14-3 -- 14-7

Book 14 Chapter 03 – The Great Hunting Fair

Before dawn, an exhausted Han Chuang had to drag his tired body out of bed to escort Xiang Shaolong and his brothers to leave the brothel safely.

When they reached the streets, they parted immediately to avoid suspicions.

Back at the Wu Residence, the sky is beginning to brighten. The three men hurriedly changed their clothes and while Teng Yi and Jing Jun set off to the Command Centre to see to the hunting fair, Xiang Shaolong made his way to the palace.

He ran into Xu Xian's convoy and was invited to join him in the horse carriage. Lu Gong is in the carriage too and they were discussing on how to counter Lu Buwei's schemes. Although they are fully dressed in hunting clothes, they do not seem enthusiastic about the hunting fair at all.

Lu Gong noticed that his eyes are red because he did not sleep a wink last night. He nodded: "It must be hard on you."

Xiang Shaolong was glad: "My body may be tired but I am in a great mood."

Xu Xian was stunned: "Shaolong has such a confident expression. Have there been any new developments?"

Xiang Shaolong lowered his voice and revealed his two adventures to Drunken Wind Brothel, including the eavesdropping of Lu Buwei's secret meeting.

Both listeners cheered at his accomplishment.

Lu Gong slapped his thigh with delight and cried: "Even the poison pill can be extracted from Shaolong's throat. This shows that Heaven is on our side."

Xu Xian decided: "Since this is the case, we shall adhere to Shaolong's suggestion and use Lao Ai against Lu Buwei. Actually, Lu Buwei is quite a good administrator. Let's give him a few years of peace. When our Crown Prince is coroneted, that will be the end of him."

Lu Gong agreed: "In the meantime, we will hold on to our military authority and cultivate good leaders. When it is time to act, we will be more than prepared."

Xiang Shaolong suggested: "I have a good man to recommend and it is none other than Wang Jian..."

Xu Xian laughed and interrupted him: "Thanks for your reminder and in fact, we have noticed him as a potential leader as well. Let's give him more time to fine tune his skills! Ai! Wang Chi is getting senile and it will soon be time for his son to succeed him."

Lu Gong is now in a good mood and laughed: "Is Shaolong ready to marry Lu Niang Rong while annoying Lu Buwei and Guan Zhongxie?"

Xiang Shaolong smiled back: "I think this will in return give them a big headache."

Xu Xian mused: "But as the Regent of Qin, his authority will be beyond question and he will be like the acting King. Without his approval, no royal order can be issued."

Xiang Shaolong reminded: "Does Premier Xu recall my suggestion about the Premier Mentor? We can use this official post to humour Lu Buwei first. When Mo Ao dies three days later, he will be at a loss. By that time, Lao Ai will be promoted to be the Inner Custodian and it will be too late for Lu Buwei to object."

By now, the convoy is entering the palace and all the three men are in great spirits. They cannot wait for the three days to quickly pass and witness the retribution of these evil men.

Xiang Shaolong's anxious mind has been replaced by a new relaxing mood. Amazing!

In the next few days, he will amuse himself with these evil men and even Lu Dan'er and Ying Ying will not be let off. After all, what is life without some fun!

The palace courtyard is filled with men and horses assembled for the hunting fair.

The participating hunters are either from the royal family, high ranking officials or the representatives of various departments. Everyone is dressed in light hunting clothes and mounted on their horses under their respective banners. Altogether, it was an impressive display of five thousand gallant men and stunning beauties.

Ten thousand Palace guards are protecting the Imperial Convoy on both sides as they prepared to move to the hunting grounds.

Lord Changping, Lord Changwen and Guan Zhongxie are fully occupied with managing the deployment of their men as well as maintaining law and order.

Xiang Shaolong left the carriage and mounted Jifeng. Leading his Eighteen Guardians leisurely, he soaked himself in the festive atmosphere.

One of the banners is embroidered with the word 'Qi' which reminded Xiang Shaolong of 'his old friend' Tian Dan. He was amused as Lu Buwei would have told Tian Dan about his impending death. Thus, Tian Dan would be delighted and complacent, making it easier for Xiang Shaolong to assassinate him.

Xu Xian, Lu Buwei, Lu Gong and the other high ranking officials are lined up in two rows in front of the inspection platform. Guests like Tian Dan and Prince Dan are based further away. Han Chuang is apparently absent and he must have returned home to Han.

The most outstanding are the Female Warriors led by Ying Ying. Over a hundred young ladies dressed elaborately in their hunting outfits stood out from the crowd of mostly men. They bantered noisily with the young men besides them and added some liveliness to the situation.

However, the group that gained everyone's attention are his own wives and Qin Qing. They did not have any banner but just stood on one side under the protection of their family warriors. Everyone near and far strained their eyes and their necks to catch a glimpse of their beauty.

Ji Yanran and Qin Qing are beyond comparison; Wu Tingfang and Zhao Zhi are rare beauties themselves and the loving twin sisters Tian Zhen and Tian Feng only cause everyone to be intoxicated with their charm and elegance.

Xiang Shaolong could not resist and rode up to them, smiling: "Which department do you girls represent?"

All the girls giggled with pleasure.

Qin Qing coldly state: "Empress has specially instructed us to accompany her for the next three days for the hunt. I think we belong to her department."

From her cold expression, Xiang Shaolong deduced that she must be bearing grudges at him for taking advantage of her and is now viewing him with suspicions. Sighing secretly, he smiled weakly and did not reply. Facing Wu Tingfang and Zhao Zhi, he questioned: "Where is Bao'er?"

Wu Tingfang is so excited that her face is totally red. She cooed: "I wanted to bring him to the hunt but is concerned that he may catch a cold. I have left with at the Qin Residence under the care of the nanny."

Zhao Zhi exclaimed: "Hubby! Shall I introduce you to our two new nannies?"

Behind her, the Tian sisters' faces begin to burn like fire. Embarrassed, they were did not know where to hide when Wu Tingfang whispered: "Hubby! Can you come to our tent tonight? We missed you greatly!" Xiang Shaolong was tempted at her offer and hurriedly agreed.

Sounds of drumbeats can be heard as Xiao Pan and Zhu Ji ascended the inspection platform under the escort of the palace guards.

Everyone paid their respects and proclaimed their loyalty to them.

The hunting fair has finally begun!

The hunting teams stretched out over ten miles and it was a grand display of power.

The cavalry army is standing guard at the boundaries of the hunting grounds and security is extremely tight.

To show off the might of Qin, Xiao Pan and Zhu Ji rode on a horse each towards the hunting grounds. They were accompanied by Lu Buwei, Xu Xian, Lu Gong, Wang Wan, Cai Ze, other important officials as well as the palace guards.

Xiang Shaolong was riding with Wu Tingfang and his wives when Li Si trailed behind the main group and came to find him. They left the official roads and rode on the byways.

Li Si whispered: "Whenever I saw Grand Tutor Qin, I always feel that she is more enthralling than Talented Lady Ji; but whenever I saw Talented Lady Ji, I feel that Qin Qing is inferior to her. Now that I have seen both of them side by side, I finally understood that they are both without equal and are attractive in their own ways."

Xiang Shaolong observed: "Brother Li is in great spirits today!"

Li Si shook his head: "I am appearing joyful despite my difficulties! The hunting fair is fraught with dangers and how can I be happy?"

Carefully assessing Xiang Shaolong's expression, he continued: "Brother Xiang must have a terrible night's sleep. Your eyes are bloodshot and your voice is hoarse. I am worried for you."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I did not even sleep; so how can my sleep be bad? Regarding my throat, it was scrapped. If not for this throat injury, I may be dead." He proceeded to divulge everything that that has transpired last night.

Li Si was totally blown away and excitedly exclaimed: "I must report this to the Crown Prince. Ai! I am more and more impressed with Brother Xiang's abilities."

He added: "No wonder Lu Buwei had earlier suggested marrying his daughter to Brother Xiang and petitioned Empress and Crown Prince to represent his wishes. Empress is naturally delighted but Crown Prince and I were puzzled. So this is the real motive behind his intention. Hei! Is Brother Xiang going to reject his marriage proposal?"

Xiang Shaolong returned his question with his own question: "Do you think I will?"

Both men looked at each other and broke out into laughter.

Li Si remarked: "It is a Qin custom to announce important policies or promote officials during the hunting fair. Brother Xiang's suggestion to make Lu Buwei the Premier Mentor is a wonderful suggestion. It will keep him guessing and curb his ambitions. The Crown Prince will use this idea if the Empress tries to force him to promote Lu Buwei again."

Xiang Shaolong noticed Guan Zhongxie riding towards them from the corner of his eye and hurriedly changed the topic to some irrelevant issues.

Guan Zhongxie may be up the whole night but he is much more rejuvenated than Xiang Shaolong and approached them energetically. He greeted Li Si: "Since Official Li has entered the palace to serve the Crown Prince, we did not have much time to catch up. We should spend more time together during these three days."

Xiang Shaolong was hit by realization. He realised that Lu Buwei may even try to replace Li Si with Mo Ao to fully control Xiao Pan. Li Si must be the next person on Lu Buwei's hit list. Why didn't he think of this earlier?

At the end of the day, he lacked a clever advisor like Mo Ao or Li Si to assist him.

Li Si is the best candidate but he needs to focus on helping Xiao Pan and cannot be available to him. He recalled that he had Ji Yanran and cursed himself for not making use of his clever wife's intelligence.

Guan Zhongxie's voice sounded out beside him: "Why is Official Xiang so melancholic?"

Xiang Shaolong decided to play a trick on him and winked at Li Si, saying: "Can I have a private word with you?"

Li Si understood his intention and bade farewell. He rode ahead and rejoined the main group.

Guan Zhongxie was startled: "What does Official Xiang want to tell me?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "Official Li told me earlier that Premier Lu has the intention to marry Third Mistress to me and it may be announced tomorrow. Honestly speaking, I know that Third Mistress is in love with Brother Guan instead! No matter where we stand, I am full of admiration for Brother Guan's character and sword skills. Even if we are on opposing sides, this is a love matter and not a manly fight. As long as you say the word, I will speak to Empress and Crown Prince immediately and not spoil Third Mistress's chastity."

Guan Zhongxie's eyes were originally shining sharply but after hearing his words, his expression became mixed.

Xiang Shaolong was impressed. Guan Zhongxie could easily deny everything and no one will be the wiser. But this will also indicate that he is a cowardly liar.

Given the unique circumstances, no one else can understand their awkward positions.

In actual fact, they are out to kill each other but are doing it secretly.

In the eyes of Guan Zhongxie, Xiang Shaolong is nearly a dead man who still thinks he escaped the poisoning. With his upfront attitude, he is obviously not out to take advantage of Lu Niang Rong. From this, it shows that Xiang Shaolong is an honourable man who will not take revenge for the poisoning by seducing Lu Niang Rong. He was a true gentleman.

Xiang Shaolong is secretly laughing and patiently waited for his response.

Guan Zhongxie suddenly smiled bitterly: "I will not lie to you but Third Mistress's marriage is something beyond my control and I should not come between two of you. In life, you win some and you lose some. That's a fact. Third Mistress is no longer young but is still a wilful girl. I am sure you can still be a good and fitting husband. Official Xiang should not worry about this anymore."

Finishing, he rode off.

Xiang Shaolong sighed to himself. Tu Xian is right about Guan Zhongxie being an assho1e. Even to a dying man, he is still faking his words. What a despicable cad!

But this is what he expected. When he did not die three days later, Lu Niang Rong will become his fiancé and it is due to Guan Zhongxie's own arrangement. This will cause him great regrets and deal a blow to his pride.

In the past, he seduced Wu Tingfang and Zhao Ya from Lian Jin, making him lose his rationality and cause him to be defeated by himself.

Coincidently, the same scenario is repeated on Guan Zhongxie.

What will he do when he loses his rationality?

Thinking about this, he quickly caught up to Ji Yanran and wanted to consult her.

Qin Qing, Ji Yanran and the other girls are travelling with Empress Zhu Ji and were chatting happily. Xiao Pan, Lu Buwei and the rest are travelling in front of them.

Xiang Shaolong is afraid to see Zhu Ji and stayed at the back, trying to find an opportunity to isolate Yanran.

Someone shouted: "Official Xiang!"

Xiang Shaolong turned his head around and saw Lao Ai leaving his group and riding towards him. He greeted him respectfully when he reached his side.

Xiang Shaolong returned his greetings and praised: "Official Lao is looking great! Life must be good in the palace."

Lao Ai lowered his voice: "It is all thanks to Official Xiang's recommendation. Even the Crown Prince said the same thing." He happily added: "During the hunting fair, the Crown Prince will officially promote me to be the Inner Custodian. Soon, we will have plenty of opportunities to work together!"

Xiang Shaolong can feel that his thanks are sincere. For Lao Ai, he will be grateful to whoever that can bring him more wealth and authority. He used to obey Lu Buwei as he is looking for employment. Now, this unscrupulous and selfish man will forsake Lu Buwei for greater benefits.

Xiang Shaolong inquired in a low voice: "Does Premier Lu know about this?"

Lao Ai angrily swore: "He only knew about it yesterday and threw his temper at Empress. Fortunately, Empress rebutted him."

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be surprised: "Brother Lao is being promoted and enjoying a life of luxury. He should be happy for you but why is he opposing instead?"

Lao Ai viciously hissed: "He naturally will not say that he opposes my promotion but he insisted that I am a criminal and should not be promoted or tongues will wag. Hei! Ultimately, he wants to keep me as a lowly servant forever."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly glad that Lao Ai and Lu Buwei are now openly on opposing sides. He officially state: "Brother Lao can put your mind at ease. I have spoken to Premier Xu and Lieutenant General Lu. They will support Brother Lao for sure."

Lao Ai was flabbergasted: "Hei! This... This..." He was speechless.

Xiang Shaolong tried to control his laughter and strongly affirmed: "Lu Buwei is a The higher your rank, the more jealous he is of you. But Brother Lao can relax. As long as I am in his way, you will be safe." Lao Ai trembled and his expression grew serious.

At this point, Tian Zhen noticed him and slowed down to join him.

Xiang Shaolong patted Lao Ai's shoulder and rode ahead to join her.

The battle of Lao Ai and Lu Buwei is about to begin!

Book 14 Chapter 04 – The Incredible Talented Lady Ji

An endless sea of tents and flags can be seen west of the River Jing.

Xiang Shaolong, Ji Yanran, Wu Tingfang, Zhao Zhi and the Tian sisters are situated on a little hill near the royal tent. They were observing all the excitement happening below them.

It may not be a real battle but the military movements are precise and according to the military law.

Among the seven states, Qin has the heaviest emphasis on military contributions. Every young child would have learnt some form of martial arts and everyone is somewhat familiar with military formations.

Since the terrain is wide grassland with no cover, a square campsite has been laid out.

Xiao Pan's tent is situated in the centre of the defending gates and is akin to a military command centre. Within the gates are about twenty tents which belong to the royal family and others like Qin Qing who share a special relationship with the rulers of Qin.

On the two sides of the defending gates are two defending armies of palace guards led by Lord Changping and Lord Changwen respectively. Xiao Pan has direct control over the army to safeguard his own safety.

The other soldiers are based in all four directions and act as defenders. Xiang Shaolong's cavalry army is based far away and is protecting the entire camp from their location. If necessary, they can act as a vanguard or a distraction to a potential enemy.

Besides the main tents, the other tents are in groups of ten and the space between them is wide enough for eight horses to travel side by side.

There are some dedicated areas with stables and target boards for hunters to practise their shooting skills, riding skills and even sword skills. These areas are especially crowded like a festive parade.

It is now four hours away from the evening hunt and everyone is enthusiastically assembled at the main assembly ground and challenging one another.

The main assembly ground near the royal tent has become the playground for Ying Ying and her female warriors. Young men keen to woo these stubborn Qin ladies are all gathering around the area for their chance to interact with them. Thus, this area is much livelier than the others.

Sounds of horses braying and people talking filled the air.

The strong wind began to blow and the flags unfurled majestically, adding to the grandeur of the hunting fair.

Ji Yanran has been updated on everything that has happened and smiled: "When Lord Gaoling is about to attack, he will first set fire to the tents furthest away from the royal tents and the river. Since it is now blowing the southeast wind, the fire will spread towards us and we can only escape by crossing the river and hiding at the north shore of River Jing."

Xiang Shaolong and the ladies turned their attention to the two wooden bridges and were shocked. If the two bridges are destroyed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even if the two bridges are intact, they cannot support some many people crossing. Those who are unable to cross the bridge will have to swim over. During the chaos, it will be an easy feat for Lu Buwei to carry out his assassination.

He recalled that Guan Zhongxie will 'heroically' escort Zhu Ji and Xiao Pan across the river to safety while he will 'die of poisoning' and Guan Zhongxie will 'score a huge merit'. Mo Ao's devious scheme is indeed a brilliant strategy.

Rainfall is scarce and a fire attack is hard to prevent. Moreover, Lord Gaoling is familiar with the tents and in fact, his own tent is located at the southeast part of the campsite. He can easily set fire as Ji Yanran predicted.

In addition, during the night hunt, every hunter would be busy in the west forests and their defences will be lacking. That would be the ideal time to ambush the Crown Prince and Zhu Ji.

If the Lord Changping brothers are killed in battle, it is possible that Lu Buwei can insert his own subordinates to replace them as head of the palace guards.

Xiang Shaolong took a deep breath and remarked: "Yanran is amazing and can predict Lord Gaoling's ambush like a fortune teller. Therefore, we must pay close attention to the southeast tents. The moment Lord Gaoling's men or Lu Buwei's men tried to bring flammable materials to that area, we will know when they will strike."

Ji Yanran was overjoyed at his praise and smiled sweetly back at him.

Hoof beats can be heard as Lord Changwen rode up to him and cried: "Let's ride our horses to the assembly ground to join in the fun!"

The ladies turned around to face him and he jealously stared at Ji Yanran and the girls with an intoxicated look on his face. He sighed: "Good evening ladies. Ai! I am so envious of Shaolong's good fortune."

Wu Tingfang chortled and smiled prettily, asking: "Has Lord Changwen finished his duties?"

Lord Changwen put on a busy expression and reported: "Empress and Crown Prince have settled down and Grand Tutor Qin is chatting with the Empress now. I was ordered to inform you ladies about this."

Xiang Shaolong yawned: "You go ahead and have fun! I wished to catch some sleep in my tent."

Lord Changwen burst out laughing and rode ahead between Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran. As he rode past Xiang Shaolong, he grabbed onto his horse's reins and dragged him down the slope, shouting to the ladies: "We are going to have some fun!"

The ladies saw Xiang Shaolong helplessly being dragged down the hill and giggled with laughter. They then chased them down the slope.

Sou! Three arrows were shot out in succession and all three hit the bull's eye of a target three hundred feet away. The observers cheered and clapped loudly.

The archer Ying Ying proudly scanned her audience and cried: "Who else is next?"

The various men may be itching to try but with this beauty challenging them, they are afraid to lose face if they failed to better her record. For some time, no one dared to accept her challenge.

Guan Zhongxie laughed: "Our best shooter among the female warriors is invincible. Of course no one dares to accept her challenge."

Ying Ying was delighted at his praise and shot him a lovely glance. The other men were jealous but still did not have the courage to give it a try.

Xiang Shaolong dismounted from his horse and was stunned at Ying Ying's archery skills. He can hit the bull's eye with one arrow but definitely not with three arrows in succession. No wonder Ying Ying is so arrogant.

When the female warriors noticed Xiang Shaolong, every one of them had a look of displeasure on their faces but when they saw Ji Yanran, their expressions became envious.

Lu Dan'er stepped out from the crowd and jeered: "Has Commander Xiang recovered from his leg injury? I heard that you are unbeatable in parrying arrows with your sword but I wonder how good are your archery skills?"

Nearly a thousand pair of eyes looked at Xiang Shaolong before shifting over to Ji Yanran.

Ji Yanran naturally knew the level her husband's archery skill and recognizes that the people of Qin values martial talent. If Xiang Shaolong refuses to participate because of his injury, he will be ridiculed by the people of Qin. Grinning, she took off her cloak and revealed a figure-hugging white suit. She gracefully stepped forward and asked in her sweet voice: "Can I give it a try?" Her casual demeanour and alluring disposition caused everyone present to be mesmerized by her.

When she finished speaking, everyone cheered at her decision and her attractive and athletic display.

Ying Ying shot a vicious look at Ji Yanran before she reluctantly stretched out to pass her the bow.

Ji Yanran noticed that Ying Ying is standing using the horse stance and guessed that she wanted to play a trick on her. Out of a sudden, she grabbed onto the end of the bow and applied downward pressure. Before Ying Ying could retaliate, the bow has been pried from her hands into the hands of the maiden who is even prettier than herself.

Even Guan Zhongxie was taken aback.

Standing besides Xiang Shaolong, Lord Changwen whispered: "It is good to curb that arrogant sister of mine!"

Ying Ying did not anticipate Ji Yanran to see through her trick and dejectedly returned to Lu Dan'er's side.

Two cavalry soldiers happily stepped forward and presented three arrows to Ji Yanran.

Ji Yanran pretended that everything is the same and leisurely fitted the arrows to her bow while maintaining that sweet smile on her face.

The crowd quietened down.

In a whirl of actions, Ji Yanran fired three arrows one after another while the crowd stared with their mouths wide open. Her arrows shot forward like shooting stars.

She fired her first arrow with her back to the target board and her second arrow with a backhand. It was only until the final arrow did she face the target board properly.

Zng! The first arrow hit the bull's eye while the second arrow split the first arrow into two and the final arrow split the second arrow into two. It was as if she is the Goddess of Archery. No one could believe their eyes. Without question, her archery skill is way above Ying Ying's.

The crowd burst out into wild cheering which lasted for some time.

Ji Yanran is furious at Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er for 'bullying' her husband and did not even spare them a single glance. She curtseyed to the crowd and left without a word.

Xiang Shaolong can tell that their 'hatred' is becoming more intense.

An escort came to report that the Crown Prince is looking for him.

As he crossed past the wooden defending gates, he noticed a group of female warriors are riding behind him. Taking a closer look, he realised that it is Lu Niang Rong and her female escorts.

When Lu Niang Rong saw him, she has a mixed expression on her face. She curled up her mouth proudly and whipped her horse, cruising past Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong detests her.

Knowing that he is poisoned, she did not show the slightest pity. Like father, like daughter. She is an evil woman just like her father Lu Buwei.


She will get her just deserts later.

The open space in front of the main royal tent is filled with loud cheering. It appears that Xiao Pan is practicing his archery while Lu Buwei, Xu Xian, Lu Gong, Lord Changping and the other officials are cheering him on.

Li Si caught sight of him and moved to welcome him. "It is time!" he whispered.

Xiang Shaolong knew that Li Si is referring to the blood test. From Li Si's anxious expression, Xiang Shaolong is certain that he is worried about the test results. If Xiao Pan is Lu Buwei's son, it would be disastrous.

Xiang Shaolong squeezed to where Lu Gong and Xu Xian were standing and took out the special needle while winking at them.

Both men started to breathe heavily.

Xiao Pan has shot ten arrows with four hitting the bull's eye and the remaining near the bull's eyes. This has surpassed his usual record and no wonder the officials are so happy for him. As long as he manages to hit the target board, it is enough to make the crowd go wild.

As Wang Ben delivered another arrow to him, Xiao Pan detected Xiang Shaolong among the crowd. He turned over and raised his bow, exclaiming happily: "Grand Tutor! My archery skill has improved!"

Xiang Shaolong is certain that he is providing an opportunity for him to draw his blood. He greeted him and advised: "If Crown Prince uses less of his eyes and more of his hands, your results will improve dramatically."

Xiao Pan was surprised: "Archery is all about eyesight. What is the hand used for?"

Everyone including Xiao Pan was puzzled at his words and he became the centre of attention.

Standing besides Lu Buwei, Lu Niang Rong and Mo Ao were staring viciously at him.

Xiang Shaolong respectfully got Xiao Pan to turn around and while he is turning around, he lightly poked the special needle at his neck. As Xiao Pan is exercising, his blood circulation is very strong and the needle was filled immediately.

Behind him, Xu Xian, Lu Gong and Lord Changping witnessed everything but the act was hidden from the eyes of everyone else.

Xiao Pan yelped: "Ai!" He went to touch his neck and purposely cried: "There is a mosquito!"

Xiang Shaolong stuffed the needle into Xu Xian's hands and advised: "The Crown Prince must focus on the synergy between the eyes and the hands when shooting an arrow. However, it is easier to aim with the hand than the eyes. When the eye sees the target, it informs the heart and the heart will instruct the hand to shoot. This is quite cumbersome. If the hand is used directly to aim at the target, you will not have this issue. Look!"

He simply drew out five flying needles and shot them towards the two hundred feet target board.

Nobody expected that he would be shooting flying needles instead of arrows and were stunned. The five flying needles hit the target board neatly in a straight row and the centre needle hit the centre of the bull's eye. The distance between each needle is exactly one inch. It was a result that even Xiang Shaolong did not anticipate.

His flying needles may be famous but no one has actually seen it in action.

Witnessing his accuracy on a two hundred feet target board, everyone agrees that he has a frightening and special way of throwing the needles with such deafening results. Lu Buwei, Lu Niang Rong and Mo Ao have a horrified expression on their faces.

Everyone present clapped and cheered loudly at his excellent display of talent.

Lu Buwei and Mo Ao exchanged a smile, thinking that Xiang Shaolong would be dead in a matter of days despite his godly ability.

Wang Ben ecstatically wanted to retrieve the flying needles and return them to Xiang Shaolong and Xiao Pan stopped him. He instructed: "Leave the needles on the target board. I want to keep this as a souvenir. Let the target board stay like that for the next three days."

Xiao Pan was full of admiration: "I finally comprehend the essence of Grand Tutor's terrifying flying needles. They were thrown with the hand rather than with the eyes."

Xiang Shaolong may have been promoted to be the Imperial Cavalry Commander but he is still holding the post as a Grand Tutor so that he may still impart lessons to Xiao Pan the Crown Prince.

Xiang Shaolong secretly assessed Lu Buwei, Mo Ao and Lu Niang Rong's expressions. He noticed that Lu Niang Rong has a lingering fear in her eyes which is probably caused by his excellent shot. Frankly speaking, he has no confidence of repeating this feat.

During his usual practise, he was using his eyes to aim at the target. Only today did he really use his hands to aim at the target board.

Lu Gong praised: "I am afraid no one can match Shaolong's flying needles skill in the past, the present or in the future."

Lu Buwei laughed: "Rong'er! Now, you have seen Official Xiang's true abilities."

Lu Niang Rong lowered her face to prevent others from detecting the dilemma expression on her face. Xiao Pan took this chance to invite: "Grand Tutor, please have a chat with me in my tent!"

With Li Si in tow, they walked towards the main royal tent.

Before Xiang Shaolong could take a step, Lu Gong whispered: "After you have seen the Crown Prince, come to my tent immediately." He winked at him with a knowing expression.

Xiang Shaolong could not understand how he managed to draw Lu Buwei's blood or that he has something else to discuss with him. With this concern, he proceeded to the main royal tent. Within the tent, Xiao Pan sighed: "Grand Tutor must teach me how to shoot the flying needles the way you did."

Li Si praised: "No wonder Official Xiang has always been able to escape precarious situations and live another day to tell the tale. These flying needles are virtually undetectable when they are being shot and there is no way to parry them with a sword."

Xiang Shaolong sat down on a thick carpet and bitterly smiled: "The Crown Prince and Official Li need not praise me to the skies. Last night, I made an about-turn at the gates of hell. That is what I call pure luck."

Under Xiao Pan questioning, Xiang Shaolong revealed everything that has happened last night.

When Xiao Pan learned about Lord Gaoling's rebellion and Lu Buwei's scheming, he angrily swore: "These two men are atrocious! Do they still regard me as their King?"

Li Si hurriedly assured: "Please do not be angry. Official Xiang has plans to counter them."

Xiao Pan looked over to Xiang Shaolong and Xiang Shaolong nodded: "When we know the time that Lord Gaoling is attacking the camp, we can use our army to wipe him out. Here, I wished that Crown Prince will lead the army personally. First, we can destroy Lord Gaoling's forces and secondly, we can counter Lu Buwei's schemes. In the future, no one will dare to challenge your authority."

These words are what Xiao Pan wanted to hear. This future Qin Shi Huang loved to affirm his authority and he nodded: "Since Official Xiang is so confident, we shall act according to your plans."

Xiang Shaolong explained: "This matter will require precise intelligence and acting according to circumstances. I will keep in contact with Official Li. When I have gathered the appropriate information, I will report to Crown Prince." He secretly winked at Xiao Pan.

Xiao Pan understood his meaning. Xiang Shaolong will prepare the army orders while he himself will execute them accordingly. Elated, his face became reddish and he nodded: "We will follow your advice!"

He continued: "Today, Empress told me that Lu Buwei wanted to marry his beloved third daughter to you. I thought Lu Buwei has a change of heart but it is all part of a trick. Ha! Mo Ao will die an unexplainable death. I am so happy."

Li Si and Xiang Shaolong heard his words and knew that he is in great spirits. They did not hold back and joined him in laughter.

An attendant came to report that Lao Ai is here to report something. The three men immediately stopped laughing. Lao Ai came in and kneeled down, requesting: "The Empress wishes to see Crown Prince."

With a scornful look, Xiao Pan replied: "I got it! Please return first. I will join you shortly."

When Lao Ai has left the tent, Xiao Pan lowered his voice and asked: "Is Official Xiang ready to marry Lu Buwei's precious daughter?"

Xiang Shaolong coldly smiled: "When Lu Buwei saw me still well and alive, he will try to annul the marriage. But that is his problem!"

Xiao Pan understood his meaning and nodded: "I know what to do!" And stood up.

Xiang Shaolong and Li Si hurriedly kneeled down in respect.

Xiao Pan went forward and helped Xiang Shaolong up, whispering into his ear: "Master, please be careful. If anything happens to you, the world will be meaningless."

He turned around and left.

Book 14 Chapter 5 – A Heartless Man Indeed

A drop of Xiao Pan's blood trickled out of the special needle and dripped into the bowl of special chemical.

Xu Xian retrieved another special needle filled with Lu Buwei's blood and brought it to the edge of the bowl but did not release the blood immediately.

Everyone was staring at Xiao Pan's drop of blood with excitement.

Inside Lu Gong's tent, there are ten over military leaders which are all important position holders. Except for Lu Gong and Xu Xian, there is Wang He, Jia Gongcheng, Lord Yunyang Ying Ao and Lord Yiqu Ying Lou. It appears that Xiao Pan's relationship with Lu Buwei is of utmost importance to them.

Xiang Shaolong was squeezed in the middle of all these generals and he inquired: "How did you manage to get Lu Buwei's blood?"

Lord Yunyang Ying Ao replied: "I dragged him out for archery while Lu Gong and Wang He were jostling with him. Thus, we took his blood without his knowledge."

Lu Gong is not interested in their casual talk and called: "Xu Xian!" Xu Xian hardened his resolve and poured the second drop of blood into the bowl of chemical.

The crowd became as silent as a dormouse and everyone has a choked feeling. For an instant, everyone held their breaths.

The drop of blood entered the chemical and swirled to for a while before it came into contact with Xiao Pan's drop of blood.

Amazingly, the two drops of blood separated immediately like the two different magnet poles repelling each other.

The tent was filled with mad cheering.

Xiang Shaolong sighed with relief.

Knowing the future can be a burden. Even though he is certain that Xiao Pan will pass the blood test, he cannot helped but be worried like everyone else.

Back in his own tent, Ji Yanran and the other girls are carefully cleaning Xiang Shaolong's wound and applying fresh medicine. Teng Yi came back from his duties and sat down, reporting: "We have located Lord Gaoling's men!"

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed: "Where are they?"

Teng Yi is in a great mood and retrieved a map from his bosom, smiling: "The Qin hunting fair is child's play in front a seasoned hunter like me. If I hunt personally, all the tigers and wolves would be frightened off."

Xiang Shaolong assisted him in spreading the map and laughed: "Second Brother should have told me earlier. Then, I would prepare a large quantity of tiger ears for sale at ten times the original price. I guarantee that the amateur hunters will not go back empty handed and I can even make a ton of money."

Ji Yanran and the girls instantly broke out in laughter and giggles.

Teng Yi laughed: "Amateur hunters! That is a unique description."

Xiang Shaolong enquired: "Where is the cave that Lord Gaoling's men are hiding in?"

Teng Yi was stunned: "How did you know that?" Pointing to a group of mountains fifty miles from the campsite, he detailed: "This area has dense forests and is located at the upstream of River Jing. There are seven caves situated there which the locals have named the 'Seven Connected Caves'. Lord Gaoling has planned their hiding spot well. Although we know that they are hiding there, it is impossible to locate their exact location. There is no way we can determine the size of their forces."

Wu Tingfang innocently suggested: "Second Brother is exaggerating. Why don't you surround the forest and set it on fire? I am sure they will be forced out by the burning."

Xiang Shaolong loved her innocent and silly demeanour and smiled: "The forest is wet with the Spring dew. It is impossible to burn a forest. Ao!"

He caught hold of Wu Tingfang's incoming fist but did not relent: "Unless we use the super fire that comes from the mouth of Wu's First Mistress."

Ji Yanran mocked: "Since our hubby came back from the jaws of death, he has become cheekier."

Zhao Zhi clamoured over to help Wu Tingfang withdraw her fist from Xiang Shaolong's grasp.

As Teng Yi took a closer look at Xiang Shaolong's injury, he added: "But the moment they left the seven caves, they will not escape the detection of our Jing Village hunters. Hei! I think we should use our own men and allow them to gain more battle experience."

Xiang Shaolong clapped Teng Yi's shoulder and agreed: "We shall do as Second Brother advised. Fortunately, Du Bi is not in Xianyang City or things could be more complicated. Hee! In Lu Buwei's eyes, I am someone due to die in two days. No matter what I do in these two days, he will just bear with me and even pretend to support me so as to allay the suspicions of others. Most crucially, he must put on a fine act in front of Zhu Ji. Thus, I must find some things to do so as to give justice to Mo Ao's brilliant scheming."

Zhao Zhi is bandaging his wound with Ji Yanran. When she heard this, she whined: "Before your leg has recovered, we will not allow you to participate in any fighting."

Xiang Shaolong feigned surprise: "Who said that I am going to fight with someone?"

Ji Yanran smiled: "Sister Zhi, he is teasing you! Attack him now and see if he will retaliate or not."

In the midst of their fun, the tent attendant reported: "Grand Tutor Qin is here!"

As the image of Qin Qing surfaced in his memory, he came to realise that everyone is so happy today because they have finally succeeded in countering Mo Ao. The presence of this man is a threat to their well-being.

Ever since he delivered the poison pill back to his throat, they have become more relaxed and even the usually serious Teng Yi is more jovial now.

But they must still keep their guard up. As long as Mo Ao is still alive, they must be careful and not allow the enemy to see through them.

The Tian sisters have just finished tidying up Xiang Shaolong's clothes when Qin Qing entered the tent with a heavy expression on her face.

After all his encounters with her, this is the first time she came to Xiang Shaolong's 'territory'. He had a strange feeling inside him. But eyeing her serious expression, he felt that something is amiss.

Wu Tingfang welcomed: "Sister Qin should have come earlier. We were having a big showdown!"

Ji Yanran noticed her expression too and frowned: "What is bothering Sister Qin?" Teng Yi greeted Qin Qing and took the chance to take his leave.

Qin Qing sat down opposite Ji Yanran and gently replied: "I need to speak to your husband privately."

The girls were slightly startled but Yanran firmly stood up and state: "We have to cross the river soon. We will be waiting for both of you outside."

Xiang Shaolong glanced at Qin Qing with astonishment and asked: "Why is Grand Tutor Qin so upset?"

Qin Qing stared at him coldly and retorted: "I dare not be upset but have to congratulate Official Xiang instead for being able to marry the beautiful daughter of Lu Buwei!"

Xiang Shaolong finally understood her concern and smiled: "Grand Tutor Qin is mistaken. This is a complicated affair. In reality, Lu Buwei does not want to marry her daughter to me and neither do I want to marry her."

Qin Qing was shocked: "Then why did Empress tell me that Lu Buwei has asked her to arrange the marriage and that you have agreed to the wedding?"

Xiang Shaolong smiled at her and softly pleaded: "Will Grand Tutor Qin please trust me this once? After the hunting fair, you can find out the truth from sister Yanran."

Qin Qing's face tightened and she shot with displeasure: "Why is Official Xiang always so secretive and says things halfway? Are you treating me like an outsider?"

Xiang Shaolong did not mean to hide things from her but looking at her enthusiasm, he was tempted and asked: "Do you think I treat you like an outsider?"

Both Qin Qing's cheeks turned red and she wailed: "Official Xiang is going to be rude to me again?"

Xiang Shaolong remembered that day when he hugged her slender waist. He coughed: "I dare not."

Qin Qing noticed his eyes focusing on her own waist and was infuriated. Lowering her head, she bit her lips and demanded: "Are you saying or not?"

Xiang Shaolong saw her pouting like his lover and was aroused. Leaning forward towards her body, he moved his lips to her jade ears and enjoyed her nice fragrance. He whispered: "This is a big secret which cannot be known to a third person. Please forgive me for speaking to you in this manner."

Qin Qing trembled slightly and her ears were red already. Feeling itchy at the ears, she wailed: "Does Official Xiang know what he is doing?"

Since Qin Qing did not shy away, Xiang Shaolong is even more excited at approaching this untouchable woman. He teased: "Shall I go ahead and tell you the secret then?" Qin Qing dared not look at him and nodded slightly.

Xiang Shaolong held back the urge to kiss her earlobe but cannot resist staring at her fast heaving chest. He gently divulged: "Lu Buwei has sent someone to poison me and estimate that I will not survive these two days. Therefore, he decided to marry his daughter to me and even proclaim it to the whole world so that when I am killed, no one will suspect him and he can even deceive Empress."

Qin Qing shook strongly and her face became as white as a sheet. She turned to face him and their lips nearly met.

Xiang Shaolong was stunned and retreated half a feet. Feeling regretful, he apologised: "I am sorry for alarming Grand Tutor Qin. Luckily, I have the poison removed from my body and Lu Buwei still has no idea. He will try his best to annul the marriage later and the Empress will know that he is trying to deceive her. That is the reason why I accept the marriage proposal."

Qin Qing sighed with relief and put her hands on her heart, scolding: "You gave me such a fright." Her face began to regain some colour and it was a captivating sight.

Xiang Shaolong was appreciative: "Thanks for Grand Tutor Qin's concern."

Her face may still be slightly red but she has recomposed herself. Smiling lightly, she gently state: "I have mistaken you! And I forgive you for being rude to me but you must not do it again in the future. Oh! My ear is so itchy."

Xiang Shaolong is fully intoxicated and nodded with a smile: "Let me consider about whether I will be rude to you in the future and tell you my decision later. This is a big secret which you must keep it to yourself."

Qin Qing giggled and shot him a lovely look. She gingerly stood up and sighed: "You! You are incorrigible."

Xiang Shaolong stood up with her and shrugged his shoulders: "I will be thanking the heavens as long as Grand Tutor Qin is not always angry at me."

Qin Qing slowly sighed: "You are the reason for my anger! You are always so secretive and I always have to force you to tell me the truth. Right! When you shot the five flying needles earlier, it has caused such a commotion that now the whole camp knows about it. When I came out of the Empress's tent, I saw Guan Zhongxie and Ying Ying analyzing the needles on the target board."

She lowered her head and softly pleaded: "Can Official Xiang give me one of your flying needles as a gift?"

Without hesitation, Xiang Shaolong drew out a flying needle from his waist belt and smoothly grabbed her hand and pressed the needle in the centre of her palm. He coaxed: "Please forgive me for being rude to you again." In normal circumstances, no man is allowed to touch her hand.

Qin Qing was taken by surprise at his molest and quickly withdrew her hand, wailing: "You..."

Xiang Shaolong put a finger to his lips and signalled her to keep quiet. He pointed outside the tent to indicate that he is afraid that others will hear her wailing. He then smiled: "This is the price to pay for being my confidante. In the future, I will look for you and will be polite and rude as I please."

Qin Qing's expression became annoyed and walked towards the tent exit. At the exit, she stopped and coldly state: "You have arms and legs and you can visit me if you like and not visit me if you don't like. Who cares!" She left in a huff.

Xiang Shaolong shook his head with a bitter smile. He and Qin Qing are losing more and more of their self-control. One fine day, they will land up in bed and the consequences will be disastrous.

But if he can conduct an illicit affair with her, it will be tremendously thrilling!

The hunting parties crossed the river in different batches.

Under Xu Xian's instructions, another two more bridges were built so there is now a total of four bridges.

The plains were filled with sounds of hunting dogs barking. Those with hunting eagles sent the eagles up in the air to showcase their grandeur and might.

Xiang Shaolong thought about Zhou Liang's Warrior Eagles and was very interested in them. In the future, he will have his own eagles to help his fight and they will be remarkable toys too.

Ji Yanran, Qin Qing and the girls joined Empress Ji's hunting party while he himself left to join Xiao Pan's party.

It is better for him to avoid Zhu Ji so as to prevent any awkwardness and it will also prevent Lao Ai from being jealous of him.

When he came to the river bank, Xiao Pan has begun crossing the River Jing under the protection of the palace guards. Xiang Shaolong and the Eighteen Guardians rushed to the back of the queue and ran into Guan Zhongxie.

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "I thought Official Guan has joined the Female Warriors!"

Guan Zhongxie knew that he is teasing him for spending all his time with Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er. He plainly state: "Work is more important. If I do not chase them off, Official Xiang will blame me for neglecting my work."

Xiang Shaolong was hit by realization. Since they are killing Lu Gong, Lu Dan'er will no longer be of any use to them. That is why Guan Zhongxie is disregarding Lu Dan'er now.

Ying Ying is Guan Zhongxie's way to spy on the Lord Changping brothers. But since Xiang Shaolong, Lu Gong, etc will be killed during Lord Gaoling's ambush, the Changping brothers will be blamed for their incompetence and Lu Buwei will force Empress Zhu Ji to execute them. Lu Buwei will then be able to fill up the posts of the leader of the palace guards with his own subordinates.

After all, the Imperial Infantry army is behind protecting Xianyang City and will not be involved with Lord Gaoling's ambush. Thus, Guan Zhongxie will be not implicated.

As a result, this heartless man Guan Zhongxie cannot be bothered with Ying Ying anymore.

Mo Ao's devious scheme is truly formidable. Originally, Xiang Shaolong and the rest would have suffered a huge defeat. It is due to pure luck that they now have the upper hand!

Guan Zhongxie saw that Xiang Shaolong is silent and thought that he is angry. He frantically flattered: "Official Xiang's wondrous flying needles skill is unparalleled. I submit to your superior talents."

Xiang Shaolong dished: "It is nothing great!"

As both men rode across the wooden bridge, heavy sounds of hoof beats can be heard as the horses are now stepping on wood.

A strong wind blew towards them and Xiang Shaolong is in a great mood. The sun is slowly setting in the west horizon and its last rays shone across the flatlands like a sheet of gold.

Guan Zhongxie reminded: "I nearly forgot. Premier Lu is looking for Official Xiang."

Xiang Shaolong grunted a reply and rode back to shore towards the main tents.

Book 14 Chapter 06 – Campfire Banquet

The east shore of River Jing is an unending wilderness for hundreds of miles. With occasional hills, thick forests and small streams, it is a hunter's dream come true.

Even with ten thousand hunters threading on the plains, they looked like small animals from the bird's eye view. In an instant, everyone was split apart as they began hunting for animals.

Xiao Pan's hunting party is the largest as it includes Zhu Ji's party as well as other members of the royal family. They did not participate in the hunt directly but were leisurely standing near the river bank and admiring the activities.

Lu Buwei led Xiang Shaolong up a small hill and they looked down at the hunting dogs chasing and barking at a prey while Xiao Pan, Wang Ben, the Changping Brothers and a group of palace guards chasing behind them. He joyfully remarked: "I have spoken to Empress. During the campfire banquet later, she will personally announce the marriage of you and Niang Rong."

Xiang Shaolong is full of admiration at his convincing acting skills.

Lu Buwei asked: "You should be agreeable, right?"

Xiang Shaolong plainly replied: "I am only concerned that I am not good enough for her."

Lu Buwei chortled: "I have always been appreciative of your humbleness. When I move into the new Premier Residence, I will see to the marriage immediately and fulfil one of my greatest wishes."

Xiang Shaolong secretly sniggered that he will instead have a big headache when that really happens. Visioning their future troubles, he was jumping for joy inside.

Lu Buwei asked again: "Has there been any news about Lord Gaoling?"

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be worried: "I have sent someone to spy on him but we have yet to detect any ambushing army. We may have been overly suspicious."

Lu Buwei agreed: "Well, it is better to be safe than sorry. I shall put you fully in charge of this."

He then softly sighed: "Shaolong! Are you still suspicious of my sincerity?"

Xiang Shaolong was caught unaware and he was speechless for a while. He stuttered: "Why does Premier Lu say so?"

Lu Buwei bitterly smiled: "Shaolong need not deceive me. When Zhongxie invited you for drinks at Drunken Wind Brothel last night, he saw you discarding the wine Dan Meimei poured for you. Ai! Do you think the wine is poisonous?"

Xiang Shaolong took his hat off him. He knew he must give a reply and smiled bitterly in return: "As what Premier Lu says, it is better to be safe than sorry."

They exchanged a glance and burst out laughing at the same time.

Lu Buwei clapped Xiang Shaolong's shoulder and mentioned between his laughs: "When Niang Rong marries you, you will be my son-in-law. By then, you can drink all the wine you want with peace of mind."

Xiang Shaolong has to acknowledge his prowess. Lu Buwei's words is trying to convince him that he has been overly suspicious with Dan Meimei and gain his loyalty even at the last moment before his death. This brainwave must have come from Mo Ao to prevent Xiang Shaolong from working with Xu Xian to attack them before the third hunting day.

Thinking about this, he laughed happily.

Under the shimmering stars and the bright moon, the camp is in a celebratory mood.

The animals that were hunted were being promptly roasted over fire spits. Different campfires scattered around the campsite has made the entire camping ground glowing with a beautiful red.

The ten best hunters have been invited to the royal tent to be rewarded by Zhu Ji and Xiao Pan and will join their table at the Campfire Banquet.

Wu Tingfang is the best hunter among the girls and is busying cleaning her catch with Zhao Zhi and the Tian sisters. Ji Yanran and Qin Qing are seated on one side and are in deep conversation.

Xiang Shaolong and the Lord Changping brothers have just come back from their patrol. They reminded the soldiers not to neglect their duties despite the festive mood and keep their guard up at all times. Teng Yi and Jing Jun came back shortly after them.

Both men had just led the Wu Family Elite Army into battle positions and they are now spying on Lord Gaoling's men. Xiang Shaolong can finally relieve this burden of ambush from his mind. After some discussion with them, he left to find Xu Xian. Just as he crossed the defending gates, he was detained by Ying Ying.

This lass has an unfriendly expression on her face and she coldly state: "Xiang Shaolong! Come with me!"

Puzzled, he followed her down the slope and they advanced deeply into a group of tents. Compared to the lights and sounds of the assembly grounds, they are now in a place where it is much more quiet, dark and serene.

Ying Ying leaned against a tent and stared at him viciously.

Her long hair was let down and it is still wet in some areas. She carries a fragrance that is associated with a woman's scent after a shower. Needless to say, she must have had a nice shower in the nearby river.

Out of a sudden, his mind is filled with various questions.

Since he got to know Ying Ying, he has been troubled with her and it is hard to establish their relationship properly. Moreover, he was busy with work and countering Lu Buwei. Thus, he did not spend much time to think about her.

Now that Mo Ao is going to die, he has some room to think about the future.

Since he is opposing Lu Buwei, he should ruthlessly snatch her from the hands of Guan Zhongxie. Additionally, it is common for men in this era to have multiple wives. After all, she is a rare beauty too. When they are married, he will share a closer relationship with the Lord Changping brothers. The Qin military and the royal family will see him as their own family. At the same time, it will deal a blow to Guan Zhongxie.

If Lu Gong is not going to die, the Lord Changping brothers will keep their jobs. Guan Zhongxie will then try to woo Ying Ying to secure his position in Xianyang City.

For Lu Dan'er, Lu Gong has opposed their relationship and Guan Zhongxie cannot disregard this powerful general. Even if Zhu Ji interferes, Lu Gong will not budge. Ying Ying, on the other hand, does not have this issue.

Whoever marries Ying Ying will only stand to benefit. Thinking about this, he cannot help but smile bitterly. There is a price to pay for marrying this stubborn girl. He wonders if he should harden his heart.

If he wants to woo Ying Ying, the hunting fair would be his best opportunity as Guan Zhongxie will be disregarding her. After the hunting fair, he will have to contend with Guan Zhongxie for her attention. Frankly speaking, he could not be bothered about Guan Zhongxie's antics.

As these thoughts ran through his mind like a shooting meteor, Ying Ying hatefully exclaimed: "Xiang Shaolong! Do you hate me a lot? Whenever I look for you, you are always so apprehensive and even use your leg injury as an excuse. Now, you can even perform your flying needles stunt in front of the Crown Prince. Now, the whole camp thinks that you are out to annoy me. How are we going to settle this debt?"

Xiang Shaolong realised that she had seen his exceptional flying needles and is now full of admiration for him.

She may be putting on an aggressive front but is actually trying to mend fences with him. Thus, she came to find him alone without the rest of the female warriors.

Xiang Shaolong took two steps forward and reached an intimate distance with her. They are now so close he can hear her breathing. He smiled: "Fine! It is my fault. But my leg is really injured! If you don't believe me, I can take off my pants and show you!"

Ying Ying's face reddened immediately and she stomped her feet: "Who wants to see you without your pants? I want you to throw the flying needles again."

Xiang Shaolong was agonized and knew that he cannot match up to his earlier performance. He bitterly smiled: "When I threw the flying needles earlier, my wound reopened. Can we find some other things to do instead?"

Ying Ying's attitude to him has indeed improved. She innocently asked: "What shall we do?"

Xiang Shaolong was inspired as he recalled her brother saying that the people of Qin are uncivilised barbarians who are more open minded. His eyes cannot help but strayed to her full bosom. He asked: "Where is your tent?"

Ying Ying's face is burning red and she wailed: "What are you looking at?" She retreated half a step and her back is fully up against the tent.

Xiang Shaolong mocked: "Every man loves to look at the figure of a beautiful woman and Miss Ying need not over react! At dawn, I am going to your tent to seek your forgiveness and this should give you enough face already."

Ying Ying was delighted and stretched out her pinkie, smiling: "You promise?"

Xiang Shaolong stretched out his own pinkie and hook onto hers. Admiring her large and attractive eyes, he cautioned: "You must not ambush me in your tent. Hng!"

Ying Ying knows that this man is eyeing her chest and yet she props her chest up even more and hissed: "Who wants to ambush you? Remember! If you do not show up, I will hate you for the rest of my life."

Using his pinkie, Xiang Shaolong pulled Ying Ying towards him. Ying Ying let out a shrill cry and fell on him and her pert breasts pressed against his muscular chest without any reservations. She was shocked and moved away hastily out of his bosom but did not appear to be annoyed. She shot him a look and described: "My tent is to the west of the Royal Tent with a purple flag. There is a purple flower sewn on the door of the tent door. Do not forget." Smiling sweetly, she skipped away like a child.

Xiang Shaolong did not anticipate that their grievances can be so easily settled and was pleased. He guessed that the people of Qin love hunting fairs because it is also a good time to date as well.

The main assembly ground is used for the campfire banquet. It is an outdoor dining concept with tents, defending gates and defending walls surrounding it.

Xiao Pan and Zhu Ji were the hosts of the banquet and took the northern seats. In front of them are three rows of sixty odd tables and each table can seat four to six men. Torches were placed between each table which adds to the atmosphere of the banquet.

Wine was free flowing and food is naturally their hunting prey. There are all kinds of barbequed and fragrant fowl meat and animal meat.

Except for Lord Gaoling and Tian Dan who excused themselves, everyone from the royal family is present. Besides some special guests like Lu Dan'er, Ying Ying, Ji Yanran, etc, the remaining participants are the ten best hunters. Ji Yanran, Wu Tingfang, Zhao Zhi and Qin Qing are sharing one table which caused Lu Gong to stare at their table occasionally. The younger men with less willpower are almost staring at them non-stop. Heading one of the rows is Prince Dan and Xu Yi Ze, who chatted with Zhu Ji once in a while.

Ji Yanran and the ladies are adopting a carefree attitude and disregarded the fact that they are the centre of attraction.

This is the first time Xiao Pan is hosting such a grand and unique banquet. He was fidgeting in his seat and his expression looked unnatural.

But the most nervous man is Lao Ai who is seated behind Zhu Ji. Zhu Ji had informed him that the Crown Prince will personally announce his promotion later.

The most unfortunate man is Xiang Shaolong. He was allocated to Lu Buwei's table and was squeezed between Lu Buwei and the heartless Lu Niang Rong cum Guan Zhongxie. Mo Ao is not invited as his status is not high enough and it also suits his low profile.

Everyone toasted Xiao Pan first before Lu Buwei gave a welcome speech. Following that, Xiao Pan took the stand and announced the start of the banquet.

Lu Buwei toasted Xu Xian and Lu Gong first before he sat down and commented to Xiao Pan: "I heard Crown Prince shot a condor earlier. This is a good omen. We shall enjoy a year of bountiful harvest and peace within the nation."

Xiao Pan joyfully raised his cup: "Right Premier, let me toast you."

Lu Buwei quickly drank up.

Besides them, Xiang Shaolong was cheering in his heart. Lu Buwei's acting could have won him a Lifetime Achievement Award while Xiao Pan could have won the Best Male Actor Award. After all, he will be the main leader during this era.

Guan Zhongxie spoke out: "Will Official Xiang perform his flying needles stunt again to honour the banquet hosted by the Crown Prince?"

Xiang Shaolong cursed secretly and turned his head around. He could sense intense awkwardness from Lu Niang Rong and he weakly smiled at her before telling Guan Zhongxie: "Mine is a lousy skill not worth mentioning. I have yet to see Official Guan with his iron bow. Will Official Guan fulfil my wish?" He laughed to himself. He is sure Guan Zhongxie will somehow display his talent and impress the people of Qin just like what he did with the flying needles.

Guan Zhongxie laughed loudly: "As long as it is an order from Official Xiang, I will not dare to disobey. If not for Official Xiang's injury, I would love to spar with you and learn from an expert like yourself."

From his words, Xiang Shaolong is certain that he will show off his skill at the assembly ground after the dinner.

Behind him, Lu Buwei leaned over and instructed Lu Niang Rong: "Niang Rong, you must serve Official Xiang well."

Lu Niang Rong batted an eye at Xiang Shaolong and replied: "But Official Xiang has not spoken to me yet!"

Lu Buwei patted Xiang Shaolong's shoulder and exclaimed; "Shaolong! Make her happy."

Xiang Shaolong can sense Zhu Ji, Ji Yanran, Qin Qing and everyone else looking at them. Totally uncomfortable, he bitterly smiled: "I got it."

Lu Buwei and Guan Zhongxie began to chat among themselves and provided an opportunity for them to interact.

Xiang Shaolong looked at Lu Niang Rong and she happened to look back. Xiang Shaolong forcefully smiled: "What did Third Mistress catch today?"

Initially, Lu Niang Rong managed to force out a smile but her face darkened when she faced his penetrating eyes. She lowered her head and shook it, replying: "I am not in the mood to hunt today."

Xiang Shaolong thought that she is not so bad after all as she is suffering from a guilty conscience. He wondered aloud: "Am I the one behind your bad mood?"

Lu Niang Rong trembled slightly and raised her face, assessing him with a look of dilemma on her face.

Under the illumination of the torch, Lu Niang Rong looks youthful and charming. Her beauty can be compared to Ying Ying's but her figure is not as good as hers.

He sensed that something is amiss. Apparently, Lu Niang Rong's eyes have turned red and she is crying.

Even Lu Buwei saw her crying and frantically exclaimed: "Niang Rong! Do you want to go back to your tent and rest?"

As Lu Niang Rong unsteadily stood up, she attracted the attention of Zhu Ji, Xiao Pan, Qin Qing, Ji Yanran, Wu Tingfang, Zhao Zhi, Lu Gong and Xu Xian. As the tears begin to fall from her face onto her clothes, she wailed: "I am not marrying him!" Despite Lu Buwei's coaxing, she ran off into the tents in the background after finishing her words. As the majority of the crowd is busy engaging in wine and revelry, not many people are aware of her outburst. The lively mood of the banquet is not affected by her disturbance.

Lu Buwei and Guan Zhongxie watched helplessly as she ran off into the darkness.

Xiang Shaolong is beginning to have a better opinion of her. She is not totally like her father who can lie with his eyes wide open. At the same time, he concluded that she has some feelings for him.

Lao Ai came over to invite Lu Buwei on Zhu Ji's instructions. Lu Buwei winked at Guan Zhongxie before he left.

Guan Zhongxie is about to chase after Lu Niang Rong when Xiang Shaolong grabbed him and reasoned: "Let her go! Love cannot be forced."

Guan Zhongxie was taken aback and returned to his seat, smiling bitterly: "Official Xiang is right!"

Lu Buwei came back to their table and sighed in a deep voice: "We will postpone the wedding until further notice! Ai! Shaolong! I do not know what to say."

Xiang Shaolong is secretly delighted but feigned sadness: "Premier Lu need not fret. Hei! I wish..." He wanted to find a reason to slip away from Lao Ai approached their table again but it was Xiang Shaolong he invited this time round.

Xiang Shaolong feared Zhu Ji the most and forced himself to go to her table. When he came to her, Zhu Ji plainly stated: "Shaolong need not pay his respects. Have a seat!"

Xiang Shaolong sat down adjoining her and whispered: "What instructions does Empress have?" he noticed Lao Ai seated five feet behind Zhu Ji trying to listen to their conversation. The environment is quite noisy and he is sure Lao Ai cannot eavesdrop very well.

Under Lao Ai's nourishment, Zhu Ji is like a brand new person and is even more enchanting than before. She slowly assessed him and sighed: "Shaolong! Both you and Zheng'er have changed."

Xiang Shaolong did not expect her to say these words. Shocked, he exclaimed: "Empress!"

An irritated Zhu Ji scolded: "I do not want to hear any hypocritical words from you. Ai! Are both of you blaming me?" At the last sentence, she softened her tone and her words carried some tinge of helplessness.

Xiang Shaolong is filled with emotions. He knew that he can prevent her from being seduced by Lao Ai but he cannot go against fate and allow himself to replace Lao Ai. That is why he did not succumb to her and allowed her to sink deeper into Lao Ai's love trap. Guilt-ridden, he was dumbfounded.

Zhu Ji leaned closer and whispered: "Every time we did it, I imagined that I am doing it with you, understand?"

Xiang Shaolong shook uncontrollably and cannot help but look up to her pretty face.

Zhu Ji's eyes turned slightly red and she avoided his gaze. Recomposing herself, she calmly ordered: "Commander Xiang, you are dismissed!"

Xiang Shaolong was stunned for a moment before he returned to Lu Buwei's table.

Before he can say a word to the two men, Lu Dan'er and Ying Ying were holding each other's hands and skipped up to them. They insist on bringing Guan Zhongxie to their table to compete on wine-drinking but their eyes were mainly fixated on Xiang Shaolong.

Guan Zhongxie is not in the mood and evaded: "I am been ordered by Official Xiang to perform later." He faced Xiang Shaolong and continued: "If Official Xiang does not want to see me screw up, he will have to substitute me in accepting the challenge of these two ladies."

Xiang Shaolong is afraid that Lu Buwei will interrogate him on what Zhu Ji has said to him and laughed out loud: "Official Guan is so eloquent!" He turned around and left with the girls.

Lu Dan'er is pleasantly surprised and happily pinched him, cooing: "Looks like you are a clever man. Shall we bury the hatchet?"

Xiang Shaolong was amused that Ying Ying did not tell Lu Dan'er what had happened between them earlier. He winked at Ying Ying and is about to reply her when two men appeared and blocked their path. It was Lord Changwen and Jing Jun. Jing Jun smiled: "Are the two Mistresses trying to make my Third Brother drunk? You have to challenge me first."

The two ladies saw him with a wine flask in his left hand and a wine cup in his right hand. Stopping, they accepted: "Do you think we are afraid of you?"

Xiang Shaolong did not expect Jing Jun to be so familiar with them and guessed that they have crossed paths before.

Lord Changwen faced Xiang Shaolong and smiled: "Has Official Xiang received the red flower from Sister and Dan'er?"

The face of both girls immediately became red and they stared ferociously at Xiang Shaolong.

Lu Dan'er put her hands on her waist and wailed: "What is the use of giving it to him? He is a useless cripple."

Perplexed, Xiang Shaolong questioned: "What is the red flower?"

Jing Jun joked: "You can give him the flower but I will represent him in doing the deed."

Both girls started to laugh and protest. Their faces are thoroughly red and they looked even more enchanting under the illumination of the torches.

Lord Changwen stepped forward and explained to Xiang Shaolong: "It is our Qin custom. During the hunting fair, an unmarried girl can present an embroidered red flower to a man she likes. The man can then visit her in her tent to spend the night. Hei! Now you understand!"

Xiang Shaolong did not expect the Qin ladies to be so open minded and was flabbergasted. He unconsciously shifted his gaze to the two ladies. Ying Ying stomped her foot and yelled: "Second Brother, you are spouting nonsense."

Lu Dan'er charmingly smiled: "I have not decided who to give my flower to. Let's see what happens later."

Xiang Shaolong was visibly excited. The open-minded Qin girl is something the other six states can never offer. He smiled at Jing Jun: "Little Jun! Miss Dan'er is dropping you a big hint."

Lord Changwen joked: "So if your Fifth Brother gets the flower, are you performing the deed for him?"

Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er may be the butt of their jokes but did not mind them at all. They only coquettishly protest which makes them even more interesting.

Jing Jun loves to flirt with women and smiled: "If I managed to get both red flowers from both ladies, I will leave Miss Ying to my Third Brother and keep Miss Dan'er for myself. Ao!"

Lu Dan'er sent him a kick. Jing Jun sprang up and flipped to the side. His two hands were still holding the wine flask and wine cup but not a single drop of wine has spilled. The other four persons were amazed at his agility.

The banquet is still in progress and the two hundred odd guests are still having a good time. Here, they are also having their own fun.

This is the first time Lord Changwen had seen Jing Jun's skills and he breathes in heavily: "Based on this skill, Dan'er should give you her red flower."

Lu Dan'er enthusiastically stared at Jing Jun: "You monkey! Flip one more time for me."

With a lazy and annoying look on his face, Jing Jun cheekily glanced at Lu Dan'er and joked: "If you become a female monkey, I will become a male monkey and bring you to the trees and somersault non-stop."

Lu Dan'er let out a war cry and rushed forward with two clenched fists. Jing Jun actually managed to drink his wine and avoided her blows at the same time. With Lu Dan'er hot at his heels, they soon disappeared among the tents.

Xiang Shaolong was moved. Jing Jun may not be a Qin native but he is a sworn brother of him and Wang Jian. Moreover, he holds a military post. Lu Gong may agree to let him date Lu Dan'er.

Lu Dan'er is a teenage girl and it is a stage where she is very indecisive. She is interested in Guan Zhongxie because of his heroic air. If Jing Jun can humour her and with Lu Gong's support, coupled with their compatible age and their similar love for fun, they may eventually fall in love. This will prevent Guan Zhongxie from using Lu Dan'er to penetrate the influential circles of the Qin military.

A bell was struck and everyone quietened down.

The three persons stood still and listened to Xiao Pan's speech.

Xiao Pan stood up and greeted the Empress. He then proclaimed the ten best hunters to be promoted to the rank of Captain with immediate effect.

The ten young men were overjoyed and hurriedly kneeled down, giving thanks to Xiao Pan and swearing their loyalty to him.

Xiao Pan continued to announce a slew of promotions, including promoting Teng Sheng as the new Outer Custodian and Lao Ai as the Inner Custodian.

Some officials felt that Lao Ai's promotion is undeserved. But looking at Empress Zhu Ji fawning over him and the lack of objections from Xu Xian and Lu Gong, they accepted the changes reluctantly.

It was followed by 'ShowTime'. First, Xiao Pan listed Lu Buwei's achievements in conquering the three provinces and promoted him to become the new Premier Mentor. It is just a post without any authority. Needless to say, it was Li Si who prepared this speech for him.

Although Lu Buwei wields plenty of power in the Qin Court, as long as the two influential men Xu Xian and Lu Gong do not object, this promotion will be official.

Finally, everyone toasted one another and the banquet came to a conclusion.

Lord Changwen frantically excused him and rushed forward to escort Xiao Pan and Zhu Ji.

Slightly fearful, Ying Ying retreated two steps and whined: "Remember what you promised."

Xiang Shaolong objected: "I take my word back. We have decided to reconcile but you flirted with another man in front of me. Now that he is gone, you are using me as a substitute."

Ying Ying stomped her feet: "It is not what you see. I actually wanted to... Ah! Who do you think you are? Why must I explain things to you?"

Xiang Shaolong saw that she was infuriated and she is beginning to cry. Beside them, everyone is leaving the banquet area. He softened and smiled: "All right! I surrender. I am fine with being a substitute."

Ying Ying is so incensed she nearly wanted to draw her sword. She roared: "I said that you are not a substitute. I have always... Forget it! You try skipping our appointment!" She turned around and stomped away.

Xiang Shaolong shouted: "What about the red flower?"

Ying Ying increased her pace away from him.

Xiang Shaolong turned around and came face to face with Ji Yanran. The beauty batted an eye at him and sighed: "Hubby has regained his flirty ways."

Xiang Shaolong sighed and pulled her to one side, explaining the real reason behind Ying Ying's seduction.

Ji Yanran sighed: "Hubby must be careful. Earlier, Guan Zhongxie has been paying close attention to all of you. He may try to sow discord between the two of you. After all, Ying Ying belongs to the royal family and Guan Zhongxie will only stand to benefit if he marries her."

Xiang Shaolong assured: "Since the demise of Princess Qian and the maids, I have lost my interests in girls and only hope to spend the rest of my life in peace with all of you. If Ying Ying chooses to marry Guan Zhongxie, so be it."

Ji Yanran dragged him aside to avoid the men riding horses in their direction. She whispered: "Do you swear that you have no feelings for Sister Qin?"

Xiang Shaolong's face reddened: "Why did you bring her up?"

Ji Yanran questioned: "Why did the two of you say in the tent? When she left, her face is thoroughly red and full of joy."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I speak normally! It is her skin which is too thin."

Ji Yanran slightly whined: "Sister Qin is someone with lots of self-control. She is in love with you and that is why her skin has become thin."

Xiang Shaolong was stunned: "It is my fault! Ai! Why do I always get into this kind of trouble?"

Ji Yanran smiled: "You are good looking, kind hearted and eloquent. Otherwise, I will not have been won over by your antics and become your wife."

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "How dare you say I use antics to seduce you? I am not going to let you off!"

Ji Yanran charmingly giggled: "Who needs you to let me off?"

Xiang Shaolong was aroused and cheerful Jing Jun happened to come back. He laughed: "The night performances are about to begin. Are Third Brother and Third Sister going to stay here and enjoy each other's company?"

In the midst of laughter and scolding, the three people walked towards the defending gates.

Xiang Shaolong took this chance to ask him about Lu Dan'er.

Jing Jun happily recalled: "This lass is really b!tchy. Even after I molested her, she still came after me. Finally, I protected my head and allowed her to trash me. She may have a fearsome look on her face and her blows are definitely controlled to avoid hurting me. So exciting!"

As Xiang Shaolong waved to acknowledge everyone around them, he reminded: "To win her heart, you must take advantage of these two days. Do you understand?"

Jing Jun nodded his head vigorously and instantly disappeared into the crowd in an unknown direction. Behind him, Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran could not help but break out into smiles.

Book 14 Chapter 07 – Exchanging Pointers On The Duelling Ground

Four young lads were riding handsome horses and entered the assembly ground from the east. When they arrived at the centre of the grounds, they picked up speed and strung an arrow to their bow at the same time. It was a neat formation and the crowd of ten thousand people is cheering for them. Just as everyone expected them to shoot their arrows at the target boards, the four men actually flipped upside down and fire their arrows while they were positioned under the horses' belly. Zng! All the four arrows managed to hit the centre ring of the target board while one arrow nearly hit the bull's eye. While the arrows are still quivering on the target board, the four men have flipped back onto their saddles and rode across the grandstand, saluting Xiao Pan and Zhu Ji. The crowd burst out into loud cheering and applause.

Most of the crowd were seated on the slope between the assembly ground and the royal tents. As they are looking down from a higher place, they actually enjoy a better view compared to those at the stands.

After the four riders have left, everyone was still fascinated by their amazing performance. Since no one is confident of performing a better show, the stage was unoccupied for the time being.

Xiao Pan stood up from his grandstand and threw four arrows down to the four riders.

The four men are mad with glee. They leapt down the horse and picked up the arrows. They proceeded up the grandstand to receive their rewards from Xiao Pan.

Xiang Shaolong, his three wives, two maids, Teng Yi, Qin Qing and the Eighteen Guardians were seated on the slope and watching the activities from afar. They are finally beginning to understand the importance of this hunting fair to the people of Qin.

It is equivalent to the Olympic Games of the modern world.

Every ambitious man will use these three days to showcase his talent so as to win military promotions and gain the favour of the royal family as well as the various high ranking officials.

The really capable ones will even win the affection of girls from prestigious families like Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er. They will stand to benefit in their love life and career paths.

The annual hunting fair is a highlight of Qin. But not everyone is eligible to participate. Except for the royal family and families of high ranking officials, other participants must go through a selection by their various departments before they can take part in the hunting fair.

Among his three wives, Wu Tingfang is the most boisterous. She clapped and shouted nonstop at the performances.

Xiang Shaolong was about to say something to Teng Yi when he noticed his brows furrowed. Curious, he implored: "Is something bothering Second Brother?"

Teng Yi composed himself and replied in a deep voice: "I was just wondering – Lu Buwei has such a confident demeanour; isn't he concerned that Lu Gong, Xu Xian and you might summon the Qin army to annihilate him? Although he is protected by first rate fighters, they are only numbering around one hundred. Even with a few more Guan Zhongxie, he is considered careless about his personal security."

Xiang Shaolong guessed: "I think he is sure that I cannot manipulate the palace guards to attack him. Moreover, the Crown Prince will protect him as the new Premier Mentor and he knew that we will not act hastily."

Teng Yi shook his head: "This is unlike Mo Ao's usual methods. From the start, they have always been one step ahead of us while we are struggling to defend ourselves from them. In such a crucial juncture, it is less likely that they will be neglectful."

Xiang Shaolong agreed that his words make sense and began to think deeply too.

Teng Yi stared at the grandstand opposite them where Zhu Ji and Lu Buwei are sitting and shifted his gaze to Prince Dan and Tian Dan beside them. He mused: "It is such a grand occasion. Why is Tian Dan's favourite general Dan Chu absent?"

Xiang Shaolong gestured Wu Yan Zhu and Wu Shu to his side and instructed them to spy on the Qi people, smiling: "It is no use thinking about it. Let's spy on them and see what is going on."

On his other side, Wu Tingfang elbowed him: "That's great! Hubby! Look! It is Little Jun!"

Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi were rejuvenated and looked down to the assembly ground.

Under Jing Jun's leadership, a few hundred cavalry soldiers rode out. Half of them are from the Wu Family Elite army. Everyone has a lance in their right hand and a shield in their left hand. Using only their legs to control their horses, they performed a variety of stunts and poses.

Jing Jun is even more imposing. Barking command after command, he directed his men with utmost confidence, evoking loud cheers and whistles from the crowd.

The female warriors were squeezed on one side of the crowd and they acted as Jing Jun's cheerleaders under the leadership of Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er.

On the grandstand, Lu Gong and the other military leaders nodded their heads in acknowledgement and praise. Once in a while, they will pass favourable comments.

In these warring times, only a well-trained army can gain their attention.

Zhao Zhi happily cried: "Little Jun is really something!"

Suddenly, the soldiers split into two groups and carried out a mock attack on each other. As the horses brush past each other, sounds of weapons clashing can be heard. After a few exciting demonstrations, everyone in the crowd has shouted until their voices were hoarse.

After the final clash, both groups combined into one group and face the grandstand resolutely. At the head of the group is Jing Jun armed with a shield and a lance. He first stood up on his saddle and executed a somersault over the horse's head. While in mid air, his shield was moving rapidly to protect his body while he pierced his lance several times at an invisible enemy. When he finally landed, he kneeled down in a swift motion and paid his respects to Xiao Pan. It was a fluid movement altogether and there was no sign of breathlessness from him.

The crowd exploded into their biggest cheers and applause since the beginning of the night performances. Even the cold Qin Qing could not hold back and cheered for Jing Jun too.

Xiao Pan saw that he is Xiang Shaolong's sworn brother and is highly-skilled at the same time. Delighted, he actually jumped up, withdrew his personal sword and threw it down to the ground.

Jing Jun picked up his sword joyfully and howled another command. The cavalry troops marched neatly out of the assembly ground while he himself ascended the grandstand to claim his reward.

Xiang Shaolong could see that the crowd is still high after Jing Jun's performance. He turned his head to Ji Yanran and suggested: "If Talented Lady Ji will perform her incredible spear technique, I guarantee that the crowd will cheer loudly for you."

Ji Yanran and Qin Qing looked at him at the same time. With two of the world's most beautiful faces looking at him simultaneously, Xiang Shaolong was aroused.

Ji Yanran batted her eyes at him: "Yanran only needs Hubby's love and not the crowd's cheering."

Xiang Shaolong shifted his gaze to Qin Qing. She shot him a look and turned her face back to face the assembly ground.

After a few performances by the Palace Infantry and the Palace Cavalry, Ying Ying's female warriors took to the stage.

They may not be as well trained as Jing Jun's cavalry army but the two hundred young girls have their fair share of horse riding and archery experiences. Viewing their performance is also one of life's pleasures.

Among the crowd, the girls are clapping non-stop and the guys are even more generous with their cheering. Naturally, the cheering is even louder than the cheering for Jing Jun.

A gong was sounded.

Lu Gong stood up and paid his respects to Empress and Crown Prince. He proceeded to announce the main event of tonight – the Sword Duel.

As the crowd became serious, he solemnly barked: "Whoever can win three consecutive fights will be rewarded with ten taels of gold from the Crown Prince. You may even win a promotion. Gentlemen, show us what you are made of!"

Under thunderous applause, two men scrambled out.

Lord Changping and several palace guards stepped forward and helped both men put their armour on and each man is given a wooden sword.

After the two men bowed to each other, they began fighting. Within three strokes, one of the men was hit by his opponent.

A gong was sounded and Xu Xian the referee announced the winner.

After ten over fights, only a young man named Huan Qi managed to win three consecutive fights and he earned loud cheers from the crowd.

Xiang Shaolong is trying to locate Guan Zhongxie among the crowd. To Teng Yi, he checked: "Will Second Brother enter the fight later to test Guan Zhongxie's skills?"

Teng Yi smiled: "Why not?"

Both men exchanged a smile as another man entered the duelling ground. It is Lao Ai.

There are not many people who recognized him but they were impressed with his sturdy built, imposing air and alert expression. It was only until he announced his position and name did everyone realised that he is the Empress's pet Inner Custodian Lao Ai.

In this instant, another man entered the duelling ground. Everyone is surprised at the challenger. Apparently, it is the expert swordsman Lu Chan. This man is one of the best fighters from Lu Buwei's group after Guan Zhongxie.

Teng Yi observed: "This will be spectacular. Lu Buwei is purposely out to ruin his reputation and put him down."

Xiang Shaolong focused on the grandstand and noticed the concerned expressions of Xiao Pan, Zhu Ji, Lu Gong, Xu Xian, etc. He was glad that Lu Buwei is now officially opposing Lao Ai. If not for the body armour, Lu Buwei would have instructed Lu Chan to injure Lao Ai's groin and destroy his usefulness to Zhu Ji.

Lu Chan has a rigid face, a fierce demeanour and is dark-skinned. Whoever sees him would be frightened by his appearance. After they have put on their armour, both men circled the assembly ground once and are viewing each other with caution.

Ji Yanran sighed: "Lu Buwei is familiar with Lao Ai's strengths and weaknesses. Since he sent Lu Chan, he must have a high chance of winning."

Xiang Shaolong saw the Lu Chan is expressionless and hard to fathom. He nodded: "This man's strength should lie in forceful attacks. Lu Buwei must have wanted him to attack Lao Ai relentlessly and make Lao Ai lose face in front of everyone. This will lower Lao Ai's standing in the eyes of Zhu Ji and the people of Qin."

Before he can even finish speaking, Lu Chan roared and attacked Lao Ai.

Qin Qing praised: "Official Xiang is truly a genius to make such accurate predictions." No one spoke out anymore as everyone is fixated on the intense fighting.

Sounds of the wooden sword swishing through the air filled everyone's ears. Everyone held their breaths as they witnessed the most intensive fight since the beginning of the duels.

Lao Ai may realise that his arm strength is not as good as Lu Chan or he is out to waste Lu Chan's energy. He did his best to avoid his blows and did not meet his attacks head on.

Until Lu Chan's fourth stroke brushed past his head did Lao Ai roar loudly and deflected his blows. He focused on defending and deflecting his blows rather than attacking him.

Lu Chan's killing aura grew and he changed his sword styles, attacking Lao Ai mercilessly.

Lao Ai changed his sword styles too and defended himself well. He deflected his blows and retreated at the same time. After circling the assembly ground a few rounds, their steps were still firm and did not show any signs of exhaustion.

It is truly different when expert swordsmen fight.

Ying Ying's female warriors are impressed with Lao Ai's handsome looks and began cheering for him. Whenever he executed a skilful defensive stroke, they will cheer wildly for him. Teng Yi sighed: "Lu Chan has been tricked!"

Xiang Shaolong knew what he meant. Lu Chan and Lao Ai's swords skills are about the same level. Lu Chan has superior arm strength while Lao Ai is more agile. From the ongoing battle, it appears that Lao Ai is gaining the upper hand while Lu Chan is losing his energy very quickly. When he is exhausted, it will be Lao Ai's opportunity to defeat him.

Zhao Zhi was astonished: "Why didn't Lu Buwei send Guan Zhongxie?"

Xiang Shaolong looked over to her and noticed the Tian sisters nervously keeping their eyes closed as they were too afraid to watch the fighting. He cannot hold back but smiled: "Sending Guan Zhongxie will be the final straw."

Lu Chan is anxious to win and increased the intensity of the fight. Everyone is taken aback by his ferocity and their eyes followed his movements. Sounds of heavy clashing of the wooden swords filled the air.

Lao Ai suddenly stopped retreating and yelled madly. Like an angry dragon rising from the sea, his sword sliced forward and with a loud 'Pak!' he actually forced Lu Chan to retreat half a step. He continued with a flurry of attacks that sent Lu Chan into a defending position. Loud cheers and whistles were heard from the crowd.

Teng Yi shook his head and sighed: "There are so many advantages if you are handsome."

Lao Ai's attacks became more and more fearsome and his sword is almost everywhere, forcing Lu Chan to take several steps back. But Lu Chan has high endurance. Despite being at a disadvantage, he did not panic and everyone is also impressed with his resilience.

Out of the blue, Lao Ai ceased his attacks and took a few steps back. He bowed: "Brother Lu is highly-skilled. I cannot hope to defeat you."

The entire crowd quietened down.

Lu Chan was stunned for a while before he returned his greetings. Both men then paid their respects to the grandstand.

Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi glanced at each other. They did not expect Lao Ai to end this beautifully. He gave face to Lu Buwei and at the same time, he retreated when he was gaining the upper hand. Otherwise, if Guan Zhongxie challenges him in the next round, he will be in deep 5hit.

Xu Xian decided that it is a draw and rewarded each man with five taels of gold. The crowd was slightly disappointed.

Fortunately, the next fighters were all experts from the cavalry army and the palace guards. After several battles, the last fighter is Great General Wang He's Assistant General Bai Chong who has beaten two challengers. If he can win one more round, he will win the ten taels of gold.

Xiang Shaolong felt that the present fighters are all men from prestigious backgrounds, causing all his cavalry soldiers to hold back from participating. He commented to Teng Yi: "Guan Zhongxie should be fighting soon!" Teng Yi reminded: "Not so fast! There is still Zhou Zihen!"

Before his sentence ended, a short and stout Zhou Zihen stepped out of the crowd and entered the duelling ground.

Everyone witnessed Bai Chong's double victory and guessed that he will too defeat this nameless man. Energized by this thought, they cheered even louder and the atmosphere is electrifying.

As everyone watched on, Zhou Zihen lifted the wooden sword and tested its weight. Abruptly, he brandished a dagger and swiftly sliced downwards. The end of the long sword was severed off, leaving only one and a half feet of sword length.

Everyone was blown away by his way of shortening his sword. Moreover, he used a small dagger to sever the heavy wooden sword in one blow and it takes a very sharp dagger to achieve that. Everyone was flabbergasted.

Zhou Zihen begged Xiao Pan's pardon: "Please forgive me as I am used to using short swords." Xiao Pan's interest was piqued and he gestured his approval.

Bai Chong has a suspicious look on his face as he brandished his sword and awaited his attack. With a serious expression, he was ready to counterattack anytime.

In his heart, Xiang Shaolong deemed him to be a coward.

There is a saying: An inch shorter is an inch of danger. If Zhou Zihen is using such a short sword, his sword skills would be unorthodox and hard to defend against.

With only these two fighters, Lu Buwei is already instilling fear in others. Moreover, he still has Guan Zhongxie the champion swordsman.

Zhou Zihen snorted and moved forward at lightning speed. His wooden sword has morphed into a flurry of quick sword stances and his sword seemed to be everywhere. Clashing head on with Bai Chong, this is the first time anyone has seen such a queer move.

Bai Chong was stunned and roared. He took half a step back before sweeping his sword horizontally across.

Du! Zhou Zihen's short sword parried away Bai Chong's long sword while his entire body crashed squarely into Bai Chong's chest.

Bai Chong was taken by surprise and suffered a heavy blow to his chest. He lost his grip on his long sword and he fell down in a sitting position.

Nobody expected Bai Chong to lose in one blow and everyone forgot to cheer.

Wang He and Bai Chong were disgraced while Lu Gong and the other generals were embarrassed. It was an awkward moment.

Finally, Lu Buwei took the lead in clapping and cheering for Zhou Zihen.

Like a dishonoured man, Bai Chong stood up and walked away.

Xiang Shaolong sucked in some cold air. He deduced that Zhou Zihen is someone well-versed in fighting at close proximity and he may have a hard time fighting him himself.

The atmosphere was tensed as Zhou Zihen proudly stood at the centre of the duelling ground, awaiting the next challenger. After some time, there were still no takers. Xiang Shaolong caught sight of Lu Buwei talking to Zhu Ji and he must have been bragging about his skilful subordinate. He had a brainwave and inquired: "Where is Little Jun?"

Teng Yi had the same inspiration that only Jing Jun's agility can counter Zhou Zihen and groaned: "I do not know where he has sneaked off to. Without our consent, he dared not fight."

At this time, Xu Xian announced from the grandstand: "If there are no more challengers, we will assume that Zhou Zihen from Premier Lu Residence has won three consecutive fights."

The crowd became so quiet you can hear a pin drop.

Xiang Shaolong sighed to himself. If Zhou Zihen 'won three consecutive fights', the military would lose face as they cannot even defeat someone from Lu Buwei's forces.

At the instant, someone shouted: "Where is Commander Xiang?" The moment the shout ended, the crowd of ten thousand people were chanting his name.

Ever since his duel with Wang Jian, he has been the number one swordsman in the eyes of the people of Qin. Moreover, he is a 'Qin native'. With this outsider arrogantly waiting for a challenger, everyone naturally hope that he will take the stand and regain some glory.

Cries of 'Xiang Shaolong' filled the mountains and valleys.

Xiang Shaolong saw that everyone around him was now staring at him. He was agonized. Even without his leg injury, it will be a difficult task to overcome Zhou Zihen. Now that his movement is limited, what should he do?