13-11 -- 14-2

Book 13 Chapter 11 – Exposing The Scheme

When Xiang Shaolong and the Eighteen Guardians arrived at the West Gate, they ran into Ji Yanran and the rest who are about to return to the city.

The carriages stopped along the wide road leading to the West Gate. Xiang Shaolong leapt down his horse and went to say hi to the ladies.

Everybody have red and healthy looking faces, showing that they had a generous amount of exercise.

Xiang Bao'er saw Xiang Shaolong and waved his little hand calling him Father.

Zhao Zhi was annoyed: "Are you so busy that you cannot visit us?"

Xiang Shaolong laughed along: "After the hunting fair, I will spend more time with all of you!"

Wu Tingfang proudly state: "Ignore him Sister Zhi. We will have a good time with Sister Qing."

Xiang Shaolong reached out through the window and pinched the cute face of his son. He spoke briefly with the Tian sisters before he went to the second carriage.

When the blind was lifted, it revealed Ji Yanran and Qin Qing seated inside. Qin Qing's face was slightly red and was staring viciously at him.

Xiang Shaolong's heart begin to thump harder.

Ji Yanran smiled sweetly and gently asked: "Hubby is going to the western suburbs?"

Xiang Shaolong nodded and take this opportunity to inform Qin Qing: "The residents of Pingyuan Province are rebelling. This rebellion is likely to be linked to Lord Gaoling. Lu Buwei has been notified and I am fully in charge of this matter. Grand Tutor Qin can set your mind at ease."

Qin Qing could not stand his strong gaze and lowered her face. It was a magical and romantic moment.

Ji Yanran trembled slightly and asked in a low voice: "Lu Buwei has been especially kind to you!"

Xiang Shaolong remembered the marriage proposal and nodded.

Ji Yanran intimately whispered into his ear: "He really wants to kill you! That is why he is doing all these things to make people less suspicious of him. If you don't believe me, you can try asking Empress and Crown Prince. You will discover that Lu Buwei has given them a misleading impression of the hostility between you and him. Ai! Hubby is too trusting."

Xiang Shaolong was shocked but still have some doubts about it. He frantically nodded his head.

Ji Yanran slapped his shoulder and cooed: "Think about it! With Lu Buwei's intelligence, how can he not spy on Lord Gaoling and need you to remind him? If Lord Gaoling is rebelling, he will be the happiest man in Qin!"

Qin Qing heard these words and her face is filled with care and concern.

Xiang Shaolong's body trembled and was finally enlightened. He bowed: "Thanks for wife's reminder. Xiang Shaolong learnt something today."

Ji Yanran looked at Qin Qing who was staring at Xiang Shaolong. Noticing Ji Yanran penetrating gaze at her, she guiltily lowered her head.

Ji Yanran shot Xiang Shaolong another look and intimately advised: "Be careful!"

When the carriages are far away. Xiang Shaolong consolidated his thoughts and rode towards the western suburbs; however, his mood is very different from before.

Riding Jifeng and escorted by the Eighteen Guardians, he sped all the way.

The carriages transporting goods and other items to the hunting grounds formed a long queue and the atmosphere is very lively.

Beside the official road are ancient forests with giant pine trees that are a few hundred years old.

After leaving the city for three miles, the flat roads start to fluctuate up and down depending on the terrain. Every time they rode up a hill, they can see River Jing flowing in the south east direction. Below them, logs are flowing down the river towards the camping grounds. The logs will be used to build the campsite and inspection square.

Spring is now slowly being taken over by Summer and the strong wind is blowing through the grasslands and forests alike, making Xiang Shaolong feel extremely comfortable. Listening to the peaceful rustling sounds of the leaves, his thinking becomes very clear.

The Jing river is a few thousand miles long and it is intersected by many small rivers.

The thick forests and wide grasslands is home to many unique birds and beasts.

They rode through a deep valley with clouds on both sides of the slopes and the roads begin to widen. River Jing continued to flow in front of them and the thick pine trees are like poles pointing to heaven. Across the fresh green grasslands, there were countless tents that were pitched in an orderly manner. Thousands of Palace Guards and Cavalry Soldiers are busy with preparations and they have built two wooden bridges that go across River Jing.

Xiang Shaolong stopped on a hill and looked around him.

The grass straightened and bend down according to the wind and there are clusters of trees here and there. Herds of deer, horses, sheep and other wild animals are gathered around the river shore, drinking to their heart's content, occasionally letting out a small cry. Tomorrow, they will be the targets of the hunters.

The sun began to shift to the west where high mountains are stacked upon one another. That is where the most ferocious wild beasts roam.

Xiang Shaolong believed that with all the thick forests surrounding the camping grounds, it is a piece of cake to hide an entire army.

With his trained eye, he quietly scanned the surroundings and quickly grasped the geographical advantages and disadvantages. He then rode towards the main camp near the river.

The air is filled with sounds of horses braying and dogs barking.

An enormous flag embroidered with the word 'Qin' is flying grandly, competing with the beautiful clouds for everyone's attention.

As he rode past them, the workers will stop and greet him.

Leading the Guardians, he rode past several tents belonging to the various high ranking officials and generals before he came to the centralised main tent.

Lord Changwen is instructing his men to construct wooden gates in all four sides of the slope, providing additional protection to the main tent.

There are ten odd tents on this flat hilltop. Except for Xiao Pan and Zhu Ji, the rest of the tents belonged to the other members of the Royal Family.

Xiang Shaolong jumped down his horse and questioned: "Why are you building the gates now? Isn't it too hasty?"

Lord Changwen replied: "It is Premier Lu's idea. He received news about the Pingyuan Province rebellion and insisted that I build the gates by tomorrow morning."

Xiang Shaolong thought to himself that it was a narrow escape. Ji Yanran is right. Lu Buwei knew about Lord Gaoling's rebellion a long time ago and acted ignorant to deceive him, causing him to let down his guard and even mistook Lu Buwei for really forgiving him.

Lord Changwen pointed to a group of men beside the river and commented: "Both assistant generals are there playing with the hunting dogs. My stubborn sister is there as well. She is the one dressed in a white and green warrior suit; the one dressed in yellow and purple is Lu Dan'er."

He added in a low voice: "Has Big Brother spoken to you?"

Xiang Shaolong nodded his head slightly: "Is there no one your sister likes among all the young men in Xianyang City? For example, An Gu is even a better catch than myself."

Lord Changwen sighed: "An Gu is a talented man who is comparable to Shaolong. However, they grew up together and treat each other like siblings so it is impossible for them to fall in love."

Pausing, he added: "Qin is unlike the six states and it is very common for people to have pre-marital 5ex. Ying Ying has dated several guys before but none of them lasted long enough. She became serious only after she met you."

Xiang Shaolong countered: "She is only serious about Guan Zhongxie. The two of you are forcing me to join this disadvantageous competition."

Lord Changwen laughed along: "It is because we admired you! Hei! We dote on our sister dearly. Actually Zhongxie is not bad and he is a good fighter. Unfortunately, he is Lu Buwei's man."

Cheers can be heard from the crowd. Guan Zhongxie had put on his armour and was playing with one of the hunting dogs.

Xiang Shaolong climbed onto Jifeng and remarked: "Here I go!"

Lord Changwen hurriedly asked for a horse and rode with him towards the crowd.

Escorted by a large body of men, both men came to the edge of the crowd and dismounted.

Teng Yi was focused on observing Guan Zhongxie's intricate footsteps. When he saw Xiang Shaolong, he had a serious expression on his face. After he waved to Lord Changwen, he hinted at Xiang Shaolong to accompany him to one side. Arriving at a cluster of rocks near the river, he reported: "This man is extraordinarily shrewd. Even under such circumstances, he is still hiding his true abilities. What a frightening character!"

Xiang Shaolong glanced back at them and nodded in agreement: "He is the most dangerous swordsman we have ever come across. This man had reached a very high level of swordsmanship and I have never seen anymore who can breathe so calmly. I admit that I have not reached his level of cultivation."

Teng Yi smiled: "But you are someone who never underestimate your enemy. If it was Jing Jun, he would never believe that someone can be better than him."

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "Right! Where is that kid?"

Teng Yi replied: "He is out surveying. The more we know about the hunting grounds, the better chance we have at killing Mo Ao. How is your leg injury?"

Xiang Shaolong replied: "Much better but I still cannot run or the wound will reopen for sure."

Teng Yi advised: "When I changed your dressing this morning, the swelling has subsided. Based on your physique, you should recover fully after two days."

Xiang Shaolong happily state: "Now, I must thank Tian Dan for injuring me. It will be harder for Lu Buwei to kill me now."

Teng Yi was stunned: "Didn't Third Brother say Lu Buwei is patching up with you?"

Xiang Shaolong heaved a sigh and repeated Ji Yanran's words. He also told him about the Pingyuan Province rebellion and Lord Gaoling's scheme.

Teng Yi thought carefully and affirmed: "I will handle Lord Gaoling. If necessary, we will use our elite army. We must not let Guan Zhongxie gain this honour."

As he spoke, they noticed Guan Zhongxie, Lord Changwen, Lu Dan'er and Ying Ying walking towards them. Teng Yi winked at him and whispered: "I will go and join Little Jun!" and slipped away.

From afar, Lord Changwen winked and shouted: "Official Xiang, let's test the target boards at the archery grounds. Official Guan has an iron bow that only he is able to pull apart."

Xiang Shaolong was agonized. Lord Changwen is trying to create an opportunity for him to put down Guan Zhongxie in front of the two girls. Xiang Shaolong knew himself too well. He may be considered an expert archer but he is still inferior to Wang Jian, Teng Yi and even the dead Lian Jin. As long as Guan Zhongxie is a better archer than Lian Jin, he will be humiliated.

Guan Zhongxie raised his hands to show his innocence: "I am not harbouring any intention of winning. It is Lord Changwen and the two Misses who wanted Brother Xiang to show us your skills!"

Xiang Shaolong cursed secretly and acted apologetic: "I am afraid I have to disappoint Official Guan. My leg injury has yet to fully recover and it is not advisable for me to exert any strength. I think we can just watch Official Guan perform."

Guan Zhongxie was startled: "Forgive my impertinence. I noticed that Official is walking normally and thought that you have recovered!"

Ying Ying's face turned cold: "Is Official Xiang making excuses?"

Lu Dan'er spat: "Coward!" Dragging Ying Ying, she unhappily turned around and shouted to Guan Zhongxie: "Official Guan! Let's find something else to do!"

Guan Zhongxie humbly paid his respects and left with the two girls.

They left Xiang Shaolong and Lord Changwen smiling bitterly at each other.

Xiang Shaolong thought of Tu Xian's appointment and bade farewell, returning back to Xianyang City.

On the way back, he thought of the girls' cynical expressions but did not feel bad at all. He was amazed at his own change.

In his wild days in the 21st Century, he must win every fight and every drinking contest.

He has lost his eagerness to be the victor in everything. Now he looks at the bigger picture and does not mind these insignificant losses. That is why he is not bothered about the girls' vicious attitude.

Maybe he has finally matured!

Back at Xianyang City, there was still some time so he returned to Wu residence first. He checked with Tao Fang about the Zhou siblings and went to visit them.

Tao Fang has given them a nice accommodation in the east garden near where the Guardians are sleeping. It is quite a comfortable place to stay.

When Xiang Shaolong stepped into the small hall, the pretty Zhou Wei is busy sewing in one corner while Zhou Liang was fiddling with a small metal mechanism on the table. When they saw him coming in, they hurriedly got up to greet him.

It may be due to sympathy that Xiang Shaolong is especially caring towards them. He smiled at Zhou Wei: "Is Miss Zhou making new clothes?"

Zhou Wei's face reddened and she lowered her head, replying: "En!"

Xiang Shaolong was feeling strange at her shyness and sat down on the other side of the table. Gesturing for them to sit down too, he asked Zhou Liang: "What is that toy you are playing with?"

Zhou Liang handed him the metal piece and replied: ""This is a wrist guard for a hunting eagle to perch on. Watch!

He lifted his sleeve and showed Xiang Shaolong his left wrist. There were over ten scars on his wrist.

Xiang Shaolong was interested and asked: "So Brother Zhou is an expert in shipbuilding and eagle-rearing. Since there is a wrist guard, why are you still injured by the eagle claws?"

Zhou Liang answered: "The wrist guard is meant for new eagles. An expert can train the eagle to vary its clawing strength. These scars are accumulated before I was fifteen. Since then, I have no accidents with them anymore."

Xiang Shaolong reasoned: "In this case, Brother Zhou must be an expert eagle handler."

Zhou Liang humbly replied: "That was in the past. Now, I felt guilty towards them. Under their fierce stares, I dare not rear them anymore."

Xiang Shaolong thought for a while and instructed: "From today onwards, Brother Zhou need not worry about his next meal or being bullied. Just focus on developing this and it may help me in the future."

Zhou Liang was delighted and his eyes were shining: "I dare not disobey Master Xiang's orders. Hei! You can call me Little Liang. I dare not be addressed as Brother Zhou!"

Xiang Shaolong officially state: "I have never regarded Brother Zhou as an outsider. You should not call me Master Xiang too. Can I ask you what is the secret of rearing eagles? How long does it take to train one and what are they capable of?"

Zhou Liang brightened up and proudly revealed: "First, you must know which eagles are trainable. The easiest to train are King Eagles who share human instincts. After that, you need plenty of patience and hard work. The eagle must be reared from young and need about a year to be fully trained. Hei! Hunting is nothing to them. The pinnacle of rearing eagles is to train Warrior Eagles. They can chase the enemy from the sky, spy on surroundings and assassinate someone. They can be a formidable weapon."

It is now Xiang Shaolong's turn to brighten up. He excitedly instructed: "We must not delay any further. Brother Zhou shall look for your King Eagle tomorrow. I will send some men to accompany you and make it easier for you."

Zhou Liang received his order gratefully.

Xiang Shaolong noticed that it is about time to go and he bade farewell. Stepping out of the door, Zhou Wei's voice rang out: "Official Xiang!"

Xiang Shaolong turned around and smiled: "What can I do for Miss Zhou?"

Zhou Wei came to him and shyly asked: "Big Brother has an assignment on hand. What about me?"

Xiang Shaolong gently replied: "Your brother will rear eagles and you will sew clothes. Isn't that what both of you are doing?"

Zhou Wei's face turned even redder and slowly state: "I wish to wait upon Master. Will you please give your consent?"

From her expression, he knew that it is not as simple as it looks. She is willing to sleep with him for the rest of his life. He cannot blame her as he probably is her dream man. Moreover, it is a way of repaying her gratitude to him.

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "That is too tough for you. Let me think about it and decide tomorrow."

Zhou Wei shook her head with determination: "Unless Master Xiang despises me and finds me clumsy, I have decided to wait on you for the rest of my life."

Frankly, Xiang Shaolong is also tempted by this pretty woman in front of him. Agonized, he thought that he will just agree for the time being and decide later.

He sighed: "You are making things difficult for me. For the time being, we shall follow your wishes! But..."

Before he can finish speaking, Zhou Wei joyfully interrupted: "Thanks for your approval!"

With a contented look, she turned back into the house.

Xiang Shaolong can only leave the house with a bitter smile on his face.

Book 13 Chapter 12 – Flying Dragon Spear

At the appointed hut, Tu Xian is already waiting for him. When they saw each other, both men are equally delighted. Through these difficult times, they have built a trusting relationship and a strong friendship. If not for Tu Xian's intervention, he would have been killed a long time ago.

Tu Xian smiled: "You did a great job with Lu Xiong, catching Lu Buwei unaware and losing face in front of everyone. Back at the residence, this traitor threw a mad tantrum and summoned Mo Ao for a two hour meeting. Needless to say, they are plotting on killing you."

Xiang Shaolong inquired: "What happened to Lu Xiong and his son?"

Tu Xian revealed: "Lu Xiong may not be badly beaten like his son but was publicly slapped and scolded by Lu Buwei in front of everyone. Lu Buwei has sent him to help out with the Canal and harass the villagers opposing it. No one is happier than Guan Zhongxie. Lu Xiong has been on loggerheads with him and with his exit, Guan Zhongxie's importance is elevated within the Premier Residence. With a few more accomplishments, Lu Niang Rong will also be his."

Xiang Shaolong had a brainwave: "Guan Zhongxie is someone greedy for fame and power. Does Brother Tu think we can win him to our side?"

Tu Xian seriously state: "You must never do that. This man's shrewdness and ambitions are not inferior compared to Lu Buwei. Moreover, he is clear that he is an outsider and is only using Lu Buwei to pursue his own goals. In addition, he bore deep grudges against you over Lian Jin's death. You must not waste any effort in this area."

Xiang Shaolong nodded in agreement. Tu Xian is an experienced man and his judgement will not be wrong.

Tu Xian divulged: "Recently, I have been secretly monitoring Mo Ao's activities. I discovered that he had got somebody to produce some floats as well as some snorkelling masks. I am positive that these will be used against you."

Xiang Shaolong was alarmed as this is something he did not consider at all. Rivers and lakes are part of the hunting grounds. Except for the two bridges across the Jing River, they will require rafts or even wade through the water. If someone attacks them underwater, such as shooting a poisonous needle, the victim will be caught with his pants down. He took a deep breath and sighed: "I am lucky that my leg is injured and I cannot go anywhere."

Tu Xian smiled weakly: "That's the best plan so far. But you must still be careful. He will try to kill Brother Teng and Little Jun too. If they are killed, your strength will be drastically affected."

Pausing, he added: "I may not know what they are doing exactly but based on Mo Ao's intelligence, he will create a situation where they can attack you when you least expect it."

Xiang Shaolong's is perspiring with cold sweat. He did not anticipate Lu Buwei to target Teng Yi and Jing Jun too. With Tu Xian's reminder, he realised how careless he is.

Tu Xian described in a deep voice: "The most frightening thing about Mo Ao is that he is the silent killer in the background. He knows how to protect himself and cannot be bothered with fame and official posts. He is a man who goes for the big kill."

Xiang Shaolong questioned: "Doesn't he have any flaws?"

Tu Xian answered: "His only flaw is that he lusts after women! When he first saw Widow Qin Qing, he lost his bearings. Lu Buwei cannot do anything about her or she would have long entered his bedroom. I forgot to tell you. Lu Buwei is very jealous about Talented Lady Ji marrying you. On more than one occasion, he had mentioned that she is too good for you."

He added: "Comparing both of them, Guan Zhongxie has better self control. He has never touched any of Lu Buwei's courtesans or maids. He spends most of his time practising his horse riding, archery, swordplay and even reads military classics. He repeats this schedule every day and his willpower is amazing. Moreover, no one knows what he wants or what he is thinking about. He will be a more difficult opponent to kill compared to Mo Ao. If an opportunity presents itself, you must kill him too so that we can all sleep better at night." Xiang Shaolong was totally frightened by these words. Compared to himself, he is much more lecherous and lazy.

Emotionless people like Guan Zhongxie are the most frightening opponents.

Mo Ao has a weakness, which is Qin Qing.

This weakness will cost him his life.

Tu Xian sighed again: "Lu Buwei's influence is growing drastically. Every day, there are countless official coming to flatter him or present gifts. Additionally, he controlled Empress through Lao Ai. If this continues, Qin will soon belong to him. If not for his strict security, I will present him with a cup of poison wine just like how he poisoned others."

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "Lao Ai may not be as beneficial to him as it looks."

He told Tu Xian about supporting Lao Ai to oppose Lu Buwei.

Tu Xian was stunned and sighed after some time: "Shaolong may be better than Mo Ao in terms of scheming! Lao Ai is indeed a selfish and ungrateful man."

Xiang Shaolong was feeling guilty about this praise and asked about Lu Niang Rong.

Tu Xian responded: "She is the only person I do not detest within the Premier Residence. Lu Buwei's three sons are useless bums who indulges in wine and women. The other two daughters are ugly, incompetent and not worth his attention. Only Lu Niang Rong manages to win his affection. Whoever marries her will be considered to be Lu Buwei's successor. If you can make her fall in love with you, Lu Buwei will be in trouble."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "Even if she is my arch enemy's daughter, I should not toy with her feelings. Moreover, I am not as capable as Guan Zhongxie. Even I can feel that he is a very charming man."

Tu Xian disclosed: "Guan Zhongxie has his own way of getting anything or anyone he desires. Additionally, he is humble, polite and never put on any airs and is not as inaccessible as Mo Ao. He knows how to win your respect and he has bribed everyone around Lu Niang Rong. Needless to say, Lu Niang Rong is deeply infatuated with him. You honestly do not have the slightest chance of marrying her."

He thought hard and frowned: "But things are not as simple as it looks. Since you rejected the marriage, she was annoyed but her interest in you grew. She loves people with extraordinary sword skills. If you can beat Guan Zhongxie, she may be moved."

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "That is even more difficult than winning her affections openly. Do you know if they had made love already?"

Tu Xian affirmed: "Guan Zhongxie will never do such silly things that will anger Lu Buwei."

Glancing out of the window at the darkening skies, he added: "In the three days of the hunting fair, Shaolong must be fully alert and protect yourself. Do not give Lu Buwei any chance to assassinate you. You are his biggest obstacle and you must not be complacent when dealing with him."

Xiang Shaolong nodded his head in agreement and they parted.

As Xiang Shaolong strode down the road, the street lamps are being lighted up. Xianyang City's nightlife is not as lively as Handan City or Daliang City but there are still people walking on the roads. This is even more true on the main roads where the brothels are located. In fact, there are more people on those roads at night than in the daytime.

They have decided to meet at Xianyang City's biggest brothel Drunken Wind Brothel. Drunken Wind Brothel is a privately owned high class brothel and Xiang Shaolong do not know who the owner is but he is sure that he is a very popular man.

Xiang Shaolong used to frequent pubs and nightclubs in the past. In this ancient period, this is the first time he is visiting a private brothel and he could not help but feel refreshing.

Wearing a normal warrior suit and walking down a busy ancient street, he reminisce about his life and was intoxicated.

Four years has come and gone.

Xiao Pan the future Qin Shi Huang has transformed from a playful and innocent child into a determined and capable Crown Prince.

Nobody among the six states could be bothered with him but are more concerned about Lu Buwei or himself. Ten years later, they will realise how wrong they are.

While he was deep in his thoughts, he came to Drunken Wind Brothel's vicinity and noticed it was crowded with horse carriages and people.

The bouncer recognized him immediately and bowed deeply, welcoming him.

Before he could move another step, a familiar voice called him from behind: "Official Xiang, please hold your step!"

Xiang Shaolong recognized that it was Han Chuang's voice and turned around with astonishment. He saw Han Chuang dismounting from his carriage and striding towards him in large steps. When he reached him, he held his sleeve and pulled him towards the entrance, whispering: "Dong Horse Fanatic, you have deceived me thoroughly."

Xiang Shaolong could not be bothered to deny, thinking that the whole world should know about his impersonation by now. He bitterly laughed: "Who told you?"

Han Chuang was about to say something when a well-dressed middle-aged man accompanied by two attractive ladies with thick make-up welcomed: "Welcome to your first visit Official Xiang and welcome back Marquis Han. I, Wu Fu, am deeply honoured by your presence."

On his right, the beauty giggled: "I am Guiyan. When our girls heard that Official Xiang is coming, everyone is putting on their best make up, hoping to be chosen by you!"

Han Chuang chided: "So no one is bothered about me?"

The other beauty seemed to be familiar with Han Chuang. Batting her long eye lashes at him, she smiled: "Marquis Han is so jealous; shall I accompany you myself?"

She then faced Xiang Shaolong and informed: "I am Bailei, please make yourself at home."

Han Chuang is an experienced brothel man and will not take it easy on them. He clapped Xiang Shaolong's shoulder and exclaimed: "Bailei actually wants you to make yourself easy in her home!"

The two girls incidentally burst out in giggles.

Wu Fu was still laughing as he led them through the main hall and into an inner chamber. A pretty maid served tea and the two girls sat beside both of them.

Xiang Shaolong was feeling puzzled over why they are seated there when Wu Fu clapped once and smiled: "This is Official Xiang's first visit and we have prepared a little surprise for you. It is a just little gift and we hope you do not take it to heart."

Xiang Shaolong was highly amused. Corruption and bribery is the same in these ancient times. As the Imperial Cavalry Commander, he is as good as Xianyang City's chief protector. These brothel owners must naturally treat him well so as to enjoy certain benefits in the future.

Han Chuang smiled: "Boss Wu is knowledgeable man. Official Xiang will surely appreciate your friendship."

Half of Bailei's body is already leaning on Han Chuang's back and she teased: "Marquis Han is the knowledgeable man. Our boss pale in comparison!"

On the other side, Guiyan leaned into Xiang Shaolong's bosom and cooed: "Official Xiang must come here more often or the girls and myself will not let you off."

Xiang Shaolong finally realised the meaning of 'A brothel is a hero's home.'

For the past two years, he has been avoiding all females except his own wives and maids. On one hand, he is satisfied with them already. The real reason is he wants to avoid the responsibility linked to relationships.

The plus point of these women is the way 5ex is conducted. Everybody can fulfil their fantasies and simply leave without any repercussions. This is also a way to balance the human needs as long as it is not done excessively.

When Xiang Shaolong first arrived in Handan City, someone brought him to the Official Brothel and he was faced with Su Nu's tragic ending. This tragedy has left a scar in his mind, making him fearful of brothels and even more fearful of the tragic stories of the brothel girls.

But he can tell that private brothels and official brothels was very different. Private brothels girls are women who are willing to enter flesh trade and are very open about their occupations.

Remembering the days when he was down and out, he was lucky to be retained by Tao Fang. Otherwise, he may have to be a paid assassin or a gigo1o.

Guiyan intimately whispered into his ear: "Why is Official Xiang so listless? Let me get Meimei to accompany you! Every guy who sees her will be mesmerized."

Xiang Shaolong thought that this name sounded familiar. His mind raced furiously and he recalled that it is Lao Ai's old flame Dan Meimei who bewitched Wu Tingwei into betraying his family and eventually dying a tragic death. He was annoyed and barked: "This beautiful Guiyan accompanying me is good enough; who cares about the ugly Meimei?"

Bailei sniggered: "Official Xiang is a lecherous man too. You are even better than Marquis Han is making girls happy!"

Han Chuang laughed: "Official Xiang's real abilities will scare both of you to death if you ever come to know about it! He is not only good at humouring girls."

His remarks were followed by a flurry of laughing and teasing.

Wu Fu was curious: "So Marquis Han and Official Xiang know each other very well."

Xiang Shaolong and Han Chuang smiled knowingly at each other.

At this moment, four pretty maids entered the room in two groups. The first two were holding a spear that was three metres long and the other two were holding onto a triangular shield that was one and a half metres tall.

Xiang Shaolong was blown away.

He anticipated a gift of some precious jewels or gems but he was presented with weapons instead.

Wu Fu stood up and held the spear in his right hand and the shield in his left hand. He grunted and pretended to attack an invisible enemy and was incredibly entertaining and imposing.

Guiyan intimately whispered into Xiang Shaolong's ear: "This is our Drunken Wind Brothel sacred treasure that we use to ward off evil spirits. Three years ago, a guest presented this gift to us. When Boss Wu heard that Official Xiang is coming, he thought for a long time before he decided to give this to you."

Xiang Shaolong believed that this guest must have run out of money so he had to leave his weapons behind. In these times, top grade weapons can be used as currency but they are not easily available.

Han Chuang received the spear and shield from Wu Fu and tested its weight. He was agitated: "These two weapons can fetch at least a hundred taels of gold. I cannot believe that Boss Wu have such a precious pair of weapons."

Xiang Shaolong secretly praised Wu Fu. With his gift of weapons, it is hard for him to reject and it is also hard to trace as a bribe. He stood up joyfully and received the spear. The body of the spear was straight, shimmering and engraved with motifs. The spear head is extremely sharp and made of top quality steel. This is the first time he has seen such a well-made spear.

Wu Fu leaned over and pointed to the spear: "Official Xiang, please look here. This spear has a name."

Xiang Shaolong then noticed there were two ancient words engraved near the spear head. He naturally could not read them.

Fortunately, Han Chuang excitedly leaned over and read: "Flying Dragon! Ha! So interesting. With this spear, Official Xiang's career will fly high."

Wu Fu respectfully replied: "It is a small gesture and please do not mind its little value."

Guiyan moved closer to Xiang Shaolong and pleaded: "Official Xiang! Can I make a spear pouch for you?"

Xiang Shaolong received the shield and lifted it twice. The shield is amazingly thin but extremely hard at the same time. Even if it is held for long hours, the holder will not feel tired at all. He was elated and thanked Wu Fu profusely.

Guiyan whined: "Official Xiang has not answered my question!"

Wu Fu smiled: "Official Xiang did not reject you so it is a yes. You have three days to produce the spear pouch and we will send the pouch and the spear together to Official Xiang's residence."

Guiyan pinched Xiang Shaolong gleefully.

Wu Fu apologised: "We have wasted some of your precious time. The two Lords and Official Guan are seated in the VIP seats in the rear garden awaiting Official Xiang. Will Marquis Han join Official Xiang's table?"

Han Chuang rejected: "I am here to drink with Prince Dan. Can Boss Wu give us some privacy? I have some confidential things to discuss with Official Xiang."

He whispered intimately to Bailei: "You are next." And slapped her bum heavily.

Bailei let out an exaggerated yelp.

Guiyan slipped out of Xiang Shaolong's bosom and cooed: "You must ask for me later!" Batting her eye lashes at him, she left the room with Wu Fu and Bailei and even closed the door for them.

Xiang Shaolong sat down again and could not help but feel some temptation. Even if Guiyan is not fully sincere, she knows how to make men feel good about themselves. Any other man will also be tempted.

Han Chuang softly smiled: "Wu Fu is really good and even brought his two best girls to accompany us. Even when we know that he is out to please you, we still fall into his trap willingly."

Xiang Shaolong felt the same and believed that with such men around, it is hard to be an uncorrupted official. He nodded: "Brother Han still did not tell me how you found out that I am Dong Horse Fanatic!"

Han Chuang revealed: "Someone saw you going to see Tian Dan and my suspicions are raised. I heard that you came out with an ugly expression on your face and Tian Dan rushed to see Lu Buwei immediately. Did something happen?"

Xiang Shaolong do not trust Han Chuang as much as he trusts Lord Longyang. He plainly state: "We have some slight disagreements! It is nothing serious."

Han Chuang sincerely commented: "If Brother Xiang wants to deal with Tian Dan or Li Yuan, you must not leave me out."

Xiang Shaolong responded: "If there is a need, I will definitely ask for your assistance."

Han Chuang's expression suddenly turned vicious and asked: "Has Brother Xiang heard of this man named Lao Ai?"

Xiang Shaolong recalled that Lao Ai seduced his concubine and was forced to escape to Xianyang City. He nodded to show that he has heard of him.

Han Chuang gritted his teeth: "This is an ungrateful man who is worse than a beast. I treated him well and yet he eloped with my concubine. He even strangled her to death when she became a burden to him. Such a heartless fellow; I cannot wait to tear him to pieces. Unfortunately, he is hiding in the Premier Residence and I cannot do anything about it."

Xiang Shaolong guessed that he does not know that Lao Ai is now Zhu Ji's beloved. His constant patronage to this Drunken Wind Brothel must be due to Lao Ai and not because he likes to drink or womanize. He sighed: "Marquis must give up all hope. Lao Ai has entered the palace and is adored by Empress Ji. If you try to kill him, you will not return to Han alive."

Han Chuang trembled strongly and his eyes reddened, glowing with pain and agony. After some time, he dejectedly sighed: "I understand. In this case, I will return to Han tomorrow. If Brother Xiang needs my assistance in any way, I will do my best as long as it is within my power."

He softly added: "I still remembered and am grateful for your assistance in Handan City."

Xiang Shaolong can never imagine that Han Chuang can be such a thankful person. He could not hold back and promised: "Brother Han can rest easy. I guarantee with my head that Lao Ai will die a horrible death within seven years. I will avenge Brother Han's injustice."

Han Chuang stared at him with disbelief for a while and finally nodded: "If these words come from anyone else, I will take it as a bad joke. But if they came from the mouth of Dong Horse Fanatic, I have absolutely no doubts about it."

Both men stood up and Han Chuang finished: "Sister Jing may be with Pang Nuan now but the man she truly loves is the dead Dong Horse Fanatic. I have decided not to tell her the truth."

Xiang Shaolong was stunned and an image of the pretty Zhao Empress appeared in his mind.

Book 13 Chapter 13 – An Evil Beauty

With two pretty maids leading the way, Xiang Shaolong walked through a long corridor and stepped into a garden. The garden is filled with sounds of laughter and idle chatter.

Under the illumination of the lamps, Xiang Shaolong noticed that there are many different kinds of flowers planted in the garden. They are neatly arranged to give a sense of peace and tranquillity, soothing the minds of those who see them.

In the centre of the garden, there is a fake mountain and a fish pond. With the fresh green grass and insects chirping, it is hard to imagine that this is the garden of a brothel. Xiang Shaolong was so comfortable that he thought that he had returned home.

The two maids leading the road are whispering and giggling to each other. They turned back occasionally to look and smile at him, trying to entice him.

Xiang Shaolong knew that women are naturally attracted to him. Moreover, he is the mighty Imperial Cavalry Commander. These girls will feel honoured if they are linked to him.

Ever since his promotion to this highly-sought-after post, he has been busy with work and family and did not have much time to know the common folks. Instead, all these work has been delegated to his men. Today, he finally get to know these commoners and felt the glory and intangible benefits of being the Imperial Cavalry Commander.

No wonder so many people are interested to be officials.

His men like Pu Bu and Liu Chao have benefitted from his glory too.

Going around the fake mountain, a two-storey building came into view. The entrance was guarded by dozens of Palace Guards and Infantry Soldiers who are the escorts of the Lords and Guan Zhongxie. Xiang Shaolong is familiar with them as he saw them quite often.

They may be standing guard outside the door but were not lonely at all as a group of maids are flirting with them, creating a lively atmosphere. When they saw Xiang Shaolong coming alone, they stood at attention and paid their respects but could not hide the look of surprise on their faces.

When the maids announced his arrival, he smilingly strode into the main hall that was lighted with oil lamps.

Inside the wide hall, there were four seats situated on each side. The tables are full of dishes and wine.

Guan Zhongxie, Lord Changping and Lord Changwen are seated around the tables. When they saw him, they joyfully stood up and greeted him. The atmosphere is very friendly.

The ladies serving them drinks kneeled down and kowtowed humbly.

Guan Zhongxie laughed: "Official Xiang is late. Despite having a valid reason, we must still punish you with three cups of wine. When we compete in drinking later, you will not have an unfair advantage."

Xiang Shaolong found him to be more and more articulate and his words are full of reason. He smiled: "Official Guan's words are as powerful as your sword skills. I will do as you wish."

After he got seated, a beauty came from Guan Zhongxie's side and filled his wine cup.

Xiang Shaolong caught sight of the crystal clear wine being poured into his cup and was reminded about Brandy. Feeling exhilarated, he put his hand on the shoulder of the pretty girl who was kneeling down beside him and pouring wine into his cup. He gently asked: "How do I address you?"

Opposite him, Lord Changping burst out laughing: "This is news indeed. So Shaolong is an expert with women."

Lord Changwen interrupted: "He has to be, otherwise how can he win Ji Yanran's affections? Big Brother should call him a brothel expert instead."

The beautiful courtesan batted her eyes at Xiang Shaolong and shyly answered: "My name is Yang Yu. Official Xiang must remember this."

Xiang Shaolong felt completely relaxed.

The past few days have been too stressful and he was almost broke down.

He needs to let his hair down and enjoy the nightlife of Xianyang City. He must forget about Shan Rou and numb himself in the brothel and forget about the world.

He finished his drink in one gulp.

Everyone was cheering for him.

Seated beside him, Guan Zhongxie turned his head and cut in: "Wait. Before the second cup, you must order your dish first."

Xiang Shaolong stared at the dishes on the table with surprise and curiously asked: "Aren't the dishes here already?"

Everyone was bowled over with laughter.

Lord Changwen was holding his stomach and suppressing his laughter. He stammered: "You have to order your women first. I suggest you limit yourself to two of them or you will not be able to wake up for the hunting fair tomorrow."

Guan Zhongxie added: "The Boss has reserved the best girls for your selection. The finest dishes are all available."

His words evoked another round of laughter.

Lord Changping advised: "If you wish, you can have our girls too. Since this is your first visit, we shall go lightly on you!"

The two girls beside him began to quarrel and the scene became slightly chaotic.

His two hands holding the second cup of wine Yang Yu poured for him, he weakly smiled: "I did not force any of you to give way to me! I will not make things difficult for anyone. I will only need Miss Guiyan to drink with me. At the stroke of midnight, I have to return home."

Yang Yu, the other courtesans and the accompanying maids started to protest loudly.

Guan Zhongxie sighed: "Unless Official Xiang is going to fight his way out, the brothel girls will not let you sleep in your own bed tonight."

As Yang Yu filled the third cup of wine for Xiang Shaolong, she softly invited: "Shall I accompany Official Xiang to sleep tonight?"

Xiang Shaolong finished his drink in one gulp and bitterly smiled: "It is not that I am unwilling but I have my difficulties. My injured leg has yet to recover and I am really sorry. Will everyone please forgive me?"

Guan Zhongxie apologised: "It is us who have mistaken him. We should all drink as a punishment."

Xiang Shaolong secretly cursed Guan Zhongxie for using this excuse to verify his leg injury without exposing his true intention. They began to toast each other and Xiang Shaolong drank as well.

Yang Yu gently reminded: "Official must come back and look for me." She lowered her head and returned to Guan Zhongxie's side in a charming manner.

Lord Changwen remarked: "There is a dish that Shaolong must definitely order or we will all be disappointed. That will be Xianyang City's top courtesan Dan Meimei."

Xiang Shaolong is certain that Guan Zhongxie will be observing his reaction to this name so he can deduce whether he knows about Wu Tingwei and Dan Meimei's relationship. He pretended to be surprised and laughed: "I must be working too hard. How come I have never heard of her name?"

Every lady present is jealous of Dan Meimei and cheered when they heard this, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Guan Zhongxie was speechless: "Luckily, Dan Meimei did not hear this or she will reject your invitation and she will cover her ears whenever she hears your name in the future. Men! Invite Miss Guiyan and Miss Dan Meimei for Official Xiang. I am the host tonight and we must give our guests the very best."

His words are slightly overbearing but it still sounds comfortable and acceptable.

The maids received his order and left.

Guan Zhongxie clapped loudly three times and the hall quietened down instantly.

The female musicians seated near the door may be slightly older but still retain some charm and elegance. It is not surprising Drunken Wind Brothel has been named Xianyang City's top brothel. If not for their official ranks, they are not fit to be seated where they are.

The female musicians begin to play a melody.

The two doors of the main hall were thrown open and a large group of courtesans ran in like a bunch of butterflies flying in. The spring in their steps signifies youth and liveliness, and they were a pleasing sight.

Xiang Shaolong scrutinized them carefully and could tell that they are around the age of eighteen and nineteen. Every one of them has an excellent complexion and nice skin.

In these warring times, men are more highly regarded than women. As a result, many poor families resort to selling their daughters. When Xiang Shaolong first ran into Tao Fang, he was acquiring beauties from all over the world. The courtesans in front of him are possibly acquired in the same manner.

Thinking about this, he could not help but recalled the pitiful Ting Fangshi. Agonized, he wished he could leave immediately.

He was still feeling sad as the music gradually stopped and the courtesans bade farewell and left.

Their beautiful companions began to fill up their wine cups.

An attendant announced: "Miss Guiyan has arrived!"

Xiang Shaolong composed himself and gazed at Guiyan sashaying in. He thought about her name and the possible meaning behind it. He guessed that Guiyan is not a Qin native but gave herself this name to remind her of her hometown.

(Translator note: Gui = Belong. Guiyan = Belonging to Yan.)

Guiyan paid her respects to everyone and joyfully sat down besides Xiang Shaolong. All the other girls present have an envious look on their faces.

Xiang Shaolong did not have a chance to say anything yet when Guiyan leaned on him and poured another cup of wine. Smiling brightly, she toasted: "I am grateful for your appreciation. Let me drink a toast to you!"

Guan Zhongxie and the two Lords burst out laughing.

Lord Changwen explained: "This is called intoxication with both women and wine. Shaolong may eventually risk his injury and stay overnight at Drunken Wind Brothel!"

Guiyan was shocked: "Official Xiang is injured?"

Xiang Shaolong sniffed at her fragrance and was slightly uneasy. Guiyan is a very charming lady, especially when she is trying her best to seduce you. In the past, Zhao Mu used Zhao Ya and a strong aphrodisiac to try to harm him. The best trick in the book is the Beauty Trap.

Thinking about this, he recalled Guan Zhongxie's sharp eyes staring at him when Dan Meimei's name is mentioned. It was a really close shave.

He was really complacent. If the wine he drank earlier was poisoned, he will be dead in no time.

Mo Ao is a poisons expert. He may even create a poison that will only react a few days later. If that happens, no one will suspect Guan Zhongxie is his murderer.

Guiyan noticed his expression changing and thought that his leg was in pain. She swallowed some wine herself from a cup and pass the same cup of wine to him, advising: "Wine can lessen your pain. Please have a drink."

Xiang Shaolong was relieved that she had drunk from the same cup and finished the cup of wine.

His mind began to think furiously.

To bribe a courtesan to harm him, the Imperial Cavalry Commander, is not an easy task. The entire brothel may be forced to close down and it will have huge repercussions. Moreover, Guan Zhongxie will not take such a risk. If he wants someone to kill Xiang Shaolong on his behalf, the only possibility is Dan Meimei. She has been bewitched by Lao Ai and will obey his orders without question.

Lord Changwen smiled: "Guiyan is so sweet; Shaolong should reward her with a kiss."

Guiyan pretended to whine and collapsed into Xiang Shaolong's bosom. Her left hand hugging his solid waist and her right hand hugging his thick neck, she raised her pretty face and closed her eyes, breathing heavily with anticipation.

With her large breasts pressing against his body and witnessing her h0rny face, Xiang Shaolong was aroused and kissed her once on the lips.

Everyone clapped and cheered loudly.

Guiyan released him reluctantly and whined: "Official is so stingy." She lowered her head and added: "Official is even more muscular than lions and tigers!"

The attendant announced: "Miss Dan Meimei has arrived!"

The entire hall quietened down and every single pair of eyes turned towards the main door.

Accompanied by the sounds of her accessories tinkling, a tall woman sauntered towards them.

Xiang Shaolong took a look at her and was taken aback.

Dan Meimei is around the age of twenty with chiselled good looks, the sweetest smile and the most loving lips. She has an innocent aura that makes all men feel like protecting her from harm. Now that she is here, she has become the glowing moon while every other girl is just a shimmering star.

The music started to play.

Dam Meimei twisted and turned her body around and began dancing.

Under the lamp's illumination, the golden birds embroidered on her clothes seemed to have a life on their own and are flying around the room, making her resemble an angel from heaven.

Dan Meimei, the most popular courtesan of Xianyang City, began to strike certain seductive postures. Out of a sudden, she started singing.

Her voice is pure and refreshing, adding to her sensuality.

Xiang Shaolong could catch some parts of the lyrics. The song is about a young lady bathing in the river and thinking about her beloved. She received a flute from her lover which is engraved with a pair of loving mandarin ducks, making her even more madly in love with him.

Coupled with her dance gestures and her enchanting expression, Dan Meimei was absolutely mesmerizing and even Xiang Shaolong is captivated by her.

Her beauty and grace is just one notch lower than Ji Yanran and Qin Qing. Xiang Shaolong did not expect such a beauty to be found in a brothel.

With her beauty and performing ability, a rich man could have easily brought her home and add her to his harem. Why does she still need to work for a living?

She continued singing: "Anyone can share my blanket while I think of my beloved. My fate has been decided."

Her beautiful singing slowly ended and everyone regained their self-control and cheered wildly for her.

Dan Meimei paid her respects to everyone and tip toed to Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong reminded himself that this beauty before him is a vicious and evil woman in disguise. He stood up clapping and smiled: "Welcome, Miss Dan."

Dan Meimei giggled and her eyes gazed towards his face. The moment she got a closer look, her eyes lighted up with a mixture of fear, appreciation, doubt and hesitation.

Xiang Shaolong is even more suspicious of Dan Meimei and is certain that she will be poisoning him as ordered by Guan Zhongxie and Mo Ao. Otherwise, she will not have such a strange look in her eyes.

Her eyes cannot hide the truth. With Xiang Shaolong looking for tell-tale signs, she had inadvertently revealed the truth.

When Dan Meimei laid her eyes on Xiang Shaolong, she was shocked as he reminded her of Lao Ai. But to her, Xiang Shaolong is even better than Lao Ai as he has a heroic air around him.

Dan Meimei intentionally avoided his gaze and lowered her head. She came to Xiang Shaolong's side and kneeled down.

Xiang Shaolong peeped quickly at Guan Zhongxie and saw him staring at Dan Meimei with a nervous look in his eyes. He must have suspected that Dan Meimei is attracted to Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong bended down and reached out, holding onto her firm shoulders and helped her up.

Dan Meimei raised her head and politely greeted: "Dan Meimei pays her respects to Official Xiang!" She lowered her head again gently but in a pitiful manner.

But Xiang Shaolong knew that she has a guilty conscience and could not stand his righteous staring.

Lord Changping smiled: "Dan Meimei must have been moved by Official Xiang to be so shy and quiet."

Lord Changwen added: "Has Official Xiang's leg undergone a miracle healing?"

Everyone laughed at his sentence.

As Xiang Shaolong supported her to sit down, Guan Zhongxie suggested: "A beauty should match a hero. Meimei should offer Official Xiang a welcome toast."

Xiang Shaolong continued to observe Dan Meimei every little move. Her body trembled slightly when she heard Guan Zhongxie's suggestion and was agitated. He was amused that Guan Zhongxie was afraid of her backing out and was forcing her to poison Xiang Shaolong at once.

Mo Ao is truly brilliant. If Xiang Shaolong did not know that Dan Meimei is Lao Ai's mistress, he would die a wrongful death.

Dan Meimei hesitated for a while and finally her pair of jade hands appeared from her long sleeves and went ahead to pour some wine for Xiang Shaolong.

Observing a delicate hairpin inserted into a bun of her shiny black hair and smelling her womanly scent, Xiang Shaolong is beginning to detest Guan Zhongxie for forcing this beauty to commit such an atrocious act.

Dan Meimei's jade hands trembled slightly.

On his other side, Guiyan whispered intimately into Xiang Shaolong's ear: "Official has forgotten all about me!"

Xiang Shaolong chain of thoughts was disrupted by her. When she finished speaking, his hand snaked over, embracing her slender waist while he kissed her on her neck.

At this point, Dan Meimei raised a cup of wine and cooed: "Meimei will first drink half a cup to represent my respect for you. Official Xiang shall finish the rest."

She raised the cup with one hand and put the other hand into her sleeve. With a magnificent posture, she lifted the cup and drank from it without making any noise.

Xiang Shaolong focused hard and saw the other hand fiddling in the sleeve. He is certain that she is taking this chance to add poison to the wine.

She lowered her sleeve and now held the cup with both hands, sending the cup to Xiang Shaolong's lips but she looked down away from him.

Lord Changping clapped and cheered loudly.

Xiang Shaolong peered down at the cup half-filled with wine and had a sudden brainwave.

Should he expose the truth about the poisoned wine? This will be the best chance to destroy Guan Zhongxie.

Book 14 Chapter 01 – Xianyang Happenings

Xiang Shaolong took a closer look at the cup of wine Dan Meimei presented to him but could not see anything unusual.

He did not believe that the poison will dissolve into the wine immediately. However, all he can rely on is the illumination of the oil lamp, which makes it more difficult for him to scrutinise the wine.

He gave up the idea of exposing Guan Zhongxie. He wasn't intimidated by him as he is confident that he can make Dan Meimei confess that Guan Zhongxie to be the mastermind behind the poisoning.

The problem is by doing so; it is equivalent to openly opposing Lu Buwei. Their underground battle will come to light.

Remembering that Lu Buwei has another several years of ultimate power, he decided to play safe for the time being.

Moreover, this issue may become even more complicated and even affect Lao Ai indirectly.

At the same time, he wonders if he can pretend to drink the poisonous wine. This will make Guan Zhongxie and Mo Ao leave him alone for time being. When the matter has passed, it will cause confusion among them. They may be misled into thinking that Xiang Shaolong is immune to poison or that Dan Meimei did not poison him in the first place. Their infighting will only benefit him.

These thoughts flashed through his mind very quickly and he reached a decision in a split second.

Xiang Shaolong held the poisonous wine with one hand and embraced Dan Meimei's waist with the other and laughed: "Miss Meimei needs to drink another mouthful of wine to make it exactly half a cup."

With his back to Guiyan and Guan Zhongxie, he forced Dan Meimei to take another sip of wine.

All the colour in Dan Meimei's face disappeared and she strongly fought back and protested: "Official Xiang is so barbaric!"

Xiang Shaolong took the chance to release his hold on her. As Dan Meimei has been resisting fiercely all the while, she lost her balance and fell on the floor.

While everybody is focusing on Dan Meimei, Xiang Shaolong swiftly flicked his wrist and scattered the wine under the table. At the same instant, he pretended to help Dan Meimei up and concealed his extra movement. His cover-up was perfect.

Dan Meimei sat upright in shock and was speechless.

Xiang Shaolong laughed loudly: "It is my fault for causing Miss to fall down. I deserved to be punished!" He raised his cup and pretended to drink the poisonous wine.

Opposite him, Lord Changping sighed: "Official Xiang is really amazing. This is the first time I saw Dan Meimei lying down on the floor in front of everyone." Everyone burst out in laughter at his comments.

Xiang Shaolong put down his wine cup and noticed Dan Meimei's head still lowered with guilt. She did this to prevent others from witnessing the fear and unease in her eyes.

On his left, Guiyan poured more wine for him.

Guan Zhongxie smiled: "If Official Xiang can bear with some pain, I am sure Dan Meimei will lie down again tonight!"

The two Lords broke out in more laughter while the other girls are expressing a mixture of smiles and jealousy.

Xiang Shaolong embraced Dan Meimei's slender waist and placed another cup of wine beside her lip, gently saying: "Please forgive me by drinking this cup of wine!"

Dan Meimei parted her sexy lips and stared at him with mixed emotions in her eyes. She then drank the entire cup of wine silently.

Everyone cheered loudly.

On his other side, Guiyan was annoyed: "Official Xiang is so biased!"

Xiang Shaolong could see that Guan Zhongxie was not suspicious of him and was secretly happy. He boasted: "I am the most unbiased man. Come! Let me serve Miss Guiyan in drinking wine too."

Lord Changwen egged: "You should feed her wine from your mouth to make it more interesting."

Guiyan chortled and actually lay down on Xiang Shaolong's lap with an inviting and seductive look on her face. Luckily, her position did not affect his injured leg.

Although a beautiful woman is lying on his lap, Xiang Shaolong is not the least aroused. Firstly, he was busy peeping at Dan Meimei and Guan Zhongxie's reaction. Secondly, he knew that Guiyan is sent here to please him, the mighty Imperial Cavalry Commander, and is full of insincerity.

Guiyan may not be as pretty as Dan Meimei but is considered the second prettiest among all the girls present. Only Guan Zhongxie's Yang Yu can be considered on par with her. He could not resist taking advantage of her and poured a cup of wine into his mouth without swallowing it. He then lowered his head, matched her lips and let the wine slowly trickle out of his mouth.

Guiyan moaned slightly and drank the wine skilfully. It is really not easy to drink wine lying down and it must be quite challenging for her.

With everyone cheering him on, Xiang Shaolong was about to withdraw when out of a sudden, Guiyan grabbed him tightly and forced some wine back into his mouth.

Xiang Shaolong was very aroused and forgot about his inhibitions. He sent his tongue into her mouth and they frenched for a while before separating.

Everyone cheered wildly.

Guiyan leaned on him weakly and seductively whined: "Can Official Xiang stay here tonight? I guarantee that your injury will not be affected."

As she was whining into his ear, only Dan Meimei on his other side can hear the words she mentioned. Dan Meimei trembled slightly and lowered her head again, as if she is lamenting over Xiang Shaolong's impending death and that she is his murderer.

Xiang Shaolong kissed Guiyan's forehead and smiled: "If you do not make love wholeheartedly, it is not worth it." His hand snaked over and hugged Dan Meimei again and feigned surprise: "Is something bothering Miss Meimei?"

Dan Meimei was stunned and sadly replied: "Official Xiang only has eyes for Sister Guiyan so I am naturally upset."

Guan Zhongxie hurriedly spoke up for her: "Official Xiang is truly impressive and can even make Dan Meimei jealous. We brothers are all in awe of your talents."

Xiang Shaolong secretly cursed him for calling himself his brother. Lord Changwen smiled: "Looks like Official Xiang has to feed her a cup of wine too."

Xiang Shaolong thought that he might as well go all the way and tempt this female murderess. He prepared and held another cup of wine in his mouth and leaned over to match Dan Meimei's lips. After he finished feeding her the wine in his mouth, he refused to let her go and frenched her deeply. Using all his kissing technique and tricks he learnt in the 21st century, he did his best to tempt and arouse her.

Dam Meimei's cold demeanour melted and starting burning with passion.

Xiang Shaolong knew that with his kissing skills and his impending death, Dan Meimei will feel even more remorseful and may even really fall in love with him.

After some time, tears can be seen in the corner of her eyes, affirming that she was forced to poison him.

Xiang Shaolong did not want to leave yet as he is concerned that the spilt wine under the table has not evaporated yet.

Guiyan came over to fondle him too. Inspired, Xiang Shaolong spilled another cup of wine under the table to hide the earlier spill.

After a series of caressing, Dan Meimei surprising excused herself and took her leave.

Without this popular babe, the Lords were less enthusiastic compared to before. Xiang Shaolong took the chance to take his leave too.

Whether she is sincere or putting up an act, Guiyan actually sent him all the way to the front courtyard. She made him promised to come back for her before she allowed him to board Lord Changwen's carriage.

Suddenly, Xiang Shaolong finds himself more and more interested in this ancient 'Black Leopard Bar.'

Back at the Command Centre, he met Teng Yi who is on night shift and told him everything that happened. Teng Yi was relieved: "What a close call!"

He added: "We are too rigid and kept thinking that he will only attack us during the hunting fair. To think that he will use the Beauty Trap tonight. If we know more about the poison, we can trick them instead."

Xiang Shaolong affirmed: "The poison will take effect after the fair." Teng Yi was stunned: "What makes you so sure?"

Xiang Shaolong explained; "Tu Xian informed me that Mo Ao has constructed a kind of tool that can kill underwater. It is meant for you and Jing Jun. When I die of poisoning later, there will be no one in Wu Family to counter them in the future."

Teng Yi was incensed: "If Mo Ao survives the hunting fair, I will change my surname to his."

Xiang Shaolong's expression darkened: "We have always been thinking about ourselves. If they planned to assassinate Lu Gong and Xu Xian too, it will be disastrous."

Teng Yi breathed out in shock: "Will Lu Buwei be so daring?"

Xiang Shaolong remarked: "Normally, he always play safe. But with the chaos caused by Lord Gaoling's rebellion, he can easily push the blame to him. With his devious scheming, this is an opportunity he will not bypass."

Thinking about this, he became impatient and stood up, declaring: "I need to see Lu Gong now and warn him."

Teng Yi suggested: "I think you should see Xu Xian instead. In terms of intelligence, Lu Gong is way behind him. If he believes us, they will take the appropriate countermeasures."

Xiang Shaolong found it reasonable and left the Command Centre under the escorts of the Eighteen Guardians and a few hundred Cavalry soldiers. Pretending to patrol the City, he rode towards Xu Xian's Left Premier Residence.

As the Imperial Cavalry Commander, he is responsible for all security matters in the City except for the palace.

As the dinner appointment ended early, it is only twelve plus now. Except for the brothel areas, the remaining streets are deserted except for the occasional horse carriage.

At the Left Premier Residence, Xu Xian met him in the inner hall. This famous Great General of Qin smiled: "I knew Shaolong would look for me before the hunting fair."

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback: "Why is Premier Xu so certain?"

Xu Xian sighed: "Since Mu Gong ruled Qin, we become a serious contender for power. Unfortunately, the roads to the east were heavily fortified by Jing so we focused on attacking the western lands. Finally, we conquered the other twelve states and gain plenty of territory. By the time Mu Gong passed away, we have amassed almost every piece of land on both sides of the Wei River. Since then, we did not conquer any new territories for over two hundred years. We can blame the enemy but it is actually our inability to overcome them. If you are powerful, who dare not succumb to you? It is as simple as that."

Xiang Shaolong had no idea about history during those times and kept nodding his head.

Xu Xian became more enthusiastic and lectured: "When the eastern lands are divided, we should take the chance to attack them. It is a pity that the Qin court is in trouble and power was in the hands of evil ministers. Within forty years, we have a King who committed suicide, a Crown Prince denied of his succession, another King who was killed in the wilderness along with the Empress Dowager. Taking advantage of our internal strife, Wei invaded us and we lost all territories west of the river."

Xiang Shaolong is beginning to understand Xu Xian's mindset. Lu Buwei is walking along the same old path. Whether Lu Buwei can control the Qin court or even remove Xiao Pan, ultimately, Qin cannot unite the world. This is Xu Xian's main concern.

Xu Xian stood up and mentioned in a deep voice: "Shaolong! Let's take a walk in the rear garden!"

Xiang Shaolong's goose pimples stood up and knew that he has something confidential to say to him.

Under the bright moonlight, the two men strolled slowly in the rear garden.

Xu Xian sighed: "We are just as barbaric as Rongdi and can be extremely stubborn. Xianyang City may be a beautiful city but it is just a nice cover for our rough ways. If the city is gone, you will see our uncivilised lifestyle and customs. Fortunately, Xiao Gong implemented Shang Yang's reforms and imposed harsh laws to make us learn how to respect rules. He built up our army and emphasized on military contributions that make us invincible wherever our armies go. Now, Lu Buwei entered the picture and kept promoting his own men. He even invited the inferior representatives from the six states to Qin, flattered them and secretly conspired with them. These actions are unfavourable to our state. I have read his Spring and Autumn Annals of Lu. Hng! If Shang Yang comes back to life, he will burn them at once."

Xiang Shaolong finally learnt about another set of thinking other than Lu Gong's Qin racism. It is a clash of culture. Lu Buwei has been too arrogant and did not consider the feelings of the Qin people.

The Qin people he met are honest, straightforward and do not employ schemes. Xu Xian, Lu Gong, Wang He, Lord Changping, Lord Changwen and An Gu are all alike.

Lu Buwei, Mo Ao, Guan Zhongxie and Lao Ai are all scheming people.

Qin's invincibility comes from their strong family relations coupled with Shang Yang's reforms.

Lu Buwei uses military men like Guan Zhongxie and Lu Xiong who are all his own subordinates. Moreover, Lu Xiong's denial of his wrongdoing is something Qin people detests the most.

Xiao Pan's strict punishment of Lu Xiong thus earned him the respect of the Qin people.

Xu Xian stopped walking and gazed at Xiang Shaolong before mentioning: "I am not against Lu Buwei because he is an outsider. Shang Yang is from Wei but he is someone I respect the most."

Xiang Shaolong nodded: "I understand Premier Xu's thinking."

Xu Xian shook his head and sighed: "Lu Buwei is too simple-minded. He thought that by poisoning the King, Qin will belong to him. Thankfully, Heaven has not abandoned us yet and gave us a capable ruler Crown Prince Zheng. Even at the sacrifice of my own life, I will ensure Crown Prince Zheng will be coroneted as the King of Qin."

Xiang Shaolong was shocked: "From Premier Xu's words, our situation seems to be life-threatening."

Xu Xian led him to sit down on some stones beside a small bridge and whispered: "Initially, I am not worried. But because of the uprising in the eastern provinces, Lu Buwei has sent Meng Ao, Wang He and all our nearby forces to crush the rebels. Now, there is only the Palace Guards, Imperial Cavalry and Imperial Infantry protecting the capital. This is the most dangerous situation I have ever seen."

Xiang Shaolong frowned: "From what I know, the uprising is a scheme by Lord Gaoling and Zhao General Pang Nuan. Didn't Lu Buwei mention this?"

Xu Xian's face become clouded and commented: "That's true but we all know Lord Gaoling's ability. Ten Lord Gaolings are still inferior to half a Lu Buwei. Lu Buwei is not someone who will be taken by surprise at the rebellion and send troops hastily to defend the provinces."

Xiang Shaolong can feel his body turning cold and softly asked: "Premier Xu is saying that..."

Xu Xian concluded: "This has something to do with Lu Buwei. As long as Lu Buwei can time this scheme with Lord Gaoling's rebellion, he can control him like a puppet."

Xu Xian's face became more solemn and he added: "If Lu Buwei can kill you and your assistant Commanders, both Imperial Armies will land in his hands. What do you think will happen to Xianyang City? That is why I can guess that you will visit me before the hunting fair. If you are really not Lu Buwei's lackey, you should sense something amiss with your level of intelligence. Does Shaolong understand?"

Xiang Shaolong has a second close shave. It is not easy to gain Xu Xian's trust. It is only until now that he fully believed that Xiang Shaolong is opposing Lu Buwei. He must be guarding against Lu Buwei's spying.

After an awkward silence, he replied: "Thanks for Premier Xu's trust."

He still has some doubts and asked: "Even if both armies belong to Lu Buwei, they will not necessary obey him if he wants to overthrow the Crown Prince."

Xu Xian sighed: "Shaolong is still inexperienced. Unless Lu Buwei has full control of the military, he will not dare to harm the Crown Prince. But if he can kill Lu Gong and me and push the entire blame to Lord Gaoling, he will control the Qin court. Meng Ao is his lackey and Wang He the foolish assho1e dare not oppose him. With the Empress supporting him, there is nothing he dare not do."

His eyes flashed energetically and state: "He who acts first is in control; he who acts later is controlled."

As long as Lu Buwei is alive, everyone will suffer. The history of Qin will repeat as long as power is held in the hands of unscrupulous ministers.

Xiang Shaolong nearly groaned.

From Xu Xian's point of view, everything is well-analyzed and the strategies are appropriate.

However, Xiang Shaolong knew that before Xiao Pan's coronation, nobody could kill Lu Buwei.

If he cannot kill him, he will be killed. What kind of choice is this?

He hated himself for not being able to use this reason to persuade Xu Xian. How can he explain to Xu Xian that history books have recorded that Lu Buwei will live for several more years?

While he is agonizing, Xu Xian continued: "As long as Crown Prince nods his head, Lu Buwei will not survive these three days."

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "Has Premier Xu thought about the consequences?"

Xu Xian coldly snorted: "There are three obstacles. They are Empress Ji, Meng Ao and Du Bi. Du Bi is the biggest headache. With Lu Buwei gone, he will support Chongqiao to be the Crown Prince. If not for this consideration, Lu Gong and I would have acted when the late King passed away. Of course! Wang He has been dissuading us from doing this. Therefore, I hope you will persuade Crown Prince. You are, after all, the person he trusts the most."

Xiang Shaolong suggested: "I have another plan in mind. First, we must conduct the blood test and prove that Crown Prince and Lu Buwei are not related at all. Secondly, we must kill Lu Buwei's top advisor. With this man gone, Lu Buwei is like a tiger without teeth and claws and his prowess will be limited. Thirdly, we will..."

Xu Xian waved his hand and interrupted him: "Are you referring to Mo Ao?"

Xiang Shaolong was astounded: "Premier Xu has heard of this man?"

Xu Xian simply dismissed: "If I have never heard of him, how would I dare to oppose Lu Buwei? It will be great if we can kill Guan Zhongxie too. Unfortunately, we are all guarding against each other secretly. If we openly fight, it will be hard to tell who the winner is."

Xiang Shaolong knew that based on this point, he can still dissuade this clever man. He whispered: "Thirdly, we will support Lao Ai and use him to counter Lu Buwei. As long as we can drag everything until the coronation date, Lu Buwei will be the eventual loser."

Xu Xian was blown away: "Isn't Lao Ai a lackey of Lu Buwei?"

Xiang Shaolong revealed his whole scheme to him and added: "I even recommended Crown Prince to name Lu Buwei the Premier Mentor to curb his ambitions."

Xu Xian inhaled a deep breath and stared at Xiang Shaolong as if this is the first time they met. Assessing him for a while, his eyes glowed and he remarked: "In terms of scheming, Mo Ao is inferior to you. No wonder you can still live healthily until today."

Xiang Shaolong secretly felt guilty and smiled: "Luckily, I did not finish one special cup of wine tonight or I would have failed your expectations."

Xu Xian pressed for an explanation and he revealed everything that has happened.

After he finished listening, Xu Xian nodded in agreement: "You are right. If Mo Ao does not die, we will die under his hands one day. From my estimates, the poisoned wine will take effect after seven days. King Xiaowen drank Lu Buwei's medicine and died from breathing difficulties seven days later. There has never been any poison that takes effect after seven days so even with our suspicions; there is no evidence to indicate Lu Buwei to be the mastermind. Ai! Now, nobody dares to eat food from Lu Buwei. It is really strange. The medication that King Xiaowen drank was also tested by an attendant. Why didn't the attendant die of poisoning too?"

Xiang Shaolong had to admit that Mo Ao's poisoning skills are many times better than the dead Zhao Mu. Even if it is a slow-reacting poison, there will still be traces of poisoning when the poison has entered the stomach. How can there be a poison that will only react seven days later? Even in the 21st century, it is still not possible. The only likelihood is that the poison is carefully wrapped in a special capsule. When the capsule is in the stomach, it will stay there for some time before it leaks the poison and take the life of the person.

Thinking about this, he was agitated. He wished he could immediately rush back to Drunken Wind Brothel and investigate the area where he spilled the poisonous wine and see if there is really such a capsule there.

Xu Xian noticed his countenance changing and implored: "What have you thought of?"

Xiang Shaolong replied: "I am thinking of how to persuade Premier Xu to delay his plans to attack Lu Buwei."

Xu Xian smiled: "I am not a brainless fighter. Since Shaolong has such a brilliant plan, Lu Gong and I will hold our plans back. But if you cannot kill Mo Ao, it will be our turn to attack Lu Buwei. It is better to die fighting for something you believe in than die an unexplainable death at home."

Xiang Shaolong beat his chest and swore: "Give me ten days! I may be able to use his own poison against himself and let him die a mysterious death!" Surprised, Xu Xian stared at him speechlessly.

Book 14 Chapter 02 – Re-visiting The Brothel

Xiang Shaolong agilely leapt over the wall and landed in the garden of Drunken Wind Brothel.

It is two am in the morning and the several entertainment buildings behind the main building are still lighted and filled with sounds of music and singing.

Xiang Shaolong took some time before he could determine the exact building Guan Zhongxie had hosted him earlier. Strangely, the building is still lighted. Xiang Shaolong was perplexed, thinking that another batch of guests is now occupying their room.

Curious, he took advantage of the shadows of the trees and bushes to creep nearer to the building. As silent as a mouse, he finally reached the perimeter of the building and hurriedly prone down with his heart thumping wildly.

He was taken by surprise by several strongmen guarding the main door and he could recognize some of them to be Lu Buwei's personal escorts.

Is Lu Buwei here?

He peered harder into the darkness and noticed that the building was securely guarded by men in all four corners.

Of course, they do not pose an obstacle to an elite soldier like him who can climb walls and swing from buildings.

He scrutinized his surroundings and chose a tall tree besides the building. He stealthily shimmied up the tree and shot his grappling hook onto a roof tile. Once the rope is tightened, he carefully glided onto the roof and peeped into the building through one of the ventilation gaps.

He was so completely overwhelmed by what he saw that his body turned cold immediately and he nearly fell off the roof.

Under the illumination of the bright oil lamps, he saw Guan Zhongxie, Mo Ao, Brothel Owner Wu Fu, Guiyan and Dan Meimei analyzing the spilled wine under the table.

Wu Fu sighed: "Mister Mo is truly a genius. First, you advised me to use precious gifts to lower his guard; then we misled him that Meimei is going to poison him when the real culprit is Guiyan."

Guan Zhongxie commented:"I am full of respect for Brother Mo's abilities. Now, that kid thought that he had managed to escape our poisoning and will lower his guard. What a thrilling outcome!''

The main door opened and a delighted Lu Buwei strolled in arrogantly.

As Xiang Shaolong was totally flabbergasted at this revelation, Dan Meimei gracefully leaped into the arms of Lu Buwei and cooed: "Meimei has scored a huge merit for Premier Lu. How do you plan to reward me?"

Lu Buwei hugged her slender waist before patting her hips and laughed:"Fine! Then let me serve you in bed tonight!''

Mo Ao's hand snaked out and embraced Guiyan, adding:"Premier must not forget our dear Guiyan. Without her skilful tongue, Xiang Shaolong will not be tricked.''

Above them, Xiang Shaolong was nearly fainting. How he wished he can jump straight down and slaughter all of them at once.


There is a poison pill in his stomach now. He had no knowledge of surgery and his death is imminent.

Still embracing Dan Meimei, Lu Buwei walked over to the spilled wine and took a closer look. He chortled:"Xiang Shaolong, even with your intelligence, you are only good enough to be my puppet. You made a mistake when you thought you have discarded the poisoned wine. When the poison takes effect, you will die an unexplainable death.''

Xiang Shaolong had a brainwave and saw a ray of hope.

If the pill is stuck in his throat, he can still survive.

Guan Zhongxie remarked:"Miss Meimei's performance is brilliant. I am almost convinced by your acting too.''

Lu Buwei leaned forward and kissed her tightly on the lips, making her squirm and aroused.

Guan Zhongxie clapped Wu Fu's shoulder and smiled:"When everything is over, Boss Wu will surely be promoted to a high official post!''

Wu Fu gave his thanks and worriedly asked: "Is there a chance that he may spit the pill out?''

Leaning on Mo Ao, Guiyan assured:"Boss can put your mind at ease. The pill is very sticky and if not for his tongue entering my mouth, I will not be able to feed him the pill too.''

Mo Ao revealed: "The weakness of the pill is that it sticks to the bottom of the wine cup. Otherwise, Little Yan need not feed him with your tongue and let him take advantage of you."

Guan Zhongxie laughed:"He only took a little advantage. The big advantage will be taken by you tonight!''

All the men laughed while the ladies protested.

Xiang Shaolong was in a state of panic. He could not wait to leave and remove the pill from his throat.

What an excellent plan! In the midst of all the kissing, he was intoxicated and did not realize that it was a kiss of death.

He was too careless and did not anticipate his opponent to guess that he knows Dan Meimei's background. His earlier antics looked so ridiculous now.

Lu Buwei smiled:"The night is painfully short. Mister Mo should retire to Guiyan's room and serve her well for her hard work.''

He faced Wu Fu and added:"You have done well. I will see to your reward.''

Laughing, he left with Dan Meimei still his in arms.

Xiang Shaolong groaned loudly.

From his open mouth, Teng Yi used a pair of bronze clippers to extract a black pill and put it on a plate. The pill is extremely small and it is about the size of a housefly.

Besides him, Tao Fang, Jing Jun, Pu Bu, Liu Chao, etc sighed with relief at the close shave.

Xiang Shaolong's throat was scrapped and he could not say anything for the time being.

Teng Yi raised the pill to eye level and everyone clustered around to have a closer look.

Jing Jun viciously demanded:"What can we do to put this pill in Mo Ao's throat?''

Xiang Shaolong cleared his throat and spoke in a hoarse voice: "If this pill is put in a wine cup, it will stick to the bottom. However, it did not happen to King Xiaowen's bowl of medicine."

Tao Fang happily exclaimed: "In this case, we can find out the recipe and use the same herbs but improve on its stickiness. Once we can make it stick only upon reaching the throat, it will be a piece of cake to kill Mo Ao. The recipe can be preserved for other uses too."

Teng Yi was shaken and glanced at Xiang Shaolong. They thought of Tu Xian and shook their heads at the same time.

If Tu Xian can poison Mo Ao without any difficulty, Mo Ao will be dead long ago.

Pu Bu interceded: "Even if we can improve the stickiness; it is still insufficient. How can we convince him to drink it in the first place?"

Xiang Shaolong concluded: "Let's act according to circumstances. I will carry the pill at all times and poison him whenever possible. It is late! Let's have some rest to have enough stamina to face Mo Ao's devilish schemes tomorrow. Second Brother and Little Jun must be especially alert."

Everyone agreed in unison and retired to their respective bedrooms.

Back at his own chamber, Xiang Shaolong was reminded of Ji Yanran and his other pretty wives. Deep in thought, he was abruptly disturbed by a shrill voice: "Master is back!"

Xiang Shaolong turned around in surprise and saw Zhou Wei lying on one side of his bed. Her clothes are slightly ruffled and she must have been sleeping before he came into the room. Staring at her tempting figure, Xiang Shaolong was agonized.

Since the deaths of Zhao Qian and the maids, he was mentally tormented and spent a year in living hell. Moreover, he was discouraged at his lack of success in battling Lu Buwei. He no longer wished to add the burden of new relationships to his existing heavy load.

That is the same way he feels about Qin Qing and Ying Ying.

He may have promised the Changping Brothers to woo Ying Ying but it is an obligation and not resulting from his true passion. Additionally, he is not confident of winning her from Guan Zhongxie.

Presently, Zhou Wei is giving him the biggest headache.

From her characteristics, Xiang Shaolong deduced that she is a stubborn girl with plenty of self respect. She will either love him or hate him to the core.

Fortunately, their relationship is just starting out and he can still worm his way out. He coughed: "It is so late and you should go back to sleep."

Zhou Wei got up and paid her respects to him. She proceeded to gently undress his cloak and cheerfully replied: "I slept already and am very energetic now. Master Tao has assigned a rear room for me. Shall I help you take a shower?" By the time she finished speaking, her two cheeks have turned completely red.

Xiang Shaolong lamented secretly that he is truly lacking the company of his wives and his earlier brothel experience has aroused his 5exual desire. If he agrees to her company, he will have to bear with the consequences. But if he rejects her, would she be extremely offended?

Luckily, just as Zhou Wei is beginning to undress him further, footsteps were heard.

Astounded, Xiang Shaolong turned his head and saw Jing Jun. Stunned, he exclaimed: "Little Jun! What is so urgent?"

Jing Jun is still under the impression that Zhou Wei is Zhou Liang's wife and stared at her suspiciously.

Xiang Shaolong instructed Zhou Wei to retreat into her own room and asked again: "What is going on?"

Jing Jun watched Zhou Wei as she left and inquired: "What is she doing here?"

Xiang Shaolong explained their sibling relationship and Jing Jun eyes lit up and sighed: "Third Brother is a blessed man. If she dresses up and apply make-up, her beauty will surpass the Tian sisters."

Xiang Shaolong was inspired and asked Jing Jun to take a seat before smiling: "Is Little Jun interested in her?"

Jing Jun seriously answered: "Third Brother must be kidding. I will not dare to compete with you for her affections."

Xiang Shaolong was pleased: "She is not my woman yet. If you are keen, you can try wooing her. I do not mind at all but instead will be grateful towards you!"

Jing Jun was overjoyed: "Hei! I shall give it a try! I am much better with girls now."

Xiang Shaolong decided: "It is settled then. Why are you not sleeping and came all the way here to look for me?"

Jing Jun enquired: "Can Third Brother participate in an expedition with your injured leg?"

Xiang Shaolong responded: "As long as it is not a fight, I should be fine. What bright ideas do you have?"

Jing Jun whispered: "There is four hours from now till daybreak. If we want to kill Mo Ao, this is the best opportunity."

Xiang Shaolong frowned: "Mo Ao is heavily protected with his own escorts in addition to Lu Buwei's escorts. How can we kill him?"

Jing Jun detailed: "Of course we cannot resort to force. I am familiar with Drunken Wind Brothel's layout and I know the location of the bedrooms of Dan Meimei and Guiyan. If we can slip in and force the pill down Mo Ao's throat, we can turn the tables and wait for him to die an unexplainable death. Wouldn't that be great?" Xiang Shaolong excitedly cried: "What's the plan?"

Jing Jun opened his palm and displayed a twig that was about three inches long. He proudly proclaimed: "This is a twig from the tree of slumber. When it is lighted, anyone who breathes in the fumes will start to fall asleep. Anyone already asleep will fall into deeper sleep that he will not be awakened even if he is being slapped. Does Third Brother understand now?"

Xiang Shaolong thought it over and agreed: "You better inform Second Brother. If we leave him out of this fun, he will give us a terrible scolding."

With their climbing skills, the three brothers slipped into the Drunken Wind Brothel noiselessly and hid within the vegetation.

Beyond the trees, bright lights can still be seen.

The experienced Jing Jun explained: "There are four chambers in the building within the bamboo clusters ahead. They house the four great beauties of Drunken Wind Brothel who are Dan Meimei, Yang Yu, Guiyan and Bailei. Guiyan's chamber is the left one at the back of the building. Once we can get through the bamboo plants, there is a chance we can slip inside. If I remember correctly, there are some cinnamon trees near the building which is a good place to hide."

Teng Yi frowned: "If Lu Buwei is in there too, security will be extra tight. A cluster of bamboo plants is harder to infiltrate compared to normal trees. If there is someone guarding the entrances and exits of the bamboo clusters, how can we slip in?"

Xiang Shaolong asked: "Is there another alternative?"

Jing Jun bitterly smiled: "It is completely surrounded by bamboo and thus, it is named the Secret Bamboo Rendezvous. Once we can pass the obstacle, Mo Ao is as good as dead."

Footsteps can be heard as two family warriors walked towards them. They seemed to be leading the way with the lanterns they carried and were chatting happily. The three men quietened down and strained their ears to eavesdrop on their conversation.

The first man started: "The four great beauties truly live up to their reputations. Even our Master Guan is tempted and is spending the night in Yang Yu's room."

The second man replied: "I heard the last one is Bailei. I wonder if she has an overnight guest. If not, we can have some fun with her."

The first man sighed: "Can you afford her? I heard that she may not even accompany you even if you have money."

When they have travelled out of earshot, Xiang Shaolong was inspired and revealed: "Bailei should be accompanying Han Chuang. We can use him to pass through the bamboo clusters."

Before he could finish speaking, a group of people are walking towards them from another building. Han Chuang and Bailei could be seen among them. Teng Yi anxiously exclaimed: "How can we avoid being identified by Bailei?"

This group of people has walked down a garden path and is led by two pretty maids carrying lanterns. Behind the maids are four of Han Chuang's family warriors, followed by the lecherous Han Chuang caressing and hugging Bailei. Behind them are another eight personal escorts.

Witnessing this, Xiang Shaolong was at a loss.

Jing Jun suddenly whispered to Teng Yi: "Bailei does not know who you are!"

Xiang Shaolong had a brainwave: "Second Brother can masquerade as Prince Dan's subordinate. Han Chuang just had a drink with him."

By now, Han Chuang's party has walked past their hiding place and are walking down the straight path leading into the bamboo clusters.

Teng Yi removed his sword and gathered his courage. He rushed out to the path and hailed: "Marquis, please hold your step. Prince Dan has instructed me to pass you a message."

Han Chuang's party stopped walking and the personal escorts revealed a threatening look on their faces.

Teng Yi strode towards him. Although he is unarmed, everyone stared at him with suspicions and their hands are on their sword hilts.

Han Chuang released Bailei from his hold and coldly snorted: "What does Prince Dan wants to say to me?"

Teng Yi knew that Han Chuang's men will not allow him to get close to their master. He stopped walking and bowed: "I am Prince Dan's Right General Long Shan. Has Marquis Han forgotten about me already?"

Long Shan is Teng Yi's fictitious name during their Handan City mission.

Han Chuang was stunned for a while and came to realize the hidden meaning. He laughed: "Yes! Yes! I remember you! General, please forgive me for not recognizing you earlier in the dim environment."

He faced Bailei and ordered: "Please return to your room first. I will join you shortly."

Bailei is not the least suspicious. She reminded Han Chuang to be quick and sauntered off.

Under Han Chuang's cover, the three men disguised as his followers and passed through the heavily-fortified bamboo clusters safely. They arrived at a cinnamon tree which separates Guiyan's chamber from Bailei's chamber.

Han Chuang winked at them and began to climb the stairs.

Two of Bailei's maids stepped forward to entertain them.

Xiang Shaolong, Jing Jun and Teng Yi are afraid to be recognized by the maids. They had made earlier arrangements with the other subordinates of Han Chuang. Two of the escorts hurriedly dragged the two maids into another room and love-making sounds can be heard after a short while.

With the other escorts acting as a lookout, the three men climbed up the cinnamon tree and reached the roof of Guiyan's chamber.

Sounds of snoring can be heard from within.

Jing Jun is the most agile among them. He slipped into the room via a window and Mo Ao's snoring is replaced by sounds of heaving breathing. Xiang Shaolong signalled Teng Yi to stay on the roof while he somersaulted into the room.

Jing Jun was squatting beside the bed and signalled that everything is under control.

Xiang Shaolong was delighted and joined him.

With an oil lamp providing some light, Jing Jun has forced opened Mo Ao's mouth. Xiang Shaolong quickly retrieved the poison pill and used the bronze clippers to insert it into his throat. When the pill is securely stuck in place, they tried to leave but were interrupted by footsteps outside the door.

Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun were terrified. They stepped over the two sleeping bodies and hid themselves in a dark corner between the bed and the wall.

Heavy knocking is heard and a man shouted from outside: "Master Mo! Premier Lu is looking for you." Mo Ao and Guiyan naturally did not respond.

Xiang Shaolong knows about the workings of the human anatomy. He pinched Mo Ao heavily at the base of his foot.

Fortunately, Jing Jun did not use a heavy dose of the slumber fumes. Awakened by the sharp pain, Mo Ao was roused from his sleep.

The man shouted again: "Master Mo!"

Mo Ao was in a daze as he just woke up. "What is going on?" He shouted back.

The man replied: "Premier Lu has received urgent news and is waiting downstairs for Master Mo. Ai! Even Master Guan is waiting too."

Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun were horrified. If Mo Ao notices them, they will be doomed.

Suddenly, Lu Buwei's voice is heard outside the door: "We are waiting for you at the external hall."

Mo Ao shoved Guiyan but she did not respond. He pinched her white breasts for some time before putting on his clothes and casually stepping out of the room.

Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun were elated. They quickly trailed him and eavesdropped outside the room.

Lu Buwei began: "I just got word that the short-lived Xiang Shaolong went to find Xu Xian and they chatted for two hours before he returned back to the Wu Residence. Hng! Does Mister Mo think they will try any tricks?"

Mo Ao is still under the effects of the slumber fumes and his head is still spinning. He remarked: "I think I drank too much and my head is in pain."

Guan Zhongxie advised: "Brother Mo should drink some tea to calm your nerves."

Sounds of water pouring and drinking can be heard. From the sounds he heard, Xiang Shaolong deduced that only Lu Buwei, Mo Ao and Guan Zhongxie are present.

After some time, Lu Buwei questioned: "Is Mister Mo confident that the poison will act up on the last day of the hunting fair? Without the rebellion of Lord Gaoling, we will be the chief suspect if he dies."

Mo Ao took a deep breath and replied: "Premier Lu can put your mind at ease. I have tried the same poison on several other men and I am confident of the timing."

Guan Zhongxie smiled: "Without Xiang Shaolong, they will be in chaos. We are well-prepared to send the Crown Prince and Empress over the river first. When it is Lu Gong and Xu Xian's turn, we will make the bridge collapse and assassinate them underwater. It will be a clean job and no one will suspect us."

Lu Buwei brought up: "I am concerned that Xiang Shaolong and Xu Xian will act first in the first two days. When that happens, we will be at a disadvantage."

Mo Ao confidently assured: "Relax! As long as they are not sure about Lord Gaoling's ambush, they will not attack us and make it easy for Lord Gaoling. I doubt they have the guts anyway."

Lu Buwei sighed: "The Crown Prince is another issue. He still does not know he is my own flesh and blood. Ai! It is all because of that b1tch Zhu Ji. I have told her numerous times to clarify this with him but she flatly refuses. She is also unwilling to make me the Regent of Qin. Hng! Lao Ai is such a useless bum."

Guan Zhongxie suggested: "I think Xiang Shaolong is the main reason that Empress does not fully submit to Premier."

Mo Ao sniggered: "I have a secret plan to make her happy and make you the Regent at the same time."

The two eavesdroppers Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun were excited and curious to know about his plan. At the same time, they have to admire Mo Ao's quick thinking.

Lu Buwei was pleased and asked for the details.

Mo Ao smiled: "You must let Empress feel that you and Xiang Shaolong are no longer enemies to make her submit fully to you."

Guan Zhongxie was slightly irritated: "Is Brother Mo suggesting that we let Lu Niang Rong marry him!"

Mo Ao smiled: "Don't tell me Brother Guan is jealous of a man with only three days left to live!"

Mo Ao explained in a low voice: "Premier Lu can invite Empress to announce the wedding plans for Third Mistress and Xiang Shaolong. At the same time, to promote Premier to Regent. When these two matters are carried out together, it indicates that if Empress allows Premier to be promoted, Premier will sacrifice his favourite daughter to guarantee the safety of Xiang Shaolong. In these circumstances, Empress will relent in order to protect Xiang Shaolong. Of course, Lao Ai needs to put in some effort too."

Xiang Shaolong has no idea what is the difference between a Regent and a Prime Minister but it should be a post of authority that will slowly diminish Xiao Pan's right of rule.

Guan Zhongxie did not object any further.

Lu Buwei cheered: "This is a brilliant plan. Zhongxie! I have to bother you to persuade Niang Rong! She only listens to you. When she pretended to kick up a fuss as you instructed, even Xiang Shaolong was fooled."

Xiang Shaolong realised that Lu Niang Rong's tantrum and marriage rejection was all a ploy and could not help but feel extremely hateful.

Since she is such a vicious woman, he need not show her any mercy or pity in the future.

As Jing Jun suggested, he should toy with her and it is as good as delivering a blow to Lu Buwei and Guan Zhongxie.

Lu Buwei concluded: "So it shall be decided then. The sky is brightening soon!"

Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun dared not loiter any further and slipped away in the blink of an eye.

Under such unexpected circumstances, they actually managed to gather such crucial intelligence. Now, the game will be played differently.