below ninth level. Taken successively it was sure to increase one's abilities. Of course something that powerful didn't come without risks. The sudden rearrangement of one's DNA sequence meant the future trials involved in becoming a Paragon were almost impossible. What's more, ninth level adepts were not permitted to take it.

Ninth level Adepts were already in possession of energy levels no normal human could sustain. Taking the decoction meant their power levels instantly catapulted them in to the realm of the Paragons. It was a level of power they had no foundation to keep in check, and as a result their power eventually spun out of control and exploded outward.

Lan Jue knew all this, but he had no other option. Of course he could have left with Wang Hongyuan, but they'd only be able to watch helplessly as boatloads of innocents were slaughtered.

Hera was already gone. Like he'd said, these last three years he'd been living without hope or purpose. At this very moment he faced the circumstances with a calm heart. Almost cold. His earlier encounter with that young soldier still swam in his memory. Responsibility, guardians of humanity. Were these not the marks of a true man? Nobility?

Lan Jue didn't know what fate was in store for him, whether or not he'd succumb to the overwhelming power of the decoction. He didn't care. He'd taken the vial, it's effects were already under way. His weakened Discipline, stagnate for these three years, writhed within. It surged up, unprecedented levels of power bursting forth.

It came paired with a blinding pain. Indescribably agony wracked his body, so bad it threatened to suffocate him. But his eyes were sharp, and his hands were steady. His discipline surged through him and into Thor, filling it as well.

The beast had become aware of something in the distance. It turned it's massive girth through the air and, upon seeing the glimmering jewel that was Thor racing directly towards it, opened it's hideous maw in a bloodcurdling roar!

Lan Jue stared back at it with hard eyes. With a flash, Thor was suddenly behind the beast.

The monster's roars faded in to the wind. It remained rooted in place, hanging in the air. Waves of staggering energy pulsed outward, and it's body began to glow. Piercing rays of blue light began to shoot out from it as great tears appeared over its flesh.


One moment the beast was there, it's cruel jaws poised. In the next it was a fine red mist, scattering with the winds.

"Go!" Thor's thunderous and majestic voice rang out through the cabin of each and every ship remaining. Their engines fired up, flinging them towards the heavens. Thor was right behind them.

Lan Jue sat within the sapphire mecha, clad in golden robes, a golden mask, and a golden mantle, watching the sky race by dispassionately.

1. The Chinese calque here is very funny, the mandarin equivalent of the f-word, 法克 for those interested.

2. I dunno, that's what the translation says. Brings to mind images of KSP.

Chapter 141: Divine Salvation

Now, he was Zeus. Mighty, all-powerful Zeus. By virtue of the Fantascia Genetica Decoction he was stronger than he'd ever been, a power that coursed through him like fire. It didn't matter how many ninth level beasts appeared before him now, none could raise a hand against him.

Lest one forget, he was a being of two converging powers – thunderbolt and lightning intertwined. He was destined to be unbeatable.

Thor tore through the sky, leaving a grey contrail in it's wake. In seconds, it was leaving the stratosphere. As it did it's chest glowed blue. A golden figure appeared in the space before Thor.

Zeus' cold eyes were cast down at the grey planet below. Bolts of lightning raced across his eyes, behind his lids. Golden lightning bolts.

"These creatures couldn't have arrived for no reason. When the East took over this place, they must have sent probe after probe through the planet to prevent just this sort of thing. Taihua was a suitable place for human life, though without any significant resources. And certainly without massive poisonous monsters hiding in it's depths. They must have come from elsewhere. Where precisely who knows, but they can't be endless. Their vitality was drawn from Taihua itself, Something must have drawn them here, and the only way to end an infestation is to obliterate the nest."

"Thor, await me here," Zeus commanded after his quiet murmuring.

He dissolved in to a golden beam of light and pierced the atmosphere once more. Around five thousand meters from the ground he reappeared.

"Hear me! Clouds, come!" Zeus' powerful voice reverberated far and wide. It started small, but increased until it filled the air like rolling thunder.

Ascension! Godly Decrees!

At his command the sky grew dark, heavy with black clouds.

"Bring me thunder!"

Thrummmmmm! Tremendous blasts roared back at him, echoing far in to the distance. Snaking licks of lightning danced among the clouds overhead, lighting the skies from here to the far horizons.

"Gather!" Zeus' imperatorial voice crashed among the thunder, overpowering it.

Lightning split the skies, hundreds upon thousands of errant bolts lancing in all directions. The clouds overhead shined brighter than the sun, becoming an ocean of lightning that filled one's entire vision. The clouds and mists thickened, the lightning crashed down faster. And Zeus was their point of impact. Countless bolts of electricity struck him, again and again and again, until his golden aura filled the sky like a supernova.


Skyfire Avenue

"What is it, Clairvoyant?" The Wine Master furrowed his brows at the old man as he asked.

Skyfire Avenue's leaders replied hesitantly. "I just got an ominous sense. We knew when I read his fortunes before that he'd be facing danger, but that he'd eventually overcome his tribulations. Why is it, then, I'm suddenly unable to see what will become of him?"

The Wine Master looked at him in anxiety and confusion. "What does it mean?"

"Only two things could result in me losing the sight," he said. "The first, that he's met his end. But that is a very unlikely possibility. If he had the sensations I'm feeling would be much stronger. The second, is his powers have increased to a level comparable to our own. I cannot predict what is to come for him. Are you sure he's on Taihua?"

The Wine Master nodded. "I am. On a trip, supposedly…"

The Clairoyant's voice was deep, troubled. "Head over there. It's not too far, it shouldn't be much trouble."


The Wine Master turned as if to leave, but the Clairvoyant raised a hand, stopping him in place. "Wait a moment. When you go, bring the Doctor. He returned a few days ago."

"The Doctor's back? Very well." The Wine Master turned again, and left.

For the first time in a long while, the Clairvoyant felt helpless. "This kid! He never gives anyone a break. He'll end up being the death of me."


National Eastern University.

Zhou Qianlin was busying herself with an equation, alone at her desk. She was studiously at work far past when she'd ordinarily be leaving. The equation itself was difficult, and far past what she'd already learned. Still she felt like she'd made great progress, both in her research and personal knowledge.

"Qianlin!" The sound startled her, and she jumped in her seat. Her train of thought was lost. She shot an irritated gaze at the door.

Tang Mi raced in to the class as though she were being chased. "Did you hear," she said breathlessly. "Qianlin, something's happened on Taihua. Tons of unknown beasts suddenly appeared all over the place."

Qianlin calmly plucked her cup of water from the desk and took a sip. "Some unimportant business of Taihua had you running in here screaming, ruining my train of thought? How many beasts are we talking?"

"Countless," she replied. "Spreading all over the planet, I heard. And they're really strong – if you don't believe me ask your father."

Suddenly, Zhou Qianlin's body became still. Taihua… Taihua. Didn't he say…?

Her voice took on an urgent tone. "Xiao Mi, didn't our school just send a bunch of teachers to Taihua?"

Her friend nodded gravely. "Yeah! Why do you think I came running in here? Your class leader Tan Lingyun is with them."

Crash! The ceramic cup shattered in to countless pieces, forgotten as Zhou Qianlin shot suddenly to her feet. Her fingers flew over the buttons of her communicator.

It was only a short moment before the call connected. "Qianlin, I'm busy in a meeting – I can't speak right now."

With that, her father hung up.

She sucked in a breath, and tried to keep herself calm. It worked, at least on the surface, for her usually gentle eyes took on a sort of disconnected calm. She tapped another number in to her com. Her will reached out through the spirit caller gem in the same instant.

"The number you've dialed it out of service." The uncaring female voice recording on the other end was like a punch to the gut.

There was no response from the gem.

"What is it," Tang Mi asked, surprised by her reaction. She hardly recognized her now.

Qianlin shook her head. "Xiao Mi, head on home. I have something I have to do." She raced out of the classroom before her words had a chance to dissipate.

Tang Mi watched her go, utterly confused. "When did she get so fast?"

Qianlin raced through the halls at top speed, once again jabbing at her communicator.

"Miss." A pleasant female voice answered.

"Give me the most recent news from Taihua." Her voice was commanding. "I need the latest satellite imagery, and the fasted ship we have to get me there."

"I'm afraid the lanes to Taihua have already been closed, Miss. Apparently something's happened." The woman's voice was still smooth and slow, but it was clear there was surprise in it at Qianlin's demands.

"No matter the cost! I'm leaving for the civil airstrip right now." She cut the connection before giving the woman any further opportunity for argument.

She looked up just in time to see a figure blocking her path.

"Qianlin, what are you racing off to?" Richard blinked at her.

She skidded to a halt. "Is your verti-car parked here?"

"Yeah! Over in the parking lot." He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder.

"Give me the keys."

"Oh…" He fished an electronic key from his pocket and put it in her waiting hand.

"Thanks, I'll get it back to you." She was off again, disappearing from Richard's view as quickly as she'd come.

"Qianlin… Qianlin! What are you doing?! I'll go with you!" He called after her.

"I got it!"

Half a minute later, a verti-car was lifting off from the campus parking lot. It grew bright, flashed, then vanished.

Richard had given chase but was unable to catch up with the girl. His face fell, dark with depression. His communicator rang, interrupting his gloom.

"Mr. Austin, you have been found in violation of the university's traffic rules. Please return immediately and present yourself to the student affairs office for disciplinary action."

"Mother-" Richard only just kept himself from smashing his communicator to pieces.


A blinding light flashed in the heavens. Zeus was at it's center, shining as though he were cast in gold. The light radiated out from him in all directions. His body had begun to grow, to swell. He'd already stretched to ten meters tall. Towering, golden, suspended in air, he truly was like an avatar of the gods.

The tearing bolts of lightning dancing over head began to recede. Zeus stood in their flashing midsts, turning to view his domain. Two great beams of golden light issued from his eyes, bathing the ground below in resplendent light as he tore through the skies five thousand meters overhead.

Thor was on the move as well, five thousand meters above it's master. The mecha's radar was set to its highest frequency, and swept over the planet as it launched in another direction.

"Zeus, all satellite imagery over Taihua is being intercepted. No sign of your presence will be permitted." Thor's mechanized rumble echoed through his mind.

"Good." He sped up.

His body was feeling the full effects of the Fantascia Genetica decoction. Thankfully It was the decoction's ability to strengthen his discipline that allowed him to take control, keeping himself from being torn apart.

At this moment, with the power at his fingertips, he was no more a ninth level talent. He was a Paragon. With this level of control, he felt like the master of the universe. Wherever he looked, he could see all, sense all.

A shimmering cocoon of golden energy surrounded Zeus as he raced through the sky. Scores of golden lightning bolts fired out in all directions with his passage. Any creature that crossed his path, regardless of size or strength, was instantly and ruthlessly wiped from reality. In the eyes of a Paragon, they were no more threatening than scraps of paper.

His communicator was gone. It had been destroyed long ago in his mad assault on the monsters. There was no Lan Jue, only Zeus. All that remained of the man before was the spirit caller gem, and Thor's Promise.

Chapter 142: The God and The Goliath

"Zeus, satellite anomalies have been discovered by the Eastern Alliance. Judging from the communications I've uncovered, the first set of Eastern reconnaissance troops should arrive in three hours. By my estimates, the East will attempt to maintain planetary integrity, and thus will not bring it's warships to bear." Thor continued to pass on whatever information is uncovered to Zeus.

"Zeus, what is your current physical state?" Thor's voice arose anew. Surprisingly, this time the mechanical voice sounded almost concerned.

"I'm fine. The decoction has already catalyzed my abilities. For the time being I'll have no trouble supporting the power. I'm using it to enhance the potency of my Ascension. For as long as the decoction's effects remain, there wont be any problems."

"What about when it's spent?"

Zeus was silent for a moment.

"I don't know."

Honestly, he didn't know. When he imbibed the decoction he only knew that it would empower his abilities, and the risks that might entail. He feared that, had he not immediately resorted to his Ascension and the power it required, he'd have succumbed to destruction already. But what was to come, he couldn't say. He only knew the power that was coursing through him in this moment.

"Zeus. I believe I've found it. Coordinates."

A flickering thread of information wormed through his mind. It was somewhere in the sea.

It was unfortunate Hua Li wasn't here. The thought fought it's way through the flooding power. The sea, it was Poseidon's home court. Any watery area promoted his abilities to their strongest levels.

None of the former 'Poseidons' were ever Paragons. But on the oceans, cultivated to their higher levels, they were more frightening than many of the lower ranked masters.

Zeus turned midflight, and blazed through the sky to where Thor was headed.


The blimp-like ship was milky white, and small. It only had room enough to accommodate ten passengers. Next to a battleship it was hardly worth noticing. Next to Zeus-1 no one would pay it any mind at all. It's only advantage was speed, and that's what give it it's nickname; the Cosmic Hummingbird. It's speed was without equal, and it could reach light speed in no time at all.

Unfortunately distance was not among it's defining traits. It's energy reserves were limited.

Zhou Qianlin sat behind the controls of the Cosmis Hummingbird, her hands running over the buttons and levers. The ship was slowly gaining velocity and then, in a flash, was reduced to a beam of light boring in to the darkness of space.


Skyfire Avenue, Reaper's Arena.

A hexagonal area spread out in all directions. The ground had been etched with golden lines which splayed in fantastical designs. The central areas of the golden veins were inlaid with countless shimmering gems.

Two figures occupied the central area of the special arena. The first was the Wine Master. He looked as well kept as ever, with his hair combed and wearing gentlemanly suit. Across from his was another man, tall and thin, and quite handsome. He looked to be in his twenties, with long black hair that fell to his shoulders. His expression bore a calm detachment. Unlike his elderly counterpart, he was garbed in a clean doctor's coat, his hands stuffed in the pockets.

"Wine Master, is it absolutely essential I go? I've got quite a lot to do. I've got an appointment with the Beautician, and then tomorrow I've got to see the Barber about a haircut. The Gourmet said something about a choice bit of mutton as well, a stew we're to share tomorrow. Just let me off the hook here, it's been so long since I've enjoyed the Gourmet's fare. Ah, and I have to see the Mechanic about a job for him."

"Shut up! You're as despicable as the Accountant!" 1 The Wine Master's growling voice cut through the Doctor's complaints.

"'Cuz I don't wanna go," the Doctor whined helplessly. "Ever since that guy's shown up I've been getting markedly less attention from our female shop owners as well. Who'd agree to helping such stiff competition!"

The Wine Master's response was soft and measured. "Doctor, are you aware of the consequences if you keep disturbing me during this transfer?"

"No idea," the young man said flippantly. "Hey, can you really move this whole planet through space? Isn't that dangerous?"

"Oh it is dangerous." The Wine Master glared daggers at the man. "Originally there's about a ninety percent chance it's fine, though if you keep causing problems we're looking at fifty percent. I'll be able to send, oh, about a corner of the planet to where we need to go. As for you, you'll be sliced to ribbons by interdimensional space, like the result of a hundred thousand swipes of the scalpel. I'm fairly sure your pretty ladies wouldn't want anything to do with you after that, don't you?"

"I'm sure!" The Doctor had suddenly decided to be serious. His lazy demeanor had grown sharp and calm. He wasted no more time with pointless drivel.

The Wine Master nodded with a grunt. He motioned in the air with a finger, and almost immediately the world around them began to warp. The countless energy crystals inlaid in the lines at their feet flared to life.

With the money they were spending on this guy, he was sure to come along despite his protests.


The large oceans of Taihua should have been a sky blue, but the presence of unwanted pollutants had changed it. An enormous vortex swirled within, red as blood and a thousand kilometers across. A pale purple beam launched out from within, hanging in the air for just a moment before vanishing. Were one able to see within the depths of the see, they'd discovered nearly all the sea life devoured by the vicious whirlpool.

In a soundless golden flash Zeus appeared ten thousand meters above it. "Here it is," he exclaimed. The god-like Adept shut his eyes, focusing on the pulses of energy radiating from the vortex.

In fact the radiating energies were not overtly powerful. Instead there was the sense of… extinction. He could sense countless cells constituting the vortex, each of which were devouring the world around it at an alarming rate. They grew to maturity, were expelled, and spat out over great distances.

It was the hideous monsters' nest!

Right now it didn't matter how the nest got here. The primary objective was it's destruction. It was the only way to stop the endless march of the beasts. If not, the vortex would just continue devouring all life in the oceans, churning out monsters until the entire place was overrun.

But what the hell was it? There were scores of strange things in the universe, but the thing Zeus hovered over known was a complete unknown. He'd neither seen nor heard anything like it before.

Zeus' eyes flashed, and with a motion of his finger the godly aura around him diffused outward. Once again the skies grew dark and thick with clouds. It was an easy thing to produce clouds over the ocean, with the air so full of moisture.

Flashes of lightning lit the sky. Thunder rolled. And the air was full of an intense electric charge. Gradually it grew dark as pitch, to where only those brief and violent bursts of golden lightning lit the world.

Zeus floated in their midst, his eyes closed. He quietly drank it all in, feeling and knowing everything that occurred around him. He was calm, his mind empty.

Zeus' Ascension granted him control over the laws of nature. Of course, such ultimate power was temporary. But now, he was as the Paragons. The power he wielded, under the influence of the Fantascia Genetica, was absolute.

But was this indeed bending the rules of nature? Every terrible arc of golden lightning seemed like it was born of his own powers, not a product of the world around him. Every dark cloud was like a part of him.

No wonder it was said that mechas weren't an important aspect of a Paragon's life. There were no mechas available with today's technology that could match their sheer destructive ability.

For a moment it seemed even the vortex had become aware of the mountain pressure in the world around it. The seas rolled and heaved. Flashes of red and purple fluttered in it's depths, and a roar rose from within like a challenge.

In truth those roiling waters, that tumultuous sea, almost looked like a massive face. It was a face not unlike the behemoth Lan Jue had destroyed in his first moments after drinking the decoction.

Zeus pressed his right hand down towards the water.


A thick, twisting bolt of golden lightning flashed down from on high. It pierced deep in to the belly of the vortex. The heart of the whirlpool glowed gold, and then spat a pillar of water thousands of meters in to the air. Great spurts of violet fluid hung in the sky before being swept away by the wind.

Steam hung low over the water, and the surface roiled as though it were boiling, or quivering with rage. Geysers fired high towards the heavy clouds as that familiar magenta mist began to congeal over the waves.

Zeus lifted his arms high. The clouds brightened overhead in response like heaven was opening at his command. The entire horizon glowed bright gold. Slowly at first, but quicker with time, scores of shimmering lightning orbs fell to earth like roiling golden stars. They struck that towering sprout of living water again and again, a bombardment of heavenly artillery.

Boom, bang, crack, boom! Blast after deafening blast gave sonance to the devastating attacks as they exploded over the ocean. The tornado couldn't stand the assault for long, and dissipated in to nothing.

Once more Zeus lifted his right hand high over head. In a flash, a crackling spear of writhing lightning appeared where there was nothing. It burned with a golden fire that swirled behind it as it crashed down in to the raging seas. It didn't stop until it pierced the hidden heart of the vortex.

The crashing waves grew still, as though time had stopped. The surface of the water for a great distance around him shined with light.

Boooommmmm! A thousand meter tall spray of water reached out like the final desperate grasp of a dying man. A tsunami was birthed where the bolt had struck and rippled out in all directions. A golden halo hung over the scene.

"Aaaaagghooooo!" A great and piteous howl was heard, the scream of some enraged creature. From the depths of the ocean arose bubbles of purple fluid that broke the surface and burst, sending spouts of that caustic liquid spewing high in to the air. With them appeared the body of a titanic beast.

1. I love this guy.

Chapter 143: The Cosmagus

It was little more than a giant, fleshy orb, a thousand meters in diameter. It's bulging form was composed of numerous folds and wrinkles. It was similar in form to an enormous brain. Dimples and scars dotted it's surface, leading to a single hideous mouth at it's apex.

As it rose over the waves the wrinkles stretched and flapped, smacking sickeningly against each other. With each fleshy smack more of the magenta mist was expelled.


The monstrous maw twisted as it's angry roars filled the air. The fleshy orb lurched, and began to rise towards Zeus. It's fleshy flaps had stretched and become wings, which beat furiously at the air and water.

As more of it's body was revealed, it was shown that the left half of it had been burned black. Evidently Zeus' bolts had found their mark. He took it as affirmation of his strategy, and the sky lit up anew as scores of lightning bolts crashed towards the monster.

But this time the beast knew what to expect. The thick purplish mist surrounding it congealed and hardened in to an impenetrable membrane. It's twisted mouth opened wide, stretching a hundred meters in all directions. Peering in to the depths of that maw brought a palpable sensation of despair. The air changed, as everything above it began to get sucked down towards it. The skies roiled as the clouds started to descend. Even Zeus was caught in the vacuum.

The inhalation force was strong enough to devour anything caught within it. The monstrous thing seemed poised to swallow the whole world to achieve it's goal. It's already bulbous girth was expanding larger still.

Zeus glared at it, his face dignified and imposing. He struggled against the vacuum to keep himself from begin drawn in. However, the sudden force of this vacuum was indeed powerful, and unexpected. Not to mention it's new plating, which appeared capable of enduring a blast from a warship.

Punching through that armor would be difficult, even for a Paragon. And Lan Jue wasn't even a real Paragon – he didn't know how to wield this level of power.

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar deep voice, that hung in the air around him.

"Jewelry Master, you must remember that you're part of a team."

A single column of silver light appeared without warning. It stretched tall and wide, but beside the swelling titan it seemed miniscule. Further, it didn't appear to do anything to the monster. It flickered and stretched until it was like a curtain of light.

Pssshhhttt! An earsplitting noise burst forth. It sounded like reality was tearing at the seams. Zeus felt the terrible drag of the monster's suction inexplicably cease. The monster froze as though lapsing in to a cataleptic state.

A slash of pitch darkness, black as ink, appeared before Zeus. A powerful vacuum began again, but this one was not from the beast. Instead it came from the fissure, but stranger still it's undeniable suction did not effect Lan Jue's side.

The two mighty absorption forces were at odds, one drawing the other. Whichever was more powerful would come out the victor. In the end, though the monster was powerful, it couldn't match up to the dimensional tear before it.

Phsssup! A spout of purplish-black fluid erupted from the monster. The thick fluid, strangely, acted like a sort of adhesive as it sprinkled over the fissure. Little by little the fluid began to clog the tear.

"Eh?!" A surprised shout called Lan Jue's attention to his side. There was suddenly two more people in the air a short distance from him.

As ever the Wine Master was the very picture of nobility; well dressed, finely kept. He was also, at this time, surrounded by a faint silver glow. A doctor was with him, with a face like spoiled milk. Fortunately he, too, was covered by the Wine Master's protective light or he'd really have something to scowl about.

"What in the hell is this thing?!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"No idea," Lan Jue responded. "But what I can tell you is that all the beasts on Taihua have some connection to it. We kill the root of this hideous weed, and the ugly leaves will follow."

The Doctor looked at the writhing thing below them, a strange glint in his eye. "When we're done, make sure to leave a little bit for me to do an autopsy."

"The Wine Master shot Lan Jue a look, changing the subject. "How are you suddenly able to control the laws like this?"

Lan Jue's smile was bitter. "Fantascia Genetica Decoction. Otherwise too many people would have died."

"What?" The Doctor's eyes nearly bulged from his head. "Angry alpacas riding antelopes, you really will eat anything won't you! Eat something unclean and you'll get diarrhea. What you ate is far beyond dirty. Are you trying to kill yourself?" In a flash the Doctor appeared before the Jewelry Master's side. With a flick of his wrist, a syringe appeared in his hand. He unceremoniously jabbed it at Lan Jue's arm.

Gzzt! A jolt of lightning flicked the syringe away. A Paragon's skin wasn't so easily broken.

A look of profound displeasure washed over the Doctor's face. "It's imperative you finish this fight as soon as possible. Otherwise there wont be enough of him to fit in a shoe box."

At this point the monster had figured out the fissure. The beast didn't appear to have suffered any damage, but it had stopped it's slow ascent. It's mouth had closed, and hovering now as it was it's body began to shift again. A strange, deep indentation appeared near it's center.

The Wine Master, his eyes stern, beckoned in the air with his right hand. A flash of silver light, and a scepter appeared from nowhere, now clutched in his palm. The whole length of the weapon shone brilliantly, and at it's crest was a shining gem the size of a human skull. Black and white flashed in the stone's interior.

The elderly gentleman swept his scepter through the air. Where it passed, the air turned silver. The light fanned out, then surrounded him and his two companions. Anything that drew near to them vanished as it touched the screen of light.

Brraaaahhp! In that same instant the beast's mouth cracked open and belched at them. Plumes of violet mist issued forth like a geyser. The monster – having swollen to perhaps three thousand meters at this point – shriveled appreciably with the attack. In the blink of an eye it withered down to around five hundred meters.

The purple gusts of air spread out over a distance of three hundred meters. In the center were Lan Jue, the Wine Master and the Doctor, lost in the toxic mist. The blast of air rose higher and higher until it swept passed the atmosphere. Only once it struck space did it begin to dissipate.

A silvery flash, and the three human challengers appeared outside the creature's area of attack. Both Zeus and the Doctor looked uncomfortable, but the Wine Master proceeded unabated. With brows knitted, he swung his scepter again. This time, an ornate and complicated rune appeared, floating in the air before them.

The old man shut his eyes. The silver aura that surrounded him suddenly flashed bright and powerful. The rune rippled, and suddenly there appeared a shadow, as dark as the depths of space.

The Wine Master pointed his staff at the beast. His aura flashed. The rune disappeared.

The monstrous creature was not unaware of the danger. Perhaps it felt something coming, for it quickly began to turn in mid-air. It's multitude of fleshy wings flapped disgustingly from the effort. However it could not escape, for in the next instant the rune cast by the Wine Master appeared plastered on it's wrinkled body.

The beast replied with an earth-shaking roar. It's entire, hideous form writhed and shook. It's outer layers of fleshy appendages fell away as it tried to shed the rune from it's skin.

However compared to it's enormous girth the rune was only a very small thing. It remained where it was, like it had been branded in to the monster's hide.

The Wine Master lifted his scepter high. "Singularity!"

As the Wine Master's hoary voice filled the air, the silvery rune on the beast's body flashed with power. Once again it began to shrivel and contract. But this time, it's mouth was not the source. Instead the monster was slowly being devoured in to itself, through that silver rune tattooed to it's side.

"Aaghhh! Rgghaaaaooo!" Hideous, pained cries reached them. Struggle as it may, nothing the monster did could free itself from the rune and it's destructiveness. Plumes of caustic mist continued to pump from it's fleshy body in vain attempts to shed it.

It was like the rune didn't really exist here, that it was a ghost of another dimension. It bore through the beast unceasingly, rotating as it did. Intertwining bands of black and white followed in it's wake. It circled again and again, over and under, out and in, leaving devastation where it passed.

It's flesh parted, it's blood flowed. The monster's whole body twisted grotesquely as it was carved up. All of it happened in the space of a few moments. The silver light that assailed it continued to move, continued to grow until it was ten meters in diameter. It moved without care for the monster's gradually weakening cries of pain.

It was clear this black hole, called by the Cosmagus, was slowly devouring their enemy. Zeus and the Doctor looked on in utter shock.

This was the power of a Paragon. The terrifying strength of a true Paragon.

The old man they knew as Skyfire Avenue's Wine Master was gone in that moment. Right now, commanding the power of space and time with his shining scepter, he was the Cosmagus – one of the three Alliance's master Paragons.

Finally, there was hardly anything left of the monster for the Cosmagus' black hole to obliterate. The roiling violet seas below had begun to grow lighter. The shuddering waves of energy had started to fade away.

"Leave some for me!" The Doctor was suddenly shaken from his stupor, and shouted his plea towards the Wine Master.

In response the old man lifted his scepter and drew a circle in the air before them. A cut of wriggling flesh the size of a man's head appeared.

The Doctor hurriedly employed his own interspacial equipment to pull a silver box from nothing. He carefully plucked the squirming remains from the sky and put them inside. As the box shut, it's edges spat a chilling mist. The remains of the giant alien monstrosity was inside, frozen solid.

"What is this?" The Doctor stared at the box, his eyes full of wonder.