638 - 648

Chapter 638: Collateral

With the premise of an extended future in mind, everyone's heart ached for the chance. Western politicians resisted the calls from their own people, but only briefly. Before long the Western Alliance had released a number of official protests. In flowery and diplomatic language, the West decried Eastern attempts to keep them from the auction. They made the case that although it was the East who recovered the crystals, they were a precious resource for all of humanity. The West had as much of a right to buy them as anyone else.

Zhou Xueguan's administration gave an even more clever response. Because the West had refused to accept these crystals as real, their invitation was rescinded to avoid conflict. Harsh words were flung back and forth, but as the time for the auction neared Western politicians had begun to walk back on some of their rhetoric. Politicians wanted to live long lives as well, and behind every politician was a group with money. If those silent partners pulled support, they would be reduced to nothing. Vital crystals would be the least of their worries.

In the end the West had to admit defeat. They acknowledged that the East had indeed found and recovered accurate data on the alien creatures. They also had to made concessions in other areas, and on top of all that required a higher collateral payment.

For Northerners, the buy-in was a single battleship. For the West, they required an expedition cruiser – ten times the worth of a battleship. Only twenty seven parties from their Alliance could even afford to join. But for the East, that was already twenty seven expedition ships! Not a single crystal was sold, and already the East had the value equivalent of two dreadnoughts. There had never been a higher buy-in for an auction.

In the end, the West was permitted to participate. However, that was just a chance, not a guarantee. Obtaining these crystals from competitors would be daunting, and trust did not come easy. No one side wanted the others to know how much they paid or received. The West elected to participate anonymously. Of course, participating openly was also an option, if the buyer elected.

First to suffer fallout from the West's public shaming was the Austin family. Both directly and indirectly they had been the loudest skeptics. Consequences as biting as these would need to be answered for, and those in power were quick to put the loss on the Austin's shoulders. Thankfully the East had only increased their buy-in. If the political cost had affected direct bidding, Sylva would have had hell to pay.

Undoubtedly, the East was using the pricelessness of these crystals for political gain. They dangled them like carrots before the Western government's collective noses. For the first time, weak little Eastern Alliance was in a position of absolute authority.

The long-awaited day of inspection had come. After paying so much just to participating, the rich and powerful were eager to hear from their representatives. Because of how much was at stake, every representative was either experienced with the exuvium process or had gone through it themselves. Everyone agreed to adhere strictly any rules the East imposed. If anyone dared to break those rules – for instance, by attempting to steal a crystal – their delegation's invitation would be revoked and their pay-in kept. These rules were meant to be restrictive and strict, but also fair.

Where the inspections were held was kept a secret until the day before. When delegates learned where it would be held, they couldn't help but scowl to themselves. For those with less honorable intentions, they news was even more distressing.

Skyfire Museum!

A plain and simple name, but what it represented made Adepts shiver. It'd been the seat of the Clairvoyant. Although the one called the Eye of Tomorrow was gone, he was famously enigmatic. Who knew what surprises the old seer left after his passing? Beyond that, anyone familiar with Skyfire Avenue knew what choosing this location meant. Anyone who dared step a toe out of line would immediately suffer the full force of the Avenue's ire.

As an organization, no one could doubt its dominance. In recent years the Avenue not only produced a number of Paragons, but also put its bright future on display in the Great Adept Tournament. One of its young leaders even walked away Champion. All analysts were in agreement that Skyfire Avenue was in the midst of a meteoric rise. It already far surpassed the two Citadels and the Great Conclave.

Among the Northern dignitaries were representatives from the Chu family. Chu Dong, as patriarch, had come personally. It was his first visit to the Avenue. His son had told him a lot about it, but seeing it all in person was very different.

He took a shine to the Avenue the minute he walked in. Chu Dong was a traditionalist and loved the old style. Each antique building lining the road was exquisite. Be it the elaborately carved balustrades with fantastical Chinese beasts or soaring gothic towers passing solemn judgment, he saw a striking beauty in them all.

Each step drew him deeper in. He looked bewitched, and for a moment forgot what they'd come here to do. Then something caught his attention. Four eyes met and all at once his pleasant stroll came to an end.

It was him.

Any appreciation in Chu Dong's eyes fled, chased away by inner conflict. But of course he'd react like this. How many years had it been? How long since he'd seen him, face to face? He'd lost the fiery attractiveness of youth, but had gained a more stately and wizened demeanor instead. He was a Paragon now, but the years had still left their mark.

The Gourmet stopped three meters away from Chu Dong.

"Older brother…" Simple words, but in this moment the Gourmet had to struggle mightily to find them. His voice sounded strained, there may even have been a shake in his tone. His eye were red and moist already.

When they were small, Chu Dong and Chu Xi had been inseparable. Chu Dong was eight years his senior and diligently looked after his little brother. But though he was younger, Chu Xi was always more talented. Cho Dong had to work harder for less, but he was never jealous. They were family, and together they would recover their former glory.

Even during his darkest period Chu Xi never hated his brother. The one pulling the strings was their father, the cold-blood Chu Yun. Chu Xi couldn't remember how many times his brother helped him bear the cruel punishments of their patriarch.

All of that happened more than twenty years ago. Old words written on yellowed ages.

Pow! Chu Dong punched his little brother square in the forehead. 1 The Gourmet staggered backward a good eight meters before regaining his footing.

Chu Dong appeared before the Gourmet in a flash, snatching up fistfuls of his shirt. "You bastard!" Chu Dong spat, inches from his face.

The mighty Infernal Vanguard looked like a sullen child who'd just been spanked. His hands hung limp at his side, offering no resistance, eyes plastered to the ground.

"Do you have any idea… -" Chu Dong's eyes were red.

The Gourmet's body shook. The punch hadn't had any power behind it, just muscle and indignation.

"Do you have any idea how much I've missed you!" Chu Dong relaxed his hands and hugged tight to the brother he hadn't seen for twenty years.

For a moment the Gourmet didn't know how to respond, but quickly embraced his greying older brother with as much zeal.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Those two words felt like a thousand pounds. He'd carried that weight in his heart for so long. Since becoming a Paragon, he had come to understand so much. He studied the old, painful memories for truth and learned a lot, like the fact that the Chu family could not have had anything to do with it. How could they frame someone and leave no trace?

When they released their grip, Chu Dong pinched his eyes. His tears steamed away as his fiery Discipline fluttered. "Why didn't you come back? You must understand what happened by now. You know father's temper, and if you continue to act like this you're just like him – more than I am. Would it really be so difficult to go back, once? He's old…"

He had to stop with the final words. Tears welled up in his eyes again.

The Gourmet's voice was pained. "It wasn't that I didn't want to. I couldn't face everyone. I didn't know how I could stand in front of all of you again with everything I know now. Even today, I hesitated… I thought for a long time whether I could come out and see you. Brother, I must ask you to tell him I'm sorry. I know I was wrong, but what's done is done. I…"

1. I pooed.

Chapter 639: I'm Going Back

"Quit your nonsense." Chu Dong's tone was harsh with the Gourmet. "If you really want to apologize go home and do it yourself. A heart-felt sorry is enough. Do you think he's the same man as before? Did you witness him crying hi eyes out, twenty years ago? Then he was fine, until the day he heard you became a Paragon. I saw his eyes get moist when he heard your name; the Infernal Vanguard. In his own clumsy way he told us he was lost. And why not? He misses you, but he's old and can't say anything. He very loudly claimed he was going to come here himself to represent the Chu family at auction, but I forced him to stay behind. Won't you give the man this little bit of pride in his old age?"

The Gourmet was completely dumbfounded. The image of a powerful, dictatorial, stubborn man collapsed in his mind's eye. In its place was an old man, pale faced and infirm.

"I'm going back! When this auction is over, I'll go back with you!" The words tumbled from his mouth. Seeing his brother and hearing his admonitions was too much to bear.

Chu Dong silently nodded his head, and patted the Gourmet's shoulder. "I have vital crystals to buy." He turned away and began to walk toward Skyfire Museum.

"Brother, wait a moment!" The Gourmet called out, trotting to catch up.

"Hm?" Chu Dong turned back.

"You don't need to bid," the Gourmet said. "I'll think something up for the vital crystals."

A voiceless appreciation sparkled in Chu Dong's eyes. After a moment he answered with a nod. "There's a lot of politics surrounding this business, I'm anxious to broaden my knowledge of how these games are played. I'm confident we'll be fine."

"Alright," the Gourmet replied.

Ordinarily Skyfire Avenue was a temple to silence, but today the walls rang with boisterous conversation. Standing at the front doors, security was being directed by none other than the head of Skyfire security, An Liu. Inside, security personal wandered the rooms with watchful eyes.

An Liu was dressed in a bright silver flight suit, no different than any other day of work as far as she was concerned. Cold eyes scanned everyone who crossed her path. Guests required an invitation and a pat-down before they could come in.

All three Alliances were represented by eighty four delegates. Only affluent Eastern families had come to participate, since the Eastern government had all the crystals it needed already.

An Liu's eyes suddenly narrowed, inexorably drawn to large figure coming her way. He had bright yellow hair, and was clad in white from his suit to his pocket kerchief. Handsome as he was, and with such a striking figure, he earned quite a lot of attention. However, An Liu was most interested in his eyes. They were deep, turbulent eyes that defied age. Wisps of power radiated from him that were hard to distinguish, but beneath them one could feel a vast tension.

As the middle-aged man walked toward the museum, he stopped and lifted his head. As his peered upon the old structure, he looked almost disappointed. For a moment he stared, then approached the door and produced his invitation.

"Hello, Sir Metatron. Please come in." An Liu extended an arm, welcoming him in after looking over the man's invitation.

Indeed, this white-suited man – elegant and profound – was the Lord of Archangels for the Pontiff, Metatron. He was the manifestation of the Pontiff's will, half a breath from Paragon himself. But that final breath had already eluded him for many years. The reason was simple; he'd used fantascia genetica. The decoction catapulted an Adept through the levels, but when they reached their peak it caused problems. For twenty years Metatron had struggled, but he was still no closer to a breakthrough.

The Archangel smiled, and offered a polite nod. He was the perfect public face for the Pontiff's Citadel. Since each organization was only permitted to send one inspector, they had to send their best.

Another figure silently appeared before An Liu. Like Metatron, he bore a supernatural allure. In contrast, however, he was clad from head to toe in formal black attire. His short, dark red hair was a little disheveled, but it also added to his roguish charm. He had dark, sad eyes – fatally attractive to young women who were furtively stealing glances.

"Your invitation?" An Liu calmly asked.

A ly grin split the man's face. "Can't I come in without one? Maybe we could have a chat, discuss some way for me to find a way inside?"

An Liu narrowed her eyes. This was the first person bold enough to step out of line. He was a man everyone knew by name and reputation.

"Sir Lucifer, if you're here representing the Dark Citadel then I ask that you produce your invitation." An Liu's voice was somewhat colder this time.

Right on the heels of Metatron had come the Fallen Angel Lucifer.

He looked the security officer up and down. "A dual-Disciple Adept hm? Unless I'm sensing this wrong, there is a little darkness in you… a rare elemental attribute, and pure. Would you have any interest in being my woman? You know we have many methods to extend a person's life back at the Citadel, even without vital crystals. Train with me and you can be as strong as I in no time. Through your dark purity I can rise to Paragon, and when I do I can bring you with me."

An Liu glared at him with eyes sharp as icicles. "Not interested."

Lucifer might have been called the fallen angel, but he had more arrogance than any of the Archangels. A fervent look flickered passed his eyes. "Are you sure you won't consider my offer? It's a wonderful opportunity for you – think about it."

An Liu's voice was low and even. "I said I am not interested. If you'd like to participate in the assessment then produce your invitation. Otherwise please leave, you're blocking the way for those who were invited."

Lucifer regarded her with a lascivious smirk. "Very good, little girl. You're the first woman to turn down my advances." As he spoke, long spindly fingers plucked an invitation from his breast pocket. Lucifer handed it to her. His eyes – sparkling with Discipline – lazily dragged up and down her figure.

"If you dare make a move, I'll make sure 'the Fallen Angel' is erased from everyone's memory." A hard voice, full of violent promise, interrupted his leering.

Lucifer froze. He couldn't tell where the voice was coming from. Almost unconsciously his eyes snapped to a nearby figure.

He was tall, lithe, and also dressed in black. However the stranger's garb wasn't a suit, but military attire. It was the uniform of a high-ranking Eastern officer, functional and made of the best materials. What struck Lucifer the most were the four golden stars pinned to the stranger's lapel.

Military insignias were more or less the same throughout the universe. Four stars – a general? Among the army's highest command. For pilots they would call him an Admiral, but the meaning was the same. However, this man was far too young to be a general. That didn't stop Lucifer from feeling a wave of fear from the man's presence.

Lucifer wasn't any weaker than Metatron in regards to Discipline. He was considered lower in total power because the Archangel's power naturally restricted darkness. If the two were involved in a fight to the death, it would be impossible to tell who would come out breathing. Both of them were the strongest Adepts could be before becoming Paragon, stagnant due to the same problem. They pushed themselves further than their potential, and now progress was almost impossible.

Lucifer's advantage lay in combat experience. In terms of ability and understanding of the Adept world, the Fallen Angel was in the top twenty in the whole universe. Even so, a single look at this army man filled him with dread. He could remember only a handful of time he'd felt this. Lately only the Pontiff scared him so.

This stranger was like a beacon of holy light, so dazzling that Lucifer felt like his soul was burning. The indescribable discomfort filled him from head to toe. As an Adept of darkness, light was his greatest enemy. This man's power seemed to be pure light.

"Who are you?" Lucifer unconsciously staggered backward a step, closer to An Liu. If this man really did mean him harm, than relying on An Liu's character as a guardian of the peace wasn't a bad method.

But he was wrong.

Dizziness swept over him as Lucifer felt a crushing pressure descend. This must be what it felt like for a vampire to stand outside in midday, he thought. He tried to gather darkness like a shield around him, but the light burned it away. If he tried to move forward, the pressure only got stronger. Sometime in the midst of his trance, the man had taken up position between he and An Liu.

Chapter 640: Lucifer's Terror

"I wasn't going to do anything. No ill-will. It's all a misunderstanding." Lucifer raised his hands and sputtered the words. He was practically falling over himself in capitulation.

"That's good." The general answered in a soft voice.

Lucifer shot a glance toward An Liu. "Can I go in?"

She suddenly remembered his invitation in her hand. She handed it back. "Go ahead."

Lucifer painfully noted that An Liu didn't look once at him. The whole time she only had eyes for the golden general – like she was fixated. It made him even more furious. With a dissatisfied grunt and long strides, he stomped into the museum.

"Why are you still staring? Don't you have a job to do?" The general glanced her way. The moment their eyes met a deep red crept into An Liu's cheeks. Her subordinates noticed, and could only stare slack-jawed. It was the only time they saw their boss they called the ice queen act like a woman at all. Was this real? Who was this guy who could make her act this way?

"If I have time I'll come and find you for a cigarette." The general offered the sentence quietly, before leaving her alone in silence.

An Liu hadn't managed to say a single word. She also never once took her eyes off the army man.

It's him… it's him. It's him! He came…

She felt a flutter in her chest. An Liu's cold, aloof heart was suddenly afire. She could hear it thump against her chest, faster and faster.

What is going on… An Liu, what are you thinking? It was only a cigarette!

Lucifer stumbled into the museum. Unlike the others, he wasn't interested in the majesty of the building's interior. A lingering fear kept him looking over his shoulder at the door, waiting for that man to enter.

A Paragon! That man was certainly a Paragon, strong enough to end him if he'd wanted to. But, how could he not know of this mysterious Easterner? What's more he was a part of their military. It made him feel like there was much more about this Alliance he didn't know.

Keeping a low profile was the best course. It was a shame about that woman, though. Her Discipline was pure, rich with primordial yin energy. IF only they could cultivate together, the benefits to his progress would be significant. Evidently that was not an option, however. Skyfire Avenue was famous for its secrets, he had to tread carefully.

Skyfire Museum was a press of people from all over. They'd arranged a waiting area, and the various assessors milled around waiting for everyone to show up before they could begin.

When Lucifer walked into the waiting area, he immediately picked out several familiar faces. First among them was his old foe, Metatron. The others were all Adepts as well, and strong ones. No one was more sensitive to the energy fields surrounding them than Adepts, making them the perfect investigators. Every powerful organization was desperate for Talents, especially those who had experience with the crystals first hand.

He looked over at the Archangel. Miranda sensed his stare, and looked right back. Neither of their faces changed, but the hatred in their eyes was unmistakable. A surge of rage welled up inside Lucifer, and he strode toward the Pontiff's representative.

Metatron regarded him with a guarded demeanor. "Get away from me," he said.

Lucifer replied with a dry chuckle. "You think I want to waste my time with a hypocrite?" His words were harsh, but the Fallen Angel still took up a spot on the sofa beside his enemy. They hated each other on a fundamental level, so Lucifer chose to ease his own irritation by getting under Metatron's skin.

As for Metatron, there wasn't anything he could do about it. This was Skyfire Avenue – he wasn't about to start trouble.

People continued to stream in. Eighty-four representatives meant eighty-four interested organizations carefully paying attention. Most of those eyes were on Lucifer and Metatron, but when the next person entered their focus shifted.

The Terminator's hard, cold eyes slowly drank in Skyfire Museum. He was an in immaculate tailored suit, but it still looked like someone tried to dress up an iron statue. A Paragon and one of humanity's leaders had come himself to represent his people.

Metatron muttered under his breath in surprise. He came himself?" Neither the Pontiff nor Satan had come because they knew they were high-value targets. They would be walking onto foreign enemy territory, surrounded by the strongest humans in the universe. Evidently this didn't trouble the Terminator. It was a testament to his faith and self-confidence. He believed nothing would happen during the auction.

As the Terminator walked in, another figure descended from the museum's second floor. Spectator's turned their focus from the Paragon to this very small newcomer.

She couldn't have been taller than a meter and change, her head barely peaking over the bannisters. Bouncy little steps brought her before the Northern leader. "A long time, Big Uncle! How have you been?"

When he saw her, the Terminator's calm eyes were suddenly a little distraught. But his dark expression gave way to a smile. "I've been well, and how about you Jun'er?"

"Very well, thank you," Jun'er answered happily. "But I have been very busy. A have to study a lot every day. I still can't see, but teacher says that because I'm blind once I become Clairvoyant things will be clearer than ever." Her eyes were sightless, but from the outside you couldn't tell. She didn't look like a blind person; her eyes were full of light and life.

The Terminator shook his head, battling the gloominess in his heart. She had been chosen as the Clairvoyant's successor after all. He'd questioned his decisions before, but seeing this vibrant young woman now any regrets were gone. How could he bring himself to destroy something so beautiful with his own hand? Anyway, Skyfire Avenue's rise was already assured, and that meant the East would rise with it.

"Terminator. It's been some time." A deeper voice caught the Terminator's ear. He lifted his head and spied the Wine Master heading his way.

The Cosmagus was dressed as fastidiously as ever, but the real eye-catcher was Jun'er. She was enveloped in a long dress that sparkled with gemstones of all sorts and sizes. She sparkled like a little universe beneath the museum's soft lights. The Terminator kneeling before her was a striking image to everyone who looked on.

As the two Paragons appeared, no one remained seated. They all rose to their feet and offered their respects to the leaders.

The Wine Master addressed everyone. "Thank you for your patience. Wait for just a while longer. Once everyone's arrived we can begin."

A few more figured descended from the dais above as the Wine Master made the announcement. Sharp-eyed guests recognized them quickly. Gasps were quickly muffled as people tried not to call attention to themselves.

The Epochrion led the group. Once a Northern Alliance Paragon she now represented Skyfire Avenue. A step behind her followed a gentlemanly pair. Beyond being mighty Paragons themselves, the two were famous throughout all of human society. Of course, they were the Arcane Magnate known as the Keeper, and Skyfire Avenue's Bookworm, the Karmic Scholar.

Four Paragons stood among them as standard bearers for Skyfire Avenue. This was real power! No one dared dream of causing trouble.

The guests had all more or less arrived. An Liu slipped in and nodded at the Wine Master.

The Epochrion walked until she stood before her old partner. She greeted him with a gentle nod. The Terminator spoke first. "How does it feel to be home?"

The Epochrion heaved a sigh. "I've always loved it here. I was always a part of this place, and it will always be a part of me. I don't suspect I'll be leaving again."

"Oh but Auntie Clockmaker, you're still so young. Not old at all," Jun'er tittered. She couldn't see, but her perception far surpassed any normal person's. She knew everything going on around her, though not as sharp as one who had working eyes.

"So long as you like it. When you get as old as we are, it gets to be even more important to do the things that make you happy." The Terminator said with a smile.

"Yes," the Clockmaker replied, nodding.

The Wine Master's voice interrupted. "Thank you for waiting ladies and gentlemen, it appears we're all in attendance. In just a moment we will give you all an opportunity to verify the items we will be auctioning. I will warn everyone a final time, any transgressions will be met with a punishment ten times the cost."

The promise was particularly potent coming from a Paragon. After witnessing four such powerhouses appear at once, no one dared make a move for fear it could get them in dire trouble.

"Jun'er, you are our leader. You should start us off." The Wine Master gave her a small nod.

"Alright." Jun'er replied in bubbly tones. She flicked her wrist, and something appeared in her tiny hand.

It was a crystal orb, with flecks of silver suspended within. Its light shimmered alluringly, and everyone in the museum couldn't look away. Silvery images came and went, detailing the past and revealing the many paths of the future.

Chapter 641: The Appraisal

Ju'n er smiled, a soft smile that touched the hearts of the surrounding Adepts. She muttered a few inaudible words, and a flash of white light issued from the orb. A silvery portal had appeared among them.

The Eye of Tomorrow, one of the Clairvoyant's artifacts! Studied Adepts knew what they were looking at. OF course, this little girl was still far too young to employ the object to its full potential.

A Paragon's astrum was even more alluring to normal Adepts than the vital crystals. The Eye of Tomorrow in particular was astounding. The Clairvoyant had used it ascend to Nirvana. Inheriting it was how the Clairvoyant earned his title.

Of course the Adepts could be covetous, but none would dare try to snatch the artifact from Jun'er's grip. Four steely-eyes Paragons were watching everywhere at once, waiting for someone to make a move. Besides, not just anyone could snatch up an astrum and make a run for it. Who knows what sort of dangers were in this powerful crystal ball?

Jun'er regarded everyone with a small smile. "Please enter." She was the first to step through, showing everyone it was safe. The Epochrion took her hand and followed without hesitation.

Everyone else passed through the door in a trickle of twos and threes. Since the Terminator, Metatron, Lucifer and other powerful Adepts were in attendance, the less famed appraisers weren't too worried for their safety. They represented some of the richest and most powerful organization in human space, after all. Even Skyfire Avenue wouldn't be so bold as to attack directly.

As they stepped through the portal, the visitors found themselves suddenly in a strange and fantastical world. Errand beams of light shot through empty space in endless treks into nothing. Overhead was the limitless expanse of a starry sky. Stepping through the door of light was like striding out into the embrace of the universe. However, there was air to breathe, and this spot felt particularly rich with the planet's natural energies.

Was this… a Domain?

The Clairvoyant's Domain had been called Ocean of Stars. How else could they describe this scene? Paragons were able to leave behind wondrous things in their passing but fewer and fewer knew this skill. If there was any Paragon capable of maintaining their Domain once they've moved on, though, the Clairvoyant would have been one.

Jun'er waved her little hand again, and once more the scenery changed. For a moment every Adept felt a rush of power, like they had been dropped into a sea of energy. Several gasped as they felt every cell of their being filled with vibrant potency.

This was… vital energy?

They started to see the purple crystals suspended in space. Each one of them was a different shape or size, but all of them radiated with a similar, substantial aura of vital energy. That wave of power had come when these crystals were all collected in one place.

The vital energy wasn't particularly pure, there were vestiges of other powers within. However the sheer amount was staggering. By now the appraisal process was a formality. Several of the appraisers already had a greedy light in their eye.

Vital crystals… all of them were vital crystals! With so much power hidden within them, no wonder using them with the exuvium process extended a life for so long.

Greed was not shameful, at least in some circumstances. Even the Terminator was eyeing a particularly large vital crystal with some interest.

"One hundred and eight crystals are available during this auction. The differences among them are because they come from different alien breeds. The only way to determine their strength is to record them individually. We've done this for you, and each crystal has been assigned a serial number that corresponds with their asking price. Now we invite you to take a look for yourselves. No one appraiser shall have access to a single stone for more than five minutes so that everyone has a chance to look. I will remind you all that generally the size of the crystal corresponds to how much power it contains. However, that is not the case all the time. One of these crystals contains a tremendous amount of power, but is smaller than the others. Very well, that's all I need to say. Feel free to look around." The Wine Master concluded his speed with a wave of his hand.

Skyfire Avenue's guests had stopped listening already. The moment they were given permissions, representatives scrambled over one another to get their hands on the crystals.

With over a hundred crystals and only a little over eighty representatives, everyone had a chance to get up close to the items. The rules also assured everyone would have ample time to see what they needed, so no one complained.

Lucifer snapped out with keen eyes and nimble fingers, snapping up the crystal closest to him. It was about the size of his fist. For an Adept of his level the check took only a moment. He flooded the crystal with his consciousness and examined the pulses of energy within.

Right away he felt his psyche embraced by the dense vital energy. He struggled against the urge to drink it all up into himself. He knew that if he did, the impure nature of the crystal would cause more harm than good. That was what the exuvium process was for. For all he knew, absorbing the energy directly might turn him into one of those alien beasts. Besides that, there were four Paragons who were looking for any excuse to use their powers.

A small number of assessors had seen these crystals before. However, even for them they had never come across crystals so vibrant as these. Knowing that the potency of a crystal was a sign of an alien's strength, it was a clear display of power that East had so many to give away.

Among all the representatives, only the Terminator remained still. He didn't even take a crystal to examine.

"You don't want to take a closer look?" The Epochrion asked her old comrade.

He shook his head. "What's the use? In reality this whole process is unnecessary. If these crystals were fake the East would be taking a foolish gamble holding this auction. As far as I'm concerned, we're here so that these people can justify spending so much."

The Epochrion smiled back at him. "I don't know about any of that. The Wine Master is in charge of everything."

Of course the Terminator was right. If you didn't let your customers see the goods, how could you expect them to pay what they were asking? The crystals had all gone through rigorous inspection and selection before coming to auction as well. There were crystals of all kinds, strong and weak. A few were even very rare crystals from stronger aliens. They were smaller, but could be picked out by their richer color and energy.

The truth couldn't be hidden from the people in this room, even if they wanted to. Luckily they did sense things clearly and it was making them excited.

Jun'er was interested in the crystals, too. She weaved in between her guests as they examined the crystals. She looked like a little adult, walking absently back and forth with a concerned expression on her face.

Metatron was increasingly surprised by what he was feeling. The energies were so dense they looked thick as ropes. He busily recorded a few serial numbers for tomorrow's auction.

Time stretched on, with everyone having an opportunity to experience the vital crystals. The more they felt, the happier they were. Many were powerful Adepts in their own right and knew the secrets of vital energy. This was especially true if they understood their own powers. At least they knew that vital energy was integral for extending life and keeping strong.

War ships were costly, but what better use was there for resources than to extend one's life? The men and women with handfuls of crystals may have been representing powerful people, but their personally excitement was on full display. Just one of these had the ability to dramatically extend their lives. A creaky old death was no longer to be feared. Exuvium, it remade you right down to your genes. These vital crystals forced an evolution in the human body that likely even helped their Disciplines.

Beep-beep! The Epochrion's communicator rang. She dropped her head to spy the number, then turned toward the Terminator beside her. "I'm sorry, I have to take this. Wine Master, if you'd come with me for a moment?"

The Wine Master approached her side and said something quietly in her ear. She answered by gently shaking her head, and then the two walked off to be by themselves.

Most were still absorbed with the vital crystals, and didn't notice the two Paragons separate from the crowd. The Keeper and Bookworm were still standing vigil to watch for thieves. Not that any would dare, this was the Ocean of Stars, a Paragon's Domain.

As the Epochrion and Wine Master talked among themselves, several of the guests staggered and nearly fell. A deep blue-purple crystal was clutched in their hand. The energies contained inside were particularly dense, almost thick. The bearer was overwhelmed and almost couldn't handle the power contained within.

Chapter 642: A Trap

The person stumbled and nearly collapsed, but no one paid any mind. Everyone's total attention was on the vital crystals, what did the other appraisers mean to them? All but Jun'er, who was standing in the path of the representative.

The small girl's eyes did not work, but her other senses compensated. "Be careful," she squeaked. A tiny hand extended to help. Only just then the representative jerked away. To the outside observer it looked like they were trying to avoid bumping into the girl. Something in it grabbed the attention of the Keeper and Bookworm, though.

"Nobody move." A deep, gravelly voice hissed through the air. All eyes turned to the dagger pressed against Jun'er's throat, throbbing with purple light. The culprit's free hand shot out, and ten vital stones suspended nearby shot into his grasp.

Suddenly a wave of crushing power filled the area, pouring from the Avenue's two scientists. The suffocating aura ripped through like a tornado, swallowing everything up.

"I said, don't move. You're smart enough to know what kind of poison is on this dagger. A clean cut through her aorta, and no one could save your precious little Clairvoyant." His voice was grim and low. The expression on the thief's face never changed.

"Astral Phantom!" The Keeper's face went pale. He knew it because he could feel the protogenia flowing from him, the aura of a Paragon. Between the Keeper and the Bookworm, their holding aura was enough to make escape difficult. However not to comply was putting Jun'er in danger.

The Astral Phantom's current face wasn't his real one. The Paragon never revealed what he really looked like. His appearances were rare, and this one seemed foolishly planned. With so many Paragons, getting away seemed impossible. But the best methods were often the most direct. One little girl was stronger than a whole room full of Paragons. She was the future of Skyfire Avenue, and the Phantom knew that. He was unaffiliated and didn't fear the wrath of Skyfire Avenue. Besides, his attempt on Lan Jue's life already put them at odds.

"What are you going to do now?" The Keeper growled.

The Astral Phantom's voice was cold, dead. "Nothing extravagant. You're going to give me every vital crystal in this place, and then I'm going to go. Once I'm safe the child goes free. You all know when I say something I mean it."

The Keeper responded with a huff. "You have two choices. First, surrender. Pledge your support to the fight against the aliens and you can have leave with a vital crystal. Submit to a series of restrictions, and when we fight the aliens maybe your deeds will outweigh your crimes."

The Astral Phantom regarded the scientist flatly. "Has dementia already set in? I'm the one in control of this situation. Keep your Alzheimer's to yourself."

The Keeper continued as though he hadn't heard. His voice stayed calm. "Your second choice is to face them. Beat them and you're free to go." He casually pointed to where two figures were standing, not far away.

The two bore expressions promising similarly brutal deaths, but through different methods. One was cold as ice and hard as a mountain. The other had a more elegant and refined bloodthirst. Four golden stars twinkled on the fiercer one's shoulder. His companion was also smartly dressed, but in place of stars he wore a mocking grin.

They were ready? The Astral Phantom's face went dark. If this was a trap, he'd fallen for it. But what about the child in his hand?

"You're pretty foolish, Uncle. I am a prophet, how would I not know when I'm in danger? I knew this would happen days ago." Her voice sounded small and piteous. The naïve tones of a child made the words much more cutting.

A light flickered and Jun'er vanished from the assassin's grip. She reappeared in the distance, bathed in ethereal starlight. The Ocean of Stars Domain was an inheritance from the former Clairvoyant. Although the manifestation of power was permanent, it only existed here in the museum. However, so long as Jun'er stayed here she had access to all the benefits of a Paragon's Domain. Benefits like teleportation and concealment.

Lan Jue smirked at the Astral Phantom. "When Jun'er said she felt danger, you were the very first person I thought of. You're the only one with the skill to masterfully sneak in, then immediately do something stupid. You've assassinated our people, and today those accounts will be paid."

The steely-eyed general was Lan Qing. He had come to Skyfire to participate in a high-level government meeting. His mocking companion was, of course, Lan Jue.

Jun'er had told Lan Jue she didn't feel right the day before. It didn't take him long to puzzle things out. The only person mad enough and good enough to be a danger to Jun'er was standing right in front of them. When it came to profits death did not concern the Astral Phantom!

Lan Jue's eyes were strangely absent any hate as he regarded the assassin. There was only a heartlessness in his cold stare. If it weren't for this man, Qianlin wouldn't be in the state she was in. He had almost succeeding in taking the second love of his life from him, not to mention the many times he'd tried to kill his brother. Jun'er had predicted his arrival and here he was, the infamous killer. Today their disagreements would be settled.

The Astral Phantom flicked his wrist, sending the vital crystals he'd stolen tumbling back out into the air. The movements were calm, almost flippant. Like he was capitulating for the greater good, rather than the potential danger.

"If I beat the both of you, I may leave?" He didn't look at Lan Jue. The killer only had eyes for Lan Qing. He could feel it; this thorn in his side, who had survived so many attempts on his life, had broken through. His progress and determination were enviable.

"So long as you don't run, you'll only have to deal with me." Lan Qing took a step forward, his voice even.

When he spoke everyone looked his way. The An Lun super soldier wasn't known to everyone, but he did have a reputation.

"Prometheus, God of Wisdom and hero of the Eastern military. He is challenging the Astral Phantom?" Someone asked.

Lucifer's ears perked up. He knew those names and titles well, and the moment he heard them his face changed. The An Lun super soldier, great hope of the East – was it really him? Hadn't he been vice-admiral? He'd heard nothing about Prometheus becoming a Paragon.

The Terminator was similarly blindsided by the revelation. However, his mind immediately turned to reports of An Lun satellite images. Was that golden aura a result of this young man's protogenic power? If that were true…

Ordinarily Lan Qing would not have tipped his hand and revealed his ascension. Typically this information would remain secret to keep an advantage over the West and North. Now, however, things were different. The worlds of man were upended with the alien crisis, as well as the discovery of vital crystals and the exuvium process. It was as much a danger as it was an opportunity. The East – being the weakest of the Alliances – was seeking to exploit and profit from these opportunities. Surely they hoped the East would eventually surpass its two neighbors. Perhaps now wasn't the time for secrecy, instead it was time to flex muscles and make a show of what the East could achieve. With the alien menace at their doorstep, at least they didn't have to worry about overt Northern or Western aggression. The West's presence here was proof; despite their hateful rhetoric, how could they pass up the chance for a few vital crystals? How could they want them and at the same time say they were fake?

"Very well! It looks like you've been promoted. Now show me how strong you've become." The others around them scattered back to give them space. Still there were many who were visibly frightened. This was a Paragon battle, collateral damage was likely.

However their fear was only short lived. In the starry expanse above, a single celestial body flared brightly. The star's gentle light enveloped Lan Qing and the Astral Phantom. Right away both of them appeared to shrink. From the outside they looked like miniatures. To them, it was like they'd been cast into a pocket dimension. Completely oblivious of everything happening outside.

Inwardly the Astral Phantom was in a sour mood. He was too bold, too careless. It was foolish to underestimate the Clairvoyant! He was dead, but managed to leave behind such a powerful tool even from beyond the grave. Too risky – in the future, he thought to himself, he would need to be more careful.

Lan Qing's figure floated in the dark expanse of this pocket universe, facing his foe. For a moment he just regarded him. A gentle cyan light radiated around his body.

Chapter 643: Fighting the Astral Phantom

These two could be considered old, bitter foes. The Astral Phantom figured he knew Lan Qing's powers well; that Wind Discipline that refused to be shut out, that powerful ancient martial style, and his near super-human insight. Most importantly, though, was how often he'd escaped the Phantom's clutches. Things would be different now that they faced each other face to face. A lot of the assassin's ploys didn't apply. He was not worried about safety, however. After all, he'd been a Paragon far longer than this upstart soldier. He wasn't a Reflection of Heaven and Earth, but years of experience as a Paragon had taught him a great deal about staying alive. He put his chances of escape at twenty, thirty percent, however he knew the rules and limitations of those who commanded protogenia. It wasn't easy for people like them to go back on their word, lest protogenia revolt like it did against unscrupulous killers. Because of this, even assassin's like the Astral Phantom had rules he had to abide by.

So what if he was a Paragon? What did it mean to him if Lan Qing was 'gifted'? The Astral Phantom had faith he could best this upstart. It was just a shame he couldn't kill him. The pay-out for Lan Qing's head was hefty indeed.

The Astral Phantom made the first move. At first he didn't seem all that fast as he rushed for the Eastern general. His body was enveloped in a thick, mysterious purple light. It was important to remember where the assassin stood among his fellow Paragons. He had been considered stronger than the Gourmet, the Bookworm and the Pauper the day he ascended. Although he had yet to succeed in becoming a Reflection of Heaven and Earth, years as a Paragon assassin meant he was a master of his skills.

Lan Qing ducked and spread his arms out to his side, like an enormous eagle spreading its wings. Formless yet oppressive, the general's aura sprang to life. Coiling eddies of cyan energy swirled around him until suddenly they burst out, illuminating everything.

Rookie mistake, calling on your Discipline when it wasn't necessary. The Astral Phantom regarded the move with disdain. He didn't move or avoid the general's encroaching Domain. On the contrary, the Astral Phantom picked up speed and bore directly into the face of Lan Qing's power.

The result was strange and unexpected. As the Astral Phantom met Lan Qing's Domain, the cyan universe split to let him pass like cloth before a pair of sheers. A number of gasps arose from the spectators as they looked on. Such power!

Six shadowy figures appeared behind the Astral Phantom, following in his wake. A pair of black daggers had appeared in his hands. Since the blades didn't reflect any light, they could only be seen from specific angles.

These were the weapons the Astral Phantom was famous for; Soulblight. No one knew how many lives these two dark blades had taken.

A flash of purple light temporarily blinded everyone who watched. The Phantom and his six copies spread out every which way. They arced out, surrounding Lan Qing, then charged in from every direction. His Domain seemed to exist in name only, as the assassin and his copies effortlessly plowed inward.

As the evil daggers bore down on the young hero, many in the crowd audibly gasped in dismay. One of them was An Liu, her pretty eyes wide and full of fear. But just then, the Astral Phantom began to despair. It was too easy.

How could it be this easy? They'd crossed blades a number of times, and although the Phantom had the advantage, Lan Qing always got away by virtue of his smarts. He'd escaped so many impossible situations that the Astral Phantom started to wonder if he was even human. Was the 'God of Wisdom' really just going to stand there and wait to get stabbed? The Eastern super soldier didn't react at all, even as his Domain was being torn up around him.

When he looked up, he saw the ridicule in his opponent's eyes.

Something's not right! The Astral Phantom stuck to his gut instinct. Three of the copies continued their headlong rush toward Lan Qing. The three others joined with the original before breaking off into four separate directions.

The cyan light became more intense as a vortex appeared without warning near Lan Qing. The vortex itself was crystal clear, but waves of green energy poured from it. Every pulse was full of a vital energy that made the heart race. From outside the vortex seemed unmoving, but the truth was revealed when the assassin's copies were caught in its pull. When the images were swallowed up, their bodies were sliced away into a hundred thousand pieces by some invisible force. Half a breath later, nothing remained.

How is this possible? Is it actually…

The Astral Phantom craned his neck mid-flight to stare at the scene. He was able to sense the power of the vortex through the last moments of his copies. It was protogenia, wind protogenia. Lan Qing had managed to master the essence of his own element and melded it seamlessly with the waves of cosmic turbulence abound. His mirror images had no way to escape and were summarily destroyed.

How could someone who'd just become a Paragon be so strong? He couldn't come up with an answer, but that wasn't important. In a flash, Lan Qing appeared behind the Phantom.

Countless edged gusts gathered around the general. They were so thick in the air they left his enemy no way out. The wind-weapons were condensed cosmic turbulence and as such were heavy with pure wind element. Not even a Paragon would dare test how sharp they were.

The Astral Phantom was taken by surprise, but he didn't hesitate. He steadied his heart as the truth of his unfathomable foe was revealed. His retreat stopped, and as the Astral Phantom turned he lashed out with the Soulblight daggers, quick as lightning. He cut at the wind daggers, and when they collided Lan Qing's weapons dissolved into their elemental essence. Little by little the Phantom danced among the cosmic flows, carving out a safe circle.

As for the other three copies, they seemed to have simply vanished into the vacuum of space.

Wind daggers continued to sail toward the assassin, birthed from Lan Qing as he remained suspended in place. The Astral Phantom was in the center of a deadly tempest, and each gust was a piercing dagger at his weakest points. No dodge to the left or dash to the right freed him from the prison of air. They were locked in a battle of stamina.

The Terminator swung his eyes toward the Keeper. "Congratulations! The East produces another Paragon. Why is it we Northerner's don't have such luck?"

The Keeper answered with a knowing smile. "Because you've chosen the wrong path. The mysteries of the human body can't be answered by installing technology. To truly understand ourselves we must reduce, not add to. It only happens through hard work, step by step, day by day. While manufactured and altered Adepts rise quicker and are stronger in the early stages, everything's different after ninth level. You were looking for numbers. We have only ever pursued perfection. Our results speak to the righteousness of our path."

The Terminator grinned. "Maybe. Though I contend our technology just hasn't caught up, yet. If one day technology could reveal the potential we contain, everything would be different. When that day comes we can make Paragons. That is when humanity will be the true masters of the universe."

The Keeper didn't engage him further. This was an ideological rift that went beyond the two of them, and both knew the other wouldn't be swayed. Each had their own truth.

In the depths of their pocket universe, the rivals continued their battle. In a short span the clash had reached a fever pitch. The Astral Phantom was gone beneath the constant purple flashes of his defenses. All he needed was a break in this never-ending flood of cyan, then he could get through. But he couldn't, the daggers never stopped. Both of them continued to throw everything they had at one another.

Cosmic secrets had been revealed to Paragons, and they were capable of bending the rules of reality to their whim. However, they weren't gods. Their powers had limits, as did their stamina.

From outside, spectators might assume the more practiced Paragon had the advantage here. After all, he had years of cultivation under his belt. However to those with more combat training, they saw that the fight was just getting under way. Everything up to this point was feeling each other out.

The Astral Phantom had already guessed that the cyan power was not Lan Qing's Domain. The vortex was. Lan Qing deserved the praise, he thought. He was strong for a newly arisen Paragon. But at the same time the Phantom was starting to read the situation. Perhaps it was because Lan Qing was new to his powers, but his attacks were uniform.

Unerring, time was needed for a Paragon to learn how to integrate their protogenia into their fighting tactics. The Astral Phantom had tread this road, he knew how things were. As far as he was concerned Lan Qing was too tender. He'd been holding back since the start of the fight.

Meanwhile the Phantom's preferred style was more like a viper; wait for just the right moment, then strike. One blow to shake the pillars of heaven. Both Lan Qing and Lan Jue had been instructed in how lethal that style could be. Lan Jue had nearly met his demise because of it.

Enough! Time to show him a little muscle. A cold light flashed in the Phantom's eyes. His Soulblight daggers were surrounded by a caustic purple light, then leapt from his hands in either direction. The started small but the farther they flew the larger they became. Eventually they were enormous, big enough that they threatened to slice apart the universe containing them. Both slashed their way toward Lan Qing.

Chapter 644: The Power of the Astral Phantom

The daggers of wind tore themselves apart the moment the purple light touched them. Lan Qing felt the forces of chaos unravel his elemental Discipline. The strange power from the Phantom's daggers were accompanied by a low rumble. Its resonance made the tempest unstable, and dissipated Lan Qing's attack.

If Lan Qing's daggers were solid wind than the Phantom's daggers were acid. Everything the purple light touched was wiped away without a trace, like the protogenia was just erased.

Only protogenia could contend against protogenia! The Astral Phantom was only a first-degree Paragon, but he knew the mysteries it entailed. He was more versed than young Lan Qing in the control and use of these powers. Here was where his advantages began to be revealed.

However Lan Qing was not put off. A pale cyan light shimmered around him like a shell, and the next moment he shot off like a bullet to avoid the daggers. The air around him reacted as tendrils of purple energy grasped and groped. Each one of them seemed sharp enough to cut space-time apart. In fact Lan Qing's rapidly retreating body froze, and suddenly he was back where he was a moment ago.

It happened in the space of an instant. Lan Qing hardly knew what was happening.

Spectators watching outside were also surprised, not least of them the Wine Master. Those purple tendrils were definitely having an effect on space-time. They'd cancelled Lan Qing's retreat like it'd never happened.

It demanded masterful control to counter another Paragon's protogenia with one's own. No wonder the astral Phantom was respected for his long years as a Paragon. It was a trick, to lull Lan Qing into a false sense of security. He'd seemed weak, and revealed his strength at just the right moment.

A smug grin spread across the assassin's face. This child thought he could face up to me. Too bold, kid. Let's see if you can block the combined might of heaven and earth – my Daemon-cleaver!

There was nowhere Lan Qing could flee to. The roaring aura of the Deamon-cleaver attack ripped his defensive shell away. Terrifying to behold, there was also a sense of beauty in watching protogenia so expertly castrated. It was akin to the sounds of a frantic guqin, springs buzzing with sound until all at once they snap – sad, shrill and beautiful.

Ding-ding! In the final moment, just as it seemed the Astral Phantom's daggers would cleave Lan Qing in two, the crowd gasped. An Luo's super soldier reacted in a way none of them could have expected.

He lifted his hands, and using nothing but his calloused palm swatted the daggers away. A soft golden aura surrounded them, flesh white as polished porcelain. In fact his whole body was illuminated by an internal glow.

The Astral Phantom stared incredulously as Lan Qing batted his daggers away. The incomparably sharp Soulblighter daggers didn't even get passed that thin gold aura around his head. It was like trying to pierce cast iron.

How could this be? Although it hadn't been the Phantom's deadliest attack, it was among his strongest! How was it possible it was swatted away like an irritating fly? With two bare hands? Even the leaders of Skyfire Avenue wouldn't have been able to do that. Why was he different?

Combat was about living in the moment. Lan Qing didn't give his foe the luxury of time, and thrust forward with his palms before the Phantom could recover. A wall of invisible force bore down on him.

It sent the astral Phantom spinning wildly through the air. He sailed out of control for a good while. When the would-be killer finally came to a stop he could only gape in disbelief. Whatever power Lan Qing used, he couldn't comprehend it.

How could this be happening? What did I get myself into? My daggers, just ignored like rubbish by a fresh Paragon.

But then he took another look, and his mind went blank. Lan Qing was completely different.

The gusts of Discipline had been restrained. Although he calmly floated just as before, he was now surrounded by a pale golden aura. The ethereal, aloof face of Prometheus was spread in a mellow smile of content.

Once an Adept became a Paragon their protogenia could not change. It wasn't just nonsense told to them by trainers. It was equally impossible to see someone's protogenia spontaneously evolve. Yet, that's what the Phantom's eyes were telling him.

Lan Qing regarded the Astral Phantom calmly. Then, one hand curled into a loose fist and he thrust a punch at his opponent.

Sinister determination hardened the Phantom's face. If he'd underestimated Lan Qing before, things were different now. Anyone who could block his attacks the way this young soldier did was a formidable enemy.

Lan Qing's punch looked weak but the whole space around them warped because of it. From the Astral Phantom's perspective, Lan Qing got larger and larger until he took up his whole field of vision. And yet, it seemed strange, false like an illusion. He didn't know what was real or not anymore. This punch seemed to go beyond the constraints of protogenia.

The Astral Phantom reacted. He thrust his hands behind his back and shut his eyes. All of a sudden, his whole body became translucent, like an amethyst. The assassin dashed forward like a bolt of lightning, right into Lan Qing's formless punch.

Tssssssshhhhh! A strange sound thundered from every direction. Waves of wild energy crashed against the boundaries of their pocket dimension. The Clairvoyant's Domain appeared to react, and soon resplendent starlight was twinkling all through the room. Separate though they were, spectators could still feel the feral and ferocious power of their collision.

When the ripples passed and reality settled, the Astral Phantom was the first one they saw. His battered form hung in the emptiness of space. When they spied Lan Qing in the distance he looked no different. Clearly the general had won their exchange.

Representatives who did not know Lan Qing couldn't hide their shock. It was inconceivable that a young Paragon who just broke through could stand toe to toe against the Astral Phantom and emerge unscathed. It was a glittering endorsement of his strength and potential. The Representatives clambered to get a better view of the display.

Lucifer, the Fallen Angel now understood why he'd felt such pressure when their eyes met. Only someone on an entirely different level could give him that sense of dread!

Archangel Metatron didn't look any better. He'd spent a fortune in research after Zeus revealed his identity at the Great Adept Tournament. Lan Qing and Lan Jue were brothers, and the younger of the two was already at the top of the Pontiff's black list. Now, however, they see a big brother stands behind him. The pressure this added to the Citadel could be imagined. How would they contend against a foe like this?

The Astral Phantom still hadn't gotten over his disbelief. He'd thrown real power behind that attack. However, he knew that neither of them knew the truth about the other. The Astral Phantom's secret was his protogenia. It wasn't poison, nor was it his speed. In fact, the assassin's greatest power was his perception. Perception was his chosen path to Paragon.

Cutting perception was what had allowed him to manipulate the Soulblgiht daggers to resonate at just the right frequency. That rendered Lan Qing's wind daggers useless. Total situational awareness was his strong suit, with poison and speed used to get him the advantage.

He'd focused his perception on Lan Qing's punch in the hopes of gleaning some clue as to how to beat it. What he saw was a perfect sphere, seamless and without a weakness to exploit. It crashed onto him like a stone curtain. Flawless.

It was simply impossible. A Paragon's protogenia was the integration of natural principles, powerful energies and the Paragon's comprehension. However for Lan Qing's power there was no border from one to the other. It was a total, unbroken whole. It went against everything the Astral Phantom thought he knew about Paragons.

Yet the truth had been painfully demonstrated to him. His only recourse was to counter his foe's attack with one of his own.

Lan Qing shared some of his foe's surprise. The Astral Phantom was stronger than Lan Qing would have guessed. He'd used his speed to amplify the strength of his protogenia. He'd lashed out with the Soulblighters, and their power was cast out in seven shadowy copies. When they converged on the force of the punch, they were strong enough to carve a path through. They was even enough energy to reach Lan Qing. However, it was so weak by that point the General avoided it with ease.

Chapter 645: Buddha's Revelation

The two combatants stopped again. A flickering aura appeared and disappeared around Lan Qing, and a thoughtful expression was on his face. Was it really as simple as it seemed? After all, Lan Qing was called the God of Wisdom! Evolution was an integral part of Lan Qing's chosen path. Through training and battle he constantly evolved toward the most perfect version of himself.

Of course his protogenia couldn't change. But Adepts were more multifaceted, like layers of an onion. At the heart of Lan Qing's abilities was the Prajna curses and Varochana. Wrapped around that was Wind. In effect, the general had been fighting with one hand behind his back.

Jue Di had told Lan Qing that the universe shrunk after you became a Paragon. There were so few like you. A situation like that, new Paragons needed a whetstone to hone their abilities. Friends and training partners were no use. Paragons were exceedingly precise and sensitive, and only real danger catalyzed their potential.

The Astral Phantom was a perfect whetstone. Lan Qing wasn't going to put him down so quickly. He used this opportunity to understand the deeper truths of his protogenia.

The Phantom's body vanished in a flash of purple light. He didn't wait around for Lan Qing to attack. The Astral Phantom was a killer, a master assassin as they were called in the old days. No assassin worth their salt attacked a target head-on. Attack from the shadows, that was his specialty.

Just as the Phantom vanished, a light arose in Lan Qing's eyes. He pressed his palms together at the center of his chest. Though his body didn't disappear, his aura ceased to be felt. The Phantom, however, was completely gone.

Ting! The Astral Phantom appeared from the shadows behind Lan Qing's right shoulder. Lan Qing didn't have time to turn and face the assassin, the Phantom was too quick. All he could do was twist his ribs away and block the stab with his back.

Sounds of shock rippled through the onlookers. The Astral Phantom's name and reputation were widely known. His strength was not in question, nor was the lethality of his Soulblight daggers. Meeting him was like being served a death warrant.

Every ear perked to the sound of ringing metal, and wide eyes stared in disbelief. The Phantom's dagger didn't pierce the skin. A blinding halo of golden light appeared behind Lan Qing's head, and his heroic form swelled to several times his original size. He dropped to his knees and knelt among the glittering stars. A golden lotus appeared below to lift and support him. An impassioned hymn arose, rumbling all around them.

When the Astral Phantom reappeared, it was far away from his target. He gaped at Lan Qing. "Reflection of Heaven and Earth. But how…. You… "

Lan Qing's face remained even and placid. He spread his hands away from his chest, palms facing heaven. All of a sudden the chants grew louder. Lan Qing's golden halo became brighter. It expanded and shot out rays of light like a miniature sun. Wherever the beams of light swept past, nothing was hidden. The light illuminated everything within its scope. The Phantom was revealed and he was left nowhere to hide. He darted into the distance like a terrified ghost.

This was his Domain! Buddha's Revelation!

Indeed this was the true realm of Lan Qing's power, far more potent than what he'd felt at the beginning of their fight. The brilliant light of the Buddha revealed everything to the young Paragon. The Astral Phantom's Domain was what he'd just revealed, blinking. Within the scope of his power he could instantly move from any one point to another.

Unfortunately for him, Varochana's power abolished all things duplicitous and negative. Their pocket universe was reset to its purest and simplest state.

"Great Prajna Curse!" Lan Qing retracted his arms, then pressed forward with his hands. The pure light of the Buddha intensified still further, until the spectators outside could sense nothing from within their pocket dimension.

The Astral Phantom juked and dodged as best he could. No matter how fervently he disbelieved, Lan Qing was showing the abilities of a second-degree Paragon! That's the only way he could have blocked the Soulblight daggers with nothing but his own skin. No wonder he was so eager to fight! Did he really jump an entire degree? The Astral Phantom didn't know what to believe. He couldn't understand why he'd been stuck for dozens of years, but for this young man it seemed effortless. It seemed too impossible an idea to entertain.

He raced as fast as he could, searching for a way to escape Lan Qing's Domaine. No matter how fast he flew or how far he went, he couldn't get free enough to summon his own powers. Even if he could, the difference between first and second degree Paragons was outstanding. This was pure protogenic force. He had to get free if he wanted a chance.

However, once Lan Qing croaked those three words, everything around the Astral Phantom changed. No matter where he turned or how fast he fled, the image of Varochana followed. Eventually the pure light swallowed him up entirely.

There was nowhere to go!

The Phantom took a deep breath then came to a halt. He knew nothing else would come from running. He knew that his own Domain would be suppressed by the overwhelming power of the general. He was completely at his prey's mercy!

He reacted by throwing his arms back, although this time his shoulders were thrown back as well. The action was so sudden and violent it looked like his arms would be pulled out. Then he began to move. A shadow copy was left behind in his wake. His actions looked almost slow, so much that the spectators could see every movement clearly. The sharper among them, though, noticed how when he moved he seemed like a shadow. He wasn't really going so slowly.

Thirteen! Including himself there were thirteen shadowy assassin's racing straight for Lan Qing. As the Phantom picked up speed his copies kept pace. They would occasionally collide with each other, and when they did the new copy was more defined. In front of him, the purple light of his empowered weapons blazed a path. It, too, seemed to become sharper and more real the farther he flew until it was carving apart space-time – and the pure light of the Buddha.

This was the real power of the Astral Phantom. Assassins were known for keeping their deadliest attacks to the last. How much more terrifying was a Paragon assassin once trapped in a corner? The Astral Phantom seemed committed to showing everyone.

He appeared to be little more than a gloomy shadow, somehow able to deny light from reflecting off of him. All of his strength, Discipline, perception, poison, speed, and Domain – all of them were focused on a single point in space. This was it; do or die. If this strike failed to finish his target, he wouldn't have enough energy to a second try.

It demanded a full twenty percent of his total energy. Twenty percent of concentrate death.

Cosmic Smite. This was the name he'd given the attack he used only in time of absolute necessity. In all his years he had never had to use it. Although, he'd never before tried to kill a Paragon.

It was without pomp, without drama. It was pure, deadly power. Everything hinged on the tip of this strike.

Lan Qing's hands shot out, for he felt the light of Varochana above him dim. The overwhelming sense of danger told him the precise moment to move.

Supreme Incantation! Lan Qing's strongest Prajna Curse!

Palms forward, sturdy as a mountain! No I, no they. In the boundlessness of the Buddha, with no up nor down, there is no fear.

Suddenly Lan Qing's entire body took on the image of the Buddha, like the second coming of Varochana. The heat was so intense that distant stars melted in the face of it.

Dang—-! The crisp sound, like the call of a grandfather clock, hung for a long time in the air. The whole of the universe seemed to vibrate in response.

Lan Qing's Varochana projection also shook. A large white scar appeared on it, stretching across the forehead. When he saw this Lan Jue rushed forward, but the calloused grip of Jue Di held him fast.

"Prajna-paramitah!" The guttural chant filled the air, rolling like thunder. It was clear as a bell to everyone.

The Astral Phantom was revealed again. His true form was picked out from the shadow doppelgangers. He'd been half-hidden before but was once again fully revealed – though, he was different. The emaciated assassin's suddenly grew to several times his size. Without warning his frail body filled out.

Golden light enveloped him just as the resounding chants of Buddhist monks deafened the ear. The pale scar on Lan Qing's forehead disappeared. Meanwhile the Astral Phantom dropped his arms beneath the power of a blazing sun. The incessant blaze burned away the purple light surrounding the assassin.

Lan Qing's dharmic image came to an end. When he reappeared his face was pale, and he looked drained. He'd sensed the mortal danger from the Astral Phantom's attack. He'd only just managed to protect himself from annihilation with his curses and defense.

After all, Lan Qing was still very young as Paragons were concerned. He still hadn't grasped the full breadth of his abilities, especially since he'd jumped a degree. On the other hand, the Astral Phantom's Cosmic Smite was strong enough to nearly pierce a second-degree Paragon's defenses. In terms of attack power, the Paragons ahead of him on the list may not necessarily be his superiors. With all of the Phantom's strength focused on that one strike, Lan Qing had had a very literal brush with death.

Chapter 646: Fealty or Death

Lan Qing sensed something as the powers of life and death intertwined around them. His body had reacted suddenly, expanding the image of his dharma to ward off the attack. It also served to deepen his personal understanding.

Yet none of this made any difference in the shocked look on his face. Nothing could have prepared him for the truth.

Beneath the searing fire of Varochana, the Astral Phantom had to draw on the last vestiges of 'his' energy. In fact 'he' was no longer 'himself' – the disguise was slipping.

Long purple hair was the first thing revealed, followed by a sleek and slender figure. A pair of royal purple eyes burned with rage and disbelief. Varochana's fiery light continued to devour the remnants of purple protogenia. What lay beneath was a beautiful face, cold and sad.

A woman?

Lan Qing wasn't alone in his shock. Who among the spectators – especially Skyfire's Paragons – would not be similarly flabbergasted? The knife in the darkness, heartless and malicious, a killer for hire. The Astral Phantom, bringer of death to so many men – was a woman?

Speculation over the Phantom's true face was always fuel for the imagination. However, usually the stories painted him as a wretched old man. But a woman? And such a beautiful woman, at that. Only Zhou Qianlin was her rival, with the Epochrion a close second. She was also a Paragon, something Qianlin could not yet boast.

Lan Qing quickly recovered, his face adopted that familiar frigid expression. The fact that his opponent was a woman didn't give him any cause to relax his guard. He pressed his hands together once again, and the Buddha's Revelation Domain manifested anew. The all-consuming heat of Varochana continued to broil the Astral Phantom.

The assassin had no way to strike back. She only had enough energy to fend off Lan Qing's Domain. She knew that if this continued for much longer, Varochana's rays would burn her away.

She glared at Lan Qing with such a deep, abiding hatred that he could feel it. If looks could kill, he'd be slain twice over. But he faced her with stony disinterest. Her wicked stare washed over him like a statue.

Outside of the pocket universe, it was silent as the grave. The fight was over, Lan Qing's victory was clear. To witness the breakthrough of a Paragon was rare, but it was rarer still to watch one die. It seemed likely it might happen now. The appraisers representing humanity's most powerful organizations watched, expressions as varied as their patrons. And yet, they all had the same thought; it would be wise to follow the rules during the auction.

A sound caught Lan Qing's ear. He paused, then peered into the distance with a golden light in his eyes. His vision pierced the protective Domain created for them to spy Jue Di. He stood beside his brother, who both gave him a solemn nod.

An Luo's general swung his eyes back toward the Astral Phantom. "You have a decision to make. Release your protogenia, allow my light to mark your soul. Swear fealty. Or, die."

Only the Astral Phantom could hear him.

IF it had been left up to Lan Qing, this choice would not have been offered. He wanted the assassin put down. But Jue Di offered an alternative. He looked at Lan Jue because this was their enemy. Lan Jue had even more cause to hate her after what happened to Qianlin. Lan Jue's nod was in agreement with Jue Di.

The fiery Domain around her set her shocked expression in stark light. She gaped at Lan Qing incredulously. "You want me to submit?" The fury in her eyes threatened to set her eyes on fire, bordering on madness. It was an insult, an affront! Paragons were known for their pride. Swearing service to another was unthinkable.

Lan Qing regarded her with unfeeling eyes. "You don't have long to make your choice. Fealty, or death!"

"You think you can kill me?" The Astral Phantom spat back.

He answered with a scornful smirk. "You're a Paragon, you live for your own interests. You've undertaken tremendous risk for those interests. You're not conceited, but you have a singular focus on potential profit. You are sinfully selfish. I think in your heart you'd chose life over honor. However I'd be just as pleased for you to prove me wrong. So Phantom, do you have so much pride? Am I wrong?"

"You..!" Poisonous words welled up in her throat, but a flash in Lan Qing's eyes stopped her. The burning hell she found herself in got a few degrees hotter. The lapping flames didn't scorch like normal fire. It was, in fact, much worse. They were spouts of pure, cleansing energy. This unfeeling purification burned passed energy, passed the body, right down into a victim's soul. The danger the Astral Phantom faced was the obliteration of her body and soul. Escape was not an option, with so many Paragons watching.

What could she do? Her mind was in chaos.

Lan Qing was right. Avarice was her drug of choice, there was nothing better than a new pretty bauble. She commanded the greatest organization of criminals in the history of humanity, and yet she still wasn't satisfied.

The Phantom was a sixty year old woman in truth, but looked like she was in her twenties. A result of many rare treasures, which used together allowed her to break through without effort. It was a feat that required skill and a fortune in resources. All so she could keep her good looks forever as a Paragon.

She had been overjoyed at the news of vital crystals and the exuvium process. Paragons had to die like any other living thing. The exuvium process changed all that. A single crystal wouldn't mean much to her, but a whole lot of them, or even just a particularly potent one was enough to extend her life. And through those extra years she could grow stronger. She'd been stuck at the Realm of Protogenia for so long already with no signs of progress. This time she acted out of desperation.

Still she'd been cautious. She'd watched and listened for a long time, had a series of meticulous back-up plans. Yet never occurred to her was one hateful little girl. Skyfire Avenue was prepared, rendering all her back-up plans useless. She walked right into their clutches.

At this moment of mortal danger, she did feel pride. But what could compare to life? You had to live to see a future. In death you lost everything – gone in an instant.

It was only seconds but it felt like minutes of agony. An unending flood of fears and questions ran through her mind. She wracked her mind for any way to wriggle out alive.

But Varochana's light was too strong. She could not shed it.

Chapter 647: I Swear

A bitter pain stabbed at the Phantom's chest. She'd had the gall to infiltrate Skyfire Avenue because she thought only the Epochrion was a problem. She was the only Reflection of Heaven and Earth, and thus the only one who could pose a threat. The other Paragons mostly new to their powers. Under those conditions fleeing wouldn't have been difficult.

But who could have anticipated the arrival of that freak, Lan Qing. A Reflection of Heaven and Earth immediately after breaking through, while she was still stuck.

"Stay your hand!" The Astral Phantom cried.

The aura around Lan Qing dimmed, and Varochana's burning light receded. However, the whole universe around her seemed ready to detonate at a moment's notice.

The Astral Phantom was red faced, and ground her teeth in fury. "I will absolutely not swear myself to you, but I will swear to three things, whenever you need them. I'm a Paragon, I have my pride…"

The pure fires sprang back to life before she could finish her thought. Their crackling cacophony drowned out her words.

Lan Qing addressed her with a calm voice. "You aren't in a position to negotiate. You will die, or you will serve! Those are your only options."

She couldn't form the words, she was putting all of her energy toward warding off the holy flames. Her belligerence seemed pointless in the face of the God of Wisdom. An Lun's super soldier was completely immovable.

Varochana's flames dimmed again. The assassin took great gulps of breath, but only in part from the strain. She felt like she had been on the edge of a precipice, about to be swallowed up. The fear still seized her chest.

"I have limited patience. This is your final chance to make a decision." Lan Qing's keen eyes never left her.

The Phantom's chest heaved as she fought to regain her breath. She wanted nothing more than to make Lan Qing stop breathing, but she when hanging over a ledge you didn't bite the hand holding you up.

"Ten!" Lan Qing's eyes were bright and firm.


"Wait! What are your intentions?" The Phantom asked.

"Eight!" He ignored her entirely and continued the count down.


"Wait! I need time to think. Give me time!"

"Six!" Lan Qing's eyes were hard. His hands slowly rose and the fiery sun behind his head got brighter. Everything the light touched could hear the bone-shuddering chants of invisible bodhisattvas. It was so peaceful, but for the Astral Phantom it sounded like the inevitable march of death coming for her soul.

"You…" The struggle was clear in the Phantom's eyes. She knew what it would mean if he marked her soul.

"Three!" Lan Qing's hands rose higher.

"Wait a minute! What happened to four and five?!" She whined.

The flames got higher.

"Two!" Lan Qing had her shaken to the core. Why would he give her room to breathe?

"Wait – fine, fine! I agree!" Every inch Lan Qing's hands rose her willpower eroded. Eventually when it seemed he would move, her defenses collapsed. Nothing was more important than life.

The fiery lights around Lan Qing's hands dispersed. His face changed. "Submit your spirit, and don't think about pulling any tricks. I don't have the patience to fight you anymore. If I feel like anything isn't right, you won't get a second chance."

The Astral Phantom looked at him, conflicted. Her breath was rapid from exertion and fear. She was filled with regret. Why did she have to be so greedy? Avarice is what led her to this point. Everything would have been different. Her cherished life would not have been so upset.

"When… when you make the mark… if you wouldn't…"

The aura around Lan Qing's hands flared. "I said no negotiations."

"Fine! Ruthless!" She glared bloody murder but daren't delay. She genuinely feared a change in Lan Qing's mood. He might kill her at any moment.

Her heart was unwilling, but a decision had to be made. She took a deep breath, grit her teeth, and closed her eyes. The purple aura that had surrounded her was gone. Moments later a small vortex appeared in the center of her forehead. Flecks of black swirled through the outer edges, while in the center knelt the cloudy image of a silver man.

Soul essence! Only a Paragon was able to manifest an image of their own souls.

The fierce and bloodthirsty expression was gone. Now the Phantom was a ghost of pain and sorrow. When she opened her eyes they were wet with tears. Her piteous expression and beautiful face tugged at the heart.

"Such a big man, bullying a weaker girl. I don't really have a choice, do I?"

In another circumstance, with another man, her desperate plea might have meant something. Unfortunately, Lan Qing was unmoved. He did not hesitate and pointed with an index finger. A beam of golden light issued forth with spiraling lines of archaic runes in tow. Each strange symbol pulsed with Buddhist mysticism. The golden light was peace and calm, delivered into the purple vortex.

The tide of the vortex lurched in protest, but almost instantly the Phantom felt the burning fires of Varochana lapping at her skin. The vortex stabilized shortly thereafter and allowed the light to pass.

The silver silhouette within the vortex became more distinct. A shrill cry from the depths of her spirit followed. The golden light struck it right on the forehead. It blazed a path, leaving a golden 佛 behind. 1

The sudden, intense pain caused the Astral Phantom to fall. She shuddered uncontrollably, drenched in sweat.

When a Paragon applied their mark, it meant the victim had to do everything they commanded. If they refused, the Paragon could erase their soul with a thought. By that point it didn't matter how strong she became, the mark was there forever. There were very few instances where a mark like this had been placed. A Paragon's dignity was sacrosanct. In the end it wasn't that the Phantom was lacking in dignity, but that her love of life was too great.

The golden light persisted for about a minute, then vanished. Shortly after the burning light filling the universe receded into the image of Vairochana behind Lan Qing. The bodies of both combatants returned to normal size, and their battlefield vanished back into the Clairvoyant's Domain.

1. The symbol for Buddha.

Chapter 648: The Tragedy of the Astral Phantom

The Astral Phantom was slumped on the floor. Her long purple hair was splayed all around in a mess, concealing her face.

Seeing her collapsed upon the ground like this, Lan Jue couldn't help but feel something unexpected. This was so much worse than just killing her. It seemed so unlikely to succeed.

Lan Qing noticed Lan Jue's expression and nodded his way. Lan Jue smiled. "Brother, it looks like you've found yourself a fine bodyguard."

Lan Qing walked over to the Astral Phantom and plucked her up, throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of rice. "Surrender the vital crystals," he growled.

The Astral Phantom answered weakly. "I'm already your slave, can't you leave me some dignity?"

Lan Jue's face twitched. He could hardly believe she was still gambling her life! All for these crystals.

Smack! Lan Qing gave the Astral Phantom's rump a firm-handed slap. This elicited a surprised yelp from his captive. Several vital crystals tumbled out from her clothes. Lan Qing gave the surrounding Paragons a nod of respect, then he and the Phantom disappeared in a flash of light.

As An Liu watched them go, a strange sensation gnawed at the pit of her stomach. It was something sour, but not a flavor.

The Keeper's calm voice broke the silence. "Alright. Now that we've seen tonight's entertainment you may all continue with your examinations. All the vital crystals are accounted for."

Capturing a Paragon was hardly a common occurrence. Although most of the spectators didn't see how the fight ended, it was clear Lan Qing was the victor. The Astral Phantom had been arrested, the universe's foremost assassin in the hands of the Eastern military.

In a moment, the atmosphere had changed. The appraisers gave each other nervous sideways glances. They couldn't feel the waves of power thanks to the Domain's protections, but they didn't have to. It was such a visual spectacle that the fear and power were without question.

Everything they thought they knew about the Avenue had to be thrown out.

They were unassailable! The strength Skyfire Avenue showed was staggering, how were they to compete with them? The scene before them was evidence of how much clout they held.

The rest of the viewing continued under this unspoken pressure. Anyone with a thought of causing trouble had it banished from their mind after watching the spectacular fight.

The first part of the auction concluded without further event. Soon after, news that the An Lun super soldier was a Paragon spread across the human worlds. Now the news outlets were just waiting for any indication of what he chose to call himself. It was a spectacular story – a meteoric rise straight to Reflection of Heaven and Earth! Who knew, he might be the next Jue Di. One powerhouse usually didn't represent an alliance, but he was An Lun's commander. His presence made causing trouble more difficult for the West and North.

Even the Astral Phantom was bested. Who could stand against the An Lun super soldier? No other Alliance could boast having a Paragon commander! In an instant people's perception of Eastern might changed. It was another stinging slap to the West's face that ruined all their plans.

Now all eyes were on the vital crystal auction. Information about the specifics had already been released, and appraisers had given their backers their reports. These crystals were pure, better than any that had been discovered before. A few of them were clearly from a higher breed of alien. What it meant, only the clever could deduce.

Never before had crystals like those been seen in human space. What were they capable of? How were they different from normal crystals? All of this needed careful study to understand. OF course, to study them they would need to be purchased first. Puzzling out the exuvium process would also need a large number of crystals for experimentation. These were new issues for them to consider, but first they had to have the crystals in hand.

Certainly, the fact that the East was auctioning so many of these off meant they had a surplus. They also must have had enough for research. It was clear to everyone that the East was leveraging these crystals to bolster their military strength – but what could they do? This was a wide-open strategy no one could do anything about. This was one pit they were destined to tumble into, the crystals were simply too precious.

After the showing demand for the vital crystals was at a fever pitch. Representatives from the rich and powerful were nearly rabid with lust. Whoever had the most crystals could position themselves for future profit and influence.

It was evident that the North and West could not match the East for vital crystals. However, they did have faith in the skill of their researchers. The East may have the raw materials, but technology wasn't something that fell in your lap. It needed study and man hours. So they had trust in their science. Despite their late start, the other Alliances were confident they could catch up.

This was the atmosphere that filled the air as the auction day arrived. It would be held at Skyfire Museum, and the auctioneer would be Skyfire Council's chairman, the Avenue's Wine Master, the Cosmagus himself!

It went without saying that this auction was held by the joint efforts of the East and Skyfire Avenue. The East's presence was at the Avenue's behest.

Lan Jue arrived in a wine-colored suit with a black tie, and a white shirt beneath. The outfit was accented by handmade brown leather shoes and a white kerchief stuffed in his breast pocket. He looked like the essence of a gentleman. Beside him was his brother. At Lan Jue's request, the An LUn super soldier traded his military uniform for a sapphire suit. They looked so alike in some ways, but were as different as apples and oranges. Lan Qing exuded an air of wisdom and consideration. Lan Jue had an elegant sort of genteelness. The both of them captured a lot of attention.

Most of those eyes followed the newly arisen Paragon, Lan Qing. After breaking through directly to Reflection of Heaven and Earth, and defeating the Astral Phantom, he was immediately put within the top four of the Paragon list! Jue Di remained solidly at the top, but the Terminator and the Epochrion sat just below him. Before Lan Qing's arrival, they were the only two known second-degree Paragons remaining. Now there was a new name to add. Although he was part of the Eastern military, he was still marked under the banner of Skyfire Avenue. It meant the Eastern Adept organization added another Paragon to their ranks, and all the power that came with them. Skyfire Avenue was already considered the promised land for anyone with Talent.

After the last stretch of time, the Avenue had accepted a great many new members. Most of them were unaffiliated Easterners looking for instruction, but there was a fair number of defectors from the other Alliances as well. These foreign Adepts had to submit to strict scrutiny before gaining entry. This undoubtedly also served to make the Avenue stronger.

The Great Conclave and the Citadels were aware of what was happening, of course. There wasn't anything they could do about it. After all, you needed strength to be considered. How could they be strong enough to confront the Avenue? How many Paragons did they have now? If the West didn't have their decoctions and the North their technology, the power gap would be staggering. And Skyfire Avenue would have even more potential members.

Lan Qing and Lan Jue walked to the first row before the auction block. The other participants parted to make way, and they took their seats.

Only Eastern government officials and Avenue higher ups were allowed to sit at the first row. Besides Lan Qing and Lan Jue, representing the Avenue was the Gourmet, Epochrion, and Pauper. The Wine Master was leading the auction. The Keeper and Bookworm were not in attendance. They were absorbed in their research. The high-quality crystals recovered from the Shattered Starfields had been wonderful news for them.

A dark figure arrived, clad in black robes from head to toe. Their features were hidden beneath a shadowy cowl. They approached the front row and took a seat on the far end of the table. Their mysterious image and arrival earned a few whispers from the others. The auction paddle in their hand meant they were supposed to be here. Whoever they were, they had to be from the Northern government. Adept organizations from the West and North had been assigned to the second row.

The Terminator didn't appear to feel one way or the other about it. He was seated in the center of the second row. Although he represented both the government and the Great Conclave, the North decided to send separate representatives to show on behalf of the two organizations. This meant he had to sit one row back. Amusingly, Lucifer and Metatron sat on either side of him. All three looks a little uncomfortable.

Who was this mysterious stranger in black? What was his station, where he could sit with the leaders of nations? Many curious eyes followed him, the Terminator among them.

Lan Jue leaned in to speak with the brother. "The Astral Phantom?"