196 - 203

Chapter 196: Diffusing Blade


Both suits ground and clanged with the sounds of metal on metal as Wu Junyi's voice rang out.

Su He's rifle was in his hands and firing before the director even finished. The air sizzled as the angry flash rapidly closed the distance between Su He and Lei Feng. And yet, if he was aiming for the suit, he missed his mark.

The more astute in the audience, however, knew his plan. He had aimed for where Lei Feng would be, instead of for the suit itself. This would force the encroaching saber mech to stop, pinning it in place, at least for a time.

But Lei Feng was not foiled. He recognized the point of Su He's early engagement, too. In response his metallic leg shot up, and the momentum had him reeling to the side.

It was well executed. Not only was the laser strike avoided, but the juke had him charging directly towards where the rifleman was sidestepping.

After the gun had fired, Su He coaxed his suit diagonally backwards. The saber mech was close behind.

Su He grit his teeth, fighting the discomfort that had begun to fill him up. His opponent was simply too good. He was dodging, but wherever he went his enemy was hot on his heels. Each passing moment made the pressure in his chest worse.

The rifleman planted its metal foot, suddenly changing directions. In the same moment he fired off several blasts from his laser rifle. The shots spread wide but despite their random appearance, were in fact aimed specifically towards the routes Lei Feng would have to use to advance. His shots were still defensive, attempting to create some distance between him and his enemy.

And once again Lei Feng saw it coming. The hulking saber suit stopped… and refused to move closer.

This was one advantage of the Arena, at least for long-distance fighters. While there were no obstacles in the way, forward mobility was difficult without any cover. Still, Lei Feng seemed disinterested in closing the rapidly spreading gap.

Tang Lingyun saw within the tight confines of the cockpit, staring raptly at the hands tapping away in front of her. The slim fingers tapped away at the keyboard, moving along as though it were the most natural thing for them to do, like they were a part of the machine itself. She couldn't make out what keys he was pressing, exactly, but she could sense the rhythm in his keystrokes.

Indeed, they did have a special sort of tempo. His hand speed didn't even appear too fast – really sort of relaxed. And yet the suit moved and stopped as though it had a life of its own. Everything was smooth like running water in a stream.

It looked like his hand speed was hovering around ten maneuvers a second, according to Tan Lingyun's calculations. But despite the low number the moves were executed with frightening precision.

She couldn't see what he was doing exactly, but she could tell – along with everyone else – that there wasn't any wasted motion in anything this 'Lei Feng' did.

This was an indication of true ability, of a master pilot! She couldn't pull her eyes away, silently praising her benefactor's skill.

"Guess. What do you think our opponent's Discipline is?" Lei Feng's voice called to her.

Tan Lingyun thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. But I can guess since he has a long-ranged suit, his powers revolve around energy promotion and precision. It could also be tracking or concealment. It must be within one of those categories."

Lei Feng nodded. "You're right," he said softly. "But he's a pilot of higher class, who's still deciding to stick with a sniper. We can't discount his close-combat capabilities. This means it's even more likely his Discipline involves energy manipulation, which we know is a very explosive and powerful ability. If that's the case, one well-placed strike from him can end the match. Whether in practices matches or real fights, make sure you keep a close eye on these sorts of pilots. They're capable of sudden and frightening strength."

By now Su He could also feel something wasn't right. A faint red aura sprang up around him.

With the addition of the strange light, Su He's suit adopted a more nimble gait. Its retreat was faster and more fluid. What's more, as it fired again the laser blasts had turned an angry red, distinctly more empowered than the white flashes from moments before. The rate of fire had increased, too.

"Pure energy control?" Tan Lingyun muttered thoughtfully.

"No. Not that simple. Energy injection. It's time for us to reveal our hand, too, and finish this quickly."

The suit dodged the rifle blast with little effort. An undulating green light began to emerge around the saber mech suit.


Xu Renjian's brows furrowed as he saw the green light appear. Natural energy manipulation… that was certainly Tan Lingyun's Discipline! Could that mean she really was a God pilot?

The saber mech adopted its own nimble stance, like a cheetah waiting to strike. It raced to the side, whereupon the audience gasped at what they saw.

The suit was going so fast it dissolved in to a flash of green light. The beam shot through the arena faster than the eye could follow. It would appear for half a second as the light changed direction three times, but would vanish again just as quickly as it appeared. Somewhere in the interim, Lei Feng had drawn his alloy sword.

Low-end suits of this caliber weren't suitable for maneuvers like ghosting. The construction of the suit wasn't suitably strong enough to handle it. Not only would the suit fail to execute the ghost properly, the pilot could actually shake their suit apart in the process.

However, under the protection of the strange green light, the saber mech had achieved speeds nearing that necessary for ghosting. It advanced with frightening speed, and before they knew it the audience could see Tan Lingyun's mecha closing in to striking distance on Su He. Fifty meters remained between them.

Lei Feng brought his sword-bearing right arm up, slashing viciously towards his opponent. A sonic boom of green light tore through the area between them.

Su He dove to the side. His suit wouldn't be able to sustain a direct assault from the close-combat suit. But the moment he did it, Su He knew he'd made a mistake.

It wasn't a sword slash that Lei Feng had lashed out with. It was a burst of energy not ten meters long.

The fighter mech took advantage, lurching forward to intercept the marksman. Ten meters remained between them.

Bang, bang, bang, bang! It's common practice for a pilot to use the forward momentum of their roll to swing them back onto their feet, but Su He didn't do this. Instead, half on his knees, Su He fired off another volley of lasers. With only ten meters of separation between them, the shots didn't have to go far.

His enemy was using a close-combat fighter, but a basic model. Without the ability to use ghosting or other such dodging maneuvers, how could he manage to avoid being shot when he was only ten meters away?

Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. That's what it looked like.

Premature advance! This was the first thought that raced through Tan Lingyun's mind. She may have still had a long way to go before she reached God-ranked, but she was still an eighth-level Talent. By her estimation, their opponent was of similar strength in that regard. Maybe even stronger.

And now here she was, facing the full power of the marksman's blast. All she saw was the massive disadvantage.

There was, of course, the fact that the dense lasers could overheat her enemy's weapon. But if they were going to take advantage of that fact, they'd first have to survive the volley.

The saber mech's forward advance was brought to a screeching halt, and stood straight and tall like a nail hammered in place. The green aura surrounding it pulsed outward, emitting waves of gentle light.

Red versus green. Their collision was brilliant and colorful. Red light filled Tan Lingyun's vision, as the laser strikes spread out all around her. Had Su He missed on purpose?

But as she watched those fingers dancing along the control panel before her, her eyes went blurry.

The whole suit began to tremble tremendously. Countless slight but violent shakes set her teeth to rattling. She felt like she was being shaken apart.

Thankfully the attractive power pinning her to Lei Feng strengthened in that moment. She felt herself go numb.

The shaking was so intense that she saw six hands tapping the controls in front of her. They looked like little more than six trembling shadows.

Schwing! 1 The long sword stretched outward, the green light flashed.

Su He's marksman suit was pinned to the arena floor, a shimmering green alloy blade running it through. The main control systems had been severed.

What? How did…!

It was the sim match all over again. Everyone had seen it, but no one understood what had happened 2. How could the rifleman mech miss at ten meters?

Lei Feng pulled his sword free, extracting it with a flourish. Each motion was trailed by a streak of green. He walked back to where he'd started the match, casting a large shadow behind him.

Su He's breathing was rapid, as he sat in the dark cockpit. He remained in the darkness, unmoving. The last few seconds played over and over again in his mind.

Diffusing Blade? She… she used the diffusing blade?

In that instant he had seen dozens of swords approaching, flashing and leaving an afterimage as they tore through the air. Green flashes of power followed wherever they moved. Each swipe of its sword was so precise, they'd deflected every single laser round. It'd taken his enemy a fraction of a second. Just like that, like it was the easiest thing in the world. Then it was over.

This was how you crushed someone's spirit. From beginning to end, Su He hadn't the slightest opportunity available to him. Though he didn't know it, the saber mech's ability to use diffusing blade meant no shot from his laser rifle would find it's mark. He would have been more effective fighting bare-handed!

A bitter smile slowly spread across Su He's face. 'There will always be those stronger than you.' It was a phrase he knew well before leaving university himself. But to really encounter that person… his excitement couldn't be quantified. However, his ultimate, impotent failure tore at his pride viciously. He was little more than a roach in the face of this master.

In this moment, faced with someone stronger than he, Su He came to a crushing realization: he still had a lot to learn.

1. I know. Shut up.

2. Seems like that would make it no fun, right? Like, I don't watch rugby cuz I don't understand what the hell is going on. If no one gets how these strikes are crazy good, how are they gunna enjoy it?

Chapter 197: Biting The Hand That Feeds

With a fight like this, who won and who lost was practically an after-thought.

The entire VIP box stood; the two deans, the school administrators, even the Skyfire luminaries who attended. As one, they bowed respectfully toward the distance saber mecha.

"How… how did you do that? Just now I couldn't make anything out. You operate too quickly for me to follow. So what did you do?" Tan Lingyun was as frustrated as she was curious.

"I'd have been faster if you weren't holding my arm in a death grip." Lei Feng's response was audibly irritated.

Tan Lingyun looked down, surprised to see her hands tightly squeezing Lei Feng's forearms. She didn't remember doing this, but it must have been to stabilize her at some point during the match. Almost like she wanted him to wrap his arms around her.

The vacuum force that kept her in place relaxed. Finally, she felt some relief, though she couldn't help but notice the cold she felt without that wide chest behind her. Her own back was slick with sweat.

"I used the sword to deflect his laser shots."

"The sword?" She said it almost as an afterthought. She wriggled on his lap, trying to find a more comfortable position.

But as she did, Lei Feng's voice from just before the match rang through her head with that cautionary command. She sputtered apologetically. "I'm sorry! Something was poking me." 1

Lei Feng's body went stiff at her words. "It's fine, the competition's over."

"You still haven't told me how you used your sword to deflect the attack." She still wasn't satisfied, and so fired the question without second thought.

"You've heard of the diffusion blade maneuver? A swordsman technique. This is a simple suit, as you know, and can't sustain strenuous movements. But if it's just the arms, it can manage. It'll still certainly need some maintenance when you put it back." Lei Feng elucidated her in calm tones.

"Diffusion blade?" Tan Lingyun swallowed hard. Of course she'd heard of the move. It had its own reputation.

It was developed about thirty years ago, by a pilot who spent his life seeking out and challenging the best there were. He only ever fought with a sword, and trained until he had reached the very peak of mastery with it. During his time, he created several specialized techniques to use with a sword before finishing.

But according to Tan Lingyun's own knowledge, most God-ranked pilots couldn't use the technique properly, much less an average one. Manipulating a sword so that it creates an after image wasn't hard, but being so fast that your phantom strikes actual had substance, could damage or guard… that was exceedingly difficult to pull off, for anyone.

The suits had been removed from the arena. Tan Lingyun's suit slowly lumbered towards it's starting position in the mecha hangar.

"When you leave, you mustn't tell anyone I was here. I don't want anyone to know. You are the one who won the match, understand?" Lei Feng's voice was deep and commanding.

"Mhm." Tan Lingyun nodded. "Can you tell me your real name?"


Tan Lingyun thought for a moment before speaking again. "Well… will I be able to contact you somehow?"

"We'll meet again if fate determines it should be so."

"Why did you come to help me?"

"At the request of someone else."

"For me? Have we met?"

'Lei Feng' had begun to grow impatient. "You certainly have a lot of questions. We're here, time to get out. Remember what I told you, otherwise I can guarantee you'll never see me again."

The suit's chest plate loosened with a hiss, and spread wide to reveal the cockpit. A deafening cheer arose once the audience saw.

"Can I study mecha piloting with you? My com number is…" She quickly relayed the information to her benefactor, then scrambled clear of the suit.

Lei Feng was finally able to move, and squirmed uncomfortably in the pilot seat.

Tan Lingyun quickly shut the cockpit door behind her, and locked the outside panel. She then slowly, soundlessly descended the ladder.

Geng Yang, Tang Xiao and Tang Mi were waiting for her at the bottom. The other competing students and teachers surrounded her the moment her feet touched the ground. Cheers resounded through the entire arena.

"Long live Professor Tan!"

"Long live our Goddess!"

The cries came again and again, shouted from the lips of the entire gathered NEU body.


On the VIP platform.

"I've lost. No ifs ands or buts about it. Tomorrow, once the academic portion of the competition is completed, I'll have someone deliver your power gems. You're quite impressive, Dean Xu, even just in being able to cozy up to a God-ranked pilot. How about we go down and congratulate our latest champion?"

Xu Renjian chuckled good-naturedly 2. "Dean Han, I'm afraid now might not be the most opportune time. As I'm sure you know, the comfort and condition of a schools God-ranked pilot is their first priority. We don't have a chance to speak with her just now. Also, if I may speak frankly, a pilot who reaches the God ranks traditionally bears their own… peculiarities. I wouldn't want to upset her, wouldn't you agree?"

Han Ruchaos' face grew hard, but just for the space of an instant. In no time, he was smiling again. "Indeed, indeed! That's fine. I suppose that concludes the day for us, then. We should head back and relax, ourselves. We'll see you tomorrow for the academic competitions."

"Take it easy, Ruchao."

"Yup, no need to send me off." 3

The two gentlemen shook hands, and locked eyes. Each bore smiles, but their eyes told a different story. Deep in their hearts, they spat the same curse at the other.

This old fox! 4

The atmosphere all around the NEU was jubilant. Today, they had been lucky enough to bear witness to two heroes. The display had inflamed their enthusiasm and school patriotism.

Tang Lingyun wasn't quite so bad as her peers. After all, the Savage Goddess had a reputation to maintain. And now, that reputation included the 'fact' that she was a God-ranked pilot. She was surrounded already by adoring fans.

Tang Xiao was the first to rush over, warding his instructor from the rush of students and teachers. In this moment, she was thankful for his wide girth. He was the only thing keeping her from being washed away in a sea of excited students.


The Spirit Caller gem warmed.

Zhou Qianlin: That was you, wasn't it.

Lan Jue: What do you think?

Thank you. You are our school's hero.

I can live with being a Nameless Hero. And it wasn't just because of your request that I helped. Tan Lingyun has a famously bad temper, but she deserves respect. Moreover, I'm as much a part of this school as you and she. Only, there's a problem…

What problem?

It looks like the Savage Goddess here has decided to bite the hand that fed her. She locked me in the suit.

What should we do?

It's fine. I have my ways. I'll see you by the university gates in a little while. I'll send you home.

Oh, no good! Tomorrow we're competing in the mecha science and technology meet. I'll probably have to be here until very late.

Alright, then I'll head back first. For goodness sake don't tell anyone what went on today, I don't want anyone to know.

Neither do I.



Seated in the dark and silent cockpit, 'Lei Feng's' hands shimmered with electric blue light. Gently, he placed them upon the metal of the cockpit's frame. Little by little, his body dissolves in to electricity until he vanished from sight.


Su He was pulled free of the destroyed mecha by Shi Jiujiu. He got to his feet, but it was clear by his expression he was still dumbstruck.

The two fights he'd participated in today had left him with a very deep impression. Winning and losing had never been terribly important to him, but what had crushed him was the huge discrepancy in power he was forced to face.

God-ranked. He knew he was on the cusp, slowly advancing to God-ranked himself. But he'd never have expected there was still so far to go, and so huge a difference.

It was true that he hadn't used the suit he was most comfortable with, but what about the other? Surely it was the same for her? If his opponent had been able to use a suit they were adept with, he feared the fight would have been over much faster.

Lir University dean Han Ruchao stood within the arena, waiting for Su He to regain his bearings. The older gentleman motioned him close, then patted him with grandfatherly affection on the shoulder. "You fought admirably, Professor Su. There was no fault in your performance. Your opponent was simply too strong."

Su He slowly shook his head. "Such a huge disparity. There is no doubt that I was the inferior pilot. I never had a chance."

"It's alright," Han Ruchao interjected. "We have the next round tomorrow. We're still depending on you, Professor Su. If we win those, then we can walk out of here with our heads held high, as equals."

Su He managed a smile with some effort. "You all head back first, Dean. I'd like to be alone for a little while."

"Very well." He patted the man on his shoulder once again. Lir's Dean shot Shi Jiujiu a meaningful glance before turning, and walking from the arena.

A little while later, Su He was walking by himself along the pathway. The road connecting the arena to the main campus was a lengthy one. He didn't mind.

Everything he'd seen and felt during the two fights swam through his muddled brain. The memories were as distinct and visceral as when he'd first experienced them.

His trek continued in this fashion until someone called out from a few yards ahead. "Mentor!"

A simple greeting, but the words had a strange sort of power. Su He put away his thoughts and looked towards the voice.

He spied a young man, with his back against the trunk of a nearby tree. His face was lit up with a beaming smile.

"You talking to me?" Su He lifted a brow.

"Yup!" The young man responded.

Su He quietly regarded him for a moment. "Have we met?"

His accoster chortled. "A long time ago, yes. I'm not surprised you don't remember. Lan Qing is my older brother."

Su He's whole body shook and stiffened at the Supersoldier's name. He looked incredulously at the younger Lan.

"Your older brother is Lan Qing. That means… Lan Jue?" Su He sounded more surprised than anything.

Lan Jue nodded, that smile still on his handsome face. He walked closer, until they were face to face.

"What's up? I imagine you're feeling a little down after that loss." Lan Jue said.

Su He was an exceptionally intelligent man. Suspicion welled up within him as he asked, "Do the fights today have something to do with you?"

Lan Jue's response was calm, calculated. "I was your opponent, mentor. Do you think there's anyone in this university who'd be able to handle you so easily?"

"You?" Su He pinned Lan Jue with his bright eyes. When he spoke again his voice was hard. "You."

1. I swear, that's what he wrote.

2. Sure, cuz he won.

3. This is the penultimate Chinese departure. A small exchange, everyone stands, and attempts to send the guest off as far as they'll let them before they refuse to move an inch until their hosts go back to their house. Of course the more you like someone, or the more respect you have for them, the further you send them off, and the more effort you put in to ignoring their pleas for you not to.

4. A fox is considered a trickster or troublemaker in China. They are simultaneously respected for their wily nature, and despised because it always comes at the expense of another. Calling someone a 'xiao hu li', or little fox, can be pretty insulting if you don't know the person well.

Chapter 198: The Old Man Beckons

Lan Jue nodded his head. "It's not breaking the rules, either. When you threw down the proverbial gauntlet, you called for anyone from the school. I am a part of the school."

Su He looked at him in surprise. "You're a teacher here?"

"Yup," Lan Jue replied, "though I'm only really interested in an easy and care-free life. You helped us a lot back when we were schoolmates in university. I've been wanting to see you for a while, in fact. Now, I'm going to need to ask for your help in keeping this secret."

Su He's breath had quickened since the beginning of their conversation. Lan Qing, and Lan Jue! To him, the two names were like a curse. Memories of days past crashed against his brain like a tidal wave.

The memories ran deep. He recalled being young, Lan Qing and Lan Jue had just entered in to the university. He was a national scholar in his school, and already a Sovereign-ranked pilot. He stood out from the others in his class as exceptional.

At that time his school had a policy, in which upper classmen were expected to take care of and show around newer students. They would lead them around, and acclimate them to university life.

Su He had been assigned to Lan Qing. A name that would forever be branded on his mind.

Everything Lan Qing did, he did with supreme concentration and care. It took him no time at all to get right in the swing of things. It was easy, as all he did every day was study religiously.

Su He still clearly remembered that the young Lan Qing was often asking for help and advice. His response had been to be aloof and superior, sometimes even arrogant towards the new student.

However, Lan Qing didn't seem to mind. He poured all of his energy in to his studies.

This continued until one day, when Su He told him not to waste his life with those books and notes. If he wanted one day to be a strong pilot, then he needed to get out there, and experience it for himself. Su He then brought him to the sparring arena.

That was when Su He's nightmare began.

He saw it in his mind's eye like it was yesterday. Three matches, with worse results even than he'd suffered today. Three terrible defeats at the hand of that quiet underclassman. He never had a chance. Like Su He, Lan Qing was also a Sovereign-ranked pilot but he had only just enrolled in classes.

Worse still, the entire debaucle had been recorded by the school and kept for posterity. It was for good reason, for not three years later Lan Qing was a God-ranked pilot. A God-ranked pilot, still in college. His college! From then on Lan Qing didn't attend any of the national scholar classes, in fact leaving school entirely. It was said he left for a very important reason, one which attracted Alliance-wide attention.

If that had been the end of it, it would have been fine. However, a year before Lan Qing left, his younger brother had also enrolled in the same school.

Whether by the university's design or cruel coincidence, Su He was selected as Lan Jue's chaperone as well. By that time, he was already preparing to graduate from the scholar program.

Once again Su He bore witness to the inconceivable. In precisely the same amount of time it took Lan Qing, Lan Jue became the second God-ranked pilot in four years to graduate from the university. Like his brother before him, he never entered into the national scholar program, and left school. He, too, left a legend.

What Lan Jue did after he left, Su He had no idea. His brother, though… everyone knew Lan Qing's name. The Anlun Supersoldier, Hero of the East!

The Great Protector, who saved a whole planet, and thus the alliance.

Su He thought back to his lengthy time as Lan Jue's chaperone. He was even smarter than his brother, from what he could remember. Both were equally mysterious. No one know where they'd come from, but their talent and strength were still spoken about in that school to this day.

"I never would have thought I'd run in to you here, much less that we'd meet in the ring again. I appreciate you showing mercy." The last few words seemed difficult for Su He to spit out. However, now that he knew it was Lan Jue he'd just faced in the Arena, everything started to make sense.

Without a doubt, he did get off easy.

"My classmate's abilities have improved tremendously since the last time we met. Still, there are some… limitations."

Su He fixed him with a stare. "What do you mean?"

"My dear classmate," Lan Jue began, "you still haven't recognized your biggest failing. And that is, you're too fixated on your genetic talent. Unless I'm mistaken, your Talent is explosive energy. It's an incredible Talent, which even though you're eight-level can contend easily with many other kinds of ninth-level Disciplines. And yet even back then, you were convinced you would have a difficult time reaching God-ranked, simply because you weren't ninth-level."

"I was still young and inexperienced then, and so had no way to contradict your belief. But now I can, and I must tell you that your thinking is flawed. I've met several seventh and eighth-level Talents who achieved God status. You must stop pressuring yourself in this. Focus on your mecha ability, let go of your old mindset, and strengthen your self-confidence. Mentor, your greatest fault has always been a lack of confidence!"

Lan Jue's words were like a thunderbolt. He simply stood there, staring at him.

His former classmate smiled, waved, and left.

Sometimes the slightest scratch could change the view from a window. Sometimes even the slightest chance can bring a revelation.

Su He had long been preparing for God status, but it appeared now that he had been taking the longer road.

Lan Jue did not return to the school once leaving Su He, it was too rowdy. Presumably everyone was still excited over the upset the NEU pulled. More than that, he was also afraid he might inadvertently run in to the Savage Goddess. He may have been wearing a mask and disguise, but the trouble that would ensue if she still managed to find out would be catastrophic. He just wanted to go home and change clothes.


Tan Lingyun eventually and with great effort managed to extricate herself from the throng of excited faces that penned her in. She convinced them to disperse, and only once the coast was clear did she return to the mecha warehouse.

Once more she climbed the ladder to the saber mech's cockpit. She gently rapped on the metal chest plate, and when she spoke her voice was apologetic. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to lock you in here, I just thought it important that we talk."

As she spoke, she coaxed the cockpit open. That was when she discovered it empty.

'Lei Feng' was gone.


Beep-beep-beep! The ring of a communicator demanded attention.

"Ah, Accountant. What." Lan Jue spoke in to the device on his wrist.

"What's with the mood, Jewelry Master? Still trying to burn bridges?" The Accountant's voice was thick with irritation.

Lan Jue just laughed. "Nothing! I actually wanted to thank you. When it comes to hacking you're a wizard."

This seemed to placate the ornery man. "Well, yes. There was actually something I wished to discuss with you."

"What is it?"

"I was just speaking with the old man," he began. "I'm likely going to visit your university. As I understand it, you're currently host to one Lir University for an educational exchange?"

"Yup!" Lan Jue looked surprised as he spoke in to the communicator. "The old man actually pays attention to such small things?"

The Accountnt huffed. "Of course he doesn't care about some educational exchange. But someone – I don't know who – called and asked if he could speak with him about the most recent research and development news from the last few years. The old man has me going in his place, already got me a temporary student I.D. and all. The problem as that I'm not familiar with the campus. The Keeper said that, seeing as you're already there, you could how me around. So you can bring me with you tomorrow morning."

Curiosity welled up within Lan Jue, and he couldn't help but speak up. "Did the Keeper tell you to meet with someone named Su?"

"That's right!" The Accountant's excited voice bubbled from the communicator. "I guess he already spoke with you about it?"

Lan Jue could only sigh helplessly. "Alright. I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Actually if you're free, the Keeper said he wanted you to come and see the results of some research he's been undertaking. That thing you brought back from Taihua, in fact."

Lan Jue was stunned at the revelation. "Alright, I'll head there now."


As was customary, Skyfire Avenue was calm, quiet, and deserted. Lan Jue walked down the small street, surrounded by the classical architecture he'd grown to love.

His footsteps rang against the stone blocks that constituted the walkway, lending to the quaint atmosphere. Whenever Lan Jue came back, he was always struck with how fresh and pure everything felt. This is what it felt to have a family, he thought.

Still, Lan Jue's pleasant mood was developing cracks. The reason was obviously what the Accountant had revealed about the research results.

The traumatic experience of Taihua was still with him, and probably always would be. It wasn't about the beasts, despite their capabilities. At full strength he was confident he could have dealt with that massive sea creature himself.

What was troubling, was their enigmatic origins and purpose. Their ability to devour all life around them was terrifying. His own powers were sufficient, yes, but it would take a prepared team of average mecha pilots to handle such a threat themselves.

When paired with the information he'd received from Piao Hong in DreamNet, it made matters all the worse. This was an issue that threatened the safety of the entire human race.

It took him very little time to arrive at the Skyfire Library where the Keeper did his work. By the time he did, the Accountant was waiting for him by the door.

"Why are you waiting for me outside?" Lan Jue inquired.

The Accountant didn't repose, instead rubbing his hands together lasciviously. "So, Jewelry Master… are there a lot of female students at the university you work for?"

"Tons!" He replied.

The squirrelly man's eyes lit up. "Look, ehm, I've been under the Keeper's strict thumb since I was small. Any measure of freedom is hard to come by. In some regards I'm still a… 'blank sheet.' So you think you could help a brother out?" 1

Lan Jue stared at him, speechless for a moment. "Help you. Chase skirts. That you can do yourself. Can you even teach this sort of thing? Cuz in fact, I'm no good at it either!"

The Accountant looked indignant. "No good?! You expect anyone to believe that? Like you aren't surrounded by beautiful women all the time? Four! Four of them!"

Lan Jue patted the smaller man's shoulder, and sighed piteously. "I've never chased a woman in my life. They all chase after me!"

1. I know, the Chinese actually does say this, but in English it has different connotations. I kept it this way because a skinny, socially awkward pervert saying this paints a perfect picture of the Accountant in my mind's eye.

Chapter 199: Results and Hypotheses

For a moment the Accountant just looked at him. Soon, however, he was grinding his teeth. "You know, you're a spoiled kid in need of a spanking."

Lan Jue chuckled. "If you like we can head to the Reaper's arena and you can give it your best shot? I'd be down for that."

The Accountant's expression changed. He adopted a faux dismissive air. "We shouldn't keep the Keeper waiting. Let's head in."

The first impression when one walked in to the library was; scholarly. Most of the reading in these places was in line with modern technology, which meant it was largely populated with electronic media. Paper books were considered luxury antiques these days. It's reputedly said that material from the famous writer Tang Jia San Shao, author of the masterwork Douluo Dalu, rivaled the cost of a high-class high-alt verti-car.

All of the books in Skyfire's Library were paper, though one might come to expect this from the Avenue. The aggregate worth of everything gathered here was beyond measure.

The Accountant brought Lan Jue directly to the Library's third floor. They pushed their way in to what looked like a very spartan room.

The walls were lined with book shelves, and the center of the room was dominated by a classic-style wooden chair beside a window. The window was open, allowing a cool breeze to waft through among the leather-bound volumes. The tall tree outside rustled incessantly as the air caressed its leaves.

The Keeper called out, waving towards Lan Jue as they entered. "Ah, you're here," he said. "Have a seat."

Lan Jue did as instructed. Meanwhile the old man waved his helper away. The Accountant shot Lan Jue a begrudging glare before exiting and closing the door behind him.

Lan Jue watched, then raised a brow towards the Keeper with a grin on his handsome face. "What is it that's so important the Accountant can't be allowed to hear it?"

The Keeper coughed, his frail body jerking with the effort. "Too fidgety. Unreliable. Still a lot he doesn't know well enough. This is to avoid an extreme reaction… so no face is lost."

"If someone is always looked at like a child," Lan Jue began "how can you expect them to learn to walk on their own? You shouldn't look down on him so. He's young, but capable."

The old man grinned. "Didn't he just ask you to help him find a girl? If you could it might actually help the poor child."

"Ah?" Lan Jue stared at the Keeper, surprised.

The old man's yellowed, rheumy eyes regarding the young Jewelry Master. "And you may call me the Keeper, not 'old man'. Once young men reach an age, they're nothing but walking tubs of hormones. They all need to unwind, release. Besides, I only have the one grandson. I hope that he'll continue the family line. And here in the Avenue, his prospects either aren't suitably talented, or the age difference is too great. Only you two are similar, and you've got a much more stable head on your shoulders 1. So I leave him in your hands. I ask that you help me by taking him around with you. It's mostly for this reason that I've asked him to follow you to the NEU. He needs more experience out in normal society."

"Alright. If it'll help you feel better, I'll look after him. With me he'll grow up in a hurry." Lan Jue shot his old friend a lopsided smile.

The Keeper nodded, then changed the subject. "The results of our experimentation with the sample you brought back from Taihua is ready. Unfortunately, it causes more trouble than it solves."

Lan Jue sat a little straighter in his chair. Already he was feeling nervous. "What were you able to discover?"

The Keeper delivered his report, not unlike a professor lecturing a classroom. "This is a beast that has never been recorded in any of the three Great Alliances. The piece you brought back had an enormous amount of life still in it, and energy reserves to rival an s-ranked power gem. But where this 'life'… this vitality in it keeps it going, it's a virulent toxin to us. So were a man to take this energy into himself, he'd see his natural life energies increasing. However, it would also mean suffering the debilitating effects of the poison – which rapidly lead to death."

"To these beasts, however, this poison is not an issue. Nor is this energy present created by themselves. As you've seen, they obtain this through a sort of phagocytosis. They assimilate the vital essence of their surroundings, and convert it in to power they can use. Through our research we've managed to reach a hypothesis; the most likely possibility is that the progenitor you encountered in the ocean was the only outside visitor to Taihua. When it arrived, it wasn't that strong, however it expanded in size and power through incessant phagocytosis of the surrounding vital energies. Once it obtained a certain baseline of vitality, it began producing ovum. The gestation period between asexual conception and hatching is remarkably fast, though it relies on consumption of its surroundings to do so."

"We've come to assume that the progenitor's ultimate aim was to deploy its children throughout Taihua, and use them as gatherers and providers for its own sustenance. It condenses it in to the energy core you brought back. If this creature is permitted to continue this process unhindered, it would eventually consume the entire planet."

"I've already discussed this with the Wine Master. He says he believes the beast traveled through space. We can then assume once a planet has had its vital essences depleted, these creatures migrate elsewhere to continue their voracious advance. Without any more samples to experiment with, we currently have no way of testing its phagocytic abilities in depth. We can't tell how long or how quickly it's transformative phases last. We can assume, however, that it is quite fast. The more beasts the progenitor creates to sustain itself, the more frightening this process becomes."

Lan Jue nodded his head thoughtfully. "Fortunately the progenitor's powers were limited, according to what we discovered fighting it. If we're capable of discovering them quickly, they won't be much of a problem. A single shot from a battleship would do it.

The Keeper chortled with grandfatherly admonition. "Beware of blind optimism. How do you know this creature is the strongest of its race? What if it only serves as a transporter? It's best to acknowledge the possibility that there are more challenging subspecies we've yet to encounter. Will your theoretical battleship be able to contend with that threat?"

"You never make a point without some motive. Tell me what you've discovered," Lan Jue replied.

The Keeper shrugged. "Nothing discovered. Simple deduction is sufficient. One only need recognize the stupendous amounts of energy present in the sample. Were that creature left to its own devices for much longer, killing it would have been substantially more difficult. To put it another way, the creature itself was unable to completely utilize the power it contained within itself. So what does it need so much for, precisely? The simplest explanation: to leave it room to grow."

Lan Jue took a deep, slow breath. "If that's the case, we're looking at a serious problem. And other than us, everyone else remains entirely ignorant of the threat."

"These are troubled waters," the Keeper muttered sagely. "Our ancestors espoused these potential problems even before the age of space exploration. Inevitably, they claimed, we would encounter the multifarious denizens of an ever expanding universe. Among them may very well be creatures stronger than us, smarter than us. Creatures that wish to impede our progress and annihilate our species. In the universe as it was in the old world, the rules are the same; survival of the fittest. If a species seeks survival, seeks expansion, seeks a firm foothold in the vast galactic expanse, they must rely on their own strength and the strength of their peers. This is especially true for the human race. Our enemies are potentially limitless, their strength incredible. However, humans have their wits and drive, and our incessant forward march of progress has seen a solid foundation developed. We have bastions, and motherships. The chances of encountering anything that can contend with the likes of that are small. For that reason, we can take heart, and ease our worry. As we continue to expand, to explore… as we continue to encounter the unknown, the most important thing we can do in the present is make ourselves better. The Wine Master, Clairvoyant and I know about the DreamNet competition, and for the reason we all stand behind you in full support. Of course, this matter is yours to deal with as you see fit, but rest assured we are here should you need our assistance. Do you understand?"

Lan Jue smiled. "I do."

The Keeper humphed once again, as he leaned back against the old wooden chair. He looked tired, somehow older after their exchange.

The expression in Lan Jue's eyes changed. He'd met with the Keeper several times since arriving in Skyfire Avenue, but it was the first time he'd seen the all-powerful Paragon like this.

"Is something bothering you," Lan Jue asked.

The Keeper's wrinkled face broke in a bitter smile. "Bothering is an understatement! If it were simply a bother, it wouldn't have perplexed me for these many years."

Lan Jue blinked. "So…" He felt that, since he said that much, the Keeper still had more to tell him.

The Keeper sighed. "You know, I'm not the founder of the Skyfire Library. It was someone else. Many of these volumes were here before I took over."

Of course Lan Jue didn't know this tid-bit of information. He continued with curiosity. "So you mean, you weren't the first Keeper."

The old man shook his head. "No. The man who owned this place before me wasn't called the Keeper. They called him the Bookworm. A fellow who loved books more than life, and the most renowned scholar of his day. I originally came to Skyfire Avenue attracted by the Clairvoyan'ts fame. I had questions I needed answers to. Suddenly, I found myself in possession of another man's book repository."

1. You sure about that, boss?

Chapter 200: The Keeper's Request

"There is no master among intellectuals, and no losers among soldiers. I trust you understand this truth. With so many books, this place attracted my attention. As a result, after I had asked the Clairvoyant my questions, I decided to stay. I hadn't been here a month and, eager to show my prowess, I read and commented on the collected works you see here. Around that time, I met the Bookworm, and immediately he and I launched in to an academic tirade. I was young then, and confident in my knowledge of all subjects. So our arguments continued, off and on. Before we'd known it, a month had passed."

"We had a healthy respect for one another. We'd known each other for only a short time, but had already become good friends. In our world of academics, books and learning are the only thing we care to concern ourselves with. That short time, surrounded by books and intellectuals, was of great benefit to me. It's plausible to surmise that, had my life been absent this exchange, it's very unlikely I'd have reached the magnitude of success I enjoy now."

"Around the middle of our second month of discussions, we discovered a significant discrepancy in opinion regarding one academic issue in particular. Both of us were combative, irritable, each unwilling to concede to the other. It became so fervent, so combative that we decided it could only be settled with a wager. Should the Bookworm lose, he would relinquish the Library to me, and remove himself from the Avenue. Where I to lose, it would be my task to pursue and deliver books equivalent to the aggregate cost of those already in stock. More than fifty percent of those would need to be unique volumes, not copies of those that were already owned."

"To be frank, I was already in love with the Avenue. I agreed on impulse. Immediately we set about soliciting input from every luminary the academic world had to offer. Many came to participate in our intellectual battle."

At this point in his story, the Keeper paused. His eyes betrayed a look of disappointment. "Of course you can guess the final result, considering I'm still here. He chose exile. Even prior to his exodus, I harbored deep regret even in victory. I told him to disregard our wager, that he could remain as before. But he had a terribly sour temper, and ignored my pleas. He left in silence, alone. We didn't see him again for thirty years."

"And then one day he came back. He sought me out, and once again challenged me to a competition. The wagers would be the same as our first encounter. By that time, by virtue of my learning, I had already reached Paragon status. As ever, he was no challenge to me. He lost again. By then his shortcomings were clear to me. I knew that intellectually he was more than capable of competing with anyone, however physically he was constrained and unable to realize growth. As such, I held the advantage."

"What happened between he and I, even all these years later, is still a regret that lies heavy on my heart. I often wonder how deeply I wounded him by taking his precious Library. This was why I had hoped so desperately for him to return. But I never saw him again after that second encounter. We spoke by communicator, once. He told me he would never be able to better me, no matter how long he studied, even if he spent his entire life in the pursuit. But he made me promise… one day, if his pupil were to defeat mine, that I would pass the Library unto him once I died. He would inherit this place."

"I agreed. Perhaps I felt as though I owed him still, but the hope he would remain never abated. I've tried to follow in his footstep since then, to do and study as he'd have done. As my knowledge and experience increased, I put his theories to work. The more effort I put towards it, the more I admired the Bookworm. Although our experimentation methods were in opposition, the end result was the same. I wasn't wrong. And neither was he."

The Keeper seemed more fatigued than before, going so far as to close his eyes. "Still, with his knowledge he's certain to have found a way to prolong his life, as I have. An invaluable treasure for anyone, but especially a scholar."

Lan Jue took advantage of the lull to ask him own questions. "What do you need from me?" Lan Jue knew the old man wouldn't have shared this story with him if he hadn't needed something relating to it.

The Keeper smirked, bemused by his young compatriot's tact and intelligence. "Wait until the academic competition at the NEU has concluded. Once it has, I'd like you to spend some time with the Accountant. Go with him to the Bookworm. I'll be giving you something I'd like you to deliver. Tell him he was not wrong all those years ago. Tell him I've nearly reached my time, and he should return to claim his library."

Lan Jue nearly gasped in alarm. "Keeper, your health…"

Suddenly the old man broke in to a fit of laughter. "I thought you were smarter than that," he said with a grin. "These small tricks are… inspiration. I could sit and wait for him to show up, but give him a little incentive and the chances increase exponentially."

Lan Jue heaved a sigh of relief. He was well aware of how significant the Keeper was, to the whole of the Eastern Alliance. This wasn't just due to his Paragon status, but also due to his immeasurable scientific knowledge. He was a treasure of the academic world, and if something should happen to him, it would be a great tragedy.

He took a small computer chip offered by the Keeper, shooting the impossibly old pedant a grin. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to be just as convincing when I deliver the 'news.'"

The Keeper nodded. "Go then. If he should have any questions with regards to mecha combat, I'll leave that to you. And as for my impetuous grandson, help give him some stability if you can. I imagine he'll be of some considerable use to you. I'll find someone to substitute your classes while you're away."

Lan Jue was helpless to deny the old man, but inwardly he cringed. Off again. He could count the number of classes he'd taught since taking the job on one hand.

The Keeper was astute, and saw Lan Jue's reservation written on his face. "Not to worry, it's close. You'll be back in no time. At most you'll miss one class. I hear you've acquired quite a reputation at the university already. Though I can't imagine what benefit this class of yours has on the student population, I have faith you aren't abusing your position or taking advantage. Anyway, you're busy, I won't take any more of your time. Ah yes, and do help my grandson find a woman willing to look at him."

Lan Jue couldn't express how much respect he had for the old master. However, he couldn't help but laugh and shake his head at their parting words.

His certainly was a… unique personality, the Jewelry Master mused.

Lan Jue said his goodbyes, and left.

The Keeper lazily rose to his feet as the young man exited the study. Like a candle sputtering in the wind, on the verge of being extinguished, he hobbled his way to the open window and looked out over the Avenue.

"I'm here waiting, old friend. It's my hope things go back to the way things used to be! You must know, I've done so much, prepared so much, to give to you. How could you pass up an opportunity like that? Come quickly."


Lan Jue returned to the Jewelry Store. During the trek down the Avenue, Zhou Qianlin told him through the Soulcaller gem that he needn't come back for her tonight. She was to remain at the school and study.

He wasn't bothered by the news.

Lan Jue went to the Underground, where Hua Li and Chu Cheng were practicing. He didn't go immediately to meet them, however. Instead he went to the store front.

"Boss." Mika greeted her employer with a smile.

"Hey, Mika. What do we have available in our power gem inventory? How many a-ranked specifically?"

"Twenty-three in storage currently, plus or minus a couple. As per your instructions, we've been holding on to a-rank gems, barring special circumstances."

Lan Jue nodded. "Alright. Pick out a few that compliment you and the other girls' Discipline. Distribute them as needed. As to what precisely, I leave to you ladies to figure out."

Mika's eyes lit up. "Planning to take us for another adventure, boss?"

Lan Jue smirked. "Always thinking about going out to play. In fact I will have to make a trip in a few days, but I won't need all of you to come along. Xiuxiu and Guoguo will be enough. You and Ke'er should stay here and look after things."

Mika immediately stuck out her lower lip in a petulant pout. "You don't like me boss? Why aren't you taking me," she whined.

Lan Jue gave her a flat look. "Cut it out. You're the boss down here, so act like it. No matter the circumstances, our store can't have its doors shut all the time. I'll take you and Ke'er the next time. Also, representatives from the Dark Tower and the Pontiff's Castle will be visiting soon. Take that in to consideration when you're selecting what power gems you need." 1

The tone in her boss' voice, and the news of the two Western powers coming here, struck her like a brick. Her coquettish belligerence was gone, replaced with a stoic frown. She nodded. "They'd best not provoke me."

Lan Jue patted her shoulder. "This is Skyfire Avenue, not the West. There's nothing to worry about. Alright, well It looks like these guys are gunna be in there a little while still. I'll head back. Guoguo, we depart day after tomorrow."

"Yes, boss!" Lin Guoguo was jittery with excitement.

Lan Jue made his way back to his personal apartments. He took up position, cross-legged on his bed, and began to meditate. He'd tried to remain diligent, after his experience on Taihua. And there yet remained many areas where he wasn't operating at full capacity. He still needed to keep himself steady.


The next morning, Lan Jue was rattling along the road towards the NEU campus. It was a familiar scene, but for the fact he bore a different passenger.

The Accountant beamed in childish wonder at the antique bicycle he sat upon. Smiling, he cried. "Jewelry Master, this bike of yours is a museum piece! Very interesting indeed. How long have you harbored such childish interests, I wonder? Forsaking verti-cars for this novel contraption. Very curious!"

"Brings you closer to nature," Lan Jue explained. "This way you can actually experience it. Good views and a low-carbon lifestyle!"

The Accountant giggled his tittery laugh. "Yes, ah very good indeed! Next time I'll fetch one for myself as well. We'll ride together to school."

"What, are you planning to stay and take classes after the competition?" Lan Jue inquired.

The Accountant nodded, saying "Of course! I'm an excellent student. I'm only here, really, to experience the lifestyle."

As he was not carrying Zhou Qianlin today, there wasn't any reason to stop at their usual corner. He drove instead directly to the gates, and stopped. Two others were already there, looking anxiously at them.

1. Let me just express my respect for that paragraph, but especially the final sentence. Well done, TJ, I tip my hat.

Chapter 201: The Journey to Lir

The Accountant scrambled off the back of the bicycle. "There was some talk of people greeting me when we got here, Jewelry Master. These must be them. Let me say hello."

The younger man quickly tapped a few digits in to his communicator.

As if on cue, two gentlemen from within the security kiosk extricated themselves, and made their way over.

Just a couple of days ago Lan Jue would not have recognized the stocky man who trotted over, but now he recognized him immediately as Dean Xu Renjian. The teaching director, Wu Junyi, was hot on his heels.

"You must be our newest addition. Hello, hello!" Xu Renjian eagerly greeted the Accountant, and vigorously shook his hand.

Wu Junyi gave Lan Jue a curious look. "Professor Lan, how do you know this young gentleman?"

"Saw him on the way in," Lan Jue began. "Thought I'd offer him a ride. You all look busy, so I'll leave you to it." He wanted to keep him interaction with them brief, otherwise too many questions about his relationship to the Accountant might arise. It would certainly have an effect on his work here in the university.

By now Xu Renjian's attention had also swept towards the etiquette teacher. It was his first time seeing their newest instructor, but he knew him by reputation. "Ah, you must be Lan Jue. The one the grandmaster recommended 1. Let me think… etiquette, right?"

Lan Jue smiled politely, and nodded his head.

Xu Renjian was all smiles and propriety. "And hello to you as well, Professor Lan. You've been here for some time already and this is the first time we're meeting. I am the Dean, Xu Renjian. If you should need any help, make sure you give me a call, or you can ask Director Wu here 2. Of course, the both of us will do our best to make sure our teachers have everything they need."

"Thank you very much, Dean Xu." Lan Jue channeled his etiquette experience, engaging his superior with poise and politeness. He took this as his opportunity to leave and, waving goodbye to the Accountant, pushed his bicycle passed the gate and into the campus.

Grandmaster? Could Xu Renjian be the Keeper's disciple? The Keeper must be even older than he looks… It's no wonder he's the shining star of the East's scientific community.

Students weren't required to watch the academic portion of their competition. By the time night rolled around and Lan Jue picked Zhou Qianlin up to bring her home, he saw that she looked despondent.

"What's wrong? Did you lose?" Lan Jue asked with a smirk.

Qianlin nodded. "We might as well not even have showed up. We had a new student show up today, someone sort of twitchy. He said he wanted to compete against Su He. The issues they argued were so far over my head, I couldn't even understand what they were talking about. After an hour, the new student ultimately lost. But, he didn't seem bothered about it at all. He spoke a few words to Su He, who then quickly left. He didn't seem overly happy about his victory, either."

Lan Jue, of course, knew what was going on. Inwardly he scowled.

"Qianlin I… something's come up, again, I'm sorry. It looks like I have to leave once more for a few days." Lan Jue was genuinely put-out by his constant absences. This was the third time he'd had to ask for leave since joining the university staff. He was going out more now, than he had in the last three years combined.

Zhou Qianlin balked. "Again?"

"Planet Lir," he explained. "Host to Lir University, obviously. It's very close to Skyfire, so I'm suspected it won't be more than three or four days that I'm gone. I'll definitely be back before a week."

Qianlin nodded. "Go on then. Will there be any danger this time?"

Lan Jue just stared at her, stunned. He hadn't anticipated this conversation would go so smoothly. Looking at her face, he saw no indication she was upset or displeased with the decision.

She smiled at him. A dazzling smile that disarmed the suspicious Lan Jue.

"Why are you staring at me like an idiot? Men are like eagles, and shouldn't be constrained in a single place. At any rate I'm keeping track of your absences. We'll add them to the end of your contract."

Lan Jue smirked at her. "Here I was hoping my excellent demonstration yesterday might've shaved some days off my sentence."

Qianlin rolled her eyes. "Is this such a painful prison for you? Let's get going, it's getting late. To Grace Hospital. I haven't gone lately because of everything that's been happening at school. I imagine my friends will be worried."

Lan Jue nodded. "Alright," he said through a smile.

The busy work they did at the old folk's home always eased his heart, gave him a sense of comfort. Every time he went, for a little while he forgot all his pressures and responsibilities. In his estimation, charity wasn't just about helping others. It also had a cleansing effect on one's soul.


The next morning, Zeus-1 was slowly rising from the public air hanger. It slowly turned towards Planet Lir, then was off with a flash.

The Accountant was seated uncomfortable before the master controls. Occasionally, his eyes would flit to Xiuxiu and Goguo.


A hand came out of nowhere, slapping the lecherous young man in the forehead.

"What the hell, Jewelry Master?!" The Accountant spat indignantly.

"Eyes to yourself," Lan Jue muttered. "And get out of my chair."

The Accountant grunted his displeasure. "I have a love of beauty, what's wrong with looking?"

"A lot. Who says you can just willy-nilly stare at the girls of Zeus' Jewelry Shop?" Lan Jue glowered.

The Accountant sneered at him. "Fine, as you wish. Anyway, I saw much prettier at the university campus. She was like an angel fallen from heaven. I was captivated the moment I saw her. If it hadn't been for the distraction, I wouldn't have lost like I did. Really, just so beautiful. Ugh, you just don't know. Dark hair, soft and smooth like silk. Big beautiful blue eyes clearer than the sky, deeper than the ocean. Long, natural eye-lashes… all natural, no make-up or 'enhancements' necessary. Incredibly beautiful. You must help me woo that one, Jewelry Master. If I were to have a girlfriend like that, I could die tomorrow and be happy."

Lan Jue's expression curdled as he stared down the Accountant. "You need talent to be good at chasing women. I guess I could teach you the three basic fundamentals, though."

"Oh? What are they?" The Accountant stared wide-eyed and excited at his new pick-up coach.

Lan Jue counted them off with his fingers. "Be bold. Be careful. And be resilient."

The Accountant's brows furrowed. "What does this mean?"

Lan Jue explained, adopting his professorial air. "The meaning is this: If you like a girl, and you want to profess this to her, you need to take the initiative. You have a fifty-percent chance of success right there. But if you're just sitting there, thinking about it, worrying over it, you have zero chance. Understand?"

Clearly the Accountant only half-comprehended the lecture. "I understand. Are there any risks?"

"Of course there are," Lan Jue replied. "For example, say for instance you're pursuing a girl who is protected by a bodyguard. Tragic for you. You might get beat so badly your grandfather would beg to put you out of your misery."

The Accountant chortled. "He'd never have the chance. I'm no slouch, I'll have you know! It's not easy to get the best of me!"

Lan Jue only smirked knowingly. "Oh yeah? You should give it a shot, then."

Without hesitation, the Accountant shot to his feet and made his way towards Lin Guoguo with purposeful strides 3. When he spoke, his voice was thick with a sort of slimy charm. "Guoguo. I love you. Be my girlfriend, what do you think? The Jewelry Master told me to come over here and woo you. He said I had a fifty-fifty chance at success."

Lin Guoguo didn't even give him the benefit of looking his way. She focused on the control panel before her, but did speak as one might when dismissing a telemarketer. "I guess you're part of the other fifty percent. Get away from me before I make you regret it."

The Accountant turned, giving Lan Jue a pained and indignant glare.

Lan Jue could only helplessly shake his head. "In old Earth they used to say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

The Accountant took a deep breath, getting his facial expression back under control. He shot his eyes towards Xiuxiu.

She knew what was coming, and her response was to lift her left hand. The motion summoned a fan-shaped array of impossible sharp light between them that, when it moved, sounded like it was cutting the air it passed through.

The Accountant spat fiercely. "My dark-haired angel is a vast improvement over the both of you! Not an iota of appreciation among any of you, hmph!"

"Increase to sub-light speed," Lan Jue said softly, ignoring the Accountant's impotent complaints.

"Roger!" Lin Guoguo coaxed the thrusters in to high speed. The ship shuddered, and quickened.

Lan Jue stood with both feet planted firmly on the floor. The Accountant yelped as he was thrown clear across the bridge.


Planet Lir.

It was a beautiful planet, one they called the Sapphire of the East.

Ninety-percent of its surface was covered in sparkling blue water, while the planet itself was roughly three-fourths the size of Skyfire. It was possessed of a rich and abundant marine environment, and all the resources that came with it.

Specifically, the planet was home to many special sorts of power gems and undersea precious metals. Essential items for high-level mecha construction.

Zeus-1 hovered over Lir's largest city, it's capital Dwarka. Just below lay the public airship hangar for the city.

"Extend the boarding bridge in advance. Extinguish main engine reactor."

"All stop."

The ship began it's slow decent in to the hangar. The girls took off their safety harnesses, while the Accountant moaned in pain. He pulled himself to his feet, casting a resentful glare towards Lan Jue.

"Off we go," their captain stated, waving for them to follow. He was the first to disembark.

The Accountant followed, careful to remain behind the former mercenary. Hmph, he thought, without me here they wouldn't even know who to get in to contact with. I'll make you beg me for the information!

A shuttle delivered them from the hangar to the pickup-area. The four of them walked out from the gate, with the two beautiful women at the forefront. They gathered no small number of curious stares as they exited.

Today, Lan Jue was clad in a light grey suit. As ever, it was well fit and finely tailored. It made him look taller, and very handsome.

"Lan Jue." The Accountant eagerly awaited the Jewelry Master's request, ready to shut him down in retaliation for his poor treatment. Just as he was salivating at the prospect, that call shattered his dark fantasy.

Lan Jue waved towards the beckoning voice. Xiuxiu and Lin Guoguo followed dutifully as he walked over.

Su He was clad in a black track suit. He made a show of stepping forward to greet them, and embraced his former charge with a hug.

"You got here fast! We only just got back ourselves. I got your message and decided to just wait for you here. Just you three?"

"I'm invisible, I suppose," the Accountant grumbled. "How do you two know each other?"

Su He shot the Skyfire representative a glance. "Ah, my bested opposition. You're here, too, I see."

1. Meaning the Keeper

2. This is a very common Chinese offer, which doesn't really mean what it says. Connections are very important in Chinese society, and the idea of 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours' is one of the pillars of its societal foundation. However, you can also really ask for help from someone above your station if you have leverage; something they want, their respect, a mutual friend, etc. His insincerity is made clear when he mentioned' or talk to Director Wu', putting up a far more reasonable alternative for Lan Jue's station as a junior teacher.

3. Gotta appreciate his gumption! Would you be so eager to date a woman who can explode starships with her brain? Could you imagine having an argument with her? 'Damnit honey, that's the THIRD time you've made me punch myself in the face. Couples counceling just isn't getting through to you.

Chapter 202: The Power of Skyfire?

The Accountant's eyes nearly popped from his skull. "You dare address me this way? I was lenient with you yesterday. Plus that damn gorgeous girl was distracting me. Otherwise, you think you'd actually be able to best me?"

Su He ignored him, turning to Lan Jue. "Let's go. We have a car waiting outside."


"Hey, why aren't you listening to me?!" The Accountant yelped, racing after them.

"Shut up!" Lin Guoguo muttered his way.


Lir was considered an ocean planet. As expected, then, it's capital was a bustling port city. Dwarka was ideally placed to take advantage of the area's natural resources.

Lan Jue faintly recalled the Lir Group, which ran the planet, and their reputed power. It was a shame, he thought, that he did not bring Hua Li or Chu Cheng. Hua Li was afraid Mo Xiao would find out, and Chu Cheng's excuse was he wished to focus on his training. Lan Jue was still trying to puzzle out what the real reason was.

The mag-lev car waited for them outside of the arrivals gate. It was large enough to suitably accommodate a dozen people.

"Would you prefer to rest in the dorms for a little while first, or shall we go directly to meet the professor?" Su He casually asked the question of Lan Jue, who sat at his shoulder. The Accountant didn't appear to factor in to his considerations.

"First to bring us to your professor," Lan Jue said. "We need to show our respect. Plus, the earlier we get through our business, the more time we'll have to enjoy Dwarka and relax."

The Keeper had always treated Lan Jue well, placed his trust in the young man. Lan Jue was intent on completing his old friend's task quickly and effectively.

Su He smiled. "Alright, then we'll head directly there. Just as a precaution… the Professor doesn't have the warmest disposition. Take care."

Lan Jue nodded.

The mag-lev car gained speed, racing along the street. Lan Jue stared out of the window, and watched as all the culture and peculiarity of Lir's capital city passed by outside.

The street itself kept with the nautical theme, composed of azure blocks. On each side of the concrete river rose spindly buildings which were blue of all shades. It was a world of blue that suited Lan Jue just fine. No wonder the whole place had seemed like a blue jewel when spied from Zeus-1 – it was almost impossible to differentiate the ocean from land when the whole city bore this color scheme.

"Well mentor, I guess you all like blue around here," Lan Jue offered as he watched the city pass.

Su He nodded. "Yup. Lir is a very special planet. Every plant, every animal is blue. The whole place is infused with the water element. And while you might suspect we get a lot of storms and tsunamis, you'd be wrong. They're a rare sight. All the sea life is gentle as well. In terms of environment we can't match up with the likes of Taihua, but Lir is definitely a unique place. And if you have a chance we have a number of island resorts for things like honeymoons. Remember that when you get married."

The topic brought a sharp pain to Lan Jue's chest. He nodded his head, though he made no further attempt to continue the conversation.

"Ah, by the way Lan Jue. Unless my memory fails me Dwarka will be hosting an auction tomorrow. It'll be the biggest one in recent years, selling top-level items from around Lir. Reputedly the final item is an s-ranked power gem. Of course I can't be sure. Naturally you know the strategic advantage of s-ranked gems. An auction isn't permitted to sell one outside of the Eastern Alliance territories, or to outsiders."

"An s-ranked power gem, eh?" Lan Jue's eyes lit up at the prospect. It was a rare opportunity, to be sure. Although he did possess an s-ranked gem collection of his own, more was always appreciated. "If we have the chance we should go take a look," he said.

Su He smiled cordially. "No problem. I'll set it up, and we can go together."

They sped along for a good half an hour, eventually coming to a halt before the façade of a simple building. The sight of it brought a hardness to Lan Jue and the Accountant's eyes. It looked exactly like the Skyfire Library.

They filed from the car. Su He lifted his face to peer at the towering building, then sniffed. "The Professor's obsession will never let him be. I imagine this looks a lot like the library on Skyfire Avenue, yes?"

The Accountant nodded his head vigorously. "Precisely the same!"

"Alright, let's head in," Su He said. "I've already let him know we're coming."

As he spoke, he led Lan Jue and his entourage in to the familiar structure.

Once again Lan Jue and the Accountant were taken aback. The interior, too, was just like the Keeper's home – but for the fact the bookshelves were empty. Row upon row of shelves lines the walls with nothing upon them, just a large empty room.

Su He chuckled as he watched their reaction. "The Professor has said that one day, he'll win back everything he'd lost. He would fill this place with his spoils of war."

The words brought a heaviness to Lan Jue's heart. It would appear this trip wouldn't be as easy as it had first appeared.

They made for the stairs, and took them for the third floor. This was all very familiar, since the structure of the building was identical to the one he was just in. He saw now that the Keeper was right, and the Library was absolutely the product of this Bookworm. After all, his knowledge of the architecture would have to be immaculate to copy it with such detail.

The five people arrived at a small room. Lan Jue recognized it as twin to the one he had been in just a few days before, speaking with the Keeper.

Su He lifted his hand, and knocked.

An aged, crackling voice called out. "Enter."

Lan Jue pushed the door open, while simultaneously gesturing to his two Amazons. Wordlessly they took up position outside the room, on either side of the door as their boss entered.

Inside, an old man sat opposite a desk. In his hands was a newspaper, which he was currently absorbed in reading. Sloppy would adequately describe his overall look, Lan Jue thought. His clothes were torn, and stained in several places.

The elderly man had lost most of his hair, a snowy ring the only thing remaining, leaving his scalp bare. Liver spots dotted his face. He stared at the newspaper through coke-bottle lenses, breathing laboriously. Like the Keeper, he looked to have one foot in the grave.

"I'm back, Professor." Su He quietly addressed the elderly man.

"Ngh! Didja win?" The old man's quavering voice asked. His eyes never left the pages of the newspaper.

"Yes, in fact, I did."

"As you should have," he grumbled. "The old man has no worthy successor."

Hearing this, the Accountant stepped forward to share a piece of his mind. Lan Jue saw this, and yanked the young man back.

The old man continued. "What are you doing bringing these people here? They have nothing to do with this. Get them out."

Su He hastily interjected. "Professor, these two are from Skyfire Avenue."

"Get them out of here. Are you deaf?" The old man threw his newspaper against the desk in frustration, glaring at Su He. His yellowed eyes became sharp as daggers. The small room was suddenly filled with an oppressive sense.

The highest reaches of ninth-ranked Talent. Lan Jue could instantly determine this old man's power by that feeling alone. He wasn't as frail as he appeared.

Su He dare not move or speak. He glanced apologetically towards Lan Jue.

The Jewelry Master smiled disarmingly. "Bookworm. That was your designation, wasn't it? I'm here not only to represent the Keeper, but on behalf of Skyfire Avenue as a whole. As I see it, you may think you have an enemy on the Avenue, but there are only friends. There is no benefit in keeping allies at arm's length."

The old man's mouth curled in to a disdainful sneer. "You, practically a child, are here saying you represent Skyfire Avenue? It does not bode well. Clearly the little suburb you call home has lost a great deal over the years. I guess they'll let just anyone in these days."

Lan Jue gave the old man a capitulating smile. By way of a response, he extricated his Skyfire Council badge and placed it on the table in front of the Bookworm.

The old man glanced at the emblem, and a subtle change came over his features. He plucked up the insignia and peered at it intently, then unceremoniously chucked it back to Lan Jue.

"How does that mean you speak for the Avenue," the crotchety old man grumbled. "I've had no interaction with Skyfire for years anyway."

Lan Jue sighed. "Bookworm, forgive my lack of tact but you're not the young man you used to be. Clearly you've lost the desire to show up the Keeper. With your loss of faith, there's no reason for me to be here. It was a mistake coming."

The Bookworm tried to murder Lan Jue with his glare.

Two sets of eyes met. Lan Jue felt a strange, dizzying sensation wash over him. He wasn't looking at a man, he was looking at the collected knowledge of humanity. He could see it in those sharp, attentive eyes. His tenacious, psychic force was almost palpable.

The dizziness lasted only a second. With some effort, Lan Jue dispelled the uncomfortable feeling. Then he turned, and slapped the Accountant.

It didn't matter that the Accountant wasn't prepared. Even if he was, how could he compete with the ex-mercenary?

The Accountant twitched uncontrollably as tendrils of electricity raced up and down his body. He stared wide-eyed and disbelieving at his fellow Skyfire denizen.

Lan Jue spoke quietly to the old man. "This is the Keeper's sole blood relative. Hopefully this will help you convince you I'm interested in helping."

Su He looked from one to the other, flabbergasted at the exchange. The Bookworm was no less confused.

"You help me? And how do you intend to do that, exactly?" The Bookworm's challenge was cold and dismissive.

Lan Jue explained. "I am a part of the Avenue, but I'm also an Adept. An Adept with aspirations. I'm confident that one day I'll get what I'm looking for, but for now my power isn't sufficient enough to earn that. The Avenue is strong, but with your help I think we stand a chance. I'm confident you can easily handle the Keeper and take back what's yours. My only request is, that when you have what you want, you help me get what I want."

The Bookworm stared at the young man with shock evident on his liver-pocked face.

"You're planning a hostile take-over of the Avenue."

Chapter 203: Tribute

Lan Jue smiled, but did not answer.

The Bookworm's voice betrayed his skepticism. "And how can I trust you, hm?"

"Let me answer by offering tribute. A gift, for our first meeting. I'm confident that, once you see it, you'll understand why I think you have the opportunity to defeat the Keeper."

Lan Jue placed something on the desk in front of the older man.

The Bookworm snatched up, turning it around in his fingers. It looked like a precision data disk.

His pockmarked right hand tapped the armrest. Suddenly, the front and back of the desk in front of him separated from the body of the furniture. Large flat screens rose from the cracks. State of the art optical computing equipment followed suit, until the desk was a modern technological mainframe.

The Bookworm slipped the disk in to the computer. The towering screens flickered to life, revealing line upon line of seemingly disconnected data.

Watery eyes narrowed as the old man speedily read through the endless cascade of information. His hands raced across the keyboard, a blur of dancing digits until the information shifted and reordered across the six screens overhead.

Lan Jue watched the old man, suddenly alive with motion. His eyes were crisp and clear, and he moved like a man in his twenties. He stared at everything in front of him with a single-minded purpose. He could see the flows of data reflected in his eyes.

A flush gradually rose through the old man's pallid cheeks. He stared wide-eyed at the screen, and a shiver had crept in to his hands.

"How in the world did you get this?" His hands stopped shaking, and his sharp eyes swung to Lan Jue.

The Jewelry Master grinned. "None of your concern. I suppose I can tell you, once you've confirmed you're willing to go along with my plan."

The Bookworm's breaths had started to come quicker. "I'll need time to look this over in its entirety. Come back in two days. For now, you can go."

Lan Jue nodded. He stopped to pick up the Accountant, who's motor functions had completely shut down.

The young man was livid beyond expression, but that didn't stop him from trying to share a few choice words. Unfortunately, his body wasn't responding – he could only lay there in his attacker's arms and glare daggers at him, twitching madly.

"Leave him here!" The Bookworm croaked.

Lan Jue nodded, visibly pleased by the request. He handed him over to Su He, then turned and left.

As Lan Jue exited, Lin Guoguo and Xiuxiu fanned out behind him. They didn't stop until they were well past the doors. By then, Lin Guoguo couldn't contain her curiosity any longer.

"Boss, you can't be serious. You don't really intend to team up with this Bookworm to take on the Keeper."

Xiuxiu just huffed incredulously. "Silly Guoguo. You still don't understand our boss at all. You mustn't ask such a stupid question 1. That was the boss making himself look needy and weak to lure in the enemy. Plus, he couldn't even read the information."

Lin Guoguo suddenly came around. "Oh, but we left the Accountant there. Aren't you afraid the Bookworm's salty relationship with his grandpa could lead to some trouble?"

Lan Jue shook his head. "He wouldn't. If he did, he'd be far beneath the Keeper's help. These men were involved in intellectual combat, nothing physical. And this old man himself was a committee member back in his day, he knows better! As for the Accountant, he's a master at self-preservation. Don't you doubt that."

Lin Guoguo shrugged. "Alright, so what should we do now?"

"Wait. Someone will come and show us our rooms," Lan Jue assured.

They hadn't even finished speaking before the doors to the library opened and Su He came trotting out. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lan Jue waiting outside.

"You scared the crap out of me," Su He grumbled, giving his former classmate a sarcastic thumbs up. "But well done!"

Lan Jue chortled. "Seems like Mentor caught on."

Su He shrugged helplessly. "We're researchers. We analyze everything we come across. I weighed the possibility of your proposal's success, and guessed less than fifty percent. If I still didn't understand by that point, wouldn't that make me a fool?"

"You're a hateful bunch, scientists," Lan Jue said with a helpless shrug.

Su He laughed. "Like you I'm no scientist. Obsessive maybe. At first I thought the professor would figure it out pretty quick, but he's in there now pouring over everything. And don't fret, I've arranged to have your friend brought out later."

"Let the bookworm have his time with the data," Lan Jue said, "our job's half done. We'll be back in two days. Hopefully I could bother Mentor to help us find a place to stay. Then tomorrow we could all visit the auction."

Su He nodded, and smiled. "Alright. And tonight we'll treat you to a fine example of Lir cuisine. I think you'll find it very interesting."

"Excellent," Lan Jue responded, smiling in return.

The hotel they'd prepared for Lan Jue and his crew wasn't far from the Bookworm's Library copy. It was located in a simple but sophisticated looking building.

The interior was furnished with fine antiques, none less than three decades old. The rooms were large, and like everything else were decorated in shades of blue.

By the time they were settled in, it was already night.

"Would we be able to bring the Accountant with us for dinner," Lan Jue asked. "I don't know if the Bookworm has wised up or not, yet."

"Whether or not he has, I'm afraid that's unlikely. It's the professor's custom to ask exhaustive questions as he goes over the data. After all, as the Keeper's grandson he knows more about the paragon than anybody. I'm afraid your friend's stuck in there for the next two days. It usually takes three or more to starve, so he should be fine."

"The Keeper explained it to me before we left, that he wants his grandson to suffer some of what life has to throw at him. This is probably a good opportunity for growth, don't you think?" Lan Jue nodded in agreement with himself.

Su He burst in to laughter. "Alright, let's get something to eat. I've already made reservations."


Lir's 'interesting cuisine' was indeed that.

Every living thing in the planet's vast oceans was blue. They stayed that way, even after being cooked. They didn't have the fishy flavor one would expect from seafood, instead bearing a taste and consistency more in line with vegetables. Very strange indeed.

Lin Guoguo and Xiuxiu, who preferred lighter tastes, ate quite a lot.

After dinner the two girls left first, returning to their room to rest. Su He walked with Lan Jue back to his room.

"Would it be too bothersome if we spoke for a moment," Su He asked.

"Not at all," Lan Jue answered. He coaxed his former classmate on with an encouraging gesture.

The two of them entered Lan Jue's room, Su He picking a seat on the couch.

Lan Jue sat across from him. With a wave of his hand, a silver light flashed, and floating before the two of them a silver box appeared.

Lan Jue plucked it from the air, and opened it with a practiced hand. He extricated two whisky glasses from within, along with a bottle full of golden-amber liquid. The bottle itself bore an elegant design, and its contents cast a pleasing amber hue as the dim lights shone upon it.

"Single-malt?" Su He asked.

Lan Jue smiled and nodded. "That's right! Alcohol is first among my many hobbies."

Su He chuckled. "Not so many I think. I've a few myself. This eighteen year Macallan isn't a product of the former era, but is no less a classic among classics. There's a reason they call it the king of whiskies. Looks like I lucked out today."

Lan Jue opened the bottle and poured out about an ounce of whisky each for him and Su He. "It got the title not just because of its pedigree, but also its outstanding yield. In reality it isn't a particularly special whisky but it is mild, traditional and proper as far as whiskies go. Best to drink when one's mood is calm and even. The alcohol content isn't outrageous, either. Come, drink."

The two young men raised their glass in a toast, then drank the whisky down.

Su He was first, and took a sip from his glass. It was smoky, with a malty undertone and a hint of cream. Breathing in, the flavor took on a freshness. As it slipped passed his gullet, a warmness sprang up from within him. More comfortable than he could express. Like being covered in a warm blanket.

"Good stuff. You certainly know how to enjoy life! In this aspect you certainly have me beat." As the words left his lips, the shadow of disappointment flit across Su He's face.

Lan Jue smiled. "Mentor. You're a man, not a machine. You need to relax every now and again. When your full effort is needed, you should give it your all no doubt. But where does it come from? It comes from resting, recovering, so that you have the energy when you need it. You're too high-strung, too careful. If you want my opinion, I think you need a good long vacation. At least three months. Find a girl you like, ramble around some… open up a little, let go. Don't lay a finger on a mecha in those three months, don't worry over some research problem or another. Just take the time to relax and be in the moment. After that, you come back rested with a better mindset, and your opportunity will come to you."

Su He listened patiently as his classmate spoke. "I'm used to this robo-centric lifestyle."

Lan Jue shook his head. "No. In fact your accustomed to being appreciated. You were the favorite one, all those years ago. But after you were beaten by my brother, you became exceptionally harsh on yourself. Ever since, all the time, you stretch yourself too thin. I remember my brother telling me once you weren't far from God-ranked. But here we are, years later. I still trust my brother's judgement. So why haven't you broken through yet? Have you put your big brain to that?"

Su He didn't answer. He sat in silence, thinking. Every now and again he'd quietly sip his drink. He felt like this sip was stronger, with more body. The malt flavors overpowered his taste buds. Once again that false warmth encroached upon his whole body.

1. Harsh!