178 - 186

Chapter 178: Last Minute Preparations

As was often the case, Lan Jue had arrived at the mountain early this morning to send Qianlin to school. He likewise heard from her that today was the day the NEU and Lir University were to begin competing at the West Hill training grounds. All teachers were expected to attend and learn from the spectacle. The electives instructors were no exception.

He'd left Hua Li and Chu Cheng back at Skyfire Avenue. They were in the underground, training mecha combat in the jewelry store warehouse while he was busy. Hua Li had shut off his communicator and was once more effectively 'in the wind' – at least as far as Mo Xiao was concerned. Hua Li knew she was no fool, that she probably suspected he was hiding in the Avenue. Luckily, however, she had no way to get in and find him. In this part of the galaxy, there were some things even the Poseidon Group couldn't pull off.


"Professor, you were looking for me?" Tang Xiao trotted up to Lan Jue, who was waiting patiently behind the electives building in their former meeting place. The young pupil panted from the exertion.

"Right, stop pretending. Your fat, but all this for two steps of running is a tad ridiculous don't you think?" Lan Jue's words were honest and cutting. An apprentice as deceitful as this, he didn't have any recourse.

Tang Xiao chuckled, and sure enough his panting stopped immediately. "Am I getting predictable? I do it to perplex my enemies."

"So I've noticed," Lan Jue said wryly. "Your downright rotten to the core. Are you feeling confident about the competition today?"

Tang Xiao looked almost pained as he answered. "How could I be? It's like a King of Fighters style battle with three people, right. So last year we only knocked out one of their fighters before the second cleaned us all out. This year they're even meaner. They're saying it'll only take one of them to finish us."

Lan Jue looked impressed. "What rank are these pilots?"

"The word is Emperor-Class, but I dunno how accurate that is." Tang Xiao shrugged. "Students don't know anything about their competition before the actual bout. The professor war games are even more intense. They're all at least Emperor First Class. Strong. So they have us beat on every side. It's a pretty cruel way to lose."

Lan Jue thought for a moment, staring at his pupil. "Simple. Time's a little tight, but I can teach you a few tricks. Call it last minute preparation. Are there any restrictions on the mechas specifically?"

Tang Xiao blinked. "Actually, no. Everyone's permitted to use their own mecha in DreamNet 1. We're pretty crappy in that department, too. As you know, in DreamNet each component costs. Every part and gem, and what's more it's about equivalent to what you'd get in the real world. The school helps us a little, but they don't have the resources compared to LU 2. This is the main reason why we can't beat people even our own rank, much less stronger. They've got some big money behind them. I mean enough to launch a whole contingent of war mechas. They're just altogether better than we are in every way."

Lan Jue chuckled in response. "Outfitting is the single last thing you need to worry about as a pilot."

Tang Xiao's eyes flashed with sudden interest. "But professor, if I don't prep my equipment I won't have any stopping power."

Lan Jue looked over his pupil for a moment before speaking. "You've worked hard lately. Fine, I'll help. It helps that your combat style is different from others'. Oh, and by the way, if you should run in to that Xiao Han in the arena beat the piss out of him for me. If you win, be patient."

"Got it!" Tang Xiao snapped to attention, giving his professor a sloppy salute.


Nation Eastern University Reception Hall.

"Is the press release ready?" Han Ruchao inquired of Shi Jiujiu 3

"Everything's prepared," Shi Jiujiu's deep voice answered. "The NEU has garnered no small amount of fame simply by hosting that Poseidon concert. This can be to our advantage, however. If we win not only will it improve our standing, the press will turn right around and trample all over their current golden boy."

Han Ruchao nodded his head in tacit acceptance. "I can't wait to see that look of utter defeat on his pig face. We'll beat them so bad he'll feel it. If he gets ill enough from the shame, maybe he'll lose some weight."

It wasn't a stretch. Rarely did the NEU hold such activities, and now two in as many days. It was only during their field day once a year that the school approached anything as busy as this.

This was different. Right on the heels of Poseidon's Sounds of Nature benefit concert, was the highly anticipated (or dreaded) educational exchange between Lir and NEU. Under the guise of 'cooperative improvement,' of course.

And yet everyone on campus knew this drama was inevitable once a year. They expected to suffer at Lir's hands, accepting it as their lot.

So here it was again this year, with the people of the NEU bracing for humiliation. But there was a silver lining; at least they got to watch some nice mecha combat. That was something everyone could get behind.

Perhaps that was another reason for this farce they embarked upon year by year. Of course this was not their world, but like anyone the students of the NEU desired to experience and get better at it. Their piloting abilities and the strength of their mechas were crucial to their identity.

In the last five years the NEU had suffered significantly in this area. In the hardware sector alone they were only just catching up with other high level universities. With their reputation so low, they had no means of attracting talented students4. And thus cycle continued. Every school wanted to see their facilities improve, in all areas. Unfortunately, it was easier said than done.


It was after lunch, and students had begun to make their way in chattering groups towards the mecha combat area situation on the campus' West Hill. Lan Jue got the news moments before from Qianlin via their Soulcaller gem, telling him that Tang Mi would also be competing. The both of them felt like it was an embarrassing shot in the dark.

It really was interesting! He thought back to when he was in school, though admittedly not that long ago. He never had any opportunities to join in activities like these. For the simple reason that none of the universities were interested.

But he didn't know anything about how schools were run these days. He never really paid attention to that sort of news.

His thoughts wandered further, to the beginning of his studies, and almost immediately his face slackened. Those memories always brought a darkness with them when they floated to the surface.


West Hill, NEU Mecha Training Area

The training field was actually a massive stadium, easily ten times the size of a normal field.

The entire thing was supported by the hills that composed the area to save on costs. Inside, it was separated in to several sections. Among them were the forest, mountain, plains and desert. Each one was the result of a simulation, but served as excellent practice fields that trained students in tactical awareness.

Of course, they also had a standard combat arena, though that was used for the real thing.

As the teachers and students of the NEU filed in, they immediately spread out across the spectator's bleachers. Looking over the stadium, it was clear that the National in the school's name wasn't just for show. They certainly would need the help of the Eastern government to pull something like this off. It was the largest arena on Skyfire. In fact, it was among the three largest in the entire Eastern Alliance.

It could handle thirty thousand spectators without trouble. Hanging above the stands were scores of holographic televisions. This way the spectators had a comprehensive view from every angle.

The NEU welcoming committee was on a stage nearby, Tan Lingyun among them. The Savage Goddess was clad today in a white combat suit, that brought out her every proud curve. Yet despite her alluring figure no soul dared venture near, for fear her attention would fall upon them. As Lan Jue knew, misunderstandings were a real danger. Easily provoked was probably an understatement.

Tan Lingyun spun around, and her eyes fell upon Geng Yang, Tang Mi and Tang Xiao. Her voice was low and harsh. "Remember the order. Geng Yang, when the sim goes live, you're up first."

"I'm frst?" Geng Yang gaped at her in surprise. He was the best pilot the school had, enrolled in the Emperor-rank for more than a year already. Recognized as the valedictorian of his mecha combat class. He was truly dumbfounded by Tan Lingyun's decision to send him in first.

She nodded. "I don't know what the opposition's roster is, but I do know that beyond a doubt we're no match for the Lir team, at least in terms of raw power. Situations like this, you rely on your ace in the hole to get an advantage. If you go in first, you're guaranteed to take out at least one, and if we're lucky weaken another. An important task, our vanguard. You understand?"

"Yes Professor, I understand." Geng Yang's eyes shone with anticipation, the fire of combat lust deep in their depths.

Next, Tan Lingyun turned her attention to Tang Xiao and his sister. "Tang Mi will be second. Your job is to keep the advantage on our side, to the best of your ability. Tang Xiao you're last, and for you I have only one demand – just do the best you can."

"I will, Professor!" Brother and sister answered in unison. To Tan Lingyun, Tang Xiao looked like a good, honest kid. He was obedient, quiet and simple.

Tang Mi poked her brother's pudgy waist. "Bro," she whispered, "You think you can do it?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Tang Xiao nodded his head in resolution. "I know it."

"You don't know crap," Tang Mi said suddenly. "Even if Geng Yang beats his first opponent and weakens the second, I'll still need to try my best to at least drain their mecha's energy stores. In this sort of competition, they won't allow us to stop and charge our suits. It'll be up to you to take on the second challenger and the third. At any rate, if we even get that far, it'd be better than last year. Hell, we'd probably get awards from the school."

1. Calling it now – twinkie

2. Lir University.

3. Ehm, Director Shi? They don't clarify, so I'm assuming.

4. You think maybe it might also be because you guys don't have any classes? Teachers on vacation, concert, contests…

Chapter 179: Mecha Skirmishes

Tang Xiao chuckled through his pudgy face. "Such little confidence in your big brother huh, little Mi? I'm doing my best to be a man and make the best of the situation! Professor Tan Must know this, that's why she put me at the end."

Tang Mi gave a tepid response. "Bro, don't be a punk this time. Anything shady and the Savage Goddess is sure to make you pay for it."

"Alright, alright," Tang Xiao surrendered. "How about focusing on yourself. I'll handle the rest."

By now the sun had begun it's slow, inexorable trek westward. Beneath it many had begun to fill the sparring platform. It was becoming an ordeal, for not only were the big-wigs from Lir and NEU in attendance, but also leaders from other schools and Skyfire government officials. All came to watch the schools battle.

This sort of exchange was always sure to garner the interest of the varying schools. As peers they were ever curious as to the state of their competition. It also made for the perfect schmoozing opportunity, with so many important names gathered together.

This was not even considering the mecha pilots. Even the Northern Alliance – the strongest nation in the galaxy – was seeing an alarming shortage in capable pilots. A single mecha pilot was very rarely the determining factor in a battle's success or failure, but a good pilot often is one of the most important factors.

The three alliances were always in a state of undercover, simmering contention. Even considering this, however, there was an unwritten rule: any conflicts were restricted to mecha pilots. Whatever the issues it was never to extend to warships, simply because their cost was too great. This was something every alliance understood.

Even though humanity had been scouring the galaxy for a couple of hundred years, in the grand scheme everything was still new. There was still a good chance that a frightening and powerful alien race could make itself known. It was for this reason that the alliances kept their main strength at bay.

Mechas are especially crucial now, as planetary exploration and development has progressed. A skilled pilot was highly prized anywhere they went. They were considered strategic resources to advance the strength of a nation.

Lan Jue sat amidst the crowd. Jin Yan and Wang Hongyuan appeared after a short while.

Before Jin Yan could even react, Wang Hongyuan swept passed her and took the seat at Lan Jue's side.

She stood there looking at the two of them curiously. She had no choice but to take the seat next to Wang Hongyuan.

"Professor Wang. Professor Jin." Lan Jue nodded politely to the two instructors.

Jin Yan smiled prettily. "Hello Professor Lan. You're also interested in mecha combat?"

Lan Jue laughed. "Part of being a man. I'd wager it's just part of our DNA."

Jin Yan grinned. "I'm sure! Men are always interested in things that hit and kill."

Wang Hongyuan's imperious voice interjected. "No! I actually am far more interested in art. Clearly, otherwise I'd never have chosen dance."

Jin Yan sniffed at him. "Well I like it for the manliness of it all." 1

Wang Hongyuan nearly choked, pupils contracting. He was entirely flabbergasted.

Jin Yan scooted forward a little to separate herself from Hongyuan, and directed her attention to Lan Jue. "What do you think of all that yesterday at the Poseidon concert? How can he sing under water? And that mermaid, definitely a suit. Or something swimming back and forth with her. But she really was like a fish. How can they sing under water?"

"No idea," Lan Jue said. "Perhaps they have some sort of special contraption. Maybe a secret of the Poseidon Group. You know, if we knew the method it would ruin the effect."

Jin Yan looked impressed. "Looks like our scientific progress really is going too fast. It was my first time going to any sort of concert like this, Poseidon was quite handsome. I used to think you were pretty cute Professor Lan. Little did I know there existed guys like Poseidon." 2

Both gentlemen sat stone still, their faces gloomy and sour.

Eventually Wang Hongyuan coughed to break the silence. "So, ehm, Professor Lan. What do you think of our chances in this competition?"

"I have no idea," he replied with a shrug. "I'm no mecha pilot, I don't know what's going on."

Wang Hongyuan suffered a slight tick, but quickly recovered. And least until he blurted out, "What crap."

Lan Jue feigned shock at the accusation, the very picture of innocence. Hongyuan immediately muttered, "Nevermind."

Lan Jue leaned back in his seat and stared at the looming screen before him. "Anyway it's fun simply to come and watch. Days like this I really love the college life. Peaceful and relaxing, watching the youth of tomorrow grow in to leaders. It's a fine feeling."

Wang Hongyuan paused. He knew Lan Jue meant him. These peaceful days were hard earned. He didn't want them bothered.

He himself was a smart man. It didn't take him long to figure it out. He simply nodded. "Well let's watch the game eh. Should be starting soon."

Then, as if on cue, the National Eastern University's Director of Teaching Affairs Wu Junyi appeared upon the stage.

"Teachers. Students. Please quiet down. The Official Educational Exchange Competition between the National Eastern University, and Lir University will begin shortly."

His powerful and imperatorial voice boomed across the auditorium. Instantly, the place went still. Not a soul wanted the Director's attention to fall on them.

Wu Junyi paused for a moment. He let his eyes wander over the crowd, and then he continued. "Next, please join me in welcoming our Dean, Xu Renjian onstage to speak a few words."

It was the first time Lan Jue had heard this name. He was further surprised to see the man was in fact nearly as chubby as Tang Xiao.

Xu Renjian beamed towards the audience. "Respected teachers, and honored students. Welcome, one and all. First, I would like you all to raise your voice with me in welcoming the Dean, teachers and students of Lir University to our home."

Xu Renjian was the first to clap his hands together. Only a few scattered applause was all the crowd could muster.

Sitting on the stage nearby, Han Ruchao's expression never changed. He was already accustomed to this kind of reception. He was well aware of the animosity between the two schools.

Xu Renjian's smile grew a little brighter. "Today, the chosen contest in which we shall be competing with Lir University is mecha combat. As I'm sure you all know…"

Xu Renjian's propensity towards pomp and circumstance was quite apparent. He went on for ten minutes before he reached the closing words.

"Director Han, perhaps you would like to share a few words?" At long last he finished, turning the focus on to the opposing Dean.

Han Ruchao rose to his feet, and approached the podium. By his bearing it was clear he was out to top Xu Renjian.

"To every deeply treasured teacher, and dazzlingly brilliant student of our dearest friends from the National Eastern University, hello. I, am the Dean of your grateful guests, Lir University. Han Ruchao. Every year, our two great institutions come to together in a display of integrity, comradery, and mutual desire for improvement. It is the foremost link our chain, which we have forged in friendly cooperation. Forged, in our resolute search for progress and perfection…"

Lan Jue had thought that Xu Ruchao was quite the talker. But this oddball windbag Han Ruchao was clearly determined to beat Xu Renjian's word count. He was unmindful of the jeers and disdainful glances as his speech closed after the fifteen minute mark.

Finally, he relinquished the microphone to Wu Junyi. "Alright, thank you for that. Ehm, now it's time for the contest to commence. First, we'll begin with the students simulated King of the Hill event. This will take place in a DreamNet arena, whose terrain will be determined by random drawing. The mechas which the students employ are their own. Will the first pair of students please enter the ring.

The actual competition was taking place in a site to the left of the auditorium, where more than five hundred simulators were arrayed. The competitors were there, busy testing and calibrating their mechas for combat. However, what happened there would appear on their screens, and as instructed two students appeared before them.

The massive screens flashed as the students were formally selected, and their terrain randomly chosen.

"That's Geng Yang." Lan Jue heard a snippet of conversation from someone in the row in front of him. Lan Jue wasn't familiar with the line-up for today's event, but he did dimply recall Tang Xiao saying that – besides his sister – one Geng Yang was on their team. He'd also said Geng Yan was the single best pilot the NEU had to offer.

Wang Hongyuan's brows shot up in surprise. "Well, it looks like the Savage Goddess is going for the Tianjin approach." 3

Lan Jue shot him a glance. "Looks like a subject close to your heart. You sure seem to know a lot."

Wang Hongyuan just continued. "For this sort of competition, the Tianjin style simply isn't effective. At best you'll redeem a little face. It's perfectly obvious the Savage Goddess doesn't think highly of our students at all, and plans to shoulder the whole thing herself. No, it's the teacher's competition that's the main event."

Lan Jue gave A nonplused response. "Is Lir really that strong?"

"Lir's university is an uncommon powerhouse of a school," Wang Hongyuan instructed. "They consistently pump out excellent pilots. Of their present student body, they have more than twenty registered in Emperor-class training. For this competition they chose three from their number. So tell me, how do we compete against that? We've got six, maybe seven ready for Emperor class, but only barely second grade."

Lan Jue grunted. "Oh. And what about the teachers who are here to compete? You think the Savage Goddess has a chance?"

Wang Hongyuan nodded. "She should. After all she's our school's poster child. She might have the attitude of a spoiled child, but she's pretty strong. Be it the simulations or the real bouts, she's going to hold a dominant position. No surprise since she's a Sovereign-Level pilot. And an eighth-level Talent to boot. Any school could win a few victories with the likes of her in your corner. Overall, Lir's faculty are stronger than ours. However, if you're talking one on one I don't think they have anyone strong enough to beat her. We had a King of the Hill bout last year, and it took two teachers taking turns to take put her down. So we got one. But she also got another victory in the real combat arenas. They say she's the one bright spot in our school. I heard she's been busting hump this year to prepare. No small amount of preparation, or so I'm told."

"I guess we'll see," Lan Jue said. "Perhaps Professor Tan will put on a good show."

1. Oh shnap that burn is rough! I cringe for Hongyuan.

2. To a crisp. The burn – it's horrible!

3. This involves the story of Tianji and the Horse race. In short, during this horse race Tianji decided to pit his worst horse against his opponent's best, his average horse to race the inferior one, and his best horse against the challenger's average horse. In that he way won two of the three bouts, and the competition: You can read about it here.

Chapter 180: Let the Combat Begin

Just as they finished speaking, combatants were drawing lots to decide which arena they'd be competing in.

The result: The arena! Simple, direct, and most suited for precisely this sort of thing. It was the best arena for determining who had the greatest aggregate strength.

The scene upon the giant screens changed, revealing the massive arena that would be their battlefield. Two mecha appeared on either side.

Two names appeared on the screen in each corner, followed by a sanguine colored bar. It revealed the condition of the machines. A third bar was also present, this one detailing the energy levels of the suit.

Geng Yang's name was displayed on the left. On the right, one Hua Qianhu

Gengyang was piloting a black suit. By the looks of it, it was a close-combat mecha – jet black, with thick legs and a spear in its hands. A pair of triangular metallic wings were at its back. Presumably, speed and maneuverability would not be a problem for Geng Yang.

His opponent was the opposite. The mecha was quite slender, nimble, with a massive laser rifle slung across it's back. Judging by the look, it was a powerful electron canon.

Once a weapon reached a certain level of power, rifle was no longer an applicable term. This was more akin to a canon, and one direct blast from it was likely to obliterate most suits.

It was a weapon best employed by snipers. He laser electron canon was incredibly powerful, yes, but like anything it had a drawback, and it's was a very poor rate of fire. Fire one shot, and you needed to wait for it to sufficiently cool before the second could be released. The enemy's advantage lay in those few seconds in between.

For a sniper, this arena was likely the worst pick.

Competitions in DreamNet needed no arbitrator. It's systems automatically kept things fair and even.

Three. Two. One. Begin The countdown rang through the speakers, and the fight commenced.

Thirty minutes was set. After that, the match would be considered a draw. In more complicated terrain this was a possibility, but in the main arena it was unlikely to happen.

As the match begun, Geng Yan wasted no time. In a flash he was airborne, all thrusters fiery like a nightmarish hurricane. Judging by the model and loadout of his opponent, getting in close was the best decision.

The arena was a thousand meters in diameter. It was enough that any long distance combatant could work with it – and alternatively, was a chore for any close range fighter due to the distances they had to traverse. They couldn't safely approach without a hail of laser fire.

But Geng Yang was worthy of is Emperor-grade training. He took advantage of his opponent's need to ready his weapon to launch himself forward without molestation. He rocketing forward dangerously.

As expected Hua Qianhu's first move was to pull the weapon from behind his back, and carefully take aim.

A nearly inaudible buzz arose from Geng Yang's mecha, whereupon a dim grey aura began to emanate from it. This was an integral part of any high-level mecha confrontation involving close-combat fights: magnetic disruption. Its purpose was simple – to prevent weapon locks. If a sniper wanted him down, he'd have to do with his own eyes and no computerized assistance.

The black mecha shuddered in that moment. Its speed increased, zooming forward – and changed direction midair without warning.

"Mm. Disordered Leap." Wang Hongyuan muttered mostly to himself as he watched the fight unfold from the safety of the bleachers.

The basics of Disordered Leaping wasn't difficult. However, mastery and using it properly in a battle required quite a lot of practice, and no small level of talent. A necessary requisite for Emperor-class pilots, disordered stepping was considered when determining a pilot's ranks and fighting ability.

Hua Qianhu's mechanical arms were still as they trained the electron canon, like he'd been immobilized in the same spot. Only it's upper body moved, in the smallest increments. He was calm, deliberate. By all indications the sniper had no intention to evade the encroaching spearman.

The one thousand meter separation quickly became five hundred.

Beads of sweat had already begun to appear on Geng Yang's forehead, as he fought the controls in the simulator pod. To those on the outside, he looked as though he already had the advantage. What they did not realize, however, was that the closer he got the more lethal his opponent became.

Perhaps only Geng Yang realized the danger. His enemy had yet to fire off a single shot, but every time Geng Yang made landfall to jump again, Hua Qianhu's weapon was half a second behind. It only took one shot to end it. If Geng Yang slowed even the slightest bit, it would spell the end.

His adversary's calm could only be described as terrifying. It meant he was smart, waiting for that moment when he let his guard slip, slowed down just enough to land a shot. Just waiting, and watching, in almost perfect stillness. 1

Snipers were about specifics; just the right shot, and just right the distance, in just the right moment. He knew as well as Geng Yang, that a sniper's hit average increased exponentially the closer he was to his target. Up to a certain distance, anyway.

Geng Yang didn't attack yet, though he was drawing closer. This was primarily due to the fear that his attack would telegraph his intentions. If the sniper knew where he would be, it was just as bad as standing still.

Geng Yang clenched his teeth, and his hands sped faster over the control panel. The mecha raced forward in response, to the point where an illusory shadow of itself trailed in its wake. It was an indication of true Disordered movement – ghost images. Of course, the faster the mecha went the harder controlling it properly was. Only truly skilled pilots were capable of pulling it off.

The directors of the competing schools were sat quietly in the VIP box, watching the exchange. Lir's Han Ruchao nodded sagely, then leaned towards Xu Renjian to speak a few words. "Not bad at all, this student of yours, eh my friend. Employing Disordered Leaping to this level is an impressive feat. I'm guessing Emperor-grade."

Xu Renjian smiled ever so slightly. "Compared to your own students, he hardly registers! The result of this bout is difficult to guess. Your sniper is as calm as I've ever seen."

Han Ruchao chuckled, but did not continue the conversation.

Five hundred meters. Four hundred. Three hundred.

Only a few seconds had passed since the fight had begun, but already the distance between the fighters had dwindled to no more than three hundred meters. For close-combat mechas, this was enough for them to employ their entire attack arsenal. But, before Geng Yang could have a chance, the sniper was on the move.

He dropped in to a squat.

Geng Yang's undivided attention was ever on his opponent, and his sudden movement made him assume he was preparing to fire. His figure shimmered, shuddered, until it was three identical figures jumping erratically forward. Three sets of enormous metallic wings unfurled.

However, what he didn't notice was the sniper's stance. It had squat, but not for cover. Instead dual sets of canon barrels stretched out from compartments in the legs. With a flash, ten deadly bursts of laser fire launched his way.

They were accurate, and as feared they raced towards the only path Geng Yang had to advance.

Not a pure sniper? The float sent shivers down Geng Yang's spine.

He heard a blast from the direction of his enemy, then everything was enveloped by a blinding red light.



The situation was clear to everyone watching from the stands. Geng Yang had dashed headfirst in to a shell from the electron canon. It was a perfect shot, right in the cockpit, that sent him flying to the other end of the arena.

The familiar digitized voice of DreamNet followed. "Direct hit, cockpit. At best, the pilot survives in a coma. Mecha damage exceeds fifty percent. Winner: Hua Qianhu 2."

And thus did the first contest end.

The entire match, from beginning to end, didn't last longer than two minutes. This included all the dancing around and delays Geng Yang employed. It was safe to say this was an embarrassingly short match.

Hua Qianhu holstered his rifle, never glancing towards the smoldering wreck that was Geng Yang as it crashed to earth a few hundred meters away.

Geng Yang sat in his simulator, viciously pounding his fists against the control panel. He knew immediately the fatal mistake that lead to his 'demise'.

As he passed the three hundred meter mark, he'd begun to grow nervous. What's more, after five hundred meters he'd already stretched himself to the limits of his speed. It wasn't a situation he could sustain for long.

When he spied Hua Qianhu move, he'd assumed it was an attack and put his all in to the onslaught. But it was more than he could take, and for a split second his hands paused. As a result, his mecha lurched. That was all Hua Qianhu needed.

Through the course of the fight, the enemy hadn't even employed their greatest advantage. Geng Yang hadn't lost from technological inferiority, but psychologically. His opponent was simply better and more experienced than he was.

Geng Yang despondently pulled himself from the simulator. Tan Lingyun, the reputed Savage Goddess, said nothing to him. She simply patted him on his shoulder. Inwardly, though, she was just as depressed.

Geng Yang's defeat completely ruined her strategy 3. Not only had they lost their best combatant, they hadn't even weakened the first challenger. How to proceed from here? Tang Mi and Tang Xiao both weren't up to the level of Geng Yang. This Hua qianhu had barely used any of his energy stores – mechanical or physical. It looked like Lir's one student was going to eliminate all three of the NEU's.

In the VIP viewer's box, Han Ruchao sat with a smug grin on his face. "Hua Qianhu is a lucky one. There wasn't any cover in there for him. If it hadn't been for that direct hit, things definitely would have gone differently.

Typical! Such a victory and still he complains of the circumstances. This old bastard is as rancid as he ever was. Xu Renjian fought to keep his expression even.

He continued to gripe. "You agree right? I guess luck, in the end, counts as a strength!"

1. Snipers were always my favorite.

2. Well, so much for Tan's strategy, eh?

3. Told you.

Chapter 181: Flogging Corpses

Xu Renjian's chubby face twitched at Han Ruchao's incessant, passive-aggressive whining. However, his voice was calm and even as he spoke. "I disagree, it's a very different thing from actual strength. Geng Yang is still inexperienced, and in fact his mecha was more than capable of handling a blast or two from that canon had he managed to succeed in the forward assault. Had he managed properly, that barrage wouldn't have given him pause. Had that first strike not pinned him in a killzone your student's victory would have been far from assured. But it was a clear indication of your school's dominance in this area, Ruchao."

Han Ruchao nodded his head. "Mecha technology is important here, but experience always trumps toys. Every week our university holds a small sparring session, with real mechas. If their suits are damaged, they must earn study credits to repair it. Then, they can continue to participate. Rinse and repeat. We also offer a great deal of incentives in the form of rewards for a good showing. Under this sort of motivation, we foster a vibrant spirit of learning and competitive exchange."

Xu Renjian shot him a glance, but did not speak. A lump formed in the pit of his stomach, the result of the depressed realization that this was destined to get worse. He didn't anticipate his students would ever pull out a victory, he just hoped it wouldn't be an ugly defeat. At present, it looked like he could only pit all of his hopes on Tan Lingyun in the instructor competition.

With the first fight finished, the NEU's second challenger appeared in the ring.

Tang Mi entered with a fiery gusto, ready to risk everything. She was well aware of the skill discrepancy between herself and her opponent, and that left her with only a single course of action. She would focus her strategies on consuming the sniper's energy reserves, in order to set up an advantageous start for her brother. If they could just get the better of this one guy, they'd be redeemed!

Compared even to Geng Yang, she was a weaker pilot. However, where she had the upper hand was in her experience. This was a result of the Tang family's resources. The family was wealthy enough to properly outfit both she and her brother with capable mechas once they'd joined the NEU. As they grew and improved, so too did their suits.

Hua Qianhu beckoned her forward tauntingly.

As the losing party, she had the option of continuing the fight with the current arena or opting for a new one. Without hesitation, she chose to continue where they were. It was the best fit for how she intended to proceed.

The suit she used now was not the same she'd employed in her fight against Nooblet so long ago. Compared to Geng Yang's, it was a far sight flashier.

The streamlined, golden mecha released a shimmering halo of light. By simply looking at it, it was impossible to distinguish precisely what the suit was specialized in. It resembled its pilot in many ways; long legs, crouched and ready for a fight.

"Three. Two. One. Begin!"

The second contest began with the blow of an alarm.

Like Geng Yang before her, Tang Mi's mecha began the fight by leaping upward leaving a contrail of golden light in its wake. All thrusters burned as it tore through the air, and what's more the mecha itself was surrounded in a grey halo and a golden shield of light. Disruption and defense.

It was not that Geng Yang had forgotten to use a shield in his own fight. The constructed and loadout of his mecha was different from Tang Mi's. His particular choice wasn't properly suited for combat against long-ranged fighters like the sniper, even if he had used it. It would not have made any difference.

The golden mecha barreled forward at incredible speed. Its right arm stretched out, and from the palm a blast of golden light fired towards the distant sniper.

It wasn't straight, but instead traced an arched trajectory through the sky, spinning erratically like a boomerang. It rushed in almost sideways towards Hua Qianhu.

The slender sniper mech dropped in a crouch. It was starting to look like his standard response to any attack.

The golden mecha, like Geng Yang before it, advanced with Disordered leaps. But unlike Geng Yang, Tang Mi's hand speed wasn't quite as developed. As a result her advance, and the jerking motions of her Disordered leaps, was visibly slower. There was no afterimage from her passing.

The golden beam of light whistled over Hua Qianhu's head. The slender mecha stood, never moving from its spot. Still that same, terrifying calm.

A pale pink light spread out from Hua Qianhu's back, stretching over him in a photomask.

"Dang!" His shield came online, encompassing him in a rippling orb of pale pink light.

It was quite the powerful shield! The suit must have had at least a c-ranked gem powering it to maintain such an effective defense.

Tang Mi fumed, both at the situation and in envy of his mecha. She quickly recovered, however.

The boomerang of light hung in the air for what felt like an age before screeching a path once again towards Hua Qianhu. In the same instant, the deafening blast of the sniper's cannon rang out.

A sizzling beam of red light lanced through the air with a frightening metallic roar.


Tang Mi was attentive, and made adjustments as she watched the sniper move.

Sure enough, the cannon's blast made landfall less than five meters from Tang Mi's golden mecha. It was indeed a miss, but in the space of a few seconds another thunderous blast was heard. A forest of deadly laser beams came crashing down from on high.

Tang Mi coaxed her mecha to leap high overhead, while in the same instant the thrusters launching her forward went from gold to white. The mecha vanished in a flicker of light before appearing at Hua Qianhu's side!

"She got passed the kill zone!"

The entire NEU section of the audience watched on the edge of their seat, fists clenched as their representative finally got within striking distance.

As Tang Mi reappeared, her mecha had at some point produced two shimmering golden daggers which were now clutched in its mechanical hands. The matching armaments were a frightening pair, almost appearing possessed of their own intimidating aura. High-frequency blades 1. With these in hand, Hua Qianhu's shield was not as intimidating.

The sniper certainly hadn't anticipated this golden mecha was capable of such speed. He subconsciously jerks his suit to the side, narrowly avoiding Tang Mi's deadly scissor slice.

Lan Jue watched from within the crowd, and quietly shook his head. No one saw, for all their attention was fixed on the large screens before them.

As the sword cut through the air, the golden mecha's chest was left exposed. However, as its arms spread wide in the follow-through a glaring burst of light spat from its torso to launch at Hua Qianhu. It was a textbook, arrogant move. NPD, near-proximity detonation.

The striking distance was less than five meters, and though it was dangerous the destructive power was increased as such close range, even beyond that of the sniper's electron canon. Its utility was compounded by an increased blast radius. It was an important aspect of a close-ranged fighter's arsenal for countering snipers.

Victory! Tang Mi swelled with pride and excitement. The NPD was too close for her opponent to dodge. Even his c-ranked gem couldn't deflect the attack.

But, did she really pull out the win?

The sniper lay prostrate on the ground, but was still movement. The suit twitched and struggled. It's left hand clutched the cannon, and with a fierce thrust of its right the suit was upward once again.

Just as the NPD fores, Hua Qianhu's suit released two beams of light from its shoulder plates. It launched his suit backwards to mitigate some of the damage and push back from the hot zone.

He caught the edge of the blast, but it was enough to violently knock him to the ground.

The sniper mecha twisted while airborne, spinning directly above Tang Mi's head. Time almost appeared to slow as the cannon lined up directly over the golden mecha. He pulled the trigger.


The golden mecha's head exploded in a brilliant shimmering display. When the dust settled, the suit's entire torso was missing.

Peng! Hua Qianhu's sniper landed with a thud. It paused, looking over the crowd for a minute before continuing. He slowly walked around the wrecked, placed a foot against it, and viciously kicked the remains to the floor.

Shouts of indignation rose from the crowd as nearly every NEU student and faculty member balked at the display.

That digitized voice returned: "Tang Mi had been annihilated. Hua Qianhu is victorious."

Wang Hongyuan was absolutely livid as he glared at the screen. "Too excessive. He wins and then beats on the wreckage!"

Lan Jue said nothing, but his own face was a mask of displeasure. Lir University certainly was one to go too far. This was clearly provocative behavior.

Xu Renjian's glowering face turned again to Han Ruchao. "Director Han. Is this what your university teaches its students?"

Han Ruchao looked on as though nothing untoward had occurred. "In combat you must never give your opponent an opportunity 2 What is the suit is equipped with a self-destruct mechanism 3? Naturally we teach our future soldiers to avoid this risk. You can't feasibly expect us not to treat this like a battlefield, Renjian. Our instructors use simulation as a foundation, to prepare them for the real thing. It's common sense, I'm surprised you don't understand this."

"You…!" Xu Renjian's face was dark with rage.

The crowds below bellowed their curses at the screen.

There was a term for Hua Qianhu's actions in DreamNet: flogging corpses. It was specifically to humiliate the opponent, despite whatever training they touted, and was universally despised as a practice.

And think of Tang Mi's reputation. She was one the school's Great Beauties, and an Emperor-grade pilot. She may not have had the same following as Zhou Qianlin, but she was still a school celebrity. This was especially true in the mecha combat department, where she was considered their muse. How could anyone suffer this sort of humiliation and keep a level head?

The crowds raged and cursed, oblivious of the filming equipment quietly watching from a dark corner.

"Silence!" Wu Junyi's commanding voice rang out, but even with his deterring presence he had to shout three times before he could illicit a response. Eventually he succeeded in curbing the vitriolic riot that was on the cusp of boiling over.

By the time Tang Mi pulled herself from the simulator, her face was pallid and drawn.

Those many days ago when she'd been dismembered by Nooblet's Brunois Assault, the only ones to witness it had been herself and that damn landmine. This time, however, two entire universities had witnessed her outrageous defeat.

"Tang Mi." Suddenly she felt herself enveloped in a comforting embrace.

"Your brother will avenge you!" Tang Xiao's pudgy face was conspicuously absent of his normal teasing smile. Now, it bore the brutal expression of someone out for blood.

He hugged her tight. He spoke to no one, did not even acknowledge Tan Lingyun. Wordlessly, he stuffed himself in to the simulator and began the set up.

Hua Qianhu shouldered his weapon. He stood proudly at his end of the arena, soaking in the jeers.

A flash, and at the other end of the arena appeared his third and final challenger.

1. Weapons that oscillate at high frequencies so as to weaken molecular bonds. An example in regards to the MGS universe can be found here: http://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/High-frequency_blade

2. For real? Tang Mi was blown in half you unbelievable ****.

3. Ok… he has a point.

Chapter 182: Trainwreck

Hua Qianhu stared in silence at the third and final challenger. It looked like an average mecha.

It was coated in a bright silver plating, with a stocky composition. It was a good deal sturdier than Geng Yang's, but of course the greater volume meant it's speed suffered.

A close combat mecha? Hua Qianhu sat comfortably in his simulator, a smug grin on his face.

Hua Qianhu was the second strongest of the three mecha students that had been chosen for this competition, inferior only to Xiao Han. In fact, he'd already attempted the Sovereign-grade test once already. He'd only failed because he was lacking a little experience.

Though a part of the competition from the beginning, his interests were never in the opposition or even his own team mates. His primary desire was to do well, so that the school could earn more prestige and thus more resources for development.

After all he was very nearly set for life. A student who reached Sovereign status before even graduating was going to have a bright future, be it with an important family, a business collective or the military.

Hua Qianhu was no fool. He knew precisely the strengths and limitations of his abilities. He was well aware that the power he craved wasn't going to come solely by his hard work alone. There was talent and effort, sure, but contacts and resources were just as integral.

Case in point were the power gems a mecha suit employed to run. Expensive was an understatement, more than your average pilot would be able to afford. Luckily Hua Qianhu was a talented student, but he came from an average family. Where he got to now was largely a result of his own efforts, in a place where the university was giving him accolades. But even then, he still couldn't match up to those who came from a wealthy family.

He was graduating in a year. Now he was fighting tooth and nail with himself, pushing as hard as he could. He was dead-set on a single goal, all he wanted – to be a Sovereign-grade pilot.

The conflict between Lir and the NEU was as old as the hills. It was a good opportunity for him to ingratiate himself to the dean. Xiao Han was strong, true, but that wouldn't matter if he never got in the ring. That would mean it was him and him alone that represented Lir University's strength and superiority. He'd no longer be overshadowed.

It was for these reasons that Hua Qianhu was taking this competition so seriously, painstakingly studying his tactics. The arena wasn't the most suitable to his strengths, but he had faith in his abilities. As far as he'd seen, there was no danger of running in to a pilot that was his match.


"Would you like to draw lots for a new map?" The digitized voice rang through Tang Xiao's cockpit.

Tang Xiao's face was cold, and hard. He growled his response.


"Three. Two. One. Begin!"

The third student battle began without delay. Were Tang Xiao to lose here, it would mean a crushing, humiliating defeat for the NEU. Losing three to zero would be a humiliation that would be seared in to the school's historic memory forever.


Han Ruchao sat languidly within the VIP box, content in the results laid out before him. He found the first two victories very agreeable, and Hua Qianhu to be performing exceptionally. He found the young man's demeaning actions particularly fun to watch. Altogether the sniper mecha's power stores had barely been touched. It looked more than likely this was going to be a complete shut-out.

Xu Renjian's own mood was, naturally, entirely contrary to his Lir counterpart. The moment he'd seen Geng Yang enter the field first he'd guessed Tan Lingyun's strategy. What he did not anticipate was that their best student would be eliminated so quickly. There was more than skill discrepancy there – Geng Yang also had to learn to better recognize opportunity, and the lack thereof.

He'd anticipated Tang Mi's defeat, truth be told. But to lose in such a fashion, in front of the entire school, was a strike at the very heart of the university as a whole. If they lost again this time, the effect on their future recruitment would be catastrophic. Not to mention the strangled death of the entire school's moral, students and teachers both.

But this was the reality he found himself in. What could he do? Who but he was at fault for their inferior learning in regards to Lir?

Within the arena, the fight had already begun.


As this was the final bout, Hua Qianhu decided to switch up his strategy. Immediately his cannon was aimed directly at the silver mecha's head. A strong energy disturbance sizzled through the air as his weapon spooled.

According to Hua Qianhu's estimation, the one-thousand meter distance between he and his opponent was enough for two good shots. All he needed, was one solid hit.

By now he was supremely confident in his marksmanship, and for good reason. Within his kill zone, even Xiao Han wouldn't dare get on his bad side.

Tang Xiao began precisely how Geng Yang and Tang Mi before him had, with a direct rush. The instant the digital voice called for the fight to begin, he was off in a flash of light.

In regards to speed, his direct assault wasn't much different from Geng Yang's, though perhaps slightly poorer. His blazing thrusters were clearly already at maximum power as well.

Hua Qianhu was certain two shots was more than enough. With his extensive combat knowledge, he could read the result before it even happened. He grinned with satisfaction as his cannon beeped, indicating weapons lock

Hm? Weapon lock already, like he doesn't care? I guess he's mad and making mistakes.

Hua Qianhu was surprised to discover there was nothing Tang Xiao was doing to try and prevent a lock from his cannon. This meant no matter where he shot, the shell would find it's mark. It was a critical, catastrophic error on the part of his enemy.

Boom! The sniper took its first shot. Now that it was locked there was no need to wait.

A smile was already spreading across Hua Qianhu's face as he waited for the Hat Trick.

If this whole thing really was the result of his opponent's mistake, then all the better. He was already thinking of how to disgrace this guy in front of his friends. If, on the other hand, he managed to find some way to evade the strike, he still had time for his second shot. He had the dominant position no matter what.

"Aaaahhh!" A howling cry tore through the bleachers as the NEU onlookers collectively cried out. Not every student in the NEU was a mecha pilot, but all of them knew the process inside and out. A close-combat mecha taking on a sniper with no protective jamming was painting a giant target on your own chest. Defeat was inevitable.

The electron cannon's fiery red beam found its target. A virtual flash as the mecha exploded filled the screen.

Tang Mi's dull, defeated face was turned up to watch the screen. Her pretty face was heavy with melancholy. Was this the result of her brother being too emotional, she thought. It didn't matter, it was over!

Suddenly the cries stopped, as though someone simply turned off the volume. Everyone held their breath.

They'd seen it true, Tang Xiao's mecha really had been struck by Hua Qianhu's cannon. However, as the fires of the explosion raged an enormous figure broke through the wall of fire to rush forth.

A mecha, silver, but now with a dim silver shield of light encompassing it. Were it not for the laser's blast, it would have been entirely invisible and gone without notice.

He actually faced down the electron cannon's shell!

Within the VIP box, both deans watched the screens very carefully. Han Ruchao looked incredulous. Xu Renjian was absolutely shocked.

Both university leaders were calculating the precise stopping power of an electron shell. Next was how much power the suit must have consumed to deflect the blow.

And yet as they watched, the small line on the screen detailing Tang Xiao's energy reserves trembled only just slightly. Hua Qianhu's energy reserves were at twenty percent.

The giant silver mecha barreled through the smoldering cloud where impact had been made, rushing headlong towards his opponent.

But Hua Qianhu's training and experienced kicked in. His stunned surprise lasted only have a second before he began to react. He was an ace pilot, he knew what had happened – he just hadn't been expecting it.

This time he didn't remain locked in place as he had the previous two fights. He made a hasty retreat to the side. While his mecha twisted and raced diagonally away, it's upper body remained stationary, locked still to face his opponent. His cannon locked on Tang Xiao for the second time.

It was unfortunately Hua Qianhu was unable to see the harsh light of hatred in Tang Xiao's eyes, or the hard lines of his face as he scowled. His fat hands were a blur over the controls.

The silver mecha jerked to a stop without warning. The thrusters at its back sputtered, and changed colors.

The formerly incandescent light of the thrusters became a dazzling purple 1. There was a flash, and the air was sliced by a shimmering violet contrail.

Hua Qianhu blinked, confused by the illuminating display. Then, everything went black.


Countless pieces of slag and debris tumbled from the simulated skies. The audience had seen it the clearest from the various screens overhead. The silver mecha had essentially turned itself in to a cannon shell – a freight train that had obliterated Hua Qianhu while he'd been caught off guard. The deadly sniper was now no more than a pile of shrapnel. Like he had been struck down by the hand of god himself.

The silver mecha landed with a thunderous boom, skidding to a halt. It stood tall and unscathed, imposing as a demon. It's giant metal hand raised, and waggled its pointer finger in denial towards the Lir University bleachers. 2

"Hua Qianhu's mecha has suffered one hundred percent damage. Combat complete. Victory, Tang Xiao!"

1. Holy shit, that's not what I think it is, is it?

2. So awesome I get tingles in my giblets.

Chapter 183: Concealment, Assimilation Gems


This match was even quicker than the last two. Sudden, and violent.

Lir University's Dean, Han Ruchao, shot to his feet faster than a llama on jet skis. His eyes were wide and round, utterly disbelieving the scene in front of his eyes.

His expression was matched by Xu Renjian's own face, slack-jawed and dumbfounded. Behind at the edges of his lips, the ever so faint hints of a haughty smile started to show. He knew his students, knew Tang Xiao's abilities – or so he thought. How could this be? Everything was backwards, and Bi Qianhu's attacks didn't even scratch him!

A simulator hissed sadly as the door opened. Bi Qianhu pulled his medium-sized build from the cockpit with a howl, his handsome features twisted in rage.

"B-BASTARD!! How the hell did that happen?! How did he go from a lumbering idiot to a damn light-speed battering ram?!"

The team's Lir University instructor looked on. Surprisingly he was young himself, perhaps in his thirties, with an unusually calm expression. After a moment his brows furrowed – just the slightest bit.

"You got flattened."

This was the young man whom Lir's Teaching Director, Shi Jiujiu, had treated with such respect. Su He.

Bi Qianhu stared at him, fuming. "You think his equipment was better than mine?"

Su He nodded, impassively gesturing towards the screens. "Note his energy consumption."

Bi Qianhu's head snapped up, where he was shocked to discover Tang Xiao had used only three percent of his energy stores. His eye twitched furiously.

It had been such a short match, but in that time he'd had to ward off his opponents and lug that cannon on his shoulder. And here he was at three percent?

He simply couldn't fathom what was going on 1, and his head nearly exploded as he witnessed Tang Xiao's energy reserves regenerating. His mecha was actually restoring itself!

"Ch-cheating! They must be cheating!" He shouted rancorously at the screen.

"Shut the hell up! Two victories aren't enough for you?" Xiao Han stood a small distance away, and spat the words accusingly.

"And what does that mean, huh Xiao Han?" Bi Qianhu narrowed his eyes, glaring daggers. The two school celebrities exchanged heated looks.

Xiao Han snorted scornfully. "Listen and learn. My guess he's got at least three a-ranked gems specifically for energy management on that thing."

"A-ranked?" Bi Qianhu turned his head to look back at Su He. The instructor was as before, expressionless and calm as the surface of a lake. He simply gestured towards a third student. "Ming Han. You're up. Select a new arena. Use the advantage of your speed to keep him at bay, don't let him get a hand on you."

"Yes, Professor Su." The entirely average looking youth jumped in to the simulator.

Bi Qianhu stood to one side, still pondering the situation. A-ranked power gems? C-ranked were the only thing he'd ever actually seen employed at one of these things. It was extravagant! After all, the cost of gems in DreamNet weren't even slightly cheaper than those in the real world.

Next, Su He slowly turned his attention unto Xiao Han. "Watch this match very carefully. Distinguish the particulars of his equipment. When it comes down to you, do not under-estimate him. This student's mecha is a near match to yours."

Upon his victory over Bi Qianhu, the vengeance and anger in Tang Xiao's heart eased. Steamrolled… of course. He thought back to earlier, to the things his teacher had lent him for the games. A cruel grin spread across his fat face.

Bring it on, Lir punks. I'll show you the fat man's ferocity. 2

The arena glowed with a flash of light, and Tang Xiao's second opponent appeared opposite him in the ring. His name hung in the space over his head: Bi Minghan.

The newly arrived suit looked almost like a toy. It was small, and frail, not a centimeter over twelve meters.

A Darter Mech! Tang Xiao drew a breath.

Bi Minghan elected for another map. The world around them shifted nauseatingly as the backgrounds underwent a series of rapid shifts. The flashes slowed until it settled on their new field of battle: the desert.

"Terrain: desert. Combat shall commence in: Three. Two. One. Begin."

Tang Xiao winced against the sudden bight light and heat from the sand. It was a vast and expansive field, so close to reality it was difficult to tell the difference. The rolling dunes stretched for five kilometers in all directions, and the beating sun meant that anyone flying overhead would be lost in the glare.

Tang Xiao was off, like he didn't even need to think. He was the first to react as the match begun, and took a step forward.

The mecha plunged headfirst in to the dunes. Within the cockpit, the controls were unresponsive, silent as a grave.

The audience's omniscient view afforded them more information, like the dim yellow aura that hung over Tang Xiao's silver mecha.

Su He watched the screens, and for the briefest of moments, his brows lifted in surprise.

Xiao Han sneered at the screen, then called out to his instructor. "An assimilation gem, right Professor?"

Su He nodded slowly. "C-ranked."

Bi Qianhu stood to one side. His rage had begun to subside, and he was now more annoyed than angry. The mention of the assimilation gem brought him back to the battle at hand. He recalled the power gem's function as he watched the scene.

Assimilation gems were able to force a mecha's environment to accept it as part of itself. In that way it resonated with the surroundings and fought off radar detection. The Achilles heel lay in the fact that it was too effective. If the pilot found themselves in an area of high energy output – like, say, a sun-drenched desert – it overloaded the electrical systems. Tang Xiao knew this when he hid himself beneath the sands.

Restarting the mecha would take time.

Lan Jue looked on from the bleachers, nursing a bitter expression. This damn fat-ass! There hadn't been any assimilation gems in the kit Lan Jue had provided him. The only explanation was that it was Tang Xiao's own. It was like he was determined to depress the hell out of everyone!

Half a second after Tang Xiao went down, Bi Minghan was on the move.

However, they appeared to have been deposited a distance from one another. Seek and destroy would be the game. Bi Minghan engaged its radar acquisition equipment and began to scan for Tang Xiao's location. The Darter's strength was immediately apparent as it raced over the sands fast enough to look almost ethereal. Two ionized light sabers sizzled in its hands. It was like a monstrous spirit racing through the scalding desert.

The audience was able to observe both contestants on different screens, and by now many who had previous cursed Tang Xiao were forced to mutter praise. Luckily for him, the moment the assimilation gem shorted his suit and activated was the very moment Bi Minghan's radar sweep was passing over him. Was it not for that gem he'd certainly have been discovered and caught unawares.

Tang Xiao made no effort to turn on his own scanners once the mecha was operational. He simply poked a hole in the sand to peer out of.

Of course Bi Minghan was unaware of any of this. As a contestent he wasn't made aware of the situation as the audience was. And so he kept searching the dunes, wary of stopping for fear that Tang Xiao would do to him what he did to Hua Qianhu. His nerves were certainly on edge, ready to bolt and evade at a moment's notice.

Su He's instructions were clear, if not direct. It wasn't important that he defeat Tang Xiao, but instead to drag out a battle. With any luck Tang Xiao would tip his hand, reveal his abilities, and consume some precious energy.

The audience watched with baited breath. They saw Bi Minghan's own energy reserves begin to deplete as he raced around the desert arena at staggering speeds. Tang Xiao's energy levels had regenerated to full.

The previous battles had been short and violent. This looked like it was going to be a different beast. The audience readied themselves for a knock-down, drag-out battle.

Ten minutes passed.

Beads of sweat dripped down Bi Minghan's forehead as he sat in the dark simulator pod. As the time stretched on, his nervousness only increased, and keeping up his mecha's speed was exhausting. Still his opponent was nowhere to be found – like he'd vanished in to thin air.

Twenty minutes.

Bi Minghan was grappling a growing impatience. He knew very well that Tang Xiao must be hiding, but where he couldn't fathom. How was it his radar detection could find absolutely no trace?

Twenty-five minutes.

The time indicator on the screens over the audience's head began to flash red as the final five minutes of the battle began to tick down.

Bi Minghan's eyes flashed down to the control console, where he saw the state of his energy levels. Twenty percent gone, just from racing through the desert searching. The price of his high speed. Still, there was five minutes left in this fight – and a DreamNet competition was judged by damage to the mecha, not the amount of energy stored.

If it continued until the end, the match would result in a draw – really, a loss for both sides. But since the NEU was already down two wins, it would mean their aggregate score would be lower. They'd lose the competition.

This realization caused Bi Minghan to have a shift in thinking, focusing instead on self-preservation and protection instead of seeking out the enemy. He lifted in to the sky, distancing himself from the battlefield so he could get a better view.

Twenty-eight minutes.

Only two minutes remained until the end, and yet Tang Xiao was still nowhere to be found.

Was this really to be how it'd end? In a tie, a terribly anti-climactic finish. Bi Minghan suspected his enemy was still biding his time, concealing himself until the last minute where he'd reveal his strength.

Twenty-nine minutes!

Bi Minghan decided upon what he thought was the best option given the circumstances – he coaxed his darter mech higher towards the simulated cloudless sky. His mecha was specialized in speed, no slower even than Tang Xiao with his empowered thrusters. All he had to do was keep his distance, just for one more minute. That's all, then he'd done his job.

The console beeped as Bi Minghan's radar caught a ping.

The large silver mecha burst from within a sand dune, filling the air with choking dust. Bi Minghan sat slack-jawed in his simulator as a veritable meteor shower of particle beams filled his screen.

1. Woah, this guy is dense!

2. Oh yes

Chapter 184: A 1% Victory

"Bi Minghan has suffered 1% damage. Tang Xiao 0%. Tang Xiao is victorious."

The emotionless digitized voice hung in the air.

The fourth student battle finished as the time ticked down to zero. Tang Xiao had won his second in a row, by virtue of a single minor attack.

The entire audience burst in to uproarious laughter.

It rang in the ears of every Lir student and teacher.

A 1% victory was usually a display of luck, just barely winning over the enemy. But when it was intentional, as this battle was, it was more embarrassing than flogging corpses.

Bi Minghan burst from the simulator, his face purple with rage. Even Hua Qianhu, whose mecha was absolutely obliterated, looked on him with sympathy.

This fight wasn't lost because of any difference in equipment. No, he lost this one because he was outplayed. His enemy had more heart.

Bi Minghan knew it was a lesson, and an image he wouldn't forget. Behind his eyes he could still see the curtain of red lasers filling the sky.

The laser curtain was a weak strike, but it was an effective long-range tactical tool. It was called a pinning laser, and it was meant to force a target where you want. If you knew where the target would be, all you had to do was pull the trigger. Naturally it's damage wasn't much of a concern, and what's more it's distance and scale were prohibitively expansive.

What was embarrassing was that this ploy was precisely what won Tang Xiao his victory.


Han Ruchao stared at the screens. His face was dark, and great huffs of hair were pushed through flaring nostrils. He snapped his head to his NEU compatriot. "You're indeed quite the teacher, Renjian! Using tactics one would never actually witness on the field of battle! Easily tolerable."

Xu Renjian's response was even and unhurried. "What is a man? A man is to endure, Ruchao. This was a fine showing. He waited until the last possible moment, so as not to give his enemy any chance at a reaction. I think that shows good battlefield tactics, don't you? He has been well trained."

"You…" Han Ruchao only stared at him.

Xu Renjian smiled. "Ruchao ,excess anger will bring you health problems. Think of your heart." Xu Renjian couldn't be any more pleased with this moment.

These last two victories were a better showing from the NEU than any in recent history. They were unorthodox, true – but who cared?

It was now time for the LU student body to glare spitefully at the victorious Tang Xiao. A few looked on the cusp of an outburst.

Tang Xiao's little trick wasn't something entirely unheard of. Kids used these sorts of tricks to tease their friends. Everyone knew about it. It was a cruel joke to use it in an actual battle.

But it wasn't just a trick now. It had snatched victory from Lir, turning the tables in a fight they should have won easily. It had changed the game.

Su He frowned openly. He turned to regard Lir's final hope. "Be wary. Do not get careless. This one, the cunning of a fox. Appearances can be deceiving."

Xiao Han's face was solemn. He may have fought his way to the top of the school's power rosters, but he wasn't arrogant in this. "I'll be careful, Professor Su."

The teacher turned back to the screens. "Choose another map."

"I will."

Xiao Han wasted no more time. He strode to the simulator and pulled himself inside.

The silver warrior's energy reserves were back to full. Tang Xiao's pudgy face bore a small smile. He thought about his sisters, congratulating himself on bringing vengeance to her assailant.

Your brother's gunna upset the balance. This is a coup! I may be fat, but that's all strength. Hell, might even I get a girlfriend out of this.

There was a flash, and the opposite side of the ring was host to a shadowy figure.

The mecha was bright red, and the light danced across it like licks of flame racing along the metal. Judging by it's construction, it looked like a melee mecha: big, and burly, with a massive saber on its back. The blade was easily ten meters long, and two meters wide. Just seeing it brought a shudder to some witnesses.

"Selecting new map." The digital voice came from everywhere at once.

"New terrain selected: Ocean."

Once again the world around them flashed, shuttered, warped until it settled on a vast blue expanse of sea. Tang Xiao and Xiao Han hovered above the waves, just close enough to make each other out.

Nearly every modern mecha was equipped with systems for underwater combat, but it was rare to find a mecha that specialized in it. So in a way this map was similar to the arena, and it was going to be a tough fight.

Su He nodded his head ever so slightly, pleased with the result.

Tan Lingyun, in the other sim room, frowned as she saw the terrain shift. Her eyes narrowed. She had seen Tang Xiao's explosive power in the first fight, and his trickiness in the second. However, this was going to be a much less hospitable battlefield, against a very difficult enemy.

The silver mecha hung in the air, large and imposing. Slowly, it's left hand lifted to give the distant challenger a thumbs up. But it's wrist slowly turned as the arm extended, until the thumb was pointed down.

Xiao Han's eyes flashed as anger shot through him.

He's actually taunting me?!

The red mecha burned all the brighter, surrounded in a carona of red light and energy.

"Three. Two. One. Begin!"

Xiao Han raced towards his enemy, the sound of his mecha loud as a jet engine. Bi Minghan's mecha was considered a step up from Hua Qianhu's, but neither came anywhere near Xiao Han's beastly machine.

Tang Xiao's silver mecha followed in kind, racing swiftly ahead. His thrusters blazed, but were absent the purple light from before. He was holding back.

The two war machines closed, until it looked as though they were right on top of each other.

Xiao Han's fiery red mecha's arm flashed, and the giant blade was in it's hand. As the weapon was drawn, it flashed through the air. A sonic boom of energy raced outwards with the action.

"Energy blasts?" Tan Lingyun's eyes narrowed. "A Sovereign-ranked pilot!"

Energy blasts were a staple of Sovereign-ranked pilots. It was a different sort of strike, compared to a long-ranged attack – it was congealed energy, manipulated and controlled. It was powerful, and frightening. Usually it required the use of a pilot's Discipline to employ with ease. It wasn't something seen often in DreamNet.

But this was Xiao Han's opening strike. The more astute among the audience noticed the red gem affixed to the massive weapon's pommel, that shimmered with a life of its own. The power flowing through the gem made it more obvious than it originally was.

It was at least a b-ranked power gem. Very competitive equipment.

In the face of Xiao Han's strike, the silver mecha collapsed. Not from a hit, but because the thrusters on its back all shut off in tandem. The enormous and hefty machine tumbled in to the drink.

Xiao Han's energy blast passed harmlessly overhead.

He wants to fight in the ocean? Does he expect to hide under the waves? Xiao Han considered the possibility, but the fact the bout had just started and Tang Xiao was just in front of him meant that If it was an attempt at concealment, it was a very poor one.

The audience looked on, confused. Suddenly, the silver mecha changed even as they stared on. The shoulder panels separated, and from the cavities therein extended two polished gun barrels. They fired without a moment's pause.


Xiao Han's reactions were worthy of his status. He swept his buzzing sword and blocked the two shells with little effort. But half a second later, the silver mech burst from beneath the brine and tore in to the distance. This, time, however, it was now literally bristling with protruded weapon barrels.

"Long distance fighter…?" Su He's face twitched as he fought the expression from his face.

What kind of monster had the NEU created? It was built like a melee fighter to confound the enemy, but it was… off. It had used a shield to protect itself from the impact that obliterated Hua Qianhu, but the most telling was the fact that it carried no weapon.

The barrels lit up as a series of lasers raced back towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was also surprised by the revelation, but his mecha manipulation didn't seem to suffer. To him, the machine was like his right arm. A piece of him. He stopped only long enough to deflect the beams with his sword, and then he was off again towards his prey.

Tang Xiao released wave after wave of attacks as he raced in to the distance. Xiao Han followed on his heels, dodging the attacks as they came. They raced over the water's surface, spraying up water behind them in a wake.

This wretched bastard! Xiao Han's face was dark with anger. Lying from the outset… It was a thought echoed by no small number of those in the audience.

It was a classic tactic from the games of old – the ranged fighter was kiting his close-ranged enemy; pulling him along, like a kite, and taking pot-shots as he did. And Xiao Han was happy to go along with it. Still this was a crafty one, changing up tactics on the fly and spurting the purple thrusters on occasion to keep the lead.

But really as they chased each other over the waves, it looked more impressive than it really was. The silver mechas blasts were flashy, but not all that powerful. Xiao Han blocked them handily with his weapon. It was catching up, without a single scratch.

Chapter 185: Miraculous Victory

Both mechas were seeing their energy stores in decline. However, as expected, the ranged mecha's energy was being spent faster than the melee's. The battle was shaping up to be a violent one, with a lot of back and forth. Not five minutes in to the match and Tang Xiao's energy reserves were down thirty percent. Xiao Han was only missing ten percent.

Xiao Han raced towards his enemy, cool and calm. All the while he was carefully watching the wretched pilot darting in front of him, waiting for his next trick. He wasn't scared or intimidated; as far as he could see, it didn't matter what trick the guy tried to pull, his efforts would be futile 1. All he had to do was wait his enemy out. When his energy stores were too low for high speed or other attacks, that's when he'd make his move.

Tang Xiao began to circle around. His suit's power drained faster.

Lan Jue watched from the audience, his face a glowering mask. He inwardly cursed his student. This wasn't anything he'd taught him! This was the kid's own design.

He was fairly certain Tang Xiao's enemy now was the guy who'd been sniffing after Qianlin. A sovereign-ranked pilot with decent abilities and a decent punch. The tools he'd provided to shut down the kid's advantages still went unused by Tang Xiao. Instead he was falling back on his ultimately useless trickery.

Still, there was a ghost of expectation as Lan Jue watched. He still bore a dissatisfied frown, but memories of the fatty's near-victory from so long ago danced in his head.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly. Already, the silver mecha was down to forty percent energy. In terms of mecha combat, this was already in dangerous territory.

Tang Xiao recognized this as well, hence his decision to stop using the empowered thrusters. Now, he only relied on evasive techniques and defensive strikes. Xiao Han was in no rush to close the gap, instead remaining just behind him as they raced over the waves. He was waiting until the silver mecha was drained. That way his prey had no opportunity for escape.

Su He watched from nearby the simulation pod. His features were once more the familiar calm he'd arrived with. His lips curled in to a frown, suddenly, as though he'd just thought of something.

"Hm, no. He's been tricked."

Both Hua Qianhu and Bi Minghan looked inquisitively towards their instructor. "What do you mean, Professor?"

His brows furrowed as he spoke, his eyes never leaving the screen. "His opponent's energy levels shouldn't be dropping this quickly. By what we saw in his fight against the two of you, his central power gem is likely a-ranked. His power stores would thusly be… colossal. As would his energy regeneration. But in this fight it's obvious his reserves are draining faster than they should be. There's definitely something going on here, I just hope your compatriot recognizes this as well."

His teacher didn't need to worry. Xiao Han was well aware of the discrepancy.

In the beginning he hadn't noticed, but once Tang Xiao's reserves had dropped to fifty percent, it dawned on him. His own mecha used an a-ranked gem as its core, and his reserves were only down thirty percent.

You wanna play games? We'll play games. When your energy drops to twenty percent, and you don't have enough for your shields, that's when I'll move in. The energy he poured through his weapon extended the blade a hundred meters. He wouldn't even need to get that close. The only person this silver mecha was going to mess with was himself.

But Xiao Han was making a mistake that he could never have realized: He was trying to judge Tang Xiao's behavior against a normal person. He wasn't anticipating it was a total bastard that was piloting the thing.

Twenty percent remained.

Tang Xiao's energy surplus was already in the red. His speed was visibly slower. There was a flash of red light, and a sonic boon of energy swept mere inches from the back of the silver suit.

What was the ace of Tang Xiao's sleeve? Xiao Han chased his enemy, his heart filled with a nerve-wracking uncertainty.

If you won't show me, I'll make you show your cards.

Xiao Han's fingers danced along the controls like lightning. The red light surrounding his mecha dimmed somewhat, but not for lack of power – more like it was drawing in to itself. Moments later, the red light burst out from thrusters behind it. However, despite expectations, the light didn't do anything to modulate his mecha's speed. Instead it transferred to the weapon in his hand.

In the space of an instant, the fiery red sword in his grip flashed and became a dazzling gold. It flashed with a mass of congealed power.

Xiao Han roared as he lifted the weapon overhead. The air around him sizzled with errant jolts of energy as he brought the great blade down onto his opponent.

In the same instant, the silver mecha reacted. All of the thrusters and engines keeping it aloft sputtered and went dark. Once more he tumbled towards the briny seas in freefall.

"You think you can run away from me?!" Xiao Han screamed at him from within the simulator. He pointed his sword downward towards the spinning silver mecha, and a beam of red light shot down towards it with frightening speed. But that wasn't the end, for the second the beam of light issued forth, Xiao Han coaxed his mecha to pursue. Soon the strike and the mecha were barreling right towards the exposed silver suit.

This was the end!

By now the match had already stretched on for twenty minutes. Han Ruchao, Xu Renjian, and all the onlookers could see no way in which the intrepid silver mecha could get out of this unscathed.

What none could see was the smile creeping up Tang Xiao's pudgy face.


The red beam cast from the empowered sword connected. Surprisingly, Tang Xiao had lifted his left arm to block the brunt of the blast. In this way he protected the most integral parts of his machine.

The draw back was that his left arm was now a lump of slag. Half his suit was burned black and badly damaged. The swords power was so great that, had Tang Xiao not blocked when he did, his suit would likely have been sliced right in half.

Success! Xiao Han wasted no further time in hesitation – this was his opportunity. He was on his enemy in no time. His blade was moving again, another strike that set the air around it to undulating. The red beams of energy cast forth tore through the air in a 'Z' shape. If it landed, Tang Xiao would be reduced to half a dozen mangled pieces.

The silver mecha hit the water with a splash. His thrusters remained cold. He simply let himself sink in to the water.

Xiao Han's attack was ever so slightly off, however it was close enough that it struck.

A silver, mechanical skull hung in the air where Xiao Han's strike had separated it from the rest of the suit.

No one celebrated, not yet. In mecha combat this didn't spell the end of a match. The pilots weren't located in the head, after all, but safely nestled in the depths of their suit's chest.

The fiery red mecha wasted no time, and was on his enemy once again. He hit the water and began to sink. The high temperatures of his suit elicited a massive cloud of steam to rise from around him.

The only thing anyone could see was the steam, turning the simulated world in to a blank white canvas.

Before their vision could clear, first came a noise. It was an explosion; one so intense, so frightening that it was difficult to compare. It was like a strike from a starship, birthed from the arms of the ocean.


The sudden and violent eruption was compounded by the steam, making vision difficult, fuzzy. Great, towering tsunami waves arose a thousand meters high from 'ground zero.' The water directly above where the mechas fell churned and boiled.

Bolts of bluish-purple danced along the water's surface. The audience only watched, silent, struck dumb by the power of the strike they'd hadn't actually witnessed.

What was going on? What was the result?

"Xiao Han's mecha has sustained one hundred percent damage. Tang Xiao's mecha has sustained forty-eight percent damage. Victory – Tang Xiao!"

Tang Xiao victorious! It was both a blessed relief and a vicious gut-punch. The Students of Lir University stared in utter horror and disbelief at the words plastered across the screen.

They were all, to a man, utterly speechless.

The water calmed, and from its depths slowly arose a busted up, silver middle finger.

The rest of Tang Xiao's mangled mecha followed, proudly brandishing its remaining arm and the risen finger as though raising a flag.

"You CHEATED!" Han Ruchao shot to his feet, shouting impotently at Xu Renjian at his elbow.

Xu Renjian sat, unmoving. Slowly he turned his head, and when he spoke his voice was hard as iron, and calm as the simulated ocean on screen now was.

"Come now, Ruchao. You're a dean – let's control ourselves, hm? You know as well as I that matches held in DreamNet are impossible to fix. If you have a problem with the way this fight was conducted, yelling at me won't solve a thing. Bring your grievances to the Guardians."

Han Ruchao literally shook with rage. He fell resentfully in to his chair. After a moment he leaned towards Shi Jiujiu at his other side and whispered something.

Shi Jiujiu nodded, and quickly left the VIP box.

The shock and surprise was fading. Suddenly, as though subconsciously communicated, the entire NEU presence in the audience burst in to howls of praise and cheers of joy. The waves of emotion were so powerful it was almost as though the whole West Hill resonated with it.

Victory. A real and honest victory. A miraculous victory!

None could have expected that the thoroughly trounced NEU would turn the battle around with their last fighter. By virtue of a single fighter's power, they took out all three Lir challengers. It was unthinkable.

The jubilant cries were raucous, but there were few if any in the crowd who actually understood what was happened in the last three fights – especially at the very end.

Lan Jue, of course, was the exception. He sat calmly amid the cheering crowds, with a small smile on his handsome face.

Wang Hongyuan just looked at him. He leaned in and spoke softly, just enough for Lan Jue to hear over the din. "How in the hell did he pull that out in the end? Did you see it?"

"Nope," Lan Jue replied.

"No? So what the hell are you smirking about? You look so sinister." Wang Hongyuan glowered, afraid he was being kept in the dark.

Lan Jue rubbed his face with a sigh. Agitation was clear in his voice as he spoke. "What are you on about. This is a knowing smile, alright. Tang Xiao didn't win this fight from one strike – he won the mental war."

Wang Hongyuan was still unclear. "Mental war… what do you mean?"

"Keep watching," was all Lan Jue would say.

A voice cut them off, calling towards the audience from the main platform. "Lir University has request an analysis of the final battle. We will be reviewing the footage."

Battle review was one of the best advantages of fighting in DreamNet. It allowed anyone to view a fight from all angles. They could sharpen or slow the footage as much as they liked to pick out every tiny detail. But like anything, it cost money.

No one cared about the price at this point. Everyone was dying to know what the hell happened.

In the expansive simulator warehouse, two pods opened. Tang Xiao and Xiao Han stepped out as if in tandem.

Tang Xiao's face bore a proud expression, which only grew more arrogant as he stuck his index finger high in the air.

He looked for all the world like a returning, victorious general.

1. Hua Qianhe said the same thing

Chapter 186: What Wretchedness!

"Ah, ah, ah!" Tang Xiao proudly waggled his finger in the air, when suddenly a slender figure snatched him up in a bear hug. Tang Mi squeezed him as hard as she good and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you bro. Long live Tang Xiao! Muwah! Love you!"

Tang Mi hugged him tightly, kissing him once again on each cheek before finally letting him go.

Even Tan Lingyun, the famously sour Savage Goddess, stood a short distance away with a smile on her face. Tang Xiao's victories were not insignificant, and proud couldn't describe the whole of the NEU's feelings towards their student hero. It was fair to say their pudgy pilot had made history today.

Years of suppression and shame had finally been rectified.


"What was that." Su He's face was as close to an outright scowl as it could be as he stared at Xiao Han.

The young man looked on the verge of tears. His red eyes glared ruefully at the fat bastard who'd bested him.

"He's an insufferable prick. He had the ability to end the fight from the very beginning. Instead he went on to deliberately humiliate me. I'll kill him!" Xiao Han stomped towards the distant Tang Xiao with his hands clenched in to fists.

Su He calmly reached out and grabbed the fiery young man by the collar. He yanked him back before he could get too far. "Haven't you lost enough face? The competition isn't finished yet. We may have lost the first exchange, but that doesn't mean Lir University has been bested. We'll make up for this embarrassment in the real battles."

The fight recorded flashed up on screen as they spoke. Su He turned his back on Xiao Han as though he no longer existed, and began to study the playback.

The video raced through the early moments of the fight. Onlookers were able to review the battle from all directions and angles.

The first minutes were sped up. After all, everyone had seen clearly what had happened in the beginning. However, once the final moments of their exchange approached, the recording slowed.

The silver mecha had yet to hit the water, and was flailing through the sky. But now, with the images slowed, it was revealed that his flailing was a ruse to hide him pulling a dagger from a compartment behind his back with his remaining arm. It was a strange weapon, one that was black as ink and seemed to drink the light. But beyond that there was something else, only barely glimpsed: a bluish-purple orb, clutched in his mechanical hand.

As the frames slowly passed they watched as Tang Xiao hit the water, casting brine and water vapor high in to the air. Xiao Han's fiery red mecha was close behind.

The spray and steam hid everything on the surface from view. Under water, was another story.

The silver mecha's dwindling power reserves never changed, but from behind it the thrusters had burst to life and glowed a furious purple. In a flash the massive suit vanished, appearing directly in front of Xiao Han.

The sudden change in environment had certainly had an effect on the red mecha and its pilot. He'd assumed he was in the dominant position, and rammed in to Tang Xiao head first.

In reality his reaction was the proper one, at least under normal circumstances. A red shield had sprung up around him prior to impact, and judging by the vibrant light alone it was clearly a powerful shield.

The two mechas collided, and in that instant Tang Xiao's hand was in motion. The black dagger clutched in his grip lashed out, and from it sprang forth a caustic-looking black light. It cut through Xiao Han's shield like butter, and slashed a ragged hole in its chest plate.

"Sovereign-ranked?" It was a rhetorical question sputtered by no small number of shocked onlookers.

Was it possible that the silver mecha was piloted by a Sovereign-ranked pilot? Was Tang Xiao really that skilled? And why, then, did he appear so weak normally?

The fight hadn't ended there. The knife had cut deep in to the mech's chest, but hadn't punctured the cockpit. Xiao Han reeled back and swung his giant sword towards Tang Xiao. Had the silver mech continued the assault, he may not have been quick enough to escape the strike.

So instead, the silver mecha did something strange. He pulled the dagger free and used the relatively tiny weapon to ward off the buster sword. He let the weapon be knocked free, then reached out with his right hand and pushed Xiao Han away by the fissure in his chest plate. Tang Xiao's thrusters sent him reeling in one direction, which the thrust sent Xiao Han tumbling in the other.

The film slowed to a crawl, and spun back a few frames.

The images closed in on the silver mecha's hand. Now, slow as it was, everyone could clearly see precisely what the odd move was about. As the dagger was knocked away, the hand quickly fell and stuffed a small purple orb in to the fractured armor.

Rewind. The dagger had just sliced through the armor, and was being extracted to deflect the red mecha's sword.

Xiao Han detonated, instantly reduced to debris. Tang Xiao managed to avoid the brunt of the explosion by disengaging early.

Now they saw it, and the cheers from the NEU were almost entirely drowned out by the heated curses of the Lir student body.

Indeed, it was as Xiao Han had said. This fight could have been finished in the first minute.

Su He's pupils contracted as he watched. His intonation was thick with incredulity.


The Soulcrusher was a weapon. More accurately, perhaps, an ultimate weapon. It was a strike that could only be used once before it was consumed. It had the power to rival an a-ranked power gem.

But what did it mean that he was using something so powerful, so extravagant, in a student exchange? And on a Sovereign-ranked mecha?

The Soulcrusher was a God-ranked ability, one which Tang Xiao avoided by sheer luck.

It was such overkill that he could have won the fight in the first few seconds of the fight. There hadn't been any need for their air chase, goading Xiao Han on. All he'd needed was to be in close enough for the strike to land.

Of course he hadn't done that, instead making Xiao Han chase him for his own demise. He wanted to draw him in, and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Or so he aimed to make it appear, but he'd had the bout won before it even started.

What Su He and the others couldn't see, was what made this particular trick of Tang Xiao's so downright rotten. When the Soulcrusher had been deposited in the broken armor, he'd placed it directly in front of Xiao Han's 'face', something Xiao Han saw very clearly. Were this a real fight, the little orb would have detonated in his embrace.

The fight was finished. Xiao Han's anger and depression were understandable. He didn't know what the hell he was fighting until the very end.

Tang Xiao's mecha wasn't meele, and wasn't long-ranged. It was an Assassin. As for the rank, Xiao Han still wasn't sure what the hell he was.

The audience was in chaos. The din was deafening as they milled about and shouted over the fight's conclusion. In the VIP box, Han Ruchao's chest rose and fell in angry huffs. He was like a volcano, ready to erupt at any moment.

This was death by torture! Unbridled arrogance and humiliation! What's worse, they lost all of that equipment.

All because of a single Emperor-ranked pilot.