628 - 637

Chapter 628: A Change in Fortune

Luo Xianni's face was almost excited. If this creature was as strong as Jue Di, its vital crystal would be enough to extend his life! She wasn't worried about her lover's ability to defeat the alien. In her heart, Jue Di was invincible.

Jue Di nodded. His voice was low and solemn. "When we make our move, the rest of you try to escape. I'll catch up with you at the teleport base."

He saw the hesitation in his son's eyes. "Don't imagine yourself immune. If there's one of these things around, there's likely to be a second not far behind. Safety for everyone has to be our first priority."

He didn't wait for a response. Jue Di's body was consumed in a flash of light and disappeared. Reality reacted, becoming brighter. A torrential flood of golden light surged in every direction with Zeus-1 as the center. The oppressive and terrifying aura of the alien was pushed back.

Lan Jue looked at Luo Xianni and the Wine Master. He nodded. Now wasn't the time to be cheap with their resources, they had to go – especially with so many alien crystals on board.

His father had spoken true, they had to keep everyone safe. They didn't dare involve themselves in a battle between two demi-gods. Not to mention, if the Violet Princess or others like her joined in, they would have no way to flee.

Luo Xianni's eyes glimmered with pale pink light. A silver halo sprang up around the Wine Master. Skyfire Avenue's Photographer placed her hands upon her nephew's shoulders and channeled her own powers through him while he traced intricate patterns in the air with his scepter.

Waves of enigmatic silver light flooded the ship. It radiated out through the hull, creating a pocket of interdimensional power. Pink light shined down upon it like light from a cherry blossom sun. Zeus-1 erupted into a shower of pink sparks, and was gone. All that remained was a shell of silver light and shadows of mystical runes.

Jue Di stood proudly in the purple universe. The aura of his power covered Zeus-1's escape. The alien paid the fleeing ship no mind, all of his attention was on the newly arrived Jue Di. They looked at one another warily.

"You are… human?" The violet-hued man queried.

"That's right!" Jue Di replied.

A strange expression crossed his face. "You are the strongest prey I've met."

Jue Di answered with a haughty sniff. "We'll see who is whose prey."

The creature lifted a hand and pointed at itself. His words were jerky, like he found them to be unnatural. "I. Violet Prince!"

Jue Di looked at him with hard eyes. "And who is the Violet Princess?"

This caused the alien to tilt its head to the side and pause to think. After a small while, he answered. "Little sister!" After he said it he thought again for a moment, but eventually nodded. "Yes. Sister! This is what humans say. We were produced from the same…. Parent. She is my sister."

Jue Di continued. "You do have parents, then?"

Again there was a moment of consideration before the Violet Prince answered. "Factual. King, Queen. Second Queen."

Fear gripped Jue Di's chest. They were emulating humans, and if the prince was this strong what could he expect from his parents? He could see some of his own fear reflected in the eyes of his adversary when he made mention of his parents.

"Why do you act like humans?" Jue Di asked.

The Violet Prince glanced at him, then as though he'd thought of something, said, "This I must not say. It is secret. You are food, and when I eat you I will be strong like Queen."

He was no longer interested in conversation. The creature moved on Jue Di, and the world they found themselves in suddenly became the eye of a terrible tempest. Surges of purple energy lashed out at the human champion. Reality rippled in protest as the burst of power grew closer.

A brutal pressure descended on Jue Di from all sides. Space around him collapse, and the Paragon found himself in the center of a vacuum that was gobbling everything up.

The Violet Prince reappeared among the buffeting winds. He stretched out a hand that had grown to ten times its original size. The center of his palm was a jet black orb like a black hole, swallowing everything in its path.

Jue Di watched him come, unmoving. But when the Prince lifted his hand, Jue Di charged at him with a fist pulled back.

In contrast to when he attacked the alien horde before, there weren't any flashy lights or images. All of his strength was contained in that gnarled fist, turning it a radiant gold. It bore the same mysterious power, but it somehow felt different.

The vortex of energy from the alien stopped suddenly. His oppressive aura shattered like a pane of glass. Surprise widened his eyes as Jue Di's golden fist came right for his chest.

The deluge of power had hidden the alien's attacks from Jue Di's view, but the Violet Prince had had enough time to pull him arms in and press his palms together. A crackling sound filled the air, the Violet Prince's body was painted with threads of gold. In a blink he he was a hundred meters away, fast as a golden bullet and out of harm's way.

Jue Di grunted. His own body swayed and in the next instant he was chasing the Violet Prince, right on his heels. His lifted his right hand, and a staff appeared in his calloused grip 1

"Big!" With the word of command, his staff exploded to several times its size. Likewise the Paragon's own figure stretched to over a thousand meters. The staff was gold at the ends with a silver body, and as it swung through the air toward the Violet Prince it seemed like it could pulverize anything it met.

Spectral images of the staff exploded through the purple universe, obliterating asteroids in its path. If the Wine Master or Epochrion could see this power, who knew what the shock would do to them.

Boom–! The strike hit the Violet Prince head-on, but his reaction was not what Jue Di expected. The human form of the alien dissolved into a purple mist. Not only did the staff attack fail to knock the creature away, its gaseous form simply parted around the attack.

However this lasted only for a brief moment. As the gas tried to intertwine itself around the staff, it erupted with power to rival the creation of the cosmos.

For the Violet Prince, it was as though everything around him changed. He no longer was in a purple universe of his creation, but on the surface of some unknown planet. When the golden light receded he saw a clear and bright sky, a deep blue sea. But as he looked on the picturesque scenery melted together.

"Ahhhh…." The Prince's blood-curdling scream tore through the air. Its gaseous form tried to escape, desperate to flee in any direction, but the golden aura of the staff kept it contained.

Jue Di's body changed, too. His hair and eyes had become gold, his muscles bulged. The muscles of his jaw corded as he strained, body bowed like he was bearing the weight of the universe.

This strike had a name; UpEnder. One of the most forceful attacks in Jue Di's arsenal. There was enough force behind that single attack to completely destroy a planet! Even when he was in his prime, it was rarely used. However today, facing this mysterious Violet Prince, he pulled no punches. He started the fight with the full force of his abilities.

The alien prince was on the verge of destruction. Suddenly, a terrible roar arose.

A beam of magenta light erupted from the distant alien planet. It was headed right for Jue Di's staff.

Jue Di scowled. His enormous body fractures in to hundreds of golden mirror images that spread across the heavens before recombining. The destructive power of his UpEnder attack was gone, like it had never existed.

The beleaguered Violet Prince reconstituted himself from the mists. He no longer bore the composed, heroic bearing he had had. His features were monstrous, his maw large and stilted. What was a perfectly proportioned human body swelled grotesquely, culminating in a hideous magenta beast over ten thousand meters long.

The Prince's new form brought to mind the ancient Tyrannosaurus of old Earth. However, the features of its head were grossly exaggerated. It took up almost half its total mass.

Its great mouth opened wide, revealing an all-consuming blackness. Hurricane-force winds tugged at Jue Di as the beast approached to swallow him up.

When the myriad copies of Jue Di recombined he did not pause. The Paragon shot backwards in retreat so quickly he became a golden light. Soon that, too, disappeared.

The Prince bit into thin air. When it discovered its target missing, it let loose a bellowing cry. It was so intense nearby asteroids were shaken apart and reduced to dust. A large swath of space was cleared. A creature of this size and strength could likely clear the Shattered Starfields if it stayed in the area for a thousand years or so.

"Aaaagghhrrrrrrr!" The creature's roar ripped across space like a wave of force. Its whole body shook in rage. Not yet ready to give in, it bristled as beams of violet light were spewed from its armored form. The area attack was grandiose and far-reaching, a burst to flush his enemy from hiding.

In the distance, the beam of magenta from the alien planet deepened to a pitch black. The sickly hue quickly spread over the celestial body until it was almost invisible against the dark backdrop of space.

When that tyrannical power enveloped the Violet Prince, both it and the creature vanished. Everything became silent, still. Nothing remained to speak of the battle, and all that was left was a pocket of empty space in the middle of an asteroid belt.

1. The Monkey King bore a staff he took from the Dragon King. This is likely Jue Di's astrum.

Chapter 629: Not Even the Same Level

An intense discomfort washed over everything as reality was torn apart and put back together. Thankfully, it lasted only a moment. The bizarre sensation passed and the universe returned to normal. Zeus-1 was quietly settled on the surface of a small planet, like it'd been there the whole time.

Lan Jue scowled, fighting to dispel the affliction. As though in response, a cool and refreshing energy spread out from his chest like being submerged in spring water.

The Paragons seemed fine, but Zeus' five Amazons each reacted differently to the teleportation. Lin Guoguo seemed to have fared best, while the others were in various states of discomfort.

The oppressive power that had enveloped them was now gone. Their slice of the cosmos was still and quiet.

Lan Jue heaved a sigh. The s-ranked gem consumed to perform the teleportation was well worth it. It'd gotten them out of an extremely dangerous situation.

But he didn't know how his father was. Anxiety began to gnaw at him. Neither he nor his brother had ever seen the full extent of their father's strength, because he had had no cause to. They could only guess by the residual energies they sensed. Now, just as it was when they were kids, no one could compare to the invincible Jue Di.

"Relax, he'll be fine. That creature isn't strong enough to defeat your father. Even if it was, he knows when to run." Luo Xianni gently patted his shoulder and spoke in a calm voice.

Lan Jue turned his head to look her way. Although she spoke with confidence, he could see his own anxiety reflected in her eyes. Now was not the time to be discouraging, though. Besides she was right, his father would be fine.

The others of their party were in better spirits, especially the Wine Master. They'd gained much in their short excursion. They'd learned a lot about the hostile planets, and managed to flee in the face of an alien horde. Many were put down in the process, adding to the growing number of vital crystals in Star Division's possession. Cash couldn't buy the treasures they'd reaped.

"Jewelry Master, should we return to the East when Jue Di returnes?" The Wine master asked.

The young commander nodded. "That's what I'm thinking. We've already managed to get a lot, it's imperative we bring back what we learn. We still don't know what these planets are capable of, but we've learned much about the aliens and their types. We also know they fear our Disciplines – they are invulnerable. On the other hand we've discovered another one of their leaders, who is at least as strong as Jue Di. Stronger than the Violet Princess. In the future it will be this 'royal' family we'll need to be most wary of."

The Wine Master nodded slowly, as though thinking deeply. He'd seen Jue Di's power with his own eyes, ending a host of foes with a single punch. If the one they found was of similar status to Jue Di, it meant it was just as strong. That was more frightening than he cared to think about.

A creature that strong was far beyond what humanity's weapons could contend with. Whether they infiltrated the population or attacked head on, the aliens could do tremendous damage. That kind of destruction could split a planet.

The Accountant had by now recovered from the discomfort of teleportation. He had been the busiest of them all, constantly collecting and analyzing the data that crossed his screen. He was about to return to work when his eyes caught something on screen. "There's a wave of energy coming at us from the planet's location."

When the Accountant delivered his report, everyone's face changed. They were still within the Shattered Starfields, but far from where the three primary planets had once been. Feeling residual energy from this far away could only mean an incredibly powerful event!

Even the stoic Luo Xianni reacted. This power must have come from Jue Di – or maybe, the alien.

Lan Jue looked at her again. "Ma. Father, he…" The question he wanted to ask was obvious. Was this from Jue Di, so far from where they left him?

She shook her head. "I don't know, either. It may not be just his. Whatever the case, he'll definitely be coming back."

He heaved a sigh. Luo Xianni's affirmations were thick were her own hopes, and weren't necessarily coming from a place of clear thought. Right now, though, they had no choice but to hope what she said was as true as she made it sound.

Everyone's mood was gloomy. Jue Di was the strongest human ever! He was their trump card, their final line of defense against these terrible creatures. If he fell during a simple scouting mission the results would be catastrophic. No one wanted to imagine that scenario.

There was nothing they could do but wait – wait for their hero to return. Lan Jue was commander of the excursion, and as such his most important job was to command. However he couldn't keep his hands from clenching into fists quivering with frustration. If he was by himself, he'd rush in at the first sign of distress from Jue Di. He would live or die by his father's side. But he had others to consider. He'd come with students, soldiers and companions that he was responsible for. His wishes and desires didn't override that responsibility. So, all he could do was wait, and not for long. If his father didn't show up in a reasonable time frame, they'd have to leave without him. The data they'd acquired had to get back as soon as possible.

Despite his anxiety, though, he did believe in his dad. He was a hero, and heroes squeak by danger to save the day. It was faith – faith in the best of humanity.

After a little while, people were beginning to get impatient.

Just then there was a flash of golden light, and the ship's bridge had an extra passenger. Jue Di.

"Dad!' Joy filled Lan Jue's relieved call.

Outwardly his father looked fine, no different than he had when they left but for a dark look in his eye. He was thinking about something. He nodded toward his son. "Let's go, time to head back." He said nothing further, returning to his cabin.

Lan Jue looked at Su Xiaosu and nodded. She wasted no time, and Zeus-1 was in the air a moment later. They were headed for the border of the Shattered Starfields at top speed.

Lan Jue turned to look for Luo Xianni, but only caught her back as she hurried after Jue Di. Lan Jue hesitated, but in the end didn't follow. If his father had something he wanted to tell him, he'd do so. If he didn't, he had his reasons.


"What is it?" Luo Xianni followed Jue Di back to their cabin. Her voice was low and secretive. Out of everyone in their scouting party she had been the most anxious for his return. She knew the truth.

Jue Di shook his head. "I couldn't do it. I was right, that creature is as strong as I am. If I could get its vial crystal then it could help. But he isn't the strongest. Just when we were beginning our fight a burst of energy came from the planet. It was even stronger than he was. I had to flee."

"Stronger than you?" Luo Xianni asked, aghast.

Jue Di stared at her. "Not even the same level. That's why I haven't told them, it won't help anything now."

The Photographer didn't know how to respond. Not on the same level, what did that mean when Jue Di was stronger than anyone? The only thing she could imagine was the immortals of old.

Jue Di went on. "But that doesn't mean I came back empty handed. I learned a little from this self-styled 'Violet Prince.' I suspect they emulate humans because it benefits their evolution. The human body is the most highly evolved organism in the known universe thus far. That's why they want to learn about us. Our mannerisms, knowledge, faith… they want to know it all. They chose us as a target not just for food, but because their future depends on it. Our DNA is the key."

Luo Xianni's brows furrowed. "It looks like this fight is inevitable, and we'll need to fight tooth and nail." She was a Paragon who had reached Nirvana, and the destructive capabilities she commanded were staggering. For a creature stronger even than Jue Di to appear before them, what human invention could contend with that?

"This will need further thought," Jue Di mused. "The more we learn, the better we'll be able to fight them. Not to mention a fair bit of a luck."

The return trip went smoothly. Aliens crossed their path, but it wasn't difficult to evade them, or hide with the help of Lin Guoguo's psychic pulses. They didn't risk a fight. Eventually they made their way out of hostile territory, and back into human controlled space.

Lan Jue's first order of business was to establish contact and deliver the data they recovered. As expected, what they learned was invaluable. He shared it with An Lun first. They had better communication equipment than Zeus-1. And Lan Jue trusted his brother implicitly.

"You're back?" Lan Qing's face appeared on their screens. His face was calm, but there was relief in his eyes. The most frightening thing about these aliens was the amount they didn't know. He was worried because he didn't know what to expect. If they were in contact, at least it meant they'd escaped the Starfields.

Chapter 630: Safe Return

"Yeah, we just escaped the Starfields. Our first move was to get this data to you. Send it to the Eastern government as quickly as you can. We've learned a lot this time." A smirk spread across Lan Jue's face.

"Alright!" Lan Qing Replied, then cut the connection.

The data was uploaded to An Lun under the Accountant's direction. When the progress bar hit one hundred percent Lan Jue allowed himself to breathe a sigh of relief. They had succeeded, their scouting mission was over. In the end they were more shaken up than anything. Small wonder for a team of five Paragons. If they'd failed with so much overwhelming firepower behind them, humanity would be lost.

Zeus-1 sailed toward An Lun as fast as they could to collect the rest of Star Division. There would be more missions for them once the Eastern government analyzed what was gathered. However, before all that they had to bring the vital crystals back and determine how much they'd gained.

They would give some of these crystals to reliable members of the Eastern government, in order to maximize their profits. As more of these crystals were recovered their worth would decrease. Until then, they could be exchanged with the North and West for essential goods – like battleships. Strength would determine who would be victorious in the fight against the aliens, the East had to keep that in consideration.

Once the file transfers were complete, Lan Jue allowed himself some personal time. He continued training with the Driver, determined to complete the transformation of their Discipline. Once it was, they could truly say their powers were the stuff of Paragons. Lan Jue wouldn't let his brother get too far ahead.

At first Lan Jue thought he was comparable to Lan Qing while he and Qianlin were joined, especially with the addition of immortal qi and Captus. Of course, no one could have imagined Lan Qing would break through to Paragon and immediately become a Reflection of Heaven and Earth. It'd filled Lan Jue with happiness, but also a sense of urgency that only deepened the more he learned about the alien menace.

As an Adept, Lan Jue was among the strongest of them. But when it came to Paragons his strength was a drop in a bucket. It was a deficiency, one he knew he had to correct by sparing no effort or expense on his own progress. If he wanted to help when he was needed, he had to be as strong as the best of humanity.

If he was alone, Lan Jue knew that becoming as strong as he wanted would be a long process. He would need to achieve at least Nirvana, like the Photographer or the Violet Princess. But he wasn't alone, he had Qianlin by his side. If they could become Paragons together, with Captus and Demortus they could carve bloody swaths through even the strongest of these creatures. It was still possible. After his recultivation, an abrupt rise like his brother's was still in the cards.

Zeus-1 returned to An Lun without incident, and was greeted at the docking port by Lan Qing. Now that he'd broken through, his standing in the military was entirely different. He was the youngest commander, youngest admiral, and the youngest supreme commander in military history. He could lay claim to all of these records with pride. It also meant he was one of the most powerful men in the Eastern Alliance, and that was before considering his martial and Adept prowess.

Before Lan Jue and his team left for their scouting mission, the Eastern government had decided to send their Fourth Fleet to An Lun. It was now considered a permanent fixture of the planet, under Lan Qing's direct command. With an entire fleet – nay, a whole planet – under his personal direction, Lan Qing was the most famous commander in the whole history of the East.

War was on the horizon, no one was running care-free through fields of flowers. The soldiers were well-trained and continued to push themselves. The fleet was equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. Already, Lan Qing had them training with the rest of An Lun's soldiers to make sure they were up to par. There was no question that the Fourth Fleet and An Lun's warriors – as well as Lan Qing himself – would become one of the strongest factions of the Eastern resistance effort.

The East was comparably weak, and suffered from its own internal political strife. However, compared to the other two Alliances the East was much more unified. No one stood in the way of the government's work to protect themselves from these aliens. Everything they did was to strive for the survival and expansion of the East. Of all the Alliances the East had been the first to react to the threat, and were the quickest in making the necessary changes. After publishing their findings on the exuvium process, flocks of talented individuals had begun to immigrate into the East, searching for opportunity. Of course, this was done privately.

"Brother." When he saw Lan Qing, Lan Jue felt his pride in victory flush through him. His brother had spent the days after his breakthrough perfecting himself, smoothing the rough edges of his dharma. He was calmer, and the waves of erratic energy were gone. He looked and felt like any normal man, entirely ordinary. It was a potent example of his abilities. In so short a time he was able to reign in the raging tides of protogenia and bring them under his control. Such tremendous talent!

Lan Jue wasn't the only one to notice it. The Pauper, Wine Master, and Clockmaker saw it as well. Inwardly the Wine Master sighed. He was an old Paragon, and even still the gap between him and Lan Qing was vast beyond measure. The young commander may not have had the experience he possessed, but he was like a child when it came to comprehension.

"It's good you're back. The information you brought back is priceless." Lan Qing nodded at his brother before offering his regards to the Paragons.

Jue Di was the picture of calm, standing tall with his hands clasped at the small of his back. However, his eyes said he was thinking about something.

"Father!" Lan Qing walked over to stand in front of Jue Di.

He nodded in greeting. When he spoke, his voice was full of satisfaction. "Not bad, it looks like you've brought your powers under control. Keep striving. I may have recommended your dharma for less than savory reasons, but it is one of the most potent. When you learn to communicate with heaven and earth, when you achieve Nirvana, it will serve you well. Perhaps one day you'll discover the long-lost Western Paradise."

Lan Jue interjected. "Don't you want grandchildren? Are you trying to make my brother a monk?"

"Dharma isn't faith," Jue Di said in irritation. "Monk my ass. You have as many pretty girls crowding around you as clouds in the sky, but you don't introduce any to your brother. I've never troubled you over that, yet you have the gall to try and call me out?"

Lan Jue just shrugged. "His standards are too high, what am I supposed to do?"

This earned a glare from Lan Qing. "You must be tired. Rest. I have everything prepared."

In reality, everyone had had ample time to rest on the trip back to An Lun. However mentally, they could only begin to relax once they were back on the base. The Wine Master, Clockmaker and the other Paragons had been especially harried to say nothing of the team's commander. But Lan Jue could not rest, and once he got back to his room he summoned the Bartender and Coffee Master to make their report on the Division's training.

He was surprised to learn that his soldiers took to An Lun's environment quickly. They worked very well with his brother's Bloodiron Khans and had already undergone two expansive joint military exercises. Both times Star Division had emerged victorious. If it had been a real fight, it would have been difficult to overcome the Khan's superior training and teamwork. On the other hand, Star Division's advantages were obvious. Firstly was their individual skill. There were over eighty ninth level Adepts in the Division, and each one could take out a squad of Khans. They weren't as unified as their brothers in arms, but don't forget that their experienced was forged in the fires of ruined pirate bases.

From the beginning, Lan Jue had trained his people like a pirate fighting force. Ten people to a squad was the best organization to play off of their individual strengths.

So it was that as a traditional military organization, they weren't as structured as most, however it did come with a unique set of advantages. Squad mates worked well together as a solitary fighting force. Adepts that made up the Division were among the best the East had to offer and were organized well so that each soldier supplemented the others of their team. It wasn't perfect, but there were improvements too. Each squad was as disciplined as an army, as harmonious as a family. Whenever they were together, a squad's first concern was how to make the team stronger. Their competition was their brothers and sisters in other squads.

Chapter 631: The Power of Star Division!

Star Division had improved far beyond Lan Jue's expectations, be it strength, cooperation or discipline. When they were faced with the Bloodiron Khans, it broke into its individual cells to harass and surprise attack the enemy. In this way, they gnawed away at the Bloodiron Khans until they collapsed. If they tried to push the offensive, Star Division focused its strength to turn guerilla strikes into full-on raids.

After experiencing the epiphanies of Lan Qing's breakthrough, Star Division had undergone another sharp rise in capability. No small number of troops used what they learned to smash through bottlenecks. The number of sixth level Talents was shrinking as they advanced to seventh and eighth. Their equipment only continued to improve, making them a nightmare to contend against.

The strictly disciplined Bloodiron Khans grumbled and quietly nursed their grievances when the games were done. They requested better mechas after finding their own were insufficient. However, there wasn't anything Lan Qing could do to help them. How did Star Division earn their impressive gear? They took it themselves. Star Division was laden with riches, and was the most affluent military outfit in the East. A national organization with limited government funds couldn't compete. Star Division's mechas were custom tailored to suit their soldier's Disciplines. They were choked full of the best power gems available to enhance those Disciplines. It gave them a nearly insurmountable advantage.

An Lun's soldiers weren't alone in their displeasure. Lan Qing was similarly perturbed by the results. He had personally commanded his troops during the second exercise, but the results were the same. There was nothing for it – the difference in equipment and individual ability was too great.

Currently Star Division was so flush with ninth level Adepts that each squad was led by one. These exceptionally talented soldiers were also empowered by their mechas. Even though they weren't all god-ranked pilots, they were head and shoulders above any normal soldier. Lan Qing had to watch as his own soldiers were cast into disarray by Star Division.

Lan Qing knew that if his solders were as strong individually as his brother's soldiers, under his command they would have more than a solid chance at victory. For now, however, the chances were simply too remote to entertain. He could have joined in himself and single-handedly turn the tide of battle – but what would be the point? Didn't Star Division have Paragons of its own? They just weren't present at the time.

Lan Qing's final analysis of Star Division was that it was an incomparable Adept fighting force. He secretly admired Skyfire Avenue for taking the risk in its creation and training. Establishing a small army the likes of this took tremendous resources and iron determination! It was no easy feat.

As it turned out, Skyfire Avenue had a singular vision. You couldn't describe Star Division as a normal mecha division by any stretch. Gathering all these adepts under one banner and giving them the full support of Skyfire Avenue resulted in the fastest creation of a major military installation ever.

Aside from everything else, what normal person could boast being present for the breakthrough of two Paragons? Until recently the occurrences were rare and available only to a select few, and normal humans didn't benefit at all. By contrast Star Division was proud to find that many of their soldiers gained incredible insights from these experiences. The best of them acquired the most.

Lan Jue was pushed on by the success of his brother. What he didn't know was that Lan Qing was inspired by adversity as well. Lan Qing yearned for the impossible so that he might overcome it. How else could he have achieved so much at such a young age? Talent alone wasn't enough. Strength of will and unwavering determination blazed the path.

As Lan Jue listened to the Bartender and Coffee Master's exulted reports, a strange expression came across his face. An immense surge of pride filled him. So long as they continued on this path, his soldiers would grow in strength and ability. All he had to do was mention the wealth of crystals they'd recovered and morale would skyrocket. Now that it was confirmed their Disciplines were effective against the aliens, it also affirmed that Star Division would be an integral weapon against the invaders when the time came.

"What about the ones we left back on Skyfire?" He asked.

The Coffee Master replied. "They've all come around after their insights. That fat disciple of yours seems to have gained the most from it. I could even sense faint waves of protogenia coming from him. It really chaps my ass! Even being by your side for so long, I still can't even see the realm of protogenia on the horizon."

Lan Jue scowled at him. "Enough nonsense, you seem happy enough with where you are not to work hard. You think your potential is somehow inferior to anyone else's? 'Fastest Hands Under Heaven'?"

The Bartender sounded curious as he joined in. "What you're saying isn't entirely accurate. These days potential isn't enough. Without grueling work you don't have a chance. You haven't seen what the teams do, they're constantly competing. Not just with others outside of the Division, but among each squad. They're constantly testing themselves. We know that's what you want encouraged so we've thought up an inter-Division competition. The winning team will be put on the list for the exuvium process, what do you think?"

Lan Jue was taken aback. "How did you think this up?"

This made the Coffee Master chortle. "Our soldiers have too much pent-up energy and nowhere to let it out. We were trying to think of something for them to put their effort toward. It'd be along the same lines as the Great Adept tournament, with them initially separated by brigades. It'd take place in DreamNet, ten on ten. Ace squads would participate too, against two normal squads. We figured it was fairer. In the end the winners are put on exuvium list."

Lan Jue laughed. "Excellent idea! But the soldiers in Ace squad are too strong. Even if you broke the squad in half they could still handily defeat a normal squad. Break them up and have them compete as individuals, among one another. At the same time, each squad can elect one person to fight in single battles. We have two competitions going simultaneously, one for teams and one for ace squad members. Brigade commanders can participate in the individual fights as well. Paragons, of course, can't. Neither can I or the Pharmacist."

The Bartender gave an approving thumbs-up. "Much more thorough. So be it, we'll call this part of their training. Give us half a month to get things in order."

Lan Jue nodded. "We can make it a common thing, these competitions. We can use it to inspire them to work harder. The rewards will be different each time. Right now the Avenue isn't hurting for riches or equipment."

The three of them hammered out the remainder of the details. They expected it would cause a fierce competitive spirit to emerge. Of course, safety had to be considered and their training with the Bloodiron Khans would continue. Real life battles weren't needed anymore, DreamNet was enough of an analogue for real life.

With this in mind, Lan Jue set off to find his brother and suggest the two groups continue to train together. Perhaps leave the Star Division here for a while longer. At any rate it would take time for the East to digest the information they brought, and share it with their colleagues in the West and North.

Predictably, Lan Qing was very busy. But he made a point of carving out some time for his little brother. "What is it? I have a meeting in a little while." Lan Qing said, wasting no time.

Lan Jue launched right into it. "I was hoping to keep Star Division here for a little while. I'd like them to continue training with the Bloodiron Khans, I think it'd benefit everyone. We can continue the joint battles in DreamNet, that way we can practice in different terrains and conditions. Get them ready for anything."

Lan Qing gave him an accusatory sideways look. "You haven't won enough? There's too much difference in individual strength and equipment. It won't help my people very much to keep getting trounced. It'll only undermine their morale."

Lan Jue grinned at him. "When did you lose faith? If you're worried about that we can reduce the numbers participating. We can't downgrade their gear because they used it all throughout their training, it's a part of their strategy. It'll take away too much of their effectiveness."

A hardness flashed through Lan Qing's eyes. "You think I can accept this sort of scorn for my people?" Ever since taking command, he never had to ask his opponents to go easy.

Lan Jue shrugged. "Those are the facts. And anyway, you shouldn't be discouraged. Your men are facing the greatest Adept army in history – the epitome of Skyfire Avenue's strength! Each soldier is strong on their own, with a mountain of money behind them. Facing a smaller group doesn't mean you're losing face. The whole point is mutual improvement, surviving the alien invasion and making them pay for what they've done. How does saving face help this?"

Chapter 632: Do You Want to Torture Me?

Faced with his younger brother's sass, Lan Qing laughed. "Very well, you've got your wish. On one condition; we fight, in front of all our men."

Lan Jue froze for a minute, then burst out. "Do you want to torture me?!"

Lan Qing's irritation flared. "You come to me for the help of my men and this is how you react?"

Lan Jue's eyes nearly rolled out of his head, but after a moment he nodded. "Fine, it's agreed. Losing to my brother doesn't mean anything, I'm not concerned about face. Only, you're an illustrious Paragon now. You'll earn no glory from beating me. I should fight with Qianlin, I think you'll agree to that. Two on one."

"Alright!" Lan Qing agreed straight off. His intention wasn't to abuse his brother. Ever since breaking through he'd been unable to find anyone of comparable level to contend with. He was immersed in a whole new realm of capability he had no opportunity to test. Outwardly he looked calm, but he was struggling with an itch he couldn't scratch.

"Tomorrow, then!" Lan Jue promptly decided.

Lan Jue was also curious what his brother could conjure up as a Reflection of Heaven and Earth. The effects his breakthrough had on An Lun were still fresh in his memory. The East had been clever in concealing the truth, stating that the strange aura that had hung over the planet was the implementation of a new defense system.

The Bloodiron Khans had been struggling with their recent losses to Star Division, especially since they'd lost under the command of their illustrious super soldier. Their morale had taken a significant hit. Their training was second to none, but every one of them knew that overcoming the powerhouses from Skyfire was almost impossible.

It was in the midst of this gloom that they learned Star Division would contend against them with fewer numbers. The shame and indignation they felt nearly made them choke. They were the Bloodiron Khans! Since when where they the ones looked down on? But they had no option but to swallow their pride.

Early the next morning, both armies gathered on the An Lun training grounds.

Star Division's soldiers stood as one, imposing and full of stamina. Their faces were bright with self-confidence. They'd first joined Star Division for profit, some of them because of an affiliation with Skyfire Avenue. But over time, after sweeping through the Starfields and defeating the Bloodiron Khans, after developing relationships with teammates, they felt like part of something. Most importantly, they could clearly see rapid improvement after joining up. Every squad was under the direction of a ninth level Adept that guided their betterment. They trained and cultivated together. With the addition of the Avenue's resources, and the opportunity to witness a Paragon's breakthrough, all of this together was far beyond anything they could have accomplished by themselves.

With things as they were, none of them pined for the old days. Who didn't want to stronger? The smart ones knew how dangerous the coming fight was going to be. Backed by strong allies, they were more likely to achieve the success they desired. Skyfire Avenue was a haven for the strong. If they couldn't be safe there, then humanity was closer to destruction than people thought. Star Division's soldiers were flush with confidence.

An Lun's Bloodiron Khans stood in precise formation, but a closer look penetrated the discipline to reveal the resentment beneath. A few furtive glares were thrown toward their Skyfire compatriots across the field, thick with hostility. Finally meeting an insurmountable foe dug at their ego.

Lan Jue and Lan Qing appeared simultaneously in the center of the field. Both brother regarded each other with a chilly calm. Qianlin stood beside Lan Jue, hand in hand.

Peppered among the Skyfire soldiers were many of Lan Jue's A.R.C. students. When they saw Qianlin, they almost gasped in surprise. Only a few even had an inkling of the relationship between them, and when they discovered his true identity many couldn't help but lose a little respect for the Demon Drillmaster. After all, he was their etiquette teacher! Qianlin's sudden and complete absent had also made many of them curious. Now here she was, and the revelation shocked them.

Tan Lingyun's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. She had a boisterous and overbearing personality, but she was still a woman. The gentleness in his eyes when he looked at Qianlin was proof enough, she didn't have a chance. But dwelling on it served nothing, her only purpose now would be to become the strongest she could be.

"The purpose behind our joint exercises is to make one another better. Commander Lan Jue and I have spoken, and decided that over the next month, we will be conducting these exercises every two days. Half of Star Division will contend with the full might of the Bloodiron Khans. As we continue, we will analyze the results to make adjustments as necessary. Khan, if you wish to recapture your reputation, you will need to examine yourselves." Lan Qing's voice was soft, but his words were like a fire in the hearts of his men. A fierceness sparkled in their eyes.

Lan Jue and Qianlin stood behind the Commander in Chief, never speaking a word. However, his easy smile and encouraging expression inspired the Star Division soldiers. They'd defeated the undefeated An Lun super soldier!

"I suspect we all know what it means for Adepts for compete against one another. In a moment, Commander Lan Jue and I will exchange blows. We hope you all will find it enlightening. Everyone, sit." Lan Qing's soft voice commanded.

Every one of the Bloodiron Khan's obeyed, practically in a single motion. Star Division didn't move a muscle. Lan Qing was the An Lun super soldier, leader of the Bloodiron Khans and commander of the Eastern armies. What he wasn't, was their commanding officer.

"Everyone sit,"Lan Jue quietly ordered. They looked upon their leader with fervent, burning eyes. In the eyes of his brigade officers, however, Lan Jue could see pity. It was no secret to them that Lan Qing had immediately become a Reflection of Heaven and Earth. It seemed ludicrous that Lan Jue would agree to this fight when anyone could guess the outcome. It was masochism! They just waited for it to be over.

Lan Jue slowly swung his eyes back to Lan Qing. Lifting his free hand, he beckoned for him to begin.

Lan Qing lifted his own arm, but to speak into his communicator. "Tell them to cut off all satellite surveillance footage."

Their fight couldn't take place in DreamNet because the system couldn't handle protogenic energy. As a result, their contest would take place in the real world. Lan Qing's aim in making the planet dark was, of course, to confound the West and North.

With his commands given, Lan Qing gave his brother a final look, laden with unspoken meaning. His body shook, then suddenly became a beam of turquoise light. It cleaved the air, racing into the heavens and disappearing from view.

Lan Jue looked to Qianlin who stood quietly beside him. His hand tightened around hers, and they shot up after him. The three fighters were invisible to the armies waiting on the ground below, however as they vanished a holographic projection flickered to life. It focused on Lan Qing, Lan Jue and Qianlin so that they didn't miss a moment. As the promise of a spectacular fight hung in the air, their mutual animosity was gone. Everyone's attention was fixated on the hologram, especially the Bloodiron Khans. They might have lost, but their high commander wouldn't!

The Khans knew about Lan Jue. They'd watched the Great Adept Tournament like everyone else. Meanwhile the analysts of An Lun had busily learned all they could about Star Division – and especially their Grand Champion commander.

Champion of the Great Adept Tournament against the An Lun super soldier. Who would win? For the Khans the answer was clearly their general. After all, he was a Paragon of the second degree!

Lan Qing continued until he was hovering in the stratosphere. For one with powers strong as his, this was effortless. For Qianlin and Lan Jue it was also posed no threat. A crackling aura of thunderbolt energy surrounded them and kept the suffocating pressure of space at bay. They weren't the least bit slowed and kept pace with the Paragon.

Excitement smoldered in Lan Jue's eyes. He could test his powers against his brother at last, and why wouldn't he be excited to show off how much he'd accomplished? He and the Driver had managed to transform about half their Discipline to the powerful yin-yang lightning. While they'd both benefited greatly, Lan Jue was quicker and smoother through the process because he could endure more of the energy at once. Both he and Qianlin had been in a constant state of development. The immortal qi was penetrating all the way down into their DNA. Its effects had been particularly evident in the last few months, like they'd reached a new level.

Chapter 663: Battle of the Brothers

He wasn't yet a Paragon, but Lan Jue's mastery of protogenia was singular. It was more vibrant and cooperative than it ever had been. Although he couldn't command the power to manifest a Paragon's Domain, his failure certainly wasn't for lack of comprehension.

Qianlin's Discipline had grown over time as well. Her progress wasn't fast, but rather steady. She managed to keep pace with Lan Jue. However, swordplay was another matter. As they continued to train, Qianlin's skills had flourished. The unfortunate state of her consciousness didn't inhibit her at all, to the point where she even surpassed Lan Jue. Xuanyuan Shishi claimed it was her nature. The Queen of Heaven Discipline was the purest energy in the universe, and the closest to the immortals of old. An innate understanding of these old secrets lived within her, which resonated with the inherited knowledge imparted by the sword spirit. As they practiced the bonds only strengthened. For Qianlin, all it took was a step at a time.

Lan Qing led them high over the An Lun base. Below, soldiers from two armies watched via satellite. Holographic images shone with crystal clarity in the center of the An Lun training field. Meanwhile, monitors in the West and North shrieked and returned nothing but white noise. Something was blocking their signals.

No one blinked an eye. This was common circumstance when watching An Lun. They did this any time they were holding exercises. It never lasted long, scramblers cost a lot of energy to keep running.

Lan Qing turned toward the two of them. He sighed. "Is she any better?" Lan Jue's character was no secret to him. Lan Jue was talented and smart, but he had a clear weakness. He was emotional and quick to action. The moment something caught his passion it took over his thinking. Those raging emotions sunk him into depression for three years.

Lan Jue struggled to catch up with Lan Qing, but he never knew how much it cost for his older brother to maintain the lead. Lan Qing knew he didn't have his brother's talent, that's why he pushed himself so hard.

It warmed his heart to see his little brother with someone he loved, standing shoulder to shoulder. The battle fervor diminished in the face of joy, and uncertainty. Was power really so important? Or, was it more important to live your life with someone you loved?

Lan Jue quietly watched. He spotted every micro-expression that crossed his brother's face. When a glimpse of sadness revealed itself, Lan Jue replied. "Better. At least… on the path to being better. Her Queen of Heaven Discipline has a strong regenerative power. She will recover. She will!" Certainty rang in his voice.

A smile crept onto Lan Qing's face. "I wish her a speedy recovery. You also mustn't put too much of the burden on yourself. That's my job."

Lan Jue blinked. He'd never heard his brother talk like this before. "Hey, are you alright? Don't tell me you're scared you can't beat me."

It was such a rare occurrence to see his brother's romantic side, Lan Jue wasn't sure how to react. Ever since Lan Qing broke through, he was like a different man. Before, 'stick up his ass' would have been an apt description of the admiral. Now he was looser, almost calm. That made Lan Jue very happy.

"Come, show me how you've been spending your time. Father has a lot of praise for your abilities." All expression drained from Lan Qing's face, his voice was flat. It was the familiar mask of the God of Wisdom. It was the face of Prometheus.

Lan Jue smirked. This was the Lan Qing he knew. He gripped Qianlin's hand, and a soft blue light began to radiate from him. His blue eyes swirled with eddies of gold, and his imperious gaze was as godlike as his namesake.

Qianlin became a brilliant beacon of white light. Flecks of silver rollicked through the snowy expanse. Her life was lived by instinct, but through her telepathic link with Lan Jue he could guide her.

Lan Qing's eyes also brightened, but there were no flashes or changing colors. Instead, his body was surrounded by a strange gleaming aura. It was he was a part of everything around him, and he could seamlessly merge into the universe at any moment.

For a moment, Lan Jue felt like it was he and Qianlin against the whole universe. It was far from pleasant. A nameless pressure crushed him from all directions. It wasn't strong, but it eroded his confidence, convincing him it was hopeless. Everything was under his opponent's control.

Lan Jue couldn't hold back for even a moment, not against a Paragon. A flash of blinding golden light burst from his eyes as he stepped forward. Suddenly a wave of terror gushed from him. Beams of gold erupted all around him threatening to consume everything. That overbearing presence felt like it was simultaneously a part of and separate from its surroundings.

Lan Jue did not speak the words of command. Instead, without warning the radiant columns of gold dispersed, becoming motes of golden light floating away in the wind. Lan Jue's aura vanished, but the pressure from Lan Qing's did not take its place. It, too, was gone. In that moment of stillness, a slash of red split the sky. When it materialized, reality quivered.

Lan Qing squinted his eyes. Sharp-eyed soldiers watching the hologram could spot the general's hair rustling, like something was tugging on him. The red light coalesced into a sword a hundred meters tall, tumbling right for the top of Lan Qing's head.

Space seemed to collapse before the tip of the weapons as it fell inexorably downward. Everything was torn apart and gobbled up! A vast chasm of nothingness was left in its wake. At this point it was no longer a sword. It was hell, come calling for Lan Qing's soul.

Lan Qing watched it come. He nodded, as though he were judging the attack and found it worthy. As the weapon came barreling down, he remain suspended in the air, but not idle. Extending his hands, the Paragon pressed outward. A keen flash crossed his eyes, and suddenly a strange scene emerged. Lan Qing seemed to merge into the rippling space around them. As it moved, so did he.

The soul-crushing swipe of the sword raced through. Lan Qing became translucent and his body warped furiously. However, a moment later he phased back into reality like nothing had happened.

Immediately upon the heels of the sword, Lan Qing's face was lit up by a blazing blue. The silvery display was as dazzling as the tail of a comet before it detonated. Swirling tendrils of power shot off in every direction, expanding and lengthening until they covered the Paragon completely. A hundred million sword-swipes danced among each other – as beautiful as it was deadly.

If the red sword was a hellish visitation, this blue glow was a torch from the immortals. Mysterious, perplexing, stunning.

The intertwining colors cracked Lan Qing's famous calm. He splayed his arms out in wide semicircles before bringing his palms together before his chest with a clap. A flash of gold rushed from behind him, bearing a fervent aura that penetrated into the soul.

Resonating chants bore the weight of timeless faith. Its arrival swept away blue and red, leaving no trace of their passage. As unmovable as a mountain! Prometheus was gone, replaced with Lan Qing the Buddha. His holy manifestation demanded everything before him prostrate in worship.

Waves of gentle golden light radiated from him out into space, casting light upon the darkness. While the universe was painted a radiant gold, shadowy silhouettes appeared in contrast. The throaty chants of Buddhist monks intensified. It imparted a kindness that made Lan Jue feel sluggish and unwilling to lift his arm in attack.

Domain… this was Lan Qing's Domain? It wasn't as strong as the Deva-gati shown by Jue Di, but it was full of unspoken power. The entirety of the past and the future washed over them, borne from the image of Vairochana seated in the exact center of this pocket universe. Everything revolved around him, worshipped him. Struggle was futile.

"Prajna-paramitah!" The deep chants cried. They were loud, but sharp and clear like they spoke directly to the heart. Captus shivered in Lan Jue's grip as he fought the urge to fall to his knees.

Prajna-paramita was one of the most powerful sutras of the Buddhist faith. Lan Qing did not attack or take advantage, for with a single phrase he had collapsed Lan Jue's will to fight.

Before absorbing the thunder essence, this would have spelled the end. Now, though, a flood of energy thrilled through him, clearing his mind of the booming sermons. He lashed out with the sword, and a sweeping arc of sword-energy swept them up and away to safety.

Where the cutting blue light passed, the golden couldn't help but recede. Its destructive force was so intense, it shook Lan Qing's Domain to its core.

Chapter 664: Stronger

Lan Qing froze. He knew that his brother had obtained thunder essence and was absorbing the immortal qi within. He knew Lan Jue was in the process of transforming his thunderbolt Discipline. The ancient, mystical lightning was real and he could feel it in the younger Lan's power. He knew he couldn't contend with it at his current strength, but Lan Jue couldn't sustain it, either.

As Lan Qin stood still, stunned, Lan Jue escaped from his Domain with Qianlin. Down among the soldiers, two more figures joined in watching the hologram. Jue Di had changed into his favorite pair of overalls. He watched the two brothers compete with a grin plastered on his face.

"Who knew A-Jue could break free of A-Qing's Domain! It looks like he's underestimating his brother." Luo Xianni mused out loud at Jue Di's shoulder.

Jue Di shook his head. "No, he didn't underestimate him. It's A-Jue's Thunderbolt. It isn't true All-Heaven Lightning, but his luck is other-worldly. The thunder essence bore the residuals of the real stuff. Whatever creature it used to be must have been strong. Strong enough that the old immortals chose to bring it down with All-Heaven Lightning. Now that it's a part of Lan Jue, no average Domain can contain it. Taking into consideration that Lan Qing isn't completely familiar with his Domain yet, and he didn't know what to expect from Lan Jue, we can see how A-Jue managed to escape. Keep watching, let's see what other surprises they have hidden up their sleeves."

Lan Jue managed to free himself and Qianlin from Lan Qing's Domain, but he didn't relax. Now that he'd experienced it, he knew Lan Qing's Domain wasn't just energy oppression. More frightening was its psychological and emotional assault. Indeed, his brother's powers were physical and mental both. No wonder he rose so sharply through the ranks of Paragon.

Lan Jue remembered something his father had taught him. The strongest Domains had a psychological component, able to suppress the enemy's thoughts and actions. Not only did it undermine one's foe, it also boosted the self. At some point the imposing aura becomes strong enough to completely cow the weak-willed and empower one's ability to new heights.

Their clash had been brief, but already Lan Jue was beginning to understand what he was up against.

Lan Qing reappeared. He didn't seem the least affected by watching Lan Jue cleave apart his Domain. On the contrary, he was calm as ever. Lan Jue was learning about Lan Qing's Domain, but at the same time he was discovering what he could about Thunderbolt Discipline. The two brothers eyed one another from a distance, sharing a moment of quiet understanding.

The soldiers couldn't say their first clash was very exciting. To them there was just a flash, two flashes, and then they were watching each other. Only the few ninth level Adepts among them could glimpse parts of what had happened.

Lan Jue slowly lifted Captus, gripping it tight. Beside him, Qianlin released his hand. Demortus appeared in a flash to fill the void. Both of them pointed the god-blades toward Lan Qing.

Without physical contact, both Lan Jue and Qianlin felt their powers rapidly decline. However, Lan Qing had the inexplicable feeling that right now, these two were even more dangerous.

The sword in Lan Jue's hand lashed out. What followed was a torrent of ghastly power, a tidal wave that raced for Lan Qing. At first it looked like a straight column, but as it approached Lan Qing saw it as a sea of energy. He became the focal point for the full force of it.

Zhou Qianlin attacked in tandem. Her strike fractured into ten thousand glimmering swipes. Like leaves on the breeze they flowed through space, descending on Lan Qing from all directions. While Lan Jue's attack was a focused flood, hers was a torrential downpour. Individually her strikes were weak, but they were relentless. Every opening, every weakness was found and exploited. As the red and blue lights shone brighter, the two sword-bearers vanished.

Ten Thousand Swords as one, and Focused Flow! Zhou Qianlin and Lan Jue! At last their knowledge combined as a singular overwhelming assault on the An Lun super soldier!

Lan Qing sensed the purity in their sword dance. Neither could call upon the full power of their swords, but he daren't hesitate or underestimate what they could do. Hands he'd kept pressed to his chest were thrust out in a dual-handed push. His chanting stopped, everything went silent. But his body did not remain still. The general's figure exploded to a hundred times his normal size, blazing gold like a Buddha. A pale and unimpressive light shimmered behind his head. Although he did not change in appearance, an incomparable sense of shock struck Lan Jue like a train.

The Three Prajna Mantras! The Great Spiritual Mantra!

A Paragon-level Great Spiritual Mantra!

An enormous golden palm appeared. It blocked the red and blue sword-strikes, mingling with them, and blocking them from proceeding.

Ruin, penetration; wide as the ocean, thin as a needle. Lan Jue and Qianlin could not enact the Harmonious Swords, but nonetheless what they created in their union was baleful. The focused power of Cpatus and Demortus roiled over one another until they carved a path through the golden palms. They blazed a path for Lan Qing.

The An Lun general didn't speak, and didn't run. His hands arose, fingers splayed like picking a flower. His fingers waggled.

"Ding – ding!" The two ringing sounds came one after the other. The two Banishing Blades shuddered as their waves of power were parted to either side of Lan Qing. Next he stepped forward, and the motion seemed to free him from the golden aura. It fell away like a shed skin, and in its place Lan Qing was a homogenous cyan.

In the next instant Lan Jue felt like he was in the eye of a tornado. Lan Qing's pervasive and overbearing power underwent a dramatic upheaval. The wave of force swept passed him, thrusting him a hundred meters away. Qianlin – who had been standing by his side – was gone.

"You…" Lan Jue was too surprised to speak. He raced forward to regain the lost ground. However, every centimeter gained was contested by whirling cyan winds. One concentrated storm after another buffeted him, and as they continued to come they took on the form of hideous bloodthirsty dragons. Lan Jue was forced to rely on Captus' power to fight them off.

The tip of his weapon danced in circles as Lan Jue drew upon his Taiji sword knowledge. He flooded the sword and its movements with All-Heaven Lightning. It was enough to carve up his brother's attacks, but were very draining.

When the dust settled he looked for his opponent. He saw instead Qianlin, captured in a column of cyan light. She valiantly slashed with Demortus, but couldn't penetrate the curtain of power. Of course, without enough strength she couldn't summon enough of the sword's abilities to free herself.

"You… you're protogenia isn't Vairochana?" Lan Jue looked at his brother with surprise clear in his gaze.

Lan Qing was once again the familiar, intractable figure of Prometheus. The same, only much stronger. The swirling waves of power from him continued all around, only now they were the essence of wind.

Lan Qing smirked. "They come from the same source, not much different from one another. It is an intrinsic part of me, why not employ it? It was my Discipline. Vairochana and Wind… there is no conflict. Do you understand?"

Lan Jue just looked at him. Of course he didn't understand. He couldn't grasp how his brother seemed to change so completely. Could a Paragon use two separate kinds of protogenia? How was this possible? But despite his disbelief the proof was right in front of him. He'd seen both from his brother, but that didn't make it any less inconceivable. He'd been caught off guard and separated from Qianlin. He certainly was no match for general now.

Gusts of cyan wind roiled around Lan Qing's body, once more becoming gold. Prometheus became the golden Buddha, and with the new appearance returned the crushing aura. Again, Vairochana! The change was instantaneous, like it was subject only to the will of Lan Qing.

Lan Jue's shocked expression gradually gave way. Something was becoming clear to him.

There was a flash of turquoise and Qianlin was deposited back to Lan Jue's side. When he took her hand their psychic connection was reestablished. Both of them felt their Disciplines surge to the peak of ninth rank. After a moment of quiet thought, Lan Jue spoke up. "I need to go back and think on this." The words were absent-mindedly murmured by way of explanation before Lan Jue took Qianlin and left back toward An Lun.

Lan Qing's face revealed a small smile. This was exactly the result he was looking for!

What could two ninth level Adepts do against a Reflection of Heaven and Earth? The point wasn't to beat Lan Jue. All of this was his way of imparting the things he'd learned, to bestow his knowledge upon his little brother. With luck it will shorten his path. That was all Lan Qing had aimed to accomplish.

"He knows how to make the best of the situation." Jue Di nodded in satisfaction, after which he turned and left the field. Luo Xianni laughed, overjoyed at what she saw. How could she not? These two brothers propped each other up, they would go much farther than the generation that guided them.

Lan Jue took Qianlin back to base, and directly back to their room. There, he sunk into quiet contemplation.

There was no question that Lan Qing had won their fight. It served to stoke the fires of competition among the Bloodiron Kahns and Star Division. They didn't need any more motivation words from their commanders. Soon they could test themselves in DreamNet, and a single-minded thought consumed every soldier. Get strong. Stronger. Stronger!

Chapter 635: Parliamentary Disagreements

Planet Skyfire, Parliamentary Assembly Building.

The Speaker sat stony-faced in the silence after the holograms ceased.

"This is the latest information brought back by Commander Lan Jue and his Star Division. It's the only information we've received at all. So far the data's already taught our researchers a lot about the aliens. Most importantly know is crafting a strategy. What we've learned from commander Lan Jue is that these creatures are much stronger than we'd assumed. Our people will suffer and pay with their lives wherever this enemy chooses to emerge. While I understand that the commander's earlier suggestion – to evacuate the people to better defended areas – is difficult, that it will affect the plans we have crafted and even undermine the foundation of this assembly, I believe in the interest of preserving lives it is the best course of action."

Murmured conversation followed the Speaker's remarks. The strength of these aliens had been revealed to them in the images from Star Division. Even Paragons couldn't stand against an invading army that large. The Accountant's analyses were particularly troubling. Many aliens were spied on the alien planet's surface that could rival human capital ships. However it was the planet itself that was their most fearsome weapon. It could be anywhere at any time, swallow entire planets, ending all life in an instant.

A choice had to be made. Commander Lan Jue had called for a mass evacuation. Smaller and verdant planets had to be cleared as high-risk targets while their citizens found succor closer together. They could wait out the battle in relative safety. Until the armies of man fell, their citizens would not suffer the brunt of alien hostility.

But, what about when it was time to go back? This troubles the politicians greatly. It was a question of unity and obeisance. Western and Northern governments were likely having a lot less polite conversations around this decision.

"Mister Speaker!" An elderly parliamentarian called out for his attention. "According to the information before us, we know that these aliens are dangerous. In fact, they are a threat to our continued existence. I also support the suggestion put forward by Commander Lan Jue. However, we must be cognizant enough to view the problem from a wider perspective. For instance, how could we respond if we evacuate these planets, only to have the West or North occupy them in our stead? If the aliens pass us by then not only have we suffered tremendous loss, our sovereignty may be at risk. Remember that the planets which are most attractive to these beasts are also the ones that empower them. We evacuate these planets and leave them to their fate – strengthen our foes."

The elderly man paused, after a moment beginning again with a valiant expression of determination on his face. "There will need to be sacrifices for the future of the Eastern Alliance. To me, it seems the best method is to quarter our interstellar fleets within Eastern space. If the aliens show, we will be capable of an immediate response. Although this plan will put several important government planets and their people at considerable risk, it is the best for our Alliance overall. In the end, we must also consider there is a one-in-three chance the aliens will even come our way."

It sounded cruel, to sacrifice these planets for the security of the majority. Leaving them behind as fodder. Several faces in the chamber went pale.

"I cannot accept that." Eastern Alliance's Prime Minister Zhou Xueguan shot to his feet. His booming, indignant voice rang through the chamber. "Every single life is priceless, and the most sacred duty of a government is to defend its people. How can we even consider leaving them in the path of danger? I am in agreement with the Speaker; I would rather suffer a loss of resources, than to lose our people. Let the West and North do as they will. If they choose to take advantage of us in the face of this apocalyptic threat, then they shall reveal themselves as an enemy to humanity."

The parliamentary assembly erupted into a shouting match.

Zhou Xueguan stood amid the chaos, his face hard as he thought. The East was supposed to be better off. At least when it came to the aliens there appeared to have been some kind of understanding. The news he was receiving out of the West and North made him even more nervous.

All of the data recovered from An Lun was poured over. Sensitive material had been redacted, but otherwise the Eastern government was quick to give everything they could to their counterparts in the other Alliances. Initial reports, however, revealed that many contested the reality of these reports, accusing the East of deliberate fabrication. Some were even going so far as to denounce the East as enemies.

The loudest detractors came from the West. In some regards this was to be expected considering the scandalous way in which the wedding between Richard and Qianlin had ended. The Austin family had a great deal of political clout in the West, and their rancor for the East was no secret. They were lobbying as hard as they could for the Western congress to ignore any further correspondence from them about the alien threat.

Zhou Xueguan and his administration was keeping this information under wraps, though. Revealing the West's distrust would only make matters worse. At the same time they could find no means to convince them otherwise. The West had thrown a lot of resources at scouting but weren't looking in the right place. They believed, like all the others, that the aliens were going to come from outside human space. They even reputedly had some data from deep space, a fact that rendered many members of the East speechless. Both sides were working with different numbers, each distrusting the other.

The aliens hadn't made their move, but already humanity was in disarray. Discord was the worst situation they could find themselves in, but here it was.

Now was not the time to deal with Western skeptics, though. Once their own people were safe, others could be considered. The war hawks in parliament may be callous, but at least they're willing to confront the truth. Unity in the face of a foreign enemy was something they could count on, at least. Their struggle was finding the best way to proceed.

"Silence!" The Speaker slammed his gavel, combating the chaos that had come over the assembly. A few sharp bangs was enough to capture most everyone's attention.

The Speaker's solemn voice filled the quiet. "There is another matter that needs to be addressed. Skyfire Avenue's Star Division, under leadership of commander Lan Jue and the Avenue's dignified Paragons, returned from their scouting expedition with some vital crystals. I'm informed it's not a small number, enough that there will be a surplus when we've taken what's needed for research. Skyfire Avenue has recommended that we use them in trade for weapons and other materials from the West and North. It's a decision that must be made quickly. General Li Si, as head of the armies what are your thoughts?"

General Li Si occupied the row closest to the Speaker's podium. Various luminaries from the many branches of the military were arrayed by rank. The Li family was well-known as a perennial military family, and in fact the new, youngest general in history had once been his disciple. Indeed, General Li had fought vociferously for Lan Qing's promotion.

Li Si was seventy three years old this year, but he had the bearing of a man half his age. Tall, with a straight back and a quiet strength, when he stood the chamber was completely silent. Everyone's attention fixated on this venerable old warrior.

He was sixteen when he joined the army and had been a part of the company for nearly sixty years. In that time he'd participated in ten separate campaigns and earned himself the name Predator General. Every officer he cultivated shared his ferociousness, and a dogged desire to guard their borders.

"I endorse this plan. The exuvium process is a breakthrough in prolonging life in times of peace. But this is war. We must ensure that we are adequately prepared to protect ourselves when the alien menace comes. In addition, strength of arms directly correlates to obtaining these vital crystals. From the data collected we have discovered that the most effective deterrent against these creatures, are adepts and mechas that can empower them. They consume vital energy, but fear the products of it. In the eyes of Adepts the East has become a promised land. Skyfire Avenue boasts five Paragons, more than any other organization. If we've managed to bring back one haul, we can get another. Our most pressing focus now must surely be shoring up defenses. One way to do that is to increase the fleet. Then we could protect more planets."

The General turned away from the Speaker, addressing the rest of the assembly. "I have listened to your debates. There is merit to each side. Know that I am being upfront with my allegiances. I am a military man. For us, our first responsibility is our duty to the nation. We will fight for whatever this governing body decides. However, a soldier's duty is also to protect the homeland. All of it. We cannot face sacrificing one group to protect another. We will fight to the last drop of blood, to keep all civilians safe from harm."

General Li let his words hand in the air for a moment. Then, he turned back to the Speaker. With a small nod of respect, the soldier retook his seat.

His words weren't just a vote for the Speaker's plan, but an affirmation of their martial code. He was telling everyone what the Eastern military stood for. Their strongest advantage had always been unity, and the general was a shining beacon of that. Now after witnessing the rise o his disciple Lan Qing, no one questioned this man's status.

The Speaker's low voice returned. "We will have a ten minute recess then reconvene for a vote on how to proceed. I hope in that time everyone can agree on a plan of action."

Chapter 636: Good News and Bad News

Half an hour later the Parliamentary session had come to an end. Afterwards a proclamation was released, ordering the evacuation of all metropolitan worlds. Their resources would be reallocated to the war effort, and any troops were told to be on alert. Part of their responsibilities would be to assist moving goods and people closer to the center of Eastern space. Many would also remain to look after government interests against the other Alliances. As for how this enormous amount of people were to be moved, parliament said that would come when all the options had been examined.

Lan Jue knew about the decision right away. He heard it from Lan Qing, when his brother summoned him to An Lun's leadership headquarters.

"What do you think?" Lan Qing's stony expression cracked just enough for a smile to sprout.

Lan Jue answered with a dramatic thumbs-up.

"Didn't expect it, did you?" Lan Qing openly smirked now.

Lan Jue nodded. In fact he'd already chalked it up to a lost cause. A decision that would hurt so many bottom lines must have been caustic for a room full of self-serving politicians. If it hadn't been Lan Qing to tell him, he'd say they were joking.

Lan Jue had never been a fan of lawmakers, but he was proud to find they at least had a sense of comradery. Only when the home front was stable and happy could they face a foreign foe!

"However, there is also some bad news." Lan Qing's expression fell, as did his voice.

"What is it?" Lan Jue asked.

"The West has sent scouting crews to the last stand of the North's Seventh Fleet. They claim there are signs an alien planet is nearby, even fought some of the creatures. Leaders continue to deny the veracity of your scouting reports and have turned down any further correspondence."

Lan Jue scowled. "Why would they even think like this?"

Lan Qing explained. "It certainly involves you. The West has chosen to make us enemies and resist our progress. A lot of that is fueled by influences from the Austin family, which I imagine is somewhat your doing. Relations have taken a sharp dive since the wedding between Richard and Qianlin was called off. Some of this distrust is a grab for profit, but a lot of it was incited by your actions."

Lan Jue dropped his eyes helplessly. "There wasn't anything I could do. I was polite – at least I let Richard live. After the amount of times he got in my way I'd say that's fair. I admit I stayed my hand because of guilt, and pity. Qianlin never wanted to marry him, it had all been part of the Clairvoyant's plan. Now if the West left us alone and focused on their own issues it would benefit everyone. Anyway, that doesn't mean there's no way to combat their thinking."

Lan Qing chuckled softly. "Yes, there are still ways. Whatever your thinking the brass has already planned out. Some things are inevitable."


Western Alliance, Europa.

Set in the center of Europa's capital city was a famous landmark, an old hexagonal building that served as the seat of the Austin family's power. An insignia affixed to the top of the structure caught errant rays of sunlight. An oval with maple leaves, the Austin family crest. It sparkled so brilliantly you could spot it from miles away.

Sylva Austin was this generation's leader for the Austin family. His office occupied the top floor of the striking family building, glass from wall to wall. He felt like he could see all of Europa from here.

He busied himself with administrative affairs while sitting behind the enormous office desk. He was the President of the Western Alliance and the business of running an interstellar nation often kept his busy past dusk. He was also expected to be social, which left very little time for relaxation. All of it was in service of the Austin family. Politically, there was no more connected family than his.

"Mr. President." A melodious voice interrupted him, chiming from a nearby speaker. The only one permitted to disturb the man was his trusted secretary, Judy.

Sylva's brows furrowed. He knew Judy wouldn't trouble him unless it was important. "What's happened?" He asked.

"Urgent news, sir," she replied. "I was asked to brief you face to face."

"Come in." He knew she was already waiting just outside of the door.

When the door opened a blond haired woman in a black business suit and black-rimmed glasses was revealed. Her high-heels clacked against the floor as she brusquely entered. "Mr. President," she said without ceremony, "We've received news from the East that they will be holding an international auction. The items on offer are vital crystals. However the West has yet to receive an official invitation. So far only Northern government officials and important families have been told to attend, and the Gobi Entertainment group from our alliance. All other organizations, even government representatives, have received nothing."

A cold smirk split Sylva's face. "Their response to our stance. Pay no mind. When the aliens come we'll have plenty of vital crystals for ourselves. What's the sense in paying them for any? Besides, it must have cost them to get so many. None of this is outside of my predictions."

"But they're auctioning more than one hundred pieces. This is more than anyone has gotten ever since we learned about the alien planets." Judy's voice bore a faint note of urgency. She was as professional a secretary as one could find, but the promise of a longer life appealed to everyone.

"What did you say?" Sylva's voice came in a sharp his, disbelief widening his eyes. "The East brought back more than a hundred vital crystals? How could they kill so many aliens, much less bring them back?" The President's breathing increased. Obviously the East's actions were directed at the West. Everyone knew the benefit of the exuvium process, but crystals were needed to perform it. Eastern leadership was too smart to throw away so many crystals out of spite, so that could only mean they had more than they needed for research.

Taking it a step farther, he could infer they must have found a great many aliens to come back with so many crystals. It had to be true, everything they were claiming. The East had found where the aliens were hiding.

That simple fact was like a mortal wound for Sylva Austin. He had been the one most vocally against them. He'd convinced his colleagues the East was lying, and orchestrated their harsh response to the news. This auction was like a smack to the face. He could almost feel it burn.

However, Sylva was an old hand when it came to dirty politics. Surprise overtook him for only a moment, and soon after he was a picture of calm deliberation. "Send a correspondence to the East, asking why we weren't provided an invitation. These vital crystals are a priceless resource for all of humanity, and are integral for the shared progress of ours species. As such, it is imperative all three alliances participate in uncovering their secrets. There is nowhere else they'll find more talented geneticists than in the West. We would be very open to participating in this auction."

"Yes, sir!" Judy's eyes lit up as she answered. She was already formulating the communique in her head.

Sylva rose from behind the massive desk and turned toward the window. He was quiet for a moment and let his eyes sweep out over the city's horizons. He loved to stand here and enjoy the view. It made him feel in control.

"Send another to the North. Ask them for help in applying pressure to the East. If we work together we can get the most and give the least. Then send a note to the generals that we want a scouting mission scrambled and sent into the Shattered Starfields as soon as possible. We have to confirm the alien's location if we want to explain things to the public."

From the outside it looked passive, but President Austin was doing the best he could under the circumstances. He hadn't suspected the East would use these crystals as a bargaining chip to undermine the West. How could he have known this might happen? Who would have guessed the East would suddenly become flush with vital crystals? Their actions were the sort taken by a group confident in their strength!

Proliferation. That was the goal of any race. This international auction the East was holding was just that – proliferation. It was the purpose of life, and hope for any living thing. The Exuvium process was still a long way off, but proof of concept was already well known. Even powerful Adepts could benefit from it. Further research was needed to see how it would affect normal people.

Most current reports claimed that the process could extend someone's life by a thousand percent. The average lifespan would catapult from a hundred years to a millenium.

A life ten times as long! It wasn't a literal fountain of youth, but it sure was an improvement over their own bodies' limitations. Influence, money, beauty… none of it was more important than life. Without it, what did all the rest mean?

So it was that the moment word of the exuvium process got out, it captured the imagination of every living creature. The only thing that stood between mankind and hundreds of years among the stars, were these vital crystals.

Chapter 637: Return

For those in positions of power, the mystery and danger of the alien invaders was of no importance. Their single-minded interest was whether they could get their hands on enough vital crystals. At least for now, the exuvium process didn't look like a privilege everyone would have access to. For many, there was nothing taboo in their pursuit to join that lucky group. They were desperate to extend their lives at any cost. Eventually humanity would puzzle out a way to achieve the same ends without vital crystals. However, you had to live long enough to see the technology succeed.

Every politician's imagination was on fire with the possibility of eternal life. How could they not scramble at the chance?

Word of the auction had spread quickly, and everyone's attention was on the East. Clearly, this meant the data they had on these aliens was true. If it were not, how could they have so many crystals?

"Chairman Zhou, we would be very happy to participate in your nation's auction. However, we will need to examine the cargo, to verify the quality of its contents." A patriarch from one of the North's ruling families grinned at Zhou Xueguan.

The Chairman responded with a smile. "Of course. We hope to put everyone's misgivings to rest before the auction begins. Take heart, you will have an opportunity to verify the cargo."

"Thank you very much, Chairman Zhou."

Zhou Xueguan was surrounded by representatives from the North's financial and political elite. He had patiently answered every one of their questions, including the origin of the crystals. However, there was ever an air of secrecy about him.

On the second day, the rules of the auction were announced. It sent the Northern dignitaries into an uproar.

Money would not be an accepted form of payment throughout the auction. That was not uncommon for auctions of particularly treasured goods. In those cases it was more common to use power gems in exchange. However, the East had taken things to a new extreme. This time, the chosen method of payment would be measured in war ships.

Yes, war ships.

More specifically, every time someone bid higher on an item the minimum increased bid would be a standard scout ship fully equipped for duty. Ten scout ships equaled the value of a standard battleship; ten battleships added to an expedition ship; ten expedition ships equaled a dreadnought. Ten dreadnoughts were equivalent to a Capital Ship.

To add insult to injury, the East also offered a buyout option; all one hundred crystals, for one top-of-the-line Bastion. When the auctioneers saw that, they had to fight their first instinct to just walk away.

The worth of these war ships to any nation was clear. This was especially true with the threat of alien invasion on the horizon. Certainly the East was leveraging their surplus crystals to shore up their strength. It put everyone else in a very difficult position. Trading in ships was very different from exchanging war assets.

But the East had them beat psychologically. It wasn't only government officials who had been invited, but any organization with the money to participate. After all, everyone dreamed of a longer life. Even though they were all from the North, there were too many people with too much money, too desperate to let their chances be dictated by others.

With all of the drama, no one paid any mind when a small scout shipped slipped virtually unseen into the Skyfire public airship terminal. No one paid any mind when the small group walked out.

Walking at the head of the group was Lan Jue, who'd changed into a smart blue suit. He disembarked hand in hand with Zhou Qianlin. The Epochrion, Wine Master, Pauper, Driver, Zeus' five Amazons, and the Accountant followed in a quiet procession. Naturally, Jue Di and Luo Xianni were the last to quite the ship.

Star Division had been left on An Lun to train, but Lan Jue and his scouting team had come to back to Skyfire to deliver the vital crystals. Considering how much these crystals were worth, Lan Jue felt they needed a sufficiently strong escort.

"Have you arrived?" Lan Jue muttered into his communicator.

"Yeah I'm here," came the response.

A smile spread across Lan Jue's face. "Good, we'll see you in a bit."

"Right to business the second we touch down? When are we going to have time to cultivate? This is no time to dally! The longer we wait the slowly the transformation becomes." The irritated complaint was, of course, from the Driver.

"The impatient burn their mouths of hot burn curd," Lan Jue instructed. "I'm more anxious than you are, but you need time to process everything. I'm heading out for a moment then I'll be back, I'm not dallying. You're being too hasty. Remember that the strength of your foundation directly affects your chance to breakthrough to Paragon. Besides that's not even our limit. Not unless you want to stop at the Realm of Protogenia? Aren't you interested in how far you can go? Take it easy."

The Driver rubbed his beard and stared off into the distance as though thinking. "I understand."

He had indeed been impatient lately. Excitement from absorbing even some of the thunder essence thrilled him. Although the growth of his Discipline had slowed, the quality of it was evolving continuously. Any Adept would fall head over heels in pursuit of a chance like this. If he were being honest, he'd felt the instability within himself even before Lan Jue pointed it out. However, the Driver figured that making small adjustments once his Discipline became primordial lightning would not be too difficult. Lan Jue's words brought him back to reality and caused him to break out in a cold sweat. If he rushed now, it would only create bigger problems after he achieved Paragon status.

When Lan Jue saw the consideration and contrition in his friend's eyes, he knew he understood. Adepts at their level were all intelligent, they didn't need much explanation.

Verti-cars from Skyfire Avenue were already waiting. They filed into the vehicles and headed back toward home.

Lan Jue led Qianlin and his Amazons back to the Jewelry Shop. The rest of the scouting party went their separate ways. The Wine Master and Epochrion took the vital crystals under their watch. Nothing short of an army would have a chance at taking them.

As the hours ticked down to the auction, representatives trickled into the Avenue. More detailed information wa revealed about the auction. The entire thing would last two days. Day one would consist of registrations. In addition, every interested party was permitted to send their own appraisers to verify the auction items. The second day would be the actual auction.

Joining in the auction wasn't so easy, even with an invitation. In order to ensure the safety of the items, and to ensure a smooth auction, everyone was required to put down collateral. It was mandatory in order to confirm participation. If there was even a hint of trouble, the East had promised to cancel the auction without returning this holding payment.

But, what would count as collateral? War ships, of course. In addition to reserving a party's place in the auction, it also served to prove their capability in paying. Only then could they make a bid. Northerners found no fault in this. After all, this was the first time an auction like this was being held – it was wise to be cautious. For Westerners, however, it was a different story. This was because the East's rules for them were completely different.

Other than Poseidon Group and Gobi Entertainment, the East did not extend an invitation to any government official or rich family from the West. Initially the West maintained their instance that the news was fake, but assurances from the North changed their tune. Over time the clamoring from Western dignitaries only grew louder.

The exuvium process and the vital crystals it needed were a budding science, but the rich and powerful had already caught the scent. They knew how important they would be for all of humanity. No one wanted to pass up a chance for a longer life, especially the rich. They were all just as keenly aware of how hard getting their hands on these crystals was.

The exuvium process wasn't complete, but the fundamental principles had been proven. Scientists knew the vital crystals were its most necessary component, needed to complete study of the process and ultimately employ it. Without them, any study was a waste of time. To get them, though, you needed to kill aliens. Easier said than done. No one was going to be putting these crystals on the market, so a rare auction like this was the only opportunity for the rich and powerful to get the jump on a longer life. Their clamoring was justified.

Paying one's dues in war ships may have been hard to swallow, but compared to the benefits of the crystals it was a price worth paying. Ask any of the old leaders wringing their hands as the auction neared. No amount of money or weapons of war could extend their lives. At least, not until now.