187 - 195

Chapter 187: I've Picked a Master

Xiao Han's heart was a tempest of hurt, depression and anger.

He was a considered a rare talent, first in his family, and relatively well known from an early age. Even though he was so young, he was close to earning his own piloting alias. 1

It wasn't as though he'd never been defeated. He's faced stronger foes, certainly. But in those bouts it was a joy – exciting and challenging. That's how a pilot improved.

But this was different. This was unprecedented, a shameful loss that filled him with rage and indignation.

He knew the fat lard was weaker than him, possibly by a lot. And yet through those damn tricks, and that insane equipment, he was able to pull out a win he hadn't deserved.

Unacceptable! I refuse to take this! How the hell could I lose to him.?

Xiao Han's anger threatened to consume him.

Just then he spied the hateful fatty looking his way. He stretched out his hands with a shrug and a smile on his fat face, like nothing was wrong.

Fatty Tang then rolled his eyes at Xiao Han dismissively.

Tang Mi hung on his neck. "You gotta tell me bro, where'd you get such awesome equipment? What gem did you use to power that shield? And what's up with those thrusters? What was that orb thing?"

Tang Xiao whined as he tried desperately to extricate himself. "You're gunna kill your brother! Lemme go, I'll tell you if you let me breath."

Of course Tang Mi knew precisely how strong a pilot her brother really was. It was no different in DreamNet. She knew her brother was stronger than her, at least, but this? This wasn't normal.

Tang Xiao straightened himself up once Tang Mi had released him. "I've picked a Master," he said with a chortle. "That stuff you saw, all of that was stuff my master gave me from his own DreamNet stock."

"Master?" Tang Mi was surprised to hear the news. "No wonder you've been so secretive lately, you've been training with this Master right?"

Tang Xiao nodded his meaty head. "That's right."

She cantered her head at him in curiosity. "Who is it?"

Tan Lingyun was close enough to overhear, and the subject caught her interest as well. Tang Mi may not have been aware of the Soulcrusher, but she certainly knew all about it! The cost of that was astronomical. The number of people who could afford that that she knew, she could count on her fingers.

Tang Xiao smirked knowingly. "Remember that guy who beat you with the Brunois Assault?"

"You're damn right I do," she hissed, nearly gnashing her teeth. "I remember how much I want to rip him to pieces. You said you were gunna avenge me, but instead came back looking like a tenderized ham."

Tang Xiao nodded. "I actually did find him originally to get revenge, as you wanted. But then I lost, too. That's when I saw his ability with my own eyes, and asked to be his student. I've studied with him in DreamNet every day since."

Tang Lingyun was next to question him. "What's this pilot's name? He must be a God-ranked pilot to have given you a Soulcrusher orb. There are only so many of those running around."

"Unfortunately my Master has hidden his identity. He's called himself Nooblet." 2

"Nooblet." Tan Lingyun had no words. Whoever he was, he certainly had poor taste. His choice in names made that clear.

"Enough of that for now. Next is the real thing. How are you feeling Tang Xiao?" Tan Lingyun asked.

Originally they had intended for Geng Yang to participate in the live exercise, but Tang Xiao's showing in the sim fights was absolutely remarkable. All the teachers and students of the NEU were more than willing to overlook his unconventional methods, so long as he kept winning. For the glory of the entire school.

Tan Lingyun may have been inflexible as a person, but she wasn't an idiot. She knew an opportunity when she saw one, and was willing to make tactical adjustments as required. Geng Yang was also more than willing to give his place up to Tang Xiao, hoping desperately the fatty could pull off another miracle.

"I've learned that I knew nothing. Now I'm starting to pick some stuff up," Tang Xiao assured with a chuckle. He cast a sizzling eye towards the distant Xiao Han.

Tan Lingyun nodded her head. "Good, then you're our guy. Remember, victory or defeat aren't important here. Safety first."

"Got it." Tang Xiao fumbled through a comical salute to his instructor.


Following a short discussion upon the main platform, things eventually quieted down. An announcement rang out once it could be heard.

"The Simulated Battle Exchange between the National Eastern University and Lir University has come to a close. The NEU had proved victorious. Next we will begin the live mecha exercises. Lir University, having lost the last contest, may chose the field of battle. Each combatant will have access to a bare-bones, unmodified mecha for the duration of the fight. Choose them now. combatant for Lir University, choose your arena."

They were coming to the main event.

This was going to be a different circumstance altogether. After all, a simulation was – in the end – just a simulation. How much the human body had to bear in DreamNet was modulated to protect them. A real fight didn't have that luxury. There was always the possibility of serious injury, even death.

Xiao Han's eyes were red from sadness and anger. Tang Xiao was smiling victoriously. There was even a hint of disdain in his face, and he didn't even pay Xiao Han any mind.

Xiao Han fought against his own raging emotions, squelching them down. He was resolved – already determined to exterminate his competition by any means necessary when the real fight begun.

During the fight, both of them would only be permitted to employ the very basic models of mecha suits. As a result, this fight wouldn't see any discrepancies in equipment. It would be a contest of straight piloting ability. Of course, this included their Disciplines! That was the draw for real battles, the fact that pilots could employ their own strength in conjunction with their suit. Xiao Han was absolutely convinced Tang Xiao didn't have him beat in that department.

His choice: a saber mech.

In fact both Tang Xiao and Xiao Han had chosen the same style of mecha. Xiao Han chose the normal gladiator arena for them to meet.

He didn't want to give this fat trickster any sort of advantage in terrain. He would employ the simplest, most direct, and cruelest method he could wipe that smug smile off his fat face.

In the audience bleachers, Wang Hongyuan reached out to poke Lan Jue at his side. "How long you think Tang Xiao will be able to hold out in this one?"

"Why hold out?" Lan Jue shot his friend a glance. "Why not win?"

Wang Hongyuan's response was no-nonsense. "You saw the other guy. He's a Sovereign-ranked pilot. Tang Xiao, at most, is an Emperor. Maybe not even that. He's fighting in the arena with nowhere to hide or tricks to pull. This time, he doesn't look like he stands much of a chance."

Lan Jue smiled at Wang Hongyuan's assessment. "In this day and age, there's no shortage of miracles," he said sagely. "Even in a ring like the arena."

Wang Hongyuan lifted his brows in surprise. "So you think he'll win it?"

Lan Jue nodded.


Lan Jue turned his head to look at Wang Hongyuan. His smile was wide, and his voice just loud enough for his friend to hear.

"Because he's my disciple."

1. Meaning, given a title like Zeus

Chapter 188: Tang Xiao's Home Turf

"He's my Disciple." Lan Jue's response was simple and straightforward.

Upon hearing this, the surprise in Wang Hongyuan's face slipped away, and he nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense. You're both a couple of bastards."

Lan Jue frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Wang Hongyuan smiled ruefully. "You're a God-ranked mecha pilot. Teaching etiquette. In a mecha research school. What do you think?"



The two combatants entered the arena.

They were two identical saber mechas, composed of titanium-alloy plating. Beyond their standard loadout, there was nothing else for these suits to rely on. They were the suits used by instructors for teaching mecha control systems.

As DreamNet was no longer employed as the judge, two new figures were enlisted for the job; Wu Junyi, and Shi Jiujiu.

The combat arena was a good distance from the audience bleachers, so again the large screens were turned on for a closer look.

Wu Junyi's stern voice cut through the chatter as he delineated the competition rules.

"Remember that this contest is an educational exchange, for the purposes for mutual study. The moment your opponent surrenders, or their mecha is no longer able to fight, the battle's done."

The NEU's resident arena and the one they'd seen in DreamNet were very similar. Both were roughly the same size and composition.

Now, as the battle was starting, silence once again fell over the audience. They were even more excited than before to witness the class of these two remarkable students.

Xiao Han settled back in his mecha, looking over the cockpit. He was well familiar with this sort of saber mech, but underwent a basic check regardless.

"Practice Mecha J1 is attempting to open a connection."

Hm? Xiao Han stared in confusion at the controls as the mecha's digitized voice hailed the call. He'd noticed his own unit number when he'd clambered in: J2. Almost unconsciously, he accepted the signal.

"Hey bro, how ya doin'?" The voice on the other end was jovial and sincere.

Xiao Han wasn't familiar with the voice on the other end, but he knew immediately who and what this call was about. "What do you think," he said impatiently.

Tang Xiao went on, ignoring his tone. "I actually wanted to apologize. I'm sorry! I actually didn't want to fight like that, but our instructors told us that's the way we should compete. You know how it's like between our two schools."

Xiao Han spoke back, his voice hard and chilly. "Whatever you say, it's too late. I will not show you any mercy."

When Tang Xiao replied, his voice had changed considerably. "Mercy? You got a brain tumor or something? I just called to ask if the rumors are true, that you have a room temperature IQ." 1

Xiao Han had no opportunity to reply. Their communication cut and Wu Junyi's voice interjected.


Tang Xiao's saber mech was instantly off like a bullet. Xiao Han's reaction speeds were markedly slower, with Tang Xiao's taunts echoing in his head. He wasn't an amateur, though, and he put the thoughts away to focus on the fight ahead.

Both suits were exceedingly simple, with no bells or whistles. Since their mechas were identical, the only discrepancies in speed would be from their personal ability. This meant Tang Xiao, having reacted first, had the upper hand.

The two drew closer. A flash sizzled behind Xiao Han's eyes, and immediately the cockpit filled with a stifling power. The titanium alloy sword gripped in his mechanical hand pulsed with a deep red aura.

The two mecha met, though it was not apparent at first glance whether Tang Xiao was employing his Discipline.

Su He had returned to the Lir side of the stadium. His eyes were glued to the screen, calmly judging every movement the two young men made. He was familiar with his student Xiao Han, of course. He knew his pride, the pride that came from being universally favored, had been hurt by the loss – it was sending his heart in to chaos. Still he was confident in his student's ability. He had the advantage in a real fight. And so, when Xiao Han had been preparing, Su He had said nothing. This was an excellent learning experience for the young pilot.

Tan Lingyun had also left the warehouse, and watched the screen with the others of the NEU. Like Su He, she calmly watched as the battle began, though her eyes shone with something else. She was not afraid of a loss – the last two victories she considered a happy accident. No, she was worried the Lir combatant wouldn't hold back if he saw an opportunity. There was a significant threat of harm, maybe even death, if they weren't careful.

Sparks flew as the two giant titanium blades met for the first time.

The first clash was a straight measure of strength. The mechas were the same, true, but that wasn't the final word. Tang Xiao had the advantage, and was on the offensive. However, Xiao Han's Discipline was flowing through his weapon, covering it in a fiery corona of energy.

Then, Xiao Han took his shot.

At first it looked like a miss-step. Xiao Han's mecha stumbled, but only just enough to stagger around Tang Xiao. As he did, the offending foot stamped solid against the floor, and a powerful fiery light was cast up from the ground. It raced towards Tang Xiao, crashing in to him with a staggering impact.

Xiao Han's thrusters burst, sending him careening forward with the point of his blade leveled towards Tang Xiao's torso.

Dodge, blast, thrust. It was perfectly executed, masterfully planned.

But Tang Xiao knew crafty when he saw it. His mecha rocked to the side as the blast came, deflecting it off the side of his suit. As he staggered backward, he rotated away from Xiao Han's deadly thrust. His own blade whirled around for an upper-cut slash to Xiao Han's back.

Lir's chosen didn't slow down one iota. Instead he reversed thrust and sent his suit reeling backward. As he did, hi sword swept back at an impossible angle to deflect Tang Xiao's strike. The two mechas collided with a screech of metal.


Xiao Han's sudden increase in speed and change of direction caused the two to slam in to each other unceremoniously. Like Tang Xiao in their earlier fight, Xiao Han's thrusters were empowered, becoming an angry red with the addition of his Discipline. It sent his enemy flying, and he was right behind with both hands gripping his giant sword.

Tang Xiao's suit had barely hit the floor before Xiao Han had caught up. But he wasn't alarmed or taken aback, instead hitting the thrusters on one side to push his prostrate suit out of harm's way. As he slid away from Xiao Han, his torso twisted, bringing the sword to bear.

Spiral strike!


Once more Tang Xiao was thrust away, but he'd brought his sword up just in time to block the blow.

From the outset both fighters had been aiming for speed. It was simple, but in straightforward melee fights with these standard mechas, it was an integral part of gaining the upper hand.

It was also the first time Tang Xiao was showing anything other than trickery, and it was real skill. He currently was at a disadvantage, true, but solid basic skills have kept his opponent from landing any strikes.

Xiao Han saw his advantage solidified, then lashed out with a series of blows as furious as a storm. The fiery wall around him burst in to bloom, and with each strike of his sword an explosion of power ensued. Tang Xiao lost ground, retreating under the barrage. His own mecha was beginning to grow hot and blacken. Parts of the armor were beginning to crack.

Tang Xiao was holding on, but only just. Who could say how much more of this he could sustain? Defeat seemed inevitable.


"Now, Tang Xiao, remember – In general, a DreamNet pilot of high rank will pick his mecha so that it compliments his Discipline. So that means, during the sim battles you better be observant. You might be able to tell their Discipline by the mecha they use. Also, try your damnedest to make sure your own Discipline remains a secret. Now with these things I've given you, there's no way in hell you're losing. Then you'll have the real fights, and it's more than likely you'll run in to that Xiao Han guy again."

"From what I could read from his energy, he's just about to break eight-level Talent. But he isn't there yet, so in that you don't have a disadvantage. However, he's probably a Sovereign-ranked pilot. When it comes to combat maneuvers, you're probably facing an uphill slope. With all this in mind, you only really got one shot at victory. Utilize the fact your enemy won't know your powers. Then, at just the right moment, explode right in to him. If you can find a way to make it sync with the environment, that'll help your chances too."

"Remember, you're trying to goad him in to a mistake. And every pilot is at their most careless when they think they've clinched the win."



For the third time Tang Xiao flew through the air, engulfed in a ball of flame. Parts of the suit had begun to fuse, glowing gold with intense heat.

Xiao Han launched himself in to the air, blade raised high.

"Let's finish this!" he shouted. "Meteor Strike!" 2

"Wow guy, you sure did prove it. IQ of a cool autumn night. You're actually calling out your maneuvers like an anime character? God sure did make you special, huh Adonis. A beautiful unique flower."

Xiao Han's rage had slowly been building with each vicious attack he'd lain on Tang Xiao. But upon hearing the taunts from his fat poisonous tongue, his face blanched. Unconsciously, Xiao Han poured every spec of his power in to the burning titanium blade.

The intensity of Xiao Han's Discipline was so intense it drew every eye. He fell directly towards his foe, indeed like a meteor tearing through the atmosphere.

Tang Xiao's suit smoldered. It had already sustained quite a lot of damage. Presently, the most serious was a malfunction in the right leg. It looked like there was no way for him to block or avoid the deadly strike.

And then Tang Xiao's mecha was yanked forcefully to the side. It slid along the metal as though it were being pulled by some invisible hand.


Xiao Han came crashing to the ground in a fiery detonation. The arena's metal alloy flooring was left with a sizzling metal crater.

There, in the aftermath, Xiao Han sat in his cockpit, eyes wide. He knew immediately he'd committed the most rookie of mistakes. He'd over-extended.

His fingers flew over the controls, coaxing his mecha to flight. But all he heard were teeth-grinding screeches. He didn't move an inch.

"What the hell?!

Under normal circumstances, he'd never have made this many mistakes. But anger had clouded his judgement, and he'd forgotten a single crucial detail.

The suit he rode was not the Sovereign-rank mecha he was used to. It was a simple thing, and simple things couldn't be expected to sustain having that much Discipline channeled through them. Already the metal had begun to soften. Or was that the floor? He couldn't believe it, but before his eyes the alloy arena floor was swallowing the feet of his suit. He was stuck.

Xiao Han viciously kicked and slashed at the floor. He would soon be free.

But most times, it only takes a second to grasp an opportunity.


1. The Chinese here is interesting, though I had to make something else up cuz it doesn't translate. What he wrote was "You are the second in command of both the Number and Letter kingdom." The second number is 2, the second letter B. 2B in Chinese is internet slang for a 'stupid c***'.

2. Holy shit you guys, it's Cloud from Final Fantasy VII !

3. So sorry!

Chapter 189: Wisdom and Cunning

By this point, Tang Xiao's mecha had risen to its feet. The giant sword it bore swung in a dangerous arc, glimmering with a strange pure white light.

Xiao Han was still stuck in place, but his torso and arms were still functional. He twisted and brought his weapon up to stave off Tang Xiao's blow.


The two blades met with an ear-splitting clash and a shower of sparks. As they did, Tang Xiao's glimmering sword seemed to almost grow longer. Then it buckled at the point of impact, twisting around like it had a mind of its own to swipe at Xiao Han's back.

The Lir challenger was perplexed by Tang Xiao's mecha, which had at this point was humming with power and emitted a pulsing white light. Much to his surprise, all the damage the suit had sustained prior to this point was gone. Like it was a whole new foe he faced.

Tang Xiao swept around his immobilized target. His sword flowed, and danced through the air leaving streaks of blinding light in its wake.

Still Xiao Han was unable to free himself from the strangely animate metal flooring, but despite that he was managing to keep himself safe from Tang Xiao's vicious strikes. With a great surge of his power, Xiao Han wrenched his mecha free of the constraints.

"Pitiful! Make a crater and hide in it. Guess that's the Lir way. See ya!" Tang Xiao's cruel and taunting voice crackled through Xiao Han's cockpit speakers.

His suit filled with the sound of steel grating on steel.

He looked down, surprised to find that the floor that had held him fast was the same pure white color of Tang Xiao's restored mecha. It stretched for twenty meters in each direction, with him in the very center. A giant target.

The floor was alive, roiling like stormy sea waves. It washed over the feet of his suit, grinding maddeningly as it did. He had the Discipline necessary to melt away the grasping metal, he knew. But he was also keenly aware of the fact that his suit likely wouldn't be able to handle it.

He watched in impotent horror as a single writhing tendril of white metal wormed its way in to his central command system.

"Bastaaaard!" Xiao Han screamed until his lungs burned. Blood flung from his lips, mingling with spittle. His body, locked within the confines of the suit, burst in to a frightening display of golden-red fire.

Then, he exploded out from within the mecha, launching himself at Tang Xiao in a raging tempest of fire.

"You think I'm scared? Shit!" The giant silver mecha's mechanical fist whistled as it tore through the air.


The entire arena shook from the force of the impact. The air sizzled and turned red as the explosion lit the skies. Tang Xiao's mecha reeled back a step, it's arm now a melted ruin.

Xiao Han floated in midair, surrounded by the heinous flames. No small amount of blood dripped from his mouth, making him look like a madman. And perhaps he was, for his greatest strength over Tang Xiao was in his piloting expertise. In terms of Discipline, he and the fat guy weren't much different. What's more, Tang Xiao actually had the upper hand considering the metal construction of the arena they fought in. And he was smart enough to stay in his mecha!

Tang Xiao's thrusters burst to life, sending the mecha tearing forward at full speed. He lifted his sword high and-

"HOLD!" Two commanding voices cried out in unison. Immediately, Tang Xiao brought his mecha to a halt. The match was done.

He lifted his one remaining arm high, fist clenched. Victorious!

The audience erupted in to chaos. Great cheers of joy shook the arena and echoed off the surrounding hills.


Disappointment flashed across Su He's eyes. He quietly shook his head. By the end he'd clearly seen his student's shortcomings – that in fact, Xiao Han had lost this fight way back during the simulated battles.

He hadn't lost from a lack of power or ability. He'd defeated himself.

In the end it had been made clear; these NEU students were tactically superior to the pilots of Lir. Be it smarts or spunk, they came out on top.

Xiao Han's humiliating defeat in the simulated battles had forced him to reveal his Discipline. Tang Xiao had played the weakling, goaded his enemy in to an ignominious position. Xiao Han had lost control. As Tang Xiao mentioned, he'd dug himself in to a hole. The fatty used that instant to employ his own Discipline, and secured the victory.

Undoubtedly this young man would grow to be successful. Any who underestimated him, deceived by his appearance, were sure to suffer terribly.

Su He looked at the celebrating Tang Xiao with a blank expression, but he was quite impressed with the kid. Though he was wicked, that word didn't do him justice. No, this one was a special mix of wisdom and cunning.


"Ah, just the slightest miscalculation lost him the match. It was well fought, Director Han." Xu Renjian's words may have been apologetic, but the smile on his face was anything but.

Han Ruchao said nothing. He only sat, his hands clenched in to fists, trembling in his lap.

He'd lost. In a situation he absolutely should have won, he'd actually lost.

Gradually, his hands relaxed and loosened. When he spoke, his face was calm and his voice even. "Your school's make some incredible strides in the last year, Renjian. I hadn't expected such a sound victory. You must certainly have a rare talent on staff, to teach your students so well. I look forward to seeing… whoever it is, competing in the instructor competitions."

Xu Renjian twitched, apprehensive and yet at the same time excited. Yes! Tang Xiao's performance today well outstripped his normal capabilities. He knew Tan Lingyun's style and abilities, and this way not it. What Tang Xiao achieved today, was by no means a product of Tang Lingyun's instruction. This wasn't even considering the Soulcrusher he'd somehow obtained in DreamNet. Certainly not Professor Tan's. No, the only explanation was there was a master in the mecha combat department, one that was keeping his cards close to his chest.

Xiao Han was on the ground, propped up by one knee, the very picture of defeat. He supported himself with his arms, panting heavily. His qi and blood were in chaos, his Discipline fluctuating wildly from the strain and damage he'd caused himself. His eyes were not just bloodshot, but a deep crimson as the power raced through him. He growled through gritted teeth.

"I'll kill you…. I'll kill you!"

The one-armed mecha's chest plate cracked open with a hiss of escaping air. Tang Xiao's stout constitution as revealed as he jumped out. His two pudgy arms were held high in the air, triumphantly pumping his fists to the chorus of cheers from his fellow students. He was their hero. No, in this moment, he was their patron saint.

Xiao Han shot to his feet, lurching forward to rush at Tang Xiao.

A slender hand then lay on his shoulder, it's owner completely disregarding the roiling flames surrounding the student. His forward charge abruptly stopped, and he remained where he was.

The young man was furious, on the verge of exploding in to a rage. An icy voice played contrast. "Why did you lose?"

Upon hearing the calm but accusing voice, Xiao Han shivered. "Professor Su."

"Answer me. Why did you lose?" Su He stared at his student dispassionately. His eyes were like a pair of scalpels, cutting passed to see directly in to him.

A cold shudder went through Xiao Han's spine, but he did manage to calm his anger.

"I… got careless. I let my emotions get the better of me." He hung his head in shame.

Su He's quiet voice replied. "Remember this well. What he gave you today wasn't humiliation. It was a gift. Let me worry about the glory of our university now. Go back to the lockers."

"Yes, Professor." Xiao Han's respect for his teacher was obvious, and intense. His tone was low and subservient as he answered. The flames around him died, and he left the arena with his head hung low.

Su He did not follow. Instead, he made his way to the center of the arena.

Tang Xiao was there, celebrating, but he was also carefully watching the competition as always. He took pride in his ability to infuriate Xiao Han, leading him to his defeat. But he was surprised that this Professor, who looked so young, could calm him down and reign him in with just a few words. Now he was coming his way.

Tang Xiao wasn't frightened, though he pretending not to notice the man's approach. He continued to thrust his fists in the air towards the cheering crowds.

Su He slowly made his way towards the overweight student, stopping not far away. He looked towards the audience for a moment before speaking. "Next are the instructor battles. Our side will have only one competitor. Please tell the NEU to select three teachers, and I'll meet them in DreamNet. If any of them can beat me, it'll count as a total loss. Select three for the real fight as well. They may all engage me together, if they prefer."

His voice was calm, almost quiet. It was strange, for even despite the boisterous cries of the crowd, and without any microphone, his voice was quite clear. In fact, the whole audience could hear him as though he was standing right beside them.

"Eh?" Tang Xiao's arms dropped as he stared at Su He.

Xu Renjian and the other NEU administrators sat in stoic silence, their brows furrowed and eyes narrowed.

Arrogance. Exceptional, humiliating arrogance. He was boasting that he could single-handedly defeat the best the school had to offer.

The joy in the NEU students' victory, and the pride in their school, had yet to be spent. It swelled as their indignation flared.

"Let's kick these Lir punks all the way back to where they came from!"

"This one's got some sort of mental problem."

"Yo! You need some anti-psychotics! Someone bring him to the nurse!"

Su He was beset on all sides from the angry calls.

In only a few words, the young teacher had managed to anger the whole of the NEU.

Xu Renjian shot a cold glance towards Han Ruchao. "What's the meaning of this, Dean Han? We've gathered here for a friendly educational exchange, not to provoke the ire of our students. If this is what our exchange has come to, I see no further benefit in proceeding."

Han Ruchao smirked at his colleague's distress. "Now now, Dean Xu. You're making mountains out of mole hills. There's been no provocation here. Just a part of the game, that's all. You have to understand that studies have been stringent lately, and this is doubly so for our illustrious instructors. Ultimately, we could only convince Su He to participate. It's fine, Dean – as Su He said, if he loses then you have bested our school in this area as well."

Xu Renjian took a deep breath. After a moment, he put back on his business persona, and set aside the indignation his companion was clearly trying to instigate. It wasn't just them here in the VIP area, but luminaries from Skyfire as well. Were things to turn violent, or out of control, surely they would lose face as the hosts. In a way, that would be as much of a loss in and of itself.

Su He allowed his eyes to sweep over the crowd, staring them down for a moment. Afterwards, ignoring the jeers and hard stares, he sauntered back towards the lockers as though nothing had happened. He was as emotionless as the mechas that surrounded them.


Le Ziqian scowled openly from the audience, following the teacher as he left the arena grounds. "Him?"

Beside him, Zhou Qianlin turned to look inquisitively up at her teacher. She was competing tomorrow in the research portion, so she and the other two competitors were at Le Ziqian's side to prepare.

"What's the matter, Professor Le? You know that man?"

With a cold, dignified expression, Le Ziqian nodded. When he spoke, he ever took his eyes from the Su He. His deep voice was only just audible. "This is trouble. I have no idea what he's doing at Lir University, but it doesn't bode well. He's arrogant, and aggressive – for good reason. With him here, our chances at winning the instructor portion are dire."

Chapter 190: I Beg You to Help Professor Tan

Zhou Qianlin was surprised. "Could he even be a match for Professor Tan?"

Le Ziqian nodded. "His name is Su He. Have you heard of him?"

"Su He? You don't mean the East's famous Su He, do you?" Qianlin's eyes opened wide at the revelation. She stared at her professor, flabbergasted.

Once again, he nodded. "I haven't the slightest idea how Lir managed to convince him to join. It's quite the problem. Even I'm impressed with the man, and I'm a hard one to enthuse. And unless I'm mistaken, we'll be against him tomorrow for the research competition as well. Big problem. No wonder they agreed to it, with him on their side."

"He was an academician at the Eastern R&D University by the age of twenty-six, and a Sovereign-ranked pilot. He should be around thirty-three now, about the same age as me. Differences in ability, however, are hard to determine. We participated in a competition before, and I envied his practical knowledge. In my youth, he was about the only person I truly admired."

Qianlin looked concerned. "What should we do, Professor?"

A familiar, bitingly cold female voice rang through the arena. "If this Lir University puppet is so vehement about it, who am I to deny him. If he beats me, they win – just like him. He won't gang up like they want us to, to make us look cheap."

Le Ziqian patted his forehead in frustration. "This temper of yours, Lingyun," he said with a sigh. "I understand her thinking, but it's misguided. Three on one, we might have stood a chance. In an even fight, though…"

He trailed off, lost in some secret thought. He piped up again suddenly. "Mm, yes. This has to do with our Dean, Xu Renjian. Dean Xu's research group is always in contest with Su He's, and in fact the two are the largest in the alliance – with two radically different views on the subject. I fear Su He is here for one purpose, and that is to challenge Xu Renjian's authority. That is why he's with Lir University."

Qianlin thought in silence for a moment before replying. "Do you think he'll take it too far?"

Le Ziqian's answer was delivered through a bitter smirk. "I like to think I understand the man, at least a little. Ordinarily, the most striking feature about him is his calm. Almost apathetic. But this guy's conceit runs to the bone. The student Tang Xiao beat was more than likely his little apprentice, so their fight will be about him regaining face. As for Lingyun…"

He lapsed in to silence, anxiety clearly written on his face.


Wang Hongyuan leaped to his feet. Lan Jue tried to yank him back down. "What are you doing?"

Hongyuan slumped back in his chair. "Such an arrogant bastard. He wants to go three on one? Lemme show him what pride gets you."

He'd barely finished the sentence before Tan Lingyun's voice filled the arena. A cheer went up from the audience around them.

Lan Jue only smiled. "The Savage Goddess' gumption really is impressive, eh?"

"Lingyun is strong," Hongyuan conceded, "but do you think she's strong enough to beat that punk?"

Lan Jue shook his head.

Wang Hongyuan gave him friend a scalding look. "You look down on her that much, eh? She's an eight-ranked Disciple and a Sovereign-class pilot. You still don't think she's capable?"

"For him to propose this sort of contest, he must know more than the Lir leadership lets on. Plus, I know that man, and he's undoubtedly stronger than Lingyun. His name is Su He," Lan Jue remarked.

"Su He?" Wang Hongyuan wasn't familiar with the name.

Lan Jue stared at him blankly. "Professor Wang. You're not from the Eastern Alliance, are you. Unless I'm mistaken, I'd say Western. If that's the case, it's no surprise you don't know him."

Wang Hongyuan's brows narrowed. "And that's the reason for his vanity, I suppose. If Tan Lingyun should lose, I'm not sure this punk will stay his hand."

Lan Jue opened his mouth to speak, when suddenly that familiar warmth arose against his chest where the Soulcaller gem rested.

Qianlin: You think you could help Professor Tan? That guy from Lir is supposed to be very strong.

Lan Jue: How am I supposed to help her?

I don't know…

I'm begging you.


Are you unable to?


Is that your answer?


Thank you.

No problem. It's been a long time since I've seen this guy. I'd be interested to gauge his progress.


Lan Jue said nothing further, and the Soulcaller gem cooled.

"I have to visit the restroom. Excuse me." Lan Jue rose, and meandered his way through the crowd.

Wang Hongyuan watched him leave from the corner of his eye. A smile spread across his face.

Jin Yan poked him. "Where's Professor Lan go?"

"The bathroom," he answered. "Call of nature, he'll be back in a bit."


Tan Lingyun cut the connection on her communicator. She watched Le Ziqian's name fade from the screen.

"Su He!" Tan Lingyun's pupils contracted. Le Ziqian's revelations hadn't deterred her, in fact only strengthening her resolve.

She looked up, surrounded by Wu Junyi and no small number of instructors from the mecha combat department.

"Professor Tan." Wu Junyi took a step forward.

She took a deep breath. "I apologize, Director. I was impulsive. I should not have represented the school in that fashion. If we lose I'll bear the consequences. You'll have my resignation."

Wu Junyi shook his head, smirking. "Alas, the Dean asked me to come here and tell you, you've done well. Your decision is the school's decision. Win or lose, just keep our school's positive momentum going!"

Tan Lingyun's pretty face lit up in a rare smile, and she nodded her head. She settled on the floor, crossed her legs, and closed her eyes. She had to mentally prepare for what was to follow.

Wu Junyi wordlessly waved to the others, and the small group dispersed.

There was a thirty-minute interval between the student and teacher battles. It was sufficient time to reset and prepare.


Lan Jue leaned against a wall, tapping a number in to his communicator.

"Jewelry Master? What are you calling me for?" The voice that answered sounded less than pleased to hear from him.

"I need a favor." Lan Jue said, smiling at the reaction.

"No! I haven't forgotten how you guys treated me the last time." The man sounded decidedly displeased.

"Remember that women don't like petty men," Lan Jue cooed. "You aren't a petty man, are you Accountant?"

Indeed, it was the Accountant, and he remembered just as well as the poor man the way they left him stranded. Ostensibly the excuse was that there wasn't any room in the car for him, the Amazons and Zeus all together. So they'd just left him there to find his own way back.

The Accountant's angry voice shot back at him. "Don't give me that crap. Introduce me to one of those ladies that follow you around, then, and maybe I'll help."

Lan Jue's voice adopted a scornful tone. "You're asking me to help you chase skirts. Just the fact you're saying it makes your grandpa lose face. Are you going to help me or not? I can always ask someone else. Your grandfather definitely must know someone with the expertise I need. Someone who wouldn't refuse a comrade in arms."

"You will not mention any of this to my grandfather!" The Accountant suddenly sounded flustered.

"Then stop talking nonsense. So what's the answer."

"You're like a damn slave master," the Accountant lamented.

"I'm recording this."

"What the hell do you want!"


Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Su He and Tan Lingyun strode to their respective simulators and began running diagnostics.

"The simulated combat competition between the National Eastern University and Lir University will begin shortly. The combatants shall be; from the NEU, Professor Tan Lingyun; from Lir University, Professor Su He. Would both challengers please prepare. The combat map shall be chosen at random."

Tan Lingyun's hands darted over the simulated controls, tapping away to their own rhythm. The screen flashed with each command. She was ready, at her best, and anxious to get under way.

"The map for this battle shall be: Sky."

An air battle!

In truth the Sky arena wasn't entirely in the air. There was cloud cover, for instance, and more. They changed the necessary tactics and flow of a fight. In the end the differences between an air and ground fight were as different as night and day. It opened up entirely new avenues of strategy, however there was a higher reliance on pilot control.

In the next instant, two mechas appeared in the map.

Tan Lingyun's suit was a pale green, which rose eighteen meters tall. Just by the look of it, it was clear dexterity was its focus. This was affirmed with the two small metallic wings bolted to its back frame. The whole thing was surrounded by a faint green light – undoubtedly a characteristic of a powerful gem at its core.

Su He's suit was yellow. It was taller than his opponent's, with a streamlined construction that made it look more aerodynamic. A massive laser canon was strapped to its back. Like Hua Qianhu before him, this one looked like a sniper mecha.

"Three. Two. One. Begin!"

The digitized voice rang out, and with that the deciding fight in the instructor combat exchange commenced.

Aleady the NEU had cinched the student battles. Winning here, and in the real fights, would mean an unequivocal victory for the research school. But they were only halfway there.

The entire audience sat on the edge of their seat. Every eye was locked on the giant projector screens.

As soon as she heard the word begin, Tan Lingyun's mecha was on the move. The pale green suit emitted a cocoon of disruptive energy as she raced towards her opponent. However, a close look would reveal that her seemingly straightforward rush was actually punctuated with precise jukes and dodges.

It was a step above disordered movement, a style they called Anticipative Advance. The tiny movements deterred ranged combat, while still optimizing forward momentum. A high-level tactic used primarily for snipers.

This fight was going to be an intense one.

Chapter 191: Miracle? Masterstroke!

Tan Lingyun burst forward in a speedy dash the moment the bout began. Her Anticipative Advance was near flawless. Her speed and control made it clear, she was a solid Sovereign-ranked pilot – but the difference between her and Xiao Han was expansive.

Xiao Han was only just crossing the Sovereign threshold. He was learning the basic techniques, largely from textbooks and indices. Tan Lingyun, on the other hand, was old school. What's more, she was the most capable pilot in the NEU – at least, as far as they knew. Her Sovereign experience was extensive, comparatively. Even in the whole of the Eastern Alliance, she was a name that was recognized.

But her opponent was not so easily cowed. As Tan Lingyun raced forward, Su He's reaction was unexpected. Instead of dodging or racing away, he chose not to make an escape. There was no attempt to keep their distance fixed, nor did he heft and aim his weapon.

Instead, he urged his mecha to dart head-on towards the oncoming Savage Goddess.

What was he planning? Countless confused stares followed the yellow mecha, unsure of the tactics at play.

The two mecha drew ever closer. Tan Lingyun sat in the dark simulator, the full intensity of her focus on the screen before her. Like the others, she wasn't sure what Su He was doing by charging her. But her indomitable will was stronger than the metal her suit was made of. She refused to be intimidated.

The green mecha's arms splayed out to the side, and with them the small wings spread wide. Its mechanical hands flared, and a pair of three-meter long spikes protruded from the palms.

They were clearly close-ranged implements, and as they appeared the Savage Goddess coaxed her suit faster. The thrusters keeping her aloft changed from an angry red to a dazzling white. Less than one hundred meters remained between the two fighters. She tore ahead like a green hurricane.

Su He's yellow suit stopped just then, hovering in the air. It seemed somehow, fuzzy.

Crash! The crunch of impact as the suits collided rang from the screens.

Su He remained where he'd stopped, but Tan Lingyun's forward momentum had her reeling another hundred meters away.

Onlookers noticed, then, the weapon the yellow mecha bore. They had appeared at some point before impact, and the wicked looking things stretched from hand to shoulder, wrapped around his arm. It was an odd item that originated from the suit's elbow.

Close combat? He had the giant canon on his back, but appeared to have chosen to engage Tan Lingyun in close.

Professor Tan had, by this time, swung her suit around her another pass. As she did, the audience could clearly see two deep gashes along her shoulders.

She was already damaged. In fact, were it not for her energy shield, she'd likely have been cut in half. At first, this looked like a simple hand to hand fight, but this was a shock to everyone.

Most onlookers couldn't clearly discern what happened when he two mecha collided. All they saw was that, suddenly, Tan Lingyun's mecha was damaged.

Su He's yellow mecha was on the move once again. But it was in no rush – no charge or tricky advance. It looked more like a leisurely jog. Once it drew within about a hundred meters, the mecha… flickered. At first it looked like a glitch, or maybe some malfunction of the suit, but as the audience watched the screens they saw a ghost image of the yellow fighter appear – for just a split second.

What the hell was that? Everyone was at a loss. It was a normal reaction, for only the highest level mecha pilots would have an inkling.

"Ghosting?" Wang Hongyuan gasped in alarm. He twisted his neck to talk to Lan Jue, but found the seat beside him empty. Lan Jue apparently hadn't yet returned from his 'bathroom break'.

Wang Hongyuan turned his eyes back to the screen, his heart fluttering. Of course he knew it was ghosting. It was the result of intense speed, where a pilot's thrusters were engaged and shut off so quickly the mecha appeared in two places at once for just a moment. It was a God-ranked pilot ability.

DreamNet simulations were calibrated for safety. That meant that abilities and attacks were only employed to where the pilot could stand it. If they couldn't, the simulation forced them to stop for safety. So, in DreamNet using the ability was somewhat easier due to the calibrations, but even then it was well beyond the ken of a normal pilot. Wang Hongyuan wasn't capable of the feat himself, since his hand speeds weren't fast enough.

Ghosting also had different 'levels'. At the highest levels it was said the after-image was persistent, like it really was a doppleganger. An attacker couldn't distinguish the real one from the copy. The very best pilots were reputed to do just that, with distances up to ten meters between the real mech and the ghost.

Su He wasn't at that level, and the images he cast lasted so briefly it was hard to notice. Still, it was there, and nearly half his torso long. That was an accomplishment most pilots could never achieve.

The tactical benefit of the maneuver was misdirection. Making determinations on target, direction and more were made infinitely more difficult. Even radar couldn't pick it up. It was traditionally used versus snipers, but this time the sniper Su He was the one using it.

Tan Lingyun watched from the simulator, her mind blank.

The crowds couldn't see clearly, even with their eagle-eye view, what had happened. But Tan Lingyun, she should've. Should've, being the operative term.

The moment before impact, her green suit had been launching towards Su He, spikes bared like animal claws. For a moment she thought she'd landed the blow, but before her eyes she saw the spikes go through him, and then he vanished. He stood just slightly out of harm's way. In that same instant he had mauled her.

Had she not instinctively poured full energy in to the shield, she'd have been reduced to scrap right then.

Tan Lingyun was stunned, and took stock of the situation. She was fast, with a hand speed that was more than sufficient for her rank. On average, a Sovereign pilot required twenty moves per second. She was capable of twenty-five, which in and of itself was an impressive feat.

But in that split-second confrontation with Su He, she was already well aware of her disadvantage. The young man's hand speed was around forty, nearly double her own. Forty combat maneuvers in a second, that was what she faced.

Wang Hongyuan was able to distinguish the ghosting method, so of course Tan Lingyun could as well. He wasn't a God-ranked pilot, but damned if he wasn't close to it.

It was over. She'd already lost, it was just that simple.

To the uninitiated the difference between a Sovereign and God-ranked pilot seemed surmountable; just a single rank difference. However, in reality even ten Sovereign pilots didn't stand a chance against one God. That's why they called them that. In the world of mecha piloting, the higher you climbed the greater the differences between peers.

Once one became a God-ranked pilot, there were no further ranks to attain. But that didn't mean all pilots were the same there, either, and those in the know understood that there could be vast differences in ability from one God to another.


A powerful sense of dizziness washed over Tan Lingyun. In the next instant, she was assailed by the unpleasant sensation that she was being pulled apart. Even here in the simulation, she was forced to employ her Discipline to stave off the terrible feeling.

She lost? This was the feeling one had when they were being obliterated in DreamNet. It was a feeling she hadn't encountered in quite some time, she thought bitterly.

She brought her powers to bear, to fight off the evil feeling. However, she couldn't shake the dimness that was suddenly clouding her vision. She was struggling to even see the controls in front of her. Her body and eyes weren't working in tandem.

Impossible! This was a simulation, not a real mecha fight. And if her suit was destroyed, the fight would have ended already.

What was going on?

Tan Lingyun took a deep breath, and tried to regain her composure. She focused her attention back on the fight at hand.

Outside, the audience was an in absolute uproar!


It was indeed an uproar. Students and teachers alike gaped at the screen. They hollered and gesticulated, stunned by the display.

What did they see? A miracle.

In the moment Su He's yellow mecha split in to its double image, those pilots in the know felt their hearts sink. But their depression was short lived. The green mecha that was their mecha blurred before their very eyes just before the Su He approached and landed his blow, and split in half.

It hadn't been cut in half. Instead, it appeared to miraculously change midflight until it birthed a second copy. An identical mirror-image.

Su He's strike had passed right through the phantom mecha, but the true one remained. This is what the crowd had witnessed.

A miracle? No, a masterstroke! And the people stared on with eyes wide and mouths agape.

Was this even possible for a pilot to do? Before this moment, no one would have thought such a thing possible.

Wang Hongyuan was among them. He had just been bemoaning Su He's ghosting ability.

But this was real ghosting. It had birthed an actual phantom image. And it was their own Savage Goddess who'd pulled it off.

He suddenly felt like an injection of blood rushed through his mind. He was on his feet, overflowing with excitement.

Seeing something like this was a memory that would etch itself on your spirit forever.

Chapter 192: Lei Feng!

A yellow projection and a green doppleganger faced each other in the sky.

The moment had passed in an instant, barely the blink of an eye. But it had lit a fire in the hearts of the entire audience.

Su He sat calmly within the sim pod. His features were peaceful, though there was a cold light in his eyes. And then his eyes went wide – he couldn't believe what he'd just seen.

Clearly he had the upper hand in mecha control, or so he'd thought. But then…

It was real ghosting. What could this mean? He understood probably more than anyone.

Godly. Only God-ranked pilots could do what she did.

For Su He, his after-image could stretch about three-fourths the length of himself to any direction. It was the height of his abilities, constrained by his hand speed which hovered around forty-six.

As everyone knew, hand speed was very important to a pilot. However, training it wasn't exactly easy. Specifically, getting it above ten moves a second wasn't all that hard, but every inch of progress beyond that was a fight.

Second-class Emperor pilots needed a fixed speed of twelve movements per second to be considered as such. First-class pilots needed fourteen. Sovereign second-grade required eighteen, while first-class was twenty.

For pilots, reaching twenty commands was a watershed moment. There was good reason they said the difference between a God and Sovereign pilot was an immeasurable gulf – and the hand speed required for it was a fair indicator as to what that was.

A God-ranked pilot required a hand speed of forty to even be considered for promotion. It was the most basic requirement, and one the vast majority of pilots would never achieve in their lifetimes.

As such, the number of registered Sovereign pilots out-numbered their Godly counterparts by several hundred times. In all the three alliances, the total number of Sovereign pilots hovered around ten thousand, whereas there were only a few hundred God-ranked pilots.

Su He himself wasn't yet a full-fledged God-ranked pilot. Although his hand speed was sufficiently fast, he was still lacking in several of the other criteria. Still, he was confident he'd have his title in less than three years.

He was proud of his achievements, and confident in his abilities. In fact, as very nearly a God-ranked pilot, he rarely encountered anyone that was a challenge to him.

Xiao Han, it could be said, was his 'half student,' he'd trained him some since coming on for the competition. And although on the surface he was calm, inside he was a torrent of rage at the loss his pupil suffered. His presence now the arena was to hurt his enemy's pride, as they had hurt his.

However, the moment he saw the ghosting image of the green mecha appear before him, he knew he had to swallow his indignation.

His spine was straight, and a cold shudder passed along his spine from head to tailbone. He was determined, no more hesitation.


The nimble green mech had miraculous employed the perfectly cultivated ghosting maneuver to avoid Su He's attack. But since, neither had made a move to advance.

They were separated by five hundred meters of air and clouds. They hung in the air, regarding one another.

It wasn't just the crowd that had been startled by the events of their fight. Tan Lingyun, alone in the dark of the sim pod, was just as stunned. Mostly, though, her surprised lay in the fact that she was somehow still in the fight. She had no idea what had just happened, or why her opponent was giving her such a wide berth when he had the upper hand. Why wasn't he smashing her suit into little bits?

She reached out to urg her mecha forward almost unconsciously. The was not yet finished, and her own pride and willpower wouldn't allow her to give up. She knew the chances of her losing her great, but she wouldn't give the Lir bastards the satisfaction of seeing her quit.

Her fingers danced over the controls. And nothing happened.

At first she thought maybe she wasn't pressing hard enough. She banged on the keyboard, but nothing happened. Her mecha simply wasn't responding.

What was going on? Was there a problem? Was her suit broken? Systems crash? No, her suit wasn't some cheap slapped-together thing, but an expensive combat machine. It was an excellent quality suit, one in which she'd never encountered a problem before.

A deep voice rang through the simulator.

"If you want to win this fight, then you'll sit there and not move. Concentrate, and watch closely."

"Huh?" Tan Lingyun was absolutely struck dumb by the circumstances. "Who are you," she blurted out without thinking.

The voice answered softly. "In Ancient China, there was a man – a hero – who dedicated himself to serving the people. His name was Lei Feng 1. I suppose that's what you can call me."

"Serving the people? Lei Feng?" Tan Lingyun could only repeat the words. She was at a loss.

But she had no time to dwell on her confusion. Su He's yellow mecha was moving, brandishing its massive laser cannon. Almost instantly there was a dazzling red blast.

Snipers were experts at being adroit, nimble. This was paired with skill and speed, so that at the highest ranks a sniper didn't need any form of radar or even aim once their target got within a certain distance. They could discharge their weapon based on feel. It had a name they'd taken from the old days, gunslinging.

Also in this moment, Tan Lingyun again felt that intense discomfort as dizziness flooded through her. However, this time she was quicker, and her Discipline flared up in defense. Her eyes remained clear, this time, and she was shocked at what she saw.

An image of herself, standing not far away. Ghosting!

The first time the audience saw this move in action, it was exciting. This time, the onlookers nearly exploded in uproar.

The two green figures merged, without her input, Su He's deadly laser skimming harmlessly passed.

God ranked! Now, Su He had no doubt. His opponent was actually a Godly pilot!

Having a hand speed of forty moves her second didn't automatically mean one was a God-ranked mecha pilot. However, if a pilot's speed reached fifty moves – fifty effective moves – then there was no question of their status.

But that wasn't the whole story. Tan Lingyun's shadow was entirely separate from the original mecha, and that meant fifty moves was the absolute minimum. By what he saw the after-image was also stable and persistent, that meant fifty-five moves.

Twice now she'd employed the ghosting method with flawless execution. She'd revealed herself to be a masterful pilot, with a frightening speed of hand.

For the first time, Su He's mind was blank.


Not far from where the teachers fought and the students observed, a tall white building peeked over the hill.

It was the sim warehouse for the mecha combat department. It was abandoned now, like the rest of the campus, as the competition continued outside.

But there was one pod nestled among the many dark simulators that was powered on.


Skyfire Avenue.

The room was full of clutter; various books and pieces of electronic equipment were strewn hodge-podge with no particular system. Many of the books looked worn and well-read.

A figure with tousled hair was perched atop a chair, cross-legged. His eyes were wide as he watched the screen before him, the lollipop in his mouth nearly falling free.

Images of the exchange competition flashed across the screen, illuminating the area around the man.

"Heh, alright so DreamNet itself is impossible to hack in to – it's processors and servers are simply too strong. Those sim pods at the school, though, are nothing. You're gunna owe me a favor for this one, Jewelry Master. But damn is he fierce! I didn't see the actual fight last time when we were in the Starfields. I had no idea he was this fast. Is he even a human? He's even fast than me!"

Bang bang! A knock rattled the door.

"Who is it?" The scruffy looking man shouting towards the visitor begrudgingly.

"Master, the Lord would like to see you."

"Eh! What's that old man up to. I'll be there in a moment." The man shot to his feet, and ran his fingers through his mess of hair. As he rushed out of the room, it was clear he held this 'Lord' in high regard.


Su He's eyes lit up as something popped in to his head. It was the look of a man who'd discovered something invaluable. There was something else there as well, hard to define – a sort of fervor.

A god-ranked pilot. At last. Excellent… simply excellent.

By now he'd already forgotten his mission here. He'd forgotten about the thousands of eyes that watched. Right now, in this moment, all he wanted was to pit his all against this worthy opponent.

He knew well that the fact he hadn't broken in to God-rank yet was closely related to the fact that he hadn't any suitable challengers to spar with. At his level of ability, it was difficult to find things that stretched him. It was pressure that forged a great pilot.

This was a chance he couldn't afford to waste, no matter the circumstance or consequence.

The yellow mech launched in to motion. However, this time it wasn't directly towards Tan Lingyun. Instead he went upwards, getting lost in the clouds and mist.

The green mecha was also on the move. The wings at its back constricted, and thrusters sputtered to life. A glimmering contrail remained as Tan Lingyun raced towards Su He.

The green mecha made no attempts at dodging or concealment as it charged ahead. It seemed as though the pilot were entirely unconcerned with potential attacks from the sniper.

However, nestled in her simulator, Tan Lingyun saw this was anything but the brazen calm her mecha displayed. Through her heightened perception, she could feel the simulator rocking, though it's movements weren't as fierce as they had been moments before. Still, the frequency of the shudders where about the same. What this meant was that, even though the mecha looked to be flying straight, it was moving around at such speed and frequency that the yellow mecha couldn't use its instrumentation to get a lock. They were similar to the ghosting maneuvers, but doing so while charging forward was in another class entirely from doing so while standing still. It was undoubtedly the sign of a highly skilled pilot.

Tan Lingyun didn't even know if there was a name for it.

She was full of curiosity at her predicament. Just as the voice had commanded, she knew the most important thing for her to do in this moment was watch carefully. Memorize every detail. She knew her future improvement depended on it.

1. Link to wikipedia article about the man, a PLA soldier and cultural hero. Lei Feng is the premier people's hero, a man whose exploits (likely largely fictitious) were always entirely for the benefit of the working man and the communist government. He's the Chinese version of mother Theresa, though I'm convinced he was built up to be an icon of communist propaganda. But that's a discussion for another time, the important cultural reference is that his life is celebrated every year. During the celebration young people in schools are forced to participate in community beautification projects like planting trees, or told to stand on street corners and help the elderly. The result is that the fine public improvement campaign is marred by constant pro-government rhetoric and disenchanted youngsters who are upset they have to stand in the scorching heat. People will espouse the virtues of a 'Life like Lei Feng' almost by rote when national pride is brought in to the equation, but largely disdain the holiday and the thinly veiled government propaganda that's attached to it.

Chapter 193: THIS is God-Ranked!

The difference in equipment quality for the two mechas wasn't much. As such, the green mecha wasn't significantly faster than the yellow.

Before long Su He's mecha dipped in to the cloud cover. The stately green predator followed half a second behind.

Here the benefits of a sim match were made apparent, for as they drilled through the clouds and mist the spectator's screens filtered them out and revealed a crystal clear picture. Now, they could see every minute detail of the fight despite the environment.

Su He did not pause as he penetrated the clouds. He became distorted and difficult to pinpoint, with a fuzzy grey light hovering around him. He looked very much like the clouds he hid in. More importantly, however, this aura he exuded hid the fluctuations of his mech and discipline power.

Slowly, he lifted the laser cannon to his shoulder. He continued to move backward through the mist while carefully aiming for the encroaching green hunter.

The suit stopped. Tan Lingyun felt the vibrating of the sim pod come to a halt, and although she couldn't see Su He she was immediately filled with dread. What was this person doing? Why where they stopped when a sniper likely had their sights trained on her, especially a sniper as strong as this?

It was an opportunity Su He couldn't afford to miss. With a sizzling bang, the laser cannon released its first shot. The clouds turned an angry red as the sizzling laser raced towards its target.

But what happened next was a strange turn, for just as the laser was set to obliterate Tan Lingyun, a powerful green aura gushed forth. The nimble mech side-stepped ever so slightly, as the verdant light congealed in to a thick layer before its chest.

The laser burst in to a fiery explosion, but the brunt of its force was avoided with the juke. The rest was deflected by the intense shield.

The impact force caused the suit to spin around.

Su He saw how his attack was mitigated until it was useless. In surprise and frustration, he began the procedures to ghost his suit once more.

He knew God-ranked pilots didn't do anything unless it specifically granted them a combat advantage. There was definitely a reason the green mecha had stopped to suffer the strike.

As expected, the moment his shadow appeared he saw a green flash streak by. He broke out in a cold sweat.

The light had been one of the suit's spikes, fired from its hand at incredible speed.

Su He stopped on a dime, refusing to let inertia pull him to the side. It was a poignant display of his mastery. The sudden change in trajectory saved him, for as anticipated a second flash of green raced past. Had he kept going, that spike would have impaled the cockpit.

Sweat had already soaked through Su He's flight suit. The intensity was oppressive, and an underlying fear crept through his brain as he continued to narrowly avoid destruction.


In the sim pod.

Tan Lingyun watched the exchange on her screens, absorbed in every tiny detail. Though she wasn't the one piloting the suit, she was nevertheless full of a deep satisfaction.

Her observations were interrupted when that deep voice from before filled her cockpit. "The reason for leaving myself open for the blast, was to resolve this fight as quickly as possible. He's got a very powerful shield defense system installed in his suit, capable of blocking our radar. Add in the cloud cover, and he's practically invisible. Nearly all high-level snipers are outfitted like this. So, the best way to determine a sniper's location is to have him take a shot. The precondition, of course, being that you're confident you can avoid or block the shot."

As the voice was instructing, she did indeed see Su He's mecha partially concealed in the clouds.

Su He had indeed avoided the two attack, but in the course of evasion was forced to stop his retreat. In the same instant Su He's location was revealed, the green mecha launched forward at top speed. Spin, launch, sprint – three actions that blended seamlessly in to one. No movement was wasted.

By the time Su He reacted, trying desperately to turn and flee, the green mecha was already hovering directly in front of him.

However, Su He's training was immaculate, and his estimation of the situation appropriate. He knew that running at the needed speed would take time, time he didn't have. If he tried, his enemy would catch up quickly, with his back exposed. What's more, though his cannon was a far sight better than his student's, it still needed time to cool before another shot could be fired. There wasn't time for him to fire one off before Tan Lingyun could land a fatal strike.

So he didn't run. Instead his hands relaxed around the grip of the laser cannon, allowing the powerful weapon to fall away. His arms rose and warded him, the blades wrapped around them dull against the gray clouds. Close combat was his only option, now.

The green mecha was unarmed, having fired its spikes earlier.

Finally, the two mecha met once again. The audience watched with baited breath, throats tight with anxiety.

The green mecha stuttered. Ghosting?

No, or… yes?

It appeared as though there was some problem, that the maneuver failed. Though there was the hint of a phantom, it wasn't as expertly executed as before. The image was only partially separate from the real thing, not unlike Su He's own attempts earlier.

But Su He saw something else entirely.

Indeed, the ghosting image didn't entirely separate, however it wasn't two mechas he saw. It was three.

Three? Damn! What is his hand speed?! Su He was thunderstruck, and excitement shone in his eyes. He held no fear for such opponents, only anticipation. His fingers danced over the controls fervently.

The yellow mecha's torso began to rotate at intense speed. The weapons stretching from its elbow sockets became a blur. He became a wall of whirling steel.

Su He was not one for defense. Otherwise he wouldn't have chosen a sniper mech for the battle. Right now, though, he had no choice. He faced three enemies now essentially, and he had no idea where the next attack could come from. Nor did he know what manner of attack it would be, considering his opponent's abilities. All he had to rely on was his ultimate defense.

Suddenly, a giant mechanical fist appeared in front of his face. She seemed to pay the spinning blades no mind.

Is she crazy? This was Su He's first thought. After all, those weapons he wielded weren't ordinary alloy blades. They were high-frequency concussive steel, the best you could buy. It was for this reason that Tan Lingyun's shields had failed to deflect the attack, and the strike had still managed to damage her suit.

And it didn't even have any weapons, resorting to fists. She was asking for death.

Su He didn't know what his enemy was planning, but he did know that hesitation when fighting someone of this caliber was a death sentence. So he punched buttons on his keyboard, and the whirling weapons exploded outward like a deadly metal dervish. They swiped mindlessly, viciously at his attacker. The terrible humming blades captured his adversaries fist between them.

Did she have time to retreat? No. Nor was there any trickery. The green mecha planned to eat the attack straight on.

Tan Lingyun cried out in alarm, watching from within the dark sim pod. She couldn't understand why this person who called themselves 'Lei Feng' was acting so recklessly.


The sounds of impact reverberated through the air. The yellow mecha went flying, arms flailing and chest plate dented.

The green mecha's thrusters fired at full strength, at the suit dissolved in to a piercing ray of light that shot forward.

He caught up, and the two suits stopped in that heavy cloud cover.

A moment later…


The yellow mecha exploded in a fiery inferno.

"Su He's mecha has sustained one hundred percent damage. Victory: Tan Lingyun."

Not a sound arose from the audience. They sat in silence, disbelieving, unsure of what happened.

"How… how did you do that?" Tan Lingyun asked quietly to the darkness of the simulator. She didn't care who this Lei Feng actually was, she just had to know how he'd taken victory. It had all happened too fast for her to see.


The VIP platform. Han Ruchao and Xu Renjian were comical mirrors of each other, staring wide eyed and slack-jawed at the screen.

Su He's defeat had turned his earlier threats in to a joke. He'd lost, and lost terribly. Their one-on-one bout, engaged at his request, ended up being a gift to the enemy.

"Renjian… did you see how your instructor won the fight?" Han Ruchao couldn't help but ask his NEU counterpart, asking the question almost unconsciously.

Xu Renjian shook his head. "I didn't see it clearly. The two suits were of about equal power. It looks like she won with her bare fists, though Su He's defense should have deflected them. Somehow the strike must have landed, and then… empty space."

Han Ruchao sucked in an angry breath. "You're certainly a sneaky one, Renjian. Keeping your cards very close to the chest. If this were some accident I could accept the loss, but… You must introduce this miracle pilot of yours to me later. I had no idea your university had managed to lure a God-ranked pilot on staff."

Xu Renjian shot his rival a bitter smile. "I am pleased at our victory, Ruchao, but I am just as confused as you are. As far as I knew Tan Lingyun was a Sovereign-ranked pilot 1. I have no idea when or how she's managed to make such a leap in power. It was quite the surprise, I assure you! Surprised doesn't even describe it."

Xu Renjian shook his head, his fate face jiggling. He had to let go of his disbelief, for he'd seen it true. He went on, his face a mask of seriousness. "I suppose we should settle the terms of our wager, then."

Han Ruchao's face twitched as though in pain. "As straightforward as always."

Xu Renjian huffed disdainfully. "And if you'd have won? We're all adults here, admit when you've lost and pay up."

1. Admitting to cheating, are we?

Chapter 194: Lei Feng Appears!

The sim pod opened.

Su He pulled himself from the dark and stuffy simulator. His face didn't display any of the things you might expect; no depression or anger. Instead, he looked excited. Whether from emotion or the drama of the fight it was hard to say, but it was so intense that his hands were shaking.

He ran across to Tan Lingyun's pod without hesitation.

However, the teachers and students had learned their lesson from watching Xiao Han. They warded Su He's advance.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tang Xiao gave the young instructor a hard look.

"Nothing," Su He replied. "I have a great deal of respect for your instructor. I just wanted to properly introduce myself."

Finally, Tan Lingyun's pod opened, and the Savage Goddess pulled herself free. Her face was a mask of calm, like nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

"Greetings, Professor Tan," Su He greeted with a nod of his head.

Tan Lingyun acknowledge him with a nod.

Su He took a breath, then spoke up with excitement clear in his voice. But there was also a pleading undertone. "Professor Tan. I am well aware that my own abilities are far inferior to your own, but I am very excited to watch your artistry in the physical battle. I am very fortunate to be able to learn from your instruction."

Tan Lingyun was understandably stupefied. The mighty woman, in this moment, was intensely afraid of being discovered as a fraud.

It was evident that, had 'Lei Feng' not intervened, she would never have been a match for Su He. The battle had been a profound experience for her, one in which she got to experience fighting on an entirely different level first hand.

But the real fights were next, where Discipline and mecha combined. How could she maintain this ruse then? However, under the watchful eyes of her students, she had to keep it up.

If she acted in accordance with her nature, she'd absolutely have told the whole truth. However, in this moment, it wasn't just herself involved. She represented the entire school 1. What's more the God-ranked battle still had a hold on her heart, challenging her self-control. She may have only watched the exchange, but that didn't mean she didn't learn something. At the very least, she came away with a God-ranked pilot's thought process.

Her mind was still mulling over just how her green mecha had managed to defeat Su He's in the simulation.

Tan Lingyun brought her attention to the present. "Impressive close combat abilities. But answer a question for me; do you know how it is you lost the fight?"

The onlookers watched as their champion spoke. She seemed possessed of a mysterious and profound disposition, her words instructive rather than inquisitive. For all the world like a professor teaching a student.

Su He answered. "I know a part of it. In the moment when your suit collided with my defense, you most likely employed oscillation. The frequency of your fist and the vibration of my blades must have been at similar rates, nullifying my weapon's advantages and dispersing their force. The rush and strike sent me flying. It broke my defense leaving my chest exposed. That's when your second rush finished me."

Students and teachers on both sides were enlightened by the explanation. Finally, they understood how the green mecha had achieved victory.

Tan Lingyun also understood, then, what had happened. She nodded. "Let's prepare for the next round."

Everyone there bought it. Everyone, that is, except Tang Xiao. Something nagged at him.

Oscillation? Professor Tan was capable of the maneuver? A God-ranked pilot? Something wasn't right. Tang Xiao knew only one person who could employ such a skill.

And what a skill! Employing oscillation at just the right frequency to nullify those frightening blades. Could Professor Tan really do such a thing?

Tan Lingyun walked towards the combat arena, calm and unhurried. There was no sense of hesitation or concern in her. The circumstances of their victory had been strange, but it opened up a whole new realm of knowledge to her.

It wasn't ever Sovereign pilot who had the opportunity to witness a God-ranked battle first hand. It was an experience she knew was absolutely invaluable.

Oscillation! And the ghosting maneuvers earlier had shaken the simulator something fierce. To control the mecha despite that movement was an incredible feat in and of itself. Was this a glimpse at the power of God-ranked mecha pilots? She honestly didn't know whether she'd have an opportunity to reach anywhere near that level in her entire lifetime.

It wasn't just the masterful control of the suit that was inspiring, either. Watching the God-ranked pilot's battlefield domination was also amazing. From the very instant Su He entered the simulated arena he was fighting for survival, and though his reactions were appropriate for every situation, the green mecha was able to adjust at every turn to maintain the advantage.

That was true ability! God-ranked pilots really were in a class all their own, she thought.

Tan Lingyun's excitement was no less than Su He's, though she kept it under wraps. She had been loathe to leave the simulator, anxious to get more instruction from the mysterious 'Lei Feng'. She strongly believed that further instruction from this master would see her skills skyrocketing.

That deep voice was seared in to her memory. She may have walked away calm, but her heart thudded wildly in her chest.

It was a wonderful sensation. When the fights were finished, she planned to return to the pod. With any luck, 'Lei Feng' would still be there.

She arrived at the arena before she knew it. It was time to pick her suit.

Su He had arrived as well, though he had yet to pick his machine. He waited silently, watching Tan Lingyun approach. He offered her a respectful bow, then climbed in to a rifleman mecha.

Tan Lingyun took a deep breath. Whatever she was to face, she would face with grace. Indeed, she didn't care whether she won or lost in their next encounter. Already her success and that of the Tang Xiao before her was an incredible leap forward for their university. Her sole fear was that she couldn't live up to the showing in DreamNet. She was afraid it would raise questions.

Of course simulated battles and real fights were markedly different. They were using the most basic mechas available, and discipline would also play a role in this fight. The fight and its tactics would be entirely different. All were excuses she could rely on. So if she lost, she thought, then so be it.

As she pondered the circumstances, she walked over to the closest mecha – a saber suit. She had a preference for close combat.

"Pick the second suit."

That deep voice rang in her ear, as though he were standing right beside her.

She stopped dead in her tracks, eyes wide.

Yes! It was 'Lei Feng' once again. He's asked me to pick another suit… does this mean he has a way to help me? Is this even ok?

Though her heart was filled with surprise and delight, she constrained herself and did as instructed. After all, her opponent was not one to be trifled with. Was a second miracle in her cards?

These simple practice suits weren't equipped with fancier equipment like tractor beams or transporters. As such she had to rely on ladders.

She pulled herself up with little effort, and hit the power button for the suit. The chest plate hissed as it snapped open. The inner cockpit was revealed.

These suits were possessed of only a small, factory standard cockpit. There was only just enough room for the pilot.

And there was already someone inside.

It was him? HE was 'Lei Feng'?

He was dressed in strange clothes, like they were from the former era, and a golden mask. The only thing she could see was a pair of electric blue eyes.

The various students following her, however, saw no one.

The masked Lei Feng gave her a wave. Then patted his lap.

Wha-? Get in and sit on his lap?

Her face blazed red, unsure of how to proceed.

"You better hurry if you want to win this fight." The deep voice called out to her.

She couldn't afford to hesitate, not with everyone watching. She grit her teeth, and climbed in.

What to do? What to do?

Tan Lingyun tried to keep herself dignified, but all of that fell away when she pulled herself in to the cockpit. Never in her life had she had to contend with a situation like this.

The masked man reached down and pulled her up by the arm. To Tan Lingyun, it was like some great unseen force was yanking her in to his arms. The chest plate shut, under the masked man's command. The cockpit felt intensely cramped.

The man's hands her under her armpits, adjusting her position so that she had her back to him and her butt on his thighs. The seat harness swept passed and clicked, pressing her against him.

She felt his warmth against her, the strength of his torso. She felt heat rise up within her as well; here she was locked in a small room, pressed tightly against some man! One could imagine Tan Lingyun's anxiety.

"Who… who are you?"

"Lei Feng!"

"It's you!" Tan Lingyun's heart fluttered. Her shyness and curiosity about the man diminished somewhat, and she tried to crane her head back to get a better look at him.

1. Interesting. This makes cheating ok?

Chapter 195: Don't Move!

"Don't move." Lei Feng's body stiffened. He was seated in close quarters, embracing a beautiful woman whose pert backside was nestled firmly in his lap. Beautiful suffering. And it only got worse the more she squiggled.

"Oh." She stopped. "So what next?"

Lei Feng's deep voice replied. "Later, when I tell you to employ your Discipline, make sure you exude it outwards. Follow my instructions to the word, and pay close attention to what happens. Remember everything you see and feel today, because this is what will improve your abilities."

"Who the hell are you?" Tan Lingyun blurted out.

Lei Feng was silent for a moment. "Not important. All you need to know, is that I'm here to help."

"But why are you helping?"

"We're about to begin. Concentrate."

Su He was already in his suit, and moving towards the arena.

Two long arm stretched from around Tan Lingyun's tiny waist. Slender fingers settled on the suit's controls.

Her heart skipped a beat. Unconsciously, she dropped her head, and saw the pale hands as they worked. They were thin, but not bony. Pretty, was how she would describe them.

Pretty indeed, especially for a man's hands. She found it curious a man could develop such feminine fingers.

She also spied the strange green ring on his left little finger. The diamonds, sapphires, and that strange triangular jadeite, all twinkling in the cabin's dim light.

It was the ring that struck her most. She didn't understand why, but it felt familiar. Where she might have seen it, however, she couldn't say.

Where this any other man with such a ring, she'd look upon him with contempt 1. However this ring, on this man's hand, was somehow different. It filled her with suspicion.

Those hands became a blur as they danced along the controls. Their movements didn't effect Tan Lingyun at all, as though she weren't even there to impede them. Lei Feng was doing his best to sit straight, with arms stretched forward to reach around her. It was very much like her was holding her in his embrace. She felt his breath at her ear as he craned his head to one side of her neck, in order to watch the screen.

His warm breath, proximity and indeed even his aura caused her face to redden visibly.

The saber mech lurched in to motion. Large steps swept the suit through the prep area, following on the rifleman's heels.

"Professor Su. Please choose the arena." Wu Junyi called out towards the sim match's loser, giving him the opportunity to choose the battlefield as per their agreed upon rules. He, along with Shi Jiujiu of Lir, were the acting referees for this fight just as they were for the students.

"Arena." Su He called out his choice without indecision. Indeed, the Arena would be his natural choice. It was the simplest and most direct terrain to experience his opponent's God-ranked mastery and Discipline. That was his aim, to witness and experience the powers of a God-ranked pilot, to challenge himself under such pressure 2. He was almost sure the struggle would lead to a personal breakthrough.

What he didn't know, was whether this God-ranked pilot he faced was going to apply enough pressure.

To Tan Lingyun it felt like her heart was beating a hundred-sixty times a minute. She could hear its thud in her ears.

"What are you thinking? Pay attention to what I'm doing. Listen for my command to use your Discipline." His voice snapped her back to the present.

She was the Savage Goddess, she reminded herself, a woman whose emotions were far better managed than the average young woman. She bit the tip of her tongue, hoping the pain would quell her discomfort with the situation. She fixed her glimmering eyes on the hands in front of her.

The audience outside was buzzing, both with excitement and anticipation. As the battle neared, so too did the fervor of the crowd rise.

The screens overhead where replaying the recently completed sim battle.

They watched once more as Su He's yellow mech first displayed it's ghosting abilities, humble though they were. Then came Tan Lingyun's display, shocking them all over again. It proceeded to the battle within the clouds, culminating with Su He's oblivion.

The fight hadn't been an overly low or long one. The entire thing had been over in around ten minutes. The audience watched as the replay continued in slow motion, though they were surprised to find that, even despite the slower speeds, it was still difficult to clearly determine what was going on. The primary reason for this was that the suits were incredibly fuzzy when employing their ghost techniques, even at greatly diminished frame rates. It was a poignant testament to just how fast they really were.

The students of both universities couldn't pull their eyes from the screen. For them, still in school, they knew the opportunity to watch an exchange of this caliber was a rare treat. It left a deep impression on every single pair of eyes that watched the screen.

Who wouldn't want to reach such levels of mastery, after all? Of course their desires were tempered with the understanding that only an exceptionally few people ever reached that level. For the vast majority this was the closest they'd ever get to God-ranked, and they drank in every moment like a fine wine, savoring it.

This was especially true for those in the know, who could recognize the fighters' level of ability and illuminate the fact to their peers. They were the ones who got the passionate responses going.

Yes, it was a treat for all that they could watch such a high-level exchange with their own eyes. It was largely this fact that resulted in Lir University's dean, Han Ruchao, change in mood.

He sat in quiet reflection, wondering whether he should work to mend the strained relationship between their respective learning institutions. They had a God-ranked pilot, after all!

There were probably only three universities in the whole of the Eastern Alliance that were capable of possessing a God-ranked pilot on staff. Only two saw their preeminent pilot involved in any actual teaching, and only rarely.

If word got out about this pilot, Han Ruchao mulled, the NEU would certainly enjoy a much higher enrollment rate. Worse, they'd adopt the attitude that came with being a famously strong university.

It was no wonder, then, why Poseidon had chosen to hold his concert here. Han Ruchao suspected and feared his presence was likely due to the fact they had a God-ranked pilot here among them. And a beautiful woman, no less.

Xu Renjian, unlike his Lir counterpart, wasn't consumed by the gossip. As the Dean of the NEU he was absolutely clear on the abilities of his school and staff. This was especially true for Tan Lingyun. He could even say he watched her grow up. She held herself apart, was often cold and prickly, but was in the end a very fine young woman. She was frank, and dutiful. Where she truly a God-ranked pilot, she wouldn't have kept that a secret from him.

He had been present every step of the way, as Tanglingyun had grown and progressed. He'd never heard any indication that she was such a talented pilot.

There was a great chasm between a God-ranked pilot, and a Sovereign. It was a chasm that was famously difficult to cross. This he knew.

So what was going on? Tan Lingyun, despite all he knew, most definitely displayed the mastery of a God-ranked pilot in the simulation!

Xu Renjian's confusion roiled within him. He certainly had to find Tan Lingyun when all was said and done, and ask her about this whole situation.


At one corner of the bleachers.

Zhou Qianlin sat among her peers, biting her pink lip as though deep in thought.

Is that him? I'd asked him to help Professor Tan, was this his work? But how? And now here, in the real fight, there's likely little opportunity to help her. How can he?

She was suddenly assailed by a pang of regret. Of course she wanted to help her class leader, to save her from embarrassment. However, she was also afraid of having her bodyguard reveal himself. If he revealed his true powers, it would be impossible for them to maintain their close proximity. He wouldn't be able pick her up or drop her off, or protect her at all.

Every spectator watched, their moods as numerous as they were. They waited in anticipation for the fight to begin.

The two mechas entered the arena; one swordsman, one rifleman.

Every soul present watched the screens before them, especially those in the mecha combat department. The last fight had been hard to imagine, with their high-level mechas and the separation of DreamNet. But these were suits these students used every day, about to employed in ways they could only dream.

What could these machines do, in the hands of top-level pilots? Not to mention the Discipline employed by the powerhouses. The students of the NEU all knew their Savage Goddess was an eight-level Talent, and would become stronger when paired with the suit she commanded.

The two suits lumbered in, then separated to opposite sides of the arena. Su He pulled his laser ripple in to his hands, and fixed his shining eyes on the distant challenger.

The saber mech's stride was slow and easy. There was nothing in the gait that revealed its pilot's frightening proficiency.

But was that so?

For Su He, that was not the case. He could see that each step of his opponent was covered by subtle defensive maneuvering. Each step was just as capable of defense as explosive attack. He had no doubt Tan Lingyun could coax her suit to its top speed in the blink of an eye, any moment she wished.

As the young instructor looked on, the statistics and information of their respectful suits danced through his mind.

Considering the suit statistics had reference value, however a pilot's Discipline had to be taken in to account. It was that variable that made determining the enemy's power and speed almost impossible.

"Ready to start." Lei Feng's deep voice hummed in Tan Lingyun's ear.

She felt a nervous twinge rattle through her. Her eyes rose to the screen, and her hands rose to grip the harness that pinned her to the masked man. Her predicament forced her in to a demur posture she wasn't used to, but there was clearly excitement at the prospect of what was to come.

Suddenly, a powerful attractive force arose from behind her. Tan Lingyun yelped, as she felt herself pressed tighter against the wide, warm chest of her benefactor.

It was an electric attraction, somehow forcing the two of them in to tighter proximity. Her presence in the tight cabin made it infinitely more difficult for Lei Feng to control the suit. The motion of the suit during combat was also likely to set her off balance, or cause injury. Lei Feng anticipated this, and pressed them together until they were practically one body.

1. Let's be honest, she looks on any man with contempt.

2. We should all try to cultivate this kind of attitude!