17-6 -- 17-9

Book 17 Chapter 06 – Creating Trouble At The Brothel

After the historical meeting, Lord Changping forcefully dragged Xiang Shaolong away from the reluctant Ji Yanran and Qin Qing. At the Left Premier Residence of Lord Changping, Lord Changwen is already waiting for them patiently.

Once the doors have been secured, Lord Changwen slammed the table and cursed: " that Guan Zhongxie! His charm has caused our sister to be completely bewitched by him. The Crown Prince has informed us through Official Li to take our sister in hand. What shall we do?"

Lord Changping rested his hand on Xiang Shaolong's shoulder and laughed: "I can tell that even Grand Tutor Qin is interested in you; wooing our sister should be an easy task for you. Shaolong must help us win her back from Guan Zhongxie's influences."

With Shan Rou's recent departure, Zhao Ya's death and the passing of Xu Xian and Lu Gong, Xiang Shaolong has been dealt with one heavy blow after another. Except for Qin Qing, he is no longer bothered with any other woman. Ying Ying is obnoxious and fickle-minded. If he had met her when he first came to this era, they will have a good time together. But after experiencing Lady Ni's suicide and Zhao Ya's betrayal, all he seeks is true love.

Lord Changping continued: "I heard rumours that Lu Niang Rong is personally pushing for a rematch between you and Guan Zhongxie. She will only marry him if he defeats you."

Lord Changwen pleaded: "No matter what, Shaolong must help the two of us this time. If Guan Zhongxie rebels in the future, our sister will be implicated and the consequences are unbearable."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "Love cannot be forced. What do you want me to do?"

Lord Changping suggested: "We are now openly opposing Lu Buwei so we might as well go all the way. You must fight and defeat Guan Zhongxie. Our sister will never hang around with a loser and this problem will be resolved automatically."

Xiang Shaolong plainly replied: "If I defeated Guan Zhongxie to marry Lu Niang Rong, I'd rather concede the fight."

Lord Changwen laughed: "Relax! Lu Buwei will never marry his favourite daughter to you. You need not fight him openly but just prove yourself to be better than him in one way or another. This will increase your prestige and lower Guan Zhongxie's. Our sister will then recognise who is the real hero."

In a begging tone, Lord Changping implored: "The most arrogant people in Xianyang City now are the men from the Premier Mentor Residence. Everyone hates them to the core. If Shaolong can stand up to them, it will be helping the Crown Prince too. In fact, every one of us is waiting for you to come back and lead us against them."

Xiang Shaolong forced himself to brighten up and bitterly smiled after some thought: "All right. Reserve a table tonight at the Drunken Wind Brothel and insist on Dan Meimei and Guiyan to be our companions. We shall create a scene there tonight and demand my rightful Flying Dragon Spear at the same time."

Both men were delighted and hurriedly left to see to the arrangements.

Xiang Shaolong took this chance to slip back to the Wu Residence. Whilst inquiring about Zhou Liang, he discovered that he has left to look for the King Eagle and has yet to return despite having left six months ago. Slightly worried, he looked for Zhou Wei instead.

Probably due to the nourishment of Wu Guo's love, Zhou Wei is looking great and her beauty became even more outstanding. When she met Xiang Shaolong, she retains some sense of awkwardness.

After getting her seated, Xiang Shaolong enquired; "Why is your brother away for so long?"

Zhou Wei explained: "To find the best hunting eagles, elder brother needs to go far to the northern regions. The journey to and back requires at least four months and time is also needed to search for eaglets. Luck plays a part too."

Xiang Shaolong was perplexed: "I needed his help now, what should I do?"

Zhou Wei brightened up: "I may lack his true expertise but my knowledge is not too shabby too. May I know what kind of assistance do you require?"

Xiang Shaolong suspiciously scanned her confident expression: "You know how to build ships too? It is more than just basic shipbuilding, it is actually... I don't know what to say."

Zhou Wei gleefully assured: "Master can speak his mind. Shipbuilding is a strong tradition in our family and the skill is passed on to both males and females. My shipbuilding skills are not inferior compared to my brother."

It is Xiang Shaolong's turn to brighten up and he revealed his plans about the Black Dragon.

Zhou Wei frowned heavily upon hearing his plans. After some consideration, she pointed: "It is not difficult to build a submerged vessel but it is hard to provide continuous air supply. If they surfaced to breathe, we will be exposed."

Xiang Shaolong suggested: "I thought about this too but it is not something impossible. The human head can be concealed below the skin of the dragon and some breathing holes can be made. Moreover, we will base the dragon far away from shore so it is hard for anyone to expose us. However, this dragon needs to have good buoyancy and must be easy to fix and dismantle underwater. That should be all we need."

Zhou Wei cheered: "Leave this to me. Ah, this is wonderful; I can finally contribute something for Master."

Xiang Shaolong was pleased: "Is Wu Guo treating you well?"

Her cheeks glowing red, Zhou Wei kneeled down: "Master, please decide my future for me."

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "It is settled then. It is time for Wu Guo to settle down too."

Returning back to the inner hall, he told Wu Tingfang about Wu Guo and Zhou Wei's marriage. Wu Tingfang is more than happy and took up the heavy responsibility of arranging their marriage.

Xiang Shaolong played with Xiang Bao'er for a while and heaped praises on Ji Yanran before taking a shower with the Tian sisters. He then head back to the Cavalry Command Centre.

Regardless of rank and experience, every Cavalry soldier is full of respect for Xiang Shaolong for his heroics. Everyone greeted him most sincerely.

Back at his office, Jing Jun was nowhere to be found.

Teng Yi explained: "Little Jun has gone to look for Lu Dan'er. Ai, I nearly forgot. He wanted me to beg you to propose marriage on his behalf. I think he is taking this relationship very seriously!"

Xiang Shaolong was elated: "As long as Lu Dan'er does not object, it shouldn't be an issue. But Wang He should propose marriage instead of me given the prestige of the Lu Family is Xianyang City."

Teng Yi agreed: "Lu Dan'er is now madly in love with Little Jun so she will never object. It is best that you propose marriage with Wang He. This will prove our sincerity in uniting these two lovebirds."

Sitting down, Xiang Shaolong nodded in consent.

Teng Yi updated: "I have assigned favourable positions to Zhao Da and his brothers which Lord Changping has gladly approved. We are fortunate to have him as our Left Premier; otherwise, it will be difficult for us to get anything done."

Xiang Shaolong twinkled: "We have a more powerful method to undermine Lu Buwei's authority." He went on to detail his plan about the fake dragon.

Teng Yi praised: "This method is better than beating him up. Since he hanged the gold reward upon the city gates, I have been taking precautions against a rebellion. This plan should be carried out as soon as possible. When do you plan to execute this?"

Xiang Shaolong replied: "Immediately after the dragon event, we can proceed to change the court administration. It is best to wait for the Spring Festival. So we have to produce our dragon within these two months."

Teng Yi commented: "It is not advisable to let Guan Zhongxie be the Imperial Infantry Commander. We should remove him from this post as soon as possible. Little Jun has told me that the people of the Premier Mentor Residence are running amok and oppressing the common folks all because of Guan Zhongxie shielding them. This is so infuriating."

Xiang Shaolong recalled the good old days in the 21st century when he was creating trouble and getting into fights too. He laughed: "They think they are tough? We'll show them who calls the shots. Is Second Brother free tonight to join me in creating a scene at the Drunken Wind Brothel?"

Teng Yi burst out laughing and happily nodded: "My hands are itching already and I have been training hard over the past six months. I would have challenged Guan Zhongxie to a duel myself if not for you."

Checking the sky, Xiang Shaolong decided: "We shall meet at the brothel two hours later. Now, I am going to speak to Meng Ao privately. If I can turn him against Lu Buwei, it will be an additional bonus."

After dismissing his attendants, Meng Ao stared at Xiang Shaolong for a moment and sighed: "If Official Xiang is here to say anything negative about Premier Mentor, you can save the trouble."

Pausing for a while, his eyes shone with a tinge of apology before he plainly added: "I am a Qi native and am heavily discriminated in Qin. Wherever I go, I was ridiculed and suffered numerous humiliations. It is only when I work for Premier Mentor did I have the chance to hold my head up high again. My gratitude for him is tremendous. He may be unscrupulous but given all that he has done for me, even if he wants me and my two sons to die for him, I will not have the slightest resistance. If not for Shaolong doing your best to protect my two sons, I will not let you take a single step into my General Residence. But this is the last time too."

Xiang Shaolong was stunned: "So General knows about that incident."

With pain shooting out of his eyes, Meng Ao slowly nodded: "I did interrogate Meng Wu and Meng Tian about the ambush along the river. Naturally, I knew that something is amiss. It is a past event now and I do not wish to bring the past up. Grand Tutor Xiang, I won't see you out!"

Xiang Shaolong did not expect him to be so fiercely loyal to Lu Buwei. Angered, he stood up and simply warned: "To each his own. I do not want to force you but I should tell you that you need to draw a line between your loyalty to Qin and your loyalty to Lu Buwei. Otherwise, all your descendants will not be spared. Goodbye!" Finishing, he strode in large steps towards the main door.

Meng Ao roared: "Hold it!"

Xiang Shaolong held his step and coldly challenged: "You want me to leave my head behind?"

Meng Ao stood up and remarked in a deep voice: "I differentiate between gratitude and grudges and I detest lowly behaviour too. Premier Mentor may be greedy for power but it is to safeguard his life too. According to history, every foreigner who becomes the Premier of Qin suffers a fate worse than death. Premier Mentor was forced to do what he had to do. If Shaolong can let go of the past, I can persuade Premier Mentor to..."

Xiang Shaolong shook his head and bitterly laughed: "It is too late. Ever since he murdered Princess Qian and the rest, our debt can only be settled with blood. Moreover, he poisoned King Zhuangxiang, assassinated Xu Xian and caused Lu Gong to die of anger. Now, he has incurred the wrath of the Crown Prince and the Qin Military. General Meng better pray that he succeeds in his rebellion. Otherwise, your entire household will be executed. I have said my piece and any more words are unnecessary."

Apparently, Meng Ao has no idea that Lu Buwei is behind King Zhuangxiang and Xu Xian's death. His face changing colour, he stammered: "What did you say?"

Xiang Shaolong laughed out loudly and his laughter carried utmost grief. Ignoring Meng Ao, he stepped out of the house.

Human silhouettes suddenly appeared. The two brothers Meng Wu and Meng Tian leapt out from his left and right respectively. Kneeling down in front of him, they cried out in unison: "Grand Tutor!"

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback: "Are you eavesdropping on us?"

Their eyes red, they nodded their heads furiously.

Xiang Shaolong went forward and helped them up, whispering: "You must never let your father know about this. Come and look for me after a few days!" He then left.

Entering the Drunken Wind Brothel, a middle-aged woman who still maintain her complexion fairly well came up to him. Accompanied by four maids, she joyfully welcomed: "Welcome Official Xiang! I am Chunhua (Spring Flower)."

The four maids stepped forward and helped to take off his coat as part of their premium customer service.

Xiang Shaolong plainly questioned: "Has Brothel Owner Wu passed away due to sickness? Why didn't he welcome me personally?"

Chunhua replied awkwardly: "He is indeed unwell and is resting at home. He should be fine after a couple of days of rest."

Xiang Shaolong secretly laughed to himself, knowing that Wu Fu has intentionally avoided him and went to beg Lu Buwei to protect his life and business. Turning to the Guardians, he bellowed: "Brothel Owner Wu is treating today. Please go ahead and have as much fun as possible but do remember not to consume any poisonous food or wine."

Jing Shan and the rest understood his intentions and cheered loudly in unison, squeezing into the inner chambers of the brothel. Chunhua hurriedly ordered more staff to attend to them and at the same time protested in fear: "Official Xiang must be joking. How can there be any poison in our food and wine?"

Keeping his cool, Xiang Shaolong shot back: "You have to ask Miss Guiyan that question. Is she sick too?"

Chunhua lowered her head and softly answered: "She has been reserved by Official Guan and will only accompany him tonight. I have already told Lord Changping."

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "So Dan Meimei has been reserved by Premier Mentor?"

Chunhua panicked: "She was reserved by Official Lao."

Xiang Shaolong was surprised and coldly snorted: "I will ask them about this personally. Meanwhile, you better tell Brothel Owner Wu that if I do not see him within one hour, I will close down this brothel and this day next year will be his death anniversary. Hng!"

Sniggering to himself, he strode forward in large steps.

Her face totally devoid of colour, a trembling Chunhua walked in front to guide him.

The banquet destination today is on the second floor of the main brothel building which is also the most luxurious area of the brothel. Unlike the isolated dining building, the second floor holds twenty over tables and is similar to the modern wedding ballroom except that it is much more spacious.

By the time Xiang Shaolong arrived, more than ten tables are already occupied with numerous people in flamboyant clothes and it was a boisterous scene.

There is a fireplace in every corner of the hall, making the place warm and cosy.

Upon seeing Xiang Shaolong, nearly half of those present rose and paid their respects.

Xiang Shaolong scanned the room quickly and discovered that Guan Zhongxie and Lao Ai are also seated at the VIP area. It may be a simple coincidence or some prearrangement that their two tables are located on the left and right of Lord Changping's table.

What really pi55ed him off is that Ying Ying is actually seated at Guan Zhongxie's table. With Guiyan, she was seated right beside Guan Zhongxie.

Ying Ying apparently did not expect to see Xiang Shaolong in such a place. Flustered, she lost her bearings and did not dare to face him.

Xiang Shaolong bore a new hatred, knowing that Guan Zhongxie purposely brought her here to make the Changping brothers and him look bad.

He laughed loudly and waved his hand to show his appreciation at the show of respect. As he walked towards his own table, he noticed Jing Jun was present too and was busy winking at him.

Leaving his companion Dan Meimei, Lao Ai welcomed Xiang Shaolong with a smile: "A rare visitor indeed! I never imagine that I will ever meet Official Xiang in a place like this."

Xiang Shaolong intimately held his arm and pulled him to a nearby fireplace, smiling: "Let me make a wild guess first, Official Lao must have suddenly received Dan Meimei's invitation so you made the trip here tonight. Am I right?"

Lao Ai was blown away: "How in the world did you know that?"

Xiang Shaolong casually replied: "It's easy. I am here tonight to settle some scores with Wu Fu. Dan Meimei and Guiyan are implicated too so they must quickly find someone else to accompany them. If I come into conflict with Official Lao, then we will both fall into Dan Meimei and Lu Buwei's trap. Official Lao should understand what I mean!"

Lao Ai was slightly dazed for a while before gritting his teeth: "How dare that b1tch make use of me! I will make her pay for this!"

Xiang Shaolong patted his shoulder and comforted: "Do not get agitated. I just want you to understand. Tonight, based on our friendship, I will not make things difficult for Dan Meimei. Friend, just enjoy your wine!"

Passing by Lao Ai's table, Dan Meimei lowered her head and did not even dare to steal a peep at him.

Seated at the same table are some men who appear to be newly recruited by Lao Ai. They are quite respectful of Xiang Shaolong and their female companions are all eyeing him seductively.

Xiang Shaolong stopped at the table and greeted everyone. He held back his laughter: "After being away for six months, it seems that Meimei has forgotten all about me."

His expression turning ugly, Lao Ai sat down beside Dan Meimei again and hissed: "This is her biggest flaw which is bad memory. No matter what she does, she will forget about it in an instant."

From his words, Xiang Shaolong deduced that Lao Ai is unhappy with Dan Meimei mainly because Dan Meimei did not tell him that she is quite close to Lu Buwei.

Dan Meimei's tender frame shook slightly and she raised her delicate face, staring at Xiang Shaolong in fear. She begged: "Official Xiang is a powerful figure. I am sure you will not begrudge a weak girl like me. I will be grateful for your kindness towards me."

Xiang Shaolong obviously knew that she is putting on an act but find it hard to bully her any further. Smirking, he left for his own table.

Guan Zhongxie stood up immediately and laughed: "How can Official Xiang practise favouritism and not come over to our table for an idle chat too?"

Xiang Shaolong swept his gaze over his table. Except for Ying Ying, Guiyan and the serving maids, there is Zhou Zihen, Lu Chan and three new swordsmen. They must be newly recruited by Lu Buwei.

Judging by their strong concentration and muscular body, all three are top swordsmen.

Ying Ying lowered her head even further. On the other hand, Guiyan smiled charmingly as if she had never poisoned him before.

Xiang Shaolong winked at Teng Yi and the rest before he went over to Guan Zhongxie's table.

All the men stood up and greeted him.

Guan Zhongxie smiled: "Let me introduce these three new top swordsmen to you. This is Xu Shang from Shangcai in Chu. He is the number one swordsman there."

Shangcai is a military stronghold northwest of Chu. To be the number one swordsman there is not easy. Xiang Shaolong could not help but assess this twenty-odd year old tall and handsome swordsman.

Clasping his hands, Xu Shang greeted: "I have long heard of Commander Xiang's famous name. In the future, I must seek your guidance."

Besides him, a stout and beefy man filled with a strong killing aura greeted: "I am Lian Jiao from Wei."

Xiang Shaolong plainly state: "That makes you and Official Guan fellow countrymen."

His eyes shining with cold killing energy, Lian Jiao icily revealed: "Lian Jin is my younger brother."

Guan Zhongxie interrupted: "Official Xiang must not be mistaken. Lian Jiao may be Lian Jin's brother but he only has respect for you for defeating Lian Jin."

Xiang Shaolong's eyes flashed over Lian Jiao and he did not reply.

The final man is tall and thin with a face like a monkey. Among the three men, he is the most collected. He coolly state: "I am Zhao Pu, a Qi native. I was originally serving Prince Xinling in Wei but that was after Official Xiang went to Daliang."

Guiyan encouraged: "Why don't Official Xiang sit down and join us? I can have the honour of toasting you again!"

Xiang Shaolong laughed out loudly: "Miss Guiyan truly loves to joke. We all know that a wise man will not repeat his mistakes. How can I repeat my mistake then?"

Turning to Guan Zhongxie, he commented: "Official Guan's timing is perfect. The minute you know that I am coming here tonight, you immediately reserved Miss Guiyan. I think you should bring her home and add her to your private collection. That way, there is no way I can win you."

Based on Guan Zhongxie's intelligence and Guiyan's acting, they were still shocked by Xiang Shaolong's 'threatening' words and their faces lost colour instantly.

Ying Ying could sense the strong animosity between Xiang Shaolong, Guan Zhongxie and Guiyan. Shaking uncontrollably, she looked up at Xiang Shaolong's face.

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "How are you Miss Ying!"

Ying Ying's eyes glowed with fear and her shoulder trembled slightly. She remained silent.

Xiang Shaolong is not interested in her answer at all. He smiled at Guan Zhongxie: "Why isn't Miss Niang Rong besides Brother Guan as well? I have yet to visit her since my return. I have to bother Brother Guan to send my regards to her."

Bursting out in laughter, he ignored the hideous expressions of Ying Ying, Guan Zhongxie and Guiyan and returned back to Lord Changping's table.

Book 17 Chapter 07 – Fixing A Duel Date

After Xiang Shaolong got seated, he noticed that Lord Changping and Lord Changwen are seething with anger. First, they are annoyed at Ying Ying's lack of self-respect and secondly, they were displeased at being passed over by Dan Meimei and Guiyan.

At the end of the day, they are members of Qin Royalty. Even if discounting Lord Changping's position as Premier, their posts as the Commanders of the Palace Guards are already one of the most prestigious positions in Xianyang City.

From this, it shows that Lu Buwei is wielding enormous power in Xianyang City.

Supported by Zhu Ji and Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Pan can still counter him in the Qin Court but in terms of influence and regarding matters outside the palace, Lu Buwei is the undisputable champion.

Among all the ten odd tables that were occupied, only their table does not have any serving maids.

A shaking Chunhua came up to Xiang Shaolong and gingerly offered: "Shall I get Bailei and Yang Yu to accompany your table?"

Among the top courtesans in the Drunken Wind Brothel, Dan Meimei is the best while the next best three are Guiyan, Bailei and Yang Yu. Lord Changping coldly barked: "Get lost! If Dan Meimei or Guiyan is not coming tonight, the rest of the girls can forget about coming too."

Her face turning deathly pale, Chunhua frantically retreated.

Teng Yi icily shot a look at Guan Zhongxie's table and state in a deep voice: "Guan Zhongxie is here with an ulterior motive. He is out to make us look bad."

Jing Jun leisurely added: "They have another twenty odd men downstairs who all belong to the arrogant group of men terrorizing the Xianyang commoners. If we can teach them a lesson, everyone will only cheer for us."

Xiang Shaolong simply smiled: "That's easy. Jing Shan and the rest are drinking downstairs too. You can tell them to stir up trouble and it is a piece of cake."

Jing Jun was delighted and left to inform them.

Suddenly, a high-pitch protest can be heard from Guan Zhongxie's table and attracted everyone's attention. It was Guan Zhongxie hugging Ying Ying and trying to feed her wine. Ying Ying knew that Xiang Shaolong and the others are watching and refused to yield.

Lord Changping knew that Guan Zhongxie is intentionally provoking them and held back his anger.

Lord Changwen was the one who could not hold it any longer. Standing up, he roared: "Sister! You come over here right now!"

Guan Zhongxie released Ying Ying and folded his arms with a big grin on his face.

Ying Ying stole a look at Xiang Shaolong before lowering her head: "What is it? Let's talk when we get back home!"

Lord Changping is afraid that matters would escalate. Pulling Lord Changwen down to his seat, he sighed: "This is bu11sh!t."

Xiang Shaolong enjoyed a sip of wine and lazily comforted: "The more we get agitated, the cockier Guan Zhongxie becomes. Anyway, I already instructed Wu Fu to come and see me within an hour or I will trash him place. That is Guan Zhongxie's Achilles' Heel"

Hearing this, the two Lords' expression became better looking.

Returning back to his seat, Jing Jun shot Ying Ying an eye and whispered: "Dan'er told me before that this precious sister of our two brothers here is actually in a dilemma. She really loves Third Brother but was afraid of loneliness. Moreover she loves to play and ran into this Casanova. Coupled with Third Brother's absence, she became more and more intertwined with Guan Zhongxie. Look at her eyes if you disbelieve me, there are more pain than joy in them!"

Lord Changping angrily swore: "I just had a big fight with her yesterday. Hei! I am going to be a good Left Premier and do whatever I can to counter Lu Buwei. Let's see how he dies in the end."

Xiang Shaolong checked: "Have you transferred Wang Jian back to the Capital?"

Lord Changwen reported: "It is still being rejected by Lu Buwei. Wang He is also supporting this but was suppressed by Lu Buwei's Meng Ao and Wang Ci. They said that the Xiong Nu are still active and it is better to be safe than sorry. Empress was frightened at hearing this and dare not support Crown Prince so this issue has been dragging on."

Jing Jun groaned: "Huan Yi is worse off! Military spending is controlled by Lu Buwei and his budget has been compromised here and there, restricting his work performance. We must quickly solve this problem for him."

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "Have more patience! When the Black Dragon appears, it will be the start of his decline. By then, he will be too busy countering Lao Ai."

Lord Changwen and Jing Jun do not know anything about the Black Dragon and enquired further.

Teng Yi affirmed: "Let's talk about this later!" Pointing to his back, he laughed: "Third Brother's old friend is here."

Everyone looked to where he is pointing.

True enough, Wu Fu is here.

As he walked over, he greeted and mingled with the other guests as usual without any fear. He seems to be confident with the backing of Guan Zhongxie.

Passing by Lao Ai's table, this fellow displayed even more intimacy but at Xiang Shaolong's table, he stood a distance away and reported: "After knowing that Official Xiang is looking for me, I underwent a miracle recovery. Ai! I have let you down as the Spear was being stolen at night and that is the reason for my sickness."

Everyone glanced at one another after hearing his words, thinking that this man is outrageously irresponsible. But this must be Lu Buwei's and Guan Zhongxie's idea to not let Xiang Shaolong have the spear no matter what. Without their support, Wu Fu will never display such insolence.

Xiang Shaolong plainly replied: "Since the treasure is lost, I have the responsibility to investigate this crime. Brother Owner Wu must now come back with me to the Command Centre and provide all the evidence. I will get my Cavalry Army to get the Spear back at all costs."

Wu Fu's face lost some colour and could foresee his own death at the Command Centre. He hurriedly countered: "I appreciate Commander Xiang's efforts but I have decided not to pursue this matter. Moreover, it was stolen on the night I presented it to you and it is more than six months ago."

Jing Jun barked: "How dare you! The Spear belongs to Commander Xiang and who are you to decide if this matter should be pursued or not? You are obviously trying to make things difficult for us. You must have had a hand in this matter and is now trying to cover your tracks."

Lord Changping coldly interjects: "According to the Great Laws of Qin, failure to report a crime is punishable by execution. Brothel Owner Wu is showing disrespect to our laws and is hiding this crime. This is unforgiveable and death is too light for you."

All the colour gone from his face, Wu Fu's legs turned to jelly and he kneeled down on the ground but his eyes were looking at Guan Zhongxie.

Guan Zhongxie did not expect Xiang Shaolong and company to turn Wu Fu's words against himself. Standing up, he offered: "As the Imperial Infantry Commander, I am in charge of all matters within the City. Will Official Xiang please hand this matter to me and I will give you a satisfactory reply."

Everyone in the hall can feel the animosity in the air. All the activities have stopped and everyone is paying attention to the proceedings.

The hall is completely silent and the atmosphere is filled with Guan Zhongxie's domineering voice.

Lord Changping smiled: "Just by looking at the time of the theft, we can deduce that the criminal has something against Official Xiang and there must be a spy involved. Moreover, the spear may have been transported out of the City by now. As Premier, I think Official Xiang must handle this matter personally. Official Guan need not trouble yourself."

Based on Guan Zhongxie's calm demeanour, his face did not change colour at all. He knew that Lord Changping is the Left Premier of Qin and is many ranks higher than him. Moreover, he is in charge of the Qin military administration. If Guan Zhongxie continues to speak out, it is equivalent to insubordination.

Because of these factors, Guan Zhongxie was momentarily speechless.

Thinking about his imminent execution, Wu Fu's teeth begin to chatter and his entire body was shaking.

Ying Ying's position has always been undefined. Now, she finally realised that Lu Buwei, Guan Zhongxie are on extreme opposing ends against Xiang Shaolong, her two brothers and the Crown Prince. Stuck in the centre, she was in an awkward situation and could not help but felt regretful.

In this moment, Dan Meimei rose from her seat and came to Wu Fu's side. Kneeling down too, she declared in a shrill voice: "If the charge is not reporting a known crime, then everyone in this brothel is guilty. Premier and Commander Xiang can punish all of us."

Guiyan hurriedly came over and kneeled on the other side of Wu Fu.

Now, it is Lord Changping and the rest who are in a tight situation. It is hard for them to persecute the entire brothel occupants over a petty theft.

Lao Ai is feeling uncomfortable too. After all, Dan Meimei is his woman. If Xiang Shaolong executed her, he would lose face too.

Guan Zhongxie returned back to his seat and there was a cold smirk hanging at the edge of his mouth. He wanted to see how Xiang Shaolong is able to clean up the present mess.

Still maintaining his leisurely and aloof expression, Xiang Shaolong simply state: "There is a debtor behind every debt. Wu Fu is the main instigator behind the entire episode. He was the one who gave me the spear and since the spear is lost, he should be the one who informed me. Now, he did not report the loss to me and is being uncooperative now so we are charging him with being a possible accomplice. I wonder why are the two ladies insisting on shouldering the same blame; is there something more than meets the eye?"

Dan Meimei and Guiyan did not expect Xiang Shaolong to have such a sharp tongue and were dumbfounded.

Wu Fu knew that things have gone terribly wrong and he was in an extreme state of anxiety. He stammered: "Please give me some time. I am sure I can retrieve the Flying Dragon Spear."

Teng Yi laughed loudly: "In this case, the spear and shield must have been hidden by Brothel Owner Wu himself. Otherwise, you would not dare to make such a commitment!"

Wu Fu knew that he has slipped. Knocking his head on the floor repeatedly, he begged: "It is all my fault! It is all my fault!"

Guan Zhongxie and his men were filled with hatred, wishing they could tear Wu Fu into pieces.

Lao Ai interrupted: "Will Official Xiang be forgiving and forget this episode if Brothel Owner Wu manages to hand over the spear and shield?"

Taking this chance to stand down, Xiang Shaolong agreed: "Since Official Lao has spoken, I shall accept this suggestion."

Lao Ai gestured and two of his men stood up and lifted Wu Fu away.

Dan Meimei and Guiyan finally got a taste of Xiang Shaolong's prowess. Slowly flashing their eyes at him, they returned back to their seats.

Before they managed to sit down, sounds of fighting and cutlery smashing can be heard from the ground floor.

Xiang Shaolong and his friends smiled, knowing that Jing Shan and his men has begun causing trouble.

The main hall at the ground floor was in a complete mess as if a hurricane has just passed by. The ground was littered with broken furniture, cutlery, spilled wine and dishes.

Half of the Eighteen Guardians were slightly injured but their enemies are in a pathetic state. All the twenty three warriors of Guan Zhongxie were heavily injured and more than half of them are unconscious. Although there were no fatal injuries among them, everyone suffered from broken bones and fractured joints. This shows that Wu Yan Zhu and his fellow Guardians have been lenient.

Witnessing the armageddon before his eyes, Guan Zhongxie bellowed: "What in the world happened?"

One of the men who is supposedly the leader of the men stood out. With one hand nursing his bleeding nose, he pointed at Jing Shan and reported: "This kid exchanged a flirtatious look with one of our ladies. So we..."

Guan Zhongxie roared: "Shut up!"

Wu Guang shrugged his shoulders at Xiang Shaolong, declaring: "They are the ones who attacked first. We are only defending ourselves!"

Guan Zhongxie knew that Jing Shan and the rest are intentionally out to cause trouble but was powerless to do anything as it was his men who attacked first.

Ying Ying slipped away and stood in between her two elder brothers. The two Lords treated her as if she was invisible and did not even acknowledge her presence.

Guan Zhongxie commanded his men to carry the injured away and apologised solemnly to Xiang Shaolong. He coldly invited: "During the hunting festival, we had a duel that ended in a draw. May I know when are you free to exchange pointers again and also decide Third Mistress's future?"

The noisy crowd of onlookers and brothel guests immediately became quiet.

Everyone knew that Guan Zhongxie is really incensed and took this chance to challenge Xiang Shaolong.

Duelling is forbidden among military officers but this matter concerns Lu Niang Rong's hand in marriage and there was a precedent so even Xiao Pan cannot interfere with this duel.

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "Official Guan can fix the time and place. Even if you want to duel now, I will be happy to comply."

Everyone's attention turned to Guan Zhongxie.

Before Guan Zhongxie can say a single word, Ying Ying screamed and tore to the front. Standing in between Xiang Shaolong and Guan Zhongxie, she protested: "Please do not fight!"

Everyone was puzzled.

In Xianyang City, Ying Ying is known for her fighting skills. Moreover, she loves challenging people to fights and enjoys watching others fight too. Now, her violent objection makes it hard for everyone to comprehend her motives.

Xiang Shaolong simply shrugged his shoulders: "I am not the one pushing for this duel. If Miss Ying wishes to stop this fight, you can speak to Official Guan privately. Please forgive me for being unable to help you."

Ying Ying looked at him intimately and replied in a grieved voice: "When two tigers fight, severe injuries will be inflicted. You can choose not to accept the challenge and no one can force you. You must purposely say these provoking words to anger me. After all the trouble tonight, aren't you very imposing already?"

Annoyed, Xiang Shaolong coldly laughed: "Is Miss trying to stop the fight because we are not fighting over you?"

Stomping her foot fiercely once on the floor, with a loud Wah! Ying Ying broke out into tears and ran non-stop towards the door.

Teng Yi winked at Jing Jun and Jing Jun hurriedly chased after her.

Still maintaining his composure, Guan Zhongxie casually state: "The twentieth of next month is Premier Mentor Lu's birthday. We shall have out duel then and add to the festivities too."

Footsteps are sounded and Lao Ai's men returned with Wu Fu carrying the Flying Dragon Spear and shield.

Receiving the spear and shield, Xiang Shaolong laughed loudly: "It is settled then. On that day, I shall use this spear to test your formidable skills."

The onlookers burst out in wild cheering.

Guan Zhongxie's face lost some colour. Since the last fight, he has already figured out Xiang Shaolong's sword skills and has been working hard over the past six months to counter it. Now, Xiang Shaolong is using a spear instead of a sword so all his hard work has just gone down the drain.

Xiang Shaolong was laughing secretly inside.

He has more than one month to train until the duel date. He is confident of learning Yanran's invincible spear skills.

Only with this kind of heavy attacking weapon can he successfully counter Guan Zhongxie's amazing arm strength.

This is called flexibility in warfare.

He has depended on strategy to win the last fight and it will also be strategy that he needs to win this fight.

There is no other way out.

Book 17 Chapter 08 – Expressing Love

The next day, Xiang Shaolong went to pay his respects to Lu Gong and Xu Xian before entering the palace to see Xiao Pan to report his duel with Guan Zhongxie. Finally, he went to see Qin Qing at the Qin Residence.

Qin Qing is in her garden admiring the snow and was delighted to receive him but shy at the same time. Hesitating to look straight into his eyes, she simply swept him off his feet.

Strolling in the snow shoulder to shoulder, there were no intimate actions but they can both feel the intimacy in each others' heart.

Xiang Shaolong gently revealed: "At Lu Buwei's birthday dinner next month is the day I will fight Guan Zhongxie to death."

Shocked, Qin Qing wailed: "You! Why did you have to fight him?"

Xiang Shaolong answered: "This man is talented, intelligent and is holding the post of the Imperial Infantry Commander. If I do not eliminate him, we will have many days of trouble in the future."

Lowering her hood, Qin Qing halted and whined: "If you lose... Ai! I am so worried."

Xiang Shaolong turned around and leaned his head towards her, scrutinizing her flawless beauty and smiled: "If I happened to forfeit my life during the duel, what will you do?"

Her face becoming pale, Qin Qing shook: "Please do not speak like this. Do you think I am not frightened already?"

Xiang Shaolong insisted: "Grand Tutor Qin has yet to reply me."

Qin Qing shot him a look and lowered her head, replying softly: "I will join you in death! Happy?"

Xiang Shaolong was shaken: "Grand Tutor Qin!"

Qin Qing shook her head and sighed: "To think I will actually say such things to a man. But I know you will not lose, right? Xiang Shaolong!"

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "Of course I will not lose! If I am not confident, I will just admit my loss. What can he do about it?"

Pausing, he added: "I am here today to sincerely invite Grand Tutor Qin to stay at the farm for a month. Because I need to disregard everything and focus on training to prepare for the duel next month. But I know I cannot forget about you and to avoid the pain of pining for you, I have to request that you be by my side."

In an instant, even the root of Qin Qing's ears is completely red. Lowering her head embarrassedly, she clarified: "Xiang Shaolong, do you know that by making this request, it is as good as asking me to marry you?"

Xiang Shaolong reached out and held her white and tender shoulders before gently replying: "Of course I know. Please forgive my callousness but I want to win both your heart and your body. If either one is lacking, I will not accept it."

Qin Qing struggled slightly and wailed: "Are you treating me like a piece of merchandise?"

Xiang Shaolong leaned forward and kissed her cheek, slowly saying: "Whatever. I just want you. We need not deceive ourselves any longer in the future and live life with so many restrictions. Some opportunities are lost forever if they are missed. I have thought very carefully and thoroughly before I come looking for you."

Qin Qing's head is so low that it is almost touching her chest. Whispering as soft as a mosquito, she asked: "When are you leaving for the farm?"

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed: "Early tomorrow morning."

Qin Qing softly pleaded: "Can you release me first?"

Stunned, Xiang Shaolong released his grip on her.

Qin Qing floated away like the breeze and finally stopped at a distance ten feet away from him. She officially state: "I will wait for you here tomorrow! See you then."

Giving him a romantic and emotional look, she turned around and sashayed away.

An intoxicated Xiang Shaolong stared at her until she disappeared among the flower beds before composing himself and headed towards the Command Centre.

At the Command Centre main door, someone dashed out and detained him. It turned out to be Ying Ying and from her haggard expression, she must have had a bad night's sleep. She started: "Official Xiang, I must speak to you privately."

Xiang Shaolong has just expressed his love for Qin Qing and gotten the most wonderful answer. In a great mood, he nodded: "Let's talk more inside!"

Ying Ying stubbornly shook her head: "No! Let's take a walk outside the city!"

Alarm bells begin to ring in Xiang Shaolong's head. With Xu Xian and Lu Gong dead, he is the man Lu Buwei wanted to kill next. Will this be a trap laid by Guan Zhongxie but executed through Ying Ying?

He decided otherwise because no matter how muddle-headed Ying Ying becomes, she will never harm him. He agreed: "All right!"

Turning around, he was about to instruct the Guardians to wait for him at the Command Centre when Wu Yan Zhu stated upfront: "Master Xiang, please forgive us for being unable to comply. The Madams have strictly instructed us to never leave your side."

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback and relented: "Fine! You can follow behind me."

He proceeded to ride with Ying Ying out of the city.

Riding out of the city gates, his spirits lifted considerably.

The rolling meadows have become a blanket of white snow and they spread out as far as the eye can see. Mother Nature is completely silent and only the snow is shimmering.

The Eighteen Guardians were riding two hundred steps behind them and were taking precautions against any ambushes.

Xiang Shaolong assessed Ying Ying.

Her charming body is even more mesmerizing which is probably due to Guan Zhongxie's nourishment.

Xiang Shaolong wondered how will the already peerless beautiful Qin Qing turn out after his own nourishment?

With this thought running through his head, Xiang Shaolong is more certain than ever than he is only interested in Ying Ying as a friend and not as a lover.

Ying Ying softly asked: "Xiang Shaolong! Please do not fight Zhongxie. As long as you publicly announce that you do not wish to marry Lu Niang Rong and thus rejected the duel, no one will say that you are afraid of him."

Xiang Shaolong agreed that this is an excellent solution. Moreover, he did appear superior during the hunting fair and with marriage as an excuse; no one will think that he is trying to avoid this fight. The problem is that he and Guan Zhongxie has already reached the point of no return, where neither can tolerate the presence of each other.

Just like him and Lu Buwei, only one man can continue living.

Not receiving a reply from him, Ying Ying raised her voice angrily: "You do not love Lu Niang Rong, what is the use of fighting over her?"

Xiang Shaolong was admiring the snow accumulated on the branches of the trees along the official roads. He lightly sighed: "Miss is really protective of Guan Zhongxie. Whatever you do is in his best interests."

Ying Ying noticed the sarcasm in his voice and was incensed: "Do you think I am not looking after your interests too? While you are away for the past six months, Zhongxie has been practising his sword every day and was waiting for the day he could kill you. Do you think you can still defeat him?"

Xiang Shaolong did not take her words to heart and smiled: "So who do you think will win?"

Ying Ying was so angry her entire face is completely white. She cursed: "I wish both of you are dead."

Xiang Shaolong laughed loudly: "Let's return back to the City. You need not say any more."

Stopping her horse, Ying Ying's face is completely green by now. Staring at him furiously for some time, she softened and intimately coaxed: "It is all my fault for being indecisive. No wonder you are treating me like this. Please listen to me this time, ok?"

Xiang Shaolong seriously state: "Ying Ying, you better come back to your senses and look clearly at the harsh realities in front of you. This is not a personal feud but a fight that concerns the power struggle of the Qin Court and a competition between Qin natives and foreigners. The losing party will stand to have their families annihilated. To Guan Zhongxie, you are just one of his pawns but you are only good at disobeying your brothers' orders to restrict you for your own good. Did you ever spare a thought for them? You are only stubborn, wilful and want others to pander to your selfish needs."

Pausing for a while, he proudly remarked: "Death and defeat is common during fights and this is not the first time Lu Buwei and Guan Zhongxie are trying to kill me. But you only choose to live in your fantasy world and ignore genuine concerns. If you ever marry Guan Zhongxie, you better pray that Lu Buwei can successfully rebel but that would mean a tragic death for both your brothers. If Lu Buwei fails, you may be spared but all your kids with Guan Zhongxie will be executed. This is the truth and Crown Prince Zheng will not waver. All these circumstances are born out of Lu Buwei, Guan Zhongxie and Mo Ao's schemes. Mo Ao is dead so now Guan Zhongxie is trying to kill me. Do you understand?"

Not paying any more attention to her, he left and re-entered the city.

Before he reached the Command Centre, Xiang Shaolong's mind is already filled with Qin Qing. Imagining that he can get close to her physically tomorrow, his heart is burning with passion and he wished that time could pass faster.

At the Command Centre, Teng Yi whispered: "Tu Xian will meet you at the usual place later."

Xiang Shaolong was elated: "I was about to look for him!"

Sitting down, Teng Yi reported: "After winter, Meng Ao will attack Han. Your old friend Han Chuang is in trouble."

Xiang Shaolong helplessly replied: "This is something beyond our control. If we are weak, Han will be attacking us instead. But as long as we are building the Zhengguo Canal, we will lack the resources for a grand campaign. For the next few years, we can only gain one or two provinces from the Three Allied States. By the time they really mount a campaign against the East, we would be long gone."

Teng Yi sighed: "I know that Third Brother has no interest in war but sooner or later, you will have to field an army too. This is something inevitable."

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "I have to depend on Second Brother then. I am sure that you are so familiar with the Mozi warfare that you can even memorise it from the back to the front."

Teng Yi laughed: "You really love to exaggerate."

Xiang Shaolong inquired: "Is Little Jun out on patrol?"

Teng Yi chided: "He is not so diligent and is out with Lu Dan'er. I told him that you are willing to propose marriage on his behalf and he was so happy that he forgot all about work."

Xiang Shaolong decided: "The Lu Family is still in bereavement. Let's talk about this after I killed Guan Zhongxie! I am going back to the farm tomorrow. Second Brother must spar with me if you are free."

Teng Yi suddenly recalled something: "Shaolong, do you remember the Weinan Martial Arts School?"

Xiang Shaolong searched his mental database and remembered this Martial Arts School was run by this man called Qiu Risheng. In the past, he was conspiring with Lord Yangquan and once sent one of his top fighters 'Scarface' Guoxin to ambush Jing Jun and injured him badly. He himself was almost assassinated by them on the streets.

He nodded: "What about them?"

Teng Yi explained: "After Lord Yangquan was eliminated by Lu Buwei, Qiu Risheng sensed that times are unfavourable so he slipped away. Recently, he resurfaced and is conspiring with Lao Ai. He has been quite prominent lately and is heavily recruiting warriors. Little Jun is itching to lay his hands on them. I am sure there will be some conflict sooner or later."

Xiang Shaolong knew better than anyone that Lao Ai is a despicable cad and expected him to conspire with other ruthless men. He plainly stressed: "Second Brother must watch Little Jun carefully and we must not act rashly. We will only counter them when the Black Dragon shows itself and we have consolidated our power."

Teng Yi smiled: "Leave this to me. Little Jun has never disobeyed my orders. Third Brother is sharp indeed to predict that Lao Ai will be dissatisfied with his lowly position and possess wild ambitions. For him to accommodate Qiu Risheng, it is as good as clashing with Lu Buwei."

Xiang Shaolong nodded: "When the Crown Prince has consolidated his power, he will have Lord Changping and Li Si to advise him, Wang Jian and Huan Yi to lead his army. With the Palace Guards, Imperial Cavalry and Imperial Infantry in their hands, we can retreat back to the farm and watch Lu Buwei and Lao Ai fight to death."

Teng Yi frowned: "But if this goes on, the Empress and Crown Prince will be enemies one day."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "This is fate which nobody can change. We are helpless too."

Teng Yi was about to say something when an attendant reported that Wang Ci sent someone to summon Xiang Shaolong to see him at the General Residence.

Both men were stunned as Wang Ci did not have any dealings with Xiang Shaolong.

Arriving at the General Residence, Xiang Shaolong and the Eighteen Guardians noticed that the courtyard in front of the main building was loud and lively. There were nearly a hundred strong men watching Wang Ci practise his archery.

Despite the cold and frosty weather, Wang Ci braved the chill and mounted his strong bow. His three continuous arrows hit the bull's eyes and earned loud cheers from the crowd. This Great General truly lives up to his reputation as one of Qin's famed general. Noticing Xiang Shaolong, he smiled broadly and waved to him. Putting on a fur coat and his shining eyes assessing Jing Shan and the Guardians, he casually remarked: "I heard that these Guardians are very highly skilled. Since they are free, why don't they exchange a few friendly pointers with my men?"

Xiang Shaolong is in no position to reject him and agreed reluctantly.

Wang Ci smiled and led him into the main hall.

The hall is wide and spacious while the walls are decorated with animal skins and weapons. There is a killing aura in the air.

The strangest thing is a seven facade screen south of the hall. The screen has completely blocked the incoming path from within the building. It looks out of place and Xiang Shaolong is reminded of the time when he was peeping at Chu Empress Dowager Li Yanyan. He was discovered by her because of a footprint on the floor so he naturally looked towards the floor. Immediately, sweat poured down his back and his limbs became icy cold.

There were many water marks on the floor. Needless to say, there are many men who have entered the hall from outside and are now hidden behind the screen. As their shoes are tainted with snow, the water marks are left on the floor. They were there because he has arrived and this is a setup meant for him.

They naturally do not have any good intentions.

All they need to do is to push the screen over and shoot out with their crossbows and he will be a dead man.

Wang Ci took up the host seat right in front of the screen and gestured him to sit down on his right. There is no way that he can make the first move and attack Wang Ci first.

His mind thinking furiously, he gritted his teeth and sat down. In the process, he secretly retrieved five flying needles and hid them in his giant hand.

He has never been so close to death.

Wang Ci is truly intelligent to get his men to occupy the Guardians so that he is alone and defenceless.

Why does Wang Ci want to kill him?

Wang Ci is unlike Meng Ao and is a Qin native. He may be an admirer of Lu Buwei but will eventually be loyal to Xiao Pan.

Thinking about this, he had an inspiration.

Two maids came up to serve tea and excused themselves. When only the two of them are left, Wang Ci suspiciously assessed him for a while before sighing: "This year has been pretty eventful. First, Lord Gaoling rebelled and Xu Xian and Lu Gong died one after another. I find it hard to accept these facts myself."

Xiang Shaolong does not understand the meaning behind his words so he kept his silence.

Pain shooting out of his eyes, Wang Ci lamented: "It is Lu Gong's dream to see Qin conquer the six eastern states and unite the world. Just when things are taking a positive turn, his life ended. This is truly tragic."

Xiang Shaolong could not help but added: "As long as we are having internal conflict, it is impossible for us to unite the world."

His eyes flashing, Wang Ci mentioned in a deep voice: "This is the reason why I looked for Shaolong. Since Premier Mentor came to Qin, he conquered Eastern Zhou with General Meng Ao and built the three new provinces. Those are strategic locations and now, we are able to threaten Daliang and show off our might to the eastern states. If not for this campaign, it is difficult for Meng Ao and me to attack the three Allied States and conquer Taiyuan from Zhao. When the Five Allied Army came to attack us, it was thanks to Shaolong's trickery that Prince Xinling was forced to step down and our danger passed. After that, Lu Gong, Meng Ao and I attacked the Allied States and established the Eastern Provinces. Now, Qin is even more prestigious than before. But right at this point in time, our country is rocked by internal strife and our hands are tied. Shaolong, what do you think we should do?"

Xiang Shaolong finally understood that Wang Ci is trying to mend fences between him and Lu Buwei. He is away fighting most of the time and is not clear about the power struggles in the Qin Court. Ultimately, he has declared his loyalty to Lu Buwei and it is hard to convince him to switch sides. If Xiang Shaolong insisted on his way, the attackers behind the screen may just kill him without the least hesitation. At the same time, he can tell that Wang Ci is not blindly following Lu Buwei's orders.

After some contemplation, he calmly replied: "In the present times, everyone remembers Tian Dan when we speak of Qi, Empress Han Jing when we speak of Zhao and Lu Buwei when we speak of Qin. The Kings of these states seemed to be non-existent. This is called: Thick trees carry thick branches, remove the branches and the tree is powerless. With officials carrying too much power, the King of the State is powerless like the branchless tree..." He just learned the last four lines from Li Si and managed to put them to good use in this desperate situation.

An impatient Wang Ci interrupted: "This is due to circumstances and not the will of men. The King is young and the country is powerful. Without officials managing the state, the country will be ruined. We have adopted the policy of utilising talented men, paying them handsomely and given them critical posts. Since Xiao gong begun our dynasty, we have capable men like Shang Yang, Zhang Yi, Fan Qiao and now we have Premier Mentor. If not for them, Qin will not enjoy our present success today."

Xiang Shaolong comprehended Wang Ci's train of thought and was wondering if he should tell him about Lu Buwei murdering King Zhuangxiang and Xu Xian when Wang Ci continued: "Lu Gong and Xu Xian has always suspected Premier Mentor of poisoning the two late kings and even suspected that Crown Prince Zheng is Lu Buwei and Empress Ji's illegitimate son. It is now proven that Crown Prince Zheng is not related to Lu Buwei so all these are just blatant rumours."

Xiang Shaolong was blown away, realising that behind every gain, there is a loss too. The blood test has indirectly caused Wang Ci to not suspect Lu Buwei the traitor at all. In turn, he has become the main culprit in Wang Ci's eyes and a stumbling block in the way of Qin's unification of the world.

Wang Ci sighed again: "Premier Mentor is a most talented individual. Just by reading his Spring-Autumn Annals and his reward hanging on the city gates, I believe he has surpassed Shang Yang."

Xiang Shaolong decided to show hand: "How can there be any piece of work that is so good that it cannot be improved on? I think people fear his authority and dared not correct his work. There is something I will say but I am afraid that you will not believe me. Xu Xian may be killed by Chu but it was instigated by Tian Dan. Now why would Tian Dan do such a thing? We only need to do some self-reflection and ask ourselves: Who will gain the most from his death in Qin? I believe General can easily guess who the mastermind is."

Wang Ci was shaken: "Do you have any proof?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "How am I going to produce any proof? But Lu Gong was so incensed over this murder he died of anger. On his deathbed, he begged Crown Prince and me to avenge him. Given the present circumstances, General must choose to be loyal to Crown Prince or Lu Buwei. There is no other choice. Lu Buwei has been propagating his Spring-Autumn Annals because he wanted to spread the influence of Officials holding power. If I possess any selfish motives against Lu Buwei, I would not have rejected the position of Premier twice and allowed others to be promoted." He is on the brink of death and did not bother to conceal any details.

Wang Ci's face changed colour and his eyes shone sharply, scanning him with suspicion.

Xiang Shaolong coldly exchanged stares with him with neither hostility nor fear. In his mind, he was thinking of how to flip the table to block the arrows and escape with his life.

Wang Ci's gaze shifted up and he stared at the main pillar supporting the hall. His eyes are filled with contemplation and he unsteadily commented: "Xu Xian, Lu Gong and I have always admired you Xiang Shaolong. Otherwise, I would not have asked you over for a discussion. For the time being, I am unable to agree with your theories. Nonetheless, my loyalties lie with the Crown Prince. I will try to talk to Premier Mentor personally and hope that he will not end up like Shang Yang who is executed by five horses running in five separate directions and tearing his body apart."

Xiang Shaolong was astonished: "You must never do this. If Lu Buwei senses that General is having doubts about him, he will try to get rid of you. All I desire is for General to follow your righteous principles and support all the policies that will benefit our country. That is a blessing to us already."

Wang Ci was moved: "Shaolong, you are definitely not an unscrupulous man. If you are trying to convince me to turn against Lu Buwei, you will not leave here alive. Meng Ao has told Lu Buwei everything you told him today. Based on that, you have displayed insubordination and Lu Buwei can actually annihilate your household."

Xiang Shaolong sighed with relief at this close shave. He has been too reckless and did not expect Meng Ao to be dead loyal to Lu Buwei. It is also clear that Wang Ci has been ordered by Lu Buwei to kill him.

If Wang Ci is his killer, even Xiao Pan and Zhu Ji are powerless to hold it against him.

Wang Ci bitterly laughed: "So I can either choose to kill you or fight beside you. There is no third option. If I join hands with Meng Ao, you are just a measly Cavalry Commander who cannot resist us. But relax! You did not try to get me to counter Lu Buwei but Lu Buwei is dead set on killing you. But as long as I disagreed, he dare not act on his own. Hng! If I choose to take precautions against him, what can he do about it?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed with relief but could not resist clarifying: "I thought General mentioned that it is hard to accept my theories. Why did you still change your mind?"

His eyes shining with humour, he warmly answered: "Because I suddenly remembered that Shaolong came to see me without any reservations and speak with reason in a guilt-free manner. In addition, the late King, Crown Prince, Xu Xian, Lu Gong, Wang He, Lord Changping and Wang Jian have all treated you with trust, love and respect. It is all because of your selfless attitude. So I was suddenly enlightened and did not commit a serious error. I still have my doubts about your words but I will not trust Lu Buwei as whole-heartedly as before."

Xiang Shaolong was feeling emotional.

In this moment, he knows that the power vacuum left behind with the deaths of Xu Xian and Lu Gong is now being filled by Wang Ci who has miraculously switched sides to support them. Otherwise, it is hard for him to stay alive, not to mention deal with Lu Buwei.

Wang Ci has abandoned his plan to kill him as he finally realises that Xiao Pan and Lu Buwei has come to a stage of non-reconciliation. At the end of the day, he has chosen to support his own King. After all, he is a Qin native and would never conspire with outsiders to harm his own country.

Book 17 Chapter 09 – A Startling Discovery

After listening to his near-death account at Wang Ci's residence, Xiao Pan sighed with relief: "That was too close!"

For the longest time, Xiang Shaolong hasn't seen him expressing genuine concern and was touched. He gladly added: "There is a reason behind everything. If not for you, Xu Xian and Lu Gong supporting me, Wang Ci would have killed me without giving me a chance to speak out. Moreover, the Qin military has always been loyal to the Crown Prince and thus, Wang Ci is able to abandon the dark side and join us. Otherwise, it is hard to overcome Lu Buwei indeed! Ai! Maybe this is what we call fate."

Xiao Pan nodded: "Master must quickly work on the Black Dragon before Lu Buwei has the chance to transfer Wang Ci away. Meng Ao alone is more than enough to deal with you. Ai! Does Master really need to retreat to the farms? I am concerned that Lu Buwei may send his warriors to attack the farm. If he gets his men to be disguised as horse thieves, it is hard for me to pin the blame on him"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly astounded. At the same time, he resolved to increase his defences and put more emphasis on spying and intelligence gathering. Otherwise, his household may be annihilated. Moreover, he has to send half his Wu Family Elite Army to the northern border to support Wu Zhuo.

Xiao Pan remarked with frustration: "Using the excuse that the Zhengguo Canal is lacking funds, he has been delaying money shipments to Huan Yi's new army. Up till today, they are only able to recruit one thousand men and did not have proper armour or weapons. Otherwise, I would get them to relocate near the farms and support you if necessary."

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "Crown Prince can put your mind at ease. I have sufficient strength to protect myself. With Wang Ci countering Lu Buwei and Meng Ao, there is only so much they can do. No matter what, we must try our best to keep Wang Ci in Xianyang City before the Black Dragon sighting to check Lu Buwei's influence."

Xiao Pan sighed helplessly and changed the topic: "This morning, Empress summoned me and gave me a tongue-lashing, chiding me for keeping secrets from her. I am so pi55ed. She is not behaving herself and she doesn't deserve my respect. A mother like her is as good as none."

Xiang Shaolong knew that the gap between him and Zhu Ji is widening, forcing Zhu Ji to be increasingly reliant on Lao Ai. The real reason is that Xiao Pan is influenced by Lady Ni's image of a self-respecting mother and cannot tolerate Zhu Ji and Lao Ai's scandalous relationship.

Only he would really understand this circumstance.

Xiao Pan inquired: "Is Master ready to marry Grand Tutor Qin? She came to inform Empress and me earlier that she is going to stay at the farm with you for a month or so. Hei! I am really happy for you. If Lao Ai or Lu Buwei ends up with her, I will vomit blood."

Xiang Shaolong understood that Xiao Pan has shifted his affections and respect to Qin Qing.

Lady Ni's death is the biggest lack in Xiao Pan's life. First, Zhu Ji took her place, followed by Qin Qing, providing him with a motherly figure in his life.

Xiao Pan cheerfully revealed: "For the past six months, Lao Ai and Lu Buwei have been creating opportunities to be close to her. Fortunately, Grand Tutor Qin ignored all their advances. Hee! Grand Tutor Qin loves talking to me and she always tells me how heroic you are! Hng! Lu Buwei has been offering me many beauties but they have all been rejected by me. I will not be tricked by him!"

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "If I marry Grand Tutor Qin, not only Lu Buwei and Lao Ai will be jealous to death but I will also incur the wrath of many people."

Xiao Pan shook his head: "Times have changed. Now, Master has become the heroic icon of Qin. When Master fields an army and win a few blo0dy battles, I can confer Master to be a Lord or a Marquis. At that point in time, no one can voice any dissatisfaction if you marry Grand Tutor Qin."

Xiang Shaolong laughed: "Those vulgarities must have been suppressed in your heart for a long time! We shall speak of this later. When the Black Dragon is sighted, we will use this chance to change the palace administration. Is Crown Prince going to promote Li Si to be the Administrative Premier?"

Xiao Pan thought for a while and frowned: "I am afraid that Empress will not support my decision! If possible, I would want Master to take up this post."

Xiang Shaolong had a big fright and is certain that he could not live up to the expectations of this post. He hurriedly suggested: "I think I am more suited to hold a military post. Relax! The power of the Black Dragon is without question. I have already sent my men to invite Zou Yan back to Xianyang City. When he personally announces that Crown Prince is the new Chosen One, it will be an earth-shattering event and even Empress cannot object. By then, Crown Prince can assume full authority and we can watch Empress and Lao Ai fight Lu Buwei. On your coronation day, we will eliminate all of them in one blow."

Xiao Pan bitterly smiled: "But that is the day Master will leave me."

Xiang Shaolong seriously advised: "We are earthshaking figures and do not focus on such petty matters. As long as you utilise Li Si and Wang Jian well, you can unite the world. Crown Prince must forget everything about me and the shadow of your past will be gone forever."

Xiao Pan's red reddened and he gasped: "Why is Master so good to me? You are absolutely selfless."

Xiang Shaolong muttered: "You know the reason better than anyone."

Xiao Pan was very touched: "I understand. Actually, I have regarded Master as my Father a long ago."

Xiang Shaolong had a sudden strong urge to burst out crying. From a nameless Zhao boy to become the awe-inspiring Qin Shi Huang who will unite the whole of China is already something unimaginable.

Moreover, he shared such an intimate relationship with him.

In this instant, an attendant came to report that the Empress has summoned Xiang Shaolong.

Both men exchanged a glance, guessing that the matter is probably related to Qin Qing.

Zhu Ji received him in the tranquil inner hall of the Empress Palace. After dismissing her attendants, she stood up and walked to Xiang Shaolong's front and assessed him for some time. Finally, she gently asked: "Xiang Shaolong, please be honest with me. In what ways am I inferior to Qin Qing?"

Xiang Shaolong can feel trouble brewing. Whenever women become jealous, they are simply irrational. The more peaceful Zhu Ji's appearance is, the angrier she is. In a subservient tone, he meekly replied: "Empress must not be mistaken. Grand Tutor Qin is going to the farms to keep Yanran company. It is not what Empress is thinking."

Zhu Ji stared at him ferociously for some time before turning around. She sighed: "Does Shaolong still wishes to deceive me? As a woman, I know what other women are thinking. Just by her joyful expression, anyone with brains can guess what is going on. Now, Crown Prince and you are both treating me like strangers, right?"

Xiang Shaolong had a strong desire to hug Zhu Ji's voluptuous body into his arms but tried his very best to control himself. He gently comforted: "Empress is thinking too much. The Crown Prince and I are still full of respect for you just like before."

Zhu Ji intimately shook her head: "It is no longer the same! Ai! What wrong did I commit that Heaven must punish me this way? All my men wanted to desert me and now, even my son is disregarding me."

Xiang Shaolong had to agree with her words. First, Lu Buwei gave her to King Zhuangxiang. With his death, she was 'given' to Lao Ai and because of this, Xiao Pan is disregarding her. She may enjoy plenty of power as the Empress but she is certainly not happy.

What else can he say?

Zhu Ji viciously turned around and her expression was frosty. She swore: "Xiang Shaolong. I am utterly disappointed with you. In the future, do not expect me to support you like before."

Xiang Shaolong realised that all her love for him has been transformed into hatred instead. If not for Lao Ai, Zhu Ji would not be so heartless. Lao Ai may appear friendly to him but must be trying to sow discord between him and Zhu Ji. After all, Lao Ai is just a despicable cad.

Unable to hold his anger, he coldly retorted: "Empress is overreacting. Since we met in Handan City, everything I did was for the sake of Empress and Crown Prince. I don't think I deserve your berating."

Zhu Ji blew her top: "How dare you! How dare you use your past achievements to threaten me!"

Blowing his top too, Xiang Shaolong furiously exclaimed: "When did I ever use my past achievements to threaten you? Do I ask you for any special assistance before? Feel free to quote one example!"

Zhu Ji was tongue tied and her face changed colour. She challenged: "Who do you think you are to talk to me in such a manner?"

Xiang Shaolong angrily shot back: "You are the Empress and I am just a lowly official. I am not fit to talk to you. But Empress knows in your heart how I truly feel about you. I am restricted by circumstances and could not betray the late King's gratitude. Thus, I did not dare to get close to you but you have described me to be an ingrate today. What did I do to deserve this?"

Zhu Ji stared at him with annoyance and her pert breasts are heaving considerably, showing her considerable agitation.

Unwilling to give way, Xiang Shaolong stared back at her and his mind is filled with anger.

After some time, Zhu Ji finally calmed down and lowered her head. She slowly apologised: "I am sorry to throw my temper at you but I am really angry just now."

Xiang Shaolong is feeling guilty too and embarrassedly apologised: "It is my fault for being rude too! Ai! I also do not understand why I lost control of myself."

Zhu Ji took three steps forward until they can smell each other's breaths. Lifting her pretty face, her eyes shone brightly at Xiang Shaolong and she offered: "Shaolong! Can we start all over again? You should know how I feel about you. No matter how you rebut me, I just cannot harden my heart against you."

Xiang Shaolong was stunned: "What about Official Lao?"

Zhu Ji trembled strongly and her complexion lost colour. Her beautiful dream fantasy has just been shattered and replaced by cold, harsh reality.

Xiang Shaolong is certain that she is deeply involved with Lao Ai and their infatuation is even more intense than Ying Ying's relationship with Guan Zhongxie. He may feel a sense of relief but he felt a sense of helplessness at the same time.

Zhu Ji's face lost more colour before regaining her cold and proud demeanour. She nodded: "It is my fault. I heard that you are duelling Guan Zhongxie. If you happen to win, are you going to marry Lu Niang Rong?"

Xiang Shaolong simply replied: "Is Lu Buwei willing to marry her favourite daughter to me?"

Zhu Ji slowly sighed again: "I am tired. Shaolong can take your leave."

Xiang Shaolong left the palace and quickly galloped back to the Wu Residence. He and the Guardians hurriedly disguised themselves as commoners and using a secret route, they mysteriously made their way to the meeting point with Tu Xian. In a short while, the two men met again in the empty house.

A pleased Tu Xian started: "Shaolong is brilliant and you managed to kill Mo Ao. Now, Lu Buwei has to depend on me for everything and I am able to have a clearer picture of his schemes."

His expression turning serious, he continued: "But Shaolong's biggest mistake is to speak to Meng Ao. This morning, Lu Buwei summoned Wang Ci, Wang Wan and Cai Ze for a discussion. I am sure they will take some action against you soon and I am worried for you."

Xiang Shaolong apologised first and revealed everything about Wang Ci's meeting.

Tu Xian was blown away and took some time to finally splutter: "Lady Luck must be smiling on you. It is a gain and a loss for us. You must take safety precautions as Lu Buwei is quite determined to get rid of you. After one plan fails, he will come up with another plan shortly."

Xiang Shaolong icily smiled: "As long as he does not send the Qin army after me, there is nothing I am afraid of. Housekeeper Tu can rest easy."

In actual fact, Tu Xian is also confident about Xiang Shaolong's abilities. He changed the topic: "After you put Guan Zhongxie down during the hunting fair, Lu Niang Rong has been less affectionate towards him. Now, that traitor and Guan Zhongxie are afraid that she will really fall in love with you. This lass is very spoilt like Ying Ying and her female warriors. Shaolong can consider making use of her and you may even profit from this relationship."

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "Guan Zhongxie can stoop to such a despicable method but how I can do the same to him?"

His expression turning solemn, Tu Xian apologised: "I am sorry! I forgot that Shaolong is a true gentleman."

Pausing, he added: "It is a pity that Shaolong has failed to kill Tian Dan this time round. Better luck next time."

Xiang Shaolong shook his head: "Who said so? I caught up to him in Chu and even killed him. It was quite a successful operation."

Tu Xian was astounded: "How can this be? Yesterday, traitor Lu received a letter from Tian Dan saying that he has safely returned to Qi. They had agreed that when Tian Dan attacked Yan, traitor Lu will attack Han so that Zhao and Wei will be hard-pressed to defend Yan."

Xiang Shaolong's body immediately became ice-cold. Once again, he was tricked by Tian Dan.

Tian Dan is indeed a crafty old fox. When he left Shouchun, he must have switched identities with his substitute. Together with Dan Chu, they must have headed back to Qi by travelling on the road. Even Chu was tricked by him and this is the real reason why Tian Dan chose to leave Shouchun unexpectedly.

The substitute not only resembled Tian Dan and even sounded like him. He is willing to sacrifice himself for Tian Dan and now, Xiang Shaolong has become an idiot who must reverse his name to be Long Shao Xiang.

Tu Xian noticed the change in his complexion and pressed for the details. After Xiang Shaolong has finished explaining, Tu Xian comforted: "There are bound to be some failures in life. Shaolong, you have destroyed the alliance between Qi and Chu and that alone is already a heavy blow to Tian Dan and Lu Buwei. If Li Yuan is smart, he will do his best to obstruct Tian Dan and prevent him from attacking Yan."

In his heart, Xiang Shaolong is beginning to get worried about Shan Rou. There is a chance that she may try to assassinate Tian Dan again and may really end up being killed by him.

Thinking about this, his calm mind became disorderly. Now, he needs to inform Xiao Pan and the others that their mission to kill Tian Dan had failed miserably.

Tu Xian reassured him further and added: "For the past six months, Guan Zhongxie spent two hours every morning and every evening to practise his swordplay. He is ready to conclude his last battle with you. This man's willpower and determination is something that I rarely see in people nowadays. Shaolong, if you lack confidence, you can use the excuse that you do not want to marry Lu Niang Rong to call off the duel. I am sure that no one will dare to speak ill of you."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed to himself. Tu Xian and Ying Ying had proposed the same idea so it is evident that Guan Zhongxie's swordsmanship must have improved tremendously. Thus, both of them are concerned that he may lose the fight and even sacrifice his life.

Although Xiang Shaolong agrees that their concerns are not unfounded, at the same time, he knows that if he shies away from this fight, in the future, he will never be able to raise his head high up again in front of Lu Buwei and Guan Zhongxie.

Motivated by this thought, he was filled with a strong fighting spirit. Xiang Shaolong smiled: "No! I will win for sure!"